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HHO Cell - Stan Meyer Design.

Started by peterpierre, October 11, 2008, 05:01:21 PM

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What do you think about my current findings in regards to my interpretation of Stanley Meyers System?

I think you're right on track.
Should work but I have reservations. (please post explanation)
I think you're way off. (please post explanation)


Please don't let the spectators and "idealists" stop you from posting. I have found your posts and the information that you have provided helpful and usually fairly correct (or correct enough for myself to get the rest of the problem sorted). As you said there is no free lunches in this world (not your words but you get that) and thats all the lazy people want. I look forward about hearing your results of your tests and any video you can supply.

On a personal note from myself, i am yet to see someone produce enough sustainable HHO to run a car / truck, if i saw such a feat done this would by far increase the likely hood of the cat skinning senario (if it can be done one way it can be done many ways) So good luck to you and i will hold no grudge against you if you perfect your device and sell it off. I just ask that you do a demonstration here and maybe help others in their experiments. Also if you do perfect it i would really like to see some video of your device. just seeing it in action would be awesome and awe inspiring.

Saving the world from polution is one thing. But remember that even some of histories greatest men died poor. Don't follow in their foot steps...


Dear Peter,

I was never under the assumption that you (or anybody else for this matter) were perfect.  I’ve yet to meet such a person.  I can never expect anybody on this planet to ever be perfect let alone myself.  I have my shortcomings as we all do.  I can walk on water, providing the water is frozen, but that is the closest I can come to being anywhere near perfect.

As far as the “kind of a sheltered life” statement that you assumingly suppose to be the case in my upbringing, I can assure you that you didn’t want to really open that door with me.  I am one of three children from a broken family (where my parents divorced and went separate ways) where I dropped out of school with my only official High School Diploma being a General Education Diploma (or GED for short as it is called in the U.S.).   Before dropping out of school, at the age of 14, my first job was at a local liquor store as a box boy sweeping and mopping the floor and stocking merchandise.  I had to work illegally under the table (as I was too young to obtain a work permit in my state) for an hourly wage of $2.10 an hour. 

After dropping out of High School, I went to work full time in a factory making minimum wage.  My mother remarried and her new husband kicked me out of the house forcing me to live in a seedy motel with no kitchen, refrigerator or stove to cook food with.  I had to buy non-perishable foods (such as peanut butter, honey and canned goods) as I had no means to cook or keep food fresh.  I washed what little dishes I owned in the shower as my only sink was only large enough to wash my hands in.

My girlfriend at the time left me (and I didn’t blame her) as I had barely enough income to support myself let alone provide any kind of a life for her or a future family. 

My sister didn’t fare as well as me.  She turned to a life of drugs which eventually led to her incarceration. 

My brother joined a branch of the military and after four years of service was honorably discharged.

I went on to join an apprenticeship program in which I eventually became a Class “A” Journeyman Electrician making a decent living.  I am currently working as an electrician for a company that manufactures parts for the aerospace and automotive industries.  I specialize in Motor Controls and PLC automation.

I could go on to include greater travesties in my upbringing and other economical obstacles that I have had to overcome earlier in my lifetime, but I think what I have stated thus far shall suffice.

If this is the wonderful “sheltered life” that I have led as described above, then I would hate to have seen what the unsheltered version would have looked like.  I say all this not to complain (as some have had much worse than I) but to simply put to rest the notion that my life was some sort of a fairy tale existence with a silver spoon in my right hand.  If not for the level of adversity in my early life, I would not be the same person that I have become today.  I am not ashamed of my humble beginnings past.  It has served to make me stronger.

I am not judging you or accusing you of any wrongdoing.  If this is what you are suggesting, then you have completely misunderstood my earlier posting.  What I am actually trying to point out is that every individual attempt to successfully make the WFC technology (of the Stan Meyer nature) accessible to the public thus far has failed. 

The key word here is “individual”.  As an individual, if I am successful in further developing Ravi’s WFC to the point it can be mass produced and made available to the general public, but I do so without making public exact replication building instructions, then all the current energy providers need to do is to stop one person.  This is a tremendous advantage they have not only previously exploited, but they have also come to count on.  They love those who go it alone.  It makes it much easier to fight people who are isolated than it is to fight a large group of people who are publicly connected making the technology public domain. 

On the contrary, if I am part of a community effort (which is why I joined this wonderful website in the first place), then the powers that be can eliminate me entirely and still fail to stop the end result which is to end their solid reign and the certain destruction of our planet in the process.  The community based efforts of selfless men such as Dave Lawton and Ravi Raju (who are both open sourced engineers) can not be erased by the untimely demise of either man.  This is what, in my opinion, has kept them alive (unlike Stanley Meyer, Dr. Henry Puharich, and Dr. Yull Brown for example). 

I am not expecting anyone to hand me anything!  I have worked hard for what I have today and none of it was handed to me on a silver platter.  I intend to continue to work hard at furthering the WFC technology in my spare time sharing with and learning from other more intelligent persons than I as we accomplish our common goal together.  Together is the only way that we will ever get there.  Of this I am sure.

With or without you, Peter, the open source community will arrive at complete success.  It would be nice to have your help, but we will continue in the absence of anybody’s assistance until the world ultimately benefits from the research and design of water as an alternate fuel source. 

I don’t need to see another video proving the technology works for me to keep motivated and moving forward.  Just imagining the situation the world will become when the planet is either polluted to death or we run out of fossil fuel resources is enough inspiration for me.  I believe that when you are no longer part of the solution, you automatically become part of the problem.





You want to encourage pitting not reduce it! see hydrino production http://byzipp.com/energy/index.php  AND Casimir Fusion http://byzipp.com/energy/blog3.php
anomalous heat readings reported in failed cold fusion experiments and seemingly fradulent claims of HHO devices supplementing automtive fuel systems are being generated by casimir force. Instead of just pushing microscopic plates together and extinguishing the exclusion field, we utilize Casimir cavities where permanent exclusion fields exist because the plate geometry is fixed. This creates a "safe harbor" where longer vacuum flucuations are restricted and the ratio of short to long flucuations is different than normal space-time. These cavities can occur naturally in metals and semiconductors but occur most frequently in electrodes with high surface area and skeletal catalysts like Rayney nickel used by Black Light Power to produce hydrinos. They can also be formed inadvertently thru chemical leaching of metal materials immersed in an electrolyte to form primitive skeletal catalysts. These cavities allow gas atoms to relax their electrons into novel orientations only possible inside the Casimir exclusion field. If however two of these relaxed atoms happen to form a covalent bond while inside this exclusion field then the novell electron orientation can be preserved outside the field with one atoms' orbital leveraged against the others' through their molecular bond. When this new molecule exits the casimir field the stream of normally chaotic vacuum fluctuations must align in an organized boundary of potential energy waiting to sweep these arrogant little electrons back down into their normal orientation of least resistance. Depending on the type of gas atoms used it can form a molecule like the hydrino cited in a 5/8/2008 CalTech description and patent and long claimed by Black Light Power as their energy transport, or, depending on how "stressed" this molecules' orbitals become may have its' covalent bond ripped apart supplying heat into the electrolyte and accounting for the anomalous readings often associated with cold fusion. Black Light Power takes its' name from the plasma color generated by these tearing hydrino bonds which are just the same as those in cold fusion anomalies but on a scale magnitudes higher


Quote from: froarty on January 01, 2009, 05:21:42 PM
You want to encourage pitting not reduce it! see hydrino production http://byzipp.com/energy/index.php  AND Casimir Fusion http://byzipp.com/energy/blog3.php
anomalous heat readings reported in failed cold fusion experiments and seemingly fradulent claims of HHO devices supplementing automtive fuel systems are being generated by casimir force. Instead of just pushing microscopic plates together and extinguishing the exclusion field, we utilize Casimir cavities where permanent exclusion fields exist because the plate geometry is fixed. This creates a "safe harbor" where longer vacuum flucuations are restricted and the ratio of short to long flucuations is different than normal space-time. These cavities can occur naturally in metals and semiconductors but occur most frequently in electrodes with high surface area and skeletal catalysts like Rayney nickel used by Black Light Power to produce hydrinos. They can also be formed inadvertently thru chemical leaching of metal materials immersed in an electrolyte to form primitive skeletal catalysts. These cavities allow gas atoms to relax their electrons into novel orientations only possible inside the Casimir exclusion field. If however two of these relaxed atoms happen to form a covalent bond while inside this exclusion field then the novell electron orientation can be preserved outside the field with one atoms' orbital leveraged against the others' through their molecular bond. When this new molecule exits the casimir field the stream of normally chaotic vacuum fluctuations must align in an organized boundary of potential energy waiting to sweep these arrogant little electrons back down into their normal orientation of least resistance. Depending on the type of gas atoms used it can form a molecule like the hydrino cited in a 5/8/2008 CalTech description and patent and long claimed by Black Light Power as their energy transport, or, depending on how "stressed" this molecules' orbitals become may have its' covalent bond ripped apart supplying heat into the electrolyte and accounting for the anomalous readings often associated with cold fusion. Black Light Power takes its' name from the plasma color generated by these tearing hydrino bonds which are just the same as those in cold fusion anomalies but on a scale magnitudes higher

Instead of using electrodes with electric potential, or using piezo-electric or sonic waves to seperate the hydrogen, start giving a thought to a much more promising method.

If you take a radiowave transmitter with a crystal fixed on the resonant frequency of water, you can transmit the radiowaves through the vessel the water is contained in to destabilize the water molecules and cause the hydrogen to seperate with no additional input.

The resonant frequency of water is 45.8 khz.  Instead of buying an expensive and inefficiant variable radio frequency transmitter, you can order the exact frequency crystal and plug it into an old analog radio transmitter which accepts these fixed frequency crystals.  To see an example of what radio waves alone can do to water, just watch the following video:



Quote from: OscarMeyer on January 02, 2009, 05:40:15 PM
Instead of using electrodes with electric potential, or using piezo-electric or sonic waves to seperate the hydrogen, start giving a thought to a much more promising method.

If you take a radiowave transmitter with a crystal fixed on the resonant frequency of water, you can transmit the radiowaves through the vessel the water is contained in to destabilize the water molecules and cause the hydrogen to seperate with no additional input.

The resonant frequency of water is 45.8 khz.  Instead of buying an expensive and inefficiant variable radio frequency transmitter, you can order the exact frequency crystal and plug it into an old analog radio transmitter which accepts these fixed frequency crystals.  To see an example of what radio waves alone can do to water, just watch the following video:


Thank You for the suggestion and I had given that some extensive thought as I had first heard of it / seen it but according to my latest findings, resonance - generated by high voltage and electromechanical forces is far more effective because it directly interferes with the medium (water), does not require any additives and it produces a fuel which can be controlled fairly easy (increasing / decreasing the ambient air mixture). Radio waves in contrast to this are hindered by certain materials, they can get either blocked or severely distorted at which point the whole solution would loose it's purpose, so unfortunately with this project there is just no more efficient solution than the one with a separate water splitting reactor which then provides the HHO to the engine, I know it is by far not as effective as Victor Schauberger's implosion technology but I just am not there yet :( Remember? One step at a time and one project at the time :) Anyways ... I wish everybody here a Happy and Successful New Year :)