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News announcements and other topics => News => Topic started by: nitinnun on July 16, 2008, 04:57:47 AM

Title: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on July 16, 2008, 04:57:47 AM
if you do not understand this explanation, than you will likely never build a setup, that
harvests electricity from a pyramid.

because i doubt there is a simpler explanation, that exists outside of a secret illuminati

please do not condemn this, unless you have something that "works better".


* build a non-conductive pyramid.
(the pyramids in Egypt were made of non-conductive brick, for a reason!)

* place a copper "peak-plate" onto the peak.
(copper, bismuth, or any "positive" metal should work.)

* the peak-plate should be shaped like a pyramid.
(as if the peak-plate were its very own pyramid.)

* this peak-plate should have sides, and be thick.
the thicker the peak-plate is, the better it should work.

* wrap the bottom half of the pyramid (the "base" opf the pyramid), with aluminum foil, if
you want even more output.

(this is likely not required, if you ground the negative antennae directly under the
peak. so that the antennae is sitting in the negative polarity area of the pyramids
magnetic field.)

(the negative base metal should NEVER be magnetic. or else its magnetism will screw up the
pyramids energy activity. or so i am told.)

* the copper cap-plate and the aluminum base wrapping should NEVER touch electrically.
because you want them to function like a capacitor.
if the peak and base touch, they will short each others charge out.


* place an "antennae" as far up into the pyramids peak as possible.
(a chunk of metal soldered to the end of a wire, counts as an antennae. this peak-antennae

just needs to collect energy, as per a television antennae.)

* this peak antennae should NOT electrically connect with the peak-plate.
(that would most likely screw up the peak-plates energy activity.)

* the peak-antennae should NEVER touch anything which is negatively charged, or anything
which is grounded.
if the peak-antennae touches the ground, it will short out. and it will dump the positive energy in the positive half of the capacitor, into the ground!

* place a second antennae in the base of the pyramid, DIRECTLY under the peak.
this base-antennae should be grounded to something.

(if the base antennae is attached to aluminum wrapped around the pyramids base, than

"grounding" is unneccesary. because the aluminum will act as the "negative".
the dirt outside is just one big "negative" anyway.
the dirt outside can be replaced with another "negative", for a similar result.)


* hook the peak-antennae, up to the positive half of a capacitor.

* hook the base-antennae, up to the negative half of a capacitor.

(on youtube, les brown used 2 coils, in place of capacitors. those coils also served as
part of the 2 antennae's. he did this for the sake of efficiency. NOT for some unknown
energy reason.)

(if you have a good capacitor and 2 good antennae's, THAN COILS ARE NOT NECESSARY!)

(the "positive energy" in the peak spins clockwise. so the counter-clockwise peak-coil,
was good at storing it up like a capacitor. that is why that coil, was counter-clockwise!)

(the "negative energy" in the base, spins counter-clockwise. just ask any blood sucking
grey alien, who's aura spins counter-clockwise. the opposite of a pleiadian or human aura,
which spins clockwise.)

(the clockwise coil in the base, was good at storing up counter-clockwise spinning
negative energy, like a capacitor. that is why the base coil is clockwise!)


* the capacitor "most likely" needs to be charged up, to start the "energy reaction".
because most free energy devices, require energy to start them up.

* a net gain of DC electricity should fill up the capacitor. hook up a computer fan, to
the capacitor.

-:here is how it works:-


* all pyramids collect-store energy/magnetism, from the earths magnetic fields. which is
why one side must always face magnetic north. so that the pyramid can align with the
earths magnetic field, in order to harvest the earths magnetic field.

* the pyramid most likely collects/stores electrostatic energy from the atmosphere.
this energy is found in every cubic inch of air, in our atmosphere!
but the electrostatic motherload, is in the ionosphere. which holds eneough electricity
within itself, to power north america for i don't know how long.

* the positivly charged ionosphere, floating above the negativly charged earth, should
serve as a hint to this. EXPECIALLY since the 2 never touch.

(when the ionosphere and the earth do touch, lightning bolts (electricity!) is created.)

(in this way, the positive and negative should only touch, in the place where you want the
electricity to form. such as the computer fan attached to the capacitor.)


* each pyramid has its own magnetic field. (which was collected/stolen from the earths
magnetic field. like a vampiric lawyer, drinking the blood of the living O.J. simpson trial, to sustain its cursed existence.)

* the copper peak-plate, and the aluminum base wrapping, increase the ability of the
pyramid, to collect and store the earths magnetism.
(more metals = more magnetism collected/stored!)

* the peak is always positive.
the base is always negative.
so the EM field flows into the peak, through the middle, out the base, up the sides, and
back into the peak.

* current is required to charge a capacitor. and to keep the capacitor charged up.

* the current of the pyramids magnetic field, is what charges up the capacitor!

(the copper peak-plate and the aluminum base wrapping increase the pyramids "capacity" to
hold magnetic field. making the pyramids magnetic field stronger.)

(the stronger the pyramids magnetic field, the more power/weight there is, behind its
current! so the more the pyramid is capable, of charging up a capacitor!)


* the peak-antennae collects "positive magnetism", from the positive half of the pyramids
magnetic field.

(the "positive current", forces the positive magnetism, into the peak-antennae. the
positive current keeps the positive energy trapped in the capacitor.)

* the base-antennae collects "negative magnetism", from the negative half of the pyramids
magnetic field.

(the "negative current" forces the negative magnetism, into the base-antennae. the
negative current keeps the negative energy trapped in the negative half of the capacitor.)


* you most likely need to charge up the capacitor, to start up the process.

* the positive charge in the positive half of the capacitor, goes into the peak-antennae,
then into the peak-plate.
the peak plate charges up the positive half of the pyramids magnetic field. starting up
the positive magnetic current, which starts pushing positive magnetism into the capacitor.

* the negative charge in the negative half of the capacitor, goes into the base-antennae,
then into the aluminum base wrapping or grounding.
the aluminum base wrapping, charges up the negative half of the pyramids magnetic field.
starting up the negative magnetic current, which pushes negative magnetism into the

-:the thomas trawoger pyramid "barely" works:-

-:i am very angry at thomas trawoger. read below, to see why:-


* the entire frame is steel. this steel is "negative".
this caused the peaks positive polarity/charge, to be VERY weak!

* thomas trawoger used the steel pyramid frame, as his "negative ground".
since the peak and base were on the same frame, the negative charge in the base, WENT
this also greatly weakened the pyramids magnetic field!

* the current of the pyramids magnetic field, is what forces magnetism into the battery.
the weaker the magnetic field, the weaker the pyramids ability to charge up the capacitor.


* the "copper loop" in the middle of the thomas thrawoger pyramid, collected/stored the
"positive polarity", of the pyramids magnetic field.

* the positive polarity is supposed to be at the peak of the pyramid. so the middle was a
very bad place for the positive polarity!

* the virtical loop shape, was a very inefficent/unsupportive shape, for the positive half of the pyramids magnetic field, to be stored in!

* the steel frame of the pyramid above the copper loop, was negatively charged. so the
positive polarity of the magnetic field, was SURROUNDED by the negative charge stored in
the steel frame!

(that is like shoving someones head down inside their chest, and then cementing shut their
neck. to keep their head trapped in their chest!)

* the copper loop was electrically sepperate from the steel frame. if they had been
connected, than the pyramid would have produced nothing.
it was very careless/neglegent of thomas trowager, to not make absolutely clear to us, this
most important part of the pyramid. that the pyramid is a capacitor, and the positive
storage metal must ALWAYS be sepperate, from the negative storage material!

* the "wire frame" of the pyramid, greatly reduced the capacity of the positive and
negative storage metals.
the thicker/wider the metals, the more charge they can hold.


* the "central capacitor" inside the copper-loop, IS NOT A CAPACITOR! it is an antennae!
and it functions EXACTLY the same as the peak-antennae, in MY pyramid!.

* all of those funky wire coils, were hooked up to this
peak-antennae-disguised-as-a-capacitor. all of the wires were likely connected in series,
at that.

* this peak-antennae-disguised-as-a-capacitor, had one connection to the positive half of
the lower capacitor. so the wires connected to the peak-antennae-disguised-as-a-capacitor,
were nothing more than an EXTENSION, of the peak-antennae-disguised-as-a-capacitor!

* the wire (singular!) "might" have had 1 or 2 connectiosn to the copper loop. thus making
the copper loop itself, an extension of the peak-antennae-disguised-as-a-capacitor.

* if the above is true, than that likely hurt the electrical output even more. because
then the capacitor and what should haave been the peak=plate, are
electrically/magnetically connected. and this would distort the magnetic field of the
pyramid. (even more distorted than the magnetic field already was!)


* there was sand, saltwater, and graphite sticks (carbon), inside the copper loop.

* this "might" have played a part in the reaction. because i have build "glue cells" using

copper, steel, and elmer's school glue (elmer's glue is water and carbon!), which also produce electricity.
produces electricity, indefinitely!

* the copper and steel in my glue cells, must never touch. only the glue must connect them.
this is EXTREMELY SIMILAR, to how les brown connected his peak-antennae and his base-antennae, with a thread of sheep's wool.
the sheep's wool was organic. it had hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon inside of it!


* thomas trawoger is a lying prankster, someone who's ability to communicate is awful, doesn't know as much as he thinks he knows, and isn't as great and glorious as he thinks he is.

* originally, he lied about his name. saying that it was "flavio thomas".
lying about his name didn't protect him from harm very much. and his real name was found out anyway. if "thomas trawoger" even IS his real name, and he isn't just lying to us twice,

(was this an impulsive lie from him? what else does he lie about too?)

* thomas trawoger lied about the magnet being required in his pyramid, when it was not.
he said that it was a trick, "to see who was faking his pyramid. because if they said the magnet was required, they were faking it!"
was this another impulsive lie from him? or was he jacking us around for his amusement?

* people mentioned very childish behavior and messages from thomas trawoger. i didn't see it, but i can easily see it happening, based on what i "have" seen of him.

thomas trawoger is not a god. he is not a glorious visionary. he is not even "honest", with small things.

he is just some silly-faced, chain smoking mook, who somehow came into possession of part of an important truth. yet failed to share that truth with the rest of us.

failed to share the truth with us due to his incomplete knowledge, due to his ineffectiveness to relate things to  other human beings, and due to his twisted enjoyment of playing childish pranks on a forum of inventors, who are despiratly seeking a technology which could save humanity and our planet from destruction.

thomas trawoger deserved a little respect for "sharing", however fruitlessly, his small slice of the truth.
unfortunately, he put himself deep into respect-debt, with the rest of the ******** that he pulled on us.

you might think that this thread is being too hard on him. but how else is a man who denies the world its salvation, for the sake of stupid jokes and egomania, supposed to be treated?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Drannom on July 16, 2008, 08:49:48 PM
Very good Nitinnun, where have you learn so far ?

i'll try this with alum pyramids, i have a mini copper pyramid too, and i am good in electronic, static electricity convert into a capacitor ! why not

i wonder what is your views on Pyraman pyramid in Pyramid Power, that is another type , a resonnating one producing heat
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: tak22 on July 17, 2008, 12:34:31 AM
???  gee, you'd think with this much detail you could maybe just build it and report your results?  ???

Are you expecting a rush of replicators to do your work for you?

I can tolerate grand theories for difficult to construct items, but this is getting ridiculous.

I happen to like pyramids and admire the work of Les Brown, so I do hope something positive comes of this.

tak (in an intolerant mood)

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 01:36:51 AM
i drew a picture.

between this thread and this picture, there should be no more mysterious unknowns.
you should have everything you need, but didn't know before.

unless that organic/carbon/elmer's-school-glue, needs to connect the positive and negative antennae's together. to mix together the positive and negative energies.
like the sheep's wool connected with the positive and negative antennae's, in les browns video.

but if so, that is about it.

as simple as this design is, i'm too tired, too sick, and too demotivated to build it.
i'm gripped by nausea a quarter the time, intolerably dizzy half the time, numb most of the time, spaced out most of the time, and not interested in living another minute on this miserable planet.

even on my best day, i do not enjoy building things. in fact, i loath it.
and if one of you does not build this, than it may never be built.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: AbbaRue on July 17, 2008, 01:55:14 AM
So now we know the true meaning of the all seeing eye on the USA dollar bill.
The eye is actually one of the antenna's of this device.
The secret of unlimited free energy has been there right in front of every American's nose all along.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 02:14:29 AM
i guess that means my electricity harvesting method has already been tested and approved, by the illuminati.......

by the way. "annuit coeptis novus ordo seculorum", are the words around the pyramid picture, on the one dollar bill.

in english, it means "he approves of our new world order". or something along those lines.

so the peak-antennae must be extremely important, if the illuminati were willing to declare their motto, together WITH the peak-antennae.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 02:24:40 AM
i just realized that on the dollar bill, the peak of the pyramid is ELECTRICALLY SEPPERATE from the base of the pyramid. like in my design.

since the peak/all-seeing-eye is electrically sepperated, it can store positive energy from the positive end of the pyramdis magnetic field. without being discharged by the negative base of the pyramid.

that is what the ancient egyptians did. they mut have put copper or gold caps on top of the pyramids. and since the copper/gold cap were electrically sepperated by the brick pyramid, the copper/gold cap could store up positive energy.

chance that the person who designed the dollar bill, knew how to harvest energy/electricity from pyramids = 95%
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: Freezer on July 17, 2008, 02:59:39 AM
Quote from: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 02:24:40 AM
that is what the ancient egyptians did. they mut have put copper or gold caps on top of the pyramids. and since the copper/gold cap were electrically sepperated by the brick pyramid, the copper/gold cap could store up positive energy.

I read somewhere that the tips of the pyramids of giza were made of mica.  What ever happened to thomas trawoger anyways?  I guess the mibs silenced him?  :-\
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: helmut on July 17, 2008, 05:49:03 AM
Quote from: Freezer on July 17, 2008, 02:59:39 AM
I read somewhere that the tips of the pyramids of giza were made of mica.  What ever happened to thomas trawoger anyways?  I guess the mibs silenced him?  :-\

Good point

And by the way. What happend to PYRAMAN ? It looks to me that something  evil crossed his way.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 17, 2008, 07:53:37 AM
i write personaly to PYRAMAN about sand wat i found in my countru Latvia  but no ansvers from him.

p.s  i heard that masons with jan michael zhar in front trayed to put golden cap on giza in 2000 year aniversary but something go wrong and chopers cant put this cap on ...

idea about  earth negative and atmosfere posetive gradient is very logic  and i see that only  pyramid scale affect how much energy is colected...   highter pyramid produces more energy !!!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 08:12:51 AM
the copper and aluminum metals are a FAR bigger modifier for magnetic power, than pyramid size alone.

a small pyramid with sepperated copper and aluminum, would be capable of producing the output of a far larger pyramid made from a non-conductive material.

the pyramid MUST at least have a cap on top, made of positive metal.
or else the pyramid will not be able to charge up much, before positive and negative meet in the middle, discharging the entire pyramids magnetic field.

that is why the "sweet spot" in a pyramid, is slightly lower than the perfect center. because the "volume" inside the pyramid meets the 50% mark, slowly lower than perfect middle.
at this 50% mark, the positive charge in the peak meets the negative charge in the base. and both charges discharge each other, into a small burst of electricity!

the copper peak and the aluminum base GREATLY increase the magnetic capacity of the pyramid. allowing a one-element pyramid which can barely put out energy electricity, to put out lots of energy.

by the way. energy storage is based on mass. so the more copper/aluminum atoms on the pyramid, the stronger the pyramids magnetic field is capable of becoming.

and the stronger the magnetic field, the more capable the pyramid is of charging up a capacitor.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 08:32:25 AM
i know why the pyramids in Egypt use the 52 degree angle at the base of each triangle.

when the base angle of the triangle is 52 degree's, the sides and floor are 45 degree's from each other!

when the sides are flour are 45 degree's from each other, than the "peaks positive current" and the "bases negative current", are perfectly balanced.

if the pyramid is too tall/narrow, than the "peaks positive current" is bigger than the "bases negative current".
as a result of this, the peak-antennae is receiving more current than the base-antennae.
and as a result of this, the capacity is limited to the smaller amount of negative charge, in the negative half of the capacitor!

so it is like an egg shaped wheel. the smaller end of the egg-shaped wheel, is a weakness.

the above is why the 52 degree angles pyramid, produces the most energy! because its positive peak-current is equal in strength, to its negative base-current!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 17, 2008, 08:37:34 AM
then if i incarase area  of coper and aluminium coveradge i get more  energy ??

one way to do this ...

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 08:53:32 AM
copper/aluminum surface area, would have a stronger effect, than copper/aluminum mass.

that is why thomas trawoger's pyramid had better performance, with the gypsum boards on the sides. because the gypsum boards, increased the magnetic capacity of the pyramid.
since there was more covered area, in which to store (capacitor) magnetism..

NOT because the boards were gypsum! but because they had more capacity, than empty air!

the gypsum boards also reinforced the current/flow of the magnetic field (they are better than empty air, for that too!).
they kept the current flowing in one direction (downwards).

so that this stronger magnetic current, was better able to cram positive magnetic energy into the mess that passed for his copper peak-plate, and peak-antennae-deceptively-disguised-as-a-capacitor.

.....i'm still angry at thomas trawoger. he laughed and gloated at our expense far too much, for far too little information in return.

have any of you even managed to produce electricity, with what little "knowledge" he gave?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 09:02:41 AM

by surface area, i meant covering the sides of the pyramid.

once the sides are covered, the best thing to do would likely be to increase the thickness/mass of the metals. such as stacking one lay of metal on top of another layer of metal.

you would have to try both, to be certain. so for now, build which ever is easiest to build..
either surface area, or thicker metal.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 09:09:27 AM
by the way. make the gap between the copper and aluminum as small as possible.

the wider that gap, the more magnet energy will escape through it, back to the peak.

the only reason why i drew the black gap that thick in my drawing, was to make the concept clear.
that the copper and aluminum must never touch electrically.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: therealrasta on July 17, 2008, 09:17:13 AM
So.. Do you want the pyramid to be hollow or solid?...  Would a solid aluminum base and maybe a piece of plastic and then a solid copper top be ideal? 
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 09:33:22 AM
energy hits the peak/sides of the pyramid, then bounce downwards.
some energy moves up into the air above the peak/sides.
but most of the energy moves downwards, to the base.

this is EXACTLY what a diode does. the energy flows better in one direction, than in the other direction.

the shape of the pyramid is what causes this current/diode effect. so if the insides were solid metal, then only the maximum magnetic capacity, would increase.
the amperage/current, would likely be the same, as a hollow pyramid.

build whatever is easiest/cheapest for you to build.
if it produces enough electricity to run a computer fan, then it will impress countless people.
you will become their hero. and i will be forgotten......

just don't attach your name and face to your pyramid, like thomas trawoger did to his.
or else you might disappear one day...
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 09:52:00 AM
....i thought over my above post, and realized the following:

the pyramid captures/stores ANY energy, which enters it!

the energy enters the peak/sides, hits the peak/sides, bounces downwards, moves out the base, then swings around and back into the peak/sides.

then the energy does this again, until it eventually gets eaten up by the resistance of whatever material the pyramid is made of.
because of this, a pyramid with an empty "floor", would have more amperage/current than a pyramid with a solid floor.

......the pyramids in egypt had "wells", in the center of their bases,
these wells must have concentrated the amperage. so that when the amperage shot further out further downwards. then swung back up to the peak, in a MUCH wider swing.
this wider swing must have captured more energy for the pyramid.

because of this well and the wider swing, the pyramid collected energy, as if it were far larger than it was! because the wider swing of the magnetic field, brought more energy back with it.

anyway the pyramid is not a power source. it is a collector of whatever energy enters it.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: pese on July 17, 2008, 12:48:21 PM

I am sure, this was working
Gustav Pese
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: CLaNZeR on July 17, 2008, 04:57:16 PM
Quote from: nitinnun on July 16, 2008, 04:57:47 AM
if you do not understand this explanation, than you will likely never build a setup, that
harvests electricity from a pyramid.

Hi Nitinnun

You sound very confident in your design, have you built one? or is this your theory and idea on it?


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 06:59:50 PM
no. i have not. i posted it shortly after making the mental-breakthroughs that gave it too me.

i'm as confident as i am, because i know how the energy physics work.
because there are no more gaps in my knowledge.

i'm also confident, because i can "see" my design working in my mind.
i can see the pyramids magnetic current pushing magnetic energy, into the capacitor. then trapping the magnetic energy inside the capacitor, for electronic use.
like one balloon pushing air into a second balloon. until both balloons have equal air pressure.

if my design doesn't work, than it will be because 1 or 2 minor details need to be changed. not because what i showed you is false.

i've already given you more useful information than thomas "cluster-mid" thawoger did.
thomas thrawoger just gave you a long winded video of him talking and smoking. which didn't even show much......
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 18, 2008, 03:44:19 AM
setup is very simple maybe someone tray this replicate ?? i don`t  have garadge and tools to make things only hope is in peoples in forum.

if its get worked then i go to countryside and make one there.

if such pyramid is placed near HV wires maybe it will suck energy from there too ??? :D  8)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 03:56:49 AM
power tools are not required. you could do this:

1: cut copper foil into triangles.

2: punch holes on their edges.

3: zip-tie 4 triangles together into a pyramid/peak. (if all 4 triangles touch electrically, than it will work).

4: cut 4 large cardboard/wood/whatever triangles. as long as they are electrically non-conductive!

5: wrap aluminum foil around the base of each cardboard triangle.

6: hole punch the edges of these wrapped cardboard triangles, and zip tie 4 of them into a pyramid.

7: place the copper peak on top.

8: place the peak and base antennae's inside.

i loath building things. yet ironically, i am good at designing them.......
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 18, 2008, 05:19:25 AM
is important to make `nonconductive base`  empty or solid ?

150mm X 150mm in scale is enough for maybe lighting one LED ?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 05:22:23 AM
either empty or solid. it doesn't matter either way.

make it at least 2 feet wide. if it is too small, the reaction might not work. or work well enough.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 18, 2008, 05:45:57 AM
ok thanks for info ... now tray find coper foil somewere...   8)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 18, 2008, 06:38:59 AM
amm  it is something like this only in bigger scale...   

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 06:50:21 AM
the 2 antennae's should only touch the capacitor, electrically.

i don't know if this is needed or not. but it is most likely needed.
because if the antennae's touch, the charge in the capacitor could dump into the pyramid.

or the pyramids magnetic current could even be disrupted, because it would be electrically connected to the capacitors energy field.

otherwise, your diagram looks accurate. a diode moving current downward, between an antennae and a ground.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 18, 2008, 09:19:23 AM
i like you idea about pyramids is like BIG diodes...  and little `detector-receivers` what working without batteries and any power source is little proof of this concept .

p.s  when lighting hits somewhere i think pyramid can acmulate little bit of charge ...??
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 09:45:58 AM
lightning is a big release of electrostatic energy.

but there are small amounts of electrostatic energy, in EVERY millimeter of the atmosphere!

the pyramid can collect this small amount, and the atmosphere sends in more energy to replace it.

the earth itself is a giant generator of magnetism. it does this just from spinning in space.

but even if the earth did not produce energy, there would still be energy everywhere in the universe. energy to harvest!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on July 18, 2008, 10:31:28 AM
I've been thinking of replicating this pyramid. It's got me very excited if it actually pans out to really work. My only concern is the necessary North orientation of the pyramid in order for it work. I had an idea (mostly from Orgone blasters) that I could try to build it as a cone shape with the same basic dimensions so that no matter where/how you orient the device, it would be aligned and functioning.

Any thoughts on trying the cone shape instead of a pyramid?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 10:35:58 AM
i read that the cone shape works. since part of it is always facing magnetic north.
but you would have to try both, to know what is what.

even if my design is incomplete for some reason, than it is still leaps and bounds closer to the truth, than what was known before.

the illuminati seem to agree with my design. they say so on the back of the one dollar bill!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: CLaNZeR on July 18, 2008, 01:51:56 PM
Quote from: nitinnun on July 17, 2008, 06:59:50 PM
i've already given you more useful information than thomas "cluster-mid" thawoger did.
thomas thrawoger just gave you a long winded video of him talking and smoking. which didn't even show much......

Hey don't knock Thomas too much, he gave us loads!!!!

There are a few of us now that have a bloody huge metal pyramid with gypsum sides cluttering up our workshops and taking up too much room grrrrrrrrr  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I have seriously got to either take it apart or get some Stainless steel sides on it and use as a ornament for the garden!!

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Rocr on July 18, 2008, 07:47:10 PM


Do you mind if I post my own take on the Pyramid here they do in many ways coincide with your own and are the result of many years of study of the ancient papyrus and what was written by various cultures  ..

It will be a bit large and have several illustrations from the papyrus to get the concept across ..but I think you will find it interesting ..

If you prefer I can post it separately but I think it will add greatly to your understanding of just how grand and simple and advanced the concept was ..and just for the record I'm not Illuminati  ;D but this should piss them off and some very high masons too ..

I think you and the people here are the one I've been waiting for to flesh this out in scientific terms ..


after thought
On second thought it is off topic as it does not apply to this device maybe I should post it seperately and get everyones input that way ..

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: jeanna on July 18, 2008, 08:47:54 PM
Quote from: Rocr on July 18, 2008, 07:47:10 PM

It will be a bit large and have several illustrations from the papyrus to get the concept across ..but I think you will find it interesting ..

I think you and the people here are the one I've been waiting for to flesh this out in scientific terms ..


there is a separate thread for general pyramid discussions

http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4045.0.html (http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4045.0.html)

I for one, look forward to your information. I am sure there are many others too.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 09:47:58 PM
since the peak of thomas trawogers pyramid was both steel AND electrically connected to the negatively charged base, i'm surprised that he could even get enough electricity to power a computer fan from it.

trawoger gave you lots of stuff alright.
lots of useless stuff. that didn't teach you what you needed to know, to succeed.

don't use that steel pyramid as a lawn ornament. it will rust like mad in the rain!
and contaminate the soil with iron oxide!

his very pyramid design will poison the earth......
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 18, 2008, 09:52:18 PM
now that you mention the pyramids from old civilizations.....

some of those pyramids, didn't have peaks on top. instead, they had flat platforms.

the reason why they had flat platforms, is because they placed gold/copper peaks on those platforms! and walked into the peak through a door in it!
(they wanted to be able to walk into the peak, where all the power in tehir pyramid was. so they built that way.)

more proof that a large mass of positively charged metal, sat on the peak!
and that it was never grounded!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: jeanna on July 19, 2008, 12:09:27 AM
I have made many pyramids using poster paper. It should work for this.

I will cover the top with copper and maybe nothing at first on the bottom just the cap inside.

In fact when TT first posted his patent, I cut a hole in the side of one of my retired pyramids and put a capacitor in from the peak to the base. - no battery recharge and no spark.  I didn't, however use the copper on the peak. I think this worth a go.

2 things.

1- I put "tabs" on the sides of the triangles. This makes it much easier to tape the edge nicely without gaps etc.

2- nitinnun, placing a pyramid over you when you are lying down is a very good way to get rid of a malady. Especially a headache or a bellyache. just put the hurting part under the middle of the pyramid.  Line it up to the north. You will begin to feel warm and the pain will dissapate in 10 minutes , usually less.  I used to use this a lot. If I had a bad headache I would usually fall asleep, I think from relief.  Just poster paper, though. I don't think the metal version would be helpful to your body, but I know for sure the paper kind works really well.

thank you,

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 19, 2008, 12:39:41 AM
* remember that the pyramid may have to be charged up, to start the reaction.
just like you need to make a snowball and push it down a hill, to get an ice-boulder rolling.

* a one-material pyramid not only has the same magnetic capacity at peak and base. but the peak and base are also connected.

a one-material pyramids positive and negative polarities, cannot get far enough away from each other!
because the one-material cannot have a strong maximum charge, in both positive and negative energy!

the copper must have the strong positive capacity, and the aluminum must have the strong negative capacity.

and what little distance its polarities can sepperate themselves, is made even shorter. because then the charges discharge, when they meet in the electrically connected middle!

* if you electrically sepperated the peak and base of a mere paper pyramid, than that alone would increase the capacity of the pyramids magnetic field, by several times.
because then the paper peak and paper base could charge up higher, before discharging in the middle.

my glue cells respect this energy requirement. because the glue which connects the copepr and steel, is electrically non-conductive.
so the copper can positively charge up, without the steel discharging it.
and the steel can negatively charge up, without the copper discharging it.

* the copper peak greatly increases the positive capacity of the peak.
the aluminum base greatly increases the negative capacity of the base.

* but on top of that, i think the copper and aluminum together, form a diode effect. a diode effect whcih is IN ADDITION to the diode effect of the pyramid shape!

because electricity flows easier from copper to aluminum. while in a 100% paper pyramid, the energy can flow anywhere.

like i said before. even if there is something missing from my pyramid design, than my design is still much closer to success, than what was known before.

without supporting some of the basic energy physics which my design supports, success is extremely minimal.
just as you need certain materials and a certain design, to have any chance of building a car engine. or a nuclear reactor.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: AbbaRue on July 19, 2008, 01:42:37 AM
Does anyone have a list of metals and there place in order of positive and negative energy?
Instead of copper for the peak, what would be more positive, and maybe more easy to get?
Were does stainless steel or chrome plated steel fit into this. Are they positive or negative?
I can get lots of aluminum but I want to know what alternative I can use for the copper.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: therealrasta on July 19, 2008, 02:00:42 AM
Quote from: AbbaRue on July 19, 2008, 01:42:37 AM
Does anyone have a list of metals and there place in order of positive and negative energy?
Instead of copper for the peak, what would be more positive, and maybe more easy to get?
Were does stainless steel or chrome plated steel fit into this. Are they positive or negative?
I can get lots of aluminum but I want to know what alternative I can use for the copper.

Silver: best

Copper: 9% less conductive than silver

Gold: 24% less conductive than copper (but doesn't tarnish or corrode)

Brass is somewhere here.

Best conductive metals ^^
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 19, 2008, 02:27:56 AM

"diamagnetic" elements are "positive".
they have a larger ability to store positive energy, in the peak.

"paramagnetic" elements are "negative".
they have a larger ability to store negative energy, in the base.

you can see which elements are diamagnetic and paramagnetic, on wikipedia.

for example, wikipedia says that bismuth is the most diamagnetic of all elements. so bismuth would work best in the peak.

a heavy element like tungsten or lead, is likely the most paramagnetic. so tungsten or lead, would likely work best in the base.

diamagnetic elements are repelled by magnetic fields. because their protons despise magnetic fields.
paramagnetic elements are attracted by magnetic fields. because their electrons love magnetic fields.

mind you that paramagnetic is different from magnetic. because magnetic elements are magnetic all the time. while paramagnetic elements are only magnetic, if you stick them in a magnetic field.

copper and bismuth are "positive/diamagnetic", because they have one more proton than electron.
while the iron in steel is "negative/paramagnetic", because it has one more electron than proton.

copper and bismuth both have one more proton than electron.
but bismuth is a heavier element than copper. because it has more protons and electrons than copper.

that is why bismuth has a higher "positive capacity" than copper. because bismuth has more protons to hold energy in.

a 20 foot by 8 inch roll of copper foil is only $28. copper foil is very easy to work into whatever shape you need.

a pound of bismuth is $28. (a pound of bismuth has the volume of 1.5 golf balls.)
bismuth is too soft, too heavy, harder to work, and and more expensive than copper.

the up side of bismuth, is that it melts at 500F. so you can stick it in a mold, and melt it in your kitchen oven.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: amigo on July 19, 2008, 10:24:33 AM

very interesting writing about the pyramids. I'm trying to understand whether the size is an issue and you mentioned that a side should be no smaller than 2ft. Is that an arbitrary number or is it something you have come up through pondering on the subject?

Also, I find the description of the antennas from the first post rather vague. I can't discern exactly where they should be, outside or inside the pyramid itself, pointing up or to the side?

It appears you don't like putting practical efforts into things, but would you mind drawing another sketch of the final pyramid including the plates with proper spacings and the antenna configurations?

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 19, 2008, 02:17:39 PM

a pyramid can be of any size, and work.
but 2 feet wide at the base, is to be certain.
certain that it is big enough, to produce sustainable electricity.

if it is 2 feet wide at the base, yet can't even power an LED light, than it must have been built wrong.
not "my 1 inch wide pyramid doesn't work, because it is a hoax!".

the antenna's are sitting inside the magnetic field which is being harvest.

so odds are that they will work, so long as the peak-antenna is close to the positive pole of the pyramids magnetic field (the general peak area).
and the base-antenna is close to the negative pole of the magnetic field (the general base area).

antenna "positioning" shouldn't matter.if it does matter, than monkey around with them until they work.

you will have to experiment with this to be sure.

construct the pyramid, so that each side is positioned 45 degree's from the pyramids floor.
(4 triangles which are 52 degree's at their base-angles, will do this.)

this is the angle of the great pyramids in Egypt. and it is said to produce the most energy.

at this angle, the peaks charge is equally as strong as the bases charge.
so that one charge is not weaker, being a bottleneck for the current.

because the current is the result of the positive charge, flowing towards the negative charge.
so both must be equal in strength.

space the copper and aluminum as close together as possible. to prevent magnetic current from escaping.
this is not required, to make it work. just to optimize output.
(i only drew that black non-conductive gap so large, to make the concept of electrical sepperation clear. so that even gilligan could recognize it.)

make half of the surface copper, and the other half aluminum.

(even a 10%/90% ratio would "work". just not as well.)
(if copper and aluminum are equal, than you will likely get maximum magnetic current.)

the pyramid allows a vast amount of forgiveness.
construct the copper and aluminum plates, however you find best/cheapest.

my style, is to understand something in my mind as much as possible, before doing anything physically with it.
this forces me to focus on "why" things work, and less on "how" things work. which is more philosophy than science.

this leaves me with no physical proof most of the time.
yet it also allows me to find answers/possibilities, which are unfindable to skeptics and doubt-based scientists.

the things i have shown in this thread, were revealed through generalities, educated guessing, intuition, and a tolerance for inaccuracy.
but if you can feel that there is potential in them, than you are feeling exactly what i followed, to find them. their raw potential.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: xee on July 19, 2008, 11:12:23 PM
@ AbbaRue
Link to Galvanic series chart. Lists metals in order of electronegativity.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Drannom on July 20, 2008, 07:52:41 PM
construct the pyramid, so that each side is positioned 45 degree's from the pyramids floor.
(4 triangles which are 52 degree's at their base-angles, will do this.)

in fact this is 42 degree exactly not 45

look my shema here http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,3701.0.html
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 20, 2008, 10:06:42 PM
fine. 52 point whatever will produce 45 degree's.

but even 42 degree's is more than acceptable as a margin of error. the 3 degree's off would hardly make a difference on a 2 food wide pyramid.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: jacek on July 21, 2008, 12:34:04 AM
Hi folks,

Slightly off-topic, but hopefully an interesting read. This fellow shows how the designer(s) of The Great One might have come up with the dimensions. Cool stuff.


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 21, 2008, 12:35:22 AM
Cool looking design, and a very interesting take on what the pyramids were used for. I don't know or care if it's been proven either way, so I'll just jump right into some design questions i've got.

Quote* place a copper "peak-plate" onto the peak.
(copper, bismuth, or any "positive" metal should work.)

* the peak-plate should be shaped like a pyramid.
(as if the peak-plate were its very own pyramid.)

* this peak-plate should have sides, and be thick.
the thicker the peak-plate is, the better it should work.

This peak-plate?are you saying to just cover the top part of the pyramid with copper foil, or to actually construct the entire top portion of the pyramid from copper only?

Quote* the copper cap-plate and the aluminum base wrapping should NEVER touch electrically.
because you want them to function like a capacitor.
if the peak and base touch, they will short each others charge out.

Easy enough to understand...touch=short. So what would be an acceptable gap on the 2' pyramid? A couple milimeters? or are we talkin about a fraction?

Quote* place an "antennae" as far up into the pyramids peak as possible.
(a chunk of metal soldered to the end of a wire, counts as an antennae. this peak-antennae just needs to collect energy, as per a television antennae.)

* this peak antennae should NOT electrically connect with the peak-plate.
(that would most likely screw up the peak-plates energy activity.)

* the peak-antennae should NEVER touch anything which is negatively charged, or anything which is grounded. if the peak-antennae touches the ground, it will short out. and it will dump the positive energy in the positive half of the capacitor, into the ground!

Anyone else find this confusing? So you push a wire (antenna) up inside the (obviously hollow) pyramid, up close to, but not touching the top peak. But it can't touch anything... so how exactly do you secure this antenna in place? I'm envisioning a wire dangling from just inside the top of the pyramid and dangling down to nearly brush the base...

Quote* place a second antennae in the base of the pyramid, DIRECTLY under the peak. this base-antennae should be grounded to something.
(if the base antennae is attached to aluminum wrapped around the pyramids base, than "grounding" is unneccesary. because the aluminum will act as the "negative". the dirt outside is just one big "negative" anyway. the dirt outside can be replaced with another "negative", for a similar result.)

Again...slightly confusing. So you've got an antenna dropping down from the peak, and since the peak is in the center, it will be lining up directly to the second antenna coming from the ground. I'm assuming then, that these two antenna cannot touch?

I'll try posting a pic of this I mocked up in GMAX to see if I got it right...
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 21, 2008, 12:36:28 AM
Oh...just in case anyone should wonder, I used the same dimensional proportions for the pyramid as the ones in Egypt :) Just looks better that way for some reason...

Let me know what changes (if any) I need to make to the model and I'll get'er done and re-post. Once this thing is fleshed out a bit more in my mind i'll begin construction.

For now, i'm off to bed and my usually dreamless sleep. I'll check back in the am for updates, and prolly post again tomorrow evening. Ciao.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 21, 2008, 10:51:06 AM

1: the peak of the pyramid just needs to have copper on it. this copper must be electrically connected, into a pyramid.
as long as nothing electically conductive is touching it (screwing up the flow of magnetism), it should be fine.

2: there is no penalty for having the copper and aluminum close together. so long as they never touch.

i recommend covering the edge of both metals with an insulator. then spacing them however close is convenient.

but the further apart they are spaced, the more magnetic current will bleed out of this spacing. because the energy is lazing, and doesn't want to go all the way down to the base, if it doesn't have too.

3: the antenna may touch any "non-conductor". but must only "electrically touch" the capacitor, which it is connected too.

i wanted to run both antenna's under the base, and up into the pyramid.

the base antenna can be wherever works best.
but i wanted to secure the peak antenna to a zip tie bridge, which is between the peak-half and the base-half.

the peak antenna itself, should be as high up in the peak as possible. without electrically touching the peak.
the higher it is, the closer to the "positive sweet spot" it will be.

4: i should have said it this way:

place the peak antenna, in the positive area of the pyramids magnetic field.
place the base antenna, in the negative area if the pyramids magnetic field.

the peak in general is positive, and the base in general is negative.
but the places where these two charges are "strongest", is where i tried to describe.

the further the antenna's are from these "sweet spots", the less current you will receive.

the less current you receive, the less magnetism will be forced into the capacitor. giving the appearance of lower voltage/amperage.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 21, 2008, 10:58:47 AM
that pyramid design looks fine.
it is fine if the entire inside is hollow. because the effect is due to the 4 sides. not the interior.

you may have to experiment with where/how you connect the antenna's. but that is easy to do.

don't forget that the capacitor may need to be charged up, to get the reaction started. but even this may not be neccessary.

be cautious about grounding. something may be grounded/shorted somewhere, without you realizing it.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 21, 2008, 12:13:46 PM
i thought about it.

if the pyramid in Giza still had its gold cap-plate, and you touched it, than nothing would happen to you. because you would be standing on the brick pyramid right under the peak-plate, which is non-conductive. and there for not grounded.

the positive peak does nothing to you, because it is only half of the polarity needed, to create electricity.
the other half is way down there, where it cannot get you.

so. since the peak-plate is only half, and cannot touch the ground, what does it matter if the peak-plate is connected electrically to the capacitor?

someone should connect the peak antenna to the cap-plate, to be see exactly what happens.
someone should also try "floating" the base-antenna. to see exactly what happens.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Shanti on July 21, 2008, 01:56:11 PM
Well your pyramid reminds me exactly of a device I once made. It delivers energy from the "air":

I came upon this when I discussed with someone, why the Thestatika does have grilles on the wheels.
I then said, that it can't be an influence machine, for in an influence machine you actually try as much as possible to prevent corona discharge. But a grille has many edges and therefore the corona discharges would be drastical.
Then it made click. They want to have the corona discharge! This is the principle how the wheels work. If you have a charged plate (but isolated) or even better an electret. If you now place something metal on top with sharp edges (grille), the potential at the edges will be much higher, and therefore you will have there a corona discharge. But then, you have less charges in the grille electrode, than needed to compensate the electret, and therefore a current will flow in the grille to equalize this. But (un)fortunately this current will also become lost in a corona discharge.
I then made a little prototype to see, if the theory works, and it does. With a grille of about half the size of a hand I could lit up a lamp every few seconds. 
Sure this works only if the air is moving, otherwise the air around the grille gets charged up, and it will work much less efficient. (This is why the wheels on the Thestatika have to turn). I made it stationary, and therefore have to blow a bit air at it every now and then.

I think this pyramid thing is exactly the same!
The top is ideal for a corona discharge, for the electric potential at the top will be much higher than anywhere else in the top piece of metal. And due to the shape of the pyramid a steady flow along the sides of the pyramid from bottom to top will very likely develop, which is needed for continuous operation.
The other metal part at the bottom is needed to "charge" the air prior in the other direction. Well it's not really needed (my device uses the electret for that), but it surely will increase the efficiency the better, the more negative the bottom metal is.
And there I think it's different than you mentioned. I think, you should take a metal which is very negative on the bottom, but very positive on the top, so that you have a maximum difference.
But I think one should take the redox potential of the metals for this (these say actually which metals like electrons more or less, this is how batteries work). So I don't think it has anything to do with diamagnetics, etc. At least not, if it works like my device.
If it works like that, then a gold top and a lithium bottom would be the best you can do. For gold is the most positive metal (+1.69V) and lithium (-3.05 ) the most negative one. For the actual metals you can get cheaply, certainly copper (+0.52V )aluminium (-1.66V) is quite a good choice.
So from the basic principle this is kind like an air battery, but the atmosphere will always try to balance the charges, and therefrom comes the energy. (It's actually kinetic energy from the air, that gets translated into electrical energy)

But as I calculated and also saw from my prototype, you can't get much energy like that. Otherwise you would need huge installations! I think a little Fan motor for the size of pyramid you suggest would just be about in that range that I think is realistic to drive.
This was actually the reason why I didn't spent more time in this direction. Nice FE fro demonstrations purposes, but not really usable in respect to the amount of energy you can get.
BTW: I think this is only used in the Thestatika to generate some HV, but in a way, which doesn't need energy. Then they have a second OU principle in the chars which somehow generates hugh amounts of energy from this HV. I think it's something similar to the ed gray tube...
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 21, 2008, 06:43:36 PM
Do you think the design of the top antenna would have any kind of effect on output? Example: shape the antenna head exactly like the top of the pyramid so the surface area is very close together, or would a spherical ball type be better? (I ask because I honestly don't know).

Also, one other little observation: The pyramid at giza was oriented directly towards true north, not magnetic north. If this thing is getting power from earth's magnetic field, that kind of defeats that possibility doesn't it?

I'll be back in a couple hours, and then i'll try to work on the model a bit more - add in the capacitor and such.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 21, 2008, 07:52:36 PM
Okay, 3d work is done, have a new model to show. I put in some better colors for the tip and base, added in the wires and such, and labelled it a bit more clearly. Also have an insulation gap. The only thing I'm not really showing, or am going to attempt, is how to keep that top antenna up there. A simple wood / plastic holder would do nicely I suppose.

Thoughts on the design, comments, or criticisms are welcome. I'll implement any desired change as soon as I'm able. I'll be around for a few more hours tonight yet, so the sooner the better. Once the 3d design is firmed up, I think I'll go hit the hardware store and get me some wood so I can try building this thing...

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 22, 2008, 07:56:51 AM
note that the "well" at the bottom of the great pyramid, is where the base antenna would be.

the Egyptians used the dirt as their ground, instead of aluminum sides.
because the amount of grounding they needed was huge (due to the power of their huge gold cap-plate!).
their pyramid was also too big to move, and the dirt was more convenient than who knows how much aluminum.

our problem, is that the ground has to be where the well is. within the negative sweet spot of the pyramids magnetic field. and pinpoint grounding isn't so convenient for us in this screwed up modern age.

if the ground is not where the well is, than the negatively charged magnetic current, is not charging up the capacitor.
so we use the aluminum as the ground, and have the base antenna in place of the well.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on July 22, 2008, 09:35:54 AM

To attach the top antenna, fasten it to one of the side supports of the pyramid, between the top and bottom (the insulating gap) using a nonconducting material like wood or plastic to hold it into position.

I still don't know what to make the antenna tip with though. I was thinking of using a frayed wire for the tip.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: martinzurix on July 22, 2008, 09:40:50 AM
use the baloon and wire...  but bee careful to get hit by lighting !!!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 22, 2008, 10:02:22 AM
the peak antenna can just be a wire, which is wadded up into a ball. assuming the peak itself can't be used as the peak-antenna after all.

the more conductor/wire in the antenna, the more it is "collecting".

i think that simplicity is the ultimate wisdom.
to make things as simple as possible, while still retaining their meaning/importance/function.
sort of like trimming all of the fat off the meat.

that is what nature does. nature favors the simplest/easiest/best ways to do things. while still being "forgiving" of research and development.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on July 22, 2008, 10:21:28 AM

Can the top antenna be the top plate and the bottom antenna be the bottom plate? That would be the most simple design. Also, would the bottom plate need to be grounded or float?

In every image (drawing or graphic) that has been posted in this thread, they show the capacitor having 4 leads. Every capacitor that I've ever seen only has 2 leads. So how is one to get 4 leads? Use 2 caps instead of 1?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 22, 2008, 07:28:22 PM
the antenna connection would have to be tried both ways. there is no other way to be certain.

2 of the leads hook up to the pyramid.
the other 2 leads hook up to the device being powered.
it is that simple.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 22, 2008, 08:53:29 PM
Okay, I think I`m catching on a bit, but this well thing is still throwing me for a bit of a loop.

Would it be best (output wise) to have a well, or just to use the aluminum sides as a ground? If you are using the well idea, you need a large cavity underneath the pyramid for a wire to go into I assume, and the aluminum sides are then no longer allowed to touch the ground, or you risk shorting out your field. With a well, is it entirely necessary to have a ground at all? I'm just thinking that it would force the field back in on itself and make it stronger (like a smoke ring).

Okay, another picture for your perusal. On the left is a slightly modified version of the ones from before. I basically increased the length of the ground wire (assume it is going down into a well), and added a coil inside the pyramid itself in the negative core area. I added that bit in as a bit of an experiment to see if i'm thinking down the right path here. On the right hand part of the picture, is a front schematic view of the whole thing.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 22, 2008, 09:05:28 PM
1: electrically connect the base-antenna to the aluminum. BUT, leave the base-antenna in the center of the pyramids floor.
so that the base antenna is in the negative sweet spot.

we are not using the dirt for this.
so a well is not required.

it is possible that you could remove the aluminum, and use the dirt outside instead.
but if you did, you would still need a non-conductive pyramid, to put the copper cap-plate on top of.
because the non-conductive pyramid, would still be needed to guide the magnetic field, to the ground.

2: raise the peak-antenna higher up. so that it is closer to the positive sweet spot.
attach it to the end of a straw or something.

by the way. the giza pyramids well, was a sand hole, filled with saltwater.
thomas  "cluster-mid" trawoger, put sand and saltwater into his copper loop.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 23, 2008, 07:49:33 AM
nitinnum, If I'm getting you right,  I've made the following adjustments:

1. Removed the ground plug (wire or w/e)
2. Added a coil in (what I presume to be) the sweet spot for the upper antenna
3. Added a support structure to keep the upper antenna in place (wood or plastic - non-conductive I assume)
4. Drawing wires is tedious, so let us assume that each coil is electrically connected to it's corresponding metal surface

Any Idea what would be an ideal material to build the pyramid structure itself out of? I was thinking either wood, or clear acrylic plastic. Or would an open framework work even better, and just wrap the metals around it in the proper spots?

Let me know, and I'll update again tomorrow. It's definately taking shape, once I'm happy with it I'll assemble a list of material requirements and do a little shopping to see If I can get everything local here...any idea on what size capacitor you'd be looking for on a 2 foot pyramid?

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on July 23, 2008, 09:00:22 AM

Great graphic design work!!!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 23, 2008, 09:59:16 AM
lower the base-antenna, so it is 1 inch above the floor.

and add a little more copper to the peak, and a little less aluminum to the base.
so that the copper is 40% surface area, and the aluminum is 60% surface area.

other than that, the design looks like what i planned in my mind.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 23, 2008, 10:15:18 AM
here is how i want to make the pyramid:

1: cut many layers of big cheap rosin-paper from the hardware store, into triangles.
(they sell huge rolls of it for only $8.)

2: make the peak 76 degree's, and the 2 base angles 52 degree's. like the giza pyramids.

3: cup the peak off of each triangle, where you want the copper and aluminum to sepperate.
(if the triangle is made of several layers of paper, than duct tape them together at the edges)

4: wrap the peak in copper foil, and the base in aluminum foil.
(this is the easiest way to control the distribution of metals. trust me)

5: punch holes on the sides of each triangle. then zip tie 4 triangles together, into a pyramid.
(this will work, as long as the metals touch electrically. the pyramid does not require its metals to be in 1 solid isotope.)
(zip ties are cheap in bulk, at the hardware store.)

6: insulate the peak from the base. then secure the copper peak to the aluminum base.

you may have to be creative about making the edges secure. i wanted to bend one inch of each triangle side, into a "seam". then connect the seam of one triangle, to the seam of another triangle.

this "seam" technique would create an imperfect pyramid. but it should still work well enough for what we want. since most of the effect is due to the pyramids sides, and not the edges.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: jeanna on July 23, 2008, 02:07:39 PM
Quote from: nitinnun on July 23, 2008, 10:15:18 AM
here is how i want to make the pyramid:

2: make the peak 76 degree's, and the 2 base angles 52 degree's. like the giza pyramids.

Please let me make some suggestions based on experience.

The base is a bit longer than the sides, so to fit this onto a piece of poster paper:

The sides are .95 times the base.
So, start with a 26 inch side multiply that by .95 and you will arrive at 24.7 or about 24 3/4 inches for each side.
You will be able to construct this using a string and pencil if you don't have a metal tape.

When you have finished drawing your first triangle do 2 things:

1- draw 2 or 3 tabs each about 2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide along the right side of the triangle.

2- Cut it out and before you make any more, trace this triangle onto another piece of your paper and then flip it and make corrections if needed.

(This is to prevent insanity.)

Quote5: punch holes on the sides of each triangle. then zip tie 4 triangles together, into a pyramid.
(this will work, as long as the metals touch electrically. the pyramid does not require its metals to be in 1 solid isotope.)
(zip ties are cheap in bulk, at the hardware store.)

I have found that clear packing tape (the more expensive kind sold in mailing shops) works really well.

Thing is if the attachments are not REALLY secure, the whole thing wants to twist and it becomes very wonky.

you may have to be creative about making the edges secure. i wanted to bend one inch of each triangle side, into a "seam". then connect the seam of one triangle, to the seam of another triangle.

The top is probably more important than the bottom.
Try to keep the point as sharp as possible.
This is where the packing tape helps again. It is rather stiff when folded and creates a rather strong point.
And any tab or seam added at the top just gets in the way.

I guess add the copper tape later.

In fact one could make a separate copper pyramid that slips onto the basic form. pyramids nest very well. This would allow some overall size changes that wouldn't effect the top.

I hope this helps,

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 23, 2008, 07:25:59 PM
the pyramid does not have to be mathematically perfect, to sufficiently perform its energy activity.

in fact, the pyramids energy activity, is extremely forgiving of errors.

even if 50% of the pyramid were bent out of shape, than that 50% should still have 50% of the energy effect (magnetic current would be the biggest sufferer, however).

most of the pyramids energy effect, depends on the surface area of the 4 sides. the edges are just where the 4 sides end.
the biggest function of the edges, are to seal in energy. to keep the energy flowing from peak, to middle, to base, to outside, and back to peak.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 23, 2008, 08:17:21 PM
Now what the heck does: User 'hartiberlin1' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 100000) mean? I?ve gotten that message a bunch of times now and it won?t let me post?irritating.

@wile_coyote7 - Thanks :) It's a bit of a hobby...I'd run the full version of 3d studio max...but Vista blows goats and won't run it very well at all. So I'm stuck using GMAX - it's a free program to download (Free lisence) just google it if you want to play around.

Okay, so I modified the pyramid a bit...I was a bit confused about the 60/40 split...did you mean actual surface area? or 60% of the overall height of the pyramid? They are two very different things...

The pyramid I've drawn here is done to the same exact dimensions as the ones in Giza... 440 long on the base, and 280 overall height. The ones in Giza were measured in cubits, but gmax does not distinguish units. It can be inches, centimeters, millimeters, or kilometers - it's all the same.

I'm a bit surprised about constructing it out of rosin paper - seems like it'd be flimsy to me. And how would you go about putting the layers of paper together? Elmers glue? If that's the case, why not just build it out of foam-core and save yourself about 4 hours of tedious labour? (come to think of it I've got about a dozen 3'x4' sheets of foam core just sitting around doing nothing...) Would foam-core be a viable material to use? If so I'll begin cutting fairly quickly.

Anyway - here's the updated model: I made the copper/aluminum split at 60/40 of overall height as it was easier and didn't require me to do scads of math to calculate the proper triangle size. I also moved the peak coil down near the base of the peak. The picture itself is a screen-shot of what i'm looking at.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 23, 2008, 10:24:25 PM
i wanted to bend 20 layers of rosin paper in half, to make 100 layers.
then cut a triangle out of those.
then put 2 layers of duct tape over that.

that many layers of rosin paper, plus duct tape, plus metal wrapping, would be sturdy enough.

you can use any non-conductor, in place of rosin paper. though i'm not sure of the energy properties of foam.

foam tends to build up static electricity. that could somehow mess things up.
you are not even supposed to use magnetic metals in the pyramid. or else they will prevent the pyramid from aligning with magnetic north or something.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: amigo on July 23, 2008, 10:59:51 PM
I'd like to toss some random thoughts in and see what the rest of you think, please excuse me if they are incoherent. :)

I somehow have a feeling (call it a hunch) that the geometry IS an issue and that the size DOES matter. Long story short, I read Lakhovsky's book Secret of Life fairly recently and concept of "oscillators everywhere" is still fresh in my mind so here's my deduction. The pyramid looks to me as an oscillator, forget the antennas and wires leading to, and including, the capacitor.

We have an open loop oscillator built from an inductor made from two metal plates (copper and aluminium) and a capacitor in the form of a dielectric between them. Because I said that the geometry is an issue, the oscillator will only work at peak efficiency when tuned to the right frequency matched by the inductance and capacitance of the circuit.

If we look at the Great Pyramid as an example, the builders could've made it any size, and in those proportions, but I think they chose THAT size for a reason - namely to match some (unseen) source of oscillation and resonate with it.

Yes, other sizes of the pyramid might work, but they would most likely match harmonics and not the fundamental oscillation, if/when the LC circuit is tuned to them, again meaning that not all dimensions will work but only proportionate few.

Now off on a tangent, the pyramid with an antenna on the top reminds of something that has been done elsewhere - in Radiestesia.

I remember long time ago testing designs of copper pyramids that had sort of an antenna (coiled copper wire, with a tip pointing upwards and the other end connected to the apex). IIRC, these pyramids have been known to control the "bad" energies and convert them to "good" ones. It is very simply to prove this using a pendulum and anyone can test this easily if you're into dowsing.

Further more, it did not even have to be a real pyramid - a mathematical pattern of numbers between 1 and 9 laid/etched on top of a square copper plate with an antenna as described above in the center would do the same job. Heck, even the same pattern on a piece of paper has some effect, but we are digressing here too far now...

Any thoughts?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 23, 2008, 11:44:33 PM
Quotei wanted to bend 20 layers of rosin paper in half, to make 100 layers.
then cut a triangle out of those.
then put 2 layers of duct tape over that.

Not to be a flamer or anything...but that math just doesn't add up. 20 layers folded in half would give 40 layers....unless you folded it 5 times, but then you're not folding it in half. I don't really think you'd even be able to fold 20 layers of that stuff - all your cuts would be all screwy. Also be wary with duct tape - some of it is electrically conductive. You may be better off sticking with Jeanna's idea for packing tape.

On a side note: I hit the local hardware store today to see about some materials - they gave me such a blank, vapid and stupid stare when I asked for copper foil, or a thin sheet of copper. He seemed genuinely stumped, like he'd never even thought of the possibility... (they breed 'em dumb around here - I'm from elsewhere :P ) Also checked out acrylic plastic (took him a bit to figure that out too...after a minute he was like "oh! you mean plexiglass?" I so wanted to face-palm myself before smacking him upside the head.) The acrylic was LUDRICOUSLY expensive... over $60 for a 4 foot square, 1/4" thick. Disgusting... I'll have to shop elsewhere.

Too bad about the foam core - can anyone confirm that it has static issues, or other conductive properties? I did a quick google, but came up dry. I'll do a bit of shopping on the weekend to see if I can source some cheeper acrylic - clear stuff would be easier for presentations and such if this thing works as intended.

@ amigo - I'm not sure exactly why the egyptians built the pyramids the way they did...but there are multiple pyramids scattered around the globe that are different sizes and slightly different shapes. The ones in Giza are a bit different however - they are situated to TRUE NORTH, not magnetic north. They are also located in the dead center of the earth's landmass, neatly dividing the planet into quarters. Also, a little research into pyramid geometry gives results calculating to 1.6180...PHI.

Okay, I'm pooped, and I'm goin to bed - g'nite all, I'll be back tomorrow.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 24, 2008, 02:46:24 AM
the first paragraph was a typo. i'm surprised you took it so literally.

the copper foil i use, is used outdoors. to line decks or roofs or something.
the surface oxidizes over. protecting the unoxidized layers under it.

you could look for copper foil online. then once you find something, see if a local hardware store has it.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 24, 2008, 08:01:39 AM
Posting b4 leaving for work.

nitinnun - sorry man, was really tired last night and was taking pretty much everything literally :P no offense intended :)

I kind of figured about the copper foil - someone should carry it around here...I'll keep looking.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 24, 2008, 09:49:22 PM
I just had a weird thought...would it make any kind of difference at all if the metals (copper & aluminum) were put on the inside of the pyramid structure? Or both inside and outside?

Since the thread seems to be losing momentum, I'm going to go ahead and try building what I can with foam-core. It may not be the best material, but it's cheap and I've got it on hand...that and i'm bored. I'll post pics soon.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 24, 2008, 10:58:00 PM
Well, the main structure itself is done...I gotta say - that way easy. The first pic is of the 4 triangles taped together along one edge before standing it up. I beveled all the edges in when I cut the triangles out, so all I had to do was stand 'er up, slap one more piece of tape on 'er and she's nice and sturdy.

Interesting...my 9lb dog (the pyramid is bigger) just keeps looking at it, she jumped once...weird. I'll reinforce the edges with a little glue, then start looking for something to mount some antennae to. That may wait for the weekend however.

Feels kinda weird having a pyramid standing on my living room floor...


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 24, 2008, 11:00:53 PM
D'oh...forgot the second picture...it's really funny, my dog can't stop looking at it...

The dimensions that I used for each triangle: 60cm base, 48.5cm tall.
Deriving those numbers was just simple math...I took the ratio of height to base width and shrunk it down. It's close enough to 2 feet - metric actually worked better in this instance.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 25, 2008, 01:11:22 AM
your dog likely senses the pyramids electromagnetic field.

the dog can tell that the "feeling" is coming from the pyramid.
the dog keeps staring at the pyramid, trying to figure out what is causing it.

maybe they think that the "feeling", means that something is hiding in the pyramid. such as a rabbit. and they want to chase it, when the rabbit comes out of the pyramid.

dogs are colorblind. so it isn't looking because of the strange colors of the tape and boards.

i doubt the dogs brain can appreciate the strangeness of a pyramid shape, in modern human culture.

so it must be something that the dog is sensing, which has it interested. something that humans cannot sense.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: 4Tesla on July 25, 2008, 01:12:59 AM
Wow!  Nice work!  Now you just need your copper?

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: jeanna on July 25, 2008, 12:33:58 PM

I have a couple of thoughts about the copper.

There is a kind of copper tape that is called "slug tape". It is thin copper foil with adhesive on the back.

"Copper flashing" is perhaps the name of the thin copper you are looking for??? It is used for roof edging. I think you can also get flashing in Aluminum.


About static electricity...

I always thought that was the stuff of capacitors. It is what Ben Franklin used in his experiments. His thimble motor was run on static electricity and the mechanism was basic capacitors.

So, I would expect the static propensity of foam core to augment this effect rather than hurt it.

Also, I think dogs can see infra red and there are a lot of higher light frequencies that do things around these pyramids, like shooting out - or maybe in- at the top etc.

I am not building this right now, but I am interested. (I am too busy with cement and gardens for the time.) but I will try this out in the fall.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: giantkiller on July 25, 2008, 01:13:35 PM
It has to do with surface area and height.

You all have gotten this far and I saw no mention of these.

There are alot of quotes neccessary to your future in these also.

--giantkiller. Otherwise you are dying a slow death.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: 4Tesla on July 25, 2008, 09:23:16 PM
If you can't find copper foil locally you can buy it online:

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 25, 2008, 10:38:10 PM
Thanks for the props there guys :)

Yeah, all I need to find is the copper now. Good call on copper flashing Jeanna - I'll look into that either this weekend, or early next week. Don't think I'll need a lot of it.

Ok, gotta fly now - I'll post again soon.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 28, 2008, 12:53:39 PM
i came up with another insight.

the earth is covered in neutrally charged magnetism. generated by the spinning of its core.

copper polarizes this neutral magnetism, into positive magnetism. (clockwise spin)
iron polarizes this neutral magnetism, into negative magnetism. (counter-clockwise spin)

in my glue cells, the glue/water/whatever, transfers the positive magnetism from the copper, to the negative magnetism in the steel.

in a pyramid, the positive magnetism in the copper peak, is transfered to the negative magnetism in the aluminum base, THROUGH THE AIR, by the current of the pyramids magnetic field. or something along those lines.
the strong current caused by the copper peak, and the strong magnetic potential stored in the copepr and aluminum, allow both of them to interact.

this thought isn't complete yet. but i feel that it leads to an important breakthrough, in how the pyramids energy functions.
at the least, it explains how my glue cells work.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 28, 2008, 01:04:01 PM
Hey nitinnun,

Any thoughts on exactly how to construct/design the antennae inside? I'm wondering what kind of material and what arrangement would be best...the coil that I put in 3d there, or a frayed burst of wire? I'm still trying to source copper foil or flashing locally, and I'd like to get the antenna material at the same time If I can.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 29, 2008, 07:39:37 AM
make the peak antennae be a flat, counter-clockwise spiral.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on July 29, 2008, 12:34:15 PM
Quotemake the peak antennae be a flat, counter-clockwise spiral.

Would the base antenna then be a flat clockwise spiral?

What gauge of wire would you recommend?

What size of capacitor should I look for?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 29, 2008, 12:42:42 PM
the base is clockwise.

the energy in the peak spins clockwise. so a counter-clockwise peak-antennae, would be good at storing it.

any gauge of wire, is fine.

use a 1000 uF capacitor. or just make one using copper foil, aluminum foil, and trash bag.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: 4Tesla on July 30, 2008, 08:45:31 PM
Hi all,

I found the GMAX download site:

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 31, 2008, 01:50:12 PM
the easiest to build, yet high quality pyramid peak to be found in the free world.

the 4 slabs of thin copper foil that i made it from, are each 13 inches long by 8 inches wide.

i folded each slab, over a metal triangle. a triangle that was 52 degree's at the base, and 76 degree's at the peak.

then i hole punched 16 places, and zip tied the 4 triangles together.

odds are that the side flaps will increase the energy effect. rather than decrease it.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: professor on July 31, 2008, 08:34:35 PM
I feel that shanti has a valid point.
I do not wish to appear critical as I have an open mind on this subject, but as facinating as it seems to be ,it has to be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt.
Try this same electrical setup and stick it into a square box.If it still gives off Energy
then maybe it really has nothing to do with the shape but rather with the galvanic actions of two dissimilar Metals.
I do not wish to step on someones feet but those that are  convinced could convince those with doubts and and at the same time prove their Concept.
Its easy enough to do for someone that already has a working setup. Just be honest.
By the way you can use Printed Circuit Board Material,you can get that copper clad on one or both sides on a Fibreglass Base,  and you can solder the Joints unless solder interferes with the process
Thanks for letting me comment. I like to believe that it is the shape but...  there is the other issue ......

Quote from: Shanti on July 21, 2008, 01:56:11 PM
Well your pyramid reminds me exactly of a device I once made. It delivers energy from the "air":

I came upon this when I discussed with someone, why the Thestatika does have grilles on the wheels.
I then said, that it can't be an influence machine, for in an influence machine you actually try as much as possible to prevent corona discharge. But a grille has many edges and therefore the corona discharges would be drastical.
Then it made click. They want to have the corona discharge! This is the principle how the wheels work. If you have a charged plate (but isolated) or even better an electret. If you now place something metal on top with sharp edges (grille), the potential at the edges will be much higher, and therefore you will have there a corona discharge. But then, you have less charges in the grille electrode, than needed to compensate the electret, and therefore a current will flow in the grille to equalize this. But (un)fortunately this current will also become lost in a corona discharge.
I then made a little prototype to see, if the theory works, and it does. With a grille of about half the size of a hand I could lit up a lamp every few seconds. 
Sure this works only if the air is moving, otherwise the air around the grille gets charged up, and it will work much less efficient. (This is why the wheels on the Thestatika have to turn). I made it stationary, and therefore have to blow a bit air at it every now and then.

I think this pyramid thing is exactly the same!
The top is ideal for a corona discharge, for the electric potential at the top will be much higher than anywhere else in the top piece of metal. And due to the shape of the pyramid a steady flow along the sides of the pyramid from bottom to top will very likely develop, which is needed for continuous operation.
The other metal part at the bottom is needed to "charge" the air prior in the other direction. Well it's not really needed (my device uses the electret for that), but it surely will increase the efficiency the better, the more negative the bottom metal is.
And there I think it's different than you mentioned. I think, you should take a metal which is very negative on the bottom, but very positive on the top, so that you have a maximum difference.
But I think one should take the redox potential of the metals for this (these say actually which metals like electrons more or less, this is how batteries work). So I don't think it has anything to do with diamagnetics, etc. At least not, if it works like my device.
If it works like that, then a gold top and a lithium bottom would be the best you can do. For gold is the most positive metal (+1.69V) and lithium (-3.05 ) the most negative one. For the actual metals you can get cheaply, certainly copper (+0.52V )aluminium (-1.66V) is quite a good choice.
So from the basic principle this is kind like an air battery, but the atmosphere will always try to balance the charges, and therefrom comes the energy. (It's actually kinetic energy from the air, that gets translated into electrical energy)

But as I calculated and also saw from my prototype, you can't get much energy like that. Otherwise you would need huge installations! I think a little Fan motor for the size of pyramid you suggest would just be about in that range that I think is realistic to drive.
This was actually the reason why I didn't spent more time in this direction. Nice FE fro demonstrations purposes, but not really usable in respect to the amount of energy you can get.
BTW: I think this is only used in the Thestatika to generate some HV, but in a way, which doesn't need energy. Then they have a second OU principle in the chars which somehow generates hugh amounts of energy from this HV. I think it's something similar to the ed gray tube...
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on July 31, 2008, 09:07:45 PM
doubt based thinking, steals from you.
it does not reward you in any way. it only takes away what you "could" have.

doubt based thinking, will not benefit a persons research efforts.
anymore than a brick tied around their leg, will help them to swim better.

even if i am not able to get my design to produce anything, than my design and my explanation of its physics, are further to the truth than anything before.

but doubt based thinking, does not allow you to see the improvement.
it only shows you the way to failure. not to success.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: professor on August 01, 2008, 03:40:22 PM
You call it whatever  you wish I call it proof of concept.
To blindly believe is not normal human behavior.
Did you believe there where Weapons of mass destruction?  Many of us poor souls perhaps did so . It was necessary to proof to you and the world that you were misinformed .
Misinformation happens every day in our life.
Nice to believe in something but its not a perfect world.
It takes as much  courage to proof a point as it does do disprove it.
Remarks like yours to expect everyone to blindly believe in something like perhaps you do are unproductive and serve no other purpose but to start an argument that can not be won.
I will therefore no longer respond and let the weight of my comments be determined by each individual free thinker out there.
Quote from: nitinnun on July 31, 2008, 09:07:45 PM
doubt based thinking, steals from you.
it does not reward you in any way. it only takes away what you "could" have.

doubt based thinking, will not benefit a persons research efforts.
anymore than a brick tied around their leg, will help them to swim better.

even if i am not able to get my design to produce anything, than my design and my explanation of its physics, are further to the truth than anything before.

but doubt based thinking, does not allow you to see the improvement.
it only shows you the way to failure. not to success.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 01, 2008, 04:09:49 PM
i'm not talking about "blindly believing" anything.
i'm volunteering possibility.
possibility being too dry around here for my taste.

it is YOU, you are preaching blind belief.
blind belief, in the religion of DOUBT.
with a second helping of black and white thinking.

the weight to your comments, is how much of an unhelpful drag they are.
a dead horse around my neck. which was never alive to begin with.
a weight that i need not contaminate my intuition with.

by the way. nothing in this universe, can be proven or disproven.
everything is just a possibility.
everything is just an educated guess.
everything is just an over-glorified opinion, dressed in sheep's clothing.

so don't get caught up in proving ANYTHING.
because you might as well be chasing your own tail, while bashing your head against a brick wall.
into infinity and beyond.

Quote from: professor on August 01, 2008, 03:40:22 PM
You call it whatever  you wish I call it proof of concept.
To blindly believe is not normal human behavior.
Did you believe there where Weapons of mass destruction?  Many of us poor souls perhaps did so . It was necessary to proof to you and the world that you were misinformed .
Misinformation happens every day in our life.
Nice to believe in something but its not a perfect world.
It takes as much  courage to proof a point as it does do disprove it.
Remarks like yours to expect everyone to blindly believe in something like perhaps you do are unproductive and serve no other purpose but to start an argument that can not be won.
I will therefore no longer respond and let the weight of my comments be determined by each individual free thinker out there.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightwynd on August 01, 2008, 06:07:55 PM
Wow...this thing just turned all philosophical and stuff...

I don't know if this thing will work. I hope it does. If it doesn't, then I'll have a cool looking pyramid in my bedroom. If it does, well - we'll see. In the mean time, I'm still trying to find copper foil or flashing that I can actually afford (budget is insane right now). Keep us posted on progress nitinnun, your build looks interesting. How are you planning on making the base? Did you install the antenna yet?

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 01, 2008, 06:25:46 PM
i want to cut dozzens of slabs of aluminum foil.

then i will stack them up like a deck of cards.

then i want to fold the edges, to bind them into 1 sheet.

then i want to zip tie together 2 sheets. and reinforce the middle, with plastic straws.

then i will bend the edges, drill holes, and zip tie. like with the copper peak.

then i will line the top with non-conductive duct tape. and sit the copper peak on top.

and if for some unthinkable reason i fail to get electricity, i will screw around with the pyramid until it DOES produce electricity.

because i can see many possibilities which might lead to success.
unlike SOME people. who think that the failure-monster is hiding under every bed and in every closet.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 02, 2008, 07:05:16 AM
i made another shocking yet basic discovery.

look at the letter "A" on your keyboard.
the letter A, looks like a pyramid.

the line through the middle, electrically sepperates the peak from the base!

the person who invented the letter A thousands of years ago, knew that the pyramids peak must be electrically sepperate from the pyramids base!
they knew how to harvest electricity from a pyramid!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: triffid on August 03, 2008, 02:07:38 PM
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: 4Tesla on August 03, 2008, 04:10:56 PM
Quote from: nitinnun on August 02, 2008, 07:05:16 AM
i made another shocking yet basic discovery.

look at the letter "A" on your keyboard.
the letter A, looks like a pyramid.

the line through the middle, electrically sepperates the peak from the base!

the person who invented the letter A thousands of years ago, knew that the pyramids peak must be electrically sepperate from the pyramids base!
they knew how to harvest electricity from a pyramid!

Great Observation!

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on August 03, 2008, 05:23:02 PM

I concur.

With all the obvious negative symbolism all around us, what better place to hide the truth than among the weeds.


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Koen1 on August 04, 2008, 10:12:23 AM
@Nittinun: So, have you actually measured any output yet?
If so, what was the voltage?
Is is only static charge on a cap, or do you actually get some current out?
If it's only static charge, does the cap self-charge faster than a normal cap would?
Or is it really just the two different metals?
Perhaps it's worthwile using plastic as the isolator, as other "dielectrics" like
paper can give misleading readings? (Old "dry" batteries often used paper
as "dry electrolyte" since even a small amount of moisture in it, like that
from the air, can produce galvanic reactions.)

Oh, and why do you feel the need to post obvious facts, like the fact that
the pyramid has a strong and near holy connotation for Illuminati, or the
obvious fact that the letter A is a variation on the triangle?
I quite like your approach to the pyramid although it is not very new,
but I don't think you should throw in so much Illuminati nonsense and such. ;)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 05, 2008, 05:14:22 PM
it is "obvious", that the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill, has a peak which is electrically sepperated from its base?
and that the all seeing eye inside that peak, might as well be a peak antennae, which is harvesting positively charged magnetism?

it is obvious that THE LETTER "A" ITSELF, has a peak which is electrically sepperated from its base?

and that the electrical sepperation in both of these, is a huge missing link in the pyramid riddle?

the above is obvious, even though i see next to nobody electrically sepperating their peaks from their bases?

let alone make their peaks copper, their bases aluminum, and sepperating peak from base with insulation?

or saying anything what so ever about the above?

either you have a very screwed up concept of what "obvious" is,

or you are passive aggressively trying to argue with me, despite having no ground to stand on, or anything to contribute,

or you are typing, without having any idea what you are saying.

possibly all 3.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Drannom on August 05, 2008, 06:59:29 PM
Illuminati are real, they control the planet, there are many hybrid humanoids among them, see the Dajjal videos on youtube or look at my reptilian topic in this forum, Illuminati are killing inventors, so in this forum we are fighting at them, they are in this forum too, OU is too important for them

We are not alone so it is more difficult to work in team and solve the OU for all the planet

if you search for the word  ``paid agent`` in this forum, you'll find many occurences, so many members are angry to see them fuck us all in disinformation ways

sorry for my english

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: AbbaRue on August 06, 2008, 03:20:34 AM
There is a very interesting vibration on this forum at this time.
It looks like a few concepts are showing OU at the same time.
Very interesting in deed.

Maybe this is a sign that the time is now right for our advancement.
Keep up the experimenting.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: AbbaRue on August 06, 2008, 03:21:51 AM
There is a very interesting vibration on this forum at this time.
It looks like a few concepts are showing OU at the same time.
Very interesting in deed.

Maybe this is a sign that the time is now right for our advancement.
Keep up the experimenting.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: sevich on August 06, 2008, 07:46:14 AM
Quote from: Drannom on August 05, 2008, 06:59:29 PM
Illuminati are real, they control the planet, there are many hybrid humanoids among them
QuoteIlluminati are killing inventors, so in this forum we are fighting at them, they are in this forum too, OU is too important for them
QuoteWe are not alone so it is more difficult to work in team and solve the OU for all the planet. If you search for the word  ``paid agent`` in this forum, you'll find many occurences, so many members are angry to see them fuck us all in disinformation way

The fact is that Iluminati, Rockafellas, Rothchilds......  are all (at least most) Jewish / Zionists who are never satisfied with what they have and must continue their planned conquest of the entire world. They are money hungry and it makes sense that they would detest any free energy that does not have a meter on it!! Just like negative Jewish influence that had Nikola Tesla go bankrupt due to his free electricity without wires give away!

Now then, it begs the question........is this "overunity.com" forum influenced in any way?

YES, YES...all things are possible and I don't regret or give a shit what you all think as to why I posted the following link!!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moritz_Hartmann ???
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: Cap-Z-ro on August 06, 2008, 08:05:00 AM

The criminally insane people trying to gain/control world power/dominance have  no spiritual or religious belief system...they simply don whatever clothes needed to suit the occasion.

Always keep in mind that the differing belief systems are no acident...they serve as tools to divide, distract, and conquer.


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: Koen1 on August 06, 2008, 08:17:16 AM
Quote from: nitinnun on August 05, 2008, 05:14:22 PM
it is "obvious", that the pyramid on the back of the one dollar bill, has a peak which is electrically sepperated from its base?
and that the all seeing eye inside that peak, might as well be a peak antennae, which is harvesting positively charged magnetism?
No, that's not what I said. Read what I wrote, don't reply to things I did not say.

Quoteit is obvious that THE LETTER "A" ITSELF, has a peak which is electrically sepperated from its base?
and that the electrical sepperation in both of these, is a huge missing link in the pyramid riddle?
the above is obvious, even though i see next to nobody electrically sepperating their peaks from their bases?
let alone make their peaks copper, their bases aluminum, and sepperating peak from base with insulation?

Well you've clearly not looked hard enough. There's people who have shown pictures of pyramids with a copper top
and an aluminium base and which they refer to as "over unity capacitors" or "pyramid capacitors" out there on the net.
Can't recall a url now, but I've seen several. And yes they claim the thing puts out DC, low amps but ok voltage.
As far as I can figure what you describe is a version of what some have already built.

Nevertheless, I asked why you feel the need to post obvious things, and indeed, the fact that the letter A
is a triangle with a horizontal "seperating" line in the middle is obvious, yes. The fact that the Illuminati
have been fascinated with pyramids, and that the pramid and the rays of light coming from the eye of Ra
as depicted on the Illuminati-designed dollar bill represent a radiance of power from the divine "all-seeing eye"
is also quite obvious for anyone who has actually studied this or thought about it in depth. The "reason for
the angles being 52 degrees" is also obvious, but more from a geometric standpoint, which you have in fact
incorporated into your "explanation" but is more logical than you seem to think.

A fact which is not obvious, however, is one that you keep bringing up, which is the alleged "magnetic field
of the pyramid". Where do you get the idea that a shape has a magnetic field, and that a pyramid would have one
as you drew it?

Quoteeither you have a very screwed up concept of what "obvious" is,
or you are passive aggressively trying to argue with me, despite having no ground to stand on, or anything to contribute,
or you are typing, without having any idea what you are saying.

Or possibly the pot shouldn't call the kettle black ;D
Alright, since you seem to have trouble follwing my reasoning, I'll explain.
I asked why you feel the need to point out obvious things, and certainly some of the things you pointed
put in your "theory" are very obvious and not really breakthrough insights at all. Such as the A and the
angles of the pyramids etc. The fact that copper an aluminium have different emission potentials etc and
therefore aluminium charges negatively in respect to copper is a well known fact, not a groundbreaking
realisation on your part. The fact that you need to keep capacitor plates electrically seperated from a ground
or from the oppositely charged plate is also well known. The fact that the A is a triangle is true, but if you knew
anything about the evolution of the alphabet you'd also know that the Aleph, or Alpha, was one of the
very first letters and was originally written upside down witg the horizontal line sticking out on both sides, and
was a symbolic depiction of the cow, which was called Aleph in ancient times in several cultures.
So the A did not start out as a pyramid, it started out as the stylised depiction of a cows head. Sorry.

Furthermore I am not trying to argue with you as there is hardly anything to argue about... You present your
idea of how to build a pyramid capacitor-antenna device that you feel should charge a capacitor fast enough
to produce actual usable output energy. Well, to be honest, I quite like that idea.
I just wonder why you don't just describe your idea, why instead you feel the need to drag things like the letter A
in there for example, and why you act like it's a huge discovery that the sides of the Great Pyramid are at 45
degrees to eachother...

And most of all I wonder if you have by now built and tested your pyramid idea, and if you managed to get output
from it, and how much that output was.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Drannom on August 06, 2008, 09:47:44 AM
Quote from: Drannom on July 20, 2008, 07:52:41 PM

in fact this is 42 degree exactly not 45

look my shema here http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,3701.0.html

Koen1, it's always a pity to have to read you, i suggest to everyone to just forget about your silly lost of time, why are you harrassing again someone somewhere, it's an habit ? sure it is.....
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: helmut on August 06, 2008, 10:01:03 AM
Quote from: sevich on August 06, 2008, 07:46:14 AM
The fact is that Iluminati, Rockafellas, Rothchilds......  are all (at least most) Jewish / Zionists who are never satisfied with what they have and must continue their planned conquest of the entire world. They are money hungry and it makes sense that they would detest any free energy that does not have a meter on it!! Just like negative Jewish influence that had Nikola Tesla go bankrupt due to his free electricity without wires give away!

Now then, it begs the question........is this "overunity.com" forum influenced in any way?

YES, YES...all things are possible and I don't regret or give a shit what you all think as to why I posted the following link!!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moritz_Hartmann ???

Shlould we be afraid or should we continue to open-source all knowlege about
chep supply with needs about Energy.

If someone lifes like a parasite on my neck, i will stop to feed him.
I try as less as possible,  to employ a bank to distribute my money.
Cash ist best.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 06, 2008, 11:56:02 AM
i discovered another insight.

a counter-clockwise coil is needed in the peak. to convert the clockwise spinning peak energy, into counter-clockwise spinning hot-electricity!

i think that cold electricity has a clockwise spin.
which is why it is conducted through clockwise spinning protons. ignoring electrons and their electrical resistance.

i think that the normal hot electricity in our walls, has a counter-clockwise spin.
which is why it is conducted through counter-clockwise spinning electrons. ignoring protons.

the nazi's were illuminati.
the nazi's swastika had a counter-clockwise spin.
the counter-clockwise spin is death energy.

the all seeing eye on the back of the dollar, represents the illuminati.
the peak-antenna needs a counter-clockwise coil, to produce electricity.

so the all seeing eye, has a counter-clockwise spin.
the illuminati are powered by the counter-clockwise death spin. just like the nazi's swastika was coutner-clockwise.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: bigbriggy on August 06, 2008, 02:56:51 PM
I have been following this thread for a while now and i have been intrigued by the discussion of using a pyramid for harnessing natural energy - having listened to other people discuss power generation. i found the Tibet flag has a peculiar set of items in it which lend itself nicely to the discussion. if you notice the user of colour like positive and negative (could be in relation to waves or yin or yang). then we have the pyramid object - with something hanging down from the roof - with a symbol on the floor coming up to meet it but not quite.  and of course the sun like object at the top of the pyramid.... may be nothing or just a coincidence but could be food for thought.


http://bp1.blogger.com/_QiZluUixU0o/SGKzgmWvmEI/AAAAAAAAAA8/halTBvh8EcA/s1600-h/tibetflag%405b11%405d.jpg (http://bp1.blogger.com/_QiZluUixU0o/SGKzgmWvmEI/AAAAAAAAAA8/halTBvh8EcA/s1600-h/tibetflag%405b11%405d.jpg)

Again, thanks to the guys looking into building the pyramid it looks like an excellent project and i look forward eagerly with any results you may or may not find.

Oh and another link i found very interesting - and discusses the pyramid in a different light is this video, could help on the design on the pyramid your building :)

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1523833666089029157 (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1523833666089029157)

gl with your endeavors
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: 4Tesla on August 06, 2008, 03:04:38 PM
Quote from: bigbriggy on August 06, 2008, 02:56:51 PM
I have been following this thread for a while now and i have been intrigued by the discussion of using a pyramid for harnessing natural energy - having listened to other people discuss power generation. i found the Tibet flag has a peculiar set of items in it which lend itself nicely to the discussion. if you notice the user of colour like positive and negative (could be in relation to waves or yin or yang). then we have the pyramid object - with something hanging down from the roof - with a symbol on the floor coming up to meet it but not quite.  and of course the sun like object at the top of the pyramid.... may be nothing or just a coincidence but could be food for thought.


http://bp1.blogger.com/_QiZluUixU0o/SGKzgmWvmEI/AAAAAAAAAA8/halTBvh8EcA/s1600-h/tibetflag%405b11%405d.jpg (http://bp1.blogger.com/_QiZluUixU0o/SGKzgmWvmEI/AAAAAAAAAA8/halTBvh8EcA/s1600-h/tibetflag%405b11%405d.jpg)

Again, thanks to the guys looking into building the pyramid it looks like an excellent project and i look forward eagerly with any results you may or may not find.

Oh and another link i found very interesting - and discusses the pyramid in a different light is this video, could help on the design on the pyramid your building :)

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1523833666089029157 (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1523833666089029157)

gl with your endeavors

Thank you for the links and welcome to the forum!

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 06, 2008, 06:58:37 PM
i looked at the tibetan flag.
did you know that tibet is a stronghold of pleiadian wisdom?

the peak antenna on that pyramid, looks like a UFO.
a UFO floats, ungrounded to the earth. which symbolizes that the peak antenna must never touch the earth.

the peak of the pyramid, containes the energy/fire of the sun itself.
which says that the peak is full of energy.

the peak-annena contains a smaller amount of this energy/fire. which says that the peak-antenna collects a small portion of the peaks energy!

the peak-antenna and the base-antenna, are electrically sepperare.
they are being held apart, by 2 lions (pleiadians are the lion people. because of their blond hair and feline nose ridges.)

the 2 lions (pleiadians), have wings on their legs. which symbolizes that they can fly (in old drawings, anyone or anything that had wings, was capable of flying. and was usually an extraterrestrial, who could fly/levitate).

the 2 lions (pleiadians), electrically connect the peak antenna and base antenna. in place of the CPU fan!
this suggests that either lion, is being powered by the antenna's. that the lions (pleiadians), get their power from the 2 antenna's!

i see more  things. but that is enough for now.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: giantkiller on August 06, 2008, 10:32:35 PM
Drive 3 Tesla pancakes on each upper face of a tetrahedron. The base is the focal point. This is a similar configuration to Hutchison.

--giantkiller. Mechanics, Frequencies, Magnetics, Scalar and longitudinal interaction. Make the progression. Otherwise your just wearing magnets as jewelry.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: johnyb on August 07, 2008, 02:58:58 AM
Quote from: Freezer on July 17, 2008, 02:59:39 AM
I read somewhere that the tips of the pyramids of giza were made of mica. :-\
That is interesting, because Mica has one of the highest Dielectric Strengths of insulating materials. Basically, the Dielectric Strength is the ability to withstand a voltage before breaking down. That would mean electrons passing through quickly and could burn a hole in the insulation that broke down. 
  It could have the highest ability to withstand voltage, but off hand i could not say if it is the highest or one of the highest.  There are different grades of Mica. Whichever grade is used, its voltage breakdown compared to other insulating materials of equal thickness, is much higher.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Koen1 on August 07, 2008, 10:09:38 AM
Quote from: Drannom on August 06, 2008, 09:47:44 AM
Koen1, it's always a pity to have to read you,
Hahahaha typical Drannom illogic :D
Nobody is forcing you to read anything, you're the one making the decision and performing the act of reading.
If you don't want to, then why do you do it? Subconscious masochism or something? ;)
Well, I often don't like what you write either, but at least I don't go playing the victim when I choose to read your nonsense.
You do realise that your complaint is a bit odd, don't you?

Quotei suggest to everyone to just forget about your silly lost of time,
and instead I allow people to make up their own minds.
What's the big problem anyway, Drannom? Do you bug everyone that doesn't simply swallow
any claim but instead prefers critical analysis and logical deduction of observed effects?
Do you suppose a discussion forum is not meant to actually discuss things?

Quotewhy are you harrassing again someone somewhere, it's an habit ? sure it is.....
Hahaha what are you saying, that I may not jump into discussion threads and actually
ask some critical questions about the subject, but at the same time you may nag and accuse
me in every thread where you encounter a critical question on my part?
That seems to be a double standard you're using there... ;)

No, Drannom, why don't you just admit it, you're still upset that you entered our Crystal Cell thread
and got slapped around the ears with logical and empirically substantiated facts and a honest,
actual science based interpretation on my part which was in direct conflict with your unsubstantiated
and near religious belief in the Electrinium paper. Why it is so hard for you to admit there may actually
be people who have studied the subject and just about all related subjects in detail for years,
and who may indeed have a far more substantial understanding and more sound theoretical understanding
of that particular subject than you have is beyond me. Why you refuse to accept known facts in
that discussion and maintain that a totally unproven hypothesis which does not appear to accord
with empirical evidence in the related fields is true, while you have never even done any tests and
don't appear to really know anythng about the related scientific fields, is a complete mystery.

Please don't try to make yourself feel better by slandering me in every thread I happen to enter.
My questions to Nitinnun were serious and not meant to ridicule in any way.
Yes, I do feel there appears to be a very high degree of speculation and very little sound theory
going on as yet, but the concept of a pyramid-shaped bimetallic capacitor is still interesting,
and although I do criticise Nitinnuns form of presentation and certain aspects he drags into
his story, the actual device characteristics as he describes them are quite simple,
and the functioning principle he appears to adhere to is one that assumes the pyramid has
a magnetic field of some sort. Well, pyramids aren't really known to have such a field,
and there is no good physical reason why something shaped like a pyramid would manifest
such a field (in established physics at least), so I asked why Nitinnun thinks it is so and
where he got this idea. That's not so strange, is it?
But I bet you're going to find some way to accuse me of harassing people again... :D
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: Drannom on August 07, 2008, 11:59:06 AM
Koen1, that is what Nitinnun said to you

Quote from: nitinnun on August 05, 2008, 05:14:22 PM


either you have a very screwed up concept of what "obvious" is,

or you are passive aggressively trying to argue with me, despite having no ground to stand on, or anything to contribute,

or you are typing, without having any idea what you are saying.

possibly all 3.

i agree with Nitinnun, you are aggressive, be cool and full of love instead

well you come here and ask questions as if there was a real working pyramid here , that is not the case so your questions were out of the topic, it was such kind of harrassing questions with intention to decrease the energy of Nitinnun itself

you do not know what you are saying, there is full of testimony of pyramid power, i have found another in the Pyramid General Discussion in this forum, water dos not freeze in the middle of a pyramid !!

i do not attack you , i just watch you make a fool of yourself

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: WilbyInebriated on August 07, 2008, 11:59:49 AM
Quote from: Koen1 on August 07, 2008, 10:09:38 AM
Hahahaha typical Drannom illogic :D
Nobody is forcing you to read anything, you're the one making the decision and performing the act of reading.
If you don't want to, then why do you do it? Subconscious masochism or something? ;)
Well, I often don't like what you write either, but at least I don't go playing the victim when I choose to read your nonsense.
You do realise that your complaint is a bit odd, don't you?
and instead I allow people to make up their own minds.
What's the big problem anyway, Drannom? Do you bug everyone that doesn't simply swallow
any claim but instead prefers critical analysis and logical deduction of observed effects?
Do you suppose a discussion forum is not meant to actually discuss things?
Hahaha what are you saying, that I may not jump into discussion threads and actually
ask some critical questions about the subject, but at the same time you may nag and accuse
me in every thread where you encounter a critical question on my part?
That seems to be a double standard you're using there... ;)

No, Drannom, why don't you just admit it, you're still upset that you entered our Crystal Cell thread
and got slapped around the ears with logical and empirically substantiated facts and a honest,
actual science based interpretation on my part which was in direct conflict with your unsubstantiated
and near religious belief in the Electrinium paper. Why it is so hard for you to admit there may actually
be people who have studied the subject and just about all related subjects in detail for years,
and who may indeed have a far more substantial understanding and more sound theoretical understanding
of that particular subject than you have is beyond me. Why you refuse to accept known facts in
that discussion and maintain that a totally unproven hypothesis which does not appear to accord
with empirical evidence in the related fields is true, while you have never even done any tests and
don't appear to really know anythng about the related scientific fields, is a complete mystery.

Please don't try to make yourself feel better by slandering me in every thread I happen to enter.
My questions to Nitinnun were serious and not meant to ridicule in any way.
Yes, I do feel there appears to be a very high degree of speculation and very little sound theory
going on as yet, but the concept of a pyramid-shaped bimetallic capacitor is still interesting,
and although I do criticise Nitinnuns form of presentation and certain aspects he drags into
his story, the actual device characteristics as he describes them are quite simple,
and the functioning principle he appears to adhere to is one that assumes the pyramid has
a magnetic field of some sort. Well, pyramids aren't really known to have such a field,
and there is no good physical reason why something shaped like a pyramid would manifest
such a field (in established physics at least), so I asked why Nitinnun thinks it is so and
where he got this idea. That's not so strange, is it?
But I bet you're going to find some way to accuse me of harassing people again... :D

i'll take a stab at that last sentence, take a look at:
i left the rest of your post because it is so hypocritical, especially that double standard part and you have never even done any tests... the pot calling the kettle black indeed.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 07, 2008, 12:19:42 PM
koen1 is a malicious forum troll, who contributes nothing of any use!

instead, he contributes destruction.
the destruction of the very things, which lead to progress and discovery!

in this way, he is the opposite of progressive. he is REGRESSIVE!

he is the anti-thesis of a researcher. and he seeks to tear down those who dare to wonder independantly of the sickeningly corrupt/controlled mainstream!

a mainstream run by blind fools, who dare to label themselves as scientists.

koen1's heart chakra is closed, just like the illuminati.

the rudimentary wisdom that comes with the heart chakra, is absent in him. just like the illuminati.

the frequency of his aura is low.
a condition made clear by his long, irrelevant typing style.
and the sickening, slimy feeling that may be felt, just from reading his words.

it is unlikely that koen1 is on the illuminati payroll.
but either paid by them, or doing it for free, he is certainly doing their dirty work for them!

by harassing the poor innovators of this forum.
to the benefit of NOTHING WHAT SO EVER! except his enjoyment of harassing others!

there is one way to deal with a troll. and that is to STARVE him!
by denying him the very conflict which sustains him.
conflict bled from the hearts, of those who possess a point!

my innovator brothers! i CALL upon you, to banish this troll to the irrelevant wastes from which he came!
to ignore any post which he may impose upon us, from now until forever!

ignore koen1!
send him back to the barren wastes of myspace!"
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Drannom on August 08, 2008, 05:57:01 AM
well done Nitinnun

i would like to talk in english as well as you then i would have a lot to say

there are many trolls here, or paid agents, or debunkers (not sure of that word), or conspiracy agents, or artists of disinformation etc...

they work in team and use many new members name as they need to take control of a thread

many missleader take control of a topic, some eminence here are not eminence

we have to create a new topic to alert everyone in this forum by pointing out which one is such a kind of paid agent, then any new sincere members will be aware of their presence

the anti conspirationnist team, yeah

at the beginning i was not suppose to talk at all in this forum, only study pyramid and OU, then i saw so many non sincere members, and so many been attakted viciously, then i had no other choice to join the english team as well as i can and go to war with them

after my reptilian topic in ufo sight, i found many of them here, they are approximatly a team of ten trolls

i suspect 4 of them up to now

predators will be hunt by their prey ! (voyager star treck)

the weak will perish (voyager star treck from species 6284)

i have found in the electrinium.pdf a complete explanation of the energy in the universe, when i saw someone attaking this text with a force of a giant well prepare, i have then no doubt, this forum is infest and must be purify


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 08, 2008, 07:59:45 AM
by the way. EVERYTHING in the universe, has a magnetic field.

every single atom is held together by a magnetic field.
every chunk of metal in our atmosphere, definitely holds a magnetic field.

the shape of the pyramid, forces the magnetic field of its 4 triangles, to move in only one direction.
this DC magnetic field collects and stores any additional energy, which strikes it.

there is energy all around us. especially from the earths magnetic field, which is generated by the spinning core.
and from electrostatic energy in every inch of the atmosphere, generated by countless oxygen and nitrogen particles bumping together.

i think the problem, is that this energy must be converted from its current form, into hot electricity.
converted by a wire coil, which spins counter-clockwise.
because hot electricity spins counter-clockwise, because it is conducted through electrons which spin counter-clockwise.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Koen1 on August 09, 2008, 08:05:13 AM
Hahahahahahahahaha :D

Omg are you all equally dim? Clearly you are.

Well, alright, if you guys prefer quasi-new-age vibrationological
chakra aura aether spirit pyramid power energy mumbojumbo
over actual logical reasoning,
then by all means stick with it and I'll leave you to it.

But why must you guys insist on dragging the Illuminati and reptilians and
whatever fantasy shadow conspiracy you believe in into the discussion
whenever someone says something you don't like?
You guys really believe that bullshit, don't you?

Well alright, by all means get aggressive and insulting with people like me
who present you with those nasty critical questions you can't answer, and
by all means do call everyone who doesn't agree with you names and dub
them Illuminati.
I'm sure you're going to end up very happy doing that.

you're a bunch of childish pyramid-power hippies that are a generation or two
behind on the movement.

Oh and by the way, repeating someones figure of speech is not whitty, for those
of you that thought so. It merely demonstrates your lack of originality.
Poor sods.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: amigo on August 09, 2008, 12:00:15 PM

If you think the pyramid power presented here is mumbo-jumbo why do you continually bother posting in this thread?

As far as I can tell, nitinnun did not solicit your opinion to begin with so your posts only add un-necessary noise.

As an observer and a reader, it constantly requires my attention to ignore your posts which I do not appreciate at all. I should not have to do that as a member of this board.

So, I will start reporting your posts to the moderator whenever I find them distracting and I warmly encourage others to do so as well.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: triffid on August 09, 2008, 09:15:19 PM
In the state of oklahoma when it was still indian land(1840's) when the indians cooked a meal everything was put in the pot with the hair on.Horses would be cooked with the hair and skin on them.Only at your mouth was the meat eaten and everything else spit out.I would prefer that everyone  here at the forum speak their piece.I will decide what I want to eat and what I want to spit out.Noone else but me.Triffid
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Drannom on August 10, 2008, 06:12:03 AM
It's worst than that, it's all about harrassing

here an example from The Lee-Tseung Lead Out Theory page 70

Koen1 is completly evil in that one


1) When did you last have a brain scan?
2) How bad was it?
3) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Korsakov syndrome?
4) Did they perhaps diagnose severe Creutzfelt-Jacob syndrome?
5) Did they perhaps perform a partial lobotomy?
6) Have you ever hit your head very very hard, possibly around the age of 13?
7) Have you ever fallen head-first onto your chop sticks, accidentally
jamming one up your nose too deep?
8 ) Have you perhaps been consuming too much lead in your food? In that
respect you may be right in that it is wise to get the "lead out".
9) Do you have any sense of reality?
10) From which asylum did you escape?

is it his way to make someone feel better ? sure it is not !!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 10, 2008, 07:24:56 AM
Quote from: triffid on August 09, 2008, 09:15:19 PM
In the state of oklahoma when it was still indian land(1840's) when the indians cooked a meal everything was put in the pot with the hair on.Horses would be cooked with the hair and skin on them.Only at your mouth was the meat eaten and everything else spit out.I would prefer that everyone  here at the forum speak their piece.I will decide what I want to eat and what I want to spit out.Noone else but me.Triffid

so. either 1:
you are ignoring the situation in this thread and the feelings involved, so that you can pointlessly bluster about a vague ideal of yours,

or 2:
you are defending koen1, because you actually think that the things he types, are worth reading.
defending him, even though his intent is trollish harassment.

tell us, horse-spitter.
which is it?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: triffid on August 10, 2008, 09:22:59 AM
I am not defending koen1. But I am defending my own right to pick and choose what I consider what I think the truth is.So I do not defend Koen1.But I don't condemn him or anyone else here.We all want overunity to be a place where we have free expression of speech.I do believe in aliens.I know a few illegals already.Triffid
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 11, 2008, 05:58:17 PM
i just realized!
thomas trawoger, only intended to make ONE counter-clockwise wire coil!

thomas trawoger had one long wire.

he soldered one end to that capacitor at the bottom.

he wrapped the wire counter-clockwise, around the copper pipe.

then he did the rest of the blah with it, and likely left it electrically sepperate, from the copper pipe.

he found that had excess wire. so he wrapped the excess wire, into a second counter-clockwise coil.

this second counter-clockwise coil, might as well be an extension of the first counter-clockwise coil !

so this ONE counter-clockwise coil, functions exactly like the ONE counter-clockwise coil, in les browns pyramid!

the counter-clockwise coil catches "electrons", generated by the pyramid.
electrons spin counter-clockwise. so a counter-clockwise coil, is capable of catching them!

by the way. the reason why copper pipe worked best for him, is because it had so many copper atoms, with which to generate "energy".

just like my glue cells produce more amperage, the more metals used.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 12, 2008, 09:31:03 PM
the blocks in the pyramids, are made up of:

silicon dioxide (sand)
oxygen (50% of all rock matter on earth is too)
and possibly a little aluminum.

thomas trawoger used sand, water, and carbon, in/around his copper loop.
he SPECIFICALLY had graphite sticks (carbon), near the counter-clockwise coil on the loop.

i have successfully used sand, water, and glue (glue carbon/oxygen/hydrogen), in my glue cells.

the oxygen in sand, is negativly charged (paramagnetic?).
carbon is likely also negatively charged. because carbon powder conducts electricity.

so the blocks that make up the pyramid, conduct magnetism, but not electricity.
just like the water and glue in my glue cells!
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: 4Tesla on August 12, 2008, 10:06:00 PM
So do you think it is the materials that are important rather than shape or both?

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on August 13, 2008, 08:57:54 AM

Have you thought about testing one of your glue-cells by placing it in the apex of a pyramid? It would be interesting to see if there is a difference in the output (of the glue-cell).

So far, it's not the strangest idea here  ;)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 14, 2008, 10:06:29 AM
.....yesterday i came up with A TON of new insights!
i could barely sleep, because they kept poping into my mind.

most of it is "convincing theory", and some of it is stuff that i doubt anybody knows.
the result is that i will have to make serious changes, to my plans.

some of them need entire threads devoted to them!
i'm overwealmed at the moment

i'll post them once i have them nailed down more.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 16, 2008, 08:56:20 AM

There is so little power coming from this device, that I wonder if it's
largely static, galvanic, or chemical, or a combination reaction with
all of that crap on the device.  Many many ways to come up with a
good workable volt or two, but no real amperage.  Well, at least it's
a start...

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 16, 2008, 10:36:11 AM
in the last few days, i figured out that les browns pyramid, thomas trwogers pyramid, and the great pyramid in egypt, all required saltwater to work.
that all of them work on the same physics, as water cells.

but in their case, the clockwise spin around the kings chamber "charged up" the copper,
and the CCW spin above the peak, "charged up" whatever was used as the negative metal.

i was thrown off by les brown, because i didn't realize that the water/salt/electrolytes in his body, is what caused his pyramid to work.

i saw the connection between my water cells, and the saltwater in thomas trawogers pyramid, but the function didn't click until recently.

the information that i came up with, likely deserves its own thread.
it explains how the egyptian pyramid created electricity.

i'm still putting my thoughts together.
and i have to refine my drawings, to explain it better.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 16, 2008, 04:02:42 PM
clockwise spin,
plus counter-clockwise spin,
equals electricity.

water generates more CW, than CCW
(from 2 diamagnetic hydrogen atoms)

sand generated more CCW, than CW.
(from 2 paramagentic oxygen atoms)

CW builds up in positive clouds.
then rain drops conducts CW down to earth, as lightning.

electricity spins CW AND CCW.
hydrogen atoms in water conduct CW, but not CCW.
oxygen atoms in water conduct CCW, but not CW.

water conducts CW and CCW, WITHOUT merging them together into electricity!
(like copper wire merges them together)

CW energy is not readable by electronics!
(people mistake CW energy, as orgone/ether/whatever)

CCW energy is not readable, by electronics!
(people mistake CCW energy, as negative-emotions/curses/mortal-terror/whatever)

only electricity, is readable by electronics!
(CW mixed with CCW. both discharging each other, out of existance)

water allows CW to build up in copper, and CCW to build up in steel.
salt REALLY conducts CCW. so saltwater conducts even better than water.

saltwater does corrode the metals.
but the energy, comes from CW from air, and CCW from the earth. not "just" from corrosion

atlantians used gold as the positive, and copper as the negative.
gold and copper were more resistant to saltwater, yet still conducted the clockwise spin and counter-clockwise spin.

atlantians compressed saltwater, to make it an even more efficient conductor of CW and CCW.
vibrations in grand gallery, excited saltwater. making saltwater an EVEN MORE efficient conductor, of CW and CCW.

atlantians split saltwater, with hydrolysis, in queens chamber.
then pumped oxygen outside, and pumped hydrogen/sodium into grand gallery.
hydrogen/sodium, was better CW/CCW conductor, than saltwater.

antenna for CW, and antenna for CCW, were both in grand gallery.
both antenna's touched the same body of hydrogen/sodium.

CW antenna sat at top of grand gallery.
CCW antenna, was moved from bottom of grand gallery, to top of grand gallery.
the closer the 2 antenna's got, the less amperage loss between them.

the space between them, was used to control how much amperage was produced.

when an atlantian was recharging his motorcycle, CCW antenna was at bottom of grand gallery.
when an atlantian was recharging his bus, CCW antenna was in middle of grand gallery.
when an atlantian was recharging his floating gunboat of death, CCW antenna was at top of gallery, right next to
CW antenna.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 16, 2008, 04:03:56 PM
try building this.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 16, 2008, 10:37:41 PM
You want free energy?  How about 85volt and 175ma (15watts) to go with it?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 17, 2008, 01:53:48 PM
i made a better pyramid schematic.

CCW spins horizontally, in the steel sheet cap.

CW spins virtically, in the 12 copper turns.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 17, 2008, 02:08:04 PM
i just realized what the floating peak, containing the all seeing eye, on the back of the dollar bill means.

when you combine CCW from the peak,
with the CW in the "eye" in the middle of the pyramid,
you get electricity.

the floating peak, represented the CCW collecting steel peak.
the all seeing eye, represents the CW collecting copper ring.

and when you combine "peak" with "eye", you get electricity!

by the way. in ancient egypt, snakes represented clockwise spin and counter-clockwise spin.

if the snakes head was looking right, than that snake meant CW.
if the snakes head was looking left, than that snake meant CCW.

both snakes were kept sepperated, at all times. as shown by the bulbs around them in that one heiroglyphic.
except when mixed together, to create electricity.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: alkaro on August 18, 2008, 08:58:48 AM
Hi Nitinnun,

Thanks for posting this. I saw the video 3 times so far.... did download it. One never knows.

I just want to say one thing: it could be that the secret is NOT what you think and it is not working like a big capacitor...  it's possible - but it's more mysterious than that IMO.

Pyramids work even with nothing in ther frame at all....

Flavio - I have a feeling he is genuine - had a metall frame and the side in the front OPEN and it worked amazingly good. (And the other sides do not look as if they would be made out of metall (though this is not sure)).

I will make both versions - his and yours - and we will see.... (May take some time - but I will report back).

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 18, 2008, 09:10:34 AM

How many volts/amps?

You might do better duplicating something el$e, like maybe this one....
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightlife on August 18, 2008, 09:47:56 AM
sirmikey1, your video shows volts but does not show amps. You must show amps too and I bet that the amps are a lot lower with the DC voltage then with the AC voltage.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 18, 2008, 09:54:53 AM
Quote from: nightlife on August 18, 2008, 09:47:56 AM
sirmikey1, your video shows volts but does not show amps. You must show amps too and I bet that the amps are a lot lower with the DC voltage then with the AC voltage.

What's your take on this one?
He has put several in series and has it up to 200ma 13watts 90volts
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nightlife on August 18, 2008, 10:40:51 AM
sirmikey1, I am not sure if that was the right video becuase it did not show the results you posted it to have and it was a her and not a he. Lourie Matchett.

It was interesting to say the least although I would have to know more about the power of the frequency supplied. I will toss it around in my head today and post a better opinion this evening.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 18, 2008, 11:20:21 AM
  Lourie has several in series, getting the 13watts.  You can see it in the comments.

You can do similar with with a simple copper tube antenna, 20ft in the air, ungrounded,
with a pole deep in the ground as the ground.  20volts 25ma.  Series a few dozen of

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 18, 2008, 03:26:55 PM
the paramagnetic oxygen/calcium  atoms in gypsum, attract CW into the pyramid, from the air.

it might be easier to just fill a pyramid, with sand.
sand has 2 oxygens atoms per molecule. so it is also paramagnetic.

the copper loop was full of sand. that sand collected/stored CW as well.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: digitaloliver on August 19, 2008, 04:06:39 PM
Nitinnun and Jeanna!

.... by the way... i am remembering that some years ago when i some search in a library i read something about the roof Pharaoh chamber... i remmember the drawing... the section showing several layers with stones (that have a shape of a lens) ...this stones are separated... may be by an electrically reason.... the image in my memory is strong....

I remmember that the text said that this chamber roof is an amplifier.... of some sort of flux of energy....

But the Pharaoh chamber is 1/3 of the keops pyramid....

Do you remmember something like this amplifier concept?

I remember that this idea of that possible lost-ed amplifier is for  a potential vortex of some portal to another dimension....

I am just sharing this thoughts that this topic i am reading evoke on myself.

Sorry my English
Kind regards from Portugal

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 19, 2008, 04:17:40 PM
the roof may have amplified 2 things.

1: the CW stored in the kings chamber (in the golden ark of the covenant, which functioned at the copper loop!)

2: the ability of the saltwater, to conduct CW and CCW, between the positive antenna and the negative antenna in the grand gallery.

certain frequencies do certain things.
so if the roof amplified one of these frequencies, the frequences effects would increase.

i think that i have discovered the basics, that made it work.

things like this amplification are modifiers, which "increase" the effect.
they allow it to work better. not allow it to work "at all".
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 19, 2008, 04:29:12 PM
counter-clockwise spin, was produced by the iron atoms in the steel frame.

this steel-generated CCW, was attracted to the diamagnetism of the copper loop and water.
but the capacitor was as close to the copper loop/water, as the CCW could get.
SO THE CCW BUILT UP IN THE CAPACITOR! where it was drawn from, to create electricity.

the opposite was also true.

the copper and water produced clockwise spin
(in addition to the clockwise spin, that was caught from the air, by the gypsum and sand.)

this copper/water-generated CW, was attracted to the diamagnetism of the steel frame.
but the capacitor was as close to the steel frame, as the CW could get.
SO THE CW BUILD UP IN THE CAPACITOR! where it was drawn from, to create electricity.

all of the copper in thomas trawogers pyramid generated its own CW, and caught CW from the pyramid.

but generating and collecting CW, is about all that the copper did (aside from being a container for the water and sand).

i doubt that thomas trawoger knew about the stuff i have typed in this post.
but he definitely knew things, which he did not tell us about.

did he not tell us, because he was too foolish to communicate important things effectively?
or because he was holding out on us, for the sake of his greed/ego?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 19, 2008, 05:21:07 PM
like this.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on August 20, 2008, 09:33:48 AM

I like your drawings and explanations, but this last one kinda makes the pyramid and it's shape look rather arbitrary. Is there a reason for that?
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 20, 2008, 12:52:43 PM
i drew all of the pyramids by hand, without measuring their angles.
because that was the casual thing to do, and the other details were what i wanted to communicate.

the angles of the pyramid aren't very important.
unless you need certain frequencies.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on August 20, 2008, 04:07:26 PM
 ;D  @ nitinnun

No.....I'm not at all talking about the angles of the pyramids in your drawings. No complaints there at all!
What I mean is, in that last drawing of yours, you are explaining CW and CCW and copper and steel and all of that. It just looks like you threw in the shape of a pyramid amongst all the other stuff, not really explaining what effect the pyramid shape is having on the CW and CCW and all that other stuff.

I guess I'm just asking for a little more clarification on what the pyramid is doing along with all the other stuff you have been explaining.

(Please don't think I'm trying to be critical of your work here)  :-\
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 20, 2008, 06:04:36 PM
my intent was:

the middle of the pyramid, is the ideal place to collect CW.
because the middle of the pyramid, seems to be where CW builds up the most.
judging from the kings chamber, thomas trawogers claims, and countless other peoples claims.

the copper ring "collects" CW.
CW moves toward the capacitor, trying to get closer to the steel.

the base of the pyramid, is the best place to collect CCW.
because the base is closest to the ground, which is the greatest source of CCW.
the opposite, of how the air is the best source of CW.

the peak is the negative charge, on the pyramid.
but the peak needs as much CCW as possible, with which to attract CW from the sky.

if the peaks CCW were drained, than the pyramid would lose its capacity, to attract and trap CW in the middle!

think of a steel flagpole, standing in a field.
this steel flagpole, generates its own CCW. and conducts CCW, from the ground.

CW from the air, is attracted to the steel flagpole, because of its CCW.
the CW of the air, mixes with the CCW in the flagpole, to create lightning.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: wile_coyote7 on August 20, 2008, 08:29:06 PM
@ nitinnun

Thanks for clearing that bit up.

So, can I be so bold as to make an analogy to the CW, CCW scenario (as I am understanding it)?

CW and CCW = vortices of energy?

CW = positive (+) (air)
CCW = negative (-) (ground)

Pyramid shape and others like it harness or attract these vortices somehow or, for lack of a better term, 'orders' them? (I am thinking like the shapeless being forced into shape or chaos into order.) (key words: attract, order, organize, concentrate, etc)

Am I even close in my analogy???

Sorry for all of the questions.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 20, 2008, 09:24:59 PM
questions, are how i found this information.
i shamelessly asked questions, out loud and on paper.
and maybe some pleiadian or sirian answered me, through my intuition.

they guided me to pieces of information. online and in my day dreams.
but i had to use my judgement, to sepperate valuable information, from waste-of-time information.
and i had to use my subconscious mind, to make a connection, between 2 or more pieces of information.

i did 80% of it.
they guided me to the 20%, that was hardest to find.

electricity, is made of clockwise and counter-clockwise spinning "energy".
i don't know what this energy "is".
but a vortex, is spinning energy.
so i guess that CW and CCW, are oppositely spinning vortexes.

i think that orgone, chi, and the energy that sensitive people feel, are clockwise spinning energy.
sources of water, are oozing with CW energy. which is why people are naturally attracted too them.

to soak yourself in water, is literally to soak yourself in life energy.
to drink water, is to fill your body with nanoscopic life-generators.

CW spin is generated from protons, which always spin CW.
CCW spin is generated from electrons, which always spin CCW.
a diagonal spinning tempic field, seems to be generated from neutrons (a neutron, is a proton stuffed into an electron).

some atoms have more protons than electrons.
or more electrons than protons.

or for whatever reason, an atom just plain spins harder CW, than CCW.
or spins harder CCW, than CW.

every water molecule, spins more CW than CCW.
because the 2 hydrogen atoms generate more CW, than the oxygen generates CCW.

every silicon dioxide molecule, produces more CCW than CW.
because the 2 oxygen atoms generate more CCW, than silicon generates CW.

that is right.
water generates one half of electricity, for free!
sand generates the other half of electricity, for free!

the air moisture in the sky, and the sand in the ground, generate lightning bolts.
for free.

the pyramid shape "collects" CW from the air.

the CCW in the peak, attracts CW into the middle.
then sand/steel in the pyramid, "holds" the clockwise in the middle. like a baseball mitten holds a baseball.

then the CCW in the ground, attracts the CW downward.
but the CW cannot reach the ground and discharge into the ground. because all 4 pyramid edges pull on the CW, giving the CW no way to reach the ground.

the CW wants to travel down to the ground, along every 1 of the 4 edges!
but it is not allowed to pull itself down just one edge. it is attracted down all 4 edges at once!
so the CW stays trapped in the peak, wanting to flow, but not being able to choose an edge to take.

if the CW were in a steel pole, than the CW would have only one way to reach the ground.
the CW would take this one path to the ground, instantly.

if you welded 4 steel poles into a pyramid, than the CW would have 4 ways to reach the ground.

the materials that make up the pyramid, determine how high the CW and CCW may build up.
just as a large bucket can hold more water, than a small bucket.

any build-up of CW and CCW, can be mixed into electricity.
most of the pyramids electricity, comes from collecting the polarized/trapped CW and CCW.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: nitinnun on August 20, 2008, 10:53:09 PM
CCW, is attracted to water molecules in sky (attracted, to waters hydrogen atoms).
pyramid allows CCW, to climb high into sky.

pyramid, is like up-side-down pot-hole.
CCW, is water filling up pothole.

CW, is attracted to sand in ground (attracted, to sands oxygen atoms).
CW is stored in sand/gypsum/granite, that pyramid is made of.
CW slowly fills up sand/gypsum/granite in pyramid, starting from peak, moving down to base.

pyramid, is like baseball-glove.
CW, is like baseball being held above ground, by baseball glove.

when CW touches ground, CW overflows into ground.
resistance in ground, slowly eats up CW.
until CW is used up.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Tigrotto on January 06, 2009, 01:43:07 PM
Hi Nittun,
but finally , as you know, did someone to put in practice what you suggested here about how to collect electric energy by means of a pyamide?
I said here many times : I currently "collect" energy charging my batteries using a normat cardboard pyramid!
I need to improve my system , but I need to know if some of you put in practice your ideas.
I saw here tons of ideas but no one o them saying as example: I did switch on a LED.So: Does make sense the theories??????
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 06, 2009, 06:47:43 PM
i think that the pyramid, works EXACTLY like the winhurst generator.

on the wimhurst generator,
clockwise magnetism builds up, on the clockwise spinning wheels.
counter-clockwise magnetism builds up, on the counter-clockwise spinning wheel.

these 2 magnetisms, are combined into electricity.

on the pyramid,
clockwise magnetism builds up in the middle.
counter-clockwise magnetism builds up above the peak.

these 2 magnetisms, are combined into electricity.

can be used to GREATLY increase the output,
of the wimhurst generator.

while the pyramid might require high frequency electricity,
"to work at all".

( thomas trawoger had an oscilloscope attached to his pyramid ! )
( which means his pyramid had high frequency electricity going through it ! )

ironically, the "overunity torroid" ALREADY uses high frequency electricity, to do the same thing !
my idea is just to replace the torroids "main coil", with a wimhurst !

a wimhurst is already its own power supply.
so that solves one or 2 of the major problems, with the overunity torroid.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 06, 2009, 06:55:53 PM
by the way.
to "disrupt" the whimhursts magnetism, i wanted to:

* place the 2 wheels, between a horse-shoe magnet.

* wrap a wire coil, around the horse shoe magnet.

* charge the wire coil, with high frequency electricity.

the high frequency would travel through the magnets magnetic field, and into the wimhurst wheels.
disrupting their charges.

i also think that more voltage/amperage could be produced,
by plating one wheel with thin copper foil,
and the other wheel with thin steel sheeting.

i even want to attach each wimhurst wheels, to its own 20 inch wide box fan!
to get high speed, for little power consumption !

the only problem, is that i'm scared to build it.
because the arcs might be powerful enough to start a housefire.
or to kill somebody......
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: amigo on January 06, 2009, 09:27:01 PM
Hi nitinnun,

I watched a rather old documentary last night from Les Brown - The Physics of Crystals in which he spoke about similar concepts that you described earlier regarding pyramids.

The difference is that his findings are that there's no CW motion inside the pyramid, never ever. The pyramid only produces what he termed "gravitation" of magnetism in CCW direction, spiraling from bottom up. At the tip of the pyramid we have the flip and the "gravitation" turns into "radiation" which rotates CW.

The CCW gravitation is "negative" energy, while the CW radiation is "positive" (not electric polarity wise but magnetism).

The pyramid itself according to Les has three zones, where the energy increases by a level of magnitude as you move upwards. There are two points of interest, obviously one 1/3 and the other 2/3 of the height going up the central axis.

From my further research on pyramids, it appears that they are affected by the strong magnetic fields. Pat Flanagan did some experiments with the ones similar in proportions to the Great Pyramid one.

The basic rule for them is that one side must face the magnetic North in order to obtain maximum effect. He found that if the pyramid is put within an artificial magnetic field, of two bar magnets for example 300 Gauss, it did not matter whether the pyramid faced magnetic North of the Earth anymore as long as the pyramid was aligned to the magnetic poles of that artificial magnetic field.

Incidentally, Pat believes that at one point in time in the past, both magnetic and True North were aligned and in the same point/axis but over time the magnetic North veered off and as a consequence the Great Pyramid is not active anymore.

Just some food for thought. :)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 06, 2009, 11:26:19 PM

i'm talking about magnetic spin, which is similar to what atoms themselves generate.
the diamagnetic and the electron fields, of each atom in the universe.

the diamagnetic field IS clockwise spinning magnetism.
the elecron field IS counter-clockwise spinning magnetism.

when you mix these 2 magnetic spins together, they create a completed magnetic field.
a magnetic field, which can be turned into electricity.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: amigo on January 07, 2009, 11:09:26 PM
Les Brown's theory is that everything is magnetic (whatever that means to him) and so light, electricity, magnetism, etc. are all products/manifestations of the same Universal force. Something like when Leedskalnin's says there are tiny magnets inside each magnet bar for example, those tiny corpuscles really not being magnets at all but a more primordial force.

To use old terminology, I believe it to be an Odic force or Odic current, or simply Od, as named by Karl von Reichebach back in the 19th century. If you look at some of his writings here: http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/history/odenergy.htm you will read that certain people (sensitives) could see force emanating from permanent magnets, a subtle force that is. Same with crystals by the way, just more powerful it seems, as crystals act as foci for Od.

In any case I lean to think that the same effect occurs in pyramids and other "sacred'" geometries, where this primordial force gets to express itself. And it's the very same thing everywhere else, just people give it different names or try to explain it with different means.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 08, 2009, 12:10:36 AM
a magnetic field, causes electricity to form.
and electricity causes a magnetic field to form.

i think that a magnetic field could cause ALL forms of energy to manifest.
if you modulate it correctly.

and likely that all forms of energy, cause a magnetic field to manifest.
even heat, gravity, sound, and light.

that is why a strong enough magnetic field, will contain heat

or lightning.

or even inertia.

they have working fusion reactors, that retain extreme heat, with their magnetic fields.
just ask doctor octopus.

some suppressed devices, reasonably explain the old legends about magic and wizards !
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Koen1 on January 08, 2009, 08:12:40 AM
Quote from: nitinnun on January 08, 2009, 12:10:36 AM
a magnetic field, causes electricity to form.
and electricity causes a magnetic field to form.

Well more precisely, a change in the magnetic field intensity gives
rise to a brief flow ( aka "current") of electricity.
And a flow (or current) or electricity gives rise to a static magnetic field.

Static magnetic fields do not give rise to electrical current,
nor do static electric fields produce magnetic fields.

Quotei think that a magnetic field could cause ALL forms of energy to manifest.
if you modulate it correctly.
What do you mean by "all forms of energy"?
You mean all forms of energy that are considered unrelated to electromagnetism?
Can you give an example of such an unrelated energy form?
It seems to me that every form of energy we know is already known to be conveyed
via photons, as in the current model photons are the only particles that can actually
carry and transfer energy. Since we know that photons are a form of electromagnetic
radiation, it seems obvious that all forms of force and energy interaction must have
an electromagnetic component.
Doesn't it?
So what are you saying exactly? Or is this exactly what you're saying? ;)

Quoteand likely that all forms of energy, cause a magnetic field to manifest.
even heat, gravity, sound, and light.
Well... that's partly what I was trying to say above, that brief electric flows
(or pulses or bursts or oscillations) only give rise to a magnetostatic field
when the flow is present. When the flow alternates the magnetic field does so
as well, and then we no longer have a simple static magnetic field but we've
then got waves. And yes, every electromagnetic wave always has both
an electric and a magnetic component. But neither are static electric or magnetic
fields, they're alternating and interwoven fluctuations of electric and magnetic fields
in motion through space.
I get the impession you're just saying that every electromagnetic waveform we know
(heat, light) has a magnetic component, and that's a well known fact.
That gravity has an electromagnetic component would seem plausible in the light
of the electrogravity and Townsend Brown research, although the exact relation
is still unclear and it might just be that electrogravity effects are "rough and brute-force"
methods of altering the local energy density of space, which would relativistically
speaking have an effect on space-time itself and very possibly on the curvature of
the local space-time region.

Sound, I thought was proven quite conclusively, is solely a pressure wave phenomenon
in the medium. If the medium contains many charged particles then specific sound
waves could indeed produce specific electromagnetic fluctuations.
But sound waves causing magnetostatic fields seems quite difficult...

Quotethat is why a strong enough magnetic field, will contain heat
Really? Interesting. So you believe that we can create a strong magnetic
field in a vacuum chamber and if we stick a thermometer in there that does
not react directly to the magnetic field (so it's not magnetic, not inductive, not
conductive, etc), we will still measure high temperature?
Or do you think that would only work in an atmosphere?
... strange idea, that a static magnetic field would generate heat.

Quoteor lightning.
Or lightning, indeed. ;)

Quotethey have working fusion reactors, that retain extreme heat, with their magnetic fields.
Correction, "they" use the extremely strong magnetic fields to contain a constant circular flow
of highly charged and high temperature plasma. Not "heat". Plasma can be contained
using magnetic fields if the fields are stong enough and the plasma moves. It's a sort of
"magnetic bottle". The plasma is a collection of charged particles and the "containment ring"
is also partly a particle accellerator. It is not so simple as a simple static magnetic field
creating heat inside it. It is the huge amount of energy delivered by both the initial "pumping"
and laser-compression fusion that causes the plasma which contains and causes the heat,
and it is the moving plasma that is contained in a circular flow within the strong magnetic
containment "ring".
Quite abit more complex than just a static magnetic field that causes stuff to heat up.

Quotesome suppressed devices, reasonably explain the old legends about magic and wizards !
Lol now there's an interesting remark :)
Can you name a few?

And quite a few non-suppressed devices would also seem to be magic to ancient people.
Just imagine how ancient Romans would have reacted to a Taser Gun or Tesla coil? ;D
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 08, 2009, 02:05:49 PM

why is it that your brain can find so many words to type,
yet cannot make any of them constructive ?

are you aware that most of your words hold no research value what so ever?
or value of "any" kind ?

here i am, exploring the depths.
of mysteries unknown

there you are, attacking my air supply with a hatchet.
convicted to the doctrine of the mundane.

by the way, koen1
congradulations for being the first user to give me a negative karmic vote.
it was heavily symbolic of your normal activities.

to condemn others.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: amigo on January 08, 2009, 10:57:38 PM
FFS, you two are stuck in the later part of the 20th Century, the "dogmatic" years as I call them. :D

The last thing missing is someone mentioning Quantum Physics...and you'll be on your own from then on. :P

Why don't you just go ahead and read that link I posted about Reichenbach? It might be an eye opener into the qualitative experience (the world of subtle forces) giving you a totally different perspective on things around you.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Koen1 on January 09, 2009, 07:41:53 AM
Quote from: nitinnun on January 08, 2009, 02:05:49 PM

why is it that your brain can find so many words to type,
yet cannot make any of them constructive ?
Probably for the same reason that you can also produce lots of text
without really saying anything solid.
Why is it that you can whine about me not posting things that you
deem constructive, but when I simply point out well known facts
that do not seem to accord with your statements, instead of
admitting that your stements do indeed not appear to accord
with those facts, you feel the need to act as if I am somehow
attacking you?
You could instead have shown how those facts are not
in conflict with your statements or at least have tried to
explain how they're not in your mind.
But you don't.

Quoteare you aware that most of your words hold no research value what so ever?
or value of "any" kind ?
No, that's not true. Sure, there's little "research value", since I'm simply stating
empirically proven facts which have already been verified and they don't
really need much "research" anymore.
But then tell me, what "value" do your statements have when they are not
in accordance with empirically proven facts?
How is it that statements of yours that are in conflict with scientific fact
hold more value than my pointing out of those facts?

Quotehere i am, exploring the depths.
of mysteries unknown
Are you now? I only see you post a lot of suggestive statements,
many of which appear not to accord with established knowledge.
Mysteries unknown? The relation between electricity and magnetism?
Sure, in the bigger picture our current models are not complete
untill we incorporate spacetime into our models to get a proper
multidimensional model which we can work with.
But the things I pointed out, the fact that a static magnetic field
itself does not induce any electron flow, nor does a static
electric field produce magnetism, those are known facts.
They may not fit into your mental model the way you like it,
that doesn't make them less true.

Quotethere you are, attacking my air supply with a hatchet.
convicted to the doctrine of the mundane.
Ah, so that's it, is it?
Everything in established science is false, is that it?
I should convert to new age quasi scientific thought before
I am allowed to reply to your posts? lol

Quoteby the way, koen1
congradulations for being the first user to give me a negative karmic vote.
A what?
Quoteit was heavily symbolic of your normal activities.
Sure. You know nothing of me and deny known facts, so you must be right.

Quoteto condemn others.
Lol :D Says the guy who just accused me of "not being constructive"
and "whose words hold nu research value".
That's not condemning people, I suppose?

You appear to have a double standard, in that you yourself are apparently
allowed to condemn people and to post unsupported or even false
statements, but when others do it they are evil?
That's not very new age of you. ;)

@Amigo: you do realise that Reichenbach and Quantum Physics are
two totally different sides of the coin? Reichenbach is in the corner
of Orgone, parapsychology, "Life Force", new age. QM is about
quantitative, exact, measurable and empirical physics.
I know many new age authors like imply there is an overlap
between the two, but there really isn't.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's impossible for "subtle forces"
or as I like to put it "multidimensional quantumphysics" to produce
the effects seen in some "subtle force" experiments,
but I do think that it should be studied from the angle of empirical
experiment and quantumphysics, and not from the angle of para-
psychology, "feeling" and "seeing" the "subtle energy fields",
and certainly not by dismissing known facts. If we can come up
with a model that can properly explain and predict such "subtle
energy" effects, I believe it must be based on science and
not on loose new age interpretations of physics.

In any case, we are free people in a free forum who freely
exchange ideas, and everyone has a right to believe what
they believe. And everyone has a right to doubt his neighbours
beliefs. That's all fine. And fora exist to discuss these differences
of opinion, otherwise what's the point of a forum?

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 09, 2009, 04:31:06 PM

your second post, was as meaningless as your first post.

why are you even here?
if you want to attack people who type things that you don't like,
than myspace has plenty of that.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: amigo on January 09, 2009, 10:29:12 PM
Quote from: Koen1 on January 09, 2009, 07:41:53 AM
@Amigo: you do realise that Reichenbach and Quantum Physics are
two totally different sides of the coin? Reichenbach is in the corner
of Orgone, parapsychology, "Life Force", new age. QM is about
quantitative, exact, measurable and empirical physics.
I know many new age authors like imply there is an overlap
between the two, but there really isn't.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's impossible for "subtle forces"
or as I like to put it "multidimensional quantumphysics" to produce
the effects seen in some "subtle force" experiments,
but I do think that it should be studied from the angle of empirical
experiment and quantumphysics, and not from the angle of para-
psychology, "feeling" and "seeing" the "subtle energy fields",
and certainly not by dismissing known facts. If we can come up
with a model that can properly explain and predict such "subtle
energy" effects, I believe it must be based on science and
not on loose new age interpretations of physics.

In any case, we are free people in a free forum who freely
exchange ideas, and everyone has a right to believe what
they believe. And everyone has a right to doubt his neighbours
beliefs. That's all fine. And fora exist to discuss these differences
of opinion, otherwise what's the point of a forum?

That was my exact point...that they were like day and night.

Reichenbach spent decades on his research, meticulously documenting every step of the way and ensuring a true scientific process is adhered to, which cannot be said for most scientists in the later part of 20th Century who are the preachers of the scientific dogma.

My sentence about Quantum Physics was that if one of you brings it into this conversation and starts tossing that bullshit around, I'm leaving this thread because Quantum mumbo-jumbo is the biggest steaming pile of shite, in my humble opinion of course, but I don't have to put up with it either. ;)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: spiralout on January 20, 2009, 07:06:31 PM
what's up with this thread? out of ideas? :) 

I went through the sketches that were posted here a few times and although i cant say that I fully understands the behavior of the energy inside the pyramid, it seems to me that the pyramid functions as a sort of "geometrical cloud" , building positive charge on the top and negative on the bottom. the only thing left for us to do is to find the most efficient way to collect those charges. now, i know that i'm stating the obvious here, but i thought i might as well remind u what this thread is all about... ;)   
one idea that kept coming up while I was contemplating the antenna issue, was to use a sphere as the peak antenna and as my search continued, i came across an impressive device (at least on paper) that seems to have been designed to be housed in a pyramid. this device by peter markovich is a ZPE converter by it's own accord, but I believe it could be greatly enhanced by the focusing qualities of the pyramid.


i'll be glad for constructive comments and will be posting when construction is on it's way.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: amigo on January 20, 2009, 10:21:03 PM
The issue is incompatible energies.

Everyone wants to hook up a motor to a pyramid and power their washing machine. But the Nature provides "subtle" energies that all life works on, and motors are not alive - they are dead machines that heat and waste energy when connected to a source of compatible power.

If you want to get more insights into the pyramids, check out the work of Les Brown on the subject. Also for some quantitative portion (I know everyone loves to measure stuff) look up Pat Flanagan and his research into pyramid energy. Either will lead you to a conclusion of "subtle" energies which require a totally different paradigm to harness than what we presently use.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 20, 2009, 10:24:37 PM

i've shifted my focus.

i'm contemplating a frequency-excited wimhurst machine.
which is similar to the overunity torroid. minus a large number of the torroids flaws.

the 2 wheels will even be turned by electrostatic motors.
which run on lots of voltage, and little amperage.

if the electrostatic motors are efficient enough,
and the wimhrust wheels are light enough,
and the wimhurst output is great enough.....

than it will generate more electricity, than it takes to run.

and the superiority of my straw and zip tie wheel-supports,
will vastly help it happen !

once in awhile, i fondly remember my pyramid efforts.
its physics are VERY similar to hwo the pyramid works.
but i feel that the overunity wimhurst, is the more practical option.

i have idea's for many, many things.
i will run out of idea's last.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: spiralout on January 21, 2009, 10:46:30 AM
hola Amigo,

thanks for your comments.

I've just recently started too look into the world of FE seriously and being a designer in my orientation, I'm  instinctivly being drawn to the concept of shape power.

now, I understand what you say about the incompatibility of the different energies but I humbly disagree. the way I see it, these subtle energies are the underlying principle for everything that exist. electricity, being a part of everything that exist, does not stand in contradiction to the subtle forces. it is simply a crude and more tangible derivative of these energies. the problem, from my point of view, are the means by which we currently produce electricity (or energy in general).  we are currently producing energy by means of brute force, heat and friction, but energy is a subtle force in principle and as such should be handled gently and elegantly. nature doesn't strain himself to produce the endless variety of energies that it manifests, it does it by the means of different shapes and materials for different tasks.

I know (not believe) that the solution for the riddle of FE is far more simple than we are willing to admit right now. as a collective, we developed a tendency towards complexity, and have been led to beLIEve
that more is better. that is, evidently, not the case but changing the mind of an entire planet is not something easily achieved. the first step for changing the current paradigm is for each of us to become more aligned with the natural order of things and more conductive to ideas, concepts and dreams. by doing so we would be able to create machines that are more aligned to the subtle forces around us.

QuoteNature provides "subtle" energies that all life works on, and motors are not alive - they are dead machines

I agree, motors are not alive, but they didn't just appear out of thin air, they were designed by people who were very much alive and because these people had the wrong or incomplete idea about how things function in our reality, the machines they were able to produce reflected these flaws. we cannot escape what we are.

I hope my next posts will be of more practical nature, as I will be soon starting to work on a pyramid project of my own but I'll be glad for any comments, it helps me to sharpen my ideas.
the pyramid that I'm thinking of building is based on the ideas posted here by nitinnun, ie. aluminum and copper on a wooden frame with the addition of an attempted replica of the markovich device as the means of harvesting the energy.

spiral, out.


Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: amigo on January 21, 2009, 11:14:02 PM
Hi spiralout,

You are absolutely right on all points, I was just "lazy" to be elaborate, or exact, in my post because I did not know what level of response you were expecting.

And so I apologize for slacking it off...I should've known better :)

Question is will people shift to the old paradigm of alignment to the Nature?

So far all I can see is a status quo, still trying to go through the wall in other words. It is very difficult to find people who are truly willing to look at things from a different perspective, to abolish their belief system(s), or alter them accordingly with new facts absorbed.

I have been researching this subject for a while now, though have not engaged in any experiments outside my mind yet, mostly trying to work things out and put the pieces together (pieces that usually do not go together, or belong to the same field even) :)

I'll be interested to hear how your experiment goes, please keep us updated.

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: spiralout on January 23, 2009, 12:39:01 AM
hi y'all,

Amigo, thanks for responding, this is the first time i'm posting anything anywhere and your feedback was well appreciated.

I know i said I'll post when I'll have something more practical to report but the last couple of days I've been having quit a few ideas and insights of a more general nature and I would like to share them before they slip away.

the first idea is in regards to our surrounding  environment and the way we experience it. I was thinking about the concept of the standing wave when a thought hit me: what if the reality that we encounter on a daily basis, is one big standing wave? picture it this way, energy being emitted from the center of the earth in all directions is being confronted with energy that comes from space so they both collide and create a zone in which energy is motionless and can solidify to the endless variety of materials that compose our world. now, I have no idea if this is already common knowledge or I'm simply talking out of my ass, but it does help to explain why everything seems to be solid even thou it's composed of energy. It's like the "pressure" from the colliding energies is keeping everything in form.

another thing that came into mind has to do with the issue of: what the fuck is energy, anyway!? but before i lay down my version, a quick note about the current "scientific" definition of energy. i can only say it is one of the lamest things I have ever heard, is everything just about work in this world? work=slavery and as long as people hold on to this slave mentality, they will never be free to create free energy machines.
what I am offering is an approach that is somewhat naive. what if  we view this "energy" as a living entity? not just a force that animates life and can be used to preform different tasks, but something that is alive by itself and therefore has some characteristic of a living thing. let us assume, for the sake of the argument, that this is the case and energy has a kind of intelligence, a will maybe and even needs and desires.
you might be asking yourself ,"how the hell does that help us to understand energy?"  well, there are a few things that we know for a fact about energy and although very general they'll might be of help.
1.energy is omnipresent (I love this word... :)) meaning: it's in every place and every time.
2.energy is infinite, I'm not a 100% sure about that one, but from a human life span perspective, it certainly is.
3.energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed.
now, let us take this concept of energy as a living entity one step further and treat it as a person (just to make it easier for us to relate). what  would be the best way for us to understand this "person"? for me that would be trying to put myself in the position of that person and imagining what it would feel to be him.
so? what would you like to do if you were this entity that has all these amazing abilities? 9 to 5?  I seriously doubt it!
I cannot answer that for you, but for me it's pretty clear. if i was energy itself, i would be looking for the most creative ways to keep myself entertained! what else is there to do when you have no care in the universe?
well, if you're still reading this and you wonder where the hell am i going with this, then we're on the same boat, brother  :)  but, bare with me, this fantasy might just come out logical, who knows?
now, let us assume, for the sake of argument, that everything that I've just proposed, is true and we accept it as a fact. how does it help us to understand energy? well, there is another thing that we can say about energy, which is not a scientific fact, but i think we can all agree upon by merely looking at the world around us.  energy enjoys natural ,flowing and fractal shapes. you will never ever see a cube anywhere in the natural world and even spheres and triangles are rare, always being broken in some way. why? because perfect geometrical shapes are inhibitors of development, they do not allow for any escape route for the energy and are in fact closed systems. and if we agree (for the sake of yada, yada...) that energy is a living thing, I don't know of any living thing that wants to imprisoned.

so, where does all this fancy talking leaves us? the way I see it, accuracy, symmetry and rigid shape are essential when you're designing complicated machines with many moving parts that have to be timed precisely. but I have no doubt that in order to manipulate and channel energy into usable forms, we don't need a single ball bearing, shaft or piston. it's all about allowing the energy to flow in a way that suits its "needs".

it's 7:30 in the morning, I've been up all night writing this crap, hope you'll enjoy it.

spiral, out.   



Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: nitinnun on January 23, 2009, 01:16:28 AM
i think that anything that has a magnetic field, has a consciousness.
even if it takes a complex nervous system and endocrine-based chakra's, to create complex consciousness.

the ionosphere of the earth is positive, and the ground is negative.
creating a complete magnetic field.

meaning that the entire freaking planet, really is conscious.
and we are ticks, living off its blood.

though some of the bloodthirsty parasites in this forum, suck more of my blood than others.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: spiralout on January 24, 2009, 06:55:27 AM

sorry, I don't consider my self as a parasite. I have every right to be on this planet and use the circumstances to the best of my knowledge. at the end of the day, there is no right or wrong, only our perception of these concepts.

if you feel you're being drained by parasites, it's only because you let them. deprive them of your attention and they will eventually disappear.   

spiral, out.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned
Post by: amigo on January 24, 2009, 02:56:08 PM
Hi spiralout,

The standing wave theory sound familiar, just take it a bit further. Out of time and beyond planets, suns and galaxies. A beat of the Universe, heard everywhere and anywhere, instantaneously. :)

Then bring in the energy, perhaps one of the manifestations or effects (magnetism could be another, or the same depends how you look at it), of that beat in space-time. It is everything from micro to macro, the energy/vibration permeates all. Where the beat is slower it coalesces into what we call matter, where the beat is faster we have pure energy (plasma?), but the beat is what matters, the beat is the medium, albeit invisible (aether)?

Finally, see yourself not detached from all this but rather as part of it. Then you have one consciousness, one energy, one living organism, one Universe (of many?).

Yet, every piece of this living entity appears to be separate and alive on its own, how can that be? This is only possible, and must be, due to the fractal nature of existence.

Once again, because of the fractality this appearance of detachment is deceiving. A single minuscule part of a fractal being a rough representation of the fractal itself only reaffirms the idea (fact?) that everything is connected and one.

We just took a potential tour of existence without leaving the spot. And why should we leave the spot, if we are here, there and everywhere, at once... :)
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: GPS25 on August 15, 2011, 10:02:26 AM
g'day everyone,i was wondering if here are any aussies who would like to work together on thomas's project.All the informationts here should be more then enough plus all thomas's videos.I am from Canberra and I have been watching Thomas since 2006.I can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ArtStdTransylvania
And one more thing :is there any other way to compress the quartz sand?
I can built the pyramid and do all the other improvements thomas sugested,I am a tradesman but i dont have access to the electronic equipment thomas sugested.
Regards George
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: neptune on August 15, 2011, 02:20:09 PM
Firstly I am a Pom not an Aussie .The sand can also be conditioned by using High voltage Alternating current . Thomas suggests not more than 3 Kilovolts . Do not mess with high voltage unless you know what you are doing . It can kill . Enlist a suitable team member .
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: GPS25 on August 16, 2011, 01:51:11 AM
thank you very much for help,i shall follow the advice.I am not playing with electricity as i am a welder and know how it is.to me compressing the quartz sand is the most "cloudy" part,but i will see how it will all go,I will certainly organize everything in a different maner and post it on youtube as I go.The cost of the whole experiment gets more then just 100 Euros.Thank you all for advice.All the best George
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Jimboot on August 16, 2011, 05:14:12 AM
Quote from: neptune on August 15, 2011, 02:20:09 PM
Firstly I am a Pom not an Aussie .
You say that like it's a good thing  :P ;D
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Jimboot on August 16, 2011, 05:18:53 AM
Quote from: GPS25 on August 15, 2011, 10:02:26 AM
g'day everyone,i was wondering if here are any aussies who would like to work together on thomas's project.All the informationts here should be more then enough plus all thomas's videos.I am from Canberra and I have been watching Thomas since 2006.I can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/ArtStdTransylvania
And one more thing :is there any other way to compress the quartz sand?
I can built the pyramid and do all the other improvements thomas sugested,I am a tradesman but i dont have access to the electronic equipment thomas sugested.
Regards George
Hey mate Canberra eh? I thought it was just full of pollies & public servants  ;D I am in Melbourne's south. Having trouble getting offcutts of the hard drawn copper pipe.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: Jimboot on August 16, 2011, 05:23:31 AM
Quote from: neptune on August 15, 2011, 02:20:09 PM
Firstly I am a Pom not an Aussie .The sand can also be conditioned by using High voltage Alternating current . Thomas suggests not more than 3 Kilovolts . Do not mess with high voltage unless you know what you are doing . It can kill . Enlist a suitable team member .
3KV? I didn't see that. I watched all the vids. He also said, to my understanding it could be hifreq. I was thinking of using one of my sec circuits which oscillate in mhz range at and charge a cap pretty quickly to 160v.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: neptune on August 16, 2011, 07:27:04 AM
Thomas describes two separate methods to condition the sand . On his videos he uses a CB transceiver plus RF amplifier . He also talks about using high voltage AC at 50 or 60 Hz . There is a separate video about this , but only in German . The title is something like Hockspannung [spelling ? ] which is German for high voltage .You need only use one method .
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: GPS25 on August 17, 2011, 02:55:53 AM
Quote from: Jimboot on August 16, 2011, 05:18:53 AM
Hey mate Canberra eh? I thought it was just full of pollies & public servants  ;D I am in Melbourne's south. Having trouble getting offcutts of the hard drawn copper pipe.
Mate you shoul be able to find copper pipe to Bunnings warehouse,Soutern Plumbing(the best place).I bought my copper pipe for the project from MetalMart today and I payed $40 for 4kg.Have a look on my youtube channel my last video explains few things in regards of TIG welding copper-might be useful.Lets stay in touch if you are working on Thomas's project as well to see how we go.I have quiet some knowledge about building the pyramids using the golden ratio,I intend to build my pyramid a litlle bit different using the golden ratio.All the best George
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: GPS25 on August 20, 2011, 07:12:35 PM
Here is the best example of how to use the golden ratio for calculating a Pyramid.Right now I am colecting the parts to build the project,I have some findings in regards the parts to be used.I cant find 1.5mm solid core copper wire.The one available is 1mm does that change anything????Or is anybody willing to help with the wire?
Regards George
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: d3x0r on January 03, 2012, 02:21:11 PM
From:          Nanotec99     (http://www.youtube.com/user/Nanotec99) |    Jun 29, 2011

http://www.youtube.com/user/Nanotec99 (http://www.youtube.com/user/Nanotec99)

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: aress1818 on January 04, 2012, 07:20:18 AM

Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: d3x0r on January 04, 2012, 08:13:53 AM
That's V6 of the pyramid; it was done in german, and he says that the translation from german never made it very good.  The ones I posted are original in english, and a different version of the pyramid, so as not to violate the deal he made; he apparently sold it to a company who said they would develop it but never did, and if the did, didn't tell anyone.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: d3x0r on January 04, 2012, 08:16:25 AM
The previously mentioned 'similar' video was the V6 of the machine, and was done in english, and TT says that the translation from german to englihs never went very well.  The series of videos posted by TT that I just mentioned is new, in englinsh original from TT about the V12 machine.  Apparently in 2006-2007 he made a deal to sell it to a company for development, and (they never did? they never told anyone) but this is released open source, and is very much detailed.
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: neptune on January 04, 2012, 09:36:55 AM
Trawoeger is a scam artist of the worst kind . His main achievement has been to divert thousands of man hours and thousands of Dollars away from OU research  , whilst claiming to want to help mankind .
Title: Re: this pyramid should produce electricity. (thomas trawoger's pyramid explaned.)
Post by: hory on January 10, 2012, 12:47:13 PM
Hello Everybody,

Has someone noticed, what Thomas said, and did in the video? He said that in the reactor the inner and outer coil shold have wound in the same direction(cw and cw, or ccw and ccw). I watched the whole movie many times, but I think he wound the inner ond outer coil in opossite direction. (inner:ccw, outer:cw)
