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HOPE Testing

Started by Elvis Oswald, February 15, 2006, 11:16:45 PM

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I appoligize for blowing up on you. I simply don't have time to read all the posts and it is no one's fault but my own that I read things out of order. Your right though about me being conditioned to expect being attacked. This is not the only place that I've been attacked by those who's job it is to debunk any possible technologies which may threaten the future security of oil profits and nuclear energy subsidies.
Most of the people who have tried to sidetrack the public from looking into possible solutions to our energy problems have no idea about what they are saying or for that matter what they are actually doing and I must admit that it angers me to a great extent. Not because my ego may get damaged or my character injured, but because it causes a great many people to turn away from the truth and believe the lies that we have all been subjected to for many decades.
I can't seem to stress the fact enough that I am not trying to sell anyone HOPE Generators. I am however trying to use what I have been able to learn from personal experience and experimentation so that other more adept people than I can take that knowledge to the next level where we might all benefit greatly from it. I have to give Freedomfuel a great deal more credit than I have at this point also, and it appears that he has been able to find actual publications on information which backs up my own findings. This is what we need to be doing as well as actual experimentation when possible so that we have solid ground to walk on s-t-s.
I do NOT believe that anyone from this point on should purchase a Metglass core just to provide proof that I am not a fraud. Thats the wrong reason to be wanting others to replicate my experiments and device's. However if we can now take what Freedomfuel has pointed out and what I have learned from my discovery with the HOPE Gen., to new levels we can make a great deal more progress in a forward direction rather than going in circles.
The great value that I see in my experiments with the HOPE Gen., are not in the device itself as a cureall for our energy ill's. The great value is that we have made the discovery that certain materials can and do definately respond to audio stimulus in a similar mannor to piezo crystals, and when used in combination with high grade ferrous materials a much greater potential can and is often invoked with the proper configurations.
Knowing what we now know it gives us new hope that much better materials may be able to be developed keeping this knowledge in mind. It is my own personal opinion that it is now logical to presume that by employing highly reactive piezo materials and/or powders such as (Lead Zirconate Titanate), (Barium Titanate) etc.., in combination with high grade ferromagnetic and/or ferrimagnetic materials we should be able to see a lot more potential energy being produced. Some people seem to get what I'm saying and others haven't got a clue. It doesn't seem to matter whether they are engineer's or lay-persons but rather the mindset they have settled into.
Again I appoligize for misunderstanding you and reading you wrong. I do hope that people will begin to work together in urgency and honesty and give others some credit for caring about people, the planet, and future generations.

Best Regards,


Elvis Oswald

Jim, we are on the same wavelength.  All of this is more than a quest for free energy - it's about freedom for mankind.  As a student of Alex Jones, I know very well what is afoot... and the role that supressed technology plays in it.   :P


It's good to know that Elvis is in the house, lol. Alex Jones is pretty intense and is fortunate just to still be alive with all he has tried to make known to the public. A lot of people can't stand him and think he's completely nuts because they can't imagine the world that Alex describes. I might also be one of those skeptics had I not worked for the people that Alex is trying to expose. I was the lone person in charge of accessing, processing, editing, and final high quality publications of black projects for the DoD during the "Star Wars" era/Reagan Administration. When I tried to answer president Reagan's plea to the American public to please inform the DoE of any new alternative energy technologies anyone might know of or have in mind I was met with armed military police the following morning immediately upon arriving at my desk for work. You may not believe me and I am used to it but they told me to drop what I was pursuing and that if I ever spoke one word about anything that had occured during the meeting with the energy commissioner the previous day that they would make certain that nobody would ever find even my bones. They added that they might also take out my entire family just for good measure if I did not take them seriously. From that day forward a helecopter arrived directly over my house at exactly 12:00 pm sharp whereby the door would open and the occupants would take turns snapping pictures using various high tech cameras which were mounted on moving tracks. Every family members phone was tapped, and all of my closest friends were payed visits by MIB who told them to stay away from me. That was only the beginning of the last 27+ years in which they have proceeded to destroy my entire life and caused my family to eventually shatter into pieces. I was disabled and nearly permanently paralyzed in 1995 and was unable to get any doctor to right a letter of written consent so that I could continue working in any capacity. I have now been out of work for more than 11 years, and even though every doctor including the DoSS doctors for hire have verified my severe disabilities the fed has continued to refuse me any SSDI or SSI. I now live in El Paso, TX under my elderly parents roof and have so far met at least 2 dozen non English mexican's who are collecting disability and there is absolutely no disability there with any of them. My wife left me after I had payed off the mortgage, bought her a new car, and paid every last bill we had incured throughout our 24 years of marriage. She told me that she simply couldn't endure the terror she felt all the time that we would be murdered one night in our home by the people who had continued to harass us since 1979. It was only a month or so before she filed for divorce when our home was broken into again and she spotted another man snapping photo's of using a telephoto lens from several blocks away. I cornered the guy and scared him into telling me the truth about who he was working for. I told him that if he valued his own life at all that I had better never see him again. For years some type of beam technology had been being used on us as we would be trying to sleep in our bed. When they wish they can cause unimaginable pain as well as make you so sick you find yourself praying to God to let you die. My wife finally developed a tumor the size of a goose egg on her inner ear and came very close to dying. The whole story is really long and so much has happened that I don't even remember half of it anymore but you can possibly understand my passionate approach to these related issues. Alex Jones is right on the mark about most things from what I've heard him say. It's a cryin shame that more American citizen's haven't got a clue about the real America and just how corrupt this government is. I've had a birds eye view of dark side and have seen the heart of the beast in person. No one I know of has seen or talked about some of the things I have seen with my own eye's. If I could reverse my decisions throughout time I would leave myself a note not to accept the position I was offered by the contractor I worked for because that decision was the worst decision I ever made. I would rather have remained completely ignorant like the vast majority of others in this country. I imagine that ignorance truely must be bliss.

Keep up the good fight,


Elvis Oswald

I was going to say earlier that all this technology is related.  ELF, pulse weapons, free energy, etc.
Tesla reported heightened perceptions at cetain frequencies... and then there's the recent story of a man struck by lightning who is regrowing hair and new teeth.... so apparently the secret to all this is the secret to life itself.
And isn't obvious - since it is this same energy that gives us the life-cycle of stars... and the building blocks of life...
I've been reading Meyl.  This guy will blow your mind - literally.
But it all makes sense.

So the race is to get this technology out in the open before the Bohemian Grove Satanists get a grip on it and set up something similiar to ancient Greece... where they are the gods and we are the rock throwing mob of peasants.  But this time Mount Olympus will be underground beneath the Denver Airport.   :o

Now you know why I use the name Elvis Oswald.  haha  ;)


Hey Elvis,

    Your guess is as good as mine at this point and I am putting this research on temporary hold for the time being while I devote more quality time to my ISBP os Project members. Thats another one I'm expected to prove, lol. These guys are some great guys though and have been incredibly patient with me for more than 1.6 years while I have been spreading myself thin on all the various projects and technologies. They deserve to have more of my attention and devotion to the project so we can all move on from there. I had a very dramatic falling out with that engineer you may remember me mentioning. I finally told my ISBP forum members the real reason for having to wait so long to get a few simple readings on the HOPE unit. Basically the guy hasn't lifted a finger to do anything and has done nothing but make excuses for needing more money. I've posted a bit more about this on the HOPE Video topic. I personally think that you are correct in your views on much of what you've stated but I have to be extremely cautious about what I say or agree on because it will come back and bite me in the rear if I make any mistakes on the web. I could tell everyone a lot more than I do but then we would just get to far off track and be expected to start a bunch of new topics, lol. You wouldn't believe the amount of e-mail I get in one hour anymore and I'm running short on time to actually get much of anything done if I answer every letter. The enraged engineer gave us some numbers which I've posted under the HOPE Video topic. I don't know if he is being truthful or simply vindictive because he just did a complete 360 on me. You can think whatever you like and take it for whatever you believe it to be worth. I however am satisfied with my progress thus far and now know that I can provide at least myself and my family with free lighting even if we aren't using real electricity to get that light, lol.

Best Regards,
