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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: Cap-Z-ro on February 24, 2012, 07:53:42 PM

Title: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 24, 2012, 07:53:42 PM

Apparently this unit can be scaled up for much greater output.



Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Gwandau on February 25, 2012, 11:11:01 AM

this is really great news!
The back emf finally put into efficient use.

I read Sterlin D. Allans report and asked him how to get a unit.

He answered that the inventors, prior to selling their first 200 units, which are being manufactured in march,
first of all want to test-run all 200 units for 30 days to be sure that their step into the market will be unflawed.

Thereafter the local licencee will take over the sales, and the price for a unit will be around 6000 $.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: ltseung888 on February 25, 2012, 11:43:00 AM
I do not mind going to Utah when Sterling Allan gets his unit.  I can then report first hand on the performance of the South Africa Company Device.  I have contacts with the resources to become a Licensee.

I am also urging the Chinese Group that claimed they could recharge the bank of car batteries in Electric Cars to act faster.  They already have a demonstration unit and I shall be driving that car when I go back to Hong Kong in the next few weeks.

If it is a matter of "Harvesting the Back EMF", I believe the lead-out or bring-in energy from the environment applies.  The simplest is the "long lasting LED hat" being manufactured now. 

Attached are two photos for your information.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Bob Smith on February 25, 2012, 01:45:06 PM
QuoteIf it is a matter of "Harvesting the Back EMF", I believe the lead-out or bring-in energy from the environment applies.
Based on my observations, I would agree - in the sense that this may be more than just BEMF harvesting, and perhaps more akin to Lee's developments.  The way I see it, this implies producing oscillation at resonance, which creates an imbalance in the aether, which provokes the aether to pour its energy into the circuit.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: gotoluc on February 25, 2012, 03:48:29 PM
Hi everyone,

I must say this sounds promising.

The other interesting thing is I'm presently in South Africa and will be in the Johannesburg area from March 10th to April 27th. Then I return to my home in Ottawa, Canada.

I'll try to contact Sterling to see if I can also get a demo of the technology


Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: hartiberlin on February 25, 2012, 04:57:47 PM
Hi Luc,
please meet with Rosemary Ainsley and help her get rid of her function generator and do some good measurements
with her.

Please let us know, if you can do this.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 25, 2012, 08:11:34 PM
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 25, 2012, 04:57:47 PM
Hi Luc,
please meet with Rosemary Ainsley and help her get rid of her function generator and do some good measurements
with her.

Please let us know, if you can do this.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Harti - with respect - this is becoming tedious.  You make public announcements like this and leave me no option but to address them publicly.  Kindly take note.  WE ALREADY HAVE TESTED OUR TECHNOLOGY EXTENSIVELY ON APPARATUS THAT ONLY USES A 555 SWITCH.  Should you wish to come to SA to check this out - we will gladly include those tests in a demonstration.  These tests are NOT included in our paper because a 555 switch does not allow us the range of testing options.  However, a 555 switch is able to generate precisely the same oscillation with the precisely the same benefits.  We reference this - in our paper. We have done other tests as well that apply a continual negative charge to a single MOSFET without any switching at all - as you recommended in the early generations of this subject.  We also generate that oscillation.  And it also delivers the same benefits.   Luc is more than welcome to visit us.  But he needs to email me - and he would need to travel another plus/minus 2 hours flight - to get here.  AGAIN.  WE DO NOT LIVE IN JOHANNESBURG.

And Harti - you're not answering my emails.  Why?  And what are you going to do when we're published?  Claim that you saw need to lock my thread in case there was an error measurement - as you keep claiming?  Without taking the trouble to find out the facts?   Interesting.  But I'm sure that no-one will ever consider you accountable.  You are, after all only explicitly assuring your members that you, personally, consider our technology valueless.  And as an owner of this forum you are free to apply your editorial preferences. You're under no obligation to find out the truth.  But I must admit.  It's rather confusing when one assumes you support clean green.  On the whole I'd say I've done our technology a gross disservice by making knowledge of it available on your forum.  Far from offering it the kind of protection that's needed - you've allowed the trolls license to try and kill off the technology together with my good name.  MOST confusing.



And may I also add this.  IF indeed, these guys are supplying heavy duty watts with this - then THAT IS WONDERFUL NEWS.  It FAR exceeds our own technology - as we can barely get 120 watts.  This and LENR are the promise of the future.  BUT.  We presume to have the THESIS in support of this - which should be of some interest.  The more so as we've not had to invent absurd physics to find that explanation.  And nor have we had to 'DISCOVER' anything outside of the standard model.

I think that there is the very real risk that one day, someone on these forums may actually take the trouble to read what I write.  Meanwhile, in all probability and for saying all this  - I'll again be banned.  What's new?

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Bob Smith on February 25, 2012, 11:37:31 PM
As part of the common good, every person has an inalienable right to a good reputation, and the right to defend this reputation. It is only fitting that Rosie's right to defend her reputation and the integrity of her work in this forum be upheld in accordance with the common good. To do otherwise would be to undermine the professed nature (and credibility) of this forum as a place for developing "free energy for free, independent people."
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 26, 2012, 02:22:53 AM
Quote from: Bob Smith on February 25, 2012, 11:37:31 PM
As part of the common good, every person has an inalienable right to a good reputation, and the right to defend this reputation. It is only fitting that Rosie's right to defend her reputation and the integrity of her work in this forum be upheld in accordance with the common good. To do otherwise would be to undermine the professed nature (and credibility) of this forum as a place for developing "free energy for free, independent people."

Thank you for this Bob.  It is truly the most courageous statement that has EVER been made on these forums.  There is a propagandising technique applied to the JEWS in Nazi Germany - where all and sundry were encouraged to report on allegations of their sub human habits, which, among other things progressed from killing Jesus Christ to - at its zenith....killing their own children.  It was found to be a technique that polarised opinion AGAINST those Jews that then warranted their extermination.  It required nothing more demanding than the repeated and unsupported allegation where the moral ascendancy could remain with the victimisers who were then permitted to do anything that they required up to and including the outright theft of their property and the intended extermination of that entire People.  In the same way I have variously been accused of supreme ignorance, mendacity, false test representations about our claim, stupidity, mental instability and sundry social eccentricities related to my looks and even to an alleged preference to wearing pygamas in public.  Harti and Poynty et al - have taught you all to disregard my postings and to treat me with the kind of disrespect that would not even be appropriate applied to a criminal - through the simple expediency of denying anything that I write and addressing me in the most abusive of manners.  I am of the opinion that Harti ONLY ever invites me back to the forum to again 'scoff' at the claims - that he ignores or he rejects on grounds that we have comprehensively addressed in every paper that we have ever written.  And while he does not personally engage - ON ANY LEVEL AT ALL - he permits the likes of TK and Fuzzy and a host of willing 'trolls' to do his dirty work.

This flaunted disrespect includes but is in no way limited by nor confined to a denial of the significance of an oscillation that defies any known explanation within the standard model.  I won't here go into the history of this related to that replication fiasco.  It would take too long.  I have worked TIRELESSLY and at my OWN EXPENSE to promote this knowledge related to switching circuits that were PREDICTED in terms of a modest thesis based on a revision of Faraday's Lines of Force.   I am widely accused on doing NOTHING but furthering a THEORY where  I REPEATEDLY advise that I have none.  Nor do any of us.  We have ONLY referred to the standard model. YET I am accused of 'self promotion'.

All of which has inclined the most of our members to IGNORE my comments outside of my own thread - and to apply a level of scorn and contempt in their address of me in my own thread that - at its KINDEST can be construed as a BREACH of forum guidelines.  And instead of applying the required checks Harti positively encourages input that will DETRACT from the claim and DIMINISH the results.  And his ONLY excuse to do this is IF he can claim that there are measurement errors.  Which is WHY he REPEATEDLY advises you all that there ARE measurement errors.  The final and insufferable evidence is here again - where he asks LUC to check our results off a 555 timer where we ALREADY HAVE THESE RESULTS which we have done and MADE PUBLIC.  Meanwhile the ABUSE continues off forum and  I do not have the option of starting a new thread to address this abuse. 

And FINALLY.  We have engaged Poynt.99 AND Professor Steven E Jones in our rights to do a test that would represent conclusive proof of our over unity claim - where we would otherwise qualify for their prize. And that challenge is IGNORED.  And the joke of it is this.  I didn't DARE include Harti in that challenge because then I KNEW that he'd have locked my thread much sooner than he did.   But frankly - RIGHT NOW - I propose that this post can be a challenge to him as well.  For some reason - that I cannot understand - it seems critically important that OUR CLAIM - more than any other - IS DENIED.  AND I PUT IT TO YOU ALL IT IS BECAUSE WE HAVE THE THESIS THAT SUPPORTS THAT CLAIM.  Once that is understood - then you guys will KNOW how to do your own fishing.  AND that will FINALLY put paid to any CHANCE of EXPLOITATION by ANY MONOPOLIST EVER AGAIN.  Frankly, I'm not sure that this sits comfortably with the intentions of these forums.  Which is the ONLY possible explanation for this inappropriate response to our claim.  For some reason the 'lead out lead in theory' - the radiant energy theories - all those ill defined and inexplicable explanations are preferred OVER our simple evidence that uses nothing more exotic than INDUCTIVE LAWS.

All of which is ONLY my considered opinion.  But - unhappily - it's also the only way to make sense of this EXTRAORDINARY attack that our technology warrants.  I'm not at all sure how long this post will be allowed to stay here.  I'm copying it and also putting it on my blog.  I'll post a link hereafter.  If you lose it then just google Rosemary Ainslie.  It's there.  Together with that HATE BLOG against me which is heavily subscribed to not only by Poynty and Laurel  among others - but by someone called MOOKIE who works for ESKOM - our local utility suppliers who are also proposing to EXPAND their nuclear facilities.  Go figger.


http://newlightondarkenergy.blogspot.com/ (http://newlightondarkenergy.blogspot.com/)
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: FatBird on February 26, 2012, 10:38:43 AM
Rosemary,  Please post the link to your Blog.

Thank you for your good posts here.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 26, 2012, 10:48:08 AM
Hi FatBird,

I'm likely to banned  - in short order.  And certainly those posts of mine will be deleted.  In any event - while this has not yet found Harti's attention - then here's my blogspot link.  The last is just a copy of this 'rant' of mine.  But scroll down. The theme is much the same throughout this history.

Here's that link.

http://newlightondarkenergy.blogspot.com/ (http://newlightondarkenergy.blogspot.com/)

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: teslaalset on February 26, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
- a two-burner stove, each burner consuming 1 kW (rated power according to manufacturer)
- a toaster that consumed 850 Watts (rated power)
- a pancake maker that consumes 1 kW (rated power)
- A 40-Watt fan (rated power)

Not a very scientific approach to use the above as a load for 3 hours.
What happens with devices like the first three when you connect them to a power source?
- These appliances get up to their maximum temperature
- Once this temperature is reached the power is switched off by their thermostats to prevent overheating.
This is likely happening after several minutes and therefore this load will not be a continuous load for 3 hours.

Not a very professional demo, and maybe deceiving on purpose.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 26, 2012, 11:15:11 AM
Quote from: teslaalset on February 26, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
- a two-burner stove, each burner consuming 1 kW (rated power according to manufacturer)
- a toaster that consumed 850 Watts (rated power)
- a pancake maker that consumes 1 kW (rated power)
- A 40-Watt fan (rated power)

Not a very scientific approach to use the above as a load for 3 hours.
What happens with devices like the first three when you connect them to a power source?
- The get up to their maximum temperature
- Once this temperature is reached the power is switched off by the thermostat to prevent overheating.
This is likely happening after several minutes and therefore this load will not be a continuous load for 3 hours.
Not a very professional demo, and maybe deceiving on purpose.

I rest my case.  This is all that's needed is to deny AND deny AND DENY.  What hopes are there of progressing anything at all when this is the knee jerk reaction to any claim at all?  For reasons that may become increasingly apparent to you all - the 'nay sayers' rely on any expressed doubt AT ALL - to continue to perpetrate doubt.  I say this absolutely CATEGORICALLY.  I cannot vouch for other tests.  But our own tests measure INFINITE co-efficient of performance with the MOST CAREFUL MEASUREMENTS and BEST INTSTRUMENTS as REQUIRED TO SUPPORT SUCH AN OUTLANDISH CLAIM.  And I'll put money on it that Sterling and his experts are NOT reporting on this in any 'reckless' or 'frivolous' manner.  It's NOT HIS STYLE.

We need to wake up guys.  It is appropriate to check the claim.  It is entirely inappropriate to deny it on any basis UNTIL IT HAS BEEN CHECKED.  Now you see why the likes of Rossi and this SA Team STAY AWAY FROM FORUMS.  They're toxic.  They're littered with competing egos or competing interests.  And we need to address that if we're to get benefit from open source.  Which REALLY is needed.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: gotoluc on February 26, 2012, 04:33:16 PM

Quote from: hartiberlin on February 25, 2012, 04:57:47 PM
Hi Luc,
please meet with Rosemary Ainsley and help her get rid of her function generator and do some good measurements
with her.

Please let us know, if you can do this.

Many thanks.

Regards, Stefan.

Hi Stefan and all,

Unfortunately I'm doing some volunteer work (unpaid for 6 months) for the underprivileged in Durban and Johannesburg, South Africa.
Cape Town is quite far, so the flight is too costly for my zero expense budget let alone transportation and a place to stay once there.

Sorry I can't help out with your request

I'm also sorry my post has somehow diverted the original topic to which I found had good merit.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: ltseung888 on February 26, 2012, 06:40:20 PM
Quote from: teslaalset on February 26, 2012, 11:07:39 AM
- a two-burner stove, each burner consuming 1 kW (rated power according to manufacturer)
- a toaster that consumed 850 Watts (rated power)
- a pancake maker that consumes 1 kW (rated power)
- A 40-Watt fan (rated power)

Not a very scientific approach to use the above as a load for 3 hours.
What happens with devices like the first three when you connect them to a power source?
- These appliances get up to their maximum temperature
- Once this temperature is reached the power is switched off by their thermostats to prevent overheating.
This is likely happening after several minutes and therefore this load will not be a continuous load for 3 hours.

Not a very professional demo, and maybe deceiving on purpose.

The test may not be scientifically vigorous.  However, we want to find out whether the 5KW generator can support common home electrical appliances.

I am quite happy with such a load.  There will be more vigorous testing later.  Sterling Allan will have one in Utah in the next few weeks.  You can be constructive and suggest a more scientific loading.

I total disagree with your statement that "it may be deceiving on purpose".  I support Sterling Allan and may even visit him in Utah when he receives the unit.  That should not be too long from now.

I shall bring my oscilloscopes and analyze the Power Wave forms.  Such scientific data cannot lie.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 26, 2012, 11:13:56 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on February 26, 2012, 04:33:16 PM

Hi Stefan and all,

Unfortunately I'm doing some volunteer work (unpaid for 6 months) for the underprivileged in Durban and Johannesburg, South Africa.
Cape Town is quite far, so the flight is too costly for my zero expense budget let alone transportation and a place to stay once there.

Sorry I can't help out with your request

I'm also sorry my post has somehow diverted the original topic to which I found had good merit.


Hello Luc,

If you find your way this far South then a wide choice of entirely free accommodation - would not be lacking.  I assure you.  We would all be delighted to meet with you.  Always a pleasure to meet forum members.  And I think that the most of us South Africans rather pride ourselves on our hospitality.  But sadly.  Nor can I afford to dish out for the plane fare.  That would sit somewhere outside the limit of my own pocket.

Regarding this statement...
Quote from: gotoluc on February 26, 2012, 04:33:16 PM...
I'm also sorry my post has somehow diverted the original topic to which I found had good merit.
I see that there's a precise distinction drawn between 'the original topic' and 'this topic' with the implication that any topic outside the '5KW unit invented in S.Africa' having comparatively 'less merit' - if any - and all by implication.  I am sorry that you consider that any over unity study should merit this level of disregard and - while we assuredly do NOT generate 5KW - 120 watts is still a significant claim - the more so as, with it, we measure an infinite co-efficient of performance.  That should merit SOME level of interest?  Surely? 

It seems too, that Harti sees some relevance in this topic.  Presumably because we too have a South African address.  And we're most certainly 'Proudly South African' as the saying goes.  The fight against poverty is definitely a noble cause.  But their plight would be greatly assisted with any 'cheap' energy supply and we have spent these last 3 years promoting PRECISELY this.  Without any kind of financial return at all.  So.  Our own contributions to charity may, with respect, merit the same level of respect as your own. 

And finally, Luc.  Poverty is a condition that results from inequalities in the social order - and that are most definitely - 'unjust'.  It has always been the 'sub plot' of these over unity endeavors of ours. I have a similar plight - where we are rather 'unjustly' unable to report on our over unity evidence.  Nor can we DEMONSTRATE it.  Should we be given this opportunity - then we would qualify for the prize offered by Poynt.99 - Steven E Jones and, indeed, by Harti himself.  In which case we would most assuredly be in a position to 'fly you down here'.  And I see the merit.  You can then evaluate our measurement protocols that were first determined by a Professor E Gaunt from UCT - and that have been thoroughly evaluated by our own engineers within our collaboration.  IF, as Harti CLAIMS - there are 'grounding issues' - or any issues AT ALL - then I'm satisfied that even you may be able to disabuse Harti of those concerns - or alternatively, educate our own learned and revered. 

And finally.  We have never intended to 'enrich' ourselves from the prize money.  I am on record.  In the early chapters of our 'locked thread' we advised you all - rather publicly - that we intended donating that prize money to any deserving experimentalist chose amongst our members - that they can then afford to buy some appropriate oscilloscopes and sundry measuring equipment - much needed by Open Source.  My first nomination was - as stated in that locked thread - YOURSELF.  You see Luc.  Unlike your opinion of me and my work - I'm rather proud of your work and see it as exemplary.  Which is all the more distressing to see your disregard of our own modest contributions to the 'general cause' - so to speak.  I actually donated my own Fluke 123 to what I 'thought' was Open Source - and what actually transpired was that the scope was simply ZAPPED by its first recipient - and it then - sadly - taken out of the circulation that I hoped would result.

I am sorry to learn that you too are persuaded by this 'propaganda' to think that our own work is deserving of so little consideration.  If you're concerned that this is OFF TOPIC - then I appeal to your sense of justice.  I do not have a thread - any longer - where I can bring this matter to public awareness.  I trust, therefore, that I can be forgiven.  Unless like Harti et al - it is preferred that our claim just 'go away' for being nothing more than an 'inconvenient truth' - to borrow Al Gore's phraseology. 

Kindest regards,


Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 26, 2012, 11:39:36 PM
And guys,  may I add - I'm amazed that I still have access to these forums.  LOL.  Perhaps Harti is 'rethinking' our claim. 

8) :o :)

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: poynt99 on February 27, 2012, 08:07:42 AM
Like you most often do Rosemary, you misconstrue what people say.

Luc certainly was NOT disrespecting you or the merit of your claim by his comment. He was simply apologizing for interrupting the thread with a different topic in order to show his respect for it.

Grow up.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: FatBird on February 27, 2012, 08:55:44 AM
Why can't we all be civil & respectful to one another.

"Grow up" is extremely nasty & disrespectful.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 27, 2012, 09:09:39 AM
Hello Poynty Point,

I am intrigued with this response of yours - from so many levels.  Your claim that Luc was 'apologising' for interrupting the thread with a different topic?  Exactly which topic is that?  The one about the '5KW Unit Invented in S. Africa?  From where I sit I would have thought that any reference at all to that claim would - in fact - be construed as being very much 'on topic'.  And I'm not sure that he 'strayed' away from that topic EVER.  Except that is when he says - as he does here.

Quote from: gotoluc on February 26, 2012, 04:33:16 PMI'm also sorry my post has somehow diverted the original topic to which I found had good merit/

And even then, I'm not sure that he's apologising for anything at all.  He appears to be expressing a personal regret that the topic has 'strayed' away from the the 5KW test to another one that can barely manage 250 watts and that was certainly NOT part of the initial discussion.

But what also intrigues me is this.  Why are you talking for him?  Why are you offering us these excuses on his behalf?  Are you able to read his mind?  Or has he in fact asked you to 'intervene' on his behalf?  In other words.  Are you talking from a position of 'absolute knowledge' about this - or from the 'assumption of knowledge' which has always been your greatest strength?  Has Luc written you - perhaps by PM or by email to say 'Poynty - please get me out of a hole'.  'That ruddy Ainslie is trying to call me to task about the fact that I don't like her rambling complaint about forum injustices?'  'And Harti's roped me in when the last thing on God's earth that I want to do is to check out any claim that has anything at all to do with her.'  Is this the background Poynty Point?  And are you here now intervening to protect him?  Or are you somehow assuming by his 'silence' that there is this request for you to come to his rescue.  And therefore, on cue - you rush in to explain all?

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 27, 2012, 09:14:05 AM
And Poynty - there's more. 

I actually haven't covered everything.  Here's another option.  Are you perhaps 'misconstruing' this whole event?  Could it be that - yet again - you're wrong.  Perhaps - indeed - Luc was actually expressing regret at the fact that Harti introduced any reference at all to our tests - let alone the predictable public criticism against our measurement protocol - that I, in turn, saw cause to defend.  I'm not sure if you read it but I then enlarged on the general complaint in a second post where you were  specifically, mentioned as 'teaching all and sundry to treat me with as little respect and as much contempt as can possibly be managed.  And here we have yet another example - in your own words...
Quote from: poynt99 on February 27, 2012, 08:07:42 AM
Like you most often do Rosemary, you misconstrue what people say.

And again - HERE
Quote from: poynt99 on February 27, 2012, 08:07:42 AM
Grow up.

All of which, hopefully, brings me to the final leg of this 'intrigue'.  Had you taken the trouble to read my post you'll see that there's a challenge out there for your prize for over unity proof.  When EXACTLY are you going to address that claim?  I think even you must concede that a battery draw down test would be conclusive?  In which case?  Do you deny us the right to claim that prize because you don't like me?  Or because you assume that at 63 years old - I still need to advance into greater maturity?  I'm more than ready to do any required testing.  And I would be more than happy to discuss this on any dedicated thread.  But Harti continually LOCKS my threads.  And you and TK continually FLAME them.  It's a wonder that I've not yet been banned.  But I see it happening - sometime soon.  Hopefully NOT before I make it absolutely plain that you are denying us your prize through the simple expediency of IGNORING that challenge for it.

Kindest regards Poynty Point.  Not that you deserve it but because I think you're badly in need of it.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: poynt99 on February 27, 2012, 09:34:54 AM
Quote from: FatBird on February 27, 2012, 08:55:44 AM
Why can't we all be civil & respectful to one another.

"Grow up" is extremely nasty & disrespectful.


Grow up.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 27, 2012, 09:41:39 AM
May I say, at the risk of moving 'off topic' that Poynty's urgent requirement that all and sundry 'grow up' is somewhat confusing.  I propose that his own measure of maturity is to be as rude as he possibly can be - and to ignore any challenges for his over unity prize.  I'm not sure though that either definition would 'cut it'. 

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on February 27, 2012, 09:53:19 AM

Please end the personal comments and stick to relevant issues...thank you in advance.

At $6000 per unit, apparently this unit can be scaled up for much greater output.

http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blogs/free-energy-device-to-be-revealed-on-radio-nsearch-tonight (http://www.project.nsearch.com/profiles/blogs/free-energy-device-to-be-revealed-on-radio-nsearch-tonight)

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: ltseung888 on February 27, 2012, 11:42:06 AM
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on February 27, 2012, 09:53:19 AM
At $6000 per unit, apparently this unit can be scaled up for much greater output.



If I understand correctly, the unit consists of the following:

1.       Four 12V Lead-acid batteries
2.       A slightly modified DC motor with 24V Input and drives a shaft at 3000rpm
3.       An AC generator that can generate up to 5 KW when rotated at 3000rpm.
4.       The shaft of 2 and 3 are connected.
5.       A propriety control unit comprising of some programmable electronics
6.       Miscellaneous parts such as casing, wiring, fuses and other non-propriety electronics
7.       The licensee must buy item 5 from the Company.  Other components, assembly, testing, servicing etc will be the responsibility of the licensee.

The material cost of all the above should not be more than US$1,000.  It is a matter of how fast other parties can reverse engineer or break the patent.  If the basic technology is getting to a “commercial resonance condition” via some type of pulsing and resonance circuits, there will be little chance of a patent covering all possible commercial resonance conditions.  The chance of a low-cost production Country coming out with a low-price version within months is very high.

However, there can still be some limited degree of patent protection.  The South Africa Company may be using the right approach â€" get many other Companies to evaluate together, license the technology quickly, go public and earn its money on the Stock Market.  They deserve to have the fame and wealth as they beat everyone else to come out with the marketable product.

May God Bless this Wine Server.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: hartiberlin on February 27, 2012, 04:32:09 PM
See my answer to Rosemary here:


Regards, Stefan.

P.S: Until she will not do new improved measurements with her circuit as outlined there in this above posting from me
I will treat her OU claims with her circuit as a measurement error.

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: gotoluc on February 27, 2012, 05:08:18 PM
Hi everyone,

I did contact Sterling by email to see if I could also get a demo.

Sterling relied:

The S. African company sent the following on February 22, 2012 3:48 PM, about 6 hours after we first posted the story:       

"I appreciate your enthusiasm but need to pull the reins back a bit. I mentioned when you were here that we first want to trial with the corporates. This process needs to go ahead now and we will entertain licensees thereafter so let's hold off on the discussions with potential guys for now as we are being flooded and I don't want to distract from our strategy..... "

So it looks like a no go for a Demo :(

Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: ltseung888 on February 27, 2012, 07:15:40 PM
Quote from: gotoluc on February 27, 2012, 05:08:18 PM
Hi everyone,

I did contact Sterling by email to see if I could also get a demo.

Sterling relied:

The S. African company sent the following on February 22, 2012 3:48 PM, about 6 hours after we first posted the story:       

"I appreciate your enthusiasm but need to pull the reins back a bit. I mentioned when you were here that we first want to trial with the corporates. This process needs to go ahead now and we will entertain licensees thereafter so let's hold off on the discussions with potential guys for now as we are being flooded and I don't want to distract from our strategy..... "

So it looks like a no go for a Demo :(


You can visit him and Prof. Steven Jones in Utah when the 5KW unit arrive.  I plan on that.

I plan to bring my oscilloscopes etc. so that more scientific tests can be done.  You should do the same.
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 28, 2012, 01:19:30 AM
LOL.  It seems that MH is in a posting frenzy to deny anything and everything about this device.  I'm beginning to realise that this SA invention is more likely to throw the cat amongst the claims that anything that LENR is likely to give us. 

Anyway, my personal comfort is that IF this is simply a fraudulent claim - then those adventurous South Africans would need to depend on the abysmal stupidity of everyone including top scientists, engineers and investors.  And I'm not sure that any con artist would be quite that reckless.  There's very likely some expert would 'smell a rat' and then EXPOSE them for being the criminals that MH's is alleging.  And I'm not sure that anyone on either side of this claim is quite that stupid.  Quite apart from which I find it somewhat distasteful that anonymous posters allege fraud - EVER.  The accusation is, in itself, CRIMINAL - unless FULLY SUBSTANTIATED.  We're dealing with the confusing event of seeing actual criminal allegations being applied to alleged criminals.  Most alarming.

Still.  If it helps the detractors to alleviate some of their anxiety - then that's fine.  I am constantly reminded of the good sense of all these claimants - Rossi included - that they avoid these forums 'LIKE THE PLAGUE'.  I've said it before and often.  It seems that these forums DO NOT advance over unity.  On the contrary.  They FRUSTRATE its development.  But I earnestly caution all such detractors.  Your long term credibility is likely to be entirely forfeit and that in short order.  These claims are happening fast and furious now.  And I'm not at all sure that you'll be able to keep pace.  If I were you I'd go back to the drawing boards and find new strategies.  Your denials are becoming predictably stale.  What may help is that you acknowledge your identities.  Then we'd be able to rest happy that you mean what you say and that you'd put your good names behind it.  LOL.

Lest anyone think that this is off topic - here's that link.


Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: Rosemary Ainslie on February 28, 2012, 01:28:43 AM
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 27, 2012, 04:32:09 PM
See my answer to Rosemary here:

http://www.overunity.com/11675/another-small-breakthrough-on-our-nerd-technology/msg314093/#msg314093 (http://www.overunity.com/11675/another-small-breakthrough-on-our-nerd-technology/msg314093/#msg314093)

Regards, Stefan.

P.S: Until she will not do new improved measurements with her circuit as outlined there in this above posting from me
I will treat her OU claims with her circuit as a measurement error.

Thanks for this Stefan.


PS.  We have done those NEW AND IMPROVED MEASUREMENTS therefore I take it that you NO LONGER TREAT OUR CLAIMS OF OU AS A MEASUREMENT ERROR.  I've dealt with this in my unlocked thread. 
Title: Re: 5 KW Unit Invented in S. Africa
Post by: ltseung888 on February 28, 2012, 11:00:38 AM
Quote from: ltseung888 on February 27, 2012, 07:15:40 PM

You can visit him and Prof. Steven Jones in Utah when the 5KW unit arrive.  I plan on that.

I plan to bring my oscilloscopes etc. so that more scientific tests can be done.  You should do the same.

The tests that I would like to do if I visit Sterling Allan in Utah when he has his 5KW home generator

1.  Capture the waveforms at the various appropriate connections.  This experiment will tell us when and where the lead-out energy enters the system.

2.  A calorimeter type test.  The simplest is to boil away water.  We can easily determine the exact amount of water that turned to steam.  That will require considerable energy - much more than could be supplied by the four 12V batteries.

3. Repeat the home appliances test.  This will demonstrate that the average household can use such a device.  I shall bring a potential licensee with me.  He is more interested in selling it than the technical details.

4. Try to feed the energy back to the grid and see whether a faster payback is possible.  This will be a strong selling point.

5. See if the unit can be placed on an electric car to recharge the car batteries.  This will be of great interest to the Group who claimed to have developed such technology.  They have a demonstration car that I shall drive when I go back to Hong Kong.

I have confidence that all the above will provide positive results.  The potential licensee is already doing some basic homework - getting component price quotes, identifying factory space, talking to their investors etc.

Many of you will be able to taste the Divine Wine soon.  (Before the end of this year?)

I shall be doing some "commercial resonance condition" finding experiments at overunityresearch.com under the ltseung888 bench.  You are welcome to read that information.  One Output vs Input Power waveform for the LED Hat result is shown here.