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Ground breaking work of Frank Znidarsic (Cold Fusion & Anti-gravity explained)

Started by gravityblock, November 19, 2010, 01:34:22 PM

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A video of Frank Znidarsic's lecture at the University of MD in March of 2011.  Chief Scientists from NASA and the DOE were there.



DrStiffler at the energeticforum has made a possible link with the Spatial Self Resonate frequency of a coil when driven single ended to the quantum transitional speed of 1.094 MHz m/s, http://www.energeticforum.com/renewable-energy/3934-high-voltage-thin-air-71.html#post141994

DrStiffler's youtube channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/StifflerDr

Quote from: DrStiffler

*h20 this should also answer your question...

No upbeat as I'm not really back on this thread. I have become very passionate about the state of the union and put my two cents out on 'ricks' ruling class thread and the TSA threads. Anyway I look in as I post over there.

Now maybe I can answer so that you understand what I was saying. A coil has an 'srf', Spatial Self Resonate frequency when driven single ended, which is different from conventional 'SRF', Self Resonate Frequency. If you question this it is easily proven. Anyway say a particular coil has and 'srf' of 21MHz as found via the generator/scope measurement routine. This coil becomes L3 in a SEC Exciter. The Exciter is fully capable of producing the 21MHz and when doing so the output is what everyone is using to drive LED's, FL's and CFL's, along with other things. Now when a second coil is introduced with a minor coupling that has the same 21MHz 'srf' and conditions are right, a lock so to speak will take place where the two coils stop resonance at 21MHz and shift to a particular set of frequencies (example below). This set of frequencies are not harmonically or numerically related to the 21MHz. By using different coils that have a different initial 'srf', the lockup set of frequencies will also change and be totally at a different spot in the spectrum, except each different set will contain as a primary frequency, a frequency related to a harmonic of 1.094MHz.

Example: srf (2) coils ~ 21mHz +/-200KHz

Observed lockup set;   7,658,000
The highest energy content is found at 7,658,00 in this set. Also note there are harmonics missing, (there are higher ones, just not shown). Now if you introduce AV Plugs on the coils and drive LED's a whole group of other frequencies are observed by the non-linear mixing in these semiconductors.

Now say we have a different coil and it has an 'srf' of say 18mHz. As per above we could see a resulting set from a two coil setup the say still could be extrapolated from 1.094, but be shifted up say 20MHz and the highest energy content being some other of the multiples of 1.094.

Did this help?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.


 I greatly admire Frank for his courage to explain what we can see. Although he works in the Quantum field it is solely for the purpose of defining what effects matter or the real of the universe.

What I believe is that we have missed is what we can not see. The other half of the spectrum of matter and why it is there in the first place. The responsible party for keeping matter together. It would not be possible if this presence was not there in the first place. You could think of it as the "God" aspect. Totally unseen but is the true reason why life and matter exists. It is responsible for lights propagation and coincidently responsible for gravities pull on matter around great masses of matter. It is not Magnetism that does this and to tell you the truth from my perspective magnetism is a by product of this source.

If we delve into the makeup of our own planet we can see very complex actions going on. We can all agree that it is a very energetic place in our core. Lots of processes are going on at the same time. One of which is responsible for it all. A great attraction to a specific point in our mass we live on. This attraction binds our mass and even creates great flows to happen. This point has to be supported by matter ie anchored in space. Beyond that point everything moves twords it and it is what is creating our cores immense heat through the rubbing of the matter surrounding the central point. This process is ultimately seen in our sun. Thats the extreme example. When matter rubs against anything we can expect a few things to happen like heat and static. These are very well proven facts but it is the static aspect I have been concentrating because it has the effects of gravity that we are looking for. In the extremes we are talking about, in our core, both of these results have nurtured our planet to life. It has grown and continues to grow in all aspects including what we are seeing today.

This static potential of our inner core is growing beyond the ability of our planets mass to contain. It reaches out and is pulling more potential into itself, gaining faster then the mass of our planet can support or can equalize. This causes what we are seeing now with the increased energetic displays we are seeing in our atmosphere. This invisible force is the one true potential driving it all. Our planet is the perfect model to show this at this time.

If we look at the history of our planet we will see that others knew of this potential and even calculated when it's potential would over take the mass we are living on. Since the first thing I believe that man would discover would be statics it makes perfect sense to anyone I have talked to that this is the High Tech source that is shown to us by our own writings and even in the designs of huge structures around the world. Most are made with highly crystallized stone which has been shown to have static like properties when struck. These structures are merely passive conduits to draw off potential from the core and utilize it for mans use. In doing so we can balance the potential of our core and get an everlasting power source for man. Although the directions have been lost to time and the devices or structures have degraded it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure the clues out.

Call me a kook or whatever you want but there is a reason the pyramids were built and it wasn't for it looks. There is plenty of discoveries about the pyramids to suggest that there is a link to the mass it sits on and the energy it is said to be emitting. This is because of the amplifying effect of the shape of this structure and the conduit of the matter it is made out of. If that wasn't enough proof then what about the place it was built on? The exact center of mass of our planet and enough stable foundation that goes further into our core then anywhere else. Somehow someone knew of this potential our our planet. They knew enough about stone to know that it transmits this potential and knew enough about geometry to know the shape of the stone could in fact amplify the base connection to draw out some of this charge our planet holds. The internal structure of the pyramid I believe is the controller aspect to this device. By creating blockages of charge it could control the flow of charge in the pyramid by using the same type of potential to create dams inside of the structure.

Ok enough about the Pyramids... So why do I think this related to Franks work. Well it can show the origins of matter. It would show how we can relate to matter and even how we can effect changes on it. Frank has shown some great thinking in the mechanics of matter on the smallest quanta and for that reason he should be commended but if we are to save our selves then we must understand the origins and the invisible aspect that is guiding matter and how we can fix the problem of our kind.

We must understand that Electricity and the theories that were made from that invention is not what is running matter outside of the electrical system. The electron doesn't exist outside of that invented system. It does exist inside that system because that is the way it was designed. Nature doesn't run off that system only mans invention does. Thats why we can not see the electron and never will. Nature runs off an entirely different system. A system that is under the Electrical one based off one half of the created electron system. A system that only includes potentials and the ability of matter to interact with those potentials when matter spans two points in space and creates a differential and hence movement or force between those two points. Density is a huge factor in the equation and that is where boundary conditions come in. Ie our layers in our atmosphere or water for that fact.

And this leads to what is causing our problem today. If we look at our atmosphere we can see that the extreme outer layer is very highly charged. This is due to the interaction between our suns output and our density change of our atmosphere between earth space and outer space. It is the skin of our planet system. This charge is based on surface area exposed to the suns emissions. Under normal conditions the outer layer would equal the inner potential but that would be the perfect system. Since the size of our planet is so massive the inner potential has added potential that is donated by the action of static pressures within our planet and conversions that matter is responsible for like heat and resulting flows from convection and expansion.

I guess that is enough for now. I sincerely apologize for this turning out to be a wall of text. I did not intend for that to happen. If this is way off topic I also apologize for that but I felt if we do not link franks work to the biggest examples and maybe show that we are still missing something then Franks good work would be for what then?


I bought a stungun that delivers 8 million volts,its rechargeable,you plug it into a wall socket.It weighs less than 4.5 ounces.With a few modications it could be a power source for a lifter.Cost me 26 dollars postage and handling included.triffid


If my memory serves me correctly, I believe Znidarsic doesn't know the exact mechanism for what causes the photons to be slowed down in the electronic structure of the atom in-order to match the speed of sound in the nucleus.  I believe Frank Wilczek has the answer.  Frank Wilczek is a Nobel Prize Winner and he is considered one of the world’s most eminent theoretical physicists. He is known, among other things, for the discovery of asymptotic freedom and the development of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).  He's also an official advisor to CERN and to Daedalus.  According to Wilczek and the standard model, photons inside superconductors are slowed-down and behave as particles with real mass.

How do we measure mass? The most familiar way is to use a scale. One sort of scale, the kind dieters have in their bathrooms, compares how much bodies (that is, dieters’ bodies) can compress a spring. Closely related are the scales that anglers use, which compare how much dangling bodies (that is, fish) stretch a spring. The amount the spring stretches (or, for the dieter, compresses) is proportional to the downward force the body exerts, which is what we call the body’s weight, which is proportional to its mass.

Using scales to compare masses is practical and effective, but it won’t do as a general, principled definition of mass. For example, if you take your body out into space, its weight as measured by a scale will get smaller, but its mass will stay the same.  We can, however, compare masses in other ways. For example, we can compare how fast two cannonballs start to fly after you launch them out of the same cannon.  According to Newton’s other laws of motion, a given impulse will give rise to a velocity inversely proportional to the mass. So if one cannonball comes out twice as fast as the other, it has half the massâ€"whether you do the experiment at the surface of Earth or in space.  If the photons are slowed-down inside superconductors, then this highly suggests the photons have acquired real mass.  So, during a quantum transition, a photon acquires real mass as it's being absorbed and loses it's real mass as it's being emitted.  The same thing may happen with the W and Z particles during a quantum transition.  The W and Z particles are much heavier, but the weak nuclear force is also much stronger at shorter distances.  Since it's much stronger at shorter distances, then it may be able to carry the heavier W and Z particles at the same quantum transitional velocity of 1094000 m/s.

Below is a quote from Frank Wilczek in his book titled, "The Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and Unification of the Forces". 

Quote from: Frank Wilczek
The model Nature gives us for making force-carrying particles heavy is superconductivity. For inside superconductors, photons become heavy! Here’s the essential idea. Photons are moving disturbances in electric and magnetic fields. In a superconductor, electrons respond vigorously to electric and magnetic fields. The electrons’ attempt to restore equilibrium is so vigorous that they exert a kind of drag on the fields’ motion. Instead of moving at the usual speed of light, therefore, inside a superconductor photons move more slowly. It’s as if they’ve acquired inertia. When you study the equations, you find that the slowed-down photons inside a superconductor obey the same equations of motion as would particles with real mass.
Cosmic Superconductivity: Electroweak Layer

The weak interaction is a short-range force. The fields responsible for this force, the W and Z, are similar in many ways to the electromagnetic field. The particles that arise as disturbances in these fields (the W and Z particles) resemble photons. Like photons, they are bosons. Like photons, they respond to chargesâ€"not electric charges to be sure, but what we’ve called green and purple charges, with similar physical properties. Their most obvious difference from photons is that W and Z are heavy particles. (Each weighs about as much as one hundred protons.)

Short-range force. Heavy particles. Sound familiar? It should. Those are exactly the properties of electromagnetic forces and photons inside superconductors. The modern theory of electroweak interactions is heavily invested in the analogy between what happens to photons inside superconductors and the observed properties of W and Z bosons in the cosmos. According to this part of the Core theory, the entity we perceive as empty spaceâ€"the Gridâ€"is a super conductor. Even though the conceptual and mathematical parallels run very deep, Grid superconductivity differs from conventional superconductivity in four main ways:

Occurrence: Conventional superconductivity requires special materials and low temperatures. Even the new “high temperature” superconductors max out at less than 200 Kelvin (room temperature is about 300 Kelvin). Grid superconductivity is everywhere, and has never been observed to break down. Theoretically, it should persist up to about 1016 Kelvin.

Scale: The photon mass inside a conventional superconductor is 10â€"11 proton masses, or less. The W and Z masses are about 102 proton masses.

What Flows: The super-currents of conventional superconductivity are flows of electric charge. They cause electromagnetic fields to become short range, and photons to acquire mass. The super-currents of Grid superconductivity are correlated flows of much less familiar types of charge: purple weak charge and hypercharge. W and Z fields can be generated by those flows, so the forces that W and Z generate become short-range, and the W and Z particles acquire mass.


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result.

God will confuse the wise with the simplest things of this world.  He will catch the wise in their own craftiness.