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Started by Hypercom, December 21, 2009, 01:03:01 PM

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Opinions varied.

If it were true and you could get enough energy than normal nuclear would be the turning point really, why not offer to Iran so we see and understand the answer .....

Because from theory to practice there goes ... while nuclear is now a reality, this type of resource has just been discovered. Still it's true. We shall see, is a little unusual, I would not want to be a deadly hoax.

The project, born a few years ago, was focused largely on creating a job (based on ultrasonic cavitation, or at piezonuclear reactions induced by ultrasounds and cavitation), act primarily to reduce the radioactivity of certain elements. I do not believe, however valid the hypothesis that this physical process, yielding a gain of energy than the energy expended for the initiation and maintenance of process questione.Infatti, paradoxically, being able to control the entire process, as it does not take any form trigger a chain reaction, is what takes away all hope in being able to multiply the energy produced in order to obtain a significant gain and an excellent result between energy expenditure and energy actually produced. For example, in a process of nuclear fission, and prioprio chain reaction of neutrons to ensure that the end is obtained gain energy not indifferent, then the fact of being able to control that chain reaction (that is to be able to keep the multiplication factor k <1, an operation made possible by the fact that some of the neutrons emitted during fission is not immediately from the radioactive products of fission, but with a delay of several seconds), gives us the opportunity can manage the whole process in the best manner and with the best possible gain of energy (the thermo-nuclear power plants are basically nothing more than huge "kettle" is well known, but as we know, even to boil the water needs a certain amount of energy). Without the possibility of triggering a chain reaction (fusion, fission ,...) any physical process suitable for producing alternative energy, is considered very inefficient and very much in contrast to the first law of thermodynamics.

As long as there is to squeeze the oil reserves, I fear nothing done horizon. There are many alternatives but tested against the interests of lobby groups, who had been implemented immediately would be limited emissions of greenhouse gases and pollution and the reduction of petroleum reserves, but this does not suit to imperialism! Always remember the words of Kissinger, who controls the food controls the people, who controls the energy can control whole continents, who controls the money controls the world and in your opinion who is the controller?





Discovery and exploitation of nuclear reactions Ultrason.

What I got from the meeting with Prof. Cardone is amazing.

I hope to convey a little bit to those who will venture between these lines. And above all I hope that everyone, with their own culture and sensitivity, contributing to spread, even opposition, what we try to communicate, the net is populated by saints and thieves but has the virtue / defect could not be "prosecuted" too easily. I trust in this aspect. One of the biggest risks that you run this new discovery comes from the fact that media criticism as we know it is always under the control of the economic and / or speed.

I try to restore with the highest fidelity possible because the prof. Cardone has authorized me to report and which is contained in the publication of the title to your post.


In 1989 it was observed a particular physical phenomenon which was later attributed to the term are-luminescence. Shocked by the fact that liquids, subjected to a sound pressure, became light-emitting. The light at the end is a form of energy, waves or electromagnetic radiation. Many hypotheses were advanced on how it could be explained by the phenomenon. We focused mostly on the sound pressure exerted on liquids, but we soon became aware that the heart of the problem lay in cavitation.

What is cavitation?

The bubbles in liquids and gases dissolved under pressure sufficient to affect the balance inside, they behave in the opposite way to what would a soap bubble floating in the air instead of explode, implode. The blades of the propeller of a boat show in fact a series of abrasion and wear caused its implosion characteristic of these micro gas bubbles in the vicinity of the metal of which the helix is formed. The pressure exerted by the movement of the propeller, then the cause is sufficient to cause micro implosions. We realized that these were so small and so short-term focus an impressive amount of energy in an infinitesimal space. Ultrasound in particular could then cause the collapse of the bubbles dissolved in water at room temperature and pressure environment. Also particularly surprised that bubbles under pressure ultrasonic spontaneously transformed the pressure wave in shock. Opened the way of measurements: the way a favorite of all empiricist.

Looking at the amount of light emitted by ultrasound in liquids stressed, you begin to estimate the temperature reached in the microscopic spaces next to the tiny shock waves: Thousands, hundreds of thousands and finally millions of degrees. Temperatures were obviously confined spaces infinitesimal, but still sufficient to force the atoms dissolved in the liquid to release light through the release of the components of which are set up. The idea that the bubbles could lead to an endless series of tiny shock waves to trigger a chain reaction, was reached very quickly. Certainly it was necessary that the bubbles contain gas profits to cause a nuclear reaction when they had been subjected to cavitation. It felt so different mixtures of deuterium and heavy water with mixed success, mostly assigned to "see what happens if" .... Starts then the analytical phase during which it ushered a new terminology to identify the phenomenon piezonuclear reactions.

No wonder that the first institutions to finance the systematic search in this new field of physics were the Ministry of Defense and Energy of the United States of America.

The surveys were developed during the periods 1992-1998 and 1999-2002. In the dense volume of Prof. Cardone "TOWARDS NUCLEAR CLEAN - discovery and exploitation of nuclear reactions ultrasonic" contains a concise summary of developments in this research, which concludes:

... In subsequent experiments conducted at the University Perdue, Taleyarkhan finally decided to give up the pulses of neutrons from the outside and in addition decided to change back liquid heavy water. Unfortunately he failed to give radiation to catalyze the production of bubbles, and mixes with water a mixture of radioactive uranium, uranyl nitrate, subsequently triggering the usual sterile controversy but this time more violent, with the known result that the controversy between the scientists 'only to challenge the science. In fact, as one might think that nuclear energy is produced with ultrasound, however if you use uranium? ... ... It continues to remain the unknown factor of gamma rays, it was unclear if they were produced or not and if so to that extent, this was a kind of unsolved mystery that continued to hover over all experiments. In fact, these experiments left all with one question, if the pressure as a pressure wave, shock or collapse cavitation, or could not produce or catalyze nuclear reactions, and if so, how? New or notes?


The methods and approaches differ widely from our home there than the U.S. or German of the last century. Professor Cardone says that ... "we need to think before acting, but without too many preconceptions or prejudices, conscious that the logic of nature is not human, otherwise science would be far too easy ..."


Theoretical studies that around 2003 preceded the experiments were debated at length in many universities (La Sapienza, Rome 3, L'Aquila, Perugia, Messina and Turin, and of course the CNR). These preliminary studies also contributed to the University of Gdansk, Maryland, Harvard University, the Polytechnic Institute of Boston (MIT) and the European laboratories of CERN.

The idea was that the space around the atomic nuclei were not flat like a sheet of paper resting on a table, but it was possible for the nuclear forces deform space microscopically at least within certain limits.

This hypothesis stated briefly in the book mentioned above but much more thoroughly in Deformed Space Time (F. Cardone - R. Mignani Ed Springer), formed the basis for a theory is extremely complex in terms of how would deform the space (and time! ) under the action of forces as the radioactivity surprisingly independent nuclear interaction, as both would have to be made an experimental machine that can take them into account. Employees are regularly reported in the book, events and concepts that have led to the prototype that was later built and put into operation. It is also necessary to clarify how and why he thought the iron as "fuel" ideal to be used for Testing (anything but inert radioactive material).

Considering the table of elements ... all the nuclei from smaller, deuterium, to the largest, uranium, are arranged according to increasing value of their binding energy per component. Between these two extremes there is iron, which is located about halfway between Deuterium and Uranium, Iron also has the highest binding energy per component of all nuclei of the elements, plus iron is inert, that is not radioactive. Because of its properties have the highest binding energy, iron is the most disadvantaged to produce nuclear energy and also the least inclined to do so. Joked one can say that its core is ... "hard as iron" and then would be less desirable element to be considered, at least according to common sense, as he said Fermi. But all of this in normal conditions, ie in a flat space. In contrast, in an area deformed by the nuclear energy, the iron is in advantageous position. In fact, if there is an energy threshold to reach, which is above all the binding energies, the nucleus with higher energy is closer, what with the same power delivered over the first among others nuclei and, more importantly, in the shortest time ... This is an argument of extreme simplicity and elegance that summarizes a series of arguments and calculations to very complex and is due to the Italian physicist W. Perconti.


The project was executed by a team of experts led by Prof. Cardone. It was a very efficient synergy between academics and Italian army.

Sure require the iron emission nuclear energy, what's reasonable within a few tens of minutes seemed to be the most reckless one could expect. With ultrasound, then ...

... To understand the enormity of what we consider the fact that ultrasound acting on atoms that are 100,000 times as large as the nucleus, but the core has an energy 100,000 times greater of the atom, hence the huge disparity between nuclear power and chemical industries.

Yet the idea was that warped space, then in the presence of a warped geometry, you could change a lever tragically disadvantage shamelessly profitable.


Tested and implemented by the armed forces, the "cavitation" (the name assigned to the equipment) has two strong points are not considered in previous experiments Americans and Perugia: the separation of "sonotrode" from the reaction chamber and a cooling system new concepts.

Without going into details the proportions of the sonotrode and the reaction chamber should have a very precise geometry due to thermal expansion which would have been subjected. Extreme care of these features (geometry and cooling system), would allow the operation at the machine at any time.

The machine worked reasonably stable. Issuance of ultrasonic 20Khz (20,000 oscillations per second) with an intensity of 100 watts.

Now he had to choose the "combutibile.

We chose items sorted by mass and nuclear energy component of the nucleus: Lithium, Aluminum, Iron. The form of chlorides for all three but with the added nitrate of iron. Not expected of course no emission of neutrons by lithium and aluminum, but the iron. Quantities, proportions, dosages and whatever else was necessary to the success of the experience was, however, the theory predicts. It was time to choose another crucial component for verification: a neutron detector efficiency. We opted for the best: the Canadian thermodynamic BTI detectors.

These allow you to block, make visible, to count and photograph the bubbles of a hydrocarbon, immersed in a jelly, and put in boiling energy neutrons. The spending was supported by the armed forces with courage.

Despite the remarkable reliability of the thermodynamic verification, in 2005 he wanted to give the system an additional means of detection: photographic plates of polycarbonate (CR39) was correct at the Boro.

In 2006 finally added an indicator to trifluoro Boron for electronic recording of data. This would permit the drawing of a graph on the emission of neutrons, the quantity of energy produced over 90 'of operating the machine.


Within 90 minutes duration of the experiment was not measured no emission of neutrons with regard to Lithium and Aluminum. But with the iron remained in stone: first experiment and first success.
The cross-checks with our three detection systems began to write in perfect agreement signals of nuclear activity (emission of neutrons) after 50 minutes approx.

No presence of alpha and beta radiation outside the reaction chamber or within 90 minutes of evidence, or posthumously to experience over and the machine off. No presence of gamma radiation in all conditions. Further comparisons were made with iron chloride and nitrate, iron, always with the same results. Chemical form did not affect the production of neutrons, only the presence of iron was decisive.

With increased amount of iron incorporated in the reaction chamber a corresponding increase in time required for the production of neutrons. This definitively confirms the existence of inertia and therefore a field of waiting in the production process of the reactions piezonuclear and ultrasonic cavitation.

In 2006 the experiments were moved from one site to the laboratories of the Italian CNR in Rome in order to verify the repeatability of phenomena: exact same results, that same lack of alpha, beta and gamma.

The absence of gamma radiation that we observed was thorough field investigation of other researchers: experiences using spectrometers with accurate crystal of sodium iodide and thallium further confirms the absence of gamma radiation.

It was at this point is very interesting as proposed by the then President of CNR after having overseen the results: the comparison between our ultrasound machine and a conventional nuclear reactor, uranium (supplied with the ENEA-Casaccia Rome).

This too was an amazing experience.

Another surprise

But what he would do something that unlike iron was radioactive?
With thorium, a mildly radioactive element, something unexpected happened and surprising.
Solutions were prepared very low isotope Torio228. This consists of 90 protons and 138 neutrons, and since it is a hexa-alpha emitter emits 6 alpha particles that form on a photographic plate of polycarbonate image like the fingers of a hand. Its radiation is so unmistakable even in the midst of other environmental radiation.
The natural time when its radiation and its contents are cut in half is about two years.
8 of the twelve samples prepared were subjected to cavitation in our car and the other 4 would be served at the comparison.
After the experience cavitate the samples were subjected to analysis by a high-resolution mass spectrometer (quadrupole magnetic field) and found that both the content and radioactivity was exactly halved!
Measurement of neutron had not given significant results.

What should be considered?

That thorium undergo cavitation had turned in a time like 10,000 times faster than happens naturally, concluding that it was subject to a piezo-nuclear reactions that they had altered the nature making him pass the threshold energy of the radiative forcing beyond which the geometry of this force ... it was no longer flat.

The case of iron and thorium could become emblematic of another fact, which exceeded the threshold of distortion is a bit 'through the Mirror of Alice "to enter a place where the inert iron emits neutrons even though it is the most underdog to do so, while the radioactive Thorium loses its radioactivity in a time too short to produce an inert state. ...




Comments and opinions


a feast of energy

Piezonuclear reactions are a reality. CNR has now the rights to the patent application that could make independent every corner of the planet by the lords of energy. Nuclear energy abundant, safe, affordable, and above all very friendly. Are still their, Fabio Cardone and Roberto Mignani his colleague to appear on the front page of today Free. Now it is about whether patent rights will be useful, "the evolution of species" or consolidation of power "oil based" (assessment of today's oil $ 94 per barrel). For the technical operation of the principle back to a previous post, but what's really arouses my curiosity is not the scientific aspect, but rather the possibility that the interest on the exploitation of the discovery are at least equal to their cover-up, like the past often confirms ... Prevention? Yes, so what?

What we do with this monstrous growth possibilities for humanity? Have the strength to make it available for everyone? We shall endeavor to hide? Make monopoly of some lobbies?

Professor Cardone said:

We will be able to extract clean energy from nuclear and radioactive minerals common. This would allow the nuclear industry to become reasonably independent in outlook on the supply of radioactive material with a consequent sharp reduction of dependence on geopolitics from areas of production.

In the passion that a researcher spends in the name of knowledge, there are also other components, such as the desire to have produced something not only good but also for everyone, just like Henry Ford stated: there is real progress only when the advantages of a new technology are for everyone. The production of nuclear energy for cavitation would indeed constitute the fundamental building block for collective progress, but you know the benefits to the community clash dangerously with those of a select few ...

Thanks anyway Profs. Cardone and Mignani





Some interesting comments:

Dear Red, the issue has returned topical in view of the decision to build nuclear power plants in Italy for three generations. I suggested instead of following the path of miracles Cardone. Because this country many technical decisions are taken, unfortunately the emotional, it would be good that scientists do not use the megaphone of the newspapers to disseminate their eventual discovery. This sense of responsibility. On the merits, I read both documents carefully and follow the lecture of prof. Cardone, but did not dispel the doubts of the fund. Any atomic nucleus loses neutrons is transformed into an isotope, often unstable, which tends to return to the initial state or lose a few proton, becoming a different substance. The only way to observe the production of neutrons in the experiment of Cardona could be represented by a transient state of some nuclei, which emit neutrons stimulated, but to combine in the nuclei return immediately thereafter. This does not account for the radioactivity in the final. The phenomenon is not new and has been extensively documented by others for several decades, though not on iron. The net production of energy would be nothing, unless there is a permanent transformation of iron into something different. Cardone says nothing about it, nor explains why the peak of alleged production of neutrons, the experiment was stopped. Curiously cycle thermonuclear fusion that occurs in stars just stops when all the light material was transformed into iron. So the only statement that I can share the prof. Cardone is that iron is the material with the nucleus more stable.


I wanted to clarify that the machine used for experiments is a scientific investigation, then only useful detectar the phenomenon, and not explore the economic and speculative purposes. He did very well the reality of the reactions occurring in piezonuclear inert.

Therefore, this machine can not but neither should be considered or used as "industrial prototype.
I do not know if I explain. However, it may certainly help to identify a useful way to identify the technological criteria were able to exploit the phenomenon of reactions piezonuclear through its measurements. Regarding your question about what has become witty iron subjected to ultrasonic stress, there are some theories quite satisfactory (I invite you to download the book from which to extract exactly these concepts any longer a high post in Word format): one hypothesis is that the iron "divide" but not "fission" into two aluminum and two neutrons that escape from the reactor. this would be a balanced response in terms of neutrons and protons but absolutely new type could be called just as new as "nucleolisi" (for example).

The opposite would be the "nucleosisntesi" namely "the union of nuclei. But please refer to the download which I have mentioned. You'll find all this in a much more comprehensive.

When watch ... could be represented by a transient state of some nuclei, which stimulated emit neutrons, but to combine in the nuclei return soon after. There is a fundamental doubt on the analogy of the state transition of some nuclei:
You say ... stimulated emit neutrons, but returned soon after the nuclei to combine ... but then out of the car and how they can be detected and / or even photographed??
Perhaps the analogy should be reconsidered. You think?

It is also important that you understand that the experience is stopped to avoid the dangerous occurrence of a reaction that will not be more divergent checked at least hypothetically. On this but I believe that you too will agree about the human and normal precautionary principle.

Finally I think the nuclear power generation trerza indicated by Scajola could be a suitable response to the current energy needs (see above all the fourth generation of the Westinghouse AP 1000 nuclear reactor on the Internet) is unnecessary that we struggled further, the present nuclear unfortunately that fission "evolved." Nevertheless, the discovery of the CNR gives us the future prospect (though not future) of a new nuclear power, perhaps even a new physics that can transmute matter, a "nuclear ultrasonic" which is certainly necessary to direct scientific and technological research is .





Other comments

Dear redhero,
after your suggestion I started to do some research on the topic specific.
Actually there are several things, both in approach and the merits of the discovery that I am not convinced.
I would expect to find a description of the experimental and results in a peer-reviewed international journal, instead the original article published in a volume which really is primarily concerned with theoretical physics.
But I found the preprint at:
which I shall read carefully before making further comment.

Regards, Asmodaeus


Allow me to answer Asmodaeus the merits of the publication of our results. I should point out that it is from about 8 years working on piezonuclear reactions, and the first esoperimenti we focused our attention on the transmutation of the elements in solution (the philosopher's stone ...) and not on the production of neutrons (although we had indirect evidence in the first experiment performed). These results were presented at two conferences in Russia, held in Moscow in 2001 and 2004, and are published in the proceedings of the conferences in the journal Gravitation and Cosmology. Our other work on the production of stable elements and artificial elements, respectively, have appeared on International Journal of Modern Phisics B and Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, and a proposal for a theoretical model that explains what is happening (and which requires, among other new physics, that we told in our book, and the preceding "Energy and Geometry", World Scientific, 2004) was published in International J. Modern Physics E. Remind those who did not know that the reviews of the series Int J. Modern Phys. are published by World Scientific, one of the most important scientific publishing houses, which also publishes the Nobel Lectures.
If you want, I can also provide explicit bibliographic references.
Regarding the recent results with neutrons, we have around three jobs, but it is not our fault if the referee say 'What did you find it contradicts the existing physical, and therefore can not be true "(sic!), In spite of Galileo and the scientific method!
Thank you for your interest in any case.
Roberto Mignani

