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Is this the beginning of the end?

Started by onepower, January 13, 2023, 02:22:57 AM

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Quote from: stivep on March 25, 2023, 09:27:37 PM

.........  feel confident of not being fooled  by charlatans, magicians AND RUSSIAN TROLLS?  ..............

I won't fall for their tricks. I know their black souls. They manifest themselves in the first words during a conversation. Their main concern and the reason for their fierce hatred is the prosperity, tolerance and stability of the societies they attack.
              Their problem is that for various reasons they cannot and do not want to build a prosperous society, therefore they hate those who are not under their control and live better.  This is the main reason for attempts to destabilize prosperous countries by any means. For example, you can introduce communist ideology in the United States, which can completely destroy the economy of this country and start a civil war. After that, the USA will disappear from the world map. They told me about it themselves in Internet chats.
                Conclusion: trying to reach an agreement with them is like hugging Satan.


Quote from: BorisKrabow on March 26, 2023, 04:49:56 AM
I won't fall for their tricks. I know their black souls. They manifest themselves in the first words during a conversation. Their main concern and the reason for their fierce hatred is the prosperity, tolerance and stability of the societies they attack.
              Their problem is that for various reasons they cannot and do not want to build a prosperous society, therefore they hate those who are not under their control and live better.  This is the main reason for attempts to destabilize prosperous countries by any means. For example, you can introduce communist ideology in the United States, which can completely destroy the economy of this country and start a civil war. After that, the USA will disappear from the world map. They told me about it themselves in Internet chats.
                Conclusion: trying to reach an agreement with them is like hugging Satan.

It's not the people's fault, it's those who govern. We see the same thing in North Korea or India or China.
If people are given different standards they will use them but these countries are still communist and stick together. The funny thing is that they should not tolerate each other because everyone wants to be the only one. China plays both sides and it is not known what they will do. You have to remember that China has been doing for a long time what Russia is doing with Ukraine, only it is not said. 1 Chinese is worth <$1 according to the Chinese government as long as there are many of them. Stalin said the same thing. We have a lot of people.
You are right that it is impossible to get along with the current authorities in Russia as other countries do, although this is only 50% of the truth. It's just that other countries don't tell us what they're doing behind our backs, and Russia doesn't hide it.
I don't know why people learn history when we repeat the same mistakes for a long time. History is just a chronicle of times, but it's still referenced by those who don't give a shit about that knowledge.
How will this war end? I don't know, but I see that after Putin will come bigger madmen.


Quote from: onepower on March 24, 2023, 04:35:50 PM
Here's a clue.... the pandemic is over.

Oh, many got triggered and it was the end of the world, the end of democracy, the start of martial law and bla bla bla. However here we are and the pandemic is over.

Oh dear, the end times, you do understand the pandemic is over and little came of it don't you?. No revelations, no raining down of cats and dogs or cats riding dogs on chunks of brimstone meowing quite loudly.

Everything is basically back to normal and we all got over it and moved on.... well most moved on.


This plandemic is over, sure. In the end of 2021 I was already thinking about doing something quickly as the vaccination bullshit was becoming stronger and stronger.

And then the war happened. Suddenly the powers that be found something else to batter us with : globalist propaganda about the superiority of the West to the Russia the aggressor.
The West was superior to Russia. That was long ago. This view is particular to the Cold War era, but hey, Russia is no longer communist anymore and the West is no longer a beacon of freedom and democracy,
but rather a beacon of darkness.

So yes the world is seemingly back to a normal level. At least there is a... or there was... a breathing moment. Until the next crisis. They didn't vaxx everyone with the Covid shot ? They might do it next time.
Marburg virus ? Or whatever else to "get our attention" as Bill Gates put it..

Is this not a Revelation time ? For sure it marked a premiere. For the first time in the history of democracy, states conditioned the right to work by a mandatory injection.
This means open war has been declared and from now on, everything is possible.


Quote from: onepower on March 24, 2023, 04:20:40 PM
No globalism is based on the belief that people, goods and information should to be able to cross national borders unrestricted. Globalism is just a larger version of what already happens inside most free countries. In Canada were free to move about and trade goods/services and information with few if any restrictions. We can also visit other countries any time we choose for as long as we want because we are free.

I agree with your definition of globalism, in a way. That's how I knew globalism when I was a six grader. A common set of rules applied to states across the world, to foster freedom and development. I was naive.

But one thing was okay with me as a six grader. I passionately hated the Romanian neoliberal "Right Wing".

I did not associate it with globalism or even "The West" as they portrayed themselves. First because I believed globalism was truly civilised and The Right Wing's austerity obsession's do not match either the prosperity and respect towards citizens in the West, and globalism as a consequence.

I mean, the West didn't develop thru utter destruction of factories, mass unemployment and a battering austerity. This remained a staple of my political thinking as a teenager, that the neoliberal Right Wing was full of shit and I
vowed to myself to never vote for them. My parents did vote for them once in 1996. My father died of lung cancer that December, two weeks before the installment of Victor Ciorbea's government and the announcement of the era of "tightening the belt" and "shock therapy" - an inauguration speech which can no longer be found anywhere, even on youtube, as the globalist CIA alligned Romanian Intelligence has completely wiped that from history, and young #resist morons of today have no clue about it and the reason that underpin the huge resistance of elderly population to the wonders of Globalism.

And it took us many many years until we found out that the idea was wrong: the Right Wing was not a Romanian abhorrent political tribe, it was a creation of the "West" as the West planned even the early 2000s, to arrest several
Social-Dem leaders, as the Social-Dem party (at least the old one) was long time a force to be reckoned with for its good policies that were abhorrent to the US Left: our PSD was about workers, pensioners, children, the people in general, it was not about minorities, LGBT and the crap that the current Left is about...

The globalists have managed to put in prison two presidents of the Social-Dem party : Adrian Nastase, PM 2000-2004, as well the recent Liviu Dragnea, for his sovereignist policies. Who was there to support the sorosist narrative of
anticorruption in early 2000s which led to the establishment of the political police division known as The National Anti-Corruption Directorate. The second bitch after Hillary, Victoria Nuland.

We'll see if the list of the two is completed by Donald Trump. He met our current bastard and repeated the same anti-corruption bullshit speech the sorosist traitors around him wrote for him. He learned nothing of the stolen elections of Romania and has fallen victim. Can say, he quite deserved the fall. And America deserves to fall, for what it did to world, but what it did to us Romanians also.

Quote from: onepower on March 24, 2023, 04:20:40 PM
The opposite of globalism is obviously fascism and communism which restricts all these freedoms of movement, trade and information. Which obviously explains why fascism and communism are opposed to globalism and global freedom.

It's actually kind of comical because if global movement was unrestricted all the intelligent people would be leaving every fascist/communist shit hole as fast as there legs could carry them. Where would they go, maybe the happiest countries or those with the best quality of life or freedoms and opportunities.

Here's a clue, almost every fascist/communist country does not allow most people to move or leave as they choose. This is because if most people could leave they probably would. Hence all the big barb wire fences, walls and border crossings to keep everyone in. There basically slaves or prisoners within there own country which is mind boggling. These communist countries are just very large prisons...


Where did you study politics, at Hillary Clinton's school ?

Globalism is the best fit for fascism

What is one of the main traits of the world today ? Corporatism.

This is taken from the Wikipedia page for corporatism : "Corporatism became one of the main tenets of fascism, and Benito Mussolini's fascist regime in Italy advocated the collective management of the economy by state officials by integrating large interest groups under the state".

What, you think fascism and nazism are "racism", as the BS propaganda in the states fills the minds of uneducated youngsters ?

The Covid crisis has shown the extent of corporatism in this new globalist, fascist regime. There was no need for law, it just needed a current of opinion, perpetrated by the usual tool, the media, so that corporations introduced mandatory vacccinations, under the belief that our freedoms are good weather freedoms, and can't stay the same when it's raining.

And when you have this huge concentration of power in the hands of 3-4 funds, such as Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, that own corporations and more corporations, they just need to sign up to Progresive policies, and these Progressive policies will affect a large number of employees, stronger than even the grip of the law.

So practically corporations have their made their own law, and this is a result of globalist fascism, the cooperation between states and corporations, exactly what the World Economic Forum is about.

Cause if there wouldn't be this cooperation, what power would they have ?

Anyway, further bibliography:
FASCISM DEFINED | The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdY_IMZH2Ko
Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments : www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCkyWBPaTC8 (this is a four hour doc)

Romania is a peculiar country, in which the usual Left is considering itsefl the Right. Romanian #rezist, which opposed the old Social-Democratic Party, always considered itself right-winger.
Though in all the other countries, sorosist movements like #resist acknowledge their Left orientation, our Romanian guys say they are Right Wingers.

This is because the long doctrine of the Right was that everything good is communist : the peaceful life was offered in communism like secure place of work, flats handed out by the state, a stable economy,
THE SOVEREIGNITY OF THE STATE, the traditional family, even The Church. All of these are considered by them in Romania as being communist, that is, of course, in opposition to globalist values.

For this reason, any talk of opposition to Europe, to LGBT, to Slava Ukraine, to climate change or any other narrative created by globalists paints you as a "putinist".
#rezist morons - and they're not alone - still use the terms "Russian" and "soviet" interchangeably. Even though communism has gone from Romania in 1989, and the USSR has collapsed in 1991, they still consider Russia as communist though they are communist themselves, supporting the World Economic Forum policies about the destruction of private property!.

This is because Russia stands against the corrupted, demented values of the nowadays West, and since communism has fallen 30 years ago - we even had a so-called "Revolution" in 1989 that was a coup - we are somehow prohibited from having Christian conservative values that were the backbone of the Eastern Europe countries in communist times.

So as you can see, the propaganda is a mish-mash of words and concepts, rotated from country to country, depending on the beliefs and the ideals of that nation.
You can come with masked violent Antifa troopers showing red communist flags in the United States, and then at the same time, violently oppose any criticism of Europe of the West for being "communist", in Europe.
Ain't that the epitome of hypocrisy!...

However, even Russian troops in the Donbass used the red flag of communist USSR. For a simple reason: it means something to the people. A beacon of better times, of normal times. And that's more powerful than any other flag.
You can put the cross on any flag. It doesn't mean "resistance to globalism". But the red communist flag, in the Eastern Europe, that's what it means. It doesn't mean the same thing in China.

And one thing : if nazism was "National Socialism", globalism is for sure "Global Socialism".

Could there have been a "National Socialism" if Hitler were to win the 2nd world war, or we'd have had a "Global Socialism" instead ?


Quote from: sm0ky2 on March 25, 2023, 11:15:04 PM
Let's go another round:

Let us assume that the universe is expanding, and that expansion was accelerating

For Entropy to occur on a universal scale, infinite energy would have to be put into the system
to counteract the infinite energy that is adding to universal expansion.
Just supposing you were sitting on the plumbob of a huge pendulum which naturally swings from the 4 o' clock position on the clockface to the 8 o' clock position and back - but you didn't know this.
What you have said you would say as the plumbob moved from the 4 o' clock point to the 5 o' clock position.
There might be someting analogous to the Earth, which, of course, controls the p[endulum.