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Real Non-Perpetual Gravity Engines::::Mystery Solved

Started by Aman Shah, May 27, 2012, 03:10:34 AM

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Aman Shah

According to Perpetual Motion Defination,from wikipedia,
Perpetual motion describes hypothetical machines that operate or produce useful work indefinitely and, more generally, hypothetical machines that produce more work or energy than they consume, whether they might operate indefinitely or not.

Reality is we cannot go against those three laws of thermodynamics and three newton's laws?These laws are verified to be true!So the perpectual devices based on modern Perpectual Defination can not be made(impossible). But real gravity engines are possible to make which do not violate laws of thermodynamics and Newton's laws of motion.

Yes,some well known accepted laws of physics are proved wrong recently as I expected because those laws were made on assumptions which were not verified properly as true.But newton's laws and laws of thermodynamics have enough evidences/proofs to proove it right.

My Gravity engine Is not Perpectual and based on the regular laws of physics you read in books,use or see everyday.

Why my engine works and why it is not Perpectual?

If it does not work,it will prove the regular laws of physics absolutely wrong!
All the laws of physics used in my engine are already validated to be true!and all those theories are used in other devices

There are three types of theories which can be proposed by a scientist:
1)theories based on assumptions(assumptions made with doubtable reasons):May be wrong or right:need to be experimentally verified
2) theories based on well known and well established laws:Always right
3)Hybrid of 1st and 2nd type

My engine is based on 2nd type!
To prove my engine works I have to prove that my engine works on regular laws of physics!

Since my engine is based on regular concepts of physics,there is no doubt that it works!
To check the validity of my engine,you may check the Example showing how Gravity energy is used as fuel in my engine

Now I am going to start making a prototype!I am talking to my college professors for starting this project!And the response is positive! Real Non-Perpectual gravity magnetic engines

Example showing how Gravity energy is used as fuel in my engine

Please see the rough sketch on,


for reference.

Hi guys,here is my analogous example of a very heavy weight red ball hanging,to explain a single cycle of my gravity engine working principle.

The splashing water on right side indicates how gravity is used to overcome water resistance,and convert gravitational energy in to splashing of water which is analogous to converted net electrical output of my engine.
The more the weight of ball,the more the resistance overcomed.

Energy is only supplied here to lift the ball up and recovered when ball comes down.It is comprising of half cycle motor and half cycle generator located at red pivot,controlled by a commutator.

Here also two downward processes occur simultaneously:

(1) recovery of supplied energy to lift the red ball through half cycle Generator mode of Motor Cum Generator at red shown Pivot.

(2) The conversion of Gravitational energy in to electrical usable energy due to Overcommable weight obstacle resistance by the gravitational energy acting for more time by slowing the downward process. (Assume that you use water turbine to convert energy consumed in splashing of water into electricity for eliminating confussion).

Note that water resistance is present only on right at downward motion of ball and not on left.

The commutator changes it's circuit coils orientation so that during upward process you lift ball and during downward process you recover supplied energy .

The idea behind the overcommable resistance is to extend time spent by gravity to act on a heavy object/ball by a few nanoseconds due to the slowing down of the heavy ball speed due to resistance offered.The more the time gravity acts at a particular height(H=H1),the more the gravity energy gained to overcome resistance (splashing the water resistance in analogous example given) as well to rotate the half cycle generator rotor.

That was just an Very similar analogy,actual engine will be actually completely different but will work on same principle.The resistance element will be like elastic like overcommable solid,but not fluid in my original design.

I have discussed only Analogous example(Basic concept) on Flickr only due to initial Patent law compatibility.I would have revealed the whole engine design itself instead of analogy BUT ;;;
(A)"A patent document is published in Official gazette for public Opposition and further legal processing ONLY if the idea is novel AND it is never and not at all published anywhere else."â€"This is what patent law says.
(B)Not only this,any body can copy the invention and patent it before you if you disclose it without publication in patent office. "

"Analogy is a cognitive process of transferring information or meaning from a particular subject (the analogue or source) to another particular subject (the target)"

What is strange is “Why nobody else pointed out about such a mechanical resistance before which can be overcomed by gravitational force.”
If you still have confussion open any “mechanics of material “textbooks and study how materials and weight offer resistance.This resistance occurs due to weight of the fluid.This type of resistance can also occur due to solid body weight.

So,what my engine does is tap the energy required to go against the resistance by the gravity.

Balance energy equation for my concept:

Energy supplied to lift Red ball through commutator controlled motor mode at pivot + gravitational energy required to push the resistance away + frictional losses + other entropy losses = supplied energy recovered though generator mode by commutator control at pivot(red coloured in sketch) + electricity converted from overcoming of resistance+ frictional losses + Back EMF losses + other entropy losses.

It's also right if said theoratically that "energy supplying and recovery process "is just like a or analogous to a catalyst,which is used to let the resistance overcomming process through gravity take place without actually any net change of electrical energy form/format from one form to another form of energy.The energy used to overcome resistance is then converted to electrical energy by a suitable energy conversion system.

Limitation of the example/Analogy discussed here:
The analogy only explains a single complete cycle of the engine in comparison to Continuous repeating cycle of the actual engine.
Water is not used in actual engine due to efficiency problems of water turbine energy conversion processes.Water splashing is turbulent and blades opposite reaction of blades to the water striking offers lot of losses.So some other much much more efficient Solid elastic type resistance system is used in actual engine. 

Elaboration of my idea in brief:

The criteria for resistance system in my engine is:

1) first of all it should be overcommable.
2) it should be present only downwards and not upward.
3) The resistance system should be highly/reasonably efficient(output by input)
4) Amount of overcommable resistance should be reasonably large enough.

If the resistance cannot satisfy these conditions,then it cannot be used in my engine.

The splashing of water resistance (overcomming of water resistance)is quiet similar to the Overcomming of cantilever beam resistance by the central weight loading.The machenism of failure of two column supported beam(Simply supported beam) works similarly.Let weight W be loaded at centre.The overcomeability of a good beam should be less at initial stage.Initially there will be allmost an equal and opposite reaction from the beam for the weight loading,with little energy spent for deformation.Slowly ATOMIC Dislocation takes place(slippage of atomic planes/slippage of grain boundaries)and a point reaches where stress become unbearable(stress is resistance to deformation).As the stress become unbearable,there will be minimum equal and opposite reaction for the weight loading and then the most amount of continuous gravitational energy will be used to overcome this beam resistance/stress and finally the beam breaks.This is analogous to what happens in my engine with the exception of the speed at which all this happens.This is what I learnt in Material Science subject.No good material science Professor in machenical engineering would deny this. 
The speed of this similar process is actually relatively fast,occurs in extended nanoseconds time in my engine whereas in beams it is very low speed [It occurs in beams due to mainly Creep http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creep_(deformation)  ] 

So my engine does not go against laws of physics.In fact what I have told here about mechanism of Creep due to stress becoming unbearable is the backbone of structural engineering and the first question for an interview could be "how beams fail under self weight load and external weight load."My technology does not bend physics but uses it in a altogether different way.

It is like removing some upward resistance and hence you do not find water in left semi bowl in the analogous example(The resistance system is water in Rightside of semi bowl coupled to a energy converter water turbine.).

For example,If there is a 1 kg of solid powder to be lifted upwards,I need X amount of work done upwards.If I have to push 2 Kg of solid powder downwards,I need to consume X plus X (2X)amount of Gravitational energy. 

Net energy consumed = 2 X -X =X
Which is then converted to Net electrical energy Output.This is what one of the way of satisfacting the Principle, 

Mostly real Gravity engines should work on the principle that the Gravity engine/Gravity wheel systems are innovatively designed to take in (consume) much more Gravitational energy than what energy needed to lift heavy ball upward.

Now notice that this cannot be achieved when such a overcommable resistance gradient occurs only with respect to time vertically.In other words,you need your system to be in a cyclic circular path OR in other words the gradient should occur in a circular cyclic path.

Just wanted to share this,Please share the below very very important article with as many people as possible:

Well do you know what is the real problem.?   

The problem is the dangerous cancerous virus called "Perpetual". Real Gravity engines are not perpetual and PMM do not exists.   

People falsely stupidly relate Perpetual motion machines with "Gravity engines" without understanding about PMM (Perpetual Motion Machines)and how gravitational energy can be used to run a gravity engine.   

The problem with most people is they do not think properly about the fundamental Principle involved in any Gravity engine which needs little Electrical energy supplied initially.   

There are 95 percent chances that working Gravity engines should work on the principle that the Gravity engine/Gravity wheel systems are innovatively designed to take in (consume) much more Gravitational energy than what energy needed to lift heavy ball upward.   

Offcoarse this needs Innovative and detailing thinking power to design such a engine.   

If you substract total Gravitational energy input from the energy needed to lift heavy balls up in a gravity wheel,you get some net gravitational energy which is the net energy input to the system(input after subtraction) which can be converted to electrical energy.This is the scientific basis for any real Gravity engine.And hence real Gravity engines are not perpetual and do not violate Laws of energy conservation,simply because these gravity engines will use gravitational energy as net input, for a balanced Energy equation.   

Idiot People who do not believe in Gravity engines say that since you get more energy than supplied it violates physics and hence Gravity engines are impossible.   

But the most worst thing is they do not consider the freely available hidden energy source in nature itself :The amplified larger quantity of gravitational energy used in innovative way than that of energy needed to lift heavy object up.   

And the problem lies in cheaters claiming to invent/people attempting engines violating Laws of thermodynamics.   
The Internet is full of around 100000 nonsense claims of Perpetual Motion Machines (cheaters)which are actually misguiding most people to believe that either gravity engines are not possible or are perpetual.

The words "gravity engines" themselves reveal that these engines use gravitational energy as input to engine.So there is no question of violating Energy conservation law.That is why I say Everytime that about 60 percet of world is going towards intelluctual drain.   

These cheaters and non intelluctual conventional minded people have made our scientists life miserable.Very little people believe in us real scientists because of the psycological thinking that gravity / magnetic engines are Perpectual!It seems these people including most professors have stopped thinking the reality and are only bookish.

The internet community should explain the reality to other people!Do not simply tell people that free energy engines exist:Unless you explain them that these engines are not Perpectual and you can use gravity resistance concept intelligently,no one will believe in us!And try to spread my message to as many places/websites as possible.Be aware of spams and cheaters and make others aware of theses spams.
If you all will do what I say,the day is not far when your children will see IC engines in museums,and will never go to any fuel filling station!But we only need your effort in right direction,not just some statements which don’t explain the reality!A magnetic engine is also possible.Photons compress atomic particles to store compressed energy in them as nuclear energy,but it’s not easy to make such engines.

Magnetic Engines are I think should be more complex to make because of the complex Quantum nanoscale mechanisms involved in it.

But gravity engines are according to me are more preferable to me than magnetic Engines,because extracting magnetic materials on large scale could disturb earth’s magnetic field which can cause floods,earthquakes,etc. 


Quote from: Aman Shah on May 27, 2012, 03:10:34 AM

Reality is we cannot go against those three laws of thermodynamics and three newton's laws
We can. They are flawed.

The easiest example to replicate is Jean Loius Naudin's experiment:

He has another more elegant item involving a spring on a bolt which
acts against a nut at one end and a nut protected by foam rubber at
the another end. When the spring is released, the system jumps to one side.

Aman Shah

Quote from: Paul-R on May 27, 2012, 10:16:33 AM
We can. They are flawed.

The easiest example to replicate is Jean Loius Naudin's experiment:

He has another more elegant item involving a spring on a bolt which
acts against a nut at one end and a nut protected by foam rubber at
the another end. When the spring is released, the system jumps to one side.

Whether it is a Pendulum Based device or a Gravity wheel,any Free energy device Converts energy available in nature( gravity,nuclear energy or Ether energy,.....etc) IN TO usable form of energy.They are free energy converters and not new energy Generators.

A gravity Engine converts Freely available Gravitational Energy from Nature into usabble electricity,that's it.

A real Gravity engine is Possible,Infact it's allmost ready with me ,BUT it is not Perpetual Motion Machine.

The problem with most people is they do not think properly about the fundamental Principle involved in any Gravity engine which needs little Electrical energy supplied initially. 

There are 95 percent chances that working Gravity engines should work on the principle that the Gravity engine/Gravity wheel systems are innovatively designed to take in (consume) much more Gravitational energy than what energy needed to lift heavy ball upward. 

Offcoarse this needs Innovative and detailing thinking power to design such a engine. 

If you substract total Gravitational energy input from the energy needed to lift heavy balls up in a gravity wheel,you get some net gravitational energy which is the net energy input to the system(input after subtraction) which can be converted to electrical energy.This is the scientific basis for any real Gravity engine.And hence real Gravity engines are not perpetual and do not violate Laws of energy conservation,simply because these gravity engines will use gravitational energy as net input, for a balanced Energy equation. 

My engine works on same principle.

Infact if you have seen my explanation regarding "Motor Cum Generator" and about "Creep" machenism which resembles overcommable resistance process in analogous example with respect to rough sketch on Flickr where I mentioned that actual engine uses some Solid elastic type Overomable resistance instead of water,you will find following explanation also :

It is like removing some upward resistance and hence you do not find water in left semi bowl in the analogous example(The resistance system is water in Rightside of semi bowl coupled to a energy converter water turbine.).

For example,If there is a 1 kg of solid powder to be lifted upwards,I need X amount of work done upwards.If I have to push 2 Kg of solid powder downwards,I need to consume X plus X (2X)amount of Gravitational energy.

Net energy consumed = 2 X -X =X
Which is then converted to Net electrical energy Output.This is what one of the way of satisfacting the Principle,

Mostly real Gravity engines should work on the principle that the Gravity engine/Gravity wheel systems are innovatively designed to take in (consume) much more Gravitational energy than what energy needed to lift heavy ball upward.

Now notice that this cannot be achieved when such a overcommable resistance gradient occurs only with respect to time vertically.In other words,you need your system to be in a cyclic circular path OR in other words the gradient should occur in a circular cyclic path.

Aman Shah

Now in the case of pendulum based free energy device ,unlike Gravity wheels,it is the pendulum arms that is lifted up. :)

Input is always equal to Output plus losses.

What is free energy?

It is the energy already available in nature at no cost to pocket.
It is not a New generated energy.
It is a freely available energy from nature(surroundings) which can be converted into usable electricity or work.
It involves only service maintainace and free energy Device investment cost.

People have horrible unthinkable confussions regarding free energy.

What is Zero point Energy?

>Zero-point energy(Vaccum Enegy) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it is the energy of its ground state.

>Scientists are trying to use this energy to power these devices,and this is energy from the surroundings and devices using this energy simply convert this energy into usable energy and DO NOT generate any new energy.

>This is possible because Photons continuously bombard and compress electrons storing lot of energy in the atoms inside the electrons which can be decompressed (restored) and used as free energy from nature using Free energy devices.

I strongly believe that "Jean Loius"is a fraud because you cannot violate Newton's third law with the possible exception that the opposite reaction may not always be equal.
If newton's third law is totally wrong,then the concept of stress on which my Gravity Engine concept works will also be proved wrong which cannot be as per regular experiments in physics .Structural engineers regularly use this newton's 3rd  law and concept of creep & stresses in structures.

Aman Shah

A good information on Real Free energy technologies is available on:
