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Legalities of selling free energy generators

Started by PaulLowrance, March 05, 2009, 02:07:12 PM

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Hi Joe,

Thanks very much!  I would be interested, but it may be a few months before I'm ready to create a provisional patent. I'll email then.

Hi Sushimoto,

If I understand you correctly, we should not get a patent because the government would own it? I don't know about that since the government doesn't care if you patent the device with other countries, but if the Inventor does *not* patent their device then scam artists and powerful & wealthy companies could patent it. Owning something from prior-art is very iffy and risky!  Posting the designs to forums, sending emails, letters, etc. is often *not* considered prior-art because it can be faked; e.g., hacking a server, faking a letter, etc. Prior-art is also recommended even though it's no guarantee to anything, but for $200 it's well worth the provisional patent. When the Invention makes money the person can have the device patented.



Quote from: PaulLowrance on March 06, 2009, 11:26:42 AM
Hi Joe,

Thanks very much!  I'll email you my address. I have every intent on getting a provisional patent when it's self-running, so using your provisional patent as a template would be very helpful.

Hi Sushimoto,

If I understand you correctly, we should not get a patent because the government would own it? I don't know about that since the government doesn't care if you patent the device with other countries, but if the Inventor does *not* patent their device then scam artists and powerful & wealthy companies could patent it. Owning something from prior-art is very iffy and risky!  Posting the designs to forums, sending emails, letters, etc. is often *not* considered prior-art because it can be faked; e.g., hacking a server, faking a letter, etc. Prior-art is also recommended even though it's no guarantee to anything, but for $200 it's well worth the provisional patent. When the Invention makes money the person can have the device patented.


Hi paul,
just a short info, how that works in my country.

Your idea is automtically protected by law after applying a patent for a period of time.
Without cost, without any special agreements lige provisoriums.

When i fax a patent-request to the office,
its protected from that moment, i can prove that is has been sent.
In that case, my fax receipt is prove enough.

So, there is no need in germany to ask
for something temporaryly and paying for it.




Hello Paul,

Patenting seems to be the best avenue available for now.  I say this for several reasons.  Patenting something doesn’t prevent the owner from selling kits or giving out free information on replication requirements.  It does, however, prevent dishonest people for trying to claim your invention as their own and profit from it at your own exclusion. 

A few months ago I came across a set of plans for a very interesting hydrogen-on-demand type of invention.  The plans were being sold for around $30 (US dollars) and I was going to return to the site to purchase these plans after doing some further research.  It turned out that I had fortunately made a wise choice.  I found the same exact set of plans being offered for free by an open source researcher who originally invented this particular variation of electrolysis.  Some low life was selling his plans on another site and I’ll be willing to bet that the real inventor (the open source researcher/engineer) has little or no recourse he can take against the fake inventor as he has no patent or copyright protection. 

And this is not the only time I’ve seen this little scam pulled.  I hate to name names but I’ll hint at a manual that was being peddled RIGHT ON THIS SITE that was exactly the same as another inventor’s electric motor plans/designs many years in advance.  These people are BOLD!  They were doing this RIGHT HERE!

We should not need keys for our automobiles.  We should not need passwords and secret codes for our banking accounts.  We shouldn’t need to lock our doors, our school lockers or our home safes, but the reality is, we have to.  We know that if we do not protect our valuables, more than willing thieves will take everything we have.  If I’m wrong, then why can’t you find any houses that do not come with locks on the doors we you purchase them brand new?

We shouldn’t have to protect ourselves BUT YOU HAD BETTER BELIEVE WE HAVE TO!  What is really scary, Sushimoto, is what dishonest crooks can do to honest people who don't protect themselves.  What is also scary is that this is not common sense to you by now.

A patent affords the inventor a good deal of protection and this protection is only as good as the author of the patent.  It is in the inventor’s best interest to fully disclose every single aspect of his invention in detail completely and without omission.  A good patent should enable the reader to fully replicate the patented device right from the patent’s drawings, schematics and blueprints.  You may ask why this is important.  It is important because if someone else figures out what you omitted on purpose or on accident, they can file a patent on this aspect and get around your patent as you failed to mention what the other person is mentioning in their own version of your invention.  You can’t claim patent infringement if you are not the one holding a patent on the details of how to accomplish something.

One classic example is that of Stanley Meyer.  He left out many critical details in his many patents as well.  If someone would have stumbled onto them while he was alive, how could he claim the details that he left out to be his own?  He wouldn’t have been able to.  His mistake was very silly.  As soon as his product would have hit the market (that is if he hadn’t been poisoned to death) anyone could have disassembled his device and figured out what he had not disclosed in his patents.  And don’t tell me that did NOT omit things from his patents.  If his patents were completely forthcoming, others would have already been able to replicate his exact method of extracting hydrogen from water by now.

As for Sushimoto, the rules/laws in Germany do not apply to us here in the US until we become German citizens.  Here in the US, even provisional patents costs money.

When you are ready, Paul, I will still FAX or mail you a copy of a provisional and full-on patent that I have filed with the USPTO.  All I would ask in return is that you not disclose any of my personal information contained therein. 






you people never learn do you?

PLEASE do take the time to read this, PLEASE. jesus christ!

go here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=1821.msg23272#msg23272


Hello FreeEnergy,

I had already read a long time ago what you have left for a link as of now.  I don’t agree.  You did NOT read carefully my last post.  Just because you patent something does not mean you are prevented from selling or giving out free plans of your device.  But if you give out free plans to your device without a patent, then lazy people can copy your plans and make a profit selling your hard work.  Some may even be able to patent your device and sue you for patent infringement.

If you desire to make lazy thieves rich, go right ahead!  Don’t let anybody stop you.  Try open sourcing your credit card number and PIN number while you’re at it. 

When you have a patent and go after a major corporation who has infringed on your patent, all of their GROSS PROFITS from the marketing of your invention become yours along with punitive damages and court costs.  Yes, even your lawyer’s fees are paid for you at their expense, as long as they really broke the law and you have a legitimate case.  And many attorneys will even take on a case like this for a percentage of the damages you recover.

