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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change - Free Energy will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
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So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
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Impact of Free Energy Device on humanity

Started by Silvije, June 06, 2007, 05:26:14 AM

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Quote from: Silvije on June 12, 2007, 09:56:51 AM
I ask all of you:

Is it possible that somebody already have the device invented and working. I am not talking here of scams and half baked attempts that nobody can replicate. Is it possible that that man simply,
after period of thinking and seeing what huge impact would it have on the world, decided not to make it a public. Because of fear of the next world war? Is it possible? Is it possible to keep that secret?

Is maybe xenobard that inventor who has it but is dissapointed with a world and ask himself why to bother? Or is it really impossible to make such device?

Prajna said that answer is in questions :) Than seek no elsewhere! Or do by all means!


Yes it is possible but not probable.  It would take resolving the right problem in the right manner. seeing that your invention could start or contribute to a world war would raise certain questions for the inventor.  :o Ones such as "Is mankind ready for what i have to offer?". "Will mankind misuse it and how?" What impact will it have on humanity? and after a birage of attempts to discredit or debunk your technology, Why bother? among a million others.  The real question is will the technology it's self stand up to emperical testing? all the other questions and conciderations are like possesing fools gold of knowledge. However they are very real questions that need addressed in the event that the technology you may or maynot posses is "the one" or "fools gold". Only the inventor can answer the questions posed by their technology.
All inventors must go through this stage. There are triumphs and tragedies in inventing as well.

The Hewett family "motto" is "NE TE QUASIVERIS EXTRA" "seek nothing outside yourself"

I don't see answers within questions, only more questions that need answers. ::)  


Les, you are a breath of fresh air.  Thanks for the warning. It is actually something of a relief, as I was beginning to suspect that the karma police were maqsuarading as these two and goading me.


What is the impact of not releasing the free energy? Do you see your karma preventing world war III ??? DOH! Maybe a little meditation?  ;D


As we all know, this scenario is approaching (next 10 to 40 years):

oil levels decline, prices go up, mankind becomes desperate for oil, conflicts ensue. (In the medium term however oil prices will decline to compete against other energy sources).

As much as I am regretful about global warming, at least it is an impetus for goverments to migrate earlier to alternative energy sources at least in part. This would reduce our dependence on oil and reduce stress on our lifestyle and economies in the future as oil declines.

Oil should not be used for motor vehicles as soon as possible. It should be used soley for the production of plastics, paints and a myriad of other products. If we can use alternative energy for cars we prolong the production and use of oil not to 40 years or less, but instead to say 200 years.

Free and alternative energy sources should be used for power, oil only used for products.


@ prajna and les

Thanks for your posts.  It's been enlightening.  I've returned from my log walk in the forest.  Sadly, I have to say that I have not yet decided whether you guys are the kind of people I want to surround myself with.  I mean I guess you automatically thought 'free-energy' would be a good thing for humanity, and, as such, it was with nothing but the best intentions that you went ahead and followed-through with further research and development toward that end.

What I did discover on my walk, however, was a measure of peace regarding all of this.  I'm beginning to realize that I can't hold you scientist / engineer types entirely to blame for all the ills technology has wrought and will wrought upon us - wait.  No.  Yes I can.  But at least I can't expect you to be perfect.  You can all be inventors and scientists and engineers and philosophers and sociologists and anthropologists and historians and futurists all in the same person.  It was wrong of me to expect so much from those of you who develop technology.

My grieving and griping about how awful you scientist-engineer types can not be expressed enough it seems.  Nevertheless, I will stop my belly-aching.  But only as long as no one disputes the fact that a culture of lack of fore-sight has developed among circles of new technology developers.  This culture of shortsightedness is the root of the problem.

To use another analogy like the knife analogy:

Long ago there was a caveman.  He was a simple guy.  He was named JURG.

Now JURG was a member of a small community of other cavemen and cavewomen.   They called themselves the OGURS.

JURG was a cripple, due to being born with a lame leg.  Thus he always carried a walking stick, using it as a crutch.  One day, while shuffling through the forest, a wild boar came from out of nowhere and suddenly charged at him.  It was the greatest boar he had ever seen.  He was so frightened that he tripped on his crutch, falling backward, the crutch snapping and splintering on a root as he fell.  In his hast to protect himself, he raised the splintered crutch up at just the moment when the boar reached him.  The animal ended up goring itself on the splintered crutch.

With much difficultly JURG rushed back to the camp on his bloodied, splintered crutch and told the settlement what had happened.  Of course, most wouldn't have believed the story.  Who would think that the cripple JURG could kill a giant bore.  But there was the splintered, bloody crutch.  And so a group of them followed JURG back to where the giant boar lay.

They were so amazed at the size of the boar that they began to ask with sincere reverence just how JURG had killed it.  JURG was suddenly some sort of super-warrior-wizard-shaman-guru.  Despite JURG's  attempts to explain how it had all happened accidentally, they considered him a hero!  They paid no attention to his protestations while they made a feast for him in his honor, entitling him JURG the boar-slayer. 

They placed the splintered crutch it at the front of the cave on a makeshift alter, calling it by a new name: the 'spear'.

It wasn't long before everyone in their camp learned to make 'spears' and use them for hunting.  They did away with the old 'clubs'.  Now, with spears, the IGURS became the most powerful group of cave-people in the area. They defeated the 'IGURS' who lived over the crest of the mountain pass.  They killed the OGURS and the LAGURS on the other side of the river.  They killed the PUGURS and the KOGURS in the valley next to where the IGURS had lived.  It became their custom to kill all the people they came across who looked or spoke differently from them, and there was much feasting on their brains.

The moral of the story is?