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Started by luishan, September 08, 2010, 11:50:07 PM

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Quote from: iald on May 30, 2011, 10:52:52 PM

Looks to me U know all of Ismael doing. Can U technically describe how come Ismael pulse the 1 kilo Electromagnet up to 33 feet ? Don't forget he is using small battery. I want to know that.

I believe it is called a "repulsion coil".  My guess is it is a combination of shorting the battery for a moment of time, and the consequential effect on aluminum within his coil...   ;)


1.  Lindsay's Stack TPU Posted Picture.  All Wound CCW  Collectors three turns and HORIZONTAL, not vertical.

2.  3 Tube amps, sending three frequency's, each having two signals, one in-phase & one inverted 180 deg, opposing signals in each collector (via control wires). 

3.  Collector is Magnetic Loop Antenna, made of lamp chord wire, wound flat.  Inside loop is antenna, outside loop is for output.  First collector is tuned via tuned tank, to the fundamental.  Second collector is tuned tank to the second harmonic (component).  Third collector is tuned tank to the third harmonic (component)  Frequency is determined by taking the circumference frequency, reducing the size by .88 inches.  Divide this frequency by 1000, and you have your second harmonic.  Divide this by 2 and you have your fundamental.  Multiply that by 3 and you have your third harmonic component.  Tune the collectors to each of these.  Input the fundamental and two modulation frequencies, made to create replicas of the fundamental, second harmonic and the third.

4.  The three frequency's circulating in the collectors, both in phase and inverted, begin to create hundreds of thousands of created frequency's, via intermodulation, that subtract to the fundamental and its harmonics.  This is called "Catalyst".

5.  The three AC PURE sine signals, travel through the amplification stage, Nonlinear, producing the second harmonic and third.  (distortion)

6.  These signals then travel the control coils, are rectified by a full wave bridge, and then sent into the output outer loop as all positive pulsed DC.  This then becomes the output and "collects" the current.

P.S.  The Kicks are harmonic distortion with passive intermodulation.  Can't see it without a spectrum analyzer, normally unless trained to see it on a scope.


I helped Ismael do some demonstrations for some SAAB execs in Sweden two summers ago - we were doing that "repelling force" where he knocks a 1 kilo weight coil up in air about 33 feet up in air in under a second... do the math if any of you want to, how much horsepower or watts that would require.

Anyways, there is an aluminum tube that the coil shoots out of.

Any iron within a few feet of the repelling-force system will throw off the resonance!
So NO iron or ferrous steel or ferrite etc is involved or can be involved.

There are two coils: one faces up, and sits at bottom of the aluminum tube.
The other lays on top of it, and it gets shot up into air when the coils are both energized with bucking fields against one another (N against N or S against S dont know which)
Ismael has a very special "cascading DC" circuit where he fills up a 7500VDC cap in a few seconds from ONLY a small 9V battery (200ma) and also a couple 1.5V  AA batteries too, in series, since his system was designed for 12V, and going to 9V would throw off the resonance.

Ismael told me that there is a bifilar 22GA wire coil as the primary of the coil; the "insides" of it, and then there are 5 paralell strands of 19GA wire "pickup coil" wrapped all around the primary, and this large pickup wind is what gives the coil its large shape.

IT uses VERY LITTLE power to hit that coil up that high. Nobody else is even close to what he can do with the repelling force energy.

This is NOT the MEG tech - this is different thing, the "repelling force" tech.

With that small battery-pack, he can do the coil-blast 16 times, (sixteen!)and the 9V/twoAA batteries will drop in voltage from 12.4VDC at start, to 11.8VDC after those 16 repetitions....you can figure watts-consumed by the battery voltage-drop as a general estimate of the watts-input requrired to shoot that coil up in air 33ft 16 times.....I dont know how long the actual high=frequency pulsing to the coils lasts - maybe 1/10th of millisecond just guessing - dont know...

I think he uses coil-shorting to recycle the power from the pickup coil back into the cap but not really sure about that, just guessing on that too but I know he shorts "something" 5 times at the "peak period"

I asked him do you short the primary, or the pikcup/secondaries and he said it doesnt matter and laughed...(!?!) so go figure on that...

also he told that the pulse that drives that coil up in air is also "resonate chopped" in that it is a very high frequency chain of pulses - he gave me an analogy of if you want to shoot through some steel, and you fire one large bullet at it with huge gun, that one bullet probably wont make it through, but if you fire 10,000 very tiny bullets in a second with very small gun you will rip right through the steel.
Anyways if you do the math on how much electrical power is consumed and how much "mechanical" power is created in the force to drive that 1 kilo weight coil up in air its very much overunity (mabye 100 times?)  and obviously using this power to drive large flywheel with big generator on it is one way to produce kilowatts of power from practically nothing.


Quote from: iald on May 30, 2011, 10:52:52 PM

Looks to me U know all of Ismael doing. Can U technically describe how come Ismael pulse the 1 kilo Electromagnet up to 33 feet ? Don't forget he is using small battery. I want to know that. 






Quote from: konehead on May 31, 2011, 01:24:24 AM

I think he uses coil-shorting to recycle the power from the pickup coil back into the cap but not really sure about that, just guessing on that too but I know he shorts "something" 5 times at the "peak period"

I asked him do you short the primary, or the pikcup/secondaries and he said it doesnt matter and laughed...(!?!) so go figure on that...

When producing primary pulses on resonance state.. shorting secondary on peaks (spark discharge on HV) would be answer to question why it does not need so much power do work. Right Pulse on Right Time is the answer to everything... :)


I hate to be a downer here but I cannot see anything special about any of this.

The repelling power is simple. he takes a low voltage, 6-12 volts, inverts it to a high voltage. stores this in a capacitor, (actually a bank of capacitors) and then releases all that energy in a very short period of time. this then propels the weight skyward.

If I could see a demonstration of him doing it with a AAA battery then I'd be impressed. but I am guessing the AAA claim is a case of 'chinese whispers'

If you want to see another fun example of the sort of force you can generate with this very very simple setup, look at this video

One other claim in the series of claims is that "shorting of coils at peak amplitude (top of sine wave)" One statement was that this and a capacitor is blocking Lenz's law. Sorry but that is dreadfully wrong. it is BECAUSE OF lenz's law you get the very high voltage spike.

Here is a video which shows the basic operation, it was linked earlier in this thread. watch it and then come back...

In the video the presenter admits he has no clue as to where the voltage spike comes from. that's an admission he doesn't know what he is talking about.

The answer is simple and if he showed you the accurate timing of the closing and opening of the reed switch you would see that the high voltage spike occurs not when it is closed but when the reed switch opens.

So what is happening?
The rotating magnets induced a voltage in the coil. we see that when he runs it without the reed switch connect. some 2 or so volts. this is normal it is a generator. nothing special there.

Now he connects the reed switch.

Now what happens is he shorts the coil at the 'peak' remember at this time the coil is generating about 2 volts. What happens is that voltage drives current through the coil. It has to go somewhere and the only place is into itself. this builds up a magnetic field around the coil, IN ADDITION to the one provided by the magnet. In fact if the reed was left closed it would stop or slow down the rotation of the magnet in line with Lenz's law. (The extra flux actually opposes the flux from the magnet, but as the overall result is the same and its more confusing to describe it that way I will describe it as if it is additional, OK?)

But that's not what happens. What happens is the reed switch opens. Remember the reed switch also shorted out the neon. Its impossible for the 90 or so volts to be generated across the neon while the reed shorts it out, when the reed is closed. Anyway, as the reed opens the current in the coil stops flowing. This current was supporting the 'extra' flux around the coil. Well it can't flow anymore because the reed switch is now open, So the flux starts to collapse, and in line with Lenz's law a voltage is induced to try to prevent the collapse of that flux. But because of the open circuit no current can flow. Therefore the voltage rises, and dramatically. until the neon breaks down and starts to glow.

Now the neon doesn't glow very bright, why is that? well he mentions the reason. Because the reed switch is burnt! Its burnt because the extreme voltages cause the air between the contacts to ionise. Thus current flows and that current burns the points. Reed switches are only designed for low current, low voltage applications ( I am sure there are exceptions), they can't hack the punishment given it by this very simple example of back emf generation.

Lastly how much power does this method produce? Well in the last part of the video it becomes clear. Go back to it when you finish reading this. The presenter does not draw attention to it because I am sure he is totally unaware of it.

A voltmeter, particularly a digital voltmeter has a very high input impedance. Which is to say it draws an extremely small amount of power. If it didn't it could not accurately gauge the correct voltage. in the last part of the video it shows the 20 or so volts across the capacitor discharge very rapidly. you can watch it drop in seconds. Why is that? because the cap contains very little energy. don't forget the diode prevents that energy leaking back into the coil so it is dissipating through the voltmeter (and a little through the diode). He used a totally wrong cap as well and may have stuffed it.

This is very elementary to anyone who understands electronics. there is absolutely nothing new here. Certainly nothing extraordinary.