This thread was put up for the express purpose of debunking all free energy devices presented on protecting the gullible from being fleeced or wasting their time on things placed in their path to keep them busy on fruitless pursuits.
BUT...there are a number of reasons why this concept will not 'fly'.
No audience to perform in front of to show how clever they are.
Because nobody here has the attention span to stay focused long enough to comprehend the long winded rhetoric.
If left alone for any length of time, people tend to inspire each others thought process through the free flow of ideas and open unfettered discussion...which could very well lead to accessible free energy technology = freedom from global slavery.
After this thread fades into oblivion...every time somebody offers up their ideas, it would be very revealing if someone would immediately post up a thread for the debunkers...separating the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
Or how ever you want to look at it.
My guess is that there would be very little activity there, and even less views.
You are, of course, right in your assessment. It used to be on most forums I've visited, that it was mostly the adolescents who posted in the sophomoric fashion that is the mainstay of the curmudgeons haunting the halls here at OU.
It is really quite formulaic really. If put to analysis, I'm sure the case could certainly be made for "organized interference".
I submit the following link as a possible candidate to serve as a permanent alternative for the trolls.
A real ass clown haven.
I can see the debates raging now....."My admittedly neophytic and obviously ill motivated refutation is more relevant than yours"......"no it isn't"....."yes it is".....
Times infinity.
The problem with this type of thread is that the naysayers, nitpickers and shills will have to keep copying over all those 'iffy' self-running video's for eyeball analysis, so I can't see how having to do this will tempt them over to this thread. Its much better to have a face-to-face discussion about issues arising. Those that have the confidence to post self-running videos, or tell the naysayers, nitpickers and shills that they are badly misguided by their conventional electrical education, or suggest that a discussion between parties having opposing views or beliefs is disrupting progress, should also have the confidence to fight their corner, rather than asking the 'other side' to retire into a separate room to chat amongst themselves. C'mon man, which side are you on, or are you just sitting in the middle contributing very little and throwing stones to aggravate and disrupt progress??
Nothing works, so I say nay.
Quote from: Hoppy on January 02, 2014, 08:01:17 AM
The problem with this type of thread is that the naysayers, nitpickers and shills will have to keep copying over all those 'iffy' self-running video's for eyeball analysis, so I can't see how having to do this will tempt them over to this thread. Its much better to have a face-to-face discussion about issues arising. Those that have the confidence to post self-running videos, or tell the naysayers, nitpickers and shills that they are badly misguided by their conventional electrical education, or suggest that a discussion between parties having opposing views or beliefs is disrupting progress, should also have the confidence to fight their corner, rather than asking the 'other side' to retire into a separate room to chat amongst themselves. C'mon man, which side are you on, or are you just sitting in the middle contributing very little and throwing stones to aggravate and disrupt progress??
You got it Hoppy. Happy New Year to you!
'Shill': noun:
"an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others."
It's clear to me that the technically competent experimenters who like clear answers are not shills...
The shills are the people who apparently believe all the mistaken, deluded, and sometimes fraudulent claims, and then constantly cheer-lead for them, despite a total lack of evidence...
If this thread is an attempt to divert technical investigation, and the inevitable criticism, of Luc's as yet undefined 'reactive' effect, then I don't suppose it'll work. If I can be bothered to ask Luc any questions - which he only ignores anyway - then I'll do it on the main topic - not this one.
Regards, Tim
Quote from: tim123 on January 02, 2014, 10:58:02 AM
'Shill': noun:
"an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others."
It's clear to me that the technically competent experimenters who like clear answers are not shills...
The shills are the people who apparently believe all the mistaken, deluded, and sometimes fraudulent claims, and then constantly cheer-lead for them, despite a total lack of evidence...
If this thread is an attempt to divert technical investigation, and the inevitable criticism, of Luc's as yet undefined 'reactive' effect, then I don't suppose it'll work. If I can be bothered to ask Luc any questions - which he only ignores anyway - then I'll do it on the main topic - not this one.
Regards, Tim
Valid point about shills. I think the captain needs to remove shills from the title of this thread.
Quote from: Hoppy on January 02, 2014, 08:01:17 AM
The problem with this type of thread is that the naysayers, nitpickers and shills will have to keep copying over all those 'iffy' self-running video's for eyeball analysis, so I can't see how having to do this will tempt them over to this thread. "
Didn't I not just say just that, with these words in the preamble opening up this thread ?
[This thread was put up for the express purpose of debunking all free energy devices presented on protecting the gullible from being fleeced or wasting their time on things placed in their path to keep them busy on fruitless pursuits.
BUT...there are a number of reasons why this concept will not 'fly'.]
Surely you should know better that to try to paint me as a delusional fool...especially in such an obvious fashion.
Apparently not it seems.
Any participation in that model would constitute a tacit admission of being a naysayer, nitpicker, or a shill...hello ?
TechStuf, with whom I have a standing disagreement on a particular issue with, but who technical knowledge I respect seemed to have no problem grasping the meaning and of my words and the intent of this so however, for some others who instead predictably somehow found fly paper in the thread.
Instead, the unspoken intention of this thread was to shed some light on the various distraction tactics (alluded to by TechStuf) employed by those who fit the naysayers, nitpickers, and shills, profile.
"Its much better to have a face-to-face discussion about issues arising."
According to past behavior, this ALWAYS amounts to conflict and confrontation and an exit by the builder, and no expansion of planned.
" Those that have the confidence to post self-running videos, or tell the naysayers, nitpickers and shills that they are badly misguided by their conventional electrical education, or suggest that a discussion between parties having opposing views or beliefs is disrupting progress, should also have the confidence to fight their corner,"
'Those' you refer to are not here to fight...only to share.
Why not simply open your own thread to debunk their ideas and save us gullible hayseeders from being duped ?
The answer is of course, nobody will attend that party...and nobody will be there to fight or badger before the crowd.
This lot is easily identified by their lack of contribution to the development a particular concept...they never offer help, only criticism and conflict.
" C'mon man, which side are you on, or are you just sitting in the middle contributing very little and throwing stones to aggravate and disrupt progress??
Projecting ones social infirmities onto a perceived is the lowest and most desperate form of debate...and a subconscious admission of defeat.
Is everybody in yet ? Apparently not yet.
Quote from Tim:
" 'Shill': noun:
"an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others."
Pretending that I am not referencing 'shills' paid by 'the powers that be' to suppress free energy tech belies an attempt prevent me bringing awareness to that activity, don't you think ?
" It's clear to me that the technically competent experimenters who like clear answers are not shills..."
What 'experimenters' ? All I am seeing so far are the 'naysayers, nitpickers, and shills'.
Personally speaking, when I am "experimenting" I actually do an 'experiment'...until then, I'm just talking about experimenting.
" The shills are the people who apparently believe all the mistaken, deluded, and sometimes fraudulent claims, and then constantly cheer-lead for them, despite a total lack of evidence..."
Really now ? Thats very odd indeed, because I see people contributing ideas and sharing their thoughts.
If you are referring to Chet/Ramset...I see nothing wrong or counterproductive with his optimism and enthusiasm.
" If this thread is an attempt to divert technical investigation, and the inevitable criticism, of Luc's as yet undefined 'reactive' effect, then I don't suppose it'll work. If I can be bothered to ask Luc any questions - which he only ignores anyway - then I'll do it on the main topic - not this one."
I am a pretty good judge of horse flesh...and Luc is being open and honest (sharing)
If Luc is ignoring your questions, I'm quite certain he has a valid reason.
To persist with incessant repetitive questions under those conditions you've stated is disruptive and an annoyance to anyone who wishes to follow the natural progression of the subject.
Apologies to Tinman...error corrected
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 01, 2014, 01:08:40 PM
This thread was put up for the express purpose of debunking all free energy devices presented on protecting the gullible from being fleeced or wasting their time on things placed in their path to keep them busy on fruitless pursuits.
BUT...there are a number of reasons why this concept will not 'fly'.
No audience to perform in front of to show how clever they are.
Because nobody here has the attention span to stay focused long enough to comprehend the long winded rhetoric.
If left alone for any length of time, people tend to inspire each others thought process through the free flow of ideas and open unfettered discussion...which could very well lead to accessible free energy technology = freedom from global slavery.
After this thread fades into oblivion...every time somebody offers up their ideas, it would be very revealing if someone would immediately post up a thread for the debunkers...separating the wheat from the chaff, so to speak.
Or how ever you want to look at it.
My guess is that there would be very little activity there, and even less views.
The part in bold kind of implies that there are people who actually want to debunk all free energy devices, that is simply not true, we want more free energy, at least I do, but I don't do replications much, I usually try to get the same effects as people show in a different way.
Anyway I think more than anything there is some confusion of terms, and things get over complicated.
I think you've confused Tinman with Tim, different people.
It is true, a shill is a magicians assistant or a conman's assistant, nothing to do with a skeptic.
The experiments in question are very similar to many experiments already done by a few of us, we don;t always video tape everything unless it seems interesting or useful. Useful is good even if not OU, sometimes a means to an end.
I and others have shown video's of the acceleration under load and short circuit, which Luc promoted, I did it with two different setups and without high impedance coils, one setup with fairly dramatic results, I have also shown videos of transformer experiments akin to the so called (delayed Lenz transformer effect) with reduced input under load (from a battery) with home made switching circuits and transformers using basically the same effect but done differently. With the batteries in the transformer experiments showing a reduced load on them when the output is loaded, the battery voltage is seen to rise under output loading.
Acceleration under load short clip.
Longer clip. Part 2
Transformer effects. Transformer has grounded neutral like the grid.
With 12 volt input Tesla coil AC generator and Tesla coil output transformer in resonance.
Others have done quite accurate replications and seen the much the same results and causes I did.
Maybe I'll drive that transformer from the grid for my experiment, not sure yet.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 02, 2014, 12:21:07 PM
If Luc is ignoring your questions, I'm quite certain he has a valid reason.
I asked him for the full specifications for the motor he was using. (And the generator too, but he hasn't 'shared' that yet...)
It took 3 goes, and many weeks, before he finally relented, and revealed the fact that it contained it's own capacitor.
That fact should have been in the very first video. That it wasn't, is *at best* a serious omission - because it affects his results - a lot.
So no, he really did not have a valid reason.
Regards, Tim
Naysayers, nitpickers, shills -
Their antics can give one the chills.
Their vitriol joust
That's crafted to oust
Might just be how they pay the bills! :o
Consider just what some are stating,
Like onslaughts that know no abating -
They insult a man
To discredit his plan:
Not a real healthy way of relating.
But such is the way of the shill -
Who undermines truth for his swill.
Bought-off or compromised
To keep new thought sanitized,
His conscience within he must still.
But sure tricks there are, to survive.
They're crucial to staying alive.
Just don't take the bait
With derision or hate.
Simply post and move on, and you'll thrive. :)
(who used to be a poet, then stopped, but started again, but might stop now, but might not...)
Quote from: Bob Smith on January 02, 2014, 02:02:44 PM
...Simply post and move on, and you'll thrive. :)
That was awesome.
Quote from: Farmhand on January 02, 2014, 01:23:40 PM
The part in bold kind of implies that there are people who actually want to debunk all free energy devices, that is simply not true, we want more free energy, at least I do, but I don't do replications much, I usually try to get the same effects as people show in a different way.
You can only speak for yourself on that...history and the goings on here tell quite a different story I'm afraid.
" Anyway I think more than anything there is some confusion of terms, and things get over complicated.
It is true, a shill is a magicians assistant or a conman's assistant, nothing to do with a skeptic. "
Please do not put words in my mouth...everyone here knows very well what I mean by 'shill'.
" I think you've confused Tinman with Tim, different people."
A simple clerical error which has been corrected.
I also confuse you with Forrest sometimes...but I am very clear on everything else.
" The experiments in question are very similar to many experiments already done by a few of us, we don;t always video tape everything unless it seems interesting or useful. Useful is good even if not OU, sometimes a means to an end."
Only problem is, we never seem to get to see that 'end' around here...due to the efforts of paid Gov shills.
The reason why I am trying to familiarize everyone here with these tactics, is so that when the shills start doing their schtick it will be readily apparent and someone other than myself will notice and circumvent the scumbaggery protocol.
" I and others have shown video's of the acceleration under load and short circuit, which Luc promoted, I did it with two different setups and without high impedance coils, one setup with fairly dramatic results, I have also shown videos of transformer experiments akin to the so called (delayed Lenz transformer effect) with reduced input under load (from a battery) with home made switching circuits and transformers using basically the same effect but done differently. With the batteries in the transformer experiments showing a reduced load on them when the output is loaded, the battery voltage is seen to rise under output loading. "
I'm sorry that you now feel the need to qualify yourself...its not necessary, we all know who's doing what in here.
Its just before now, that nobody was willing to poynt out the elephant or elephants in the room.
Quote from: tim123 on January 02, 2014, 02:06:12 PM
That was awesome.
Thanks Bob - very well done...happy to have played a small role in stirring your creative juices.
Never stop...I'm a bit of a dabbler specialty is milestone birthdays and pre mortem euology's.
CapZRo, your last post is unreadable - please take the time to quote & reply properly - by ending and re-starting the quote tags.
Regards, Tim
Speaking of elephants,
What's painfully obvious is that these so-called "guru-guardians and yay-sayers" have no choice but to resort to calumny rather than civil, mature, technical discussion in an attempt to disrupt progress towards the inevitable truth.
Sadly, blissful delusion seems to be the order of the day.
wow. This forum is truly a ghost of her former self.
2014 is out of the gate and off to the races....
Yeah, let's all whine about another's use of quotation marks! Great way to start the New Year!
Quote from: TechStuf on January 02, 2014, 02:44:39 PM
wow. This forum is truly a ghost of her former self.
Yeah, let's all whine about another's use of quotation marks! Great way to start the New Year!
No, even better, let's whine about people whining about people's lazy use of the forum... That's sure to cancel out the radiation...
Your comprehension skills truly astound!
Quote from: tim123 on January 02, 2014, 02:21:32 PM
CapZRo, your last post is unreadable - please take the time to quote & reply properly - by ending and re-starting the quote tags.
Regards, Tim
My words are the ones 'not' in quotation marks Tim...I'll use caps in the future for more contrast.
Quote from: poynt99 on January 02, 2014, 02:36:50 PM
Speaking of elephants,
What's painfully obvious is that these so-called "guru-guardians and yay-sayers" have no choice but to resort to calumny rather than civil, mature, technical discussion in an attempt to disrupt progress towards the inevitable truth.
Sadly, blissful delusion seems to be the order of the day.
Hey...I got a good stragedy for u...think up some woody words that apply to yourself, and try to apply them to someone else, even though it makes you look like a adolescent.
Never mind, you just did that.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 02, 2014, 12:21:07 PM
Projecting ones social infirmities onto a perceived is the lowest and most desperate form of debate...and a subconscious admission of defeat.
You enter your words into my quote in true Troll style. I'll take my leave from this silly thread and leave you to learn how to formulate a proper reply. ;D
Quote from: Hoppy on January 02, 2014, 03:59:51 PM
You enter your words into my quote in true Troll style. I'll take my leave from this silly thread and leave you to learn how to formulate a proper reply. ;D
Now that was a piss poor wonder you left.
The last thing I wood want is to be mixing my words into a quote from you without a distinction.
Such a feeble attempt to project your infirmity on to me served only as a Freudian admission that it is you who is the troll.
Why don't you and your ilk go one step further and do everyone a favor and take your leave of this entire forum ?
Or is that too much to ask or to wish for ?
Maybe then, we'll get good people like 'wattsup' back posting.
Well this will be my last post here as it does not apply to me, Cap-Z-ro get yourself to a doctor buddy you've lost it, you are getting personal with everyone and to me that says you have personal issues.
What do you think gives you the right to tell anyone else if they can post or not ? What gives you the right to post ?
People are most likely leaving the forum because they are tired of people posting all the fake video's they find on the you tube. It would make them wonder weather people are sane or not when they keep posting video's of obvious fakes.
Truth has no fault. And searching for it needs no excuses. It has it's own reason.
And I also do not like it when people put their words into quotes of me, it makes no sense and it makes it look like I typed what you typed.
Sounds to me like you are one of the people against free speech, one who desires that anyone can post anything they like without anyone being able to question it. That is not the way it works.
People will have their say no matter what you think because we do not answer to you, you have zero authority over anyone.
This thread also falls under the moderation of Luc, I want no further part in threads where free speech is not allowed.
Reactive power by definition is power that is not dissipated in a load and is returned or is returning to the supply. It does not get any simpler than that. Only real power is dissipated in loads, both real power and reactive power are a fraction of apparent power.
In my opinion this effect will have an explanation similar to the acceleration under load and transformer effects that Luc and Thane pushed for a while back some time. Just my opinion.
People like you make vague sweeping accusations but don't actually name anyone, that is gutless. Name the people you think are paid by the government so that they may take legal action against you to clear their names if they wish. You are not anonymous, if a person wants to take legal action, the site admins can be made to provide your details so as to give you a summons.
Name names or shut the hell up. Gutless wonder, keyboard tough guy hey. Grow up. You want to get personal.
Accusing people of being paid government disinfo agents with no proof, you should be banned form the forum.
P.S. I think it is almost time to allow the experiments soon to be shown on the other thread to do the talking.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 01, 2014, 01:08:40 PM
This thread was put up for the express purpose of debunking all free energy devices presented on
There is no need for your thread.
You can shove a true and working free energy device under the nose of members and they won't even notice it.
They are usually too busy arguing and whining to and about each other that the things they are here for pass by without them even noticing it, they are caught up in an ancient game of batteling each other in stead of trying to solve the real problem.
I usually do not have to post on this board but i like you to know that there are other people who do notice the important information burried deep in the flow of concepts presented here or there on this board.
These are not the people who are busy debunking or whining or arguing, these are a select few of people who get things done.
It's just a matter of perception and applying the correct filter to get rid of the noise.
And also, verifying the concepts.
This means a person like that does not even have to the time to or bother getting onto the battleship.
They realize it's an endless game.
All i can say is,
Get past your ego's and a new world will open up for you.
"You can shove a true and working free energy device under the nose of members and they won't even notice it."
Let's test that statement for veracity. I dispute it strongly. Please provide a true and working free energy device, and shove it under our noses. Let's see if we notice it, or not.
What I've noticed, in the years I've been on this forum, is that a lot of people will _claim_ they have such, but can't produce evidence when asked. Many other people will _promise_ to provide such, but vanish without doing so, the most recent I can name is "elecar" and his self-looping SMOT promise. Others provide what they think is evidence but on careful examination it turns out to be erroneous, usually due to poor measurements and poor understanding of basic physics/electronics/mechanics etc. Others are pure and obvious scammers and frauds, who claim to demonstrate impossible performances which cannot be repeated by anyone under controlled conditions. What we _never_ have "noticed" is any
"true and working free energy device"... because nobody has actually ever shoved one under our noses.
Well this will be my last post here as it does not apply to me,
Cap-Z-ro get yourself to a doctor buddy you've lost it, you are getting personal with everyone and to me that says you have personal issues.
What do you think gives you the right to tell anyone else if they can post or not ?
What gives you the right to post ?
People are most likely leaving the forum because they are tired of people posting all the fake video's they find on the you tube. It would make them wonder weather people are sane or not when they keep posting video's of obvious fakes.
Truth has no fault. And searching for it needs no excuses. It has it's own reason.
And I also do not like it when people put their words into quotes of me, it makes no sense and it makes it look like I typed what you typed.
Sounds to me like you are one of the people against free speech, one who desires that anyone can post anything they like without anyone being able to question it. That is not the way it works.
People will have their say no matter what you think because we do not answer to you, you have zero authority over anyone.
This thread also falls under the moderation of Luc, I want no further part in threads where free speech is not allowed.
Reactive power by definition is power that is not dissipated in a load and is returned or is returning to the supply. It does not get any simpler than that. Only real power is dissipated in loads, both real power and reactive power are a fraction of apparent power.
In my opinion this effect will have an explanation similar to the acceleration under load and transformer effects that Luc and Thane pushed for a while back some time. Just my opinion.
People like you make vague sweeping accusations but don't actually name anyone,
that is gutless.
Name the people you think are paid by the government so that they may take legal action against you to clear their names if they wish. You are not anonymous, if a person wants to take legal action, the site admins can be made to provide your details so as to give you a summons.
Name names or shut the hell up.
Gutless wonder,
keyboard tough guy hey.
Grow up.
You want to get personal.
Accusing people of being paid government disinfo agents with no proof, you should be banned form the forum.
If you step back and look at the big picture, claims need to be explored and discussed because the stakes are so high. But there are indeed no paid "shills." Look at what's happening in the potovoltaic and wind power industries, how many additional gigawatts of capacity are being added each year? Look at the recent policy statements from England for their renewable energy targets.
You have gigawatts and gigawatts of world-wide renewable energy capacity being added each year, year over year, eating into the market share of Big Oil and Big Electricity. The lost revenue must already be staggering. Is anybody worried about some guy selling $20K worth of 2H2 + O2 conversion systems per year? Or somebody playing with a pulse motor in their garage? There is a strange form of arrogance at play there, something the alleged "shills" get accused of all the time. Should we rewrite all of the physics text books because of Luc's experiment? How wise is it to state "there may be something new and not yet understood" when somebody plays with coils, transformers, caps, resistors and magnets? Or is that a case of "I don't know what I don't know but that's not important."
Well, Cap.... _can_ you provide any evidence for your claim that there are paid government shills or "disinfo agents" posting on this forum? I'll wager that you cannot.
QuoteAnd you can use the bbcode tags
to separate your replies from quotations of other's posts... .you do NOT HAVE TO SHOUT.
As far as I am concerned. I tend to check what TK , Farmhand and few alike have to say about new developments on this forum before I am prepared to waste time on - up to now fruitless and in majority of cases absurd - claims related to cheap energy.
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 04:19:50 AM
Well, Cap.... _can_ you provide any evidence for your claim that there are paid government shills or "disinfo agents" posting on this forum? I'll wager that you separate your replies from quotations of other's posts... .you do NOT HAVE TO SHOUT.
Yeah, hang on a minute I should be able to locate a Gov pay stub floating around atop all the oral diarrhea in this thread that people like you are spewing.
How stupid in life must someone be to make such a nitwit comment like that huh ?
Not that there's a funny smell about it, but I'm happy to see that there are no relatively new posters showing to vouch for my long term activity here.
I'm sure someone would justifiably perceive that as classic troll behavior and point that out.
One the offenders who reveal;ed themselves by being drawn out by this thread wines about possibility of their words being confused with mine...and another one wines when I provide a viable solution ??
You can't win with these clowns...its not unlike pro wrestling tag team activity.
Are you saying that
Poynt 99
are the persons whom you started this topic for ?
any one else we should be aware of ??
if I am mistaken could you clarify please [for the "readers"]
I have accused no one Chet.
I merely brought attention to the repeating pattern of disruption and distraction that I have observed here over time.
With the exception of tinman, the others that you've named are just the 'users' who saw themselves as fitting that profile.
Its as simple as that.
That list would be my choice for advice and direction in these forums,And I have sought
the council of some of those fellows over the years as well as been quite interested in their
contributions on Topics which I have had less experience with.
Poynt And TK in particular have probably saved this community a few centuries of collective wasted time
Time we just don't have to waste!
I salute every man on that list and have nothing but gratitude for the time they take to help others ,which in turn helps Me and you too Cap-Z-ro..........
The truth will withstand scrutiny and stand on its own Two feet .
less of a standard would be an insult to all involved.
Have a happy new year .
QuoteYeah, hang on a minute I should be able to locate a Gov pay stub floating around atop all the oral diarrhea in this thread that people like you are spewing.
How stupid in life must someone be to make such a nitwit comment like that huh ?
Not that there's a funny smell about it, but I'm happy to see that there are no relatively new posters showing to vouch for my long term activity here.
I'm sure someone would justifiably perceive that as classic troll behavior and point that out.
One the offenders who reveal;ed themselves by being drawn out by this thread wines about possibility of their words being confused with mine...and another one wines when I provide a viable solution ??
You can't win with these clowns...its not unlike pro wrestling tag team activity.
QuoteI have accused no one Chet.
I repeat his words to him asking him to provide any evidence for his claims.... and he comes back with this! Just as is typical. Claimants make their silly claims and accusations and when asked to provide any evidence in support, they fall back into insults, whining and more ridiculous claims and accusations.
QuotePretending that I am not referencing 'shills' paid by 'the powers that be' to suppress free energy tech belies an attempt prevent me bringing awareness to that activity, don't you think ?
That definitely earns another ROFL!
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 04:09:28 PM
That list would be my choice for advice and direction in these forums,And I have sought
the council of some of those fellows over the years as well as been quite interested in their
contributions on Topics which I have had less experience with.
Again, I outlined a pattern of incessant questioning and badgering which has bogged down the natural development of discussion, to the point where presenter after presenter became frustrated and or insulted , and then left the building..." some of those fellows " apparently recognized themselves in that scenario, and took great umbrage and went into attack mode.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 04:09:28 PM
Poynt And TK in particular have probably saved this community a few centuries of collective wasted time
Time we just don't have to waste!
Or...have they successfully led people down one rabbit hole after another ?
I can't say for certain one way or the other...but they certainly became overly defensive despite not being accused of anything...that, to me is noteworthy.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 04:09:28 PM
I salute every man on that list and have nothing but gratitude for the time they take to help others ,which in turn helps Me and you too Cap-Z-ro..........
With all due respect Chet, you also salute the abusive and since banned user 'Grumpy'...who's abuse of other members also did not seem to bother you, I assume because he wasn't abusive to you.
Based on that, I'm afraid I must take such salutes with a grain of salt.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 04:09:28 PM
The truth will withstand scrutiny and stand on its own Two feet .
less of a standard would be an insult to all involved.
In conclusion, we must ask ourselves how the current way things have been playing out on here are working for us.
The answer is, its not all...which means change is needed.
The change I advocate is to allow threads to develop naturally...without distractions and deviations.
Only then will new ideas flow freely.
Its these ideas which provide the spark for new ways to approach a problem.
You don't need to be a psychic to realize that people are intimidated by aggressive knowitalls dominating a discussion.
As a result the withdraw and do not express their opinions and ideas.
THAT has to change...else we can look forward to more endless tire spinning.
Its a given that vested interests infest these types of forums with paid agents of disinformation who are tasked to derail all relevant discussion topics.
I have learned to make my determinations about people by how their rhetoric compares with their actions...not by how well they massage my ego.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 04:09:28 PM
Have a happy new year .
And the same to you and yours.
ps/ this was my first attempt at properly segregating text without quotation marks...hope it works, or its more editing for me.
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 03, 2014, 07:11:17 PM
QuoteI have accused no one Chet.
I repeat his words to him asking him to provide any evidence for his claims.... and he comes back with this! Just as is typical. Claimants make their silly claims and accusations and when asked to provide any evidence in support, they fall back into insults, whining and more ridiculous claims and accusations.
That definitely earns another ROFL!
Tinsel K or Farmhand...which one is sucking, and which one is blowing ?
Or have they somehow managed to suck and blow simultaneously ?
Hmmm, maybe they've accomplished this feat using BEMF and magnets suspended in copious dribble glasses of drool ?
Here are the most recent quotes from Farmhand:
" Name names or shut the hell up. "
He followed up that with this gem:
" Accusing people of being paid government disinfo agents with no proof, you should be banned form the forum."
Maybe TK wood appear more convincing to the readership if he used a whole lot more LOL's and giggling emoticons...just sayin'.
I understand your point of view I have heard similar ramblings before ,at times I have even heard members here sware your account has been hacked do to the bizzare nature of your posts.
And Now you ask those who have knowledge and wish to replicate to be still ...?
[of course while you build nothing ??]
do you have any idea how crazy you look ?
your arrogance is getting the best of your common sense.
with all sincerity
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
I understand your point of view I have heard similar ramblings before ,
Well now, quite the sweeping generalization statement maker, aren't we ?
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
at times I have even heard members here sware your account has been hacked do to the bizzare nature of your posts.
Hell, don't just leave us all hanging here in suspense, or heaven forbid, make yourself look like a lying fool just making up sh!t as you go...regale us all with a few of the finest examples of my alleged bizzare nature posts whydoncha ?
But, I guess by now everybody has realized where this is going.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
And Now you ask those who have knowledge and wish to replicate to be still ...?
Urm, I think the readership probably remembers that my goal is to eliminate badgering and incessant questions which serve only to intimidate others, disrupt open discussion, sharing of ideas, and provide a platform for ego flexing.
I think they might also have figured out that this has nothing whatsoever to do with, I think you may have insulted their intelligence...again in this post.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
[of course while you build nothing ??]
Now, if I were like TK, I wood hit you with about 10 LOL's for that one.
You're not as dumb as you seem or you have a good memory...which is it ?
You were "apparently" smart enough to add question marks onto that implied lie, were you not ?
Or did you simply recall me hanging your idol 'Grumpy' on that one...when he tried the very same smear.
Only he was arrogant or stupid enough to assume that I never presented any original construction on here.
Personally, I fairly certain that you just remember how bad Grumpy was made to look.
You're just not that bright...else you wouldn't have made those ridiculous statements captioned above.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
do you have any idea how crazy you look ?
Well, one of us certainly looks crazy right about now...the smart money wood be on you for the crazy award.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
your arrogance is getting the best of your common sense.
I wood say the same about you if I thought you had a lick of common sense.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 08:53:47 PM
with all sincerity
Next wrestler tag in when ready...
I try very hard to be honest in all my Comments ,unlike yourself I don't maintain anonymity
never really have.. as such My accountability goes to a higher standard.
[if you don't think so try posting your name in your profile?]
unlike yourself I don't fabricate ,assume ,or weave dillusional tales ,nor see shills and professional MIB types in every corner of the forum.
Perhaps you should try that sometime maybe you'll stop acting like a child with make believe superpowers and start to act like a man?
all you readers would probably like it?
I will leave you to your little corner go back to playing with your self and all your many adversaries!
Well one thing is for sure-Cap-Z-ro certainly knows what bait to use when on a fishing trip.
Hook,line and sinker guys.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
I try very hard to be honest in all my Comments
In the magical mystery world of "Chetland" being honest must include making sweeping generalizations about people huh ?
Show everybody how honest you are by producing a few examples of these fictional 'bizzare nature posts' you have falsely attributed to me.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
,unlike yourself I don't maintain anonymity
never really have..
I've always found that people like yourself who have no integrity tend to be attention seekers, so anonymity is conducive to what they seek.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
as such My accountability goes to a higher standard.
That one is good for at least another 10 TK-ish LOL's.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
[if you don't think so try posting your name in your profile?]
Sorry can't risk damage to my career as an adult film Producer/Director.
PM me your resume, we can always use another fluffer back stage...flavored hand cream supplied upon request.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
unlike yourself I don't fabricate ,
Based on your words here today, how many times wood that have to be repeated before it could ever be considered anything close to the truth ?
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
assume ,or weave dillusional tales ,nor see shills and professional MIB types in every corner of the forum.
I can almost visualize you flailing your arms and squirming as you wrote those words desperately hoping they would get you out of the corner you painted yourself into.
Maybe I shouldn't have smoked that last doobie, I'm starting to feel pity for you...nothing a little nap won't fix tho.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
Perhaps you should try that sometime maybe you'll stop acting like a child with make believe superpowers and start to act like a man?
The truth can be found by simply reversing the meaning of what the con man is trying to convey.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
all you readers would probably like it?
I'd probably have a good response to what you just said if I could make sense of it.
Maybe somebody knows what you are saying, I rather doubt even you know.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
I will leave you to your little corner .......
Ooh now thats really Freudian...considering that you are in the process of BSing you way into one.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM go back to playing with your self and all your many adversaries!
I have female fluffers to do that for me dummy.
I bet you're probably the 'happy ending type', and I ain't into that, I don't care how effeminate you are.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
No thanks necessary
This thread is a troll!
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 04, 2014, 02:37:15 AM
This thread is a troll!
I take it you are now venting, fresh from being put in your place by Luc's for (surprise) 'nitpicking', 'derailing', and 'disrupting' the natural flow over on his thread.
The very behavior this thread was created for...what are the odds of that.
I guess I just imagined that again...for the gazillionth time, right chet ?
Every word is a shovel for these guys.
Oy vey !
Man, this thread's a joke.
Anyone posting on it is clearly an idiot.
...D'oh! :o
here are some much better vibrations.... (
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 04, 2014, 02:37:15 AM
This thread is a troll!
Perhaps it's time to stop feeding it.
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 09:01:33 AM
here are some much better vibrations.... (
Now how Freudian is that ?
A video about acoustic manipulation...manipulation being the operative word.
Bet you wish you had a good reality manipulator about now.
Hey...maybe these brilliant "replicators" in your stable could whip one up for you ?
Naw, on second thot, I guess that wooden work out very well...they'd probably just end up in a state of frustration after having driven one another to distraction by nitpicking each others ideas.
Quote from: poynt99 on January 04, 2014, 09:23:51 AM
Perhaps it's time to stop feeding it.
Well, that ship has obviously already left port.
Not surprisingly, you missed the boat...again.
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 02, 2014, 09:20:15 PM
"You can shove a true and working free energy device under the nose of members and they won't even notice it."
Let's test that statement for veracity. I dispute it strongly. Please provide a true and working free energy device, and shove it under our noses. Let's see if we notice it, or not.
What we _never_ have "noticed" is any
"true and working free energy device"... because nobody has actually ever shoved one under our noses.
Well you don't know that right.... and it's because you just didn't notice it.
That's exactly what i wanted to communicate.
Also, i used the word concept this relates to a certain way of doing things to get to something that produces free energy
FOREVER rather then a true working free energy device.
Let's just say that the concept is all you need to understand the principle, and you can use that to verify said concept.
But the end result stays the same, you would have to agree that because if no one notices either, a true working free energy device, or the very concept of it's modus operandi, nothing will happen from this board poynt of view.
Also, you have to define the term free energy.
Is it energy that is free in the sense that you simply do not have to pay for it, or is it free energy in the sense that it comes from an unexhaustable source delivering a usable potential difference which can be used to create current in a secondary circuit for free, virtually forever?
There is a vast difference between shoving a true and working free energy device under the nose of members and presenting the principle that the device in question uses to show how the 'free energy'mechanism works.
In the first case you would have to figure out what is going on, and in the second case you can work towards a proof of concept without ever seeing any device.
Which case would you prefer?
In any case, both cases were not noticed, or if there was something noticed, it was never understood, and therefore nobody was able to actually prove if the device works or not.
The human brain is looking for known things.
It constantly compares what is observerved, to what is known stored in ones mental map to discover a match in order identify the situation.
That is the tricky part, because when it encounters something new, something it can not identify, well you won't recognise it and so that is why i say you won't notice it, and i have noticed this mechanism is responsible for people not noticing things.
I will end with the same line, put your ego's aside and a new world opens up for you.
Quote from: Turbo on January 04, 2014, 09:43:47 AM
Well you don't know that right.... and it's because you just didn't notice it.
That's exactly what i wanted to communicate.
Also, i used the word concept this relates to a certain way of doing things to get to something that produces free energy rather then a true working free energy device.
Let's just say that the concept is all you need to understand the principle, and you can use that to verify said concept.
But the end result stays the same, you would have to agree that because if no one notices either, a true working free energy device, or the very concept of it's modus operandi, nothing will happen from this board poynt of view.
Also, you have to define the term free energy.
Is it energy that is free in the sense that you simply do not have to pay for it, or is it free energy in the sense that it comes from an unexhaustable source delivering a usable potential difference which can be used to create current in a secondary circuit for free, virtually forever?
The human brain is looking for known things.
It constantly compares what is observerved, to what is known stored in ones mental map to discover a match in order identify the situation.
That is the tricky part, because when it encounters something new, something it can not identify, well you won't recognise it and so that is why i say you won't notice it, and i have noticed this mechanism is responsible for people not noticing things.
I will end with the same line, put your ego's aside and a new world opens up for you.
I fully concur Turbo.
Its a good bet that many clues went unnoticed due to all the noise distractions that plague meaningful discussion here.
I honestly cannot say what motivates these habitual 'noise makers'...whether it be ego or paid interference.
The only thing clear is the consistent results of their disruptive conduct.
Hopefully we can establish an atmosphere of unchallenged expression of ideas here by bringing awareness to the prevailing pattern of obstructive conduct.
By bringing greater awareness of this repeating pattern of behavior, it will eventually lead to instant recognition of comments and questions designed to derail a topic of discussion.
Quote from: Turbo on January 04, 2014, 09:43:47 AM
Also, i used the word concept this relates to a certain way of doing things to get to something that produces free energy rather then a true working free energy device.
"a certain way of doing things to get to something that produces free energy"
"a true working free energy device"
What is the difference between these two (above)?
Quote from: Turbo on January 04, 2014, 09:43:47 AM
Also, you have to define the term free energy.
You also did not defined yours.
Some people on this board even go as far as saying that something is fake, simply because the do not have the mental capacity to understand what is going on.
Shame on those guy's...
But i already feel the need to get back to my own business.
It is clear to me that i do not belong here.
Quote from: Qwert on January 04, 2014, 10:55:41 AM
"a certain way of doing things to get to something that produces free energy"
"a true working free energy device"
What is the difference between these two?
You also did not defined yours.
a true working free energy device is a device that produces free energy forever.So now i defined free energy as wel.
This means you can look at a free energy device in operation without actually knowing how it operates.
This is the major category and it puzzles people because they do not know the principle on which the device operates.
a certain way of doing things to get to something that produces free energy FOREVER Is knowing exactly the methode, or how to, or how the a device produces free energy.
It's the piece of the puzzle you need to understand and build something.
Is that hard to understand?
Quote from: Turbo on January 04, 2014, 11:02:52 AM
Shame on those guy's...
Shame on us, shame on you.
The word "forever" makes the difference. Those sentences do not.
What happened to the old Turbo username back in the "Master of Magnetics" days?
Remember the one that even made it into a chapter of Sherlock Holmes' " The Strange Case of the Turbo Light"?
Quote from: Turbo on January 04, 2014, 11:09:27 AM
Are you done yet?
I am.
Pleez, don't do that: you have only 6 posts ???
Is it about the amount of posts?
Or is it about the answers?
I think its a rather stupid thing to base something on a persons number of posts....
You know nothing.
It seems your job is to create a lot of noise and you are doing a great job.
I will leave it there.
If anybody want's to chat they will find me.
Well, seems like another member has been successfully nitpicked into silence.
I think they may have gotten to Luc over on his thread...altho he hasn't announced his departure, he may have simply left.
Don't be intimidated Turbo...just ignore the nitpicking questions and they move on to more fertile pastures.
You don't even have to explain why you don't respond...everybody who is real here will know the reason.
Quote from: Turbo on January 04, 2014, 11:31:49 AM
It seems your job is to create a lot of noise and you are doing a great job.
I'm here to catch/expose inconsistency.
Quote from: Qwert on January 04, 2014, 12:25:05 PM
I'm here to catch/expose inconsistency.
And this thread is here to expose nitpicking consistency.
So far it appears to be working.
""What happened to the old Turbo username back in the "Master of Magnetics" days /""
I suppose this is not the same Turbo from days gone by!
Would have been much fiestier for sure....
And No mention of PAGD either?
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 12:47:02 PM
""What happened to the old Turbo username back in the "Master of Magnetics" days /""
I suppose this is not the same Turbo from days gone by!
Would have been much fiestier for sure....
And No mention of PAGD either?
Lets cut to the chase shall we.
From past experience in dealing with shills, trolls, and dipsh!ts, this ass clown is leading up to accusing me of making up fake accounts to cheer me on of to provide myself with false support.
I'm quite confident the readers realize that I have clearly demonstrated that I don't need any assistance in disposing of the human trash posing as respectable researchers on here.
But nonetheless, i do appreciate with thanks, the support I have been receiving thus far.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 04, 2014, 12:58:41 PM
Lets cut to the chase shall we.
From past experience in dealing with shills, trolls, and dipsh!ts, this ass clown is leading up to accusing me of making up fake accounts to cheer me on of to provide myself with false support.
Actually, I was not trying to do that at all capz. I know you don't need that kind of help.
My question was genuine. I suspect what happened was the Turbo of old deleted all his posts (back when we all did and moved on to another forum (before your time)) and last year registered with the same username again.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 04, 2014, 12:36:55 PM
And this thread is here to expose nitpicking consistency.
So far it appears to be working.
Well, the word "consistency" has a positive meaning and thus cannot be "exposed": only those having negative meaning can be. "Consistency" can be: confirmed, reaffirmed, certified, acknowledged, etc., never exposed.
But this thread has not a meaning to discuss this.
Quote from: poynt99 on January 04, 2014, 01:10:08 PM
Actually, I was not trying to do that at all capz. I know you don't need that kind of help.
My question was genuine. I suspect what happened was the Turbo of old deleted all his posts (back when we all did and moved on to another forum) and last year registered with the same username again.
That post clearly was directed at chetikins...I don't understand how someone who obviously pays close attention to detail could not see that.
Whether you were setting the stage for him is not least by me anyway.
OK, sorry. For the record, no I was not setting the stage.
And I might add, I can assure you that Chet was not going down that road either. Apparently we were both reminiscing about the past a bit. Sorry if we so rudely disrupted the positive, wholesome flow of this thread.
Quote from: Qwert on January 04, 2014, 01:14:43 PM
Well, the word "consistency" has a positive meaning and thus cannot be "exposed": only those having negative meaning can be. "Consistency" can be: confirmed, reaffirmed, certified, acknowledged, etc., never exposed.
But this thread has not a meaning to discuss this.
Oh, I dunno, the incessant nitpicking and disruptive posts seem pretty consistent around here t'me...and this thread is consistently exposing the minute it seems.
Quote from: poynt99 on January 04, 2014, 01:21:27 PM
...Sorry if we so rudely disrupted the positive, wholesome flow of this thread.
Quote from: poynt99 on January 04, 2014, 01:21:27 PM
OK, sorry. For the record, no I was not setting the stage.
And I might add, I can assure you that Chet was not going down that road either. Apparently we were both reminiscing about the past a bit. Sorry if we so rudely disrupted the positive, wholesome flow of this thread.
Geez, wonder what it was about your initial 'mea stupa' that I found insincere ?
Your assurance that chetikins wooden stoop to such a level of deception are just as convincing.
And no worries...your oral
diarrhea provides [/font] all the natural flow this thread requires.
Yes When this most recent Turbo made his post I thought of the Old ""Marco""
and similar statements [PAGD towards the end]
I do Miss Marco I hope all is well with him.
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 02:08:40 PM
Yes When this most recent Turbo made his post I thought of the Old ""Marco""
and similar statements [PAGD towards the end]
I do Miss Marco I hope all is well with him.
A "touching" sentiment post intended to display a faux tender human side.
Ha ha,
I never saw this thread. I say f#$k the nitpicker/ troll / shills etc. I I have to admit, they can be very annoying (especially if I've had a few drinks). I learn so much at though that I have found I have to suck it up, it is just part of the game and you have to learn how to deal with it. Silence maybe does work and I don't feel I have to explain myself to every single f*&uckhead that has a comment. Getting upset just wastes time and I try not to get wrapped up in a b.s. blanket anymore.
When someone tells me I'm wrong, stupid, uneducated, don't understand, etc., I try to put my game face on and say "nothing is impossible to those who try"(Alexander the great).
Happy New year everyone, and if you don't like how I think then let me give you a whopping double fisted, middle finger....(f^%k you)!!!
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 04, 2014, 02:49:38 AM
Oy vey !
Are those pesky goyim getting you down Cap?
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 04, 2014, 02:11:42 PM
A "touching" sentiment post intended to display a faux tender human side.
Some logic:
- This is a "Thread for naysayers, nitpickers, and shills"
- I'm here because I'm a nitpicker. And I like a good laugh too. But you're regularly crossing the line with your insults... :o
- If Cap-Z-Ro isn't a naysayer, nor is he a nitpicker, as he has made that quite clear, then that only leaves one possibility...
So, how much are they paying you Cap? ???
Quote from: gdez on January 04, 2014, 02:23:05 PM
Ha ha,
I never saw this thread. I say f#$k the nitpicker/ troll / shills etc. I I have to admit, they can be very annoying (especially if I've had a few drinks). I learn so much at though that I have found I have to suck it up, it is just part of the game and you have to learn how to deal with it. Silence maybe does work and I don't feel I have to explain myself to every single f*&uckhead that has a comment. Getting upset just wastes time and I try not to get wrapped up in a b.s. blanket anymore.
When someone tells me I'm wrong, stupid, uneducated, don't understand, etc., I try to put my game face on and say "nothing is impossible to those who try"(Alexander the great).
Happy New year everyone, and if you don't like how I think then let me give you a whopping double fisted, middle finger....(f^%k you)!!!
This site needs more involvement form people like yourself gdez.
The usual suspects here have far too much elbow room presently.
Quote from: tim123 on January 04, 2014, 02:23:45 PM
Are those pesky goyim getting you down Cap?
Some logic:
- This is a "Thread for naysayers, nitpickers, and shills"
- I'm here because I'm a nitpicker. And I like a good laugh too. But you're regularly crossing the line with your insults... :o
- If Cap-Z-Ro isn't a naysayer, nor is he a nitpicker, as he has made that quite clear, then that only leaves one possibility...
So, how much are they paying you Cap? ???
Too easy.
I'm just the guy who drew all you ass clowns out into the open for all to view.
And one of poynt's insincere thank you's to you for your cooperation in that effort.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on January 04, 2014, 02:32:50 PM
...all you ass clowns...
Is that the best you can do? I hope they're not paying you much.
Your pathetic attempts at sh!t-stirring are noted... Not just by me.
I see things havent changed much around here...
Quote from: tim123 on January 04, 2014, 02:41:27 PM
Is that the best you can do? I hope they're not paying you much.
At this poynt, I really don't that much is required of me to deal with your ilk...given that I've already taken care of business these last cuppla daze.
And I wooden think of charging Stefan for what amounted to taking a few bags of trash to the dumpster.
BTW, wood you rather be deposited in the solid waste bin or the one with the stale beer cans ?
Quote from: tim123 on January 04, 2014, 02:41:27 PM
Your pathetic attempts at sh!t-stirring are noted...Not just by me.
Slithering back down to the level of projecting your peccadilloes [/font]on to others I see...not a good sign.
*expresses insincere concern*
I perceive that as high praise...coming from an outed sh!t-stirrer ?[/font]
What happened to you ?
Whats with all the Vulgararity and Dirty talk,why do you feel Stephan would even remotely approve of this?
Please tone down your profanity and Dirty talk.
Some people do have children who follow these threads and even a child knows that this type of behavior is not appropriate in a public Venue.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2014, 11:52:51 PM
I will leave you to your little corner go back to playing with your self and all your many adversaries!
Welll, just lookie here now...looks like our little chetikins doesn't have that good a memory after all...he seems to have forgotten that it was he who opened the sh!thouse door in the first place.
This clown has to be the one of the worst gluttons for punishment I've ever encountered.
I'm starting to feel like the muscle bound dood on the beach kicking sand on the helpless wimpy poindexter guy.
I see how your mind works, absolutely everything is about some type of perversion to you?
So when I say that you are basically playing with yourself here thats dirty talk in your mind?
I would probably be hard pressed to say anything to you that you would not infer was some inuendo?
probably most of my last sentence would put you into some sort of dirty frenzy.
listen Bud keep your mind outa the gutter
you claim to represent a man who is quite spiritual and would never behave this way or endorse this type of language .
A sincere thank you
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 07:06:22 PM
So when I say that you are basically playing with yourself here thats dirty talk in your mind?
A sincere thank you
Well, apparently while we were all watching football chetikins has written a revised
thesaurus where "playing with yourself" doesn't mean the same thing as it used to anymore.
[/font]What can I say except, go play with yourself then.
And after you're finished maybe you can tell us what it was that you were doing.
I have a sneaking suspicion it involves a 'happy ending'.
Posted by GotolucQuoteI have shared that 30 watts is the max I can pull out of my gen. Anything above that and the prime mover has to supply more energy in the standard way.
My generator has a 12uf cap for exciter field. Cap connected and prime mover needs about 158 watts to turn gen at 3500 RPM. If I disconnect the exciter cap the prime mover needs about 100 watts to turn the gen head. Prime mover is 3600 RPM max.
What more do you guys want, 158 Watts in and 30 Watts out. Easy. Go for it. Loop it. It's fruit for the picking.
Quote from: Farmhand on January 04, 2014, 07:29:18 PM
Posted by Gotoluc
What more do you guys want, 158 Watts in and 30 Watts out. Easy. Go for it. Loop it. It's fruit for the picking.
If accurately stated by you, a conclusion which would have been reached in short order if not for the incessant ego flexing and disruption.
So, your point is what, exactly ?
You act like a perverted child who uses absolutely any excuse possible to speak Dirty
Thus You play [as a child] and in this case for the most part you play with and for yourself ,
most certainly you do not represent the very kind and devoutely spiritual Luc !
Your behavior here is no doubt a complete embarassment to him and in total conflict with his beliefs.
with all sincerity
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 07:40:34 PM
You act like a perverted child who uses absolutely any excuse possible to speak Dirty
Thus You play [as a child] and in this case for the most part you play with and for yourself ,
How many times do you have to restate that lie of denial before you convince yourself you're not looking like a totally pathetic liar who got caught trying to smear someone with his own excrement ?
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 07:40:34 PM
most certainly you do not represent the very kind and devoutely spiritual Luc !
For all you know Luc could be my son, or my brother, so what do you know about who if anyone I represent ?
...and what does it have to do with you getting caught trying to smear me with the crap you yourself just plastered all over your own face...right in front of the readers ?
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 07:40:34 PM
Your behavior here is no doubt a complete embarassment to him and in total conflict with his beliefs.
Just between you, me, and the gatepost...I don't think Luc wants or needs you or anyone else to express his feelings for him...particularly such a shameless phony.
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 07:40:34 PM
with all sincerity
With all the sincerity a 2 faced shameless liar can fake anyway right ?
You sure seem to like taking a beating...are you some sort of masochist or something ?
Geez, the thot just occurred to're not "playing with yourself" during all this are you ?
I feel like I need to shower
weak very weak indeed............
you apparently have a very bright mind, you just lack self control .
In the future if you are going to champion a man and his cause you should at the very least maintain a much higher standard than you have here ,
this is truly embarrassing
I hope you at the very least appologize to Luc for your miss guided zeal and infantile behavior
fair thee well............
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 08:31:29 PM
weak very weak indeed............
Hang on, I gonna need a doobie for this one...
Ah, thats refreshing !
Now, where was we say in Hootersville (in remembrance of Lisa Douglas).
Oh yeah...weak ? In the land of chetikins that obviously means strong right ?
Just going by your logic that "playing with yourself" doesn't really mean playing with yourself.
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 08:31:29 PM
you apparently have a very bright mind, you just lack self control .
Not to be an ungrateful recipient of a backhanded compliment, but you guys really were a good deal less than a huge challenge.
Now you take 'wilby' for he was a real challenge. I just narrowly bested him when he made a minor assumption.
I may even have made one myself here, but wilby would be the one to locate it...if, there actually was one - which there isn't...honest...I mean it...there isn't one...there just isn' don't waste you're time looking.
Hey ! What was that ? Did you all hear that ? Never mind, I forgot I had the headphones on.
What time is Matlock on tonite ?
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 08:31:29 PM
In the future if you are going to champion a man and his cause you should at the very least maintain a much higher standard than you have here ,
What man what cause ?
If you mean Luc, he just happened to be the in the hot seat when I finally grew tired of the incessant game playing interfering and interrupting my education in the alt energy field.
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 08:31:29 PM
this is truly embarrassing
Those Freudian admissions of yours are priceless...and well worth the price of admission (unavoidable pun included)
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 08:31:29 PM
I hope you at the very least appologize to Luc for your miss guided zeal and infantile behavior
So you're asking if i think that you should apologize for something rude you told a Miss Guided from New Zealand to do ?
Quote from: ramset on January 04, 2014, 08:31:29 PM
fair thee well............
Live long and prosper Spock
Beam me up Scottie...and have Ensign '6 of 9' meet me in my ready room.
Perhaps you should not get high and champion a cause,and maybe not make a joke out of ever post.
Try to act as a man with a cause not as an angry child with no real direction but anger itself?
at the very least be more familiar with the persons here and what they actually are trying to do here.
Luc works here to serve the less fortunate [and has dedicated huge blocks of his life to that] ,his dream is to help others who can't possibly help themselves,it is more a calling and once their you have few other choices.
Poynt knows that too, all he wants to do is Help make LUC's efforts as productive and focused as possible.
Luc teaches us how we should be ,Poynt teaches Luc how to be the best possible researcher .
That is what is going on here ,the history of the Men involved is not refutable their actions speak for themselves.
Non of us are perfect ,we don't always do or say what we mean at every moment.
If you want to help Luc ?
Offer him some support ask him if he needs something?
it would be effort well spent!
I salute these Men and their purpose, they serve us all..............
I would absolutely love to Learn what ever you can teach
and you can rest assured no part will be for bussiness in any way whatsoever!!
Captain Z-Ro is an American children's television show that ran locally on KRON in San Francisco beginning in November 1951, and was later nationally syndicated in the United States, ending its run of original episodes on June 10, 1956.
Quote from: Hoppy on January 05, 2014, 07:23:25 AM
Captain Z-Ro is an American children's television show that ran locally on KRON in San Francisco beginning in November 1951, and was later nationally syndicated in the United States, ending its run of original episodes on June 10, 1956.
Good find, I had no idea! (
Quote from: TinselKoala on January 05, 2014, 07:31:43 AM
Good find, I had no idea! (
Yep, it looks like time has stood still for the Captain!
Lol-old video that one.
i think capy's just board,and needs something to do ::)
Maybe the adult entertainment industry isnt doing so well any more :-\
Alright, I've been outed...looks as tho some real research has been done.
And yes, I'm a washed up out of work 90 year old kids show actor...I hape you're hoppy now. (wattsup inspired pun included).
Now that I've been exposed, I'll have to take my leave of this place, and continue my battle with the forces of darkness elsewhere.
Sorry, that was just a little make believe super hero humor, you're still stuck with me.
But, I do think this thread was a successful endeavor, which I will summarize later on today while I unstick chet's feet from this tar baby.
I was under the impression that Cap actually stood for Capacitor, and that Z-ro stood for Zero Current.
This means Voltage only and, voltage is cheap.
And It's litterally all around us.....
Strange how things can have different meanings to one another.
Captain Zero i salute you.
Thank you Turbo.
I get the sense you may know the real purpose this thread was created...which I will state later on today, as it will require more time that I have at present.
Captain Z-Ro was my first childhood here and my second positive male role model, after my grandfather...and probably sparked my interest in exploring the unknown...before life took me to other places, some not so pleasant, but served to toughen me up for what I was to face later on in life.
But that is a story for another day.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
Perhaps you should not get high and champion a cause,and maybe not make a joke out of ever post.
If I was a substance abuser as you imply, somebody, anybody would have found a chink in my armor a long time ago, don't you think ?
And when I'm doing a dirty job, I find a little humor helps balance the is all about balance I've found.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
Try to act as a man with a cause not as an angry child with no real direction but anger itself?
Oh, everything was done with purpose, you are just not able to see the big picture.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
at the very least be more familiar with the persons here and what they actually are trying to do here.
Underestimating people seems to be your
Achilles [/font]heel.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
Luc works here to serve the less fortunate [and has dedicated huge blocks of his life to that] ,his dream is to help others who can't possibly help themselves,it is more a calling and once their you have few other choices.
Once again...why do you keep harping on Luc, he is not a motivating factor for this thread ?
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
Poynt knows that too, all he wants to do is Help make LUC's efforts as productive and focused as possible.
He seems to be helping now...before he wasn't tho...which was a very BIG problem here.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
Luc teaches us how we should be ,Poynt teaches Luc how to be the best possible researcher .
Luc has great patience and
perseverance [/font]without a doubt...else we would have lost him a good ways back.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
That is what is going on here ,the history of the Men involved is not refutable their actions speak for themselves.
And its some of those actions that inspired this thread, which apparently you still haven't figured that out yet.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
Non of us are perfect ,we don't always do or say what we mean at every moment.
Now now, slipping into the Freudian zone again.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
If you want to help Luc ?
Offer him some support ask him if he needs something?
it would be effort well spent!
I'm am here for anybody needing assistance, particularly this forum as a whole.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 05:10:39 AM
I salute these Men and their purpose, they serve us all..............
Personally, I do not advocate blanket salutations.
My summation of this mission will be posted after I watch that episode of Captain Z-ro that TK was so kind to post.
for the reccord
Poynt has been helping and teaching researchers here and elsewhere for a very long time ,privately as well as publicly,[at great personal investmentof time and money]do not think for an instant your torrid behavior here has done anything to dissuade or encourage him.
regarding the sensativities of Luc [whom this thread is not about] hell and all its horses could not drag him from his task .....
Oh and yes Broad salutations are meaningless ,much like handing out "major awards" to everyone who plays regardless of merit.[mine were not such salutations ]
as for TK he is in a class all his own ,a truly remarkable fellow indeed.
likewise for the TinMan....
In all of this we have the mix of imperfections and personal minutia that make us Human.
sorry if it doesn't always meet your standards.
I think you forgot we were friends ....we are most certainly not foes...
of one thing you can be certain we have similar goals just different methods.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
for the reccord
Poynt has been helping and teaching researchers here for a very long time ,privately as well as publicly,[at great personal investmentof time and money]do not think for an instant your torrid behavior here has done anything to dissuade or encourage him.
And I am kind to animals and like kids...does that absolve me too ?
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
regarding the sensativities of Luc [whom this thread is not about] hell and all its horses could not drag him from his task .....
Luc again ??
I believe he mentioned spending a couple of days at his girlfriend's I'm beginning to think he didn't just mention it in passing.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
Oh and yes Broad salutations are meaningless ,much like handing out "major awards" to everyone who plays regardless of merit.[mine were not such salutations ]
From your perspective possibly...we can only hope so.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
as for TK he is in a class all his own ,a truly remarkable fellow indeed.
Now, I have to caution you here (for your own good), the readership just may be starting to suspect that you are keep bringing up names in hopes of baiting me into making a negative comment that you could then hold over my head, like the sword of Damacles.
You're not wilby don't ya know ?
Well, I knew wilby...and you're no wilby (a little Presidential pun for those who may catch it).
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
In all of this we have the mix of imperfections and personal minutia that make us Human.
Thanks, none of us were aware of that...oy vey !
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
sorry if it doesn't always meet your standards.
I'm thinking pretty much everybody familiar with me (with the possible exception of yourself) or of the genesis of this thread knows my standards.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
I think you forgot we were friends ....we are most certainly not foes...
Now, how in the heckll could or would I ever be friends" with you after witnessing your adolescent adoration of banned user 'Grumpy' as he abused other members...referring to him many times after the banning as 'Saint Grumpy' ?
Just because I was civil and cordial to you just means that I was 'civil and cordial' to you...nothing more.
You recently accused me of hiding behind my user name...however, I have always used my true name when responding to sincere PM'S from members here...I've even shared my web site when it became relevant.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 08:49:49 PM
of one thing you can be certain we have similar goals just different methods.
I truly have no idea what your goals are...just my own.
Due to the fact that there has been a very noticeable refreshingly positive change in the tone of discourse among the members in the threads where I originally began expressing my displeasure along with a dire warning, I was planning and attempting to wind this puppy down.
Chet however, is a little slow putting away the shovel...and the thread has so many readers, I believe I owe it to them to keep things going for as long as chet hold he provides so many excellent straight lines, its a shame to let them go to waste.
Summation delayed ever so schlightly...
this is where the drugs can take their toll,while I am most definately handing you a stick to beat me with I cannot let this go unanswered ....
Saint Grumpy??
Surely you jest....
Dare I speak the words out loud [no I will just quietly type them]
Saint Buzz ,there has never been nor will there ever be a saint Grumpy..
put down the Doobee and drink more water to flush that garbage from your little frying grey cells.
hopefully the damage is reversible....
please do not summon "the Buzz" ,there was a time when I too played Buzzed like yourself...
those days are long gone.
Oh and for the reccord
on the scale of "work performed" and "goals reached"
Plunking out dirty posts on a forum whilst sucking on a joint and watching football games
is not even on the same page as a skilled man taking time away from his family and personal life to help teach a total stranger how to do a better job.[also note the willingness to put his hand in his own pocket and purchase bits and pieces to help this task along]
that person being Poynt [also Tinman and TK do this all the time ]
and for the reccord if you attribute this long standing benevolent behavior to your showing up on a few threads recently
well drink some more water..............
there are lessons being taught here and your lesson is not really the shining star at the moment.
regarding post counts and readers.
Train wrecks always draw a crowd .....
lets not go there.
quite sincerely
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
this is where the drugs can take their toll,while I am most definately handing you a stick to beat me with I cannot let this go unanswered ....
Saint Grumpy??
Surely you jest....
No, actually I was baiting you...yet again I'm afraid...get ready.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
Dare I speak the words out loud [no I will just quietly type them]
Saint Buzz ,there has never been nor will there ever be a saint Grumpy..
Well, to continue the story...
After "Saint" Grumpy was banned, I lost count of how many times few times...just like every other troll, he had to finish his bidness, and reupped during those intervals as, yes you guess it - Buzz.
Until he was permanently banned.
All the while the Grumpy/Buzz/and others (I believe there were others, but I can't recall how many) user had one main thing in common...the adoring (and "sincere") chet bringing up the rear, so to speak.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
put down the Doobee and drink more water to flush that garbage from your little frying grey cells.
hopefully the damage is reversible....
Unlike you, I have the good sense to do things in moderation...your ship has sailed apparently.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
please do not summon "the Buzz" ,there was a time when I too played Buzzed like yourself...
those days are long gone.
Yeah...but the after affects of your substance abuse are readily apparent tho...unless you were dropped on your head of course.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
Oh and for the reccord
on the scale of "work performed" and "goals reached"
Plunking out dirty posts on a forum whilst sucking on a joint and watching football games
is not even on the same page as a skilled man taking time away from his family and personal life to help teach a total stranger how to do a better job.[also note the willingness to put his hand in his own pocket and purchase bits and pieces to help this task along]
that person being Poynt
From someone telling others to 'go play with themselves', thats pretty sound advice...if you're on crack maybe.
Now, I am not implying that one of the substances was crack, I was just joking.
You remind me more of someone who took an acid trip and is still traveling.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
and for the reccord if you attribute this long standing benevolent behavior to your showing up on a few threads recently
well drink some more water..............
I guess we all know why you didn't provide my quote claiming "this long standing benevolent behavior", don't we.
And thats because you're making sh!t up again.
But you can do that without shame because your past substance abuse gave you the power of 'totalled' recall.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
there are lessons being taught here and your lesson is not really the shining star at the moment.
Well, its abundantly clear you haven't hit the learning curve...with good reason I purposely didn't add the word 'yet'.
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
regarding post counts and readers.
Train wrecks always draw a crowd .....
Well, I guess you wood know, you had to have seen a lot of crowds
Quote from: ramset on January 05, 2014, 10:09:38 PM
lets not go there.
quiet sincerely
Oh, you're already there...or you think you are at least.
And I see now that you're "quite sincerely".
I don't need to translate that for the readers here, so I'll do it just so you know that we all know...that you're in reality saying 'smugly sincerely'...thinking throughout your post that you 'had me'.
Bummer huh ?
"Sincerest" apology for harshing your permanent "Buzz".
So that was your long waited summary...
perhaps you'll figure out how to post here someday,I have to say your mind does get busy.
All I can say Is thanks to Poynt Hoppy TinselKoala Tim123 TinMan Farmhand
and however else you outed in your thread here [some were outed and then removed]
your summary seems to have lost its focus and gone off the original intent and onto the head of Chet.
so be it
I know it was an easy job for you to do ""low hanging fruit"" and all that,actually your redirect is more like grasping at straws to justify this nonsense.
I find your long awaited summary quite lacking in explaining your behavior here
You seem to have no problem whatsoever throwing peoples names and reputations around like rags??
Your arrogance is only outshined by your ignorance of the facts regarding these men .
you are completely and absolutely wrong about the persons you have "outed" here.
your are totally unqualified in any way whatsoever to comment on these threads regarding the queries that those looking to help and guide others have made .
so you resort to this sophmoric behavior for some bizzare reason that seems to have more to do with some old cartoon super hero persona.
grow up, put down the joint, shut up sit down and pay attention .
Maybe you'll learn something useful.
The lessons being taught here are free.
stop looking a gift horse in the mouth and show a little appreciation for the time and effort the men here put into trying to help these researchers.
unlike your interpretation of help [sitting on your but typing pornographic nonsense]
they actually dedicate a lot of time and resources to this cause
you take the word "entitlled" to a whole new level.......
you had your summary I just had mine ,
fair thee well
I do find it funny you think Grumpy and The Buzz are the same guy
your such a sleuth..........
Not that this has a single thing to do with your topic or the men you insult and libel
in this public forum.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
perhaps you'll figure out how to post here someday,
First I have to figure out what you're talking about tho.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
I have to say your mind does get busy.
Someone have a gun to your head ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
All I can say Is thanks to Poynt Hoppy TinselKoala Tim123 TinMan Farmhand
and however else you outed in your thread here
Y'see, that was the whole beauty of it, I didn't have to out anybody...they enrolled in the class.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
[some were outed and then removed]
"Then removed" what ? Was that one of your incomplete thots...or just another residual 'acid flashback' symptom ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
your summary seems to have lost its focus and gone off the original intent and onto the head of Chet.
so be it
Be patient, I'll get to my summary when we're all done...well, by now I guess we know you're already half done.
Whether you'll even read it, or remember it for that matter is anybody's guess.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
I know it was an easy job for you to do [low hanging fruit and all that]
Well, you know what they say down at the comedy club, don't look a good straight line in the mouth.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
but don't lose sight of the facts
Jess don't you worry chetyikins...I got my eye on them ornery facts right now...and if they so much as look like they're gonna deviate from themselves, I'll blast their vowels to smitherines with my trusty dubble flinted bong lighter.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
you are completely and absolutely wrong about the persons you have "outed" here.
Then I guess they couldn't really been 'outed' could they ? Technically speaking.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
your are totally unqualified in any way whatsoever to comment on these threads regarding the queries that those looking to help and guide others have made .
Why, I'll have you know I'm the Mayor of my town,
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
so you resort to this sophmoric behavior for some bizzare reason that seems to have more to do with some old cartoon super hero persona.
Well, y'all know they say..."when in Rome..."
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
grow up, put down the joint, shut up sit down and pay attention .
Only if you remove the vibrator from your mouth...for my sanity's sake, at least I hope its your mouth.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
the lessons being taught here are free.
You mean I been paying for admission all this time for nothing ?
I feel taken advantage of.
And all that money I paid you for Grumpy's glossary of cavitation based free energy 'Buzz' words too ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
stop looking a gift horse in the mouth and show a little appreciation for the time and effort the men here put into trying to help these researchers.
Baiting becomes you...nice try...again...almost bit this time...not.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
unlike your interpretation of help [sitting on your but typing nonsence]
Hmmm, that description fits you like a glove...oh that Freud.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
they actually dedicate a lot of time and resources to this cause
What happened to that old giggling school girl chet smugly thumbing his not at the end of his last post, when he tho he had gained the upper hand ?
I missed that big galoot[/font].
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
you take the word "entitlled" to a whole new level.......
Well, I wood never have done that , if "entitled" hadn't told me it wasn't afraid of heights.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
you had your summary I just had mine , summary wood be're not even following along are I typing too fast ?
Wood it help if I used 'caps' ?
Oh...riiiight - the acid...sorry, I keep forgetting...please forgive me.
Mea stupa.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
fair thee well
I have a feeling we'll be seeing a few more 'fare thee well's' before one sticks.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 12:41:51 AM
I do think it funny you think Grumpy and The Buzz are the same guy
your such a sleuth..........
Well finally !
And good rebuttal there sparky...I give in...uncle...ya got me in the heart...I didn't see it took all the wind outta my sails with that one.
That really was just a fart, sorry - its that "low hanging fruit" thing rearing its ugly head again. And, I didn't mean the other kind of head either, if thats what you were thinking !
Just can't pass 'em up tho, it seems...say, is there a 12 step program or an 'app' for that ?
I'm afraid I found myself in a position where I must humble seek your wise counsel (you're still down with ass kissing, right?)...I have always sought only the most highly qualified expert opinion when unable to remedy a particular problem. your learned opinion, just how much and what variety of acid wood it take to clear one's mind of an unamed nasty habit ?
Oh, and I'm asking on behalf of a friend.
Cap-Z-ro [What is that mess you just posted ]
thank you
I actually thought you had something of substance to justify your position
Your sillyness has set me free............
just remember the next time you fly, put your seatbelt on and pray that some nitpicking professional made sure your plane was all it was supposed to be when you signed on and bought that ticket .
because the men you "pick on" here are used to living by rules that peoples lives depend upon every day,
yeah if they do something wrong someone could get hurt or much worse.
they cannot help but maintain those standards in their work and those same standards are of course reflected in their methods for investigating the work of others ,"very high standards"
Tedious and methodical but absolutely necessary.
I have lived by these standards all my professional life it can grow weary at times however the cost of compromise is too great and not an option.
Their end of the pool is very deep their experience and ability to spot mistakes with instruments is something they do for a living not a hobby,they are not learning how to read the instruments and make the calculatons they live and breathe that stuff everyday,
Consumate professionals......
and for the reccord you throw the word Liar around like candy
I have not spoken one word of a lie here
starting with the comment about some fellow saying your acc't had been hacked do to some crazy posts
I believe you can Pm the pirate on that one [i seem to remember him commenting back to that fellow and others]
Also for the record I do no drugs or mind altering substances of any type
go back to your comedy show.
life is too short and the job is too big to spend on your nonsense.
I just could not sit idly by while you spoke lies about Men who have helped myself and many others many times [and still do]
end of story
thats my final answer my train just left.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
Cap-Z-ro [What is that mess you just posted ]
thank you
Don't worry about it...I wooden expect you to just have to show up and act naturally.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
I actually thought you had something of substance to justify your position
Your sillyness has set me free............
Oh, when was that...when I was "rambling", according to you, or when I was making all those alleged "bizarre" posts ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
just remember the next time you fly, put your seatbelt on and pray that some nitpicking professional made sure your plane was all it was supposed to be when you signed on and bought that ticket .
because the men you "pick on" here are used to living by rules that peoples lives depend upon every day,
yeah if they do something wrong someone could get hurt or much worse.
they cannot help but maintain those standards in their work and those same standards are of course reflected in their methods for investigating the work of others ,"very high standards"
Tedious and methodical but absolutely necessary.
I have lived by these standards all my professional life it can grow weary at times however the cost of compromise is too great and not an option.
Their end of the pool is very deep their experience and ability to spot mistakes with instruments is something they do for a living not a hobby,they are not learning how to read the instruments and make the calculatons they live and breathe that stuff everyday,
Consumate professionals......
Do you see yourself as a martyr or more of a Saint ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
and for the reccord you throw the word Liar around like candy
You're just trying to trick me into saying 'liar liar pants on fire' aren't you ?
Well its not going to work on, maybe.
D'oh, I just said it didn't ?
Well, I guess thats pretty much it chetikins, you beat me fair an' square.
This is huge, it might even bring wilby back out of retirement.
You know I'm just jazzing right ?
Had to make that crystal clear to you...after all you are a little slow on the upload you know.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
I have not spoken one word of a lie here
starting with the comment about some fellow saying your acc't had been hacked do to some crazy posts
Now, if there's one thing an audience dislikes, its, we don't need to be rehashing things from page 2.
I can PM you a few topic ideas if you're strapped for material.
Don't be a parrot...all the viewers will leave before my summary.
I didn't just give you an angle, did I ? Hope knot.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
I believe you can Pm the pirate on that one [i seem to remember him commenting back to that fellow and others]
The same 'pirate' who once mentioned that I help make him see how corrupt the system was...that 'pirate' ?
Naw, I say thats on you sport...and I'm sure he'll be just tickled that you dragged him into your mess.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
Also for the record I do no drugs or mind altering substances of any type
That horse has already left the barn, apparently at a young age (the worst possible time)...the symptoms of arrested are many.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
go back to your comedy show.
Its right here silly, and you're my straight man...remember ?
Oh yeah, arrested development memory.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
life is too short and the job is too big to spend on your nonsense.
How wood you know ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AMI just could not sit idly by while you spoke lies about Men who have helped myself and many others many times [and still do]
Between me an' you, I think they may be getting just a teeny bit weirded our by the incessant ass kissing you're doing here ?
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
end of story
Well, we'll just hafta see what the tar baby brings.
Quote from: ramset on January 06, 2014, 02:38:52 AM
thats my final answer my train just left.
Hope you're not mistaken for could get cold in there this time of year.
I'll just hold off on that summary...just, in case.
Well, looks like this thread has finally run its course.
It has been successful in its intent...which was to call attention to the anti social behavior of a number of individuals.
Calling attention to this painful to watch activity has seemingly, at least for the time being, brought about a positive change in the level of discourse.
I now see members who were constantly at loggerheads, preventing or bogging down any desired progress on a number of topics.
Normally, I am a fairly easy going individual...but having a background of childhood physical and mental abuse, along with many attempts to destroy me professionally, I had to develop tools of self preservation and protection.
Strangely enough my childhood experiences toughen me up for what was to come later.
One of the most important tools I acquired is the ability to recognize changes in human patterns of behavior, and a good sense of intuition.
Usually, I can spot dishonesty after watching someone's interaction with others...but this becomes almost impossible amid an atmosphere of rudeness, bickering and ego driven posturing.
Now if we can all just treat each other with respect in our discussions on topics presented, it will be a whole lot easier to weed out the paid agents of disinfo, who, without a doubt troll this and other progressive sites on the net.
Its regrettable if I have soured relations with some here with this thread, but if it improver interpersonal relations and hastens the quest for freedom and independence, it is something I can live with.
The very best to ALL in the coming year.
There are not many of "us" .
we need to work together as much as possible with the few we have.
I forgot I was your friend..........
have a good night
What happened? Did Captain Z-RO run out of vitriol suddenly?
Or maybe he just ran out of the gin.
The mind complex by any standard with all of its complexities it can be fragile at times. Patterns can be very misleading at times as well as soon as you start linking one thing to one thing to one thing and they all have a common denomination you then start looking for things even deeper to support your theory as well the movie the number 23 was a great display of this. While I do see how he may arrived at this conclusion because of comments that may stifle a bit of innovation we must also realize that instruments of measure are too our friend and those that have them at their disposal to use and do to share with us should be respected equally for going out of their way to give their side. It is tough when you are the technically inclined and you have quite a bit more at your disposal than most to derive your conclusion and this at times leads to patience being lost with someone who can be temporarily blind or unknowing of what you speak of as it may look like greek to them. (And some of the math probably is lol) but there is a right way and a wrong way to lead as well. Good leadership allows conditions for people to develop to their full potential and this is important because you have earned another peer to discuss things with someone at your level of understanding or near it this allows for much more fruition to com from discussion. Sharp jabbing quick phrases can be tough from either side best thing to do is retain yourself if you know better and take a more moderate and conserved approach to teach others why something is wrong and on the other hand maybe it is best if you try to understand just where they are coming from and what they are saying it is possible that you may learn something worth spending the time on. But personal stabs or sharp comments from neither side help. It is amazing I know this is going to sound weird but for the folks that have all the tools when you explain things you should explain as if you are talking to a complete beginner... I find that no matter what this is the best approach many times people are afraid to admit that they are lacking or not relevant to a topic but they want to get involved it is as simple as that. Not that I am insinuating anything it is just personal observation from helping people who are computer illiterate and I am sure it translates here as well. I've been attacked on a personal level a good many times from a boss that I have and it has resulted in a lot of lost opertunity and pay grade I knew what happened because he singled me out and told me one day but with no way to prove it he flipped it on me and being that he was family and he was jelous as he told me and wanted to be in sales but they would not take him in that position he didn't want me advancing to an IT based position even though I have all of the credentials to back everything up he pulled out every trick in the book. It was sick at the time but I'm over it I have learned how to deal with his narcissistic tendencies even though they were costly physically, mentally and not to mention the pocket book it took quite a chunk out of me a well. I still deal with his I'm right even when I'm wrong but I have learned ways to approach each issue that he throws my way.
And I would bet I am not the first and will not be the last who has walked in those shoes. Being greatful for what one has and what one has endured to make them the person they are today can be one of the strongest things and it instills an unwavering stain of confidence that cannot be wiped off.
I thank you all for reading what I had to share with this thread and I hope all parties can get over this thing in an adult like fashion.
We are all subject to the same fate in the end so let us work together until that day comes.
Since I was constructively offered an invitation to comment at this thread essentially because I stood up for my rights and the rights of others not to be attacked at another thread, I will accept that offer, providing I first have the opportunity to make my case.
I signed up to this forum back in 2007 but really never wanted to comment because this forum didn't really appeal to me. I don't like to see people being attacked because they bring new ideas.
I encourage anybody who is unjustly attacked to offer a defense and stand up for your rights.
QEG: The people of this planet need an energy technology which will neither destroy the planet or cause their extinction. I saw a statistic, and I don't know if it's true or not, but I tend to believe that for the most part it is true. It said that we (and I mean everybody) spend on average 600 trillion US dollars on energy annually. That is a huge amount of money, but it also equates into a huge amount of pollution and thus damage to the planet.
This QEG technology may or may not work. Only time and effort will tell. If it works, then great. Let's put it to use. We may not be able to save the planet, but at least we can try.
Well done Cap-Z-ro. It was a worthy mission.
The discussion was a pleasure to read, thoroughly
enjoyable and very diverse in its content.
Rather reminded me of those long ago starry nights at
sea when sailors would lay aft to the fantail to engage
in some serious ear bangin' and sea stories.
Frankly, I'm all for free speech between men, guys or
whatever (real males.) We're built to take it.
My line in the sand is when guys gang up on females
and resort to ungentlemanly conduct and expression.
Carry on Men! This discussion could get even more
interesting and revealing...
Thanks for speaking out vbid...its important in changing the atmosphere to one of free expression of ideas.
The more who like you who make their presence and viewpoint known, the more those who are attacked or ridiculed for their ideas will feel emboldened to push back, knowing they have strong support.
And thanks was a dirty job that needed doing...people were reluctant to freely express their thoughts due to the prevailing atmosphere of derision permeating the site.
So in order to counter balance the negativity this thread attracted, I had to make it entertaining, in a bawdy fashion, in keeping with the flow of the blow back.
Such is the life of a writer on embarked on another less fulfilling life path.
As I touched upon above, some people (men) can't take it, and walk away.
Speaking as someone who grew up in an abusive situation, I learned to stand up for brother became timid.
As you can see, my 'line in the sand' is when 'anyone' is abused in my, I guess we concur on that point...I'm just more inclusive thats all (sorry, I'm hostage to any funny line).
I know a lot of very smart people who are very timid and would stop posting if attacked.
I want to hear what those people have to offer...which is what prompted this thread.
So glad you enjoyed the journey.
Time for another chapter:
This one is dedicated to the sheer lunacy and arm flailing of the pseudonym 'MileHigh' and the operatives at that designated keyboard.
it appears that entity may have switched operators due to stress related issues.
New member TheoriaApophasis ( started a very thought provoking and mind stimulating thread
...which like clockwork IMMEDIATELY attracted the crow like eye of the 'MileHigh' entity saw the potential of the info put forward and pounced on him like a cat in heat.
After waiting the length of time another of the usual suspects stated to tag team Theo (TA) by heaping generous portions of ridicule at him.
Seamonkey is to be commended for entering the fray lending support to TA...and honorable mention to member 'steeltpu' and E2matrix.
No page 7, TA was finally able to stuff the MH entity back in the box for a time.
My gratitude expressed:
" TA,
My thanks in in someone (you) finally putting that long winded loud mouthed schnook in his place.
Its just a shame a few of the others didn't take a kick at the tar baby.
A cuppla well educated and respected members entered, giving the MH entity another reason to exist...again.
As often happens I grew tired of the dog and pony antics of this disruptive shillery, engaging the MH entity...quickly raising his/its blood pressure enough to send me a PM of a loonacy laced complaint he/it purportedly sent to ADM.(copied below)
He/its frustration grew to the point where he/it may have switched operators..launching into an insane very distasteful diatribe relating to AIDS, which would certainly be offensive to any members or readers who have lost a loved one to this terrible disease.
I stopped engaging the miscreant because to continue on would be giving him/it cause to further disrupt these potentially very fruitful proceedings.
TA was however, able to sway one seemingly honest (but until now at least gullible member) into seeing the light and conducting some potentially very relevant experiments.
He/it/they likely won't spent much time and energy defending their "good names" here tho...because they will not be disrupting anything...and likely wooden get paid for that.
Here's how things played out...
" SeaMonkey, Captain Zero:
When you try to imply that I am a "paid operative" or whatever, I consider that reckless endangerment and you potentially put my life in danger. If my name ever slipped out, then it would take five minutes to know where I live and where I work and what I look like.
The percentage of mentally unstable people on the free energy forums is certainly much higher than that of the general population. I don't want a nutcase to drive an icepick through my skull while I am walking down the street. Do you get that? Stop trying to imply that I am something that I am not because you recklessly put my life in danger when you do that. I don't give a sh*t if the chances are small, it doesn't make any difference. You guys disagree? Then both of you go ahead and post your real names, your pictures, where you live, and where you work. Not going to do that because you are uncomfortable with that? No sh*t!
Just recently Captain Zero took some pot-shots at me and then actually made a posting
ENCOURAGING other people to attack me. Captain Zero, you stop that also. Do you understand me?
I am not going to be murdered by some psychotic pulse motor psycho that is being egged on by some free energy sourpuss that dislikes rational thought, and you two stop it right now.
MileHigh "
" Quote: SeaMonkey
" When men get all hypersensitive and start talkin'
like "wimmin" - it's the old power thing again.
Insult - Schminsult - now you guys are starting to
sound like Erron over at EF.
The Attackers here are very skilled at provoking
confrontational exchanges; they're also very
good at deflecting responsibility. They seem to
think their privileged status exempts them from
the rules of good order and discipline. That they
have earned the "right" to play mischief in their
Nothing is more pathetic than a Forum Man who
can dish it out but can't take the blowback.
You of course know to whom these references are
being made.
Set the Example of Gentlemanly conduct and it
will be found that Courtesy is Contagious.
Unless the Bad Boys persist in their fun...
But remember, there is a better Way. "
'Profoundly stated and undeniably true.'
And yes TA was somewhat condescending toward MH...but deservedly so...and is appreciated by me fror doing what NOBODY else around here has done...and that is make MH go silent.
The serenity was welcomed by many, but alas, short lived, as he has found shelter in the intervention of other wise but honest members who have begun to engage the theories of TA.
Rarely has someone (MH) who knows so much done so little.
Wattsup and GB are two of the most knowledgeable members here, and people I respect and lean from...the other usual suspects, I have learned its best to scroll on by.
Their focus is on constructive ideaology, as opposed to the destructive negativity espoused incessantly on newly raised subject matter.
Such activity is regularly used by the gatekeepers to stunt the outgrowth of new concepts, which many times is the outcome of failed experiments.
Carry on 'gentlemen'.
" Captain Zero:
Stop whining because people say things that you don't want to hear.
MileHigh "
" Miles,
I certainly don't wish for you to be discouraged in
any way. I really do enjoy reading your postings
and believe you perform a valuable service within
this forum.
It's unfortunate that you feel fearful of your well
being. I can't imagine anyone seriously contemplating
a physical attack upon your person. But of course
one never knows.
The level of paranoia that you're demonstrating is indeed
discomfiting. For what it's worth I've never gotten the
impression that you're a "paid operative."
Be well and keep doin' what you do. With as much
gentlemanly consideration as you can muster.
Quote from: MilesHigher
I threw my CMOS chips and my TTL chips and my
PALs and GALs and transistors and MOSFETs out
about 20 years ago!
I sincerely hope that you mean you donated those
valuable items to a worthy experimenter rather
than actually throwing them out!
Waste not, want not..."
" SeaMonkey:
Well thank you for stating that you don't think I am a "paid operative." I don't want you to ever even slightly imply it in a future posting.
You are from the Navy and you must know the logic of submarine warfare. I think TK knows it also. Something like "Type I, II, and III" errors. If you are in a submarine, you can't afford one of those errors no matter how slight the chances are because a mistake would mean certain death.
A few years ago I read a posting by some pulse motor builder and he talked about how many weapons he had and how he was willing to fight it out to the death with the Feds in some kind of "Ruby Ridge" scenario - for a bloody PULSE MOTOR.
How may postings have we seen from "crazy people" that show up for a day or two and say crazy stuff and then disappear never to be heard from again? The answer is lots.
If you and other people like Captain Zero and people like him keep on saying or implying over and over that I am a paid operative or I am with the MIB then that can sink in with one or more mentally unstable regulars or one or more mentally unstable regular lurkers.
How many times do you see even "mainstream" regulars around here and on the Energetic Forum make comments that some medium to high-profile free energy proposition disappeared because they "probably threatened his life." You see that ALL the time.
I can't afford a "Type II" (whichever) error. I do NOT WANT mentally unstable people to read over and over that I am some "evil paid operative."
That applies to you, Captain Zero, E2matrix, and anybody that does it. Any posting that has even the slightest whiff of implication that I am some kind of evil person in the employ of some evil entity will be reported. It's time for this nonsense to stop.
MileHigh "
" Just what do you think people are to conclude when one engages in the type of conduct that your continually do ?
If you wish that people will stop calling you a thief, then it only makes sense to stop doing things that make you look like a thief...its that simple.
If I had half your technological background, i would have had a free energy device a long time ago...or I would have collaborated with a like mind to create one.
How about contributing instead of quashing ideas for a change ?
Watch what happens to your reputation when you explore new 'out of the box 'ideas instead of stifling everything raised for discussion...or simply butting out when you have nothing positive to offer.
You are your own worst enemy.
Hasn't it occurred to you that I do not critisize people like wattsup and GB and the like...and why you and a few othere here are singled out ?
Do not pretend to be that dense that you cannot see how you come across on here.
Regards... "
" Captain Zero:
In a virtual sense, you don't realize that you have on thick glazed glasses that make you look like there are two eyeball-sized spheres on your face. It's that bad. You spilled your beans there but I already knew it.
I will repeat: DO NOT try to imply in any way that I am evil or MIB. I will not tolerate it because there are safety issues to consider.
MileHigh "
" Safety issues for a pseudonym ??
In a PIGS eye there are.
I knew it was a waste of are just what you come across as...and the titles come with the territory.
And you come across as a paid disinfo you will just have to live with that.
Stoopid is as stoopid does. "
" This will be reported to Stefan. "
" ...yes, and he will treat it as seriously as everyone here does...with a yawn...and possibly a burp if he's just eaten. "
" Look what this drama queen Mile High just sent me in a PM...Hope you all got a little chuckle of of it too.
" Dear Stefan:
It no fun to be called MIB because I am concerned about mentally unstable people and violence against me. If this is stated over and over it could make someone believe it. Sometime in the future I might go to a conference and literally be in fear of stating my handle. It's unacceptable for him to potentially put me in danger.
Captain Zero has to understand that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable.
MileHigh "
" Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on
Today at 05:48:36 AM (
Look what this drama queen Mile High just sent me in a PM...Hope you all got a little chuckle of of it too.
Hmmm, it looks like garden variety Schizo-affective paranoia disorder "
" I'm unsure of a proper diagnosis, but the imbalance is unmistakable.
'Hello this is my first conference - my name is Mile High - er, I mean Larry.'
" Captain Zero:
That was a stupid move. My concerns are legitimate.
You define what a field is. Also note that you were not even close in explaining the phenomenon in Tinman's experiment. People that are reading this thread that have common sense but perhaps not a big technical background at least have a second opinion on your propositions to contemplate. I find that there is a similarity to Marco Rodin and his coil. Marco doesn't have a clue how a coil works. Likewise, John Rohner doesn't have a clue how a car ignition circuit works. It's like we are in some kooky British comedy from 1957 where a reality disconnect is the underlying comedic theme running through the whole film. Your propositions and theories don't stand a chance in the real world, and when you are put to the test, you fail as expected. It's the Rodin-Rohner model once again.
MileHigh "
" Captain Zero:
You make me laugh because you in your own way are simply disconnected and living in a dream world. I think both you and E2matrix want to see every free energy proposition go forward, no matter how ridiculous and how many times very similar things have been resoundly refuted as being wrong. That means that you couldn't give a rat's ass about gullible people squandering their money and giving it to criminals. You want to sit back in your armchair and let a bunch of people get burned so you can indulge your fantasies. Throw in your belligerent disregard for my request and your public posting of my email and that makes you one morally bankrupt frustrated guy on a forum where the only thing you can do is passively comment and try to milk the system and get people to squander their hard-earned money for your desires. I am glad that I am not you.
Sorry, but you are just one in an endless line of people with propositions that don't makes sense that clearly can't punch their way out of a wet electronics or electromagnetics paper bag. Lots of big talk and absolutely no substance. You claim 20 years of research and study, but you couldn't even explain Tinman's experiment, not to mention the other basic things that I asked you that you avoided.
Your 15 minutes will be up soon and Captain Zero will latch on to the next guy that comes along and support him, even if the new guy's dubious theories are diametrically opposite to yours. You are just expendable cannon fodder for Captain Zero and in six months you will be long gone and forgotten.
MileHigh "
"Anaylis of Mile High activity and intent:
" Captain Zero:
That was a stupid move. [outing his drama queen complaint] My concerns are legitimate. [only if legitimate can be defined as stupid]"
" Captain Zero:
You make me laugh because you in your own way are simply disconnected and living in a dream world. [simple projection strategy]
I think both you and E2matrix want to see every free energy proposition go forward, no matter how ridiculous and how many times very similar things have been resoundly refuted as being wrong. [I cannot speak for E2m but am only interested in unfettered flow and development of ideas as opposed to the paid derailers of same]
That means that you couldn't give a rat's ass about gullible people squandering their money and giving it to criminals. [Blatant violin inducement]
You want to sit back in your armchair and let a bunch of people get burned so you can indulge your fantasies.
[More blatant violin inducement]
Throw in your belligerent disregard for my request and your public posting of my email and that makes you one morally bankrupt frustrated guy on a forum...
[Belligerent disregard for readers ability to go back and see the drama queen's email was not posted...oi vey]
...where the only thing you can do is passively comment and try to milk the system and get people to squander their hard-earned money for your desires.
[Some additional violin inducement for added effect I suppose]
I am glad that I am not you.
[Boy, so am I, because then I wood look like the stoopid paid shill ]
Sorry, but you are just one in an endless line of people with propositions that don't makes sense that clearly can't punch their way out of a wet electronics or electromagnetics paper bag. Lots of big talk and absolutely no substance.
[Theoria = a breath of fresh air (actual ideas) who has stimulated a rather fruitful discourse (and experiments) among some very fertile minds here]
You claim 20 years of research and study, but you couldn't even explain Tinman's experiment, not to mention the other basic things that I asked you that you avoided.
[avoiding bozos is critical to getting things done]
Your 15 minutes will be up soon and Captain Zero will latch on to the next guy that comes along and support him, even if the new guy's dubious theories are diametrically opposite to yours.
[I guess he was unable to locate examples of me doing that...because as usual, he just makes up shit to qualify his delusional drivel]
You are just expendable cannon fodder for Captain Zero and in six months you will be long gone and forgotten.
[Jilted all the other imaginary victims of my fickle flirtations with brilliance]
MileHigh "
[On a permanent high]
Notice that I did not address the shill directly this time...that is because I had only one toe inserted into the road side tar baby, which can then be easily extracted with a slight pull, without using the other foot on his arse to pry out my toe.
For the purposes of continuity I would advise everyone else just scroll by his incessant attempts to disrupt the flow of ideas.
Carry on uninterrupted guys...this is great stuff !
" Captain Zero:
How is your AIDS coming along? Are you still getting the dizzy spells? Has it started to affect your vision? Your weight was way down last year but has the new drug cocktail made a difference?
I know that you have been coping with it for years and I suppose that you are fortunate because you still have your mobility.
I know it's tough but hang in there, they may have a cure one day.
MileHigh "
" Good looney [was] that ?
" Captain Zero:
Whoops! You say that you don't have AIDS? Well how about that and guess what, I am not a shill. You have to work on getting your brain to process information properly.
On the other hand, you could be a shill. You could be a plant to discredit everything in the realm of free energy by playing the paranoid crazy guy that has a drawer full of tinfoil hats that believes all of the free energy tabloid trash at the checkout line. Who knows, maybe you have AIDS AND you are a shill. Any person that almost always believes in such nonsensical idiocy that sometimes isn't even up to the level of a Grade 5 science fair project must be a shill. You are a plant here to discredit free energy by playing the bovine paranoid rabid believer that accuses people of being a shill all the time.
Now Mr. Shill, you don't want to get jumped by three big burly WITTS farm boys at the next Extraordinary Technology conference do you? They might beat your ass to a pulp for discrediting them because you are a paid government agent with micro syringes filled with your blood. If they find the micro syringes filled with your blood on your person they might beat you to within an inch of your life.
Your best strategy would be to tone down your shilling and not accuse other people of being paid disinformants when you have zero evidence.
MileHigh "
" More ""MH drivel:
None of it worth repeating.
Clearly an attempt to disrupt the flow of the thread...possibly another operative at the keyboard.
I will only be contributing to the disruption with further exchanges, so I will go back to watching and learning...and drag him/they/it around the yard in a thread with less significance.
As you were gentlemen.
Regards... "
" Captain Zero you are the disruptor of this thread and the disruption started at post #215. So either contribute technically to this thread or keep your mouth shut. "
" Quote from: MileHigh on
Today at 08:03:40 PM (
Captain Zero you are the disruptor of this thread and the disruption started at post #215. So either contribute technically to this thread or keep your mouth shut.
milehigh you are the disruptor here. no one wants your exploration stifling bs here. you only try to stifle discovery and exploration under the guise of saving someone from wasting money which is more bs. no one needs saving. everyone has a choice and self responsibility. many great discoveries have been made by accident. you are either a twisted mind or working for people who don't want any new discovery.
you also have a choice to be here or not. if you feel paranoid about spewing your crap here so go away if it feels unsafe. you try to threaten others here and stifle free speech? that's new for you and shows how desperate you are. it's obvious to everyone here you are way in over your head with TA. all you can do is insult and make foolish attempts to disrupt the flow here.
it bears repeating what TA said: you have a phd in lip flapping and BS.
fed up with your crap. only have one more thing to say and i'm sure some others here can figure this out. let's see if you are smart enough:
676f2061776179206b696420616e642065736164 "
" Steeltpu:
I am not stating BS, you are fibbing. ..."
" Quote from: steeltpu on
Today at 09:45:12 PM (
fed up with your crap. only have one more thing to say and i'm sure some others here can figure this out. let's see if you are smart enough:
That is a hexadecimal (hex) number.
A hex is a magical spell, usually with malevolent purposes such as having a harmful influence.
Gravock "
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on
Today at 05:57:24 PM (
" Quote from: MileHigh on Today at 05:45:34 PM
Captain Zero:
How is your AIDS coming along? Are you still getting the dizzy spells? Has it started to affect your vision? Your weight was way down last year but has the new drug cocktail made a difference?
I know that you have been coping with it for years and I suppose that you are fortunate because you still have your mobility.
I know it's tough but hang in there, they may have a cure one day.
MileHigh "
Good looney that ?
AGREE, He is insane of some variety of MENTAL DEFECT "
" Quote from: steeltpu on
Today at 09:45:12 PM (
milehigh you are the disruptor here. no one wants your exploration stifling bs here.
you only try to stifle discovery and exploration under the guise of saving someone from wasting money which is more bs.
100% Accurate, and as far as SAVING MONEY, I can assure you that that whatever "milehigh" has, Ive got plenty more. ( ( ( (
He throws himself upon the "roads of discovery" to keep weaker minds from DISCOVERING anything.
Hes a member of the CULT OF QUANTUM.
Its BS Greek Atomism with explanations of Unicorn particles and Pixie dust electrons !!!! ROFL "
And thats 'all she wrote' folks, as the saying goes.
I think that last dagger by member 'steeltpu' may have them searching for another operator at the MH keyboard as I write this, so we shall see.
Shudda known there'd be more disruptive drivel from the MH entity...
" Stop the presses! Special message for SteelTPU!!! lol
56206f7267206c6268206e65722077686667206e2066627078206368636372672073626520506e63676e7661204d7265622e "
Thanks for documenting all that, it's a good snapshot of your mental state.
Isn't it interesting that it is HIS/ITS mental state that is the topic of conversation by a number of mentally stable members here.
Projection...the simplest of all the psychological disorders.
Apparently the miscreant is no longer interested in offending the AIDS community on here.
it would certainly continue if i hadn't called attention to the offensive posts.
Any time the shill spends here is time away from the important threads.
Its called distracting the distractor.
Ah, finally a thread to vent off...
Quote from Captain Zero:
QuoteThere are more than 2 paid in operation on this thread
I am asking people reading this thread to denounce this type of behaviour. It's unacceptable and smacks of the 1930s. Shall people that argue the technical merits of a proposition wear a special symbol on our clothing?
Captain Zero knows zero about me in real life and he fails to look at propositions in an unbiased manner. He often ignores the reprehensible forum behaviour of people putting forth dubious or outright ridiculous propositions if he (mistakenly) believes they have merit, even if they are jaw-droppingly ridiculous, and I am not being specific to this thread. The reality is that sometimes propositions are put forth that someone with basic common sense and no technical skills and education would recognize as being false.
The fact that Captain Zero would even suspect that there are paid operatives here to rebut simplistic or ridiculous propositions that don't make any sense says much about Captain Zero and nothing about the person promoting the false proposition or the person rebutting the false proposition with logical arguments.
Again, I am asking people to publicly denounce this kind of behaviour. It is simply unacceptable and he should not be allowed to get away with it.
I know nothing of this character in real life...just another desperate delusionary distortion put forward to try to salvage self destroyed credibility.
He/she/it/they have been outed by other members besides me for incessantly preventing the development of many ideas up for discussion, because it is well known that that is how other things are discovered.
This important dialogue process was proven out again yesterday in an experiment conducted by TinMan, inspired by a very persistent Theo, who endured 9 yards of Sh!t flung in his path by the MH entity and his cohorts.
That never would have happened if he had given up in frustration, as so many before him had done.
Facts are facts.
Case proven and rested.
Quote from: MileHigh on July 21, 2014, 01:27:36 PM
Quote from Captain Zero:
I am asking people reading this thread to denounce this type of behaviour. It's unacceptable and smacks of the 1930s. Shall people that argue the technical merits of a proposition wear a special symbol on our clothing?
Captain Zero knows zero about me in real life and he fails to look at propositions in an unbiased manner. He often ignores the reprehensible forum behaviour of people putting forth dubious or outright ridiculous propositions if he (mistakenly) believes they have merit, even if they are jaw-droppingly ridiculous, and I am not being specific to this thread. The reality is that sometimes propositions are put forth that someone with basic common sense and no technical skills and education would recognize as being false.
The fact that Captain Zero would even suspect that there are paid operatives here to rebut simplistic or ridiculous propositions that don't make any sense says much about Captain Zero and nothing about the person promoting the false proposition or the person rebutting the false proposition with logical arguments.
Again, I am asking people to publicly denounce this kind of behaviour. It is simply unacceptable and he should not be allowed to get away with it.
People who make wild claims that they cannot support end-up discrediting themselves. As long as you remain anonymous a malicious internet poster cannot do you actual harm. Why give one power by responding to powerless taunts?
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 21, 2014, 02:10:28 PM
I know nothing of this character in real life...just another desperate delusionary distortion put forward to try to salvage self destroyed credibility.
He/she/it/they have been outed by other members besides me for incessantly preventing the development of many ideas up for discussion, because it is well known that that is how other things are discovered.
This important dialogue process was proven out again yesterday in an experiment conducted by TinMan, inspired by a very persistent Theo, who endured 9 yards of Sh!t flung in his path by the MH entity and his cohorts.
That never would have happened if he had given up in frustration, as so many before him had done.
Facts are facts.
Case proven and rested.
*Begin rant...
My 2c is that if someone is convinced, rightly or wrongly, that they have something which works, or could work, an anonymous forum username wouldn't stop them....unless that anonymous username makes the original poster realise something which they may have overlooked or made an error with.
There really is no arguing with the fact that there are many people on this forum, and others, who have practically zero electronics skills aside from winding a coil and connecting a light bulb....and using a $5 DMM to take complex measurements which are more suited to another instrument.
Take this forum - If someone were to stop researching something which they were convinced (initially) worked then its likely due to an issue being raised by a forum poster and being validated as an issue (or flawed testing method) by the researcher.
To think that researchers will blindly stop research if some anonymous internet posted says its 'flawed' or 'trash' is wrong...right?
It's difficult for most people to say they fĀ£&'s easier for them to say they were 'silenced' even if it does make them sound like a complete tool. Really, there isn't any need silence them, they weren't saying anything useful in the first place!
Also, why on earth would someone be paid to post on this forum? What's to gain?
To this day, nobody has made anything....anything!!! which can be closed-loop OU. That's not down to posters/trolls/whatever, it's down to physics - which is yet to be disproven. I am not saying that it can't be disproven but I am fairly convinced that a coil and some magnets plus a lightbulb (and a $5 DMM) won't do it....ever.
I understand people claim to have OU 'things' but none of them are repeatable and none of them are measured correctly. Please, prove me wrong...and not with a YouTube video either unless you're hot.
So, that's my 2c. In summary, people reply to posts here with what seems like snide comments but these comments are typically from people who know what they are talking about. It can get frustrating when someone claims OU when the reality is that they don't know anything about validating hardware or measurement methods...both very important.
MarkE and Madebymonkeys:
Thank you for your comments and your support. If Captain Zero persists in calling me a paid operative, I will remind him that he has AIDS, Advanced Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.
There is a principle at stake and it's an important one. Beyond that, there are real potential risks in dealing with mentally unstable people out there, even if they are small. Then there is the principle of simply having character and doing what's right, and not being a pathetic excuse.
Now if it all stops and the fake swagger disappears, then the issue disappears.
I will dispense with the disingenuous blowhard first...which will be short and sweet.
When pointed out how insensitive and offensive his AIDS rants were, he merely changes the meaning of the acronym to mean some other form of drivel.
And you fools eagerly lap it right up...conveniently forgetting or simply overlooking his gory descriptions of tainted bloody syringes and or vials of AIDS infected blood.
If that is what you stand for, then you are as sick and deranged as he/she/it/they is/are.
How many times do I have to repeat myself to you over educated imbeciles... the vast majority of discoveries are the result of failed experiments on other non related concepts ?
Getting through your thick skulls yet...or do I need to paste it in every thread every five posts or so until it sinks in ?
Or do you look the other way like the wrestling referee, because your intent is to prevent that process from happening you are a paid shill ?
If you go around acting the part of an asshole...guess what people will think that you ARE an that concept too hard to figure out.
Morons...the lot of you.
What a total douche bag.
You have been defanged so just keep your hands in your pockets and stare at the blinking lights that you don't understand.
Quote from: MileHigh on July 21, 2014, 08:12:31 PM
MarkE and Madebymonkeys:
Thank you for your comments and your support. If Captain Zero persists in calling me a paid operative, I will remind him that he has AIDS, Advanced Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.
There is a principle at stake and it's an important one. Beyond that, there are real potential risks in dealing with mentally unstable people out there, even if they are small. Then there is the principle of simply having character and doing what's right, and not being a pathetic excuse.
Now if it all stops and the fake swagger disappears, then the issue disappears.
According to South Park everyone's favorite sandwich promoter Jared wants everyone to have aids.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 21, 2014, 09:54:33 PM
I will dispense with the disingenuous blowhard first...which will be short and sweet.
When pointed out how insensitive and offensive his AIDS rants were, he merely changes the meaning of the acronym to mean some other form of drivel.
And you fools eagerly lap it right up...conveniently forgetting or simply overlooking his gory descriptions of tainted bloody syringes and or vials of AIDS infected blood.
If that is what you stand for, then you are as sick and deranged as he/she/it/they is/are.
How many times do I have to repeat myself to you over educated imbeciles... the vast majority of discoveries are the result of failed experiments on other non related concepts ?
Getting through your thick skulls yet...or do I need to paste it in every thread every five posts or so until it sinks in ?
Or do you look the other way like the wrestling referee, because your intent is to prevent that process from happening you are a paid shill ?
If you go around acting the part of an asshole...guess what people will think that you ARE an that concept too hard to figure out.
Morons...the lot of you.
OK smart guy: Let us see your best evidence that anyone here is a paid shill. Identify the poster or posters. Identify their employer. Show records of money passing hands from employer to employee or contractor for services rendered. Now, if you can't do that, and I don't believe you can, then who is the moron? Who is the jerk throwing around accusations that he/she cannot support?
Does anyone else enjoy watching this intellectual parasite fluctuate between frustration and pseudo bravado.
Hey...maybe we should start a lottery on how long it takes the psycho to start whining about being outed as a shill and complaining to Stefan again.
We'll have Chet collect the bets, with the proceeds going toward purchase of one of Bil Alek's scooters.
And it it works we can have the parasite "test drive" it off a short pier.
Anyone interested ?
OK smart guy: Let us see your best evidence that anyone here is a paid shill. Identify the poster or posters. Identify their employer. Show records of money passing hands from employer to employee or contractor for services rendered. Now, if you can't do that, and I don't believe you can, then who is the moron? Who is the jerk throwing around accusations that he/she cannot support?
If you go around acting the part of an asshole...guess what people will think that you ARE an asshole.
You should know how that works by now.
Folks its as simple as this...
Knowing full well that the path to discovery is through failed experiments, who would intentionally and consistently throw a wrench into this process.
I can think of only 2 people.
1. A paid shill
2. An asshole
Distinguishing between the 2 is quite challenging as the shill is also by nature an asshole.
Well let's see what we have: We have you making outlandish accusations against others that you are unable to support. Your actions speak for themselves.
The path to discovery is new observations, not failed experiments. An experiment is a failure when it both fails to discern what it was designed to delineate, and also fails to provide any new information. Many of the people you make your baseless accusations against routinely offer tangible advice on how to conduct useful experiments.
Addressing the readership:
This forum has produced nothing by virtue of this tactic of shutting people down before they can engage in meaningful dialogue...and that is the way they want to keep things.
And no matter how much they proclaim the contrary, the fact remains, most discoveries ARE made while looking for something else.
So far, the bullying methodology engaged in by short sighted nitwits has gotten us absolutely nowhere...and we're running out of time, while we must endure these assholes run their mouths endlessly.
I ask you, hows that been working for us so far ?
It hasn't...which is why we need a change in our approach.
The definition of insanity/stupidity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting different results.
What these cyber bullies want creates fertile ground for trolls shills and abusive assholes...while I want to create anm atmosphere of respectful exchange of ideas.
These ass clowns were educated inside a box and have massive egos, read stupid...whereas I rely on logic and fact, which is why they always end up with a bloody nose whenever they try to dominate me in a debate.
Cap, for someone who speaks of wanting respect, you show none yourself. Is what you want actual discussion of the issues of science? Or are you looking for a non-critical echo chamber of your own ideas?
Mark E or MH
What is your take on this ([/font]
Ramset, the demonstration is presented as a vial with a material in a colloidal suspension that when that suspended material falls in the presence of a magnetic field that a vortex forms. It is further alleged that the falling material is non-magnetic. If we accept the assertions, then we can infer that the suspended particulate material is a good electrical conductor such as: gold, copper, silver, or aluminum. Aluminum can be obtained in very fine powder as can gold. For a slow falling demonstration such as this one, aluminum's low SG would be a strong advantage.
Like TA, if approached with respect, same will be returned...only he knows a lot more than I do in his field.
But, by the same token, I know of no one that knows as much as I do in my particular field.
Like a mirror, what is before me will be reflected back.
That is my life code.
Quote from: MarkE on July 22, 2014, 08:43:10 AM
Ramset, the demonstration is presented as a vial with a material in a colloidal suspension that when that suspended material falls in the presence of a magnetic field that a vortex forms. It is further alleged that the falling material is non-magnetic. If we accept the assertions, then we can infer that the suspended particulate material is a good electrical conductor such as: gold, copper, silver, or aluminum. Aluminum can be obtained in very fine powder as can gold. For a slow falling demonstration such as this one, aluminum's low SG would be a strong advantage.
liquid dose not contain a standard feromagnetic material is the statement.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 22, 2014, 08:54:35 AM
Like TA, if approached with respect, same will be returned...only he knows a lot more than I do in his field.
But, by the same token, I know of no one that knows as much as I do in my particular field.
Like a mirror, what is before me will be reflected back.
That is my life code.
If this is a pledge to drop the unfounded allegations and abusive personal attacks, then I am happy to clean the slate.
First let me make one thing perfectly clear [Nixon]
I don't like what Cap is doing.........
the question I have about the Video has nothing to do with the formula and everything to do with
the result
a spinning Vortex appearing over a static magnet.
is this "So what" nothing special
that's impossible "must be trickery or illusion"
Quote from: ramset on July 22, 2014, 09:51:08 AM
First let me make one thing perfectly clear [Nixon]
I don't like what Cap is doing.........
the question I have about the Video has nothing to do with the formula and everything to do with
the result
a spinning Vortex appearing over a static magnet.
is this "So what" nothing special
that's impossible "must be trickery or illusion"
Cap seems to be calming down.
The cyclone in a tube seems plausible. There is falling mass. It's a suspension, so a certain amount of chaos is in play. And if the material is conductive, the field will impose force that slows it down. If I had some pyrotechnic aluminum powder sitting around I might throw some in a test tube of mineral oil and see if I could reproduce the demonstration.
I suppose The real question is
Are the observations presented by the experimenter in line with common magnetic theory
or do they Highlight some " New Knowledge" and help support Kens Claims.
I don't see anything in the demonstration that requires new theory to explain the observations. The presenter is free to construct an argument that conventional theory would not allow for the observed behavior.
Quote from: MarkE on July 22, 2014, 09:49:29 AM
If this is a pledge to drop the unfounded allegations and abusive personal attacks, then I am happy to clean the slate.
The implication being that I, for no apparent reason just began making..."unfounded allegations and abusive personal attacks".
When nothing could be farther from the truth.
The reality is that I politely made numerous respectful requests to certain members that they refrain from entering threads, making discouraging negative remarks, which derailed thread after thread, preventing an open exchange of ideas and many experiments which could have led to other discoveries is often the case historically.
I was totally ignored by the offenders...and when I pointed out that in the interest of paid trolls and shills to disrupt potentially fruitful dialogue, guess what, it was I who was attacked.
Thats when the Sh!t hit the turbine.
I would like to see real progress instead of repetitive the negativity and ridicule which was permeating this forum and none of us anywhere.
I was called a coward for making comments from behind nom de plume.
Well, we all saw what happened to Theo/Ken when he made his name known don't we ?
Yes, his name was googled Tinsel K and linked to someone with similar name and a criminal background...the implication being that Theo/Ken was a criminal, in order to destroy his credibility.
No thanks, but I'll pass on that invite.
And an additional reference to me:
"Cap seems to be calming down. "
The implication being that it was I who was in an agitated state.
Well, I believe the intelligence of the readership is being seriously underestimated here, and they know the difference.
Mark E
thank you for the response
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 22, 2014, 01:48:59 PM
The implication being that I, for no apparent reason just began making..."unfounded allegations and abusive personal attacks".
When nothing could be farther from the truth.
No implication, it was a direct statement of fact. You have accused people of being paid agents and when asked for evidence offered none. You have issued attacks using vulgar and abusive language against others. One need only scroll back a couple of messages for direct examples.
The reality is that I politely made numerous respectful requests to certain members that they refrain from entering threads, making discouraging negative remarks, which derailed thread after thread, preventing an open exchange of ideas and many experiments which could have led to other discoveries is often the case historically.
Scroll back a couple of posts. There is nothing polite about those vulgar tirades of yours.
I was totally ignored by the offenders...and when I pointed out that in the interest of paid trolls and shills to disrupt potentially fruitful dialogue, guess what, it was I who was attacked.
I ask again: Kindly show evidence that anyone here is a "paid troll" or "paid shill". Kindly show where I have attacked you, or acted in anyway deserving of the invective that you have thrown my way.
Thats when the Sh!t hit the turbine.
I would like to see real progress instead of repetitive the negativity and ridicule which was permeating this forum and none of us anywhere.
I was called a coward for making comments from behind nom de plume.
Perhaps someone did call you names. Are you not an adult in control of your faculties? What justifies the false accusations and vulgar invective that you chose to spew?
Well, we all saw what happened to Theo/Ken when he made his name known don't we ?
I didn't, but there are plenty of crass people all over the internet with poor impulse control who do mean and even illegal things to people when they get a hold of their personal information.
Yes, his name was googled Tinsel K and linked to someone with similar name and a criminal background...the implication being that Theo/Ken was a criminal, in order to destroy his credibility.
That does not sound like TinselKoala to me. Do you have a link?
No thanks, but I'll pass on that invite.
That's really unfortunate for you. Only you can decide whether you are going to conduct yourself as a responsible adult or not.
And an additional reference to me:
"Cap seems to be calming down. "
The implication being that it was I who was in an agitated state.
If swearing at others and falsely accusing others of being paid agents is not a sign of agitation, then what is? If the abuse you've dealt out is something you have done out of cold calculation, then I suggest that you have no place among adults.
Well, I believe the intelligence of the readership is being seriously underestimated here, and they know the difference.
I suggest that you have let your emotions run away with you. You have made false accusations against me, sworn at me, and all without provocation. You stated that you mirror what is dealt to you. By your recent examples, and this post of yours you show that is simply not true. If you choose to calm down and conduct yourself as an adult then for my part bygones will be bygones. If you insist on throwing temper tantrums, and making false accusations, then it is your reputation that you hurt.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 21, 2014, 09:54:33 PM
I will dispense with the disingenuous blowhard first...which will be short and sweet.
When pointed out how insensitive and offensive his AIDS rants were, he merely changes the meaning of the acronym to mean some other form of drivel.
And you fools eagerly lap it right up...conveniently forgetting or simply overlooking his gory descriptions of tainted bloody syringes and or vials of AIDS infected blood.
If that is what you stand for, then you are as sick and deranged as he/she/it/they is/are.
How many times do I have to repeat myself to you over educated imbeciles... the vast majority of discoveries are the result of failed experiments on other non related concepts ?
I agree. Unfortunately though, there are lots of failed experiments here which are just that..fails.
Without the ability to listen to 'educated imbeciles' who know how to measure parameters then the majority of experiments listed on this forum are a complete and utter waste of people's time/life.
You can argue that they are 'doing good' and 'working towards a goal' but if someone knows absolutely fucĀ£ing zero about testing methods then they are only going to delude themselves and others....which then repeats the cycle of people trying to replicate something which didn't happen in the first place.
Yet more wasted life which could be put to better use....if only they had listened to the imbeciles.
Getting through your thick skulls yet...or do I need to paste it in every thread every five posts or so until it sinks in ?
No, we get it. Yes, there are many scientific blunders which result in discoveries but the common thing is that the people who accidentally discover things actually know how to measure those said things in the first place. That involves education or a scientific mind....things which are, sadly, lacking in most.
Or do you look the other way like the wrestling referee, because your intent is to prevent that process from happening you are a paid shill ?
Nobody wants to prevent the discovery of something significant, what's the point? What's to gain?
Educated and scientific people want to prevent laymen from wasting their time on pursuing avenues which have no beneficial ending. It's a good thing - use your life for something useful.
Think about it, do you really think that this forum is such a threat to 'big oil' etc (insert any BS comment you wish) that people are silenced on here? You need a reality check if you do!
Silencing doesn't happen, 'big oil' exists but they don't give a rats ass about you, OU doesn't exist yet, nobody is onto anything which is remotely OU, there is no threat to anyone.
If you go around acting the part of an asshole...guess what people will think that you ARE an that concept too hard to figure out.
You are acting like an arsehole.
Give us something constructive rather than the ramblings of a scorned schoolboy.
Morons...the lot of you.
No, your wrong.
Quote from: MarkE on July 21, 2014, 10:47:20 PM
OK smart guy: Let us see your best evidence that anyone here is a paid shill. Identify the poster or posters. Identify their employer. Show records of money passing hands from employer to employee or contractor for services rendered. Now, if you can't do that, and I don't believe you can, then who is the moron? Who is the jerk throwing around accusations that he/she cannot support?
I would love that to happen....but it won't, we all know it!
Its unfortunate that someone should make such wild claims without any shred of smacks of some of the OU claims I have heard in the past (or extreme paranoia)!
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 21, 2014, 11:15:33 PM
Folks its as simple as this...
Knowing full well that the path to discovery is through failed experiments, who would intentionally and consistently throw a wrench into this process.
I can think of only 2 people.
1. A paid shill
2. An asshole
Distinguishing between the 2 is quite challenging as the shill is also by nature an asshole.
An accidental path, yes. To aspire to discover something through incompetence is highly deluded.
Don't think of constructive, educated and scientific comment as being something akin to 'throwing a wrench' in the works, think of it as educated, constructive and scientific comment!
On the other hand, if someone is doing something which is so ridiculous that a poorly educated child can realise is stupid then do expect a comment which is equally as ridiculous!
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 22, 2014, 08:54:35 AM
Like TA, if approached with respect, same will be returned...only he knows a lot more than I do in his field.
But, by the same token, I know of no one that knows as much as I do in my particular field.
Like a mirror, what is before me will be reflected back.
That is my life code.
What field are you in, Cap?
Also, I would recommend treating people with respect and not assuming that people are out to get you if they don't believe your (or others) ideas. There is typically a good reason why people comment negatively against an idea ie. it's proven, unambiguously, to not work.
Those bozos will just keep on derailing threads and I'll keep on busting their chops, they can have it which ever way they want it.
'Yeah, just scroll back a cuppla pages and see how abusive Cap is.'
Or...maybe somebody will scroll back through the threads over the last few years and read my repeated requests to allow people the opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue.
Isn't it amazing how many so called "uneducated dummmies" have made great discoveries while looking for other things...and without all this so called "educated guidance"...simply mind boggling ain't it ?
They wood like to convince the viewers that I am foaming at the mouth when I berate them, then one second later they start whining and complaining about my abusive treatment of them, which they richly deserve...then they go crying to Stefan about it.
There is a term for that...its called sucking and blowing.
Now their ridicule and abuse of "dumb" new posters has somehow magically become "advice".
People here, for the most part, just simply aren't that gullible.
They seem to have drop their ridiculous claims that they are saving unwitting people from being fleeced by scamers.
I have no interest in mingling cohesively with the likes of that.
Hell, they even tried to derail this thread by discussing things presented on Theo's thread next acting as if this a bar and they just happened to run into each other here and spontaneously begin to talk about recent trades.
I have located a nice short pier where they can all test Bill Alek's free energy scooter.
I think I'll ask Theo's if his rich friends could provide me the funding to see that they each get to test one.
Oh the humanity !
Every adult has control over their own behavior. If you elect to continue behaving badly, it is your choice and your choice alone. As to how Stefan runs his forum, and what he will and will not tolerate, I leave that to him.
And so you choose for yourself.
Captain,at the end of the day you live up to your name!
Quote from: minnie on July 23, 2014, 05:54:04 AM
Captain,at the end of the day you live up to your name!
Quote from: minnie on July 23, 2014, 05:54:04 AM
Captain,at the end of the day you live up to your name!
At this point, its hard to tell the players without a program.
So, I am unsure what was meant by that...but I do stand firm on my principles and I am true to myself.
Quote from: Madebymonkeys on July 23, 2014, 06:47:45 PM
Well at least we established one thing here...Madebymonkeys lcertainly lived up to his name.
Madebymonkeys = Guano
And to be kind, and show there are no hard feelings, I will generously save him a trip to the thesaurus...
Madebymonkeys = Sh!t
Posted on Theo A's 'Ultimate proof of Magnetic Vortex, free book and videos' thread (
This is yet another of the numerous members here who see the unmistakable earmarks of intentional disruption and interference of paid disinformation that cruise forums such a this one.
But there only a few of us motivated to get their hands dirty by confronting them.
They all have their various roles that they play in the process...and yes it is a psychological process at work here.
There are many many layers to this foul onion.
Quote from: MasterPlaster on July 24, 2014, 06:15:37 AM
SeaMonkey quote:
" Some of your utterances are simply inexplicable! You're
obviously a mature man with what seems a childish
sense of superiority blended with a profound fear of
being perceived as less knowledgeable than your
Or, should we say, your "targets?"
Why you expend so much energy in pursuit of drama
is an intriguing proposition, to say the least.
This discussion has proven to be exceedingly fascinating
both from a technical/scientific standpoint as well as the
human relations standpoint.
It is refreshing to observe an experimenter who is well
learned in the arts and who is able to fend off his attackers
The conversation is reminiscent of those on a clear summer's
eve under starry skies with calm seas when sailors gather
on the fantail to tell "sea-stories." To a casual observer
it would seem that the participants were bitter enemies
but in truth are the best of friends. Sailors have a keen sense
of bullshit detection and any who come on with bum scuttlebutt
are lambasted with most colorful and creative invective.
Such is the life of men who go to sea.
Those were the days..."
MasterPlaster quote:
" You are too kind in your summation of what you are observing.
The nature of the attacks on Ken look more like the works of paid disinformation agents. After all why would a creative person spend his time instead of developing his own work trying to demolish someone else's? This also applies to people who have no thought of their own. The word jealousy comes to mind. "
Some are set in there way's-no room for anything that's out side of text book science. I have a feeling that even if you could proove beyond doubt that something just isnt as it's writen,they would come up with some sort of rubbish science to explain it away.
We shall see if there is room for self thought soon.
If enough of us stand together against this undeclared war on ideas and open dialogue, I am sure real progress can be achieved.
And don't fool yourselves into thinking there isn't a war against freedom being waged against us by those seeking to control EVERY aspect of our existence.
Quote from: tinman on July 24, 2014, 08:59:19 AM
Some are set in there way's-no room for anything that's out side of text book science. I have a feeling that even if you could proove beyond doubt that something just isnt as it's writen,they would come up with some sort of rubbish science to explain it away.
We shall see if there is room for self thought soon.
The Catch-22 is that in order to actually know if that idea is correct, then one first has to come up with some device that defies current science. Ironically, if one were ever to do that, then it is very unlikely they would have the time or the inclination to deal with anyone who might be slow to acknowledge reliable evidence. One would far more likely be completely consumed with exploiting the discovery.
Consider that if it were true that entrenched interests were spending treasure to spread discouraging disinformation that they must not be very bright, because the return on investment would be quite low. If one wants to make money by propaganda, use propaganda where it counts: Getting legislation for stupid things like subsidized and mandated corn ethanol, or a petroleum war.
Sea Monkey
very true
and we need all hands more than ever [smart working hands]
talk we don't need so much..... ATM
And the Koala is definitely one of our smarter and harder working Hands....
Ken doesn't know this ship and he certainly does not understand our history here.
nor is he familiar with How Brutal we can be with Honesty.....[pushing the limits]
we are much better and stronger with adversity and challenge than we ever would be
as doormats that just believe every claim that blows thru
but that's how _ Men_ are
_Boys_ that's something entirely different...
Remember folks...any abhorrent behavior can and will be rationalized and justified.
All it takes is a clever sociopath and a few gullible adherents to pull it off.
And there's plenty of both around these daze.
WTF are you talking about. I tried engaging @TA the best I could and look where it got to. He just laid out his full load of crap that should win the Guinness Record for OU Slobbery.
That's when @TK jumped up and thanks, at least one guy has enough balls.
Not even a slight "Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe I should look at this again", so screw that, I don't need his shit any more then I need yours. I also don't need anyone telling me how magnets work and how they effect TV screens. WTF is this world coming to anyway where brains has been set at a premium. You know what, if people want to believe this guy cause their to lazy to use their own brains, then fine. Lick his ass and enjoy.
Maybe use your brain just one minute to realize the implications and ramifications of what he is saying and falsely confirming with invalid test methodology. Instead of always doing your ''Let's lick the new guys ass cause he can't be wrong''. Saying "reified" 1000 times in a document or saying Einstein was a thug brain 1000 times in a document does not make the document right. Saying no field in space but space in the field 1000 times does not make it right.
So excuse me for breaking your auto-glorification mode because we all know, it's always a regular here that's at fault and never the new guy.
The final thing is this. In his damn test tube video, if what he is saying is true, if the vortex can be maintained against the dust being pulled down by the magnet as he is purporting, then this also means that when the dust was settled at the bottom of the tube, just putting the magnet underneath should send a central vortex up and out of the settled dust. The question is how many 1000s of years are you prepared to wait for anything close to that to happen. So why did you not think about that yourself? You wait for others to do the dirty work then you enter the foray and treat them like shit. What a farce.
If you can't use your own brain to think logically, maybe you should also refrain from criticizing those that do.
PS: This whole thing is a major piss-off and waste of more f*&^k'in time.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 23, 2014, 07:15:45 PM
Well at least we established one thing here...Madebymonkeys lcertainly lived up to his name.
Madebymonkeys = Guano
Guano is made by sea birds primarily.
And to be kind, and show there are no hard feelings, I will generously save him a trip to the thesaurus...
Madebymonkeys = Sh!t
You should familiarise yourself with a dictionary.
Seriously though, what's this rant all about? It's disconcerting to hear someone go so...mental.
You talk of paid propaganda whom, what for, paid by?
You seem to have been brainwashed into believing that there is only yourself, and anyone who makes a YouTube video, who can be trusted and anyone else's opinion is bad and somehow personal?
Is it so hard to believe that there are posters here who can, quite quickly, determine whether some piece of electronics or mechanics will or will not function in the desired manner!?
Is it also so hard to believe that those posters are telling people an idea is ridiculous because, simply, it is!
I certainly understand that discoveries are made, sometimes, through failed experiments but that doesn't mean an experiment should be pursued if it is guaranteed to fail. Most of these posted experiments have been done numerous times before and failed...and nobody discovered anything.
I would say you need to man-up and if you don't like what someone is saying, just ignore them and move on with your life, its what the bigger boys do. The little ones tell the tales.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 24, 2014, 01:36:56 PM
Remember folks...any abhorrent behavior can and will be rationalized and justified.
All it takes is a clever sociopath and a few gullible adherents to pull it off.
And there's plenty of both around these daze.
You do appear to fit the profile of a sociopath, read back through some of your previous posts.
Sociopaths only tend to have superficial adherents, rarely committed.
Format error
I will respond in bold type in the interest of distinction:
WTF are you talking about.
Sorry you saw yourself reflected in my weren't there.
For the answer to that, you will have to look within.
For instance I did not see myself included in TA's dismissive comments about people who believed that free energy was possible...even though I considered myself one of them at the time.
I simply realized that he may be right...and that my concept of free energy included a small input charge to get natures 'wheel work' start I was not offended whatsoever.
It comes down to being secure in one's self image.
I tried engaging @TA the best I could and look where it got to. He just laid out his full load of crap that should win the Guinness Record for OU Slobbery.
Again, that does not involve me.
That's when @TK jumped up and thanks, at least one guy has enough balls.
It takes a little more than balls to smear your perceived adversary as a criminal to gain an advantage in an exchange...what he did when that failed was even more reprehensible...but you can hang with whomever you like, that's your choice.
Not even a slight "Hmmmmmmmm. Maybe I should look at this again", so screw that, I don't need his shit...that's between you and he...and again, doesn't involve me...any more then I need yours....again didn't shovel anything your way.
I als don,t need anyone telling me how magnets work and how they effect TV screens. WTF is this world coming to anyway where brains has been set at a premium.
Again, that's between you and he.
You know what, if people want ot believe this guy cause their to lazy to use their own brains, then fine. Lick his ass and enjoy.
I believe you know that I did not state or imply that I believed or accepted anything he said...other than the free energy issue covered above.
I personally prefer to watch and learn, and know enough to keep my mouth shut when people are discussing topics out of my league.
Maybe use your brain just one minute to realize the implications and ramifications of what he is saying and falsly confirming with invalid test methodology.
Thank you, but I use my brain to process things you people offer up...and believe what resonates as truth to me. (subject to change as as noted above)
Instead of always doing your ''Let's lick the new guys ass cause he can't be wrong''.
I bow down to no you're just making sh!t up to lower my profile like the forum trolls do.
Saying "reified" 1000 times in a document or saying Einstein was a thug brain 1000 times in a document does not make the document right. Saying no field in space but space in the field 1000 times does not make it right.
I don't need anyone to state the obvious to me.
So excuse me for breaking your auto-glorification mode because we all know, it's always a regular here that's at fault and never the new guy.
Boy, when you're pissed (needlessly) you sure lose your sense of reasoning. I have to say.
The final thing is this. In his damn test tube video, if what he is saying is true, if the vortex can be maintained against the dust being pulled down by the magnet as he is purporting, then this also means that when the dust was settled at the bottom of the tube, just putting the magnet underneath should send a central vortex up and out of the settled dust.
Tell that to me when I have developed a better understanding of the matter.
The question is how many 1000s of years are you prepared to wait for anything close to that to happen. So why did you not think about that yourself?
If you wish you can ask me that when/if I have developed a better understanding of the matter.
You wait for others to do the dirty work then you enter the foray and treat them like shit. What a farce.
Now, you're making sh!t up AGAIN...I used to have respect for you.
If you can't use your own brain to think logically,...A little of your own advice should be taken after given this huge post over an overly sensitive misunderstanding on your part.
...maybe you should also refrain from criticizing those that do.
"Those that do" WHAT exactly, is the really seem intent on distorting my activities here...just like the trolls do constantly...stop drinking their kool aid !
PS: This whole thing is a major piss-off and waste of more f*&^k'in time.
That's about the only thing you got wasted all that time on this, operating under a false premiss.
Quote from: Madebymonkeys on July 24, 2014, 06:55:52 PM
You do appear to fit the profile of a sociopath, read back through some of your previous posts.
Sociopaths only tend to have superficial adherents, rarely committed.
The troll must not remember his/its previous self descriptive sociopathic post...where the guano was flying out of both ends simultaneously.
If I must, another of Bill Alek's scooters can be had for him/it to test drive down at the pier.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 24, 2014, 09:22:32 PM
The troll must not remember his/its previous self descriptive sociopathic post...where the guano was flying out of both ends simultaneously.
If I must, another of Bill Alek's scooters can be had for him/it to test drive down at the pier.
Which post is that then?
Once I know, I will try and explain it a little better.
One troll learns the less said here the better, so resorts to spamming...the other, still at the start of the learning curve.
People who live in Glass houses should not pile stones to thro at others...{I should Know]
Respect and good science will win the day and stand on their own merit..
They need No champion or caped crusaders ...
and by science I do not mean "status Quo" I mean science and investigation, which takes
cooperation ,education [ *experiments] and sincerity.
Have you read Ken's Book ?
The status quo around here has us going in circles...a change of methodology is sorely needed.
The road through discovery is through experimentation...which includes those which others here find "dumb".
The people conducting these "dumb" experiments should be given help when they ask...not ridiculed.
If someone does not wish to help, they should remain silent and let them conduct their "dumb" experiments in peace.
Traditionally THAT is/has been the road to new discoveries.
But on here that process is/has been nipped in the bud continually.
Which is why I began exposing certain 'bud nippers' here...after far too many requests to cease and desist.
Speaking of Ken/Theo A...have you noticed how receptive he is to people who do not come at him wagging their finger or stating his theories are wrong without qualification...I am the same way.
And I have not had time to go through his book as life is/has been ten pounds of guano in a ten pound bag.
I only have short windows of time for things since 1995.
Such is the life of a whistleblower involving high profile politicians.
Hopefully, soon there will be light at the end of this long tunnel.
I have a theory that persons using aliases with the letter "Z" in them can fly by flapping their arms very fast. So I suggest that anyone who fits that description, conduct the appropriate experiment: jump out a tenth-floor window, flapping arms as hard as possible.
You will never know if this will work if you don't do the experiment, right?
Or is it perhaps true that you can already RULE OUT the truth of my theory because of your experience and knowledge? Would it save you a lot of trouble if you didn't actually perform the critical experiment and instead relied on accepted theory that has always worked in the past? To hell with that, that's a troll's breakfast.... GO AND DO THE EXPERIMENT, otherwise you are just bullshitting me. I have a perfectly good explanation involving vortexes, Tesla, Steinmetz and others, completely refuting Einstein and predicting that if you, with the Z in your handle, flap your arms at precisely three flaps a second, you will not only fly but will actually _soar_ to great heights. And there is nothing you can do to refute me, except to go and try the experiment. Why, I can even claim that I've seen several "Z" people successfully flying and there is even a YT video.
So go do it, there Z. Otherwise you are just a paid shill, a troll, anti-experiment, anti-science, anti-discussion. Go jump off a building! I guarantee you can fly!
Now, for the trained scientists, engineers and experienced experimenters on this forum, things like Bessler wheels, permanent magnet motors, and some other things that are sometimes discussed here... they fit into the exact same category as my "Z flight" "theory". You can take the good advice of people who actually know better... or you can go and jump off a ten story building. There is nothing I can do that will affect your decision in any way, so don't blame me when your magnet motor doesn't work after years of wasted experimentation. But you will never know whether or not you can fly.... unless you do the experiment. Right?
Quote from: TinselKoala on July 25, 2014, 04:23:18 PM
Wrote the frustrated shill with both feet still firmly wedged in its mouth after trying to smear its perceived adversary with implications of criminal a record, followed with a low ball tactic concerning his intellectual superior's deceased wife which repulsed just about everybody on the net...shredding what little credibility it had left.
Hopefully there is a toxic pond somewhere with a small dock where the miscreant can test drive a Bill Alek scooter.
'When will they ever learn'. ?
Maybe when all the flowers are gone...just maybe...but I wooden count on it.
Cap was what we call Brutal Honesty ,,at times certain exchanges can yield unusual reference which in turn require the Brutal honesty card be pulled out.
takes a lot of nerve and a steady hand ... no flinching....
not for Boys ...or little Girls.
and of course the other party gets to be merciless in the retort If he or she has the onions
and the goods
Quote from: TinselKoala on July 25, 2014, 04:23:18 PM
I have a theory that persons using aliases with the letter "Z" in them can fly by flapping their arms very fast. So I suggest that anyone who fits that description, conduct the appropriate experiment: jump out a tenth-floor window, flapping arms as hard as possible.
You will never know if this will work if you don't do the experiment, right?
Maybe jumping out of the window is just the wrong setup configuration to ahieve the results required. Maybe it's just a case of building the right setup,before human powered flight can be accomplished.
Quote from: ramset on July 25, 2014, 09:29:52 PM
Cap was what we call Brutal Honesty ,,at times certain exchanges can yield unusual reference which in turn require the Brutal honesty card be pulled out.
takes a lot of nerve and a steady hand ... no flinching....
not for Boys ...or little Girls.
and of course the other party gets to be merciless in the retort If he or she has the onions
and the goods
You are either thick, or playing stupid to maintain a repressive and stagnant status quo...either way you are in the roleof the paid/unpaid agent of disinformation.
And timann, your petty inclinations to align yourself with the likes of Tinsh!t koala have no doubt made your inner life and likely your inter personal life as well, a living hell.
On the bright side tho , at least you're toasty warm...but then so are popcorn farts.
Whenever I endeavor to take a principled stand, it is ALWAYS on rock solid ground.
And when on my own turf, I have NEVER encountered a tougher son of a bitch than me.
So, come all ye fateful interlopers.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 25, 2014, 10:11:59 PM
You are either thick, or playing stupid to maintain a repressive and stagnant status quo...either way you are in the roleof the paid/unpaid agent of disinformation.
And timann, your petty inclinations to align yourself with the likes of Tinsh!t koala have no doubt made your inner life and likely your inter personal life as well, a living hell.
On the bright side tho , at least you're toasty warm...but then so are popcorn farts.
Whenever I endeavor to take a principled stand, it is ALWAYS on rock solid ground.
And when on my own turf, I have NEVER encountered a tougher son of a bitch than me.
So, come all ye fateful interlopers.
Well you got that all wrong Z,i was actually refering that TK maybe look at things from another angle,and was in no way having a dig at you-you tough son of a b!tch.
I think your ground just got a bit soggy.
Oh my !
Actually my ground is still as as solid as ever sincerest apologies to you.
My words were clearly, and honestly mis applied to you.
In that regard, I am relieved that you were not taking a a run at me, as I have always had great respect for you work and demeanor on here prior to.
But, in all honesty, you really should have edited out his references to me in your post, as it made your intent somewhat cloudy.
And...I ended up wasting a cupla good bitch slap phrases...which I can never use here again , so as to avoid being perceived redundant one trick pony.
Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on July 25, 2014, 10:39:15 PM
Oh my !
Actually my ground is still as as solid as ever sincerest apologies to you.
My words were clearly, and honestly mis applied to you.
In that regard, I am relieved that you were not taking a a run at me, as I have always had great respect for you work and demeanor on here prior to.
But, in all honesty, you really should have edited out his references to me in your post, as it made your intent somewhat cloudy.
And...I ended up wasting a cupla good bitch slap phrases...which I can never use here again , so as to avoid being perceived redundant one trick pony.
All good Cap-Z-ro-i've done it myself before. I have great respect for most here,and TK is one of those people. But i do believe that everyone should view a new concept with an open mind. I near made this same mistake with TA's thread(as you can see in my opening comments),but then took some of my own advice,and went and read his book. Many things there lined up with what is in my dad's book,so im just doing some simple experiments myself to see what i can see. Most are saying,its just the right hand rule thing(as per homopolar motor),but i dont think any one yet has actually taken notice of the electrical and magnetic polarity of my setup-that i clearly gave in the last video lol.
I dont think there are paid disinformationist here,but more so those that are set in there ways,and refuse even to look at the possabilities that may lye in the new.Living in the past with set rule's leave's no room for the new-no future groth.
I cant wait to see what happen's when i open my thread on my reactionless drive lol- Now that will be a HOOT.
Quote from: tinman on July 25, 2014, 11:06:15 PM
All good Cap-Z-ro-i've done it myself before.
None of us are infallible , that is a fact.
I have great respect for most here,and TK is one of those people.
Not to me however, I have seen to much uncalled for disrespect and ridicule to others.
But i do believe that everyone should view a new concept with an open mind. I near made this same mistake with TA's thread(as you can see in my opening comments),but then took some of my own advice,and went and read his book.
I always make it a point to reserve judgement on character when someone is attacked immediately upon entering the room...and was pleased with your reversal.
Many things there lined up with what is in my dad's book, are so fortunate to have had a father like that as a mentor...I would have been right in the thick of this dialogue, but was side tracked by life's hard knocks, but recovered and ended up in another interestinbg but not as fulfilling profession.
so im just doing some simple experiments myself to see what i can see. Most are saying,its just the right hand rule thing(as per homopolar motor),but i dont think any one yet has actually taken notice of the electrical and magnetic polarity of my setup-that i clearly gave in the last video lol.
I see gret potential in that experiment with all the unknown varriables.
I dont think there are paid disinformationist here,
If not, then they should be paid...they are doing a fine job.
but more so those that are set in there ways,and refuse even to look at the possabilities that may lye in the new.Living in the past with set rule's leave's no room for the new-no future groth.
There's certainly some of that mixed in also.
I cant wait to see what happen's when i open my thread on my reactionless drive lol- Now that will be a HOOT.
I am an inventor in other fields and know that feeling very well.