Now I am going to set this up as an engineering project as a result I will not tell you how to build, construct, and/or design your projects if you so choose to make them. The idea is simple, to get as many different models as possible that all work. You will be shown where the power truly comes from and how everything works for the water fuel injector system, not the WFC in use with the gasous type injectors. Read them as a set of rules to follow, anyway you see fit on how to apply what you have read is up to you.
Again I stress that this is to be a engineering type project, the full build of the design shall come from the individual and/or teams that want to work together on it. And most important of all is to have fun ;D.
Thank you so much for starting this thread, your insight is greatly appreciated
Glad to see you here, Iv been reading your stuff for quite awhile.
Thanks, just doing what I can to spead the technology to as many as possible. I might have been away for a bit but I was very busy as everyone can see. Now everyone can see the math of Stanley Meyer's work for the first time, and it shows he did not break the laws of thermo dynamics in anyway, he just used the power of a lightining storm for the most part, and that needs no help from man.
I hope to see many working models from the information I provided and that the Energy Revolution begins to break the chains of energy enslavement that has gripped us all for far too long.
from what i have read of your explanations of stan meyer suppied by ramset on another thred, tell me if im correct, you are sayng that when you are capable of putting oxy in very high energy state that is all you need to seperate hydrogen and oxy(water) ? there is no need for water splitter injector? just the need for thermal heat spark?
does the energy balance (including ionization energy) show an excess of released energy?
or can the ionization of oxygen be 'free' using the VIC method?
is the hydrogen atom really being consumed and gone, like meyer said?
Quote from: Outlawstc on March 16, 2009, 08:47:18 AM
from what i have read of your explanations of stan meyer suppied by ramset on another thred, tell me if im correct, you are sayng that when you are capable of putting oxy in very high energy state that is all you need to seperate hydrogen and oxy(water) ? there is no need for water splitter injector? just the need for thermal heat spark?
In the patent it is stated that spark or heat ingition source will work, but the way the injectors work is by creating micro-mini capacitors that short out as the droplets evaporate, just as long as the relaxation time is greater that the evaporation time. From what I understand both are taking place at the same time some of the water injected will be turned into hydrogen and oxygen and the rest left over will ignite when that hydrogen mixture is set off by either spark or heat ignition in the presence of the unstable oxygen atoms. Hydrogen will flash at 500 degrees C and that will happen in a diesel engine. The unstable oxygen atoms will stabilize by taking the hydrogen atoms from the water molecule of any that did not break up into hydrogen and oxygen for it has well enough energy to do so.
As far as Ramset, I am have not seen his work, and I do belive I am the first to every talk about the Gas Processor and what it is doing. I know I am the first to ever show the math in comparision to the energy content of gasoline, besides Stanley Meyer(though he only stated the end results). I could care less of someones elses work for I have not read it, all I care about is starting the energy revolution, and I gave the technology away for everyone to have. That is the only way any of us will ever see this type of technology, for someone to lay down the bag of greed bricks and do the right thing.
Could you post a copy of his work, with the dates it was posted so I can read it? Thanks
Quote from: alan on March 16, 2009, 09:36:27 AM
does the energy balance (including ionization energy) show an excess of released energy?
or can the ionization of oxygen be 'free' using the VIC method?
is the hydrogen atom really being consumed and gone, like meyer said?
The hydrogen atom shouldn't be consumed for all that is being created is water vapor, it the lectures Stanley Meyer says the oxygen atom over compensates giving off the high energy yeilds beyond the normal hydrogen/oxygen reaction. The all copper VIC should be used on the Gas Processor, the SS wire VIC is for use of any gap 0.06-0.01 inches and that is only found in the Water Fuel Capacitor. Note there are two types of VIC transformers not just one. I posted a video of the Gas Processor in action on the other site from MIT.
Everyone should take the time to read the whole thread as there is a lot of information given in there, plus note I was learning more as I went along. Trust me I really wont re-write everything that I went over in the thread.
Best wishes,
I believe the gas processor is vital to the injector, as per h20's explanation but I would also like to see it applied to the wfc as in a heater or torch.
Maybe separate the h an o at the cell run the O through the GP and recombine at the orifice, this would also make it less likely to flashback.
Quote from: Dave45 on March 16, 2009, 08:32:59 PM
I believe the gas processor is vital to the injector, as per h20's explanation but I would also like to see it applied to the wfc as in a heater or torch.
Maybe separate the h an o at the cell run the O through the GP and recombine at the orifice, this would also make it less likely to flashback.
Say your talking about the gas gun, and yes that would be very interesting to see for as you raise the voltage to the Gas Processor the flame should increase in thermo energy released. So everyone build the Gas Processor best you can, do your homework to make sure you understand what is it's purpose. For remember there are many ways to do this, all that work win the energy independence fight.
Time for real change,
This would also be a way to confirm your theory, build the gas gun lets blast our way into the future.
This should run a carbureted engine also. (generator)
Quote from: h20power on March 16, 2009, 07:28:14 PM
The hydrogen atom shouldn't be consumed for all that is being created is water vapor, it the lectures Stanley Meyer says the oxygen atom over compensates giving off the high energy yeilds beyond the normal hydrogen/oxygen reaction. The all copper VIC should be used on the Gas Processor, the SS wire VIC is for use of any gap 0.06-0.01 inches and that is only found in the Water Fuel Capacitor. Note there are two types of VIC transformers not just one. I posted a video of the Gas Processor in action on the other site from MIT.
Everyone should take the time to read the whole thread as there is a lot of information given in there, plus note I was learning more as I went along. Trust me I really wont re-write everything that I went over in the thread.
Best wishes,
damn, you're actually working on it, looking very good.
In the New Zealand house meeting video, meyer actually did say the atoms are consumed, if I remember correctly.
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 7469.2 kJ/mol (@ 4th + ionization level) are formed yeilding 8341.2 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is 8341.2-1836 = +6505.2 kJ/mol
Ok, let's assume enough energy is being released in the combustion engine, no doubt about that, it's enough to run a car; the net sum energy released in the combustion process, isn't that quantity equal (or even less) to the energy it did cost to separate the water (1836kJ/mol ) AND ionize the oxygen to 4th level (more than 7469.2 kJ/mol)?
you said yourself:
The ioniztion energies is a two way street, what goes up must come down, so it takes the same amount of energy to raise the energy levels as you get from the enregy levels on their way down.
so my point is, I can see that it is possible to run a car on water, but I cannot see OU? Is the air processor a free ionizer and OU in itself?
(save your time by answering this if you already did, don't want to annoy by asking to repeat stuff, but i couldn't find it myself)
this is the link to the MIT video:
the water injector is needed for a couple stages to happen the first stage is the polarization process. the tickling of the state space is what dislodges the waters (oxy) electrons to turn off the covalent bond.. the electrons that were tickled off the water managed to bond to the highly positve ionized gases. so now all the oxygens are short of i would say at least 4-6 electrons. oxygen then steals hydrogens single electrons giving you positive charged measly little proton as stan would put it. now hydrogen and oxygen are (both missing electrons to be stable) .. the dynamic electrical stress and the compressional dynamic wave guide creates thermal spark ignition at the exiting point of the injector/splitter.. to say it can be done with just spark doesnt make sense to me.. i feel in order to seperate the water it has to be between to high potentials for the polarization process. opposite electrical stress.. the higher energy state of oxygen is just oxygen that has been stripped of some or all electrons. i suggest during experimenting that from the transfer point of the highly energized oxy that it be in well insulated piping.. i have a feeling that it will shock you if touched and be less effecient.. since most likely it will be sponging in electrons from ground loosing its high state before use.
Quote from: alan on March 17, 2009, 08:13:40 AM
damn, you're actually working on it, looking very good.
In the New Zealand house meeting video, meyer actually did say the atoms are consumed, if I remember correctly.
Ok, let's assume enough energy is being released in the combustion engine, no doubt about that, it's enough to run a car; the net sum energy released in the combustion process, isn't that quantity equal (or even less) to the energy it did cost to separate the water (1836kJ/mol ) AND ionize the oxygen to 4th level (more than 7469.2 kJ/mol)?
you said yourself:
so my point is, I can see that it is possible to run a car on water, but I cannot see OU? Is the air processor a free ionizer and OU in itself?
(save your time by answering this if you already did, don't want to annoy by asking to repeat stuff, but i couldn't find it myself)
this is the link to the MIT video:
Hi Alan,
Don't think in terms of OU for that is only a word ment to stop people from thinking. I can say this you are very perceptive for I to think that the water just might be being consumed but on a very small scale. I ran the numbers on the one gallon of water vs barrols of oil and I came up with 7.6 barrols of oil equal one gallon of water. So if you where able to fully return the water used to the system then you would get Stanley Meyer's numbers.
Yes I did put up an answer to that question, but I will add clarity to it. This is mother natures way to beat the system, for now we are talking eV and the reason it is so powerful is every atom is working in concert. In a capacitor all of the atoms on the surface are acting on the gasous atoms at 90 degree angles from the surface. In the corona discharge every atom is contributing the needed eV and it only takes 10.3eV to raise the energy level of oxygen to it's 8th level contrast to hydrogen needing 13.6eV. But I feel the gas processor will convert both oxygen and hydrogen, but the hydrogen can be lost and the net result of the reaction is small for hydrogen only put out 1312 kJ/mol. Here is something I just found on the net that explains it far better than I can: If you ask me you hit the nail right on the head ;). For this is how lightining storms work to produce awsome power levels. 1 eV/molecule = 96.485309 kJ/mol and if you use Avogadro's number = 6.0221415 × 10
23 you can find out the energy levels, but as for me I will just trust that it is working. There is
no magic here everything can be explained.
One thought I think is also very important is being able to ask the right questions and then answering those questions. Stanley Meyer talks about this in some of his lectures the talk of question asking ability. It is how I was able to solve what really was taking place with the water for fuel injector system, and now that I am skilled at the proir arts I can make changes to the system to suit my needs. It took me 31 months of foolin around to finally ask the right questions, and once I did the whole water for fuel technology just opened up to me.
That is why I say, "Energy independence is now ours for the taking."
what do you think of this alternator sync pulse circuit i drew up.. notice the copper choke multi spool windings are connected to the air ionization and electron extraction... while the neg stainless choke is connected to the middle of alternators stator windings and water cap, the positive stainless is connected to the positive side of the alternators primarys induction and the water cap.. i think this will allow the dynamics electrical stress of opposite polarities and work like a microphone recieving feedback. the echoing effect being kept active due to rotational energy output of the alternator will put off emf.
the secondary side only shows for one phase.. there are 3 in all. 120 out from each other which is what creates more of a pure dc potential.
Hi Outlawstc,
On the WFC the electron extraction circuit shares the positive electrode and is pulsed in the off times. That circuit(transformer) looks interesting, how is it working out for you?
On the other question you had about the spark a simple analogy will do. In a gasloine engine if the gas is atomized mixed with air and then gets no spark what happens? It's the same thing with the water injectors, since they are making hydrogen and oxygen by way of micro-mini capacitors. If you don't spark the reaction off it will not fire. The unstable oxygen atoms need this spark of energy to get started too. The rules of using fuels has not been changed just the type of fuel being used.
i havent made it yet.. it is based of the multi spool drawing and the alternator setup.
so you would agree that the injector is needed and that its ignition is based off thermal ignition caused by crossing voltage wave guide that consist of this capacitaded fuel gas.. causeing thermal/ static ignition of some sorts?
The injectors work exactly how science has shown me they do, by letting voltage perform work on the water molecule, and doing so in a way that takes full advantage of the properties of water. For the most part the way the injectors work is like a Kelvin generator, but it can be done in other ways. The most important part is creating atomized water mist that has been given an electric charge, making sure the conditions are such that the relaxation time of water is greater than the evaporation time, then mixing in charged air gases and recirculated exhaust gases. This resulting fuel mixture can either be spark or heat ignited, it says that right in the patent too many times to be just passed over, for it is important.
Most people have a problem with all of this for they are looking for some sort of magic, and/or been at it too long the wrong way. The anniversary of Stanley Meyer is on the 20th and I think it is about time someone made the man proud. In time I hope it becomes a global holiday for he did something to help humanity in it's time of need. All I did is figure out how he was able to use water as a fuel, and posted the results so everyone can enjoy energy independence. For in the end the credit goes to the pioneers of the water for fuel technology. For without Stanley Meyer's patents no one would be able to get pass all of the road blocks those protecting their interest have set up for this technology to fail. The patent has expired and now just as long as we stay within 14%, I think, we can build the units and use his patent when others try to repatent any idea of this sort of water for fuel system. Stanley Meyer opened up the doorway so that we all are free to walk through it. And now everyone the time is.
well said h20power
Indeed this is a great approach to the technology. Thanks for all of your work to understand the concepts while keeping the right mind space and letting the credit remain with the man who gave his life for the idea.
This gives me chills of excitement just thinking about the possibilities and I cant wait to see where it goes! I just need to wrap my head around it all and try to contribute as much as I can to the community and make it a reality for our world.
QuoteAll I did is figure out how he was able to use water as a fuel, and posted the results so everyone can enjoy energy independence.
Does this mean you, or anyone else, has a working model putting out gas like Stan's, if this is already figured out have I missed the plans to construct this device? Why doesn't everyone quite working on this theoretically and start building? I guess I don't get where you are coming from when you say this has all been figured out already, are you withholding knowledge from us and why? Where is a working unit posted here so I may see how all this works? Thank you.
Quote from: h20power on March 15, 2009, 06:34:59 PM
Now I am going to set this up as an engineering project as a result I will not tell you how to build, construct, and/or design your projects if you so choose to make them. The idea is simple, to get as many different models as possible that all work. You will be shown where the power truly comes from and how everything works for the water fuel injector system, not the WFC in use with the gasous type injectors. Read them as a set of rules to follow, anyway you see fit on how to apply what you have read is up to you.
Again I stress that this is to be a engineering type project, the full build of the design shall come from the individual and/or teams that want to work together on it. And most important of all is to have fun ;D.
I have to stick to my guns on this, trust me I will not bend on these goals I set forth for anyone wishing to build these units will not receive any help or aid from me of any sort. If I tell people how to build it, it will be of my design and not from what they could come up with as a solution all their own. If anyone can't understand it all I can say is maybe this technology is not for you. I know that sounds mean and arrogant, but it is just the simple truth. Not everyone is cut out too be an engineer and/or master builder/designer, and I understand that.
In time some of these people and/or groups will put out their solutions, for the patent has expired. And I hope they would do so for the good of humanity. Learning to just take the savings this technology brings and pass on what you have learned to you fellow man hopefully will come with time. Trying to debate me for my reasoning in setting this up as an engineering project only leads to a dead end for I will not bend.
The math is set up as a worste case possibility and still it has more energy content than that of regular gasoline. Trust in science and math can be done by making all of the calculations for yourselves, for no one has to take my word for it, and I ask that no one does. Do the work for yourselves and you will see the math is good. The ability to ask the right questions is very much needed, but the ability to answer those questions is even more needed. This video tells how to go about this type of thinking:
I hope this answers your question and I also hope you understand my point view of setting it up as an engineering project.
So you really have nothing but another theory like everyone else around here, that you want all of us to work on for you, is that the jist of it?
I don't mean this badly, your theory sounds intelligent and maybe it's the best way to go, all intelligent people don't always have the skills to build and construct some of these things. So using some peoples intelligence to come up with the idea and other people to do the construction work may be the way we need to go here, but this sounds just like a company with it's engineering dept. and manufacturing arm except it's all free. Before I run off building things and spend a lot of money on stuff, I want to know the theory we are chasing is a valid one. And if you just need someone to build for you please be honest about it.
Dear H2Opower ,
You are not in touch with reality , the gas processor was replaced , it is gone . And your theory is flawed , if it was easy as xtra enegy levels we would be there ... But how the hell are you gonna take it to those *energy levels* ... With the gas processor ... oooo its so simple , all you have to do is say it 10 times and a perfect gas processor will appear in front of you .
Seriously h2opower , get real
Hardly a constructive approach Dankie. A better way might be to start another post to put forth your concepts like you have done in many posts and create a constructive thread using your methods.
Don't worry about Dankie he has had the 430 SS wire for well over a year now and no working WFC or VIC constructed. He is nothing more that talk, no math, no science, just all talk. I view him as an enemy of the water for fuel technology and everyone should do the same. Just look at all of his post on this site and you will see what I mean, again don't take my word for it, look into this guy for yourselves. :o
A talker who makes things happen ...
Over a year ? lol I had the wire for under 3 months , plz refrain from making stuff up about me .
Quote from: dankie on March 18, 2009, 05:41:09 PM
A talker who makes things happen ...
Over a year ? lol I had the wire for under 3 months , plz refrain from making stuff up about me .
Do you forget who you are talk to Dankie? You where trying to sell us some of your 430 SS wire close to a year ago on IonizationX, and even on this sight dated 11/04/08. Everyone take a look and see how full of BS this guy really is for yourselves: like I said before look into him and see that all he does is insult everyone and spread confussion for youselves, don't take my word for it look into his past. For he can't hide his history, though I'd be willing to bet he will erase that site message.
QuoteSo ive seen Aaron talk about the resistance of the chokes , well the 11,600 ohms Meyers speaks of is just DC resistance ... impedance aside ..
Its true that to attain this resistance with copper you need about 45 times more.. or tiny very fragile wire..
Pm me for some
Attached Thumbnails
Ha! For less than three months go tell another one why don't you.
Come on now H2O dankie is everyones friend... i mean it was only about 6 months ago now that he was offering a free set of steak knives with orders over 5kg of his wire!!! lol dankie your love is coming back around... pictures of a plastic spool with grooves is not going to impress many people. H2O - I think what a lot of people are doing is they have a lot of ideas on how this works but no-one is building and prooving. there is also a lot of nay sayers that tell you they have done that and it doesn't work. they can't tell what happened or why it didn't work. Or even supply proof that they tried in most cases but they are more thna happy to tell you it doesn't work... or from some people the term "unacceptable" has been thrown around. Relax build it and let your results be your muscles... As for dankie lets face the more people that don't try to follow him the less people there are to buy his damn wire...
its gotta work
thanks for your post, the long one. I recently finished a biography on tesla by a British woman. I was fascinated by the wireless lighting that he used for years in his labs. are you saying that you reproduced that with a tesla coil? I'm interested in finding where to look for the DIY. got side tracked alittle. I'm looking for the DIY not the why with hho or h production. Some theoretician can explain the why.
My understanding of tesla and his non-accomplishments would have made todays world look like the dark ages. i doubt he would have called it aether, but would have talked of using the same.
i really don't have anything to add to this discussion other than i think stan meyer did it well enough to get the MIB concerned.(polite) I also follow OU to hear what I'm hearing. low cost, mobile hydrogen/browns gas production is our worlds salvation!
I think you meant to post in Farrah Days thread Here;topicseen
Dave 45
I would be curious to hear Farrah Days take on your pic
Hi Dave,
I thought that was your version of a Gas Processor for a second. It would have been the most interesting one I have seen to date.
For anyone trying to build the whole set up each item I go over needs to be built with exception of the Steam resonator for you can use engine heat to raise the temps of the water prior to injection also, but it can't hurt to build it. The rules are simple: Water mist, ionized air gases, and recirculated exhaust gases. Things to strive for are fast rates of evaporation of the resulting water mist, variable voltage control of the gas processor that is controled by engine rpm and load conditions or more, controlable exhaust recirculation, and the circuitry to control it all. This set up will need two VIC transformers one for the Gas Processor and one for the injector, but if you find other ways to get the job done by all means do so.
I go over every part I felt was needed except for the circuitry, but if I left anything out feel free to add it in or if you find ways to cut componets out feel free to do so. For I am looking for many different ways this technology can be done thats the whole point of doing it like this.
I posted some patents on the energeticforum since they couldn't be posted here.
Hope everyone understands,
My setup and purpose is to try and build the gas gun to strip the electrons from the Oxygen, I plan to separate the H and O at the electrolyzer run the O through the gas gun and recombine at the orifice of a torch or heater.
If successful with the gas gun I will be able to go through the gas gun or bypass it to see the results first hand.
The pic is just a mock up and still got a ways to go plan on installing the HV ionizer soon, in the next day or so as time permits. Im not trying to use the vic or the SM circuits just what I have on hand to make it work proof of concept as it were, the rest can be worked out later by people with more expertise than me.
H2opower you are somekind of fascist dude .
You are ignoring all the important parts and over-emphisizing the parts that were abandonned . You are not taking into account this phase conjugate opposite wave , you are ignoring much of the tech brief .
Once again , I turned out to be right about this , just like I was right about the VIC , Dynodon came up with those bobbins are the multispool VIC after I asked him too for many weeks .
But you sir are just annoying , and you are a fascist to this tech .
@Dankie and H2oPower,
To settle all the "I have the better way" (mainly from Dankie), why not put both of your systems to the test at the same time in one place. There can be a few members to wherever it is done to document the event. Then everyone will be able to see who is right and who is wrong.
Dankie, why are you attacking H2o to begin with?
@H2o, can this be modified to work for a home heating furnace in place of natural gas? Do you have any plans on creating something like that? I think that would be a great next step to conquer, affordable home heating for everyone. I don't think I have the know how or ability to build this as is and would need very simplified and specific plans.
Quote from: Mark69 on March 19, 2009, 04:42:08 PM
@Dankie and H2oPower,
To settle all the "I have the better way" (mainly from Dankie), why not put both of your systems to the test at the same time in one place. There can be a few members to wherever it is done to document the event. Then everyone will be able to see who is right and who is wrong.
Dankie, why are you attacking H2o to begin with?
@H2o, can this be modified to work for a home heating furnace in place of natural gas? Do you have any plans on creating something like that? I think that would be a great next step to conquer, affordable home heating for everyone. I don't think I have the know how or ability to build this as is and would need very simplified and specific plans.
Hi Mark69,
I am going to home power generation, converting gen sets to run on water. I might convert some cars that are like mine, but for the most part I am starting with home power units. If you run the numbers Mark69 you will see they check out just fine, and are a scientific proof of concept. For after all isn't that what the science guys where asking for? They all say that there wasn't enough energy content and I proved there was if done right. And they always say that it is breaking the laws of physics and again I proved that it is not mathematically which is what the science guys wanted. They say you can't get more energy out than you put into it, but ask them to explain a lightening storm and all you will get it a lot of shoulder shrugging. I now think of them as the tobacco scientist paid to tell a lie with a straight face to the public with lots of media coverage for they are their right hand man.
Dankie and I have a past is all. I once got a chance to talk to Tad Johnson(h2opowered) but the Ionizationx site owners deleted all of my post towards him and robed me of my freedom of speech, so I as a result I left the site and deleted all of my post there. Dankie is nothing more than one of their butt boys that was on watch when things where heating up on that site alerting the owner members I was on the site deleting all of my post and/or had made a post the owners wouldn't want anyone on the site reading as I told the truth of my story so they could delete it. I wish I could have gotten the chance to speak with Tad, but sadly they're combined efforts stopped me from doing so. Now he is hell bent on a quest to kill the water for fuel technology for reasons unknown to me, perhaps he is getting paid too just like the pro tobacco scientist where and still are.
Try to find Stanley Meyer's patent on the hydrogen burners to see what he did to control the heat of the reaction. I think he made the units so they redirected the exhaust back into the flame or something like that to control the heat of the reaction. As for a competion with Dankie no way I would waste my time with him, for I am moving fowards and not going around in circles. Plus I don't have the time or funds to waste right now for I am going full speed ahead, and if he gets in my way I will run over him.
Well, I hope you the best of luck as I do all of the water for fuel people around the globe bringing enegy independence into being.
Good to see you are going after the holy grail rather than just worrying about transportation. With clean sources of electricity we can do pretty much anything including transportation.
I have allot of learning to do but I cant wait to see where I can take this myself! I am quite a bit behind most but that doesnt take the fun out of the ride along the way, in fact I hope you all beat me to the finish line but If not I will help bring you there once I get close.
Quote from: kippered on March 19, 2009, 06:01:47 PM
Good to see you are going after the holy grail rather than just worrying about transportation. With clean sources of electricity we can do pretty much anything including transportation.
I have allot of learning to do but I cant wait to see where I can take this myself! I am quite a bit behind most but that doesnt take the fun out of the ride along the way, in fact I hope you all beat me to the finish line but If not I will help bring you there once I get close.
Hi Kippered,
You got that right, if you produce your own power and you have an electric car you kill two birds with the same stone. Energy independence means, for me, starting at home first. If you have a boat house it even gets better no more fuel tank just get the water as you go ;D. Plus for emergency power gen set units can also be made to provide potable water on site. If we learned one thing from Katrina is oil/coal type fuel is hard to come by when desaster strikes. People every year die in there homes due to the energy enslavement game, couldn't afford to pay the heating or cooling bills, and the power genaration companies/energy sellers are fine with that. This is a world wide problem killing millions each year, though there are a lot of other factors involed, energy independence will be a big step in the right direction. Trust me I know exactly what this technology can do, for if you really want to go to Mars this technology will get you there and beyound. In my view this technology is the key to humanity moving forwards again.
Quote from: h20power on March 19, 2009, 07:36:48 PM
Hi Kippered,
You got that right, if you produce your own power and you have an electric car you kill two birds with the same stone. Energy independence means, for me, starting at home first. If you have a boat house it even gets better no more fuel tank just get the water as you go ;D. Plus for emergency power gen set units can also be made to provide potable water on site. If we learned one thing from Katrina is oil/coal type fuel is hard to come by when desaster strikes. People every year die in there homes due to the energy enslavement game, couldn't afford to pay the heating or cooling bills, and the power genaration companies/energy sellers are fine with that. This is a world wide problem killing millions each year, though there are a lot of other factors involed, energy independence will be a big step in the right direction. Trust me I know exactly what this technology can do, for if you really want to go to Mars this technology will get you there and beyound. In my view this technology is the key to humanity moving forwards again.
Although I do not agree with your views , I agree with this , you are free yo share your views here . You knows know what I think of your views , I was free to share my opinion .
I will no longer post in this thread
Quote from: h20power on March 19, 2009, 07:36:48 PM
Hi Kippered,
You got that right, if you produce your own power and you have an electric car you kill two birds with the same stone. Energy independence means, for me, starting at home first. If you have a boat house it even gets better no more fuel tank just get the water as you go ;D. Plus for emergency power gen set units can also be made to provide potable water on site. If we learned one thing from Katrina is oil/coal type fuel is hard to come by when desaster strikes. People every year die in there homes due to the energy enslavement game, couldn't afford to pay the heating or cooling bills, and the power genaration companies/energy sellers are fine with that. This is a world wide problem killing millions each year, though there are a lot of other factors involed, energy independence will be a big step in the right direction. Trust me I know exactly what this technology can do, for if you really want to go to Mars this technology will get you there and beyound. In my view this technology is the key to humanity moving forwards again.
Altought I do not agree with your views , I agree with this .
You are free to share your views and I am free to critisize them . I will no longer post on this thread .
Now your talking!!
This is the time to go full speed ahead !!{not in circles]
Your cell design functions well enough to power a motor vehicle? If so are you willing to place plans up on a seperate thread here for members to replicate? if not its understandable. I do have some questions if you have plans/more information on your cell so i can pick the parts i have questions about.
Also to the many readers on this thread, if any of you have experiance/knowledge on electricity conversion. specifically i am looking at converting 12-13V @ ~10-20 amp down into the 100-200 ma or lower and wanted to figure out the most efficient way of doing it. Pulsing voltage through coils is up but has anyone found ways to increase its efficientcy?
@H2O thanks for the info and I second what crazyEwok says, if you could put plans up separate so we can follow what works w/o spending alot and building something wrong (and wasting money and time). Also if building wrong someone might hurt themself, like me lol If you get the power gen working then one wouldnt need the gas furnace conversion, but I think it would still be better then electric heat. Burning the hho would give you natural moisture and humidity and make the heat better for you at the same time. But that can be an item tackled at a later date.
@Dankie, I appreciate you professionalism with your last post, but you can always contribute your knowledge to help us beginners. No one wants to shut someone out who can help.
Thanks all,
Injectors can handle this[diesel] direct combustion chamber injection
I don't know that we should get the splitting hairs efficiency that user spewing claims, but some where in between just dumping HHO In the intake and direct injection we could probably run a generator on less HH0 with this method [allowing ambient air to purge the exhaust refill the cylinder ,,just inject what we need]
I know this is not the finale intent here [brute force][ But it could yield quick results ,as the other tech becomes better understood
PS and yes Loner I know you ran a genset on HH0 years ago
God speed Loner
PPS something on brute force and HHo from user Ironheads research group, running a generator
Hi you all
I have read this and to me it makes sense What H2O power says.
I also was trying to move my efforts to the gas gun instead of the water fuel cell and it was great coming on this morning and finding this plethora of info thanks H2O
You have answered my question on the higher energy fields cause that was a stumbling block but now it does make sense.
I was going to build a voltage pump my one friend build allot of these,it's a piece of mesh wire that stripes electrons off nice big arches comes of these,so I reckoned the water must be in a gaseous form before I can utilize this like the gas gun, so when I read the comments this morning it all made sense thanks
Does some one have plans for a setup so that we can start work?
In the following week I will draft my experiments and start working on them I will happily share when finished
H2O you said Stan made 7l/min to run his buggy, I achieved 12l/min with the Boyce setup but as I can get from what you have posted is that is is not the quantity so much but the how much you excite the gas (an higher energy state) so this is the new goal right?
And can some one help me with the LED or Lazar thing, is this a normal red led or a real Lazar we are talking about.
Thanks guys enjoyed this,I'll wait for the replies
Also, I m looking for the patent for the Gas Processor; reading H2o's post on the other site state that the gas processor is the key. Can someone tell me, post a link, or pdf of the patent for the gas processor? Oh and the VIC? (still reading the posts on the other site)
From user Creativity Very good reading
,and reason for a gas processor or as Stan Meyer said an
""""" ACCELERATOR ''''''''''
Let us calculate how much an engine needs to run.Goal is to calculate an amount of air and fuel used.I will calculate the air needs in liters as we are interested here in volumes to compare it later to the volumes of H2 or H2,O2 gases needed to run an engine.
First of all who still has no knowledge of AFR (air fuel ratio) please read:
1)Now our good running engine uses around 14,7 g of air per 1g of gasoline (heptan,octane mixture),that comes out of AFR calculation of perfect burning.I will make an example how to calculate the AFR for a given fuel:
C7H16 + 11O2 ->7C02 + 8H20
heptane has a moll mass = 7*12+16*1=100 [g/mol]
we are using air as an oxidant so we have also nitrogen present and it is 79 % of volume of air.It will give us around 41 molecules of N2 in this situation.So our air mole mass=11*16*2 + 41*14*2=1.500 [g/mol]
now 1.500/100 = 15 this is our AFR for heptane.
2)just how much is this 14,7 g of air in volume?
Air has density of 1,2 g/liter.Volume is then =12,25 liter
3)let assume that our engine uses 10l of gasoline to drive our car 100km/h in 1hour.So an engine of around 2-2,5 liters of displacement,rated with around 150HP( i assume ,but i feel it can be also quite good calculated out of engine efficiency and gasoline caloric value).
How much air volume will it use?
Density of gasoline 737,22 [g/liter] shows us that we used 7.372g of it for our trip.
So air used=14,7*7.372=108.368 g.
It is then =108.368/1,2= 90.307 liters of air.
4)How much of air was used per minute?
90.307/60=1505 liters
5)how much fuel per minute was used?
7.372/60=123 g
6) and when the fuel was evaporated how much space it occupied?
Gasoline expands around 220 times in volume when evaporated(comes from comparison of density ratio of liquid gasoline with the gaseous form) , so we used 2200liters of evaporated gasoline.
It is around 2200/60=37 [liters/minute].
OK let as got some attention to our big question of using H2,O2.From a SAE technical paper i have a graphic describing the effects of adding H2 into the internal combustion engine runned on CNG.Graphic speaks about the possibility of further shift of lean mixture AFR limit when H2 was feed to the fuel.Unfortunately i can`t put this graphic here because it is copy righted.But i think copyright allows me to say what is the effect observed Smiley Lean limit of pure gasoline is around AFR =25:1 according to this source.Adding of 8% of H2 into the combustion shifts AFR to lean limit of 26 :1.So it is a shift of 4%.Further addition of around 20% of H2 shifts AFR to 27,5:1 resulting in relative 9% shift.So it makes some sence to add H2 to the engine.
This effect was described for addition of pure H2,however i believe if H2,O2 was used effect could be slightly different.Result of electrolysis in form of a H2,O2 mix has 33% of volume made of O2.I could think of two situations:
a)extra oxygen would lean the charge even more and counteract the H2 effect
b)oxygen would assist the burning of the fuel by adding extra heat to burn even leaner charge.
Now let me try to calculate the H2 burning in air.I will try to make analogical calculations as for heptane,just to see how much of the H2 would we need to run our can in a situation as above.
2H2 + O2 ->2H2O
AFR (2*16+3,76*2*14)/(2*2)=34,25 :1
it is 34,25/1,2=28,5 liters of air per 1g of H2.
This time we need to know how much energy was released in gasoline engine,because we want to make our hydrogen car to run at least as well as our gasoline car.In the first example we used 7.372g of gasoline for our trip,this would translate to 327MJ produced.I won`t take into consideration the efficiency of the engine,i just assume it won`t change substantially under pure H2.I make this assumption to make first approximation of amount of H2 required to run an engine.Later we can add efficiency to the calculation.
327MJ translates to 327[MJ]/130[MJ/Kg]= 2.517 g of hydrogen used to make the same work.
Now volumes:
0,09 g/liter is the density of H2 gas.
0,09*2.517=27.967 liters of H2 gas
As in our previous example all of it was used in 1h time for our trip.It is 27.967/60 = 466 liters of gaseous H2 per minute!.
Norm amount to produce from on-board electrolysis alone,no?But that is not the end now.Just compare the numbers:
Our car on gasoline used 90.307 liters of air + 10 liters of not yet evaporated fuel.This all went for the trip.I use 10l of gasoline because when it was feed to the engine most of its evaporation process took place inside of the cylinder.
Our car would need to use 27.967 liters of H2 + 2.517*28,5 liters of air in total to burn it for the trip.IT is 99.701/90.317= 1,1 times more volume of gases would have to go through the engine(so volumetric efficiency would have to improve).We simply suck not enough oxygen from the air to burn our H2.Our engine would have to be supercharged or rpm would have to go higher for the same power demand.
Situation would be different if we used 2H2,O2 mixture(as from electrolyser).In that case AFR would be a bit more tricky to calculate.We have here an extra oxygen feed and exactly as much as we need,In this case oxygen from the air is not needed at all and a result will be that we run lean mixture.Problem gets not easier when we feed more H2,O2.In that case we get more power and hot running engine,feeding even more will result in big explosions and only way i can see would be inject water to cool down the engine and slow down the burning.Maybe dumping of some oxygen from the electrolyser outside of the engine could help,just to achieve a stoichiometric mixture for H2 without adding more of H2 and ruining the engine.
Coming back to our car trip Grin.We still want to produce the same energy as in pure gasoline or H2 case.This time we have extra oxygen available so volumetric efficiency won`t suffer,no supercharging or higher revving will be needed.We can then stick to gasoline base case 90.317 liters of charge introduced to the engine during the trip.The reason is that we can manipulate the amount of oxygen supplied to burn H2.We have an excess of oxygen so we will dump all the oxygen that could cause lean burn.We use as in a pure H2 case 27.967 liters of H2.The 90.317 - 27.967=62.350 liters will have to contain all the oxygen we need.Only air won`t support enough oxygen (as shown in pure H2 usage case),supplying of all the O2 from electrolyse,next to ordinary air will give us too much oxygen.Wear have to find how much of the O2 we need to burn stoichiometric(the best).
coming back to :
2H2 + O2 ->2H2O
What we see here is we use 1 volume of O2 for every 2 volumes of H2 to have a nice burn.We have 27.967 liters of H2 so we need the half of it in volume of O2.
1-{[62.350 -27.967/2])/62.350}= 0,224
With above formule i calculated what part of the total air and O2 supplied has to be the oxygen.In easy words we need upgrade air to have 22,4% of oxygen.The rest of the oxygen we don`t need anymore.With this i offer you ,the one who had a long road to read through all this calculations Grin Cool my respect Smiley.As a reward i can bring u step closer to the solution of an on-board hydrogen production.
I am an author of an idea as follows:
As u see oxygen release from the electrolysis is not what we want.We can make a small amount of O2 (2,5% of air volume sucked to the engine) but it costs us a big penalty of energy used to release this oxygen from OH bond.Sure we can Strip it and get this one extra hydrogen,that is what you all do in electrolysis.I say it is not the way.Use this energy to strip another water molecule of the only one Ht.As well as combustion engine,fuel cell can also use oxygen from the air.What i see, is usage of the low energy electrolysis with minimal OH bond braking rate.This cell will produce almost only hydrogen that can be feed to the fuelcell to produce electricity with air oxygen.This system has a chance to become overunity.The secret of the not stripping of the OH bond will stay for a moment here.I have to finalise my long research on it first.
all the best,
Bartosz Paszkowski
Stans patents
Some more info [mostly all] on Stan
Thanks Chet
What Stanley Meyer says makes a lot of sense for he says 4 or more electrons have to be stripped off of the oxygen atoms. When I made my energy content comparisons at the 4th energy level is when the reaction over takes the reaction of gasoline. And if you keep on going to oxygen's 8th level it is 44k-108k barrels of oil, depending on the grade of the gasolin. So, Stanley Meyer had to have made these same calculations I have, he just never put any of this in his patents. So, 2 H-H bonds formed 872 kJ/mol + 84078.0 kJ/mol = 84,950 kJ/mol(1BTU/1.055 kJ)(1mol/.018L)(3.78541L/gal)= 16,933,679.8BTUs/gal. 1US gallon gasoline = 115,000 Btu's, so it takes 147.249 gallons of gasoline(19.2gal of gasoline/1 barrel of oil) so 7.67 barrels of oil needed for one gallon of water's energy content without recycling any of the water. Now Meyer must have added the fact that you can put the water back into the tank, so my guess is water is being consumed in some small amount with this reaction.
As for the VIC transformer all of the coils must hit resonance at the same time, that is to say each bobbin cavity must hit resonance with the primary coil at the same time. There is more than one way to do this, what I noticed Stanley Meyer doing was to alter the wire sizes too match inductances of every bobbin coil to that of the primary coil. Thus when the primary coil hits resonance so does every bobbin cavity of both the secondary, and dual chokes. This way is most effeicnt use of the VIC transformer, noteing that there are two types of transformers and the use of each type is another story.
The energy content calculations are answering what the scientist have been asking about Stanley Meyer's technology for all of these years. It is a ionic reaction that is short lived, that is saying we only have a short period of time to conduct the react with the unstable oxygen atoms, and that time, as far as I can tell, is 0.74 seconds. If you calculate the gas speeds inside of the intake system you will find that that is plenty of time to get the unstable oxygen atoms into the combustion chamber and run the ionic reaction which Stanley Meyer calls Thermo Explosive Energy or The Hydrogen Fracturing Process. One thing that is truly needed in working with Stanley Meyer patents is a definition of terms of Stanley Meyers' words. For example it took me well over a year to figure out what the "bidirectional wrap" ment in the VIC injectors primary coil. Now I ask everyone reading this to tell me what a Bidirectional wrap is, after you all give it a shot I will tell you what it means. Stanley Meyer's patents are full of words like this, and it took me a long time to learn to talk as he did.
But I will say this all of us must strive for understanding, for it is very important, for if I just dump a set of plans online what happens when something breaks or malfuctions? You have to make the whole darn thing all over again for you don't know anything about the technology enough to fix it, or come running to me and I will drop what I am doing and find you wherever you are on the globe and trouble shoot it for you. You must have the understanding of how the system works so you can fix it if something goes wrong. That is yet another reason why I set it up as an engineering project for it fources you to understand the technology before you build it.
On the LEDs you should try and match oxygens wavelengths here is a site that give at least 73 of them, but note there are more:
Trying to figure out which ones will work best, your on your own for I am right in the game with you on that one.
Hope this helps everyone to see why I did things this way.
Today marks the 11th year since the death of Stanley Meyer. I for one wish to tell his family members his dream of using water as an fuel source is still alive and well, and "We The People" are doing what we can to make his dream a reality for the whole world.
This should be a site holiday at the least, don't you think?
Best Regards,
what do you think of this h2Opower? is this the bibirectional you speak of?
Here is an example of something that is Bi-Directionaly wraped. I was on the upset side when I finnally found out what that word meant to say the least.
All it is, is a fancy word for something that is Cross Wrapped. After all this time, huh? Just wrap 1st layer 45 degrees one way and 2nd layer 45 degrees the other way.
For a lot of people this will be the first time you have ever understood what that word meant, why couldn't Stanley Meyer just say it was "Cross Wrapped" your guess is good as mine, but at least now you know. Oh, and the wire is parallel bonded bifilar wire that he used so he could make the coils the same as Tesla's in a way.
Just for everyones information,
PS I am really not liking the small upload this site has.
H20 power
The boss knows how to do this
I will try to summon him
Can't Loner get a smiley face?
PS Hopefully there will be a Stan Meyer Day [soon]
God speed
Yeah I guess since he was close ;D ;D ;D ;D ;) @Loner
But you will find a lot of things like that in the patent, words that Stanley Meyer used that don't have the same meaning as the rest of the world or are words that have long been forgoten to most people.
Not sure if this was for patent protection or if that was really the way he talked.
yes that is the correct term for bidirectional should be seen as obvious but i can see where people get's not just single words that confuse's multiple confusing words in one confusing statement.....hopefully our friend john will pull through in his final winds.....hopefully this technology is about to see the light of day.
same problem here
I pm'd Stephan yesterday about this problem of H20 not being able to post pics and info here
a caduceus coil is very unique but does not play a part in stanley meyers work.....scalar waves do not reflecting on metal surfaces (orany surface really) therefore defeating the prupose of the electrodes in a water fuel capcitor.....we need standard normal waves.
You can post pictures attached as to the size of 250 Kbytes,
in the upload directory;dl=upload
up to 5 MB and if it is bigger,
please upload to or
or simular sites and post the link here.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Thank you Stefan
Make it so H20
H20 power
I can appreciate the fun part.This tech covers 4 maybe 5 fields of expertise?
If its to happen in this century [and you have ANY PART FIGURED OUT]
TIME IS SHORT, people improve and modify by our nature,we don't need a class we need results!! I'm not trying to be a schmuck here ,I just don't see the time frame for class's any more
And the geography of our country is not conducive to forming small groups[like some small European countries]
Hope you can clear up some foggy views here
Ramset be honest what do you want from me ???
Do you see no value in learning, no value in independent thought ??? Just what do you want me to do ??? I can tell you this I am not doing like Stanley Meyer, but I followed all the rules. Through understanding we can make many systems that all work, not just one system that those that sell energy can block. If you think for one second that the power generation industry is just going to lay down and call it quits you have another thing coming.
From what I read in your response, looking between the lines, is you are unwilling to learn and want your Happy Meal right now! You nolonger feel the need to work for it, and let me tell you this something given has no value. Example I have posted this on many sites and always I get negetive feedback, sure I get some good feedback too, but the majority is negetive, why? Because I gave it away and ask nothing in return, but now that I changed that and ask that people learn and strive for understanding, people have no will for waiting and want the whole cake right now! What if I told you I did already, I put out all I know, would you belive me ??? No, you wouldn't for you would always think I was holding back wouldn't you ???
I really hate the micorwave generation for they have no will to live, can see no value in doing the work themselves, and always keep their thoughts into the furture never paying attention to what they are doing or where they are going. One of my college instructors put it best, "To ask the question of how long this is going to take is not the right question for time will go by anyway, for what they should be asking is when that time comes around where will I be?" Get too work, for I am not going to mess up the power of independent thought for anyone, and that you can count on.
Best Regards,
The powers that be used to concern me ,seeing what a mess things are in, it is hard for me to see their organizational skills
There are to many players in the powers that be game ,the world is like a big poker game with
very high stakes
Sorry I come across like I want a happy meal
Its the mystery of water I'm trying to get my head around
I go by some old rules
Onto whomsoever much is given ,much is required.
give a man a fish he has a meal [and waits for you to catch another]Teach a man to fish,he doesn't need you anymore and will teach others
Throwing seeds around is good ,a few gardening tips might be helpful from time to time
Your contribution here and other places are great. I will study your posts some more to get my head around this. I don't want to run a car I want to make HHO to warm homes and grow crops and make power
Thank you for your help and focus
I do not want to be seen as an ingrate
to whom it may concern,
i have been studying stan meyers works for around a year now and i have figured it out.. and how to explain it in its simplest form of expresion.
For every question there’s an answer, for every answer there’s a question there the same in relation but there are two differences involved to get action, distortion and clarity. When you are born, distortion of all reality is at its highest. Its simple times of life, the beginning... the mind is not full of mixed signals created from experience that happens in time... its blind. As we go through life we find clarity in many things and it gives us a sense of enlightenment and or a sense of troubles... distortions and clarity can create gain working in opposition to each other. The gain is wisdom and the truth. One step forward towards the question, brings you one step closer to the truth. Hey it may be a bumpy road but its builds character. What shows the truth? Reflection. They make us walk in circles now days, surrounded by nothing but distortion. Some of us have intuition gods people... some have ignorance the devils infantry. There is so much truth in this .if you don’t understand it read it again and again. Since each time you read it, it shall bring you one step closer. To the truth, one step closer to intuitive instincts and also take you one step away from ignorance at the same time hey its duality vice versa!! life has to many variables and complexities to predict and prepare ahead of the time in most cases.. so the only thing you can do is BE prepare for the ride 24/7.. and in the present time of relativity it seems like it might get ruff. so hold on tight and dont shit yourself. the truth is im as real as they come these days haha.. what does your intuition say? i say bitch dont judge me see its vice versa lol
thats the theory of relativity in my words.. and stans tech works off of the vice versa duality in nature..
that is the most important basic thing i think i will ever be able to write on paper in my life when it comes to lifes actions in there simplest forms that creates our complex life. from our perspective. its the dualitys of multiple forces that paint the canvas.. stan set up a controlled environment for specific duality forces.
i hope this can make a impact on the word.. einstiens theory of relativity e=mc2.... the C squared is determine by the speed of light. which is a variable determine by resistance, like when light travels through glass.. it slows down the light due to the resistive the constant rate changes..
people dont realize that power has a vice versa.. its vice versa positve and negative happen to be light and electrons.. they make us think theres just the force of electrons.. which is false.. they do so by saying current is what establishes pole orientation for north and south.. which it does.. but theres 2 ways to skin a cat.
In my studies the most simplest answer to Stanley Meyer's technology is; Under a controled state change the atmospher to one that is suitable for water combustion. The intake system of a car or most any other form of fossile fuel burning is a controled atmospher created by man to best suit combustion of that fuel. Water is no different when viewed for use as a fuel, for what happens when a fossile fuel injector doesn't atomize the fuel? That cylanders power is gone from the engine for the fuel wont burn when sprayed in by a stream. All the rules of using fuels apply to water as use as a fuel aswell, if you are to use it directly you must atomized it in a controled envirenment suitable to water combustion.
Hope that helps everyone to understand it all better,
I actually did read that post over and over {liked it}
Thank you for all your help here
I am quite sure, do to men like yourselves and others
THIS WILL NOT STAY A DREAM [of mine anyway] reality is so much better!!
why is snow white? is a question asked by stephen meyer on the water for fuel radio blog..
this is the best answer i can comprehend in the present time.. snow is white because it is reflecting all the energy that hits it.. why? because when water goes into a expanded state it starts to reflect. whether it be hot or cold. clouds or snow. but when its cold the oxygen forms alot of little air bubbles in the snow which makes a crystal defect.. they are like a bunch of mirrors in the snow multiplying and reflecting.. so maybe the silicon content in the stainless when put under the mechanical stress during manufacturing is causing crystal defects and is like a layer of snow on the stainless.. those defects can be doped under electrical mechanical stress? if ones doped with light when its running at high voltage the resonant positive plate creates the variability of the vacuum constant rate of einstiens theory.. the vacuum state of light.. tesla allways said that lower frequencys are more powerfull when it comes to power generation. its all about balance.. the word amp scares us in stans work because we think its the only form of current.. ITS not.. when producing electric you will allways have a current its a action which requires trade!!!! when electric is allways being thrown out of balance it makes the copper atoms nucleus flop back and forth.. it is creating alot of turbulance for the trade of light and electrons.. it is also causeing the solid matter part of the atom to create friction.. so wires get hot.. but when theres a balanced bidirectional flow of electrons and light you create divinity in there trades.. the nucleus of the copper lines up it poles in a capacitive the turbulant amps is what we know of as the only type.. best example.. two 500 gallon tanks next to each other.. with a 5 inch pipe connecting them with a valve for isolation... we will call them tank a and tank b.. tank a has 1000 psi while tank b has -500 psi.. when you open the valve its not just tank a flowing into b.. they are flowing into each other.. vice versa ya know.. BUT a vacuum state is a mirror state of the pressure state.. if tank a is 1000psi and its mirror tank b is -500 theres not balance for non turbulent environment.. now you have a turbulent trade!!! which causes heat and amps.. imagine tank a and tank b flowing into each other.. vacuum flowing to pressure. pressure flowing to vacuum.. BUT tank a has more pressure so while there trading evenly at a 1-1 ratio tank a is turbulently rolling more high pressure towards the low tank.. it creates a turbulent current towards b and there for the roll is giving it a higher quantity trade to tank b in a relative timely manner.. everything in this world is predictable with advanced technology... just not as a whole.. we can set certain controlled states like stan did which are completely predictable.. for what we need to achieve and move one step further in life.. lifes all about trading and differences with balance in life one should trade in a evenly manner with the fellow man at the least.. that keeps a neutral environment of peace.. keeping turbulence non existence.. but as the bible says the more you do for others you shall be repaid by 2?? its because we are suppose to be crystal defects and when we reflect we should be like the snow and multibly in potential... but they keep us doped with toxins to where we dont react propper they fill us with negativity to where we want to absorb all the light we receive. it makes us greedy in nature.. everything i have wrote the past couple day explains it all.. life if you dont see what i see which is the ultimate gift then keep reading what i wrote.. it will bring you one step closer.
In my studies the most simplest answer to Stanley Meyer's technology is; Under a controled state change the atmospher to one that is suitable for water combustion
sure i could say that is the simplest way to say it as well if you already know. not when your sharing it with someone.. more or less a statement like yours that i quoted is just trying to justify smarts. . its like your painiting is distorted and mine has detail.. the more detail, the more truth is SEEN taking away the blindness of the curtains... when you see something enough it becomes familiar and when it becomes familiar it is more easily recognized when being seen in distortion.. like your quote..
Here are the ionization energy levels of oxygen:
• 1st 1313.9 kJ/mol
• 2nd 3388.3 kJ/mol
• 3rd 5300.5 kJ/mol
• 4th 7469.2 kJ/mol
• 5th 10909.5 kJ/mol
• 6th 13326.5 kJ/mol
• 7th 71330.0 kJ/mol
• 8th 84078.0 kJ/mol
Now let us take a look at the reaction to break and form the water molecule under normal conditions.
4 H-O 459 kJ/mol bonds are broken taking 1836 kJ/mol to do so.
2 H-H 436 kJ/mol bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 498 kJ/mol are formed yielding 1370 kJ/mol.
This is why all scientist say it takes more energy to break the bonds of water than you get from combining them, for the net sum of the reaction is negative, 1370-1836 = -466 kJ/mol.
Now the new reactions after the GP has stripped the electrons off of the oxygen atom are known as ionic reactions. Let’s take a look at the 1st energy level of 1313.9 kJ/mol.
The new reaction to form the water molecule 1st energy level:
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 1313.9 kJ/mol are formed yielding 2185.9 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is now positive 2185.9-1836 = +349.9 kJ/mol, so now we are getting more energy out than in. To give the energy level a bench mark for comparison the energy content of gasoline is +4864 kJ/mol. So only striping one electron off of the oxygen atom resulted in a positive energy level but still far behind that of gasoline.
Stanley Meyer said he stripped four electrons or more off of the oxygen atom so let us take a look at the reactions as told to us in the patent.
The new reaction to form the water molecule at the 4th energy level is as follows:
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 7469.2 kJ/mol are formed yielding 8341.2 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is 8341.2-1836 = +6505.2 kJ/mol
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 10090.5 kJ/mol = 10962.5 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is 10962.5-1836= +9126.5 kJ/mol.
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 13326.5 kJ/mol = 14198.5 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is 14198.5-1836= +12362.5 kJ/mol.
Now this is more than 2.54 times the energy content of that of gasoline, and gives a most probable answer to the question of, “How did Stanley Meyer run his 1.6L engine with an hho production rate of only 7L/min.?†For you still have two more electrons to strip off.
What is your take on the math of the process? Am I right or wrong in your view? This assumes the worste case of the reaction, if done any other way will give higher energy yeilds. For what it all comes down to is energy flux density in this case I measured it in joules per mole. @ Outlawstc
QuoteHere are the ionization energy levels of oxygen:
• 1st 1313.9 kJ/mol
• 2nd 3388.3 kJ/mol
• 3rd 5300.5 kJ/mol
• 4th 7469.2 kJ/mol
• 5th 10909.5 kJ/mol
• 6th 13326.5 kJ/mol
• 7th 71330.0 kJ/mol
• 8th 84078.0 kJ/mol
Now let us take a look at the reaction to break and form the water molecule under normal conditions.
4 H-O 459 kJ/mol bonds are broken taking 1836 kJ/mol to do so.
2 H-H 436 kJ/mol bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 498 kJ/mol are formed yielding 1370 kJ/mol.
This is why all scientist say it takes more energy to break the bonds of water than you get from combining them, for the net sum of the reaction is negative, 1370-1836 = -466 kJ/mol.
Now the new reactions after the GP has stripped the electrons off of the oxygen atom are known as ionic reactions. Let’s take a look at the 1st energy level of 1313.9 kJ/mol.
The new reaction to form the water molecule 1st energy level:
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 1313.9 kJ/mol are formed yielding 2185.9 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is now positive 2185.9-1836 = +349.9 kJ/mol, so now we are getting more energy out than in. To give the energy level a bench mark for comparison the energy content of gasoline is +4864 kJ/mol. So only striping one electron off of the oxygen atom resulted in a positive energy level but still far behind that of gasoline.
Stanley Meyer said he stripped four electrons or more off of the oxygen atom so let us take a look at the reactions as told to us in the patent.
The new reaction to form the water molecule at the 4th energy level is as follows:
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 7469.2 kJ/mol are formed yielding 8341.2 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction now is 8341.2-1836 = +6505.2 kJ/mol
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 10090.5 kJ/mol = 10962.5 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is 10962.5-1836= +9126.5 kJ/mol.
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 13326.5 kJ/mol = 14198.5 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is 14198.5-1836= +12362.5 kJ/mol.
Now this is more than 2.54 times the energy content of that of gasoline, and gives a most probable answer to the question of, “How did Stanley Meyer run his 1.6L engine with an hho production rate of only 7L/min.?†For you still have two more electrons to strip off.
What is your take on the math of the process? Am I right or wrong in your view? This assumes the worste case of the reaction, if done any other way will give higher energy yeilds. For what it all comes down to is energy flux density in this case I measured it in joules per mole. @ Outlawstc
i love it.. thank you very much for your insight.
The two of you are GREAT!!
Thank you for taking the time to share your Knowledge [
yes when you know how ,you can recognize the science,when you don't,its like another language
The info you two have shared is breaking the language barrier
QuoteThe new reaction to form the water molecule 1st energy level:
2 H-H bonds 872 kJ/mol and 1 O=O bond 1313.9 kJ/mol are formed yielding 2185.9 kJ/mol. The net sum of the reaction is now positive 2185.9-1836 = +349.9 kJ/mol, so now we are getting more energy out than in. To give the energy level a bench mark for comparison the energy content of gasoline is +4864 kJ/mol. So only striping one electron off of the oxygen atom resulted in a positive energy level but still far behind that of gasoline.
i am gonna make a sugestion of change for words on a specific part.. "more energy then you put in" thats not tru in a weird sense.. the reason you can separate them at such a high rate is the duality of nature it self.. while +1000 and -1000 may appear to have zero current they are really just trading off light and electrons in resonance (balance).. so it appears to be 0..the duality is it causes the atoms to want to go the other direction of the high voltage.. because opposite attract.
the search for the truth shall bring you one step closer to clarity and one step away from distortion. it will also take you one step closer to intuitive instincts and also take you one step away from ignorance at the same time hey its duality vice versa!!
see my point where this explains overunity thats how voltage performs work its really reflecting another output at the same time. and that reflection of voltage performing work is 180 from what its going lol. its vice versa
Yes you are right, but I am really talking in the terms in which the science guys can understand it. The energy found here is also the same energy found in a lightining storm, both you and I seem to know that. But the new form of what I like to call, "Tobacco Scientist," keep fighting this information. They fight it will Dr. Faraday electronlysis when it is like comparing apples to oranges. I sat down with a bunch of them and the question I gave to them was, "How does a lightining storm produce electricty?' They couldn't answer that question, and you and I know that is where this technology has it's roots. Mother nature has been showing us the way the whole time, even the way our very own bodies work is part of this technology, for it is mother natures way to make and sustain life. Took me a long time to learn that lesson.
The reason I said it's just changing the atmospher is we do it all the time. Any time you see and engine with a blower or turbo on it, or water/mist/methonal or nitrus oxide you are seeing changes being made to the atmospher to improove the engines performance. It is the same reason why an hho making device added on will also improve performance for blowers also take energy to run them and they do close to the same thing and that is adding in more O2. So anyone that reads this from this point on and says the hho devices do nothing, is siding with the new form of tobacco science guys. For now you know how to compare apples with apples, blowers and hho devices. When comparing them to turbos one can let the cars vacuum perform work on the hho device thus cutting down the amp usage to create the same about of hho gases, carbid tip and myself proved that one. But you will run into a runaway boil off of the water as the temps get higher for lowering the pressure also lowers the boiling point of water.
I'm going to enjoy breaking the chains of energy enslavement,
you and me both lol . maybe they can understand this???
another good visual
ponder on this players.. of the game called life...which leads great responsibility.. study what crystal defects are and what they do.. realize silicon and snow are both defects... understand light is positve potential while electrons are negative.. realize what a black solar panel is doing.. i think this is the black solar panel vice versa. and the cold process.. realize cold is related to vacuum states..
i'm not even going to dignify your "GOD" theory with an answer...
lol most ignorant closed minded that cant search for truth wouldn't even give it a chance.. just a theory thrown out there.. based off a couple factors that weigh possibility.. for instant stainless steels properties.. you most likely don't even know what its composition is.. you most likely don't know it has silcon in it.. you most likely didn't know that it has been forced to be a defect due to mechanical stress during it cold rolled process in manufacturing.. you most likely also don't realize the possible factors that alone creates.. you don't know that light is the positive in electric.. and that the ignorant still think electric is only produced from the current of electrons moving in one direction.. you don't realize that snow itself is a crystal defect.. you don't know that crystal defects are like mirrors that can multiply light.. you probably still believe einstein's equation is a fixed constant just like everyone else.. even though they admit light slows down when going threw glass.. you probably still don't know the difference between cold process and hot.. nor vacuum state or expansion.. you probably can even see how a solar panel is the hot process for solar.. you probably don't even know what a solar panel consist of in manufacturing.. hmm silcon wafer??? oh with a sheet of glass on top.. stephen meyers just points out stainless's semiconducting propertiesand his studies in it for no important reasons in his radio blogs.. and speaks of all the little triangles it forms.. you probly dont know triangles can form hexagons on a surface.. you probably dont relize a snow flake is a hexagon and how that can pertain to it... you probly didnt know that stainless is chemicaly inert and likes to keep a skin of ozone on it.. oh which is positively charged oxygen (missing electrons).. so i would have to say on a educated guess based on the search for the TRUTH and not just a simple throw it out and not dignify the "GOD" would be more appropriate. since you dont even know why snow is white (high energy state reflecting all light) another good question by mr stephen meyers.. so my theory is based of snow high mirroring effect to light and MULTIPLYING.. of posiitve energy happen on a low frequency and its cold VACUUM state MIGHT allow a positive potenitial to be established on a isolated platform.... remember free energy is real and for everything in life there's a right way and a wrong way. seems for electric the hot process is all we use and its the versa. so now that you didnt give a chance to dignify and stuck your noes in and gave a negative comment i hope i made you feel stupid.. because a real person of god.. would'nt judge but ask for clairity of ones perspective of thought.. you dont see how overunity and god relate.. your god is the mythology.. mine is vice versa. natural law.. for ever action one trade take place.. you probly cant see how we as a population can even hold up to one of the first pages in the bible. chapter 1: 26 "and god said let us make man in our own image after are likeness: and let him have DOMINON over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the ai, and over everything that moveth apon the earth."
we have fallen to quantity and the the wall mart/ sam specials.. all the local can even sell there cattle.. and have replaced them with high quantity poor quality high rollers behind the scene.. .. if that were not tru we would be in the shoes we are now.. last but not least stans meyers trademark logo JOB38: 22-23
22 “Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail, 23 which I reserve for times of trouble,for days of war and battle?
I will not get into a discussion about religion on a science board. BUT i never said anything about the validity of your idea i simply said that your use of GOD either implies that you believe it is the be all and end all way... not slightly ignorant at all... or that it is holy and is greater than man kind... still not slightly ignorant at all... so take your ignorant stick and point it somewhere else... Oh BTW when light hits crystals it slows down and changes direction... you still loose some of the energy... there has been plenty of research into it.
Quotei'm not even going to dignify your "GOD" theory with an answer..
lol gods kingdom isnt just this little one planet my friend.. without sun theres no life. without earth theres no life its vice versa.. .... its funny how they call the bible the holy bible.. while positve light energy are called holes.. its funny how the bible refer to being pure (neutral).. its funny how you can see how different charged substances effect peoples lifes.. such as alcohol which is a acid (neg) make people feel weighted down on this neutral planet.. its funny how people during the time of atlantis lived to be over 200 years old. they must of been taking synthetic over the counter cures to huh? lol
Quoteuse of GOD either implies that you believe it is the be all and end all way... not slightly ignorant at all... or that it is holy and is greater than man kind... still not slightly ignorant at all
"or that it is holy and is greater than man kind." nothin could ever be bigger then man kind not even god powers huh.. not the powers that make earth spin and support life.. never. light isnt a need for man we could live in the dark.. we dont need plants. they dont need energy from god to grow
stan didn't relate this to god on his bussiness logo because he thought it wasnt connected.. never
simple apology wouldnt been strait but u square just like everyone else that cant figure out how to step out side of it. not implying to anyone else hear just speaking of in population general.. should of just kept your negativity to yourself..
Quotethere has been plenty of research into it.
so your telling me people have experimented with the set up i have drawn out?. they used stainless 304.. insulated it from ground.. about 20 by 20 feet? and since its slowing light down and multiplying wouldnt that be a low frequency amplification??? does tesla not say low frequencies have more power??, and the vacuum cold state.. thats not adding to the vacuum on electrons threw a load? and sunlights radiant light could never be powerful enough to power anything..
they say black solar panel's are not efficient because they don't aborb lower frequencies it is the hot process and the versa way of makeing them. allways 2 ways to skin a cat.
Okay Outlawstc and to all else this concerns,
The only thing anyone reading this thread should be concerned about is building the Gas Processor, injectors, and matching electronics. I left a lot of work to be done for all of you, either get busy building or shut up. I do not need anyone trying to tell me how Stanley Meyer did what he did for I already know the answer and I did the right thing and posted the solution for all of you. Sure it will take some getting use to seeing the math in action and a lot of studying to understand the math, chemistry, and physics concepts.
I didn't learn how Stanley Meyer did what he did by looking at the patents, I learned by looking away from the patents and just taking core concepts. Learning how a lightining storm truly works for starters, learning the full meaning of capacitance, and magentic fields. Learning about Kelvin genarators and Taylor cones. Understanding just what a dielectric is and how they behave in a capacitive set up. Also learning how to add up energy levels, rates of reactions, gas laws, the physical properties of water, and self ionization of water. Learning the nature of the hydronium ion, learn states of matter, the tripple point, and how to read phase diagrams, and the list goes on and on.
In the end I figured out how Stanley Meyer did what he did to use water as a source of fuel, and in doing so I also figured out how Dr. Dingel, Bob Boyce, and others systems work. It has been 11 years since the death of Stanley Meyer, and to the best of my knowlege no one in the whole world has made these mathmatical comparisons of energy content with gasoline & water the way I have. If anyone doesn't understand any part of what I posted then use the internet for what it is best suited for, teaching, and teach yourselves any part you don't understand. The first key thing everyone has to do is learn how to ask and answer question, this is the best example you are ever going to get of how to go about asking and answering questions on your own: if after you see this video and you still don't know how to ask and answer questions just quit and find something else to do with your time. For after watching that video and you still don't know how to go about the process of information gathering you will be wasting your time and mine.
I will be honest I am not interested in what you think or how you think it works with concern to the water for fuel technologies. The only thing I am interested in is that you learn the concepts of what I have posted and start becoming energy independent as a result. Right now each and every person reading this should already be putting together ideas of how they can apply this technology to their everyday lives, and building prototypes to do so. If not, what are you doing? waiting for me to put out my prototype so it can be copied when you should be building an understanding of your own? Or are you waiting for an entertainment video of a car running on water when that in itself will be called a fake. The math is proof of concept for it stands alone and follows all the known rules of science. For even someone with diminished capacity can tell that 6k > 5k and those numbers are the rounded off of the energy levels of gasoline and atomized water+primed air gases(4th level)+recirculated exhaust gases, just as Stanley Meyer tells to do in his patents. I don't want to hear how you think it works for I already know how it works, either you get busy freeing yourselves from energy enslavement or get busy dieing!
I am glad to see this thread is doing so well.I have found a way to pull water out of thin air and hope we can come up with cars that refuel themselves by pulling water out of the air at night and then using solar heat during the day to pull water out of those crystals.Couple this with recycling the steam that comes out of the tailpipe.You would have a car you never need to refuel.If you other guys work out how to burn water as a fuel.Then these cars have a chance to become reality.Triffid
This is getting sad. What the hell are you people on?
Outlaw is now throwing religion into the mix - I guess that is to conveniently fill in the missing bits that his brain can't handle or science seemingly can't explain!
H2O, maths is not proof of concept. The maths is simply figures from which you are forming your concept.
Proof of concept is having a working unit powering a ICE.... don't think you've got one of these have you?
I know exactly what to think about the likes of Dinkie, Kinesis and Outlaw, but I'm really not sure what to make of you H2O. Seems to me like your just shouting your mouth off as many have before, making out that you have all the answers, but curiously you seem to expect others to build the unit! I've heard it all before, people are good at talking the talk - yet to see anyone walk the walk. And I for one wont be holding my breath while you play with your maths.
What I'd like to know is just where all the power to continually ionise oxygen is coming from in the first place?
Personally, like Meyer before you, I don't for one minute think that you understand the science involved in what your are suggesting, let alone have the electronics know-how to build a proof-of-concept unit.
But don't let that stop you... please, go ahead and prove me wrong!
Quote from: Farrah Day on April 07, 2009, 04:16:05 PM
This is getting sad. What the hell are you people on?
Outlaw is now throwing religion into the mix - I guess that is to conveniently fill in the missing bits that his brain can't handle or science seemingly can't explain!
H2O, maths is not proof of concept. The maths is simply figures from which you are forming your concept.
Proof of concept is having a working unit powering a ICE.... don't think you've got one of these have you?
I know exactly what to think about the likes of Dinkie. Kinesis and Outlaw, but I'm really not sure what to make of you H2O. Seems to me like your just shouting your mouth off as many have before, making out that you have all the answers, but curiously you seem to expect others to build the unit! I've heard it all before, people are good at talking the talk - yet to see anyone walk the walk. And I for one wont be holding my breath while you play with your maths.
What I'd like to know is just where all the power to continually ionise oxygen is coming from in the first place?
Personally, like Meyer, I don't for one minute think that you understand the science involved in what your are suggesting, let alone have the electronics know-how to build a proof-of-concept unit.
But don't let that stop you... please, go ahead and prove me wrong!
No. You teach yourself look up and fully understand a corona discharge and that in itself will answer your question, if not, quit. Since you couldn't answer your own question after I posted the video, I think you should just give up and/or quit. I have, more than anyone elses post on this site, looked at your post more than any others. Just like you towards me, I couldn't make you out, what was your goals, what where your asperations, what drives you to write ???
And again, No! You prove me wrong! For that forces you to go over all the math and comparisons made of my research on the water for fuel technology. Make no misstake about it, you come over here and challange me your going to have to do it with the methods of science. Your going to have to ask yourself and answer the very same questions I ask myself, and this question is most important. "How did Stanley Meyer run a 1.6L aluminium engine with an hho production rate of 7L/min.?" It is that question that lies at the heart of me figuring out how Stanley Meyer did what he did. Now you answer this question as best as you can if you find yourself unable to answer the question then quit and find something else to do with your life for you are wasting my time as with the time of others forced to read your post due to trying to figure you out >:(.
QuoteWhat I'd like to know is just where all the power to continually ionise oxygen is coming from in the first place?
see my mind is like legos in side.. i can SEE what i build.. i can see its reactions i can see displacements.. i can see deflection.. my mind is fully capable of understand natural forces.
im gonna give you 2 answers and you will still call me crazy..
stans delflection occurs in the alternator system due the physical rotation energy of the alternator version. it can consume up to 8 hp i would say at the most.. it is creating what we would call a circuit.. itself.. since its producing gas, the gas is being burnt, that cause's the mechanical rotation force which is then returning back to production.. so theres a loop of energy recycling there.. stans cell is creating a ANTI GRAVITY atmosphere between excitors.. electrons have the fall feeling toward the positive while positve has a feeling of falling toward the negative.. it is a duality force in action.. to understand duality force you got to know how time works,... its all relative.
as for the transformer version it is capable of the deflection of electrons and the electron bounce phenomenon due to the type of charge going threw the primary winding.. it is using turbulent amps.. the ontly type you probly understand.. since non turbulent isnt defined yet? i think we should call them outlaws since these amps seem to not exist.. see i have found the light.. i know how this world works.. you cant see how the tradewinds at the equator resemble how stans low and high volts(pressure) can interact as a bi direction trade.. you cant see what makes a hurricanne occur and how a hurricane is like turbulent amps in a wire.. im as crazy as they come farrah day.. i hang out with my wang out.. and theres nothin better in life then finding the light.
i understand this tech so well i see how it reacts with human nature.. we live on the northern hemisphere.. sine the matter of earth has a positve charge on this side all the electrons tend to condense in the northern hemisphere.. they get denser the further north u go from the equator.. ever wounder why it seems like all the complexity seems to be in the north? ever wounder why snow flakes become more complex as you go north? ever wounder why colors are more vivid in the southern hemisphere? look at the birds and animals.. how come we dont have them here? theres less electrons in the southern hemisphere since it repels them .. the earth is naturaly holding the charge plants roots want.. and they are getting way more they grow quicker.. man did you hear about that war australia was in? nope because theres no such talk of that stuff down there.
now ask your self what the pyramids got to do with all this.. ask your self what the point of all the gold in them was.. ask why they are built at 30deg north lat and 30 deg. longitude.. ask why there linear placement resembles trade winds curve.. ask why are planet is slowly loosing its tilt.. could the pyramids charges of kept the earth in a seasonal resonance? does there linear placement determine the speed of earths rotation??/ im crazy dont listen to my jargon. lol this brain of mine i just dont know how it comes to clairty maybe its because i dont follow all the studies that contradict this tech.. hmm or maybe i have a little einstien in me??? this tech has shown me anti gravity, possibilities to quantum mechanics. and overunity as a civilization.. where everybodys rich.. and the rich i speak of isnt money.. but the real gold knowledge.. look up in the sky.. we rich.
Outlaw, ;D
I don't think there could be anyway farrah days could argue against that logic. ;D
Well H2O, I've now concluded that you're just as misguided as most of the others around here - what a lot of nonsense you talk!
Why would I have to prove you wrong?
I didn't find Meyer very credible, I find you less so. Proof is in the pudding, not the recipe. Once you have a working model you can then put an end to any speculation and skepticism. I, or anyone else does not need to prove you wrong, you simply need to prove yourself right, by building a working model. Afterall, you made a point of coming over here shouting about how you know how to do it - it's for you to back up you claims, not for us to disprove you. Besides you haven't actually got anything to disprove yet have you... it's all just talk!
I say again, you have nothing but theories until you put your ideas into practise and build a working - proof of concept - model. And again, where is all the energy to continually ionise oxygen coming from in the first place?
And do you really expect an oxygen ion missing half a dozen electrons to react with a hydrogen ion? If so how? Do you expect to get water as a by-product? If so, how?
Exactly what chemical reaction do you expect to get from heavily ionised oxygen and hydrogen? How can they even react?
I don't think you've really thought this through. Gases ionised to extremes won't react as normal, they need too many electrons to stabilise. Like Meyer before you, it all sounds good, but the science simply does not add up!
Outlaw sweetie, has the doctor changed your medication by any chance... because you seem to be tripping on something?
Quote from: Farrah Day on April 08, 2009, 01:41:20 PM
Well H2O, I've now concluded that you're just as misguided as most of the others around here - what a lot of nonsense you talk!
Why would I have to prove you wrong?
I didn't find Meyer very credible, I find you less so. Proof is in the pudding, not the recipe. Once you have a working model you can then put an end to any speculation and skepticism. I, or anyone else does not need to prove you wrong, you simply need to prove yourself right, by building a working model. Afterall, you made a point of coming over here shouting about how you know how to do it - it's for you to back up you claims, not for us to disprove you. Besides you haven't actually got anything to disprove yet have you... it's all just talk!
I say again, you have nothing but theories until you put your ideas into practise and build a working - proof of concept - model. And again, where is all the energy to continually ionise oxygen coming from in the first place?
And do you really expect an oxygen ion missing half a dozen electrons to react with a hydrogen ion? If so how? Do you expect to get water as a by-product? If so, how?
Exactly what chemical reaction do you expect to get from heavily ionised oxygen and hydrogen? How can they even react?
I don't think you've really thought this through. Gases ionised to extremes won't react as normal, they need too many electrons to stabilise. Like Meyer before you, it all sounds good, but the science simply does not add up!
Outlaw sweetie, has the doctor changed your medication by any chance... because you seem to be tripping on something?
I can tell you have no idea how speech and debates work, my argument is already out, now the burden of proof lies with you since you are the one with the alternative point of view.
Where is the answer to the question? That one is a bit to hard for you? Like I said before you are just a waste of my time since you can't speak in terms of science. These are ionic reactions, but again you have no knowledge of what that is so it's pointless to talk to you. You still didn't answer your own question after I gave you a hit as to where to find the answer learning what a corona discharge is and how it works every aspect of it.
You are not smart enough to take on the likes of me so go call on some of your butt bodies to help you out, or take the easy way out and quit. For what is your purpose here anyway? What drives you to say and write the things you do? Is it defending your honor? Is it you have a better way of reaching energy independence, but have opt to keep that information all to yourself? Why are you here?
Hey Mr Fara day
If you dont like the thread leave it What H2O have shown us is exactly the truth I have run the maths with a few chemical engenners and it is viable indeed.
Yes in theory it is easy so we are in the processe of developing a working prototype but this, like all good things take time.
I wil be happy to prove you and all critisizing clowns wrong,but at the moment I dont have a prototype working and you my dear friend can not prove that the maths is wrong, now can you?
So we are in the same boat
So either contribute to the thread or go away, but just please check weekly to view our first fuits,and then appologize.
Thanks Digits
i will answer for you h20
In electricity, a corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid surrounding a conductor, which occurs when the potential gradient (the strength of the electric field) exceeds a certain value, but conditions are insufficient to cause complete electrical breakdown or arcing
i wrote this on the 1st..
tell me what you think.. it explains where overunity is in humanity. and in a complex sense where it comes from in free power.
For every question there’s an answer, for every answer there’s a question there the same in relation but there are two differences involved to get action, distortion and clarity. When you are born, distortion of our reality is at its highest. Its simple times of life, the beginning... the mind is not full of mixed signals created from experience that happens in time... its blind. As we go through life we find clarity in many things and it gives us a sense of enlightenment and or a sense of troubles... distortions and clarity can create gain working in opposition to each other. The gain is wisdom and the truth. One step forward towards the question will in return, bring you one step closer to the truth. Hey it may be a bumpy road but its builds character. What shows the truth? Reflection. They make us walk in circles now days, surrounded by nothing but distortion. Some of us have intuition gods people... some have ignorance the devils infantry. There is so much truth in this .if you don’t understand it read it again and again. Since each time you read it, it shall bring you one step closer to clarity and one step away from distortion, at the same relative time it will bring you one step closer to intuitive instincts and one step away from ignorance at the same time hey its duality vice versa!! Life has too many variables and complexities to predict and prepare ahead of the time in most cases... so the only thing you can do is BE prepare for the ride 24/7... And in the present time of relativity it seems like it might get ruff. So hold on tight and don’t shit yourself. The truth is I’m as real as they come these days haha... what does your intuition say? I say bitch don’t judge!!! see it’s vice versa hahaha
this is where free unlimited power comes from.. and it is also how us people of difference can also be overunity..
the age of Aquarius is rolling in (that water barrer) and the exit of the age of the Pisces (the fish (give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime) is this coinincidence.. or destiny? "god don't play dice with the universe" albert einstein..
Quote from: Outlawstc on April 08, 2009, 02:36:44 PM
i will answer for you h20
In electricity, a corona discharge is an electrical discharge brought on by the ionization of a fluid surrounding a conductor, which occurs when the potential gradient (the strength of the electric field) exceeds a certain value, but conditions are insufficient to cause complete electrical breakdown or arcing
That is correct but there is more to it. When put into a capcitive field every atom on the suface of the the two plates is working independently and together at the same time. For we all know that the capacitive field always hits perpendicular to the surface of the capacitors plates. You can see these atoms working together in this MIT video: Now to add up the energies one would have to add up all the atoms on the surface using Avogadro's number and a lot of high level math to solve all of the energy being expended. But we all have seen lighining storms in action and that is proof of the high energy yeilds by such a device. I didn't really expect that guy that stole a great mans name to even come close to answering the question, for that takes 18 months of physics to figure out completely and fully a graduate class tacking on yet another year. I wanted him to see just how out matched he was in trying to pick a fight with me.
I'd bet he wont even thank you for answering his own question that he had.
Energy independence is now ours for the taking,
nope there will be no thank you because that person is in the devils infantry(ignorant) i like the video.. theres one thing differing there h20. theres only one excitor.. i think with a positve and neg right next to each other they create 4 times the strength off oppostion for defecting electrons off h2o.. only if you know how to keep the charges happy in there bifilar wind on a inductor.. and that has to do with resonance and balance involving opposite charges sitting next to each other on a core.. they attract so much i think they would like to remain on the choke rather then crossing a gap.. after thats accompished i think they do trade of pos and negative charge.. but its happening on a 1/1 ratio so it appears neutral.. but really isnt in a sence of trade.. when we read amps in todays electric it is how many electrons pass a given point.. but the electrons that they are acounting for are the exsess turbulent ones.. the only ones that are readable with todays meters. the thing i posted that i said i wrote on the 1st, i sent it to john hutchinson and got a reply.. he said loved it thank you great words.. so in my mind to have someone of that credibility write back to somethin i wrote pertaining to free energy.. farrahday your just a pimple on the butt. and your words could never amount to 6 words said by the guy who antigravity is being named after.. you know, the hutchinson effect.
But I would like to add to that, for I am a homble man. If anyone finds mistakes in anything I have done show me and I will correct myself for I am not error proof. At first I made a mistake with the energy level of gasoline for I forgot to write the last digit and had 495k J/mol for the energy level of gasoline, someone was nice enough to point out that mistake and I corrected it. And then my numbers made since with what Stanley Meyer was saying when he spoke of stripping 4 or more electrons off of the oxygen atom for it was at the fourth energy level that water for fuel surpassed the energy content of gasoline. That should give everyone an example of what a simple mistake can do, I said I was sorry to the group and corrected my mistake and move on. For it is not our thoughts that define us but our actions that we chose to act on with our thoughts. For if I made any mistakes it won't prevent the Gas Processor from working.
H2O, I see now that you are at heart just another illiterate wannabe.
QuoteYou are not smart enough to take on the likes of me so go call on some of your butt bodies to help you out, or take the easy way out and quit
You can't be serious - you're conversing with a first class muppet like Outlaw and you think I'm not smart enough to see right through your nonsense. Outlaw copies and pastes from Wikipedia and you're impressed!! It's laughable, you might be able to fool 99% of the idiots around here, but I see you as just a self important smartass, minus the 'smart'. If you had any education in science you would see the flaws in your theories without me having to point them out. You reaaly don't have a clue about what you're talking about do you?
No H2O, you're just another wannabe enjoying the limelight. You rank right in there with Outlaw, Dankie, Kineses, Spewing and the other illiterate retards that make a mockery of these forums by bringing the level of intelligence down to the gutter.
There is no one around here capable of intelligent conversation because the general level of ignorance and foul language is so great it has driven them away. This and most of the other similar forums have been killed off by stupid people with single figure IQ's, impossibly low mental ages and with no background in science that continually spout absolute garbage.
This forum will be dead in weeks without the input of intelligent people, and even the ignorant morons will get tired of bullshitting each other very quickly.
I could look in on here in 5 years time and you'll still be talking about how you know it all works, but you'll still be doing a few sums and still won't have proof of concept. But don't worry, the uneducated and niave such as Digits and Ramset will still have their misplaced faith in you because they can't think for themselves and tend to mindlessly follow like sheep, hoping they're on to a good thing. You might have them fooled into thinking you know what you're talking about, but not me matey!
This is no longer a science forum, it's a fantasy forum for brainless tosspots, losers and now, as it seems in the case of Outlaw, religious nutcases!
Don't anyone answer him for all he is trying to do is fill this thread up full of his BS so anyone looking into it will not get to the good stuff due to filtering through his endless ranting. And most importantly he didn't answer even one question. So we must ignor him to the max, okay everyone treat him as you would these free energy advertisings ;D
Thanks for all of your cooperation in these matters
Great to see you around Farrah ... I dont agree with all you said , but do agree with some of it .
Yeah this forum sucks now , its just a shithole , I feel like cursing @ everybody .... O yeah I remember , thats just what I did for the last few weeks , curse and insult people ., I guess this site does has its appeal after all... best part is you cant ever get banned :)
its just like the real world ,the only way you get banned is in a pine box
Quote from: dankie on April 08, 2009, 07:18:07 PM
Great to see you around Farrah ... I dont agree with all you said , but do agree with some of it .
Yeah this forum sucks now , its just a shithole , I feel like cursing @ everybody .... O yeah I remember , thats just what I did for the last few weeks , curse and insult people ., I guess this site does has its appeal after all... best part is you cant ever get banned
And to you Dankie I owe you an apology for the 430F(FR) wire is needed if you are going to build the water fuel capacitor with spacings between 0.060 - 0.010 inches. That part you couldn't answer for me, but in the end the answer to the question of what is it's purpose was answered.
So for what it's worth I'm sorry.
First type of VIC transformer
Voltage Intensifier Circuit (60) of Figure (3-22) (Memo WFC 422 DA) as to Figure (1-1)
(Memo WFC 420) and Voltage Intensifier Circuit (620) of Figure (7-1) are specifically designed to
restrict amp flow during Programmable Pulsing Operations (49a xxx 49n) but in different
operational modes:
VIC voltage circuit (60) utilizes copper wire-wrap to form Resonant Charging
Chokes (56/62) of Figure (3-22) in conjunction with Switching Diode (55) to encourage and make
use of "Electron Bounce" phenomena (700) of Figure (7-9) to help promote Step Charging Effect
(628) of Figure (7-7) by preventing electrical discharge of Resonant Cavity (140 - 170) since
Blocking Diode functions as an "Open" switch during Pulse Off-time; whereas,
Secound type of VIC transformer
VIC Voltage
Enhancement Circuit (VIC - VB) (620) of Figure (7-1) incorporates the use of stainless steel wirewrap
coils (614/615) to accomplish the formation of unipolar gated pulse-wave (64a xxx T3 xxx
64n) without experiencing "signal distortion" or "signal degradation" (preventing transformer
ringing during signal propagation) as elevated voltage levels ( - xx Vc- xx Vd - xx Vn) while
allowing the reduction of Capacitor-Gap (Cp) (616) of Figure (7-11) width spacing (57 of Figure 3-
25 ~35 of Figure 6-2) (typically .060 - .010) respectively. as illustrated in Tubular Resonant Cavity
(170) as to Taper Resonant Cavity (620) of Figure (7-1).
Be honest, did you know there where two types of VIC transformers being used by Stanley Meyer?
I went over this on the other site for anyone else wanting to know more about them.
Best Wishes,
Well I'm just gonna leave you boys to it - this girl's got better things to be doing than reading through this never ending clap-trap.
H2O in his wisdom - just like Meyer - has it all figured out and has told you all what to do (even though he hasn't yet done it himself) so I assume you'll all have a car running on water in the next few weeks. Just one thing tho', don't hold your breath waiting for him to prove his theories - it might take a while!
Remember, it's up to you to prove his claims wrong, not for him to prove them right!
Can you imagine taking something to the patent office and when they ask you to show them how it works, you answer by telling them to prove it won't work!! ???
Oh yes, and check out Corona Discharge as everything will become crystal clear after that ;D Yawn...yeh right!
You all have fun now! ;)
Its Ok H2opower ... I dont care anymore , Dynodon is stealing all the customers anyways .
Yeah The s/s wire works well ... Transformer part works like a charm , unlike what people said , and the power consumed is also in the few hunded mA .
So far so good ... I'd like to say a nice Fuck you to all these idiots you see here , expept those I have already forgiven ... Seamonkey was quite annoying
What I will critisized you for H2Opower is how you see the gas processor as the ultimate solution . I never payed much attention to that part as I was simply facinated by the injector concept , you talk about a 125 psi rate , well I say that if you can close that valve and split that water while its in the cavity there you have your psi rate , expanson rate ...
I also believe the "pressure" here plays an imprortant part , I believe is has to do with some sort of energy from the ether this "dipole exitation" thing , I will see how far Meyers takes us with this but I really do believe there is a missing link somewhere , something that was covered by all this other stuff , it is a cover for an otherwise NSA banned patent...
Obviously there was some heavy social engineering done with Meyers , just looking @ the amount of failure rates , but there have been a few diamonds in the rough @ ( who have inspired me , this technology is still the best and last hope for humanity , this magnetic shit wont get the real stuff done , we need a real answer , we need to power our trucks and tractors 4 cheap , yep , only water will save us ...
Lets get for some energy independance , finally ...
QuoteBe honest, did you know there where two types of VIC transformers being used by Stanley Meyer?
I went over this on the other site for anyone else wanting to know more about them.
the bobbin and the alternator version dankie informed me of long ago.. thier begining designs were a tad off in demension at first but we gain better idea after a visual of the real deal.
Quote from: Farrah Day on April 08, 2009, 06:46:52 PM
spell it right.
the least your illiterate bashing mindset can do is copy and paste my username
you should learn from your mistakes before you get banned again.
your pathetic.
and you have stated the gas processor is not the ultimate solution seeing that it will not run without the vic coil......the vic coil is the ultimate solution.....but without the gas processor you will never get it to run an actual car....nor will you get the 100mpg claim....the gas processor is the second most important thing.......third would be the quenching tubes.
as for farrah day and his complete assurance that we are idiots is quite amusing......if only we could show him the photos of everyones work.......i can't wait for that thread labeled....."the idiots who replicated meyers".....and hopefully this will happen real real real soon.
I for one know that the Gas Processor is the most important part of Stanley Meyer's technology for at the end of one of his patents he says it can be used with any type of fuel, and as we have all seen that the Gas Processor can be driven by any high frequency switching type transformer as the MIT video demonstraited. Without the Gas Processor you can get no thermo explosive energy all you will get is 286 kJ/mol or perhapes a bit more if hho is produced. But that is no where near the energy content of gasolines 4k-5k kJ/mol depending on the grade used. Remember it all comes down to energy flux density and water for fuel with the Gas Processor has far more energy content than fossile fuels.
And kinesisfilms please don't talk to him for he is not worth it lets just run right over him for we are all making great progress right now ;) I for one am not going back for road kill ::)
This is really a disheartening read :(
I really gotta say we've got our hearts in the wrong place with all the bickering going on here... There seems to be a lot of egos running a lot of the posts here :\ I thought the prupose of this forum was to AID in the R&D process for these devices.
Firstly - A huge thanks to the obvious hours upon hours of research you've done in this area.
I hear what youre saying that the concepts involved with building these devices should be understood by the builders before we attempt to build them - as such, we should do the research and learn the concepts before building.
even if the logic holds for that, I dont think its the right way to go - we can learn by talking about this and reading schematics just as well as we can learn by reading the publications, patents and read up on fundamentals of the science involved here as you have.
My quesitons is - why waste all that time? Youve boiled it all down already - why go through the process again? It just doesnt seem right to come here and release some information and then withold some because its better that we learn for ourselves.
In reality, a lot of discoveries that became the threshold of a big breaktrhough happen by chance anyhow - they happen when people experiment and discover for themselves how things work. Its for this reason that inventors come up with their own verbiage for the concepts theyve indentified that are at play within their devices.
Some of us are inventors - some of us are experimenters, some of us are just interested in alternative energy - the bottom line is, not all of us are capable of investing the time and money to build designs and testing them nedlessly. It IS needless if someone else can speak from experience or from knowldege on the subject thats needed.
You've said that these people are not suited to this field of work if they do not have the resources to invest. Well, frankly, I disagree - everyone who has a heart for helping the planet is useful on this website - Teach them to fish, and they'll teach others for you. If I show your average joe how to build an OU device - even if he doesnt understand it - as long as I'm able to communicate how to replicate the design and what pitfalls/safety issues to watch for - then there's another happy person who can now help their family weather the coming storm.
We really are talking about the lives and well being of humanity when talking about the far reaching implications that renuable alternative energy can afford. Why waste time with all this elitism? I have to strongly agree with those who have said that now is not the time for homework.
(I'm not saying we should disregard the science behind the subject, but instead, bring it front row center into the discussion instead of asking us to sort it out for ourselves)
As for the rest of you people being critical of eachother over spelling or being ciritcal of the presentation of arguments... all that is irrelevant - as long as we know what the message is, it is not necessary to criticize the quality.
we all bring different tools to the table here - You may not feel that theyre all useful but, why not see how we can make them useful instead of just saying theyre not suited to research - after all - anyone who makes an honest effort to contribute here can be helpful.
Edit: Almost forgot - Huge props @Farrah Day - I'm with you!
In spite of the bickering here,I can still pull water out of thin air and create a system for refueling a water powered car automatically.Now you guys just need to recreate Stanley Meyer's device for pulling water apart.My design could be used to refuel as a car is sitting or running 24/7.Triffid
Quote from: triffid on April 09, 2009, 07:39:24 AM
In spite of the bickering here,I can still pull water out of thin air and create a system for refueling a water powered car automatically.Now you guys just need to recreate Stanley Meyer's device for pulling water apart.My design could be used to refuel as a car is sitting or running 24/7.Triffid
Make a video and a guide on how to make your thing .
Sounds like Triffid could be using a similar setup to whats used in a dehumidifyer to pull water out of the air.
Simply put, a peltier element will work to produce a cold surface for condensation to accumulate..
check this out for some more ideas:
Agreed Phantasm, he has a dehumidifier.
The mystery to me is, why he would want to go to all that trouble when water is so freely available from numerous other sources anyway?
Useful perhaps if you're caught out in the desert, providing of course that you have the means to power it - but then you'd probably want to drink it not put it in your car!
Has it's applications, but frankly I can't see the relevance to powering a car on water, as you'd simply recycle the water emitted. Furthermore It would likely be just another - and unnecessary - drain on power.
Quote from: h20power on April 09, 2009, 03:11:49 AM
I for one know that the Gas Processor is the most important part of Stanley Meyer's technology for at the end of one of his patents he says it can be used with any type of fuel, and as we have all seen that the Gas Processor can be driven by any high frequency switching type transformer as the MIT video demonstraited. Without the Gas Processor you can get no thermo explosive energy all you will get is 286 kJ/mol or perhapes a bit more if hho is produced. But that is no where near the energy content of gasolines 4k-5k kJ/mol depending on the grade used. Remember it all comes down to energy flux density and water for fuel with the Gas Processor has far more energy content than fossile fuels.
And kinesisfilms please don't talk to him for he is not worth it lets just run right over him for we are all making great progress right now ;) I for one am not going back for road kill ::)
I find your theory dangerously over-simplified., you are not hearing me , you wish to build a VIC , a cell , and a Gas Processor , the VIC is needed for gas production . But I wanna make only a VIC and injector , I believe there is a dipole excitation going on here and a charge that is unaccounted for .
This VIC is meant to go with very small tubes , I have heard rumors that Stan used this VIC on each of his tubes for the cell , every tube had its own VIC , the VIC 6-1 is the best and only VIC stan was bringing into production .
As I have said before , the water goes into the injector and gets blown away in the motor , no laser no leds nothing , all magnetic field stuff , the added power is this charge from the vacuum .
Quote from: h20power on March 15, 2009, 06:34:59 PM
Now I am going to set this up as an engineering project as a result I will not tell you how to build, construct, and/or design your projects if you so choose to make them. The idea is simple, to get as many different models as possible that all work. You will be shown where the power truly comes from and how everything works for the water fuel injector system, not the WFC in use with the gasous type injectors. Read them as a set of rules to follow, anyway you see fit on how to apply what you have read is up to you.
Again I stress that this is to be a engineering type project, the full build of the design shall come from the individual and/or teams that want to work together on it. And most important of all is to have fun ;D.
Hi Phantasm,
On this site I go over many different things about Stanley Meyer's patents & technology and my reasons for setting it up as an engineering type project is for the best. For if any of you don't know this already one of my designs was blocked from being made, more than likely by those that don't want this technology to see the light of day. I am just one man and as they have shown me my ideas can be blocked, but blocking everyones ideas from the internet is impossible, for one of us is bound to make it through the net. Plus as I stated just building it is not enough you have to understand it. For when it malfuctions how are you going to fix it? Going to take it to the dealership to have it fixed? Not! Going to search me out and demad that I come over there and fix it for you? Not! Or how about just build a whole new one and throw away the one that stopped working? Big time Not! For starters the whole set up should cost the individual somewhere between $2500-$3000 US or more. Someone I know got a quote on the machining the VIC transformer of $400 each and for the a four cylander car that should require 6 VIC transformers to be built costing $2400. Now if you build the transformers yourself the cost is a fraction of that cost, but the parallel bonded or bifilar wire is also costly and there seems to be know what around that. Then add in the cost of building the Gas Processor say $1600, and then this injectors $400 each or more. These are just cost that I am getting someone out there can beat these cost, and if the rule holds someone out there can build all of this better than I can.
But if I just post all of my designs and circuits no one will even try to build it better for they will just copy and paste, leading to being blocked when those people protecting their interest come to stop the technology for all they would have to do is find a weak point in my designs and take down the whole project. Sure, like you, I see the storm on the horizon, but I also know that just copying is not the answer, for this storm is geared to kill an estimated 4 billion people for that is what "they" want. What I am really waiting on is for people from all walks of life to start showing me, and the world, what they are coming up with as a solution to the engineering problem at hand. I have seen just two designs besides my own, and heard of two more being built by Dankie's team and Kinisfilm's team so that makes five totally different designs that more than likely will all work. That is why I say either get busy designing or get busy dieing for like it or not that is the choices you have been given.
Best of luck to us all,
H20 is right , H20 is a builder .
H20power , I can help you reduce your costs , its not really that bad :)
This is an engineering challenge , the more people doing their variations the better , but the problem is its mostly just bullshitters here and patent thieves ...
Mostly "imaginary" experimenters that only have 200$ that they will ever spend , close to the tent city ... Or these silent Geniuses types , who only take a few bits and replicate it in secret *cough* 2(WFC.ORG)iM CURIOUS If this is really whats left out there ... They are a few exeptions ofc who are trying their best , but sometimes trying your best on something stupid is actually bad ...
once again...something is not right here......Phantasm and Farrahday might be one in the same.
Hi Dankie,
Those are worste case possibilities, the Gas Processor is costing me around $750 to build and I'm okay with that for now. Since I make the VIC transformers myself the cost of making them is way down for I don't have to pay someone $60-$75 per/hour to machine them for me. The electronics are about $60, and the injectors I am still working on, but I am not doing it like Stanley Meyer's at all, but I am following all the rules and as a result staying within 14% of the patent so no one can block me with patent stealing for I intend on riding Stanley Meyer's patent since it has expired. Stanley Meyer did all the hard work of getting it patented so why should I try and jump through the same hoops he did, when I could just use his patent and be safe.
The design that got blocked was outside of Stanley Meyer's patent protection and got blocked quickly as a result. I wont make that same mistake twice and vow to stay within 14% of the patent.
For anyone wanting to know it is this tube that got blocked from being made:
And caused me to take the whole design back to the drawing board, sort of like taking a medical pill back to formula, something know one wants to hear let alone do, and it increased the cost 277% :'(. But now I learned my lesson and things are going smoothly again. :)
its obvious because he allways has one flaw.. fancying himself or herself in his or her comments to his or her other screen names.. i just laugh.. but i feel bad because its like one step backwards when the newbs reads it.. puts there minds in a catch 22. dont know who is write since its getting distorted.
Quote from: kinesisfilms on April 09, 2009, 01:41:21 PM
once again...something is not right here......Phantasm and Farrahday might be one in the same.
I get that you guys have a lot of trouble with people being myschievious here and being that there's no way to prove or disprove anything in this regard, I suppose you can believe what you will
I only hope that you can still be critical of the message independently of being critical of the messenger
Quote from: Phantasm on April 09, 2009, 04:48:29 PM
I get that you guys have a lot of trouble with people being myschievious here and being that there's no way to prove or disprove anything in this regard, I suppose you can believe what you will
I only hope that you can still be critical of the message independently of being critical of the messenger
Not another annoying "smooth talker" , theres enough of you around here .
Hi! H20power, I am new to this forum. I've been reading several forums for the last year or so on Stan Meyers and about anything i could research about him and his work. I never realy wanted to join a forum until i started reading this thread for i find it very interesting. I have been working on this for over a year now. And like most people im getting no where with it. I Think you show a new outlook on the way it should be built and work. I intend on putting your ideas and math to good use (for it all adds up). I hope you and everyone welcomes me here for i may need help from time to time......I am a Machinest by trade and i am willing to help out in any way i can in that feild of work..
See what you're up against Phantasm?
Everytime someone tries to bring things into the real world they accuse that person of being a rebel: You are me, I am Buzz, Buzz is someone else.... what!
Trying to bring sanity to the thread is like trying to teach Einstein to be stupid - it's just not going to happen.
Trying to initiate intelligent conversation is pointless as there are no intelligent people to converse with - you must surely realise this by now, it's just not going to happen!
I am also new to this subject but have duplicated the VIC Voltage Enhancement Circuit. I was able to do that because of such a specific description of it in the tech brief. I find this ionazation to be fascinating yet extremely confusing as I am not formally educated but am very willing to learn. If you were a new student to this theory what would be the basics that you would want to familiarize yourself with? I do need a starting point.
Quote from: Gpssonar on April 09, 2009, 06:14:46 PM
Hi! H20power, I am new to this forum. I've been reading several forums for the last year or so on Stan Meyers and about anything i could research about him and his work. I never realy wanted to join a forum until i started reading this thread for i find it very interesting. I have been working on this for over a year now. And like most people im getting no where with it. I Think you show a new outlook on the way it should be built and work. I intend on putting your ideas and math to good use (for it all adds up). I hope you and everyone welcomes me here for i may need help from time to time......I am a Machinest by trade and i am willing to help out in any way i can in that feild of work..
Welcome Gpssonar,
Hope everyone treats you well on this form and welcome to the war.
yes! and now that john has duplicated the vic all that is left to do would be the creation of the gas processor since the gas processor uses the vic to create it's votlage field in between it's anode and cathode.
we should becoming together soon.
another person of skill and help is our friend donald.......he might be able to produce your gas processor for a much much cheaper price than 750 dollars.
Hi kinesisfilms,
That is the total cost for all the LEDs plus needed resistors, gaskets and sealing rings, nuts and bolts, EEC, and all of the electrical connections plus shipping cost that go with the Gas Processor. Like I said I am fine with it for now, meaning when I get a lathe big enough I will make the thing myself, lol. But I do like the machinist I am currently working with for his is a good man.
I wanted to explain how the injectors work here but I think I will just keep that on the other forum. For the dogs are out filling this thread with page after page of BS now. But I did what I set out to do and that was to let people see some math and science to go along with Stanley Meyers work for a change. I just hope that as many as possible start breaking the chains of energy enslavement.
Best Regards,
People always see me as a negative and disruptive influence, and that may be so, but it's only down to the fact that no one seems to be capable of actually thinking for themselves. I'm actually as intrigued by this subject as anyone else, it's just that I'm well grounded and don't live in a fantasy world like many here seem to. I also find it hard to continually tolerate nonsense posted by idiots.
The biggest thing here that makes no sense to me, is why anyone would at this stage be interested in building the gas processor in the first place. It's akin to fitting a supercharger on a car that as yet has no engine!
Surely the gas processor is of absolutely no use until someone firstly recreates Meyers method of high voltage, low current electrolysis - the super-efficient dissociation of water!
Perhaps it's just me, but wouldn't it seem far more logical to start from the beginning and overcome the initial and basic problem with Meyer's gas production, before worrying about how to energise the resulting gas.
Come on, is anyone actually making a substantial amount of hydroxy from a WFC at very low power??
I started a thread about the 'dissociation of the water molecule', because that's where it all starts from, that's the key to everything, but it seems people are just not interested in sorting out the basics. Everyone is trying to run before they have learned to walk, they want the cake but can't be bothered to bake it - it's just crazy!
I agree with John , we need a better starting point that your little circle thing . That 1000$ thing can be replaced by an inexpensive tiny piece of metal .
,what leds? , how was it made ? How was it pulsed ? Whats the voltage ?
All one big ?
distribution method after that ???
Seriously ...
As you can see everyone his thinking(Farrah day) is flawed due to the fact he is unable to answer the primary question:
How did Stanley Meyer run a 1.6L aluminium series engine with an hho production rate of only 7L/min.?
For in answering this question you will see if you have an hho producing device capable of producing 7L/min. and you add on the Gas Processor would you not get the same results? Sure yours wont be as effiecent as Stanley Meyers but it will work none the less, am I right? I know people that have systems producing over 14L/min. with a 4-5 amp draw from the system. They can't run an engine with twice the amount of hho production as Stanley Meyer had, and I ask why is that? Answer is they don't have the Gas Processor doing the job it is supposed to be doing hooked up to the system.
And to add insult to injury, why would you not build it? For as Stanley Meyer made the change from gaseous injection to water injection the Gas Processor still remained apart of the system. Everyone put your thinking caps on and ask, "why is this person telling you
not to build the Gas Processor?" If you reason it out you can only come to a few conclussions, but the primary conclussion is, he is trying to get you to not build a nesasary device found in the patents of Stanley Meyer's for the reason of keeping you all trapped in the energy enslavement game they have us all playing right now. Think about it. :o
Energy independence is now ours for the taking,
Dankie I can understand your confussion, but the resonant cavity unit is the WFC, not the Gas Processor the Gas Processor is part of the hydrogen fracturing process. You can see the resonant cavity unit here:
I have had it with this site for I can't explain anything due to not being able to load up imagies that I have.
Firstly, 'he' is a 'she' as the more quick-minded around here might just have realised by now... ok, so... perhaps not too many then.
QuoteIf you reason it out you can only come to a few conclussions, but the primary conclussion is, he is trying to get you to not build a nesasary device found in the patents of Stanley Meyer's for the reason of keeping you all trapped in the energy enslavement game they have us all playing right now
H2O you muppet, why would I want to do that? If you have ever read any of my threads you would realise that I want to get to the bottom of this as much as anyone else. It's simply illogical to start from the later end and work toward the beginning - surely even you can see this.
As for asking me to answer a stupid question again and again, get over it, because it all depends on whether or not you believe Meyer ran his 1.6l VW, and I for one - as already mentioned - have never considered the man remotely credible.
Do you have a balanced chemical equation for what happens when you ignite hydrogen ions in the presence of heavily ionised oxygen ions? How can these ions react to form molecules or water??? Or are you, like others before you, not going to let real science get in the way?
And for Christ's sake, there is a 'c' in necessary, and only one 's' in conclusion. I guess education is all relative, eh!
Quote from: h20power on March 15, 2009, 06:34:59 PM
Now I am going to set this up as an engineering project as a result I will not tell you how to build, construct, and/or design your projects if you so choose to make them. The idea is simple, to get as many different models as possible that all work. You will be shown where the power truly comes from and how everything works for the water fuel injector system, not the WFC in use with the gasous type injectors. Read them as a set of rules to follow, anyway you see fit on how to apply what you have read is up to you.
Again I stress that this is to be a engineering type project, the full build of the design shall come from the individual and/or teams that want to work together on it. And most important of all is to have fun ;D.
This will be my last post on this site due to not being able to up-load pic's, from my photo bucket or my PC to this site and that hampers me from explaining anything fully. If you have questions regarding Stanley Meyer's technology and/or patents go and join the above site or just read the thread from start to end. Also this site is not run the way a site should be in my opinion, and like I said I have set out to do what I intended on doing and that was to let people see some science and math added to the Stanley Meyer patents.
Good bye Hartiberlin.
Since its public domain anyway,I will reveal here what I use.A salt, potassium chloride, will draw water out of the air.Then you use heat to drive the water off thus freeing up the salt to do it all over again.I would like to use solar heat.In my experiments KCl will pull equal amounts( by volume) of water out of the air.Usually takes about 3 days for maximum results.Triffid
What?No response?A 100 mls of KCl beads produces about 100 mls of liquid in 3-7 days.The waste heat that developes in a car that has its windows rolled up on a hot day could be used to drive off the water from the salt(KCl).Triffid
So a 55gal drum off this stuff would hold about 55 gal of liquid that one could pull the water out of using heat.And repeat the cycle over and over again.Triffid
It is bizzare how many people will "explain what Stan Meyer did to run his car on water". Yet nobody has a working water car. We need more science and less nonsense!
Does this site doesn't even have a thread for the recent cold fusion (LENR) replication done by the Navy? Why not talk about something more real than all this heresay (aka, everything you've read and seen Re: S. Meyer)
H20power, you have not scientifically or mathematically proven where the electrons go, and where they sit waiting. Stan Meyer says in one of his patents or articles that the electrons are destroyed/consumed and converted into heat/light. Earlier he said with his obsolete WFC system that electrons were NOT consumed at all! Very contradictory - but then again the water injector is a different invention than the original WFC. If this is the case with the water injector, that electrons are somehow destroyed and converted to energy - then he would have killed our planet pretty quickly and turned all of our drinking water into heat and light. Do you think his aims were good?
Is this how the Sun works? Ball of water that destroys matter?
Electrons are not DESTROYED off our planet as far as I know. They just move and move other things around them. Correct me if I am wrong. I.e. when you have a battery in operation the electrons just go from one chemical to the other chemical - the electrons are not actually eaten by magical gothic zombies.
If Stan's wish is to destroy electrons (reducing mass of planet) then we are going to kill ourselves with this device pretty quickly, are we not? Or do electrons get created from God or from the Vacuum - and if so then please demonstrate it and say so. All we want are answers. Stop brushing it under the carpet.
H20Power you better stop bragging about your engineering skills because if you engineer a device that kills me, make no mistake I will come after you with a baseball bat and harm you! That is not good engineering skill of you (humor noted, I could not do so if I had already been killed first :-*)
Where did these electrons disappear to in this hydrogen fracturing process? Then where did they magically come back from? Or did they? Did God generate them again and have them destroyed for us first?
These are the questions you should be answering and asking, H20Power.
If you want to ask the right questions, then open your damn ears and listen. Stop rambling on about how everyone should just go look up Corona discharge.. that is just an easy way out for you. You use this as your escape. You like to use that label like it is the Bible that we should all read. If you were truly an engineer and scientist though you would not even have to refer people to the Corona discharge - you could sum it up and explain what happens within a few sentences.
For example let us say that what happens in Stan's system is that the electrons get dislodged and stuck in the air somehow. Then when the flame finishes burning the water ions grab back those electrons and we have water again. YOU EXPLAIN IT IN SIMPLE TERMS LIKE THIS and stop farting around.
If you do not explain your system then you will potentially kill millions of people. Do you realize what harm you will do to this planet if your device is destroying electrons and matter? Do you realize what weapons of mass destruction you are launching?
When the mixture has completed burning and the piston is moving, the electrons jump back in to the ions to create non ionic water molecule?
YOU, yes, YOU, h20power.. why don't YOU start asking the right questions.
If you really knew what you were doing you could sum up the "discharge" and ionization effect in a few sentences and just SAY SO for crying out loud that the electrons dislodge into the air and get stuck there like glue for a second, then they come back into the water ions. But here is the QUESTION TO ASK - where did the energy come from to release that sticky glue bond that those electrons were temporarily using to hold on to the air, if indeed that this is where they go?
Were the electrons just floating without glue? If they were floating without glue then they would not be floating at all - they would already have formed the water, preventing the flame in the first place! Ask the right questions. Answer them.
People talk about how Stan's device is some Divine system that pulls and pushes evenly like the yin and yang. Sorry, does not scientifically explain it. Guess what - two magnets stuck together also do this. THEY DO NOT PRODUCE USEFUL ENERGY. THEY CANCEL OUT. So start explaining Stan's device properly, scientifically - because you are NOT doing so - H20power, nor is Outlawsc or even the other more religious buddhist quacktards on this site.
And for Ms. Farrah Day, gentle lady - if ionization and temporary electron dislodging really does causes the energy to be released in Meyer's system - then H20Power is mostly right in saying that we need not to worry much about the rest of the system like the old obsolete WFC. We could produce small crappy amounts of hydrogen using even old obsolete electrolysis and still release massive amounts of energy from it if this ionization "discharge" really works. However, if this ionization discharge does not work and Stan just theorized it worked... well.... then the gas processor is mostly a useless dream. This, I am still sitting on the fence about - because it is possible Stan was delusional. I am not saying he was, but there is an equal possibility.
The right question to ask (ARE YOU LISTENING H20POWER?) are: is there energy required to release electrons from a temporary ionization glue in the air? Are the electrons disappearing and where to? If they disappear is it only temporary, and are they then plucked again and returned? Where from? Why? These are the questions to ask. Or are the electrons are destroyed and gone? If it is a case of the electrons being dislodged and "hanging out somewhere else" for a while, like at the shopping mall or corner store, or where-ever. I have some doubts because it takes energy to release that glue that they were sticking to, in the air, temporarily, to hide from the water molecule for a while. How are you going to drive these electrons home from the shopping mall without paying for the fuel to do so? Or were the electrons just magically pulled back with the force without amps and current?
Do also think about magnets and how they stick together due to equal forces. No movement there.. 0. Cancel out. If there truly was a way to harness energy like from just fields and potential - then what about permanent magnets?
If it is a case of electrons being destroyed then I am scared.
One more thing h20power: stop repeating the same useless beaten to death horse: Learn to ask the right questions. Why I want you to stop beating this dead cliche? Because you have not asked the right questions and neither did Stan! You h20power and Stan did not THINK about the consequences of destroyed electrons, or if not destroyed then WHAT? Where are they? That is the right question to ask. When you start asking them, then please continue to preach like a Priest with your dead horse. I have asked them. Not you!
Farrah Day asked some good questions that you just ignored and told everyone to look up Corona discharge. Again I repeat you could explain your device without even recommending people look up Corona discharge.. tell them about the temporary ionization glue, if that is how it works - and do explain how this bond in the air ionization is broken without it taking massive amounts of energy. Do not just brush it under the carpet and tell people to go read up on Corona discharge. Just because you ask scientists to explain how lightening works and they do not have all the answers, does not mean that because of this your device will work! That is what you seem to think. Here is a thought for you: the energy in lightening may come from the Sun, because water had risen to a higher level and now has more charge up high in the sky. Then the energy could be explained as coming from the sun in lightening. I am not saying this is the case - but if it is, then it would mean that referring people to how lightening works would actually DISPROVE stan's device, not prove it. Unless stan's device got energy from the sun somehow.
And there are theories out there that energy in lightening does come from the sun. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. One theory, AFAIR, is that the water from oceans, etc. get heated by the sun and this water turns into gas in the sky. Those are called clouds. However, when the gas turns back to liquid what happens? ask the right questions. This has tremendous potential energy due to water being a lower energy level than gas. Why? Gas is taking up lots of space and has energy. Similar to how it takes lots of energy to melt ice since ice is lower energy that water. So since gaseous clouds all of a sudden start turning RAPIDLY into liquid, they cause lightening discharge. That is just one theory - do look it up - because I may have not explained it as well as they did with the static explanations. This could also explain why people supposedly "burn water" with those plasma spark plugs on the free energy quacktard forums. If we use some energy to mistify the water into a little spray of cloud, is this energy that we put into the system then not available to us to discharge? But they cancel out. The mechanical energy we used to separate the water into a spray is then converted into spark. I.e. the mechanical energy it took to mistify the water is gained back in the little spark you get, and you have zero net.
Interesting arguments L505. I'm confused about how you interpret ionization and such. Do you understand it and you say Meyers didn't? I'm not sure what "sitting on the fence with this one" means. Please let me offer an explanation... The following was copied from
Air Ions Defined
The word ion, derived from a Greek verb suggesting motion, has the sense of “a traveler.†The term was first used to describe the effects observed when electrical currents were passed through various solutions; molecules in the solutions would dissociate and migrateâ€"that is, travelâ€"to electrodes of opposite polarity. A theory advanced by the Swedish researcher S. A. Arrhenius that the migrating ions were electrically charged atoms was substantiated by the later discovery of the electron and its nature.
Ions are defined as atoms or molecules that have lost or gained electrons. (Electrons are the only easily available charge carriers.) When an atom or molecule has an equal number of electrons and protons it is electrically balanced, or neutral. If an electron is lost, the atom or molecule becomes positively charged and is a positive ion. Gaining an electron makes it a negative ion.
What is called an air ion, or a charged air molecule, is really no such thing. Air is a mixture of gases, including nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and other trace gases, any one or more of which may be ionized. Sometimes a diatomic gas molecule, such as nitrogen or oxygen, will gain or lose the electron. Sometimes it will be a more complex gas such as carbon dioxide. In any case, when molecules of one or more of the gases in air gain or lose electrons, the result is conventionally called air ions. Air ions differ from ions in solution in that energy is needed for their formation.
In normal, unfiltered air, air ions are molecular clusters consisting of about 10 neutral gas molecules around a charged oxygen, water, or nitrogen molecule. These are called small air ions. Small air ions are relatively mobile and soon encounter ions of the opposite polarity or a grounded surface, at which point they lose their charge and become neutral molecules again. Small air ions have a life span of a few seconds to a few minutes in clean air.
Under the right conditions, these ions attach to particles or other large molecular clusters in the air, resulting in large air ions. The relative proportion of small and large air ions present generally depends on the cleanliness of the air. Large quantities of particulate matter or aerosols in the air lead to a depletion of small air ions.
However, any discussion of neutralizing static charge on insulators in a static-control program, as here, will deal primarily with the production and effects of small air ions.
Where do the electrons go? In Stan's case, ground. The EEC is clearly used after the electrolytic cell to ionize the liberated gasses. Stan calls it an "Electron Extraction Circuit", Tesla called it an "Ozone Generator", "Air Ionizer", etc... The technology is older than the hills, so, it should not be too hard of a concept even when the names have changed which all inventors love to do when they invent(rediscover). like the "Transmogrifier" or a "Flux Capacitor".
Hello guys i would like to invite you to my thread
Here i released the basic information about the way meyer did to achieve 1000x efficiency electrolysis.
I ask for donations so if you can please donate it will help a lot. I decided to come here and advert you about it.
Answer he didn't used high voltage between the plates. He talked about this to confuse people.
40kv at 1ma = to 40 watts right ?
How about 4000 amps at 0,01volts
would not it be = to 40w?
The key is how to pass this huge current thru water at this very low voltage. You would need very high surface on the plates and...
Info about this here
Please donate
Quote from: sebosfato on August 23, 2009, 04:41:15 PM
Hello guys i would like to invite you to my thread
Here i released the basic information about the way meyer did to achieve 1000x efficiency electrolysis.
I ask for donations so if you can please donate it will help a lot. I decided to come here and advert you about it.
Answer he didn't used high voltage between the plates. He talked about this to confuse people.
40kv at 1ma = to 40 watts right ?
How about 4000 amps at 0,01volts
would not it be = to 40w?
The key is how to pass this huge current thru water at this very low voltage. You would need very high surface on the plates and...
Info about this here
Please donate
Sebosfato, no offence - but piss-off! No one sends donations when you just yap and talk. Put the evidence where your mouth is. You don't need donations to build it if you already know it works - because if you already know it works, then show it to everyone. Put up or shut up.
Quote from: HeairBear on May 25, 2009, 12:51:57 PM
Interesting arguments L505. I'm confused about how you interpret ionization and such. Do you understand it and you say Meyers didn't?
Meyer's didn't do a very good job of stating that ionization is cheap and easy to do. Is this true?
If so, this is the entire key to the whole invention and it means one could build a far simpler electricity creation device. All one has to do is ionize air, and combine it with some other stuff.... a plastic comb for example, and you have free static electricity from a comb.
It should be emphasized everywhere that ionization of air is the huge key to the invention. I'm still not sure it is, because rubbing a comb to knock off electrons takes energy. Someone needs to explain how this Meyer system somehow does it without the comb rubbing.
Someone needs to prove that ionization and knocking electrons off air is cheap and free, or somehow a net energy gain. Doesn't make sense to me since in order to increase the energy level (knock an electron off), one has to increase the energy to get up to that energy level. I keep the open mind though, and not saying it isn't possible.. I just wonder how.
If the energy comes from the motion of the molecules moving, then the water must cool down or slow down its molecules and that's where the energy comes from? If possible, it would break the laws of physics since heat can't be extracted from substances that are at their surrounding atmosphere temperature (not saying the laws can't be broken though, again I'm open minded).
Quote from: HeairBear on May 25, 2009, 12:51:57 PM
Where do the electrons go? In Stan's case, ground. The EEC is clearly used after the electrolytic cell to ionize the liberated gasses. Stan calls it an "Electron Extraction Circuit", Tesla called it an "Ozone Generator", "Air Ionizer", etc...
He didn't make this clear, that the air ionizer was somehow free? As far as I know Tesla used energy to ionize air, it wasn't free.
As for the Ground...
Okay, that's interesting. A lot of people act as if they have found the solution to Meyer's system but no one has mentioned these points about the electrons disappearing to GROUND.
I once had the idea that maybe the electrons were going to ground, like how when you rub a comb and touch a door knob the electrons short out. So which ground ? earth ground, or the engine metal ground?
If it is the engine metal, then why don't the electrons just rejoin again and stop the fuel from being created since everything is touching the metal in the engine.. Or do the electrons go into the battery of the car or through the alternator? Flow of electricity has to be explained here.
When the gases enter the combustion chamber, the cylinders are metallic... so would the ionic gases then just rejoin to the engine ground metal inside the chamber? Unless somehow the spark beats the gases. Again, more flow and complete explanations please. Until we understand all of this.. we aren't going to know how it all works!
Stan didn't mention that ground was extremely important in the circuit and that this is where electrons go? Normal circuits don't work this way do they, where electrons just disappear to ground? Usually the electrons run back to your battery terminal or similar. With generators the electrons race back to the magnet, AFAIK.
Okay so why do the electrons want to go to ground... the coils trap them, the light bulb draws the electrons in, and they go to ground after that why? Do any circuits work this way where ground just consumes electrons (well, stores them). Is this possible? I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just questioning this to understand how and why it could work.
When you rub a comb the reason they go to ground is because you have added energy to the comb by moving it back and forth. How does this Meyer system do it without rubbing the comb? Also clouds rub by wind and sun energy and that's why we see bolts of lightning, because of the sun charging up the clouds. Where does Stan get this energy without using movement from wind currents or the sun?
When you strip electrons off the air, it should be the same as knocking energy levels up of any other substance, as far as I know. just like rubbing a comb costs energy. Electrons are jiggled out off the comb and that took energy to get them jiggled. So Stan does this by what magic? Just voltage alone... can I charge up a comb with just voltage alone? If so there might be easier ways to generate energy - not saying that we should work on other stuff and forget the water cell, just questioning this whole thing because really working with a comb could be easier than a complex engine compartment, to at least prove the theory in a lab easily.
Since after all a molecule is a molecule, and an energy level is an energy level, I still don't see how magically ionization is free and knocking off electrons to ground doesn't take any energy to ionize air?
The only sensible way I see in gaining energy from this, is to reduce the mass of the water, which could be dangerous, or to cool off the water and have it ice cold out the tail pipe (which goes against the laws of physics, but I'm not saying it isn't possible), or to change the structure of water to have more bonds since more bonds mean more energy is released.
Quote from: HeairBear on May 25, 2009, 12:51:57 PM
The technology is older than the hills, so, it should not be too hard of a concept even when the names have changed which all inventors love to do when they invent(rediscover). like the "Transmogrifier" or a "Flux Capacitor".
Indeed ionization is nothing new. But, is ionization free energy or somehow cheaper than rubbing a comb? Lightning works by the clouds moving with wind currents and gravity pulling icicles down, so that's where the energy comes from there - the sun. Tesla developed the ionization system which drew power in order to purify water, air, and emulate lightning. It's not as if it was free energy, it was just an invention for ionization? Does someone have some evidence that somehow ionization can be done nearly free without expending energy, and why is that so if rubbing a comb takes energy to knock electrons lose?
If someone could please explain to everyone how knocking off electrons from air molecules is somehow extremely efficient!
The way I see it so far is everyone forgets to do some calculations on the ionization side. We just assume that ionizing air must be cheap, and no proof of that? Really, where are the calculations to show this and prove it? I'm not saying it isn't true, but I wonder why lots of people think they have solved Meyer, without them actually showing the complete science and math?
It was never emphasized by Meyer if it is true, and I wonder if he skipped these points because he was busy explaining other stuff, or whether he just didn't have the heart to offer this to people, or what.
Also, if the electrons disappear into earth ground, it means the water cannot be formed in the tail pipe - the electrons have escaped and are no longer in the water, they are in the ground? Or are they in the engine metal, and not at the tires to earth ground? When the gas explodes it grabs electrons from the engine again? This seems still like some kind of perpetual motion and there are missing equations for the energy that was gained. Not saying it isn't how the system works, I'm just demanding the science here like any intelligent scientific person would.
And I ask all these questions because, well, one has to "ask the right questions". They aren't meant to be purely negative doubts, or flames; they are meant to help solve this system and make people understand it entirely, scientifically!
Also it would be interesting to see - are there any circuits out there that have electrons go to ground and disappear there (well I mean stored there) for other reasons? I.e. doesn't have to be free energy related, just would be interesting to see some circuits that use this technique for any reasons whatsoever. It seems, if it is all about electrons disappearing into ground (stan calls it consumption but really it is just moving them elsewhere, not consumption), that this circuit is unique in that it is a mixture of regular electricity and static electricity. Not many circuits I know of use static electricity? But I haven't studied many circuits so would like to know if others make use of this technique for other inventions or electronics?
Also, although static electricity is called static, it doesn't mean it is free.. again rubbing the comb is not free energy just because it is static electricity when you touch your finger to the door knob. You added the rubbing energy to make the static electricity possible. So although Stan could be using static electricity, still more explanations need to be added - static does not equal free (unless, someone has an explanation!)
I know every one come and say oh i got the solution bla bla bla ...
But believe me to ionize the air economically you need to get the electrons to collide against each others but this can be done only at very high power density or very high voltage.
You can use laser energy to overcome the surface potential barrier allowing electron emission, you need a good electron donor material for the cathode and a good electron acceptor for the anode, stanley showed this calculations look at this link.
Stanley meyer talked about using high voltage with very few milliamps and actually this was the output power of the vic or as you can now call it as what it is the input transformer that inputs energy into the resonant tank. A resonant tank at resonance accumulate power a lot of it. In the form of recirculating the current from the capacitor to the inductor. when the tank is full it develop a very high impedance thats why stan say 40kv 1ma because he got 40000000ohms of impedance on his configuration. The current could be anywhere close to 40 amps. When he said allow voltage to take over in a dead short condition he was talking about how to push all this current thru the water using while having very low voltage between the plates.
Actually he was using 40w to create about 100kwatts of reactive power to split the water molecule. When he got the collisions and the electron is ejected from the water it than recirculate and destroy other molecules even further. The same applies on the gas processor ionizing the air economically.
If you want you can read the all thread and check if my information is right i assure you lc circuits works like this because i'm working on this from 3 years now. i would not say things like this on the internet if it was not true. i got only 150 euros of donations started this week so as i'm releasing such an information people could consider donate. I spent all my money on it more than 13000 euros in the recent years only on this equipments ...
Sebosfato , I think I am gonna go advertise my product over @ that retarded cia gatekeeper site and give you some competion
The last time I tried to advertise there my post was immediatly locked and I was banned again by that hating amateur Aaron CIA Murakami .
But I think I'm gonna try again , I know that fool will just love to hate my new toy .
meyer knew that if he said like 5000amps at 0,01 volts is = to 50W everyone would just get it to work 100x more efficient than Faraday. So he said just the contrary to protect his tech nology. Actually As if you read my thread you will understand that he says allow voltage to take over and do work on a dead short condition. And now i ask you what work can high voltage perform under a dead short condition It can make a very high current pass thru the water and for being at resonance you have no voltage in phase with the current so you are using high voltage to bombard the water with the high recirculating current you create on the resonant tank using few watts as he actually said from his input transformer 40W 40kv 0,001 amp...
Dankie I don't know what your product is but i assure you that if your product is still the ss wire or the vic transformer thats a nice one but you need to read what i'm talking about to get there because the history about resonance using only voltage with no current is bullshit.
So read my thread look very well every single word and if you can send me a donation or if you want send me one of your toys to test in combination with my toys and i'm going to send you pictures of my simulations that shows clearly that with a normal transformer or even without a transformer you can create very high recirculating power much higher than incoming input power meaning that what i'm talking about and real world books that talk about practical oscillators are right, the tank circuit accumulates power.
Stanley yes used ozone too as is easy to use the same circuit to create it and use it to split water molecule like also bruce perrealt states but first of every thing he could make electrolysis even 1000x more efficient already. He just wanted to make a new way to make it compact using only the injectors. Anyway you can't get to this with no background so people should start with what stanley started. Split the water economically.
So read my thread and if you want my data make a donation
Please help me
If you are looking for a hi voltage capacitor I ran across some info in the tesla patents that could be applicable.
QuoteIn the course of my own investigations, more especially those of the electric properties of ice, I have discovered some novel and important facts, of which the more prominent are the following : Firsts that under certain conditions, when the leakage of the electric charge, ordinarily taking place, is rigorously prevented, ice proves itself to be a much better insulator than has heretofore appeared; second, that its insulating properties may be still further improved by the addition of other bodies to the water; third, that the di-electric strength of ice or other frozen aqueous substance increases with the reduction of temperature and corresponding increase of hardness; and fourth, that these bodies afford a still more effective insulation for conductors carrying intermittent or alternating currents, particularly of high rates ; surprisingly thin layers of ice being capable of withstanding electromotive forces of many hundreds, and even thousands of volts.
Improvements relating to the Insulation of Electric Conductors. (
Also, I thought capacitors automatically had a high Q since there is no significant resistance. Why do you need a high Q capacitor? What am I missing? How would a high Q capacitor differ from a regular capacitor?
Hello angryscientist If you are up to create a very high current recirculating in a tank circuit you need a capacitor that is almost loss less or closer to it i mean low dielectric losses and low series resistance losses.
this way you can recirculate many kw of power using very low power input.
For an example If you have a High Q factor coil lets say a 100uh coil with a dc resistance of 0,005 ohms you need a high Q capacitor too to create a high Q resonant tank in order to have low losses in comparison with the recirculating power. The multiplication factor will be the same as the Q factor of the circuit so if you put 50w in a 2000 Q factor circuit you get 100kwatts of power recirculating and irradiating the water.
Depending on the values of capacitor and inductor the proportion of current and inductance change.
The bigger the inductance is the lower the frequency is and consequently the lower the current. As current is a depend on the capacitor value and frequency.
Read my thread
Yes you got it i use water in between the capacitor and inductor being in parallel so it counts as a series resistance with sodium hydroxide added to it as to get very very low resistance if you have this you get a high Q tank than with a certain current circulation you can make it very efficiently. I remind you that the inductor is wounded around the cell so you have also electromagnetic radiation and induced eddy currents in water and creating a very high pulses of magnetic energy.
With a step down transformer you could not pass this big current inside the water without having very large electrodes. With a resonant tank circuit you can.
Thats why i say is not a joke.
The amount of power wont change only the voltage and current. is like a resonant step down transformation as to have very high current and low voltage as i said if you put 50w 50Kv 1ma You have in your cell 50kv across the inductor and capacitor but thru the water you have for say 1000 amps if your cell resistance is = to 1mohm you get 1 volt across the cell but ate this power density it doesn't mather much because electrons will collide nocking more molecules and releasing them ionized. Actually stanley said he could use any water and the only way to have a parameter to go with any water is just to add electrolyte wont?
Please who can donate
Yes there is a way to steal the electron from the oxygen atoms this reaction takes place when you start to have ionization by collision inside your cells works like a chain reaction 1 electron is liberated is recirculated by the tank and again shot in the water again to knock out more electrons. Stanley meyer called this the electron extraction circuit. actually you could ionize air and sequentially using this free electrons to pass thru the water. Having a extra electron source. Is complex and at the same time simple is my theory about Stanley meyer I'm convinced how about you?
Similarities what i say what meyer say
Output of the transformer 40kv 1ma
It can work with any water
It needs a tank circuit (meyer call it resonant cavity to confuse you)
Laser energy can overcome the surface potential barrier of metals aiding collision. (meyer said it was for ionize the gases)
Meyer had to protect his technology and did it by only hiding on this sentence Allow voltage to take over and perform work on a dead short condition. The work it perform is to allow the flow of this high current and catch the electrons to recirculate by the inertia of the flow of energy in the tank.
Quote from: Loner on August 24, 2009, 02:31:11 AM
I realize that I'm off the mark here, but "Electrons" cannot "Go" to ground. Please remember, unless you are working with high Negative Voltages, the electrons COME from ground.
That's why I think it is important to question the GROUND issue.
When you rub your feet on the carpet, you gain electrons as a human. When you go to touch the door knob you get a spark as the electrons go from you to the doorknob.
Why do the electrons go from you to the door knob - is the door knob a ground and if so why would the electrons go there. If it is not a ground, then what is it, just isolated metal?
When you take off a wool hat, apparently the electrons go from your hair to the hat, and you the human take on a positive charge. So if you touched a doorknob after taking off a toque, I guess it would be quite different than rubbing your socks on carpet.
Quote from: Loner on August 24, 2009, 02:31:11 AM
I can assume that Stan could have been using all negative values, at which point the ground could suck up the higher charged particles. (No need to discuss the theory with you guys, as you understand it better than I.)
People do NOT understand theory, and that is the problem. If anyone actually understood the Meyer theory, it could be published and accepted by science, and the world would be a lot better place without any oil reliance for fuel (just for lubrication). THe problem actually is there is no theory! There is just speculation, and hand waving.
People want to handwave because they want to bypass the scientific questions and just get on to building the device, without understanding it and without showing the full math.
People who come on the forum asking for explanations are usually swiped aside as people that are "against the energy revolution" or "with the CIA" or something like that. This attitude needs to change. I for example would build a device if I understood how it worked, but until everything is understood it's almost a waste of time experimenting with a blindfold on (sometimes it is not a waste of time because you learn stuff experimenting, but often it is a waste of time).
Worse, some claim to understand it and claim to have all the math and science done - when in fact it is incomplete. If it were complete, then a student could easily understand the theory within a couple of hours of studying a terse but complete explanation of what goes on. This is not the case.
Quote from: Loner on August 24, 2009, 06:39:20 AM
After re-reading your "Questions" several times, so I had some idea of what you were really asking, I can offer a small start. First, there are two ways to create ions. One is to add an electron. The other is to remove one.
You need to add energy to pop off an electron. The problem is when you strip 4 electrons from the Oxygen atom, you have to spend a lot of energy to pop those electrons off. When you ignite the gases and the water comes out the tail pipe, you got the same energy back as what you did to pop those 4 electrons off.
I think you are discussing the water fuel cell, though. Whereas I am discussing the spark plug injector which uses stripped oxygen, gas processor, etc. Well this is one problem with Stan's devices, he never clearly separated them. Was the gas processor and stripped oxygen also used with the water fuel cell? I guess it was in later stages.
Quote from: sebosfato on August 24, 2009, 06:57:41 AM
Yes there is a way to steal the electron from the oxygen atoms this reaction takes place when you start to have ionization by collision inside your cells works like a chain reaction 1 electron is liberated is recirculated by the tank and again shot in the water again to knock out more electrons.
So you are saying that some how one can take an electron away (very little energy), and then the other electrons follow without spending energy, due to a chain reaction. What causes it, and where did this free energy come from? The chain reaction is powered by what? molecular movement? Molecular wind?
With a magnet, if you take one magnet and repel another magnet, it does not create a chain reaction where millions of other magnets give us free energy. All the magnets are part of the strain in the whole system and you need to add energy to get passed each magnet. The magnet analogy might be bad, but this why the magnet motor and toy magnet car tracks by Howard Johnson didn't turn out, and why he made some assumptions that were false which led him to never getting his dream working. It's still possible Stan had similar dreams and theories, and hoped one day his water fuel system would work, and maybe it never did. Maybe it did. No one saw his spark plug injector work for sure, but I hope it works. It needs to be explained though, and that is why we are here asking questions about how his device worked.
Some advice for people building devices:
First prove that a remote control car works, and then you don't have to spend thousands of dollars moving a 3500 pound vehicle down the road - you only have to power a 2 pound r/c gas engine car.
Stan used a dune buggy but I'd go one step further in downsizing so that you literally do not even need a garage parking stall. A r/c car with a gas engine does not require a garage, it requires a tiny shop. It is also less dangerous if the r/c car blows up your shop, because there is only a tiny bit of fuel and all your parts are cheap to replace.
Why not use a remote control car, small, cheap, as the first prototype. Get a gasoline R/C car running on hydrogen. Then you don't need big expensive equipment - you just make the tiny water spark plug. All the parts are smaller. For example you do not need a large metal lathe, now you only need a tiny metal lathe that you can get for under $300. All your engine parts are extremely cheap and you can work on the little car inside a small room - no need for a huge garage or barn. The costs of developing and testing on a full sized family car are horrifying.
I'm going to try it over and over again this way at least meyer and many others claim that it could work using resonance.
Meyer tried to fool everyone making people think his vic was resonating from theory about lc circuits it prove to be wrong and lc circuits prove to work as i said.
The is no voltage with no current. ok if you could use a 1 pf capacitor and 10000henries inductor for say you could have 40kv 1 ma recirculating but give me a break this is not even possible to work with this values.
So what i say must be right the values are quite possible the voltage is similar the input current is similar so i think to have understood where he tried to fool us. Ok i didn't have tested it yet. but have you ever saw anything about what i'm saying on internet? no
not even i
so why?
Meyer protected his technology very well under a name Resonant cavity witch means very high Q tank circuit.
So believe me or not is your choice i ask for money as i finished all i have and now is difficult to get more and as i need to test this i find is fair to ask to people in internet that are working or would like to work or just believe its possible or at least believe what i'm saying is true to help me as if it comes out will be good to everyone.
A little car is much more difficult because i think you need at least a min production to achieve the chain reaction i'm talking about. its called collision.
My thread for donations and more informations
Quote from: sebosfato on August 25, 2009, 06:23:55 AM
So believe me or not is your choice i ask for money
Open your own thread and stop spamming your money requests in this thread.
No one needs any money if they know how Stan's device works. People that need money are the ones who don't know how Stan's device works, so they need lots of money to fart around and figure out how it works using experimentation instead of understanding the theory.
EITHER THAT or you are looking for cigarette/bread money - go get a job at a grocery store.
Quote from: h20power on March 20, 2010, 01:15:02 AM
Most importantly Stan never clearly explained how 4 electrons are stripped without expending energy. Electrons are not just waiting to be stripped for free. It takes great energy to strip electrons from atoms. That's what people don't understand when it comes to energy levels, and that's why there are all the free mol energy assumptions/miscalculations.
Now if you've discovered some magical way to strip electrons without expending energy, then you've gotta back it up with a sound theory and not quackery or assumption ("they'll just knock off because I said so due to my magical wave theory" isn't good enough).
People assume that it doesn't take much energy to knock off the electrons from the atom and that is simply not true.
Magic ?
or good engineering??
Funny, I can strip electrons off of oxygen with only 5 watts of power! It's called an "Ionizer"...
Quote from: ramset on March 22, 2010, 09:36:45 AM
Magic ?
or good engineering??
Let me get this straight, you actually think GOD created this? God who is supposed to be a good being? You think God engineered this for a laugh one day? Along with satan? You think god supports machine guns and laughs when we kill people too? Was it engineered at all?
Quote from: HeairBear on March 22, 2010, 11:32:42 AM
Funny, I can strip electrons off of oxygen with only 5 watts of power! It's called an "Ionizer"...
Funny, so can I - but then again I can also run a light bulb that is 5 watts and that doesn't mean the light bulb is producing 50000 watts of free electricity. Electrons are like sticky magnets. It takes energy to pop off the electron from the atom, similar to how it takes energy to pop a magnet off another magnet. When you put the magnets near each other again (flame) and the magnet pulls the other magnet into it, you get back the same energy as you took to pry them apart.
If you can explain where the free energy comes from instead of just vague handwaving that "it takes 5 watts" then you're on your way to winning the noble prizes. For example, if you use 5 watts, your engine will be 5 watts - unless there is some other magic you are not explaining - which must be the case - or you're a quack. Don't get me wrong, I'm open minded - but vague handwaving from you folks and sending cute shrimp videos (which prove nothing) isn't gonna help much.
Quote from: L505 on March 22, 2010, 01:56:10 AM
Most importantly Stan never clearly explained how 4 electrons are stripped without expending energy. Electrons are not just waiting to be stripped for free. It takes great energy to strip electrons from atoms. That's what people don't understand when it comes to energy levels, and that's why there are all the free mol energy assumptions/miscalculations.
Now if you've discovered some magical way to strip electrons without expending energy, then you've gotta back it up with a sound theory and not quackery or assumption ("they'll just knock off because I said so due to my magical wave theory" isn't good enough).
People assume that it doesn't take much energy to knock off the electrons from the atom and that is simply not true.
Do you always argue with gibberish? This is the post I was addressing in the first place and now you want an answer to something else? Go educate yourself and figure it out like the rest of us! It helps to know what the hell you are debating in the first place. With the few nonsensical words you have written, it is clear you do not have the capacity to ponder such things let alone inadequate communication skills. If you truly believe this is all quackery, why hang around and argue about it? Is it because you are lonely?
Quote from: HeairBear on March 22, 2010, 06:49:54 PM
Do you always argue with gibberish? This is the post I was addressing in the first place and now you want an answer to something else? Go educate yourself and figure it out like the rest of us! It helps to know what the hell you are debating in the first place. With the few nonsensical words you have written, it is clear you do not have the capacity to ponder such things let alone inadequate communication skills. If you truly believe this is all quackery, why hang around and argue about it? Is it because you are lonely?
Look up something called "burden of proof" and "shifting the burden of evidence" and such phrases. When you are done that, please come back.
by the way, I believe that my car can run on chinese green tea bags and nothing else, because tea gives people less cancer so why shouldn't my car run on it? I just have a hunch but no evidence so you are to LOOK IT UP and don't bother asking ME for any evidence because I THINK my car can run on green tea bags so it must be true, until YOU prove it cannot work
Actually, I can prove that you may be able to run your car on "Chinese Green Tea Bags". Why would I ask you for any evidence, when you clearly have no clue? Are you asking me for proof or evidence? Of what? That I can strip electrons off of molecules with a small amount of power? Easy Cheesy! How will you prove it cannot work? With your hypocritical hand waving?
Quote from: L505 on March 22, 2010, 08:11:45 PM
Look up something called "burden of proof" and "shifting the burden of evidence" and such phrases. When you are done that, please come back.
"The difficulty in such cases is determining which side, if any, the burden of proof rests on."
... and yes, your magnet analogy was terrible.
from reading the last couple pages of talk about electrons, i get the distinct idea that you consider them to be discrete particles, is this correct? are you suggesting that electrons are discrete particles?
A graph of events as they happen with Stanley Meyer water fuel injected technology over time, Enjoy!
Hi Everyone,
I could use everyones help in gain the needed funding to bring our Stanley Meyer's technology for I made it on the Pepsi Refresh Project
Now the future of Energy Independence is in our hands. Please spread the word and show your support with votes.
Thanks Everyone,
Quote from: h20power on August 01, 2010, 01:26:12 PM
Hi Everyone,
I could use everyones help in gain the needed funding to bring our Stanley Meyer's technology for I made it on the Pepsi Refresh Project
Now the future of Energy Independence is in our hands. Please spread the word and show your support with votes.
Thanks Everyone,
H20 power
I would tremendously value a quick look here!!{5watts 5 minutes 1 gallon water to gas]
You are a "HUGE" asset to this community and of course we'll support you 100%
Thanks Chet,
Right now all I need is the funding as all the science is now done. I know where all the energy comes from to do what Stanley Meyer did now. When he spoke of resonance he was talking about more than one type of resonance. For example the Gas Processor is a light(radiant energy) resonant chamber and works just like a charge pump in a laser resonante cavity. I go over everything here at this site:
Now I know also how the EPG system works ;). All I had to do was stick to real science until I finnaly found where all the missing energies where coming from.
Enjoy becoming Energy Independent,
Just incase the site above's link isn't working here is another:
Again thanks everyone for your support for I can't do this with out you :D
L505 has got you all beat , that guys got a Stanley Steamer and a pile of tea bags to stuff in the burner, clever dude he is, hats off.
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on March 22, 2010, 09:09:27 PM
from reading the last couple pages of talk about electrons, i get the distinct idea that you consider them to be discrete particles, is this correct? are you suggesting that electrons are discrete particles?
Stanley Meyer is the one who thought electrons are little "happy face" particles being consumed - not me. He drew them like that. Why are you questioning me when you should be questioning Stanley Meyer's drawings?
The only thing I am doing is asking the same bloody question which everyone always avoids: how are electrons consumed, when in fact electrons in circuits just move from one place to another? Do you not understand how electrons don't just fly out of the wire and disappear into nowhere while a circuit is running?
The question being asked is how the electrons are "stripped" and "consumed", when technically electricity is NOT actually "consumed". The idea of electron "consumption" is a myth spread by electricity companies to the general public who do not understand the basics of electricity. It makes it easier to explain to the general population (idiots) that electrons are "consumed" but that's not how it works. Electrons do not disappear and become "consumed" or eaten up magically by pacman in traditional circuits. The electrons simply move from one place to another. Unless, of course Stan figured out a way to just magically make the electrons disappear into thin air (and he didn't explain this at all, if so).
From what I can tell. Stan thought that lightbulbs "burn off" electrons. Light bulbs don't fricking do this! They just release light photons and heat, they don't fry and burn electrons as if it is some kind of electron barbecue. Maybe his device somehow worked but he just completely misunderstood it. It doesn't give me too much hope when you read a patent where someone thinks light bulbs fry off electrons like you are cooking eggs on a stove or something.
All someone has to do is explain how the electrons or waves are "consumed" which makes no sense to anyone who understands basic electricity. Unfortunately the quacks that visit this forum don't even understand basic electricity. You don't have to go to school to learn about electrons and electricity, it's all available online. If the electrons are consumed or disappear in Stan's device, one has to explain why and how, since electricity doesn't even work that way in the first place! They go from one place to another. If the mass is converted to energy and that's what Stan means, then where are these electrons going to come from to replace the lost ones, when it goes out the tail pipe? Water with missing electrons out the tailpipe may be cancerous and toxic.
Of course, if the Stanley device never actually worked, and he was just theorizing like the retards on this page, then obviously the reason why it didn't work was because Stanley didn't understand basic electricity where electrons are not eaten up or consumed. Or, maybe his device did work and he simply misunderstood how it worked, and/or his explanation was missing a lot of details. Someone else claims it is converting mass to energy using acceleration. Consuming mass is not "free" energy, it's close, but not free; That's just atomic energy like a bomb (still a good idea if it works, but not free energy device), and it is consuming mass.
One has to make sure we don't screw up our environment by giving off radiation and/or consuming mass that we don't want to consume (i.e. taking mass out of oceans, one would have to calculate how much mass is lost with millions of cars/airplanes). A proper explanation and balanced equations is still required for this device to ever be taken seriously. No one has provided ANY whatsoever.
This all reminds me of when people are working on a car and repairing parts blindly without knowing how the car works. Car won't start? try replacing a relay see if it works. Even if the relay isn't the problem, replace it anyway. Car still won't work? try cleaning the carb, see if it works. Still doesn't work? Try the distribitor cap, plugs, wires, and the coil. Still doesn't work? Try some more. Trial and error figuring things out will get the car working eventually, but it's better to know what the bloody problem is and how to solve it precisely, instead of putting on a blind fold and diddling around in your shop without a clue.
Hey L505, Theres mountains of crap to do with Stans circuit and its MOSTLY taken as gospel
The old saying " if christians move in next door , ...count ya chickens..."
I read Stans Bro , stephen was a military electrician and both worked on the project over 10 years so its fair to say Stan knew What he / they were doing but as public speaking goes ,1 he had to protect his investment , 2 how would ANYONE explain electronics to the general public?
so naturally it sounds like gibberish .
Im into electronics and It sometimes drives me nuts when I read some or more like lots of "free energy" concepts . Im guessing your getting rubbed the wrong way with the info , thing is ,if you KNOW it doesnt make sense ,chances are your correct .
Youll find that ALL patents are misleading for a reason but you try telling anyone that.
Theyre written by the --PATENT OFFICE-- , they are NOT and never meant to be instruction manuals.
Try to build a mic oven from the patent, try making KFC chicken , try making coke cola , All these corps have intellectual property and it is protected by a peice of paper .
So stans patent drawings factual? hell no , was he giving away his tech ? hell no.
I live on the island that stan came to in the "house video in NZ" and I can tell you theres no cars here running on water. theres h2 boosters but thats all.
People have a choice to learn about electronics but how many want to put in the time?
Quote from: L505 on October 17, 2010, 05:14:29 PM
One has to make sure we don't screw up our environment by giving off radiation and/or consuming mass that we don't want to consume (i.e. taking mass out of oceans, one would have to calculate how much mass is lost with millions of cars/airplanes). A proper explanation and balanced equations is still required for this device to ever be taken seriously. No one has provided ANY whatsoever....
I give an explaination as best I could on these two links.
Hi Everyone,
Here is someone else that has gotten the correct effect of voltage taking over while the amps are being restricted:
Meyer lives again!
Now for something completely different. :o
Cheers all - didn't know where else to post this link.
thats a good find, hoptoad. Inventor states he will sell invention to a company to fund his search for a cure for cancer. That means the oil company is going to buy it and we will never hear of it again. :(
Quote from: hoptoad on February 08, 2011, 04:45:32 AM
Now for something completely different. :o
Cheers all - didn't know where else to post this link.
When you have something you think is totally new and you want to share it with everyone what you are suppose to do is make up your own thread, not dump it on someone else's. The man in that video is dead now, and like Meyer before him so is the technology unless you or someone else can reproduce his work.
I don't get you people I have shown you that Stanley A. Meyer's technology has come back to life and this is the kind of bullshit I get in return? What the F@#*! It has been close to 12 years since the death of Stanley A. Meyer and just this year some have shown the same charging effects on water vindicating the work of Meyer since he was put through the propaganda shredding machine by the science academics and the mad media machine owned and controlled by the Energy Sellers.
I understand a great deal of Meyer's work and when it comes to how water is being broken down a different way than Dr. Faraday's work I know as close to 100% of how it's done. I also know how the hydrogen fracturing technology works close to 100%. I can't teach here on this site the way I feel comfortable with so I post a site where I can teach teach in a manor that I feel gets the main points across, as I go over the science behind the patents. From what I have seen in peoples capabilities here on this site, with the teachings I posted, a good 15-30% of you here on this site should now be converting your cars to run on water as it's sole source of fuel. Sure I didn't gift wrap the technology in a nice pretty box for you but you have to know this technology is very resistant to almost all forms of back-engineering. This month, for example, I just made a break through in just how the VIC Matrix Circuit truly works, and that, is something I have had to come back too and try and solve several times with my work on Stanley A. Meyer technologies for it is deceptively simple looking but in how it truly functions it's very complex. But as Meyer himself sometimes said, "You must learn how to ask the right questions," and I believe now I have done just that.
So now you have a choice to make, you can either except what I have to say about the works of Stanley Meyer's or reject it, but the choice is and has always been yours to make. Its your move now.
Quote from: h20power on February 08, 2011, 02:54:48 PM
From what I have seen in peoples capabilities here on this site, with the teachings I posted, a good 15-30% of you here on this site should now be converting your cars to run on water as it's sole source of fuel...
is your car converted to run on water as it's sole source of fuel?
Quote from: h20power on February 08, 2011, 02:54:48 PMBut as Meyer himself sometimes said, "You must learn how to ask the right questions," and I believe now I have done just that.
i believe i did... just previously.
Willy ;)
H2O, have you also thought about making a system to supply the gas to run a home furnace? I think that might be easier in getting people up to speed on this technology. I would greatly be interested in this before I try this on a car.
My company is bringing out a different part of Stanley Meyer's technology which will not be talked about until it's unveiling as I have stated before my knowledge of Stanley Meyer's technology is vast. I did my part in doing what everyone else before me would not, and that was to give the water for fuel technology away for free. Sure you are going to have to build, design, and everything else that goes along with creating this technology for yourself. But if this is to be a grass roots effort then I say to you, "What are you waiting for!" My company already has it's agenda on which part of his technology it will market. As for what I have converted to use this technology I will not say as this is not the correct place to do that in. This is a WAR for our independence, an energy independence, where the individual is in full control of their own energy needs. The time to act is now for you all are those individuals!
As for a home furnace or those other parts of Stanley Meyer's technology, no I haven't built anything like that as of yet. To tell the truth I haven't even thought of doing so until you just brought it up right now. I will look into it for future projects for I think you are correct there is a need for that too.
H2O, While I am sure everyone agree with me that we appreciate you sharing everything, the problem is, at least for me, the Meyer stuff is so far above me ability to comprehend the technology. I have a hard time following most of the threads, as I am a beginner with electronics. Also, it is pretty scary to be making a modification to ones automobile. After all, this is a main vehicle for most that can't afford to be damaged by a screw up.
If it is possible, would you make an e book showing exactly how to make this technology, in very simple terms, with a parts list etc.? I myself would like to start small, a lawn mower motor or small generator to see if my project would be a success before moving on to something much larger. I definitely would be interested in the conversion for the home furnace as heating ones home is a large expense. I want to thank you in advance for looking into this and coming up with a plan.
Quote from: h20power on February 09, 2011, 12:31:23 AM
My company is bringing out a different part of Stanley Meyer's technology which will not be talked about until it's unveiling as I have stated before my knowledge of Stanley Meyer's technology is vast. I did my part in doing what everyone else before me would not, and that was to give the water for fuel technology away for free. Sure you are going to have to build, design, and everything else that goes along with creating this technology for yourself. But if this is to be a grass roots effort then I say to you, "What are you waiting for!" My company already has it's agenda on which part of his technology it will market. As for what I have converted to use this technology I will not say as this is not the correct place to do that in. This is a WAR for our independence, an energy independence, where the individual is in full control of their own energy needs. The time to act is now for you all are those individuals!
As for a home furnace or those other parts of Stanley Meyer's technology, no I haven't built anything like that as of yet. To tell the truth I haven't even thought of doing so until you just brought it up right now. I will look into it for future projects for I think you are correct there is a need for that too.
so that's a no then... your car isn't converted to run on water as its sole source of fuel.
i find that interesting.
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on February 11, 2011, 06:08:36 PM
so that's a no then... your car isn't converted to run on water as its sole source of fuel.
i find that interesting.
I find it even more interesting that you don't want the technology, you haven't read the thread I posted, you haven't done anything, all you want is for someone to do song and dace for you. News flash I am not an entertainer so don't you dare go expecting me to do a song and dance for you.
So using your type of mindset shown here, you reject the technology and everything else I have tried to give you, and again I find that even more interesting.
So, how does the circuit diagram for the variable plate demo cell play into with what you are talking about? The diagram shown is an edit of the original but labeled with substitutes. Why did you choose 2 henry coils when the original coil wasn't even in the same ballpark?
Here is a pic of the actual device diagrammed...
Hi HeairBear,
That is just to get people started as the circuit will work and the inventive mind can make it work even better.
What has it been now since we've last talked, 1-2 years? How have you been?
Well, after Aaron and his crew threw me out of the Energetic forum I was free to think without all of their misdirections and distractions, and now I think I have solved the whole thing.
Things I know for sure:
How the hydrogen fracturing process fully works
How Stanley Meyer's technology breaks down the water molecules, plus get this, it is not a, "Catastrophic Dielectric Failure."
How the Electron Extraction Circuit works fully
How the Gas Processor works fully
I know where the energy is coming from to run a car plus all of the rest of the things Meyer talked about doing with the technology.
I am finishing up my understanding of the VIC Matrix Circuit right now, just have a few more experiments to run and a whole lot of math to do.
That 8XA circuit, if one thinks creatively, can power a car but they will need to build the Gas Processor as one need that device to be able to prolong the formation of the water molecules as Stanley Meyer explains.
I posted quite a bit of information on the site that is, for the most part, based in science.
That circuit design I got from Tony Woodside and is the circuit that is being used in the video I post by OutlawStC. Now OutlawStC doesn't fully understand what is going on but I do. The one thing everyone needs to learn about Stanley A. Meyer water for fuel technology is Lindemann had it all wrong in his explanation of Meyer's work for there is no Catastrophic Dielectric Failure taking place. Meyer's technology doesn't work like that it works by stealing electrons from the molecules which makes them unstable and break apart for they no longer can obey the conservation of mass. I go over it a bit here:
Remember that circuit is just to get people started for it is working, I am finishing up my work on the VIC Matrix Circuit and when done will share what I have learned about it, but so far that transformer is very difficult to explain. I do go over how to get it working correctly loosely at the other site but have to break it down for people as that is a lot of information one has to take in and learn how to do with lots of math to boot. I just need to confirm the science and math with expire-mental data, okay? Once I have all the answers I will post it on the other site.
Tony Woodside posted an updated circuit here:
Quote from: Loner on February 12, 2011, 12:56:16 PM
Hi H2Opower
Nice Circuit, but I have one little problem, and you may have already corrected it on newer designs, but there is so much out there that I rarely have time to view half of it.
The "Pass" component shown is an SCR, which once conducting will not shut off until the current drops below the threshold point. Is this the correct part and idea? My only assumption is the actual current flowing through the coil and "Water Cap" is always below the this point, but wouldn't this make start-up a "Problem". (As in, the first cycle would turn on the device, but until the "Charge" was enough to limit the current, the part latches.)
I realize that there may be dynamics I am unaware of and I have not actually built this specific circuit, but I have made enough of this type of setup to know that reducing the current has always been one of the hardest parts (For me, at least...) and I am quite curious. I can imagine that a 2 Henry "Choke" might be enough to prevent "Latch-up", but I didn't want to guess and I don't have enough experience with the dynamics of the "Water Cap" itself to figure it with plain math.
I am going to read and save the last few links you provided, and that may very well answer my questions, but any insight you would care to offer would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Art,
Sorry about that, guess I am not up on all the latest shorthands. The VIC Matrix Circuit is one complex device that looks so simple. Try this, go over one full pulse and one full off time and write down everything that takes place with respect to time, and you will find it is far more complicated than it looks. Then with each new type of transformer something totally different was added in to the mix. A long time ago I solved one part of the figure 6-1 VIC in the SMTB but there is a lot more I missed and some things I got dead wrong. One thing about me is I am not afraid to admit if I have made mistake, but like most I don't like it when it happens for I have to rewrite my mind in a way and change my thinking. Getting over Lindemann's explanation was about the best thing I could have done for it opened up a whole new line of questioning and this time all the answer, so far, are coming from today's modern science. Now I can see that everything Meyer did can be explained with science. Thanks for kind words, and I hope I don't let you down.
In this video, by OutLawStc, you can see voltage taking over while amps are being restricted. Now OutLawStc doesn't understand what is taking place with his reaction so I will let everyone know what they are seeing and relate it to patent 4798661.
In this graph Meyer shows the relationship between added resistance and what he calls the, "Breakdown Point." The added resistance is shown in other drawing as 60n and goes in between the negative electrode and the ground. The higher the resistance the higher the voltage will be needed to reach the breakdown point and the lower the amp leakage current will be.
One thing I'd like to make clear is there is no Dielectric Failure taking place in any of Meyer's work. Those two words are the main reason no one has ever duplicated Meyer's work for they lead to one asking all the wrong questions. How Stanley A. Meyer broke down the water molecules is by stealing electrons which cause the water molecules to no longer satisfy the octet rule and breaks apart into it component atoms, and note Meyer says the gases coming off are ionized in some of his videos, meaning missing electrons. What you are seeing in the video is water beginning to be ionized. It is in this ionized state that electrons can move in the water molecules, some get kicked out just the same as someone making ozone. The water molecule can remain the water molecule with only one electron kicked out, with the loss of two or more electrons the water molecules become unstable and breaks down into it's component atoms hydrogen and oxygen. This is a passive process much the same as the way a plant breaks down the water molecules, though plants make good use of light energy to push the electrons out to a higher orbit thus making it easier to pull the electrons away from the water molecules for energy is always conserved and the energies all add up to aid the plants to live and give us life in return.
This is how Stanley A. Meyer broken down molecules by stealing electrons from them by way of ionization. The electron extraction circuit is very much needed to take these freed electrons out of the system so they don't restabilize the molecules and so the water bath, in the WFC, doesn't get saturated with electrons slowing down the reaction over time. That is what you are seeing happen in the video, water molecules starting to be broken down by losing too many electrons. In this reaction if you increase the 60n resistance you can cut down the amp use to zero or to a very minimal value. You can also decrease the gap distance between the electrodes for amp leakage means dielectric breakdown which is something Meyer tried very hard to stop from taking place. So now you see why so many failed to replicate Meyer's work for they where all trying to do what Meyer was trying not to do. Everyone say, "Thank you Peter Lindemann." For that wrong prediction of Meyer's work sent everyone on 180 degrees in the wrong direction from where they wanted to be. Aaron's aid is also false as conditioning the tubes makes it easier to have amp leakage which is also going 180 degrees in the wrong direction from where one wishes to go. In my opinion this was a deliberate act to keep people from solving Stanley A. Meyer technologies. My reasoning is based on how Aaron would always try and steer what I was uncovering in the wrong direction and since Lindemann is his mentor I can see where all the misdirection was coming from. The "Nitrogen Theory" is totally dead and it is the main reason for my being booted from the EF, as I was getting too close to the truth. Now everyone can see how Stanley A. Meyer technologies really works in breaking down molecules into their component atoms and the high energy yields when products are formed from atoms missing electrons.
And note doing the reverse, IE, stealing the electrons from the atoms prior to placing them in a situation where they have to react to form molecules results in the slowing down the reaction and releases a great amount of energy in the process of creating the missing electrons to satisfy the octet rule, the conservation of mass wins . This also obeys the conservation of energy in that what energy was put into the taking of the electrons is given back when products are formed. I go over that on the explanation page.
May the truth set you free!
Hi Everyone,
Now this video goes to show what I am talking about when I say there is no dielectric failure taking place in Meyer's work.
Meyer worked very hard to prevent the dielectric breakdown of the water molecules as his goal is to ionize the water molecules so that electrons could be ejected from the water molecules. This is the Octet Rule that Meyer was dealing with as until his time no one had ever ask, "What happens if a molecule starts to lose electrons and can no longer satisfy the Octet Rule?" The answer is the molecules will breakdown into their component elements. So as you can see what Meyer had discovered has the full backing of modern science, it's just no one had ever ask this question before, let alone use it to break down molecules.
If you don't know what the Octet Rule is here is a video that will aid your knowledge in understanding just what it is:
This is as far as water can ionized and remain stable molecules: ionizing the water molecules beyond this point results in the breakdown of the water molecules into their component atoms. The energy being added to the system in Meyer's work is the ionization energy coming from the electricity being added to the system and that pushes the reaction to the right it keeps pushing it to the right until electrons start to get ejected from the [H3O]+ and that sets up and equilibrium unbalance that is countered by the [OH]- giving up it's hydrogen to maintain a equilibrium state. So the result of ionization is the [H3O]+ breaks down by losing it's electron and the [OH]- dumps the hydrogen atom to maintain balance, four hydrogen gas atoms and two oxygen gas atoms are released in this process.
Now this is a new theory that has yet to be proved but in looking at what takes place experimentally it seems possible. [H4O]+2 would be a second level of ionization and [OH]- + [H3O]+ a first level ionization. For I am not the only one that has notice this, the bubble evolution is much larger than normal electrolysis, seen in Ravi's replication, Outlawsct, and even Dr. Dingle makes note of it in one of his videos saying the bigger bubbles are hydrogen. Since we are adding in energy to the system this makes sense for you can think of it as a last stand for the water molecules to try and stay together. One could argue for example for a H[H2O]4(+) or even H[H2O]6(+) based upon how lithium and sodium hydrates. Since this is new science the one who figures this one out will get to be in the history books, and their theories will be taught in the class rooms of the future ;).
All of my work on Meyer technologies is science based and everything Meyer did does obey and follow modern scientific principles. I wanted all of you to know you don't have to take my word for it as it is all backed by modern science, one just has to ask the right questions. My work shows the science behind the patents.
So a electron vacuum sort of,would work?
Quote from: Doug1 on February 21, 2011, 08:11:27 AM
So a electron vacuum sort of,would work?
Yes, as all energy is added up and vacuum energy would be viewed as, "Gravitational" energy from the perspective of the water molecules. Remember Meyer added in "Light" energy with the LEDs to lower the electrical energy needed to remove the electrons as all these different forms of energy add up and work together. This follows the conservation of energy as all energies added to the mix are added up as one working towards breaking down the water molecules into their component elements as they lower the individual energies requirements to get the job done than if it where working alone to do the same thing.
Hi H20power so what can one do to increase electrolysis in a cell? A guy said to put an oscillator near the cell. I am using tha lawton circuit now but if you have other ideas I would like to hear.
Quote from: guruji on February 22, 2011, 03:53:59 PM
Hi H20power so what can one do to increase electrolysis in a cell? A guy said to put an oscillator near the cell. I am using tha lawton circuit now but if you have other ideas I would like to hear.
What you want it to do is ionized the water, for you do not want any electrolysis going on at all. Once you get the water to ionized just like creating ozone, water starts to lose electrons. An atom can lose a few electrons and remain the atom it is, but not a molecule for by losing electrons makes the molecule become unstable and break apart for it can no longer satisfy the Octet Rule.
In order to do this the charging choke must have a greater capacitance than the capacitor that is to be charged. In order to get higher voltages the resistance of the circuit has too increase. In patent 4789661 in the drawings you will see a variable resistor just after the negative electrode and the ground. The resistor is 60n, and in the patent Meyer tells us that with increased voltages the resistance has to go up. This raises the "Breakdown Point" and at the same time cuts the amps going to the system. The 8xa circuit can be modified with a Lawton circuit so your in luck ;). As you raise the voltage more water is broken down by way of increased ionization. That is the key to Meyer's water breakdown method, high resistance to keep the amps low and high voltage to ionize the water molecules thus ejecting very electrons it needs to keep it in a stable state.
There is no normal electrolysis taking place in the method Meyer employed. By increasing voltage/resistance you increase the amount of gas produced.
Hope that helped some,
I dont think that was the pat number you were looking to post.You might want to check that.
Wiki is nice enough to pile them all up in a bunch at the end of their page on Stan.
U.S. Patent 5,149,407,U.S. Patent 4,936,961,U.S. Patent 4,826,581,U.S. Patent 4,798,661,U.S. Patent 4,613,779,U.S. Patent 4,613,304,U.S. Patent 4,465,455,U.S. Patent 4,421,474,U.S. Patent 4,389,981
I would still use pat2pdf to read them and would not be to shocked if one day it does not come out that these patents have been altered.Should still be enough to work off of to play around with it.Dont forget the cited patents with in the individual patents.that may lead you to an easier way to get it done.Most inventors have to create a more complex method to avoid infringment on previous works.Work your way backwards and it likely paints a simple picture requiring little effort or work.
Quote from: h20power on February 23, 2011, 05:30:17 AM
What you want it to do is ionized the water, for you do not want any electrolysis going on at all. Once you get the water to ionized just like creating ozone, water starts to lose electrons. An atom can lose a few electrons and remain the atom it is, but not a molecule for by losing electrons makes the molecule become unstable and break apart for it can no longer satisfy the Octet Rule.
In order to do this the charging choke must have a greater capacitance than the capacitor that is to be charged. In order to get higher voltages the resistance of the circuit has too increase. In patent 4789661 in the drawings you will see a variable resistor just after the negative electrode and the ground. The resistor is 60n, and in the patent Meyer tells us that with increased voltages the resistance has to go up. This raises the "Breakdown Point" and at the same time cuts the amps going to the system. The 8xa circuit can be modified with a Lawton circuit so your in luck ;). As you raise the voltage more water is broken down by way of increased ionization. That is the key to Meyer's water breakdown method, high resistance to keep the amps low and high voltage to ionize the water molecules thus ejecting very electrons it needs to keep it in a stable state.
There is no normal electrolysis taking place in the method Meyer employed. By increasing voltage/resistance you increase the amount of gas produced.
Hope that helped some,
Hi H20power thanks for the info first of all I don't know how much voltage the lawton circuit can hold. Second I have a 12v battery bank so I should do an inverter to higher voltage say 48v. Is this dangerous for an arc happening in water?.
HI Everyone,
Yeah that was a typo, sorry about that should be 4798661.
As for getting sparks in between the gaps that is what Meyer's definition of Amp Leakage means, which is also the dielectric breakdown of the medium. So the resistance is there to prevent all of that from happening. In order for an arc to occur it needs some amps behind it, and Meyer tried to take all of the amps away from the system as much as he could. For again the object is to ionize the water by preventing any Dr. Faraday type electrolysis from taking place. Just like something that makes ozone from the air Meyer did the same thing to water. He ionized it to remove electrons which in turn causes the water molecules to break down into their component atoms.
Didn't Meyer say that in his VIC circuit at resonance the pulses are doubled?
Please some one point me to that note.
This is all I have found by myself but I think it is something significant:
Memo WFC 426:
...outputting Voltage-wave signal
(64a xxx 64n) being a pulse-frequency doubler due to Inductance Reactance (FL) of Inductor Coil .....
Inductance Reactance performs several functions simultaneously or to given stimuli: increases applied voltage amplitude (Vo - Vn), doubles input frequency....
What is the simplest setup I can make as an experiment?
Hi Again,
The easiest one to build is the 8xa circuit just be sure to add in the 60n variable resistors as shown in the patent.
As for the doubling of frequency that is due to the two charging chokes L1 & L2. L1 is a LC circuit and L2 is a LCR circuit. The wave form coming into the blocking diode from the secondary coil is an AC sin wave that is cut into a half wave by the blocking diode. Once the pulse terminates in L1 the magnetic field collapses inducing a charge on L2 which sends it's induced pulse AC sin wave to the secondary, acting as a resistor, to the blocking diode. The pulse is 180 degrees out of phase so it fills in the half wave coming from the first pulse of the secondary coil. When you look at it on a scope it looks like it double the frequency, but it is two separate charges you are seeing from L1 and L2.
Hope that helps,
Do you have a working system powering an actual vehicle h20power?
Quote from: happyfunball on February 24, 2011, 05:06:32 AM
Do you have a working system powering an actual vehicle h2opower?
I wasn't going too, but since gas prices are suppose to be headed to around $150-$200 a barrel I think I should go ahead and convert me Scirocco & Jetta over to a water car now as I won't have Meyer other technologies up in time before the increase in fuel prices hit. I have to work on the circuit a bit to get it to work with the two cars, but I have other plans in the works for other types of vehicles coming in the future. These I will promote with my company as Meyer's technology is vast in giving things energy independence.
Our local fuel prices are at 3.15 a gal and it's still under 100 a barrel. If that doubles in this economy it would get very ugly in about a NY minute. On the other hand it makes more sense to curb consumption then to let people realize there is not enough oil to meet demand and peak oil has already been reached. That would insight panic and hording of pretty much everything.
Think about how many products depend on the petro chemical side of the coin. With most of the economies being in the tank right now manufacturing is down not just transportation. It can never go back to the hay day and it will only slip backwards if it can not be maintained at present levels.
I would think this one would be easiest to work off of.It seems to be based losely on the frame work of an automotive alternator for the power supply.
I dont know how that happened not supposed to have been a double image.Here is another one with some drawings of an alternator Y configuration ebedded onto the other image.
The secret of Meyer is the VIC and how it is pulsed.
Understanding the principals is more important than schematics.
Does anyone have a VIC for sale?
Quote from: MasterPlaster on February 24, 2011, 09:21:23 AM
The secret of Meyer is the VIC and how it is pulsed.
Understanding the principals is more important than schematics.
Does anyone have a VIC for sale?
That's not all that true. The secret of the VIC Matrix Circuit is realizing that the primary and the chokes have the same inductance and that the secondary and the electrode pair have match capacitances. The reason for this is when the primary goes into resonance it does so with the secondaries distributed capacitance value. The chokes go into resonance with the electrode pairs, one chokes set per electrode pair, no sharing. The important thing in that set is the chokes must have a greater capacitance than the electrode pair it is hooked up to. Reason is very clear, when the pulse terminates in the chokes if their energy storage capabilities is lower than that of the electrode pair then the electrode pair will go to fill the chokes with energy. If the chokes have a greater energy storage capabilities than the electrode pair then when the pulse terminates the energy stored in the chokes will go to fill the electrode pair it is connected to.
Just about everyone I have seen building VIC transformers hasn't given this any thought. For voltage is pressure, correct? Then the device holding the greatest pressure will go to fill the device with the lower pressure once the main pressure coming from the power supply is turned off, correct? It really is that simple. All the misinformation put out on this technology was done to keep this technology out of our hands. All it took for me to figure this out was to do the experiments for myself not listening to those screaming the loudest about this technology. Build, test, and note the results following scientific principles and guidelines. The biggest hurdle that I over came was that of Lindemann's video telling everyone that it was a "Catastrophic Dielectric Failure," for it is not a dielectric failure of the medium what so ever. The medium is being ionized and keeping it's dielectric properties intact is of utmost importance to getting this to work correctly, and now that we know that amp leakage means keeping the dielectric properties of water intact we can go places for the questions you come up with now are heading in the right direction.
As far as VIC's for sale it really doesn't work that way as it has to be sold as a match set. Each VIC transformer has to be matched with the electrode pair it is to charge. One VIC per electrode pair which is seen clearly in Meyer's videos showing 10 tube sets with 10 VIC transformers to charge them. And as far as I know no one is selling any matched sets. This has to be a grass roots effort and as such it is the responsibilities of each blade of grass to grow with what they have been given to grow with.
Things everyone will have to learn are;
1. How to calculate distributed capacitance of a coil.
2. How to calculate coupling capacitance of a bifilar coil set.
3. How a LC circuit works.
4. How a LCR circuit works.
5. How to calculate the capacitance of an electrode set regardless of what medium flows through it.
When you go about the patents looking for how this works ask these questions:
1. What has changed from this earlier design to the next one?
2. Where/what did the main parts of the system get moved too or replaced by?
3. What is different and what remained the same?
Asking these questions starting from patent 4798661 you can see that the whole power supply of the 8xa circuit got moved to the secondary of the VIC transformer. The 60n resistors got replaced with resistance wire. How was the pulsing coming from the rectified AC by way of the variact, replace? Answer. By the bifilar coil action to give the same charging capabilities of the original system. What replaced the variact's variable voltage control? Answer. A high side PWM for the most part.
As you can see if you ask the right questions it will lead one to solve this technology. So you see you have to learn to ask the right questions to solve this technology. I have ask these questions and more on all of Meyer technologies, and have the answers to most of them. Sure it took awhile but in the end I now understand what this technology is and what it is not. For it matters not how much time something takes to learn but when that time comes around you have learned it. For time is out of our control and will take place rather we learn this technology or not.
Hi H2opower about the lawton circuit you said that I have to increase voltage. So I should do a sort of inverter after the circuit to higher voltage?
Quote from: guruji on February 24, 2011, 03:22:35 PM
Hi H2opower about the Lawton circuit you said that I have to increase voltage. So I should do a sort of inverter after the circuit to higher voltage?
Are you going to use a system that has just the chokes or a isolated pulsing VIC transformer? If you are using an isolated VIC pulsing transformer then all you need to add to the system is a high side PWM. In the pic of the high side PWM you just need to change the p-channel FET to one that can take a higher voltage. This PWM is hooked up to the positive side of the primary coil and the Lawton circuit to the negative side of the primary coil. That will give you control of the voltages without affecting the pulsing of the transformer.
If you are just using chokes then copying the H11D1 set up in the 8xa circuit will work best as the FETs don't like that type of slamming and will burn out. The Lawton can take the place of the pulsing unit in the 8xa circuit. It would connect right up to the 7404 shown in Tony Woodside's diagram.
Now as far as getting these hooked up to cars one has to first convert the car to run on propane gas then just switch fuels with all of Meyer's safety features added in, like the quenching circuit technology. That system would be set up to maintain a higher pressure than the working pressure needs for the system.
I know some are going to say it a bad idea to pressurize the hho, but if precautions are taking it can be safe. For whats the difference than running around with a tank full of a flammable liquid that will slow cook you and smoke the life out of you in the event of an accident? There are always risk with any system just take care in planning for the risk and you will be fine.
Hope that helps,
Hi H20power thanks for response I am using this circuit posted: Is this not a PWM? Regarding pressurizing HHO I read that if one uses neutral plates for ionizing the gas would be safe.
Sorry posted two images.
I'm going to create the 3-23 VIC:
A modified EI to UI core.
Primary: 50-100 thick wire
Secondary: 30k-40k 38awg
Chokes: 30k-40k 38awg
any suggestions?
Quote from: alan on February 25, 2011, 10:48:11 AM
I'm going to create the 3-23 VIC:
A modified EI to UI core.
Primary: 50-100 thick wire
Secondary: 30k-40k 38awg
Chokes: 30k-40k 38awg
any suggestions?
Okay your going for the isolated VIC Matrix Circuit. Here are the rules:
1. Primary and chokes use the same size wire or very close to it.
2. Primary and chokes must have the same inductance value.
3. If you bifilar wound the primary that equals two primaries in one. Which is why in the patent Meyer's 3-23 VIC the Primary and the chokes have the same total turn counts.
4. The secondary's distributed capacitance value must be the same as the electrode set's capacitance value that is to be charged. Example, if you calculate 1000 pf for the electrode set then the distributed capacitance of the secondary coil must equal 1000 pf. You can alter wire sizes to get the desired step-up ratio you want to go for. Smaller wire sizes means more wounds on the core as the distributed capacitance value is directly related to the physical size of the wire being used, the larger the wire size the higher the distributed capacitance and so forth but equal less physical wounds on the core.
5. For the wires used for the secondary and chokes use resistance wire, like ​constantan-45.
6. Chokes must have a greater capacitance value than the electrode pair. That is to say the energy storage capabilities of the chokes must be greater than the energy storage capabilities of the electrode pair. This determines the turn count of the chokes as you will have a minimum turn count to have greater energy storage capability than that of the electrode pair. Note the greater it is the faster it will charge the cell.
7. Only one VIC per electrode pair. If you have 10 tubes you will need 10 VIC's. But the good news is all the VIC's can be powered by the same power supply but everything must be perfect so they all go into resonance at the same frequency.
Other rules and things of importance:
1. The maximum pulse rate is twice the resonant frequency. Example if you find resonance at 500 Hz then the maximum you can pulse it is 1000 Hz.
2. Note the high side PWM connects to the top side of the primary and the Lawton circuit to the bottom side of the primary. With just the Lawton circuit once you find resonance that's it, all you can do from that point is adjust the pulsing rate. With the addition of the high side PWM you can now adjust the voltage once resonance is found.
3. This is best done on a drawing program of some sort to easily get all the values needed and be able to swap wires sizes without having to build it and test it manually. As you can see I draw them in AutoCAD when designing the VIC transformers prior to building them.
4. No using neutral plates! That messes up capacitance values.
Hope this helps as it is a lot of work getting these things built correctly. Best of luck to you,
Hi H20power where is the H11D1 setup found?
Quote from: guruji on February 25, 2011, 02:54:51 PM
Hi H20power where is the H11D1 setup found?
Hi all i like to add my bit on the vic.
Meyer did not make it easy to build the vic from the patents but had plenty in there to hang u in court. He talked of EBP this was the way he trapped electrons in the secondary coil, u should only have a small leakage current if the transformer is shorted and the full voltage should remain across the secondary, if it dosen`t do this then there is no current restriction or not enough.
He said the primary is bi-directional is 2, 2 directions and wrap means wrapped around the former. The bi-directional is one half of the transformer primary is wound in one direction and the other half is then wound in the opposite direction forming 2 coils of opposing magnetic fields, this is wound longitudal to the inductors and secondary.
To make it easy to test only the inhibitor choke needs to be wound, wind it bifilar on a tube and place in the center of a ferrite e-core and dont pick one to small, then wind the primary as described above from inside edge to the center of choke then reverse wire direction to other inside edge. Now wind the secondary over the top of primary in same direction as choke. i used thin wire for choke and secondary and bit thicker for primary.
Use a frequency generator and driver circuit to test, u will need to align the coils including the primary, just short the output and when u still get full voltage its working. If u use a scope i have had some odd effects, on x10 it attenuated the signal (volts adjusted on scope of course) and the ground might cause a problem. Measure voltage across secondary. I used a diode in the circuit with a low forward volt drop.
Now u have a current restricting transformer...happy days! ;D
h2o this is the transformer i was on about.
Thanks iluminati for your info. Can you please post a diagram?
My drawing is poor and tends to take me hours to produce substandard rubbish so i was really hopeing the text would do, what bit are u not clear on?
Do not worry about that as the figure 6-1 VIC transformer is not to be built unless you are making the injectors as they will not work on the WFC's. Plus I already go over just what bidirectional means and all it is something that is cross wrapped, nothing more. Please I know you mean to help but your making this hard for people to understand. The figure 6-1 VIC Matrix Circuit has a lot more rules that go along with than that of figure 3-23. These people want results not confusion, okay? Please I got this, okay?
In the 8xa circuit the 2 H inductor is a guess that seems to work with the 3 inch overlap capacitors. But there is a way to calculate the exact size needed and that it to fully integrate the time constance (TC) to Meyer's work. For these are very leaky capacitors and the resistance and impedance totals in ohms go towards giving you enough time to be able to charge such a leaky capacitor. The Time Constant (TC) for a capacitor is TC = R x C, where R is resistance in ohms and C is capacitance in farads. This directly relates to what size the chokes need to be in order for the capacitors to be charged, and I am still working through the math as we speak. The inductor TC is also important TC = L / R. As I have been saying these VIC Matrix Circuits look deceptively simple but nothing could be farther from the truth of how they really work.
That coil is to wrap three coils bi directional near each other?
Email me dude 8)
Very easy to build this to try out.
In these videos you will learn these two time constant (TC) formulas
Inductance TC = L / R
Capacitance TC = R x C
And it takes a total time of 5 TC's to fully charge or discharge a inductors current and a capacitors voltage.
Now since we are dealing with a leaky capacitor the time it take my electrode pair to discharge is:
5(3778.83 pf x 78.54 ohms) = 2.967893^-7 sec x 5 = 1.48395^-6 sec to fully discharge my capacitor. Not a lot of time, huh?
Now by adding in resistance you gain more time before the capacitor fully discharges.
Example if I add in 40k ohms, which would be all coils added up together, I'd get this: 5(3778.83 pf x 40078.54 ohms) = 7.5724995^-4 sec
And this takes place at the same time the inductor is dumping current into the capacitor as it losses current giving even more time before the capacitor fully discharges.
So now you can see that adding in resistance has two purposes, to prevent amp leakage, and to add more time to the capacitors fast discharge time so it isn't too fast.
So the bifilar chokes will go to slow this leaky capacitors discharge time down and the resistance will go to slow this leaky capacitors discharge time down. Wow, I learn something new everyday!
We need to calculate the total resistance of the circuit, and due to the way the circuit works we only get to add one resonant value of a choke with this resistance.
So that gives us all resistances that are in-line with the capacitor plus the XL of the choke plus the Xc of the capacitor at the resonant frequency. This value is then added to the Time Constant so see if the choke size will give a time that is greater than the frequency time count per second. Remember the maximum pulse rate is always twice the resonant frequency, that means you divide the one pulse time by two.
Unfortunately I can't add all the resistance of the wires due to I don't know the resistance per foot data. I only know the 0.125 mm wire is around 24 ohms per foot. I will only have all the data on the chokes after it is built and I put a resistance meter to it to take a reading. So here we go .
Planned resonant frequency for me is 1.83k Hz which gives a single pulse time of 5.4645^-4 seconds divide that by two and I get 2.7322^-4 seconds. This is my charge time and it must be less than the capacitor drain time.
So starting with the secondary I will be using 263.6 ft of wire at 24 ohms per foot. Which gives me 6326.44 ohms of resistance.
The chokes @ 2 H gives me, 2 x pie x 1830 Hz x 2 H = 22996.46 ohms
The capacitor gives 1 / 2 x pie x 1830 Hz x 3778.83^-12 f = 23015.04 ohms plus 78.54 gives 23093.58 ohms
Now to use the TC = R x C formula
TC = (6326.44 + 22996.46 + 23093.58) x 3778.83^-12 = 1.9807^-4 seconds is for one time constant. So it is multiplied by 5 giving me 9.9036^-4 seconds for full discharge time of the capacitor.
This shows me that the 2 H choke will be enough for me to charge the capacitor since 2.7322 is less than 9.9036. With this size choke I will have a voltage drop just over 36.8% between charges so I will go to a larger choke size to improve those numbers.
Now at least all of you know how to calculate the value of your chokes so you get a working VIC Matrix Circuit the first time around, no more guessing!
Hi illuminati I've emailed you. Another thing I built two cells and put them in parallel is this ok or in series bettet?
Are you basing the time delay on the Meyers video?The last step in the charging curve is very minimal could be +1or2 more sec.
Hi Doug1 and Everyone,
The way the figure 3-23 VIC works is you get two charging pulses for every pulse given that are 180 degrees out of phase with each other. So what this does for the charging is the once a charge stops the other picks up where it left off, and it does so again and again until the maximum voltage is reached. You can see the charge line in the graph, the time constant in which mines falls under is about 80% in between the first and second time constant. That will try and charge the capacitor to 80% of the voltage, then the next charge comes in at picks up from where the first one left off. With that graph you can actually see the charging set up shown in Meyer's patents. Each step charge is a coming from one of the two chokes and they alternate. First choke charge and at the same time it induces the second choke, when the magnetic field collapses inducing a voltage to the second choke the second choke sends it's charge to the capacitor. Again they are 180 degrees out of phase, and the blocking diode cuts their AC waves to a DC half wave.
Now in the math I posted I wrote in a sort of short hand as I left out all of the x10 as it should read;
"The capacitor gives 1 / 2 x pie x 1830 Hz x 3778.83x10^-12 f = 23015.04 ohms plus 78.54 gives 23093.58 ohms." for each one showing a ^ place in a x10 between the number to get the same answers as I've shown. Sorry about that I write in short hand when doing things like this.
So now everyone should have a very good understanding to be able to make their own figure 3-23 VIC Matrix Circuits. Don't forget to match the secondary's distributive capacitance with that of your electrode set's capacitance. Plus to make sure the coupling capacitance of the chokes is greater than the capacitance of your electrode set. One figure 3-23 VIC Matrix Circuit per electrode set please, okay? Another thing you must use some sort of resistance wire for the chokes and especially for the secondary to aid in slowing down the leakage time of the electrode set(capacitor).
Your all set to start replicating Meyer's work now, so let the Energy Revolution Begin!
This is a video of Stan Meyer's estate showing some of his known items and a couple of ones you may not know about.
Interesting the toroid !
Hi Wings,
Thanks for the video, though I have seen it before many times. Yes, the "Electrical Particle Generator" (EPG), not toroids, I know all about those. I think I can even recreate them if I had the funding as I do understand how they work. Right now I am just running out of funds for all projects I have going. If any of you would like to help you can donate here: thanks everyone for keeping hope alive for even those of us like me need a hand now and then. Thanks for your support!
Your not going to like this one...
If your planned Reso freq = 1830 hz , the plates alternate at 1830 cps AC based on LC timing.
If you move to a larger L , the freq drops and X changes.
L + C are passive components that react differently to AC = REACTANCE
Xc and XL are 180 degrees to each other and cancel each other
2 pi formulas are sine , circular not pulse.
**A choke does not stop DC...... Electrons
6326.44 + 22996.46 + 23015.04 + 78.54 X 3.77883 nf...
R l + 2 pi f L + 1/ (2 pi f C ) + stan fig?? X C
78.54 OHMS is one of Stans tricks that out lived him and unfortunately stuck to the blanket.
**specific constants are measured at specific temperatures...78.54 @ 25 degrees centigrade, the same sample @ 20 degrees C = 80.37 , the same sample @ 100 degrees C = 55.33 ....
The Dielectric constant CANT be measured in OHMS and NEVER has been ,HOW ? ? ? ,ones a temperature the other is a ratio.
Resistivity ,R ,X ,Z are measured in Ohms but R is the only one used in RC time constant.
If you want 1830 hz ,youll need a power supply and it will need a timing circuit wether its 555 , TL494 or what ever ,it will also need an RC combo on the timing pins.
Stans WFC tech brief has mis info through out , ANYONE can go thru and check .
Have a look thru this site at RC timing and theres a section on tuned circuits.
Theres alot of people putting in an honest effort into researching Meyers but surely there needs to be an honest approach to the info he was peddling. Put it under the microscope .
There is an actual possibility that the info is BOGUS and not even Jesus can change that .
Square one is there for everyone and unfortunately we're all there but drifting down the same path that a dead man pointed down isnt going to help . you were... and NO Im not kicking you or anyone else in the guts.
Hi Torana
I think there are a lot of problems with understanding stans technology, but researching his history leaves me with very little doubt he had achieved the efficient water to fuel process.
Meyer was assasinated his technology removed from his property and stephen meyer went on to start the company xogen, a oil company friendly way of efficiently splitting water. Stephen will say nothing of use to us about stans technology which leaves us with just the patents and here i think could be part of the problem, either meyer left out vital information leaving parts of his process unprotected, hidden it so well nobody can work it out or before the release of his patents they had been altered. Lets face it if you murder stan there`s no way you will allow patents with enough information to be released, there needs to be some serious lateral thinking to work this out.
Torana like you i am stuck with his vic, i have found out how he gets the high voltages in the wfc and it is not his charge choke but the current restriction is proveing a problem, a clue maybe with his early technology that ravvi has replicated.
Quote from: Torana on May 18, 2011, 08:50:58 PM
Your not going to like this one...
If your planned Reso freq = 1830 hz , the plates alternate at 1830 cps AC based on LC timing.
If you move to a larger L , the freq drops and X changes.
L + C are passive components that react differently to AC = REACTANCE
Xc and XL are 180 degrees to each other and cancel each other
2 pi formulas are sine , circular not pulse.
**A choke does not stop DC...... Electrons
6326.44 + 22996.46 + 23015.04 + 78.54 X 3.77883 nf...
R l + 2 pi f L + 1/ (2 pi f C ) + stan fig?? X C
78.54 OHMS is one of Stans tricks that out lived him and unfortunately stuck to the blanket.
**specific constants are measured at specific temperatures...78.54 @ 25 degrees centigrade, the same sample @ 20 degrees C = 80.37 , the same sample @ 100 degrees C = 55.33 ....
The Dielectric constant CANT be measured in OHMS and NEVER has been ,HOW ? ? ? ,ones a temperature the other is a ratio.
Resistivity ,R ,X ,Z are measured in Ohms but R is the only one used in RC time constant.
If you want 1830 hz ,youll need a power supply and it will need a timing circuit wether its 555 , TL494 or what ever ,it will also need an RC combo on the timing pins.
Stans WFC tech brief has mis info through out , ANYONE can go thru and check .
Have a look thru this site at RC timing and theres a section on tuned circuits.
Theres alot of people putting in an honest effort into researching Meyers but surely there needs to be an honest approach to the info he was peddling. Put it under the microscope .
There is an actual possibility that the info is BOGUS and not even Jesus can change that .
Square one is there for everyone and unfortunately we're all there but drifting down the same path that a dead man pointed down isnt going to help . you were... and NO Im not kicking you or anyone else in the guts.
I was wondering just how long it would take you to openly challenge me directly, took a lot of guts to do so I must admit given the high level of science I have uncovered about the work of Stanley A. Meyer to this date. Your Meyer hating ass will get toss in the garbage with me I am afraid. Sorry for the grown up words but I have read all of your post and you do nothing to aid humanity in anyway shape or form towards becoming energy independent.
Now for some missing key information on why no one has gotten the figure 3-23 isolated VIC transformers to work correctly in charging the WFC's they built for them. For starters people have been building them incorrectly all of these years. As what is seen in the patents is not draw correctly and some key information is missing. Secondly they have all been wiring the WFC's incorrectly due to no fault of their own as that information was just not given in the patents.
In the patent it says to wind a core with 200 turn primary, 600 turns secondary, and 100 turns for each choke, correct? The key missing information is the build of the WFC that thing is to be connected too as hooking it up to one electrode pair will result in failure. Why? The transformer can't handle the load the single capacitor places on it and everyone knows if you overload a transformer it simply will not work, correct? That transformer has to be connected to an eleven electrode capacitor pair set up all wired in series. This has to be done this way to bring the load down so the transformer can charge up the WFC. With each electrode pair wired in series the load seen by the transformer is lowered. Now this is where the 78.54 ohms you like to say is bogus comes in play for it is impedance matching the same as done in a typical car stereo set up. Now in a car audio system if you place to high of a load on the system it will burn out, but in a transformer if that is done it simply will not turn on. And as many of you out there can agree when you hooked this transformer (for those who built it) to the one electrode pair it would only put out around 4 volts, correct? It never dawn on anyone to lighten the load on the transformer by adding more electrode pairs connecting them all in series as far as I can tell to lighten the load on the transformer so it could power up and charge the WFC. That would be the same as you getting an audio amp rated at 8 ohms and then you placed a 1 one load on it. If you want the transformer to work you have to lighten the load and use 8 ohms or more in the example I gave, correct? 78.54 ohms is to low for the transformer to power up so you have to add more capacitors in series to add more resistance to the system until you get to a point where the transformer will work, get it? Meyer placed eleven capacitors in series which gives a total resistance of 863.94 ohms of resistance, thus cutting the load on the transformer so it can charge up the capacitors. Every capacitor has a resistance element to is construction and a water capacitor is no exception to the rule.
Interestingly enough that arrangement of the WFC restricts amps and allows voltage to take over as it is not to different from connecting some audio speakers in series which cuts the load on the amplifier, correct? Voltage remains constant but amps are divided among the capacitors thus cutting the load to the transformer to the point where it can charge up the capacitors. That math I will leave up to the individual to calculate. Now for visual proof of what I am talking about from Stanley A. Meyer's own WFC that ran his dune buggy on nothing but water as a source of fuel.
@Torana, Stay off of my thread as if you have noticed I stay off of yours out of respect, so return the favor.
This patent may be of interest:
Here is a video I made wiring the WFC in series:
Note this is pure distilled water no caustics of any kind are being used.
From this experiment I learned that the more capacitors wired in series the more efficient the process becomes. Unlike the prior state of the art with Dr. Faraday's electrolysis, when increasing the surface area of the plates in this manor decreases amp use which is the direct opposite of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis. I am currently building a new 12 capacitor WFC to see the full effects of this process. From what I have observed this is like impedance matching with an audio amplifier. Example, say you have an audio amplifier rated at 10 ohms and you only have 1 ohm speakers in which to connect to the amplifier. What happens if you connect all the speakers in parallel to the amplifier? It will burn out correct? What happens if you connect just one speaker to the amplifier? Again it will burn out or just not be able to power the load. The only way to get the amplifier working correctly is to wire ten or more 1 ohm speakers in series, correct? That my friends is the reason why so many have tried and failed at replicating Meyer's method of water decomposition.
As you some of you might have guessed by now, this new WFC is to be used to power up my test car, along with the Gas Processor, and needed circuitry. So you can see I am getting prepared what are you doing to get prepared?
In the attachment is a photo of how to calculate these series capacitor arrays. The resistance is additive just like any series resistance and the capacitance is the reciprocal of capacitances. So as you add more capacitors you decrease the capacitance and increase the resistance of the circuit. Remember the WFC is a part of the VIC circuit just as Meyer says. The VIC transformer has to be matched to a load that it can power, and one capacitor is too great of a load as those of you that have given this a try have already experienced. When you go to drive it with that great of a load all that happens is the transformer gets hot and only about 2-5 volts are seen at the capacitor correct? Now build a WFC with ten or more capacitors wired in series and that transformer might have a chance of powering the new series connected WFC array you just made.
But remember to get the needed power to power an engine you need to build the Gas Processor.
Enjoy breaking down water the Meyer way,
Quote from: Don
Let me give you some info to help understand Stans work.
1st: Stan had three water cells.
1- variable plate cell (non resonance)
2-multi tube cell,alternator powered (also non resonance)
3-resonanct cavity,11 tube cell (the only resonance cell)
The first two cells were amp restricting cells.They only show amp restriction and no resonance action.
2nd: The biggest mistake most people make is that they think the multi tube demo cell worked on resonance,It didn't.
3rd:The next mistake they make is trying to drive a multi tube cell with a frequency driver to find resonance.It won't work,back to 2nd fact.
4th: Another mistake people make is mixing different technologies together, 3rd fact.
This one is the bigest thing I see people doing wrong.Trying to use a VIC coil with the multi tube cell.They are two different technologies.
Quote from: MasterPlaster on June 10, 2011, 08:23:02 AMLet me give you some info to help understand Stans work.
1st: Stan had three water cells.
1- variable plate cell (non resonance)
2-multi tube cell,alternator powered (also non resonance)
3-resonanct cavity,11 tube cell (the only resonance cell)
The first two cells were amp restricting cells.They only show amp restriction and no resonance action.
2nd: The biggest mistake most people make is that they think the multi tube demo cell worked on resonance,It didn't.
3rd:The next mistake they make is trying to drive a multi tube cell with a frequency driver to find resonance.It won't work,back to 2nd fact.
4th: Another mistake people make is mixing different technologies together, 3rd fact.
This one is the bigest thing I see people doing wrong.Trying to use a VIC coil with the multi tube cell.They are two different technologies.
He is wrong and once I have the new WFC built I will prove it. I am not like everyone else as I approach this technology from the view of science and I found where the energy is coming from to power things on water as a source of fuel. But the picture I posted shows exactly what I am doing is the same thing Meyer did to his WFC exciter array that ran his dune buggy. This is something everyone over looked since they are trying to duplicate and not understanding the technology. In the photo you can clearly see that the WFC that ran his dune buggy is wired up in series. Do the math and you will see why that is important, though I did put up enough examples to show third graders how it relates to the water for fuel technology.
As seen in the photo the WFC is a part of the VIC. I follow the science not the man, the science is where one learns this technology not the patents. The patents help but don't give everything as no patent really ever does. But Meyer did tell us that it was wired in series in the technical brief on the first few pages.
Quotepage 1-1 SMTB
LC Circuit
Resonant Charging Choke (C) in series with Excitor-array (El/E2) forms an inductor-capacitor circuit
(LC) since the Excitor-Array (ER) acts or performs as an capacitor during pulsing operations, as
illustrated in Figure (1-2) as to Figure (1-1).
The Dielectric Properties (insulator to the flow of amps) of natural water (dielectric constant being
78.54 @ 25c) between the electrical plates (El/E2) forms the capacitor (ER). Water now becomes part
of the Voltage Intensifier Circuit in the form of "resistance" between electrical ground and pulsefrequency
positive-potential ... helping to prevent electron flow within the pulsing circuit (AA) of
Figure 1-1.
As you can see I am not making this up out of thin air.
h2opower actively fighting for your energy independence.
Hi Everyone,
Here is a video I put together showing the construction of the new 12 capacitors exciter array being built, enjoy!
Quote from: Loner on July 16, 2011, 12:29:36 AM
Very Nice Cell. I assume that you have "Tuned" these cells via exacting methods during the build? I do like the way the seals allow direct exposure of the outer tubes but I would think this "O-Ring" type of sealing would dampen physical vibration and alter the true resonance point. Yes or No?
( Yes, I am still watching, learning, lurking and interested. )
I might accept that the "Resonance" would be totally "Electrical" in nature, but noticed in several reads of many areas (I have no true opinion on Meyer himself, as the info is the important part.) that separate units were used for each tube in the "resonance" build. If all were in series, why would there be more than one unit needed? (There were many on the Buggy...)
I'm not trying to be negative, just trying to understand...
Thanks for info, as I had thought you were one of the people that first brought that little fact to light. Maybe my memory is failing me?
Keep up the great work...
Hi Loner,
I think you are talking about Meyer having 9 VIC transformers correct? That part took me some time to figure out. But now I got it, he had them hook up three and three, that is to say three of them where hooked in parallel and those three sets where hooked up out of phase in a three phase arrangement. Then he went and added three diodes to make it a six phase pulse going to the WFC.
Here is my reasoning on this; Voltage is pressure correct? So I give you this analogy: A pressure washer with a nozzle tip that needs a certain amount of pressure before it will allow water to flow is the same as this in a way. If one where to pulse the trigger of the pressure washer pulling it on and releasing it off over and over again the water flow through the nozzle will be in pulses as well, correct? That is what I think I am seeing since with this set up as voltage is pressure and the single phase pulsing is not holding the pressure constant to keep ionizing the water molecules in a consistent manor just like the pressure washer. That is the need to have this all in three phase pulsing with a six phase rectifier hooked up to it as Meyer shows in figure 8-11b in the SMTB. The object is to keep the voltage pressure constant so that when the pressure is enough to start ionizing the water molecules it does so at a constant rate at the voltage pressure needed to start the ionization. Since it is voltage dependent and not amp dependent when the voltages are raised the rate of ionization increases, but current draw I have notices thus far, seems to slow the process down. I have already preformed experiments on this and noticed just what this thing is doing, I am currently modifying an 8xa circuit to have three phase output should have it done next week some time as the parts for it are in the mail.
Now since the Gas Processor and the WFC practically are the same device just dealing with a different medium the same circuit update needs to be made to the Gas Processor is my thinking. Now I found a circuit in some of Meyer's photos that are for sale and that circuit has the same flip flops I am using to turn the circuit into a three phase pulsing system, I think it is titled "DistCon."
With this set up I can take the voltages up to 2k and it only draws 0.33 amps in resonance but I have six times as less the production Meyer talks about and the only thing that made any sense to me was I have six times as less the pulsing phase rate as Meyer has. For I can get burst of gas output as low as 0.01 amps at 215 volts using pure distilled water but the output is random in the capacitors. I am certain that this is due to my pulsing circuit only having one phase as that makes the most sense. Anyway that is where the science is taking me right now and I should have some results next week if all goes well.
As for it being a vibrational resonance I really do not see that working in any of Meyer's work as he holds the tubes from both the bottom and the top and no way in the world will that do any kind of vibrational ringing. Meyer also used rubber O'rings in his design so again I would go as far as to say the vibrational theory just doesn't hold up and could possibly be miss information. For just take a good hard look at the WFC that ran his dune buggy and you will see it has springs in direct contact with the electrodes at the bottom and the outer tube has an O'ring holding it in place at the top. Nothing will vibrate much under those conditions as springs work to dampen vibration as that is part of their purpose on automobiles. Rubber, as you already stated, works to dampen vibration also, so again their theory just doesn't hold up given the evidence of Meyer's design.
Hope that helps,
h20 power. In post # 248. You saidThe vic transformers were hooked up three and three. That is to say 3 were hooked in parallel.and those 3 were hooked up out of phase. I can see and understand fron the figure 8-11b where the first three go to the outer tube. But dont understand (those three were hooked up out of phase in a three phase arrangement). Could you explain this to me better so I can understand this a little better. I am working on the alternator version now. Also if there were 9 vics in total would the stator have to be center tapped to put in 3 more vics and then put in three more off the 3 neutral legs. trying my best to understand this .Thanks.
Quote from: highwater on July 20, 2011, 12:59:52 PM
h20 power. In post # 248. You saidThe vic transformers were hooked up three and three. That is to say 3 were hooked in parallel.and those 3 were hooked up out of phase. I can see and understand fron the figure 8-11b where the first three go to the outer tube. But dont understand (those three were hooked up out of phase in a three phase arrangement). Could you explain this to me better so I can understand this a little better. I am working on the alternator version now. Also if there were 9 vics in total would the stator have to be center tapped to put in 3 more vics and then put in three more off the 3 neutral legs. trying my best to understand this .Thanks.
Hi Highwater,
If you have the alternator version you should wire it just like shown in figure 8-11 B found in the SMTB I posted some good information for you here:
For what I am talking about is the system Stanley A. Meyer used to run his dune buggy before he switch over to the injector system. There he had nine VIC transformers connected to one 11 capacitor WFC that had only 10 capacitors being used all wired in series so it only had one power input line for the nine VIC transformers too connect to. So in order to figure out just how he wired all the VIC up I look to what he had done in the past with the figure 8-11 illustrations. Now I have changed how the three VIC transformers are connected together but have to test it all out but the rewiring looks more to the point than that of Meyer's and should do the same thing just without the voltage loss I think I see with the VIC transformer set up.
Since you are going to use the alternator version note that the rpm is where resonance is found in that set up and the power going to the rotor can be pulsed but does not control the resonance the speed of the turning of the rotor does. You are going to have to put in a steady input power and very the speed until resonance is found. From there you can then raise and lower the voltage at will. You will find Meyer made a drive motor PWM that used a coarse and fine adjustments just for that purpose, and the guy's job on the back of the dune buggy was to keep it in resonance while he was driving in the early days.
Hope that helps,
Quote from: wfchobby on September 13, 2011, 01:20:06 AM
Hi H2opower
that looks like a nicely built cell set - i notice that the design appears to work like a capacitor in that the only area of water contact is between the 2 tubes - what about the centerer of the inner tube - is it left open because i was wondering how you circulated the water from the top to bottom sections of the cell.
With the resonant cavity drawing, diagram attached, where is the earth symbolized connection on the water inlet connected to.? I'm unclear of its purpose - is it for setting a electrical polarity on the water entering the cavity.?
the question: On the VIC coil driving the cell - has anyone contemplated what would happen in the circuit if the secondary had a centerer tap and that centerer tap electrically connects to the water in the cell. ?
What I was curious about was the earthing/grounding of the inlet, and as the vic/chokes/cell are effectively a closed circuit.
Even referring to fig 8-11 of the rotary vic on the alternator setup, the diagram clearly says - water bath electrical ground 0v.
For a ground point for the water, as seen on the inlet of the "resonant cavity", is that applicable to a WFC and if so could a ground, zero point, be utilized by a centerer tap on the secondary for as an example for reference, as seen in a simple dual rail psu circuit.??
I can see 2 diagrams that refer to the water being 0v, wfc422da and fig 8-11. Writing by others suggests that on a vic circuit and cell they can get high voltages across the electrodes/plates but little output, so might an area to explore be the potential of the watter as in the 2 Meyer's diagrams?
is a cell a water bath and resonant cavity.?
BTW - anyone find the and underlining of "hotwords in posts and the forum a nuisance? - use Noscript with firefox to prevent the scripts for and from being used - makes the page much cleaner to read
Hi wfchobby,
The ground to me just is showing water is being used as a ground and not being grounded to an outside source as that would mess the whole process up. Water is also being used as a resistor as well as a dielectric by Meyer. I added some new information on the topic here: that you might find very useful.
In the ER 10 design the center electrodes are solid and have been machined to allow water to flow through the system just as Meyer's dune buggy ER. A few changes where made to the original design but it is fairly close to that of the dune buggy's ER. As of right now I don't see anything else like it on the market so I guess I am the first to make something like that of Meyer's new stuff before he switch over to the direct injection system.
I hope you find the heretical builder link useful as I put a lot of time into adding science to the work of Meyer for everyone to learn and know. I am not perfect but I think I did an okay job in trying to show the science behind the patents.
Let me know if it helped or not?
Hi H2opower, i like your work, nice and neat.
Thank you for the hereticalbuilders link - very useful thanks will take several reads to absorb. To my mind with the limited space in engine bays the injectors are the way to go because the multiple cells are just too bulky, im interested to see how you progress with the injector system. (
With this technology we can take the control of energy away from those that sell energy and give it to the people. If you're reading this can you see it in your heart to support this technology at a time when it needs you the most? Even a $5 donation helps for just as a drop can eventually fill a bucket your donations can make this a successful campaign and a new brighter future will be our new way of life.
Thanks Everyone for your support,
Would appreciate some data like power in gas out.
I hope your experiments work out.
Here is a recent article I wrote for those new to the water for fuel concept. (
Kind Regards
Quote from: markdansie on June 08, 2013, 12:15:15 PM
Would appreciate some data like power in gas out.
I hope your experiments work out.
Here is a recent article I wrote for those new to the water for fuel concept. (
Kind Regards
Hi Mark,
I want you to take a close look at what I tell you in this reply as I assure you that I am talking like no one else you have ever heard from before, okay? Dig into your notes and see if you can find a single person saying the things I have said in this post.
The way Meyer's technology works is just like an ozone generator that makes use of an ionizing electrical field for the most part.
An ozone generator draws in O2 molecules and breaks them down into monatomic Oxygen gas atoms by way of ionization. Nothing comes together inside of the ionizing electrical field but once these monatomic gases are back in our atmosphere they quickly find O2 molecules to form O3 with. Meyer's technology is just about the same but this time water molecules H2O are being separated by way of ionization. Unlike O2 molecules these atoms need to be sparked off in order to recombine but they are broken down in the exact same way.
Now to prevent these monatomic gas atoms from reaching a stable state longer the electrons are taken away from the system by the electron extraction circuit. This is how Meyer's technology actually works no BS. The atoms within the water molecules are ionized and those electrons furthest away from the protons are the first in line to get stripped away from the atoms, but in this case those atoms have the job of holding the water molecules together. Now the water molecules can withstand to lose one electron and remain intact, part of it's own self ionization properties, but the loss of two and it simply falls apart into its component atoms hydrogen and oxygen.
It has taken me over six years to figure this technology out and more than another year afterwards to get all the items together to build it correctly. In the most basic of explanations a lot of energy was added to the system electronically as hydrogen still seems to perform the role of an energy carrier as the water that it is being used from is not destroyed in the process. In order to run a car another device Meyer calls the, "Gas Processor," is needed which will remove a small amount of mass from the oxygen atoms being drawn in through the intake system and in physics if you decrease the mass of an atom you increase it's energy potential and how many oxygen molecules are being drawn into the intake system? As you can now begin to see a lot of instability was added to the system. This is not Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method but a whole new take on breaking the bonds of the water molecules and how to make best use of the gases thereafter. In this system there are no bubblers being used as that would stabilize that unstable gases which would result in a loss of energy.
There are only two sides to this coin. One, on the side of this technology and the energy independence it brings, and the other side of the coin being on the side of the systems of energy enslavement from which we are currently all trapped in right now. I am sorry but those are your choices love them or hate them that is just reality as you will support one by default rather you like it or not. Sure there have been a lot of frauds out there trying to make a buck off of everyone but listen to the way I talk about this technology as it is something you truly haven't heard of before.
But note plans are being worked on to showcase this technology so that you can actually view it working correctly, okay? As you do have a right to see this technology in action, just bear with me as things are being put together for you, okay? Thanks
Job 38: 22-23 (
Take care and God Bless,
Hi if it is any help, if you go to the Stan Myer forums and HHO forums in Europe and Asia they did a lot of work with ionizing the air and with ozone generators.
I am sure their observations and experiments would be helpful.
Like I said all the best with your project, I look forward when you can show us a motor running or data in regards to the power in and power out. Please do not make assumptions to what I have or have not seen, 90% I am under NDA.
Your work is interesting, but I will not debate the accademic merrit of your assumptions. I ma happy to await the outcoems
Kind regards
I'm not trying to confuse your efforts here, but I believe there are similarities between Stan Meyer's and Bob Boyce's technologies. Resonance is involved, but IMO the frequencies are variable and have little if anything to do with molecular or atomic frequency.
All Meyers methods involve robbing atoms of their valence electrons to nullify covalent molecular bonds.
The VIC steals the valence electrons, then applies an electric field to finish the job.
Meyers made the statement that water is an insulator, and everyone said "he's cracked!"
Well, Meyers wasn't cracked.
There are certain circumstances where water does act as an insulator.
Based on the contents of Meyers' patents, and the wealth of information they contain, along with the doubt and confusion encountered by those who try to decypher them, IMO, either Meyers was a genius and excelled at protecting his technology, or, Meyers was lead by some higher intelligence, and he blindly followed without fully understanding the technology he delivered.
Quote from: rogerthat on June 15, 2013, 02:52:14 PM
I'm not trying to confuse your efforts here, but I believe there are similarities between Stan Meyer's and Bob Boyce's technologies. Resonance is involved, but IMO the frequencies are variable and have little if anything to do with molecular or atomic frequency.
All Meyers methods involve robbing atoms of their valence electrons to nullify covalent molecular bonds.
The VIC steals the valence electrons, then applies an electric field to finish the job.
Meyers made the statement that water is an insulator, and everyone said "he's cracked!"
Well, Meyers wasn't cracked.
There are certain circumstances where water does act as an insulator.
Based on the contents of Meyers' patents, and the wealth of information they contain, along with the doubt and confusion encountered by those who try to decypher them, IMO, either Meyers was a genius and excelled at protecting his technology, or, Meyers was lead by some higher intelligence, and he blindly followed without fully understanding the technology he delivered.
Hi Roger,
With all due respects what Stanley Meyer and Bob Boyce did are totally different. Bob Boyce's system makes use of KOH or can be substituted with some other form of water additive to make the water more conductive. With Meyer's work the water is untreated in any way, IE, not salts to be used of any kind. I have been working on this technology since 2006 and with Gods help I finally understood just what was going on back in March of 2012. Right now I know it's hard for people to believe there is another way to break the bonds of the water molecules than the standard old 1860's technology shows us how in our science textbooks, but this is another way to do the job that follows how life breaks the bonds of the water molecules.
These two different technologies you talk about are as far apart as they can be in how they work to break the bonds of the water molecules into it's component atoms being hydrogen and oxygen that make it up. With me Job 38: 22-23 leads my thoughts and I ask God for help in understanding this technology. Now I won't sit down and tell everyone just how it all works but I am trying to bring this technology to market through True Green Solutions so that the people can have a choice to opt out of the current system of energy enslavement and begin to take charge of their own energy needs.
Quote from: wings on June 18, 2013, 06:39:53 AM (
This is a hybrid system and what True Green Solutions is doing is a total fuel replacement system: (
Right now we need your help at True Green Solutions so this technology can make it to market which is why the crowdfunding campaign was started in the first place to give the people a chance to vote in a "Direct Democracy" style for a future that leads away from energy enslavement to one of energy independence. So if you truly want to be free now is the time to show your support with at least a minimum amount donation as just as a drop can eventually fill a bucket so will your donations help this campaign to be a success in the end. Thanks for your support as right now the fight for energy independence for the common man has begun.
Hey H2Opower,
I don't disagree that the basic methods used by Meyer and Boyce were very different, Boyce using an electrolyte and harmonics, and who accidentally discovered the anomaly when a rectifier in his alternator shorted, but I think there are some subtle similarities in how water interacts with the electrical energies being applied, and the sequence of events which allow stresses to be leveraged, culminating in water breaking down much more efficiently.
I have applied a differential voltage (40v) to two electrodes spaced 3mm apart, and verified current was flowing between those electrodes, then applied a signal to those same two electrodes in combination with the applied differential voltage, and found that the current had stopped flowing between the electrodes. The applied signal was approx. 20kv at approx. 10khz, which was the electrical resonance of the complete circuit itself. Reduce the amount of water in the cell and the resonant frequency goes up, add water to the cell and the resonant frequency goes down. Reduce the inductance, and the voltage goes down, while the frequency goes up. Upon shutting off the signal, the current began flowing between the two electrodes again.
I don't believe this method of breaking down water into useable fuel was the most efficient Meyer devised. His later patents discussed ionizing air, then mixing that ionized air with atomized water (steam would serve) where the ionized nitrogen would rob the valence electrons from the hydrogen and oxygen making up the water molecule, and the nitrogen would then combine with the hydrogen and oxygen, forming both nitrous-oxide and ammonia, in a readily combustible mixture.
Hi everyone,
Lets cut the chase.This guy Ravi have successfully replicated close to Meyers HHO generator and consume only 6watt(12v x 0.5A) of power.
Please take note he was not selling anything. (
Go to the youtube description beneath the video and download the pdf which contain the detailed steps from conditioning HHO 316L stainless steel and etc.
"Please download and replicate quickly."
I remember when the Ravi story originally came out, and everyone was hoping to find the reason why their attempts at replicating Meyer's technology had failed. Everyone poured over the pictures, circuitry, and what little documentation was forthcoming, but to no avail. Ravi appeared to have stumbled upon success with no rational explanation. I'm convinced that even Ravi couldn't duplicate his own success since he couldn't adequately explain what he did that was different.
If one goes back and looks at all the material Meyer produced concerning his successful models, you'll find early models where he was using 3 electrodes. In my research, I believe I have found the reason he used 3 electrodes. I have discovered that water molecules bind together to form conduction paths, and as long as current continues to flow through these conduction paths, the molecules stay aggressively locked within these paths, and will resist making new paths. Thus Meyer's statements concerning the insulative qualities of water. No one could understand why Meyer would make such statements, since everyone knows water conducts electricity. I believe this is the key to Meyer's success which everyone has overlooked.
As one continues down this path of reasoning, a sequence of events have to take place to break down water.
1) Apply a 1st electric potential that will lock the water molecules into a configuration that makes them vulnerable to perpendicular forces.
2) Apply a 2nd electric potential perpendicular to the configuration of the conduction paths formed in step 1.
3) Once a number of molecules have broken, and free molecules re-align with the 2nd electric potential, shut down the 2nd electric potential.
4) repeat step 1.
Each of Meyer's models which involves electrodes submerged in water use this method or sequence of events.
Thus the need for pulsing electricity to the electrodes.
It's similar to the domino effect.
If one wants to demonstrate the domino effect, steps have to be taken.
Set the dominos up in a predetermined configuration.
Apply a force in a direction that is calculated to take advantage of a known weakness and the dominos fall.
Frequency 22,3 GHz :
Puharich mentions this frequency at 35:46 - 37:03 :
Thanks for the links Cell!
Interesting characters on that boat forum.
You won't get an argument out of me concerning what effects a 22,3 GHz electromagnetic signal might have on water. I have little useable knowledge for working with those frequencies, other than the methods are more technical and less forgiving. A lot of precision goes into circuitry capable of operating at those frequencies since stray capacitance has a big impact on operation, let alone performance. And, one certainly doesn't want to carry any antique flash bulbs in one's pockets when working around that type of equipment.
Meyer's methods operate at lower frequencies, and so, don't need RF shielding.
Meyer appears to have found a more forgiving way of applying leverage at the molecular level. It doesn't require high precision or power. Meyer's methods appear to be based on leverage against an entrained target, and regauging after that target has been dismantled.
Puharich was the predecessor of Stanley Meyer and mentions this frequency in the yt vid, which he generates by and 'highly nonlinear load' , that means he is generating this frequency by harmonics of a much lower frequency.
Would be great if I could find documentation, pictures, and diagrams detailing how one might replicate Puharich's technology.
I read what I could find of Puharich's work some years ago, but don't recall finding anything that went into much depth. Time and mileage take their toll on memories, so if I did find information that illuminated a clear path to success, afraid I'm not able to recall it, and apparently, I also failed to act on it.
Quote from: rogerthat on June 21, 2013, 06:44:43 AM
I remember when the Ravi story originally came out, and everyone was hoping to find the reason why their attempts at replicating Meyer's technology had failed. Everyone poured over the pictures, circuitry, and what little documentation was forthcoming, but to no avail. Ravi appeared to have stumbled upon success with no rational explanation. I'm convinced that even Ravi couldn't duplicate his own success since he couldn't adequately explain what he did that was different.
If one goes back and looks at all the material Meyer produced concerning his successful models, you'll find early models where he was using 3 electrodes. In my research, I believe I have found the reason he used 3 electrodes. I have discovered that water molecules bind together to form conduction paths, and as long as current continues to flow through these conduction paths, the molecules stay aggressively locked within these paths, and will resist making new paths. Thus Meyer's statements concerning the insulative qualities of water. No one could understand why Meyer would make such statements, since everyone knows water conducts electricity. I believe this is the key to Meyer's success which everyone has overlooked.
As one continues down this path of reasoning, a sequence of events have to take place to break down water.
1) Apply a 1st electric potential that will lock the water molecules into a configuration that makes them vulnerable to perpendicular forces.
2) Apply a 2nd electric potential perpendicular to the configuration of the conduction paths formed in step 1.
3) Once a number of molecules have broken, and free molecules re-align with the 2nd electric potential, shut down the 2nd electric potential.
4) repeat step 1.
Each of Meyer's models which involves electrodes submerged in water use this method or sequence of events.
Thus the need for pulsing electricity to the electrodes.
It's similar to the domino effect.
If one wants to demonstrate the domino effect, steps have to be taken.
Set the dominos up in a predetermined configuration.
Apply a force in a direction that is calculated to take advantage of a known weakness and the dominos fall.
This was copied from above:
"The way Meyer's technology works is just like an ozone generator that makes use of an ionizing electrical field for the most part. An ozone generator draws in O2 molecules and breaks them down into monatomic Oxygen gas atoms by way of ionization. Nothing comes together inside of the ionizing electrical field but once these monatomic gases are back in our atmosphere they quickly find O2 molecules to form O3 with. Meyer's technology is just about the same but this time water molecules H2O are being separated by way of ionization. Unlike O2 molecules these atoms need to be sparked off in order to recombine but they are broken down in the exact same way.Now to prevent these monatomic gas atoms from reaching a stable state longer the electrons are taken away from the system by the electron extraction circuit. This is how Meyer's technology actually works no BS. The atoms within the water molecules are ionized and those electrons furthest away from the protons are the first in line to get stripped away from the atoms, but in this case those atoms have the job of holding the water molecules together. Now the water molecules can withstand to lose one electron and remain intact, part of it's own self ionization properties, but the loss of two and it simply falls apart into its component atoms hydrogen and oxygen."
This is a layman's explanation of just how Meyer's technology actually works, sorry I can't go into more details than this but again this is how it truly works. Note this technology is very different from Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method. It has taken me several years to figure out the science behind the patents and now I am ready to bring this technology to market and have started a crowdfunding campaign so that I can get the funding needed to get the wheels of manufacturing going: [size=78%] ([/size]
You sir have hit the nail squarely on the head!
And, both you and myself are correct!
I am just attacking this technology from another valid aspect.
Yes, the water molecules have to be ionized to weaken the covalent bond.
Yes, water molecules line up to conduct electrons, and once entrained, will resist conducting elsewhere.
Many theories and technologies were required to make the internal combustion engine operate.
Mechanical, chemical, electrical, thermal.
One could argue that it's the thermal theories and technology that makes an engine work, and they would be correct.
But, leave the other theories and technology out, and you don't have an viable product.
Same here. We just haven't figured out how everything fits together to make a viable product.
Meyers bifilar wound transformer created ions. Meyers spoke of resonance. People have incorrectly assumed Meyers might be referring to molecular or atomic resonance, but Meyers was speaking of the resonance of his circuitry with water being a part of his circuit, and the way Meyers used water in his circuit made it one half of the physical makeup of a capacitor.
A capacitor has two plates or bodies, and it's the difference in charge between these two bodies and their individual capacities which makes them useful electrically.
There are two ways to increase capacitance:
1) Bring the two bodies close together to create and electric field.
2) Increase the mass of the bodies.
The electrical stresses that can be applied to an inductor are limited not by the larger body, but by the smaller body involved in the makeup of the capacitor. In Meyers circuitry, the total mass of his water cell is the lesser of the two bodies making up the capacitor that determines the resonant frequency of his circuit.
Most people have thought Meyers was referring to the capacitance that existed between the two electrodes that were immersed in the water, but that's wrong. The resonance of Meyers circuit depended on the size of the inductor in conjunction with the mass of the watercell, and the watercell was the lesser of the two bodies that made up the capacitance used in Meyers circuit. So, one end of Meyers inductor connected to the watercell, and the other end of Meyers inductor connected to the earth or the body of a car, and the watercell was the lesser of the two masses. The less water one has in the watercell, the higher the resonant frequency of Meyers circuit, the more water one has in the watercell, the lower the resonant frequency of Meyers circuit.
And too, the larger the inductor, the higher the voltage, and the lower the frequency of Meyers circuit. I am not of the opinion that a higher voltage is entirely needed since one only needs to create ions in the general vicinity of the electrodes, and once those ions have been created, one only needs to place a sufficient differential voltage across the two electrodes to create the electric field needed to break the water molecule.
Everyone knows what Meyers circuitry looks like where the VIC is applied to the watercell.
This image is an attempt at making things a little clearer concerning the resonant portion of the Meyers circuit.
All conductive components of the watercell make up the total mass of the lesser half of the capacitor that the inductor is connected to. The earth or car body make up the greater half of the capacitor.
The watercell only has so many available electrons that can be moved into or out of it's mass, thus this is the functional value of the capacitor made up of earth and the watercell, and thus the greater influence on the inductor and the resonant frequency of this circuit.
Meyers VIC is bifilar wound, but these windings are in paralllel, and while they function as a single inductor concerning resonance, they also serve as separate conductors to apply a differential voltage to two separate electrodes in order to create the electric field needed to break the ionized water molecules at the very point in time where those water molecules are entrained in conduction paths, conducting electrons from the rest of the water in the watercell.
Effect and timing creating a synergistic effect culminating in the efficient dissassembly of water molecules into their constituent components.
Meyer didn't appear to have an effective way of explaining the theory and methods behind his technology, or, he was attempting to keep his methods from being discovered, or maybe even he didn't understand his own technology. He has certainly made things difficult for us to benefit from his discoveries.
What if frequency does have some critical role to play in breaking down the water molecule?
By all accounts, it has nothing to do with molecular or atomic frequencies/resonance, and everything to do with circuit/electronic resonance.
Case in point, the clue Bob Boyce stumbled upon, where, in racing boats, he was using an electrolyzer, and a rectifier in his alternator shorted, and thereafter. when he reached certain engine RPM's, the output frequencies of the alternator power production, would cause massive amounts of hydroxy to be produced, and his boat would really take off!
What if?
My clues to opportunity have always been when someone says "It can't be done".
It's the edge of the map, where no one knows what exists....
Give the attached image some consideration.
Who knows, what might happen, if the full wave bridge rectifier was removed, and the resonant frequency line was crossed?
Are you at all curious??
<By all accounts, it has nothing to do with molecular or atomic frequencies/resonance, and everything to do with circuit/electronic resonance.>
I think the information Puharich gave is more correct. Why should he lie about this frequency 22GHz.
He mentioned it because he found out while doing research.
Hi everyone,
I've manage to split tap water(cheap) using only 1watt of power 5v x 200mA .This is still at fine tuning stage to observe bubbles production first using lower power before increasing power.
Please check my videos.Please download video and replicate.Just in case it's gone.
Recently i have discovered and fix a stability flaw with original Dave Lawton Phase Lock Loop circuit.I have posted in comment in my youtube channel. (
Quote from: TheCell on July 01, 2013, 02:03:09 AM
<By all accounts, it has nothing to do with molecular or atomic frequencies/resonance, and everything to do with circuit/electronic resonance.>
I think the information Puharich gave is more correct. Why should he lie about this frequency 22GHz.
He mentioned it because he found out while doing research.
I apologize for not making that statement correctly. <By all accounts, the technology/methods of Meyers/Boyce have nothing to do with molecular or atomic frequencies/resonance, and everything to do with circuit/electronic resonance.>
It's now obvious, I incorrectly assumed that in a discussion named "Re: Stanley Meyer Explained", any statement made which didn't directly name another person/method/technology would be interpreted as directly applicable to Meyers methods/technology.
My mistake...Please forgive.
Hi everyone,
I have just uploaded a final video to show how to modify the "Dave Lawton's Phase Lock Loop circuit" in order to improve circuit stability and also to increase HHO production.(Please refer to my video on how to condition WFC first.4th week now) (
This time i noticed the circuit is able to function as low as 4volts with Input current:100mA Power:0.4watt to split tap water.(Such a low voltage is not really necessary,but merely to observe bubble production on tap water)
Interesting thing to note the mosfet do not get really hot to the touch even at 2.5Amp using fix 12 volts supply.
Next video provided if i am free.I will try to show how to connect up a HHO blow torch(around 2800C or 5000F) to this WFC to power my small stirling engine generator.
"Please download video just in case and replicate"
Ionizing radiation such as ultraviolet light in an electric field. The electric field appears to be able to accelerate electrically charged particles like electrons. If you initiate an electron cascade event in water vapor injected between two plates of a capacitor the accelerating electric field causes impact ionization. It also decreases electron recombination. As electrons bombard the anode it will cause space charge to build up around the anode unless they tunnel through the anode and slow down in what Tesla called a translatory device like a motor or resistor. The products of the ionization of water vapor are monatomic oxygen and monatomic hydrogen. The atoms after leaving the electrically stressed electron depleted zone will form various "excited" states of molecules. Such as O3-O4-H-h2-oh-h3-. In the presence of nitrogen you will get various recombination products like nitrates-nitrous oxidides-etc. This recombination process is exothermic and will cause the fuel mixture to become heated and "burn" in the piston which increase the molecular kinetic energy. In a confined vessel like a piston at tdc the increased molecular kinetic energy causes an increase in cylinder pressure as compared to crankcase pressure. It is the conversion of electron motion within the atoms to macroscopic motion of a group of atoms we call a car. Electron velocity within an atom 30 million miles per hour. Free electron velocity in a car 60 miles an hour. When you intensify voltage you are basically causing the force carried by electrically charged particles to work upon your area of interest. Tesla built a voltage intensifier circuit that relies on producing standing waves within a resonant electrical configuration. By impressing oscillations at the resonant frequency of a tank the tank saves the input force by increasing the amplitude of the standing wave. The electrostatic potential between node and antidnode of the standing wave produces intense accelerating electric fields. Tesla produced his tanks by careful attention to the capacitance and inductance of a coil. By pulsing the coil at it's resonant frequency the coil offered infinite impedance to passage of electrical force through it. So the force impressed, however meager accumulates, and the voltage between node and antinode (terminals of the coil) goes sky high. This is like having the output of a huge step-up transformer terminating in open air. There is no secondary current but it will sure as hell induce one in your body if you get between it and a free electron source.
Voltage is a measure of force. It is like using a lever. You want to move a huge rock with just little old you. You increase the force on your object at the sacrafice of time. You will have to move the lever for a long time using the little gravitational force field you have. You accumulate the force in the short end of the lever.
sm in further refinements would use the hydrogen gas electric force field to not form water. This is the equivalent of running a fuel cell without forming water. Why would you take a whole bunch of protons and combine them with an element that creates a ground state molecule? You take the protons-insulate them-allow the electric field to accelerate electrons towards them and divert the acclerated electrons into a copper collector to force electrons through an isolated working circuit. Shed the velocity increase doing work instead of forming water.
A video to help get this technology out to the world: (
Enjoy everyone 8)
Thank you for sharing this tech ,really looking forward to studying this and understanding your data !
the claims seem quite amazing!
very nice Presentation .
Well, getting the voltages up now 8) .
Hope to have it up and running soon.
Shouldn't be long now I hope ;)
Yahweh is good.
Hydrogen production using cheap metals (Nickel/Nickel Oxide) at low voltage is now possible and very efficient. Such that a single AAA battery can be made to produce it via simple method.
Quote from: TechStuf on September 16, 2014, 03:26:43 PM
Hydrogen production using cheap metals (Nickel/Nickel Oxide) at low voltage is now possible and very efficient. Such that a single AAA battery can be made to produce it via simple method.
I am well aware of that technology and as always they are 5-10 years down the road. This I am showing and telling you is happening right now.
I guess what most fail to realized about what Meyer did is it operates at a subatomic level. Now it would take me too long to lay all of that out for everyone so that means you all have to do your own homework on the things I say.
you guys only need two electrodes in said water and preferably distilled water because you dont want all the chemicals to react to the magnetic moments in the water for starters !! And another thing is that your trying to mess with single molecules at a time too here !! I found out that you can flash the whole mass of distilled water with the magnetic moment as pulses but with all the frequencies like lightning bolts hint hint !!! You have to get rid of all the bad negative Ion's of said water which are also Negative Electrons that are losing there magnetism because of heating up the tap water to get the distilled water that affects each negative electrons when all electrons are part of the magnet flux lines which are static in themselves !!! Here is a diagram to show you all here how blowned up you can see what I am talking about how the electrons are attracted to the oxygen now
QuoteI am well aware of that technology and as always they are 5-10 years down the road.
Perhaps not as well aware as you assume. Afterall, the methodology for depositing thin films of Nickel Oxide on cheap silicon wafers is not rocket science. It's only 5-10 years down the road for those who prefer the hard way. The point is, it is simple and they're doing it N-O-W.
The technology is eminently scalable and much simpler and more efficient than any other I've seen. And I've been down that road aways. And its back alleys too.
Hydrogen catalysis don't get much simpler than that, and with the observed output at 1.5v with a triple A battery.....
Well, the results speak for themselves.
with 1.5v of DC you can use a coil with it to up the voltages but you would need a DC capacitor with this also to harness the energy and then use it when you need it all to produce a flashing affect to the whole water !!! Energy is not wasted
Quote from: TechStuf on September 16, 2014, 08:56:55 PM
Perhaps not as well aware as you assume. Afterall, the methodology for depositing thin films of Nickel Oxide on cheap silicon wafers is not rocket science. It's only 5-10 years down the road for those who prefer the hard way. The point is, it is simple and they're doing it N-O-W.
The technology is eminently scalable and much simpler and more efficient than any other I've seen. And I've been down that road aways. And its back alleys too.
Hydrogen catalysis don't get much simpler than that, and with the observed output at 1.5v with a triple A battery.....
Well, the results speak for themselves.
I know all about the artificial leaf and that is the technology they are talking about. Did you notice the date June 29th 1998 which is just a few months after the death of Stanley A. Meyer? I can guaranty that you or anyone that I have ever seen before have never gotten the results being shown to everyone of getting the voltages being applied to the water fuel capacitor up to 8.8kv and note I am a lot higher now. I talked about how this technology works at the Global BEM with an interview from last year done by John Fraser. Even with one transformer blown I was able to show voltages being applied to the water fuel capacitor that no one has ever seen before.
The bottom line however is this; Replacing the current energy sellers is going to be a monumental task so there is plenty of room for all that come up with working solutions to start the process running on their own merit or ideas just as long as they put it in a package that the consumers can buy and more importantly use. Just to give you an idea of just how large the task at hand is lets just look at one state in the Union California. In 2012 32 million cars where registered in the state of California and at a rate of one million cars converted per year it would take 32 years to complete the task at hand assuming no growth. My one little company would be hard pressed to get this done in 32 years and note we are only talking about just one state in the union and only talking about the cars registered on the road ways and haven't begun to talk about all the forklifts, farming equipment, and anything else that needs to be converted to running on this clean technology.
You people need to wake the hell up and do the math and stop with these petting arguments and vain jangling as this is not going to be an easy task to do in replacing the current system we have in place right now. Please get your heads out of the dream world and start actually doing something towards getting the task at hand completed.
So basically what I am telling all of you is if your not doing something to solve the problem then you are part of the problem as the time for sitting around doing nothing has long since passed.
oh Did Stanley Meyers said anything about deionizing the negative out of water in his videos ? If he did not then that is what he is also doing there and all negative Ion's are also all negative electrons that are losing there magnetic attraction to itself and the temperatures does play with one of major parts of water !! And sir I dont have my head in my butt you would say here because the findings I came up with is the only explanation to my experimenting with distilled water in my video !! Have or has anyone tried to use one paper clip and one stainless steel spoon to get what I got yet here ? No because you guys think you got all the dang answer but dont !!! Its ok if you or anyone here dont listen to me its fine by me because I got something you guys have not seen or used yet !!! I wish that someone would work with me on my findings but its ok also because some of you guys are lost then and do not care to help me out at all when you got your own heads up your tuss yourselves !!!
Quote from: teslaedison on September 17, 2014, 04:18:22 PM
oh Did Stanley Meyers said anything about deionizing the negative out of water in his videos ? If he did not then that is what he is also doing there and all negative Ion's are also all negative electrons that are losing there magnetic attraction to itself and the temperatures does play with one of major parts of water !! And sir I dont have my head in my butt you would say here because the findings I came up with is the only explanation to my experimenting with distilled water in my video !! Have or has anyone tried to use one paper clip and one stainless steel spoon to get what I got yet here ? No because you guys think you got all the dang answer but dont !!! Its ok if you or anyone here dont listen to me its fine by me because I got something you guys have not seen or used yet !!! I wish that someone would work with me on my findings but its ok also because some of you guys are lost then and do not care to help me out at all when you got your own heads up your tuss yourselves !!!
Sorry about the late reply but I don't always come to this site much now days.
You speak as if I should know the name "Tom" and of some video of yours but don't provide any links to. You ask for support but choose to fight is that your way of trying to gain my support? If so let me tell you it isn't working for you nor will it.
You come at me trying to tell me how you think this all works basically with an attitude of forcing your views on me but don't show any proof of your work. Like a lot of others will find out when I choose to speak about this technology you should choose to listen. Unlike you I am not playing around with paper clips as can be seen here as this is the whole prototype setup I am currently working with: As you can clearly see I have put a lot of time, money, and effort into this technology and am not just playing around with paper clips.
This technology is not an easy nut to crack and as a result over preforming many experiments I can tell you that with each new thing found out more things pop up that need to be solved a lot of times. Up to this point I have had a voltage sticking point of 9.2kv being applied to the exciter array but I think I have this problem solved now. I am just hopping that another new problem doesn't pop up this time around that I will have to solve before reaching the threshold for ionization of the atoms that make up the water molecules.
This technology is on the complex side and as a result of that many have tried and failed to get the results Meyer talks about and shows in a few of his videos. When they fail to the point of giving up they then turn Nay Sayer out of arrogance. I have already shared the core science behind this technology back in 2013 and have yet to witness anyone making good use of what I shared with the world free of cost. I am really no longer in the sharing mood these days as all I have to show for it is a lot of people telling me I don't know what I am talking about despite my efforts showing everyone that you can put high voltages directly to a water bath in direct contact with uncoated SS metal electrodes. I have shown my work on the net of just what my many experiments show on how this technology actually works but only a small few choose to follow my lead. So few in fact I say what's the point? I show people things they have never seen concerning this technology that perfectly matches up with what Meyer says should be taking place in his many lectures that can be found on the net, IE, high voltage being applied to a water bath while restricting the flow of amps into the milliamp rang.
In time people will be looking over everything I have left up on the net, just call it a feeling I have for now.
Well, time to get back to work.
Take care and happy experimenting 8)
It's been a while since I have posted on this forum but rest assured I have been hard at work getting this technology solved. As of right now all of the science and math is showing to be correct as it is following right along with experimental results. But my views on how things should go have totally changed as I have added to my thinking a complete understanding of just how the markets work and know to have everyone trying to build "One-offs" is heading in the wrong direction as this technology has to follow sound market principles which show if it is to come out to the masses that need it the most it has to do so by way of mass production. This new understanding has put me at odds with the way things are being done and planned for right now so I wrote an article about it here:
In the attachment you will find some information that explains a lot about this technology and goes over many things most people missed as they tried to solve this technology. Right now I just need a little more time as I have to wait for some things to be made for me before I can proceed with the next round of experiments.
I hope you all enjoy the information in the attachment and found the article I wrote to shed some light on the problems I found with Open Source.
Hi thanks for the post, I'm going to enjoy reading it thoroughly with a cuppa over the weekend. One thing I have noticed while glancing through the PDF is that you have the water molecule splitting directly into O and H. This process has never been seen in any scientific study , including vapour electrolysis in high voltage fields. Water seems to always dissociate into OH- and H+ in high electric fields, because the Oxygen is so damn electronegative. One H+ is easy to rip away from the neutral molrcule but the other seems to be attracted so much that it apparenly doest happen. I know Meyer had the same splitting going described on his videos.
What are your thoughts on this??
A while ago I got this effect with Meyer's technology:
You will notice that there are very few small bubbles and the only way for this to be possible that I can think of is for the gases to be coming of in their monatomic gas state. I am not the only one that has gotten this effect. One thing we all notice is that the gases seems to generate right in the middle of the electrodes and not on the electrodes themselves. So, to honest it's a guess that it is coming off this way but it seems to be a good guess.
I have a question for you, if you don't mind? Who have you seen getting voltages like these with this technology? The only reason I ask is thus far I am the only one that I know of that is doing so. In 2013 at the Global BEM I reached 4.2kv. Latter on that year I reached 5.2kv and as time past I made it to 6.3kv, 7.5kv, 8,8kv, and finally to 9.2kv. With the next setup I should be able to reach 14kv or more if the math checks out experimentally.
I've been focusing on nanosecond electrolysis at low voltages, so I can't make any comments about HV as yet. I guess the only comment is that in the video that came up after your link there are 450mA passing at 150V. That's about 70W if its DC . How much of that do you think is going into producing the hydrogen? i guess I'm asking how does that compare with a system that uses 3.5V with 20A? I'm very impressed with amount of gas coming from DI water regardless of efficiency, as the amount of current causing such quantities of gas on your video should not flow unless there are traces of ions or lots of atmospheric CO2. In conventional electrolysis, having not much electrolyte is a recipe for huge IxR losses, so the setup should heat up after an hour or so of work at 70W, unless something revolutionary is happening, which could well be. I really have to have a good read of your setup before I ask too many more stupid questions. What is the best link to your work?
Like your video, but I will tell you this:
If you ever get a true impedance match within your VIC, you better have that cell located in an explosion-proof container. With those voltages, it will almost for sure arc over and the gas in there will be like Nitro-Glycerin. Basically, a MAJOR setback.
Right now the only thing that is saving your hind end is that your balance is still a little bit off, i.e. you have your voltage zone near one plate or the other instead of centered. My recommendation is that you cut back on the power and make adjustments by either adjusting your negative choke or add an external plate capacitor.
You've done a lot of work and I'd hate to see you blow yourself up. With just a few tweaks you'll discover you do not need nearly so much power going into the cell. Let voltage do the work, but only after you are properly tuned.
That was from Meyer's 8xa circuit and yes it pushed amps but had a lot of high voltage spikes to go along with it. The MMW was only 3.0 but that is pure distilled water with nothing added to it. The plate spacing is only around 0.032 inches which a lot of us believe forces the hydrogen to come off in it's monatomic state. When I started getting high voltage there would be almost no small bubbles at all and now that I have been able to keep the B- and B+ voltages to within 20 volts of each other even at 9.2kv there is absolutely no gas production like normal as the current was measured to be only 0.6 mA flowing through the cell. It took me awhile to figure out just what was actually going on with this technology but like I said thus far the math and science seems to follow right along with experimental results. From what I can tell for a cell the size of mines it's going to take around 10.5-11.5kv to get it to just reach the threshold for ionization. For the most part it's works just like an ozone generator breaking the bonds of oxygen molecules with the only difference being the medium is now an semi conductive liquid, water. [/size]
From my research I found several things in nature that separate the water molecules in the same manor by getting at the electrons. One of them does so in the exact same way, it's all written on the page showing the supporting evidence for the theory I came up with. This is how I know it's going to work for it already happens in nature it just took awhile to learn how to get the voltage potential up to Meyer's stated working voltages for this technology. Lots of trial and error let me tell you lots.
Water is just about the same as any molecular gas in that the atoms will ionize at almost the same energy level for it takes 1312 kJ/mole for hydrogen and 1313.9 kJ/mol for oxygen. Something about this makes it possible to break it apart just the same as any molecular gas in a high voltage situation. What is needed is another full study on ionization by the scientific community as I feel they missed something. As for a link to my work I stop sharing awhile ago but I do have some of it on this Face Book page:
I just ran into far too many people that only wanted to fight with me and would ignore any science I'd bring forth. So, I left them to their thoughts and from the looks of it they simply ran out of steam now.
And to Dog-one don't worry as at amperages this low it just doesn't have enough energy to make an arc of this distance. The amps never get over 0.6 mA as long as I keep it in resonance no matter the voltage. It seems all that matters is I keep the B- and B+ as close to the same voltage, but opposite polarity, as possible. Plus remember Meyer did this and ran his car down the highway. Remember that 9.2kv gets divided by ten so it's only 920 volts per resonant cavity. Meyer states that to get this working correctly I have to get between 1000 and 2000 volts per resonant cavity.
Then lower the capacitance of each cell and reduce the number of cells and you should be in the ballpark.
Quote from: Dog-One on September 16, 2016, 02:09:23 AM
Then lower the capacitance of each cell and reduce the number of cells and you should be in the ballpark.
I mean no disrespect but I got this, okay? It's been two years since I last posted here and in that time I got at the core science behind this technology and a lot more. The main thing that has changed in my view of things is I know it must be brought out by way of mass production now. I simply refuse to go along with people that want the world to build "One-offs" as that leaves too many in this world without this technology. Through True Green Solutions I will attempt to do things the right way so that the technology can be affordable for the masses. It's going to take time as I have an uphill battle in trying to build the company from the ground up. Most in the Open Source community tend to be against my actions in trying to do this but I have too as these are the rules of the market and I already know there simply is no getting around them. That is something the Open Source community still has yet to learn.
I guess you know what you are doing Ed. Hope you're right.
If it were me, I'd assemble about 20 fully operational prototypes and give them away for peer review. Those reviews will be the cheapest marketing you are going to find. With thumbs up from all reviewers, only then would I consider mass production.
There are two rules you must follow if you continue on your current path:
#1 If you do not take care of the customer, somebody else will.
#2 The customer is always right.
Translation -- Nobody cares what you think you have. You have to prove yourself to them. They will happily beat you to a pulp if your product does not live up to their expectations. One whiner will end any and all funding you otherwise might have received. That's the cruel reality of "the markets" you speak about. Bring your A-game or stay home.
BTW, these guys ( have far more complex technology; they're OpenSource too. Buy theirs or build it yourself, either way everyone wins.
Quote from: Dog-One on September 16, 2016, 11:26:52 AM
I guess you know what you are doing Ed. Hope you're right.
If it were me, I'd assemble about 20 fully operational prototypes and give them away for peer review. Those reviews will be the cheapest marketing you are going to find. With thumbs up from all reviewers, only then would I consider mass production.
There are two rules you must follow if you continue on your current path:
#1 If you do not take care of the customer, somebody else will.
#2 The customer is always right.
Translation -- Nobody cares what you think you have. You have to prove yourself to them. They will happily beat you to a pulp if your product does not live up to their expectations. One whiner will end any and all funding you otherwise might have received. That's the cruel reality of "the markets" you speak about. Bring your A-game or stay home.
BTW, these guys ( have far more complex technology; they're OpenSource too. Buy theirs or build it yourself, either way everyone wins.
Thanks for understanding. For the most part I will follow Elon Musk lead and build the company up and then start Open Sourcing things if I see no one is able to follow me. Right now it sure looks like no one is able to follow me as I generally stand alone in my pursuit of high voltage being applied to the exciter array with a modified AC waveform. Like I told the other gentleman, I don't know of any one else getting voltages this high to their cells other than myself. One thing I will not do is agree to have the general public start building "One-offs," as that is the most expensive way to go about building anything and would thus leave most of the worlds population to not have this technology.
You have to think about the target of the things that are Open Sourced as when Elon Musk did it just who was the target for making use of what he Open Sourced as it sure wasn't you or I? If we were the targets then we would be able to build us one and park our gasoline driven cars but we weren't the targets for we simply don't have enough money to build something like that as a "One-off." That targeted people would be those whom own companies that are already set up for mass production, you see they are the targets for Elon's Open Source. This technology is no different in that the cost to build things the correct way would be far too high for most people to be able to afford if they had to build it as a "One-off." The only way around this is to get a lot of other people to buy it at the same time from the same company that will be making it. But I have seen first hand on many occasions how when money gets involved no one is willing to work together as one in these Open Source communities for it requires all to trust one person with their money to do the right thing. I have tried several times to get these communities members to work as one so that all could have this technology at a good price and not once did it ever work. I had to go outside of the Open Source communities to accomplish this mission. This is how there are several Gas Processors and Exciter Arrays in the hands of a few people that did work together with me. We came together to act as one which gave us the power to drive the cost down for each of us as we each understood the rules of the markets.
Hopefully in the future the Open Source community will learn these market rules and act accordingly. I have a company and if it has the support of the people it will be successful at getting this technology out to those that need it most. In any case if people in these Open Source communities come together pool their monies and ask me to build in bulk for them they will get the best prices I can give them as I am willing to work with them.
Have you considered teaming up with an already established company such as one of these:
I've bought from both of them in the past and they have good prices and quality products. Adding your stuff to their line-up couldn't hurt. Might be a good way to get your foot in the door without having to do all the dirty work yourself.
Not really as my market is different than theirs and then there's the question of control of the product. You see right now those companies, and any others like them, are competitors to True Green Solutions but as I stated our market is different. This technology requires none of the toxic products (electrolyte) their products are introducing to our environment for this technology only adds water with no toxic salts, acids, or bases to the system. Not one of them has done an impact study on those devices they sell that are adding those pollutants to our environment yet. They tell people to drain their cell before they go to use one of their cleaners but drain it where? on the ground? Then once it is cleaned again they tell you to drain it out with tap water and then put the toxic chemicals back in the device. I am not sure what you call this but I call it being irresponsible as they are polluting the environment they state they are trying to clear up from the oil company's pollution. Two wrongs don't make a right as they both are polluting our world in different ways.
Now to put this in perspective for you. Lets say that for the state of California that 50% of all the cars on the road use their products. This would be around 19 million cars dumping those toxins into our water supply. You want to talk about a mess as we are only talking about one state doing this. So as far as I am concerned they have to be put out of business too for the increased demand for the creation of these toxic chemicals will also aid towards polluting our world.
In general I find that most people do think like this as all they care about is the savings they might get from the promise of needing to use less gasoline while others do actually care about trying to clean our air but fail to take into account the impact on our environment when we go about using these toxic chemicals in mass. Thus I fully expect these companies to side with the oil companies for it will be in their best interest to do so, but who knows they might just surprise me.
Hello Everyone,
With the year winding down it would seem that next year now has the promise of bringing this technology to the market place. Mostly I have been playing the waiting game this year in trying to get some parts built for me and have had to wait for over six months now to get the bobbins for the newest VIC transformer to be made for me. I feel I have most of the science figured out but can only get the unit working for a small amount of time as the transformers tend to burn out on me. I am currently trying to solve this problem and have no idea how much time that is going to take. Basically I am finding out that understanding the science behind this technology and building it correctly are two different things but they can't do without one another for without the understanding of the science behind the technology I would have never figured how to get the voltages up to the exciter array.
Now I have built and tested many different versions of Meyer's VIC transformer that being the, figure 3-25, figure 6-1, and the 10-4 versions of Meyer VIC transformers. I like the figure 6-1 the best thus far as it is the least confusing of the bunch when it comes time to wire it all up and from a business perspective would have the least amount of labor cost attached to it when going into mass production. A lot of these pictures I have never shown anyone before but I do so now for those whom think I have only tested out one of Meyer's many different types of transformers found in his patents. For as you can see I have been very busy working on all of the many types of transformers found in the patents to include the donut transformer (not shown).
The goal in doing all of this is to figure out this technology by actually doing the work and testing it so that I would allow myself to see with my own eyes just what they do when tested and experimented with in the real world.
Now I went back and re-read this entire thread to see if I missed anything or have some things changed with new understanding and the answer it yes, somethings have changed, but the over all concept(s) have remained the same for the most part as it's all about ionizing the atoms that make up the water molecules. I started this thread as a challenged to get people building this technology and sadly not many if any stepped up to the plate to build and test their own designs. Also when I started this thread I was a believer in Open Source and that too has changed as I no longer believe in Open Source for it would have everyone building "One-Offs" which is the most expensive way to go about building anything and thus would leave many in this world without this technology. I looked over the many people whom have come and gone since this thread was started and the many that just felt I owed them something and/or just came here to pick a fight with me and will have to say I have changed a lot since then, hopefully for the better.
A lot of links no longer work due to the site it was on has shut down since the time this thread was started. In fact many people are no longer working on this technology as it turned out to be far harder than they ever imagined to get all the "Why's" answered. I still have quite a few "Why's" that need to be answered but I feel I have answered enough of them to get parts of the technology up and running once I get all the parts I need to make them work.
In time I will need everyone's help as this technology will be just starting off.
Take care all and I hope this next year to be the one this technology finally makes it to the market place.
Well Ed, I'm a little confused.
1. You don't believe in OpenSource, yet you post publicly here at
2. You want to build something that can be mass produced and sold where?
3. You need everyone's help to get this off the ground, yet you scorn one-offs.
I sense a lot of mixed signals in your postings and very little hard-core details such as:
* How to impedance match the coils to the cell.
* How to tune the system once assembled.
* Where to get off-the-shelf parts.
* How concepts like Coulomb's Law apply to splitting water molecules.
* Electrical schematics and scope shots showing the exact needed waveforms.
I sometimes feel this is just your hobby Ed and you have no real desire to "save the world".
I also don't feel you have the motivation to re-create this technology and share it
in a form people can immediately get their hands on and begin to replicate.
And lastly, I doubt very much you have the guts to get yourself and your
family killed over this technology. Maybe someday you'll get lucky, get
something to work and the MiBs will offer to buy you out and you can
live happily ever after. I know in the case of Mr. Walker, he found what
he was looking for and can now go to his grave with a smile on his face.
Myself, I'd rather be JFK'd doing what I know needs to be done. My life
means nothing; what I take with me means everything. Do you have
what it takes Ed? I'm not asking you this to piss you off. I'm asking you
this so you might take a deep look into your soul and define your purpose.
I'd like nothing better than to see you setup a complete system with ICE
and generator attached and fire this all up for the very first time on live
streaming cameras, so the whole world could see you prove this technology
out. I'd like those streams to be so rich in detail that only a complete
idiot could not figure out what you have built. Do it Ed, do it. Let the
genie out of the bottle so it can never again be put back in. Get angry.
Develop a hatred for silence, obscurity and falsehoods. Let it all go.
Make a difference. Make your mark in this 21st century. And just
remember what Will Munny said in the movie Unforgiven...
We all got it comin' kid.
Quote from: Dog-One on December 17, 2016, 09:15:16 PM
Well Ed, I'm a little confused.
1. You don't believe in OpenSource, yet you post publicly here at
2. You want to build something that can be mass produced and sold where?
3. You need everyone's help to get this off the ground, yet you scorn one-offs.
I sense a lot of mixed signals in your postings and very little hard-core details such as:
* How to impedance match the coils to the cell.
* How to tune the system once assembled.
* Where to get off-the-shelf parts.
* How concepts like Coulomb's Law apply to splitting water molecules.
* Electrical schematics and scope shots showing the exact needed waveforms.
I sometimes feel this is just your hobby Ed and you have no real desire to "save the world".
I also don't feel you have the motivation to re-create this technology and share it
in a form people can immediately get their hands on and begin to replicate.
And lastly, I doubt very much you have the guts to get yourself and your
family killed over this technology. Maybe someday you'll get lucky, get
something to work and the MiBs will offer to buy you out and you can
live happily ever after. I know in the case of Mr. Walker, he found what
he was looking for and can now go to his grave with a smile on his face.
Myself, I'd rather be JFK'd doing what I know needs to be done. My life
means nothing; what I take with me means everything. Do you have
what it takes Ed? I'm not asking you this to piss you off. I'm asking you
this so you might take a deep look into your soul and define your purpose.
I'd like nothing better than to see you setup a complete system with ICE
and generator attached and fire this all up for the very first time on live
streaming cameras, so the whole world could see you prove this technology
out. I'd like those streams to be so rich in detail that only a complete
idiot could not figure out what you have built. Do it Ed, do it. Let the
genie out of the bottle so it can never again be put back in. Get angry.
Develop a hatred for silence, obscurity and falsehoods. Let it all go.
Make a difference. Make your mark in this 21st century. And just
remember what Will Munny said in the movie Unforgiven...
We all got it comin' kid.
You don't know me and more than likely never will so, forgive me for not wanting to prove anything to you. Honestly I simply don't view the world as most people do as I tend to look at the big picture once I am able to see it. I tested Open Source to make sure what I found out about it really was the truth about it:
As you seem to be aware I am the last of the old guys still working on this technology now as the rest of them have moved on with their lives. Some are just tired of failing all the time, a few fill they went as far as they could go and shared it all, while others are having health problems. From my perspective only confusion has come from their work on this technology to the point of making sure no one will be able to solve this technology if they are listened too. As for me the only thing I tire of is people like you demanding me to do as you say and/or trying to force me to see your way of thinking or point of view. I no longer follow the path that is most traveled now. I don't buy into turning movie fiction into real world realities nor do I follow the old ways all that much anymore. I have a path laid before me that I am following where it leads only the creator knows but follow it I must.
I don't know of this, "Got what it takes" thing you speak of nor do I want to know as it sounds very restrictive. I'll stick with the world of reality as here I know the rules as anyone that knows much about the markets knows to build a "One-Off" cost big bucks as that is how the markets work and there simply is no getting around that in this world. In what I will be asking of everyone is simply, help this technology go into mass production so that the per unit cost is driven down so that the masses can afford to buy it.
This technology isn't like Dr. Faraday's electrolysis as it is a complex technology where things have to be built with precision. Meyer's talk of using off the shelf items simply isn't true as I have built more of his technology than most and trust me it cost a lot of money and you can't go to your local Home Depot and buy the things you need to get this technology up and running correctly. After what Don Gable showed us about Meyer's technology anyone still believing that lie is a fool. I am not going to play your game as I choose to opt out and have been out for a long time now. I post what I post to help people understand the science behind this technology, complete with just how the waveform is supposed to look like and why it is supposed to look that way. Even the theory has scientific evidence backing it up. But like most that love to argue with me they want it all handed to them on a silver platter and to that I say no. I don't have all the answers to this technology yet as I still have a lot more to learn for I have a lot of "Why's" that need answering still. Like it or not basically I am all you have got right now as Ronnie, Max, Russ, and a whole lot of others are gone now. Those that remain aren't really working on Meyer's technology are they? Most are stuck in a loop in how they are approaching this technology as they come, then go away, only to return sometime later and do it all over again for a new crowd of people.
A little news flash, anyone that tells you that the waveform that I have been showing people is incorrect will never be able to solve this technology as that waveform is fundamental to how this technology actually works. In the pdf file I posted that should be very clear now, but I take it you have never taken the time to read it, correct? There is nothing I can do about that as I can give people knowledge but I can't force them to read and/or understand it. With all of the disinformation out there it truly makes it hard for people to know just whom to trust now days doesn't it? High voltage low amps isn't that what Meyer always said? Well, I have that and thus far stand alone in doing so as far as I can tell. Ronnie fears that I am going to blow something up but fails to understand that only 0.6 mA really isn't enough to arc the distance between the plates of the exciter array, plus he also fails to understand that the voltage is being divided by all the resonant cavities in the exciter array as they are hooked up in series. So, I will not be having any, "Catastrophic Dielectric Failure,"and blow everything up, okay? As for your being a bit confused I have no desire to give you any clarity as I have posted a lot of what I know for right now and that's that, and given our past dealings with one another, take it or leave it.
I went over this thread and noticed that I didn't share the video interview that John Fraser took of Gunther and I while we were at the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement: (
I have also re-looked at the video and noticed things have changed a lot in my understanding about this technology as hooking up these transformers in parallel doesn't work out to well. But the core science hasn't changed as it is the real science behind this technology as basically this technology makes it possible to hold the power of a thunderstorm in the palm of your hands. The voltages shown being applied to the excitor array has never been duplicated by anyone that I know of to this day. That cell shown in the video would need to reach 12kv or more to reach the threshold for ionization of the atoms that make up the water molecules since it has twelve resonant cavities wired in series and not 7.5kv as I thought back then. My new excitor arrays have only ten resonant cavities wired in series thus to reach the threshold for ionization would require 10kv of potential difference or more based on the information Meyer gave us in the patents where each resonant cavity will require 1kv of potential difference or more to get it working.
Now I am no longer doing any teaching of this technology as now all of my efforts and energies are being put into trying to actually bring this technology into the marketplace. So, these videos are basically the last teaching videos I will make for this technology. I also wrote a few follow up articles to this video on the Aether Force site. After dealing with Russ Gries and the moderators on RWG site and recently on the ionizationx site I have given up on trying to teach others this technology for there are just too many fakes out there pushing lies as the truth. You can't have a lie living right along side of the truth for one technology and sadly most people seem to prefer being lied to. It really shocked me that after I proved one member of the Ionizationx forum known as "Fabio/Sebosfato" to be outright lying to the entire group that his word was still being taken over mines. It was then I made up my mind that trying to teach this technology was basically a waste of time for there will always be some slick talker to come along and completely fool the masses.
So now all I am working towards is to actually bring this technology into the marketplace. I hope when the time comes that everyone on this forum will give their support for this technology, but sadly I can already see that some people will not be giving this technology their support as I asked them and got zero answers back to my questions concerning whether or not will they give their support when I move forwards with this technology. So, the "EGO" wars are still in full effect even though I have proven that I can do what no one else has been able to do with this technology as it's going on five years since that video was made and no one has duplicated those results shown in that video to this day. And note, I have move well beyond those results since then applying more than double the voltages to the excitor array than what was shown in the video interview now.
All I hope for now is the support of the people when this technology comes out as without support no technology can survive.
Well, RWG team gave me the full boot out of their site after I started talking about how we all must obey the rules of the markets. They didn't like it right from the start when I posted something about those whom are trying to get Russ to do things behind closed doors whom are actually the ones paying the bills as I stated that perhaps those people understand the rules of the marketplace.
Often times I wonder just where does this ignorance of how the markets actually work comes from in times like these as now to be ignorant of how these things work is a clear choice with the internet and all. All one needs to do now to understand the basics about how the markets work is run a google search and read up on it. So, this is a deliberate choice to be ignorant and I wonder what could be the motives driving their actions over there at the RWG site?
Talked to Russ and he states he had nothing to do with it and I believe him but I also know that it said I was KICKED OUT when I logged back in.
I wrote about this awhile ago when I ran into these problems in the past with a few more sites here: (
These people have no idea just what "Open Source" really is as open source only works for things that do not require any materials in which things must be built as the very second materials have to be brought then the rules of the markets kick in and the name of that game is buying in bulk. Anyone telling you otherwise is just lying to your face. Software is an example of something that can be Open Sourced as it's just a computer program or operating system. Making something as simply as a piece of paper requires materials, and machines which all cost money and are subject to supply and demand. So to build a "One Off" is the most costly way to go about building something and this is how these people want technologies like Meyer's water for fuel tech to be put out to this world. This act would make this technology unattainable for billions of people as not only would one have to build just one of these devices but they would also have to understand how to put it to use in a safe manor that wouldn't get them killed or kill anyone else.
Why is it people have such a hard time understanding these simply concepts? I think the term "Free Energy" has been taken out of context in far too many online forums as the people in these forums think that the devices will cost them nothing to build and even less to implement into their lives. It's sad when you think about it as basically what has happened is greed has been used as a weapon against technologies like these where the very people that need it most are too greedy to want to pay for it or support someone trying to bring these technologies to the marketplace in a way that follows mass production so that it is cheap for everyone to have. I have a feeling that some well paid think tank put out these terms knowing full well that they would actually work to stop these technologies from coming out. Most forums that I have been on have fallen for these tricks hook, line, and sinker as all that is required for these tricks to work is for someone have a touch of greed about their personality. It's sad when you think about it as in these forums is supposed to be the world's brightest and they fell for these tricks put out by the powers that be to maintain their empires.
Well, I guess it is what it is, huh?
It seems you are right back in the chat... Hummm..
It's to bad you can't forgive and forget.
I spend the time calling you on Skype and apologizing for anything that you saw wrong.
And you still wright this stuff about me.
Well wright away.
However to the reader. Make up your own choice. Look at what I have done and you'll see I'm just a human trying to do somthing for the world
I make mestskes. However I aploigise when I do and say sorry.
It's up to that other person to forgive.
One must move. I feel sorry for you ED. You seem like your trying to do somthing good
But every time I look around I see you bashing on others. And because I know the story I call tell the truth about the past if anyone asks.
However I rather move on. As I already have.
Best of luck and please. If your not open soruce. Stop posting in places that are.
Just get that thing done and sell it. If thats your goal. Because this is a waist of time worring about everyone else.
And especially those who already forgave any thing from the past.
I will post no more.
It's now up to the reader to make there choice.
~Russ Gries
Russ apologizing to me isn't what was needed but the truth about how I was called a cheat trying to rip off the members of the RWG when I was doing no such thing. Like I said to you the hole you have allowed to be dug around these outright lies abut me is now too deep to fix for you now as it would more than likely result in the loss of the few remaining followers that you still have. You say I bashed people but in all truth I only told those people a truth they simply didn't want to hear and in each case I have now been proven to be right on the issues as I followed where the science lead me. But I guess you and yours aren't use to someone whom knows how to fight back for as soon as I proceed to do so you yell at the top of your lungs that I am bashing those whom attacked me. What you don't understand that everyone on this site has seen just how sick these people are whom come to attack me on the issues of Meyer's technology. They got to see it with their own eyes as this individual that followed me from your site exposed himself on this site.
But sadly you still think I bashed all those people whom rose up against me when I was just following the science and telling everyone what I had learned from the many experiments I have run on this technology. I performed these experiments showed what was going on and almost instantly envy set in among the members of the RWG site to include yourself. On your site you have the power to shut me down but here on this site you have no such power and I am finally free to tell the truth of the matter. Ever since my partner and I went to the 2013 Global BEM and showed for the very first time ever that a high voltage could be placed directly to a water bath in an exciter array. Then I put 4.2kv to the exciter array that had 12 resonant cavities wired in series which gives 350 volts per resonant cavity. I thought this amount of progress would be welcomed on your site but just the opposite happened. People came out of the woodwork to bash my partner and I and went out of their way to put down any science I shared with the world on the interview video done by John Fraser. It was around that time the you approached my partner trying to get him to leave me and join you and your team. Don't attempt to deny this as my partner will just come on this site and tell the truth of your backdoor dealings.
Sadly since all of you at the RWG rejected the science I was putting out about this technology none of you have made any real progress since 2013 while I went from 4.2kv to 9.4kv being applied to the excitor array giving a wonderful 940 volts per resonant cavity but sadly still short of Meyer's stated working conditions of 1kv or more per resonant cavity. You should have known better to come and try and save face in a place you simply could not control as you have done so many times in the past with me. On your site there is no real progress being made on Meyer's technology for none of you know much of anything about how to actually go about solving unknowns making use of the scientific method. I see nothing but endless circles on this technology at the RWG site. But it's the envy the members of your site had towards my many progresses in getting the voltage up that pushed you to mute me on your site as they demanded it and being ever so envious yourself you obliged. So, you succeeded in muting my voice and shutting out the real science about Meyer's technology on your site is what you actually accomplished because there you have the power to do so but not here.
The one thing you and many others like you whom have rose up against me in the past fear is that I just might succeed with this technology and I am telling you now that all of your fears have come true. I know it's a true slap in the face for you and all the others whom chose to mute my voice out due to your envious feelings of my work and the successes I have been having at getting the voltage up over time with my work. For if I succeed then you all know that I was right and you should have listened to me instead of shut me down at every turn in the places you all had under your control. I know that all the sites the banned me will be feeling really bad in the very near future for how they told the one trying to steer them in the right direction to go put it where the sun doesn't shine. I go out of my way to tell you and many others the truth about just what Open Source truly is and again my voice is stomped into muteness in the places where you all control the narrative but you have no power here to mute my voice as you have done so so many times in the past when you didn't like the truths I was putting out. Open Source isn't for technologies that require materials to build something for the way Open Source would have the worlds population do things is to each his own making One-Offs which as I have stated many times in the past is the most costly way to go about building anything. When materials are required to build something then the rules of the markets kick in and none of us can get around those rules as that's a crap sandwich we all are forced to eat. You see I know your fears and my solving this technology is way up high on that list of yours, but you are not alone as all sites that have banned me in the past share those same fears. As it goes to show that when the truth came knocking at your doors you did all you could to turn the truth away and prevent it from entering into your dwellings. In all truth I feel sorry for all of you as I was totally willing to allow each and everyone of you to learn this technology with me provided you do your own work as I was doing my partner called it load sharing. I wanted things to be like in a real scientific world where we all worked towards a goal and went over the science we had collected from our many experiments. But sadly no one was willing to do any work and preferred that I do all the work and simply hand over what I had learned about this technology to them free of charge. We all know how that action went down as I simply started keeping my mouth shut as not many were willing to work with me from the ground up.
It's not enough for you to apologize as you have to take corrective action in clearing my good name over and over again until the damage that you did is made whole again. How to you expect me to look past those evil things you did when you come here and try and tell everyone that I bashed people when all I really did was tell them truths they simply didn't want to hear? I remember some of those arguments when I told people that the working voltages for this technology was 1000 volts or more. People jumped all over me for saying that and when I posted the source from Meyer's own words what did I get from everyone? Silence is what I got. In fact each time I'd talk about something I'd be attacked in the same way over and over again even when I proved that the water is being separated by ionization from Meyer's own words. In fact I challenge you to show someplace where I didn't tell the truth. Think you can do that? Now there are places where I made mistakes but most of the time I was the one to catch and correct those mistakes and tell everyone that I in fact got something wrong. However I do recall someone correcting me when I was trying to figure out what "Bidirectional Wrap" meant. I had found something that showed it being wrapped in two directions at a 45° angle. He showed me that I simply had to break down the word thus Bi = two and Directional = in which direction it was to be wrapped which clearly showed me that the 45° part I had gotten incorrect as it is to be wrapped all in one direction and then back again on top of the one that was previously wrapped without breaking the wire, thus wrapping the primary in two directions. Meyer used that word to throw everyone off as it wasn't a word that could be simply looked up in a dictionary.
I think the problem is you are not use to dealing with someone whom likes to tell the truth that also has a very good memory. So to come here and openly say I have bashed people I say, "Prove it!"
This post is to give credit where credit is due. The person that helped me to understand what the word, "Bidirectional Wrap," meant was Jerry Volland. Most of the time he and I didn't see eye to eye on much of anything as I'd be doing actual experiments and he would be dreaming up ideas expecting me to accept those unproven ideas as fact over the my experimental observations. But none the less I am thankful for his help as that one word took me for a loop.
In my studies searching for the meaning of this word this is what I found that had the word "Bi-directional Wrap" actually used. It should be clear how I got the 45° angle mixed up in the meaning of the word.
Now getting back to Russ for a bit more clarity. I think he, Russ, would come into the middle of a fight that someone started with me and see that they were losing the fight, in which they started, badly then assume that I was bashing on them. In fact most of the time I spent at the RWG site I'd be defending myself from one fight after another people had started with me with almost no let up. I'd talk about my experimental results and some not so smart Chap would come in to tell me that I didn't see what I thought I saw. Some of these people even made entire videos and alternate threads just to bash me and/or try and disprove what I was sharing with everyone. A lot of the times when they did so it would be reviled that they didn't have the proper test equipment to read this technology, thus would be flying in the blind, or that they weren't even running any experiments at all for what they had to say was pure speculation based on some ideas they would have in their heads. Russ seemingly would not take the time to see what was actually going on and assume that I was bashing people when the truth was I was merely defending myself from fights they started with me. I hope this clears things up a bit.
Oh, and to add to insult they did ban me as just look at the next attachment. Now you know a bit more about how Russ and/or his minions actually operates for if they can't control the situation or what is known at the narrative then he or his minions (haxar) ban you.
Well Ed,i must say that i was a little upset with Russ my self not so long ago.
I hadnt heard from him in a long time,only to see he posted a video directed at my work i was doing at the time,pointing out mistakes he thought i had made.
If he had of been following the thread at OUR,where i was asked to take voltage and current measurements separately,then maybe he would have understood what i was showing.
Needless to say,he did the measurements incorrectly him self in his video,where he showed the phase shift between two current value's,instead of the phase relationship between voltage and current that relates to power factor.
But none the less,I still believe in Russ,and what he is doing for the community.
I also still have the up most respect for him,and would have a cuppa or beer with him any day.
We (Russ and myself) gave birth to the pulse motor build off's,which was a huge success for the years it was in play. The buldoff's just seemed to bring so many people together,and was a wack of fun.
Russ and myself use to be as thick as thieves,and it saddens me some what that we no longer seem to get together,and have a yarn.
Anyway Ed--forgive and forget--thats what i say.
Quote from: tinman on October 18, 2017, 09:53:06 AM
Well Ed,i must say that i was a little upset with Russ my self not so long ago.
I hadnt heard from him in a long time,only to see he posted a video directed at my work i was doing at the time,pointing out mistakes he thought i had made.
If he had of been following the thread at OUR,where i was asked to take voltage and current measurements separately,then maybe he would have understood what i was showing.
Needless to say,he did the measurements incorrectly him self in his video,where he showed the phase shift between two current value's,instead of the phase relationship between voltage and current that relates to power factor.
But none the less,I still believe in Russ,and what he is doing for the community.
I also still have the up most respect for him,and would have a cuppa or beer with him any day.
We (Russ and myself) gave birth to the pulse motor build off's,which was a huge success for the years it was in play. The buldoff's just seemed to bring so many people together,and was a wack of fun.
Russ and myself use to be as thick as thieves,and it saddens me some what that we no longer seem to get together,and have a yarn.
Anyway Ed--forgive and forget--thats what i say.
It's tough with Russ and I as the history we have together is long and even though he will send me emails saying that he loves me his actions speak something entirely different to the point where it makes him out to be a hypocrite. It all went south when I tried to make an excitor array for everyone so that we could all be working on the same cell which would cut out some variables on our way towards solving Meyer's technology. This way we all would have the same cell and could share our work more effectively as we would be working from the same cell exactly. Russ and others saw it as if I was trying to steal money from Russ's crowdfunding thing he had going on at the time and I was accused by quite a few people as to be trying to rip off the members on the RWG form. Now the cell would have cost everyone $1000 USD each and this was at a time when Max was selling a cell for $2500 USD. Then someone else thought they would undercut the price I was selling them at to prove I was trying to rip everyone off failed because he found out it would cost him $1400 USD without shipping, wiring the thing up, and no float switch or hose connections of any kind which the ones I was offering everyone did come with. After he failed to prove I was trying to rip people off Russ, whom says he loves me, wouldn't come to my aid to clear my good name. All I was trying to do was to get us all working on the same cell so that we could compare numbers more effectively.
The reason no one could beat the prices I was offering them at to the RWG members was I was selling them at a loss which I made perfectly clear to Russ to try and get him to go to the site and clear my good name. For every ten units made I'd lose $100 USD out of my own pocket but to me it was worth it as we needed some sort of standardization so that we all could work together far more effectively. I tried several times to get Russ to go to the site and clear my good name but he simply wouldn't do so and still hasn't done so to this very day. It took me awhile to figure out why it was he would do so as that would mess up his funding that was pouring in from his site or that's what I summed it all down to. So, he was totally willing to allow me to be tossed under the bus.
He tried to apologize to me personally but I made it clear to him that it had to be done in a public way to clear my good name for my good name was smeared in a public place with these outright lies. Even now he comes to this site and accuses me of bashing people when all I was doing was defending myself when people picked fights with me. Those that chose to pick fights with me generally lost very badly as I was actually doing the work with all the proper equipment while most if not all of the work they were doing only took place between their ears. It seem to upset Russ to see me wining each and ever fight someone would chose to have with me no matter whom it was that chose to get into a fight with me. But he had none of those feelings for me the one actually getting picked on by so many people at once. Some of those people that picked fights with me were the monitors of the form and when they too started to lose badly they suspend me. But I decided to leave their forum in a public way and they tried to keep all of my work after I had asked them nicely to take it all down. I threatened to sue them if all of my post and work wasn't taken down from their site and with great reluctance they finally took it all down.
Then after they saw me perform the impossible at the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement they allowed me back on the forum with the hopes that I would show them how I did it but in secret it was really done out of spike as you see the first time I willing chose to leave the forum and made it clear that I was the one doing so due to the double standard they had placed on those of us with businesses. This time they moved to ban me out of pure spike just so they could say that they banned me. But then I wrote a paper about it and they got wind of it and allowed me to not be banned but also not be able to make a single post on their site, but somehow I could still post in the chat room which was something they didn't anticipate. They got to talking about some people trying to get Russ to do things behind closed doors and I mentioned that perhaps those people understood how the markets actually worked. That got haxar really hot and he started kicking me out of the chat room and would take great joy in actually typing in the words, "Kicked Out," as if you shut down the page it would say that you had, "Logged Out." Now he was hiding behind his powers at the RWG and when I called him on being the one that had did the deed he then moved to give me the full ban which I posted above that I took a picture of before he could ban my computers IP address. There are some very evil people working for and/or on Russ's behalf, and haxar is one of those evil people. So for me they really haven't stopped their attacks on me as several of them came to this site to post negative things about me that had no truth in them or they would just start telling me that I had it coming, or I had to pay for something I had done in the past to them.
The irony of all of this will take place once they see and/or learn through the grapevine that I have a working prototype up and running. For it will be at the very moment that they will know that they had a chance to have this technology also if they had simply played by the rules and followed the scientific method as I had always ask them to follow. Yep, at that moment they will be going over anything they can find on the net about my work and trying to create new names from which to hide under trying to get/trick me into telling them how it all works. I think I already let it be known on this site that I simply do not teach this technology anymore as I have had my fill of these types of people.
Now I will choose to forgive Russ and his minions for what they have done but I will never forget as to do so would allow it to happen all over again.
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (TGS)
It's been a while since I have posted on this site as I have been taking a break from all of this and put all of my energy into understand the science behind the technology. As a result I finally got at the science behind the technology and now have a new theory to add to the books of science. This new theory has many different examples of it working in action and hopefully once out will allow many exciting new inventions to be created as I know this theory sits on a whole new era of scientific discovery. Meyer use to say, "This technology is only limited to the mind of the inventor to find a use for it," and trust me that is an understatement.
I am not sure if Meyer knew about this theory but in any event if he did it died with him. With this new theory comes even a safety warning for air travel for it turns out things we thought we already knew everything about we missed quite a few things in our rush to say we did when in fact we really didn't.
For now I have to wait until I can build a few more things so that the technology will work as the science shows it will. This is part of the new setup I am working with showing the water fuel capacitor (WFC) and voltage intensifier circuit (VIC) which will be changed in the future for a more cost effective one as this one cost around $3.5k USD. Not too sure how long it's going to take to get all the rest of the things I need made but once I do all should be a go for this technology.
Take care Everyone and wish me luck.
Taken down due to Armcortex
Its really sad the way you dont fully show the b- and b+ voltages in your graph, indicating that either, the water bath acts as ground and electrodes are + or that there is a third electrode, making this a Stephen Meyers like cell.
I have already designed provided you with a 3 phase circuit with appropriate amplification that will act as an alternator and never cross non-linearity of MOSFETS. A 50% efficiency Amplifier that can reach much higher frequencies than an alternator setup, thus allowing you to investigate the Stephen Meyers patent.
And what did you do? You argued with me, and now you hide the souvenirs of our debates, wich I would always win.
I told you people, investigate the Stephen Meyers cell, but noooooo, you still squirm and argue with me.
There should have been a research commitee regarding that patent application, but people such as yourselves interfered in things that surpassed their IQ's.
Taken down due to Armcortex
Quote from: h20power on September 16, 2019, 05:56:20 PM
As for Stephen Meyer I really don't care what he has to say and will never seriously take a look at anything he has done as my goal was to get at the science behind the technology and yes I did finally got at that science despite Meyer's wishes that no one would be able to figure out what he had done. In order to do this I had to step away from Meyer's work and focus on the use of the scientific method to get at the core science behind this technology. Asking and answering questions through experimentation is what the scientific method is all about and I put in the time, a lot of time, to get the job done.
Let me remind you of this fact and quote him IIRC "Nobody really knew what made it work, but I have figured it out and refined the technique, my design is more advanced"
Let me remind you that he is his brother, and a navy engineer, top 5% of his class, participated in the development of the electronics.
If you're not gonna believe that from his brother, then why even borhter believing this whole charade from the get go?
I rest my case.
Quote from: h20power on September 16, 2019, 05:56:20 PM
Taken down due to Armcortex
oK Well I have it quoted.
But seriously H20, did it ever cross your mind that this might be an elaborate scam?
Maybe some sort of gatekeeper mafia operation? Steal from and misdirect present and futur opposition?
Or is it human nature to keep the show going if you think you might make it work sometime in the futur and then to...Steal?
Or are professionnal con artists naturally attracted to these scams with free energy as there is so many ways ot get creative and play in the weak points of the prey, toy with them.
I can think of IEC, Tewari and his son right now... God damn its crazy that they could look at you with a straight face... Even the CEO bigshot totally pushing a hoax? Its weird...
I am not saying Stephen is a fraud, I wish to believe he was for real. But you know, we should never be afraid to admit failure, we are trying to do difficult things.
Not being straightforward and playing games is terribly damaging for overunity movement.
Why are you so annoyingly gay and pissy?
here it is, lets have a look... There is interresting words here and even a scopeshot, I dont have the img of the circuit I made anymore.Whats insane is that there is talk of mechanical vibration, this could be good in clearing the tubes.
Is this even possible?
This patent app was rejected 5 years later. Now this sucks because its a complete dead end, what happened to poor man Stephen, this patent app was like a huge deal so what happened?
So weird... Scam or deal I cant tell anymore.
This thread is called "Stanley Meyer Explained" not "Stephen Meyer" and I will go one further as this thread goes to show how anyone got a car to run with nothing but water in their tanks for fuel except one guy in the land down under with his Joe Cell. I have an idea how that the Joe Cell works but have never gotten to the point of actual deep experimentation beyond just buying a unit styled like the Joe Cell.
I shared a brand new theory that can't be found in the science books of today as it's brand new and you, Armcortex 😒[/font][/size][size=78%], act as if it was a personal assault or attack against you. And something to note this theory comes complete with multiple examples of it in action to prove it is in fact valid. I found something the entire scientific community missed in it's never ending quest to understand the world around us and beyond. A brand new theory that is every bit as important as any other theory found in the books of science today, but since it is new a whole new era of scientific discovery lays behind it. I don't know why the posting of that video pulled your chain and truthfully I don't care why but what is clear to me is you need to seek help as something is clearly wrong with you. [/size]
My guess would be that you have been working at this for so long that it has driven you mad. Thus anyone that dares to write something that even remotely challenges the way you say things work is a direct threat to your long time spent at trying to solve this technology but coming up empty handed each and every time.
Unlike you I ask and answer questions like a good scientist is supposed to do and not just make up things that can't be backed up with clear scientific examples. My assumption was that, "Mainstream science must have missed or overlooked something concerning this technology?" and now that I know how it actually works I was correct in that assumption. I had to step away from everyone's work and focus solely on the science. Meyer was trying to prevent anyone from stealing his technology and did a really good job I might add. He worked between the lines of legality to hide his technology in plain sight. Then others came along and got to actually look at his technology and made a few mistakes that has carried on in everyone's work after what he posted went through all of the many forums on the internet. This mistake prevents the technology from working and Meyer left out the primary equation that drives this technology on purpose as a way to hide the technology from would be thieves with deeper pockets than he had that would have shut him out of the technology he was trying to bring forth.
However with your response I felt that Overunity isn't ready for the new theory so I pulled down my post while I still had the control and/or power to do so. If and when I decide to post something showing this technology actually working is totally up to me as I don't owe anyone one here anything. Each of you has the power to make use of the scientific method just as I did so I owe none of you anything for what I did each of you could also have chosen to do if you wanted too. So, each of you have the free will to make use of the scientific method just as I did and who knows it might not take you several years as it took me to get at the true science behind this technology. Good luck everyone 🥳[/font][/size].[/font][/size]
ROFL... Wow great, thunder is the answer it was so simple all got it all figured out
Cya around in your water car.
Its funny H20, how you think you are better than Stephen Meyers.
Stephen is an engineer, thoroughbred, and you are not. You took away your post because it made you look bad.
You might be a "CEO", but your company never made a dollar nor sold a product, you have been CEO for 7 years LOL...
This is a joke, to mix the word "CEO" when we are still @ experimentation stage is the chicken before the egg. I hope this is not your pickup line ROFL
This is the problem with OU, and especially HHO, its filled with low grade people "CEO"s.
Mitchell's Theorem - "All Molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules." [/font][/size]
Basically what is being done to break the bonds of the water molecules with this technology is mimicking the way a thunderstorm works but plants also break the bonds of the water molecules like this. The last step in the way a plant breaks the bonds of the water molecules is to take the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water molecules. What I found interesting in my studies to learn how this technology actually works is no one ever asked this question, "How does plant break the bonds of the water molecules?" Once I saw that all it really did was to reach in and take the electrons away from the atoms of the water molecules I then looked into other ways in which we know how to get the electrons away from their atoms. I found so many examples of that new theorem I came up with that it's a wonder no one ever saw it before, but I guess if you are not looking for it asking the right questions then sure no one would ever see it.[/font][/size]
So, you all might be wondering what other examples of that theory in action did I find, correct? Once I knew what to look for the rest was easy. The explosions that took place at those three nuclear power plants in Fukushima separated the bonds of the water molecules by way of radiation bombardment. Again I find it rather interesting that no one ever ask, "Where did the hydrogen come from?" The radiation was so high that it physically knocked the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water molecules and in doing so create hydrogen, oxygen, and electricity. As the process takes place an electrical charge is being built up which will create a spark when it has enough energy to do so which ignited the hydrogen and blew radiation all over the globe.
In thunderstorms, which we all know clouds are capacitors, a charge is built up and when it has enough energy to ionize the atoms of the molecules they release their electrons and the molecules they once formed are no more as it happens to Nitrogen & Oxygen molecules as well as the water molecules. All of them will product the lone gas atom of the molecules plus electricity and once the cloud is charged enough it produces a electrical discharge we all know as lightening. The thunder we and feel and hear is a hydrogen explosion taking place in the clouds that has the power to shake the very ground we walk on.
Some planes have found out the hard way that when the conditions are right a thunderstorm produces vase quantities of hydrogen like flight TWA 800 that intercepted the hydrogen gas on it's way to the top of the cloud and it's engines ignited the hydrogen gas blowing the plane to kingdom come.
Now that you all know what to look for you can easily find other examples of this theory I created in action. Plus now you know how Meyer went about breaking the bonds of the water molecules at rates high enough to run his dun buggy with very little electrical power input and you also know why the water doesn't heat up like it does with electrolysis. With electrolysis current is being used to get the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water molecules and with current use comes heat. Meyer mimicked a thunderstorm in which high voltage potential differences are used to break the bonds of the water molecules as yes voltage does perform work and now you know a bit more about how it all works.
My use of the scientific method lead me to see exactly how this technology works and in doing so also found out that we humans still have a lot to learn about the way things work in the world we live in and call home.
It's good to see someone is trying to put all the pieces together as it relates to the natural world.
As you say, plants take in CO2 and H2O and use the Sun's energy to break up the H2O into H to form hydrocarbons and expel the O2 everyday all around us. If they want proof all they have to do is look outside there window at all that green stuff growing all over the place. Nature does it all the time and I suspect once mankind has matured they will as well.
A man named Viktor Schauberger built a device which used this natural process. The device did the opposite to what we do burning CH to form CO2, H2O and an expanding heat reaction. Viktor's device pulled in air containing CO2 and then added charged water vapor (thundercloud) to liberate the H within the H2O. The H then combined with the C in the CO2 to reform back into a CH and O2... just like every plant does. Note that deforming or burning CH with O2 forms CO2, H2O and produces heat which expands a volume. However reforming H2O and CO2 back into CH and O2 produces a contracting volume, equal yet opposite. Thus the deforming CH-O2>H2O-CO2 reaction and the reforming H2O-CO2>CH-O2 reaction can perform the same amount work, equal yet opposite.
At the end of the day any old fool can burn/deform/destroy something to liberate energy but to reform/recreate something like nature does and liberate energy... that is genius. It's not that difficult to understand and the equations are as follows.
Destruction + Unsustainability = Stupid + Suicide
Reconstruction + Sustainability = Life
Mr.Mitchel,Thank you for posting your info [perhaps again ?]I believe the earlier Rudeness will not be so prevalent...[ for the time being.
There was another group from Florida USA which was talking about making a trip across country in a large motor home that ran on a system which was compared to a Lightning strike
or similar ? They were supposedly going to stop in Washington DC and show congressmen ?
been a while since this was shared ...I believe they had a video too ?will look for that info [or someone here familiar can post it in the mean time ?
I know this has been a ruff trip for you ...thanks fo sharing your hard work and thoughts
respectfully Chet K
Thanks Onepower and Ramset for the kind words and you are very welcome as the way I see it it's time for this technology to come out. The other guy I really don't blame him as he has worked on this technology for a long time and came up empty handed which is very frustrating to say the least, but his continued rudeness was unacceptable and uncalled for.
It took me a long time to get at the actually science behind Meyer's work but in the end I did finally get around all of Meyer's many misleading statements misdirection. With photosynthesis the only thing one needs to ask and answer is, "How does a plant break the bonds of the water molecules?" As simple as that questions seems it has never been asked before, as far as I can tell, thus never answered. The answer to that question is the plant takes the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water molecules which action breaks the bonds of those water molecules. What it does with the hydrogen and oxygen doesn't concern me as that was not part of the question. Once I saw that all it did to break the bonds of the water molecules was to take electrons away from the atoms constituting it another question came up. "How many ways do we know of on how to take the electrons away from their atoms?" When I had found a few I then went looking for examples of water being broken down that way and found many different examples of that to be true.
Then I got curious if that worked on other molecules? and searched for proof and found it. Oxygen and nitrogen molecules are nonpolar covalent molecules. They cannot dissociate into positive and negative ions, separating charge this way, because their bonding electrons are snugly and equally shared between them. Instead, the electric field must be intense enough to rip tightly bound electrons off the atoms in these molecules, ionizing them that way. That act breaks the molecules down into it's component atoms as the intense electric field causes the atoms to eject their electrons, no electrons no covalent bonds.
In my study of thunderstorms I found out what is in the books is incomplete for once the cloud's electrical charge is strong enough to overcome the atoms ionization energies and causes those atoms to eject their electrons the molecules they formed gets broken down. The produce the atoms that made up the molecules and leave behind those ejected electrons to further increase the charge. Once this charge is high enough it will overcome the air's resistance and produce a lightening strike. In the diagram I posted different nitrogen atoms and molecules to give you an idea of what is happening to them. Only the five valence (outer shell) electrons in each nitrogen atom are shown. In reality, nitrogen atoms contain 7 electrons, with two of them confined to an inner energy shell. Lower right Is a partially ionized atom. There are degrees of ionization. A fully ionized atom (bottom left) contains only the nucleus. In this case, every electron moved into an excited energy shell and then left the atom altogether (it takes even more energy to remove the two inner electrons not shown in the other atoms).
We'll explore this ionization process further in a moment.
It takes almost twice the energy (945 kJ/mol) to break the powerful triple bond of a nitrogen molecule than it does to break the double bond of an oxygen molecule (497 kJ/mol). A kilojoule (kJ) is a measure of energy. One mole (mol) of atoms contains 6.02 x 1023 atoms. Once split, oxygen atoms are a bit more easily (partially) ionized than nitrogen atoms - 1314 kJ/mol compared to 1402 kJ/mol, respectively, to remove an outer electron (to remove all the electrons from a nitrogen atom, including those in the inner higher energy shells, would require far more energy, about 4578 kJ/mol - nitrogen in this state is also a plasma, but it has much higher energy).
The electric field building beneath a thundercloud eventually has enough energy to break apart, excite and ionize nitrogen and oxygen molecules. Nitrogen atoms by themselves are highly reactive. They will quickly recombine into nitrogen (N2) gas or into nitrous oxide (NO). Meanwhile, excited nitrogen molecules emit blue light. Oxygen molecules likewise are excited. They may also release photons of light, but more often they react with unexcited oxygen molecules to create ozone, before they have a chance to. This ozone, which only lasts about an hour before it decays back into molecular oxygen, is often linked with the fresh clean smell after a thunderstorm. The air under a thunderstorm is very humid. Ionized hydrogen atoms split apart from water vapor contribute red to the glow, so that ionized humid air glows violet. Now being a scientist I already know you don't typically find hydrogen all by it's self in nature but yet there it is.
This is how thunderstorms work as when the conditions are right they produce hydrogen in vase quantities as well a other ionized gas atoms. Meyer simply mimicked this but arranged the capacitor(s) to a vertical position so that the ionized gases could escape without being ignited by the electric field. Every molecule broken down adds it's electron to the cloud increasing the electric field intensity. This explains why the reaction kept going after Meyer shut the device down as those electrons are in the water bath and must travel through the VIC circuit which has resistance which will convert that energy into heat. Basically the capacitor is being discharged and that takes time based on how highly charged it is through the diode until the voltage/current controlled switch shuts off as that is the role the diode plays in the VIC circuit.
In time this technology will turn the tide on climate change but thanks to those that sell energy, whom paid some scientist to tell everyone that this technology violates the laws of physics, it's tough to get support for this technology. As unlike those tobacco scientist where everyone could clearly see they were lying this time those paid-to-say scientist got believed by the general public as their general understanding of science isn't all that great.
For us, now we can clearly see voltage does in fact do work and all we have to do is place a high voltage potential difference electrical field on the plates of the water capacitors we make. It's not as easy as I make it sound but at least we now know what must be done and why.
I know of another guy that figured out some other things on using hydrogen to power ICE cars named Roger Billings and have made contact with him. Here is a video where he talks about how he beat the electric car on being what best for our environment.
QuoteFor us, now we can clearly see voltage does in fact do work and all we have to do is place a high voltage potential difference electrical field on the plates of the water capacitors we make. It's not as easy as I make it sound but at least we now know what must be done and why.
I agree and found it strange how so many of the critics keep saying "voltage has no power" or "voltage can do no work".
In fact, Voltage is the Difference in Potential and the "Force" in the (Work = Force x Distance) equation. The Potential Difference is the "Force" and the Current is the flow over a "Distance". At which point it should become clear that when any person claims voltage has no power or can do no work they obviously do not understand what Voltage or Work are nor how they relate to one another.
The Voltage or Difference in Potential is the Force which causes something to move. The effect is that something is forced to move over a distance which we call work and when a given amount of work occurs over a period of time we call it Energy. However normally we just say everything is Energy because everything is already in perpetual motion everywhere. Everything is in perpetual motion which is Energy because we can find no examples of anything in the universe which is not in motion on some scale.
It can get kind of confusing because many claim to be looking for energy when in fact they are made of energy and literally swimming in a sea of it. Maybe they cannot find it because they are too deeply immersed in it?. In my opinion the premise of Free Energy is that we cannot create or destroy energy, only transform it. So what were trying to do is transform one kind of motion already present into another kind of motion which better suits our needs.
So really the Meyer device is just a motion converter which breaks up some molecules, reforms them into other molecules, liberates some of the internal motion present in the molecules during the reformation process and transforms the motion into a more suitable form we can use.
Quote from: ramset on September 30, 2019, 06:50:22 PM
I know this has been a ruff trip for you ...
Yes Ramset it sure has as between Russ Gries, Max Miller, and a whole lot of other people like Armcortex I think it's truly amazing I didn't throw in the towel a long time ago. As of right now OU is the only site like this I can post on as the rest banned for not going along with people whom clearly hadn't a clue how this technology actually works that were just making shit up as they went along. Some were in it for the donations putting on good shows to earn them donation dollars, others were in it for the prestige of being the one whom cracked how Meyer's technology worked, while others were just trying to get others to do their research for them. I was in it to do something about our current situations we all find ourselves in, like being enslaved by those whom sell energy, stopping the wars for oil, and climate change. I openly stated many times I am trying to put people in full control of their own energy needs with a technology that will help turn the tide on climate change. For this I was exiled, shunned, called a cheat, and so much more.
So many would outright steal the information I'd post and claim it to be there own like Daniel Donatelli of "Secure Supplies", and Dave Davies of "PowerGate technologies,"and "hyfusiondotcom" which would really make me upset as seeing people pawn my ideas as their own for profit really upset me. I drew this diagram and made the mistake of drawing the diodes backwards but before I could correct that mistake and actually put my name on the drawing Dave Davies stole it claiming to be the one that drew it: [size=78%] ([/size]
Acts like these made me see things in a whole new light. One person I work with told me that I was kinda naive when it came to things like this and I would have to agree with him but I am a fast learner. Greedy people like Matt McMahon and others would try and trap me into working with them and some others for them with one sided deals and proposals that only benefited them greatly leaving me on the street corner just as poor as when I started.
I have really had a rough time with all of this even got a few death threats, but I persevered and found the strength to keep moving forwards. I give this credit all to our creator as it is he that helped me see how this technology actually works with dreams that took me awhile to understand and gave me the strength and drive to carry on.
What Onepower posted above is correct and I will go one further just so all of you know just how important this moment in time is. Right now we all stand at the beginning of a whole new era of scientific discovery as what I shared on this site will spawn many to create things I never thought of creating for it is as Meyer stated, "This technology is only limited to the mind of the inventor to find a use for it."
I posted my theory here, and a few other places, so that no one could once again steal my ideas and pawn them off as their own as now it is apart of public record. I should have posted this a few years ago but I was still ironing things out and getting over all the times people did me dirty, but we have bigger fish to fry as climate change is going to effect us all and we are running out of time to do something about it.
And with that I will say Shalom everyone,
Take care,
Edward Mitchell, aka, h2opower/h20power.
I found it
"Announcing ! the H2G Water BUS tour of USA. An RV / Bus will leave Tampa for Washington DC to Demonstrate the H2G clean water fuel technology that will run this bus across America and back, WITHOUT STOPPING FOR FUEL. The tour is from Tampa to DC to Silicon Valley, Ca. and many stops in between. There we meet with Scientists, Technicians and Financial VIPs from around the globe to introduce our technology. H2 Global invented this unique process based on studies of lightning, and charged particles. It extracts water from the air, like a dehumidifier, and that water is converted in our 4" CUBEs to a clean near zero emission fuel which improves by 5-10 x the mpg. It runs on 99% water. It replaces toxic fossil fuels. An engine test run is posted on our site ( or ( which shows an engine running on 99% water. There is also a downloadable document on the website which describes in more detail this historic event. We will be doing media interviews across America as we go. We will be riding Congresspersons on the bus at a demo in DC, Some celebrities have asked to ride. You can actually participate and may ride in the bus. Email h2ge@... to find out how, You can help spread the word just by sharing this. This will be a ride into history and mark the turning point from toxic fossil fuels to a clean energy future. H2G has a solution for climate change."
more info and a thank you to member iRon and Gotoluc for sharing this at another open source venue
snip,How does the H2G clean fuel process work? Most of it is proprietary, as some patents are still in progress globally. The essentials that can be discussed include a process which was discovered after a long study of lightning, and how it worked. Lightning releases one of the most powerful bursts of energy in micro seconds. From a series of experiments, a new theory was developed. It was refined and translated into a practical method of restructuring water so it could be used as a fuel replacement in internal combustion engines. In practice, fresh or seawater is fed into a 4 inch cube. Two of these cubes working together convert water into a burnable fuel, in real time, on demand. One box has electronics and one is a wet-box, the mix takes place in it. Inside the box the water is reformed and changes to the covalence bond angles and magnetic influences are affected. The result is a new bonded particle. Very explosive. This process is proprietary. The mix is a percentage, usually 5% gasoline and 95% water. Recently we ran a test engine on 1.1% percent gasoline and nearly 99% water. A video of that test is available in the download section on our web page, ( or )
This H2G process is based on new discoveries, not prior art. It has absolutely nothing to do with electrolysis, which has been around for more than century. In terms of efficiency, there is no comparison. H2G clean fuel processes can run entire engines using as little input energy as 160 milliamps @ 24 volts DC. Electrolysis could never extract enough energy from water to run an engine even with a hundred times more input power. In fact, most electrolysis systems just boost mpg on a gas fueled engines. But, electrolysis would never be effective as a primary fuel source at these low input power levels. While our inventor spoke of electrolysis & hydrogen in early interviews and videos, later that process was left on a back burner while new processes were being tested. Some, who view our videos and don't pay attention to the timeline get confused and mistakenly think we are still extracting hydrogen and oxygen from water and then using it as a fuel to be moved into a combustion chamber. Nothing is farther from the truth. Our process is quite different. Our process captures and extracts all the sources of energy in water, and may extract some that are not yet fully established empirically. Hydrogen and oxygen are not the primary components in our process. Lightning and plasma are.
Looks promising but what is needed is what Dr. Billings taught me and that is a exhaust gas sample to make sure it is actually putting out clean gases. Burning hydrogen in engines will actually pollute more than engines run on gasoline as they produce something like 53% more NOx gases than the burning of fossil fuels. This is due to the high flame speed and temps at which hydrogen burns at. Dr. Billings came up with a solution to that problem in that cold water mist is to be injected into the intake system and by doing so the car he entered into the college competition actually cleaned the air as with all of their equipment the gases coming out of the tailpipe was cleaner than the air the engine was drawing into it.
Needless to say I learned a lot from Dr. Billings that added to what I learned from Meyer's lectures and my own research on this technology. I like this technology you posted Ramset but it must totally do away with the use of fossil fuels as that stuff needs to be left in the ground. But it is a good step in the right direction depending on what is shown to come out of the tailpipe as it could be our next step in kicking the fossil fuel habit.
With the electric cars they have left a big hole as most of the worlds population simply can't afford to buy them and the car manufacturers really don't seem to be in any rush to make things for the everyday man as once again they are profit driven. Thus we need a technology that can convert cars to run on this technology at very affordable prices. This way the technology can move quickly to make a difference as it's going to take a lot of time to convert all of the worlds fossil fuel engines and jets and the clock is ticking as we have roughly eight years to get things turned around. This is why I stress the need for this technology to get into mass production as quickly as possible. Install technicians need to be trained, mechanics need to be trained on how to work on the technology, factories built to make the technology, and supply chains to support the technology so that it can be built at speed. It's a lot of work but it has to be done or else we face the music of climate change with our hands tide around our balls.
Thanks for posting this Chet 8) .
Electric car conversion : costs 2000 Euros
the new OPERATIONAL APPROVAL ( STREET LEGALITY) costs : in Germany up to 15000 Euros for each individual
2000 + 15000 = up to 17000 Euros ( for this case ; car electric engine and battery can actually costs 10000 +)
100% natural crude oil derivate internal combustion engine car to 90% hydrogen-on-demand + 10% natural crude
oil derivate combustion engine OPERATIONAL APPROVAL ( STREET LEGALITY) costs per car for the individual. ?
There is not a political wish, sponsored by several interests, for change. !
By the consumer ? SUV with 100 KW( in Nm) and more theoretical engine torque max. ! For 3-5 Km drives ?
Engineering is not such complicated that there has not been in R&D " for a better world" - no solution- :especially cheaper than "common organized " market price
My world vision, your world vision. is not the world vision by some other V. I.P.s !
Earth + population : V. I. P. ? P. in this case : Planeta ( "water as fuel" concurrence/ competitors for the better way
Who controles the QUANTUM OF FREE ENERGY generation/extraction ?
Chet :
German Balladen ( (
" Warum hast Du Mich gebor'n. ? " Lebensborn/Todesborn"
Lyrics melodic : (
Each them his " dernier cry": (
"Adieu, motherearth ! " ( ( ( "normally" dedicated- in memoriam- to his wife/Ehefrau Anna) (
And " Hello, warfatherearth ! " (
( und manche haben nen grossen Knall ::) only private " big b- eng- el view)
MotherEarth + Sun and ME, YOU, THEM : (
Engel-land Analphabeten lection one : (
about spoken and unspoken things and matters
Written and spoken and written but unspoken : K,G,T,H + k,g,t,h
Farbenblindheit, Tontaubheit :
Man eye/ear organ system defficiency : mono-/di( or bi) tone : v or b. , l or r ?
Kindergarden or ( K)Indergarden ?
Key or ( K) EY
I know or I, ( k)now
And Chet, recitating You and your " classification" about me " to be zealous" :
let me ( try to) translate your expression with "Ziel-los/Unstet"~ without objects : I am conscious and "equipped with Vordenklichkeit und Nachdenklichkeit" and observe and preserve ( me and other) !
"World Vision" as object is included ! :)
You have as estatal citizen your future vision/ program called CONSTITUTION ( ~ CONSTRUCTION) =each one his/her " small ( partial) World vision" : are you and the CONSTITUTION DEMAND in harmony. ?
Ed, Here is the Vid By Dr.Michael Clarage which Luc shared some time back.a remarkable observation ! (
and still looking for the looped "Papp" water turbine Vid--
with passion [Zeal]
Chet : thanks for nearer explanation and alternatively : motivated or ambitious !
To all "water as fuel "- developper :
Having the device ready, functional and demonstration ready,with/-out patent award,with/-out UAL/TUEVcertification:
implementing this/these device/-s to engine :
Allowance, legality. ? A. to co-generation plant B. to ic engine cars/ moto- bikes et cetera
You can re/ invent such a device - cheaply - :
how high will become the total costs in each specified estate for "ready to legal use" including installation costs
and later official approvement by UAL/TUEV/DEKRA/SBG....... for legal " operational approval certification " ?
Illegal implementation and device use : insurance cover. by accidents. ? It is a : crime delict. !
How radical works hydrogen( temperature/friction/pressure) in not special coated engines : device and engine lifetime warranty. by seller. ?
Company classification : you have to be professional ( academic or superior technical school) engineer or having an professional engineer as company legal representive. ! For 100% responsibility. !
~ professional car tuner/tuning ( Dipl. -Ing. Wolfgang Krause eco( logic/- nomic) tuning
and experience ( google translate does not function )alternative : (
BING ( also not :P
hoping not represented by " professional sound engineer" ::) if not car sub-woofer related
In german : STRASSENVERKEHRSZULASSUNG(-SORDNUNG) translate this expression now in your common language and let become explaned which " extra costs" for each several car model you will probably have to pay. !
As translatory( not rotatory and not linear ;) ) example : (
Delict determination : a. fahrlaessige b. vorsaetzliche Gefaehrdung des Strassenverkehrs ( mit Personengefaehrdung)
As seller,company risc : a. fahrlaessige b. vorsaetzliche (Vor-)Taeuschung falscher Tatsachen = BETRUG (
Do at first your homework for later street work
Not entering with " water as fuel " but " hydrogen": ( ( ANY FUEL :) (
Also to find : a conversion device with manufacturing costs about 150 $ each : selling price avail for 1500 $
why not 300 $ ::)
yes being prepared ,and also understanding what makes this possible ,[ for the world to understand [the MO] teach !!
Here member Jimboot shared some links (
Moray on water fuel. ( ( delivered
compared with (
dis-/ad-vantage(s) ? ( (
1975/1978 hybrid engine drive consume. possibility. ?
hybrid drive with Kompanek transducer equipped engine consume. ?
With Fischer-Tropsch process ( syn-) fuel ? 1925 first development ( (
Synfuel process? Liter/ KWh price. ?
" 1-1,5 Liter low-CO2 synfuel per 100 Kilometer. hybrid engine drive " 1978 TECHNICAL STANDART
1972 Olympic Games, Munich : PLO - Attentat
1973 Oilcrisis : Suez-channel closed 1974 Military "cloves"- revolution in Portugal
1975 our family came from Portugal, father President from ELF Portugal to Germany
Speyer/Spira , Rhenania-Palatina(Palast/Pfalz)/BRD or FRG. ( Father GF from ELF-Aquitane rafinery)
Learning by teacher Dr. Anneliese Joerger singing and " dancing" in Crise/im Kreise :
Hewenu shalom/salaam alechem/aleikum, hewenu salaam/shalom aleikum/alechem ........
SALAAM ALEIKUM Der,mein,Friede sei mit Dir My "Passion/PAZ/PACEM" be with You
ALEIKUM SALAAM. d' eo ipse
How is a foreign language to read and to write : from left to right side or from right to left side ?
Portugals south : Algarve( the geographical : West) ( del Andaluz)
Transcontinental : North-Afrika ( k or c) : Algarve Ultramare
MAGHREB,written ,spoken ? : ? Function ? K, T, G, H and k,t,g,h and b or v
MAURE' (TANIA TINGITIS by the romans). Mouros/Mauren
the estate in south from Maroc ( excluding Ex-Spanish-Sahara/Sahaur) : Mauretania
The roman/ latin language : since when to read,write,speak from left to right ( or right to left !?)
Brain research : left / right side brain activity , left/ right side hand-er
( for some forbidden to give the wrong side hand !)
What is political left position ( normally defined as progressive) and what is a political right side position ( normally defind as conservative) ? From Parliament-President viewpoint. !
Is a global politics change progressive/ re-gressive or conservative/ re- servative , or now both./ ambo ?
With a good economical administration in the G7 /20 estates since 1975 this ( kind of politics would be " stoneage threat "
Wer richtet der werde gerichtet 8) (
All the political parties failed, included the " green movement". !
1974/1975 Planet Earth population : (
Quote from: ramset on October 03, 2019, 05:48:06 PM
still looking for the "Papp" water turbine Vid--
It's not actually a water turbine but I think the effects are related. The Papp tech used noble gases and plasma spark which I think is related to a lightning effect.
Here is a rotary version of the Papp engine (
Here is a link to all the videos which are well worth watching (
This Papp engine sounds very interesting but here is the problem as it goes towards industry today. Each car manufacture will have a lot of stranded assets and for some that means they will go under. We are actually seeing right now some of them start to go under just trying to switch things over to making EV's as their profit margins didn't account for this rate of change. Being in the automotive industry for over 30 years I know a thing or two about what is actually needed for these big players to get on our side. They need a technology that doesn't cause them to have a lot of stranded assets, require them to retrain all of their workers from scratch, and dealing with insurance companies on safety issues for safety testing is a must. What is the long term effects of being in the magnetic fields of a Papp engine? Will it interfere with pace makers? There are a lot of things one must do in putting something to market and working with the existing industry is a must. Sure we can do away with the oil companies with hydrogen being made on demand which doesn't require all that much retraining of a company's workforce. Nor does it require them to have a lot of stranded assets as what they build will still work but just with a different source of fuel.
Learning from Dr. Billings this "Water for fuel" technology is what industry needs right now because each engine converted tail pipe emissions will be cleaner than the air the engine drawn into it. This goes with the idea of starting to clean up the mess we all have contributed to as we go about living our lives in the current way things are done. Water is only borrowed as it is not destroyed as the model is following the same things we find in nature, IE, a thunderstorm. When you saw Meyer holding that injector in the Palm of his hand think of it as having the power of a thunderstorm in the palm of your hand as that is exactly what is taking place. The technology works with industry as automotive companies will only require to switch the fuels they use not toss out assets they have dumped billions of dollars in over the course of their businesses life. We have only to pick our friends wisely as fossil fuel use must go as that risk they took is costing lives and robbing our children's futures. Now that EV's are forcing the automotive industries to part ways with big oil now the time is right to introduce this technology that big oil has put down so many times before as they have been weakened. With the understanding of "Climate Change" no one wants to use their products anymore and it is our job to give them an alternative fuel to use to power their cars, planes, trains, ships, homes, and so much more.
What most of you fail to realize is this technology doesn't have any friends as it is a one solution fits all type of technology. Just imagine if this technology had been allowed to come out back in 1968 we'ed have no solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, or wind power stations. Chances are high Lithium batteries would have never been developed and this global warming thing would have never happened. In fact the entire grid power system more than likely would have been done away with as this technology would leapfrog that old technology just as the cell phones leapfrogged the old phone-lines type technology. Our lives would be totally different today as the Iraq war would have never happened as the events of 9/11 more than likely would have never happened. There would have been no wars for oil, no massive oil spills killing our water ways and oceans. The Fukushima nuclear disaster would have never happened as there would have been no need to use that outdated and dangerous technology.
This future was denied to each and everyone of us by the IMF & World Bank because their primary product that they sold back then was oil. Heck, most of you would have grown up in a world never knowing what gasoline, diesel, or any other fossil fuel even was as that was over 50 years ago which most of you are not.
This water for fuel technology is a "One Solution Fits All" type of technology because it mimics what we see nature has been doing before the concept of time was even invented. There is no greater technology than this to be used to power our world in which water is the key to all life and thus already powers this world as life wouldn't exist without water. All of these other technologies are just pipe dreams that don't follow natures power model. And for situations where we need to work in very cold or isolated environments offshoots of this technology can be used that keep the power going that don't even have any moving parts. This world where all is right can be ours if we collectively choose to back this technology and stop our crab in the bucket mentality. Thus if a business is promising to bring out this technology all of you should move to support that business and aid it's efforts to bring this technology to our existing industries so that our children's children will never know what fossil fuels really are.
Right now I have such a business that needs the support of the people so that I can show our big industries there is a better way. Sure that would be business suicide but if it gets me what I want in that my children's children will never know what it is to make use of fossil fuels to power their cars or homes I am all for it. This way we could all start living lives that no longer have to pay for energy anymore. We must get these other industries that can help make this all possible on our side by showing them there is a better way. Like I said this technology has no friends as it puts down any other forms of energy production because it is a one solution fits all type of technology. You want to cook with it you can do that. You want to wield with it you can do that. You think of it and this technology will allow you to do it in a manor that doesn't harm our delicate atmosphere, but it can't do it if you don't all stop fighting this technology and willing choose to get behind it with your support.
I know you all didn't come here to get a lecture but I feel a lecture is what you all need as all of this fighting has to come to an end or our children will have a future that is so bleak it really won't be worth living. I hope this lecture of mines hits home as time is running out for us to do something about climate change and I need your support.
h20power :
Do not search for " No! "- sayer ,offer the solution at first for partial interests, which can and wish afford the change :
Car-owner with " no entry ! "- allowance to inner City by strict emission rules et cetera :
Oldtimer, RV, semi- new cars : (
20.000 €/$ for a small new car or 2500€/$ for well calculated conversion kit +/- ? installation and approvement certification
City car share groups : converted low/now emission drive
Dad/ Mom buy him/ her a new car and the 17 years old " kid" get the " old" family converted car
Busses/Trucks/Taxis(yellow cabs) to cleaner h20
17 years old " kid":
Son daughter
nephew niece
grandchild granddaughter
cousin base
neighbour,pupil et et et cet .....
8) Greta ::)
IancaIV I have been at this since before the concept of "Open Source" even started. At first it sounded really good and like many others I jumped on board. But it didn't take me long to see that it did produce results and all of those results were mostly bad. So, I left Opensource as I got tired of always having to defend the science that I was uncovering. This video was the last time I really shared how this technology works and to the best of my knowledge not a soul has bothered to follow my lead. Note this was the very first time anyone has ever seen true high voltages being applied to a water fuel capacitor. But I wasn't able to reach a high enough voltage to get that cell working as that cell required a voltage of around 12 kv to get it to work correctly:
After this I basically gave up on opensource as the response I got for giving this technology away was priceless. In 2012 is when I had by big break in understanding this technology and I shared with the whole world what information I had found in 2013. Which I again chose to share again here on this forum: [size=78%] ([/size]
I was met with the same hostility as I was in the past as if nothing had truly changed in over six years. You will find that what I talked about back then hasn't changed but only has gotten more refined in my being able to talk about the process more clearly. In these forums I always run into Naysayers so much so that I basically gave up on opensource and moved on. Working with a few close friends I gained an even better understanding of this technology. But as my understanding grew those that remained in opensource understanding got totally clouded to the point when they now hear me talk it's like I am coming out of left field. It's like someone dumped a bunch of garbage data on these forums so that no one figures out how this technology actually works. The way I see it if people aren't willing to trust the science I share with them then they are of no use to me and I will go one further in saying the world has no use for them.
In this video Dr. Billings goes over the story of him entering into a contest at a college for clean energy.
Now I haven't shared with Dr. Billings how this technology works but he has figured out a few things that aid to this technology working even better and note he entered that contest back in 1965.
Dr. Dingle, whom I spoke with before he died, seems to be the first to accomplish this back in 1968 but was stopped by the IMF & World Bank in 1969 as you will hear them talk about in this video:
Only time will tell which of my many plans I choose to implement but know that I have developed many plans in which to follow based on my observations of what others will do as I move forwards with this technology. My main goal is for this technology to replace the use of fossil fuels world wide and I already know I can't do it alone. If I get no support I will just go it the long way around as I am doing right now as in the end I know I will get there, but will it be in time to make a difference given we only have around eight years to do something or face the music of climate change unprepared?
All I can do is hope I get the support of the people so that I can move at a faster pace. (
The energy industry with an " Whodini- Syndrom" : can they liberize themself ?
h2Opower : ( unknown. ? Day-by-day negative/positive feedback. ? (
225 mpg hybrid : 225 (land) miles = 362 Kilometer per 3,758 Liter = 1 gallon ~ 96,3 Km/ lt. "water as fuel"
XR3- hybrid : ( + " water as fuel"
Is he as Designer " impotent" to disclose a normal 4-wheel drive street legal car. ?
I assume he is very potent also to develop a 4-wheel drive street legal car, but he uses - for easier living- for himself and the DIY- builders the less restrictive lawfull orders by estate and industrial fixed normation for 3- wheelers !
D. I. N. = Deutsche Industrie Norm as industrial protection;
US. I. N, .....
I see here where I live some people driving Micro-cars. !
When the future politics will decrease the average velocity in inner cities and suburbs to 30 Km/h and 50 Km/h
the actual car powering by automobil industry with 300-400-500-.... hp engines is ABSURD. !
Simple low-weight 4-seats cars are with 6 KW nominal electric motors well equipped , with 50-75% input power saving electric magnet motors this mean average 3 down to 1,5 KW electric input for 50 Km drive !
Max. 5 KWh battery/capacitor energy storage and probably portable ic-hydrogen- genset as range extender ( vacation)
This are actually new 5000 Euros fob factory price cars. !
( comparison : the FORD company assumed to produce the model KA for 5000 DM ~ 2500 Euros at the mass production beginning; market entry 9/11/1996)
Alternatively : etrikes,ebikes or trikes/ bikes with hydrogen engine or compressed air.
eSpecially with/ by Uber/Google driverless future car perspective. !
"water as fuel" + Reinhardt turbine ? (
+ " water as fuel" (
+ "water as fuel" (
h2Opower : (
Can you give them the best advice. ? Compressed air ( MDI,di Pietro), e-drive or h2O ?
p. s. : Dr.? Dingle. ? ( Dr. ?) Daniel Dingle ,Philippino ?
DOCTORAT : teaching licence ( faculta dependent)
well it may be possible to make a Papp engine that runs on the Thunderstorm/plasma Zap .Actually if this technology works as advertised ,that should be doable and a goal ?
a closed system with no emissions would work around soo many issues with industry .
We have a friend who is a member here ,that has been saying this for years [water and Papp]
I just could not hear it ....
He dropped this off quite a few years back and he helped us with some soap here [surfactant ]
I know he still reads here...will be calling tomorrow ,and yes the "guys" are cleaning the benches , and it will all happen here .
at the very least a proof of concept build/replication ,word on the street ,this has already been done by a member here .
Now I was hoping everyone would see something with the photos I posted on page 21 but with now some 223 people having view this photo I can say it's a must for me to point this out to all of you so that you can see that I am correct and not just have to take my word for it. Allow me to take off the blinders if you would.
I want all of you to look at the "Global Electric Circuit" again and compare it with the "Voltage Intensifier Circuit"(VIC) as you will see that Meyer did in fact mimic a thunderstorm just as I have told all of you he did. The VIC is the Global Electric Circuit, for the WFC is the cloud, the air is the charging chokes and secondary coil, and the blocking diode makes sure the current goes only in one direction. Can all of you see this now? I thought someone would have seen this on their own but I guess not as this technology isn't all that intuitive.
This way you all don't have to just take my word for it as you all should be able to see it clearly now that I have pointed it out to you, YES?
In figure 7-5 Meyer shows the charging chokes are just to be thought of as resistors which is also shown in the Global Electric Circuit above and below the cloud. The secondary coil Meyer has always reference to it as a resistor which is shown as the long resistor at the end of the global electric circuit. Figure 7-7 and 7-8 make it clear that you are actually looking at the Global Electric Circuit. So, it should be clear to all of you know that I did in fact get at the science behind the patents for if I did not I would not be able to show all of this to you so clearly & easily.
I need the support of the people: [/size] ([/size]
Now a lot of you need to learn how to drown the puppy and you can learn more about what I am talking about in this video of Roger Billings: [/size] ([/size]
Let me think loud : "gofundme" : 24.Mai.2015 - 5.Oktober.2019 : pleased 25000 $ and reached : 2970 $
> 52 months. 12 donators
What this technology shall change. ? In numeric details per installation,chance/riscs,....... !
Before = it is / After : it ( will) be ( Futur II review)
Sources for ( fast) help : $ /2 ( 50% donation) in one female case and other. : (
Working together with estatal research institutions ( several funds), Universities, NGOs. ?
Physics :
Do not forget the kinetic force in your "thunderstorm physics" calculation !
[ during a thunderstorm in the mountains, visiting an airgenerator parc, somebody was thrown ( by u.w.o = unidentified working object ::) )several meters out from a transformator house, the hill down]
Similar approach : (
Aerosol generator
By others f. e. :
Tesla,Plauson,Thomas Townsend Brown,,Baltzar von Platen,AIRHes, ...
The "Scientific World" is thinking in a G. U. T-'em, from a G. U. P. ? (
The use from the Physics- formulas correct. ?
THESE - HYPOTHESE-ANTITHESE-PARENTHESE : demonstration - result- repeat : no/ difference ? AXIOM. ? Rule ?
It's really hard for me to read and follow your thoughts as the post you just made I really don't get it.
All I am asking for it a little bit of help as this technology does have a cost to it and thus far I have gotten enough help to get a few things built. The rest comes from my own funds in building things. Most of you don't know this but to build the VIC transformer correctly cost around $3,500 USD for just one transformer. The WFC has a minimum make value as the machinist aren't going to make just one and to have 8 WFC's made cost me over $13,300 USD.
You ask "What this technology shall change?" and I would think that is obvious as it will turn the tide on climate change. No other technology suits our currently level of technology in industry in the world today like this one does. The Papp motor will cost too much and doesn't work with our current industry whom are already capable of building things at speed. All of the automotive manufactures could make use of this technology in a matter of months once shown how to implement this technology as all they would be doing is switching where they get the hydrogen from. We have to work with the automotive industry as they are already set up to build cars at the scales we need to make a difference towards turning the tide on our climate change problems. With this technology they don't end up with a lot of "Stranded Assets" which is something they would go for as they are already facing having to strand their assets due the rise of the electric cars and a lot of them aren't going to make it.
With this technology one can transform where they get the hydrogen from in planes, ships, cars, trucks, farm equipment, forklifts, heating, wielding, and so much more. And I am only scratching the surface of what this technology is capable of doing for it is as I say, "A whole new era of scientific discovery just waiting to happen," but big things often have small beginnings.
Most of my close friends tell me that I am barking up the wrong tree coming to forums such as these for help and I am beginning to feel perhaps they are correct. Are they?
You ask about cost per installation and I am not able to mass produce this technology so I don't have the numbers for you on that. The way the markets work is the more you buy the lower the per unit cost will be. You ask about the risk and what are the chances this technology will be accepted or not? Right now the world's automotive companies are in a lot of trouble as they are having to make battery electric cars when they really don't want too. And in doing so they have to strand a lot of their assets which some of them are not in a position right now to do meaning they are looking at failing as a company. So, the time is right for them to be shown this technology as I believe they are now willing to accept it being that some of them aren't ready to make the switch to making EV's and are facing having to close their doors as a result.
Tesla Motors has been in business for 11 years and they are only making close to 1.3% of the total cars made in the world. That is no where near fast enough to turn the tide on climate change. We need the entire automotive industries help if we are going to be able to do things at the scales needed to effectively make a difference in solving our climate change problems. Remember every engine converted will actually be cleaning the air as it is operated unlike EV's which are carbon neutral this technology is carbon negative.
You all need to learn how to put your puppies down as I stated this technology has no equal. Never before in the history of mankind has a technology come along that can change the course of humanity like this technology can. This technology which follows the natural design of nature in how it makes use of energy is a win win situation as it's just allowing us to make use of the "Global Electric Circuit." If I can get all of you to see this then perhaps my friends are correct and I am barking up the wrong tree.
Prove them wrong!
Edward Mitchell aka, h2opower/h20power
"The cost from a VIC ( Voltage Intensifier Circuit) transformer around $3500 . ..."( clearly : Unikat, mass production. ?)Nominal KW in/output. ?
Possible "conventional" transformer costs : : flat/plan inverter transformer nominal 5 KW, 10000 units production costs : $ 25 US ea. (
I do only questions which I am thinking also a consultor( serving riches,industrial companies, investors) would have to do. !
"gofundme" is not a ( enthusiasts ) free energy forum,did you have had in that time since 24.05.2015 more positive/ negative feedback than here in the last days ?
Investor-search ( " Klinkenputzen" : door to door)
This is what my father did, for me and clearly himself !
His knowledge about technology : :-\ about Business Administration : MBA, I. N. S. E. A. D. ;)
Do your " friends" trust in You and "Your technology effect" :
How much do they/ their companies( ownership or worker)/ hometown have to pay for energy per week/month/year ? schoolfriends( from child/s)/ University( academic ? friends : Uni funds)/church community/ military service? /town community. :
how much represents their possible savings as partial funds sum. ?
When you do not know the financial generator/converter cost per useable power unit you can not know how your technology is concurrence-able against many other competitors !
Nature : win/win ? comme ci comme ca ( avec corriger la fortune !)
Andromeda-Galaxy : cosmic canibalism ::) (
Abschiedsgrusz, Nieder-Awarisch : SERVUS
Do my friends trust me? Yes or they wouldn't be helping me with funds to build the things I need from time to time.
Thus far I really haven't reached out to any would be investors as I am looking for the support of the working class the everyday people around the world that are out there marching and protesting about climate change. They say 4 million marched and protested against climate change this past Friday and I am thinking if only I could get them to all give just a little bit to help support a technology that has the power to turn the tide on climate change. Even if they all of them just gave twenty-five cents that would be more than enough for me to accomplish my goals. I am looking for support from the "Crowd" not the few support from the very people that will be effected by climate change the most.
As a crowd collectively we can do just as the rich do if we pool our resources together which is what crowdfunding is all about. I am really not looking for Angel investors as they normally come with strings attached. Most of the investors are looking for a return on their investment and are thus the primary reason why we are all in this mess with the climate. The IMF and World Bank were looking for a return on their investment when they put a stop to this technology back in 1968 as they had invested in oil. The very thinking of profit above all else is the root cause of many things we find wrong with the world right now.
When I posted what I did I did so to show everyone that I do in fact know how this technology actually works. I showed the science behind this technology to everyone and even went back and hand walked a lot of you missed it so that you too could see the connections between the science I posted and Meyer's work. I'd be willing to bet the many naysayers aren't laughing now as the science I showed is very clear, but the technology was hidden in plain sight. Like Meyer used to say, "One must ask the right questions," and it should be clear to all of you that I did ask the right questions.
Sure I can do this in a way that would be like going door to door but that would not be effective towards turning the tide on Climate Change for unlike Elon and Tesla Motors I don't have $1.6 billion USD to build a factory with many production lines to make this technology at the scales needed to curb the effects of climate change in the limited time we have left to do something about it. I have been reaching out to Greta Thunberg but it seems she has become too popular to listen to the individual now. In fact I have been reaching out to a great many of those on the front lines of the climate change movement and can't seem to break through to any of them. However I do seem to always attract the attention of the world's naysayers whom tell me this technology goes against the laws of physics or something else along those lines when I take the time to actually talk to them I find out most don't even know what those laws of physics even are.
All in all it's kinda frustrating having to go it almost all alone with only my family and friends supporting me when they can afford to do so from time to time. I try and keep hope alive but it's getting hard not to be bitter towards the many naysayers that keep popping up out of the woodwork. I am totally aware that I have solved this technology and what that means for the future of mankind. For all I can do is try and get the people to aid in my efforts to actually do something effective towards turning the tide on climate change.
Shalom everyone,
To my first Investor meeting I came with sufficient documents to clear "the status quo":
what are the targets and which are the project competitors !?
No one from the competitors reached the minimum target : a demonstrative functional device !I reached the target !
October 2019
Which are "water to fuel"- technology competitive alternatives :
thermionic cells,24/365
compressed air chamber,24/365
static transformer( MED),24/365
"water as fuel"- concept : manufactoring costs ( without overhead costs= production costs)
10 KW electric generator Helmut Schiller Germany,500 Euros
10 KW Reinhardt-Turbine Germany,300 Euros
water- converter ,200 Euros
1000 ( one thousand) Euros costs for a nominal 10 KW "water to fuel" gen-set
Performance : ? ( (
+ ic- engine/turbine
+ "water to fuel"-converter
Alternatively : compressed air motor
electric motor
VIC or VEC ( Voltage Excitation Circuit) transformer as "Water Injection Circuit" can be cheap !
World small green movement by "FFF" :
"Friday for Future" -Demo audience 4 Mio. / World population : > 1000 fold
quantite negligeable. !
Would the parents from this'" middleclass" youth workout 1:1 the FFF own claimed" consume behaviour change" demands :
3,2,1 < 1 Mio. " hard core" Nature-saver
Demo- Tourism is " en vogue" : like "Attac" (
voluntaries : 47000 = 1,6% from members : 3000000 ( 3 millions)
4 millions FFF- symphatizers donate for the next several years 50% from their pocket-money "nature caritative orgs" or work some hours per week as active volunteers. ! ::) "Zehn kleine FFF-LEIN die wollten ....."
Learning from other : voluntary 1 week/month consume observation (+ diary) (
QuoteAs a crowd collectively we can do just as the rich do if we pool our resources together which is what crowdfunding is all about. I am really not looking for Angel investors as they normally come with strings attached. Most of the investors are looking for a return on their investment and are thus the primary reason why we are all in this mess with the climate.
Agree 100%, I met many quite charming, slick talking people who wanted to "invest" in this kind of technology over the years. Save the world they said but the moment they thought they had any control they turned into narcissistic abusive psychopaths.
In the end I came to the conclusion that there is no amount of money they could pay me to have to tolerate there narcissistic abusive bs. Life is short and we only have a given amount of time to live our lives and do the things which make us happy and grow as a person.
Quote from: onepower on October 05, 2019, 08:02:21 PM
Agree 100%, I met many quite charming, slick talking people who wanted to "invest" in this kind of technology over the years. Save the world they said but the moment they thought they had any control they turned into narcissistic abusive psychopaths.
In the end I came to the conclusion that there is no amount of money they could pay me to have to tolerate there narcissistic abusive bs. Life is short and we only have a given amount of time to live our lives and do the things which make us happy and grow as a person.
I hear you Onepower as I have been there and done that already. People tried and trap me into working for them or with them with truly one sided proposals. Some of those proposals were so bad that I wouldn't even be able to afford the technology that I figured out. Truth be told Meyer took this technology with him to his grave as in order to solve it I had to move totally away from practically all of his written work. In the end I know I am following a plan that I made for this technology years ago. I will stick to this plan but will alter it if the situation changes and right now climate change is causing me to modify the plan a little as know I have known what I shared on this forum over the past few days for over seven years.
Right now I am not liking the way IancaIV post as it's seems like garbage data meant to bury the important stuff I posted so that no one sees it. I hope that is not the case but his post are just long without much relevant information in them. I already know there is no technology in the world that even comes close to besting this technology but he seems dead set on proving me wrong and if so he needs to learn how to drown those puppies as they are not viable solutions.
Anyway, I already have a plan that I am following and at this point in my life I don't think there is anyone that can dissuade me from that plan. I am old and as stubborn as they come and moreover I believe in what I am doing.
QuoteI hear you Onepower as I have been there and done that already. People tried and trap me into working for them or with them with truly one sided proposals. Some of those proposals were so bad that I wouldn't even be able to afford the technology that I figured out.
It's strange, I finally came to understand what true freedom is when having a conversation with some people talking about billions of dollars and saying... you have nothing of value I need. It was an incredible feeling knowing freedom while everyone else was a slave to their own materialism and greed. I still chuckle when I think about how dumbfounded they must have been on hearing my response. The fact is most of the wealthy people I have known over the years have major issues with failed businesses, corruption, broken marriages, substance abuse and psychological disorders. Then they would presume to drag me into their shit show?, no thanks I think I will pass, lol.
QuoteAnyway, I already have a plan that I am following and at this point in my life I don't think there is anyone that can dissuade me from that plan. I am old and as stubborn as they come and moreover I believe in what I am doing.
Good for you and I'm trying to get back into the swing of things after taking a break. Exploring the nature of the universe and theory/experimentation is the ultimate liberation in my opinion because with some basic materials, a bench and some ingenuity we could create almost anything. It could be the next tpu, wireless power, motor-generators, transmutation, levitation, anti-gravity... we have so many options to explore.
Mr. Mitchell,the "water injector circuit" technology developed by Stanley Meyer and several others are listed and known and not forgotten.
I know and have experience enough about what onepower is telling .
"Narcism( egomanie: dreaming ( and working) in $$$ ,why millionair if not billionair) and "say ever and think ever : " cheese ! " psychopath/ schizophrenia"
About garbage data : I have had several 1/4 cbm boxes full with ( from me studied and compared) written/ copied/ printed pages about thousands different inventors/developper/ scientists/ and their works.
Hydrogen ( Dr. Billings) and Oxygen( v. Ardenne) treatment methods are me not unknown. !
I treat you like I treat me and my parents and my family and all the other : without economical interests !
I am not friend and I am not enemy to each kind of invention and technology,but :
See such sites like " powerguru" as possibility to come with experienced (3/4 d) project/prototyping engineers in contact ( worldwide) which helps to
realize ( with/- out NDA) " paper work" at first to useable idea/products prototypes !
I let produce here in Portugal a "transformer set" prototype with 5 KW nominal output which did cost me 150 € ! Unikat-costs : 8 Kg device (
After prototype costs
( patenting ? : new technical claims ? 5000 $ /Euros first WIPO/PCT fix-costs
+ translation 5.- 20.000 €$ ,pages and language dependant)
and testes/ approvement costs for the UAL/TUEV- certification : 25000 US$/€ !
Selling transformer OTC without approvement and certification : crime. !
75000 €/$ minimum start-money for all certification steps ( + 1/2 year administration process )
The promotor/initiator should organize : 100000 ( one hundred thousand) €/$ for the fix 75. + journey costs ( propaganda,shows !) + own/team basic needs. !
100000 ( one hundred thousand )€/$ = 100% investment lost potential. !
And when the patent office rejects the claims ?
PROMISES AND WARRANTIES to bank, investors, worker/s,family ?
You think that the #.... content is useless or "Stanley Meyer"- non related. ?
Argument right and the written text(e) will become by the Admin after recommendation deleted. !
Democracy and not dictation. !
Ed...Not sure any serious persons here who are truly trying to change the way things are would wish you failure or not want to help you ?Nor would they ever give up or relent.Anyone who will carry water for this "change" is a friend IMO ,Some do hold themselves as more worthy than others and feel the world is not ready or they can play God with who does or does not benefit..... ::)
would seem such persons playing God has been Status quo for quite some time. [some still taunt , point fingers or make excuses on an almost daily basis ,[not referencing anybody here]
As mentioned there will be an Open source builders thread here exploring these "water fuel possibilities"
very exciting times !!
Ps to LancaIV, is water as fuel efficient enuff ?
is a Papp water engine [Totally sealed] clean enuff ?
good to set goals !!
Chet, since when is the Papp engine " water" based. ?
Only one from several sources : (
More : (
Have a fine Sunday
week-days and week-end here :
segunda-,terca-,quarta-,quinta-, sexta- : feira,
sabbado : sabao : washing soap. Samstag/Satur(n or -a ?)day. Waschtag/Washing day
Domingo : " Tag des Herrn" : Sonntag/Sunday* Day of the Lord ( Lord : latin " dominus,german: ( Haus-) Herr
God/Gott in latin dominium : ~ gracian ZEUS :Caelum/Ba(a)ldach(in)/Ceu/Heaven/Himmel
was IOS/ Iove ( Iopiter/Jupiter and Ioventude/Youth/Jugend) is actually as D'IOS and Deus,Dieu to refind
Sabbat- country "Israel": (
"water as fuel" - application ideas, pure or "doted/dotiert/ enriched " with/ by CO2
Beside FT= Fischer-Tropsch also Sabbat ;) ier process known
Hydrogen + Nitrogen : NH3 = ammoniak
To understand mediterran and European = Occidental culture and language is essay and easy , is it not. !? ;)
Here is how I see things. No one is talking about what I shared on this forum on my thread. I already know this is very new information concerning Meyer's technology to everyone as not a soul has ever talked about Meyer's technology in such a way that I am aware of. Most have brought to me different technologies that really aren't viable solutions instead of talking about what I just shared in an Open Source setting. This is what I see and can go back a few pages to easily prove what I am saying is true. When I say Meyer took this technology with him in death I meant it as I haven't shared how to actually go about mimicking a thunderstorm as I only shared the raw science behind the technology in an attempt to gainer some support for this technology as I move forwards with it.
Meyer was very good at hiding the technology in plain sight as he purposefully left out the primary equation that governs this technology as well as a few other things. He was so good at hiding things that even those that actually held his technology in their hands missed things and thus copied it wrong which is why they were unable to duplicate his work. The main thing that separates me from them is I actually took the time to make use of the scientific method and where it lead me I followed. Plus I had dreams that really helped me to see the technology cleanly once I figured out what those dreams were trying to teach me as the way our creator thinks is definitely not how we think.
I made these post to document my new scientific theory so that no one comes in latter saying they thought of it first, and to show everyone that I do in fact understand how this technology actually works. Any monetary support I would get from those that choose to help me would speed up my efforts to bring this technology out. This is what looking into the science of climate change has shown me in that the clock is ticking and time waits for no man. This is a very big task that I alone can not accomplish thus I need the help of industry giants as that is the only way I can see to move forwards at the speeds needed to turn the tide on climate change before we reach the tipping point. At first I was like many of you thinking we could just go around the industry giants but when you take a closer look at the numbers we are talking multiple billions of things that need to be converted and that takes time which as I pointed out to all of you we are running out of. The primary thing we need to do is convince the industry giants that make everything to say goodbye to the fossil fuel industries. All ships, jets, road vehicles, farm & warehouse equipment, as well as homes and businesses world wide need to be converted to make use of this technology and I assure you that can't be done in a day.
People need to think as Steve Jobs did and learn to do the hardest of things and that is choosing which projects not to do. This technology fits our current level of industry perfectly and can be put to use much faster than any other technology as most things don't require us to re-make the wheel as industry is already set up to make use of this technology.
Since I posted my campaign I haven't received a single donation so perhaps my friends are right I am barking up the wrong tree here. But, I did document my theory and show my level of understanding about this water for fuel technology is like no other in a public place.
Yesterday I spent the Sabbath with my mother & sister and visited my grandmother who wasn't feeling well. I talked to my sister about this technology and reminded her that this technology is going to change the world more than any other technology that has come before it in this point in time. Yes, I am what some would call a "Law Keeper" as I do try and keep the creators laws, statues, and commandments as my people promised they would do when they entered into a blood covenant with the creator many years ago in the wilderness with Moshe.
Shalom everyone,
Mr. Mitchell,open a treat : " Global Electric Circuit" ,
be the only with " Moderator" - function and post-deleting rights
and you will see what you will get as feedback to your first idea presentation and project as comment.and help offer !
Do not " lamentate", do it right. !
Have a good Sunday evening and a succesfull week
:) YOU pleased. ! YOU get !
2007 a possible ( me at first unknown) investor, after a first 8 hour meeting - anymore drinks and tobacco :P :-\ ??? asked me if I only want to be " Propheta" or to begin to realize the idea/ project !?
I gave a positive answer. ! ( I see me as Designer not as Prophet)
By the next meeting I received from the possible investor side a several pages contract to hand - several thousand Euros costs behind( the work from one of the mostly reknown national Advocate-Society ) included PROCURA. !
I recused ! Because they wanted to fix me. ! I like and love life freedom more than money or equivalent richdom. !
So they accepted to work out the idea/ project fixed by my side. !
"WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! " the expression from one of the investors !
They changed something,but not the World. ! They failed. !
I got my TARGET. ! The Over-Unity input/output ratio device. !
The Physician Dr. Imris Pavel, the technician Jorge Ferreira and the freelancer OCWL :
~ (
Only metaphorical : ;)
QuoteHere is how I see things. No one is talking about what I shared on this forum on my thread. I already know this is very new information concerning Meyer's technology to everyone as not a soul has ever talked about Meyer's technology in such a way that I am aware of. Most have brought to me different technologies that really aren't viable solutions instead of talking about what I just shared in an Open Source setting. This is what I see and can go back a few pages to easily prove what I am saying is true. When I say Meyer took this technology with him in death I meant it as I haven't shared how to actually go about mimicking a thunderstorm as I only shared the raw science behind the technology in an attempt to gainer some support for this technology as I move forwards with it.
I looked at your gofundme page and it looks like you have done some pretty good work. However I would point out that you are not the first to rediscover this process and disclose it. To my knowledge Victor Schauberger disclosed the bulk of this technology over 50 years ago in his decades of work. I get it, you have done a great deal of solid work however by no means are you the first nor will you be the last.
QuoteMeyer was very good at hiding the technology in plain sight as he purposefully left out the primary equation that governs this technology as well as a few other things. He was so good at hiding things that even those that actually held his technology in their hands missed things and thus copied it wrong which is why they were unable to duplicate his work. The main thing that separates me from them is I actually took the time to make use of the scientific method and where it lead me I followed.
I would agree and the first thing that caught my eye on your gofundme page was the segmented coil formers. I got a 3D printer a few years ago specifically to print my own segmented formers of any geometry or size I choose. If you do the research you will find these formers were invented in the late 1800's specifically to overcome the many issues associated with very high voltage coils. You know, there are many FE patents that state a coil or coils are used however they seldom show the coils or there exact relation to one another. Sure we could assume it is simple solenoid coils arranged in know ways however we also know this does not tend to produce the desired effects were looking for.
Concerning the VIC circuit, if you replace the water cell with a spark gap and add a few additional components you basically have the circuit diagram for the majority of know FE circuits. Which begs the question, is the circuit a FE generator hidden in plain sight with a glorified electrolizer cell/plasma emitter?. It could also be a multiplier process stacking one FE process (the circuit) on top of another (the plasma water cell) to exponentially increase the output.
You should also consider the evolution of Free Energy technology that every inventor including myself follow.
1)The first kind...First there are experiments and builds relating to mechanical based observable FE processes. Including water cells, engines, motor-generators, hydroelectric/wind power/solar enhancements as well as atmospheric and ground current devices.
2)The second kind...This evolves into non-mechanical devices including arranged or bundled coils, spark gaps or other switching devices also including emitters, antenna's and ground connections
3)The third kind... requires no observable switching devices and few if any components resembling coils. It relies almost solely on the attributes of the energy in question, the geometry and quality/structure of the materials often engineered and impulsive energy flows.
4)The fourth kind... Once FE is mastered it becomes obvious that matter, space and energy are integrated within each other and are fluid. The next logical step is the transmutation of matter for practical purposes and what many mistakenly call anti-gravity. It is not anti-gravity per se it is the removal of the reaction force within matter which is the cause of gravity. As it were 99% of the universe has little or no gravity and no concept of weight thus gravity is abnormal in comparison to the universal plasma-electric field of force.
You have chosen your path and I can respect that however there are many paths. I jumped right into FE devices of the 2nd and 3rd kind simply because they integrate into an electric energy economy much easier which I believe we are in the process of transitioning to. The only fossil fuel powered IC engines your going to see in 50-60 years will be in museums right next to the steam engines.
onepower :
is an anerob bio-reactor his output : not fossil. ? sewage = fosso-content
Can the bio-reactor fuel not be the base for this : (
Are we thinking in 15% average efficiently ic-engines or 90% ic- engines. ? (
Is the Reinhardt-Turbine ( 30 KW/ 300 US$) + waste heat recuperator not cheaper than " fuel-cells/Brennstoff-Zelle". ?
The price from the " gun-engine" ? Conventional ic-engine to gun-engine conversion kit. ? ( = f.e. Suzuki engine converted
ic-engine optimizer : (
ic-engine with emission recuperator/ filter ~ pseudo- closed cycle. ?
Is this real, demonstrativ? : (
h2O power : adaptive or concurrence. ?
1990- 2050 Kyoto conference agreement : - 80% GHG With the above devices : easy/ difficult approach. ?
EUGENIC = aristocratic competition. = the best solution shall/will win
Not to forget : 1990 world human habitants/ consume per capita
2050 world human habitants/ consume per capita
1990 - 2050
- 80% anthropogenic GHG
+ % natural GHG increase
Without "cosmic particle / solar radiation"- influence. ?
What I am talking about is seeing the global electric circuit being mimicked is something totally new to practically all of you as I have read Victor Schauberger's work and that doesn't come up. But Meyer wasn't the first to mimic that for automotive use as Dr. Dingle came before he did and his coil setup looks exactly the same but he really wouldn't show people I just happen to know what to look for. This process goes along with mother nature and not against it. I also spoke of ease of implementation into our current technology with the automotive industries did I not? This technology will fit the way they already do things with very little change thus not causing them to have any stranded assets. They are not going to go for solutions that have them stranding a lot of their assets as truth be told a lot of them are going to fail due to just trying to switch to making EV cars. Furthermore since engines converted to use this technology will actually clean the air as they are operated doesn't that do better than something that is neutral?
Sure I can come out with other parts of Meyer's technology that will give an EV unlimited range but that isn't actively cleaning up the mess we have all contributed to our environment is it? I am looking at the big picture as the damage we have done needs to be reversed meaning it needs to be carbon negative not neutral. I know when I say this technology doesn't have any friends that statement would really bother some people as they have put their time into other technologies which they perceive to be totally viable, but they haven't asked these hard questions I just answered. If I go to convert a Maersk ship all I need is the proper injectors and a water management computer to drive the technology along with a Gas Processor installed on the intake system. And since it will now be using water as it's source of fuel can't it just get it from the ocean it's sitting in? That is what I am talking about when I talk about ease of use for our current technology we are already using as this technology doesn't have any equal in that department. This technology is the most suitable for wide scale adoption based on our current level of technology is what I am getting at. Sure there are other technologies out there but for quick and widespread use given our time limit of just eight years we needs solutions that can be easily implemented on a large scale. All of those other solutions you are talking about are not so easily implemented into our current ways of doing things and thus will have a high cost factor when trying to switch our systems over to making use of them.
As for being the first to actually solve Meyer's technology yes I am the first that I am aware of and disclosed the core science that this technology is mimicking in nature. If you know someone else please post there names and the actions they have taken so I can look them up too. Now as a test to this since I didn't disclose how to actually go about mimicking nature I'd be willing to bet until I choose to disclose everything not a soul will be able to get this technology up and running as it is not as simple as I made it all out to sound. The reasons I know this is no one has even gotten the voltage up to best my efforts back in 2013 and I fell short around 4 kv to get that WFC I was using to work. I am very much aware of what I have done and will say "thanks" if you are congratulating me in your own way as it took me many years to actually get at the science behind this technology.
As for the far future who knows what is going to happen? But I am sure this technology will be apart of that future in one way or another for it is a whole new era of scientific discovery just waiting to be discovered.
H2O power :
Kyoto conference agreement : carbon neutral, carbon negative economy + other GHG-emission
Paris conference agreement : temperature neutral, temperature negative economy
temperature in Calorie/Joule/Watt per capita limiting/reduction !
Included : temperature-dirty electricity. !
QuoteAre we thinking in 15% average efficiently ic-engines or 90% ic- engines. ?
Efficiency is one part of it however a large number of highly machined moving parts requiring oil lubrication dictates that the IC engine can never compete with electric power. We could have a FE generator with no moving parts and electric wheel motors with only one moving part as such the entire system would only have a few moving parts. Now if we could integrate the FE generator into a generator-motor wheel with wireless control then we could simply slap it on any vehicle and go. There is no future where an IC engine could possibly even begin to compete with electric vehicles in my opinion.
Hell my next vehicle is going to be electric for no other reason than low maintenance, no toxic explosive fuels and no damn dirty oil changes... ever.
FE- devices with no moving parts - static converter like "conventional" transformer will be/are part from the energetical future concept ,yes !
But there is to differ the situation :having an old " technology" car and the wish/ the need to change only the technology or to change totally this " old car" by a new one :
affordable for the car-owner. ?
The industry up to today did not want that anybody can introduce improvements without their willness,this is the known " lobbyism= protection -effect". !
Commercial beside patent/ utility model there is also the( often unknown and hidden ) "design protection" as protective and expensive barrier. to overcome legal !
In German ,theme " design protection" related : (
Especially car parts related ( translated) : (
IC-engines are not only used as car / ship/plane drive : stationary co-generation plant.( also as range extender ) !
"FE- generator into a motor-generator wheel with wireless controle" ::) ;)
"FE- generator into a by human flying drone with wireless controle" 8)
X2e-coating. ?
"flying carpet"- style :
"FLAIR CARPET" + "chu200"( -style : I prefer jovoto essential core ) Huckepack :
QuoteIC-engines are not only used as car / ship/plane drive : stationary co-generation plant.( also as range extender ) !
"FE- generator into a motor-genrator wheel with wireless controle"
"FE- generator into a by human flying drone with wireless controle"
You know it's strange that we are even wasting our breath debating whether our next car will have an ICE or be electric. The car as we know it is already a relic and as we speak they already have autonomous electric flying vehicles capable of carrying 2 passengers 100 Km at 100 Km/hr. They have already proven the technology and everyone is gearing up for the game changer of this century in transportation. They want to sell me an ICE car?, in the near future I will be able to buy a flying electric vehicle charged from the solar panels on my roof and able to travel 300 Km at 300 Km/hr... they can keep there ICE car, lol.
It's kind of like listening to people debating the virtues of the best donkey/saddle combination while an F-16 flies over there heads.
About Nature mimikry and use :
4. - 9. (
Fly- drives (
Especially : N. A. S. A. R&D magnetic highway
~ The 5.the element- movie "cars" ( (
Pelikan - flair-effect and hovercraft : ( (
1 collapsed/folded 30 sqm/40 foot container = open : 90 sqm living area x morphing factor ~ 225 sqm convent.
15 sqm/20 foot. 45. 112,5 sqm
Flying/flairing platform : (
+ all-weather-overall (
~ desert habitants overall (
Canada, one invention : relocateable towns = relocateable population/habitants
Fixed constructions, Cities, becoming worth-poor. ! Also because the morbid demography. !
Future : rural living + internet-cities-world ! Physical Cities : culture zoo/museum
#340: ;) Chet !
Going to the IT IS - stage = today = presence and a VISION/PROJECT/PROTOTYPE
The 2000 W society ( 2000 Wh per hour per capita ! ) ( 3000 Wh electricity per day ( without air conditioning ) ? capita per household ( 800 Wh electricity per day ( without air conditioning ). ? capita per household
Each one + non electric solar-thermic or wind-brake KWh energy to heat conversion per day
kitchen/ electric devices list " mtbest"- household : " spartanic " or international average comfort ?
800 Wh per day electricity - 100 Wh freezer/fridge. = 700 Wh for motoric motion/ light/ heat ?
700 Wh / improvement factor 4 ( motor efficiency,LED light controler/ resonant circuit )
= 175 Wh + 100 Wh freezer/fridge = 275 Wh super-intelligent kitchen/ electric appliances consume
275 Wh / 24 h( = day + night) ~ 11,5 Wh electricity permanent generation
Wasser,water,agua,aqua : chemical H2O or HHO to electricity :
Meredieu " caps(u)l-e/-a" :
12 V x 1,5 A = 18 VAh ~ 18 Wh. X 30 hour per HHO filling volume/ capsel
18 Wh x 24 h = 432 Wh. generation max. per 24 h- "day" :
275 Wh kitchen/ electric devices consume need break- even reached. !
Second choice :
800 Wh without improvement
864 Wh from 2 x Meredieu capsels output per 24 h-"day"
Meredieu " H2O power" capsel : portable
Alternatively : Don Adsitts ( R.I.P.) "Earth battery "
This output cleary collect in a Wh-storage like
capacitor or battery or hybrid ( DIY or commercial product)
High energy storage/cycles ( expensive?) : energybrick
CSIRO Ultra-battery
Water-Grafit battery
"Satisfied ?" , Chet ?
So gehe ER hin in Frieden
Meredieu (
Don Adsitt (
DESCRIPTION : [0008] output ( "...several times.." ) > input
TARGET : 100% input and 100% output as" first success" trial
Quote from: onepower on October 07, 2019, 07:39:15 PM
It's kind of like listening to people debating the virtues of the best donkey/saddle combination while an F-16 flies over there heads.
the best saddle for a donkey is the one that is most comfortable for the animal not the rider.
an F16 is reduced to scrap metal if the fuel tanks are empty or if a financial group halt supplies.
in our modern advanced society horses are used for nothing more than racing , entertainment or pet food yet for 1000s of years horses were used for transport and work, a much prized possession.
the donkey and F16 is just an example of how 2 worlds are made obsolete by external force. and that peoples choices are not really their own
H2 is still the biggest threat to the same old players. notice all the wind farms around the world ? the same power, has the power and don't want to give the people freedom to break loose of the grip
great to see Ed back on board. ....might be good idea to walk away from the forums tho, doesn't seem to change does it
Anybody care to share results?
Before we talk about more money...
H2O, maybe you have to admit that you were had by a conman and been parotting all those years?
Must be hard on you.
Quote from: massive on October 11, 2019, 08:14:21 PM
the best saddle for a donkey is the one that is most comfortable for the animal not the rider.
an F16 is reduced to scrap metal if the fuel tanks are empty or if a financial group halt supplies.
in our modern advanced society horses are used for nothing more than racing , entertainment or pet food yet for 1000s of years horses were used for transport and work, a much prized possession.
the donkey and F16 is just an example of how 2 worlds are made obsolete by external force. and that peoples choices are not really their own
H2 is still the biggest threat to the same old players. notice all the wind farms around the world ? the same power, has the power and don't want to give the people freedom to break loose of the grip
great to see Ed back on board. ....might be good idea to walk away from the forums tho, doesn't seem to change does it
Yeah, as they say you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink. I have lead these people to the core science behind Meyer's work and clearly they refuse to drink. The way I see it I have done what I promised I would do a long time ago and that was to post the core science if I managed to figure it out. My promise to these people is fulfilled in my eyes as they can now do with this technology what they wish with it. For as you can clearly see in these forums things really haven't changed all that much as truth is always rejected when it is handed to them freely as I did in this forum for in their minds, "Who does that?"
Anyway a promise is a promise and I kept my promise on this one as I posted the core science behind this technology for all to have back on pages 21 & 23. I have to now post where the information I posted is to be found as there is just post after post of non topic related garbage designed to bury what I posted so that no one will be able to easily read it and/or find it. If you go over the whole thread you should notice things are coming out backwards and that is due to I was back engineering this technology, but now that I got at the core science I can start from there and talk about this technology in the proper sequence. Perhaps in the future I will do so but for now I will just leave this up as some of these horses I lead will drink the water.
But now the cat is out of the bag and I am sure those whom understand science will make use of the information I provided here.
Take care,
I find the Stephen Meyer patent application much more interresting. Stehen seems to have provided a screen grab from his tek..Great, seems serious.
Perhaps this man tried to cleanse the mistakes of his late brother, who travalled the states for 20 years and did not even tell his wife the secret.
He speaks in much more scientifically sound terms, and proposes a circuit, an actual circuit, there is a mix of high and low frequency, wich is also of interest to me.
Accordnign to some experimenters, this can act deep in the nanoscale.
I see Stephen as a very privileged man, with privileged information and research and a very solid background.
So of course... Anything you say goes directly in the trash, and everything he wrote and said, is held in high regard by me.
ALL YOU EVER DO IS ARGUE! THATS WHY YOU GET BANNED! bla bla bla wrong wrong wrong argue argue !!!
Quote from: ARMCORTEX on October 12, 2019, 10:06:07 AM
Anybody care to share results?
Before we talk about more money...
H2O, maybe you have to admit that you were had by a conman and been parotting all those years?
Must be hard on you.
After all that I shared in the past few post I thought you would have crawled under that rock you crawled out of and stayed there. If you are unable to follow the science I took the time to hand walk everyone through you only show your incompetence with understanding scientific principles. I clearly showed Meyer did in fact mimic "The Global Electric Circuit" and went on to give many examples of how thunderstorms go about breaking down many different molecules as any molecule that makes it's way inside of an active thunderstorm will be separated into it's component atoms in that manor in which I talked about. This is how "Mother Nature" goes about breaking the bonds of molecules and Meyer mimicked this process. No longer is this technology forever lost with Meyer's death as it has been since he passed away as I kept at it asking and answering questions until I finally got at the core science behind the technology.
You laughed and made fun of me in the past and I know in time you will wish that you could take down those post but to come here again and doubt me shows you are really not all that bright or are a very sore loser and/or both but it really does to show your lack of understanding of science when it comes to trying to understand something new. It's sad to see you post this type of doubt in what I have shared with everyone after all the many examples I have given of the science actually working each time a thunderstorm kicks off around the world plus I also gave other examples outside of how thunderstorms work that do the same thing in that they take the electrons away from the atoms that make up the molecules, IE, radiation, heat, photosynthesis, and I could have went on as there are many more examples to talk about but felt that was enough to show everyone that the theory I came up with is sound.
That rock you climbed under for the past month or so was a good place for you for if you can't see that I have figured all of this out by now you do in fact have issues that require help from other types of scientist in the Psychiatric field. Anyone reading this can see this by now in you as I gave far too many examples and you still show your ignorance towards the actual science behind this water for fuel technology in what appears to now be out of spite. Are you mad at me for sharing the science behind this water for fuel technology in an open source forum? If so the only thing that sucks right now is to be you 🤯.
h2opower, As much as I can't stand AOC (the Cortez Congress woman who makes so many news headlines) she does seem highly interested in climate change and getting the world off fossil fuels. Maybe if you contacted her about your gofundme page and told her a summary of what you have going on maybe the gofundme for you would really take off as she has such a huge twitter following.
e2 has a point...
You come to NYC.....I'll help you do that ,nothing ventured nothing gained ...this green party agenda fits this tech like a glove.
I have a place for you to stay too !!
Thanks for the suggestions but know I have a family to take care of so I can not just pick up and run all that easily. I have been posting on AOC twitter account as well as many others and have thus far only gotten a handful of people willing to support my efforts to bring this technology out. I feel that since this science is something totally new to people and the energy sellers paid to say scientist have been putting out propaganda against this technology it is hard for people to trust the science I show them. Most of my colleges are just now starting to look towards understanding the Global Electric Circuit but they are doing so with far to many chiefs and not enough observant scientist people like myself thus they can not see the whole picture.
In time it will come out I am sure of it, but for now I just have to keep at it as my luck is bound to change for the better in the future.
Take care all and remember the important stuff I posted can be found on pages 21 and 23.
plus a reminder
Quote from: ramset on October 29, 2019, 10:22:43 AM
plus a reminder
Ed's info
Ed [H20power]please add any other info from pages 21 and 23 that got Buried
much Gratitude Chet K
Yes fellers, have you read the Moray King look him up on youtube you can crack all this if you really want too! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
JimBoot passed these links on ( (
Ray.....Quote [from Wesley Builder ["party".....thread
yeah why not make a mini tesla coil or use a TV lopt so it creates a plasma spray from loads of sharp spikes and put into a mesh tube to create an ion field anduse magnets to direct theions out to a collector ?
end quote
That sounds interesting Ray ...any more info ?
Thx Chet
anyhoo as the crickets chirp around Ray's info/reply...
And while we wait for the "replications" [myself included]
Here some interesting info on the medium we play with. ( from Gambier (
From member Grumage [EDIT} Grumage corrected me.... from MASTERPLASTER below [not his vid , just his vision...
Around 9 minute mark is bizzare
Much more to water than we ever realized
And we are mostly water .,..,.on a water covered planet!!
Just paying attention
Chet K
Without magnets. !
This "pump" enrolling as tube or donut and we have the MHD or EMD generator/motor, this technology applied in the Mid-80' in Japan as ship drive !
Finally we can all discover what the coating does in WFC. (
Masterplaster I apologize for noting the wrong source of the Video above [Grum did correct me]
So your path forward is evident...First perhaps we learn to swim in the water [harvest]and the rest might fall into place
[other methods to harvest in other media ? respectfully Chet K
To date, no one has presented a convinsing replication of the WFC. I don't want to repeat any names as not to offend.
My current search is for a method to apply an SiO2 layer to the tube. Even if I knew, how thick would the layer be?
Meyer stated in his patent the gap in his test cells were 0.625 inch. That is 1.68 mm. I know of commercial 1 mm thick sintered glass filter tubes.
There is a solution that is called "water glass" which is applied to surfaces for sealing but we want a porous finish
then, I though I can mix some TiO2 with "water glass" before applying it and guess what,
TiO2 under certain condition becomes luminous!
My work will be totally open source. I don't want any money or fame. The only reason I am here is to bounce my ideas around.
Thank you
LUMINOUS ?? ?? (
Quote from: MasterPlaster on November 04, 2019, 01:53:19 PM
To date, no one has presented a convinsing replication of the WFC. I don't want to repeat any names as not to offend.
My current search is for a method to apply an SiO2 layer to the tube. Even if I knew, how thick would the layer be?
Meyer stated in his patent the gap in his test cells were 0.625 inch. That is 1.68 mm. I know of commercial 1 mm thick sintered glass filter tubes.
There is a solution that is called "water glass" which is applied to surfaces for sealing but we want a porous finish
then, I though I can mix some TiO2 with "water glass" before applying it and guess what,
TiO2 under certain condition becomes luminous!
My work will be totally open source. I don't want any money or fame. The only reason I am here is to bounce my ideas around.
Thank you
A Breath of fresh air !!
plenty to experiment with here [and many "will" be [myself included
thxChet K
PSanother open source experimenter who plays with "Oxides" and may have some thoughts
Fausto here '[member Plengo
Quote from: ramset on November 04, 2019, 04:43:54 PM
LUMINOUS ?? ?? ( Breath of fresh air !!
plenty to experiment with here [and many "will" be [myself included
thxChet K
PSanother open source experimenter who plays with "Oxides" and may have some thoughts
Fausto here '[member Plengo (
I'm using cat litter and drain cleaner for SiO2 white oxide for concreters is my source of ti02. It will be interesting to test some metal oxides with SiO2 for some other projects (
Quote from: MasterPlaster on November 04, 2019, 01:53:19 PM
To date, no one has presented a convinsing replication of the WFC. I don't want to repeat any names as not to offend.
My current search is for a method to apply an SiO2 layer to the tube. Even if I knew, how thick would the layer be?
Meyer stated in his patent the gap in his test cells were 0.625 inch. That is 1.68 mm. I know of commercial 1 mm thick sintered glass filter tubes.
There is a solution that is called "water glass" which is applied to surfaces for sealing but we want a porous finish
then, I though I can mix some TiO2 with "water glass" before applying it and guess what,
TiO2 under certain condition becomes luminous!
My work will be totally open source. I don't want any money or fame. The only reason I am here is to bounce my ideas around.
Thank you
Okay the thread is now yours so feel free to lead everyone away from the science I posted as I will sleep well at knight knowing I did what I promised so many years ago when I finally got at the science behind the patents.
Take care everyone,
A patent from ford on how to make SiO2 paint which after firing becomes a porous ceramic. ( I have seen glimpses of luminosity while firing but not enough to test accurately
Quote from: h20power on November 05, 2019, 10:15:45 PM
Okay the thread is now yours so feel free to lead everyone away from the science I posted as I will sleep well at knight knowing I did what I promised so many years ago when I finally got at the science behind the patents.
Take care everyone,
Aren't both ideas valid. I think we should be pursuing both
Quote from: Jimboot on November 06, 2019, 04:22:13 AM
Aren't both ideas valid. I think we should be pursuing both
It's clear to me that you have no idea how this technology actually works and more to the point no understanding of the science I posted for all to have for free. With this technology the dielectric needs to be in direct contact with the capacitor, but who am I, right? I know who started this oxide layer crap and it's none other than Aaron Murakami the guy who thinks this technology produces Ammonia fuel on demand.
Ask and then answer, "How can one hook up capacitors in series if their is a protective layer covering the electrodes preventing them from making use of water as a resistor?" Basically blocking the flow of electrons which in layman's terms breaks the electrical connection they all share together no direct connection to water no electrical link between the capacitors as you can't hook up these types of capacitors in series if the dielectric is air. Meyer even tells us that much stating water is part of the voltage intensifier circuit thus if you isolate the water from the circuit you no longer have a circuit pathway.
Now since what is being done is mimicking a thunderstorm correct me if I am wrong but there doesn't seem to be an oxide layer someplace in the clouds unless I really missed something when I studied them. Did I miss something?
But again who am I, right?
Well, I just so happen to just be the guy whom figured it all out is who I am. For some reason this makes a lot of people upset at me and/or they just can't grasp the idea that one man can figure something out if they just ask and answer the right questions.
So are you saying a porous ceramic won't work? Btw not sure what the attitude is about. Just asked a simple question. No need to get your knickers in a twist
Quote from: h20power on November 05, 2019, 10:15:45 PM
Okay the thread is now yours so feel free to lead everyone away from the science I posted as I will sleep well at knight knowing I did what I promised so many years ago when I finally got at the science behind the patents.
Take care everyone,
I did not come here to challenge you. I am aware of all the hard work you have put in to researching Meyer's work.Still you have not demonstrated a convincing replication. This is your thread and I leave now.
a good idea to start a separate topic IMO.
Utilizing and experimenting with the water Dielectric and what can happen at the capacitor interface ...
Fascinating Topic and a wonderful field to explore.and it is not beyond the layman's bench !! [with caution
much Gratitude
Quote from: MasterPlaster on November 06, 2019, 07:32:45 AM
I did not come here to challenge you. I am aware of all the hard work you have put in to researching Meyer's work.Still you have not demonstrated a convincing replication. This is your thread and I leave now.
There is a video interview of me talking about this technology when I went to the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement conference held in Boulder, Colorado herd of it, seen it? If so what is the name of the person giving me the interview? In that video interview I showed true high voltage being applied to the water fuel capacitor for the first time ever in a provable manor using a high voltage differential probe taking it over 7 kv and to this day not a soul that I am aware of has duplicated those voltages being applied to their water fuel capacitors. Note, now I am getting over 10 kv to the water fuel capacitor of potential difference.
Now when you listen to me talk about this technology in that video you will hear me relate this technology to a thunderstorm as well as talk about how plants go about breaking the bonds of the water molecules. Guess what? My tune hasn't changed as all that has changed is my understanding of this technology has really grown to the point where I can now show just what was being done and why, IE, mimicking a thunderstorm by copying the Global Electric Circuit electronically with the voltage intensifier circuit.
But I guess I should contact Rick Simpson to have him make another video titled,
"Run from the Solution," as I presented the science behind this technology as a solution to our global warming problems and all I see is people running from the solution instead of embracing it and/or giving their support to aid me in bringing out this single solution to our climate change problems.
Now in going over what Meyer states as the working voltages for a cell built to his specifications is it takes 1kv per cell to get the process started. If you have 10 cells hooked up in series it will take 10kv to get the process started as the voltage is divided between the cells in a series setup. Now using much smaller space gaps between the cells I got it to start at much lower voltages but found out it only worked with really pure water, type II deionized water is what I used. The water looks as if it is boiling but yet it stays cool to the touch. Seen that video? I might have posted that video in this thread but I will make you go through the entire thread to check if I did so or not as I am done trying to convince people like you that I do in fact understand just how this technology actually works.
These coatings work well at increasing the efficiency of standard electrolysis setups but since this technology is the opposite of electrolysis electropolishing the stainless steel works best for this technology. Did I mention with the WFC's I sold a while back I passivated all the stainless steel in the units and kept the tolerances to ±0.005 inches? Now if I had gotten the support from forums like these I would have switched to electropolishing the SS as it is better than passivating the SS for this technology with the units I was selling. What I found interesting was people were willing to pay $1,450 bucks for a six cell series WFC that they had to put together themselves and wire everything up but wouldn't pay $1,630 bucks for a ten cell series WFC that came all wire up and ready to go just plug and play. The units even came with a water level senor, all the quick disconnect fittings, and isolated water filtration section, and wire rated at 15kv. Later on I added the high voltage connectors seen in the photo and didn't increase the cost of the units. Wow! huh?
Yeah, I have really been around in forums like these and kinda know for a fact already that asking for support in forums like these is like asking people to poke a needle in their eye, but I made a promise a long time ago and I kept my word thus posting the actual science behind this technology when I understood it. So please stop trying to tell me how this technology works as I am the one that is telling you all how it actually works, okay? Show me some respect for honoring my word and posting the science behind the technology for all to learn from free of charge is all I am asking.
Quote from: h20power on November 06, 2019, 12:18:03 PM
There is a video interview of me talking about this technology when I went to the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement conference held in Boulder, Colorado herd of it, seen it? If so what is the name of the person giving me the interview?
I have that video backed up. "Edward Mitchell and Gunther Rattay Interview #3 with John Frazer". I never saw #1 and # 2 published.
Quote from: MasterPlaster on November 06, 2019, 01:46:48 PM
I have that video backed up. "Edward Mitchell and Gunther Rattay Interview #3 with John Frazer". I never saw #1 and # 2 published.
Thanks as that is correct
I thank the creator for John Fraser as Sterling Allen was supposed to give me an interview but snubbed me when he heard I burned out one of the two transformers I had brought with me. I also had a speaking part in the event that got canceled for reasons unknown. I was all set up to tell everything I had learned about the technology from following the scientific method and have a Q & A part but as I said my part in the event was canceled.
Like I said that was the first time anyone had ever seen someone placing such a high voltage potential on the plates of a water fuel capacitor as before then I think the highest I had seen someone else do was around 560 volts and there I was placing 7.4kv to the cell. So clearly I am doing something much different than everyone else getting voltage levels up this high and the amp readings on the isolated side of the voltage intensifier circuit was only around 0.3 mA which is great amp restriction. I'd run the unit for over 24 hours taking temperature readings every 30 minutes and found that the cell just followed the temps of the day. I guess 0.3 mA wasn't enough to change the temperature of the water even a little bit. The key to amp restriction is the waveform as there must be an equal amount of negative and positive voltage which one can see on the oscilloscope. This is where I find most people don't know how to actually use their oscilloscopes or even interpret the readings their oscilloscopes are showing them. This is the part of physics most people either don't know or failed to pay attention to while in college level physics classes. Here is a video that goes over how to find out the total work done: [size=78%] ([/size]
In this simple video he goes over what to do with negative areas under the curve. This applies to what is being shown on the oscilloscope as positive reading indicate current flowing through the system. Negative reading means it took energy from the system so if with one pulse the positive and negative pulses are equal the total energy flowing through the system is zero for that pulse. Then Meyer set up a series of pulses each will put both negative and positive pulses to the water fuel capacitor and again if those energy are equal in their voltages the net energy that flows through the water bath is zero. I got it really close to zero as the voltage of the positive pulses was around 5 volts more than the negative voltages. So the total work, or in our case current flow, is dependent on the how well one can get the negative and positive voltages to be equal. The area under the curve shown on the oscilloscopes shows the current that is flowing through the system be it negative or positive readings and one must know how to interpret these readings.
This is why when people say that my waveforms are incorrect I know they simply just don't understand how to make sense of this technology as they just don't have enough education under their belts to be trying to solve this technology. For they don't understand for every one pulse sent to the VIC transformer you get two pulses in return one being negative and the other being positive in that order as that is how Meyer set up the transformer in the voltage intensifier circuit. Since the current is being canceled out with a balanced waveform the only thing left to do work is voltage. Those people showing you their waveforms with nothing but positive areas above the zero line are pushing current through the water bath as that is physics and if you can get them to take temperature readings over time you will find out that the water bath heats up depending on how much current they are flowing through the water bath. However they know this and will more than likely refuse to take temperature readings over time as that doesn't square up with what witnesses to Meyer's technology say about setup as it ran for over an hour while they observed it. These eye witnesses tell the water temperature did not change like it should have done if it was standard electrolysis taking place and know you all should have an idea why.
So, in Max Miller's recent "Meyer conference" when he talks about the waveform and how I am doing things wrong he actually contradicts himself later on when going over what Meyer said about the technology in the very same video. The video is still up if you all don't believe me but I am sure it will be pulled down once news of what I said here gets to his ears. In my view many of you are like Max in that you simply don't have what it takes to solve this technology education wise but are too bullheaded to admit it. And furthermore in your arrogance you get in the way of people like me whom have chosen to make use of the scientific method and now have the results to back up what they say scientifically. Thus in my view you all (if the shoe fits wear it) do the work for those that sell energy and want this technology to never see the light of day free of charge.
I know my words can seem harsh but it's the truth and sometimes words like these have to be said or the evil ones win.
Take care and know my aims are for a world with this technology.
Thank you Edward for imparting more information.
This the thread is "Stanley Meyer Explained" So, I am here to find out the explanation!
After so many pages it was time to get a bit of explaination.I am not surprised they throw spanner in your wheels. I was following your thread years back on
the ??? forum that shut down. Unfortunately that happed before you spill the beans!
I am not going to spend time watching MM. I have seen so many time waisters over the yearsthat I can sniff them a continent away.
There was a time that I just wished someone showed me how to replicate Meyer's work.Eventually I came to the conclusion I have to do the work myself because the situationhas been blind leading the blind.
I have enough technical ability to get to the buttom of this and am prepared to make myshare of mistakes.
Quote from: MasterPlaster on November 07, 2019, 02:02:54 AM
Thank you Edward for imparting more information.
This the thread is "Stanley Meyer Explained" So, I am here to find out the explanation!After so many pages it was time to get a bit of explanation.
I am not surprised they throw spanner in your wheels. I was following your thread years back on
the ??? forum that shut down. Unfortunately that happened before you spill the beans!
Your welcome, I just hope all of this translates to actual monetary support for my efforts to bring out this technology ;) as someone else might get it wrong :-\ more than likely.
In the past I generally shared information as I learned it in real time but after all the constant attacks I started just keeping things to myself as who has time to constantly be disrespected time and time again over and over again in a almost non stop manor?! If I shared something it was a result of actually doing the work not just making things up out of thin air. This is why my explanations actually hold up to the test of time and my story doesn't undergo some radical change thus remaining consistent as time passes by. That video interview done by John Fraser should more than prove that is the truth about my work towards solving the science behind this technology as my story really hasn't changed in well over 7 years as I just keep adding to it as I learned more about how things actually worked from actual trial and error experiments following the scientific method.
Now that I have explained how to actually read and interpret things the oscilloscope shows one can clearly see that these waveforms are pushing current through the water bath as after all the oscilloscope is just a tool to aid us in seeing what is actually going on.
That last waveform is actually correct but the transformer was over loaded which is from Max Miller and again you can clearly see he is pushing amps through the water bath. For the most part we have the voltage intensifier circuit wired up the same way but as you can see my setup isn't overloading the transformer. Now my waveform isn't fully balanced but it is doing like it should be doing in attempting to restrict the amps by the waveform alone. Now you all should be able to see just where I got the idea of how to go about drawing the waveforms I showed earlier as those drawings are from actual experimental results and not just something I made up out of thin air.
Later on I got the waveform to be within 5 volts with the positive being greater than the negative voltage but I didn't take any photos of it as I was focused on taking the amperage readings as I got both the positive and negative voltages to be very close to being the same. The readings I observed were between 1.0-0.3 mA using a inline analog micro amp meter. This technology is very complicated but once done correctly well worth the effort.
This video on above cloud extreme electrical discharge to the ionosphere I thought may have context here.
Hi Edward
I have just made one of my ideas public. It is about a new kind of WFC.
If you like you can take a look here:
Quote from: Jimboot on November 09, 2019, 06:54:42 AM
This video on above cloud extreme electrical discharge to the ionosphere I thought may have context here. (
Basically when I look at what mainstream science seems to understand about thunderstorms and their total effect on the air I find that they really don't understand them all that well:
[size=78%] ([/size]
If you look at what they don't talk about it becomes clear that a technology such as this can exist without their ability to being able to understand it. Thunderstorms are the earths natural air cleaners when it comes to greenhouse gases like methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, and so many more as thunderstorms break these molecules down. Us humans have upset the balance by putting far too much air pollutants into the air than the ecosystem can cope with.
I do find it interesting that some scientist do understand that thunderstorms break the bonds of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and some even Water molecules but can't make the connection of the role thunderstorms play in the earth's ecosphere. It is this lack of understanding that has lead us down to this dark path we are on as when solutions like this come out those scientist that don't understand this, and many that depend on their funding from fossil fuel industries, all team up to put these technologies down. It's just interesting to see that some scientist do understand that thunderstorms have the ability to break down molecules and others haven't a clue but as I stated this lack of understanding is the problem as it leads to funding problems when technologies like these try to be used to solve our climate change problems.
In time I see this technology coming out but it seems those times will be really hard when it does for all life on the planet. It seems to be humanities fate to suffer through these climate change disasters in our future as they are too slow to change and thus will be weeded out like everything else in nature that is too slow to change. Just imagine if this technology had been accepted back in 1968 when it first hit the scene what would our earth look like and how would it have changed our lives? Cars running around cleaning the air as they are driven instead of polluting it and everyone being in full control of their own energy needs no longer having to pay to power their automobiles or homes is just what this technology will do once it makes it into our lives. But the lack of support for this technology is what will slow it's adoption into our lives and I feel not until people are actually facing starvation will they then move to support people like me. I must thus be patient and wait until those moments arrive which seems to be my part in all of this.
For those whom wish to give their support before times get truly hard they can do so here:
Much thanks to all those whom choose to willingly support my efforts to bring this technology into the marketplace ;D
[size=78%] [/size]
There's a gap between the ionosphere, and the part of the atmosphere which
has enough atoms and molecules to store a significant charge.
This area can be considered an insulator.
An opposite charge is induced in the upper atmosphere.
Far above cloud formation.
Because the ionic wind is variant, the strength of the charge can drop drastically
When this occurs And there still exists a large charge in the upper atmosphere,
An upwards discharge event can occur.
And even more rarely, when there is a great enough difference between the two charges
A 'beam' of charge can be observed shooting off into space
And in the simplest construction, for example, like this one, will it be possible to get gas in excess of the Faraday law? (over current) If everything is done correctly.At least twice.So that you can fix, measure?
I have not succeeded yet.
The diagram shown is from the "practical guide to free energy devices" which is incorrect so far as I know. You would be much better off to look at Stanley Meyers original patents and work from there.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 18, 2019, 01:47:56 PM
And in the simplest construction, for example, like this one, will it be possible to get gas in excess of the Faraday law? (over current) If everything is done correctly.At least twice.So that you can fix, measure?
I have not succeeded yet.
Interesting that this same circuit is on page 15 of this thread minus the chokes which were added in latter by Dave Lawton latter on. I built and tested that circuit many years ago and it was good for getting my feet wet in this technology as I learned quite a bit from using it. But no it will not get this technology to work correctly as the voltage intensifier circuit must be used along with a circuit similar to or just like Meyer's circuit. I think the 8xa circuit can be made to work but it's difficult to control everything with that circuit but as before I did build and test it and learned a lot from using it. Now that I understand what Meyer was actually doing, IE, mimicking the earths Global Electric Circuit I can see the technology far more clearly than I use to do in the past when I started this thread.
Well, good people told me how to prevent some mistakes.I do not need 3000%, at least twice the current output is more than Faraday.That there was an incentive for further success.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 19, 2019, 09:56:28 AM
Well, good people told me how to prevent some mistakes.I do not need 3000%, at least twice the current output is more than Faraday.That there was an incentive for further success.
Not sure what you are getting at with your last post as nothing can be seen. But to me it seems clear that you seem to reject the science I have shown and chosen a different path of your own making based on the words of those "Good People," which perhaps in your view I am not? Anyway I posted what I learned from hands on experiments dealing with this technology over the coarse of several years. In my humble view it is better to know where you are going instead of just picking a direction and going for it when trying to get someplace. Getting at the core science behind the technology was my way of doing just that as now I know what is to be done and most importantly why it is being done in this manor. Without the core science behind the technology I had no hope of getting the technology up and running as it was more or less like trying to guess up a solution.
Now that I have an understanding of why things are being done this way and what part of nature is this technology trying to mimic I have true hope as I can clearly point out to any scientist how the technology works now. I can even do the math up to certain point showing clearly why there is no current being pushed through the water bath as is the case with Faraday's electrolysis method. In fact Dr. Faraday's method of water decomposition is the total opposite of how this technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules as what makes electrolysis work better has the opposite effect on this method of water decomposition and vise versa as what makes this technology work better totally messes up how electrolysis works. Since one method of water separation is coming from man and the other from nature it should be clear which method is the most efficient as nature always tends to do things with the least amount of wasted energy.
QuoteIn my humble view it is better to know where you are going instead of just picking a direction and going for it when trying to get someplace.
Not unlike the difference between a shopper and a browser, the shopper is looking to find something specific of value they want while the browser is just looking to fulfill an impulsive need. Sure they may appear as the same thing however the context and the goal are not the same.
QuoteGetting at the core science behind the technology was my way of doing just that as now I know what is to be done and most importantly why it is being done in this manor. Without the core science behind the technology I had no hope of getting the technology up and running as it was more or less like trying to guess up a solution.
I think you nailed it, and I have found there are two kinds of science/experiments. One is the most common which I call the "Hail Mary" where we just throw some stuff together we don't understand and hope something happens which is seldom if ever the case, lol. However the second kind is when we can literally see what it is we want however were not quite sure how to get there. In this case there is a predetermined method and progression always acting forwards towards our goal.
In my opinion science is when we have already nailed down all the understanding and theory we need at which point the experiment is just an exercise in proving what we already know for others. There is only one real proof which is ... real proof, the rest is speculation at best.
Excuse me if not. It's just that you really need to get something.
kolbacict, Just what do I need to get? I mean I know what I need to get and have in fact been asking for it for awhile now, but I am curious in learning just what you think I need to get.
Onepower I hear you loud and clear. When I jumped off the bandwagon of those employing the "Guess Method," I began to notice that my experiments completely diverged from theirs. Back then I think most of them where getting around 5-400 volts to their WFC's with the vast majority of them getting around 10-15 volts while in a very short time after leaving the guess methodology behind I started getting voltages unheard of to my WFC. I clearly remember talking about it and having people think I was pulling their chain telling them tall tales. When that video interview of me taken by John Fraser hit YouTube it was clear I wasn't telling any tall tales as the voltage readings were easy to read when watching the video. I clearly had the differential probe hooked up to the WFC, both leads, and was driving the WFC with VIC transformer. All of the sudden the bar of high voltages got pushed to levels no one had ever seen before as 7.3-7.4 kv was a far cry from 5-400 volts.
What saddened me about all of that was the way the Open Source community reacted to seeing someone get true high voltages the likes talked about in Stanley Meyer's technical brief and patents for the first time ever and since if my memory serves me correctly. People started resorting to all kinds of foolishness in trying to show their experiments were also producing high voltages, like not hooking up both the probe leads to the WFC, and some even reprogramming their oscilloscopes to read higher than it was actually reading. As I improved upon my results I'd show screenshots of the waveform and voltages being applied to the water fuel cell but each time I did so it seemed to make everyone else more and more angry so I stopped showing my work at around 8.8 kv reached to the cell.
I even pointed out just where in Meyer's writings where it stated that in order to get this technology up and running the voltages to each individual cell had to be around 1 kv or more, but again it just seemed to make the Open Source community even more angry so I just stopped sharing altogether. In time my experimental results were so far outside of theirs that they simply could not believe it and rejected my work telling people I was cheating somehow.
Now it seems things are getting heated up again because I actually shared the core science behind the patents letting people know just what it was Meyer was mimicking in nature. And I did so showing many different examples of how mother nature goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules as well as other types of molecules. But it seems it's all for not as that same old record is still playing on their music boxes. Now it seems I just need to wait and give people a chance to truly go over some of the things I have posted.
not seeing anything in those screen shots unless that is the message ??
H2 from water is still the biggest threat to oil and the electric industries, so any research or should further research is important.
what Ive always thought of the lightning model is that there is open circuit until ionization but when the strike hits the earth is what interested me. the earth plate at zero R.
Meyers never went into the short circuit condition in any of his talks ... which is zero R
this is where I look at Teslas tower or wooden tower with conductive top. the concept people believe of broad casting is ridiculous.
most tall buildings around the world have Lightning rods as conductive path to EARTH, the zero R.
IF Tesla broadcast anything it would be better as a positive charge to attract negative strike, then transform it and feed it to usable level.
PS: Heretical builders was the site , and damn good too. Ive even forgotten the owner name, oh well he did a service for us having that site.
sorry for the bad pictures, it was meant.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 20, 2019, 04:36:09 AM
Excuse me if not. It's just that you really need to get something.
So, that is what you think I need to get is it? Wrong! The way you show the pulsing should be is drawing far more current from the supply as it's on more than it is off verses Meyer's off more than it is on. Anyone versed in adding up energy can easily see that as the math will show it loud and clear. But if that doesn't convince you then just put an analog amp meter in line with the power supply with one circuit pulsing the way you show and the other the way Meyer shows on the same transformer at the same voltage input and take some current readings.
You really should try and show people like me a little more respect as I have already done those test I mentioned for you to try and do many years ago.
Here is what you simply don't get and that is how to interpret the readings on a oscilloscope for allow me to ask you a question, yes? What does the area under the curve represent on the oscilloscope?
QuoteBut if that doesn't convince you then just put an analog amp meter in line with the power supply
I agree. This is obvious without an ammeter. But we want a miracle, right? :)
According to classical electrochemistry, gas cannot stand out more than according to Faraday's law.
but it doesn't suit us.
You see kolbacist here is the problem in a nutshell. If people like you are ask a question they never give an answer. I ask you what does the area under the curve represent and you gave no answer, why is that? You know what's even more sad, I think I posted the answer to that question only a page or two back. This is what I mean by being disrespectful as people like you will not even take the time to read what is posted in this thread but come at me as if you have all the answers when it should be clear that I am posting all of the answers as to the science behind this technology free for all to have and learn from.
Right now you need to go over this thread and pay attention to pages 21 & 23 as I go over the science behind this technology and you will find it interesting to lean that it has nothing to do with Dr. Faraday's work as it is something the scientific community missed in their rush to give answers to how thunderstorms actually work as they couldn't be more wrong. Mimicking this Global Electric Circuit electronically is exactly what Meyer, and others, did to break the bonds of the water molecules at rates that far exceed the efficiency of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method.
This is not a miracle as it is science that has gone misunderstood for long enough in my book. This technology is the total opposite of classical electrochemistry according to Faraday's law as it is looking at how nature breaks the bonds of the water molecules and mimicking that. People like to go to what I call the comic book section of Meyer's patents and just look at the pictures but in that they get mislead as Meyer shows only one side of the waveform most of the time but if one reads the information in the adult section he always talks about there being both positive and negative voltages and as it would have it just a page back I go over the importance of the waveform having a balanced positive and negative voltage complete with photos and even a photo of my actual waveform from which those drawings are based off of. Yes, I did the work as that is what is required when making use of the scientific method.
Sure it took me a long time to get at the science behind this technology as I started this journey back in 2006 but I knew going into this that the scientific method is a slow process but I kept at it for over a decade. It's hard when you are dealing with unknowns as you have to ask and answer the right questions and will find that you don't have really anyplace to go and look up any information as most of what you are dealing with is new to the scientific community. In that it is something new to the scientific community you have to trust your experimental results and observations and constantly test them to make sure you are in fact correct. And while all of this is going on if you are like me and post in open places people will treat you with utter disdain and disrespect. I guess in their minds who do I think I am?! This is my experience with dealing with the Open Source community I get treated as garbage for my troubles.
Anyway, I am ranting thus it's time to stop posting for a bit.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone ;D
I also have a question why many people advise adding soda to the water, or worse, caustic soda.This negates the idea of high-voltage resonant decomposition of water.High voltage simply cannot exist in such a conductive medium.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 24, 2019, 12:34:55 PM
I also have a question why many people advise adding soda to the water, or worse, caustic soda.This negates the idea of high-voltage resonant decomposition of water.High voltage simply cannot exist in such a conductive medium.
Sure you are correct in this as what works best for Faraday style water decomposition works worse for Meyer style water decomposition. But there is something you have to know about me in that if I ask you a question I expect an answer and now with each and every post that you make on my thread will be followed up by that question until I get an answer from you stating you truly don't know or this is what it represents in your own words. The reason being is this question drives at the core of how this technology works and if one can't interpret the readings on a oscilloscope what chance do they have at understanding this technology? This is where being honest actually helps as I will provide the answer but first I want my question answered.
"What does the area under the curve represent on a oscilloscope for this technology?"
I hate to do this to you but it is a very important question and thus must not go unanswered.
Just keeping it real,
If this is the current passed through the cell, then the area is the number of kulons passed in one or the other direction. :)
Ok, enough of this.
I have tracked down the necessary information to lay this subject to rest.
In this series, you will hear Stephen say that his system is more advanced and that nobody knew how Stans stuff worked
I have examined this patent, and it seems the circuit is complete.
I have here the necessary synthesizer of this waveform, and now all that is needed is self wound double tap audio transformers. The 3 phase winding is now possible, all the hard work, done by me. You are free to do whatever you want, a microcontroller with a lowpass might be simpler, depending on how comfortable you are.
I believe, the amplifier should be N type mosfet as they are reliable and cheap, I also believe, that for scientific experimentation, non commutation state must be maintained.
Read up on these and how to make them efficient.
The goal here is not to have 100% efficiency. Any heat-loss should be re-utilized for other purposes.
The ultimate goal is to determine if certain signals inflence the efficiency, and for this we need quality signals.
@ a certain frequency point, mechanical generator drop off in efficiency, now if the cell you build is static, its best to be able to reach higher frequencies.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 25, 2019, 02:26:14 AM
If this is the current passed through the cell, then the area is the number of kulons passed in one or the other direction. :)
Correct, and in physics it's known as the ability to do work. Thus if you see someone with a waveform that is only positive they are doing pulsed DC electrolysis and might as well do what everyone else does to make Faraday style electrolysis work better. But in Meyer's work the waveform is to be balanced with both positive and negative voltages being equal so in this way the work done to perform normal electrolysis simply isn't there as the two areas cancel each other out. In my experiments I have gotten the current down to just 0.3 mA which Meyer calls "Amp Leakage." This is how voltage can now do work as in this way a very high voltage potential difference can be place on the plates of the WFC which is basically mimicking a thunderstorm in nature.
In the first photo is of Max Millers waveform and the second my own. Things to note we both have the circuit hooked up the same way with the only difference being Max has just two cells hooked up in series and I have ten cells hooked up in series. Basically he over loaded the transformer and as a result it was not able to charge the negative voltage and all of that positive energy went through the water bath.
Now in the last two drawings each vertical line represents one pulse sent to the transformer with a total of five pulses sent to the transformer. When it is hooked up correctly it always puts a negative voltage ahead of the positive voltage and if the two are equal no current flows through the water bath. But there is always a little energy left over at the end that will pass through the water bath as shown in the last drawing.
Can you see just how important that question is now?
No, this is garbage, and since your gofundme efforts are dead in the water, I guess this is the right thing to call you out in order to keep the facts straight. There is a much better experimenter out there than you, his name is Valyon. Now I am not sure what his level of progress,
but it seems he is farther than you.
Unlike you, he sees value in the paper of Stephen meyers, wich is great, as it is an unexplored avenue.
You dont know more than anybody on this subject, I can go get a stranger down the street, give him my circuit, and he will have progressed farther than you.
Once we try the stephen stup, we can call it a day, and say we explored all Meyer avenues, and confirm that: The meyers were nothing but scamming trash.
Quote from: Toolofcortex on November 25, 2019, 11:39:40 AM
No, this is garbage, and since your gofundme efforts are dead in the water, I guess this is the right thing to call you out in order to keep the facts straight. There is a much better experimenter out there than you, his name is Valyon. Now I am not sure what his level of progress,
but it seems he is farther than you.
Unlike you, he sees value in the paper of Stephen meyers, wich is great, as it is an unexplored avenue.
You dont know more than anybody on this subject, I can go get a stranger down the street, give him my circuit, and he will have progressed farther than you. (
Once we try the stephen stup, we can call it a day, and say we explored all Meyer avenues, and confirm that: The meyers were nothing but scamming trash.
You Armcortex will be ignored until hell freezes over.
I guess free energy will never happen then :-*
Arm you feel so strongly START YOUR OWN TOPIC
please remove your Nasty comments here
some of us have much gratitude for Ed's contributions and are trying to follow and do some experiments.
if you post something that Peeps can play with ??start your own topic.
no excuses
The title of this thread is appropriate.
Stanley Meyers explained: The story of Stanley Meyers is the story of a man on a 20 year quest in order to free american from oil dependency. It seems however that this man could not manage to accomplish his goal in a 20 year period, to fail to pass along the intelligence to accomplish what you preach raises questions. Many have tried and been left in poor mental state, as can be seen.
If anything, the twin brother of Stan should be trying to redeem his brother by giving us a good paper.
But maybe he too, has the same "meyer tendency" to create a ponzi out of something that looks real.
I think a community effort, aimed @ recreating this paper is a low investment-high gain activity.
H2Opower, that man wont be you specifically, I dont think you are competent enough to be honest.
2700$ is enough money to make this.
If you are not the type that is 100% DIY to keep costs down, you are not the tyoe to be doing this.
A high number of the same cell is just a waste, what is needed are circuit brains type person with unique setups,
that have high flexibility. And, to understand the role of the impedance matching.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 25, 2019, 02:26:14 AM
If this is the current passed through the cell, then the area is the number of kulons passed in one or the other direction. :)
Now before we were rudely interrupted did you see just how this technology is different from that of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method? When the waveform is correct the only thing left to do work is voltage as the current cancels itself out. Just like in a thunderstorm the high voltage potential difference can now do the work of breaking the bonds of the water molecules by getting at the atoms to eject their electrons and no electrons no holding force to keep the molecules together.
Meyer's Voltage Intensifier Circuit is a way to mimic the Global Electric Circuit electronically making it so we too can break the bonds of the water molecules and more as the technology goes much further than just making use of water as a source of fuel.
As you can see from Max's and my waveform when the waveform is right it cancels out the current as I have the reading to prove it and if you pay close attention to Max's video you can see heat waves being generated as the current is flowing through the water. It's just as Meyer stated in the New Zealand video that the current is canceled out by magnetic fields. The oscilloscope allows us to see the action and verify everything mathematically. In physics these are just work summation problems adding up all the energies and for each pulse sent to the VIC transformer two pulses come out be it one negative and the other positive and as long as they are close to equal there will be little to no current flowing through the water bath as the sum of the energies is zero.
Basically with all that I have posted on this form it should clearly show that this technology does in fact work scientifically as thunderstorms do it each and every day on this planet and have been doing so much longer than I have been alive. This all goes to show that anyone claiming that this technology breaks the laws of physics simply doesn't understand those laws well enough to be making that assumption.
Here is a funny video showing how to add up work problems enjoy everyone and give the man a thumbs up!
Can you please stop using Max's videos and pictures?
For 2700$ I could have offered the public a better show.
Now your time has passed.
I have been quite nice with you, I have squeezed you to a mush, but I offered you an escape avenue, but you seem to be stuck my friend.
I have always proposed that you spend less, and think more, and do this instead, wind your own coils. Have you read my lectures in the years past?
For 2700$ I could have offered the public a better show.
Now your time has passed.
The Stephen Meyer cell looks like a star of David, you like that correct?
Look at him, look at all his home videos, can you imagine the stuff hes got that you dont got, the suff he knows that you dont know?
Wouldnt you love to just tear that engine apart? Wouldnt you love go through all his belongings?
Here, the stephen meyers looks like a star of david and a Joe cell.
Unfortunately, I just can't experiment with a cell and a circuit. I have to spend time repairing equipment to make a living .not enough time. :'(
Its Ok Kolbacit, this is too much for you.
Despite your clear ignorance and lack of education, you proved to be an exeptionnal user, hard worker. You work alot and you talk little.
I'm sure that if you were given 2700$ and this circuit, that you could do much more Hydrogen than anybody before. ;D
Quote from: kolbacict on November 27, 2019, 04:19:51 AM
Unfortunately, I just can't experiment with a cell and a circuit. I have to spend time repairing equipment to make a living .not enough time. :'(
I understand as this technology takes a lot of time and money to get the things needed built properly and testing underway. Just trying to take temperature change readings over time properly can eat up an entire day or two.
People look at the cell I am using and have no idea just how hard it was to get it made for me by a local machinist where I live. They don't understand that a machine shop will not make just one of something, well not at a cost that anyone could afford anyways. Most have a minimum make amount that must be paid in full before they even get started most of the time. I had to make eight of these cells minimum with a total cost of around $13,000 bucks. It's not a cheap technology to have built let alone the time one must sink into making and revising the VIC transformer that will have enough energy to be able to charge up the cell. Which by the way cost even more than making the WFC cells as again you will run into minimum buy amounts as the core cost $358.40 with a minimum buy of eight and you don't even get a price break unless you buy 50 or more units. Same for the wire as you can't buy just what you need as you have to buy what ever minimum buy amount they offer for the right type of coatings, sizes, and types of wire you need. Most people have no idea of these cost as they never get to point of building anything.
I'll keep at it as I have come this far and now can see the light at the end of the tunnel,
Maybe in those years.
But nowadays, developping machine shops in china offer extremely competitive pricing, and anything out of delin can be turned with a 500$ lathe on craigslist.
3D printers are more affordable.
Its up to the CTO, chief technology officer to make every dollar count and plan everything from design to manufacturing.
Its not hard to manufacture high tolerance jobs, anybody can do this.
Of course, if you listen to these bullshitters, open your mouth, and say "fill me up honey", you are gonna pay a bit more.
Here let me give you an example of bringing a manufacturing process in house.
Instead of paying somebody to assemble my boards, I decided to buy this retrofit kit, to turn a regular oven into a high precision reflow oven.
Total price: 250$ USD.
Its this divide and conquer strategy that will make or break you as a business man.
Lets simulate if I was making this Stephen cell.
Now, I have my pcb software:free
Digikey Parts: ~100$
China PCB shops: 200-300$ I might make a few impedance boards.
I need: A plastic circular tube, and a plastic disk, plastic seperator/holder for the tube: 500$. Glue this. It will all be surrounded by water as suggested so leaks are of no concern.
For the SS tubes: Off the shelf pair, machined third if problems, will look for all off the shelf standards.
I think I would come under 2700$. Ok yeah I'm good at this but still, it was free money, you cant expect alot out of gofundme.
Since this is a MOSFET amp, this is all you need.
The cell should be driven by powerful batteries 12-13.8 volts
I think some F4 microcontroller with 3x ADC can do this, but there might till be need for lowpass, I am not sure.
This circuit is for zero programming/turn the knob.
But close to the cutoff, since this is a multiphase type scenario, the imperfections of the filter components play a role in phase shift/amplitude drop.
I would be surprised if you needed more than 10khz, considering that the sine component measure ~500hz in the patent application.
Now if any anomalous effects were detected, perhaps we could figure out other more efficient design topologies.
Yes, not enough time, but unfortunately I have to deal with routine affairs. But I hate these things.
But I will do it anyway. Here is what is already there. Bottom to measure gas volume.
Another tormented thought. Why do I see all cells are two-dimensional? Be it a cylinder in a cylinder or flat plates.If we have a water molecule is a three-dimensional tetrahedron, then can arrange three electrodes in the form of a three-dimensional grid?
And make full use of your three phases.
Dont do it.
You will only do it poorly and feel discoueraged.
The cells are as they are because greater men said so and we will copy them.
It seems to be the hardest part , is to start your own thread ?
take that first step .........
I am doing snow angels in the backyard of this thread, its mine, always have been.
Suck it!
This thread was garbage untill I started posting on it.
The pictures posted here dont even belong to H2Opower,
But to this guy
He has been taking you for a ride.
H2Opower, its wrong to just post pictures as if it was yours.
Quote from: kolbacict on November 28, 2019, 06:17:38 AM
Another tormented thought. Why do I see all cells are two-dimensional? Be it a cylinder in a cylinder or flat plates.If we have a water molecule is a three-dimensional tetrahedron, then can arrange three electrodes in the form of a three-dimensional grid?
And make full use of your three phases.
Peter davey, find all you can from him.
There was a man from France who studied this in depth.
For electrolyzers, maybe it could happen, to create some sort of resonant cavity, but I would be surprised if we were the first to think of this.
thank you all. We will try differently.
QuoteYou will only do it poorly and feel discoueraged.
I'm used to being disappointed.The same cell experimented with such a circuit. It didn't work.
only according to the law of Faraday from the DC component of the current.On the alternating and pulsating not a single bubble stood out.
Alternating is not the way.
This is not AC, look again.
But once in a while, the polarity flips. I have yet to figure this out yet why.
I have not done in depth electrochemistry like Stephen Meyers did. He says very little in the interview but asks a question.
Why is snow white?
He also talks about the steel itself, and how transistors were born
??? That is all, not much.
Von Braun
Meyers might be, certainly not me.
I am no good @ calculus.
But if you are good, I might need ya.
In fact, I like to cheat with CAS like maxima.
Yeah, I'm a big fat cheater and I like it like that.
As I understand it, a bifilar choke installed in front of the cell. Is it necessary in order not to interfere with the excitation of high-frequency oscillations at the terminals of the cell?
I had in mind these frequency fluctuations. The thought came whether this frequency could not be the resonant frequency in the bifilar choke? And not related to the water cell?
I understand that for many years this may have been discussed.
I am not an expert in this, and I would not consider anything that H20power says as "serious" if he ever would give you an answer either.
Simply put, nobody can answer you if bifilar coil is "better" because the science of causing increased gas production has never been proven or replicated.
What we dont really see is if Mr Petkov is getting exciting results or "just bubbles". Wich would make this Stan Meyers all over again, wich i dont want to repeat this loop.
Mr Pektov is doing something I dont quite understand, and he seems to think his waveforms are the same as stephen, when they are not.
I am not sure if Stephen Meyers uses a bifilar, pehaps he does, there is a double inductor but as drawn should not expect bifilar.
If its sending the right waveform then I dont see why it hurts tho.
The water will react to "a waveform", this is not a Kapanadze device where there is some important relationship for the coil otherwise water doesnt split.
Water is water, and we use, signals, capacitors, inductors, to tune the signal and gain efficiency.
Now I would need professionnal to analyze patent of Stephen Meyer.
And why do many topics go into oblivion many years ago.
For example, there was such a Tin man.
What did he achieve? Did he get his own OU ?
Using the keyword search, you can find a lot of topics on the decomposition of water. Only on this site. People worked, argued, lived it. And all is forgotten.
I'm thinking, if Meyer broke the covalent bonds of a water molecule by resonance,gas should be released throughout the cell, not on the electrode.If bubbles appear only on the electrode, this indicates a banal Faraday process.
I'm right?
there is the sites, for what its worth ::)
Yeah pretty much right, many people mistakes HV bubbles with frequency for regular banal electrolysis.
How do distinguish? BIG PRODUCTION. On the electrodes or near the electrodes, if the production is BIG, then its special electrolysis.
Lets say big production = 2x Faraday efficiency.
Quote from: Toolofcortex on December 21, 2019, 06:37:11 AM
there is the sites, for what its worth ::)
Yeah pretty much right, many people mistakes HV bubbles with frequency for regular banal electrolysis.
How do distinguish? BIG PRODUCTION. On the electrodes or near the electrodes, if the production is BIG, then its special electrolysis.
Lets say big production = 2x Faraday efficiency.
1) Faraday described a relationship between a moving charge and a conductor
His math did NOT include the atomic function of Maxwell's 3 equations
2) electrolysis is the function Stars!
Like the Sun that gives life and energy to our planet
the source of our "global warming problem", the answer to " infinite energy"
What exactly does a greenhouse gas "do"?
What temperature does Hydrogen burn at in open Air?
10,000+ degrees???
How does that make sense to you from a perspective of electrolysis?
Or Fuel cells?
Do it.
I have had a bench top weed eater Engine running an alternator
Powering it's up own electrolizer and still giving torque at the output shaft
The math shows overunity as does the real world situation.
It has little to do with Stanley Meyer's device.
He simply improved upon what was already happening.
Its become coocoo town with all the gibberish.
Well, take radiolysis or photolysis.
There, decomposition products are formed in the entire cell volume, and not on the electrodes.
And this is understandable. If Meyer's technology breaks the covalent bonds of non-ionized water molecules by his resonance,HHO should be generated in its whole volume. and not on the electrode.
I wonder if anyone thought about this?
Quote from: kolbacict on December 23, 2019, 01:47:47 PM
Well, take radiolysis or photolysis.
There, decomposition products are formed in the entire cell volume, and not on the electrodes.
And this is understandable. If Meyer's technology breaks the covalent bonds of non-ionized water molecules by his resonance,HHO should be generated in its whole volume. and not on the electrode.
I wonder if anyone thought about this?
Many have. A well built electrolyzer will have plate distances just greater than
the break down gap for their particular electrolyte mixture.
And in this arrangement, electrolysis takes place in the entire volume between the plates,
not just on the electrode surface.
If they are close enough, separation of the 2 gas streams becomes impossible.
look up the stephen meyers paper, gas is generated across the whole bath.
read it!
Smoky2, I have seen such banal things before from the people at ionizationx
Its boring.
Quote from: Toolofcortex on December 23, 2019, 03:57:54 PM
look up the stephen meyers paper, gas is generated across the whole bath.
read it!
Smoky2, I have seen such banal things before from the people at ionizationx
Its boring.
Vicktor Schauberger wrote the math on this.
Just put a magnetron in an appropriate sized vessel l x w x h = (1/xf)^3
Or it a simpler form, make the dimensions of your vessel a multiple of the wavelength.
Have you considered what frequency Meyers was operating at?
What does your microwave do? ??? ?
When a volume of water is set to resonate it heats up.
essentially increasing its' internal energy.
Inside a resonant cavity, the entire volume of water will resonate
not just the individual molecules.
Steam can be produced at a much lower energy cost in this manner
and with the addition of an electric field, electrolysis follows the same energy curve.
(assuming the water is still in liquid form, governed by temperature and pressure)
The fact that the Meyers devices stayed cold, means that for the power level he was using
the volume of water was large enough to diffuse the heat faster than it was being created.
However, the "temperature" in terms of molecular energy, is a function of motion.
and in that sense, the water is "hot" while the cell is being used.
QuoteHave you considered what frequency Meyers was operating at?
What does your microwave do? ??? ?
I do not know how really was. Open sources say that it is several orders of magnitude less than any resonant activity of a water molecule.
Quotelook up the stephen meyers paper, gas is generated across the whole bath.
And that changes the matter.
If this, of course, is true. :)
How many of you have built a Meyers cell to experiment with?
It's almost Xmas,..... but I might have a little time to
make things that go boom
QuoteHow many of you have built a Meyers cell to experiment with?
Honestly, if exactly according to the documentation, not a single one.
Lacking some materials.
In general, if with my variations, I am working on it.
His "water capacitor" is simply concentric electrodes.
The specific shape he chose was just a work around
to allow gas flow and water to renter the pipes.
This can be facilitated in many ways.
The important thing is the operating voltage (peak)
and the distance between (gap) the electrodes.
A variac or programmable timing circuit or a freq gen.
Will allow you to 'tune in' to the freq.
It will be a lower harmonic of (multiple of wavelength) the 2.456 Ghz
[Microwave ovens operate slightly below this value for max performance]
with a modulation and phase shift according to reluctance
and capacitance of the concentric electrode system.
I say system, because the more tubes you add, the greater the
modulation. (parallel arrangements)
This knowledge is not necessary as you can visually observe a change
in gas production as you approach and leave certain frequency based nodes.
Be careful with the max V, above a certain potential the water
simply becomes conductive and the electrolysis function breaks down.
On a side note: (concerning where in the tank the gas is formed)
After reviewing photos and footage of the devices,
It is my opinion that gas is being formed between the tubes.
Which agrees with the results of my experiments in the past.
There are some images that show the tank filled with bubbles
or bubbles coming from the bottom of the outer tube and floating
upwards and out into the vessel.
I think this is caused by pressure not by water disassociating outside the circuit.
And if Meyer makes low-frequency pauses mechanically, by rotating one electrode?
This is highlighted in yellow.
I came up with this myself! :) ;)
Quote from: kolbacict on December 26, 2019, 12:02:54 PM
And if Meyer makes low-frequency pauses mechanically, by rotating one electrode?
This is highlighted in yellow.
I came up with this myself! :) ;)
If you are serious about this technology, you need to do the work yourself. Many well meaning people will unknowingly mislead you. For start do a search "meyer wfc 2.456 Ghz". I think this is just a product of imagination
As for the usefulness of the 555 circuit from Dave Lawton reminds me of this quote: By ( the way I think Dave Lawton's system was a hoax.
As for the tubes, no one has ever satisfactorily explained the reason for the slots cut in each one.
Happy new year
That is, do not trust anyone and listen only to your inner voice?lucid dreaming is still a good way. Trying to catch the highest knowledge.
And the pistol shrimp is just sitting under his rock laughing...
If you think it is imagination, then you should spend a few years
studying water then come back to the table.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on December 27, 2019, 03:26:43 PM
And the pistol shrimp is just sitting under his rock laughing...
If you think it is imagination, then you should spend a few years
studying water then come back to the table.
We need to stop repeating things we have heard somewhere else. Come to think of it have you ever seen a pistol shrimp?I know a lot about water but unless I can actually physically demonstrate something in person I stay silent. Still, that is my way.Now which facet of water do you want to know about? I am happy to share all I know for free! I will be conducting some serious experiments in the coming year.
Well, since we're talking about the resonance of the undueterated H2O molecule
This is the aspect I would like to focus on.
Not just the 4.567 GHz that we cook with
Or the 127.89 MHz we use to detect cancer
But also the 25.67 KHz of sonoluminescence
And the 1.589 KHz deep-ocean resonant vibration of the pistol shrimp.
(the shrimp is an exception to the below due to increased pressure)
We don't want heat so let's stay way below that node
We don't want light, so let's go below that
But the effect we DO want is in the ultrasonic range in
which light can occur. So not too much lower
And I am using the scientific definition in which the threshold
of atomic vibration occurs (18.7KHz) not the 20K of the human ear.
Now: our effect (Meyers') can occur at lower frequencies, and so our range overlaps
the ultrasonic and sonic (molecular vibration >18.7kHz) range of sound.
varied by electrode spacing (and sometimes vessel dimensions)
What is this effect? Exactly?
How do we describe this in a manner which satisfies our equation?
Allow me to attempt a translation into normal people thought.
The physical distance between the electrodes is occupied by a volume of water.
This volume of water is oscillating linearly in a <—> plate to plate direction.
This causes the current graph to take on a shape similar to the voltage graph
but slightly out of phase in the time domain and truncated abruptly below the breakdown V
This is taking into account the capacitance of the cell.
We can assume rigid electrode placement, and therefore the entire cell is moving
in synchronization.
The Electric Field, however, exists in a space that is relatively stationary.
This in effect shorten and lengthens the ionization pathway with each pulse.
1) Pulse
2) plate voltage increases
3) Distance pulse has to travel decreases - discharging the "water capacitor".
(see why he uses his term?)
4) Pulse truncates
cycle repeats with next pulse.
When the pulse timing is synchronized with the tail of the discharge
the cell will "resonate", or more accurately: oscillate with the right timing to
operate at its optimal output.
It is not a true "a/c tank", but carries many of the same attributes.
The result is increased gas over time.
There is visibly many more bubbles rising in the tank.
Overunity? Hydrogen does this without Meyers
More efficient? Possibly but more accurate test methods are needed.
More gas for the cell size over time? absolutely. (which is what an ICE requires)
you don't need concentric tubes per say
this is probably the best but if you just want to play with the effect
Set up a 3-plate capacitor. (Fixed plates, not loosely taped inside a bucket)
Center plate 2x area
outer plates connected in parallel.
This arrangement will allow you to adjust plate distances
As you experiment with different frequencies.
You want a DC pulse frequency generator
You can use an a/c signal gen with a square wave bandpass
IF (and big IF) the cut-off time is quick enough for the freq. range.
The freq. nodes you are looking for will double with every 1/8 inch spacing
Amplitude of oscillations is proportional to voltage.
This is NOT just a physical vibration, and that is what is important to understand here.
This is a physical vibration in synchronization with an NMR node and has relativistic implications.
That is why current is phase shifted in the time domain. Lagging the voltage. Like a transformer
or tank circuit capacitor discharge.
This is visible on the scope.
I'm still working on a bench top demo to show you guys but my tubes are made of a
high-resistance non-magnetic alloy that frankly sucks for this. So I need either new tubes or
some plates I can carefully adjust.
I'll post it when I have something to actually show you.
I have a lot of projects I'm in the middle of atm...
Hope this info helps you on your journey.
In scientific study they will say the ultrasonic vibration "impacted the conductivity"
But it's a lot more complicated than that.
The phaseshift energy (nucleation energy) is increased.
More so in the solid phase but also for liquid, gas and plasma.
(don't ask me how to contain plasmatic dihydrogen-monoxide)
The internal energy of the molecule increases, and the PH changes.
it takes more energy to cause the molecule to heat up.
When you send electrical energy into it, instead of it all going to heat
some is used in the ionization and ultimately, the electrolysis.
The change in heat is small to us, not really measurable over electrolysis time.
But the change in gas production is clearly apparent.
What's important to us is the time varying resistance.
You can plot it by comparing the V and the A over time.
as you approach the nodes you see the 3 graphs look like a 3-phase a/c motor.
an ultrasonic transducer on the outside of the tank can confirm the node by a
signal being picked up.
Sm0ky2, You do me honor by your detailed reply. It will take me a little time to respond accordingly.
Meyers rotates the elctrodes but using a third electrode.
Stephen Meyers.
All is well described, there is no reason to make things up anymore.
And I have made the circuit emulator 9 years ago, the time for building men has come, the time for talking boys is over.
Shut your mouths, its all in your mind and utter bullshit, get to work, test the theory of a man who mway have discovered all the secrets.
Exept Kolbacit, he wants to prove to himself something so he's going in his own failing ways.
I am still trying to line up my ideas with yours. We have overlaping ideas. To add to the mix,have you seen this: ?I don't believe we need to look for a prescribed frequency. Every cell has it's own unique characteristics andtherefore its own "ringing" frequency. P.S. this is just a gut feeling.When I start my experiments I will begin from step 1 which is 2 concentric SS tubes ( seemless ) + water and
straight DC.
Dont adress Smoky2, hes Talking gibberish.
Adress the stephen meyers paper, nothing else.
Everybody tried that stuff, 100+ People.
Dont ne the next sucker, be serious.
Stop talking, start doing, something new.
I am talking to the big balls alpha.
Not the betas.
I think we should organise a boxing match for charity, I'll knockout a few uncoordinated asstwats.
Is this making any sense?
All the plates have same potential as source,
but they are still connected in serial?
Anyway, happy New Eve!
Tables of molecular vibrational frequencies
water is on page 10
Those frequencies are extremely high.
Those frequencies are too high in the spectrum for home made electronics.
The best you can hope for is sub harmonics with impulse edge ringing.
This is all in the drive circuit and cell, looking at books will not bring you closer to a breakthrough.
Quite uninterresting. Because it adds little to current database since you lack the input mechanism.
Go look at the circuit I provided and read the Stephen Meyer patent application, now that is interresting.
Avramenko's plug does not want to work in conjunction with the cell. (
Quote from: Toolofcortex on November 28, 2019, 01:42:47 PM
This thread was garbage untill I started posting on it.
The pictures posted here dont even belong to H2Opower,
But to this guy (
He has been taking you for a ride.
H2Opower, its wrong to just post pictures as if it was yours.
Hmm forum has a new place to keep focus .
thx for reminder...I have been thinking about calling Ed.
Chet K
Does the large inductance of the armature allow modulating the current with a sufficiently high frequency? (
p.s. And in general, presumably this person(Petkov) has already received what he wanted? :)
Quote from: alan on June 22, 2020, 10:41:08 AM
Thanks Alan, as the guy clearly can't read as I posted those pictures as an example of people doing things incorrectly.
Take care and know I am still around just getting my ducks in line so to speak.
Hi! in this scheme, the throttle is not turned on correctly, turn one end of the wire, and everything will work out!
It's been awhile since I posted in my own thread hasn't it? Well, I have some good news in that I am now just working on raising the capital I need to get this technology into the marketplace. Hard to believe it's been 15 years that I have been at this. Where does the time go? LOL. Anyway I just wanted bring some good news as I know people are starting to feel this "Climate Change" knocking on their doorsteps in some places.
Once I get started just know that this task at hand is monumental as we are talking about replacing everything that runs on fossil fuels and more. If you want to follow my progress you can do so here as I will try to keep things up to date in this group:
For all those that have supported me over the many years since I have been at this I say to you, "THANKS!"
I heard that in yours country give a startup to everyone.
No problem with that. Especially in california. :) (
Quote from: kolbacict on April 17, 2021, 03:34:59 AM
I heard that in yours country give a startup to everyone.
No problem with that. Especially in california. :) (
Hi and thanks kolbacict,
I watched some of that video and can tell where it is going but you have to understand that I am a Negro and none of this is for my people. We are expected to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps with them knowing full well we were never given any boots in the first place. For example I served in this nations military and I can't even make use of GI bill for homes where I live. VA small business loan? Nope. But I was able to make use of the college fund but found out after the fact that they will not pay for a four year degree. No one in the recruiting office said anything about that and I wonder why?
Nope I live in a country where they really aren't sorry for what they did to my people bringing us over here in chains to be bondsmen and bondswomen for if there were we'd been done had our Reparations already. Most of the time the only way my people can make it is to do something involving a ball or getting into acting and pretending your having a ball. Simply put the USA isn't for my people as they never intended for us to be free living among them. For us it's all too clear that slavery never did end in this country as all the practice did was change ownership from the rich plantation owner to the State and Federal government under the 13th amendment.
You see I have lived here all of my life and have seen people not from this country move over here and get fully funded to start a small business right in our neighborhoods while never even offering us a seat in one of their banks. Trust me this I know from experience having had the loan on the phone to only have the loan opportunity dry up on the short drive from my home to the bank once they saw my face. Nope they don't much like my people here and go out of their way to make sure that we know this. I mean just the other day someone confronted one of us Negros to tell him he wasn't free to walk about in the USA like he was: [size=78%] ([/size]
As you can see it's 2021 and my people still aren't able to walk anyplace they choose to walk. So for me I must pull myself up by my own bootstraps which as impossible as it sounds I am learning how to do right now. This is the sad reality of being a Negro in America as the only true way my people can live a better life is for us to pick up and leave this country as that's the only way we're going to get it.
Take care and thanks for trying,
Edward (
In our joke and fun society probably introduce a "hydro-coin" or "apes-coin" ? :P
It seems there are enough idiots to find for "near zero worth investments" like cryptic coins !
p.s.: looking the critics about newer U.S.-american social movies,where (free) energy is not priority and the society is seen as all-in-one:
blacks-whites-yellows-reds-....., I have my doubts about a society change !
why so poor interest ? (
Technical doubts ? Because invented by a none-white ?
QuoteSo for me I must pull myself up by my own bootstraps which as impossible as it sounds I am learning how to do right now.
For most people including myself this was always the case and there is no free lunch.
The mistake most people make is assuming other people care about anything outside of what serves there own interests. People like to talk about things which give them that warm and fuzzy feeling however reality is very different. So it's best not to buy into the false premise that someone is just going to hold our hand and help us out without getting something of greater value in return.
If someone is all gung ho to help us then they probably want something were unaware of... red flag.
My newest theory is totally self-serving and I decided I'm going to give away FE technology and what I know. Brilliant isn't it?, if everyone is going to try to steal it and ruin our life anyways why not just give it all away and save ourselves some grief?. Why ruin our life on a losing proposition and being controlled by others when we could just do the right thing and feel good about to empowering ourselves.
If you don't like the rules of the game then change the game...
Quote from: onepower on April 17, 2021, 12:30:05 PM
For most people including myself this was always the case and there is no free lunch.
The mistake most people make is assuming other people care about anything outside of what serves there own interests. People like to talk about things which give them that warm and fuzzy feeling however reality is very different. So it's best not to buy into the false premise that someone is just going to hold our hand and help us out without getting something of greater value in return.
If someone is all gung ho to help us then they probably want something were unaware of... red flag.
My newest theory is totally self-serving and I decided I'm going to give away FE technology and what I know. Brilliant isn't it?, if everyone is going to try to steal it and ruin our life anyways why not just give it all away and save ourselves some grief?. Why ruin our life on a losing proposition and being controlled by others when we could just do the right thing and feel good about to empowering ourselves.
If you don't like the rules of the game then change the game...
While this is also true in what you say it's doubly worse for my people as the system itself is the enemy of my people. When the Vitaminize people started coming to the USA and started opening businesses in our communities I got curious and ask, "How is it that you are able to afford to start up this business?" and his answer was the bank gave him a loan. Now this is the very same bank that has repeatedly refused to give me a small business loan and was a member for close to 20 years of my life.
The worse this bank ever did to me goes like this; I got a call from a bank representative as they noticed I had a business but hadn't taken out a loan of any kind. He asked if I'd like to get a small business loan enough to buy a CNC milling machine for my business and I said yes I'd like to do that. We went over all the financials on the phone taking about 30-45 minutes and at the end of that I was told by this person that everything was all setup and I now just needed to come in and sign the paperwork. So, I made the short drive from where I live to the bank and signed in to see a bank rep. One of the bank reps read the list I signed and then went to security and I was kicked out of the bank.
As I sat in my car completely humiliated I thought about just what happened to me and then got out of my car went back into the bank and closed all of my accounts with them. Even then I was treated poorly until it came time for them to give me all of my money from those accounts. Then all of the sudden I was a valued member of the bank. I didn't say much of anything other than to demand all of my money be given to me right now! They sent out some high up guy in the bank who asked why I was closing my 20 plus year account with them and I just pointed at the bank representative and the security guard that had just tossed me out of the bank and said, "Talk to them." They cut me a cashiers check and I left the bank never to return again.
This experience is more than likely something you will never have happen to you in your life as it's reserved for us Negros here in America. I wish this was an isolated case but it happens to practically all of us Negros at one time or another in our lives here in America. The main problem they had in trying to cover up their racism was my business has been in business for, at the time, more than 9 years. For me that was the straw that broke the camels back.
As for "Open Source" I have a lot of problems with them too as this ugly head of racism has had it's toll on me here too. It's sad as when I first came to these "Open Source" sites I was truly believing in what there where saying. After I went to the Breakthrough Energy Movement held in Boulder, Colorado in 2013 and that interview of me went viral practically over night all of my crowdfunding efforts dried up. So, there I was giving what I had learned over the years about this water for fuel technology away free of charge to only be met with racism. I even had a speaking part that got pulled for reasons unknown even though I had shown for the first time ever and since showing high voltage being applied to a Water Fuel Capacitor in a provable manor. Up to that point it had never been done before and sadly it hasn't been done by anyone else that I am aware of to this date since then.
The only reason I can come up with as to why my speaking part got cut out of their program was I was the wrong skin color to be given a platform too speak about this technology. At the time Sterling Allen was supposed to give me an interview but he shined me on, and while I sat there, again humiliated, John Fraser came up to me and ask if he could do an interview with me and the rest is history. I did get a chance to talk to some really nice people like Moray King and a few others but for the most part it I felt the burden that comes with being a Negro more than ever while I attended that event for three days.
What came next was a wave of mistreatment from the many Open Source forums I had joined into that all ended up with me being banned in the end. Even that one that Chris started I ended up getting banned for pointing out racism that ended up storming the Capital on Jan 6th of this year. Never forget I am the only one that I know of that has shown true high voltage being applied to a water fuel cell that I know of and this is how I am treated for doing so with totally disrespect and disdain. So I gave up on Open Source and even though I don't teach this technology to anyone anymore I still sometimes post stuff that will aid in people's understanding of this technology from time to time. But as for me to sit down with someone and teach them what I know about this technology more than likely that is something that I will never do. For like the bank thing I have had enough! For the most part I have come to the realization that I must be the change I wish to see in this world and have been pursing that path ever since my revelation of the truth. (
Again thanks for the story but know it's a different world for people like me.
Take care,
In the sprit of giving, being that this is the Sabbath, I am going to give you all something that was given to me that will allow you to finally be able to use one of the formulas found in Stanley Meyer's technical brief. This has to do with transformer design as we all know it's difficult to get into Meyer's head on how the thought about things and these pages really help shed some light on what he was doing and why.
Just note that these are for people that are well versed in transformer building, okay?
But nothing works for me, nothing works. >:( :(
And "magic" frequencies don't help.
Water only absorbs high frequency energy.
At the same time, it heats up. :)
QuoteThis is the sad reality of being a Negro in America as the only true way my people can live a better life is for us to pick up and leave this country as that's the only way we're going to get it.
Nevertheless in Russia, the majority like to be slaves. This is a very comfortable state for them.
To be cared for, or to pretend to be cared for. Freedom presupposes responsibility for one's own affairs. And they do not want this.
And where did you get the diode in the circuit? You had it lost.
Quote from: kolbacict on April 18, 2021, 05:57:11 AM
But nothing works for me, nothing works. >:( :(
And "magic" frequencies don't help.
Water only absorbs high frequency energy.
At the same time, it heats up. :)
You have to understand that when Meyer writes anything he does so with the assumption that the reader already knows all he knows. It's much like all those aftermarket car repair books in the stores as they are written in a way that assumes the reader is a mechanic and leave a lot of things out so much so that if you aren't mechanic more than likely you will not be able to make much sense of those books and what I am saying is Meyer seems to be no different. Since he was talking about his turn count data there was no need to draw in the diode as he already knows it goes there in-between the secondary and the positive choke as the way you have it drawn in is incorrect.
Now in this long thread I have already went over just how the waveform is supposed to look like and why it is supposed to look that way. I even have a "Note" on the Face Book group I pointed everyone to take a look at that goes over the way the waveform is suppose to look like and the true science behind this water for fuel technology. Now if you don't have a way to see the waveform, IE, and oscilloscope, and a differential probe you are just wasting your time with this technology as you'd never be able to make it work. As one can't hear when they have the frequency adjusted correctly you have to see it on a scope. And on top of all of this one must have done practically everything I have done to be able to get this technology to work correctly and there is simply some things I will not post about this technology that I've figured out on my own away from all Meyer stuff as I studied this technology while making use of the scientific method asking and answering questions.
As far as I know I am the only one that is vacuum resin sealing these transformers and if one doesn't they will short out on you. This I know from experience as I have made a whole lot of these transformers and put them through a lot of testing. You see my water bath doesn't heat up as my waveform is balanced which turns out to be Meyer's primary source of amp restriction. If you have ever took the time to watch that interview John Fraser took of me you will see that my waveform back then had both positive and negative voltages in it and temperature of the cell would normally just follow the temperatures of the day. I have an analogue amp meter and the readings I got when the waveforms are very close to being balanced was only 0.6 mA which is simply not enough to heat up the water bath. But do people look at these things I post? From the looks of it not really so why should I waste my time reposting anything? Just about everything one needs to know is already here and I don't care if people have to dig for it to get it. I took time out of my life to post these things in this thread and the least people can do is read it over and over again if they want to understand this technology better.
People on this forum attempted to burry the things I posted that are important towards understanding this technology and even attempted to take over the thread itself. Just know I am very aware that as of right now I seem to be the only one getting these high voltages to their cell right now. So, in the spirit of competition we each have are own boats to sail and navigate the seas with and in this technology if one swims or sinks isn't my problem. These lessons come from the school of hard knocks and believe you me I have been knocked about a great deal ever since I took on the task of solving this technology. Right now I have come to believe with all of my heart that I must be the change I wish to see in this world and I know full well people in general do not care if I swim or sink as I attempt to do this. So forgive me if I practice these same rules everyone practices on me on everyone else as you can thank the school of hard knocks I had to go through for that.
Just to give you an example of what I am talking about just recently someone(s) took a interest in me enough to hack my account in a way that prevented me from making any post on this forum. So, if they had had their way you would have never seen those Meyer transformer building notes. This is what I am up against along with a whole army of haters spreading lies about me while telling everyone that I am lying to people even though I do show my work which should make it impossible for someone to accuse me of such things but they do so anyways and people believe them. There's a sucker born everyday I guess. Anyway I have posted a great deal of information about this technology already and feel no reason why I should have to repeat myself.
At the moment I am trying to raise the capital I need to take this technology to the next level which is to be put on the marketplace so that folks can buy it. If you or anyone else thinks this is an easy tasked to do then take your barking up someone else's tree as I'm living it and no longer wish to hear it.
No disrespect to you, bud, but I have a hard time believing that you don't see the impossibility of selling such tech to the masses. I feel like your real goal is to pick up were Stan left off and actually accept the offer of Billions that Stan claims to have refused. Who could blame you? After all, it's a tough world! But I wouldn't count on things being the same for you as with Stan with regards to any billion dollar offers. These days, why pay out billions and leave a loose end when things can be taken care of by any old crack head for a $20 rock?
Just food for thought.
Edward, even though I respect you for what you've accomplished and your knowledge in the subject, it's sad to read such racial sentiment from you. I'd like to tell you that your problems aren't because you're black, but with today's political environment and anti white rhetoric becoming the norm... well let's face it, if you're white and you don't call other whites racist or white supremacists, you become persona non grata. Instead, I'd just like to say that I hope you learn to accept responsibility for your own failures, even though it may seem easier, or even correct, to blame someone else (e.g. they didn't give me a loan because they were white, etc.). After all, in research we understand that failure breeds success, changing an approach changes the output, so why not also use that philosophy in our daily lives. No matter the pigment of our skin, we can still be successful if we try.
Quote from: antijon on April 19, 2021, 08:55:15 AM
Edward, even though I respect you for what you've accomplished and your knowledge in the subject, it's sad to read such racial sentiment from you. I'd like to tell you that your problems aren't because you're black, but with today's political environment and anti white rhetoric becoming the norm... well let's face it, if you're white and you don't call other whites racist or white supremacists, you become persona non grata. Instead, I'd just like to say that I hope you learn to accept responsibility for your own failures, even though it may seem easier, or even correct, to blame someone else (e.g. they didn't give me a loan because they were white, etc.). After all, in research we understand that failure breeds success, changing an approach changes the output, so why not also use that philosophy in our daily lives. No matter the pigment of our skin, we can still be successful if we try.
Listen, this is my life's story and you don't get to dictate how I choose to tell it as these are my life experiences. You act as I don't see what's going on around me nor do I see how I have been treated by these wicked people verses how they treat themselves. The school of hard knocks is real as I have had to live through it for more than 50 years now. I have had bricks thrown at me while I was simply walking while black, traffic stops where all the police had their weapons drawn and trained on me, and the list of things I have experienced in this life goes on and on. In general you guys are a wicked bunch of people as if one goes through your actually history it's all bad. Everyplace your little ships landed spelled doom for the indigenous populations that were already there. This is just the sad reality one will find if they go a digging through the history of your people, lots of fighting, war, with rumors' of more wars, and all the many spoils of war that come along with these massive acts of aggression.
For the most part I used to be very sharing with this technology but after years of piss poor treatment I simply clamed up. But what's the point? Anything that I have shared hasn't been followed by anyone even though I seem to be the only one approaching the working voltages needed to get this technology up and running. All I get is hate for the most part and disdain for my efforts so why bother? People act as if I own them something which is puzzling to me as last time I checked I was the one running all of these experiments, figuring out what tools I needed to use to be able to work effectively on this technology, and for the most part funding it all on my own, though I did get a little help from others which I am very thankful for by the way. This technology was far from simple and very tough to figure out as the science behind it all is something that is new to the world of science. I encourage people to do as I was doing and make use of the scientific method only to be told to shove that scientific method up my ass.
At what point would any of you have called it quits for the Open Source community? (
We all have life stories, and though I doubt you'd care to hear mine, I can assure you that mine has been much more negatively affected by black people than yours has by whites. Reality isn't black and white, and I won't blame other black folks for the actions of individual men. Just like I won't bear the responsibility for the actions of the Spanish Conquistadors, the tribal leaders that sold Africans to slave traders, the plantation owners, etc. etc. Nor will I accept blame for whoever threw bricks at you, the police that scared you, etc. We're responsible for our own actions.
Best of luck in your endeavors, hope you can have a change of heart because that type of hatred is like a cancer that only brings self ruin.
Quote from: antijon on April 19, 2021, 03:04:40 PM
We all have life stories, and though I doubt you'd care to hear mine, I can assure you that mine has been much more negatively affected by black people than yours has by whites. Reality isn't black and white, and I won't blame other black folks for the actions of individual men. Just like I won't bear the responsibility for the actions of the Spanish Conquistadors, the tribal leaders that sold Africans to slave traders, the plantation owners, etc. etc. Nor will I accept blame for whoever threw bricks at you, the police that scared you, etc. We're responsible for our own actions.
Best of luck in your endeavors, hope you can have a change of heart because that type of hatred is like a cancer that only brings self ruin.
I'm not sure what you are talking about as all I am talking about is the realization of the truth. I don't hate these people that constantly do my people dirty but I also do not trust them due to the actions of their forefathers that they continue right to this very day. I've been banned many times out of these Open Source forums and a lot of times it's because I was attacked due to the color of my skin and I chose to fight back or like the most recent banning by Chris for pointing out racism which ended up contributing to the attack on this nation's capital as on his site there was a thread that was promoting the lie of widespread voter fraud. There are laws on the books right now that are aimed squarely at keeping people like me in their place in this society. All of this voter suppression is happening right now not in some distant past history book. My people are being gunned down in the streets, their businesses, their cars, and even their very homes right now. We are also still being lynched but law enforcement likes to call them suicides.
I have no hate in my heart just no more trust as my trust has gotten me hurt in the past. Plus these stories I tell are of actual events that happened to me in my life trust me there are many more. I'd would like to hear your story as perhaps it would shed some light on things a bit more. You say that black folks have been racists towards you but let me ask you this, did they ever stop you from getting that loan at the bank, or from buying a house or apartment? Did they ever stop you from getting a car or from getting a job? You see I really don't think you understand just what racism actually is as your people have the luxury of not actually needed to learn what their forefathers have done and are still doing to people.
The truth is all I speak of nothing more. But the lie is much preferred over the truth these days more than ever.
Now about Meyer's technology which is what we are supposed to be talking about these notes are very important but thus far I haven't seen anyone acknowledge that fact. It would seem that I, and less than a handful of others, are the last ones standing still working on this technology. For like many people tell me they simply can't get any high voltage to be applied to their water fuel cells. And thus they come up with the conclusion that it's impossible but here I stand showing that it is possible. From my observations most people come to this thread not to learn anything but to throw stones at me and/or to tell people not to listen to me or believe in what I am showing them as it's some sort of trick. I'm past all of that now as I simply gave up on teaching this technology to others long ago. Nope, now I just focus on what I need to do in order to get this technology into the hands of those that need it the most.
I'd like to believe that most people are good people but through my observations I have learned they are not. So, all I have left inside of me is my drive to keep with the plan I came up with many years ago that should allow me to live to tell the tale.
I also noticed that you don't have a differential probe
I have it. But in any case, and I can make it myself.
p.s.I understand that the common wire of the probe must be isolated from ground.
We have to use this when repairing switching power supplies.
Inverter welding machines. ;)
The worst thing for me is not even the lack of money.
This is the absence of like-minded people, colleagues, assistants.
You, I see, are all right with that. :)
Quote from: kolbacict on April 20, 2021, 04:46:31 AM
I have it. But in any case, and I can make it myself.
The reason why we need a differential probe is this technology has an isolated side that is looking for a ground and we must not give it one. I learned of this problem when I was studying the 8xa circuit as each time I would hook up the normal probe to try and see what was going on it would trip the house breaker. I ask a friend who is good with electronics what was going on and he told me I had to get a Differential Probe. I got one from here: Well, actually I got two from there as the first one wasn't rated high enough in it's voltage handling capabilities for this technology. But all in all I have three differential probes now as I was serious about solving this technology and I purchased this tool as it needs to have a percent error calculation to be able to be used for scientific work. This is what has people up in arms at me for showing high voltages being applied to the WFC as I had all the necessary tools to do so in a provable scientific way.
The photo you've shown is a good type of oscilloscope not a differential probe. And we don't make them we buy them so that the scientific community will believe the readings we show as those differential probes have a percent error calculation of the readings shown on the scope. If you make it you have to test it's percent error and that requires even more expensive testing equipment. You can't go cheap with this technology. You can try and find deals but not go cheap, is that understood?
You can see my differential probe hooked up to the WFC in this photo and I had a different one that I showed while at the 2013 Breakthrough Energy Movement held in Boulder, Colorado. This is why what I showed back then and now matters as I have the tools to show my work that is acceptable to the scientific community. I use wire that are rated to take the voltages this technology puts out and I even learned how to solder correctly for high voltage applications. I would have liked to have gone cheap but I already know that isn't acceptable to the scientific community. This is why anyone telling people that I'm faking it is looked at as a joke as I have shown my work in a manor that is acceptable to the scientific community.
In these photos I show my work. Notice the attention to detail and you can see one of the transformer soaked in transformer oil when I was trying to solve the transformer shorting out problems I was running into. And in this video I show a VIC transformer being vacuum resin sealed:
[size=78%] ([/size]
I have went out of my way to do things correctly in the manor in which I was taught my my college professors so that my work would be acceptable to the scientific community. I don't skimp or go cheap as I know what will happen if I do. This is what sets me apart from most people working on this technology.
I built everything you see here and purchased the needed tools to show my work in an acceptable manor to the scientific community.
Quote from: NdaClouDzzz on April 19, 2021, 07:15:03 AM
No disrespect to you, bud, but I have a hard time believing that you don't see the impossibility of selling such tech to the masses. I feel like your real goal is to pick up were Stan left off and actually accept the offer of Billions that Stan claims to have refused. Who could blame you? After all, it's a tough world! But I wouldn't count on things being the same for you as with Stan with regards to any billion dollar offers. These days, why pay out billions and leave a loose end when things can be taken care of by any old crack head for a $20 rock?
Just food for thought.
Now I find post like these disturbing as this is basically telling me to stop what I am doing if I want to live. I see it as a death threat as it is clearly stating that if I keep it up, in my trying to put this technology on the marketplace, I will more than like be put to death.
The message of this post reads loud and clear to me, "If I keep on my current path bad things will happen to me so I should just quit while I am ahead." Defeatist type talk like this Meyer also spoke about in some of his lectures. "Oh you can't buck City Hall," or other types of defeatist talk designed to make the masses never try and challenge or change the system. But if we don't our children, my children, will have no future.
Being that it took me so long to solve this technology I had time to plan things out for when I did solve the technology. I am right now following that plan I made a while ago and know it is one that I should be able to tell the tale when this is all said and done. But know if we don't fight for it we will not get it and the future for your children and children's children doesn't look so good if we given in to defeatist ideology now.
The time to fight is now as this climate change problem can't be swept under the rug and there is no place to run and no place to hide from it.
A death threat? What part of "No disrespect to you, bud," did you not understand?
I'm simply telling you how I see things from MY perspective! The world is RULED by people who sell energy to us. Do you really think that they would allow anyone to upset their gravy train? What you do is your business! If you think that you can buck the system, then more power to you!
Quote from: NdaClouDzzz on April 20, 2021, 12:05:52 PM
A death threat? What part of "No disrespect to you, bud," did you not understand?
I'm simply telling you how I see things from MY perspective! The world is RULED by people who sell energy to us. Do you really think that they would allow anyone to upset their gravy train? What you do is your business! If you think that you can buck the system, then more power to you!
I read your post quit clearly and if you think your, "No disrespect to you, bud," comment makes things all fine and dandy I say to you, "Dis some bull-shit!." Your post comes from a defeatist perspective where you have already given up the fight for your children's future. Or if you have no children given up the fight for the children of others. There is always a risk when doing something and one must weigh which one will leave them worse off and I say to sit back and do nothing as the planet's ability to support life is threatened is the worse case possibility.
I think this play on words gets people into the wrong frame of mind as the world isn't coming to an end but it's ability to support life as we know it is. Sure it will recover but in order for it to do so a lot of things will have happened like perhaps a drastic cut in the human population say 95-98% of us gone as then the planet will recover from the messes we left behind as time doesn't mean all that much to the planet as it's not going anywhere soon. This play on words makes people think laterally where they are moving but sideways thus accomplishing nothing.
When I was a child I had no idea in my lifetime I would see something happen that would threaten the entire planets ability to support life. And to think I joined the military to fight on the wrong side of all of this for a time in my life makes me sick. But I did serve and did fight for them which is apart of my history now. But that's not the end of the story for as long as I live I can choose to fight for what's right and this technology is part of that fight as it gives hope for my children's future. With what I know about this technology engines converted to use this technology will no longer pollute the air as they are operated but clean the air as they are operated. And it's the only technology that I know of that can tackle air travel. So, I must fight for this and if it cost me my life so be it as I know I will have died fighting for a good future for my children than fighting for a future where life is harsh and bleak with very little to look forwards too.
So, yeah I read your post correctly, but the true question is did you? You see I don't take what you wrote as an attempt or threat against my life coming from you personally but as you attempting to get me to join the ranks of the defeated right along side of you. Is what I wrote there clear enough for you? You have given up and wish me to throw in the towel also but that's not me never will be. For as long as I draw breath I will fight for a better future for my children and for future generations to come. I didn't come this far to throw in the towel and give up now that all is solved and the technology is now ready to go and do it's job of cleaning up the messes we have made.
Those that sell energy time has come for it's now time to begin the healing process of the damage they have done to our planet in the name of greed and lust for power.
Here is a quote I'd like all of you to read and ponder upon:[quote
I just love the meaning to this! [/color][/size]
A father said to his daughter "You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is pretty old now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it."
The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, "They offered me $1,000 because the said it looks pretty worn out."
The father said, now "Take it to the pawn shop." The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,"The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car."
The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father," Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it's a Nissan Skyline R34, it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors"
Now the father said this to his daughter, "The right place values you the right way," If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you......Never stay in a place where no one sees your value. [/color][/size]
=AZWIjxL5mf1v1gVc7acgIELmKo_SW-hPhi5mxD6OzTvdWYk_s7N6NaZyVJPMbTLdofMUhjtN5VgP_XPGhMEdmCB0HR4O3ITy0IIhtsusXs2m4R6VtGaDY_67enXj7TPE7Q_8Z-5Ma0fa_nPxm19te322N0oFLY2y3WKc7XjN5ulD7rEJCgmTe3M7tigq2IyHJx8&__tn__=*NK-y-R]#knowyourworth ([/color][/size]]
With this I think that I am in the wrong place as very clearly no one here seems to know my worth.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
QuoteI read your post quit clearly and if you think your, "No disrespect to you, bud," comment makes things all fine and dandy I say to you, "Dis some bull-shit!." Your post comes from a defeatist perspective where you have already given up the fight for your children's future. Or if you have no children given up the fight for the children of others. There is always a risk when doing something and one must weigh which one will leave them worse off and I say to sit back and do nothing as the planet's ability to support life is threatened is the worse case possibility.
I would agree and there are many who cannot accept change even though everything is always changing all around them.
QuoteWith this I think that I am in the wrong place as very clearly no one here seems to know my worth.
We define our worth through our own actions not others. I could be sitting on a FE technology worth billions as we speak which is powering my house and others unaware of this fact have no bearing on it's reality. They could jump up and down, howl at the moon or believe any number of things but what they cannot do is change this reality. Oh, they would love to believe "using there words" could miraculously change others reality however it cannot. Reality is defined by actions not beliefs or words.
Which is where my country boy, "go fuck yourself", attitude comes in handy. I mean, who is anyone to tell us what we can and cannot do within reason?. No offense but other people and what they believe is severely overrated. If nothing else based solely on what they have done to invoke real change beyond what every other Tom, Dick and Harry could do.
Edward, the fact your here and have put in the time and effort to try to understand this field of technology makes you exceptional in my opinion. Your the 1% of 1% of 1% of people who strive to understand nature in a field of technology few even know exists. The mistake is thinking we need to prove ourselves to others in my opinion. If my house is being powered by FE as we speak and nobody knows it's kind of like a tree falling in the forest which nobody hears.
The fact remains that with or without us FE technology is inevitable, there is no belief or disbelief in it... only knowledge and understanding.
Let me ask you something,
Are you familiar with patent law? If you are, then you know that you can't use Stan Meyer's tech with out legal authority. You can't use Stan's tech to solicit donations and you can't build and sell Stan's tech without legal authority. Do you have legal authority to build and sell Stan's tech? If not then no matter what you say about defeatist rhetoric, etc, you will not only NOT be able to sell tech based on Stan's patents, but if you have used Stan's tech to solicit donations then you have also put yourself in legal peril with the law. You can make up whatever nonsensical interpretations that you want about anything I've said to you or anyone else, but guess what bud, YOUR interpretations mean squat in a court of law! All you have done is make claims that you know how to make Stan's tech work, those are just words and mean nothing to no one! So you've been able to get some voltage to the WFC. BIG DEAL! Do what Stan did and then MAYBE someone will take you seriously. Until then, you should stop barking up trees looking for any way you can to get something for free! ALL my opinion, which I'm entitled to under the UNITED STATES Constitution!
P.S. I'm all for bucking the system. But I'm not for doing it in a way that will cause me harm legal or otherwise. All I've done in my posts is try to get you to see the big picture with regard to this tech to HELP you, NOT deter you! But if you choose to read my comments otherwise, then be my guest! But by all means, please keep pursuing this tech. If you should happen to find a way around Stan's patent's, then all the better. But please be aware of the law, not as a deterrent to your pursuit, but as motivation to do it the right way!
Quote from: h20power on April 20, 2021, 01:13:30 PM
Here is a quote I'd like all of you to read and ponder upon:[quoteI just love the meaning to this! [/color][/size]
A father said to his daughter "You have graduated with honors, here is a car I bought many years ago. It is pretty old now. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you for it."
The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, "They offered me $1,000 because the said it looks pretty worn out."
The father said, now "Take it to the pawn shop." The daughter went to the pawn shop, returned to her father and said,"The pawn shop offered only $100 because it is an old car."
The father asked his daughter to go to a car club now and show them the car. The daughter then took the car to the club, returned and told her father," Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it because it's a Nissan Skyline R34, it's an iconic car and sought by many collectors"
Now the father said this to his daughter, "The right place values you the right way," If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you......Never stay in a place where no one sees your value. [/color][/size]=AZWIjxL5mf1v1gVc7acgIELmKo_SW-hPhi5mxD6OzTvdWYk_s7N6NaZyVJPMbTLdofMUhjtN5VgP_XPGhMEdmCB0HR4O3ITy0IIhtsusXs2m4R6VtGaDY_67enXj7TPE7Q_8Z-5Ma0fa_nPxm19te322N0oFLY2y3WKc7XjN5ulD7rEJCgmTe3M7tigq2IyHJx8&__tn__=*NK-y-R]#knowyourworth ([/color][/size]]
With this I think that I am in the wrong place as very clearly no one here seems to know my worth.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
First, I love your quoted story! I can relate because I am a car nut and also because I resonate with the underlying message.
Second, I don't think you are in the wrong place, I think that those of us who do appreciate your analysis and work need to speak up. My interests in OU research do not include hydrogen generation but I recognize when one has "paid their dues" so to speak with their efforts to learn to gain understanding and then apply the knowledge. This to me speaks highly of the "character" of the individual.
Continue on my friend as we all have an uphill road when it comes to the methods of how we break down the walls of those who control our lives through energy, etc.
Can you, with this technology, create a high potential difference in another electrically conductive liquid, not water?
And yet, gases should be released in the entire volume of water, and not on the electrode itself.
Is not it ?
Quote from: NdaClouDzzz on April 20, 2021, 07:46:37 PM
Let me ask you something,
Are you familiar with patent law? If you are, then you know that you can't use Stan Meyer's tech with out legal authority. You can't use Stan's tech to solicit donations and you can't build and sell Stan's tech without legal authority. Do you have legal authority to build and sell Stan's tech? If not then no matter what you say about defeatist rhetoric, etc, you will not only NOT be able to sell tech based on Stan's patents, but if you have used Stan's tech to solicit donations then you have also put yourself in legal peril with the law. You can make up whatever nonsensical interpretations that you want about anything I've said to you or anyone else, but guess what bud, YOUR interpretations mean squat in a court of law! All you have done is make claims that you know how to make Stan's tech work, those are just words and mean nothing to no one! So you've been able to get some voltage to the WFC. BIG DEAL! Do what Stan did and then MAYBE someone will take you seriously. Until then, you should stop barking up trees looking for any way you can to get something for free! ALL my opinion, which I'm entitled to under the UNITED STATES Constitution!
P.S. I'm all for bucking the system. But I'm not for doing it in a way that will cause me harm legal or otherwise. All I've done in my posts is try to get you to see the big picture with regard to this tech to HELP you, NOT deter you! But if you choose to read my comments otherwise, then be my guest! But by all means, please keep pursuing this tech. If you should happen to find a way around Stan's patent's, then all the better. But please be aware of the law, not as a deterrent to your pursuit, but as motivation to do it the right way!
Again you come at me telling me I should basically throw in the towel and give it up, but did you know those patents have already expired? I think some of them expired back in 2008 and his injectors in 2012. I mean you truly should do just a little bit of research before you speak as this shows your aim is to get me to stop, pack it all up, and run along and do something else. Something else you don't seem to be aware of is Dr. Dingle of the Philippines was the first that I know of to run a car with nothing but water in it's tank for fuel and yes I spoke with him before his passing. Bet you didn't know that, huh?
Most patents last between 14-20 years depending on the type of patent and it's been far longer than that with Meyer's patents from his filling date. So there is no legal troubles I will be getting into. Not sure where you are trying to go with these talks and I'd be willing to bet neither do you. I'm not some young pup with dreams of grandeur I'm a old man now with thoughts of helping those in our world that need it the most and actually doing something that works against our climate change problems.
It's sad to see someone that has given up who's mind is totally defeated by the mere thought of doing something that has the possibility to change the world for the betterment of all that live on the planet. You come to me attempting to recruit me into your defeated mindset and I say to you, "No, I will not join you!" You see I don't talk about my plans as there are people like you in this world whom act more or less like crabs in a bucket and will thus work towards tossing a monkey wrench into those plans the first chance they get to do so. What, are you planning on calling the Patient Office and tell them I started a GoFundMe page concerning this technology not knowing that these patents have expired many years ago? In fact come 2026 it will be twenty years since I have started working on this technology and please note Meyer has been dead for twenty three years now.
Or perhaps you are now upset at me for beating the crap out of you with just words and want to get even with me when in reality I don't even know your first name, who you are, or care anything about you. To me you simply don't exist in my world a pure nobody that has attempted to get me to stop what it is I am planning and failed. So, please stop trying to talk to me for as of now I don't care to ever get to know you. Stop posting on my thread as you are wasting my time as well as all the many readers of this thread's time. No one wishes to hear of your Defeatist Propaganda as we are all still in this fight against the powers that be whom are hell bent on taking away the future of our children and children's children.
So, please do not reply to this comment as I truly never wish to hear from you ever again.
Be well,
Quote from: kolbacict on April 20, 2021, 11:43:14 PM
Can you, with this technology, create a high potential difference in another electrically conductive liquid, not water?
And yet, gases should be released in the entire volume of water, and not on the electrode itself.
Is not it ?
I haven't tried yet but I don't see any reason why not. The main theme of this technology seems to be at targeting the electrons of the atoms to break the bonds of any molecules they may form into with other atoms. But it even goes further than this as it truly is as Meyer stated when he said, "This technology is only limited to the mind of the inventor to find a use for it." I for one can tell you I will be doing many things with this technology now that I understand how it works.
You have a good mind and an act for being creative. Don't ever lose that as I feel one day you will even outshine me and Stanley Meyer. Keep your nose to the grindstone of science and see how far you can take this technology with that creative mind of yours. You are the future this world needs as you are the next generation and old cats like me are at the end of our lives now.
Take care,
It will take courage seem to have in abundance !
Perhaps we can change more for our children than just our energy issues...
Quote from: ramset on April 21, 2021, 03:29:59 AM
It will take courage seem to have in abundance !
Perhaps we can change more for our children than just our energy issues...
This I believe with all my heart Chet as in my imagination I have seen a glimpse of what this technology can do and it's all good. There is much work to do to this world to fix all of the many messes those in power have made. But it all starts with a single act of kindness aimed at the poorest among us. Those whom our energy enslavement masters have no more use for. Together we will push those masters off of their thrones as the world is starting to hurt due to their never ending greed and lust for power.
I will start off slow but it will grow until the old technology is no more. I have the courage to see this through as our children need us to fix the sins of our forefathers and show them there is a better way.
No more kicking the can down the road for them to deal with alone as we will stand with our children and start the healing process cleaning up all the many messes left by our polluting way of life until a time will come again where one can drink the water from any stream or creek as it use to be in the days of old.
I don't know what the future will bring but I do know that with this technology it will be better than what we have today.
Much thanks Chet,
Quote from: h20power on April 21, 2021, 12:24:04 AM
To me you simply don't exist in my world a pure nobody that has attempted to get me to stop what it is I am planning and failed.
Then why do you keep twisting my words?
You are the only one who said anything about being a defeatist. You made that crap up because you didn't like me pointing out MY belief that you would never be allowed to sell this tech and so your ultimate goal would be to take the money, unlike Stan did. You then falsely accuse me of threatening your life, when you know damn well I did nothing of the sort.
You preach a lot like you know it all, but I see now why you have so many negative stories to tell. Anyone who looks at the posts I've made in this forum knows that I've been saying the same things about the powers-that-be for quite awhile. Has your ego grown so big that you think you can defeat the people who rule this world? If so good for you! Save the planet then, buddy! Stop twisting my words and making false accusations against me and I won't need to respond to you!
Smarter than Stan? (
"And if you look at all of our patents, you apply a voltage across that water molecule you have violated my patent rights" (
"And if you look at all of our patents, you apply a voltage across that water molecule you have violated my patent rights" ( (
We see from some national/international patents applications very rare ones got granted !
EP0101761 (B1) 1990-03-28 (
EP0111574 (B1) 1991-09-11 (
Utility model patent: 10 years validity,unproved
Technical Standart patent : 20 years validity - if granted - up priority date , without grant less than 3 years up national priority date
important : commercial validity : WO = worldwide ,or only regional f.e. EP = european patent trade act countries ,or only national application and validity like US,DE,GB,AUS,CA,.......
The 1989 phrase by Stanley A. Meyer was a "bluff" ( for his audience) !
Only the specific claims,written, has been commercial rights saved !
Applying voltage to water molecules : electrolysis, that did soon Mr. Faraday !
My point is that h20power has misunderstood my intentions to be defeatist and against him, when in fact from MY perspective I'm all for free energy tech for the world, but I'm also a REALIST! For all intents and purposes, the powers-that-be are gods on this planet! If one is to go against them, they better have a better plan than simply "give me donations so I can manufacture and sell this tech".
We have in the E.U. market since more than 10 years a liberated energy market,the industrial and private consumer can change their energy provider - lower price related- !
How many did it ? ::)
"Freedome decision" Theory/Practise EXPERIENCE !
other point :
Each car owner is allowed to modificate his internal combustion engine to hydrogen/fuel-mix combustion !
Professional modification costs (kit)+ official new car operating licence costs = ( ?
Individual operating permit for vehicles
The individual ( operating permit ( § 21 ( StVZO) is issued by the locally responsible vehicle registration office for a single vehicle and is only valid for this vehicle. An example of this would be a self-constructed vehicle or the import of a vehicle that has never been homologated in the European Economic Area (EEC) and is to be registered in Germany.
The operating permit is issued on the basis of the expert opinion of ( an officially recognized expert TH / Uni (aaS) of a technical inspection center (TP). The preparation of an expert opinion according to § 21 StVZO is carried out in the old federal states by the Technical Inspection Association ( (TÜV) and in the new federal states by DEKRA ( .
Operating permit for vehicle parts
The national operating permit for vehicle parts ( Section 22 ( StVZO) is issued for a specific component, for example for special wheels ([/color] such as aluminum rims ( . If the installation instructions are observed, the vehicle operating permit does not expire when it is installed on a vehicle. The installation instructions can, however, make the continued validity of the operating permit dependent on the implementation of an acceptance test in accordance with Section 19 ( Paragraph 3, Clause 1, Item 3 of the StVZO. The copy of the operating permit for the vehicle part that the purchase ( is included, or if applicable, the proof ( of modification acceptance must at a traffic stop ( by thePolice ( can be presented. In addition, the parts have a test mark ( in a clearly visible place .
This is in contrast to the e-passport or EC operating permit. If an approval mark ( , the so-called E-mark ( , is visible on these parts , the vehicle driver ( does not need a copy of the EC operating license or a copy of the EC operating license in accordance with Section 19 ( Paragraph 2 StVZO in conjunction with Paragraph 3, Clause 1, Number 2 and Paragraph 4 StVZO the certificate of conformity. However, if the area of use of the part is restricted, the manufacturer must provide information on the restrictions and regulations ( for installation in accordance with Section 6 ( (2) EG-FGV .
Let us assume : 5000 US$ car modification costs ,we have to include 15 000 US$ ( Germany ) operating licence costs for " the individual unikat " !
Investment R.O.I. ?
About this extra costs- cause modification : new car operating licence constraint - S.A.Meyer did not spoke !
Quote from: lancaIV on April 21, 2021, 07:22:00 AM
Each car owner is allowed to modificate his internal combustion engine to hydrogen/fuel-mix combustion !
lanca, thank you for your posts, but we are not talking about modifying a car to run on a mixture of hydrogen and fuel (petroleum).
This is about completely destroying the gravy train of the powers-that-be. While I'm all for such a change, I don't think it would bode well for those undertaking the task, nor for the people of the world.
Here's an example of the power wielded by the powers-that-be.
I quit smoking cigarettes quite a few years ago, and I did so by vaping. From my understanding, many people did the same thing. So what happened as a result of vaping? Big tobacco lost many customers/money. So what does big tobacco do? MY OPINION is that they pooled their wealth and paid off the politicians to make it illegal to do mail-order vape products. Now, for all intents and purposes, vaping products are illegal. I say for all intents and purposes because although vaping products are not technically illegal because they can be bought at a store in person, the effect for most of us is that it is illegal because we can no longer purchase online, which is what most of us do/did.
Now that is what the powers-that-be can/will do when it comes to their gravy train. Now just imagine what they can/will do when it comes to energy! That is not defeatism, it's REALISM!
Am I saying DON'T challenge the powers-that-be? Absolutely NOT! By all means, tyranny must be confronted and defeated! But if one is to be successful they must be fully informed of the feat before them!
Really ?Shall I be surprised ?
Oh,beside me,on my desk the Cobra,filled with eSucco 10 ml Nico and 30W stage (200 W power max)!
Oh yeah,(hydro-electro) vaporizing in action ! ( My daily medicine !)
We are speaking about commerce,about the judging system,the politics,the finance syndicates !
About (common un-) known rights/obligations !
Permissions,fees/licence, for the one : costs/payments - for the other : gains !
Over all skin colours and ages !
Consultance study : behind 1 real commercial success are more than 300 thinking fails/trials in average ratio !
Now that that is over shall we get back to the topic of my thread?!
Meyer's role in all of this seems to have been to legalize this technology so that when people like me come along after his death we aren't prevented from doing something with this technology. It's kinda like the man knew he was going to die and planned ahead for that in his own way.
My following the scientific method has lead me to asking a lot of questions and then I went and answered those questions which lead me to even more questions that I had to answer. All in all I have paid my dues with this technology and I can honestly tell you it isn't easy to get this technology to work correctly. I've pointed out the need for special tools like a differential probe and wire that is designed to be use with high voltage to the need to vacuum resin seal these transformers. I've done all of this in good faith as I didn't want to be the only one that understands how to put a high voltage potential on the plates under a water bath. I've shown my work, had interviews where I talked about this technology and what I had figured out about this technology as I learned it's secrets.
But one thing I will not talk about is my plans on just what I will be doing with this technology as those plans are for me and me alone to know.
This technology has the power to do what other technologies could only dream about doing as it can replace the use of fossil fuels in practically all of it's many uses as it pertains to energy. My understanding of this technology will allow me to go in many directions Meyer was never allowed to go in due to his untimely death back in March of 1998. Interestingly Dr. Dingle was my primary inspiration as he told me I was heading in the right direction and to just keep at it and never give up. I followed his advice and now I'm ready to move forwards with my plans.
As I have now shown very clearly this technology is under no patent protection and thus free for all whom wish to make use of it in any way they see fit to do so. In my many years of working on this technology I have made a lot of enemies for reasons only they seem to understand as I have done nothing to them and have only talked about what I had figured out about this technology as I learned it. If my showing high voltage being applied to my WFC upsets you then you are the one that is upset and it has nothing to do with me and you will thus need to be the one that figures out why you are upset. Just know that what ever it is you are feeling truly has nothing to do with me as I am just showing my work for the most part and not much else.
If you haven't figured out by now when you are working with this technology you really can't go cheap as things must be done correctly or simply put it will not work for you. I had to stop what I was doing many times so that I could save up to get something I needed like those differential probes as they do have a bit of a cost to them. And after I got the things I needed I continued on with my studies with the needed tools so that I could move forwards and learn more. Each time I tried to go around getting the things I needed it ended up costing me more money than if I had just got the things that I needed in the first place.
I am truly thankful of all the many lessons my professors taught me in my college days and even took the time to share some of that wisdom with all of you. Now I will leave you for a bit as I really need to focus on raising the capital I need to more this technology forwards.
Take care everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
QuoteMy understanding of this technology will allow me to go in many directions Meyer was never allowed to go in due to his untimely death back in March of 1998.
I have long been tormented by doubts, is this so? Have any of you seen him dead?
At least I haven't seen it. ???
p.s. (
What's the beautiful ! respect.
And I have pitiful crafts. :'( :'(
But there were my own original designs, which I myself came up with.
For example, with three and four electrodes. According to my thoughts, to create a three-dimensional field in the water.
From how I see things one must first mimic everything they see the one they are following is doing, in this case Stanley Meyer, before they can make changes to it. If not how are you to be able to tell if there are changes that need to be made if you don't first see how it works from how it was used by that inventor? This is why I am able to alter Meyer's technology in a way that makes it better as I built it his way first and studied it thoroughly to see what was going on with my own two eyes. After looking at the technology in action I was able to take the technology further in many cases than Meyer did due to the fact I was given more time with the technology than Meyer was given. But note I didn't start right off the batt trying to make changes to a technology I had no idea of how it worked fully.
In this Don Gable provided a lot of useful information but I question everything and everyone as that's just the way the scientific method works. I used what Don Gable had shown in his drawings to build my own WFC's. I looked at things in a totally different way than most people around me to include Don Gable as when I first saw that photo showing how Meyer's WFC was wired I quickly understood what it was I was seeing and why Meyer had it wired up that way. With a little more time I also understood why Meyer had to disconnect one of the eleven resonant cavities from the series array. I went ahead and drew up another drawing using my AutoCAD skills so that people would have something better to share and go off of than those hand drawings Don Gable provided. As I worked with the technology having built everything practically the same way Meyer had done I began to see what worked and what did not work. I would often share my findings with the group but not all the time. But my main point is before I could make any changes to the technology I had to first build it as close as I could to how it was built when Meyer was testing the technology and learned from hands on experimenting how the technology worked first.
People often get offended by me when I say I know more than Stanley Meyer knew as it just sounds like I am being boastful but in reality I was just given more time to work with the technology than Meyer was given due to his untimely death. In time I made changes to the transformer's, the WFC's, the Gas Processor, and even the circuit's with a lot of help from others on the ladder as circuits aren't my bag of tea. I even recognized things no one else has recognized like the "Air Reclaimer," that is something that Meyer built to cut down the NOx emissions. It looks like the Gas Processor but no one has ever seen it before as it wasn't something the people who were looking at the technology were interested in. Meyer used that device like a catalytic converter to break the bonds of any NOx gases that may have formed during the combustion cycle prior to those gases being put in the atmosphere. I think I am the only one to actually build Meyer's figure 10-4 transformers and test them to see what differences that transformer had compared to the others.
Basically I left no stone unturned in my quest to understand the science behind this technology and as a result of that I understand things about this technology that no one else does right now. But remember I started off building what I saw Meyer using first as a base for my studies and I built everything to the best of my abilities to do so.
reality bites ! (
2990 $ , 2x 1000$ solely from 2 supporters
2.990 $ der Zielsumme von 200.000 $ gesammelt TARGET has been : 200.000 $
This technology has the power to do what other technologies could only dream about doing as it can replace the use of fossil fuels in practically all of it's many uses as it pertains to energy.
Elaisa Kasan spendete 10 $
Has the device you will manufacture been used successfully in a working finished engine? Link?
Probably with a real world demonstration a. some more would spend b. by good positive budget plan result : invest
Negative results ,included bankruptcy, are for new developments common ,only risk capital grade = not investment grade,a bet = junk grade
greater investment(-losts) : Aquino Energy saltwaterbattery 150 Mio $ input ,less 10 Mio$ output
lower investment(-losts) :
Hi lancaIV (,
I'm not going to show what I am planning on doing on this, or any other forum, as I am just going to do it when I have the capital to do so. I don't need anyone's permission to do what I am planning to do other than to have a business license which I already do. For as you just saw some people wish for me to be stopped by someone and I believe if I gave them the tools to aid those that would try and stop me these people would do so gladly free of charge due to their internalized hate, jealousy, envy, and disdain they have towards me and this technology. Like I stated these people act as crabs in a bucket and the second they see someone trying to get out of the bucket they reach up and pull them back down. Thus I can't share what are my plans as these very same people would try to upset these plans I have made. Did I tell all of you that someone hacked my account in a way that prevented me from being able to post on this forum that just got taken care of last week? There are some wolves in sheep's clothing among us so I never let down my guard as a result.
When I have a product more than likely it will never be shown on these forums as I feel these are not the right places to show such a thing. This I learned the last time I went to sell a product as only seven people answered the call to buy the product and I am forever in their debt for believing in me and promised them all something extra when I get the technology ready for the markets. You see that last time I went to put this technology on the market I was banned on many forums and saw them make up a whole lot of new rules that allowed for people to post other people's businesses to get the many things we need for this technology while at the same time baring me from doing the same with my business. This double standard was why I left the RWG site only to have him make fake apologies to me so that I would rejoin the site so that he could later on ban me from the site out of spite.
You will find that in most of these forums one can not attempt to put this technology on the marketplace on their forums as that is grounds for your account to be suspended. Now I can post where to get stuff for this technology all I want about other people's businesses but not my own without being punished for doing so. I'm not even supposed to post my GoFundMe page but I do so anyway as I have shared this technology openly and thus the least I can be allowed to do is to try and gather support from those that enjoy my content and/or wish to give me a helping hand as that's only far, yes? But as a heads up watch my many enemies start complaining to the forum monitors that I have broken the rules of the site know that I admitted of doing so. But I thank you for posting it as that's is allowed.
When it comes to raising the capital I need just know I don't throw all of my eggs into one basket as that would be foolish. This is how I know I will be successful as time passes by. I do however need to make a few changes to the GoFundMe page as I posted something that was on Chris's site only to have him ban me and take down his site thus the link I posted goes nowhere. I guess I will do something about that today after I finish posting this. This is what happens when you trust the wrong sorts of people as you get burned.
I hope you understand my position on these matters as I learned all of this in the school of hard knocks.
Take care,
The fact is that I don't even need water decomposition and gas evolution HHO yet.
Just i want to look with at least one eye at some resonances in the water.
So that it does not heat up, converting all the RF power into heat.
So that it behaves like a capacitor. ???
Quote from: kolbacict on April 22, 2021, 05:08:47 AM
The fact is that I don't even need water decomposition and gas evolution HHO yet.
Just i want to look with at least one eye at some resonances in the water.
So that it does not heat up, converting all the RF power into heat.
So that it behaves like a capacitor. ???
Then you need to go here and carefully read the note I made in this Group that I have up as an announcement:
[size=78%] ([/size] as I go over just how to do that. You will need a differential probe, pulsing circuit, voltage intensifier circuit, power supply, and a oscilloscope. The waveform must be balanced having nearly the same amount of positive and negative voltage in order for it to behave as a capacitor and I give the reasons why in the note I made.
I guess the reason why I was able to figure this part of the technology out is I have taken college level calculus and physics and thus know how to sum up the energy under the curve and when these types of calculations are to be done. But you don't need those to understand it as shown here in this video:
[size=78%] ([/size] These are work calculation equations and in this technology the energy under the curve represents current flow which produces work. If the energy sum per pulse equals zero then no work is performed which in this case would be to perform the work of electrolysis on the water molecules. As stated in this thread someplace when I have the positive and negative voltage near equal the current reading flowing through the water bath is only around 0.6 mA.
If you read through this thread you will see that I have already gone over this information before. I am not one that likes repeating himself all that much as I have already given everyone this information and to keep having to repeat myself shows that no one is actually taking the time to read what I have posted which by very definition is a waste of my time.
People need to stop listening to those that have no idea how to read and interoperate the readings shown on a oscilloscope, even if it is yourself, and start listening to people like me who are showing the results they too wish to see in their work. This is where honesty comes into play as one must be honest with themselves and others if they are to move forwards with this technology. Failure to be honest with yourself adding in lies will result in those lies forever dominating your path which is why you see some people exactly where there were many years ago having made zero progress on this technology. The one thing about the scientific method that I like is it forces one to be honest with themselves if followed correctly.
Please take the time to actually read this thread as I truly do not like repeating myself all that much.
Edward ( 2009
Nowhere something written about the technology performance ! The costs ! The minimum maintenance skills from the later owner !
compared :
2021 " water fuel cell " offer by many promotors ,here car installation specific:
Quote from: lancaIV on April 22, 2021, 09:30:38 AM ( 2009
Nowhere something written about the technology performance ! The costs ! The minimum maintenance skills from the later owner !
compared :
2021 " water fuel cell " offer by many promotors ,here car installation specific: (
From reading this I can tell you have not read through this entire thread as I do go over some of the cost of these things and show my work as I progress with this technology in real time. But you should know that I require people to do their own work and research as stated in the opening page of this thread. The problem is we all have our ego's we need to deal with and one way I found to deal with mines was by focusing on making sure I was following the scientific method. I'm not perfect as sometimes I have lashed out at people for being stupid as it annoys me, but for the most part I'd share stuff I figured out as I was learning it. I'd go over the math showing where the energy was coming from to out do fossil fuels and more.
However somewhere down the line I slowly stopped sharing everything as too many where just picking a fight with me for no real reason and most of them had no experiments under their belt concerning this technology. Slowly the flame of my free sharing spirit was put out as I passed through the school of hard knocks. In time I simply gave up on others being able to see just how this technology actually works as I was the only one that was making progress while everyone else were just trying to pick fights with me for doing so.
I saw with my own two eyes that each time I'd make a post showing me making more progress on getting the voltages to the WFC up that act of sharing would be met with pure negativity from a lot of members of this forum. It got so bad that I simply stopped coming to this forum for a long period of time and tried my luck with other forums. That too didn't work out all that well as people seem to just get madder and madder at me each time I showed success towards reaching the ionization threshold for the atoms that make up the water molecules. I think I got banned by practically every forum that dealt with this technology with the exception of this forum. And over time each one of those forums that banned me simply withered away with their efforts towards solving this technology. The sad part is I knew the reason why as those that banned me had in their solutions to this technology lies baked right into them and those lies lead the way to their demise with their work on trying to solve this technology. You don't have to take my word for it just take a look around at these other forums and you will see that the work on this water for fuel technology is practically dead in these forums that deal with this technology.
All those with baked in lies into their solutions faded away along with those that didn't follow the scientific method and went about trying to solve this technology aimlessly. To do things correctly will have a big cost along with it but that's the price that must be paid if one is to get this technology up and running the correct way. All too often people go cheap and then fail as going cheap added in places where the technology would not work correctly as things weren't being done correctly. Just put yourself in my shoes for just a moment. It's going on 8 years since I showed high voltage being put on the plates of a WFC and to this date not a soul has duplicated my efforts back then. It seems I now stand alone, but I reached out to a few people and let them know how the technology worked so I wouldn't be the only one that knew. Most people simply can't afford to build the technology correctly as it requires very expensive machines or one to run off trying to make deals with machinist, and other companies for raw materials and tools so that things can be built correctly.
You see Electrolysis is simple and this technology is the opposite of Electrolysis as it's very complex and expensive. Thus now I really just focus on trying to raise the capital I need to start my plans with this technology as the way I see it, "I must be the change I wish to see in this world."
Now I went over the thread and see most of the teaching videos and other links I shared no longer work so I guess you would have haven to been there in order to get the shared information. Here is one of those teaching videos I found that is very much relevant to how this technology works. I use to share many such videos as I was learning how this technology do what Meyer said it did.
[size=78%] ([/size]
Best wishes,
Even I conducted such an experiment, hoping to see at least some natural oscillations on the water condenser. At least three to four free oscillations after the discharge of the high-voltage capacitor.
During intense gas evolution from passing direct current, and without it.
The so-called shock excitation of the oscillatory circuit, you know that.
And they were! But, as it turned out later, these were parasitic resonant processes
in inductors. Which you see in the picture ...
Mr. Mitchell, a good morning !
I hope You do not refer 09.04.2009 numbers,#112 !
We have now April 2021 !
Economical improvements since 2009 ? 3000 to 2000 to 1000 US$ kit ?
Btw :
#177 "saltwater burns"- myth John Kanzius technology ,also no success since " world energy market change"-proclamation 2011
and for 3000 bucks You got 2008/2009 in Ohio and Michigan a 2000 sqft home with garden ! Junk bonds $/cash $ market price level !
p.s.: #516
I have been never there,but my father - in the 80',before they built there this monument : Dakar,Senegal
negotiations : ( , in partnership
with SCOA (
This fine art sculpture donated by the real-democratic and "so damned social" estate : North Corea
Lagos/Portugal to/from Lagos/Nigeria : (
first slave market in Europe of the modern era took place, in 1444
Antão Gonçalves (, discovered that Africa already had an internal slave trade and bought slaves on his own
initiative, returning to Portugal with 14 Africans.
But : before the Portuguese the african slavery market was in the "ownership" : by arabians
and "Blacks hunted Blacks" by collaboration
Especially after the genozid of the caribian indigenes the beginning (
( slave trade was abolished,but not slavery or economical trade behaviour : bondage ! Today common and existent )
Reality bites !
Going the real historical roots back : Movie as Life,Life as Movie (
Have you seen the film by Lars von Trier "Manderlay" ?
How did the heroine want to free the slaves, and what came of it?
Quote"saltwater burns"- myth John Kanzius technology
So it is possible not to work in this direction? Because I'm making a powerful generator now at 31 MHz.
Hi you two,
No, I don't think I watched that movie before.
Getting back to this technology I want you two to take a close look at these photos as you will see Meyer merely mimicked the earths global electric circuit thus that voltage intensifier circuit is something special. The blocking diode has but one role in this circuit and that is to act as a switch which is either on or it's off. This part of Meyer's technology must be copied and studied as it's the heart of the technology. You must understand this circuit's functionality fully before you can go about making changes to the circuit as I have.
I started from the bottom when I went to try and figure out how it all worked and I didn't get it so I went back even further when I made the 8xa circuit so that I could study that. As I learned how the 8xa circuit worked I was able to move back to the voltage intensifier circuit with some limited understanding of what Meyer was trying to do. I learned that the secondary side was an isolated circuit and learned of the importance that it remain that way for if a ground is introduced to the system the circuit will take it and never build up a high voltage potential.
You see in my research my aim was to understand this technology not duplicated it as this way I can go beyond just making use of this technology for vehicles. I followed where the science lead me and it took me far away from Meyer's work. I was looking at photosynthesis but asking totally different questions, looking into how thunderstorms worked and figured out a lot of things that simply can't be found in the text books of today. In the end I came up with a whole new theory to be added to the books of science but there was still more to be learned. I still remember all the people that told me that I was wasting my time when I stopped working on the WFC and moved over to try and understand the Gas Processor. That decision to study the Gas Processor marked a turning point in my understanding of this technology as unlike the WFC that device wasn't so hard to figure out and it was related to how the WFC worked. The cost of building that Gas Processor was around $1,100 bucks with a minimum make of three so I teamed up with two people in order to be able to afford that device. It's of my own design as I know how to use AutoCAD and have been putting this skill-set to use for this technology.
To understand a thing is to master that thing which was what I set out to do right from the off.
Take care,
Mr. Mitchell,with your development stage I would give You the advice for regional "business angel/s" organisation search ! ( ( (
With/out NDA cooperation !
Thanks for the links :D
Now a lot of times I think they are just fishing to see if there is any tech out there that can threaten their positions of power. But as this point in time I really don't think there is much they can do about it as my plans have already started, so basically it's too late, LOL.
I had a long time to create these plans and gone over so many different scenarios as to always be four to five steps ahead of them. Trust me when I tell you this these folks aren't going to be pushed off of their thrones without a fight and in many ways they are going to lose in much the same way the Reddit Crowd bested them with the Game Stop stocks with the power of the masses. In time the future will once again look bright and beautiful with clean air, clean water ways, and much much more.
Again thanks for the links,
Quote from: Farrah Day on April 07, 2009, 04:16:05 PM
What I'd like to know is just where all the power to continually ionise oxygen is coming from in the first place?
And what energy from sourse electricity does the dissociation of an oxygen molecule into atoms (free radicals) require in a glowing electric discharge?
rights,obligations : interests !
Stanley Meyer Technology ,another commercial trial ( (
Edward Mitchell CEO and Owner True Green Solutions (
US Army & US Marines Veteran
Water for fuel expert
Husband and Family man
Stockton, California.
Seit Juli 2009 bei Twitter
as real company/social entity : True Green Solutions Inc.
CEO minimum qualification by law !? The other administration partners !?
social capital (minimum !)
branch : production department employees minimum qualification by law (!?)
Mr.Edward Mitchell,you worked during Your development with companies which produced for You the specific prototype parts !
Go to them,ask them for their "company organigram",the demanded licences/permissions to work commercial !
Your future will be to constitute Your organisation by same rules ,independent to deliver the market under "no profit" or "high profit" condition !
The company organigram is the same, ever -by law- with demanded minimum qualifications and qualities ! INDUSTRIAL STANDART !
Technical responsibility : operator with official engineering degree
Financial responsibility ,CEO/Chair-man/woman : operator with business administration degree (
Edward Mitchell (
Former Diesel Mechanic at U.S. Army1999–2003
Studied Science & Architecture at San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, CA (
Joined September 2017
For real world company technological CEO position such a profile : unqualified !
SCHEISSEGAL,ob Weisser,Gelber,Schwarzer,Roter,Gruener,.....
Mr.Mitchell,You are in the same position actually like member George1 and some other whose means that .......
This is our (hidden) operative society system-bondage !
Over all majorities/minorities !
= Inc. shortly Incorporation : Koerperschaft ( oeffentl./privatem Rechtes)
= juristische Person/Individuum
corpus= the body
Com-pan-y(circenses) organ-i-gram and their operators " (naked) Profile " : Forensik/Anatomie tools
When today people come together for projects,each one becomes observed ( internal/external curriculum) !
approved/certificated qualification/quality is for "financial credibility" and project/object financing A MUST !
Even the minority share-holder Elon Musk did it learned and accepted it !
He depends from others,so he has also to howl with the wolves
It's kinda sad as I use to work with Max Miller on this. We had our setups exactly the same and were conducting test at the same time sharing information. I remember talking to him about my cell heating up over time and he told me that his cell wasn't heating up. Since our setups were exactly the same something must be wrong as whatever my set up was doing so too should his set up be doing. We shared videos showing what was going on so we could learn more effectively. In the video he sent me I could clearly see heat waves coming from his resonant cavities and I told him about it. He insisted that his cell wasn't heating up but would no longer provide temperature measurements over time to me. So, I concluded he was lying to me and to himself and stopped working with him as I was all about the science and the scientific method forces one to be honest with themselves if followed correctly. And since my cell was heating up and his, according to him, wasn't one of us had to be lying and this was the end of my working with Max Miller.
I ended up solving the heating problem of the cell several weeks later as to me it was just a problem that needed a solution. I can't speak for his true state of mind but it seems he was in competition with me and wanted to prove that what he was doing was better than what I was doing. In any event that lie stalled his work and he made no real progress with the technology from that point forwards. I on the other hand kept moving my understanding of the technology forwards and am where I am today and I contribute that to being honest with myself as I made use of the scientific method to get at this technologies secrets.
Let this be a lesson to all whom are reading this. A lie has the power to steer one's path away from the truth and in this example it steered Max away from the truth of this technology. You see since I had a problem I kept asking and answering questions and that ended up leading me to a solution and Max had no problem thus never asked any more questions. The solution to the problem was a balanced waveform having nearly the same negative and positive voltage potentials being applied to the plates of the WFC. I think why no one else working on the technology saw this was due to them just looking at the pictures in Meyer's patents and technical brief and not actually reading the information Meyer provided. For in writing Meyer stated very clearly that there must be equal positive and negative voltages being applied to the plates of the water fuel cell.
Since I recognized these waveforms where work problems I had seen in physics I applied what I had learned in physics towards understanding what was going on. The area under the curve shown on the oscilloscope represents current flow. And since I was sending a square wave pulse to the transformer it had a period. I noticed that in this period for every one pulse I'd send to the VIC circuit I'd get two pulses back. The leading pulse would be negative and the other would be positive and it was then when I saw what Meyer was talking about when he stated that this technology doubles the pulse frequency as I was now able to see this with my own eyes. So, with each and every pulse I was sending to the VIC circuit I was getting two pulses back and I now knew to look for this while I was adjusting the pulsing frequency. You see if the waveform shows a equal negative and positive voltage the current flow cancels out and no water heating electrolysis takes place.
Being a nice guy I attempted to point this out to Max but he just went off on me still clinging to the lie he'd told himself and went on trying to tell everyone that would hear him that I was doing things wrong and he wasn't alone as many chimed in at that time to tell everyone that I wasn't telling the truth and was lying to everyone and that I was lying about the water bath not heating up. When I went to the 2013 Global BEM I proved what I was saying as I took temperature measurements for all to see whom came to my station. I ran the unit all day and the temps of the cell would just follow the temps of the day. You'd think all that rose up against me would be accepting of data being given to them in real time but you'd be wrong as they doubled down one what they were saying about me and in the end all of their work stalled out just as Max's did while I kept making improvements.
I had to learn from scratch how to build the VIC transformers correctly towards the application I was subjecting them too as I was using a transformer that was designed for the injectors on a WFC. The load being placed on the transformer from the WFC was much greater than the load being placed on the transformer by the injectors thus the solution was to beef up the transformer so that it could handle the increased load. At this point Meyer and I took a different path on transformer design and my transformers didn't much look like Meyer's transformers anymore just similar to his. Again those whom were determined to hate on me pointed this out but at this point I just ignored them as what progress were they making? None. This really amped up their attacks against me as I guess no one likes being ignored. The sad part of all of this is while I was showing everyone an ever increasing voltage being applied to the WFC as I improved upon my transformer designs they were showing nothing, no improvement whatsoever or just nothing at all. When I was re-reading through this thread I'd see these folks all trying to do the same thing that other guy was trying to get me to do recently in that they all wanted me to stop what I was doing and throw in the towel.
I too had stalled out but not because of what I was doing with this technology but because I had simply ran out of money as these people did one thing very effectively and that was to kill my crowdfunding efforts with all of their combined negativity and outright lies aimed squarely at me. Between that and some greedy machinist it took all the money I had too the point where I did have to stop and save up before I could start again which is where I am at today. I have to save up to get the equipment and materials I need to move forwards again with this technology as I now must do as much as I can inhouse to cut cost.
It's interesting to see so much information about me, though it's incomplete, LOL, but still very interesting to see. I've done a lot in this life and hope to be able to do more as time marches on as sooner or later I will save up enough to get the things I need without any help, but any help I can get is welcome as it cuts the time down for me to be able to launch this technology to the world.
I love this quote from Meyer:
QuoteSuccess is measured by the determination to make it work, and successful we shall be!
What makes me different from Meyer is I am a mechanic first and a scientist second thus know how engines work. What's missing from your search is I first learned to be a mechanic way back in 1986 so I know my way around cars and thus will not be wasting time trying to re-invent any wheels like Meyer did. (
Shalom everyone,
And then there is such a device. It can be powered by 12 volts from battery.
If you put it on an insulating table. Is it possible to make measurements instead of a differential probe? Only the handles cannot be touched. :D
Hi Kolbacict,
I'm not sure but it would seem that would work. Then the problem might be the voltage ratings of the probes you have as if you place the probes across the entire exciter array the voltages will exceed 10 kv with a 10 resonant cavity cell like mines or Meyer's after he disconnected one of his eleven resonant cavities. Now you can place the probe directly across just one of the cells in the series array as it will be ten times less in it's voltage than the entire series array.
For a resonant cavity built to Meyer's specifications to get it going the potential voltages need to be 500 volts negative and 500 volts positive which gives a total of 1 kv of potential difference. This is the minimum requirements to get the tech working and note it might take just a bit more than this for as seen in the other notes that I posted on Meyer's stuff he was placing a total of 10.2 kv of potential difference on the injectors. Failure to reach these high voltages will result in the setup doing not to much of anything as the threshold for ionization hasn't been reached. Think of it like trying to boil water. If you take it up to 98° C nothing is going to happen to the water as you haven't reached it's boiling point so it's not going to boil. This is no different as both of these atoms have a voltage threshold that must be reached before the atoms go into a state of ionization and start releasing their electrons. Trust me nothing will happen as I held the voltage at 9.6 kv for something like three days straight on my cell and it would try to start but no dice. So I have to redo the transformer in order to reach the proper voltage levels when I get the funds to do so. I think even Don Gable got close but again it will do nothing if the ionization threshold isn't reached. I think his transformer shorted out on him as his transformer coils were exposed to the open air which will ionize the air making it conductive and they were allowed to vibrate which will rub off the wire's protective coating. There is a reason why I vacuum resin seal these transformers now and these two problems are it.
One thing everyone needs to understand is the electricity doesn't wish to go through this resistive wire or an inductor at resonance which acts like a very large resistor. If given the chance it will take a short cut to it's isolated ground or to any grounding source you place too near to the device. Do not stick your finger in the water bath when it is up near these voltages as it will discharge the capacitor through you to get to the earth's ground. Thus it's very important to make sure the isolated side of this technology can't find a way to ground as it must remain isolated at all times for this technology to work correctly. This is why Meyer's injectors didn't work all that well as they would work fine in the test setup he had as it was made of plastic and thus kept things isolated but as soon as he would put the injectors in the engine it would ground out to the car's electrical system. I am sure given enough time he would have solved that problem but he wasn't given any more time.
Meyer and I have different solutions to the same problems we face as that's only normal as we are two different people. His solution to prevent the current from taking a short cut in his WFC was to disconnect one of the resonant cavities and mines was to rewire the resonant cavity splitting the cell in half where the input voltage connections were now 180° apart from one another. Same problem different solution from two very different men. This is what understanding this technology has allowed me to do as I no longer need to follow everything Meyer did as I understand what must be done and why which is precisely why I went out of my way to get at the real science behind this technology. You see if there were mistakes made I'd be able to see them but only if I understood the science behind it all. And, I could come up with totally new solutions to any problems he faced.
People love to get mad at me for saying things like this but I think I just showed the proof to them that I am now qualified to see and correct problems Meyer faced with this technology when he was still alive and come up with different solutions to problems he faced.
Let me know if you want me to post photos my my WFC solution that was different than Meyer's solution, okay?
Hi Edward.
I else came up with something better ! 8)
If you don't have a good differential probe and you don't have the money to buy it.
You can apply a high-voltage signal directly to the CRT plates. An old oscilloscope with a CRT.
Am I smart? ;)
QuoteLet me in if you want me to post photos my my WFC solution that was different than Meyer's solution, okay?
What does this mean?
Oops, that's a type-o, sorry. I corrected it.
I assume the answer would be yes if not by you but by my many fans and haters alike.
In these photos I show how I went about breaking the cell in half as I wired 5 cells one way and the remaining 5 cells the other way and joined them by a longer wire. You see the problem Meyer ran into was current will always follow the path of least resistance. The current that would charge up the plates of the exciter array simply jumped over the top of the positive and negative resonant cavities as the combined space gaps between each to the cells in the series array was greater than the distance between the two adjacent resonant cavities where the positive and negative connections were made. So the current would only move to charge two of the resonant cavities in the series array as a result as that was the shortest/least restrictive path to ground.
This is the reason why Meyer disconnected one of the resonant cavities of his eleven series array as by doing so now the least restrictive path to ground was going through the remaining cells in the series array. Since I understood what was going on I knew that if I ran a wire around the cell to complete the series array that wire's resistance was much less than the resistance for the current to try and jump over the top of the cells as now the positive and negative connections are 180° apart from one another in their circular arrangement. There is a third solution and that is to make the exciter array in a inline array setup and not in a circular array pattern. But this all has to do with realizing that water is a physical part of the circuit and as such it's resistance is measures in physical distance. You have the distance between the plates and the distance between each of the resonant cavities. In a circular array if the combined distance of the gaps between each of the resonant cavities of the series array is greater than the physical distance between the negative and positive connections the current would take the shortest path to ground.
So, we have the same problem that can be solved by multiple solutions and my solution was just different than Meyer's solution, but in my solution I got to use all of the resonant cavities in my series array while he had to disconnect one of his resonant cavities. Note I used wire that is rated to handle 15 kv between each cell and 30 kv for the negative and positive connections.
With understanding of the technology I can solve problems in a different way than Meyer did and see problems he didn't get a chance to see due to his untimely death.
Take care,
I understood. Thank you. :)
Be that as it may, I have not yet managed to have more gas output than by Michael Faraday.
In WFC was always a analog ammeter in the circuit. For control of the constant current component.
How many coulombs of electricity were passed through the cell, so much gas was obtained.
And it was never possible to get more than a few tens of volts per cell. :(
Although I know, in radio engineering, even copper can be the perfect insulator.
This is when, for example, in long lines there are quarter-wave short-circuiting bridges ...
I don't know how to say it exactly in English, but I hope you will understand me.
But with these cell sizes, frequncy it should be many gigahertz ...
Quote from: kolbacict on April 26, 2021, 09:19:29 AM
I understood. Thank you. :)
Be that as it may, I have not yet managed to have more gas output than by Michael Faraday.
In WFC was always a analog ammeter in the circuit. For control of the constant current component.
How many coulombs of electricity were passed through the cell, so much gas was obtained.
And it was never possible to get more than a few tens of volts per cell. :(
Although I know, in radio engineering, even copper can be the perfect insulator.
This is when, for example, in long lines there are quarter-wave short-circuiting bridges ...
I don't know how to say it exactly in English, but I hope you will understand me.
But with these cell sizes, frequncy it should be many gigahertz ...
Again with this technology reaching the threshold for ionization of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms is no different than reaching the boiling point for water. Meyer states that each resonant cavity will require 1 kv. Now for comparison lets treat that 1 kv like 100° C for the boiling point of water. If you only bring the temps up to 96° C will the water ever boil at 1STP? The answer is no. So, if like me you managed to put 960 volts to the resonant cavity will it work? Again the answer is no, why? Because the threshold for the ionization of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms hasn't been reached.
One thing you also need to understand is Dr. Faraday's work doesn't apply here as this method of water decomposition is following how mother nature breaks the bonds of the water molecules and not man's way to do it. A new measuring method needs to be made for the efficiency of the reaction as mankind has truly never done this before. Remember this is new to the scientific community and it hasn't been taken seriously yet.
As for the frequencies this technology operates at it's around 5-12 kHz depending on the size of the resonant cavities and the inductance of the inductors used. This is still a RLC circuit but one made to mimic mother natures way of breaking the bonds of the water molecules. There are two different resonances taking place as the gating frequency is aimed at the outer tube's vibrational resonant frequency, and the RLC circuit, well you should already know that one. This is why at first when you don't understand things you must build it as close as you can to what Meyer had done. Now if you don't wish to be honest with yourself and run around faking as if you understand this technology and you really don't you will end up blowing through a lot of money and come out the other side empty handed. It took me a very long time to gain the understanding I now have about this technology. Lots of experiments performed making use of the scientific method both asking and answering questions as I learned how this technology works the old fashion way by trial and error.
All in all I'd say you have a long ways to go to get to my level of understanding about this technology but keep your nose to the grindstone of science and everything will work out as long as you make use of the scientific method.
Take care,
Hi Jerry,
Yeah, it has been a while since we last wrote to one another. In my latest research I figured out something very interesting about the WFC's, but also unsettling. It turns out I, along with Meyer and anyone who copied him, made the things wrong. If you take a close look at the one where Meyer used the Alternator you will see Meyer doing it correctly in that he is physically holding the outer tubes at their "Nodes." For reasons unknown when he made the WFC for the car he no longer went to hold the tubes at their nodes.
The fundamental frequency is what the gating frequency is tuned for with the outer tubes. This is why they all must be as close to perfect as possible in their size for they all must have the same resonant frequency for this to work on them all at the same time. Luckily for me I held the resonant cavities to a really high tolerance of just ±0.0005 inches, but I didn't make the cell to correctly hold them at their nodes. When I get in some new equipment in I will make a new one that does address this problem as I am cutting out the expensive middle men that have taken so much of my money as to leave me broke most of the time. Yep, going to be doing a lot more things "In-House" from now on.
Now I did share this information on Chris's site before he banned me for pointing out racism and then the site just suddenly went down for reasons unknown, so I guess I can post that information here for all of you.
The waveform is very important as the negative and positive voltages must be nearly the same to get the amp restriction Meyer talks about. Most people on the forums dogged me out for saying that but I showed my cell wasn't heating up over time in use just as the eye witnesses talked about in the Arthur C. Clarke video. But it's like boiling water as if all one can reach is 96° C the water will never boil. With respects to Meyer one must build the resonant cavities to his dimensions for his words to work for them. If the gap between the cells is larger it will require a lot more voltage to reach the ionization threshold for the atoms that make up the water molecules to get them to eject their electrons. With water dissociated in this manor it produces, hydrogen and oxygen gases and electricity as those ejected electrons go into the water bath. Now the voltage intensifier circuit does take care of this so that it doesn't arc inside of the cell creating an explosion as when the switch is "On" creating a short circuit the electrons are free to move through the coils of the transformer on their way to the other side of the plates of the capacitor as when the switch is "On" it short circuits the capacitor.
This technology is very complex as I haven't even shared the really difficult stuff as I feel no one would truly understand it and I don't want to feed those that aim to put my company out of business.
In my testing with other cells that were unbalanced I'd be able to get some of the resonant cavities working at random and it looks like the water is boil as I would get a very large burst of gases being produced in one or two resonant cavities but never all of them at the same time as I didn't make the cell correctly. I have a video of it but I don't think it's the right time to share such things on the net as of yet. With Meyer's technology the voltage intensifier circuit is a must or it will not be duplicating how mother natures goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules. Now there are more ways to do this but most of those ways are very dangerous as it can be done with radiation, strong magnetic fields, and any other way that we know of to get the atoms to eject or have their electrons removed. I see the thread started with someone trying to go over making use of magnetic fields to do this and wonder if they now that this was a problem for those folks that build these atoms smashers. They use water as a dielectric liquid in their systems and from the things I read this was a really big problem for them that they had to design out for as I stated when water is broken down this way it not only produces these gases but also electricity. In time it will produce enough electric charge as to create a spark which would blow up their high dollar equipment. It is also how those three reactors in Japan blew their tops as by way of radiation bombardment those high radiation levels knocked the electrons off of the atoms and over time the electrons built up a charge that was strong enough to over come the air's resistance and that's when they blew their tops putting radiation all over the planet.
I learned all of this by first moving away from studding the WFC when I went to figure out how the Gas Processor worked. The Gas Processor targets one atom and the WFC targets two atoms simultaneously is the primary difference between the two devices. In order to understand all of this I had to leave Meyer's work for awhile just moving wherever the science took me in my experiments and come back to it once I understood what was going on. I think this is why when I speak of this technology most people think I am coming out of left field as Meyer never spoke about many of the things I figured out about this technology. (
As for those that solved making hydrogen and oxygen with just sunlight with their artificial leaf I am not sure what happened to them as they had all the funding they needed to have been in mass production by now but they just seemed to have disappeared. The earth is going into "Hell Mode" as we keep on using fossil fuels and they are nowhere to be found with their solution, strange?
Best Regards to you too,
Hello Everyone,
Now here is something a lot of people simply don't understand about this technology. When you look at the voltage intensifier circuit many people assume that they can take this technology to any frequency they so desire, yes kolbacict ([/size][/color]? Here's the problem with that. Which of the parts of the VIC will limit how fast one can pulse it, in other words what is the limiting part of the setup? It's the switch, IE, blocking diode. What happens if you choose a switch that is too slow and thus can't keep up with the frequencies you need to be running this technology at? Well, watch this video to learn just what will happen if you choose a switch that is too slow or if you chose a frequency that will over clock your switch: [size=78%] ([/size] As you can see the switch is the limiting part of this technology and if you overclock it bad things will happen. So, you don't want to run this technology in the Giga Hertz range do you? For if you do so chances are high that you will overclock the switch as it will not be able to keep up as a result.
Now failure to use the switch, IE, you thought it was just a waste of time and you feel you can make changes to a technology you don't fully understand will result in a capacitor that is switching polarity and heating up the water bath by way of molecular friction as the water molecules keep switching back and forth trying to follow the ever switching polarity of the frequency you are using on the capacitor. Got that Jerry?
This is why I urge folks that don't fully understand this technology to simply copy as best you can what Stanley Meyer did and observe this technology both asking and answering questions so that you can gain an understand of this technology. This part will not be easy as there are many false teachings about what Stanley Meyer did as the people observing the technology with their own two hands simply made a few mistakes. But none the less it is a hill you will have to overcome in order to get this technology up and running correctly.
Remember when you mocked me Jerry when I told everyone over at Ionizationx that I came up with a new theory for the books of science? Now you can see just how important that theory I came up with is towards understanding this technology and being able to predict other things in nature and things that are man made that are breaking the bonds of the water molecules in this fashion. With that theory we now know what to look for.
Here is a example of this theory answering things that science finds are unknown. Now this example is of a horrific plane crash and I truly feel sorry for the loss of life. Remember flight TWA 800 that went down shortly after takeoff? It's the one where they drudged the entire plane out of the ocean looking for explosives but never found and evidence of any explosive materials. Well, it turns out that plane took off in a severe thunderstorm and the pilot, along with most of the scientific community, didn't know that thunderstorms will produce large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen gases when the conditions are right for them to do so. These gases are produced at the bottom of the cloud and rise to the top of the cloud and generally is ignited producing the earth shaking thunder we hear and feel on the ground. The plane intercepted a large pocket of hydrogen and oxygen gas headed for the top of the cloud and it's engines ignited the mixture which blew the plane to kingdom come. This is what this theory I came up with allowed me to figure out about how that plane was blown out of the sky when the mainstream scientist just ended up throwing up their hands telling everyone they couldn't figure out what happened.
It's a sad story as I believe all hands were lost but it goes to show the importance of the theory I came up with as it answers some unknowns we have. In other things scientist are just figuring out about thunderstorms is they are responsible for some of the earthquakes we have as those very large explosions taking place overhead shake the ground which will in turn cause the ground to relive built up tension in the fault lines and perhaps even the tectonic plates. Now I watched a documentary about earthquakes and the scientist are now seeing a pattern where these thunderstorms are actually causing earthquakes. Sorry I can't find the video for you but it just goes to show we humans are learning more and more about our earth and how it behaves all the time.
As always I hope this helps everyone's understanding of this technology just a bit more.
Take care,
Quotedidn't know that thunderstorms will produce large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen gases when the conditions are right for them to do so.
It's true ?
It's true ?
QuoteAs for the frequencies this technology operates at it's around 5-12 kHz depending on the size of the resonant cavities and the inductance of the inductors used.
I don't understand anyway.
The distance between the electrodes in the cell is millimeters.
The wavelength at 12 kHz is 25 kilometers. 300000000/f.
Quote from: kolbacict on April 27, 2021, 01:43:19 PM
I don't understand anyway.
The distance between the electrodes in the cell is millimeters.
The wavelength at 12 kHz is 25 kilometers. 300000000/f.
Hello Again,
This has to do with the physical properties of the tubes themselves as well as the RLC relationship between the inductors and the capacitors. Here is a video going over wind chimes as this is all related to this technology we too work with:
[size=78%] ([/size] Now after watching that video you have some idea of the frequencies we will be at and how to go about holding the tubes for the fundamental frequency which is what we are after. The gating frequency is used to tune into this fundamental frequency of the outer tubes.
As for the RLC resonance remember this technology doubles the frequency so if you put in 6 kHz what the cell will see is 12 kHz as the voltage intensifier circuit will double the pulse frequency. In this we are talking about the electrical resonance between the inductors and the capacitors. Here we can tune things to be nearly whatever frequency we want as seen in this RLC calculator:
[size=78%] ([/size] as seen you can change the resonance frequency by altering the inductance. Note the typical inductance is in the Henry's and the typical capacitance is in the Pico Farads to get the frequencies in the kHertz range. You can adjust things by altering the variables. But since you already know the size of the resonant cavities and should thus make them accordingly you really only need to keep altering the inductance of the transformer to get the resonance where you want it to be. Just note that these WFC capacitors are in fact variable capacitors which is why there must be a resonance PLL system to lock on to and maintain resonance. As more and more gases are generated those gases displace the dielectric between the plates of the capacitor and it's capacitance goes down. This changes the resonant frequency which is why a PLL is needed in the circuit and it too must be fast enough to keep up with the changes in frequency as the voltages are raised/lowered. Now there are a whole lot of things I am not talking about and won't talk about but I feel this gets the general point across.
I have a whole list of things I use to make these VIC transformers that I came up with through my many dealings with them through experimentation as I went about learning this technology. Plus now that I posted that Meyer turn count data everyone should be able to start making these transformers effectively, but I will not talk much on just what it is I am doing on this part of the technology past what I have already talked about. Just know that these switches have limits and we must design things to not overwhelm them.
All in a good days work,
related #540 :
Hz,ancient "cycles per second"
rotative engine process change : (
All engines have LIMITED POWER. < we'll provide 6 TIMES the power with the same amount of fuel because sparks occur AFTER top dead center. Now when a crank rotates to 90 degrees after top dead center (TDC) the explosion pressure drops below 100 psi, but when we have an explosion closer to 90 degrees after TDC the pressure is 600 psi. (
" .... When Maxwell became interested in electricity, he wrote to William Thomson, 1st Baron Kelvin, and asked him how best to proceed. Kelvin recommended that Maxwell read the published works of Faraday, Kelvin, Ampère, and then those of the German physicists, in the order given. .... "
home literature,from the temporal Bests ! In original language ?
" ...... in particular in 1864 he predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves ( , which Heinrich Hertz ( was the first to generate and prove in 1886. ....."
Which was Maxwells "physical model" and which Hertz his "physical model"-view ?!
by mathematical theory or experimental trials ?! (
By examining the cathode ( radiation in 1897, Thomson succeeded in providing experimental evidence for the existence of the electron predicted by George Johnstone Stoney ( as early as 1874 (the electron played a fundamental role in the theories of Hendrik Antoon Lorentz ( and Joseph Larmor ( as early as 1892 ).
Thomson was also able to prove that moving electrons could be deflected by a magnetic field,
which Heinrich Hertz ( had previously denied.
Denied by which "model"-thesis ?
From 19.century theories,divided :
Kinetic gas theory and Electromagnetism
to 21.century both combinated :
gas to electron-/ion gas
to Plasma theory
f.e.,solution%20of%20the%20same%20equations (,solution%20of%20the%20same%20equations). ( (
Crookes developed the Crookes tubes (,[19] ( investigating cathode rays ( He published numerous papers on spectroscopy ( and conducted research on a variety of minor subjects. In his investigations of the conduction of electricity in low pressure gases, he discovered that as the pressure was lowered, the negative electrode (cathode) appeared to emit rays (the so-called "cathode rays", now known to be a stream of free electrons, and used in cathode ray display devices ( As these examples indicate, he was a pioneer in the construction and use of vacuum tubes ( for the study of physical phenomena.[20] (
He was, as a consequence, one of the first scientists to investigate what is now called a plasma ( and identified it as the fourth state of matter in 1879.
[21] ( also devised one of the first instruments for studying nuclear radioactivity, the spinthariscope ([3] ([22] ([23] ([24] (
QuoteJust note that these WFC capacitors are in fact variable capacitors which is why there must be a resonance PLL system to lock on to and maintain resonance. As more and more gases are generated those gases displace the dielectric between the plates of the capacitor and it's capacitance goes down. This changes the resonant frequency which is why a PLL is needed in the circuit and it too must be fast enough to keep up with the changes in frequency as the voltages are raised/lowered.
Okay, I agree with that. :)
PLL is not a problem to do. And you, as I understand it, have a colleague or friend, Gunther, a German.
In a yellow shirt. :) He dealt with the microprocessor part ...
p.s.And I continue to experiment. I made a 50W generator. 20-50MHz.
water in a syringe has boiled. There is no hydrogen ... :(
But I also thought, if all the water decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen at one moment, it would be an explosion. The volume would increase 800 times .
Take a look ...The temperature is far from 100 degrees. Some kind of gas is released.
Raises the piston. The frequency is about 31.6 MHz. There is an antenna matching device that allows the generator to match any load. :) This thing is part of a VHF radio station.
Today it occurred to me that if you try to dissociate into atoms in your resonant cell, not water, but, for example, alcohol or acetone.The binding energy of hydrogen there is much less than in water with oxygen. it will be easier to break.
Quote from: kolbacict on April 29, 2021, 10:18:22 AM
Take a look ...The temperature is far from 100 degrees. Some kind of gas is released.
Raises the piston. The frequency is about 31.6 MHz. There is an antenna matching device that allows the generator to match any load. :) This thing is part of a VHF radio station.
Today it occurred to me that if you try to dissociate into atoms in your resonant cell, not water, but, for example, alcohol or acetone.The binding energy of hydrogen there is much less than in water with oxygen. it will be easier to break.
In order for me to evaluate this I'd need to know at what temperate and pressure the liquid is being held under. There is a reason why I added in 1 ATM as if the pressure is less the water will boil at lower temperatures. We have to look over things like, "Phase diagrams." But note water is something special as both oxygen and hydrogen have practically the same ionization threshold to get the atoms to release their electrons. As for putting something other than water inside of my WFC no way that's going to happen as I a truly focused on the mission at hand to be straying away from it now.
The reason is simple, no other technology can do what this technology can do as it simply has no equal.
QuoteIn order for me to evaluate this I'd need to know at what temperate and pressure
The pressure is atmospheric. Temperature cannot be measured with an electronic thermometer, RF interference.I will find a suitable glass thermometer, I will inform you. (
Do you believe that water changes with thoughts? :)
A powerful HF generator with which we heat water has modulation. If this can be done by thoughts, even more so by direct impact on water. Ask the water to decompose into its components into the microphone. Or pray ...
Here's what I am getting at. As seen in the attachment is the "Phase Diagram" for water. It shows what the conditions of water at different temperatures and pressures and if the molecule is in a gaseous, liquid, or solid state. We always have to keep these things in mind as I do believe it also has a effect on water decomposition. This is why it is so important to not put any heat energy into the water bath which the properly balanced waveform will accomplish as we don't want any energy being wasted heating up the water. Water is also effected by temperature concerning it's dielectric constant which is Meyer states the temperature when he talks about water's dielectric properties as seen in the pdf file in the second attachment.
This is why I make sure and tell people this technology is on the complicated side as it's the opposite of electrolysis which by contrast is very simple.
good diagram. :)
I was wrong. The thermocouple is not affected by high frequency interference.
The temperature is, indeed, close to the boiling point of water.
My installation only boils water. :(
Well, and by what mechanism does a water molecule disintegrate in you?
Ionic or free radical ? If by ionic, then what discharges charged ions?
Is it possible to break the connection by swinging the oscillations parametrically ?
Similar to how it is done in the link above (according to Milkovich.)
For me the water molecules break down into it's component elements by way of "Ionization" where the atoms undergo ionization and release their electrons as then there is nothing left to hold the molecules together since the atoms form an ionic bond.
Everything must be as perfect as one can make them as the water bath can't have any grounds or any way for it to bleed it's charge while being charged up. If so more than likely it will reach an equilibrium state and never charge up enough to be able to ionize the atoms that make up the water molecules. My cell is so isolated that even now after weeks of none use it holds a charge on the plates of the capacitor. From what I see a lot of folks doing is trying to make up new rules of building things without trying to understand why the secondary side of the VIC circuit must remain an isolated circuit at all times. This is to include the WFC as after all it is a part of the VIC circuit. I have no idea why people choose to not follow what Meyer did and instead try and do it their own way when their understanding of this technology is at the beginner level. To me it just doesn't make any logical sense for people to stray away from what Don Gable shared with everyone until they have a firm understanding of just what is going on with this technology. Maybe it's pride or a desire for fame or they just what to say they did it their way, but what ever it is practically all I have seen working on this technology is stricken by whatever mental sickness this is.
I built things as close to perfect as I could and studied this technology thoroughly and afterwards once I had gained an understanding of this technology did I start to make changes to it. I guess no is willing to put in the time it takes to undergo that task as I did. The scientific method is just a tool and we all should be making use of it not just me as after all the tool is free for all to make use of.
Right now I am in fund raising mode so that I can be able to afford the things I need to get this technology into the marketplace.
As for what going on in that other thread I won't even pay it any attention as I keep things strictly towards doing what my experiments showed me was true while I was investigating this technology learning it's secrets the old fashion way. This technology is complex and trying to add in another technology will make it even more so so why even bother?
Quote from: kolbacict on May 06, 2021, 03:26:54 AM
what mechanism does a water molecule disintegrate in you?
What did you want to get? Wanted to get hydrogen from a high-frequency field? Then it is necessary, like Kanzius, to use a strong field. "Flame Discharge" ( (
If the terminal is wetted with salt water:
- place the electrode in water, or
- put a cotton swab moistened with salt water on the terminal, the length and brightness of the discharge flame greatly increases Water ionizes and decomposes, but at such temperatures it burns again.
The increase, if there is, is small.
In general, how much gas addition did you want to get with conventional electrolysis?
0.3% can add a high-frequency field to the required energy consumption for conventional electrolysis.
Can you measure a 0.3% increase in gas yield?
It is likely that in electrolysis with a very low DC voltage, at which there will be a very small gas yield. It is desirable to create a vacuum for better separation of oxygen and hydrogen. But I suppose that with this method, the percentage of the increase will also be small.
For quick monitoring of hydrogen production, I recommend using a hydrogen sensor like this Arduino small module on base MQ-8 or better, : (
This Arduino sensor module works without Arduino.
An ordinary voltmeter and a 5 volt power supply from a mobile phone charge are enough.
The sensor is of course cheap and not very accurate.
We need to find another way, how to turn 0.3% into 300%
For low electricity input and high hydrogen/oxygen splitting we can use chemical strong active elements like
aluminium,but now in nano-grains = high surface area per gram !
search machine : nano-aluminium
Because " non consumed" alloys like chemalloy have " undefined high C.O.P." ,the negative point :hydrogen production in liter/cc/mg per minute !
Aluminium with an anti-oxydation -low cost- coating as catalyzer is the solution !
The labs in search !
Aluminum nanopowder is not a catalyst as it reacts chemically with water?
Aluminum is consumed to produce hydrogen like conventional fuel.
QuoteWhat did you want to get?
I wanted like Edward's ... Or better. ;) joke. :)
QuoteCan you measure a 0.3% increase in gas yield?
QuoteFor quick monitoring of hydrogen production, I recommend using a hydrogen sensor like this Arduino small module on base MQ-8 or better, :
QuoteFor low electricity input and high hydrogen/oxygen splitting we can use chemical strong active elements like
aluminium,but now in nano-grains = high surface area per gram !
I have paint "serebryanka" (silver) (aluminum powder.) :)
And i don't have money,as well. at all. :)
And even worse, I have no like-minded people and helpers.
Quote from: Sergh on May 07, 2021, 06:57:43 AM
Aluminum nanopowder is not a catalyst as it reacts chemically with water?
Aluminum is consumed to produce hydrogen like conventional fuel.
Yes,aluminium can also be used as rocket-/or torpedo fuel !
But : (
" ...... And unlike batteries, it can remain stable and ready for use indefinitely. ....."
Quote from: Sergh on May 07, 2021, 04:33:44 AM
What did you want to get? Wanted to get hydrogen from a high-frequency field? Then it is necessary, like Kanzius, to use a strong field. "Flame Discharge" ( ( (
If the terminal is wetted with salt water:
- place the electrode in water, or
- put a cotton swab moistened with salt water on the terminal, the length and brightness of the discharge flame greatly increases Water ionizes and decomposes, but at such temperatures it burns again.
The increase, if there is, is small.
In general, how much gas addition did you want to get with conventional electrolysis?
0.3% can add a high-frequency field to the required energy consumption for conventional electrolysis.
Can you measure a 0.3% increase in gas yield?
It is likely that in electrolysis with a very low DC voltage, at which there will be a very small gas yield. It is desirable to create a vacuum for better separation of oxygen and hydrogen. But I suppose that with this method, the percentage of the increase will also be small.
For quick monitoring of hydrogen production, I recommend using a hydrogen sensor like this Arduino small module on base MQ-8 or better, : (
This Arduino sensor module works without Arduino.
An ordinary voltmeter and a 5 volt power supply from a mobile phone charge are enough.
The sensor is of course cheap and not very accurate.
We need to find another way, how to turn 0.3% into 300%
Hi Sergh,
I went over all of these videos and can say other than the last one they have nothing to do with this technology. You are basically taking an unknown and tossing it in another basket of unknowns hoping for a solution. Why not just follow what Meyer did? Don Gable gave everyone the correct size of the water capacitors which I will repost. This guy in this video gave a good circuit to try and make use of
[size=78%] ([/size], and I gave the science behind the the technology away for free many places in this thread but I will re-post the pdf file in this post once more.
Just as those videos you post show things being difficult to tune so to is this technology but you must first follow the simple circuit diagram Meyer showed in his technical brief of this technology. The switch you choose is very important and I already posted a video showing why that is as the blocking diode being used in this fashion is acting as a automatic switch. The technology does produce a AC waveform but it doesn't flip flop the voltage potentials on the plates of the capacitor thanks to the Blocking Diode switch the plates of the capacitor maintain one charge on them thus allowing this voltage intensifier circuit to mimic a thunderstorm. This is how this technology actually works and it's been given to everyone whom takes the time to read this thread for free.
I have no idea why people keep trying to toss in some other technologies in with this technology when I have went out of my way to show the actual science behind this technology so that it is no longer a UNKNOWN! The VIC circuit is the solution towards mimicking how mother nature breaks the bonds of the water molecules. One must follow all the rules for making high voltage transformers as well as follow all the rules in dealing with high voltages.
So, please stop trying to add in anything else to what I have already went over in this thread as it just confuses people.
Thank you. But so no one answered by what mechanism the water molecule divides?
Most likely, the proton will be separated from oxygen together with its electron.
Because there is no electrode similar to conventional electrolysis.
That would discharge the ion ...
kolbacict : beginning with
+ agent ?
Quote from: kolbacict on May 08, 2021, 05:46:05 AM
Thank you. But so no one answered by what mechanism the water molecule divides?
Most likely, the proton will be separated from oxygen together with its electron.
Because there is no electrode similar to conventional electrolysis.
That would discharge the ion ...
Oh, I answered your question and then some. What I posted comes with two examples of the water being broken down in this fashion by way of getting at the atoms electrons to break the bonds of the water molecules but I guess your just not up to the task of understanding this technology even when the science is fully handed to you complete with examples. I even gave you a brand new theory for use in understanding this technology one that can't be found in the science books yet. That theory allows one to find other things that break the bonds of the water molecules by way of taking the electrons away from the atoms that make up the molecules they go to form as there are far more than just two examples I could have given you as you just have to ask the right questions.
The water molecules are being broken down just as I have shown they are being broken down in that pdf file as mother nature does this all the time but the problem is no one ever ask her how she does it until now.
"How does a plant break the bonds of the water molecules?," is a question no one has ever asked before. When you study Photosynthesis you will see no one is concerned about how plants break the bonds of the water molecules but only what a plant does with the electrons it takes from the atoms as that technology can make those that invest into understanding that a lot of money as they can do as they are doing right now and create solar fields to harness the energy from the sun to be sold to the general public. Solar panels is the technology they sought as there is much profit in it for them. They simply had no interest in understanding how plants break the bonds of the water molecules and from the looks of it nor do you and a lot of other people that come to read and post on my little thread.
I'd be more understanding of everyone's ignorance if I didn't give any real world examples but I did give some real world examples which leaves me confused as to why no one gets how this technology actually works?! I know someplace in this thread I even took it further and gave two or perhaps even three more examples of this type of water decomposition taking place. So, I must conclude that none of you truly want this technology as your actions seems clear to me that you all simple do not want this technology and as the old saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words."
So, just to be clear. I believe in this thread I have given four or five examples of water being broken down into it's component atoms in this manor, and yet somehow that's still not enough proof that what I am saying is correct and true. But I think I understand the true reason why and that is because I am poor as this capitalist system that has swept the globe tells you all not to listen to those that don't have a lot of gold. If I was Elon Musk telling you this I'd be willing to bet you all would totally be listening to what I am saying but since I am but a poor old man the system of capitalism tells you to simple push me off to the side as because I don't have loads of cash I simple have nothing interesting to say. This I feel is the hard truth of our reality right now as capitalism is all you truly know and you believe in it's principles and thus exalt the greedy and put down the needy. Making prey of the poor is your favorite pastime.
I was going to post one of my old unpublished videos but I have changed my mind on that as I think I have shown enough of what I am doing to the world for now and will make new videos after I get the machines I need to move forwards. I might share and then again I might not as I'm not into Open Source as that's a failed strategy in my humble opinion.
Shabbat Shalom everyone ;D [size=78%],[/size]
And I will give you many ideas for free. :)
Today it occured to me. But look what I came up with.
If are your kilohertz by Mayer
do directly in water by the beating frequency method.
mixing higher frequencies. ;)
Quote from: kolbacict on May 08, 2021, 02:46:36 PM
And I will give you many ideas for free. :)
Today it occured to me. But look what I came up with.
If are your kilohertz by Mayer
do directly in water by the beating frequency method.
mixing higher frequencies. ;)
I am not sure what you mean by this post but just know the worm will turn someday for me and I will be able to get the equipment I need to finish the job I started so many years ago. I posted the science behind the technology complete with examples and that should be good enough for people wanting to understand just how this technology works. This technology mimics a thunderstorm but most simply do not know that the earth shaking thunder they hear and feel is caused by a hydrogen & oxygen explosion taking place over head in the clouds as that information about cloud systems hasn't gone mainstream yet in the scientific community. It really should as it's a safety issue for air travel as the engines of a plane or jet can ignite the hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture if they fly into a thunderstorm that is actively breaking the water molecules down into their component atoms and blow the whole plane up.
Meyer often said, "One must asked the right questions," yes? Well, I did that and more just know it took many years and thousands of experiments to get at the science behind this technology using the scientific method as a tool to aid in my understanding of this technology. Most of the time if I make a mistake I am the one that must find that mistake and correct it as no one is at my level of understanding of this technology to be able to point out a mistake I might have made. It's been this way for a long time now so I am kinda use to it. For those of you wishing to teach me something just don't as the only way to get someone like me to listen is to show me you too are making use of the scientific method in a way that I can follow what it is you are trying to show me. If not one more than likely will be ignored by me.
This means one has to have the right tools for the task at hand as only then will I listen to them everything else to me is just noise. Remember it's been nine years since I've been placing a high voltage potential difference on the plates of my exciter arrays and I keep improving upon my previous work. Good observations is good science and I observer my experiments very closely and intently as that is where I am actively learning the secrets of this technology.
Take care,
The fact is that this was also done, about a year ago.
The cell contains two pipes made of stainless non-magnetic steel.
Outer diameter 11 mm. inner 5.5 mm. the gas volume was measured, but not very accurately.
the gas volume was measured, but not very accurately. Everything is like in Faraday's law.
Now that I see something I can try and guide you. You don't have the same size cells Meyer used so the capacitance is no were near where Meyer's was. Even small changes in capacitance can have a very big change in the size of the inductor used to run it. Then there's the space gap between the plates which yours seems to be a lot larger than 2.413 mm which means the voltage required to get the atoms to go into a state of ionization will be a lot higher than what Meyer stated to be used for his cells which is 1000 volts of potential difference per resonant cavity. For a cloud the voltages potential difference will reach around 200kv to get the atoms to go into a state of ionization as the space gap is very large from the bottom of the cloud to the top of the cloud. This is why when starting off make things as close as possible as what Meyer was doing so that the working conditions that Meyer talks about will also work for you too, understand? If you make any changes then practically none of the working conditions Meyer talks about will work for you.
Then you must wire it up just as Don Gable showed how it was wired up. I can tell you when you have it correct the first pulse seen on the scope will be negative. If it is positive then you have the transformer hooked up incorrectly to the capacitor. But everything must be hooked up correctly for things to work. I use a Schottky diode for the blocking diode and the antiparallel diode as it has a very fast switching speed. You must also get some wire with a coating on it that can withstand the voltages you will be using. Please respect the high voltage as it loves to leach out and rob your cell of building up a high voltage potential difference. There can be no ground of any kind on the secondary side of the transformer as that will prevent the cell from being charged up. Remember it's a isolated circuit on the secondary side and it must remain that way at all times.
Looking at your waveform you don't have much of a negative voltage and know when it is working properly the negative and positive voltages will be almost the same with the positive being just a tad higher than the negative voltage around 5-25 volts. Both atoms of the water molecules are being targeted to go into a state of ionization at the same time. The negative targets the hydrogen atoms and the positive targets the oxygen atoms.
And I will remind you that until the voltages are high enough to cause the atoms to go into a state of ionization and start ejecting their electrons nothing really happens.
I use to have a current flow diagram of the VIC transformer but it was lost when my USB stopped working. I may or may not have posted it in this thread I'll have to take a look and see if I can find it.
Hope this helps,
This is the thing.
The electrical circuit was generally my own. The higher frequency, which is in kilohertz, was taken from a laboratory generator. Not shown here. G5-48. There was a connector to it, BNC. :)
All frequencies and time parameters and pauses varied within wide limits.
The diagram was in my head, it was never drawn. I can do it now.
After increasing the voltage by the transformer connected to the drain MOSFET, it was approximately 300-400 volts P-P. (It is not enough?)
This oscillogram was on the drain of the MOSFET IRFP260N.
There was also an insulated dial voltmeter and an ammeter. Which showed the voltage and current on the cell itself.
The voltage measured with a simple analog voltmeter did not rise more than 10-20 volts.
p.s.the gap between the tubes in cell such and turns out to be about 2.5 mm.
I was able to achieve high voltages in water only in this way.
Since semiconductor diodes are present in the circuit, there is gas evolution. a bit.
QuoteAs for the frequencies this technology operates at it's around 5-12 kHz depending on the size of the resonant cavities and the inductance of the inductors used.
the sound wave would probably have comparable cell sizes and frequencies.
Since you've went away from Meyer's research I hate to be the one to tell you this but this thread of mines simply is no longer for you. None of that quote I took from one of Meyer's papers will work for you as your gap between the plates is larger than Meyer's thus the voltage required to make it work will be greater that what Meyer spoke about. Unlike you I, and several others, went the other way in that in my earlier WFC I went with a space gap of just 0.8128 mm and in the one shown just 0.254 mm. The problem I ran into was the transformers were too small when I tuned them for 12 kHz and thus couldn't power the load. Even Ravi's space gap was smaller than that of Meyer's which is why his worked with less voltage than Meyer stated was needed for his WFC, but the frequency was too low to give a sustained high gas output.
This three plate thing is so far away from what Meyer did you might as well create a whole new thread for it as it simple isn't anywhere near what Meyer was doing. Let me ask you a question about that device, have you ever seen a capacitor made that didn't have the plates parallel to each other being sold in the open market? I know I haven't and for good reason as it breaks the methods of science taught in most college classes on capacitance. For if the plates aren't parallel to each other the charge on the plates will be uneven.
Now I have built a parallel plate cell before and even took that cell with me to the Global BEM in 2013 for show and tell. What I built was different than most people building parallel plates cells in that the plates of my cell were actually bars some 9.5 mm thick. My reason for this was I knew water was part of the circuit and I also knew that current will follow the path of least resistance. Thus in a parallel plate set up if I wanted the plates to be charged and not have the current flow through the water bath I had to make it so the plates would give a short cut to the path to ground at the space gap was the same as Meyer's in that plate cell and the bars had a much lower resistance than the water did so that the current would move to charge to plates and not go over the top of the bars. I purposely used thick bars knowing that the resistance of those bars was far less than the water for the same distance as the bars were thick. In fact the plate surface area of my parallel plate capacitor was exactly the same as Meyer's WFC.
But can you see I used my knowledge of just how this technology worked to build something different but still comparable to what Meyer did? At no point did I use anything that was so far away from what Meyer did as if I did I'd have nothing to go off of when trying to compare what I was doing to what Meyer did. I never separated the chokes from the pulsing core as some folks did and only my first cell was a departure from Meyer's cell as to where I could not compare any results from that cell to the results Meyer spoke about. I was new and just getting started but I quickly learned that things must be done as closely as I could get them to that of what Meyer was working with if I wanted to use his stated working parameters for a resonant cavity and I adjusted what I was doing accordingly.
I believe this is why I am the only one that I know of that has reach these high voltage levels to his cell as I built things as close as possible to how Meyer built his stuff. Once I understood what was going on I was able to make some small changes to improve the technology past where Meyer left off as just as Dr. Faraday would need some modern technology like diodes and stainless steal to have been able to do this but we have some things Meyer never had to use as they were invented after his death.
I just wish I had the funds I need right now as then this technology would already be on the marketplace for folks to purchase. I went ahead and posted some pic's of my parallel plate cell and as you can see I was testing something else with this cell as I use a lot of LED's testing for the effect of light energy on this technology. The cell works great and has no leaks and I'm able to see with my own two eyes the effects that laser energy has on this part of this technology.
Take care,
Quote from: lancaIV on May 08, 2021, 06:16:15 AM
kolbacict : beginning with
+ agent ?
We know a little. True, we forgot a lot. It was a long time ago. I have a diploma in chemistry. :)
Unfortunately, Stanley Meer's technology is not described there.
QuoteSince you've went away from Meyer's research I hate to be the one to tell you this but this thread of mines simply is no longer for you.
I just don't have a choice. I have no vacuum resin and no money either. :D
I do what I can, from what is available. What is shown is not far of all.
By the way, it turns out to be interesting things. Maybe someone else had it, but what I have is entirely from my head. It turns out anything, except for the exit of HHO in excess of Faraday's law. >:(
There are a few reasons why I don't post the specific wavelengths I am using and one of them is the company that sells them only sells their stuff to other companies and never to the general public. So, if you don't have a company you simply can't get these LED's. Failure to vacuum resin seal these transformer will result in the transformer shorting out. The ringing noise you hear is actually caused by the wires vibrating and eventually that ringing will cause the wires to rub off the wires protective coating. The only fix for this problem is to vacuum resin seal the transformers so that the wires can't move.
The ionization problem of the air around the wires of the transformer can be solved with some transformer oil but not the movement of the wires when they are making that ringing sound. So, if you can't afford to get the resin, a vacuum pump, and build your own vacuum chamber then you can't have this technology as anything you build will fail within a short time after it is built if used consistently. I have seen many transformers fail by others in their videos, and have had many of my transformers fail until I learned how to build them correctly. There is no getting around this as these transformers must be built the correct way or they will fail guaranteed.
Even after I started vacuum resin sealing these transformers I still had much to learn as I had to throw away this one as the connectors got stuck to the foil and I ended up ripping quite a few of them out. This is now a fairly expensive paperweight, but live and learn, yes? Now I know how to make these transformers without messing things up like I did with this one but I had to learn things the hard way. The cost of this transformer is on the high side and until I can afford to buy things in bulk that will always be the case as those rules were set by the rich way before I was born. We are all bound by the rules of the markets as we accepted into this system the day we were born and from the looks of it this capitalist system will be up and running long after we are dead. These are just some of the many ways the rich get richer while the poor get poorer as they can afford to buy in bulk which gives the best prices and we poor folk can not. I think they kindly call this, "Scaling things up," in the manufacturing world.
Right now while I have to buy things at high prices I can only afford to build just a few at a time so when I make a mistake like this it is very costly to me. I think you are looking at a $3.5k USD mistake if I remember correctly. But I didn't give up and quit and just made another one without breaking all of the connections after curing the resin for several hours in the oven.
It would be nice if us poor folk didn't act like crabs in a bucket so much as I could really use some help funding this technology: [size=78%] ([/size] and since I have shown I've taken the proper steps so that I can build everything correctly folks should join in and give me a helping hand so that this technology can make a difference in our world. Most people haven't done the ground work needed to build this technology like I have let alone show the results I have shown. Things must be built the proper way or if not things simply will not work as intended to work and are guaranteed to fail. Everything has a cost to it and for this technology when you are starting off those cost are on the high side which is something I learned through the school of hard knocks.
It would be nice if we acted as a team but we don't as we are trained to be capitalist from an early age and everyone is in it for themselves and the bigger picture be damned. I guess we will learn when we have to pay for the air we breath and failure to pay will result in death.
The future is what we make it,
Quotea space gap of just 0.8128 mm and in the one shown just 0.254 mm.
Well, I later came up with a cell with an adjustable distance between parallel stainless steel electrodes. Made from a disposable syringe. The distance can be reduced until it touches.
Did not help. Only boiled water there. :)
But I want to say, although according to Meyer, the gas output has not turned out so far, only according to Faraday, I came up with many interesting things. 8) ;)
For example, would you got an electrolysis product (according to Faraday,yet) :( using only alternating current of low and high frequency? Removable directly from the secondary winding of the transformer.
Without using any semiconductor or lamp diode. And I have achieved this.
Quote from: kolbacict on May 13, 2021, 03:26:25 AM
Without using any semiconductor or lamp diode.
It is not necessary to have a diode as electronic part for AC rectification. Under certain conditions, the contacts of the cell are capable of of self- rectifying:
- cell contacts are made of different metals or metals with different oxide film thicknesses. Some metal oxides, not just aluminum, are capable of rectifying alternating current.
- even two electrodes with different surface areas conduct alternating current to the electrolyte differently, e.g. needle and rectangle, fine wire and tube
Quote from: Sergh on May 13, 2021, 06:47:21 AM
It is not necessary to have a diode as electronic part for AC rectification. Under certain conditions, the contacts of the cell are capable of of self- rectifying:
- cell contacts are made of different metals or metals with different oxide film thicknesses. Some metal oxides, not just aluminum, are capable of rectifying alternating current.
- even two electrodes with different surface areas conduct alternating current to the electrolyte differently, e.g. needle and rectangle, fine wire and tube ( (
sometimes electronic circuits are not only constitued to make function "capable" but also long(er)-time working !
Diode and its filtering function !
Quote from: kolbacict on May 13, 2021, 03:26:25 AM
Well, I later came up with a cell with an adjustable distance between parallel stainless steel electrodes. Made from a disposable syringe. The distance can be reduced until it touches.
Did not help. Only boiled water there. :)
But I want to say, although according to Meyer, the gas output has not turned out so far, only according to Faraday, I came up with many interesting things. 8) ;)
For example, would you got an electrolysis product (according to Faraday,yet) :( using only alternating current of low and high frequency? Removable directly from the secondary winding of the transformer.
Without using any semiconductor or lamp diode. And I have achieved this.
Hi Kolbacit,
As you found out without the blocking diode all that will happen is the water will heat up as you are switching the polarity on the plates back and forth which will cause the water molecules to rub together and create molecular friction. I don't know who this Sergh person is but please don't listen to that advice. The blocking diode must have a high switching speed and the voltage handling capability to survive what we will be throwing at it. A normal diode will not work out all that well as it's switching speed is just too slow. I blew out quite a few diodes before I found some that can take the abuse this technology will put them through.
Everything that I posted must be mimicked as even the waveform must start off with a negative pulse as shown. If it starts off with a positive pulse then the VIC circuit isn't wired up correctly. In Meyer's dot diagram all the dots are positive. This is very important as the primary coil must be wired correctly also to the power supply with the correct polarity. I'm not sure if you took the time to read the pdf file I posted where I go over the actual science behind this technology but what Meyer did is to mimic a thunder storm. The blocking diode is there to ensure there is only one polarity on the plates of the water capacitor. This is what allows us to get at the electrons of the atoms that make up the water molecules and a waveform like I showed will not heat up the water bath as the sum of the energy going through the water capacitor is zero or in reality near zero as I was only able to get the positive and negative to within 20 volts of being equal with the positive voltage 20 volts higher than the negative voltage. Using a analog micro amp meter I measured the amperage flowing through the capacitor to be only 0.6 mA which isn't enough to heat up the water bath.
But in the dot diagram those dots also represent the start of the winding on the bobbin form and as shown they are wired in such a way that the start of the windings go into the end of the of the other coils. Now I went through a lot of testing with the way these transformers can be wired up wiring them up in every way possible until I got the waveform to look correct. At first I used the wrong type of diode which messed up my first attempts to wire these things up correctly but once I got the right type of diode I redid all of the test on how to go about wiring up these transformers to the power supply and the water fuel capacitor and to each coil as it must be wired correctly and I had to cut out all of the BS found on in the many forums I was in at that time. All coils must share the same core or it will not work. The reasons for this I'll leave to all of you to figure out on your own through proper testing and good observations. When I was doing this and learning I left nothing to chance and tested all ways to wire up the VIC circuit. Only two worked but only one gave a negative start to the waveform. In this balance is the key for as stated the positive and negative voltages must be as close to equal as you can get them as that is the primary source of amp restriction.
If you take the time to read Meyer's technical brief and not just look at the pictures you will learn that Meyer always had a positive and negative voltage going to his exciter arrays. In the pictures he'd show just one half of what was being done most of the time but this is allowable in patent law just as long as the written words tell the truth. Most come into this technology thinking it is simple and are lazy so they only take the time to look at the photos and never read the words in the paragraph parts of the technical brief. Those that separated the chokes from the pulsing core were just idiots as they went and made changings to a technology they didn't fully understand and ran with it getting many others to follow their work. But they have all thrown in the towel now leaving me one of the last ones left standing still working on this technology.
This video explains why I use Schottky diodes: (
In time I know I will be successful as I have earned it. I went over and beyond in my efforts to get at the science behind this technology as I knew with understanding I could make changes to what Meyer did and yes I have made some changes but with the full understanding of this technology and not just guessing. I know what I am doing and at the moment only need to gain the funds needed to push this technology to the marketplace. These transformers must be built correctly for if they are too weak to power the load you will be placing on them it's not going to work. You have to pick the correct wire sizes, turn counts, turn ratios, and a whole lot more. This was the hardest part of this technology to figure out as it took a lot of money with my trial and error testing to get to where I could reasonably build them correctly and as seen I too will still make some costly mistakes from time to time but I just push on and never throw in the towel. Now only time is what it will require for this technology to be put on the marketplace as sooner or later I will have enough funds to buy the machines I need to finish what I started.
Take care all,
QuoteI don't know who this Sergh person is
As far as I understand, you are located territorially, in the same place as me.
He, in general, is not a stupid person, and about his remarks above, rectifying alternating current on an aluminum electrode, I agree.
QuoteThis video explains why I use Schottky diodes:
Yes, but I don't know high voltage Schottky diodes ...
But I figured out where the beggar can get a high-voltage fast diode with a large pulse current. :)
You just need to take a magnetron from a microwave oven and remove the ring magnets from it.
Quote from: kolbacict on May 13, 2021, 12:39:02 PM
As far as I understand, you are located territorially, in the same place as me.
He, in general, is not a stupid person, and about his remarks above, rectifying alternating current on an aluminum electrode, I agree.Yes, but I don't know high voltage Schottky diodes ...
But I figured out where the beggar can get a high-voltage fast diode with a large pulse current. :)
You just need to take a magnetron from a microwave oven and remove the ring magnets from it.
Since you agree with his not making use of the blocking diode then trust me you are in the wrong thread as departure from that part of Meyer's technology is to not be doing what Meyer did at all. You either never ran a search for high voltage Schottky diodes or are just messing with me:
[size=78%] ([/size] as there are a lot of them and they even go much higher than this but for my use I found that these work fine as I have never blown one of these up before.
From the looks of it in the way you are trying to solve this technology you might as well quit as failure to do fairly exactly what I am doing will result in failure. You must resin seal the bobbins, soldier the connections correct for high voltage, use high voltage rated wire, have the coating that goes on the wires to be rated for use with high voltage, and then you must wire everything up correctly and use a pulsing circuit that will give the correct waveform you are seeking which I have shown many times in this thread along with why the waveforms must look that way. I'm sorry if things get expensive as those are just some of the hurdles we have to jump over if we are to get this technology up and running correctly.
Remember I have been at this since March of 2006 making use of the scientific method which is a trial and error method by way of eliminating all the wrong ways until the truth is revealed. I didn't have my first real breakthrough until 2012 and since then I have just been learning more and more about this technology as it goes much further than to just be used to run engines with nothing be water in their tanks for fuel. I will do my best to get this technology into the marketplace and attempt to keep the cost for the technology low so that those that need it the most can afford to purchase it. At this point I really don't expect many to be coming out with this technology as I've only found less than a handful that understand enough about the technology to make it work. But still so much work needs to be done as the units I will be making need to be tough and tested thoroughly so that they last at least 10 years without any problems. So the electrical components I choose must go the distance for this technology to be truly viable as well as the way everything is built as it must be built to last.
Like I stated I will try and do my best as the world truly needs this technology right now but they don't need something that will break after a months use.
Take care,
Quote from: h20power on May 13, 2021, 03:59:42 PM
high voltage Schottky diodes
but if I read Stanley Meyer's original patent US5149407, Page 19 (6), Line 10:
Stanley Meyer patents this type of diode :
"Power Rectifier for general purpose power supply application" 600 V 18 A
This is ordinary old rectifier diode.
Quote from: Sergh on May 14, 2021, 03:17:57 AM
but if I read Stanley Meyer's original patent US5149407, Page 19 (6), Line 10: (
Stanley Meyer patents this type of diode :
"Power Rectifier for general purpose power supply application" 600 V 18 A (
This is ordinary old rectifier diode.
As I stated I know enough about the technology now to upgrade things past where Meyer left off due to his untimely death. I have made several changes and each one of them improved upon the technology as we have things to use now that Meyer didn't as they weren't invented in his time. The Schottky diode is just one of several upgrades I've made to this technology and most of these new upgrades I simply will not talk about as that's all me and it sets me apart from the rest of the folks that are also working on this technology. Remember not a soul has showed voltages being applied to their exciter arrays to match what I showed I was doing back in 2013 at the Global BEM held in Boulder, Colorado. Trust me I am looking for someone to show high voltages to their exciter arrays practically every day and I haven't seen anything in more than 8 years now. People are stuck in the stone ages concerning this technology as far as I can tell as they are still having the water heat up with their work and voltages no where near the ionization threshold for the atoms that make up the water molecules so that they will release their electrons and get the party started.
I'm always looking but never finding and still to this day I have people like you that question my work when it's clear I now seem to stand alone. No one ask any questions towards what I am doing differently than what they are doing and when I give advice people like you show up to tell people to not follow that advice. What a strange world we live in where people say they want this technology but their actions speak otherwise.
Ordinary electrolysis begins on the surface of the electrodes with a voltage of about 2 volts between them. What is the required strength of the electric field on the molecule for ordinary electrolysis? On the near-electrode double electric layer of the molecule is also 2 volts. But the molecules are very small. The strength of the electric field for electrolysis is enormous. 5 MILLION VOLTS per ONE MILLIMETER! Impossible reality ..? Is your circuit capable of creating such tension without breakdown?
QuoteAt a potential difference of, for example, U = 2 V and a molecular thickness of d = 0.4 nm, the electric field strength is E = 5000 kV/mm To compare this figure with values from other capacitor types requires an estimation for electrolytic capacitors (, the capacitors with the thinnest dielectric among conventional capacitors. The voltage proof of aluminum oxide (, the dielectric layer of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, is approximately 1.4 nm/V. For a 6.3 V capacitor therefore the layer is 8.8 nm. The electric field is 6.3 V/8.8 nm = 716 kV/mm, around 7 times lower than in the double-layer. The field strength ( of some 5000 kV/mm is unrealizable in conventional capacitors. No conventional dielectric material could prevent charge carrier breakthrough. In a double-layer capacitor the chemical stability of the solvent's molecular bonds prevents breakthrough.[3] ( ( (
Since we are talking to one another let me ask you a question. What is your end goal in posting in this thread and/or in talking to me or anyone else about this technology in this thread I made? I mean you've shown no work whatsoever in this field of study but you seem to think you have something to teach me, yes? So, what's your plan?
I'm sure you will find a lot of suckers to fall for your BS as they are always out there looking for ways to cheat their way into this technology so that they can make some cash from it. I'm talking about the people that don't want to get the needed tools for the task at hand and those that simply can't afford to get the stuff they need to be able to effectively work on this technology as this technology isn't on the cheap side to do correctly. Plus all those that come into this technology thinking it's a lie because they can't get any positive results when they spent a little time experimenting with it.
I'd also like you to point out anyone else achieving the same or higher voltages being applied to their water fuel capacitor/exciter array as I am currently doing while the temperatures of the water bath just follows the temperatures of the day, IE, not generating any waste heat as electrolysis does just as eye witnesses spoke about when they viewed Meyer's technology first hand.
You see I haven't the time or desire to waste time dealing with people like you who haven't put in the work, or haven't shown any result of their work to the fine people of this forum. I've already stated that if anyone want's me to listen to what they have to say they must show me they are doing close too or better than I am doing while following the scientific method as if not it's just noise to me that I generally will completely tune out. You see in all the time I have been working on this technology learning the science behind the patents I see less than a handful of people whom also get how this technology works. The vast majority of people who want in on this technology simply aren't willing to put in the time, effort, and finances that is required to get this technology up and running. And of those people some of them get totally frustrated in the results they get and throw in the towel or assume Meyer was a lair and all of this is just a load of BS.
I've went out of my way to give the science part of this technology away but sadly no one out there seems to understand it. So, I push on as I know sooner or later I will save up the funds needed to buy the equipment I need to finish this as I have to cut out as many of the middle men as possible if this technology is to be affordable to the masses.
Quote from: Jerry Volland on May 14, 2021, 02:38:54 PM
Hi Edward,
The fact that your coils make a ringing sound has direct bearing on one of my non-Meyer projects (Star Trek phaser). Normally, I try to repay information with information, but you're so advanced in your field, compared to me, that there's nothing I might say to help you. So I sent a hundred to your go fund me account. Thanks again.
I wish everyone else would try to help a little too. Everyone of us is going to benefit once you get everything sorted out, and have the equipment you need to get the cost down.
Thanks so much Jerry,
Of all the people I have seen working on this technology you are perhaps one of the brightest as you seem to grasp the little things like how photosynthesis is related to this technology and how mainstream science completely missed how a plant goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules. These little things are important and you seem to understand that.
A lot of what I found out about this technology went outside of scientific norms and into areas were they missed a lot of things in their rush to say they knew all there is to know about a subject. To this day I have only found one paper that correctly tells how a thunderstorm works while the rest of the studies on thunderstorms simply get it wrong which is sad as those wrong studies are what is being taught in our schools to our children.
Plus thanks for teaching me what "Bifilar Wrap" means as I never forgot that lesson.
Again thanks so much as right now it is truly needed,
I am tormented with my tank radio station.
In fact, there are two independent paths for the upper and lower frequency ranges.
But so far unsuccessful, they do not want to work at the same time.
Trying to run them at the same time. In order to have a difference frequency in a cell.
After all, we can create directly in the cell, any difference frequency of two generators.
You want five kilohertz, you want twelve ...
And if the phases of the two high-frequency oscillations are synchronized, this will not lead to heating of the water, will it?
And at frequencies of tens of megahertz, we can use generally non-contact electrodes. For example, covered with glass or ceramics. :)
Quote from: kolbacict on May 15, 2021, 01:55:31 PM
And at frequencies of tens of megahertz, we can use generally non-contact electrodes. For example, covered with glass or ceramics. :)
You can find industrially produced devices that work on a similar principle.
The name of such devices: High frequency titrimeter (; High-frequency titrimetry (;
Common name: Conductometry (
Technical description ( (in German)
Quote from: kolbacict on May 15, 2021, 01:55:31 PM
I am tormented with my tank radio station.
In fact, there are two independent paths for the upper and lower frequency ranges.
But so far unsuccessful, they do not want to work at the same time.
Trying to run them at the same time. In order to have a difference frequency in a cell.
After all, we can create directly in the cell, any difference frequency of two generators.
You want five kilohertz, you want twelve ...
And if the phases of the two high-frequency oscillations are synchronized, this will not lead to heating of the water, will it?
And at frequencies of tens of megahertz, we can use generally non-contact electrodes. For example, covered with glass or ceramics. :)
It's hard to answer some of your questions as your understanding of the technology leaves much to be desired. One frequency is aimed at the RLC frequency between the inductor and the capacitor. In the Voltage Intensifier Circuit the capacitor will have a variable capacitance as the dielectric liquid is displaced by gases. So, the more gas produced the lower the WFC's capacitance and the higher the frequency will need to be to maintain resonance.
The other resonance which the gating frequency is being used to tap into is the physical resonance of the outer tube of the WFC. Think of it as a wind chime and then go back and look at Meyer's WFC that was powered by a converted car alternator and you will see something you more than likely never saw before and that is Meyer held the outer tubes at their nodes. Wind chimes are held at their nodes and this technology seems to be no different as these outer tubes also need to be held at their nodes.
Now Meyer didn't have a finished product and was getting ready to build a research center to further study this technology before his untimely death. His injectors as designed would never work as he grounded the isolated circuit to the car's electrical system. So, basically the injectors worked fine on the bench but not so good in the car. If Meyer had just few more months of life I am sure he would have figured that out, but he did plan for variations in the production of the injectors as nothing can be built spot on each and every time there always is a variance or to say ± some value. He solved that with the cone shape of the resonant cavity. You can understand more about this part of this technology from watching this old video: [size=78%] ([/size] As you can see all of this is related and helps us understand this technology. The cone shape allowed for wider range of frequencies to be able to be used on the resonant cavities. Again this is needs to be done as in the manufacturing process you can never have something built spot on each and every time while mass producing it which is something Meyer seem to understand fully.
And once again the reason why the water never heats up is because the negative and positive energies cancel each other out in a balanced waveform. It does this as the energy sum total for each pulse sent to the transformer will be near equal if the waveform is balanced and the sum of the two energies will be one minus the other. In my setup I will generally have the waveform with the positive voltage being around 5-20 volts higher than the negative voltage. This left over energy after the two energies are summed will pass through the WFC and preform the work of normal electrolysis. But I also shared with everyone that the resulting sum of energy only left 0.6 mA to flow through the water bath which isn't enough to heat up said water bath. This is why the water never gets hot as with the correct waveform that is balanced there isn't any much energy left over after the two energies are summed up. Yes, this is calculus level math but you don't need to understand calculus to understand this as shown in this video: [size=78%] ([/size]. Now I do understand calculus which is why I was able to see this in the first place as it's just a work problem where the energy totals are being added up.
This is why I posted that picture explaining the "Energy under the curve." But I know this is calculus level stuff so not many will understand it and some just forgot it from their physics classes as who uses this type of math everyday? I don't know about other colleges but just to get into this level of physics in the college I went to we had to be concurrently enrolled in calculus level two as it was a class perquisite for this level of physics. These are all energy sum problems and the area under the curve represents energy be it positive or negative energy and that area shown on the oscilloscope represents current flow. It's kinda easy to see this with normal electrolysis as if you hook up the probes to the cell it will show only the voltage being put into the cell and give just a straight line. All the area from that straight line down to the zero line represent current flowing through the cell. With pulsed DC electrolysis each square wave pulse will look like a rectangle and we all should know how to calculate the area of a rectangle. This is why when I merely just look at someone's waveform I can tell if they are pushing current through the water bath or not. For the most part people show me waveforms that only have a positive pulse and no negative pulse to subtract that energy thus they are pushing current through the water bath and as a result the water will heat up a degree every couple of seconds.
I remember people getting really mad at me for telling them the truth of what their waveforms was actually displaying as they had no real understanding of just how to actually interpret the readings on a oscilloscope but were too proud to admit it. Some even went so far as to actually break a differential probe as it clearly didn't agree with what it was they were telling everyone what was going on when they hadn't a clue how to actually read the device. A tool is only as good as the one making use of it and if the user doesn't know how to use the tool that tool can be of no real use to them. Then you add all of this to not understanding how to perform a circuit analysis which is why most can't understand the true role of the "Blocking Diode." It's role is to ensure that the plates of the capacitors only get the same charge and not reverse the polarity as it would in a AC waveform. One plate is always going to be negative and the other is always going to be positive as that's the true role it is playing acting as an automatic switch to ensure this is always the case. So the waveform looks like a AC waveform but it doesn't behave like one as the polarity on the plates of the capacitor will not be switching back and forth from positive to negative causing the water molecules to switch back and forth resulting in molecular friction.
Oh, almost forgot. The electrodes should never be coated as the water is a physical part of the Voltage Intensifier Circuit (VIC) thus the resonant cavity(s) must be in physical contact with the water for this to work especially in a series cell array. Then you must also think very carefully about trying to add in a coating to the mix as that is adding in yet another dielectric medium. If done the resonant cavity will have two dielectric materials to deal with and for glass or ceramic as you suggested they are non conductive to electricity so if used the water can never be apart of the VIC in the form of resistance. So, that would be a "No" to coating the plates of the resonant cavities.
As you can see the answer to your questions are far more complicated than you thought, yes?
Well, I hope this answers your questions.
Take care,
And to Sergh, I am going to kindly ask you to stop posting in my thread as clearly you have nothing to add here that is useful to anyone.
Well, again, those who were before me stole my best ideas ... :)
Quote from: kolbacict on May 16, 2021, 07:09:20 AM
Well, again, those who were before me stole my best ideas ... :)
So I guess my answers to your questions was of no use to you, huh? Don't ask anymore questions if that's the case!
Just a man who knows how the tech works,
QuoteSo I guess my answers to your questions was of no use to you,
I did not say that.
Today there is one more experiment. Close radio frequencies were fed from the outputs of the transmitters. One fixed, 36 MHz. The second is smoothly tunable. on the three electrodes in a cell
with clean water. In order to create oscillations of the difference frequency in the cell itself.
Nothing happened. Only a few small bubbles of gas were released.
The miracle did not happen. :-\
See what I thought.
If you apply the same voltage of one frequency and one phase to two electrodes.
Edward also mentioned the PLL system here. Then this high frequency should not heat the water.
At the same time, the entire cell will be affected by this RF voltage.And will try to play with the third mass electrode. In various position.
This is the correct way to wire up the Voltage Intensifier Circuit transformer. Note the polarity of the primary coil as when a pulsing transformer is fed power the polarity reverses on the secondary side, thus when back engineering this technology to make this work correctly the primary is wired in reverse of the secondary to get the correct polarity on the resonant cavity as shown.
Folks need to understand that you can't do this your own way, you can't run around making up the rules as you go along, all you can do is move to understand the science behind this technology as once that is understood you will know what can and can not be changed. As I stated many times this technology is not simple even though it does appear to be simple at first glance as there are so many rules that must be followed to the letter in order to get the technology up and working correctly. You have to learn how to make proper soldering connections for high voltage, fully understand how transformers work, and the list goes on and on, plus you must learn things that aren't yet in the science books.
Right now the only thing preventing me from bringing this technology out right now is I simply do not have the needed machines to move forwards yet. Once I have those machines I can move to put this technology into the marketplace. I feel my days of teaching this technology are over as I must be the change I wish to see in this world and I see no one at this level of understanding to be close enough to bringing this technology out other than myself right now. If I could just get the support of the people things would move along much faster if not then I must keep moving along at my own pace and the world will have to wait. Meanwhile the window to do something to turn the tide on climate change keeps getting smaller.
Peace everyone,
QuoteFolks need to understand that you can't do this your own way, you can't run around making up the rules as you go along,
What can I do, right now I can't have anything but my own brains. The person who promised me to talk to our bourgeois did not do it today. There is no one to count on, no one to rely on in this country.
Except for himself, of course. :) In your country may have drawbacks,i don't know but everything is knew in comparison. I would love to change. :D as short ;) lecture
Why would you post that on my thread? It's mostly all wrong from people whom just took people's money and ran off with it. Peter Linderman is describing a lightening strike where the dielectric material is overcome resulting in a discharge which brings the voltage potential difference to zero. He has no idea how this technology works right to this very day. I spoke to him about this discrepancy and for the most part he told me not to worry about it. I also ask him why he wasn't going to build this device even if just for himself and he just told me he had no desire to do so because of the cost involved. Yes, I actually spoke with him.
Aaron and I? lets just say I truly no longer wish to go there in talking about what happened between us as it was all bad. Parts of his circuit is okay but back then none of us really understood this technology and at the time I was the only one of us making use of the scientific method. Now after all I have taught anyone that is truly listening to me when you look at Aaron's waveform you know he is pushing current through the water bath as the scope shot tells us he is doing so for there are only positive pulses being sent to the exciter array. This is something you all should have been able to point out for yourselves to me, yes? Well, you would be able to do so if you were actually reading and listening to what it is I have been saying.
Back then we were all new at this and something to note, Aaron's advice to Ravi about putting a coating on the metal stopped Ravi's cell from working. Now I just talked about why that was as putting a coating on the tubes adds in yet another dielectric to the mix and we don't want that.
In that pdf file they even stole some of the things I was doing which turned out to be wrong and never gave me credit for the things I did even if I was wrong at the time as that 45° angle wrapping was done by me as I was trying to learn just what bifilar wrap actually was and the only example I could find at the time was with this tape. And I just so happen to have a witness isn't that right Jerry Volland?
I even spoke with Bob Boyce and we both concluded that what he was doing was something different from what Meyer had done and yes he agreed with me. You see I am not new to this for as I stated I started in on this technology way back in March of 2006. But I knew the scientific method was going the long way around but I also knew that it produced results so I made use of that tool. And again of all those people spoken about in the pdf file I am the last one left standing that is still actively working on this technology.
I've even made friends with Dave Lawton, and I actually spoke with Dr. Dingle before he passed away. You see I would actively reach out to anyone that was working on the technology at the time so that we could hopefully compare notes with one another. I worked with Max Miller and offered to work with Zero Fossil fuels but he declined. I even tried to work with Russ but that turned out to be impossible. No one was willing to make use of the scientific method and a lot of people just would lump in a lot of different unknows to try and explain the things we didn't yet understand about this water for fuel technology. Back then I was very willing to share my information with people but through the school of hard knocks I learned to stop doing that. When I speak of this technology now it's from a perspective most simply do not have as none made use of the scientific method but me back in the day and as I already knew that method does get results, though it does take a long time.
Those were the days when we made a lot of mistakes but I'd push on making use of the scientific method even when most told me that science can't solve this technology thus I should give up trying to make use of that tool on this technology. Back then we didn't even know that we needed to use a differential probe to be able to take readings of the cell in action thus grounding the thing out in our ignorance, lol. Now I finally have the science I was seeking back then and just need the funds to see this through as this technology isn't free. It kinda feels strange being the last man standing still working on this technology but once I started getting the results folks deemed impossible it struck a fire in my efforts to finish what I had started. I can't tell you how many people told me that you can't put high voltage directly to a water bath as that was physically impossible, but oh how they went silent when I actually did just that. It's been more than 15 years since I started on this technology and only now am I ready to put it on the market where it can aid humanity in turning the tide on our climate change problems.
Take care everyone,
Going over that old pdf file was a serious trip down memory lane. We were all so young and truly driven to solve this technology as quickly as possible. We made a lot of mistakes, me included, and most importantly some of us learned from those mistakes. I find it truly amazing to look back and see just how far I have come with my understanding of this technology since then. It was in 2012 when I first started putting true high voltage to the exciter arrays and I went on to show the world in 2013 when John Fraser gave me that interview at the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement held in Boulder, Colorado. I give all the credit to the creator of all things as I believe it was he that put it in my heart to stick to the use of the scientific method when everyone around me were telling me that science couldn't solve this technology.
In this time I have put high voltage to a water bath, clarified just how the waveform should look and why, and came up with a brand new theory for the science books that explains this technology in broad terms that go way beyond this technology. I had to learn practically everything there is to know about transformers, understand photosynthesis through and through to be able to see just what the scientific community missed, and I had to fully understand how thunderstorms work when most of the information about them found on the net was either wrong or incomplete. I can still remember the dreams I had that lead me to study photosynthesis a bit closer than what could be found on the net. I remember the many hours spent doing hands on research just observing and then moving to interpret the results so I could try and make some predictions and set up things for the next rounds of testing. I have built so many VIC transformers and wired them up in every conceivable way, tested out all kinds of ultra fast high voltage diodes, and played with different mediums to put the transformer in such as transformer specific oil and eventually transformer specific resin.
The cost of building things and getting things built has practically left me in the poor house as some of the middle men got really greedy on me and one even took me to a rigged court where I lost a clear case of breach of contract by the middle man whom upped the prices drastically when I came to pick up the items which was highway robbery in my book. In all of this I learned the hard way why most companies like Tesla move to do things in-house as greed and corruption seem to run hand & hand like buddies or very close friends. It's hard to even calculate the amount of money I've spent to learn how this technology actually worked scientifically. I had to buy a lot of machines and still need to buy some more so that I can finish what I started so long ago. This year marks fifteen years since I have been working on this technology so I can say with all truth Meyer was correct in that it would take many years to get this technology into the marketplace as you will run into so much resistance as remember have been banned from practically all the Open Source forums found on the internet primarily because I would not drop my use of the scientific method and the results I was getting from actual hands on experimenting which took me in a completely different direction than most of those forums were heading in. I stood my ground and got banned as a result of doing so, but even after all that I never compromised one bit and kept singing the same song.
In the version where a car generator is used to power the WFC,
Is the rotor winding DC powered?
Because somewhere I saw that to applyed sound freequency modulation to the armature winding.
Or I'm wrong ? But the armature coil is not designed to operate on alternating current.
Even the iron is not laminated there.
From memory Meyer had a speed controller for the drive motor that kept the rotation at the proper frequency for resonance with the outer tubes. In this version the rotation speed was the gating frequency. The RLC resonance was done with a circuit and yes he sent DC to the armature as far as I know. No one was able to really inspect the device as his friend just traded it in for a core charge when getting a new alternator. But when going back to study this technology it's best to start with the 8xa circuit ( As this is where a lot of us went to gain a better understanding of the technology.
Again no one truly knows all that much about the Alternator as it was put in for a core charge before most of us ever thought about trying to figure out this technology.
After many test with the 8xa circuit I was ready to move back to the Voltage Intensifier Circuit which had stumped most of us during those times. If done correctly the 8xa circuit will put out a really strange looking AC waveform that looks like it got elevated above the zero line by some voltage moving the natural zero line of the curve up some. Once I got the waveform to look correctly I moved back to the VIC circuit. Just note that there are some stolen drawings on line that I made that have the rectifier put on backwards. The people stole them and pawned them off as their own before I could correct the mistakes I made in drawing them.
74LS90 the microcircuit divides the input frequency tenfold.
What is our thyristor switching frequency, at maximum division, 1 Hz? :o
And on the switch, at the bottom it says for some reason the division step two?
Well, I'll do it today, anyway. :)
p.s. Here, I found it.This is about the previous question.
Outlined in red, is this not a dynamo?
p.s. Are these factory bifilar chokes suitable for your design 8XA ?
Or should I make my own?
coils: vector potential oscillator
cell: scalar potential oscillator
quantum mechanics, because these potential account for action-at-distance, see A-B effect.radiant energy is for distraction.
who will win the race :)
Quote from: kolbacict on May 20, 2021, 01:53:08 AM
74LS90 the microcircuit divides the input frequency tenfold.
What is our thyristor switching frequency, at maximum division, 1 Hz? :o
And on the switch, at the bottom it says for some reason the division step two?
Well, I'll do it today, anyway. :)
p.s. Here, I found it.This is about the previous question.
Outlined in red, is this not a dynamo?
p.s. Are these factory bifilar chokes suitable for your design 8XA ?
Or should I make my own?
I did write a long paragraph but it got deleted some how. This is the circuit I used, just note I made some changes and drew the rectifiers backwards. MOT stands for microwave over transformer. This was the circuit I posted so that others could also do what I was doing but to the best of my knowledge no one followed me back then. But it did provide a opportunity to those whom wanted to just steal people's work to try and make a buck from it as Danial Donatelli has this drawing I made on his website complete with all the errors I made, lol. He didn't know what a MOT was either, lol. But anyway this was the first time I started to put true high voltage directly to the water bath and it opened up a whole new line of learning as now I had to learn the rules for dealing with high voltage. I was no longer at the beginner's stage dealing with low voltages and since no one followed what it was I was doing I remained the only one putting high voltage to the water capacitor. Do note the waveform in that drawing that seems to be elevated above the zero line as that is exactly what my waveform looked like before I moved back to using the VIC.
You see I kept things close to what Meyer did as the way I saw it it bettered my chances of figuring out just what it was he did. That drawing with the "Red" in it is a far departure from what Meyer did and I really can't tell you anything about it as I didn't go that route and thus have no experience dealing with that setup. But I too went off from what Meyer did as shown here, but know it didn't work out all that well: ( Now again I drew this up and made and tested it and it didn't work out as planned.
One thing is for certain you must do is you will have to get a differential probe as if you hook up some grounded probe leads to a 8xa/9xa circuit it will trip the house circuit breaker. Sorry to tell you this as I know you wish to get around that but it seems that it is a must have tool for dealing with this technology. But as I stated now I had to learn all the rules for dealing with high voltages as I had passed the beginner stage. I also found out that it works best if the chokes share the same magnetic field of the MOT which was good to know as it gave me a better understanding of the VIC circuit transformer. But the wire used for this should be 18-16 gauge as I used 22 gauge I think and it kept burning out on me for as you can see in this video I had to use a fan to keep the chokes from burning up: [size=78%] ([/size].
The only reason why I went back to some of Meyer's older stuff was the guy who knew Meyer traded the alternator version as a core charge for a new alternator before anyone could get a look inside to see just what Meyer did to the alternator, thus no one truly knows how the alternator setup was truly done. All that you see on the net about Meyer's alternator version is someone's interpretation of what they think Meyer did nothing more and I feel they got it wrong. This left us with the 8xa/9xb circuit to work with to try and understand what Meyer had done as well as his Voltage Intensifier Circuit which at the time had us all stumped. You see in dealing with the 8xa/9xa circuit I learned I had to make use of a differential probe for each and every time I tried to take some readings of the cell using my ground probe leads it would trip the house's circuit breaker. Due to the transformer isolation this didn't happen with the VIC circuit but what we didn't know at the time was each time we'd hook up our grounded probe leads to the VIC circuit it would take away the negative voltage. Now having learned that I needed to use a differential probe on the 8xa/9xb circuit I knew I was grounding out the VIC circuit and thus switched back to using that circuit once I had figure that out making use of this differential probe I had gotten so that I could see what the 8xa/9xb circuit was doing at the cell. The one I had turned out to not have a high enough voltage rating so I had to get another one, and later on as I improved things getting even higher voltages to the cell I had to get yet another differential probe that was rated to read the newer voltages I was getting to the cell. My hope in telling you all this is you will see why you must get a differential probe as it is a must have tool for dealing with this technology. None of us knew we were grounding the Voltage Intensifier Circuit out with our grounded probe leads at the time. I don't think I shared this information with anyone before as I just told people they needed to get a differential probe without explaining why they needed to get one and it seems most chose to not get one because of that. For me it's like making a mistake in your writing and you have to read it backwards to find the mistakes you made so perhaps now that I explained why I had to get a differential probe folks will learn from me this time around.
This is me going through my memories in reverse and seeing that I never explained to anyone why I had to get a differential probe. I guess I have a lot of stuff in my head that I haven't explained to anyone before but that's life as I did everything by way of hands on experimentation and some of what I learned and/or observed never made it on paper as someone would have to have mirrored what I was doing to see and learn the things I know now and trust me I gave many a chance to do so, but practically every offer was rejected to work together for the greater good and/or just to be able see how this technology actually worked scientifically. I was forced to go it alone for the most part with a little help from a few friends I ran into along the way.
Take care all,
Hello Everyone,
Now that I shared why I had to use a differential probe perhaps you all will stop listening to fools whom tell you you don't need to get one. Again with the 8xa/9xb circuit each and every time I'd hook up the probe leads that had a path to ground it would trip the circuit breaker in my house. I asked my friend Gunther how was I supposed to tune this thing if I couldn't see what it was I was doing? He replied to me that I needed to get a differential probe which I had no idea at the time what it was, but I trusted him and ordered one from ebay. Once it came in I was finally able to see just what it was I was doing at the cell and tune the waveform to resonance. For those thinking you can hear resonance trust me you can not as that is something you have to see on the oscilloscope.
When I switched back to making using the VIC I know had a tool that was designed to let me see just what was going on and I saw the waveform produce a negative voltage for the very first time. I went back and re-read all of the material Meyer had put out and noted that in a lot of Meyer's drawing he didn't show a negative voltage but if you read that part in the reading section he did talk about the negative part. But I still had to learn how to correctly wire up the Voltage Intensifier circuit so I looked over what Don Gable had put out and decided he must have made a mistake and went to wiring up the VIC in every conceivable way I could think of. When I figure out how to wire it up the correct way I also noted it put a lot of electrical stress on the transformer and they began to short out on me after a short time of use. One shorted out on me in just a few seconds after I got it wound up. This is when I really started paying attention to the transformer observing everything while turning up the voltage very slowly with the lights off so I could see if a corona was building up on the wires and just as I predicted there was a corona around the wires of the transformer. When I kept turning up the voltage observed the corona got brighter and would then send a small arc to the transformer's core which in return would send back a really large voltage arc to the transformer. One solution I tried was to make use of some transformer oil which did extend the transformer life a lot but in time the ringing noise it was making would end up shorting out the transformer as the noise was coming from the wires as they moved back and forth to produce the sound I was hearing. This would eventually rub off the wires protective coating and just as science tells us the current will always follow the path of least resistance and as such would jump across the wires to get to ground as it did not like going through the resistance wire one bit so it would take a short cut. After one of my transformers failed I carefully opened it back up and inspected it to see just what went wrong and the wires looked like some beautiful metal flaked paint as it was like a lightening storm inside of the transformer. I'd also observe it in the dark and could see the blue color of arcing taking place within the transformer.
Then it hit me. Why don't we have any turn counts of the transformer Meyer designed to work with the injectors? And the answer to that question was that transformer was vacuum resin sealed so I went out and got me some, along with a vacuum pump, and I made my own vacuum chamber. The first transformer I made like this ended up in complete failure and I had to make another one which story I have already shared with everyone. Once I built the transformers this way they would last and not short out on me like all of my previous transformers did so the problem was solved and I was free to keep improving them to get even higher voltages being applied to the water fuel cell.
Now I will ask each of you to not make the 8xa/9xb circuit as if you do you will still need to get a differential probe so instead save your money to get the probe instead of wasting it buying all the stuff you need to build a 8xa/9xb circuit. But if you choose to do so I can't stop you so go right ahead if you feel the need to build one and just so you know this guy beat my gas produce rate: [size=78%] ([/size] [size=78%] ([/size][size=78%]. [/size]Note I did contact him and built my plate cell based on his design and got the same gas production he did and note the both of us had a really small plate spacing and use bars as our plates were on the thick side as compared to everyone else's. But again this is not the way Meyer ended up using to run his dune buggy as that would be using the Voltage Intensifier Circuit.
I've learned to question everything and truly listen to my experimental results. This is why I could not be moved by people just talking to hear themselves talk as I was actually performing the work hands on and observing my results first hand just as the scientific method would have me to do. Now I have to save up to get a few more machines I need and the rest should be history.
Edward (
OK. Well, there is gas. Goes well.
But I measure the current in a circuit of about one ampere.
I'm afraid if I do the math, everything will be Faraday again.
The voltage from the secondary winding of the transformer is 120 volts. few?
Just a control pulse generator of my own design. I have manufactured before, for other applications.
I decided to use the ready-made one. The thyristor opening frequency varies from units of hertz to units of kilohertz. Decoupling from the power circuit is not through an optocoupler, but through a transformer. :)
p.s. oscillation frequency only mains frequency 50 Hz. No high frequency fillings are observed.
Taken with a differential probe on the cell itself. The water heats up. :(
Quote from: kolbacict on May 22, 2021, 10:59:17 AM (
OK. Well, there is gas. Goes well.
But I measure the current in a circuit of about one ampere.
I'm afraid if I do the math, everything will be Faraday again.
The voltage from the secondary winding of the transformer is 120 volts. few?
Just a control pulse generator of my own design. I have manufactured before, for other applications.
I decided to use the ready-made one. The thyristor opening frequency varies from units of hertz to units of kilohertz. Decoupling from the power circuit is not through an optocoupler, but through a transformer. :)
p.s. oscillation frequency only mains frequency 50 Hz. No high frequency fillings are observed.
Taken with a differential probe on the cell itself. The water heats up. :(
In this version of Meyer's technology the water is going to heat up as most of what's being sent to the cell is positive pulses. Again from what I have taught all of you you should be able to look at the waveform in the drawing I provided and determine this to be the case as only a small portion of the waveform goes negative. Only with the Voltage Intensifier Circuit will you be able to almost perfectly balance the waveform where the positive and negative pulses cancel each other out.
When I went back to study the 8xa/9xa/9xd circuit it was to gain an understanding of the technology by walking in Meyer's footsteps doing things Meyer himself had done. I've already shared with you just what I learned and that was the secondary side of the Voltage Intensifier Circuit is a isolated circuit and as such no ground can be introduce to the circuit at any time hence the need to get a good differential probe that doesn't interfere with the circuit operation so that it can be tuned for resonance. This is also how I figured out Meyer's injectors never worked as the way he designed it would have grounded out the circuit to the car's electrical system. I feel given more time Meyer would have been able to figure that out but he wasn't given anymore time so people like me have to pick up where he left off.
Getting the waveform correct let me see that part of this technology was keeping the plates of the cell receiving the same voltage potential all the time. When I added in the MOT the voltages went up a whole lot being applied to the cell but it wasn't enough and to get it to be done correctly I'd have to make a MOT type transformer with the chokes incorporated into the transformer so then the choke coils would shared the same magnetic field being created by the primary coil. Once I understood this I was ready to start building and testing the Voltage Intensifier Circuit transformer. I have built a lot of them and learned how to get the voltage up the old fashion way by trial and error testing. I won't lie to you in telling you that this transformer was a real pain in the butt to figure out and then so too was the WFC as the one I have isn't built optimally even though I kept the tolerances within ± 0.005 inches which is something I just recently figured out.
All I need is money and time to finish this. But this is what I expect to be facing once I reach the point of putting this technology on the market: ( (
In general, where should they come from, these high-frequency oscillations?
The thyristor opened with a control pulse, at the end of the half-wave of the mains supply voltage (50 or 60 Hz.) It closed.
p.s. Maybe the dimensions of the electrodes in your picture are in inches?
p.p.s. I also wanted to say about your vacuum resin. I was repairing CRT TVs.
Sometimes it was necessary to insulate a burned-out high-voltage wire till 30kV.
No cambric, PVC tubing, duct tape could do it.I came up with the idea of using ordinary silicone for this.
Maybe it will work in your case? :)
As I say, only once did I manage to put a high voltage into a cell with water.
And even in general, one wire ! (
This video, filmed more than a year ago, was lost. I found it yesterday.
As you can see, the capacitor is charging from the other two plates.
Up to about 1000 volts. And so that it does not break through, the arrester is triggered. :)
Quote from: kolbacict on May 23, 2021, 01:51:38 AM
In general, where should they come from, these high-frequency oscillations?
The thyristor opened with a control pulse, at the end of the half-wave of the mains supply voltage (50 or 60 Hz.) It closed.
p.s. Maybe the dimensions of the electrodes in your picture are in inches?
p.p.s. I also wanted to say about your vacuum resin. I was repairing CRT TVs.
Sometimes it was necessary to insulate a burned-out high-voltage wire till 30kV.
No cambric, PVC tubing, duct tape could do it.I came up with the idea of using ordinary silicone for this.
Maybe it will work in your case? :)
The high frequency oscillations come from the 9xb part of the circuit as that's the part of the circuit that is for tuning things and yes the dimensions of those electrodes are in inches, sorry about that but we don't normally use the metric system here in America.
As for using silicone it would have to be like water or oil in it's viscosity as it must replace the air in the gaps between all the coils in the transformer bobbins. Air is the enemy of these high voltage transformers as it will ionize and the current's path to ground can easily flow through ionized air and bypass all of that resistive wire. I lost a lot of transformers learning that lesson. I do use some of that type of silicon on some of the solder connections to prevent the air from becoming ionized along with some wire rated to take the voltages this technology works at.
Now if you look at the waveform in the picture imagine the part that does do negative is reflected like a mirror image and subtract all of that out of the positive voltage and that is what's left over that will pass through the water bath heating up the water in the process as it's just normal electrolysis being done by pulsed direct current. Only when the waveform is balanced will the voltage be allowed to do the work of breaking the bonds of the water molecules by way of ionization of the atoms electrons causing them to eject their electrons which is the glue that holds the molecules together in the first place. Take away the glue, IE electrons, then the molecules simply fall apart and in this case that would be hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms being produced on demand by simply raising or lowering the voltage being applied to the water fuel cell.
And note once you have a sustained arc between the plates of the WFC the show is over as there will be no more potential difference between the plates to ionized the atoms getting them to eject their electrons. So, no "Catastrophic dielectric failure," as Peter Lindemann was wrong.
But remember I went back to Meyer's old stuff to follow in his footsteps to see if I could learn this technology the same way he did and in the end I did what I set out to do which was to get at the science behind this technology. Once I understood what was going on I went back to working with the voltage intensifier circuit and abandoned the 8xa/9xb/9xd circuits. But I did figure out to have better success with that part of Meyer's technology the smaller the space between the plates the better it works and yes it will be all sparkly when the cell is running just as seen in Space Man's videos.
Well, it's getting late night night all,
Edward (
This is about my last video.
it seems that it turned out so to create at least some kind of high voltage in the water.
Or maybe I'm wrong. All parts, starting from the high-voltage terminal of the transformer, are isolated from everything.This idea was inspired by the picture below, a certain Strebkov.
But I did my own way as always. ;)
QuoteThe high frequency oscillations come from the 9xb part of the circuit as that's the part of the circuit that is for tuning things
I assumed it. This can be shock excitation by a sharp rise front when the thyristor opens.
But in other experiments I have observed only two or three free vibrations at best.
Not too sure what to say when you show me things like this as you have totally moved away from what Dr. Dingle, Stanley Meyer, and others have done. The reason why I shared the science behind this technology was so that all of you would know the end goal which is to get the atoms to eject their electrons. Why? It is that action that breaks down the water molecules into their component atoms. That's the end goal of doing all of this as this technology is mimicking how a thunderstorm breaks the bonds of the molecules that are present in our air supply. The reason why I say it that way is a thunderstorm will break down any molecules that gets sucked up inside of it when it is producing high voltage potentials as it breaks the bonds of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Methane, Carbon Dioxide, water molecules, and many others.
The reason I have shared all of this with you folks is so that you know what it is you have to do with this technology and why. This is the end game of doing all of this to remove the electrons from their atoms as that act breaks down the molecules they have moved to form.
When you show me things like that Kolbacict I have to question just what it is you are trying to accomplish? The reason being is it seems like you didn't get the message of what the end goal was which is to get the molecules to breakdown into their constitute atoms by way of ionization. There are no magic frequencies but only a set of rules for RLC circuits and Standing Wave frequencies and noticing that when at resonance the inductors act like very large resistors and the tubes vibrate a lot. This is the science behind the technology so I have no idea what direction you are heading in or what your goals are. I've done the grunt work and shared my results with everyone as that's the science behind the technology in that it's mimicking a thunderstorm.
These two circuits are the same and the goal of the electric mimicking of a thunderstorm is to get at the electrons of the atoms that make up the water molecules using voltage potentials and not current flow like electrolysis does. You see the only reason I shared this information was so that people would know just how this technology was breaking the bonds of the water molecules scientifically. You see main stream science is running around telling people there is but one way to break the bonds of the water molecules and I now there are millions of species of plants that totally disagree with them.
But what an elegant way I suggested as a replacement for a high-voltage differential probe.
No doubt, it is needed to observe the signals on the cell. But if a person has no money, but a lot of junk, as in the picture below, You can apply this signal directly to the deflection plates of the CRT.
A few kilovolts of common mode voltage on the plates will not damage the tube.
And only the differential signal will deflect the beam.
I'm really good, take me into you ... :)
These differential probes are a must but you don't need to get one that handles as much voltage as the one's I have as if you build a WFC like Meyer's with 10 cells hooked up in series you can put the probe on just one of those cells which will take the voltage requirements down by a factor of 10 as the cell divides the voltage between all of the cells in the series array. Thus a differential probe that can go up to 700-1300 volts would do the trick, but only if a series cell array with 10 or more cells hooked in series is used. This is a way to get around needing to get a differential probe rated for 7.5-15 kv as the ones I got. The waveform will look exactly the same on just one of the cells in the series array as it will on all of them at the transformer connection points to the series cell array.
Anyway just trying to give you some options but do note the differential probe is required as we are dealing with a sensitive isolated circuit that is actively looking for a ground. In one of my experiments the cell was put too close to a grounding source and it created a arc to that ground which prevented the VIC from creating a high voltage potential difference. I should have taken a picture of it as it looked really weird seeing a blue glow coming from the cell to what it was grounding out on but now I only have a mental image in my head of the event and can only share my story with you. Just know it went down to the matt the cell was sitting on it's way to the ground it found the only how I found it was I heard a slight hissing sound and looked around to see where it was coming from.
I also found out that I couldn't use any circulation pump I found on the web as if the pump has a path to ground the cell would take it and would thus never charge up and I had to get a pump that had no source to ground which, for me, was a solenoid pump. I use the pump to pump the water through a filter to take out all the contaminates in the water as I didn't make the Meyer type filter that does the same thing. This is how I know Meyer's injectors simply would not work as he didn't isolate them from the car's electrical system and the battery ground would prevent the negative voltages from being created.
I wanted to do it so much.
To sell hydrogen, at least as long as there is, to make some money.
Money for a ticket to fly to you in California. To live in your barn, will you hide me?
Welcome to
The International Open Source Free Energy Research Forum
free energy will change the world - free energy will stop all environmental pollution
Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our discussion forum we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.
The world will soon be very green without any pollution and any chemical fuel pollutants
with this new technology.
What Tesla has begun in the 19th and 20th century we will now bring to
market in the 21th century.
With permanent magnet motors and Solid State magnet free energy converts into the future.
free energy ( will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy ( will be enabled all over the world to power cars, ships and trains and
Free energy ( will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy ( will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Has this saying been the same for awhile? The problem with this is free energy devices aren't free to build let alone mass produce for the masses to try and get the prices down enough so that people around the world can afford to own these devices. Words like these is how people get the crazy idea that anyone trying to sell this technology are the bad guys. The way materials are brought and sold follows the same supply and demand curve of the markets as after all these materials are sold on the markets. Buyers whom buy things in low quantities pay a whole lot more than those that buy things in bulk which is the reason why things are put into mass production.
Then there's the ability to understand and build any of these technologies as people around the world don't have access to machines used to cut materials into the many shapes any of these technologies require let alone the ability to refine any of these raw materials. Then there is the cost of having someone make these devices as those makers will generally have a minimum make amount as they have to stop what it is they are doing for others to clear their machines to make these needed items for those whom want them made. For this water for fuel technology there are minimum buys for the transformer cores, the wire, and even some of the resins, chips, capacitors, and resistors needed to get this technology up and running. Everything has a cost to it excepts the water for the WFC's and air for the Gas Processor's. Each screw, circuit board, and so much more all have a cost associated with it but statements like these make everyone believe that when someone figures this technology out they must give it away free of charge and then everyone around the world will be able to build one for themselves which is false. People can't even follow the simple instructions I have already posted without trying to cut corners or add their spin and/or wayward thinking to it. With this water for fuel technology in the wrong hands can lead to death of those that try and build this technology along with innocents that had no idea what these people were up too. I have already seen people's cells blow up on them sending shards of acrylic in all directions.
This technology must come out by way of mass production that is safe for use, cost effective, and built to last. It must be tested to ensure no one gets hurt with a reasonable margin. People need to know how long the devices will last and/or are expected to last so that they can plan to get a new one or there must be parts of the things the will break over time available to purchase. Maintenance teams and installers need to be trained to put this technology out to the masses as well as new engine management programs and the highly trained mechanics that will be needed to work on them. All of this takes planning and time as you just don't figure one of these technologies out on a Monday and expect to have it in every shop and store around the world by Friday. Sure this technology has the power to do away with the use of fossil fuels for good but it will have a cost to it as it isn't free as materials are needed to make them, labor from people to assemble, install, maintain, troubleshoot, and fix them, plus teachers to train all of those people. Why people on forums like these never talk about these things is beyond me, but I guess as a whole they are trapped in some form of La, La land
[size=78%] ([/size]
I simply don't understand why talks like this are not dominating the forum as we need to be honest with ourselves and what it is we are trying to accomplish. We need to come back down to reality and deal with the world we have and not the worlds we create in our heads that don't actually exist. All of these technologies will take some major planning as we are trying to replace the use of fossil fuels which has been apart of our lives for many generations now. All those that sell energy do not wish to stop doing so and governments have went to war to obtain these fossil fuels killing millions of people in the process. In order to topple these powerful institutions these technologies will need more than the full support of the people as they also need people that will move to see these technologies through till completion. We have so much work ahead of us and we will have to fight those that do not wish to stop selling energy to the masses in no matter which form they use to put energy on the grid systems around the world. Are you folks up for this fight where on one side it's filled with people like me with little money to do much of anything and on the other side people with so much money that just one of them can feed the entire world and still have money left over to do what ever they wish to do with it? It's going to be a war of the have's verses the have nots as many of the have's do not wish for people to be free of their energy enslavement situations they find themselves in today. We must stop fighting each other and come together in one accord if we are to have a chance at toppling just one of these giants let alone all of them.
And to Kolbacist, True Green Solutions isn't hiring anyone at the moment and we do not provide our workers with a place to live. Sorry.
Shalom Everyone,
A constant current of the same magnitude was passed from the power source, which was recorded in the thyristor pulse circuit. The evolution of gases is visually the same. Again, everything is according to Faraday's law. misfortunes are pursuing me again ... :'(
Why then does the decomposition of water not occur in Marx's water generator?
There, really, very high stresses are present on the plates.
And the frequencies are quite large, units and tens of kilohertz.
Which are determined by the time constant RC.
Less is simply impossible due to the self-discharge of a capacitor with a water dielectric.
But we do not observe any signs of decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen.
Good Morning (elsewhere ),
#592 : Why ? To give the forum members the opportunity to read all the (peswiki + links) content related Stanley Allen Meyer research and developments and similar trials and approaches ! And then to do to You the right questions or help offer !
kolbacict : (
green field : ? Iono-/Thermo-sphere therm-ionic and analog permanent magnet/electromagnet
( kajunbee #14 ! ( ) (
a.heat generation (soil) b.catalytic ( hydrogen/oxygen) c. electric current
this alloy elementar material radiation in frequencies ?
a. optical spectrograph/spectrometer (
b. acoustical spectrograph/spectrometer (
c. (
photo-synthese phono-synthese
solar anti-solar (,light%20is%20called%20Electromagnetic%20Radiation.&text=The%20light%20with%20short%20wavelengths,with%20long%20wavelengths%20(red (,light%20is%20called%20Electromagnetic%20Radiation.&text=The%20light%20with%20short%20wavelengths,with%20long%20wavelengths%20(red)).
Light radiates from a source in waves. Each wave has two parts; an electric part, and a magnetic part.
That's why light is called Electromagnetic Radiation.
Light radiates from a source in waves / sound wave
Light waves are electromagnetic waves while sound waves are mechanical waves. Light waves are transverse while sound waves are longitudinal. Light waves can travel in vacuum.,we%20can%20only%20hear%20sound (,we%20can%20only%20hear%20sound).
Electromagnetic radiation and sound are both physical (environmental) factors that can affect our health. The physicists consider both of these to be waves. That is why the same terminology is used, such as intensity, frequency, wavelength. Yet, these are completely different phenomena.
Electromagnetic radiation is the propagation through space of electrical and magnetic waves while sound is the result of small changes in the air pressure that propagate through the air.
We can sometimes see electromagnetic radiation (as light) or feel it (as warmth) while we can only hear sound.
Read below which forms of electromagnetic radiation and sound exist and how we can prevent and limit health risks associated with it.
water frequency ? hydrogen frequency and oxygen frequency,their (Eigen)spin un-/bonded ? their resonance frequency/spin : un/bonded ?
cw or ccw ( ever ? anti- ) ( (
How much in the conversion process does
to differ a. open cycle
and b. close(d) (chamber/globe,... corpus) cycle and pressure(vacuum ?)+ stream orientation related, ( ( (
influence the water to hydrogen/oxygen division ?
In quantity and quality ?! H2O to HHO ( oxy-hydrogen, O3 ? Ozone ) to pure H and O2
How fast has to be the process and extraction for not rebonding ?!
With/-out ( (
a + c or a+k : diode process ? reverse ?
diode : light to electricity and/or electricity to light
glass prism :
In 1704 Sir Isaac Newton published a book called "Opticks" which explained some of the mysteries of light.
Newton showed that sunlight is a mixture of a continuous spectrum of colors.
White light from the Sun can be passed through a glass prism and broken into all the colors of the rainbow.
He even passed the colored spectrum through a second prism that reassembled it back into white light
p.s.: h2opower ,100 years back, meno-/genozid ( in Tulsa(Oklahoma )
"Our country may forget this history, but I cannot. I will not, and other survivors do not – and our descendants do not."
Dali and La persistencia de memoria (
and "Casablanca" (
forgetting is a pandemic peculiarity ( forgetting / forgiveness : – and our descendants aI. want bI. will do not aII. ! bII. ? )
And if you place a real liquid insulator instead of water between the electrode-plates.
for example gasoline, petroleum ether, benzene, which are perfect insulators.
Any potential difference can be created there, and no self-discharge.
Liquid ammonia, for example. Non-polar solvents.
Divide into hydrogen and carbon.
Has anyone succeeded?
I was told now that water above the critical temperature loses its electrical conductivity.
It's true ?
Quote from: lancaIV on June 01, 2021, 04:55:01 AM
Good Morning (elsewhere ),
p.s.: h2opower ,100 years back, meno-/genozid ( in Tulsa(Oklahoma )
"Our country may forget this history, but I cannot. I will not, and other survivors do not – and our descendants do not."
Dali and La persistencia de memoria (
and "Casablanca" (
forgetting is a pandemic peculiarity ( forgetting / forgiveness : – and our descendants aI. want bI. will do not aII. ! bII. ? )
Yeah, you'll be surprised at just how many towns and communities they burned to the ground as this information simply isn't taught in schools, colleges, or any other type of higher learning institution. I had to learn all of this by doing a lot of my own research and also learning from others that did the same. They tried so hard to sweep all of these evils under the rug and are now getting mad at us for looking under the run to see just what was under there we've been tripping over all this time. The main reason why we just uncover this history is if one doesn't understand history they will be doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past and right now we can see a lot of this taking place with the American criminal justice system.
As some of you might have noticed I have stopped posting for awhile as I don't see any relevant questions on the technology I shared, nor do I see anyone actually applying what I've shown them on this site to their work. I'm on the busy side right now getting a lot of work done on my car and hopefully getting it ready to be converted to run with nothing but water in it's tank for the future but for now I have a lot of little things to fix on the car such as exhaust leaks, and other things of the like. Thus far I replaced quite a few things on the car as the car is new to me and I must get it working in top condition. I even got some plasma spark plugs so as to be ready for this technology when I get to that point. Anyway If I don't see any relevant questions or folks showing me they are also following my lead then I will just keep checking in from time to time and keep at what it is I am doing.
Take care everyone,
I want, really want to dissociated the water.
But nothing works out.
p.s. If your vacuum resin is just epoxy then that's not a problem for me.
I have a factory-supplied pulse generator up to 30MHz with a standard 50ohm coaxial output.
Good thing. Nanosecond edges. With the ability to synchronize with an external signal.
But the output voltage is not enough to drive the lamp. To receive the necessary impulses up to 1kV.
I came up with such a scheme and it turned out great. But the water remains unperturbed. :(
AE sells these quality hho components for little, even an obd-2 communicator.
Thank you ... But this is all according to Faraday.
And I wanted according to Mayer, or at least according to Mitchell ...
True, but many components are useful for the VIC method too.If you want to understand how the VIC works, look up hyiq on yt. All cop>1 devices are based on the same principle and he explored and explained it.
Quote from: kolbacict on June 17, 2021, 12:32:52 PM
Thank you ... But this is all according to Faraday.
And I wanted according to Mayer, or at least according to Mitchell ...
Good to see that you caught that Alan was leading you in the wrong direction which is away from Meyer's technology and back into Dr. Faraday's technology. Just note that what Meyer did is practically the opposite of what Dr. Faraday did.
The VIC circuit as a whole includes the transformer, the blocking diode, and the water capacitor, as well as the pulsing circuit but it just drives the Voltage Intensifier Circuit. The transformer must be matched almost perfectly for the load it is to drive following standard transformer building techniques. The primary change is the capacitor is variable from around 30 pf to 1 pf if you built the cell to Meyer's specifications. It will start off with 30 pf and drop when it starts to produce gases as those gases will displace the dielectric medium which causes the capacitance to go down. This will require higher frequencies to be used to keep the system in resonance which is the job of the PLL part of the circuitry.
These transformers are the hardest part of this technology to get right as you just don't slap some wire on a bobbin form and call it a day. It must be matched which takes a lot of trial and error. I posted Meyer's turn count data for the transformer he used to drive the injectors already so I'll leave it to you to find it and read those numbers. Note when changing things as I have in order to have the transformer drive a WFC everything changes as the specs for the injector transformer will not have enough power to drive a WFC. So I had to stumble around through a lot of trial and error testing until I got the power factor high enough for the transformer to be able to drive a larger load. Basically I had to change the wire sizes and redo practically everything from scratch. Once I started getting high voltage to be applied to the WFC I knew I was heading in the right direction and not until that bit showing how to use Meyer's formulas came out did I have what I needed to finish this technology. Again I have already shared this information in this thread.
In a way it's much like a car's stereo system if the amp isn't rated to handle a 1 ohm load it will overheat and not be able to drive the load effectively at all. The power that the amp is built for must match the load it is to drive. As speakers move the load they present to the amplifier changes so they too are a variable load just as the WFC is a variable capacitor. Thus these transformer must be built to handle the load they are expected to power. For the most part in what I see people doing is not even trying to figure out how to go about matching the transformers they make to match the load they want to power with it. This is one of the primary reasons why I cation people not to start making changes to this technology when it comes to the WFC specs as to do so changes the load they present to the transformer. We only have little information to go off of that is useful from what Meyer did and to keep constantly making changes to the different parts of this technology before one has a chance to learn how it works is not a good idea. So, again just like a car amplifier that is rated for a 4 ohm load you must get speakers that are at 4 ohms for the amp to drive. Now this amp can power 8 ohm speakers effectively but not 2 ohm speakers.
Now for the changes I made was just like trying to force a 8 ohm rated amp to power a 1 ohm load so I had to build a stronger amplifier as a result. The new transformer I made is a lot beefier than Meyer's injector transformer as the load it is to power is far greater than Meyer's injectors. I hope this all makes sense to you as I can't tell you how to build a transformer to power a load that isn't the same as the one I am using. This is the true trial and error testing we all must go through to match the power source to the load we intend on driving with it. You are going to have to learn to make use of programs like this:
[size=78%] ([/size] as there is no other way to go about building and designing these transformers to match the load they are intended to drive. And again I warn all of you that if you made changes to what Meyer did the results your transformer will have to drive your unique load will be a lot different from what Meyer used. But the scientific concepts I shared with all of you will still hold as the goal is to break the bonds of the water molecules by way of taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the water molecules which is how mother nature goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules.
As far as I know these transformers are the hardest part to build correctly and understand just what it is you are doing and why. So, with that being said best of luck to you all as I have done my part in sharing the science behind this technology. But as you can see there is still more to learn.
Take care,
Hello,[/size] how much hho L / min did you generate at how much power? greeting [/size]
"Good to see that you caught that Alan was leading you in the wrong direction"
The chinese discovered the "hho" hype and have designed and professionally fabricated complete parts ready to use, like pulser modules and cells, filters and arrestors, no more need to mess and mill parts yourself. They also sell well made hho welders and bedini setups for peanuts. If the vic works and cop exceeds 1, they'll "steal" it too. They are opportunistic and ain't wasting time.
Meyer was ahead of his time: (
Quote from: alan on June 19, 2021, 06:26:12 AM
"Good to see that you caught that Alan was leading you in the wrong direction"
The chinese discovered the "hho" hype and have designed and professionally fabricated complete parts ready to use, like pulser modules and cells, filters and arrestors, no more need to mess and mill parts yourself. They also sell well made hho welders and bedini setups for peanuts. If the vic works and cop exceeds 1, they'll "steal" it too. They are opportunistic and ain't wasting time.
Meyer was ahead of his time: (
Unless I personally teach them how the technology works they, the Chinese, will not be stealing anything. You see in order to steal a technology one must first understand how it works and since there is nothing in the science books about how this technology works they can't understand it. With this technology as we have all seen, people can actually have Meyer's tech in their hands and not get the technology to work. Just ask Don Gable or the other folks that brought Meyer's technology how having Meyer's tech in their hands has worked out for them? This is not a technology that yields itself to being copied by outsiders as Meyer went out of his way to make sure something like that simply wouldn't happen to him. As such no one that has physically held Meyer's technology in their hands has been able to make much sense of it. You can even take me as an example as since I managed to put a high voltage potential to the WFC back in 2012 no one else in the world has managed to do so besides me that I am aware of.
I don't teach everything that I know about this technology and I promise you I will not be releasing any of my designs to the general public any time soon. All I do now is point people in the right direction and leave them to themselves to figure out how the technology works on their own just as I had to do but they are getting a head start with my pointing them in the right direction. You see I had no one pointing me in the right direction as I had to figure out everything on my own making use of the scientific method, but I did have a lot of people popping up out of the woodwork pointing me in the wrong direction. Say if someone stole one of my VIC transformers. They are not going to get any turn count data from it as it's vacuum resin sealed, and I brush off the specs of the blocking diodes I use. I have learned to be just as doggy as Meyer was as that's the only defense towards keeping the technology from being stolen. Here on this thread the only thing I gave away was that which I had promised I would do and that was the science behind the technology. So, I kept my promise that I made so many years ago.
Each time I'd ask someone to mirror me or just simply to work with me on this technology while I was figuring things out I was turned down or back stabbed when thy thought they knew enough to get the technology up and running so now I keep a lot of things to myself as a result. Those are the lessons I got from the school of hard knocks. I stopped sharing my data a long time ago as each time that I would do so it would elicit anger from those I showed. I no longer give much of any information about how these devices I've built perform. I will share some of my mistakes with the hopes people learn from those mistakes but not much else. Someone just ask for some information about how my stuff is working and I will simply ignore the request. Trust me I have my reasons for doing so that are outside of the normal talks we have on this site as there are still many out there that simply wish this technology to never see the light of day.
Then there's people like you Alan, who come to this thread with little to no understanding of how this technology works but feel they know enough to add in their two cents. If you push the gases created by this technology through a bubbler you lose all that you gained energy wise from this technology. This is especially true of the Gas Processor as all those unstable gas atoms will stabilize in a water bath and trust me that is not the desired effect you want to see with this technology. This technology is nothing like Dr. Faraday's electrolysis at all as it is making use of science that, as of yet, is not in the books of science used for study right now as it's brand new information. Now I could teach you how to make those hho generators be effective at lowering the fuel consumption of a internal combustion engine and since I am not doing much of anything at the moment why don't I go ahead and share that information with you all right now?
Those hho devices have a fixed output for the most part that does not raise or lower with the engine's revolutions per minute as the engine is being operated. Nor do they sense varying load conditions that will increase the amount of hho being generated to match the working conditions a engine will run into while they are being operated. As such one must have access to the engines fuel management system and a engine dyno and rewrite the power curve for the engine leaning out the fuel mixture where it needs to be leaned out. In other words you have to tell the engine's fuel management system that you added in another fuel for it to consider as it operates the engine at various speeds and loading conditions. If you don't have access to the fuel management system and a dyno to remap the added fuel into the system the fuel management system will simply add in more fuel making the car have worse fuel economy over time not better when adding in one of these hho devices to a car.
Lets say you got ahold of a good one like one of Bob Boyce's units that puts out around 24 LPM. You have to calculate how much fuel that is being added into the system and use that information to remap a new fossil fuel usage use as the engine is being operated. Since most of these hho unites do not increase/decrease their output with the car varying speeds and load conditions the faster the engine is run or the higher the load that is place on the engine the less effective the added hho to the system will be as it is being added to the system at a steady/fixed rate. This is how to correctly add a hho setup to a cars fuel system for it to be effective at lowering the car's fuel consumption giving you better fuel economy.
Now again if you don't have access to the car's fuel management system so that you can make changes to it and map those changes made on an engine dyno then adding one of these hho devices to a car is a waste of time as it will make the car use more fuel not less as the car doesn't sense any hydrogen being added to the system. The car's fuel management system only senses more oxygen has been added to the system and will add in more fuel as a result to maintain the 14.7 to 1 fuel ratio it's been programed to maintain.
Not so simple huh? People run around thinking all they have to do is slap one of these devices to their cars and all will be well and now you can see that is just foolish thoughts of someone not understanding the systems they are trying to improve upon, yes? Now what to you have to say about those well built Chines hho devices as I am sure they don't tell the buyers that they need to remap the car's fuel management systems so that they can have positive results with the hho device they just brought do they? Why don't they tell folks this information? Because those folks making the devices don't have an understanding how a modern car's fuel management system actually works. Furthermore they don't care as all they want is the money.
Hope you learned something from me and also note I am not some dummy just posting stuff to gain likes or something like that. I did make use of the scientific method on Meyer's technology and solved just what it is mimicking in nature.
My version of the thyristor circuit, 8XA ? Only one arrester.
The voltages are high, you can make at least a few kilovolts.
Subsequently, a bifilar choke was added to the cell circuit.
And no free vibrations were noticed on the cell. A single impulse and that's it.
But again, everything is according to Faraday. >:( (
I think Meyer never mentioned the resonant frequency of water, only resonance of the LCL charging network, so a high Q voltage forms over each component. Then phase manipulation by means of the coil setup (partnered opposite output coils) must oppose / delay current while allowing polarization through displacement current by an external voltage field instead of the charge integral. Polarized water creates a voltage by itself, that's probably how the watercap will hold an electrostatic field potential, until it releases electrons (ionization) and the covalent bind breaks and the electrons can be consumed by the amp consuming device. Current is equal, each component's voltage phase differs.
correct me if I'm wrong.
Quote from: kolbacict on June 20, 2021, 07:27:38 AM
My version of the thyristor circuit, 8XA ? Only one arrester.
The voltages are high, you can make at least a few kilovolts.
Subsequently, a bifilar choke was added to the cell circuit.
And no free vibrations were noticed on the cell. A single impulse and that's it.
But again, everything is according to Faraday. >:( (
Hi Kolbacict,
Here's the problem in a nutshell. Once you step away from what Meyer did you are on your own as you are doing something I would have not spent any time studying. At first I just wanted to get at the science behind the technology but once I saw that this technology goes way beyond just making use of water as a source of fuel I started making things. This technology is very much as Meyer said it was, "Only limited by the mind of the inventor to find a use for it." This is why getting at the science behind the technology was so important to me as the only way I could reasonably make use of it is only if I understood the underlying science behind the technology.
I still do not see why you just don't fully copy what Stanley Meyer did and go from there? Why try and change things so that if you do figure something out you will not be protected by the patent laws and as such someone with deeper pockets than you will copy what you did, patent it, and stop you from using it outright.
Quote from: alan on June 20, 2021, 11:22:05 AM
I think Meyer never mentioned the resonant frequency of water, only resonance of the LCL charging network, so a high Q voltage forms over each component. Then phase manipulation by means of the coil setup (partnered opposite output coils) must oppose / delay current while allowing polarization through displacement current by an external voltage field instead of the charge integral. Polarized water creates a voltage by itself, that's probably how the watercap will hold an electrostatic field potential, until it releases electrons (ionization) and the covalent bind breaks and the electrons can be consumed by the amp consuming device. Current is equal, each component's voltage phase differs.
correct me if I'm wrong.
Hello Alan,
This is a RLC setup for as far as I am aware of water doesn't have a resonant frequency and in Meyer's setup is just part of the Voltage Intensifier Circuit being used as a dielectric liquid and a resistor that completes the circuit path way. When the transformer is wired correctly it is all wired in series on the secondary side that is to say the start of one coil is connected to the end of the other as shown in Meyer's dot diagram. The dot represents the start of the winding of the coil and shows how one it just wired right into the other in series with the capacitor which is also a bunch of little capacitors wired in series. The WFC will not work if water isn't part of the setup as it's needed to complete the series connected resonant cavities so, no water no series circuit.
The blocking diode has only two conditions, it is either ON or it's OFF and from there you can map out which way the current is flowing. When the switch is ON representing a closed circuit condition current is flowing from the capacitor as it discharges through the transformer coils as those coils are wired to the capacitor in a way that directly shorts the capacitor out. When the switch if OFF current is flowing from the chokes to the capacitor as it charges up the capacitor. Meyer tries to illustrate this in figures, 7-5, 7-6, and 7-8. Note that he doesn't even show the secondary coil at all because the blocking diode switch is OFF thus making it an OPEN circuit. What makes this Voltage Intensifier Circuit so special is how it mimic's a thunderstorm electronically. The part that I figure out that is so important shows how a thunderstorm works in that they are capable of breaking down any molecule that finds it's way into them to include the water molecule. This part of what I shared isn't fully understood in the scientific community and thus isn't in any textbook for one to read and study from. Trust me if they knew this no plane would be allowed to fly through an active thunderstorm as it's engines could ignite a pocket of hydrogen and oxygen gas that was generated by the bottom of the storm system headed to the top of the storm to make thunder as it gets ignited by the top of the cloud. You have felt this explosion taking place in the clouds overhead as it shakes the ground on which you stood upon. That ground shaking thunder you experienced was a hydrogen and oxygen explosion taking place in the clouds over your head. Basically what I found in my studies was things mainstream science missed as they rushed to say they knew all they was to know about something as from what I was able to find out clearly they didn't understand all that was going on when mother nature breaks the bonds of the water molecules as that very question was never asked by them. And since they never asked the question in the first place then how could they ever answer it? This is the importance of my work on all of this filling in the missing parts that the scientific community missed as they rushed through their work in trying to explain things.
Hope that helps you understand this a bit better.
Take care,
QuoteI still do not see why you just don't fully copy what Stanley Meyer did and go from there?
No no. I do not need employment. I somehow myself.
It's just that I'm very lonely here.
Am I going to you?
And if instead of the second electrode in the cell, you use the capacitance of a solitary conductor.
Which is not connected to anything, but has enough capacity.
Provided that the frequency is high enough.
A certain volume of water can be used as a secluded container.
Quote from: kolbacict on July 01, 2021, 03:25:39 PM
And if instead of the second electrode in the cell, you use the capacitance of a solitary conductor.
Which is not connected to anything, but has enough capacity.
Provided that the frequency is high enough.
A certain volume of water can be used as a secluded container.
I have no idea what you are talking about and since you prove to me that you just don't want to do things the right way following my lead I think there is no hope for you ever being able to get this technology up and running. I laid out practically everything concerning this technology, gone over key concepts in great detail multiple times, and still you just don't wish to do things the correct way. I'm not sure but just maybe there is but one way to get this technology to work as I have seen people like you try every other way out there, except the right way, known to man. Everything you have done up to this point has ended up in failure but for reasons unknown you simply refuse to do things the proper way as I have laid out in this thread. Perhaps I was wrong about you and if so then there's a good chance this technology just isn't for you as the way you are heading you will never be able to get this technology to work.
Once I have enough funds to get the rest of the equipment I need I guess I will get started on seeing what I can do to get this technology into the marketplace. I know it's not going to be easy as those that wish for things to stay the way they are while the earth is showing clear signs that we must change away from the use of fossil fuels are still trying to keep this technology out of the marketplace. Sure, the earth will still be here but that's missing the point as the real point is will the earth still be able to support life as we know it?
The only way that I can see humanity starting to do something to fix the damage we have all contributed too is with this technology. I don't see any other technology out there that works with mother nature as this technology does. As a result I have doubled my efforts to raise the funds I need to be able to move forwards with this technology. I wish folks on this site would willing choose to give me a helping hand financially as this is going to be a major undertaking to get this technology into the marketplace where it can start turning the tide on our climate change problems. It's going up against all that mine, process, sale, and distribute energy, which is to include the fossil fuel industry and any company that sells energy by way of moving that energy on the world's grid supply network. The whole thing needs to be changed for us to have a chance at turning the tide on our climate change problems.
Shalom Everyone,
RF energy can be injected into the cell over a single wire. The second electrode can be a solitary capacitance. Is not it ? ;)
One more thought. :)
Conductivity in the electrolyte is result by the movement of ions in an electric field.
The ion velocity is low. If we move (move away) the second electrode faster than the ion moves towards it. As a result, he will never get on it. There will be an electric field, but there will be no electric current. Am I talking nonsense?
Edward,you should contact Moses West and join forces:
(extracting drinking water from the atmosphere efficiently)
( transformed it into a product and it is being sold, maybe he can help you shape a product.
Quote from: alan on July 03, 2021, 06:33:07 AM
Edward,you should contact Moses West and join forces:
(extracting drinking water from the atmosphere efficiently)
( transformed it into a product and it is being sold, maybe he can help you shape a product. ( (
kWh: 0.60 kWh/gallon (0.18 kWh/l) reference for ?°C and ?% humidity
the ?-answer we see here :
the 180 Wh/lt by 30°C and 80% RH
Attention : (
solution : ( (
The energy consumption varies between 30 and 100 W.
It is 50 W at 25°C and 70% humidity per litre, a considerable difference from the usual standards. (
Boudreault's technology
uses only 0.01 kWh of solar energy (about 15 per cent of what a standard lightbulb uses) to produce one litre of water, and the absorption process itself requires no energy at all. Overall, the process uses 20 to 70 times less energy than the next best condensation solutions on the market.
Thanks lanca for the contact details.The invention you mention isn't realized while the other one is done and distributed by a man with a mission.
alan,there are many no-/ultra low profit foundations working in that field and because we know the huge no/low water habitants number world-wide we have to use financial investments effective,independent from skin color and nationality or sexus/genus ! ( (
MISSION : About the foundation
The energy consumption varies between 30 and 100 W. It is 50 W at 25°C and 70% humidity per litre
AWG Contractual LLC It is 180 W at 30°C and 80% humidity per litre
Thanks Alan as I might attempt to get in contact with that guy.
But for the most part I am all about this technology as I must remain focused as to not get derailed. I have to get a SLA printer as then I can make the bobbins at a good cost and redo things on the fly with ease. I have one already in mind and am just saving my pennies until I have enough to purchase it. Then I have to save for a very expensive CNC machine as I will be needing it to take the technology further with some of my designs. My plans are just about set in stone and I shall not be moved as I know if I don't do it from the looks of it it will never get done and the world needs this technology to end it's reliance on fossil fuels. This to me is the only way to go about doing something that will actually make a difference in our battle to set things right as we go about trying to undo the damage we have made to the planet's atmosphere.
Once I have the things I need things will move along at a much faster pace.
Take care,
Here it is, the famous Mayer's circuit with a car generator.
The question is, what frequency is supplied to the excitation winding?
And can a non-laminated steel core that is DC rated work at that frequency?
About the location of the electrodes in accordance with the geometry of the water molecule.
I suggested a year ago. For example, four electrodes in form a tetrahedron repeating
the geometry of a molecule. But I was then ignored. they didn't payed attention.
Quote from: kolbacict on July 06, 2021, 10:56:45 AM
About the location of the electrodes in accordance with the geometry of the water molecule.
I suggested a year ago. For example, four electrodes in form a tetrahedron repeating
the geometry of a molecule. But I was then ignored. they didn't payed attention.
And you will be ignored here too if you don't start doing things as Meyer did as once you move to make up things as you go along you are on your own. I think I have made myself very clear on that have I not?
You are to wire the capacitors up in series just as I have shown and done failure to do so will result in me totally ignoring you. If you don't wish to be ignored then make your own thread and you can post what you are doing outside of this technology and perhaps get some to take interest in what you are doing, but speaking for myself, I will not be following you one bit. This technology is hard enough to get to work correctly already so no need to be adding in some unknowns you have no idea what will happen. It would be interesting if you first got some true high voltage to a Meyer type set up and then moved towards trying other ways to see if they worked also but you haven't. Instead you wish to just wing it and expect folks that are following me and doing what I have been asking them to do to just drop it and instead follow you.
Just so you know, anyone that has followed exactly what I have been telling them to do has also gotten high voltage to their WFC's. But you simply will not follow my lead and as a result have not gotten any high voltage to your WFC, but wait you don't even have a WFC because you never moved to build one in the first place. You expect the rules of "Electrolysis" to apply to this technology when it doesn't as it's totally the opposite of the science behind electrolysis.
So, if you wish to keep being ignored by me then keep posting stuff that is totally outside of the science behind this technology that I have freely shared with this entire forum.
Sorry to be so unyielding but I don't like it when people ignore me either especially on my own thread where I have went out of my way to share the science behind this technology.
QuoteBut you simply will not follow my lead and as a result have not gotten any high voltage to your WFC, but wait you don't even have a WFC because you never moved to build one in the first place.
What am i to do? :)
Take out a bank loan ? If this cannot be done in your country, then it is even more impossible here.
Take out a loan disguised as a consumer loan? But this is against my principles. In general, I never borrowed a penny from anyone in my life. :)
It is impossible to create a team of partners, like-minded people and employees here as well.
In this country, everything is built on lies, betrayal, theft and the desire for quick profit. :(
I will try to make several identical cells and connect them in series.
At least I haven't tried it yet. ;)
The answer lies in the coils, study these, you must be able to make it with little money. Alixp sells most what you need, like many types of cores.
Lookup hyiq on youtube to understand the winding of the coils. I think the current in the two bucking coils [on the same core, one CW, other CCW wound] must create a changing magnetic flux in the direction so that it opposes/impedes the current in the other bucking coil. Voltage by means of transformer action will appear on each winding on the secondary + chokes, emf adds up but current won't flow.
Or try to make the steam resonator first.
Quote from: alan on July 07, 2021, 06:10:34 AM
The answer lies in the coils, study these, you must be able to make it with little money. Alixp sells most what you need, like many types of cores.
Lookup hyiq on youtube to understand the winding of the coils. I think the current in the two bucking coils [on the same core, one CW, other CCW wound] must create a changing magnetic flux in the direction so that it opposes/impedes the current in the other bucking coil. Voltage by means of transformer action will appear on each winding on the secondary + chokes, emf adds up but current won't flow.
Or try to make the steam resonator first.
Hi Alan,
With this technology it must be done correctly following a very specific set of rules. It can be done with just one water capacitor but it's really difficult as the transformer will lack the needed power to charge the load. This is why the transformer for the injectors is so large as that transformer needs to power that very small capacitor each injector makes. In contrast the WFC will have around the same capacitance as each of the cells is wired up in series which as we know when you wire capacitors up in series it lowers the over all capacitance. Capacitance in this case is the load, XC, thus the higher the capacitance the greater the load that will be placed on the transformer.
It's very tricky to balance the load as the load, WFC, will change it's capacitance for as it starts to produce gas those gases displace the dielectric in the capacitor which in turn lowers it's capacitance. These are all variable capacitors we are working with. They start off with a high load and once going that load being presented to the transformer goes down which is why the circuit must have a fast acting PLL section to keep up with the changing loads as the system starts to break down the water molecules. Everything must be done correctly or it simply will not work. People like to make changes to a system they have no idea of how it works and then scratch their heads when it doesn't work for them. Understanding how the system works is the first thing that is to be done as then and only then can one make changes to the technology. I find that people like trying to do things totally backwards and take massive short cuts to a system they don't fully understand trying to save money for the most part or put their spin on the technology seeking some sort of glory to be able to say they did it their way.
With this technology things must be done correctly or it simply will not work as it's the opposite of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method. You see electrolysis is simple, just stick a DC power source to a bath of water, add a salt, acid, or base and away you go. Now there are rules as to how much salt, acid, or base one can add to the water for maximum efficiency but for the most part it's very simple. In sharp contrast using voltage to break the bonds of the water molecules is very complicated as we are talking about mimicking a thunderstorm electronically. The hard part is matching up the inductor to the capacitor as the capacitance of the capacitor must be figured out experimentally for the most part as none of us poor folk have the equipment needed to measure the capacitance of a water capacitor. Then we must take great care in making sure the secondary side remains an isolated circuit at all times. If a ground is given it will take it and thus never charge up the plates of the capacitor. This is something even Stanley Meyer was having trouble understanding as that is the primary reason why his injectors, as designed, didn't work as they grounded out to the car's battery. He would have had to isolate the injectors from the car's electrical system in order for them to work but he passes away before he could figure that out.
In this thread I have shown the way the waveform is to look, given a circuit design to use, and gone over practically all the science of how this is even possible looking at mother nature for answers and note I found them and shared that information with everyone. High voltage is to be respected so you can't use any coating on the wires as the coating must be able to withstand the voltages this technology works at. The transformer must be made to match the load almost perfectly and the load is varying as the system starts to break down the water molecules as the capacitance of the capacitor starts off high and ends up low as the gases produce displace the dielectric medium, water, out of the resonant cavity(s) which lowers the capacitance of the resonant cavity(s). Again the hard parts are finding the capacitance of the resonant cavity(s), then matching a inductor to power it up almost perfectly, and then making sure the circuit can lock on too and maintain resonance all times. These things aren't all that easy to do even though the circuit looks fairly simple. Put it this way, if it were simple to do then there would be many people out there replicating this technology, but it's not simple as with all technologies there are rules to follow in order to get it work correctly, and for the most part people don't understand the rules they are to follow to be able to get this technology working correctly.
This technology is very unforgiving when mistakes are made. For if one doesn't have a differential probe they can't view the waveform for if a standard probe with a grounding source is used the ground it adds to the system will be taken by the technology and a false reading will be given. If the circuit doesn't lock on to and maintain resonance as soon as the WFC starts to produce gas the system shuts down as it falls out of resonance when said gases are produced. There truly is nothing simple about this technology.
I hope that helps explain things to you Kolbacict as all technologies have rules to follow and I laid out many rules of this technology that must be followed to the letter.
Take care,
Hello Everyone,
Well, to get the talks back on track I think this video helps as it shows the use of hydrogen being taken seriously but they just don't know about this technology: [size=78%] ([/size] Note they are talking about hydrogen verses batteries for as it turns out the world just doesn't have enough raw materials for the entire world to switch from fossil fuel use to batteries as cobalt is the limiting factor as it's created a bottleneck for the electric cars which very few in the world's population as a whole can afford to buy right now. The question that's for this technology is, "How do we get the publics' support for this technology on a global scale?"
As of right now I am ready to take this technology further but I just lack the funds needed to do so. Here on this thread I've gone over the science behind this technology showing everyone that this technology is mimicking a thunderstorm in how it goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules, but the technology doesn't stop there. Many things we do can be done better with this technology and some things this technology can do will be totally new to this world. As of right now I seem to be the only one that truly understands just how this technology works ever after posting just how the actual science behind this technology is derived. But I also display something else lacking in others and that something is the drive to see this technology through to it's completion making it to the marketplace so that folks around the world can buy it. Hopefully the cost will be well below that of EV's and the current Hydrogen fueled vehicles on the market right now for public consumption.
I think I'm at the point where I will cease trying to teach anyone this technology for it just seems like I'm hitting my head repeatedly on a brick wall when trying to do so and instead just focus my efforts to gain public support for this technology. Once I am able to make the bobbins in a more cost effective manor I will be able to showcase the technology to the public in a more convincing manor on just what this technology can do to improve their lives as well as what it can do to turn the tide on our climate change problems. Right now when I make the bobbin set they cost me around $3k USD per transformer. With today's SLA printing technology that cost can be drastically reduced but I have to be able to afford a SLA printer first that is capable of printing these bobbins. I've made some choices on which SLA printer to purchase and am currently saving up my pennies to be able to buy one, hopefully sooner than latter. On my GoFundMe page: [size=78%] ([/size] I posted what the monies donated will be used for so as to be open to folks that look at the crowdfund wondering where the donated monies will be going. For as you can see I have a plan in place that will work in bringing this technology to the marketplace.
Why does the transformer cost so much? It's because it needs to be made perfectly for high voltage use and the current cost to have just the bobbins of the transformer made by a machine shop is on the high side. The cost effective way to go about this is by making as much as possible inhouse. As the company grows and starts to mass produce this technology the prices will start to drop as those are the rules of the market. Prices are cheaper for those that can afford to buy in bulk which is exactly how the market is setup to work and none of us can get around those rules at this moment in time. With all the DYI technologies coming forth it's only a matter of time before someone gets this technology put on the marketplace and I fully intend on being that someone as after all this time I have shown I have the drive necessary to see this through till the end.
For all that willing choose to aid me in my time of need, THANKS. (
VIC transformer from Russia.
None of my comments, just a link.
Just one question, the high voltage winding is wound with high resistance wire.
really stainless steel ??
nice channel.
stainless steel with coating to add real resistance for power dissipation, it's not necessary (in the experimental stage).
Quote from: alan on July 18, 2021, 06:22:25 AM
stainless steel with coating to add real resistance for power dissipation,
I agree with that. :)
why don't the green leaves of trees and plants heat up in direct sunlight?
At least they are colder than a sheet of white paper or a white wall nearby.
After all, this cannot happen only due to the evaporation of water.
Quote from: kolbacict on July 18, 2021, 03:38:27 AM (
VIC transformer from Russia.
None of my comments, just a link.
Just one question, the high voltage winding is wound with high resistance wire.
really stainless steel ??
First I left a comment on his video urging him to vacuum resin seal these bobbins as if he doesn't they will always short out on him. Now I can't understand a word of what he is saying but it seems he first followed the instructions given by Don Gable and then went on to make his own the way he saw fit. The problem as I see it is no one seems to know the rules for designing and making high voltage transformers.
Now for you Kolbacist, do you remember me talking about the blocking diode? As I remember telling everyone that this blocking diode is a switch that is either on or it's off. You need to understand what's going on as then your question would be answered on your own. You see when the switch is on the capacitor is being allowed to discharge as it is being directly shorted out by the coils but we don't really want it to discharge all that quickly do we? If it discharges too fast it will have nothing left from which to build upon when the next pulse hits the primary coil. Think of it this way, if I charge the capacitor and put a 200 watt bulb across it, that is to say short the capacitor out with the bulb, it will discharge the capacitor very quickly, yes? But if you put a LED across the capacitor to short it out it will take some time before the capacitor will be drained of it's charge, yes? This is why the resistance wire was used as Meyer didn't want to discharge capacitor too fast.
With the resistance wire the voltage intensifier circuit is still in a direct short condition but the load that is being placed on the capacitor to discharge it when the switch is on is very low thanks to the use of resistance wire. If you use pure copper wire the load that will be placed on the capacitor during it's discharge cycle will be far higher and thus draining the capacitor completely of it's charge between pulsings which is something we don't want to happen.
You see it's better to understand what is going on as you could have easily answered this question you asked me on your own if you had just listened to me awhile ago when I went over what the blocking diode is actually doing. To me this is just further proof that no one is really listening to me and instead just wanting me to feed them all the answers while they understand nothing about this technology as a result. Kinda like someone feeding you the answers on a test so that you will pass it but when you get to the real world on a job you will then fail as you didn't learn what it was you were supposed to learn when you had the chance to do so.
Right now I seem to be the only one that wishes to understand this technology fully and also to be the only one with the drive to actually see this technology through till the end which is why I really don't feel like teaching this technology to anyone anymore as no one truly listens to me anyways but instead just want me to answer their test questions for them which truly gets them nowhere in the end.
So, hopefully now you understand the use of resistance wire from a practical point of view as to what it was Meyer was trying to accomplish by making use of it. Now you can see Alan's advice is yet wrong again as like you he doesn't understand the basics of why the resistance wire was used in the first place.
Take care,
It's been seven days since I made the above post and not a soul has bothered to even say thanks for clearing things up on the use of resistance wire in the VIC transformer. No one has even made an effort to say if this information has helped or not helped them in their understanding of this new method of breaking the bonds of the water molecules. Am I so far out in front of everyone else with this technology that what I say simply can't be seen by anyone anymore?
All technologies have rules that need to be followed if they are to be recreated and this technology is no different. There are rules for building the transformers correctly, rules for building the water fuel cells correctly, and rules for building the circuits correctly. There are totally new scientific concepts to be learned and expounded upon. And yes there is a need to get this technology onto the marketplace to start the healing process to our climate change problems which we all have contributed too.
It really bothers me when I make a post like this that tells the truth about this technology that sheds light on things that confused everyone and it is treated as if I handed you all some trash to be taken to the landfill. This is not ignoring someone it is not acknowledging them for being correct about something you folks simply didn't seem to understand about the technology yet.
I really can't wait to get the SLA printer so that I can once again move forwards with this technology as to me it's all to clear that I must go this alone. For the most part all I get for my efforts to help people understand this technology is new inventive ways to be hated upon. If memory serves me correctly I've only received help from one person on this site that will aid me in getting this technology onto the marketplace. In all these years that I have been on this forum only one person has openly given me aid all the rest seem to only show me contempt and as I stated new ever inventive ways to show hate towards me.
Because I tell the truth have I now become your enemy? When I look back on things it sure looks to be that way from my perspective.
Shabbat Shalom,
I keep hearing all this talk about the need to do something about our Climate Change problems but see no action when I present this technology that can fully replace our need to make use of fossil fuels and more. ( They have many a video stating that we only have around 9 years left before it's too late and each time I reach out to these folks it's seems I am just talking to folks who are deaf. Time and time again I post on Tweeter, FaceBook, and even YouTube and for the most part people just don't seem willing to give this technology their support.
In 1968 this technology first appeared in the Philippines and was put down less than a year later by the IMF and World Banks because they were long on oil. When the Arab embargo lead to fuel shortages and large price hikes another man stepped up to the challenge but was ignored by the scientific community and failed to get the publics support that would have put this technology in the marketplace. In all this time since the earth is now showing us the error of our ways but as a whole we just don't move to support the actions of the few that come up with solutions to solve these problems: [size=78%] ([/size] In time when things get really bad I wonder will the people finally be moved enough to give this technology their support?
This technology which is more than 50 years old could have prevented all of this if the people simply gave this technology their support. But from the looks of it all these people claiming to want to do something about climate change seem to be really just sounding off as each and everyone that I have managed to get in contact with totally ignore this technology that will put the fossil fuel industry in the history books where it belongs. A lot of you reading this aren't even 50 years old so for you if this technology had gotten the people's support you would have only learned about our fossil fuel use in the history classes.
I think I have stated this before but I'll state it again, I don 't see an equal to this technology from any other emerging technology on the planet to this date. No technology that I know of can do the things this technology is capable of doing. But this time around I did something very different from those that came before me in that I put the science behind this technology out for all to see and learn from as everyone else before me took what they knew about this technology with them in death. But thus far all of my efforts have fallen on deaf ears and it even gets worse as in sites like these where it is said this technology is welcome it gets no support but only seems to increase the amount of enemies that want to see the world go down in flames or at the very least their actions make it clear that is the direction they are heading in :'( . I wonder how many more years must I wait before the people will give this technology that has the power to turn the tide on our climate change problems their full support? I guess I will find out if I live to be able to tell the tale in the end.
Quoteit's seems I am just talking to folks who are deaf.
Do you actually release gas in the entire volume of water between the electrodes?
Or it is in the narrow zone on the surface plate only ?
Quote from: kolbacict on August 11, 2021, 09:55:09 AM
Do you actually release gas in the entire volume of water between the electrodes?
Or it is in the narrow zone on the surface plate only ?
From my observations the gases are produced right in the middle right between the two electrodes and the area of gas production grows the higher the voltages are raised. Now unlike most that are doing this I am not pushing much in the way of amps through the water bath as the amps flowing through the water bath is just 0.6 mA as I am keeping the voltage within ±5 volts of each other with the positive voltage most of the time just 5 volts above the absolute value of the negative voltage. Keeping the voltage potentials almost equal is key to the high level of amp restriction that flows through the cell. In Meyer's SMTB if one reads the words Meyer states this need for the voltages to be equal several times but most only seem to look at the photos and never go over the reading material in the SMTB. In any event this is what I have observed taking place with my WFC's.
QuoteFrom my observations the gases are produced right in the middle right between the two electrodes and the area of gas production grows the higher the voltages are raised.
This is more interesting ... :)
QuoteI am keeping the voltage within ±5 volts of each other with the positive voltage most of the time just 5 volts above the absolute value of the negative voltage.
And where (in what place) do you have kilovolts?
Didn't know that shalom means that, cool, thanks. Here's another one, it points to the cross.
Hi Alan,
Just so you know our messiah, Yahushua, wasn't put to death on a cross but was lynched in a tree read Acts 5:30 for confirmation. Basically the King James Bible must be tossed out as the heathens took to the scriptures rewriting them in their own image and the result of that massive rewrite is the King James Bible. In their version they took out the creators name, the name of his son, and changed most of the names of his chosen people to reflect names that sounded like it came from their culture. The word they use to justify all of this is "Transliteration" which is when a group of them sat around and gave themselves the authority to make changes to anyone's history they came across. A lot of people don't know this but as late as 600 AD many of those people in the European countries not only didn't have any written communication skills but no oral communication skills either. Basically they are a people history forgot as they haven't much of a history to be proud of.
I tossed out that heathen rewrite years ago and replaced it with the Cepher where all of the names have been restored and most of the books the heathens took out have been put back into the scriptures. In many places it reads quite a bit differently as the heathens made changes in many areas of the scriptures so that basically they would be worshiped and obeyed by those they indoctrinated when they set out with their ships to spread the "Good News" armed with guns, swords, and the Bible as it was a mission to concur the known world by force.
They have things so twisted that they actually have people praying to be killed by the creator when he returns as to be "Taken" means to be killed: [size=78%] ([/size] It's sad to see this but they don't call Christianity "The Strong Delusion" in the scriptures for no reason. The only way to awake from the Strong Delusion is with the truth and for me that truth was learning that the letter "J" was created/invented in 1478. With that truth I began to see through their lies and deceptions.
Anyway I thought it was important for you to know that our messiah wasn't put to death on a cross but lynched in a tree as the whole cross thing is a Roman attribute.
Edward Mitchell
Quote from: kolbacict on August 12, 2021, 02:00:47 AM
This is more interesting ... :)And where (in what place) do you have kilovolts?
The "so called magic" happens when a potential difference of 1000 volts is reached per resonant cavity. So for a ten series WFC as I am using nothing happens until I reach 10 kv being applied to the series cell array by the transformer. The voltage measurements are taken right at the WFC. The cells must be made exactly as Meyer's cells were made to get the same result he did as any changes will require different voltages to get the process started. A larger space gap between the electrode will require more voltage and a smaller space gap will require less voltage. The problem with a small space gap is the capacitance of the cell will be too high which requires a smaller transformer at these frequencies that will not have enough energy to drive the cell and for a larger space gap the problem is in the wire's protective coating for the most part as it will not be able to withstand the higher voltages without shorting out.
Now that we have better coatings than Meyer had for use in his time we can open up the space gap between the cells a bit but just know the voltage requirements to get the process started will also go up as a result of these changes.
What I am about to say right now may come as a shock to some people but I feel I have had a change of heart seeing that my funding efforts aren't panning out all that well as in my view this technology should have been on the market so that it can do its job of turning the tide on climate change a long time ago. This caused me to revaluate things and when I did so I saw that when it became known that I am a Negro, back in 2013, practically all of my crowdfunding efforts donations seem to dry up over night. So, I am now going to do as those that have come before me in that if I die I will be also taking what I know about this technology with me. Sorry but if I am to be denied the opportunity to put this technology on the marketplace then I have to draw a line in the sand and stand fast and not be moved. When I look at history all things point to folks of color like me aren't given a fair shot at doing something to truly change our world for the better as most right now don't even know that the first person to do all of this was from the Philippines by a man of color but he has been forgotten replaced by someone that is not a man of color.
So again to make this perfectly clear I have had a change of heart and am now willing to take what I know about this technology with me in death if I am to be denied the opportunity to champion this technology after putting in so many years of my life uncovering this technology's secrets. So this post will more than likely be the last time I teach anything about this technology. Sorry about this but after looking back on things this is the only way I can move forwards as it's perfectly clear this blocking and general negative attitude towards me isn't going to stop anytime soon unless I make a final stand.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
In the film "Pulp Fiction" a verse from Ezekiel ch.25 is read.
This is not in our Bibles.
and I will perform great vengeance on them with fierce punishments; and they will know that I am the Lord when I take My vengeance on them.
Ezekiel 25:17 - Eze 25:17:
Only starting with these words is this text.
Could you please provide a link to the original where the full text is available?
Quote from: h20power on August 12, 2021, 11:59:52 AM
Hi Alan,
Just so you know our messiah, Yahushua, wasn't put to death on a cross but was lynched in a tree read Acts 5:30 for confirmation. Basically the King James Bible must be tossed out as the heathens took to the scriptures rewriting them in their own image and the result of that massive rewrite is the King James Bible. In their version they took out the creators name, the name of his son, and changed most of the names of his chosen people to reflect names that sounded like it came from their culture. The word they use to justify all of this is "Transliteration" which is when a group of them sat around and gave themselves the authority to make changes to anyone's history they came across. A lot of people don't know this but as late as 600 AD many of those people in the European countries not only didn't have any written communication skills but no oral communication skills either. Basically they are a people history forgot as they haven't much of a history to be proud of.
I tossed out that heathen rewrite years ago and replaced it with the Cepher where all of the names have been restored and most of the books the heathens took out have been put back into the scriptures. In many places it reads quite a bit differently as the heathens made changes in many areas of the scriptures so that basically they would be worshiped and obeyed by those they indoctrinated when they set out with their ships to spread the "Good News" armed with guns, swords, and the Bible as it was a mission to concur the known world by force.
They have things so twisted that they actually have people praying to be killed by the creator when he returns as to be "Taken" means to be killed: [size=78%] ([/size] It's sad to see this but they don't call Christianity "The Strong Delusion" in the scriptures for no reason. The only way to awake from the Strong Delusion is with the truth and for me that truth was learning that the letter "J" was created/invented in 1478. With that truth I began to see through their lies and deceptions.
Anyway I thought it was important for you to know that our messiah wasn't put to death on a cross but lynched in a tree as the whole cross thing is a Roman attribute.
Edward Mitchell
Thanks, I don't fully agree.
I am aware of the anglicized or latinized names but I have no problem with it, because they correctly reflect the Greek names in the original texts which are transliterated from Hebrew to Greek.
Since Yahushua, Yeshua, Iesou, Jesus died for mankind, for anyone who believes in the gospel, to receive Abraham's blessing, we must only know and believe what Yah's Son did for us on the stauros, cross, tree. In Christ, Messiah, we are one and there is no Jew nor Greek. We must know the Lord messiah to be known by Him.If cepher is right, then no one is saved throughout history for not knowing the hebraic names.
But it is preserved for all generations like Iesous. We can know it was Yahushua in Hebrew because of Matthew 1:21. Every language has its own pronunciation. LORD is a placeholder for the tetragrammaton. Yahuwah (I am that I am, old covenant name) in Greek is iehovah.
Hebrews can use the original names, we can use the transl(iter)ated name, neither is exclusive.
We have no other New Testament source text than the Greek, God has preserved His word through the byzantine texts and textus receptus, if we can't trust the names, how can we trust anything of the NT. Cepher bible is roman catholic compatible, because it has added the deutero books, which are considered ecumenical I trust KJV and other reformation bibles because these versions caused the removal of the Roman catholic yoke because of God's light.
Peter calls it tree because of the OT prophecy reflected in Galatians 3:13 where Paul is also calling it tree, xulon, instead of cross, stauros as in other places. The door into the kingdom of God is the provision of the Cross, what Jesus has done for all sinners: death, burial, resurrection, the gospel of God's grace. I don't know how we should call it otherwise. But it must not be used as a religious symbol or attribute.
The "Rapture" is the inclusion of the living with the resurrection of them that are asleep in Christ/Messiah, the living are changed instead of risen from the dead, according to the bible book that also mentions the strong delusion. (
Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.
Quote from: kolbacict on August 12, 2021, 02:00:51 PM
In the film "Pulp Fiction" a verse from Ezekiel ch.25 is read.
This is not in our Bibles.
and I will perform great vengeance on them with fierce punishments; and they will know that I am the Lord when I take My vengeance on them.
Ezekiel 25:17 - Eze 25:17: (
Only starting with these words is this text.
Could you please provide a link to the original where the full text is available?
This is to Kolbacid and Alan,
In the Cepher it reads as follows: Yechezq'el - Ezekiel 25:12-17 Thus says ADONAI YAHUAH; Because that Edom has dealt against the house of Yahudah by taking vengeance, and has greatly offended, and revenged himself upon them; 13. therefore thus says ADONAI YAHYUAH; I will also stretch out my hand upon Edom, and will cut off man and beast from it; and I will make it desolate from Teyman; and they of Dehan shall fall by the sword. 14. And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Yisra'el: and they shall do in Edom according to my anger and according to my fury; and they shall know my vengeance, says ADONAI YAHUAH. 15. Thus says ADONAI YAHUAH; Because the Pelishtiym have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; 16. Therefore thus says ADONAI YAHUAH; Behold, I will stretch out my had upon the Pelishtiym, and I will cut off the Kerethiym and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. 17. And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am YAHUAH, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
Now the reasons why I tossed out the KVJ is in Rev 22:18-19 it tells us very clearly no one shall make changes to the scriptures but these fools went ahead and did it anyways. There is but one name given unto man that can be used for the remission of sins and that name is Yahushua. For most Hebrew names have meaning and the meaning of Yahushua is YAH is salvation or Yahweh saves depending on what translation you read. The children of Yisra'el are us Negros as only we fit the prophecies as name a people who were taken into captivity by way of ships to the four corners of the globe? Our forefathers messed up and didn't keep their end of the covenant that was made with YAHUAH in the wilderness and we got punished accordingly as a result and those curses had a duration of 400 years. For some of us the 400 year duration of the curses is up and as a result we are waking up to the truth of our heritage. Those people in the land of Israel right now are just gentiles just as the scriptures says they are as they have no blood ties to the seed of Yisra'el.
These people whom made the changes to the scriptures have killed millions to keep the lie they created going as their true goal was for world conquest and world domination not for the salvation of mankind. Again to be TAKEN means to be killed as Yahushua gave an analogy stating it will be just like the floods of Noah as the people knew not what was going on until the floods took them away, and without skipping a beat the messiah says, two shall be in the field and the one shall be TAKEN and the other LEFT BEHIND. Again his analogy was the floods of Noah where the floods TOOK them all away. Took and Taken have the same meaning in this context so trust me you do not want to be TAKEN. LEFT BEHIHND and to be alive and REMAIN have the same meaning. If you leave something on the table at your house it will remain there until you come back for it yes? They love to leave that part of the scriptures out of their teachings where it says those who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the ski with him when he returns. We all have to go through the great tribulations as there is no escaping it as these wicked churches teach today unless you die before it happens.
Once one is dead the book of their life is closed and no amount of prayer can change the outcome of their life when their book is read and judged by YAHUAH.
Names matter as it's not Paul but Sha'ul, not Moses but Moshe. To change someone's name in history is to erase them from history. From my studies the name Jesus = Zeus and note they have the same birthdays and many other things as they created their messiah out of thin air as their messiah never walked this earth and they fashioned Jesus after Cesare Borgia which has no bearing on the description of our messiah Yahushua found in the scriptures. These lies they tell are very old but they are lies none the less. Their aim was if they tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth and from the looks of it they were very successful in that regards as for a time even I believed their lies. This awakening that is happening right now is only happening to the children of Yisra'el as it is us the got put under the curses of Deuteronomy for the sins of our forefathers.
Hey H2O
I would like to offer a little advice...
I'm an Engineer, a specialist in energy systems and I'm the guy other people hire to look at systems people like you claim to have. It's not a big deal in my opinion and I usually only offer my opinion based on the facts I can prove. There in lies the problem for many because I can roll into any situation and generally prove the facts of any matter within hours.
That's the thing isn't it?, one can use his words and claim any number of things until the cows come home. Make extraordinary claims of all kinds and do there best to try to convince others what there saying is true. It's cool however the bullshit generally ends when I show up because as I said, I am a specialist in energy systems and can determine what is fact and what is not damn near by first impression. Do you know what gives most away?, they have no idea what there talking about nor what energy is.
Do you know what I learned in all my travels as a FE consultant?, the people who have the most to offer often talk the least. They do not try to offer nonsensical excuses or explanations but look one in the eye and say here is my working device... you try and disprove it bitch. No offense but I do not recognize the fact you may have a different color of skin than my own nor your religion. Who are you to presume the color of our skin or your beliefs differentiates us, that's on you not me. It's BS in my opinion and I could have blue skin, flaming fucking pink hair, one leg and a bionic arm and still consider myself to be a being who can offer something to mankind. It's on you to determine why you feel so oppressed when no free thinking being can be oppressed.
All I can say is claiming to have FE is well enough, whatever, however if you want investors and someone like myself shows up to prove it you better have your facts in order or I'm going to tear you apart limb from limb because I'm an Engineer and a professional... do you understand?.
Quote from: h20power on August 12, 2021, 10:18:34 PM
This is to Kolbacid and Alan,
In the Cepher it reads as follows: Yechezq'el - Ezekiel 25:12-17 Thus says ADONAI YAHUAH; Because that Edom has dealt against the house of Yahudah by taking vengeance, and has greatly offended, and revenged himself upon them; 13. therefore thus says ADONAI YAHYUAH; I will also stretch out my hand upon Edom, and will cut off man and beast from it; and I will make it desolate from Teyman; and they of Dehan shall fall by the sword. 14. And I will lay my vengeance upon Edom by the hand of my people Yisra'el: and they shall do in Edom according to my anger and according to my fury; and they shall know my vengeance, says ADONAI YAHUAH. 15. Thus says ADONAI YAHUAH; Because the Pelishtiym have dealt by revenge, and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart, to destroy it for the old hatred; 16. Therefore thus says ADONAI YAHUAH; Behold, I will stretch out my had upon the Pelishtiym, and I will cut off the Kerethiym and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. 17. And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am YAHUAH, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.
Now the reasons why I tossed out the KVJ is in Rev 22:18-19 it tells us very clearly no one shall make changes to the scriptures but these fools went ahead and did it anyways. There is but one name given unto man that can be used for the remission of sins and that name is Yahushua. For most Hebrew names have meaning and the meaning of Yahushua is YAH is salvation or Yahweh saves depending on what translation you read. The children of Yisra'el are us Negros as only we fit the prophecies as name a people who were taken into captivity by way of ships to the four corners of the globe? Our forefathers messed up and didn't keep their end of the covenant that was made with YAHUAH in the wilderness and we got punished accordingly as a result and those curses had a duration of 400 years. For some of us the 400 year duration of the curses is up and as a result we are waking up to the truth of our heritage. Those people in the land of Israel right now are just gentiles just as the scriptures says they are as they have no blood ties to the seed of Yisra'el.
These people whom made the changes to the scriptures have killed millions to keep the lie they created going as their true goal was for world conquest and world domination not for the salvation of mankind. Again to be TAKEN means to be killed as Yahushua gave an analogy stating it will be just like the floods of Noah as the people knew not what was going on until the floods took them away, and without skipping a beat the messiah says, two shall be in the field and the one shall be TAKEN and the other LEFT BEHIND. Again his analogy was the floods of Noah where the floods TOOK them all away. Took and Taken have the same meaning in this context so trust me you do not want to be TAKEN. LEFT BEHIHND and to be alive and REMAIN have the same meaning. If you leave something on the table at your house it will remain there until you come back for it yes? They love to leave that part of the scriptures out of their teachings where it says those who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the ski with him when he returns. We all have to go through the great tribulations as there is no escaping it as these wicked churches teach today unless you die before it happens.
Once one is dead the book of their life is closed and no amount of prayer can change the outcome of their life when their book is read and judged by YAHUAH.
Names matter as it's not Paul but Sha'ul, not Moses but Moshe. To change someone's name in history is to erase them from history. From my studies the name Jesus = Zeus and note they have the same birthdays and many other things as they created their messiah out of thin air as their messiah never walked this earth and they fashioned Jesus after Cesare Borgia which has no bearing on the description of our messiah Yahushua found in the scriptures. These lies they tell are very old but they are lies none the less. Their aim was if they tell a lie long enough it becomes the truth and from the looks of it they were very successful in that regards as for a time even I believed their lies. This awakening that is happening right now is only happening to the children of Yisra'el as it is us the got put under the curses of Deuteronomy for the sins of our forefathers.
Sha'ul became Paul.This is the rapture based on, not Matthew 24 which is about the end of Jerusalem in AD70, see ligolier's, last days according to Jesus.1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
(13) But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
(14) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
(15) For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
(18) Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
If you say Jesus is from Zeus, then Joshua of Nun is called Zeus too in the septuagint.Act 14:12 And they called Bar-Naviy, Jupiter; and Pa'al, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.Jupiter is translated from Zeus, Ζεύς.
Esau / Edom (remained the same in cepher version) is the brother of Ya'acov and is punished because Hierusalem/Yerushalayim was sacked by Nevukad ne'tstsar and Esau agreed.I prefer the understandable words, so I can understand the bible instead of using words that say nothing in my language and let others decide what the bible says.
Adonai means lord, Elohiym means gods.
Proof that Jesus is based on Yoshua:
Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Progressive revelation:
Mat 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
1Ti 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.All, therefore hebrew roots is in error.
Joh 1:1 IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with את eth ELOHIYM, and the Word was ELOHIYM.At least it has the trinity:
1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the RUACH HA'QODESH: and these three are one.
Edward is an English given name. It is
derived from the Anglo-Saxon form Éadƿeard, composed of the elements ead "wealth, fortune; prosperous" and ƿeard "guardian, protector".Why not use the ancient spelling?
Was Stanley Meyer deceived with his giant warior angels vision and Job 38:22? At least he got the Jesus is Lord part right.
Quote from: onepower on August 13, 2021, 12:51:54 AM
Hey H2O
I would like to offer a little advice...
I'm an Engineer, a specialist in energy systems and I'm the guy other people hire to look at systems people like you claim to have. It's not a big deal in my opinion and I usually only offer my opinion based on the facts I can prove. There in lies the problem for many because I can roll into any situation and generally prove the facts of any matter within hours.
That's the thing isn't it?, one can use his words and claim any number of things until the cows come home. Make extraordinary claims of all kinds and do there best to try to convince others what there saying is true. It's cool however the bullshit generally ends when I show up because as I said, I am a specialist in energy systems and can determine what is fact and what is not damn near by first impression. Do you know what gives most away?, they have no idea what there talking about nor what energy is.
Do you know what I learned in all my travels as a FE consultant?, the people who have the most to offer often talk the least. They do not try to offer nonsensical excuses or explanations but look one in the eye and say here is my working device... you try and disprove it bitch. No offense but I do not recognize the fact you may have a different color of skin than my own nor your religion. Who are you to presume the color of our skin or your beliefs differentiates us, that's on you not me. It's BS in my opinion and I could have blue skin, flaming fucking pink hair, one leg and a bionic arm and still consider myself to be a being who can offer something to mankind. It's on you to determine why you feel so oppressed when no free thinking being can be oppressed.
All I can say is claiming to have FE is well enough, whatever, however if you want investors and someone like myself shows up to prove it you better have your facts in order or I'm going to tear you apart limb from limb because I'm an Engineer and a professional... do you understand?.
I understand fully as science in this technology was hard to get at but in the end I did just that I got at the science behind the technology making use of the scientific method. Thus far I seem to be the only one that has put that method of figuring out unknows to use on this water for fuel technology. But what has caused me to have a change of heart is when I looked back on my efforts to get public support all was well until it was made public that I was a Negro. Once that happened all sorts of things happened to me all at once. If you look through the forums going back before 2013 you will see just what I mean as it's as clear as day the different treatment I got prior to that interview video coming out where I showed something no one has ever seen taking place with this technology in that I was actually putting high voltage to a WFC. What I showed in that video hasn't been shown by anyone working in this field that I am aware of other than me to this very day. It's been 8 years since that video interview was done and all of my efforts from then to know have been to gather the equipment I need to put this technology on the marketplace. It's not easy when those that use to support you stop just because my hair is that of a wooly texture.
But again what did I do wrong? I showed high voltage being applied to a water fuel cell for the first time ever in a provable way and then all of the sudden all of donations I was getting stops cold turkey? In fact as I improved upon my results showing ever higher voltages being applied to the WFC the more hate I got from forums like these from its' members. It took me a while to get the voltages up over 10 kv as I had to learn things by trial and error testing learning just how to build the transformers the correct way so that I'd get the results I was desiring from them. But again, "What was my crime?" Why was my speaking time at the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement given to someone to just tell jokes? What have I done to bring about all of this hatred that has been aimed squarely at me? Is this what being successful at getting this water for fuel technology up and working is like to all that have achieved it?
These are just a few of the questions I have that no one is willing to give me a straight answer on. So when I took a long hard look at what was going in my life concerning this technology I saw that like those that came before me more than likely I too must take what I know about this technology with me in death as simply put no one will actually listen to what I have to say in the first place. The proof of this is written all over this forum where I am asked questions that have me repeating myself constantly as if I am insane or something and will give a different answer to the same questions being asked of me. I've grown tired of constantly repeating myself so I now move to just do it leaving everyone else behind as simply put no one is willing to do what it takes to get this technology up and running other than myself from what I can see in forums like these. So if I am to be the only one that moves to put this technology to the marketplace so be it!
Wish me luck but know I have totally given up on forums like these as all they have brought me is hate, disdain, disrespect, and ridicule.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
Quote from: alan on August 13, 2021, 09:01:57 AM
Sha'ul became Paul.This is the rapture based on, not Matthew 24 which is about the end of Jerusalem in AD70, see ligolier's, last days according to Jesus.1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
(13) But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
(14) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
(15) For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
(18) Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
If you say Jesus is from Zeus, then Joshua of Nun is called Zeus too in the septuagint.Act 14:12 And they called Bar-Naviy, Jupiter; and Pa'al, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker.Jupiter is translated from Zeus, Ζεύς.
Esau / Edom (remained the same in cepher version) is the brother of Ya'acov and is punished because Hierusalem/Yerushalayim was sacked by Nevukad ne'tstsar and Esau agreed.I prefer the understandable words, so I can understand the bible instead of using words that say nothing in my language and let others decide what the bible says.
Adonai means lord, Elohiym means gods.
Proof that Jesus is based on Yoshua:
Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Progressive revelation:
Mat 20:28 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.
1Ti 2:6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.All, therefore hebrew roots is in error.
Joh 1:1 IN the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with את eth ELOHIYM, and the Word was ELOHIYM.At least it has the trinity:
1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the RUACH HA'QODESH: and these three are one.
Edward is an English given name. It is derived from the Anglo-Saxon form Éadƿeard, composed of the elements ead "wealth, fortune; prosperous" and ƿeard "guardian, protector".Why not use the ancient spelling?
Was Stanley Meyer deceived with his giant warior angels vision and Job 38:22? At least he got the Jesus is Lord part right.
Like I said this awakening is only taking place with the house of Israel right now as it is us whom got put under the curses of Deuteronomy where we were made to forget who we were as a people. And to be blunt in answering your question all religions are false as the creator of all things YAH gave man his laws, statues, and commandments to follow and keep forever. The messiah Yahushua didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill the law. [size=78%] ([/size][size=78%] So yes, Meyer too was deceived as Christianity is the "Strong Delusion" spoken about in the scriptures. Yahweh gets his plans done no matter whom he chooses to use to carry out his will and note again Meyer was not the first to make use of water as a source of fuel in a car as that honor goes to Dr. Dingle of the Philippines.
The time of the gentiles is coming to an end. Now I don't fully understand what that means but I do know that those of us YAH chose to be his own have a part to play in the future. The heathens took to the scriptures to re-write them in their own image and they have deceived many leading them right to the lake of fire, kindly. These Christian churches actively teach that the law was done away with and their actions speak louder than words. As they killed millions to keep their lie going as ask the Jewish people as I am sure they will not let you say their people weren't killed by Christians. But when it comes to the Jewish people there role and fate in all of this is to be found in Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
Edward Mitchell is organizing this fundraiser
This technology has been around since 1968, as far as I can tell, and it has the potential to make all of our lives better.We can have a world that no longer uses oil, coal, or radioactive elements as a fuel. If you want to have the chance of being in full control of your own energy needs now is the time to make it happen.Big things often have small beginnings and this technology seems to be no different. With your support we can start the change that steers us away from fossil fuels to one that actually cleans the air when used in internal combustion engines. If you are tired of paying for energy now is the time for you to do something about it.The goal of this campaign is to get the funding needed to start a limit production run of 50 units with water fueled rotary engines to be used in vehicles, either commercial, privately owned, and feet, and generator sets to power homes and businesses.The funds will go towards getting all the equipment, parts, & materials needed:
1. Haas VF-2SSYT 4th Axis CNC mill $103,541.50
2. Tooling and End Mills $5,250.00
3. Blaser Synergy 735 coolant 35 Gal $7,000.00
4. Work Holding Tools $2,000.00
5. PEOPOLY NOIR MSLA Printer $3,299.00
6. UV Resin for 50 units $1,500.00
7. MSLA Wearables $1,000.00
8. PEOPOLY UV Curing Lights $140.00
9. Circuits for 50 units $500.00
10. Wire for transformers 50 units $800.00
11. Transformer Cores 50 units $500.00
12. Epoxy resin CLR1180/CLH6520 $2,000.00
13. LEDs for 50 units $500.00
14. 10 KW Generators 50 units $72,020.00
Total = $200,002.50
These are the things I need to complete the task of bringing this technology to the marketplace. So far I have been working on getting all the tooling I need so that I can make all the thing I need in-house, but I truly need to get the SLA Printer asap as with that I can do so many things in-house that will allow me to get things started properly. Everything that I have done to this date has lead me to this moment right now and I tell you this technology is ready for prime time as practically all the science behind the technology is known to me. I've done all of this with a lot of hands on work with trial and error testing making use of the scientific method and I spoke with Dr. Dingle before he passed away in 2010.
Right now the effects of Climate Change are manifesting all around the world and something to know about that is even if the entire world switches to this technology overnight these effects will continue as the damage has already been done. This technology can start to reverse some of the damage as engines converted to this technology clean the air as they are operate. This will begin the healing process of our earth's atmosphere from which we all need working properly for our very survival.
True Green Solutions will be the start of this healing of our earth but hopefully others will follow.
Thanks to Everyone that choses to aid me in my efforts to bring this technology to the marketplace. (
Edward Mitchell
Where are Jules's words?
QuoteThe path of the righteous is difficult, for the selfish and tyrants of evil people hinder him. Blessed is the shepherd who, in the name of mercy and kindness, leads the weak along with him through the valley of darkness. For it is he who is the one who truly cares about his neighbor and brings back the children of the lost.
Where did Tarantino get them? :o
QuoteI showed high voltage being applied to a water fuel cell for the first time
I can do it. Discharging a 10kV capacitor to the electrodes in water, not alloving breakdown.
But the gas will be released exactly as much as the coulomb of the charge was in it.
In accordance with faraday's law.
Forgive me if something , but I really want to achieve some kind of results.
Perhaps even more than you ...
Coulombs shouldn't do work but must form the potential, the cap voltage is based on the density of coulombs (C=Q/V, V=J/Q, C=Q^2/J), the resulting voltage has corresponding electric fields which must do the work and the WFC must act like a wave guide for the E field only while being in direct contact with the water.It's true that little energy is needed to create HV.
Quote from: h20power on August 13, 2021, 01:05:32 PM
Like I said this awakening is only taking place with the house of Israel right now as it is us whom got put under the curses of Deuteronomy where we were made to forget who we were as a people. And to be blunt in answering your question all religions are false as the creator of all things YAH gave man his laws, statues, and commandments to follow and keep forever. The messiah Yahushua didn't come to do away with the law but to fulfill the law. [size=78%] ([/size][size=78%] So yes, Meyer too was deceived as Christianity is the "Strong Delusion" spoken about in the scriptures. Yahweh gets his plans done no matter whom he chooses to use to carry out his will and note again Meyer was not the first to make use of water as a source of fuel in a car as that honor goes to Dr. Dingle of the Philippines.
The time of the gentiles is coming to an end. Now I don't fully understand what that means but I do know that those of us YAH chose to be his own have a part to play in the future. The heathens took to the scriptures to re-write them in their own image and they have deceived many leading them right to the lake of fire, kindly. These Christian churches actively teach that the law was done away with and their actions speak louder than words. As they killed millions to keep their lie going as ask the Jewish people as I am sure they will not let you say their people weren't killed by Christians. But when it comes to the Jewish people there role and fate in all of this is to be found in Rev 2:9 and 3:9.
Curse for breaking the law ('blessing and curse I set before thee'), but God's Son became this curse on the tree. Mystery Babylon rapes the world, not white people. Edom is fulfilled prophecy, it is blotted out as a punishment per prophecy.
See Romans 11 :) Also points to the fullness of the gentiles.The old Ethiopian orthodox painting isn't painted in the torah, the right one is a Russian orthodox copy to be used as an icon, probably mass produced to hang in your home. It's a cool fact that Ethiopia got the christian faith through Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch of the queen.The scriptures are not rewritten because we have the original Greek and can put them next to the translations. Erasmus started the reformation unto freedom in 1522, he is the reason we have an orthodox bible today instead of a latin vulgate, but they do indeed try to change it, for Rome lost their power: Jesuits, Vatican, Westcott & Hort, etc.. (
2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
(7) For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
( 8) And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
(9) Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
(10) And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
(11) And for this cause God shall send them
strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
(12) That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
The Truth about His Son, not worldy truth.
unlearn the lies
Well, you can try discharging into water through an additional arrester.
You will see a few small bubbles of gas. :)
#667 : Budget plan I for 50 10 KW generator systems
Total = $200,002.50
alternatively :
Budget plan II for 25 x 10 KW systems
Haas VF-2SSYT 4th Axis CNC mill not buy but lease ( Haas offer ? ( )
or surplus market = used or refurbished (Haas their own shop) (
instead for 50 only for 25 x 10 KW systems calculating
Total = < $100 000
" Thanks to Everyone that choses to aid me in my efforts to bring this technology to the marketplace. (
For You,Mr.Mitchell,25 or 50 systems are not the final target !
But can You also estimate ,by own experience, the per KWh (hydrogen,electricity) production costs,
at first -low units production serie -
-later by mass production prices ?
Is it economical ( and save ?) to order such a 10 KW system,with 50%/100% pre-payment ?
What is actually Your 10 KW endconsumer system price idea ?
p.s.: to # 666 8)
A. (
to B. (
in B. two womans to remark !
btw : black face image less soot = original
Hello IancaIV,
Yes, I could lease one but I'd need to own it as I am taking the machine to a different country where all of these restrictions on me will be lifted. I wont say where I am going but trust me I have seen it happen to my people with my own two eyes. And you are correct this is just the start going with just 50 units and as the companies grows more units will be made as that's just how things work in the real world. This slow start will allow me to train my workers, set up production lines, and finalize deals with my suppliers whom will be making some of the things I need that I can not at this time make on my own. But as the company grows I will move to make as much as I can of the things I need in-house so as to not allow anyone the ability to block this technology as it comes into our world. Trust me I already have a working plan of action that I am following.
To Kolbacict,
I truly will no longer be talking about anything of the inner workings of this technology with anyone anymore for as test I shared the need to know information with several people to only see them magically gain a desire to do something else with their lives. Thus I have come to the conclusion that it must be the creator of all things that is actively blocking people from understanding this technology and those that are shown by me had their desires in their hearts changed and moved on to do something totally different with their lives. As a result of these observations I will no longer talk about the inner workings of this technology with anyone anymore as I strive to be the change I wish to see in this world for as long as I am able to do so.
To Alan,
The only way to awake from the strong delusion is with the truth. If you are given a truth you must hold that truth as close to your heart as possible and never let it go for at any point you move away from the truth it's kinda like taking the "Blue Pill" in the movie the Matrix as you will wake up believing whatever you want to believe. But in any event this thread is not the place to be talking about such things as it's only purpose is an attempt to get help from like minded people in bringing this technology to market so that things can get started that will actually turn the tide on our Climate Change problems. The whole focus of this thread is to bring this technology to market for as I have stated I had a change of heart. From my observations trying to teach this technology to folks is pointless as that seems to not be inline with the will of our creator.
To Everyone else,
The new focus of this thread has changed as now it's all about bringing this technology to market so that the change we all wish to see take place in our world that will turn the tide on our Climate Change problems can get underway. So each and everyone of you now has a choice to make; 1. You can choose to help this technology come to market by donating what you can to help the cause, or 2. You can choose to not help this technology come to market. There is no in-between as you will either choose to be part of the solution or part of the problem by your actions as there is no middle ground here.
This technology has the power to fully replace what fossil fuels are being used for right now in the transportation and power generation industries, but there is so much more this technology can do beside those two things. I am asking for your help and know that if we put aside our differences long enough this technology will get it's start into our world right here with True Green Solutions a company that aims to bring this technology to all the many places this technology can do good for humanity.
Shabbat Shalom,
Edward Mitchell (
Now here is a video that shows just what we are up against. Based on our present day activity things aren't looking good for our future. This technology can start the changes the world needs but it needs the support of the people just like all technologies do when they are starting off. Right now I am ready to move forwards with this technology which is very different from any technology I have seen on this forum right now which are mostly ten or more years down the road before they can make a go at it. Do we have ten or more years? I think not. I have chosen a path that can expand to include other things as the technology takes hold and starts to become mainstream. The technology can be used for home and industrial power generation, industrial and commercial vehicles, boats and ships, and even tackle our air travel. And that is not all this technology can do but I feel it's enough for now so that we start heading down a path that heals the planet's atmosphere.
For far too long as this technology been put down by those that wish for things to remain as they are so that their money flow keeps coming in as our world has had enough of that. It's time for drastic change or we will see drastic change in a direction we truly do not wish to go if we stay on our current path of destruction. This technology is not ten years down the road before it is ready as it's ready now but without the support of the people it's doomed to fail and if it does we will all find out just how bad things can be by doing nothing as nothing is all those that sell energy truly wish to happen and they are in charge right now.
We must act as to sit and do nothing and pretend this will all just go away isn't the right course of action. The technology needs a helping had to get started as by the power of the people we can collectively do something if we act together as one. [size=78%] ([/size]
Shalom Everyone,
As I run this crowdfund aimed at actually doing something to turn the tide on Climate Change I wonder where are all these people whom say they want to start changing things for the better? I post on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and a few other places but I never seem to be able to reach these people that are so passionate about trying to actually support something that can take on our Climate Change problems head on.
I am truly finding it frustrating that I am being forced to sit on a technology that can actually do something turn things around looking at photos like these and watching all of these protest happening around the world. How do I get the word out to these people and more importantly how to I get their support? This seems to truly be the problem I am facing in that I can't get the word to those that would give their support for this technology as all I seem to reach is those that are practically against giving their support and stopping others from also giving their support like in forums like this one. [size=78%] ([/size]
They think the earth will be destroyed by climate change, but it's a diabolical lie (perhaps from the club of Rome). If one had the solution, they'd attack it as anti-scientific and pseudoscience and want to muddle on with apps, solar and wind. It must be done u nder the radar as a grass roots effort until it can't be stopped., like Stanley said.
You could outsource the CNC manufacturing, to China maybe. Saves you $100k
Hi Alan,
You making play with words a bit as when they say the world is going to end they are talking about the world's ability to support life as we know it as it is the earth's atmosphere that is being destroyed. As for grass roots that's what Crowdfunding is all about as this way us poor folk can join forces as act like the big guys. As for working with China on that level I don't think so as doing things in-house is the way forwards as this technologies first true customers will be this company itself. Plus I really don't like sending anything I design out to folks as I know people are going to be trying to copy what it is I will be doing so as a safeguard I must keep a lot of things to myself. Anyone trying to back engineer this technology will more than likely fail as Meyer's information won't help for if it did I wouldn't be alone in what it is I am doing. As it's been over 23 years since Meyer passed away so I have faith that this technology's secrets will be safe for another 23 years if I just keep to the plan I am following.
Getting the support of the people is going to take a lot of work as trying to show and explain to people the benefits of this technology takes time. Putting folks in full control of their own energy needs flies right over most folks head as they don't seem to be able to comprehend just what that means for their everyday lives. We've all become too comfortable with the way things are and as a result no longer fully capable of thinking outside of the box. So, I am going to have to show people this technologies benefits in real time so to speak. I'm up for the challenge or at least I feel that I am.
All I can do for now is keep trying to get the word out that there is a solution to our shared Climate Change problems and hope that people realize this technology will do as promised and start to fully give me their support as a result.
Haven't read your reply fully yet, but I mean something like this, not necessarily China, that was just a simple thought. (
Quote from: alan on August 20, 2021, 01:07:38 PM
Haven't read your reply fully yet, but I mean something like this, not necessarily China, that was just a simple thought. ( (
This is what you are not getting Alan. When I do things in-house I will not have any energy bills so how can someone else offering me a service be able to do it cheaper than I can do it if they have to pay for the energy to run their machines, keep on the lights, and keep the building at a comfortable temperature when I don't? Once I am fully up and running I will be getting into a lo of things as each and everything I choose to get into will not have a energy cost to it thus making me by default the cheapest way to go about doing things.
Plus as I said I don't like giving out my designs to anyone as even with the WFC I had made for me at the local machine shop I had the company sign a Non Discloser agreement as I am very serious about protecting the things I design and come up with as solutions to the many problems I faced while learning how to get this technology working properly. A long time ago I use to think differently but through the school of hard knocks I have learned that it isn't a good idea to share such things with others as they will use what you share with them against you.
Hope this clears things up some.
I can understand that, people can be morons. But the loose parts you have designed you can have such a company lathe for you using cnc files, in case you won't collect $100k, they won't steal it.
Hi Alan,
Through the school of hard knocks I have learned not to be so trusting of people. I think right here on this forum or another open source forum someone not knowing all the names I go by contacted me asking me if I had access to the plans from the photos I was posting. I remember telling them, "Yeah I have access to them." And they went into a rant about how much of a A-hole I was, again not knowing they were talking about me, because I wouldn't share my plans with anyone and forced people to do their own work. Needless to say I had a bit of fun with them before revealing to them I was that guy there were talking about.
So, trust me I understand that people would whether steal stuff from others than do their own work. In fact there are a lot of drawings I shared that got stolen from me as the thief put the drawing up as if they drew it up complete with all of the mistakes I would sometimes make right in the drawing. Now on the remake of the drawing where I corrected my typos and putting things together backwards I made sure to put my name on it as these thieves are just so numerus kinda like bugs crawling out of the woodwork. In fact the picture of my cell above was put for sale on Donateli's site having never spoken to me even once to have me make them for him. He was charging $1000.00 bucks if I remember correctly and I'd often wondered just what someone got in the mail after they ordered that cell from him as it wouldn't have come from me?!
Money makes people act funny is what I've noticed as the reason why so many were against me a long time ago was to steer donation funds away from me and towards them by telling a lot of lies and half truths about me. You see back then I didn't understand the game as to me it wasn't a game but none the less I didn't understand why they were all so against me and it had to do with getting donations from people as they didn't want to share as every donation I got should have been a donation to them in their mind. So to make themselves look better than me they would have to resort to lies and half truths and it really got bad after that interview video came out as no one could post a video of them getting those high voltages to their WFC's. Some even went on to say you don't need high voltage which totally made Meyer himself seem like he was heading in the wrong direction. The other video where I showed how the gases being produced looked different than that of a typical electrolysis setup got them all piping hot at me. Some even went on to tell others that I had some sort of air pump hooked up to the cell out of the screen's sight when that cell was totally transparent, lol. It got so bad back then that had to completely stop sharing any photos, drawings, or videos of my work as it would be immediately stolen by someone trying to make a quick buck whom had no interest in getting the technology to the marketplace where it could start the world on a path towards ending the use of fossil fuels.
You see I didn't understand the game back then as it never was a game to me as I saw why this technology was so important for the future of humanity way back then if we wanted to leave the world a better place for our children than we found it. A friend of mines had to point this out to me that this was a game these people were playing as I simply didn't get it as I was the real deal actually performing experiments making use of the scientific method to guide my efforts. That took all of my focus and didn't leave any time for games as getting at the science behind this technology wasn't going to be an easy task to do.
Now the vast majority of those people are gone for as a game this technology ran it's course as they would put on a great show building things until they simply ran out of things to build and once that happened they simply jumped ship to another totally different technology to keep the games they were playing going. Just by me describing these actions to you some of you can come up with their faces and names even now, yes? These people were so short sighted with their greed that they didn't stop even once to consider what harm they were doing to this technology's reputation in the many minds of the people they were deceiving. But rest assured the true enemies of this technology did take notice of their actions and even moved to reward some of them knowing full well they didn't understand anything about how this technology actually worked so that they could then turn around and tell folks this technology was a scam as it broke the laws of physics. You see the true enemies of this technology think long term.
So, with this sharing thing I have been there and done that enough to see what happens when the greedy get a hold of something they think they can make a quick buck off of as to them all they care about is the money and the whole world can just burn up for all they truly care. I'm one of the last of those folks to remain standing as again it wasn't a game to me as this technology is our best hope to turn the tide on our shared climate change problems. Now more than ever I seem to be standing alone.
Here is something I hadn't considered. As the world moves to get over it's fossil fuel habit those big players are lining up it's replacement so they can keep their game going and I don't think any of us thought this replacement would be Copper. Yeah, you heard me right the element Cu, is their new go to thing to replace their investments in the fossil fuel industry. I guess this is yet another reason why they don't like this technology I'm trying to bring to market as I have cut most of the copper use out of the VIC transformer and a vehicle converted to this technology will take just slightly more copper due to just one of the coils in the VIC transformer multi-coil assembly. I think weight wise it would add perhaps 5 oz of copper to a typical car. So, if I succeed I will be tossing yet another monkey wrench into their plans to hold he world hostage over something it needs to keep up it's new found standard of living. Here is a video that clued me into the plans of the rich: ( for as you can see they are already trying to corner the market and thus drive up the prices for copper.
There is one thing I found puzzling though and that is I thought copper was easy to reuse just as easy or even more easier than that of aluminum. Am I wrong on this? Anyway these rich A-holes just don't want to give up their game so I guess I might still be in their sights for removal, but I'm not going to let that stop me as to me their time has come and gone they just don't know it yet. In the future what will these rich folks do to try to stay in power is anyone's guess but we must be ever watching them to see just what they are up to so that we can one day defeat them and gain our freedom in doing so. Energy independence is key to winning our freedom but not the only key as there is food, water, and soon to be air if we don't do something to stop the rich and their fossil fuel companies from keeping things as they are knowing in this new future we will have to buy the very air we need to stay alive. If we do reach a point such as that then the planet really wont be of much use to any of us.
This is why I need the support of the people for this technology as it gives us the freedom we need to put down those that would keep us enslaved. Give a little or give a lot as it all goes towards providing us and our children a future free of those that would keep us enslaved for all time [size=78%] ([/size]
Take care all and know if successful our children will live better than we did.
Hello Everyone,
This week it seems we had it all, fire, flood, hurricanes, and tornados. With the winter fast approaching I feel we are going to see some more record breaking things as the planet is trying to stabilize the atmosphere and we just keep dumping too much of everything into it. Most don't seem to understand that when fossil fuels are burned they produce h2o, co2, co, and nox gases. The creation of all of these molecules reduces the available oxygen we have in the atmosphere for anything else that needs it. This technology is key towards changing all of that as it replaces the need to use fossil fuels for transportation and power generation and it does not use up the oxygen in the atmosphere as it produces what it needs for it's part of the water cycle when used in this fashion. Mimicking a thunderstorm makes this technology apart of the earths water cycle as it's also mimicking the earth's global electric circuit.
It seems I am finally starting to get noticed by some in the fight for Climate Change Action and some much needed support is starting to come in. Once this technology makes it to the marketplace the era of fossil fuels being king are numbered. I have to keep up the pressure in getting out the good news that there is actually a solution to our Climate Change problems as most people are totally unaware of this technology.
This chart for me acts like a where to move in first when rolling out this technology. If you want to read the whole article you can do so here: [size=78%] ([/size] This is a good read as it goes over a lot things relate to our total climate change problems as to just where are the emissions coming from?
As always I could use your support for this technology also, even it if is just spreading the good news to those that have never heard of this technology before. [size=78%] ([/size]
Take care Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
As time marches on I can't help but wonder why is it this technology has such a hard time gaining support as the earth's climate is reeking havoc all around the world? Why do those whom don't want this technology to see the light of day are allowed to keep raising the bar without end? I mean at first when I got into this technology I was being told by everyone that you can't put high voltage directly to a water bath and when I did it they raised the bar on me telling me that water can't be broken down that way, and again when I did it they again raised the bar on me.
As I look out across all the many different solutions being proposed to do something about our climate change problems this one stands out as it's a very wide covering solution in that it replaces the need to use fossil fuels for power generation and the entire transportation industry be it land, air, or sea. There is no other promising technology being talked about right now that can do this. All I know is once I have the machines I need to get started putting this technology on the marketplace the technology will finally start to do what it was intended on doing by so many others whom came to an understand of this technology before me. I wonder will "They" again try and raise the bar on me when the technology starts hitting the marketplace?
I'm just glad that there is some out there that are willing to give support for my efforts to bring this technology to the marketplace as without that support it would be many years before this technology can do what it is capable of doing to save us from those that sell energy. [size=78%] ([/size] In time I hope to gain more support from forums like these where there is supposed to be like minded people working together for the common good of humanity.
That graph above is like a list of things to do first with this technology on our way to actually doing something to make a difference on our climate change problems. One thing is for certain is time will march on and we now have the power to pick what type of future we want, though the damage is done thus we can expect some truly hard times ahead, but we can choose to support this technology that has the power to turn everything around.
Thanks to people whom want this technology see the light of day I was able to get this SLA printer. With this printer I will be able to get around the expensive middle men when making bobbins and other various things needed for this technology. This is the road that will lead to this technology making it to the marketplace. Like I've always stated, "All this technology needs now is the support of the people."
With a lot of hard work and many many experiments I was able to get at the science behind this technology. This technology has always been put down by the powers that be, they have stopped folks from getting the needed funding to take it to market, blocked them by having some sort of written agreements with the inventor's country that stated they could not produce anything that competed with their product which was oil and other fossil fuels at the time, and some had their lives taken for this technology.
Right now this technology is needed the most as it's our best hope of actually doing something meaningful that can make a difference with our climate change problems.
A big thanks to all whom support my efforts to bring this technology into this world as together we can make this happen, (
Lightning is a free lesson by nature/God + no professors to get in the way
Tesla went to a lot of bother and expense to observe lightning
according to science the copper atom contains neutrons, protons and electrons (+money)
out of here
Quote from: massive on October 13, 2021, 03:19:39 PM
Lightning is a free lesson by nature/God + no professors to get in the way
Tesla went to a lot of bother and expense to observe lightning
according to science the copper atom contains neutrons, protons and electrons (+money)
out of here
I'm am not sure what you mean by saying this but I too studied and observer lighting storms very closely. I also studied just how plants break the bonds of the water molecules. What sets me apart from everyone else is I asked the right questions and went on to answer those questions I asked. I asked some original questions in order to get at the science behind this technology and I shared a lot of what I learned in this very thread. But from my observations of this forum folks in this forum don't want this technology and very few are willing to give support to people like me whom have solved this technology so that this technology can have a chance to make it to the marketplace.
In time people will see this technology taking the place where we currently use fossil fuels for right now. This is the solution the world is looking for but have been talked out of by those that sell energy claiming this technology violates the laws of Physics. It will fully replace the need to use fossil fuels for power generation, and transportation, plus more as it is only limited to the mind of the invertor to find a use for it. Where I come in is to make this technology safe for use for the masses as I am not about those that are selfish and just want to make the technology for themselves but for all that live in our world as it's the only way everyone will have a chance to have it. In my observations of those that are demanding that I teach them what I know they only think of themselves and anyone that can't build it for themselves be dammed. Someone has to step up to the plate and do the right thing for those that are poor, maimed, old, of special needs, and everyone in-between that needs this technology the most.
In time I hope to see this technology overthrow those that sell energy for profit and used to enslave the masses. They have almost stopped the earth's atmosphere from being able to support life as we know it. We must end their rain of terror by supporting my efforts to bring this technology into this world of ours as once the technology is on the market it will be replacing the fossil fuel use one home at a time, one car at a time, and one business at a time and start healing the atmosphere the fossil fuel industries messed up with our help as we are also responsible for this damage.
Take care everyone and remember I need your support to bring this technology to the marketplace where it can start doing it's thing.
Here is yesterday's acquisition. ;)
From distant Soviet times.
Neon sign transformer.
#686 = Re: #683 Lightning, #682 Copper = free electrons, is bigger than Gold $$$$
Hello Everyone,
I'd like to thank everyone whom donated to my crowdfund and allowed me to get the Photon Mono X again. With this machine I will finally be able to bypass the middle men whom were charging me around $3k per bobbin set, and now it will only cost around $5 bucks or so per bobbin set. Perhaps I will make some new videos to share in the future but for now I will give you this one of someone else that also got one of these machines: [size=78%] ([/size]
Now I can set my imagination free with my creative style and push the boundaries of what is and what is not considered possible. I still have a few things to get before I can get started and have a lot of things I need to get in order to complete this mission of doing something meaningful to turn the tide on our climate change problems and I can sure use the support of the people on this. Replacing where we use fossil fuels for now is truly going to be a monumental undertaking but it must be done if our children are to have a future.
Soon I will be making bobbins, WFC's, electronic cases, and a whole lot more with this machine as there is so much this machine is capable of doing it truly boggles the mind. I have so many things to do as I go about following some plans I made for myself many years ago that should allow me to live to tell the tale when this is all set and done. But now the journey begins and I owe a lot to folks whom chose to helped me along in my efforts to bring this technology into the light of day, but as I stated I still need a lot more support as the other things on that list still need to be purchased in order to make this happen. Keeping my nose to the grindstone has always been my way and I see no reason to change now. It seems all of my life has lead me up to this moment in time in the things I studied in college to my varied interest in the subjects I chose to take while I was there. I was given so much good advice from many of my professors that helped shape me into the man I am today.
I still feel this technology is humanities best hope of ending the era of fossil fuel use as it can do practically all fossil fuels do for humanity for generating power, and all of our transportation needs, plus more. "Big things often have small beginnings." (
Hello Everyone,
I did a little searching the other day about everything I could find concerning this water for fuel technology and found out that I have outlasted the RWG research forum along with quite a few other forums that banned me back in the day. In my research I also found that I really stand alone now with this technology as most have totally given up on it or have reach an impasse in their research towards trying to get the technology actually working correctly. I found a few surviving scammers trying to invent ever more creative ways at stealing money from unsuspecting people and a whole host of people that just threw in the towel.
In some I found that when they lied to themselves about this technology to appear that they were making progress in front of on-lookers they are now stuck in those lies never able to move forwards from the point they told themselves those lies. In this "Eye witness" video: ( You will hear one of the Professors say, now paraphrasing, "The device ran for over a half hour and the temperature hadn't changed, something is different." That bit of information is like gold to be taken into your experiments to tell you if you are doing something wrong or not. However someone I use to work with in that we mirrored what each other was doing so we could more effectively share notes lied to me and himself in telling me the water bath in his experiments wasn't rising when mines was. Since I knew we had everything hooked up in the exact same way then there was only two things that were taking place either my thermometer was broken and giving out false readings or he was lying to me. I chose he was lying to me and simply stopped working with him from that point on. Since then his work hasn't budged as to him nothing was wrong thus no more question asking, but to me I knew I had to go back to the drawing board and look for what it was I was doing wrong. In time I figured out what I was doing wrong but since he was now living with a lie his work totally stalled out.
It is this way with many of you in that you will lie to yourselves telling yourselves you don't need to buy a differential probe when I told you that you needed to get one in order to be able to move forwards with this technology. Since you now live with that lie your work towards getting this technology working correctly has totally stalled out just like it did with the other guy I use to work with going now over ten years ago.
Then a lie came in a long time ago that went something like this, "Never allow someone to profit from this technology." Now when we unpack this lie we see that it is designed to prevent this technology from getting the needed support from the masses so that it can be successful at ending the era of fossil fuel use. I don't know who told that lie but it was some well placed propaganda that most people sucked up without ever questioning just what it meant in reality. It's a lie that I am still dealing with today that is preventing me from getting the much needed support for this technology so that it can start the world on it's path of ending the era of fossil fuel use once and for all. Does anyone remember who told that lie?
In my search to see who else is working on this technology and having some success I found only one individual out there making progress with this technology other than myself so I now know I am not alone. I'm not going to give his name as I will not have this army of people that come to dump crap on me go to him and start dumping crap on him too. This way he is allowed to move without all of this drama I have to go through on forums like these. But it was good to see someone else having success too as I truly didn't want to be the only one.
Now when it comes to answering some of those questions I had a long time ago following what eye witnesses were saying about this technology what I found out I did share in this thread but most people just outright rejected what I had to say so I left it at that and never pushed the issue as the way I see it if people truly wanted this technology they would have listened to what I had to say about it instead of creating an army to rise up against me telling everyone that read those solutions I was full of crap. So, I sleep easy at night as I know I did my part in sharing what I figured out in a open forum.
Tomorrow I will go and get a table to put the new SLA printer and washing machine on and wait until all the rest of the stuff I ordered comes in so I can get started on bringing this technology out in some small way. I wonder if I should make a "Unboxing video?" Perhaps I should as it's been awhile since I have put out a video hasn't it? I still need a lot of stuff to be as successful as I need to be with this technology but for now this is a step in the right direction. Thanks to all whom given me their support choosing to look passed all the propaganda that tells you to not give this technology your support. Thanks to "Woke" people like you this technology actually has a chance at ending the world's reliance on fossil fuels.
Shabbat Shalom,
Edward Mitchell
In this video we find out just what we are up against when trying to bring out a technology that will be totally disruptive to the status que ( You will see that they now have a "GO TOO" playbook which they follow.
The solution is to just do it and to hell what they say as they will be able to push, "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt," FUD. With this water for fuel technology the FUD they put out to a science illiterate populist worked like a charm. The problem with this solution is we have to practically do it all with very little support from the public. In my case it took many years of saving my own money and buying what I could when I could and never giving up. I can't count how many times I have been told this technology violates the laws of physics and thermodynamics. And when I show the true science behind this technology to some of these folks most just go, "Okay, best of luck to you." Never an apology, never an admission of guilt of spreading lies about me, the technology, or both, and never ever any support offered.
FUD sucks but it's here and they love to push it to keep the money flow they are getting coming in. What this means is we must adapt our approach. I'm following such a plan right now but I had to sit down and come up with a method that would beat them and yet allow me to live to tell the tale in the end. It's tough work but it must be done as the FUD go to playbook will be used against you by the folks that don't want what you are doing to see the light of day.
"All Molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules."
This is the theory I came up with after studding how Dr. Dingle, Stanley Meyer, and a lot of others ran their cars on the road and even the highways with nothing but water in their tanks for fuel. This theory will one day be in the books of science but for now it only exist in a few forums like this and other places I could put it on the net so that no one comes along and tries to steal the theory from me claiming they are the ones that figure this out. It took me many years studying making use of the scientific method asking and answering questions to figure out how nature goes about breaking the bonds of molecules.
I asked so many questions some of which were original questions meaning no one had ever asked them before. I'd wonder what was all that black stuff on the ice in the arctic and north poles and the answer was carbon. But how did it get there? Turns out a typical thunderstorm will break down any molecule that happens to get swept up in it when the conditions are right for it to do so. Think of thunderstorms as the earth's air purifiers as we already knew they break down the Nitrogen and Oxygen molecules but seem to have missed that Carbon dioxide, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, and Water Molecules are also being broken down in these thunderstorms and many other molecules as I didn't mention them all. But how I first became aware of this was by going over photosynthesis all over again to see if we missed something and sure enough I found out that we did. This lead me to ask an original question, "How do plants break the bonds of the water molecules?" In answering that question is when I saw that a plants very last step in breaking the bonds of the water molecules was to simply take the electrons away from the atoms that made up the water molecules. That's when I saw it for the first time. Then I asked, "How many different ways do we know of to get the electrons away from their atoms?" The many answers to this question lead me to take a closer look at thunderstorms and it also explained a lot of unknowns as before this no one truly knew how those reactors at Fukushima blew up since all the electricity was out and those places do not store any hydrogen in them.
You see by way of electron bombardment the atoms that made up the water molecules were getting their electrons knocked off. This method of water separation creates hydrogen and oxygen gases and electricity as the electron remains in the water bath building up a charge. Once that charge was great enough to overcome the air's electrical resistance it made a spark in the presence of hydrogen and oxygen and the rest is now history. Any way you can come up with to get the electrons away from their atoms will break down molecules into their component atoms. Once I understood this a general theory was easy to derive.
I think we are entering into what Arthur C. Clarke called, "The four stages involved in any revolutionary development."
1. It's nonsense don't waste my time.
2. Oh, it's interesting but not important.
3. I always said it was a good idea.
4. I thought of it first.
For far too long have I been ignored by the people in this forum and told that what I was saying was utter nonsense and also treated as such by many members of this forum. As I cleared one height after the next the bar would always be raised for me. First people told me that I couldn't put high voltage to a water bath as Meyer was lying and even got taken to court and lost the case. But then I did it and was told by many that I cheated somehow and they just couldn't explain how it was I was cheating. Then I actually got the water molecules to break down using high voltage and again was told by many that I was somehow cheating and must have some sort of hidden air pump making all those bubbles coming out of those electrodes. For as you should clearly be able to see now they keep raising the bar on me.
So, it shouldn't be long now before people start telling me 3 and 4 on that list. They are going to find it hard pressed to attempt to steal that theory from me and take my place in the history books as I have prepared for that long ago. And hopefully soon people will start to come around and give me their support so the road to ending the world's reliance on fossil fuels comes to a somewhat swift end. But without the support of the people it's going to take many years to push those that sell energy off of their thrones. (
They say we need thinkers, well everyone here I am.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
Here is yet another hydrogen technology that got suppressed: ( They say that the technology was deemed disruptive and that goes against the US's national security somehow. But one thing has been made clear in that they do actively suppress technologies that would move to help us out of our climate change problems.
I am having a bit of trouble with the SLA printer in that the program file it uses seems to be not supported by many CAD drawing programs. I got all I need right now to make a bobbin set but will have to figure out how to get the dwg file converted to a pwmx file. Once that is done all should be a go for this technology as the science part of this technology is solved now. Then we will see just what type of resistance I'm truly up against. One thing is for sure is if they keep suppressing this technology we will reach the point of no return and then we can kiss our children's future good bye.
This technology is all about mimicking how nature breaks the bonds of the water molecules. The window of opportunity is what makes plants alive for if they didn't break the bonds of the water molecules like this none of us would be alive as plants wouldn't exist. This is why you hear me sometimes say, "We are now tapping into the very wheelwork of life."
Edward Mitchell
When I studied the tech brief in-depth in the 2000s, I came to the conclusion that the VIC creates lightning condition without the sparks and arcs, to ionize the water molecules that are covalent bonded, until it switches off and breaks down into its components. At the right frequency interaction of impedance effects allows HV while the current is choked by impedance effect of distributed elements at resonance. I think the chokes also function as capacitors, then the circuit resembles the hairpin circuit of Tesla, which creates nodes on a bar by the impedance effect, the bar can be replaced by a water cell and at the right frequency the voltage ripples as a rubber band without current that makes the hairpin dangerous (p=v.i).
The secondary coil just transforms the voltage for the chokes. I think, but I am not sure, that the chokes put i and v back in phase, so v actually appears on the output. I also suspect a 180 degree phaseshift between v and i somewhere, on the cell perhaps, so v & i in phase through the coils and 180 deg on the cell, but it's speculation.
Quote from: alan on November 18, 2021, 08:21:19 AM
When I studied the tech brief in-depth in the 2000s, I came to the conclusion that the VIC creates lightning condition without the sparks and arcs, to ionize the water molecules that are covalent bonded, until it switches off and breaks down into its components. At the right frequency interaction of impedance effects allows HV while the current is choked by impedance effect of distributed elements at resonance. I think the chokes also function as capacitors, then the circuit resembles the hairpin circuit of Tesla, which creates nodes on a bar by the impedance effect, the bar can be replaced by a water cell and at the right frequency the voltage ripples as a rubber band without current that makes the hairpin dangerous (p=v.i).
The secondary coil just transforms the voltage for the chokes. I think, but I am not sure, that the chokes put i and v back in phase, so v actually appears on the output. I also suspect a 180 degree phaseshift between v and i somewhere, on the cell perhaps, so v & i in phase through the coils and 180 deg on the cell, but it's speculation.
Hello Alan,
For the most part I have solved the science behind this technology by making use of the scientific method and the power of observation as good observations is also good science. I shared that information on this thread someplace and went over just how this technology blocks the flow of current from going through the WFC and a whole lot more. Plants break the bonds of the water molecules in the same manor and thus is why you will get a voltage reading if you put a volt meter in a tree as the byproduct of breaking the bonds of the water molecules in this fashion is the creation of electricity.
The theory I came up with is sound and tested and thus the only way to remove it is with a better theory which does happen but as of yet no one has challenged the theory. With that theory I was able to solve many unknows like, "How did those three reactors in Fukushima blow their roofs?", "What took down flight TWA 800 shortly after takeoff?", and a whole lot more.
In this thread I tried in vein to share what I learned about this technology as I learned it but no one listens to me. Thus far I am the only one that I know of that has shown true high voltage being applied to a WFC in a provable manor and I did this way back in 2012 and even have a video floating around that was taken of Gunther and I at the 2013 Global BEM showing high voltage reading in real time. I use to post screen shots of my progress but all that seemed to do was make people mad at me so I stopped posting after reaching 8.8kv as who needs all the drama? I even posted a video when I first got the WFC working correctly showing how the gas evolution looked very different from standard electrolysis. I got accused of faking it and was said by many that I must have put an air pump someplace off camera hooked up to the WFC to generate such large bubbles like that. I think that was the straw that broke the camels back for me and I simply gave up on trying to teach anyone this technology and moved on to just actually trying to get this technology into the marketplace instead. In doing so it looks like I got myself shunned by the OU community.
Thus far I have been really busy making the next generation VIC transformers using this SLA printer I got with the help of some very nice people whom actually support my efforts to bring this technology into the marketplace. I'm working with two different core types to see which one is the more cost effective to move forwards with, but I'm going to need a lot more people like them as this technology has a high cost when starting out small like I am. Right now it just feels like I need to keep hope alive and keep pressing forwards, and believe with all my heart that things will work out in the end.
Take care and thanks for the surprise post.
Edward Mitchell
Hi Edward,I believe you 100%. I'm going to try to collect your posts from this topic and read them.
Is your VIC similarly wound as 6-1 and did you also use custom coated ss wire for the 2 chokes?
btw science is catching up:
(haven't looked at it in-depth)
Take care! (
But carbon dioxide is an insulator, and water is a conductor.
It is not difficult to create any electric field in carbon dioxide ... :)
But I came across one interesting publication. :)
Sorry that in Russian, perhaps there is no translation.
Perhaps you have programs that can translate this pdf text automatically.
I don't have one. And my computer is old. Very old. I don't even have unlimited internet.
In this work, people nevertheless create standing waves in the water at resonant frequencies.
Just as it happens in air waveguides and resonators. And even adjust it with a movable piston.
Only the frequencies are very high ...
Coming up on 5,000 acres in Jamnagar, the Dhirubhai Ambani Green Energy Giga Complex ( will have four giga-factories that will make and integrate critical components of the new energy ecosystem — solar modules, batteries, electrolysers and fuel cells. The group is using acquisitions to gain know-how. In batteries, it picked up Ambri ( In solar, it bought Norway's REC Solar Holdings ( In hydrogen, it has tied up with Denmark's Stiesdal Fuel Technologies (
Stiesdal has designed an electrolyser that can be produced cheaply — about €200 ($231) per kW, in a market where prices typically range between €500-1,000/kW ( It runs on alkaline technology, not AEM, PEM or solid oxide. By not needing rare metals — like iridium or platinum for PEM — company founder Henrik Stiesdal told ReCharge (, it can be produced at scale. Not needing high temperatures to operate, it can also be bought by a wider set of customers — which gives another boost to scale.
The US DOE price target : 100 US$/KW electrolyzer production costs
when per Kg hydrogen price 70-80% are electricity price dependent, a save 20 US$/MWh e-generation (green,renewable) gives the way free for the 1 US$/Kg hydrogen production costs !
Happy weekend
Quote from: alan on November 25, 2021, 11:05:14 AM
Hi Edward,I believe you 100%. I'm going to try to collect your posts from this topic and read them.
Is your VIC similarly wound as 6-1 and did you also use custom coated ss wire for the 2 chokes?
btw science is catching up: ( ( (
(haven't looked at it in-depth)
Take care!
Hi Allan,
I posted these four photos of exactly how Meyer built the 6-1 VIC transformer: [size=78%] ([/size] I did so back in April this year. That is all of the information I have on Meyer's 6-1 VIC transformer as I don't have page 5 of 5, but these goes over all turn count data and more. The formula Meyer made use of is here: [size=78%] ([/size] As you can see I've done my homework. I normally use heavy build wire or some coatings that have a high dielectric value and most of the time with a rating of 200 degrees C. Thanks to Trump things have become a lot more expensive as some of the wire has to come from China.
I don't use the 430FR wire but another that is a bit more resistive, and the way I build things are a bit different than what Meyer did but it's still a high voltage transformer that is resin sealed to get all the air out and prevent the wires from moving around something I had to learn the hard way having a few of my VIC transformers fail on me, but that's the cost of R&D, huh?
All in all I think I've gotten quite good at designing these transformer bobbins now as I put a lot of thought into each design in an attempt to make them perfectly first time around. All of my problem solving skills come in handy when I design things as I am able to truly think things out and fix problems I had in the past and even go over my designs to make sure I don't introduce a new problem.
I do find it interesting that now they are starting to look at new ways to break the bonds of the water molecules and even CO2 molecules after the the bad talk they give me and others about this technology. But with the water they are still trying to get the hydrogen and oxygen separately when this technology produces them together right in the middle of the capacitor plates. But it just lets me know that when this technology does hit the market they will no longer be able to say, "It breaks the laws of thermodynamics," or, "It breaks the laws of physics." Since I have already solved this technology and even came up with a whole new theory for the science books I guess one day I'll be in one of these papers.
Well, I hope you the best with your designs.
Take care,
Edward Mitchell
Here are my some of my first prints with the SLA printer. I still much to learn and hopefully have things dialed in soon as thus far with this learning curve I already damaged the FEP and had to order a new one. Once I have everything dialed in and things are perfect it's time to move on to the next step as my aim is clear in attempting to put this technology on the market.
I put all of my trail and error testing into these designs I build today and I really don't think anyone that I know of designs these bobbins the way I do as these are results of the many things I've learned through failure.
This print was doing okay but I had to leave the machine unattended and it ran out of resin :o . It looks like I have to focus on dialing the printer in with the resin I am using so things will be perfect.
A big thanks to all that have donated to the cause of bring this technology to the marketplace as without your support none of this would be possible.
Edward Mitchell
This looks to be a successful print :D . I will know more tomorrow as I let it rest for a day just washing it and putting it to the side to better control shrinkage which is 3-6% for this resin then I'll check it out fully measuring everything to see if it made it to print or not. Since these resin printers can do things CNC machines can't do I redesigned the bobbins with a lot of added stuff based on what I have learned over the many years I have been working on this technology. Basically I just put all of my problem solving skills together in this newest design. With people like Daniel Donatelli around I make sure not to share my designs as people like him really give this technology a bad name in the eyes of the public. More than once I have caught him stealing my work pawning it off as his own even posting a picture of one of my WFC designs with a link to buy it but he had not made any attempt to contact me so who knows what someone would have gotten if they purchased that through that link of his?! Often I wonder who is paying him to give this technology a bad name in the eyes of public?
Anyway I'm doing what I can to bring this technology to the marketplace the honest way and in general keep hope alive for this technology as most that use to work on it have stopped now as it's a bit harder than they were expecting it to be.
Take care all,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (TGS)
Well, it looks like I am through the learning curve now. The top two are good to go and the other five were part of the learning curve as I learned how to use this Photo Mono X. It's a great machine which allowed me to make some changes to the design I would not have been able to have machined by a CNC mill. Once I have the two bobbin fitted correctly I will wind them up and then see how much it cost for some more transformer resin as I think I ran out.
The important thing to learn is the correct settings of the normal exposer time and the bottom layer exposer time settings. I burned up the FEP in just three prints using the wrong exposer times and had to wait until a new order of FEP film came in the mail. Then I read through the whole manual and found a lot of my mistakes plus watched hours of teaching videos. Now I have the machine dialed into the resin I am using and I'm good to go for making bobbins on my own now. Many thanks to all that have donated to the cause as without your help I wouldn't have been able to afford this wonderful machine that has allowed me to take my designs further. For those that wish to pitch in here's my crowdfund link: [size=78%] ([/size]
With a lot of support and luck next year will be the year this technology makes it to the marketplace.
Shalom Everyone,
I got the two bobbins fitted today and took some pics with them on the core. Now all that is left to do is wind them up, note their inductances and resistances, and then vacuum resin seal them so that the transformer can withstand the voltages it is expected to make. Sure it's a lot more to it than that but why bore you all with the details? Anyway this coming year more than likely this technology will be doing something special that will put True Green Solutions (TGS) on the map. I hope all turns out as planned as this world needs this technology if it is to actually do something meaningful towards our shared climate change problems.
A big thanks to all whom believed in me enough to donate to my little crowdfund: [size=78%] ([/size] as without help from people like you this technology's fight to make it into our world would be a whole lot harder. For those whom are sitting on the fence now is the time to act to help this technology do what it was invented to do. Thanks again for all of your support.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
Hello here's a thought with the Meyers splitter if you were to set it up to take 20 pounds of psi and add a little turpentine to stop any electrostatic build up you could raise water 20 ft into the air as a air water pump .then collect the gas for a fuel cell or a generator .using it twice should prove over unity .there's a third but its pushing the idea .its collecting the hydrogen at the top and filling a large balloon that would carry a fuel cell and once full send it into the atmosphere on a thin copper line that spins a generator once the fuel runs down it would rewind slowly .there's almost no limit to the strait up with a hydrogen balloon .and the fuel cell inverter would send powder back down the wire .like I said pushing the idea.
Quote from: jimbo on December 24, 2021, 10:48:59 PM
Hello here's a thought with the Meyers splitter if you were to set it up to take 20 pounds of psi and add a little turpentine to stop any electrostatic build up you could raise water 20 ft into the air as a air water pump .then collect the gas for a fuel cell or a generator .using it twice should prove over unity .there's a third but its pushing the idea .its collecting the hydrogen at the top and filling a large balloon that would carry a fuel cell and once full send it into the atmosphere on a thin copper line that spins a generator once the fuel runs down it would rewind slowly .there's almost no limit to the strait up with a hydrogen balloon .and the fuel cell inverter would send powder back down the wire .like I said pushing the idea.
Every since I got at the true science behind this technology I basically tossed out Meyer's Technical Brief as now I get to ask questions right to the actual science behind the technology. I'm sorry people like you can't and/or won't follow my lead for reasons unknown to me, but I have moved on and no longer teach at any level as now's the time to push the technology into the marketplace. However all that teaching of the science can still be found on this thread and it holds true from the day it was posted when I was in the mood for teaching others. I can still remember when I finally got at the science behind this technology and sharing what I had found with everyone only to be laughed out of the room.
You see with me and the work I have shown everyone has never been seen by another. Meyer talked of high voltage being applied to the WFC and I showed it on a oscilloscope way back in 2013. Meyer did show one of his units powering a car and I showed one of my units producing nothing but large bubbles using high voltage with very low amps. You will be well to note that I haven't mentioned any other name from these online forums and that's for good reason as they haven't done anything worth mentioning. These are the facts folks like to ignore when it comes to what I am doing. In time I hope to complete the plan I started on so many years ago and it will be done with a lot of hard work on my part as pushing this technology in these days requires strength, perseverance, and a strong mind to see things through. I have no time or even the will to look at the suggestions of others at this point in time if they are not accepting of the science I have shown already about this technology. Rejection or even just failing to give credit were credit is due when it comes to the science I shared will cause me to just ignore someone on the quick. In this way I think I am a bit like Meyer in that they ignored him and then Meyer turned around and ignored them too putting all of his energy into completing what he had started.
I know on the surface I may seem a but stuck up or even set in my ways but that's not the case at all as I am simply following the actual science behind this technology and when I ask questions I asked them towards the science I uncovered directly. This allows me to cut through anything false and/or things that will simply not work as the science behind this technology paints a completely different picture. This statement goes out to all of you.
"As long as you ignore the science I put out about this technology you will always fail at it." You see my contribution to this technology was too get at and share the actual science behind this technology something I know now that Meyer himself didn't fully understand.
To me all of this side talk is counterproductive as just put your questions towards the science I shared to see if it pans out or not based on the science. If you can't comprehend the science I put out then let me be the one to tell you that this technology simply isn't for you and you should move on and find something better to do with your time. For me our atmosphere is in need of saving from the fossil fuel industries, plus all those that sell energy as they are part of the problem also. This technology is the only one that I know of that can fully replace the need to use fossil fuels for power generation and transportation. I have seen others that are interesting but they are always ten years away. This technology only needs the support of the people and it will be available to have in your homes and more. Everyone knows I am actively seeking help with my efforts to put this technology on the marketplace: [size=78%] ([/size] This technology is like others in that to kick things off requires a lot of money and no it is not something simple enough that you can do in your garage unless you have some garage like I do. The cost of building things correctly is high, the cost of getting all of the measuring equipment is high, and the cost of materials is high. I just paid over $300 dollars for 4kg of wire and before that over $130 for just 2.3kg of wire. The cost of this technology again is on the high side as most of you will know that the differential probe that can withstand the voltages this technology will produce is on the high side which is why most of you moved to not get it but failed to understand that you can't read this technology without that type of a probe. So, in this case failure to get the proper tools for the job at hand locked you out of this technology. See how this all works now? It's not a simple technology that one can just go to the scrape yard and gather all the things you need to make it.
The cost alone locks a lot of people out of attempting to get this technology up and running correctly as most people are poor like me and therefore must save their pennies to be able to afford the things they need which requires a lot of time to go by. People just don't have the patients for such endeavors anymore is what I find and a lot more are just looking for cheap short cuts that simply don't exist. It's one thing to have an idea and quite another to put that idea into this world where it can be held with one's own hands. All these things I show started off as just ideas but I moved to build these ideas and can now hold them with my own two hands.
Shabbat Shalom,
Edward Mitchell
Great work! Interesting work and progress, you have built something that actually will work!
Beware of what you post, I have understood there are people here who must prevent this from succeeding.
I'm sure that your en-devour is one of the valid ones, here at the forum.
It's not my area and I would just be mostly in the way if I posted here
more often than I do.
Sometimes, I think it is the ones pushing the fears that are holding us
back, most.
Courage come from the heart, but somethings have changed and
nobody's has to be a martyr for this stuff to come forward.
I ask ...
that the many who are qualified to undertake a serious study
of your materials, will do so and in short order.
Lets bring these things forward.
Thank you so much, for your years of dedication.
Thanks and know I don't mind the warnings as I've had to fight the whole way thus far so why quit now?
Right now I think I am on the slow part of the tech in trying to get the rest of the materials I need to finish things up. My one contact that I use to get some of my material from isn't working at that place anymore for reasons unknown to me at the moment. But I have a lot of stuff on order and must simply wait it out until these things come in. This is a costly technology when you don't have a lot coming in to fund it. I keep my head up as I know I've already done the most important part in solving the technology and then posting the science behind it for all to have free of charge. The primary reason for doing such a thing was I noticed that what everyone else that came before me had in common was when they passed away they took what they knew about this technology with them in death. Now that pattern of loss has been broken so in the event of my death the science behind this technology will forever live on the internet. Once I shared the actual science behind this technology my death would now mean nothing as the cat is out of the bag.
In time I hope this technology brings on the change we need to have happen to do something meaningful about our shared climate change problems. When I look out at most of the other technologies this one still has the most promise to end fossil fuel use for practically everything we now use fossil fuels for right now. From planes, and trains, too power generation, and transportation this technology has it covered. Getting started is the hardest part as it's not easy to bring things to the marketplace as that is when a company will face it's hardest times. I think this year will be the year things finally kick off.
Take care all and again much thanks to those that have moved to support the cause: [size=78%] ([/size]
Cut my first piece of glass today and while it's not perfect the bobbins fit in nice and snug. The reason for doing this is to save on the high voltage transformer resin use as it's hard to come by and on the costly side. I have a two gallon vacuum chamber and that would be a whole lot of resin wasted if I were to fill it to cover these bobbins. So now I just add the resin to the jar I cut and sanded smooth so that it doesn't cut me, lol, and save on resin use.
For the most part this is how I work as cost cutting is good for the pocketbook, but if I have no choice then I save up and pony up the cash. Thanks to all that have donated to the cause as your help is what's needed so that this technology can do what it was created to do. For those sitting on the fence now it the time to help out with whatever you can spare as this is going to be the year this technology comes out as I can feel it: [size=78%] ([/size]
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
Good luck. Shouldn't be hard to crack, if you ignore the fluff he put in the patents and videos to throw off anyone trying to use them to reproduce the effects. Remember, he wanted to make money off of the idea, and what I mentioned is standard practice in both cases concerning such for anyone, including Tesla (why his stuff is so hard to reproduce accurately using the patents).
I have gone over all of his (Stanley Meyers) patents recently since they have all expired, as well as various videos. The videos are generally a waste of time, excepting one where he lets slip a lot more than he realized, where he was trying to impress someone (unknown) with a video camera concerning the famous car.
When it might be viewed, eventually, by someone like me, that is a horrible mistake.
I took notes of the relevant characteristics of how the system worked. This allowed me to weed out a LOT of fluff and BS, like the whole laser thing. The system is based upon a type of resonance, treating the water as a dielectric in a capacitor, intentionally trying for efficiency of dielectric breakdown utilizing high voltage at high frequency. Fifty thousand build types could easily perform the feat, though specific capacitor designs would probably be more efficient. Basically, he used destructive, reinforcing resonance.
I will explain destructive resonance. Destructive resonance does not need a lot of energy, since the amount applied, if exactly at Q, is completely or mostly absorbed within a substance. This has to do with not only the substance material, but by it's shape as well. That is how a certain pitch can shatter a crystal glass over time, since each vibration absorbed makes the glass vibrate harder, until the absorbed energy is sufficient to cause the lattices in the crystals to separate. High frequency electricity is already heck on dielectrics, piercing glass (a usually good dielectric) as if it wasn't there. The problem is that you want a resonating field, and not an arc, which limits the applied voltage to the dielectric, or modifies your capacitor to suit the applied voltage.
You want the water molecules to align, then hit them with a sharp pulse to fracture them at the right time. Concerning the supposed need of a laser -- remember that his videos showing his early working units often had NO light source other than ambient. No other energy source other than the power source, for the device he took to the patent office, as one specific.
Sounds easy right? Its not, rofl, no more than it is easy to knock down a building using destructive resonance, or drill through rock with sound using the same principles, but it can be done.
It is about as easy as accurately tuning an actual Tesla coil to Q, instead of making a Tesla coil shaped device that puts out arcs and can make music. Just because it looks like a Tesla coil and operates on high frequency and voltages, does not make it an intentionally engineered device, whether achieved initially by intention (Tesla) or by accident, trial and experimentation (most inventors like Stanley who start out with a good idea).
Stanley even ripped off some of Tesla's drawings for his patents, which I find hilarious and somehow honorific to Tesla -- both at the same time. He was basing his idea on Tesla's work, so it makes sense, though I think he could have done without that part.
Only the three lobed waveform lines up with explanations, by the way. It would probably be better to use an exciting field to line up the water molecules, then hit with as close to a voltage only (as high as possible without arcing through the dielectric) spike as possible.
I suggest experimenting with tuned D'Arsonval style autotransformer coil if you intend to use capacitive based current spikes instead, as that coil style is high amperage/high voltage/high frequency. 15Watts is 15watts, whether at five volts, five thousand, fifty thousand, five hundred thousand, or five million. However, that fifteen watts continuous can give pulses in the effective rage of hundreds of watts or even megawatts -- if the initial voltage is converted to high voltage and stored in a capacitor and then released as a single pulse, if the duration of the pulse is short enough -- for those reading that don't have a clue. The primary circuit of a properly designed tesla coil will quite possibly put you in the morgue with only 15 watts if touched by bare skin for that very reason, if you have built the design properly that is.
Paul Andrulis
Quote from: pauldude000 on January 10, 2022, 04:03:11 AM
Good luck. Shouldn't be hard to crack, if you ignore the fluff he put in the patents and videos to throw off anyone trying to use them to reproduce the effects. Remember, he wanted to make money off of the idea, and what I mentioned is standard practice in both cases concerning such for anyone, including Tesla (why his stuff is so hard to reproduce accurately using the patents).
I have gone over all of his (Stanley Meyers) patents recently since they have all expired, as well as various videos. The videos are generally a waste of time, excepting one where he lets slip a lot more than he realized, where he was trying to impress someone (unknown) with a video camera concerning the famous car.
When it might be viewed, eventually, by someone like me, that is a horrible mistake.
I took notes of the relevant characteristics of how the system worked. This allowed me to weed out a LOT of fluff and BS, like the whole laser thing. The system is based upon a type of resonance, treating the water as a dielectric in a capacitor, intentionally trying for efficiency of dielectric breakdown utilizing high voltage at high frequency. Fifty thousand build types could easily perform the feat, though specific capacitor designs would probably be more efficient. Basically, he used destructive, reinforcing resonance.
I will explain destructive resonance. Destructive resonance does not need a lot of energy, since the amount applied, if exactly at Q, is completely or mostly absorbed within a substance. This has to do with not only the substance material, but by it's shape as well. That is how a certain pitch can shatter a crystal glass over time, since each vibration absorbed makes the glass vibrate harder, until the absorbed energy is sufficient to cause the lattices in the crystals to separate. High frequency electricity is already heck on dielectrics, piercing glass (a usually good dielectric) as if it wasn't there. The problem is that you want a resonating field, and not an arc, which limits the applied voltage to the dielectric, or modifies your capacitor to suit the applied voltage.
You want the water molecules to align, then hit them with a sharp pulse to fracture them at the right time. Concerning the supposed need of a laser -- remember that his videos showing his early working units often had NO light source other than ambient. No other energy source other than the power source, for the device he took to the patent office, as one specific.
Sounds easy right? Its not, rofl, no more than it is easy to knock down a building using destructive resonance, or drill through rock with sound using the same principles, but it can be done.
It is about as easy as accurately tuning an actual Tesla coil to Q, instead of making a Tesla coil shaped device that puts out arcs and can make music. Just because it looks like a Tesla coil and operates on high frequency and voltages, does not make it an intentionally engineered device, whether achieved initially by intention (Tesla) or by accident, trial and experimentation (most inventors like Stanley who start out with a good idea).
Stanley even ripped off some of Tesla's drawings for his patents, which I find hilarious and somehow honorific to Tesla -- both at the same time. He was basing his idea on Tesla's work, so it makes sense, though I think he could have done without that part.
Only the three lobed waveform lines up with explanations, by the way. It would probably be better to use an exciting field to line up the water molecules, then hit with as close to a voltage only (as high as possible without arcing through the dielectric) spike as possible.
I suggest experimenting with tuned D'Arsonval style autotransformer coil if you intend to use capacitive based current spikes instead, as that coil style is high amperage/high voltage/high frequency. 15Watts is 15watts, whether at five volts, five thousand, fifty thousand, five hundred thousand, or five million. However, that fifteen watts continuous can give pulses in the effective rage of hundreds of watts or even megawatts -- if the initial voltage is converted to high voltage and stored in a capacitor and then released as a single pulse, if the duration of the pulse is short enough -- for those reading that don't have a clue. The primary circuit of a properly designed tesla coil will quite possibly put you in the morgue with only 15 watts if touched by bare skin for that very reason, if you have built the design properly that is.
Paul Andrulis
If there was a way I could delete your comment I would as I've already posted, in this very thread, how this technology works and what it is mimicking in nature. I was able to get around all of the inventor's attempt to keep the technology hidden in plain sight by making use of the scientific method. It's a slow process of elimination but it gets the desired results if one just sticks to science learns how to truly observe the world around them. Lots of asking and answering questions using those well trained skills of observation is also a must something people truly tend not to do as it's much easier to just say stuff that sounds good in an attempt to be viewed as knowing something when they actually know nothing by their perceived peers.
You don't speak in scientific terms when the technology is quite simple because you never took the time to make use of the scientific method or read this thread and get the information I put out about this technology. I and I alone solved this technology by ignoring people like you and even Meyer and others like him and instead focus my efforts on making use of the scientific method. In the end I figured out stuff about this technology not even Meyer knew about, but unlike Meyer I shared the science behind this technology for free and people like you simply refuse to listen to what I have to say really gets on my nerves as I did all the hard work of asking and answering questions about this technology already. I think it's because I posted what I learned for free is why people like you like to ignore the science I put out and simply chime in with a bunch of nonsense when no one is asking you too. You see I am fully aware of what I did as someone had to break the chain and not take the science behind this technology with them in death and guess what? I am that someone. Here again is the actual science behind this technology given to the world by me: [size=78%] ([/size]
Again I did this to break the pattern I saw with all those that stumbled upon this technology figuring out how it all worked but taking that information with them in death. Now the true science behind this technology is on the net and it will forever be on the net thanks to me. I did this with a whole lot of resistance coming from mostly Open Source forums of people trying to sound worthy of being listened too but having nothing to actually say who would repeatedly get in my way to the point of telling lies about me saying I was trying to rip everyone off when I was attempting to bring standardization to the table. I was banned and kicked out of all but two Open Source forums for my troubles even though I was the only one actually applying high voltage to his WFC. This is the school of hard knocks Meyer talked about but I persevered through it keeping my nose on the grindstone of science.
And I say this again, I don't share any credit with anyone, other than the most high YAH which whom I give all the credit, on figuring out the science behind this technology as I was basically told by the hho community and the scientific community to go take a hike.
Just take a look at all the many times I've been banned and that is not a complete list.
Take care all,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
Yeah, a lot of videos deseappered, maybe some patents are available.
Well, that just proves you are into censoring, whatever.
You can repeat "using scientific method" all you wish, but that changes nothing, as you do not own a license on the scientific method. Anyone who follows the steps below is using the scientific method.
1. Make an observation.
2. Ask questions.
3. Create a testable explanation. (hypothesis if you prefer the term)
4. Create a prediction based on the explanation.
5. Test the prediction.
6. Utilize the new information and repeat from step 1.
Most experimenters use the scientific method, whether they know it or not.
I have not read your work yet, but will give it a look and see whether it matches what I have determined. As far as you "being the only one" that is false, since obviously Stanley at the very least came up with the idea long before you. As far as any information I have, it came directly from Stanley's own mouth or writing. If I want to understand someone's point of view, I don't ask others, I ask them, so to speak. Stanley's patents are all available for download, nothing secret there. Videos of his are still on Youtube, so nothing hidden there either. Either way it doesn't matter since ENOUGH videos are available, with him providing the information personally, to provide the necessary information.
Paul Andrulis
Quote from: pauldude000 on January 10, 2022, 05:02:10 PM
Well, that just proves you are into censoring, whatever.
You can repeat "using scientific method" all you wish, but that changes nothing, as you do not own a license on the scientific method. Anyone who follows the steps below is using the scientific method.
1. Make an observation.
2. Ask questions.
3. Create a testable explanation. (hypothesis if you prefer the term)
4. Create a prediction based on the explanation.
5. Test the prediction.
6. Utilize the new information and repeat from step 1.
Most experimenters use the scientific method, whether they know it or not.
I have not read your work yet, but will give it a look and see whether it matches what I have determined. As far as you "being the only one" that is false, since obviously Stanley at the very least came up with the idea long before you. As far as any information I have, it came directly from Stanley's own mouth or writing. If I want to understand someone's point of view, I don't ask others, I ask them, so to speak. Stanley's patents are all available for download, nothing secret there. Videos of his are still on Youtube, so nothing hidden there either. Either way it doesn't matter since ENOUGH videos are available, with him providing the information personally, to provide the necessary information.
Paul Andrulis
Since there is no way you could know this I spoke directly with Dr. Dingle when he was alive. You know the guy that drove two Presidents in his car with nothing but water in it's tank for fuel back in 1968. But getting to my point all the work I have put into this trying to get at the true science behind the technology is mines and mines alone. Now I gave away the science behind the technology for free as I had made this site a promise that if I got at the science I'd post it for all to have and I kept my promise and did so. Now that science is in the public domain complete with a whole new theory I came up with based on the science I uncovered.
You also don't seem to know that Meyer's injectors never worked and I know the reason why they didn't as Meyer himself also didn't know this information for if he did they why was he creating a research facility to study the technology further? When that theory makes it to the books of science it will have my ugly mug sitting right besides it as that's all I truly want is credit given were credit is due.
As far as I can tell not a soul has managed to put true high voltage to their WFC's since I showed it was possible in the interview video by John Fraser in 2013 while I was at the Global Breakthrough Energy Conference held in Boulder, Colorado. I know Meyer did so but he had been dead for 15 years when I showed a WFC having a applied voltage of 7.4kv to it's plates in a provable manor with all the correct equipment to do so. You see at that time all the science guys were telling me that one could not put a high voltage to a bath of water and when I did it they naturally went and moved the goal post on me saying water couldn't be broken down that way as that would violate the laws of physics. And when I showed a video of me breaking the bonds of the water molecules with high voltage potentials they just starting telling everyone I was cheating somehow. Since all the forums at the time sided with the mainstream science guys I gave up trying to teach anyone this technology and moved on towards trying to put the technology into the marketplace.
I think we are entering into what Arthur C. Clarke called,
"The four stages involved in any revolutionary development."1. It's nonsense don't waste my time.
2. Oh, it's interesting but not important.
3. I always said it was a good idea.
4. I thought of it first.
You see I am already prepared for this and have been preparing for this for a long time now. People are going to be coming out of the woodwork to try and take the credit for my hard work, but my defense against that is time as I figure this technology out a long time ago. Because I'm poor is the only reason why the technology hasn't made it to the market yet as the cost of doing so is on the high side.
All the many times I was told to shove that "Scientific Theory" where the sun doesn't shine, all those times I was told to just give up as it simply wasn't possible, and all the times the entire Open Source community rose up against me to ban me and kick me out of their forums I had to go through and I pressed on despite all of that. It wasn't easy and at times I was thinking of giving up but that is not in my character. That school of hard knocks is a tough one. Each time the Open Source community rose up against me it chipped away at my giving spirit and now I just give what I promised I would give and nothing more. Gunther my partner was surprised of how ignorant I was when it came to matters like these but was also equally impressed at how quickly I learned the ropes. You see I use to share everything in real time as I figured things out, but over time I lost the desire to do that due directly to how I was being treated by the Open Source community for doing so.
Now all of my efforts are to get this technology into the marketplace where it can start repairing all the damage we have done to our world with our use of fossil fuels.
Well, I think I have said enough on this. I hope everyone understands my position on these matters.
Take care,
Edward Mitchell
Quote from: h20power on January 10, 2022, 07:43:14 PM
Since there is no way you could know this I spoke directly with Dr. Dingle when he was alive. You know the guy that drove two Presidents in his car with nothing but water in it's tank for fuel back in 1968. But getting to my point all the work I have put into this trying to get at the true science behind the technology is mines and mines alone. Now I gave away the science behind the technology for free as I had made this site a promise that if I got at the science I'd post it for all to have and I kept my promise and did so. Now that science is in the public domain complete with a whole new theory I came up with based on the science I uncovered.
You also don't seem to know that Meyer's injectors never worked and I know the reason why they didn't as Meyer himself also didn't know this information for if he did they why was he creating a research facility to study the technology further? When that theory makes it to the books of science it will have my ugly mug sitting right besides it as that's all I truly want is credit given were credit is due.
As far as I can tell not a soul has managed to put true high voltage to their WFC's since I showed it was possible in the interview video by John Fraser in 2013 while I was at the Global Breakthrough Energy Conference held in Boulder, Colorado. I know Meyer did so but he had been dead for 15 years when I showed a WFC having a applied voltage of 7.4kv to it's plates in a provable manor with all the correct equipment to do so. You see at that time all the science guys were telling me that one could not put a high voltage to a bath of water and when I did it they naturally went and moved the goal post on me saying water couldn't be broken down that way as that would violate the laws of physics. And when I showed a video of me breaking the bonds of the water molecules with high voltage potentials they just starting telling everyone I was cheating somehow. Since all the forums at the time sided with the mainstream science guys I gave up trying to teach anyone this technology and moved on towards trying to put the technology into the marketplace.
I think we are entering into what Arthur C. Clarke called, "The four stages involved in any revolutionary development."
1. It's nonsense don't waste my time.
2. Oh, it's interesting but not important.
3. I always said it was a good idea.
4. I thought of it first.
You see I am already prepared for this and have been preparing for this for a long time now. People are going to be coming out of the woodwork to try and take the credit for my hard work, but my defense against that is time as I figure this technology out a long time ago. Because I'm poor is the only reason why the technology hasn't made it to the market yet as the cost of doing so is on the high side.
All the many times I was told to shove that "Scientific Theory" where the sun doesn't shine, all those times I was told to just give up as it simply wasn't possible, and all the times the entire Open Source community rose up against me to ban me and kick me out of their forums I had to go through and I pressed on despite all of that. It wasn't easy and at times I was thinking of giving up but that is not in my character. That school of hard knocks is a tough one. Each time the Open Source community rose up against me it chipped away at my giving spirit and now I just give what I promised I would give and nothing more. Gunther my partner was surprised of how ignorant I was when it came to matters like these but was also equally impressed at how quickly I learned the ropes. You see I use to share everything in real time as I figured things out, but over time I lost the desire to do that due directly to how I was being treated by the Open Source community for doing so.
Now all of my efforts are to get this technology into the marketplace where it can start repairing all the damage we have done to our world with our use of fossil fuels.
Well, I think I have said enough on this. I hope everyone understands my position on these matters.
Take care,
Edward Mitchell
Edward, you seem to think I give a hoot about "recognition" which I actually find funny as heck. I solved the SM TPU issue, but who cares? I don't. I could not care less whether history even knows my name, let alone remembers it. I want good accurate information to reach "we the people" and after that, I don't care who gave it. If you have put your information, full and complete into the pubic domain, then awesome, I am the first to cheer for you then.
However, I do not necessarily need anyone's interpretation of the data to figure something out concerning new technology. I am perfectly capable of doing it myself.
Now, concerning the people that you talked about at the conference, I am not surprised in the least. People have been taught since birth that "science has all the answers" and this is due to the cold war. (History lesson) Before the cold war, Americans were free to learn whatever the teachers wanted to teach in school within limits. People often learned their ABC's using scripture verses, for instance. Evolution was taught alongside Creationism. However, with the launch of sputnik our glorious government decided "we were behind" and that Russia "was more scientific" in their approach, so they copied Russia's example, not knowing that Russia was generally way behind us technologically as a country already. They however, started the "science has all the answers" propaganda that most actually believe, including a sizeable portion of scientists themselves.
Do I believe high voltage can be used to crack water molecules? ABSOLUTELY. Do I think it requires Amperage? HECK NO!
Because science basically thinks thermodynamics is king, while ignoring the fact that every scientific law ever conceived by man has limits to its applicability. The conservation law of thermodynamics only applies to closed systems, for instance. For a theory to be true (or applicable in a specific case), its postulates must first be true, such as no preference being given to any specific frame of reference for the theory of Relativity, which is violated all of the time by Physicists. Such things are inconvenient.
With the high voltage method we are talking finesse to break water molecules, not brute force using pure amperage. For the physicists reading this: Which is faster and more effective at cutting stone using a stream of water, using flow (volume) or high pressure? Answer - High pressure. Another question, which is more effective at removing material from a metal object, soaking in water or soaking in water in a resonant (sonic cleaning) tank, and why? Answer - sonic cleaning, because the high frequency pulses dislodge the material.
For you an me, stressing a molecule then smacking it with a high voltage pulse is not rocket science. It is a unique idea for the first person to think of it, but ll either of us can do after the fact is reproduce an already realized and invented concept (in this case literally patented).
Don't expect science to come knocking down your down, or lauding you with praise and notoriety, as that will not happen. If anything, expect public shaming and debunking, as scientists are real touchy about those that rock the boat. Science is not a "thing" like a "body of knowledge" as some like to propose, but instead it is a group of people using a specific but very simple to follow and understand method, who generally don't enjoy when questioned about their collective logic or wisdom on any subject at all. I have literally lillte respect for many so called scientists, as the term 'egotist' is often more accurate, especially when accompanied by 'refuse to do their job'.
Something interesting for you. Working on an interesting coil project long ago, I needed a specific 555 timer circuit, so I searched the net and found one that had the features I needed. Fairly simple circuit that used an extra transistor, no problem. I tested it, and in the thread here that I was working on the project posted a drawing of the circuit giving attribution to the original creator of the circuit with a link to his site. An EE (Electrical Engineer) here at Overunity private messaged me, patiently explaining that "my" circuit would not work. I thought maybe I had made a mistake when redrawing it, so checked against the original and my own breadboarded circuit, and everything was fine. I told him that I did not originate the original circuit, but found it on the net. I asked him if he had replicated it, because the one I had built was still working fine, exactly as I had posted pictures of on my oscilloscope. His response afterward stuck with me, as it so classically encompasses scientific attitudes today. He said "I am not going to waste my time building something that I know won't work."
That is modern science, in a nutshell. I laughed, and laughed, and laughed some more, due to how ridiculously stubborn and completely illogical the attitude was.
The very people debunking you WILL HAVE NEVER EVEN TRIED to replicate what you build, even if you provide an exact circuit diagram for them -- understand that right now bro.
I use my name because I don't care what any of them thinks of me. I am not hiding behind an internet moniker. If they want to take me to task, great. They better bring their big boy pants because I will check their logic. I will also use logic to literally shred their arguments into tiny pieces right in front of them, as I do the same with my own concept, and have no intention of being any easier on them than I am on my own self.
Paul Andrulis
Fair enough I suppose. Mimicking a thunderstorm is all Dr. Dingle, Stanley Meyer, and many others did but they didn't know that they were doing so. The science of thunderstorms is vague and they even admit at times that they don't fully understand what's going on. I had to do a lot of this research totally on my own as there simply wasn't any data to read on the topic.
For me it all started with a series of dreams and those dreams lead me to the solution. I believe with all my heart that Yahweh sent those dreams to me. With those dreams I started asking some very different questions that to most sounded like I was coming totally out of left field. In fact the more progress I made the more resistance I got from the Open Source community. I remember clearly when I showed a screen shot of me getting 8.8kv to the WFC and getting no praise at all but condemnation. In time I just stopped trying to teach this technology as there are rules that must be followed and if I'd suggest someone to get a needed tool several people would come behind me and tell that person they didn't need that tool. I'd sit back and wait to see if the person would actually move to get the tool but I think it only happened once and that person got the tool and broke it on purpose as what it showed of his work didn't agree with what he thought he was getting. So, basically that means no one followed anything I was suggesting people to do. Now I could see if I didn't have any results why listen to someone like me but I did have results.
At the Global BreakThrough Energy Movement conference held in Boulder, Colorado in 2013 I was supposed to get interviewed by Sterling Allen but he snubbed me. I let a lot of people at the controls and even had Moray King come by. We spoke about so many different topics and I shared my thunderstorm idea with him but he too didn't quite understand how thunderstorms actually work, but it sure was fun to meet him. I was getting depressed as only one guy wanted to give me an interview but he was asking all the wrong questions so I said no. Then John Fraser came around asking the right questions and I agreed to be interviewed by him. I am so thankful that I agreed to that interview as the video came out great. That video is the only one I have ever seen of someone actually applying high voltage to a WFC before. I think before then the highest voltage I had ever seen anyone apply to their WFC was 560 volts. In most of the forums those experimenting with this technology were only getting around 5-12 volts to their WFC's. Most people that took the time to come by more than once were shocked that the cell was on for hours on end and the temperature never changed. I told them that I took amp reading with my analog micro amp meter and the readings I got were only 0.6mA flowing through the cell which was simply not enough to heat the water bath. All in all the event was okay but it also let me down as I had a speaking part but my time was taken from me and given to someone to just tell jokes.
After the event a few people contacted me but the proposals they were offering me were totally one sided. Some even wanted me to work for them which I declined as I had a business already and found it very disappointing that no one seemed to want to do things fairly where we both came out with something. Even now a few people are making contact with me out of the clear blue wanting to work with me in some way. With these new ones I am thinking it over but I am not stopping what I am doing as I have plans of my own that I am following. With the purchase of the Photon Mono X I cut out a very expensive middle man and can now move forwards with this technology with more speed as a result. I keep what I am planning to myself as there is such a thing as giving out too much information something else I learned from the school of hard knocks.
Now like you I really don't hide my name much anymore as I have a business and thus anyone can look up my name so no reason to hide anymore. Most people whom call my business are looking for someone to cut their lawns, lol. I remember running into a guy that was trying to do something to own the names of future companies he thought people would use and admitted to me that he didn't see someone using what I named my company coming. If I remember correctly he told me that he would allow folks to use a name he had licensed for a few years and then come to that company demanding money from them as they were using a name he had licensed. Nice guy, huh? I don't like capitalism as it makes people do some really wicked/evil stuff.
Now I really don't like being called "Bro" as I do have a name but I understand a lot of times it's just slang people have gotten use to using in their neck of the woods when they see that a person is black. No one that I know of talks that way in the central valley were I'm from.
When it comes to the science guys I respect them but I also know they only know what they've been taught and haven't yet learned to question things like a true person of science is supposed to do. I fully understand that a simple lawn full of grass breaks the laws of thermal dynamics as each blade of grass is breaking down the water molecules outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method. When I was looking into things like this many years ago I found it interesting that no one seems to have ever ask how a plant goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules. All they seemed concerned about was how it moved electrons around which lead to the invention of the solar technology. Basically that was all due to capitalism in their never ending quest to make money at all cost. In my view that system of governance just has to be done away with as it's destroying the whole planet.
Well, I think I've typed enough for now, lol.
Edward Mitchell
QuoteDo I believe high voltage can be used to crack water molecules? ABSOLUTELY.
it is possible to destroy the molecule with high voltage.
the problem is to create this high voltage in a conductive medium.
I haven't succeeded yet. :(
Quote from: kolbacict on January 12, 2022, 02:13:15 AM
it is possible to destroy the molecule with high voltage.
the problem is to create this high voltage in a conductive medium.
I haven't succeeded yet. :(
This is why it puzzles me when folks like you refuse to listen to what I have to say when I have gotten voltages to the WFC into the kilovolt range. Here is a video that shows the need to get a differential probe, but first let me ask the right question so that you all will understand. "Why did the nylon streamers fall down when he touched the capacitor?" [size=78%] ([/size] Once you answer that question you will be on your way to actually applying high voltage to your WFC's. This is but one of the many rules for working with this technology that you must obey.
Now if you add that information to all the other information I have posted in this thread you too will get high voltage to your WFC's as I even gave the turn count data for making these multispooled transformers someplace in this thread. The real problem with this technology is there is no short cutting the rules that govern it and that makes getting started down the right path expensive. Even I am currently running into MOQ's (minimum order quantities) that are pushing pass my abilities to purchase the stuff I need as I try and setup my supply chains in getting ready to put this technology on the marketplace. It's just not easy getting started as there are many barriers you will run into while trying to get this technology up and running correctly. This is why those that want to be cheap or are just poor have no hope of getting this technology working correctly. Now if you add that to folks being stubborn or adversarial towards the one doing things correctly and you have a total no win situation.
When trying to get the technology working correctly these MOQ's and MBA's(minimum buy amounts) are really going to cause you to pause and save up the cash as you can't move forwards without what they are selling or the services they are providing when you can't do the work yourself. This is why what Paul says about me just dumping all I know about the technology on the thread and having no one actually move to do it is true as these cost barriers stand in the way of moving forwards for most people. Some companies only sell to other companies and not to the general public which is the primary reason why I started my company True Green Solutions as it was the only way to get some of the things I needed. Most of you don't know these things as you have never progressed enough in your studies on this technology as you learn what works and what does not work. I try and cut cost as much as I can but on some things there is no cutting the cost and you have to hope that they don't raise their prices on you as you attempt to save up for the things you need.
Here is an example of what I am talking about; that none flash back tubbing cost around $100 bucks per foot with a minimum buy of 100 feet which comes to $10k USD. How many of you have $10k ready to spend on some flashback tubbing what Meyer called "Quenching Circuit tubing"? And guess what it's a safety item which means you will not be able to sell anything to anyone on the open market until you get the tubing unless you come up with a different way of doing things that is also safe so no one blows themselves up with the product you sold them. There is a lot to think about with this technology that, outside of myself, I don't see anyone talking about. I think this is why after all that I have posted in this thread to get people started in the right direction is the primary reason why no one has done so as all of these barriers have been put in place to prevent the poor from being able to get this technology up and running correctly and were money wasn't an issue they put well worded propaganda in place to stop folks from pursuing this technology. This is why I hate Capitalism.
This technology is something we can do but it's going to take a lot of work and we have to be prepared to fail and get right back up again until the mission is completed. I have failed many times before I was able to get this technology up and running correctly. Knowing the actual science behind the technology allowed me to ask the right questions thus cutting cost as I was no longer going down blind allies as I did before I got at the true science behind this technology. Knowing that I was trying to mimic a thunderstorm with this technology made all the difference in the world and I shared that scientific discovery with all of you free of charge. With this post you now have an idea of what it takes to get this technology up and running correctly. Best of luck to you all and remember I am still seeking the support of the people so that this technology can make it to the marketplace so we can start cleaning up the mess we have all contributed to towards damaging the very atmosphere we all need to survive. [size=78%] ([/size]
Edward Mitchell
Hello Everyone,
In my latest disagreement with Paul I decided to take a close look at this entire thread and see if I did in fact give this technology away. In summery it would seem I did but left out about 2% of what I know about the technology. If one would read the thread, especially from pages 21-up and followed instructions they would be getting high voltages to their WFC provided they ever built a WFC. The main problem I see is people just don't know how to follow instructions and have no true desire to be lead by someone that looks like me. In this thread, which is approaching 13 old, I gave the technology away for all to have. I showed how to be humble and admit when I was wrong about something and also apologized to the person and the entire community here. When reading the thread I found that I repeated myself far too much on simple topics that should have been very easy for folks to understand.
It's clear that I gave the need to know information to get everyone getting high voltages to their WFC's. Now sadly a lot of the links I gave no longer work as the sites shut down, videos were removed, or other things that broke the links. And I also saw that I did give up on this site a few times out of frustration. The one thing I really don't like is all the many pages of nonsense filling up the thread with folks trying to tell how they thought things work or were just down right being bad faith actors. For twelve years I was trying to teach this technology and having no one follow my lead so I tossed that towel in and moved to just trying to get this technology into the marketplace as our climate change problems are here now and this technology can address them head on. For those wishing to aid my efforts to put this technology into the marketplace you can do so here and know your help is very much appreciated: [size=78%] ([/size]
Going over every page showed me I really did try and get others to get stated on this technology successfully or at the very least headed in the right direction. The fault lies with those who read the thread and moved to do nothing with the information I posted in this thread. So, now I am trying to build the technology for you since you all have shown me you are totally unwilling to build this technology for ourselves. As for the rest of the world I understand not everyone is capable of building this technology for themselves, nor are they capable of understanding this technology, but I understand that they need to be made free from the energy enslavement system we all are trapped in today.
In this thread I showed my work, gave examples, and taught the science as best as I could so that folks would be able to understand it.
The primary difference between Paul Andrulis and myself is Paul is a talker and I am a doer basically a man of action. If you are waiting for Paul to actually do something about our climate change problems you will be dead and gone before he actually builds anything to try and turn the tide on our climate change problems. I on the other hand am actively building the things I am talking about and therefor have actual hands on experience dealing with Meyer's technology. Plus, I am now attempting to put the technology on the marketplace so that the technology can start actually doing something towards solving our climate change problems. For as long as we remain just talking nothing is getting done, do you feel me? Your not going to get anything done by going outside and trying to talk to our atmosphere into cleaning itself at higher rates than we are messing things up. You have to move to address the problem which is our continued use of fossil fuels, poor land management, and poor water management, plus a whole lot of other stuff as it is us humans that are the problem.
Here in this thread have I not shown my work? Have I not given the sizes of the electrodes and the turn counts of the Multispooled transformers? Have I not pointed you to use a circuit for this technology? And on top of all that I walked you all through the science behind this technology with comparisons and real world examples to back up those comparisons as proof of what I am telling you is the truth in a scientific manor. Here in this thread I have even went one further in telling everyone which types of probes are needed to be purchased for use on this technology and why those types of probes were needed, did I not? There is so much information in this thread that it would make one's head spin. But the one thing I could not do is give any of you the desire or the will to move to build this technology for yourselves as that has to come from within.
"Be the change you wish to see in this world," is a quote I know not whom came up with but those are words of action. Being a man of action I say that quote is right as we can't go around sitting on our butts waiting for someone to come and save us as we must jump into action. So I moved to do just that in actively trying to get this technology into the marketplace. So, don't come over here hating because I have moved to actually trying to be the change I wish to see in this world.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions
Without the intent of adding to your no doubt already numerous tasks, I for one would
love to see a complete walk through / explanation, without the questions and answers
and / or the advise of the pool guy and other experts.
Maybe save the Q and A till the end ?
Quote from: Floor on January 13, 2022, 06:52:40 PM
Without the intent of adding to your no doubt already numerous tasks, I for one would
love to see a complete walk through / explanation, without the questions and answers
and / or the advise of the pool guy and other experts.
Perhaps one day I will move to do that but for now people are going to have to work with what I have chosen to give them, which is a lot of you take it all in, yes?
But I do know what you are talking about as you want everything laid out in a easy to follow manual were all you have to do is take some of the documents to your local machine shop, circuit board builder, and transformer makers and say, "make these for me," correct? You want a complete bill of materials to include where to get those materials from at the cheapest possible prices to also go along with that too, correct?
I don't know if I will ever be willing to do all of that as that's would be monumental task added on to all the work I am already doing in trying to set up my supply lines for this technology.
Here is a current problem that I am having to deal with right now. Now I asked this question to Paul Andrulis but he completely ignored it so I will ask the same question to all of you.
"I just got an email from the company I buy the high voltage transformer resin from telling me that they moved locations and now have a new MOQ of 30 gallons (minimum order quantity) with the corresponding hardener which makes the minimum buy for me 60 gallons since the mix ratio is 1:1 for this resin and hardener. How would you deal with this problem?"Now since none of you have moved to actually build anything you are totally unaware of problems like these. You see you will run into minimum make amounts, minimum order quantities, and the list goes on. I think the most expensive thing I have looked into having made was Meyer's Quenching Circuit Tubing as that stuff cost $100/ft with a minimum make of 100ft which puts the price tag over $10k as you have to add in taxes, and shipping and handling.
On this high voltage transformer resin you must get it or the transformer will short out very quickly as the air around the wires will be ionized and then short out with the core. Plus the wires will be allowed to vibrate which will rub off the wire's protective coating which will also cause the transformer to short out. So, you have no choice but to get this high voltage transformer resin.
Again problems like these only get found out once to move to actually start building something or having something built for you as before then these problems are hidden from you.
I look forwards to reading all of your replies. (
Edward Mitchell
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 07:30:49 PM
Perhaps one day I will move to do that but for now people are going to have to work with what I have chosen to give them,
Yea and perhaps not and half of a wheel, is useless.
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 07:30:49 PM
which is a lot of you take it all in, yes?
I don't know what you are saying above.
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 07:30:49 PM
But I do know what you are talking about as you want everything laid out in a easy to follow manual were all you have to do is take some of the documents to your local machine shop, circuit board builder, and transformer makers and say, "make these for me," correct? You want a complete bill of materials to include where to get those materials from at the cheapest possible prices to also go along with that too, correct?
but pretty insulting, but you can think that b.s., if you like.
What I am thinking is that you are just a bit tired and disappointed
in humanity. What else ? I'll tell you what else. I can relate that's what's else.
I can tell you this much, my own, sometimes disappointment, is simply what the world
looks like when I view it from a perspective of arrogance.
But you still have to decide to give it away or not.
Does humanity deserve it ? Is that even a question worth answering ?
Something has given us the sun and the rain and the moon and the
stars above. I don't think this was because we 'deserved it'.
No peace out Floor!
When I went over the whole thread I noted all the pages that might be of interest to someone wanting to actually build this technology. On pages 21 and 23 I first posted the science behind the technology. On page 26 I went over the importance of the area under the curve. On page 33 I gave away the Multispooled transformer turn count data complete with wires sizes used. On page 35 I gave the actual sizes of the WFC's electrodes and went over a lot of the science behind the technology. On page 36 I showed how to wire up a circular WFC correctly. On page 37 I went over the need to isolate so folks would understand why they needed to get a differential probe. On page 40 I showed how to actually wire up a Multispooled VIC transformer to the WFC and pulsing circuit.
But always people want more from me. As they want all of my designs on everything I have designed for this technology as designing things for themselves just takes too much time I guess.
I also noticed that you too just ignored the real life question I ask Paul. If you do move to make this technology you too will have to figure out where you will be getting the high voltage transformer resin, getting or building a vacuum chamber, and learning how to get all the air out of the transformer and the resin into it.
The way I see it, all of you for more than twelve years have been just like these leaders talking about climate change as you all have moved to do absolutely nothing! But you all are so egger to put someone that is doing something down. All to willing to toss stumbling blocks in front of me but never a single dime in aid or a hand out to help. Just take, take, take is all you folks seem to know, but I guess that's because you were all raised in a capitalist system and think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
Inaction doesn't lead to PEACE and it sure as hell doesn't lead to a SOLUTION,
Edward Mitchell
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 09:59:42 PM
I also noticed that you too just ignored the real life question I ask Paul. If you do move to make this technology you too will have to figure out where you will be getting the high voltage transformer resin, getting or building a vacuum chamber, and learning how to get all the air out of the transformer and the resin into it.
There are some real builders and experimenters here, although most just
talk a good game but that's ok to. The game really does "take all kinds".
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 09:59:42 PM
But always people want more from me. As they want all of my designs on everything I
have designed for this technology as designing things for themselves just takes too much
time I guess.
I hear that. It's a bitch aint it.
Look bro. do what you do and its ok, because lots of folks will suck out every thing
out of every thing that they can.
I fully agree that if people are going to come to the table, they have got to at least eat for
their selves.
I think where I personally, have to draw the line is where / if my own needs stop being
... ... ... ... ...
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 09:59:42 PM
I also noticed that you too just ignored the real life question I ask Paul.
Quote from: h20power on January 13, 2022, 09:59:42 PM
"I just got an email from the company I buy the high voltage transformer resin from telling me that they moved locations and now have a new MOQ of 30 gallons (minimum order quantity) with the corresponding hardener which makes the minimum buy for me 60 gallons since the mix ratio is 1:1 for this resin and hardener. How would you deal with this problem?"
First off, I AM NOT PAUL, and I'm not you. an edit was HERE
I would call them and talk person to person with a secretary or who ever answers the phone.
I would tell them that I am a small operation, researching hydrogen production and hope to eventually arrive at a production level of need for the resin. I would flat out ask that person
for help in finding a way, a way to order a smaller quantity. They may sympathize and maybe
also realize it could pay off for their company if your process ever does come to a production
One other thing. Don't allow yourself to be destracted in those fruitless arguments.
You know where you are going. Keep your focus.
Floor the problem I have with Paul is it seems like he came into my thread to tell folks not to support this technology as if you read on the very first page of his new thread he states that my thread is misleading. That's why I took the time to go over my thread taking notes and posting many of the pages where I gave the technology away so people can go directly to them. So in no way did I mislead anyone as I did give this technology away teaching folks the actual science behind it, how to wire things up, and pointed everyone to a circuit to give a try as it looks promising and that circuit doesn't come from me but Brad K.
For a twelve years I attempted to get folks to get started on this technology so that we could have many trying to push this technology into the marketplace but in all that time no one joined with me and I was left to go it alone. Sure there are others but our numbers are very few and most haven't gotten to where I am in actually building all that they need to put the technology onto the marketplace. I try and help them all I can with the wisdom I have about this technology and give them places where they can go and save money on getting the things they need to get their projects off the ground. But I am always running into people like Paul that seem to worship Meyer and think he could do no wrong and also think Meyer had a finished product when he didn't. They don't understand that Meyer life ended before he could learn fully about this technology as after all he was going to build a research facility was he not? I simply finished what Meyer started in that I went on to actually get at the science behind this technology and I made darn sure to share that information with everyone who takes the time to read this thread, plus in other places on the net as well.
It turns out the technology isn't all that complicated it just operates in a place we didn't know all that much about. Not many know that a thunderstorm breaks the bonds of molecules by way of ionization where it targets the atoms that make up the molecules to break them down into their component elements. But when I saw the Global Electric Circuit and compared that to the Voltage Intensifier Circuit I knew I had finally found just what this technology was mimicking in nature. The push back too that discovery was unexpected but not entirely as people love to hate the messenger. What this technology has that all other technologies have is rules that must be followed in order to get it to work correctly. Now that we know that we are mimicking a thunderstorm we can now direct our questions not to Stanley Meyer, Dr. Dingle, Andrija Puharich, or any of the others, but directly to the thunderstorm itself.
The Rules:
1. Putting a high voltage potential difference on the water molecules can only be done in a Isolated environment with no grounding sources. When looking at the global electric circuit notice that the cloud is isolated by air on the top and bottom of the cloud from all grounding sources.
2. Making sure the current flows in only one direction in the isolated circuit by the use of a diode in the circuit designed to mimic a thunderstorm. That is the purpose of the blocking diode, as note the flow of current in the global electric circuit.
3. Have enough internal resistance in the isolated circuit to mimic a thunderstorm. Note the resistance in the diagram of the global electric circuit showing 104-5 and 105-6 ohms of resistance below and above the cloud. This is why the circuit is run at resonance as Xc will be at it's highest resistance at resonance. Adding things up you have a circuit resistance, chokes plus the secondary coils, plus the Xc resistance of all the inductive coils at resonance.
4. Making sure you get the proper tools for working in an electrically isolated environment. The is why I stressed for everyone to get a differential probe as we are working in an isolate environment and if you add a ground you can't build up a high voltage potential on the plates of the water fuel capacitor. Now this video may not seem related but trust me it is: (
Now there is more but you can now see the difference in trying to mimic what Meyer did to trying to mimic a thunderstorm which is what this technology is doing, yes? Now you can go over Meyer's work and look at what he did to mimic a thunderstorm and that is all due to me working tirelessly to get at the science behind the technology and sharing it with you. So, direct all of your questions to the Global Electric Circuit itself and then use all those that managed to mimic it a look to see how they did it. This allows you to do away with and/or get around any made up terms that only have meaning to the individual's information you are looking at.
You will also find that you must know how to read an oscilloscope so look up and learn from teaching videos on YouTube and learn all you can as if you don't understand what the "Energy under the curve" is you will totally miss a lot of what I showed in how this technology actually goes about restricting the flow of amps between the plates of the capacitors in the pdf I posted. The reason why I say it like this is because there is a charge and discharge cycle for this tech. When the transformer is charging the capacitor a balanced waveform prevents it from shorting between the plates of the capacitor. When the capacitor is discharging the transformer's resistance slows the rate at which the capacitor discharges down with it's total resistance at resonance. This prevents the capacitor from being discharged too quickly as remember that in the voltage intensifier circuit the transformer is in a direct short with the capacitor with the blocking diode acting as a automatic switch for the charging and discharging of the capacitor.
Hopefully now you can all see the need to fund this technology as I am way out in front of all the rest working on this technology and unlike some have said I did not mislead anyone with this thread: [size=78%] ([/size]
Edward Mitchell
I think your reputation here stands on it's own.
Hold to your own ideal of integrity and don't worry it.
It is said that a Shaolin priest can walk through walls.
You have the power not to contend.
nice infos, thanks
and peace be
with you as well
Thanks Floor for that and for answering the question I posed to the forum. I think that is more or less what I did with the resin manufacturer but I am still in talks with them to try and get far be less than their MOQ as where am I going to put 60 gallons that have a shelf life of I believe one year? The resin does it's job perfectly as ever since I started using it I haven't shorted out any more transformers.
Back in the day people tried to ruin my reputation by spreading rumors that I was a cheat and was trying to rip off people on the RWG forum. When that didn't work they then resorted to bending the rules of the forum so that businesses could not sell their wares if the person of that business was part of the forum. So it was okay to post where to buy stuff from a company outside of the forum but not okay if that company had someone it the forum as a member. But later on I saw it for what it really was as it was just a way to block me from trying to move forwards with this technology as other businesses did have members on that forum and they were free to post their company's websites products for members of the forum to buy. It was only targeted at Max Miller and I. The funny thing that happened was when they did try and build and sell one of their own Water Fuel Capacitors there were charging far more than I was charging and giving far less to the consumer as mines came fully assembled, wired up, and ready to go right out of the box with a leveling sensor already installed and theirs had to be assembled and came with nothing to wire things up. I think the cost difference was more than $600 bucks if I remember correctly.
Later on a lot of people told me they wish they had purchased a WFC from me but the propaganda put out by the forum leaders had them on the wrong side of this technology. People were paying more than I was charging for a six cell WFC and mines had ten cells in it. Again it was plug and play and I used wire rated at 15kv for the connection wires from cell to cell and 30kv for the connection between the cell and the transformer. At that time the primary purpose for selling everyone on the forums a cell was to bring some standardization to our research so we could all work more effectively together.
It's good to hear that my reputation on this forum is in good standing🥳.
Again thanks for the kind words,
Edward Mitchell ( This video makes it clear the USA is totally willing to allow climate change to get to the point of no return. They have made it a mater of national security to block technologies that are involved with the energy sector and that means this one too. Years ago the IMF and World Banks put a stop to this technology in the Philippines that attempted to come out in 1968 as the IMF and World Banks had some sort of agreement with the country of the Philippines that their country would not produce anything that competed with their product, which at the time was fossil fuels. So for over 50 years now this technology has been blocked.
Since most of you aren't even 50 years old just think you might have only known about fossil fuel use for power generation and transportation from a history book if this technology had been allowed to come out and do it's thing. One thing is for sure you would not have to face our current climate change problems as engines converted to use this technology actually clean the air when it's done correctly.
I was talking to a friend today about why the general public can't make this technology for themselves and it has to do with the materials that are required to get this technology up and running correctly. You see some of the companies that sells the things needed for this technology do not sell their wares to the general public but only to other companies. This was the main reason why I started my company as back in 2008 I was working on the Gas Processor and found out I needed some very specific wavelength LEDs and the company that sold the LEDs with those wavelengths didn't sell their wares to the general public. So I started my company to only find out they didn't do business with companies less than a year old so I had to wait. So, anyone that thinks the general public can build this technology hasn't actually tried to build this technology for themselves or they would know these things. Even the company I found that has a very good transformer resin for this technology doesn't sell their wares to the general public. To me it seems like those that don't want this technology to see the light of day have found ways to prevent the general public from being able to make this technology on their own.
I wonder how long they have been doing this? As it is an effective way to block this technology. Be honest, "How many of you reading this knew about companies selling their wares only to other companies and not to the general public?"
This puts a serious damper on getting this technology into the hands of those that need it the most as we can now see the only way is for a company to attempt to put it out for our world. This is all the proof you should need to get off the fence and start supporting my efforts to put this technology into the marketplace. You don't have to give much as that's not out crowdfunding works as it's the crowd itself that gets things done by allowing us poor folks to work together as one: [size=78%] ([/size]
Well, I just thought I'd share this information to all of you to let you now we need to come together on this if we are to have a fighting chance towards actually having this technology in our lives.
Edward Mitchell
Hello Everyone,
Just finished printing up the smaller core bobbins and got it right the first time only needing to sand it a tad to get the support marks off. I'm using the same core Don Gable used here: (, but I put my creative mind to work and designed a multispooled bobbin for the core. This AnyCubic printer does a great job printing these bobbins as I am sure this can't be done on a CNC mill. Now I'm putting all those years spent in college to work as I come up with design after design making it happen for this technology.
I should have the prototype and this standard type all wound up next week sometime, but I am still waiting on the transformer resin so no high voltage runs on the WFC until everything is done perfectly. Sometimes I wish someone else was also working on this technology but I can understand why not as this technology has a great cost when doing things correctly and not all the stuff one needs can be purchased unless they too have a business like I do. Anyway someone has to step up to the plate and go to bat and for now I am that someone.
Remember this technology needs your support: (
Take are care all and shalom,
Edward Mitchell
Good Morning Everyone,
Here is a size comparison of the two transformers I printed out using the AnyCubic Photon Mono X resin printer.
As you can see one is quite a bit larger than the other. The larger one should be able to put a charge on water with a salter content than the smaller one how much more is unknown at the moment. The estimated wire resistance for the small VIC is 90kΩ and for the large VIC 155kΩ. This is not counting the added resistance Xc at resonance as I don't know the resonant frequency as of yet to be able to make those calculations. But needless to say I've learned how to make these transformers any way I see fit now through all of my many hands on experiments with this technology as I paid close attention to just what was going on as I already knew good observations is good science.
With a little luck and the support of the many followers this technology has this will be the year this technology starts to make a difference in our would. What started in the Philippines will now move to replace fossil fuel use for power generation and transportation but it can't do so without the support of the people for as Meyer said, "We all need to come together in one accord to make this happen." It's time to be on the right side of history as we all know this technology has the power to turn the tide on our climate change problems. So give your support or just pass the word around as this is our moment in history to make a difference: (
Shabbat Shalom,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solution (TGS)
Who knew the cost of the resin that goes in these transformers would be a problem in attaining? The company I got it from before hasn't responded back to me so I have to run more searches for the resin. In some cases the MOQ is 20kg costing over $5.5k USD, and in others I'd only get 1kg for $280.00 USD. Since when did this stuff become this expensive? I though paying for the wire was costly but now it's the resin that seems to be the most costly part of making these transformers. But at least I got that one monkey off my back that was charging me $3k for a bobbin set.
Meyer said he was going to sell a unit for $1500.00 USD for a car conversion and now with these prices just to make them will cost far more than that. Anyway I will keep at it as I have come this far so might as well go the rest of the way. This is why most whom start in on this technology fail as the cost to do things correctly is on the high side and most simply can't afford to do it correctly. They can't afford to get a differential probe, they can't afford to get bobbins/WFC's made, they can't afford the wire, and now they can't afford the resin. Plus as I may have stated before most of these companies that sell the things needed to make this technology work correctly only sell their wares to other companies. If I were to list out all the prices of things you all would be totally shocked. This is why I don't see anyone else but me building this technology correctly as the cost are prohibitive for most people to be able to do so.
Thankfully the circuit still doesn't cost all the much but it is effected by the chip shorted like everything else is depending on how you choose to build it, but everything else now cost a great deal of money. Most people that show me what they are doing really just looks as if they are playing around and not taking things seriously, kinda like it's just a hobby to them that they don't put much money into. Now I can see why no one builds these multispooled transformers as they aren't too cheap to make. I wish I wasn't the only one seemingly making this technology but now I can at least see why that is as it's because it cost a lot to make this technology correctly as well as have all the needed tools to be able to test it correctly.
Well, wish me luck, [size=78%] ([/size]
Edward Mitchell
Hello Everyone,
Well, I'll soon begin winding these transformers up just need to go out and get a few more supplies before I get started. Getting the transformer resin remains a problem but it's one I'll just have to deal with as there is no getting around it. When I look at my journey from start to where I am now I can see just why I stand alone with this technology as it's costly to get all the needed tools and materials, plus getting at the science behind this technology was on the difficult side also. This is what it takes to get this technology up and running and I guess I will be the first to then move forwards to see just what it going to take to get this technology into the marketplace.
I've been online talking with a lot of Climate Activist and Scientist and can say this technology is a tough sell to them as even though they want to defund the fossil fuel industries they don't seem to want to fund a technology that was created to replace the many reasons why we use fossil fuels in the first place. I get a lot of likes but no actual moves towards funding this technology even in a small way and I am talking hundreds of thousands of people perhaps well over a million people reached and almost zero help for something they now know will aid our fight for repairing the damage we have all done to our Climate. What I find most interesting is those that do ask questions which I am always glad to answer seem to always tell me best of luck to you and offer no help whatsoever not even to just spread the words that a solution to our climate change problems does in fact exist.
When I take stock of what I am seeing it would seem like people want to talk about doing something but never move to actually act on doing something about our climate change problems. So it seems people want change but yet are very reluctant to change or in this case get behind something that would provide them with the change they say they are seeking.
I try to not give up hope but at times I don't see the point of all this as I attempt to actually do something positive about our climate change situation. Keeping hope alive isn't getting easier as in reality it's getting a lot harder as it's tough to hear people tell you best of luck and watch them not even move to share the information with others so that others too can see there is a solution towards ending the world's reliance on fossil fuels.
Here on this forum people love to debate endlessly as that move is cheap and very cost effective in that, most of the time, no money is spent. No one ever moves to actually act as that requires one to spend money and that seems to be a major no no on this forum. People will debate and debate for years and never actually move towards trying to see if something will or will not actually work. Some of these folks have tried to come into this thread and start their endless debates totally unaware that the debate is over as the science behind the technology has already been solved by way of actual hands on experimentation, meaning I spent the money to see if the technology actually has a future in the real world. Folks don't know because they are lazy and don't like to read when the reading gets tough due to a lot of folks putting in things to hide the technology from the view of others with a lot of nonsense talk designed to do just that, burry the technology. So, I come behind them with a summery so that everyone knows exactly where to look for the important information on this thread bypassing all of those folks trying to keep the technology out of sight and thus out of the minds of the masses.
I really no longer move to debate anyone as I have done the work and know just how this technology works as a result. I have most of the needed tools to be able to read and tune this technology, have built most of the parts needed to test this technology to include things like the voltage intensifier circuit, the gas processor, and the water fuel capacitor and I built far more than one of each. This way I can say that I have actually tested this technology and have shown a lot of the things I built and some of the test results that I felt like sharing with others. So, what this does is mute those that come to debate me that haven't actually built or tested anything as I have moved the goal post on them toward something nearing practical application which is close to marketplace ready. This truly makes it tough for those that want to debate endlessly with nothing but theories being brought to the table verses someone that has actually done the work and tested the technology in the real world as theory doesn't always work out in the real world when put to the test as that takes real world testing to find out if it works or if it doesn't work according to the theory one has in their head.
Like I said I'm getting close to the getting all that I need as I really didn't have a choice but to pony up the cash if I wanted to finish these new transformers and test them out on the WFC and Gas Processor. It's costly but it had to be done in order to be able to keep moving forwards with this technology. Meyer once said, "Success is measured by the the desire to make it work, and successful we shall be!" I feel I fall into that line of thinking as I put things to the test as I moved away from the endless debates of pure theory with no hands on experience in sight or even being planned on doing anything. I moved to action and that is what sets me apart from the rest as I act when others refuse too.
As always for those that wish to aid my efforts to put this technology into the marketplace you can do so here: [size=78%] ([/size]
Take care everyone,
Edward Mitchell
I am confused about this technology
Can water fuel cell draw any current?
It's need only voltage potential to work?
Yes, it's a stupid question!!
Vortex 22
Quote from: Vortex 22 on February 16, 2022, 11:18:02 AM
I am confused about this technology
Can water fuel cell draw any current?
It's need only voltage potential to work?
Yes, it's a stupid question!!
Vortex 22
Hello Vortex 22,
I really don't teach this technology anymore but I will tell you it's not a stupid question. The only current this technology draws on the secondary side is when it is charging the plates of the capacitors. The primary coil, depending on how one designs the VIC transformer, will draw anywhere from 0.5-5 amps. There are two distinct sides to the voltage intensifier circuit; one is the primary coil, pulsing circuit, and resonance lock feed back circuit, and the other is a totally isolated circuit that one must take great care in that it is always isolated at all times which is made up of the secondary and choke coils, blocking diode, and water fuel capacitor.
This technology is merely mimicking the earth's global electric circuit to break the bonds of the water molecules just as nature does it. It's not the easiest technology to build correctly and it now seems to have a high cost to it thanks to all the minimum buys and minimum make amounts if you aren't going to make everything yourself. I find that due to all of these hidden cost is why I am alone in taking this technology forwards now as most people have no idea of the cost involved in making this technology correctly so that it will have the best chances of actually working. Most find that just trying to get the tools to be able to take measurements or show readings on a oscilloscope are too much as it requires one to get a differential probe to be able to see and tune the isolated side of this technology. Without a differential probe one can't work on this technology and the company that sold them on the cheap seems to have went out of business. If I remember correctly I paid over $350.00 USD for the 15kv rated differential probes I have and now the same rated probes are around $2,700.00 USD. So, I am not expecting anyone from forums like these to be able to afford to just jump into this technology anymore.
Hope that answers your question.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Thank you Sir for the nice answer !!
Vortex 22
Quote from: Vortex 22 on February 16, 2022, 07:24:28 PM
Thank you Sir for the nice answer !!
Vortex 22
Your Welcome,
In one of my post on page 49 I give a summery of what's posted in this thread so folks can go right too the important parts and skip around all the drama. The waveform itself is the amp restriction that keeps amps from flowing through the water fuel capacitor, but without a differential probe one can't tune things correctly to get the waveform to be balanced having equal positive and negative voltages. You see the area under the curve represents current flow and when both positive and negative voltages are equal they cancel each other out so no current flows through the cell. That's why the water fuel capacitor can run for hours and the water never heats up. With mines I used a micro amp meters to take some readings and the amperage flowing through my wfc was only 0.6mA which isn't enough current to heat the water at all. The positive voltage was just five volts above the negative voltage when I took the amperage readings.
This part of the technology requires one to know how to use a oscilloscope and understand just what it is they are looking at on the scope mathematically. I think it's calculus level math but it can be solved just by simple subtraction of the area under the curve as shown in this video: [size=78%] ([/size]
This is how to solve this technology as to just what a balanced waveform is actually doing. Sure I went to college and took Calculus but it's not needed to solve this technology but what is needed is to understand just how to use a oscilloscope. These are work problems and it takes current to do the work of electrolysis and if the waveform cancels out all of the current no electrolysis is performed. This shows that with this technology voltage is actually doing the work to break the bonds of the water molecules.
Now in hindsight I think it is necessary to have taken Calculus and Upper level Physics as how would one know they were looking at a work problems otherwise? In the time I have been working on this technology I have run into a lot of people whom are very arrogant and stupid at the same time as that actual scope shot photo is from a person who swears he isn't pushing amps through the water fuel capacitor but the oscilloscope reading tells a different story. That's from Max Miller. The other one I have forgotten who posted it but again they were swearing up and down that they were not pushing amps through the water fuel capacitor but the oscilloscope reading tells a different story. This is the level of education I have had to deal with from others over the many years I have been working on this technology. As a lot, if not most, people that did get some of the needed equipment to read this technology never took the time to learn how to use it and/or didn't have enough education under their belt to know just what it was they were actually looking at.
If I were to take a reading of pure DC being used on the water fuel capacitor it would be a very boring reading just showing the voltage I am using and a straight line above the x-axis. All that energy under the curve in that reading would thus show unbroken current flowing through the water fuel capacitor. In most of the readings shown by others working on this technology they are showing broken positive current flowing through their water fuel capacitors as waveform that is being shown on their oscilloscope isn't lying, but they don't understand what they are looking at and were far to arrogant to admit their failings to others. Needless to say they didn't move forwards with this technology and eventually gave up, but not without putting up a fight towards me for attempting to telling how to actually read and interpret what their oscilloscopes were showing them. Since I understood what I was seeing when they posted their scope shots I knew how to ask the right question to show there were in fact pushing current through their cells as I'd ask them to take temperature readings over time as I knew the water would be heating up as that current shown on their very own scope shots was performing the world of normal electrolysis which heats up the water. Most of them refused to do so on camera and would even prevent others from pointing a laser temp reader at their cell while it was in operation.
Unlike them I allowed folks to take temperature readings of my cell while it was in operation as the cell would just follow the temps of the day as my waveform was balanced thus cancelling all of the current flow that would be flowing through the cell out. I remember Moray King making a note about how the cell's temperature was cold to the touch but he too didn't make the connection of just why the cell wasn't heating up while breaking the bonds of the water molecules at that time.
This is what set me apart from most people working on this technology as my education level was enough to allow me to understand what I was reading on the oscilloscope as I clearly saw a work problem which I had seen many times before in my physics and calculus classes.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hi Edward,
It's really nice to hear from you!!!
I Will try my best to study all materials, you have shared with us.
Many Thanks
Vortex 22
Now, it's time to learn how to make a high voltage high frequency ac source VIC !!!
Quote from: Vortex 22 on February 18, 2022, 07:10:50 PM
Now, it's time to learn how to make a high voltage high frequency ac source VIC !!!
There are a lot of rules one must follow when making high voltage transformers. Here I am vacuum resin sealing the transformer: [size=78%] ([/size] Now the reason for this is to get all the air out as the air will ionize and that ionization will work towards destroying the wire's protective coating. It also keeps the wires from moving around which will also destroy the wire's protective coating as they rub against each other as the transformer is in operation which is typically heard as a ringing sound. Then you must also choose a coating for the wire(s) that can withstand the voltages you will be subjecting them too.
Most of this I had to learn the hard way as even when I went to the Global Breakthrough Energy conference held in Boulder, Colorado, I put the transformers in some oil that was specifically designed for transformers. The problem with that was as though it did prevent the air from ionizing it did nothing for keeping the wires from rubbing together which again would cause the transformers to fail as once the wire's protective coating rubbed off the current will follow the path of least resistance and the current doesn't much care for going through any resistance wire and will go around if allowed to do so. So, instead of going from point A to point B and then point C on it's way to point Z the current will just go directly to point Z and bypass all the other points if allowed to do so. This you can see when you turn the lights off as you will see the blue glow of arching taking place within the transformer bobbins and you can also hear it.
Now it seems someone has went out of their way to make getting the materials needed to make these transformers a bit costly. Depending on which resistance wire you choose to use the cost of getting that wire is going to be on the high side along with the cost to get practically everything for the Voltage Intensifier Circuit. You see that circuit includes not only the transformer but all the other components as well, like the WFC, Blocking diode, and more. I just found out that the cost of the resin has jumped up to $280.00 per liter if you buy small amounts. Now if you can afford to get large amounts the cost isn't so bad but I'm talking more than $5, 500 to get a whole lot of the resin and its corresponding hardener. Everything from the transformer cores to the wire used has gone up in price and I haven't even started talking about getting the WFC made if you aren't planning on making your own.
I am not trying to discourage anyone from attempting to get this technology up and running but just giving everyone a heads up on what's the actual cost of things so that one can better plan for this endeavor. I did a lot of testing and observed the results of each test as I learned how to do things correctly. The first and second differential probes I got were the wrong voltage rating so I had to get a third with a voltage rating of 15kv. I think with some other parts of the technology I might have to get an even higher voltage rated differential probe than I have. If such an thing is required I have learned to just do it as I will not be able to move forwards if I don't. I have seen a lot of people try and buck the system and saw all of them that did so fail at getting this technology up and running as these rules can't be ignored or gone around they have to be followed and done. Anyone thinking that the laws of physics are just going to personally bend just for you will find out the hard way latter on it just doesn't work that way.
Meyer was a capitalist thus he really didn't want anyone following his work. We all need to be made aware of this as then you will start asking the correct questions when trying to solve this technology and not come in with your head full of Meyer's words some of which have no actual meaning in the real world. You have to do your own research making use of the scientific method as it must be figured out the hard way. I did a lot of this research and shared a great deal of what I found out about this technology to include the actual science this technology is mimicking in nature that allow it to break the bonds of the water molecules outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method. Trust me when I say nothing on earth would be alive if they had to follow Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method to break the bonds of the water molecules.
One thing I have learned is this technology must move into mass production as that's the only way to get the cost of this technology down so that folks around the world can afford to own and have it. This is something Meyer, Dr. Dingle, and a few other also knew. Whomever came up with the idea of blocking and/or never giving their support to anyone who tries to profit from this technology is a true enemy of this technology and wishing things to go on like they are right now forever as that statement is for the current fossil fuel run system to keep on going with no end in sight.
Anyone thinking that this is a easy technology to make and can then be just made by anyone with a set of plans in their hands are just lying to themselves as they leave out all whom are abjectly poor, disabled physically or mentally, the elderly, and the young, plus those that find themselves to be all thumbs when it comes to building anything. I didn't make up the rules of the markets as those things were put in place long before I was born and thus like everyone else I too must follow them.
I feel with all my heart this will be the year this technology finally makes it to the marketplace.
Shabbat Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on February 19, 2022, 05:26:30 PM
There are a lot of rules one must follow when making high voltage transformers. Here I am vacuum resin sealing the transformer: [size=78%] ([/size] Now the reason for this is to get all the air out as the air will ionize and that ionization will work towards destroying the wire's protective coating. It also keeps the wires from moving around which will also destroy the wire's protective coating as they rub against each other as the transformer is in operation which is typically heard as a ringing sound. Then you must also choose a coating for the wire(s) that can withstand the voltages you will be subjecting them too.
Most of this I had to learn the hard way as even when I went to the Global Breakthrough Energy conference held in Boulder, Colorado, I put the transformers in some oil that was specifically designed for transformers. The problem with that was as though it did prevent the air from ionizing it did nothing for keeping the wires from rubbing together which again would cause the transformers to fail as once the wire's protective coating rubbed off the current will follow the path of least resistance and the current doesn't much care for going through any resistance wire and will go around if allowed to do so. So, instead of going from point A to point B and then point C on it's way to point Z the current will just go directly to point Z and bypass all the other points if allowed to do so. This you can see when you turn the lights off as you will see the blue glow of arching taking place within the transformer bobbins and you can also hear it.
Now it seems someone has went out of their way to make getting the materials needed to make these transformers a bit costly. Depending on which resistance wire you choose to use the cost of getting that wire is going to be on the high side along with the cost to get practically everything for the Voltage Intensifier Circuit. You see that circuit includes not only the transformer but all the other components as well, like the WFC, Blocking diode, and more. I just found out that the cost of the resin has jumped up to $280.00 per liter if you buy small amounts. Now if you can afford to get large amounts the cost isn't so bad but I'm talking more than $5, 500 to get a whole lot of the resin and its corresponding hardener. Everything from the transformer cores to the wire used has gone up in price and I haven't even started talking about getting the WFC made if you aren't planning on making your own.
I am not trying to discourage anyone from attempting to get this technology up and running but just giving everyone a heads up on what's the actual cost of things so that one can better plan for this endeavor. I did a lot of testing and observed the results of each test as I learned how to do things correctly. The first and second differential probes I got were the wrong voltage rating so I had to get a third with a voltage rating of 15kv. I think with some other parts of the technology I might have to get an even higher voltage rated differential probe than I have. If such an thing is required I have learned to just do it as I will not be able to move forwards if I don't. I have seen a lot of people try and buck the system and saw all of them that did so fail at getting this technology up and running as these rules can't be ignored or gone around they have to be followed and done. Anyone thinking that the laws of physics are just going to personally bend just for you will find out the hard way latter on it just doesn't work that way.
Meyer was a capitalist thus he really didn't want anyone following his work. We all need to be made aware of this as then you will start asking the correct questions when trying to solve this technology and not come in with your head full of Meyer's words some of which have no actual meaning in the real world. You have to do your own research making use of the scientific method as it must be figured out the hard way. I did a lot of this research and shared a great deal of what I found out about this technology to include the actual science this technology is mimicking in nature that allow it to break the bonds of the water molecules outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method. Trust me when I say nothing on earth would be alive if they had to follow Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method to break the bonds of the water molecules.
One thing I have learned is this technology must move into mass production as that's the only way to get the cost of this technology down so that folks around the world can afford to own and have it. This is something Meyer, Dr. Dingle, and a few other also knew. Whomever came up with the idea of blocking and/or never giving their support to anyone who tries to profit from this technology is a true enemy of this technology and wishing things to go on like they are right now forever as that statement is for the current fossil fuel run system to keep on going with no end in sight.
Anyone thinking that this is a easy technology to make and can then be just made by anyone with a set of plans in their hands are just lying to themselves as they leave out all whom are abjectly poor, disabled physically or mentally, the elderly, and the young, plus those that find themselves to be all thumbs when it comes to building anything. I didn't make up the rules of the markets as those things were put in place long before I was born and thus like everyone else I too must follow them.
I feel with all my heart this will be the year this technology finally makes it to the marketplace.
Shabbat Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
i pray for your success be careful
Hi Edward and All,
Yes I need to learn the basic of this technology
High voltage source VIC
Water fuel cell
Gaz processor ...
Vortex 22
Hello Everyone,
I had someone ask what it takes for someone to build this technology and did I post enough information for someone to be able to do so? In order for someone to do the same thing I did with this technology they must have some college education and have taken subjects in, Mechanics, Chemistry, Calculus, Physics, Computer Aided drafting, and Strength in materials. I also picked up Architecture, Machine Shop technician, and a whole lot of hand drafting classes, plus the completion of the general college education. This is what it takes to be able to work on this technology and figure out it's secrets. I also took a basic electronics course.
What all this education allowed me to do was to learn how to ask and answer questions using the scientific method and to be able to create something from a dream or thought and bring that something into reality. I design everything I use with the exception of the pulsing circuit. I have redesigned many of Meyer's things to make them more cost effective and to suit the technologies ever changing needs as I learn more about it. I designed the bobbins, the water fuel capacitor, the gas processor, and more and will say one does need a basic education in machine shop to be able to do these things at least it's what I needed to bring dreams into reality.
I never liked the idea of just copying something without knowing how it worked as how would you be able to spot a mistake, error, or misdirection? But I've seen this type of behavior in many that use to work on this technology in the past. Coupled with their arrogance it made for some very interesting conversation as they went about as if they knew it all but in reality didn't have a clue on much of how this technology actually worked. They would just look at the pictures in Meyer technical brief and never really do much if any reading and proclaim they know how the technology works. Just like that one guy whom came into my thread just recently acting as if he knew how it all worked quoting what he had read but having no hands on experience to know that not all of what Meyer said was true and Meyer didn't tell all he knew about the technology as when he spoke he did so in a manor as if the listener knew everything he knew. Folks don't seem to understand that due to capitalism Meyer was very good at hiding things in plain sight for if he had been allowed to just put this technology on the market he would very much be like Elon Musk today. Which reminds me a video just surfaced of someone that worked directly with Meyer for many years and Meyer was able to keep the technology a secret from him as the guy doesn't understand how the technology works: [size=78%] ([/size]. This goes to prove my point that Meyer had no intention of giving this technology away.
As far as Open Source goes that system only works when things have no real cost to them like computer programs, drawings, and things like that for as soon as one needs to buy something then the rules of the Markets kick in and there is no getting around them. This is why I don't believe in Open Source as it leaves out most people on this planet due to the high cost involved in making this technology let alone all of what I just mention above. I can't hand out to everyone a set of plans and tell them to wing themselves off of fossil fuels as it takes money, a college education, and mechanical know how to be able to build and implement this technology into our everyday lives. Those whom firmly believe in Open Source leave out the elderly, the young, the disabled, the poor, all those that don't have any college education, plus those that don't know too much about how engines work as they would need to know how to design things for engines to be able to implement this technology successfully. Can you see how Open Source totally fails at this? I'll give one example of this with someone you all should know Bob Boyce. Bob Boyce put his 25-35 LPM hho producing device on a Toyota Priest. But he didn't know much about how modern day cars actually worked as with modern days cars they are computer driven to help aid with efficiency. Thus adding in a burnable gas will work at first but the computer will resent the fuel ratio use back to 14.7:1 as it was programed to do. So, after about a month the car was getting worse gas millage than it was before he added his hho device to the car. Why? He didn't tell the car's computer what he was doing as the car's computer needed to be reprogramed to accept the new fuel he was putting into the engine. Now if Bob Boyce didn't understand that the car's computer needed to be reprogramed what are the chances of most other people without his education level to know that has to be done on today's modern vehicles be it cars, boats, or planes? You see it's one thing to be able to get this technology up and running and it's a totally different thing to be able implement this technology safely to replace our fossil fuel use.
This is where people like me come in as we have the ability to implement this technology to replace where we use fossil fuels for right now and we understand we must do it safely so that people don't get hurt. This is why this technology needs people like me as we stand out among the rest with a skill set that allows us not to only be able to get the technology up and running correctly but to put it to good use in our everyday lives as we do away with fossil fuel use. This is why I ask for support in making this dream come to a reality as it's going to take the support of the people to be able to get passed all the blocking put in place by the fossil fuel industries, plus all those that sell energy for a living.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
I have no doubt that Stan Meyer water technology works!!
I pray for your success
God Bless You
Vortex 22
Anyone ever replicate?
Nikola Tesla electric car...
EV Gray electric motor car...
QuoteNikola Tesla electric car...
Tesla electric car is not about that. :D
There was no hydrogen and no water.
There is aether energy...
Quote from: kolbacict on February 24, 2022, 09:29:08 AM
Tesla electric car is not about that. :D
There was no hydrogen and no water.
There is aether energy...
We are on the same boat, I mean the same car !!!
Who cares if we are taping
The energy from the aether or
The energy from the background magnetic field?
Vortex 22
Hello Everyone,
Well, this post is to let everyone know I am human after all as I too make mistakes from time to time that are on the costly side. In my excitement of being able to make these transformer bobbins on my own now I skipped a few steps on making prototypes. When I went to design the bobbins I use the wire measurements given at the sites where I brought the wire. The bobbin was designed for 0.0060" chokes but the actual hands on measurement taken was 0.0075". With the site's wire size I was getting 16 turns per layer and with actual size of the wire I received I was only getting 12 turns per layer. Needless to say I couldn't get the turns the transformer was designed for in the bobbin space. Even the secondary wire measured a different size than what was stated on the site where I got it from but not by much as I only lost one turn per layer with the actual size of the wire measured by hand.
Just to let you all know how costly a mistake this was I now have to start all over with a totally new core and make new bobbins for that new core none of which I have as of yet. Plus it also means every bobbin I have ever made with my new resin printer has to be tossed out as they were designed with the wrong wire sizes. This is where one has to put down their pride and accept the mistakes they made pick themselves back up and keep it moving. Pride is the enemy of innovation and can and will stall one out if they don't put that bag of pride bricks down. I know of someone that put his pride first and forced himself to believe a lie as his water bath was heating up and I called him on it but due to pride he told me it wasn't and he's been stuck ever since for more than ten years now because of his pride.
Lesson to learn from this. Don't let excitement get the best of you to the point you start skipping steps you already know about. Take hands on measurements of the materials you buy for this technology as if not it can cost you bigly.
Note to everyone, do NOT post about other technologies on this thread as this thread is about Meyer tech and Meyer tech only. Plus, as if you all haven't already noticed, I am attempting to get aid for my efforts to bring this technology to the marketplace with this thread now. It would do the world a lot of good if all of you could just pass the word around that someone has actually gotten at the science behind Meyer's technology now to increase the chances of this technology actually making it to the marketplace. If my crowdfund is fully funded the transition away from fossil fuel use for power generation and transportation will begin.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Thanks for the update. Will do / stay on topic.
Hello Everyone,
When a mistake is made it's vital that you own up to that mistake and then keep it moving and not to wallow or stew in that mistake. I picked a new core that should allow me to build the transformer the way I like and went and designed the bobbins for it already as seen in the photo. Now having learned my lesson I won't move to print this bobbin set until I have the core in my hands and have taken actual hands on measurements of it's dimensions. I also went and ordered the expensive transformer sealing resin so that I can vacuum all the air out of the transformer after it's all wound up. Then and only then will I be able to use this transformer to power up my WFC as those are the rules we all must follow with these types of transformer designs.
The AnyCubic 3D resin printer allows me to do things my way and in such a way that it would be impossible to do by a CNC mill. I put a lot of time, thought, and effort into my designs asking and answering many questions. I'd like to see the designs of others but it would seem everyone has stopped trying to build this technology now. I can say I blame them as the prices on everything has truly went up a lot.
I know that if I had to buy a differential probe and make the WFC now I wouldn't be able to afford it. It shocks me that the resin to seal all the air out cost this much now but it's a must have item so it has to be purchased or the technology will not work.
Well Everyone, this is how it's done mess up, pick up the pieces, and keep it moving.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
In this post I am going to go over how this technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules scientifically so that there is no doubt if this technology works or not as in no way does it violate the laws of physics as those "paid to say" scientist are running around telling people about this technology.
I will do each paragraph per photo as this will be a graphical representation of this technology breaking the bonds of the water molecules.
In order to understand this technology fully you need to know how to solve work problems in Calculus and Physics. This first photo shows how the waveform should look on the oscilloscope. This waveform has both positive and negative areas under the curve. Since this is a "Work" problem the area under the curve is doing the work of electrolysis and the amplitude of the wave form is doing the work of Ionization.
The second photo shows the area under the curve in colors so that it's easier to visualize what's taking place. When you take the sum of all the energy that which is left over in the red will be all that remains to do the work of electrolysis. This is why what Professor Paul CZYSZ says about the device running for over a half hour and the water temperature hasn't changed is so important as these graphs show why the water isn't heating up and that's because the energy to perform the work of electrolysis got mostly canceled out. You can watch this video to see the Professor describe what he witnessed here: [size=78%] ([/size]
In this third photo it shows what energy is left over to perform the work of electrolysis after you take the sum. As you can see there really isn't all that much energy left over and it seems to lacks the necessary energy to perform normal electrolysis all that well. When I took actual measurements of the current flowing through the water bath I got a reading of just 0.6mA. So, you can clearly see that after taking the sum there is almost zero work being done in the form of electrolysis.
In the fourth photo it shows voltage performing the work of ionization on the atoms that make up the water molecules in green so that you can easily visualize what's going on. Here the voltage amplitude of the waveform is now over the ionization threshold of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms. As a result the hydrogen and oxygen atoms start to release their electrons and with water if the electrons aren't there to hold the molecules together those molecules simple fall apart and you get hydrogen and oxygen gases plus electricity as those electrons go into the water bath.
The last two photos just show that this technology is mimicking the earth's Global Electric Circuit. And this my friends is how this technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules by way of ionization as it complicatedly mimics the earth's Global Electric Circuit. With this we can switch where we get are hydrogen from away from fossil fuels to just using plain ordinary water.
In trying to get support for this technology I shared this information with folks on twitter as a way to refute the claims that this technology violates the laws of physics by mainstream scientist.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
Well, thankfully I waited to print out any new bobbins until I actually took some hands on measurements of the cores as these guys are a tad larger than what was promised, but they will work. I'm almost done drafting up new bobbins for them and will then print some out on the Photon Mono X when finished. Just goes to show I too am learning, lol, for if I had printed some out I'd have had to toss those out too.
Well, that's it everyone. Just a quick update on my progress.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
This in no way violates the law of physics. If anything, it helps confirm the law of physics beyond what is commonly known. Finding and mimicking the most suitable natural frequencies to split H2O into hydrogen and oxygen is just the top of the iceberg. I played with it for awhile years back and it led me to a better alternative. I won't go there but research John Hutchinson's work with frequencies if you haven't already. Nothing is solid and everything is vibrant which can be altered and or even eliminated using certain frequencies. Keep up the good work it inspires me to get back to work. Thank you 😁
Quote from: nightlife on March 16, 2022, 02:35:52 AM
This in no way violates the law of physics. If anything, it helps confirm the law of physics beyond what is commonly known. Finding and mimicking the most suitable natural frequencies to split H2O into hydrogen and oxygen is just the top of the iceberg. I played with it for awhile years back and it led me to a better alternative. I won't go there but research John Hutchinson's work with frequencies if you haven't already. Nothing is solid and everything is vibrant which can be altered and or even eliminated using certain frequencies. Keep up the good work it inspires me to get back to work. Thank you 😁
Yes, I've heard of Mr. Hutchinson and sometimes even talk to him on FaceBook. One thing to understand about this technology is there is no special frequency as we are dealing with a variable capacitor in that the more gases that are produced the less dialectic material there is between the plates of the capacitor(s) thus the less capacitance it will have which requires a higher frequency to maintain resonance. So, as one raises/lowers the voltage going to the water fuel capacitor changing the amount of gases that it generates it's capacitance changes and the circuit used must be able to keep up with those changes in real time.
With the above graphs I attempted to explain the technology in as simplest of terms that I could to allow people to see just how the technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules differently that normal electrolysis does. Electrolysis is a simple technology and this technology is in every way the opposite of electrolysis as it's a very complex technology.
As for me I had to go back to a very early design to ease the manufacturing process a bit on my end. Now I'm back to using my Tri-Bobbin design from which I started off with many years ago. At this point I am really not expecting anyone to be able to follow my work as I am doing things somewhat differently than Stanley Meyer did as I am just following where the science had lead me. Most people don't seem to understand that Meyer didn't have a finished product as if he did then why was he plaining on building a research facility instead of a manufacturing facility for this technology? Because his life was cut short he wasn't able to fully understand the technology but my life wasn't cut short so I was able to get at the core science behind this technology as a result only because I lived longer. Anyway the Tri-Bobbin design allows me to get around a few problems I ran into when winding these transformers up and now that I can make the bobbins myself actually cut cost a little bit.
I have hope for this year as things are looking good for me concerning this technology, but only time will tell.
Take care everyone Shalom,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
This post is just for more clarification as I think Max Miller, and a few others are running around telling everyone this is an A/C waveform but that's not the case as look at the blocking diode in the secondary side of the circuit. That diode is either "on" or it's "off" as unless it's broken it doesn't allow two way current flow. This is why you can take the sum of all the energies under the curve as it's all going in the same direction.
Basically what I have shown everyone that can read and interpret those graphs is irrefutable evidence of another way to break the bonds of the water molecules that is outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method. This process uses voltage potentials to break the bonds of the water molecules and not current as the electrolysis process does.
For me it's kinda frustrating as most people I run into from the general public just don't have a good enough grasp of scientific principles to be able to understand what they are being shown and told by me. Most I have run into don't even know how to interpret the readings on a oscilloscope. Sure they went out and purchased one but they don't know how to actually use or read it. When I got mines I too didn't know how to read or operate it correctly but I use the internet to find teaching videos to learn how to use this tool as to me what good is a tool if you don't know how to use it?
Edward Mitchell (
Right now I am unsure of just what to do in order to get this community of nearly 84,000 people to act as the crowd they are and come together in one accord to ensure this technology sees the light of day.
I have broken the technology down to just simple arithmetic, IE, addition and subtraction and still folks aren't able to see or understand this technology. I think this is due to education level as those that are well versed in math and science can see this technology and those that are not well versed in science and math can not see this technology in how I have explained it. Those graphs show this technology is yet another way to go about breaking the bonds of the water molecules outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method scientifically. But since folks don't even know how to read and/or interpret the readings they see on a oscilloscope they fail to understand the explanations I have shown them. Furthermore those graphs show irrefutable proof of just how this technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules with voltage instead of current as done by the electrolysis process.
In this video: ( Professor Paul CZYSZ states that it practically boils the water and I will add do you think he knows what boiling water looks like? Boiling water does not look like typical electrolysis and here I have shown water being broken down and you all tell me what it looks like to you: [size=78%] ([/size]. As you can see I have already shown everyone this technology working correctly and my reward for doing so is to get 0.002% support from the Overunity community. I can assure you that's not going to allow this technology to move forwards and make a difference in our lives. I'd like to think this is because folks don't understand how crowdfunding works so let me give an example of how it works. Say if 50% chose to donate just $2 a month that would be 40,000 x $2.00 = $80,000 a month in funds for this technology to move forwards. This is how crowdfunding allows the many to come together in one accord to make something happen.
Now I don't know the many reasons why folks choose not to support this technology but I suspect it's due to my heritage of being a Negro. Why you might ask? Well, before my heritage was known I was getting a good bit of donations and once that video interview of me at the 2013 Global BEM went viral practically all of my donations came to an abrupt stop. So, from my perspective it's reasonable to assume that happened due to the color of my skin as I went on to actually get the technology working and the support for this technology still remains close to being flatlined. But one thing is for sure is none of you get to complain about high gas prices or higher electric bills as that would make you hypocrites due to the lack of support for a technology that would take those cost away from you.
I have done what I can to get this technology up and running so that it can make a difference in our world but without support none of us will live to see the day this technology actually makes a difference. There are more that 1.3 billion cars on the road that need converting over to this technology and that's only talking about cars and not the many other things we now power by fossil fuels. I will keep moving forwards as best I can but the pace will be slow as I work to build the company from the ground up practically alone. The ball is truly in your court if you want to see this technology make a difference in your lifetimes.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
bump. hope image link works
people have got to observe this first hand. so much to learn and its a free lesson in HV and electrons
Quote from: h20power on March 24, 2022, 10:23:46 AM
Right now I am unsure of just what to do in order to get this community of nearly 84,000 people to act as the crowd they are and come together in one accord to ensure this technology sees the light of day.
I have broken the technology down to just simple arithmetic, IE, addition and subtraction and still folks aren't able to see or understand this technology. I think this is due to education level as those that are well versed in math and science can see this technology and those that are not well versed in science and math can not see this technology in how I have explained it. Those graphs show this technology is yet another way to go about breaking the bonds of the water molecules outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method scientifically. But since folks don't even know how to read and/or interpret the readings they see on a oscilloscope they fail to understand the explanations I have shown them. Furthermore those graphs show irrefutable proof of just how this technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules with voltage instead of current as done by the electrolysis process.
In this video: ( Professor Paul CZYSZ states that it practically boils the water and I will add do you think he knows what boiling water looks like? Boiling water does not look like typical electrolysis and here I have shown water being broken down and you all tell me what it looks like to you: [size=78%] ([/size]. As you can see I have already shown everyone this technology working correctly and my reward for doing so is to get 0.002% support from the Overunity community. I can assure you that's not going to allow this technology to move forwards and make a difference in our lives. I'd like to think this is because folks don't understand how crowdfunding works so let me give an example of how it works. Say if 50% chose to donate just $2 a month that would be 40,000 x $2.00 = $80,000 a month in funds for this technology to move forwards. This is how crowdfunding allows the many to come together in one accord to make something happen.
Now I don't know the many reasons why folks choose not to support this technology but I suspect it's due to my heritage of being a Negro. Why you might ask? Well, before my heritage was known I was getting a good bit of donations and once that video interview of me at the 2013 Global BEM went viral practically all of my donations came to an abrupt stop. So, from my perspective it's reasonable to assume that happened due to the color of my skin as I went on to actually get the technology working and the support for this technology still remains close to being flatlined. But one thing is for sure is none of you get to complain about high gas prices or higher electric bills as that would make you hypocrites due to the lack of support for a technology that would take those cost away from you.
I have done what I can to get this technology up and running so that it can make a difference in our world but without support none of us will live to see the day this technology actually makes a difference. There are more that 1.3 billion cars on the road that need converting over to this technology and that's only talking about cars and not the many other things we now power by fossil fuels. I will keep moving forwards as best I can but the pace will be slow as I work to build the company from the ground up practically alone. The ball is truly in your court if you want to see this technology make a difference in your lifetimes.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
What's preventing him from using the hydrogen as a source of energy so it's self sustaining? An example is for him to buy a membrane to use the hydrogen
and oxygen recombination into 2 electrons and water again? And that might be why they say something is happening. It requires 2 electrons to convert water
into hydrogen and oxygen.
The challenge with hydrogen generation has been where to get the electrons from and how to convert H and O efficiently back into H2O? Right now the most
advanced systems are about 60% efficient. I posted something along this thinking but then I also thought of where the electrons could come from. It's just that
people do need to learn some of the science involved with electrical current, chemistry, etc.
Quote from: Johnsmith on April 21, 2022, 10:09:55 PM
What's preventing him from using the hydrogen as a source of energy so it's self sustaining? An example is for him to buy a membrane to use the hydrogen
and oxygen recombination into 2 electrons and water again? And that might be why they say something is happening. It requires 2 electrons to convert water
into hydrogen and oxygen.
The challenge with hydrogen generation has been where to get the electrons from and how to convert H and O efficiently back into H2O? Right now the most
advanced systems are about 60% efficient. I posted something along this thinking but then I also thought of where the electrons could come from. It's just that
people do need to learn some of the science involved with electrical current, chemistry, etc.
I really don't understand this comment as are you asking me to recombine the hydrogen and oxygen gases after it comes out of the Water Fuel Capacitor back into water? What purpose would that serve?
I am talking about phasing out the use of fossil fuels with this technology and wondering why this community of, supposedly, like minded people on this forum aren't on board to get this process started as it's going to take many years to convert all the world's vehicles to be ran on this technology. Why aren't folks in this forum moving to support my efforts to get this technology on to the marketplace so the process of phasing out the use of fossil fuels can get started? What are folks waiting for what's shown in this photo to happen before they act?
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on April 22, 2022, 11:53:57 PM
I really don't understand this comment as are you asking me to recombine the hydrogen and
oxygen gases after it comes out of the Water Fuel Capacitor back into water? What purpose
would that serve?
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Really ? You are seriously asking " What purpose would that serve ? "? :)
What is the efficiency in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
Quote from: Floor on April 23, 2022, 12:43:06 AM
Really ? You are seriously asking " What purpose would that serve ? "? :)
What is the efficiency in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
I ran energy content calculations for this technology a long time ago comparing it directly to gasoline:
Reading is still free on this forum and there is a lot of information in this thread for one to read and learn from.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
A quote from: h20power
I really don't understand this comment as are you asking me to recombine the hydrogen and
oxygen gases after it comes out of the Water Fuel Capacitor back into water? What purpose
would that serve?
End of that quote
Really ? You are seriously asking " What purpose would that serve ? "? :)
What is the efficiency in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
Quote from: Floor on April 23, 2022, 03:25:30 AM
A quote from: h20power
I really don't understand this comment as are you asking me to recombine the hydrogen and
oxygen gases after it comes out of the Water Fuel Capacitor back into water? What purpose
would that serve?
End of that quote
Really ? You are seriously asking " What purpose would that serve ? "? :)
What is the efficiency in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
Since I have made improvements to the technology improving it's efficiency I consider that type of information company business and will not be talking about it with anyone.
The difference between then and now when it comes to the output of this technology however hasn't changed as I haven't found a way to improve upon those numbers which are as good as they are now as they were back then.
This technology uses voltage to break the bonds of the water molecules and it also uses voltage and laser energy to strip the oxygen atoms of it's electrons from the incoming air supply to the engine. Voltage is performing the work of IONIZATION as this technology is governed by this theory:
"All Molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules."I have went over and shown already how voltage is performing work with this technology and if you don't get it then perhaps you never will but as to function as your instructor now just isn't going to happen as I am done with playing that role. I thought I made myself clear on this when I moved this thread to "Capital and Funding," in that I would no longer be teaching this technology to anyone anymore as it's time to move forwards with this technology now. Was I unclear on this or did you never bother to read it?
I took a long look at the age of this thread and where the technology was moving and found that it simply wasn't moving anywhere so I stopped what I was doing to change that as the world needs this technology now more than ever. Basically I saw that I have to be the change I wish to see in this world as I would die first waiting on you guys to come around so I moved on towards actually attempting to bring this technology into our world. This way the phasing out of the use of fossil fuels can get underway or do you like paying for gasoline so much that you are willing to stand in the way of this technology vowing to never give it your support and actively move to do things to prevent it from coming out? As of right now you don't seem to be a friend of this technology but a foe.
Shalom Everyone and enjoy the Sabbath,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from H2Opower 04/23/22
"Since I have made improvements to the technology improving it's efficiency I consider
that type of information company business and will not be talking about it with anyone."
END of that quote
Energy density and water vapor as the only byproduct.
These are two of the qualities which make hydrogen desirable as a fuel.
Stating the obvious...
Given that the production method requires an energy source, it follows that
stating / demonstrating the efficiency of the ratio of the input energy to the usable
output energy is the bottom line.
The method does not have to be O.U., just an improvement over conventional
electrolysis, in order that it has merit.
A quote from: h20power
I really don't understand this comment as are you asking me to recombine the hydrogen and
oxygen gases after it comes out of the Water Fuel Capacitor back into water? What purpose
would that serve?
End of that quote
Really ? You are seriously asking " What purpose would that serve ? "?
What is the efficiency in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
Quote from: Floor on April 24, 2022, 10:35:37 AM
Quote from H2Opower 04/23/22
"Since I have made improvements to the technology improving it's efficiency I consider
that type of information company business and will not be talking about it with anyone."
END of that quote
Energy density and water vapor as the only byproduct.
These are two of the qualities which make hydrogen desirable as a fuel.
Stating the obvious...
Given that the production method requires an energy source, it follows that
stating / demonstrating the efficiency of the ratio of the input energy to the usable
output energy is the bottom line.
The method does not have to be O.U., just an improvement over conventional
electrolysis, in order that it has merit.
A quote from: h20power
I really don't understand this comment as are you asking me to recombine the hydrogen and
oxygen gases after it comes out of the Water Fuel Capacitor back into water? What purpose
would that serve?
End of that quote
Really ? You are seriously asking " What purpose would that serve ? "?
What is the efficiency in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
Listen Floor, the boat your looking for has left the harbor. Perhaps you can jump on Tony Quinn's boat, even though it's heading in the wrong direction, but this boat has left harbor you missed it. The information you are seeking I am not going to be giving out to anyone as I have seen what happens to folks that did. I'm just bringing out this technology the best way I know how based on watching what happened to others that have tried the same thing.
True Green Solutions (TGS) is moving forwards with this technology following a plan I came up with that should allow me to live to tell the tale in the end. What's written in this thread is it as I will not be adding any more teaching's of this technology as that proved to be a lost cause.
I hope you understand but if not that's okay too as this isn't about you. This is about a dream I have carried for many years now in my heart to do something meaningful about our climate change problems and uplifting the quality of life for the poor. Phasing out the use of fossil fuels isn't going to be an easy task but it's something that must be done if my children and the future of other people's children are to have a future worth living for.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Your saying that to date, the method you are (no longer) presenting is less
viable than the more conventional methods we already have access to.
Are you then, asking for investments in some future possibility that a next
version will yield better, in to out, results ?
Quote from: Floor on April 24, 2022, 03:19:10 PM
Your saying that to date, the method you are (no longer) presenting is less
viable than the more conventional methods we already have access to.
Are you then, asking for investments in some future possibility that a next
version will yield better, in to out, results ?
What I am saying is in order for you to get the information you are seeking you, or someone you know that is willing to share the information with you, are going to have to make use of the scientific method on this technology building, testing, observing the results, and asking and answering questions, and if it doesn't work try, try again until you get the technology up and running. I believe that is the only way you are going to get the information you are seeking from me. If you wait on the others that are still working on this technology to provide the answer to your questions I can tell you from the looks of it you are going to be waiting for a very long time before their ships are ready to leave the harbor.
I am not interested in your questions as I am only interested in getting this technology out to those that need it the most so that this technology can do what it was meant to do way back in 1968 which is end the system of energy enslavement. As a bonus to doing this the world will have a technology that can power their many machines with a clean and renewable technology that doesn't put any harmful emissions into our atmosphere, but in fact cleans the air while they operate their many machines using this technology.
So, to get the answers you seek you, or someone you know, are going to have to put in the work in order to get those questions of yours answered. I owe you nothing nor does my company True Green Solutions. My mission has already been stated and it's a good mission wouldn't you agree? Now, no more attempting to get any questions you have answered by me, okay?
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on April 24, 2022, 07:36:31 PM
partial quote
What I am saying is in order for you to get the information you are seeking you, or someone you know that is willing to share the information with you, are going to have to make use of the scientific method on this technology building, testing, observing the results, and asking and answering questions, and if it doesn't work try, try again until you get the technology up and running. I believe that is the only way you are going to get the information you are seeking from me. If you wait on the others that are still working on this technology to provide the answer to your questions I can tell you from the looks of it you are going to be waiting for a very long time before their ships are ready to leave the harbor.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Your statments are ridiculous.
You're promoting this technology when you don't even know off hand...
What the efficiency is in these terms ?
0.29307107 watts is equal to 1 BTU/hour
What is the ratio of the Watts (electrical) input to the BTU/hour output, of the
method you describe ?
Dear Floor, you are waisting time here.....
Mr. Mitchel has no life and likes to post here, because he can write the word ceo of his one man show company under his posts. A company that doesnt sell or delivers anything, sofar. Thats all. 8) 8) 8)
Cheers Mitchel! I see you made another friend ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Its the story of your life, is it. All forums are full with your sh*t
Hello Everyone,
This post is just to give some context about this "Stevie" guy. While I was in his forum I was attacked due to the color of my skin by several members of his forum. When went to defend myself this "Stevie" sought to punish me for having the nerve to stand up for myself in a "White man's world" by suspending my account for a week or two. He did this while doing nothing to those that came against my skin color as far as I could tell. Once I was off suspension I took down all of the important things I had put on his forum and he didn't like that one bit and his next move after I took down all of the important post I had made on his forum was to ban me.
His, and those like him, worst fear right now is that I have this technology up and running as I am telling everyone that I am ready to move forwards with this technology. You see "they" do not want this technology if it is to come from a Negro as they have a really big problem with that concept even though the first to actually run a car with nothing but water in it's tank for fuel wasn't a white man but a Filipino man.
I have to deal with this hate all the time in my life and never have I backed down and I really have no plan to do so now. This is why I shared my story with you all as you need to know the history between this "Stevie" and myself so that you can make an informed choice and not be left in the dark about things like this.
Sorry for the drama everyone but the truth must be told,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
You are such a shame for all colord people.
Using discrimination as a tool to make you look good...
But that what you do when somebody tells you the real truth.
You poor soul.
Quote from: h20power on April 26, 2022, 12:54:27 PM
You see "they" do not want this technology if it is to come from a Negro
Not true. I want. I would take technology even from a Martian. ;)
I don't have any money, unfortunately. :(
And I can't work out anything myself. :)
Quote from: stevie1001 on April 26, 2022, 01:18:30 PM
You are such a shame for all colord people.
Using discrimination as a tool to make you look good...
But that what you do when somebody tells you the real truth.
You poor soul.
So, which part of my story is untrue? I was attacked racially on your forum, correct? You did suspend my account on your forum but not the others, correct? After my suspension ended I did take down a lot of my post from your forum, correct? AND You did ban me from your forum, correct? So again, which part of my story isn't true?
I will refrain from calling you a racist but your actions where in support of those that did racist things against me.
I am generally a fair man with those that actually make use of the scientific method and keep their noses to the grindstone of science. Where I have a problem is when people start lying and making things up based on how they feel not supported by anything scientific. People whom don't want to pony up the cash to get the needed equipment to be able to work on this technology effectively but say they should be listened to anyways. And of course those that just copy things and then run around arguing that they copied everything to the letter and never bothered trying to actually understand the technology, as what if a mistake was made then they copied that mistake too, correct?
I chose the path of understanding which is why when I speak about this technology now I sound so different than everyone else does that are currently talking about this technology. And hopefully there are only just a handful of people like you that will move to support the oil industry instead of this technology if it is to come from me.
Again my apologies to the forum for all of this drama but I guess it's time for the truth to come out now.
Shalom everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: kolbacict on April 26, 2022, 02:00:01 PM
Not true. I want. I would take technology even from a Martian. ;)
I don't have any money, unfortunately. :(
And I can't work out anything myself. :)
Sorry kolbacict,
It's getting harder to see past the events taking place in America and around the world right now as someone like me is killed every 28 hours now by law enforcement and even more are being effected by blatant racism at random now than ever before. They have even killed one of my cousins because he wasn't moving fast enough to their conflicting commands.
I have had to deal with a lot of things during this journey to understand this technology fully in scientific terms. I have had to deal with people whom like to talk a lot but never move to actually performing even one experiment. I have run into people whom love to build things but hate testing those things they built out fully. I have run into folks that are just too poor to be able to get a serious start on this technology but have all the heart in them to do so. I'm sure I haven't seen it all but I have seen a lot as I have been working on this technology since 2006.
I knew going in that once I committed to making use of the scientific method that it was a long and slow process of elimination that I was going to have to endure through. I knew it was going to cost me a great deal of money as if the science said I needed to get something that something had to be got before I could move on. One thing I have shown people is I am man enough to apologies if I am wrong about something in a public way. I have had many heated debates with folks in the many forums I have gotten into over the years but in all of this I now seem to be the last man standing actually pushing this technology now. Everyone else has either moved on, given up, or have gone down a path where this technology simply doesn't exist.
One thing no one can say is, "His heart isn't all in for this technology." I follow my dreams and have went out of my way to encourage others to make use of the scientific method as they work towards trying to understand this technology. In the work that I can see from others no one has seemed to figure out just how to get a high voltage potential difference on the plates of a water capacitor as of yet. I have recently seen a few videos where investigator has gotten 1kv to their WFC which is well shy of what I showed in 2013 at the Global BEM held in Boulder, Colorado. Nothing about what I have seen others doing gives me hope that someone else is on the right track other than myself. In this thread I went out of my way to show the actual science behind this technology in scientific terms, but in order to understand the things I have shared one must be well versed in science as if one doesn't know how to solve work problems in physics then what I have shown will forever be a mystery to them until a day comes when they do understand how to do work problems in physics.
But at the end of the day it all boils down to this. Will folks move to support this technology when it comes out by me or will folks move to go against this technology if it comes out by me? These are the two questions that will have to be answered in the coming future as time moves on. For as I have said I have looked around a great deal and don't see anyone attempting to do what I am doing right now.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
After these recent rounds of attacks against me here is what I don't get about this forum.
Many have stated in the past that they wish to learn the science behind this water for fuel technology and when I moved to actually show the science behind this water for fuel technology in scientifically explainable terms no one seems care about it. None have moved to talk about it, none have moved to acknowledge the science I shared, and not many move to support my efforts to bring this technology into our world so we can actually start phasing out the use of fossil fuels. Why is that? Is it because this solution to this very old question comes from me? Please help me to understand all the push back I am getting when I did show just how voltage is breaking the bonds of the water molecules with this technology in provable scientific terms cause I am really not understanding all of this pushback?
The stated goal of this forum is to bring out technologies that will basically end the energy enslavement system we are all trapped in right now. With that being said this water for fuel technology is one of the most promising as it directly moves to replace everything we are currently using fossil fuels for right now, be it on the ground, floating in the waters, or flying in the air. If done correctly each and every vehicle converted will be transformed from a air polluter to a air cleaner as those vehicles/machines are operated. No more wars for fossil fuels! No more major oil spills, or coal ash spills, and no more Nuclear waste that has to be managed for hundreds of generations.
Why is it that no one can see the value of science I shared which comes complete with a brand new theory for the science books? You all wanted scientific proof and I have given you that but you all seem to have grown accustom to people putting on shows for your entertainment, like Russ Gries, or Max Miller, but I ask you where are they now at a time when the world needs this technology the most? I am still here putting in the good fight after all these years that I have been working on this technology. I got at the science behind the technology and shared it with you all free of charge and yet no one wishes to talk about it let alone give me their support.
Most on this forum don't seem to understand that hydrogen already powers the world so switching the source of where we get the hydrogen we need is a perfect solution toward ending the era of fossil fuels as king. Why is it that it seems as if I am the only one that sees this? Why doesn't anyone one else seem to see the potential of this technology as I do?
You wanted to know how voltage is performing the work of breaking the bonds of the water molecules and I showed you complete with graphs to help you see just what was going on visually. Voltage is performing the work of ionization on the atoms that make up the water molecules as the act of those atoms ejecting their electrons is what causes the water molecules to break down into it's component elements, IE, hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms. That is the scientific proof of how this technology works and it does not go against the laws of physics but adds to our understanding of how things work in the world in which we live. In my making use of the scientific method on this technology I discovered a brand new theory for the science books but again none on this forum seem the least bit excited by that, and I am wondering why? Is my being a Negro really that bad that none move to accept answers to old questions asked of this technology if it is to come from me?
I have done my part in sharing the actual science behind how this technology gets voltage to do the work of breaking the bonds of the water molecules. The next move is up to all of you but know time is running out for us to act.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Free advise: have you ever considerd to start a church?
Then you can preach every sunday what ever you like and also get some tax advantages... ;D
Hi Edward,
people want to see bubbles before they consider donating.
I am sure that the tech works, both output coils counter each other by mutual inductance when current wants to go, while voltage is allowed by transformer action of the two output coils added upon the voltage of the copper secondary coil.
Quote from: alan on May 06, 2022, 09:00:30 AM
Hi Edward,
people want to see bubbles before they consider donating.
I am sure that the tech works, both output coils counter each other by mutual inductance when current wants to go, while voltage is allowed by transformer action of the two output coils added upon the voltage of the copper secondary coil.
I'm not sure about that as I showed this video years ago and got zero support, but I did get a lot of people accusing me of cheating: [size=78%] ([/size] I showed this video as it was the first time I got the technology running correctly. It has taken me some time to get the needed machines to be able to make the transformers in such a way as they don't short out on me and right now I just need one more machine and I should be able to go into a limited production with this technology.
There are just a two of us working on this technology that have managed to get this type of gas production with this technology that I am aware of. Just like me he too got accused of cheating and eventually he ended up throwing in the towel due too all the negativity he got from the forums. These transformers are tough to make correctly and it gets old having them short out on you all the time, but for me it's just another thing I have to learn and overcome. It's tough to move to the next level as trying to get the voltage to go to infinity you will run into all sorts of problems as the components must be chosen to handle the voltage increases. I fried many blocking diodes before finding one that would withstand the voltage levels and not burn out on me. Then I had to figure out which coating on the wires worked best with high voltage, still a work in progress but I think I got it well enough to reach the next level now. Then the resin used to seal the air out and keep the wires from moving cost simply went through the roof. I managed to get my hands on some but at a really high cost and I didn't get all that much of it. Plus the resin has a shelf life in that you must use it within a certain time frame typically 12 months or the stuff goes bad. I think the next build should do the trick but only time will tell.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Looks good, are those amps going into the cell or into the primary coil?
Do you have progress to show from a later moment?
If you can feed the gas into a generator and power a device, while monitoring VIC (input) and device (output) power, people will be convinced that your claims are true.
You've added more info to your post Show a unit in action to get more funding.
Can you confirm by now that LCL and molecular resonance is involved?
How would you go to infinite voltage? By frequency or by dielectric voltage build up on the wfc?
are magnetically coupled, not capacitively; and to increase output voltage pulses.
Quote from: alan on May 06, 2022, 10:44:45 AM
Looks good, are those amps going into the cell or into the primary coil?
Do you have progress to show from a later moment?
If you can feed the gas into a generator and power a device, while monitoring VIC (input) and device (output) power, people will be convinced that your claims are true.
Thanks Alan,
No not at this time as I must build the new transformer before I can get back to seeing if I can improve upon those results. Meyer stated in several of his lecture videos that voltage can take off to infinity if the electrical components allow it too. As I kept testing things out figuring out what worked and what didn't I'd be able to increase the voltage going to the cell. But with each new build the cost kept increasing basically slowing me down quite a bit actually. The needed component to be able to handle these high voltage potentials have a lot higher cost to them. With a lot of trail and error testing I kept increasing the voltage being applied to the water fuel cell but I reached a sticking point and only now do I feel I have learned how to overcome this. I stopped sharing any of these new improvements once I noticed that each time I would share an increase in voltage being applied to the water fuel cell it was met with hostility from many of the forum members as these new voltage levels were so much higher than what they were achieving with their work. I think the last scope shot I shared was me getting the voltages up to 8.8kv of potential difference and the closest person I have seen to this was just at 1kv with a similar WFC size. My success generally made folks upset so I stopped sharing my results but as I stated I did reach a sticking point.
To increase the voltage going to the cell all one has to do is increase the voltage they are sending to the primary coil. But what I have stated in this thread is the truth on how this technology gets voltage to perform work. The problem I see in people is they never asked what work was voltage performing? The work voltage is performing is ionizing the atoms that make up the water molecules getting them to release their electrons. If you get the atoms to release their electrons then the water molecules they have moved to form simply fall apart.
What most don't know is each time I'd figure a way to increase the amount of voltage being applied to the cell I'd find myself needing to get a new differential probe as I would reach it's limit. I now have three differential probes due to this. These differential probes are costly but if I wanted to proceed I had no choice but to buy them. The differential probe I have now is capable of reading up to 15kv and for reasons unknown the company that sold these probes seems to have went out of business now. Meanwhile back on the forums people were still arguing if the needed to get a differential probe or not as they didn't understand why such an expensive probe had to be used for this technology.
This is all part of making use of the scientific method as it can be costly to keep moving forwards but it must be done or you are stuck. For me this meant a lot of down time as I had to stop and save what little monies I had to buy the things I needed for this technology so that I could move forwards. The other guy I mentioned told me that this technology was simply getting to expensive for him and that with all the constant hate he didn't see the point of moving on anymore with this technology as it just didn't seem to get the support of the people he thought it would do. I am starting to feel the same way as people in general just can't get pass the propaganda put out by those that sell energy telling everyone that this technology violates the laws of physics. The reason why their propaganda is so effective on people is they have little to no understanding of physics and those that do never learned how to think outside of the box when it comes to learning new things that are not taught in the books they read.
People get made at me for various reasons but mostly it's because they can't achieve the results I have been getting as that video may be old but only one other person has managed to match that gas output and in fact he even beat my gas output numbers as he had more cells than I did at the time. It makes you wonder though in why these people even bother to wake up in the morning if all they are going to do is running around hating on people doesn't it as can't they find better things to do with their time? I find now that the one thing that frightens them is me achieving success in being able to actually push this technology into the marketplace as that really seems to scare the crap out of them. It's as if they put all of their monies into fossil fuel stocks and thus have a vested interest in seeing that those working on this technology and having limited success stop what they are doing so they don't lose their shirts.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
This is very promising technology!!!
Dear Sir,
Where can I find a detailed instructions on how to build a WFC? Stan Meyer water fuel cell capacitors
The 12 arrays of water capacitor?
Thank you
God Bless You
We all know how to charge a water capacitor to it's voltage dielectric breakdown ! ! ! There is no magic about that
We can do that using only milli amps.
But it's possible to do that using only voltage and zero amps. I have done that many times with the mains ( 220 v ac / 50 hz)
So it makes sense to try it using high voltage and high frequency
! 10 kV / 30 kHz !!!
Can we have the same results using only 220 v and 50 Hz ?
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 09, 2022, 12:02:30 PM
We all know how to charge a water capacitor to it's voltage dielectric breakdown ! ! ! There is no magic about that
We can do that using only milli amps.
But it's possible to do that using only voltage and zero amps. I have done that many times with the mains ( 220 v ac / 50 hz)
So it makes sense to try it using high voltage and high frequency
! 10 kV / 30 kHz !!!
Can we have the same results using only 220 v and 50 Hz ?
If you build a cell with the plate spacing really close say around .001" then that might be possible, but for a cell built to what Don Gable shared with us works only when the voltage potentials are 1kv per resonant cavity. So, if you have a WFC with 12 resonant cavities then it will require a minimum of 12kv of potential difference to get it to start working as each resonant cavity in the series array needs 1kv to reach the threshold for ionization of the atoms that make up the water molecules, IE, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
But at any rate what you are speaking about would need to be tested in the real world not just talked about in order to know if it would work or not, but the waveform will still look like the one I showed at that is the primary means of restricting amps from flowing through the WFC. I ran a test that showed a drop in the required voltage needed that had a plate spacing of 0.032" instead of Meyer's 0.095". I have even built a cell with 0.010" plate spacing as shown below. Basically what it all comes down to is learning how to build the transformers correctly and that will only come from trial and error type testing the old fashion way.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on May 09, 2022, 09:46:48 PM
If you build a cell with the plate spacing really close say around .001" then that might be possible, but for a cell built to what Don Gable shared with us works only when the voltage potentials are 1kv per resonant cavity. So, if you have a WFC with 12 resonant cavities then it will require a minimum of 12kv of potential difference to get it to start working as each resonant cavity in the series array needs 1kv to reach the threshold for ionization of the atoms that make up the water molecules, IE, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
But at any rate what you are speaking about would need to be tested in the real world not just talked about in order to know if it would work or not, but the waveform will still look like the one I showed at that is the primary means of restricting amps from flowing through the WFC. I ran a test that showed a drop in the required voltage needed that had a plate spacing of 0.032" instead of Meyer's 0.095". I have even built a cell with 0.010" plate spacing as shown below. Basically what it all comes down to is learning how to build the transformers correctly and that will only come from trial and error type testing the old fashion way.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Thank you so much !!!
The best materials used for WFC construction, according to the water pH level?
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 10, 2022, 01:16:30 PM
The best materials used for WFC construction, according to the water pH level?
The best materials for the housing to use are Delrin, Acetal, and Nylon, but you can also use some Acrylic so that you can see things but it is not necessary. For any metal that comes into contact with the water you must use Stainless Steel.
In the future True Green Solutions will be offering kits that will allow people to become energy independent but for now I must keep to trying to raise the capital I need to make this dream happen.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on May 10, 2022, 06:44:07 PM
The best materials for the housing to use are Delrin, Acetal, and Nylon, but you can also use some Acrylic so that you can see things but it is not necessary. For any metal that comes into contact with the water you must use Stainless Steel.
In the future True Green Solutions will be offering kits that will allow people to become energy independent but for now I must keep to trying to raise the capital I need to make this dream happen.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
It's very nice to hear from you!!
Thank you so much!!
I pray for you success !!!
God Bless You
Awesome, good job.
Yah bless.
Thanks for the show of support and with that I will share something I just figure out not too long ago.
Well, in this post I have some good and bad news depending on your current level of involvement with this technology. It seems the gap between the electrodes was called out wrong by Don Gable as it conflicts with what Meyer has written in the technical brief. This explains a lot to me in what I have been seeing with my experiments in that it requires a whole lot of voltage to get the WFC up and running correctly. The first time I got the technology working with my little three cell setup the plate spacing was just 0.0320". Then came Don Gable telling us the plate spacing was supposed to be 0.095". Now for those of you that don't know the larger the distance between the electrodes the higher the voltage requirements will be to get to the threshold of ionization for the atoms will be. This has cause me to really design and build the transformers to a degree I don't see many others are capable of. Learning how to design and build a high voltage transformer takes a good bit of study and practice to do correctly. The reason why such high voltages are needed is directly due to Don Gable telling everyone that the space gap was supposed to be 0.095".
Now we can't blame everything on Don Gable as we all should had done our own reading very carefully of all of Meyer's material on our own so in essence we have only ourselves to blame for being so trusting and not doing our own work. I stumbled across this while looking for more information on Meyer's gaseous injection system, didn't find anything, but that is when I read this.
As for me I should have listened to what my experiments were telling me as I did get the technology working with a space gap of just 0.0320". So, the good news is that now I have it in writing what the gap between the electrodes is supposed to be but the bad news is Don Gables stuff is in a most of my designs and I suspect this is the same for most of you with your builds. Now you will still have to master how to design and build high voltage transformers but they will no longer require to go much over 20kv. I think the WFC I currently have will require around 14-18kv just to get the process started. Thus my reaching 10kv was nice but not good enough to start the electrical polarization process due to the space gap between the electrodes was too large.
Now my reason for looking into the gaseous injection system is that is more than likely the direction I will be heading in with True Green Solutions, though I have other things planned as well with this technology to get into. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I am willing to get it done as the world needs this technology now more than ever. I come on this forum now seeking the support of the people as it's going to take a grass roots effort to topple the fossil fuel industries.
Again thanks for the show of support everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on May 14, 2022, 02:46:47 AM
Thanks for the show of support and with that I will share something I just figure out not too long ago.
Well, in this post I have some good and bad news depending on your current level of involvement with this technology. It seems the gap between the electrodes was called out wrong by Don Gable as it conflicts with what Meyer has written in the technical brief. This explains a lot to me in what I have been seeing with my experiments in that it requires a whole lot of voltage to get the WFC up and running correctly. The first time I got the technology working with my little three cell setup the plate spacing was just 0.0320". Then came Don Gable telling us the plate spacing was supposed to be 0.095". Now for those of you that don't know the larger the distance between the electrodes the higher the voltage requirements will be to get to the threshold of ionization for the atoms will be. This has cause me to really design and build the transformers to a degree I don't see many others are capable of. Learning how to design and build a high voltage transformer takes a good bit of study and practice to do correctly. The reason why such high voltages are needed is directly due to Don Gable telling everyone that the space gap was supposed to be 0.095".
Now we can't blame everything on Don Gable as we all should had done our own reading very carefully of all of Meyer's material on our own so in essence we have only ourselves to blame for being so trusting and not doing our own work. I stumbled across this while looking for more information on Meyer's gaseous injection system, didn't find anything, but that is when I read this.
As for me I should have listened to what my experiments were telling me as I did get the technology working with a space gap of just 0.0320". So, the good news is that now I have it in writing what the gap between the electrodes is supposed to be but the bad news is Don Gables stuff is in a most of my designs and I suspect this is the same for most of you with your builds. Now you will still have to master how to design and build high voltage transformers but they will no longer require to go much over 20kv. I think the WFC I currently have will require around 14-18kv just to get the process started. Thus my reaching 10kv was nice but not good enough to start the electrical polarization process due to the space gap between the electrodes was too large.
Now my reason for looking into the gaseous injection system is that is more than likely the direction I will be heading in with True Green Solutions, though I have other things planned as well with this technology to get into. I have a lot of work ahead of me but I am willing to get it done as the world needs this technology now more than ever. I come on this forum now seeking the support of the people as it's going to take a grass roots effort to topple the fossil fuel industries.
Again thanks for the show of support everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hi Edward,
It's very nice to hear from you!!!
God Bless You
It's possible to use this HHO gaz for cooking food or heating?
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 14, 2022, 10:29:47 AM
It's possible to use this HHO gaz for cooking food or heating?
This will be a direct replacement for most of what we use fossil fuels for now. So, yes we can cook our food, heat things, wield, and much much more as again with fossil fuels it's the hydrogen we are actually making use of and this technology gives us the hydrogen we need from a different source, IE, just natural water. It's the most transformative technology that I have ever come across. It's hard for most folks to imagine this technology replacing everywhere we use fossil fuels for when it comes to transportation, power generation, and more as it just seems too large for a small technology to be able to accomplish such a great change in the way we do things.
Hydrogen already runs the world as nothing that I know of would be alive today without hydrogen.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on May 14, 2022, 12:35:30 PM
This will be a direct replacement for most of what we use fossil fuels for now. So, yes we can cook our food, heat things, wield, and much much more as again with fossil fuels it's the hydrogen we are actually making use of and this technology gives us the hydrogen we need from a different source, IE, just natural water. It's the most transformative technology that I have ever come across. It's hard for most folks to imagine this technology replacing everywhere we use fossil fuels for when it comes to transportation, power generation, and more as it just seems too large for a small technology to be able to accomplish such a great change in the way we do things.
Hydrogen already runs the world as nothing that I know of would be alive today without hydrogen.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hi Edward,
It's nice to hear from you
Thank you
God Bless You
This is from an expert on the subject
He is speaking of hydrogen or HHO gaz ?
In order to control the burn rate of hydrogen all that is done is to add in gases that do not support the burning process. A good analogy of this is say you drive on the highway from one city to the other and time yourself. The first drive there is no traffic and you note the time it took you and upon coming back there is a traffic jam and again you note the time it took you. The trip with no traffic will be a lot faster than the trip with heavy traffic, correct? But why? It's because all of those cars physically got in your way on the return trip. This is what adding gases that do not support the combustion process does as they physically get in the way of the hydrogen and oxygen gases from being able to come together quickly.
With stove top burners Meyer redirected the flame front to go back in on itself, on cars he used the spent exhaust gases to add in gases that do not support the combustion process back into the mixture by way of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system with an electronically controlled metering value. This question seems as if it comes from one of my enemies that think I don't understand this technology like Tony Quinn. Trust me he is no expert as he has never moved to perform any real world experiments and thus hasn't learned anything as a result. To me he is a person that just loves the sound of their own voice as to come at this technology from a non-scientific perspective, IE, not making use of the scientific method will leave one lost and confused. When I started working to understand this technology I did so bringing science along with me actually making use of the scientific method. This method requires one to perform countless experiments as it's a slow process of elimination that gets at the truth of just how this technology works.
Most of people that come up against me don't like to make use of the scientific method as that forces them to perform experiments which in turn cost a lot of money. With this method anything you find that you are missing must be attained no mater what it is that is missing. Say if you find yourself not understanding scientific concepts all that well, then this method requires you to go to college too pick up the missing information and then you can get back to experimenting. Or, if you require a tool like a Differential Probe you can't move forwards until you get that measuring tool. People don't like this method as it leaves out nothing and thus does cost quite a bit of money and time to be spent in order to keep moving forwards with your experimentation on trying to understand this technology. I made use of the scientific method which is how I got to fully understand just what was actually going on. In doing so I was able to come up with a totally new theory that will one day be added to our books of science as those are the rewards of making use of the scientific method on something that is truly an unknown. This is why the way I now talk about this technology isn't talked about by others as simply put they don't know about these connections I have discovered about this technology when comparing it to how nature goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules.
I moved this thread to a new spot so that I could raise the funding to be able to get this technology off the ground once I fully understood how the technology worked. I openly ask folks to donate to the cause so that this technology can get to phasing out the use of fossil fuels world wide in order to actually do something about our shared climate change problems. I move my thread because folks were complaining that I was trying to raise funds on this site. When it comes to our climate change problems we are all in the same boat together. In order to be effective this technology needs to go into mass production and for me to be able to do that I need the support of the people. If, like Meyer said, we all come together in one accord the world will have this technology. All I can do is hope folks move to support my efforts to bring this technology in by way of mass production so that the world can have it.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on May 14, 2022, 09:57:32 PM
In order to control the burn rate of hydrogen all that is done is to add in gases that do not support the burning process. A good analogy of this is say you drive on the highway from one city to the other and time yourself. The first drive there is no traffic and you note the time it took you and upon coming back there is a traffic jam and again you note the time it took you. The trip with no traffic will be a lot faster than the trip with heavy traffic, correct? But why? It's because all of those cars physically got in your way on the return trip. This is what adding gases that do not support the combustion process does as they physically get in the way of the hydrogen and oxygen gases from being able to come together quickly.
With stove top burners Meyer redirected the flame front to go back in on itself, on cars he used the spent exhaust gases to add in gases that do not support the combustion process back into the mixture by way of the Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system with an electronically controlled metering value. This question seems as if it comes from one of my enemies that think I don't understand this technology like Tony Quinn. Trust me he is no expert as he has never moved to perform any real world experiments and thus hasn't learned anything as a result. To me he is a person that just loves the sound of their own voice as to come at this technology from a non-scientific perspective, IE, not making use of the scientific method will leave one lost and confused. When I started working to understand this technology I did so bringing science along with me actually making use of the scientific method. This method requires one to perform countless experiments as it's a slow process of elimination that gets at the truth of just how this technology works.
Most of people that come up against me don't like to make use of the scientific method as that forces them to perform experiments which in turn cost a lot of money. With this method anything you find that you are missing must be attained no mater what it is that is missing. Say if you find yourself not understanding scientific concepts all that well, then this method requires you to go to college too pick up the missing information and then you can get back to experimenting. Or, if you require a tool like a Differential Probe you can't move forwards until you get that measuring tool. People don't like this method as it leaves out nothing and thus does cost quite a bit of money and time to be spent in order to keep moving forwards with your experimentation on trying to understand this technology. I made use of the scientific method which is how I got to fully understand just what was actually going on. In doing so I was able to come up with a totally new theory that will one day be added to our books of science as those are the rewards of making use of the scientific method on something that is truly an unknown. This is why the way I now talk about this technology isn't talked about by others as simply put they don't know about these connections I have discovered about this technology when comparing it to how nature goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules.
I moved this thread to a new spot so that I could raise the funding to be able to get this technology off the ground once I fully understood how the technology worked. I openly ask folks to donate to the cause so that this technology can get to phasing out the use of fossil fuels world wide in order to actually do something about our shared climate change problems. When it comes to our climate change problems we are all in the same boat together. In order to be effective this technology needs to go into mass production and for me to be able to do that I need the support of the people. If, like Meyer said, we all come together in one accord the world will have this technology. All I can do is hope folks move to support my efforts to bring this technology in by way of mass production so that the world can have it.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hi Edward,
It's nice to hear from you!!!
Thank you so much!!!
God Bless You
Huh! I bumped this thread days ago. I dont know why anyone rips into Ed. why not just let the guy do his thing?
Governments around the world are jointly motivated to remove ALL piston driven vehicles from the road.
People dont have a choice, even if they Believe they made the choice to buy an EV. all they did was buy yet another consumer item.
Electric vehicles are being forced on people. Do a search in your own country, Governments are crushing cars in record numbers.
just more divide and rule.
everyone was taught the basics of the ATOM , at school, yet everyone ditches the basics.
no one on these sites mentions the Free Electron
E-cars dont run on Batteries , they run on Free Electrons. People dont have to be held to ransom for Batteries for E-cars or the breakdown of water.
Ed has the pic/diagram representing a Lightning strike / circuit. A free lesson by Nature on HV and Free electrons.
Thanks Massive,
Personally I don't like EV's all that much as I see them as switching to a far larger problem as here is a truth that no one is talking about when it comes to EV's: [size=78%]http:// (http://[/size] The raw materials that EV's currently require have a lot of problems when it come to disposal too: [size=78%] ([/size] People haven't heard of these dark sides of EV's before as those in power bury the data and keep it off of the main stream media outlets. Truthfully there isn't enough materials to go around either besides them being extremely toxic.
Hydrogen is the future for as of right now all life on the planet requires hydrogen as without hydrogen there would be no life as we know it. So, it's about time we jumped on board to how nature does things. Now with this technology one just needs a kit to allow them to switch from fossil fuel burning to just having nothing but water in their tanks for fuel. With this technology the problem of hydrogen storage is solved as it's stored in the safest way possible, IE, just ordinary water. Also the problem with power density or energy density of hydrogen as a fuel is also solved via the Gas Processor. In leading the way I believe big things often have small beginnings. Just like Apple started out in someone's garage it looks as if this technology will be starting off in mines. Once things are perfected to a reasonable level I can move in many directions with this technology.
With this technology hydrogen is no longer an energy carrier but an energy source as it is with all life as the technology basically mimics how nature uses hydrogen so one can think of this technology as tapping into the very wheelwork of life. With this technology fueling stations should be a thing of the past as any source of water will work with this technology as long as it isn't too salty. With EV's most owners just aren't prepared to deal with a failing battery as the cost of replacing one is very high, as shown with Tesla cars that cost is around $22,500 USD, plus you will also find that you will never truly own the car. When you take a close look at all the hype about EV's you will find big industry is just moving in a direction that keeps the populations they govern enslaved to them. With this technology the energy enslavement chain is also being broken as once it rolls out in a big way you will stop paying for energy completely.
The reason for my moving this thread to "Capital Funding" is so that I could ask for donations to help speed this process up as the technology needs help getting off the ground as when I did so while the thread was in the other spot people started complaining about me doing so saying it went against the sites rules. Without support the rollout of this technology is going to be a slow one as in order to get it out to the masses that need it the technology must go into mass production. So, with that being said please support my efforts to bring this technology into our world. You will find the link to donate to my crowdfund just after my name. Thanks in advance to those that willing choose to support me in my efforts to phase out the use of fossil fuels making the world a better place for you and me.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Any references related to stove burner of water fuel?
Diagram, photo or parents?
Many Thanks
Vortex 22
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 18, 2022, 11:23:34 AM
Any references related to stove burner of water fuel?
Diagram, photo or parents?
Many Thanks
Vortex 22
No as my focus in this thread is getting the funding I need to get this technology off the ground. I will no longer entertain things that do nothing to aid this technology getting off the ground. This technology has the power to phase out the use of fossil fuels but without support it may never get the chance to do so. I wish folks on this site would take these matters seriously enough to invest in this technology so that their futures can see a cleaner world a world that is no longer run by fossil fuels.
Big things often have small beginnings and I for one know this technology will make everyone's lives better on the planet if it is able to get to a point where it goes into mass production. No more wars for fossil fuels, no more oil spills, coal ash spills, or even Nuclear waste to have to manage for centuries. We can stop cutting down the forest for fuel and just use plain ordinary water instead. Without support no technology has a future so please stop asking questions that do not support this technology getting off the ground and thus never starting to actually phase out the use of fossil fuels. We must come together in one accord to make this a reality as most, if not all, of our leaders have no interest in this technology. Thus it is up to us to support technologies like this one so that it can see the light of day to do great things in making the lives of everyone on the planet lives better.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
I pray for your success!,
God Bless You
Quote from: Vortex 22 on May 18, 2022, 04:10:28 PM
I pray for your success!,
God Bless You
Thanks as this technology needs all the help it can get. I have been going over a few ideas I have in how to go about actually implementing this technology so that folks can make use of it. Thus far it seems fairly straight forwards as one just needs to respect the fuel so that no one gets hurt by this technology by accident. Safety first, yes? In any event the road seems clear as to just what I have to do to get this technology phasing out the use of fossil fuels for vehicles with conversion kits. Not sure of the cost as I am just looking at what has to be done and haven't moved towards pricing things out just yet.
But without funding it's going to be a slow rollout of this technology as I can only move at a pace I can afford. That is why I created my little crowdfund so that folks like you can donate to the cause supporting my efforts to bring this technology into our world. It has to be a grassroots campaign as politicians and most of our leaders have sold us out. It's up to everyday person to support this technology in it's greatest time of need so that true meaningful change that actually moves to phase out the use of fossil fuels can begin. With fuel prices on the rise just because they can do so with no cause for the price increases other than pure greed one would think folks are tired of being ripped off by the fossil fuel industry by now and would leap at the possibility of cutting those fuel prices out of their monthly budgets in support of this technology. Perhaps all that is needed is to get the word out in a meaningful way that there is a way to stop paying for fossil fuels by getting the hydrogen they need to run their many machines directly from good old h2o.
With the proper support this technology can end all of these expenses brought on to us by those that sell energy so that we can keep our hard earned money all the while cleaning the air that we breath. All this technology needs is the support of the people. Please give your support for a better future for us and our children, and children's children to come.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
This video was very instrumental to me being able to solve how this technology actually worked: [size=78%] ([/size] As when Dr. Cxysz said the device will run for a half hour but the temperature hasn't changed really helped my experiments get on the right tract. You see once I solved the heating problems I had solved the technology without knowing it. It took me a few more months to learn just what I had done but once I did I made the graphs I have shared with everyone so that you all could see just how this technology worked. Those graphs illustrate just how current is canceled out while allowing voltage to take over.
Once you take the sum of all the energy under the curve what is left over will pass through the water bath but in this case there is very little energy left over to pass through the water bath. I measured only 0.6 mA flowing through the water bath of my WFC which is not enough current to change the temperature of the water one bit. I ran temperature readings every 30 minutes for 72 hours and found that the temps of the cell just followed the temps of the day. All of these findings I had this "Eye witness video" to thank as it let me know just what to look for while experimenting with this technology.
At the time I was working with Max Miller running parallel experiments together using the exact same setup for the most part. My cell kept heating up so I knew that according to the video I was doing something wrong. This is where Max and I parted ways as he told me that his cell wasn't heating up but I could clearly see in his videos the heat waves coming out of the resonant cavities. Basically from his point of view nothing was wrong with his experiments so he stopped asking questions, but for me I still needed to solve that problem. It turned out to be the waveform shown on the oscilloscope that was going to the WFC was wrong. I then went back to the patents and other reading material to take a closer look and found that there was supposed to be a positive and negative component to the waveform. Luckily for me I had made some changes to the transformer that allowed me to actually charge up the WFC so that I got a waveform that had both negative and positive voltages with a bit of retuning the frequency being sent to the primary coil of the transformer.
Most people that have risen up against me telling everyone that the waveform is an AC waveform and AC doesn't break the bonds of the water molecules fail to understand the purpose of the diode in the voltage intensifier circuit. With the diode in place one plate of the WFC will always be positive and the other plate will always be negative thus now you can take the sum of all the energies being sent to the WFC. When the negative and positive voltages are equal the energy under the curve shown on the oscilloscope and the sum of those energies are taken there is not much left over to perform the work of electrolysis.
Now when it comes to implementing this technology my mechanical knowledge of being a mechanic for over 30 years allows me to know just how to go about doing that. When implementing this technology above all it must be made safe for use. I feel I am the right man for the task at hand as I have poured my heart into this technology figuring out how it worked the old fashion way by making use of the scientific method. This is why I ask for help in being able to bring this technology to market: [size=78%] ([/size] as I know just how to implement this technology for vehicles and thus will lead the world towards phasing out the use of fossil fuels. With fuel prices soaring most people will welcome this technology with open arms once it is proven to be safe for use. But for right now I need the help of the crowd in funding this technology so that it can do all of these wonderful things.
My latest transformer bobbin design is meant to make it easy for me to wind up with the coil machine I need to get. But I will have to make quite a few modifications for the winding machine so that it winds these transformers up perfectly. I have spent so much on equipping my little shop for dealing with this technology but still have a bit more things I need to get. My success means no more paying for gasoline or diesel but the engines will still need to be lubricated with oil. But since this technology doesn't thin out the oil as fossil fuels do you will now have to wear the oil out which will take far more time to do so oil changes every 25k or more miles might become the norm. All in all I feel my life has lead me up to this moment with my choices of study in college to even my being picked to be a mechanic in the military when I went in under a open contract meaning they could have picked me to do something else. I have even proven to be a man of my word by sharing the actual science behind this technology in a open source forum and have shown the willingness to carry this mission out. This is why I feel I am the right man for the task at hand.
All I am asking for is a bit of help in getting this technology off the ground. Together we can change the world if we act as a crowd to fund this technology.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions ( ( Now this video comes from a Nay Sayer's perspective as the individual hasn't taken the time to notice that there are other ways to break the bonds of the water molecules as shown by nature as plants break the bonds of the water molecules each and every day and no they are not hooked up to the nation's electric power grid system to produce electrolysis. People need to start paying more attention to how nature does things as in general it's methods are the most efficient means to go about doing things as things will die if they don't in the world of the survival of the fittest.
When I went to give photosynthesis another look to see if they had missed anything I was told by many that I was just wasting my time as those people were far smarter than you. But I didn't listen as I have some unanswered questions from my experiments to answer. The question I had was, "How does a plant break the bonds of the water molecules?" So, with this question in hand I set out to take a second look at photosynthesis. As I followed along learning the many process a plant took to be alive I saw something main stream science seemed to gloss over in that the last step a plant took when breaking the bonds of the water molecules was to simply take away the electrons from the atoms that made up the water molecules.
As seen in the photo you have 2h2o entering into the plant structure and with that aid of light at the proper wavelengths that plant takes away the electron from the atoms that make up the water molecules. As once it does this the bonds of the water molecules have been broken and you can see you get one oxygen molecule and four monatomic hydrogen atoms. For me that was the end of my search as I had found the answer to my question. But this cause me to ask more questions as I knew there was more ways that we know of in getting the electrons away from their atoms and I wondered if those other methods could also work to break the bonds of the water molecules? So, I started searching to see if I could find examples of this specific type of water separation could be found taking place but folks simply not noticing it. I found several examples of water being broken down by other methods to get the electrons away from their atoms. So, I concluded that this was a brand new method to break the bonds of molecules as I soon found out that all molecules can be broken down into their component elements by simply taking away the electrons from the atoms that made up the molecules.
With a plant it has a molecule that catches the electron when the electrons get into a certain orbit about the atoms. The wavelengths of light coming from the sun are not coming in a steady stream of light but in pulses. This pulsing is what pushes the electrons to go into high orbits around the atom. Meyer gave an example of this with K, L, M, N orbitals for the electrons as the atom absorbs light energy of the correct wavelength at these energy sublevels. This way you can visualize this a bit better. But the key thing to note was it was the action of taking away the atoms electrons that cause the water molecules to fall apart. Of the many ways we know of in how to get the electrons away from the atoms IONIZATION is the most efficient or that is to say the method that requires the least amount of energy input into the system to remove that electrons away from their atoms in a process known as ionization which uses high voltages to push the electrons into higher and higher orbits until the electron is removed completely from the atom.
Again this video was instrumental towards me being able to solve this technology: (
The reasons why I am explaining this to all of you reading this is because I want you to know that I have in fact solved just how this technology actually works and I could use a bit of help in bringing this technology into our world through my crowdfunding efforts.
Thanks Everyone for your support,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Edward,
plants break down covalently bonded molecules by getting energy from photons that 'helps' electrons into higher level orbits following quantum theory, there is no free energy here, photon energy=orbit energy change. (
Science has found out how to use light to enhance breakdown with "100%+ quantum efficiency", they probably started wondering if photons can contribute to ionization and electrolysis.
Okay you know this, but my question is:
is the Meyer electric field only method free energy? Were you able to confirm it?
Meyer said something along the lines of this: The field 'forces' the (covalent) electrons into higher energy levels, it doesn't pump in energy like a photon does which then automatically causes an increase of orbit and energy. Cause-effect are switched.
Meyer said this energy is pulled in from another dimension, the ultimate source of free energy, even when using the photoelectric effect this source is siphoning in energy but it's controlled by how much is put in.
You said that your theory is new, but covalent breakdown by taking away the electrons I believe is known.
Or do they keep the world ignorant? They describe it like this: To break most covalent bonds between any two given atoms, a certain amount of energy must be supplied.
They explain it as a caloric exchange, but they do know because they can explain photosynthesis.
Quote from: alan on June 17, 2022, 07:24:41 AM
Hello Edward,
plants break down covalently bonded molecules by getting energy from photons that 'helps' electrons into higher level orbits following quantum theory, there is no free energy here, photon energy=orbit energy change. (
Science has found out how to use light to enhance breakdown with "100%+ quantum efficiency", they probably started wondering if photons can contribute to ionization and electrolysis.
Okay you know this, but my question is:
is the Meyer electric field only method free energy? Were you able to confirm it?
Meyer said something along the lines of this: The field 'forces' the (covalent) electrons into higher energy levels, it doesn't pump in energy like a photon does which then automatically causes an increase of orbit and energy. Cause-effect are switched.
Meyer said this energy is pulled in from another dimension, the ultimate source of free energy, even when using the photoelectric effect this source is siphoning in energy but it's controlled by how much is put in.
You said that your theory is new, but covalent breakdown by taking away the electrons I believe is known.
Or do they keep the world ignorant? They describe it like this: To break most covalent bonds between any two given atoms, a certain amount of energy must be supplied.
They explain it as a caloric exchange, but they do know because they can explain photosynthesis.
This graph show voltage performing the work of ionizing the atoms that make up the water molecules getting them to eject their electrons. It is this action that breaks the bonds of the water molecules as the water molecules simply fall apart when the electrons are take away from the atoms that make up the water molecules, IE, hydrogen and oxygen atoms. You see with this technology the voltage keeps being raised until it reaches the ionization threshold for the atoms that make up the water molecules which causes them to eject their electrons. No electrons no water molecules as it's the electrons job to hold the water molecules together. What those scientist don't know is this relationship that my theory explains as all molecules can be broken down this way, not just the water molecules.
It is the act of taking away the electrons from the atoms that breaks the bonds of the water molecules as that is just how a plant breaks the bonds of the water molecules but it uses sunlight at the correct wavelengths to pump up the electrons to a higher orbit where it has a specific molecule to catch the electrons when they are far enough away from the atoms. It's different in how it takes the electrons away but the end result is the same. How I solved this was by asking and answering more questions. I ask, "How many ways to we know of to get the electrons away from their atoms?" and it turns out each way will break the bonds of the water molecules when said electrons are taken away from the atoms that make up the water molecules. This technology uses ionization to get the atoms to release their electrons and as I stated the result is the same as without those electrons the water molecules simply fall apart as hydrogen and oxygen are gases at standard temperature and pressure that the WFC is held at.
When the water molecules are broken down like this you get hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms, plus the creation of an electric charge as the electrons remain in the system. This is why if you push the terminals of a volt meter into a plant you will get a voltage reading. Why the scientist missed this relationship in my view is because of capitalism as that system is always looking for ways to make a profit. Thus if they could duplicate how a plant created electricity from the sun they could then push that electricity to the national grid system and get paid as a result which is exactly the path they chose to take, yes? When I took another look at photosynthesis I asked some very different questions than they did and as a result I went in a totally different direction than they did. They used what they learned to create solar panels and folks that have gotten this technology to work used ionization to cause the atoms that make up the water molecules to eject their electrons. These are two totally different objectives as one objective is to mimic how a plant creates electricity and the other is to mimic how the earth's Global Electric Circuit goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules by way of ionizing the atoms until they eject their electrons.
I don't know why people think this is "Free Energy" as it isn't as the energy supplied to the primary coil isn't free and has a source. Typically this technology takes between 0.5-3.5 amps to be sent to the primary coil so that it can put a high voltage potential difference on the electrodes of the Water Fuel Capacitor. It's just that the energy required to ionize the atoms is a far more efficient way to break the bonds of the water molecules than the standard electrolysis method is by doing the same thing using current to get the electrons away from their atoms. Voltage does in fact perform work and now that I have pointed it out to you you should be able to see that now. And you should have seen this video of me getting this technology working correctly by now, though I do need to make a new one: [size=78%] ([/size]
And yes, my theory is brand new as no one has ever made this connection that by taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules one can break those molecules down into their component atoms before. As it matters not which method you use to get the electrons away from their atoms as each of those methods will result in the molecules being broken down into their component atoms. A plant doesn't ionize the atoms it uses electromagnetic energy from the sun to accomplish this task. But as I stated each and every way we know of on how to get the electrons away from their atoms will result in the breaking down of the molecules those atoms have formed. So, my question to you is, "How many different ways do we know of to get the atoms electrons away from their atoms?" I have given you two ways but lets see if you can figure out the others on your own. You see the video which you shared with me he is only talking about one way that we know of in how to get the electrons away from their atoms, but in his case he really went over the whole process very well, but he says on thing about ionization being used to get the electrons move the electrons to higher orbits or getting the atom to fully eject it's electron(s).
From my perspective you think what I have done isn't something special as you think I am just like you, ordinary, when I am not as my life has taken me down a different path than most people. It's an art form to be able to ask the right questions that most people that I know of simply aren't capable of doing. For me I became really good at troubleshooting, kind of a natural at it in automotive world but I could apply this skill to many other things, which is why I like to make use of the scientific method when most scientist get offended if you ask them to make use of it as if that method is beneath them somehow. People like me are not common in our world whom are capable of asking and answering a lot of their own questions.
That graph that I just shared says it all, but only if you know how to read it. You see that graph clearly shows voltage performing work while current flow is being restricted. When I first shared that graph on this forum I was laughed at as folks tend to do that when they don't understand something to kinda save face in their eyes as they attempt to grapple with things they don't yet understand so that they appear smarter than they actually are. I've been known to call people's bluff which is why a lot of folks don't like me as I will do so with no regards to how it makes them feel or look in front of others. To me if you are right you are right and if you are wrong then you are wrong. I find that people love to appear to always be correct even when they are dead wrong, but doing things like that will only last for so long as the truth will out in the end. Now after all these years people are finally starting to understand that what I have been saying all this time is correct as those that they chose to listen too in the past simply gave it up as how long can one push a lie?
Don't you find it interesting that no one has ever reached the voltages I have shown being applied to the WFC but claim that I don't know what I am doing? I have not seen anyone put voltages as high as I have to a WFC before in a provable way. The most voltage I have seen others put to a WFC is around 1kv when I am pushing 10kv and more to the WFC. But I have seen someone get the same type of gas production as I got, but that person gave up as it all became too costly for them to continue. Ironically now it seems it has become too costly for me too to be able to continue thus I am made to wait until I do have the funds on hand to keep things going as quitting I am not! I feel that if I quit this just might be the end of the road for this technology but I do know of others that are still working on this technology though their pace seems to be far too slow to be able to make a difference with our climate change problems. All I can do now is ask for people to come together in one accord in support of this technology as that's what it's going to take to be able to phase out the use of fossil fuels.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hint: [size=78%] ([/size]
Yeah one needs experience and an educated mindset to take the right steps into a clear direction.
The ~2amps@300V in one of your videos, is this input current or output current? Input current i hope. :)
When we first read through the techbrief years ago it was very plain how the water is broken down: epp, elongation, electron ejection, covalent switch-off., you identified it as a real process in nature. The technical methods are limited, but even radioactive waste can be used to ionize water, since it emits EM constantly. It's not that I think it's nothing special you discovered, i'm merely trying to understand and connect, asking questions is how you got to where you are.
Here the same is done, this was posted before (all covalent bonds can be broken down by ionization ('stripping the electrons') using fields):
Field-Driven Splitting of Pure Water for Hydrogen Production (
Why is it called free energy: is has to be free energy (or more precisely COP>>1) for it to be the solution to the energy crisis. Without it being 'overunity', all joules combusted in an engine are less than the joules delivered by the battery. Clean electrolysis of distilled water is not new, an over-potential or hv is needed according to wikipedia. I hink the main difference with the WFC is the VIC which chokes current through mutual induction while HV is transformed, and ss wire restricts current even more while the transformed voltage remains the same (Tesla wrote about the use of resistive wire and the exotic effects), if current is impeded, HV through the water won't collapse (because V=I*R, I is forced down while the other remain the same). And the difference with photosynthesis is EM-waves (photons, poynting flow, real joules) vs E only. (VIC, scalar potential, joules/coulomb only to create the field potential)
According to my views.
Dynodon is also going forward with this tech, but more commercial, business-like. (
Could you explain how a DC pulse (of V+ - V-) becomes 5 AC oscillations? It's the only part I don't fully understand yet. I believe his brother showed the same waveform.
If the cell is being step-charged, what is charging the plates? Electrons ejected from the water, the polarized dielectric of water, or charge from the VIC current?
Hello Alan,
That pdf was created on November 14, 2016 and I spoke of this way back in September of 2013 at the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement conference held in Boulder, Colorado. I first shared this with this forum in September of 2019. And if you noticed I first got the WFC working correctly way back in 2009/2010, but I still had much to learn as I allowed myself to be swayed by Don Gable's advice. I've been working on this technology since March of 2006. The reason why I waited so long to share my new theory was due to I already knew folks would be trying to tell me that I didn't create it first so I had to let a lot of time pass before sharing the theory in a public space. Now no one can make the claim they created this theory before I did, understand? I will have my place in the history books as no one can take that away from me.
As for Secure Supplies that guy is a thief as he had stolen the pictures I posted of my WFC and had them for sale on his site without ever making contact with me. I'd be willing to bet that Don Gabel has no idea that he is being said to be working with him with anything.
There are parts of this technology that Meyer himself didn't know as if he did he would have gotten the water fuel injectors working. Just think of it this way, why would Meyer be making a research facility if he already knew how it all worked? Wouldn't he have used that money to go into mass production instead?
As for your question asking me to explain how DC pulses become V+ and V- yes I could share this information but I have chosen not to. I know this makes folks upset at me but we all have our secrets. It took me a while to understand just what the transformer was actually doing and for the most part I learned how it all worked when I stopped working on the WFC and moved to try and understand the Gas Processor back in 2008. Again at the time when I wanted to study other things about this technology I was told by everyone that I was just wasting my time by the forum members.
When I read the SMTB I saw it for what it was as it was explaining in the longest winded explanation I had ever seen of the process of atoms going into ionization and ejecting their electrons. This ability I have comes naturally and at the time I assumed everyone else was like me, but a good friend of mines pulled me to the side and explained to me that everyone was not like me. Where I saw things so clearly everyone else saw nothing but gibberish. Once you take a very close look at how Meyer went about explaining this technology you may or may not be able to see that what he did was to hide the technology in plain sight coming up with his own terminology that was outside of main stream science descriptions. Meyer did a really good job of hiding the technology in plain sight as people to this day will talk about the things he said, just as you just did, without knowing the real science behind Meyer's made up terminology. Terms like, "Amp Leakage," I showed in the graph I shared on this forum when I took the sump of all the energies being read on the oscilloscope at the WFC. That in itself is something new that I shared that is totally outside of how Meyer talked about this technology as I had taken things back to a true scientific perspective. I don't know of anyone outside of myself that has ever thought of taking the sum of the energies being sent to the WFC, do you?
I posted a link just below my crowdfund link to give you a hint on a few other ways we know of in how to get the electrons away from their atoms but it seems that you are so unwilling to donate to the cause that you missed it. Heat can be used, radioactivity, light, high voltage potential differences, electro magnetism and other forms of strong magnetic fields, and more as acid/base reactions are just another way to get the electrons away from their atoms that most living things use to stay alive. In nature most of the time more than one method is used together to accomplish this.
Now I wouldn't recommend using strong radioactive elements to break the bonds of the water molecules in this fashion as I am pretty sure that will never meet accepted safety standards for use in vehicles. Making use of strong magnetic fields requires a lot of energy input so that's out. But mimicking how nature does things by photo bombardment with light and ionization do not require a lot of energy input and they can be used together to lower the energy requirements and/or target specific atoms that one wishes to ionize.
I'd be willing to bet that now that I have shared an approximant time I came up with the theory that those that wish to belittle me are now going to be conducting a massive search for someone else that may have came up with the theory before I did. But I have already run many a search so, good luck. In any event I learned of this connection as I was making use of the scientific method and very carefully observing the results of my experiments asking and answering questions the whole way. Now I have reached the point where I am ready to move this technology into mass production but I have to start out small as I simply don't have the funds to start off big. But since this technology can be utilized in so many different ways I am also having a hard time picking someplace to start. Our more pressing need is to take on climate change head on but I can't seem to gather the supporters I need to kick things off. I can only move as fast as my budget will allow me to move.
Something else to note is when I started this thread it was more or less a challenge where everyone had to do their own work and my mindset really hasn't changed all that much since then. Right now the world has to wait until I can get the last remaining things I need to build things correctly and hopefully scale things up soon afterwards.
Shabbat Shalom,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
many people get lost in the electrolysis device
This is not as important as it seems.
It needs to provide enough gas to start the engine from battery current
And operate at full nominal production from alternator current.
Even at half of the carnot %, the heat side of the combustion equation for HHO
provides enough torque to run the engine at more HP than gasoline.
an all aluminum block, and radiator may be able to dissipate the heat im not sure
in all small (1-2HP) benchtop tests, the engines run, run the alternator, produce their own gas, and can drive a load, until they overheat, melt the seals, warp the pistons and covers, etc.
With a small motor this happens after about 2-3 hrs or the size of a 3-gal water tank.
some have tried upgrading to titanium piston heads and cylinders. For me this seems too $$$.
I have read enough reports of similar overheating on full sized vehicles to deter me from sacrificing a guinea pig car. Theres a lot of math involved, cylinder size, stroke:displacement, compression %, and so on. Some engines may be able to handle hho better than others. Lawn care equipment has a heavy compression, and since they overheat easily, I probably wouldnt hho a diesel.
A light weight, low-hp car, maybe look for aluminum blocks, upgrade to a new all Al radiator
Use a custom coolant
Getting to run is easy. You dont want to build up back pressure in your fuel system, but you want a flow-restrictor valve to fine tune it to the engine.
Once you get the right mixture the engine will idle loud and quickly, you have to adjust the idle down
back into the normal range. Watch the increase in gas when the alternator kicks in, if it gets too heavy turn up the resistance to the electrolyzer (or move the plates further apart, etc)
You need at least 2 (redundant) fire arrestors.
With a newer car, you will recode the ecu to lower the air intake,
it will burn a little lean and lower your hp per fuel ratio, but it's possible.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on June 18, 2022, 02:46:08 PM
many people get lost in the electrolysis device
This is not as important as it seems.
It needs to provide enough gas to start the engine from battery current
And operate at full nominal production from alternator current.
Even at half of the carnot %, the heat side of the combustion equation for HHO
provides enough torque to run the engine at more HP than gasoline.
an all aluminum block, and radiator may be able to dissipate the heat im not sure
in all small (1-2HP) benchtop tests, the engines run, run the alternator, produce their own gas, and can drive a load, until they overheat, melt the seals, warp the pistons and covers, etc.
With a small motor this happens after about 2-3 hrs or the size of a 3-gal water tank.
some have tried upgrading to titanium piston heads and cylinders. For me this seems too $$$.
I have read enough reports of similar overheating on full sized vehicles to deter me from sacrificing a guinea pig car. Theres a lot of math involved, cylinder size, stroke:displacement, compression %, and so on. Some engines may be able to handle hho better than others. Lawn care equipment has a heavy compression, and since they overheat easily, I probably wouldnt hho a diesel.
A light weight, low-hp car, maybe look for aluminum blocks, upgrade to a new all Al radiator
Use a custom coolant
Getting to run is easy. You dont want to build up back pressure in your fuel system, but you want a flow-restrictor valve to fine tune it to the engine.
Once you get the right mixture the engine will idle loud and quickly, you have to adjust the idle down
back into the normal range. Watch the increase in gas when the alternator kicks in, if it gets too heavy turn up the resistance to the electrolyzer (or move the plates further apart, etc)
You need at least 2 (redundant) fire arrestors.
With a newer car, you will recode the ecu to lower the air intake,
it will burn a little lean and lower your hp per fuel ratio, but it's possible.
Hi sm0ky2,
I understand the technology far better than that. In order to keep it from burning up the engine the engines EGR system has to be modified and the exhaust gases need to be meter mixed into the intake system with a solenoid valve. For flashback protection that's what the quenching technology is for as there is no need for bubblers in this system. The Gas Processor will up the energy content by stripping electrons from the oxygen atoms entering the engines intake system and sending those highly unstable monatomic oxygen gas atoms into the combustion chamber and then spark igniting the mixture of unstable hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms. What this does is prolong the formation of the water molecules by forcing the hydrogen atoms to manufacture those missing electrons as it moves to form the water molecules with the oxygen atoms missing electrons.
When done properly converting a typical engine will transform the engine from being an air polluter into being an air cleaner as the gases coming out of the tailpipe will be cleaner than the air that was drawn into the engine. This has already been done and all I have to do is follow the one whom did this's lead. This is why I had said to everyone that I am the proper man for the task at hand as I have done my homework and I've been a mechanic for well over 30 years now so I know my way around engines. Meyer put it best in stating, "Success is measured by the determination to make it work... and successful we shall be," thus I know I will be successful as I am very determined. My determination should be clear by the amount of time I have been working on this technology and never throwing in the towel as I started in on all of this way back in March of 2006.
You are correct that some engine designs are better than others but I feel all types of vehicles can be converted from using fossil fuels to using this technology, be they on the land, floating in the water, or flying in the air, as basically all that is being done is switching the source of hydrogen. One must respect the fuel and all should go well. I am ready to start the long process of phasing out the use of fossil fuels but I know I can't do this alone, thus this technology will be creating many jobs as True Green Solution grows as a company. I will try my best to be a fair employer that shares the wealth with my employees and not steal their earnings as most companies do now days by following this man's lead: [size=78%] ([/size]
In order for this to take place at the speed needed to do something about our climate change problems I started a crowdfund so that people can donate to the cause and help this technology accomplish it's mission of putting people in full control of their own energy needs. It's not easy to start mass producing things and I really could use the full support of the people on this as after all it will be allowing them to become energy independent thus never having to pay for energy ever again so why not ask for their help in ensuring that this technology actually makes it to the marketplace this time around?
The task of phasing out the use of fossil fuels world wide is a daunting one but it must be done if our children are to have a future worth living. Someone in this world must therefore take on the responsibility of ushering this technology into our world and I feel I am that someone.
From my perspective the longer people wait to support my efforts to bring this technology out the longer the world will have to wait for an actual solution that will get us out of this mess. It's high time we head to Stanly Meyer's dreams of us coming together in one accord in support of this technology. Big things often have small beginnings and I feel this is the start of something big🥰.[/font][/size]
Shabbat Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: sm0ky2 on June 18, 2022, 02:46:08 PM
It needs to provide enough gas to start the engine from battery current
And operate at full nominal production from alternator current.
The Battery and alternator are physically limited by the quantity of lead and copper, to the amount of available free electrons they can provide
the difference from 12v and 24v battery is physical size. the difference from car and truck alternator, is physical size
"From my perspective the longer people wait to support my efforts to bring this technology out the longer the world will have to wait for an actual solution that will get us out of this mess. "
From the perspective of the people, they don't see what you have other than claims and old video's, people have to trust your word for it with their money without seeing your current progress, they only have the (well written) pdf that explains it, they're one click away from continuing their day., but first they read on wiki to find out who Stan was.
Do you know kickstarter? They present everything, and they reach their multi-million goals, but funders are promised to receive something according to a tier.
But this tech comes with personal risks, so I understand your caution. I'm sure everyone gets blown away when you show how you have progressed. Better stick to the plan but don't blame the people.
Or you could start selling it as modules to get $ (like Meyer did) instead of tightly regulate its use and product release. I don't think it will make anyone rich, because if it is possible then it has to have been suppressed. JP Morgan underfunded Tesla after he asked 'where do we put the meter?'so he set him up for failure.
The elite's power is their greed for money and their capital against us and our greed but without capital. But YHWH own's it all. In His kingdom gold is used a bricks.
my next 2ct's
Best regards
Quote from: alan on June 19, 2022, 08:39:41 AM
"From my perspective the longer people wait to support my efforts to bring this technology out the longer the world will have to wait for an actual solution that will get us out of this mess. "
From the perspective of the people, they don't see what you have other than claims and old video's, people have to trust your word for it with their money without seeing your current progress, they only have the (well written) pdf that explains it, they're one click away from continuing their day., but first they read on wiki to find out who Stan was.
Do you know kickstarter? They present everything, and they reach their multi-million goals, but funders are promised to receive something according to a tier.
But this tech comes with personal risks, so I understand your caution. I'm sure everyone gets blown away when you show how you have progressed. Better stick to the plan but don't blame the people.
Or you could start selling it as modules to get $ (like Meyer did) instead of tightly regulate its use and product release. I don't think it will make anyone rich, because if it is possible then it has to have been suppressed. JP Morgan underfunded Tesla after he asked 'where do we put the meter?'so he set him up for failure.
The elite's power is their greed for money and their capital against us and our greed but without capital. But YHWH own's it all. In His kingdom gold is used a bricks.
my next 2ct's
Best regards
Hi Alan and Everyone else reading this,
Yes, I know Kickstarter and they said due to the high level of frauds with this technology they no longer allow this technology on their platform. So, basically all those greedy short sighted people that came before me messed things up for this technology. Then people like Russ Gries, Max Miller, Daniel Donatelli, and others have made it so people don't know whom to trust and at the same time left a really bad stain on this technologies image in the public's mind. Though from an old video this shows something folks have never seen before with this technology: [size=78%] ([/size]
In the video you can see many things that show this technology is very unlike standard electrolysis but sadly I broke the cell and the next few WFC's I made where influenced by Don Gable's information which basically ensured that they wouldn't work correctly. It took me a while to figure that out and now that I have folks no longer wish to support this technology and basically just choose to put their heads in the sand and hope that they will be okay as climate change keeps getting worse and worse.
There is no technology out there that I know of that is ready to take on the fossil fuel industry head on like this technology can. EV's are too expensive and require the quasi enslavement of Africans for cheap raw materials, labor, and prices. All the other technologies that I have taken a look at need quite a few years of testing to ensure it's safe for public use, and then implementing those other technologies would require a hard restart on how we are doing things today. With this technology one only needs a conversion kit for your vehicle and then your running around with nothing but water in your tank for fuel.
However there seems to be an increasing number of people that realize that I have solved this technology that reach out to me in an effort to steal the technology from me. They offer me totally one sided proposals where I'd be left in the poor house while they proper with this technology. And at the same time since I am stuck needing to get just a few more pieces of equipment to finish this technology my enemies rally against me in groves doing what ever they can to make it so people think I'm like them which is totally lost and confused about this technology. You can search the internet and see very clearly that there is no one that talks about this technology in the manor I speak of it. No one laying out hard provable science showing just what this technology is mimicking in nature, and no one with a video up showing just what it looks like when voltage is performing the work of breaking the bonds of the water molecules.
I know already that I need to start putting on a show for people but until I get the last remaining equipment I need I will be unable to do so as it's not easy to start over on things as I take out all of Don Gable's influence in how I was doing things. The blessed thing about making use of the scientific method is I am eventually able to see where things were done wrong and make corrective actions that are effective at getting things going down the right path again. All I can do now it hope people give me a chance to lead with this technology but also know I must keep what I know to myself as there are many that wish to see me fail and/or are very greedy and would thus make this technology for the rich only at a time when it needs to be made for the masses if we are to stand a chance at solving our climate change problems at speed.
Where I fault people in general is they don't actually take the time to look into what I've put out about this technology and see for themselves the science that I have shared is real. The graphs I've shared alone serve as a scientific proof if you believe in science. But in order to understand those graphs one also has to have a understanding of science to at least be able to know how to go about doing work problems and taking the sum of all energies. I find that people in general simply can't read or understand the graphs even though I made it very easy for people to be able to understand using colors and showing how to take the sum of energy being sent to the WFC from the transformer. I went step by step and people still can't understand what's being shown. I guess on this I can blame the dumbing down of society by the ruling elite for people's inability to interpret graphical data or even make sense of simple subtraction using the graphs I shared. There is not a clearer showing of the science on just how this technology is able to break the bonds of the water molecules outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method where voltage is being used to break the bonds of the water molecules by going after the atoms that make up the water molecules getting them to release their electrons.
When I say the world has to wait I mean it! as I will not be giving in to any of these one sided proposals. If I end up like Aaron Salter then more than likely this technology will be stalled for another ten or more years. In order for this technology to be able to enter into the fight against our climate change problems it needs the support of the people. If the people come together in one accord to back this technology they will have it as you have my word on that.
I hope this clears things up,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
I have seen this waveform on my oscilloscope many times. What's so special about it? This waveform shows the phenomenon of parametric resonance. With each cycle, the amplitude increases exponentially.
Parametric resonance of a parametric capacitor with a dC/dt component because the dielectric properties change with each pulse. Inductors have the same theory: (
Thanks for mentioning it.
Quote from: bmind23 on June 27, 2022, 02:49:49 AM
I have seen this waveform on my oscilloscope many times. What's so special about it? This waveform shows the phenomenon of parametric resonance. With each cycle, the amplitude increases exponentially.
What makes this waveform special is the way the circuit is set up as with the "Blocking Diode" in the circuit one electrode will always be negative and the other will always be positive thus the sum total of a perfectly balanced waveform will have no current flowing through the water bath contained in the Water Fuel Capacitor(WFC). This is why the water never heats up as described by eye witnesses to the technology working right in front of them describing what they observed: [size=78%] ([/size]
The waveform shows scientifically current being restricted while allowing voltage to take over and perform the work of breaking the bonds of the water molecules by ionizing the atoms that make up the water molecules. You see if you keep raising the voltage being applied to the WFC you will hit the threshold for ionization of the atoms that make up the water molecules and the act of the atoms releasing their electrons breaks the bonds of the water molecules they are formed in. No more electrons leaves nothing left to hold the water molecules together as the atoms that make up the water molecules are sharing electrons and thus the water molecules simply fall apart as a result. The higher the voltage the greater the amount of ionization taking place between the electrodes which translates to more gas production as the voltages being applied to the WFC are raised.
Anyone that has taken the time to listen to one of Meyer's many lectures will have heard Meyer say, "While restricting the flow of amps we allow voltage to take over." With the waveform shown below I measured the amps flowing through the WFC to be just 0.6mA and my waveform wasn't fully balanced. I let the system run for 72 hours straight taking temperature readings every half hour and the temperature of the cell just followed the temperatures of the day. Thus the WFC wasn't performing any electrolysis which will produce waste heat that can be measured over time in use. When I was at the 2013 Global BEM a lot of people noticed that the WFC would be running all day and yet it wasn't getting hot.
Now it should be crystal clear just why this waveform is so special. You see the technology is mimicking the earth's Global Electric Circuit. What separates me from practically everyone that I have seen working on this technology is I am able to actually put a high voltage potential difference on the plates of the water capacitor as that scope shot shows 7.52kv of potential difference being applied to the WFC. The most I have ever seen anyone else do is just 1kv of potential difference and that's not enough to reach the threshold for ionizing the atoms that make up the water molecules, IE, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
Right now I just need more donations so that I can purchased the last remaining items I need to be able to build the transformers correctly. Through a lot of trail and error testing I learned just how to apply high voltages to the WFC, and solved the science behind how this technology works, plus found out just what this technology is mimicking in nature. I shared most of this right here in this thread. All I am asking is for people to join in and support the cause of phasing out the use of fossil fuels as that is exactly what this technology was created to do.
Imagine what we can accomplish if we all work together in support of my efforts to bring this technology into the marketplace so the phasing out of the use of fossil fuels can get underway. Together we can see this technology actually do something meaningful about our shared climate change problems and at the same time allowing people to take full control of their own energy needs.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
I was doing a little research and found this: (
It explains almost exactly what I have been stating about how the water molecules are actually broken down as all the plant does is reach in and take the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water molecules. It is this act of taking away the electrons that breaks the bonds of the water molecules and it maters not how one goes about getting at those electrons.
Dr. Dingle and Stanley Meyer did so by mimicking the earth's global electric circuit to ionize the atoms so that they would eject their electrons. This should allow everyone to see very clearly that what I have been saying about this technology over the years is 100% correct and true.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Quote@H2O Power, and sorry Chris, for deviating a bit from your original issue here!![/size]Hello Edward,Please, I always had this curiosity about the invention (or discovery) from Stanley Meyer...related to his Hydrogen separation from the Oxygen molecule in water...I have seen almost all videos related to his demonstrations, from his Dune Buggy to his Conferences...his plans, his Patents, his circuits, etc,etc.And so, I believe if there is someone qualified here to respond it is you...since I have read most of your articles and posts here.There is a pretty short video where he demonstrates making the Hydrolysis on one small clear plexiglass tank with a gauge and a valve on top, attached to a small torch...We can see he haD one of those analog, old Signal Generators with the old electrical gauges (V.U)...where He slightly turns its knob and it starts the process...bubbles start and pressure gauge starts moving fast to max...My question is pretty simple:The whole "secret" of Stan Meyer would not be that He actually found the "perfect" Harmonic frequency?, which could be in a short range of the last 4 or 5 digits in a huge number?In my opinion, (and you are free to correct me at any time) He was able to do this fission of H2O, without "much effort", without huge voltages, without such huge frequencies or high amperage...just the right number...actually taking place just like a "cold fusion" takes place?Maybe since I am a fan of the movie "Chain Reaction"...where Keanu Reeves by accident finds the perfect "tune" or the perfect harmonic frequency number...where the whole process starts to go much faster and very stable...that was coming from his Lathe cutting some metal...hahahaRegards and thanks for all you do, Sir!!Ufopolitics
When it comes to Meyer's technology most of what you will find in other forums from other people is just wrong as most of the time they don't run their experiments properly to be able to even duplicate their own results. I just posted a video above that shows just how plants break the bonds of the water molecules that moves to prove what I have been saying for all these years now is totally correct.
The Water Fuel Cell is a variable capacitor so right off the bate that tells you there is no one frequency to rule them all. As the device produces gases those gases displace the water that is in-between the electrodes which is dielectric material thus changing the capacitance of the resonant cavity. This is the primary reason why Meyer's circuit has a method to lock on to and maintain resonance for as the voltages are raised or lowered changes the rate at which the water is being broken down which in turn changes the capacitance of the WFC. It's complicated but I think you get the point.
I too love the movie "Chain Reaction" but that's Hollywood and this is reality. In reality what's being done is something modern day science missed when they looked into how a plant breaks the bonds of the water molecules as there is a pattern they missed. That pattern is, "Water is being broken down by taking the electrons away from the atoms that make up the water molecules." You see it is that act of taking those electrons away from that atoms that breaks the bonds of the water molecules. I found out that this pattern goes beyond just water molecules as any molecule can be broken down this way. Seeing patterns is something I'm pretty good at as well as knowing how to go about asking the right questions and then answering those questions I asked.
I have created a theory for this and hopefully soon it will be in the books of science for all to learn from and make use of complete with my ugly mug right next to it. Just to keep folks from stealing my theory I didn't tell anyone about it for a great period of time before finally talking about it just a few years ago as people love to say they thought of something first just to steal someone's spot in the lime light especially when there is money involved. I published the theory and then just let it sit for several years before talking about it with anyone.
From my observations Meyer himself didn't fully understand this technology as he made some mistakes that prevented some of this devices from working properly. Now given more time I think he would have solved this but he wasn't given any more time. Then years later comes along someone like me who loves how the scientific method works and decided to apply it to this technology with open eyes. I had to go over photosynthesis again but asking some very different questions than those that came before me did as I suspected they missed something profound and I was right as they did miss something. You see too many people have stumbled upon this technology and gotten it to work for it to be something fraudulent so the technology must lie in a place where science has yet to figure out. Once I found this pattern I knew I had cracked just how this technology actually works. Then I was able to go over Meyer's part of this technology again but with a full understanding of how it was able to break the bonds of the water molecules in a way that was outside of Dr. Faraday's electrolysis method using electricity.
It requires a high voltage potential difference as that's how nature does it as thunderstorms break the bonds of the water molecules in practically the same exact way by ionizing the atoms of the water molecules getting them to eject their electrons and as I stated it is that act of removing the electrons that breaks the bonds of the water molecules and note it matter not how one goes about removing those electrons as the result is always the same as you will get hydrogen and oxygen gases plus the creation of an electric charge. You see with the water molecules the atoms are sharing electrons and if those electrons are taken away there is nothing left to hole the water molecules those atoms formed together and they simply fall apart as a result. I saw this pattern first in plants and then expanded my question to include other ways we know about in getting the electrons away from their atoms and that's when I figured things out as all of those ways worked to break the bonds of the water molecules. I mean the proof was all around us as we just had to ask the right questions. A lot of folks on this forum made fun of me for stating that this technology is simply mimicking the earth's Global Electric Circuit, but now that I have persisted for so long it seems I won out as many people can now see that I was correct in saying that as when they take the time to compare Meyer's "Voltage Intensifier Circuit" to the earth's "Global Electric Circuit" they can see they are a direct match.
It turns out that hydrogen is the fuel of choice for all life on this planet as without it nothing would be alive today. Even in places where there is no sunlight life can thrive if it has heat, minerals from the earth, and hydrogen. So, it's high time us humans got with the program as hydrogen is the fuel of choice for all life on this planet, thus hydrogen is the fuel of the future!
What I have stated about how this technology works is 100% true but know that it's not an easy task to perform. I like to think of it as the opposite of electrolysis as electrolysis is simple and this technology is complicated. A small mistake with this technology and it simply will not work as mimicking nature has to be done correctly in order to do so. Long ago I use to share practically everything in real time as I learned it but after dealing with people like Steve of Ionizationx, Russ Gries of the RWGresearch, Max Miller of Irondmax forum, Aaron of the Energetic forum, and a lot of others I learned through the school of hard knocks to stop all that sharing as there is nothing like going to someone's website and seeing your design up for sale without that website ever making contact with you, SecureSupplies, to make you pull back on all of that sharing stuff. So, you can thank them for me stopping all the sharing of information as I proceeded to learn just how this technology actually worked.
Sorry about the rant as it just slipped out, but I hope from my explanation you now better understand how this technology works as it's just mimicking how nature does things. And that video above really nails it for how a plant goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules but note you must keep this question in your mind to see it, "How does a plant break the bonds of the water molecules?" You don't have to follow along and see what it does with the electrons or even the hydrogen atoms as that's passed where the question was actually answered. As the plant just reached in and took the electrons away from that atoms that make up the water molecules, IE, hydrogen and Oxygen atoms. Sure nature can be difficult to mimic but that's where the solution to this water for fuel technology is to be found.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
this last diagram is an important one
free demonstration of nature for anyone to observe
Tesla went to great lengths to capture free electrons / electron extraction
Quote from: massive on August 10, 2022, 09:52:39 PM
this last diagram is an important one
free demonstration of nature for anyone to observe
Tesla went to great lengths to capture free electrons / electron extraction
Hello Massive,
You are very correct as it was something I too never thought about with these different technologies. Nickola Tesla was extracting energy from the earth's global electric circuit while Dr. Dingle and Meyer were mimicking the earth's global electric circuit electronically. Both technologies will radically change the way the world does things right now as Tesla's method would allow EV's to be the thing and the water for fuel technology will totally phase out the use of fossil fuel use. I like the Water for fuel technology better as it's the only one that will allow air travel to keep going on as is as all that will be done is switching the source of hydrogen that the air ships use.
Now that more than a few companies are switching over to burning hydrogen with their engines I should be able talk to them and get this technology into the marketplace as it's clearly better and more cost effective than having to highly pressurize pure hydrogen and build fueling stations when this technology will create the hydrogen their engines need on demand directly from water. No trucking hydrogen around, no hydrogen storage facilities, and no hydrogen fueling stations.
I do recall Tesla having a remote controlled boat powered by his technology and a EV but it would seem that technology died when he did as I have never heard of it again ever since. It's kinda sad if you think about just how many technologies have been put down so that they could have just one bridge around London so to speak isn't it? The reason why I mention the London Bridge is for the longest time that was the only bridge to get across the water, but not because they couldn't build any more bridges but because those that owned the bridge simply paid everyone off whom wanted to build another bridge. They even bribed a sitting King to not build a bridge when he wanted to do something about the traffic jams on the bridge which took a long time to get across the bridge. So, for years those who owned the bridge paid everyone off so that they could keep the money rolling in.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
one good question to ask : What does voltage do ????
so simple and the demonstration is right there for anyone to see. get to close and itll cook ya
Remember this years ago now? what is the HV doing to the car chassis for a split second ? .... and then V drops back to zero , back to equilibrium. ....... (Diodes do the same thing and switch off, yessir , HV diodes)
Its the same thing but man made environment. Lightning hits a lightning rod on a high rise building , then thru earthing cable to ground, same thing but natures demonstration.
have good day Ed
Here is a video that Max Miller put out recently that shows something new at the end of the video: ( But note Max Miller is still in full block mod when it comes to me as I posted what is shown below on this video but if you take a look now it no longer exist.
Trying to get around all of this blocking is tough but I think I am managing to break through now as people like him have absolutely nothing to show now while I am making great strides in showing just how the science behind all of this technology actually works.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Well folks I'm still at it bringing dreams to reality. Here are the drawings along with the finished product, minus the wires & resin, for my latest transformer design. The technology is far more costly than I anticipated and as such I don't think anyone will be following my lead as things are simply too costly. As such I more than likely will be the only one moving forwards with this technology and it is my hope that people move to help with the cost of this technology so that it can see the light of day. I think I spent over $5k in this final push to get this technology up and running again.
Much work remains but I can honestly say I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now. I have done what I can to allow folks to understand this technology but the tech is complicated so there is only so far I can go in trying to help others understand how this technology actually works as one seems to need to have followed in my footsteps in life to be able to perceive this technology with the proper understanding of the sciences involved.
I am moving forwards at my own pace which is basically saying I am moving at a pace I can afford, lol. With a little luck and a lot of support hopefully this technology will finally make it into our world.
Peace and shalom everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
This transformer will be the largest VIC transformer I have ever made and moved forwards with to actually put wire in it. Right now I have to print out another bobbin holder for the CNC coil winding machine as the one I'm using now has a wobble that is unacceptable as I fear it will break the wire while winding the transformer. That print is going to take over 10 hours but it's being built my me at a cost I can afford and not some pricy machinist. This transformer represents years of work and study on this technology and will be a culmination of all I have learned about this technology.
Now since it is still a prototype it may or may not work but I am fairly sure that it will do something to get this technology moving in the right direction. One thing is for sure is this transformer took a lot of effort to build as I had to purchase a whole lot of new stuff just to be able to make it on my own. Like I said in the above post you are looking at around $5,000.00 USD effort to bring this transformer into our world. I got some help with the cost which I am truly grateful for as without help I more than likely wouldn't have been able to build this transformer until late next year some time or even the year after that. So to those that willing chose to help aid my efforts with this technology a big heartfelt thanks goes out to you all🥰[/font][/size][size=78%] . [/size]
If it works we will finally have an answer to just how efficient this technology is as I plan on demonstrating this even though I kinda already know it isn't a linear process as the electrolysis method is. Sorry to everyone for breaking the first WFC I got up and running correctly before I could take any measurements on efficiency of it. But I really got excited as the cell was operating producing gases and it wasn't getting hot. Some of you may remember this video of the little 3 resonant cavity up and running correctly: [size=78%] ([/size] But if not there it is again.
The reasons why it took me so long to get back on track is I got fed a lot of bogus information that I had to experiment my way out of from a lot of people we all trusted like Don Gabel and a few others. But the beauty of using the scientific method is in the end anything that doesn't work will be routed out through trial and error testing. The problem is the scientific method takes time and a lot of monies spent sometimes to get at the truth. But one thing everyone should know about me by now is I am persistent in my aims to get this technology into our world.
Please keep in mind that I do need help funding this technology as if this works it's only the beginning of the long road towards phasing out the use of fossil fuels.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
Just so we are all on the same page concerning this technology. In this video I show for the very first time ever, and since, true high voltage being applied to the water fuel cell: [size=78%] ([/size]
How I talk about this technology is very different than how Meyer talked about this technology and the reason for that is I went after the science behind this technology. Most people don't know this but when Meyer passed away he was working on the injectors as they didn't work in the car and he was trying to figure out why it wasn't working. By follow the science the way I did I understand why the injectors didn't work for him.
In my showing of the science behind this technology you all have been shown that this technology is mimicking the earth's global electric circuit. You have been given a new theory that one day will be in the books of science that explains this technology in scientific terms. And I even went one further in comparing this technology to how plants break the bonds of the water molecules for the method of breaking the bonds of the water molecules is the same in that all that's being done is to take away the electrons from the atoms that make up the water molecules.
Right now I am busy working hard to actually bring this technology out but my funds are limited so I run around asking for support from those this technology will benefit when it does come out as it will be the general public that reaps the benefits of this technology thus they are the ones that should be supporting this technology if it is change they wish to see in their lifetime in the phasing out of the use of fossil fuels. I fully understand that if the general public gets behind this technology then they will have it if anything to say about it I have. I also understand that without support this technology is going to have a rough time making out to those that need tech like this the most.
With a little luck and a whole lot of work behind the scenes I am hoping this technology actually has a chance to make it into our world this time around. As shown in the photos I have what it takes now to move forwards with this technology. I feel the time is right for this technology to come out now as it does have some competition now that a company named, "Hysata" has come out with an electrolyzer with an efficiency of 98%. I am fairly sure this technology can beat those numbers but none have been able to show real numbers on this technology as it's not the easiest of technologies to get up and running properly and I hope to be able to change that soon.
Remember to support the cause,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Efficiency of 98% is nothing, Meyer's method has infinite efficiency.
Quote from: alan on September 22, 2022, 11:24:05 AM
Efficiency of 98% is nothing, Meyer's method has infinite efficiency.
Hi Alan,
For right now, no one knows the efficiency of this technology as all that have managed to do this never let out any true numbers on the efficiency of just what it was they were doing. Meyer never allowed anyone to put anything to his voltage intensifier circuit so no verification of the process was ever done.
If I am able to get the technology up and running I'll more than likely be the first one to ever put out efficiency numbers on this technology just as I was the first to show true high voltage being applied to the water fuel cell in a provable manor back in 2013 at the Global Breakthrough Energy conference held in Boulder, Colorado. As of right now it appears I am the only one that is close to getting this technology up and running correctly as it's complicated and expensive to make in low volumes. Due to all the false information put out about this technology I doubt anyone besides me right now can weed through that false information right now and get this technology working correctly. Trust me I have been constantly looking around to see just what others are doing and for the most part each and everyone of them are making the same mistakes that will prevent this technology from working for them. As of right now there hasn't been a single person, that I know of, to show true high voltage being applied to the water fuel cell like I did at the conference and if you are counting that was over 9 years ago.
This technology is far from simple and like I said very costly to make in small numbers. Add that to it being very complicated and a lot of false information going around that will lead people away from how this technology actually works and it's easy to see why no one has demonstrated high voltage being applied to the water fuel cell as I have done. My making use of the scientific method truly sets me apart from everyone else that is working on this technology. It's sad but I have seen a few people stumble on how this technology actually works to only leave the room in search for a another solution as they had no idea that they solved it.
I just uploaded a new video on YouTube to get things started as I attempt to bring this technology out through True Green Solutions: [size=78%] ([/size]
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
Well when it comes to this technology there seems to be always something new to learn that will stall things out for a bit. I attempted to wind up a VIC transformer but I failed as the wire kept kinking up on me causing it to snap. I ended up tossing out over one transformers worth of wire as each time it snapped it was too short to be of use. But that was not the only problem I ran into. The fins of the bobbin would bend outwards causing the next slot in the bobbin to not take the same turns of wire and this problem gets progressively worse with each slot wound up. As a solution to the second mentioned problem I created some spacers to keep the fins from bending outwards.
As for the 1st problem well that's going to require that a lot more money to be spent as the only way to solve that is to purchase some wire tensioners, lab stands, and the claps that go with them. Due the complexity of this transformer I'll have to get several wire tensioners, and let me tell you those things aren't cheap. The over all cost of all I need cost more than the wire winding machine itself. So, basically I'm stalled for right now until I can get the things I need to keep things going. This truly sucks as I feel I am really close to being able to show a working prototype of this technology and finally be able to get some efficiency numbers on this technology. But I am reserved in my optimism as I have felt that I would have the technology up and running before only to have some new problem come up that needed to be solved as this technology has a way of humbling you bigtime. From what I know about this technology right now things do look like they will work this time around but I know what I know and I don't know what I do not know as this could open the door to a new problem that needs to be solved.
Understanding the science wasn't easy and building it correctly seems to be just as challenging, but I rest on the knowledge that I once got the technology up and running so it's only a matter of time before I get it up and running again. I went back over everything from when I got the technology working and had to make some changes to the WFC. Those changes cost about $550.00 if you include my labor on the materials purchased, tearing down the WFC, passivating the new SS, and putting everything back together again with some upgraded shielded high voltage connection wires. With this technology if you discover that something needs to be done you have to stop and make sure it does get done as there is no moving forwards until the problem is solved.
As I look around I can see that there are less than a hand full of people that are still actively working on this technology now that I am aware of. Most have long since thrown in the towel as how long can one work on a technology and have nothing to show for the time and money put into trying to solve it's many secrets? As far as I know there have only been two people that got this technology to work and I happen to be one of them. The other guy told me he could no longer afford to work on this technology. In total with what was spent on this technology this year I have spent around $90k on this tech since 2006. That alone should give you some idea why no one has yet to show a working prototype of this technology to this date as the cost of R&D to get something up and running are enormous. Once I realized this I simply stopped sharing what I learned about this technology as who out there is willing to spend this kind of money on something that may or may not work? For me I know the technology works but for all of you the video I posted simply didn't have enough information to convince you that the technology was in fact working. I showed no temperature readings, no put input power to gas out put readings, and have even been accused of having hooked up an air pump to the cell and some how managed to get the air pump to put out equally to the three resonant cavities. The other guy I mentioned also didn't take any measurements like this but at least people didn't accuse him of putting an air pump hidden out of sight someplace in his setup.
So, this time around I fully intend on doing things the right way as we all need documentation on this technology since Meyer never allowed anyone to hook up anything to his setups for second source verification. If I do this I will be the first to ever have done so and I am fully aware of this. But for now I am forced to take a break until I can afford to purchase the things I need to keep moving forwards with this technology. Any that would like to pitch in a helping had is more than welcomed to do so as not I really need a bit of help to be able to keep up the pace. The donation link is below my name.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
I just found this quote:
After hours of discussion between ourselves, we concluded that Stanley Meyer did appear to have discovered an entirely new method for splitting water which showed few of the characteristics of classical electrolysis.
Confirmation that his devise actually do work come from his collection of granted US patents on various parts of the WFC system.
Since they were granted under Section 101 by the Us Patent Office, the hardware involved in the patents have been examined experimentally by the Us Patent office experts and their seconded experts and all the claims have been established.
"The basic WFC was subjected to three years of testing. This raises the granted patents to the level of independent, critical, scientific, and engineering confirmation that the devices actually perform as claimed."
-Stated by Dr. Keith Hindley.
What does everyone think of these words? Note, this is coming from an eye witness to Stanley Meyer's invention as he is one of the people shown in this video: [size=78%] ([/size]
Anyway I thought everyone would like to read what a "Eye Witness," had to say about this technology.
Edward Mitchell
CEO and Owner
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
Well, I'm trying to keep this technology alive and posted this video to let people see pure distilled water being broken down into it's component elements, IE, hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms with no added salts, acids, or bases to the water. [size=78%] ([/size]
This is just the 8xa circuit breaking the bonds of pure distilled water. Once I have the last few items I need that will allow me to wind up the VIC transformer I'll hopefully be able to show the WFC up and running correctly. Just know I attempted to wind the bobbin form and the wire kept getting kinked and then snapping on me. I went through more than one transformers worth of wire and if you have been following this thread you know almost nothing for this technology is cheap. I have to get some wire tensioners to fix the problem and these things are costly. But in the mean time I have the 8xa circuit that I modified and can at least show what science says is impossible.
Hydrogen as a fuel is the right way to go in phasing out the use of fossil fuels. This technology is best suited to the tasked at hand in phasing out the use of fossil fuels, but what I find interesting is most people don't know that vehicles that currently run on fossil fuels are already running on hydrogen as all this technology truly does is switch the source of that hydrogen those vehicles need. To me this is just a sign that the dumbing down of the masses has been successful.
Take care everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
What are we ACTUALLY talking about here?
Injecting a high frequency/ high voltage A/C current into the water?
There are recent patents being granted in many areas of this study.
Unfortunately Mr Meyers will have no mention (
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 24, 2022, 07:26:09 PM
What are we ACTUALLY talking about here?
Injecting a high frequency/ high voltage A/C current into the water?
Hello sm0ky2,
With this technology we the goal is to ionized everything that manages to get between the plates of the water fuel cell/capacitor or water injectors. With the blocking diode in the circuit there is no two way current, unless the diode as failed, so these two technologies can't be the same. I do know that McKane Lee has tried to re-patient the technology but I am not sure how far he got with his efforts to do so. But, I'd be willing to bet he didn't get very far as I'd be the first one on his list to make contact with telling me to
"Cease and Desist" my work on what ever part of this technology he was trying to re-patient as I have a company for him to make contact with. I know many out there wish I'd throw in the towel like all the others have done and I am sure McKane is one of them due to him being apart of Max Miller circle of friends for a while.
I was sort of talking with a scientist about this technology and he was adamant about electrolysis being the only way to go about breaking the bonds of the water molecules when using electricity to do so. We spoke for a while and in our talks he told me that something must be added to the water to make it conductive for electricity to be able to break the bonds of the water molecules, so I made that little video to show him just what this technology can do to pure distilled water having nothing added to the water to make it conductive. Unknown to him the more pure the water is the better it works with this technology as it's being used as a dielectric.
With fuel prices on the rise and people starting to wake up to the fact our fossil fuel use has messed up the atmosphere some are starting to look for a way out of this mess.
The waveform does look like an AC waveform but then again I have never seen an AC waveform increase in voltages as it is pulsed before. But as I stated due to the blocking diode in the circuit current can only flow in one direction. Both the 8xa and VIC circuits have the blocking diode in their circuits. I wish people would perform a current flow analysis like I did on this technology so that they can see for themselves just what's going on with the isolated side of the transformer. Anyway, I won't hold my breath waiting for that to happen, lol.
The only thing I wish for right now is to have all the things I need to finish this technology and that no more surprises happen that cause me to stop and save up my monies before I can proceed forwards with this technology.
Edward Mitchell
Owner (
The waveform does look like an AC waveform but then again I have never seen an AC waveform increase in voltages as it is pulsed before.
It's a reactive device with a natural response. Send a single pulse and see the natural oscillation around 0v. 60hz rectified and chopped up needs to be chopped up at the right frequency to get this synchronsm of voltage increasingly going up and down, the input voltage per pulse also increases.
Quote from: alan on October 25, 2022, 11:30:29 AM
The waveform does look like an AC waveform but then again I have never seen an AC waveform increase in voltages as it is pulsed before.
It's a reactive device with a natural response. Send a single pulse and see the natural oscillation around 0v. 60hz rectified and chopped up needs to be chopped up at the right frequency to get this synchronsm of voltage increasingly going up and down, the input voltage per pulse also increases.
Hi Alan,
In the graph each vertical line represent one square wave pulse being sent to the transformer as you get two pulses back by way of transformer action. There is Meyer's pulse doubling effect for anyone interested in knowing that.
You see you get one negative pulse and one positive pulse for every one square wave pulse sent to the transformer. Again with the blocking diode in the circuit there simply isn't going to be two way current flowing as that's not how diodes work. Basically you have two different sides of the transformer. One side is the charging side and the other is the discharging side all separated by a diode.
Meyer does try and show this but I think I am one of a very small few that understood just what he was talking about when he spoke of these drawings. Since the diode is either "On" or it's "Off" the setup is either charging or discharging and when it is at rest the voltage of the wfc will drop to the diodes switch on voltage.
But anyway I'm getting into how the technology works and really should just focus my efforts towards bringing the technology out instead. Once I get the last items I need to put everything together properly all should be a go for this technology now.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Hi Edward,
QuoteBut anyway I'm getting into how the technology works
That's especially the coils next to the 'natural ionization resembling earth's electric circuit'. :-) pulse on: rising current, polarity. pulse off: declining current in the same direction, reversed polarity
Hi Edward,
I don't think many "scientists" would argue against ionic separation of the water molecule bond.
There is also chemical water splitting, and this can even be done by superheating the water/steam.
Thank you for the clarification, i.e. this is hv pulsed (half-wave) ionization.
And yes the less contamination in the water the less ionic losses, thus only water molecules will ionize inside the chamber. if salt were added to the tank, it may be more likely to produce chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide, than hho.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 25, 2022, 06:27:28 PM
Hi Edward,
I don't think many "scientists" would argue against ionic separation of the water molecule bond.
There is also chemical water splitting, and this can even be done by superheating the water/steam.
Thank you for the clarification, i.e. this is hv pulsed (half-wave) ionization.
And yes the less contamination in the water the less ionic losses, thus only water molecules will ionize inside the chamber. if salt were added to the tank, it may be more likely to produce chlorine gas and sodium hydroxide, than hho.
Hi sm0ky2,
Oh, don't be surprised in that many scientist are fighting me on this new theory I came up with. You see this new theory answers many things that have been unknows for centuries to us and they don't want this type of credit being given to someone like me for some reason.
"All molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules." This theory seems simply on the surface but when put into use it answers many things that have been slapped with unknowns on them. You see any way that we know of in getting the electrons away from their atoms will work on breaking the bonds of the molecules. But it chemical reactions, radiation bombardment, or high voltage electric fields, plus a whole lot more. It is the pattern that I noticed that everyone else missed.
You see when I took another look at "Photosynthesis," I saw that all the plant did was to reach in and take away the electrons from the atoms to get the water molecules to fall apart. When my studies switched over to studying how thunderstorms work I found the same thing happening as far as the end steps are concerned. As the voltage potentials rise in a storm cloud it reaches the ionization threshold for atoms and at that point any molecule that gets swept up into the storm will get broken down. Though much observation I learned that thunder and lightening are not the same thing as one typically causes the other. You see when the water molecules get broken down by way of ionization you get hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms plus their creation of and electric charge. As the water is being broken down their electrons remain with the water molecules that didn't get broken down and at some point a run away reaction starts to take place where the cloud starts to discharge this electrical charge. Thunder is the result of a hydrogen and oxygen explosion taking place in the clouds, lighting is a result of the water molecules being broken down into hydrogen and oxygen in this manor. The water molecules themselves play an important role in this due to it's autoionization properties.
It was at this point I started asking questions about what other ways do we know of to get the electrons away from their atoms? Then with that question being answered the search began on finding these things taking place in nature or just in the world around us. With those nuclear reactors in Japan the high radiation levels started knocking off the electrons from the atoms of the water molecules and thus there creation of hydrogen, oxygen, and a electric charge. Once this charge had enough energy to overcome the air resistance to current flow a spark was created in the presence of hydrogen and oxygen and I think the whole world knows what happened next. I read a paper that tried to explain those building blowing up due to pressures of 7.7 bar being reached in those buildings but I already know that isn't very likely as each building had air-conditioning which would make it very unlikely to be able to pressurize the air to more than 111 psi inside of the building. They attributed the hydrogen being created to the heat of the reactor meltdown, which is partially true but they make no mention of the creation of an electric charge as they simply do not know that is happening right now.
So, which seems more likely, what I just said about how those buildings blowing their tops or what they said about what caused those buildings to blow their tops?
But my search didn't end there as I went on to look into problems that were taking place with those atom colliders in that they were having some blow outs due to the creation of hydrogen and oxygen from the dielectric they chose to use, IE, water. The intense magnetic fields were enough in some areas to rip the electrons away from their atoms and that act caused the dielectric water to be broken down into hydrogen, oxygen, and the creation of an electric charge. The exact same thing would take place. Someplace the water would start getting broken down into it's component atoms and over time the electric charge that built up as a result would gain enough energy to overcome the gases electric resistance to current flow and a spark would be created blowing out that part of the system. Now for them this was a problem that had to be designed out of the technology and they paid no attention to the fact that they just broke the bonds of the water molecules with intense magnetic fields.
This all brings me back to my point of the new theory I came up with. Any method that will get the electrons away from their atoms will work at breaking the bonds of the water molecules. You see I saw a pattern no one else saw due to my choosing to make use of the scientific method in trying to understand this technology. The simple fact of asking and answering questions lead me to understand of this relationship between atoms and their electrons in their abilities to form and disassociate molecules. This is how plants break the bonds of the water molecules without creating any heat in the process as plants use the Sun's rays to pump up the electrons to higher orbits so that the plant can catch those electrons and take it away from the atoms that make up the water molecules so that it can get the hydrogen it needs to be alive and grow. It does a similar thing to carbon dioxide in that it again found away to get at the electrons so that it could get the carbon it needs to make the many things it needs to live and grow. Interesting, huh?
As far as this technology goes I think everyone needs to understand just what a dielectric actually is. For the dielectric being used in the capacitors is water and if you put in something that will make the water conductive you just destroyed the dielectric properties of the water being use as the dielectric material. This is why the more pure the water is the better it works for this technology as water is being used as the dielectric material in the water capacitors this technology makes use of. Here are some definitions: [size=78%] ([/size]
Well, that's it for now. But as you can see I went through a lot of learning getting far more than I asked for when I went to try and understand this technology on a scientific level.
Take care,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Two problems:
1) full ionization is a well known aspect of physics. Not a new concept.
Definately predates your existence.
2) a "scientist" would be well educated in this area.
It is trivial to split water by ionization
However this generally uses significantly more energy (electrical, chemical, or nuclear) than electrolysis.
The physical mixture (in most cases) exists as a gas of ions and electrons (full ionization is when all of the electrons are freed from the molecule), which quickly recombine into water once the ionizing radiation or exciting field is removed.
In the case of chemical ionization, by consuming the electrons in a chemical reaction, once the reaction is complete the water molecules recombine by accepting electrons from the environment.
If the ionized gases are allowed to escape, this happens freely in air to form water vapor.
The main reason for this is because the ionic bond is not broken by ionization alone. There is still the strong-force ionic bond, which is not affected by the field.
Therefore a catalyst is generally used to strip one or the other of the atoms from the molecules.
There are some exceptions, and if gas (not water vapor) is collected from your device, yours may be one of these.
Without knowing the details of your set-up, i would suggest that the cathode, anode, or dielectric vessel could be serving this purpose.
The reason two compatible ions form a molecule in the first place is dur to their nucleus' charge being different by an odd multiple of the electron charge. This difference in charge is exactly the same as the bonds formed by odd + even electron shells, though much weaker. The catalyst is not consumed in the process because no bond is formed. For this reason we choose catalysts with a much greater charge (+ or -) than the half of the ion we are stripping away.
If you are using, for instance, aluminum electrodes:
(using the pauling scale or equivalent)
We would expect the hydrogen atom to be attracted to the anode.
Releasing the oxygen from solution (almost in place)
And the hydrogen to rise from the electrode.
Lead would have a propensity to attract the oxygen instead
Your next step is to measure the quantity of gas produced per Watt of electricity over the time it takes to produce said amount of gas.
From this you can know your input energy
and the BTU equivalent of gas produced.
Then simply divide the second number by two
(because of the Carnot cycle)
And compare it to the first.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 26, 2022, 02:06:56 PM
2) a "scientist" would be well educated in this area.
It is trivial to split water by ionization
However this generally uses significantly more energy (electrical, chemical, or nuclear) than electrolysis.
In general, pure water decomposes into ions in an insignificant amount, which is determined by the dissociation constant 10 ^ -7 not from the potentials on the electrodes, even without any electrodes at all. Water dissociates into ions as a result of the thermal energy of the movement of molecules.
Hello Everyone,
Interesting reading from you sm0ky2. Yes, I must figure out the efficiency of all of this but for that I must wait until I am able to wind these transformers without the wire snapping on me due to kinks in the wire for not having any wire tensioners. Once I am able to wind these transformers properly I can move to the next step. The number to beat right now is 98% efficient by the company Hysata with their capillary setup electrolyzer. Seeing that I appear to be the only one working on this technology right now that knows what they are doing once I have the transformer built I feel I should be able to beat those numbers put out by Hysata and for now I will be the only one as no one else is actively working on this technology right now other than myself as far as I can tell.
Here's the part most people don't understand. The problem has always been the bubbles sticking to the plates as these gases are none conductive and thus they block the electricity from flowing. Hysata's solution was to use a capillary system of sorts to keep the bubbles off of the plates of the electrodes. This technology's solution is to place everything in a high potential voltage field, thus also getting around the problem of bubbles sticking to the plates as this way it doesn't matter as everything between the electrodes gets ionized be it gases, water, or even ice. Someone else in Japan came up with another solution that shook the plates rapidly to get the bubbles off of the electrodes.
Now what you are talking about with "Autoionization" is partially being ionized as that's how water goes from H3O+ and OH- back and forth to H2O again. This is not that as it's just as a plant does in that it takes away both of the electrons in the water molecules from the atoms that are responsible for holding the water molecules together. Since at STP hydrogen and oxygen are gases the only way to get them to go back together again is with a spark, pressures above 7.7 bar, or high heat conditions that will cause the gases to flash. I'm not one that gets trapped in the numbers or mixes up different situations as I know exactly what's going on.
Having seen with my own two eye's just what water looks like when it is being separated by ionization I can tell the difference between normal electrolysis and this ionization method of breaking the bonds of the water molecules. When the water is broken down by way of ionization using high potential difference voltage fields the gases come off in their monatomic state and you can visually see this in the way the gas evolution looks like as it looks as if the water is boiling. The reason it looks that way is monatomic hydrogen takes up more space that diatomic hydrogen does. I'm not sure if this is the same situation for the oxygen gas atoms but I know it is for the hydrogen gas atoms. Again that is something you can see very easily and those that witnessed Meyer's cell working talked of the water appearing to be boiling. Again boiling water doesn't look like electrolysis as without those high voltage potential difference electric fields electrolysis produces diatomic molecules.
For me personally I have known of this as far back as 2009 if I remember correctly and I even spoke about this in the interview video of Gunther and myself by John Fraser at the 2013 Global BEM. Most people don't understand what I am talking about as they have too many gaps in their learning to be able to see things clearly and/or they are just not asking the right questions or paying close attention to their experiments.
Being able to build this technology correctly on your own takes a lot of money as there many machines that need to be purchased. And, I will add if the person attempting to build this technology has no idea what they are trying to do or at the very least making use of the scientific method their experiments will most of the time be just a waste of time and money. Most people that jumped in on this technology were just copying things and not thinking things thoroughly. Without the use of the scientific method their experiments had no purpose as they couldn't learn from them because they had asked no questions before hand that needed to be answered. I kept trying to tell people to make use of the scientific method but have always been ignored by the forum members in forums like these. Most of those that move to just copy what they saw about this technology just about all have thrown in the towel now. For me I knew that I couldn't move forwards without truly understanding just what this technology was doing first so I sought to understand the science behind the technology. Most of you have no idea just how many experiments I have under my belt concerning this technology as I went about learning the underlying science behind it all.
Now it's only a matter of the time it takes for me to save up enough monies and/or be donated enough monies to purchase the last remaining things I need to complete this technology.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Perhaps try an ultrasonic transducer?
The type found in 'mist' devices, toothbrushes, and jewelry cleaners
Arduino has a low cost solution as well
They require little power and may "shake" the bubbles free
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 28, 2022, 07:13:58 AM
Perhaps try an ultrasonic transducer?
The type found in 'mist' devices, toothbrushes, and jewelry cleaners
Arduino has a low cost solution as well
They require little power and may "shake" the bubbles free
Umm, that would be a "No" as this technology gets around that problem by placing everything between the electrodes in a high voltage potential difference field. A few people working on this technology discovered that when it makes bubbles in this manor those bubbles are generated right in the center between the electrodes and not on the electrodes themselves. So, as you can see with this technology the bubbles are never generated on the electrodes to begin with thus getting around that problem of the bubbles sticking to the plates in a totally different way.
The way I see it since I have put in the work of getting at the actual science behind this technology I've earned the right to understand how everything works and those whom just went about copying things did not. You have to understand that this forum here is the last remaining forum that I am allowed to post in as all the others banned me because I willing chose to make use of the scientific method and wouldn't depart from it. My findings contradicted their beliefs about this technology and since they were paying for the forums that was something they were not willing to tolerate even if they were totally wrong about what they chose to believe about this technology.
To me these parts of my life as I went about learning just how this technology actually worked are those "Hard Knocks" Meyer spoke of that anyone working on this technology would have to go through. It's the primary reason why I don't simply share what I know about this technology as they wanted me out and now they have their wish. They had much fun and took great pleasure in banning me from their online forums and now I am forcing them to sleep in the bed that they made. Does this make me bitter towards them, I think yes, but as I stated I have earned the right to know what I know as I took the time, spent the money, and did the work of making use of the scientific method on getting at the secrets behind how this technology actually works. There is a long list of people whom you can thank for me now being this way as that school of hard knocks wasn't fun to go through.
But know I still have to wait a bit as there are a few more things I need to buy before I can actually start putting this technology out and in this time that it takes me to save up the funds to get the last remaining things I need they can join in but it will be done using their own brain power as they have shown me time and time again that, "Sharing is not caring!"
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
So because a few 'controllers' banned you from their forums,
The rest of us are just hung out to dry and you'll take this to the grave like Stan did?
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 28, 2022, 12:09:21 PM
So because a few 'controllers' banned you from their forums,
The rest of us are just hung out to dry and you'll take this to the grave like Stan did?
No, as you all have access to the same patents I went over to get at the science behind the technology but apparently not the will to make use of the scientific method to attain the information you seek. Am I missing something here? Is any of this making sense to you? It's not just a "few" controllers but all but two of them by my count. Yes, just two people allowed me to share what I was finding in my experiments with everyone and Stefan Hartmann is one of them. But as I sat back thinking about just how much time and money I had spent getting at the science behind this technology it dawned on me why should I just give this to those that pushed me out of their spaces online? They surely haven't earned it correct? All the innocents you speak of sat back and did nothing for the most part while I was being crucified by these people.
As far as being hung out to dry I am attempting to actually put this technology on the market at a fare price so that most people can afford to have it, but not only that as I will make the technology safe for use also. Or did that one skip passed you? This technology has to go into mass production as it's quite expensive to build correctly with everyone building "One Offs," on their own as then most people will not be able to afford this technology. Think of it this way, what would have happened to Elon Musk if not a soul purchased a single car from him? Would Tesla inc be a thing right now? That answer is no. So, when this technology comes out if you want the world to have it you must move to support it or it will never make it into our world. This is one of the main reasons why I created a crowdfund so that people with vision of just what this technology can do for humanity can move to support it in it's early days when it's just trying to get off the ground and get started. This is just the way capitalism works as in order to get the best prices on things one must by the stuff they need to make the widgets in bulk, thus the need for this technology to go into mass production so that the prices are brought way down so that most people can afford to have it.
I've been over talks like these before and most didn't want to hear it then and I now assume they don't want to hear it now as most that are asking only care about themselves and the rest of the world be damned just as long as they get theirs. I have to move around these types of people as the world won't make it if it was up to their way of thinking. How is the world to wing itself off of fossil fuel use for transportation and power generation if the persons who get the technology only care about whom they see in the mirror every morning? These type of people are totally unwilling to give any type of support to someone who is trying to bring technologies like these into our world because they can't share in the profits that may or may not be had by this technology. These people are greedy and cling to the worst parts of capitalism as they know that they will thrive when inequality is at it's maximum. All I wish is for people like this to go to sleep and not wake up in the morning as then the world truly would be a better place for all whom remain on the planet after they are gone.
I hate to keep bringing up Elon Musk but his is the story we all know of someone bringing a dream to reality with his vision of electric cars. This technology is no different in that if no one moves to support it the world will never have it but if they do move to support it they will be put in full control of their own energy needs as that's the core of just what this technology will do for humanity besides cleaning up the atmosphere. Right now I understand just what this technology can do for humanity and my mission is to allow others to also share in this vision of just what this technology can do for the lives of the many and not the greed of the few as that latter part is what has gotten us into this mess in the first place. This is why I put my crowdfund page link at the end of my name in the hopes that some out there can see the vision of just what this technology can do for humanity and make the choice to willing move to support the one that is trying to bring this technology into our world.
In this world one person can make a difference but that person needs the support of the many behind them to be able to make that difference. I'm just one man doing what I can to bring this technology into our world and I think after me there will be no one that will willing take up the banner and/or cause of trying to get this technology into the hands of those that need it the most. Phasing out the use of fossil fuels is going to take a long time as there are more than 1.3 billion vehicles in our world that need to be converted over to using this technology and trust me that's not something that is going to happen over night.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
I can't disagree with what you have stated. The hesitation many have is they want to see this and know it works:
You give the world a fully functional prototype and you'll have more support than you can manage.
Look buddy you dont need to throw your all-mightier-than-thou attitude at me.
I get that you're disgruntled over whatever happen wherever elsewhere you were at before.
But you have come here to an open source discussion forum with vague cryptic insinuations that YOU have something 'noone else has' and toss your go fund me link on it.
What's to separate you from just another "free energy" scammer asking for money?
The fuzzy video with a tank making bubbles?
I hope you get what you're looking for.
Personally i need more to go on than you saying you're the only one that knows the 'secret'.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 29, 2022, 03:26:12 AM
Look buddy you dont need to throw your all-mightier-than-thou attitude at me.
I get that you're disgruntled over whatever happen wherever elsewhere you were at before.
But you have come here to an open source discussion forum with vague cryptic insinuations that YOU have something 'noone else has' and toss your go fund me link on it.
What's to separate you from just another "free energy" scammer asking for money?
The fuzzy video with a tank making bubbles?
I hope you get what you're looking for.
Personally i need more to go on than you saying you're the only one that knows the 'secret'.
Listen, I can remember the first time I tried to bring some standardization to this technology by making a cell for everyone at a loss to myself financially so we could better share are work together all working off of the same WFC. It was just $1k USD for this WFC and it was costing me more than that to have it made and shipped out to those that purchased it. Then I wake up one morning and find the photo I had posted was being used by Daniel Donitelli of Secure Supplies with a workable link for someone to purchase the WFC but he hadn't made any contact with me on getting the cell to send to whomever hit the buy button and spent their monies with him instead of me. So, just what did they get if they purchased the cell from him when he hadn't made any attempt to contact me to acquire this WFC? And then Russ Gries went and told everyone that I was trying to rip them off and when they moved to make a WFC for everyone the cost was more than $400 USD higher in cost and you had to put it together yourself, purchase the connection wires, connectors, and the water level float switch on your own to boot. My unit was just plug and play. Do you remember all of this? Only two people purchased the WFC from me and they are quite happy with it's construction.
I then made an upgraded WFC that held the tolerances to just ±0.0005", which is the cell I am currently using right now. This time however I wasn't selling it at a loss as I did the previous WFC and the cost was $1630 USD with free shipping for again a plug and play unit. Several people purchased that WFC from me in spite Russ Gries running around telling everyone I was trying to rip them off. Many years afterwards a lot of people contacted me to apologize to me and told me they wish they had purchased that WFC especially when there was a six resonant cavity cell being sold for just a bit less than I was charging for the ten resonant cavity WFC but you had to pay for shipping and again purchased all the things to hook it up on your own which actually made their unit cost more than the one I was selling. That was my last attempt to bring some much needed standardization to the movement so that we could all be working with the same type of apples which would have allowed us to work more effectively with one another. At the time I was a believer in Open Source as I didn't fully understand what it was all about. But now that I understand that once materials need to be purchased Open Source no longer works as that system only works for things that do not require any materials to be purchased like computer programs and things of the like. This is why you don't see many attempting to follow me in the work I am doing as in order to do so they too would have to purchase everything they have seen me purchase and the cost is just too high for them.
If Open Source actually works for things that require folks to buy materials then why hasn't anyone attempted to make one of Elon Musk EV cars as he did Open Source the information on how to make them? That reason would be the same as I just described in that to do so folks would have to purchase all the same machines he was using to assemble those cars.
As far as me having information no one else has on this technology that's an easy one to see and prove as what I showed being done at the 2013 Global BEM has never been duplicated by anyone to this very date. I think someone managed to reach 1kv to their ten cell WFC when I shown in a provable manor me applying over 4kv to the WFC. Later on I kept improving my efforts to get high voltage to the WFC and stopped sharing my results with everyone after seeing that all that did was make folks resentful of me when I reached 8.8kv of potential difference to the black WFC. But getting back to my point if I didn't know something about this technology that no one else knows then there would be others that reached these voltage levels also would they not? I don't know of anyone working on this technology that has reached the voltages I have shown being applied to the water fuel cell more than 9 years ago let alone to the voltages I am attaining being applied to the WFC right now. If there are others please point them out to me.
Again the most I have seen anyone besides me achieve is 1kv of potential difference when Meyer makes it clear that to get the WFC working each resonant cavity needs to have 1kv of potential difference and for a WFC with ten resonant cavities wired in series that means 10kv of potential difference needs to be applied to the WFC to reach the threshold for ionization. Why? Because each resonant cavity wired in series in the WFC divides the voltages among them equally is why. So, the proof is in my work comparing it to the work of others that I am doing something different than everyone else is doing as if not everyone else would be getting the same results, correct?
I know folks still love to hate on me as it's become kind of a habit for them at this point in time, but I keep things real and not venture into the world of make believe.
Now if you can point someone else besides me getting voltages levels this high being applied to their WFC that would prove me wrong in my assumption that is based on what I see others doing.
Take care,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: Dog-One on October 29, 2022, 12:27:26 AM
I can't disagree with what you have stated. The hesitation many have is they want to see this and know it works:
You give the world a fully functional prototype and you'll have more support than you can manage.
Thanks Dog-One,
Yes, I understand this very well. And just know many a time I thought I'd had purchased enough equipment to finish this transformer correctly to only find that I needed to buy something else after attempting to make it failed. I had no idea these wire tensioners cost so much but I know that I have to get some if I am going to be able to make the transformer as designed using the coil winding machine I recently purchased. At first I was winding up these transformers by hand to only find out that the inconsistent winds in the transformer would cause weak spots for the transformer to fail. That took quite a few years to figure out. Then the cost to make the bobbins for these transformers were seriously prohibitive but along came a technology that allowed me to cut out those costly middle men and I purchased that machine. This saved me a tone of cash as I went from paying $3k USD for a bobbin set to now paying only around $15-25 USD for a bobbin set. Plus the time it now takes me to get a bobbin set made is now in hours and not months as before as I had to wait in line when going to the machine shops to have these bobbins made.
As I wait to save up the funds I need to purchase, hopefully, the last things I need to be able to build this technology correctly. It gives everyone else wanting in on this technology a chance to catch up. But just whom should I show a working prototype too exactly? In this forum I have already shown what it looks like when water is being broken down by way of ionization but on a small scale and no one is excited by what was shown even though it is something they have never seen before. So, again comes the question of just whom should this technology be shown too? In this area I have to tread carefully as all that did so wrongfully didn't try and fail as they tried and died.
Just know I have a plan that I am following that should allow me to live to tell the tale when all is said and done about this technology. If what I have shown in this forum isn't enough for folks then I request that they set up to the plate and take a swing at this. As from my point of view there are supporters of this technology and those that sit around doing nothing expecting the world to change in a dream state of mind. Like I said phasing out the use of fossil fuels is going to be a monumental task as folks have no idea just how many vehicles there are that need to be converted over to this technology in order to phase out the use of fossil fuels. The number I gave of 1.3 billion is only for cars on the roadways and not everything else that is currently powered by fossil fuels that also need to be converted.
I find that people that generally come to forums like these don't think in such large numbers like these as they tend to be self centered and self serving. The reason why I think this way of them is due to their actions taken against me when I attempted to bring standardization to this technology. But I also think this way of them due to how they responded to each and every advancement I'd show as I learned the do's and don'ts of this technology by way of trail and error testing making use of the scientific method. I can still read in this thread some folks telling me to take this scientific method and shove it. This school of hard knocks Meyer spoke about really does knock one around a bit. Again the way I see things when it comes to supporting or not supporting this technology is without support this technology hasn't a snowballs chance in hell.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
If I had such an apparatus that produces hydrogen cheaply, I would organize a sale hydrogen to everyone. But I don't have it yet. I tried a lot, nothing worked. Yes, there are a lot of business ideas, you can inflate balloons. :) We did it in childhood and a little later. I only used aluminum, copper sulfate and sodium chloride for this. But if I had such a device, I would have earned a lot of money.
No, no, I know what I would do! 8) Have you read Jules Verne's Five Weeks in a Balloon?
I would have an almost perpetual source of hydrogen to replenish the balloon.
There are plenty of people, if given a valid parts-list, and adequate instructions, would create verifiable replications of any working technology. (And often we do this with technologies that don't actually work)
I can make a video showing my ionization chamber producing gas, and ionizations so great in magnitude the cathode emits green laser light.
But i don't make any claims about what i dont know,
Nor would i charge anyone for the information, should they want to construct one.
Sure, you want to recover your costs and be reimbursed for your work in building these things.
And, sure why not make a little profit for your efforts.
But at what point do we cross that line, and begin participating in the very economic factors we are trying to free ourselves from? And how does doing so affect the overall costs of the devices?
And at what point does this innovative ground-breaking technology par even with oil, coal, nuclear, gas, solar, wind, etc?
Do you understand why these technologies balance on an economic scale?
Do you understand what it is we are working towards?
What good is a hydrogen car that costs just as much to fuel as a gas or electric?
Theres a whole other side of this technology (and all hydrogen ICE's, many of which i have worked on),
that you havent even begun to address. So at this point i assume you don't have a running engine.
And only an electrolysis chamber (or ionic separation device).
One that you have admittedly NOT measured.
So what then are we donating to?
Hello Everyone,
sm0ky2 all I see is after 3641 post on this forum you still have no idea how this technology works in practice. There will be no need to store hydrogen as the water is being broken down in real time at the point of use. Depending on which part of this technology I move towards there will be a small need to store hydrogen or no need and with each method the only thing that will be in the primary fuel tank will be water. I really doesn't matter where one gets the water just as long as it isn't too salty to the point of making it so this technology doesn't work. I am pretty sure that no government around the world will have some sort of police force or army running around telling people to not get any water from the near by creek, river, ocean beach, or telling folks to put those buckets of water down when it rains. Or do you think people will get a serious fine if they get caught filling their car while out watering their garden or lawn?
You see with this technology there is no need for a filling station as you all have grown accustom too today. There is no need to separate the hydrogen from the oxygen and store the hydrogen under extreme pressures. So, Kolbacict while I find that photo amusing it's just plain wrong as I will not be selling folks hydrogen gas but devices that produce the hydrogen they need to run their vehicles down the road with nothing but water in their tanks for fuel.
Now you know just what is the future you will be donating too if you so choose to donate to the cause. A future where the individual will be put in full control of their own energy needs. No more filling stations, no more paying for electricity, and if done correctly they all will be cleaning the air when they operate their vehicles or running their gensets to power their homes or businesses with this technology. That's the future you will be donating towards having. A future free from the energy enslavement system we are all trapped in right now. This is why this technology is so hated by those that sell energy as essentially they will be put out of business and the bigger they are the harder they will fall.
As for making a video showing this technology working or finding a video of someone else putting high voltage potential differences to a water capacitor sm0ky2 if you could do so or find a video you would have done so already just to shut me up. You see this isn't the first time I asked everyone to show me a video of someone else getting these same results as I am getting, plus I too am on constant look out for someone else getting the same results as I am getting with this technology. There is one person but you don't know of him and I'm not going to post his video here for all of you to warn those that sell energy for a living to go and take the guy out.
But as far as the market rules go sm0ky2 I understand how that works as in order to get the prices down for everyone I have to buy the martials in bulk and move into mass production with this technology. This is a really big upfront cost to purchase all the machines needed, train a workforce, and process the raw materials into this technology, and then have the technology installed and/or implemented wherever it is needed. For now it's going to be done on a small scale as that's what I can afford but if the technology finds willing buyers the company will grow over time. Will it grow at the rate we need it too to stop global warming? I don't think so as that is something we are just going to have to try and live through as the damage is already done.
I hope this answers your questions but if not then so be it as it's not about you but the entire planet. This is the future I see in my visions, one that is free of the energy enslavement systems we are living with right now. That's my vision and the dream I am fighting to bring in to reality. A world where my children no longer have to pay for their energy needs. And it's all made possible thanks to the many properties of water.
Edward Mitchell
Owner True Green Solutions (
I have ran internal combustion engines on hydrogen on a bench
Using other designs.
And yes, while i do not pretend to know the secrets of stan meyer, that millions of researchers have been chasing all of my natural life, with no prevail, i do have an interest in the subject, as it was reported to have been a self-sustaining process. (To me that seemed to imply that the alternator (or dynamo) was able to operate the gas production.
Out of all of the h20-to-hho/H2+o2/etc generators i have seen thus far,
Very few are said to take place with less than 50% of the carnot output,
and simultaneously operate on (nearly) pure water.
The most promising of which involves ionizing the water in vapor form.
Nothing you are doing is not unavailable in industry proven form, except the mysterious 'secret' stan never really clarified.
What has been / can be deciphered from the patents has not been successfully replicated in a transparent scientific manner to be studied.
That is what is required for verification and replication.
You make the thing work, and show others how to do so,
This device will be everywhere almost overnight.
if what you claim is true, and you ate truly the 'only one' that understands this knowledge:
Then you stand upon the precipice, at the greatest tipping point in the history of our generation.
Wether this is given freely like the Joule Thief, or you become the next Monsanto.....
Stan tried to give this away but he didnt have the power.
We now have that power. If you don't want to give it away, i suppose that is yours to keep.
And in such a case, i would recommend changing the original design at least 15% different from the original patent, before you apply for your own patent.
And if I had such an apparatus, it would be possible to make an ever-flying ball, and I would fly away from here, where I am now. And I would not pray yours, and no one at all, because you only mock and exalt your superiority. Since the hydrogen is volatile and leaves the balloon, the amount must be replenished. As well as to control the rise and fall. Jules Verne described it in detail. But he did not have such a setup. He had a conventional electrolyzer. And galvanic batteries. We now understand that this is his mistake. After all, he lived in the 19th century. I don't have that device either.
Hello Everyone,
Now is a good time for some clarity as everyone making use of fossil fuels to power their vehicles be it in the air, on the land, and floating in the waters are all running their machines on hydrogen. I find this dumbing down of society troubling seeing people don't seem to understand just what is actually burning when fossil fuels are used in their vehicles. So, sm0ky2 to say that you ran an engine on hydrogen isn't something new at all since all engines built today are run using hydrogen. There is no mystery to this if one is well learned in science.
As for Meyer trying to give this technology away that's an outright lie as the man did all he could to hide the technology in plain site from everyone so that no one would steal his work from him as he attempted to move forwards with his plans to phase out the use of fossil fuels. Meyer was a business man and had no intention of giving this technology away. This is the primary reason why no one reading his patents or studying his work exclusively have been able to get this technology up and running. In my studies I had to stop listening to him and proceed with what the experiments were showing me as I made use of the scientific method because they where heading in two different directions. This is why when I speak of this technology I sound very different than Meyer did when he spoke of this technology. You see I'm not making up any words that only mean something to me as Meyer did. I have shown exactly how this technology works scientifically in this thread and even shared with all of you a brand new theory that will one day be added to the books of science when this is all said and done.
Thus if you all have been paying attention you already know that I have shared how this technology works on a scientific level but just failed to talk about how to go about doing so. The most direct comparison of this technology and nature was shown by me when I posted the VIC diagram next to the diagram of the earth's Global Electric Circuit. And if memory servers me correctly I was basically told by many in this forum that I was full of sh@#! I also went out of my way to show just how a plant goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules and how that relates to this technology in this thread but again no one seems to be able to comprehend any of this which to me suggest that the dumbing down of society by the Elite has been a great success. It's sad but most of you to me seem as smart as a bag of rocks. The only true thing that has kept me at bay is the fact that I am poor and thus it takes me a great deal of time to save up enough funds to purchase the many things needed to get this technology built properly and up and running.
In this thread you all got a chance to see me get this technology working properly only to get too excited and break the working prototype I had made. It was just a little three resonant cavity WFC I had built, but at the time I hadn't uncovered exactly how this technology worked and subsequently was lead away from a working model by others that I trusted whom gave me some really bad advice when I went to build another WFC and I implemented into my designs. It took me several years to figure those mistakes out but in the end I did overcome all of that, but this time I had a much greater understanding of how this technology worked and thus can no longer be talked out of it anymore.
When it comes to the process would all of you agree that Nature goes about doing things a whole lot more efficiently that man does? This method of water separation allows enough energy left over so that plants have become the largest living things on the planet and the most long lived. At the heart of all life on this planet is hydrogen as without it it seems there would be no life on this planet. So, looking to nature to teach us how to properly make use of hydrogen is the right way to go, yes? That theory that I shared with everyone on this forum shows how nature goes about breaking the bonds of molecules. But since that information comes from someone you have been trained to look down upon, IE, the poor, Negros, or anything else you want to toss in the mix the information that was given freely is treated as if someone gave you a bag of trash to be taken out to the dump.
Even where there is no sunlight life has a way of getting the hydrogen it needs to survive and thrive next to thermal vents on the ocean floor, or in caves that never see the light of day. It's always been hydrogen at the core powering life as we know it. Sometimes I get the distinct feeling that I am the only one that sees all of this though I know there should be others out there that see this also. But I wonder what are the odds? One in every 500k or perhaps one in a million or even 10 million? I don't have an answer for that, but I can tell you how lonely it feels.
I really don't like your attempts to compare me to and evil company as Monsanto but I think you know you did that for a reason as to sway people's thoughts about me along with the actions of that evil company running around poisoning the food supply. You do so just because I point you all in the direction of the patents so that you too can learn how to get this technology up and running correctly on your own. And if you can't then you can simply sit back and wait until True Green Solutions is large enough or has made some deals with other companies that will allow this technology to be purchased by you in the future. This is what makes you angry at me in that I appear to be holding something back from all of you forcing you to give me your support if you truly wish to have this technology to be apart of a brighter future for you and your loved ones. Plus you all know that what I said was 100% true in that the patents are out in the public domain for all to go through and try and duplicate for themselves. Or do you compare me to Monsanto so that you can justify your piss poor treatment of me in your own eyes so that you can sleep better at night? Whatever the reason trust me I can see why out of all the many companies around the world you chose that evil company to compare me to as in your self severing mind me saying no to you makes me evil too.
In any event everyone that understands that they can't get this technology up and running on their own has to wait until I can afford to buy the last remaining things I need and hope that nothing new pops up after I purchase them that needs to be brought too. Again, don't let me stand in your way of getting this technology up and running from the information found in the patents and other online sources. But I say to you just as you didn't build the car you are driving and went out and purchased one because it was more cost effective to do so the same will be true if I am able to get this technology into mass production. I will try my best to keep the cost down as I know what good is this technology if no one can afford to have it?! Again my past should allow you to see that I am the best man suited for the tasked at hand as those that called me a crook back in the day were the ones ripping people off as they didn't like me coming in upsetting the game they had going.
Shalom All,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: kolbacict on October 30, 2022, 01:19:21 PM
And if I had such an apparatus, it would be possible to make an ever-flying ball, and I would fly away from here, where I am now. And I would not pray yours, and no one at all, because you only mock and exalt your superiority. Since the hydrogen is volatile and leaves the balloon, the amount must be replenished. As well as to control the rise and fall. Jules Verne described it in detail. But he did not have such a setup. He had a conventional electrolyzer. And galvanic batteries. We now understand that this is his mistake. After all, he lived in the 19th century. I don't have that device either.
Hi kolbacict,
I have never read the book and have no intention of doing so in the near future. Perhaps one day I'll give it a read but for now I have more pressing things to attend too. With this technology the water is only barrowed as it is not destroyed in the process as it is broken down is real time and turned back into water using methods mother nature uses each and every day in our world to give things life.
With this technology I guess it's similar to that old fable of giving a man a fish and teaching him how to fish. As I could move in the direction industry wants me to go in and separate the hydrogen from the oxygen and then sell everyone the hydrogen as they are working really hard at doing, but I choose not too. Why? This energy enslavement system has to come to and end and this technology doesn't give people a bottle of hydrogen as it allows them to make the hydrogen they need on their own.
Putting people in full control of their own energy needs has always been my plan,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
If you're claiming your technology utilizes photovoltaic ionization through a magnesium crystal i'd say you're full of $417 too.
And to say "every engine made today in running hydrogen" is hogwash.
A few major manufacturers have experimented with them, but theres really only a very small number actually on the road in any real capacity. Even the concept cars had difficulties which were never truly addressed.
You have yet to address any of the main concerns with the operation of a hydrogen ICE.
Making the fuel is only a fraction of the problem.
If not done properly, a hydrogen ICE can create just as much emissions pollution as a gasoline vehicle.
Among several other problems that would prevent you from actually achieving this goal.
When you reach that stage of development, perhaps you will require someone to be more forthcoming than yourself has been.
There are 2 basic reasons (i think) this technology may have something useful:
1) Science declaring something as "impossible" has no real meaning.
Impossibility cannot be scientifically proven, we can only prove that which IS possible.
It was also impossible for Stan to have invented, written, and submitted 20-30 patents every single day, non-stop for decades. However this fact is not contested - he did the impossible all the time.
Given the broad spectrum of types of electrolyzers and great range of performances, which are still ever expanding today, i would venture to say that we do not have all of the knowledge about all of the ways to split water, nor how much energy is the minimum necessary to do this.
2) The math is clearly Incorrect when analyzing electrolysis and the Hydrogen-Carnot cycle. Physics needs to update their equations. Quantitatively the exchange of heat energy alone proves this.
Qualitatively, our systems fall short of the capacity to realize most of the energy of Hho as an ICE fuel.
Therefore sustainability still remains a large unknown.
When phase-change energy is also considered, the implications we are presented with are thermodynamically violative. (At least by current understanding)
And I would have made an airship better if I had such an apparatus.
A hot air balloon can fly over the borders of states.
And it's impossible to do it in a car.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on October 31, 2022, 03:30:10 AM
If you're claiming your technology utilizes photovoltaic ionization through a magnesium crystal i'd say you're full of $417 too.
And to say "every engine made today in running hydrogen" is hogwash.
A few major manufacturers have experimented with them, but theres really only a very small number actually on the road in any real capacity. Even the concept cars had difficulties which were never truly addressed.
You have yet to address any of the main concerns with the operation of a hydrogen ICE.
Making the fuel is only a fraction of the problem.
If not done properly, a hydrogen ICE can create just as much emissions pollution as a gasoline vehicle.
Among several other problems that would prevent you from actually achieving this goal.
When you reach that stage of development, perhaps you will require someone to be more forthcoming than yourself has been.
Approximately 1.3 billion cars are on the road ways using fossil fuels as their primary source of fuel. The three largest fossil fuels in use are gasoline, diesel, and natural gas. When these fuels are ignited in the presence of oxygen it is the hydrogen that is burning in all of these fuels. What slows down their burn rates in comparison to pure H2 is the chemical bonds that must be broken down in order for the hydrogen to react with the oxygen atoms. And you say this is "Hogwash." Do you not know just what is actually burning when these fossil fuels are used in ICE vehicles? So, it's the hydrogen that is powering all 1.3 billion cars, yes? The carbon in the fossil fuels is not the element that is burning, correct?
Now what this technology does is to allow all of these vehicles to get the hydrogen they need from a different source, IE, ordinary none processed natural water. The vehicles Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) system needs to be redone so that the exhaust gases are meter mixed into the intake system to add in enough things that do not support the combustion process to co-equal the burn rate of the fossil fuels this technology will be replacing. So, I'd have to make a new type of EGR valve that is electronically controlled to keep the burn rate constant in these ICE vehicles. Doing this also drastically reduces the NOx gas emissions and to make it so the vehicles actually clean the air as they are operated I'd have to add in a small water misting system to the vehicles. As you can see being a mechanic for this many years gives me an edge in that I know exactly what needs to be done to convert all of these vehicles over to using this technology which allows them to get the hydrogen they need from a difference source. You see I understand it's the hydrogen we are after as that's what's actually burning to power all of these vehicles. So, my statement was 100% correct, yes? This is what I meant when I stated that to me a lot of people seem to be as smart as a bag of rocks due to no fault of their own as they are just victims of the Elite's dumbing down plans that have been very successful with their mission. Somehow I managed to slip through the cracks of their system put in place designed to dumb down the worlds populations so that they can better control them.
Plants do not generate a lot of waste heat when they break the bonds of the water molecules and some plants generate no heat at all. Read this article: [size=78%] ([/size]
It's the manor in which these plants use to break the bonds of the water molecules that does so without causing a lot of waste heat to be generated. In my studies I uncovered just what is actually being done by these plants as they go about their daily lives breaking the bonds of the water molecules to make the sugars it needs to stay alive and grow. I have went over this science many times in this thread and even provided some videos for folks to learn from. This was my first clue in learning just how to go about breaking the bonds of the water molecules efficiently as nature does. It's the act of taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the water molecules that causes the water molecules to fall apart. The part that I'm adding to the books of science is learning that it doesn't mater how those electrons are taken away from their atoms as the result of doing so is always the same. This technology uses high voltage potential difference electrical fields to get the electrons away from their atoms and in comparison the technology mimics the earth's Global Electric Circuit. It's not well known that thunderstorms break the bonds of the water molecules as people assume that lightening and thunder are one and the same and trust me they are not. That thunder you hear and feel shaking the very ground you walk on is the result of a hydrogen and oxygen explosion taking place in the clouds. Lightening is caused by the byproduct of breaking the bonds of the water molecules in this fashion as the electrons remain with the water that didn't get broken down into hydrogen and oxygen. This process of water separation builds up a charge in the storm system and once it's has enough energy to overcome the air's resistance to current flow lightening is produced.
Once I understood just what was taking place to break the bonds of the water molecules I started asking and answering a lot of very different questions than anyone before me ever did. This is why when I talk about this technology I sound very different than Meyer did as Meyer didn't understand these concepts. Perhaps if he was given more time he would have figured all of this out but he was not given anymore time. Meyer would always say, "One must ask the right questions," and I will add to that in saying, "One must ask and answer the right questions," as what good does it do to just ask questions waiting for someone else to come along and answer them for you?
Most of the science behind this technology is posted in this thread but there is no guaranty that any one of you will fully understand it as a lot of times that means you have to walk down the very same paths I did to gain an understanding of this technology and most never get to the point of actually building anything to test and learn from. But as you can see my mechanical experience allows me to know just how to go about implementing this technology into the vehicles we use today.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
seriously that image is what I like to see. It's a free show everyone should take the time to go see, and the show even comes to you!
Free of charge ..... or full of charge ?
Quote from: massive on October 31, 2022, 04:55:12 PM
seriously that image is what I like to see. It's a free show everyone should take the time to go see, and the show even comes to you!
Free of charge ..... or full of charge ?
Well put massive,
A few people took the time to listen to me and took another look at a thunderstorm in progress to see if what I was saying about thunder and lightening not being the same thing and learned the truth for themselves just by carefully observing nature's sparky boom show. The main lesson to learn from taking the time to observe a thunderstorm for yourselves is understanding that those science guys don't always get it right. So, you all need to stop being so lazy and start asking and answering questions for yourselves and allow yourselves the freedom to observe things around you with your own senses.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Tell me if this statement meets the required conditions:
Tank of water (with conductive plates in either side) acts as a Capacitor.
Who's value can be used to establish an LRC circuit.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on November 01, 2022, 06:56:31 PM
Tell me if this statement meets the required conditions:
Tank of water (with conductive plates in either side) acts as a Capacitor.
Who's value can be used to establish an LRC circuit.
Hey sm0ky2,
With this technology there really isn't a set resonant frequency as the capacitor is variable. As it produces gases those gases displace the dielectric and the amount of gases it produces by raising or lowering the voltage the less/more dielectric there will be between the plates of the capacitor. This is why it was so important to standardize our efforts back in the day when I offered everyone a cell so that we could all do so. But the offer was rejected and I was basically forced to go it alone. Since I had built more than one WFC I was able to figure out over time what happens to the capacitance as the WFC starts producing gases. Since this technology doesn't use a variable inductor the setup must be constantly tuned so that the system remains in resonance as the voltages are raised and lowered, which is why Meyer made use of a PLL circuit.
Plus the weather, or any heat source, can change the capacitance of the cell for water's dielectric constant is temperature dependent. When we were all using cells with different spacings between the electrodes and different electrode counts it made it next to impossible for us to work together effectively. There are so many things to consider when dealing with this technology that lets me know that it had to be the creator above that allowed me to understand this technology. Meyer never spoke of this WFC being a variable capacitor did he? but I find that he did hint at it.
But it is a good question to ask. Just know there are many variables that effect the resonant frequency.
Question everything and don't forget to answer your own questions,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
What about a spark-gap voltage regulator, like those used by Tesla, Morrey...
(the second example uses tubes which can have a short lifespan when we get to doing this stuff)
What voltage? Well it can only be one.
And that is the breakdown voltage of H2O across the gap distance, which is the linear distance between the 2 plates.
Calculate this gap voltage value using the air constant instead, and you have the length of the gap (approximately) through air.
This should hold true regardless of the volume of water.
Next, use the spark gap as your trigger for the driver, dial back the phase a bit and you should be good to go
There is an inherent problem with this, in that air itself, and even the inert gasses inside most tubes, eventually will ionize, and lower the spark-gap voltage.
In a car, thats simple just open it to the breeze.
Stationary, you could use a small fan, for tubes the only real solution is to monitor the cathode temperature and use a switching circuit to use another tube while that one cools down.
There are other tricks but they dont really work well.
Just blow your tubes.
For a solid-state solution: you can make a 'transistor' from the mica-gap in a laser pen.
May be more reliable and consistent (reseal it after you set the gap)
Hi sm0ky2,
I'll stick with how Meyer did things making use of square wave pulses as there is a reason why he chose to use square waves. I'm not able to calculate the ionization threshold between the plates in water so I make guesstimates as best I can with the information I have on hand and my experience building cells with different plate spacings. I'm getting fairly good at it now coming within ± 350 volts of the threshold for ionization.
When I posted these drawing it was to show just how this technology actually goes about limiting the current as it's a balanced waveform that limits the most current in the system. And no it is not an AC waveform even though it may look like one at first glance.
As for sharing this is more or less as far as I go as I'm not about to allow people to simply copy what I am doing having put in no time, money, and effort in solving this technology on their own.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
For pure water (deionized or distilled):
65-70 Volts per Micron
Welcome to the engineering tradeoff...
With a capacitor, the closer the plates, the higher the capacity. Not good, since higher capacity requires more energy to raise the voltage. Plates further apart gives us lower capacity, but it also thickens the dielectric making it more difficult to create a situation of dielectric breakdown. So there's a sweet spot in there some place where the capacity can be overcome AND the dielectric can be forced to break down. Pretty sure Ed knows where this ballpark is AND he knows there is a reason behind having asymmetrical plates. i.e. one plate will have a compression of charge carriers and the dielectric breakdown will initiate there. Because scale is critical, you either have something that works or you do not, too big or too small won't cut it. And when you have something outside the window, you have to know which way you went wrong to get back inside. I think Ed has this pretty much worked out. I just wish I could get him to assemble a complete genset prototype that truly runs on water, perpetually until the engine bearings and rings wash out. And yes, most engines still require lubricant unless you can afford to have an engine plasma polished. In the meantime, a genset that will run for six months on water is still double plus good in my books. I can use that, right now, today. And I'll support anyone that can deliver such an item with expected performance, cost not an obstacle. So yeah, help me light a fire under Ed's buns and see if we can get him to focus on this. As a mechanic, I know he can find a way. He just needs to be a little more grassroots and not worry so much about saving the world--that may already be a lost cause. If Ed can help out a few dozen households make it through a cold Winter, he's a champion in my eyes. He wouldn't even have to give away all the secrets, just ship a box of partially assembled components that a purchaser could do final assembly with and away you go.
Hello Dog-One,
If you read through my crowdfund you will see I am trying to raise funds to make 50 10kw gen-sets running on this technology. There are rules that I have to follow as I can't just send someone something that needs to be put together when if done incorrectly can result in injury or death. As a company I have to follow the safety rules any other company has to follow. Thus I have to hire people that are licensed to work on home and business electrical systems. I must comply with the laws of the land or the company will be fined, or sued, or shut down for unsafe business practices. I will more than likely need to be UL tested or by some other standards test measuring entity and trust me those test aren't cheap.
This also goes for any vehicle conversion kits as that too must be UL tested as again if something were to go wrong and it's determined that it was my kit that resulted in someone's injury or death my company can be held liable for that. This is what I meant when I said this technology must be made safe for use. Most reading this have no idea just what it takes to sell something to the general public as far as the rules and liabilities go. Heck, even I don't know all of the rules. This is why the units I sold before went out the door as plug and play units no assembly required as the liability laws kinda suck. If someone purchased one of those units from another vendor and it wasn't assembled properly and leaked hydrogen into the cab or something and it then got ignited the company that sold it to them will more than likely be found at fault even though the individual made a mistake in assembling it. There are a lot of rules when dealing with flammable products.
The safest method seems to be the water fuel injectors but that requires some expensive machines to be able to make them. Plus don't forget Meyer never got them to actually work so not only would I someone have to build them they would also have to figure out what Meyer did wrong and solve the problem.
As for knowing what space gap to use a lot of things come into play that I am sure no one is thinking of as some of it was a surprise to even me when I found out the hard way by building it, watching it fail, and then breaking it all apart to try and figure out why it failed. When you think of this as a business you don't want to sell someone something and it only last for a month and they have to buy a new one, you know that I mean? It has to be built to last just as good as the things it will be replacing or better. From my perspective only the "Greedy" ask me for a full set of plans and instructions on this technology as to go into business with this technology one must know just how this technology actually works or you more than likely will cause someone harm or sell a product that only last for a week before it starts having problems as they more than likely wouldn't bother with any longevity testing in the field. This is the folly of the greedy as their mind is only focused on one thing, getting that money.
I hope to make you proud one day though as I am trying to do this the right way doting all the "i's" and crossing all the "t's."
Take care,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
If your looking for UL certification or CE to sell in Europe you may need your device EMI/EMC tested also. Aside from premature failure you don't want it to interfere with other devices nearby. Maybe not a big deal if it cause interference on a Radio. But if it causes a nearby medical device to fail then your in deep trouble. Besides emissions testing they test its withstand voltage where they zap it with thousands of volts to see if it malfunctions. You also have IP ratings that designate what environment it can safely work in. For instance IP 65 rating might be sealed enough to use outdoors where it would get rained on.
Like you said there's a myriad of things to consider when you sell to the public. If you've already considered the testing I would be interested to know what you learned.
Quote from: h20power on November 02, 2022, 03:03:50 PM
If you read through my crowdfund you will see I am trying to raise funds to make 50 10kw gen-sets running on this technology.
My bad. I missed that last entry with the generators. Hope I'm the only one that did.
Keep at it Ed. Do what you can to get that prototype model running and amend your gofundme page to show it in operation. The funds you need for the rest will follow rather quickly. Chet may even kick-in $10K himself--he loves that water stuff. ;) Heck, I'll even sell my two gasoline generators and make a donation (provided the Holcomb project doesn't pan out).
So I have to ask, how are you going to decide who gets the first 50 units? And after those are claimed, what's the plan for the next 50? Any chance you would be willing to license distributors to help with volume? Where I currently live, I'm certain I can find 30 customers in one week willing to buy a finished unit.
BTW, I've been tinkering with various exhaust sound suppression systems (mufflers) that would make these units amenable to running around the clock. I would guess with the exhaust gas recirculation you would need to use anyway, these can be made to run pretty darn silent--at least as good as any common residential emergency power unit.
Quote from: kajunbee on November 02, 2022, 08:13:49 PM
If your looking for UL certification or CE to sell in Europe you may need your device EMI/EMC tested also. Aside from premature failure you don't want it to interfere with other devices nearby. Maybe not a big deal if it cause interference on a Radio. But if it causes a nearby medical device to fail then your in deep trouble. Besides emissions testing they test its withstand voltage where they zap it with thousands of volts to see if it malfunctions. You also have IP ratings that designate what environment it can safely work in. For instance IP 65 rating might be sealed enough to use outdoors where it would get rained on.
Like you said there's a myriad of things to consider when you sell to the public. If you've already considered the testing I would be interested to know what you learned. ( (
Hello kajunbee,
You hit on a lot of things I haven't yet needed to get too, but I will have to get to those test in the future as I proceed forwards with this technology. As you can all see folks to put out a technology such as this there is a lot of things you all simply aren't thinking about right now. To make the technology safe for use has a lot of things that you will be required pass as you legalize the technology and get it safety approved. I have much to learn and a lot of money to save or raised or both to pay for all of this. Thanks for your post as it should get people thinking in the right direction about just what goes into trying to sell something to the general public especially if there is something explosive involved in the process.
For what I started off selling, which was the water fuel cell (WFC), all I had to worry about was making sure the unit was put together by me and thus take out of the equation individual error of the buyers of those WFC's. I even pressure tested each of them to make sure they could contain the hydrogen gases and not leak it into the surrounding area. They were all tested make sure they were all water tight and air tight and that the float switches actually worked. Plus each unit came with a circulation system so that the water could be filtered or kept warm or both and a drain plug so that any contaminates that got into the system could be drained out. I went out of my way to make a quality product and it's a shame that those that rose against me where successful in bringing me down in getting the people to believe I was trying to rip them off which out ever giving the product I was selling an actual chance. I won't be selling anything like that again as I will be selling complete units or nothing at all.
It has taken me a long time to get to where I am at today with my understanding of this technology. And it appears I have much more to learn as I go about trying to bring this technology into our world to that we all can have it. For me putting individuals in full control of their own energy needs has always been the primary goal.
Again thanks for the post with links as it gives me more to think about and plan for,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: Dog-One on November 02, 2022, 10:50:48 PM
My bad. I missed that last entry with the generators. Hope I'm the only one that did.
Keep at it Ed. Do what you can to get that prototype model running and amend your gofundme page to show it in operation. The funds you need for the rest will follow rather quickly. Chet may even kick-in $10K himself--he loves that water stuff. ;) Heck, I'll even sell my two gasoline generators and make a donation (provided the Holcomb project doesn't pan out).
So I have to ask, how are you going to decide who gets the first 50 units? And after those are claimed, what's the plan for the next 50? Any chance you would be willing to license distributors to help with volume? Where I currently live, I'm certain I can find 30 customers in one week willing to buy a finished unit.
BTW, I've been tinkering with various exhaust sound suppression systems (mufflers) that would make these units amenable to running around the clock. I would guess with the exhaust gas recirculation you would need to use anyway, these can be made to run pretty darn silent--at least as good as any common residential emergency power unit.
Hi Dog-One,
I would suggest that the generators are put to use with stand alone battery systems that the generator would responsible for charging that could support some solar also. The photo below shows how the generator should be used as basically the entire system will be replacing the grid power tie systems. It's done this way so that the unit can last a long time as no unit like this is meant to be operated 24/7 but intermittently. As for whom would be getting the these units? I have no idea as of yet as I am so far away from this goal as the crowdfund is far from being a success.
But yeah, that's the plan in that when I get the prototype up and running to put that video on my crowdfund so that people can see the technology working. I posted a video showing just what the bubbles look like when this technology reaches the ionization threshold as it does appear as if the technology is boiling the water as professor Paul Czysz stated in the, "It Runs on Water" video ( I find however in forums like these most are unimpressed with these types of things as they just want the technology for themselves at all cost and if that means they must put me down in order to get it that's exactly what it appears they have been trying to do to get it. The good news is I am not the only one that is having success with this technology but the other person has dropped out of all of this due to the high cost involved. So, for right now it's only me that is making an effort to bring this technology to the marketplace.
When it comes to the genset I think the exhaust should be filtered and the water vapor condensed back into water to be put back into the tank. Now I know it wont be able to get 100% of the water but anything it can get will help in conserving water. That should also make the gensets really quite. I have a lot to do if the crowdfund is a success as I have to put together a good team of folks, train them up, and start with installs, sales, and marketing, and get them out to any home that wants one. I hope to be able to complete all of these plans in my lifetime as I am starting to get old now. A world run by hydrogen sounds like a good world to live in to me.
I'll keep at it as long as I am able. Cheers,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
We have to take a moment to pet the elephant.
If the the system produces hho using less energy than the than 50% Carnot output of an ICE,
We can safely connect it directly to an electric hho fuel cell and power an infinite circuit.
No engine needed.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on November 03, 2022, 03:34:15 PM
We have to take a moment to pet the elephant.
If the the system produces hho using less energy than the than 50% Carnot output of an ICE,
We can safely connect it directly to an electric hho fuel cell and power an infinite circuit.
No engine needed.
If thermodynamics allows the operation of the pair "Meyer-Mitchel electrolyzer" - the fuel cell how over-unity device,Is it possible to exclude unnecessary elements from this scheme ?
These elements, tubes, hoses, wires, two containers, one for the electrolyzer, the second for the fuel cell. Well, you got me. :)
We have a wonderful device in which electricity is immediately obtained from clean water.
Such things are known in nature, for example, the electric organs of Stingray.
But in this case, the fish uses "fuel".
Would you please PM me, thanks.
Quote from: sm0ky2 on November 03, 2022, 03:34:15 PM
We have to take a moment to pet the elephant.
If the the system produces hho using less energy than the than 50% Carnot output of an ICE,
We can safely connect it directly to an electric hho fuel cell and power an infinite circuit.
No engine needed.
To me this post is being disrespectful and let me explain why. I have already laid out exactly where I am headed with this technology on my crowdfund page and even just in general on this forum. Don't treat me like I am Russ Gries whom has been so willing to jump ship onto a different technology when he ran out of things to build. If you wish to head in this "electron extraction" direction by all means don't let me get in your way as you are free to pursue that technology all you like. However, if you don't like the direction I am heading in and wish to change that direction then you can simply kiss my a**. Do I make myself clear?
I have made my choice and have been moving in that direction for a really long time now and that choice is to produce hydrogen on demand from plain ordinary water using this technology to be used at the point of use for all types of vehicles to include gensets for power generation. This is the direction I have been heading in for the past 12 years or so. So to me there isn't any elephant in the room as I know where I am going. I'm not going to change my course as this is where the science has lead me in my making use of the scientific method. You may think the things I have stated in this thread are of my opinion but they are not as they are based on science and there are plenty of actual experiments backing these "Opinions" up which makes them not just opinions do they not?
Here is an example of the science I follow. There are two theories of what took place in 2011 when the Fukushima reactors blew up and I ask each of you reading this to choose which theory sounds more plausible.
My colleges think that a building with heating/air-conditioning having vents that lead to the outside air is capable of holding pressures above 111 psi to cause the hydrogen and oxygen mixture to flash. They say it was the intense heat that cause the water molecules to be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen gases.
My theory is the water molecules were broken down by way of "Radiolysis," in which the intense radiation knocks off the electrons from the atoms that make up the water molecules. In breaking the bonds of the water molecules like this it creates hydrogen, oxygen, and a electric charge. As the reaction was taking place an electrical charge was building up in the water bath and once this charge had enough energy to over come the air's resistance to current flow it produced a spark in the presence hydrogen and oxygen gases and the rest is history which you already should know.
So, which theory seems more plausible? A building with an air-conditioning/heating system that is connected to the outside air supply is capable of holding a pressures over 111 psi or that Radiolysis took place?
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
I've been trying to see what I can get the old 8xa circuit to do as far as high voltage but it's tough as the circuit truly wasn't designed for it. For some reason it loses the ability to control the pulsing at only around 45 volts input from the variac. With the Voltage Intensifier Circuit things are different as it's a resonance circuit and getting high voltage isn't all that hard to do if things were built correctly. With this old 8xa circuit I think I'd have to change the SCR switch and make a much larger bifilar choke coil. Unless you truly know what you are doing none of you should follow my lead on this as this high voltage is dangerous and must be respected at all times coming from a microwave oven transformer. Here's the video: [size=78%] ([/size]
Once I have the wire tensioners I'll be able to wind up the VIC transformer and use the 10 resonant cavity WFC. I'll more than likely make several different designs to test out too see which one works the best and is most cost effective.
From my research the plate WFC would need around 1650-1900 volts to reach the threshold for ionization and the 10 resonant cavity WFC is going to take around 8.5-9.5kv to reach the threshold for ionization. The plate cell puts a high load on the transformer due to the plate spacing being so close. The resonance WFC is much the same as Meyer's so not that much of a load will be placed on the VIC transformer. The highest voltages I took the plate WFC up to thus far is around 500 volts but it loses the ability to pulse it correctly at around 335 volts.
Anyway, once I have those wire tensioners I'll be able to get back working on the resonant WFC. This will more than likely be one of the very best built transformers ever done by someone as I am using a coil winding machine. It's sure going to be nice to see just what these newest line of transformers can do once they are built.
Take care all,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
The question?
WFC is it
a water capacitor?
Polar capacitor? With very low capacitance?
No more questions!
Quote from: Vortex 22 on December 19, 2022, 02:41:14 PM
The question?
WFC is it
a water capacitor?
Polar capacitor? With very low capacitance?
No more questions!
Direct answer is YES it is a capacitor. Is it a polar capacitor? Perhaps as the dielectric that goes in it is polar but I am not sure of this. The capacitance is on the low side say around 25-100 pF but that changes with the distance or spacing between the plates the closer the plates are together the higher the capacitance the WFC will have. Just know that this is a variable capacitor as when it starts producing gases those gases displace the dielectric fluid, IE water, that is between the plates causing the capacitance of the WFC to go down.
I hope that answers your questions and more, and thanks for the questions.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on December 19, 2022, 09:20:23 PM
Direct answer is YES it is a capacitor. Is it a polar capacitor? Perhaps as the dielectric that goes in it is polar but I am not sure of this. The capacitance is on the low side say around 25-100 pF but that changes with the distance or spacing between the plates the closer the plates are together the higher the capacitance the WFC will have. Just know that this is a variable capacitor as when it starts producing gases those gases displace the dielectric fluid, IE water, that is between the plates causing the capacitance of the WFC to go down.
I hope that answers your questions and more, and thanks for the questions.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Hl Edward Mitchell,
It's very nice to hear from you!!!
Merry Christmas
Best Regards
Vortex 22
Thanks Vortex 22,
Just know I am very busy trying to finish up this technology as I hope to have it up and running sometime next week or in the beginning of the new year. Once the stuff I just ordered comes in I'll be able to finish this all up.
It's time to see how I do compared to all the others that tried to bring this technology out. Hopefully now is the right time and I don't end up like all the rest.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
Well, it's looking like this year will be the year this technology makes another attempt to reach the marketplace as through True Green Solutions I will attempt to showcase this technology to interested parties. I'm be using a prototype circuit that will be refined as time marches on. Once I have things put together I am very hopeful that this technology will once again live again. It's taken a lot of time, money, and effort to get to where I am today with this technology. I am truly thankful for all the support I have received over the years from people whom can see my vision for this technology to make hydrogen the go too fuel of the future.
Hopefully I'll be able to afford something like this in the near future so that I can get a little production line up and running for this technology.
Take care everyone,
Edward Mitchell (
Hello Everyone,
Well, I was going to show the technology working but for some reason the circuit I made didn't work nor did the older circuit I was using. I'll have to pull a few things apart and see what's wrong. I just hope it's something simple.
I've been really busy as of late but I manage to find the time get in the shop today. Hopefully I will figure out what's wrong with the circuits as I can't do much of anything if I have nothing to pulse the transformer with.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on January 17, 2023, 12:56:19 AM
... as I can't do much of anything if I have nothing to pulse the transformer with.
You still have contact with Gunther?
Worst case, I suppose you can snag some MOSFETs, a power supply and use your benchtop signal generator. Some pulses are better than no pulses at all. ;)
I'm trying to replicate WFC?
Using inox 304
2 m * 1 m
My goal:
15 liter per minute hho production rate!!
In the standard way of electrolysis
2106 watts of input.
Vortex 22
Quote from: Dog-One on January 17, 2023, 02:36:33 PM
You still have contact with Gunther?
Worst case, I suppose you can snag some MOSFETs, a power supply and use your benchtop signal generator. Some pulses are better than no pulses at all. ;)
Yes I still have contact with Gunther but I'm not sure what's wrong as of yet, working too many hours to have the time to carefully look things over right now. I was all geared up to finally see just what will happen to me if I posted a working model of this technology but my circuits had other plans. I built Bradk's circuit along with Gunther's circuit and both didn't work for me. Once I figure out what's wrong I should be able to showcase this technology to the public if all goes as planned. But for me my primary reason is to get this show on the road as I feel now is the right time to attempt to bring this technology out.
I'm not sure just what the gas production is going to be but know that the gases coming out of this technology are far more energy dense than hho as they both come off in their monatomic state. Somewhere in this thread I posted the energy content of this process but from memory it's just below that of gasoline. Then from there the Gas Processor will add more energy content to the reaction. So, Vortex 22 just know this technology is a bit different than normal electrolysis in that the gases come off in their monatomic state as we are talking an up in energy content from I believe 286 kJ/mol for hho to around 3.5 kJ/mol for these same gases in their monatomic state.
My primary WFC has been redone so that it will work at much lower voltages but I have to build the transformer first before I can give it a go and now it looks like I have to trouble shoot the circuit to see if I can figure out why it's not working. Sigh, the story of my life it seems. Well, hopefully I'll get some time Friday.
Take care all,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: Vortex 22 on January 17, 2023, 06:10:56 PM
I'm trying to replicate WFC?
Using inox 304
2 m * 1 m
My goal:
15 liter per minute hho production rate!!
In the standard way of electrolysis
2106 watts of input.
Vortex 22
Just study this: (
HV HF zero amps, high impedance/resistance, made to study the effects of alternating high-intensity fields."The two halves are wound oppositely and connected in series"
It's a good thing Vortex 22 more than likely knows not to listen to you two as this technology simply doesn't work like those examples you gave. It works as I have said it works over and over again by way of ionization as that's how this technology goes about breaking the bonds of the water molecules. The problem is it's not that easy to match a transformer to a WFC and it's even harder to understand the science behind it if you don't perform the experiments yourself following the scientific method. That means you have to get all the needed tools so that you can see just what it is you are doing like a differential probe for starters and a oscilloscope.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Respectfully we don't need hints and great volumes of literature !
Your friend vortex22.. who you said was aware ?
Seemed to arrive unaware?
We could continue to fiddle or point fingers until our extinction...
Please share a bit more detail ( even to help your "already aware" friend!
The need is great !
Perhaps another topic ?
I believe the open source hydrogen section here has several good moderator /experimenters ( Grumage and Jimboot?
And I see Dog one ...also very very familiar !
Chet K
EDIT for below
Mr Wizard
I see you preach a Devine connection to prejudgement and condemnation ( swine ..? ..some weird type of Devine ?
It takes a teacher ...or we could waste another decade ....
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on January 23, 2023, 11:06:37 AM (
In October 1991 Stanley Meyer visited The University of Science & Philosophy ( ( formerly located at Swannanoa Palace.
In short, because Stanley believed the center of an atom was 'God' or a point of Omnipresent Universal vacuum aka "Stillness".
Dr. Walter Russell made this same claim decades before Stanley ever played with water, and his many books and lectures prove this point. ( published 1939!!!
So, if the goal of this thread is to Explain Stanley's technology... why not follow in his footsteps? perhaps follow his train of thought? and "ASK THE RIGHT QUESTION!"
A friendly tip to all on here. ;D
It's clear to me that you haven't read this thread as I am past Meyer now with my understanding of this technology in scientific terms and I shared this information with everyone free of charge. I did ask the right questions that allowed me to understand the science behind this technology and in this thread I am sure I even gave examples found in nature proving the theory I have for this technology, you know scientific proof?!
Now I will admit that I don't share everything that I am doing and that's because I worked hard to know what I know about this technology and after the video interview John Fraser gave of Gunther and I at the 2013 Global Breakthrough Energy Movement held in Boulder, Colorado, as I saw folks turn on me just because of the color of my skin. So, at that point in time when I realized that I was being singled out for my skin tone I basically refused to share anymore as I have just had enough already. I watch just whom folks wanted to be the one that brought this technology out and that someone quit this technology and moved on to something totally different several times never truly looking back at this technology ever again.
Then there are people like you whom come to my thread and just assume they know how this technology works moving to compare the technology to something it absolutely has no connections too. Then people like you will reach to unknows to sit in because it appears to be a safe place to sit back and hope someone like me will just give you a pass, NOT! In this thread I went over the science behind this technology and gave examples just like a good scientist is supposed to do. And to this date no one that I am aware of has reached the voltage levels I have reached with this technology and most still don't understand how to read the oscilloscope correctly in terms of science. I showed in this very thread just how this technology restricts the flow of amps flowing through the water bath and explained why the water never heats up with that explanation.
Since I went the route of making use of the scientific method it's a bit tough for someone to just come into this thread and point people in the wrong direction as again I gave examples. As for your being friends with Vortex 22 remember he ask me and not you. But in all truth I don't know either of you personally nor do either of you know me. Coming to this thread thinking pointing folks to an unknown truly isn't going to fly if anything to say about it I have.
In my point of view the reason why no one has duplicated this technology thus far is the fact there is so much bad information being put out about this technology designed to lead people away from just how it all works. Meyer himself was very good at hiding the technology in plain sight. Meyer made up words that only had meaning to him, made drawings that lied or left out the whole story, and went out of his way to make sure no one stole his work from him. That's the true Meyer not this figment of people's imagination that has been put in the place of the real man. But it wasn't wrong of him to want to profit from all of his hard work as capitalism would have it no other way, correct? When you think of things in the correct terms, you know, "Asking the right questions," you will start to see Meyer as just a man with a dream of having a successful business as he moved to change the world for the better. Unfortunately those that sell energy weren't ready to give up their primary cash cow back then and I really don't think they will ever be ready to part with that cash cow willingly of their own free will as long as there are profits to be made.
With this technology it is very hard to build a transformer to match a WFC properly. With all that bad and misleading information swarming around this technology it's very tough for people to ask the right questions let along answer any of them. I haven't found anyone who is willing to make use of the scientific method on this technology as that method will have one buying all the many tools they need, building one design after another until they get it right, and a whole lot more as it's a very long and costly endeavor. People in general are too afraid to fail.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on January 22, 2023, 09:57:00 AM
But my friend, you already know how!
use DC Capacitor Electrons Captor, and connect it straight to plates in water. WFC is just air capacitor plates in water. u can make electrolysis with simple AV plug, which is open circuit.
no need to pull so many watts to make gas! ;D
if you add neutral plates to the cell, not connected, a la JoeCell, then amps drop even more and produce twice the gas!
I have made HHO gas with 0amps input, many times.
Thanks be to Joe, the modern water master.
Good luck!
Hi all
Fascinating stuff !!
My friend WLW,
Show us !! Say 7 L per minute of GAZ production rate ? please
Thank you
All I need to know is
How to make a polar water capacitor in picofarads range ?
A detailed schematic ? Please
Vortex 22
Quote from: Vortex 22 on January 25, 2023, 12:16:11 PM
All I need to know is
How to make a polar water capacitor in picofarads range ?
A detailed schematic ? Please
Vortex 22
Go for the steam resonator as described by Meyer instead, there are tons of hho generators on yt, but barely any low wattage voltage-watercookers.
All of this posting on my thread is a clear example of disrespect at it's finest and clearly shows something freely given is to be treated as it has no value.
Quote from: h20power on January 27, 2023, 07:52:56 PM
All of this posting on my thread is a clear example of disrespect at it's finest and clearly shows something freely given is to be treated as it has no value.
It's unfortunate Ed. Not sure a private thread would be any better. You may want to use a blog
space like substack at some point. Don't know. Lots of riff-raff in the world these days.
I will say, your work has more value than anyone else I know in regards to taking Stan's work to
the next level. I'm actually surprised you haven't taken this private and offline a long time ago.
I know Ronnie Walker did and he wasn't nearly as far along as you, at least not on the science aspect.
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on January 28, 2023, 09:17:37 AM
Is AIR fuel better than WATER fuel?
I think so.
Why not put a JoeCell on a car and get yourself an air motor? no fuel, not even water.
Once you know the possibilities, Stan Meyer stuff is not so impressive anymore.
Maybe I don't belong here??? Is freedom of speech a thing of the past?
When you introduce a new idea to a group like this you do so by making your own thread and show respect to what others have or are trying to do. Free speech has nothing to do about it as it's all about showing the thread creators respect.
In this thread I posted the science behind this type of water for fuel technology. Just because you are too lazy to read what I posted or not bright enough to understand what I posted doesn't give you the right to come into my thread and trash it with other technologies you also haven't a clue in how they actually work. You don't know how a "Joe Cell" actually works, correct? Now I have a theory on how it works but this thread is about using high voltage potential differences to break the bonds of the water molecules not about the functionality of a "Joe Cell." Do you get what I am saying? This thread is on this one method to go about breaking the bonds of the water molecules started by Dr. Dingle of the Philippines but made legal by Stanley Meyer so that when his patents expired we all could jump into this technology. The problem is too much miss information has been put out concerning this technology. I am convinced some where paid to put out false information while others just didn't have the proper education needed to try and get into this technology.
As far as I know I am the only one that applied the scientific method to this technology which is why what is posted here in this thread is so different than anyone else's. Like I said before I provided scientific examples of the theories I have for this technology as proof of what it is I posted is true just like a good scientist is supposed to do. This isn't an easy technology to build correctly and I did not post exactly how to go about building anything as that in my view would be unfair to me. You see all can move to get this technology up and running as the patents have expired but what I found out when I went to the 2013 Global BEM held in Boulder, Colorado was racism is alive and well in this country. At that time everyone wanted Russ to be the one that brought this technology out as he looked like them as once folks saw my face practically all the support I was getting dried up over night even though I had just shown everyone something they had never seen done with this technology before in that I did put a high voltage potential difference on the electrodes of a WFC in a provable way. That is something I haven't seen anyone outside of myself do to this date since then.
Anyway I hope you understand my point of view on these matters as I am the thread creator and did the hard work of figuring out the science behind this technology and posted what I found out for everyone to have free of charge.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
I'm sure Joe's cell is fake, that was my conclusion years ago. Zero-science device.
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on February 04, 2023, 10:15:23 AM
mr. h20power
your view, in my eyes, is very myopic.
I do know how a JoeCell works actually.
it is an optical transmutation device which Walter Russell described decades before Joe built one!
are you familiar with Lord Kelvins 'Thunderstorm'?
his water dropper experiment... (
Explain to me, how does flowing water generate spark discharge? experiment proves flowing water makes lightning...
My only point here is ppl who experiment with water DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS. Maybe water is liquid electricity. ;D
I won't bother you again on here. This is your territory I see.
Yes this is my thread where I gave away the science I uncovered about this technology free of charge as notice the title says, "Stanley Meyer Explained." Now I will openly admit that I did not show how to actually get the technology up and running as I made no promise to do such a thing in the past as all I promised was if I got at the science behind this technology I would share it openly and trust me I did do just that complete with real world examples backing up the theory I came up with.
The problem as I see it is folks wishing to get this technology up and running don't have enough science under their belts and aren't willing to spend the amounts of money required to purchase the many tools, machines, and materials they will need to get this technology up and running. I have mentioned many times in this thread that one must get a "Differential Probe," to be able to read this technology as one would be working in the blind without one. But looking at the actions of others it's clear to me folks just don't have enough science behind them to know that to be a must have tool for working with this technology. You see due to the high voltages required to get this technology up and running a differential probe that can withstand these voltages is a bit pricy and folks just aren't willing to spend what it takes to get this technology up and running as that's not the only thing they will find really costly in dealing with this technology.
Everything you see I purchased in this thread others will have to purchase too if they truly wish to get this technology up and running. But as of yet I haven't seen folks move to purchase these must have items but only make excuses as to why they feel they do not need to purchase these must have items. As a result I feel only a hand full of people in this world are actually willing to do whatever it takes to get this technology up and running as I am to the point of moving towards mass production with this technology.
Meyer told many a lie that would allow him and him alone to be the only one that knew how to get this technology working properly as using materials off the shelf is just a lie to make folks think this technology is cheap to make and implement into todays existing fossil fuel driven technologies. Not even his twin brother seems to be aware of just how to get this technology up and running properly as Meyer didn't know about the science I posted in this thread so how could he teach it to his brother? Trust me I am fully aware that me saying such things triggers people to treat me poorly as these people just aren't smart enough to be able to asked the right questions let alone answer them. Why people never want to make use of the scientific method is due to the scientific method is just a very slow process of elimination that will require years of their time to get answers to any and all questions they ask about this technology. You see it took me over ten years to get at the science behind this technology and even more years to learn how to go about building everything properly as I started working on this technology in March of 2006.
So, if you wish to talk about the "Joe Cell" you should do so in your own thread as this thread is geared towards sharing the science behind Meyer's technology. For reasons unknown to me I am not allowed to filter out such irrelevant talks about other technologies outside of the voltage dissociation of the water molecules from this thread. For if you do understand the "SCIENCE" behind the Joe Cell technology I'd like to read about what you have to say but not in my thread that is aimed at sharing the science behind this water for fuel technology that makes use of voltage to break the bonds of the water molecules. You see I have a working theory on how the Joe Cell actually works scientifically but I'm just not interested in that technology enough to want to pursue it which is to actually say I'm not willing to spend money on it. I am being honest in saying I would like to hear what you have to say about the science behind the Joe Cell technology but not here on my thread. Don't be a chicken poop and put out what you are willing to share in your own thread showing what you figured out with scientific examples and proofs that show you do in fact understand that technology. But as of right now it's just words as you haven't shown anything that backs up your claims.
In any event I have chosen to put this water for fuel technology out and it will be as Meyer spoke about in that the cheapest technology will win out in the end. So, your Joe Cell is in direct competition with my efforts to bring this technology into the marketplace so may the cheapest technology win!
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: whitelightningwizard on February 05, 2023, 11:16:46 AM
Mr. h20power,
You never explained how flowing water makes spark?? in Lord Kelvin's water dropper experiment.
just tell me WHY flowing water makes spark? simple question. :P
There are no meters made for scalar, cold electricity or radiant energy. Its not about $$, they just don't make such a thing.
It worked in Meyer's favor to complicate and make it expensive to replicate, it's called "misdirection".
To build a Cell is cheap, and you can use it to manufacture your own oil for pennies a day if you want.
If this FE thing is a competition, we ALL lost to Joe over 30 years ago!!! sorry. :o
ps. I am certain u will have the last word here, time for me to jump ship! the wind has left my sails..
I know how all that works but I simply will not talk about it in my thread, understood? Make your own thread and then we can talk about what I think I know about that technology. But this thread is for this type of water dissociation using high voltage potential differences like a thunderstorm does, as this technology is an electronic way to mimic the earth's Global Electric Circuit. That quick answer didn't come easy as it took me quite a few years to get at the core science behind this technology.
As for the Lord Kelvin experiment I'd like to perform more experiments on it as the questions I have are very different than those video lectures on the technology that are shown on YouTube as I think it does something else but they simply aren't testing for it. But again that's my ideas and I'd not post anything here about that for people are quick to steal an unpublished idea pawning it off as their own.
What Meyer did wasn't merely misdirection but patent protection so that no one would steal his work. As never forget he was a business man following the rules of this capitalist system we are all trapped in right now.
As for the winds leaving your sails make your own thread and see in reality if those winds have actually done so as to just talk about it means nothing as you actually have to put up your sails first to find out, IE, make your own thread.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
I don't really understand how the diode affects the circuit... and would appreciate some explanation.
A diode doesn't COMPLETELY block current, but rather it has a capacitance which will build up a charge (very quickly, it's not a very big capacitance) and then the current will reflect back down the coil (no?).
In one sense - if the inductances are low, then you'll end up just pulse- charging DC plates with voltage... and then can just go back to DC? But the idea is that this is pulsed across the water cell using the cell as a capacitor; and even using the water itself to distribute the charge rather than layers of plates. But that transformer is on a ferrite core, so that inductance is pretty high, and going to be fighting against other coils too... so does the diode effectively choke it? And then isn't it really just DC? And barely even pulsed? Since the multiple pulses are just going to charge the plate, have a long off time to let that dissipate across the water?
I've seen this work; but haven't really been that impressed with the analysis of the circuit, what are the water frequencies (oh I see they're noted on the patent) how fast is thee inner charge? How long is the overall gate frequency? I guess that's noted too; still would be nice to see it confirmed in a working setup.
I guess the frequency part needed for a 4 cylinder engine is (? 6000RPM 100RPS 400Hz per cylinder?)
What ever happened to that iron d max guy? I know life happened.
Is there another shop one can buy the circuits pre-fab? Can we instead make a reasonable facsimile using an arduino or pi or something?
edit: :) too bad things change; the links at the start of this thread no longer work; but I see many have been at this a while.
Quote from: d3x0r on February 06, 2023, 04:36:41 AM
I don't really understand how the diode affects the circuit... and would appreciate some explanation.
A diode doesn't COMPLETELY block current, but rather it has a capacitance which will build up a charge (very quickly, it's not a very big capacitance) and then the current will reflect back down the coil (no?).
In one sense - if the inductances are low, then you'll end up just pulse- charging DC plates with voltage... and then can just go back to DC? But the idea is that this is pulsed across the water cell using the cell as a capacitor; and even using the water itself to distribute the charge rather than layers of plates. But that transformer is on a ferrite core, so that inductance is pretty high, and going to be fighting against other coils too... so does the diode effectively choke it? And then isn't it really just DC? And barely even pulsed? Since the multiple pulses are just going to charge the plate, have a long off time to let that dissipate across the water?
I've seen this work; but haven't really been that impressed with the analysis of the circuit, what are the water frequencies (oh I see they're noted on the patent) how fast is thee inner charge? How long is the overall gate frequency? I guess that's noted too; still would be nice to see it confirmed in a working setup.
I guess the frequency part needed for a 4 cylinder engine is (? 6000RPM 100RPS 400Hz per cylinder?)
What ever happened to that iron d max guy? I know life happened.
Is there another shop one can buy the circuits pre-fab? Can we instead make a reasonable facsimile using an arduino or pi or something?
edit: :) too bad things change; the links at the start of this thread no longer work; but I see many have been at this a while.
What is resonance? When a combination of reactive elements ripple when it is pulsed by a single pulse, that is called self-oscillation. When it is fed pulses (or AC) at this frequency, it resonates and the amplitude grows larger each pulse.
But a diode prevents ripples and oscillation through a closed loop because those are AC, bidirectional current. We do want everything to be unidirectional, so what is resonance in the VIC+WFC system? How does the LC resonant frequency relate to DC pulses when it can't oscillate back and forth? I think there is no relationship, I think the key is in the VIC, the function is creating HV pulses while current is choked off when it tends to flow, through self AND mutual induction which Meyer labels as Rp, normally those are magnetic losses, in a way this loss must be high so current is impeded, and the common core causes Faraday's law to create a voltage anyway as an output coil. Both choke coils are equal and opposite, partnered. This is I think the famous asymmetric regauging of the potential.
High resistance without voltage drop. If the chokes are made from resistive wire, the resistance converts current to heat while the same voltage is created through Faraday's law, the VIC must absorb all power, the WFC can't absorb power, the coil assembly is a current limiter, the water is exposed to the electric fields only (to strip away electrons), how does this relate to capacitance and freq? dunno yet. Freq must be faster than self-discharge and/or self-charging by the liberated electrons, so that, or any movement in the water may be the AC equivalence.
H20power, I know you won't agree, please only address and correct specific points.
Quote from: d3x0r on February 06, 2023, 04:36:41 AM
I don't really understand how the diode affects the circuit... and would appreciate some explanation.
A diode doesn't COMPLETELY block current, but rather it has a capacitance which will build up a charge (very quickly, it's not a very big capacitance) and then the current will reflect back down the coil (no?).
In one sense - if the inductances are low, then you'll end up just pulse- charging DC plates with voltage... and then can just go back to DC? But the idea is that this is pulsed across the water cell using the cell as a capacitor; and even using the water itself to distribute the charge rather than layers of plates. But that transformer is on a ferrite core, so that inductance is pretty high, and going to be fighting against other coils too... so does the diode effectively choke it? And then isn't it really just DC? And barely even pulsed? Since the multiple pulses are just going to charge the plate, have a long off time to let that dissipate across the water?
I've seen this work; but haven't really been that impressed with the analysis of the circuit, what are the water frequencies (oh I see they're noted on the patent) how fast is thee inner charge? How long is the overall gate frequency? I guess that's noted too; still would be nice to see it confirmed in a working setup.
I guess the frequency part needed for a 4 cylinder engine is (? 6000RPM 100RPS 400Hz per cylinder?)
What ever happened to that iron d max guy? I know life happened.
Is there another shop one can buy the circuits pre-fab? Can we instead make a reasonable facsimile using an arduino or pi or something?
edit: :) too bad things change; the links at the start of this thread no longer work; but I see many have been at this a while.
Hello 3dx0r,The VIC circuit is as simple as it looks but it is also very complex at the same time. The blocking diode functions as a switch which for the most part is either open or it's closed. Sure there is some current leakage but it's very small to the point one can ignore it. If you don't build it, get the tools needed to view it, and test it first hand it's kinda hard to explain as most come to me having not read this thread, nor read Meyer's patents, and also having never performed a single experiment with this technology.
The Voltage Intensifier Circuit is just a way to mimic the earth's global electric circuit electronically, but why is that important, correct? Most people don't know that a thunderstorm breaks the bonds of the water molecules by way of ionization and that lightening and thunder are not the same thing. You have to be really good at observing things to be able to tell that the two are totally different and that one does cause the other. When the water molecules are broken down in this fashion you get hydrogen and oxygen gas atoms plus the creation of an electric charge. When this charge potential difference has enough energy to overcome the air's resistance to current flow it creates lightning. As the water molecules are being subjected to a high voltage potential difference the electrons of those atoms has a threshold voltage where the atoms will then eject their electrons. Think of it as boiling water as if you bring the water to 90°C at STP will the water ever boil? The answer it no. So too does the electrons have a threshold that must be crossed before those atoms will move to eject their electrons. This threshold voltage is capacitor space gap dependent and the transformer has to be powerful enough to power the load that is placed upon it. It's a bit tricky to accomplish this which is why you don't see many out there doing this but trust me it is doable.
Now once I moved this thread from the hho topic to this one I stopped any and all teaching of this technology as I can see with my own eyes that I have to be the change I wish to see in this world and that this technology is on the costly side as things have to be done by making "One-Offs," which is the most costly way to go about building things. I don't see anyone following my lead so what was the point of continued sharing beyond just the raw science behind this technology? So, once I shared the raw science behind this technology I fulfilled a promise I made many years ago. To go beyond that is a bridge too far for me as I have been treated very poorly by these types of forums online. I think this is the very last forum that hasn't banned me that I joined into as all the other forums banned me in an effort to shut down the science I was uncovering about this technology as I continued to make use of the scientific method on this technology since the science I was sharing conflicted with their theories and guesses which were backed by nothing scientific.
After going to the 2013 Global Energy Breakthrough Movement conference held in Boulder, Colorado I started to leave everyone behind as none would follow my lead as folks like Max Miller, Russ Gries, and a whole lot of others told them not too. Where Max was putting around 500 volts to his WFC I was putting 9.2kv to mines. I went on to reach 10kv of potential difference but I then discovered I had made a few mistakes in the WFC design as, like many others, I too went off of Don Gable's sharing of how the WFC was to be made. That turned out to be a big mistake as the space gap between the electrodes of the resonant cavities was just too large. I then corrected that mistake and posted why I had to do so in this thread someplace.
People were telling folks that I was faking it somehow but in the interview video made by John Fraser it was made clear that I was not. But since the forum leaders at those times were telling people to not follow my lead and/or that I was a fraud I was forced to go it alone. I'd tell people that they needed to get a differential probe and they would in unison tell people that no they didn't have to get that tool. This went on until they simply faded away as over time they had nothing to show for their efforts when I did. But like all technologies I found that I still had much to learn about this technology so I humbled myself and kept my nose to the grind stone of science and pressed on.
I am totally unwilling to share what I learned about this technology due to being shunned by the hho community and as a result of this poor treatment I made the choice to share no more past just the raw science behind this technology. The raw science is posted in this thread but if this site shuts down it will take that information with it and as of right now I am not allowed to post on any other forum concerning concepts such at these. You don't even have to go far to see how I am treated poorly by others because they wish to make a name for themselves or something telling me I don't know what water is, lol, what a joke. So as I result I simply refuse to let these people use my brain power to line their pockets with gold or move to tell folks that they solved this technology totally stealing what I would have shared with them as if they figured things out.
I know you didn't come here to hear this but it is what it is at this point as I have thrown in the towel on anyone else actually moving to do what it takes to solve this technology, stay for a small handful of people. I know this makes me seem as if I am a horrible man but I am not as I just want the credit I am due for all of my years of studying this technology to get at the science behind the patents. I have already had many of my posting done on other forums stolen from me where the thief pawned off what they stole as their own taking what I wrote word for word but removing my name from what the stole. It's sad to see things like this happen but I'm powerless to stop them from stealing from me unless I simply stop sharing. Trust me these people have shown me their hand and it's all bad.
Well, I have to run for now, but will come back to talk about this a bit more. Just know I require folks to do their own work as they make use of the science I shared openly with the whole world.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Dear Ed,
Here's a blast from the past for you.
Spent more than a month decoding circuits, patents and troves of estate images to develop
this. Made dozens of circuit boards and mailed them for free all over the world and yet,
you're still the only one working on this technology. Some things do make me sad.
Quote from: Dog-One on February 07, 2023, 03:36:11 AM
Dear Ed,
Here's a blast from the past for you.
Spent more than a month decoding circuits, patents and troves of estate images to develop
this. Made dozens of circuit boards and mailed them for free all over the world and yet,
you're still the only one working on this technology. Some things do make me sad.
Nice build. But I take that's a gated 12V pulser, that's just one functional block in the system. The VIC imitates the pre-lightning conditions without the discharge. An ideal VIC with the load connected has on the output 0 ampere and infinite voltage.
Quote from: alan on February 07, 2023, 06:48:33 AM
Nice build. But I take that's a gated 12V pulser, that's just one functional block in the system. The VIC imitates the pre-lightning conditions without the discharge. An ideal VIC with the load connected has on the output 0 ampere and infinite voltage.
This particular circuit pings the primary and with its PLL and high frequency CT hunts for the frequency doubling resonance and locks to that. I never had a decent WFC to test it with, but my VIC was fairly close. At the time I built it, it was pretty close to state-of-the-art. If I would have wound the VIC with enameled resistive wire and had a WFC with the correct tube count and dimensions, I may have seen something, don't know. My goal building it was to pull back from using a digital, processor controlled driver and have something analog that was still automatic and self tuning. It was made clear to me even way back then that the water used and the temperature, changes the resonant frequencies. So I was hoping to have a board for the ones that had a proper VIC and WFC, they could connect this driver, power on and produce water fuel without any other screwing around. And being fully analog, this has infinite frequency resolution, so if you need frequency precision to five decimals places, you've got it, whereas on the digital side of the house, you may end up bouncing right over the exact frequency you need and never actually hit the sweet spot. Only later did I discover it might be necessary to have modulation on top of a carrier signal to make this work to its full potential.
Anyway, my point was, a lot of us tried our hand at this technology, but only Ed kept after it. He's tenacious. :)
Interesting, did you document the results? Do you still have the schematic of the circuit?
I think this is the schematic for it. If Ed would like to see more, I'll post once I get his approval.
Quote from: Dog-One on February 07, 2023, 03:36:11 AM
Dear Ed,
Here's a blast from the past for you.
Spent more than a month decoding circuits, patents and troves of estate images to develop
this. Made dozens of circuit boards and mailed them for free all over the world and yet,
you're still the only one working on this technology. Some things do make me sad.
Hi Dog-One,
When it comes to this technology I found that most people attempting to get it working simply made no attempt to add any science to their work. Some even went as far as to say science can't describe this technology which anyone whom have read this thread knows is an untrue statement. Then you add all of that to folks not wanting to spend the monies it takes to buy all of the needed tools to be able to work with this technology nor purchase the correct materials to build the water fuel capacitor. But the worse was those that went and made changes to things without any understanding of how anything truly worked.
All the false information put out about this technology also played a major role in making sure anyone attempting to recreate this technology would ultimately fail in their efforts to do so. This in my opinion is what set me apart from everyone else working on this technology. As I put science first and moved to understand it instead of just copying what was spoken about in the patents or what others had to say about this technology after they handled it with their bare hands. Those whom sat on Meyer's technology while trying to figure it out where hoping that the pearl of wisdom would open up to them but after four or more years of trying it never did for them. I can still remember how mad Don Gabel got at me for sharing a photo he was charging folks $200 bucks or more to view of the WFC after I had solved in about thirty minutes what they couldn't in over four years dealing with this technology. I shared that in this thread I believe when I solved why the WFC was constructed the way Meyer did so to include why it was wired in series. I even explained why one of the resonant cavities were disconnected.
You see I fully understand that I do not see the world as most other people do after being made aware of then by my friend Gunther as I am very observant and loved to take things apart and put them back together again at a very young age. What I found to be interesting would normally bore most other people. But it took Gunther to point this out to me as when I first came into forums like these as I assumed everyone else was like me which was truly not the case at all. People love to try and compare themselves to me but I know they simply can not as I'm just not wired the same as everyone else.
But feel free to post your circuit in this thread if you wish to do so but know if folks don't put the scientific understanding first they simply will not be able to make heads for tails with this technology. I'll give one example of a mistake I see most people making. If you wish to build a multispool transformer to Meyer's specs for the injectors but wish to have that transformer power a WFC instead you must build the transformer to handle the increased load the WFC will place on the transformer. But here's the problem most have no idea how to rebuild the transformer so that it can handle the increased load being put on the transformer. The answer is simple, or that is to say simple to me, as one must increase the mass of the transformer so that it can handle much greater loads.
Instead of doing this people just assumed I didn't know what I was doing and move to bash me telling folks that you can't mix different types of transformers that Meyer built from earlier designs with his latest technology.
For me I understand this technology is very hard to understand as to get at the science behind this technology requires one to go over things mainstream science has already gone over but asking some very different questions than they did. That is precisely why no one truly can grasp the science I shared about this technology as those answers I found simply can't be found in a book of old right now as no one ever asked these types of questions before. I asked some original questions meaning questions that hadn't been asked before by anyone else. So, for me it's just learning how to build everything correctly as I already understand the science behind this technology which is why I am still working on this technology while the others simply faded away.
I really did try and get people to follow my lead but the hho community leaders were all telling people I didn't know what I was talking about even after they saw with their own two eyes that I was in fact applying a high voltage potential difference to the Water Fuel Capacitor. As a reminder I did so back in 2013 in a provable manor though in my little lab I had done so far earlier and to this day I have never seen anyone else show similar results. But I search YouTube all the time hoping to see someone else getting similar results as I did so many years ago.
Everything that I talked about in this thread leads people away from those forum leaders heading into a new direction but most simply don't like to buck the system or care to see or move to change the way of doing things based on one person's experiments even though that person is doing what Meyer described in his lecture videos of allowing voltage to take over while restricting the flow of current. I primary reason I feel most simply don't want to follow my lead is it requires a lot of monies to be spent in building things the right way, and purchasing all the tools plus the correct materials needed to complete this task. They do this because Meyer planted a seed in their hearts which is false when he said this technology can be built by off the shelf materials. Meyer told many things that would ensure he would be the only with this technology up and running to protect his patent rights. But folks in these forums simple can't seem to understand that's how he was.
Anyway, feel free to post your circuit but know without an understanding of this technology first folks will still be doomed to failure in their efforts to get this technology up and running. But know that I too failed many times with this technology as shown below.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
We are very much the same Ed, with one major difference: I believed the science taught
to me and started from that point. I ended up on a "No Outlet" road. You didn't do that.
You proved to yourself every step of the scientific method by acquiring the resources
and doing the painful experiments. I wish I would have done the same. I now know
where I went wrong, but unfortunately it's way too late in the game for me to shift
back down to first gear and start over. I do truly hope you stay on top of this and
achieve the goals you have set for yourself. I think you can do it. I'll probably be
watching from above, checking in on you, so don't be alarmed if you feel a strange
presence around you--it's only me, pointing you in the right direction. :D
Quote from: Dog-One on February 07, 2023, 09:49:14 PM
We are very much the same Ed, with one major difference: I believed the science taught
to me and started from that point. I ended up on a "No Outlet" road. You didn't do that.
You proved to yourself every step of the scientific method by acquiring the resources
and doing the painful experiments. I wish I would have done the same. I now know
where I went wrong, but unfortunately it's way too late in the game for me to shift
back down to first gear and start over. I do truly hope you stay on top of this and
achieve the goals you have set for yourself. I think you can do it. I'll probably be
watching from above, checking in on you, so don't be alarmed if you feel a strange
presence around you--it's only me, pointing you in the right direction. :D
Thanks Dog-One as it's good to know someone out there thinks as I do and is in my corner rooting for me. But know it's not too late in the game as I was born in the 60's and am fighting to keep my body in good health as best I can. I'm thankful of some advise I was given by my chemistry professor about the passage of time as he taught me that, "It maters not how long something will take you to do but only when that time comes around where will you be?" With this perspective of time I kept pushing forwards.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Hello Everyone,
Well, it looks like I will be able to move forwards once again as I will be getting the wire tensioners soon so that the coil winding machine doesn't snap the wires in the middle of attempting to make the VIC transformers. I'll be starting off where I left off in making these tri-bobbin transformers for as of yet I haven't been able to test them out as I needed to purchase more stuff so that I would be able to build them. I just hope the sealing resin is still good as they do come with an expiration date and I think that time might have passed but I have no choice but to use it. Just know when you have little funds on hand as I do things take a lot of time to build.
Shabbat Shalom,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Quote from: h20power on February 11, 2023, 04:02:22 AM
Well, it looks like I will be able to move forwards once again as I will be getting the wire tensioners soon...
Excellent news!
Quote from: h20power on February 11, 2023, 04:02:22 AM
I just hope the sealing resin is still good as they do come with an expiration date and I think that time might have passed but I have no choice but to use it.
I've been working with high voltage the last couple of weeks and have some thoughts
that may help you.
Epoxy is rated roughly at 450V/mil. For my application, I'm trying to shield 28KV. That
works out to 62.2 mils or 1.58mm. I have found 2mm thickness does indeed hold back
any flashover. It would take the equivalent of four layers of Kapton tape to do the same.
Being concerned about your resin, do try making some test strips with pointed electrodes
and apply some voltage. Once cured you will know immediately if your epoxy is up to
the task.
I'm using the clear JB Weld pack ( with 4 ounces resin, 4 ounces hardener and though
I can't find a dielectric strength rating for this material, it does seem to comply with
the typical 450V/mil spec stated by other manufacturers. This pack cost me about
twenty dollars and it's a lot of epoxy. I have no means to vacuum cure the material
so during mixing and application I have to be very careful not to introduce air bubbles.
For my application, so far so good. A bit tedious, but it's working.
Hi Dog-One,
The resin I use can withstand voltages 15-18kv/mm and has a viscosity between 8,000-10,000cps which will flow easily into the transformer while vacuum resin sealing the transformer bobbins getting all the air out. It's a messy process but it must be done or the transformer will simply short out within minutes of use when the voltages start to reach the threshold for ionization in the WFC. When I first tried to prevent these transformers from shorting out I used some transformer oil which did the trick to prevent the transformers from shorting out but after a bit of time the vibrations would cause the wires to rub off their protective coating and the transformer would once again short out. In this video I am getting all of the air out of the transformer bobbins using a vacuum pump, and a sealed container that I made. I use a shut off valve to control the vacuum pressure and a vacuum gage so that I can sort of pulse the vacuum chamber to get all the air out of the windings.
It's simple but messy but it has to be done or the transformer will not have a long usage life. [size=78%] ([/size] I built this and got a vacuum pump from Amazon. The valve and gage I think I got from Ace Hardware or Lowes. Now I use a different vacuum chamber I purchased from ebay and got a class cutter so that I can place the bobbins into the glass bottles and not create too much of a mess. The resin needs to be very runny or it will not be pulled into the windings replacing the air with resin. Then once done I have to put the transformer bobbins in the oven to cure the resin for a several hours. I don't know if you remember when Russ made his injector transformer and failed to do any of this that resulted in his transformer happily shorting out on him way before it could reach the threshold of ionization in the injectors. In fact I don't even think he was able to hook it up to his injectors for testing as the transformer shorted out on him before he could do so. It's a learning process in building these transformers correctly so that they can last in a automotive environment. Lots of trial and error before I learned how to do it right.
Everything has to be done properly as most of the time I have the wire made to my specifications so that the transformers I make doesn't short out on me. It's a lot of hard work to build this technology correctly which is again something Meyer told a lie about when he went around talking about this technology in some of the lectures he gave. Now even when I took two of these transformers to the Global BreakThrough Energy conference I had a transformer short out on me as it couldn't dissipate the heat properly and suffered a meltdown internally as a result. The interesting part of that conference is I just built those transformers a day prior to leaving having never once tested them to see what they would do as the wire had just come in a day before we were supposed to head out to Colorado from California so that we could be there on time. [size=78%] ([/size]
Edward Mitchell
Owner True Green Solutions (
I have some sad news as a good friend of mines in the hho technology "Robbin Dunham" passed away. He was the one that shared a photo with me that allowed me to solve a big part of this technology when those that were hording it couldn't make heads or tales of the technology. Plus are WFC designs where worked out together in order to update upon what Meyer had done. He will be missed as he was truly a friend and supporter of this technology and a good friend to me :'( .
Below is the photo he shared with me back in the day.
I will miss him as he always gave me words of encouragement and wisdom.
Edward Mitchell
Sorry to hear that Edward,
A friend who is willing to be constructive and supportive when he should, and also be critical at the right time is invaluable. I believe that he will be greatly missed.
Hello Everyone,
It's been a while since I've made a post on this wonderful forum and know it's because I have started a new job that is taking up most of my time. This new job is a bit tough on my body as well as my hands, shoulders, and sometimes eyes, hurt a lot or don't function properly. I managed to make it through the 90 day probation period and my body is starting to get use to all the hard work. The most important thing is with this new job I can move to purchase even more of the many things I need to further my efforts to bring this water for fuel technology into this world.
This is a photo of the newest transformer cores I will be trying out which are some of the largest cores I have ever used in my life but it seems to be heading in the right direction for me to be able to get my current WFC working consistently in an on demand basis. On the top is the transformer core I am currently making use of, and is shown above on this page with the transformer bobbins, and on the bottom is these new cores I will be getting soon. The cost of these cores is on the high side as it's going to cost me around $700 USD to get six of them for testing which by the way is their MOQ. Then I have to get everything else needed to put these new Voltage Intensifier Circuits together so that I can see if these new cores will work or not. These are simple the cost one must go through in order to advance this technology. With cost like these I fully understand why folks out there simply have given up on this world changing technology as simply put it has a great cost to get things up and running and even more cost to get started on implementing the technology into our world.
But I say to all of you reading this once this technology is said and done it will become a historic moment as the change that will follow will have been well worth the cost of the time and money I have put into getting this technology to do it's thing and free us everyday people from the bonds of the energy enslavement systems that control our lives. Thanks to everyone that have donated to the cause as it's a worthy cause to pursue so that we can take control of our own energy needs. For me it's hard to believe I have been working at this since 2006 but as I once heard Meyer say, "I thought with the proper funding we could get this technology up and running in a few years time but reality shows that 20 years was more of a correct prediction," or something along those lines he said. I am now reaching that twenty year mark with just three years left to go and as I have shown everyone I am not the giving up type.
Hopefully this year will be the one that things finally get started on putting this technology to good use to improve the quality of life for everyone on the planet so we can start undoing the damage we have all contributed to with our use of fossil fuels and other damaging methods to support our way of life.
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
Hello All,
While I gather up the resources I think I need to further this technology I have been getting message from people whom think my ways are too harsh when it comes to sharing what I know. Like most these people fell for the propaganda that free energy is supposed to be free of charge. It shocks them to know that I did actually share the science behind this technology totally free of charge but due to the high cost to get this technology up and running no one that I know of outside of my small circle of friends is actually trying to do something with that information.
I might have spoken about this before but some of the items needed have a really large minimum order quantity (MOQ). The resin needed to keep the transformers from destroying itself has a MOQ of 30 gallons of resin which in turn needs to be mixed at a ratio of one to one with the hardener making the MOQ actually 60 gallons. I have long since forgotten the cost but I do know that quote I got has to have went up in price. I do know the cost was in the thousands of dollars. I have since found another supplier but their resin is untested as of yet but it's still not cheap to buy it's just that their MOQ is a lot lower than the other company.
I find that those that make contact with me to give me a piece of their minds are simply just greedy most of the time and wish I would just do more so that they can have this technology in their hands fully up and running without needed to do any of the ground work I am currently doing. I explain to them the high cost of building things correctly and they suddenly go quite, no apologies, no saying they are sorry for telling me off, and no acknowledgement of the truths I share with them when it comes to the high cost of bringing this technology into this world.
Add all of this to the way I've been treated in the past by some truly mean folks and it's a wonder I went ahead and shared the science once I had an understanding of the science behind this technology and not just kept it to myself. These types of forums haven't nice to me over the many years I have been at attempting to bring this technology into our world in a way were the public can have a chance to actually have it to better their lives. This last one that messaged me I told them the story of how when I would make any progress I was made to look like I was cheating and/or that what progress I was having simply wasn't important. With this technology the voltages must be raised to start the process of ionization of the atoms as it is that act of the atoms loosing their electrons that cause the water molecules to simply break apart into hydrogen, oxygen, and the generation of an electric charge. This last person that made contact with me can't grasp how the technology works even though I went out of my way to share the science behind this technology complete with the very questions I asked that allowed me to get at the science behind this water for fuel technology.
When it comes to my progress it's always slow going as I have to earn the money to buy the things I need and then find the time to get busy building, testing, and seeing if improvements need to be made on my version of this technology. I do however get tired of folks demanding things from me whom haven't taken the time to actually look into what I have shared over the years whom seems to never move to do any testing of their own to further their knowledge on this technology with hands on experimenting. In fact most of these people don't have the tools needed to be able to actually work on this technology in a manor where they can see just what they are doing. Someplace on this site I know I went over what tools are needed for one to be able to work on this technology effectively. And if memory serves me correctly I was told in general we don't need to buy these tools. It's sad to see these things but it is what it is I guess.
I wish there were more people working on this technology and sharing their results be it good or bad just to let folks know someone out there is still pursuing this technology in a way that might change the world one day for the better. But for now I will keep moving at my own pace and hope I can make a difference one day.
Shalom Everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions
Hello Everyone,
Well, I put in the order the other day and the total cost was close to $750 USD for 6 transformer cores. I still need to purchase a few other things but now at least I will be getting the cores I need to take this technology further based upon my research data. Now more than ever I feel as if I am all alone working on this technology as it appears as everyone that was working on this technology has thrown in the towel and called it quits. Once there were many but now it seems to be just about a handful world wide that are still working on bringing this technology into this world. This technology has the power to set humanity free but it's going to take perseverance, dedication, and yes money to get this technology to start helping us in our time of need.
A world without the use of fossil fuels to power our machines, cook our meals, and heat & cool our homes is the goal, but who's still with me in this forum? Most don't seem to understand that hydrogen is what makes life as we know it on this planet possible as without it I think there would be no life. Everything depends on hydrogen be it plants, animals, or insects. Life as we know it simply isn't possible without hydrogen.
Now with this technology we can learn to live in harmony with all living things by making use of hydrogen to power our way of life as it already powers this world to make life possible. Oxygen levels will rise, carbon levels will drop, and then the planet will start cooling down a bit. What makes this technology perfect for everyday use is it already comes with all the oxygen it needs thus not converting the oxygen we all depend on to breath into something else like Carbon dioxide or some form of NOx gases. The time is right for this technology to come out now as this isn't going to be a quick fix as it's going to take many years to convert all of mans machines that require this technology.
One thing you all can say about me is I kept hope alive by never giving up working at a pace I could afford but never throwing in the towel.
Take care everyone, and if you wish to give some support I think the link to do so is still open: [size=78%] ([/size]
Hello Everyone,
Well, it would seem there is a renewed effort to hide this technology as on YouTube one of my videos showing a clip from, "It runs on water," was blocked world wide. That video servers as "Eye Witness Accounts" of Meyer's technology working as they went over the technology and saw it working with their own two eyes. These eye witnesses talked about what they observed and fully admit they couldn't figure out how it was breaking the bonds of the water molecules with such little power input. [size=78%] ([/size]
I used the video to teach people about this technology as I seemingly have a gift of being able to ask the right questions. I pointed out a lot of things talked about from those eye witnesses. Things talked about in that video helped me to be able to see what I was doing in the past was incorrect as my water bath was heating up over time and Professor Paul Czysz said the device would be working for hours and the water temperature hadn't changed. That statement made me take a close look at what I was doing to see if I had over looked something and/or was just doing it wrong. I found the mistake and corrected the problem and I owe that to Professor Czysz eye witness accounts to Meyer's technology.
A lot of people attempted to make me look like a fool in front of the many forum members by telling them I didn't discover anything new but since I went the route of making use of the scientific method I had all the science behind what I was talking about and showing everyone backing me up. You see this graph represented a totally new understanding on just how this technology actually worked scientifically and in order for someone to put the science down they would have to purchase the very same, or equivalent, equipment I had to show the world that I was just making things up out of thin air as they tried to prove with just words with no science backing them up. Needless to say they have all went away now leaving everyone who was truly interested in learning how this technology actually worked to study what I was presenting about this world changing technology.
I'm not sure why there is a renewed interest in putting this technology down but I'd guess it's coming from one of it's competitors who see this technology as a threat to their prosperity as "Just follow the money" leads one to the truth most of the time.
Peace and Shalom to all,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (
I was wondering where the lightning pic disappeared to... other thread ha!
anyways, here is a pic from Top gear, years ago.
An Iron conductor in a HV field. R is measurable and current is relative to V.
As I understand it from past readings of original Meyer documents, the pulsing transformer had the 2 L coils both wound on transformer secondary side, along with the secondary winding. The L coils were composed of RESISTIVE insulated magnet wire, - not copper, for high resistance. This was a low wattage ferrite transformer as the end result was not related to electrolysis. Molecular Polarity alignment with small current pulse, then high voltage pressure separating the water molecules, to very fine ionic charged bubbles that rise upward. The pulsing on + off of circuit allowed the ions to raise upward quickly and escape, since the concentric tubes SS cells were also of short distance height , and in multiples of electrodes. I believed that the water capacitor total as C, reacted with the inductance , so as the input power supply had the same frequency as water cell. A separate circuit board is necessary for automatic matching of the changing Frequency as the distilled water varies in quantity. The engine would have adjustable valve EGR applied so as the speed of combustion was slowed down using the entered contaminants such as Nitrogen from the exhaust air. The burst mode pulsing DC circuit is similar to the toy guns used in that laser tag game.
Quote from: russwr on October 28, 2023, 05:54:13 PM
As I understand it from past readings of original Meyer documents, the pulsing transformer had the 2 L coils both wound on transformer secondary side, along with the secondary winding. The L coils were composed of RESISTIVE insulated magnet wire, - not copper, for high resistance. This was a low wattage ferrite transformer as the end result was not related to electrolysis. Molecular Polarity alignment with small current pulse, then high voltage pressure separating the water molecules, to very fine ionic charged bubbles that rise upward. The pulsing on + off of circuit allowed the ions to raise upward quickly and escape, since the concentric tubes SS cells were also of short distance height , and in multiples of electrodes. I believed that the water capacitor total as C, reacted with the inductance , so as the input power supply had the same frequency as water cell. A separate circuit board is necessary for automatic matching of the changing Frequency as the distilled water varies in quantity. The engine would have adjustable valve EGR applied so as the speed of combustion was slowed down using the entered contaminants such as Nitrogen from the exhaust air. The burst mode pulsing DC circuit is similar to the toy guns used in that laser tag game.
Hello russwr,
This technology is something that is new to the world of science, but unlike some have said in the past that science can't explain this technology, and as such I went ahead and made use of the scientific method to get at the actual science behind the technology. Now I have a very complete understanding just how this technology actually works and have shared a lot of what I figured out with my use of the scientific method. This theory I came up with is of upmost importance as it's a whole new era of scientific discovery just waiting to happen.
"All molecules can be separated into their component atoms by taking away the electrons from the atoms that make up the molecules."
This seemingly unimportant mix of words is far more important than anyone on this forum has given it as most simply aren't willing to do what it takes to get to a point of being able to be able to actually work with this technology as it's expensive to do so due to the high cost of the measuring equipment and other machines needed to build this technology correctly, like a CNC coil winding machine and other machines needed so that one can design and build this technology without the even higher cost of having a machine shop make it for them.
Meyer simply mimicked the earth's Global Electric Circuit, but me saying that isn't enough as most simply do not understand how the earth's Global Electric Circuit actually works as what's taught about thunderstorms is generally incorrect in our teaching intuitions. You see each and every way that we know of to get the electrons away from their atoms will work at breaking the bonds of the water molecules. Meyer mimicked the earth's Global Electric Circuit as it uses high voltage potentials to ionize the atoms getting them to eject their electrons by making water capacitors that he would charge with the transformer to voltages that exceeded the threshold for ionization for the hydrogen and oxygen atoms causing them to eject their electrons which in turn creates hydrogen & oxygen gases and the creation of an electric charge. Now unlike the Global Electric Circuit where the water capacitor is horizontal, you know a cloud in the sky, Meyer's water capacitor is vertical which allows the gases created to rise out of the voltage zones and be used as a fuel for vehicles. But with the invent of the injectors Meyer changed the game a bit as now the rate of water breakdown was sped up to the point where water could be broken down in real time to power a internal combustion engine, but Meyer had some design flaws he didn't get to figure out before his untimely death. But since I made use of the scientific method I was able to also figure out just where Meyer messed up and design around the problem. Though in order for me to build those injectors I will need to purchase yet another CNC machine that allows me to be able to design and build them properly soo that I can test them out for as of now my designs on the injectors only exist in drawings.
The use of the resistance wire is to add resistance to the system giving the charge side a clear difference from the discharge side of the circuit making it so the voltage intensifier circuit charged the capacitors quickly but discharged them slowly. Now in resonance the resistance of the coils goes up very high in the form of inductive reactance measured in ohms and to make this difference even more for the charge side from the discharge side Meyer added in some resistance wire. Does that make sense to you? Anyway the use of resistance wire was slow down the rate in which the capacitors got discharged. Again nothing magical here as it's just science but you first must understand the how the system works so that you can see these things. That's why I spent years making use of the scientific method until I was able to get at this technology secrets as I had to understand it first before trying to recreate it. This copy methodology you see most people doing just doesn't work for a technology as complicated as this as one small error and nothing works and the builder/designer/experimenter has no idea what's wrong with it as to why what they built isn't working.
There are a lot of rules one must follow with this technology like the capacitance of the transformer coils must be greater than the water capacitor it is slated to charge or it simply will not work. This is why you now see me getting large and larger transformer cores as I now realize that the transformer must be as large as the one Meyer had powering his tubular WFC. The only way to shrink down the size of the transformers is to also shrink down the size of the water capacitors, IE, Meyer's injectors. Trust me there are a whole lot of other rules that must also be adhered too.
And you are correct in that in a car the EGR system must be reprogramed and/or redesigned so that the burn rate of the hydrogen can co equal the fossil fuel it is replacing. Bravo as not many have understood that part of Meyer's technology. But you shouldn't think of these gases as contaminants but only as gases that do not support the combustion process as it works by putting these gases physically in the way of they hydrogen and oxygen gases from coming together quickly, kinda like a traffic jam on a highway which keeps a car from going from point A to point B directly as all those other cars are in the way.
In time as I save up the funds to purchase the things I need this technology will have it's time in the sun.
Take care and know I am willing to help with the science behind the technology as I did after all post all of this information in this thread to be shared with everyone,
Edward Mitchell
True Green Solutions (