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The Concentric Capacitor - Key to the Kapanadze Device and similar FE Concepts?

Started by Zeitmaschine, December 16, 2016, 04:40:24 AM

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Mel Shironey : 0:32:28 What happens... when you leave the atmosphere... and there isn't any atmosphere?
Otis T. Carr : 0:32:33 We have the electrochemical system... then to provide us with all the energy that we need.

Then this principle can't be based on Aether energy drawn from a capacitor. Aether does not need an atmosphere, it is also present in a vacuum. But maybe Carr himself had no idea, how his own device really worked. Did he test it outside the atmosphere?

Those ideas don't work best. They emit dangerous by products. Didn't the yoke experiment teach you anything?

What gave you that idea?? Except for the yoke device there are no reports of any dangerous side effects created by any of all those devices. So it taught me not to use ferrite between two capacitor plates.

Also You mentioned the breakdown of air. What does that mean to you?

To me it isn't the air that breaks down. It is the plasma that condenses across the gap via the potential gradient between those two electrodes.

The air itself turns to plasma and becomes conductive. The air is the load that burns (wastes) the energy coming from the warped Aether between the electrodes of the spark gap.

»It is impossible for a visible spark to form in a vacuum.«

I was drawn to a file that you posted a long time ago.

Original can be found here: Validation 1 v0.4

It's unclear what that capacitor C4/C5 actually does, but ... it is round and has three plates. The casing of that capacitor and the actual capacitor inside forms a concentric capacitor. So the claimed energy gain could be due to this capacitor or due to the antenna or due to a combination of both. Maybe the scope shots can shed light on this.

Principle of work according to the Aspden paper - as I do comprehend it:

a) Space is not empty, it is filled with Aether.
b) That Aether performs a constant jitter motion due to the so called zero point energy.
c) An electric field between the plates of a capacitor warps (displaces) that Aether.
d) Actually that Aether is the location of the energy stored in a charged capacitor.
e) Due to the jitter motion, the Aether starts to move linearly along the capacitor plates.
f ) If the capacitor is discharged slowly the linear motion stops slowly.
g) But if the discharge occurs abruptly then the linear motion does not stop immediately but after a delay, so that ongoing linear motion of the Aether between the plates acts like an additional (free) charge.
h) This effect of the inert Aether motion can be maximized by means of concentric capacitor plates.


 The three plate cap was a captret..
The captret is a feedback mechanism that does not effect the energy moving between the plates. I know a huge amount of what the Captret was and is due to my work with Ibpointless2 on the method to use an electrolytic cap in the method specified.

Is this the reason you are saying it is a concentric capacitor?
Because that is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jLP1HfRFRY
The proof that I worked on that is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S384oIXJz0c

Just for you to understand a capacitor and some of the action happening inside of the cap so to speak..


With this explanation, it should clear up the smoke.


As well the air does not turn into plasma. Plasma is there in between all matter. It is what matter floats in like particles in water. The particles are still particles and they don't turn to water, do they?

A a side note to the Captret: The forces that get put on the rolled plates inside of the cap are additive. The rolled plates push themselves sideways twords the caps body. this can and will destroy a cheap electrolytic cap over time. It will look like the cap is gassing off but it is the creeping of the plates towards the can that causes the problem. Current designs for the electrolytic can not handle this side ways creep and will push the rubber plug out of the end of the can. This plug is designed to allow gassing if the cap is overcharged without blowing up in your face. Due to the design limitation the captret wont last forever and hence the utility is limited.. If the electrolytic design changes then we might see the utility raise to a point where we can use the device. Until then you are left with designing and using a custom electrolytic to use as that device.

As for the comment of a spark in a vacuum.. Care to explain this?


The plasma isn't displaced by the particles of air and soo look like the beam coming down from above. I'm sure if that electrode was exposed to air that it would look like this:


Due to the particles being absent from the inside of the vacuum chamber it spreads out like shown in the above video.


The captret is a feedback mechanism that does not effect the energy moving between the plates.

Says who? Aspden states otherwise - if connected properly.

Just for you to understand a capacitor and some of the action happening inside of the cap so to speak..

Since the first heading of post one in this thread reads »IDENTIFYING A NOVEL PHYSICAL PRINCIPLE«, what makes you think that a textbook video not even mention the term »Aether« will help identifying that novel physical principle? Those videos talk about electric fields but actually they do not know what they are, just that those fields are somehow can be created mystically (by means of a capacitor).

As well the air does not turn into plasma.

Then Wikipedia and other sources are wrong on this and we can draw sparks in a vacuum??

As for the comment of a spark in a vacuum.. Care to explain this?

Yes, I would care. It is not 100% vacuum. There is residual air in it that turns into plasma. If it were a pure vacuum then what should cause that glowing? The Aether itself? The Aether which is non-existing to modern science? If so, then just this single experiment would prove science wrong. If the Aether itself would glow then this experiment would be proof that energy (the glowing) can be drawn from the Aether.

»A plasma globe is a clear glass sphere filled with a mixture of various noble gases«, as Wikipedia states.

jbignes5, the basic question here is, what are you actually trying to accomplish with these kinds of posts? If you have ideas how to build a FE device with spark gaps and Tesla coils and oil-filled transformers then you could open a new thread for that subject. Otherwise it looks as if you want to turn away this thread from the concentric capacitor topic deliberately.


Quote from: Zeitmaschine on December 17, 2016, 06:35:35 PM
Says who? Aspden states otherwise - if connected properly.

Since the first heading of post one in this thread reads »IDENTIFYING A NOVEL PHYSICAL PRINCIPLE«, what makes you think that a textbook video not even mention the term »Aether« will help identifying that novel physical principle? Those videos talk about electric fields but actually they do not know what they are, just that those fields are somehow can be created mystically (by means of a capacitor).

Then Wikipedia and other sources are wrong on this and we can draw sparks in a vacuum??

Yes, I would care. It is not 100% vacuum. There is residual air in it that turns into plasma. If it were a pure vacuum then what should cause that glowing? The Aether itself? The Aether which is non-existing to modern science? If so, then just this single experiment would prove science wrong. If the Aether itself would glow then this experiment would be proof that energy (the glowing) can be drawn from the Aether.

»A plasma globe is a clear glass sphere filled with a mixture of various noble gases«, as Wikipedia states.

jbignes5, the basic question here is, what are you actually trying to accomplish with these kinds of posts? If you have ideas how to build a FE device with spark gaps and Tesla coils and oil-filled transformers then you could open a new thread for that subject. Otherwise it looks as if you want to turn away this thread from the concentric capacitor topic deliberately.

I know the Captret.. You didn't even know what it was. I worked with it and worked with Ibpointless2 on the project. Did you?

What novel principle are you describing exactly?

The spark turns into a very fine electrical streams, Just look at the inside of a vacuum tube to see the action. You are very wrong that air changes into a plasma. Soo wrong it isn't possible for you to state that. Are you telling me you know for sure that air turns into something other then air? Oxygen and nitrogen plus the many many other gases??? Really? You mean to tell me we can transmute air molecules into something other then air? Wow.. It's alchemy.. <-sarcasm

In case you didn't know the glow is streams of plasma excited by the electric field between the plates. But because the Air is removed the streams are wider and do not emit tons of light. Really I would have thought you would have known that. Actually what you see in a two plate tube is what is going on in a capacitor only intensified due to the high potential electric field.

They use noble gasses in plasma globes because of two things. One is because they are inert and the second is that the atoms absorb all light but what it rejects, it's the exact thing that makes a red rose red(really it is not red). The reason they use noble gasses is because it acts like the air they removed allowing the discharge to become a filament again and look dazzling with different gasses dictating the color of the discharge..

I am not trying to accomplish anything other then answering your posts. Most of which come from people who don't know that plasma is everywhere. It is the Aether and we can excite and condense it at will with the use of high voltages. You are posting something that is not right and very wrong. How do I know this.. Well I have been doing this for a very long time, researching is my thing and logical deduction my talent. I started with this in mind to learn the secrets that Tesla knew. I found bits and pieces all over and collected the information to see what Tesla's goal was and His journey to get to that goal. He knew about plasma and it's dynamics. He knew that high voltages condensed the plasma around the terminal. He knew what the lightning bolts really where and where they came from. His experiments when looked at in the entirety of his research all point to him finding the key. But instead of a fanfare and acceptance he faced obscurity. All of his accomplishments were dragged through the mud and soiled. Even after he tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and still prove his methods correct with his Pierce arrow car example all they could ask him, Is this magic?

my goal is to steer you out of a dead end and maybe get you to understand what plasma really is. It is not a state of matter it is what matter floats in. It's a sea the size of our Universe. All connected by that sea of plasma. It's not all contiguous either. It pools and flows in streams just like fluids do. It is the reason fluids flow, mimicking plasma's abilities because plasma is in everything to a degree with fluids having more condensed plasma in them.

Whats at the center of matter, a plasmoid. What is the electron shell? A plasma shell that is connected to the plasmoid. Just as our ionosphere is connected to our Earth. What separates us from space? A plasma Double layer encircling the Earth. How far does that plasma extend? Care to look into the best Telescopes known to man.. Plasma is the Aether and we can excite and motivate it with the electric field because the plasma's field is conductive to the electric field. It is the very reason the electric has a field at all.

As for me making the devices I am talking about, well I'm working on that. As for starting a thread about it, well I will when I have the proof and concepts to form that proof is settled to my satisfaction. I mean I can see it now if I didn't have a carefully crafted explanation to all the nay sayers crying foul. It's going to take a while before I can devote that kind of time to it. So I thought I would spread it around and clue you guys in who are working in this field now to the concepts that will get us to "Free" energy. Free means we don't have to expend fuel to get it. Like Niagara Falls for example.

I worked a very long time on the TK devices and know his designs pretty damn well. I have made the same errors you are making and only want to help you understand this better. Anyways you are the one who wrote in the Tesla section of a TK device saying this is the key. It is not the key to TK devices. Like I said if you want to know how TK is doing it then go to the person he learned it from and that would be Tesla. As for those other guys well most have only understood a small part of the things Tesla was doing and planning on doing. This is because they get excited and want to make it their own so they can profit by it. In almost every case one can look and find the ideas they had were actually Tesla ideas and concepts. Then they end there and don't go back to Tesla to learn the rest. This leaves them with only a portion of the methods and that is why they don't know how it works fully. Hopefully we can stop referring to the failed attempts and go back and learn from the original source.

My favorite Tesla source is tfcbooks.com They have a great free access to the writing and lectures Tesla did. You might want to start there first and this link will get you started on the high voltage series he did in a lecture in 1892:  http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1892-02-03.htm

The dreaded oil submerged transformer is right there.. Way back then... Check that link out closely. Read it all.. Even the lighting sections they are very informative. Hint: there is a one wire motor in that lecture as well.. Check it out.. After you look at that the much later colorado notes from 1899 will help you immensely on the direction he was moving: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/tesla/coloradonotes/coloradonotes04.htm

All the while keep your mind on the TK devices. Look for parallel ideas. Hint, the one wire motor from the 1892 lecture. TK replicated that.. Remember to look at the device responsible for the one wire motor in that lecture..

Here is a link to the TK replication: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVUN3GsekKQ

at 9:13 is a perfect view of the disks and cores(Just below the disks) he used with a bipolar single terminal system running two disks to run a generator. TK was replicating the devices described and demonstrated by Tesla in that lecture. In fact all of TK devices had the system included and usually hidden in boxes or big shrouds of metal. By the way the metal shrouds were the end plates of the one wire method.

Eventually TK figured out he didn't need moving parts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgqUyJwdfVk

He also figured out that he could have 3 phase power. 3 coils. The center coil was the emitter and the 3 coils each received the same power but in different spacing around the heavy coil. There are only two possibilities here either he was inducing into the 3 coils, most probably or he was inducing to the heavy coil in the middle. My bet is on the 3 phases being the 3 coils and the source of emissions was the central coil.

There are two boxes in this one. The smaller one is a special custom oil filled cap feeding the larger box with the oil submerged transformer. This then fed either the 3 coils or the heavy coil in the middle. I bet on the feeding the heavy coil in the middle to a ground wire which they show in the video as well. The system has a feed back loop to keep the transformer producing, stripping the AC into DC. This way there is no special hardware to sync the phases and looping it will not cause counter forces since it is DC looping back. Rectifiers were probably used for this.

So we have DC feeding a custom oil filled cap that feeds the oil submerged transformer which feeds the emitter coil in the middle and goes to ground. Meanwhile inducing 3 phases of AC which is partially looped back and rectified back to the cap again. All while powering loads on each phase.

Tk's only problem here is that he is trying to make money off of this. He has hidden everything important to keep it valuable but the problem is that I figured out where he got the idea for this and there is no need to guess at how he did it because we have the same access to the information as he had. Tesla...


What novel principle are you describing exactly?

Maybe you should start at the beginning and read post number one a few more times.

You are posting something that is not right and very wrong. How do I know this.. Well I have been doing this for a very long time, researching is my thing and logical deduction my talent.

Then you surely can show us all a working device of yours, including the schematics. If you have no working device (not even in part) after such a very long time, then something with your theories has to be wrong. So my advice would be to listen more to the theories of others, instead of calling them »not right«.

I mean I can see it now if I didn't have a carefully crafted explanation to all the nay sayers crying foul. It's going to take a while before I can devote that kind of time to it.

Then my next hint would be: Instead of writing walls of text around the clock without any sign of carefully crafted explanations, you should devote more time to real research on your workbench. Otherwise you're just one more fella in this forum pretending to know all but unable to show the slightest thing in practice.

Like I said if you want to know how TK is doing it then go to the person he learned it from and that would be Tesla.

No, Kapanadze didn't learn it from Tesla. He stumbled upon that effect by chance (like Stepanov, Hendershot, etc). Why should Kapanadze have read tons of Tesla patents (most of them in English language only) in the first place, without knowing for sure he could make something out of them?

He also figured out that he could have 3 phase power. 3 coils. The center coil was the emitter and the 3 coils each received the same power but in different spacing around the heavy coil.

And I figured out - a very long time ago - that those four coils are completely fake, they do nothing. Sorry, you fall on that Kapanadze deception.

[...] a bipolar single terminal system running two disks to run a generator. TK was replicating the devices described and demonstrated by Tesla in that lecture. In fact all of TK devices had the system included and usually hidden in boxes or big shrouds of metal.

Preciously you stated: »What was in the Can was an oil filled transformer with the capacitance built right in«. Now suddenly you say, that the Sadolin tin can has running disks in it? I can't stand that nonsense any longer!

There are two boxes in this one. The smaller one is a special custom oil filled cap feeding the larger box with the oil submerged transformer. This then fed either the 3 coils or the heavy coil in the middle.

Is that a X-ray vision of yours? Show me the location of the oil-filled capacitor in the Stepanov three-phase transformer videos. Maybe I missed it.

And since this discussion obviously leads to nothing except to lengthen this thread, spread confusion and keep the discussions going in circles without any progress, I will not answer your posts here anymore. If you want answers, open your own thread in which you then can present your theories at your convenience (instead of hijacking other threads). This thread has absolutely nothing to do with oil-filled transformers and oil-filled capacitors. It is about the concentric capacitor collecting energy from the Aether as explained in the Aspden paper. If you think submerging a capacitor or a transformer in oil will give you free energy from the Aether then the best thing for you to do is to open a new thread in order to explain all this to the inquisitive readers there (do it quickly, before you end up on a lot of ignore lists).