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I see an economic diasater coming...

Started by the_big_m_in_ok, September 03, 2009, 01:05:30 AM

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Do you think the American economy will ever improve?

Yes, definitely
Possibly, in the long run
No, it will worsen


Quote from: the_big_m_in_ok(where's PS)
Palm Springs. I'm in the high-desert, about 30 mi north.

Quote from: d3adp00l on September 21, 2009, 08:32:54 PM
The fact is we live in a forced global economy, and it ruins everyones economy. Lets take a look,

Sure, illegal immigration has hurt our job market, but it's not a major player by itself.

So has importing H1B-visa tech workers.
So has outsourcing phone-support and back-office work to India.
So has importing produce from South America.
So has selling our manufacturing plants to Japan and China.
So has exporting automotive assembly to Mexico.
So has outsourcing CAD, programming and graphics projects to Korea, China and India.
So has selling mortgages to unsophisticated, unqualified borrowers and then packaging the loans in AAA securities that are sold world-wide.

You get the idea.

It's the combined effect of 'accepted' predatory business practices that have the effect of deleting jobs from our economy and sending money out of the country, where it'll be spent at the above respective (offshore) locations.

And sure they know all this, but as I said in a previous post, 'they don't care', it's all about 'immediate gains' and 'I got mine'.

Now, if the regulatory environment is such that it's conducive to unfettered greed (greed is a great tool, almost as good as fear), the agenda setters say: 'so much the better'...why do you think the regulations (or lack thereof) are as they are?

Because those with the more 'ulterior' agenda control legislation (they 'own' the legislators).

Globalists? New-Worlders? One-Worlders? Communists? Socialists? Fascists?

Don't even bother, they're just labels. None of them would adequately describe what 'they' are (although the effects on the street may resemble many or even all of the above).

Which returns us to the last question in my previous post, since we can't 'save the world', how are you, individually, prepared to weather the storm?



ATT said:
Palm Springs. I'm in the high-desert, about 30 mi north.
Very good.  My parents bought a place for recreation in Idyllwild before they retired.  Before that they bought a trailer to take camping trips to Joshua Tree Park in the high desert.

... You get the idea.
... It's the combined effect of 'accepted' predatory business practices that have the effect of deleting jobs from our economy and sending money out of the country, where it'll be spent at the above respective (offshore) locations.
... And sure they know all this, but as I said in a previous post, 'they don't care', it's all about 'immediate gains' and 'I got mine'.

...Which returns us to the last question in my previous post, since we can't 'save the world', how are you, individually, prepared to weather the storm?
Okay, I have a definite answer:
Money and gold are a waste of time and resources to own.  Can you eat either one?

Canned food, bottled water, soap, toothpaste&toothbrush, hammer&nails, axe&hatchet, miner's pickaxe&shovel, bow&arrow, matches&firestarter kits, camping equipment, guns&supplies of gun ammo reloading equipment, survival books bought and studied...
Here's a good one suggested by the SciFi author Robert Heinlein:  Have your son or daughter join the Scouts and him, her and you go camping.

You see?  In simple terms:  Imitate the Mormons in terms of food, but don't advertise it, or you'll become an inviting target for armed gangs.

"Truth comes from wisdom and wisdom comes from experience."
--Valdemar Valerian from the Matrix book series

I'm merely a theoretical electronics engineer/technician for now, since I have no extra money for experimentation, but I was a professional electronics/computer technician in the past.
As a result, I have a lot of ideas, but no hard test results to back them up---for now.  That could change if I get a job locally in the Bay Area of California.


I think the best recreation thing to do is to play a certain sport that will test your heart and muscle endurance; or clean the your whole house! In that case, you don't actually made just only an exercise but also you clean your house!

International travel medical insurance


I love it when people toss in the racism card, when you point out the fact that cross border commerce hurts both sides.

First i don't care what you call me.

Second what was done to the native peoples was an atrocity. But it was done
            and nothing now can change it.

Your comments on "aliens" etc. does not take away the validity of my points. So don't bring up an opinion which has nothing to do with the subject.

Its a distraction tactic.

I don't care where your from, what difference does it make in this discussion, none.

Again you and many others can't see the point past your own hangups.

Until you can get past the race card, and see how the actions of individuals affect the lives of those individuals you are missing the needed understanding to see the solution.

I would feel the same if the people doing this were white, purple or any other color.

The fact is this profit maximization theory of business that condones outsourcing of jobs for profit of the few, hurts everyone.

Again I make the point, people diversify their stocks into different separated areas for stability, then why in the hell and we consolidating the worlds economic system. Its insane, and hurts everyone but a very few.

Here are some more facts

Fact: people are different
Fact: they are different largly due to their location
Fact: those differences are interesting
Opinion: why would we want to melt everything to one pot, and loss our differences? That means everything would be the same the world over, screw that its boring.

Fact: some of us should not be around others. I know who I am, and I know that some types of people wouldn't want to live next to me, and I wouldn't want to live next to them, we have different kinds of lives. What is wrong with knowing your different, and wanting be seperate from those who you would annoy? Finding like minded people and being around them is not racism, its responsible action.

what do you people not understand about these things? when will you grow past where you are, and get to the point where many of us are, we don't care about race, we care about others and what is best for them and us, because you can have a situation thats good for both.

Again I repeat, my points stand, your comments are not relevant to the points I made.
History is full of people who out of fear,
Or ignorance, or lust for power have
destroyed knowledge of immeasurable
value which truly belongs to us all.

WE must not let it happen again.
-Carl Sagan


I agree with quite a few points made in this thread, but not all by any means.

Is a collapse coming? You better believe it!
USA gov't just did some cosmetic work to pretty up a bleak forecast for a little space of time, while making the "bottom" of the crash a LOT lower then it would have been had we had just tightened our belts and waited it out.

I think a good part of this came from going for the cheapest (Wal***t mentality).

If you spend your money with local business, most of it stays local and the dollar you spent buying your neighbors goods or services will probably make its way back to you in time.
Trying to save a few pennies or dollars by buying from a national or global retailer takes that money out of your area and puts it in the pocket of d3's "6%".
The 6% spend the majority of that money amongst themselves and it never makes it way back to your area killing your neighbors business.
Your neighbor no longer has money to spend where you work since they have fewer dollars to spend (if any) and are forced to buy the lowest price goods which takes the money out of the area the same way.
You get laid off (or your business fails) and you buy less, but still go to that "cheapest price" place to get the "most" for your money.

It's a very vicious circle, but it takes time and experience, or GOOD ECONOMIC EDUCATION to realize that cheaper is (most times) not better in terms of quality, selection, and/or local economic stability.

Part of that education is knowing the difference between a "want" and a "need".

A big screen TV or "Hummer" is not a need, it's just something media has convinced you that you need.

Anyway....on the topic of weathering the collapse:

1.) Get to know your neighbors and support their business, most times they'll return the favor.
If they don't, try another business as close to home as you can.

2.) Try to get a handle on good barter practices.
Barter sucks as it's a lot easier for someone else to price a good or service you need, but when money is scarce, barter makes a hell of a lot of sense.
Be aware that's gov't doesn't like it because it's a bitch to tax.

3.) Figure out how to to be the most self sufficient when it comes to feeding/sheltering your family or yourself.
It's a lot harder than it sounds, but societies used to function that way, no reason why they can't again.

4.) Stockpile knowledge as much as any other commodity.
Your ability to do something your neighbor can't may be the only thing you have to barter with for something you need.
When you do sell a service, do it like you were doing it for yourself. Quality and durability is going to become much more important than the cheapest price.

5.) Be aware of the news (from all kinds of outlets) and use those resources to make good reasoned decisions.
Most media these days is at least 70% fear based and there is no better candidate for being led by the nose than someone who's in a continual state of fear.
Most things led by the nose are on their way to slaughter.

These should be very basic concepts that anyone knows, but I'm always surprised at how many don't.
When I stop learning, plant me.

I'm already of less use than a tree.