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Ground breaking work of Frank Znidarsic (Cold Fusion & Anti-gravity explained)

Started by gravityblock, November 19, 2010, 01:34:22 PM

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Carbon nanotubes can contain molecular hydrogen H2.  Metal hydrides can contain atomic hydrogen H1.  For some reason, that I don't quite understand, cold fusion only works with atomic hydrogen.

Frank Z


Quote from: fznidarsic on February 16, 2011, 09:11:35 PM
Carbon nanotubes can contain molecular hydrogen H2.  Metal hydrides can contain atomic hydrogen H1.  For some reason, that I don't quite understand, cold fusion only works with atomic hydrogen.

Frank Z

According to the literature, the evidence points to the LENR's occuring at the surface of the materials and not in the bulk of the materials.  Atomic hydrogen can externally bond to the cage of the fullerenes.  This external bond to the surface of the fullerenes is where the LENR's are occuring.  This reaction is found only in small pockets though, which I have a strong suspicion is due to trace amounts of fullerenes being present at the surface of the materials.  I'm not sure why you think the atomic hydrogen has to be contained within the fullerenes cage.  I wouldn't rule out H2 being contained inside the fullerenes while atomic hydrogen is externally bonded to the cage of the fullerenes.  For now, lets concentrate on atomic hydrogen being externally bonded to the fullerenes cage.

Below is a few quotes I found in a publication titled, "Hydrogen-induced disintegration of fullerenes and nanotubes", http://www.pa.msu.edu/cmp/csc/eprint/DT200.pdf

Quote from: Page 2Calculations at higher coverages suggest that after the first two atoms are adsorbed, additional hydrogens should preferentially adsorb along straight lines on the substrate.  We believe that formation of this energetically preferred adsorption pattern can be achieved by surface diffusion of hydrogen atoms at temperatures found during many hydrogenation reactions since the activation barrier for sigmatropic rearrangement of chemisorbed hydrogen atoms is only ~1 eV.  Even though there are no preferential adsorption sites on a carbon nanotube, atomic hydrogen is believed to adsorb preferentially along lines parallel to the axis of the outermost tube to release stress.

Quote from: Page 2Molecular hydrogen does not dissociate on planar graphene, but does so with an energy gain on fullerenes, with the dissociated hydrogen pair preferentially binding on top of adjacent carbon atoms.

Quote from: Page 3We found that the energy needed to break one bond is larger than the energy to break two adjacent bonds, shown in a dark color in the left panel of Fig. 2(c). Continuing this concerted bond breaking mechanism should cleave the edge, causing the structure to disintegrate

Quote from: Page 3Consequently, the calculated transition paths for the disintegration of hydrogenated fullerenes and nanotubes represent the optimum cleavage path in unconstrained systems. Following an initial energy investment of 1.7 eV, the bonds break abruptly, leading to the final structure depicted in the right panel of Fig. 2(c). There is a net energy gain of ~2 eV associated with the bond breaking, caused by releasing the accumulated stress.

Quote from:  Page 3-4Our results indicate that the energy barrier to propagate the fracture decreases at successive steps. As a matter of fact, it may be reasonable to assume that the energy released following the initial step may activate the zipperlike cleavage at the crease without further energy investment. Once cleavage is initiated, the unzipping process transforms the stressed crease into two overlapping graphene edges in an exothermic reaction.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


I found this interesting video, explaining how the thrust from electrogravitic "lifters" is not JUST an ion propulsion effect, that there is also a electromagnetic and "gravitational" lift effect...


I am wondering if it is related somehow to the non-conservation of magnetic flux?

There is no limit to how fast space can expand or contract, just that the speed of light in vacuum is measured to be c, for any local region of space-time.


We physicists used to laugh at Star Trek's warp factor. We don't laugh anymore. About 10 years ago, a Mexican relativist named Miguel Alcubierre was watching Star Trek, and he came up with a new solution to Einstein's [general relativity] equation. The loophole is negative matter -- Einstein never considered it. And Alcubierre got a solution that looked very similar to warp drive.

The key is, you don't go to the stars, the stars come to you.

Everybody assumes you have to go to the stars, which means you have to break the light barrier and violate the laws of physics.

But you can compress the space like an accordion -- compress the space between you and the stars.

It's like a wrinkle in space. There are some objections to this, of course. We don't have negative matter, for instance. But in principle, if you have, let's say, a meteorite made of negative matter, then it may be possible.

Einstein never said that nothing can go faster than light.

Empty space can contract or expand faster than the speed of light. That's the Big Bang. It's emptiness that expanded. It looks very similar to the rendition of warp drive in the movies -- you would see distortion of star light, stars would come at you very fast, but inside you feel nothing.


Quote from: khanster on February 18, 2011, 01:57:43 PM
I found this interesting video, explaining how the thrust from electrogravitic "lifters" is not JUST an ion propulsion effect, that there is also a electromagnetic and "gravitational" lift effect...


I am wondering if it is related somehow to the non-conservation of magnetic flux?

There is no limit to how fast space can expand or contract, just that the speed of light in vacuum is measured to be c, for any local region of space-time.


I'll describe a much better system than the lifter in which the ions themselves don't move the craft.  A simple propulsion system used by UFO's within a planet's atmosphere is a vacuum system. They create a vacuum in the direction of travel. If there is low pressure on one side, the other side is subject to the full atmospheric pressure. With an atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per sq. cm. we can calculate that the force operating on a saucer of 20 m. diameter is equal to 3,278,272.8 kg. This is one of the greatest forces available to us here on our planet, and we don't utilize it for our benefit, lol. It is a force provided by nature herself.

Cathode rays have the strange property of decomposing the atmosphere through which they pass. Under the action of these rays, the elements of the atmosphere revert to their etheric state. In addition to this, the cathode rays intersect the anode rays at an angle of 45 degrees. This is achieved by using high voltage and current. If they wish to go very fast, they use an absolute vacuum, and move through space in a flash. At other times, they use a semi-vacuum, and they will move more slowly. The intensity of the vacuum is proportional to the current used and is controlled by a rheostat. If they want to follow an undulating course, then they use a pulsing current. Outside the planet's atmosphere they use a different method. They manufacture an artificial ether similar to the planet in which they won't to travel to, and will travel through time-space instead of space-time.  Traveling in time-space is equivilent to time-traveling in space-time.  Time-space is space-time turned inside out and is a wormhole.  Time-space is 3 dimensions of time and 1 dimension of space.

Now, lets get back to the lifter.  Gassiot, in the middle of the nineteenth century, made the first unsuccessful attempts to pass electricity through rarefied gases. After him, Plucker invented the tube which was later used by Geissler for his experiments, from which the name "Geissler tubes" is derived. Other scientists of world fame, like Crookes, also carried out experiments with considerable success, which resulted in considerable progress in the field of physics.

In a Geissler tube the atmospheric pressure is reduced to between 1 and 3 mm. of mercury. If the tube contains air and the anode and cathode ends of it are put into contact with the positive and negative poles of a high tension electric current, the whole tube lights up with a violet light, with the exception of a space at the cathode end where the light is blue and separated from the remaining violet light by a dark band.

Various effects are brought about by changing the gas pressure inside the tube, such as the appearance of dark bands which are known as Faraday bands; the disintegration of gas molecules, liberating hydrogen; changes in the colour of the light to green, yellow, red, etc. Crookes succeeded in proving the mechanical action of cathode rays by bombarding rotary blades with them and setting them in motion. Similar experiments with spheres painted black produced the same result.

There was, however, one great difficulty which dogged the steps of science: cathode rays could not leave the tube of rarefied air since they were incapable of passing through any substance. The scientists asked themselves what effect cathode rays had on the ordinary atmosphere.

It was then that Lenard, Nobel prize winner in physics in 1905, working on Hertz' previous experiments, made an aluminium "window" on the opposite side to the cathode which projected the rays outside the tube where they could be studied with ease. He proved that these "Lenard rays" could be propagated in the atmosphere as easily as in the rarefied air of the tube, causing atmospheric phenomena of a similar nature. He proved that the passage of electrons through the dense air of the atmosphere appeared to open up a tunnel giving rise to strong ionization of the particles with considerable air turbulence and luminous effects which varied according to the voltage used.

However, he could not completely comprehend the nature of the phenomena as he did not know that they were the result of a disturbance in the atmosphere and ether. The most important thing as far as we are concerned, is to know whether or not ionization causes a drop in atmospheric pressure. It is now well known from meteorology that heavy ions cause low pressure, they often bring about devastating cyclones.

It is known that the emission of a single particle of medium velocity can produce in the first centimeter of its trajectory through the atmosphere as many as 24,400 ions. The number gradually increases as the particle proceeds along its trajectory. Even using a low voltage, the electrons moved through space at a speed of between 25,000 and 50,000 miles per second.

Later it was observed that by using 250,000 volts, the electrons moved at 150,000 miles per second. In one experiment 900,000 volts was used, but the speed of the electron was not noted. It is also well known that the higher the voltage used, the greater is the number of ions produced, sometimes as many as 2 million ions appearing in the first centimeter of the electron's trajectory.

Subsequent experiments showed that the electrons emanating from cathode ray tubes could break down the atmosphere and set free hydrogen which then also became ionized. It may well be that these rays break the atmosphere down completely, and set free the nuclei, which they subsequently join up with, thus producing the amount of hydrogen that has been observed.

Madame Curie was able to calculate the speed of ions as 1.3 cm. per electron volt in dense atmosphere, and 6.7 cm. per electron volt when the ionic movement took place in pure hydrogen. This shows that a high voltage would result in a higher electron speed and that in the upper atmosphere the speed would be greater. The vacuum creating effect is, however, not strictly due to the intrinsic speed of the ion, but to the atmosphere's ability to absorb ionized particles.

While negative ions are absorbed by the atmosphere, the positive ones move towards the negatively charged surface of the saucer, at which point the electrons pass into the vacuum. In an ordinary cathode ray tube the electric current reaches a saturation point which shows that all the atmospheric particles contained within the tube have been ionized. This is due to the limited amount of electrolyte within the confines of the tube. In the case of the flying saucer the electrolyte is made up of the whole atmospheric envelope of the Earth which never reaches saturation point. The ionized "bubble" surrounding the saucer is attracted and absorbed by the surrounding atmosphere with tremendous force and in its place only a vacuum is left, into which the saucer moves, impelled by the atmospheric pressure of 1.033 kg. per cm2

The lenard/cathode rays will escape through the outer aluminum layer of the cathode ray tube and will ionize the air. The cathode rays do not directly produce the vacuum. It is the ability of the surrounding medium to absorb the disassociated molecules after they are deformed or ionized by the cathode/lenard rays. The quicker the deformed molecules or ions are absorbed into the surrounding atmosphere, the greater the intensity of the vacuum; the greater the thrust available to the craft. The positive ions are attracted near the surface of the craft, and the negative ions are repelled away from the craft. The surrounding atmosphere then absorbs these displaced ions at an extremely fast rate which leaves behind a vacuum. Please note, this is not an ion propulsion system as most are led to believe for some strange reason. The ions themselves do not move the craft. They use what nature has freely given to them, which is the atmospheric pressure to create a potential to move their craft.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


Atmospheric pressure differential AKA lifter propulsion is interesting, yes. But that does not explain the apparent gravity altering effects of strong magnetism and extreme high voltage...

We should have flying cars by now.

Warp drive, where is our version of Zefram Cochrane to build the first warp drive?


There seems to be a working theory of gravity modification using high voltage fields and asymmetric capacitors.  More research is required  ;D

