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I see an economic diasater coming...

Started by the_big_m_in_ok, September 03, 2009, 01:05:30 AM

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Do you think the American economy will ever improve?

Yes, definitely
Possibly, in the long run
No, it will worsen


I see ( Vision,Futurism) an economic disaster ( by humans -planned  !?-) coming ( no other solution/ alternative !?)










Did they all publicated their works only for the : biblia/book/ bibliotheque or liber/book/library or to become their
work read and studied for preservation about a WWIII risk ,then real worldwide : in each household  !?

"Master/Maestro/Maire/Meister also called King/ Majestas " strategy game : " war on a table" 

                                                 Chess - eChess - Mephisto echess
                  the first machine which destroyed the human world chess champion : SCHACH-MATT/MATE
                  2019 : "Mephisto" in a really low level compared with " AlphaGo Zero"- neuronal process
                  one really long chess game ? 

                  Quantum computering ( for special case coordinated)  10000 years to 200 seconds

                  Quantum computering court by " RAM + ROM CONSTITUTION  library as memory "


                 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarGames  who begins the game  ? Where to "drop the first stone"  ?


What a difference one year can make...
Last year when I walked into a room and mentioned Trumps name everyone was defiant and giddy proclaiming Donny as their savior. Now they all look down in shame for being so misguided and rightfully so.

As we speak Trumps crimes and corruption just keep piling up as he throws one person after another under the bus. Now Trump doesn't even try to hide the fact he is corrupt to the core and wants to be a dictator. Now he's even turned on the republican party and soon he may declare them the enemy as well. What a shit show, I mean it's just so pathetic that so many could be hoodwinked by just another psychotic used car salesman in a plaid suit.

I will tell you what, when Trump started throwing all his allies under the bus I stopped buying all American products. Which may explain why the economy is going south as more and more people stop supporting the U.S.. You can only push a customer so far until there's blow back and they look elsewhere, it's just bad business. Trump the businessman, what a shit show, his daddy gave him over $400 million and his accountants made him a billionaire. However as the people around Trump have said... everything he touches dies.

Personally I don't think this shit show is over, I think Trumps supporters are so angry at the world there going to burn America to the ground just to spite themselves. When people start calling there own countrymen the enemy because they don't get there way the country is finished in my opinion. It's just a matter of time before this hatred spills over into the streets and civil war erupts. They would destroy there own country for profit and greed which is the beginning of the end.

Were also starting to see tent communities popping up in every American city which has become normal. It's just normal that slums like we see in every third world dictatorship are becoming normal in America as all that money rises to the top. Everyone cheers, they all cheer as Trump guts the economy slashing all the social programs designed to help the less fortunate. A return to barbarism devoid of empathy where dog eats dog which would seem to be Trumps mantra.

However America is just a country no more no less, a place people live and work just trying to survive. The problems start when they start thinking it's more, when they turn a nice place to live into a cult like belief of greed and superiority. History has shown us what happens when a civilization loses it's civility and compassion... it's fails and ceases to exist. This is natural law and there are no exceptions to my knowledge, it is what it is for obvious reasons.

Who would have thought anyone would proclaim an obese, old, corrupt businessman who is semi-illiterate and can't even talk in complete sentences as there supreme leader and savior?... I mean you can't even make this shit up. Look at him, this is your leader?, what a shit show.


The real shit show is the democratic line up... or closer to the truth, the socialist, Marxist, communist democratic parties.... They are blaming Trump for all the garbage they are doing...  Not excusing Trump for anything that he's done, but lets also lay truth down and prosecute the democrats for the same.   What's good for the goose is good for the gander.... Neither party is without sin - the democrats simply want to destroy America faster than the Republicans.   

We know from experience that no matter what they say about each other it's all just lies and promises to become elected - very little truth in politics ...


QuoteThe real shit show is the democratic line up... or closer to the truth, the socialist, Marxist, communist democratic parties.... They are blaming Trump for all the garbage they are doing...  Not excusing Trump for anything that he's done, but lets also lay truth down and prosecute the democrats for the same.

Sorry for rubbing it in but I took a lot of flack here calling Trump as a psychopath early on however I nailed it. Everyone was saying how he was there savior and all would be well and bla bla bla. As we know none of that happened and it turned into a three ring circus just as I predicted. He is a con man and the republican party should have known better, they own this.

So far as the the socialist, Marxist, communist thing goes Trump is no better and it seems pretty obvious he wants to be a dictator. In my opinion Trump wanting to be a nationalist dictator is no different that socialism/communism, same shit different pile. So the fact that his supporters seem willing to burn democracy and the rule of law to the ground is a little disturbing. What in the hell are they thinking?.

I'm a conservative and I liked George.W.Bush and while he wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box he had integrity and morals. I also liked Obama even if he seemed a little too liberal at times and he also had integrity and morals. Trump on the other hand is a douchebag with no integrity, no morals and is completely unfit for any office. You see regardless of which political stripe of politician America had in the past they had something in the way of integrity but not Trump and as we now know he's willing to sell you down the road to serve his personal interests.

Hell he hired his whole family in government at your expense, then made everyone stay at his resorts at your expense, golfed like mad at your expense and now wants to hold the G7 at his resort at your expense... when does it end?. Not to mention the fact he gave himself a $400 million dollar tax break also at your expense. No wonder he didn't take a presidential wage because it's peanuts compared to what he made off the taxpayers.

I'll tell you what, I have never seen anything like this shit show in the last 50 years, this is record setting mayhem and it's disturbing. I find it disturbing because if this bs continues the republican party will be ruined and never get elected again for a decade. They will lose all trust and be destroyed, do you want that?, I don't. The current republicans are giving the democrats just cause to ruin them if they don't get there shit together, start doing there job representing the people and enforcing something in the way of the rule of law.

Do you want globalization by the big corporations because if the republicans keep this shit up there going to lose and it's going to swing hard and fast to the hard left and nobody wants that. Trump is just giving the democrats power.


"trust" in what?

Macro-economics: Net Index ( without local taxes/ IVA)

100 units price individual exclusive product
30 units price individual standart product ( exclusive and standart product can be the same machine output)

15 units price gross selling/group buying price
7,5 units price kit (~ Ikea/Revell)  gross-selling price

Credit conditioning (world-wide :OECD accounting principles) :
credit-base : Substanzwert/material value

So for new products :
7,5 x 0,8 x 0,6 = 1.Rang/ prime tax validation ( investment)

3,6 credit units max. for kit or ready to use /individual or group buy/ standart or " exclusive" but new
                    This is called "book value covered credit-economy" !

  Strictly to differ from : consumers credits = Men- exploration/Menschen-Handel/-Ausbeutung                                    > 95% uncovered assets  ! Uncovered bank and assurance accounts. !   

These discounts - from industrial " net book costs" prices view- are also to find in the 70%/50%/30%/ down to "1 unit" legal auctions quotes by 1.-2.-3. auction day and only " value" financing treatment : "in situ" by cash !

The system illiquidity is for several decades to observe in the "legal auction courts". !
The poor economy can not anymore pay even lower legal auctions prices ergo 10% bank aval as Cheque and later credit is for " conventional consume habits" sufficient. !

Up to 80% down with the prices and salaries or 50%+ average annual disemployment : " Qual der Wahl" in german

Middle class profile :  India TATA Nano car price < 2000 US$ ;TATA wished to sell 300 TSD units per year. !

                                                 house "New Oroville-village" 10000 US$ for 105 sqm

Middle class profile U. S. :

For 60% from the U.S.Americans : the "1000 $"- cash barrier. ! For the upper 30%: 5000/10000 $  ?

With higher credit taxes and new "credit-object-validation= real market value BASEL IV " many middle class households worldwide becomes poorer and poorer and many : private insolvency. !

Article about St. Louis and the " house market": each 15 years a price crash = cyclical (" normal")

More credit than worth. ! Worth uncovered work financements. !