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Does Dr. Steven Jones Still Post Here?

Started by JamesThomas, April 21, 2013, 03:44:31 PM

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This gets stranger and stranger.   The websites in the links at the OP's youtube listed above seem to be focused more on discrediting Dr. Jones findings about how the 911 towers may have collapsed (his findings pointed to something OTHER than the jets hitting it).   Those web sites in the links seemed to have come up with some nonsense about a hurricane being near New York at the time and trying to tie that hurricane to causing the towers collapse through the Hutchison effect ??   WTF??   I'll admit I haven't looked into this but that sounds like an extremely far fetched idea someone has come up with to point the finger at Mother Nature (thus diverting attention from any man made causes) since not many are buying the idea that the jets alone brought down the towers.   Very strange.


ah man
I was just trying to get dr. jones in a roar thinking maybe he would come back post a bit.. I was just joking around..
he is a good guy..
the theories on the two towers has went all crazy since it all happen..
the USA needs to do what the romans never did..   close the doors    .. no one in.. no one out..   simple


Hello, JamesThomas, this is the "Dr. Steven Jones" you refer to.   

What you say below (quoted), I find I agree with.  :
QuoteDo unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There, in those few words, is the only pure and simple guidance we need to light the way to the end of mans inhumanity to man.

And yet you say above, "I never got a chance to ask him why he crucified Pons and Fleishman."

I certainly don't think I did that.  Although others twist things and make it look so.  I did say that what they were seeing was not d-d fusion, based on Physics principles which I elucidated.   That's science, not a personal attack.  And I think most researchers in the field, who understand the difference between "cold fusion" and "LENR" -- now agree with me.
BUT - please consider my own writings and my own talks and efforts, not what the video says ABOUT me.  More to follow.

Quote from: JamesThomas on April 21, 2013, 10:59:23 PM
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

There, in those few words, is the only pure and simple guidance we need to light the way to the end of mans inhumanity to man.

Eleven words that spring from the wisdom within our deepest heart.

So, when those we feel know this and would agree, go in the opposite direct....what do we do?

We seek to get their side and explanation. Not in secret, but openly.

The information against Jones is everywhere. So what's wrong with an open letter or post to him?

I don't, as you think, want to hurt him, or do to him what I would not want done to me. Rather, I publicly open a way for all to see what is the truth. If I were charged unfairly, I would want the same open arena to share my side. Wouldn't you?


  Thanks Ramset and E2matrix and others for trying to help set the record straight.

  I have performed research in cold fusion for over 30 years, starting with muon-catalyzed cold fusion and continuing from that foundation into what is now called "cold fusion" LONG BEFORE I heard of Pons and Fleischmann.  I wrote a paper on the subject with Clint VanSiclen long before I heard of their research AT ALL.

  A useful history, to help set the record straight, is found here:  http://pages.csam.montclair.edu/~kowalski/cf/131history.html
If you find anything there that "crucifies" P&F, pls let me know.
But I think it does attempt to set the record straight, while others have indeed attacked me.

My web-site is here, including research on cold fusion and 9/11 research (for which I lost my position, truth be known):

It is certainly true that some have said some very negative things about me, I don't know why really.  You would have to ask them.

With regard to my OWN views regarding cold fusion and anomalous excess heat, please read:

Quote"Setting the muon-catalyzed effect to one side, there are at least two distinct phenomena going on here with metals, which can be confusing until we use experiments to sort this all out.  First, there is a confirmed and published effect showing products of d-d [deuterium-deuterium] fusion at low levels.  This is true 'cold fusion' with metals enhancing the d-d-fusion rate.  I show confirming data and provide half a dozen references in my slides.  This small nuclear effect is now 100% repeatable, when the metals are properly prepared.
  "Then there is the excess heat observed in some experiments, properly called 'anomalous excess heat' since we don't really know where that energy is coming from. I consider the anomalous xs heat to be real but a separate phenomenon from the small enhanced fusion-effect in metals.  So far, the anomalous xs heat effect is not 100% reproducible."

..."To say that the anomalous xs heat effect is nuclear in origin requires finding nuclear products that arise at the same time and in the same quantities, correlating with the xs heat.  Otherwise, one cannot definitively say that the xs heat is nuclear in origin.  It is better to say it is 'anomalous', for now, until experiments clearly determine the origin of the xs heat phenomenon."

-- Steven E Jones

Shall I say it again?  The recent evidence particularly from NRL is compelling to me for a real anomalous heat effect, but that does not mean it is necessarily from d-d (cold) fusion! 

An article at PESN states:
"Since the days of P&F's announcement of excess heat in electrolytic cells due to fusion and up to the present time, Jones has adamantly stated that the P&F reactions, while producing excess heat, are not due to fusion. He strongly recommended to them that they not use the term "fusion" to describe what they were observing; and near the end of his life, Fleischmann concurred that "fusion" was not the appropriate descriptor."

You may wish to read the entire article:  http://pesn.com/2012/11/19/9602225_Steven_Jones_replica--Pons_and_Fleischmann_XS_Heat_not_from_fusion/

It is also true that I have used over $9,000 from my inheritance from my father and distributed this to various freedom energy researchers (world-wide actually) to encourage and support this research.  (E2Matrix alluded to this IIRC).  Far from fighting this research, I support it and join the effort as I have for years.

Finally, I invite you JamesT in particular to review my seminar given at Univ of Missouri Oct 2012, available here:

Pls let me know if you have any questions.

And please, call me Steve.


   I would like to set the record straight on one more thing if I may.  Someone accused me (yes I know who it was) of being responsible for the murder of Eugene Mallove.  There is no truth whatsoever in that vile accusation and it pains me deeply to be so unjustly and unfairly accused.  Why does this person make such unfounded and heinous accusations?  I don't understand it.

Eugene Mallove (RIP, may he be remembered kindly) was a friend of mine, a good friend really, even though we disagreed in some of our views.  Happens with a lot of friends, I think.

  Please read what Gene wrote about me, published in his "Infinite Energy":