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Started by Doctor No, December 31, 2010, 12:29:53 PM

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Quote from: pix on December 31, 2010, 02:09:28 PM
Get lost psycho...
I thought that you was silenced by admin :-(
Maybe these bastards are being helped by the same ones (read: Grey aliens?!?!?!) who helped the Nazis in WWII?

Do these Polish Nazis have saucers?  Death rays?  I wouldn't put it past them to try and build them from Tesla technology.

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.

Doctor No


Quote from: Doctor No on March 18, 2011, 08:34:42 PM
With respect to Reply #6, this thread:

Okay Dr. No(wak), the Mad Scientist,

1) That blueprint barely prints legibly on a an ink jet printer.  With the title, it's possibly a WWII Nazi design?  Do you have a better, reworked copy that's legible?  And "accurate?"

2)  Seriously, where did you get it?  Do you have any more like it?  (This part of the thread may be moved to the Spacecraft/Flying Saucer Forum by the Moderators?)

3)  Is your group of crazy political right-wing fanatics actually trying to build one?  If so, I challenge you to land a prototype on the lawn of the CIA Headquarters in Langley, VA, just to prove you can do it!!

4) My question still remains after seeing your blueprint:  Are Little Grey Men (very approximate description  ;D    :o    ::)    :P    :-X    :-*    :-*    :-*    :-*   of whatever they are)  helping your group to build WMD's??!?!?!

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.

Doctor No

1. It is a project of this (pic.1) plane, built between IX 44 and flown on 19 I 1945 in Breslau (WrocÅ,aw today).

2. To have more and better, You can always write to Onkelchen Vladymir: Krasnopresnjeskaja Nab. 2
103274 Moscow

I like to write to him, cos he is our good neighbour.
Don^t trust? Please see: http://nsppp.bloog.pl/foto,11583106,gal,710999,index.html#next

And this, with Day of Cosmonautics, 12.04.2007 y.

Ð"ень КосмонавÑ,ики

Уважаемый Ð"осподин ПрезиденÑ,!

ЗавÑ,ра Ð"ень КосмонавÑ,ики.
ЭÑ,о уже 46 леÑ, од полÑ'Ñ,а Юрия Ð"агарина коÑ,орый
есÑ,ÑŒ Ñ,оже паÑ,рон нашей опыÑ,ной площади.
К сожалению почÑ,и полвека оÑ, эÑ,ого великолепного
моменÑ,а в исÑ,ории не Ñ,олько России но и Цивилизации,
космические пилоÑ,ируемые полÑ'Ñ,Ñ‹ в основе имеюÑ, месÑ,о
на Ñ,аком же самом пулапе как во время Ю. Ð"агaрина
и Сергея Корольова.
Ð"ешевые полÑ'Ñ,Ñ‹ на Луну Ñ,очно говоря эÑ,о шуÑ,ки,
а о полÑ'Ñ,аÑ... к звÑ'здам можем Ñ,олько мечÑ,аÑ,ÑŒ.
Одиноко же дейсÑ,вуеÑ, уже новая Ñ,еÑ...нология коÑ,орая
можеÑ, эÑ,и мечÑ,Ñ‹ привесÑ,и в исполнение и не Ñ,олько эÑ,и мечÑ,Ñ‹.

ЭÑ,о Ñ,еÑ...нология крупныÑ... Ñ,аÑ...ионныÑ... двигаÑ,елей
и Ñ...оÑ,я разрабоÑ,ал я иÑ... Ñ,еорию уже давно-35 леÑ,
назад, Ñ,олько Ñ,еперь об ней инÑ,,ормую.

Она опираеÑ,ся в принципе на Ñ,оже самыÑ... элеменÑ,аÑ...
как разрабоÑ,ана в 20-Ñ,Ñ‹Ñ... годаÑ... прошлого соÑ,илеÑ,ия
поÑ...ожа Ñ,еория авсÑ,рийца Ð'икÑ,ора Шаубергера,
но даже с развиÑ,ями внесÑ'нными в ей через иÑ,аленца
Ð"иусэппе Ð'элуццо.

Через более чем 30 леÑ, молчал я об ней Ñ,ак как и ничÑ,о
не сказал Ð'. Шаубергер мимо чÑ,о как помирал были уже
испыÑ,аны 20 МТ ядерные бомбы.

Сделал он -и я- Ñ,ак, поэÑ,ому чÑ,о помимо огромного
позиÑ,ивного поÑ,енциала Ñ,орчащего в ней, обладаеÑ,
Ñ,оже и негаÑ,ивными черÑ,ами -лучше было бы написаÑ,ÑŒ
чÑ'Ñ€Ñ,ами- при коÑ,орыÑ... сила испыÑ,анной 57-и МТ бомбы
Ñ,о игрушка.

По поводу оÑ,крыÑ,ой Ñ,,ормы эÑ,ого письма деÑ,али
не будуÑ, здесь подкаÑ,ены, но в проÑ,яжение
недели поданные Ð'ам через ................
Имею Ñ,ом самым жаждание чÑ,обы силы оÑ,веÑ,сÑ,венные
за проплыв инÑ,,ормации, приложили Ñ...одаÑ,айсÑ,во ним.

Равно я как и Ð'Ñ‹ Ñ...очем избежиÑ, сиÑ,уацию как кÑ,о Ñ,о
запусÑ,иÑ, в ценÑ,ре г. Москвы изделие расÑ...одом
10.000 рублей по коÑ,ором Ñ,о пуске воды реки Москвы
будуÑ, заливаÑ,ÑŒ глубокую дыру Ñ,ого самого звания.

Однако чÑ,обы более не Ñ,рагизоваÑ,ÑŒ, вмесÑ,е с завÑ,рашним
Ð"нем КосмонавÑ,ики можем говориÑ,ÑŒ чÑ,о программа
международного полÑ'Ñ,а вокруг Марса и причаливания
на Луну 15.08.2010 за начаÑ,ой!

А Ð'Ñ‹ Ð"орогой Сосед Ð'ладимир полеÑ,иÑ,е?

Ð"оцÑ,ор Но

им. НикиÑ,Ñ‹ С. Хрущева

ОбщесÑ,во МеждупланеÑ,ной Ð"ружбы
им. К. Ð'ойÑ,ылы

3. I don^t need, rather Russians with they own....
4. First, this knowledge belongs to clean Arians only. The first was Isaac Newton (maybe heard?).
Second, Arians become this knowledge direct from Nature (The God).
Do You think that i had learned this in school in age of 5 and to make project at 10?
It was of cours much different from this of Beluzzo. but power of engines thrust of 250T was nearly equal to.


Quote from: Doctor No on March 21, 2011, 12:53:41 PM
4. First, this knowledge belongs to clean Arians only. The first was Isaac Newton (maybe heard?).
Yeah, I've heard of him.  My Mom was distantly related to him.  She was a descendant of his uncle, Richard Newton.

Here's a thought:  Nowak in Polish means "New Man in Town".  In In other Slavic languages, it's spelled: "Novak".
English Newton is from Anglo Saxon for: "From the New Estate or Town".
They sound almost the same.  I imagine there are other variations in other languages.

Newton wasn't a Fascist, though:
You.  Are.

A few stupid people are politically right-wing enough to be considered Fascist toward people who are different than them.  Are you one?

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.