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The Great Pyramid... a device?

Started by kEhYo77, December 13, 2008, 11:58:01 AM

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The GP is a passive device or facility. It is not a tomb and never was. The 'tomb' idea comes from scholarly types who can not see outside of the 'box'. The pyramid it's self is designed through the geometry of life. It is a marker for life in general. Any living thing with high enough intelligence would see the pyramid as a calling card or an attractive 'bee to the honey' scenario. It is telling all high intelligence forms to come to it. You can readily think that a God like person left this behind for all of you for the reason of evolution....to acquire perfection.

Passive in the means that it does not have any direct power source, except for resonant chambers throughout designed according to the CREATION LAW of sacred geometry.

There was an actual device fitted into the pyramid somewhere, possibly the QC or the subterranian chamber which gave the GP energy to focus. The Ante chamber was a means of controlling the energy coming into the KC.
The KC was the focal point. Read Thoth Emerald Tables. The granite coffer, is a focal point for any radiations. Granite is highly cohesive to EM/plasma energies, more than limestone. The whole KC is lined with Red Granite in order to magnify the plasma and then to send it to the coffer.

The GG, is a tuning chamber as well. Sacred geometry throughout. Sacred geometry is the key to understanding evolution. More importantly, the pentagram, with which the GP is designed throughout. Square geometry as well as PI and 7 fold etc. All are interchangeable and inter-related in the CREATION LAW. PHI is related to DNA. How do you evolve life? Through the DNA. The GP is talking about DNA btw. It's in the proportions....1, 1.272, 1.618 when you square it.....you get: 1, 1.618, 2.618
DNA is designed accordingly to the fibonnaci sequence: 13, 21, 34

Consult David Hamel's Physics/Notes. It's all there.


Here is my opinion on that matter:

Regarding the way the Great Pyramid worked, here they are very important facts and hints put together:

1. In the Great Pyramid, hydrogen was produced. See stone plugs with electrodes found in the tunnels going from Queens Room: http://www.gizapower.com/Articles/door2.html
Also, water was pumped inside the pyramid from the underground well, for hydrogen production via electrolysis and/or for producing sounds of different frequencies in a water whistle which was comprised of the Kings Ante-Chamber and the Great Gallery. Maybe the huge granit stones from over the Kings Chamber helped producing specific sound frequencies, by resonating to the prime sound.

2. The Kings Chamber + Great Gallery were designed as a very good resonator for specific sound frequencies. The Kings Coffer resonates at 438 Hz. I suppose that thy pyramid was NOT collecting Earth`s vibrations for transforming them in sounds, as Christopher Dunn proposes, but sounds produced in the pyramid caused the vibration of the limestone blocks for the purpose showed a little later.

3. The recently published work of Doctors Haisch and Moddel, the device proposed by BlackLightPower as resumed on the website http://byzipp.com/energy/blog2.php  speak for the production of energy from the ZPE quantum field via 2nm calcium spheres shielding hydrogen molecules from the action of the virtual particles of the ZPE field.

So, I propose that the way of extracting energy in the Great Pyramid was something like this:

a. hydrogen was produced by chemical reaction or by electrolysis in the Queens Chamber and was diffused through the tunnels inside the limestone blocks of the pyramid body, thus enriching the blocks with hydrogen and pressing many hydrogen atoms inside the calcium spheres. I remember that Thomas Trawoeger said once on his forum that only pyramids covered with gypsum plates will work. Gypsum plates contain calcium.

b. in the same time or after the production of hydrogen, strong sounds came into play comprising many frequencies at the same time. Lower frequencies caused the whole pyramid body to vibrate, thus creating the sensation of an alternating magnetic field from the Earth magnet field. Higher sound frequencies were maybe used for the extracting of the hydrinos formed inside the calcium spheres.

c. somehow all these actions caused the creation of an immense HEAT inside the pyramid, especially in the Kings Chamber. Remember the meaning of the greek word PYRA-MID: pyra=fire and mid=middle. So, PYRAMID means FIRE IN THE MIDDLE, the ancient greeks knew that. I don´t know how the builders of the pyramids collected and used the energy thus created.

I hope that someone with more technical knowledge and financial means can make a working modell based on this assumption. And please, post the results here. Normally when somebody has something of great value, tries to sell that thing to the highest bidder, as Thomas Trawoeger did. Let`s hope that the next Thomas Trawoeger will make the sacrifice and post his results for free, for the benefit of the Nature, if not for the benefit of the mankind.


the great pyramid caught vibrations, from the earth.

i think these vibrations excited/disrupted some device, inside the pyramid.

EXACTLY like an overunity torroid !
where one frequency of electricity, excites another frequency of electricity.
to create more electricity, than was put in.


Hi Spacetrax, thanks for the citation and nice to see you are still collecting pieces of the puzzle. Black Light now has a second licensee, Jovian is bringing the Cal-Tech patent to market and it won't be long before the world accepts a new science of Casimir exclusion fields where gas atoms can be mixed to gain energy or temporal orientation. I finally got some official investigation of my claims where I work but I have spread the information so far and wide and they drug their feet for so long that any chance of patent is probably gone. I do have a simpler explanation and what differentiates my theory from BLP and Jovian -and yes it will eventually get back to an idea that occured to me regarding pyramids. Jovian and BLP think the radius get smaller than zero state and radiates energy every step down 30 shells below zero according to DR Mills. They also think virtual particles organize to re-expand the ATOM back to zero state. His numbers and obsrvations are ok but IMHO he has the scenario all wrong. If an atom shrinks down entering a field it will re-expand on the way up and will not radiate or restore any energy -for hydrogen it will remain -13.5 eV. It appears to get smaller because the wavelengths of vacuum flucuatons forming the orbital boundary slow down - since these waveforms in quantum are the time stream moving through our thin little time frame we call the present they ARE the measuring stick we use to gauge time. this mean the waveforms inside the cavity appear from our perspective to get "shorter". The Casimir effect doesn't really restrict longer waves it just slows them down relative to our waves outside the field. This means planks consttant - time is different in these cavities which is why I am saying the hydrino orbital doesn't get smaller, it submerges or twists away from normal space on a whole different axis and will simply twist back on exiting the field without any change in energy level. The energy that BLP and Jovian are reporting can ONLY occur if a covalent bond is formed between two atoms while submerged away from zero state. The bonding will only radiate normally inside the exclusion field BUT it locks the orientation such that the new molecule is no longer free to resurface. the deeper the atoms are submerged at bonding the more energy the new molecule will gain while surfacing. The exiting transition forces the normally chaotic vacuum flux to organize and form increasingly stronger boundary conditions with the orbitals trying to tear them apart. from the perspective of the time stream nuclear orbitals are always pushed downstream behind the nucleus in an orientation of least resistance. these obnoxious hydrinos however have their orbitals sticking way out into the time stream much more perpindicular than ever allowed for atoms married in normal space. these boundary conditions build up thicker until they break the bond radiating their signature black light  or resurface as "interdimensional" molecules with their spring loaded orbitals protruding into the temporal axis.  Mills eV numbers for the additional shells appears correct and represent the potential energy stored in the thick boundary conditions these novel molecules have pushing against their orbitals.

now to get back to pyramids and the possibiity of casimir cavities in calcium -limestone cavities inside the blocks. unlike BLP which is the case for open cavities imagine a closed natural cavity in a megolith or pyramid block. Only certain portions of the cavity will meet casimir geometry and there will always be trapped gases present. these exclusion fields slow the flow of virtual particles through our time frame. this redirects the current around these little harbors. the force our electrons feel orienting them into a path of least resistance is the same force we perceive as gravity and is said to be associated with the longer vacuum flux above 1.7thz -which is to make my point that "DOWN" is into the past and "UP" is the way you orient your pyramid into the stream so that the layers of blocks resist the stream along the pyramid centerline like a clogged filter...hence the saying "man fears time but time fears the pyramids" ... NOW lets add what we learned from hydrinos - or any gas.. It needs to be monatomic and form a molecule while in a casimir cavity, so that on exiting the field the boundary coditions will pile up BUT not necessarily tear apart. I think the limestone gas is more stable than hydogen and you get a stable molecule with orbitals that appear small in normal space but which are fat in the temporal axis. these "fat" molecules trapped inside these cavities also serve to block the pores and agitate the time stream - they become transducers able to translate energy between normal space and the timestream. My problem however is that the time axis is submicron and 90 degrees to every point in normal space so the virtual particles passing through the atoms in the top block are not the same as those that will later pass through the lower blocks -there may not be a cumulative effect occuring in normal space and I need a fresh perspective on how the shape would appear -effect the oncoming stream from the time axis.

this may seem dumb but what if the clogged filter analogy means we have an "agitated" time stream under the centerline.
instead of a homogenous mix of long and short vacuum fluxuations we have a roiling stream. Maybe the hydrino doesn't need to be in the safe harbor of a Casimir cavity. If you use enough cavities to create a stream of vorti which you concentrate through a plastic bottle full of hydrogen some of those atoms might bond in the vorti equivalent of a casimir cavity.... ok thats a stretch!


I read in a rather UNscholarly text that the great pyramid was actually a usefull device - there we no room for great amounts of riches -but rather;

The great pyramid functioned as a water pump using the sterling cycle - it's various vents and swinging door-like mechanisms suggests that it could draw water up from the earth below.

I imagine this was built around their beliefs of course - after all, the angular dimensions suggest a relevance to earthly porportions.  THe angles of the shafts and with regard to the locations of stars at certain points in the seasonal changes, harvests, the angle of the slope of the side is also closely related to the double rainbow relative to the viewer with regard to the sun.