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Solid States Devices => solid state devices => Topic started by: nix85 on April 11, 2022, 10:54:51 AM

Title: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 11, 2022, 10:54:51 AM
Lately i've been playing with Don Smith device, in particular Zilano's step down version. If anyone doesn't know she allegedly succeeded back in 2011 after 6 months of trying, first 2.5kW and after additional tuning 10kW.

You don't have to read all this, you can skip to the bold part for the key points.

I read all there is to read from her, it's all backed up online in pdfs. She built her own NST output around 4kV, 30mA at circa 30-35KHz. Her basic circuit is shown below, and another circuit with one secondary shorted.

She used 80 turn primary and 2x 5 turn bucking secondary which she wrongly calls bifilar with middle point grounded. Secondary wire is twice the diameter of the primary, it is 4 times shorter and they have similar weight of copper.

She is using parallel sparkgap in both primary and secondary. As one user complained in the original thread at energetic forum trying to replicate her, he was unable to get the sparkgap to fire when in parallel as do i. She of course told him flyback output must be tuned to primary, well, i did this no avail.

More on tuning soon. First i wanna say i first ordered an expensive permalloy core from China just to find out it is totally useless, my aircore primary resonated at about 10MHz, with this supposed 50,000+ permeability it resonated at 11MHz, WORSE than air.. thankfully they returned the money after much effort and multiple videos proving this.

Then i got 5kg of steel welding rods Zila suggested as cheap substitute for ferrite, thankfully this was cheap but it was also worse than air, no effect on resonance at all. All this time i had some cheap ferrite rods i tested which i saw did work so i ordered a bunch of those and with them got my primary to resonate around 34KHz.

Now the tuning, this gets complicated. I used a big 25cm wide 5 turn bucking secondary. It was relatively easy to get the one of the two secondaries (the right one which is wound in opposite way to the other and the primary) to resonate around same freq. As Zila recommended "measure L2 inductances individually and put a cap across one of them"...well, they are actually in parallel so this never made much sense, one must look at them as part of one LC tank.

So i am testing all this by hitting the coil with a 24V DC spark (actually 30V pulsed dc half sine) and measuring it with cursors on the scope. Not to mention i would not recommend this to anyone, you often have to hit it like 10-20 times to get a nice damped sine, i exposed myself to significant sparkgap radiation last few weeks, i am sensitive to cellphones and this is like putting your head in a microwave. I said enough with spark gaps no matter what altho you have to use this method, more on that later.

And of course when i shorted the secondary as it would be with a sparkgap, resonant freq. rose few khz cleary they are reducing each others inductance. Anyway this is not important since you won't excite the secondary directly but with induction, so their magnetic fields are aiding.

The key point is... i then realized closing the primary with a cap or shorting it changes the resonant freq. of the secondary and vice versa.

So i hit the wall here. Basically they drop each other's resonance by few khz. You tune one of them just to find you just untuned the other one. So this is combined resonance, i googled it and there is very little on this. Maybe it's not an issue in ordinary Tesla Coil where secondary is open, altho they do mention sparks reduce it's res freq about 10% but i see no mention of it affecting the res freq of the primary. Well, i can see it changes on the scope.

But when i hit the primary with 24v DC and i watch pri and sec simultaneously on the scope they fire at same frequency and in phase. Again, this is NOT the same frequency they resonate at when i test either of them by themselves (with other one open) but few khz off.

I also constructed a nice spark gap box with two large supposed zinc (obviously not since it's magnetic) bolts with graphite block in between (inspired by William Alek).

I got 12 turns on the flyback, i found a flyback with no caps in the secondary so output is pretty decent pulsed DC thick spark. It naturally fires at around 43KHz unless loaded with 101KOhm of resistors which drops it's resonance for about 10Khz.

So i put few 10nF caps on the ZVS to lower the flyback resonance about 32KHz for the pri and tested. Spark gap firest at about 5-7mm, around 10mm when air is ionized, so let's say 10kV more less. And all i get on secondary from this is measly 30V or something. If i put spark gap in parallel, as said before, then i get no spark at all.

I got a long thick ground cable.

After few days of playing with this mess i got sick and tired of it, i dismounted the big secondary and replaced with with another coil i made before, same 16mmˇ2  wire but more turns, around 38-39, all in same direction, wound close to the same 110 turn primary with 9nF cap.

So here is more quirkiness. With pri and sec closed with their respective caps, 9 and 10nF, when i hit the primary with 24V they both resonated quite strongly, primary 500V and secondary 100V damped wave at 36.2Khz, but when i put function generator on the primary (secondary still closed with it's cap, nothing changed) it resonates best at 1.2MHz around 3V with function gen outputting max 7V, at 36KHz nothing like 80mV. Now understand THAT.

Don't get me wrong, i have no doubt Don Smith and similar devices are real but this stuff is delicate and there are intricacies no one talks about like this combined resonance thing and should we chase the combined resonance or the individual resonance (does not make much sense but this is how Zila allegedly did it).

I know successful replications are EXTREMELY rare, but has anyone had any success with Don Smith or variation of?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 21, 2022, 04:35:23 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 15, 2022, 06:53:08 PM
Hi Nix,

This is my first post, but YES I've built successful Zilano/Don replications. Her circuits are the real deal I can tell you.

Hi and welcome :) Of course Zilano's circuits are real deal, i know that very very well, well at least the two i posted above, she posted many circuits of which many are scribbles over other people's circuits she probably never even tried.

You claim you built a successful replication, maybe you did, i'm not gonna ask you to confirm that but since you're coming out with a claim you might've as well backed it up with a video (like the one i link below). Anyone can do it with enough persistence.

In any case you got the wrong impression which is not surprising cause that is how post was written, you of course had no way of knowing i was not really looking for another confirmation of success, i have TONS of those. I just wanted to share here what i'm at, i finished with "did anyone have success" not really asking, i just wrote it for no reason, knowing almost certainly no one will say "yea, i did". I if i relied on forum members to tell me it is possible i would've given up a long ago. You had no way of knowing, of course.

There are dozens of resonant solid state successes in my overunity playlist 

I intentionally said she "allegedly succeeded" altho i KNOW she succeeded 1 zillion % cause in my opinion more than enough info and "inspiration" is already out there (for those with eyes to see) and there is no need to shout from the roofs or try to convince anyone it's possible.

QuoteYour spark gap in parallel will fire, just think of spark gap as a variable capacitor: u must move plates/electrodes together or apart.
Bring ur electrodes together closer, it will fire. If not, use higher NST voltage. everybody has (slightly) different air to break thru depending on ur location.

I am using flyback not NST and, like i said, i got an adjustable spark gap, already testing various distances, but not to get the parallel spark gap to fire but to get the optimal firing frequency (did that yesterday)..

There is no need for parallel sg, that is just another of Zilano's (non-intended) misinformations. Just like her claim that you "must" use two different grounds, not to mention technical flaws i already listed at energetic forum


I opted for series spark gap cause i prefer it that way and there are more than enough Smith-like devices that work with series spark gap like chubinidze and successful replications of him like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGP5-qacAY etc.

QuoteZilano gave away Don's best secrets and its incredible to me nobody besides drak posted Zilano replications cuz she explicited everything.

As far as i know drak did not post a successful replication. In any case, Zilano (contrary to her claim) did not give away any "Don's secret", only new idea (or is it) that came from her is the idea of reverse Don Smith, that is, reverse Tesla coil...which is not needed at all but makes things simpler at the output.

Zilano deserves every respect for her passion for this ​(especially as a girl/woman), her persistence and willingness to "give back" (at energetic forum) as she said.... but she just assembled a bunch of stuff that was already known and that is no secret. Her greatest contribution is another confirmation of success, one of MANY (and BOI there are MANY).

All this was known for a VERY long time. Read this pdf from 2006


Read posts from bolt https://overunity.com/9521/magnacoaster-vorktex/30/

All this goes way back before Zilano and these principles of resonant/reactive-radiant-siphoning/sinking were known since time of Daniel Cook, we are talking 150 to 170 years ago (not to mention the secret orders who ALWAYS had this knowledge since sinking of Poseida..)

It's just very delicate so people dismiss it as "too hard to get" and most don't even try or give up quickly. For me it was never an option to give up, i have infinite persistence not only for this but for gravity control and this is but a step to my main goal.

u r doing great work, keep it up. there is light at the end of the tunnel.


:) I know very well i'am doing well and have never for a nanosecond considered giving up, but i appreciate your attempt to "help" :) you could've not known better (we'll see if you'll back up your claim or it will be just another claim with no substance to it).

I further improved my setup and it's now way ahead of where it was in time of writing the above post. Addition of non-inductive coil, sliding ferrite core, much increased primary capacitance (almost 1/4 uF capable of 20kV)......

Again, i appreciate your well intention, but there is no tunnel, there is only light.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 21, 2022, 08:50:49 PM
No worries ofc, i know you had good intentions.

Nothing to back up of your claim of success, why am i not surprised :)

I wasn't asking for anything and i don't care about the parallel sg cause it's not needed, i just said i noticed the combined resonance issue, resonance of coils being affected by the other. Guy says it in the video below

"some people remove the primary while still in the secondary as that can also affect things I find it to be negligible though altering by one and a half kilohertz at the most"


But if one is much narrower than the other and thus "sees" the core much less its resonant freq. is barely affected by the core if at all, by sliding the core one can find a sweet spot where they ring. So tuning is not an issue.

By Zila's simple copper tube circuit i assume you mean the one below. There is no tuning in this circuit at all. She just fired DC pulses from NST. I tried that one quickly for fun the other day with steel tube cause i don't have a copper one, bulb did not light at all, even when i added a neodymium. I like that one cause it reminds me of Markovich ATREE but it's too simplistic. Tubes are essential when it comes to polarizing etheric streams gravity-control related, but for resonant-radiant-sink they are not needed at all.

I would not be surprised if most people who replicated Don were HAMs, but then again, there is absolutely no need to be one to do it, of course, knowledge of impedance matching, standing waves, velocity factor etc.... all may come handy especially if you use the air core and resonate in hundreds of MHz region instead of ~30KHz.

The other day i got quite high voltage on the secondary and got to light the 200W bulb to i'd say about 40W, approximately the same as ZVS is using. So tuning was not perfect and there were some things missing. I am now at totally different setup.

Nice touch of subtle sarcasm there, indeed there is only light.

Still waiting to see your "success" video :)


Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: forest on April 22, 2022, 01:11:48 PM
can you make circuit so when you rub coil with screewdriver it will show bright sparks ?
can you do that using miliamps from primary side and no diode ?
I saw a replication from China doind this, I consider this first step

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 22, 2022, 01:22:03 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 22, 2022, 09:31:50 AM
yup that's the one. use copper not steel. no neo required.

:) No one asked you for "instructions". I said i am going with multi coil, ferrite core rather than that simplistic setup. But since you insist on it, feel free to say what you (supposedly) got out of it.

Steel is as good if not better than copper when it comes to directing etheric streams. Of course neo is not needed since it was not needed in ATREE.

Quotelike zilano said videos can and are faked all the time. am not asking u or any1 to believe me from my word.

ppl just put an induction coil under the table and feed power from somewhere else making it look OU.

"Zilano said" :) We all know there are fake videos. Fakes are easy to spot, just from a thumbnail, not to mention opening the video. Like said before, there are dozens of real resonant OU devices in the playlist i linked.

As for believing you, i do not believe nor disbelieve you, you are making a claim of replicating Zilano, no technical info whatsoever, what is the output you claim to have...Zila shared many cirucits, like i said, most of which are badly drawn scribbles over other people's schematics, pdf attached below.

Quotethere is tuning in that device, b/c we are firing a pulse of DC thru sg setting 50turn coil into AC oscillation. there is always tuning when u have a sg going into a LC tank. think of copper tube as single turn step-down and pri always has parasitic c making it L+C both.

No there is not, of course, you can "tune" it in various ways if you want, but Zila did not suggest it and i don't see her anywhere even mention this setup or elaborate on it.

Imagine, discharging a DC pulse into a coil makes it ring at it's natural resonant frequency, who would say.. Imagine coil has parasitic capacitance and is an LC tank.. Fantastic revelations :)

And no, you cannot observe the tube as a single turn coil, it can rather be observed as a long hollow wire, which will of course, have certain small inductance and capacitance as everything has. Also, assuming that coil has 50 turns as you say, wound on a hollow tube, it's resonant freq. would be way up, probably in MHz region, while NST or flyback fire at "measly" few dozen KHz, hopefully you can understand this means coil rings literally thousands of times per every DC impulse.

Like i said this setup reminds me of Markovich ATREE and tube is not there to serve as single turn step down coil, but to provide a difference in length of path etheric energy passes through the tube versus the path through the coil which establishes a potential difference between the two top and bottom which is then used to induce ordinary electricity in the second coil.

Quotezilano said u need spark gap and resonance both to have OU and I have verified.

Another Zilano's (non-intended) misinformation you recite blindly. As Don Smith said spark gap is not needed. He said this in 95 or 96 lecture and also wrote it in the group in circa 2006. Quote

"spark gaps and lightening arrestors, spark plugs included when I use them are not used as a or frequency or device timing. I use them for spike, overload and lightning protection"

You are making a claim, but your knowledge in the field is clearly limited and in certain aspects flawed.

Also, altho resonance is the leading concept in the OU field, many OU devices work totally not based on resonance whatsoever. So, technically, you do NOT "need it".

Quoteu need a negative resistance to gain, and resonance maintained so impedance is zero (or infinite), so the energy gained is not lost.

Again you are blindly quoting Zila without understanding what you are saying. Of course, literal negative resistance is not needed for OU. We are talking about NEGTROPIC (negative entropy) effects in resonant coils acting as sinks for the ambient energy which APPEARS as negative resistor, this does NOT mean coil becomes literally superconductive, most of these devices dissipate heat according to P = I²R, only in certain far more rare conditions as in Floyd Sweet's device when max power (1kW) was drawn wires froze and device lost all weight, this is when device becomes fully charged with cold electricity, but in usual conversion, that is, etheric step down converters, there is no superconductivity nor negative resistance. Zila recited many things she just read online without giving much thought to it and you recite her literally without discernment.

I use parallel spark gap sometimes, b/c I use NST and AV plug to charge cap and use single capacitor discharge.

Again, there is no need for parallel sg, stop blindly following what Zila said. Try to use your own intelligence.

the aim is to short ur primary LC so when spark is off it oscillates at its resonant freq. this is Don basic and its how u get HF AC from spark discharge which is pulsed DC.

:) Imagine, charge a cap until sg breaks down and LC tank rings at it's resonant (usually) high frequency...who would say, never mind that this is the very basics how a Tesla coil works (be it with series cap and parallel sg (usual method, hv hf does not impinge on the transformer feeding the cap) or series sg and parallel cap (hv hf DOES impinge on the transformer feeding the cap and must be protected by a diode or other means). This is the basis of Tesla coil and SOME of DS and DS-based devices and this was already shown and is perfectly assumed.

Quoteu r right LIGHT is everything. Tesla and Walter Russell said this too. I follow Walter Russell and can control gravity, once u know what it is.


My my, you read Tesla and Russel and you think you understood gravity. Here, i'll give you my shortened, simplified summary on this matter so you can start to get the real insight of what gravity is and methods of control of it.


You can control gravity you say :) I bet you were levitating while you wrote this :)

And then you fell off bed and woke up :)

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 22, 2022, 01:37:08 PM
forest you are referring to saltycitrus replication, it was actually a group of people in China who replicated Don. Salty said adjusting the phase was the key to their success, presumably he meant delayed lenz. He used both secondaries in same direction proving there is no need for CW CCW. There is more on it in PJ Kelly's book. Here is the vid.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 22, 2022, 02:34:24 PM
May i also remind everyone that Don revealed in 96 lecture i think that his famous table top device is already obsolete and that he managed to make a device size of match box based on same principles with no coils, no caps, no electronic components at all, capable of "hundreds of thousands of volts and high amps".

So few of these matchboxes could power whole cities.

Now that is something special. I would bet it was carbon with nanolayers of some exotic (or non exotic) elements, probably "baked" in superstrong magnetic/electric field. God knows.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: hope-hope on April 22, 2022, 03:28:59 PM

hello everyone

it's a big mistake to stick with ZIlano philosophy regarding the Don Smith device ... the induction used in his device is really special ..

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Thomramzes on April 22, 2022, 03:45:26 PM
You're so cool
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on April 22, 2022, 04:09:47 PM
Quote from: hope-hope on April 22, 2022, 03:28:59 PM
hello everyone

it's a big mistake to stick with ZIlano philosophy regarding the Don Smith device ... the induction used in his device is really special ..


Magnetic induction, electrostatic induction. Then there's the longitudinal or scalar waves as a result of a disruptive discharge. Is it electrostatic induction?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 22, 2022, 05:15:54 PM
Zilano has good philosophy of course, she made small mistakes here and there but overall did a great job.

I don't think i saw that paragraph from her, maybe i did long time ago. 1W in is tiny input, i guess she meant 25x increase in whatever you put in. I have the part where she talks about tesla coil on a tube inside another tube for production of scalar waves but that is another setup and there are much better methods for that.

Open system is key but i would not agree Don's primary is not "open". Everything is really an open system, a circuit at resonance is "open", a circuit containing a sg is "open", even non resonant circuit with no sg, just collecting BACKEMF can be "open"... of course open meaning allowing ambient E to flow in.

Good for you, 250W is quite big input but who cares. Don usually used much less input, as you probably know. For example he said for his 55KHz strangely wound transformer device, "a MEG before MEG", that input was about 12W and output around 10kW. On Yahoo group in 2006 he said that using 3 resonant Tesla pancakes with 14 watt input he literally melted the diode bridge rated at 20,000V and 200A etc. So Don was basically using high Q extremely high reactive power, very low input, altho for his tabletop device Q was surely low, no core, small number of turns, and yet it worked great, so high Q is not essential, in any case, we cannot say his circuits are closed in any way.

Best luck to you too
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: hope-hope on April 22, 2022, 05:52:13 PM


@ whitelightningwizard

the real Don Smith device should give Joules = 0.5 x C x V squared x C.P.S. squared small power is there just to perturb the ambient
background or zero point energy the system don't take the power from the primary coil , its there just to perturb or excite the power already available.. high speed radio wave replicate power with squared involved as in the equation above  !
this don't mean your system isn't good if you produce surplus of power it's great !

@  tomd

in my opinion the induction used is electrostatic

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 22, 2022, 06:11:48 PM
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 23, 2022, 12:33:11 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 23, 2022, 09:23:03 AM
@ nix85

I have over a hundred web archived pages from the original forum where Z posted. no idea where I found them, but it was years ago on the net. plus I have all the pdfs assembled from David Fine.
so I have lots of details from z, even deleted pages/posts.

I as well have all the pdfs on Zila from Fine + her post on Bifilar coils saved by someone else + Summary by Vrand + (literally) hundreds and hundreds of screenshots (with key stuff) from these, mostly from Fine's pdfs.

u r right there are many setups, and just like Don u can think of Z's circuits as modules. I swap modules from her different circuits and play with this concept. it panned out for me.

Again, most of those are not her circuits but scribbles on other people's circuits.
Of course you can think of and use various circuits as modules, that applies in general.

u said Don didn't use spark gap for tuning but not so. yes u pasted his quote, but he said elsewhere that there is millions of times the recognized magnetic flux present at sg. flux comes from current, so z is right the spark gap is a current amplifier, like an open thermionic valve.

I got special folder inside my Zila-Smith folder dedicated to spark-gap overunity specifically, of course i have that Don's quote from yahoo group (altho i keep it in DON SMITH folder), more precisely he said "spark produces millions of times the suspected - recognized magnetic flux". Point is he did not always use a spark gap and it can be done without it.

To quote Don

"spark gap is actually control the level of energy that's passing through there you can do it without the spark gap"


Point is sg is just just a sudden change in impedance and can replaced by sudden change in thickness of cable, if used for timing by a fast BJT, MOSFET or IGBT (which is a npn mosfet driving a pnp bjt) or just omitted completely.

Few quotes about sg gains...

"V. Mitkevich published a strange observation in Russian, in St. Petersburg, in 1905: an interrupted arc discharge showed an anomalous energetic "kick." The voltage in the arc reversed at the moment when the arc was disrupted."


William Alek tungsten carbon sg gains


"The Correas have now convincingly demonstrated the principle that it is possible to release from charged metals in a vacuum amounts of free energy which exceed the amounts of energy put into the system."


"energy available at the output of the helix of the traveling wave tube is 96 times the energy input to the traveling wave tube, in addition to the energy consumed within the traveling wave tube and the energy available in the form of collected particles at the collector electrode"


dieter member here

"Experimenting with a 3kV Sparkgap, shocking a graphite core, I observed strange reduction of power consumption"


Electroboom current draw goes down when sg fires


"In fact some investigators have proposed that an abrupt voltage pulse with only (vacuum) displacement current and minimal charge motion is sufficient to produce anomalously excessive energy. Bearden (1993) proposed this is his final secret, and Hyde (1990) used this principle in desgining an invention (a mechanical electrostatic field chopper) that reportedly output 20KW while self running. Hyde stressed there should be no corona present whatsoever."

Quest For Zero-Point Energy: Engineering Principles for "Free Energy"
By Moray B. King

"Dr Chernetski demonstrated a device which showed enough excess energy to burn out a power station which it was connected to in a test. It was based around a spark discharge in low pressure hydrogen. Dr Chernetski was then killed in a car accident and his worked taken no further.

In a simpler test he also showed that with the right spark and less "expensive setup" could show a decrease in draw current with an increase in the load."


And so on ad infinitum

But, again, it can be done without.

Quote250W is the output, not input. My inputs are a 9V battery touch to start and then self-running.

You said "I have replicated from 250W to 2kW out" which can be interpreted as 250W in 2kW out but you now say it is 250W out, so what was 2kW a one time thing or never happened, yet you say you work on 7.5kW, God knows what you claim.

QuoteZ said to use a TPU to run the NST and I did same. Then its total free output w/o running a feedback.
I like this method so I do it this way. I used to use like Don a 7aH gelcell for my input to NST.

TPU? Steven Mark TPU? What. Zila said she built her own NST, input is so small it is irrelevant if the prime mover itself is self runner or not. Flyback is as good as NST, neither is better or worse.

if everything is an open system then why does energy run down? only in closed circuits do we have waste.

Everything is an open system and every circuit is potentially OU if properly designed but conventional circuits discard or shut off the excess, take the ignition coil (pic below), you see that resistor in parallel with the switch, they literally burn the extra energy, throw it away. If that backemf is captured IC would very likely be OU, more or less depending on various factors. The thing to mention here is, as was said on this forum before, that higher the resistor you discharge the backemf into, faster and higher will be the spike, that is the purpose of the cap in series with the resistor in diagram below, to SLOW DOWN/LOWER the spike to protect the switch. But if backemf is fed into another transformer and stepped down, primary circuit should see that as resistive load so spike would remain high and energy harvested, potentially OU or at least close to.

Same is done in conventional motors, as one guy who worked in the industry said when he asked his colleague (i paraphrase) why are we throwing away the BACKEMF, colleague answered just do it, don't ask too many questions. As for reactive to active conversion, if you hit the resonant system once the gain from ambient is too small to keep the oscillation going, let alone power a load, but if you keep feeding it in phase at it's natural res. freq. and build up a large reactive power, you are stirring up the ambient significantly and then strange things can and do happen.

Remember Don said Amperes (current) is a rate of whats being wasted. I don't waste in the pri u see. If Don has milliamps in input then he's still wasting.

Again, if prime mover is not self-sustained it matters not the least if it's using 10W to produce 10kW.

Your idea that you "don't waste in the pri" is unclear and flawed in my opinion, you are misinterpreting Don. Again, take the greenwave's chubinidze replications. There is nothing special about his primary circuit, it's just a flyback charging a cap which discharges into the coil, just like in an ordinary Tesla coil. As you can see he is inputing 33.75W to fully light an 800W bulb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vGP5-qacAY

Don often pumped up reactive current to extreme values, the exact opposite of what you're saying, in fact, like someone already said on this forum, this is the key to Don's systems, pump up the huge reactive power and use a small part of it (maybe 10% as Dan Combine and bolt say). Take his famous table-top device, take a good look at those caps before the primary,


they appear to be 3uF 4000VDC, firstly it is strange that caps of those values are that small, usual size for such cap is waaaay larger usually cylinder. But let's say they are those values. Do you understand such cap discharging into a 5 turn coil of negligible resistance would produce HUGE current, possibly on order of 100 amps or more for a brief instant. So there is nothing here about reducing the current, just the contrary.

Need i remind that capacitance decreases your Q, Q = 1/R * √(L/C) but again, from Don's devices we can see high Q is not essential.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 23, 2022, 03:04:02 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 23, 2022, 01:13:12 PM
ok if u insist u don't need spark gap, u do need to gain current somewhere somehow tho. just sayin'  :)

I am all for sg, that's why i gave so many examples that sg gives gain, but it's important to also listen to Don and others and understand current gain can be done without.

I have opinion and freedom of speech so no worries if u disagree.  ;)

We all do. No worries if you don't agree with me either ;)

Quote250W—2kW is the output ranges I have built, many different sized devices. sorry to confuse u.

No need to apologize.

QuoteI started with low output and kept increasing yield. input power never changes.

7.5kW is a commercial unit I am developing for home use like Saith Technologies already sells.

I already wrote about Maxwell S. Chikumbutso here and am following his channel.

QuoteYes TPU aka Leedskalnin PMH.

TPU was wound on CORK, it had no ferromagnetic core whatsoever, it was a principle of wire through coils pulsed with 2-3 frequencies that was reproduced (to a degree) by Otto, and another guy in my overunity playlist, so very different from Leedskalnin's PMH.

QuoteZilano used homebuilt flyback but I never used that sorry. so much easier to use NST with or w/o gfi.

Let me quote Zila "i made my own nst(without gfi)", so, like i said, she built a NST not a flyback. NST or flyback without diodes would be preferable if you want to feed primary in phase (if your sg fires in sync with primary resonance), but if you just charge a cap (build up significant energy) and fire through sg, then it's irrelevant, well, NST full rectified will have twice the frequency than FB, but those are nuances, i'd guess cap(s) will charge in about the same time for same power input.

Her input was 65W she stated she needed fat spark with her air coils. she had big thick sec like Kapanadze with multi-sliding taps, taking off multiple resonant copies from same resonance unit. u can do same!

She clearly wrote she first tried to replicate Don's aircore device at 246MHz 1/4 length with naked thick secondary (so she can slide the contact for tuning).... and FAILED (i can find the quote if you want), then she went with step down version (at 35.1KHz) and "force resonated L1 and L2 with caps" and after 6 months got it to work, first 2.5kW and later 10kW. I know well "i can do the same" (the aircore ver) but as Zila said ferrite core gives more juice so i opted for that. You never said did you go with aircore or ferrite.

well u can disagree with closed vs open, but u take a + and a — from a battery and u WILL run it down by loading. in a closed circuit energy is wasted and the rate of waste is in unit ampere. after a while, i got the feel of Z and understood she was showing different ways of making open circuit pri.

Sure, load will drain the battery so you can call the most basic circuit with just battery and a resistor "closed" if you like. But as soon as you add asymmetry, sudden impedance changes, fast impulses, resonance... then we can hardly talk of "closed" circuit anymore, all these and others being potential sinks for the ambient.

And what is a battery but source of potential, as Don Smith said you don't get power from the power company, they just provide alternating potential to disturb your local ambient background.

Wasted current is in ampers so is the gain current, so.

Quoteu say my idea is unclear and flawed but it runs fine no less. it don't need ur blessing.

Just cause something works does not mean your idea of how it works is correct. You must formulate CLEARLY what you want to say (not just you, everyone ofc). Not just say my primary is open and that's it. Any asymmetry/sudden impulse/resonance... is "open".

Quoteanswers sometimes come that are not what we expect, and in studying energy this is absolutely true in my experience. an open mind is a requirement.

Of course, i see that myself. Open mindness, that is, neutral observation, patience, thoroughness and persistence is a must, More knowledge (connected dots) and experience we have we get more "feel" for things, which is understanding on a deeper level.

I don't worry about Q, if I did all my coils would be square dimension but this isn't feasible all the time.

Well, high Q is usually preferable, but obviously not essential.

Quoteur pic of ignition coil is good example b/c that bottom HV wire is shorted to pri pos. so one single wire makes a primary and secondary field.
this means ur spark is actually neutral charge b/c it will jump to battery neg AND battery pos which is 100% dead short with that connecting wire there.


I never found out why exactly they connect primary and secondary in ICs but i have to disagree with what you say, sure you can say one wire makes pri and sec field, but first of all, these fields are offset in time, pri field builds up, collapses and as it collapses secondary field builds up. Secondly, we can assume secondary current splits between the cap-resistor path and the battery. The key point being the secondary current does not flow through battery in both directions but in one direction.

In any case IC as is is wasting energy for stated reason, IF backemf was captured then it would very possibly be OU.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 23, 2022, 04:21:52 PM
Regarding TPU core, from https://www.scribd.com/document/37391777/Steven-Mark-TPU

After the test the inventor cut the toroidally shaped device into segments (though not the controller box located at the center of the device). These samples consisted of an array of circumferentially arranged coils and wires grouped around a core made of a cork like substance.

October 29, 1995 Roland Schinzinger
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 23, 2022, 06:16:07 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 23, 2022, 04:10:06 PM
well I do listen to Don, but he didn't spoon feed ppl he made one think it and work it out.

That's what Zila said, you have to take into consideration i know everything she said and every time you quote her without quoting her i will surely know it. BTW i agree with her on that.

u mentioned his matchbox sized device with no caps no coils. ever put two transistors on top of one another and measure C between them? parasitic c b/w adjacent transistors. like Fogal transistor w/o cap. he gave hint- he said everything has LC&R, even solid state passive components.

I did not do that particular test but i said already when replying about Zila's copper tube setup that everything has LC (and of course R) value. This is basics, probably everyone here knows this.

TPU wound on cork... well not mine.  ;D u must've missed the post where zilano disclosed TPU is a Leedskalnin PMH used to charge cap. then she gave example of using it to power Kapanadze type circuit and u have a kW self-runner device.

Whatever you did has no relation to SM's TPU ;D Zilano didn't know how TPU worked. If you want to understand TPU better read Energy Conservation Device Disclosure (Otto; Roberto) in attachment.

Quotenot sure what u think flyback means but its a method of feedback with another coil to switching transistor. depending on core type some have in-built diode like tv yoke but I don't touch those kind.
NST does similar its just HV HF power supply already potted.

:) Seems you confused what flyback means. Firstly, i'd suggest you to read my post below to learn deeply how ordinary transformer works and how flyback CONVERTER works cause technically it is not a transformer cause output is not proportional to turns ratio but a coupled inductor. Flyback refers to the cathode ray in the TV "flying back" to the left side of the screen (looking from behind screen) at the moment flyback's secondary discharges. If flyback had no diodes it would not be a flyback, it would be a ferrite core transformer. Also, transistors are irrelevant, switching can be done by a vacuum tube, mechanical switch or whatever means.


QuoteI use neither air nor ferrite core, but MetGlas and even better permeability material. "The magnetic equivalent of negative resistance is hidden, being the increase of magnetic permeability." -don

I know Don used Metglas and have his quotes on it, that small device i spoke of 10W in 10kW is Metglas as well as are those huge toroids you see in his photos. He explicitly said those are wound on Metglas.

As i wrote in first post i ordered from China 400$ supposed 50,000+ permeability permaloy core which turned out to have permeability worse than air. Thankfully ferrite is good enough.

QuoteI would love to get into this more detail, but there is almost no one I can talk to about this. everyone throws old theories at me like dogma and here am just trying to impart a different way of thinking or looking at the thing b/c 125 year old theories of electricity just don't cut it.

Who is "throwing dogma and 125 year old theories" at you, i sure am not, in fact, i am farther away from dogma and old theories than you.

Also, get off your high horse, you know far less than you think you do. I am not putting you down, just saying as it is.

QuoteI was amazed at Zilano's unwavering positivity and willingness to share with others and it inspired me to pay it forward, so-to-speak.

She was willing to share but how "unwavering" was she when she DELETED ALL HER POSTS.

Quoteno offense meant, but u don't think about what I said. from ur ignition coil down u have a spark at the spark plug, pull that wire out and put a piece of metal in the connector and arc it out onto battery positive while car is running, then arc it to neg. IT JUMPS TO BOTH. so if it jumps to pos then sec current is neg, if it also jumps to neg then sec current is also pos, its pos and neg at same time. which is NEUTRAL.

So in other words Coulomb's law just went in the trash can. means u can also put North-North poles or South-South poles together. means we have to rethink electricity from 100 or more years ago till now.

No offense taken and no one can guess your thoughts if you do not express them properly. READ what you wrote:

"ur pic of ignition coil is good example b/c that bottom HV wire is shorted to pri pos. so one single wire makes a primary and secondary field.
this means ur spark is actually neutral charge b/c it will jump to battery neg AND battery pos which is 100% dead short with that connecting wire there."

Who can from this get that you meant

"pull that wire out and put a piece of metal in the connector and arc it out onto battery positive while car is running, then arc it to neg. IT JUMPS TO BOTH"

No one can. So what if you do that and it jumps to both, No, it does not mean "Coulomb's law went in the trash", current will take all possible paths to close the circuit. Nothing strange about that one.

QuoteOld Fords and Commodores used to run "waste-spark management" where they don't have that wire connecting pri and sec they actually fire BOTH sides of the coil into two different cylinders both b4 top dead center. better economy and motor runs smoother. so big take away is there is no waste spark, only waste electricity.

Again you talk in semi-nonsensical manner trying to sound like Zilano. What is ""fire BOTH sides of the coil" supposed to mean, potential difference is built up between two sides of the coil, spark fires between them, not just from one side or the other. So it's pointless to address the rest of that paragraph.

QuoteYes amps is waste and gain is amps, but why waste at the start of OU circuit? doesn't it make sense to waste it in load where u want it?

Just thoughts to consider.


Already addressed that, who cares about 10W or even 200W if you're getting many kW on the output. Sure even that can be eliminated but is of no particular importance.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 23, 2022, 06:25:03 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 23, 2022, 04:44:37 PM
the 800W tabletop TPU Steve cut into had two smaller toroids at the center u call "controller box" - that was the generator not the outer bit he cut.

simple misdirection.


Coils are essential part of the generation system, box was probably just pulse/frequency generator. You compared it to LS PMH which is using an iron core and does not use frequencies of any kind, totally different from TPU.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 23, 2022, 06:33:13 PM
There, he stoops to sarcasm and runs away just cause i corrected him few times, why some people just say stuff if it's not thoroughly researched/understood, it's better to say nothing.

Nothing surprizing and just proves, again, just cause someone gets something to work, does not in any way mean that person understands exactly what he's doing and underlying principles.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 27, 2022, 12:30:06 PM
See how much money and time he spent trying to get it to work, i might say that alone proves my point, when one really understands (is able to draw solutions from higher spheres) one needs not tons of money or time but unfortunately (or not) it usually takes such great investments before one allows himself to listen to intuition better, instead of tons of money i invest tons of mind power, result is the same. May i remind that i been experimenting with this only few weeks and most of that time as usually doing it in my mind, analyzing circuits and what exactly happens and improving/completing my setup.

LOL "when he tries to explain it" as if he is the one to explain anything, as if Zila did not explain it all 11 years ago and Don before that.... Firstly i am not conventionally educated and i am deeper in this stuff than him despite the fact he has succeeded and i have still not (again, i just started experimenting with this approach few weeks ago). I am not greeting him with "no-no" attitude. I never denied his success, all i did is question his level of knowledge and understanding according to his statements which indicate certain lack of both. Just take the example how he took the fact that when you place the ignition coil output over the battery it would jump to both terminals to conclude it violates the Coulomb's law while it actually does not, current simply takes all possible paths to close the circuit, etc. Yes, we all make mistakes including me but i at least try to make sure to understand things deep enough so i don't make such basic mistakes. Zila as a girl had natural predisposition to use her intuition and so she succeeded fast, after just 5-6 months, but downside is such short time is not enough for deep understanding of all the principles involved (conventional and not) to crystalize on a deeper level so she made many mistakes like "core will saturate at higher frequency" altho it is exactly the opposite etc.

Never mind saying nothing, all this is serving it's purpose to somewhat remove the veils/fog from the minds of many.

TPU is irrelevant as is the question if prime mover is self powered or not.

I have no questions for you but if others have may they ask anything they want.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: hope-hope on April 27, 2022, 03:55:00 PM

Hello whitelightningwizard

can you explain the principle of working ? a schematic maybe ..

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 27, 2022, 04:04:38 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 27, 2022, 01:52:16 PM
no matter wot I say it will prove ur point. i could show u device running with meters and it will serve ur point somehow.

What are you talking about, i am not denying your replica works.

well Don was rich from oil industry so he had the money to blow on MetGlas and Terfenol D and the like.

I stated money and time invested so u know am not a novice myself.

I know Don was rich from his geological work for fossil fuel cabal so it was easy for him to play with exotic materials. Zila also was/is wealthy since she said "just cause i am rich does not mean others are" and that's why she wanted to help others do it with cheap parts. Thankfully cheap parts is all we need. Rest assured all those Russians replicating Don with success stivep1 shared on his channel are poor as f. Correct Knowledge (VIDYA in Sanskrit) is ALL or maybe they just "got lucky".

simple thing is I got it to work and u don't yet -- so who listen to intuition better?

You got it to work after 7 years and 350,000$ dollars and i (altho i been studying Don for years), as i said, have been actually experimenting with it for a very short time and have invested very very little money compared to you yet (without making predictions cause they usually backfire) i feel i am almost there, so, who listens to intuition better?

like u I spent all time in my head but only when I got out of head and work it practically on the bench did I get success.

I don't spend all the time in my head, i put hard work into assembling all this not to mention find all the parts, now with scalar coil added etc it's a matter of tuning and fine adjustments (i hope).

5% of bench work 95% imagination is perfect balance for Tesla types, for others the reverse might be more lucrative. I prefer the first, it requires much less funds and it leads to deeper understanding.

Hyperphantasia is gift Tesla had and so do I. sounds like u do 2!

Good for you. I always had hypervivid imagination (and creativity).

Problem is when ur imaginated circuit does not resemble circuit in reality. Just What is electricity?

Circuits i analyse in my mind are exactly the same circuits from diagrams and exactly as components are put together on the board. These circuits are quite simple, it's about complex dynamics manifesting in them. Take the simple discharging of a cap into an L, consider what exactly happens at every point in time and exactly how we get current amplification in parallel RLC... People take these things for granted.

Good that you ask what electricity is. Like old gods of etheric sciences (Tesla, Rota, Hollingshead) knew well it is a complex stream constituting of at least two parts, neutral/dominant/unobserved and lower/inferiror/observable.

As Keely and later Hollingshead said all flows are triune, which might be equated to male (electric), female (magnetic) and neutral (Poynting vector, I AM, Time axis, G-axis).

Rota (who was in my opinion far ahead of all of them put together) however gave a more complex description saying that electricity is formed from five currents, electric component of two currents and the magnetic component of three.. More on Rota's incredible work here https://web.archive.org/web/20180712204654/www.keelynet.com/docs/louisrotaairship.pdf

I also go quite in depth about these primary currents on my website. All this stuff i mention here is really essential, difference between speed and density of male (electric) and female (magnetic) components of the GREAT LIGHT, 6 axis of time creating 3d space, ratio of 49 by which matter density, speed of time and speed of light increase/decrease as we go toward higher/lower planes/octaves, the fact that primary emanation from the sun are 33 types of vital energy (non herzian waves) of which each consists of 7 types of even subtler particles (don't be surprised that factorial of 7 is 5040 numerical value 9) and that when these superluminal particles hit the planetary vortex they slow down and merge into well known polarized herzian waves aka light and heat, or that Earth's gravitational vortex is extending just beyond our Moon after which is a about 7,000km thick neutral zone after which Earth's gravity becomes R E P U L S I V E etc. This last detail is not even on the site...there is SO much lacking in mankind's knowledge it is appalling to the extreme degree.


Zila did explain it but u said u don't like her words - I don't either b/c she talked Scalar waves which I don't think is right. u said everything is LIGHT and this is good place to start.
Means electricity is Light waves only, not other theories.

Her language was pretty messy. Scalar waves is a misnomer altho i don't mind using it. We all know scalar is something like temperature, no vector, just magnitude. We are talking longitudinal EM waves (i dislike when they claim these waves have no magnetic component, so wrong). All is LIGHT indeed, all is play of polarities around neutral axis, all is waves, traveling and standing (which is made of two opposing traveling waves).

QuoteIf ignition coil output jumps to both terminals then what is the polarity (or charge) of this current?
Do u believe polarity can swap like Male can spontaneously become Female?
I don't think. So simple experiment can have HUGE implications which is why I stated check ignition coil thing.

I can't believe i had to draw it for you, see below. When you bring the HV output from the secondary, of course it jumps to both battery terminals, these are two available paths secondary can close on itself.

Quoteignition coil spark is no different to Don spark is no different to Zila spark u see.

True and not true. Not all spark gaps are the same, that's why we experiment with various sg materials, shapes and distance (also vacuum vs non-vacuum), you see.

really no Q's???


Don't be surprized if you get no questions. Maybe you expected just cause you claim to have success everyone will shower you with attention, begging you for the "secret" but you forgot that you are late to the party, it's all been revealed LONG ago, at the same time, everyone here and elsewhere are aware these things are delicate and no one can do the hard work for them, that is why no matter how detailed instructions are replications almost always fail, you just HAVE to learn deeply and get feel for all this (or get lucky).
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 27, 2022, 10:22:25 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 27, 2022, 07:11:02 PMit was not "luck". i understand electricity and what it is first.
then model circuits in my imagination.
only when it conforms to Nature do u truly have it right. if theories persist that are not Natural then it won't work out.

Judging by your posts it's questionable how much you "understood". Of course whatever we do including our circuits must work with Nature not against it (fighting lenz brute force, rockets, explosion engines...) if it is to work constructively and efficiently.

Quotemale is electric. female is also electric.

Bro you don't know even the basics.

Female polarity is magnetic, NOT electric. Never was electric, never will be, this is the most fundamental essence of polarity, of WILL (electric-male) and LOVE (magnetic-female). I wrote in-depth about all this on my site https://vril12.wordpress.com/ but of course you did not even open it cause you think you "know", you do NOT know.

Quotethere are unseen flows here as every wave is an octave in and of itself.

what u call gravity is misunderstood as magnetism.

both are created effects of compression/expansion light-wave current or electric current if u like
and the neutral is equilibrium or the opposite of opposites. i.e. still light or the FULCRUM of all motion.
forget Keely, read Dr. Walter Russell. A New Concept of the Universe.

I already talked about unseen etheric streams around the Earth here and elsewhere many times, this non-herzian spectrum Tesla (among others) rediscovered, he reported the sensations from tingling (very commonly reported as such or as thousand needles in ufo cases) to heating, cooling (allegedly he was able to heat/cool whole rooms), push and allegedly later he built a flying platform....in last paragraph i talked about Earth's grav vortex and how gravity beyond the Moon becomes repulsive, the 33 types of vital energy emitted by the sun,  that each plane/octave higher we go speed of light, density of matter and rate of time flow all increase 49 times, this is why time on higher planes is known to flow much faster (or stop in certain neutral bands)..........how could you recognize how rare and how essential this info is....all this key stuff you never even heard of. Some day you will.

You tell me to read Russel, i studied Russel before you knew he existed, have his books, and Otis Carr who put his work into practice.....

Russel understood the double vortexial nature of generation of matter by compression and expansion of light, which is another representation of ancient universal form of double tetrahedron (which is in turn the first 3D structure, more on that below), Merkabah, unification of polarities creates life. I wrote about this on the site

"crossing of A and B lines (of primary light) of same frequency produces nodes where their substances meet (mating!) generating so called particles." and "The G line of TIME or Poynting Vector separating the A (electric) and B (magnetic) lines of Primary Light is an insulator between the two which spiral around it and continue their eternal dance by partial induction".

Russel admitted ether which he called "atoms of space".... so there is nothing wrong about following Russel, however, the problem is if you follow ONLY Russel, then your view is extremely limited, lacking so much, and that is exactly what you are, someone who did a basic research, drew a line and gave up on anything more.

As for tetrahedron and creation from nothing, (already have written about this on the forum and on the site)...

In short, how Self/God creates 3D space from nothing using quantized consciousness and sound. Self first imagines an abstract (timeless, spaceless) set of vibrations of infinite frequency and amplitude. Into this abstract mental concept, Self projects another set of vibrations of FINITE frequency and amplitude, thus BOUNDING the infinity by interference, this is done along the 6 AXIS OF TIME. Time does not move, it oscillates in-place, matter of matter and antimatter universes travels on time-wave and like a diode picks up vibrations only in one direction, their timelines diverging in opposite direction (official model says the same)...From each time axis it appears as if the next axis moves at 1/2 it's speed (from perspective of one side of equilateral triangle while it traverses it's whole length it APPEARS as if the side nearby traversed 1/2 of the same length) yet they are exactly the same, creating the harmonic ratio of 1:2, this is the very basis of TRUE RELATIVITY and it allows for creation of a 60° angle , which in turn allows for creation of a tetrahedron, a first 3D structure....

It would be best if you read the original https://galactic.no/rune/iarapdx1.html Why i got a hutch you're not gonna do it, i guess you think you "know" ;)

Also to dismiss Keely, my my...how unwise. Keely, who was a Master, wrongfully proclaimed a charlatan, by the official "science", who toward his later years gained mastery over the etheric forces to a degree very rare if any did. He was the first in modern times who mastered not only degravitation but true artificial non-inertial gravity field, negative polar stream he called it. Keely who first discovered the triune structure of the proton (he called molecule), the flower of life interference pattern inside a proton, septet of nature being these 3 dipoles + the neutral center, Master Keely who brought us

Forty Laws of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics


....if you only knew how much you're missing.

Let's just say you have NO IDEA what gravity is.

Gravity is often called vertical component of magnetism, or "COLD MAGNETIC FORCE". It is a higher order force but in essence it is nothing but matter (quantized consciousness) in spiraling motion. As a field it is a local polarization of the Universal Currents, a vortex within a vortex (of a planet, sun, galaxy....), this etheric vortex existed about 3 billion years before the cruder forms of matter accumulated on it and formed material Earth we know today. It's range, as i said, extends somewhat beyond the orbit of Moon and becomes repulsive beyond. When spacecraft approaches a planet it MUST be in direction of spin of it's etheric envelope, going the other way would be like hitting an invisible wall and certain death. This is the reason asteroids flare up as they fall in the sun's vortex and why most of them burn out before they reach the planetary surface. No one leaves this vortex, this etheric envelope, in body or discarnated unless able to generate an envelope of his own (or be carried in one created by another/technical means). Detailed mechanics of this field are given in the FALLING BODIES THEORY by Zirbes (diagram from the book below). It is the same microscopic forcefield around electrons, protons, atoms, molecules....on the macroscopic scale, but still, just matter in motion, nothing more.

Gravity, magnetism and all sub-forces are not separate forces but DISTURBANCES of one Primary Force which is neither electric nor magnetic, it is NEUTRAL, already addressed that in previous post. (not all electric as you and Ken Wheeler (Theoria Apophasis) clones think).

This is perfectly summed up in simple language in the chapter MOTION FROM INHERENT ENERGY from ETIDORHPA i also link in the article https://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/eti/eti33.htm

What you call gravity as a force which makes things fall down are negative MAGNETIC lines of force of the primary light streaming into the Earth attracted by the positive electric core. Also there is a superimposed COUNTERSTREAM at 1/3 higher frequency (as discovered by Hollingshead, this is the NAVAZ of Atlantis, their greatest discovery), so when atomic speed is increased by treatment with neutral ray, matter becomes transparent to inward flow and starts to resist the outward one, balance can be reached so that object is fixed in air. Of course, you never heard of these things. Also inward flow is associated with positive polarity coming from the Sun and it manifests light, heat and gravity, while Earth reflects the negative associated with dark, cold and levitation.

In short, no, primal force is not electric, it is neutral, electric and magnetic are +1 and -1, electric being slightly denser but slower, so overall they are in balance, eternally seeking rest of the neutral center, the G-LINE OF TIME creating and insulating them - THIS is the GREAT LIGHT i referred to, not the polarized, herzian light you can see, but the dark light (black sun) inside it, the omnipotent intelligence permeating ALL, yet unseen, undetectable, eternal. If partially resisted it manifests the cascading force stream starting from magnetism > electricity > electromagnetism > sound > matter. Reverse is of course possible, unification of two or more lower forces generating the higher one. For example colliding the two gamma rays producing the electron-positron pair etc.

ur language is complex because there is no accurate understanding of Light, the one thing.
the language of Light in God's vocabulary is of course COLOR.
but in man's language we have not the vernacular yet to describe Light as it is.
yes u r right so much lacks from Man's knowledge.

I'm sure it sounds complex to you but it is simple if you understand it. Your explanations are too bare. It's easy to remain on that level and call anything else "too complex" but reality is you did just a basic research and gave up.

Yup u made nice drawing but didn't answer my question.  :P

If spark jumps to pos is the spark itself pos or neg? male or female?
the terminal of the battery is pos which is suppose to repel pos no?
If spark jumps to neg is the spark itself pos or neg? male or female?
neg is suppose to repel neg
but strange thing is spark give us BOTH. it swaps . hmmm u don't find that noteworthy?
snip that connecting wire and u get 2 sparks that both jump to + & — ever done that?
called 'waste spark management'  Google it.

I answered but you did not get it :P And you still don't get it. Take 3 1.5V batteries and put them in series, but reverse the polarity on the third one so it's ++ --. IMAGINE, current flowing through a battery in reverse.

am not looking for attention, ur right its all out there and u must experiment and learn to get feel for the thing. then its really ease and u can use cheaper parts sure.
am just here to offer opinion and maybe help some1.


Good. I got the feel already, i see it. Will report when time comes.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on April 28, 2022, 06:38:08 AM
I have some questions/queries you may be able to shed some light on.
Zilano: "bifilar is nothing! its same coil but ccw. if ur one tesla is cw the other is ccw. joined togather. one produces voltage and other produces current." I think she is referring to the ¼ wave phase difference between voltage and current when the secondary length is ¼ wave. However in the case of the reverse Tesla circuit resonance is forced using a seperate capacitor rather than the self capacitance of the coil. Therefore does her statement still hold true? I always thought cw and ccw windings were to negate the bemf from secondary to primary winding.

Zilano: "energy doesnt come from ground. ground acts as a drain pipe and if we use choke there we can control the hv voltage of the secondary coil. and if we shunt it means no resistance to ground then hv is at full peak in secondary coil. its the magic of magnetic and electric fileds that produce amps.
This doesn't correspond with what Don is saying in this video: https://youtu.be/dICbnzfY464
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 28, 2022, 07:34:04 AM
Question above is addressed to wlw but i will reply, not to the questioner but to general audience for sake of all. First, like i said before, Zilano used term bifilar for BUCKING COIL, but this is not true bucking coil, bucking coil refers to non-inductive coil. The fact that two secondaries in her (and mine) setup are wound CW and CCW does not negate lenz by itself, current flows in the opposite directions in two secondaries, their magnetic fields are in same direction, aiding.

It is common knowledge that grounded Tesla coil has tendency to naturally resonate at 1/4 wavelength (length of wire x 4 = wavelength) or 1/2 wavelength if not grounded and in grounded case grounded side is the current peak (and voltage node) and the opposite side voltage peak (and current node). Electric and magnetic fields are of course 90° out of phase in LC tanks, everybody knows that.

When Zila said about CW CCW one producing voltage and other current she was reciting famous Don's claim he never really explained. This claim of his taps into some basic differences between CW and CCW coils in context of etheric science. More here http://www.villesresearch.com/ether.html#magnetic%20fields%20and%20energies  But in the other place she said that grounded center tap is current and that opposite sides are voltage (in concord with conventional theory) and that combining voltage and current we get power, totally different from Don's claim she recited before, that one coil produces voltage and another current, but nothing strange there. Greatest mistake for anyone is to take her or anyone too literally, possibly, or rather, probably, this playful, messy approach was intentional, that is, spontaneous in accord with the feeling that there is no need to be too clear and coherent except in cases when chela (student) shows true dedication.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: AlienGrey on April 28, 2022, 08:18:55 AM
Mr Nixon well ~I have watched most of the Don Smith vids and  I have never claped eyes on that phenomina your
discribing above.

What he did say was as he gets a long loop of wire and slings it from the floor round his neck and back to the floor in what
looks like a hair pin shap is that wen wound in a caducious mode produced a zero inductance with no voltage but high current.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 28, 2022, 08:24:57 AM
Here you go "Amperage and no voltage"


The "other thing" he mentions that he might bring out in 2, 3, 5 years, is the matchbox size device outputting megawatts.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on April 28, 2022, 03:50:58 PM
According to the right hand rule the magnetic fields of a cw ccw coil are opposing.
What am I missing?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 28, 2022, 08:07:17 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 28, 2022, 09:11:16 AM

well I know basics but they are different to ur basics. Bro.  ;D

Basics are basics, universal, not mine or yours, and no, you do not know them. Bro. ;D

Quoteu say female is magnetic. but show me female human. and show me male human. both are human.
ones female divided. ones male divided. same is true of electricity or color b/c electricity division is prototype build to all created body form.

Yes, female is magnetic, no matter how you twist things won't change that. This is basic universal principle. This clearly shows you never understood Russel. If you studied him better, for example the following:

"The universe of matter is a registration of the energy expended by Mind in the effort of thinking. The exact energy of the action of thinking is registered in the electro-positive charging systems, and the reaction of the action is registered in the electro-negative discharging systems. The charging systems are electrically dominated, centripetally, closing, contracting systems. The discharging systems are magnetically dominated centrifugally opening, expanding systems."

You would understand he refers to electric and magnetic as electro-positive/negative. This is just semantics he used, it does NOT mean magnetic is "also electric".

Both are human, so? Electricity and magnetism are both expressions of the neutral force (the time axis, the point of Stillness around which they spiral, the seat of Self) insulating and centering them. Thus in all secondary forces is entrapped the same finer, neutral stream, the only difference between, for example, that in electricity and matter is that former is orders of magnitude faster and thus has the dominion over the latter, slower one (can change its atomic speed (weight) permanently, heat/cold permanently or destroy it without remnants). This neutral (finer) can be liberated by disruptive discharges, too fast/sudden (rate of change Tesla was after) for ordinary electron flow, these "shockwaves", let's call 'em neutral etheric carrier wave, this is the other spectrum i already spoke of, and it has a spectrum just like ordinary light. This type of energy hiding within electricity and all secondary forces is the solution for all Man's energy, communication and propulsion means.... In short, female is not "also electric", whole point of existence of polarities is that they are the opposite.

As i already explained, in both electric (male) and magnetic (female) lines of force flows exactly the same neutral substance (quantized consciousness), the ultimate 'matter' out of which ALL is made. This most subtle 'matter' is like tiny bubbles in the ether, these bubbles have no inner content, no spin, no pulsation and they never (as Keely correctly figured later confirmed by others) touch under any circumstances.... ONLY in more complex forms this etheric vapor, this eternal MATERIA PRIMA, aggregates into complex toroid forms that based on their spin CW or CCW attain male or female polarity, these do have heart like pulsation, male projecting/pumping subtle streams from higher to lower octaves and female returning them closing the circuit, they exist in balance, perpetuating the circle of life.

Whole creation is actually a biological light/sound hologram, from these tiniest male and female pulsating subatomic particles to supracosmic cells consisting of 49 cosmoses in DNA-like strand to yet higher and higher order 'cells', nested within each other on 7 GREAT COSMIC PLANES

Actual mechanics and scale of Creation were personally shown to Itzhak Bentov and reproduced here https://youtu.be/KMbeK_6ATxQ?t=4837

Quoteam not talking about Etheric streams.
I literally mean flows of current that u don't know about, each octave is composed of 4 pairs which is 8 total so in one flow of current there are 8 individual flows. even DC.

LOL Yes you are, you clown. For years i have been talking about these (usually) undetected streams/currents on this forum...

Again you misinterpret Russel.

Let's quote what he exactly said

"Varying pressures in a wave are tonal. In each octave wave there are four pairs of tones, each of which has the same relative position in its octave color spectrum as it has in its octaves of chemical elements. Waves are, therefore, electric pressure-conditioned octaves of tones."

He is talking about 8 tones within an octave wave, so he is not using classical octave of 5 tones and 2 diatonic semitones but has one additional tone or semitone, i don't think that 8th tone would sound particularly harmonic but if Mr. Russel put it there, it is probably for a good reason.

You of course have no idea why that is so and almost certainly did not even make a correlation i just did, all you do is PARROT/QUOTE.

We know from ALL occult schools of thought, from ancient to newer (which are in turn based on ancient) that physical Creation is divided into 7 Cosmic Planes, as i said before and will say again, Materia Prima of the highest octave is condensing into lower planes/octaves based on ratio of 7x7, that is 49, quite different from Russel's 8 tone 10 octave scales, but certain correlations can be made.

You do speak of etheric streams cause etheric streams are LITERALLY all-there-is. All is made of these subtle Universal Currents, all forms emerge from them, all forms ultimately dissolve back into them. Yet the streams themselves are eternal, nonchanging. Rota discovered 381 different ones, he knew each one by distinct timber and using these streams that permeate Earth in all directions he could predict weather precisely months ahead, see distant locations, determine one's exact disease (clinically proven on 50+ patients), exact location and date of birth and death.... what he did was like magic, but this is not thread about Rota. This is the Earth Grid known since Atlatnis and once Man again learns to tune to these currents will need no high power radio emitters or satellites cause these carry information faster than light losslessly.

The most essential of all discoveries in any civilization's development was and will be the discovery of these Universal Currents creating all including the life process. As said before, secondary forces like electricity and magnetism are composed of multiple such streams, each having particular carrier frequency and harmonics (timber). Not only is DC composed of multiple such streams (as Leedskalining also correctly figured) but also so called 'static' electricity and 'static' magnetic field as well as matter and everything else including thoughts and emotions. Nothing is beyond the reach of Universal Currents but the Self projecting them from the point(s) of STILL-NESS.

Quoteu read Russell but you complex his work with slam it with others which tells me u didn't comprehend him.
SOOO many ppl do this.
yup have been accused of being a purist b4. no 1 goes to bat for Russell anymore.

You quote him literally without understanding, misinterpreting his words (as in female "also electric"), and are unable to correlate his work with work of other great sources, thus it is clear you're the one who did not comprehend him.

You can quote tho, boi you can quote.

QuoteRussell nvr admitted ether he called it 'space octaves' which are gases expanded beyond the 18th element hydrogen on his periodic chart.
Light waves need no "medium" thru which to propagate. LIGHT is already everywhere.

I am well aware of his elements chart.

When he says "ALL LIGHT PARTICLES ARE ALIKE " he does not mean just ordinary light, he means etheric light streams flooding all space, this is exactly the same thing as Rota's Universal Currents, you just did not connect the dots.

Also, he did write "atoms of space" in one of his books, i can't find the quote right now. 

Density of etheric substance streaming through space everywhere is many orders of magnitude greater than densest element we know on Earth, as i already wrote, which you of course never addressed, that each octave above we go the density of matter, speed of light and rate times flows are all times 49 than on the lower plane.

This is the reason number 49 is encoded ALL over Bible. This is the ratio by which highest substance condenses toward lower planes. Funny how Mr Russel never told about this essential ratio by which literally everything is condensed, neither did he mention the 6 axis of time and exactly how they create 3D space, not to go further.

Realize, around the 'physical' Earth you see there are 7 spheres of astral MATTER (and it's as physical as this one when you tune up) above and 7 below Earth, each expanding millions of miles. Highest of those 7 planes is inconceivably lower than the 7th astral shell covering our sun and so on fractally in similar order, what is highest in Earth terms is by far not highest in larger reference frame. These are degrees of spiritual evolution but i digress.

Light is everywhere and moves not, that is something Keely said long before Russel. This is true if we for Light take the Intelligence observing the creation from points of stillness. But, at the same time, quantized Consciousness (bubbles in ether), Light made manifest does flow in all directions eternally.

Keely studies got me nowhere. I'll just say that.

And Russel got you to conclude female is also electric, my my.

I would say ur terms are complex b/c u don't understand simplicity of the Universe.
when u do "know" then u can explain Universal basics to a child and they comprehend.

:) I knew you're gonna resort to that "argument". BTW Einstein said that 'If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself.'. Indeed, i 100% agree with him and i love that quote, but you forgot we are not 6 year olds here. Well, maybe you are :)

If you understood the simplicity of the Universe you would've recognized that all i say is based on simple principles ​clearly outlined and very much in-line with Russel you worship.

But you did not understand, you only memorized few quotes, big difference.

already know SVP, even Dale Pond who has whole Russell room at his headquarters.

Some day you will realize that for true understanding of things one should never limit himself to a single perspective exclusively.

I don't know gravity u say. OK, but I have machine that makes object gain or lose weight. so I must know something correct. uses Russell dual vortex principle.

Hutchison had a setup that levitated 30kg lead cannonball, yet he did not understand gravity. Needless to repeat, no matter how deeply i studied OU i studied gravity and all related phenomena 10 times deeper. When i get over with this and put gravity on my table, i assure you i will not make an object that loses a gram or two of weight, but float a mountain if you like, if you only knew the majesty of 369, the scalar interferometry....., the Zirbes' vortexial experimentally verified Falling bodies theory of gravity.... if you only knew that through disinformation of element 115 they (MIC) pointed to something even more important...

QuoteOK well forget ignition coil then. u didn't even try the experiment I suggested. and u STILL didn't answer what is polarity of spark???
simple question nix85 is IC spark pos or neg?
but u don't answer that b/c we are still far apart in thinking on here.

You still don't get it, nothing about that experiment contradicts coulomb's law, circuit closes itself along two parallel paths, nothing strange. Spark can be hot or cold, that is another subject and has nothing to do with your flawed idea.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 28, 2022, 09:05:11 PM
Ironic. I'll just tell you think about that yourself and what i wrote above .

"Some day you will realize that for true understanding of things one should never limit himself to a single perspective exclusively."

May time tell who dug up and correlated some of nature's most profound secrets and who was a clown who parroted blindly from one source he did not even understand.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 28, 2022, 10:48:48 PM
Quote from: tomd on April 28, 2022, 03:50:58 PM
According to the right hand rule the magnetic fields of a cw ccw coil are opposing.
What am I missing?

What they call right hand rule i call left hand rule cause i prefer electron flow better than conventional. As so https://youtu.be/bht9AJ1eNYc?t=1081

You are missing the fact we can change the polarity of the coil's mag field by either changing if it's wound CW or CCW or by changing the direction of current we feed through it.

So CW and CCW coil have mag field in same direction if electrons in them flow in opposite directions (looking from the middle - as they do in case of induction).

This of course assumes you connect them in such a way that voltages do not cancel out which can be done in parallel (Zila) or series.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on April 29, 2022, 02:58:02 AM
More questions:
Zilano mentions bifilar coils produce scalar waves. How is that? From what I have read from tesla scalar waves (longitudinal waves) are the result of abrupt dc discharges. Also how does one identify the scalar or cold electricity as opposed to hertzian in a circuit. I'm thinking of the reverse tesla circuit.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 29, 2022, 03:48:44 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 29, 2022, 10:03:06 AM

WR teaches
"ALL questions are answerable in the Light. Thou art Light. Thou can answer them."

Did you need Russel to tell you that Light of Intelligence is in you, this is the teaching of all the mystery schools, of all Masters and Gurus, go within for all the answer are within.

So like u I studied many ppl, but got to Dr. Russell and realized I need no middle man to get answers.
b/c Walter needed no middle man. not Keely. not Rota.

You base your whole worldview on HIS view and yet in the same lovely sentence talk of not having a middle-man. You are a clown.

Your self-contradictions aside, there is nothing wrong about studying the work of the great ones who came and gone before us, as they studied those before them, one's own intelligence should always lead the way, one should always ponder on deep questions unceasingly, but always learn from good works of others as much as you can. Take from each what resonates deeply as Truth, don't learn from one perspective only (which you stupidly misinterpreted below), reality is a multifaceted gem, holographic, each part reflects the whole, more pieces we take into account, clearer the picture becomes.

Go to God straight for answers. Maxwell Chikumbutso did so too.
So I CAN limit to single perspective b/c God is single perspective of duality.
I stand on the fulcrum and watch every1 go back-n-forth on the see-saw.  ;D

I been doing exactly that my whole life. I told you already to listen to your Intuition (which is you Inner Self you call "God"). If you did, it would not have taken you 7 years and 350,000$ to see progress.

I don't like to talk about my inner experiences, these are private things and best kept that way, let's just say i have seen the higher planes in lucid dreams 150% awake in each and every sense, seeing reality in all it's details and senses so hyperhyperreal that this state you call "reality" is but a deep coma in comparison. It would probably take you a sip of DMT or LSD to see that, i don't know how can i explain it better to someone on your level. Some day you will also discover this ability in yourself, then you too will be able to withdraw to state in which one can clearly see that there is no such thing as past or future or "outside world", that the world is a 2D image pulled over your "eyes", state of deep knowing and perfect stillness beyond logical analysis.

You of course stupidly misinterpreted the words of not sticking to one perspective when figuring fundamental truths to mean observing creation from perspective of duality, in no way does it follow. Of course it means eclectic approach, correlating the gems from various sources, uniting the 4 winds, which includes works of others and our own work.

QuoteThe Universe is simple.
Until u go and try to explain it.
Then its complicated b/c words are clumsy expression.
It's like trying to drink the ocean with a fork, it'll take 4ever.

Universe is built on simple principles you do not know or understand.

It can be explained in simple terms, perfect example https://www.sacred-texts.com/earth/eti/eti33.htm

Or it can be explained in more complex terms.

QuoteU have written a nice piece of science fiction there, but to me that's all it is.

I love that you called the fundamental principles i shared "SF", this perfectly rounds up all about you. May time tell if things i said were "SF" as you claim, or it was the Truth and you are fool.

QuoteI understand u have given time energy money into ur studies so u have investment and stake in ur position.

Nope, i invested no/minimal money in my studies, unlike you, i don't need millions to access Nature's Penetralia. No fixed position, i am just a seeker putting together a great holographic puzzle as you will too some day.

WR had a wife Lao Russell. She asked Walter one day "darling, am I negative?"
He said "why NO of course". She replied "Well neither is electricity!"
So it took a Woman to correct Walter himself then u see in Atomic Suicide? (published 1957)
u see female labeled as "+" POSITIVE. Man and Woman both are positive.
see pic as proof of wot i say.

u only quote Walter from his early books circa 1926 / 1947 when he believed FEMALE was negative MAGNETIC.

Whatever Russel believed does not change that fundamental polarities are electric (male, positive, projective) and magnetic (female, negative, receptive).

on here I come to discuss Don Smith / Zilano.
Don followed Tesla, Tesla told WR to lock up his knowledge for 1000 yrs till mankind was ready for it.
so I follow WR to understand Tesla and Don. OK?

Sweet "logic". I know that alleged Tesla's statement. So.
Long before Russel Keely was penetrating the depths of ether, as did others before him.
Nothing new under the sun.

So you follow Russel yet you claim to have no "middle man" :). Again i ask your what you should've long asked yourself.....how come Russel is using 8 tones in his octaves. There are 7 musical tones in an octave, 7 colors of the rainbow (and 7 of darkness equally substantial), 7 astral spheres around the Earth (and 7 below), 7 COSMIC PLANES subdivided into inumerable subplanes by same ratio of 7*7, 7*7 is the ratio by which matter, speed of light and time condense toward lower planes, 7 is the number of God... yet here comes Russel with 8 tone octave, this is the first thing you must explain if you are ever to make sense of Russel's work, otherwise you just stupidly parrot your religion.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 29, 2022, 05:09:49 PM
You mean spell right like WR xD

If he can add a tone to the octave i can take a letter from his name......
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 29, 2022, 05:25:19 PM
So.............. are we gonna hear the explanation of the 8 tone octave or will you head for the hills...........
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 29, 2022, 10:24:04 PM
That is exactly how i tried to explain this years ago and i knew you're gonna give this simplistic "explanation". Never did you notice that two cannot be directly compared.

Look at his element chart below, you can clearly see there are 8 tones in his octave and 9th is first repeated, second harmonic. This is a scale of 8 tones, there is no question about it and it does not correspond to musical scale which has 7 tones and 8th is second harmonic of the 1st.

However, if you look at the whole diagram of which below is a crop, you can see that while his first 6 octaves have 8 elements/tones, 7th and 8th octave have 18, 9th has 32 and 10th 19, so this cannot even be compared to musical scale which has same number of tones per octave, of course. We may make a similar logarithmic spiral based on exponents of 7 to visualize the increase of density of matter toward higher planes as given by Theosophists.

Âdî                           1         1
Anupâdaka               49        49
Âtmâ                        49²      2,401
Buddhi                      49³      117,649
Manas (mental)          49⁴      5,764,800
Kâma (astal)              49⁵      282,475,249
Sthûla (physical)        49⁶      13,841,287,201

BTW Russell was not the only one who used 8 tones/colors, one contactee called Norman Paulsen in his book The Christ consciousness chapter The Genesis of Creation speaks about 8 radiant colors of the spectrum, you can read it here starting on page 290. https://archive.org/details/christconsciousn00paul_0/page/290/mode/1up

This division however is very rare, almost all schools of thought, yogi Masters, whole Hindu/Vedic cosmology, for example great Meher Baba, as well as the best contactee cases like Rahma Group Sixto Paz, Ummo, Oscar Magocsi etc talk of 7 Cosmic Planes and all division is always 7 (and 12), not 8. Of course, again, there are 7 colors, 7 musical tones, 7 astral shells around planets.....These are just different ways of looking at the same thing.

As for the rest, i got his books, i know exactly from where you are quoting him, these are basics that all is made in pairs....well not the primordial substance, get this into your head, prime matter is non-polar, NOT created in pairs. This substance becomes polarized by spin... It itself has no opposites, it just IS. If you want to give it an opposite then it's opposite is the Spirit Itself which has no form or substance.

This is why it is possible to have music BEYOND Mind (TIME), now figure that one. As great yogis speak of Shabd from Sachkhand, the sound emerging from the Soul itself, NOT in time it rings always in the now, in all of us. They describe it like combination of large and small bells, most beautiful sounds, never exactly repeating.

Russell is right that 9 is the universal boundary, 10 is completion, return to 1. This is also reflected in number of chakras Man has which is 18.

6 chakras of Brahmanda (universal egg) and SachKhanda - going upward above head
6 chakras of Anda (astral-sensory planes) - going horizontal behind the eyes
6 chakras of Pindar (physical body)

9 is a spiral for a reason, proton is 1,836 times heavier than electron for a reason, again 99.

As our planetary neighbours told Richard T. Miller "9 is the key to mathematical science of magnetism" in line with Rodin's vortex math which is actually borrowed from Oahspe.........

Occult societies are for a reason obsessed with 9, 7, 33 and 11 - Biff from BTTF1 lives at 1809 Mason Street, whole BTTF franchise is packed with 9 and 11 everywhere.... Who's interested here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE3MWuX4ztA All best movies are like this, for example last one i checked for this was Truman show, EVERYWHERE 9s, from the very start, 9 on the TV, reflector falls from the sky on which it say "Sirius (9 canis major)".....

I am not dissing him one bit, i always held him high among the occult sources and promoted him back in the day. I knew for many years, very possibly before you, how good Russell's gift to mankind is.

All i am saying is that his 8 tone octave does not correspond to 7 tone octaves of sound and light and interdimensional condensing factor of 49....which, again, does not mean Russell is wrong, it's just a different perspective.

Overall his work is very similar to work of Keely, vortexial cosmology of Oahspe, Viktor Schauberger, Charles Webster Leadbeater and others. He is not set apart from them, they are all giving slightly different perspective of the same physics of Oneness (aka Uniphysics) based on counterrotating golden (phi) spirals and neutral center where Intelligence resides.....even the planetary orbits follow the phi ratio, i found this out myself without hearing it from anyone...and phi ratio is based on numerical value 9 and 7, two most essential numbers.. diatonic scale where A is 432Hz almost all tone frequencies have numerical value of 9, sadly Nazi 440Hz is still a standard....

All these are as important and valid from their respective perspective.

And all the stuff i talked of before extracted mostly from Theosophy, work of Keely and Hollingshead and contactees Zirbes and Tassel. You have no idea how valuable THEIR gift is to Man, you called all that SF. :) You will learn one day and these posts will be here to remind you how limited and false your views were.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 30, 2022, 12:37:02 AM
A little bit from Oahspe telling few important things well known in occult circles, that light we see is created in the atmosphere and that there are various strata, plateaus of the vortex surrounding the Earth, these are the 7 astral shells i talked about.

Earth, Needles in the Atmosphere, and Plateaus.

When Jehovih condensed the earth, and it became firm and crusted over, there rose up from the earth heat and moisture, which continue to this day. But Jehovih limited the ascent of the substances going upward, and the boundary of the limit of moisture was the same as the clouds that float in the air; and the heat was of similar ascent. And while the moisture and heat rise upward, they are met by the etheric substance of the vortex of the earth, and the moisture and the gases of the air assume the form of needles. On the side of the earth facing the sun the needles are polarized and acting, driving forth, which is called light; but on the face of the earth opposite from the sun the needles are in confusion, and this is called darkness. Jehovih said: So that man may comprehend the structure of the belt that holds the earth, I will give him a sign high up in the air. And Jehovih caused the vapor in the firmament to be frozen and fall to the earth, white, and it is called snow. For the snowflake shows the matrix in which it is molded. Jehovih said: Let this be a sign also, that even as heat and moisture rise up from the earth, so are there representatives of all things on the earth which have also evaporated upward, and all such things rise up to the level of density that is like themselves, every one to its own level, and they take their places in the strata of the vortex. These are called plateaus; or spheres, for they surround the whole earth. Some of them are ten miles high, some a thousand, some a hundred thousand or more miles. And all these spheres that rotate and travel with the earth are called atmospherea, or lower heavens.

As I made a limit to the ascent of clouds, so I made a limit to the places of the different kinds of substances in atmospherea; the more subtle and potent to the rim, and the more dense and impotent nearer to the earth.

According to the condition of these different plateaus in atmospherea, whether they are near the earth or high above, |65| so shall the spirit of man take its place in the first heaven; |66| according to his diet, desires and behavior, so shall he dwell in spirit on the plateau to which he has adapted himself during his earth life.

Earth and Plateaus of Lower Heaven. E, Etherea; B, periphery of the earth's vortex. This line was called by the ancients the Bridge of Chinvat.* All within this area is called Atmospherea. The center circle is the earth; land mass is black; O, the ocean. 1, 2, 3, represent atmospherean plateaus on and near the earth. The O, O, O, with a line through it, represent atmospherean oceans.

*Note that to make the earth, etc., apparent, this Chinvat line is not to scale. That is, were Chinvat drawn in actual proportion to the shown size of the earth, the B line would be drawn some 30 of earth's diameters distant from the center of the earth.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 30, 2022, 02:08:06 AM
Something interesting about 7 colors of the rainbow, namely

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet

Below is a table with frequencies for each. You can see that the frequency of red is around 400THz, ultraviolet, next "color" after violet begins at 800THz, so here we have a perfect second harmonic of red, the first tone of the next octave. Clearly, colors respect the 7 tonal division of an octave.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: forest on April 30, 2022, 02:34:27 PM
interesting interesting.... how is L2 made ? Is there a secret about it ?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 30, 2022, 03:45:27 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 30, 2022, 08:55:51 AM

yes I get it. u have superiority complex and great need to tell folks like me they are wrong.
and that u r right. u make it abundantly clear.

no need to kick a dead horse.  ::)

Suuuure, i got superiority complex, not you...

"I CAN limit to single perspective b/c God is single perspective of duality.
I stand on the fulcrum and watch every1 go back-n-forth on the see-saw.  ;D"

"I would love to get into this more detail, but there is almost no one I can talk to about this. everyone throws old theories at me like dogma and here am just trying to impart a different way of thinking or looking at the thing b/c 125 year old theories of electricity just don't cut it."

Quoteu attach picture of WR periodic chart from 1926.
look at chart in Atomic Suicide?
its much more accurate.
Universal One chart has 10 octaves, but 9 octaves is limit.

We are not talking about octaves, but tones per octave. 9 is the limit, i said i agree with Russel on that cause i confirmed it in other sources, but it must be correlated with septenary division we observe in all on all scales.

Quotewhat is prime matter?
all matter is divided light compressed into visibility.
if prime matter, as u say, is not created in pairs then it is STILL LIGHT.
or in WR terms Still Magnetic Light.
it is not substance but pure Mind.

any 'substance' is only motion which is transitory illusion.

To start from the end, it is substance it is spirit quantized but before i elaborate on that....pure Mind is not still, Mind is never still, it thinks unceasingly always, THIS is what creates TIME. If it were still for an instant it would seize to exist (as Ishwar Puri correctly put it). Mind is always in time, Mind IS time.


That only motion exists is a common WIDE-SPREAD notion in all occult schools long preceding Russell, if you opened the chapter i linked multiple times you would read....

Pure energy, in all its modifications, is absolutely unknown to man. What men call heat, gravitation, light, electricity, and magnetism are the grosser attributes attending alterations in an unknown, attenuated, highly developed force producer. They are results, not causes. The real force, an unreached energy, is now flooding all space, pervading all materials. Everywhere there exists an infinite sea of motion absolute.


Perhaps you can accept now that instead of light, heat, electricity, magnetism, and gravitation being really modifications of force they are disturbances."

"Disturbances of what?"

"Disturbances of motion."

"Motion of what?"

"Motion of itself, pure and simple."

.....What you forget is that for motion/waves to manifest there must be a medium, a substance, and substance is an infinite ocean of quantized consciousness. Spirit, which has no form, no substance, in state of no-time, no-space, splits itself into many little points of awareness. There is still no Mind (time-space), but there is "something". This something is satchitananda, truth, consciosuness, bliss. In this "ocean" of bliss trillions of individualized souls 'dance' eternally. From this state of what might be equated to ultimate Paradise, Self desires to experience duality, a contrast to appreciate the ultimate state better. So it creates Mind which is the opposite of unity, a cutting knife based on interaction of the opposites, polarity. So into this "ocean" of timeless/spaceless awareness it projects opposing wave fronts, creating interference patterns which become the time-space Cosmic Forcefield, and polarity from unity is born.  And first polarity is not the Mind itself, but polarity between unity of Soul and polarity of Mind.

it IS a different way of looking at music, but nobody said 7 tone scale is totally correct.
every musician knows u can have split tones in b/w full tones.
and with one string u can have whole octave of tones.

7 tone scale is totally correct in a sense that these 7 sounds are most harmonious, the 5 black keys are flats/sharps and are not harmonious with the 7, they represent discord, they are black for a reason, evil if you like (ignorance of the law).

BTW I am a musician, i wrote about that already but i don't think i posted it in the end, the fact that full scale has 12 tones, 5 tones, 2 semitones (white piano keys) and 5 sharps/flats (black keys). I already tried to reconcile Russell's model using this, obviously, they do not match. You might take 1 of the sharps/flats to have 8 tones but then you have something between diatonic and chromatic scale. Also, as seen in his diagram his higher octaves have much more than 8 tones, so this is not directly comparable to musical scales which always have same number of tones per octave.

QuoteWR was Cosmic Illuminate. His Illumination was 39 days and nights. Jesus Christ's Illumination was 40 days and nights.
Oahspe was b4 Russell, but he was not Illuminate.
full-on Cosmic Consciousness is a lot more rare than ppl think.
if 1 doesn't have full-on cosmic illumination then only pieces are gleaned, not the whole.
WR saw Universe as 1 whole and to me that is difference.

I know Russell's story, probably long before you, and his way of listening to Nature.

Oahspe is not a he, Oahspe means ""sky, earth (corpor) and spirit", it is the invaluable source of information given by etherian hosts, if you think Russell was more illuminated than them, you are foolish.

Cosmic Consciousness is in everyone, everyone can peek inside and he shall know the Truth. That is the ultimate wisdom, divisions are for the Mind, illusion.

Again, you are setting him apart, all great Yogis, Masters, Seers of old and new, all of us with eyes to see see the universe as one whole, a dream, maya, illusion.

If you were not so transfixed on him only, if you for example studied Bentov i linked before you would find his cosmic illumination is on par or greater than Russell (it is not a competition, just the opposite, it is your setting him apart from all others that makes me tell you he is not the greatest, he is one of the seers), you would see the actual SCALE OF CREATION and that it is based on division of 49 as Theosophists said.

I'll summarize here the scale of Creation as seen by Bentov.

Our universe is shaped like a toroidal egg with black/white hole at the center, circulation of matter from the center and around the toroid creates illusion of linear time...but not to get into mechanics here, 49 such egg-cosmoses on a DNA like spiral/strand make up one supracosmic CELL with interference pattern in shape of Aleph, the first letter of Hebrew alphabet projecting white light which is modulated by two lower centers, one golden (LOVE) and another blue (WILL), combination of the two creating the creation which is pink (inverse of green, well, actually inverse is magenta which is pinkish). 15 such cells are joined in a double tetrahedron structure 1 then 3 then 7 then 3 then 1 (fine structure constant 1/137 - constant of constants), untold number of such double tetrahedron structures make up one even larger supra supra cosmic cell 60 layers deep which is surrounded by untold number of similar cells and this is the first COSMIC PLANE out of 7. The next 5 were not described but we are told nesting continues in similar manner, consciousness being modular, larger one comprising the smaller ones. Seventh plane is described as one gigantic, ever growing, expanding CELL (sphere) of Manifest Creation (and yet no matter how large and complex, it will always be but a dot in the infinite void). On closer inspection Bentov saw that the surface of this sphere is made of 4 layers of rotating bars, holographic interference patterns in shape of Sanskrit alphabet with the 4th layer, the most outer one being comprised of ओम् Om, symbol of Cosmic Consciousness. As the sphere expands these penetrate the Void which makes them rotate and act as transducers creating sound, various frequencies which in turn interact to produce other frequencies/harmonics, the words of Creation. At the throne of creation each sees himself in deep meditative state and by merging with yourself one realizes he was always the void, the formless, timeless Spirit.


Or cosmology of Martinus, another great seer of modern times.............

yeah 7 colors in rainbow but at Yellow u have centered by WHITE and this is wave-field boundary where axis of symmetry exits so yellow is like 5th of scale and is a double tone.

White is not part of the spectrum, white is a SUM of all colors of light, just like black is a sum of all colors of darkness (just as substantial). You can't just throw in some nonsense to fit your position. If we are to correlate Russell's work with other cosmic models it must be done INTELLIGENTLY, not like a cat swinging it's tail.

our Sun is yellow white and almost true sphere, so it is fusion of Red and Blue hemispheres.

Sun we see is white alright, not slightest trace of yellow in it. It may appear yellow when rising/setting due to thicker atmosphere at such an angle. What you are forgetting is that light you see is CREATED LOCALLY IN THE EARTH'S VORTEX. I wrote already that sun does NOT emit herzian waves, if it does it is insignificant compared to it's primary output which are 33 types of VITAL ENERGY, this is the other spectrum i talked about. To this spectrum belong all the 'exotic' phenomena, life, vitality, gravity/antigravity, thoughts, emotions etc.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 30, 2022, 07:29:15 PM
I love how this PERFECTLY exemplifies what happens when someone makes claims about things he has no understanding of.

Mind IS thinking, thinking is always in time, it IS time.

Mind (time) is an effect produced when awareness which is always in perfect now spreads out into illusory polarity of past and future, trains of thought always coming from the "past" flowing into the "future". It is just a tool, a calculator, a cutting knife, it has no life of it's own, no will of it's own, it does not even exist except as an polarized vibratory illusion. It is an effect, not the cause.

Soul is the cause, the experiencer at the points of STILL-NESS.

Also, as i said before, there is vibration, music BEYOND Mind (time), this is very important to grasp to discern that Mind is literally just an illusion produced by awareness spread out into polarity of non-existing past and non-existing future.

You may visualize it in the following way, imagine that whole creation is a 2D gigantic image constituted of tiny Kodak films spread out. You can see the whole picture at once, this is your perfect now outside the illusion of time, you can as well focus/narrow your attention on a particular spot on the image and move this ray of attention which creates the illusion of linear time.

It is YOU, who have confused basic CAUSE and EFFECT.

Musical scale as it is with 5 tones 2 semitones and 5 sharps/flats is universal, all is ultimately subjective and each experiences reality according to his own prism, but we can all agree major chord sounds happy and minor sad and when you play a white and black key you feel the discord.

John Newbrough channeled Oahspe, it's not his name.

You can call white and black compression and expansion, or order and chaos which would be equally or more accurate.

Others explained God in Scientific terms before him, Keely for example.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on April 30, 2022, 07:52:19 PM
You can keep the Russell's audio lectures, they sure did not help you understand stuff ;)

But i highly advice you to start reading Bentov, Tassel, Zirbes and others already mentioned, you might actually start to see some L I G H T ;)
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 01, 2022, 02:07:22 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on April 30, 2022, 09:00:35 AM
all folks

here's more info relating to Don 4kW device mentioned earlier in post. also see schematic attached.

here is zilano info pertaining:

"this is the simplest and working circuit i have tested and found it works best. the basic is a coil resonates when its triggered with pulsing dc at its resonant frequency specified by coil and its self capacitance. as we dont know self capacitance of a coil unless we measure it with lcr meter. so a cap is used parallel to the coil. we know inductance and cap is an oscillating circuit. it oscillates transferring oscillations to secondary. here primary is an oscillator and secondary resonate sympathetically if a matching cap is used at secondary. the two coils now resonate. feeding each other with same resonant frequency and losses compensated with spark feeding energy so its resonant oscillator. resonance produce amplification and this xtra energy is pulsed again as we did it in the primary with diode and spark gap. the traf is ferrite and the coil primary of trafo is matched with cap for 60 hz by matching capacitor so trafo primary oscillates at 50/60 hz. here spark triggers the trafo primary to make it oscillate at 60 hz. the output can be tapped at the output of secondary. here we just use overflow of resonant energy and don't use storage caps. this is simple theory and working device schematic. its a working circuit. one can use varistors to maintain desired voltage. varistors are available easily.

well nobody follow Don circuit. all people working on ou make Tesla type oscillator circuit. where as Don just want us to use pulsed dc with spark gap to trigger a coil with parallel cap. so simple. and using lengths measured before coiling can save one a lot of headache to match resonance even without using caps. but people don't see a coil can resonate AS A SINGLE ENTITY BUT EVERY COIL has parasitic or self capacitance between its turns IT ACTS AS CAPACITOR WORKING PARALLELY WITH COIL.
parasitic capacitance can be increased with pvc coated wire or spacing turns apart. but no one follows this and blame Don for cheating and lying and fake schematics etc etc. Kapandze followed Don and all the world trust him. There is no info on net how to use resonance for ou except Don documentation.
so how can kapanadze came up with ou. its becoz he followed Don. and did practical and found the basis and world wonders that kapanadze is ahead of even Tesla. SEARCH NET FOR TESLA OU DEVICE AND U WILL FIND NONE. NOT EVEN PATENTS AND NOT EVEN RARE BOOKS. coz Tesla didn't disclose the secret he left us to find out and Don did same but he gave schematics to follow. its for us to understand the puzzle that DON LEFT FOR US TO SOLVE.

L1 is inside L2. so L2 is outer coil and L1 is inner coil. slidable.

Spark Gaps
there r two spark gaps. one at primary and one before output trafo. the first earth is a direct earth the 2nd earth is in series with 220 volt varistor. we lower volt after 2nd spark gap b4 trafo. spark gaps r open and hot and r made with steel needles pushed in a glass tube with 1 mm gap. primary cap is in pf cos smaller the cap greater is repulsive power. primary cap is charged parallely across the primary coil and spark is used to trigger primary. nst frequency is 30khz but primary oscillating frequency is in mhz and its different from nst frequency. after secondary we use a diode to make pulsing hvdc required to
trigger the ferrite trafo for 50 hz with spark gap in return wire. steps r same as done in primary to trigger oscillate the circuit.
primary 1/4L and secondary is 4L. the varistor protects overvoltage and shunts to the earth. primary and secondary air core.
nst 4kv. primary caps 8kv secondary caps 20kv.

there is a cap across L1 and also L2.

real earth ground.

well is spark firing or not? if spark firing the figure i gave will oscillate primary with parallel cap across. then tune secondary with cap. u don't have to match frequency of ur nst with primary. primary will just oscillate at its own frequency.
246/freq in mhz= length of primary (1/4 wavelength) in feet then this length will oscillate at the frequency in mhz secondary= 4x length of primary we choose frequency ourselves and higher the better.

when spark is off caps charges and when spark is on cap and inductance oscillates. well spark is like a switch a high voltage switch."


It doesn't look a lot different from the reverse tesla circuit. One is step up the other step down. Could use ideas presented here for reverse tesla. For example could I have a primary of say 16m and a cw-ccw secondary of 4m each? Hopefully do away with the caps.

Is the induction electrostatic or magnetic. I tend to think electrostatic as magnetic induction would be stronger if the primary coil was outside the secondary as the magnetic field is stronger there (tesla coil).

It's not clear from the circuit diagrams weather the spark gap is meant to fire only once to trigger resonance or fire with resonance as does a tesla coil.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 01, 2022, 05:37:20 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 01, 2022, 09:44:45 AM

u have made mistake and think I am 1 w/o understanding. no surprise I disagree!  ;D

And that is just another mistake you make, you're indeed the one without understanding. ;D

Quotei ask u then is a painter their painting?
is a poet their poems?
is a writer their writings?

No of course is the answer. The Creator and creation r different things.
God is Mind, and creator of Universe (creation).

So Mind is not thinking. Thinking is a product of Mind, but is not Mind itself.
Thinking is expression of IDEA of Mind. Idea is always static. Thinking is dynamic.

this is why I say u read Russell but didn't comprehend it.

Soul u say is Stillness but Mind and Soul are 1 and same.

This clearly shows you did not comprehend Russell you just blindly quote him just like you claimed female to be electric #facepalm.

You also failed to understand that the fact that Russell equates God with Mind shows he never transcended the Mind, he was not a SAT (True) Guru, one who sees beyond the black vortex of Bhanwar Gupha (top of Mind).

There are many worlds/states of sound/bliss beyond Mind (time-space), this is the ocean of love Kabir speaks about. This is NOT Mind, mind is a lower region where consciousness becomes narrowed and polarized into illusion of past and future. There are no opposites in Sach Khand. As Bob Dylan says "There are no truths outside the Gates of Eden".

Highest of those transmental worlds is called Anami Lok - meaning world/state which cannot even be named, One who is beyond all attributes and descriptions, the supreme Creator of ALL. It is stillness and it is not, it's is a paradox and it's not that either. Neti neti neti, seers of old said meaning "not this not this not this".

Mind IS thinking, the act of thinking = Mind (Time). Mind = KAL Niranjan - TIME - the 5th of 16 God's sons, father of Vishnu, creator of all the mental worlds.

Ideas belong to astral level, ideas proceed from concepts and concepts are created in the Causal Plane (the higher Mind). For example a concept of sitting down (in the Causal Plane) creates the idea of a chair (in the Astral Plane) which in turn creates all the different types of chairs made manifest in the Physical Plane. In the Causal Plane all senses (seeing, tasting...) are 1 unified sense, toward the lower planes all is spread out and separated, more and more individualized, more and more unreal.

In short, no, Mind and Soul are not 1 and same, never were never will be (time-pun intended)

u use film analogy to explain ur view but Russell used it first. Tell me have u read Atomic Suicide?
published 1957

I heard that analogy from Ishwar Puri who has probably learned it from his Guru Sawan Singh. It is actually not an analogy, it is a literal mechanism of how destinies are scattered in the sky of the Causal Plane just like movie rolls, and it is a literal mechanism how the illusion of reality is created from still pictures. We by our free will which is really the will of the One Supreme Being pick one of those films and focus on particular spot on it assuming a fake character and his/her karma, we cover ourselves with fake memories and think we have lived all those past lives and will have to live all the future lives, but truth is much stranger, i'll leave it at that.

QuoteAsk urself if Keely was right why has no1, not even expert Dale Pond been able to replicate his dynasphere or any working device? in all these years no replications... if he had answer then why still no solution?

what we r discussing cannot be won w/ polemics.
it can only be proven experimentally to verify else no1 will believe not even urself.

So, I test Russell b/c in book Atomic Suicide? WR gives us simple experiments to test and see if WR is right. u can do same if u like.  :P

The popular quote attributed to Tesla ""If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6, and 9, then you would have a key to the universe."" was popularized by a guy who admitted he shared it online without ever having any valid source to back it up, the real author is of course Keely who first wrote about this fundamental ratio of Triune Force flow which makes up ALL (mental) creation and reflects itself in all on all levels, from electric (male) magnetic (female) and time (neutral) axis of light to pingala (male) ida (female) sushumna (neutral-time axis) of Kundalini energies spiraling around/through your spine also reflected in 3 gunas rajas (male-active) tamas (female-passive), and sattva (neutral-balance). As Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad gita 7.14

"This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three modes of material nature, is difficult to overcome. But those who have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it."

Now that we made clear triune flow manifests in all on all (mental) levels, we can talk of Hollingshead who was probably a student of Keely as he used practically the same terminology and has replicated to an extent his work with his Odic ray, it made metals PERMANENTLY lose weight (very rare effect, usually degravitation must be sustained) aluminum 20% permanent weight loss, permanently made metals hot or cold, it has caused hard clay to explode the instant the ray touched it; rock, opaque to the eye, has been made transparent and by means of the ray, an actual photograph has been taken through a 11-1/2 inches of lead.....

So let's quote Edgar's son who was a witness and a student of his father summarizing his work

In order to overcome the force of gravity we must first make an assumption as to just what gravity is. Then working under that assumption, prove to our reason that our hypothesis is correct. Thus, I shall say that the force known as gravitation is an emanation coming from the sun.

In order that we may gain some understanding of the great force of solar energy which controls the solar system, which is necessary if we are to understand the real cause of weight in matter, let us consider the fact that reason proves to us that we cannot have a great force like gravitation coming into the earth unless there is an equal and opposite force coming out of the earth; otherwise, there would be an unbalanced condition in nature where order is the fact. Likewise, we cannot conceive of a great force like gravitation coming from no place in space, for reason prove to us that there must be some definite place for this force to come from, and also a definite place for its opposite polarity to return to. We know that the force coming from the sun manifests as light and heat, and therefore, we know that gravitation has a prepondertly [sic] positive nature; thus, reason proves to us that the force returning to the sun or the opposite polarity of gravitation must have a prepondertly [sic] negative character. This force, coming from the sun, must cross interplanetary space in the form of high etheric energy, but when this energy comes in contact with the atmosphere of the earth, it is thereby resisted and slowed down or "transformed" into electricity, light, and heat.

In order that we may realize how it is possible to develop a process by which the weight of matter can be changed, it is time, thus proving that the side of the earth that is next to the sun is receiving a greater amount of the force of gravitation than is the case with the side of the earth that is away from the sun. Therefore, the vortexual [sic] energy forming the molecules of the pendulum of the clock is not resisting as great an amount of the force of gravitation during night as it is in the daytime; thus, the pendulum is lighter and swings faster at night than it does in the daytime under the same power exerted.

In order to understand the true nature of force, we must realize that reason proves to us that mankind cannot conceive of a force unless there is something moving. If there is something moving, it must be a substance in some form, not necessarily physical matter as that term is commonly used, but a substance. Therefore, all forces of nature must have two parts, a substance and speed. With that hypothesis in mind, if we consider light as a substance with a speed of 186,000 miles per second, we know that we cannot get something from nothing; therefore, reason proves to us that electricity must also be a substance in motion. We also know that we generate electricity by what is termed cutting magnetic lines of force, which in reality is a transformation of a higher force to a slower one.

Let us stop and picture in our minds a two pole generator. Let us imagine that these two poles are tanks of water, and that the lines of force shooting from pole to pole is a stream of water. Also, that we have an armature made of screen placed between these two poles, or in the pathway of this water. Now if this screen armature is standing still it would have very little resistance to the flow of the water, but the moment we begin to rotate the armature we know that the water would pile itself up on the face of the screen; in other words, we would resist the flow of the water, and this is precisely what is being accomplished in an electric dynamo. The armature whirling in a field of force resists the substance known as magnetic energy, and this energy or substance is thereby caused to pile itself upon the face of the armature and is thereby slowed down or “transformed†into what is known as electricity.

Having proven to reason that in all force there is a substance in motion, this substance must be governed and controlled by the same principles that govern all matter throughout the universe. In other words, the substance or body of a force must be made up of minute eddies of force which correspond to the atoms of matter. This being true, these eddies of force are competent of being broken up and thereby release an energy of great potential power. Thus, by looking upon the amperage of electricity as a substance, it is possible, by mechanical methods, to break up these eddies of force forming the body of amperage of electricity and thereby release a force which corresponds to the atomic energy in matter, with this important difference however; that the speed of the energy released out of the eddies of force forming the amperage of electricity is traveling infinitely faster than is the case with the atoms forming the molecules of matter. Therefore, when this electronic energy is released from the amperage of electricity, and properly controlled and applied, it can be made to raise or lower the atomic energy in matter to any degree desired.

The resultant energy released by this process is a force that is similar in character to the X-Ray or the Radio-Active rays emanating from radium, with this important difference; its rate of vibration or speed is far greater than either of the rays mentioned. This rate can be changed, lowered, or intensified, its polarity reversed and its direction of [missing text] of this new ray can be changed all the way from where it will affect a photographic plate, the same as ordinary light, up to where it will disintegrate solid rock the instant it touches the rock.

In order that you may understand how it is possible to change the atomic speed of matter and make this change remain permanent, it will be necessary for me to explain a new principle in what is called polarity. In using the term polarity in this sense, I mean the inter-exchange of two forces of different character. Scientists generally consider that there is a positive and negative side to all manifestations of force, but in order to fully understand the force stored up in matter, it is necessary to consider the fact, experimentally proven, that there are not only two forces of different characteristics manifesting in the principle of polarity, but that there is also a third force or phase; in other words, it has been experimentally proven that there are three phases of energy manifesting in every atom of matter or in every stream of force. These three phases are known as the positive, negative, and dominant. These three phases of energy have been proven to be manifesting in their relation to each other as follows: The positive is the lowest rate or three, the negative is the central phase or six, and the dominant is the highest or nine.

If you take a piece of metal and place it in the fire, you will stimulate the positive phase of energy in the atoms; take it out of the fire and it will come back to its normal relation to the other two phases. Place the same metal in chemicals and freeze it and you will stimulate the negative phase; take it out and it will come back to its normal relation to the other two. However, if you will raise all three phases of atomic energy in an atom at the same time, and keep them in their normal relation to each other, there is no incentive on the part of any one phase to come back to its original state of vibration, as you have left them at their normal relation to each other.

Thus, by applying a force with a sufficiently high rate or energy which has three phases of energy within its nature, we were able to raise all three phases of energy in the molecules of matter at the same time, and thus establish a new rate of atomic speed; therefore, when the atomic speed of matter is once changed by the ray, it remains permanently where it is placed.

Reason proves to us that a principle which is universal in its application, such as three phases of energy, must manifest on all planes of activity in accordance with its nature. Therefore, this principle must apply also to the forces governing a solar system. In other words, the negative side of gravitation must be flowing at a rate of speed one-third faster than the positive side of gravitation. In order to cause the atomic speed of matter to resist this negative side of the force coming out of the earth, it would be necessary to increase the atomic speed of matter. This hypothesis was proved to be true through development of the ray.

It is commonly believed that the force known as magnetic energy is produced out of electricity, but it is unreasonable to believe that we can produce a higher rate of force out of a lower one. We know we can "house in", insulate or confine electricity, but we also know that magnetic energy cannot be insulated or confined, proving therefore, that magnetic energy is a faster or superior force to that of electricity. If we cause electricity to flow through a coil of wire, we resist the flow or retard its action, and reason tells us that we cannot retard the action of the force and at the same time transform it into a higher force of different character.

Therefore, by causing electricity to flow through a coil of wire a vortex of energy is set up which resists the flow of gravitation and transforms gravitation into magnetic energy.

It is a well known fact that magnetic energy can in turn be resisted by an armature whirling in a field or force, and, thus generate electricity. Resist electricity properly and we will produce an arc-light by a combustible material, and we have flame or heat; resist this flame or heat by the oxygen and nitrogen in the air and we have sound; place it in a vacuum, we have no sound; properly resist this one force substance again, in the form of the amperage of electricity, and we create cohesion in the form of helium. Thus, we see that it is possible by commencing at the top with gravitation, and by a series or steps of resistance only, it is possible to create magnetism, electricity, light, heat, sound and cohesion from the one higher force known as gravitation.

These few short pages contain the essence of Nature's Penetralia.

Of course, all this is "SF" to you My my, if you only knew... :P

QuoteI can't GIVE u Illumination to make u comprehend, only u can do that. I'm simply leading a horse to WATER.

Ironic. We've all seen your "illumination" throughout your posts. Better analogy would be that i am trying to teach a brick sing and all brick does is repeat the same damped sound cause it's (I)Q factor ain't particularly high.

Bentov, Tassel, Zirbes why u think I seek answers from others? already have answers and proof to go with them. already have understanding of LIGHT the 1 thing. thank u for tip tho.

You THINK you have understanding but you have not. All you got is Russell's perspective and even that one you totally misunderstood, no need to repeat your gems.

As for your reply to tomd, i cringe how you shamelessly literally copy Zila's words, not only technical but her phrases, expressions, way of speaking, you're trying to be her, it's sad.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 01, 2022, 08:43:02 PM
Little more on Nature's Penetralia in line with great work of Hollingshead quoted above, this is from A Dweller on Two Planets finished in 1886., probably the most valuable occult book given to Man in the last 12,000 years since sinking of Atlantis. RARE are those who know about it even more rare those who read (multiple times) and understood it.

I have said that the Atlans recognized Nature in its entirety to be Deity externalized. Their philosophy asserted that force moved, not in straight lines but in circles, that is, so as always to return into itself. If the dynamism operating the universe acts in circular progression, it follows that an infinity of increase in vibration possible to One Substance would be an untenable concept. There must be a point in the circle where extremes meet and run the round again, and this we find between cathodicity and magnetism. As vibration brought substance into the realm of light, it must carry it out. It does so. It conveys it into what the Poseidi termed Navaz, the Night−Side of Nature, where duality becomes manifest, cold opposing heat, darkness light, and where positive polarity opposes negative, all things antipodal. Cold is as much a substantial entity as heat, and darkness as light. There is a prism of seven colors in each white ray of light; there is also a septuple prism of black entities in the blackest gloom the night is as pregnant as the day.

The Poseid investigator thus became cognizant of wondrous forces of nature which he might bend to the uses of mankind. The secret was out, the discovery being that attraction of gravitation, the law of weight, had set over against it the repulsion by levitation; that the first belonged to the Light−Side of Nature, and the second to Navaz, the Night−Side; that vibration governed the darkness and the cold. Thus Poseid, like Job of old, knew the path to the house of darkness, and the treasures of the hail (cold). Through this wisdom Atlantis found it possible to adjust weight (positiveness) to lack of weight (negativeness) so evenly that no tug of war was manifest. This achievement meant much. It meant aerial navigation without wings or unwieldy gas−reservoirs, through taking advantage of repulsion by levitation opposed in overmatching strength to the attraction of gravitation. That vibration of the One Substance governed and composed all realms was a discovery which solved the problem of the conveyance of images of light, pictures of forms, as well as of sound and heat, just as the telephone thou knowest so well conveys images of sound, only In Poseid no wires or other sensible material connection was required in the use, at whatever distance, of either telephones or telephotes, nor even in caloriveyance, that is, heat−conduction.

To digress a little, it is to the employment of these and the higher forces of the night−side that seemingly magic feats of occult adepts, from the Man of Nazareth down to the least Yogi, are indebted for their possibility.

I may add, this is the COOL BREEZE felt at the top of the head once Kundalini is activated.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 01, 2022, 09:04:20 PM
I read anyone's post who replies to my thread.

Oh great, you say you're not Zila but it's like you want to imply you are her.

Why you use wot instead of what like her, you may be her, if so why the silly story.

If you are her, then i am disappointed, i expected Zila to know better. ;D

Anyway, there are no mods here, as little grey told one abductee who was screaming to God
during medical on him "Why are you calling your God, there is only us up here" ;D

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 02, 2022, 12:04:08 PM

His name is attached to forum banner above !
Administration is one very busy man who has no advertising or other revenue attached to this open source venue !
At times ...months have gone by for requests ?
As a result,
There are now many moderators in this open source builders venue !

Are you looking for a build location?
To open source an anomaly?

The community starves for an "open sourced" reproducible... true ( no measurement error)
anomaly or gain mechanism!!
Will you be the first ?


No I am not a moderator or attached to any venue, just help all open source
FE researchers any way I can ...
and am eternally greatful for that privilege!!(to help)
And it does keep me extremely busy alongside daily work!

There are many many great open source researchers ..at all skill levels here and elsewhere !

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: forest on May 02, 2022, 03:26:22 PM
Focus on Don's schematic. I see closed secondary coil. In other schematic I see parallel LC circuit with antenna. Interesting....
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 02, 2022, 07:20:14 PM
No, i don't expect her/you to know what i know but to be open minded to accept other perspectives especially considering those i mention are very much in line with Russell. They are not contrary to Russell, just the contrary.

I already said i agree with Russell, his idea of all being compression/expansion of light was first said by Keely like 40 years before Russell started to ponder on these matters, i mentioned that universal 369 ratio of triune flow with 9 being the maximum was first told by Keely who also explained the septenarity of nature which is 3 atomic envelopes + the neutral center, so there is a correlation of the 9 and 7, they are two sides of the same coin.

I quoted Hollingshead who also said speed ratio of triune flows present in all forces and matter is 3 positive, 6 central negative and 9 dominant, nothing exceeds 9 indeed and Russell was not the first to say this.

Tesla was a practical master, he was not much of a theoretician, i am sure he knew about it altho there is no evidence he ever mentioned Keely's 369 ratio which is the Universal Principle.

If you want to understand what electricity is, first understand that there is but One Substance and One Force triune in it's nature. We hear even from yogis visiting the Inner Regions that there are


Daswan Dwar is what is in the diagram above termed Supercausal, it is a state after the Parbrahm in which whole creation is concieved but it is compressed to a point, if you like, still not manifested, in higher part of Parbrahm there is no time whatsoever, in lower part of Parbrahm time (KAL-mind) is created but it's power is still miniscule, through the DASWAN DWAR time-space is expanded into Causal Plane, the highest physical plane. Power/current of KAL (time-mind) which is THE Negative Power is pulling souls downward into material illusion while the power/current of Sat-Purush (True Being) is pulling souls home. In here too we see that fundamental flow of light streams that create the time-space is triune and from the great Masters Keely and Hollingshead we know their relation is 3:6:9, three octaves in one Force/Substance.

Further on, as said before, all sub forces from gravity, magnetism, electricity down to electromagnetism, sound and matter are but disturbances in this One Force/Substance.

This One Force is TIME which is oscillating but it moves not, like a universal vibrator/shaker, it makes the primordial substance move along it's axis of which there are 6......

It's exactly you who should not "throw the baby out w/ the bath water when answers given don't fit ur preconceived notions." and realize "open mind is imperative."

Indeed, if you did you would see that work of Keely and Hollingshead and others is the same as (later) work of Russell on whom you are transfixed so blindly.

Here is a little quote from great Master Keely about triple envelope internal structure of the proton (he calls atom) and further subdivisions to the etheric. He described quarks 60 years before mainstream had any idea they existed.


Dashed against the rock, a romance of the coming age by Colville, William Wilberforce Juvenal, 1862-1917

Published 1894; Publisher Boston : Colby & Rich


A Romance of the Coming



" Happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rock" -- Psalm cxxxvii. 9 (Revised Version)



IN a charming suburban residence about ten miles from Liverpool Street station, on a lovely June day, when the fashionable London season of '93 was rapidly
nearing its close, Madame Discalcelis found herself in the presence of a modest gentleman about thirty years of age, plainly attired in the customa^ house-dress of men who attach more value to comfort than to display. Speaking with clear, measured accents on the subject which possessed his brain and evidently lay nearest to his heart, his fine lustrous eyes glowing with suppressed fervor, he uttered the following noteworthy statements concerning the ultimate constitution of matter and the action of the force regulating its phenomena, statements which surely challenge the closest attention of the whole scientific world.

" First. Matter is capable of infinite subdivision.

"Second. In the aggregation of matter, force or energy is stored up or conserved.

" Third. In the dissociation of matter, force is liberated.

"Fourth. All matter is in a state of perpetual activity, whether the substance under consideration be inanimate or animated, visible or invisible.

"Fifth. There is no dividing of matter and force into two distinct terms, as they both are ONE. FORCE is liberated matter. Matter is force in bondage.

"Sixth. All motion is synchronous; no sound or movement can be made but all that moves or sounds does so in harmony with something.

"Seventh. All structures, whether crystalline or homogeneous, have for their unit structures minute bodies called molecules. It is the motion of these mole
cules with which we have particularly to deal; as in experimental research and demonstration, when we produce an action upon one molecule we do so upon all the molecules constituting the mass operated upon.

" Eighth. These molecules have an envelope, rotating with inconceivable rapidity, formed of a high tenuous ether, whose place in the order of subdivision
ranks third, the three divisions being, first, molecular; second, atomic; third, atomolic (For convenience' sake we will use the term atomolic in place of etheric in our subsequent definitions.)

"Ninth. This atomolic substance has a density approximately 986,000 times that of steel, enabling it to permeate steel as light penetrates glass ; this rotating
envelope of atomolic substance is in a liquid condition. There are four conditions of matter; viz. solid, liquid, gaseous, and ultra-gaseous. These conditions result from greater or lesser range of oscillation of the com posing units individually: this is equal!}- true, whether the units are molecules, atoms, atomoles, planets, or suns. But one LAW governs all matter.

"Tenth. This molecular envelope, rotating with such great velocity, holds in its embrace the next subdivision of matter, the atomic. There cannot ever
be more or less than three atoms in any molecule. These are placed so as to form a triangle in the interior; they rest in a condition of substance, or matter, we will term inter-molecular. In this inter-molecular substance we find an enormous energy or force in bondage, held thus by the rotating envelope enclosing it. Were we to rotate a spun brass shell, sa}' nine inches in diameter, at a very much less rate of speed than that at which the molecular envelope rotates, say nine hundred revolutions per second, its equator would first bulge out, then form into an oval disc. A solid block of wood subject to such revolution would swiftly fly to pieces. The rotating envelope of a molecule, unlike these, the greater its velocity of rotation, the greater is its compression toward the centre of the molecule. The rotation of this envelope is of such a nature as to produce an internal pressure upon every portion from every point of the molecule as a sphere. Were we to consider a rotating envelope as ordinarily understood, it would be one in which the envelope rotated around an equator having poles of no rotation; i.e. the poles would not possess the compressing force of the equator: the result would therefore be a compressed equator, and the intermolecular substance would pass out without resistance at the poles.

" Eleventh. If it be possible let us conceive of an envelope with an equator, but destitute of poles, a number of these rotating over the sphere, this atomolic envelope possessing an almost infinite attractive force toward the centre of the molecule, pressing in the inter-molecular substance, where it is held until this
revolving envelope becomes negatized by a certain order of vibration, when the enclosed matter rushes out to its natural condition of concordant tenuity, as in the case of gunpowder, dynamite, and nitro-glycerine. This force, we must see, has been held in the embrace of the rotating envelopes of the unit-structures, or where does it come from? This force at the time of an explosion was liberated by shock or fire, both being orders of imparted motion or vibration. How much greater the result would be were we to associate a scientific instrument now completed, and shortly to be given to the world, with such an agent as nitro-glycerine ; one pound of nitro-glycerine would have its destructive force augmented beyond all possible control. These instruments are carefully concealed by wise masters from all persons save the few who are already prepared to study their potency with the exclusive end in view of aiding the real scientific progress of humanit}" ; and, furthermore, it may be truly stated that a ferocious sensualist, how ever powerful his intellect, would be utterly unable to either comprehend or operate one of these marvellous constructions.

"Twelfth. Next in order of consideration is the second subdivision of matter the atomic. The atom has the same rotating envelope as the molecule, governed by the same laws of rotation and compression.

The rotating envelope holds in its embrace the inter-atomic substance and three atomoles resting in it, the atomoles within the atom being constructed after the same pattern as the atom and the molecule, obedient to the same laws; the atomolic being simply the third subdivision of matter. The threefold order is absolutely universal.

"Thirteenth. The atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which fills all space and is the transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial forces. This is the liquid ether of occult science.

" Fourteenth. The atomoles are made up of atomolini (singular atomolinus); the subdivision of matter from this point is beyond man's power, as at this point it escapes all control of apparatus, passing through glass and hardened steel as a luminous flame without heat, which is hardly seen before it vanishes, a perpetual flame coldly luminous.

"Sixteenth. This again, from previous analysis, is made up according to the triple order, and may again be subject to subdivision, even to infinity."

"In my next interview with you," said Aldebaran to his visitor, "I shall endeavor to show you the law governing the triple aggregation of force and matter,
which is, in brief, as follows: first, CREATIVE SOURCE; second, TRANSMISSIVE WAVE; third, EFFECT."

The mystical scientist then took a courteous leave of his visitor, and after seeing her to her carriage, hurried to the suburban station connecting with the under ground railway to Aldsgate, where he had important business with a distinguished mechanical engineer.



ON the occasion of the next meeting between the lady and the scientist the latter gave utterance to the following remarkable truth.

Each molecule has three envelopes. The most external one the professor illustrated by an india-rubber ball on which he had traced a number of meridian lines.
On another ball were represented the three envelopes. The outer hemisphere of one of the envelopes is removed to show the under envelope, the outer hemisphere of which is removed in still another part of the diagram to show the inmost envelope. A third diagram was then produced to show the position of the atoms which the rotating envelopes enclose. A fourth diagram showed the lines of interference of the rotating envelopes.

There being three perfect envelopes, these of necessity must have six poles, to which add the neutral centre of the sphere itself, comprising the origin of the septenary of mysticism which is universal in nature. The fifth diagram exhibited showed the subdivision of matter into atomic, atoinolic, and atomolinic. A black disc representing a sphere shows the negative atom; two white discs also representing spheres illustrate the two positive atoms in the triad, completing the tertiary aggregation forming the molecule. Each atom is in turn composed of three atomoles ; in the negative atom are three positive atomoles, positive in the sense of activity; in the positive atom are also three atomoles, two of which are negative, i.e. passive, and one positive. The negative is always that which seeks the neutral centre ; the positive represents the active radiating energy: for instance, the sun is a medium for transmitting radiant energy of positive order, which all the planets receive negatively, i.e. it focalizes upon their neutral centres. This order extends to infinity. The final diagram presented was simply intended to further elucidate the action of the rotating envelopes, illustrating the compressing force of the rotating spheral and the protection of the neutral poles. In the rotating envelopes force acts in the opposite direction to its action in the revolution of the earth, where the centrifugal action is greatest at the equator; and the greater the speed of rotation, the greater the centre-fleeing force.

In the case of the etheric envelope, however, the greater the speed of rotation, the more powerful is the centripetal (centre -seeking) force which compresses
the atoms within ; the pressure, therefore, is greatest at the equator and gradually lessens toward the poles. If there were only one envelope, the tendency would be for the atoms to be oblate, to fly out at the poles, where the pressure is least. A beautiful provision of nature obviates this, by providing three envelopes, rotating one within
the other, like three shells ; the line of greatest internal pressure in each one of which being protected by the equatorial lines, the line of greatest pressure covering the line of least pressure on the others. Each of the three atoms is placed directly under one pole of each of the three envelopes.

If the rotating envelope of the molecule were in any way checked in its motion, the enclosed matter would immediately burst forth, producing the phenomenon of integration, releasing from its previously pent-up condition a volume of matter many times as great as that before disintegration took place. Sound-force moving at certain rates of vibration negatizes the action of the rotating envelopes, producing conditions which result in their breaking up, followed by the separation of the atoms contained in those envelopes, and also of inter-molecular substance occupying space not taken up by the atoms. By successive orders of vibration the atoms, atomoles, and atomolini are disintegrated, and so on to the luminous order, where all control ceases...

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 02, 2022, 11:32:54 PM
A little detail from Zirbes (book in attachment)

How our HOLLOW sun is formed of many bodies of varying sizes.

Core being composed of 8 huge bodies around a central slightly larger body,

all of them spinning in the same direction. Repulsion between these bodies is huge

(just like it is between the subatomic particles)

It is their JOINT gravitational field that keeps them together overpowering the repulsion.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 02, 2022, 11:47:02 PM
Here is a letter of a guy not of this planet sent to certain newspapers in the 50s,
reproduced in Other Tongues Other Flesh by George Hunt Williamson.

I am pasting it mainly for two statements, that there are planets INSIDE the sun
and that light does not travel, light IS, just like Keely said 70 years before,
but there is much more hard occult stuff in it, anyone with eyes to see will
recognize it's truthfulness.

In June, 1953 a well known magazine received the following letter in
reference to an article they had printed on life of other worlds.

"I have just read your article that claims the people on other worlds
look like huge enlarged editions of your own (Earth's) microbes. Ha.
Have a surprise in store! I was born on the planet Venus and my
mother and father entered life on the planet Uranus. All three of us
could walk right by you on the street and you couldn't tell any
difference between us and those born on this planet Earth. I have now
been on this satellite of the Sun ten years, and along with hundreds of
thousands of my group from the various galactic regions, have been
mingling with you without undue alarm. Your own government is
aware of our presence as well as our appearance; and every time
another load of us arrive via solar ship, they get jittery . . . . I am a
Knight of the Solar Cross."

The editor published this letter in the next issue of the magazine and
said: "Hey, Knight . . . ever heard of the Immigration Act?"

The following is a message received in Arizona from one of these
Knights who is now surveying our Earth in space craft.

"In the Light of our Infinite Father, the Creative Spirit, we greet you
fellow creatures and brothers of Saros. We who now speak are also of
your third density. As you peer through your "big eyes" you can easily
see many of us. However, you only see eight of us besides yourself.
There are three more of the Father's Mansions with one being beyond
the planet you know as Pluto, and the other two between Mercury and
the Sun.

"Twelve is an important number and so is Seven. That is why a group
to the west at Giant Rock in your State of California speaks of The
Council of the Seven Lights. Remember, we have also spoken of The
Council-Circle 7x. There were Twelve Apostles who followed the
Master, one of the Twelve destroyed himself. There are Twelve Planets
now in our Solar System, and one, your planet of Earth, known to other
beings of the third density as Saros, is a lost brother (mansion) now on
the brink of self-destruction. The Creator's symbolism is always exact
and understood only by those who discern His signs.

"The planet known to you as Saturn is the location of the Universal
Tribunal of this, our Solar System. We will not go into the nature of our
Great Sun Body at this time, but let it be stated here that there are
beings on the planetary bodies under the photosphere of the Sun.
There is life on your Moon as well as on some other moons belonging
to other planets.

"Saturn is the Seat of Justice . . . "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Saturn
was your ancient god of Seed-Sowing, and believed to be a king during
an ancient Golden Age. Yes, the literal rule of Saturn was enjoyed on
Earth during the period of your Golden Age. It was distinguished for
peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. The Saturnian Age is
mentioned in all Earth history. Saturn was the "sower of seeds"
because it was he who gave authority to The Wanderers so that they
might go into physical life on the Earth. Saturn has been called by your
people, 'The Rising Sun of a New Dispensation', and this is true for he
represents form and discipline which, when met and profited by, bring
sure and permanent rewards. Remember what your Holy Book tells
you: "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap." (Galatians 6:7).

"Long ago, it came to our attention that our Solar System, of which you
are a vital part, was quickly moving into another realm of our Father's
Creation. We are now a part of the first stages of the fourth density.
Beings of this density are now with us and among us. They do not need
mechanical contrivances as we of the third density need them. We of
the other planets in this System are more advanced than your world,
Saros. But we say this in all humility, not wishing to boast. For we are,
in a sense, still very crude. Again it is written in your Good Book: "I
have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold,all is
vanity and vexation of spirit." (Ecclesiastes 1:14). We are not perfect!
"As your 'big eyes' peer into space you see us because we are in your
density, but there are degrees of advancement and we are ahead of
you in that degree. We are now contacting our Saros brothers by
means of radiotelegraphy, telepathy, and direct physical
manifestations. Our brothers of the fourth density are now contacting
Saros brothers almost entirely by telepathy and by projection. Do not
think for a moment that the so-called 'Saucers' and related phenomena
are just from this or that planet; they come from many, many worlds,
systems and galaxies. And they are of different development, yet they
are all part of the Creator's plan for Saros. The Interplanetary
Confederation now operating around your planet contains fifty-one
solar systems which includes several hundred planets (six-hundred
and eight according to Van Tassel) controlling some three and a half
million spacecraft.

"For centuries and centuries we have watched your ruinous wars, and
hoped that someday you would gain the understanding needed to gain
your freedom from bondage of your own making. Our hopes have not
been realized; instead, our worst fears have been realized. Not fear as
you think of it, but only the knowledge of past events. The time has
come for Saros to prepare herself for the Groom--she must put off the
old, the shabby, and array herself in finery for the Wedding Feast
shortly to take place in the fourth density realm. We, as your nearest
Neighbors in space, are trying to prepare you adequately for this

"Our authority is from the Saturn Tribunal headed by Kadar Lacu. This
Tribunal and its Kadar acts in the Creator's Light and Love. None of us
are perfect as I have said, or we would not be here. There is much we
all have to learn. There are worlds millions and even trillions of years
'ahead' of us, and there are many worlds thousands of years 'behind'
us. We must not, therefore, be worshipped as gods. It is truly written:
"And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either
the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not
commanded." (Deuteronomy 17:3). "And they shall spread them
before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they
have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have
walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have
worshipped. (Jeremiah 8:2). We are the Host of Heaven, and we must
not be worshipped as ancient men have bowed to sun, moon and stars!
"We are here among you. Some of us have always been here, with you,
yet apart from you. We have watched you closely and occasionally we
guided you whenever the opportunity arose. Our numbers have now
been increased tremendously in preparation for another step in the
development of your world Saros. You are not aware of this step
completely, although it has been hinted at frequently in the accounts of
your prophets. We contacted these prophets of yours in time past; but
many of them did not know our true nature, therefore they could not
always translate clearly the concepts implanted in their minds.
Sometimes they were extremely cautious, and to insure the
preservation of the information they wished to place upon record in
the world, they spoke in metaphors and symbols.

"We have been confused many times with the gods of world-religions.
However, we are your fellow creatures as I said before. You will find
records of our presence in the mysterious symbols of ancient Egypt,
where we made ourselves known in order to accomplish certain ends.
One of our principal symbols appears in the religious art of your
present civilization and occupies a position of importance upon the
great seal of the United States. It has been preserved in certain secret
societies founded originally to keep alive the knowledge of our
existence and our intentions toward mankind. Another of our symbols
is the Circle-Cross and the Swastika. The symbol known to you as the
'Tree of Life' is well-known to us and is important.

"We have left you outstanding landmarks. These were carefully placed
in various parts of Saros, but most prominently in Egypt where we
established a headquarters at one time. At that time, the foundations
of your present civilization were 'laid in the earth' and the most
ancient of your known landmarks established by means that would
appear as miraculous to you now as they did to the pre-Egyptians, so
many thousands of years ago. Since that time the whole art of building
in stone has become symbolic, to many of you, of the work in hand--
the building of the human race toward its perfection.

"Many of your ancestors knew us in those days as preceptors and as
friends. Indeed, many of you knew us then, also. Now, though your
own efforts, you have almost reached, in your majority, a new step on
the long ladder of liberation. You have constantly been aided by our
watchful inspiration, and hindered only by the difficulties natural to
your processes of physical and moral development.

"You have lately achieved the means of destroying yourselves. Do not
be hasty in your self-congratulation for yours is not the first
civilization to have achieved and used such means. The 'lost world'
known to you as the Asteroid Belt is spoken of in your records as
'Lucifer, the Shining One'. We called this planet 'Maldek, The Tongue'.
We did not interfere when the men of that world experimented with
certain and quick disaster. Each man, and hence each world, must
learn the lesson and make its own progression. Universal Law
prevented us from interfering. When this world was shattered, it
caused terrible catastrophe on other worlds, as well as on Saros. You
have not recovered to this day.

"We are now interfering more than we should, but we will not stand
by and see another waste of creation in our System. There isn't time
for another waste. Now that the Great Cycle is ending and we are all
entering a new plane, all must be purified. That which is beyond hope
will eliminate itself. We say 'eliminate itself' for we will destroy
nothing. Those on Saros who believe the Creator punishes or destroys
anything are in darkness. You are punished by your own deeds, as
your world is now punishing itself for its crimes against Universal

"Yours will not be the first world to be offered the means of preventing
that destruction and proceeding in the full glory of its accumulated
knowledge, to establish an era of enlightenment on Saros. However, if
you do accept the means offered you, and if you do establish such a
'millennium' upon the basis of your present accomplishments, yours
will be the first civilization to do so.

"Always before, the knowledge, the techniques, the instruction, have
become the possessions of a chosen few; a few who chose themselves
by their open-minded and clear-sighted realization of the 'shape of
things to come'. They endeavored to pass on their knowledge in the
best possible form and by the most enduring means at their command.
In a sense, they succeeded, but in another sense their failure equalled
their success. Human acceptance is, to a very large extent, measurable
by human experience. Succeeding generations, who never knew of our
actual presence, translated the teachings of their elders in the terms of
their own experience.

"For instance, a cross-sectional drawing, much simplified and stylized
by many copyings, of one of our space craft, became the 'Sacred Eye of
Horus', and eyes of many other gods. Other symbolical and alchemical
'eyes' are merely representative of our means of transportation. Osiris
and Apollo became gods to the people, but they were actually our
representatives on Saros: they were men! The 'golden disk' now
confused with the solar disk and made a part of religion, and the
'discus' hurled sunward by the Grecian athlete and your athletes are
also symbolic of our traveling devices or 'Saucers'.

"The really important fact, however, is that we are here among you!
And you, as a world-race will know it before very much longer. The
time is almost ripe, but as with all ripening things, the process may not
be hurried artificially without danger of damaging the fruit. There is a
right time for every action, and the right time for our complete
revelation of ourselves to Saros is fast approaching.

"Many of you have seen our 'advance guard' already. You have met us
often in the streets of your cities; but you have not noticed us. Some,
however, do 'sense' us! When we speed through your skies in the
traditional vehicles, you are amazed, and those of you who tell of what
you have seen are ac-counted dupes and fools. Actually, you are
prophets of your age, seers in the true sense of the word. You in
Kansas and Oklahoma, you in Oregon and in California, and Idaho,
Indiana, Maine, and Vermont--you who know what you have seen, do
not be dismayed by what so-called 'authorities' tell you. Remember,
many of them haven't seen what you have! Their faulty opinions are
not based on actual experience.

"Can you imagine a material almost transparent to the rays of ordinary
light, yet strong enough to endure the stress of extremely rapid flight?
Look again at the Great Nebulae, and think of the construction of your
own Milky Way Galaxy, and be-hold the Universal examples of what
we have found to be the perfect shape for an object which is to travel
through what you still fondly refer to as 'empty' space. Our Crystal
Bells operate in their own Resonating Electro-Magnetic Field the same
as all celestial bodies do. Your own Saros is nothing but a huge space
craft. We can travel the so-called 'speed of light' and faster, but
actually light does not travel; Light Is!

"If we chose to remain unseen, we could do so easily and, in fact, we
have done so almost without exception for hundreds of years. No one
sees us unless we want to be seen! You must now become accustomed
to our shapes in your skies, for one day soon they will be familiar,
friendly, and reassuring sights.

"One of our very ancient prophecy legends says: "To the apples we salt
we return." Some of you understand what this means. Long ago we
knew what would take place on Saros and we knew that we would
have to come down and dwell with you to accomplish certain
objectives. Many of us have only recently arrived on your world and
were brought here by space craft from our respective homes in this
System and other systems. Our Confederation is large, but
unfortunately, there are those of other worlds who are not here in the
name of the Infinite Father. They are intruders!

"Many of us came centuries ago, and especially during the last part of
your nineteenth century. Some of you are our direct descendants.
Some of you were incarnated back into Saros from other planets and
only recently have you begun to realize who you are and what your
true purpose is. You are one with us and must prepare to meet the
work ahead of us all. You are the 'apples' we 'salted away' until we had
need of them. That time is now here. We have returned! However, all
the 'seeds' have not matured; some have rotted. Therefore, some of
you because of certain conditions will never know who you are. We
are all space beings since all life is spiritual in essence and inhabits
space. We are all the Creator's children; we are brothers and sisters.
"All of our people now on your planet are working toward the new
order of things shortly to en-gulf your world. We are Knights of the
Solar Cross. De you understand this? If you do fail, as other worlds
have failed, then we will know what to do. The Council-Circle 7 has
completed its work here, and matters have now been turned over to
the Universal Tribunal. You will soon notice even stranger changes
begin to take place in your world: unbelievable changes to you.
"Recognize us for what we are; we are here! We are a Confederation of
many peoples working in Eternal Light. Our love and light to all of you.
May our Infinite Father guide you always. For my brothers, I am, 'One
Who Serves'."
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 03, 2022, 01:25:04 AM
The primary of the reverse tesla has 6mm2 wire, which is quite thick when you consider the current. However thicker wire offers less resistance and therefore more current. This and the fact there are 80 turns wound close together is to increase the mmf and magnetic field generated by the primary. The loosely coupled secondary only has 5cw and 5ccw turns spaced 25mm apart. The wire is thicker to increase the amps. However the fact that the windings are 25mm apart rather than together will decrease the secondary magnetic field.

Is there a reason other than fine tuning adjustment, the secondary is removed from the primary ie. 75mm pvc former?

Does a coils inductance include the ends that are used for connections?

If a coil is cut to a wavelength or 1/4 wavelength of the resonant frequency are the connection ends also included in this length?

Is it necessary that the same gauge wire used for the secondary be used up to the isolation coil?

Does it matter if the secondary is solid core or stranded and   lis it bare or insulated?

How many earthing rods are required? Can the existing house earth be used.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 03, 2022, 07:16:59 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 03, 2022, 10:01:18 AM

am so glad u agree w/ WR. I actually do agree w/ Keely's term "Neutral Center".

One day when you evolve bit further you will agree with everything Master Keely said.

but I feel Keely and Russell deviate at atomic structure, for 1.

I post REAL photos of  REAL atom and Russell description for comparison.

Erwin Müller built Field Ion Microscope that took very 1st photo of atom in mid50's. u see it is nothing really but interference pattern or diffraction wave pattern around still point of emptiness.

quite different to Keely's three atomic envelopes artist rendition. structure of atom is much closer to water ripple structure.

Firstly, look at the INTEREFERENCE PATTERN of the Keely's 3 envelopes i posted yesterday generating the ancient symbol of Flower of Life. He revealed here the secret of the ages. These are not solid envelopes, he clearly says these envelopes are formed of "high tenuous ether", they are force fields in the fluid-like medium of ultimate substance he called atomolini and as he says matter is capable of infinite subdivision, so it's not like there is any real limit to how small you can go, there are, however, certain arbitrary boundaries like the 7 cosmic planes and subdivision of matter within them all based on condensing factor of 49.

I agree with Russel's main notions but there is nothing he said that Keely did not say decades before.

Funny, the photos you posted now, i downloaded the same stuff yesterday but did not post in the end, mostly platinum cause it shows phi.

They confirm what Keely said many decades before Russell, that matter is but interference patterns/standing waves around the neutral center of stillness.

In more modern shot taken from A Boy and His Atom below it can be clearly seen there are ripples around individual atoms showing water like behaviour.

What you call emptiness is teeming with matter of subtler orders not visible to our instruments. True 'emptiness' in material sense is only in the ultimate center beyond all divisions and expressions (even beyond light and sound, infinite bliss BEYOND Mind - from Parbrahm above). World of polarity is but externalization of Spirit and the ultimate One is perfect emptiness and perfect fulfilment at the same time.

Again, you make a mistake dismissing 3 envelopes, these photos show atoms but Keely described the internal structure of the PROTON (70+ years before mainstream caught up) which he calls molecule and further sub division all based on 3, each of 3 further subdivided into 3 down to infinity (potentially).

Nature always has final say on these things. Nature can override even Keely b/c Keely was man and men can be wrong.  :o

See, how you turn science into religion. I it does not fit your belief system - BS, it must be "wrong". Russell too was just a man and man can be wrong. But there is no need to think he was wrong, their models are very similar, it's just that Keely did it first and in greater depth.

Yes Tesla I agree was practical master, he built AC induction motor when there was NO Electron theory in existence. So theory need not dictate how a device works n Tesla proved that.

Actually theory of electrons existed at the time and

Also, Tesla did not build a first ind motor, you should know this that first true artificial rotating magnetic field (altho crude and done with switches) was done by Walter Bailey in 1879., Galileo Ferraris built and demonstrated the first real induction motor in 1885 years before Tesla.

QuoteWell, for me, instead of Half-assing many theories (Keely, Hollingshead, Bentov, Tassel, Zirbes, et. al.) I prefer to WHOLE-ass ONE (Russell). I was after Grand Unified Theory (GUT) which is by definition 1 understanding of whole universe and all its functioning parts.
not many theories from many different perspectives.

funny, any advice i give u is turned right back around 2 me! like a boomerang.  ::)

Ironic. I understand your desire for one theory that explains all, that is what everyone wants, but in transfixing yourself on Russell's (limited) view only you made the greatest mistake of excluding all other perspectives and their information.

The result is you got yourself a half-ass RELIGION, a belief system (BS), not real understanding. Some day you will understand eclectic approach with laser like discernment is ESSENTIAL. In correlating the 4 winds lies the secret of STILL-NESS, not in following one of the winds only. So there goes another boomerang.

The WHOLE-ass ONE is an intelligent correlation of all correct perspectives (Keely, Hollingshead, Bentov, Tassel, Zirbes, Russell etc) into One SUPREME model transcending them all but not excluding any individual perspective.


Keely, unlike Russell, was not just a theoretician but a practical MASTER who gave many demonstrations of gravity control with his superconducive wire he called Trexar made of platinum, gold and silver which are according to him in perfect 369 ratio.

One of such demonstrations was seen by R. Harte, a theosophists, who writes

"One of Keely's scientific experiments is to put a small wire around an iron cylinder that weighs several hundred weight, and when the force runs through the wire, to lift the cylinder up on one finger and carry it as easily as if it were a piece of cork."

Keely was first to reveal that light and heat are created in the atmosphere, one of the most essential informations that you can instill in your mind. Exactly what Zirbes was told and what is today, after 150 years only starting to be recognized in the alternative science community by people like Dollard etc.

In reply to the question, "What do you include in the polar forces?" Keely answers, "Magnetism, electricity, and gravital sympathy; each stream composed of three currents, or triune streams, which make up the governing conditions of the controlling medium of the universe: the infinite ninths that I am now endeavouring to graduate to a sympathetic mechanical combination, will, if I succeed, close my researches in sympathetic physics, and complete my system. These sympathetic streams from celestial spaces, percussing on the dense atmospheric environment of our earth, by their infinite velocities, wrest from their atomic confinement the latent energies which we call heat and light." [Keely, Appendix II]

Few books on Keely


Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 03, 2022, 09:13:33 PM
Eh, pipes...He indeed used steam in his earlier phase when he was liberating etheric gas from water, but later he replaced pipes with wire, so. Read the books i linked, all the reported demonstrations, see then if you think he did that with steam.

One example

During the quarter of a century that Keely experimented with his unique devices,
it is alleged that he accidentally discovered a means to disintegrate matter, and built
several devices for an astonishing series of antigravity experiments. Scattered
throughout the articles are a few obscure references that he not only discovered a
method to disintegrate matter, but at one time was involved in actual experiments with
disintegration and had even constructed a device to do so at will.
One story by theosophist R. Harte has it that Keely, with the help of a small
machine, was able to disintegrate a reef of quartz: "...twelve 'solid men'—millionaires
—met by appointment in a laboratory in Philadelphia to witness an exhibition
of the disintegration of quartz by a new method. They were mining magnates who had
a tremendous interest in getting the gold out of quartz rock quickly and cheaply. The
inventor obliged them by simply touching some blocks of quartz with a little machine
he held in his hand, and as he touched each block it instantly crumbled into atomic
dust. The specks of gold it contained stood out
like boulders in a bed of sand. Then the twelve men solidly said: 'Mr. Keely, if you
will in the same manner disintegrate some quartz for us in its natural place, we will
each give you a check for — dollars.' So off they all went to the Katskill [sic]
mountains, and there the twelve solid men pointed out a reef of quartz on the side of
the mountain, as solid as themselves; and Mr. Keely took out his little machine and
said: 'Gentlemen, please take the time.' In eighteen minutes there was a tunnel in that
quartz mountain eighteen feet long and four and a half feet in diameter. ...All these
men bound themselves to secrecy; and this is the first time that this incident has been
made public. How was the quartz disintegrated? That is one of Keely's secrets."

Where are replications? I told you about Hollingshead.. And where are replications of Russel, there are none.

Yea you claim that you made a device that loses a gram or two based on Russell, but degravitation is a principle that has been mastered BEFORE RUSSELL WAS BORN (more under)

No Keely does not help me replicate Don neither did Russell help you, in any case Tesla started developing his scalar systems around 1890., long before he met Russell.

Just the fact Russell says in 1959. that this power amplification principle has never been discovered shows he had no idea about the actual developments, my my if he only knew he was late to the party.

Just the fact his system used "steam turbine and generator" shows it was an inferior system.

No need to mention the Daniel Cook's first OU patent from 1871 of which Floyd Sweet's device is a replica.

Or Tesla's 1901 patent US685958A Method of utilizing radiant energy

or his 1900 scalar emitter/receiver patent US725605 System of signaling....

Or great MASTER Nathan Stubblefield who also discovered what he called Earth magnetic waves which are really the Universal (scalar) Currents Rota and others discovered.

Tesla attended his 1902. ground wireless demonstration in Philadelphia.

His last claim two weeks before his death was made to a kind neighbour: "The past is nothing. I have perfected now the greatest invention the world has ever known..... I have taken light from the air and earth.... as I did sound."

And this was confirmed by neighbours who saw "sunlight which came from the ground itself around his house" and heard strange noises come from his property.

Do you have ANY idea what level of MASTERY this is....

When he died and they entered his cabin they noticed it was "toasty warm"

"two highly polished metal mirrors which faced each other, radiating a very great heat in rippling waves"


All this and much more is happening many decades before Russell's supposed OU device.

Man judges by what he knows and he (she) knows very little due to lack of (proper) research.


"what I know has been called RELIGION, BS, CULT.."

Funny, firstly, you don't know, your understanding and information is too limited, and yet you again try to make it appear as if you're some Galileo and i am a church trying to burn you while it is exactly the opposite, you are dogmatically fixed on Russell dismissing invaluable work of other great ones.

Eclectic approach is essential, to correlate the best of the best, all of them bring certain unique details of Nature's Penetralia not found in work of the others but their essence is the same.

They are no gods, not even with small g.

Experimental evidence is important, but one needs to always keep in mind just cause one stumbles onto an effect does not by any means mean he understand the underlying principles, you yourself are a great example of this.

Now it's time to share what i already shared here and on other forums, just so that people know what exists and what is being done

With the onset of power electronics in the mid 19th century some, rare inventors stumbled onto degravitation principle, here are two reports that speak of a guy who inherited it from his late uncle and flew around the world with his wife and son.

Date: April 22 1897 01:00 AM
Location. Harrisburg Arkansas
Source: Modern News April 23, 1897

—In Arkansas, an aerial visitor settled to earth about two hours after the Barclay contact. In its April 23rd edition, the Harrisburg, Arkansas, Modem News, gave the following account: '"The airship of which we have read so much of late has caused considerable comment but no one ever dreamed that it would ever be anchored in Harrisburg. Wednesday night (April 21) Ex-Senator Harris was awakened about 1 o'clock by an unfamiliar noise, and upon taking a peep out he spied a peculiar looking object in the west. Instantly he thought of the wonderful airship which had so mystified the people of the west during the past few weeks, and hurriedly dressing he took his field glass and went out in the yard where he could get a good view.

'The first sight through the glass satisfied him that it was a wonderful airship. As the object came nearer he could discern the shape, but in few seconds it came so near that he threw down his glass. The mysterious flyer paused and gradually descended to within a few feet of the ground and only a short distance from Mr. Ham's' yard. Mr. Harris says there was an elderly man, a woman and two young men on board. The old gentleman wore a heavy set of dark, silken whiskers, which hang down near his waist. He had jet black eyes and a deep firm expression. Mr. Harris said he walked out a little nearer and hailed the old gentleman. The old man seemed a little surprised when he spoke, not expecting to see any one out at that hour of night, but he spoke pleasantly, and after taking on a supply of fresh well water. he said: "'Well. you seem to be a very clever man, and if you will promise not to divulge my secret in a way to do me harm I will tell you the whole story, except how the effect is produced.'

"After receiving satisfactory assurance, he continued: ' you remember about 26 years ago (in the St. Louis papers) an account of a scientific invention made by a gentleman whose name I will not mention. by which the laws of gravitation were entirely and completely suspended? He was offered big sums of money for it by several syndicates in this country and also had large offers from parties at Paris, London and many other places. During the time he was considering these offers he had the invention securely locked in a safety deposit vault in New York City. Before he had accepted any of the offer he was taken violently ill, and after lingering a few weeks died, leaving his invention in the vault. This man was my uncle and he has partially confided the secret to me but not sufficiently for me to do anything without the original invention.

"'After the lapse of about 19 years I managed to secure the original and having plenty of money at my disposal and having devoted my time and talent during the past seven years to experimenting,I have an airship which is almost perfection but I am not quite through experimenting, and so I continue to travel at night to keep from being detected. I will make an attempt to visit the planet Mars before I put the airship on public exhibition. " 'Weight is no object to me. I suspend all gravitation by placing a small wire round an object. You see I have a 4-ton improved Hotchkiss gun on board. besides about ten tons o! ammunition. I was making preparations to go over to Cuba and kill out the Spanish army if hostilities had not ceased,but now my plans are changed and I may go to the aid of the Armenians. To use this improved gun we only have to pour the cartridges into a hopper and press a button and it fires 63,000 times per minute.

"'No, gravitation is not in my way. I place my wire around this 4-ton gun and hold it out with one hand and take aim. Oh, I could place my anti-gravitation wire around the national capital building and take it by the dome and bring it over and set it down in Harrisburg as easy as I could an ink stand. Distance is almost overcome: why we came over the chunks of Dallas at 12:10, less than an hour ago, and we have travelled very slowly. I could take breakfast here, do my flopping in Paris and be back here for dinner without incon venience, as soon as I get my new propellors completed.' "He said he must be ofi before anyone else was disturbed and invited Mr. Harris to take a ride with him, but he kindly declined the offer. He bade Mr. Harris adieu and floated up and drifted away to a place among the stars and in a few seconds was hid beyond the darkness of the night."

Date: May 6, 1897
Location: Arkansas, near Hot Springs
Source: Racine Daily Journal

The two witnesses, a constable and a deputy sheriff who were investigating some recent reports of cattle rustling in the area, provided the following account of their experience:

"While riding northwest from this city on the night of May 6, 1897, we noticed a brilliant light high in the heavens. After riding four or five miles around through the hills, we again saw the light, which appeared to be much nearer the earth. We stopped our horses and watched it coming down, until all at once it disappeared behind a hill. We rode on about half a mile further, when our horses refused to go farther. Almost a hundred yards distant, we saw two persons moving around with lights. Drawing our Winchesters, we demanded, "Who is that, and what are you doing?"

A man with a long, dark beard came forth with a lantern in his hand, and on being informed who we were, proceeded to tell us that he and two others-a young man and a woman-were traveling though the country in an airship. We could plainly distinguish the outlines of the vessel, which was cigar-shaped and almost 60 feet long, and looking just like the (sketches) that have appeared in the papers recently. The young man was filing a big sack with water about 30 yards away. The woman was holding an umbrella over her head. The man with the whiskers invited us to take a ride, saying that he could take us where it was not raining. We told him we preferred to get wet. Asking the man why the brilliant light was turned on and off so much, he replied that the light was so powerful that it consumed a great deal of his motive power.

He said he would like to stop off in Hot Springs for a few days and take the hot baths, but his time was limited and he could not. He said that they were going to wind up at Nashville, Tennessee after thoroughly seeing the country. Being in a hurry, we left. Upon our return about 40 minutes later, nothing was to be seen. We did not hear or see the airship when it departed".

More on the two cases PG 22 http://www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR%201967%20V%2013%20N%204.pdf
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 03, 2022, 11:40:40 PM
Just gonna share this here unrelatedly to the subject (or is it), be warned, it's addictive.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 04, 2022, 02:55:49 AM
How important is the voltage rating of the wire as I cant find any 6mm2 wire rated for anything higher than 1.5KV.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 04, 2022, 04:34:56 AM
To get back to the subject, to dispel the Zila's ; ) myth that there MUST be 2 separate grounds...

Here is old Ruslan Kalabuhov's demonstration. His ground is 4 meters long pipe.

He says he is using multiple modulating frequencies and if you don't get them right you won't get anything.

Of course it can be done without. Harmonics are produced even with one frequency.

In his later videos he says he has circuits for phase correction.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 04, 2022, 05:28:51 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 04, 2022, 09:14:49 AM
well here is WR replication in 2016:

and further disclosure here 2019, towards the end of vid:

to feast eyes and ears upon. replication of Russell conical solenoids from Atomic Suicide. basis of Optical Dynamo.

Does not look like much of a replication, where is the energy output, he is just holding some washers in the center by permanent magnets.

Quotehave u tried wot i said to do? am trying best to help all.  ;D

Tried what, i did not ask you for any help nor am i trying to replicate Russell if that is what you suggest.

Quotewell steam turbine was state of the art then. not too much different 2day w/ nuclear reactors.

Sure sure, then why did not all those MASTERS need it 50-100 years before Russell's supposed device but converted etheric energies directly into electricity.

I know Stubblefield and I even knew John Bedini b4 he passed...

Bedini himself used Russell's charts in all his petrovoltaics stuff and even gold transmutation.
Bedini had secret papers b/w Russell and NORAD and much more.
he was big student of Russell and famous free energy guy who ppl trust.

Sure sure, but you're making a religion out of him while it's just a one perspective.

well eclectic approach is ur approach but is not essential. else I wuda failed.  :P
many paths can lead to same place.
it comes down to how long u wanna take to get there...

Material success can be achieved by eclectic or not but
eclectic is essential if you want a full picture, not just fragments.

Tesla and others did not need Russell to get there fast.

Don had his first successes superfast even before he knew about Tesla
after he was teaching that two resonant coils communication device to kids.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 04, 2022, 07:17:55 PM
Few more Keely's quotes....

"Luminiferous ether, or celestial mind force, a compound interetheric element,
is the substance of which everything visible is composed. It is the great sympathetic
protoplastic element, life itself. Consequently, our physical organisms are composed
of this element ... its seat in the cerebral convolutions ...This sympathetic outreach
(sympathetic radiation) is mind flow proper, or will force sympathetic polarization to
produce action, sympathetic depolarization to neutralize it. Polar and depolar
differentiation result in motion. The true protoplastic element ... permeates
all forms and conditions of matter, having for its attendants, gravity, electricity
and magnetism, the triple conditions born in itself. In fact, it is the soul of matter,
the element from which all forms of motion receive their introductory impulse."

"Atomolini are ultimate units of atomoles, and when in a liquid state are the media
for the transmission of gravism. The illimitable divisibility and aggregation of matter
is a logical sequence."

"Atomoles are elementary units of matter uniform in size and weight, and exist in
solid, liquid, gaseous, and isolated forms." [Keely, plural atomolini; see 3.01
- Law of Matter and Force]

"The atomoles are made up of atomolini (singular atomolinus); the subdivision
of matter from this point is beyond man's power, as at this point it escapes all
control of apparatus, passing through glass and hardened steel as a luminous
flame without heat, which is hardly seen before it vanishes, - a perpetual flame
coldly luminous." [Keely, 1893]

"The atomolic substance is what is termed the ether which fills all space and
is the transmitting medium for all celestial and terrestrial forces. This is the
liquid ether of occult science." [Keely, 1893]

From Solar System by theosophist Arthur Powell

Keep in mind what is here called 'atoms' is orders of magnitude smaller than
quarks of mainstream so called science.


Before our solar system came into existence there existed
the ultimate root-matter, the substance out of which will be
fashioned every type of matter of which we have any knowledge.
This root-matter is what scientists call the ether of space, and
what has been described in Occult Chemistry under the name of
koilon (Greek Koilos, hollow).

This must not, of course, be confused with the etheric
matter which composes the finer part of our physical world.
To every physical sense, the space occupied by koilon
appears empty: yet in reality this ether is far denser than
anything of which we can conceive. Professor Osborne Reynolds,
the originator of the celebrated theory, which agrees with occult
investigation, defines its density as being 10,000 times greater
than that of water, and its mean pressure as 750,000 tons to the
square inch.

This substance is perceptible only to highly developed
clairvoyant power. We must assume a time - though we have no
direct knowledge on the point - when this substance filled all
space. We must also suppose that some great Being - almost
infinitely higher than the Logos of a solar system - changed this
condition of rest by pouring out His spirit or force into a
certain section of this matter, a section the size of a whole


They are the atomic matter of the lowest cosmic plane. out
of them the logos of our solar system will presently form the
seven planes of our system, those seven planes, taken together,
forming the lowest cosmic plane.




When the Solar Logos - the great Being of Whom our solar
system is some representation, corresponding possibly to an
incarnation, in the case of a human being - chose to manifest
Himself, when He came forth out of eternity into time, and wished
to form this system, He found ready to His hand this material,
this infinite mass of tiny bubbles.

He commenced by defining an area, the limit of His field of
activity, the limit, perhaps, of His own aura, a vast sphere,
whose circumference is far larger than the orbit of the outermost
of His future planets.

Stupendous as this area would be, the distance between solar
systems is yet out of all proportion greater than the systems
themselves. Nevertheless, it is probable that the Logoi of the
systems are actually in touch with one another, on the higher

Within the limit of the sphere thus marked out He sets up a
motion which sweeps together all the bubbles into a vast central
mass, thus condensing or compressing the bubble-matter, which was
originally scattered throughout the whole of the prodigious
space, into a smaller region.

At a certain stage in that condensation, or compression - a
stage when the radius of His globe still extended far beyond the
orbit of the outermost planet of the system, as it exists to-day
- He sets up within it a whirling motion, accompanied by intense
electrical action, thus making a colossal vortex in many dimensions,
the material of the nebula that is to be.

The compression of the whirling mass is continued through
what to us would be untold ages: in fact, the vortex made by the
Logos in the first place is still in action. In the course of
that process of compression, He, acting through His Third Aspect,
sends out seven impulses or "breaths."

The first impulse sets up all through the sphere a vast
number of tiny vortices, each of which draws into itself 49
bubbles, and arranges them in a certain shape. These little
groupings of bubbles, so formed, are the atoms of the second
plane or world - the anupâdaka or monadic plane.
The whole of the bubbles are not used in this way, but
sufficient are left, in the disassociated state, to act as atoms
of the first or âdi world.

In due time there comes a second impulse, which seizes upon
nearly all the 49-bubble atoms - leaving sufficient to provide
atoms for the anupâdaka world draws them back into itself,
disintegrates them into their component bubbles, and then,
throwing them out again, sets up among them vortices, each of
which holds within itself 49² or 2,401 bubbles. These are the
atoms of the third world, the plane of âtmâ.

Again after a time comes a third impulse, which in the same
way seizes upon nearly all the 2,401-bubble atoms - again leaving
sufficient to form the atoms of the âtmic world - draws them back
into itself, disintegrates them, and throws them out once more as
the atoms of the fourth world, that of buddhi, each atom now
containing 49³ or 117,649 bubbles.

The process is repeated until the sixth impulse has built
the atoms of the seventh or lowest world , the physical plane,
its atoms containing 49⁶, or approximately 14,000 million of the
original bubbles. These atoms are not, of course, the atoms of
which chemists speak, but the ultimate atoms out of which all the
chemical atoms are made.

It seems probable that electrons are astral atoms: for it is
stated by scientists that a chemical atom of hydrogen contains
from 700 to 1,000 electrons, and a chemical atom of hydrogen
contains the equivalent of 882 astral atoms. This may be a
coincidence, but that seems unlikely. Scientists thus appear to
be disintegrating physical matter and discovering astral matter,
though they will naturally think of astral matter as being a
further subdivision of physical matter.

Bishop Leadbeater, from whose writings the above is quoted,
does not know whether such disintegrated physical atoms re-form
themselves, but when, by an effort of will, the physical atom is
broken up into astral or mental atoms, it requires a continuation
of the effort to hold the atoms temporarily in those different
forms, and when the will-force is withdrawn the physical atom

This, however, seems to apply only to the breaking up of the
ultimate physical atoms: when chemical atoms are broken into
ultimate atoms, they remain in that condition, and do not return
to their original state.

It should be noted that, although the atoms of any one
plane, the physical for example, are not made direct from the
atoms of the plane immediately above - the astral - yet, unless
the bubbles had had the experience of passing through all the
planes above, physical atoms could not be made of them.

The Hindu method of describing the process is as follows:
Each plane has what is called a, "tanmâtra" (literally, a measure
of "that"), and a, "tattva" (literally, "thatness" or "inherent
quality"). The tanmâtra is the modification in the consciousness
of the Logos: the tattva is the effect produced in matter by that
modification. We may compare the tanmâtras with the waves of an
incoming tide, which run up on a sandy shore, retire, and are
followed by other waves, which run up a little further. The
tattvas we may compare with the little ridges made on the sand by
the incoming waves, at the furthest line that they reach.

Every atom thus has its "Thatness," the word ,"That" being a
reverent expression for the Divine Being. The measure of the
vibration of the atom, imposed upon it by the Will of the Logos,
is the Tanmâtra, the "measure of That"; this is the axes of the
atom, the angular divergence of which, within the fixed limits of
vibration, determines its surface form.

Thus the consciousness of the Logos is within each atom,
expressed within certain limitations, which we sometimes call

The process of the creation of matter in successive stages
has often been described as the in-breathing and the outbreathing of the Deity.
The existence of matter depends absolutely upon the
continuance of an idea in the mind of the Logos. If He chose to
withdraw His force, for example, from the physical plane - to
cease thinking it - every physical atom would instantly
disintegrate, and the whole physical plane would disappear in an
instant, like the light of a candle when it is blown out.

The ultimate physical atom has three movements of its own:
(1) rotation on its own axis; (2) motion in a circular orbit; (3)
a pulsation like a heart, a constant expansion and contraction.
These three movements are always going on, and are unaffected by
any force from outside. A force from outside - a ray of light,
for example - will set the atom as a whole moving violently up
and down, the amplitude of this movement being proportional to
the intensity of the light, and the wave-length resulting from
the movement of a number of atoms being determined by the colour
of the light.

Besides the force of the Logos, which holds the atom
together in its form, one of His forces is playing through it at
a number of different levels. There are seven orders of this
force, one of which comes into operation during each round,
working through what are called the spirillæ in the atom. For a
description of these spirillæ, as well as other details of the
structure of the atom, the students is referred to Occult
Chemistry (1919 edition, pp. 21-23, and Appendix, ii-vi.) .
In interstellar space - between solar systems - the atoms
are in the condition known as "free," lying far apart, and
equidistant, this seeming to be their normal condition when

In the space between planets, however, they are never found
free: even if they are not grouped in forms they are subject to a
great deal of disturbance from cometic and meteoric matter, and
also to considerable compression from what we describe as the
attraction of the Sun.

From the above considerations, we perceive how it is that a
man in, for example, his causal body, could move freely in the
neighbourhood of a planet, where the atomic mental matter is in
the compressed condition, but would not be able to move or
function in far-away space, where the atoms remain free and

To continue with our description of the building of the
solar system, we have now arrived at the stage where the vast
whirling sphere contains within itself seven types of atomic
matter, all one essentially, because all are built out of the
same kind of bubbles, but differing in their degree of density.
All these types are freely intermingled, so that specimens of
each type would be found in a small portion of the sphere taken
at random in any part of it, with, however, a general tendency of
the heavier atoms to gravitate more and more towards the centre.

The Logos next sends out, still from His Third Aspect, a
seventh impulse which, instead of drawing the physical atoms back
into Himself and dissociating them into the original bubbles,
draws them together into certain aggregations, thus making a
number of different kinds of what may be called proto-elements;
these again are joined together into the various forms which are
known to science as chemical elements.

The making of these extends over a long period of ages, and
they are made in a certain definite order, by the interaction of
several forces, as is correctly indicated in Sir William Crookes'
paper on The Genesis of the Elements.

The process of their making is even now not concluded:
uranium is the latest and heaviest element, so far as we know,
but others still more complicated may perhaps be produced in the

As the ages roll on, condensation increases, and presently
the stage of a vast glowing nebula, usually of incandescent
hydrogen, is reached. Various other systems in our universe are,
of course, now passing through this stage, as may be seen by
means of any large telescope.

In our own case, as the mass cooled, still rapidly rotating,
it contracted and flattened until eventually it became rather a
huge revolving disc than a sphere. Presently fissures appeared in
this disc, and it broke into rings, presenting somewhat the
appearance of the planet Saturn and its surroundings, though on a
far larger scale.

As the time drew near when the planets would be required for
the purposes of evolution, the Logos set up at a chosen point in
the thickness of each ring a subsidiary vortex, into which a
great deal of the matter of the ring was gradually collected.
The collisions of the gathered fragments caused a revival of
the heat, the matter being reduced to a gaseous condition,
forming a glowing ball which, as it cooled once more, gradually
condensed into a physical planet fit to be the theatre of life
such as ours. Thus were all the planets of our system formed.

Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater go into great depth how these bubbles form chemical elements

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 04, 2022, 08:14:21 PM
How Self/God creates Time-Space Cosmic Carrier/Force Field using vibration/interference patterns.

How "no-thing" creates a matrix for creation of "some-thing".

Of course waves are centered around quantized points of consciousness. Self has to in a sense split itself,
that is, it's awareness, to allow for this condition of multi-point wave field to emerge.

This is very much in line with Keely and Russell, it gives more depth and insight into creation of something from nothing.

Combine it with the last post and you have a secret to time-space and matter.

Source for this info is contactee Stefan Denaerde (penname), real name Adrian Beers.
He was the Chief-Director of Ducht Skania. He was in the top 100 richest people in The
Netherlands in 1990. His fortune was estimated at an equivalent of 84 million of today's
Euros. He died in 1998. sticking to his story. One of the best contactee cases ever.


An Analog Model

1. Introduction

This appendix is not a part of the story of the Creation which is explained in
religious terms in Chapter 1 (Part 2). It is a complementary way of reasoning to
prove the existence of God, using the concepts of time, matter and energy. These
concepts are also used in physics. The problem, which now arises, is that the
author will use physical concepts without understanding the real meaning of the
words, because he is not a specialist. The words atom, atom-field, matter, etc.,
must all be understood within the context of this book and they have no direct
connection with the ideas used in modern science. Especially the words "matter"
and "atom" are most confusing, because the Iargan author knows about the
existence of matter in three configurations (and its opposite possibilities as antimatter);
i.e., time-matter, phase-matter and reflection-matter (the one we know
about in our universe), but he fails to interpret these concepts due to his lack of
knowledge of physics. He only knows that these forms of matter are all related to
one or none of the directions of time- propagation (tidsforplantning) of the atom
of which time is fundamentally three-dimensional. It therefore determines in
which form these configurations can exist in our universe.

In this appendix - time-creation out of NOTHING is described - by making use of
the concept of more time-dimensions. The explanation of time-creation is very
difficult because it uses an overall carrier-field of infinite strength and then this
concept is called the cosmic unified field theory. In defining this term, one has to
be careful, because this theory is of a different basic nature from the existing
unified field theories here on earth. Our unified field theories try to unify the four
basic forces in nature, which are the electro-magnetic, the weak strong nuclear
force and gravitation. The unified field theories accepted by most prominent
scientists find their origin in the general relativity theory of Einstein, which itself
explains matter and energy in terms of space and time.

The problem now is to find a method, explaining the spiritual or esoteric reality,
the cosmic time-field. On other planets, this problem was solved by explaining
the basic concepts of the cosmic unified field theory. The elementary functions of
these concepts can be understood with a mechanical instruction model
demonstrating the cosmic time-field visually.

Why indulge in this complication of describing a theory which will probably only
be fully grasped by a few individuals? It does not concern the author very much,
he only carries out his commission. His Iargan instructors gave three reasons for
publishing the concepts of this theory:

1. The future integration of science and religion requires a material proof of
God's existence. This explanation could be the start of the exchange between
these two.

2. In the previous story of Creation the limitation of the infinite is explained
unambiguously(upretendiøst), but the working principle was completely

3. The cosmic unified field theory published in this book will be the only possible
verification for the true identity of this book, providing the link for the future
development of the human race.

2. The physical approximation of the NOTHING.

One concept in physics is that all atoms and energy consist of vibrations and
wave appearances. In a material way, every atom or form of energy is caused by
vibration. The physical approximation (tilnærmelse) describes the nothing of the
idea of vibration - and does not touch on the spiritual aspects and the
consciousness of matter. It does not distinguish between the "nothing" and the
spiritual "No-Thing" (the ALL). It only recognizes the material aspects of the

If everything is vibrations or waves, then it is not necessary to speak of matter or
energy, then Creation is fundamentally based on this concept of vibration. The
primeval vibration (before the limitation) can be described as infinite in time,
infinite in all its aspects and possibilities, infinite in frequency and amplitude and
existing in all time directions (omnitime). Unchanging, timeless and powerful to
all limited vibrations in every bound power. It is the omnipotent definition.
In this approximation the nothing is more simple to understand. Before the
creation - the infinite omnipotent vibration existed- but a vibration in every
direction and of infinite frequency and amplitude is not a vibration. The apparent
paradox can be eliminated by stating: Only at the instant when this infinite
vibration blocks itself by interference, as in a flash, all bound waves and
frequencies were created. This condition is very close to the existential view of
the Creation out of NOTHING in Chapter 1.

The nothing (here) has no counteraction, but in contrast the omnipotent
vibration - can manifest itself only by counter-acting in such a way that the
infinite allows the nothing to be. So one can also state that all vibrations were
created because the nothing bound itself by a mechanism of interference
quenching - (counteracting vibrations) of infinite force, which blocked the
infinite possibilities of these vibrations. This universe can only be considered as
the limitation of the unbounded nothing.

3. The bounding of the omnipotent infinite vibration, the cosmic time field.

One of the basic principles on which the mechanism of bounding is based is: If
one property of a power (any power) of something is bound, then all properties
and powers of this something will be bound. In infinity the finite cannot exist. To
limit the omnipotent vibration it was sufficient to bind only one of the perhaps
infinite number of possibilities. Because if only just a little something were to be
formed in the nothing, the nothing would be altered and cancelled irrevocably,
then the complete finity (endelighet/begrensethet) was a fact. OR, if there were
just the three-dimensional rotating time-field as a possibility of the primeval
atom in the infinity of the nothing, then the finite was a fact. This atom-field
needed to be a force-field of infinite strength, the carrier-field, to counteract the
omnipotent vibration, the cosmic time-field.

4. The Creation can only exist as a result of counter-balance.

One of the functions of the carrier-field is time-synchronization by which the
cosmic counter-action and therefore the nothing can BE. Matter and energy
cannot exist on its own in the nothing. The principle of time synchronization is

Time is only relative, it is motion or propagation (spredning) in relation to at least
a second motion of time.

the cosmic law of counterbalance dictates that the second time has to
counterbalance the first time. So time can only exist in relation to a second exact
opposite direction of time (running backwards in relation to our time).

3. Time exists only through the presence of atoms or matter. Then the
backwardrunning time can only exist through matter in which the time propagation is
opposite, running backwards in relation to us (antitime matter). Anti-matter or
reflection antimatter may exist in our universe with an opposite electric charge
with respect to our known reflection matter. The question, as to which charge
antitime matter has in the anti-universe, is of no importance in this appendix.

4. Because neither matter nor energy can exist on its own in the nothing -another
quantity of matter of opposite properties must exist which is exactly similar to
that in our universe. This balance of matter and energy is so accurate, that one
surplus atom is impossible.

This explains nearly as per definition the cosmic law of counter-balance allowing
the nothing to be. There must be at least a second universe exactly like ours, in
which time runs backwards according to us, but normally for life in that universe.
In the following it is shown that there are not just two, but eleven other
universes in addition to ours necessary to maintain the cosmic law of counterbalance.

6. The time-synchronization field.

The law of counter-balance also applies to time. The timedirection is opposite
and the time velocity is equal to ours. Time is the propagation of vibrations of the
atom. Then the atomvibrations in both universes are equal and opposite with
respect to the timelessness. This is only possible if these times are caused by one
field (time-field).

The definition of a field (any field in physics) is: If an event occurs, because
another event takes place somewhere else without a mechanical or visible
connection between these events, then these events are caused by a field.
Timesynchronization occurs according to this definition. The atom vibrations in our
universes are exactly similar, because the atom vibrations of our anti-universe
occur despite the enormous difference in time and without any dissipation of
energy. It is about 30 billion (milliarder) years since the occurrence of the super
flash Creation (big bang) between the two universes.

The law of conservation of counter-balance is causal to the law of energy
conservation in every universe. Each universe is a closed system and without
energy dissipation outside itself. The amount of matter and energy once created
remains constant. A loss of energy is impossible, because our time-bound energy
propagates forwards, while the time-bound matter and energy of the antiuniverse
propagate backwards in time. These universes are separated by a timebarrier
through which no communication nor transfer of life is known. (Well -
according to information in the book UFO-CONTACT FROM PLANET KOLDAS and
also told by the et-contact ASKET and Semjase - there are some methods for
entering the mirroruniverse - but this can not be touched here - reseach yourself
if interested!! R.Ø.remark.)

6. What is a timeless vibration or wave?

The question is how the field functions maintain the time-synchronization of the
atom-waves between the universes separated by billions of years. It is only
possible if the synchronization stands still in time, but exists simultaneously in all
the time elapsed since the beginning of the super flash, as well in all the future. A
timeless vibration does not normally move in time, the amplitudes of the field
propagation - alternate forwards and backwards in time. Time synchronization is
the principle by which our universe catches every forward-moving amplitude and
the anti-universe catches every backward moving amplitude of one and the same
timeless wave.

On other planets there are simple mechanical models explaining the function of
time synchronization. One such model is very similar to our well-known minimodel
rail upon which are two little wagons. The model has two lengths of rail of
say 1.50 meters each, which are in direct line with each other.
Picture of the model wagons with a Electric drive motor which letting an
excentric, and so the rails vibrate horisontally.

Rail and wagon model demonstrating the principle of the timeless waves. The
vibration is present at any point of the rail and at any time during the whole
process period. Also from the moment of the super flash until the end of all times

The rails are mounted on small springs to allow them to vibrate forwards and
backwards in horizontal direction (from left to right and vice versa). The two rails
are connected to a little electric motor with a double eccentric, each driving one
rail, letting the rails vibrate about 1 millimeter of linear distance, also backwards
and forwards. The amplitude is small enough to be invisible to the eye.
Then one little wagon is placed on each rail and each wagon has a catch with a
catchwheel (tilbakeløps-sperre) on one of the wheelaxes, so the wagon can ride
in only one direction. The movement in the other direction is blocked. The
wagons are placed with their rears against each other, after which the electric
motor is switched on. If the teeth of the catchwheel have the same beat as the
vibrator mechanism, the wagons roll away from each other with exactly the same
speed to the end of each rail.

With this simple model time synchronization for the atom-vibrations of both
departing universes (in time) by a timeless field "always existing everywhere" has
been demonstrated sufficiently. At the same time a flaw(feil) comes to light. It is
impossible to maintain an energy time flux of the timefield for the two departing
universes, because where is then the inexhaustible energy source to maintain the

This is one of the reasons that a one-dimensional time-field is not possible. Only
a three-dimensional time-field, which encloses the energy time-flux in itself,
allows our universe and the others to exist.

7. The principle (mechanism) to create finity: INTERFERENCE.
So far the function of time-synchronization of the carrier-field has been
considered. Now we will discuss the medium of conserving and maintaining the
timeless vibration into eternity. It is the infinite force-field carrying all matter and

We are at the moment of the flash or big bang, the moment at which the infinite
primeval vibration limited (transmutated) itself to the carrier-field. This
mechanism of blocking is well known and based on the principle of wave
interference. (Interference of lightwaves is important today in laser technology.)
Interference is the action or counter-action of two or more waves. If the
wavepropagation(-forplantning) is opposite and parallel and the frequencies of the
waves equal, mutual amplification (gjensidig forsterkning)or attenuation
(fortynnelse) of the intensities of the wave is possible, depending on the phase
relation between these waves.

If the phases are opposite and the amplitudes of the waves are equal, total
quenching (dempning/kvelning)is possible. This is the principle of the binding of
infinity. If an infinite wave manifests itself in one time-direction, automatically
the equivalent absolute counteraction is created which counter-balances the
infinity, allowing the nothing to be.

The infinite primeval wave blocked itself at the moment it created itself and so it
never existed in reality. It was in fact a transmutation of infinity; the
transmutation of the infinite vibration of infinite amplitude and frequency to a
carrier-field of infinite strength, which blocked itself by interference.
8. The time-bound vibrations or waves.

The primeval wave blocked itself in a three dimensional time-axis system
(propagation directions) by interference, and trans-mutated to an infinite,
timeless, immobile force-field. How could the bound timeless waves exist, which
synchronize our universe?

It is an error of thinking to suppose that by quenching the omnipotent vibration -
all finite waves were also cancelled. It is just the opposite. A vibration with
infinite frequency is not a vibration in reality. The infinite prevented the
vibration, because a vibration can only exist in the finite. As soon as infinity was
removed, the prevention disappeared and the real bound wave was a possibility.
It is the carrier forcefield although of infinite strength and energy density which
gets its finite value due to interference quenching. All timeless waves are as it
were encapsulated in infinity and therefore indestructible. However "belonging"
to infinity and not bound by time themselves, they create time forever, they are
the eternal ripples on the static ("krusning i likevekten"), unchangeable and lossfree
field of infinite strength. (This must be what the Danish wiseman Martinus
call the X2- principle and the primeval-desire or "urbegjæret" in Danish.

Because of this, all time-bound waves such as light, radio-waves or gravitation,
exist in space without any loss and it is the empty space in the universe, which is
the non-modulated structure of the carrier-field. It is one of the most fantastic
touches of genius of Creation, that the non-vibrating infinity was transmutated to
a loss-free medium carrying all time-bound and timeless waves. A few properties
of this medium can be measured with instruments, the other part of its structure
cannot be objectively observed yet, it is the esoteric fluidum or the infinite Lovewill
of the Father which carries the whole Creation.

The unimaginable three-dimensional time.

One time-axis counter-balances only one direction of time propagation of the
omnipotent (allmektige)wave. In infinity all possibilities of vibration exist and
therefore all time-propagation directions. The question is, could infinity be
limited by just one time-direction and one co-existing propagation direction
going the opposite way?

One way to answer this was already given in the previous paragraph, in which it
was stated that the energy time-flux of the primeval wave of two universes is not
a closed system. Another plausible answer can be by simply reasoning.
The atom is causal for the time - and space dimensions, due to its time-creating
properties, already mentioned. The space-creating properties are easy to
understand, because the atom takes up space. It is three-dimensional in space
and therefore it creates space in three dimensions. If all atoms were twodimensional
then the whole of creation would have been on a plane and space
would not have been more than a flat or curved plane. Our time-space is no
more than a bound part of the nothing - being filled with matter or energy.
Anything that space distinguishes of the time - and - dimensionless void, is
caused by atoms or energy. If atoms have three space dimensions, then the
timeless waves creating the atoms also have three dimensions.

1. The timeless primeval atom-field has three time dimensions.

2. The timeless waves could not be bound by only one time-axis, but must
necessarily have three time-axes.

3. The timeless atom-field should consist of a three-dimensional rotating field of
infinite strength, which is attenuated (fortynnet) of itself by interference. It
conserves the law of cosmic counter-balance of the no-thing. The atom of such a
rotating field structure has six time-axes, but in principle these six axes can
always be reduced to three time-dimensions, no further reduction is possible.
Picture of ONE-TIME-AXIS: The cosmic symbol of one time-axis.
In the following parpagraphs of the analog carrier-field model it is shown, why
the atom-field has to be a three-dimensional and not a two-dimensional field.

10. The six time-axes of the time-creating, cosmic carrier field.

How can it be established that the carrier-field of all matter in twelve universes
has six time-axes? The first part of the answer is simple to explain. A well-known
type of rotating field on earth is that of the electric three-phase synchronous

This type of electromagnetic-field system consists of three linear magnetic fields,
which are arranged at angles of 120 round a rotor. The phase-differences of the
three alternating magnetic-fields, which have the same frequencies (say 50 Hz)
are also at each 120 degrees. Each alternating field is in itself an exact linear
vibration oriented in one direction. The rotating field exists only if the three
linear vibrations are combined together with the proper phase-relation between
them. So a two-dimensional rotating field in space is created. It can force a piece
of magnetic material to rotate around its axis with a great power.

The fact that it is possible to create rotating fields by combining three linear
alternating waves does not mean that it has to be the same for fields of infinite
strength, it can be more than three, but it is not very likely as first guess, because
the three wave principle (the equilateral triangle) is the most simple and
effective. According this principle, for a three dimensional field six linear waves
are required to form an equilateral triangular pyramid, but why an angle of 60
degrees between time-axes?

The first answer can initially be given in a very simple way, the second is more
complicated, but at least more to the point.

A simple way of reasoning to derive (utlede) the answer to the question of 60
degrees is the following. The atom field of matter has spatial (romlig)structure,
therefore the time-axes must be positioned in such a way that they form a closed
three-dimensional geometric object, because the energy fluxes of time must be
closed in itself due to the law of counter-balance.

The time-axes form straight lines, which cannot be parallel lines, because parallel
time-axes form one and the same time-direction. The most simple threedimensional
closed object is an equilateral triangular pyramid. There are no
reasons to suppose it should be an a-symmetric pyramid if three-dimensional
time is considered, on the contrary, it must be symmetrical in all positions. So it is
simply a equilateral triangular pyramid of which the lanes are equilateral
triangles. There is no more simple object in three-dimensional space with these

The more sophisticated answer to the question of 60 degrees is time given by
approaching the question from the relativity of time frequencies between the
other universes (the other time-axes). Time is the wave propagation of atoms
which determines the direction of the past to the future. Simultaneously these
time-creating or timeless waves are the linear phase waves combining to
maintain the atomic rotating field. The problem is that "our' atoms do not
experience the right frequencies of the other time-axes, because they do not
propagate (spredes)with the same speed, but advance in time.
Thus there is an apparent frequency-shift, a kind of Doppler shift, by which the
frequencies of the "other" time-axes are experienced by "our" atom. One should
realize that the timeless vibrations of the other universes also exist in our

At first sight it seems impossible for a rotating field to posess a constant phaseshift
because between vibrations of different frequencies a constant phase-shift
is not possible unless the frequencies are related to each other in a particular
way. They are harmonic. Two vibrations are harmonic if the apparent frequencies
have constant ratios to each other, like 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, etc.

Timeless waves can only exist when the frequencies are related by the harmonic
ratio 1 : 2.

Picture explaining the frequency-shift for 60 degrees time-axis angle.

The frequency ratio is determined by the angle between the two time-axes, as
the picture shows. Our time direction is T1 while another time direction is shown
as T2. The time direction propagating forwards (from past to future) is useful to
our universe, while the backward-moving impulses of the timeleess wave do not
"catch" the rotating field of "our" atoms. Secondly the time-axis at a right angle
(90dg) to our axis T1 does not make any contribution, we experience this timeaxis
as non-existing.

As the picture shows, due to the angle of 60 degrees, 'our' atom experiences
exactly half the time-speed of the other time-axis and this makes the frequency
harmonic. As T1=2 times T2, the result is the simplest harmonic ratio of 1:2,
determined by the angle of projection of 60 degrees between two time-axes.
(Pythagoras' law for right angled triangles).

All other possibilities and other harmonic ratios fail to give non-destructive
contributions for the necessary interference intensification. Other excitations of
higher order harmonic ratios give more complicated time-axes structures of the
rotating atom field and cannot be stable. Also because the couple-field feedback
to the total mass (inertia) of the universes is not optimized (see the following

It supposes simultaneously the existence of a higher number of co-existing
universes, which seems highly unlikely (higher than twelve). Therefore we must
decide for the simplest three-dimensional geometric form: the equilateral
triangular pyramid.

11. The ancient symbol of God, the Star of David.

It is necessary to summarize the above issues of the principle.

1. The choice of the mechanism of limitation determined the existence of all
types of timeless waves, among which was the (most complex) threedimensional
rotating time-field.

2. The limitation took place by interference quenching the primeval infinite
vibration (possibility) affording more time-axes in three dimensions.

3. A time-axis is a part of the infinite force-field. This only exists as a single linear

4. For a three-dimensional rotating field at least six linear field waves are
necessary, which are located spatially in time having angles of 60 degrees
between the time-axes.

5. The angle of 60 degrees could only be created by an apparent frequency shift
maintaining the harmonic vibrations of the rotating field.

These considerations determine the mechanism of blocking the infinite. It
consists of six time-axes forming a closed three-dimensional object, which
creates and restricts the speed of the rotating atom-field.

Though every time-axis carries two universes(universe and anti-univers), there
are in the frightening depth of cosmic space twelve distinct cosmic structures,
separated by the unbridgeable barrier of time. Not only are there eleven other
universes apart from ours, but they are all embedded in the same cosmic or
geometric space. All universes have the same size and the same energy content.
The geometric space is necessarily the location in the nothing - in which the
omnipotent vibration quenched itself by interference. It is the location for waves
encountering each other, as it is for light-waves interfering with each other. But
it does not require that every atom has twelve buldges at the same space-point
in time. Or more crucially, it does not mean that every human being has twelve
images of himself without knowing it.

It is the mechanism of interference synchronisation of the timeless waves which
uncouples the universes at each space-point, simultaneously maintaining the
time-propagation of each universe.

The equilateral triangular pyramid is the symbol of God, the Father as it is known
everywhere in the universe (after lifting the cosmic isolation). We know it as the
double equilateral triangles of the Star of David, also six time-axes with angles of
60 degrees. It means that the principle of the limitation was revealed to
humanity centuries ago, but we did not understand its meaning so far.
Make in your thoughts : The Star of David.

12. The analog carrierfield model, an instruction model.
The cosmic carrier field of all space and matter performs a sixfold function, of
which some have already been discussed in gereral way.

The carrier function of an infinitely strong forcefield blocked in itself contains the
fluidum conducting all waves without dissipation and maintained to eternity.
The orientation of the time-axes of the universes with respect to nothing
provides the structure of the carrier-field of three dimensions, the bounded
Love-will, creating our life and existence.

The time synchronisation function locks all universes in the iron grip of the law of
cosmic counter-balance from which no atom can escape.

The feedback principle of time to the total mass of the universe is the function of
the coupling-field by counterbalance (and interference) of the time-bound

The function of the timeless primeval atom-field, the atom-principle, as the
transmitter program containing the code of matter of which all atoms are remote

The function as bearer of the absolute ALL-knowledge and goal consciousness,
manifesting itself as the laws of nature and as the intelligent goal of life: the spirit
of God.

The last function concerns the existential aspects, which have been discussed in
the previous section of this book.

The first analog model is a mechanical instruction model explaining the cosmic
carrier field by means of symbols. This model was built on another lifesupporting
planet on a high mountain and was many meters high. It was the
gathering point for contemplation of that intelligent race for devotion to its

It was the symbol by which the majority of the race acknowledged the goal of
Creation, simultaneously the sign that the cosmic isolation had been lifted. The
other function of the carrier-field will be discussed with the help of this
mechanical instruction model.

The analog model consisted mainly of the six edges of a huge equilateral
triangular pyramid built out of solid soft-iron bars. The many metres thick edges
of the pyramid contain an impressive number of iron bars parallel to the
direction of the edges and cast in a kind of plastic resin following a process
similar to that of casting concrete(betong). So a mainly iron-frame was formed
especially suitable for conduction of magnetic pulses of high power without
much loss.

So far the carrying fuction of the cosmic time-field, which primarily maintains the
timeless waves is symbolized in the model. The magnetic pulses in the edges of
the pyramid run backwards and forwards like the timeless waves in reality.
With respect to the other edges of the pyramid, the magnetic pulses are phaseshifted.
The problem is that up to now the forward propagation (forplantning) in
time has been missed out. In fact we look for the equivalent of the two little
wagons on the vibrating rail. The solution can be found in the symbol of the
rotating flywheel, as with the atom its rotation is continuous in time, it is in fact
time propagation. Therefore the iron frame of the pyramid is discontinued at two
places in each of the six edges of the pyramid. At this discontinuation point a
linear magnetic impulse motor is installed, on the axis of which a large flywheel is

The flywheel symbolizes not only the propagation of time, but also the inertia of
matter and so the flywheel is in effect the total mass of the universe. This type of
magnetic impulse motor is not self-starting, so at the inside on the flywheel axis a
starter-motor is mounted, fitted solely for the purpose of starting. One rotating
the synchronous motor maintains the exact number of revolutions at the same
frequency of the magnetic alternation field. Thus in each of pyramid's edges two
synchronous motors are mounted making twelve flywheels in total.
The two flywheels per axis rotate in opposite directions to symbolize the time
propagation in opposite time directions. This type of linear impulse motor is
chosen because it can be made to rotate in either direction.
The first analog model.

In one triangular plane of the pyramid the six synchronous motors in the iron
frame demonstrate a rotating magnetic field, seen from the center of the plane.
Each edge of the pyramid has the right phase-shift with respect to the other
edges of the triangle.

The first model has four central rotating magnetic field generators in the middle
of each triangular plane. (See figure of unfolded pyramid indicating the actual

These four synchronous (three phase) generators are coupled together by a
gearbox and are driven by the main electric motor (not shown in the drawing).
Consequently the four three-phase generators fulfill the synchronisation and
constant phase-shifts for the flywheels of the pyramid-edges. The four separate
rotating fields together, initate the complex three-dimensional rotation of the
carrier field (or atom-field).

The disadvantage of the first model is that it is further away from reality, because
the atomic field is not symboized as one three-demensional rotating field.
However it shows better how to imagine the complicated rotation in three

The second or the real analog model.

This mechanical model has only one central generator in the middle of the
pyramid, instead of the four rotating field generators of the first model. All
magnetic waves in the pyramid edges go straight to the pyramid's center. The
rotor of the 3-dimensional rotating generator is like a yo-yo with spherical endsurfaces.
It requires a touch of genius to provide the drive-connection between the central
motor and the spherical rotor, which has to be started up in a complex rotation.
The six diametrically opposed pole-shoes from the middle of the pyramid's edges
around the spherical rotor form in pairs, three axes of right angles - representing
a Cartesian coordinate system. So it shows that the six time-axes of the edges of
the pyramid can be converted into the three principal time-axes of the central

Together it imitates three-dimensional time, which causally creates the threedimensional
space of our universe.

The principles of the first and second analog models are equivalent. One version
can be converted into the other, for example, converting the four rotating fields
to one three-dimensional rotation in the centre-mass of the pyramid.
The model can be started by switching on the thirteen drive-motors. As the
flywheels reach velocity the twelve starter-motors are switched off and only the
central motor drives the complete gigantic model. The essence is that all
flywheels have exactly the same number of revolutions. They are all either
synchronous motors or generators. Then the flywheels are marked and
illuminated by a stroboscopic flash light. Seen by the normal eye they do not
appear to move showing the synchronous rotation and the constant phase-shifts
between the flywheels.

These mechanical models are meant to explain the unimaginable Creation out of
the nothing by symbolic imitation of the carrier-field. However it is only a weak
symbol of Creation. The carrier-field is the esoteric medium, a transmutation of
the absolute spirit or conscience, it is the spiritual force field of infinite strength
which is present everywhere in the universe.

The imitation of the carrier-field functions.

Nevertheless the analogy of reality is incredible. This will be shown in the next
explanation of the five functions of the cosmic carrier-field.

The carrier-function

The foundation of the carrier-field is the infinite force-field created by
interference quenching (avbrytende stopp) of the original infinite vibration. The
mode initiates this force-field with the six bundles of soft-iron bars as the edges
of the pyramid.

As in reality, the three-dimensional magnetic rotating field in our model is caused
by the linear waves of each time-axis. The timeless waves alternate backwards
and forwards as in our model. They drive the flywheels representing the masses
of the universes, and their rotation is the propagation (spredning) in time.
The orientation of the time-axes with respect to the nothing.

The relative position of one time-axis in the apparent nothing plays an important
role in the orientation of the universes in reality, determining the direction of
each time-axis. Here the first model is shown representing the four three-phase
synchronous generators in the planes of the pyramid. Only with decompostion of
the three-dimensional rotation into four rotations can one show that the threedimensional
rotating field has left no remaining component in the nothing, while
in contrast a two-dimensional rotating field can not be nullified, a remaining
component will always exist in the nothing. This can be explained by considering
a single plane of the pyramid with its six flywheels at the edges, the analog for a

carrier-field. The rotation impulse of the flywheels is compensated by the
opposite rotations but the rotation impulse of the central three-phase generator
is left over. It can be measured by the outside world (the nothing).
It requires four field three-phase generators (maintaining overall symmetry) to
compensate for these rotation impulses.

With this the three-dimensionality of the carrier-field has been shown and the
orientation of the time-axes with respect to the nothing is determined.
The time synchronization function.

Impressively the model imitates the time synchronization, simultaneously
maintaining the cosmic counter-balance by which the universes continue to exist.
The rotation of the two flywheels per axis is in opposite directions and they
rotate with exactly the same speed. Thus it imitates the circular motion to the
timeless waves which progresses exactly synchronous by their mutual
interference coupling.

The twelve cosmic systems run without any dissipation, once started, the
perpetuum mobile continues into eternity with the absolute accuracy of timesynchronisation.
If one supposes the model to be without loss and without using
the eternal driving motors, it will continue to run synchronously due to the
inertia of the flywheels and the fact that the synchronous linear impulse motors
can function as generators as well.

This symbolizes another property of the continuous circular motion of the
timeless waves, because every wave somewhere in the pyramid circuit at each
moment has its opposite value resulting in an overall zero at any moment.
This is the law of conservation of the nothing.

The couplingfield function.

Time synchronization is not alone determined by the iron grip of the threedimensional
carrier-field and the principle of cosmic counter-balance. Apart from
this an important effect is realized from the feedback of the gigantic masses of
the universes to the timeless waves. These masses can be considered as
enormous flywheels without loss. Once started by the super flash, no change in
speed is possible, because a force of sufficient magnitude is simply not available.
This function of the coupling field can also be shown in our model, because the
linear synchronous motors of the flywheels are also generators. If the central
driving motor is switched off, then the flywheels continue for some time to drive
the central three-dimensioal rotating sphere. Everything stays exactly
synchronous with the same phase-shifts.

This experiment shows how the flywheels feed their energy back and have a
stabilizing function in time-synchronization. The coupling-field of the masses of
the universes is fed back in the time-bound vibrations of the atom-field from
which no atom total mass of the universes is fed back to one single atom.
This is a painting by Rudolf Dass of the analogous visual-mechanical carrier-field
model which symbolizes time and matter creation and synchronization in twelve
universes. This giant working construction that was a cross between a monument
and a machine was seen on an artificially flattened mountaintop on Iarga. This
place was perceived as a place of pilgrimage, a place of meditation and
contemplation, and the machine was a symbol of creation. The Iargans know no
separation between science and religion, and religious and spiritual theories are
entirely scientific. The model was several hundred yards(meters) long. The
machine seemed to operate by some kind of perpetual motion, neither running
on fuel or electrical power.

The Instructional Analog Model

The mechanical instruction models are the visual representations of the
principles of the cosmic unified field theory. The model is intended to
demonstrate that time, matter, and energy are creations out of the nothing and
therefore the counter-balance has to be maintained to allow the causal infinity of
the nothing to exist. In a broader context the physical symbols all take on new
meaning and demonstrate the unification of science and religion. In a religious
sense the spherical three-dimensional time-field in the heart of the pyramid
symbolizes the Soul of the Creator. The pyramid symbolizes his infinite lovewill,
the cage in which the infinity of His existence has been blocked irrevocably. The
lines symbolize the different frequencies of the timeless waves. The flywheels on
the edges of the pyramid symbolize the twelve associated and interrelated
universes, including ours, that make up this unity. One cannot exist without the

The timeless primeval atom-principle, the transmitter function.
The atom-field is a time-creating field and as such a remote manifestation of the
primeval atom principle. It can be compared with a transmitter. As soon as the
program is converted into waves of great power, billions of radios can receive the
same program, the number is unlimited. Everything depends on the one program
of the transmitter, the primeval atom-field. If this exists with infinite strength, it
is at the same time the vibration medium (the carrier-field) which helps it to
spread everywhere. Thus any atom in any universe can receive the timeless basic
program. The second model shows the three-dimensional time-field of the
primeval atom field most clearly, although this is a three-dimensional rotation of
the central sphere in spatial sense. This is an analog of reality, the atom has a
spherical field which is defined by six linear time-vibration directions. Any atom is
a remote manifestation of the one carrier-field of infinite strength.
Considering this fifth function of the carrier-field one has to realize that only the
central sphere, the atom, is visible to us. The fields in the pyramid edges outside
the sphere are invisible. It is the time-field reality of which the atom is a

The mechanical instruction models are the visual representations of the
principles of the cosmic unified field theory. This requires however some
marginal notes. A material comparison to explain spiritual abstractions is always
in some ways incomplete. There are several hiatus of which only the three most
important ones are mentioned.

1. In the model one time-axis represents only one frequency of the magnetic
field, while in reality all frequencies are contained. Every frequency however can
be initiated for each time-axis for which the interference representation of the
analog model is valid.

2. The model demonstrates the rotating field of the timeless waves. It does not
imitate the time-bound waves by which our time-axis the propagation speed of
time is X, then the phase velocity of the two time-axes connected to "our"
pyramid edge is ½X. The other two time-axes connecting our time-axis with the
other corner of the pyramid is -½X, making up for the time speed of our antiuniverse -X.
The crossing, not-touching time-axis is perpendicular to our time-axis
and does not contribute.

3. In our model the masses of the universes are given by the flywheel symbol. In
fact this is fundamentally wrong, because it is separated from the threedimensional
rotation of the central sphere. It can therefore basically not
maintain the counterbalance of the nothing.

The most important conclusion of the analog model is that time, matter and
energy are creations out of the nothing and therefore the counter-balance has to
be maintained to allow the causal infinity of the nothing exist.
14. The existential symbolism of the model.

So far the physical aspects of the model have been unravelled, but if one wants
to give a wider context to the model suddenly all the physical symbols change
their meaning. In relation to philosophical or theological disciplines the model
takes on the additional meaning of the unification of science and religion. By
certain inherent (medfødte) laws within any intelligent race the denial of God's
existence will be destroyed sooner or later. Earth science will provide an
indestructible contribution to our final knowledge-awareness, which we shall
attribute as typical human attainment in the cosmic integration. It is that piece of
our human identity and self-awareness, which we shall possess and care for
throughout eternity. It the light of this purpose, science serves God and the
distinction between science and religion fades away.

In a religious sense the spherical three-dimensional time-field in the heart of the
pyramid has a special meaning. It symbolizes the Soul of the Creator, the Father
who is the pure Identity of the infinite origin. The pyramid symbolizes his infinite
Love-will, the cage in which the infinity of his Existence has been blocked
irrevocably. He sacrificed his Ego and his freedom, to love his twelve Sons once.
He is present only indirectly in his Creation as the reflection of the infinity, the
Supreme Being, as the one Ego-consciousness of the Archangels.

That is why the theologian covers the central sphere with pure gold, symbolizing
the golden Heart, the Holy of Holies, the most sacred secret of the universe. The
pyramid is then painted dark red, the universal colour of love. Over the red many
thin golden stripes run in the direction along the pyramid edges. These stripes
symbolize the different frequencies of the timeless waves, the expressions of
Love and faith of the Father and his infinite Will.

Gathered around the golden Heart are the twelve flywheels, coloured white, the
colour of purity and innocence. The model shows that every universe has the
power to awaken the matter-consciousness and to transform it to the new God:
the Son. The goal of Creation is therefore the awakening and the formation of
the twelve Sons of the Father.

This is not in contradiction with the Bible telling us that the Father sent his only
begotten Son. The Bible is solely directed to man. It is our instruction book for life
describing our attitude towards God and our fellow man. The Bible does not tell
anything about life on other planets, because it is not relevant in our relationship
with God now.

The same goes for our parallel universes. In fact they do not exist for us, because
they are not in our world of existence but somewhere else. They do not exist for
all intelligent races in this universe, we shall never be able to observe them nor
experience them in any way. Perhaps at the end of all time we shall meet. In our
world the Father has one only-begotten Son and this truth is already so
unimaginable that nobody can conceive the consequences yet.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 04, 2022, 09:34:47 PM
Regardless OP's lack of request, there are untold numbers of persons
who spent endless hours  banging head against DS info wall ...

Zilano probably pushed a few more sensitive souls over the edge ( sanity)

Quite certain MANY would appreciate to know where they went wrong ...

I had noticed you mentioned old Friend David F
Have not spoken to him in ages

Sure he would also be interested...

Chet K
Perhaps bump an old thread here!

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 04, 2022, 09:42:29 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 04, 2022, 09:18:55 PM

well he explains in 2019 video that he can light a bulb and produce multiplied magnetic field from the current he is using. so its like winding up current b4 using it which is more than what the supply gives u...

it's Russell way of using grid AC power. Power Multiplication.

So he claims it, no demonstration. No measuring of input output. Not much of replication.

OP did not ask for help building Don circuit?, then my mistake. I'm in wrong place.  :-

Did not ask for help, ever. I asked if anyone had success and that was not really asking, i expected no one will, as my OU playlist shows, i know of many successes.

Russell is 1 perspective, but he had whole Universe in his gaze. He actually knew secrets of the universe. IMHO.

Tesla dying of old age said he still didn't know what electricity is.

Yes he did, but so did Keely long before him, so did Theosophical seers with their astral sight, who could see inside the subatomic structure, who understood the governing principles of polarity, counterspiraling motion, compression and expansion, all this long before Russell.

Quoteyup Don knew radio pumps out 1 signal and can have multiple harvests if we tune receivers.

maybe I have opened eyes for some on here. idk.

You opened no eyes cause your own eyes ain't open (enough), i am trying to help you open your eyes but you are transfixed on your religion.

Take 10min, read my last two posts slowly, learn about creation of time-space Carrier Field from nothing using interference along 6 AXIS OF TIME, and subsequent creation of bubbles (MATERIA PRIMA) by "digging holes in space" which in turn create all lower orders of matter by their counterspiraling motion....
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 05, 2022, 08:46:54 PM
Keely was right cause he was right (and time will show that), the fact that he preceded Russell is another thing.

No, i do not think "that's not true", i said many times opposing spirals are the principle of Creation, i critiqued his lack of measurement. Here is an example of a proper demonstration, 1 in 122 out.


The point of studying Keely is not getting OU, it is for better understanding of mechanisms of Nature, universal triune force flow, laws of harmonic and discordant vibrations etc.

You of course did not read the Cosmic Time Field Carrier model on the last page, my my, if you only knew you are ignoring the very mechanism of Creation of Time-Space and everything in it.

As for that steam turbine of Russell, i'm gonna quote from a letter Schauberger sent to Mr 'R' From Implosion Magazine, No. 82, written in Linz, 4th February 1958.

Thirty eight years ago as I was building the first log-flume and mixed and moved the water in such manner as to trigger a falling thermal gradient, I had no inkling that this was the initial stage in the build-up of a concentrating form of atomic energy. Acting purely intuitively I proceeded further along this course. In 1921 I built the first suction-turbine to provide and light my remote forest-homestead with electricity. With it I achieved an almost nine fold increase in output. This I deemed to be the most natural thing in the world and once again took the next further step. I utilized this falling thermal gradient for the purposes of re-converting polluted water into noble water - akin to that of high-altitude springs. This water exhibited remarkable healing properties that nobody was able to explain.

So there is your overunity water turbine in 1921.

Little more about Schauberger...

Schauberger noted that everything in nature has bipolarity: light and darkness; warm and cold; male and female; pressure and draw, etc.. Between these opposites exists a constant flow of elevating qualities running from the lower to the higher one in a logarithmically spiralling movement. There are two spiralling movements: one outward-going sucking energy away from the centrum in excentric centrifugence, and one inward-going which presses energy in a concentric centripetence towards the condensed centrum.

The core philosophy of Schauberger could be expressed as follows: The force is life, and the secret of life is bipolarity. Without opposite poles in nature, there is no attraction and repulsion, there is no movement. Without movement, there is no life.

Each movement has its characteristic qualities: The outgoing movement is followed by an increased friction and increased pressure with a rise of temperature, biological breakdown and decomposition. It is characterized by the processes of explosion, expansion and gravitation. The in-going movement is followed by a decreased friction, decreased pressure combined with decreased temperature and biological improvement. The corresponding processes are implosion, impansion and levitation.

Even when the two movements are naturally balanced as two opposing forces of equal strength, the inwards-going concentric spiral dominates in its reconstructive role.

The spiral movement may turn either counter-clockwise or clockwise. When the motion spirals counterclockwise, it has a structuring and formative influence on material flowing (fluid or gas) in the implosion spiral. If it turns the opposite way around, its function is decomposing and disintegrative. The greatest vitalization is obtained when both spirals move inside each other. Such resultant or double concentric spiral movement is called the implosion spiral and constitutes the essence of Schauberger's implosion theory.

Schauberger used this theory to explain certain natural phenomena such as typhoons, whirlpools, certain shell forms, the meandering of waters, and new forms of energy generators (including his levitating implosion disk).


"All corpuscular action in Nature is vortex motion." [Keely]

Below are few crops from The First Principles of Theosophy By Curuppumullage Jinarajadasa first published in 1921, 5 years before The Universal One and as far as i know all this is taken from much older work of Blavatsky, Leadbeatter and Besant.


We see he clearly says that logarithmic spirals are at the heart of Creation on all scales.

We see spirals within spirals creating different orders of matter.

We see Russell's spiraling chart of elements long before he thought of it.

The next two illustrations, of a spider's web (Fig. 111), and of the Periodic Law of the chemical elements (Fig. 112), link in an undecipherable mystery a microcosm with the Macrocosm. For in the center of the spider's web is the logarithmic curve; how does the spider know to build according to geometrical principle ? And why does the universe, as it comes into being, create 92 elements in such a rhythmic fashion that we can group them into families, and tabulate them all according to their atomic weights, so as to make a spiral curve similar to the spider's and to that of Solarium (Fig. 102)?


You got "working devices", great, i will too soon but your knowledge/understanding is too limited. You don't even acknowledge the Triune Flow, the fundamental Universal principle we find in all forces and matter, or the 6 phase COSMIC TIME CARRIER FIELD that creates the 3D space itself and keeps all atoms spinning in sync....

Enjoy the silence :*
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 06, 2022, 07:13:39 AM
Both Zilano and Don mention frequency can be controlled using resistors. The following is from Zilano:

T=50 HZ OR 60 HZ
SAY T=50
AND C=2mfd
R=50/2mfd=50/.002f=25,000 ohms=25kohm
say L=25mili henry(mh)
and T=50 hz or 60 hz
since 1mh=1/1000 h
R=0.0005 ohms
put R for C in series with cap and R for L in parallel
the circuit will oscillate the primary of trafo at 50 hz or 60 hz accordingly.

T is the time constant for a capacitor and inductor so how does that work by substituting frequency?
I assume the cap she is talking about is a storage cap after L2. I have read where Don also used a nomograph. Does it do essentially the same as the two time constant/frequency formulas?
How do these methods of frequency control compare with making the primary of the isolation trafo part of a resonant tank circuit at 50/60 Hz?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 06, 2022, 09:10:52 PM
Something more on 8 tonal division we find in Theosophical and later Russell element chart, this is Denisovian science, Denisovian were cave people of Eurasia 200,000+ years ago up to last ice age, and were supposedly a prehistoric autists (having supposed autism gene).



They knew about the Saros Cycle and probably based their calendars on it.

The saros is a period of exactly 223 synodic months, approximately 6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 10, 11, or 12 days, and 8 hours, that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon.

Below is a 24,000-year-old mammoth ivory plate found at Mal'ta in southern-central Siberia showing what appears to be 7 logarithmic spirals.

And below is a calendar round displaying the proposed grand calendrical system of the Altai-Baikal region, which is at least 24,000 years old.

You can see all numbers are multiples of 9 and there are 8 'tones' per 'octave'.

Obviously this is not a musical or light or elements chart but i am drawing a parallel, that it is wholly based on 9 is surely no coincidence.

As i said before 8 tones is something between a diatonic and chromatic scale.

Below is the table with "most harmonic frequencies" containing 8 tones (not in order).

Full diatonic scale is

G, A, B, C, D, E, F#

Full chromatic scale is

A, A#/Bb, B, C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, and G#/Ab

So 8 "most harmonic" tones are basically a diatonic scale with addition of C# or chromatic scale with D#/Eb, G#/Ab and A#/Bb  missing.

All tones/frequencies except for C and G are based on 9, C and G are not but they nonetheless include them.

Why? Cause it is a MULTIPLICATION TABLE. All frequencies are product of the 2 coordinates.

So these 6 which are based on 9 can be traced on the Denisovian calendar and you can see how tones progress in steps.

Take for example tone D2 which is 72Hz, look at Denisovian circle, next harmonic 144 is just one step away, yet next higher harmonic 288 is 2 more steps away.

Or take E2 which is 162Hz, on Denisovian circle next harmonic 324 is 3 steps away, yet next higher harmonic 648 is 6 more steps away. Obviously, we got a Fibonacci like progression which may be represented as a spiral.

The whole point is Theosophical/Russell 8 tonal/element division may reflect the 8 "most harmonious tones".

I'd say that this is the very essence of Triune Flow, how One splits into 3 and further subdivides into 3 more and more into infinity, fractally - i am referring to the table horizontal division determining difference between tones, vertical division is just doubling of the same ratio.

Triune flow is supposed to have ratio of 369. This ratio we find all over the table of most harmonic 8 tones as 2 octaves of one tone which are like 3:6, that is, second is double first, and third tone which is 1.5x the second one is a tone on the right of the first one.

For example 216, 432, 648. 432 is twice the 216 and 648 is 432 x 1.5.

If this geometric pattern is kept 3 tones will always be in 369 relation.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: AlienGrey on May 07, 2022, 02:15:45 AM
Yes i have been telling them this on here for years, all i got was abuse from some corners over it!

Regards Sil
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 07, 2022, 03:26:28 AM
Gotta keep in mind this table can be extended to the right, below is an
example with one additional column. Question is if this 9th column corresponds
to a musical note (harmonics).

Probably does. What about further extension.

So it's not really an explanation of 8 tonal division but i believe it is very
closely related.

Also what about the so called Pythagorean comma, according to common opinion
there is no perfect octave in Pythagorean scale, each next octave is bit off, but
this table shows Pythagorean scale, 1.5 ratio (perfect 5th) is respected and octaves
are perfect multiples so what do they mean, maybe it's because they usually start
with A440 which has all irrational frequencies so that messes things up.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 07, 2022, 05:46:40 AM
Notice in the table numerical value for all octaves of G alternates

36363636363636....which is also 9.

First column C has numerical values 1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2,4,8,7,5,1,2...

And we can see it is also a repeating pattern 124875 which has numerical

value 9, ALL ARE NINE!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 07, 2022, 09:38:31 AM
Here Dave L shares some work and actually recommends experiments to readers ?
https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4284.msg98895;topicseen#msg98895 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4284.msg98895;topicseen#msg98895)

Perhaps peruse his content ( other topics)
While he does not fill forum with many every day contributions
His work ( and others in his topic) is there to ponder !

Do you have experiment of your own to share that would jump out to science as unusual?

Yes I have seen many you tubes of others you ( Nix) have posted as OU claims

However none has been investigated through peer review or even replicated
At few open source venues such as this ...with thousands of potential replicators
Of ALL sciences and skill sets !!

Just one simple anomaly that will survive scientific scrutiny ( proper measurement protocols) will do... tiny piece of meat ( signal) with the potatoes ( fill /static) .

Chet K
For clarity this is not advertising
Neither this forum or one posted above is commercial business venture ( no advertising)
Just open source venue to get this FE out to world ( once truly found )

Edit for comment below
That is a "sideways contribution " ( side stepping)

Who said anything about doubt !!

Here you preach to hungry choir !!

However, yes they do have good and honest vetting skills !

Just one anomaly will do !
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 07, 2022, 10:05:38 AM
I studied Wilbert Smith for long time, Project Magnet etc. He did lots of experiments with caduceus coils, one i remember he said they were putting 4kW into this coil, energy apparently disappearing without heat or anything. He also did some mechanical antigravity attempts, i remember his device exploded from centrifugal force when it reached 20,000 rpm if i remember correctly. He spoke of 12 dimensions etc.

As for OU, all has been said. Doubt only leads to failure, that is the dividing line.

Edit for comment above...

It's no side-stepping, how am i supposed to help you, i did not even do it myself yet.

One has to believe (see) and put a hard work in, no shortcuts.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 07, 2022, 04:20:57 PM

Cones are one very big experiment which Dave L (link above) had built to extreme tolerance by member Ron here ( I am uncertain his exact handle ronnee ??
They were big cones !!

I can ask admin to place a board here for you to moderate ?
Recently this has grown much more popular here ( self moderated builder venues)
And it is wonderful to see, there have been a few bumps in the road ,However he is quite
Determined to succeed ( for builders here and elsewhere)

Open source Builders , and researchers ( research with verifiable build suggestions)
are the backbone of any open source project!

I will reach out to let admin know
Please forward what board will be called .... ( to admin)

Might take a few days admin is very busy ATM
Did send note to admin ( might speak with him tomorrow or Monday)

Chet K
Ps,this is the best possible way to maintain control and continuity in your topic

plz tell me where I can post details? w/o getting BBQ'd!?
End quote

Apologies to mr Nix for interruptions ( if you were moderator here you could neaten up ( yes I know...
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 08, 2022, 03:00:05 AM
Regarding the spark gap after L2. From what I have read 120v - 240v is insufficient to form a spark gap. Also I cant find a gas discharge tube with an impulse breakdown voltage less than 240V.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: forest on May 08, 2022, 10:42:48 AM
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 08, 2022, 04:12:33 PM
Quote from: tomd on May 08, 2022, 03:00:05 AM
Regarding the spark gap after L2. From what I have read 120v - 240v is insufficient to form a spark. Also I cant find a gas discharge tube with an impulse breakdown voltage less than 240V.

"From what I have read 120v - 240v is insufficient to form a spark gap"

Should read: From what I have read 120v - 240v is insufficient to form a spark.
A spark in open air needs at least over 1KV?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 08, 2022, 05:10:17 PM
Quote from: forest on May 08, 2022, 10:42:48 AM

The impulse  breakdown voltage for that gdt is between 550 and 650v. An impulse discharge would be what we are looking at here rather than a slowly rising DC voltage.

From what I have read a spark in open air requires at least 1kv.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 09, 2022, 01:26:28 AM
Yesterday i was testing for hours, still underunity, bulb lits weakly but interesting thing

is power draw does not increase as i short the secondary. It makes big sparks like

Saltycitrus, but again, bulb lights weakly. Am now making a new scalar coil.

Hantek froze so now i cant even test the res. freq.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 09, 2022, 10:13:26 AM

Sir Nix

"Saltycitrus " ?

I have heard this handle again recently!

We have some persons definitely working on and interested in this work( will notify of your efforts here)

Also Mr.Wizard
Seems I received notice of some efforts this AM
In-line with your Ground .... Ehrr..mention?

"Don mentioned grounding  etc"
End quote

Oddly experimenters info came from completely off forum investigation
Was just builders touching base !

As I was just notified,I will be engaging experimenter for more information!

Chet K
For clarity these type claims need good experimenter test protocols!

It is my opinion ( knowing standards of persons I referenced above ( the builders)
A moderated board to maintain continuity in efforts !

Will be imperative

Mr.Wizard??( would you moderate?
I did ask Nix ( said not now or ??)
However that was last week ...

Maybe now ??( sharing build efforts?
There will be a builder board ( if it happens from info
I mentioned above !

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 09, 2022, 11:06:47 AM
Saltycitrus is a Chinese guy, that is, a group of people, who replicated Don years ago.

More about him/them in PJ Kelly's book.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 12:23:01 PM

Hot electricity.
Cold electricity.

Don't ever play with hot electricity !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 12:29:02 PM
In Don Smith patent,
he shows us a big capacitor for collecting  the free charges?
But no one is listening!
Vortex 22
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 09, 2022, 01:06:57 PM
I think your Choice of threads is fine ( good enuff)

We'll see on starting other builders topic ,usually requires a commitment from actual

There are technically 100's-1000's ( maybe more ?) here who experimented with zilano -DS type claims .
Zero shared OU success for replication!

However back to topic,
A well focused builder board saves incredible time vetting what experimenters may actually
Be seeing on the bench

Or unintentionally unknowingly  harvesting from grid ??

All worthwhile experiments regardless, I do believe ambient background ( static ?)
May be what I did receive note on last few days

As it applies to ground and static electricity... in some Don Smith experiments !

Chet K

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 05:40:17 PM
Even if the coil is shown on the patent!!

We can't draw a current from the coil
Unless Mr Lenz ...
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 06:38:23 PM
Honestly I don't understand how this device works?

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 06:46:26 PM
There is this crazy obsession with magnetism going
on out there, and its relation to XL. Folk are so damn fixated on it that
they forget all about XC. I find these individuals humourous as they
claim to know, and body slam you with quotes from the laws they don't
get but would like for you to think they do, they miss the obvious,
namely, that opposition to change in flux does not give one CURRENT,
it gives you VOLTAGE, opposition to change in VOLTAGE gives one
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 07:04:28 PM
my hints i just encouraging you to keep on experimenting,

Be careful please
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 07:41:06 PM
Just charge a capacitor using voltage only?
Where it came the '' grounding '' techniques
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 08:04:55 PM
Have you ever wanted to learn how to catch fish? Do you want to know how to catch more fish?
Basically the same thing here we are catching electrical charges !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 09, 2022, 09:45:29 PM
Here is what member Gyula said here 10 years ago about Don's primary caps

"The capacitor shown in the photo you uploded in the previous page:  .1uF  +/-10% 4000WVDC was manufactured in the 2nd week of 1977... this is what the last line shows: 7702"

That clears it up.

"4000 WVDC means Working DC Voltage" not 4000 watts
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 10, 2022, 02:09:02 AM
Energy stored in a capacitor according to Don. w=1/2*C*V^2*f^2. There's no current in that formula. Charge the cap at high frequency (KHz or MHz) and discharge at low frequency (50 - 60 Hz).
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 10, 2022, 03:14:58 AM
I guess this is a good time to remind of some basic formulas

wavelength = c/f
f = 1/T
a = v/t
momentum = mv
Kinetic Energy ke = 1/2 mv²
centrifugal/centripetal force: F = mv²/r
Force = Mass * acceleration
Work = force * distance moved  unit: newton meter or joule or Work = Mass * Gravity * Height
Work = Change in Energy
Power = work / time = force * displacement / time = force * velocity
Power (hp,watt) = work(ENERGY)/time aka time rate of energy transfer
Energy = Power x Time
XL= 2πfL
I= V/XL Alternating current flowing through inductor is applied voltage / inductive reactance
XC= -1/2πfC
Z = sqrt(R² + (Xc - Xl)²)
I = (V-E)/Z current through transformer primary E = voltage drop across primary inductance
F = 1/6.2832√LC
F = 1/2π√LC
C= 1/4π²Fr²L
Fl = R/2πL cutoff frequency of RL low pass filter
Fc = 1/2πRC cutoff frequency of RC low pass filter
ohms law: V = IR
power per second:
P = IV
P = I²R copper losses
P = V²/R
P=VI*PF true power (V and I are average, RMS)
energy stored in an inductor E = LI²/2
energy stored in an cap E = 1/2 QV = Q²/2C = CV²/2
for capacitor and inductor circuit V=IZ
for capacitor circuit V=C*(dv/dt)*R
I = C dv/dt current through a cap
1 Volt = 1 Joule/Coulomb
1 Watt = 1 Joule/Second
1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb/Second
V × A = J/C × C/s = J/s = Watt
electric energy E = IVt and E = (V²/R)t
1F = 1C / 1V - amount of electric charge in coulombs that is stored per 1 volt
C = Q / V and C = kA/d
E = F / Q electric field (N/C or V/m) is force per charge
F = qE + qv x B lorentz law, em forces on a charge
R = 80*pi^2*(L/W)^2 rad. res. of antenna where L=length of antenna, and W = wavelength
t = L/R inductor time constant, after ~5t (transient time) current reaches 99.5%
t = RC for RC circuit, after 5RC cap is 99.5% charged
transformer size is proportional to B MAX =V/F
in alternator emf leads flux by 90°+
energy content of wave is proportional to the amplitude squared P = E²
Z = sqrt( L / C ) cable characteristic impedance
reactive load temporary stores energy, not waste it (unless PS cant take it back)
v = L(di/dt) BACKEMF from an inductor
Short circuit current = V / alternator internal resistance
V=--N*dΦ/dt voltage farraday's law
V = BLv farraday law for moving conductor
flux density = amper x turns x core permeability x core area / m² (T)
F = ILxB force on a conductor in a magnetic field - laplace
as load increases, current in the conductor must increase to balance the forces: I = F/BL
free space impedence 376Ohm
C = 1 / sqrt permitivity x permeability of space
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 10, 2022, 10:46:16 AM
I was clearly referring to caps for the tabletop device i talked about few pages back

when i said how weird it was 3uF caps are so small, now we know they are 0.1uF.

Those caps are clearly labeled DC which does not necessarily mean they are for DC only.

For example many polypropylene big caps "DC link caps" are labeled DC because that is their use

to smooth out pulsed DC; but of course they can be used for AC as well.

I know well about the dimmer, i seen all Don's lectures dozens if not hundreds of times.

Obviously, LC is AC...................or is it....

I designed this myself without seeing it anywhere

I believe i later saw a similar circuit once, i'm sure it exists cause it's so simple.

In any case it is a pure DC (through an inductor) LC tank.

(Sure pulsed DC is also AC, but it's clear what is meant).

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 11:05:59 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 10, 2022, 03:14:58 AM
I guess this is a good time to remind of some basic formulas

wavelength = c/f
f = 1/T
a = v/t
momentum = mv
Kinetic Energy ke = 1/2 mv²
centrifugal/centripetal force: F = mv²/r
Force = Mass * acceleration
Work = force * distance moved  unit: newton meter or joule or Work = Mass * Gravity * Height
Work = Change in Energy
Power = work / time = force * displacement / time = force * velocity
Power (hp,watt) = work(ENERGY)/time aka time rate of energy transfer
Energy = Power x Time
XL= 2πfL
I= V/XL Alternating current flowing through inductor is applied voltage / inductive reactance
XC= -1/2πfC
Z = sqrt(R² + (Xc - Xl)²)
I = (V-E)/Z current through transformer primary E = voltage drop across primary inductance
F = 1/6.2832√LC
F = 1/2π√LC
C= 1/4π²Fr²L
Fl = R/2πL cutoff frequency of RL low pass filter
Fc = 1/2πRC cutoff frequency of RC low pass filter
ohms law: V = IR
power per second:
P = IV
P = I²R copper losses
P = V²/R
P=VI*PF true power (V and I are average, RMS)
energy stored in an inductor E = LI²/2
energy stored in an cap E = 1/2 QV = Q²/2C = CV²/2
for capacitor and inductor circuit V=IZ
for capacitor circuit V=C*(dv/dt)*R
I = C dv/dt current through a cap
1 Volt = 1 Joule/Coulomb
1 Watt = 1 Joule/Second
1 Ampere = 1 Coulomb/Second
V × A = J/C × C/s = J/s = Watt
electric energy E = IVt and E = (V²/R)t
1F = 1C / 1V - amount of electric charge in coulombs that is stored per 1 volt
C = Q / V and C = kA/d
E = F / Q electric field (N/C or V/m) is force per charge
F = qE + qv x B lorentz law, em forces on a charge
R = 80*pi^2*(L/W)^2 rad. res. of antenna where L=length of antenna, and W = wavelength
t = L/R inductor time constant, after ~5t (transient time) current reaches 99.5%
t = RC for RC circuit, after 5RC cap is 99.5% charged
transformer size is proportional to B MAX =V/F
in alternator emf leads flux by 90°+
energy content of wave is proportional to the amplitude squared P = E²
Z = sqrt( L / C ) cable characteristic impedance
reactive load temporary stores energy, not waste it (unless PS cant take it back)
v = L(di/dt) BACKEMF from an inductor
Short circuit current = V / alternator internal resistance
V=--N*dΦ/dt voltage farraday's law
V = BLv farraday law for moving conductor
flux density = amper x turns x core permeability x core area / m² (T)
F = ILxB force on a conductor in a magnetic field - laplace
as load increases, current in the conductor must increase to balance the forces: I = F/BL
free space impedence 376Ohm
C = 1 / sqrt permitivity x permeability of space
We can't explain what is going on in Don Smith circuit with mainstream as your basis.
If you could people all over the world would be replicating Tesla! Free
energy as we mistakenly call it would be the norm.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 10, 2022, 11:13:55 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 11:05:59 AM
We can't explain what is going on in Don Smith circuit with mainstream as your basis.
If you could people all over the world would be replicating Tesla! Free
energy as we mistakenly call it would be the norm.

You are mixing apples and oranges, all here know well conventional approach is no
solution to Don or overunity in general, but these are just some useful basic electronic
formulas which apply perfectly.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 11:15:53 AM
ALL of Smith's devices lead up to a capacitor or bank
of capacitors, which – in a brilliant stroke of creative insigh
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 12:40:32 PM
I know, we all know this!

The basic idea :
How to make an electron captor?

In the suitcase device around 28.8 kw output
I can see with my eyes two electrons captors?
The small electron captor is powering the bigger one?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 12:52:42 PM
Now I am trying to replicate water fuel cell capacitors?
The fact that we have a Diode before the cap
This only prouve it, it's not about resonance?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 10, 2022, 01:22:08 PM
Just a note to builder  / researchers

I am working on this Don Smith research I was sent

Just trying to be respectful to senders , while they are indeed
Open source fellows,
stepping up to forums can be unpleasant experience for some (past history
Of forums prior to allowing new "moderate your own board" as presented here for builders ( also one
Other open source venue I am aware of ?)!

And it seems there are a few bumps in the road to sort what is acceptable ( for builders) etiquette of entire Venue... as it applies to shared work !

Not gonna be easy...However
I firmly believe it's doable!

With gratitude and respect to those who carry water or at the tip of the spear ( research or build)!!

Chet K
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 10, 2022, 05:22:07 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 12:40:32 PM
I know, we all know this!

The basic idea :
How to make an electron captor?

In the suitcase device around 28.8 kw output
I can see with my eyes two electrons captors?
The small electron captor is powering the bigger one?

From the Smith pdf

"For reasons of Don's personal security and contract obligations, the information which he has shared here is incomplete."
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 10, 2022, 10:40:18 PM
Regarding Don's tabletop device built in 1994 which allegedly outputted ~16kW.

We know he used 0.2uF 4000V capacity on the primary.

There is also that small 0.047uF for tuning on the sec.

And output caps are 8000V 2uF overall four 2000V 8uF in series.

Ask yourself the difference how will primary ring if you discharge a cap

directly into it or through a diode. One may expect a different result

but i found spark gap fires at the same rate. In the case with the diode we

can assume, cap first fully discharges into a coil as if there is no diode, current

rises to max, cap is fully discharged, now flux collapses and coil recharges

the cap in the opposite direction. But what now, there is a diode preventing

the cap to discharge, oscillation cannot continue. We can only assume

at this moment cap will discharge through the flyback secondary as it

is the only path it can take and this may harm the flyback cause it is not

made for such large current, even if only momentarily.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 05:59:40 AM
One of my scope shots that shows strong (approx) 12th harmonic.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 08:19:35 AM
Good luck
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 08:29:51 AM
Don Smith give us everything we need to replicate his many devices !!!

There is one page or two from Don
Where he shows us a capacitor and diodes in order to capture free charges from the environment?
But don't take it at its face value !!!

This is the basic
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 08:40:18 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 10, 2022, 04:21:47 PM
@Vortex 22

my 2cents.
this device (to me) looks like Don is just putting hf DC pulses onto one side of both caps, then putting load b/w other side of caps and earth ground. Don Smith effect.
3rd terminal on cap isn't used.

u r right we almost always use Don circuit with storage cap to turn Volts into Coulombs (VA).
Don would use say 4 x 50F cap banks to do this.

thank u for shedding light here and ur suggestions r most welcome here by me.  ;D

Image is not clear enough to understand how this device works?

My guess
Some  first model of the electron captor. But people like to jump to replicate his more advanced devices
We need to identify
The components?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 09:44:06 AM

This is Don Smith Effect

This is the building blocks of free
Electron Captor !!! Believe it or not
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 11:42:09 AM
It's seems to me that no one is interested in these two pages from Don Smith?

The average reader already knows without further elaboration.
They ignored it. Is this due to a myopic vision and retarded awareness, or the obvious likelihood that they are
more concerned about maintaining the status quo of science than in discovering truth? Perhaps it is a
combination of both.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 11:52:21 AM
In the diagram there is no diodes?
But in the text on  second page he mentioned the diodes

(with some minor corrections
to be done  )
Let's try to see this energy pump from his other materials and real devices? Ok
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 12:21:43 PM
Regarding the pumping electrons from ground, he used a small tesla coil
to excite the cap plate, keep in mind tesla secondary is usually coupled
to ground through the air capacitively, thus closing the circuit.

Only way that demonstration would be truly as claimed is if tesla coil is not
grounded/earthed, like the small, battery powered chinese boosters.
The "million" volt ones produce up to 180kV (measured).
In short, it uses a single transistor oscillator
which powers a transformer converting 3-9V into 1500V
which charges a cap and when it charges to 1500V it fires
through a sparkgap into a small tesla coil amplifying it further
to 180kV or maybe even little more depending on the unit.
These units are complete, utter junk, they usually break down
within minutes, if it lasts few days it is a miracle.

Don't interpret this as debunking, i already shared a great video
of 1100W load being powered by 9W between a resonant transformer
and earth. So this effect has been confirmed many times.
It's just delicate and most fail.

Yea, the host in that Don's video claimed they run the small tesla coil
from a battery and made sure circuit cannot be closed, but we
have to take his word for that.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 12:33:18 PM
The Don Smith Effect works very well
In my experiences using only Cap and diodes with no coils at all!
Using only small cap and 220 v and 50 Hz!!
Maybe this where Don formula came into play?

W=0.5 *CE*CP.S
How knows?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 12:39:19 PM
No one denies Don's effect(s) are real, he was a true practical master
of resonant induction ou.

His booklet in attachment.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 11, 2022, 12:44:13 PM
Update on hosting some Don S experiments here
Yes it is in works
Will be calling researcher hopefully tonight...
To discuss how to get started here .

For clarity this researcher has seen bench results which are ( to be discussed)?

Also did get another mail from a different long time FE investigator today.
Asking about this ?
http://www.lovellpatentedtechnology.com/monothermal/what_is_monothermal.html (http://www.lovellpatentedtechnology.com/monothermal/what_is_monothermal.html)

Above is good Lanca question ( he is amazing internet sleuth ... ( however only has one speed
"full speed post "

Sorry for interruptions
Chet K
I did see mention of caps here ( a need?
I have received many donations of equipment and some big caps too ..
Caps for electron beam microscopes
All are available to open source builders !
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 12:46:56 PM
Because I have done that many times
It's make sense to me that If I am using high voltage like 10 kV or high frequency like 30 kHz
The speed process of charging the Cap will go faster
But only experiment can tell the result !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 01:01:28 PM
Because I really don't like to play with higher voltage?
The coil can harvest too?
Not any coils can
Will setup a pancake coil under certain conditions to see th result?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 11, 2022, 01:10:38 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 12:21:43 PM
Regarding the pumping electrons from ground, he used a small tesla coil
to excite the cap plate, keep in mind tesla secondary is usually coupled
to ground through the air capacitively, thus closing the circuit.

Only way that demonstration would be truly as claimed is if tesla coil is not
grounded/earthed, like the small, battery powered chinese boosters.
The "million" volt ones produce up to 180kV (measured).
In short, it uses a single transistor oscillator
which powers a transformer converting 3-9V into 1500V
which charges a cap and when it charges to 1500V it fires
through a sparkgap into a small tesla coil amplifying it further
to 180kV or maybe even little more depending on the unit.
These units are complete, utter junk, they usually break down
within minutes, if it lasts few days it is a miracle.

Don't interpret this as debunking, i already shared a great video
of 1100W load being powered by 9W between a resonant transformer
and earth. So this effect has been confirmed many times.
It's just delicate and most fail.

Yea, the host in that Don's video claimed they run the small tesla coil
from a battery and made sure circuit cannot be closed, but we
have to take his word for that.

Tried this. No OU there.
Charging one side of HV capacitors with High Voltage AC  , connecting other side of capacitors to the ground through HV diodes.
I called it "Earth electrons pump".
It takes energy from the source to induce opposite charge on the other side of capacitor.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 01:16:11 PM
If we find that coil electron captor really exist?
Then Will combine it with the capacitor electron captor?? Maybe this is Don Smith resonance talking about? Who knows
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 01:20:26 PM
Quote from: pix on May 11, 2022, 01:10:38 PM

Tried this. No OU there.
Charging one side of HV capacitors with High Voltage AC  , connecting other side of capacitors to the ground through HV diodes.
I called it "Earth electrons pump".
It takes energy from the source to induce opposite charge on the other side of capacitor.


Take a good look at what happens, he is powering 1100W of bulbs between Earth (radiator) and resonant transformer with 8-9W input.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 01:23:06 PM
Backemf running a bulb and charging a battery

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 01:24:46 PM
This is Don Smith electron captor?
Don't see it?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 01:33:46 PM
The second
Capacitor electron Captor? The bigger one is powered by the the first one?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 11, 2022, 01:39:32 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 01:20:26 PM
Take a good look at what happens, he is powering 1100W of bulbs between Earth (radiator) and resonant transformer with 8-9W input.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3dc-5tPc90 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3dc-5tPc90)
Yes I know, incadescent bulbs will glow with HV supply.
But it is still no OU.
I was measuring input to HV trafo versus load on the output, increases as load increase.
Charge in one side of capacitor induces equal and opposite charge on the other side.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 01:43:49 PM
We need to capture free electrons
Forgot about standard coils
Pancakes or cones coils will not capture electrones free under any condition!
But I need to play with coils to confirm?
So stay with capacitor electron captor, please
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 01:50:22 PM
Quote from: pix on May 11, 2022, 01:39:32 PM
Yes I know, incadescent bulbs will glow with HV supply.
But it is still no OU.
I was measuring input to HV trafo versus load on the output, increases as load increase.
Charge in one side of capacitor induces equal and opposite charge on the other side.


They will glow rat's ass as they say if you don't have enough power in that HV.
Watch the video carefully. Notice that power draw DROPS more bulbs he screws in.
This is not some illusion or deception. Bigger the load, less comes from the wall and
more from the ground.

Of course voltage on one side of the cap induces opposite charge on the other side.
The idea of Don's electron captor is to use just potential to disturb the electrons in
the ground without really doing work, similar to avramenko plug.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 11, 2022, 02:44:23 PM
Don was big on left and right hand spin electrons. He writes in the book attached
above that they exist in pairs (right and left hand ones) in nature. We know electrons
repel and don't exist in pairs, unless we are talking electrons which are part of the atom
aka Lewis pair. Otherwise, closest to that is a Cooper pair when two electrons join
but that happens only in superconductors. Here is what mainstream guys say about
left-right spin electrons.

"Left and right handed refers to the chirality of an electron. Right handed chirality means
that the spin and momentum of the electron point in the same direction. Left handed
means opposite direction of spin and momentum. This distinction is made because
these two chiralities refer to two fundamentally different components of the elektron
wave function. In QFT a mass mixes these two components and that is why elektrons
doe not have mass as an elementary particle. Mass is generated by the Higgs-
mechanism and the breakdown of symmetry of the vacuum-states.


No massive free particles have definite heliticity (it is not conserved during free particle
propagation), so there is no such thing as a left-handed electron. However, using
projection operators, we can split the electron wavefunction into left-handed and right-
handed components. (They need not be equal in magnitude, but a pure left-handed
electron does not satisfy the Dirac equation and so does not exist as a free particle).
Then the weak nuclear force couples only to the left-handed component of the electron,
while the EM force interacts with both."


Also, in diagram below he, like Richard LeFors Clark in his Diamagnetic Gravity Vortexes,
paints a misleading picture depicting a whole magnet as two opposite magnetic domains
with bloch wall in the center while in reality those are microscopic domains and when
they become aligned, in same direction for whole length of the ferromagnetic material
you got a magnet.

Of course, Tesla coil with grounded base has current peak at the base and current
node at the top and vice versa for voltage, but this is not what Don is referring to.

Since he is apparently talking about CW and CCW coils, parallel can drawn with other
tensor/scalar alternative physics.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 11, 2022, 03:46:12 PM
Can't remember where I found this, but I think it comes from Zilano.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 05:37:43 PM
Quote from: tomd on May 11, 2022, 03:46:12 PM
Can't remember where I found this, but I think it comes from Zilano.
I think this diagram is similar to one of Don device?
Not sure if it's works exactly like shown?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 05:56:23 PM
First question
Is that capacitor is polar?
Made from aluminum and Glass and copper?
The diodes and the spark gaps ? Not correct like in diagram!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 06:05:24 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 11, 2022, 04:05:43 PM

there is also this 1 from zelina.

@Vortex 22

saw a fella on YT added a cap in series with ground of Barbosa & Leal electron captor and the video got a  :o reaction from them boys.

so the coils part of the captor is all fer show ... actually just a Don capacitor transformer. neat-o.

The electron captor of Barbosa and leal are made from battery !!!
Battery is just some kind of a  very huge capacitor!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 06:11:06 PM
Nothing is new under the sun!
The capacitor electron captor or the battery electron Captor
Even Don Smith mention this
That battery+ diodes can collect free electrons!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 06:48:34 PM
Coils can capture free electrons? Not any coils
If we power a cone or pancake coil,  how can I expect that there is any gain?

Free electrones will not just jump on coil?
I think, I know the answer but just theory until we see it in real life?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 11, 2022, 09:06:49 PM
Sorry I am not familiar with Walter Russell concept.
One coil against the other?
North pole vs North or South vs South Pole?
Well that can work even with standard coils geometry!

But I really don't like this concept !!!
Because nature don't do this at her will !!!

Similar magnetic poles repulse for a reason
We should not break nature Law! It would a good idea to prepare our self for nature response !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 12:23:36 AM
Regarding the bloch wall analogy projected to a bulk of a magnet and why i said
this is misleading in Don's and Richard LeFors Clark's diagrams.

Definition of Bloch Wall:

the boundary between two domains in a magnetic material marked by a layer
wherein the direction of magnetization is assumed to change gradually from
one domain to the other

In other words ferromagnetic materials consist of many tiny magnets normally
randomly oriented thus canceling out and if most of these are made to align
in same direction you got a big magnetic field. (shown below)

So bloch wall is when you got two of those little magnets aka "domains" next to
each other but they have different polarity and the "wall" is just a transition
boundary between them.

So it's not like magnet is made of two big magnetic domains of opposite spin,
both sides are pointing in same direction.

Demonstration of magnetic domains, bloch wall would be empty space between
nearby domains of different direction.


This woman sheds some light on misuse of the term bloch wall by certain people.


With that said, however, center of the magnet and center of any object is a special
place where ether focalizes, if this center is altered gravitational field is produced.
I cannot stress the importance of this enough.

Keely was first to reveal this possibly the most important detail of occult study.

From KeelyNet

Levity Rings

1) Keely - uses two methods

For Thrust (or levitation)

An artificial neutral center is created which causes the natural neutral center of the test
mass to be drawn towards the artificial center with an attraction proportional to the
energy flowing through the artificial neutral center.

For Weight Increase or aggregation of additional mass

When the artificial neutral center is superposed onto the natural center, the aether flows
increase proportionate to the entraining amplitudes flowing through the artificial neutral
center thus causing an increase in weight and a gradual INCREASE in the mass density.

For Levitation

A wire or ring is placed around the object. The ring is fed with a frequency that resonates
with the neutral center of the mass. Such a resonance, properly directed can cause what
Keely calls "high vortex action" to decrease or increase the aether flow through the mass
neutral center. This flow creates the equivalent of a soliton, or a self-contained standing
wave with extremely high rotational velocities on the perimeter of the mass. Such a flow
directly controls the "weight" of the mass by exceeding the Flotte 'Z' axis or better stated,
by creating a higher potential in the mass aggregate than that of the surrounding media
for ejection of the mass to one more favorable to its energetic level.
Keely also reports a cooling effect of the local air when the anti-grav effect was in

Schauberger also had something to say about the neutral center.....

"Hence by altering the inner-atomic structure, we can displace the centre of
gravity and thereby achieve that which we regard as pure, resistance-free motion"

Also contactee Dan Fry was told exactly the same thing by Alan, a guy whose
ancestors emigrated from Earth (below).

And this center is of great importance for a magnet too. Below is a comparison
of a magnetic field of a Faraday generator if it's aligned with Earth's N-S or not. (Zirbes)

So there is much to this neutral center thing, it's just that it's not a bloch wall.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 03:43:56 AM
Also, an interesting view at the atom comes from the Inner Circle, group of astral
people public would erroneously call "ghost" (OH THE IRONY, if they only knew...)
'channeled' by Mark Probert in the 50s, quote from the book The Magic Bag

It clearly tells the same thing we heard from Tassel, how lines of light cross
to generate "matter". Each line carrying in itself a substance - matter of smaller
order - all matter being but voids in the ether (Koilon), standing waves...

And how atom is made of bunch of forcefields.

And that matter moves in periodical quanta. This was confirmed by mainstream
only circa 10 years ago when it was found neutron falls "in steps".

And how nucleus "breaths" electrons in and out creating em fields.

Very interesting stuff.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 05:15:01 AM
Here is an interview with physicist Martin Tajmar on
Gravitomagnetism, cooper pairs etc.
Here he says "neutron is falling down in steps".
Meaning motion of matter in time is quantized.
Mainstream is just discovering this.
But we see this is said in above paper from the 50s.

Also as i already explained many times in the Iargan
Unified Field Theory we have 6 axis/phases of time
and each axis is oscillating AC with finite frequency
and matter like a diode catches impulses in one
direction only, thus matter and antimatter propagating
in time in opposite directions.


If anyone wonders about the intro/outro song, it's

Real Life by Simple Minds

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 06:42:23 AM
Another just as valuable view at time-space mechanics comes from
a book by Doreal, author of well known Emerald tablets of Thoth.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 12, 2022, 06:49:07 AM
You all are really doing great research, but are still falling victim to mainstream! Think about it, if mainstream
had the answer you would have it! Anything this big, and of this great an importance they cannot hide, nor
would they want to! You are placing all of your faith and beliefs in what they have already spoon fed you. Those
in high positions who know and use this technology (and have been for years even before Tesla!) love the fact
that you choose to be ignorant of the facts! And the simple truth is that our science is not so much wrong as it is
incomplete, powerful men with a plan established its foundation in quicksand!
It is up to each and everyone of you to come up with his/her own answer in the language of the layman! When
you finally comprehend the fundamentals, regardless of what level you consider yourself to be at, we will be
speaking the same language! Keep your questions simple and well thought out and the answer will be
structured and organized.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 12, 2022, 07:10:06 AM
This forum is filled with minds which practice putting the carriage
before the horse. Folk build circuits and hope that by tweaking them
this way or that, they will tickle out more energy than they put into the
circuit. I find it fascinating how the thought of finding the seat of the
surplus has never entered their minds?! All are hell bent on measuring,

obsessed with perfecting each other's understanding and solidifying our
acceptance, and strict adherence of laws which they themselves have yet
to comprehend.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 12, 2022, 09:18:47 AM
We must learn the basics of OU ( Free Energy)
If one want to see good result

How free electrons Captor works?

In two modes:

1- Cold electricity ( capacitor captor)
2-Hot electricity ( coil captor)

I highly recommend you

Study Don Smith materials to find out how this Capacitor electron captor really work?
Earth grounding
Air grounding
Water grounding
All works very well !!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 12, 2022, 09:32:23 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 12, 2022, 09:03:40 AM

In my experiment no I didn't use North vs North or South vs South.

North seeking South, but each pole is the apex of a cone. which multiplies the field. normal solenoids don't do that.  :D

Funny thing is this idea is based on NATURE. this dual vortex'ya is how our Sun is made for example.

I simply replicated vortex's with conical coils, and made pairs bilateral like Nature does.
we all have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 2 hands, 2 feet, 2 hemispheres to our brains, etc..
so i made cone coils as pairs, 2 working together.
male and female coming together to make new life. see pic

I take my cue from Nature.

I have gotten OU with coils b4.
have also gotten OU with caps alone. no coils.  ;D

like u stated we don't have full explanations in our modern day science, but I feel Walter Russell gave us
new way of looking at the whole long time ago. its a different perspective of our Universe.

in Walter Russell Cosmogony he states 7 Laws of Thermodynamics and they ALLOW for OU.
in ur words, Russell tells layman where seat of surplus power lies & i follow'd this train of thought. it worked out for me !

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 12, 2022, 09:36:25 AM
It's seems to me that you are very knowledgeable!
I would like to hear opinions from you, if you don't mind?

Vortex 22
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 11:58:51 AM
"There is nothing new under the Sun"

Many are transfixed on their 'idols'....

But Truth is ancient, timeless, free and was known to Man in ALL ages.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 12:04:37 PM
They engraved it in their art, architecture, their religious artifacts, not to mention the

technologies of the ancients which sound like SF to many, i summarized here


From Mu, Atlantis, to Greece to today, they all knew about the universal principles,

the double tetrahedron/flower of life interference pattern representing the time-space

(6 axis/phases of time creating space), ​the double golden spirals vortices at the heart

of creation as depicted in Mayan Hunab Ku (galactic butterfly)... How did they know

without telescopes this is the shape at the center of our galaxy.......

They knew about number 9, i shown Denisovans calendar totally based on 9 at least

24,000 years ago...

They knew of cold electricity they called Navaz, which they used to levitate their

airships, for communication and transfer of energy....

My my, they knew more than we do, the very letters of the Sanskrit and Hebrew

alphabet are interference patterns seen on higher cosmic planes, Sanskrit ones are

seen at the very top of Creation, the ultimate Sphere of Manifested Creation (Bentov)....

Ancient world was world of miracles and wonder and yet it was but a science based

on higher Knowledge.

In modern times, from Keely, Theosophists and Oahspe we heard the same universal

principles of vortexial mechanics, golden mean, light and sound creating reality etc.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 12, 2022, 03:49:15 PM
May i also remind of amazing German Science which was decades ahead of US and Russia
and hundred years or more ahead of public.

Book that shed most light on the subject (in German)

Documentary by the authors of the above book
The sound is a bit out of sync but it doesn't matter.

In it it is said material had come from "the Austrian Branch of the Knights Templar."
As i suspected that much of secret space programs are run by Templars.

New David Hatcher Childress' book on Haunebu

FBI report about German 75-100 yard wide field propelled saucer in 1944.
As shown in the crop below, when spacecraft was in operation, the tractor
stalled 150 meters away and could not be started until the spacecraft left.

And another great book on the subject

In here is the testimony of a German pilot first published in 1998 in a book by Karl-Heinz Zunneck. Quote:

The sighting in question was reported to the author, Mr. Zunneck, by Horst Schuppmann whose friend knew the pilot of the JU-52 in question. The date was July, 1944. Accompanying the pilot on this three and one-half hour flight was a co-pilot, a mechanic, and the radio man. The airplane took off from Brest-Deblin and flew on a westerly course to Lublin. The flight was unfolding smoothly which was somewhat abnormal for the particular time and stage of the war. Over Stettin Lagoon preparations were made to land. A large white cross was sighted which was the marker for their goal, a meadow landing strip. The aircraft descended, landed normally and rolled toward a group of bushes which would hide the aircraft from view. Then things took a decided turn to the abnormal. Harsh orders were received that the pilot, co-pilot and mechanic were not to exit the airplane. Suddenly, the radio man had vanished. The others waited an hour in vain for his return.

Finally, the pilot decided to get out of the airplane and find his missing crewman, without orders, and on his own. On the airfield itself nobody was to be seen. There was only one building visible which was a lonely hanger. The pilot, ever concerned with maintaining cover, headed straight for this hanger. Upon arrival he opened an narrow, high sliding door and entered, hoping to receive some information. No person was to be seen but what the pilot did see bewildered him so that the image was deeply ingrained in his mind.

There in the hanger stood three or four very large, round, dark dish shaped metal constructions on telescope-like leg stands. The objects were about 6 meters off the ground and the objects themselves were 12 to 15 meters in diameter. The pilot compared the shape of the objects to a giant soup dish or soup plate. Suddenly, out of the half darkness a military guard emerged. The guard let the pilot know that he was in an area which was strictly off limits. In fact, the pilot was told, on no uncertain terms, to disappear immediately or this would be his last day on earth.


Of course the question of what those objects in the hanger really were comes back to this pilot even after almost 55 years. The pilot personally attributes it to the so called "Magnetscheibe", literally, "magnet-disk". According to the pilot rumors of these objects circulated in pilot circles since the summer of 1944.

Notice in the last photo of Vril craft testflight that pilot apparently has two antenna like
prods on the head suggesting mental control. We are talking tech which is beyond SF.

7 and a half hour lecture on the subject

Suggested music for reading about German WW2 (and pre) gravitational tech wonders.

Did someone say something about people here being too mainstream :)
Poor guy got it the other way around.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 13, 2022, 04:53:18 AM

showing full circle phi relation.

Of course, chance of this being a coincidence is 0

and it implies use of precise satellite mapping.

Carl Munck - The Code

"Who cares", they say, "what do i get out of it".
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 08:46:18 AM
Fascinating stuff!!

it doesn't hurt to design a Don Smith devices on harmonic proportions principales
Phi ratios
Music ratios !!

To tune.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 08:52:19 AM
The magic in these devices that we must have 2 inputs sources !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 09:21:45 AM
In the Coil Captor version?
Coil can drow current from the second input source? Free
We pay for the first input source only!
There's only one way to know the answer for sure !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: forest on May 13, 2022, 09:36:07 AM
Can we return back to the topic ? Can you show us Don Smith device replication ?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 13, 2022, 09:47:43 AM
Old video i haven't seen in years, satirical look at a blood-chilling reality


Analysis of Haunebu photos, Vladimir has the negatives


Hitler's Secret Flying Saucers William Lyne 2004

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 11:37:40 AM
Sorry, If that's question for me !!
I don't have at my hands his components.

Well I don't encourage anyone playing with high voltage
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 12:34:31 PM

We can see a pancake coil in one of Don Smith devices!!
So for my Coil electrones Captor, I am planning to use a pancake coil
Just like Nikola Tesla coils
I will use
One turn for the primary coil
Many turns for the secondary Coil

Just like any ordinary transformer, I am assuming that
The voltage ratio and current ratio depends on the turns ratio of the transformer ? Wrong after capturing free electrons in the circuit!!!

We are not looking here for some magic frequency or standard resonance? OK

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 13, 2022, 01:27:13 PM
Few more secrets of the ancients

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: forest on May 13, 2022, 03:28:27 PM
In this thread you have two elements required to get free electrons. Just filter the noise. Tesla method of conversion patent.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 04:19:29 PM
That's not the Coil electrones Captor we are looking for!

It's not related to some frequency range, or wavelength !!!

Please prouve me wrong !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 04:37:15 PM
Capacitor Captor formula: W = 0.5 x C x E x Cycles per second where:

W = energy in Joules (Watt Seconds )
C = capacitance in farads
E = applied potential in volts squared.

Inductor (Coil Captor) formula: W = 0.5 x L x I x Cycles per second where:
W = energy in Joules (Watt Seconds )
L = inductance in henrys
I = current in amperes squared

We are catching electrical charges from a second input source !!!

If we have in the circuit one input source only
That's not an electron Captor
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 07:28:44 PM
Hello My Friend,
Can you show us how to
tune into natures energy using spiral flat coils?

This is
the foundation of the tuning coil to tap into nature's energy.
Or hacking the matrix. This is how Tesla, Don, and many others
throughout history have used Ether Physics.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 09:44:07 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 13, 2022, 09:01:20 PM
essential parts from Don
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 09:54:16 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 13, 2022, 08:52:51 PM
Mr. Vortex,

never built Don's pancake version because sec had more turns than pri. clear case of voltage step-up, which makes finding diodes trickier.

also look at frequencies Don specified and check w/ mind if this makes sense ?

like Zilano we need to use coils to lower working voltage so parts involved r cheap n readily available. we can step down voltage w/ caps alone also.
capacitor transformer.

Honestly, I never try it before

But In my simple opinion:

I can find one input source only in this coil Captor circuit?

Can this coil capture free electric charges? The answer is No
My guess
Even no second input source we have here?

No free energy in this setup !!!
No magic about that circuit!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 13, 2022, 09:57:58 PM
But after some minor changes
It will produce OU, I have no doubt about that !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 13, 2022, 11:22:23 PM
Don said 14KHz was "enough to make a dent in things".

Practice shows even 50Hz is enough.

Get yourself 10kg of ferrite rods or if you can afford permalloy (hopefully you don't get
scammed like me), nanoperm, metglas or similar material and start playing with
resonance in comb with scalar (non-inductive coils)

That is the best advice anyone will ever give you.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 14, 2022, 03:50:13 AM
Here is a quote from Miguel Serrano, let's call him a priest of esoteric hitlerism
Irrelevant, point is he was up there with nazis, he was kind of an insider.
And this is what he says..

"I have spoken with some ex-combatants of the SS who were on the Russian
front and through the final offensive in the Ardennes who saw mysterious weapons
in action that disintegrated enemy airplanes in full flight, lightning that left only a
space where a tank had been before
, or that paralysed the enemy without killing.
They were used only once and then disappeared."

This goes in line with the rumors Vladimir Terzinski heard that planes of admiral Byrd
down in Antarctica were hitting invisible walls exploding in mid air, almost certainly
nazi bases' forcefields.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 14, 2022, 08:07:29 AM
Again, ask yourself what exactly happens in resonant parallel RLC.

How is current amplified but res. freq. is not changed.

Bigger current circulating in the tank should mean cap gets charged

faster. But it does not.

One might try to draw a parallel to a pendulum, adding slight push at

proper time makes amplitude of oscillation gets bigger but frequency

remains the same.


But this does not really explain it.

Again, bigger current circulating in the tank should mean cap gets charged faster.

No one can answer even such basic questions, not to mention that power

amplification in parallel RLC is forbidden by the convention yet well known

and unquestionable phenomena. According to convention current is

amplified "at the expense of voltage". And in series RLC supposedly

voltage is amplified "at the expense of current". Total lies.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 09:09:17 AM
Hi wlw and All,

For the Capacitor electron Captor,
We must ground it, so we can capture free electrons!!!
For the coil Captor circuit
We need something different!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 09:25:21 AM
Mr. Wlw,

Just charge any capacitor and it will loose it's charge !!!
Can we stop this?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 09:39:13 AM
Hi wlw,
That's circuit from zilano zelina Zeus
Very puzzling to me !!!

I can see the Capacitor electrons Captor and it's ground

But what is the purpose of the second ground on the high voltage side?
In my experiences we must avoid any high voltage unit with GFI
Ground Fault Interrupter !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 10:05:41 AM
According to Don Smith

3- Moron level of comprehension required
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 10:14:42 AM
So all these coils are underunity power!!
Unless the coil can drow current from a second input source

Maybe there's something hidden
A magnet near the Coil Captor? Who knows
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 10:20:16 AM
In my no professional terminology

We are trying to combine from 2 different input source

Combien voltage and current?
Voltage and voltage?
Current and current?

We pay for one input only!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 14, 2022, 10:23:19 AM
Real cap has internal resistance and does dissipate heat,

and boi does it dissipate it, often they need special cooling.

Where there is current there is a magnetic field (unless it's bucking).

It also has inductance, all this is well known.

Short a cap and it will ring and dissipate heat.

I don't know which calorimeter you used but pass few amps "through"

that cap for bit longer and you will see it does warm up.

That's why electrolytic caps literally have vents, not to blow up.

I wouldn't call a bucking coil a cap, rather a bifilar is a real cap,

as they say it increases capacitance and energy 250,000 times.

(of course this varies with each coil)

Energy in the RLC tank is equal to energy that is first stored

in the cap. Well, that is at least the convention. They do not

admit power ampification, only current or voltage amplification

at the expense of the other which is of course not true.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 11:29:16 AM
The resonance thingy is not the secret !!!

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 14, 2022, 01:43:09 PM
Don't make silly claims. Of course i don't think all caps are the same
i know well there are polarized and non polarized and those in which
inductance is reduced to minimum for very high freq. applications
where cap can become an inductor otherwise....
and i know well electrolytic are polarized and can explode
like i said if used with AC or high ripple DC...BUT they also heat up
with DC at higher power and can overheat cause, like i said, they
have internal resistance.

All capacitors have some internal resistance called Equivalent series
resistance ESR which in ceramic caps varies from 0.01 to 0.1 Ohms
while for electrolytic it is UP TO SEVERAL OHMS + it increases over
time with use so can lead to failure.

In short, caps usually don't heat up much, but at higher power
applications, especially if they are electrolytic, they do.

Oh yea, just to add, just recently i was discharging 5 10nF 20kV
caps in parallel and i taped them together not allowing them to
cool. They literally almost melted, they were SO hot you could
not touch em. Tape literally melted. And they are ceramic.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 14, 2022, 03:28:12 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 11:29:16 AM
The resonance thingy is not the secret !!!

How about the trumpet waveform coming as a result of  an earth grounding?

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 04:53:49 PM
My recommendation
For building the basic
Capacitor electrons Captor?

Just try to find:

-2 diodes or full bridge rectifier ( say 300 voltage)
-Capacitor ( polar cap 400 volts and 300 micro farads or less

Using the mains ( 220 v and 50 Hz)
If you have SWER system type? Single wire earth return in your city?
Than you must avoid the earth grounding
In this case
We can grounding this circuit on jag of water 🌊

Hold questions until after you have done what has been suggested. I say it like this because once you have built
it, all your questions will anwser themselves.

Electricity is very dangerous,  be careful
Show me your setup, so I can guide you more !

Vortex 22
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 04:57:59 PM
We can add also
Multimeter DC voltage to display the voltage that we have capture?

Be careful please
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 01:18:12 AM
Funny how some mention same cap value shown in the last
video i shared (and later removed), hmm, coincidence or.

In any case Barbosa is a questionable one, many say it is but meter
cheater, bypassing the neutral by connecting to a pole in the ground.
This of course instantly trips the RCD if you have one which you probably do.

This guy did just that, bypassed the RCD temporarily and what he shows
looks like free energy but is just meter cheating.


Of course whole device in this case is a redundant sham, one can simply
connect the load to leads before the power meter and meter is bypassed

i suggested this to a friend years ago who wanted to reduce heating
electricity bill in the winter and he did this and voilà. Few years before
that i also found a big neodymium, 5x5x5cm something like that, and
it almost completely stopped his meter, this was in another location,
no matter what load, but meter vibrated all the time, he had to put
insulation around it and it could still be heard it was really intense.

In any case question is why he has that RCD behind the power meter
when he had to bypass RCD, as he says

"in the switch panel I had to make
a separate group otherwise it didn't
work doesn't there's an issue with the
RCD switch the device tripped all the
time so I had to make a bypass"

On the other hand original Barbosa allegedly did it from a battery, so
this would imply it is not meter cheating.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 02:01:09 AM
Barbosa and leal device works very well
With no high voltage for the battery electrons Captor !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 02:12:19 AM
Barbosa shown in the video is just bypassing the meter.

Like i said, original Barbosa allegedly did it from a battery

which implies it is not meter-cheating.

Here is one alleged barbosa replications,

48.5W in 2450W out.


Only way to be SURE it is not meter bypassing
is to run it from a battery, i have not seen such.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 15, 2022, 04:23:48 AM
Is this what you mean? Load between cap and earth.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 08:19:42 AM
No results with this setup

Just the ordinary setup? Ok
But one leg is connected to the full bridge rectifier only from the input source!!!
The other to be connected to the ground
Earth ground
Air ground
Water ground..
The other leg
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 08:41:19 AM
Vortex if you claim success with Barbosa....

Try it from a BATTERY; no mains connection AT-ALL

Then come back and report honestly how it went
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 15, 2022, 09:01:04 AM
Sir Nix
I see your topic has all flavors of Over Unity success's ?

There will be a builders board started on some Don Smith
Experiments, and one experimenter who is very good at measuring
will hopefully find some anomalous gain mechanism!
For clarity that is the goal ...not to nay say !!

This topic is a bit difficult to follow...
Is there just one anomaly to share ( actual schematic and ?

Sorry if I missed it ?
Chet K
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 11:29:26 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 08:41:19 AM
Vortex if you claim success with Barbosa....

Try it from a BATTERY; no mains connection AT-ALL

Then come back and report honestly how it went
The Differential circuit breaker will trip if we are pulling "earth ground" current?

Even with the new smart meter, B &L device will works!!!
The battery electrons Captor is the Key !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 11:37:03 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 15, 2022, 08:50:37 AM
Mr. Vortex,

I did setup u recommend abt 4 yrs ago, w/ 120V 60hz mains and 4.7uf 400V polar cap. load was small halogen 50w.

srry don't have a pic, but it's a working circuit fer sure!!

i only use 1 wire input from mains. just hot, no neutral.  ;D

According to Don Smith
The load is connected to the secondary of a transformer
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 11:40:58 AM
The Capacitor is discharged into a primary of a transformer? OK

That circuit is designed for learning purpose only? Ok

When we master this tech we can build it big
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 11:42:13 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 11:29:26 AM
The Differential circuit breaker will trip if we are pulling "earth ground" current?

Even with the new smart meter, B &L device will works!!!
The battery electrons Captor is the Key !!!

Try to reply in a sensible, clear way.

RCD will trip if there is any difference between "live" and "neutral" currents.

RCD can be bypassed as guy in the video i linked did giving the illusion of success.

That is why i say again, if you think you replicated Barbosa try to do it from a battery.

Discard the mains and try to extract energy from the ground with battery only.

ONLY then you can be sure you are not tricking the meter and yourself.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 11:52:04 AM
Keep in mind
Don Smith two pages in front of your eyes
+ His formula for capacitor electrons Captor?

How can we speed up the charging process?

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 11:53:36 AM
Eh, why am i not surprized.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 12:19:09 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 11:42:13 AM
Try to reply in a sensible, clear way.

RCD will trip if there is any difference between "live" and "neutral" currents.

RCD can be bypassed as guy in the video i linked did giving the illusion of success.

That is why i say again, if you think you replicated Barbosa try to do it from a battery.

Discard the mains and try to extract energy from the ground with battery only.

ONLY then you can be sure you are not tricking the meter and yourself.
This field is open !!!

Barbosa and leal device is not a transformer, it's  a battery electrons Captor. Period
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 12:21:23 PM
If you can't do it without being plugged into the mains, you can't do it.

Very simple.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 12:21:56 PM
If we can't build a working capacitor electrons Captor ?
Forgot about the B&L device
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 12:56:20 PM
Ok, ok, ok

I'm using two input source...

One leg from solar panels other leg from mains
One leg from solar the second from earth grounding
Or the second leg from the air grounding or water grounding
And many many many others combinaisons !!!

I have tried
DC capacitor electrons Captor ( avramenko plug)
AC capacitor electrons Captor

In conclusion:
We are catching electrical charges in a closed loop circuit manner ?

So it's make sense to me that just a magnet can speed this process up? But that's just speculation  not from work!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 01:14:49 PM
I must warn you
If you speed up the charging Cap process?
The Cap can explode, and kill you
This is very bad thing

So please don't do that
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 02:05:35 PM
Yes according to Don formula
Double the voltage.... 4 times more output !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 15, 2022, 02:13:00 PM
Not sure if Barbosa and leal patent expired? So we can do it?

Just magnet and coil can capture free electrons
So the input from mains is not really needed !!! I know how it's sound !!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 15, 2022, 03:39:22 PM
Ofc input from mains is not needed, if it's needed then it's not ou.

And all this about capturing electrons. These are conversion devices

converting/stepping down subtler energy forms into electricity.

Too many here are stuck in capturing electrons from the air/ground
mindset simply cause they cannot expand their views to include
this other spectrum of energies popularly known as Orgone etc.
These are very real magnetic-like but subtler energy forms
streaming around, into and out of Earth 24/7/365.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: AlienGrey on May 16, 2022, 08:16:08 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 15, 2022, 01:33:06 PM

see Don used NST & diodes to charge big cap?

nst is high freq and high volt


High frequency 31.5 khz is that high ?
Any way did you use the exact same Neon Tube Exciter as he did ? If you look at his circuit he has a cap across one of the diode outputs to earth, did you not wonder why that is ? you might want to find out the load output impedance is for that effect to take place, What effect ?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 08:21:15 AM
hope everything goes well for you !!!

we need to focus on Don Smith technology and devices ?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Cadman on May 16, 2022, 09:24:51 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on May 16, 2022, 08:16:08 AM

High frequency 31.5 khz is that high ?
Any way did you use the exact same Neon Tube Exciter as he did ? If you look at his circuit he has a cap across one of the diode outputs to earth, did you not wonder why that is ? you might want to find out the load output impedance is for that effect to take place, What effect ?

In case anyone is interested, David Bowling has this video on his YouTube channel.

Don Smith.  How to build your own device.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 11:28:22 AM
In this diagram from Don Smith
What kind of electrons Captor we have here?
I can find one capacitor only? If this is the Capacitor electrons Captor?

It's an AC capacitor electrons Captor? If not where the diodes for the polar cap?

Guess what?
No Cap shown, and we have a parallel spark gap on the secondary Coil? This is a short circuit !!! We must avoid this!!!

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 16, 2022, 11:44:37 AM
Nothing bad about short circuits, tesla hairpin...
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 12:33:20 PM
I'm just assuming...

Hot or cold electricity?
We must have 2 secondary Coils on the output side of the transformer? But we need a third coil to collect?

In cold electricity version
We need 2 Coil on the secondary, but we need a capacitor for collecting?

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 01:02:06 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 16, 2022, 11:44:37 AM
Nothing bad about short circuits, tesla hairpin...
Nikola Tesla hairpin circuit... It's a short circuit? Maybe ..
Well, in many of Don Smith devices, we can see 2 coils on the secondary transformer?

We can setup a small version and try to understand the purpose of that's circuit? We don't need high voltage for this

It's just my opinion that is only of a better version of the Capacitor electrons Captor?
We are not pulling any current from these coils, unless Mr Lenz would be our guest with his law for free meals! And drink !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 16, 2022, 02:07:06 PM
Yes Tesla hairpin is a short circuit, dead short, but it's not OU. True undeniable cold electricity is when wires freeze like in Sweet's device and this is also when levitation happens. Shorts they are commonly reported when gains happen. Ofc there is no need for high frequency or high voltage, but it usually means larger gain.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 16, 2022, 04:03:38 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 11:28:22 AM
In this diagram from Don Smith
What kind of electrons Captor we have here?
I can find one capacitor only? If this is the Capacitor electrons Captor?

It's an AC capacitor electrons Captor? If not where the diodes for the polar cap?

Guess what?
No Cap shown, and we have a parallel spark gap on the secondary Coil? This is a short circuit !!! We must avoid this!!!

What diagram?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 04:26:53 PM
Quote from: Cadman on May 16, 2022, 09:24:51 AM
In case anyone is interested, David Bowling has this video on his YouTube channel.

Don Smith.  How to build your own device.
In this video from Don Smith
On how to build your own device for free!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 04:33:26 PM
Absolutely wasted. From my circuit you can get either electromagnetic waves, 90 percent of
electromagnetic waves if you like, and 10 percent in the current energy that passes through the
earth. Or, you can reverse the process and get 10 percent of the energy in electromagnetic waves
and 90 percent in energy of the current that passes through the earth.
It is just like this: I have invented a knife. The knife can cut with the sharp edge. I tell the man who
applies my invention, you must cut with the sharp edge. I know perfectly well you can cut butter with
the blunt edge, but my knife is not intended for this. You must not make the antenna give off 90
percent in electromagnetic and 10 percent in current waves, because the electromagnetic waves are
lost by the time you are a few arcs around the planet, while the current travels to the uttermost
distance of the globe and can be recovered.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 04:38:36 PM
So All Nikola Tesla circuit can be build and powered by
The wasted waves of the standard hertzian, underunity !!!

Or building according to Nikola Tesla waves, over unity !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 04:44:55 PM
The Tesla hairpin circuit is not powered by ''electromagnetic'' waves !!

I would call them Tesla capacitors not Tesla coils !!
Tesla coils are underunity and wasted waves.
Why he builds theme in the first place?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 04:56:49 PM
The energy of the future has a name... Magneto-Dielectric Energy! Where magnetism is static, and electricity is
characterized as a high potential high frequency field, which moves inward (implosion) and outward (explosion)
simultaneously! This action simulates the VOID, the zero point which mainstream science is desperately
searching for
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 05:24:26 PM


In this schematic, I have some questions?
Because I can see two capacitor electrons Captor?

The Capacitor on the primary side, must be a polar cap?
The diodes and capacitor it's  connected the wrong way?
The earth ground is not the correct position? Same with the spark gap

The second earth ground is not need here
The two secondary Coils is not connected the right way
The purpose of the voltage divider?

Also we don't need two C2 Caps, only one, just like shown on Don Smith tabletop device!!!

Just my opinions on that circuit!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 16, 2022, 07:00:59 PM
Ok, ok
Well,  I think The secondary capacitor electrons Captor is very special ? Not like the first Captor!

Did you see that white AC capacitor?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 17, 2022, 02:24:30 AM
Tesla hairpin as usually done is by far not ou. Is it cold electricity or
is the effect of harmless touching the terminals just cause of RF is unclear.
True cold electricity was for example Ed Grey (altho Rick Friedrich says he
stole/got the idea from some old guy back in the 60's) or Ismael Aviso,
all those Russians succeeding with Kapanadze are using nano-chopping
the resonant sine.

As for "Magneto-Dielectric Energy!"

This is a silly term popularized by Dollard and later Ken Wheeler.

I agree with "moves inward (implosion) and outward (explosion)
simultaneously" this is a basic principle of phase conjugated aka
bucking aka scalar waves, nothing new about this. Tesla was
playing with scalar interferometry 120 years ago, that is,
neutralization of herzian waves for production of longitudinal,
"standing waves" as Tesla called them.

What matters is how does so called scalar wave really look.

Richard T. Miller - probably the most important contactee ever,
in one of his tapes space brothers described it something like toroid
within a toroid, i have to find it again, it's among the tapes


And if we go by that kirlian photo of Tesla coil we see a double helix
dna like strand, like two circularly polarized waves one CW other CCW.

It is also important to take into account work of Rick Anderson,
explaining the magnetic field as curl axis of etheric smoke rings also
explaining The Aharonov-Bohm effect.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 17, 2022, 04:02:43 AM
Diagrams from Zirbes' book showing extraction of neutral (grav) energy
due to compression of matter and gravitational double vortex.

We can see that neutral energy is emitted at the equator toward east
and it spirals outward toward N and S in same direction forming a double
cone before spiraling back into respective poles toward the neutral axis
of lesser gravitational potential.

All bodies falling in any gravitational vortex automatically develop grav field
of their own, this field is REPELLING the parent vortex, in fact it repels
everything, it is attractive only within the boundary of it's own vortex.

We can see Moon is within Earth's vortex, balance of attraction of Earth
and repulsion of Moon forming Moon's orbit.


The Behavior Of Free Bodies In Space


To understand the principles of unity it is imperative that the simple, basic tests which are outlined in the next few pages are completely understood. These were gravity tests, and were conducted at the site of an abandoned mine shaft in Northern Minnesota during the early 1960's. The shaft was approximately two-thousand feet in depth, and the impact plane was monitored by a high speed camera. In the tests where balls of unlike elements were dropped for comparison, equal weights were achieved by hollowing out the centers of those heavier elements, thus ensuring equal air restance factors.

Though our conclusions are founded on literally thousands of tests, we have here outlined only the most pivotal tests, all of which are simple enough to be reproduced by anyone who harbors doubts as to the accuracy of our results or the validity of our conclusions. To layman and physicist alike we would say: study these tests and understand the results, for in unity the actions of all falling bodies are the same – be that body a sub-atomic particle or a universe, and so by building a solid foundation through the study of these tests, the reader will find it simple to comprehend what the use of current nuclear technologies are doing to Earth, and why they must be abandoned if we are to save this planet.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 17, 2022, 08:33:01 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 17, 2022, 02:24:30 AM
Tesla hairpin as usually done is by far not ou. Is it cold electricity or
is the effect of harmless touching the terminals just cause of RF is unclear.
True cold electricity was for example Ed Grey (altho Rick Friedrich says he
stole/got the idea from some old guy back in the 60's) or Ismael Aviso,
all those Russians succeeding with Kapanadze are using nano-chopping
the resonant sine.

As for "Magneto-Dielectric Energy!"

This is a silly term popularized by Dollard and later Ken Wheeler.
The first thing that must be realized is that Tesla wasn't using current like we use it today. He was doing the
exact opposite of what we are doing today, and because of this he was able to develop a completely different
science, a completely different system which the powers that be are using right now, right in our face, no need to
hide the truth from the masses since they consider us as lacking in the comprehension department, totally
incapable of understanding the simplicity of this technology. They have us focusing on currents, when the true
miracle workers are the fields which produce them!!! AWSOME!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 17, 2022, 08:54:30 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 17, 2022, 08:33:01 AM
The first thing that must be realized is that Tesla wasn't using current like we use it today. He was doing the
exact opposite of what we are doing today, and because of this he was able to develop a completely different
science, a completely different system which the powers that be are using right now, right in our face, no need to
hide the truth from the masses since they consider us as lacking in the comprehension department, totally
incapable of understanding the simplicity of this technology. They have us focusing on currents, when the true
miracle workers are the fields which produce them!!! AWSOME!!

I said in post above as i did many times before Tesla developed scalar interferometry as patent US725605 i also linked before clearly talks about waves that do not diminish with distance like herzian and are impervious to any disturbance.

You can read more about his scalar work in books by Gerry Vassilatos

However, for hairpin he himself says it is RF nodes and antinodes, no mention
of non-herzian waves or exotic phenomena here.

Tesla first described the Hairpin circuit during his 1891 lecture in New York:

"In operating devices on the above plan I have observed curious phenomena of impedance which are of interest. For instance if a thick copper bar be bent, as indicated in Fig. [1], and shunted by ordinary incandescent lamps, then, by passing the discharge between the knobs, the lamps may be brought to incandescence although they are short-circuited. When a large induction coil is employed it is easy to obtain nodes on the bar, which are rendered evident by the different degree of brilliancy of the lamps, as shown roughly in Fig. [1]. The nodes are never clearly defined, but they are simply maxima and minima of potentials along the bar. This is probably due to the irregularity of the arc between the knobs.

In general when the above-described plan of conversion from high to low tension is used, the behavior of the disruptive discharge may be closely studied. The nodes may also be investigated by means of an ordinary Cardew voltmeter which should be well insulated. Geissler tubes may also be lighted across the points of the bent bar; in this case, of course, it is better to employ smaller capacities. I have found it practicable to light up in this manner a lamp, and even a Geissler tube, shunted by a short, heavy block of metal, and this result seems at first very curious. In fact, the thicker the copper bar in Fig. [1], the better it is for the success of the experiments, as they appear more striking. When lamps with long slender filaments are used it will be often noted that the filaments are from time to time violently vibrated, the vibration being smallest at the nodal points. This vibration seems to be due to an electrostatic action between the filament and the glass of the bulb."

In-depth explanation of hairpin in attachment (google translated from slovak)

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 17, 2022, 09:08:40 AM
Nikola Tesla,
He left us a puzzle...you may not think so,
but those who care know...

The majority here are looking for anwsers, looking for a
way to get off the grid, and maybe, just maybe conquer gravity. You can accomplish all of this it is far easier
than all of you could possibly imagine! But before you can play you must understand the ground rules, you must
become familiar with nature's laws, at present you all are following man's laws!

This where Don Smith came to explain Nikola Tesla Silly circuit !!!

Please focus on the topic !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 17, 2022, 09:33:16 AM
Are you intentionally acting like a clown? It's become a habit to you (and wlw).
All this time and years before you joined the forum i been talking about Tesla's 'secrets'.
His scalar interferometry, longitudinal EM waves about the very core of natural secrets...

From triune nature of One Force (369), 6 axis of time (creating 3D space), to interdimensional condensing factor 49....to ways/methods of gravity control (disruptive discharges and scalar interferometery for offsetting the neutral center...)...

All this essential stuff (you have no idea about) and more and you're gonna tell me of Tesla's puzzle. Funny.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 17, 2022, 11:40:03 AM
We are literally being slammed by folk who know the books, and
nothing but the books, they have had their reign, they will deliver
nothing, not even a ray of hope for that which we should already
possess. What I suggest is mine, sure I have been inspired by one or the
other over the years, their works have crystallized in my consciousness
and this confused mess that I present to you is an insignificant morsel.
As I have stated more often than not, ones connection with the material
is what I am most interested in. Most folk one exchange with cannot see
beyond the books they read, and they know as well as you do that the
answer maybe hinted at in those text but it's not revealed there. Funny
thing is even though they know this, they cannot stop referencing them,
and more often than not, demonstrate a complete lack of creative

All that to say this, do I know something you don't......I would like to
think I do....

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 17, 2022, 12:30:43 PM
Your hollow, messy talk with "i know better" attitude weakly conceals
you know little if anything at all, and all your posts strongly point to the latter.

You keep yapping about "folks who know books" and how we all are "following
man's laws!", funny.

Apparently you are having a delusion that we are all followers of books, be it
mainstream or not and you are the only one who "knows". Ironic.

No one here is following any book, especially not mainstream. Each is and
has always been encouraged to use his own intelligence, discernment, experiments...

Like i said and contrary to what you say, nothing is really hidden, it's just that
these things are delicate and one has to develop a certain level of understanding
before nature takes off her cloths.

So, enjoy the delusion that you "know" something i don't, well, if we are talking
your favorite dish or Disney character then sure, you know something i don't...

But when it comes to THIS, my my, you are a joke, nothing else.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 20, 2022, 05:38:57 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 16, 2022, 01:44:43 PM
"just reverse one diode in Don Smith secondary and u have avramenko with middle of coil as earth and follow. you will replicate Don device.
no one see this thing in Don device. Don never showed the right direction of secondary coil and diode."

gem from zilano.

we split secondary cw+ccw so we can use coils as plates of capacitor. Don stated flux pass thru capacitor unimpeded w/o diminishing source.


"We make scalar or LMD (transverse) by abruptly bucking repelling fields. so when North slams into North or South slams into South we make scalar at 90 deg."

Do the 90°  scalar waves assist in electron capture by the  "coil capacitor"?

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 20, 2022, 07:00:12 AM
North vs North or South vs South?
This is not nature way of doing things

You need 3 coils
One coil for the input and 2 coils ( CCW and CW coil or the all have the same  direction) this is your ''oscillator
Output coil
Sorry, I don't like this concept.

You don't need these radiation in your house!!!
Good luck!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 20, 2022, 10:45:48 AM
I recommend you playing with small version first
Low voltage and low frequency.

systems where you take nothing you just use the
flow! Riding the on the waves (fields) of nature!!!

Study the patent, study the diagrams, and above all have fun. you have nothing to lose and everything to gain !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 20, 2022, 11:02:14 AM
@ wlw

It seems to me like you are very knowledgeable!!!

Did you know the purpose of that white AC capacitor in Don Smith tabletop device?

Thank you for sharing with us All !!!

Vortex 22
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 20, 2022, 11:11:43 AM
Hello My Friend,

If you are interested, I can make a hot piece of cake for you!! but it's will cost me money!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: AlienGrey on May 20, 2022, 04:56:11 PM
I'm not sure you you are addressing, however are you talking about this circuit .

It's a phase shift value on that leg of the out put winding, at an educated point in the circuit.



Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 20, 2022, 05:35:39 PM
My question about that white AC capacitor?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 21, 2022, 07:19:04 AM
I get the swapping poles on a magnet - https://magnetpartner.com/how-to-reverse-polarity-of-magnet. But that's it. Can you expand on the application as a electron captor?

What is the patent you mention?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 07:51:11 AM

"Basically, I heard that it couldn't be done, and all the experts told me that. And that
didn't ring very true to me. So I decided I would see if what they were saying was
actually true.
[W]hen people told me that this thing would not happen... to forget
about it, that was the match that lit the haystack!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 07:52:37 AM
Don Smith patent.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 11:15:57 AM
That's Don Smith Netherlands patent

We need to study all his public work

1/ patent
2/His 2 pages of so called embient energy generator
3/ his book: an answer to America energy...
4/ All his videos:
Two videos here in this interval of time

Plus some audios and letters...
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 01:11:48 PM
there is magic in the effect, your perspective is your handicap, there
is no magic in your future.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 21, 2022, 01:18:55 PM
These two have turned the thread into a mockery.

But nevermind, may the charade continue. :)
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 01:21:26 PM
I am not looking for a solution, not intersted in what anyone else thinks they have or suggests. I have found what I am looking for and am sharing it to the best of my ability with those who have the capacity to
comprehend and speak bullshit.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 01:25:06 PM
Good luck
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 21, 2022, 04:31:21 PM
Any clown can make a claim, but when he/she does not back it up with a demonstration like so many did, one should at least back it up with KNOWLEDGE, not with near complete lack of, showing lack of capacity to comprehend and profuse capacity to speak bs.

Few kapa replications for inspiration


Demonstration additional energy from earth

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 07:07:30 PM
First this is not kapanezde circuit.
Just a circuit from a french builder, who's trying to replicate kapanezde?

The conclusion
That's circuit is not over unity !
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 21, 2022, 07:13:53 PM
He is trying to build ac Capacitor Captor  and Coil electrons Captor?!!

Just look at the circuit!!
Very wrong for collecting !!! Just an ordinary setup underunity
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 21, 2022, 07:33:54 PM
All these are variations of kapa and yes they are ou.

And another one from rus

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 21, 2022, 08:40:45 PM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 20, 2022, 08:51:46 AM
all folks

see here u can swap a magnet's polarity around !! 

repelling poles can go together... Coulomb's law is completely invalid !!


How does he do it? No clues given. I doubt anybody could replicate that given the lack of information.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 04:24:08 AM
LOL that trick with ring ferrites, i did the same trick and uploaded it to youtube years ago.
I did not get them to perfectly overlap, there was like 1cm offset at best but they can
APPARENTLY attract. This is common for ring magnets and depending on how particular
magnets are magnetized one may get the same effect he did. Same poles can also
"attract" (not really) if one magnet is much smaller than the other as shown...


As shown, even neodymiums get demagnetized by repulsion, not to mention ferrites.
One can use a strong neo to partially demagnetize/flip polarity of the ferrite on one
side, then the effect can be produced (complete alignment). It is but an illusion,
same poles do not attract.

Good place to remind all parallel flux lines are trying to get away from each other,
they are literally trying to break the magnet apart but of course force is not enough.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: AlienGrey on May 22, 2022, 08:00:30 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 04:24:08 AM
LOL that trick with ring ferrites, i did the same trick and uploaded it to youtube years ago.
I did not get them to perfectly overlap, there was like 1cm offset at best but they can
APPARENTLY attract. This is common for ring magnets and depending on how particular
magnets are magnetized one may get the same effect he did. Same poles can also
"attract" (not really) if one magnet is much smaller than the other as shown...


As shown, even neodymiums get demagnetized by repulsion, not to mention ferrites.
One can use a strong neo to partially demagnetize/flip polarity of the ferrite on one
side, then the effect can be produced (complete alignment). It is but an illusion,
same poles do not attract.

Good place to remind all parallel flux lines are trying to get away from each other,
they are literally trying to break the magnet apart but of course force is not enough.
Err why do you start off with LOL Lucifer our lord (your lord ) ? I'm not exactly a religious person  but i have seen things in this life you wouldn't believe !

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 08:13:40 AM
Quote from: AlienGrey on May 22, 2022, 08:00:30 AM
Err why do you start off with LOL Lucifer our lord (your lord ) ? I'm not exactly a religious person  but i have seen things in this life you wouldn't believe !


;D Whaaat, lol means laugh out loud and has meant that since it was first used back in the 80s. Just the fact you interpret it that way posits a question is lucifer your lord (apparently so). BTW i am not exactly a religious person either (altho re-ligious like yoga probably also means re-legion, that is, union with God, nothing bad about religion as long as it is a technique of Self-discovery, not a belief system which divides people...but i digress) but i seen things YOU would not believe, in fact, i been awake on planes that would blow your mind (no, not on drugs), but no need to get into that here.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 09:49:04 AM
It IS a trick/illusion :p

Same poles repel, deal with it. I tried the trick you linked, DID YOU. I know it works, i did not manage to get them to overlap perfectly but that can be achieved with partial demagnetziation on one side. There are companies that make permanent magnets in regular shapes (or not), you would think they are ordinary NS magnets but they can have dozens or more N and S on each side, in any arrangement they like.

Putting a piece of steel between them is totally another thing, why even mention it, of course you can get same poles to stick with piece of iron, this has been discussed before even on this thread and elsewhere.

No, Coulomb's law is NOT invalid, until you understand THAT, you have no chance understanding electricity. There are of course special cases/exclusions on quantum level. Such as two electrons of opposite spin can "attract" (not really in practice, they would have to get extremely close and that does NOT happen) cause they create opposite magnetic fields and can thus share the same orbital. In superconductors they can even join to form a Cooper pair. But those are exceptions to the general rule.

As for why N and S in bar magnet wanna get as far as possible from each other, no they do not. Break the magnet in half they attract, break them further and they attract again.

Repulsion does exists between adjacent coils of a solenoid, that is another thing, this is Lorentz force, nothing strange about that. This is nicely depicted here


If there is just one magnetic loop there is no repulsion.

Flux lines just want to close the circuit as soon as possible, by path of least reluctance/resistance. By doing so they exhibit a force. If you make a magnet in C shape what happens then, of course two poles want to come together. And there is a substance flowing inside these fluxlines, this substance is what you call gravity, if liberated. If you read Zirbes' book i shared few times already you would learn some key things about gravitomagnetism. You would also learn that matter flowing in these flux lines is synched and that in outer lines naturally has to flow faster than in those closer to the magnet/planet. If sufficient speed is reached lines break and release the neutral "bubbles of space" inside them. These spherical bubbles of nothing the size of a planet emanate outward repelling everything....

You are the one who needs to think before "rendering immediate judgement", you already made number of flawed claims. Why, cause you rush without deeper pondering.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 22, 2022, 09:49:07 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 21, 2022, 04:31:21 PM
Any clown can make a claim, but when he/she does not back it up with a demonstration like so many did, one should at least back it up with KNOWLEDGE, not with near complete lack of, showing lack of capacity to comprehend and profuse capacity to speak bs.

Few kapa replications for inspiration


Demonstration additional energy from earth

From the horse mouth :
''The purpose of these series of experiments is to try to understand the working principle of the Tariel Kapanadze generator presented in his demo video and also to share in realtime the results of my findings through this web page.''

'' My current Kapanadze generator v3.2 is only an attempt of replication of the Tariel's original device based on the Nikola Tesla fuelless generator.''

''Today, I am not able to say if my Kapagen v3.2 is fully in line with this principle above, because this is only the beginning of my research project, this is my main purpose and I explore this path as long as I continue to found something interesting, stay tuned...
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 10:05:11 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 22, 2022, 09:49:07 AM
From the horse mouth :
''The purpose of these series of experiments is to try to understand the working principle of the Tariel Kapanadze generator presented in his demo video and also to share in realtime the results of my findings through this web page.''

'' My current Kapanadze generator v3.2 is only an attempt of replication of the Tariel's original device based on the Nikola Tesla fuelless generator.''

''Today, I am not able to say if my Kapagen v3.2 is fully in line with this principle above, because this is only the beginning of my research project, this is my main purpose and I explore this path as long as I continue to found something interesting, stay tuned...

What's not clear to you, jnaudin himself did not make it ou, replicators did.,

One of them


Input around 450w

Load: Six 200w 120v Lamps

None of those achieved some great gains, they are just for inspiration.

If you want big gains, look at Russians i linked who make self-sustained

high output Don-like devices.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 22, 2022, 10:41:33 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 10:05:11 AM
What's not clear to you, jnaudin himself did not make it ou, replicators did.,

One of them


Input around 450w

Load: Six 200w 120v Lamps

None of those achieved some great gains, they are just for inspiration.

If you want big gains, look at Russians i linked who make self-sustained

high output Don-like devices.
He / or she recommended jnaudin schematic !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 10:44:29 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 22, 2022, 10:41:33 AM
He / or she recommended jnaudin schematic !!!

As you can see there are various schemes very different from jnaudin scheme

most of them did not replicate him literally and they got some success.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 03:43:55 PM
HA, it's sad and ironic how you describe yourself cause that is EXACTLY what you do.

You do not think, you just PARROT what you MEMORIZED, that is indeed not KNOWLEDGE.

Take your last gem, that N and S of a magnet "want to get away as far from each other".... REALLY? Then how come if we try to break them apart they fight tooth and nail to stay in one piece. HMM. Logic.

Whose intellect is then blocking their perception, look in the mirror, take your own advice.

And then, since you got no argument to back up your nonsense you dismiss Lorentz, Coulomb, Bloch as "old em theory" never realizing there is nothing contradictory between them and overunity, they describe certain well known phenomena, if there was no Lorentz force no motor would work, it there was no Coulomb force no capacitor would work, Bloch Wall is just a transition boundary between two magnetic domains, these are some simple basic laws, nothing wrong with them, they don't exclude overunity, on the contrary they are essential for it.

"Vortex 22 as suggestions is FAR SUPERIOR to any Kapanadze "

BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. You really are a parrot and a joke.

"Female is also electric" :D :P
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 04:32:40 PM
Awww. I almost feel like eating tripe,

too bad i'm a vegan ;D
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 22, 2022, 05:23:49 PM
Hi wlw,

Don't be discouraged by his attitude, if you are. he called me clown and all sorts of things too!   :P

funny to me he started the thread, but doesn't want help or answers. only to argue.

It's my pleasure to discuss with you about many subjects, If you don't mind?

I have a WhatsApp account? Or other way to speed up the discussion!!

Thank you
Vortex 22
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 22, 2022, 05:52:49 PM
This clown came to my thread with im the messiah attitude only to dump copious amounts of drivel. And he calls that 'help'. But i am 'arguing' when i call him a clown :P

These two go hand in hand they are free to open their own thread if they want to spew their mess and continue to mock the overunity and science in general.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 23, 2022, 04:47:13 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 22, 2022, 04:07:20 PMno more tripe from ME then !  ;D

Notice how wlwy tried to imply he/she is not the one writing nonsense ;D

Let's forget all the previous wrong claims he/she made, let's just take the last one...

I just want him/her to explain if N and S of a magnet "want to get away as far from each other" how come if we try to break them apart they resist it with all their might.

Magnet does want to explode width-wise, parallel lines of flux repelling each other.
but not length-wise, poles are not repelling internally as parrot claims. Big magnet is
nothing but many tiny magnets stacked on top of each other.

Interesting to note that stacking increases magnet's power only until length equals
width, once length exceeds width additional stacking will not increase flux density.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 23, 2022, 05:39:36 AM
Don talking about his matchbox device outputting megawatts.


I would bet it is carbon based rod, with some exotic metals, baked/pressed in special way, started with a pulse and go. James Schwartz used carbon based 'neutrino rods'. Beware he lied about 72-73 elements, it's really much simpler.

I wrote email to Schwartz few years ago asking him nicely for secret of the rods, no response. Then i wrote another email accusing him of stealing the idea. Imagine, then he responded :) But of course, did not reveal anything.


He got max 300w out of each rod pair, which is pretty good. Strange he abandoned this for more complex and not much better output approach.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: AlienGrey on May 23, 2022, 06:03:45 AM
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on May 22, 2022, 04:07:20 PM
Ok  :)


no more tripe from ME then !  ;D

ON HERE this is no place for actual discussion, only playground for argument (polemics).
am sadly disappointed.

What is tripe ? a fish or verbal diarrhea ? ether way it's a wast of space !
do you think we can stick to the normality reality ?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 23, 2022, 07:45:28 AM
Another gem he/she parroted "middle of magnet is NOTHING"

Middle of magnet is not nothing....
Flux is strongest at the center of the magnet/coil, force
at the center becomes zero cause ferromagnetic object
at the center experiences the same parallel flux with
it's whole volume (or diverging flux equally on both
sides - if object is larger). This is how plunger works,
why piece of iron is sucked into the center of the coil
cause that is the state of lowest energy.


Force can exist only when there is imbalance of flux.
If ferromagnetic object is immersed in uniform or
symmetrical flux no force acts on it.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 08:23:35 AM
Hi there!

Don Smith was never wrong! read his pdf again there still lies a hidden secret but u have to guess! its there but its hard for everyone to find. go thru it and u will get it. Don Smith wanted us to learn deeper and then apply. Smith wanted us to use our minds. not just make us dumb
followers. I found it and used it and so will each one at this Forum. and the power s all urz for
free. Kapanadze is one Guy who found it and used it. Sr193 followed suite of kapanadze. but hisoutput i dont think is 50 hz.
and same applies to kapagen.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 23, 2022, 10:51:25 AM
@wlw Ehh. Your confusion stems from not knowing the simple fact that gravitational fields keep everything together, from nanoscopic to universal, not some imaginary weak and strong nuclear force or Coulomb force.

If you knew this, you would know why similarly charged atoms can stick together, why electron does not fall into proton or why a planet does not fall into sun and you would not be confused :P

This does not mean Coulomb's law is wrong. Same charges indeed repel and opposite attract. But that as all laws is general approximation valid for certain set of parameters. Like i mentioned before two electrons in a superconductor lattice can join into a Cooper pair etc. Two hydrogen atoms can form a molecule H2 etc. You try to 'explain' this by saying that same poles attract while answer is in fact in GRAVITY.

if you read and understood Zirbes' book you would know this. Look again at the core of our sun, we see there are 9 huge bodies spinning in same direction. Magnetic and gravitational REPULSION between them is beyond description, yet they are kept together by the joint gravitational field they generate. This is the secret to it ALL.

There are 4 forces stemming from One Force, represented by the swastika,
ancients called them 4 Great Builders/Architects. The Four Forces are:

Static-Magnetic Field (SM), as in a bar magnet;
Electro-Static Field (ES), as in a charged capacitor;
Electro-Magnetic Wave (EM), as radio waves, light, heat, etc.;
Resonating Electromagnetic Field (RMF), like that of all celestial bodies
(operating in a vortex), space craft propulsion field, the basis of life,
the elemental life.

RMF (gravity) being the highest/fastest. It's a push pull field. Even Tesla discovered this by accident when he put his hand on the axis of his 30kV DC generator spinning at very high RPM, on one side his hand was PULLED IN on another PUSHED OUT, this is not electrostatic force which is orders of magnitude too weak to account for this, this is gravitational DIPOLE, just like that of a planet or a spacecraft.

As for magnets, what a mess you made, my my.

When we put magnets together we gain energy when we pull em apart we lose. (not necessarily but that is another subject)....

Point is flux is max at the center NOT zero. Visualize it in steps. You are putting two magnets together, as you let 'em approach flux lines merge more and more, attraction becomes huge, flux density is INCREASING between them. Then you finally let them touch (nothing really touches), all flux lines have merged. You think all that flux magically disappears and if you pull them apart a bit it magically reappears. Do you see how unrealistic you are. Just realize they never really touch and flux never disappears. Flux between them is huge.

To understand magnetism first read Leedskalnin's book. Then you will not make such basic errors.


As Leedskalnin correctly says there is a SUBSTANCE flowing in the magnetic field lines, tiny individual N and S monopoles and it is a TWO-WAY STREAM.

If we have a single coil generating a magnetic dipole, WHERE ARE THE "POLES". Wherever you want to draw an IMAGINARY line. You can call it a "pole" when lines start to diverge a little, or maybe little more... There are no "poles", it is an arbitrary, imaginary division, natural shape of a magnetic field is a TOROID, toroid has no poles, no center, no beginning or end!! If you break it apart you get "poles" but this is just a POLE-LESS toroid field opened up.

If you have a coil individual turns DO repel because flux is in opposite direction between the turns so it cancels out. However, again, PM is NOT a coil, it is made of many tiny PMs and they do NOT repel.

Center of a magnet/coil is NOT a "BLOCH WALL", stop misusing the term.

Again, bloch wall is boundary where domains change polarity, domains in the magnet are ALL IN SAME DIRECTION, on "N" and "S" side.

"If we look inside a magnet, zooming in with a microscope, we find no physical difference between the little bits of magnet at the north pole compared to the little bits of magnet at the south pole.  It all looks the same. There are no physical differences between the top and bottom halves of the magnet.


If we slice one of those D4X0-ND cylinder magnets down the middle and map it with an electron microscope, the pattern of grains with their magnetization direction all point in roughly the same direction, parallel to the axis of the cylinder.  (That's why we call it axially magnetized.)"



Like everything you got it in reverse, in REALITY every answer has a question.
God perspective is the ONLY true perspective.

And no, i am not being rude to you if anyone is being rude it's you.

It's funny you think you're sharing :) My my. For your own good, it would be better if you tame that wild nature of yours and for once LEARN.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 12:02:03 PM
DONT BE A Theorizer.
Theorizer-------- are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of
applied Work and Ideas.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 23, 2022, 12:10:03 PM
Phh, you clown, i am totally surrounded by components, wire, builds...

YOU on the other hand are just spewing hot air without substance.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 12:52:32 PM

Let's just try to answer one question about this device from Don Smith?

1) the first capacitor on the input side
Cap 4000 volts DC and 0.1 micro farads ?
According to many peoples that capacitor is powered by high voltage unit 9000 volts and 30 kHz?
That capacitor should smoke in less than second? According to standard wisdom!!! Are you blaming Don?

yep.....was anyone paying attention....probably
not....can I blame you....wouldn't matter if I did.....

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 23, 2022, 03:57:42 PM
Explanation of Don Smith principle:
We have high Q  transformer. Primary, two secondaries cw and ccw connected in the middle. One secondary has capacitor connected to form resonant tank.
1. What would happen if no capacitor, both cw and ccw secondaries are the same number of winds? Nothing. On both of them the same and opposite emf is induced that cancells each other. Induced B field on secondaries cancels. No load on primary.
2. With capacitor- on secondary forming resonant tank  circuit energy accumulates and voltage rises, and is higher than on secondary without capacitor. Now we have voltage difference between both secondaries, current flows on both secondaries despite  both B fields cancels.  :)


Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 04:25:26 PM
You have good result with this setup? Or it's just a nice theory?
When the load change, how can we tune it? By variable capacitor?
Well, I have alternative interpretation based on work.
Good luck!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 04:47:43 PM
I'm fully aware of north pole vs North pole / or South Pole vs South Pole!
But I should not force nature to do something opposite to''her'' will. We should not break nature Law!!

I need real power !
Something like 50 Watt input and 10kw or 20kw output

Sorry I don't like magnetic Toys like TPU or VTA !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 23, 2022, 04:48:21 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 04:25:26 PM
You have good result with this setup? Or it's just a nice theory?
When the load change, how can we tune it? By variable capacitor?
Well, I have alternative interpretation based on work.
Good luck!

It is my nice theory, that I am going to put into test. :)


Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 23, 2022, 04:59:25 PM
Few small corrections pix...

When we talk of Don's table top device/s.

Nothing high Q there, few turns, no core.

Q = 1/R * √(L/C)

"One secondary has capacitor connected to form resonant tank"

I added that cap there cause she did not draw it, but it is supposed to be there.
This circuit is exactly the same as another one, only difference is in this one
output is part of the bottom secondary path.

She promoted this misleading idea that cap is just across one secondary
and that resonance should be calculated for that one secondary only
and other one will magically resonate by itself. Of course, as Patrick Kelly
also correctly pointed out in his pdf, this is simply wrong, we have two
parallel inductors in parallel with a cap, in both circuits, this one and "basic".
Two parallel inductors have combined inductance of 1 inductor assuming
perfect magnetic coupling, since they are weakly coupled (being few cm apart)
overall inductance is less than 1 of them alone. Their magnetic fields
are of course in same direction.

It is not nonsensical to think of one secondary as resonator and another
as pickup but then you need to introduce an impedance change between
them, you do not want other (bottom) secondary participating in resonance.
If it does, of course, it will drastically change the resonant frequency.
And from practice and my measurements, even with impedance change
other secondary STILL participates/changes the res. freq. If she got it
to work by resonating just one coil alone that was sheer luck cause
resonance is sooo easily affected by EVERYTHING, not to mention
other coil of same size in parallel.

"What would happen if no capacitor"

With no cap not much changes, ofc still opposite voltage across two coils
but that is still not an issue considering there are two paths. Upper one
would still resonate with it's own parasitic capacitance affected
by the presence of the other coil, as would the bottom one which is
in addition affected by the load (cause it passes through it).
Less capacitance means bigger Q and bigger resonant rise.
No, B fields do not cancel by any means.

"With capacitor.."

Voltage is not bigger with a cap. On the contrary, cap reduces the induced
voltage. We can look at the secondary as combination of series and parallel
RLC tank. Both voltage and current can experience a resonant rise and both
are proportional to Q and Q, as formula above shows, is REDUCED by capacitance.
And again, B fields do NOT cancel. They are in same direction, aiding.

Of course even this is simplification cause actual dynamics are complex.

Or to put it all in few words...

Magnetic fields do not cancel out in either case.

Capacitance drops Q and consequently the resonant voltage/current rise.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 05:07:32 PM
Quote from: pix on May 23, 2022, 04:48:21 PM

It is my nice theory, that I am going to put into test. :)

Good luck
But you must be careful? Ok because high voltage is very dangerous 
Test only small version on low voltage
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 23, 2022, 05:16:30 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 04:47:43 PM
I'm fully aware of north pole vs North pole / or South Pole vs South Pole!
But I should not force nature to do something opposite to''her'' will. We should not break nature Law!!

I need real power !
Something like 50 Watt input and 10kw or 20kw output

Sorry I don't like magnetic Toys like TPU or VTA !!!
Very high expectations. COP 200-400 :o
I think, and this is only my opinion, we could only follow the way of a heat pump analogy. Where a large amount of "free" low temperature heat from ambient air is compressed to smaller amount of high temperature useable heat. Such a heat pump COP may be up to 5,depending from refrigerant used.
In electromagnetics heat pump analogy is a resonant circuit. It accumulates low energy flow and compresses it to high energy. Like a Tesla coil does.
In Don Smith concept , in my opinion he uses a clever trick to create dipole ( emf difference in a cw/ccw secondaries) without B field acting back to primary. Nobody pays attention to C2. How could you get any voltage from cw/ccw secondaries? They cancels in normal operation producing no voltage whatsoever. If you add to one secondary a capacitor, forming resonant tank- situation changes.
Of course it is my theory from today.
It stays theory untill I will test it.


Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 05:28:25 PM
Will repeat my question

1) is it possible for the Capacitor on the primary transformer be rated on 4000 volts DC but it's powered by 9000 volts ac /35.1 kHz.
That capacitor should smoke!!! But this is not how supposedly works!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 24, 2022, 04:44:05 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 05:28:25 PM
Will repeat my question

1) is it possible for the Capacitor on the primary transformer be rated on 4000 volts DC but it's powered by 9000 volts ac /35.1 kHz.
That capacitor should smoke!!! But this is not how supposedly works!!!
I see a diodes on the output from neon transformer. Then output voltage on the capacitor should be half of 9000V.
And, there are two capacitors. They may be connected in series.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 24, 2022, 05:13:57 AM
For the clown who accused me of not building
just a little snippet with old cellphone cam
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 24, 2022, 12:53:31 PM
Ok.....I don't care.....You people aren't dealing with the proper energy, and don't seem to even want to familiarize yourselves with it. By all means keep doing what you're doing, maybe you will slip and fall onto the path I'm on, if you're lucky, or you won't if you're unlucky.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 24, 2022, 01:56:18 PM
One does not get lucky or unlucky in these things. DEEP thorough understanding is a result of relentless seeking. You known not the treasures of the hail (cold).
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 24, 2022, 04:04:29 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 24, 2022, 12:53:31 PM
Ok.....I don't care.....You people aren't dealing with the proper energy, and don't seem to even want to familiarize yourselves with it. By all means keep doing what you're doing, maybe you will slip and fall onto the path I'm on, if you're lucky, or you won't if you're unlucky.

Well you mentioned the path is the fields. Electric fields, magnetic fields, aether fields (tesla waves), the fields of Joe cellery? It's probably the latter two as they are unconventional. More bones would be good. I don't know about other people but at the moment I only have limited time I can dedicate to this.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 25, 2022, 03:37:24 AM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 23, 2022, 05:28:25 PM
Will repeat my question

1) is it possible for the Capacitor on the primary transformer be rated on 4000 volts DC but it's powered by 9000 volts ac /35.1 kHz.
That capacitor should smoke!!! But this is not how supposedly works!!!
9000V peak to peak is now 4500V.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 06:01:36 AM
Notice how pix never replied to me, some people are butthurt when corrected
and every single statement in his 'theory' is diametrically opposite to reality.

So one can just ignore such people and let them talk nonsense (as most
do and then we got a forum where 99,9% is junk), or one can put in effort
to untangle their mess and what will be the result, they will either ignore you
or attack you, NEVER will they thank you for clarification. Ofc not all are like
that. Back in the day this forum had some decency. That's why in my opinion
pre 2010 threads are the best.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 25, 2022, 09:40:01 AM

Please don't forget the title of the game, electrons Captor from earth ground and/or air, water grounding ?

Try this basic setup and see if any result or not?

Polar capacitor 400 volts DC and 300 micro farads
Using full bridge rectifier ?

Sorry for the schematic, I can't upload a video for the moment.

Vortex 22
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 25, 2022, 10:27:38 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 06:01:36 AM
Notice how pix never replied to me, some people are butthurt when corrected
and every single statement in his 'theory' is diametrically opposite to reality.

So one can just ignore such people and let them talk nonsense (as most
do and then we got a forum where 99,9% is junk), or one can put in effort
to untangle their mess and what will be the result, they will either ignore you
or attack you, NEVER will they thank you for clarification. Ofc not all are like
that. Back in the day this forum had some decency. That's why in my opinion
pre 2010 threads are the best.
Sir Nix
Yes it's true that more transparency is needed ,for better understanding
Of all experimenters !

Not addressing Pix below ...

Others preach and seemingly want to argue more than help ?( looking for endless follower supply
..they drop crumbs along the path to nowhere...

Example of helping would be one paragraph and circuit
"Here I did this "!!
And result was ? ( a specific claim)

It is way to easy to harvest unaware from the sea of man made Energy which we swim through
Poor measurement practices can waste decades of time !

And persons who claim 50 flavors of OU and point to
Metric tons of old claims ( rebooted millionth time to no avail)

Sir Nix
Here one very big change has happened to forum
Experimenters/builders can moderate a topic ( actually like a sub forum with many topics)

Other venues don't offer this !

Fiddling while our planet suffers got old a long time ago ...
And those who play games to their own delight ??


Chet K
Just one anomaly will do ...
Here in the open source community the talent pool is global
and amazing!!

And under no thumb ,yes 100% transparency and brutal honesty ( good testing/measurement)
are mandatory!

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 10:31:01 AM
Mockery continues :)

We seen how wlw "knows" what electricity is. Complete ignorance of the fact that it is
grav fields that keep all together on all scales eliminating the apparent violation of
Coloumb force. Complete ignorance of the negative stream (antigravity) reflecting out
of the Earth back toward the sun which is closely associated with cold electricity and
the reason some overunity devices like that of Floyd Sweet or Steven Mark partially or
completely lose weight when operating... Complete ignorance of magnetic fields and the
fact that flux is max at the center of the magnet NOT zero, and the fact that there is ​no
such thing as poles except as an illusion created by breaking a poleless toroid field...
Complete ignorance ​that mag flux is actually made of two counter streams as
Leedskalnin discovered...

As for electrification of water droplets, this is known as Lenard effect discovered by
Philipp Lenard in 1892. Explanation of the effect

"A water droplet forms an electric double layer as shown in diagram below. The
inner/outer surface is charged negatively/positively, respectively. When it splits into
droplets, newly created surface obtains positive electricity from air molecules
in order to become positively charged, thus the air molecules are negatively charged.
This is how the air is negatively ionized.

What is an an electric double layer?

When two different phases such as a solid and a liquid come into contact each other,
positive and negative charges appear on the boundary surface with a distance of the
molecular level."

Interesting effect i known about for many years.

Separation of opposite electric charges as well as magnetic dipoles usually takes
energy BUT as i said many times over the years NOT necessarily so.

God made it that way, you can get angry about it or get smart about it
it really IS hard for one who goes into it brute force, he will always
fight Lenz and Coloumb....but God also allowed for a workaround....

Little bit on magnetic shielding. Does it appear to you this material is
attracted to the magnet. It is not, yet it shields the fields.



Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 25, 2022, 11:00:01 AM

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 11:13:09 AM
Once riddles were really used as tools of wisdom, now days they are mostly
used by clowns trying to sound smarter than they are.

People need concrete solutions, examples of success, a way to go.

This guy improved Thane Heins' Bi-Toroid Transformer, best result he got is 480W
with 60W input.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 25, 2022, 11:16:45 AM
Don  gave us everything to start with and he is the only person with maximum details to help us replicate.his devices are true in all respects
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 25, 2022, 11:46:55 AM
Consider how you have been instructed over the years on charging capacitors. Set all of that aside, do not forget it, nor should you discard it, just set it aside. Now possibly for the first time in your many years of researching, "consider" Tesla's circuit, the ozone patent, and no other. Recognize and above all respect that there is no rectifier, comprehend why, align your thinking with his and comprehend what he is shared with you. Comprehend his charging method, his method is "the" method.
If you cannot see things the way he did, see that which must be seen in "his" works, works which were carefully prepared prior to them being placed in the public domain......there is only one thing for you to do at that this point......quit this isn't for you and it never will be.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 25, 2022, 04:11:24 PM
Sir nix
"Gabriel device"
Using a kilowatt meter to prove this gain ..?

I was fooled plenty years ago this way ... please use other methods for
Devices which can play games with kilowatt meter circuitry (erroneous measurement)!

Example : simple caloric measurements!

Persons can waste decades using poor measurement protocols and wishful thinking!
Chet K

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 04:43:48 PM
It's true power meters are unreliable at high frequencies,
but here we are talking normal 50-60Hz, they are designed
for this, to measure active vs reactive power etc.
There should be no self-deception here, but to be
sure one should always use different power meters
as well as different multimeters/clamp meters.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 25, 2022, 05:45:43 PM
When gains are so bold
There is no need for meter discrepancies ( well founded concerns)

Heat works amazingly well ..even bulb temperature can be used for accuracy
We had a member who shared a fixed loss to ambient test protocol !

Even novice with no experience can do this ...
Side by side tests in cardboard boxes
One side box has input of device going to appropriate sized resistor ( worlds most efficient heater)

Other box ( put entire device and load resistor or bulbs (whatever)

Turn power on to both ( same input)

Watch temperature in both boxes ( install remote heat probe or use infrared

Box with Device under test inside should rise much faster in temp
If it does not beat resistor ( worlds most efficient heater as all losses go to heat

If it does not beat the heat of worlds best
You have a problem with claim

If it does ?
Do the happy dance

Doing good Measurement is so easy !
High frequency low frequency pulses etc etc

Do work .... and watch a thermometer in a cardboard box ...
Ambient will rob the heat from the box ... box will only get so hot against ambient
Cold weather is nice for this testing

But ultimately you can tell story in a minute with a stop watch
Claims of 2-3 or 10 times input will Zoom past worlds best heater!

Easy Peasy
Thanks to member ION ( also Vortex 1 here ... may he Rest In Peace
Chet K

Even these claims of one transmitter feeding many?
Calibrate a tiny grain of wheat bulb with thermometer

Compare temperatures of "receivers "

EDIT for comment below

Yes of course  ... the loop is the best

Would be nice to see ( besides you tube proof .... NOT !

Never give up !!edit  ( * not while I breathe

Edit 2 below
Nelson is a kind soul ( I do miss talking

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 06:12:27 PM
Or even simpler, feed it back into itself, if it runs itself + the load,
there is you certain measurement.


Ofc, loop is the ultimate test.
Also as nelsonrochaa wrote

QuoteLike I already told many times ;
Most of people are not interested in hard work , but instead want "baby food" in their
own mouth ...  Myself lose 2 years only study some aspects of  that circuit , and see
people already give up just because some Illustrious persons, Pout ..... In general i
think this is a lost case. When happens such behavior's,  i could only say that is a
waste of TIME to everyone!

Nelson Rocha

I'm sure not going to give up, hopefully you won't either.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 09:29:29 PM
ZPE electron-vitron separation by shapes and harm/inharmonic thirds.
As Keely said if you match harmonic electricity to inharmonic electricity
you will tap the dominant which is unlimited.

Edit for important note, electrons-vitrons (positrons) of space are
never really separable, they are always together in varying ratios.
Exotic phenomena is accociated with higher concetration of vitrons
than electrons.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 05:51:30 AM
Let's say we can drow electrons.... In order to charge a capacitor?
Input....cap ...water

By applying positive charges from the input on one side of the Cap...we can attract negative charges from the ground in the other side of the Cap ?
But here one problem
In time
Positive charges will develop on the ground and negative charges will develop on the input
How can we solve this?

That's why it's very simple to charge a polar cap by this method
And it's very difficult to charge ac Capacitor
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 26, 2022, 06:05:54 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 25, 2022, 06:01:36 AM
Notice how pix never replied to me, some people are butthurt when corrected
and every single statement in his 'theory' is diametrically opposite to reality.

I try to minimise unnecessary ambitional disputes.
Once I will put my theory to the test, then I will respond to you.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 06:32:27 AM
Quote from: pix on May 26, 2022, 06:05:54 AM
I try to minimise unnecessary ambitional disputes.
Once I will put my theory to the test, then I will respond to you.


It's not a matter of dispute. Fact is B fields are not canceled and
capacitance lowers Q of RLC tank.

B fields cancel in bucking configuration which this is not.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 26, 2022, 06:58:14 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 06:32:27 AM
It's not a matter of dispute. Fact is B fields are not canceled and
capacitance lowers Q of RLC tank.

B fields cancel in bucking configuration which this is not.
I was refering to Don Smith concept with a bucking coils at secondary. And one coil has capacitor . Tuned to primary frequency.
Anyway, going to test this setup once find a time.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 07:10:03 AM
Quote from: pix on May 26, 2022, 06:58:14 AM
I was refering to Don Smith concept with a bucking coils at secondary. And one coil has capacitor . Tuned to primary frequency.
Anyway, going to test this setup once find a time.

You still don't get it, bucking coil is a non-inductive coil, here we got CW and CCW
winding but current in them is also in opposite directions (looking from the center)
two negatives give positive, magnetic fields do not cancel.

Also, it is ridiculous to say one coil has a cap. Cap is in parallel with both coils.
Another way to draw this circuit is with two inductors wound in same direction
in parallel in parallel with a cap, electrically, they are equivalent, only difference
is here one coil is flipped in space relative to the other, but so are the electrical
connections. It makes sense only if you are using diodes to block the bottom coil
from the cap. Again, mag fields do not cancel.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 07:12:09 AM
Lenz is not something to be avoided, it should be embraced as one individuals observation, one individuals way of saying "this is what one can expect to happen if your systems are designed and operated in this manner." If and when we can change our perspective to one which is void of the need to circumvent Lenz, we can begin to appreciate his observation for what it is, and more importantly, for what it "could" be.

Lenz offered us a way to look at things, that's it. We can choose to follow his lead, or we can blaze our own trail guided by his suggestion.
I practice the latter. To truly neutralize the effect that Lenz has on your system you simply need to comprehend what he's saying.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 08:58:33 AM
I don't mean to sound rude, nor come across as if I know something you cannot, however, support for my position can be found in the fact that none of you recognize what you are dealing with. You don't know how to look at your machines, despite the fact that your machines scream at you how they are to be viewed. There are times when this is very disappointing, even telling you how to do so the pointers are ignored, as you are sold on your own ideas. All good, you will find it eventually.
We have been programed to build XL dominant systems. This seed was sown deep in all of us. The time has come that we recognize what we already know, namely, the product of XL is voltage. If you want current then the reaction to change should yield that which we want and not that which we do not!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 09:08:50 AM
So friends please don't waste your time day dreaming over what you can do with magnetism!
Magnetism is a dead end.

We will discuss this also. I say  "what we call magnetism" as what magnetism truly is we cannot use! As it is divine!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 09:49:06 AM
Clown keeps mudding the waters and bragging with hot air.
He knows not the the principles governing all on all scales.

Magnetism is not a "dead end", gravito-magnetism is the first child
of the Dominant stream, first child of God.

B field A field.... Resonance....
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 10:56:39 AM
Do you understand how this change in perspective leads one to being able to take energy without opposition? Like I suggested before, ignore the theory....comprehend what's being done, and when you get it it, perfect it. If you know what this is, prove it....put it to use charge a high uF cap...for starters....leave your meters out of this....comprehend, and
optimize first, then do all the measuring you want.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 10:59:50 AM
My dogma....

A coil, or more proper a "reactor" is a mechanism which enables one to leverage opposition to change. From this perspective, one could consider it as a "control device", however, one must be specific regarding what one is "controlling and or attempting to control."

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 26, 2022, 11:11:13 AM
Your Gabriel Device

Tony ..

I got my wires crossed on that one .. was a while back !
Gonna touch base with a few builders to recollect?

Regarding your adversary (s) here
Very odd you are singled out for this tag team ( or one ?)treatment
When opening another topic would be much more useful ( for them / they?)
Chet K
Here in the past we had bored person(s) "play " with certain members in very similar way

And then acknowledge it was all just a game ( when he/they even wore themselves out

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 11:17:35 AM
Do you see where your thinking is? It is totally entangled in the maze of the inductive reactive. Consider what it would take to transition a predominantly inductive reactive system, into a predominantly capacitive reactive system. The character of your apparatus must change from dominant XL or opposition to change in flux or current to dominant XC or opposition to change in voltage.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 11:29:13 AM
 ;D You are a clown, you can keep blabbering about change of perspective
but it is exactly you who has a wrong perspective. "Magnetism is a dead end"
My my, what a joke you are.

There are milllion (in fact infinite) ways to get ambient energy lenzlessly
not just one. Don did it in certain number of ways, but he did not do it
in all the other ways equally or more valid.

Witts replication from Denmark

74w in 500w out


But don't get dismayed, keep entertaining us ;)

"Do you see where your thinking is? It is totally entangled in the maze of the inductive reactive."

;D Your confused drivel is taking poetic proportions.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 11:37:50 AM
You are hell bent on getting people to see and accept your interpretation of this Don tech. That's counterproductive, because it's Don's perspective that we should be trying to view things from. So get off the damn soap box, stop preaching, go back to your lab and do something useful. You aren't helping here, hell you aren't even on topic.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 11:56:23 AM
 ;D  I am not hell bent on anything and i don't have a theory to sell unlike you
pushing drivel onto everyone here. You have no idea about Don's perspective,
in fact you seem quite ripe for a loonhouse. So get off that imaginary horse, go grab a broom do something useful. YOU are sure not helping anyone here and are even less on the topic.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 12:30:48 PM
@wlw I'm sure he did ;)  funny how you appeared quickly "in time of need"
or we have one wannabe troll under two nicks, would not be surprized
Love you say, for whom "Mind = Soul", my my...and what did he/you give
but mess and confusion. Interesting perspective on "love" you have  ;D
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 26, 2022, 03:29:08 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 25, 2022, 09:40:01 AM

Please don't forget the title of the game, electrons Captor from earth ground and/or air, water grounding ?

Try this basic setup and see if any result or not?

Polar capacitor 400 volts DC and 300 micro farads
Using full bridge rectifier ?

Sorry for the schematic, I can't upload a video for the moment.

Vortex 22

So we only need two diodes. I think top right and bottom left. Then one wire from negative through isolation transformer back to earth/water.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 04:15:14 PM
Quote from: tomd on May 26, 2022, 03:29:08 PM
So we only need two diodes. I think top right and bottom left. Then one wire from negative through isolation transformer back to earth/water.
You need exactly full bridge rectifier like shown in the schematic or avramenko plug!! And no transformer.
Maybe, later we can add it.

Be careful please
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 05:24:51 PM
It is individuals like you that make this game that we play fun!!! YOU ROCK!!! Keep spreading the LOVE!!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 07:10:42 PM
''I suggest you to calm down and come down to Earth. You know far less than you think you do. I could easily ask for moderation according to forum rules and i could ban you from MY thread. But i do not want to do that, at least no right now. But if you continue to act so arrogantly and out of control i might use my right. Just curb it.''

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 07:28:51 PM
That Don circuit I
mentioned, the one you tell us we aren't authorized to speculate on....if
you knew what could be done with it, you wouldn't be preparing to entertain the masses with yet another dead end. You (not you specifically, you are years away from recognizing truth) would give credit where it's due, you would acknowledge those who knew, see "the" example, (the Don/ Tesla circuit) and its influence on them.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 08:05:45 PM
Most your post not on the topic... most my post on the topic
It's your thread... But you have nothing to share on the topic.
Who must quite or even leave?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 08:21:19 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 12:30:48 PM
@wlw I'm sure he did ;)  funny how you appeared quickly "in time of need"
or we have one wannabe troll under two nicks, would not be surprized
Love you say, for whom "Mind = Soul", my my...and what did he/you give
but mess and confusion. Interesting perspective on "love" you have  ;D
Accused me?
Vortex 22 et wlw,
Nous sommes deux personnes.

C'est pour cela que j'ai vous contacter pour se connaitre directement !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 26, 2022, 09:22:27 PM
Firstly, this is a relaxed-format forum, members are not only allowed but
encouraged to expand into various topics as long as polite and intelligent.

You failed at both and then some.

There is more relevance and value in any of my posts than your whole
delusional, idiotic ramble. You indeed have nothing to share on the topic.
Nothing but ignorance and confusion.

And if you thought you can do whatever you like, you are up for a cold shower.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on May 26, 2022, 10:58:57 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 26, 2022, 04:15:14 PM
You need exactly full bridge rectifier like shown in the schematic or avramenko plug!! And no transformer.
Maybe, later we can add it.

Be careful please

What size diodes would you suggest? I have no idea of the earth/water current.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 27, 2022, 08:24:25 AM
As I had mentioned to you already
Stefan makes builders boards available to members
So they can manage content at their topics !

He really has no time to babysit,and set this up so members
Can minimize need for administrator interventions!

Yes there are times when persons just spam or post
Redundant nonsense
Or violations of terms of service ( yes this taking over a topic is such violation)

But no moderation or spot moderation,typically violators get benched!

Your friend here does not really want his own board ,or he would have started
It long ago
He is really  just wanting to fight with you it seems !
And perhaps also the benefit ( in his mind) of thinking he makes a mess of forum!

Has happened many times before !

Once administrator gets called ,it's bench time !

If persona is really interested in helping humanity and sharing
They will start their own topic and share an experiment, for replication!

A true FE anomaly ...open sourced ..would be wholeheartedly supported!
Today would be a good time to start (now)

Chet K
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 27, 2022, 10:05:14 AM
As mentioned,if your passion is to teach

Please start your own school ( thread here or elsewhere),a complaint has been filed by OP

If your experiments can be replicated and found to be unusual
They should stand on their own !

Or if you've become bored with this game ?
And it's only fun to love the battle?

That's now "your call "

I will not rush to pester Stefan (some time later today

hope you decide to teach whatever it is you battle over ( in a dedicated board)

In this open source venue ( and others) there are thousands who have experimented
And always were frustrated by lack of real results!

Of course many made measurement errors and claimed short lived success until
It was found to be in error!

That being said ...there are "some" who feel they are onto a gain ( self running ..no batteries (not included)
But we shall see ( if they too are harvesting from grid or ? Unaware ?

Experimenters have become much better at finding their errors and many don't
Like wasting others time.... Until they find something which seems to hold promise

Self running or minuscule input with huge output?

If you want to change the world
"Be that change "

Teach !!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 10:50:07 AM

Exactly, he doesn't want to help but to confuse and distract, like you say,
spamming with redundant nonsense, trying to take over the thread,
clearly in violation of TOS.

Stefan has been notified, further actions will be taken as needed.


Your story is full of holes, but i don't care. I just don't want my
thread infested with filth.

Success stories are always welcome when they are shared with some
minimum degree of decency and clarity, but when it is but a
self exalting patronizing pile of drivel, then we got a problem.

As for charge cap with voltage only (from the ground), what are you
parroting about, that idea is as old as Tesla's radiant energy patent
that is the basic premise of all we are talking about, how many videos
i shared doing exactly that (not just hot air like you two).

Here is one again, 1100W straight from the ground, load is insulated
by the transformers, there is no possibility of closing the circuit
(bypassing the meter), just radiant energy. Wall voltage is only
a source of information, nothing more. As guy says in Russian,
it is a different kind of energy, high frequency, white light...


If YOU can't see the value in THAT, yo have no business being here discussing FE/OU.

As for kindness, FIRST RULE of kindness is NOT to have a condescending,
arrogant attitude you two (or one) had since the beginning.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 27, 2022, 11:09:47 AM
Nix has asked multiple times
That part is done ( terms you signed to join here)

If you have something to share
Start your own topic !
Draw a diagram of your experiment and results ( not someone else's )

Without independent replication it is of no value to anyone
You tube has literally millions of such unverified claims ,and for very
Good reason !!

If you leave topic ( or start your own ?)
I will not bother admin

That being said
Nix has reached out with complaints
It may already be ....?

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 11:21:44 AM
You are not upsetting me with your words, in fact, i like your mess
in a certain way, reminds me of a wild animal, you know, wild nature... ; )

As for your claim, anyone can make a claim behind a fake name,
if you charged a cap with no current why the secrecy, is it hard
to film the experiment and upload it to youtube.

Guy i just linked again who takes 1100W from the ground not only shared it
openly but did so using his real name which is Dmitriy Bozhok (Дмитрий Божок).

See, when people tell the truth, they have no reason to hide.

Of course, you're gonna "justify" in x number of ways why you "can't show it".

And no, i don't want you to leave, but i do want you take a more transparent
scientific approach instead of the usual mess and misinfo like "no flux in the center
of the magnet" and all the rest.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 27, 2022, 12:44:20 PM
https://overunity.com/19129/capacitor-electrons-captor-from-don-smith-tesla/msg567447/#new (https://overunity.com/19129/capacitor-electrons-captor-from-don-smith-tesla/msg567447/#new)

Here a new thread
Chet K
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 01:36:09 PM
Why am i not surprized he (she) runs for the door when asked to back up his (her) claim.

Nothing new under the sun :P
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 02:18:32 PM
Something valuable, for those not having a scope who don't wanna invest 200+ $
to get one, you already have one, in your PC.

Download https://zeitnitz.eu/scope_en

It's simple to use, it's got all the basic functions including cursors, automatic
peak freq. detection, signal generator and is free.

You can adjust the time and voltage base for two channels, you will probably
just use one so you can turn the other one off (checkbox top right).

Your card can 'see' at least up to 20KHz, probably few KHz more. My can see
signals up to 24KHz, maybe even more. In fact sound card is not frequency
limited but sampling rate frequency limited, so it can see even higher
but there are just too few datapoints and waveform becomes unusable.

Below is a screenshot of signal captured by mic put in front of TV while playing
a tone from a frequency generator.


The signals for the oscilloscope can be internal to the computer (MP3 player, function generator etc.) or from external sources (line-in, microphone). For external sources care has to be taken, not to exceed the voltage range of the inputs. The range is usually only ±0.7V !! If higher voltage need to be analyzed, a voltage divider has to be used. Additional protection diodes are recommended in order to avoid any damage to the sound card and to the computer.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 27, 2022, 03:09:59 PM
At least you should delete my account WhatsApp number?

When you have nothing against me? Ok
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 03:26:03 PM
Assuming that is really your number...
You want to "help" people, right, now they can reach you
for "help". You should thank me.

I sure don't have anything against you, i was not the one who
started sharing private messages. You have no right to complain.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Paul-R on May 27, 2022, 03:36:46 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 02:18:32 PM
Something valuable, for those not having a scope who don't wanna invest 200+ $
to get one, you already have one, in your PC.

Download https://zeitnitz.eu/scope_en (https://zeitnitz.eu/scope_en)

It's simple to use, it's got all the basic functions including cursors, automatic
peak freq. detection, signal generator and is free.

This, and Winscope are very interesting but you needs to be careful about the signal or you might blow your sound card.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 03:45:38 PM
Quote from: Paul-R on May 27, 2022, 03:36:46 PM
This, and Winscope are very interesting but you needs to be careful about the signal or you might blow your sound card.

I know! Just before i saw your post i added above the paragraph explaining that.
Whole day i been looking into this, how much V exactly can AUX mic input take,
in short ±0.7, presumably this is RMS, that would mean around 2 Vptp, add a 2-3,000
Ohm resistor in series with the coil. Start with larger distance.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 27, 2022, 04:06:26 PM
Quote from: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 03:26:03 PM
Assuming that is really your number...
You want to "help" people, right, now they can reach you
for "help". You should thank me.

I sure don't have anything against you, i was not the one who
started sharing private messages. You have no right to complain.
I recommend you to read the bible
Because you are very busy with the devil magnetism teaching !!!
Holy Moses
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 04:17:02 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 27, 2022, 04:06:26 PM
I recommend you to read the bible
Because you are very busy with the devil magnetism teaching !!!
Holy Moses

I read the Bible probably before you learned to read.
Satanists inverts things, so no wonder you call magnetism "devil".
As for Moses, you use His name and you know not even who he was.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 27, 2022, 04:32:37 PM
That magnetic field topology, desperately you are looking for are used by satanists, in this life and after death... so there minds will survive after physical death to prevent the natural order using this energy input !!! Jesus Christ

I pray God to forget everything I know about this technology !!
You have no idea.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 04:51:52 PM
You were given your own thread to spew your lunatic drivel.

You are ignorant beyond any measure.

Get lost or mods will be notified to take measures.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on May 27, 2022, 05:18:07 PM
I think you should get moderation rights to your topic

While the conversation does take some wild turns ...
Might be better that you manage your board?

So our host doesn't have to be given daily work ?

Chet K

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 05:31:20 PM
Seems that would be the best solution.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on May 28, 2022, 06:48:00 AM

Mr. Nix85,Is it true? >:(
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 28, 2022, 11:21:26 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 27, 2022, 10:50:07 AM

Exactly, he doesn't want to help but to confuse and distract, like you say,
spamming with redundant nonsense, trying to take over the thread,
clearly in violation of TOS.

Stefan has been notified, further actions will be taken as needed.


Your story is full of holes, but i don't care. I just don't want my
thread infested with filth.

Success stories are always welcome when they are shared with some
minimum degree of decency and clarity, but when it is but a
self exalting patronizing pile of drivel, then we got a problem.

As for charge cap with voltage only (from the ground), what are you
parroting about, that idea is as old as Tesla's radiant energy patent
that is the basic premise of all we are talking about, how many videos
i shared doing exactly that (not just hot air like you two).

Here is one again, 1100W straight from the ground, load is insulated
by the transformers, there is no possibility of closing the circuit
(bypassing the meter), just radiant energy. Wall voltage is only
a source of information, nothing more. As guy says in Russian,
it is a different kind of energy, high frequency, white light...


If YOU can't see the value in THAT, yo have no business being here discussing FE/OU.

As for kindness, FIRST RULE of kindness is NOT to have a condescending,
arrogant attitude you two (or one) had since the beginning.
Jesus Christ
You admit it !!! The idea of charging the Capacitor from what ever ground... Works perfect !!! My God help me
But you don't want to discuss it?
You prefer to hear it from a YouTube Russian guy? Is that you or just a friend!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 28, 2022, 11:47:06 AM
If you would be so kind to delete my WhatsApp account number? Since the discussion is over.

I will contact the admin to report this, because you have no reason to do this.
This is truly a violation of terms services
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 28, 2022, 01:21:16 PM
Quote from: pix on May 28, 2022, 06:48:00 AM
Mr. Nix85,Is it true? >:(

I see you're up wannabe troll's ass. He is playing a victim now altho he violated
the TOS first when he shared my private message.

AFTER which i shared his i was convinced that's fake stuff and very possibly it is,
Stefan will delete it, ramset has already contacted him about it. You double standard #$/(#.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 28, 2022, 01:32:51 PM
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 28, 2022, 11:21:26 AM
Jesus Christ
You admit it !!! The idea of charging the Capacitor from what ever ground... Works perfect !!! My God help me
But you don't want to discuss it?
You prefer to hear it from a YouTube Russian guy? Is that you or just a friend!

You clown, for years we here have been discussing capturing electrons from the ground
in x ways and now you rant as if it's your idea. Charging a cap between air and ground
goes back to Tesla if not before.....

Russian guy is pulling 1100W from the ground and it works perfect,
you have a problem with that don't you.

If you have a better way share it, film it like he did, TRANSPARENTLY,
instead of vague claims, nothing but hot air.

And there is no my God and your God, there is one God.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Vortex 22 on May 28, 2022, 05:26:14 PM
Maybe, you don't understand Tesla? Where is the diodes in the patent?

My simple circuit works very well like I claim
Because I have tested It and see it working in my own eyes!!!

Maybe later, I will apply for best FE device prize !!!
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on May 28, 2022, 05:55:29 PM
Who said you need diodes, you said charging

cap from the ground, that is EXACTLY what Tesla did,

who does not understand Tesla..

"Genius", hot air don't cut it anymore, show up or shush up.

Empty claims are very cheap these days

Oh you can't cause you'll "apply for best FE device prize", i seeee ;D

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: vohka on November 13, 2022, 11:21:02 AM
Quote from: nix85 on April 21, 2022, 08:50:49 PM
No worries ofc, i know you had good intentions.

Nothing to back up of your claim of success, why am i not surprised :)

I wasn't asking for anything and i don't care about the parallel sg cause it's not needed, i just said i noticed the combined resonance issue, resonance of coils being affected by the other. Guy says it in the video below

"some people remove the primary while still in the secondary as that can also affect things I find it to be negligible though altering by one and a half kilohertz at the most"


But if one is much narrower than the other and thus "sees" the core much less its resonant freq. is barely affected by the core if at all, by sliding the core one can find a sweet spot where they ring. So tuning is not an issue.

By Zila's simple copper tube circuit i assume you mean the one below. There is no tuning in this circuit at all. She just fired DC pulses from NST. I tried that one quickly for fun the other day with steel tube cause i don't have a copper one, bulb did not light at all, even when i added a neodymium. I like that one cause it reminds me of Markovich ATREE but it's too simplistic. Tubes are essential when it comes to polarizing etheric streams gravity-control related, but for resonant-radiant-sink they are not needed at all.

I would not be surprised if most people who replicated Don were HAMs, but then again, there is absolutely no need to be one to do it, of course, knowledge of impedance matching, standing waves, velocity factor etc.... all may come handy especially if you use the air core and resonate in hundreds of MHz region instead of ~30KHz.

The other day i got quite high voltage on the secondary and got to light the 200W bulb to i'd say about 40W, approximately the same as ZVS is using. So tuning was not perfect and there were some things missing. I am now at totally different setup.

Nice touch of subtle sarcasm there, indeed there is only light.

Still waiting to see your "success" video :)


I build zilano pipe thing,it but this stuf but dont work. I have 50 turns 1mm2 on the 12mm diameter coper tube. 100W bulb or neon led dont light up.
Did enybody replicated it. Eny sugestions.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ne0 on December 11, 2022, 12:38:01 AM
Quote from: vohka on November 13, 2022, 11:21:02 AM
I build zilano pipe thing,it but this stuf but dont work. I have 50 turns 1mm2 on the 12mm diameter coper tube. 100W bulb or neon led dont light up.
Did enybody replicated it. Eny sugestions.


Of course it does not, she probably lied, many things she said she pulled out of you know where just
making claims based on how she feels it should be. Not saying she did not replicate Don's step down
device, that's another thing.

These things are extremely delicate. ATREE is a good example, no one ever replicated it, at least not
publicly. Yet Markovich was supposedly getting kilowatts out of it. How, same design. But it's not the
same, devil is in the detail.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on January 28, 2023, 10:11:28 AM
Sir whitelightningWizard


Is AIR fuel better than WATER fuel?
I think so.

Why not put a JoeCell on a car and get yourself an air motor? no fuel, not even water.

Once you know the possibilities, Stan Meyer stuff is not so impressive anymore.

Maybe I don't belong here??? Is freedom of speech a thing of the past?

End quote

You did write of an air motor and joes cell
I suppose running a car ?

Please more details ?
Can a new topic be started ?( there are sections here which are actively moderated by builders
That could host topic )

Chet K
On another note
David Bowling very recently shared  some experiments  with electricity ,
He also feels there is something to learn ( or teach ?
The world desperately needs solutions!
https://youtu.be/S37GGRIv_Fg (https://youtu.be/S37GGRIv_Fg)
Been sending David's link around to try and understand it ,
A new topic will also hopefully be started ( once someone can explain!)
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: tomd on February 02, 2023, 06:50:21 PM
Quote from: antimagnetic on February 01, 2023, 10:32:44 PM
Most or all here (hopefully) understand how transformer works, primary magnetizes the core, if secondary is unloaded this magnetizing current is small and almost 90° out of phase with voltage, those few degrees offset from 90° are due to losses which are circa 1-5% of full load power. Of course when secondary is loaded it generates the counter flux due to lenz which demagnetizes the core and thus inductance of the primary suddenly drops and consequently inductive reactance across the primary which makes current in the primary to skyrocket 'trying' to get the flux back to previous value which it never fully manages so no load flux is maximum and full load flux is slightly lower. This skyrocketing of current in the primary due to lenz of the secondary is expressed as Ia=Ve-Eb/Zs Ia is of course current in the primary, Ve source voltage, Eb voltage across the inductance of the primary and Zs impedance aka complex resistance.

This was just a little recap on working of a transformer, conventional stuff. Now, with that out of the way, consider this...some food for thought.

Let's establish the facts we can all agree on, if someone disagrees, feel free to say it.

So called magnetizing current is tiny compared to load current.

Circa 1-5% of full load power is enough to establish max flux in the core.

Point is energy stored in the core is proportional to flux.

(Also power transferred through a transformer is flux times frequency but that's not the point now)

In other words, 1-5% of full load power input creates full potential energy in the core.

It is quite obvious form this that every transformer operated in flyback mode should be OU.

But practice shows it's usually not as simple as that. It is important to understand exactly why.

Let make it absolutely clear to remove any doubt that

1) Flux in the core is is max in no load state

2) Max flux at same frequency means max potential energy

BackEMF is often claimed to be source of OU.

Also, with high perm cores even smaller current (and power) is needed to generate large flux so those cores operated in flyback mode should be many many times OU and, of course, they can be tamed that way, but it's usually not as simple

This should be cleared up. If someone sees a flaw in my logic, i'd like to hear, but i don't see any.

There is absolutely no doubt that max flux in the core at same frequency means max potential energy.

And this max potential energy is generated with 1-5% of full load power.

Why then, if we magnetize the core and then turn off the source and use the collapsing field to run the load, should not that collapsing field energy be what it is, a full-load energy.


Something like this?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on February 04, 2023, 11:00:34 AM
Mr Wizard
Personally I was always interested in the joe cell claims
I remember Panacea bocaff and Ashweth in Australia
Writing about this yeas ago,
Haven't spoken to Ash in ages!

I will ask about joe cell topics here ( I never seem to have success searching topics here)
Thanks for responding !

We need all the help we can get
Regardless how strange it may seem!

I know there were discussions here on Joe cell !
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: ramset on February 04, 2023, 04:19:04 PM

Mr.Wizard How's this one ?
https://overunity.com/1841/joe-cell-successful-replication/ (https://overunity.com/1841/joe-cell-successful-replication/)

Apparently I have not been using search engine properly !

To those unfamiliar
http://rexresearch.com/joecell/joecell1.htm (http://rexresearch.com/joecell/joecell1.htm)
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on February 12, 2023, 03:09:25 PM
My blog has been updated.

Subjects covered


More coming

VRILYA DHARMA - homepage, sums up the essential rare information collected from variety of credible occult sources.

Learn that there are in fact 3 speeds of light, how 6 axis of time create 3D space, what is ether, gravity and much more.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: alan on February 14, 2023, 07:28:49 AM
Quote from: nix85 on May 28, 2022, 01:32:51 PM
You clown, for years we here have been discussing capturing electrons from the ground
in x ways and now you rant as if it's your idea. Charging a cap between air and ground
goes back to Tesla if not before.....

Russian guy is pulling 1100W from the ground and it works perfect,
you have a problem with that don't you.

If you have a better way share it, film it like he did, TRANSPARENTLY,
instead of vague claims, nothing but hot air.

And there is no my God and your God, there is one God.
interesting picture. Those rays are radiant energy, is curl-free vector potential fluxflow the same? Figuera and MEG create a changing 'net zero' unidirectional flux flow inside a coil.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on February 14, 2023, 10:11:10 AM
Quote from: alan on February 14, 2023, 07:28:49 AM
interesting picture. Those rays are radiant energy, is curl-free vector potential fluxflow the same? Figuera and MEG create a changing 'net zero' unidirectional flux flow inside a coil.

Of course they are radiant energy, what else would they be. Altho Tesla deisgned his system to trap both radiant energy and herzian waves and electrons as well.

As for Vector potential, i spoke about it many times around here, obviously, A field is not the same as B field, according to Rick Andersen as electron moves through the ether it creates toroidal vortices in it, and what we see as the magnetic (B) field are the axis of rotation of these etheric toroids/smokerings. Those toroids are the elusive A field that is completely unknown to the mainstream, like a link between mainstream science and Science with a capital S.


This elusive A field is the Aharonov–Bohm effect i spoke about here so many times and it is this subtle side of magnetism that is akin to subtle side of induction discovered by Henry


and "motional electric field" of Hooper and Sweet and gravity itself..... I wrote many times here, all that exists really are modifications of spatial currents Rota called Universal Currents of which he counted 361 and knew each by it's timbre. This is beautifully described in Etidorhpa

"All materials known to man are of coarse texture, and the minds of men are not yet in a condition to comprehend finer exhibitions of force, or of motion modifications. Pure energy, in all its modifications, is absolutely unknown to man. What men call heat, gravitation, light, electricity, and magnetism are the grosser attributes attending alterations in an unknown, attenuated, highly developed force producer. They are results, not causes. The real force, an unreached energy, is now flooding all space, pervading all materials. Everywhere there exists an infinite sea of motion absolute. Since this primeval entity can not now affect matter, as matter is known to man, man's sense can only be influenced by secondary attributes of this energy. Unconscious of its all-pervading presence, however, man is working towards the power that will some day, upon the development of latent senses, open to him this new world. Then at last he will move without muscular exertion, or the use of heat as an agent of motion, and will, as I am now doing, bridle the motion of space. Wherever he may be situated, there will then be warmth to any degree that he wishes, for he will be able to temper the seasons, and mass motion illimitable, also, for this energy, I reiterate, is omnipresent."

More about Universal Currents and great Rota's work


No, Figuera and MEG do not create a "changing 'net zero' unidirectional flux flow inside a coil."

Firstly, i would not put them in same category since MEG is switching the flux of a permanent magnet inside a transformer core, very much like Flynn's patent while Figuera is not using permanent magnets but electromagnets, despite NS designations in the patent, as it has been suggested, he is most likely using poles in opposition and sweeping them side to side. So default state in Figuera generator is most likely two poles in repulsion, so there is equal balance of opposite fluxes in the core, 0V, then he sweeps this let's call it netural zone where polarity changes side to side so coil sees more flux in one direction, then in another. Apparently, there may be lenz reduction this way. Bearden tries to explain MEG in terms of Aharonov–Bohm effect which is fine as one perspective, but fact is it is primarily a flux switching device akin to Flynn.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: alan on February 14, 2023, 02:06:47 PM
Good info! 

The devices of Figuera, Bearden (MEG) and Don Smith are very similar: 

This is according to my understanding: 
MEG is not a flux gating device! JLN is wrong. The magnet saturates the core, confines all curled A-vp inside the core, and the pulser coil is in the same direction as the flux of the PM, the coil creates a pulse on top of the PM flux to create the E=-dA/dt around the coil which is curl free. E=-dA/dt is done away with by the Lorenz gauge. I guess motional induction is used and transformer flux-linking induction is not occurring. 

The 2 outer coil of the Figuera device are in the same direction too, to create the curl-free A space (guess), and the imbalance in magnetic intensity creates a flux flow similar to the pulse in the meg, again motional induction is occurring. The 2 coils are harmonic, for instance  N(t) + S(t) = 1, N goes from 0 to 1 (Linear or as step pulses, dunno), S goes from 1 to 0. If N = 0,8, then S=0,2, constantly changing but the direction stays the same. 

Don, 2 partnered coils equal and opposite, primary creates a uniplar flux pulse inside both coils and they keep working against each other when the pulse goes off.

I see it like this analogy: Current is a rock, A-potential is the water, and B are the ripples in the water when a rock is thrown in. B = curl of the A smoke ring
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on February 14, 2023, 07:41:18 PM
It is and it did not come easy, it is a result of years of relentless digging and correlating.

I would disagree Figuera's device and "Bearden's" MEG use same principle, BTW MEG is if you read PJKelly's book actually The Motionless Generators of Kelichiro Asaoka and it is a flux gating device, i mean the inventor himself clearly says it.


Like i said, for Figuera i believe he used two poles in opposition sliding left and right.

You start with a premise that A field is confined inside the core, but it is only B field that is confined in the core, A field radiates outward parallel with the coil turns. If you open the already linked article, you will see the figure 6 how A field radiates outside the coil even when B field is totally enclosed in it.


You then talk of bucking coils creating a unipolar flux. Firstly when coils are bucking, A fields are bucking as well, it is this cancelation of lower and higher order fields that is the principle of creation. This is how gravity fields aka life are created on all scales.

As i write on the blog under SIX AXIS OF TIME

"God/Self first imagines an infinite set of vibrations of infinite frequency and amplitude, then God/Self cancels those vibrations with interference, by opposing them with same set of vibrations but 180° out of phase along the 6 axis of time, giving them structure and creating the infinite, rotating 3D forcefield, a mechanism that enables nothing to be."

It is this destructive interference, this clash of the exact opposites that literally creates time-space and all life in it.

Also keep in mind when coils are not totally overlapping, such 'bucking' will only partially cancel out the fields.

Coils, that is, secondary LC tanks may be tuned at same frequency, harmonics, or neither.

But Don did not always use bucking coils and Don's Chinese replication did not use bucking coils, they are not necessary to get overunity, i spoke already about it here.

Quote from: nix85 on April 22, 2022, 01:37:08 PM
forest you are referring to saltycitrus replication, it was actually a group of people in China who replicated Don. Salty said adjusting the phase was the key to their success, presumably he meant delayed lenz. He used both secondaries in same direction proving there is no need for CW CCW. There is more on it in PJ Kelly's book. Here is the vid.


So, you do not need bucking coils and you do not need to worry about the A field.

It all comes down to switching flux (B) effortlessly.

This can be done mechanically or solid state.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on February 14, 2023, 10:36:55 PM
And another flux switching overunity transformer patent


Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Feb2006 on April 22, 2023, 07:05:41 PM
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/366001427_The_high-power_devices_of_Don_Smith (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/366001427_The_high-power_devices_of_Don_Smith)
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: truesearch on April 22, 2023, 08:35:13 PM

QuoteAnd another flux switching overunity transformer patent

That looks pretty simple . . . surely someone here has tried it out?
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: pix on April 24, 2023, 05:08:07 AM
Quote from: truesearch on April 22, 2023, 08:35:13 PM


That looks pretty simple . . . surely someone here has tried it out?

It may only work in flygack mode + introduced air gaps.

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on June 30, 2023, 08:55:46 PM
There is no need for airgaps. Many overunity transformers prove this.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: Atti2 on July 01, 2023, 05:57:13 AM
Quote from: nix85 on February 14, 2023, 10:36:55 PM
And another flux switching overunity transformer patent


Just because it is patented does not guarantee that it works. If you look closely, a similar method is the Bulgarian M.E.G. device.
But in the same system by examining the layout.
Here you can see:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C3ggXDkTSw

Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: nix85 on July 01, 2023, 06:19:23 AM
Quote from: Atti2 on July 01, 2023, 05:57:13 AM

Just because it is patented does not guarantee that it works. If you look closely, a similar method is the Bulgarian M.E.G. device.
But in the same system by examining the layout.
Here you can see:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C3ggXDkTSw



Obviously just cause it's patented does not guarantee that it works, i say that myself. But when multiple people patent very similar method then rest assured there is something to it.

And i know very well it's similar to MEG, but this patent is from 1992. and Tom Bearden's MEG patent is from 2002. (https://patents.google.com/patent/US6362718B1/en)

And it's also similar to Flynn's transformers (https://patents.google.com/patent/US6246561B1/en) i also mentioned many times, patented in 1999.
Title: Re: Just another Don Smith thread
Post by: alan on July 03, 2023, 07:35:15 AM
Been reading again but more attentively: So Don Smith is yet another inventor that uses motional induction by magnetic waves and the Heaviside non-diverged energy flow. Magnetic waves, that's why I thought Figuera needs N growing and S shrinking, and that the MEG is not a flux gater even though all texts seem to point to that, flux gating doesn't need high dA/dt by sharp input pulses, the waves in the same direction of the PM flux do need it, disruptive discharge can be useful for extreme high d/dt, that was the purpose of it. Flux switching has a natural time constant.