Hi All,
I got an AMAZON.COM (http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&node=10158976011&tag=xmas-deals-20&linkId=MP5AFI2XGRZXQYIO)
Giftcode of about 170 US$ for my last year affiliate income from the ads over here .
I want to share this at this Christmas to 3 to 5 user, who have done great work in the free energy scene wiith their research.
Now I think I can import this Gift code to my AMAZON.COM (http://www.amazon.com/b/ref=as_li_ss_tl?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&linkCode=ur2&node=10158976011&tag=xmas-deals-20&linkId=MP5AFI2XGRZXQYIO) account and buy a few single 20 to 50 US$ gift card codes and emails these to the researchers
that you find the best fitting for these prices...
So whom do you suggest who should get a prize money ?
Please name the usernames of the guys on this forum.
I will then look them up and see, what they have done and
then do a voting topic, so the users can vote who will get a price.
Please ALL also update your email addresses here on the forum,
so if you have a wrong email adress you will soon be kicked off,
when I will move to the new forum software and then your account and
postings will be lost. So be sure to have a valid email adress here in your
account settings at:
http://overunity.com/profile/area/account/ (http://overunity.com/profile/area/account/)
Please check your email adress over there to be valid, Many thanks.
I will be sending out also Newsletters soon each month from now on and then if you
don´t have a correct email address in your account here, I will delete your account.
Hope this prize money will get the right people to help a bit in their research..
Okay, it is not much, but unfortunately the ads don´t bring much money over here...
Regards, Stefan.
So which users do you suggest should get a price for their hard work ?
Ups, sorry, this thread was read only,
now you can answer here.
Please let me know your views.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Never a bad word to say, always the true Gentleman, professional and extremely knowledgeable, never puts others down or shoots down others work or Ideas.
I think Verpies is the best person for the prize!
Chris Sykes
woopy or gotoluc get my nomination.
They aren't the only ones I would like to nominate but I've learned a bunch from both of them with what they have shared.
Tinman, Gotoluc and TommeyLReed
For the way they both conduct their experiments.
Showing the good and the bad, and responding to questions professionally.
(by that I mean not accusing anyone who questions of being paid in some way
and without name calling)
Gyula (gyulasun), an untarnished pure gold contributor.
Calm, concise, and always there to help out.
Always worth reading what he has to say.
My nomination is Jacob Alex.
Posting some interesting details of Gravity wheels
its sir WATTSUP
Because of his gentleness, He actually change me the way i post here, and from that i learned a lot.
and he is really working on the matter.
i'm not convincing anyone but we can really see it on his posts okay. :)
i can really write more but i can't express it very good sorry. :D
otit ;)
Hi Stefan,
Here are my suggestions, in alphabetical order:
gotoluc, tinman, TinselKoala, verpies, woopy
I apologize from anyone else I have not included! Hopefully Stefan can repeat this Giveaway event next time too.
Quote from: EMJunkie on December 12, 2015, 08:22:03 PM
Never a bad word to say, always the true Gentleman, professional and extremely knowledgeable, never puts others down or shoots down others work or Ideas.
I think Verpies is the best person for the prize!
Chris Sykes
Never a bad word to say, always the true Gentleman, professional and extremely knowledgeable, never puts others down or shoots down others work or Ideas.
I think
Verpies and Gyulasun are the best person's for the prize!
Chris Sykes
EMJunkie, gyulasun, verpies, woopy, tinman, gotoluc and TommeyLReed are all very deserving of this.
gyulasun gets my vote.
Many may or may not know this but he helps as much off the forum then on the forum. So he's probably doing over double of what we can see.
Thanks Stefan for the idea and sharing
Gotoluc gets my vote.
Okay, All,
I have successfully added the affiliate income Giftcode to my Amazon.com account and now can buy
new Amazon Giftcards, that can be mailed out via emails.
The prize winners then will get a Giftcard code from Amazon.com via email.
So make sure your email Address is stored correctly here in your forum profile,
otherwise the emails will not reach you !
I will give out
1 x 50 US$ as the first prize
5 x 25 US$ as the rest of the prizes.
so all in all 6 lucky users will get prizes.
I will deceide on Christmas 24th and then email the giftcard codes out.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
All due respect to the experimenters mentioned here, but most would still be back in the stone age (and some still are) in terms of truly knowing what their experiments are telling them and how to perform them if it weren't for the few folks on this and other forums who thanklessly aim to keep these experimenters on the straight and narrow, and educate them in the areas they are working.
In my opinion the only person on this forum who truly deserves such a prize is TK. Why? Because he does both; he experiments (and includes videos etc.) and he educates. And he happens to know what he is doing in both areas.
A few others here perform good experiments, but unfortunately more often than not they misinterpret their results and quickly jump to unfounded conclusions. That's not good science at all.
Peace Out.
First up--any of you who voted for me !thanks!,but im going to withdraw myself from this voting,as there are far more deserving people here on OU.com.
As far as experimenters go,well there are many who are deserving. But if i am to make a choice,then it would be as follows
1- Woopy
In no particular order.
The only EE guy here that gets my vote ! without a doubt!,is the only one that has room for change--the only one that understands that we dont know all there is to know yet. He is the only one that looks into what your doing,and dose not just start quoting old science. He gives ideas on how you might be able to achieve what you are trying to achieve,rather than just shut you down with text book physics. This EE guy is the one that stands out in the crowd,and is the only one that has room for change from the old era to the new era.
First prize should go to Verpies--no doubt about that.
No,where is my club?. I must go catch me some dinosaur for dinner,and then patch up the Flintstone wagon :D
A thought about Mark E
This year we lost a man that was a tremendous asset to this community , as well as the world he actually
participated in everyday.
I will be the first to admit I had issues at times with him ,however We learn to deal with these differences if we wish to
move forward.
Could we send a thank you to his family for all he did to help ? not so much from the forum but from persons
that wish to give back and leave a small tribute to his legacy for the family to reflect on ?
To be absolutely Clear this presentation would completely protect Mark E's anonymity to the public but would find its way to the family.
I will contact Mark Dansie if enuff interest is expressed here.
I personally feel a big Void here since Mark E's passing and I know I am not alone.
Maybe send some flowers with a few dollars from the fund ??
I lost a son-in-law this year and I get to see just how much this type of thing [a tribute] means to a family ,it gives them a huge lift
and makes the healing process sooo much easier .and its a gift which keeps on giving with [pleasant thoughts for those left behind.
and to be clear it would be heart felt and sincere .
for additional clarity Mark E's ANONYMITY will be an imperative part of this tribute ,I don't feel it is even necessary to mention this forum or any other forum in this tribute. Just the members handle with the country of origin and some sincere words ?
any interested parties PM me or Email I will be bouncing this off Mark Dansie if the idea seems good to enuff members here
Dear ramset and all
Outstanding idea, Mark E was a great scientist and tolerant enough to accept all the unethical criticism from some members and focused only on the science part of the debate. He was a great contributor to the credibility of the scientific discussion in this forum. Sure we lost a man that was a tremendous asset to this community.
I think the first prize should go to Mark E family as type of tribute. Yes me and others share the big void here;
"Mark E -you will be always remembered"
There is one I forgot about (and it would seem others did as well), and that is Groundloop (I hope his recovery is going well). He and TK are the only ones worthy of this prize in my opinion.
I did not mention any of the "Kritics" or "edukators" here, because as stated in the first post, the prize is for those doing research.
But as far as helpers and educators go, yes MarkE is definitely up there. Verpies knows his stuff (and a few others do as well), but people seem to be forgetting that there are others here who have been helping these experimenters (and others before them) for 10 years or more. And that's really too bad.
Seems I'm done here.
My vote is for TK. My next vote would be for .99. (Darren) These fellows share tons of electronics knowledge freely (In the spirit of MarkE) and also have been very instrumental in busting many scams that we have seen here over the years. We all know that FE scams give all researchers a bad name and make it that much harder for honest folks to raise money to develop an invention.
There is more collective knowledge in TK's YouTube vids than anywhere else on the web I can name at this time.
There are a lot of great folks here Stefan and your decisions will be difficult I am sure. Anyway, you now have my input.
Thanks I appreciate your vote Bill, but I don't think I fall under the category of "researcher", at least how most here would define it.
And I do appreciate the recognition you've offered to myself, TK, MarkE, (and I'll add MH, Gyula, verpies, et al) for their contributions to the "research" being offered here. They have helped immensely over the years in keeping the technical discussions to a civilized level. Nare enough credit ever goes to them.
What good would these pages be without the formally trained or persons with much life experience in these fields ?
The contributions from these members [in their fields] mentioned here is priceless
and their dedication to sorting the fact from the fiction has always been the biggest draw to these pages
without this you would just have the choir singing all day long the "praises".....
I must add we all intuitively know there is MUCH more to learn from this world , we are still lacking
all manner of understanding even our biology is a field to be pioneered never mind space and energy.
a common cold would be a good thing to understand...[just one example of how big the "job" is ]
I have nothing but gratitude for the persons that have given selflessly of their time and energy here and elsewhere.
I personally find this task of picking winners here similar to picking a favorite child ...
I Adore all who give for this cause..
just one mans opinion.
Chet K
Quote from: Pirate88179 on December 18, 2015, 10:43:24 PM
My vote is for TK. My next vote would be for .99. (Darren)
These fellows share tons of electronics knowledge freely
...and share it generously, both publicly and privately.
all the creative people on here bring much to the table, everyone.
the many different concepts being further developed.
the useful knowledge offered by those with previous experience or even from left field inspired with possible suggestions, not easy to put a price on that kind of open source effort.
its not easy to say who deserves or needs the prize money the most.
if i had to choose though, it would be in honor of all who contributed efforts towards this evolving energy think tank.
they seemed to do it much as an act of charity in itself and most often never expected a dime for it. just trying to help find solutions.
the list grows on and on until and even after the goals have been reached, followed by revisions and further advancements being met.
the future appears to be in our reach.
the future is ultimately inherited by the next generations, the race to get away from pollution and trying towards collective independence will become more about for them than for us.
somehow perhaps the most worthy of the prize money, or even a portion of it, are the unsung heros of tommorrow, the most in need for having access to develop an practical education.
i would suggest towards the investment of them by purchasing a bulk order of arduino boards or clones of them to get max value for the donating dollars.
other useful related learning tools, basic supplies, a piece of missing roofing on a volunteer run school/community center, small solar panels and other off grid electrical needs, maybe sent in a DIY kit form that they could have up and runnning with the help of local teachers/organizers.
someone such as mark dansie would easily find the best ways to help them get the most for the value.
he is situated in a prime location for these sort of things, and shows the kind of dedicated commitment.
at any rate, i will be donating to those kids and their families soon even if its just a small amount for now.
happy holidays everyone!
from the desk of SoManyWires
Hi Guys,
I was very busy today with Christmas things.
I will do the prize announcement tommorow on the 25th.
Here is my new Video for your you all for Christmas 2015.
Free Energy Christmas 2015
These devices were used:
It starts all with the solar panel.
Here is the right foldable Solar Panels with 21 Watts of output power to recharge pretty fast your powerbanks during the day. These panels have a 22 % sunshine conversion efficiency , so are very nice ! Great also to have during a power outage to power your USB devices.
Here is a great powerbank for this combination of devices, which has 20.000 mAh capacity and can charge itsself while it is also delivering output power. This way you can leave the solarpanel connected while you power your LED light bulbs also during the day... so the powerbank is recharged during the day, while it can also power the LED lights during the day inside your flat or house...surely can also be used to charge up your mobile phones several times.
You can also use these USB Light bulbs to get really bight and great warm white Light ! Pay Attention to the exact model you buy, as most of them are only cold white color, which is not good for your eyes, so be sure to buy this warm white color model, also if it is a bit more expensive. It has around 2700 Kelvin color temperature, which are much better for your eyes ! Great for camping trips also and with a few powerbanks at home you can power your whole lights in your flat or house with it... So go USB lighting for 2016 and charge the powerbanks via solarpower or via the new Orbo devices.
4 pieces of DROK® Ultra-thin USB Light Warm White Night Light Led Pocket Card Lamp with Touch switching.
Mini Card LED USB Light
Compatible with all standard USB device, power bank, mobile charger, computer, laptop and so on.
Although it is tiny in size,it has high working efficiency and strong light, each has about 120 lumens and draws about 140 mA at 5 Volts.
Thanks Stefan for the Christmas wish and free energy video demo.
Also, good combinations of reasonably priced items!
Wishing you and everyone all the best for the holidays and the New Year
Dear All, sorry for all the delay.
I was very busy.
Well it is really hard to deceide who will receive some prizes....
Well, if I would have enough money I would at least give 50 prizes away...
Well yeasterday evening, when being at my parents house, where I made this Christmas video,
it was again nice to be with my parents, which are already very old and you don´t know how many
years you will still be able to celebrate christmas with them...
Anyway as I had no time to go to church this year, I thought on the way back to my place I wanted to see, if there were
still these 2 homeless guys, who are sleeping on the park bank near my place and I drove by and
donated to each of them 20 Euros, so they could buy them some food and hopefully no alcohol.
They were very surprised that a stranger would give them money, but then they told me, I wouid
be their christmas angel and they thanked me a lot. Giving is really so joyful when you saw their lucky faces in the cold air...
and then we spoke a little bit and they told me about their hardship in live...
So next year I really have to work harder to make more money to be able to give away more money...
I don´t need much money, only need to pay my few bills and get some food and be able to study free energy
Anyway, as I have only 180 US$ on my Amazon.com account, I will now give there
7 x 25 US$ away as Giftcard codes via email and 3 x 25 US$ via my PayPal account, so all in all 10 x 25 US$.
I think all the best members have worked simular well, so giving higher prizes would
only reduce the number of members getting a prize.
I hope you are okay with it.
Here is my selection and surely I wished I could have donated more money to many more members....
Sorry, if I missed somebody you think should have been on this list.....
I will contact now these members and verify their email adresses and then email the Gift Codes or PayPal
Money out.
So again have some nice holidays and happy Christmas and a good new year 2016 for ALL of you !
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2015, 07:28:35 PM
Dear All, sorry for all the delay.
I was very busy.
Well it is really hard to deceide who will receive some prizes....
Well, if I would have enough money I would at least give 50 prizes away...
Well yeasterday evening, when being at my parents house, where I made this Christmas video,
it was again nice to be with my parents, which are already very old and you don´t know how many
years you will still be able to celebrate christmas with them...
Anyway as I had no time to go to church this year, I thought on the way back to my place I wanted to see, if there were
still these 2 homeless guys, who are sleeping on the park bank near my place and I drove by and
donated to each of them 20 Euros, so they could buy them some food and hopefully no alcohol.
They were very surprised that a stranger would give them money, but then they told me, I wouid
be their christmas angel and they thanked me a lot. Giving is really so joyful when you saw their lucky faces in the cold air...
and then we spoke a little bit and they told me about their hardship in live...
So next year I really have to work harder to make more money to be able to give away more money...
I don´t need much money, only need to pay my few bills and get some food and be able to study free energy
Anyway, as I have only 180 US$ on my Amazon.com account, I will now give there
7 x 25 US$ away as Giftcard codes via email and 3 x 25 US$ via my PayPal account, so all in all 10 x 25 US$.
I think all the best members have worked simular well, so giving higher prizes would
only reduce the number of members getting a prize.
I hope you are okay with it.
Here is my selection and surely I wished I could have donated more money to many more members....
Sorry, if I missed somebody you think should have been on this list.....
I will contact now these members and verify their email adresses and then email the Gift Codes or PayPal
Money out.
So again have some nice holidays and happy Christmas and a good new year 2016 for ALL of you !
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan
Thanks so much for including me in your decisions.
Could you please forward on my share to ramset (Chet),as he has put in a huge effort in organizing things behind the scenes here. He makes countless phone calls at his own cost all over the world,so is well deserving of all his efforts he has made.
Many thanks Brad.
Okay, I will then give the money to ramset (Chet) as you wish.
Many thanks again for all your hard work and the community support.
Regards, Stefan.
Stefan, I am honored to have made your list, and I'm grateful to you for keeping this forum open and for all you have done for the community.
Please take whatever award you intended to give to me, and instead, donate it to your local no-kill animal shelter, dog rescue society, or pet neuter program, "in memory of MarkE" .
I hope you and your loved ones are happy, safe and warm during this holiday season. Thanks again for thinking of me.
Okay, all prize winners have been now contacted via email from my hartiberlin Googlemail account.
Please reply, so I can send out the prizes.
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
Thanks Stefan for offering these prizes on this occasion.
I know it's not an easy job to select 7 out of all the great members who participate.
Please offer my prize to Gyula as he deserves it.
Kind regards to all in this festive occasion.
Quote from: TinselKoala on December 25, 2015, 08:01:20 PM
Stefan, I am honored to have made your list, and I'm grateful to you for keeping this forum open and for all you have done for the community.
Please take whatever award you intended to give to me, and instead, donate it to your local no-kill animal shelter, dog rescue society, or pet neuter program, "in memory of MarkE" .
I hope you and your loved ones are happy, safe and warm during this holiday season. Thanks again for thinking of me.
Many thanks TK,
many thanks for your endless support of the community and your great ideas and videos.
Also for bringing back some people to the real cause of energy that thought they would have OU.
Sometimes measurement errors are causing "amazing results" that just are too good to be true, and
Murphy´s law will always hit the first time ! ;) Please keep up the great work with your very
educative videos. Very much appreciated.
Anyway, I will look for an animal dog shelter over here and donate the money to them.
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
Thank you (and others) for recognizing the efforts and contributions over the years of folks like myself, it is much appreciated.
May I ask that my prize money go to one of the other listed members (I will let you know which via email)? It will be better served going to them. :)
Many thanks Darren,
yes, please send it to me via email.
I am going now to bed, as it is very late over here.
I will then process this tomorow.
Many thanks again for all your help, work and the community support.
Regards, Stefan.
I wish for that to go with Tinsels fund in Mark E's memory.[as I know you would too]
I feel I must add a comment here about Mark E, I must confess I was upset many times by him, but took it all with gratitude as time went on .... However I grew to understand after his passing what a truly selfless man he was and gave freely of himself and this "gift" he had to all who needed it in his life.
and just to be very clear he was a very gifted man and truly was at the top of his field in an area of electrical engineering referred to as the Black arts or similar by some .
I will say no more about that .
other than we lost a huge asset here, and some are trying to make a dedication to his family and children left behind
if you wish to be a part of that please send a PM or Email to
and to be clear this will ultimately be sent by Mark Dansie to the family [he has agreed] and Mark E's proper name will not be made public.
yes it will be a bit of a challenge to make this anonymous tribute ,however
worth every bit of effort.
I like you much more now after reading your story of the homeless men
[and I liked you "before" too]
we need more of this "love" in this world !
sorry to write soo much here.
Quote from: gotoluc on December 25, 2015, 08:13:54 PM
Thanks Stefan for offering these prizes on this occasion.
I know it's not an easy job to select 7 out of all the great members who participate.
Please offer my prize to Gyula as he deserves it.
Kind regards to all in this festive occasion.
Hi Luc and Stefan,
Thank you very much Luc for giving me your prize, it is very kind of you! However, I do think there are some other members here who do much more hands-on experiments than I can do at home (I am in pension and have a very small lab possibility on the corner of the kitchen table). In my active era, at my workplace I did hands-on tests on several so called "promising" ou candidate circuits but found conventional behaviour.
Stefan, I have just sent you a direct e-mail to let you know who I wish to donate the prize offered to me by Luc.
Thanks and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Stefan and All,
i am honored, as a humble replicator who needs all the help of ALL you guys out there, to be included in your list.
Like Tinman i also would like to offer this prize to Chet, as i too think he is doing wonderfull work both in the fore- and background.
He is like the glue which bonds all these "characters" from all over the world together.
As i understand it, Chet will donate this to Tinsels fund in Mark E's memory, so i kindly ask you to do that.
Many thanks to all, and have a great 2016.
Regards Itsu
Hi Stefan and all
Just come back from Christmas family dinner, to see that i have got a prize for my work on this forum.
Youp ! I had to reread the Stephan 's mail many times to believe it !What an honor.
I am so surprised because normally it should be me that have to give you a prize for all the learning i get here, and it is for me a pleasure to replicate , build and share the results of some prototypes , with always the awaiting of new knowledge, good or not so good but increasing day after day the feeling of this experience.
What we are doing on this forum and others , is a certain risky party, with a lot of traps and it needs sometime to think out of the box with no perfect guided line.
So, often driven by hope and some irrationality, a lot of mistakes and miscalculations can occur, and i am one that makes a lot of mistakes. But thanks to the help and sharing of a great part of all of you, i intend to improve myself.
And only with a great perseverance our hopes and dreams will one day access the whole reality.
Concerning my prize, i also would like that Ramset add it to Mark E`s memory, thank's Stefan to organize that for me.
Greeting to all of you, merry Christmas and happy new year 2016
Hi Laurent,
Wish you a Merry Xmas & A Happy Newyear
Thank you for placing me on this list of researchers. Please add my prize to that of TK's and give it to a local dog shelter. I have studied the work of most of the people on the list but TK I think has the best grip on the whole picture of what this forum is all about. We have to keep looking and building and testing ---and it must go on. He has done this for a long time but realizes that the research has to be based on known facts. Tinkering like I do is fun but building something based on a solid knowledge base like TK does is better.
Sorry guys, I was a few days away and
now finally wanted to make these payments.
The problem now is, that the money is still on my
Amazon.com account as a giftcard code balance and
I just realized, that I can not buy other Gift card codes
with this Amazon balance... Damn...
So we need to find another method to get the money that sits in Amazon.com Balance now to you
or to this dog pet nursing donation fund...
I just found a
Wag gift card for pet food and pet supplies
that I could buy probably with my Amazon.com balance
and ship this to an USA based adress...
Or if you just want something else, just give me a
physical good, that is about 25 US$ and give me your shipping adress
and then I will order it on Amazon.com and let it ship to you...
I think this is the only way, I can convert this money sitting in the Amazon.com balance now to the
So let me know you decision.
To the 3 guys on the list: Whoopy. Tinman and Itsu, who are not located
in the USA, I can send you the money via PayPal, so please supply
me your PayPal email adress to my email hartiberlin@gmail.com
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan... Sorry, for all the delay.
For simplicity we had decided to send those funds [itsu,TinMan Woopy] to YOUR local animal shelter in Germany along with Tinsel's contribution in memory of Mark E .
Chet K
Here is another idea Stefan, just a thought. It doesn't put the money towards any charity but it still goes towards some good.
The money could go towards buying someone on the forum some test equipment, like a cheap DSO (a RIGOL or something similar). It may be that most who experiment here already have their own scope, signal generator, and DMM meters etc, but maybe one or two folks don't.
Anyway, just an idea. I'm pretty sure scopes, signal generators and DMM's can be purchased off Amazon. Or maybe it could go towards circuit boards and/or kits for a COP meter project, that I would be willing to work on myself, or in collaboration with all the "gurus" here. It would be great if everyone used the same COP meter for consistent and easy measurements. I realize that this latter idea can't be purchased off Amazon. Again, just an idea.
Yet one more....efforts could go towards a differential amplifier that would allow scope voltage measurements across any two points in a circuit, without having to worry about grounding and shorting. A problem that we all face when making measurements these days.
I would recommend to pool these Amazon purchase credit if it can be done that way.
Like Chet says, it would be a good idea to buy something of more significance which in turn could be used for experiments.
Example: A video camera could be offered to someone that shares much but needs better video resolution
I enjoyed the fact that Stefan and some of us have recognized the effort of about 10 participators of this forum and I think we can keep doing that every year and recognizing other that were not included.
I don't think there's a need to give a gift to all selected. Maybe offer an Amazon gift certificate to the first 3 selected and if he or she wishes to offered to someone else in the selected group that could be their choice.
Can these credits be pooled and not all used every year?
That suggestion was Poynt's in post #44 along with some other great ideas he mentioned
I'm plunking away on a pod thingy can't cut and paste that post here .
I completely agree with both suggestions and will do anything I can to assist supporting burgeoning
Experimentors here and elsewhere ,as I know others here already have !
Good to be thinking and working along these lines.
Quote from: ramset on January 03, 2016, 04:42:23 PM
For simplicity we had decided to send those funds [itsu,TinMan Woopy] to YOUR local animal shelter in Germany along with Tinsel's contribution in memory of Mark E .
Chet K
Sorry, that doesn´t work , cause the Money is still as a giftcard balance on my Amazon account.
I thought I could buy 25 US$ gift cards from this credit balance, but this is not possible
on Amazon.com. I can only buy physical goods or other gift cards like subway eating gift cards or
Walmart gift cards or so which will be shipped to your adress.
But I can not buy Amazon Gift Cards codes...
So please send me your wishes what you want to have from Amazon.com
and your shipping adresses or what could be delivered via email.
still need to email me their wishes for about 25 US$ items on Amazon.
For Tinman and Woopy who are not living in the USA,
please send me your PayPal address so I can send the money
to you via PayPal.
have already been paid.
Many thanks again.
Regards, Stefan.
P.S: Regarding the dog nursing fund, I have about 155 US$ still on my Amazon credit balance and this is only good
for USA shipments, so if all the rest of the winners would agree, I could also buy dog food or
anything related to this TK´s dog nursing donation proposal and let it ship to a dog farm in the USA somewhere...
As I can not get the Amazon money out of my Amazon account , I can not donate it over here in Germany to a dog farm...
I hope you understand.
Regards. Stefan.
Okay, so far
most of the other guys want to donate to TK´s proposal for the local dog shelter.
Maybe it would be best, if TK would choose then a local dog shelter
he knows of and I arrange buying dog food or supplies for them
on Amazon and let it ship to them.
So I need now an adress from an USA based dog shelter , so that I can
order something for them.
Maybe TK can call a local dog shelter and ask, what they need
and if it is okay, that they will get it shipped to them for free as a gift and then I will
order it on Amazon.com and they will receive it...
Regards, Stefan.
Thank you very much for including me in the Prize Giveaway. I am very appreciative of your recognition. I have learned so much from so many members here over the years and hopefully, maybe inspired one or two others during the process.
Thanks again and, I hope that 2016 is a great year for all O.U. members as well as yourself.
Sorry for the late reply...was busy with my last overunitydotcom Youtube video...
Well, nobody emailed me yet a dog shelter from the USA, so what should I do now with the
155 US$ in my Amazon account credit balance ?
I still must look up, if this credit balance expires sometimes in the future if it is not used up...
so it would be best if TK or somebody else is sending me a proposal for a US based dog shelter
with the required good to be purchased from Amazon.com
Please let me know.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Regards, Stefan.
We will have a location to send it to in a few days !
Chet K
Okay, many thanks Chet,
please send it via email
or here in the forum as Personal Mail.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Okay Guys, sorry for the delay my Firefox was not working correctly, so
I had first to fix my PC and Chet did email me the Paws Chicago Pet shelter
wishlist from Amazon
https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/A91GR1NSCYZO/ref=cm_sw_su_w (https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/A91GR1NSCYZO/ref=cm_sw_su_w)
only 2 days ago.
I now ordered 3 Bags of Cat Food
and 3 bags of dog food for Paws.
Here is the copy of order form from Amazon.
3 bags of catfood:
http://amzn.to/1PXVZsx (http://amzn.to/1PXVZsx)
3 packs of dogfood:
http://amzn.to/1PXW53E (http://amzn.to/1PXW53E)
Order Details
Ordered on February 4, 2016 Order# 115-5625790-9315427
View or Print invoice
This is a gift order
Shipping Address
PAWS Chicago - Attention Wish List Items
(Full address hidden for privacy.)
Gift Registry Address
Payment Method
Apply gift card balance
Order Summary
Item(s) Subtotal:
Shipping & Handling:
Free Shipping:
Total before tax:
Estimated tax to be collected:
Gift Card Amount:
Grand Total:
Arriving Feb 10 - Feb 13
Not yet shipped
Purina Pro Plan Dry Dog Food, Focus, Adult Sensitive Skin & Stomach Formula, 18-Pound Bag, Pack of 1
$29.69 Sold by: Amazon.com LLC
Gift options: Gift Receipt and Gift Message selected
"Hi PAWS, Enjoy your gift! From Stefan Hartmann, 10589 Berlin, Germany due to the Overunity.com Prize 2015 see: http://overunity.com/16256/175-us-prizes-giveaway-for-christmas (http://overunity.com/16256/175-us-prizes-giveaway-for-christmas)"
Purina Pro Plan Dry Cat Food, Focus, Adult Indoor Care Turkey and Rice Formula, 16-Pound Bag, Pack of 1
$30.99 Qty: 3 Sold by: Amazon.com LLC
Gift options: Gift Receipt and Gift Message selected
"Hi PAWS, Enjoy your gift! From S. Hartmann"
Purina Pro Plan Dry Dog Food, Focus, Adult Sensitive Skin & Stomach Formula, 18-Pound Bag, Pack of 1
$29.69 Qty: 2 Sold by: Amazon.com LLC
Gift options: Gift Receipt and Gift Message selected
"Hi PAWS, Enjoy your gift! From S. Hartmann"
Good for you! Also, good for all of those other fellows that wanted cats and dogs to be taken care of with their prizes.
You are all very good folks.