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9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns

Started by CB_Brooklyn, September 10, 2008, 10:49:30 PM

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9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns

By CB_Brooklyn
September 2008

(mirrored on checktheevidence.com)

Seven years and the media still lies about 9/11. Disgraceful, isn’t it? A million leaflets, dozens of films, but continued silence. Why is this happening? Why hasn’t the truth movement’s work broken through the media’s lies? The answer relates to the material the â€Ã...“truth movementâ€Ã, promotes.

Vladimir Lenin, the first Communist dictator after the takeover of Russia in 1917, is widely credited with the following quotation, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." A look through the â€Ã...“Global Analysis - International Intelligenceâ€Ã, archives reveal many comparisons between Lenin and Bush.

Those in control of the world have top-secret exotic technologies. These technologies could replace oil and gas, but instead have been weaponized. 9/11 was orchestrated with these technologies. They plan a police state culture and don’t mind if a limited number of people are exposed to the 9/11 propaganda, as long as the advanced technologies remain secret. See â€Ã...“The 9/11 Truth Movement, Free Energy Suppression and the Global Elite’s Agendaâ€Ã, for full information.

Who controls the horizontal? Who controls the vertical? We know the corporate media to be our culture’s main source of news. Unfortunately though, our trustworthy media is completely controlled. Observe the graph below (sourced here) and note all this happened in just 20 years time. This chart details the corporations involved.

Did you know the Washington Post owns Newsweek? Or that the New York Times owns the Boston Globe? Believe it or not, getting the news â€Ã...“changedâ€Ã, to suit one’s preference isn’t that difficult. As this Saudi Prince and Rupert Murdoch know, all it requires is shares of a news agency and the owner’s phone number!

Not only do the media censor information, they’re a propaganda-promotion tool:

This March 2000 WorldNetDaily article gives some info on this. Note this quote: â€Ã...“â€Ã,¦"psyops" (psychological operations) personnel, soldiers and officers, have worked in the CNN headquarters in Atlanta.â€Ã, Why on earth would â€Ã...“PSYOPS soldiersâ€Ã, work at CNN? What possible purpose could they serve?

This April 2006 Washington Post article concerning the Iraq war reveals something too: â€Ã...“The documents explicitly list the "U.S. Home Audience" as one of the targets of a broader propaganda campaign.â€Ã, Courtesy of the CNN PSYOPS Soldiers??

This June 2008 Washington Times article details Congress’ attempt to â€Ã...“ban Pentagon propaganda on the Iraq warâ€Ã,. What kind of system is this if Congress needs to create a bill to ban propaganda?

Tom Curley, President and CEO of the Associated Press, voiced his opinion: â€Ã...“9/11 attacks harm First Amendmentâ€Ã,.

The perpetrators who orchestrated 9/11 are using these media-propaganda techniques to control the opposition.
The â€Ã...“truth movementâ€Ã, is the opposition.

Let’s start by sorting through some of the planted propaganda. Then we’ll examine the smoking gun evidence of exotic weapons, including a timeline of 9/11 events relevant to the technologies used. Following the timeline are some personal statements about a couple of individuals in the â€Ã...“truth movementâ€Ã,. In the final section, we’ll examine two non-9/11 â€Ã...“conspiracy theoriesâ€Ã,. These should help open up the mind to exotic weaponry should the reader still consider it science fiction. (Warning: The last section contains potentially upsetting material, and will permanently alter the average person’s perception of reality.)

* Lenin-inspired Propaganda *

Let’s look at four examples of this propaganda and how the media promote it. The reader will note that â€Ã...“prominent figuresâ€Ã, within the â€Ã...“truth movementâ€Ã, who support the propaganda have affiliations with exotic weaponry and the Global Elite. See the â€Ã...“Global Elite Agendaâ€Ã, article (linked above) for a list of people who lost their lives as part of the cover-up.




You can't really be serious can you?  This is a joke of some kind.....right?  IF I really believed this crap, which I don't, I would leave this country in a heartbeat.  So, my question is...why are you still here?

Bill              PS  My main source of news is talk radio.  There, I get the facts and real soundbites, not spin and editorializing of the drive-by media.  As a graduate of journalism school, I can tell you that not one major "news" source would have passed my first class, journalism 101.
See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here:


Alaskan magnetometers went BONKERS with every 9/11 "event", including the planes-shaped holes in the towers. HAARP was involved.

No one in New York reported the deafening sound of wide-body commercial airliners hitting the towers at full throttle. In 1999, the Washington Post reported on the military's psychological operation hologram project.

See here for source information for everything in the comment:

9/11: Distinguishing The Propaganda From The Smoking Guns


So, what are you saying?  I am not arguing, I would just really like to know.  I don't think the Gov. tells us everything and this is good, for the most part.  For example, if it turns out in later years that flight 93 was shot down, I would not call that a cover-up.  It was something they had to do given the information they had at the time.  Some think this is true, others no.  I am trying to keep an open mind and always ask myself what I would have done if I were the President at that time.  Can you imagine being the one to give the order to shoot down a passenger jet knowing that if you didn't, it would take out more lives on the ground?  This is why I would not ever want to be the President.

I have seen a lot of this stuff before and that is why I asked my original question.  I have a friend that says Bush himself planted the explosives that took down the towers.  I don't find this credible.  I also asked him why, if he really thinks this, is he still in this country.  I would like to think I have an open mind.  My profession is being a professional investigator. (Private)
I have seen some things you would not believe if I told you.  I would love to discuss this but I will not argue.  It is kind of like arguing religion.  Unless one has died and came back and said.."Man, if you are not a Hindu, you are going to hell."  No one really knows the truth.  I have no problem with seeking the truth.

What are your thought on flight 93?  I am about 50/50 on the published story and the needed shoot down story.

See the Joule thief Circuit Diagrams, etc. topic here: