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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change - Free Energy will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
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use pulleys to multiply total # of rotations = AC electricity

Started by that_prophet, July 02, 2016, 11:35:19 AM

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free energy can be multiplied with pulleys

What this Christian Warrior is trying to get out to the world,
is the simplicity of tHis Gift.
Free Energy is here + now, even free of all patent fees =
please Goggle free_energy + yolasie.

free energy can be made simple,
you can use pulleys to multiply your electricity
instead of using oil to generate it

free energy is here now,,,
It is all done with pulleys. (mirrors of physical properties)
you use a small amount of electricity to rotate a very large pulley only the once,
then you get many times the power back out,
from the one or few generators connected to the same belt as the large pulley,
(rotating tens to hundreds of times the large pulley) all on the same belt

If you would like to know where this warrior is coming from,
please check these pages out :
for my mission, Please view any of these Bible web pages:

but no one will listen to the simplicity of it
all you do is put power into a motor to turn a large pulley only one revolution
and then you get massive amounts of electricity back
from the many small pulleys attached in the same belt

Please realize the dark conspiracy covering this subject, yes this is dirt simple, almost too simple to work,,, yet it does indeed work, you just need the faith to try it. Seriously, just try it out, and you will get to see the workings of one of His Miracles. Please, don't let this miracle be hidden any longer. Let us start using the technology of Ezekiel to change the world for the better.

It's workings are super simple
You put power into a motor to drive a large pulley only once (little energy)
+ You get out a multiple of that electricity
Depending on how small the generator pulleys are
As well as how many generators with little pulleys attached

With the amount of belt that goes around one large rotation
You can easily get 10 – 20 times the rotations of the input pulley
Then you can double your rotations each time you add yet another generator
On your own belt system, (easily done – takes little torque)

I figure, you simply must gain a multiple of the energy that you put in
As you are only putting enough power into the drive motor to rotate it only once
And you get back many times the electricity
Not only having smaller pulleys,
But gaining more rotations per foot of belt that you go through
To double or tripling your rotations by adding additional generators
on their own mini-pulleys

Free Energy is such an obviously simplistic discovery,
- as well as being extremely free + easy to produce,
what is the only reason for us missing this basic idea,
- we have been dumb to this free energy technology .

This technology has been hidden for far too long,
Please, go to this website
Search free-energy + yolasite
Or if this website allows URLs

then try your hand at producing a digital prototype
on one of the many free electronic simulator software's out there,
that will help start producing electric toys + tools,
and how about everything that runs on electricity,
being reproduced with free energy power supplies built into them.

Let's restart our economies,
by building industries that reproduce all of our electronics,
so that they are all self powered. (non polluting)

= First though, is getting rid of all the gasoline motors in our motorized vehicles,
and putting a GEM in them.

All we need to do, is have enough faith in His Word
to build these GEM (Good Electricity Multiplier) Miracle motor

(think about how simple this is)
(you put power in to rotate one large pulley once)
(you run a belt to rotate mini-pulleys many time)
(then you could add many mini-pulleys)
(each one rotating hundreds of times)
(multiplying your AC electricity)

It takes little energy to turn a one foot circumference pulley,
which can be used to drive a belt that turns a mini pulley
of one inch circumference many times
This 12X you gain your AC energy from the many times the small pulley rotates,
or even more from the many generators on mini-pulleys you add (no torque)
you can twelve times the AC electricity with every extra genertator attached
12X + 12X + 12X + 12X each starts to add up very quickly
all of these generators run free of any torque

come on guys + gals, this is so simple that it just has to work
you only put the small amount of energy to rotate a big pulley once
and you use pulleys to multiply your rotations many times
you could have ten mini-pulleys rotating hundreds of times
you simply must gain electricity
the torque is your only problem
and that would be minimal
if you only had a 12 inch circumference pulley
then you have 3 mini-pulleys
rotating 36 times for each one rotation of your large input pulley
Originally Posted by Tom C 
well its time for you to make something not just an electric wheelchair... please build it and put some meters on it...

Tom C
sorry Tom, but I happen to be poor + disabled, with shaky hands, so I cannot build it myself, nor can I afford to pay someone to build it for me
FREE ENERGY is so super simple. It only take one spark of DC electricity, to rotate a DC motor once, with a 100cm circumference pulley attached, giving you 100cm of moving belt, strap, rope or string. Then if you run this moving belt through 1 to 10 mini-pulleys of one centimeter circumference, you would get an output of 100 to 1000 cycles of AC electricity. There is no torque resistance from the mini-pulleys, as there is no current involved, or practically none, considering that to make this mechanism a self powered mechanism, you only need one spark of DC output to be sent back into the DC drive motor. These AC generators are just winding up massive voltages, which is all that you need to turn over your drive motor one single time.

This FREE ENERGY mechanism is in need of one more very important component, a full wave bridge rectifier, to convert your AC output generators into DC electricity, which is needed by your drive motor. I should state them as plural, just in case you have plural mini-pulleys, which would increase your total ability to tap power off of, both your AC or DC motor/generators. Once started running, (easily achieved by giving your large pulley with the DC drive motor a quarter turn by hand) this AC + DC power supply should be a perpetually running mechanism.(until the bearings dry out or some other mechanical break down)

FREE ENERGY is so super simple, that there simply MUST be something or someone,(evil forces) hiding it from the public eyes. Yes, there are in reality, two parts to this subject: (1) - how super simple this technology really is + (2) - how evil forces have an immensely powerful hold on this technology. First I will prove to you just how super simple this technology is, + second how powerful of a hold that Satan + his followers must have on our modern society, to be able to keep this technology hidden.

It only take one spark of DC electricity, to rotate a DC motor once, with a 100cm circumference pulley attached, giving you 100cm of moving belt, strap, rope or string. Then if you run this moving belt through 1 to 10 mini-pulleys of one centimeter circumference, you would get an output of 100 to 1000 cycles of AC electricity. There is no torque resistance from the mini-pulleys, as there is no current involved, or practically none, considering that to make this mechanism a self powered mechanism, you only need one spark of DC output to be sent back into the DC drive motor. These AC generators are just winding up massive voltages, which is all that you need to turn over your drive motor one single time.

This FREE ENERGY mechanism is in need of one more very important component, a full wave bridge rectifier, to convert your AC output generators into DC electricity, which is needed by your drive motor. I should state rectifiers as plural, just in case you have plural mini-pulleys, which would increase your total ability to tap power off of, both your AC or DC motor/generators. Once started running, (easily achieved by giving your large pulley with the DC drive motor a quarter turn by hand) this AC + DC power supply should be a perpetually running mechanism.(until the bearings dry out or some other mechanical break down)

Now you should be able to tap AC or DC electricity off either motor, or maybe even both. If you find that you cannot get much current out of either of the motors that you are tapping off of, then all you need to do is add more of your mini-pulleys with the AC generators attached. Diagrams can be viewed at http://free-energy.yolasite.com/

free energy
This works by using, one spark of DC electricity is all that is needed to start this mechanism running = DC motor with large 100cm circumference pulley turning only one single time. The 100cm of belt is then run past mini-pulleys of one centimeter circumference, gaining 100 units of AC electricity. The pulley combinations multiply you total # of rotations, which when AC generators are added, becomes AC electricity.
(1) – You can add as many mini-pulleys + AC generators as you would like, because these add no torque with their rotations. Torque comes from power generation = Voltage X(times) Current, and since we need only a spark of current, (practically none) to feed back into driving you DC motor, this negates the massive voltage you are generating with massive rotations of your generators. By the way, this massive voltage=pressure that you are easily generating with your massive rotations of your AC generators, is exactly what you need to push over your large drive pulley the one single time.
(2) – This Bible description,(Vision) that I was Given by God = (discovered), can be used for generating free energy, was from how a UFO motor looked while running. This could mean, if you are determined, that this mechanism might lead to anti-gravity + 1000 km/hr vectoring. Just think about this part of His GEM= (Geometrical Electricity Multiplier) of a Gift. Not only is this free energy good to help stop polluting our earth, but we could pay one time to build free electricity driven filters,(that run cost free) to help clean our atmosphere + water.
I know that most will reject this part of my description of how I came up with this Miraculous mechanism, but I still feel that I MUST state these awesome facts. This is a Gift from the God of our Holy Bible. He first gave me this in a Vision of a ten speed going uphill in 10th gear,(few rotations of pedals) and then back down the hill in first gear, (massive rotations of pedals). Since AC electricity is generated from rotations, I figured that the more rotations meant the more AC electricity you were multiplying.

I then took this logic and converted it, to perform a test with my electric wheelchair. I started out with a low battery, and went up a long steep hill as fast=(10th gear) as I could, until my battery died and my chair would not go any further up the hill. Then I went back down the hill slowly=(1st gear), until I got back to my starting point. I then repeated this action three times, of going uphill fast + back down the hill slowly, and each time I gained the power to go up the hill an extra 20 feet. So the 3rd time that I repeated this action, I was 60 feet higher up the steep hill. I had miraculously gained the power to go up this steep hill an extra 60 feet. Please remember, to have this experiment work on most any electric wheelchair, you must first change the settings on your electric wheelchair, to maximum torque,(1st gear) + maximum speed,(10th gear).

I was still unsure of Who had given me this Vision, so I ask my Lord for proof that this was from a His Spirit and not from evil spirits, trying to mislead me. I was shortly directed to Ezekiel 1:16, where the Word Stated plainly, "a (small)wheel in the middle of a (large)wheel". I did not have the technology nor money to build it exactly like it was stated, but I devised a simple way to used pulleys and a belt, strap, rope or string, that would simulate it.

I have been Shown many more important bits of information that can be found at http://beliefstoliveby.yolasite.com/ but my most important discoveries are here:


Dear Stefan,

Your site has almost 17,000 threads, most buried beyond any hope of discovery and yet you allow this hopeless idiot to start up more on his absurd nonsense to drown even more thoroughly those that exist.

Please ban him.

that_prophet :
We know about Chas Campbell. We don't need you. Build your machine and prove us all wrong BEFORE you bore us further with your rubbish.


Absolutely Won't work.  Try it & see.



I might be able to build this GEM http://free-energy.yolasite.com/ on one of those electronic simulators. If I could find a free one or demo that could handle moving parts in the equations. I have been searching the web for one, but I could sure use any help on finding a good one = easy to use + ability to handle moving parts + free or a working demo.

I cannot see how so many,(all) people are so easily duped by Satan + all of his evil forces, into believing that this has not even a chance of working. This is especially since how simple, logical and easy to visualize how simply this is in its workings. You need only one spark of DC electricity to rotate one large,(100cm circumference) pulley. One rotation gives you 100cm of belt, to run by 1 to 10 mini-pulleys, which would gain you 100 to 1000 units of AC electricity. YES, THAT'S ONE SPARK OF DC IN, WHICH GIVES YOU A RETURN OF 1000 UNITS,(sparks) OF AC OUT.

It seems easy enough to understand for me, how can you not be gaining=multiplying electricity. You are letting the mechanics of varying size and #'s of pulleys, to multiply your total # of revolutions, which in terms of AC electricity, means that you are multiplying your total amount of AC electricity. Torque is not a problem, as these mini-pulleys with AC generators attached are just winding up massive voltage = potential to do work. By the way, in order to make this a self powered mechanism, you are only in need of massive voltage, as you only need one single spark of DC current. (of course you must use a full wave bridge rectifier to convert your massive AC electricity into DC electricity)

This large pulley has a belt, strap, elastic, rope or even a tied length of string in a pinch, (extremely useful when you are in the Great Tribulation + cannot buy anything, without taking the mark=(guarantees you're going to hell)). Oh yes, could I bring up an extremely important FACT = the door=deadline for the Great Tribulation is less than eight years away = 2022.55 = 2019.1 + 3.45 solar years. By the way, these doors=(deadlines) are dates that we are allowed to know, as it tells us in (Mathew 24:33). "So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors"



Description of how to build a GEM = Geometrical Electricity Multiplier <<<free energy machine>>>
You start with a large (100cm circumference) pulley + you attach a DC motor to the center shaft of it
Then you need at least one small (1cm circumference) mini-pulley,
(the more the better) = More generators = higher current capability
<<because more AC generators=higher capability of current flow>>

Then you would need to build a framing system to hold the motor + generators in alignment for the belt
This could be made out of whatever you had in supply, (1)-wood + nails + screws, (2)-metal strapping or lengths of iron bars

I say that you need a belt, but in reality you could use a strap, elastic, rope or even tied length of string, to connect your large pulley + your mini-pulleys together.

Other possible names for the letters of GEM
-   God's Energy Mechanism
-   Good Electricity Maker

This is GOD 's Gift to mankind + as well as the natural world around us

This was Given to us way back in Ezekiel's time, yet evil spirits have kept this Gift hidden all these years
-   Just look at how ridiculously simple this technology truly is, and ask yourself just how gullible we were, to not see through the evil spiritual warfare that was hiding it from us.