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Started by Hypercom, December 21, 2009, 01:03:01 PM

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Nature has found cavitation very usefull!!


Yes cavitation does hold some BIG potential!!
In many ways {thanks Buzz]
Whats for yah ne're go bye yah
Thanks Grandma


Piezo nuclear reaction: the energy revolution

Friday, January 16, 2009 - 17:55 - Tom Wood

I really appreciate the response of Rutilio Sermonti you posted on Rebirth of October 28, commenting on my article on the folly of energy policies based on nuclear fission (not to mention the expensive, and utterly senseless nuclear fusion research, "hot "magnetic confinement, that" only in the laboratory "which so far have" burned "only billions of dollars of funding and produced results close to absolute zero), blindness and a waste of economic resources, natural and intellectual totally unjustified and unjustifiable, especially given the fact that if you wanted to develop its own at all costs based on nuclear energy technology, then why not invest in much-vaunted "Italian genius" who, in spite of a country that does everything to its collapse continues produce lightning that can tear apart the veil of mediocrity and dissolution that oppresses this country?
I refer in particular to the exceptional work of two physicists, Fabio Cardone and Roberto Magnani, who discovered how to produce nuclear reactions with radioactive elements without sound, introducing ultrasound in various solutions of water and iron salts which generated neutrons measured by thermodynamic tracers, resulting in a repeatability of the phenomenon of 100%. These nuclear reactions, called by two physicists' reactions piezonuclear "free energy" elements to induce change nature, transmutation. (Cold fusion? Reactions with low energy?)
In addition to the tremendous applications of this discovery in the energy, the process could also be used for disposal of nuclear waste, since "if, instead of being inert, these reactions are applied to small amounts of radioactive substances, they reduce the their radioactivity in times ten thousand times shorter than the natural time reduction ". Well, here we are talking about a revolution in the nuclear industry, with further fallout in the defense technology and the study of materials and an increasing independence on the supply of radioactive minerals, perhaps in geopolitical areas "hot". To be sure, the research Cardone and Magnani mirroring those related to the trend of so-called "sonoluminescence", but that's another story that deserves exposure separately.
But we digress from the arguments raised by the good Sermonti, who rightly doubt that "free energy for all", mean a liberation from the painful conditions in which the "modern" Western society, corrupt to the marrow by a capitalist-style economic model places profit above everything, even the life itself, using for this purpose, the education system and more generally the society (sic) to darken the mind of the masses and subject to their own knowledge; a cage without bars built on the altar of "democracy," a dictatorship "soft" based on the consensus of the people who naively believe they can really have a choice simply because going to put a cross in from time to time during any election or referendum . (In this regard, here in Italy then we saw what are the referendums, see that for the abolition of public funding to parties ...)
The bitter reality is beautifully expressed by an untranslatable neologism English that is exactly what we are: sheeple. This term combines two words: sheep (sheep) and people (population). In other words, we are a flock of sheep trapped in a human invisible fence like cattle and exploited by a handful of individuals who, either by ties of blood and / or a culture-esoteric Masonic style handed down from centuries, assume the right to control the destinies of the masses and the planet, and consider it their property, and have both the knowledge and means, technical and economic exercised.
Of course they could not do it by myself, and that is why the "system" provides hordes of extras in the form of corrupt and corruptible politicians, journalists, opinion makers, bureaucrats, teachers and anything else that perpetuate, assuming, unconsciously or not, the role of "shepherd" the flock. The system has no need to protect themselves: we ourselves do it for him.
Sermonti is right: an energy revolution of this kind could have disastrous effects, unless it is accompanied by a "leap" in human consciousness, something that makes each of us understand that we are intimately tied together and all mistreated along with this planet, and that only by taking individual responsibility that we deserve can we hope to take back our lives, transforming this society based on individualism in opposition and one characterized by shared and common good. Specifically, a review of the current economic model, accompanied by the return of monetary sovereignty to the people should be a priority, despite the prevailing narcolepsy and misinformation that poisons the minds are a very difficult obstacle to overcome.
However, everything indicates that we are on the brink of an epochal change: it remains to be seen whether humanity as a whole, will take advantage to get rid of "syndrome of the flock" and express all of its enormous potential, or whether the matter will obediently sacrificed on the altar of this New World Order now close to its establishment.





Free from oil, thanks to ultrasound

The announcement of two Italian physicists: we can also obtain energy from atomic minerals common, eliminating the problem of radioactive waste ...

by Antonio Socci

It has been said that the key to understanding the history of the twentieth century is the oil (with natural gases like methane). Insignia or under a thousand pretexts and black gold (its geopolitical) that has moved armies and revolutions, conditioned and shaped the world political and economic system. And also our way of life globally. Even the fate of the ecosystem and the planet's future depends on oil.

The explosive Islamic problem would not be much without the oil. Besides the wars in progress or in incubation are all areas of oil. The skyrocketing price of black gold now is a sword of Damocles on the world economy. While nuclear power (the only viable alternative) continues to have the problem of radioactive waste. How to escape this vise?

Times in human history have been of scientific discovery to give the unexpected turn and squeeze out the humanity of some blind alleys. Two Italian physicists, Fabio Cardone and Roberto Mignani, announce a discovery now full of charm and appeal. It will be a historic turning point? Certainly the consequences could be noisy in energy (oil free us from tyranny and from the nightmare of nuclear waste) and even in the medical field. This discovery also promises to expand the vision of Einstein's relativity and quantum mechanics of Bohr, along with other discoveries about gravity and electromagnetism contained, with the scientific description of their experiments, the volume of the two physicists entitled "Deformed Spacetime (Geometrizing Interactions in Four and Five Dimensions) "just published by the prestigious German publisher Springer Verlag.

Essentially Cardone and Mignani announce the discovery of nuclear reactions produced by the radioactive elements without sound: by entering ultrasound in different solutions of water and iron salts have been generated with the measured neutron detectors in use for Thermodynamic defense systems achieved 100 percent repeatability of the phenomenon. But who are these Italian scientists who - in a country where the research is mortified and genius abounds - have made this discovery?

Fabio Cardone (who directed the experiments) is a nuclear physicist who has conducted research at CERN in Geneva and taught at several international universities, with a mountain of publications. Roberto Mignani is a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Rome 3 and he also has a comprehensive bibliography. The experiments were conducted in Italy since 2003 military and civilian laboratories with the collaboration of military technicians A. Aracu, A. Bellitto, F. Contalbo, P. Wall and civilian researchers G. Cherubini, A. Petrucci, F. Rosetto, G. Spera.

We asked Cardone to explain the results.
"We discovered," we say "nuclear reactions caused by ultrasound within the natural elements devoid of radioactivity and we called piezonuclear reactions.

These reactions allow to release neutrons by natural aggregates by using an ultrasonic generator mechanic supplied with electricity. Moreover, these reactions release energy and also directly induce the elements to change the nature transmutes.

One is reminded of the myth of the ancient alchemists who already Enrico Fermi remembered ...
"If, instead of being inert, these reactions are applied to small amounts of radioactive substances, they reduce their radioactivity in times ten thousand times shorter than the natural time reduction '.

So you can think of formidable discovery applications in the energy ...
"This discovery may find wide application fields as well as performing the control and disposal of unwanted radioactive materials into the existing nuclear industry for the production of energy, and nuclear industry in the future thanks to the advantage of being able to work with radioactive substances are not easy to find and supply .

We do understand. We will be able to extract clean energy from nuclear and radioactive minerals common?
"Yes This point is relevant because it would allow the nuclear industry's ability, in perspective, reasonably independent on the supply of radioactive minerals resulting in sharp reduction of dependence on geopolitics from areas of production. A particular case warrant applications in the field of defense and the study of materials, thanks to the availability of machines capable of generating neutrons similar to the X-ray generating machines. "

What scientific developments can have your research?
"The research on reactions piezonuclear has his summary of developments in the exploration of atomic nuclei (nucleosynthesis) and the lesion of the nuclei (nucleolisi), catalyzed by the pressure of the ultrasound elements from which we do not expect nuclear reactions."

What is the way that your new discovery opens?
"The synthesis of the nuclei is similar, but not similar to the thermonuclear fusion that gives energy to the sun, but the lesion of the nuclei is similar to fission that produces energy in nuclear power plants. Since 1944 the experiments of K. Diebner and W. Gerlach in Germany leads to the observation that the pressure produced in nuclear reactions and radioactive substances containing appropriate components, such as deuterium, heavy water. Monitor the implementation of the first nuclear weapons hybrid fission-fusion, which fortunately were not used in Europe during the Second World War.

Those experiments were a continuation ...
"Yeah, kept and have undergone a change in America since 1992 with G. Russ and 2002 with R. Taleyarkhan who applied the pressure of ultrasound to the substances used by Diebner and Gerlach. The natural development is now studying the application of ultrasonic pressure in all known facts, keeping in mind that the reactions piezonuclear can not always happen, but only when you exceed a suitable threshold power of ultrasound.

So the sound is the "key" to turn the matter, but must be calibrated to perfection.
"Establishing this threshold power of ultrasound for the various elements is the goal toward management and a better and safer control of matter. Moreover, the study of this phenomenon may be helpful to understand how the stars will produce elements heavier than iron. Indeed, if today is very clear from the nature of the primordial hydrogen build all the elements up to iron, it is less clear how we proceed from Ferro to build heavier and heavier elements up to uranium. "

What other applications in sight?
"The study of how to govern the transmutations of matter produced by this process can result in medicine methods for the removal of harmful tissue in the human body through their transformation."
One can thus imagine a near future where instead of surgical intervention on body tissues can be harmful in a bloodless change. Fascinating. But - to return to the field of energy - was established on how long you can experience these new ways?

"The time required for the application possibilities in the energy field of the discovery of reactions piezonuclear become reality has been reviewed by managers and directors of companies for energy both in Italy and in America. However, it is a problem that will remain with the CNR who is the owner of the patent application.

So how many years it will take?
"Concerning the current nuclear power industry, uranium-based reactors, has been estimated from a 3 to 5 years to develop the prototype of an industrial plant capable of moving in the elimination of radioactive substances from the current minimum amount of experiments in industrial quantities. For the study of plant production of neutrons and for the production of energy, the estimated time will be greater, 5 to 15 years. "

At what cost?
"The costs of these plants were evaluated in 100 million dollars each for a total of 300 million dollars."

It may seem a long waiting period ...
"Yes, but remember that 20 years passed since the discovery in 1934 of the Fermi method to release nuclear energy from uranium, before having a nuclear powered reactor that was capable of propelling the submarine Nautilus when browsing in the North Pole in 1954. The time is long compared to the desire for immediate solutions to this but we have a duty to make this work which has now begun. "

We owe it to future generations ...
"And also our fathers ...».
How was the first idea of this research?

"The first idea, that in its background spanning over 20 years, was born from the desire to expand and extend the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. It was followed the analogy of what happens in the theory of relativity where the space around the sun is not flat. Thus it is known, since dall'eclisse sun of 1919, which runs the starlight bending around the sun like a comet, and underscoring the reality that significant space around the sun is not flat. "

What have you raised?
"It was thought that the space around the nucleus of the atom was not flat and this would allow a new way of looking at nuclear forces and their action. Conversely, as in quantum mechanics exists for every problem and fixed a minimum amount of energy it produces, so it was thought that there was a minimal amount of energy and determined enough to prevent the area to remain flat. "

How practical consequence?
"The consequence of these ideas has meant that new nuclear reactions due to pressure is not always realized, but only when you exceed the amount of energy fixed by the forces of nature to prevent the area to remain flat during the reaction.

Basically you have found the key ...
"Yes The search took then to build a machine capable of generating ultrasound with sufficient power to access the non-flat space of the nuclei and in conditions likely to produce reactions that release neutrons of the nuclei reagents.

November 2, 2007




We face the history! One of the greatest scientific discoveries ever made!
Clean energy, without residue, no waste, no harmful radiation and, as a "deviation", production of common laboratory reagents and synthesis such as NH4 (ammonia, which, I assure you, in the laboratory leaves to gallons) ...
The world could actually become a better place, thanks to this group of researchers.

The idea itself is brilliant: use of ultrasound and the pressure they exerted in order to trigger a nuclear reaction in an element of it does nothing, the iron ...



Ultrasound can produce nuclear reactions in liquids. In summary, the results of this research, both theoretical and experimental, conducted in the 'last decade by physicists Fabio Cardone of the National Research Council and Roberto Mignani' s University "Roma Tre".
In particular, the experiments carried out (in collaboration with physicists Walter Perconti, John Petrucci and Andrea Cherubini and Francesca chemical Rosetto and Guido Spera) showed that in water irradiated with ultrasound of appropriate power and frequency occur transmutations of elements, both stable that unstable and can produce information not found in nature as l 'Europe. These processes occur apparently with emission of neutrons. The production of neutrons was explicitly found in 'ultrasonic irradiation of solutions containing iron salts. L 'emission of neutrons is a clear marking of nuclear reactions, which causes their ignition by the pressure waves were referred piezonuclear reactions. The phenomenon is reproducible and largely controllable, shows a threshold behavior in the 'energy supplied to the liquid by ultrasound, and takes place without producing radioactive waste.
The theoretical mechanism proposed by Cardone and Mignani piezonuclear to explain the processes is as follows. Under appropriate conditions of power and frequency, ultrasound produces cavitation in liquids process, namely the formation of gas bubbles which then implode. Due to surface tension, the atoms of the elements present in the fluid trapped on the surface of the bubble. When this implodes, the atoms are forced to approach overcoming the barrier of Colombia, and their nuclei are fused. In other words, the surfaces of the bubbles produced by cavitation behave like many accelerators inertial.
Piezonuclear reactions produce energy, as evidenced by the significant evaporation of solutions, and, as already noted, do not give rise to radioactive waste as employees 'fuel' stable. Furthermore, an experiment carried out by irradiating a solution containing thorium with ultrasound showed a halving of the average life of thorium and therefore an 'acceleration of its decay. This implies that reactions piezonuclear may play a role in the disposal of radioactive waste. Possible industrial applications are currently being studied. "