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The Secret of Free Energy - Ettore Majorana, Pelizza's Machine and more

Started by e2matrix, October 13, 2022, 04:28:20 PM

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First this is going to be a long read and very worth it IMO.   I've included links that are pre-translated for the Italian websites.  And I've done a translation of a PDF that includes construction details of 'The Machine'.  Parts of that PDF are still in Italian as images of text could not be translated by Google. 

This is fascinating info that as far as I can see was only briefly touched on several years ago here in a post by Italian user 'franco malgarini' who has posted a lot of fascinating info here but nothing lately.   Here is the somewhat related post: https://overunity.com/16616/pelizzas-machine/

This could be big, very very BIG.   First some links at the top here for quick reference but I would suggest you read the story below first and then visit the links.



Edited:  If the above links don't work try copying all of the line (don't just click on it here or the last part of the line won't be included) into your browser.  Line for the first link was too long and was split - it needs to be all one line.   Same for the second link - copy all of it and paste into browser for it to work.

Now the story: 

The Machine 
The bridge between science and the Beyond 

Roberta Rio  –  Francesco Alessandrini

First published June 2017 at academia.edu

©2017  Roberta Rio
             Francesco Alessandrini

Ettore Majorana. 
The greatest scientist of all times.
After his mysterious disappearance on 25 March 1938, the world
slowly began to forget him. 
Then, in 2016, a dramatic turn of events. 
That  "coincidence",  which  we  do  not  believe  in,  had  us  meet
Rolando Pelizza, a determined man with a mathematical mind of
incredible applicative capacity. 
This marked the reopening of the "Majorana case" for us. 
From the meetings with Rolando we obtained such information
as to reward all our curiosity and desire for knowledge. 
But there is much more ... 
Survival of the human race on Earth is at stake. 
We believe it is our task to spread in its the information we have
With this in mind we wrote the book that you are about to read.
R. Rio – F. Alessandrini / The Machine. The bridge between science and the Beyond

The Machine. The bridge between science and the Beyond 

The history of humanity is studded with mysteries, facts or natural phenomena for which no-one
has ever been able to give an explanation. 
The disappearance of Ettore Majorana was one of these. 
For those who have lived in Italy or who have studied history or science, and who have fortuitously
stumbled over a book or an article on the topic, the case will be well-known. 
For all the others it is about to become so. 
Ettore Majorana was a brilliant theoretical physicist, an incomparable  mind of his era: Enrico
Fermi, Italian physicist, Nobel Prize winner for physics in 1938 said of him: "he had gifts that he
alone in the world possessed." 
A tenure in the faculty of theoretical physics was instituted ad hoc at the University of Naples and
assigned to him without competition "for high fame and unique expertise". The same method used to
assign a chair to Guglielmo Marconi. 
Then the "tragedy". 
On 25 March 1938 Ettore boarded a ferry from Naples to Palermo and from there all trace of him
was lost. The searches that his family and the authorities conducted in every corner of the nation were
all in vain. 
We will relate what happened after that in a succession of events that lead right up to the present
First and foremost the motivation. 
It was on the eve of World War II. In that situation disappearing had become an absolute necessity
for Ettore. He had discovered something that would have endangered not only his own life but also
that of the whole human race. 
The torment of a brilliant scientist who had seen too many things in advance, compelled him to
that far-sighted decision. 
Knowledge is neither good nor bad, as you know, it depends what use it is put to. Atomic physics,
for example, besides useful results, also produced the atom bomb. 
Ettore  had  gone  well  beyond  the  limits  of  the  then  known,  right  up  to  comprehension  of  the
foundations of the Universe, which he translated into a completely new mathematics and physics, that
is "of the Third Millennium". With these tools he was able to construct a theoretical outline of the
ways in which Matter operated, which were so precise and reliable that they could be transformed
into a "machine". 
Just as an electron disappears from one orbit to reappear in another, so Ettore reappeared twenty
years after his disappearance, on 1 May 1958, in an Italian monastery. Destiny had a meeting in store
for him. Like it has for you now. 
That day Rolando Pelizza went to the monastery for a consignment. Born in Chiari, near Brescia,
in 1938, the same year that Ettore disappeared, he had from an early age shown an innate aptitude for
numbers, an untiring determination and an enormous capacity for practical solutions.  R. Rio – F.

Alessandrini / The Machine. The bridge between science and the Beyond

Ettore was a "theoretical" physicist but his brilliance would have remained unknown to all but
himself, had he not met Rolando, his "double" in the field of experimentation, one who was able to
put into practice the incredible theoretical hypotheses of his "master".   
By means of periodic meetings and letters, delivered in great secret by the monks and people they
trusted, Ettore taught Rolando the basics of his mathematics and physics, and he directed him to
construct a machine that would allow humanity to take a gigantic step forward. 
Rolando  dedicated  his  whole  life  to  this  project,  gradually  and  with  great  resoluteness,  going
through the phases indicated by Ettore, and achieving them all.
In 1976 the first phase was completed: annihilation of matter. Imagine being able to make all the
mountains of refuse in the world disappear in an instant. With this machine it is possible. 
A few years later the second phase was ready to be put into action: production of an unlimited
quantity of energy at a cost of next to nothing. The machine, in fact, is activated by a small 40 watt
motor and  does  not  require  thousands  of billions  of elettronvolts  as  in  the  LHC,  Geneva  CERN
particle accelerator.
In  1992  the  third  phase  was  up  and  running:  transmutation  of  matter,  the  dream  of  all  the
In  2006  the  fourth  was  ready:    passage  to  other  dimensions.  A  phase  that  opens  the  field  to
absolutely incredible applications, such as travelling to any moment in the past, rejuvenation of the
physical body, teletransportation ,  ... 
Many were the difficulties that Rolando had to face to keep faith with his commitment because,
among other things, from 1976 onwards the secret services of the whole world  –  first and foremost
the Americans  –  came to know about the machine, and each, in its own way, dreamt of the possible
uses it could be put to  –  far from Ettore and Rolan do's wish of using it for the good of humanity. 
For them the machine was, above all, an unequalled instrument of power: on the one hand as a
weapon and on the other as an unlimited source of metals and precious materials. 
It seems that confronted with the evident risk of extinction of the human race, the governments
should finally decide to disregard their own lust for power and do the one essential thing necessary
at the moment: guarantee survival of the human being on Earth.
In 1979 Ettore had already predicted that the Planet would enter a phase of abnormal and excessive
warming, which would start between 2022 and 2024. At that moment, in only a few years time,
survival of the human race would be in grave danger. Today climate experts have reached the same
conclusions but for a later date. They talk about the worst being from 2030 to 2040, in other words,
we are deluding ourselves that we still have all the time in the world.
But that is not the case. 
Earth is  about  to  become a place where only some animals  can survive, such as  cockroaches
endowed with an exoskeleton which protects them from ultraviolet radiation.   
Traditional science can do nothing! The only ones who can possibly save us from this situation are
Ettore's physics and mathematics, Rolando and the machine. 
It is paramount that resolution of the problem be given absolute priority.
We believe our task is to spread this news. 
Mysteries, like sleight of hand, lose their fascination when they are revealed. 
You will notice that this case does not confirm the rule. R. Rio – F. Alessandrini / The Machine. The

bridge between science and the Beyond

Third Millennium Physics   

Ettore is the father of a new mathematics and a new physics, far beyond those of today. Hundreds
of years will probably have to pass before we are able to understand that which we have defined Third
Millennium Physics, a physics "yet to come from beyond", but which has already demonstrated in
practice  its  capacity  to  penetrate  the  secrets  of  Matter  as  has  never  before  been  possible  in  a
"scientific" manner. 
Rolando once told us  that  "learning Ettore's  physics was  simpler than learning multiplication
tables" but at the same time – we add – it is completely out of reach if one does not understand the
logic behind it. 
One of the fundamental points of this logic is described in  the "General Theory of Exponents" .
In it Ettore emphasises  that what we consider "reality" consists of eleven dimensions. Even if we
only usually perceive four of them  –  three spatial and one temporal  –  it does not mean that the others
do not exist. Ignoring the seven hidden dimensions means not understanding how the four that are
visible to us operate since they are profoundly conditioned by the invisible ones. In other words, the
true "organisation and decision - making centre" of life in Matter, is to be found in a place which has
very little to do with the 'physical' , and which remains hidden from our purely rational sight and from
the eyes of traditional science.
In fact it does not even consider the other seven dimensions  –  it does not even know them. That
means it will always have only a partial view of reality and that its capacity to intervene will be
extremely limited.
Actually, from this limited and limiting perspective, a substantial operating difference arises.
"Today  we  are  spending  vast  amounts  of  money  on  particle  accelerators  and  nuclear  fusion
research. All are attempts to  the atom in an effort to extract the great energy enclosed within it
in an extremely violent manner. 
Ettore's  physics,  on  the  other  hand,  follows  another  path  –  that  of  comprehension  and  non-
Instead of using methods which reflect the natural flow of things, modern science is violating the
atom, just as modern medicine at times violates the human body. Take the words used to describe
current treatments for cancer; they are generally explained in war- like terminology 'fight cancer',
'battle with cancer', 'bombard tumour cells'.   
It is clear though, that to respect the laws of nature, one must first know them.
Ettore attained a "magnificent and at the same time infinitely simple knowledge", in other words,
that everything in nature is "double", every single thing present in these four dimensions is based on
its corresponding partner found in the other seven dimensions. 
"The true secret of nature is the existence of antiparticles", Rolando told us and then he added:
"As long as science does not take this into account, it is impossible for it to make any real progress". 
Nature is simple: she has some very precise rules, but not too many as our probability approach
would have us believe. 
She has extremely strong attraction mechanisms which develop starting with same type of matter
– matter in its widest sense – which make things approach each other if they feel they belong to the
same group. It is a kind of 'Love', a natural impulse to approach and bond with that for which we
feel an affinity. 
Therefore, that which holds Creation together, is a loving thought of the Creator.
Three fundamental things are expressed with this affirmation: the central role of thought  –  also
human thought  –  in the process of Creation,  ' Love '  as the power that unites, and the existence of a
The "General Theory of Exponents" is, in fact, the first scientific theory which presupposes the
existence of God.
Ettore understood that the way things move is basically very simple. He succeeded in becoming
'intimate' with Matter, and, in that intimacy, she revealed all her simplicity and willingness to be
gently guided.
From this a non- violent physics was created; a physics which "makes peace" between Science and
Spirituality, succeeding in bridging the enormous gap that modern man has opened between the two
main ways of perceiving reality.

With Ettore, we can return to linking reasoning with intuition,
Matter with Beyond Matter, science with the Spirit and humanity with God!


This was quite a bit of work but I translated the image of Italian text that was  in the PDF Construction document I uploaded in the previous post.   This was a statement by Pelizza that Google could not translate as it was in image format.   Below is that text now translated to English:

I added a couple little changes to clarify the rough Google translation I got after OCR'ing the image and saving in DocX format so Google could translate it:

Rolando Pelizza, I am 78 years old, and I would like to explain why I gave
the authorization to publish on the Internet projects relating to the construction of mine
" Machine" able to intervene on the matter. I would like to point out that I am not
the inventor, but only the one who maneuvers it. To devise this tool that can
the scientist Ettore was instead annihilating, heating and transmuting matter
Majorana, whom I met by chance in a convent back in 1958.
He (I) became its (his) pupil and through him I learned the rules of a new physics
capable of changing the world, as we have known it until today.
Majorana, by the way, did not use calculators or computers. In fact, he carried out his calculations
based on formulas contained in a program / code of which only he (and, in part,
also) was aware.
It was therefore thanks to his studies on the subject that he developed the design of the machine
that we began to build around the sixties. At first there
were operational problems, due to practical experimentation. 228
machines were destroyed during the operational phase, and only in 1972 was it possible
arrive at the first fully successful experiment.
This machine, of which we publish the drawings today, is able to eject
particles of antimatter, selective, which, in contact with analogous matter, yes
they destroy causing the emission of great energy. The current machine is
covered with an aluminum cube of about 55 cm per side and the mechanism of the
structure is powered by a small car battery that serves to power the
internal system. The latter generates the antiparticles which are then ejected from
a duct, the end of which ends with a four-leaf clover hole on the front of the
machine. From the outside, therefore, the machine looks like a perfect cube, without it
any end. Antiparticles have a life of 5 thousandths of a second e
they come out by motu proprio at the speed of light, up to a maximum distance
of about 1500 km.
To be more precise, the machine is able to manage all the elements of the table
Mendeleev periodic and can emit antiparticles for each single element,
graduating the distance and the dimensions, from a cubic centimeter up to a volume
of 20 meters per side, equal to 8000 cubic meters. The emission is also controllable
in intensity, going from only heating the affected matter to slowing down the
particle flow) until it is completely annihilated. Therefore placing
the object to be annihilated or heated at a certain distance from the machine,
the output of the antiparticles will be exhausted in compliance with the commands given.
I would like to remind you that, in order to make the machine work, it is necessary to adopt the
wording that I have filed for delivery on the spot
of the experiment, subject to official signature by the interested parties of a
very detailed protocol that guarantees the use of the machine exclusively for
civil uses.
I would add that the machine has been covered by a patent since 2008.
As for the historical part, this machine was officially tested
for the first time in 1976 with a protocol developed by Professor Ezio
Clementel, president of the CNEN, on a mandate from the Italian government. The experiment
more significant is what happened, again in 1976, in Forte Baremone (BS) at the
presence of numerous people, including the then Belgian NATO colonel, Jacques
Subsequently, there was the interest of the American government, which asked me
to shoot down a geostationary satellite, and therefore of the Belgian government, whose perpetrators
they had proposed that I destroy a tank. To my clear refusal, motivated
from the fact that Ettore Majorana and I didn't want the car badly
used for war purposes, I began to suffer from the heavy repercussions of those
which can be defined as "strong powers". These people have subdued me to their own
wanting, forcing me for tens of years to operate on their behalf and
solely in their sole interest. Now, having reached the age of 80, I leave
these drawings to the knowledge of the scientific world because someone after me
may the work that has been prevented me continue.
Heaven grant that people of good will pick up my baton with the only one
and the only motivation for the good of Humanity.
In faith,
Rolando Pelizza


A picture of Ettore Majorana in 1996 with Rolando Pelizza.  Note that Majorana was born in 1906 so he is 90 years old in this picture but he looks about 35 to 50 years old.  Majorana is on the left.


Rino is active on twitter. Twitter.com/rinodistefano
He shared this video. Toggle for subtitles in your language. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKriNk35aA4
Thanks E2. Fascinating story.