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Mehran T. Keshe Technologies

Started by AbbaRue, August 31, 2012, 11:45:09 PM

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Gwandau, I like your way of thinking. I just want to say that everything the man know today relates to references and interpretation. I mean the references used in the analysis of phenomena, and the way of interpretation of those phenomena, a way that is 100% dependent on references obtained and used in that interpretation. You have the courage and madness to reset everything you know and as you know, and rethink everything into a new paradigm of knowledge? Because in my point of view there is no other way! All we know, from macro to micro level is wrong founded. Everything is based on separate systems and the empty space separating them. Completely false!

And my suggestion si to start a Cola Bottle experiment. This experiment will prove more that the fact it generates energy from aparent empty space in the Cola bottle. That space is not empty at all, but it is very full of a kind of plasma at atomic leve, unseen by our eyes. An what it is more interesting is whit separate electrodes we still have a voltage, even more when the cap is get out. Why? Due to the environment... that empty environmet, which in reality is full of energy. A specific kind of energy. But about this on the steps of experiment.

The experiment suggested by you, was alreadu made by Boyd Bushman (Lokheed-Martin senior researcher) in the year of 1994, and already reproduced by  William Alek and Michael Ellegion on March12, 2009. Here is the link of experiment: - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0yPdQ6SOIg. And here is another moment when we have to pay attention to the references used in interpretation of this fenomena, and also how we interpret this fenomena. Accordin to actual offcial scientific knowledge, it is a paradox. They should fall both in the same time, according to actual gravitational theory. But they don't! In other way of interpretation, using other way of thinking, in which the is not empty space at all, at any levels of manifestation, and using the ancient knowledge of magnetism (not the one of Peregrini, old of 800 years, and that is now the same as then), all phenomena are more natural, normal and in accordance with a universal specific dynamics and principle of manifestations. At all dimensional levels!

Are you ready for this chalenge?


The real question is whether this phenomenon holds true south of the equator for the Bushman Experiement, does it reverse?




As far as I am concerned, it is challenges like this that makes life worth living. I am personally not too interested in doing all the things already done.

I understand your position in regard to orthodox science, but there is really no end to the journey of understanding, there is no final truth in a dynamic universe of infinite proportions.

I have come to understand that every scientific paradigm is level dependent. Seen from an elevated point of view, our contemporary scientific outlook seems quite wrong founded. And it actually is, seen from a higher level of understanding. But this is a never ending ascent through the infinite consciousness altitude, and we first of all have to understand that we would not reach any new insights if it wasn't for the very paradigm we managed to transcend and rise above.

I am today aware of the inevitability of all so called forces being mere secondary responses to one single underlying force, vibrating forth our physical universe at an updating rate beyond human comprehension. This single underlying force is accellerating our spacetimefield into existence, giving our universe the appearance of physical properties and movement.

All so called forces are mere resonating "nodes" upon the frequency range of this underlying single force, all of them acting upon physical reality in relation to their positions in this underlying frequency range. Matter is just one resonance position of many other possible, being given its physical properties as a result of the standing waves created within this resonance node. Matter, Space, Light, Electromagnetism, Gravity and so forth, are but different positions in the same underlying frequency system. They really do not exist as free standing phenomena as we are fooled by our senses to believe.

Nothing in universe exists by its own means, it is all interdependent and interrelating. Still, there is not two atoms in universe that are equal. Each has its own field value in order to exist. This is an absolutely inevitable and neccessary condition in a truly relative universe, like ours. If two single atoms had the same field value, universe would instantly collapse. That's the beauty with a relative universe. Every single particle in universe is unique, still everything is connected and interdependent.

What I find interesting with the ideas presented by Keshe, is his holistic viewpoint in combination with the astounding similarities of insight independently gained by other individuals. Mankind is today standing at the dawn of events that will shape our future far beyond our wildest dreams, and Keshe may be one of those adding weight to the scale in the illuminated direction. It right now totally depends upon the net sum of human karma if our future will manifest as something beautiful or nightmarish. It's all up to us.

And I totally agree that "empty space" is anything but empty, there are so many direct scientifically validated facts that indicate this, like the inability to stop particle motion in helium at zero Kelvin, or the Kazimir effect, or the interesting discovery by physicists at Yale University who have made the first definitive measurements of "persistent current" in a vacum free from any electromagnetic interference,  a small but perpetual electric current that flows naturally through tiny rings of metal wire even without an external power.

Actually, as far as I am concerned, the very definition of "empty space" would be no space at all. How on earth can anybody even think of "empty space" as something that occupies space? To me this is self contradictory.

Now, Sadang, when it comes to creating a Keshe type plasma inductor, I have a feeling we need to know a lot more about the parameters involved if we are to succeed in such a project.

What have you got this far? I would be happy to hear your ideas on the subject.



PS. Thanks for the links. I actually knew about the old Lockheed guy with his "same poles forced together magnet" experiment, but there are no scientific data on this, only his own story. But the other link sounds interesting. I will check that out.


Hi Gwandau,
I like your way to approach our existence on earth. It happens that most of your statements are in accord with Michael Talbot and his well appreciated book 'The hologhraphic universe'. Did you know it?
Talbot (and Bohm) say that:
...the tangible reality of our everyday lives is really a kind of illusion, like an holographic image. Underlying it is a deeper order of existance, a vast and more primary level of reality that gives birth to all objects and appearances of our physical world in much the same way that a piece of holographic film gives Birth to a hologram...
... physical objects and everything else we perceive in reality are composed of interference patterns, a fact that has undeniable holographic implications...

and what I like most:
...Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimensions, a deeper order of existence that is bejond both space and time: the brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.. (Bohm & Pribam theories). For Pribam the objective world does not exist, at least not in the way we are accustomed to believing. What is 'out there' is a vast ocean of waves and frequencies, and reality looks concrete to us only because our brains are able to take this holographic blur and convert it inyo the sticks and stones and other familiar objects that make up our world...

and finally the Bohm conclusion:  that we even construct space and time...

My point is that Keshe may have found a singular & easy way to 'access/modify' the flux of standing waves that are permeating our universe: the process could be so simple or extremely sophisticated according to way you see it.
It is also interesting to note that I'm in contact with a researcher that developed  ...a way of understanding the well hided meaning of words. After a 20 years of search he seems to have uncovered a Mathematical (in broad sense) way to fraction the words and make associations directly to quantum energy. All is almost independent from the original Language (italian, english, france, etc). Quite intringuing.


Hi Gwandau,

Sorry for this delayed answer. I have taken with other activities and I forgot to respond.

You say that we can't "reach any new insights if it wasn't for the very paradigm we managed to transcend and rise above.". In a way you are right, in other way you don't. What I mean, is the fact that looking from inside the actual scientific paradigm, someone can't see other way, but when someone look from outside the actual scientific paradigm (even if it passed through and rised above it, or had an education based on other bases) he know that there are other ways, and can see what is wrong and more than that why the actual civilization has followed the path that it followed.

Otherwise I agree with what you say about particles, primordial force, nodes, standing waves. But I interpret it however in terms of a full space, an extremely dense space. And I don't forget any moment that all these terms were consecrated and based on the empty space paradigm. In my mind they have other meanings, and I see them just as a local interpretation, due to our limit of comprehension and understanding of a phenomenon.

I originally wanted to do and I experiment with Cola bottle, but now no longer want so much. To me it is obvious that magnetism is a dominant force and creator of our material world and beyond. But not the scientific magnetism, instead that magnetism present everywhere in universe, on all dimensional levels. I am interested to understand this primary magnetism, and how to use it to our dimensional level.

Related to Keshe's reactor, it not represent a viable solution for me. I live in an apartment and can not do experiments like this. Not to say that radioactivity is a very well monitored isue by the competent institutions of my country.

But I am interested to deep understand the Keshe's theory (besides other theory that I studied along time) to make for example the device of Steven Mark, or of Sweet Floyd, or of Hendershot, or of Kapanadze, or of Hubbard... or way not, the flying platform of Grebennikov, or Searl, or David Hamel, or Thomas Brown, or... many others!

But I don't want to waste my time with actual electromagnetic theory (because I waste it for many years until some years ago), which I consider to be totaly wrong, with all the development that she brought. Electricity does not even exist, except as a convention of a phenomenon misinterpreted ... but that is another story.

It's all about interpretation and references on which we interpret the phenomena that we observe trought our 5 senses, or/and trough technological extensions of them. Unfortunately only theirs!