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Soft Particle Physics

Started by z.monkey, March 11, 2008, 07:32:24 AM

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a possible explanation for your headaches may be found in two facts:
1) many people are sensitive to changes in the local magnetic field. People living on or near
volcanoes for example tend to experience shifting magnetic gradients, and are quite often
prone to headaches or migraines. People who were not born there tend to have more trouble
than people who were born there. I have experienced it myself, I spent two weeks in a town
on a mountain region that was known to have active volcanism underground, and I got
terrible headaches while the locals experienced nothing, but other travelers had it as well.
As soon as we had moved away from the volcanic region the headaches subsided.
2) you're fiddling with very low frequencies that are known to effect the human brain.
The 8Hz Schumann resonance is not just an earth-resonance, it is also a brainwave
frequency. Any strong e/m waves in the lower frequency bands will influence the
brainwave patterns and this can have various effects on your thinking as well as
painful sensations. The volcanic thing from the previous point is actually very strongly
related to this as well, so it's actually all the same thing. ;)

Watch out hey, we don't want you to fry your cranium! ;)
When all else fails: aluminium foil hat time! ;D


Quote from: z.monkey on March 11, 2008, 07:32:24 AM
Howdy Y'all,

So far, in these forums, every time that I have mentioned Soft Particles, I get the internet equivalent of a blank stare.  It is important for you who would research Free Energy and Over Unity to know about Soft Particles.  I refer to them as particles and and not specifically named particles because this refers to a family of particles which are somewhere between an energetic state (energy) and a coalesced state (matter).

Let us start at the source of all energy, the sun.

The sun generates an immense amount of energy. At the surface of the sun most of this energy is extremely high frequency from cosmic rays down to ultraviolet photons.  A whole spectrum of energetic particles.  This energy leaves the surface of the sun at relativistic velocities (faster than the speed of visible light).  From our perspective this energy source is infinite.  But we know through the observation of novas and super novas that stars are not infinite and everlasting.  So they run out of energy eventually, in like billions or trillions of years.  That, to us, is infinite, totally free energy.

Where does all that energy go?  Well, 99.999% of it is radiated out into space.  I goes outward to the entire universe.  But there are a select few bodies within close proximity to the sun that reap the benefits of all that energy.  The planets locked in orbit around the sun are the recipients of that energy, even more than they can handle.  Well we know that the sun produces light, but this light looks very different from space, why is that?  The atmosphere slows down the ultraviolet photons through friction and they fall into the visible spectrum and become brighter to us.  This is because our eyes only perceive a narrow spectrum of photons which are prevalent within our atmosphere.  Some of this light energy from the sun is slowed down to a point where becomes infrared  photons which we perceive as heat.  So in essence our atmosphere is doing us a great benefit by slowing down the energy sent to us from the sun, and providing us with light and heat.

This is where you are going to have to throw away the academic textbooks and forget what you learned in astrophysics class at the university.  There is an entire spectrum of energy emitted by the sun, not just ultraviolet, visible, and infrared photons.  The higher frequency energies, above the light spectrum, are continuously pouring down on us from space.  This energy is beyond are perceptive capabilities.  This energy not only comes from our star, but all stars which are visible to us.  This energy passes right through us on the surface.  But when it hits the ground it begins slowing down.  It might pass miles into the ground, but eventually it slows down to the point that it coalesce into matter.  This energy from space gets into our planet and turns into matter.  Over time these energies accumulate and new matter grows deep with in our planets.  This creates pressure inside of already very compressed matter.  The only thing that can happen is the matter becomes more dense, and elements mutate into heavier elements.  Yes, that is what I am saying, that heavy elements are grown within our planet because a continuous bombardment of high energy particles is continuously raining down from space. Cosmic rays penetrate the deepest.  Photons stop at the surface.  But there is a spectrum of energy, just above ultraviolet light where the energy just barely penetrates the surface.  This energy will coalesce just inside the ground.  Lower frequency energies will coalesce in the atmosphere.  Bottom line is that energy becomes matter when it slows down enough to coalesce into a solid particles.  The particles go from moving in a straight or slightly curved line, to moving in a tight little loop.  This is when the particle goes from being a ray of energy to a bit of matter.

There, just after the ray of energy coalesces into a bit of matter is where the soft particle lives.  These newly formed bits of matter are sticky. They are attracted to each other.  They stick together and form larger particles.  The first of these particles to form are electrons.  How many photon does it take to make an electron?  I don't know exactly but I logically would say not many.  As these particles grow larger they form soft particles, which are basically a coalesced photons, and electrons in a bundle.  As time goes on this Soft Particle becomes even larger and its cohesive forces become stronger pulling the subordinate parts of the Soft Particle closer together.  The Soft Particle is still receiving energy so it gets larger, and it cohesive forces become so strong that it collapses in on its self and becomes a neutron.  This process continues to form Protons.  Then all of a sudden we have a hydrogen atom formed from coalesced energy from the star several million miles away.

The Soft Particle exists in the process of energy coalescing into matter.  In its venerable state, not having formed solid matter yet, is where it is useful to the free energy researcher.  A device that can exploit the venerable state of the Soft Particle can stop the process of the Soft Particle turning into matter and return it to its original state of energy.  This is where unimaginable free energy resides.  We are directly tapping the energy of our sun, in its most concentrated form available here on this planet, right before it coalesces into matter.

Well, I think that this is a good introduction.  I will continue this forum indefinitely.  I'm sure there will be questions.  And there is good information out there.  You, however, will have to dig for it.  Visualize these concepts.  A greater understanding of Soft Particle Physics will have to be achieved before free energy and overunity can become a mainstream source of energy production.  Also check out "The Awesome Life Force" by Joseph H. Cater.  This book has a very detailed description of Soft Particles and all the physical phenomena associated with Soft Particles.

Blessed Be!  Brothers!
and Have Fun!

Amazing!! But can you please tell me, if accoring to your theory, this energy hits the ground and converts into matter after slowing down, is there  any known example of such matter found on earth? Because I am sure it will be of a different nature. Has any one found such matter as yet?
As far as I know, to get a matter from energy is too difficult because first of all tremendous energy is required to get a very very small amount of matter. And most interestingly, according to conservation laws, energy if converted to matter, it always create matter and antimatter pair. It is too tough to separrate these two as matter has bad habit of combining with antimatter and form energy again.
Another thing is, energy can not slow down because it is not matter. Matter  slows down but not energy. It only converts itself in other form. For example when a resistance is added in a way of electrical energy, it is converted into heat. It does not slow down and form matter.
It is very very difficult to separate matter from anti matter. Scientists are trying to do that for long time. It need a huge electro magentic field to get something like 0.000000001 gram of antimatter. I would suggest you to read this very small article to get some info: http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/ask_astro/answers/970724a.html
I know you will say that all the existing science is very limited and all, but then you have to prove them wrong. And that can not be done by just a theory.

Any ways, if you are really looking for abundant source of energy, you dont have to go all the way of creating matter and all. Simple and reliable source lies in "Ionosphere" around earth. Ionosphere contains free ions with tremendous energy. It is said that the hold energy upto 76 terra watts in 1 sq. m. Now you can imagine how much free energy we have. All we need to do is to tap them. Simple?
No, the main problem is that you will beed a radio receiver which can receive at a frequency of just 8 Hz. It is too low frequency for existing radio receivers available. USA claims that it has developed a base in Alaska, where they have installed such 8 Hz receivers. But they are not trapping these free ions to generate electricity. They can control them and charge them. All the balastic misiles travel thu ionosphere. Once charged, they will burn and convert any thing that is travelling thru it. Wise asses! By 2020, USA would be able to burn any missile in space itself!
But it would be easy to trap these free ions than trapping soft particles!


And yes, I am not the expert on Ionosphere! I just wanted to tell you the one source of abundant energy which is practically available.


Howdy Kul_ash,
There is a tremendous amount of energy being supplied by our Sun, and other stars continuously.  It this energy which accumulates and is transformed into soft particles, and further more into the tiniest bits of matter.  These bits of matter accumulate and combine to form larger particles of matter, electrons, neutrons, protons, atoms, elements, molecules, et cetera.  This process have been on going for billions of years.  I believe that this process created all the matter in universe.  In the beginning there was darkness, and then there was LIGHT, and then GOD created the heavens and the Earth, and the rest of the universe.  What this last sentence doesn't specify is a realistic amount of time that it took to accomplish this task, obviously it didn't happen in six days.  Billions or trillions of years or even more time for all that energy to coalesce into matter.  Where we are now this is all established.  We are just trying to get a grasp on the fundamentals of the dynamics of energy and matter interacting.  I believe that energy can be converted to matter and matter can be converted back to energy.  All we have to do is figure out the process.  Man has figured out how to transmutate matter into a different kind of matter with energy using a particle accelerator.  Man has figured out how release a tremendous amount of energy by breaking the nuclear bonds within the nucleus of an atom.  Those are significant accomplishments toward converting energy to matter directly and converting matter to energy directly.  It is all in the process.  Once we figure out the process we will be doing this routinely.

What I am doing with the Soft Particle Reactor is hopefully a lot less dangerous.  The soft particle is the buffer state of photons coalescing into a bit of matter.  I hope to reverse that process while it is in that vulnerable state.  Once the soft particle coalesces into a bit of matter it will be difficult to crack the energy back out of it again.  That is why I am making a soft particle reactor, and not a bits of matter reactor.

About the ionosphere, the energy that is available there is supplied by the Sun also.  The ultimate source of all the energy we use on Earth is supplied by the Sun.  I took a look at your link to the Goddard Space Flight Center.  While I respect orthodox physics and believe that mainstream scientists have done a lot of good things, I also believe that they are locked in box of their own design.  They have trouble opening their minds to theories which are located outside of that box.  They do not accept ancient theories, they deny the existence of spirit and GOD, most especially they are quick to tell you "That cannot be done" without carefully thinking through the theories and concepts.  What were are doing here is far outside the orthodox physicists box.   Joseph H. Cater's book, The Awesome Life Force, goes a long way to crack open that box and allow you to see the complexities of the universe that lie beyond the orthodox physicists box.  Its more than just a read, its a reference book.  I continually find myself going back to it to reexplore, and I get more out of it every time I do.

Blessed Be Brother...
Goodwill to All, for All is One!


Quote from: z.monkey on April 15, 2008, 09:55:31 AM
Howdy Kul_ash,
There is a tremendous amount of energy being supplied by our Sun, and other stars continuously.  It this energy which accumulates and is transformed into soft particles, and further more into the tiniest bits of matter.  These bits of matter accumulate and combine to form larger particles of matter, electrons, neutrons, protons, atoms, elements, molecules, et cetera.  This process have been on going for billions of years.  I believe that this process created all the matter in universe.  In the beginning there was darkness, and then there was LIGHT, and then GOD created the heavens and the Earth, and the rest of the universe.  What this last sentence doesn't specify is the amount of time that it took to accomplish this task.  Billions or trillions of years or even more time for all that energy to coalesce into matter.  Where we are now this is all established.  We are just trying to get a grasp on the fundamentals of the dynamics of energy and matter interacting.  I believe that energy can be converted to matter and matter can be converted back to energy.  All we have to do is figure out the process.  Man has figured out how to transmutate matter into a different kind of matter with energy using a particle accelerator.  Man has figured out how release a tremendous amount of energy by breaking the nuclear bonds within the nucleus of an atom.  Those are significant accomplishments toward converting energy to matter directly and converting matter to energy directly.  It is all in the process.  Once we figure out the process we will be doing this routinely.

What I am doing with the Soft Particle Reactor is hopefully a lot less dangerous.  The soft particle is the buffer state of photons coalescing into a bit of matter.  I hope to reverse that process while it is in that vulnerable state.  Once the soft particle coalesces into a bit of matter it will be difficult to crack the energy back out of it again.  That is why I am making a soft particle reactor, and not a bits of matter reactor.

About the ionosphere, the energy that is available there is supplied by the Sun also.  The ultimate source of all the energy we use on Earth is supplied by the Sun.  I took a look at your link to the Goddard Space Flight Center.  While I respect orthodox physics and believe that mainstream scientists have done a lot of good things, I also believe that they are locked in box of their own design.  They have trouble opening their minds to theories which are located outside of that box.  They do not accept ancient theories, they deny the existence of spirit and GOD, most especially they are quick to tell you "That cannot be done" without carefully thinking through the theories and concepts.  What were are doing here is far outside the orthodox physicists box.   Joseph H. Cater's book, The Awesome Life Force, goes a long way to crack open that box and allow you to see the complexities of the universe that lie beyond the orthodox physicists box.  Its more than just a read, its a reference book.  I continually find myself going back to it to reexplore, and I get more out of it every time I do.

Blessed Be Brother...

Man, I really admire you! You seem to have right mixture of spirituallity and science. I wish you all the best. I think you are on a right path. If you ever read "Veda" the most ancient Indian literature, you will find answers to many of your questions. It is a pure scientific methodology developed by 1000s of scientist. Unfortunately, we have lost most of it and do not understand much now. It happened because, those yogis always believed that science should not go in hands of wrong people at whatever cost. So all the knowledge exchange was always oral. And whatever written was mostly encripted. Many Indian scholars have tried well to decode it and whatever we have, it enlights amazing truths!