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Solid States Devices => solid state devices => Topic started by: HEYDUDE on August 02, 2008, 10:44:58 AM

Title: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 02, 2008, 10:44:58 AM
Please post any doubts, findings or detective work that could expose SM, his devices, his supposed communications with Mannix,  the engineers reports etc in this thread. It messes up people's heads and pisses them off when you expose their religion, so here is the proper place to do it, not in their temples.

Regarding the SM TPU devices

1. The first unit (spool) never produced any power into a load. It gave some readings on a voltmeter. Easily faked with a small oscillator and watch battery.

2. The open TPU is highly suspect because of the short duration lighting of lamps with rather large bases that could easily hide a simple, efficient boost converter and some batteries. If you don't want to use the boost converter, you could substitute 12 volt RV lamps. There is possibly a little slight of hand going on here. The wall outlet is disconnected from the mains and shorted. Plugging the lamps into the wall outlet just completes the circuit between the hidden batteries and the boost converter. Notice that SM never really tests the output of the device (which also is a short and completes the circuit like, the wall outlet). Rather he has a special speaker connector where he measures a voltage from a tiny oscillator. Hello.

3. The smallest three inch unit can be built by winding the boost inductor over the hidden batteries in a toroidal form. Note the form factor of the coil.. This will cause heating due to the lossy core material (the metal casings of the 9 volt batteries) and vibration,but if the frequency is kept low enough, it will work.The same goes for the 7" TPU.

4. The 17 inch unit. Now it gets more interesting. Wattsup pointed out the possibility of a deceptive raised base that could hide many cubic inches of batteries. Alternately the batteries could have been hidden within the large core of the device.

5. The test reports as posted on OU are highly suspect and would never hold up in a court of law. Where are the signatures or e-mail tracers. These are not scanned original documents. Someone could have made them up. Who edited out the signatures or e-mail tracer info?

6. There is no proof whatsoever that whoever was communicating with Mannix was SM. It could have been anyone.
Why did SM use the least secure unencrypted communication method if he was "sweating bullets" that his stipend might be revoked. There are many more secure methods of communication. Yet even after supposed "dire warnings" from government people SM continues to post "clues". Hello again

7. SM so wants to help everyone that he risks his cushy stipend time and time again by communicating with Mannix. Yeah right. Wake up people. He could walk into any internet cafe and post the real deal anonymously anytime if he really wanted to help anyone. While SM sits in his plush mansion sipping cognac, little old ladies will freeze or starve to death this winter with a choice: food or oil, while oil corporations reek all time record profits as of this writing.

8. Despite the allusions of Mannix, Marco and the like no one has or will post a pdf document of a self runner as seen in the videos, with thesis and detailed construction plans, because no one has one. Period.

9. Even if SM came out and said " Yeah guys, I faked the whole thing. It was a scam. I did it for money" chances are these words would be forgotten, so fervently is the religion established, the legend of the TPU will live on like the ARK of the Covenant......and just like the "Turbo Coil".

10. Jack Durban, a really savvy engineer witnesses the revolutionary technology firsthand and is given an opportunity to work on it. But he quickly drops this groundbreaking circuitry to work on "other things" for ten or more years. Helloooo.

11. The only good that will come of this misadventure is that hope to produce a dream will be instilled in the minds of good hearted people here that wish to make a positive change in the world.

12. Most of the communication between the supposed SM and Mannix is most likely misinformation designed to lead you away from the goal. If you are to use anything, use the videos. Most likely SM's stipend will continue as long as he can obfuscate, that's why he does it openly in e-mails he knows will be posted to the world. Remember SM's last few posts: I have told you about my suspicions regarding the fact that I have wound up in a poor state and cant even sell my technology because of my original involvement with the company UEC, and etc. I have come to the conclusion that I am just where the oil companies arranged for me to be.......
It is fucking obvious......

I fully expect to get flamed for this. I will regard it as nothing more than the writhing reactions of any religious fanatic when real history or truth threatens their sacred belief system. So bring it on. ("so why are you here yada yada")
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 02, 2008, 11:00:37 AM
If these notes seem repetitive, they were written at different time periods as part of my gumshoe work.....apologies for that.

Part 2

A good detective likes to ask why.

Why would SM expose himself on the internet with emails , time and time again, after repeated warnings from UEC, the US govt, his lawyers etc communicating to Mannix little jewels of information that have proven so far to be totally useless.

There are so many more secure methods of getting information to Mannix (or anyone) that would be well cloaked.

There are so many ways he could supply the information to Mannix (or anyone) that would be totally untraceable.

Answer: The ruse is used to distract people from the true simplicity of the device and is the real goal.

Why does SM continually imply "I'm going way out on a limb here (by supplying tidbits), I could lose my pension from UEC"

Answer: This ruse adds value to the information. Someone, possibly SM is being paid to plant the disinformation. Everytime a crumb drops from the masters       table, there is a literal swarm of activity in that direction.

As an example, SM could simply mail the info anonymously to a friend of Mannix with inner instructions to deliver to Mannix.
It could be postmarked from almost anywhere in the world easily by "letter and instructions within letter and more instructions".
It could be coded with the key being sent later.

Even after the government meeting and further warnings, SM (or someone) continues to supply tidbits sometimes cloaked in poorly designed metaphors, totally uneccessarily.

It's quite possible that Mannix is not even communicating with the real SM.  We have no proof he is who he says he is.

The whole game that has been played over the last year or two is actually quite transparent if you step back far enough from it.

Email is the most easily watched,  most easily intercepted method of communication unless it is encrypted, which I'm sure their correspondence is not.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 02, 2008, 11:04:39 AM
Part 3

Some food for thought from the hovercraft

Note: "SM" is used in quotes because we really don't know who the entity communicating with Mannix really is. We have no proof.

From SM (Sun July2 2006 to Lindsay):  The point is, I have been wondering as of late if perhaps certain people involved directly with my project may have made deals for money in exchange for their assistance in sabotaging the project.
I am not entirely talking out of my hat, because I have seen several unexplainable occurrences in the past, involving my company killing deals for no good reason.

For openers here is the government meeting email from "SM" to Mannix as posted on Gn0sis "private" thread

Dear Lindsay,
I have some very important things to tell you.
First. My attorney left several messages for me over the last week. I finally called him on Friday and he informed me of the fact he needed to set up a meeting with me in his office in as soon as possible and that I needed to be prepared to meet with someone from the federal government..
I was shaken to the bone! He also told me that I was not to mention my future meeting to anyone including the following: Paul, anyone with UEC, anyone on the Internet including you, my family, the press, or anyone in the communication business, my elected representatives and etc.
It sounded as though he was reading a list off to me. He said that, he was.
I told him i was a little scared to show up.
He said that he understood my fear but it would be in my best interest to get into his office Monday and he would do his best to protect me.
I asked him what i needed to be protected from?
He said he had to respond to the authorities about their concerns regarding my possible breaking of federal laws.
He said that the charges could be very serious against me and he needed to keep things from getting out of hand.
He told me that he convinced them (the federal authorities ) that I was not intentionally breaking any laws or going against their wishes in any way. He assured them that he would get me into his office for them to talk to and they would see for themselves that I am a nice little guy who would never knowingly break the law.
So off i went this morning to my attorneys office in hopes of not getting arrested and placed into prison. I don't think I would like prison, Lindsay...
The first thing there I was taken into a room by my attorney and told what not to say to the Feds. Also, I was told what to do if I was arrested, etc.
So I was fully scared to death!!!
Next, I was taken into the meeting. Therein was my attorney and his secretary with note pad in hand. I was introduced to three gentleman in business suits. One was from the FBI, ( Federal Burrow of Investigation ), one was from the Atomic Energy Commission of the federal government and the other was from the Federal Department of Justice, Washington DC.
I now had to go to the bathroom at this moment of my life more then ever!!!
I sat down and listen to the man from the FBI remind me that I had been given a document from the federal government several years ago informing me of the fact that I no longer had control of my power technology because it had been deemed to be in the interests of the American people for it to remain in the control of federal authorities and that I was not to talk about it directly with other people, especially nationals of foreign countries without permission from the folks in Washington DC. He also reminded me that to do so would be breaking the law and committing a federal offence, which is a big thing here in America.
He went on to tell me that he was there in official capacity as an investigator from the FBI to see if i had indeed broken the law.
Why had I broken the law?
Because I had been discussing my technology with other people without the permission of the folks in Washington DC.
I asked them how they knew that I had spoken to people about my technology and they told me that: First of all, it was not MY TECHNOLOGY. I had no rights concerning it at all. It is under the control of the federal government for the benefit of the people of the United States.
Second, The ownership of the technology is highly questionable. Third, Do not play games with us Stephen, you know we know that you have been discussing the technology with anybody who will listen!
They further accused me of deliberately posting information on the Internet. I said that I absolutely had not!
The man from the FBI said that i had been collaborating with a foreign gentlemen in Australia to post information and therefor had been involved in a conspiracy to dispense information which is against the law for me to do.
Then he pulled out a rather large stack of papers which turned out to be copies of everything posted Internet wise about my technology for the last ten years or whatever.
Then my attorney interjected and they got into a long discussion which i didn't listen to very much. I was looking at the man from the Atomic Energy Commission and noted he had a kind face.
He smiled at me and we began to talk.
He told me that he admired my work very much. He told me that he thought of me as a fellow scientist. He told me that as scientists we had an obligation to protect people from our findings or things we discover if they may be generally harmful to them or the public at large.
He told me that it was the duty of conscientious scientists to keep the black genies in the bottles so as not to harm society any more then necessary. He mentioned the Atomic bomb and how much better the world would be if it never had been invented, right? I said , right!
He went on to discuss my technology in detail and reminded me of the destructive capability when the devices reach harmonic perfection. I told him that was a good analogy, or way of putting it.
He told my that he didn't think I wanted to be responsible for giving out information making it possible and moreover inevitable that someone would make a big crater of a hole where their house used to stand with resulting death of themselves and possibly their families and neighbors too.
He finally finished up with, And for God sake, with the terrorists hunting for weapons of mass destruction, why on earth would you want to hand them something like this to use to kill perhaps many millions of people? Do you think Moslems are not interested in this technology? They have a lot of oil so they would be interested in it for another reason wouldn't they Stephen?
I agreed with him and told him I hadn't thought of it in that perspective before. I told them all that I wasn't trying to do anything wrong at all. I didn't realize the implications of the possible results of talking to you about the technology. I told them that you were an engineer and interested in the scientific possibilities of the discovery only.
The agent from the FBI said that I had no real way of knowing who you were and what you might actually be up to did I? I agreed with him. He said that they read everything going into and out of your computer wether or not anything is posted on that web site we guys like so much...
He said that the Australian government was allied with the United States regarding this matter and that the Australian authorities would deal with you as need be.
However, lets hope it does not become necessary shall we? Yes of course I said?
I said, I never meant to get into trouble with this. I told them I just felt bad because of all the nasty things people were saying about me and that i starting talking to you and you said that you would try and tell the straight story about me and the technology. I have a right to defend my self don't I?
The answer was, NO! I am not entitled to defend myself. What i need to do is, to feel good about doing the right thing. I need to do what my government tells me is good for me to do. I need to develop pride in making the correct decision to keep quiet about technology that may hurt other people or even help terrorists to kill many, many others.
I was told that With knowledge comes responsibility!!!
I told them I never intended to do anything wrong. I was sorry. I asked them to please forgive me and not to put me in prison. They said they could prefer charges against me at any time but are reluctant because of my well meaning attitude as displayed during the meeting.
They told me that It would be a good idea if I told you to post information saying that I had no intention of revealing anything about my experiments or how the demonstrations were accomplished to the extent that they convinced so many people of their authenticity.That the demonstrations were more for amusement then anything else and that I am making it very clear that I never intended to convince the public at large. People attempting to duplicate anything they have seen in my demonstrations will not be able to do so and should not try.
I asked them if I had their permission to tell you about today and they said yes of course.

So........... that is what happened to me today.
How was your day Lindsay?


Apparently "SM" contacted Stefan Hartmann, moderator of the Overunity site.

quote from post #13 Feb3, 2006 by Hartiberlin (Stefan) in "Master of Magnetics"

"Steven told me, that he was approached and harrassed by US agencies and he was told to keep his invention secret and shut up about it, 'in the name of national security'. So he had a fear to publish anything. I wonder if he had to hand over any of his tech to the agencies and if it is used now already in black projects ?"

If Stefan wanted to double check, he could have logged his IP and found his approximate address, then checked area directories to find out who was living at that address. Was this done?

So if Steve Mark did indeed invent an energy machine that could threaten the status quo security of the US (economic security, oil security, Rockefeller security etc.) and if the power brokers learned of this, Steve Mark would have been given a very few choices by them.

He could agree to shut up and never speak or write another word of it to anyone. He would be told that if he refused he could watch as his family members one by one disappear or die under strange circumstances, mysterious illnesses, accidents etc. This threat alone would silence any man, as the desire not to put our family in harms way is paramount, regardless of our own courage or altruistic desires to "save the world". Remember SM claims he was "scared to death" by the event.

Are we to believe that "SM" was really contacted by the US government, had a meeting with them, lawyer present, was told not to disclose any  more information about the operation of the TPU,  yet goes on to "feed" Mannix information or a nod from time to time? The NSA could easily track the approximate location of emails to Mannix.  If the whole story were true, "SM" wouldn't risk this.

To sweeten the gag order "SM" could have been given a lucrative but revocable stipend to obfuscate the existing and any emerging information. Send everyone on a wild goose chase, scatter the herd and derail any activity that gets close to the truth. He will be a paid policeman with a new job.  He will be asked to monitor the internet websites that work in this direction, and should anyone get too close, pressure will be brought to bear on them in the same manner. In this way the most knowledgeable will be put to work policing the situation. Has anyone noticed there are a few posters who seem to be derailing nearly every thread with nonsense? This could just be coincidence but...

Somehow, the videos got out. No one really knows how or the source. Assuming the TPU a real energy device most of the video's could have been confiscated by the government early on when first made and when Prof. Schizinger was brought on board. Professors usually report up the chain of command what is going on in their labs, even if not a formal report, there is always the "buzz". A clandestine set of copies were made by someone, but the government agents never got hold of these. They were released by some "good" person or persons that wanted the information to be posted to the internet shortly after high profile sites like Google Video and Youtube became available in order to stimulate work in this direction.

A good detective would ask a few questions, such as:

a) How many copies of the videos actually exist in the world and if there are more than one set why have not one person come forward with clearer copies and posted them to the internet? Who were the videographers (obviously inept* and unprofessional), worse than home videos by the untrained.

* I would have used the word "amateur" but this is from the Latin translated loosely "one who loves what they do" and no one who loves what they do could have made such bad videos.

b) How did Mannix get his copies? Who was his initial contact for them

From his story and in his words, quote

"A few months later (1996) the same friend came to me and showed me a video of the device running with a well-spoken person called Steven doing the demonstration"

and where does this trail lead? Where did "the same friend" get the video?

and according to Mannix "somebody else (jeremygaul?) posted some earlier demos of the same type of devices with Steven Mark showing the process."

Question:  Who is the somebody that posted them?(jeremygaul?)  Also wouldn't Mannix want to follow up on the source  to see who posted them and where they got the videos? This information is not offered by Mannix.

c) How did Mannix first come to communicate with Steve Mark. Who initiated contacted whom. And why? If Lindsay wrote emails to "SM" as he claims, then he somehow knew  or came to know of "SM's" email address.

Lindsay goes on to say rhetoricaly "how do I contact Steve Marks?"

In Lindsay's words "Then I finally made contact with Steve, who recalled it very much like I had" but Lindsay never explains how he came to find SM's email address.

d) Why would SM even care to view activity on the Overunity site unless he saw the videos someone posted on Google or Youtube, which give Overunity as the source.

e) Why can no patent applications pertaining to the device be located. The "patents" were presumably sold to UEC. They should be a matter of public record. If SM's name is on the patents, they should be locatable.

f) Why are none of the engineering reports or letters from Prof. Schinzinger signed copies? Why would someone spend the time to type these reports and letters word for word into an email to send to Mannix. PTX format is given as the excuse.

Yet when posting a letter from "SM", and nothing of his , Mannix apologizes in reply #30 Feb 4, 2006 "Master Of Magnetics thread:

quote "Excuse the typos  Mine as well !"  This statement seems to imply that Mannix was was indeed typing the long letter into his computer. This is a strange statement to make.  He seems to be apologetic for SM's typos as well as his own.

Scanned copies of the documents would have been less prone to typing error and be more believable. Given the quality of composition and spelling, I doubt they were typed into an email by "SM". He or the imposter that is posing as "SM" has rather poor spelling and wordsmanship, which in itself is strange. So that leaves only a few alternatives.

Either Mannix has scanned copies of the originals emailed (or snail mailed) to him by "SM" and Mannix typed them into a text file to post on Overunity


All of the documents mentioned above were originally text files created by their respective authors (or someone else)  and resided on "SM's" computer from the beginning. There are no signed originals.

The second scenario works for letters from Prof. Schinzinger as he could have been communicating by email, but engineering reports that supposedly were contracted to demonstrate the authenticity of the device would typically be signed by the author, and be part of a "package" to be handed out to interested buyers of the technology.

From one of the first few emails from SM to Mannix

"So they hired engineers and other technical people to confirm that indeed the units did output the energy as viewed in the demonstration"

g) Why are there no dates on any of the correspondence from "SM" to "Mannix? A few who in the past have asked this question were put down by Mannix and others, yet, in the interest of clarity it is reasonable to have an actual timeline. In the very first emails from Mannix to SM the answer is given as post 2004.


"What I really learned was that people cant help but be  so very closed minded about anything new . a good video which demonstrates this is "what the bleep do we really know" I hope you have seen it."

This movie was released in 2004. Lindsays post  of the first emails on Overunity Forum was January 30, 2006

"SM" goes on to say in the very first emails posted by Mannix in January 2006


  "I assure you that I invented the technology over 15 years ago and that I have never personally sought money for the technology"

   This would date the invention of the technology to 1991 or earlier. Does this sound reasonable?  Why would "SM" take a job with Spheric Labs and work on design patents for speakers with such a promising energy technology having already been invented by him? The speaker design patents show dates of 1993 and 1994. And the meeting with government official occurs a full 15 years later as described in an email supposedly sent to Mannix in 2006.

Hypothesis 1 (low probability)

His device including the videos were a cleverly designed fraud to bilk investors, the government knows it is fraudulent and is not going to do anything to "gag" SM, never had a meeting with SM, the whole story is BS and someone is pumping this whole thing up for some future purpose.

Hypothesis: 2 (low probability)

   Is it possible  the "SM" that Mannix is supposedly communicating with is a fiction? an alter ego that Mannix has created in order to stimulate activity on the forums in the hopes that by having hundreds of people working on the TPU, someone will be inspired to the truth or that Mannix could cherry pick up a few jewels of others research and put them into his basket?
   It would seem that Mannix does have a burning desire to know the truth of the TPU operation. He has spent lots of time and some unknown amount of  money to build tube equipment and wind coils. His desire seems genuine. But burning desire can prompt people to do strange things.
   There are also many benefits to be gained by being the "SubMaster" or "The Official Master's Voicepiece". He can sort of loosely direct the research into areas he would like to see it go by crafting a "SM" letter to that end.

Note: "SM" is used in quotes because we really don't know who the entity communicating with Mannix really is. We have no proof. Based on above statements we can be relatively certain it is not the real SM if it is he is a gagged mouthpiece for disinformation only,

Hypothesis 3

   It is mostly all true, but many of the puzzle pieces don't fit for reasons we cannot know,

There are many many more questions, I could write a book, but I hear Mannix already has one under way. The truth is hidden and even Sherlock Holmes would have difficulty unravelling this mystery.

People on the forum have already turned this into a religion, referring to SM as "Our Master" and "as Our Master said"

Yet there is a part of me that still wants to believe it is possible, it's all real or some kind of catalyst to get us inspired to working on the possibility of such a device.

People who tend to ask the right questions on forums seem to get banned. This seems to be counter to free speech.

From SM to Lindsay

I have told you about my suspicions regarding the fact that I have wound up in a poor state and cant even sell my technology because of my original involvement with the company UEC, and etc. I have come to the conclusion that I am just where the oil companies arranged for me to be.......
It is fucking obvious......

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 02, 2008, 01:41:05 PM
you certainly seem well-researched HD.

can't say i disagree with much, and i get the sense that you are not totally against believing the technology and the man are real, so you have an open mind. that's good to know. i am a believer myself, but i don't believe much of the bs posted here.

whether anyone will respond is tbd. people here tend to look the other way or have tantrums when their ideals are challenged.

so, not sure if you'll get a rational response or not, we can only hope.

thanks for the clear investigative work. at the very least it will provoke some thought.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: khabe on August 02, 2008, 02:34:16 PM
This is not guarded secret that my English is weak ... yes, its DIY (self made) -  but anyway my feelings are:

A.) Does someone else feel that quotes of SM in current thread and quotes of SM published before - are not written by the same person?
B.) Anybody else detected transmogrify of facts? Before was reason why cant tell about principle -  all rights sold to new owner, to some mystic company (or just sold) ... now we can to read about FBI and National Security, Washington ... thats because SM must keep his mouse closed.

Ibidem - why FBI did not arested SM because he sold out  this "national property"  belongs to US government ???
What kind of special agent starts to investigate about how many copies of videos somebody has when all was published in YouTube? Not any because copies could be miljons around the world - every schoolboy can understand that - why special agent not? I dont believe they are illiterate - impossible.

No comments,
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: zapnic on August 02, 2008, 03:27:13 PM
this site starts look like www.whale.to

but anyway
you forget Dave Doleshal

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Mannix on August 02, 2008, 05:32:44 PM

So what if you are right...which you are not.
although you do identify some possibilities that have no bearing on understanding the tech.

There is more info on this device than any other

And how, dear sir does your theory help any body do anything but give up?

I would question your motive as to what your goal is here.

Go and read a gossip mag...better still go write one!

The challenge is great, the effort required may be beyond many of us, but possibly not beyond all of us....unless people listen to your rubbish.

The info may not be as complete as some would like and what is on this site is far from all of it.
The purpose is to get interested people working on what will be our future energy ...and many great people are.

Nobody wants your money....to hard for you isn't it?

This process has gone beyond P.N.R.

You look foolish to so many ...and to those who think you have something useful ..I question what use?

don't crap on about courts ..legal etc

This is a bit more concrete than Iraq wmd's
yet thousands and thousands died ...still are .

Using select info you can make different scenarios seem coherent ... as you can with the tech info.
As mankind has done with literary works for thousands of years
Some people are actually using the info to further their rediscovery of this.
Whats more they are sharing it.....on deaf ears for a lot of it.

I suppose you might prevent some irresponsible people from taking this path..Perhaps thats a good thing?

Did you ever  expect to have this just handed to you?

But yes, those  videos are specific.They are not faked as you attempt to describe.
There was somebody writing beside  Steven at times when he was not well enough to do so.

But that is just my firm and honest opinion based on the information and experience that i have ..
as is yours ...I hope that you, and others can help you  build on your scenario  in the way you want it to become

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 02, 2008, 06:00:58 PM
As fully expected a a bit of a squirm and wiggle from one of the exalted high priests of the TPU.

Lindsay I hope your book sells well, when can we buy a copy. Hopefully it will be more referenced than what has been posted.

As Jack Friday would say "Just the facts ma'am"

I wish you great good fortune

Khabe, you said:

QuoteWhat kind of special agent starts to investigate about how many copies of videos somebody has when all was published in YouTube? Not any because copies could be miljons around the world - every schoolboy can understand that - why special agent not? I dont believe they are illiterate - impossible.

I was clearly referring to the time period when the video's were made, around 1997. Of course I agree after they were released to Google and Youtube there is no way to recover.


Title: Re: SM Expos
Post by: orbs on August 02, 2008, 08:10:45 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 02, 2008, 10:44:58 AM11. The only good that will come of this misadventure is that hope to produce a dream will be instilled in the minds of good hearted people here that wish to make a positive change in the world.

It inspires. That is already worth a lot!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 03, 2008, 12:05:15 PM
Quote from: Mannix on August 02, 2008, 05:32:44 PM

The info may not be as complete as some would like and what is on this site is far from all of it.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 03, 2008, 05:05:04 PM
Nice expose', but a waste of time an bandwidth.  It's all been brought up 100 times.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 06, 2008, 03:41:11 PM

This monologue ended with a deafening silence....


The Dude is probably out surfing...

Or was it bowling...... ;D
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 06, 2008, 04:48:50 PM
A short rebut of Lindsay Mannix post

QuoteSo what if you are right...which you are not.
although you do identify some possibilities that have no bearing on understanding the tech.

To properly understand the technology you need to be able to separate truth from fiction. Peeling off a layer of disinfo might get us closer to the truth and replication. By the way, I am a builder as advanced as any and have been at this over two years. So hold the old saw about "pc heroes".

QuoteThere is more info on this device than any other

That should probably read "disinfo" since no one anywhere has a working device yet despite hundreds of coils, and thousands of man-hours into the project.

QuoteI would question your motive as to what your goal is here.

Very simple, to peel away one of truths protective layers.

QuoteGo and read a gossip mag...better still go write one!

A cheap shot not worthy of response.

QuoteThe challenge is great, the effort required may be beyond many of us, but possibly not beyond all of us....unless people listen to your rubbish.

You paint my post with a wide brush, my friend, but do you have explanations for the non-sequiters and paradoxes surrounding the SM mystery. Why not post an intelligent rebuttle instead of smear.

Personally I have little respect for the TPU elite's and heroes who pretend to know something. When I got to be "elite" I recycled.

QuoteThe info may not be as complete as some would like and what is on this site is far from all of it.
The purpose is to get interested people working on what will be our future energy ...and many great people are.

This would seem to imply once again that one of our TPU heroes, namely yourself has been holding back information, as POYNTed out in a prior post. Now why would you do that?

QuoteNobody wants your money....to hard for you isn't it?

Who asked for money, I have all I need.

QuoteYou look foolish to so many ...and to those who think you have something useful ..I question what use?

Now how would you know that. Did you take a poll? I fully expected to get flamed by the zealots. The "use" once again is to arrive at truth as any good investigator would try to see what doesn't make sense and try to make some sense out of it.

don't crap on about courts ..legal etc

So we just accept something as truth because you typed it up?

QuoteThis is a bit more concrete than Iraq wmd's
yet thousands and thousands died ...still are .

Aside from the videos (some of which are questionable) where is the concrete documented information? Your typed input to the forum?

QuoteUsing select info you can make different scenarios seem coherent ... as you can with the tech info.
As mankind has done with literary works for thousands of years
Some people are actually using the info to further their rediscovery of this.
Whats more they are sharing it.....on deaf ears for a lot of it.

yada yada yada yada...........an attempt at taking the higher ground.

QuoteI suppose you might prevent some irresponsible people from taking this path..Perhaps thats a good thing?

My wish is to get more critical thinkers to pay attention to the obvious paradoxes surrounding SM's TPU, your correspondence with somebody calling himself SM, and a few of the other players.

QuoteDid you ever  expect to have this just handed to you?

Here we go with that old saw again.....ho hum......you've used it many times, get a new writer, your lines are getting stale.

QuoteBut yes, those  videos are specific.They are not faked as you attempt to describe.
There was somebody writing beside  Steven at times when he was not well enough to do so.

I'm open minded on the videos or I would not have tried to diligently replicate the devices for two years.

QuoteBut that is just my firm and honest opinion based on the information and experience that i have ..
as is yours ...I hope that you, and others can help you  build on your scenario  in the way you want it to become

A reasonable statement.

In Closing,

You do get to a point where you have to step back and look at the whole story, the interaction of the players, the unanswered paradoxes and find the reason why there have been no successes to date posted.

You and I have a lot in common i.e. we would both like to see multiple if not world wide replication of such a device. We have both built tube oscillators and many coils and spent countless hours and our own funds to do this.

I hope, Lindsay, if there is anything that you can clear up, do it here and be specific, and I will be willing to say thank you for clearing that part of the mystery up. I have raised many questions that have been bugging me and perhaps others. This is honest inquiry and not an attempt to devalue the TPU. Thank you for the honest input you have supplied.

Cheers.......The HeyDude

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 06, 2008, 05:03:03 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 06, 2008, 04:48:50 PM
I'm open minded on the videos or I would not have tried to diligently replicate the devices for two years.

Only two years? and no luck?  Give anyother two - you might learn something.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 06, 2008, 05:58:23 PM
Right on time and as fully expected folks, a short quip from the "Grumpy" one

QuoteOnly two years? and no luck?  Give anyother two - you might learn something.

This is typical elitist crumb-dropping. I've read nearly all your posts and yes, you seem to have picked up some bits of information here and there which you regurgitate in a condescending manner to the many, especially newbies.

Reminds me of a quote "Scant drips from a nearly empty oil can do not quiet the squeaking beaks of the hungry".....the Heydude

You should recycle yourself,  become a newbie and stop puffing and strutting as it does not become you. You don't have a working TPU and from your posts, are as lost as anyone on this. Just fess up, it's O.K......and a humbling but cleansing experience.

To re-quote your own "Frank Edwards" tag line:

"It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question"

And heydude, don't be so "Grumpy"...learn to laugh at yourself, as you laugh at me.

Heydude......the leveler of lofty egos
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 06, 2008, 06:55:58 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 06, 2008, 05:58:23 PM
as you laugh at me - another born loser...

Heydude......the leveler of lofty egos - especially his own...

You're just another idiot with nothing better to do that start shit - fukin' loser.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 06, 2008, 07:00:12 PM
Is this your best ? I've seen you post something like that before. You seem to be recycling your graphics, You must have misunderstood. Try again.

Heydude.....too cool for you.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Moab on August 06, 2008, 07:12:59 PM
Oh Goody!! Another SM thread to blacklist. Ya know old SM must be one of the biggest internet stars so far. These threads read like globe or some soap magazine. give it a rest already. nobody cares :)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Mannix on August 06, 2008, 07:35:50 PM

This Is a learning process for all of us ..some are a bit further along that others and conflict is natural as we need to bring with us our ego's expectations etc.  We wont all arrive at the same time or from the same place or even the same destination.

I suppose my expectation is that with minimal info and maximum experiments by as many as possible we will get to where this process can be included in general physics and perhaps decentralised power will become a reality.

It wont become a reality if left to business interests because its too priceless.

Now..if that makes sence you might see why it hard for me to undrestand how looking on the dark side/ or being negative  offers anything towards this end.

I do apreciate that some info will be misinterpereted, even considered wrong...this is a process and any thing that you can offer towards this is important.

Perhaps I just fail to see what you offer , after all im only 1 guy with ego and inconstincies like any body else.


Peace  .................

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 07, 2008, 08:57:33 AM
Dear Lindsay

Thank you for your sane, cool headed response. I appreciate this.

QuotePerhaps I just fail to see what you offer , after all im only 1 guy with ego and inconstincies like any body else.

Perhaps some further truths will be arrived at, perhaps not. I share your human qualities of inconsistency, ego, and doubt.

If nothing else, I offer a repository thread where people can place their doubts or findings that create doubt, so that these things do not  clog up the builder threads, and so that questions that may have arisen in people's minds can be clarified.

I have seen many of the builder / theory threads veer off in this direction for several pages, and have difficulty in coming back to the research. Better that it happens here.

If no one likes this thread, they are under no obligation to come under this tent.

Thanks for your civility.....Peace Brother

@Grumpy.....it's probably too late for you to remove the vulgar graffiti from the tent wall. To bad, because it does not show you at your best, and demeans you.

Heydude.....back from surfing
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 07, 2008, 01:57:28 PM
Heydude = pennies_everywhere

Nice reincarnation.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ORION on August 10, 2008, 09:23:23 PM
Well, that was an interesting read, raises a few questions for sure.

Wasn't some of this covered in the "Place for Debate" thread?

I really doubt anyone is able to fill in the blanks though. The whole Steve Mark story is fairly convoluted.

Time will tell.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 15, 2008, 10:53:09 PM
@ Mr. Mannix

you have hinted that you have much more information with you about the TPU that is not posted here, or not ever been released anywhere.

if this information is helpful, will you post it? if not why not?

if the information is helpful and you will not post it,  i for one won't bother posting anything more that may help solve this mystery.

why should we post when there is valuable information being with held from us by one of our own??

@ wattsup

i ask you this question. do you have new video footage?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 16, 2008, 12:04:45 AM
Poynt at overunity.com contributing  is the right thing to do  A lot of times it seems like an unfriendly poker game  In the end [of the poker game] it will all come out   There is to much at stake     Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 16, 2008, 12:15:51 AM

I have the same videos everyone else has that got the second version from Jasons' web site. But I am using VirtualDubMod so I can get in really close then pan through the video motions. Grats again to JD. JD also mentioned he had a better copy, like a  BETA or something, but much better one lost in a load of boxes in his garage. Maybe we should all chip in and pay for a cleaning service to go to his house and help him sort though the boxes. Imagine a true blue first quality video. How many questions could that answer? Now where's that number for Darling Cleaning Services !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to OU.com (or welcome back), (whatever). lol
Very well presented expos? that shows you have taken the time to consider many perspectives.
I had prepared a post for this thread but decided what's the point. I already went there and done that.
There is no more time available to continue SM'tions.
If we keep to the videos, we will eventually figure it out.
Fraud or Fiction. The two F's of SM'tions.
But it is all just more F'n around.
I'd rather continue working on answers. Much more fun.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 16, 2008, 12:56:19 AM
Wattsup   maybe you should leave that number for the cleaning service with the DUDE   Something smells funny in his tent Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: powerunlimited on August 16, 2008, 07:39:51 AM
Did it ever ocurr to any of you, that Steven Mark comes in here periodically
to misdirect you, so you all fail,I think the iron wire coil delay kick is one of
these things,that was him.The letters
are another to totally throw you off.Did anybody listen to Jack Durban,"Steven Mark lies
even when he doesn't need to",not so much lies but misdirection.
I believe he made all the tpu's with no help from anyone,he invented it himself,an accidental discovery,its not a copy of a tesla invention or a
duplication of another inventor's device.I don't believe the company that
he sold it to is connected to any military agency,nothing beats a bullet in the head for silence,I think they paid him a lot of money and have
him as a consultant for  which they pay him a  big fee,the heating problem hasn't been solved,it can't ever be solved,without understanding how it works,
thats why you haven't seen a device in the news in all this time.
He misdirects you because if you were to get
a working unit that would cut off hes money supply.Remember all the tpu's were designed to hook investors, throw off the engineers
that came with them ,Steven Mark is a master of misdirection,he also fooled Jack Durban not a small feat.
How to procede basically every thing he has told you about the tpu's operation is mostlikely
false,I would use Jack Durbans saying as the key,"it has to be simple not complicated".Also this ,"what you see may not be what is".
Remember what Steven Mark told Jack Durban recently,"I don't know how it works only that it does".The earths magnetic field powers the tpu is a lie.
That is the truth.As for looking at the video and drawing information its usefull to a point but you have to be carefull
he put things in there that have no function,the one in the lab setting is one that has this,to fool you or rather the engineers of the investors.Steven Mark is a very smart guy the construction of the tpu's proves this ,also a super master of misdirection.
Unless you go in a different direction the tpu will be an urban tale told around a camp fire in a post peak oil time where theres no oil or electricity.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 16, 2008, 10:21:54 AM

i'm not saying i flat out agree or disagree with you, but i guess most of what you said is your own conjecture. is this correct?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: maw2432 on August 16, 2008, 05:49:01 PM
Even if this SM device works or not ..
I believe this whole thing would make a great Hollywood Movie.
I like the part where the FBI and other officials tell SM to keep his mouth shut or else.

Yep all national security stuff....
If released could be a WMD... or

maybe it could just ruin the economy..
no need for oil .. too fast .. would send markets in a real spin
too may jobs world wide would be lost
too may billionaries would lose all their money that is tied to their oil stocks

or maybe the movie should go more like
how SM created a great fraud
and how he receive millions from investers
then told them this national security BS to get away from it all

Did you ever notice how high up the wall socket was in demo
where SM plugged the lamp in to show it worked...

Maybe there was really a fake wall-plug that was put-in for show and just created closed circut like suggested in earlier posts.



Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: maw2432 on August 16, 2008, 06:31:38 PM
Sorry,  maybe I should have said wall-receptical  instead of wall-plug.

The video was this one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvLuQOKOVXQ

Most US homes and buildings never put recepticals that high.   Looks like more proof that it was made for his demo..???

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: powerunlimited on August 17, 2008, 01:42:43 AM
@poynt99 not to be an ass but isn't your belief and mine that the tpu is real, based on
conjecture,did you see one in real life other than in the video,did you fool
with it to see if it wasn't a trick,do you know Jack Durban personally
he says he seen it or Dave Doleshal he seen more than one.Yes a certain part of what I say is my
own conjecture based on facts,also the fact that no one here has a working unit in 2 years,
the reason is real simple you were fed crap,crap in,crap out Steven Mark does not want anybody
to make a working unit because it will effect hes money supply,its that simple.
My point is this in the video of the tpu in the lab setting,how do you know that the litz wire glued
to the edges of the disk  had any function at all or the circuit board seen,he could have hidden another circuit board
in the center of the disk,everybody keeps forgeting the video was made to hook the investors and confuse there engineers,what you see may not be what is.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 17, 2008, 09:35:03 AM
Lets back up and contrast with a truly great experimenter and how he presents his discoveries:

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: BEP on August 17, 2008, 09:37:38 AM
Quote from: maw2432 on August 16, 2008, 06:31:38 PM
Sorry,  maybe I should have said wall-receptical  instead of wall-plug.

The video was this one.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvLuQOKOVXQ

Most US homes and buildings never put recepticals that high.   Looks like more proof that it was made for his demo..???


Like so many ideas posted here don't think the placement of the power outlet is of any value. Such a height is not uncommon in a garage, basement, kitchen, bathroom, dining room or a room to be finished with wainscoting.

The only truth is 'anything is possible'. The only limitation is ours alone. Trickery and deceit or a real working device with these devices is equally plausible. Our belief that we completely understand all the rules of nature is nothing more than arrogance and stupidity. (I'm not calling you stupid any more than I would call myself stupid)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 17, 2008, 05:05:33 PM
It is sometimes practiced that when presenting a proprietary circuit to a potential customer, the engineer or inventor will encapsulate the prototype and sometimes add extra components that have no value to the circuit. This is to discourage reverse engineering the prototype as sometimes done by OEM's who like to shop around.

It would not  be surprising if SM did include attempts at obfuscation in his units.

Concerning the wall receptacle, makes no difference if it was added or part of original construction, it could have been disconnected from the mains and jumpered either at the receptacle or the wires at the service box. The idea is to create an illusion of power coming from the receptacle, which keeps the focus off what may really be happening. Many magic feats begin with this type of distraction.

Powerunlimited, well stated

You have summarized  what I was getting at, I agree with most of what you said except for this statement:

Quotethe heating problem hasn't been solved,it can't ever be solved,without understanding how it works, thats why you haven't seen a device in the news in all this time.

Lets not make the heating "problem" into so large an issue. I'll buy all the TPU's anyone will sell me with a heating "problem". so will many others. Temperature control is one of my specialties, I'd be glad to have such a problem, especially with winter coming soon.

Where can I get my hands on one of Prof Schinzinger's signed original (or copy) lab reports of the units that were tested? Don't want what someone typed and posted on this site. No way for a deceased Prof. to object to that.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 17, 2008, 05:53:51 PM


I know sometimes inventors can be a pain but also Letters of Patent.

An inventor (if not open source proponent) will protect his intellectual rights. The system makes it so.

That doesn't make him a bad guy, a misguided one maybe but never bad. There is a sparkle of light in us that can't be denied.

He found one way to make a TPU run but give him a Stubblefield cell and he will probably forfeit. I suspect Tesla, Stubblefield and all the big ones to be indigo child or indigo adults. Apparently I am one of those.

That would explain their affinity with nature and most of their inventions.

If you can't find the way those things work, it doesn't mean they don't work. For his early coils, he was flying blind in the dark and got lucky. That's why his lack of successful reproduction. Apparently he knows how his design works but it might not be in the way of the original design. There are many ways to skin a cat.

Please do not tarnish someone or something you do not comprehend. The TPU and foremost the Stubblefield cell have deep underlying concepts that are even today not achieve by normal science.

Take care,

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 18, 2008, 08:55:34 AM
Hi Michel

QuoteI suspect Tesla, Stubblefield and all the big ones to be indigo child or indigo adults.
Apparently I am one of those.

We welcome special persons to the forum. Perhaps it will be much easier for such persons as yourself to crack the mystery of the TPU and other "vaporous technology" persued here.

QuotePlease do not tarnish someone or something you do not comprehend. The TPU and foremost the Stubblefield cell have deep underlying concepts that are even today not achieve by normal science.

No one wants to tarnish anything. SM will write his own legacy by his actions. Compare his actions with Faraday.
Also, kindly do not presume to know what I do and do not comprehend.

We would be grateful if you could explain to us these deep underlying concepts that are "even today not achieved by normal science"

As a matter of fact, they have not been achieved  outside of "normal science" either.

If you have other information we would be grateful if you would post a clear, concise, proof of concept, with pictures and experimental proofs of same in a pdf thesis document. We can have other "indigos" peer revue your work. No pseudoscience gobbledegook, please. Enough of that on the forum.

And heydude, Thanks in advance for your input and welcome.

QuoteThere are many ways to skin a cat

p.s. lets not "skin" any more "cats" lest the "animal cruelty prevention people" shut down the forum.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: powerunlimited on August 18, 2008, 06:09:18 PM
To all;a thought crossed my mind,what if Steven Mark has been on this forum
since the first videos were released I believe 2006 and is one of the members that have been around since  2006.
What a perfect way to sabotage any effort to deplicate the tpu and create massive misdirection.
Just a thought I have no proof for or against this theory,just something to keep in mind.

Just another thought, people constantly point out things such the lamps in the video possibly having batteries
or the base of the big tpu and other things.The video was to hook the investor's greed,the investor would not drop a penny without checking
a lot of things such as bringing there own voltmeters,light bulbs and engineer, these kind of people are greedy scumbags and don't trust anyone.
Jack Durban stated that they thought(investors engineers) it might be radiated power from a hidden transmitter so they did
tests to check this,it passed the test,Jack was a wealth of information.Jack Durban also said that tests were done on the hood of a car far from
Steven Marks home and the tpu worked fine.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Mannix on August 18, 2008, 06:34:48 PM
Some fodder for the screaming children

Some things we do and believe today
May seem irrational in hindsight tomorrow
But still we do and believe them
The challenge is to move trrough them with grace
Those who feel more comfortable with their hads upon the gallows lever
have differnt things to learn, and different ways of learning them.

we all have our misgivings as we do gifts.

So go on, scream. I'm completely done with this thread
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 18, 2008, 07:23:42 PM
Dear Lindsay Mannix

I'm sorry that you feel that way. I for one would like to get a better sense of the events surrounding the SM mystery. You hold the key to this and have the ability to clarify a few things for which we would all be grateful.

So I will pose a few simple questions and hope that you will respond in a gentlemanly manner.

You posted reports of Dr. Schinzinger who supposedly tested two of SM's units and the engineer who commented on the impossibility of batteries being used.

These reports seem credible in the reading and are key to establishing authenticity of the devices presented by SM.

1. In what format did you receive Dr. Schinzingers lab reports or the engineers report?
2. Do you have in your possession a copy of Dr. Schinzinger lab reports or the engineers report that was faxed or mailed to you, or sent in some other electronic manner that preserved integrity of the document?
3. Are the reports signed by their authors?
4. Did you type these reports into a post on OU, leaving out header and footer information?

These are reasonable questions asked, hoping they can be answered to put this issue to rest.

Powerunlimited mentioned that the devices could have been energized by hidden RF field. I do not believe this is
possible considering the 800 watts or so of power in the case of the SM17.

In the case of the smaller units maybe, but toroidal loop antennas are fairly directional and the bulb would have wavered as the toroid was moved off axis.

There are other ways to fake this, but I don't think RF was used. I would like to believe the SM17 was real.

Thanks for your consideration of these questions.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: powerunlimited on August 18, 2008, 11:03:57 PM
@heydude I might not have expained what I said correctly sorry,it was thought at that time that it  was radiated rf power
from a hidden transmitter,it was found that there was no radiated rf power,so that wasn't the source of the power it generates.
I don't believe for one moment that radiated rf power from a hidden transmitter is the source of the tpu's power or it contained batteries
to create the power,maybe one only to start it up,the source of the power is something totally different
and unknown.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 19, 2008, 04:23:44 PM

The only answer that will satisfy you is if you see the light.

"I am in a circle surrounded by pains."  That should help you find the answer.

Take care,

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 19, 2008, 06:48:23 PM
Hey Darren don't let the fact that you cannot get it to work make you think it's a fake okay.
There is not need to take Steven and his invention down.
The TPU operates from a very, very old principle pherhaps one of the oldest principles and Steven just took it a step further, he improved it so to speak.
There are certain elements that are critical for the phenomena to happen, and if one is left out, nothing happens.
So it is not easy to stumble upon the right mix of elements at once, and especially if you do not know what you are looking for.
Steven does not want to give it away and i totally understand this.
That would look like the one guy who is doing all the hard work to give it out to the people who are sitting and waiting untill they are given a perfect blue-print of all the work from the one guy so they can do it right and cheap at once.
Experimenting never hurts! (unless you touch that 1000V charged cap)   :-\


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 19, 2008, 11:34:40 PM

QuoteThe only answer that will satisfy you is if you see the light.
"I am in a circle surrounded by pains."  That should help you find the answer.

Ok You've demonstrated your psychic powers, somehow you knew I stubbed my toe trying to find the bathroom light last night. I'll install one of those lighted switches. Thanks for the tip Mich, now can you make some spoons float in the air like those indigos in Matrix 1. That'd clinch it for me, you'd have a devoted follower.


You've been telling us this for two years now, "very old principle...yada...certain elements...yada.......right mix of elements...yada...yada...yada.".
By the way how are the dancing magnets and the "Turbo Coil" doing. Led a few people down the magic path with that little hoax.

Lighten up Marco, you take yourself way too seriously. Put your hand in a bucket of water, then pull it out. Did you leave an impression.....no!

BTW. I'm not Darren, sorry, your psychic powers need a recharge
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 12:02:02 AM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 19, 2008, 11:34:40 PM

BTW. I'm not Darren, sorry, your psychic powers need a recharge

You're pennies_everywhere - the purpetual puppet of disbelief, and armchair physics - better hope that "Dee" doesn;t show up on this forum - he may want to pull his boot back out of your ass - LOL!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 12:25:00 AM
Nope, wrong again Grumpy, not pennies_everywhere.

Your psychic powers are off too. Maybe they're TPU powered.

Keep guessing and you'll win the prize....The Turbo coil
Post by: Mannix on August 20, 2008, 12:48:12 AM
Fun time ,

The barking terriers of doubt have raised the challenge to...  Guess WHO AM I?

I wont be able to  sleep until I find out...

gis a clue ay?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 20, 2008, 12:54:13 AM


I was not joking, the TPU present problem is: "I am in a circle surrounded by pains."

Work your brain to make it work, just like I do. And the tpu is real just as the Stubblefield cell.

Happy replicating,

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 20, 2008, 04:48:47 AM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 19, 2008, 11:34:40 PM


You've been telling us this for two years now, "very old principle...yada...certain elements...yada.......right mix of elements.

Not true.
But i'm not going to spend much time replying to you. :D

Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 19, 2008, 11:34:40 PM

Lighten up Marco, you take yourself way too seriously. Put your hand in a bucket of water, then pull it out. Did you leave an impression.....no!

BTW. I'm not Darren, sorry, your psychic powers need a recharge

Well why are you "hiding" under the name of the heydude?
Darren left out some time ago so i was thinking you might be him, not that much of a problem.

It seems you are not talented enough to do the job, but HEY dude this is not a reason to bring Steven and his invention down.

Time's up for you.
Oh by the way that dancing magnet video was verry,verry real.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 20, 2008, 08:21:51 AM
OK. Very long post.

It is a pity that amongst members here of obvious above average intelligence, that one would be surprised to read a thread such as this. Any intelligent, lucid, pragmatic and inquisitive individual who would go through all the published SM materials, will usually come to the same type of conclusions as @HD did.

People equate "not believing in SM and his devices" with "not believing in the overunity endeavor as a whole". Big mistake.

Those who genuinely believe in overunity endeavors MUST ALSO BELIEVE in the verifiable basis of our endeavors, and when such verifiable basis is not possible or hints of deception, then in order to preserve the truly unbiased nature of this field of activity, one must openly question and or deny those that wish to commandeer our orientations. Big words maybe, but this is the responsible thing to do.

So to recap the units and how they could be fakes, let's consider the following;

FTPU: Failed to apply a load. Any small battery and hash circuit could make a meter read 70 volts dc for about 10 minutes. No amperage was shown. Nothing in this video spells OU.

OTPU: Lamps could have batteries lodged inside. Wall outlet could have been shorted. That's for the lamp/battery/visual effect side of the demo. I'll give you a new angle in the next units. Now for the voltage readings off the OTPU before the lamps were connected, again small batteries inside the OPTU could have generated enough dc hash to produce the voltage readings only. Voltage, no amperage. Then when the battery operated lamps were connected, of course you would not see a change because the lamp batteries held the amperage and did not change the voltage reading when he checked it with the lamps on. Then came the illusion of the amazing increased output when the second lamp was connected. Also, the blue plug assembly he connected to the OTPU could have the same shorted plugs and was never really connected to the unit. Ask yourself why he put separate output speaker terminals on the OTPU which was the only place he measured voltage. In Part II of this video he then removed the blue plug assembly and connects the lamps directly to the output wires to show there was no batteries in the plug assembly. Again, those output wires are simply shorted duds. Nothing in this video spells OU.

STPU: This is the 4" unit. We did not see the lamp being unplugged from a wall outlet. He shows it is a 100W bulb, but that could have been printed and the bulb could have been a 12vdc bulb.
With the new round toroid look making it easier to stash more batteries inside the ring, thus doing away with the batteries in the lamp. He checks the voltage without the lamp only. Shows 100 volts but again no amps. He then connects the 12vdc bulb and the STPU has enough batteries to light the 12 volt bulb. Nothing in this video spells OU.

6TPU: This is the 6" unit. This one will require more explanation because SM now used a combination of schemes to give the illusion of this device. No more batteries in the lamps. Wow. The lamp bulb was shown to have a printed 100w and was plugged into the wall outlet, but showed a highly suspicious low brightness when plugged to the wall. This could easily be another 12vdc bulb with printed 100w. The wall outlet could have an internal bridge rectifier and resistor thus making it seem to run with the 110vac wall outlet but in fact is running on 12vdc. The stage is set for another trickery.

He flicks the toggle switch to turn on the unit (or connect the many hidden batteries). He then checks the voltage showing 121vdc, and again, with enough batteries inside the tpu, he could create this illusion since there was no amperage (current) actually measured. He then plugs the bulb into the unit to close the amperage illusion of running a 100w/110vac bulb.  And again, nothing in this video spells OU.

MTPU and LTPU: I will treat both units as the same. Both units have a suspicious center base. The tpu's themselves are sunken into the top platform (confirmed by the cut-away) creating an illusion that the top platform is all one piece from the outer to the center of the TPU but we can easily see it is not. This creates a whole level of possibilities to harbor as many batteries as you can imagine under the center platform. I counted enough space for a minimum of 206 9v batteries. Again he measures the voltage without the load, but never with the load. Again, he takes bulbs from boxes, but all these bulbs could easily be dc bulbs, and when you consider the total brightness of all the bulbs when lit with 830 volts, you can easily see they are but a small percentage of the real brightness coming form a real 100w bulb.

This alone should disqualify the LPTU from any real indication of being an OU device. Very simply, if anyone wants to try it out, take 10 bulbs, connect them in parallel, put them on a rheostat and plug it into any wall outlet and see how bright the bulbs get at full rheostat drawing 10 amps. Measure the total amperage and voltage. Then decrease the rheostat to 80% to approximate 830 watts. Now see the bulbs. Are they much brighter then the 10 bulbs shown in the video. Just try it with one 100w bulb and a rheostat and compare the brightness. You can barely look at a 100w bulb. With 830 watts of bulbs that whole room should have been lit like heavens doorway.

Now the above is by no means the full extent because I could go on for a few more pages, but is enough to understand more and more about the TPU videos, we can more and more realize that this is nothing more then a tactical trickery. It is more evident then ever before of SM's obvious failure to, as he says in one of his last posts on this forum and roughly summarized - that he "thought of ever single aspect of these videos to make sure there was no doubt whatsoever of the veracity regarding the genuine abilities of his devices". SM obviously did not count on his devices and videos being analyzed so deeply. Well we know today that he has failed in this regard because all of the SM Demos and TPU's could be faked and his attempt to make such videos in a manner that spells OU has failed the minimal litmus test we would expect from any other inventors.

I am not saying the devices ARE fakes, I am saying that SM never provided videos that could refute any claim of fakery. Rule number 1, sometimes the best video is the one you don't make, or fake. Had to add that in there. People have cheated for far less then what was at stake. Question: If you were busy working out a way to nicely hide batteries in a device, would you want to work with others or do it alone? Would you want everyone to know about your batteries. Of course not. So you work alone and trust no one.

As for investors taking exceptional measures to ensure the devices worked before investing, that is total bull and does not take into account the reality of opportunistic investors looking and willing to take that exceptional chance to grab a piece of the action while it is passing, otherwise it would be too late later on. Investors are not all scientists and because of this, most investors always make calculated risks with money they are "willing" to lose. Which they did, but no one will admit it because of the failure syndrome. Nobody likes a loser.lol

But, regardless of all this "SM sagalating" (new word meaning - lactating over an endless SM saga) and regardless of if SM is legit or not, for he could be the worlds biggest fake for all I care, this does not change the fact that, unlike SM, there are many here with good ideas and working hard with honorable intentions to see that the world will one day have free energy devices.

The day OU comes to fruition, we will realize that the true working TPU is far from the fictional TPU depicted by SM and we will be able to say that all this effort was not due to the aid of SM, but was accomplished despite the major distractions SM had placed on all here. Imagine if the same amount of time was given to Tesla's works.

So, if there is only ONE thing I would like guys here to understand from all of this is that you all have the right to claim everything you do in the realm of free energy as your own devices, your own creations resulting from your own endless personal efforts and also the combined efforts from other members here. SM will simply be known as "the man who never was", or, "the man who lost free energy", or, "the man who faked free energy", or, "the man who shafted human kind". Whatever it is, it is entirely of SM's doing. He will never be known as "the man who helped humanity enter a new era". Something I am sure we all aspire too.

Need I add more. OK maybe.........

As a last personal note to you, now, @HD, if you can put as much energy and precision as you have put above into more research into free energy, this is what primes over all. But if we are to spend more time on SM'tions, then we are just wasting a very precious commodity. The clock is ticking and we are still tocking.

All the best.


PS: Just to make one point very clear to those who don't know me. My not believing that the SM TPUs worked, does not mean I believe they could not work. This is not the same thing. For me, SM figured out a way to obtain steady higher voltage readings on a meter by using lower voltage batteries. That's it, that's all. His first FTPU video started to bring in the cash and to get more and more cash, he had to show some kind of device progression, always under his terms, always in his controlled environments. SM faked the units and the ultimate proof of this is he hired JD to try and find other ways of creating the same effect, not to create OU, but to create a new illusion. Then when he is asked how it works, he says, I don't know how it works. Well, what else can he say. If you were in the same position, what would you say? Better still, how can someone make 5 working TPU models and not know how they work, then go about feeding us all this guesswork. The engineer report is total bull and has no mention of amperage. How serious is that. It's a joke. lol

Most here are working to make a TPU a true reality, not a fanciful fictional drama. The day you guys get this in your heads, that will be the day you will free yourself of this SM TPU dead end, and start realizing the great machines your minds are harboring. Erfinder said once that most everyone is feeding us bullshit, including SM, and we can only count on ourselves as individuals to sort through the myriad of crap that is out there, by questioning all. SM is just as lost as the next guy. He just found a way to make some money with it. The perfect fraud. One that no one would want to publicly admit being taken by. One that let's you dish out all sorts of excuses.

You can attack the devices, you can attack the methodology, you can attack the intentions, you can attack the instigator, or you can play the attack each other game. This will not change the fact that these devices are VERY EASILY FAKABLE. Nothing will change that fact.

May the true ether be with you.
Free energy to all.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 20, 2008, 08:23:44 AM
yes marco

you are not the only one

the rest of you have not worked hard enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how many ways do i need say it

now go build a bedini motor..................

can it be easyer .......   no!!!!!!!

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 09:34:47 AM
Hi Wattsup

Thank you for your intelligent, well thought out post. I admire most all of your posts because you seem to be a serious researcher, willing to openly share your findings and you put an awful lot of effort into your work, especially the SM devices. I have followed your diligent work with admiration.

This is in stark contrast to those who hide behind a wall of arrogant, secretive and condescending behavior.

For the record, I have been a ardent believer in the possibility of FE for over 30 years, almost half my life. During the last 30 or so years, I spent a lot of time and money building many devices purported to produce FE.

Perhaps Marco is right, I am not talented enough, I make no claims at superior talent, I am mostly self taught, having as my heroes Faraday, Steinmetz, Tesla, and many of the researchers who openly and unselfishly gave of their efforts in the early days of electrical discovery. I have a large library and lab, many vacuum tubes, tons of equipment, and yes, Marco, I know the dancing magnets video is real, I did that experiment probably long before you arrived on the planet, I'm glad you were able to video it.

I am not a PChero,do spend much of my time in the lab experimenting or building new test equipment and setups. Over the years I've developed a keen sense of when something has a little BS mixed up with it.

I'm not trying to take SM down, just trying to sort out the facts from fiction surrounding the SM mystery. Seeing the videos for the first time, I was awed. Here was the device I thought posssible many, many years ago, but was never talented enough to create.

I had blind faith in the beginning, but blind faith does exactly that, it blinds you to the glaring inconsistencies that appear in the overall story.

No one hopes more than I that the SM offerings are real, having spent a long time searching for that Holy Grail that would truly revolutionize the world, I hope to see someone crack it before I pass over.

So this thread should now take a turn to an honest and heartfelt call for the major players to come clean, lay all their cards on the table and help to clarify the SM mysteries in any way possible. Will Mannix kindly clarify the four questions I asked earlier?

Grumpy: Kindly leave your vulgar expressions for your own threads.....second request, thank you. I'm sure you are a nice guy, that kind of talk demeans you.

Thank you all for your positive contributions to unraveling the mystery.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 10:43:11 AM
I had no idea that "ass" was vulgar - after all, if it were not for "ass" none of us would be here...LOL!

I will continue to think that you are "pennies", otherwise you would not have recognized my artwork on your tent wall.  You have proven yourself to be very skilled at taking the words of others and applying them to your advantage.

So, Heydude, can you back up any of your claims of building this and that with photos?

With SM's device, as with every other one that is not fully documented or understood, there will always be a hearty helping of BS, assumption, and erronious interpretations.  SM stated himself that he did not fully know how it works and that he could not speak directly regarding several aspects of the device.

The test reports you ask for are pointless even if they were available.  If you don't believe that the device worked as claimed, then persue something else.

As for unravelling the mystery - we are already doing that - you may join in at any time - but with work not just words.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 11:53:39 AM
HD  as a person who is trying to learn[myself] ,and who reads every post on this topic [at this Forum] your intentions sound sincere .However, Grumpy has a point, A BIG point, Your first post regarding the RELIGIOUS zeal of those in this thread, did not sound like a man that was contributing or experimenting for half[30 yrs] his life . Why are you a stranger to the men here?
Why does this seem to be your only contribution here?[a very diligent one] The men here have their teeth into this and it will /is coming into focus  The insight and observations [ post's on concept,scope shots, fires ,etc] made recently are like a crumb trail to the feast Again why are you a stranger? with so many assets? and this is your only contribution ?   Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 20, 2008, 12:57:13 PM

Quotemany of the researchers who openly and unselfishly gave of their efforts in the early days of electrical discovery.

Most of them ended up dead, branded as crazy, robbed, threaten or confined BEFORE or during the best part of their life. I don't want a red dot illuminating my third eye. It is corporate terrorism that rules our system and that implies secrecy for security. (Tesla, Stubblefield, Meyers, Newman...............................etc.......)

QuoteI know things that you cannot imagine, I forgot things you will never know... ( Mr X) 

Take care,


HEYDUDE, if you follow posts, look at the advance on the Stubblefield Cell replication concept that applies in full or in part to a tpu in the last 10 days. A self-generating induction coil that can be made for pennies and works with moisture.

Do not presume of what I know and what my brain can accomplish because you will fall very short (Even I don't know). I trained and nurtured IT for 57 YEARS before it awoke.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 01:11:46 PM

I can assure you I have made and continue to make contributions to the forum under another name. I was with this SM thing from the beginning and did a lot of research which I posted here and on the Gn0sis thread as well as Rich's private thread. I also posted a lot on Dave Clarke's forum.

I had insider information from being on this (private) thread that certain members who acted like they knew a lot on OU forum were actually clueless in the private forum and admitted so. Some were very condescending to the members here when they found the private cave.

Now they are back dropping crumbs since that forum folded. There are other private forums I am not privy to nor do I care.
I am a total believer in open source, and think that it is wrong to be a member of an open forum and then be secretive about one's  findings yet are willing to scoop up everyone else's research.

Another deplorable act is to copy and paste detailed technical information into a new topic or thread and fail to acknowledge the source of the info, giving the impression it is their own research or intellect.

I applaud those who unselfishly and freely share info in a forum such as this.

Thanks for reading

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 20, 2008, 01:36:58 PM
Shite you sound so depressed i can almost feel it...

Free energy does not exist.
It is impossible.
All of Stevens coils were a fake to get him the money he needed to piss it away with his gay friends.

Now go to bed.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 01:43:30 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 01:11:46 PM

I applaud those who unselfishly and freely share info in a forum such as this.

Well, HD, I'd love to hear your explanation of my green and violet sparks:

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 01:44:58 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 01:11:46 PM
I can assure you I have made and continue to make contributions to the forum under another name.

Then why hide behind "HEYDUDE"?

Still waiting for pictures of you work...
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 02:23:20 PM
HD   Thanks, While I can't say I understand your HD thing  It makes me happy that such talent[as yours] does spend time on the solutions  Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 20, 2008, 02:27:16 PM
don't get depression confused with frustration.

obviously heydude is frustrated and understandably so.

it's so easy to belittle those that aren't in the know when they express their frustration as a reaction to the crumbs laid out before them.

maybe there are deeper issues here that can't be openly expressed, but what's needed right now is some patience and understanding, from all sides.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 03:05:02 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 20, 2008, 02:27:16 PM
don't get depression confused with frustration.

obviously heydude is frustrated and understandably so.

it's so easy to belittle those that aren't in the know when they express their frustration as a reaction to the crumbs laid out before them.

maybe there are deeper issues here that can't be openly expressed, but what's needed right now is some patience and understanding, from all sides.

Patience and understanding?  Have either of you performed a single experiment, relating to the TPU? 

SM stated that Tao had the secret when he spoke of capaictor discharge and stopping the energy before electrons began to flow - every experiment with that?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 20, 2008, 03:10:40 PM
Ahaa is that how it works?

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 03:13:33 PM
Grumpy  I have not [not qualified to do this safely YET] but I will when I understand it[some folks make it sound so simple] but I doubt you were refering to me  Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 03:26:33 PM
Quote from: Spider on August 20, 2008, 03:10:40 PM
Ahaa is that how it works?

Pretty much.

Quote from: ramset on August 20, 2008, 03:13:33 PM
Grumpy  I have not [not qualified to do this safely YET] but I will when I understand it[some folks make it sound so simple] but I doubt you were refering to me  Chet

My recently posted experiments with a simple Tesla Magnifier (balanced - i.e. two coils excited) was very cheap and simple to perform.  If you keep thinking you are not qualified or whatever you will never accomplish anything.  People are also getting this with induction coils and relays.  I have posted many simple circuits, but no one would even try them.  Now I'm showing results with these circuits and no one builds them.  So there you have it.  Most are waiting for someone else to figure it out and hand it over.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 04:35:56 PM
Grumpy  Things going POOF and I don't know why. Headaches and I don't know why  Tingling.. what is/was that? Im no coward , or a lazy putz   But fellows like you, who can do this blindfolded on one leg ,Think we want to be spoon fed[ No]So I don't have your understanding !! The picture has been VERY fuzzy until lately,[now its just fuzzy] you[and others] are a BIG inspiration   I will not miss the Bus !!  Chet PS please don't say its a Boat
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 20, 2008, 05:05:13 PM
I too started out as a neophyte.
Desiradata is the explanation to your troubles here.
Humility in approach is your key to success.
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 20, 2008, 05:10:53 PM
And a man said, "Speak to us of Self-Knowledge."

And he answered, saying:

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.

But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.

You would know in words that which you have always know in thought.

You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.

And it is well you should.

The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;

And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.

But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;

And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.

For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."

Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my path."

For the soul walks upon all paths.

The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.

The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.

Khalil Gibran
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 05:12:36 PM

Desiderata has always been one of my favorites.

QuoteSpeak your truth quietly and clearly


QuoteExercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.

Have you heard the National Lampoon version of the same?

And Spider, Khalil Gibran was and remains a favorite amongst us well read old hippies from the 60's

"But something is happening here, and you don't know what it is, do you Mr. Jones" ......Dylan, Bob

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 20, 2008, 05:19:59 PM
Well.........All this arguing helps no man any further.


Its like the Indian said who came out of the bathroom:
Your toiletpaper is like John Wayne, its rough, its tough, and it take no shit of an indian...  ;D
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 20, 2008, 05:22:32 PM
of course i've done experimenting, and there is more yet to do.

i am not claiming anything, therefore i have nothing to prove to anyone.

some have claimed to have either seen kicks, produced kicks, captured kicks in a picture etc, but i have yet to see any of these claims proven.

still waiting to see scope pictures of anyone's kick. where's yours grumpy?...
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 05:56:48 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 20, 2008, 05:22:32 PM
of course i've done experimenting, and there is more yet to do.

i am not claiming anything, therefore i have nothing to prove to anyone.

some have claimed to have either seen kicks, produced kicks, captured kicks in a picture etc, but i have yet to see any of these claims proven.

still waiting to see scope pictures of anyone's kick. where's yours grumpy?...

I posted green arcs - as good or better than a "kick" on a scope - of course you wouldn't know that.

I have a spool of 200ft of iron wire now, so "kicks" are still on the agenda.  Itchin' to take a swat at the Ed Grey tube and HV prove for scope (capacitor divider type) also in-work.

If anyone is pounding Google for info on green arcs - don't waste your time.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 20, 2008, 06:05:27 PM
Here ya go.
I got this bomb here, see?

And no matter which way I decide to detonate it its gonna go off...
No matter which way I throw it, it ain't far enough.

I was tempted for the 3rd time to fire the GK4 up.
It is wound partially incorrect!
No matter how much experience or knowledge I have gained over the last 3 years is not enough to turn that thing on so it is not as harmful.
A microwave is a microwave is a microwave of sorts.
I keep having delusions of grandure of being able to work that coil correctly. BS. I can't make it any better.
Its a 3 wheeled race car with a flat and a blowout. But boy can it rev up.

I have wanted to turn it on to produce better scope shots. I don't even have them. The energy is just too fast for my equipment. I didn't want to hurt the scope either. Faraday cage. I did. But it looked dead in there. HaHa. I let it out again. Hungry, bad beasty. My precious...

But I have this thing on my trophy shelf and I stare at in awe. It was so close to what I perceived at the time a TPU like in the video. And it is sort of. SM's are slower energy while this thing spits. And that is not usable for today's products. Why don't I engineer a power buffer? That is why I went to the stun gun trials. But I kept blowin' sh!t up!. And my dogs don't trust me any more when I pick something up.

So.... All you have to see nowadays is that you hit a coil with a resonant pulse that is short. as short as you can get it. 10% duty cycle is fine. It is the trailing edge where the magic sits. Even though the pulse is square the total energy is not sitting like that. The electrons snap from release even faster than you put them there. And since there now is a time specification we have potential to play with. ;) You should be able to see the two walls of energy sliding in and out of each other in the side view of the pancake NT512340-B. Put a signal generator into a pancake coil, like the NT512340-B. Can't hurt and easy to wind. We have all seen spindle wound coils. Try this other.

Why should you build? When you see the effects, your world changes. Those last scope shots i posted of the bell shaped signal should be proof enough for anybody. Hell, I even showed the circuit!. Doesn't matter who shows you... It is!

That is how to look at everything. Once you see that then any device operation becomes apparent. Hubble, SM, Coler, Hamel, Tesla (especially), ThBrown, Grey, Lindeman, Searl. And let me add this. How many men have attained some kind of working device only to end up dead? There is your real answer.

--giantkiller. Always stepping farther than the naysayers. If you want to stand out, you have to stand up. As long as you rely on others they will let you down.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 06:11:49 PM
You MEN amaze me. The feast to be had here, seems to have no boundaries  Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 20, 2008, 06:15:04 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 20, 2008, 05:22:32 PM

still waiting to see scope pictures of anyone's kick.

I have already posted scope shots of my kicks.
People always want more more more.
Especially if you hand them something.
If you hand them something they will return quickly demanding more.

Etc. etc.

5u4GB experiment as described by Steven mark.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 06:32:36 PM
Quote from: -[marco]- on August 20, 2008, 06:15:04 PM
People always want more more more.

and it's never enough
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 20, 2008, 06:43:32 PM
Is that really you with your rad suite on?

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 07:12:04 PM

This is the smallest one of three labs in my home, expressly for low distortion sine wave testing of TPU's and other devices. Shown are three HP204C oscillators driving three Dynaco MKIII 100 Watt tube power amps. The tube amps are modified and allow access to the plate currents for high voltage +/-400V  direct drive of the coil under test.
Also shown is a long bifilar transmission line and on the lower bench, a small homebuilt dual avalanche generator capable of high voltage picosecond pulses.

There is much much more, I could flood this thread with images, also of my TPU failed attempts, but that is not what this thread is about. If you can't figure out what this thread is about, I take the full blame for being a poor communicator, as I also expect SM to take his share for his failed communications and mentoring regarding the TPU. Or perhaps I am a poor student.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 07:26:35 PM
Here's my attempt at the Chris Hazelton device.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 07:28:41 PM
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 07:36:51 PM
Heres some capacitors I'm getting ready to build into decade boxes for rotoverter resonance testing.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 07:39:06 PM
And a very early (2006) attempt at a TPU. I like quality builds even if it takes a little longer.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 07:39:34 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 07:12:04 PM
a small homebuilt dual avalanche generator capable of high voltage picosecond pulses.

This is good.

So, um, if you are doing all of this experimentation, why the bash on the TPU?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 07:46:00 PM
QuoteHD   you don't strike me as a  more  more  more  kind of guy  Have you ever seem a scope shot like the Bell echo shot that GK posted? Chet

As a matter of fact, I can duplicate that Bell shot at will and have. It represents a typical current starved oscillator. The bell shape is easy to analyze, caused by the initial supply capacitor decaying, then the oscillation quenches. Then the whole process repeats. It was common years ago in burst oscillators. (sorry to burst anyone's bubble but you asked I tell.) No BS nothing magic, despite the hoopla.

If you like, I'll set up the oscillator, try to get an image tonight and post it.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 20, 2008, 08:14:32 PM
Quote from: -[marco]- on August 20, 2008, 06:15:04 PM
I have already posted scope shots of my kicks.
People always want more more more.
Especially if you hand them something.
If you hand them something they will return quickly demanding more.

Etc. etc.

5u4GB experiment as described by Steven mark.

ok marco. you did post this pic. i like and respect your work, but a few details other than what can be read of SM's texts would be appreciated.

with a little time, i could design a simple electronics circuit (real OR simulated) with op-amps, diodes, resistors and capacitors to achieve a very similar if not exact result as your pic. if i posted that scope shot would i be inducted into the hall of TPU Elite fame? wouldn't anyone ask for details, or would all just accept it as fact that i have posted a "kick"? i could throw in a pic of some large transformers to close the sale.

i'm not saying you faked this, so don't go there. i'm saying that without a few details along with a diagram, how is your scope shot any more valid than what mine would be? i can design a circuit to give you just about any wave form that has been posted in this forum, including the bell or whatever it is. that's not the point though is it.

what's frustrating is there's all kinds of wave form pictures being posted, but none or few with an accompanying diagram that would allow others to replicate it.

why not let others try to replicate the effect you got the same way?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:18:16 PM
QuoteSo, um, if you are doing all of this experimentation, why the bash on the TPU?

My intention is not to bash the TPU, but to attempt to have removed a veneer of misdirection that I believe has been presented.
I cannot do that, it is up to Lindsay Mannix, Jack Durban, and SM himself.

I encourage critical thinking to get at that truth. If you read what I have posted carefully, you'll see that I believe a TPU like device can be reproduced as a real device......once we get over the misdirection. I can't say which is the correct direction, all I know is this many brilliant people working over two years should have produced positive results by now. I smell something wrong, not with the researchers here, but what they have been given.

Just my take on it, I believe some others agree. You have the perfect right, and I support your right to disagree.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:22:49 PM
Chet, why did you delete your post, my comment was not directed at you.

Poynt, I agree. Without a schematic and test setup document, no one can duplicate or peer review, and the presenter gets to ride of as a hero, complaining about people who want more, more.

This kind of BS would never hold up in the Royal Society, The Journal of Physics or any other peer review scientific setting, why do we put up with it here?

The presenter should prepare a pdf document with schematic, test setup, test procedure and observations. Others duplicate and critique the effort. It is then accepted or rejected. This is the way science moves forward.

To hide behind "they always want more, more more" when hardly anything at all is given is reminiscent of someone who didn't complete the job, and now complains when asked to.

Sorry I call it as I see it, no offense intended, maybe we can all do better.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 08:34:48 PM
Sorry HD I deleted it before you posted it  I felt it out of context with your intent for this thread  Chet PS I  see your intentions I will not delete again  If you don't mind questions I have one more? Have you seen the green plazma light that Grumpy and Gutoluc[in another thread] have spoke of?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:40:00 PM
Chet, thats OK, I will answer any technical question as honestly, clearly and straightforward as possible even if not germane to the thread, you can always PM me.

BTW, Marco, I experimented with the 5U4 / 5AR4 circuit per SM's directions for a quite a while early on. He only mentioned two transformers slightly out of phase. You show four in your pictures. Also he said there was hash and all kind of frequencies produced. Your scope shot shows a very periodic pulse type waveform typical of transformer saturation effect
and no hash. That screen should be nearly filled with all kinds of noise floating by difficult to sync to.

Can you explain or present your work in an appropriately detailed technical document?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 08:46:10 PM
OK.  So here we are at the water barrell shootin' the bull:

A very interesting statement by SM:

SM ? TAO - The Secret
I want to mention about something I read on the site. A person named TAO wrote this to you a
while back:
>As a gesture of good faith towards you and the rest I'll throw out some insights...
Lets talk about the 'kick.' When the old Edison DC generators were turned on, back in the day,
they released this 'kick' and killed many workers in the process. A man by the name of Tesla had
seen this. He wondered how and why this 'kick' would occur. So he experimented with wire and
disruptive discharges from capacitors. It was found by him that this kick could be made so
powerful that it could explode wires instantly. This kick came out of the wires perpendicularly. He
discharged capacitors into stout wire and through a spark gap. The key to the kick's strength and
appearance was in how fast Tesla discharged the capacitors into the spark gap AND how fast Tesla
STOPPED the flow of current AT the spark gap. Tesla used all types of devices to stop this flow of
current, magnets, a flame, counter-rotating engines. His goals were to get the time in which the
discharge is STOPPED to be much quicker. As Tesla did this he found that the perpendicular
radiations, the ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to appear in wires and other
copper/metal materials near the STOPPED current/discharge. These electrical effects could be
made to create electrons on other wires and copper around his STOPPED current/discharge wire.
So, based on those things, lets look at the Mark device. Lets say Steven put one big stout cable
around or in the rings,and all around these he had many many windings. Now, if Steven put into
that stout cable a current and before the current could get to the end of the wire, he stopped it's
flow abruptly, then perpendicular radiations (the KICKS), the same Tesla observed, would appear
and spread from this stout cable, this would cause Tesla'a copper charging effect, which would hit
all the other wires in Steven's coils. Now, if Steven wired the coils right and stopped the discharge
of the current through the coils he would be able to extract a lot of extra energy from the tap points
on the coils. This is basically how Tesla's magnifying transmitter works.
Capacitors discharged ABRUPTLY into a wire, then the current flow is stopped ABRUPTLY
before the current makes it to the end of the wire, and this KICK comes out of the wires
perpendicularly. This KICK would then charge copper with electrons(hot electricity) or their
opposites(cold electricity). It just depends on how you setup the device.
So, I would say that Steven's KICKS have a direct relationship to Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter,
its REAL operation.<
So Lindsay, this guy definitely has the secret. I do not know if he will be able to duplicate power
generation, but he does have the secret.
Do you think he knows it?
The only part he doesn't have any idea about is that by starting the oscillation you cause the
current to flow in the collector which causes the magnification of the process within the collector
which will ultimately produce the greater voltage and power in usable amounts during operation.
Lindsay, it is so VERY hard to describe things with words!
Sincerely, SM

At the time, I had barely heard of Tesla's radiant electric event (RE) - Marco knew what it was and so did a few others.

Once you get your head around RE, you start to see how it is the secret behind many devices.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 09:03:19 PM
 Grumpy, thanks for the refresher on RE

Now can you or anyone demonstrate a positive experiment that will produce RE and it's effects, e.g. stinging the skin and charging metal objects?

Can this experiment be so documented that it will be reproducible by anyone wanting to learn more of RE and it's effects?

I for one would be grateful if anyone could, and the TPU would be very close at hand.

Please don't point me to another undocumented thread with only claims.

Thanks in advance HD

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 09:14:52 PM
QuoteHave you seen the green plazma light that Grumpy and Gutoluc[in another thread] have spoke of?

I will go back and take another look at those effects. I believe this effect occurs when the bulbs are subject to overcurrent such that filament metals and support structures which were never intended to get that hot begin to vaporize, and their metallic vapors become ionized, each metal vapor type emitting a different color.

Ultraviolet is usually mercury vapor, common to fluorescents, copper would be light green.

I could be wrong about that, but I have seen something very similar before. I'll look into it.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 20, 2008, 09:31:02 PM
My coils could not withstand the forces - they last a few minutes.  One very currious thing is that when the left coil arced between the windings it was a green arc - just like in the picture - and the arc was very localized.  The right coil arced across (when ran by itself) about two inches of windings in two places and the arcs were white/violet - just like the other arc in the pictures.

Everyone says that the RE arc is "green" - so until proven otherwise - RE it is.

Wire is 28 awg with HT insulation - it was a little dinged - removed from top of a large spool - I was surprised it worked at all.  Length was about 250 feet for each - wound on Folgers' plastic coffee cans - yes I made a jig to wind them with.

Will re-wind the coils.

Arc in pictures are all between aluminum plates - I seriously doubt it is from any trace Cu in the metal or that coper is in the circuit.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 20, 2008, 09:55:03 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:40:00 PM

He only mentioned two transformers slightly out of phase.
You show four in your pictures.

The reason i used 4 is quite simple.
At that time i did not have a mains to power the experiment and that is why i used two step up transformers to get to higher voltage levels which are needed.
Offcource this has more advantages because the DC feed from the battery's is ultra clean, this would elliminate the chance of noise from the mains getting into the output signal.
Therefore i can say the output was generated by the setup and cannot come from motors or fluorecent lights etc.. that were on the line cause it was battery powerd.

Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:40:00 PM

Also he said there was hash and all kind of frequencies produced.

True and i have also seen this hash it just depends on the out of phase level.
You can get hash or nice kicks it all depends on the signals.
He said you can generate all kinds of signals and that is correct.

Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:40:00 PM

Your scope shot shows a very periodic pulse type waveform typical of transformer saturation effect
and no hash. That screen should be nearly filled with all kinds of noise floating by.

I will attach some more scope shots for you to see what else i saw using other settings.
The transformers were driven at their normal voltage ratings, i had especially bought them for this experiment.
If they were going into saturation, it was a result of this signal mixing and maybe even a result of this kick.
These kicks were app+/- 2500 Volt while i was only putting in 500V.

Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 08:40:00 PM

Can you explain or present your work in an appropriately detailed technical document?

I do not have much time at this moment and,
It is just like the man said and he has written it for us.
I am not going to repeat his words over and over again.
However i might want to point out to the fact that the 500VDC has to be floating on top of the 5VAC from the HTR.
In other words there are seperated grounds.
This is important because if it is entirely grounded the effect won't show up and pherhaps this is the mistake many people are making or they are just not realizing what Steven was doing.
Mannix has sent a scope shot to Steven and he confirmed these spikes were the ones you should see comming from a working TPU.

I do not know what is the reason that you did not get the results you wanted.
In power generators we usually find a static field be it the result of permanent magnets or electromagnets, and we also find a rotating element or elements.
Needles to say if we take out the magnets or the electromagnets the generator will not produce any power.
The same happens when we leave out the rotating element(s).

You can see in this example we need the both of them to work, if we leave out one out of two the thing just won't work.
We can create a high speed rotating field but without the (electro) magnets it will not put out any power.
We can also create a strong field but without the rotating field in it's presence it will again not put out power.

This is why it is important to make sure you got all the ingredients up and running to make it happen.
The field around a magnet is not directly coupled to the magnet.
You can see this when you rotate a magnet on it's own axis.
The field is stationary in space.
By moving the magnet we move the field and doing so we can induce currents in wire.
However since the field is stationary we can also create the apperance of a rotating field by pulsing coils.
Here it gets intresting because we can pulse coils so that they create a magnetic field, but we can also pusle coils with pure high voltage potential...
In the one example we end up with a spinning magnetic field and the other a spinning high voltage field...
You can imagine what a generator without frictional losses will do when it is driven up to incredible speeds.
And especially when we pulse them so fast and high, that they start to spread Radiant Energy all over the place..

Now i am wondering if this post is again starting to look like one of Stevens, the one where he talks about moving the magnet over 1000 pcs of short wire.

So i do not know who you are but all i can say is that you need to combine the elements and not to focus on one specific element.
I remember i was also fixated on the high speed rotating field and this was the only thing i was trying to create.
Offcource this never worked.
Then i started to see the importance of the other elements and how they all work togheter to create what Steven calls "The phenomena of magnetic collection"

Exuse me for the long post but the words kept comming.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 10:22:43 PM
HD   WOW!!   I think you will get your wish {to see it before you leave this world] And BTW amazing builds   Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 20, 2008, 10:55:09 PM

@ -[marco]-

QuoteHowever since the field is stationary

However since the field appears stationary (frozen in time).

If you introduce the Delta T factor (here rotation), your field is not stationary, but very active.

Take care,

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 20, 2008, 11:05:26 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 20, 2008, 09:03:19 PM
Grumpy, thanks for the refresher on RE

Now can you or anyone demonstrate a positive experiment that will produce RE and it's effects, e.g. stinging the skin and charging metal objects?

Can this experiment be so documented that it will be reproducible by anyone wanting to learn more of RE and it's effects?

I for one would be grateful if anyone could, and the TPU would be very close at hand.

Please don't point me to another undocumented thread with only claims.

Thanks in advance HD

The people who ever experienced a lightning strike verry close to their body know how this "Stinging sensation" feels.
It is as if you become frozen and unfrozen in a matter of a microsecond it's an incredible static pressure.

My first encounter with Radiant Energy was when i was a kid and i was playing around with amplifiers and ignition coils.
I remember it very well.
I had coupled an old analogue car radio to a 400Watt power for purpose (JBL) car amplifier and this was then conected thrue diodes to prevent backflow to a heavy duty car igniton coil.
I started by tunning the radio to the worst production of noise that was somewhere in the long/mid range.
Sparks were flying out of the igniton coil and it bacame verry hot, and it zapped me a couple of times causing RF burns in my fingers.
It all started to get intresting when i sparked a massive solid copper bar.
I could feel this stinging sensation thrue the isolation of the tools that i was using and this happend when i placed them nearby the copper bar.
It charged up anything made of metal that was in what i called "The Zone"

And so the story began....

Offcource there was no free energy (at least not that i was aware of then) because the system was consuming a lot of power, but it did produce the disruptive discharges.
Here is a simple image of what it had looked liked back in those day's.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 20, 2008, 11:20:50 PM
HD  Thank you for starting this thread [and being such a cool guy]
Marco thank you for sharing your experience with HD   Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: c0mster on August 20, 2008, 11:30:50 PM
Guess I will chime in here seeing as all the old timers are coming out of the wood work. HeyDude some interesting pics there. I don?t post here anymore because I don?t have the time to yak about this and that. I spend all my time in the lab building, testing and documenting. Been over 5 years now. Two points to make here. 1. Ya seems if anyone questions the validity of a claim you get your ass ripped, take stif? for instance. So why waste time if all people in the forum want to be god or act like god. 2. All the builders learn each step of the way, and words like kicks, RE etc mean nothing until actually proven. It?s easy to fake the tpu and it?s easy to get frustrated.

However there are true electrical engineers working on extremely complicated devices to try to come up with the next technology. Not just backyard mechanics either, these guys have a MIT education and huge budgets. What does it matter if SM faked the TPU, he has caused a lot of people to actually think OU may be possible and from that others are trying to make a dream a reality. The writings of Tesla, Holtz, Maxwell and Faraday are incredible, the dedication, the math, the science is amazing.

I think the point is that someday, someone may discover a new technology that will change our reliance on the old ways and only those that continue despite the ridicule will succeed. I have become a turtle and retreated to my shell (lab) because that is the only place where reality and fantasy combine. There is a ton of BS on the net, if the bendi motor really worked why the hell don?t you see it and the theory in true form. Since the 90?s no one with true credentials has proven it works but I bet lots buy his stuff. I bet many asses have been ripped over the truth being told. Like HD said even if SM said ?Oh it was a fake? people will not believe it. However if anyone does actually invent a new power source you can believe all the talk of open source will go out the window because it will be worth billions. Human nature in it?s true form.

Theory is great like brainstorming, Scientific testing of the theory is the next step. But trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes and sell them BS is plain ignorance. All you guys building good on ya. All the armchair theorist good on ya. All those who think they are god and want glory shame on you.

Nway back to my shell. Oh BTW I told you guys 2 years ago to use a battery and not those stupid power supplies, but no one listened. I know cause I have the experience, same with your wall plug scope.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 21, 2008, 12:33:18 AM
well im no god ....

im just a kid...   that had a desire to know why and if  it is possoble ...

marco   great job   i really never expected you to do this....

@ hd  nice work

@ mannix    time for you to come clean ...  you did start this entire thing....

all else


it is possible ......   To build a device as steven describes in his words................... 



my hard work.....
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 21, 2008, 12:46:00 AM

Hi c0mster,

I am sorry to disagree with most you say but it is my point of view.

You feed off the lips of theorists, all your researches are based on theories, they must have some values.

I agree that when you are at a point, the lab is mandatory but the theories stay with you and may die with you if the knowledge is not dispersed. We live in an age which promotes secrecy and we are going nowhere that way. Or the way they want us to take. Time has come for us to evolve.

Take care,


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: c0mster on August 21, 2008, 01:12:02 AM
I don?t feed of the lips of theorists. What makes you say that and what is your evidence? I question and test the theory?s of those that claim OU. I do my own research and test my own theories. I study those I mention and they are not theorists. I also openly provide my results on my youtube site. Do you really believe that the state of the world will change and that the lies, conspiracies and secrecies will change? Seems like in the last  few years it?s only gotten worse. I agree it?s time to evolve and await the change, but what will create the changing factor? War? The coming of Christ? Or the TPU? I can say this: my grandma who is 95 and smart as a whip has told me of a time when people worked together and helped each other. A time when money was not god. It was the 1940?s after the war. But that?s off track. Besides one mans discoveries, if real can be replicated by another but a magicians? tricks are almost impossible to recreate. Guess that is what I get for questioning and wanting real evidence.

Drive that unit with capacitors and collect the output with caps. Calculate the joules. As Tesla said capacitors and RE go hand in hand so if it truly produces RE then you should have a gain otherwise it's only normal BEMF spike due to the collapsing magnetic field. 




This is not just theory.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 21, 2008, 01:23:08 AM

Re: c0mster

Physics is based on theory... I can name a few that helped you, Faraday, Einstein, Maxwell, Tesla.....

Take care,


The time has come for the change, it is here and now.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: c0mster on August 21, 2008, 01:28:25 AM
Aye but it is proven  ;)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 21, 2008, 01:43:22 AM

Hi comster,

I really do wish you the greater luck in your researches and IF I can be of any help, I will gladly do so.

I like your way of thinking but your angry side keeps you from great achievements. I feel it, don't ask me how.

Bless you and all the great searchers,


I am part theorist, part experimenter. I theorize a concept, being it form letters of patent or just pictures to develop a model that I can experiment on. Most of the time, bless my parents, my chain of thoughts and sketches, brainstorming sessions help me work efficiently and safely as I consider all aspects involved before I start building. Not everyone works  the same and for the same reasons. You are welcome to check how I work in the Stubblefield Cell project, my Newman project and now the TPU new (?) theory. According to my theory, supra conduction or supra paramagnetism is involve as iron and copper transforms to copper and iron oxides under a strong magnetic field. All the theorists will have a contribution to bring on IT as I only have limited scientific education (college level) but the mass amount of data and experience I have ingested in my life are coming home to roost so to speak.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 21, 2008, 02:11:13 AM
@ c0mster

indeed you are correct the unit as presented does not produce RE  therefore i cannot charge caps as would be expicted with RE ie speed or as tesla states time...

there are reasons for this...  the diodes remove em you get re but also may get a blowen ss device..... 

answer tubes

however this does at a slow rate charge batteryies  for a low cost ....  highely efficent yes overunity no!!


dont get me worng caps may be added  ;) 8)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 06:13:37 AM
Is this you ?

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 21, 2008, 07:16:15 AM
The power of poetry!!!

It isnt me...... ;D

Nice new avatar marco, going homopolar??


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 08:40:39 AM

Nice to see you you here again. You were here from the very beginning and on Gn0sis site. I understand the need to be reclusive and back away from the crowd at times. Best of luck in your research. The slowly rotating compass on the pancake coil was interesting. Did you ever figure that one out? Hope to chat with you again some time. Always enjoyed your clearly explained experiments.


QuoteThe reason i used 4 is quite simple.
At that time i did not have a mains to power the experiment and that is why i used two step up transformers to get to higher voltage levels which are needed.
Offcource this has more advantages because the DC feed from the battery's is ultra clean, this would elliminate the chance of noise from the mains getting into the output signal.
Therefore i can say the output was generated by the setup and cannot come from motors or fluorecent lights etc.. that were on the line cause it was battery powerd.

Respectfully, without a schematic I'm afraid it will not be possible to duplicate your work. You speak of step up transformers, not operating off the mains, and using batteries. The only noise free offline way to do this would be a clean sine wave inverter or a car type power amp driven from an oscillator.

Thank you for sharing your work. I would like to duplicate and confirm it, but is not possible from words alone. Yes I am quite familiar with tube type power supply circuits. SM's description was unique in that he ran his transformer first into a silicon bridge rectifier, then into the 5U4.
Your schematic would be helpful even if hand scribbled.

BTW, Marco, what were the part numbers of the diodes you used off the ignition coils to prevent backflow? I have a handful of HV diodes, but I'm afraid they don't have the PIV needed to block a 20 or 30KV pulse. I could put them in series with appropriate current sharing resistors, but I'm curious about your diode.

Quick rant

One picture (clearly drawn schematic) is worth a thousand words.

Schematics are the universal language of electrical work. Two people of different speaking languages can converse quite easily about electrical work with schematics.

A clearly drawn schematic is a beautiful thing and conveys much about it's authors discipline.

I see many schematics posted on line that tell me quite vividly whoever drew them has little or no experience in the art of clearly representing their electrical ideas.

They are a dead giveaway to the clarity or confusion of the thinking process of the one drawing them.

end of rant

Seeing his pic posted here, what ever happened to Jacob and his "magnetic reconnection theory"

Thanks to all old timers who resurface to post here.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 21, 2008, 09:39:29 AM
I have come to be suspicious of the intentions of anyone that constantly asks for more details and schematics without showing effort along the way.  These actions appear as attempts to acquire information.

Funny thing is, that I have already said more than enough to place people on the road to discovery.  If you can not walk the walk - do not talk the talk.

Anyone "skilled in the art" should be able to produce the "goods" from basic details.  Tesla provided many diagrams and endless details - how few actually build from them?  I know men that can have a prototype device up and running in a day or two from a meer concept - that is skill in the art - not talk or endless discussion.

Many have posted the simplest of methods for producing the radiant electric event along with simple methods for detection or collection.  These are so simple that a schematic is not required.

That said, I am done with this thread.  My best to all.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 09:44:54 AM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 08:40:39 AM


The only noise free offline way to do this would be a clean sine wave inverter or a car type power amp driven from an oscillator.

Which is exactly what i did and so i will post a picture below for you to see the main power source and the amplifier.
The Laptop on the left is running adobe audition which can create the slightly out of phase signals verry well.
Just go to the Generate tab and choose tones etc.
You can put in any amount of phase diffrence and a frequency from 20- 20.000 Hertz.

Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 08:40:39 AM

BTW, Marco, what were the part numbers of the diodes you used off the ignition coils to prevent backflow? I have a handful of HV diodes, but I'm afraid they don't have the PIV needed to block a 20 or 30KV pulse. I could put them in series with appropriate current sharing resistors, but I'm curious about your diode.

About the RE experiment:
This was over like 15 years ago when i still lived with mom and dad.
I am sorry but i cannot recall these exact diodes.
I still have the ignition coil and i think it is not too difficult to try diffrent types of diodes.
As i remember i had placed several in parallel and i think they were diffrent types too.

Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 08:40:39 AM

Respectfully, without a schematic I'm afraid it will not be possible to duplicate your work.

You will not replicate my work because you are affraid it will not be possible without a schematic.
I didn't use a schematic to do this.
There are not that much wires involved.
You see, this is actually quite a simple experiment to do.
If you cannot do this without a schematic , i wonder what can you do at all...
I never use schematics, i use my head.

I have tried so many things if i have to document them i would have to transform myself into a cat so i have nine lives to write all that stuff down.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 09:46:39 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on August 21, 2008, 09:39:29 AM

I have come to be suspicious of the intentions of anyone that constantly asks for more details and schematics without showing effort along the way.  These actions appear as attempts to acquire information.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: c0mster on August 21, 2008, 09:53:56 AM
@HeyDude funny you should ask.

Here is what I am working on now. I won't go into detail yet but I will release a vid soon.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 10:01:24 AM
Hey cOmster  that is looking great.
I have tried something like that yesterday.
Only i used permanent magnets.
My goal was to replace the disk with a pancake to see if it would put out more voltage and lower amperage.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 21, 2008, 10:16:54 AM
@ marco guess whos coil i am building next ......

i suspect it will be a larg one......

the last time i built one of thease it returned 16 w ......in 1 zap as i recall

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 21, 2008, 10:40:44 AM
Another CU/steel/FE setup.

Digital vom across battery in normal circuit shows 13v. Digital Ameter shows 2-8 amps, fet gets real hot!

I hook in the diode bridge.
I put 4khz in with 555. When rise hits the whole circuit shows 6mhz.

The leds light, Resonant rise thumps on like a bull in a china shop (no rise, just jacks on), Vom shows 1(overload) @ 1000vdc setting, Ameter @ 10a setting shows -1(overload), Fet has only body temp.

Scope shot? Solid band across screen of 21v sine wave 6Mhz. Almost twice the voltage in.

Now the dvms can be confused. But the same setup drops in amperage consumption as I add an output circuit.

So when resonant rise hits the consumption goes down. Sounds like wireless power transmission. I need to hook in analog meters to see. Since they are mechanical they should not respond to spurious fields, right?

Looks like some type of wireless and the battery is charging. How do I see this? The ameter waffles between .02a and -1(overload). Then after about 5 mins the ameter locks on -1 and stays there. The rise already set at 5 seconds. The ameter is responding to a slower effect than the short time of the Rise kicking in. Almost like the time the battery is being topped off. Did I say kick?

I remember seeing Eric Dollard / Bordarlands video transmitting power with the LMD/TEM setup. Did anybody see this too? The transmitter wasn't single wire.

--giantkiller. Minature Wardenclyffe?

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 21, 2008, 10:58:48 AM

ok gk you win....


ahhhh  finally a use for all those old solder spools........

i will build your unit first as i now know how to use a damn mosfet!!  lol

yes i know i suck at those things....

however i will whip up a unit right now ;)

looks easy enough....   i have all the parts required to build altho i do wonder what wattage and value your 3 resistors i see there in your pic are

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 21, 2008, 11:21:29 AM
10 ohm, 5 watt. But they are not needed.

And I can always add more windings/spools. But that is really not necessary. We only need to achieve 1 catalyst.
In this setup the resonancy is through out the entire circuit.

Oddly enough this circuit has a latency from the on time to resonancy. Just like Hubbard, Coler, SM, Searl.

Reality is place just before the firewall of eternity. High voltage cracks that to show us or resonancy propels us to beyond that.

--giantkiller. How bad do you want it?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 11:54:34 AM
Grumpy, Marco

QuoteI have come to be suspicious of the intentions of anyone that constantly asks for more details and schematics without showing effort along the way.  These actions appear as attempts to acquire information.

Too bad you feel that way. I'm sorry, I'm just used to working in a professional electronics environment and thats how these  concepts are communicated. mea culpa. I will request no more.

BTW, I have made lots of contributions under another name, but forget all that, it's probably a good idea for you go back to the threads you have a higher comfort level in.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 12:16:11 PM
You can replicate that experiment whenever you want to. (the both of them i showed today)
You could have done so by now.
But in stead you keep asking questions.
My feeling was right the first time.
Waste of time.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 12:36:11 PM
HD The other captains know these waters, and a good captain is comfortable in ANY waters. I appreciate them taking the Helm for a while [Thanks]  I can see the course we must take  I can not captain this ship yet ,But like most with the desire Im a fast learner. Until then , Ill swab decks ,trim sails ,and whittle some coils   I see GK has set a course   Chet
@Marco BELIEVE me your wonderful post will bear fruit 
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 21, 2008, 12:53:38 PM

This last test is the starting mechanism for most of the devices. It jacks up after a while. Now I am going to tap that and fold it back in. Or maybe that is already done. I have a 555 that does 6Mhz and doesn't blow up!
Here is a novel idea. SM mentioned that the current can both ways at once. Remember? Well what if 'both' meant hot and cold electricty? So the 555 runs 4khz in the hot side and 6Mhz on the cold side?

Tonight I turn it on again and let it ring its heart out till death do us part if necessary.
Now instead of waiting for a circuit to do the job, let's say I swipe a magnet to ring the bell?

I believe this circuit to be a one wire(not) or path(yes) for wireless transmission. Battery to driver to coil to load. One path.
I have to monitor the battery voltage to see which direction it goes. And definately am going to hook more resonant step up stages on.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 01:42:13 PM
GK Thanks, here is another wireless  {this is from LUC] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OelWIh2lmfE  Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 02:13:46 PM

QuoteMy feeling was right the first time.
Waste of time.

If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't waste any more of your time here. Thank you for the information you have provided. It speaks volumes. Need I say more? No.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 02:29:01 PM
 ??? ???
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 02:34:02 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 02:13:46 PM

If I were in your shoes, I wouldn't waste any more of your time here. Thank you for the information you have provided. It speaks volumes. Need I say more? No.

I'm glad i'm not in your shoes  ;)
Then i could not do this simple experiment without a schematic...
You would not suceed even if you had a schematic !
See you want to know how all this is done, but you are not going to do it...


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 02:37:21 PM

Quote'm glad i'm not in your shoes  Wink
Then i could not do this simple experiment without a schematic...
You would not suceed even if you had a schematic !

I'm glad that you think that. Thanks for your support, not really needed.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 21, 2008, 02:42:33 PM
Heydude, why dont you shoo yourself, you havent supllied any usefull info so far.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 02:44:09 PM
That is why it is a waste of time.
You ask people to spend their time on giving you information again and again just so you end up with NOTHING.
Then don't ask dude.
I hope the info will be of help to others.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 02:49:05 PM
HD please tell me this wasn,t a phishing trip  Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 02:50:36 PM
Forget it guys, I ask for nothing.  When you withhold anything you also withhold it from the group.

Personally I could care less, you have revealed all I need or want know about yourself and the level of your experiments.

Arachnid, try to remember who's thread this is and have a little courtesy. Now take your ball and go play in the other threads boys, you've derailed this one enough.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 02:55:18 PM
I have spend MORE time on you then you have spend on me.
I cannot stand people like you.

How can you even claim you did not ask for anything????
I am certain i did read you asking about my transformer setup aswell as the radiant energy experiment.
You are a greedy  *sucker and if you were here i would punch you in your face.

Now go play with your own balls.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 02:55:37 PM
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 21, 2008, 02:56:25 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 11:54:34 AM
Grumpy, Marco

Too bad you feel that way. I'm sorry, I'm just used to working in a professional electronics environment and thats how these  concepts are communicated. mea culpa. I will request no more.

BTW, I have made lots of contributions under another name, but forget all that, it's probably a good idea for you go back to the threads you have a higher comfort level in.

That's how these concepts are communicated?  I work with EE's that perform research and development.  They start with an idea - not a schematic.

If you have been working on the TPU from the beginning and made great contributions - then why hide behind an alias?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 03:01:44 PM
Marco Said

QuoteI have spend MORE time on you then you have spend on me.
I cannot stand people like you.

How can you even claim you did not ask anything?Huh
I am certain i did read you asking about my transformer setup aswell as the radiant energy experiment.
You are a greedy  sucker and if you were here i would punch you in you face.

Now go play with your own balls.

As of this writing, all and any requests are respectfully withdrawn.  Thank you. HD
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 03:03:44 PM
Grumpy, I thought you were finished with this thread?  Stop derailing and kindly go play elsewhere. Thank you.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 21, 2008, 03:07:20 PM
well well Little Lebowski,

And now you own this thread? For all I know this forum is just a PC somewhere in the UK running some crappy software.
Maybe you should have left your bench in those 60 years and collected some social skills?

If you want attention, why dont you spill your gusts and lock the thread?

If I remember correctly it was you who posted all this in somebody elses thread to begin with, so dont start now.

Arachnid  ::)

BTW Crappy movie on TV, I am having a blast here  ;D  :D
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 03:13:58 PM
Looks like the "good old boys" tag team match is in full swing LOL
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 03:17:11 PM
MAN OVERBOARD  :'(   and I thought wrong about you HD Your thread was the best I have seen [Thanks to the good ol'e boys I Guess]
what a paradox   Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 03:21:39 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 03:13:58 PM
Looks like the "good old boys" tag team match is in full swing LOL

Yeah well that's better then the other crappy forum we were on once....

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Godmode on August 21, 2008, 03:31:23 PM
Seek to destroy or meet to employ...
Battle lines or lines in the sand...
Total anihilation, total shame...

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 03:33:19 PM
Arachnid said

QuoteBTW Crappy movie on TV, I am having a blast here  Grin  Cheesy

It is funny if you don't take yourself too seriously.

BTW, I like your new name better.

QuoteAnd now you own this thread?

I don't own this thread, I lease it, better tax writeoff.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Spider on August 21, 2008, 03:42:21 PM

Aint life a paradox? ;)

Them good ol'e boys have provided me with much more information than is written in this forum.


I dont take myself very serious. If I do I think I will never reach your age.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 04:13:52 PM
Chef asks

QuoteWhat do you really want with that topic?

I think you have enough intelligence to know, what will happen in that topic with those "skilled, clever" peoples..., before you opened it.

hmmm....Ok ....confession time. ... I'm a galactic recruiter for the federation.... (yeah thats it)  I'm here to test the students to see who will be accepted to build the BIG TPU that will power up the Universe and keep it from sliding down to another Big Bang from entropy..... (yeah that the ticket).   Only the very brightest will be chosen the rest will be thrown back into the pond (yeah thats it)....so I guess it really is a phishing trip.....(yeah that'l do it)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 04:48:04 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 04:13:52 PM
Chef asks

hmmm....Ok ....confession time. ... I'm a galactic recruiter for the federation.... (yeah thats it)  I'm here to test the students to see who will be accepted to build the BIG TPU that will power up the Universe and keep it from sliding down to another Big Bang from entropy..... (yeah that the ticket).   Only the very brightest will be chosen the rest will be thrown back into the pond (yeah thats it)....so I guess it really is a phishing trip.....(yeah that'l do it)

Don't you think it it time for you to go and pick up Steven mark then?.......Oh and dig up Tesla too.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 04:51:32 PM
Chef, Thanks for your interest.

I thought I expressed my intent fairly clearly early on. There are a few things about the whole story that do not stand up to critical judgement, do not stand up to reasonable judgement, and could not even make a good work of fiction because the timelines and activities don't fit together very well. Add to that the original intentions and motivations of the players and we have a barely credible story which keeps changing. This was fairly well spelled out in the early posts here. I'll repeat a few of them.

In 2006 in a email to LM, SM says he invented the technology 15 years ago (around 1991).
But in 1993, and 1994, he is working for Spheric Labs with design patents on speakers??????.

This does not make sense, if you have technology that rewrites the laws of physics as we know them and is worth untold trillions, why spend your time designing speakers?

Jack Durban is reported to have worked closely with SM perfecting the devices, yet JD turns his back on this revolutionary technology to persue other things, and barely remembers anything about the devices.???????

Then there are the Prof. Schinzinger and engineers reports and questions relating to them posted earlier.

Maybe there are reasonable answers, I thought someone would know the truth, or had put all this together, but the truth is seemingly very elusive. Powerunlimited and Wattsup made some good points.

Actually I'm sorry I started this thread. At this point I'm getting bored with this thread, it has gone totally off topic, very soon I will lock it up.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 04:56:11 PM
Well HD you certainly put an amazing amount of effort into this
You responded with great Zeal on the bell question offering to post scope shots
I truely dont understand what happened after that [from your perspective]
Marco posted and your hair went up??[why the diode question? as a deal breaker?]
I see your perspective Know ,from the post above. Seems like you don't want Marco's and Grumpy or other perspectives
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 04:57:15 PM
QuoteDon't you think it it time for you to go and pick up Steven mark then?.......Oh and dig up Tesla too.

Tesla's already been reincarnated as a elve or something like that. He's steering the ship now.
SM was rejected cause he couldn't solve the HEATING PROBLEM
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 21, 2008, 05:02:01 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 04:57:15 PM
Tesla's already been reincarnated as a elve or something like that. He's steering the ship now.
SM was rejected cause he couldn't solve the HEATING PROBLEM

when you find the reincarnated tesla ......   let him know i would like to speek with him.....


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 05:03:07 PM

QuoteWell HD you certainly put an amazing amount of effort into this
You responded with great Zeal on the bell question offering to post scope shots
I truely dont understand what happened after that [from your perspective]
Marco posted and your hair went up??[why the diode question? as a deal breaker?]

Maybe re-read the last page or so. I have nothing against Marco. It is his perfect right to decide how much info he would like to give. I don't want him to go through any more trouble or be annoyed. I'm sorry I have nothing to return to him at this point.
Actually would like the thread to get back on track.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 05:08:57 PM
IST says

Quotewhen you find the reincarnated tesla ......   let him know i would like to speek with him.....

I'm sure he will be very anxious to ask you some questions about your inventions, use of his technology etc.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 05:11:49 PM
It seemed to me Marco and Grumpy were offering evidence to contradict your opinion on SM. Is this not allowed in this thread?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 21, 2008, 05:26:50 PM
Back on topic,

For those who want to redo the tranformer setup here is an applet which allows you to generate the slightly out of phase signals more easy:

http://www.falstad.com/interference/ (http://www.falstad.com/interference/)

You can amplify the left and right channel and use this as your signal source.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 05:28:03 PM
HD you have the Hottest thread on the Forum right now, if you want people to know the'Truth' you need to ingage the other side  If you pull out the lock  what will that do for your hard work/opinion  Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 21, 2008, 05:46:55 PM

QuoteIt seemed to me Marco and Grumpy were offering evidence to contradict your opinion on SM. Is this not allowed in this thread?

Everyone is entitled to post their opinion pertaining to the topic or to some degree off topic. I respect everyones right to disagree. I do not take it personally when they disagree. I do not even take it personally when they engage in character assassination or low blow remarks. I hope to always act in a gentlemanly manner. Sometimes, being human I forget that HD is something I made up, it is not me and I do at times take it personally. I apologize to all slips such as that.

My request for a schematic of Marco's test setup for the 5U4 was met with annoyance so I backed off and withdrew my request. I think we worked it out by PM, not sure about that.

I'm sure Marco and Grumpy are cool guys and if we had a few beers and played a little guitar together, we would be friends for life.

The internet forums are narrow band and do not reveal the real person and there is too much room for misinterpretation of remarks.

People's identities get stratified and calcified. You get cast a certain way for asking the wrong questions or questioning the current authority (or religion).

You can question the authority figures "out there" but not the authority figures "in here". To me, this is hypocritical, but thats just my take on it, I could be wrong.

Like I said, getting very bored with this, time to reincarnate.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Mannix on August 21, 2008, 07:01:03 PM
It seems that Heydude Has done some work and put a lot into this  and is merely expressing his frustration and failure here.

He wants company..like many of  us grumpy old men (not at you Grumpy)

It understandable in one way . The info from Steven was not intended to be instructions on how to build a device..it never was. My intrerest was and still is  as per Master of magnetics page 1...go back and read the thing again.
Steven was kind enough to reveal many things I was hoping that the interest by people to work towards the greater understanding of these devices would produce results that just might free Steven and all of us from our veil of ignorance...or a step tewards more knowledge.
That must be in many hands not just 1 ..Heydude included.

As it happens some people have learned unusual things ...All of them know how Steven feels even if thay dont have a gravitational vortex in front of them.
This is a process and our ego's let us down pitifully as we line up fo another tank of black gold.

Those that dont like the lack of info / incomplete instructions should really work on something else and leave the believers to their work...can I suggest electric vehicles? They really are not refined much yet and NOT hybrids  that is just another way to make oil last longer and raise prices even more.

You never know the other spooks here might just make a charger for you.

Here is a specific start point ...Stepper motors....like in washing machines...disk drives etc  etc etc...did you know that thay are not common place in ev's at all? Still using brush motors.....

Go figure???

Just one  example of un developed tech that needs tinkerers..thers lots and lot of them look around

Everybody should concentrate on what they are happy doing..have fun

Hey dude  this had been an interesting "chapter"

It has become a race to the bottom...we are there now  I thjink
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 08:36:24 PM
Mannix   The problem is everybody has a different bottom [got myself giggling there] these ol'e boys have wet my appetite
for this TPU or what ever you want to call it. I have learned ,and hopefully will continue to learn from them .I am completely off the wall on this  Marco's post on a way to see /feel this effect is the best thing since sliced bread [or canned beer] I know as far as the tech is concerned we are past the bottom and on our way to the surface
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 21, 2008, 09:13:58 PM
i agree with HD here; more scientific work is needed. why can't we do that?

@grumpy, spherics posted a gold mine and one of the most lucid theories and starting points to go by i've seen on this forum, and you originally baulked at it. and you've got grumption to scold us for requesting a few diagrams? c'mon dude lighten up.

@ mannix, you're almost getting it but not quite. i don't think HD is looking for company in the way you think, and i also don't think he's trying to drag down SM or anyone working on this mystery. he's a person asking a few sane questions for which i've noticed if they go against the accepted religion here, they're banished and labeled as outsiders and naysayers.

i don't believe the TPU is a fake, but there most certainly are many inconsistencies as HD stated, and more. SM's text is far from a recipe but that is not the issue in question in this thread as i see it. somehow, as seems to happen in every case, this thread went way off topic and now encompasses all topics.

the opposing tectonic plates don't seem to be moving any closer here so go back to the original topic if you all don't mind. i think HD would probably prefer that.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 21, 2008, 09:55:04 PM
POYNT   lets just assume I'm the village idiot The topic is SM exposed .As the village idiot, I see others challenge this oppinion. Meandering continents aside  What do you mean by way off topic ? A person challenges you and what you believe. What you lay down? or you say wait a minute have you seen this?HD says he cannot respond at this time OH so thats a get out of jail free pass ? people are risking their health /lives experimenting here this isn't a 'TOPIC' its happening right here right now, for better or for worse NO games real life consequences
PS and obviously HD [or whomever he is ]has risked a great deal in this quest
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 21, 2008, 10:37:16 PM
I see the opposing things SM says as a dual or triple play game. He had a job and other things going on. He wanted to show but not really share in those times. You can't blame him. And I seen numerous mentionings that are two sided. Having been in RD most of my adult life I can understand his situation, who and what he was up against. He is still alive, and that my friends is the real accomplishment here.

--giantkiller. This is never off topic.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 22, 2008, 12:12:41 AM
Quote from: ramset on August 21, 2008, 09:55:04 PM
What do you mean by way off topic ?

since the above is the only thing that made sense to me in the post, i'll respond only to that.

an expose' is what this thread is about. heydude has already outlined the intent in more than adequate clarity, so no need to go over it again.

anything that strays from this is off topic. my apologies HD for helping facilitate this drift.

yes gk, well said.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 22, 2008, 01:53:09 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 21, 2008, 09:13:58 PM

@grumpy, spherics posted a gold mine and one of the most lucid theories and starting points to go by i've seen on this forum, and you originally baulked at it. and you've got grumption to scold us for requesting a few diagrams? c'mon dude lighten up.

Well, if you had read the whole thread, you would see that I reversed my position towards Spherics 180 degrees, I ate Crow and issued a humble apology - I deleted all derogatory posts towards him - I asked to be mentored - all to no avail.

Read into that - if you will.  Let me spell is out to you - He freakin' knew stuff that was only known by a handful on the planet and had you all done some real damn work - you would have noticed the wisdom of Spheric's speak.

So many come here talking out the side of their ass - but they don't know squat.  Arogant pricks that are "learned" - but know nothing.  When you stop an experiment because the results are so far out on freakin' left field that you have absolutley no basis for them and your reality is now in question - then you got something to talk about - but you'll never see that sort of thing posted here - and if you did, no one would notice as they are to caught up in the freakin' drama...

@HD - if you are Freedomfuel - I hope you burn in freakin' Hell.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Michelinho on August 22, 2008, 03:17:51 AM

Hi all,

About the secrecy during development of a theory or how to come up ahead of others in a not so moral way.

http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202007/Geometric_Nucleus.pdf (http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Articles%202007/Geometric_Nucleus.pdf)

This is a real life event.

Take care,

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: powerunlimited on August 22, 2008, 06:05:00 AM
HEYDUDE your a funny guy,I get a few good laughs
in this forum and sometimes some usefull information,Jack Durban delivered
some real good hammer blows while he was here,ha ha .Anyway you are right in the time line of Steven Mark
making the tpu,I would think he discovered how to build it much later
and then he didn't care about Spheric Labs.Jack Durban stated  if he had discoved how to
  to make a tpu he would have tried to cash in on it immediately,thats was why he thinks
someone else invented it,hes theory,steven mark  got it from someone, then it took him a long time to duplicate it, I would tend to think he invented it before 1997 and  mostlikely around 1994.
From what Jack durban has said  Steven Marks greed would force him to cash in on it quickly.
You have to keep one thing in mind this device is mostlikely a combination of simple electronic principles
and an unknown effect ,its built around this effect ,my theory.Jack Durban did'nt know how to make one or even guess how to make one
its as simple as that,thats not to say Jack is stupid in fact he is a very smart guy,this uses things that an electronic engineer would'nt think of ,my theory also.I believe the circuit used controls the power level, the tpu is capable of releasing a hell of  a lot more power,he changes a few parts to increase the power level or decrease it,just a theory.
I get a kick when people point to the video and say its phony,its a come on people,the investor would not pay a cent with out having there engineers check everything for fraud.
Jack Durban states it was a zoo with investors and there engineer's going and coming.Heydude
have you seen that video on google it starts with the big tpu cut up,if you watch it that
Prof. Schinzinger is in it,its crappy video,one part shows what looks like him hooking a current meter in series with a light bulb going to a small tpu
he was measuring current,Steven Mark turns the tpu on with a speaker magnet,after that he checks voltage.In another scene he has a coil hooked to
a meter using it to measure the magnetic field around the big tpu.I agree with you,what Prof. Schinzinger wrote would be usefull. 
In real life each one of you would check the current /voltage of each tpu also bring your own bulbs and meters
you would check everything for fraud ,so don't you think the engineers did'nt do the same.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 22, 2008, 09:06:55 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on August 22, 2008, 01:53:09 AM
Well, if you had read the whole thread, you would see that I reversed my position towards Spherics 180 degrees, I ate Crow and issued a humble apology - I deleted all derogatory posts towards him - I asked to be mentored - all to no avail.

Read into that - if you will.  Let me spell is out to you - He freakin' knew stuff that was only known by a handful on the planet and had you all done some real damn work - you would have noticed the wisdom of Spheric's speak.

So many come here talking out the side of their ass - but they don't know squat.  Arogant pricks that are "learned" - but know nothing.  When you stop an experiment because the results are so far out on freakin' left field that you have absolutley no basis for them and your reality is now in question - then you got something to talk about - but you'll never see that sort of thing posted here - and if you did, no one would notice as they are to caught up in the freakin' drama...

@HD - if you are Freedomfuel - I hope you burn in freakin' Hell.

oh ye of little faith---of course i read the whole thread.

the point which you missed was and still is---back off.

if i or anyone else requests a diagram or further explanation, it's because it makes sense to. not because i'm phishing, or trolling or whatever other bs conspiracy theory reason that is given. it's simply so i can understand better what the person is doing and so i can verify their results by experiment if i want to.

leave it at that please.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 22, 2008, 09:33:32 AM

Thanks for the poem. Every word was right on.


I've seen the colored sparks as quoted.....

"I am surprised that my first relay is still holding out because I have seen many types of contact sparks being either orange (regular dc sparks), blue and a very plasmid green, with some ozone production to boot."

Here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,3972.msg79563.html#msg79563

@c0mster is probably telling himself, "Now I remember why I left this forum". lol


Sort of feel there is an arrogance there that has no place here if you plan on doing some serious unbiased analysis. I'd cool it.


I remember way back when I was the editor of a small monthly newsletter for the Canadian Business Entrepreneurs Club - Montreal chapter, where every month we would have meetings with our inventor members and investors for a night of show-and-tell networking. Believe me, when you show something that would have such a market demand, investment is very easy. Especially when you only first show a FTPU and then say, "This is a crude device that needs some GOOD money to perfect and polish BUT I will always keep the secret of how it works until it is fully ready". While most investors will tell you to shove it if you keep the secret to yourself, others WILL AGREE to this and are always willing to put money in on the ground floor, but eventually, they will want to see some results. The OTPU comes in next to buy some more time and money. But what happens when the development does not really happen and you want more money. You hire a guy like @JD to find a new slant. Part of that slant is you buy AC printed DC bulbs and put them in AC boxes. I feel SM was more concerned about his David Copperfield acts which to him seemed as legitimate playing of tricks for a treat. Money.


Mannix, Mannix.

Why is it that anytime someone wishes to analyze the veracity of these videos and devices, that the only thing you can say is....
"and is merely expressing his frustration and failure here." How simpleton can you get.

What about the questions @HD asked you. How come no answers?

You see, in my perspective, if this was a real life investigation into a potential fraudulent act, you yourself would be witness and/or suspect No. 2.

So if you wish, I have some questions myself, but you are surely not going to like some of them or even answer them. But let's take a chance here and see if we can get some headway.

You see, the only real person that would be most helpful here is you yourself as the one who posted all these e-mails that (supposedly) came from SM. But curiously, very little is known about how and why such was.

1) Did you ever speak in person with SM. Describe when and the circumstances.
2) Did you ever get an e-mail from SM that was not posted on the forum.
3) Please explain how you can absolutely certify that the origin of these e-mails is from SM.
4) Please provide a screen shot of an original e-mail from SM showing the ip address.
5) How did you first ever learn about SM.
6) Did you learn about SM before or after you were a forum member at overunity.com.

7) Please explain your opinion on the following.

Since the story says SM was muzzled by Top Government Levels (TGL), and they were adamant that if he ever spilled the beans he would be arrested or worst, then please explain how they let him send all those e-mails to you. If the TGL had copies of e-mails and web pages of posts, they obviously new very well that you were the one putting these e-mails on the forum. So tell me, why do you think the TGL would simply let you go about your business, receiving e-mails, posting SM's "e-mails" on the forum, hence aiding and abetting  SM in the very thing the TGL warned against. So why do you think the TGL just let you do all these posts when logic would surmise that you would have been arrested and taken away in a flash, or at least, your home would have been ransacked from top to bottom, computer removed, threats, etc., etc. I mean what kind of all mighty protection do you have, for all these supposedly TGL ILLEGAL postings. No... let me guess. You're just a lucky guy. Please explain.

8) Is it possible that you were tricked by former SM investors that had one of them pass on as SM after they leaked the videos, to then start mining the brains of some smart people to try and figure out how SM did his devices, assuming that the investors also truly believed the TPU's were real, or put another way, the investors still do not or cannot accept that SM faked the whole thing from day one.

If you want to be helpful, please answer the above 8 questions while I prepare 8 more. If you are serious of this endeavor, you will realize why it is important to answer these questions. On the other hand, if you had something to hide or had been working with a different hidden agenda, it is understandable that you would not want to answer these questions. Either way, the questions will remain and speak for themselves.

I can understand that if you were just used by SM, or whoever passed himself off as SM, to unknowingly take part in a now more then obvious trickery or brain mining program, that you would not want to be seen as such a fool. Who would?

Admitting the obvious doubts would not mean the end of the over unity endeavor for a working TPU, on the contrary. It would reinforce the effort into a new and more realistic direction, since we would then know that SM never made these units work, so we can stop trying to make this work his way and start making it work in other ways. Major difference. When the seed itself is corrupted, don't count on the plant to bare the fruit.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 22, 2008, 10:24:23 AM
This thread is a prime example of why so many good basement researchers have left this carnaval show.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 10:30:59 AM

Here is the bell shot I promised. It is a simple blocking oscillator in current starved mode, nothing fancy and well known in the art. I can produce just about any shape bell by fiddling with a few values. If you are interested, I will supply complete schematic and test setup.

Anyone who has a keyboard synthesizer can duplicate this by adjusting the ASDR envelope modulator controls: Attack, Sustain, Decay, Release. You, too can get just about any envelope desired.

In the case of the blocking oscillator, the attack is the initial strike of the storage capacitor into the oscillator, the sustain is the major or steady state discharge, decay is the portion where the oscillator gets starved and begins to give up, release is the quiting or oscillator quench.

I'll post another shape later, hopefully a little clearer.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 10:33:27 AM
Here's some more eye candy. My spark gap, Marx generator, HV transformer and small Tesla Coil secondary. When this was all connected produced some fun.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 10:37:04 AM
Here's parts from my Hendershot Machine. It was built up at one time. The coils were hell to wind. But I do have original TV tube type vertical output transformers of the correct impedance as used by Hendershot.
Title: Re: SM Expos
Post by: orbs on August 22, 2008, 10:55:34 AM
Maybe a little off-topic but I could also imagine a few reasons why answers could be evasive, besides the usual ones like ego, threat, or dependence issues:
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 11:12:28 AM

Here's another Bell shot. I  lowered the value of the storage cap, the decay is faster. Anyone can duplicate this by building a blocking oscillator and adding some resistance in series  before connecting to a voltage source, or otherwise  limit the current on your power supply to a few milliamps. You also need a small cap, maybe 0.1 uf across your blocking oscillator. This, with the resistor or current limit forms the relaxation portion of the oscillator.

I know this is off topic, but the question was asked here.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 22, 2008, 11:23:09 AM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 11:12:28 AM

Here's another Bell shot. I  lowered the value of the storage cap, the decay is faster.

I know this is off topic, but the question was asked here.

Another one rings the bell!
Can you make the signature aquire instead of decay in time? I'm sure. And yes a schematic would be interesting.
With the correct software the reflection can be extracted from the scope screen...

not my poem.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 11:35:39 AM
QuoteAnother one rings the bell!
Can you make the signature ascend instead of descend in time? I'm sure. And yes a schematic would be interesting.

Use EM devices mystery coil schematic without the load resistor. That's what I used with a few mods. Put a 0.1uf across it and feed from a resistor to limit current. You don't need the output winding. The tunable winding is nice to keep if you want to fiddle with the purity of the sine wave.

Just for you GK ascending oscillation, space capsule:
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 22, 2008, 02:25:07 PM
Well that is way cool. Thanks.
A few little twists and off it goes.

I could put an rc on the gate. I add that to the list.

I powered up the coil again last night for an hour and just watched it. Checking for stability. 6mhz with a 555 in the ckt.
The circuit as it stands now produces the 6Mhz solid across the run time. It never shuts off or diminishes. I add a 3rd coil and even tho the current went to 100ma from 20-60ma the ramp up happens in 1:42 mins everytime. This is after a drain out time of the flux in the iron rods. I need to measure that time. But this rendition is affirmative. I also applied cabinet magnets to each end but that did not speed things up at all.
Next I tap off to boost with a resonant load. Like a Tesla coil but with a slight difference in the winding configuration. I have a collection of CU/steel bifilars so I can just plug in any ratio configuration I need.
And when I see large caps hooked up I instantly think of the cap ladder in voltage ladder configurations in voltage booster circuits like the cattle prods or voltage inverters.

The battery is recharging at this point. I put a meter on the battery and when the circuit is turned off the voltage drifts downward from over 2000v to 13v. Not a complete shutoff as one would expect from a confused meter.

Let me describe the runtime. Prior to this the circuit runs like normal. The ameter shows 110ma. After 1:42 mins there is a very slight thump and then a constant buzz at a new level. At this point the ameter (set to 10AMPS) swings between the reading of current consumption -1 to 100ma and less like 80ma.
Now after the ameter settles into the runtime it displays -1, constantly. Should I move or touch something the ameter swings again, then settles to -1.

I also am going to wire the primaries in parallel and leave the secondaries in series. I am being very careful. I has taken 3 mos since the last cataclism to get the scope fixed, new probes, fix the 555 generator, new meter. And it was even an explosion. Pffffzt! is all I heard.

This coil setup proves why one should use batteries. This is very important.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 22, 2008, 03:00:54 PM
HEY DUDE Thanks !! Thanks a lot!! I saw your contribution at the imhotep thread  Sweet ! Thanks again, you are obviously a HUGE asset to this Forum!!  Chet PS I like the capsule
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 22, 2008, 03:21:13 PM

Maybe a dumb question but are you sure your diagram shows the IR840 connected properly as it seems backwards, or is it because it is on a positive line that drain goes to the +12v and the coil goes to source.


Nice waves, really nice Hendershot. You got to have guts to build one of those. I am curious to know which documentation you used to make the build.

My current build is what I will call a 3,6,9 coil - 3 primaries, 6 secondaries and 9 (what I call) sub-secondaries. I'll post it when it is finished. My idea now is to work towards increasing amperage and not the voltage. Voltage is too easy.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 22, 2008, 03:31:12 PM
to increase amparage .....

any one know how ?

the only way i could find was to use a larg cap ;)

and discharge it to a transformer and step it down....


im am able to fill caps at a verry low cost from a 9v battery

i mean big caps motor start caps....   250vac 80 uf

currently i can put 140 volts in that cap in seconds 

as near as i can tell i need to match the cap for the coil so that in 1 pulse it will fill it and also dump it   then throw more togather to add up to the larger output

use same source battery and a match rotating transformer to the coils ie 3 coils in a ring then a 3 tranny a 4 coil unit then 4 primaries on 1 collector

agin    not built yet ...  just ideas
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 04:06:34 PM

Quoteto increase amparage .....

any one know how ?

the only way i could find was to use a larg cap Wink

and discharge it to a transformer and step it down....


im am able to fill caps at a verry low cost from a 9v battery

i mean big caps motor start caps....   250vac 80 uf

currently i can put 140 volts in that cap in seconds

I assume you are filling the caps from a small inverter or vibrator /buzzer setup and discharging them into the transformer primary, if not, you can do the same energy integration in the primary of the transformer. Integrate current into the primary from the 9V battery until the core is near saturated, then release and the secondary will ring like hell with all the energy you put into the primary. This is the flyback effect and is used in early ignition systems and TV sets.

If you charge the caps very high and dump them into the transformer primary, you will reach a point where the energy transferred will at some point be limited by the saturation effect of the transformer. EI core standard transformers limit quickly.

When this happens you will need either an air gap in the transformer core or use an open ended coil like an auto ignition coil.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 22, 2008, 04:23:06 PM
Quote from: wattsup on August 22, 2008, 03:21:13 PM

Maybe a dumb question but are you sure your diagram shows the IR840 connected properly as it seems backwards, or is it because it is on a positive line that drain goes to the +12v and the coil goes to source.

Hold onto them reigns, cowpoke! There could be a lot of bucking goin' on.
Extreme cataclysmic event delivered to the primary function point! :o

The definition of a high-side load switch is that it is controlled by an external enable signal, and connects or disconnects a power source (battery or adaptor) to a given load. Compared to a low-side load switch, a high-side switch sources current to the load, while the low-side type connects or disconnects the load to ground, and therefore sinks current from the load.

The high-side load switch differs from a high-side power switch. The high-side power switch manages the output power and, therefore, typically limits its output current. Conversely, the high-side load switch passes the input voltage and current to the load and, as such, it does not incorporate the current-limiting function.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 07:43:14 PM
Is this a shot of the elusive "kicks" or just a transformer coming out of saturation? You decide.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 22, 2008, 08:40:13 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 07:43:14 PM
Is this a shot of the elusive "kicks" or just a transformer coming out of saturation? You decide.

;D i'd say the latter ;)

what's your setup please?

let me take a stab;

sine on primary, input is biased positive. scope on secondary?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 22, 2008, 08:46:21 PM
It is just a tranformer comming out of saturation.
The kicks are not that perfect in amplitude each time, in fact it displays a quite irregular pattern.

Try again.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 08:58:15 PM
When I saw Marco's waveform, I new I'd seen that before, so I set out to duplicate it without the 5U4 circuit. I will try the 5U4 circuit soon. Marco's signal has other modulation on it producing an irregular waveform but since he's reluctant to supply a schematic, I thought I'd do a little playing on the bench to try to get close with a very simple common mode choke. I can make them irregular with a few twists. I was shooting for the very first waveform posted next to the four transformers and somebody in a weird suit.

Here it is
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 22, 2008, 09:05:18 PM
The irregular display that i am talking about isn't in any of the scope shots i have been posting.
You see you can try to test me, but my feeling never lies.
Nothing is what it seems....
You have to do better then this.
Why don't you show me some REAL kicks?


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 22, 2008, 09:07:08 PM

i think your "irregular pattern" comes from the whole thing riding on a much lower frequency.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 22, 2008, 09:11:13 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on August 22, 2008, 09:07:08 PM

i think your "irregular pattern" comes from the whole thing riding on a much lower frequency.

Thinking isn't going to bring you any further.
You need to make sure and this you cannot achieve by thinking.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 09:15:49 PM
Good guess poynt

Rather than bias up the core externally, I used a self bias technique with the diode. The company I helped to start in 1965 were building magnetic amplifiers that used that technique for AC phase control. Saturable core reactors. I still have a few beasts in the basement. Then we went to thyristors, then triacs. Photo of a beast anyone?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 22, 2008, 09:18:20 PM
marco, if you were using only 50 or 60 Hz, then either:

a) you've got 120Hz riding on 60 Hz, or
b) you're mixing two out of phase 60 Hz signals to get a LF beat, and it is this beat frequency that's giving your irregular pattern.

i'd say you're getting b), but since you're keeping it a secret, only you really know. we can't read your mind.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 22, 2008, 09:19:16 PM
HEY DUDE   Marco said his input was 500vdc his kicks were 2500 vdc   GK rang the bell and had an echoe in the same scope shot that seemed to be an anomoly ? Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 09:37:00 PM
These things are easily explained. I can change the scope horizontal timebase display to show two bells.
I was experimenting with duplicating a waveform, not the particular amplitude of a waveform. High voltage is easy, been around it on a large scale all my life.

In a week or so I'll be doing some consulting at my friends capacitor factory. Hope to post some pictures of HV stuff that'll blow your socks off, large rotary spark gaps. 500KV, 2 story transformers for dielectric testing. I design some of his test sets.
He's gonna give me a truckload of large caps that have been rejected for minor cosmetic defects, but are electrically OK.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 22, 2008, 09:44:16 PM
HEY DUDE you are the man .I don't know who you were[really doesn't matter] But I like who you are !! Your contributions to this Forum  are like a dream come true THANK YOU    ChetPS i can't /won't post any more[until we turn the corner] I don't like being at the top of the page with my stupid posts on your thread
HD I don't know where you are in the US [IM in the northeast NYC -Conn ]If you need a lab rat to do whatever I will, go out of my way to assist you [and I AM QUITE SERIOUS]
Not that far for me  whats a few hours for the future? you are something very special!!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 22, 2008, 09:49:22 PM
You get far greater results past the magnetic realm with resonance than with HV.
The results from resonance can be manipulated like a radio tuner.
Then hv it.

Along the Susquehanna in the evening listening to the cicadas sing echoing along the valley of the river.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 22, 2008, 10:00:22 PM
Chet, thanks for your kind words, but there are many good people on the forum. There are only a very small handful that have scientific minds or use scientific methods. Unfortunately, these people get slammed a lot by others.

I think ORBS said it best:

QuoteMaybe a little off-topic but I could also imagine a few reasons why answers could be evasive, besides the usual ones like ego, threat, or dependence issues:

    * person truly doesn't know (multiple personality disorder)
    * person is embarrassed about method (metaphysical/esoteric means)
    * person always evades when feeling cornered, whatever the issue

Kind Regards...HD

p.s. I'm in the Phila. area near Valley Forge, and feel free to post questions anytime, they are always good and I will always answer them to the best of my ability and as time permits. If I don't know, I will tell you.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: AbbaRue on August 23, 2008, 01:21:39 AM
With your knowledge in electronics, how difficult do you think it would be to build a receiver that could
pick up an airport radar signal and turn some of that energy into usable power?

The reason I ask this question is because every one of Steve Marks demonstrations were done near an airport.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 23, 2008, 06:51:10 AM
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 23, 2008, 07:18:05 AM

  Has it ever occurred to any of you here that if you do come up
with the SM answer, that the men in black will be knocking on
your door?

  On the other hand, the whole SM story could also be that the
Gods are quietly trying to disband/eliminate big oil.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 23, 2008, 10:46:31 AM
I will be away from this thread for a little while because I'm doing some research for Steve Windisch (Jibbguy) to correct some errors that were posted in the article he wrote on CFL lamps and power factor.

Someone told him capacitors were the way to correct the leading phase angle caused by CFLs. My bench tests showed that inductance was needed in series with the lamps to correct the 0.63 phase angle lead on 14 watt CFLs sold in the US.

Apparently the utilities are ripping us off as much as 36% for electricity used on these lamps because they charge for apparent power (VA) rather than real power..

His article is posted at the "imhotep" site referenced in post #85.

My lab tests with scope shots are cited in post #101 at that site. I believe Steve is now correcting the article, which erroneously advises capacitors across the lamps. The lamps already have a leading phase angle, more capacitance aggravates the situation.

I will be working in the lab on this issue and won't have too much time to post.

Will answer any questions etc, when I'm back, have fun.


PS: ART your lengthy post is being thoughtfully considered. I will respond soon. Thank you for the time and effort to consider so many issues.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2008, 11:01:04 AM
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 11:39:25 AM

BRAVO!!!! you're truly a researcher's researcher.

as for the holding back of information, i think it's human nature sometimes, and others it's out of circumstance. the key is to recognize the difference.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2008, 04:36:16 PM
Yes Poynt, Art is quite an amazing fellow  On HD'S new quest  I see on the bulb it says GREENLITE  yeah lots of green $$  not only getting gipped 36% but thats 36% after tax dollars!!  and these utilities are all raising there rates BIG TIME 30 to 100%   I also noticed they are TOXIC and if you break one they tell you open the windows Evacuate the room, and dispose of as contaminated waste Greenlites ??
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 23, 2008, 05:16:38 PM


   Power the bulb for free using this, a few in series:

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2008, 05:42:19 PM
Sirmikey 1   Thanks I think I will  Chet :o
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 07:43:45 PM
@ Ramset and Smirkey;

Just tried this experiment several different ways.  I used a copper tube instead of brass and only about  40 windings of # 18 gauge house wiring. I got 23 volts and about .5 milliamps  DC.  There was no draw from the input line even if you shorted the output on the bridge rectifer. That was encouraging so I thought why not try a regular transformer. I hooked up 1 power line from the mains to one side of the transformer and left the other one open.  One side of the output was hooked to the rectifier and the other end was left open. the other AC lead to the rectifier was attached to a ground wire. I've tried at least 4 different transformers and everyone will give DC output of 18 to 50 volts. Unfortunately the amps are very low.  There might be something to his claims if one uses the proper length of coil and brass. In all cases there is absolutely no draw on the mains even if it is shorted.  This might be worth pursuing.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 23, 2008, 07:50:46 PM
Vince I have to say I agree  And I think its a she [the inventor] this needs the eye of an antenna guy[EM devices comes to mind] VERY INTERESTING
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 08:07:38 PM
how did you guys determine that there is no draw on the input?

is your circuit (bridge rectifier) still connected to earth ground as shown in his schematic?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 08:22:16 PM

Yes, the bridge rectifier was connected to ground ( I used a separate ground from a copper water pipe., not the ground from the mains) and I used a clamp on meter to measure amps.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 08:23:39 PM

ok, but how did you determine that there was no current draw on the input?

with only milliamps used, your meter might not have enough resolution to see the draw. what you need is an inline shunt resistor to determine current.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 08:27:02 PM
Am I missing something?

The meter reads 0, It always gives me some reading when a load is on the circuit.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 08:41:07 PM
neutral eventually goes back to earth ground. check your AC voltage between ground and neutral at the line side. it is probably very close to 0VAC.

you should be able to think of the earth ground connection the same as connecting to the neutral line but through a large resistor.

you are therefore drawing a small current, and it will be registered in your house power meter.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 08:51:34 PM

Can you please explain to me how to use the inline shunt resistor to measure the current. I have never done this before and would appreciate you direction.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 23, 2008, 09:01:34 PM
Hi you guys,

   The inventor has several in series and is claiming
13watts, 90volts, 200ma.  I asked him to do a presentation
here, but he hasn't yet. 

  It's unmetered power! 

  My own idea was to use the heavier larger wired devices,
like the dryer or the oven, big 10guage wire, straight from the
breaker box, to try and get larger static field, more power . 

  There are many other ways to do this type of free energy:
Here's a quick UNMETERED 20volts a/c @ 27ma

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 09:08:54 PM

if you have a voltmeter, you already have what you need.

insert the meter (which is set on AC milliamps) in series with the HOT line that feeds the coil and bridge. the rest of the circuit stays the same. be sure to change the meter leads to the appropriate position on the meter to measure AC current.

now you should be able to read some current in miliamps. change the load and there should also be a change in the used current.

be careful, as you know you're working with high voltage.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 23, 2008, 09:40:53 PM

What do you mean by "I used a separate ground from a copper water pipe.".

Do you mean you connected your circuit bridge ground to the copper piping system in your home, meaning there is also a grounding rod connected to it,


do you mean you connected your circuit bridge ground to a cut piece of copper pipe that is next to you on your work bench.

Good work.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 09:41:20 PM
Thanks for the info.

I tried what you said with my voltmeter on all three scales and the reading was always 0 like nothing was hooked up.  I tried it on some other things to check the meter and it gave readings in every other case.

You should try this. It will only take a few minutes to hook up and maybe you can give us your opinion.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 23, 2008, 09:48:56 PM

Electricity from thin air...

Anyone tried this one?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 09:49:12 PM
@ Wattsup

I had a piece of 2 wire electrical cord handy so I did not have a ground wire present from the mains.  I used a copper wire that I have hooked up to the cold water line in my basement for the ground connection to the rectifier.  I often use this wire when I need a ground connection for experiments.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 09:58:56 PM
Quote from: vince on August 23, 2008, 09:41:20 PM
Thanks for the info.

I tried what you said with my voltmeter on all three scales and the reading was always 0 like nothing was hooked up.  I tried it on some other things to check the meter and it gave readings in every other case.

You should try this. It will only take a few minutes to hook up and maybe you can give us your opinion.


does your setup have the coil? is the output taken from the coil or the center wire/core, or both?

try it without the coil if the coil is there and let us know if it still works.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 23, 2008, 10:09:02 PM

Did you try to put your ammeter on that ground line.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 10:33:15 PM

is this your setup?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 10:54:17 PM

I tried the meter on the ground connection as well and there is no current draw. The strange thing is that if you reverse the AC feed wire and use the other one it will not work. You would think that AC should not change on either wire but it does.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 11:25:38 PM
Quote from: vince on August 23, 2008, 10:54:17 PM

I tried the meter on the ground connection as well and there is no current draw. The strange thing is that if you reverse the AC feed wire and use the other one it will not work. You would think that AC should not change on either wire but it does.



do you mean if you use the neutral instead of the hot, or do you mean the bottom side of the primary instead of the top?

also, what happens if you don't use a transformer at all? in other words connect up the bridge directly to the 120VAC hot lead. does it still work?

a new thread should really be started for this (sorry HD). how 'bout it Vince?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: vince on August 23, 2008, 11:40:43 PM
There are two wires from a typical 110 volt feed and 1 ground connection. I mean reversing the the two wires from the feed. Most 2 wire plugs have 1 larger prong  so that you can not reverse the connection but what I mean is if you didn't have the larger prong and inserted it into the outlet upside down then the unit will not work.

I agree we should start another thread if we are going to talk about this.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 23, 2008, 11:43:03 PM
Quote from: vince on August 23, 2008, 11:40:43 PM
I agree we should start another thread if we are going to talk about this.


please do ;)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 24, 2008, 12:39:47 AM
Hey you guys.  Someone did mention that SM always did his videos near an airport;
and this might be where his oscillation power comes from; an antenna; and not a 9volt battery.

I'm now wondering if neutral is necessary for the meter to meter the load?
If so, could rectify the hot with earth....   Nah, no way....

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 01:09:03 AM
Perhaps a little story for your amusement

                 The Parable of Elitus Pompus Most High and the Unworthy Neophytes

A crowd is gathered, Elitus Pompus, Most High Priest of the Temple of St. Mark is giving his presence and blessing to a crowd of neophytes gathered at his feet.

Master, master, upspake one of the neophytes "Tell us again of the story of The Holy Radiant Light and how we may be worthy to receive it"

Elitus Pompus replied "How many times have I told you the story, have you not read the Scripture of St. Mark? Only the most worthy are open to revelation of the secrets of the scripture, but by the grace of my presence I will tell you again.

You, lower than low,  will only be worthy to receive of the Holy Radiant Light when you have read the scriptures at least 6.5 times, maybe 7, no 6........yeah thats it...6 times. During that time you must fast and pray eating only the Most Holy crumbs dropping from the table where the High Priests dine.

"You must cover yourself in sackcloth, and go into the Holy Temple and observe the emanations of the Sparkus Gappus, not all the way in the temple, but on your knees towards the back for you are not even yet worthy of this".

"You must have received at least one visitation of the mighty feathered angel Blabemus the protector".

"You must then go into your closet and pray, then you will receive the blessing of the swirling whorl and the espresso machine"

Then you must beg for alms in the streets, giving all that you have collected to the High Priests, that their Sacred Egoss may be maintained in comfort.

"Then and only then may you be deemed worthy to receive a glimpse of the Holy Radiant Light Event".

"But Master", one of the neophytes chimed nervously, "we have done all these things, still we have not been graced with the Light".

Elitus Pompus sternly replied "How dare you ask again and have the nerve to ask for more" he went on more harshly rapping the knuckles of the supplicant with his cane "Have I not given unto you my razzle-dazzle, and my hocus pocus, still you ask ? You, who are not worthy to touch even the tattered edge of my robe? Go back to the scriptures and read again and do more penance, then you may be worthy.

He went on now in a rage "and how many of you have ever even opened the book of ST. Telesa the Sparkus Maximus. Do any of you even have a notion of the worth of his gospels?"

The neophtes took out small whips from their robes and while weeping began flagellating themselves in penance. One of them cried out "Oh master, forgive us for we are unworthy and know not what we ask"

The crowd began to break up and Elitus Pompus walked brusquely away muttering to himself:

"Goddamn neophytes ask too many questions and want to much of us, as if we had all the answers. Don't they understand, this is a goddam Mystery School not a Science Club.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 01:29:30 AM
This thread is now open to all and any posts on or off topic. The original topic died (with a little dignity) and a lot of people are having a good time here, especially me. So let the good times roll.

Thank you HD
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Mannix on August 24, 2008, 03:10:51 AM
The nameless quill master aspires himself to great  things, and writes a sterling piece of knowingless significance.

"I feel better now" he sprouts

After all it was just for fun

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: dean_mcgowan on August 24, 2008, 07:24:05 AM
Wow .. an SM stoning and I recieved no invite .. wheres the rocks ? its gotta me my turn now !!!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 24, 2008, 08:06:23 AM
Quote from: vince on August 23, 2008, 10:54:17 PM
I tried the meter on the ground connection as well and there is no current draw. The strange thing is that if you reverse the AC feed wire and use the other one it will not work. You would think that AC should not change on either wire but it does.

Long night? I'm hoping that you just didn't realize what you said. 
You flip the plug and so you lost the black (hot): No hot.

This method is unethical to say the least, but hey, it's waste
static energy from the lines if you ask me, so use it.

The more eithical method was this one below, where you put
50 antennas in the air outside in the yard in parallel. I would
think that putting a ground higher up would protect the
circuit, lightning arrestor. 

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: poynt99 on August 24, 2008, 09:34:18 AM

what can i say  ;D you rock!

:D :D :D :D
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 24, 2008, 09:39:10 AM

The antenna outdoors method, he's up to 32volts on one video.
He also mentions charging many capacitors, then pulse modulation
to charge a huge battery. Likely could run a small generator or
some sort of electrolysis fuel cell. Any feedback????  One video,
he thinks the power is coming from the sun, but I think it's static, with
atmospheric humidity at night weakening the device, discharging.
Just my 2cents...
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 11:19:26 AM
Dean McGowan

QuoteWow .. an SM stoning and I recieved no invite .. wheres the rocks ? its gotta be my turn now !!!

No, not an SM stoning, I just wanted to paint some of the attitudes on the forum in a different light so that some may see the comparison of religious versus scientific inquiry. It is not directed at anyone in particular, hope no one takes it personally. As far as SM goes, I vacillate between thinking he is a really good guy, then wondering why he would sell out (if he did).

But I don't know the answer to any of these questions, perhaps someone does, and perhaps it is withheld for good reasons that I possibly will never know.

I have no further axe to grind in any direction on these questions, people can do their own critical thinking. Therefore, as I said earlier, the thread is open to whatever direction people want to take it. Good luck and nice to see you here again, Dean

Regards, HD
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 24, 2008, 11:36:05 AM
Let he who is without RE cast the first kick.

Do not look in return lest ye be cast into a pillar of salt.

After the blast...

After my rendition of the kick this coil should look like airport noise to this circuit.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: turbo on August 24, 2008, 12:18:01 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 11:19:26 AM

But I don't know the answer to any of these questions, perhaps someone does, and perhaps it is withheld for good reasons that I possibly will never know.

Regards, HD

You simply should not hide under a strange name bro.
I would have given you all you need to replicate the damn thing.
But i do not know who i am dealing with here, or do i?
He sold out because life happens now/then which is obvious.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 24, 2008, 12:58:53 PM
awsome guys...

i got 1 huge ring for you all to see....

marco ist ver ...

i have not run this yet but i sure will   ;)

the ring has 50' 14 ga stranded speeker wire bifillar folded in half  then wound in a pancake coil wound on a 14" circle

then there are 4 turns of 14 ga soft steel non coated wire set on top of the pancake

then 14ga speeker wire  wound as a control over that  bifillar as well and  finally 1 more steel wire 18 ga wound as a control wire rite beside the copper control

i will post a pic in a bit ....

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 01:23:23 PM
QuoteYou simply should not hide under a strange name bro.

Perhaps you are right, but isn't everyone sort of hiding under a name that they made up?

Besides inventing circuits, I like to reinvent myself now and then. Sometimes a persona gets stale. Sometimes I get tired of my own BS personality that I have to maintain and drag around the forum. Think of it as different manifestations of the same personality, or if you prefer "multiple personality disorder". There are a few here that like to strip themselves of their status and come back as a newbie. Its refreshing, sort of like a baptism or maybe reshuffling the deck.

You are probably right in your observation about SM, sh*t happens !

Sorry if we seemed to have hit it off on a few bad notes, probably my fault.

Good luck to you, Marco

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: zapnic on August 24, 2008, 01:27:49 PM
i was wondering if put somekind coil onto antenna and use same energy  ....
like pumping back energy  to antenna ?

Tesla patents he has somekind  tube or plug that but where he get energy for tubes i believe ...

was he  getting energy for tubes from same Radiant Energy circuit ???
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 24, 2008, 01:40:50 PM


like maybe appying that device to this one below?

Here's Lorrie's Version, image attached,
if anyone needs it; and here's the video:
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 01:56:42 PM
regarding the above circuit

Pumping any capacitive energy from spikes or high frequency energy on the black hot lead to the ground is a very dangerous thing to do.

The ground (Green) is provided to drain off any leakage current from appliances. By coupling this HF spiking energy into the ground, you are now introducing all that noise energy into your grounds and potentially creating a shock hazard as well.

Better to return it to the neutral, and BTW, it will still all show up in your meter.

My opinion, I could be wrong.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: zapnic on August 24, 2008, 02:02:59 PM
jep jep

make disturbances or something like that

like vacuum cleaners put Intake nozzle to where vacuum cleaners air is coming out like loop
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 24, 2008, 02:15:19 PM
my pic

as i said ....   1 big ring  8)

im building another identical for my top coil of my 3 stack tpu ....

im open to ideas on my collector i was thinking of just a tonne of copper short peices of speeker wire

for current ... and then the final wrap over the entire thing  for higher voltage....


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: zapnic on August 24, 2008, 02:47:00 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on August 24, 2008, 02:15:19 PM
my pic

as i said ....   1 big ring  8)

im building another identical for my top coil of my 3 stack tpu ....

im open to ideas on my collector i was thinking of just a tonne of copper short peices of speeker wire

for current ... and then the final wrap over the entire thing  for higher voltage....


hey man do you remeber mac's video toroid and magnets
maybe use that trick on your tpu
and something in my mind
like this electricty change to magnetic then electricty then magnetic then electricty and magnetic and electricty

like numeber three you got electricty and magnetic and rotaring energy
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 02:49:22 PM
Here's that beast from the basement I promised, circa 1965. A saturable inductor reactor, better known as a magnetic amplifier.

Thyristors came along and we dropped this technology, but it is very robust, but heavy. The cores are tapewound. I think I still have some of the taping metal ribbon.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 02:52:20 PM
Driving a 200 watt incandescent lamp, at 20% or so output
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 02:54:46 PM
And the schematic, ultimately simple, yet capable of large, rather noise free power control. Think I'll dust these off and use them for something, they are too neat ot gather dust. Light dimmers can do more power control, but produce a lot more noise on the line, unless you get the filtered ones.

You can do this with two transformers or other inductors for L1 and L2 if you size them correctly.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 24, 2008, 02:57:37 PM
i just started playing with the wireing as i recall there was only 1 way it worked as i described so long ago

unfourtunatally i have forgotten how it was wired so i gave it my best guess we shall see if i am correct in my first atempt ....

if not  my goal today is to replacate my own work from long ago ...

i will not stop today till it get it rite with this coil... 8)


@ HD 

you just ROCK

can you show a picture of the bottom of the unit?   ;D  :o  8)

intresting obsveration ...   pulsed with a almost dead 9v battery  and by hand   when i take the b attery away there is a small amount of engery stored in the coil and it slowly releases it .....  and after 1 min of the battery being disconnected it wound down from .18 volts dc  to .03 volts sorted   intresting....
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 24, 2008, 03:00:27 PM
HD    just so I understand, you were powering 200 watts with 40watts ? Cnet
Title: Kryon (Part 1/2)
Post by: orbs on August 24, 2008, 03:36:06 PM
Since the thread is now open and the forum private, I'm taking the liberty to be completely off-topic, although some forum members are familiar with it. The following are (slightly) edited extracts, so please use the links at the end for the original (and copyrighted) texts.

The Cosmic Lattice (Part I) [1] (http://kryon.com/k_26.html)

We wish to tell you of a specific kind of energy. We wish to tell you of what some of you will think of as an object, but it is not -- it is a phenomenon. It is something so common that it is around all of you, yet so mysterious that few know of it. It is the missing piece of energy that you have been looking for so long. It is the energy of the Universe and we are speaking of something in English that we will call "The Cosmic Lattice."

It is very common that we start with the big and go down to the small so that you will understand the overview. The Cosmic Lattice is the COMMON DENOMINATOR OF THE UNIFIED ENERGY SOURCE OF THE UNIVERSE. The common denominator -- meaning that all things emanate from The Cosmic Lattice. It is difficult to define this all at once, so we will tell you its many attributes slowly. The Cosmic Lattice is everywhere. It is throughout the Universe. Everything that you can see and everything you cannot see contains the lattice. From the smallest particles of your physics, and from the electron haze forward, The Cosmic Lattice is present. Those of you in physics will begin to understand and recognize this principle, and it will start to make sense as to what this lattice actually is.

The Size of the Lattice

Let us first begin with its size. This is only appropriate, even before we define how it works and what it is. The Cosmic Lattice is THE LARGEST ENERGY YOU HAVE EVER CONCEIVED OF. It encompasses the entire Universe and more. It is present everywhere. There is no place that you can conceive of -- no matter what the dimension -- that is without the lattice. The Cosmic Lattice is pervasive everywhere and encompasses the entire universe, including all dimensions. Can you conceive of something so large? As far as you can see in the skies -- as far as any astronomer can gather light over ours on a photographic plate -- The Cosmic Lattice is already there. And yet it has one single consciousness all at the same time -- always at the same time. Distance is nothing to The Cosmic Lattice and this is where things get difficult to explain.

Pretend for a moment that your hand was bigger than the universe itself, and as you outstretch your hand, all of the known matter that exists can fit within your palm in a small ball. You are therefore immense! Within that ball in your hand there are billions of stars, and within that ball there are distances which seem insurmountable and immense to those entities that live there. Within that ball, which is the Universe, it would seem to take forever to get from one end to the other to an entity traveling within it, yet that ball rests easily in your single hand! The Cosmic Lattice is like this, for there truly is no distance that is insurmountable between your thumb and a finger, and the consciousness of your hand is singular. The cellular structure is of one, interlaced with a consciousness which reacts as one. And although within that ball which could be called the Universe within your hand, there seems to be billions of light years of travel, and space and time to conquer, as you hold it in your hand, that is not so. Everything there -- the billions of stars -- is in your "now."

So you get an idea of the size of this energy, but you also get an idea of the unification of The Cosmic Lattice. The most distant part of this lattice knows exactly what the part that is here in this room is doing. The part that is between the cells of your biology, knows what is happening 11 billion light years away! The Cosmic Lattice has no time, and we'll talk about that in a moment.

Shape - Order - Luminescence

So the first attribute is the size, and the size is immense. It is the biggest energy known. It is the biggest energy that exists. Let us talk about its shape and this is even more difficult. It IS NOT A GRID. The Cosmic Lattice HAS SYMMETRY, however. But it is not a grid. If its shape could be revealed to you it would astound you, for it would give away something, and it would have to do with what you call human time. There's evidence of The Cosmic Lattice already, and we're going to tell you how to look for this evidence. Your astronomers look from your Earth in a way that is as though they had one eye closed. They have not really yet seen a stereoscopic view of what is around your planet that is clear. Instead they look from Earth in a monocular way, with no depth perception of what is surrounding you. Therefore, you have not been able to see the strings of darkness. This is one of the attributes of The Cosmic Lattice that is there for you to see any time you wish. The word "darkness" is interpreted here to mean "lack of light." It is as though you looked into the starry sky at night and saw that many of the star groupings had narrow "highways" of nothing between them... but a clear pattern.

Some years ago we told you that your big bang, wasn't. We told you that it does not make sense to have a universe that explodes from one central creative point, not to be evenly dispersed. And we told you to look for the clumping effect as evidence that there was no original point of explosion. Now there's more, and now we will tell you what that is. For there will come a time when you are able to put your "eyes" and your telescopes at very different and far away places. One may even be on another planet, and together as they look at the universe in a stereoscopic way, like your two eyes look out upon the world, they will finally see the three-dimensional image before them. And what they will see are the highways of seeming blackness between the clumps of star matter. Straight lines of darkness will be evident, giving the Universe direction -- giving it symmetry -- allowing for a mystery to develop of how such a thing could be -- like seeming highways with apparent nothingness between the clumps. Look for it. It is going to happen.

The Cosmic Lattice has no visible light, even though it is the essence of light. The lattice energy is in a NULL balance, and we are going to tell you about that right now. For the energy is in a balanced state called the null balance where the polarity of its most powerful attributes are balanced to zero. The null energy has fantastic power, but in its common resting state, it seems to be void due to the zero balance. It's when you unbalance the polarity that the power is released, you see. Your astronomers have looked at the Universe and the cosmos, with their ways of measuring the energy there, and they look to the skies and they measure the whole energy. What they have noted with some frustration, is that there is far less matter and light than there is measured energy! This is a known situation with your scientists. Ask your scientists why this should be, and they will postulate all manner of things, including the existence of "dark matter." What they are seeing is void energy. It is The Cosmic Lattice that they are measuring. The Cosmic Lattice energy is everywhere, and when I am done with this message, you will know what triggers it, and you'll know how it's used. You'll know how it reacts to other energy, and you'll know why it exists.

As mentioned, in a nulled form this incredible active energy would appear to you to be at a zero measurement, yet this Lattice is potent at ALL points and in ALL areas. We have referred to it in the very small particles of the atom. When we talked about the distance of the nucleus to the electron haze, we were speaking of The Cosmic Lattice principle. When we gave you the working formula for the distance of the electron haze elements from the nucleus, we were speaking about the interaction of energy from The Cosmic Lattice. When we were talking about the gamma ray activity from 11 billion light years away, we were talking about The Cosmic Lattice. From the largest to the smallest, this energy source is immense and it's quiet. It is only when it is called upon and destabilized in designed ways that it provides power. It is the common denominator and the stabilizer of all energy and matter everywhere -- The Cosmic Lattice. And when the physics is known by humans, all manner of things will open up for you, not just in communication, but unlimited power everywhere -- UNLIMITED POWER!


Let me tell you about the lattice energy. It responds to TIME. Here is something else for your scientists to look at: When you find an event in the Universe that you know has time altering potential, observe how its physical displayed energy bends. Everything in the universe seems to spin, does it not? And according to the laws of physics, some particles spinning off should be at right angles to the spin. Some should be perpendicular to the spin. That's normal physics. Watch, however, for the ones which are neither! For those are the ones that line up with the symmetry of The Cosmic Lattice. They're the ones that "point" to the lattice patterned energy and we're talking about events such as spewing black holes and other phenomena in the universe which seem to pour forth huge energy in a stream. Watch for those streams to point in a similar direction but not necessarily to physically align themselves to the spin of the object creating them (as you might expect). Your scientists will ask, "Why is such a thing existing"? They eventually must postulate that there is another force which aligns this "pointing," ... like a giant cosmic magnet. They are seeing the energy pointing and bending to the symmetry of The Cosmic Lattice.

If we were able to take a human right now and magically transport him to the other side of the known universe -- incredibly far away -- an unimaginable distance to you -- we are here to say that the lattice would allow for a common communication that is instant with him... no matter the distance! Some of you are going to be putting together the pieces and the parts of this information, and you're going to realize why some of the things are the way they are in physics. The common denominator of this lattice energy is without light only because it is in a NULL TIME -- null energy and null time.

We have spoken of now time, and where all the things in the past and the potentials of the future are in one place -- that is now time. The Cosmic Lattice is NOT in now time, it is in null time. Null time is time which equals zero, whereas now time has motion in a circle. The Cosmic Lattice is in a constantly balanced state, and in that balanced energy, it is potentially ready to receive input for release of energy, and that input is available to the human consciousness. It "sees" all TIME as zero... never moving, even though many time frames exist within its energy. That is why, no matter what time frame is your reality, communication is instant between all entities that know of the lattice. This is a difficult concept for you to understand, since you don't even yet believe that there are many time frames present as you look through your instruments at "impossible physics" being displayed in the cosmos. Time is like the air you breath. You watch incredible storms, with wind blowing many directions at many speeds, yet you breath it gently and normally, even in the midst of a great storm. Therefore YOUR breathing air, in your lungs, is nominally at rest, even while the air around you is in turmoil. The Cosmic Lattice is like this.

The Cosmic Lattice (Part II) [2] (http://kryon.com/k_29.html)

We told you that the lattice is an energy that pervades the universe and is consistent. We told you that it passes through all matter, and that it is available all the time. We told you that it is a physics staple of the way things work throughout all the universe that is visible. We told you that light is slow, compared to the communication of the Lattice, and that even though there is a mechanical attribute of the lattice (which we are going to discuss), communication is almost instantaneous all through it. The speed of energy from one end of the universe to the other is almost instant. (Actually there are no ends.)

We gave you elementary information of the shape of the Lattice. Now we're going to fill in the cracks in the information we gave you last time. We're going to tell you what the real shape of the lattice is. We're going to tell you the construction of it, the best we can in terms that are non-scientific. We're also going to give you several attributes of the lattice, and we're going to tell you how to use it.

The Cosmic Lattice is not a net. It is not singular. It is not one dimension. If it pervades the universe, as we have said, then it has to be everywhere, and indeed the lattice is everywhere. We wish to reveal the shape: The actual shape is of cells that are closed compartments. That should not shock or surprise you. It mimics your body. For now, we will call the cells, "energy cells." They are in a honeycomb shape, and these shapes (the cells) each have twelve sides. Each energy cell of the cosmic lattice all around you remains unseen, but you will be able to eventually measure its energy. This lattice is a structure, whose parts do not touch. Each one of these twelve-sided honeycombed energy-cells, which are everywhere, do not touch one another. Yet they exist side by side, as though they do touch. They even look like they do, but they do not, for there is something that holds them apart.

There is a mechanical physics attribute that is going on within the nucleus of the atom. This very same mechanical "law" which holds the lattice cells apart, is the same attribute that is responsible for unequally polarized pieces of atomic nuclear structure being held together. It's important that you understand that these lattice cells never touch one another, and there is a reason why they do not. It is all part of the communication within the lattice. Energy transfer within the lattice also mimics physics at the smallest levels -- also being atomic structures that do not touch. It also mimics the most elegant part of your body -- the part that is responsible for your thinking -- for your memory -- for your remembrance, and for your reactions -- the Human brain. The synapse parts (the wiring) within that organ do not touch either. These are the ways of the physics attributes that transmit (or relay) energy. It is not new. Look for it, for it's everywhere. It is also the common structure of the lattice.

The Cosmic Lattice is balanced, but it is not quiet. The lattice has astounding power. It has a flow of energy that I cannot explain to you, for there is no paradigm model for it yet in your thinking. Therefore, you would not easily understand. The lattice has vents that we can best describe as necessary for the flow of energy. It balances the slight inequity of the polarity. The vents also have to do with time, which we will tell you more about in a moment. You will always find two vents together. One will be prominent, the other will be secondary. You might graphically and clearly see one, but you will have to look carefully to see its partner. There are always two. This is an axiom or physical rule of the lattice energy, and of the universe.

The vents are usually at the center of the galaxies. The distance between the vents determines the spin direction of a galaxy, and speed of matter around its center. It is a classic push and pull scenario, and matter responds to it. Now, here is something you will not understand at all: The vents are very necessary for the balance of your universal energy. The vents are also energy portals, (drains, to you), and are where the front of the lattice touches the back. The back of the lattice holds a universe whose vents are opposite. Note: This IS NOT an alternate universe. It's also yours. Although this may bring you a paradox at the moment, those in your future, especially reading this transcription who have good scientific intuition, will discover the physics that will validate the meaning of this information.

Therefore, at the center of your own galaxy there is a pair of vents, one of which you can see if you chose. The other one is hiding. But the vents always appear in pairs. This is dramatic; it is powerful; it is the lattice balancing itself.

We're going to give you an attribute of the Cosmic Lattice and the energy within it, which is difficult to explain. We're going to discuss the mechanics of the speed of transmission of energy within the lattice, and we are going to show you how the speed of the Lattice is stellar compared to the slow transmission of light.

This discussion of speed has a metaphor, an analogy that exists on your own planet. Some of you are aware that if you were to take something physical and force it through the water in your ocean, it would be fairly slow going. The water is thick, and offers a medium that requires a great amount of energy to force something through it. Think of the fastest things in your oceans. They would be some of the fast fish, and even some of your mechanical devices [submarines]. But they and their speed, pale in comparison to the speed of giant ocean waves created by the energy of an earthquake.

Many of you are aware that the speed of quake-generated waves in your ocean approaches the speed of sound itself! That's how fast it goes. Consider how much energy it would take to propel something the size of a mountain at the speed of sound, through your ocean. Many would say it could not be done, yet waves seem to do it easily.

The reason is because a wave is not the transportation of MATTER from one place to another (like a fish or a submarine or the matter in a mountain). The wave is the transportation of ENERGY from one place to another. As you know, the molecules of water bump into one another. One bumps into another, and bumps into another, and the speed of the bumping transmission is very, very fast.

Although the metaphor has its limits as we compare the two, in essence that is exactly what takes place on the lattice on a far, far grander scale. Light is the transportation of matter-photons in space. It might have a wave-like appearance, but its speed is limited due to its mass, and the speed is relatively slow. Similar to a fish or a mechanical device in the water, light is the transportation of matter through a substance. It's when the lattice cells bump together that they create patterns (waves) due to their bumping, at a speed that is almost instant through billions and billions of light years. Not only is light slow, but it must also penetrate through other matter, not just the emptiness of space. There is dust, gas, and magnetics, all which block and bend it. The transmission of energy from the lattice is clean, fast, and almost instant throughout its vastness. That's because the energy medium is uniform, and transmits with a system that easily recognizes what is being passed within in (much like the wave does with water molecules). Now we have given you a mechanic attribute of how energy is transmitted in the real universe.

There are three rules of physics for the universal Lattice, but none of them will respond to what you have called Newtonian physics or the relative physics of Einstein. For Newtonian and relative physics is mostly about the behavior of matter. The physics rules that I'm going to give you are about energy, and they are different -- very, very different.

The speed of energy moving through the Lattice is always the same. It never varies. It is a constant law of energy physics. It is the speed at which the Lattice cells bump together, and this creates waves of energy whose speed is always the same. That is the first one.

Here is the second, and it's tricky.

It always takes the same amount of time for energy to transverse the internal distance of one lattice cell. (An absolute time period to go from one side to the other, inside of a lattice cell). This time segment is always the same, and never varies.

The third axiom is this: The cells have a varying size. That is to say, there are areas in the universe where the energy cells of the cosmic lattice are large, and other areas where they are small.

"Wait," you might say. "You just got through saying that it takes a known amount of time to transverse the distance of a cell. If some are large, and some are small, won't that make a difference in the time it takes? After all, you are changing the distance!"

No, the time is always the same.

"Then," you might also say, "something has to give. It doesn't make sense to take the exact same time to go a short distance or a long distance, if the speed has to be the same."

You're right. Here's where we challenge you to understand that the paradox of this is that the time elements, as measured, must change! Therefore, when you move into an area of space where the cells are smaller, you're going to receive a different measurement of time than when they're larger. This will explain to you what we have said in the past, why your astronomers see "impossible physics" through their telescopes -- physics that cannot occur according to the assumed rules. They are looking at physics in a time frame that has smaller or larger cells than your own.

Therefore the third axiom is the only variable one, and it is time. The units of time, change in relationship to the size of the lattice cells.

Now let us discuss the use of the cosmic lattice, physics wise (not biologically). We previously told you the lattice null energy is balanced to zero. We told you that each cell has tremendous power, but it is balanced by another power along side it, which has opposite polarity. This "nulls" out the apparent potential, so that it all appears invisible to you. The energy, therefore, appears to be zero.

It's when the lattice is deliberately unbalanced that you really get to see the power. If you could only understand how to manipulate the null so you could unbalance it just slightly, the result would be tremendous free energy. Let us say again, that one of the reasons this would be safe for you to accomplish, is because none of the cells touch each other. You will not have a chain reaction, like you have in your nuclear matter science. So you can capture the energy of one, two, three, or as many cells as you wish, when you learn how to manipulate them.

Some have asked about the null -- about the polarity. What kind of energies are there that would oppose each other so well? Let us give you an answer that might be difficult for you to understand at this time, but through discovery and with time, it will make sense. Opposite energy attributes that create the null are polarized energies. They are almost mirror images of one another that together create a quiet, zero null. This is part of the balance of the universe, and is everywhere. It is also this way in light and matter. It is also true, however, that the "mirror-image" of energy, light and matter is not perfectly balanced. Due to the bias of your "kind" of universe (call it the "positive" one if you like), the "anti-energy," or mirror image of the positive, is only slightly less powerful. It is this slight unbalance that creates the vents that we spoke of before. The vents are necessary to allow for the balance to be maintained. Otherwise, the major "null" posturing would not last long, and the lattice would be constantly unbalanced. The vents, therefore "drain" off the slight unbalance of the bias.

The last physics attribute is one that we will only hint at. The Lattice is indeed the cosmic constant that has been looked for in science forever. There are those who have asked, "what is the actual mechanical connection between the Cosmic Lattice and matter?" Let's just say that it is the characteristic of this constant that "tunes the strings" of the music of matter. It sets the frequencies for the smallest parts, and those frequencies vary depending on where they are in the cosmos.

We would like you to eventually understand how to manipulate the Lattice, so that you may pull on its energy. Understand that this can be done anywhere at any time on Earth, or in space. It is done completely and totally with magnetics -- active magnetics. It is accomplished with the creation of carefully placed patterns of large magnetic fields, which must be active (created with energy, not naturally existing). When you discover how this works, you will also find that this particular process on the planet is not new, and that your experimenters have actually done it before.

During the times it was done before, no one understood what was happening. The process was far beyond your ability to control, and you didn't even know the principles... yet you tried it anyway. Now you have the ability to control the experiment and therefore create disciplined and sustained energy, seemingly out of nothing (the null). Like so many other physics processes, however, it is going to take a tremendous amount of energy in order to unbalance even one cell's null attribute. So you're going to have a vast amount of energy pumped into the experiment before you can see the results. Once you understand how to "prod" the null to unbalance itself, you will be rewarded with a steady flow of energy, far beyond what you put into it. This is accomplished, since you create you own tiny "vent." An unbalanced cell creates a situation where the other cells around it will try to "feed" energy to the one that is unbalanced. This creates a tap that will pull upon the Lattice indefinitely, as long as your work matches the properties the lattice expects to see. I know this sounds like science fiction, but eventually it can be THE energy source for your planet.

Here's how it works. Two magnetic fields together, postured in the correct way -- a way that is very three-dimensional in your thinking process -- will create a "designed magnetic field" that is very specific. It's one you have never seen, and does not exist naturally. Start with trying many magnetics fields, postured against one another -- of unequal force and pattern, and at right angles. Don't make any assumptions. Think freely. Done in the right fashion, these two fields will create a third pattern, which is unique and is the product of the original two. This third custom created pattern is the one you what to deal with, and is the one that has the potential of manipulating the lattice. Once you have created it, you will know of its special qualities by how dramatically it changes the physics around it. It won't be subtle in its exposition -- believe me. You will know when you have it.

Here is a caution. Keep this experiment away from your body! Keep the experiment in check with your scientific methods. Go slowly. Understand what you're seeing before you go to the next step. Do not expose yourself to any magnetic fields. Remotely conduct all energy experiments. Remember that magnetics also plays an important part within your body.

Here is another. Understand that if you unbalance the lattice too grandly and too greatly, you will have a time displacement, for the process also involves the property of TIME. We don't mean that you have to wait for it. We mean that one of the actual physical players in the creative process of unbalancing the Lattice is the manipulation of the time-frame of matter (a little known attribute of every particle of matter in the universe). This is not time travel, but time displacement. It is where you are actually addressing tiny parts of matter, and changing the time-frame they are in. When the inequity of time-frames meet one another (matter mixed up with differing time attributes), the result is a displacement of distance. Although there is no horrendous danger for the earth within this time displacement, it can and will affect the local situation within the experiment. In other words, it can create a matter-distorting effect, completely stopping the experiment, and actually dislocating the parts. We're not going to say any more about this at the moment, but the more astute scientific minds reading this will go to the next obvious step, and the answer is "yes," the lattice is also the key to quick travel of large physical objects -- even of very short distances.

Passing the Marker [3]

You have yet to develop THE formula of physics. It is not here yet, and we're going to give you the three attributes of the formula, but without the formula. These attributes are related, but the way they relate is misunderstood. Your science is just now beginning to see the shadows of them, however.

The first attribute of the formula is the ability to understand the DENSITY OF MASS. Why is the electron haze so far from the nucleus? We have told you that you can change this distance, and in doing so, the density will change in the mass that is defined by the atoms being shifted. The electron haze will have to vibrate faster, the closer it is to the nucleus. When the electron haze vibrates faster, that means that its TIME FRAME will shift. Therefore, the second attribute of the formula is a time shift, and they go together. Also, be aware that you make an erroneous assumption that the actual speed of electron HAZE must always be the same no matter what its distance. This is not understood yet either. There is a difference between speed and vibratory rate, and it has to do with the actual physical definition of the ELECTRON HAZE.

Mass discrimination is the ability to control the density of mass. With a density shift will come a time shift, and with a time shift will absolutely come a third attribute that you will not understand at all! We will call that the REALITY OF LOCATION, or where the matter is... in which dimensional reality it goes to when it is shifted. Here is an axiom: Shifts in dimensionality when matter is changed in this fashion create a reality WHERE the matter HAS to be to exist in its new form. It might be inches from where you changed it, or miles. That depends on how much it got changed. The difficult thing to explain to you is a concept that has not been recognized... that matter has a reality index, and that its core attributes are linked to where it exists in time and space. Therefore, the three attributes that must work together are DENSITY, TIME FRAME, and LOCATION.

When you look out into space and you see physical attributes going on that shout that you are seeing a different time frame (what we call "impossible physics"), it's also going to tell you about mass, and the dimensionality (location index) of what you're looking at. This particular formula is profound. It is the basis of all universal physics, yet you don't know it yet.

Let us discuss massless objects, something we've spoken of before. Already your science knows about the kind of concentration of mass where one spoonful of it creates something as heavy as your planet! What's really happening there? What could the attributes of that mass be? What is the actual size of it? Look at the gravity it creates! Did you know that this kind of condition can only exist at certain realities... or areas of space? The density and time frame dictate exactly where it has to be.

Now, what if you had something huge that had almost no weight at all? What would be the gravity aspects of that? The relative aspects, therefore, are not necessarily size. They are density and time frame. When that density is changed, then the time frame around it changes, also. If science would apply this model to what happens in a black hole, they might understand the "impossible physics" they see around it. You want to know about anti-gravity? There is no such thing. Instead, look for the secret of creating variable mass. And when you do, watch for the other two variables that come along with it in one profound formula of regular relationship.

The other potential discovery we're going to give you is this: We cannot close the physics discussion without speaking of the Cosmic Lattice one more time, for the information of the lattice was given right here, two years in a row. There's something we are going to call APD, Atomic Phasic Displacement. That is a term that is going to refer to the ability for you to eventually tap the lattice for unlimited energy. When you understand how to tap the lattice, you will have infinite free energy without drilling into the earth, without capturing the waves, or without atomic power.

Here's what's going to happen, and here's the promise of what's hiding behind APD. We have spoken of the lattice before, and now we wish to give you a metaphor of a huge spider web, as big as you've ever seen. What happens at any location of a giant spider web when something is in motion in another part of it? The answer is that it is felt as vibration. The whole web vibrates due to the way it is constructed when one part is touched. We're here to tell you something profound: When you tap the lattice for energy, the entire lattice feels it. The energy will rush in to fill the void that you have opened with APD, but this flow will be felt all over the lattice.

We have given you some of the communication aspects of the lattice before. We have discussed how fast the communication is to the whole universe (the entire lattice). Here is something you didn't know: At whatever time you are able to figure out how to tap the lattice for energy using APD, everyone else that has the ability (APD) will know it! There will be other life forms farther away than you can even imagine who will know it instantly! And what does that tell you about the potential for communication in the universe? How about modulating signals upon the lattice itself? How about communicating with specks of light you can't even see with your telescopes? When you can tap the lattice, you can communicate with the whole thing. Beyond your understanding? Yes, today. But when it takes place, you'll remember that you heard it right here from a family member -- one who knows the incredible potentials of your Human future.

What's Happening? [4] (http://kryon.com/k_chanelnewhamp02.html)

Let us review: Perhaps as children you were amazed at something -- static magnets that when held in the hands, strongly repel similar poles of other magnets. You might have been amused at how much you had to push against the metal to try to get similar poles together. The magnetic material actually seemed to repel and push back! And the bigger the magnet, the greater the rebellion against coming together. Some of you children grew up to become scientists, and you asked questions about physics and nature: "What is this force that pushes back? Why is it that a Human can throw their entire weight into this endeavor and end up with a piece of metal that pushes back? What is going on here? What is the engine of this? Can I get this to push when I want... in a direction I want?"

The physicists, of course, developed answers about trapped energy and called it kinetics. There is actually all manner of verbiage that would try to describe to you why there would be a force trapped in metal that would push back. None of it is correct! There's something going on with magnetism that will indeed be discovered. It has a layer of interdimensionality that you are now just broaching; it is not definable in four dimensions [your reality]. The true reason why it pushes back is not even part of your four-dimensional physics. You named it, but you don't understand it.

Some scientists went on to postulate: "What if we could get magnets to push against magnets? If we design something clever, perhaps the magnets could push against themselves and we could use this energy in a circle -- in a machine -- magnets with magnets. We could use this incredible natural pushing and pulling force to push and pull against itself. Then we would have an engine that fueled itself with nature's force!" This then, is the simplified way science first started to think about free energy. Today, if you talk to a physicist, you will discover that it isn't possible. This scientist will tell you that there's always what would be called the "trade-off," or what some may call "paying the piper." You can't get something for nothing. There is always something that's going to interfere with free energy, they say. Are they right? YES! But let me tell you what that "something" is: 4D physics! The restriction you find yourself in... the reason it doesn't work... is due to your own dimensional reality. That's the answer.

Now you know the puzzle, and hopefully we've explained it in a way that you understood it. The physicist is right when they tell you that you can't get something for nothing. Now we must tell you about true physics. With all this in mind, will this engine ever work? The answer: YES. This magnetic engine works very well! But not the way you think it might.

In order to broach the next issue, we have to tell you this: The physics that you are so fond of, and that you boast about, has consistency. That is when you find a postulate that proves itself 100 percent of the time in your real 4D world. When this happens, you have the propensity to feel good about it. Then you project whatever that rule is and apply it to the entire universe. Therefore, Newtonian, Einsteinian, and Euclidean physics -- the rules that seem to govern everything at all level -- are absolute to you. As you discover them in your reality, you set them in cement for all realities. Well, that's not the case! Let me ask you this, scientist: Did you try this physics in all the forms it could exist? Or did you make some assumptions?

In the past we gave you hints. We gave you formulae that indicated that there were missing pieces in basic physics concepts that you still did not understand. You see, physics is variable... and to some this is not good news. What is the largest variable of physics? Size. The ratio of attributes between mass, magnetics, and gravity changes with size.

We're going to define this variable and call it "the quantum membrane." It's a membrane of attributes. It's one that you pass through at a certain quantum level, where physics changes. Now, these things have been seen, but up to this point those who have observed them have seen them as quaint. Some have argued about this and asked, could this membrane of attributes exist? Yes, it does. When you pass through this level, many odd, unusual things take place -- things that might actually clear the way to free energy. Let me be more specific. It is actually a membrane of dimensionality -- what you might call moving from four to five. Of course this is wrong to say, because when you move out of four dimensions, there is no more linearity, since your time changed. Without linearity you cannot count anymore, can you? So "five" really becomes an impossibility. So just say that you are "moving out of your dimension."

Listen. I'm going to give you information that your physicists will validate shortly. Let me ask you this: According to your physics, can two things exist in the same place at the same time? And you may say, positively no. That is impossible. Then let me change the question. What if the two things were really the same thing twice? You might say, "Well, we've never heard that." Indeed! It is what happens when matter passes through the quantum membrane! The same particle exists in two-dimensional attributes simultaneously.

When matter passes through the membrane, there is an instant, infinitesimal portion of time where the matter actually contains both polarities, positive and negative. It actually seems as though the parts are in the same place at the same time. This is almost what you might call an anti-matter exchange. Through the membrane, there is a momentary, infinitesimal, unbalancing of what we have called The Cosmic Lattice. And in that moment, there is energy created, seemingly from nothing. But it's not from nothing, but from everything! The Cosmic Lattice represents all energy of the universe in a balanced, zero "null" state, waiting to be tapped. We have described this before. What is the secret of tapping it?

The secret of free energy lies in becoming small... very small. The secret of free energy is very small magnetics going through the membrane -- that is, an interdimensional force is at work. It is the quantum leap -- the thing that seems to bridge the unbridgeable, where particles can go from one place to another and yet seem never to have traversed the path between them. What if the particles never actually "traveled" at all? What if they bounced to another dimension, since they were forced to due to a situation where they occupied the same space at the same time?

The secret of free energy is very, very small machines... lots of them working together. If you can make the machines small enough and you can align them to a common purpose [common push], you could take advantage of what I have just given you. When you deal with magnetics at a molecular level, you're going to discover that it acts differently. Free energy is obtainable today through large arrays of very small engines. Think small... very small. Free energy is not only possible, it's there waiting. It's not free, either. It's not the creation of energy out of nothing. Instead, it is tapping the lattice where mountains of energy are available.

Here is something else you will discover, and something very fun for the mathematician: The large array of molecular engines will total a force that is beyond the sum of the parts! This alone should be the clue that there is unseen "hidden" energy at work.

The final new hint in this scenario of free energy advice that we will give you is this: Since it's going to take very small magnetics to do this, you may need some very small polarities to move around to accomplish this. How? Don't forget that you can magnetize certain gas.

We also want to give you this information about matter/anti-matter. There are those in physics who believe that the universe must contain the antithesis of itself, next to itself. That is to say that anti-matter and positive matter must exist somehow together for the balance to be there, which the math of physics demands. Yet the interesting thing is that although positive matter is all around you [the kind you are used to seeing], its counterpart [anti-matter] is elusive. Therefore, the question might be asked by the physicist: "Where is anti-matter? Is there as much of it as there is positive matter?" And the answer is yes.

Where is anti-matter? It's resting on the "attribute quantum membrane." It's also in a slightly different time frame. When you start to understand the ability within physics to change time-frame reality, all of the anti-matter will present itself. And the reason is this: It has to be there for balance! And there's a joke here, a very big cosmic joke. This phenomenon of anti-matter resting in a slightly different time frame is what is responsible for what you have mistakenly identified as the big bang.

Listen, scientist, and suspend your 4D bias for a moment. Matter showed up everywhere, all at once. There was no explosion. The membrane changed, and the universe was created. Oh, not the one that you see today, but a beginning universe. And the residual of that membrane shift is everywhere you look, and you'll never find a pinpoint source for any bang. You'll never find a center for any bang. That is because all reality became reality all at once. When you find these things to be true, you'll also find the secret of instant communication over long distances... through interdimensional attributes that suspend all the rules of time and location.

[1] The Cosmic Lattice (Part I)  (Book VII 342-353)  New Hampshire 11/1997
The Kryon Writings -- Letters from Home. 1999. ISBN 1-888053-12-7

[2] The Cosmic Lattice (Part II)  (Book VII 354-372)  New Hampshire 11/1998
The Kryon Writings -- Letters from Home. 1999. ISBN 1-888053-12-7

[3] Passing the Marker  (Book VIII 132-155)  New Hampshire 11/1999
The Kryon Writings -- Passing the Marker. 2000. ISBN 1-888053-11-9

[4] What's Happening?  New Hampshire 11/2002

[5] The Interdimensional Universe  New Jersey 11/2003

[6] Questions & Answers  Q1/2004
In the Spirit 2004 E-Magazine

[7] Questions & Answers  Q2/2004
In the Spirit 2004 E-Magazine

[8] The Venus Transit Gift  Mount Shasta 06/2004

[9] Questions & Answers  Q2/2005
In the Spirit 2005 E-Magazine

[10] Invisible Things  Mount Shasta 06/2005

[11] Physics to the Max  Mount Shasta 06/2007
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 03:36:37 PM
HD    just so I understand, you were powering 200 watts with 40watts ? Cnet

No Chet, the device does not put out power on it's own, it is merely a method of controlling power from the mains, an old technology used in applications where weight is not a problem and the device must be reliable. It is considered obsolete today because of solid state devices such as triacs.
Title: Kryon (Part 2/2)
Post by: orbs on August 24, 2008, 03:38:10 PM
Since the thread is now open and the forum private, I'm taking the liberty to be completely off-topic, although some forum members are familiar with it. The following are (slightly) edited extracts, so please use the links at the end for the original (and copyrighted) texts.

The Interdimensional Universe [5] (http://kryon.com/k_chanelnewjersey03.html)

Take an imaginary trip...

Step with me into the middle of your atomic structure. Pretend for a moment that you're the size of a proton. It's very, very small, you know. There you are, in the glory of atomic structure. Now, you might say, "Well, I think I can pretend what that's like. If I'm the size of a proton, I'm going to see those electrons just zipping around. There's probably going to be light, and it's going to be like fireworks, and there's going to be a wonderful show." Think again. It's dark. Real dark. If you [as in Human size] really represent the size of a proton in the middle, those electrons are a mile away! Did you know that? You're going to have to hike to find them! That's the average scale of atomic structure. There's a lot of very empty space in each atom's makeup.

Most scientists are still puzzled about this. Why would the basic building blocks of your reality feature a structure where the objects involved are in a proportion that are an alarming distance apart? Perhaps you weren't aware of this fact. If you were the size of a proton in a helium atom, you would walk and walk and walk with your little proton legs before you would ever see anything that even resembled the electron haze around atomic structure (still pretending, please). And the entire walk would be in the dark! Then you might say to yourself, "Well, this isn't what I expected. It's actually kind of boring."

Indeed! We've indicated to you that the micro and the macro have many things in common within their physics. Even within your biology there's an order that follows the larger Universe. Let me tell you what's in that space that is invisible between the protons at the center of the atom and the electron haze, which, proportionately, is very far away. It's packed with information! It's packed with physics. There's matter there that you cannot see; some of it we will even call "spiritual matter." Your interdimensional awareness is yet to manifest itself. You still look at everything in a linear fashion within your four-dimensional reality. So when you take a look at the mathematics at the center of the atom, you only see what four dimensions will tell you is there. You will not see what is really there.

Pretend you're still a proton, taking that long journey to find your tiny friends, the fast-moving electrons, who you know are circling. Apparently, you will "see" nothing until you finally reach the outside circle where they're whizzing around. However, you're actually beginning to "see" something in this vast void in your journey from the middle of the atom to its outside circumference: You're beginning to "see" other dimensions! They show themselves at first as "shadows" that vibrate. Now, this is a fantasy voyage, correct? Yes. However, I just gave science a hint about what interdimensionality may look like as your science begins to broach the visualization of it as well.

There's more. I just took you on a trip to the center of a simple atom and told you that there's far more there for you to see than how it appears in 4D. Let me give you a prediction: Scientists will begin to understand this on a grander scale as they continue to look at the Universe. There's something missing within the energy measurement of "everything that should be there" for the motion and scope to exist as you see it. So what's missing? Why can't you see it? Already scientists are postulating the possibility of dark matter. This would be matter you can't see, but which must exist to enable the energy equation to be balanced. No one has said anything about interdimensionality yet, but they will. They have to, for the elegance of the math eventually will show them very clearly that perhaps what's going on in the Universe is interdimensional in its scope. What's missing in their energy computations is very real interdimensional matter.

Who said that the cosmic lattice was linear? Who said that the energy that you can't see follows the same paradigm as what you can see? Science will begin to look for missing dimensions to explain missing energy! And it's about time. And that's the way of it. So it's time to reveal the shape of the Universe, and the push/pull action within dimensional shifts that cause your Universe to do what it does, and show you what it does. Many of the things that you continually observe are hints of it, but they're misinterpreted.

In four dimensions, your physics makes a lot of sense. When you step out of 4D and become interdimensional, however, all those logical rules of physics change. We even told you the last time we were here that when you get small enough, the laws of basic physics changes, too. It also changes when you get very large. It also changes with time frames. Stay with me here, for this will be simplified in a moment.

The Speed of Light -- Discarding a rule of physics

Before we get into the puzzle of the actual shape of the Universe, I have another prediction. In order to give it, however, I have to lay the groundwork. Let me engage in some plain talk here. I'll give you one of the postulates of your modern scientific thinking: The speed of light is absolute, and everything, speed-wise, is measured against it, since it's the fastest thing you can see or measure. It has become a yardstick of astronomy and a standard. The idea of "time" being variable (and it is) is also dependent upon how fast you travel. All of this has become your reality using that magic number, the speed of light. Watch for this; it's going to happen. There's going to come a time when there's an acknowledgment that the speed of light is variable! The reality is that it is indeed different all over the Universe depending on the dimensionality attributes of where it's being measured. There are many speeds of light, and it depends upon where you're standing and what you're looking at.

Now, this statement is at considerable odds with almost everything that you've learned, and with almost everything that has been postulated about the way things work. So the idea won't come easy, or fast. But it has to come. It also messes up the distance measurements in astronomy, but it's about time. Look for it -- it's just around the corner. Some will start to issue the proclamations that the speed of light must be variable for things to be the new way you're seeing them. As the eyes of your astronomers get better (meaning the equipment), so it will be that you will have to change the reasons behind what you're seeing. Look for postulates of multidimensional areas in space, and also postulates of light changing its speed from place to place, depending upon the formula around localized reality, especially the time frame. By the way, this will also begin to explain why there was no "big bang," but instead, a "big revelation." Again, I ask you this: When unseen things become seen, does that mean that they didn't exist before you saw them? Think about it.

Your science gave you the postulate that when you travel almost at the speed of light, your time changes. So work that backwards: What happens to the speed of light when you change your time instead? It works both ways, and magnetics and gravity play the role of changing time.

The Shape of the Universe

We'd like to explain the shape of the Universe to you. This becomes difficult, and again we'll say this: In scientific discussions of this nature, I can't give you interdimensional information within a single-digit reality. There's no way I can present to you the way it is without giving you oversimplified metaphors and analogies. Some of you will understand this despite the fact that you're functioning within a single-digit dimension with a metaphor that's only true to a certain extent. There have been those who would say, "What is the shape of the Universe?" The shape of the Universe, in your dimension, looks like a toroid. Now, for those of you who do not know what a toroid is, it's a shape that looks like a tire or a doughnut. Within any 4D toroidal shape, there are mathematical relationships that are unique. These relationships have to do with efficiency and distance, and you're also going to find them (the relationships and toroidal shapes) within your DNA. This is only to say that the macro is similar to the micro within nature, as you observe it. This is no accident. We invite you to study why this might be.

So I've just given you the shape of the Universe, but it hasn't helped you one bit. Even so, now I'm going to complicate it. The Universe as you know it is pasted upon the inside and the outside of this toroidal tube. You look out and see the Universe as a shape that suits your expected reality. You don't see the curves, since light is supposed to travel in a straight line. It doesn't... it never has. In an interdimensional paradigm, you could be looking at something where the light from an object comes to you through a convoluted, twisting path, but within your 4D reality, you would swear that it was a "straight shot" to the object, since this is what you expect to see. The truth lies within a scope of reality outside what you expect or have experienced, so it's tough to describe it to you.

Now, in a closed, contained 4D shape like a toroid, there's no path from the inside to the outside. (Think of it as a closed pipe in a circle, with the ends connected together.) Yet, I've just told you that your Universe exists on both the inside and outside surfaces at once. So you might go to a model of a toroid and examine it to see how this might work... to have something on the surface of the inside and the outside at the same time. However, there's nothing you can do in 4D to create that path, even if you snip the toroid, straighten it out, and experiment with reconnecting the ends in clever ways. But no matter what you do, the inside surface always ends up connecting to itself, and the outside attributes are the same... no matter how many times you might twist and turn the ends and reconnect them. And here's where it gets very strange and interdimensional. We'll describe how it works, but you won't understand it.

Some of you understand the attributes of a M?bius strip. We've discussed this before. A M?bius strip is a ribbon, except that it's been snipped with a half-twist and re-pasted together. This creates an interesting situation. If you consider the ribbon as a road, you can travel this ribbon and walk and walk, eventually walking on what used to be both the inside and outside surfaces of that ribbon. It's a very efficient shape. This M?bius strip is a well-known phenomenon in mathematics and physics.

Now, what I'm going to tell you makes no sense at all. Nothing will make sense from here on in 4D. You've never heard of a M?bius toroid, have you? Well, that's exactly the attribute of the interdimensional toroid that is your Universe. Multidimensional physics is different from your 4D physics. It allows for paths and portals outside of your linear thinking, and it seems to allow for objects (and light) to be in two places at the same time. They're not, but when you take away linear time, it looks that way to you.

Let me give you an example. You're used to linearity and to the elements around you behaving in a certain way every day. When you sat on the chair tonight [speaking of the seminar in a hotel], you knew its shape. You knew that it would support you. You knew how to pick it up and put it in a stack, if need be, for storage. These are the kinds of things you're used to. But what if I told you that there's a situation where you could place the chair on the top of a chair-stack, and it would become the bottom chair! That doesn't make sense, does it? You can't have matter going through matter. You can't have things connected to other things that "go through themselves." Not in 4D, anyway. Let me tell you why the chair really stays on the top in your reality. It's because you placed it there last. It has less to do with the fact that it's solid, as the linearity of the time frame it's part of. In interdimensional things, their "place" in the Universe is often driven by the time frame. Objects in the "now" always think they're together, even if you think they're galaxies apart!

Your reality contains two attributes that are strongly interdimensional. Both violate the rules of 4D physics, only because you don't know what the actual rules are yet. The two things are gravity and magnetism. Isn't it true that gravity goes through everything? It doesn't seem to matter what you have, or what element you present, gravity always wins [affects the object], if you've noticed. Gravity is an interdimensional force that's related to time and the shape of the Universe itself. It's actually very related to the toroid. It goes through everything, almost as though your dimension was invisible to it.

Magnetism, to some degree, does the same thing. In your reality, magnetism is the basis for all of your broadcasting. You broadcast a modulated magnetic frequency, and it goes through buildings, through walls, and most objects, and it comes right into your home. If you have a receiver, you can manifest what it contains in your reality. It's an interdimensional thing, this magnetics... just like gravity.

Your science still doesn't understand either one, so apply these principles to what I'm about to show you, metaphorically. The shape of the Universe is upon the inside and the outside of a toroid, yet they're connected in a way you cannot visualize in your four-dimensional mind. Think of your Universe as having the same attributes of gravity and magnetism, which seem to be able to permeate almost everything. With that in mind, the pieces and parts might be like the chair that somehow goes to the bottom of the stack, even when placed on the stack last. It goes through the others because there are rules of interdimensional physics that demand that it find its true universal location based on things other than what you think they should in 4D linearity.

Universal Distances

Here's something you can visualize that may help you understand what I'll call the deception of one dimension looking at another. I'm going to show you how the Universe isn't really that big.

Take this toroid we've created in our metaphor, and visualize it. Now, change the metal-pipe scenario to one of soft cloth. The toroid is now flexible. Take scissors and cut it anywhere you want. Straighten it out so it's a tube, like a tube sock. Make it big enough so that you could put your hand inside.

Reach in through the tube, and grab the other end and pull it through. Visualize doing this many times from each side until, instead of a pipe that used to be a tube sock, you now have collapsed it until it's a fraction of its original size and shape through pulling the ends through the sock many times. When you're finished with that, cleverly connect the ends again. You can do it. It's not that hard. You can wrap one end over and connect it to the one inside. Question: Is it still a toroid? The answer: Yes. The shape is the shape, and it has only been modified in three dimensions. Also, it still contains the mathematical "magic" of the toroid, only it's now collapsed.

Now, let me take you to the middle of this collapsed toroid for a moment. You're the size of a molecule, inside the sock. Metaphorically, there you are in a special Universe, vast beyond belief, yet layered and collapsed. If you begin to "walk" the surface of the toroid (inside or outside), you'll still have to walk and walk and walk to make one full round-trip journey, even though the sock is collapsed. Why do that when the adjacent layer is only a fraction of an inch away? The answer? You can't get through the layers. You can't even see through the layers to know where you are. So you're stuck with walking and walking and walking to get anywhere at all.

What we're telling you is this. Your science and logical observation tells you that you're literally hundreds of millions of light years away from objects. But what if this is an illusion, and a multidimensional Universe has attributes of the model tube sock? Could it be that what appears to be a linear 100-million light-year trip might be next door? The answer is a positive and strong "yes." Although difficult to conceive of, yes, the vastness is real, just like the perception of the molecule that believes it has to walk the entire interior of the sock to get where it wants to go. The universal shape is also curved in such a way that there's a predictable and mathematical way of broaching the "wall" (just like gravity does), that allows you to jump to other parts of the sock's inner and outer surfaces.

That is the shape of the Universe. Now, however, let me give you some more information about "broaching the wall" between the layers of the collapsed toroid (are you still with me?). The Universe is a push/pull arrangement of energy. It's constantly creating itself. It's never destroying itself, but rather simply moving between dimensions in an arrangement where time and magnetism and gravity demand that it rebalance itself. There are facilities within the Universe to take away and replenish matter. Entire galaxies may seem to disappear and come back (as viewed from one dimensional paradigm). Dimensional shift is therefore the engine of your Universe, and all that you currently see in 4D. It's responsible for what you feel is the beginning of your Universe, although it doesn't have anything to do with a "bang," What you call "black holes," which are present at the center of every galaxy, are part of the engine of dimensional shift. They are the portals that broach the walls of the tube sock. We've also told you that in each galaxy center, there are at least two black holes. They always come in pairs, and one pushes and one pulls. Only one, however, is obvious to you. The other one belongs to the other side of the wall and hides. However, you'll see it soon.

Dimensional shift is also the engine of The Cosmic Lattice. You're becoming interdimensional, Human Being, because you've shifted your reality on your own planet. You are the only creatures in the Universe who are in duality, but also able to change your planet's dimension! Many can change it with machinery and for travel, but only you can change your entire reality scenario.

Let me give you another hint about the mechanics of your Universe. We've talked about gamma-ray activity for almost a decade. We told you to "look for intense gamma-ray activity." We told you that when you see it, you'll know that there's creation going on -- something special happening. Now we identify this as dimensional shift. It's always accompanied by powerful gamma rays, specifically of extreme high intensity. This is an attribute of dimensional shift, and also tells you that something is happening. You see this at the edge of your galaxy, and you know that something is changing there. It's a "mini-big bang," if you want to use your own terms. It's part of a constantly changing Universe, one that's moving in a push/pull fashion.

Although it may seem to be billions of light years away, it isn't. It's really in your backyard, but you're never in danger of having a collapse of time around you, or a new Universe showing up in your solar system. The physics of it keeps it separate and in its own time frame. This also means that the "center" of the Universe is everywhere.

The Zero

There will come a day when your science will honor the zero within your coming interdimensional math. Right now, you see the zero as nothing. Some have said, "Well, we know that zero doesn't really mean nothing. We think that an interdimensional zero will be infinity. That's what a zero is." No, it isn't.

We've told you about 12-based math for over a decade. The elegance of it will astonish you, especially its computational simplicity. It's the only math that "shakes hands" with nature. You cannot consider 12-based math without making the zero an integer of special value. It cannot be a placeholder; it cannot be "nothing," and it doesn't represent infinity. Again we'll tell you this: The zero is the magic of interdimensional math. It's the magic of base-12.

The zero is the potential of all that ever was, is, or can be. It's the "now" of universal math. It represents potential, or an energy of possibility. Therefore, the zero is variable depending upon the equation. You're not used to this. You're used to mathematical equations being empirical, and you wish that to remain. But it can't be that way when you begin to compute outside of linearity. Within that scheme is revealed the elegance of the math. The zero removes what is not needed, and reveals the solution. It becomes the facilitator of the reality of the puzzle itself, and is often the core number. We don't expect you to fully understand this. In fact, we don't expect any understanding at all. Not yet.

Q&A [6] (http://kryon.com/inspiritmag/archives/Q-A%20archives/2004-Q&A/Q&A-1rstquarter04.html)

QUESTION (36): You mentioned that the flow of charged particles interacting orthogonally with a magnetic field can induce zero and magnetic mass. (I hope I got this right.) Could you kindly elaborate more, and hopefully predict when we can expect this kind of technology?

ANSWER: The creation of massless objects (what you call anti-gravity) is the insertion of specific multiple dimensional attributes within 4D. It can be done when you understand some very specific and easily accomplished relationships of magnetic fields within magnetic fields. We told you to look for clever ways of spinning fields within fields, and attuning them to certain levels of gauss. These are definitely "designer fields" and not stray ones, and they must "see" each other in a certain way. When you do that, suddenly you get a massless object. If you do it inside an object and follow some specific alignments, the object itself will become massless. You can also "steer" it with the very magnetics being used to create the massless attribute. But the "steering" is about "where in space" it must exist, rather than what you consider "turning left or right."

There are only a few scientists on Earth right now who could read this and relate to my next statement: The "magic" of a massless object is contained in the energy artifacts of what's remaining after magnetics voids magnetics. These artifacts of energy are interdimensional gold (as far as you're concerned), meaning that they're the essence of what you're looking for, and what they contain is what will change the "rules" of your physics, causing you to revamp your understanding of matter.

Know that even interdimensionality can exist in 4D (gravity and magnetics are examples), yet be part of your system of 4D physics. But they remain only reactive physics, in that all you can do is see what happens around them. The magic will happen when you can begin to understand what actually creates them, and manipulate that. Then you begin to see beyond the 4D, and begin to manipulate the attributes of the other dimensions and get reactions.

All dimensions are in your lap for you to work with. There's nothing hiding, or against some spiritual law. Magnetics is only the first area of interdimensional physics, but it's the most obvious, since it exists in 4D in a way that can be seen and manipulated. Be careful not to have too many presuppositions about what might or might not be the results of experiments. Remember one of the most basic quantum rules: When you get into interdimensionality, distance isn't a factor.

Q&A [7] (http://kryon.com/inspiritmag/archives/Q-A%20archives/2004-Q&A/Q&A-2ndquarter04.html)

QUESTION (22): Could you provide new information about the effects of electromagnetic fields applied to inert gases and how these effects are connected to The Cosmic Lattice?

ANSWER: Remember, there's a big difference between actually magnetizing a gas, and having a gas react to a magnetic field. Inert gases such as helium and krypton, among others, are valuable in magnetic devices since they can be "pushed around." This is really not a direct link to The Cosmic Lattice.

The real link to The Cosmic Lattice lies in a yet-to-be-built (on this planet) device that must create magnetic fields in very specific relationships to each other, then fine-tuned. This almost demands that you use a gas that can actually be magnetized (hold a charge like a magnet -- a residual magnetizing field). At the moment, this is cesium gas. For hints about this, we again ask you to look at entanglement, and also don't make any judgments about what temperature this gas has to be or not. When done correctly, these fine-tuned multiple magnetic fields will create an interdimensional attribute that will force The Cosmic Lattice to be involved. Think... propulsion without gravitational influence.

The Transit of Venus -- the Great Gift [8] (http://kryon.com/k_chanelshastaA04.html)

Let's start with magnetism and gravity. These are the two little-understood forces on the earth that are profoundly interdimensional. They're only understood by science within the context of what's observed and then built around the observations. Almost everything science does with magnetism and gravity is simply invention around a known force. A true understanding of them would allow the forces to be manipulated and controlled. Nothing like that has ever happened with either, and it won't until "mathematical interdimensional engines" are conceived and built.

Let me tell you something that I've never stated before. These two forces exist as partners; they must exist together and are a part of each other. No one has really defined GRAVITY. It's very difficult because it's interdimensional. You would have to understand the time-scape [the time posturing that gravity depends on] to fully understand what gravity is. Gravity is THE RESPONSE TO MATTER IN A TIME FRAME. That's all it is. It has less to do with matter and more to do with time than you realize. Magnetism is its partner, and both are a part of the pieces of a larger picture that is interdimensional, but a staple of the Universe's existence.

Q&A [9] (http://kryon.com/inspiritmag/archives/Q-A%20archives/2005-Q&A/Q&A-2ndquarter05.html)

QUESTION (22): I was wondering if scalar waves are really "flat magnetic waves." I don't think that's correct, it seems to be that the scalar waves are not "longitudinal" at all.

ANSWER: Scalar waves are interdimensional artifacts of magnetic waves relating to gravity. They're not understood by anyone on the planet. They can also be very dangerous due to their ability to synchronize vibrationally with physical attributes around them.

They can also be used for profound things, such as healing and communication and the transmission of electricity and other energy modalities through many substances. Such is the way of science -- that core physics can be used as a weapon or a healing mode. This requires free choice and wisdom to decide which it will be.

QUESTION (32): I was wondering about an effect called magnetic reconnection. Current science believes that the lines of force just reconnect to polarities of magnetic fields after being separated and attracted . To me this seems incorrect. My idea is that when magnetic reconnection occurs, this creates a polarized circle loop. Then this field collapses upon itself going interdimensional. The end energies of the polarized lines of magnetic fields then reconnect, but after a portion of energy "disappears," energy particles going near light speed are also observed. I don't believe that these particles are pushed as much as they're pulled along as an after-effect of the collapsed fields.

ANSWER: Your theory is very close to the actuality of the physics. Magnetics is really an engine of force. It indeed is a circle, and this provides the ongoing energy you see within a magnetic field. The invisible lines of force that seem to disconnect and reconnect are in a quantum state. This state requires that the energy goes far faster than the speed of light, and reconnect instantly no matter the distance. When it goes interdimensional, it's in an entangled state, and is actually only disconnected to the perception of the 3D viewer. Gravity has some of these same attributes, for it is an "engine" also.

Keep up with your thinking, for it's on the right track. Interdimensionality is a very, very difficult concept to plot out with your logic, so think out of the paradigm of straight lines or patterned influences of force. That's only what you see magnetics do in 3D.

Invisible Things [10] (http://kryon.com/k_chanelShasta05.html)

Now put on those fun interdimensional glasses and I'll tell you there's no space between the nucleus and the electron haze. Instead, there's a PROCESS and it's filled with something that you have no name for whatsoever, and we don't either. You're going to have to come upon it all by yourself, but it's the name of a partnership of two energies called Magnetism and Gravity. And these two brother-energies are absolutely inseparable. You'll never find one without the other.

Here on Earth, your scientists have labeled two major forces on the planet magnetism and gravity. This is incorrect. There's one force with two attributes, but you don't see it that way yet, since you're not totally aware of the process. "Let's study magnetism," some might say. Or, "Let's study gravity." You can't study one without studying the other. Experiments with one trigger the other. Sometimes what happens in the experiments isn't understood and they say, "Well, that's odd. We just can't understand what's going on here." This is due to the fact that the scientists are trying to separate a PROCESS. They want to put gravity and magnetism in separate boxes, but they can't do that.

Magnetism and gravity are inseparable, and when you see anomalies in one, the other is what's causing it. It's an invisible process, you know? Experiments with magnetism will alter gravity and change the phase displacement of matter itself! Distance parameters change, and so does time. But your linear minds keep you from seeing the process. It's invisible to you.

Let me give you an example that perhaps you haven't considered about a process. It's something very common -- invisible, yet very powerful. Your children often play with toy "bar" magnets. Two of them together make a wonderful child's toy. When you take the two bar magnets, each several inches long, and you connect them in one position, you can hardly get them apart! Pull with all your might. "They're stuck together!" you might exclaim. Yet in another alignment, they push -- repel -- one another with so much force you can't put them together, no matter how hard you push. With these two forces at work, you can have a lot of fun. Recreationally, you find all manner of things to do with this force. Some of you have toys on your desks where objects are forever suspended between the positive and the negative polls of a large magnet. They seem to float in midair.

Now has anybody asked, "What's causing this?" A child would look at the scenario these days and say, "Where are the batteries? And how often do you have to replace them?" Then the adult might reply, "Well, there are no batteries and you never have to replace them since the power is forever." That's when the child might look up you and say, "Well, where's the power coming from?" Even children realize this! Think about it. What would cause such a constant force... an attraction or repulsion of that strength for all your life, and beyond? Did you ever consider this? Nothing's connected to it, there's no batteries, it's not plugged into the wall, and yet it's physically powerful and you can see it and feel it with your own eyes and body anytime you wish. Are you perhaps seeing a PROCESS? Invisible?

How many of you have ever thought about that specific power? I'll tell you what it is: It's a process of magnetism and gravity. These overlap to create an interaction where anomalies in both fields are created, which unbalance the cosmic lattice just enough to pull from seeming nothing, physical power [force] from the universe. If the force is large enough, it can actually change distance, time, and matter attributes (the space between the nucleus of an atom and the electron haze). It's interdimensional power, and it's forever! You want to see an energy-free engine? Look at two bar magnets! It doesn't get better than that. It also doesn't get more simple than that. No working parts. Free energy forever. Did you ever think about that?

Oh, the physicists will say, "You can't get something for nothing. There's always a trade-off." They're right about that. They have formulas discussing it and describing it, but they don't know where the power comes from, and they really don't know the "trade-off." It's not "something for nothing." It's part of a giant engine that's always ready to be tapped for power, and which has "trading" attributes in place that replace it instantly from a source that is the constant of the Universe. That means that somehow, somewhere, even the force of a simple bar-magnet is being replaced within the universe through these universal "laws" of physics.

Let me tell you a little more about the engine of magnetics, since we're talking about this very thing. Think of your earth and the north and south poles, which are just like the magnets. What are the attributes of this engine? Some have asked for scientific information about this. They ask, "Is there a some kind of connection between the north and the south pole energy perhaps, that you can't really see?" And the answer is absolutely yes! There's an interdimensional reconnection that you can't see, but which is as thick as anything you can imagine. Many of you don't care to understand this so I'll make it very simple and very quick. Between the poles of any magnetic field, there's an engine that is interdimensional and always "on." Between the poles is a PROCESS, not empty space. In the case of your earth, it's YOU who are sitting within the process [between the poles], and that is the secret to why the magnetics of earth relate to your biology and your DNA. You have already seen the "force" of the magnets. So how about now you begin to admit that perhaps this invisible force carries with it something for you?

Think of it: Seeming power out of nothing. That's pure science, and even the child's toy shows it. Now we'll give you one more to think about. You compartmentalize light, sound, and color. You say "Oh, it's beautiful," and then you assign the colors to certain things and the lights to other things, and the sounds to yet other things -- never understanding that every single thing on the planet has all three! They're integrated as one, and you can't mention anything on the earth that doesn't have all three. Yet you separate the study of them.

Oh, you could look at them independently if you chose to. But that would be like going to the symphony orchestra and asking to listen to one violin, while the rest of the orchestra plays without you hearing it. Why would you do that when the choir and the orchestra is so profound? Why would you isolate out one attribute and say, "Well, let's just study the one thing and ignore all the others." That's because you can't hear and see and appreciate the others. Why? Because they're often invisible to your perception.

"Are you telling us that ordinary things have light in them?" Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you. Did you think light was its own energy? Did you consider that it might be an actual building block of matter, part of a process? You have yet to discover this. And when you do there's going to be an uproar. And the news will be, "Well, it seems as though we don't really truly understand matter at all, since we're finding light in all of it."

Do the experiments to see if I'm telling you the truth. You'll find light in all matter, even a rock! Oh, it may be subtle, but it's there. We challenge your scientists to find light-tight chambers where you can place ordinary objects. Then dissect them, open them up if you wish. With ultra-sensitive light instruments, leave them in there for a week or a month... or more. With a highly sensitive photographic plate, collect the photons that might escape from this rock within total blackness. I guarantee that when you pull them out of that chamber and develop that film, you'll find there's light in the rock! And if you want to start analyzing that light, you'll find a vibration that doesn't make any sense: It's way too high for what you might expect.

That new vibration is actually a color! When you start talking about very high vibrations you don't think about colors because it's beyond Human sight. Oh, but it's there in OUR sight, and it's beautiful. How do I know? Because I'm looking at it! I'm looking at you and you're beautiful. Everything has light. There are attributes of light that you have yet to measure or understand, but all vibration is a color and sound. What an orchestra! What a sound, light makes. You see, light is always sound, too, but you don't HEAR it, do you. I do, and you do, too, when you're not in Human form.

Who among you has heard light lately? Many doubt me. Watch for this: Someday your science is going to show that DNA actually sings! Instruments will show that DNA sings [has vibrations of sound] and you're going to say, "Wow, this sounds like something you told us." Why don't you save some energy and simply believe it now instead of waiting for your scientists to tell it to you? Is it because it's invisible? Well so is magnetism and gravity. I'm telling you that some of these things that I'm discussing this minute are very close to discovery.

Physics and Science [11] (http://kryon.com/k_chanelshasta_2_07.html)

[1] The Cosmic Lattice (Part I)  (Book VII 342-353)  New Hampshire 11/1997
The Kryon Writings -- Letters from Home. 1999. ISBN 1-888053-12-7

[2] The Cosmic Lattice (Part II)  (Book VII 354-372)  New Hampshire 11/1998
The Kryon Writings -- Letters from Home. 1999. ISBN 1-888053-12-7

[3] Passing the Marker  (Book VIII 132-155)  New Hampshire 11/1999
The Kryon Writings -- Passing the Marker. 2000. ISBN 1-888053-11-9

[4] What's Happening?  New Hampshire 11/2002

[5] The Interdimensional Universe  New Jersey 11/2003

[6] Questions & Answers  Q1/2004
In the Spirit 2004 E-Magazine

[7] Questions & Answers  Q2/2004
In the Spirit 2004 E-Magazine

[8] The Venus Transit Gift  Mount Shasta 06/2004

[9] Questions & Answers  Q2/2005
In the Spirit 2005 E-Magazine

[10] Invisible Things  Mount Shasta 06/2005

[11] Physics to the Max  Mount Shasta 06/2007
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 24, 2008, 03:51:26 PM
QuoteHD    just so I understand, you were powering 200 watts with 40watts ? Cnet

No, perhaps I wasn't clear, the device controls power from the mains it does not produce power. This technique is now considered obsolete with the advent of solid state devices, but it is very robust and can teach a person how inductors react when saturated. I think it is neat because of its elegant simplicity. Light dimmers will outperform them in some areas like maximum power  vs weight, but saturable core inductors have other interesting features. No OU here, sorry.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 24, 2008, 05:15:26 PM
HD thanks
Orbs   Do you have an instruction manual for tapping the energy of the cosmic lattice ?  soma sort of info to get a guy started ?   Chet
Title: Cosmic Lattice
Post by: orbs on August 24, 2008, 05:44:53 PM
Quote from: ramset on August 24, 2008, 05:15:26 PMDo you have an instruction manual for tapping the energy of the cosmic lattice ?  soma sort of info to get a guy started ?

Unfortunately, I don't. However, the "even of very short distances" part above strikes me as very similar to how John Bedini explains his free energy generator. His monopole motor uses an uncommon magnetic field and he uses very sharp pulses, which could somehow produce a displacement of ions/electrons. My guess would be that there is the normal energy flow using ions/electrons and then the pulse "moves" them back a little (in space, but in time would look similar to us) in an instant to do the same work again.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 07:01:16 AM

   These below may help you to realize that maybe
it's just static energy and leaked waste energy in our
atmosphere, nothing else. The evaporation of water
for instance; along with radio and high voltage signals.

Free Energy, 90v, 200ma, 13watts (many in parallel)

Free Energy, 20volts, 27ma from an antenna

Free Energy, 2v to 3.5v from antenna
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: orbs on August 25, 2008, 07:32:50 AM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 07:01:16 AMThese below may help you to realize that maybe it's just static energy and leaked waste energy in our atmosphere, nothing else.

Thanks. However, I'd like to believe that some inventors were able to "extract" energy in unconventional ways before major power grid and RF networks existed.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 08:27:12 AM


  Besides the Babylonian vinegar battery, the only thing that comes
to mind is this guy, who could summon magnetic field to his coils,
psychic, yea right...


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 08:55:32 AM
If my memory serves me right, Wattsup went to see a Daniel Pomerlou demonstration and came away mystified.

Maybe he could chime in here and expand on what he saw. Or someone could paste his observations here.

QuoteThanks. However, I'd like to believe that some inventors were able to "extract" energy in unconventional ways before major power grid and RF networks existed.

Yeah I'd like to believe that too. McFarland Cook Coil, Roy T. Meyers Atmospheric Generator, Patents are available and give clear construction details in the patents

Post Grid:  Henry Moray, Lester Hendershot, Alfred Hubbard. construction plans fairly clear for Hendershot, but Moray and Hubbard not so clear. Almost forgot Steve Mark TPU still fairly cryptic but lots of hints.

Can anyone dig up more info on C.Earl Ammann? Interesting but only a very short story on line.

The above are all my favorites....Then there's Markovich?

Then all the flea power earth potential gradient devices, and High Q devices which capture existing radio signals.

The list can go on and on.

There is a huge amount of ELF (Extremely low frequency) EM energy passing through earth all the time. Measured in cycles per minute or cycles per hour. Hard to tap, wavelengths very long. Seems to be emanating from the center of our Galaxy.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: b0rg13 on August 25, 2008, 09:23:39 AM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 08:55:32 AM
If my memory serves me right, Wattsup went to see a Daniel Pomerlou demonstration and came away mystified.

Maybe he could chime in here and expand on what he saw. Or someone could paste his observations here.

Yeah I'd like to believe that too. McFarland Cook Coil, Roy T. Meyers Atmospheric Generator, Patents are available and give clear construction details in the patents

Post Grid:  Henry Moray, Lester Hendershot, Alfred Hubbard. construction plans fairly clear for Hendershot, but Moray and Hubbard not so clear. Almost forgot Steve Mark TPU still fairly cryptic but lots of hints.

Can anyone dig up more info on C.Earl Ammann? Interesting but only a very short story on line.

The above are all my favorites....Then there's Markovich?

Then all the flea power earth potential gradient devices, and High Q devices which capture existing radio signals.

The list can go on and on.

There is a huge amount of ELF (Extremely low frequency) EM energy passing through earth all the time. Measured in cycles per minute or cycles per hour. Hard to tap, wavelengths very long. Seems to be emanating from the center of our Galaxy.


( below should cover what your asking )

Witness: wattsup

On April 03, 2007, wattsup wrote (http://www.rexresearch.com/pomerleau/pomerleau.htm):
(Slightly edited)

As I indicated I would be at the April 1st 2007 demonstration given by Mr. Daniel Pomerleau, and so I was. And truly, nothing could have prepared me for what I witnessed during this magnificent 3 hour presentation on self running electric systems.

I went in with my DC ammeter and my trusty compass to detect the slightest magnetic field and with a rampant determination to find the source of his trickery. Someone else came in with his magnetic field meter which was a very sophisticated hand held device that gives out accurate readings. Someone else had a regular volt meter. We were about 50 people in all.

What I should have had was a whole arsenal of instruments in a sealed room with capabilities to do hyper magnetic sensing, Kirilian photography, body scan and an endless host of other devices, but for what. What can we really understand from this child minded adult of 51 years, that does not have a culpable bone in his body, that sees only the good in his fellow man, that can't even understand what a joke is or what sarcasm is, and who, since age 12 was marveled by his inborn power to control electricity and to put electrical power into unplugged, unconnected electrical objects.

There is nothing on this earth that can prepare you for such an event, as simple as it was, as non glamorous as it was, as low key on the intellectual end as it was, as crude as it was because of those around him not having the polished academic words or gestures. Beyond all this external criteria that one with ample knowledge of the world and of its workings would expect, there was such a simple, honest and direct exposure of a power in man that we all have, but have lost to our other senses and our mind.

There was also the open obvious fact that his surrounding help could never accumulate individually or as a group, enough technical and instrumental expertise to cause all these phenomena to happen using trickery. This is not a David Copperfield. This is straight forward, open, no tricks, amazing and worth seeing once in your life.

Mr. Pomerleau is an example of how humans could have evolved. But the way we live and think, it would be like if all humans weighed 1000 pounds each and he would be trying to show us how to high jump. We are so far into our minds, craving the concrete, looking for the obvious, that we will never be able to use his power for human kind.

He is just an autistic 51 year old adult with 40 years experience in child mind control over electric power. If we were in 1000 BC, we would probably make a huge statute of him and call him Daniel, the God of Electricity. One of his lines was, Man has discovered his science, but has neglected his conscience.

So what did I see, I'll save this for tomorrows post since I think until now, I still have to digest what I have witnessed. Now I'll go back to my mad scientists laboratory and continue tinkering with my next invention. Something we humans can use now, while I dream of the Pomerleau world of tomorrow were all will have enough, all the time.

- - - -

Stefan asked me to make a review of my visit to Daniels' demonstration to follow-up on my first post of my visit there.

Well, you have seen all the photos of open coils, half-hazardously wound and connected with so many others, all mounted on Plexiglass to show there was nothing else connected, showing small dc motors turning small propellers.

All in all the demonstration went through a myriad of these devices, all made in the same general method, no batteries, no exterior connections, no visible or measurable source of constant energy, but regardless, these devices turned on and off seemingly at the will of Daniel.

I was called to the front of the hall several times to measure amperage. Some readings were as follows;

Module #3: 8.6 vdc 2.3 amps
Module #6: 7.7 vdc 4.2 amps
Module #7: Started with mind control. I held the circuit in my hands while he turned it on and the although the on/off switch did not move. He did it from about 3 feet away with his hand held above our heads as if he was reaching into another dimension in space to control the switch. Very weird.
Module #9: 17 vdc 14.5 amps

Also, I held a small dc motor in my hand with just a small 3 inch length of twisted wire leading from each motor terminal to nowhere. Just open circuit. He turned the motor on while it was in my hands. The motor had no obvious manipulation marks such as unbent and re bent end pins, etc. Right out of my hand.

I could go on and on since the demo lasted three hours. But in general, this is it.

He also powered a hand drill, radio and some other devices.

Module #10 was one of his larger devices in the same set-up was producing 185 volts and lit a 100 watt bulb. He also put his tongue on the leads and did not get a shock, plus he lit a cigarette with the leads sparking when held together like a spark gap. Amazing.

So that's it. I do not want to get more heavily involved in Daniels' feats of amazement since that is what they are and there is no point to pursue this since you or I will NEVER be able to take advantage of his gift.

One last thing. The whole event was video taped by a woman who was centrally installed on a higher table located in the back of the room. Her camera was pointed to Daniel filming the whole demo. I did not think to ask to view the video or inspect the video camera at the end of the demo and this, in my view, is the only piece left unturned.

The only possibility of trickery could be the video camera was not really a video camera but a static gun or beam of some type that is concentrated and always aimed at or around Daniel. Is it possible that a video camera could be faked to emit some type of beam that hits the Plexiglass and that induces an electrical current therein. This is the only question I have unanswered. Maybe a microwave gun. I am saying this because they said they always video tape the events but they offer no video for sale. So what's the point.

Anyways, I would forget this as there is no OU answer for humanity here. Only a quagmire and potential waste of time and energy although a very deep curiosity indeed. Something like seeing the Elastic Man or the Hairy Woman at any good circus.

- - - -

On January 02, 2008, wattsup wrote (http://www.rexresearch.com/pomerleau/pomerleau.htm):
(Slightly edited)

I had one of his DC motors in my hand connected to nothing and it was turning full speed. Daniel even shut it off from a distance of about 4 feet away from me, then turned it on again.

The guy is a charm of a nice young minded man. I cannot answer as to how he does it. I only know he is not allowed to divulge how he is doing it. It could be faith.

But my aim was to witness and report an event in the manner that we at OU would expect one to do so under given circumstances. No recorder, no video, no photo. Just meters and sketch pad.

The bottom line is yes it is something remarkable, but so are many other guys doing tricks. It's always remarkable until you know how it works.

At OU we "try" to keep a clear head and concentrate on the value this has for humanity. Him trying to show us or explain to us how it works, if it is in the realm of the supernatural phenomena, would be like trying to show an elephant how to fly. Pointless. So the value for OU in the world as far as I can ascertain at this stage is nil, zero. With over 5 billion people on this rock, there is bound be be many aberrations and in my view Daniel is one of the top on the list.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: orbs on August 25, 2008, 10:06:15 AM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 08:27:12 AMpsychic, yea right...

No disrespect about the static energy links you posted. However, I don't expect the power grids to be very stable in the future as some of the incident during the past two years have already shown. In the long term I prefer to have own, completely independent power sources, which I'm personally more interested in (because I find it more exciting for me). That doesn't mean short-term relief is less important.

Probably most people are currently not willing to be in the same altered state of mind that Daniel Pomerleau is but I could imagine that his approach could become more easily accessible to others in the future without the current (social) limitations.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 25, 2008, 11:00:24 AM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 08:27:12 AM

  Besides the Babylonian vinegar battery, the only thing that comes
to mind is this guy, who could summon magnetic field to his coils,
psychic, yea right...



When logic goes bad:
He can power a 100 watts bulb with only "1 wire" (really amazing). 
Another product of when people 'think' they can understand.
A better guarantee is "A freemason will be elected president'.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 25, 2008, 11:04:22 AM
Quote from: giantkiller on August 25, 2008, 11:00:24 AM

A better guarantee is "A freemason will be elected president'.

LOL!  GK - You slay me with your piercing logic.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 25, 2008, 11:21:52 AM
HD earlier you mentioned Rotoverter I see they are able to run 3/4 hp motor with 120 watts  I also see the cavitation heater Comp [can't remember the name]  has stopped making water heaters [cost of elec] and is playing with other shearing/ cavitation applications. Do you think the rotoverter and cavitation/ shearing tech to make heat is cost effective?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 11:51:11 AM
QuoteI see they are able to run 3/4 hp motor with 120 watts

You can "
" a 3/4 HP AC synchronous induction motor on 120 watts if you don't load the shaft to 3/4 HP. With the shaft loaded, they would be getting quite an energy gain if the watts stayed at 120. 3/4 HP =559.2 Watts/120=COP=4.66, somebody correct this if I'm wrong.

I have only made a cursory examination of these devices. The rotoverter and cavitation type devices have been around a long time, but I don't have any positive data or test that they work. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable than I in this area  will post a yea or nay.

I'm a little familiar with some of the rotoverter pdf's but ????

Please do post positive engineering data and info, not videos of bulbs lighting, heresay, promo video's etc.

b0rg13: Thanks much for the Wattsup post on Pomerlou.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 11:58:14 AM
All Regulars here,

  What do you guys think will be the answer to a grid-less society? 
Solar, with the access used for hydrogen production provides a way
to both, store the solar energy; and to power your car.  He did this with
government grants.  He's claiming 500Volts DC and 10kwh from the solar.
Amps/watts? Could your TPU replace such solar panels in this video? 

Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki: 160% access energy during the day.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 25, 2008, 12:09:05 PM
On Rotoverters:



Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 11:58:14 AM
Could your TPU replace the solar panels in this video? 

I'm sure it could - if we ever figure it out.

Some purported devices tap the Earth Grid - which is supposed to possess monstrous amounts of energy that could power all the cities on the planet - if we ever figure it out.

Driving a car on the earth grid might prove difficult unless the system is portable like a TPU.

Who knows? - maybe one day.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 12:21:14 PM
Repeat request:

Can anyone dig up any new info on C.Earl Ammann? Sounds TPU like device but only very short old story on line.

                                                                      Mysterious Invention

"The Hubbard Energy Transformer" brought back to me exciting memories of another inventor. In 1918, while doing painting and decorating, I was hired to paper several bedrooms in a large two-story house. While at this work I went down to the back porch to pick up some materials. I happened to glance at the light meter and saw it was not moving.

I opened the fuse box and saw the main power fuses had been removed. It took only a minute to make sure the line had not been taped beyond the meter.

The only member of the family at home at the time was a young man in his early twenties [C. Earl Ammann]. I asked him, "Earl, where do you get your juice? I noticed it does not come from the power lines".

"Come along and I?ll show you", he said. He led me up to the attic. He placed some steel bars on a work table and picked up a coil which looked like a loose coupler. After placing the coils on the steel rods he touched the opposite terminal. The bell rang with great force, and there was quite a spark, too.

I picked up the coils to make sure there was no contact with other appliances. I could see right through them. There was no battery inside. The bell rang just as vigorously. The wire was iron.

In the basement Earl had what he called an Activator Transformer, the size of two fists, which had to be within 10 miles of the radius of the generator coils. The activator was not in contact with any visible wires or appliances. It was activated by the electric currents which surge around the earth and activate the compass needle. By cutting into these currents, earl said, we can obtain unlimited power.

A year later Earl demonstrated his Cosmo Electric Generator in Denver. He had placed two copper spheres on the front fenders of his car in pace of the headlights. From these copper spheres he obtained enough power to drive that old jalopy all over Denver as reported in the Denver Post at the time.

While Earl was demonstrating his invention all over the streets of Denver, the power had been cut off in the foothills. In spite of this, when he went to Washington DC shortly afterward to try to obtain a patent on his Cosmo Electric Generator, he found that charges had been filed against him claiming he had a device to steal power from the power lines.

K. H. Isselstein,
Spokane, WA
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 25, 2008, 12:22:57 PM
HD Grumpy's link does it all COP >18.7 ? [self run ? seem to be claiming that]   I was looking for the vid on the 3/4 hp motor[drill press 120 watts slightly more under load]  will post when I find it
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 25, 2008, 12:25:55 PM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 11:58:14 AM
All Regulars here,

  What do you guys think will be the answer to a grid-less society? 
Solar, with the access used for hydrogen production provides a way
to both, store the solar energy; and to power your car.  He did this with
government grants.  He's claiming 500Volts DC and 10kwh from the solar.
Amps/watts? Could your TPU replace such solar panels in this video? 

Solar hydrogen home Michael Strizki: 160% access energy during the day.


Pounding the ground places you inside the boundaries of slave mongers. If it wasn't oil it would be your mind. If it isn't already...

--giantkiller. I am here for different reasons.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 12:34:52 PM

Stick this up your A/C TPU:

Just a bit of humor,
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 12:47:10 PM
Re: rotoverter and panacea

Things get tricky if you haven't considered power factor in your measurements. I'm a little familiar with that site and their claims. There are lots of people trying to replicate, but COP> 18 should create a self runner with room to spare. This should be big big news.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 25, 2008, 12:53:22 PM
That old rascal power factor!!  well they claim to be petitioning their government [Austrailia] to make this mod LAW
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 25, 2008, 12:58:58 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 12:47:10 PM
Re: rotoverter and panacea

Things get tricky if you haven't considered power factor in your measurements. I'm a little familiar with that site and their claims. There are lots of people trying to replicate, but COP> 18 should create a self runner with room to spare. This should be big big news.

Yep, With all the hungry OU people around here this would overrun/override all threads here by now.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 25, 2008, 01:02:51 PM
Quote from: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 12:21:14 PM
Repeat request:

Can anyone dig up any new info on C.Earl Ammann? Sounds TPU like device but only very short old story on line.

                                                                      Mysterious Invention

"The Hubbard Energy Transformer" brought back to me exciting memories of another inventor. In 1918, while doing painting and decorating, I was hired to paper several bedrooms in a large two-story house. While at this work I went down to the back porch to pick up some materials. I happened to glance at the light meter and saw it was not moving.

I opened the fuse box and saw the main power fuses had been removed. It took only a minute to make sure the line had not been taped beyond the meter.

The only member of the family at home at the time was a young man in his early twenties [C. Earl Ammann]. I asked him, "Earl, where do you get your juice? I noticed it does not come from the power lines".

"Come along and I?ll show you", he said. He led me up to the attic. He placed some steel bars on a work table and picked up a coil which looked like a loose coupler. After placing the coils on the steel rods he touched the opposite terminal. The bell rang with great force, and there was quite a spark, too.

I picked up the coils to make sure there was no contact with other appliances. I could see right through them. There was no battery inside. The bell rang just as vigorously. The wire was iron.

In the basement Earl had what he called an Activator Transformer, the size of two fists, which had to be within 10 miles of the radius of the generator coils. The activator was not in contact with any visible wires or appliances. It was activated by the electric currents which surge around the earth and activate the compass needle. By cutting into these currents, earl said, we can obtain unlimited power.

A year later Earl demonstrated his Cosmo Electric Generator in Denver. He had placed two copper spheres on the front fenders of his car in pace of the headlights. From these copper spheres he obtained enough power to drive that old jalopy all over Denver as reported in the Denver Post at the time.

While Earl was demonstrating his invention all over the streets of Denver, the power had been cut off in the foothills. In spite of this, when he went to Washington DC shortly afterward to try to obtain a patent on his Cosmo Electric Generator, he found that charges had been filed against him claiming he had a device to steal power from the power lines.

K. H. Isselstein,
Spokane, WA

Additional article:

Denver Post (Monday, August 8, 1921)

Denver Man Invents Generator That
Takes Electricity From Air & Propels Automobile
Believes He has Apparatus that will Revolutionize Power & Lighting & Gives it a Test on Streets of City

Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air? Denver electrical experts say "yes", and the young inventor, C. Earl Ammann , Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an old automobile and running it about the city.

An atmospheric generator is the name of Ammann?s apparatus. It is a compact, cylindrical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top. Inside, Ammann says, is an arrangement of steel wires and minerals, so fixed as to draw the electricity from the air, condense it and utilize it for driving power.
The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle. There are said to be no batteries in the car. It propelled itself with remarkable speed at the touch of the foot, climbed hills and glided through a maze of traffic under easy control.

Careful To Conceal His Invention ~

When asked by skeptical persons if he had a storage battery concealed inside of the power cylinder, Ammann said:

"As badly as I would like to show the inside of my invention, I can?t, for I have not yet obtained the patent rights. It would be exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cylinder. I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights. When I return I will gladly show everything and I can only say, wait until then and time will tell.

  "I have bucked every law of the textbooks to perfect the invention. It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different, except that the electricity is derived from the air. It will run anywhere except under water.  

The automobile is only a simple test. The generator will light buildings, do away with steam turbines, and, in fact, propel any kind of engine motor".

J. N. Davis, the proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage company, at 921 East 14th Avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thorough study of the generator.

Electrical Man Has Faith In It ~

"I believe that Mr. Ammann has at least made the invention which will revolutionize power", Mr. Davis said. "Of course, we don?t know what is inside of the generator and the inventor would be foolish to show us. We have long known that certain minerals exist, which if properly arranged together, would furnish power. That, in substance, according to the blueprints of the invention, is the basis of the whole thing.

"If the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age. The electricity obtained from the air, first passing through the generator, would be available for any use". So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of his building for Mr. Ammann?s headquarters. Ammann, who is but 28 years old, came to Denver from Spokane, Washington. He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut Hotel.

From what little is available.  It sounds as though this device is able the pull energy from the Earth's ambiant aether field (which is kinetic - and not static - by the way).  Whatever the "minerals" do in combination with the steel wire sounds like the big secret.  I have heard that various fields of force - such as gravity - can be pulled in - but no one will say how this is accomplished.  It may be just a matter of "slowing it down" and that by doing so, it collects and the energy builds up.  Maybe his minerals are magnetite out of his back yard - LOL!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 25, 2008, 01:27:07 PM
HD @ you tube 'rotoverter energy saving device'  http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8060034688864982719&hl=en 
                                               3/4 hp drill press that runs on 120 watt solar panel towards end of vid
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 02:30:16 PM

Thanks for the rotoverter video link. I've watched quite a few rotoverter video's but not seen that one. Good luck to those guys., I wish them success. I will make a few comments and am open to correction.

1) Smaller, cheaper OEM motors naturally draw more idle current because manufacturers underdesign them and allow more waste amps in the form of heat, i.e thinner wire, more Ohms resistance, less efficient magnetic structure.

2) Larger expensive industrial motors (more efficient magnetic structure, more iron, thicker copper) will run more efficiently than the cheap motors because they are hardly loaded by something like a drill press load, whereas the cheap motor is closer to its rated power.

3) If you can afford the larger motor, by all means put it on your machinery, it will be a savings in electricity in the long run to your customer, but you will have to absorb the initial cost of the motor or  pass it on to your customer if you intend to stay in business..

4) Shown are fairly unrealistic loads considering the motor sizes.

5) Yes, you can reduce the idle current with a capacitor resonant setup, but what happens when the load increases close to maximum? This is not addressed.

Kudos to these guys anyway. I remember doing similar research with my three phase drill press setup a long time ago. Worked fine if you didn't try to really load the press.

I still want to see their self runner.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 25, 2008, 07:23:54 PM

I've tried the Rotoverter with many motor combos. No way. As soon as you start loading the prime mover, it stalls, creates alot of heat. Also very noisy. Also did RV with gearing systems, again, prime mover stalls. The only one who will have a fighting chance at prime mover / generator combos is Jack Hildenbrand who decided to make his own motor design and who should be getting his patent on it very soon thanks to guys on this forum who chipped in to help him out. Cross your fingers. Anything using standard, already non-efficient motors and generators will not work - in my book at least and the book cost multi-multi-thousands of dollars in motors, tests, time, you name it. Hey, otherwise packaged systems would be on the market already.

In the motor driven systems, the only one I did not try yet was the Chas Campbell flywheel set-up. I had proposed an alternate to this called the 3,6,9 wheel. Geez I was going to do this at the start of the year but things just kept happening and had worked on so many other types of set-ups. And I'll have to admit I am sort of tired of working with motors and gears, etc. Heavy, noisy and always ready to send you flying with a big flyback if you make a mistake in your start-up or stopping procedures. Mainly a pain. The most dangerous are the DC motors. I went up to 5hp. On the ac side I went up to 10hp with a 20hp generator.

Well the only other system that has in my view a good chance is Handyguys' Thingamajigger. Simple, but still noisy, but it works. I wonder if it could be done without magnets and without movement. That design would have the best chance of working as a motionless generator because it works without such a close coupling between the magnet and outer coils. I wonder where he is these days. I am surprised that there are not more people trying his design or variations of it.

Oh yeh, concerning power factor, I used to have a company in Canada that sold a whole line of Electronic Power Factor Correction systems that was patented then licensed by NASA to a few USA makers. I used to sell these to industry. The controls basically chopped off a percentage of the sine wave, proportional to the required load. Low loads, more chop, high loads less chop. But the main idea was not only to save electricity watt by watt, but most importantly to keep down the multiplication factor that will show the maximum power drawn in any 20 minute period during the month. This multiplication factor would then be used to multiply the total monthly watts used. So one wrong move during the month and you're paying much more. That's where the real savings were back then.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: TheOne on August 25, 2008, 09:01:09 PM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 07:01:16 AM

   These below may help you to realize that maybe
it's just static energy and leaked waste energy in our
atmosphere, nothing else. The evaporation of water
for instance; along with radio and high voltage signals.

Free Energy, 90v, 200ma, 13watts (many in parallel)

Free Energy, 20volts, 27ma from an antenna

Free Energy, 2v to 3.5v from antenna

I try this schematic, big 1/4" rod with 26" of coil using 18G, blacktape between the wire and rod, now my result.

I tried with an inverter and the wall socket. Both give me the same result, but not like the one on youtube. Since my wire is
different it could be the problem.

If the plug is not connected, I get nothing. When connected my volt meter result give -28mv and 28mv, well its oscillate from this 2 values. Since i cannot do anything with this voltage I am not sure how to measure the ohm from it, using a small resistor, Its seam to be higher then 10A because my meter show 1, so its hard to know what is going on exactly....

I will need a real amp meter one day!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 25, 2008, 10:40:14 PM

    I think that you may be using insulated wire for your
coil instead of magnetic wire.   Try magnetic wire, and
make sure that your brass tube is hot, and insulated
on both ends to the touch.



Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: TheOne on August 25, 2008, 10:44:11 PM
Hum my wire is like inside is copper and insulated with a tin red layer of enamel, is that magnet wire?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 25, 2008, 11:57:52 PM

Thanks for your input. I kinda felt things would go to hell when you load the motor. Running a motor with no load or very small load is whole different story, compared to full load. The videos are a bit misleading to be kind.

I was once called in as a consultant to solve a peak demand problem. Synchronization over time of contactors driving large kilns banged the electric meter and many $$$ in peak demand charges.

Thanks for your input BTW how do you feel about Daniel Pomerlou now that some time has passed.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 06:35:16 AM
Quote from: TheOne on August 25, 2008, 10:44:11 PM
RE: Free Energy, 90v, 200ma, 13watts (many in parallel)
RE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdup42Epq0o

Hum my wire is like inside is copper and insulated with a tin red layer of enamel, is that magnet wire?

   your coil wire sounds right, afterall.    Is your brass rod hot?   Do you have a camera?
Do not wrap the brass rod completely in electrical tape, just the exposed ends. 
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 09:36:16 AM
Here's another unethical free energy toy, image below.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: orbs on August 26, 2008, 10:25:28 AM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 09:36:16 AMHere's another unethical free energy toy, image below.

Well, maybe it's OK if you're using it to charge your cell phone...  ;)

But again dead end in the long term (of course, also depends on how long you actually intend to live here)...
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 10:55:16 AM
Maybe use it to charge a large battery to power lighting
after work, those new LED bulbs maybe, and possibly
some television.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 10:59:26 AM
Maybe use it to charge a large battery to power lighting
after work, those new LED bulbs maybe, and possibly
some television.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 26, 2008, 11:26:04 AM

Good question regarding Daniel Pomerleau (DP). Hmmmm. Let's see.

Snakes see the world as thermal information. We see the world as a simulated 3D through two 2D focals, bats see things as sonic ripples, the Eagle can see a chipmunk from a mile away, everything sees things the way they have to, to survive.

We only use 10% of our brain so there is 90% that is presently not used in our everyday conscious living and learning.

Presently on Earth, 99.9999999% of people use the same, or close to the same 10%. There is maybe 10% of the 10% that will vary. Some with their musical side, others with their mechanical side, others in science, others in comedy, etc. etc. So what if DP, being autistic makes him someone who is using that 1% via a totally different part of the brain. This permits him to see something more then us. He can see the energy fields of the earth, like when we see the Aurora Borealis moving and waving and pulsating continuously, he sees this around us and through us all the time.

Dr. Phil says "You can't fix something you do not acknowledge". So if you were like DP and could acknowledge the existence of and the visual reality of the Earth field, and by being totally adamant in the existence of this field, he learned that he can use his will to connect and direct more of these lines of energy that we, the other humans do not see. He learned day after day, year after year that he could create any coils and direct this energy to it and to electric objects. It is as is he picks a flowing strand of energy, sticks it on the coil and says "stay there". If he needs more power, he either picks multiple small strands or a larger strand, but he is pantomiming this gesture. When I had the motor in my hand and it was turning a full speed, he put his hand up in the air, probably cutting the energy strands that fed the motor, because it just stopped at his close gesture and started again at his open gesture. What was he seeing that we cannot see?

He learned of which mental attitudes decrease or disperse this energy and which mental attitudes increase or concentrate this energy. Sort of like other humans using bio-feedback to reduce body blood pressure and heart beat. HE LEARNED TO FOCUS THIS MENTAL ATTITUDE. He practiced, and practiced.

I have played classical guitar since age 12 and I have practiced many many long hours in my youth and I can play a very good guitar with nice picking. I love playing lead, base, drums and my specialty is just jamming for hours. I focused my attention of mental attitude to be able to do what I do with these instruments that in themselves are but dead matter, but in my hands, become a sound of delight. If DP practiced his art like I have practiced mine, then he is just naturally expressing it when he lays his hands to the task.

I want to believe that this is what DP does when he plays his coils.

What is the point in man being able to concentrate his mental attitude. You have a problem. Cross the river many times a day without getting wet. A bridge is born. Someone had to sit down and concentrate on the problem in order to find the answer. From mental thought and concentration there was put in motion the events that then materialized a bridge. But imagine the first time this man went to others and explained to them what a bridge was. They probably thought, no way in hell I'm going to get on that thing. lol

You can concentrate on how poor you are, and this is what you will materialize. You can concentrate on how rich you are, and this is what you will materialize. "You are" is more powerful then "you want". You are means you will always be. You want means you will always want. How we direct this attention is much more powerful then we can imagine. This is because it is so discrete that we do not realize we are the actual power behind all of this. One man dreams of twins towers and another dreams of putting them down.

We probably all have the hardwiring already inside our brains which is some of the other 90%, and it is soooooo powerful that evolution has assured our survival by letting us only discover an additional 1% every xxxx years, otherwise we would probably annihilate ourselves or the planet. Just 4,000 years ago man was drawing in 2D. Today we move in 3D virtual reality domains. Tomorrow we may discover the 4th dimension and how to use it.

We are lucky that DP is a good guy. Imagine if he was a bad guy. How much trouble could he be. News bulletin, the North Eastern grid blew again - lol. I think tremendous, if he was a bad guy. But I would hope that bad guys could never concentrate enough on such matters to have any such control over this power. Like playing the guitar, there has to be a certain level of abandon of oneself in order to transduce your being through another object.

One of his favorite sayings is "Man has found his science, but has lost his conscience."

Basically, I went to see DP with my science because this is mostly all we have to hold as concrete. So how do you measure conscience power then equate it to science power. Maybe in another 100 years, man will develop a new unit of energy called the DP which will be the measure of how much ether power a human brain can mentally concentrate around any given object.

Anyways, let's stop there.

Now back to work.

@IS gave me a great idea with his last tri-coil thingy. Get rid of those magnets. Just use those three primary coils, put them in a stator windings and pulse them in parallel. Using the @allcanadian circuit is the way to go.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: HEYDUDE on August 26, 2008, 12:11:06 PM
Wattsup , thanks for your update on DP.

Your ideas concur fully with mine on this subject, I too am an a old musucian guitar player etc. I had a vision once that it would be all mind over matter in the future, and our technology today would seem very primitive. The faith of a mustard seed, so to speak.

Regarding the above mentioned free energy devices, taking power from phone lines etc. I always ask myself what would be the consequences if everyone did it? You guessed it, your phone rates would go up to cover the cost, so in a way, you are not stealing power from the phone company, you are stealing from everyone else who will foot the bill eventually.

Cute, but unethical. Better to buy a solar panel and get off that kind of welfare.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: TheOne on August 26, 2008, 12:14:14 PM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 06:35:16 AM
   your coil wire sounds right, afterall.    Is your brass rod hot?   Do you have a camera?
Do not wrap the brass rod completely in electrical tape, just the exposed ends. 

My connection is like this:

The positive wire from the AC is touching one side of the stainless steel rod, I taped black tape all over the rod, on that, the magnet wire on all the surface less one inch on each side. The magnet wire is not connected (left) and the right side is connected on the positive side of the circuit.

I will take one photo tonight of the setup
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 26, 2008, 12:25:24 PM
Edgar Cayce falls into this subject matter also.

He hits his head and from then on can see a tremendously wider range of frequencies.

It is also like the mentally disabled children running the race in the special olympics. They go back and pick up the fallen one and cross the finish as a group. They have no sight of difference. Ouch on us.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 02:30:49 PM
Quote from: TheOne on August 26, 2008, 12:14:14 PM
My connection is like this:
The positive wire from the AC is touching one side of the stainless steel rod, I taped black tape all over the rod, on that, the magnet wire on all the surface less one inch on each side. The magnet wire is not connected (left) and the right side is connected on the positive side of the circuit.I will take one photo tonight of the setup

   Are you kidding me?  The instructions call for brass, no stainless. 
Do not insulate the entire rod, only tape the exposed ends of the rod.
Connect two hot rods with a jumper wire. Brass contains copper and
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 02:44:15 PM
  Many thanks for the DP followup and clarifications; and I agree. 
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 26, 2008, 04:34:40 PM
@ whatsup  ;) ;) ;D

i will be building  infact im almost done building this  ;)

i will post a pic today of this unit i built only 2 coil unit  used mot primaries removed from the steel crap a ferroite torroide inside it ....   hummmm

just finishing the driver board ....  i used a flip flop curcuit


pic soon

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: TheOne on August 26, 2008, 05:16:59 PM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 02:30:49 PM
   Are you kidding me?  The instructions call for brass, no stainless. 
Do not insulate the entire rod, only tape the exposed ends of the rod.
Connect two hot rods with a jumper wire. Brass contains copper and

Sound like I was not correct from the start! lol

Ok, can you show me a link of what the brass looks like, to be sure I buy the right stuffs! I was sure that a steel rod will be ok but its not lol. I wasted like 1h45 to wind this big coil!
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 05:51:54 PM

For Brass, do you have any neighbors or friends who do welding?   

****Do not put electrical tape on the entire rod or over the coils, but
only very last, on the exposed hot areas of the device.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: TheOne on August 26, 2008, 06:24:30 PM
I have 25' of flexible copper tube of 5/16", do you thing this could do the job?

Or the brass rod need to be filled with copper?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 26, 2008, 06:41:06 PM
Nice post and comments on DP fellows.....  Nice posts   Chet
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 07:23:42 PM
Quote from: TheOne on August 26, 2008, 06:24:30 PM
I have 25' of flexible copper tube of 5/16", do you thing this could do the job?
Or the brass rod need to be filled with copper?

  Use brass rod for best results.   
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 26, 2008, 07:31:00 PM
i made a mod to the last unit i displayed

my pic says enough

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 27, 2008, 07:58:22 AM
Quote from: TheOne on August 26, 2008, 06:24:30 PM
I have 25' of flexible copper tube of 5/16", do you thing this could do the job?
Or the brass rod need to be filled with copper?

   I was wrong about wrapping the brass rods.
Read Lorrie's NEW comments in the video, that you
do need to insulate the entire rod.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 27, 2008, 10:01:08 AM

Why so much magging around?

The more mag, the more energy you need to displace it, the bigger the primary coil will have to be.

I think we will need a new scale for magnetism, one being the gracious Tesla and two being a "persistence" scale for magnets. I would call persistence, the ability of the magnet to hold its flux vector against an opposing flux discharge.

On a scale form 1-10, 1 being the lowest persistence and 10 being the highest persistence, I would give your last photo a 7. Way to many magnets.

So here is what I mean.

If you had four magnets all made of the same material.
A: 1 Tesla with a volume of 4 cubic inches
B: 1/2 Tesla with a volume of 8 cubic inches
C: 1 Tesla with a volume of 1 cubic inch
D: 1/2 Tesla with a volume of 4 cubic inches

Placing them in order of persistence, from lowest to highest, I would say B - D - A - C.

If you "manage" to displace a persistent flux field, don't forget, it comes back free.

Those small round button Neos are damn persistent. I doubt if you can get a coil to displace it. They will just lock any potential for movement.
The other ones you are using are less powerful but you have too many around that coil.
Or at least you need to add spacers between the magnets and the coils. Some dielectric material.

But here is what I think will work. First, just get rid of the magnets and use only the secondary coil.

When you look at the original microwave transformer, or any other standard transformer, we have to understand that the energy transfer is not happening from the outside. It is happening from the center core portion. The outer part of the core is only making the field turn on itself, but the transfer happens from the center.

So I designed this insert that will fit inside the coil center.

This design replicates Handyguys' Thingamajigger without using any movement. We already know that moving his magnet, just up and down, with North on one side and South on the other side is producing overunity at the very low Hz he was using. Imagine doing this at very fast cycles. The design below is a dual-decker with both layers having the same North and South ends but the pulsing alternates between the red and green to simulate the up and down movement of the magnet field. That's it.

The core material for the insert can be wood or any other non-magnetic material. I would think that 10 turns of 18 awg per small coil is enough. The wind should be continuous from one coil to the next per layer end.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 27, 2008, 10:30:18 AM
@ whatsup im not shooting down any of your ideas ...

but you may be surprized .....how much this radiates.....

meaning when you strike the right freq that the massive feilds move easly  and at a distance from the source i do not claim any of my expairments to be correct they are my illusion .....

i get the same results with or with out the magnets as for the kick or flyback or re or bemf ok soooo

the magnets are not used to produce the original effect but to accelerate it   all that i have shown is only part of the whole you want to use the magnets as a generator.....  there for you need a  generator coil ....  wich my kicks will be sent through after conversion  and that engery will be accelerated  b4 it does the work

does this make any sence to anyone??

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 27, 2008, 11:17:52 AM

What are the two terms used when using sound to:

1. produce electricity

2. produce mechanical movement or levitation
(not necessarily magnets/steel). Acoustic levitation/projection?

I am familiar with the terms "thermoacoustics", "sonofusion".

Many Thanks,
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: gyulasun on August 27, 2008, 12:01:10 PM
1)  maybe    acoustic wave transducer  ?

for 2) I don't know   :(   

Edit:  or it is good for both
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 27, 2008, 01:26:34 PM
Hi group,

   I've been thinking about this all day, and I am feeling fairly certain
that the new witricity (wireless electricity) devices, when combined
as one, not wireless, may be the secret to the
Steven Marks Solid State Generator "Technology"

  Think about it, it's a device that merely transmits wireless alternating magnetic
field to a remote receiver coil.  Combine and make portable the entire device as one,
and you've got 120v SM-like, right? 

witrictity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH6U1eyrsHY


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 28, 2008, 12:40:42 AM

Look at this.

I took a coil from a small (well not that small - actually pretty fat format) 110vac fan motor, and by chance I tried to put my ferrite core bucking coil inside and it fit. lol

To my surprise, with just 4 manual pulses of 12vdc on the bucking coil, I got 46vdc in my cap tank off the coil.

This is very good action because this what I would call very pure transfer. Not like the dead stuff I see more often then not in my testing. This is something special and it touches upon my previous post of putting the primary inside the secondary. By putting it inside, when you pulse, there is no where else it can go but outwards into the secondary. The bucking coil is also providing one half side north, other half side, just as in the above. Plus I think the ferrite is making like a "weak" magnet, getting saturated only to the point where the primary pulse can move it around, again inside the secondary..

Now to put it in an @allcanadian circuit since I now have a good primary-secondary. I will also try it on my Erfinder circuit instead on my big bulky microwave transformer.

Removing the coil was a snap. Just drill the rivet heads and bingo, you have a nice coil in hand. lol


For others who are doing such testing on many coil types, I usually use the same testing method on most all my set-ups when I start so each change is noticeable because you are always comparing it to a known base performance. So it is good for you to set-up a standard testing method that you can use on all coils. Mine is mostly manual pulsing dc on the input side and putting a diode and big capacitor on the output side and measure voltage rise off that capacitor. I have tested quickly so many things in this manner and can therefore know when something is reacting much more then I would expect. Just to say it is not that hard to try and the more people that test things, the better chance we have of finding those with interesting results.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: b0rg13 on August 28, 2008, 01:39:49 AM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 27, 2008, 01:26:34 PM
Hi group,

   I've been thinking about this all day, and I am feeling fairly certain
that the new witricity (wireless electricity) devices, when combined
as one, not wireless, may be the secret to the
Steven Marks Solid State Generator "Technology"

  Think about it, it's a device that merely transmits wireless alternating magnetic
field to a remote receiver coil.  Combine and make portable the entire device as one,
and you've got 120v SM-like, right? 

witrictity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CH6U1eyrsHY



right, and have the item its powering power it back and close the loop, and just dial up the power you need?.. ill take two.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 28, 2008, 05:03:51 AM
Quote from: b0rg13 on August 28, 2008, 01:39:49 AM
right, and have the item its powering power it back and close the loop, and just dial up the power you need?.. ill take two.


  The trick may be to buy 10 units, and hack/crack it to use one
single transmitter..

  I suspect that the only juice it meters is strictly what's needed to
generate the magetic field, not the power consumption of the
remote device.  If so, that could have it's rewards.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: b0rg13 on August 28, 2008, 07:24:54 AM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 28, 2008, 05:03:51 AM

  The trick may be to buy 10 units, and hack/crack it to use one
single transmitter..

  I suspect that the only juice it meters is strictly what's needed to
generate the magetic field, not the power consumption of the
remote device.  If so, that could have it's rewards.


if i get this right i think your saying (I suspect that the only juice it meters is strictly what's needed to
generate the magetic field,),...so lets say only 60watts, or somthing ?.....

it could power a pm to pump out 5kw ..?..60watts could be looped back to the * insert device name* ?..
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 28, 2008, 11:42:46 AM
@ whatsup verry kool

i got a lil somthing i have been building...

your gonna love it ....  im tired of useing soooo much copper in my coils so i i made a big coil with less copper there will be 15 - 16 kick coils that will rotate ....

pic soon    ;D ;D


@ whatsup wanna help me build this ???   all input is welcome .. 

i built a test coil b4 i started this project to ensure i will get the results i desire ....  and i get enough kicks back to lite a 120v ac 25 w bulb half brightness from 15 vdc 1000 ma input

also i have come up with the ULTIMATE  FLUX  CAPASITOR DESIGN.....   

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: sirmikey1 on August 28, 2008, 11:51:46 AM
Quote from: b0rg13 on August 28, 2008, 07:24:54 AM
if i get this right i think your saying (I suspect that the only juice it meters is strictly what's needed to
generate the magetic field,),...so lets say only 60watts, or somthing ?..... it could power a pm to pump
out 5kw ..?..60watts could be looped back to the * insert device name* ?..

  I think we need to order a few units each and start hacking.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 28, 2008, 12:29:53 PM

No problem, let me know what it is.

Tonight I will connect mine to my circuit and see what happens. I have never had so fast action from manual pulsing as this is doing now so I hope the results will be good. Actually, any ferrite with a bucking coil then wind a secondary directly onto, or should I say over it and the center.

Maybe @EM can use a smaller format like this in his small miniTPU circuit.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 28, 2008, 12:51:50 PM
since i can not mod my last post here is my pic


there will be 2 pancakes 1 top and 1 bottom  and a center collector woven around the coils the center will be many many peices of speeker wire short ones ;) i may add a garden wire many strand core woven oppsite to the copper  after all this my original plan was to put a final wrap over the entire thing ..... :)

;)   90 deg.....
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 28, 2008, 01:14:43 PM
I would have used 14 or an even number of the perimeter coils for pulsing in pairs if need be. That way you can pulse any even number and increase the action on the center by equidistance. Enabling by odds is odd and will prove difficult.

But by the looks of your controller board you have 5 channels. So you can drive every third coil in parallel. That will be sweet.

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 28, 2008, 01:49:42 PM

;D ;D

5 channel 3 coils triangle config ....  faster rotating feild...

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: giantkiller on August 28, 2008, 04:18:36 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on August 28, 2008, 01:49:42 PM

;D ;D

5 channel 3 coils triangle config ....  faster rotating feild...


But your center coils have to have horizontal windings. 90 degrees to the flux. Like strumming a violin string.

Where did you get the controller? How many windings on the perimeter coils?

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 28, 2008, 05:08:10 PM
Quote from: giantkiller on August 28, 2008, 04:18:36 PM
But your center coils have to have horizontal windings. 90 degrees to the flux. Like strumming a violin string.

Where did you get the controller? How many windings on the perimeter coils?


bro my coils get 2 more windings yet... 1 90 deg to the 1 there also copper same gage the other garden wire  same 90 deg to the 1 coil they are hooked up as follows

hor primary wind then vert primary wind then steel vert wind all 1 wire in that order pos goes to copper neg to steel wire all 15 coils will be wound this way

the controller was a kit i will fetch the link i want to mod the controls from what they are this mod is ESSANCITAL for out put with use with the coil i have showen

this unit will also use a freq gen tunned to 1 freq that should be fed to the controller  the controller will switch   that freq  to the coils in sequience as to cause rotation the bemf will be uitalized from all 15 coils as well rotation is free so it the generated power from my collector and my 2 pancakes hummmmm :o :o 8)

i also want to mod the controller curcuit so i can speed up the rotation thus increaseing out put from the generator part of this unit the kicks are deturminied by the freq genny (set to the resonant freq of all the kick coils ) ;)

PLUSE IT.... COLLECT IT .......ROTATE IT.....   USE IT!!!!

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 28, 2008, 07:01:08 PM
oops forgot to mention there 100 turns on my 15 coils hor wind

the vertical wind im not sure gonna fill the tube


tube mesures 2 3/8" across and 3.25" tall
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: TheOne on August 28, 2008, 10:38:54 PM
Quote from: sirmikey1 on August 26, 2008, 07:23:42 PM
  Use brass rod for best results.  

I found my problem, the stainless steel rod work and my #18 also work, my problem was the fullwave bridge rectifier, I forget this important piece lol.

I get from the wall socket around 20v, and from my inverter around 16v, I cannot tell about the amp yet but I can light up one led (not a full intensity) but it work constantly.

I can probably charge batteries from that ROD.
Title: "Kick"
Post by: orbs on August 29, 2008, 07:14:01 AM
I actually found it interesting that "inductive kick" is mentioned in The Keys of Enoch (http://keysofenoch.org) 302:26. Could it be that some of SM's ideas came from that book?
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on August 29, 2008, 11:35:02 AM
H D Ive seen you comment in other threads [on 911] I always thought it strange the amount of bad guys from Saudi Arabia [ flying the planes]
This helps explain a lot http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYPjGn-hP8A&feature=related
Also design news www.designnews.com  august issue [EVERY CAR MANU HAS SOMETHING on the road or in the garauge that runs on water]
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 30, 2008, 10:40:16 AM
so i went and found some more parts....

i bought 22 npn 2n3055  transistors and 12 of his brothers ;D

pnp 2n5871

just guess what i will do in my next expairments ....

remember how sm blew that huge fuse in the sm17 demo....... ;D


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: orbs on August 30, 2008, 11:09:31 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on August 30, 2008, 10:40:16 AMnpn 2n3055  transistors

Keep in mind that there have been counterfeit or incorrectly labeled 2N3055 (http://forum.beoworld.org/forums/thread/16597.aspx) in the past. So you might measure their characteristics first. And if you blow one up, check if its die size was correct.  :)
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 30, 2008, 12:13:10 PM

For the @allcanadian circuit that I am using, I am putting a copy of his circuit here.

Where you see the switch, I am using an IRF9540 which was working OK, but I have to get some more because all are now blown. So I will get some today.

But her is the crazy part.

I was running this using a 12volt 7amp battery. The voltage was at 12.8 off the battery when I started. The average voltage on the output of the secondary was around 90 volts steady. The heat on the heat sink of the 9540 was very very hot, way too hot. The coil of high inductance which is basically a standard toroidal transformer secondary and I could here it ticking then humming then whizzing as frequencies were increased, just like a transducer would do. So all this energy was expended and the voltage on my battery is now 17.5 volts. I never saw it go up to that level before.

I am going to add a diode to send the flyback directly back into the battery without passing through the 9540. This will hopefully help the 9540 to run cooler.

Oh yeh, I tried using an IRF840 on the negative, and kept the center switch always closed, to see if there was anything, and there is nothing. If you do not pulse the circuit where the switch is located, nothing happens and that is normal because this circuit creates a forward flow and a reverse flow that can only happen at the switch point. That's probably why I am blowing so many 9540s.

The ideal is to work on a dc motor/switcher. I will have to solve this once and for all. Damn switching is always the hassle. I am sure if someone came up with a good dc motor mechanical commutator type switcher, they could sell them to many OU researchers. I'd take 4. lol
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: innovation_station on August 30, 2008, 12:56:54 PM
guys i said i have NO HEAT ANYWHERE........


YOU NEED TO PORTECT IT ......   i use a neon  ;)


so when you disconnect the output it does not back feed to the switch... and blow it up

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 30, 2008, 02:04:19 PM
The capacitor should be on the left side of the switch - not the right side.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wattsup on August 30, 2008, 02:51:15 PM

The diagram is @allcanadians original design and I have always done it this way with other components. I have tried putting the cap on the left and there is nothing. Basically the short circuit happens between the positive and the coil of high induction. I may need to increase this induction coil by adding more coil(s) either in parallel or in series. The only real thing that is holding this thing back is the pulsing. Just went to get my 9540s so will try again by adding a flyback diode. Cripes, the 9450 is 5$ each. Pretty expensive.


This morning I took two microwave oven transformers and removed the top armature from both of them. Very easy, just remove one of the solder lines and knock it with a hammer. But pleaseeeee tell me how the hell you managed to get the coils out because they are really stuck well on the center core.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 30, 2008, 03:43:46 PM
Quote from: wattsup on August 30, 2008, 02:51:15 PM

The diagram is @allcanadians original design and I have always done it this way with other components. I have tried putting the cap on the left and there is nothing. Basically the short circuit happens between the positive and the coil of high induction. I may need to increase this induction coil by adding more coil(s) either in parallel or in series. The only real thing that is holding this thing back is the pulsing. Just went to get my 9540s so will try again by adding a flyback diode. Cripes, the 9450 is 5$ each. Pretty expensive.


This morning I took two microwave oven transformers and removed the top armature from both of them. Very easy, just remove one of the solder lines and knock it with a hammer. But pleaseeeee tell me how the hell you managed to get the coils out because they are really stuck well on the center core.

The commutator or similar prevents the short circuit and must be in the high or low end of the coil.  The way it sorks is pretty simple:  when the commutator conducts, the coil is charging up from the battery - when the commutator is open the induction coil dumps through the air-coil.  This is the classic Steinmetz coil - per Dollard.  I'm sure it existed before Steinmetz, but he proved it would work (mathematically) for impulse and traveling waves.

There is also Thomson's DC spark circuit that produces oscillations with the gap across the source and the coil/cap in series on the right side.

So, for impulses via inductive field collapse you want a freakin' huge coil with "very high induction" and for the other coil you want "high self-induction".


See below:

Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: Grumpy on August 30, 2008, 03:48:46 PM
You could use the secondary of one MOT as an induction coil - do not touch primary!

For "commutation" Tesla used a magnetically quenched spark gap - gap is on one side or across and cap is across source - gap is after cap.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wizardofmars on October 09, 2008, 07:30:56 PM
Quote from: wattsup on August 26, 2008, 11:26:04 AM
We only use 10% of our brain so there is 90% that is presently not used in our everyday conscious living and learning.

Presently on Earth, 99.9999999% of people use the same, or close to the same 10%. There is maybe 10% of the 10% that will vary. Some with their musical side, others with their mechanical side, others in science, others in comedy, etc. etc.

What is your source for this info? You know the "we use 10% of the brain" story is just a myth right? But you seem to have some more precise figures I've never seen before, like 99.9999999%.


Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on October 09, 2008, 10:14:48 PM
Wiz ever seen Daniel Pomerlou? the Canadian that can do things with his mind that if you saw them on the TV you'd change the channel for it being too unbelievable  And he's not aloud to do all that he is capable of at his demonstrations ,as part of an agreement with the Canadian Gov't
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wizardofmars on October 20, 2008, 07:15:36 PM
Quote from: ramset on October 09, 2008, 10:14:48 PM
Wiz ever seen Daniel Pomerlou? the Canadian that can do things with his mind that if you saw them on the TV you'd change the channel for it being too unbelievable  And he's not aloud to do all that he is capable of at his demonstrations ,as part of an agreement with the Canadian Gov't

You mean the guy who puts on monthly magic shows, charges for admission and won't allow camera's? I've read some anonymous reports about him although the government conspiracy claim is a new one.

Pomerlau sounds like David Copperfield or Criss Angel. They also charge to see cool tricks that I can't explain and I'm not allowed to film.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on October 20, 2008, 07:29:02 PM
GEE WIZ  I guess you have things all figured out  Must be nice and comfey
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wizardofmars on October 20, 2008, 07:33:13 PM
Quote from: ramset on October 20, 2008, 07:29:02 PM
GEE WIZ  I guess you have things all figured out  Must be nice and comfey

I don't have it all figured out, but I also don't accept this sort of claim uncritically, and this Pomerlau claim is pretty weak.

Perhaps you'd like to post some actual details of this Pomerlau guy who has you so convinced. You know, like a video of his actual demo I don't need to pay $20 to see, and the opinion of someone who's actually checked it for fraud and is qualified to detect such.

Ironically magicians usually make the best investigators because they are great at finding trickery.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: orbs on October 20, 2008, 07:41:19 PM
Quote from: wizardofmars on October 20, 2008, 07:33:13 PMIronically magicians usually make the best investigators because they are great at finding trickery.

Or might also be good at finding other ways to do things so that it looks the same... BTW, the French name is probably missing an e.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: ramset on October 20, 2008, 07:51:18 PM
WIZ  I NEVER HEARD OF ANY ONE !!!!! Who saw D.P. disprove him  I believe Wattsup , A member of this Forum wen't to one of his Demo's and came away dizzy. His account is in THIS thread
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: wizardofmars on October 27, 2008, 08:19:41 PM
Quote from: ramset on October 20, 2008, 07:51:18 PM
I believe Wattsup , A member of this Forum wen't to one of his Demo's and came away dizzy. His account is in THIS thread

Like I posted above, the reports on Pomerlau are all anonymous. I have no idea who Wattsup is or what his qualifications are. The fact a person is posting on this forum doesn't mean I'm going to believe everything they write.

Show me a credible report on Pomerlau from a qualified third party who has actually examined the device.

Even the Wattsup report is pretty inconclusive.

there is no OU answer for humanity here. Only a quagmire and potential waste of time and energy although a very deep curiosity indeed. Something like seeing the Elastic Man or the Hairy Woman at any good circus.

Another waste of time.
Title: Re: SM expose'
Post by: SilentVic18 on September 24, 2009, 11:23:51 PM
Can you appearance me aboveboard address on Pomerlau from a able third affair who has in fact advised the device?

Programmable thermostats (http://www.prothermostats.com/)