Target : (
Furthermore an internal combustion engine in a vehicle requires acceleration around 1500 rpm to initiate movement to the vehicle, compared with Engineair's motor which is capable to do so at just one rpm, that is 1500 times better, this exercise is normally repeated many times in congested traffic wasting a significant amount of energy at a considerable cost to our environment.
Based on the above you can see that with Engineair technology is possible to power a vehicle using up to 100 times less energy than current vehicles,and we can do so with out burning any fuel. (
or: city-car hybrid combustion engine(f.e. biofuel or hydrogen ) conversion (
estimated 3 Liter/100 Km fuel consume
combustion engine improvement idea (real numbers ?): (
improvement of the electric drive (
In FIG. 4, showing a three-phase implementation of the invention for a three-phase motor 410 (which may be substituted for the motor 260 in FIG. 2A), the input wire for phase A is attached to the left terminal of a first capacitor C1, and another connection is made from a right terminal of capacitor C1 to a left terminal of capacitor C2. The input wire for phase B is attached to the left terminal of capacitor C2, and the other terminal of capacitor C2 is connected to a left terminal of capacitor C3. The input wire of phase C is attached to the left terminal of capacitor C3, and the other terminal of capacitor C3 is connected to the left terminal of capacitor C1. [/font][/size]An output wire for phase A is connected from the left terminal of capacitor C1 to the phase A input of the motor. The output wire for phase B is connected from the left terminal of capacitor C2 to the phase B input of the motor. The output wire for phase C is connected from the left terminal of capacitor C3 to the phase C input of the motor. Test results using a motor configured as in FIG. 4 are as follows: TABLE 6Readings Readings Workat 410 at 410 PerformanceBaseline Three Phase 20.5 psi Implementation462 V 462 V 1.7 A 1.6 A552 W RMS @ 185 W RMS @ 20.5 psi watt meter watt meter 552 W per hour 185 W per hour
egenerator induction coil coating ! ( page 2, 1/3 output improvement
from 3 Liter to 1 Liter/100 Km ?
Later : (
with electric motor improvement (META C or Shkondin,induction coil coated)
= Enginair power level
and waste energy recuperation ( (
"Engineair – Melbourne engineer Angelo Di Pietro has invented the Di Pietro Engine, a carbon-free alternative to internal-combustion and electric motors. The rotary air engine, powered by compressed air, has up to 94 per cent efficiency and zero polluting emissions."
To propel this "revolutionary" which has 94% efficiency, you need another "revolutionary" generator, to name it "revolutionary". Otherwise, when the generator is conventional, the whole, even most sophisticated and "revolutionary" motor remains conventional. And when you do the math and connect all the links together, all remains conventional there, never 94% efficiency.
By free mind and not experiments and functional prototype approved I do to you the question,Qwert:
from the page:ic-engine:136HP=100KW ~12,5 KW electro motor (
"The peak hp of an electric motor is usually 8 to 10 times its continuous rating." (
Le couple de sortie à l'arbre 25 à 6000 tours minute,est le même que le couple de sortie du dispositif intérieur en mouvement,volant inerte. Ce dispositif équipé de quatre moteurs de 500 wats,soit 2000 wats, avec une gestion électronique,est susceptible des mêmes performances de couple et de puissance qu'un moteur thermique de 50 ch,tout en assurant les services annexes dont le chauffage et le préchauffage du véhicule.5
La consommation moyenne est de l'ordre de IOOO wats heure.
and implementing to the electric motors this capacitive circuit ([/size]In FIG. 4, showing a three-phase implementation of the invention for a three-phase motor [/size]410 (which may be substituted for the motor 260 in FIG. 2A), the input wire for phase A is attached to the left terminal of a first capacitor C1, and another connection is made from a right terminal of capacitor C1 to a left terminal of capacitor C2. The input wire for phase B is attached to the left terminal of capacitor C2, and the other terminal of capacitor C2 is connected to a left terminal of capacitor C3. The input wire of phase C is attached to the left terminal of capacitor C3, and the other terminal of capacitor C3 is connected to the left terminal of capacitor C1. An output wire for phase A is connected from the left terminal of capacitor C1 to the phase A input of the motor. The output wire for phase B is connected from the left terminal of capacitor C2 to the phase B input of the motor. The output wire for phase C is connected from the left terminal of capacitor C3 to the phase C input of the motor. Test results using a motor configured as in FIG. 4 are as follows: TABLE 6Readings Readings Workat 410 at 410 PerformanceBaseline Three Phase 20.5 psi Implementation462 V 462 V 1.7 A 1.6 A552 W RMS @ 185 W RMS @ 20.5 psi watt meter watt meter 552 W per hour 185 W per hour
repeating the three-phase example result: instead 552W diminuation to 185 W
and the waste energy recuperation (
Does this not serve for an autonom car drive system ?
Quote from: lancaIV on July 02, 2016, 07:40:03 AM
Target : (
Furthermore an internal combustion engine in a vehicle requires acceleration around 1500 rpm to initiate movement to the vehicle, compared with Engineair's motor which is capable to do so at just one rpm, that is 1500 times better, this exercise is normally repeated many times in congested traffic wasting a significant amount of energy at a considerable cost to our environment.
Everything is in its torque, no magic. A relatively small motor, to get its torque, must provide adequate power, and it is mostly in its RPM. I don't believe that small air powered motor (engine?) will start a car from zero speed with mere 1 (one) RPM, even powered by a battery of high-compressed air devices.
"I don't believe ": wysiwyg ::) (
technical numbers ? ( (
The ElectriLite is a 3 wheel, 350 pound, fully enclosed, electric vehicle that is light enough to cruise with less than 2 horsepower (1500 Watts) from batteries, pedal generators, solar photovoltaics, fuel cells or other sources. Motive power is applied via 2 front gearless, Permanent (NdFeB) Magnet Brushless Direct Current motors that operate at 36-48 volts, 50 amperes at 90% (min) efficiency as traction motors or regenerators. The ElectriLite is aluminum tubing/sheet framed and designed to be constructed in a community setting with a minimum of tooling. The roll-bar frame supports a single sheet, polycarbonate, formed in place windshield/roof/rear cover. All electrical power and instruments are controlled by a microprocessor through a single connector and public domain software. This microprocessor (Instrument Panel Computer – IPC) is connected to a personal computer (NetBook, Laptop...) that broadens the use of the IPC data and control to entertainment and advanced function. The program for the PC is available as open source and therefore available for modification by the user.[/size]
Those prototypes are not only light, they also require light people to drive them, no passengers, of course; what about jokeys as drivers? and of course, they'll never hit the roads:too weak and crumble for any road regulation. I repeat: everything is in torque. Yes, they are great as novelty, and nothing practical.
Sorry LancaIV I spoiled your enthusiasm.
This motor looks really as a good idea. The only problem is with that claim, which says that to move a car, conventional ICE needs 1500 RPM, while this one needs only one RPM for the same effect. IMO, in this concept there must be an equivalent of those 1500 RPM: the adequate air pressure for example, which causes this, is produced by a motor which require adequately equal energy, and that will be more than just 1 RPM to produce adequate pressure (how many strokes of a compressor you need to get an air pressure of 100 psi in a tank in which the initial pressure is zero? It depends on torque of the compressor); no magic. (
Engine and Power 30 KW electric motor drive ~ 95 KW/130 hp ic engine. Newton*meter equivalence ( ( 135 hp ic engine Scorpion- 133
Flying two-seater electric cars are in the 30 KW electric drive class
Summasumarum in future selling price beginning with 5.000 Euros ( Scorpion-I : 170 Kg weight icl. Ic engine)
Conventional electric drive conditioning
With new electric motor technology ,magnet array and parallel path :
f.e. SCHILLER , QMPower,Thorq,Geminielectric
twice the torque by same electric power
15 electric KW motor street and flying cars (
Electric motor torque out versus electric input
Simple calculation by known parameters : ( (
" .... factor of at least 1000 in terms of torque out for watts in ..... "
I do not know which numbers of real Jakelj electric motor performance teste he, Alan Heglund, is refering and comparing !
Outperformer ? By the above " theoretical 1000/1 ratio"
and comparing with Hitachi,Siemens,GeneralElectric,Raser,QMpower,...... e-drives ? Absolutely !
100 KW ( 135 HP) / 32 Kg power density ~ 3 KW / Kg
Industrial prototypes of " low consume" cars :
a. (
27 hp( 20 KW )
b . (
27 hp / G- 40 hp
Taking their (
internal combustion engine/ electric motor power-to-wheel ratio :
street ( velocity max.) legal electric cars needs only a. (27/95)x30 or b. (40/95)x30
a. nominal 9 KW electric motor b. nominal 13 KW electric motor
As DIY hybrid drive system for such power level : (
Smaller and more efficient hybrid drive IC-engine ( ( (
And smaller and more efficient electric motors and electric generators :
from the 3 liter/ 100 Km hybrid drive consume we can improve and reach the 1 liter/ 100 km range
The ic engine fuel ?
For 1 liter/ 100 Km cars ( or DIY power plants ) :
a. NH3
b. Synthetic " stretched hydro-carbon" fuel-gas ( ( (
With only 1 liter/100 Km (#10 improvements) fuel exhaust and particles filtering these internal combustion hybrid cars are as clean/dirty like PREMIUM CLASS electric cars .
The " fine particle " production and pollution remains :
street surface abration and wheel friction
Here the main pollution parameters : velocity and weight and brake , start/stop interval
Net zero energy vehicle drive
"Net Zero"- conditioning is when input and output neutralize themself
electric motor : input 100 e-units and motor output conventional 80 mechanic output
electric generator : mechanic input 100 units and 80 electric units output
for 80% conversion efficient electric motors and generators the calculation is :
100 e-units in and 80 units out and generator 80 units in and 64 e-units out
so the calculative improvement factor need for the " net zero cyle" is :
100/64 = 1,5625 or 56,25%
A. a 1,5625 x better electric motor ( related to conventional ) = up to torque doubling
B. a 1,5625 x better electric generator ( related to conventional )
C. a 1,5625 x better resonant power in-/ output circuit cotrolling bypass device
Because there is now the demonstration of many high torque/Watt motors f.e (
Flynn : (
and lower torque-in/ higher Watt-out generators ( Kumar, Frunzi, Iida,.Marques,.....)
and the 3d print technology for EE prototyping f.e. (
A.,B. and C. demonstration units as roto-transverter will become soon shown
CN-chinese power amperage amplifier ( output power doubler, cascade-array possibility,EP-patent office granted )
For learning from the others and improving the performance :
Which technology will win ?
low cost 20-100 US$/KW ( ( combustion engine for (
and with this " fuel" (
Less than 1 Liter :) water ;D per 100 kilometers hybrid drive consume.
Funny future, if that becomes real.
"Fuel" source generator : dehumidifier ,small devices 10 Liter per day air extraction ~ 1000 Km
or easier : waiting and collecting " free fuel "- rain ::)
And finally only 10% from estimated /KW costs : (
1500 US$/KW
rebels bonmot : fat prices are ugly
Future program : ( c)lean price management (
electric generator prices
Reinhardt Turbine price estimation 20-100 US$/KW
( I mean to have reed that Toyota mass-produces their IC engines in the 10 US$/KW costs range)
and the water-as-fuel-reformer ?/KW (
could mean : total energy converter costs 150 US$/KW by production start and later 100 US$/KW average
and latestly 2040 by 3d-Reprap- industry-printing and licence-free
< 50 US$/ KW
for water-electric energy-farming, KWh- production costs = 1 US$cent to less
Many E. U. cities will reduce street velocity to 30 Km/h max. !
Commuter cars will become the"city-/urban mobile" solution :
an example how from "standart modell" vehicle modifying can change performance and competitive price : ( (
From this publication
" Minikraftwerk B"
he,Haeusler Zsolt,took this design : (
Not the generator nominal value important but the given nominal electric drive value , but strictly - velocity/mass related :
FOR URBAN CARS, IC engine to e- drive conversion : nominal 1,5 KW electric
Instead conventional electric motor :
A. (
3. Catalan only applied his motor invention for the US commercial market, not international = no WO grant !
B. (
With 3-4 KWh battery or ultra- battery pack equipped converted e-city cars !
12500 Km drive per annum means : 200 working days ~ 62,5 km/day and divided by 365 days ~ 35 Km/day
A soft hybrid- kit for ic-engine car to ic/electric car conversion with 100 Km range ( later Option : up to 500 Km)
2013 ! (
Advantage : no GHG-emission during electric drive ( City clean air act!)
How much nominal cinetic power needs an hybrid electric drive. ?
Following this" ic-engine car to electric car conversion" : 1,5 KW nominal AC motor(4000 RPM) to mechanic torque FOR USE AS CITY CAR
without anymore the ic- engine and parts weigt : up to 120 Km/h velocity ! (
With ic-engine the electric motor nominal power/torque (Nm).need ?
ZERO EMISSION CITY DRIVE is easy to reach !
Car-share with converted used "hybrid-kit cars" !?
So also in estates with 200 cars/sqkm density 1/1000 Land area for fuel bio-crop becomes sufficient !
The worldwide new "zero City emission car" price challenge : 5000 Euros
based by Renault Kwid basic costs and estimated 1500 Euros for the Manfred Sonntag " hybrid kit" (
Okay, after " Security"-improvements : 0-3 stars from 5 is actually not enough. !
But when we get "zero GHG emission" for cities = no combustion,what is the solution for the car user if not hybrid ? (
car weight without ic-engine ?
1,5 KW nominal AC electric motor and ??? up to 120 Km/ speed ?
For comparison :
700 Kg new electric car, 3,5 KW nominal electric motor, 30-50 Km/h speed ! (
This street legal Chinese electric car can be the base for (
" 1000 Watt electric consume per hour and 117 Km/h " as numeric drive information
experiments !
Minimum velocity for highway drive : 50 Km/h and average 100 Km/h so reachable !
Porquer + 4 x e-power saving motors + Tanaka Saburo static gen-set : 2000 Euros drive system price
Instead T.Saburo static gen-set : (
or (
or (
"FORMULA 1 KWH " 4-seater World competition/challenge : AUTODROME ESTORIL/PT
On-board 1 KWh battery or capacitor capacity : how long the drive range with which average velocity. ?
TARGET : 1 KWh :1000 Kilometers and more by 100 Km/h average velocity = 10 h +
Quote from: lancaIV on September 05, 2019, 05:58:13 AM (
car weight without ic-engine ?
1,5 KW nominal AC electric motor and ??? up to 120 Km/ speed ?
For comparison :
3000 Watt AC electric motor, up to 50 Km/ h speed !
700 Kg New electric car, 3,5 KW nominal electric Motor, 30-50 Km/h speed ! (
This street legal Chinese electric car can be the base for (
" 1000 Watt electric consume per hour and 117 Km/h " as numeric drive information
experiments !
Minimum velocity for highway drive : 50 Km/h and average 100 Km/h so reachable !
Porquer + 4 x e-power saving motors + Tanaka Saburo static gen-set : 2000 Euros drive system price
Instead T.Saburo static gen-set : (
or (
or (
"FORMULA 1 KWH " 4-seater World competition/challenge : AUTODROME ESTORIL/PT
On-board 1 KWh battery or capacitor capacity : how long the drive range with which average velocity. ?
TARGET : 1 KWh :1000 Kilometers and more by 100 Km/h average velocity = 10 h + (
They are right !
When 3 -3,5 KW AC electric Motor cars reach up to 50 Km/ h average speed
with Porquer 4x 500 Watt electric Motor transmission which aequivalence a 50 horse-power ic-engine
and these 4 electric motors are build by Aminzko electric motor design with 400% Nm/electric wattin power ratio
in relation to conventional electric motors
then electric cars are in price : Porquer transmission 400 Euros + 4 x 112,5 Euros Aminzko electric 500 Watt motors without concurrence. !
1 KWh battery capacity sufficient !
As "Zero energy car " + 400 Euros Saburo inverter gen-set
+ Zero energy electric boat
+ Zero energy electric Drone, Intercontinental fly
An engineer and his patent archive publications :
Can somebody - experienced professional - explain his concept here!? Please. !
Direct drive DC motors are the way to go
The electric generator braking systems
and the new AA batteries
We can reduce the weight of a passenger vehicle by 60%
With a total system cost less than that of just the transmission
of an ICE vehicle.
Recycling old chassis is probably the way to go
As there are currently no investors willing to take on the auto industry
with a line of low-cost electrics
Displacement cavities in unused parts of the vehicle
Can house Helium, to further decrease 'effective' weight
and improve fuel efficiency as well as safety.
From actually "one period per pole" up to "eight periods per pole" :
up to eight times efficiency improvement (
Question : which kind of improvement. ?
A. from f.e. 8 KW/ Kg up to 1 KW/Kg power density improvement mean. ?
B. the physical generator mass with " 1 period per pole" output - now technical and conceptual changed -
to "2 periods or 4 period or 6 periods or 8 periods - per pole-
gives 2 fold/4 fold/6 fold/8 fold the energetic output !?
FROM CONVENTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT RATIO 1:1 ( ignoring the real losts) with multiple periods 1:2 or 1:4 or 1:6 or 1:8 ?
A car with - in wheel generators- equipped with 2 fold/4 fold/6 fold/8 fold the brake energy recuperation. ?
REVA NGX 37 KW electric motor consume per 100 Km : 12 KWh (~ GM Impala consume)
REVA NGX brake energy recuperation per 100 Km : 3 KWh
3 KWh brake energy recuperation x 2 fold/4 fold/6 fold/8 fold ?
Multiple periods per pole : NET ZERO ENERGY CAR TECHNOLOGY. ?
Kango Iida : (
As "Multipole device" descripted,not to read about "Multiple periods per pole"-device. !
By the same inventor : (
the counterrotative effect : from 1:1 ratio to : ?
Akio Hara, double counterrotative generators on one shaft (
From 1:1 input/output ratio to 1:2 ratio
REVA NGX with Catalan Hallbach array magnet-motor and Hara in wheel coaxial generators
But : 1:2 input/output ratio improvement R&D !
BTW : Akio Hara coaxial generator " open source", licence-free
ELECTRIC CAPACITIVE WINDING MOTOR ( alternatively to Catalan market entry price politics ! ) (
input/output electric/kinetic > 2,> 4,> 6,> 8,.....
and conventional in-wheel generator or Hara coaxial generator (
It will be nice to get cheap electric cars with all needed technical approvements as experiment plattform. ! (
Remembering the cheapest car in our economic world, the russion "Oka",less than 2000 Euros in the 90'
2006 for 2600 Euros sold ( (
" disabled car to the disabled" ::) (
Little more modern prototype Oka-2 from 2003 : ( (
"Lu ??? LUX :o LUXUS-version" 8)
Quote from: lancaIV on November 20, 2019, 03:05:14 PM
From actually "one period per pole" up to "eight periods per pole" :
up to eight times efficiency improvement (
Question : which kind of improvement. ?
A. from f.e. 8 KW/ Kg up to 1 KW/Kg power density improvement mean. ?
B. the physical generator mass with " 1 period per pole" output - now technical and conceptual changed -
to "2 periods or 4 period or 6 periods or 8 periods - per pole-
gives 2 fold/4 fold/6 fold/8 fold the energetic output !?
FROM CONVENTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT RATIO 1:1 ( ignoring the real losts) with multiple periods 1:2 or 1:4 or 1:6 or 1:8 ?
A car with - in wheel generators- equipped with 2 fold/4 fold/6 fold/8 fold the brake energy recuperation. ?
REVA NGX 37 KW electric motor consume per 100 Km : 12 KWh (~ GM Impala consume)
REVA NGX brake energy recuperation per 100 Km : 3 KWh
3 KWh brake energy recuperation x 2 fold/4 fold/6 fold/8 fold ?
Multiple periods per pole : NET ZERO ENERGY CAR TECHNOLOGY. ?
Kango Iida : (
As "Multipole device" descripted,not to read about "Multiple periods per pole"-device. !
By the same inventor : (
the counterrotative effect : from 1:1 ratio to : ?
Akio Hara, double counterrotative generators on one shaft (
From 1:1 input/output ratio to 1:2 ratio
REVA NGX with Catalan Hallbach array magnet-motor and Hara in wheel coaxial generators
But : 1:2 input/output ratio improvement R&D !
BTW : Akio Hara coaxial generator " open source", licence-free
ELECTRIC CAPACITIVE WINDING MOTOR ( alternatively to Catalan market entry price politics ! ) (
input/output electric/kinetic > 2,> 4,> 6,> 8,.....
and conventional in-wheel generator or Hara coaxial generator (
Their double battery charge and recharge concept
And as battery energy source :
A. (
B. (
Net/ Zero Energy electric cars as new models or by internal combustion motor to e-drive conversion as ecological alternative. !
All these technologies licence- free sources and global use-/avail-ability means less salary/production costs and let reach faster the <10000 Euros "compact class"-electric car with quasi-"unlimited"-range in Europe and U.S.A. !
With India their actually small car market prices in the 5000 Euros range later 10000 to 7500 to 5000 Euros of electric cars endconsumer price decrease will be in maximal 5 years steps ,global the price decrease similar !
Okay,by falling numeric salary prices global !
B.I.Z. BASEL I,II,...,V,.... finance system reformation program for the next years !
Who wins actually liquid 2000 Euros in the G7 shall calculate with 1000 Euros liquid in the next years,who wins actually liquid 5000 and more Euros -per month- shall calculate with 1500 Euros liquid - per month- in future. !
This is the B.I.Z.- effect : numericsl deflation from too much accumulated price-/salary-inflation
Uncapitalized credits, = Junk ,blowed= flated up the numbers
Future price decrease ever in comparison and evolution parallel with salary price decrese ( salaries are ever price part !).
Handwork to machinework to Menmachine( robot )
in western economies productivity improvements are mainly based by machine use and machine capacity work turns ( and as only special skill : precision ,this now C.N.C. -domain and my-/nano-meter level) :
"thirld/second world" economies can by motorization = factor 10 and work-turns = factor 3-4 easy reach this in western common technological productivity :
10x 3 or 4 = 30-40 times faster or more units productivity
" simple machines" and their productivity lever. !
They get our productivity level and we get their actual salary level. ! Economy Entrophy
Replacing your braking system with electromagnetic regenerative brakes can not only improve efficiency of your vehicle, but provide much more auxiliary power than currently available from an ICE passenger vehicle. (
Moreover, all electric cars need two to three times fewer batteries if we take obesity—weight and drag—out of their design, especially by replacing heavy steel with light metals or with even lighter (but stronger) carbon-fiber composites (
Quote from: lancaIV on July 04, 2020, 03:46:28 PM (
Moreover, all electric cars need two to three times fewer batteries if we take obesity—weight and drag—out of their design, especially by replacing heavy steel with light metals or with even lighter (but stronger) carbon-fiber composites ( (
Since electric motors have a significantly higher torque, it is sufficient to install a small motor with little power in your vehicle.
A 30 kW electric motor can achieve a torque of 170 Nm, which roughly corresponds to a gasoline engine with a displacement of 2,000 cm³ and 95 kW (129 hp).
Sounds great, doesn't it? ( (
Top speed 87 mph or 87 x 1,6093 = 140 Kilometer per hour max
27 hp engine
"older" ;) low cost ic engines equipped vehicles ( (
The Charleston, having been presented in October 1980 as a one-season "special edition" was incorporated into the regular range in July 1981 in response to its "extraordinary success".
[57] ( By changing the carburetor to achieve 29 hp (22 kW), a top speed of 115 km/h (71 mph) was achieved.
Other changes were a new rear-view mirror and inboard disc brakes at the front wheels.[57] (
To get a feeling how many horses we need for sub-/urban velocity traffic !
when 129 hp engine converts to 30 KW electric motor then 27 hp engine converts to 27 x ( 30/129) = 6,28 KW electric motor 8)
Attention : electric motor Nm/torque and car weight and velocity demand relationship (
Option : ( (
when we read this application and compare the ratios : four electric motors each 500 W nominal = total 2 KW electric / 50 hp engine
and the ic engine car to electric car conversion ratio 30 KW electric/129 hp
this means that this differential concept should reach up to 85% power savings,flywheel systems in study gives up to 30% ! (
The technology used to produce Centurion's high fuel economy is very straightforward. An internal combustion engine runs most efficiently when it is operating at 60% to 90% of maximum output. In contrast, when an engine is throttled so it develops only a small portion of its power output capability, fuel economy plummets. Automobiles operate most of the time with the engine throttled to 5% or less of full power, such as when cruising at low speeds in urban traffic. Even on the highway, the average family sedan can cruise at 55 mph on a little as 8 to 10 hp, which is only a fraction of the power capability of the engine. An engine throttled into fractional power regions can use double or triple the fuel per unit of power output. It's as simple as that.
Centurion first reduces road load by keeping weight and aerodynamic drag to a minimum with its sleek shape and low, 1,200-pound curb weight. Minimum installed power, tall gearing, and a transmission with high ratio selectivity combine to allow for high engine loading. With its 17-hp, 3-cylinder Kubota diesel engine coupled to the 5-speed transmission with overdrive in each gear, the engine can be loaded into its region of minimum brake specific fuel consumption at just about any speed. These are the primary factors responsible for Centurion's fuel economy at cruise. Stop-and-start fuel economy benefits from low weight, which translates into less energy lost to inertia in urban traffic. Reduced fuel consumption at idle and during braking results from the small-displacement engine.
( 17 hp / 129 hp ) x 30 eKW = 4 e KW electric motor Centurion
Being flexible :
when actually conventional ic-engine cars emitts in-/directly 30 units CO2 per 100 Km 100%
by Germany electricity sources mix the electric car emitts in-/directly 7,5 units CO2 per 100 Km 25%
by renewable electricity sources(wind,photovoltaic,water) 1,25 units CO2 per 100 Km 4,2%
modernize and clean the ic-engine mobility 30 units CO2 per 100 Km
a. Arakelian fuel (
1/8 alcohol/fuel 7/8 hydrogen
to 30/8 CO2 emission = 3,75 units CO2 per 100 Km
Means : all ic-engines fueled by Arakelian fuel are all cleaner than electric drive cars sourced by grid mix electricity !
b. alternatively gun engine ( same effect : all ic-engine cars cleaner than electric cars charged by e-mix !
Ic-engine + Arakelian fuel + ( heterodyne antenna thermo electric generator
Invented heterodyne antenna thermo electric generator is very cheap and small and light and without any moving parts. Its energy efficiency is near 100%. Carnot limit is not relevant.
For example, a hybrid electric vehicle can use four times less fuels vs. ICE, so generating four times less exhausts, and I have developed a technology for very mass and cheap extraction CO2 from the air.
3,75 CO2 units /4 = 0,9375 units CO2 per 100 Km
IC-engines modified are cleaner than all electric drive equipped cars ,sourced by e-mix or renewable-e !
Beside an ic-engine emission improvement option : ( (
We have the decision freedom up to 2030 when world-wide basic patents validation periods ends and the battery prices will become available in the 100-50 US$/KWh/10 000 charge cycles level
Changing ic-engine cars to electric cars is not a climate change solution !
Improvement from ic-engine and electric drive cars is a climate solution !
The Arakelian/gun engine fuel is ,beside car use, also a good alternative to gasoil in house heating use : (
1975 GB average consume per sqm to 2020 Nearly Zero Energy Building Standart
UK average 12,900 kWh / 8 Arakelian effect / 82 sqm = 20 KWh fuel(-hydrogen mix) per sqm/year (
The price ?
Only the market price for a 1000 W variable speed electric motor actually ? + Controler ?
Cheap equipment for mobility experiments !
basic idea : (
Using lightweight vehicles such as ElectriLite (300#) instead of large EVs or ICVs:
* Reduces energy used by at least 90%
* Reduces battery lead pollution by at least 90%
* Reduces fuel (or electricity) consumption by 90 to 95%
* Reduces ownership, maintenance and insurance costs by 90%
* Increases participation in community ecological efforts ( by example )
* Increases personal time by shortening door to door ( trip, parking, etc. ) time
* Increases personal fitness by providing exercise opportunities facilitated by the IPC
* Increases personal visibility regarding our concerns for local environment and economy
to : (
1969 Toyota e-car : (
1990 Hotzenblitz,Germany : (
The Hotzenblitz has a light, stable tubular steel frame and an aluminum floor pan in a sandwich construction. The frame is planked with a plastic body. The panes are glued in place.
Drive is a rotary current asynchronous motor (,elem,se) , the braking or during downhill driving as a regenerative brake (,elem,se) in the generator mode, (,elem,se) a part of the kinetic energy as electrical energy (up to about 11 kW) in the driving battery feeds back ( recuperation (,elem,se) increases) and thus efficiency and range.
It has a nominal output of 12 kW (16 HP) and a short-term peak output of 16.5 kW [23] (,elem,se#cite_note-23) . The car reaches a top speed of around 100 km / h.
Performance with 2021 standarts ?
Electric Motor, brake energy recuperation generator, Wh/Kg Batteries ( ( (
Curb weight (
600–635 kg less ic-engine parts
10 KW rated electric motor for modified TATA NANO ,SPEED up to 95 Km*h (
2x 1,5 KW rated electric DC motors , top speed of 52 MPH = 83,6 Km*h
by GoldenMotor 2x 1,5 KW DC motor (not GarWoods 90V and torque ) + Controler nearly 750 US$ parts costs for experiments (
with rated 10 KW electric DC motor ? Performance ?
with 2x rated 1,5 KW electric DC motor ,in-wheel ? Performance ?
with 2x rated 2 KW ( electric pulsed DC motor ? (
weight,engine hp,max speed/velocity performance ! electric ? ( (
CITYCAR ( 1974 ) : only 1,8 KW electric drive ( ( (
The TARGET : 1 Wh /Km electric drive consume (excluded media gadgets,heating,cooling)
top speed 120 - 140 Km*h
by average 50 Km daily drive in Europe/60 Km in the US
e-storage easy to re-/charge with household 1500 Wattpeak socket in 3 minutes =(1500/60)x3 =
75 Wh for daily driving
or/and brake energy recuperation
or/and AmericanWind converter drive energy
or/and photovoltaic open/enclosed chamber panel
or/and Ramos Suarez/Lakhdar Mentzer/Pavel Imris battery charging cycle
or/and Tanaka Saburo inverter cycle/amplifier ( (
5 H.P. FOUR-SEATER SALOON , petrol engine H.P. !
5 H.P. = 3,75 KW electric drive
compressed air engine
hydrogen engine (
100 Wh/1 Km (
to (
With an extrapolated 1,232 kilometers per kilowatt hour, the team from the Technical University of Munich not only built the most efficient electric car, but also set an impressive and forward-looking world record.
The car, which was specially tailored to the needs of driver Lisa Kugler and weighs just 20 kilograms, had to drive for an hour and cover at least 25 kilometers.
or : 0,81 Wh / Km
4-5-6 capita - seats electric car ( 27 hp ic engine
modifying to electric drive (
4x 500 rated Watt electric motor
conventional e-motor 2500 Wh/100 Km or 25 Wh/Km
modern e-motor 1000 Wh/100 Km or 10 Wh/Km
sourced by 2021 now 3d MEMS-printed capacitive polymeric/graphene ink coils-amplifier (
The primary current is supplied by a small alternator (currently used to provide lighting for bicycles) at barely 6 volts and O, 35 A
or an electromotive force of 2 ,15 watts .
2,15 Wp per hour /average 40 Km (urban average velocity)
0,05 Wh/ Km
by 120 Km*h max-speed and up to 800 Kg VESTA 2 tipo car/car occupants weight
Remembering 1992 Suzuki and SIEMENS Atom Reactor driven concept cars
Nano-Boxx Micro-Nuclear Battery for 2,15 W delivery
When 1 KW = claimed 40 US$ production costs
0,01 KW = 1/100 claimed 40 US$ production costs
0,81 Wh/100 Km or
+ e-drive 300/600/900 conventional rated Watts to Micromotor-couple 30/60/90 Watts (
+ eternal e-source ( eternal = industrial/physical "warranty" ::) validation ) (
Probably from flood zones cheap available Tesla Motor or other listed e-vehicles (
( total damage insurance stage) and modifying eco-nomical/-logical ?
1600 Kg to < 1000 Kg
Really "funny" are such claims : (
With its ultra-compact size, outstanding fuel economy and amazingly simple, low-cost construction (build it in a couple of weekends for as little as $300) ::)
The Automite is a breakthrough in personal transportation! :P (
als mobilen akademischen TU-alumni "Foetus auf 3 Raedern"(trike) wuerde ich auch nicht als "breakthrough" bezeichnen !
Ob es noch waechst ? Vielleicht aufpumpen ! 20 Kg ! (
Non-sense ,basic idea destroyer ( 140 Km*h speed/velocity max.
Enthusiasts have established owners' clubs and some have modified their vehicles substantially, adding bigger wheels, jet engines, and high-powered electric motors to propel their C5s at speeds of up to 150 miles per hour (240 km/h).
Boeser ( Spass 8) (
Velocidade máxima: 6 km SOOOO lahm ?
Altenrollstuhl,(ueber- ;D )motorisiert,mit Fernbedienung/remote controle
Ich will Spass,geb dem/der ALTEN (e)GAS : (
Geschwindigkeits-Weltrekord von 173,16 km/h
Tempo 2,4 to 24 to 240
Naduerli mit Alten-Selfie !
Damit er/sie nach dem "Spass" die eigenen Gesichtsgrimassen begutachten kann,
wenn er/sie es - dann/danach- noch kann ! ::)
e-tuning : (
conventional e-trike (
and (
f.e. (
net 0 Wh/Km urban trike
Target : 1000 US$/ all inclusive e-trike
range (production quality dependent) with LTO battery equipped
Yinlong 25 000 charge cycles = 25 Km*h average x 100 000 = 2 500 000 Km nonstop
KOKAM(Hotzenblitz)-XALT 40 000 charge cycles = 25 Km*h average x 160 000 = 4 000 000 Km nonstop (
2021 to compare with ( ( (
1500 US$ market worth new product
improving to :
with daily limitless range
by City-speed max. limit 40/50 Km*h
as finally
2000 US$ market price -fob factory- 2/3/4 seater peoplemover
by e-Citycar-share : 100%, 50%, 33,3%, 25%, 10% ownership and investment
like public bus or taxi treatment
limitless e-trike ,30-40 Km*h speed max (
for < 1000 US$ -fob factory-
for < 750 US$ - fob factory - such (
limitless e-bike, 30 Km*h speed max
for < 500 US$ - fob factory- (
Motor: Schwanzlos ::) ( (
+ Reply # 30 :
the existent ic-engines with Arakelian fuel and gun-engine kit and the BEV 2030 standart can be reached by ic engine vehicles with this modification ! (
when 200 GHG emission units from 250 GHG emission units are by ic engine vehicles fuel/electricity production related
200 /8 Arakelian hydrogen-carb fuel or ( clean motor concept (Kit) = 25 units + 50 units
75 GHG emission units ic engine cars
there is by the icct no better BEV GHG emission 2021-2030 calculation
so we can assume maximal 1000 US$/Euros low carb car improvement worth/costs !
(FIAT-)TATA NANO ic engine type cars as same clean as Tesla/VW/TOYOTA/KIA/Daimler-Benz electric motors models !
Not Premium class cars but global eco-standart !
Clean ic engine or electrification : ( (
Fuelcell or Co-gen engine (proepower ( ) :
costs and efficiency
to (
compared (
Epoch-making breakthrough electric generator
Author: David Judbarovski, systems engineering, principle inventor,
Invented heterodyne antenna thermo electric generator is very cheap and small and light and without any moving parts. Its energy efficiency is near 100%. Carnot limit is not relevant.
For example, a hybrid electric vehicle can use four times less fuels vs. ICE, so generating four times less exhausts, and I have developed a technology for very mass and cheap extraction CO2 from the air.
Disclosure for experts
(for lighter understanding see a popular but clear introduction below)
Antenna is jointed with radiators, heated by heat carrier or by any combustible or by solar beams concentrator.
The said radiator emits a band of EM waves of about 100 THz interfered each with the others forming envelope band, can be filtered by the said antenna resonators of much less frequencies into electricity with high energy efficiency that can reach near 100% especially after recuperation of exhaust heat.
100% actual ic engine car GHG emission /4 antenna resonator ic engine /8 a. hydrogen-carb or b. water-carb fuel
= 3,125 % later modified ic engine car GHG emission
200 units x 0,03125 = 6,25 units + 50 units car manufacturing = 56,25 units GHG emission
with on-board ic engine exhaust CO2 filtering and capture option
the icct (
has to accept that electric motor/battery equipped cars are not and will be never "cleaner" that ic engine equipped cars !
::) :
Antenna is jointed with radiators, heated by heat carrier or by any combustible or by solar beams concentrator.[/size]
The said radiator emits a band of EM waves of about 100 THz interfered each with the others forming envelope band, can be filtered by the said antenna resonators of much less frequencies into electricity with high energy efficiency that can reach near 100% especially after recuperation of exhaust heat.
Solar beam concentrator !
Dr. Dr. Rudolf Weinzierl
For experiments : (
48 Volt 22 Ah LEAD battery ,weight ? (
(12 V x 22 Ah )/6,2 Kg = 42,5 VAh/Kg nominal,DoD !
48 Volt x 22 Ah ~ 1056 VAh 'Enough for 90 Km drive range' !? (
500 VAh/Kg
The above 6,2 Kg x4 (12 V ea. to 48 V ) = 24,8 Kg x 500 VAh = 12 400 VAh
Enough for 90 Km x 10-12 times drive range : 900-1080 Km !?
Improvements : range extender
Citroen Ami lease plan condition ( and probably etrike-car- investment share ) : (
The Vegan eTrike assuming with 3600 € selling price,incl. VAT ( 3000 € comercial, without VAT)
750 € entrance (1 owner,1/2 = 375€ ea. 2-share-owner,1/3= 250 € ea. 3-share owner,.....and 7,5 € monthly fee (1 owner ),1/2,1/3,...
Cheap,save and clean urban mobility
Anyone, raise your hand if you can read let alone understand the way Lanca posts. Then please explain me how to deal with that chaos.
Lanca, you're broadcasting, but are you on a frequency that's on anyone's radio?
In the search of the ' 10 000 Km drive range e-mobile,nonstop ' ( intercontinental,land/sea/air !)
Vegan eTrike + 500 VAh/Kg battery + improved rotorverter (Gordon James and Peter Rust and +++)~ 10 000 Km ;)
City 40 Km•h velocity max. x 24 hours = 960 Km per day range
CloxxKI,AM or FM ? ;D
Nonstop ? Relatively when as passengers humans ( biological-chemical input and output !)
Tschau,vale bene :)
Takes a while to learn
And then you realize many contributions are
Way out of perspective ( or relevant)
Some actually totally detached from goals here ( mission statement)
And some very good!
Signal to noise ?
One man's noise is another man's signal ( open source vrs investor stuff )
One thing I would really ,really like to understand
Lanca was involved in some magnet or ? Motor OU thingy
Big project?
Would be nice to read more (teach) about that!
Battery Technology R&D preview (
A solid state Quantum high Energy density Storage Or Retrieval device known as a quensor, and the trademark ENSOR(TM), having an energy density of about 1-15 kwhr/kg, comparable to gasoline, or more, is described (
2023 :
Amprius comercial lithium battery : 450 Wh/Kg
CATL lithium battery : ( (
Lab lithium battery record : ( (
"With further development, we expect our new design for the lithium-air battery to also reach a record energy density of 1200 watt-hours per kilogram," said Curtiss. "That is nearly four times better than lithium-ion batteries."
Not only power2weight ratio,also the lifetime as charge cycle number is important.
From nearly zero external charging to net zero external charge to 100% autonomous self-recharging mobile.
p.s.: step by step doubling,trippling this benchmark,making common (
Vegan type experimental ,48 V x 22 Ah LEAD AGM battery ( 42,5 Wh/Kg) ~ 90 Km
A. (
42,5 Wh/Kg LEAD battery change to 500 Wh/Kg Lithium-/or Sodium battery
C.Conventional electric motor change to magnet array Halbach-type electric motor with sc-/or capacitive coils
90 Km x Todorovic 3x = 270 Km x 10 times Lithium-/Sodium power per weight density = 2700 Km
x 2x electric motor consume improvement ( Nm per electric pulse)
= 5400 Km drive range
5400 Km / 1680 Km Guinness book world record
= first target reached,world-record trippling !
External/on board battery recharge time
Observation : ( 1/2 hour full recharge ( ( 12 V x 36 Ah for 32 Km drive range ~ 1350 Wh/100 Km,1-seater
compared V x 22 Ah)/0,9 ~ 1175 Wh/100 km , 3-seater
A good platform for R&D experiments
Quote from: Cloxxki on August 31, 2023, 07:46:14 AM
Anyone, raise your hand if you can read let alone understand the way Lanca posts.
Then please explain me how to deal with that chaos.
Lanca, you're broadcasting, but are you on a frequency that's on anyone's radio?
Lanca's (http://"") posts throughout this message board are dense with impressive research and pertinent useful information although most of his posts are nearly incoherent and unreadable.
Dude posts in the same style nearly all his posts.
Same with dxer (example (http://"")), a bunch of babble translated from inside their head onto the public internet.
It takes time to boot up the computer, consider the subject, determine the wording, type out the words, login to our message board, and post to the internet for all to see; so naturally I assume people like this have something potentially somewhat worthwhile to share with us.
Dxer seems like a foreign old dude with a trillion variations of a design he came up with seventy years ago, mulls over these variations in his head at night, then wakes up in the morning and posts his latest variation that he speculatively feels might could conceivable perchance possibly work in theory god willing. For whatever reason, this guy finds it valuable and worth his time to post variations of his unproven design relentlessly over 10+ pages not soon stopping...! Going on 20+ pages!
After reading enough of Lanca's posts his style manifests itself more straightforward and coherent than his seemingly incoherent rambling notetaking appears...
The following is my analysis to aid in understanding this guy's approach to posting on the internet.
Lanca's post deciphered:"Battery Technology R&D preview",
the first line of Lanca's post is the subject of his post.
Lanca chooses to include lengthy full length urls in his post instead of properly using url tags. This is another aspect of Lanca's posting style that complicates reading this guy's posts. Additionally, improper capitalization adds to the overwhelming befuddlement. Lanca's over-the-top usage of colons, slashes, commas, and parentheses further increases the unreadability of his posts.
The next line shares with us the knowledge that
"a solid state quantum high energy density storage or retrieval device known as a quensor has an energy density of about 15 kilowatt hours per kilogram which is comparable to gasoline".
The two sources of Lanca's information are from Worldwide Espacenet (http://"") and Thundersaid Energy (http://"").
The single line with numbers at the bottom is Lanca's attempting
showing that the Thundersaid energy link is from the year 2023 .
The lines after this share information of a
commercial lithium battery that is 450 watt hours per kilogram made by a company called Amprius.
The next sentence shares information about a
commercial lithium battery that is 500 watt hours per kilogram made by a company called CATL (http://"").
The next line provides a link to a pdf (http://"") of
a 650 watt hours per kilogram battery from Nasa.
In the paragraph proceeding Lanca informs us (http://"") of the
world record for a lithium battery in the lab that is 700 watt hours per kilogram.
Then Lanca shares the following quote
"With further development we expect our new design for the lithium-air battery to also reach a record energy density of 1200 watt-hours per kilogram. That is nearly four times better than lithium-ion batteries." from a website called The Driven (http://"").
Lanca's own insight is shared with us next informing us his opinion that
"Not only power to weight ratio, but also the lifetime as charge cycle number is important."Next Lanca presents his opinion that this technology could manifest
"from nearly zero external charging to net zero external charge to 100% autonomous self-recharging mobile." speculating further possibilities utilizing the above technology.
At this post his post is complete. But then Lanca decides to add a post script message that includes his notes from his above gathered research. The message Lanca chooses to share with us is
"step by step doubling, trippling this benchmark, making common". These are breadcrumbs and tidbits of knowledge Lanca hopes someone piggybacks on while further researching these matters.
Lanca then provides information from the Guinness World Records (http://"")
describing a far traveling electric vehicle.
this vehicle uses an experimental 48 volt 22 amp-hour lead agm battery equivalent to about 42 watt hours per kilogram.
Next Lanca shares with us a patent for
"Three times longer range with the same battery" from Patent Auction (http://"").
Then he shares his postulation about a "42 watt hour per kilogram lead battery changing to 500 watt hour per kilogram lithium or sodium battery",
suggesting that a lithium or sodium battery could in his opinion be better than a lead battery.
Next Lancas explains that a
"conventional electric motor change to magnet array halbach-type electric motor with sc or capacitive coils maybe might possibly triple the world record".
Lanca then provides a link from Log9 Materials (http://"")
presenting a fast-charing battery with half-hour recharge time.
Then he provides another link from Auto Car India (http://"")
presenting 15 minute fast charging technology.
After this Lanca provides a link to a Youtube video (//http://) titled
Exponent Energy Unveils Water-Based Rapid Charging Tech.
Then Lanca
provides a link to a battery powered tricycle (http://"") compared to another tricycle (http://"") and posts their respective specs.
WMBR is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's student-run college radio station broadcasting on 88.1 FM. Perhaps Lanca is affiliated?
OCWL could be Lanca's full name signature? ...Or possibly a human person pictogram if you look at your screen and tilt your head to the left?
Lanca closes with letting us all know that
what he is posting may potentially be "a good platform for research and development experiments" if anyone wants to piggyback off his aforementioned research.
I hope my post provides more clear understanding and insight into Lancas unenjoyable cumbersome incoherent posting style.
Thank you for sharing your research with us, Lanca.
Keep it coming!!
QuoteBattery Technology R&D preview
A solid state Quantum high Energy density Storage Or Retrieval device known as a quensor, and the trademark ENSOR(TM), having an energy density of about 1-15 kwhr/kg, comparable to gasoline, or more, is described
2023 :
Amprius comercial lithium battery : 450 Wh/Kg
CATL lithium battery :
Lab lithium battery record :
"With further development, we expect our new design for the lithium-air battery to also reach a record energy density of 1200 watt-hours per kilogram," said Curtiss. "That is nearly four times better than lithium-ion batteries."
Not only power2weight ratio,also the lifetime as charge cycle number is important.
From nearly zero external charging to net zero external charge to 100% autonomous self-recharging mobile.
p.s.: step by step doubling,trippling this benchmark,making common
Vegan type experimental ,48 V x 22 Ah LEAD AGM battery ( 42,5 Wh/Kg) ~ 90 Km
42,5 Wh/Kg LEAD battery change to 500 Wh/Kg Lithium-/or Sodium battery
C.Conventional electric motor change to magnet array Halbach-type electric motor with sc-/or capacitive coils
90 Km x Todorovic 3x = 270 Km x 10 times Lithium-/Sodium power per weight density = 2700 Km
x 2x electric motor consume improvement ( Nm per electric pulse)
= 5400 Km drive range
5400 Km / 1680 Km Guinness book world record
= first target reached,world-record trippling !
External/on board battery recharge time
Observation : 1/2 hour full recharge 12 V x 36 Ah for 32 Km drive range ~ 1350 Wh/100 Km,1-seater
compared V x 22 Ah)/0,9 ~ 1175 Wh/100 km , 3-seater
A good platform for R&D experiments
So much more words,when telex/telegram style is enough !
Dozens from ev skatebord Baukasten/platforms,to treat as ' no name' and open source hardware delivery,for mobility and households as renewable energetic circuit energy source. (
From ic-engine car ' one for all '-Baukasten/platform f.e. VW (
So wurde die Plattform des VW Golf IV ( (in Deutschland ( zwischen 1997 und 2003 gebaut) unter anderem auch für den VW Bora (, VW New Beetle (, Škoda Octavia I (, Seat Leon I (, Seat Toledo II (, Audi A3 8L ( und Audi TT 8N ( benutzt.
Proletarische VW-Praeambel : Alle Marken ( und Modelle) sind gleich
Golf=Bora=Beetle=Octavia=Leon=A3=TT = in der Schrottpresse gleich behandelt
VolksW-Bugatti und VolksW-Lamborghini und VolksW-Daimler ebenso
to pure electric Baukasten/platform (
for ic-engine vehicle to pure electric vehicle conversion like (
to low cost ev platform (
The ev platform also as Zero (external) Energy power plant platform/base for private households .
w(ith) m(y)b(est)r(egard)
There are two kinds of battery ' 5 or 3 minutes' fast recharge :
a. ( (
battery pack change/swap
gasoline engine van to electric/swap battery system conversion : (
b. (
Low weight ,urban ,e-vehicles with onboard 10 KWh battery capacity = 400 up to 600 km range and 3 minutes 80% recharge : (
Toyota 2028 electric car range claim :
Furthermore, the car group estimates that it will be able to make an advanced solid-state battery that's capable of offering over 900 miles (1,448 km) of range after 2028, thanks in part to lighter, less complicated cars that have fewer components (
Before I continue: batteries are barbaric technology. Many things to choose from, but not light weight or low volume.
Also: I don't see a NEED to combat CO2 emissions. CO2 is the breath of life, without it, Earth turns into the Moon, Mars or Venus like places. Stuff needs to grow and nothing does without CO2. 3 or 4 parts per 10,000, that's not a whole lot. Greenhouse farmers buy CO2 and injects it into their farms to boost crop growth, add harvests per years. Food prices are high, people DIE of famine, CO2 is needed, not the enemy. Climate was never stable anywhere and isn't stable on any planet we known with an atmosphere, not even now. The last true climate change we had, was in the 12th hour of homo sapiens and most people who preach climate change don't know a thing about it, what species were extincted or how super recent that catastrophe was, let along what caused it. Odd, because the extinction of only large reptiles, 5000x longer (yes, you read that correctly) ago, everyone seems to know about in quite some detail...
Non-CO2 exhaust gasses I'd love to see reduced, they seem to not have the same critical uses for Earth?
Better still that charging or swapping would be topping up during a drive. There's a project that worked on 20 kW in-road-surface inductive charging that works while driving at highway speeds. If enough main corridors are equipped with that, and cars with compatible charge loops, there is no longer need for large batteries.
Smaller PHEV batteries that suit communiting and rarely starting the on board ICE would actually suffice even for long distance driving. Just follow long distance highways, like most everyone does on long drives.
In Formula 1 racing, they have a unique device called MGU-H. I can't pretend to fully understand it, but it's a generator on the hot exhaust gasses that puts energy back into the drivetrain either via the battery or by spooling the turbo. I am really fuzzy on it. This MGU-H brings around 80 kW non-stop that would otherwise have floated away as heat and sound. Yes, it makes the car less loud.
Combined with a (weak) hybrid system that is greatly flawed by small battery and regulated deployment per lap, these F1 powertrains still achieve >50% thermal efficiency.
Regulation have limited the fuel flow and battery size, so teams work on efficiency a lot to go faster.
Sadly the MGU-H is deemed useless for road cars as it needs concentrated heat and exhaust flow to work. I'm not super convinced. Perhaps a small family car could have an exhaust system that optimized for the kinds of flow an appropriately sized and tuned MGU-H calls for, and still return a few kW, which would be pretty significant for cars that use around 5-10 kW in everyday urban driving and 20 kW on the highway (where the MGU-H would work better).
QuoteBefore I continue: batteries are barbaric technology. Many things to choose from, but not light weight or low volume.
Also: I don't see a NEED to combat CO2 emissions. CO2 is the breath of life, without it, Earth turns into the Moon, Mars or Venus like places. Stuff needs to grow and nothing does without CO2. 3 or 4 parts per 10,000, that's not a whole lot. Greenhouse farmers buy CO2 and injects it into their farms to boost crop growth, add harvests per years. Food prices are high, people DIE of famine, CO2 is needed, not the enemy.
So batteries are barbaric and fossil fuels are smart, got it.
Why do you think they call oil a fossil fuel? ie a fossil?. For example, if you found a dead road kill that's been out in the sun for weeks the stinky black slimy goo pooling under the carcass is basically oil. In fact, the oil producers mine dead plant/animal graveyards similar to our graveyards. So when you fill up your car your literally burning the residue from the dead for fuel.
So when people talk about fossil-fuels I get this image of one of those B rate horror flicks where a bunch of brain dead zombies are running around eating the dead and burning them for fuel like cord wood to stay warm. I mean burning dead animals for fuel is kind of fubar and as barbaric as it gets and yet this is exactly what were doing. Does that sound intelligent?.
I'm still surprised any of these people can say they "love oil" with a straight face. When people say they love fossils fuels I see the picture below. It's just so absurd and barbaric a person has to laugh otherwise we would lose our mind.
Quote from: Cloxxki on September 13, 2023, 10:46:41 AM
Before I continue: batteries are barbaric technology. Many things to choose from, but not light weight or low volume.
Also: I don't see a NEED to combat CO2 emissions. CO2 is the breath of life, without it, Earth turns into the Moon, Mars or Venus like places. Stuff needs to grow and nothing does without CO2. 3 or 4 parts per 10,000, that's not a whole lot. Greenhouse farmers buy CO2 and injects it into their farms to boost crop growth, add harvests per years. Food prices are high, people DIE of famine, CO2 is needed, not the enemy. Climate was never stable anywhere and isn't stable on any planet we known with an atmosphere, not even now. The last true climate change we had, was in the 12th hour of homo sapiens and most people who preach climate change don't know a thing about it, what species were extincted or how super recent that catastrophe was, let along what caused it. Odd, because the extinction of only large reptiles, 5000x longer (yes, you read that correctly) ago, everyone seems to know about in quite some detail...
Non-CO2 exhaust gasses I'd love to see reduced, they seem to not have the same critical uses for Earth?
Better still that charging or swapping would be topping up during a drive. There's a project that worked on 20 kW in-road-surface inductive charging that works while driving at highway speeds. If enough main corridors are equipped with that, and cars with compatible charge loops, there is no longer need for large batteries.
Smaller PHEV batteries that suit communiting and rarely starting the on board ICE would actually suffice even for long distance driving. Just follow long distance highways, like most everyone does on long drives.
In Formula 1 racing, they have a unique device called MGU-H. I can't pretend to fully understand it, but it's a generator on the hot exhaust gasses that puts energy back into the drivetrain either via the battery or by spooling the turbo. I am really fuzzy on it. This MGU-H brings around 80 kW non-stop that would otherwise have floated away as heat and sound. Yes, it makes the car less loud.
Combined with a (weak) hybrid system that is greatly flawed by small battery and regulated deployment per lap, these F1 powertrains still achieve >50% thermal efficiency.
Regulation have limited the fuel flow and battery size, so teams work on efficiency a lot to go faster.
Sadly the MGU-H is deemed useless for road cars as it needs concentrated heat and exhaust flow to work. I'm not super convinced. Perhaps a small family car could have an exhaust system that optimized for the kinds of flow an appropriately sized and tuned MGU-H calls for, and still return a few kW, which would be pretty significant for cars that use around 5-10 kW in everyday urban driving and 20 kW on the highway (where the MGU-H would work better).
There is indeed a little truth in what you saying but, to say that we need to burn something to get a mean of transport is completely out of proportion ... are you a clone of stivep ? Fake solutions that you present is just to keep bigoilco going when they shouldn't be allowed to ever exist.
Quote from: adrouk on September 13, 2023, 03:39:15 PM
There is indeed a little truth in what you saying but, to say that we need to burn something to get a mean of transport is completely out of proportion ... are you a clone of stivep ? Fake solutions that you present is just to keep bigoilco going when they shouldn't be allowed to ever exist.
Nix, is that you my dear?
Quote from: onepower on September 13, 2023, 02:59:46 PM
So batteries are barbaric and fossil fuels are smart, got it.
Why do you think they call oil a fossil fuel? ie a fossil?. For example, if you found a dead road kill that's been out in the sun for weeks the stinky black slimy goo pooling under the carcass is basically oil. In fact, the oil producers mine dead plant/animal graveyards similar to our graveyards. So when you fill up your car your literally burning the residue from the dead for fuel.
So when people talk about fossil-fuels I get this image of one of those B rate horror flicks where a bunch of brain dead zombies are running around eating the dead and burning them for fuel like cord wood to stay warm. I mean burning dead animals for fuel is kind of fubar and as barbaric as it gets and yet this is exactly what were doing. Does that sound intelligent?.
I'm still surprised any of these people can say they "love oil" with a straight face. When people say they love fossils fuels I see the picture below. It's just so absurd and barbaric a person has to laugh otherwise we would lose our mind.
I'll return the favor, then. So you're telling me that your parents explicitly raised you to put words in other people's mouths, and to make sure to only do this with utter nonsense you'd hardly find anyone to believe or admit to. Gotcha.
If in your world other people's opinions are so easily sorted in two groups, you may already be in heaven. What's more of a bliss, after all? I wouldn't want to disturb that bliss by actually answering your retorical statement on my behalf.
QuoteIf in your world other people's opinions are so easily sorted in two groups, you may already be in heaven. What's more of a bliss, after all? I wouldn't want to disturb that bliss by actually answering your retorical statement on my behalf.
Hey I'm not the one making stupid statements like batteries are barbaric and implying climate change is a hoax and not a problem because plants like CO2. This is the kind of misinformation and propaganda usually coming from Russian trolls trying to shut down clean or free energy. It's just another clever way of implying all change is bad and we should just hold the status quo, in effect do nothing.
On sorting people by opinion, uhm yes 100%. I think intelligent people can see the benefits of sustainable clean/free energy and only a moron would think we can pump billions of tons of hydrocarbons and other pollutants into the atmosphere and nothing will happen. People have a right to there opinion and I have a right to think there opinion is absurd and not based on real facts.
This summer was very telling, super hot everywhere, very low water levels/water restrictions and smoky/hazy half the time. Some people I know even lost there houses to the wildfires in B.C. I was just waiting for some ignorant sob to claim this was nothing out of the ordinary.
Quote from: onepower on September 13, 2023, 02:59:46 PM
Why do you think they call oil a fossil fuel? ie a fossil?...
Hey onepower, just a short history lesson for you ;)
Fletcher Prouty Explains Invention and Use of Term "Fossil Fuels" (
Tell me please,where come this personage from ? film?
I saw that film very long time. I want to watch it again. But don't know it name.
There were evil mother and children. And a sailboat in the grotto at the end. :)
Kyoto- conference : 1990-2050 - 80% Greenhousegas-Emission reduction
Paris-conference : reduction from Global-Warmpotential to maximal +1,5°C from average
An internal combustion engine its gas process temperature output from the tail pipe : 350°C
Each liter liquid becomes by explosion a gas,mixed with extra introduced atmospheric air a huge heated gas volume per driven kilometer ! (
The combustion of 1 kilogram of diesel fuel requires about 14.6 kilograms of air
(that is, given the composition of the air, about 11.2 kilograms of nitrogen and 3.4
kilograms of oxygen); the reaction produces about 11.2 kilograms of nitrogen (this gas
being chemically neutral, it did not participate in the combustion), 3.2 kilograms of carbon
dioxide (CO2) and 1.2 kilograms of water (H2O).
- The combustion of 1 kilogram of gasoline requires about 15.3 kilograms of air (that
is, given the composition of the air, about 11.8 kilograms of nitrogen and 3.5 kilograms of
oxygen); the reaction produces about 11.8 kilograms of nitrogen (this gas being chemically
neutral, it did not participate in the combustion), 3.1 kilograms of carbon dioxide (CO2) and
1.4 kilograms of water (H2O).
350°C /ambiental seasonal temperature : air dehumidification : condensation enthalpy = temperature increase
Heat-island effect !
Independent from (liquid,gas) combustion fuel kind,a-/biotic,bio-/syn-/e-fuel,hydrogen,NH3 et cetera !
A geral 'ic'-/heat engine~ ambiental heater/dryer dilemma !
By using electricity to be critical about natural resources ab-/use : (
"That translates to an average of 95 L of water to produce 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity,"
The researchers also looked at water consumption by type of electricity generation: (
'personal destruction fingerprint' !
QuoteHey onepower, just a short history lesson for you ;)
Fletcher Prouty Explains Invention and Use of Term "Fossil Fuels"
Interesting video and typical of most misinformation and propaganda.
I think it's comical because I have no problem showing the guy is a complete moron.
1)The notion that because oil was found below 33,000 feet it cannot come from plant/animal material is absurd. The Earth's crust is always changing and like water oil/gas moves through permeable ground until it hits the rock sides of a formation. Cracked and/or broken formations could allow oil to go much deeper than 33,000 feet. In fact, fracking fractures/cracks the formations increasing oil production doing as much. I used to work on a drilling rig and field operations(compressor station, 450 wells). So it's easy to spot stupid people claiming stupid things like in the video.
2)I also built and tested many Pyrolysis units which use heat and pressure to convert any organic material into oil just like the Earth does. So when some moron like in the video implies oil cannot come from organic material it's absurd. I literally built my own Pyrolysis units that do exactly what he claimed cannot happen.
3)Here's a clue, fracking chemicals are showing up in very deep water formations and can travels hundreds of miles horizontally. They frack a hole and 50 miles away the water goes to shit and gas starts coming out a person's water faucet. Even a child could put two and two together and figure out water, gas, oil and chemicals are always moving around from one formation to another.
So the only history lesson you have shown is that there's always morons trying to dupe people into believing nonsensical things to serve there interests. Every conman, shill and troll has come crawling out from under there rock with the rise of populism. However I'm sure free and clean energy will prevail. Progress waits for no man.
Wondering if these "Boost Converters" have any "Gain" :)
"This paper presents a reactor core for boost converters used in automotive motor drive systems for
HEVs and PHEVs, etc. (Fig. 1). A reactor is designed to (i) convert (boost) the voltage by alternately
accumulating and releasing the magnetic energy and (ii) smoothing the ripple current that is
generated in the boosting process. The core is the key component to achieve the reactor's functions."
Attached pdf: "Pure Iron Based Soft Magnetic Composite Core That Enables Downsizing Automotive Reactors"
Wondering if these "Boost Converters" have any "Gain"
"To this end, each system mainly employs a power unit
with a boost circuit (Fig. 1) that increases the battery
voltage of 200-300 V to the motor-driving voltage of
400-800 V 1)-3) "
"The reactor in a booster circuit is a core
component that serves to boost the input voltage
from the inverter with the action of, switching
devices that turn on and off to alternately charge and
discharge magnetic energy, and to smooth the ripple
in the electric current generated during the voltage
Attached PDF:
"Low Loss Reaactor Comprising Dust Core {SMC} and Copperbelt Core"
Batteries storage has always had issues ..from the mining to (lithium recycling??)
Some may feel compressed air shouldn't even be invited to
The discussion?
Not true
India ,Australia and others are taking it quite seriously (
4 times the storage density of lithium?( certain applications)
Just paying attention...
Have you seen this device ?
Also Tesla didn't use loads of batteries in his car
Quote from: onepower on September 13, 2023, 09:08:29 PM
Hey I'm not the one making stupid statements like batteries are barbaric and implying climate change is a hoax and not a problem because plants like CO2.
And you're the authority to label statements "true" or "stupid"? The latter of course ideally after you reframe the statements a bit.
You sure are in a state of bliss. You get to be judge of everything, and your feelings and beliefs are law.
Quote from: ramset on September 15, 2023, 06:02:17 AM
Batteries storage has always had issues ..from the mining to (lithium recycling??)
Some may feel compressed air shouldn't even be invited to
The discussion?
Not true
India ,Australia and others are taking it quite seriously (
4 times the storage density of lithium?( certain applications)
Just paying attention...
Ahah! Lithium based batteries losing to a balloon and a candle for energy store density... (
4 times lithium 9:00 minute mark above vid
(Ballon and candle with fan;)direct mechanical to energy storage ->to user ( city transportation network?
Australia motor breakthrough (6 pound) zero rpm full torque motor 11:30 mark above vid
Clean fresh air from windmill to car exhaust pipe
Plenty of room for "Fred in the shed" ( Grumage term;-) to get involved ( cottage industry)
Quote from: Cloxxki on September 13, 2023, 10:46:41 AM
I don't see a NEED to combat CO2 emissions. CO2 is the breath of life, without it, Earth turns into the Moon...;
AC is right. You have no more idea than Trump who said, during the winter, that it was cold and some global warming might not come amiss.
QuoteYes, Batteries storage has always had issues ..from the mining to (lithium recycling??)
Yes some batteries have more issues than others but not "all batteries"
For example, the nickel-iron Edison cell uses common materials, potassium hydroxide (potash) electrolyte and has been proven to last hundreds of years. It is still the best battery for very long term reliable energy storage for renewables.
The newest solid state battery technology is almost unbelievable. It could charge faster than the time is takes to fuel a vehicle, uses abundant cheap materials and has an energy density higher than gas/diesel. It's a game changer but like any technology has a lengthy development time.
Remember, the Internal Combustion Engine was invented around 1800 and it took over 200 years of development to get it to where it is today. 200 YEARS, so I'm not sure why so many people are having a meltdown over the the progress of battery technology. The progress is moving magnitudes faster than the development of any fossil fuel engine.
The biggest problem is that many fossil fuel companies have been buying controlling shares in cutting edge battery companies then purposely bankrupting them or shelving the technology. It's often done through foundations, investment funds or offshore shell companies.
For example, the Alfred Hubbard technology was bought by a radium company which was a subsidiary of a major oil company. The moment the oil company bought the rights the technology was never heard from again. We should have had free energy in the 1950's however these sadistic power hungry people in the fossil fuel industry kept burying the technology or killing the inventors. The most sadistic people/corporations appear to come out of Texas where most oil people originally made there money. Victor Schauberger was also lured to Texas, destroyed and left for dead. Texas is to oil what the Sackler family is to opioid addiction.
Those solid state batteries have been hyped for about a decade now. What can I purchase, right now?
The most powerful EV companies have been investing in solid state for years. NIO have been promising a 150 kWh ET7 sedan for years as well. Somehow, it's not here. You can only order the 75 and 100 kWh versions, still.
Even at the 360 Wh/kg or so promised by NIO (automotive wet cells sit at 270-280 Wh/kg maximum), assuming the cells won't exothermically combust in any way and are greener and sweeter than angel's farts...still are utterly rubbish for crucial use cases such as ships and planes. Small crafts that don't need to go far and only slowly, sure that will work, but those kind of with on wet Li-Ion as well. Just spend a godawful amount on a small boat or little plane and it WILL go slowly for a short voyage and make you look like a green virtue signaling rich #$^@ traveling in it or having the butler fetch you some burgers in it.
An actual century ago, EVs were actually the top of the crop. There were city bus services, luxury cars were battery powered and nicer to operate, and for speed records you just needed an electric one. The reasons why EVs didn't lead this automotive centure...are still valid today. And worse than a century ago, EVs are actually a good bit more expensive than equivalent ICE vehicles, despite the huge scale of battery and e-motor production nowadays. Why? We started expecting motorway speeds from cars, ocean crossings from ships, and near-mach transoceanic from planes. Even if battery energy density would work for planes today (it's off by about 10-20 fold I would say), the planes would add several hours to an ocean crossing flight of say 10 hours.
If we can get low cost water splitting, steam cars and planes would become pretty attractive. Hydrogen on demand...rocket engines. And for cars a silent but wasteful fuel cell to electric conversion.
Wondering if these "Boost Converters" have any "Gain"
So, I'll assume none of you guys know (or can figure out) whether these Boost Converters
have any "Gain" associated with the designs.
Oh well - thought someone might have some idea! Lots of chatter, and what not, but nothing
Thanks anyway... Have a good one!
Quote from: SolarLab on September 15, 2023, 11:37:10 PM
Wondering if these "Boost Converters" have any "Gain"
I'm afraid to assume that this is one of Dr. Holcomb's devices "Boost Converters" ?
Quote from: kolbacict on September 16, 2023, 02:33:27 AM
I'm afraid to assume that this is one of Dr. Holcomb's devices "Boost Converters" ?
Don't assume anything.
Have a quick look at the attached PDF's - then you'll know for sure!
It's been an on-going common design challenge for a while already... And not just for EV's - lots of
innovations like this are happening all throughout industry right now. Quite exciting actually!
Some very good $$$,$$$ to boot; if you're an experienced consultant/contract designer/developer
in this area... long term, also. Plus - you might just discover some "excess energy" along the way!
Hey, like I've promoted many times - get that Engineering and CAE course work behind you ASAP...
unless you want to spend another 10+ years talking nonsense and babbling on these forums! ;)
QuoteSo, I'll assume none of you guys know (or can figure out) whether these Boost Converters
have any "Gain" associated with the designs.
As shown yes there is a gain in efficiency.
Coincidentally, I don't have a bench power supply and build my own buck/boost/cuk DC/DC converters as needed. There really simple and I have probably build hundreds. I prefer using a micro-computer with PWM, low resistance mosfets and fast switching diodes. I have also used synchronous rectification before but it's seldom necessary. I often test HV circuits above 30kV+ which could feedback through a ground connection so a cheap purpose built converter is a must.
On your post, the gain is obvious and the higher the voltage in the working circuit ie. motor the lower the heat/resistance losses. Simply put doubling the voltage cuts the current by half at any given power level. The current flow produces the heat/resistance/copper losses not the voltage. So it pays to use a converter to run a HV motor well above the battery pack voltage in EV's.
Most people don't get this because they don't understand the concept of energy.
Power is Volts x Amps, so 10,000V x 1A= 10,000 watts and 1V x 10,000A also equals 10,000 watts. However the low voltage/high current power would have magnitudes higher losses than the high voltage. In effect, anyone running a motor or any electrical system at low voltage/high current doesn't understand energy or efficiency.
For example, an incandescent light heats the filament to incandescence to produce light. It generates 80% heat and 20% light which is absurd. Where an LED excites the material causing oscillations which emit a given wavelength of light and minimal heating. Ergo, large heat losses in conductors or circuits is generally a sign of incompetence.
The Tesla hair pin circuit is a good example of what's possible. There were people lighting a 100w bulb underwater with tiny 30 gauge conductors. The trick was the blocking capacitors on both circuit legs which limited the current flow. The energy flow is high but the current flow is very low which many people have trouble wrapping there mind around.
Quote from: onepower on September 16, 2023, 03:17:33 PM
As shown yes there is a gain in efficiency.
On your post, the gain is obvious and the higher the voltage in the working circuit ie. motor the lower the heat/resistance losses. Simply put doubling the voltage cuts the current by half at any given power level. The current flow produces the heat/resistance/copper losses not the voltage. So it pays to use a converter to run a HV motor well above the battery pack voltage in EV's.
Most people don't get this because they don't understand the concept of energy.
Power is Volts x Amps, so 10,000V x 1A= 10,000 watts and 1V x 10,000A also equals 10,000 watts. However the low voltage/high current power would have magnitudes higher losses than the high voltage. In effect, anyone running a motor or any electrical system at low voltage/high current doesn't understand energy or efficiency.
Simply put doubling the voltage cuts the current by half at any given power level"
If this were a "Transformer" device, I would agree (minus the losses); but this is a "Boost Convertor,"
not a transformer, [plus 200-300 Vin - 400-800 Vout].
This is the mistaken assumption most (all) guys made when evaluating the Holcomb devices!
Anyway, I'll just leave it there...
As you study the various "Convertor - Invertor" topologies found in the papers, keep in mind
they generally involve a single inductor with a single winding. Although some authors do mention
the B-H Curve, they are usually concerned with only the inductance and not magnetic gain aspect.
Recall - a small "H" can induce a large "B" in a "soft magnetic material." This is where some
significant "magnetic gain" can be achieved. Combining this "knowledge" with a Boost Convertor
might have some significant effects! 8) This has been proven in the Holcomb devices.
Further, combine a B-H Curve related Boost Convertor with an Inverter topology... (as found in
modern high RPM [many pole] ICE generators that employ an inverter [keep the inverter input
capacitor charged - KHz]
Just a little "food for thought!" This is where a good CAE Analysis platform is handy... a quick try
it out before spending money on a brass-board prototype.
Good luck and happy designing! :) Anyway, enough of this chatter....
Here a range extender or aux power unit
Cost estimates 100.00 ? (
How it works (
Talk about simple design ?
Toyota has néw ammonia engine which they say will bankrupt EV industry (
Also Ford has some ammonia engine in the works
Reason =Zero Co2 emissions using ammonia
Yeesh ammonia......;(
And what method is used to obtain ammonia as alternative to hydrogen ?
Quote"Simply put doubling the voltage cuts the current by half at any given power level"
If this were a "Transformer" device, I would agree (minus the losses); but this is a "Boost Convertor,"
not a transformer, [plus 200-300 Vin - 400-800 Vout].
This is the mistaken assumption most (all) guys made when evaluating the Holcomb devices!
Anyway, I'll just leave it there...
Of course I'm not talking about a simulation or assumptions but building, using and testing hundreds of DC/DC converters. In fact I used a DC converter in my two capacitor paradox tests and posted the data at OUR seen below. Capacitors don't lie, in the graph C1 and C2 is measured in Farads and E1 and E2 energy in Joules.
The science is very easy to understand, in a boost converter the input power(V x I) produces a magnetic field. When the same magnetic field collapses in induces a voltage and current output proportional to the magnetic field change. The voltage and current can change but the power remains unchanged minus the losses.
Ammonia is nitrogen and hydrogen mixed ! (
https ( ( also in ammonia engine car R&D ,Ford did have participation in the Mazda company .
100 US$/KW the aquariusengine !
Remembers the 'Stelzer Motor ' ! (
As really cheap range extender : the Reinhardt engine-genset (
10 US$/KW the 2008 engine costs estimation ! (
Comparison Reinhardt/INN : (
Toyotas ic engine mass production costs are near 10 US$/KW !
We shall not forget ic engine fuel kind conversion R&D :
6 lt/100 Km water hydrolysis ic engine :
Quote from: Paul-R on September 15, 2023, 06:44:34 PM
AC is right. You have no more idea than Trump who said, during the winter, that it was cold and some global warming might not come amiss.
We all know that people who bring in Trump on a totally unrelated topic are the true sages of the early 21st century...
You do realize that you're volunteering to compare me to the single most popular man in the most powerful country on the planet? Plot twist: you actually didn't know but you hate two people now so you feel there is nothing more natural than to associate them to each other for a very far fetched reason.
If that's what you intend to use as a "burn", you might be THE person to help us all figure out alternative fuels...
Trivia: Why are Canada and Europe no longer under a thick ice sheet?
Answer: Actual climate change happened.
Bonus: Same answer applies to a lot of things I doubt you're well aware of, considering the chilling burn you volunteered.
Quote from: lancaIV on September 17, 2023, 10:50:58 AM
Ammonia is nitrogen and hydrogen mixed ! (
Found: "
the exhaust gas from the actual ammonia-fueled engines contains unburned ammonia, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and nitrous oxide (N2O), and there is a need to develop technologies to remove these harmful substances."
NOx is what is crippling the farming and construction sectors, depending on local brand of politics.[/size]
On ammonia as a fuel...
Ammonia or NH3 is just a convenient way to store hydrogen because nitrogen is basically inert. Of course, the next question is where are they going to get the hydrogen from?.
I see a lot of this kind of this nonsense coming out of Alberta. The newest non-solution fad from the right wingers is called "emissions reduction". In effect, they consume more fossil fuels to scrub CO2 from the stack exhaust and pump it underground. They also consume even more fossil fuels to remove the hydrogen from oil or gas and bond it to nitrogen to produce ammonia.
In effect consuming much more fossil fuels to supposedly "reduce the emissions". It's almost like some kind of oil cult or religion, an addiction they cannot get away from. They would literally go to any length to keep consuming oil like a drug user no matter how absurd it is. It's kind of sad.
The neat thing about ammonia is even a relatively small amount of liquid/vapor can render you unconscious then cause asphyxiation ie. suffocation. It makes gasoline or even hydrogen look meek by comparison. A major collision, tank rupture could cause hundreds of deaths within a one block radius in a highly populated area. Like some B rate movie where people just start collapsing on the street and as more people rush to help they collapse and everyone's dead within a matter of minutes. Using Ammonia for fuel is probably the stupidest thing anyone could do.
However if you think your clever, wet a cotton ball with ammonia and waft it right under your nose. When you wake up and pick yourself up off the floor you will have learned a valuable lesson.
Quote from: Cloxxki on September 17, 2023, 05:14:09 PM
Found: "the exhaust gas from the actual ammonia-fueled engines contains unburned ammonia, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and nitrous oxide (N2O), and there is a need to develop technologies to remove these harmful substances."
NOx is what is crippling the farming and construction sectors, depending on local brand of politics.
Having Toyota involved,and the claim of "the end of EV?"
Would not be good to have other issues ( pollutants etc)
Which would nullify the claim!
Not Toyota's first summer...
IMO the claim should be taken very seriously ( other players in the running ( ammonia fuel)too
One thing that comes to mind with ammonia
Could the human waste (ammonia) issue somehow become useful too ....?
That would be amazing
Urban movement Minimalism : (
Looking for the conventional electric drive 1 hour consume : ≤ 450 Wh
Means,by magnet array drive : (
1/2 the conventional drive consume : 225 Wh per hour
Now we get,beside on-board recharge, battery swap station service alternative : (
These are steps to the 24/7 ' autonomous urban limitless mobility drive' .
Toyota 1969 city mobility concept : (
50 years later it will become starting !
Oldie but Goldie : (
p.s.: instead glass or plastics an alternative : (
wood car,wood garage,wood house,wood furniture,......
I really don't think the future of transport is to keep ICE, it must be electric and all is needed is to fit an electricity harvester coupled with efficient motors and buffer to maintain continuous supply.
We need to stop the addiction to highly polluting system and just stop research for diesel/petrol alternative.
Or just start to look for the benefit of asymmetric capacitors eventually based on mercury where complete freedom of travel anywhere will be achieved ... just imagine we don't need to build anymore roads and disrupt natural environment, while we can use the land for any other purpose.
Also, imagine we dont need anymore to enhance pollution by completely elimination of clutches and breaks, mechanical or hydraulic gear box and so on. While we can dramatically reduce pollution generated by mining industry.
It shouldn't be that hard with all tech and knowledge available right now.
Why not as ' urban pedal generator mobility' ?
Bring down the 225 Wh by ' voltage/current amplifier' ?
How much we can pedalling in Watts per hour,conventional or improved generator/alternator ?
75 W per hour an adult,150 W per hour with improved drive !? (
Option : Solar panel on tect,wind turbine ( resistance/drag versus gain),
brake energy recuperation !
Yes,we have the 24/7 stop-less mobility technology !
But is there a need ? For 1%,10%,up to 100% of world daily moving population !?
Small e-mobile mass production,beside Micro-cars :
GM-Wueling in China versus Citroen Ami/Opel Rocks ?
Technical comparison,financial comparison !
Is the industry really trendsetter ?
Streetless mobility concept ,'flying egg' ;) : (
Quote from: lancaIV on September 19, 2023, 06:19:01 AM
Why not as ' urban pedal generator mobility' ?
Bring down the 225 Wh by ' voltage/current amplifier' ?
How much we can pedalling in Watts per hour,conventional or improved generator/alternator ?
75 W per hour an adult,150 W per hour with improved drive !? (
Option : Solar panel on tect,wind turbine ( resistance/drag versus gain),
brake energy recuperation !
Yes,we have the 24/7 stop-less mobility technology !
But is there a need ? For 1%,10%,up to 100% of world daily moving population !?
Small e-mobile mass production,beside Micro-cars :
GM-Wueling in China versus Citroen Ami/Opel Rocks ?
Technical comparison,financial comparison ! ( ( (
Is the industry really trendsetter ?
Streetless mobility concept ,'flying egg' ;) : (
What are those magicat Watt per hour you reference? Doesn't seem a unit I was taught about.
Please if you're not sure, look up what W and Wh mean.
"W per hour" means J/s/h those an increase of power every hour, by one Watt. I doubt that's what you mean here.
A casual bike ride for a typical adult human could be 75 W, wouldn't break much of a sweat.
75 Watt, not per hour, not per second, not Wh, just 75 Watt. 75 Joules per second.
When I go for a spirited bike ride of around two hours, I will average over 200 W, but I'm a big boy and and I was born for aerobic performance sports and it does very much tire me.
With modest speed ceiling, urban vehicles with decent comfort (rain and cold proof) could need limited power. It takes larger bicycle-like wheels for low rolling resistance but high grip, integrated into a bubble-like body, much like the hovering car from that movie referenced in that VW article.
To cruise at 30 kph on level roads, such a vehicle would need little more than 250 W. With hills/bridges, snow and wind to contend with, power demand at 30 kph will be quite a bit more. Easily over 1 kW, let alone with 2 occupants going over a bridge with slushy snow and a headwind. Now, with e-bike technology, it's rather easy to get a few kW of peak power for such instances. For traffic safety, acceleration would best be kept in check and peak power only used for special situations.
If it's freezing out and the bubble isn't too well insulated, a heater to make a sole occupant comfortable in a shirt...would take a lot more energy than to merely drive it at 30 kph. Small EVs regularly pull 1-1.5 kW to keep the car comfortable when parked.
Proper application of insulation can help a lot there. the good thing about insultation is that it tends to be light weight, all you need is a lot of air bubble. Styrofoam, or even better: aerogel, if you can keep it from disintegrating. Double glazed windows are great normally, but less for an e-bike kind of arrangement.
Keeping a pedal assist in the little car would help the occupants warm a lot, of course. Fighting condensation will be a bigger problem than the drivetrain for such a super light car.
When a vehicle needs to operate on motorways, say with a 130 kph top speed which is well within its power ceiling to remain nimble in traffic, power requirement and energy store are a lot more significant.'ve loved this concept for decades. I bet the power demand is very modest.
These guys are making someone even more comfortable, but it's a WIDE beast. Footprint on the road of a clumsy supercar. Its main failing is that it doesn't fly, you still get stuck in traffic with the other human cattle.
A typical, relatively fit, person through pedaling motion can generate around 50 to 75W for a length of time (typically hours), or up to 700W for very short bursts (seconds) or 200-300W for short bursts (minutes). (
When I pedal 75 W energy in one hour I reach 75 Wh power ( gained and consumed ) !
The question is not what we can reach as top-athlete,but as average person and without great effort !
Female chemical 1-day power in Wh ?
1130 Km/24h ~ 47 Km•h average velocity = over 40 Km•h max. City speed limit !
Personal assistance,mechanical and/or electrical/pure magnetical ( torque amplifier )
We do not invent,but we improve existent/exposed ideas ,f.e. pedal/velo car : ( ( (
Quote from: lancaIV on September 19, 2023, 10:01:26 AM
A typical, relatively fit, person through pedaling motion can generate around 50 to 75W for a length of time (typically hours), or up to 700W for very short bursts (seconds) or 200-300W for short bursts (minutes). (
When I pedal 75 W energy in one hour I reach 75 Wh power ( gained and consumed ) !
The question is not what we can reach as top-athlete,but as average person and without great effort !
Personal assistance,mechanical and/or electrical/pure magnetical ( torque amplifier )
We do not invent,but we improve existent/exposed ideas ,f.e. pedal/velo car : ( ( (
75 Wh is not power, it's energy.
Energy is power times time. 75 W average power, and after an hour indeed that amounts to 75 Wh of energy.
The units are not optional suggestions or there to be juggled with.
Even if you build an amazing OU device at super low cost, if your one-page pitch gets any of the the units o of your achievements wrong, no company will be particulaly interested to even see your demonstrator.
See the links I added in my above post. (
for getting the each right a. work b. energy and c. power formula
The cabin roller or Aptera for under 5000 US$,fob factory ?
Today in A.I.-administrated fabrication factories ( included 3d print )we shall anymore pay for imaterial value,only for the transformation and material input costs !
I prefer ( instead Aptera,related the chinese girl 'flying egg' (VW challenge in China) I recommend,e-strip independent ,over-road flying/flairing as publicated by Max Mueller Friedrich ,as sonic aircraft (
As ' flying/flairing micro-compact-living cabin unit'
If 1/3 of that is in the battery, that's a battery of less than 10 kWh. To have it all soldered up, in a decent might not get more than 5 kWh for that $1667. 50-70 km of range if you drive slowly.
Then, what kind of soap box can one achieve for $3333, everything except battery?
If you want the solar panels so you're less dependent on chargers, add money. They'd be bespoke panels, and need to be hooked up to the drive battery.
$5000 may be doable for a leaning cabin e-bike type of deal, if mass produced. But it would be limited to 45 kph and banned from all roads in many countries probably. Where to park them? You need about the same space as a typical second "city" car the wife uses to haul a child and minor groceries.
Is for a limitless city/urban vehicle( not strictly defined : as 4 wheel 'car') with 40 Km•h (+10% tachometer preservation) urban/city max.velocity
1000 Wh net battery/capacitor power storage capacity not enough ?
Condition :
A. the Vegan etrike motorization ,magnet array drive improved ( Roberto Catalan,Sankar Pat)
B. claimed Saburo power source (
Is the Saburo power source then not also sufficient for :
II. Zsolt(based by Hawlitschek publication ) 1,5 KW AC drive ic-engine car conversion (
III. Porquer 4x 500 W electric motors transmission (
1000 Wh battery capacity : +- 100 US$ in mass production,5000 charge cycles by 80% DoD
Liberalism : creative destruction and destructive creativity
From A.I.-stand point the financial production from 1 US$ or 1 € is really cheap : several cents costs
95 cents per $ or € F.E.D/ECB-political margin !
The real physical productivity from the western economy : under 5 percentum !
A.I.= excluding this individual 95% losts !
Related $3333 soap-box : 2800 US$ the Tata-Fiat Nano endseller price
4000 US$ the Renault Kwid endseller price
Less engine costs ~ ≤ 3333 US$ engine-less mass production car/-t costs
Real world pricing !
If you have OU, you don't need a battery even, you can run on a capacitor or sorts, or even none, depending on the technology.
Low speed vehicles will usually not rack up a lot of distance over a day. Batteries can be small enough to be carried to any home, and charge on almost any level of grip power available.
If someone were to operate a riksjah taxi service of sorts, 75 W or less average human work added (6 hours net cycling on 8-12 hour shift, 300 Wh extra available), 1000 Wh may still be enough. Human drivers have done it without electric power forever, right? That's under 4 kg of cells, but they need some housing and BMS and a converter. Motors need nog be powerful, 1 kW is plenty and barely adds weight. Might even be disassembled and brought home overnight for safety as well.
Occupant safety is another question. If you're to mingle with cars and trucks, accidents easily turn lethal. Without a heavy construction, that's not going to change, and such heavy construction quickly turns a <1 kW vehcile into a vehicle too expensive to run at cycling speeds only, and then needs to hit 90 kph and demand 10 kW+ and 20 kWh+ to work for taxi services to any degree. 20 kWh on a light car-like vehicle with some highway section, simple won't make it through a shift. Then you get into charging infra challenges, battery swaps, or larger and more costly batteries.
A lot of untility is gotton from a riksjah class vehicle and the next step up to a pizza delivery car is huge. Double the weight, double the power. Double the speed, quadruple or more the power.
An ' autonomous city drive car/-t' is strictly legal street max. velocity limited ! (
City-/sub-urban range !
In Germany,total country = rural+urban( included high-way),average velocity : 56 Km•h ! Source : ADAC
We can assume that the global car average velocity is in the 50 Km•h range !
1000 Wh battery weight ,by 500 Wh/Kg = 2 Kg
1000 Wh capacitor weight,by 100 Wh/Kg = 10 Kg
Both + energy storage monitoring system and charger
500 Wh/kg doesn't exist outside the laboratory. If you had it in any quantities, able to cycle a few thousands time as is typical, you could name your price. Might as well calculate the weight of an OU system without battery, it may even happen sooner.
56 kph may be average, but you can't drive on the road you need to drive with 50 kph as a top speed. Hugely unsafe and usually illegal. In rural areas, tractors going 40 kph on 60-80 kph roads, are a true cork in the bottle and thorn in the eye. Now imagine such in cheap taxi quantities, in metropoles where you need highways to get places. Make that even worse with autonomous taxis, which are WAY cheaper to operate, if indeed level 5 autonomous, and would become very numerous on any roads where they allowed, providing they get people to destinations on the same roads are normal taxis.
If you can't exceed 50 kph consistently and safely, you're just still a moped riksjah to mingle with foot traffic.
Quote from: lancaIV on September 19, 2023, 01:12:34 PM
An ' autonomous city drive car/-t' is strictly legal street max. velocity limited ! (
City-/sub-urban range !
In Germany,total country = rural+urban( included high-way),average velocity : 56 Km•h ! Source : ADAC
We can assume that the global car average velocity is in the 50 Km•h range !
1000 Wh battery weight ,by 500 Wh/Kg = 2 Kg
1000 Wh capacitor weight,by 100 Wh/Kg = 10 Kg
Both + energy storage monitoring system and charger
Things are just looking good when you look in this direction and it is not far from something achievable especially with the latest trend to reduce speed in cities.
Just imagine how this might look with old and banned mercury batteries and their ability to self charge when at rest. Their reversible chemistry with mercury oxide and zinc electrodes in an potassium hydroxide electrolyte is yet to be achieved by modern and modern expensive batteries
Planning the future is based by Meta-study today,public urban administration is also population density and mobile-ownership/use per street-km related !
From A to B average velocity and time need,different movement kind (private/public),german study : (
Laboratory results are the base for ten years after preview,from lab to factory to consumer in mass production,by consumer acceptance, its comercial evolution lasts up to ten years !
From 500 Wh/Kg to ( (
to ( ( (
and (
About charging speed : (
South Korean researchers ( have already calculated that quantum battery technology could cut home charging times for electric vehicles from 10 hours to three minutes, while supercharger stations could fully recharge a vehicle in 90 seconds.
In a study published earlier this year, scientists discovered that the charging time of a quantum battery decreases as the battery's size increases. This is due to a phenomenon known as quantum speedup, which describes how molecules become more entangled as the battery grows larger.
3 minutes,down to 90 seconds :
like today we have empty with full butano/propanol bottle exchange,in future beside vehicles also the household electricity battery/capacitor pack can be fast recharged !
Gridfree,but e-pump station network !
The Vegan etrike,its technical data as experimental idea :
90 Km range with conventional motor and 45 Wh/Kg lead battery
180 Km with magnet array motor( half the conventional electric motor consume ) and lead battery
1980 Km with magnet array motor and lead battery weight equivalent 500 Wh/Kg lithium-/sodium-/aluminium-battery
+ Solar tect ,wind turbine on tect ,wheel generator ,pedal generator ,....... range extension option !
24 hours x 40 Km•h = physically 960 km maximum daily nonstop city car range need
~ magnet array motor + comercial available 250 Wh/Kg battery
It is not an ' everybodies darling' but a proof of life-science R&D results ,applied !
Functional !
Btw : the Vegan e-trike a trial disaster ,minimal acceptance 10% from Flexible Goal ( low budget !)
But also the Tata-Fiat Nano 100 Mio+ investment we can not call : a success !?
Or : Lord Sinclair his C5,C10,C15 mobiles !
"from 10 hours to three minutes, while supercharger stations could fully recharge a vehicle in 90 seconds."
Name one single type of battery in commercial use today that actually takes 10 hours to charge.
F1 batteries already charge at 120C if I'm not mistaken, so 30 seconds per charge cycle.
If you have a modern premium sedan with 100 kWh battery and you want to charge it in 90 seconds, that requires an average of 4 MW. Which type of charge cable or medium is suggested for that? Perhaps it's a better ideal to have 13 chargers of 350-400 kW each and have the battery be divided by relays to take a 13-part charge bar, I guess ideally automatically attached from underground and you park in the general position over the charger.
With long range, a charge under 5 minutes doesn't really make sense anymore. You need to freshen up after a few hours of driving anyway.
NIO offers automated battery swaps along main routes, but you only reveive a used battery with 90% state of charge an with current model swap stations, you need a driver in the car during the 7 minute swap. You'd be freshening up before or after, coming to a 12 minute minimum realistic stop. Kia and Hyundai cars do a 10-80% charge in 18 minutes, on common charge stations and using only ~220 kW peak. Not a lot of improvement needed there, although a 50% larger battery as seen on luxury sedans would add 50% more energy in the same 18 minutes, getting 45-49% more range. A 12 minute stop (during which one would freshen up) would then charge about the same range added (say 10-60%) as the NIO car did with the fancy swap, but you would have all the 12 minutes to stretch the legs, freshen up and buy some drink and snack.
Quote from: Cloxxki on September 19, 2023, 04:26:39 PM
"from 10 hours to three minutes, while supercharger stations could fully recharge a vehicle in 90 seconds."
Name one single type of battery in commercial use today that actually takes 10 hours to charge. (
January 19, 2023
The Lectron V-BOX
In terms of in-home charging, the 48A 240V Lectron V-BOX ( packs quite the punch. It fully charges an EV in just six hours, which is perfect for charging overnight, and giving your EV a full charge for your daily commute.
Not 10 hours ( charger V and A reference !?) but with 48A and 240V grid-connection even 6 hours for full charging .
Not a single battery in mind' .. could cut home charging times for electric vehicles from 10 hours to three minutes,...'
,but the total vehicle battery pack !
F1 batteries already charge at 120C if I'm not mistaken, so 30 seconds per charge cycle.
If you have a modern premium sedan with 100 kWh battery and you want to charge it in 90 seconds, that requires an average of 4 MW. Which type of charge cable or medium is suggested for that? Perhaps it's a better ideal to have 13 chargers of 350-400 kW each and have the battery be divided by relays to take a 13-part charge bar, I guess ideally automatically attached from underground and you park in the general position over the charger.
With long range, a charge under 5 minutes doesn't really make sense anymore. You need to freshen up after a few hours of driving anyway.
NIO offers automated battery swaps along main routes, but you only reveive a used battery with 90% state of charge an with current model swap stations, you need a driver in the car during the 7 minute swap. You'd be freshening up before or after, coming to a 12 minute minimum realistic stop. Kia and Hyundai cars do a 10-80% charge in 18 minutes, on common charge stations and using only ~220 kW peak. Not a lot of improvement needed there, although a 50% larger battery as seen on luxury sedans would add 50% more energy in the same 18 minutes, getting 45-49% more range. A 12 minute stop (during which one would freshen up) would then charge about the same range added (say 10-60%) as the NIO car did with the fancy swap, but you would have all the 12 minutes to stretch the legs, freshen up and buy some drink and snack.
After 2 hours concentrated drive a stop is recommended !
By professional drivers after 4,5 hours a drivestop obligation !
Enough time for fast partial capacity recharge,stop&go !
Ridiculous to cite home chargers, round off to 10 hours, and then "invent" the option to have hight power chargers, NOT at home... Disingenuous marketing, who is actually ever helped by that?
There are 5-figure cars that do 18-minute 10-80% charges on any of many thousands of chargers place in convenient locations by long distance routes, TODAY.
Citing 10 hours as the base line and then throwing out 90 seconds, is just a huge insult of intelligence. If you don't feel your intelligence was insulted, well that's nice for you.
Quote from: Cloxxki on September 19, 2023, 05:05:14 PM
Ridiculous to cite home chargers, round off to 10 hours, and then "invent" the option to have hight power chargers, NOT at home... Disingenuous marketing, who is actually ever helped by that?
There are 5-figure cars that do 18-minute 10-80% charges on any of many thousands of chargers place in convenient locations by long distance routes, TODAY. (
2023 Kia EV6/Hyundai Ioniq 5 charging times Maximum Charging Input Power (DC Fast Charge) | 240 kW 77,4 KWh nominal battery pack capacity
AC Normal Charge with ICCB (230V/12A) (In Cable Control Box) (V/kW/Hour) | 68h (120V /12A) |
AC Normal Charge with 11kW EVSE (Electrical Vehicle Supply Equipment) (V/kW/Hour) | 7h 10m (240V / 48A) |
DC Fast Charge with 50kW EVSE (Max 125A) (V/ kW/ Minute) | 73 minutes |
DC Fast Charge with 350kW EVSE (Max 200A) (V/ kW/ Minute) | 18 minutes |
Related 68h 10h are faster,is it not ?
Citing 10 hours as the base line and then throwing out 90 seconds, is just a huge insult of intelligence. If you don't feel your intelligence was insulted, well that's nice for you.
That is called ' marketing',playing with numbers !The minority of car buyers we can estimate as ' intelligent',probably the IQ from modern self-learning software in cars higher than the driver his/her IQ !
Price decrease marketing 2024+ :
Renault 20000 British Pounds : (
Tesla 25000 US$ and 20000 US$ concept versions : (
GM-SAIC JV under 15000 US$ : (
We can assume 2030 10000 US$ the global new compact electric car standart consumer price !
We have several designer prototypes for low weight and consume solution : ( ( ( (
Beside electricity recharge there is as alternative :
liquid electrolyte recharge (
' The result was a flow battery with roughly ten times more energy density than had previously been achieved – 225 watt-hours per litre, with the possibility of up to 1,000 watt-hours per litre...'
I reed two decades before about : ( (
' .....As a result of applicant's invention a battery is created which will provide a theoretical 2000 watt hours per pound of reactants, such as with the lithiumchlorine trifluoride system; whereas the best of the presently available batteries, such as the silver zinc solid electrode battery provides a theoretical 200 watt hours per pound of reactants....'
Liquid battery fuel
Alu fuel cell/battery cell ( (
' .... After years of experimentation, Jackson devised a new electrolyte — whose composition is a closely guarded secret — he says makes it possible for his invention to power an electric car for up to 1500 miles | 2414 kilometers. ...'
Mr.Jacksons mentioned electric car average consume ?
' .....Some comparisons are in order. A Tesla Model S can drive up to 370 miles | 595 km on a single charge. ( ,consume 18,3 KWh/100 Km
Jackson says if you drove the same car with an aluminum-air cell that weighed the same as the Tesla's lithium-ion battery, it would have a range of 2700 miles | 4345 km. Aluminum-air cells also take up less space. If that same Tesla were fitted with an aluminum-air fuel cell the same size as its current battery, it could run non-stop for 1500 miles | 2414 km.
a. weight comparison ratio b. size comparison ratio
Jackson says the battery for that long range Tesla Model S costs about £30,000. Tesla aficionados will probably quibble with that number but Jackson claims his aluminum-air battery/fuel cell that could power the same car for longer would cost just £5,000. Of course, if the owner has to spend £5,000 every 1500 miles | 2414 km, the economic case for the new energy source is compromised somewhat. Time will tell. ...'
We have to see this as possible technical solution,economical it is questionable !
The possible range by 1,5 KWh/100 Km electric consume ,as reference improved Porquer transmission ?
18,3 KWh/100 Tesla S divided 1,5 KWh/100 Km Porquer transmission car = 12,2/1
As emergency case range extender pack interestant ! Hibrid energy storage !
By size ratio : 2414 Km x 12,2 = 29450 Km drive range maximum
Emergency 100 Km drive extension pack = 100 Km/29450 Km x £5000 = £17
Emergency 500 Km drive extension pack = £17 x 5 = £85
Tata-Fiat Nano conversion : (
Motor Power : 10 KW Speed : 95 Km/h
Consume per hour,40 Km•h average velocity ?
Tata-Fiat Nano with improved Porquer transmission and Jacksons Alu fuel cell max.speed and max. range ?
As 5000 US$ solution ? ~ actual in Bharat,formerly 'India',Renault Kwid ic engine car version base price !
Reading about OU car concept : (
during 12,3 metres distance ,140 Kg empty weight,243 KW total 4x wheel drive
243 KW nominal ,assuming 500 KW peak ,divided 3600 sec ~ 0,14 KWh consume
An other model class,as fast : (
The 0-40 Km•h a.conventional electric car b.improved Porquer transmission car
acceleration time and metric distance ? ( ' Eco-Trike'
The above equations allow estimation of power requirements for various travel conditions. The total mass of the vehicle m is 220 kg (484 lbs) composed of 84 kg (185 lbs) for the vehicle structure plus 45 kg (˜100 lbs) for the batteries and 91 kg (200 lbs) for a rider and freight.
The power of accelerating this 220 kg mass from a standstill to 40 km/hr (11.1 m/sec or 25 mph) can be calculated by inserting various values of acceleration in equation 2.
A modest level of acceleration of 1 meter per second squared (i.e. 1/10th of a g) requires 1200 watts of power for 11 seconds.
This shows that the 2 hp designed into Ecotrike™ is needed for adequate acceleration.
When steady velocity is reached, Paccel becomes zero.
At any steady speed, the Power required to keep the vehicle moving will be the sum of the remaining terms in equation 1.
The power to overcome tire rolling resistance, Prol is 194 watts, per equation 3 (assuming 40 km/hr and a rolling resistance factor of 0.0065 and an efficiency of 0.8.
The power to counter the air resistance at 40 km/hr is 316 watts using equation 5 for Pair, (assuming a frontal area of 0.75 meters squared, a drag coefficient of 0.4, and no head wind).
Thus on level ground the steady power sums to 510 watts or about ⅔ of a horsepower.
For this inertia phase/start the hibrid concept = starter ' liquid fuel' battery + closed recharge cycle battery pack
Similar hibrid ,disadvantages minimizing,advantages coupling,concept : (
"The result was a flow battery with roughly ten times more energy density than had previously been achieved – 225 watt-hours per litre, with the possibility of up to 1,000 watt-hours per litre...'@
So you only need a 500 (!!!) litre flow tank to fill up a modern luxury sedan. And then all the trouble of logistics. In theory it's a quick fill-up at least. What's the specific weight of that flow goo? How much does a flat 500 litre tank weigh? What's it like in a fire?
:o , ( (
Organizing the average 1 Wh/Km net electric consume city car/-t ,by pedal velos,3-/4 wheels, electrification !
1000 Wh cell battery capacity !
Compared : (
Range world record
2571 Km range/15,5 KWh cell battery pack ~ 6 Wh/Km;lang=de
Consume world record
2016 : 81,16 Wh/100km~ ≤ 1 Wh/Km
Sedans and similar electric cars are too fat planned,overweighted,to have an argument for such expensive sold carriages !
There is not ' real life intelligence' inside !
And for the future driver-free,the best probably : passenger-free ?! ;D
Auto(mobile) faehrt dann tata= spatiare,ambulare,spazieren ,sozinho,alleine,alone
The Upper Class mobility preference,road rush-hour time losts free
: (
2014 :
At only 4 times current Lithium polymer density, the Vision becomes practical with a 4 hour range. We are working with 30 times current density and storage life expectancy. This allows transcontinental range at high speed and will inevitably make electric aviation by far the most practical form of transportation.
Imagine a car with a 10,000 mile range. Now imagine what that really means. With a similar advance in electric aviation, roads and even airports can become almost obsolete
The Vision is the beginning of a new breed of transportation that is specifically designed for ultra long range electric power and storage - point to point transportation with unprecedented safety and luxury. First designed over 10 years ago, all technologies required are now fully developed.
Welcome to the future.
5 €/Kg urban 3-/4-wheel car/-t challenge,all included !
Asking ChatGPT 3.0 how ? ::) ;)
Re-/cycle material system
3d print,
low living costs zone worker*innen(german gender star ::) ),low cost prisoner*innen work force ,comparing with Usbekistan 159 US$/month low skill work costs
24/7 humanoid/robot work plant,1 US$ per hour capital costs per unit
Reference : BostonDynamics,Tesla Bot/Optimus
= holding the material transformation costs low
From B.O.S. to A.I.B.O.S.,Build-Operate-Sell
Reference : (
[ (100 Kg car/t x 5 €/Kg) divided 6900 € ] x 20 € = ? A.I.Selling fee per month
0,05 €/day,we can think : affordable !?
20 W for 25 kph, then.
But a horribly impractical design of course. Would consume 2x or 3x as much on normal pavement, more easily overlooked in traffic than a toddler chasing a butterly between parked cars.
Safe motoring calls for a pretty upright position, and realistic conditions bring a consumption that's a multiple.
The costs with personal lightweight transport was never the energy, it's the device, the parking.
Bicycles just work, and they work in a huge share of cities, if only there were an infrastructure for them to be safely used. I live in such a country. e-bikes have made more people super lazy and moving too fast to be safe, and brought only some old people to get into nature more, where cycling and wind and dunes were just too much for old legs.
Which are the physical barriers to reach output ≥ input ,a.electrical,b.magnetical,c.kinetical ?
Scientifical (non) censorship ? Cause ( political ) untouchable , von Helmholtz theories ? (
[0038] +
[0044] Ampere's principle of transverse magnetic attraction and repulsion between electric currents had been made into an equation for the magnetic force between moving electric charges by Carl Frederick Gauss (written in 1835, published posthumously in 1865). The critical part of Gauss's equation shows, and modem physics texts agree, that magnetic force is transverse to the force that imparts a relative velocity (i.e., perpendicular to a connecting line) between charges. (
Lacking a direct backforce, a transverse magnetic force can produce a greater force than the force that causes it.
Also to mention as practical experiment : (
The only physicist to recognize in print the profound significance of Gauss's work was James Clerk Maxwell (1873), who stated, "[If Gauss's formula is correct,] energy might be generated indefinitely in a finite system by physical means." Prepossessed with Helmholtz's "law," Maxwell chose not to believe Gauss's transverse magnetic-force equation and accepted Wilhelm Weber's (1846) erroneous in-line formula instead. Maxwell even admitted knowing of Gauss's (1845) rebuke of Weber for his mistaken direction of magnetic force as "a complete overthrow of Ampere's fundamental formula and the adoption of essentially a different one."
[0046] In 1893 the critical part of Ampère's formula for magnetic force, which Weber and Maxwell rejected, and which Helmholtz had replaced with his contrary metaphysical explanation, was proposed for the basis for the international measure of electric current, the Ampere (or amp), to be defined in terms of the transverse magnetic force that the current produces. But Helmholtz's doctrine had become so impervious to facts that anyone who challenged this "law" faced defamation and ridicule.
[0047] The first recognition of unlimited energy came from Sir Joseph Larmor who reported in 1897, "[A] single ion e, describing an elliptic orbit under an attraction to a fixed center . . . must rapidly lose its energy by radiation . . . [but] in the cases of steady motion it is just this amount that is needed to maintain the permanency of motion in the aether." Apparently to mollify critics of his heretical concept, Larmor offered a half-hearted recantation in 1900: "[T]he energy of orbital groups . . . would be through time sensibly dissipated by radiation, so that such groups could not be permanent."
[0048] In 1911 Rutherford found that an atom resembles a small solar system with negative ions moving like planets around a small, positively charged nucleus. These endlessly orbiting electrons were a source of the perpetual radiation that had been aptly described by Larmor, and these orbiting electrons were also Planck's (1911) "harmonic oscillators" that he used to explain Zero-Point Energy (ZPE). ZPE was shown by the fact that helium remains liquid under atmospheric pressure at absolute zero, so that helium must be pressurized to become solid at that temperature. Planck believed that harmonic oscillators derived "dark energy" from the aether to sustain their oscillations, thereby admitting that an infinite source of energy exists. However, he assigned an occult origin to this infinite energy rather than a conventional source that had not met with Helmholtz's approval. (
[0049] Niels Bohr (1924) was bothered by the notion that radiation from an orbiting electron would quickly drain its energy so that the electron should spiral into the nucleus. Whittaker (1951) states, "[Bohr and associates] abandoned the principle . . . that an atom which is emitting or absorbing radiation must be losing or gaining energy. In its place they introduced the notion of virtual radiation, which was propagated in . . . waves but which does not transmit energy or momentum." Subsequently the entire scientific community dismissed Larmor radiation as a source of real energy because it failed to conform to Helmholtz's universally accepted doctrine.
[0050] Helmholtz's constraining idea that the vast amount of light and heat radiating from the many billions of stars in the universe can only come from previously stored energy has led scientists to concur that fusion of pre-existing hydrogen to helium supplies nearly all the energy that causes light and heat to radiate from the sun and other stars. If so, then the entire universe will become completely dark after the present hydrogen supply in stars is consumed in about 20 billion years. William A. Fowler (1965) believed that essentially all the hydrogen in the universe "emerged from the first few minutes of the early high temperature, high density stage of the expanding Universe, the so-called 'big bang'. . . ." Moreover, the background energy of the universe was thought by some to be "relic" radiation from the "Big Bang."
[0051] To accept the Big Bang idea that all the stars in the universe originated at the same time, it was necessary to disregard the fact that most stars are much younger or older than the supposed age of the one-time event, which indicates that their energy must have come from a recurring source. The Big Bang is entirely dependent on the idea that the whole universe is expanding, which stemmed from the interpretation that Hubble's red-shift with distance from the light source represents a Doppler shift of receding stars and galaxies. This expanding-universe interpretation was shattered by William G. Tifft (1976, 1977), who found that observed red-shifts are not spread randomly and smoothly over a range of values, as would be expected from the Doppler shifts of a vast number of receding stars and galaxies. Instead, the observed red-shifts all fall on evenly spaced, quantized values.
[0052] Moreover, Shpenkov and Kreidik (2002) determined that the radiation temperature corresponding to the fundamental period of the orbital electron motion in the hydrogen atom of 2.7289° K. matches the measured temperature of cosmic background radiation of 2.725°±0.002° K. This represents perpetual zero-level Larmor radiation from interstellar hydrogen atoms dispersed in the universe. So, Helmholtz's idea that "the energy in the universe is a fixed amount immutable in quantity from eternity to eternity" does not stand up to known facts.
Who is pro Helmholtz theorem,who is contra,after scientifical facts listening ?
Das ' von' posthum aberkannt ,Scharlatan !
Spiral,whirl,vortex,helix,...... virtual (
Now with capacitive coils !?
Or (
The magnetic force radiated from a magnetic material is normally proportional to the size of the material and therefore is indirectly proportional to the weight of the material. It has been observed that the repulsion force between two magnets is large enough to repel 500 times their own weight. That is, when two magnets weighing one pound each are juxtaposed to each other, a repulsion force of 500 pounds is created between them to drive the magnets apart. Such high repulsion force is particularly found in magnetic materials such as strontium ferrite alloy. The repulsion magnetomotive force is useful for driving the piston of reciprocating devices.
compared axial/tangential force/weight ratio (
Remembering to studied this Kiniski application in the 90' it is interestant who cited this document and improved probably the process later : ( › cgi › vie...11.09.2020 · Gauss's law is a general relation between electric charge and electric field. • In electrostatics: Gauss's law is equivalent to Coulomb's law (
[0032] The operation of the mechanism will now be described generally and with reference to the relative strengths and directions of the mutual attractions and repulsions for the magnets performing the primary functions of the invention. In general, the magnetic attraction/repulsion forces between any two magnets is provided by Coulomb's law which states that the magnitude of the force of interaction between two point charges is directly proportional to the scalar multiplication of the magnitudes of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distances between them. The following equation provides a scalar mathematical representation of the attractive or repulsive for force F according to Coulomb's law:
[mathematical formula]
[0033] Where q1 and q2 are the magnitudes of the point charges, r is the distance between the point charges and ke=1/4πε0. A detailed explanation as to how an accurate evaluation of the sum of all point charges, say for example on one actuator magnet, is beyond the scope of this application. However, computer models can be used to calculate and provide a sum of the surface integrals for each magnet in the overall system at each point in time to arrive at such a complete mode. Thus, the description below will focus on a high-level evaluation of the overlapping magnetic field lines to describe the operation of the present invention as it pertains to magnetic field interactions.
Quote from: Cloxxki on September 20, 2023, 04:06:58 PM
20 W for 25 kph, then.
But a horribly impractical design of course. Would consume 2x or 3x as much on normal pavement, more easily overlooked in traffic than a toddler chasing a butterly between parked cars.
Safe motoring calls for a pretty upright position, and realistic conditions bring a consumption that's a multiple.
The costs with personal lightweight transport was never the energy, it's the device, the parking.
Bicycles just work, and they work in a huge share of cities, if only there were an infrastructure for them to be safely used. I live in such a country. e-bikes have made more people super lazy and moving too fast to be safe, and brought only some old people to get into nature more, where cycling and wind and dunes were just too much for old legs.
I wrote '1 Wh/Km net ',
100 Wh/Km - 99 Wh/Km on-board generation/recuperation = also '1 Wh net ' result ! ;)
Per pedes,mono-wheel,bicycle,tricycle,quad,wheel-free ,hovercar= floating/flairing/flying
Being and staying flexible !
The french designer/engineer Arzen his 'Egg' as '1 Wh net' and cheap ≤ 1000 € ,before incentives, commuter,that I find a practical city speed limit 40 Km/h mobility solution ! ( (
Nude functionality !
I know,related 500 €/100 Kg car/-t ,
calculation based by used hardware
1000 € without incentives,would mean - by Citroen Ami lease plan condition - 0,10 €/day fee costs ,100% comfort price increase ! :P :'( :-\
Egg - sharing,2 part-time/share-partner = 0,05 €/day :)
('Kleingedruckte ' : naduerli + Anzahlung/Entree ::) )
Like : Rogers C10 , designed 1984 , (
Compared with 'postmodern' Colani's 'Yellow Egg' ( more in the 5000 € fob factory price class ) (
Car Design News spoke to Colani ( in 2007 when a major exhibition of his work was shown London's Design Museum, and he told us: "Amongst today's car industry management there is not one that understands the real problems". Colani believed the whole emphasis on new vehicle development was wrong: "We have hundreds of electric motors to do jobs normally done by human hands. Car design should not be about the small details. It should be about the bigger picture... Cars should be "simpler, less features, streamlined, lightly built." He uses a slogan (in German): "langsam, leise, lustig, liecht" - meaning slow, quiet, spirited, light. Colani believed the mainstream manufacturers were all missing the point, "to build cars to go from A to B with a smile... to give answers to problems of our time".
langsam~ slowly/leisurely leise~ silent lustig~ funny leicht~ 'thin'/lightly in weight
lightly ~ (
A.I.,spoken EI ~ Ei-gen-Spin Intelligenz ? ;D (
f.e. ( (
Beginning ' smart' ,2 wheels :
ordinary bicycle
and cover : ( (
Front-wheel e-motor
Back-wheel generator
motor/generator net zero consume relationship
"Front-wheel e-motor
Back-wheel generator
motor/generator net zero consume relationship"
Please don't mean what this sounds like...
What do you actually mean with this cryptic hint?
Can you try and dedicate more text than links to it?
It is about losts observation in electro-magnetic-kinetic transforming machines !
The only one direction conversion use as common practizising ( industrial low cost ),when we ever have the two Fleming hand-rules direction currents to converse and inverse,positive and negative forces and electrical : positive and negative signals as Hertzian Cycles/Swing Circle pulses !
One the motoric the other the generatoric effect = C-/EMF
Right direction current coil and left direction current coil = bi-filiar .
90% motor efficiency means by conventional machine actually :
physical XY(Z)Axis 45 % total C-/EMF output conversion !
System improvement : under right square and cube law effect apply !
Only concentrating to one direction,assuming actio/reactio forces as same, means 50% conversion potential from 100% physical potential diminuation,applying the cube effect :0,5 x 0,5 x 0,5 = 0,125 =
12,5 per cent is the constructive maximal conversion efficiency !
Full load condition !
By fixed RPM and partial/fractional load ( net-grid Voltage and Frequency controlled ):
≤ 10 % !
Next :
One motor coil per stator or rotor to multiple independent ' each pole its own circuit' freedom degree improvement or/and as multi-disc/rotor arrangement !
Halfing the consume,doubling the generator output : consume percentage saturation by recuperation ?
The front-wheel motor also as rotorverter device,or motor with generator coil.
As e-bike 25 Km/h velocity ~ 7 m/sec (
Example: A wind turbine with a nominal 400 W (manufacturer's specification) generated at a wind force of approx. 20 m / sec. an output of 70 watts. After converting the generator to combined windings, the system delivered with a wind force of 5-6 m / sec. 140 watts. At 10-12 m / sec. were generated over 320 watts!
Back-wheel as 'wind-ing turbine rotor ' !
Front-wheel : magnet array and bi-/double winding
to (
Nominal and peak,flat land and hill,....... : differences
Yes,there are many pro-/contra points to re-/search for PERFECTION
We are in 'Common Future' experimental stage !
And there are street rules and laws :
personal assisted pedelec ( human pedalling)
full electric bicycle / emotor-bike
E-trike regulation versus normative ' car'-regulations !
And comercial end seller price mechanism :
250-100 finance unit : international granted patent saved object
30 financial units : non patent saved object,singularly buy,shop price
15 financial units : non patent saved object,group buy,fob factory
7,5 financial units: non patent saved object,group buy,fob factory,self-montage kit
The above for new ware,
for second-hand/used market ware the last,
7,5 financial units,the maximal price base ,
down to worthpoor scratch value and price
25 Km/ h divided 1,68 ( km/land-mile) ~ 14,9 mph (
Third party and direct comparison test
There have been three separate third party tests, including extensive computer flow analysis (CFA). My own direct comparative tests against a conventional high performance wind turbine in a broad range of conditions confirm theory. We ran extensive direct comparisons in real world conditions because 3rd party results seemed too high. An aerodynamicist study over several months of tests using CFA and wind tunnel tests showed up to 122 times more efficient than existing designs at 14 mph.
Personal Wind Assistant on Cabin-bike ?
The Water Turbine with Arestov double winding generator coupled ?
The Arestov generator output to Asaoka magnet force amplifier ?
By only 50% turbine output improvement,before Arestov generator couple,the drag/resistance would be important !
But by 122 times = 12 200 percentual improvement : quantite negliable !
122 times : much ?
Richard Fradella 1000 RPM 1000 W nominal pulse dc generator :
by 500 RPM 125 W output
by 100 RPM 1 W output
1 W to 125 W = 125 times improvement,12 500 % = 5 times RPM amplifying
Wind like other fluid stream is cube-istical in effect !
I can't follow the reasoning for those low efficiencies. From where I'm sitting, the motor output seems in line with the battery supplied power or energy.
I see countless of topics trying to do something clever with back EMF, but none seems to have doubled energy output through a motor from a given battery charge. Extremely hypothetical to get significant gains from a battery and motor arrangement. It's not like a lab test where there can be "complicated" multimeter setups "showing" amazing results. A motor that drives a known load (style of moped) is highly predictable.
If you find a way to get twice the motor output from a given battery on an e-bike, all that will do is halve the size of the battery, saving a few dozen euros on the 4-digit e-bike. Such an invention would serve aviation much more. They also in an activist stranglehold to shift into the (impossible) mass electric flight "reality".
Needing only halve the battery vs conventional, would add a few dozen seats to the now largest viable electric airplane.
What is 'efficiency',are there different kinds of 'efficiencies' ,is a C.O.P. efficiency indicating ??
Calculate by this application claims the theoretical efficiency : (
Like to see by the ' mosaics/images' ,the Wandler/converter now instead the shown windturbine as basic drive this synergetic drive : (
Each electro-/magnet group with capacitive displacement circuit or (
Cette bobine transformant la barre de fer doux en électro aimant ce dernier sera donc beaucoup plus puissant et fournira à la 2" bobine induite une induction plus forte.
Ce nouvel amperage (14a) a pu circuler dans le fil d'enroulement de la bobine induite grâce a la section de son fil qui est de 5 mm 3 et permet aux 14 ampères de passer largement (3 ampères au maximum peuvent circuler par mm2 de section de fil).
La deuxième bobine sur la même barre de fer doux (bobine induite) aura un enroulement de 6 m au lieu de 9 ce qui diminuera le voltage et le ramènera à 4 volts la section du fil étant diminuée également passant de 5 mm 3 à 4 mm 52, nous aurons une résistance de O ohm 38 en divisant le voltage par la résistance, un ampérage de 12 ampères.
C'est ce courant de 4 volts par 12 ampères qui sera transmis à la première bobine (bobine inductrice) du 20 couple suivant qui aura le double d'enroulement de la bobine precédente soit 12 m au de 6 donc un voltage qui sera porte à 8 volts une résistance de 0,66 donc un ampêrage de 8 : 0,66 = 12 a qui exciteront l'électro aimant du nouveau couple.
8V x 12 A = 96 VA ,sufficient for the seriell coupled Becker magnet groups sourcing !
96 VA / 2 W nominal ( f.e. improved bicycle dynamo) ~ 40x ( dynamo conversion losts )
The Wandler/converter mecano-kinetical output
a. coupled with electric generator/alternator
b. with heat pump compressor shaft f.e. (
Total concepts couple :
Each given amplifying factor
40x Trilles( 3 steps ) 200 x Becker x 10 Arestov/Linevich x 10 Haeberle = 800 000 times or 80 000 000 %
By pure applied theoretical description numbers ,how much 1:1 realize-able/-need ?
Btw : for the Linevich/Arestov converter I take ' 10x' as amplifying factor based by Arestovs reply : ( #59
Victor Arestov (
Edvid Linevich R&D co-partner (
Der russische Wissenschaftler Edwid Linevich (Vladivostok) hat im August 2007 ein Patent für einen Unwuchtmotor angemeldet, der den Weg in zu einer umweltverträglichen Stromversorgung ebnen kann. Die Funktionfähigkeit des Motors wurde mit einem Testmodell im März 2008 unter Beweis gestellt. ( Die Testergebnisse sind erstaunlich:
Bei einer Leistungsaufnahme von nur 25 Watt entwickelt der Motor eine Leistung von 400 Watt .
400W/25W = ≥ 10x,exactly 16x
For Oskar Becker synergetic drive ' 200x' :
Bei einem zum Beispiel einen Meter grossen Radius der Drehplatte, oder einem einen Motor langen Hebelarm wird die Wirkung der erzengten magnetischen Kraft auf die Drehachse etwa verzehnfacht.
Bei zwei Meter grossem Radius oder zwei Meter langen Hebelarmen wird die Wirkung der erzeugten magnetischen Kraft auf die Drehachse etwa zwanzig mal grösser.
Gleichermassen werden die auf die Drehachse wirkenden Kräfte durch die Anzahl der Magnetgruppen vervielfältigt, bei zum Beispiel dreissig Magnetgruppen dreihundertfach bezw. sechshundertfach.
Applied with x twenty magnet goups !
10x the 1 mtr radius disc and lever-arm x 20 magnet groups = 200x
Es können nun mehrere dieser Magnetgruppen und in Erweiterung mehrere Magnetgruppenrunden auf die gleiche Achse wirken, sodass sich der Beispielswert von dreihundert oder sechshundert weiter vervielfältigt.
Becker Drehplatte,der Schaft angekoppelt,vertikal (
Anstatt Kupfer-Wicklung Kochsalz(Natrium/Sodium)-Leiter
oder,idem vertikal ,bei Option : horizontal : (
Oskar Becker 1 Meter Radius = 2 mtr Durchmesser Drehplatte,1x/2x,... auf dem Autodach,ueber Schlaufe angekoppelt ein Generator , on-board Kraftwerk !
Der Pedalierer generiert 100 W pro Stunde ,welche in das Becker motor-generator Konzept einfliessend um das 200-fache verstaerkt an viele bisherige Leistungs(be)grenz(ung)en zu Denken geben laesst !
Pedalierend fliegen :
20 KW fuer das MC-10 Modell mehr als genug , (
Le dernier CriCri !
What is possible,when .... (
making this solar flyer compact as possible ?
Solar Challenger to
Artificial Photon/Solar CriCri Challenge !
Thanks ramset his positive poste input : (
Thin-Film Electrolytic Cell Power Unit
A product with the consumer in mind is Dr. George Miley's invention that produces about one watt per cubic centimeter of electrolyte[9]. Using a flowing packed-bed type electrolytic cell with 1-molar LiSO4 in light water, small (1-mm diameter) plastic beads with a thin (500-1000 angstrom) film of metal (nickel, palladium, or titanium) are employed. A special sputtering technique to spray on the metal is used. With 2-3 volts of electrical power and only 1-5 milliamperes of current, the single film experiments produce an excess power ten times the input power! (The input power is at most 0.01 watts while one half of a watt of heat is produced.) Observed power densities were 1 W/cc and above. It is also apparent that the physics of this reaction involve nuclear transmutations as well. As Dr. Miley notes: "The key finding from these studies has been the observation of a large array of "new" elements (i.e. different from the bead coating), many with significant deviations from natural isotopic compositions, after the run. Great care has been made to insure that these elements are distinguished from isotopic impurities by use of a "clean cell" with high purity components/electrolyte, in addition to the pre- and post-run analyses." Even low-energy radiation was detected from the beads days after each experiment. Application to space power, providing a 1-kW cell with only 500 cc of active electrode is predicted. Note that this particular invention, with its large overunity energy yield, was awarded a NERI grant by the DOE but then promptly withdrawn after certain individuals pressured the DOE into a re-evaluation of its grant to Professor Miley. The politics that override such grant decisions by the DOE Office of NEST are highly questionable.
Non logical for me :
assuming the written 0,01 'Watt : from 2-3 V x 1 to 5 mA ' electrical input and getting out 1 Watt
per cc ( a 10 cm cube = 1000cc )
1 sqm x 1 mm plastic beads gives 1000 W output
this gives 1/0,01 = 100x coefficient of work performance,output : 50% electrical and 50% heat (
kitchen aluminium-foil thickness (
His eectrolytic power cell (
there in to read
Behavior of the electrodes the same as for the single electrode experiments reported here would produce about 38 W excess power with about 40 W input. In addition, if the MLTF layer design is upgraded to that employed in earlier thin-film bead experiments [12], which provide higher excess heat percentages,
excess power gains approaching 500% could be obtained. = 5x electric/heat output
Then, the excess power in the preceding example would approach 190 W.
Such a unit provides the basis for an attractive practical battery-type unit.
It ' smells ' like the later Nano-BOXX process by Joseph Birmingham ! (
Lithium Sulfate gross market price ( purity grade !) : (
One hour pedaling means by conventional generator 75 Wh,improved generator 125-150 Wh power generation
X above 100x amplifying factor ~ electric (50% part) 3 750- 7 500 Wh free power delivery for sufficient range !
X above 5x ~ electric (50%) 187,5 - 375 Wh free power
10x electrolyt cell layers = 10 x 1 mm = 10 mm or 1 cm thickness per sqm ~ 10 000 Wp ( ( (
As compressed air engine drive mobile ? (
CAE technical data : (
Weight,velocity,range,tank refilling time
Tank exchange station : (
Quote from: lancaIV on October 05, 2023, 06:19:58 PM ( ( (
As compressed air engine drive mobile ? (
CAE technical data : (
Weight,velocity,range,tank refilling time
Tank exchange station : (
People might click SOME of your YouTube links if you did your readers the service of offering their title or a specific own description. Now it seems you're just sharing all you saw online today.
What is Your problem,Cloxxki ?
We also spend Our time to look for such ' stupid/non propriate' ideas like : (
Related Georgu Constantinesco his 5-hp combustion engine Sedan ,5-hp ic engine as peak ~ 2 KW nominal electric drive, 872-hp ridiculous !
The expression 'Hypercar',first by Amory Lovins/RMI public used is efficiency related !
4 KW CAE engine mobile as sufficient solution for low weight sub-/urban mobility ,peak 70 Km•h !
4 KW/'872 hp' only ≤ 1% !
Related hp or KW/Kg power-to-weight ratio and the 872 hp-e-motor as generating plant drive,okay,then this machine is probably interestant, nominal RPM ? 18.-25.000 ?
Pardon-moi,as I have to repeat : telex-style !
The members/readers/visitors here I assume as adult enough to read and understand point/sentence/video without to dictate them how they have to think !
No,not only from yesterday,it seems You do not use the forum archive ,CAE related topics are to find by some other members,too !
It is only the informative way,to actualize success/error/fiasco from at first enthusiastic ideas to project to common reality trials !
Happy weekend wishing
p.s.: my ' Hypercar'- ic2electric conversion preference ,for sub-/urban and highway use : (
and,with 4x magnet array and capacitive/superconductive coils improved electric drive , (
(Renewable,during drive) Power storage : multiple choice
I was in the End-80' for a short time owner from a
in the 70' my father drove a
Why the promotion from the ,non comercial - only idea, ' kickstarter'-fiasco (
' ... A rechargeable, hot-swappable acid-gel 88 Ah battery is good for 90 to 95 km (56 to 59 miles) on a single charge,..'
( 12 V x 88 Ah ) / 90 Km = 1056 VAh / 90 Km ~ 12 VAh ( or Wh )/Km
As R&D-base for efficiency experiments !
Following same projects,improving the Wh/Km consume and range increase : (
Not Lijo ,Lojo ,Herr Arestov ! Sie verstehen und sprechen ja die deutsche Sprache !
Bei Nutzung der Batteriekapazität, ohne Aufladen, konnte das E-Auto 31,5 km fahren, dabei betrug spezifischer Stromverbrauch nur 40 Wattstunden pro Kilometer
' ....only 40 Wh per Kilometre ...' :-\ ,only !? ( (
Lojo and/or Lujo !? Mr . Jackton Lu is the Founder & CEO of Lujo (Weihai) EV R&D Co. Ltd.
I am calculating with ' only : 10 Wh per Kilometre ,
Above 12 VAh x 0,7 rotorverter ≤ 10 VAh / Km
next step 5 Wh per Kilometre,final step :
Net Zero Wh/Km ' !
Probably the ' lojoev' ,in cooperation with Arestov,experiments with such a ' Vegan' and as drive a roto-r-verter
with motor-generator,each with the double windings !
This gives the first target : 10 Wh/Km !
Next :
A wind turbine ( or 2x ) on tect,drag and resistance losts versus turbine conversion gain : (
and/or ( (
Herr Arestov,Ihre Konversion des konventionellen Windturbinengenerators zu Doppel-Windung und dessen Resultat hat mich beeindruckt,deshalb nun die Frage :
Gordon James, ( web-archive,espacenet motor-generator) gibt an dasz 30% des inputs ueber den angekoppelten generator/alternator rekuperiert werden kann ! (
100% in - 30% recuperation ~ net 70%
Gordon James concept mit James motor-Arestov double-windings generator/alternator ?
100% - ?% recuperation ~ net ....?
Imris capacitive coil motor-Arestov double-windings generator/alternator ? (
1/2 100% in or 50% in - ? % recuperation ~ net ... ?
Motor : 100% net consume
Motor-Generator : 70% net consume
Imris Coil/Sabyasachi sc coil motor-Generator : 20 % net consume ? (
Imris Coil/Sabyasachi sc coil motor- Generator with David Yurth generator coil coating : 10% net consume ? (
page 5 from 33 pdf pages Induction Coil Coating Increases Generator Output by One-Third ,David Yurth
mono-phase or triphase or polyphase output (
Caution : The technology may well work -- but hang on to your wallet : ........ (
Imris Coil/Sabyasachi sc coil motor- Tudor/Iida/Hara/Kumar Generator with/-out generator coil coating
The coupled generator alternatives : (
Kango Iida (
Akio Hara ( (
Net Zero Drive ?!
Boat,car,drone on-board system :
Gordon James motor-generator and as renewable charge battery-genset : ( (
The importance from 'Net ( external) Zero (Energy ) Drive ' :
Atmosperic Water Generator drive,
heat pump/chiller drive,
CO2 scrubbing fans drive,
Mobile-Home/RV drive,.....
Die Zukunft der (Strassen-)Mobilitaet
For modeller,prototyper , experimenter I recommend to read : (
Too small constructed models can be a barrier to reach theorectical/on model measured efficiency values !
You're collecting a lot of links, but are you actually reading any of the pages? Or just the highlights? Looking up any words you don't know the deeper meaning of?
The 40 Wh/km was for a GOLF CART. Have you seen those? I'll help you with a graphical representation.
Golf carts are limited to low speeds, well under 23 kph usually, so is it soooo strange that they use 1/3 the energy per km of a 2.3 ton Lucid Air cruising at 80-90 kph?
Does this answer your question as to "why only 40 Wh/km", or are their greater mysteries to unravel here?
Fisher Island Golf cart type ( or Mini Moke or Citroen Mehari or VW Buggy ...)
to calculate per Km electric average consume,1967 !? Compared Arestov its Golf cart ' prototype' data ? (
2023 battery weight reduction,range by capacity increase improvement ?
Is the Lucid Air not useable as ( okay,for this function really fat ) Golf cart ? ::)
Der 'Green' Platzwart/-host : :o ( Whole er sich selber in one )
Is the Arzen Egg as 100 Kg mobile not ' Green'-appropriate ' compact Golf cart'- alternative ? pro-/contra-arguments !?
You are really funny to think that by comparisons not all related points are read,analyzed and evaluated !
By them constructing parts to final product ,by us destructing products to its material parts ! Re-Engineering !
cw,speed max,acceleration 0-30/0-50/0-80/0-100 ,weight,range,passenger/-s,..... !
Material,functional working lifetime ,..... .Street surface material,dry/wet track,wind,....
Flat path,hill driving
Lab value/street value,consume/Km ,base 130 Km• h (
In all cities geral 30-40 Km•h peak tempo zones castrates ( Premium = Max.Potential Impotenz Class)all this overpowered engines and overweighted
-compact mass-transportation devices !
When not promoted ' all in one-saloon'-car a low weight 4wheel car/t,a 3wheeler,an (assisted)ebicycle,bicycle,e-monocycle,walking !?
Cri-Cri weight,empty,150 Kg : (
I do not think that ' 3 passengers Air VTOL Cars' will weight over 500 Kg ! ( to ' flying car' -plans ;)
The Matra Bagheera was and is my only buyed car !I am not car owner ! I am sometimes driving a car !
I have ( 4,5,6 ,...donated) phones,which I do not use !I have (4,5,6 ,.... own buyed/donated) watches ,which are well deposited,body-internal bio-clock using !
1 private household,3 computer (donated),1 user !
Less stress ! Multiple choice !
"Fisher Island Golf cart type ( or Mini Moke or Citroen Mehari or VW Buggy ...)
to calculate per Km electric average consume,1967 !? Compared Arestov its Golf cart ' prototype' data ?"
Can anyone decode this for me, please? Let alone the rest of that post?
I showed that it's not that strange for a golf cart to take 40 Wh/km when we get big luxury cars which at a significant cruise velocity cruise at 120 Wh/km. The physics, to me, seem to check out just fine. It was used as the baseline for someone's research, but it seems to be taken as some sort of mystery accomplishment in new energy?
Quote from: Cloxxki on October 09, 2023, 08:58:06 AM
"Fisher Island Golf cart type ( or ~ level Mini Moke or Citroen Mehari or VW Buggy ...) ( ( ( (
to calculate per Km electric average consume,1967 !? Compared Arestov its Golf cart ' prototype' data ?"
Can anyone decode this for me, please? Let alone the rest of that post?
I showed that it's not that strange for a golf cart to take 40 Wh/km when we get big luxury cars which at a significant cruise velocity cruise at 120 Wh/km. The physics, to me, seem to check out just fine. It was used as the baseline for someone's research, but it seems to be taken as some sort of mystery accomplishment in new energy?
There is little mystery in public offered low consume car/-t/-s information :
≤1 Wh electric /Km as lowest possible,average 25 Km•h ! But more a 1-passenger-coffin-on-3/4-wheels !
But : technical-physical the possibility confirmed/approved !
24 hours ( quasi non-stop) human drive by average 40 Km•h,non-electric,biochemical !
best case/worst case appropriate solution tolerance
A german,Munich ,start up,developping an humanoid !
Nothing special !? Boston Dynamics,EVA1,2,Tesla 'Optimus' !
What is by them specially ? (
The robot/humanoid assists,as second human body substitution !
Being thousands Km with human body absent,with humanoid body present !
Home-office and work-office,two in one,distance unlimited ( outer Planet Earth !?)
The humanoid does not need high intelligence integrated,the humanoid-conductor ,the human ,mandates !
The humanoid as semi-autonomous object does not need much transportation space,the above 1-passenger-coffin, full- autonomous self-controled , sufficient enough !
We can decrease 90% city traffic by video-conference service and virtual industry work,' virtual school/university education', car-seat capacity-share !
Up to less 90% new car production and car use pollution ! And car expense !
"comsumption" is the noun, "to consume" is the verb.
You're just adding more cryptic notion. That's hardly to be called writing, let alone communication.
1 Wh/km at 25 kph? So, 25 W continuous. Just about the optimum possible in the very most uncomfortable, low air drag, perfect road surface.
I wonder, can the consumption for any vehicle, point to point with equal elevation start and finish, be reduced with a low path that brings in gravity as an energy vessel?
See image attached.
Vehicle B would save time thanks to gravity. Let's not ignore air resistance and keep measured distance the same despite the lower path detour. Would B have the same, higher or lower comsumption than A, given the same start velocity and continuous power output? B will get there sooner, this is science fact.
If B takes an arbitrary 5% shorter to get to the destination and both A and B were on full power the whole way, then B used up 5% less energy to travel the exact same distance, and at a higher speed.
For gravity assisted travel, low air drag is even more important, as speeds can easily get really high.
A heavy train (the longer and heavier, the better) with rather optimized wheels and aero would reach around 150 kph merely going off the brakes rolling out of a station 100 meters higher than the level cruise section. It would travel several kilometers at 100 kph average before needing some power to roll up the hill to the desitination station. Let's say it starts the ascend back to the next station at 120 kph, good to roll up around 55 meters. Then the only energy needed for the whole journey was the equal of lifting the train's total mass by 45 meters.
Gravity does the work to accelerate and decelate the train, the train only needs to overcome the 45 meters, and it can do so at very low speed if needed, it using a statically mounted winch ouside the station. No need for high speed high power motors to support 150 kph. And that's with just a 100 meter elevation advantage and 0 meter net elevation gain/loss. Higher speeds and reasonably long distances can be done with just a modest winching effort at a station, if the elevation difference is greater. (
cum sumptere ( infinitive ) ,the lingual base !
Elevation,cause ? ( (
Track up versus track down : physical in/out result ? (
vehicle and track
Hill up/hill down : net input result after recuperation by known technical losts ?
The given example , related ?
What shows us
- Electric car US-Patent
Electricity from the suspension
in relation vehicle weight,velocity,friction coefficient ?
I went through those links. Some very vague "mystrious" road where the side road climbs or decends at the same rate, with a seemingly pointless divider in between.
Then a seemingly utterly unrelated wiki article about a cable car service by the same name.
Then a physics calculator with some data table.
What are you actually trying to convey here? What's the reason to the madness? Sometimes there's a slight glimmer of hope for useful content, then I click...and it's an utter waste of my time, and I assume most everyone's time.
Is your mission to keep us away from more legitimate content that might actual bring us to new energy? If not, what IS the point?
In reading the topic through from the start (mostly)...
Great material / links. I especially appreciate the over all flow / bigger picture /
over view aspects / your observations / perspectives.
best wishes
For intelligent people the showed elevator works by water displacement,It is about different weights balancing,by variable loads,by dry ambient and wet ambient = friction coefficient ,
only Cloxxkipedia explains it as cable system !
In this topic You find university R&D results ,Shell Eco-Marathon international student teams challenge results,international private inventors and companies their evolutive consume decreasing solutions !
My own experiments I published ,not the specific DIY-plan in details !
But in a world with published information about now wind and solar electricity conversion/generation in the near ≤ 0,01 US$/KWh production costs,I am not in hurry to do it !
I am not here to teach,to dictate,only showing alternatives !
A new experimental car ,beyond lithium,below 10 000 US$ ( fob factory ) : ( (
Industrial $/Kg ratio : 10 $/Kg
Compared : (
With battery ( or without battery-direct costs),accu-lease/rent :
With : 4500 €/665 Kg ~ 7 €/Kg
Without : 2600 €/ ....
Renault Kwid electric ,in India-market,similar Kg price range !
CO2 related comparison : ( (
( 'Life cycle' definition ! ( )
battery hybrid ic engine
39 tCO2e 47 tCO2e 55 tCO2e
The table calculation,with e-/syn-/fuels ?
Only 1/2 claimed CO2 production/emission related conventional fuels !
Advantage ? (
Total vehicle, a.only ic engine drive b.Hybrid drive ,
CO2 emission calculating with this spanish internal combustion engine concept ?
2020 ! What is 2023 new to tell about ? ( (
Here to read ,by applying that concept,about 15% CO2-emission decrease,far away from ' zero CO2 ' : (
The results of the first theorical-experimental tests are conclusive: compared to diesel, the technology proposed by the CMT-Thermal Engines researchers of the UPV decreases the levels of NOx and soot by 92% and 88% respectively, and CO2 emissions from the exhaust pipe by 15% - down to 52 g/tkm (gram per tonne and kilometre) -, thus getting ahead of the demanding anti-contamination regulation approved for 2025. These results have been published in the journal Energy Conversion and Management (
Renovation from older/used cars by only internal combustion engine change ?
This ' no CO2'-emission engine coupled with (
House electricity/heat plant
If it's true that ICE on hydrocarbons raised CO2 in the atmosphere from 300 to 400 ppm (and soil and oceans didn't affect it AT ALL), then killing the ICE will cause billion people or more or face the decision to eat the other people, or die of famine.
CO2 is plant food. Plants are our food. The Earth never needed to feed more of us.
The depopulist billionaires want to reduce our number through vaccines (Bill Gates, TED Talk) and CO2 taxes/reduction. Because they care a lot more for the world than for people.
If the Thunderstorm reactor is validated, and we keep pretending CO2 is baaaaad, then retrofitted ICE vehicles will be "greener" than EVs. And help support famine in reality, but the billionaires, academia and media like to avoid that "discussion". ( like ?
Green !? Today the portuguese PM felt political cause ' green hydrogen' !
But me does not interest pro/contra minds by poor or rich !
R&D about physical-technical possibility,by global-wide results observation !
Taking this Garfield Wood study car ,as experiments platform, its technical data : (
A nominal 3 KW electric drive,can be also 2 x 1,5 KW
Keiichiro Asaoka static dynamo as input/output amplifyer
David Judbarovski thermoelectric generator fueled by hydrogen,60% conversion efficiency
Can we reach an 1 gramm hydrogen per 40 Km urban drive consumption efficiency ?
Compressed 1 Kg Hydrogen ~ 33 KWh
Average 3000 W nominal electric drive sourced by 30 VA amplifyer output,cause amplification factor 2x,amplifyer 15 VA input delivered by thermoelectric converter ,15 VA / 60% efficiency = 25 VA eqhydrogen
25 VA in 1 hour = 25 VAh / 33 000 Wh ( 1 Kg compressed hydrogen )
or 25 VAh / 33 Wh ( 1 g compressed hydrogen ) ~ ≤ 1 g hydrogen consumption per hour driving,urban cycle
Assumption : 15 000 Km per year car use ergo 15 000 Km/40 Km = 375 g hydrogen per year use !
≤ 1 Kg hydrogen production costs/worth ? (
Clearly,not many can calculate with 3000 W ( or 2x 1500 W ) mechanical force out (torque x RPM )and 30 VA electric in ,without own experience and physical functional prototype !
Electro-mechanical rotative amplifyer/transducer with C.O.P. 100x
Or only the ' C.O.P. 100x rotational transducer' and a pedal-generator ,30 VA average man/men power easy to reach !?
QuoteIf it's true that ICE on hydrocarbons raised CO2 in the atmosphere from 300 to 400 ppm (and soil and oceans didn't affect it AT ALL), then killing the ICE will cause billion people or more or face the decision to eat the other people, or die of famine.
In fact the plants and oceans have been absorbing massive amounts of CO2 but cannot keep up which is why the CO2 levels are rising so fast. However it's not the CO2 which is going to kill people it's the rising temperatures due to the greenhouse effect. Record temperatures have been recorded everywhere as well as wildfires and drought. Excessive heat and drought kill plants which is resulting in record crop failures.
My philosophy is different and I consider burning things for energy as primitive. It's for lazy people who aren't smart enough to figure out a better way of doing things. It's like admitting your stupid and can do no better than anyone in the past 100 years. So it's not about fossil fuels or an ICE you dim wit it's about being a real man and being able to be independent. Only children are dependent on others for everything not men.
Quote from: onepower on November 07, 2023, 07:24:27 PM
In fact the plants and oceans have been absorbing massive amounts of CO2 but cannot keep up which is why the CO2 levels are rising so fast. However it's not the CO2 which is going to kill people it's the rising temperatures due to the greenhouse effect. Record temperatures have been recorded everywhere as well as wildfires and drought. Excessive heat and drought kill plants which is resulting in record crop failures.
My philosophy is different and I consider burning things for energy as primitive. It's for lazy people who aren't smart enough to figure out a better way of doing things. It's like admitting your stupid and can do no better than anyone in the past 100 years. So it's not about fossil fuels or an ICE you dim wit it's about being a real man and being able to be independent. Only children are dependent on others for everything not men.
Severals years back there was an article about the influence from Pakistan the population its water consume and the Earth inclination change !
From actually +- 8 billions habitants to 10,5 billions times each habitant the 1.World drinkwater use ( private/agro/industry) it can become interestant !
We can assume that in future beside energy foot/finger print also the water foot/finger print will be under strong ecological observation, means : taxed,rationalized !
' greenhouse effect' ,heat increase versus ' inverse greenhouse effect'heat decrease : ( : positive/negative albedo
p.s.: cars with equipped atmospheric water generator(~ dehumidifier) and onboard water-electrolyzer/reformer :
everywhere is hydrogen to find
nitrogen,78% air content, as ' fuel' ? (
As closed cycle ,no combustion,fluid ? (
Zero emission,included ' zero heat emission' : heat emission gives local ' heat island' effect
Also an 100% electric society stays ,by uncontrolled heat emission ,with ambiental heat increasing condition
From the 70'in Central-Europe average 15°C in-house temperature in cold wheater period,by 20-30 sqm average living space occupation per habitant,
to now 40-45 sqm,in average, per habitant living area use and -by law demanded : average 19°C middle temperature room heating in cold wheater period ;
100% more space consume x 100% more heat energy use ~ 400% consume =
+ 300% in before/now comparison
when 0°C to 15°C needs 100 energetic units ,0°C to 20°C needs - thermodynamical effect- 200 energetic units, here differs square/cube law ambiental physics arithmetic from pure -static maths !
20/15 = 1,33translated in : " twenty is related 15" 33 % more,certain and right,basic school level !
in energy consumption related inroom-'meteorology' ( thermosyphon effect,maximum to minimum warm air move,air density,air humidity,volume/floor area...)
and habitant ,non/low heated indoor ambient,climate related human body cover/wear
Old aged mans and wifes ,here biological young/junior(junex) and old/senior(senex)divison age-phases:
pre-/poste - Andro-/male- Meno-/female- pause/'end' metabolism reversion ( hormons,...)
Pubertary age + 40 times cell regeneration a 9 months = 9 years age + 36 years
~ 45 years climaterium begin ,by man and woman,in mathematical average
More ' inside biogenetical process velocity decrease,"time"-emphaize velocity increase " cold effect'' ergo more body/mind outside artificial heating !
Our western countries society average demographic age ?
40-45 year ,pre-/poste pause/end ,senex = senil,greis-ig/-lich,siechen , citizen economy
1973-2023 : The ' green im/potent movement' to its own death !
End 80' economic ' to say good-bye work-place' life reformation( ' pensionist-ism) entrance age : 45 years !