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Started by TechStuf, October 31, 2014, 03:08:16 AM

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Les Banki

Quote from: Cap-Z-ro on November 04, 2014, 01:42:10 AM
If and when god writes a book I will be among the first inside reading.

GOD did just that, more than 20 years ago!  Not just one but several.... but you have missed them!

Here is the link to the FIRST one so start reading!


After only a few pages you will realize that the 'author' - Neale Donald Walsch - was only taking dictation!
The REAL author is none other than GOD!

Les Banki


Christ said that on the day of judgment, many will say to Him...."When did we feed you?"  "When did we clothe you?"  And I will say to them, "Insomuch as you have done these things to the least of these, my brothers, you have done so to me."

So I must agree with you here, Cap-Z-ro.  How can one go wrong by living according to what you advocated?  The problem is that we all fall short.  We all fail from time to time.  And despite our best efforts at picking one another up.....we collectively always end up falling hard.  Only to start yet another grand empire.  There are those who do not know Christ, that will be permitted into His kingdom, just as the thief who was crucified next to Him.

Christ taught us that Love, True love, is sacrifice, and that the greatest among any group, must be the 'least'.  For only in selfless service to others is a True and Lasting peace found.

As for you being the first inside reading the book that God writes....I had to chuckle....as You are one of His books, as are we all.  And the stories we tell!

" Thine eyes did see the embryo of me; And in thy book it's parts were all written, Even the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was none of them."

It was only relatively recent that the DNA "code" was discovered.  All your parts ARE down in writing. (and what miraculous parts they are!) And just as our Father says, even the hairs on your head are all numbered.  According to our Father, He knows when even a sparrow hits the ground. 

There was no assembled Bible during the lives of the characters contained therein.  God said that we need not that any man teach us these things, and to the making of books there is no end, and devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.  He also said, "You have not because you ask not."  Therefore, Keep on asking and these things shall be opened to you.

Devotion to even the Bible has proven wearisome to so many.  Why?  Because many prefer to walk cowardly behind any who rise to claim leadership and understanding of what was written, rather than develop a close Working Relationship to God Himself.  Preferring instead to live in vagaries, in fear, and in the hopes of passing any potential personal blame on up a fictitious chain of "command".

According to Christ Himself, when all is said and done, many who read their bibles, go to "church" and proclaim their allegiance to Him, will be rejected. 

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. 22"Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?'23"And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS"

You see, Christ said that our Father's Law is inscribed upon the hearts of His children.  And indeed, many a child has a better grasp on how to treat others than many an adult, who has wandered away from their own heart.  I myself, have seen truly heartening displays of selflessness, sacrifice, and generosity from a wide variety of members of the animal kingdom....as even these ones have God's Law in their hearts.


The Wisdom of God's Word is opened freely to those without understanding, but with an honest, humble heart.  And but one of many wise sayings contained within, is this:

And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven....

A child is unpracticed in the ways of guile.  He is teachable.  He is not haughty, arrogant, and prideful unless taught by example these things.  A child wants to know the answers to everything, yet harbors neither clever nor deceitful plans for what to do with them.

If you had the power to upload the characters from your, let's say, hypothetical, painstakingly realistic and detailed world simulation game into our "real" world, which would you choose?  The children?  Or the many jaded, disenfranchised, hardened, apathetic, adults.

By applying the "as a child" illustration in my daily life, I have learned well, that one of the most powerful revelations of the myriad contained in our Father's Word, is simply: 

"You have not because you ask not."

And just as a child 'dings' their parents for what they want until they get it, we are advised by a much more Loving and Patient Father, to do the same to Him.  It has long ago become my D.G.D. principle.

Ding God Daily.

And boy has it never failed.  You want to truly test your God on His promises?  Show Him your tenacity.  He will Not Fail to show you just how much He really does Love you.  Tenaciously.  Amazingly.

I could write a book about all the absolutely unbelievable things He has done for me.  Way beyond what most could permit themselves to believe.  But who cares?

Try Him on His promises.

Then care about that.  He does.

And there is no fine print to His Guarantee.


Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:



Same old story: Basically if you're not a Christian you are wrong, you will be judged by God (someone up in the clouds sitting on a thrown), and will burn in hellfire forever eternally. But wait, he is Love and will give you the chance to repent and worship him (God/Jesus/Holy ghost) forever. So be good so you can be raptured before the tribulation and if you fail you'd still have one last change before God's kingdom descends onto earth.
Many signs and prophecies will take place in the end of times to prove this loving and merciful God.

If you heard this message regarding salvation and you deny it you will go to hell and if you never heard of this because you live in some remote island in a tribe somewhere where no one knows this God then you still will be judged and can possibly burn in hellfire forever.

Enjoy.. :-/


For the Spiritual Science side of things there is still hope for those who seek the Truth about God and such see The Ernest Holmes Collection:


Science of Mind - 1926 (the Original) is specially a good read at least for me anyway.

Enjoy.. :-)


Here is another interesting source of information.  One of many, which highlight the accuracy of God's Word.  Written thousands of years before the advent of the telescope and Newtonian science, the text is a dialogue between our Creator and Job.  Therein, scientific facts are revealed that were not in evidence to the humans of Job's day.


We humans are but slivers of our former, or perhaps future, selves.  We can see a paltry 310 nanometer window of the vast EM spectrum.  The same EM spectrum that is loosely called "Light", which encompasses much more than we are currently capable of experiencing.  When our Creator said, "Let there be light" and "stretched out the expanse of the heavens, He wasn't kidding!  The biblical account accurately narrates the creation of our reality.  "Light" or the EM spectrum had to come first, just as revealed at the beginning of God's Word. 

The strange interactions between entangled photons and other weird, but verifiable experiments that show, conclusively, that our reality is much more than we think it is, have only relatively recently begun to filter into the public eye in a meaningful way.  Christ Himself described Earth's invisible hydrological cycle.  Facts which remained for millennia to be rediscovered by man.  At a time when the superstitious children of false gods believed that our planet rested upon the backs of 4 gigantic elephants who, in turn, stood upon the back of a giant sea turtle,  or rested upon the back of a giant super human named, atlas, God's Word stood alone as correct.  Once again, God's Word, shared the actual Truth, which was, millennia later, acknowledged as scientific fact.


As our world shakes, new cracks in her crust being found in diverse places around the world all the time now....As new volcanoes are popping up all over the world, many of them rising out from the bottom of earth's oceans....As new and wondrous signs in the heavens are being seen....As the planets, including Earth, shake in their orbits....and as the oceans produce tsunami and rogue wave warnings like never before in recorded history....and the peoples of earth cry out for peace, peace! Amidst wars and rumors of wars....

Remember that He warned You for a reason. 

And that reason was not to have you confused, but to give you a perfect Hope that He is Who He said He is.  And His Son is Who He said He is....

The Way, the Truth and the Life.

As we are busy, scurrying ever about, doing what we humans do best...take to heart the many evidences from our Father.  For as we do our best to prepare for what lay ahead, what do you think His angels are doing?

Greater things.

The same things we'll be doing someday in the not too distant future....perhaps.  Things that will put the world's best thinkers, scientists, engineer's chins to their chests, their upper eyelids to their eyebrows, and their knees to the ground.

Good Journies
“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness before God. For it is written, “He is THE ONE WHO CATCHES THE WISE IN THEIR CRAFTINESS” - 1 Corinthians 3:19







We all have the choice to waste ourselves in rebellion or to gain wisdom.  Therefore, gain wisdom:
