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The Prometheus Game

Started by prometheus_effect, April 08, 2005, 12:11:12 AM

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Hi Paul & Bush Wacker,

Please send me an email to prometheus_effect@yahoo.c*m. I have something with I think you will find of interest. I have also send you a private message throught this forum. This is not spam.

Prometheus Effect
Now its just engineering effort, time and money,


Paul & Prometheus,

   Paul, I would definately encourage people to keep working on what they are doing, especially you Paul. I believe that you are doing a fantastic job and that there is definately potential in the ambient thermal realms as well as the geothermal realm, and that we already have enough geothermal energy in this country to power the entire nation, but that would be to easy and their are certain politician's who would fight it tooth and nail because they make an incredible amount of money off of their oil investments with their friends. It doesn't take much research to find out who I am speaking of, and you probably already know. I would advice inventor's who know that they have something viable, to keep it to themselves until they have taken proper measures to assure that in the event they are killed or simply disappear or even if it appears to be a natural death that their will be widespread disemination of all information pertaining to every detail of their work. I have just written a message on the patent/trademark conversation explaining what I did, and this will make any spooks think more than twice before acting to take you out. Keep on truckin Man!

Prometheus, I will send you an e-mail shortly okay?


Dear Bush Wacker,

That's good to hear.  I think you made it clear.  So now I can remove the red flag by your name, lol.  I am glad that you encourage people to continue.  I know there are people who would flee in the sight of danger.  I would only plea that they continue and not allow anyone to discourage their good work.

I hope everyone who is on to something big take your advice to ensure the knowledge will not disappear.  The question is, who can they trust?  How did you find these people and what measures can people take to help insure they're not going to steal the information?

About my ambient heat research.  It's not what a lot of people think.  It has nothing to do with temperature differential.  What I am working on is the idea of a device that requires no temperature gradient, that will work anywhere on Earth, that will generate free energy all day, all week, all year.  Geothermal energy is great but the problem is that the public rely on the big boys or someone with $ to get the job done.  If someone release the designs to a machine that is so simple that anyone could build by ordering specific parts, and that cost under $100, and generates several kilowatts of power, then that's a different story.  A person would be crazy to continue paying electric bills if they could build or buy such a device.  It doesn't stop there.  There are already companies that convert cars to an electric car.  The biggest expense is the batteries, right?  Batteries for electric cars are expensive and heavy.  If my research and simulations are correct, then it should not be expensive to build a unit to power an electric car.  Recently on the radio a person working on a TV show said that for $2000 they purchased everything needed to convert their car to an electric car-- batteries and all.  I believe that well under $500 in parts and perhaps few hundred in labor it will be possible to convert a car to a free energy machine.  Now my point is this -> How many people would spend $1000 dollars to get a free energy electric car.  Imagine driving anywhere, across the country, any time, as long as you want free of charge.  People buy new cars all the time.  I don't think it would take long for a car manufacturer to convert to an electric car.


Charlie Brown ARN

I moved material about getting a grant to develop superior energy from here to the news item on prize money. The move dosen't leave any tangebly severed references here.

Aloha, Charlies



?you seem to be on the right thinking track to me, and the device you are looking for has already been produced by Tesla - actually more than one. There are missing a few "tricks" to successfully replicate these. One of these devices was the Tesla Fuelless Generator, based on his "self acting oscillator". Basically a small piston was driven by compressed air which cut the magnetic lines of force and induced a current in 2 large coils. Tesla himself stated that once a particular resonant frequency was found, the oscillator would be able to self sustain (resonant rise) itself and produce a 70% or so excess of electric power. He mentions some tricks, which nobody seems to really emphatise or even notice, and that is the conversion of one form of energy to another. He mentions this in his "The problem of increasing human energy" article. Tesla sold this particular device to Admiral Von Tirpitz before WWII and later it was apparently installed in U-Boots.

?I believe that to this day, many still ignore Tesla - not his general biography, but his research work, epistolary exchange with other fellow scientists, articles and patent interference transcripts. I also believe that this is not just a coincidence, but is so because of an active "external oppression" and misinformation charade on one side throwing dirt on Tesla's name and on the other ridiculing him and putting in his mouth words he never spoke.

? ?What you think is correct: the way to go is not adapting internal combustion engines to run with other fuels but to use a basically more efficient motor, the electrical brushless induction motor instead (Tesla's Pierce Arrow electric car attempt) with power generated from an electrical oscillator. The power is the only current problem with official technology: we would need the "small mysterious box" that spits out kilowatts of unlimited power - and I'm sure these devices exist, but are naturally classified.

? I ask myself: why are so few people deeply researching Tesla (without any hidden agenda)? Why is there so much disinformation around his work on the net and even in some published books instead? I believe on one side that people think of him as an old man working with "old technology" - but that is totally incorrect. To this day the engineers that know him still do not understand fully most of his patents and his system of wireless transmission. Today we think of wireless as radio frequency or infrared, but this was exactly what he was trying to explain to everyone at the time, including to Hertz: he intended wireless as in without wires, not "Hertzian or electromagnetic Waves". Furthermore, why are most of his papers still classified? Why can we not obtain his FULL Dynamic Theory of Gravity under the FOIA? Why has this not stimulated others in researching what is so important in this theory that it is kept classified still today? How come Morgan shut his Wardenclyffe project down and make him "off limits" to any other investor? It is difficult to meter and sell wireless power - not a good commercial move - but why has this not shaken anyone in replicating and going public? Why are we still dumbfounded with the "gravity wave myth"? The explanation lies in his theory, but instead, we have been presented with complex equations and the "re-born" Relativity Theory. I have an explanation to all this and if you think about it, it all adds up.
? ?If his theory (an ether based one) practically explains all phenomena, it also says that the universe is a continuous free energy looping machine where everything is perfectly balanced. This for one mines the already crippled Big-Bang delusion. If this is true, the all pervading ether is the perfect medium which he describes which is responsible for all "pondering matter" phenomena. This means that all apparent gravitational phenomena are in fact electromagnetic phenomena and that inertial phenomena are strictly linked to electromagnetic phenomena (Lenz, MHD effect etc). All effects are acted upon or through ponderable matter, so we feel and see these phenomena as originating from matter but in reality is coming through the "medium". One trick in free energy lies in converting one form of energy into another (electromagnetic in mechanic for example) where the energy conservation rule appears to break, if we don't count for an "external source". The primary source of energy are Tesla's Primary Solar Rays. These are emitted (not generated, but converted through the medium and atomic fusion) from all the stars in our universe, and locally, from our sun. These are very high energy penetrating rays such as X and Gamma and other higher frequency (radiant energy - there have been all sorts of strange theories on this) that bombard our earth, day and night. Another free energy machine consists in capturing and converting these rays in usable power, electrical or thermal, depening on the constructed machine. Tesla stated that if we could shield any radioactive element from these rays (which is apparently impossible) the element would cease to be radioactive. This is a confirmation of his ether theory, the ether being the medium through which forces or energy are imparted or act upon "ponderable matter". There has been some misunderstanding on Tesla's "radiant energy" patent, some thinking of heat conversion others of electrostatics. This patent was only a small example of an "energy collector" which created "feeble currents" which he says himself. All other theories are mere speculation.
? I could go on, but I just wanted to make a point here to everyone: don't dismiss Tesla too quickly. Do some research not only on his life, but especially on his works, lectures, articles and letters. Research only original authentic published material and use this to cross reference books. I am aware it is not something one can do in a week, a month or even 1 year - it will take several. However, you will then see how much disinformation is really out there and it will help you greatly in better understanding "nature's wheelwork". Then, I think, there will be more probability of some nice Free Energy devices surfacing and subsequent necessary declassification of these Tesla documents.

? ?Regards