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Bird on a wire

Started by WaveWatcher, June 21, 2007, 02:46:37 PM

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One way to make it more controllable would be to send them down the same wire in the same direction, different frequency. The signals won't "collide" as often, and the effect you found will only happen once per "collision" as opposed to twice.

Maybe a bit safer for testing.

What's the best way to stop a pulse before it reaches the end of the wire? Give it infinite length, and short it out repeatedly at different spots along the path.

GK and I discussed exactly this concept a few weeks ago.

Anyone care to post a video of this monster? Just so we can see it in action?


joe dirt

Quote from: Motorcoach1 on June 22, 2007, 06:18:42 PM
@ Wave Watcher: You sound like one of my old friend at International prototype in Fla. If these guys get this thing assembled and start running it and it blows hahahah and that will happen! as mine did...  hahahaha The Gooberment guys are going to bee pissed.  Now i can use real Knives and Forks when i eat.  now Joe Dirt knows why i pulled my post untill i could make it safer to test.  Thanks Mike  PS guys don't test this anywhere you value it has bad side affects hahahahah go for it !

Hey M.C.

Have we thought about what we are doing to our local enviroment (living space)?
  what I mean is, if we are creating scalar waves, a phenomenon I am told, is faster
  than the speed of light simply because of the way it propogates.  It can also change
  matter itself (perhaps what the acients called alchemy)  for an example, look at the
  attached pic,  It,s the familiar hutchinson effect on a bar of metal.

I look at that pic and all I can see is, stress, Misery, a lingering dread...  this matter
  has been altered.     I,ve been reading a web page (url below) and this guy gives
  some good reasons why one should be wary of trying to intrude on the fabric of reality
  with these type of devices, there,s a lot more to this than we can imagine,  what are
  the side effects?  I walk out to my shop and I get this depressed sensation, like dread
  is in the local enviroment   (or it could be i,m tired of winding these damn coils)

If scalar waves is the only way for this type of device, then I,m out, there is to much
  evidence that proves the wrong frequencies, or the return signals that come from
  the local enviroment, possibly farther away, can effect things in a very bad way!

If this is the "brass ring", then I,m dumping the idea and going to focus on hydrogen
  cells, "watterhammer effects" with good'ol H2O and leave the matrix alone, cause my
  name isn,t Neo and I can,t dodge bullets.

Read the website below, it,s very interesting + there,s alot more evidence on the web.


Hoping scalar is not the way



not sure if this is the right place, but here goes.

* Just How does the TPU work?

I've floated some ideas before - here is more.

Let's look at the possibilities:

1) earth's magnetic field
2) earth's electrostatic field
3) earth's gravity field
4) energy robbed from matter (does the equipment loose weight?)
5) energy of space (zpe)
6) energy of spacial expansion
7) energy of time
8) X the unknown

I'll try to assess these given the evidences:

a) a magnet is needed to start the device
b) a set of rotating magnetic fields is needed to run the device
c) the device stops if turned over
d) inertial effects (juddering) occurs when the device is moved
e) a pronounced gyroscope effect is experienced
f) the device becomes hot regardless of load
h) power outputs into KW have been shown

Realise that this is a set of opinions, not straight facts (hah!).

1) earth's magnetic field. No, the energy density of the magnetic field is tiny - and has a bad time moving a few grams of metal in a compass. I just do not see how this can put KW into a load. And how come no-one else has noticed the earth's field making stuff hot?

2) earth's electrostatic field (from ground to sky = several million volts). Well, a TPU is a few cm high and no-one has ever mentioned the importance of device height.

Yet the field coming up from the TPU might ?spiral? a column of static charge, forming a vertical tube of rotating electrostatic field. This obviously would not like being turned over.

How, though, could that give power out? If rolling electrostatic fields did that - then many devices could dump power. Such a tube could be formed, yet to my mind it does not have an excess of power to emit.

Plus the inertial effects. These are not known with electrostatic systems.

I'm going to say ?No? to this one - but will keep it in mind for-

3) earth's gravity field. Well, to make any inroads on this - we need a model for gravity.

I'm going to use Lew Price's ideas as they make sense to me - his idea is that gravity is a 2-parter:

1. an inflow (infall) of space towards mass (this is what etherists called ?entrained gravity?)
2. a funnelling effect i.e. compression of space-time as mass is neared (= curving of space).

Because the TPU is an electromagnetic device, I will also throw in another speculation, one which Einstein spent years trying to prove (he believed this - but could get no proof): Gravity is some sort of electrodynamic effect; somehow it is connected to electricity and magnetism.

Right: so G is inflall + funnelling + a kind of electromagnetic ?stuff?. Call that stuff ?ether?.

Now the TPU might work like this:

   a) gravity makes space inflall down about the coil.
   b) the rotating magnetic field spirals this (now we have a vertical rotating tube of space)
   <nothing happens as yet>
   c) the small magnet is introduced. The spiral is affected - it is offset but still ?rolls around? the TPU. The tube now behaves like spoon stirring space; it is lopsided.

   Note: this gives the inertia and gyro effect.
   Note: if ?g? is being modified, that would heat the material too - which comes from simple mechanical flexing, occurring at an atomic level as weight "blips".
   Note: as a ?g? device, it will stop if turned over - it must be positioned to catch vertical gravity inflow.

All very good, but why is there power out? Well, perhaps the funnelling effect is also affected by the small magnet. That would change the curve of space - one side a bit more, the other side a bit less (I'm thinking that this needs a picture soon).

That sounds like a change which <assuming gravity is a electrodynamic effect> make electrons chase about the coil as the tube rotates - they will be wanting to stay in their favourite place (be it high g or low g, I can't tell). All this is speculation.

So - OK - what is the final source of power? Gravity.

Test for this - see if g is affected by the coil OR take the thing out into deep space. It should stop working. Also should be difficult to start when TPU is on side rather than flat.

For me, that's a pretty good explanation - it hits all the spots.


4) energy robbed from matter. Well this is in - as it is a possibility. So, does it loose weight i.e. Weight at start of run, run for hours, weight again. Is it lighter??

:( weight drop would be very very tiny. Matter having some sort of components taken might make the matter hot, but what about the other effects?

It only puts one tick in my box - the heating. Unlikely I think.

5) ah the fave of TV - ?space? or ?zero point energy?. I hope not!

In the 1960's Wheeler calculated that a cubic metre of space (just vacuum) holds about 10^75 Kg of matter equivalent energy - down at the ?zero point? or foam scale. Hm.

Well, that's 10^91 Joules of energy (compare that to a Supernova said to emit 10^42 Joules).

... No, I don't think the TPU is a zpe device. We're still here.

Any mistake with a working zpe technology and yielding say 10^-20 of what is there - might dump out energies still dwarfing a Supernova and rip out our end of the Spiral Arm - literally.

This is like misquoting Ghostbusters. ?OK, Important safety tip, guys - don't er build a zpe device.?

// so - perhaps Supernovas are not from stars, rather guys playing with zpe??
// very Stargate Atlantis.

6) Nice. The Universe expands. I've put this in as it is the single biggest unexplained energy anomaly known. Could TPU be tied to that?

Well. Perhaps as a hybrid. IF the TPU is rolling a lopsided column of space around, perhaps that column does not expand at the same rate as the rest of the local region. Well that could give heating effects, but I don't see how inertial / gyro comes in with that.

I do not feel I have a good grasp on this one, but as it does not seem to tick many boxes I'm going to say ?unlikely?.

But playing with compressions might be a way to understand peak pulse devices - compress a lump of space, then let go - in the meanwhile the Universe has expanded. You get out: the energy put in PLUS the bit of expansion that was going on whilst compressing space (that make sense?)

To access that electrically - means spacial pressure affects electricity; that would have to mean ?space? was made of charge. That is actually very plausible. Next....

7) energy of time. I have seen a talk by an astrophysicist which opened ?Space is Time is Energy is Matter? - in which he said this was all forms of the same stuff: Energy (whatever that really is).

Hm. So time is a form of energy and the TPU could be playing with that... how? To me this ties in with slowing up the spacial expansion thing, or slowing gravity infall. Perhaps that means .... time is an electrodynamic effect?

How to tell: Measure c under a working TPU :)  with your handy MMX rig :(

8) The Unknown.

CONCLUSION: can't tell, but 8) or 3) Gravity looks good to me.

Footnote: what is the chirp for? Assuming 3) and gravity inflow is the cause, then the chirp might fold or roll-over the g flow, causing a knot or ball to be rotated around, not just a spiral.

Modifying the chirp modifies the way or amount of space folded into the ?knot? rolling around the TPU.

And that ties up with the vortex / tornado

I'll do a picture of the gravity idea.

Link: Lew Price stuff:  http://www.softcom.net/users/greebo/main.htm

All theory stuff - all good fun!


Very nice idea Steve with the gravity scenario, and I like it.

However, there is only one small problem....SM said later on that the magnets were not required for the device to operate.



... just a loop to one side on DC would give the effect of holding a magnet.

I assumed when he said that no magnet was needed - was because he'd replaced it with a small coil (which does nothing except replace the magnet).

In the very first video he had the TPU * running but with no output * and explained that he had to put a small magnet to it, to get it to make power (the video which starts with his device in a briefcase on a chair)
