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The Master Of Magnetics "Steven Mark"

Started by Mannix, January 30, 2006, 06:18:53 PM

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Quote from: otto on September 21, 2006, 10:39:04 AM
In my earlier post I said that my TPU has 3 horizontally coils and one coil wound vertically through the donut.
Yesterday I wound an additional coil horizontally around the TPU and connected the pulsing transistor...

What happened?

In the first moment the voltage goes up to 500V and then every second 1V up to 1100VDC!! The AC I cannot measure. As I have no compass I stole from my wife a needle. I magnetized it and it always hangs over the TPU. This needle was "sleeping" until now. At low frequencies 1-10Hz this needle is jumping up and down and that means, I have a rotating magnetic field. Every change in the frequency changes the current through the coil and the magnetic field is weaker or stronger. Now I can "see" this field! In one moment the magnetic field goes to heaven and when I change the frequency the field goes to the earth. In this way I can totally control the magnetic field!
My setup works at a frequency of 4-6kHz (remember, no scope)
The meters on my power supply shows +12V and a little current. My function generator is set at 1VDC output and can handle only low crrents.
Last night I was playing with my TPU and trying to get better results.
I have a large capacitor (4microfarad/430V) connected from the minus to the ~leg of my bridge rectifier. To get more power I changed the capacitor with a 10 mikrofarad/100V. What happened? I had no time to look to the meters because I had every 1 second a loud bang from the capacitor! All the electronics didn?t notice this. Of course I changed the cap again. What is the current to destroy a capacitor? In kV!!

While I was working on the TPU I touched one leg of the rectifier. WOW! In this little piece of copper is so much energy stored that I will never forget this. Then I understood: the coil builts up the energy slowly (1 second) but releases it very, very fast. Like a very large electrolyt. In this moment I?am thinking of Tesla (genius) and his device to capture energy from the environment. With his plate he grabbs the energy and with a condenser stores it and then discharges very quickly into a load.
Meanwhile I noticed that my setup of the TPU is a horror!!!
As my monster showed me his power I took a faze probe (a little screwdriver with a little lamp in)(Probierstift) and saw that it lits on all 4 legs of the bridge rectifier and that means that the rectifier must be removed!
The transistor is wrong! I need a transistor with a high B and this is a MPSU transistor with B = 10000 and then connect him to a transistor that can handle hundreds of volts.
The control coil could be longer and the wire 0,5mm ....

I think you have enough for today.
Please excuse me if I was boring you but I only want you to help a little if I can.

P.S. I hope I figured ot how to post my shematic!


After re-reading your post I was wondering about the 4th collector coil you installed, is that wrapped around all of the coils including the control coil? To help clarify

As I understand it you wrapped the coax wire in 3 sections or coils with cork spacers, see below.....


then wrapped the control vertically around a section of the dougnut

Was the 4th collector then wrapped horizontially around all coils?

Also you mentioned conecting the collector of the power transistor to the 4th collector coil as well as the control coil, is this accurate? do yo think this is providing a feedback loop of sorts? where did the other end of the coil connect to?

I was also thinking about the capacitor issue, have you tried connecting it accross the + and - terminals of the bridge rectifier? has it failed in this configuration also? If it was an electrolytic, the AC component would cause it to fail (blow up) and/or vent the gas produced by the electrolytic.  Make sure the electrolytic is rated at least as high as the DC component otherwise it will fail again. you can series connect them to increase the voltage rating (this effectively halves the value of the capacitance if both are equal value though) or put them in parallel to increase the capacitance value.

I hope this was of some help. I am looking forward to further posts regarding your testing.




Hi Otto,
you probably only need to have freewheel diodes ("Freilaufdioden") across your coils,
so you don?t burn up your transistors.
Just press the REPLY button under the last post on the page at the right side and
then opens up a new window with an Attach:
formular, where you can attach a file from your harddisk.

Otto, we would like to know how your device looks like and then we can help
you to get it better and safer.

Pay attention with big caps, when you rectify high voltages and store them
in big caps you can get killed, if you touch a 400 Volts DC charge 1 uF cap !

I once touched accidently a 2000 Volts DC source and it did throw
me across the table ! ;)

P.S: If youi have posting problems then first type all the text into the Notepad editor
and save the file on your Harddisk and then copy and paste into the Reply formular
over here.
Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


what was your wrong setup and how do you think is now the right setup ?
Do you have a schematic or a picture for it ?
Stefan Hartmann, Moderator of the overunity.com forum


WOW!! Everyone here has been extremely busy I can tell. As it has only been a little over a day and I had already fallen 10 pages behind! Well, please bear with me here, I am responding to posts from everyone over the last day so this is pretty long.

Quote from: hartiberlin on September 20, 2006, 03:29:05 AM
Hi Jason,
nice experiment.

Can you try to measure, if the output wattage is higher than the input wattage
in your circuit ?

Maybe put in series with the function-pulse-generator a 10 Ohm resistor, so you can measure
the current from the function-pulse-generator into the circuit.
Maybe you will find a frequency, where you have more output than input power ?

Many thanks for this interesting experiment.

I have considered electrostatic coupling to be partially to blame for this effect but in my best experiment I was able to produce 35mA at about 70VDC using a small 1:1 transformer. I hooked the hot wire from the function generator (set at 20V) onto one side of the primary, and I connected the ground wire of the secondary to one side of the secondary coil so that there would essentially be no current flow from the function generator. (It still worked without connecting the ground wire at all though). I then ran wires from the secondary coil to a bridge rectifier. For this particular circuit, I didn?t have the cap hooked up but it would easily light LEDs.

There was one other factor I haven?t mentioned that gave me this kind of output. I stuck a 1? x 1? x 0.5? SmCo magnet up against the side of the transformer which seemed to almost double the kicks that appeared on the secondary side of the transformer! Before using the magnet, I was getting something like 35VDC at 11mA max. The only problem is that the same magnet didn?t seem to work on any of the other transformers that I tried it with so I am wondering if it is genuinely causing the amplification of the signal I?m inputting or if it is just affecting the permeability of the core which was doing it. BTW, this was not a toroidal transformer; it was one of those small ferrite cylindrical ones where the coils are completely enclosed inside the middle of it.

When I tried the same experiment with some miscellaneous toroidal transformers I had found, the magnet just seemed to choke the signal rather than amplifying it. HOWEVER, I must say that I didn?t spend a lot of time playing with the magnet so it could be a simple matter of finding the right frequency that works with it. One thing is for sure, the magnet under the right conditions is definitely doing something good to the circuit.

As soon as I get the chance, I?ll post a diagram of my setup and specs as well as some photos of what I did.


VERY Nice controller circuit! I have been asking around for a while now trying to figure out how to create the 90 degree phase shift to run the rotating magnetic fields. After seeing your circuit diagram, I immediately went out and got all the needed electronic components to make your controller. What is the operating frequency range of your setup? Any idea how much power it draws from the battery to run?

About the kicks you are observing; as far as I understand, they are electrostatic in nature and occur when you tap the leads because the electric field that abruptly appears in the wire gives the electrons an abrupt ?kick? which makes the big spikes. But if you think about this, that is the power that we are looking for. Tesla experimented with this very effect with his spark gap experiments. The abrupt starting and stopping of the circuit is the key here. And from my experiments, I realized that I didn?t even need to input any current into the circuit to create the spikes. Anyone can see this simply by taking a simple coil, hooking a scope probe to one end and tapping the other end on the positive terminal of a battery. The voltage spikes I?ve gotten from doing that have always been way over the range of the screen! So if you use? say a MOSFET and switch a battery in and out of the circuit into a coil (not draining the battery just switching the voltage potential on and off), then you can actually create an oscillation in the coil at the right frequency. And in the case of my 1:1 transformer, for some weird reason, at the sweet spot, the voltage on the primary could be amplified up to 4 times on the secondary. Though the current output on the secondary may be quite small, the fact that there is any current at all when I am not inputting any current is an interesting effect in itself.

Quote from: ctglabs on September 20, 2006, 12:00:25 PM

I have tried to perform a simlar test as you.  I have tested a torroid with another coil rapped around it at 90 degrees.  Then I have tested sine and square waves.  I am surprised to find that square waves can induce a perfect sinewave in the second coil, but a sine wave on the input just makes a small mess on the output.  Also I have only few turns on the output, yet I can measure better voltage than the input.

I have tested the output by loading with 1ohm/5watt non-inductive resistor, the results can be seen below.  By the way, I forgot to test with input ground floating, will try that later!

For better tests I will need to build a square wave pulse circuit at the resonant frequency (determinded by scope sweep), then I can run off a battery and measure DC power used on the INPUT to I can compare easier.

Please note the input signal is in RED, the output in BLUE.

(note- first pic should say unloaded, not inloaded)



Hi Dave,

Great! I?m glad to know that someone else is getting the positive results that I have been seeing. I can give you some more tips for finding the ?sweet spot? for your coil. As you sweep through the frequencies with the square wave, you will notice that after a while, the square wave itself will turn into a sine wave at a high enough frequency (usually up in the 100?s of MHz though). But right around that time, is when I have seen the output voltages jump up to 4 times as high as the input. By the way, what kind of square wave are you using? A 0 DC offset wave or some other value? And what was the frequency you pulsed it with?

Quote from: hartiberlin on September 20, 2006, 01:06:53 PM
Quote from: ctglabs on September 19, 2006, 10:19:07 AM
I would love to see a video about the compass spin up inside the center..

Hey Stefan,

I would love to see that video too, but I have found a video about Tesla on Google and in one scene 15 minutes into it. They show an exhibit where a small polyphase generator is turned by hand which feeds the current into one of Tesla?s toroidal stators. It has a big compass needle in the center and when they rotate the generator, you can see the rotating magnetic field make the compass needle spin:


Quote from: -[marco]- on September 20, 2006, 03:37:40 PM
i think of it's kinda frequenty switch

but i could be totally wrong here just "spinning" my mind.

greets marco

Marco, I think you might be onto something here  :). Even if what we are seeing from the videos is just an optical illusion, having the asymmetric geometry could definitely work in our favor. Think ?frequency slamming? The rotating ?globs? of pulses in the device can get more and less concentrated as they circulate. This could simply help to enhance the interference of the frequencies.

Quote from: PaulLowrance on September 20, 2006, 07:14:46 PM
For now we can only have theories about Steven Mark's device. Regardless where it gets the energy from there will always be heat generated by the current in the wires.

If I had but one request for legitimate "free energy" device inventors it would be the following ->

Please, could you please just get a simple 50 cent thermistor. All you need is connect the thermistor to a scope or multimeter. I have a $10 digital multimeter and a cheap thermistor that can measure temperate changes of just 10mW in a 3" iron toroid. In other words, if there is just 10 mW of energy being removed/added from/to the 3" iron toroid then I can sense it.

The thermistor only needs to make contact with the magnetic material. You can test both the PM or core in any experiment.

Hey, this request is on my Christmas list. :)

Paul Lowrance

Hi Paul,

My multimeter can measure temperature with the probes. The next time I do some tests with my transformer, I will measure it to see if there are any changes in the temperature.

Quote from: otto on September 21, 2006, 10:39:04 AM
Hello all,

thanks Hartiberlin

I?am wrighting this post the 4th time (trouble with the network im my company)

Now please take your time and reed this:

In my earlier post I have described my setup of my TPU. After I burned a lot of BDX33C transistors I decided to use a TIP 151 transistor.With this transistor the output voltage rised to 470-480VDC or 880VAC! My meter on the power supply showed me +12V and almost no current. This I call resonance. The frequency was 70-80 kHz. Of course I can also see the harmonics. How? At resonance my meter shows me peak voltage and if I change the frequency at a lower or higher frequency I have again a peak voltage but not so high as in the resonant frequency.

What happened?

Lets see the values for the transistors:

BDX33C = NPN DARL.+DI, 100V, 10A, 70W, >200MHz, B>750
TIP 155 = NPN DARL.       350V,  7A,  80W, >10MHz , B>150

As you can see the difference is in the voltage and in B (current gain). Frequency is not critical. For myself that means that I have to find transistors with very high B and voltage.This is very important because with this transistors we have to build our 2 oscillators. How I know that there are 2 of them? In an earlier post I saw pictures of a TPU and I saw 2 oscillators (2 little coils, 2 yellow condensators 2 mikrofarad/2000V, 2 large electrolytes, resistors and one or two heatsinks for the transistors).

And now someting new:


What?s that??

In my earlier post I said that my TPU has 3 horizontally coils and one coil wound vertically through the donut.
Yesterday I wound an additional coil horizontally around the TPU and connected the pulsing transistor...

What happened?

In the first moment the voltage goes up to 500V and then every second 1V up to 1100VDC!! The AC I cannot measure. As I have no compass I stole from my wife a needle. I magnetized it and it always hangs over the TPU. This needle was "sleeping" until now. At low frequencies 1-10Hz this needle is jumping up and down and that means, I have a rotating magnetic field. Every change in the frequency changes the current through the coil and the magnetic field is weaker or stronger. Now I can "see" this field! In one moment the magnetic field goes to heaven and when I change the frequency the field goes to the earth. In this way I can totally control the magnetic field!
My setup works at a frequency of 4-6kHz (remember, no scope)
The meters on my power supply shows +12V and a little current. My function generator is set at 1VDC output and can handle only low crrents.
Last night I was playing with my TPU and trying to get better results.
I have a large capacitor (4microfarad/430V) connected from the minus to the ~leg of my bridge rectifier. To get more power I changed the capacitor with a 10 mikrofarad/100V. What happened? I had no time to look to the meters because I had every 1 second a loud bang from the capacitor! All the electronics didn?t notice this. Of course I changed the cap again. What is the current to destroy a capacitor? In kV!!

While I was working on the TPU I touched one leg of the rectifier. WOW! In this little piece of copper is so much energy stored that I will never forget this. Then I understood: the coil builts up the energy slowly (1 second) but releases it very, very fast. Like a very large electrolyt. In this moment I?am thinking of Tesla (genius) and his device to capture energy from the environment. With his plate he grabbs the energy and with a condenser stores it and then discharges very quickly into a load.
Meanwhile I noticed that my setup of the TPU is a horror!!!
As my monster showed me his power I took a faze probe (a little screwdriver with a little lamp in)(Probierstift) and saw that it lits on all 4 legs of the bridge rectifier and that means that the rectifier must be removed!
The transistor is wrong! I need a transistor with a high B and this is a MPSU transistor with B = 10000 and then connect him to a transistor that can handle hundreds of volts.
The control coil could be longer and the wire 0,5mm ....

I think you have enough for today.
Please excuse me if I was boring you but I only want you to help a little if I can.

P.S. I hope I figured ot how to post my shematic!


That is amazing results you are getting there! Please post some pictures and a circuit diagram of what you did. I would love to see if I can get the same results as you.

God Bless,
Jason O


Wow, this thread is moving along quite nicely. We finally have some builders in here. I have neglected for a long time, I got distracted after I started my own site I guess. Tao, it's come a long way since it was basically, you, me, and a few others working towards this. The thread is massive now. I'll go back through a bit and show some things we thought were important back in the day.

Here's the deal however. I see some frustration growing, and I can see why. Folks, if you want to know the basics of this thing it's all in this thread, right down to coil diagrams, and 3d renderings. What we have gathered from SMs posts, and what you are showing to be true via experimentation jives with what we theorized months ago. If any of this is a mystery go back into the thread a ways.

I'll post more in a bit.