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how we are are "supposed" to defeat the illuminati.

Started by nitinnun, December 17, 2009, 04:21:23 AM

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Quote from: nitinnun on December 17, 2009, 04:21:23 AM
so no matter what else we do,
we must BELIEVE that the world is a paradise.

because if most of the people of the world believed in paradise,
than paradise is what the world would become.

because manifestation is real.
and what you think about, is what you create.
And maybe if I click my heels together three times...
"I think it's better to have ideas [than beliefs.] You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant." - Rufus the 13 Apostle.


Quote from: jibbguy on December 20, 2009, 03:03:15 PM

If you, yourself, repeatedly insist on bringing up the subject of your own family members being members of the "Illuminati", then it is illogical to demand that it be not commented on.

Please explain your reasoning, and evidence if possible, that your Father In Law was an actual member of the "Illuminati"; and how you are so sure such an organization actually exists... I think many of us here would be genuinely curious and willing to consider your comments on this subject objectively.

Because for hundreds of years there has been NO EVIDENCE that such an "club" or group still actually exists (and having such evidence could prove "useful" to some conspiracy site owners i know of, lol), although historically there seems to be evidence that it once did, centuries ago.

Now that is not saying that "Illuminati-like" organizations, and conspiracies concerning them, do not in fact exist... only that trying to convince us that you DEFINITELY KNOW ABOUT these things that are usually termed "urban legend", is quite strange and demands explanation (...if you expect anyone to believe you at least).

Frankly, i suspect you are simply extrapolating and exaggerating a bit based on the common perceptions of the "legend", but please educate us if i am "wrong" here. Because if you were "initiated" into such a secret organization yourself, it is highly unlikely that you would go around posting little tidbits about it publicly in the first place.

And it is clear that the "Illuminati" are either a "secret" order, or a "non-existent" one. And being a government functionary/minister would not be  automatic proof of "membership" (..nor would being a Mason, evidence shows that most Masons would have no idea about what MAY ALLEGEDLY be going on behind the scenes with that organization); as there are millions in these categories all over the world, and it is extremely unlikely they are all in on some giant secret conspiracy... And if these secret groups DO exist, and/or have a secret agenda, then that IS a "conspiracy", no matter what the actual aim may be.

I've known wealthy & important people, and several government functionaries as well; and although some may have had shady dealings with local real estate developers, and "accidentally" met for breakfast with building contractors to fix bids and receive kick-backs, or leaned-on the local Zoning Commission to gain a little help for their "friends" who wanted to "steal" and develop land that legally belonged to others'... Or dropped $10,000 into a Senator's Reelection Campaign to get "a special favor" done for their corporation regarding taxes, or played Golf with a Judge and got a Environmental Pollution Violation Case dropped, or who somehow ended-up with the entire multi-million dollar Estate of a dead Client after having it locked-up in Probate Court for years... i am convinced these people have nothing at all to do with bringing in a "New World Order". But their personal greed and corruption was quite enough to damn them anyway lol ;)

It doesn't take secret organizations and conspiracies to bring down the world; only enough individuals in positions of power and influence that are "independently" corrupt and only loosely associated to cover each others' backsides as a common defense mechanism.

I think that when we concentrate on the conspiracy agendas, we often forget that this VERY REAL faction of corruption is all over the world, doing crimes individually on a "small scale", that add up collectively to be huge.

Perhaps the "reality" here is not "Black and White" but a varied mix of both... The world really does come in "256 shades of gray".

Some good points here, and the last one, 'shades of gray' sums up a great deal about the world and the way we perceive it, because we are constantly told to see things in terms of 'ether this or that'. The Illuminati
was founded by a defrocked priest named Adam Weishaupt. This we know. What is less talked about is his meeting with a man called Amschel Mayer Rothschild, and the 'agreement' that ensued.
      The name 'Illuminati' is perhaps a misnomer because these people hide behind many names and organizations. Let's dispense with that and call them 'the dark side' if it makes you feel more comfortable.
      The principle is this: there is an 'elite' who use revolutions, fund both sides in wars, and initiate financial crashes to 'remould' society in the order they see fit. It is they who control secret societies like the Masons from the top down. It is they who compartmentalise these groups so that the 'minions' can't see the larger picture, just as intelligence agencies around the world are connected at the top in a pyramidal control structure.
      We are taught to believe by the mainstream media and Hollywood that this is a 'conspiracy theory', and that those who subscribe to such beliefs are kooks and weirdos. In the film conspiracy theory, Mel Gibson was painted as a well-meaning paranoid nutball who kept his coffee in a padlocked metal container.
      The problem is that there are real conspiracies. No amount of propaganda is going to 'undo' this reality, since the evidence is plain for anyone who bothers to do the research.
      The idea is to keep us thinking that world events happen in isolation, and that there is no coordination behind it, no organization. But there is. What we now see emerging is the plan for a world government, a global carbon tax - based on 'science' that is increasingly being exposed as fraudulent. You have the irony of Obama returning from the Copenhagen summit to 14 inches of snow in Washington - snowplows cleared his path home. Here in the UK we've had snow and temperatures which range from 0-3 degrees celcius. It's become a rarity to experience snow before Christmas, yet we've had it. In northern France there were 8 inches of snow, and 4 Eurostar trains were shut down in the tunnel,  stranding hundreds of passengers. We can certainly expect more cold weather ahead - check out the European section of accuweather.com to see how not every accredited scientist agrees with the Met office and their suspect statements -wattsupwiththat.com for another non politically-correct point of view.
      The problem is that we've been taught to see things in isolation. The larger view is either not talked about, or the very idea that such larger patterns exist, is discredited. The same with corruption. When torture was exposed in Abu Graib, it was described as 'a few bad apples'. When Climategate was exposed, it was 'a few bad apples'

It is not 'a few bad apples' - the whole system is wrotten and corrupt, and it is reinforcing the control of the few over the many. This will go on, until we understand that we do not live in a democracy - we live in a hierarchical control system. This is a coorporatocracy. The coorporations control governments - and who controls the coorporations? Do your research, and you will discover the truth.


Quote from: nitinnun on December 17, 2009, 04:21:23 AM

so no matter what else we do,
we must BELIEVE that the world is a paradise.

because if most of the people of the world believed in paradise,
than paradise is what the world would become.

because manifestation is real.
and what you think about, is what you create.

@All + nittin
This is flawed teaching because if you accept what there is and shut your eye to injustices of the world, the same will be dished out to you the next time round. We  guide creation with what is resonating with our feelings and actions so, if ignoring the negative is one of those, ignorance will manifest.


Quote from: MasterPlaster on December 21, 2009, 09:21:57 AM
@All + nittin
This is flawed teaching because if you accept what there is and shut your eye to injustices of the world, the same will be dished out to you the next time round. We  guide creation with what is resonating with our feelings and actions so, if ignoring the negative is one of those, ignorance will manifest.

This is difficult to deny - because it's the truth. Did Nittinun say that you should ignore the truth, and the dark side? I don't think he did. Greetings from heavily snowing London...


so no matter what else we do,
we must BELIEVE that the world is a paradise. (quote from nit)

this is ridiculous

try preaching that sermon to the starving/malnourished in africa india s america etc
id say 2 billion at least

i met a burmese doctor in thailand and i asked him
are the burmese happy?
no he said
were you happy when you were there?
no he said
your friends and family?
do you know ANYBODY thats happy in burma?
yes only the people in power

from all reports ive got the same is true in bangladesh
n korea

a man in deep debt cannot be happy no matter he chants this is paradise
10 000 times a day
a man pulling 3 persons in rickshaw in middle of calcutta in the heat is the same
ask any sick person to believe this is paradise........

its very easy for a man with good amount in bank account to say
money is nothing

there are many hellish conditions in operation
zen is the art of seeing everything and noticing nothing