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How to spot MIB disinfo agents in forums

Started by the badger, May 26, 2009, 12:22:27 PM

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Rosemary Ainslie

Hello Loner

Your points are well argued.  I agree that those frontiers have been breached.  But didn't want to enter a new topic.  And regarding exploitation - it's devinely providential that this has been explored by open source.  It's positively prevented any ownership claims - which, historically, is a kind of first.  It's absurd that anyone should try and patent ways of extracting energy.  It's like trying to patent nature.  Golly.

And I also agree that we're in for a rough time of it.  Plentiful energy and suddenly the infrastructures of our city life is less required.  What happens then?  Do we sysematically unravel those concrete monstrosities and, simultaneously move into pristine rural areas and pullute them?  There are huge problems ahead.  But to me the good news is that there's a new world out there to explore.  And - with luck - it wont be exclusively in the hands of an equally exclusive few - to call the tune - so to speak.  I'm an incurable optimist. 

Regarding our MIB's.  They're a dying minority and their value is being diminished by the simple fact that 'truth will out'. 


It is interesting, that i have met and conversed with folks who honestly believe on one hand that very powerful weapons like HAARP do exist as it is often portrayed (...being able to steer hurricanes, cause earthquakes, etc).. And yet these same folks simultaneously argue against the Disclosure of free energy (there are a few popular "UFO" speakers and writers who do this for some reason).

The problem i have with this illogical dichotomy is this: If "evil" people are using this stuff already, there is no plausible reason to keep the GOOD uses of it from us.

We have seen simple every-day stuff like fertilizers being used for extremely powerful truck bombs. We have the knowledge that bio-weapons and chemical weapons proliferated into dangerous hands BY THE TON from when the Soviet Union disintegrated, and their WMD scientists often went to work for other countries.

We even have evidence that US politicians, including the former Speaker of the House, illegally SOLD NUCLEAR WEAPON SECRETS to the Islamic states of Turkey and Pakistan (the "Sibel Edmonds" testimonies.. if you hadn't heard that; Google it... it is the most suppressed major story of the last 10 or so years).

In other words, there are already THOUSANDS of ways for those determined to kill others to do so with so-called "Conventional" or existing means that are available to those who want them. The proliferation of them is at all time highs.

What would it matter if a truck bomb had a "Meyer hydroxy" or "Johnson magnet" motor to run it?? Do we really care if a terrorist doesn't have to stop at gas stations for fuel on his way to Washington DC, lol ?? Is that worth keeping the rest of world in perpetual misery, worth the destruction of the ecology from never-ending pollution?

So why should the other 99.999% of the world's population be denied the incredibly good benefits that would come from these technologies being released (and NOT ALL OF THEM "DANGEROUS" ANYWAY)...? With the promises for ending Hunger, providing cheap energy for billions now denied any access energy.. So they can grow a middle class, start businesses, become educated and vastly more prosperous (..which has been proved over and over to be the BEST method of lowering population growth), and to grow huge new markets for the "industrialized world" to benefit from as well. And we in North America and Europe will also greatly benefit from the huge boon in manufacturing that will be seen when all of a sudden, the trans-national corps that have moved all of our good manufacturing jobs overseas finally have HONEST free market competition from small businesses that can now compete on a level playing field using cheap energy... Ending "Wall Street's" crooked speculation games and strangle-hold on our economy, and allowing the new entrepreneurship of "Main Street" to rule it again... as it should.  So why not..?

Greed. Corruption. Desire to hold on to monopolistic power. Control.

These are not "National Security Issues".

They are "corporate and cartel security issues". 

And it doesn't even have to be a "great big" conspiracy, just a lot of little ones just like people are convicted of thousands of times each year by our Judges... The results are the same in the end. Do you trust government bureaucrats and Pentagon officials to not be "on the take" from a corporation who wants to hold on to their market share and easy profits forever? How many Generals and Admirals retire, and immediately take positions for over $1 million a year at some big corporation?

Lol, i sure as hell don't trust them to be honest. Statistics and human nature will show that many of them WILL NOT BE.

The people at the Pentagon who hold control over what is allowed through the U.S. Patent Office have NO CONGRESSIONAL OVERSIGHT AT ALL. The are literally a law unto themselves.

This is a sure recipe for corruption.

We can't afford this crap any more. 

The Rule of Law needs to be reestablished in this country, and world; before we ALL go down the drain. Changing the present energy paradigm is the way to start that process rolling.

And the method to do this is to remove the biggest and most powerful "weapon of mass destruction" any economy has ever seen in history, from the control of criminals who have proved over and over they cannot be trusted with it: 

The monopoly over energy.   

the badger

utilitarian is an obvious disinfo agent. He never adds anything positive to any threads. Read through all his previous posts if you don't believe me. His own writing speaks for itself.


IF you are a Free Energy researcher then you have to do the one thing that others go by LAWS!  throw them away and you will have a better chance at accomplishing  a free energy device . I can say with Certainty from a reliable source ,My uncle who has worked with NASA since 1961 and was sworn to secrecy that he told me in private there is free energy devices ,there is Craft from another world , there are elements that are not on the periodic chart or from this world and we are not alone . Now if you take this to heart you can see where i am coming from . Throw Mans laws away and you have a chance , keep them and you will lose . I believe in Mib . i believe they are here and interacting with forum members  and also tampering with my mail . It's not paranoia it is a fact . Some day soon , hopefully this year a device may come  into the hands of the few who put the el101 book down . And those who say there is no god are fools. else you came from monkeys ? No , you were seeded here by a greater power . 

Visit www.sunpowerwindpower.com For Gadgetmall fugi Completed unit,low powered Joule thief Kit's AA Fugi Kits,   rainbow R G B Joule theif kits completed housed units. NEW E-LIGHT AAA PERPETUAL LIGHT Runs for ?EARTH BATTERIES NOW ON SALE !  MAGNESIUM AND CARBON RODS ALL SIZES CARBON RODS 1/2" to 6" in Diameter 1 to 4 feet long & 650FARAD2.7VOLT ULTRABOOSTERCAPS THE MONSTER ,Instructions. Vintage Germanium Transistors run on low volts(0.20Vdc-some lower!)  Solar Cells 5VDC80ma,   BLUE BURNING LASER KITGreen laser pointer SEE Gadgetmall Kits link !


I would expect you to find more people that are trolling, or have a complete lack of reading ability to be negative, rather than to start the whole conspiracy crap again with MIB agents.