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car energy consume improvements

Started by lancaIV, July 02, 2016, 07:40:03 AM

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What is 'efficiency',are there different kinds of 'efficiencies' ,is a C.O.P. efficiency indicating ??
Calculate by this application claims the theoretical efficiency :

Like to see by the ' mosaics/images' ,the Wandler/converter now instead the shown windturbine as basic drive this synergetic drive :

Each electro-/magnet group with capacitive displacement circuit or


Cette bobine transformant la barre de fer doux en électro aimant ce dernier sera donc beaucoup plus puissant et fournira à la 2"  bobine induite une induction plus forte.

Ce nouvel amperage  (14a) a pu circuler dans le fil d'enroulement de la bobine induite grâce a la section de son fil qui est de 5 mm 3 et permet aux 14 ampères de passer largement (3 ampères au maximum peuvent circuler par mm2 de section de fil).

La deuxième bobine sur la même barre de fer doux (bobine induite) aura un enroulement de 6 m au lieu de 9 ce qui diminuera le voltage et le ramènera à 4 volts la section du fil étant diminuée également passant de 5 mm 3 à 4 mm  52, nous aurons une résistance de O ohm 38 en divisant le voltage par la résistance, un ampérage de 12 ampères.

C'est ce courant de 4 volts par 12 ampères qui sera transmis à la première bobine (bobine inductrice) du 20 couple suivant qui aura le double d'enroulement de la bobine precédente  soit 12 m au de 6 donc un voltage qui sera porte à 8 volts une résistance de 0,66 donc un ampêrage  de 8 : 0,66 = 12 a qui exciteront l'électro aimant du nouveau couple.

8V x 12 A = 96 VA ,sufficient for the seriell coupled Becker magnet groups sourcing !
96 VA / 2 W nominal  ( f.e. improved bicycle dynamo) ~ 40x ( dynamo conversion losts )

The Wandler/converter mecano-kinetical output

a. coupled with electric generator/alternator
b. with heat pump compressor shaft f.e.

Total concepts couple :

Each given amplifying factor

40x Trilles( 3 steps ) 200 x Becker x 10 Arestov/Linevich x 10 Haeberle = 800 000 times or 80 000 000 %

By pure applied theoretical description numbers ,how much 1:1 realize-able/-need ?

Btw : for the Linevich/Arestov converter I take ' 10x' as amplifying factor based by Arestovs reply :

https://overunity.com/16509/centrifugal-power-source-the-linevich-story/45/    #59
Victor Arestov http://arestov.de/index.php/de/ 
  Edvid Linevich R&D co-partner
Der russische Wissenschaftler Edwid Linevich (Vladivostok) hat im August 2007 ein Patent für einen Unwuchtmotor angemeldet, der den Weg in zu einer umweltverträglichen Stromversorgung ebnen kann. Die Funktionfähigkeit des Motors wurde mit einem Testmodell im März 2008 unter Beweis gestellt. http://www.perpetuumobile.eu Die Testergebnisse sind erstaunlich:
Bei einer Leistungsaufnahme von nur 25 Watt entwickelt der Motor eine Leistung von 400 Watt .
400W/25W = ≥ 10x,exactly 16x

For Oskar Becker synergetic drive ' 200x' :

Bei einem zum Beispiel einen Meter grossen Radius der Drehplatte, oder einem einen Motor langen Hebelarm wird die Wirkung der erzengten magnetischen Kraft auf die Drehachse etwa verzehnfacht.

Bei zwei Meter grossem Radius oder zwei Meter langen Hebelarmen wird die Wirkung der erzeugten magnetischen Kraft auf die Drehachse etwa zwanzig mal grösser.

Gleichermassen werden die auf die Drehachse wirkenden Kräfte durch die Anzahl der Magnetgruppen vervielfältigt, bei zum Beispiel dreissig Magnetgruppen dreihundertfach bezw. sechshundertfach.

Applied with x twenty magnet goups ! 
10x the 1 mtr radius disc and lever-arm x 20 magnet groups = 200x
Es können nun mehrere dieser Magnetgruppen und in Erweiterung mehrere Magnetgruppenrunden auf die gleiche Achse wirken, sodass sich der Beispielswert von dreihundert oder sechshundert weiter vervielfältigt.

Becker Drehplatte,der Schaft angekoppelt,vertikal
Anstatt Kupfer-Wicklung  Kochsalz(Natrium/Sodium)-Leiter

oder,idem vertikal ,bei Option : horizontal :


Oskar Becker 1 Meter Radius = 2 mtr Durchmesser Drehplatte,1x/2x,... auf dem Autodach,ueber Schlaufe angekoppelt ein Generator , on-board Kraftwerk !
Der Pedalierer generiert 100 W pro Stunde ,welche in das Becker motor-generator Konzept einfliessend um das 200-fache verstaerkt an viele bisherige Leistungs(be)grenz(ung)en zu Denken geben laesst !
Pedalierend fliegen :

20 KW fuer das MC-10 Modell mehr als genug ,
Le dernier CriCri !

What is possible,when ....
making this solar flyer compact as possible ?

Solar Challenger  to
Artificial Photon/Solar CriCri Challenge !


Thanks ramset his positive poste input :


Thin-Film Electrolytic Cell Power Unit
A product with the consumer in mind is Dr. George Miley's invention that produces about one watt per cubic centimeter of electrolyte[9]. Using a flowing packed-bed type electrolytic cell with 1-molar LiSO4 in light water, small (1-mm diameter) plastic beads with a thin (500-1000 angstrom) film of metal (nickel, palladium, or titanium) are employed. A special sputtering technique to spray on the metal is used. With 2-3 volts of electrical power and only 1-5 milliamperes of current, the single film experiments produce an excess power ten times the input power! (The input power is at most 0.01 watts while one half of a watt of heat is produced.) Observed power densities were 1 W/cc and above. It is also apparent that the physics of this reaction involve nuclear transmutations as well. As Dr. Miley notes: "The key finding from these studies has been the observation of a large array of "new" elements (i.e. different from the bead coating), many with significant deviations from natural isotopic compositions, after the run. Great care has been made to insure that these elements are distinguished from isotopic impurities by use of a "clean cell" with high purity components/electrolyte, in addition to the pre- and post-run analyses." Even low-energy radiation was detected from the beads days after each experiment. Application to space power, providing a 1-kW cell with only 500 cc of active electrode is predicted. Note that this particular invention, with its large overunity energy yield, was awarded a NERI grant by the DOE but then promptly withdrawn after certain individuals pressured the DOE into a re-evaluation of its grant to Professor Miley. The politics that override such grant decisions by the DOE Office of NEST are highly questionable.

Non logical for me :

assuming the written 0,01 'Watt : from 2-3 V x 1 to 5 mA '  electrical input and getting out 1 Watt

                                                                   per cc ( a 10 cm cube = 1000cc )
                                         1 sqm x 1 mm plastic beads gives 1000 W output

this gives 1/0,01 = 100x coefficient of work performance,output :  50% electrical and 50% heat

kitchen aluminium-foil thickness

His eectrolytic power cell https://patents.justia.com/patent/20030159922
there in to read

Behavior of the electrodes the same as for the single electrode experiments reported here would produce about 38 W excess power with about 40 W input. In addition, if the MLTF layer design is upgraded to that employed in earlier thin-film bead experiments [12], which provide higher excess heat percentages,

                      excess power gains approaching 500% could be obtained. = 5x electric/heat output

Then, the excess power in the preceding example would approach 190 W.

Such a unit provides the basis for an attractive practical battery-type unit.

It ' smells ' like the later Nano-BOXX process by Joseph Birmingham !

Lithium Sulfate gross market price ( purity grade !) :
One hour pedaling means by conventional generator 75 Wh,improved generator 125-150 Wh power generation

X above 100x amplifying factor ~ electric (50% part) 3 750- 7 500 Wh free power delivery for sufficient range !
X above 5x                                     ~ electric (50%)         187,5 - 375 Wh free power

10x electrolyt cell layers = 10 x 1 mm = 10 mm or 1 cm thickness per sqm ~ 10 000 Wp



What is Your problem,Cloxxki ?
We also spend Our time to look for such ' stupid/non propriate' ideas like :

Related Georgu Constantinesco his 5-hp combustion engine Sedan ,5-hp ic engine as peak ~ 2 KW nominal electric drive, 872-hp ridiculous !

The expression 'Hypercar',first by Amory Lovins/RMI public used is efficiency related !
4 KW CAE engine mobile as sufficient solution for low weight sub-/urban mobility ,peak 70 Km•h !
4 KW/'872 hp' only ≤ 1% !
Related hp or KW/Kg power-to-weight ratio and the 872 hp-e-motor as generating plant drive,okay,then this machine is probably interestant, nominal RPM ? 18.-25.000 ?

Pardon-moi,as I have to repeat : telex-style !
The members/readers/visitors here I assume as adult enough to read and understand  point/sentence/video without to dictate them how they have to think !

No,not only from yesterday,it seems You do not use the forum archive ,CAE related topics are to find by some other members,too !
It is only the informative way,to actualize success/error/fiasco from at first enthusiastic ideas to project to common reality trials !

Happy weekend wishing

p.s.: my ' Hypercar'- ic2electric conversion preference ,for sub-/urban and highway use  :

and,with 4x magnet array and capacitive/superconductive coils improved electric drive ,
(Renewable,during drive) Power storage : multiple choice
I was in the End-80' for a short time owner from a

in the 70' my father drove a
