My Friends,
I started Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy ( back in January 2015. It was a success and Partnered Output Coils is now part of every serious Experiment today!
While some struggle, others report great success.
The biggest problem we had was, we could have done the release and Introduction with several hundred less pages on Stefan's Forum! Far too many trouble makers! Yes I could have handled myself a little better, but when one gets Attacked all the time, one tends to get a little defensive.
We Introduce: Partnered Output Coils - Builders Group
Chet ( Ramset ) and I are the moderators. There will be opposition, there will be some that don't like being moderated, we will be fair, we will only moderate what we need to! We aim to keep the Trouble makers out and the Motivation High!
No one is twisting your Arm, you join in and participate if you want to! This is your Choice! If your not participating, then please refrain from posting. We want those that have experience posting and all here to help each other.
1: Off Topic Posts will be deleted!
2: Posts containing Harassment will be deleted!
3: Slanderous Posts will be deleted!
I urge all interested parties, Gear Up, we are gonna break new ground! I will do the best I can to help others here! My Team must always come first however, but I am serious, I want every human being on the planet to have the opportunity to learn something amazing and simple!
1: Input Coil - 10% Duty Cycle starting at about 3 Volts into 25 turns 1.2mm Wire.
2: Secondary Coil - 70 - 200 Turns 0.8mm wire - Opposes the Primary, use the Right Hand Grip Rule.
3: Tertiary Coil - 70 - 200 Turns 0.8mm wire - Opposes the Secondary Coil, Assists the Primary Coil, use the Right Hand Grip Rule.
Make sure you have nice clean switching on your Input Coil. You need a Voltage Source that you can turn up, this is important to see the effects.
I have coined a term: Delayed Conduction (, I have many hundreds of very detailed articles on my Forum:, please use the pages there for reference! Please use: Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines ( for extra help!
Remember: Greater than 90% of the time, your Input is Off, this means your Output should be Off, there is no way for your Output to be On is there - Well yes, this is where Science has no proper explanation for whats occurring! One of many gaping holes in Electromagnetics! Let me tell you something very important:
1: The Change in Magnetic Field Creates a Voltage!
2: The Opposition of Magnetic Fields Pumps Current!
3: The term Magnetic Fields is Interchangeable with Current, as a Current is the same thing / Creates a Magnetic Field!
Your Coils must be Loaded at all times, or this will not work! It is advantageous to think:
Action, Reaction and Counter-Reaction!We have a Historical Record to support Asymmetrical Regauging, as long as one can get the Potential, Voltage sufficiently high enough:
I = V / R, then your machines will produce: Above Unity Results!
Don Smith:
The MEG Team:
Tinman:Quote from: tinman on June 18, 2015, 07:15:52 PM
It would seem that a bucking coil arrangement dose indeed add energy to a system. My test over the years have shown this to be true,but all my devices that use this arrangement are mechanical--E.G-,motors,generators.
Quote from: tinman on June 25, 2015, 08:25:39 AM
What-you mean like the below scope shot's?
First scope shot before the diode.
Second scope shot after the diode,and large cap removed.
EDIT: Below, see Before and after Diode.
Graham Gunderson:
I have done a video series, to try to explain Partnered Output Coils, the effects, what to look for, how to solve problems and how to make the Coils Act and React together in an advantageous way!
The Sawtooth Wave Form ( is the defining Energy "Generation" Waveform! Please, always keep this in mind! Think in terms of Energy "Generation"!
You need to think in terms of Symmetry vs Asymmetry! A Symmetrical System can Never Go Above Unity! Your System needs to be Asymmetrical, this is a requirement to be able to "Generate" excess energy beyond the Unity Boundary! Its worth Bench-Marking your machine in Transformer mode, making sure you have around 80% Efficiency at least. Then anything above the 80% mark you can verify, has entered the System beyond the Benchmark value!
As I have shown for many years, Partnered Output Coils must oppose, must Buck each other, there is a specific Polarity to this and the polarity needs to be right. Then you need to focus on the "Generation" Phase, and maximise that phase, remember:
I = V / R, Ohms Law. Keep in the back of your head, nearly all the Energy "Generation" Phase is done when your Input is
OFF! Thus the short Duty Cycle.
NOTE: Your Machine Pumps Current for almost 100% of the Cycle, but your Input is only on around 10%, or less, so > 90% of the Cycle, you have Energy Output, Energy Output when your Input is
OFF, this is significant!
If you only take one thing from what I have posted, please take the following sentence:
Its all just an Understanding, think Asymmetry, forget Symmetry. The Magic happens when you break Symmetry! Action, Reaction and Counter-Reaction!
I hope we get a good response from everyone! Good intentions bring forth Good Intentions, but also brings not so good Intentions, thus why we will Moderate. Please think twice before posting.
Please Remember: This is a Builders Group, if you are not building, then if you can make sure you only post useful, serious discussion, you think that would be helpful for others!
I would like to personally Invite Tinman to join us, that is if he wishes.
Best wishes, stay safe and well,
Chris Sykes
O boy.
I was just trying to respond to your comment.
Dear Friend EMJunkie
When you mentioned video translation of Akula ... made by me
and also another one restricted to view I was puzzled with my own comment from 2013 about resonance in resonance.
some history: (
At first Stefanov( Stephanov) was trying to attract me with his not self powered device and due to lack of my interest he
decided to go to international show to Hamburg Germany.
While in Germany he went across German Investor.
Shortly after that news about Akula self powered device were more attractive to the Investor and conflicting with Stefanov plans.
Stefanov decided to visit Akula and traveled from Russia to Kazakhstan.
Tiger from Kazakhstan was hired by Stefanov to examine Akula's device .
Tiger was my close friend at that time.
In the meantime Akula visited Riga Latvia to make deal with the same Russian of Chocolate Factory owners who
made deal ( 32000 euro) with Tariel Kapanadze in 2010.
The same Russians were responsible for poisoning me and Tariel in 2011 in the airplane from Prague to Tbilisi.
Tariel eat 2 spoon as he was heavily drunk . He was unconscious for 3 days.
I was lucky to vomit by force.
I decided to don't go to authorities - Tariel device was more important to me.
Russian bosses from Moscow were disappointed,
American was alive.
In Riga Latvia Akula's device didn't work, but device of Ruslan from Riga Latvia was working fine.
Than Akula went to Germany and his device didn't work there as well.
He called Tiger for help.
Tiger went to Germany.
But that didn't help .
Akula is said to be dead now.
Interesting is that wen you mentioned the Akula's restricted video that is in Russian only
I realized that you must speak Russian.
I have learned Russian here in USA while employing Russian Scientists lazy enough or to limited so much
that I had no other choice but find more about all of that Russian Russia and its science.
Today I'm so fluent that I can fly with it.
I was very disappointed finding all of the BS. ,dirt, ignorance to scientific values
and to all of other values ....(if I could find any not yet altered, bend, deformed values left there.)
I may be wrong but for me it is just the biggest mafia style reality ever created in modern World.
Can you explain to me what your knowledge of Russian comes from?
My original question was :
What the energy in your self powered devices comes from?
I was not satisfied with your answer quoting me myself from 2013.
as my comment about resonance in resonance was quoted by you without the link attached.
In contrast to you and your activity I have no problem as of today to explain energy origination
and energy conversion in Tariel Kapanadze devices.
Tariel was lucky as well not being poisoned sufficiently well by these particular Russians. ( (
To make my position clear:I want you to know that I'm not against you.
I have respect to you and every other Human being on this planet based on general rules of humanity value
despite their race, region, language,sexual or religious .. "whatsoever.."
But having respect to them doesn't mean that I like all of them and/or I want to interact with them.
In my videos I explained how energy is converted and used based on Dr Corum and Viziv patents/ experiments analysis.
You didn't clearly formulate convincing mechanism of energy transfer.conversion and extraction.
No overunity exist so with all due respect please provide sufficient logical explanation
Wesley with respect, and i'm sorry to but in, but I'm not at all sure DR Curum's info is just his definition of what he want;s to know.
However Mr Tesla and Mr Morey told us that not all electricity travels at the same speed ie different metals were wound on transformers
to achieve accelerated electron flow and in-pulse technology can also also produce longitudinal pressure waves that have accelerated
electron flow.
So if Tesla and Morey say and used accelerated electron devices why should we believe Dr Corum's hypothesis to be done and dusted ?
Therefor if it's possible to accelerate electron or ion flow then the extra energy wouldn't come from any where it would already be there and available.
Regards AG
Quote from: AlienGrey on September 27, 2020, 07:30:24 PM
Wesley with respect, and i'm sorry to but in, but I'm not at all sure DR Curum's info is just his definition of what he want;s to know.
However Mr Tesla and Mr Morey told us that not all electricity travels at the same speed ie different metals were wound on transformers
to achieve accelerated electron flow and in-pulse technology can also also produce longitudinal pressure waves that have accelerated
electron flow.
So if Tesla and Morey say and used accelerated electron devices why should we believe Dr Corum's hypothesis to be done and dusted ?
Regards AG
Hey AG,
Wesley has no idea what he is talking about!
A Free Electron, in Atomic Orbit, outer orbital, at rest in respect to the length of the Wire, yet we need
6.24 x 1018 Electrons / Second, past Terminal
T1, to equal
One Ampere, we know, acceleration is related to Mass and Force, we know:
Force (N) = mass (kg) × acceleration (m/s²), we can use this equation, and rearrange:
acceleration (m/s²) = Force (N) / mass (kg), to work out the Acceleration required, so this proves, some rant on with a bunch of total non-sense!
What is the Weight of One Ampere? Mass in Kg's: 0.00000000000568425534144 Kg's
The Electron MUST be Accelerated (, Pumped!
Tesla said: Kinetic Energy (, Not Static!
Akula: Correct
Wesley: Wrong
this is another the latest video of Akula as of today 10-16-2013.More about construction and tuning.He utilizes resonance in resonance phenomena his device reacts as a pump, creating difference potential to the ground. While ground is trying to balance the difference the pump differential - load is being powered constantly and is dissipating energy that is induced in output coil. Output coil is inductively coupled to the differential pump circuit/
начало! Роман Карноухов
Quote from: Don Smith 1998 Office Interview Part 3 @3: 30" link="
Ah, the devices I have invented, which there are a number of them, they all, ah, actually, accelerate Electrons. They're Electron Accelerators.
Quote from: Floyd Sweet link=""
The current and voltage initiating fields are in such a direction to either accelerate or decelerate the rate of flow of charges depending on the applied polarity and voltage amplitudes.
As polarity may be maintained constant, that polarity of acceleration should be chosen so charges move at faster rates, lowering copper duty factor, at the same time opening the gates wider so more coherent field entities may enter for the conversion process.
It's obvious, we have a self-regulation machine whose inherent conservation to the nth degree.
As you point out:
Quote from: T. H. Moray" link="
An electrical generator is, in the true sense, not a generator, as it does not create electrical energy. Electricity is not made by the generator, it is merely pumped.
From that standpoint, an electric generator might be referred to as an electric pump and the Moray radiant energy device as a high-speed electron oscillating device.
Worth studding Einstein's Mass Energy Equivalence ('s%20famous%20equation,of%20light%20(c)%20squared.) for more info.
Some people, you just cant tell! They already know better! That's why I am wasting my time here!
The self-proclaimed Hero's have greater knowledge than everyone else already!
It's just the knowledge of the coils and how they interact with each other. (
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
He has failed!
The most simple experiment, he has not listened to CaptainLoz and his recommendations, missed entirely the most important information! WHY??? WHY??? WHY???
Damn, Itsu is a good experimenter, but he misses all the important information! Damn Man! This is a common theme, did the same when I was trying to help him, ignored the information I was trying to provide, just ignored it completely!
What did CaptainLoz show you in the videos? Why are you missing ALL Of that stuff? Its important stuff!
List of Problems:
1: Load is not sufficient: 6V 0.6 Watt again, listening to GuessaWatt and not realising, Loads in Parallel like I have already shown are important! GuessaWatt has No Idea what he is talking about!
2: He has no idea the Length of his Coils!
3: Waveform is not even close!
4: More comments about total non topic related content than important stuff!
5: He has less than a basic Transformer Efficiency, indicating Polarity is wrong!
6: They cant seem to grasp this is a Magnetic Field Related Machine, not Electric Field, they are going about this entirely wrong!
7: They are investigating 1 Ohm and 10 Ohm resistors in Circuit, introducing massive Circuit Impedance! Something we have warned against!
8: You need a Specific Current to make this work! di/dt Magnetic Field!
9: They just are not following the very BASIC Rules laid out by Myself and CaptainLoz! Very disappointing indeed!
I told you! You can NOT Build these machines unless you gain the basic UNDERSTANDING First! Without this understanding, you are never going to be able to do it!
Study the meaning of the Words in this Video:
This is SO SIMPLE, yet deliberately, the most important, already given, and documented, important points are MISSED! This is a MAGNETIC FIELD Transformer in Asymmetrical Configuration:
I predict, this information will go entirely missed, not a single bit will be utilised or incorporated!
The Input Coil Simulates Rotor Rotation. di/dt Time Rate of Change!
The Partnered Output Coils, are the Rotor Coil and Stator Coil, each Oppose! MUST Oppose! V = -N dphi/dt, or -N di/dt/dt, they are the same thing! You Need V, for I: V / R = I with not enough Voltage, you have nothing!
You're a Smart Bloke, so please do this properly! Electromagnetic Induction 101. Partnered Output Coils must be in Resonance, Magnetic Resonance. Currents 180 Degrees Out of Phase!
This must be an Asymmetrical Process, Energy is gained over Time, it is in the Time Domain we see a Gain in Energy!
The Input Coil needs to be off at peak Voltage, then send Current back to your Source:
Please confirm you understand this simple analogy.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
P.S: Sorry, I took offence to the other post, until I saw it was on the wrong thread. I have removed those posts.
Dear readers and Dear EMJunke
As this post is in moderated part of forum I'll keep copy of my posting separately.__________________________________
After EMJunke deleted everything my comment was the very first ever posted here.
I was talking about values, respect, etc. ( my original question was :
What the energy in your self powered devices comes from?
Dear EMJunke:
You don't want to be called any of the names listed below:
- Russian Troll
( paid by Russian Propaganda)- lair,
- magician- money maker the misinformation fake FE platform builder
- delusional, self-deficient, narcissistic case of Cognitive impairment ,
I don't call you with any of the names, .
I don't think there is a proven base for it.
I don't think this is appropriate at the present time.
But to be clear :
I'm pointing at that
what I don't like or don't understand about you.
Please enlighten me,
- why did you bury my #1here comment with bunch of old postings?
- why are you throwing bunch of equations, pictures in response to simple question.
Please provide the answer in listed below format:
1.format of answer:
based on laws of conservation of energy :
energy can not be created no destroyed .
format of answer:QuoteMy EMJunke device takes energy (In) in form of ..... from ...........than converts this energy from .... and in form of ...... to .... form of energy.
2. this form of energy in My EMJunke device is processed and
delivered into the load in form of........
3. approximated initial energy E (In) to output energy E (Out) efficiency is:
Final Statement:
My EMJunke device doesn't violate laws of physics because........( please provide explanation)
QuoteFrom Wesley To EM Junke
My respect and community respect, and science respect can be yours and
I may help you to become wealthy , known and powerful.
I don't need your know-how secrets.
Just convince me that you are not just like a simple piece of Russian currency
- ruble devastated by degradation of all values.
I do not desire Wealth!
I do not desire Power!
I do not desire Fame!
I desire, Evolution of Human Beings, Unite, Help each other, Love and Care for one another, the Exact Opposite of the behaviour on this Forum! Before you all Destroy Each Other in a Flaming mess of Nuclear Fall Out!
You are all so destructive! Today, you sit on the Precipice (, will you change and Survive, or go the way of the Dinosaur?
My Work is shared under Public Domain (,one%20can%20ever%20own%20it.), Free for Every Human Being under Fair Use! Can not be Patented! Can not be IP Righted! Free for all!
I wish you could be serious on a serious matter!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times!
Chris Sykes
Quote from: Partzman link=";topicseen#msg84534"
I posted this at OUdotcom and will post here as well as it may be of interest-
For those who might wish to replicate CaptainLoz's [CL] video #9, I have some info that is my opinion based on Chris's own words, scope pix, etc, that will perhaps help[ in your replication.
The POC schematic shown below is from Chris himself and is basically incorrect based on his scope pix of his secondary currents. Using standard dot notation, if a positive voltage pulse is applied to L1 as he shows with the dot end being more positive than the non-dot end, the dot ends of L2 and L3 will have a more positive voltage than the non-dot ends thus forcing the diodes D1 and D2 into conduction thereby forcing current to flow in L2 and L3 during the time that L1 is charging. This is not in agreement with his scope pix which show that L2 and L3 conduct current during the collapse phase of L1. This means the diodes D1 and D2 need to be reversed in order for this to be correct. When both L2 and L3 conduct during the collapse phase of L1, Chris refers to this as the POCs are "slapping" together. He also refers to the rising edge of the L2 L3 current waveforms as an "asymmetrical regauging" process!
The energy in L1 that is built during it's charging phase or time, must be discharged back to the power supply. This means you must use a full or 3/4 bridge driver circuit. A 3/4 bridge driver simply replaces the upper conduction mosfet for the side of the bridge that returns the energy from L1 to the supply with a Schottky diode.
You could also wind L1 as a bifilar coil and then one half of the bifilar would be used for the charging phase using a single low side mosfet, then use the other half of the bifilar for the return path to the supply with again a Schottky diode. One must observe the dot convention for this to work. The disadvantage to this latter method is the relatively large inter-winding capacitance created will produce higher frequency harmonics in L1.
Chris mentions resonance. This could be in many different forms and Chris never reveals exactly which type of resonance he means. So, we must take hints that he gives from CL's attempted replication and that is, the wavelength of the operating frequency is some fractional part of the length of wire used in the secondaries.
And referring to the pix below of Chris's bucking coils, this configuration works with a series connection as shown. However, if a standard coil is center tapped with the start and finish wires connected together, we now have two paralleled coils that when driven between the tap and the start/finish, will also be bucking. I mention this because of the need to carefully observe if L2 and L3 are truly bucking when they conduct under the above rules.
It is understood from Chris's videos that L1 is wound over say L2 for relatively tight coupling. L2 is then used to drive the load while L3 has only the diode for conduction of current. The duty cycle of the input pulse to L1 is typically ~10% but could vary depending on the build.
In the CL video #9, he places the output resonating across the diode.
And again sounding like a broken record, please use the maximum vertical deflection possible on your scope for all waveforms.
Also, anybody that is using the same Rigol scope as CL, please check to see if the Math result is in avg or rms and/or is selectable!
PS: Chris, please feel free to correct any of the above with DATA not stupid remarks!
If I were you, I would stop trying to correct, and follow the basic layout!
None of this is Hard! None of this is Complicated! All of this is Easy!Each Partnered Output Coil carry's a Current due to Electromagnetic Induction, each is the others Primary Coil - So claiming I am incorrect is Wrong! You need to follow basic well known rules here!
Study Carefully:Quote from: Floyd Sparky Sweet link=""
The principle of superposition states that; "In order to calculate the resultant intensity of superimposed fields, each field must be dealt with individually as though the other were not present". The resultant is obtained by vector addition of each field considered singularly. Consider for a moment the construction of the triode which includes the bifilar coils located within the fields of the two conditioned magnets.
When the current in one half of the conductors in the coils (i.e., one of the bifilar elements in each coil) of the device is moving up, both the current and the magnetic field follow the right-hand rule.
The resultant motional E-field would be vertical to both and inwardly directed.
At the same time the current in the other half of the conductors in the coils is moving down and both the current and magnetic field follow the right-hand rule.
The resulting motional E-field is again vertical to both and inwardly directed.
Thus, the resultant field intensity is double the intensity attributable to either one of the set of coil conductors taken singularly.
Expressed mathematically:
E = ( B x V ) + ( -B x -V ) = 2 ( B x V )
Study Carefully:
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
The Input Coil Simulates Rotor Rotation. di/dt Time Rate of Change!
The Partnered Output Coils, are the Rotor Coil and Stator Coil, each Oppose! MUST Oppose! V = -N dphi/dt, or -N di/dt/dt, they are the same thing! You Need V, for I: V / R = I with not enough Voltage, you have nothing!
You're a Smart Bloke, so please do this properly! Electromagnetic Induction 101. Partnered Output Coils must be in Resonance, Magnetic Resonance. Currents 180 Degrees Out of Phase!
This must be an Asymmetrical Process, Energy is gained over Time, it is in the Time Domain we see a Gain in Energy!
Please confirm you understand this simple analogy.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
P.S: Sorry, I took offence to the other post, until I saw it was on the wrong thread. I have removed those posts.
My Diagram is correct, change it, it wont work! Period!
Each Coil has a
Magnetic Field Changing in Time, this is directly related to the Changing Current!
di/dt, you all should know this already!
Electromagnetic Induction can occur
more than once in a Single Machine! That's why This statement was made:
If your Partnered Output Coils do not Oppose, you have it wrong! Period!
Again I define
Magnetic Resonance: Each Current, in each Partnered Output Coil, is 180 Degrees out of Phase - Simple! Antenna Theory is the same basic Rules!
You must stop trying to change things! It will not work if you change things! This is so Simple! Yet so easy to balls it up! Only if you don't follow the basic, simple, straight forward Rules already laid out!
Shown below, when you have this all correct, the Input Power sent back to your Power Supply, can be greater than the Input Power Sent to the Coil! Input can become Negative!
I am not posting on overunityresearch, I don't like that forum! I only post on My Forum ( and sometimes here.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
P.S: Don't change anything! Follow the VERY Simple rules Loz and I have already laid out! What's your Coil Length? Know this yet?
Quote from: stivep on September 29, 2020, 06:00:40 PM
EMJunke you posted nonsense but no answer to my question in format listed below:
Please provide the answer in listed below format:
1.based on laws of conservation of energy : energy can not be created no destroyed .than: I'm not sure if he understands a question?
QuoteMy EMJunke device takes energy (In) in form of ..... from ...........than converts this energy from .... and in form of ...... to .... form of energy.
2. this form of energy in My EMJunke device is processed and
delivered into the load in form of........
3. approximated initial energy E (In) to output energy E (Out) efficiency is:
Final Statement:
My EMJunke device doesn't violate laws of physics because........( please provide explanation
Wesley, go away and stop wasting others Time!
I told you, I don't want money! I don't want Power! I don't want Fame, so go away!
Stop posting nonsense that you can make me rich and powerful! Its not what I want! Post now edited? Offer still there. I have a full copy.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
Sorry, I took offence to the other post, until I saw it was on the wrong thread.
I did not notice that you did. I am much better at readings scopes than people.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
I have removed those posts.
Good. They were only polluting this thread.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
The Input Coil Simulates Rotor Rotation.
I think you assume that I have been following this development for a long time. I have not been.
I just came to this forum yesterday, after not posting for over a year, because of Itsu's replication attempt.
Because of this, I do not know what rotor you are referring to. Was there a mechanical rotor in some earlier incarnation of this device?
I also do not know what is the name of this device and who started/invented it and who is replicating it on this forum. Because of this I will ask you a lot of annoying questions about this device.
As far as the rotor goes, are you referring to the dΦ/dt (magnetic flux's rate of change) penetrating a certain area (or surface) caused by the movement of a hypothetical mechanical rotor with a permanent magnet attached?
What about the changes in the direction of the magnetic flux, which would be generated by a movement of a mechanical rotor with a permanent magnet attached?
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
di/dt Time Rate of Change!
di/dt should be called the electric current's rate of change.
The "time" is already implied in the phrase "rate of change". Am I correct that the phrase "Time Rate of Change" was a typo ?
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
The Partnered Output Coils, are the Rotor Coil and Stator Coil, each Oppose! MUST Oppose!
I agree that the direction of currents induced in two coils wound in the same direction over the same magnetic path must oppose when one coil is the driver and the other one is the sensor of the linked magnetic flux.
But do you mean the same thing?
For example your disagreement with Partzman leads me to believe that you are talking about the direction of current while he is talking about the polarity of the applied and induced voltage according to the dot convention.
It would help if you associate the L1, L2, L3 designators with the monikers "Rotor Coil", "Stator Coil", etc..., on the diagram which you had attached.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
V = -N dphi/dt, or -N di/dt/dt, they are the same thing! You Need V, for I: V / R = I with not enough Voltage, you have nothing!
I cannot agree with the word "nothing" in this context. However, I could agree with the statement "...with not enough voltage, you have not enough current (or magnetic flux)".
This of course provokes the question: "Why is more current or flux needed?" Is it to push some ferromagnetic material into its non-linear region?
If the answer to the latter question is "yes", then indeed Itsu's 5V
P-P input waveform will not generate enough current and flux for that to happen.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
Electromagnetic Induction 101. Partnered Output Coils must be in Resonance, Magnetic Resonance.
Which ones are the "partnered coils" on the schematic? Is it L2 and L3 ? Sorry to be so dense but I like to be certain.
Also, Magnetic Resonance is not an Electromagnetic Induction 101 term. That chapter deals only with an Inductor-Capacitor (LC) Resonance.
Chapter 102 deals with transmission line resonance, where a pulse or CW wave becomes reflected from an open or short end of a transmission line and comes back to interfere with itself.
Then in Chapter 103 there is some mention of Ferroresonance, which is never properly explained.
And the entire Chapter 104 is about Nuclear Magnetic resonance, where the atomic spin axes are made to precess coherently by an alternating magnetic field (or acoustic vibration) and store this energy as they precess in a constant magnetic field.
Finally, Chapter 105 is about electron spin resonance in similar magnetic fields.
So pardon me for asking, which chapter do you have in mind when you write the phrase "Magnetic Resonance" ?
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
Currents 180 Degrees Out of Phase!
I guess that eliminates the LC resonance from Chapter 101 as a possibility, because the voltages and currents in this type of resonance approach being 90º out of phase at most.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
This must be an Asymmetrical Process, Energy is gained over Time, it is in the Time Domain we see a Gain in Energy!
OK, but this is new physics and there isn't a chapter written about it yet.
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 28, 2020, 06:36:55 PM
Please confirm you understand this simple analogy.
You are asking for it like a typical genius, using so many mental shortcuts that are simple and obvious to you, but not necessarily to you audience.
I cannot answer that at this time. Perhaps I will be able to after you reply to all my sentences that end with a question mark.
I am going to keep this short, so forgive me. I agree with all you said, di/dt I know is the same as Time Rate of Change, d = Delta or: Δ. Delta of I or Current, 0 - 3 Amps: 3 Amp Delta over time, 0 - 1 second, or a 1 second Delta. The same. I write for those that may not know the difference.
Gold Coils are L2 and L3. Partnered Output Coils. Yes polarity matters.
Magnetic Resonance, Magnetic meaning di, in L2 and L3 over Time dt, are equal and Opposite. Antenna Theory is the same. I believe ESR has the same basic characteristic. I have covered this on 3 occasions now, there is no need to complicate what is not complicated.
Its not hard to see, Science has gaping holes, especially in Electromagnetic induction and related theory!
I agree, Thread Pollution, not wanted!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: citfta on September 30, 2020, 05:48:38 PM
Haven't any of you raised any children? The easiest way to stop a child that is in the habit of throwing tantrums is to just ignore him or her. Then they get tired of not getting any attention and stop with the antics. Or in this case will probably just go away. As long as we keep posting about Chris and his antics he is getting the attention he wants. If we stop he will get bored and go away. I stopped reading his posts long ago when I realized he had nothing to offer. Don't waste your time reading his posts or responding and he soon will go away. Or at least you can concentrate on more important things than an egomaniac that is starved for attention.
Do you all read this, what a diabolical mess! This guy is writing about himself by the sounds of it!
I don't want attention, lets be straight, 7 of 10 posts on this forum are about me! All complaining about me, and how I do things is not suitable for them, boo hoo... This is the second time in days we have seen this bad behaviour from this guy! Actually, third time I believe, I ignored a post from him because its just a diabolical mess!
Can you believe these people get way with this behaviour! This is how they get through life! Like Super Cry Babies!
Let me be straight, 38 pages of completely useless, Diabolical Mess, Clown Antics are not here! I delete everyone else's silly, stupid Antics, its over at the rant asylum (! The Clown Haven! Where all the badly behaved Clowns hang out!
Currently 38 pages of NOTHING! Complaining and Crying, Wingeing and Shillery, Disinformational Diabolical Mess, representing Stefan and his forum, I would ban the lot of you!
Some people never stop with stupid behaviour do they!
Breaking the Mold of the Diabolical Behavior we have seen here over the years, requires a new approach, for example, when one knows the Play Book of the Trolls, one must change the game, install a new Play-Book, one in which the Trolls can not win! One that only makes then appear to be Trolls in-front of the population, simply by exposing them, or getting them to expose themselves! Which is extremely easy to do!
Troll Tactics have been so see through for decades, its not hard to see what they do to stifle Truth! They start by discrediting the person coming forward, then selectively choose bits of work to attack and then call "Measurement Error". Then they can make the work and that person go away very fast and everyone follows then, thinking wow these people are Guru's when they are not!
Here is an example: Google the Names of those that Call measurement Error and look at their credentials and the data they used to Call Measurement Error (
99% of this has been done erroneously and with insufficient Data to accurately call Measurement Error.
Do you see why I have now done what I have done? Do you see why we must be smart about doing what we do? Do you see, a great deal of 'Friends' here are truly not your Friends!
Do you see why 7 of 10 posts on this Forum are about me now? Do you see what they are trying to do, but failing immensely!
Those that make the most noise, you know the rest!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
Nobody is discrediting anybody coming forward !
Asking for help is not discrediting ?
Language barriers and lack of Genius
Probably play some part?
Captain loz please help itsu !!
Edit for comment below
When it comes to saving lives
Which this tech would have done the last
10 years
You have not seen noise yet !!
And your indifference and finger pointing
Grew old 5 years ago!!
The world needs this
Lives depend on it
And always have!!
Captain loz Please help itsu !!
Quote from: ramset on October 01, 2020, 05:33:41 PM
Nobody is discrediting anybody coming forward !
Asking for help is not discrediting ?
Language barriers and lack of Genius
Probably play some part?
Captain loz please help itsu !!
Quote from: ramset on October 01, 2020, 03:00:53 PM
Quote from: Emjunkie
""Some here are so DUMB!
They are
NAZI Troll Shills,
so dumb they don't even know they are working for the
Nazi Party!
Clown Idiots!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes""
This kind of post from EMJ
Is typically removed before reported to admin on his moderated
Topics ( game he plays like infant)
100's similar over the years
And many ,much ,much worse
If you could provide more info ?
Is it as simple as Chris "solid state ""10 minute build "
"With few dollars in parts "
There is one build on bench of itsu
(Well two actually... his NMR Smudge
Replication too
( with help from Conrad
And Verpies and.....?maybe more will
Help when it's open source like this?
Captain loz first time ever shared COP 2 gain
Replication of Chris solid state "one unit
In ""two units out" aboveunity" claim!
The world desperately needs this !!
Now more than ever !!
This would have saved millions of lives this last decade
Read Stefan's mission statement above!
Yet Here the builders struggle ?
Perhaps when others start to replicate at aboveunity forum ?
They too can help open source this solid state super simple COP2
Claim (
Enuff games !!
We need this yesterday!!( 10 years ago
If I don't see you again
Was nice knowing you
(Might get banned for telling
Truth here
Quote from: v8karlo on October 01, 2020, 06:49:16 PM
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 01, 2020, 06:30:15 PM
AG is Correct, in part!
The Mass of the Coils is something that would be nice, to be the same, 100 turns of 1mm wire, should be equal to 4 turns of 10mm wire, x = y in Mass.
Basically, Resistance/Impedance of the Wire, is what this comes down to. Ask why? Why do we need to look at the Coil Impedance? What's the Delta of the Coil if Impedance Changes by 3?
This is not critical, but it is desired!
Tariel Kapanadze had the same:
AG, you have many more answers than you may realise!
Best wishes,
Another riddle?
To buy time! Pretending that you know?
And you want to help humanity? Open source?
This is not only boring, but disgusting!
You will fall one day, big time.
Quote from: AlienGrey on October 01, 2020, 08:28:58 PM
Quote from: v8karlo on October 01, 2020, 06:49:16 PM
Another riddle?
To buy time! Pretending that you know?
And you want to help humanity? Open source?
This is not only boring, but disgusting!
You will fall one day, big time.
Why change the habit of a life time ?
Why not Stop blaming others and make your your own way in life
before it be comes a real problem.
In the light of evidence, it is denied, well well... Again, those that make the most noise...
Itsu, will not succeed, unless he follows what Loz gave him and does an
Accurate Experiment!
You can see, the Clownathon grows and Grows! Most here have Zero drive to help others, in point of fact, they try harder and harder to discredit others making progress!
Quote from: Tesla Coil Design, Construction and Operation Guide link=
The length of the secondary coil is used to calculate the wire weight. In the past it was thought that the secondary coil wire length should match the quarter wave length of the Tesla coil's resonate frequency. However, it has since been determined that it's unnecessary.
Quote from: Tesla Coil Geometry and Cylindrical Coil Design link=
From further investigation by others, notably Dollard[5,10], where the density of the conductor in the primary and secondary is the same, (e.g. for a primary and secondary both with copper as the conductor), equal volumes of the conductors can be considered equivalent to equal weights of the conductors, and has been found to apply best when working at lower frequencies where the skin effect does not have a significant effect on the impedance of the conductor, e.g. when working with normal copper or aluminium conductors at a frequency < 3000kc. At higher frequencies where the skin-effect can dominate the impedance of the conductor, balancing the bounding conditions for the two fields of induction can be better accomplished by equal surface area of the conductors.
But I don't expect
Super Numpty Clowns here to know any of this stuff,
only the smart people! Yep, exposing people here as the Trolls they are!
For new articles about this topic,please go to Chris´s own forum at:
Thanks.Regards, Stefan.
Seems you have done a lot of work here
And sharing openly!!
Will be sure to pass along to the open source community/builders !
With gratitude
Chet K
I have to admit the Reddit host is annoying ( can't read on phone unless I sign up for app ( pc is ok), however
Your contribution is intriguing!
Quote from: alan on July 21, 2021, 04:27:46 AM
As is pointed out in the article accompanying the simulation, with a K factor or coupling of 1, there is no separation of the the L1 and L2 windings. Therefore there is zero buck inductance and the coils for all practical purposes are one. If the coils occupy the same space at the same time, the energies shown in the sim perfectly cancel with no remaining source to draw extra energy from.
As we know, a perfect coupling or K factor of 1 is impossible to achieve in the practical word apart from a simulation. A tightly wound bifilar coil would typically have a K factor of .94-.96.
It's NOT my work btw :D
Here's an old POC(will update with better schematic, my L3 connection is backwards in drawing) I made and came back to after getting a better understanding of circuits, impedance, and the reaction of my coils, etc... still have a ways to go. But this setup is very simple, if anyone can give me a better way of checking my results(proper measurements etc.) or if I got it wrong, point me in the right direction. I've learned alot following Chris's work, and direct hints(tho most are looking for him to make it work for them or explicit explanations of what to do in each case. Tho he's already gave them). There is still ALOT I haven't looked at that could possibly improve results(check L1 for resonance, changing loads, etc...) Any tips appreciated, will update with coil specs soon.
Updated pic, L3 still backwards, but pic of core above is correct. I was shooting for the 3.5watts the bulb is rated for, and used Don Smith's formula (cps=Volt amps * C)-think that's right- to get frequency needed. Tho, may not be applicable but actual frequency is about equal to: sqrt(((3.5watt/400pF)/20))) = 20.916khz. Random typing in calc. I'm sure my measurements are off, but it's a good start. Last pic is with probes behind diodes to see waveforms.
Other interesting waveforms, showing 180° phase shifts along with sawtooth output.
Quote from: AlteredUnity on July 29, 2021, 08:14:19 AM
Other interesting waveforms, showing 180° phase shifts along with sawtooth output. Last pic is without C1
Could you please resize your attachments to fit the typical screen size. Usually 800 pixels in width does just fine.
It is extremely difficult to follow along!
Resized, sorry dont have time to get on computer, just posting from phone, lemme know if you can make those out.
Quote from: AlteredUnity on July 29, 2021, 07:18:00 PM
Resized, sorry dont have time to get on computer, just posting from phone, lemme know if you can make those out.
Yes, that is better!
Same setup using half bridge tho, you see the current rise in 10% and work done the other 90.
You need to take the duty cycle and means into account when calculating average power, peak powers don't compare.
Duty cycle is about 8%, mean voltage = 60v, mean current = 36mA for last pic, duty is 10% and mean values shown on scope. Unless im missing something?
15v x 0.06a = 0.9w only for continuous DC. At Tdc = 10%, 10% of the period is 0.9w, 90% is 0w, 100% period is 0.09w average (Ppeak x Tdc/Tperiod), because you want to know power over continuous time, not per period or peak.
Sorry you lost me. Are you only referring only to the input power? Not sure what ur trying to explain.
How do you calculate power in & out of such signals?
P = VI; both input and output are dc, I haven't tried different power supplies, I know the display of the boost converter isnt entirely accurate, but used it to find best output for lowest current draw. The output, I am taking the mean values V x I. Still, learning tuning, trying diff configs, not alot of time. If interested I'll put scope on L1, or measure in a more accurate way. Willing to try any suggested configurations, that'll improve my understanding...
It's not just partnered coils it's quarter wave, only hit the right frequency!
Mean values is correct to use for continuous power calculation and measurement
Frequency of what exactly? It must be determined on paper, so one know what one's doing.
And what, in this device, someone has achieved any success?
I tried this, it didn't work for me.
it must have the effect of a battery after the duty cycle. During duty cycle the input coil must create a potential on both output coils, after duty cycle mutual Lenz will try to sustain the collapsing flux by inducing current through the coils which sustains mutual Lenz induction, so the flux decays slowly, I wonder if the decay can be slowed down by using liquid nitrogen so it becomes a super conductor comparable to quantum levitation.
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 04, 2021, 04:18:50 PM
It's not just partnered coils it's quarter wave, only hit the right frequency!
I used an old discarded 2" by 2" Elac recvovered core and wound it with the 30ft & 30 ft L1 and L2 at oposite
ends with a 1/4 wave primary using 4 strands of 7.5 ft of same primory wire.
Note tuning is critical around 211 khz on this set up
driving it with a SG thus colecting each 1/4 wave peaks it gives a nice sine wave peek at the output that
disapears under any load ;D ;D
It makes a good junk box filler ! Sil
This thread was supposed to be locked (http://"") also, seems the agreement was broken again?
For those that are interested, your Partnered Output Coils need to do this:
The Magnetic Field Pumps Electrons from the Source, the Atom, accelerating them down the wire. Like this:
Partnered Output Coils are the exact same analogy as an Electric Generator, the difference is we have no motion, we are Solid State, di/dt is the catalyst!
Output Voltage is "Generated", Antenna Theory is the best way to think about your Terminals:
See below Image, Where L is the Voltage Amplitude on your Output Terminals in Time t.
AlienGray is correct:
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 04, 2021, 04:18:50 PM
It's not just partnered coils it's quarter wave, only hit the right frequency!
Input must be 1/4 Wave, Output must be 1/2 Wave, where V is at Maximum at Resonance! Some are smart enough to make this work, some just dont want to! Yes, one can use Harmonics... is back up and running after many hundreds of hours solving problems and much money spent:
Best Wishes,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: alan on August 05, 2021, 08:47:14 AM
it must have the effect of a battery after the duty cycle. During duty cycle the input coil must create a potential on both output coils, after duty cycle mutual Lenz will try to sustain the collapsing flux by inducing current through the coils which sustains mutual Lenz induction, so the flux decays slowly, I wonder if the decay can be slowed down by using liquid nitrogen so it becomes a super conductor comparable to quantum levitation.
Yea, I barely got the hang of this, but my next step was going to blow it up in a hologram(real time), and find the matching pattern to the on the film of the hologram, find what would alter the interconnectedness of the projected image in the film, and construct a way to replace items in actual space time or pull energy from everything interconnected....I just havent had time jk, but would freezing it change the frequency, is there an effect on capacitors at that temp?
no despite the sarcasm you did seem to got the hang on it
By conecting the secondaries out of phase you get at phase shift of 90 deg see scope shot.
yellow is output
blue is input
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 05, 2021, 08:17:20 PM
By conecting the secondaries out of phase you get at phase shift of 90 deg see scope shot.
yellow is output
blue is input
Excellent work, I would like to see the schematic that you used to achieve that. Since I've seen a lot of controversy regarding to
Partnered Output Coils!
Simple I just wound it as you original circuit 7.5 FT for primary but this goes on last over one of the secondarys.
the 2 secondary are wound in opposite directions ie start like this ---)))))))))---- then the other sec like so ---((((((((---- so they are out of fase
Then use a scope and a sig gen to find resonance of whole core and winding. other wise you get nothing across the secondary.
caps just attenuates things when i tried adding to lover freq, so resonance isn't alterable for me.
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 26, 2021, 09:12:05 PM
Simple I just wound it as you original circuit 7.5 FT for primary but this goes on last over one of the secondarys.
the 2 secondary are wound in opposite directions ie start like this ---)))))))))---- then the other sec like so ---((((((((---- so they are out of fase
Then use a scope and a sig gen to find resonance of whole core and winding. other wise you get nothing across the secondary.
caps just attenuates things when i tried adding to lover freq, so resonance isn't alterable for me.
AlienGrey Thank you! that image is enough for me. Now...! can you put the scope shot including the two secondary under load? It would be very helpful and enlighten the darkness that covers this forum. ;D ;D ;D
No I havent as i'm only powering it directly from a SG. one of the probes is on the driver primary the two phases arnt on the transformer it self, Any way you need to build it your self and develop your own power to drive as
loading a driver could well alter the phase shift. you could equaly make a CMOS circuit using 2 D types and an inverter to power drive
your out put stage, that way you would
I understood, thank you very much. 8)
Thank you alan for your input, despite my sarcasm, I didn't at the time take into account what you were trying to get across. Now I am taking measurements configurations into account i think i see now what you were trying to educate me on. You are correct in the operation:
We want to drive our coils in resonance. This will occur when the frequency of the pulsed DC current matches the resonant frequency of the coils( And any other components in the system!), resulting in a larger amplitude of oscillation.
The pulses are to regauge the potential on the output coils, to make them "self-act" with one another during the off time.
Duty cycle plays a big role here as well. It can increase the coupling factor of the coils, as well as producing a big enough magnetic field. In Fighters ZPM, he uses 25% and probably has to because if its too low the coils may not reach resonance conditions at all. If too large, you are feeding from the source and/or wasting power you can saturate the core etc. and will cause resonance to become unstable.
This tells us also we need to pick our primary carefully, by having thicker wire we increase inductance per turn, also get a lot less resistance which is ideal for this situation. We need enough turns to have a good enough coupling with L2, though not so much that it will take too long to to get to max amplitude during the regauging period.
AlienGrey: I didn't know ppl on this site were actually serious about replication. I may have that settup somewhere stored away and hopefully will have time to set back up. Thank you for your scope shots. I set the frequency that I intended to use, using don Smith's formula for the frequency needed to keep at cap voltage where I wanted to be for the output. Sorry I'm rly lazy and can't look this up for you but shouldn't be hard to find. The frequency I was running setup at was probably lower because of load and other conditions. But worked out well for the experiment. It's too late to say if this is a harmonic or exact relation to setup now that I took that apart the next day. Keep us posted of any progress. I think my bulb may have been a 3.5W LED if that helps. It may also be worth swapping your primary coil connection along with your secondary to achieve better results.
Quote from: kolbacict on August 05, 2021, 08:24:35 AM
And what, in this device, someone has achieved any success?
I tried this, it didn't work for me.
Please expand upon "I tried this, didn't work". Can you describe your configuration, core, wire length, awg, and turns?
Here a link to many persons who were a very big part of
This work ( for years)
And they share their findings ...(on topic tittle here )
Very skilled builders! (
They might have better input and much more to say ..( person you mentioned "Fighter" runs or hosts the new Forum .