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The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"

Started by Mannix, January 30, 2006, 06:18:53 PM

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Elvis Oswald

With all due respect... your being such an ass is part of the reason some people question the validity of the device.

For the record - I know everytime I see lightning strike that "mankind" has no idea what electricity is... and that there is obviously (nearly) unlimited potential energy in the atmosphere.  I'm also sure that some have understood it in the past, that some do now, and that others will in the future.

I am willing to accept the marks videos for what they appear to be... and I do not dismiss his claims of overunity.

But your attitude towards anyone who dares comes within a mile of questioning this device is uncalled for and downright RUDE.
You say that "doubters" serve no purpose except to clutter the thread... well, you sir are the pot calling the kettle black.

Instead of posting a page of nonsense attacking people... why don't you post ONE coherent post detailing what you know about the way the device works??  WITHOUT using metaphors and parables.
Can you do that? ???

Elvis Oswald

thank you. :)

A moving magnetic field in a solid-state device - meaning no moving parts.  Sort of like the JackH valve, the parallel path, and the fluxite device... except the initial power comes from the permanent magnet approaching the device.

I realize that all of these devices are different - but the underlying principles are the same... you think?

And seriously, thanks for being polite.  We're all after the same thing.


Hello Everyone,

Here is some information that may give us insight into the interesting gyroscopic effect that the device has. I found this PowerPoint presentation from www.americanantigravity.com and it talks about how ferrous materials like mu-metal wire (or Iron) can have strong anti-gravity effects simply by passing an ELF signal through the windings! It is very short, simple, and to the point; definitely worth a look.


God Bless,
Jason O


Hi all,

I finally found a reference I had lost.  Here are some quotes.


     "My interpretation of Newman's original idea for his motor is as follows. As a thought experiment, suppose one made a coil consisting of 186,000 miles of wire. An electrical field would require one second to travel the length of the wire, or in Newman's language, it would take one second for gyrotons inserted at one end of the wire to reach the other end. Now suppose that the polarity of the applied voltage was switched before the one second has elapsed, and this polarity switching was repeated with a period less than one second. Gyrotons would become trapped in the wire, as their number increased, so would the alignment of electrons and the number of gyrotons in the magnetic field increase. The intensified magnetic field could be used to do work on an external magnet, while the input current to the coil would be small or non-existant. Newman's motors contain up to 55 miles of wire, and the voltage is rapidly switched as the magnet rotates. He elaborates upon his theory in his book, and uses it to interpret a variety of physical phenomena."

Newman theorized atoms gave up some of their mass, so, it would also relate to the recent antigravity post.

     " His greatest technical problem has been high voltage switching".

Sounds also like Steven Mark quote.

If someone could come up with Joseph Newman's book THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN, there might be additional clues.

Description of Newman Motors ---

Newman's motors may be described as two-pole, single phase, permanent magnet armature, DC motors. That is, the armature consists of a single permanent magnet which either rotates or reciprocates within a single coil of copper wire. The coil is energized with a bank of dry cell, carbon zinc batteries. In the rotating models, which will be emphasized in this paper, the battery voltage to the coil is reversed each half cycle of rotation by a mechanical commutator attached to the shaft of the rotating armature. Motor operation is sensitive to the angle at which the voltage is switched, and this is optimized experimentally. On some models, the commutator also interrupts the voltage several times per cycle, creating a pulsed input to the coil.

The coils are constructed with a very large number of turns of copper wire. In all models, the coil inductive reactance is much larger than the coil resistance at operating speed. However, the coil resistance is large enough so that even in the locked rotor condition, very little current flows through the coil. The motors typically draw less than ten milliampere so that small capacity batteries (e.g., 9 volt transistor batteries) can be used in series for the power supply. Self resonant frequencies (frequency at which the coil inductive reactance equals the coil distributed capacitive reactance) are typically on the order of the armature rotation frequency. The permanent magnet armature is very strong, and TIGHT COUPLING TO THE COIL is emphasized in Newman's later models [emphasis added]. His early models used up to 700 pounds of ceramic magnets, while later models used smaller armatures made with powerful neodymium-boron-iron magnets. The commutator is protected by fluorescent tubes placed across the motor. Enough tubes are placed in series so that the battery voltage will not break them down. When the coil is switched, the tubes are lit by the resulting high voltage, minimizing arcing across the commutator.

Newman's motors exhibit the following extraordinary characteristics:

1) High torque is realized with very little input current and very little input power. The battery input power is typically several times smaller than the measured frictional power losses occurring when the armature rotates at its operating speed. His motors are at least ten times more efficient than commercial electric motors (perform the same work with one tenth the input power.)

2) The batteries last much longer than would be expected for the current input. It has been demonstrated that "dead" dry cell batteries will charge up while operating a Newman Motor, and subsequently be able to deliver significant power to normal loads (e.g., lights). The batteries fail by internal shorting rather than be depletion of their internal energy.

3) Significant rf power is generated by the motor (primarily in the ten to twenty megahertz range). The rf is a high voltage relative to ground, and will light fluorescent or neon tubes placed between the motor and ground in addition to lighting the tubes placed across the motor coil. The rf current flows through the entire system, and has been measured calorimetrically to have an rms value many times larger than the battery input current.


A large amount of data has been collected by many individuals on the various Newman Motors. While Newman's most recent prototypes are perhaps the most interesting because of their reduced volume, I will present data on his original prototype large machine which has been more extensively investigated. Measured motor parameters are listed below:


Weight ........................... 9,000 pounds
Copper Wire Length ...... 55 miles
Coil Inductance ............. 1,100 Henries
Coil Resistance .............. 770 Ohms
Coil Inside Diameter ...... 4 feet
Coil Height .................... 4 feet


Rotor Weight ..................... 700 lbs. ceramic magnets
Rotor Length ..................... 4 feet
Moment of Inertia .............. 40 Kg-sq.m.
Magnetic Moment ............. 100 Tesla-cu.in


Battery Type ..................... 6 Volt Ray-O-Vac Lantern
Total Series Voltage .......... 590 Volts


Torque Constant ................ 15,400 oz. in./amp
Drag Coefficient ................. 0.005 Watts/sq.rpm.
Q at 200 rpm ..................... 30
Power Factor, 200 rpm ...... 0.03

The torque constant was measured at DC and agrees with calculations. The drag coefficient was measured by plotting the motor speed versus time after disconnecting the batteries. It was found that the decay is exponential with the drag torque being proportional to the angular speed. With the motor operating at 200 rpm, the following measurements and calculations were obtained:


Battery Input Current ............ 10 milliampere
Battery Input Power .............. 6 Watts
Rotor Frictional Losses .......... 200 Watts
RF Current (rms) ................. 500 milliampere
RF Ohmic Losses in Coil .......... 190 Watts
Additional Loads ................. Fluorescent Tubes
Incandescent Bulbs
Fan (belt driven)

The frictional losses are computed from the measured drag coefficient. The ohmic losses are computed from the coil resistance. Without considering the additional loads, it is seen that the output energy of the machine exceeded the input by a factor of 65!

Oscillograph photos show that the current waveform is dominated by the very large spike which occurs when the magnetic field of the coil collapses. The leading edge of this spike is shown in Figure 1. The staircase current rise is typical of the Newman Motors, with the width of the stairs in all cases being approximately equal to the length of the coil winding divided by the speed of light. Although the average current in the spike is at DC, the actual current waveform under the stairs is pulsing at a frequency of about 13 megahertz. The time average current in the waveform agrees with the calorimeter measurement of the rf current


A phenomenological theory of operation is suggested here, which involves the following sequence of events:

1) The battery is switched across the coil and a current wavefront (gyroscopic particles) propagates into the coil at a speed determined by the coil's propagation time constant.

2) Before the wavefront completes its journey through the coil, the battery voltage is switched open. At this point the coil contains a charge equal to the current times the on-time.

3) When the switch is opened, all of this charge leaves the coil in a very short time, creating a very large current pulse in the coil.

4) The magnetic field generated by this current pulse (gyroscopic particle flow) propagates out to the permanent magnet armature, and gives it an impulsive torque.

5) The magnet accelerates, and the resulting magnetic field disturbance of the permanent magnet is propagated back to the coil, creating a back-emf. However, by the time this occurs, the switch is open so that the back emf does not impede the current flowing in the battery circuit.

These notions agree qualitatively with the measured waveforms. After one-half cycle of rotation, a charge on the order of 0.01 Coulombs will be contained within the coil. From the oscillograph this is seen to be dumped in a few milliseconds, creating a current of several amps. This current continues to flow for some ten milliseconds before decaying to zero.

Lots to think about.



"Lots to think about..."

But this is also noteworthy:
"My copy of the test performed by the National Bureau of Standards says that in a test, Newman's machine only returned 1 third to 2 thirds the energy put into it (the rest of the energy being wasted).   Norm Biss of Erie Pa  reports that he got his employer to agree to build and test a Newman motor.  He found Newman to be ignorant of electronic motors and their assembly. Newman made a whole mess in the motor with 3 different kinds of glue trying to hold everything together.  He broke all kinds of parts on the motor by over heating and using an 8 lb sledge hammer.  They say Joe stole a key to the place and stole the device the day before qualified engineers were going to test it. More on this at: THE NORM BISS STORY"

I'm so disappointed with people not taking the consequences for their claims and actions... How can we rid this field of hobby experimentalists from these guys?

I began reading up on this OU subject a week ago, knowing nothing before that. I've been left feeling cheated about 99 times out of 100 when examining what critics has to say about all these claims. The only type of device I see possible of OU right now are the magnetic ones - like the Stephen Marks device (even though some critics have valid points against him). The most interesting device to me right now is the one that Hans Coler built in before and during WWII in Germany. This device has actually been tested by British Intelligence so...