No its not childish
its criminal
this member Zephir decided that he was going to take over Stefan's forum
so he posted lies about replicators here [most/ALL serious persons building here
he said they are liars and frauds who actively work to hide OU at OU.com
he then says OU is easy.
I have no idea why Stefan has allowed this here ,it is the worst violation of his TOS I HAVE EVER SEEN HERE
it is truly Vulgar to the men that have worked together for so long and spent soo much time and effort open sourcing their work
and the final Kick in the groin from Zephir after saying OU is easy these liars and criminals hide it here??
NOTHING next from him to qualify OU is easy
crickets chirping from him ,instead he points to ..... assumptions ??
most here figured he would have something to Show ???????????????
all lies from Zephir about the members here and just theories with many many words that lead to ??
certainly not his claim
OU is easy ????
no it is not easy
the better question
why is this man here ??
if you were unaware of his behavior here towards members [all longtime experimenters here?] now you know.
but he will delete this again
naah, Zephir came to burn the house down
he's doing a good job ,
but what he builds after??
OU is easy ??
mud and twigs on nothing of substance
No proof that OU is easy and no proof that the builders are all liars who hide it for years and years at OU.com.
show us great Zephir
this easy OU
anything ??
but never assume we will not measure it...we have become very good here at measuring
you apparently [Zephir] haven't a clue how to properly measure ,and see OU in every you tube video and every fair wind that blows thru your ears....
I suppose the Zephir did not count on all serious members here working together and sharing
it is after all an Open source forum ??
and they [longtime dedicated members here] are after all,,,, the best of the best !!
not like Zephir at all
Quote from: ramset on April 25, 2017, 03:31:31 PM
I just hung up with Stefan about the problem here
should be sorted in a day or so.
Cool, guessing he will just delete everything right?
Well isn't that what the poison moderator has been doing ? So if above is true when will it be safe to post stuff on the thread without fear of ridicule and efforts and hard work being deleted ?
I don't want to delete anything from your precious insights and to waste it for future generations in this way. But some posts are apparently off-topic here and they deserve for example this thread. (http://overunity.com/17247/re-inventors-and-replicators-social-aspects-of-overunity-community/msg505438/#new) Of course this relocation should preserve the continuity of discussion, it should be done sensibly and it can also wait for later. Once you will stay on topic, then you have absolutely nothing to afraid.
Hmmm... Think about this:
Suppose I had a self-runner that I replicated several times already. It was cheap
to make, had lots of output power and would work flawlessly any place on the
planet. Everyone knew I had it and wanted details that I was willing to share.
But being a bit of an asshat, I posted something that got me permanently banned
from this forum.
Would anyone clear my name? Would anyone stick up for me?
Or would things go dark and be kept in private?
QuoteWould anyone clear my name? Would anyone stick up for me? Or would things go dark and be kept in private?
In general only posts violating netiquette should be deleted, but not their authors as a whole. There are many less or more unobtrusive ways (other than plain moderation), how to keep the public from the progress in overunity and actual truth. The surprisingly high number of posters on this forum, who are willingly utilize every opportunity how to dilute the discussion about subject may be also one of the ways, how to do disrupt the overunity progress and its public awareness. Such an effort may not be centrally organized at all for still being effective - on the contrary. Too many scientists and their wannabes hate the overunity subject heartily and they're willing to spend time for its disruption.
I just tried to relocate one of off-topic posts here into an existing thread "Re: Inventors and replicators - social aspects of overunity community". The relocation interface is straightforward: it enables you to determine the name of target thread and the individual posts from the original thread, which should be relocated. And it also works - the problem is, even when I use the existing thread name exactly the same, new thread will be still formed. So that there is no smooth way, how to move off-topic posts into some dedicated forum or even how to return them back again: the existing engine simply doesn't support it - or I missed some detail.
I'll ask Stefan, what could be done with it.
So what you're saying Zephir is that I'm not capable of using my own discernment to separate the wheat from the chaff?
Quote from: Zephir
Now I'm myself cluttering the Nelson Rocha forum in (probably futile) attempts to explain my attitude regarding the moderation of this forum. We both are interested about Nelson Rocha's device - yet our discussion already got off topic and it needs to be cleaned on behalf of another users, who are still posting insightful and relevant posts under hope, this thread will be finally just about its subject.
So that all posts which aren't related to thread topic should be (and they will be) relocated into a new thread.
Just keep putting words in my mouth and I'll bug out of this place. I have enough friends I don't need this!
Who was the knucklehead that started this whole moderation thing anyway?
QuoteJust keep putting words in my mouth and I'll bug out of this place.
Easy man, I did it by accident and please accept my apology for it. There are way too many edit boxes all around my screen... ;-)
Personally I don't see any usage for editing the foreign posts (such a post could be always moved into the bin or relocated as a whole) - but I still have this option available (and my posts were also modified by another moderators here in the past).
But as you can see, now you're also willing to ruin whole overunity forum and work of many other people here just because of your momentary private feelings and negative attitude. So you also may not be always able to separate "the wheat from the chaff".
Looks like Rant Rooms popping up on every corner........I heard this one is gonna serve free doughnut with Java?......can't get that kinda service at every Rant Room. :P
The true is, the free energy people aren't very disciplined by their very nature - just because they tend to think out of box. From the same reason, they don't like any authority. But just this creativity and lack of discipline can become a brake of further progress and relevant discussion on this forum. It's not secret for me, that actual progress in overunity was never made in this forum - in essence all really interesting stuffs were always borrowed here from somewhere else. But now its veteran members became tired and they stopped to collect a new info about overunity from outside. By now this forum stagnates because of its verbosity, which deters people from outside, who would otherwise had to say something more relevant and interesting.
As I explained above, the software engine of this forum also doesn't allow to move/relocate off-topic posts into some dedicated thread - instead of it new thread will be established during every relocation. So that new RANT ROOMS may be currently underway if the people in this particular board will not learn to cooperate. It's just my experiment with Stephan arranged here and I cannot guarantee, it will be successful if all people here will decide to boycott it. If you all will decide to keep the clueless mess here, you'll simply have it - and no one could prohibit you in having it.
QuoteYou are wrong, You have an opinion not a truth
The same may apply to your opinion. It's true that some of discussions here are mirrored at another overunity forums.
But the truth also is, these forums aren't more successful regarding the development of the overunity anyway. If I want to be informed about new ideas and working prototypes or private research, I simply have to visit Russian forums, sites like this one (http://lenr.su/) and/or YouTube. This is sad reality of the overunity progress at the Western world.
Quotebut leave us alone
Who is "you"? This forum is opened for all people from the world. If you want to have closed sectarian forum, then you can use the overunityresearch.com for example, which is currently opened for invitations only. I can say easily as well, that the groups of users here privatized this forum for to promote and maintain their way of discussion, which prohibits the further development.
but I will comment here ,
Children learn young to light fires elsewhere instead of looking in the mirror.
Overunityresearch is a steadfast Open source forum, always has been always will be.
if you want an example of why there are such places?
Look in the mirror..
here there are very serious and dedicated men who Love Stefan's house and respect his rules ]Not the Zephir]
here they would never do anything to hurt Stefan or his pocketbook ,by posting libelous claims
and lies against members here [NOT The Zephir]
here they Obey terms of service agreement
Not the Zephir
you say some things which ring true
and many many more that read like kindergarten OU
example : OU is easy they [the membership] hides it here
and then there are the Lies about members here spending their days making fraudulent replications so as to Hide "OU is easy "
you are off the deep end...
as The Dog says there are plenty of other places to go [for us]
I think you need to go find such a place so the rest of us can stay here...
Quote from: Zephir
Easy man, I did it by accident and please accept my apology for it.
No need to apologize, we know where you are coming from.
Quote from: Zephir
(and my posts were also modified by another moderators here in the past).
Gives you that warm fuzzy feeling doesn't it?
Quote from: Zephir
But as you can see, now you're also willing to ruin whole overunity forum and work of many other people here just because of your momentary private feelings and negative attitude.
Like it or not Zephir, over-unity is coming to a neighborhood near you and possibly
rather soon. A wrecked overunity forum isn't going to be the end of the world.
Quote from: Zephir
So you also may not be always able to separate "the wheat from the chaff".
I know how to separate myself from the rest if need be.
Quote from: ZephirThe true is, the free energy people aren't very disciplined by their very nature - just because they tend to think out of box. From the same reason, they don't like any authority. But just this creativity and lack of discipline can become a brake of further progress and relevant discussion on this forum.
OMG! For real Zephir? Are you serious?
When self runners brake loose in the world, authority can kiss its ass goodbye. Nobody
with an ounce of sense is going to listen to authority any more. Authority is what has
screwed the world into what it is today. Another 30 years of this and we'll be lucky to
ride a camel to the filthy water hole.
Quote from: Vortex1
Looks like Rant Rooms popping up on every corner........I heard this one is gonna serve free doughnut with Java?......can't get that kinda service at every Rant Room. :P
Service? Oh yeah. I'm just get'n started. :-*
Quote from: webby1
Who even asked this "moderator" to be one?
Close. Better question: Who was the dumb ass that approved it?
They on the same team?
Quote from: Zephir
This is sad reality of the overunity progress at the Western world.
Oxymoron -- the two concepts cannot be assimilated in the same context.
And here again. Edit the shit out of it Zephir.
Quick! Hurry before someone notices.
Terms of service agreement [first paragraph]
Zephir broke this in the first sentence [and just got worse]
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.
Way overqualified to be Stifled
The problem with forums is that by their very nature and setup they are not designed to create a structured and managed approach to research and development.
One of my roles during my working life was as a director of research and development.
In that role it was necessary to identify new ideas that might be deemed worthy of research, narrow the list to what the budget could support and allocate the manpower according to the skills that were required to investigate the task, provide equipment and ancillary needs etc. and see the projects through to sometimes successful conclusions. There was much more in terms of managing the process, but those brief few sentences was most of it.
On forums it is a different story, forums are mainly friendship tinkering clubs with various factions that occasionally posture or argue with various other factions taking this or that side.
Everyone likes to have a place (like Cheers) where they can go and toss ideas around and see if it gets approval or not.
It is important to see it for what it is. Will there ever be a structured and progressive approach to research and development on forums? It could happen but I doubt it. It's just not in the nature of the beast.
Once in a while maybe luck will shine and a few good minds will collaborate and come up with some novel idea and develop it to the product level , but how often has anyone seen that in the history of forums for FE?
One definition of a forum is: "a public meeting place for open discussion"
Nowhere could I find in the definition of forums anything that included the research and development part of the process.
Forums can be a good collaborative tool with the right mix of minds. But that's just the starting point, maybe the 1% inspiration part, then needed is the 99% perspiration part.
It's important not to lose our sense of humor or take things too seriously. If we put our hand in a bucket of water and pull it out, did we leave an impression? forums are like the bucket of water, grasshopper.
Quote from: Vortex1 on April 25, 2017, 09:37:27 PM
One definition of a forum is: "a public meeting place for open discussion"
Public being the key word here. If this were a private forum (all members must be
registered and logged in to see its content), things could be quite different and many
of the rules Stefan has to follow would vanish.
I'm a software guy and as such know that you make software to be a tool appropriate
for its use. SMF 2.0.13 is actually a pretty poor tool for what it is we are doing here.
It is very unstructured, but it has a small benefit in this regard. It's a place where
ideas can just pop in practically anonymous. The majority of these ideas could be
easily dismissed, but somewhere in the minority is an idea that needs attention by
as many people that have the time and resources to pursue it.
What I'd like to see someone do someday is to develop a piece of software specifically
for the focus we have here. Somewhat like a wiki with a front-end think tank. Breakout
sessions could be automatically created and linked back to initial think tank comments.
This software should be able to fully support all media forms: text, images, videos, CAD
and other simulation types. The media would be stored on the supporting server
eliminating the need for youtube, falstad and such. When a breakout session becomes
stale, it is locked and queries sent out to the contributors for any new information.
This software could have a project status dashboard for members to check on progress
or new projects. The think tank section could have an interactive whiteboard with
circuit & mechanical drawing capabilities that is recorded and can be later edited and/or
referenced within the breakout sessions. Project breakouts could be setup by invitation
so that functional teams that work well together, can do their thing in peace. Maybe
include a sidebar for non-team members to make objective comments.
Make no mistake, if I had the time and patience to write and host such a software
package, I would have done it already, because it is sorely needed.
Quote from: Vortex1 on April 25, 2017, 09:37:27 PM
If we put our hand in a bucket of water and pull it out, did we leave an impression? forums are like the bucket of water, grasshopper.
Well said.
QuoteIf we put our hand in a bucket of water and pull it out, did we leave an impression? forums are like the bucket of water, grasshopper
Well, in similar way like the bucket of water, it could splash out the standing layer of old dirt floating at its surface (and occasionally bring a new fresh dirt into it).. Just take it in this way: there are many privately moderated boards already, I'm just one of many moderators here, no exception. If you don't want to visit this particular board, then there are many others, with threads cluttered with OT discussion already. Why not to have at least one regularly cleaned and sorted out board just for comparison?
IMO it wouldn't violate freedom of any readers here.
QuoteMF 2.0.13 is actually a pretty poor tool for what it is we are doing here. It is very unstructured, but it has a small benefit in this regard.
Vortex1, Dog-One: I can only agree with everything what you said about this forum. New ideas are perfect, but once they emerge, they should get their dedicated place so that they wouldn't clutter the discussion about already existing ideas. Or the same principle which motivates the forum thinkers here would also lead into their gradual unmotivation *). A branched, multithreaded character of this forum would be therefore desirable. Something like the reddit already has - but with possibility for every long sub-thread to bubble up and to gain top position. Or to gradually lose it at the case of lost of attention. I mean an evolutionary tree of ideas spontaneously and dynamically formed with minimal intervention of administrators.
*) This is fundamental principle of emergence in dense aether model: every change or effect which promotes some phenomena also leads into its scattering and decay in a sufficiently wider (and also smaller) perspective. Every rule or truth has its upsides and also downsides and the scope of its validity remains limited in scope of time and space, no matter how large. A geometric basis of Goedel's incompleteness theorem, so to say. After all, my motivation in overunity research is just based on the belief in opposite side of causality.
Quote from: Vortex1 on April 25, 2017, 09:37:27 PM
"On forums it is a different story, forums are mainly friendship tinkering clubs with various factions that occasionally posture or argue with various other factions taking this or that side."
Yes i Agree that happens and persons like you seems have a special way to confront people, If not let us see ...
"NR made the comment "why it be bothering you"? Actually I think a) it muddies the waters of energy research b) it accrues bad karma to the person who engages in that activity. Think of all the young wide eyed impressionable folk that try to build devices that don't deliver as advertised. All their frustration goes onto their wife, kids, dog, turtle ,goldfish etc, then out into the universe only to return and land on the doorstep of the perpetrator. One way or another. "what goes around comes around". :P never liked that saying.
I think we have a responsibility as scientific minded experimenters to be truthful in our affairs and not waste other peoples time or soon we accrue the (negative)karma."Is not more easy to you say directly why you write such observations in other forum where persons can answer to you ?
That seems nice to you ? I can "smell" a very bad karma in you , should i feel responsible by that ?
Or you prefer make jokes like :
"Look at that waveform! berserk mode is obviously the key to OU. Think my new motto will be:
I'm going "berserk" :D "
"You lead with a very good question. After reviewing a few of NR's videos and getting totally bored I'm thinking of bowing out before I bow in too far, but will probably get kicked out for that comment.
I'm sure you've seen it all and are quite tired of the "radiant" claims as am I."And even that you continue here and in other forums talk about me and my work?
Are you wasting your precious time make redraws of diagrams to what ? Are you contribute to "cheat" the persons with my lies ? :) Regrettable such behavior.
Do not be a lamb in wolfskin , you have already age to To behave like a grown person and confront persons in right way .
What a good example of integrity and moral you have to judge the others .
Nelson Rocha
I got quite a few complains about user Zephir
and I removed his moderator status now and put him on moderation and will only let pass
his messages, if there are no flaming statements included...
Sorry to all, I am pretty busy with another project, so I don´t have much time to
read the forum in this moment.
Regards, Stefan. (admin)
there is no one here who is happy with this kind of decision [having to moderate
there are actually very few who even like moderation at all.
It has been many years here that certain fellows make an extra big commitment towards this path of research
we have people globally who will travel to test devices or assist in testing Claims
we have replicators here who will give the ideas or claims which can be replicated their best effort
recently these men and their integrity was Directly assaulted by a member here ,tearing into the moral
as well as effecting public opinion .
this brings everything we touch here into question ?
Here there should never be just one members word taken as gospel on a claim[dismissing], there are always multiple eyes and benches working on claims.
Checks and balances .
It is also true that here we have a unique scenario with undefined claims in a recent presented circuit .
this can be problematic.
here I must make a confession ,
For many years I have utilized the mentorship of many of these serious men, I have truly learned to adore some and just be grateful to others !
in the process of doing this I have learned we all have limitations ,here the sciences mix and combine in paths which can be quite unique.
we all need each other [even the perspective of the Zephir]
My confession here is I asked TinselKoala to investigate This circuit, supply pathetically small funds for the work he has done
so far
and day one he posts his initial runup ,barely even test drove it yet ,just showing he built it [he has huge list to investigate ]
and a man who hasn't built the circuit steps out and attacks his efforts as disingenuous and reinforces his deluded claim.. yet again about all the Builders here.[purposely hiding OU
the rest of the story you have seen in the last few weeks...
here we actually have a very good group of men who can replicate and look at claims globally
here we also have access to the scientific establishment for assistance [if need be]
these relationships have been a long time in the making ,seeing the sledgehammer of ignorance attack these
men ...
truly criminal.
If we can keep terms of service agreement here as the law of the forum?
we can invite many claims and site visits to the menu here.
our attachment to the scientific community enables this [opens many doors]
respect must rule the day here, all claims need facts ,and there should NEVER be lies printed here [especially members].
There is a group hug scheduled for 6 oclock
attendance not mandatory
Chet K
Quote from: hartiberlin on April 26, 2017, 07:40:05 AM
I got quite a few complains about user Zephir
and I removed his moderator status now and put him on moderation and will only let pass
his messages, if there are no flaming statements included...
Sorry to all, I am pretty busy with another project, so I don´t have much time to
read the forum in this moment.
Regards, Stefan. (admin)
Dear Stefan.
No need to apologise, better late than never !!
Now the fires are extinguished we can get back to work.
Cheers Grum.
Quote from: ramset on April 25, 2017, 09:36:22 PM
Terms of service agreement [first paragraph]
Zephir broke this in the first sentence [and just got worse]
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.
Way overqualified to be Stifled
So in essence topics like:
Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal (http://overunity.com/13885/re-energy-from-the-ground-self-powered-generator-by-barbosa-and-leal/msg505539/#new)Ufo propu engine, closed loop (http://overunity.com/15077/ufo-propu-engine-closed-loop/msg505509/#new)Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY (http://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/msg505497/#new)
Violate the terms and should be removed immediately!
Also all that Russian OU Bull and every other post claiming OU.
REMOVE IT because it is very misleading to newcomers who are new to electronics and thinking out of the box.
This particular incident has absolutely nothing to do with what you just posted here.
false accusations were made against longtime experimenters and replicators here.
and those false accusations [as well as very disruptive behavior]
led to this result.
it you have any questions on terms of service here
read it again.
Chet K
Quote from: scratchrobot on April 26, 2017, 03:12:00 PM
So in essence topics like:
Energy from the Ground - Self powered generator by Barbosa and Leal (http://overunity.com/13885/re-energy-from-the-ground-self-powered-generator-by-barbosa-and-leal/msg505539/#new)
Ufo propu engine, closed loop (http://overunity.com/15077/ufo-propu-engine-closed-loop/msg505509/#new)
Kapanadze Cousin - DALLY FREE ENERGY (http://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/msg505497/#new)
Violate the terms and should be removed immediately!
Also all that Russian OU Bull and every other post claiming OU.
REMOVE IT because it is very misleading to newcomers who are new to electronics and thinking out of the box.
Maybe the thread need not be removed but can be presented with a more honest title like:
"Attempts at replicating a "claimed" overunity device"
or "Attempts at replicating a "supposedly" overunity device"
"Kapadnaze Cousin Dally unverified free energy"
In this case the initiator of the thread is inviting others to replicate and test the veracity of the claimant, and the title reader is implicitly forewarned that it may or may not be a real working as advertised device, and the purpose of the thread is to check out the claims of the claimant by replication or other means.
Quote from: ramset on April 26, 2017, 03:26:55 PM
This particular incident has absolutely nothing to do with what you just posted here.
false accusations were made against longtime experimenters and replicators here.
and those false accusations [as well as very disruptive behavior]
led to this result.
it you have any questions on terms of service here
read it again.
Chet K
I read it again and if you register to this site: 'you agree, trough your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false'.
This is no incident, this whole forum is full of false OU claims!
Scratchrobot quote
I read it again and if you register to this site: 'you agree, trough your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false'.
This is no incident, this whole forum is full of false OU claims!
@ Scratchrobot
Your point is well taken, the example which lead to the result mentioned here by administration was more personal conduct violation and breaking laws .
Libel against members here {lies, fraud claims etc etc] as well as very poor behaviors within the forum]other violations of etiquette ]
your position here has merit and you argument cannot be dismissed ,but we do dismiss such everyday ,and we all look at it as
"ongoing investigation of claims"
its what we do here.
I know other forums do not allow unsupported claims ,and will change tittles of threads to avoid other types of liability issues.
here I cannot comment any further .
I personally have nothing but gratitude and respect for Stefan's accommodations here.
Chet K
I just found this thread so am kind of slow to respond.
First I want to thank Stefan very much for dealing with Zephir. He truly was a serious disruption to this forum.
@Scratchrobot, I understand what you are saying about the misleading titles on many of the threads here. It also irritates me that anyone would make claims that are not true. However I think in a lot of cases the person starting those threads actually thought they had some kind of free energy or OU. They were just too inexperienced to know how to really test and verify what they had. And that is one of the purposes of this forum: to test and verify claims of OU.
Another thing to consider is the idea of truth in advertising. What I am talking about here is that not everyone sees things the same. Here in the U.S. a pizza company had as their slogan "Better ingredients, better pizza, Papa John's. They were sued by another company for claiming they had better ingredients. The judge ruled they could continue to use that slogan because he said that whether the ingredients were better was up to the consumer to decide. The judge ruled that claims can be made in advertising as long as they are not blatantly wrong. So if someone claims to have OU it is up to us to use our own knowledge and experience to prove or disprove their claim.
You have been here long enough to know if the claims turn out to be false the poster usually gets roasted and leave on their own. Or in some cases like Zephir get the boot from the admin.
There are a couple of posters on this forum I would have gotten rid of long ago because their ideas are clearly wrong, but in the interest of letting everyone have their say I suppose they don't really do any harm because I think most of us just ignore anything they post.
All of the forums are quite interesting to read and evaluate
as they present much "food for thought."
Sadly, there are on occasion postings which reveal more
about the "builder" than they reveal about the target
of the attack.
These are the sorts of postings (http://www.energeticforum.com/306594-post236.html) which are indicative of an
underlying state of imbalance (http://www.energeticforum.com/306601-post238.html).
What is one to think?
Quote from: SeaMonkey on November 27, 2017, 05:08:19 PM
All of the forums are quite interesting to read and evaluate
as they present much "food for thought."
Sadly, there are on occasion postings which reveal more
about the "builder" than they reveal about the target
of the attack.
These are the sorts of postings (http://www.energeticforum.com/306594-post236.html) which are indicative of an
underlying state of imbalance (http://www.energeticforum.com/306601-post238.html).
What is one to think?
That the guy is at his wits end possibly pissed off perhaps. ;D 8)
Quote from: citfta on May 03, 2017, 03:01:20 PM
I just found this thread so am kind of slow to respond.
First I want to thank Stefan very much for dealing with Zephir. He truly was a serious disruption to this forum.
@Scratchrobot, I understand what you are saying about the misleading titles on many of the threads here. It also irritates me that anyone would make claims that are not true. However I think in a lot of cases the person starting those threads actually thought they had some kind of free energy or OU. They were just too inexperienced to know how to really test and verify what they had. And that is one of the purposes of this forum: to test and verify claims of OU.
Another thing to consider is the idea of truth in advertising. What I am talking about here is that not everyone sees things the same. Here in the U.S. a pizza company had as their slogan "Better ingredients, better pizza, Papa John's. They were sued by another company for claiming they had better ingredients. The judge ruled they could continue to use that slogan because he said that whether the ingredients were better was up to the consumer to decide. The judge ruled that claims can be made in advertising as long as they are not blatantly wrong. So if someone claims to have OU it is up to us to use our own knowledge and experience to prove or disprove their claim.
You have been here long enough to know if the claims turn out to be false the poster usually gets roasted and leave on their own. Or in some cases like Zephir get the boot from the admin.
There are a couple of posters on this forum I would have gotten rid of long ago because their ideas are clearly wrong, but in the interest of letting everyone have their say I suppose they don't really do any harm because I think most of us just ignore anything they post.
Mr Carrol I cant say I agree fully but know the feeling only too well ;D 8) AG
I'm inclined to agree with AG on this [the reason], not saying its a good path...that is.. going forward with a replication without his "overview" , we know how troublesome that can be and it is never conclusive without the inventors help....unless its successful .
and just for clarity the effect which Matt was showing as important
was not acknowledged in the reply to him.... discussions suggested this effect was "explained"
as the result of equipment irregularities ... HOWEVER it could well be a very ,very important point or moment in the running device where energy can be harvested OR ??.
also to note the device as presented is the most Basic and rudimentary version ,but years of hard work went into this .
it has evolved greatly since then.
So what now ??
we shall see? [Luc will make some tests of his own now with the suggestions made to date.
he was holding off out of respect to the builder .
he does have all the bits and pieces ,it was a concern that Matt had mentioned trouble with Parts sometimes ... that is to say certain parts not performing as they should ??
and having to swap them out until it worked like it should ?
this was one reason I was very grateful that Matt was going to take the time to test run the unit
prior to sending it to the Lab.
To Note
I absolutely believe these fellows [Matt, Dave and Carroll] and the things they say they have seen.
and I do like Matt, he is one very ,very hard working man trying to run a business and help others too.
a very intense fellow with little time on his hands.
Quote from: ramset on November 27, 2017, 07:13:30 PM
I'm inclined to agree with AG on this [the reason], not saying its a good path...that is.. going forward with a replication without his "overview" , we know how troublesome that can be and it is never conclusive without the inventors help....unless its successful .
and just for clarity the effect which Matt was showing as important
was not acknowledged in the reply to him.... discussions suggested this effect was "explained"
as the result of equipment irregularities ... HOWEVER it could well be a very ,very important point or moment in the running device where energy can be harvested OR ??.
also to note the device as presented is the most Basic and rudimentary version ,but years of hard work went into this .
it has evolved greatly since then.
So what now ??
we shall see? [Luc will make some tests of his own now with the suggestions made to date.
he was holding off out of respect to the builder .
he does have all the bits and pieces ,it was a concern that Matt had mentioned trouble with Parts sometimes ... that is to say certain parts not performing as they should ??
and having to swap them out until it worked like it should ?
this was one reason I was very grateful that Matt was going to take the time to test run the unit
prior to sending it to the Lab.
To Note
I absolutely believe these fellows [Matt, Dave and Carroll] and the things they say they have seen.
and I do like Matt, he is one very ,very hard working man trying to run a business and help others too.
a very intense fellow with little time on his hands.
It always seems to be the case-as time go's by,and exact replications fail to yeild the results claimed by the inventer,more parts are needed--or you you have done something wrong.
I remember when i did the replication,all that was needed was 3 batteries and a 12v DC motor.
After spending $240.00 on 3 new batteries,and carrying out the experiment as told,negative results were had.
Then i had to swap out the motor for an inverter.
After another $130.00,and now being the proud owner of a new invertet,we ran the next set of tests.
Once again,negative results.
Now-now we need to have specially wound motors,which have turned out to be great heaters :D
Quote from: tinman on November 28, 2017, 01:03:32 AM
It always seems to be the case-as time go's by,and exact replications fail to yeild the results claimed by the inventer,more parts are needed--or you you have done something wrong.
I remember when i did the replication,all that was needed was 3 batteries and a 12v DC motor.
After spending $240.00 on 3 new batteries,and carrying out the experiment as told,negative results were had.
Then i had to swap out the motor for an inverter.
After another $130.00,and now being the proud owner of a new invertet,we ran the next set of tests.
Once again,negative results.
Now-now we need to have specially wound motors,which have turned out to be great heaters :D
Tin man this reminds me of a device I made a transformer in fact a ferrite torrid in fact to be used in a
TK Dally replication extremely modified wingdings and torrid alloy with more out than in at a certain frequency (1.67 Mhz)
lighting an incandescent 40w at half power from just a SGen and collection grenade coil you could say it was brilliant with retraces to gains dividing back down to 8hz multipal up as far as the mhz rang, it was so good i lashed out and bought 2 more lots of components and drivers for more output with a collection transformer.
But do you think I could get the other copies to work ;D ;D ;D ;D could I heck.
Still I have learnt a good bit since then from others. I must admit none of us know it all, but we can learn from each other. however I remember one particular video an inverter was showing video after video I happen to notice a pile of capacitors and diodes tucked away where under normal glancing would neglect next time i saw the video that section had been removed.
Quote from: AlienGrey on November 28, 2017, 01:50:02 AM
Tin man this reminds me of a device I made a transformer in fact a ferrite torrid in fact to be used in a
TK Dally replication extremely modified wingdings and torrid alloy with more in than out at a certain frequency
lighting an incandescent 40w at half power from just a SGen and collection grenade coil you could say it was brilliant with referaces to gains dividing back down to 8hz multipal up as far as the mhz rang, it was so good i lashed out and bought 2 more lots of components and drivers for more output with a collection transformer.
But do you think I could get the other copies to work ;D ;D ;D ;D could I heck.
Still I have learnt a good bit since then from others. I must admit none of us know it all, but we can learn from each other.
More in than out at a certain frequency?
Quote from: tinman on November 28, 2017, 01:56:03 AM
More in than out at a certain frequency?
yeah still half asleep ;D thanks for that corrected it, it was something to do with the shamann resonance. 8hz repatriation.
I suppose it is the unfortunate "reality" that some of the
"builders" are hooked on drama and emotional retort.
Such behaviors do detract from the seriousness of the
endeavor and do seem quite childish for grown men to
indulge in.
It too is amusing that the vast majority of the so-called
"free-energy" circuits and devices under "replication" and
discussion these days are in reality duplications of circuits
and devices dating back to the earliest days of electrical
experimentation and discovery. There truly is nothing new
under the sun.
I have seen how the accurate analyses provided by those
who are vastly more experienced and educated, such as
the infamous Miles Higher, tends to provoke angry denials
and emotional attacks upon his integrity. That sort of drama
too is characteristic of even the earliest days of research
and discovery. Thankfully, in the end, the Truth about all
matters comes into the light of day.
Until it is forgotten and the process starts anew....
If the concept behind a "discovery" suspected of producing
anomaloous "free-energy" is a sound concept, then "exact"
duplication of every detail in the "discovery circuitry" is not
a necessity at all. The concept will be made manifest in
all trials large or small providing the concept is well understood
and isolated as the actual source of the apparent "free energy."
In the vast majority of cases under discussion these days and
those about which numerous you-tube videos have been created
by "builders," the concept is not accurately isolated nor is it well
understood by those touting its wonders. Another sad reality
regarding modern day experimentation is that most of the
"builders" are not well educated in the phenomena which they
are observing and therefore are easily misled to wrong conclusions
about what they believe they are "seeing."
There is very abundant Free Energy capable of being collected
and made use of everywhere upon Planet Earth. The Sun
showers us with enormous quantities of both Radiant and
Electrical energy each day. Unfortunately, the Corporate Love
of Money coupled with Governmental Politics has impeded much
progress in developing efficient methods of exploiting those
vast quantities of Free Energy.
Most "builders" are looking in the wrong direction.
I should add that I appreciate what Bro Mikey discusses
and shows us. Although occasionally emotional, he never
fails to make amends and corrections. His videos are
quite interesting. His understanding of things electrical
and electronic has actually come a long ways.
Quote from: SeaMonkey on November 28, 2017, 02:50:17 PM
I suppose it is the unfortunate "reality" that some of the
"builders" are hooked on drama and emotional retort.
Such behaviors do detract from the seriousness of the
endeavor and do seem quite childish for grown men to
indulge in.
It too is amusing that the vast majority of the so-called
"free-energy" circuits and devices under "replication" and
discussion these days are in reality duplications of circuits
and devices dating back to the earliest days of electrical
experimentation and discovery. There truly is nothing new
under the sun.
I have seen how the accurate analyses provided by those
who are vastly more experienced and educated, such as
the infamous Miles Higher, tends to provoke angry denials
and emotional attacks upon his integrity. That sort of drama
too is characteristic of even the earliest days of research
and discovery. Thankfully, in the end, the Truth about all
matters comes into the light of day.
Until it is forgotten and the process starts anew....
If the concept behind a "discovery" suspected of producing
anomaloous "free-energy" is a sound concept, then "exact"
duplication of every detail in the "discovery circuitry" is not
a necessity at all. The concept will be made manifest in
all trials large or small providing the concept is well understood
and isolated as the actual source of the apparent "free energy."
In the vast majority of cases under discussion these days and
those about which numerous you-tube videos have been created
by "builders," the concept is not accurately isolated nor is it well
understood by those touting its wonders. Another sad reality
regarding modern day experimentation is that most of the
"builders" are not well educated in the phenomena which they
are observing and therefore are easily misled to wrong conclusions
about what they believe they are "seeing."
There is very abundant Free Energy capable of being collected
and made use of everywhere upon Planet Earth. The Sun
showers us with enormous quantities of both Radiant and
Electrical energy each day. Unfortunately, the Corporate Love
of Money coupled with Governmental Politics has impeded much
progress in developing efficient methods of exploiting those
vast quantities of Free Energy.
Most "builders" are looking in the wrong direction.
Yes I agree but know nothing about the named but get the point with others
All that works is the 'RADIANT' energy, so how many ways can you get it make it or emulate it ?
Today the world has come to a place where the average Child has more information at his fingertips at any given moment than we can even comprehend , the knowledge seems limitless, all these Children effectively are super computers in the making , our view of the reality around us is changing just as fast [with new discoveries by the minute ].
I would not want to be the POWERS THAT BE trying to control all of that !
never happen... too much knowledge in too many hands. [I read somewhere "billions" of I phones
and climbing daily]
couple that group with advancements in Science??
5 or 6 years ago you could buy electron beam microscopes at bargain basement prices..
even find them in the junk pile...
as that world got smaller the need to see it grew exponentially.
and old scopes became obsolete over night [for cutting edge research]
the guy who can see the wheelworks of Nature at the "builders" level and learn how to manipulate and play there??
Yeesh ,I doubt even the Sky is the limit
There is plenty new under the sun ,and its been under our noses all along ,its just that now
it seems we will be like ....Gods ??.
and I am quite certain many science books will be amended in some very big ways !!
what an amazing time to be alive !
Re the topic of respect between men ...we definitely need a lot more of that ,and a lot less of the other.
and I do speak for myself ,its not an easy thing to manage sometimes ,but practice makes ??
Chet K
Quote from: Alien Grey
All that works is the 'RADIANT' energy, so how many ways can you get it make it or emulate it ?
The spectrum of "Radiant" energy is very, very broad.
Unfortunately, most "builders" have no idea.
Quote from: Chet K
...the average Child has more information at his fingertips at any given moment than we can even comprehend.
While this may be technically correct it seems to me
that this enormous resource is little utilized. Even
among those who proclaim themselves proudly to be
Quote from: Chet K
There is plenty new under the sun ,and its been under our noses all along ,its just that now
it seems we will be like ....Gods ??.
The technology has advanced by leaps and bounds
but the underlying principles remain as they were.
We Earthlings have been given much help in order to
make those technological advances. Those entities
who have provided that assistance could be thought
of as possibly "gods." Have we humans become any
more capable physically and mentally than those before
us in earlier centuries and millennia? Many would say
that the modern human has been intentionally "dumbed
down" by the "establishment" in order to be more
compliant and docile.
It is true that Science Books are being continuously amended
to include ether more or less "complex information."
Unfortunately, Science in our modern world is very much controlled
by those in positions of power. To our detriment.
The Forums are very entertaining and it is gratifying to see
how certain of the experimenters grow in knowledge and
experience. The brightest among them are able to
learn much without great monetary investment in futile
"builds" or large, expensive machinery/devices.
Oh come on I'm asking you ::) I'm not trying to be funny but It's not a secret is it ?
All that works is the 'RADIANT' energy, so how many ways can you get it make it or emulate it ?
The spectrum of "Radiant" energy is very, very broad. perhaps it is or perhaps it's just a disguise ?
Unfortunately, most "builders" have no idea..... all I have asked think Akula and other guy Ruslan are the only masters
but I don't see any way to make it in the circuits even Henry Morays son obviously has no idea and Peter Letterman always appears in communications but never discloses more than he has to.
So now that the lid is off the RADIANT rubbish bin what have we got in side
Hmm it's so full of half completed circuits diagnosis and whats this cow dung?
no most of it is BS ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D shovel that out and now whats at the bottom
under what looks like a radio reciver covered in salt that was thrown in a lake with a
Russian bullet hole in it,but wait whats under that ?
Why its Mr Tesla's notes. the truth at last perhaps ?
so how about you opening up the last section ?
your chance to shine :o :D :)
Quote from: Alien Grey
Why its Mr Tesla's notes. the truth at last perhaps ?
Correct! Tesla's Tower was not intended to transmit
power through the atmosphere; but rather to
collect energy from the Earths Vertical Electric Field
and use it to generate AC for distribution from his
tower via electric lines (similar to a small grid of today.)
By extracting electrical energy from the Earth's upper
atmosphere (the Solar Capacitor) and converting it
into AC for distribution Tesla would render coal or oil
fired generating stations obsolete.
That is why his Tower was ordered ruthlessly demolished
by a gang of thugs. The Love of Money.
The very convenient High Technology Devices which many
are enjoying in today's World may actually be making
people dumber. (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=162053)
Isn't it a bit ironic that what at first glance appears to be
enhancing the intelligence of our youth is in reality
having the opposite effect?
" The Love of Money."
And weapons
"Isn't it a bit ironic that what at first glance appears to
enhancing the intelligence of our youth is in reality
having the opposite effect?"
Yes they becumming mo cunning
Smartphone Addiction does affect the brain. (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=162064)
SeaMonkey It's a pagan world (everything is designed around devil worship even God is a word,
short for Gad're'el Satan's real name. book of Hanok.
You cant trust anything or any one.
Quote from: AlienGrey on December 07, 2017, 07:20:22 AM
SeaMonkey It's a pagan world (everything is designed around devil worship even God is a word,
short for Gad're'el Satan's real name. book of Hanok.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAYJ0esqafg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAYJ0esqafg)
You cant trust anything or any one.
Especially youtube!
Quote from: citfta on December 07, 2017, 10:07:15 AM
Especially youtube!
Well eggs are cheep this week as well. but then that's neither here or their is it.
Citfa I get an eerie feeling you have more than just the one screen name, strange that. :o
Quote from: AlienGrey on December 07, 2017, 01:06:31 PM
Well eggs are cheep this week as well. but then that's neither here or their is it.
Citfa I get an eerie feeling you have more than just the one screen name, strange that. :o
That's strange. I have no idea who else you might think I am but I have only this one user name that I have used for several years. My real name is Carroll which I have had for almost 72 years. I sometimes sign my posts and sometimes not.
As far as the youtube comment, anyone that gets their education and information from youtube are getting exactly what they deserve for being too lazy to do their own research.
Quote from: citfta on December 07, 2017, 01:28:08 PM
That's strange. I have no idea who else you might think I am but I have only this one user name that I have used for several years. My real name is Carroll which I have had for almost 72 years. I sometimes sign my posts and sometimes not.
As far as the youtube comment, anyone that gets their education and information from youtube are getting exactly what they deserve for being too lazy to do their own research.
Well Carroll are we talking ancient Arabic Hebrew scriptures ? I have read a good part of it but have never come across much similarity with the king James pile of translation errors. With out the internet we would all be indoctrinated with sheer lies so I wouldn't go throwing the baby out with the bath water. Not just yet.
PS i'm well aware of the truth.
Well Allen,
I really do think you have me confused with someone else. I never said anything about ancient Arabic Hebrew scriptures or any other scriptures. And I was not suggesting that all the internet was useless. I was only saying that unless you do some serious research of your own you can be easily led astray by all the garbage posted on youtube. Used in the proper way the internet can be a powerful tool. But you have to understand the limitations and ulterior motives of some areas of it. I almost never use Google because the search results you will get are heavily bias to promote their hidden agenda. A good library will beat the internet any day for serious research.
Once again Erron at EF goes into a "postal meltdown." (http://www.energeticforum.com/free-energy-frauds-pseudoskeptics/7688-luc-choquette-fraud-dispute-4.html#post309163)
This happens with regularity and is always quite
amusing as it develops and evolves.
It begins about here. (http://www.energeticforum.com/free-energy-frauds-pseudoskeptics/7688-luc-choquette-fraud-dispute-3.html#post308992)
I have some difficulty comprehending why Erron
would characterize Chet, Luc, TK, Miles Higher and
Poynt99 in such an unfriendly and demeaning
manner. Those technicians/engineers have
contributed much to the cause of Truth while
assisting all experimenters in discerning false
claims from actual circuit performance.
EF is becoming the Land of Looney Tunes...
Quote from: SeaMonkey on March 26, 2018, 03:02:00 PM
Once again Erron at EF goes into a "postal meltdown." (http://www.energeticforum.com/free-energy-frauds-pseudoskeptics/7688-luc-choquette-fraud-dispute-4.html#post309163)
This happens with regularity and is always quite
amusing as it develops and evolves.
I have some difficulty comprehending why Erron
would characterize Chet, Luc, TK, Miles Higher and
Poynt99 in such an unfriendly and demeaning
manner. Those technicians/engineers have
contributed much to the cause of Truth while
assisting all experimenters in discerning false
claims from actual circuit performance.
EF is becoming the Land of Looney Tunes...
Who is Eerron ? do you mean Aarron at energetic forums ? ;D ;D
There is something very wrong
when we teach...there is more that is taught than the lesson, people and the kids pay attention
"Come here and I will show you a secret... a secret which would save the world [many secrets actually]
make sure you bring your wallet ,[I have to eat too] and if you can't get it to work ??
thats on you " [Tuff Luc for you]
HUH ??
Insert horror Pic here of Fucashima [China syndrome] famine, Drought ,oil wars ,global warming [science is telling us its almost too late]
extinction level events.....Pollution etc etc etc
and selling secrets which would stop this??
for how many years??
or decades ?? [1984]
The Kids are paying attention....
at what level does a person change from I have secrets to sell to
open source or "here we need this ....our lives depend on it our children's lives..."
I am so thankful that my children did not die for lack of Aaron's secrets
but Millions or billions have since??
what was it 1984 ??
how much are these secrets worth ??
and then there are the Kids reading this lesson "some secrets are worth more than Lives [if you can make a buc]"
the unwritten but obvious lesson.
the kids look around and see "No body who buys the secret books shares this secrets in the book to save the planet [insert pics again of horrors here]
to this day ...since 1984 ??
nobody can point to the secrets saving anybody from anything .
so they learn the other lesson Aaron teaches everyday
Get yours don't worry about them if they don't get it ...SSHHH its a secret ;)
is anybody teaching them anything else ?
use to be they were taught "other" things ??
now Aaron teaches them its OK to sell secrets that can save lives or the planet ...
if you can make a buc.
many other lessons being taught these days to the Kids
yeah I agree
don't give these "kids" guns if this is what your teaching them......
everybody leaves a legacy....
Quote from: citfta on December 07, 2017, 10:07:15 AM
Especially youtube!
Never let schooling get in the way of your education.
Quote from: tinman on March 27, 2018, 06:33:42 AM
Never let schooling get in the way of your education.
Hi Brad,
Please show a link to at least one OU device on Youtube that you believe is real. I am sure I can easily find at least a hundred that are fake but are claimed to be real.
Quote from: SeaMonkey on March 26, 2018, 03:02:00 PM
Once again Erron at EF goes into a "postal meltdown." (http://www.energeticforum.com/free-energy-frauds-pseudoskeptics/7688-luc-choquette-fraud-dispute-4.html#post309163)
This happens with regularity and is always quite
amusing as it develops and evolves.
It begins about here. (http://www.energeticforum.com/free-energy-frauds-pseudoskeptics/7688-luc-choquette-fraud-dispute-3.html#post308992)
I have some difficulty comprehending why Erron
would characterize Chet, Luc, TK, Miles Higher and
Poynt99 in such an unfriendly and demeaning
manner. Those technicians/engineers have
contributed much to the cause of Truth while
assisting all experimenters in discerning false
claims from actual circuit performance.
EF is becoming the Land of Looney Tunes...
It's simple==he(Aaron the rookie) knows that the above mentioned are far beyond his reach.
Quote: TK, Milehigh and Poynt99 cannot be separated from each other because they are the three stooges. The three stooges that you worked with in synchrony with years ago in the Ainslie threads. As soon as TK was booted for his mouth, you came immediately to the rescue and made sure that you put his posts there on his behalf. This was before the Milehigh and Poynt99 stooges were booted.
This is the way Aaron the rookie operates.
He boots those off the forum that know more than he dose--which is most people there.
If you argue the point with him,and he knows he cant win because he is wrong,then you get booted,as i did when i exposed UFOpolotics for his huge OU blunder.
When i posted the video on how to correctly carry out a prony brake test to calculate HP,and told UFOpolotics he got it wrong,and that his motor was actually 23% less efficient than my !off the shelf! motor,i got booted.
This is the way Aaron the rookie work's--he is a dictator,not a leader.
Quote: everyone knows TK, Poynt99 and Milehigh work together as a team to spread disinformation and you are helping them. In other words, you have been the greatest supporter of those clown's disinformation of anyone who has ever posted in this forum. As I said, you are untrustworthy.
Aaron-->you are an ass clown,and a hypocrite.
Here is a classic example
And he calls others untrustworthy,and spreads disinformation-->while he is happy to do it,and profit from his own disinformation and lies.
QuoteThe importance of the Homopolar Generator cannot be emphasized enough. It is a drag free generator that produces electricity by simply rotating a magnet in space!
Common generators will get bogged down when you draw electricity from them – for example if you light up a bunch of bulbs on a gasoline generator set, the engine has to work harder to compensate for that load, thereby burning up more gasoline.
But with a Homopolar Generator, you can draw electricity from it and it does not bog down what is turning the magnet. And this is just one of the many benefits of this kind of generator.
So,pictured below,is the next book of bullshit--coming your way soon.
Oh,and check this out--you wont believe this lol.
Quote from the !buy the book !page :D
His invention of the world's most efficient plasma ignition system that actually ignites water in an engine has been awarded a U.S. Patent.
The guy has no dignity(the state or quality of being worthy of honour or respect) at all.
Quote from: citfta on March 27, 2018, 06:50:31 AM
Hi Brad,
Please show a link to at least one OU device on Youtube that you believe is real. I am sure I can easily find at least a hundred that are fake but are claimed to be real.
Where did i mention finding OU machines on youtube?
All i did was post a quote that has meaning--never let your schooling get in the way of your education.
This simply means that you will learn more out of school than you will while you are there.
You will never find an OU machine,for the very simple reason that you cannot make energy from nothing.
Nothing can produce energy--the energy comes from some where.
OU simply means you have a device that transforms one form of energy into another,but that energy source is yet to be understood.
I will give you one classic example=a youtube video that shows exactly what i am referring to.
Thats right--it is my video,saved and re-uploaded by a fellow researcher.
Do you see a flaw in the measurements? --No?,thats because there was no flaw.
PW,MarkE,and poynt99 were all fairly satisfied with the measurements taken,as it was there measurement protocol.
To most (nearly all) this would appear to be an OU machine,but to me(and 2 others)the source of the !apparent! extra power is known and understood.
This guy had better apparatus in 2010 and I'm sure he discovered it before 2008.
To quote citfta at EF
QuoteI will say one thing on Chet's behalf. At least he doesn't keep promoting book after book and video after video that promises to give the final secret of overunity but never deliver that secret.
A man that knows how it is.
Well done citfta,for having the balls to stand up to that fraud Aaron.
Aaron the rookies reply
Quote: We've released more books and videos on real overunity technologies than any other publisher combined. If you're not able to apply the information, it's on you. And we have never claimed any final secret to overunity because there isn't one - there are simply very well established parameters that must be followed in order to achieve it. And, you have access to the forum for FREE and you are not required to purchase anything that actually pays the bills for the dedicated server or anything else so if you're that ungrateful, leave.
By the way, give up your income and ask for donations and let's see how long it takes until you're begging for money on the street.
QuoteWe've released more books and videos on real overunity technologies than any other publisher combined
This shows how delusional Aaron really is--he actually believes his own lies.
Fact is,not one of there books gives any details on any OU machine.
The lie is,he is stating that they do.
QuoteIf you're not able to apply the information, it's on you.
Not one single person who bought a book of bullshit,has been able to !apply! the information.
QuoteAnd we have never claimed any final secret to overunity because there isn't one - there are simply very well established parameters that must be followed in order to achieve it.
Of course Aaron the rookie(and his minions),have never been able to achieve it either.
Aaron,if you read this--> YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT>
Just a side note
Quote Aaron:
QuoteBut what nobody has ever done because actually many said it couldn't be done was that I used the SAME capacitor for the capacitive discharge input to the primary giving a cdi spark AND SIMULTANEOUSLY used the SAME capacitor to serve as the low voltage high current source that will jump the gap. They said it couldn't be done because they don't understand how it works. They claimed when the capacitor hits the primary that it completely discharged but I knew better. Hardly any gets to the primary to make the spark and when it is made the rest, which is most of it jumps the gap causing the plasma. The only truly significant innovation to plasma jet ignition systems in over 40 years - and I am the sole inventor of it.
Oddly enough,being a mechanic for over 38 years now,i remember systems like this years ago.
So thought i would go on the hunt.
Below is Aarons diagrams of his and Luc's !!plasma!! ignition systems.
Also is an ignition system designed by a man called Toshimi Abo
He designed and patented this ignition system back in 1981 ;D
But Aaron is the sole inventor lol
Aint that a hoot. :D
Hi Brad,
I remember when that thread first started and Luc presented his claims. Aaron questioned whether or not a high voltage low current arc could then carry a high current at low voltage. I replied that tig welders did it all the time. When you first step on the pedal on a tig welder a high voltage high frequency source is connected to the tig torch. This starts the arc and then the high current low voltage follows the arc to heat the metal so it can be welded. After I posted that information he then came back and said he knew that but blah,blah,blah. If he really knew that then why did he question what Luc had posted?
If he reads this those posts will probably disappear if they haven't already been removed.
Take care,
Quote from: citfta on March 28, 2018, 08:57:09 AM
Hi Brad,
I remember when that thread first started and Luc presented his claims. Aaron questioned whether or not a high voltage low current arc could then carry a high current at low voltage. I replied that tig welders did it all the time. When you first step on the pedal on a tig welder a high voltage high frequency source is connected to the tig torch. This starts the arc and then the high current low voltage follows the arc to heat the metal so it can be welded. After I posted that information he then came back and said he knew that but blah,blah,blah. If he really knew that then why did he question what Luc had posted?
If he reads this those posts will probably disappear if they haven't already been removed.
Take care,
Yep,have both types of machines--the old scratch start,and the newer proximity start(HV arc start)
Slowly people are starting to see what Aaron,Peter linderman,and the late JB are really about.
Take the !!lockridge!! device for example.
A device fabricated by the JB team,in the hopes of making some quick dollars from yet another book of rubbish.
You simply have to do a google search,and every single page on the !!lockridge!! device has there name plastered all over it.
Seems not one single person in the world(other than the above mentioned) knew of this device.
It is also true that the JB team could not produce this self running VW generator to any one other than them selves--not one single demonstration of this wonder machine working-->but you could buy the book :D
I use to have a good laugh at the SSG group,when they would present there 1 ohm test as proof that the SSG was producing more power than it consumed. This is a clear case that even the inventor did not understand his own machines--they didnt know a current loop when it was right there in front of them ;D
I know they have to make a living too ::)
But perhaps if they had shared these secrets in 1984 ...or since...??
they would not be on the Leeward side of the Gifts from
Fukushima and the ongoing 'China Syndrome"meltdown....
ask anyone with a Geiger counter what is happening on the leeward side of
Fukushima maybe a good follow up to all these "secrets that would save the world Books"
should be ??
selfishness run amuk ??
the consequences of my inaction ??
all the folks who hide behind the FE will end the world and cause chaos ??
should get a Geiger counter
what goes around
Fukushima comes around...
the whole planet ,and its not fixed yet....
some say an "extinction level" event is in play.
Quote from: ramset on March 28, 2018, 10:25:50 AM
I know they have to make a living too ::)
But perhaps if they had shared these secrets in 1984 ...or since...??
they would not be on the Leeward side of the Gifts from
Fukushima and the ongoing 'China Syndrome"meltdown....
ask anyone with a Geiger counter what is happening on the leeward side of
Fukushima maybe a good follow up to all these "secrets that would save the world Books"
should be ??
selfishness run amuk ??
the consequences of my inaction ??
all the folks who hide behind the FE will end the world and cause chaos ??
should get a Geiger counter
what goes around
Fukushima comes around...
the whole planet ,and its not fixed yet....
some say an "extinction level" event is in play.
Maybe there was an issue when the cold war was going on to hide everything and research it in secret. Now the threat is more about the consuming that has only increased since WW2. I think nuclear power is something like a backdoor to the running system. It is there, but we are not supposed to use it, because we can take all the energy we need from other means.
Spending resources and consuming has reached a level that can only be logical if they already colonized at least some moons or planets in this solar system. Not even the greediest fuck would cut down all the forests to make money and then choke on top of a pile of money from the lack of oxygen.
This is how I see it.
I think there is a Creator. It might be just the consciousness or heck maybe it is some kinda intelligent entity. Religions are 5% about this entity and 95% politics.
There are other solar systems. This means we are supposed to go there or they are supposed to come here. If it is all about us, then no intelligent Creator would make GAZILLIONS of stars&planets. Not even if bored
In addition there are billions of galaxies. There is no way that we are the only intelligent life. If they are coming here, they are not using coal or oil. I doubt they are using nuclear either.
Nuclear power will eventually break from what ever shelter you make for it and then it kills all life. This is not something the Creator was planning for us to use.
So there is a power source we can use. I believe we can arrange circumstances so, that Nature will give us electricity that was not put into the system by us. Some organizations have this and other technology and they are out there making headway and what they should do is let all the crazy pioneers out there to do their glass dome weed farms in the asteroid belt.
Sure there is going to be problems like some fanatic making a saucer and dropping TNT into the White House, but this is shit that is going to happen anyway. It is not about the technology, but how this guy came to this conclusion, that this is a good idea? If you invade countries and bomb nations to stone age then you are always in danger of someone dropping TNT into your house.
So what we need to watch out for in the future:
Leader that says "God is with us. Let's go kill those other people"
Anybody who says "I know what God thinks and he says we need to do some (raping and) killing"
Any religion, that puts people ahead of other people.
Letting our governments tell us what to do, who to kill and what to eat and still call it democracy (making you choose between 2 candidates that are both owned by the same corporations is not democracy...)
We gotta start loving ourselves and other people. Nobody is coming after you, if you love them too much. This means you don't need to live in fear and kill people just to be sure
If you take the other route and kill your enemies and just to be sure kill those that you are not sure about, then you are fucked for ever. No nation is so powerful or big, that will not be a bigger one that will stomp you.
If you are the last nation alive, then you are just watching your own people and eventually they will overthrow you.
All the this insane spending and consuming is not all about money. They got some weird plan why they need us to fuck up this planet.
I think that was a good rant!
Whether the Patoskeptic Garden Dwarfs Trolls agree or not, I, after having taking
some time to read a bunch of Zephir's posts, must confess that I mostly do agree with him... ;D
Le bonsoir vous sied,
This forum is infested by Russian trolls and Stefan is doing nothing against it. I can see @Tinman is also leaving this forum (http://overunity.com/profile/tinman.78258/area/showposts/) by now... :-(
If someone wants to discuss some sourced ! ideas or experiments, he can post it here (https://www.reddit.com/r/Physics_AWT/comments/7fk4m6/brownian_motion_of_graphene_potential_source_of/), but all trolling (dumb / pointless verbiage or pathoskeptic BS) will be deleted from there with no mercy.
Hi Everyone,
I thought to start this discussion because some of my posts (and some posts of another member) last night got deleted by member EMJunkie.
He did not give the correct link where this debate started: it started here:
He is unable to face he made mistakes in interpreting the correct relation between the units of electrical energy (Joule or Wattsecond)
and electrical power (Watt or Joule/second).
He wrote these:
"Automatically when you specify "Watt" it is Watt Second!"
quote is from here: https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546724/#msg546724 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546724/#msg546724)
"Again: One Watt Second = One Joule per Second - Non-refutable!"
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546727/#msg546727 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546727/#msg546727)
I attempted to correct it here: https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546742/#msg546742 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546742/#msg546742)
and in his answer he quoted the Wiki pages which discussed Joule-second, J-s (i.e. Wattsecond x second), the unit of angular momentum used in mechanical engineering.
As such it has nothing to do with the unit of electrical energy, J (or Ws). The Joule-second was his argument that I confused the two. He blames me for his mistake.
Continued in the next post below.
Continued from above
EMJunkie went as far as to claim I did not understand the use of, or the meaning of the = sign in this 'equation' he wrote and I only quoted it from him:
1 Watt second = 1 Joule per second
see this here:
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546916/#msg546916 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546916/#msg546916)
and his "explanation" for that equation is "Joules per Second = Joules per Second, quantified by the Value or Units of, the term being of equal value,
or equal in Units, not necessarily defined by the value."
Did you notice? He simple changed his original "1 Watt second = 1 Joule per second" to "Joules per Second = Joules per Second".
And he wrote I was acting like a Juveline and that I should be ashamed of myself. This is hilarious!
Then he went on deleting my other posts and also the posts of the other member we made last night.
Because I saved my posts, I reposted one of them and this time EMJunkie did not delete it :
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546923/#msg546923 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546923/#msg546923)
but he continued to belittle me. of course.
I attach a deleted post of mine and that includes EMJunkie's reply to that post in which he wrote to me:
"Childish and Petty Gyula! Really, get out of the mud, and make some sense!" So he deleted his post together with mine but I saved it and attached.
The astute readers here surely notice that in the last 2 days EMJunkie has started to use the correct units of energy and power
by writing the correct equations and also attaching numerous picture quotes on them in both of his threads he can moderate.
So he wants to sweep his earlier 'deeds' under the rug and also blaming me and the other forum member for his mistakes.
What a character ! What do you all think?
PS I include the top part text of the below attachment to make it readable easier:
I did not mean Smudge or lancaIV came to my rescue. The astute readers here surely understand the thoughts of Smudge from his post,
I quote the relevant part:
"... I note the various disagreements that have occurred on matters like use of RMS for power measurements, the silly name of
this thread "Partnered Output Coils", 1 Watt second = 1 Joule per second and so on. ..." (bold is from me)
Re lancaIV: his post (you also refer to) on interpreting angular momentum backed up the fact that Joule-second has nothing to do
with the units of electrical energy or power while earlier you did bring it up against me as if it was me who wrote it wrongly.
It was you who brought up Joule-second first in connection with electrical energy, not me. Your table on Si Units shows the difference
of units for Power and Angular Momentum.
You wrote to lancaIV: "I am learning also, and sometimes I am not right. In this case, my posts were directly from Source material,
learned and cross referenced. That's why Gyula is wrong and I am standing my Ground!" (bold is from me)
Bingo! Your good move towards admitting sometimes you are not right: now you need a small step only to tell you made a mistake
in writing this: 1 Watt second = 1 Joule per second etc.
You can keep deleting posts of course, and you can blame me for your mistakes you made but instead it would be a simple sentence
to write you was not right with using the units in question. And that you have learned indeed proving you are ready for it.
Hi Gyula,
I intend to participate in this discussion. I have some images I wish to attach/post and am having difficulty sizing them properly. Thanks gyula.
So, attached is part of a screenshot from a table found here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SI_derived_unit
These are internationally accepted units. Notice the bottom lines for the joule and the watt. The joule is represented by symbol J. And J = W•s or 1 joule = 1 watt second. A watt is represented by symbol W. And W = J/s or 1 watt = 1 joule per second.
W is power. J is energy. W is watts. J is joules.
Everybody in the world uses this convention, standard, system except EMJunkie.
{edit5} cleaned up trouble with attachment size and added comment.
Here is the Table on SI Units too what EMJunkie uploaded here (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546887/#msg546887) first to show the units of Power and encircled it in red to show everybody: lo he knows that... but it was on June 16, and the debate started on June 13 when he wrote (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546724/#msg546724) : "when you specify Watt, it is Watt second".
Also, the units (Joule-second) of Angular Momentum is also included in the same table what I encircled now too. It is funny he did not know or notice this earlier when he first blamed me (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546763/#msg546763) for my mixing up the two but it was his confusion.
Gentlemen also I hope some discussion on RMS and measurements can be discussed... as many are confused about how the temp of a bulb could not give clues to its output ? Ion had taught us a method to scale the bulb with a thermometer [a quick calibration method]
run the chosen bulb at 1 watt increments and measure its temp [or 1/10th ?] ....scale every watt and note its temperature... or every 5 or ten watts etc etc...then a researcher can take a bulbs temp and know the power going thru it !and if all researchers have the same bulb....they can know the power output...and compare results...example: i have bulb manufacturer XYZ part number ******** and its showing 50C or ??? then I can know power from quick calibration chart.[or somebody in another country can run test and verify power by temperature [not sure power is proper word here ??]
I probably did not do a good job explaining this to Chris ...however almost all persons I have asked since his dismissal
of this caloric method have disagreed .
to be clear..its part of ION's fixed loss to ambient test protocol [was outlined in Chris topic] protocol was specifically designed for
making quality measurements on difficult circuits [HF...RF...nonlinear ...or meters go haywire or Oscilloscope probes can't touch "sniff " circuit etc etc...also saves from damaging test equipment at times...and allows those with no expensive equipment tojoin in the fun...[with good data or reliable test results.
I will also be asking Smudge for opinion here too.
not looking to start fights just to understand....The better an experimenter can be on his bench and sharing results...the better we all can be in getting there faster.
respectfully...Chet K
I refer to member ions fixed loss to ambient test protocol which will have a tutorial in the coming weeks.
@ Ramset
very cool !
@ All readers
Most all of us have flamed on a bad day.
Hey its forgivable !
Persecuting some one for a misstatement or just flat out being wrong, doesn't make it
more likely that, that person will be able to come back gracefully from their mistake.
Does it ?
Rather than derailing a topic (temporarily or not) better to set it aside if possible or take it
to a rant room / dust bin.
It's difficult to have been wrong and accept it. Were all here learning.
Its pretty much the rule, that one must have a conceptualization, wright or wrong or there
is no learning.
Rote learning is not the same as understanding a thing.
Understanding is connections.
Any person will typically arrive at many, incorrect conceptions in relationship to any concept which is new to him. Those conceptions whether voiced or written or only in the form of thoughts which have come and gone so quickly as to be almost unnoticed / unremembered were wrong.... or we didn't learn any thing. Yes, no ?
My opinion..
The "teacher" learns more than the student or else its time for the teacher to do something else.
Guess what, this means that the teacher (voiced or unvoiced) is wrong as often as not ! smile..
Else the teacher is not a teacher, not an educator, but is instead a mere instructor or presenter.
A person and THEIR topic are moving in a direction. Their direction.
Or else the topic is a brain storming session (fine many times), or a brawl (not so good).
Brain storming is fun, but those ideas most often don't flower into any thing / manifest / complete.
Do they.
Get over the idea that all topics are for you to brain storm in or flash your ideas ! Because
this changes a topics direction (some times not good). Some times a troll tactic (not good).
Some times not intentional (still not good).
This is one good reason to start topic of your own. Just don't call it a brain storming topic. If you want good input the topic needs to start from a good seed. Got one ?
Could be someone else's good idea. Doesn't matter, it just matters that it interests you.
peace, out
Partnered Output Coils- Builders Group-Moderated !
www.mathisfun.com (http://www.mathisfun.com) link about " ..... = .....
5 sentences below : ....... J/s and J-s are different Units, J-s!=J/s ::)
EE is complicated,not become confused also !
But more important than this "Stutenbissigkeits"-battle is to (re-)mark/notice the specified formula in basic units application :
Energy,Work in SI-basic Kg-m² /s² units times Js = /s
Energy,Work in SI-basic Kg-m² /s² units times J/s = /s³
Probably by "s,s² and s³ " we will see how specific energy = mc² changed by Tesla to = tc²
energy is not matter and matter is not energy
energy transforms to matter and matter transforms to energy
specific Lorentz force and Lorentz Transformation
Angular Momentum,Spin = descripted as Maxwells equitations independent !
Hi Floor,
Thanks for your wise words I basically agree with you. Indeed "it is difficult to have been wrong and accept it. We are all here learning."
In the present case someone made a misstatement, others attempted to correct him and he then went to great lengths to confuse
the less observant readers to think he was correct all the time and the others were wrong.
And in his confusing posts he did include mocking words for the others.
This attitude is the one that needs drawing widespread attention to, IMHO.
QuotePersecuting some one for a misstatement or just flat out being wrong, doesn't make it
more likely that, that person will be able to come back gracefully from their mistake.
Does it ?
Rather than derailing a topic (temporarily or not) better to set it aside if possible or take it
to a rant room / dust bin.
It's difficult to have been wrong and accept it. Were all here learning.
Nobody is persecuting anyone for being wrong and I think most understand anytime EMJ is criticized in any way he comes unglued and goes all Jekyll and hyde on them. That is the issue here and your trying to victimize the real victims in my opinion ie. gaslighting.
I would also point out that it's not difficult being wrong and accepting it because I do it all the time. I'm actually wrong or not wholly correct on many technical problems and it's super easy to accept it. The question you need to ask yourself is why would someone seem to go to extraordinary lengths to cover up a simple mistake?. To continuously double down, delete posts and belittle or insult others?.
You see when someone points out one of my errors I usually thank them, I don't come unglued and start hurling insults... but that's just me.
There is only one answer to the above post by onepower and Ramset. Guess what that could be... Even IF, a small circuit can show some small measure of OU, will that really help or change the world? Will that end hunger, will it light peoples homes, will it run their electric cars? NO. Let's be real, Any small solar panel will blow that little circuit out of the water, today, already.
The reason that we don't have OU, nor a self running device, yet, is because of the harmful potential that a true and powerful OU or self running device would have on the world. Harmful to the powers that be. Because of that we will not own the tech, today, nor tomorrow. Not for Adrian, not for Tariel, not for Bedinni, and not for you as well. Even if we were to find out just how to do it. Obviously, we are not there yet. Just look at Kapanadze's newest circuits, are they going to be allowed? NO, not today. Not until the economic crash that will break down and ruin even the strongest power companies, oil companies, the banking sector, which is already more than broke. You don't believe it? Oil at minus 27 dollars, in just a short time, is just one example.
Hang tight guys, we don't have too much longer to wait, until the truth will be known. Shit is now hitting the fan. Great. We will know what we need to know, when we need to know it. Even if you think that you are ready for it, the world is not.As along with these types of technologies, comes weather control, weapons of mass destructions, etz... and we are NOT ready for all that, as yet. Just look what Tesla could do with a little small box, to bring down a building, a bridge, and much more that he could do, with a little small box in his Pierse Arrow car, almost 100 years ago, using resonance, from the Cosmic Soup.
I would also say...
Some of us have seen all this before repeating itself in most of the forums over the years. Someone comes along claiming they are the chosen one and only they understand and anyone who questions them in any way is evil and part of some grand conspiracy. Many drink the koolaid aid and become loyal and obidient followers attacking and victimizing all who question there chosen one.
However what we know from history is that this seldom if ever ends well. Over at the energetic forum it would seem there chosen ones may have been secretly patenting others work and I imagine any evidence to the contrary may have been mysteriously erased from there servers due to Chinese hackers, lol.
I don't like being critical and I hope this time is different however the odds are against us. It just seems to me the good hard working people here just keep getting screwed over from every angle. Myself, I could never trust anyone who viciously attacks other people because the next time it could be us. There is no excuse for it and it isn't going to just fix itself by ignoring it.
I suspect this time next year the truth will be known whether we were all being gaslighted yet again or not. My intuition tells me history is due to repeat itself.
NickZ, the energy price - here as special case : electricity
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=pt&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fexpresso.pt%2Feconomia%2F2020-04-29-Abril-teve-a-eletricidade-mais-barata-dos-ultimos-seis-anos.-Eis-as-razoes (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=pt&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fexpresso.pt%2Feconomia%2F2020-04-29-Abril-teve-a-eletricidade-mais-barata-dos-ultimos-seis-anos.-Eis-as-razoes)
is falling and falling ,sometimes now in Central Europe electricity explorer has to pay to introduce their product into the net : negative prices !
e-C.O.P.> 1 devices will increase this price decrease,but to introduce such devices to market and to the consumer controled is more important than in hurry action :
it is political program and economical direction in E.U.-Europe : Zero Energy Building = autonomous living,in situ home plant,net-off grid
To plan with US b2b electricity market prices as future consumer price average : 5 Euro-cents/KWh consume !
p.s.: really interestant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOp26wnzyXk&feature=youtu.be (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOp26wnzyXk&feature=youtu.be) wireless 58 W bulb charge
Think about it... if I can generate one watt I would also understand the generation process which can then be expanded on or scaled up. With one watt I could also sequence multiple units increasing the power exponentially. With one watt I may not be able to change the world but I could change the minds of millions of others who could.
The real power is not in the technology but the idea that we are swimming in a sea of energy there for the taking. If everyone believed this was true and had proof it was we would see an energy revolution the likes of which few can comprehend. One watt...
Thanks for the link. What I have always noticed when lighting florescent tubes with these types of HV circuits, is that you will not really get anywhere near the brightness as they are designed to give, like 3700 lumen written on the bulb itself. Yet, little light is seen lighting up the bench. And using HV pulses over what the bulbs are designed for, will burn and char the tube itself. Not good. I admit that I don't understand what the guys is saying, but I think that I get the idea. If I'm wrong, please let me know.
Onepower: Well, that is your theory... let's see it in action. We have been saying that for a long long time. And still getting no where. One watt... well, not even 1/10 of a watt, not even one single tiny led bulb lighting. Nothing. Period. No OU prize, zilch. Why is it that only the Russian/Slavs know about this? But, won't/can't show how it's done.
Why is it that only Geo and I are the only ones left actually trying to do the best we can to develop and bring this out to the rest of the people here. I know why. But, still having a hard time at it. We need all the help that we can get. So, help us, to help you. As soon as the tech is known, there is no stopping it. Unless the internet goes down, at the same time.
onepower ,
Lets try that and see...one little watt...harvested in a heretofore unknown way...
from the sea of energy, night or day..undersea or on the mountain..in hot or cold climate...Desert or Jungle..
IMO [and yours too ...and others ]the game changer extraordinaire
we had a member here...I think "theoreticalresearcher" nice young man from California...said this year a One watt device would arrive on the planet..
Maybe somebody here will deliver...?
fed ex ?
UPS ??meanwhile...we are all Builders here ...well ?
Lets??? How about it Ramset, will you get into this ball game, after your 7000 posts? No sitting on the bench. "We are all BUILDERS here. Really? You can't have a routing section without action. So, what are you going to do? What circuit will you build? You need equipment? Did Tariel need a scope, signal generator, spectrum analyzer, power supplies, etz? Did he hide them all under his bed, in the bedroom videos.
So much talk, and so little action. Will this time be different? We don't really need moderation, we need motivation.
Like you said, if you don't like what someone says, don't go there. but, is that the solution? For Stefan, yes. But, for us?
I think that it is important to clarify misinformation. But, do we really need to know just how to take full measurements, when we have NOTHING to measure? Lanca mentioned, "the chicken, or the egg".
QuoteLets??? How about it Ramset, will you get into this ball game, after your 7000 posts? No sitting on the bench. "We are all BUILDERS here. Really? You can't have a routing section without action. So, what are you going to do? What circuit will you build? You need equipment? Did Tariel need a scope, signal generator, spectrum analyzer, power supplies, etz? Did he hide them all under his bed, in the bedroom videos.
So much talk, and so little action. Will this time be different? We don't really need moderation, we need motivation.
Like you said, if you don't like what someone says, don't go there. but, is that the solution? For Stefan, yes. But, for us?
I think that it is important to clarify misinformation. But, do we really need to know just how to take full measurements, when we have NOTHING to measure? Lanca mentioned, "the chicken, or the egg".
There are limitations and we cannot just build what we do not understand. It's like me saying I want a UFO so I don't want you to think about it or talk to other people just start throwing stuff together ad infinitum until something happens. I want it and we need it so drop everything your doing and do as I say, lol. Unfortunately this seldom if ever works in reality for obvious reasons.
Consider Nikola Tesla who got a kick out of people like Edison who found a thousand ways to fail and rarely succeeded without stealing others ideas. Tesla was a thinker, a philosopher who perfected the idea or concept in his head then once he knew the idea was workable, only then would he build. He did this so he wasn't wasting all his time on unworkable idea's as we so often see here and elsewhere.
As well concerning the egg and the chicken, the egg is the idea from which the chicken was born. No egg, no chicken because without the egg the idea of a chicken could not reproduce itself. My personal theory is that chickens and other animals didn't always lay eggs and they evolved as a means for survival. What better way to protect our young than to have a protective shell from the elements and predators. One could say mankind developing shelters and houses is a form of protection for our young, a shell if you will. Thus this philosophical riddle of which came first is a mute point isn't it?... it's just evolution.
Which ultimately begs the question why so many supposedly intelligent people would waste so much time thinking about an egg and a chicken. It should have been obvious that something like an egg or chicken cannot simply be created from nothing thus neither was created and the answer is something we all should know well, evolution.
Continually asking the wrong questions from a flawed perspective does not lead to answers only more questions.
Ok, well, seams like people that are showing nothing are the one that are attacking the ones that are.
I make no claims, and never have. I have replicated the same circuit that three different people have shown self running, to see if I can make a go of it. I am not done with this device, yet. It is a work in progress. And I enjoy building. You have a problem with that?
So, please forget about me, and just show us all how well YOU manage to provide for OU. As that is what will convince us that you know what you're talking about. And not just pissing into the wind.
I know what I need to do, I'm a grown man. And the mode of operation of this particular device has been mentioned over and over many many times.
So, let's just see what you can do on your own. That is the only question that I ask, with my flawed perspective.
Thanks for you comments. NickZ
Nick, Yes Been building and fabricating since a kid.
Had 4KW plasma water smoosher on the bench until a few weeks ago...up for redesign [for waterfuel and heat experiments..
I never like wasting peoples time ....[with failures]
However as mentioned here recently... will be starting a builders topic on waterfuel soon. [many thx to Johan-1955 !:']
Here a pic of just one of todays Build /fabrication jobs ...parts no longer available.. must be "Built" ...monster Drive sprocket...
One thing I must add ...it is people that will make this work ...and we need all the people we can get...the world truely is very strange ATM...
Quote from: ramset on June 19, 2020, 06:08:26 PM
will be starting a builders topic on waterfuel soon. [many thx to Johan-1955 !:']
One thing I must add ...it is people that will make this work ...and we need all the people we can get...the world truely is very strange ATM...
1. Cool
2 agree
Beside from the R&D OU-device :how to implement this into the housegrid-,network ?
DC,or AC,or pulsed DC ?
Doing an appliances list we see 24 hours stand-by systems ( permanent working : fridge/freezer ),partial used devices(mixer), with high numeric power demand ( resistive heating : 1500 W)
and very low power demand : LEDs !
During night the consume ( summer-time) decreasing to ≤ 100 Wh,during day-time up to 3000 Wp power and 2000Wh work demand !
The "generator" does not "think" and gives us not the "right place-right time-right solution",this is something that each of us for his own case ," single-couple-family" has to organize for him-self !
Variable loads demands over the day needs variable power devices !
High loads =total Wp in use parallel means higher investment,alternatively : use spread =serial by timer !
Overunity has ever the device nominal power limit :
from a nominal 1 KW net OU system/ generator 1 KW per hour is the maximum brut output,independent from the concept C.O.P. !
A 1 KW OU-system/generator can never deliver the sufficient energy for a 1 KW in VA electric motor !
(Attention by rotoverter with C.O.P≥ 1 propagation : how the developper overbridge this barrier !?With capacitor and stepping rpm up variable speed devices ? )
Without inrush voltage/current limiter for a 1 KW motor we need a 6 KWp OU-device,
without serial appliances use we are fast in the 10 KWp power demand range !
R&D is more than only OU-device research :
material production/exploration and market prices development
production process technology
material recycling possibility
International we are now in great solar/wind parcs projects in the 2 Euro-cents/KWh range(without storage)
to reach this without over-head costs is by 1 KWp net output generator possible,
actually price calcuation +- 500 Euros , the start price target : 5 Euro-cents/KWh variable load demand satisfaction !
Sufficient for :
Autonomous House,GB : 3 KWh per day = 1096 KWh per year + heat(wood)
www.oeko-energie.de (http://www.oeko-energie.de) : "intelligent" summer house-hold consume 3 KWh = 1096 KWh per year + heat(solarthermic)
www.mtbest.net (http://www.mtbest.net) : 0,8 kWh electric consume per day = 292 KWh + heat (solarthermic)
When an one KW generator in 24 hours can deliver 24 KWh electric power this does not mean that we have to consume the possible max ! ::)
Being and staying eco-smart ;)
www.batteryinnovation.org (http://www.batteryinnovation.org) / www.windpowerengineering.org (http://www.windpowerengineering.org)
Consortium of Battery Innovation : lead batteries with 4000 - 5000 charge cycles (DoD% ?)
Staying tuned in the global eugenical championship for excellence and up to : PERFECTION ( and low cost ;) )
Lanca We swim in energy....surrounded by a world in perpetual motion
1kw>+ per square meter power coming from the sun.....
On planet Earth, Energy is meant to be like oxygen...water...sunshine ..and Gravity .. all Free ...no fee no cost ..just use it.Wesley had told me the power under our feet is not possible to measure or put a limit...beyond our imagining ...
We need to access this and keep this beautiful planet for the next generation and beyond...fix this while we still have a chance ...
Here a contribution.. just as an example...from member Jimboot
a Movie by Robert Murray Smith ...harvests electricity from Water [plain water]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGQHVc9z8yQ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGQHVc9z8yQ)
Chet K...PS, patent link supplied By Jimboot...https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/63/ae/d6/8779071971a6f6/US4153757.pdf
Hello Chet,there is no voltage given to this bimetallic thermoelectric element ,only microamperes( not milli -!) output !
Let us assume 12 V x 0,0005 A ( for 50 microamperes, 0,05 A= 50 milliamperes) :
for 1000 Watt in VA you need : 1000 VA /(12 V x 0,0005 A ) = 166,666 : one hundred sixty-six thousands ......
10 cents ( underestimated calculation !) for each x 166,666 = 16,666 USD for 1 KW output !
+ construction time : 166,666 x 1/2 minute(cutting,hammering,montage) "free-time"
= only 1388 hours ~ 173 work-days a 8 hours
Free and cheap energy ?
Has Jimboot a special commission contract with the braze and aluminium industry ? 8)
I expect that such " minerals in water" -batteries are cheaper to produce and in power density ratio higher than these above thermo-elements :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19931111&CC=DE&NR=4222678A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19931111&CC=DE&NR=4222678A1&KC=A1)
Ramset: I don't know if you are aware of it, but, Geofusion built up several of those water/fuel projects for his friends cars. That's what he was doing when he couldn't get his OU up to speed. However, there is nothing new or exciting about that, it still needs a power source, to produce a tiny bit of hydrogen gas. Will it run a car? NO. Unless you fill the fuel tank up with gasoline, also. And, it's still not OU, and not self running... Is it more efficient? Maybe.
Nick...the Goal is really not HHO [maybe small part we shall see]I do love that Geo can turn a wrench...[familiar with ICE and similar]
Goal is water as fuel ...if we could run an engine on water[mostly]...
while it runs a generator ??
its all about the goals...I am told papps first patent needs looking at again.
Hot /cold and water [sealed and running ?
anyhoo ...here a video with perhaps some good thoughts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD8m5UrDWUY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD8m5UrDWUY)
trying to get a good translation ...just received this yesterday.. I have a few very good builders on board for helping [once we get the "plan"organized and goals...
would Luv to get our friend from OZ back into the mix [he's an "Ozsolarpower" guy nownot using Tinman anymore...
or maybe some of these other projects here ...
so to be clear...I am certain Geo would definitely be interested in running on Water maybe even Flash steam...or ??we shall see.
This has been floating around way to long...and we have plenty of fellows with good skills to experiment.[now maybe Geo too ??will try to open thread tomorrow.gotta touch base with Stephan .
Aether model.
Very interesting thread.
I always wonder is space empty or full?
What all great minds here think about it?
If the space is empty how the waves propagate through empty?
If it is full, then everything is easily explainable.
But then what is matter? Empty in full space?
Cracks in space?
Theory of strings supports this, but thats another story.
If the matter are cracks, tiny rotating pockets of empty surrounded by space,
what about Einsteins famous E = m * C2 ???
In that equation m presents matter surrounded with nothing.
If the space is full and matter are empty cracks, them m would be -m.
What does that means?
If we approach the speed of light matter will shrink, become infinite small,
can pass through any matter on its way and make interstellar travel very possible.
So, including aether as medium change things dramtically, does it?
Einstein never got Nobel for his famous equation, but for photons,
which are actually work of his wife.
When she dumped him, after that he never invented anything new.
Aether as medium is very, very interesting.
What do you think?
Ramset: That video is a wasted effort, really. I can do more than that just using two different coins. One of copper (penny) and some other unknown white colored metal that the second coin is made from. A piece of paper between the coins, with some salt on it, and bingo, I can light an red led. Double that up and I can light a white led.
What a waste of time... oh but, it was so much fun, for a couple of minutes, until I saw that there was hardly any current no matter how many of these things you daizy chain together. Just letting you know.
Remember the crystal cells project thread? You know why it died?...yet I still have a case full of cement cells, and several aluminum/carbon cells that I had made some years ago, that still have one volt each. After all these years. But, why waste time on this stuff??? Unless you're bored.
Karlo: Have you ever read up on Tesla, if not, all your questions are answered there.
Einstein was wrong, energy does not come from matter, matter comes from energy, instead.
"Everything is Energy, and frequency". All that you can see, and all that you can't see. There is no such thing as "empty space".
Tesla called it the Cosmic Soup. Even what is invisible to us is not nothing, but, is something.
And matter can not go the speed of light. Nor can we as physical beings. No material object can go the speed of light. Light is not physical, and therefore the difference. To go the speed of light, one would need to become light.
BTW: There is no "movement" in light. No such thing as the "speed of light". It does not move from point A to point B. That is the rate at which light polarizes, while no thing, nothing is actually moving. I know many will not agree, that's ok.
But, I won't go into that, at this time.
The "Big Bang Theory" is also very wrong. Not supported by real proven science, as most everyone here knows. Except guys like Einstein, who never got off his butt to prove any of what he wrote, out of his faulty imagination. Unlike Tesla, which is not even taught or mentioned in school, while the false Big Bang theory, this is. Some people think that the world is flat, as well.May God help them, and us, to see beyond these lies. There is a hidden purpose for this madness.
And, no I am not religious.
I always saw you as good researcher, but now my opinion about you is even much higher then before.
You are a clever guy.
I did read much about Tesla work.
Actually he was born only 80km from the Zagreb where I was born.
Been there, in small city Smiljani, saw his house.
It is area called Lika. My wife is from Lika, not far from Smiljani.
Very proud people and they are very stubborn when it comes to defend their opinion.
Einstain also supported Aether theory in beginning, but later changed his mind under pressure of mainstream.
You are right. There is fundamental feequency of universe which stir up small particles giving them etherrnal life.
So, energy makes matter.
Stop the frequency of universe and all matter will just vanish.
Thank you for your very good answer!
Karlo: Actually the Aether or "dark energy" is not made up of "particles", as we know them, nor is it particle physics, as the mainstream would like us to believe. That is where part of the confusion lies. I could go on and on. But, for respect, for those with different ideas, I won't.
I am a South American Croat. Yes, so is Geofusion. I was born in Venezuela, as Geo was. No wonder we are so stubborn, and will not give in to false logic. If, you can understand that.
My father (Zvonimir Zec) as well as his parents were from Zagreb, born and raised in the old Yugoslavia. He was a chemical engineer, and had worked for G.E., as a nuclear scientist, in the California nuclear plant in Vallecitos, Ca. Which is why I hate even the word nuclear, as something worse than death, itself. And is the totally wrong approach to providing for energy on this planet, nor anywhere else.
I was raised and educated in the US. In the Bay Area, Palo Alto, Silicone Valley, as an electronics assembler. Just to give you some insight, into my life.
If I have been rude to you in the past, my apologies to you now.
NickZ, (Nicola Zec) Yes, like the mountain in your country, the Zec Mountain. I have the same name as my grandfather Nichola Zec.
You did not offend me in any way.
Nicola is common Croatian name and Zec means rabbit on Croatian,
which is also common. It means speed, or someone with fast brain,
so I figure out long time ago that you must be from Croatia.
I did not know that for Geo, but, hey, now when I know, my deeply regards to Geo.
You see, when I asked that question, I was curious about answer,
but I was curious also about who will answer.
When you seek for intelligent people, you ask question which can not be found in Wikipedia, or anywhere on NET.
And the question must be deep enough to tackle only few intelligent people,
among numerous experts and brains here on forum.
Question which can be answered only by intelligence.
You answered with extremly well formulated answer.
And you were only one who dared to touch the subject.
Most people just run away from stuff like this.
But you did not!
So, it is my pleasure that I know you finally.
There are some things which I wanna share with you now.
I am little bit far from home for few days more, but will contact you when I return,
if you dont have anything against it, of course.
My deepest regards!
And, it's very good to cross paths with you as well. Mucho gusto. My thoughts and ideas don't originate from Tesla, but, do resonate and come from the same source
I would love to go and see these old cultures, and it's people, and their profound ancient knowledge. Bosnia has the biggest man made pyramid in the world, twice and big as the one in Giza. And it still "works". If we could know and remember, just how to turn it on full blast, once again. The original Free Energy Generator/reactor.
Why Yugoslavia was the seat of two world wars. Not what we thought.
Truth or Fiction? https://youtu.be/IuHJz-xPopU
If this video doesn't get you thinking... well, it will. NickZ
EMJunkie has deleted a post from me which I made earlier today on this thread: https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg547069/topicseen/#new
I figured he would so I copied it. Here it is:
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 18, 2020, 05:40:32 PM
Input = 12V @ 0.5A = 6 Watts, Output = 17V @ 0.7A = 11.9Watts, ...
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 20, 2020, 07:18:04 AM
... It was just a 12V 300ma globe. Obviously over driving it at 17V.
Hi EMJunkie,
Globe spec is 12V, 300mA. Calculates to 40ohm.
Your test data are 17V and 0.7A. This indicates globe R = 24.3ohms.
Why the discrepancy?
I was nice and polite. He could have easily addressed the issue, but no, just deleted me. He has also delete my post from the other thread of the same title which doesn't indicate that it is moderated. Go figure.
perhaps he does not realize you are a builder too [when intrigued ]
we have had persons here in the past who engaged or critiqued but would never build.[sometimes very good reason]
here I am certain if all info gets put into simple replication document
many more persons would build..after all it is remarkable claim.
I am trying to get info into a small PDF ...most don't need to be sold on such a simple aboveunity claim...just need a simple presentation [schematic , spec sheet all relevant info and expectations [expectations already noted "aboveunity"
Or perhaps, it's because you can't get blood from a stone. Good luck, with bypassing the plug, and getting to the nitty gritty. Every one is entitled to their own way of thinking. I think that the rest of us can see where this is going, regardless. Yet, it doesn't look like any one is signing up for the few watt job, either. It don't pay enough... Perhaps we should all learn from our lessons, from the Rick F. thread. Remember...
If we focus too much on one small area, we could miss the bigger picture. A few watts, one way or the other, ain't going to matter, in the long run. But, let's see if we can cut to the chase. Or not.
Good idea starting this thread, Ramset. I almost feel safe, here.
Sorry to bore any one.
I bet Mick Jagger bleeds !
Yep, he can't get no satisfaction. Hey, Hoppy just PM'd me, he was asking if you were still around, and the rest of the gang. I told him that we are all safe and staying well medicated at the asylum. He mentioned that head nurse Ratchet, would not let him back in, even if he wanted to. Which he said he did not. As he is now fully recovered, but, has been cleaning his magnifying glass, ( our house detective) and ready to go, virtually, from a safe distance from everything. CoronaV and all.
Quote from: NickZ on June 20, 2020, 09:42:26 PM
Yep, he can't get no satisfaction. Hey, Hoppy just PM'd me, he was asking if you were still around, and the rest of the gang. I told him that we are all safe and staying well medicated at the asylum. He mentioned that head nurse Ratchet, would not let him back in, even if he wanted to. Which he said he did not. As he is now fully recovered, but, has been cleaning his magnifying glass, ( our house detective) and ready to go, virtually, from a safe distance from everything. CoronaV and all.
I wonder ::) ::) ::) ::) over on OUR some one told me i had to make my own thread and couldn't post there but I couldn't decyfer the blurd images and couldnt get out of it and it droped it in Hoppys thread oops. I bet he has seen it any way Peter thinks he can fix it, I had better better keep of there a while.
and Itsu thinks i'm Hoppy :) :) I dont think so. Whats going on ? it's a real neptunion Day :o 8)
That's because you said about the same thing to me, last week. Remember, my comment about your balls. Life's a bitch...ain't it.
What you put out, you get back. What goes around, comes around...
Any ways, life is one big party. Let's enjoy it while we can. I used to think differently about you, now I just laugh along with you.
Stay safe, in these exciting times. But, don't let your spelling give you away. Ray.
I once asked Raycathode if he was you. But, he said, that he hadn't done no crime, didn't have to show ID. Inside joke.
Most of the patients have been sent home on good behavior, after the last RickF moderation clean up effort. But some refuse to leave the facilities, still have issues, and may have to be sent home forcefully. Electroshock did not help, at all. So, watch out for that nurse, Miss Racthet, she has some big needles... Ya bud, take care.
Is this room new asylum to keep us safe from monsters down the hall?
I found this quite usefull for the people who travels a lot,
and are away from home like myself.
Turn your phone into PC.
I already have smart view option on my Samsung (android 10) which connects with TV,
if the TV has screen mirror option.
But I not sure if I can use that option along with bluetooth keyboard and mouse at same time,
without use of some docking station.
Anyone tried that?
Quote from: WhatIsIt on June 21, 2020, 05:08:36 AM
I found this quite usefull for the people who travels a lot,
and are away from home like myself.
Turn your phone into PC.
I already have smart view option on my Samsung (android 10) which connects with TV,
if the TV has screen mirror option.
But I not sure if I can use that option along with bluetooth keyboard and mouse at same time,
without use of some docking station.
Anyone tried that?
yeah so is it G5 60Ghz ? so do you get resporatry problems while your using it ? aparantly it frys the oxygen in your lungs
just like covid19, do you have those syptoms yet ?
a repost of a public question from member Whatisit
Quote : Chet, what do you think is real agenda of MrSykes on OU.com?
Why so much noise with so little or none measurement presented?
I tried his 3 coil system, but at the end got better results by catching after pulse BEMF.
Maybe I was doing something wrong, but Sykes showed very short instructions.
Question remains, what he really wants?
More members for his site?
end quote
Whatisit hopefully his latest info can be filtered down to a PDF which has all info to replicate [wire size components etc etc]
a simple document would have hundreds of replicators .
In the past Too many get confused or get wrong results ...the world is in a place where I never thought it would be...and to have such technology would be top on my list for getting it out to the world.
hopefully a document can be forthcoming.
or some benevolent soul will step forward to help.
Could be that I am doing something wrong.
Will watch videos again, and try to find my mistake.
I will be more than happy if it works.
Quote from: AlienGrey on June 21, 2020, 08:32:35 AM
yeah so is it G5 60Ghz ? so do you get resporatry problems while your using it ? aparantly it frys the oxygen in your lungs
just like covid19, do you have those syptoms yet ?
No AG. It is not 5G.
4G and 4G+ on my phone.
Bluetooth connection for keyboard and mouse.
You have those on ebay for android.
In video everything is connected with cables, so you missed entirely.
It uses docking station to connect phone with keyboard, mouse and TV.
From my phone I can connect to TV via screen mirror,
it uses wireless but it does not use 5G for that, so you missed again.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on June 21, 2020, 10:18:32 AM
No AG. It is not 5G.
4G and 4G+ on my phone.
Bluetooth connection for keyboard and mouse.
You have those on ebay for android.
In video everything is connected with cables, so you missed entirely.
It uses docking station to connect phone with keyboard, mouse and TV.
From my phone I can connect to TV via screen mirror,
it uses wireless but it does not use 5G for that, so you missed again.
What am i missing? it's not safe if you put in (5G) a tin box
watch old scientist video, your safe then ;D
Quote from: AlienGrey on June 21, 2020, 11:08:01 AM
What am i missing? it's not safe if you put in (5G) a tin box
watch old scientist video, your safe then ;D
You missed the whole point.
The point is that you can use docking station to connect everything with cables,
for net you can use cable from your router or use net directly from phone,
if you have unlimited net on your phone.
On your phone you can choose which connection you wanna use.
In my case max is 4G+.
I dont know how you end up with 5G reading my post,
because I did not mention it anywhere.
The point of post is possibility to use power of modern phones and use it just like PC.
Do you need to draw you this if you have difficulty to understand simple things?
AG: Again, you are telling people what they should or should not do. Regardless of the question that they asked.
Whether it is 5G, 4G, or whatever people are using, that is not your concern, as everyone has the right to use what ever they want to use. The question is not about 5G, or how safe 4G is. So, please stay with the topic or questions asked. Otherwise, yes, you are missing the point, and creating a distraction instead of helping out with what was asked. Your problem is that you don't get that you are creating distractions on the different threads, and forums. That is why you are being asked, nicely, to keep with the topic, or start your own thread, or else you will get the kind of reactions that you've had to deal with lately. But, it's up to you.
My phone has 8 cores, good graphics card and 120 Gb main memory plus SD card.
I have everything I need on phone.
Office, drawing and editing software, camera, mike, and phone in one.
It is so much better then laptop and big bag for it.
It is far more easier to turn it in PC then carry laptop bag with me wherever I go.
For me this is amazing solution.
And that docking station solution is so good for me.
So, I thought, maybe others have same problems and this is good solution.
In every hotel.room you will find TV, so you carry your phone and small docking station,
or in my case I can connect on TV via wireless without docking station and use
bluetooth keyboard which has touchpad on it.
On ebay there are lots of those types of keyboard for android.
I am traveling myself at the moment and have been looking for a solution for a long time
Will definitely be looking into this in more detail
much appreciated
Perhaps if you could make a checklist of information you do not have to do the replication and we could start to gather that information towards a PDF
Phone tablets are handy as well. Don't need to pack a docking station.They can connect direct to mouse and keyboard by USB. Mine also has HDMI.
Quote from: ramset on June 21, 2020, 01:23:13 PM
Perhaps if you could make a checklist of information you do not have to do the replication and we could start to gather that information towards a PDF
First my apology to Chris.
At first I was mad and thought he must wanna publicity,
but then I realized that I could be very wrong.
I used first core I found, and I did everything in hurry.
I think I failed in directions of diodes.
Could be anything.
Will do again with more care when I come back home in a day or two.
Not sure now what I did wrong.
Must be directions of diodes.
Chris used toroid, close loop core, and I probably looked at scheme,
where is not drawed shape of core. So, I made stupid error. Probably.
Could help if Chris draw shape of core on scheme, it will be easier to follow direction.
And there will be no room for mistake.
And, sorry Chris for my words.
Nick, yes, the tablet idea is very good, but I have to use mobile phone,
I driving a lot and is impractical for me to use tablet.
phone always can put in pocket, and lots of other small reasons,
like typing message with one hand, and on, and on...
but thanks for the tip.
For me, problem arise when come to hotel and must unpack laptop,
then transfer needed data or files from phone to laptop just to do some work,
lets say in MS Excel and when I am done transfer data back to phone,
because all work I am doing while driving with my phone during the day.
Laptop serves me only to prepare files or data or tons of documents needed for work.
But actually phone is my bussines hub.
On your I phone have you found the thick film antenna around the battery covering?
itsunder the fancy label.
Apparently its for remote eves dropping and down loading what's on your phone.
I bet it records and sends off data where ever you are or what you're doing.
a clever surveillance device and tracker.
Quote from: ramset on June 20, 2020, 09:10:51 PM
perhaps he does not realize you are a builder too [when intrigued ]
we have had persons here in the past who engaged or critiqued but would never build.[sometimes very good reason]
here I am certain if all info gets put into simple replication document
many more persons would build..after all it is remarkable claim.
I am trying to get info into a small PDF ...most don't need to be sold on such a simple aboveunity claim...just need a simple presentation [schematic , spec sheet all relevant info and expectations [expectations already noted "aboveunity"
There are no "
remarkable" claims if one knows what they are doing!
Partzman, Here (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3641.msg82405#msg82405), has three little coils, and measures Above Unity, in point of fact his last claim was:
1.48There is nothing special, if one understands what they are looking at and the direction they must head in! Energy is Pumped from Source! Source is the Copper Atom! Magnetic Fields are the only field that can influence the Source, as the Charge, and therefore the Magnetic Moment, are susceptible to an External Influence.
So many before us have not found the result they were looking for, simply because they did not understand the Requirements! In depth study of the Electrical Generator, has been the catalyst for the success we have seen in History, even Clemente Figuera said it:
Quote from: Clemente Figuera
Watching closely what happens in a Dynamo in motion...
To many people have been off chasing rainbows! The BS of Cold Electricity, Radiant Energy, and all the other magical BS that so many have in their heads that was planted by the dissinformationalists! Its all LIES! Accept it and move toward Logic, Fact and then you will make progress!
Every success story I have researched, either studied in depth the Electrical Generator, or knew its internal workings very well! Not a single success story has any Magical BS in it!
So, if partzman can make three little coils work, then so can you! I have been showing this for nearly a Decade, many hundreds of success storied have been reported t me. Most are un-willing to share because of your approaches and attitudes here! The Trolls!
Try harder, think harder, focus on Facts! Use Logic! Wipe completely from your minds Fairy Tale Science!
See Partzman's replication of Partnered Output Coils below:
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris As stated before no one has ever found an OU claim at Overunity research that would survive the separation from the bench power supply ,batteries ,or closer scrutiny.
always the error has been found .
many times partzman has thought he was onto a gain mechanism [above example] which was truly an anomaly [yes did seem to show OU],yet none has survived the ultimate test....An ability to selfrun with no input from external sources.
and still he tries...
your claim from my perspective is truly unique,and yes I absolutely believe there could be many who feel they show aboveunity on the bench.
However a stand alone device should manifest if gain is high enuff [no batteries ..or connected to equipment or??]and even 1.1 should be able to daisy chain I am told ?I am unaware of a 1.1 claim which survived closer scrutiny .
your claim is unique IMO and wonderful you share it .cop 1.9 should be off to the races...[still trying to get your info into a simple document for builders]
thank you,,/
Quote from: ramset on June 21, 2020, 07:50:54 PM
Chris As stated before no one has ever found an OU claim at Overunity research that would survive the separation from the bench power supply ,batteries ,or closer scrutiny.
always the error has been found .
many times partzman has thought he was onto a gain mechanism which was truly an anomaly [yes did seem to show OU],yet none has survived the ultimate test....An ability to selfrun with no input from external sources.
and still he tries...
your claim from my perspective is truly unique,and yes I absolutely believe there could be many who feel they show aboveunity on the bench.
However a stand alone device should manifest if gain is high enuff [no batteries not connected to equipment or??]and even 1.1 should be able to daisy chain I am told ?
Chet, skepticism is healthy in well defined quantity, anything beyond that quantity it is the opposite, un-healthy! One can never succeed if one has given up before they begin!
It may turn out to be true, that much of what you have been told, may turn out to be Hocus Pocus Chet! Sorry but it is very likely, as those that verbalise with no experience, are simply dangerous!
Partzman has 8 pages on his thread, 105 posts made by Partzman, of 189 posts total, many experiments done, some errors made and found, statistically, the odds are pretty good he has done something right! Now, a logical mind dictates, facts must be looked at:
1: Partzman's experience.
2: Partzman's equipment.
3: Partzman's history of such claims and time before an error was found.
Others with the Same Tech, and their Results, or commonly known as
Independent Replications, must also be taken into account!
So, honestly, Statistically, the numbers really do speak for themselves!
You need to be a little more positive Chet! Hope is a very powerful thing when used!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Chris, Partzman often refers to the 1000 experiments on the path to the Bulb..
he keeps trying...
and I am being very positive about the work you shared ,as noted above,attempts to collate into one simple document for replicators.
It is certain, the most important things are often the most simple, and the most simple things are the easiest to over look!
A Stationary Magnet (A) can be made to move by placing two Stationary Magnets (B and C) on specific Angles, adjacent to the Initial Stationary Magnet (A)!
Is Charge not just a Magnet? The Electron, having Charge and therefore a Magnetic Moment, thus can be made to move!
Be as skeptical as you wish, I have no desire to twist your arm, I have no desire to convince anyone! I only aim for open minded people to take and use this information as they wish. As so many have already! The Flood Gates of knowledge will turn the Tide!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 21, 2020, 07:00:42 PM
There are no "remarkable" claims if one knows what they are doing!
Partzman, Here (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3641.msg82405#msg82405), has three little coils, and measures Above Unity, in point of fact his last claim was: 1.48
There is nothing special, if one understands what they are looking at and the direction they must head in! Energy is Pumped from Source! Source is the Copper Atom! Magnetic Fields are the only field that can influence the Source, as the Charge, and therefore the Magnetic Moment, are susceptible to an External Influence.
So many before us have not found the result they were looking for, simply because they did not understand the Requirements! In depth study of the Electrical Generator, has been the catalyst for the success we have seen in History, even Clemente Figuera said it:
To many people have been off chasing rainbows! The BS of Cold Electricity, Radiant Energy, and all the other magical BS that so many have in their heads that was planted by the dissinformationalists! Its all LIES! Accept it and move toward Logic, Fact and then you will make progress!
Every success story I have researched, either studied in depth the Electrical Generator, or knew its internal workings very well! Not a single success story has any Magical BS in it!
So, if partzman can make three little coils work, then so can you! I have been showing this for nearly a Decade, many hundreds of success storied have been reported t me. Most are un-willing to share because of your approaches and attitudes here! The Trolls!
Try harder, think harder, focus on Facts! Use Logic! Wipe completely from your minds Fairy Tale Science!
See Partzman's replication of Partnered Output Coils below:
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Again I remind you that simulation is
NOT a replication of your partnered output coils. Why, because the three coils shown in the sim L1, L2 and L3 are not on a common core. L1 and L2 are the primary and secondary of transformer T1 and L3 is located on a separate core entirely. L3 functions as a constant current source for the secondary L2 of T1 and in this manner, little to no lenz is seen by the primary L1 of T1. This is key to the operation producing OU.
Basically the circuit works likes this: L2 is initially biased at 100ma via L3. L1 is then ramped up in current from zero until it equals the current in L2 which is held constant by the current source L3. L3 is much larger than the secondary inductance of L2 so the current is held relatively constant. When L1 and L2 are equal in current, the equivalent series inductance of L1 and L2 is now 10.46mH due to K=.8 so the energy in L1 and L2 at ~100ma is considerably greater than the original energy to charge L2 and the ramp up energy of L1. This is the simple gain mechanism. It is due to a constant current loaded secondary, not partnered output coils.
If all three windings L1, L2, and L3 were on the same core, the device would not produce OU.
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 21, 2020, 07:00:42 PM
To many people have been off chasing rainbows! The BS of Cold Electricity, Radiant Energy, and all the other magical BS
that so many have in their heads that was planted by the dissinformationalists! Its all LIES! Accept it and move toward
Logic, Fact and then you will make progress!
Hi Chris,
I agree. However, if you mean to move toward your Fact, for instance, I am in trouble: I have not found any
measurement result which would back up your claimed input and output power you referred to in your thread.
Input = 12V @ 0.5A = 6 Watts, Output = 17V @ 0.7A = 11.9Watts, COP = 11.9Watts / 6 Watts) = 1.98. )
No offense but it should equally be valid for you too that what you say may turn out to be Hocus Pocus, no?
Make no mistake: I could accept your POC setup may give extra output but I have not seen your proof.
A bright incandescent lamp is not a proof. Your above numbers are not proof either. And please do not tell me I should build
it myself to make sure about your claim! The burden of the proof (COP=1.98) is on the claimer.
Why do not you make a few minute long video with YOUR input - output measurements?
With the DC input and output voltages and currents, it would be easy, no?
For those interested, this is a more comprehensive explanation of my sim "Lenz Reduction with Constant Current Load".
Transformer T1 is made up of identical primary and secondary windings namely L1 and L2 with a coupling factor K = .8 . Neglecting ohmic losses in all the following, L2 is first charged to 100ma and held at that current by constant current inductor L3. The energy in L2 is now .1^2*.0029/2 = 14.5uJ. The primary L1 is now charged from supply V1 until it reaches 100ma. Due to the fact that the secondary L2 is held charged via a constant current source, it will not present any opposing emf to the primary because there is no change in secondary current and thus the primary will "look like" a 2.9mH inductor to the power supply. So, the energy then contained in the primary is .1^2*.0029/2 = 14.5uJ. In reality, the primary inductance will appear slightly higher for the reason explained below.
We have now invested 29uJ to charge both primary and secondary windings resulting in equal in-phase currents. IOW, we now can connect the primary and secondary in series or L1+L2 and in effect we have an inductance of 10.46mH charged to 100ma. This results in a net energy of .1^2*.01046/2 = 52.3uJ. Therefore, the net COP = 52.3/29 = 1.8 . The maximum theoretical COP with this device is 2.0 with a perfect coupling factor K=1.
During the time L1 is being charged, a positive voltage will appear across L2. The polarity of this voltage will affect the current L3 due to di=Eavg*dt/L. In this case, there will be a slight current loss in L3 thus a loss in energy which must be accounted for. This slight change in secondary current will also make L1 appear to be slightly higher in inductance. If the voltage polarity across L3 is negative, there will be an increase in the constant current or a slight gain!
As a side note, the two following formula can be used to calculate the aiding or bucking inductances of two identical windings on a common core if the coupling factor and the inductance of one winding is known. The buck inductance is Lbuck=((1-k)*2)*L1 and the aid inductance is Laid=(1-((1-k)/2))*4L1. These can also be solved for k if certain buck or aid inductances are required. These calcs do not take into account losses or unequal winding inductances.
By applying the above, it is interesting to see the results of bucking coils with K=.5 and then determine what core topology would be required to obtain that k factor.
IMO, there is enough info here for anyone to construct an OU device if they are willing. Keep in mind that there are many variations possible with this concept.
Edit: Typo
QuoteAs stated before no one has ever found an OU claim at Overunity research that would survive the separation from the bench power supply ,batteries ,or closer scrutiny. always the error has been found .
many times partzman has thought he was onto a gain mechanism [above example] which was truly an anomaly [yes did seem to show OU],yet none has survived the ultimate test....An ability to selfrun with no input from external sources.
Personally I prefer to use input/output capacitors on real circuits for the reasons you pointed out above. So while I may have more failures and non-working concepts or devices I know exactly where I stand in reality. As well with HV circuits of 10 kV or more the input/output can be measured with spark gaps of a known distance (voltage) and photo-detectors (current intensity). Not so much as an exact standardized measurement but more so a meaningful comparison which is what were looking for in my opinion.
It's all work in progress and time ultimately tells what works and is real and what is not so much.
Onepower,I have to be honest...I love your thoughts on how to make and log advancements.
perhaps you could do a short tutorial on this capacitor method ?
I know you were mentioning a vid of some kind.
May seem very simple to you ...? however we need all the help we can get and the more experimenters who collect good Data the better !!... [this is one very big reason for the light bulb temperature to output Data.
QuoteOnepower,I have to be honest...I love your thoughts on how to make and log advancements.
perhaps you could do a short tutorial on this capacitor method ?
I know you were mentioning a vid of some kind.
May seem very simple to you ...? however we need all the help we can get and the more experimenters who collect good Data the better !!... [this is one very big reason for the light bulb temperature to output Data.
There is not much too it and in it's most basic form we replace the source with a big capacitor then charge another identical capacitor on the output.
Think of it this way, we have an input capacitor, a black box circuit and an output capacitor. If in fact the black box circuit outputs more energy than was input then the output capacitor will charge faster than the input capacitor discharges. Once a test cycle is completed we simply do a quick calculation, U=CV^2, on each capacitor to tell us how much energy it contains. I do this because capacitors do not mislead and regardless of what happens in our black box circuit we can always have an exact measure of how much energy went into the circuit and how much left it.
Once we have nailed this basic concept down then we can start to think about how to move the energy in the output capacitor back to the input capacitor to close the loop. When I started I was simply using a high efficiency joule thief (boost converter) on the output capacitor to pump it back to the input capacitor which worked well enough. The boost converter tested at around 90% efficiency so I used a 10% loss in my calculations to compensate. If the capacitors voltage starts running down faster than 10% then we know were moving in the wrong direction.
remarkably simple ...
and also one reason I was told to use thermometers instead of meters at times [certain frequencies completely effect meter accuracy or dependability..and all the fancy equipment too at times..... Noting the temperature of a bulb [as a starting point] ...priceless info for experimenters.
That is to say if I know my experiment uses X input [or come to a conclusion where i define COP
do a simple thermometer test of Bulb at this assumed COP input.
then play all my experiments ...and always checking bulb temp [to benchmark or "control"]
yes some will say "oh there is energy dissipated [heat] in other parts which needs adding to COP
yes I agree...and that is where thermometer gets used too
lossy cardboard Box...put bulb at assumed COP input claim in box [nothing else] and run
bulb will only be able to heat box to certain temp ...will stabilize do to losses [ambient stealing energy thru lossy cardboard box. [worlds most efficient use of electricity making heat ....unity]take bulb out of box...and put entire POC DUT [proof of concept/ device under test ] into box
a race against the worlds best heat maker.. "unity".
you beat "unity" this way [same COP input as resistor ..higher temp ?? Katey bar the doors...you get the worlds attention in a heartbeat.
NOBODY HAS BEATEN THE RESISTOR ....for making heat.. UNITY stares us in the face.
[it is a given temperature in a cardboard box]
I was told the worlds most efficient use of electricity is making heat.. 100% efficient [or absolute unity ] The common resistor does this ...since all losses go to heat.. when heat is the goal... resistor is Top dog or king [a bulb comes close so its good to play with...yes it is possible to make bulbs brighter playing with frequency...but brighter and hotter
at same input ??
anyhow...thanks for comment.. anything that helps the open source community do better experiments and make advancements based on benchmarks or accurate measurable goals....priceless contribution to the open source community.
knowing where your going without knowing where you started [in testing claims]?
not even in my frame of reference [as an option]
just one mans opinion...
thx Chet
The problem with the un related postings on some of thease Other threads 'comunity'
is they need creator Moderator control of sorts all of them do.
It would cut out all the off topic. (going off ona tangent BS stories) ;D
all i'm interested in myself is true facts not musleading time wasting junk
Sad isn't it you might thking, but i bet you could save some time finding stuff
not to mention 'RAM space.
But leave this thread alone.
AG, yes many things to discuss... , Sometimes it is overzealous posts [my personal problem or issue !!...an example [ following link.. I could flood the topic with questions on "remote labs working open source together]'.. https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3924.msg82603#msg82603 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3924.msg82603#msg82603)
...And here at this forum, I also wish persons who are not open sourcing or answering questions would invent a new word for what they do. [some here like words... very important to them... seems more important than people or our planets well being to them ?
If you want an example of open source working ?.. google "how to" and add a question..
you should find no demand of any kind...[BILLIONS OF HITS{} ..you can fix anything, build anything, cook etc etc
and here somehow we have seen a perverted use of a wonderful mechanism ...OPEN SOURCE.
Suddenly here some persons arrive claiming they are open sourcing and put demands...[TO NOTE: there are no demands in open source except primarily sharing and noting source ]
these person arrive and demand "Jump here" ..."work there".. for 1 year "" ,,,no now 2 years.."no now 10 years"...use this "word" use "that word",,,.not enuff dead planet yet or forests burned or species extinct..or dead people yet..wrong color people dying/starving
etc etc etc but definitely no open source from these persons...hoops and gymnastics.
and "they" find all of this funny [and actually write of their bliss here or jokes...ALL THE TIME they write how they laugh at the persons struggling here on a true open source forum with no Elites or persons of privilege ...
while so many could help...they have "Elites" ...for years and years...
like a video game to them...is no humanity worth saving to them ?...plenty of time..? plenty of privilege..??
or secret book writers claiming open source....yeesh I could go on and on..
thats no rant...thats the facts
and yes AG we absolutely need to get focused and do a better Job...and yes no moderator here...[just TOS agreement ..
PS...I truly do like the way Onepower thinks when it comes to "how to proceed "
hopefully more of that...??
Edit for clarity
Thank you Ramset !
I'm committed to movining in that direction, and more and more !
peace out
A request is not the same as a demand.
Nick are you talking about the definition of open source or something else ?
not sure "request or demand" apply...its just "search and feast"..."billions of examples "on world wide Web ?
the definition of open source is not even debatable IMO ?some may agree an open source project requires cooperation and building on
existing achievements....I believe if ever an FE achievement is found here ...a summary
and PDF benchmark would be added for others to build on..[for those who might perish for lack there of ..and for the benefit of our planet...and its future.
sorry if I misunderstood your comment ...
very Busy here...
Ok, well, let me put it this way. No one here is demanding anything on this forum. What has been asked for are requests, not demands. If people are not open to follow up requests, well perhaps they are in the wrong place. The way to help the world, is by saving oneself. Being an example, instead of preaching to others what they should do, while doing no such a thing, oneself.
QuoteOk, well, let me put it this way. No one here is demanding anything on this forum. What has been asked for are requests, not demands. If people are not open to follow up requests, well perhaps they are in the wrong place. The way to help the world, is by saving oneself. Being an example, instead of preaching to others what they should do, while doing no such a thing, oneself.
Good point, I think the way to help the world is by openly sharing our perspective and experiences with something in the way of substance.
Ok, well, let me put it this way. No one here is demanding anything on this forum. What has been asked for are requests, not demands. If people are not open to follow up requests, well perhaps they are in the wrong place. The way to help the world, is by saving oneself. Being an example, instead of preaching to others what they should do, while doing no such a thing, oneself.
Quote from: onepower on June 24, 2020, 04:07:31 PM
Good point, I think the way to help the world is by openly sharing our perspective and experiences with something in the way of substance.
NickZ 1 topic started - 1 page
onepower 2 topics started - 1 page each
I wish you guys had more perspective upon what it entails to take an idea / some direction,
on a public forum develop it / learn / let it evolve / let go of wrong directions / kept it on target / present it on the fly (right or wrong, errors intact)
Receive 10% valid and useful critique /
20% critique from people who robotically say "would violate conservation law" /
15% advice as what you should be doing with you life instead of wasting it on U.O. research /
Actively seek valid criticism / corrections, in regard to a specific point and typically receive little or no response.
Receive 20% simplistic or
would disrupt the functioning of the design
or has already been covered idea or
a new design which you should try, but the idea man his self doesn't do builds.
5% decipher / answer queries so poorly stated that the questioner himself is some times unsure what they were asking (this can take 4 or 5 replies back and forth).
30% receive really good / better ideas / suggestions / different directions / valid observations, but still off topic in that they will change the TOPICS ORIGINATORS direction / continuity /momentum / intent of the investigation, all within a rough house public forum packed with brilliant rugged individualists !
"No one here is demanding anything on this forum."
I am ! Walk a mile in my shoes, brothers (7 years invested in this direction).
Sorry Floor, didn't know you had demands. And what will you do if your demands are not met? Cry? No, you're a grown man. And I wish that you had more perspective, as well. Void mentioned that I should speak for myself. I guess he was right. I should not assume about what others are thinking, or demanding. I had no clue. I hope that this clears it up.
What we need is cooperation. Or, Am I, wrong again...
Chet: What we really really need is something that actually works. We are not all like Tesla, not all inventors, some of us are just simple replicators. And that's all we want to be. But, the info is out there, somewhere, not in my back yard, as yet.
We have achieved much in the last 10 years, or so. Now we KNOW, what does not work. So, even nothing, is something.
Now we need to regroup, reconnect, reassemble, and get our new bearings. Or not, it's up to all of us...
I wouldn't want to misrepresent anyone. NickZ
Seminars an lectures, to rows of fools, who couldn't begin to understand, my systems ! Colleagues ! Colleagues laughing behind my back at the boy wonder. Becoming famous building on my work. Building on my work !
Quote from: NickZ on June 25, 2020, 02:34:18 PM
Sorry Floor, didn't know you had demands. And what will you do if your demands are not met? Cry? No, you're a grown man. And I wish that you had more perspective, as well. Void mentioned that I should speak for myself. I guess he was right. I should not assume about what others are thinking, or demanding. I had no clue. I hope that this clears it up.
What we need is cooperation. Or, Am I, wrong again...
Chet: What we really really need is something that actually works. We are not all like Tesla, not all inventors, some of us are just simple replicators. And that's all we want to be. But, the info is out there, somewhere, not in my back yard, as yet.
We have achieved much in the last 10 years, or so. Now we KNOW, what does not work. So, even nothing, is something.
Now we need to regroup, reconnect, reassemble, and get our new bearings. Or not, it's up to all of us...
I wouldn't want to misrepresent anyone. NickZ
My opinon, the kind of O.U. which none of us has mastered, but it probably is the most
important, in order that we may survive.
cooperation yes as in ....
Be excellent dudes, especially in respect to each other.
It's funny, but, when we look at videos, like on YT, we can get just about any information we need, on just about any subject.We can build many many things by using diagrams, schematics, and instructions provided by these videos. And have been able to build up almost anything, except, Self Running Devices. How odd is that...
Quote from: NickZ on June 25, 2020, 03:02:17 PM
It's funny, but, when we look at videos, like on YT, we can get just about any information we need, on just about any subject.We can build many many things by using diagrams, schematics, and instructions provided by these videos. And have been able to build up almost anything, except, Self Running Devices. How odd is that...
NickZ, any Interpreter will tell you, when interpreting, or translating from one language to another, half of the battle is actually in the Interpretation of the words being said, not the words themselves! Thus the term: Interpreter!
Perhaps your interpretation of whats going on in these circuits and machines is the problem, not the circuits themselves?
Certainly, that's what my Members would say to you!
Success comes from properly interpreting the information, because failure is simply a lack of understanding! Think specifically in Units of Force and what Unit of Force you can make work FOR YOU, Instead of against you!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
EMJ: quote: "Perhaps your interpretation of whats going on in these circuits and machines is the problem, not the circuits themselves?" end quote.
Could be, you never know. But, did you ever consider that it also could be, that it's your interpretation that may be the problem. No?
And perhaps explains why you don't have an OU device that you can show and share, on this OU forum, and must keep showing the same pictures, and same things that you've mentioned many times. Boring... And, explains why you and your group are so afraid?
In any case, EMJ no need to preach to me. Save you breath, your images, and partnered output coils, for someone else.
I don't need to continue wasting more time on this issue, at all. You can even tell your fathom "group" what I said.
No use kicking a dead horse.That's why I left your moderated thread, with all the rest that bailed on you. While you're holding all the guns.
Quote from: NickZ on June 25, 2020, 09:59:17 PM
EMJ: quote: "Perhaps your interpretation of whats going on in these circuits and machines is the problem, not the circuits themselves?" end quote.
Could be, you never know. But, did you ever consider that it also could be, that it's your interpretation that may be the problem. No?
And perhaps explains why you don't have an OU device that you can show and share, on this OU forum, and must keep showing the same pictures, and same things that you've mentioned many times. Boring... And, explains why you and your group are so afraid?
In any case, EMJ no need to preach to me. Save you breath, your images, and partnered output coils, for someone else.
I don't need to continue wasting more time on this issue, at all. You can even tell your fathom "group" what I said.
No use kicking a dead horse.That's why I left your moderated thread, with all the rest that bailed on you. While you're holding all the guns.
Hey Man, no problem, I get it, as long as you can switch the light on, that convenience is just to enticing...
Don't worry, I have no desire to twist anyone's arm! I just thought a little help may be useful, but i was wrong. No problem. I am sure other readers gain from the exchange even if you did not.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
P.S: I am sorry you, and others here feel so terribly threatened by Me, My Moderated Thread and the fact that I have many hundreds of Independent Replications behind my work!
I don't feel threatened, just insulted. I know that I should just shake it off, but, I guess that is my weaknesses.
It's too bad none of them will help you out. Those hundreds. You are a one man band here, with nothing to back your claims. BTW: You did help, now I remember why I left your thread. Not to be insulted once again. I'm glad to see that you "got it".
EMJunkie posted a copy of this:
« Reply #147 on: Today at 01:20:53 AM »
Followed by this:
Re: Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy
« Reply #8936 on: Today at 02:07:11 AM »
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 25, 2020, 08:07:11 PM
Thinking Logically is a very important aspect of everyday life! As was pointed out, you need to think in Units of Force and what Force works for you and what Force works against you!
In a Transformer, totally Symmetrical in its operation, we see Force, or Energy, the same things at the end of the day, are Balanced, Symmetrically. Input Force is opposed by Output Force! Symmetrical!
What does this mean?
In a basic Transformer, we have X Units of Energy being supplied over Time. The Output is equivalent to the Input minus Losses, very simple and Pre-Schoolers can follow this! This means, as a function of the Symmetry in the Transformer, Input to Output Symmetry, the Transformer will ALWAYS be below Unity! It can never ever go Above Unity! Symmetrical Energy Exchanges minus Losses = Below Unity!
It is logical, and is evident, that if we want the Transformer to go Above Unity, then we must introduce Asymmetry, another Force, or another Source of Energy must Enter the Transformer System, and this Extra Force, is required to have a Magnitude in a very Specific Direction!
The M.M.F, in a Transformer is considered Force, its Energy, at the end of the day, and this M.M.F must have Direction to Assist your Input. This means, Force considered as 1 Unit for simplicity equals: 1 + -1 + 1 = 1
NOTE: Simpletons will be removed from the conversation if they interject, do your home work before you show yourself up to be a fool!
In a Symmetrical System, this equation is: 1 + -1 = 0 In other words, all the Energy is used up and no force is left over!
By thinking Logically, and engineering a System as I have shown for a decade nearly, you will be able to build Above unity Machines. Success comes from Understanding, Failure is a result of Not Understanding. Keep it simple, make sure you understand the most simple phenomena! This is super simple, you wont believe how simple this is once you gain this understanding!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
On his other thread where he moderates me off. So I copied and pasted here to ask a question.
Re-quoting from him:
QuoteThe M.M.F, in a Transformer is considered Force, its Energy, at the end of the day, and this M.M.F must have Direction to Assist your Input. This means, Force considered as 1 Unit for simplicity equals: 1 + -1 + 1 = 1
Doesn't this contradict the common practice of summing the mmf around the magnetic circuit to zero? As explained nicely on the attached wiki article. EMJunkie could address this here or on the other thread. I would like to understand this apparent discrepancy.
Magnetomotive force (MMF)
Main article: magnetomotive force
Similar to the way that electromotive force (EMF) drives a current of electrical charge in electrical circuits, magnetomotive force (MMF) 'drives' magnetic flux through magnetic circuits. The term 'magnetomotive force', though, is a misnomer since it is not a force nor is anything moving. It is perhaps better to call it simply MMF. In analogy to the definition of EMF,
See attachment.
QuoteIf we apply the analogy to Kirchhoff's voltage law (for magnetic circuits). States that the algebraic sum of the rises and drops of the mmf around a closed loop of a magnetic circuit is equal to zero; that is, the sum of the rises in mmf equals the sum of the drops in mmf around a closed loop
"not a force, nor anything moving."
That's something to think about. I like how that sounds, and what it means.
It is amazing how much you sheeple talk about me in this and other threads!
I am flattered!
Even Brain Dead people are starting to learn something of Value! Even if 99.89% of their background knowledge is wrong!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: bistander on June 25, 2020, 10:52:33 PM
EMJunkie posted a copy of this:
« Reply #147 on: Today at 01:20:53 AM »
Followed by this:
Re: Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy
« Reply #8936 on: Today at 02:07:11 AM »On his other thread where he moderates me off. So I copied and pasted here to ask a question.
Re-quoting from him:
Doesn't this contradict the common practice of summing the mmf around the magnetic circuit to zero? As explained nicely on the attached wiki article. EMJunkie could address this here or on the other thread. I would like to understand this apparent discrepancy.
See attachment.
Ya godda be kidding dont ya.... and your'e wondering why I delete your posts?
Quote from: NickZ on June 25, 2020, 11:24:29 PM
"not a force, nor anything moving."
That's something to think about. I like how that sounds, and what it means.
FM.M.F = NI or
2 W / Φ See: HERE (http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/terms.html)
Whats moving? Well Current is currently defined as
6.24 x 1018 Electrons per second past point
P1 = One Ampere. That's: 6240000000000000000 Electrons past point
P1 in One Second = 1 Amp! One Ampere = 5.68425534144E-12 Kg's.
63.55.g of Copper, has: 2,798,686.00 Amperes, if we strip out all the Electrons in One Second.
I = 0 then
FM.M.F = 0.
You guys are so far behind it is truly not funny! Time to smarten up Sheeples!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 12:44:26 AM
FM.M.F = NI or 2 W / Φ See: HERE (http://info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/terms.html)
Whats moving? Well Current is currently defined as 6.24 x 1018 Electrons per second past point P1 = One Ampere. That's: 6240000000000000000 Electrons past point P1 in One Second = 1 Amp! One Ampere = 5.68425534144E-12 Kg's.
63.55.g of Copper, has: 2,798,686.00 Amperes, if we strip out all the Electrons in One Second.
If I = 0 then FM.M.F = 0.
You guys are so far behind it is truly not funny! Time to smarten up Sheeples!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Hi EMJunkie,
The context was the magnetic circuit. There are portions of the flux path having no coil where there is mmf. What's moving there?
And please explain this "One Ampere = 5.68425534144E-12 Kg's."
Quote from: bistander on June 26, 2020, 01:57:11 AM
Hi EMJunkie,
The context was the magnetic circuit. There are portions of the flux path having no coil where there is mmf. What's moving there?
And please explain this "One Ampere = 5.68425534144E-12 Kg's."
Using Mathematics and Science:
double OneAmpere = 6.24 * Math.Pow(10, 18);
double ElectronMass = 9.10938356 * Math.Pow(10, -31);
double OneAmpereMass = OneAmpere * ElectronMass;
KGofOneAmpere.Text = OneAmpereMass.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)) + " Kg's";
= "0.00000000000568425534144 Kg's"
Amazing what you can calculate when one wants to learn something of value!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 04:39:45 AM
Using Mathematics and Science:
double OneAmpere = 6.24 * Math.Pow(10, 18);
double ElectronMass = 9.10938356 * Math.Pow(10, -31);
double OneAmpereMass = OneAmpere * ElectronMass;
KGofOneAmpere.Text = OneAmpereMass.ToString("0." + new string('#', 339)) + " Kg's";
= "0.00000000000568425534144 Kg's"
Amazing what you can calculate when one wants to learn something of value!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Download PDF
See also: kGs, Kgs, KGs, and KGS
English Edit
Noun Edit
Abbreviation of kilograms. plural of kg ("kilogram") Nonstandard form of kg ("kilogramme").
Alternative forms Edit
(kilogrammes): Kgs, Kg's, kg's
Anagrams Edit
Thanks, I guess. I've never seen
Kg's used before.
How would the mass of that many electrons enter into the magnetomotive force which exist over a section of core or magnetic path outside of an excited coil?
And back to my original question, why do you think the sum mmf of the 3 coils on the core in your experiment isn't near zero (equal to the mmf drop due to the flux in the core)? Isn't that analogous to wiring 3 batteries in closed series circuit and expecting the sum of the emf around the loop to be non zero?
Mass of electrons? What science is that?
Some one has mistaken electrons with "mass". As electrons have no mass. They are not particles, either. Perhaps that idea comes from the Big Bang theory guys.
Neither is the Aether composed of particles, as we know them. It is also mass less, similar to light.
Nor does light move, at all. So, it was good to hear about magnetic flux, also being mass less, and does not move.
"not a force, nor does it move".
I love the way that my magnetic induction circuit works, without giving out any shocks, at all, yet it can light bulbs, etz...
It's not electrons that enter into the device, it's Aether, which the capacitors are then used to separate into positive and negative charges. That is how I understand it. Sorry if it does not agree with current theory. As current theory, does not know how to build free energy, OU, nor self running devices. And probably never will.
bistander,in german language it is common to write Kg for Kilogramm,only in the english language where this expression is at the beginning small written you will find : kg and normally , indicating plural "Kg"-s or "kg"-s
NickZ : u or amu or Dalton or Kg/kg
This are the several terms for electrons their mass ! DEFINED MASS OF ELECTRONS !
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 11:12:32 AM
Mass of electrons? What science is that?
Some one has mistaken electrons with "mass". As electrons have no mass.
Hello Nick,
electron mass = 9.10938356 × 10^-31 kilograms
From Wikipedia:
"The invariant mass of an electron is approximately 9.109×10^−31 kilograms, or 5.489×10−4 atomic mass units.
On the basis of Einstein's principle of mass–energy equivalence, this mass corresponds to a rest energy of 0.511 MeV."
Guys: I am aware of the current text book explanations, and is why I say what I said. And expected your answers. But, even if only one person gets where I'm coming from, I will feel like I've done something positive and useful, and instrumental to how free energy devices may work. But, of course, You can believe what you want. I totally believe in what Tesla has said, made patents about, and shown working, instead, of Einstein's theories. And, Tesla goes on to mention about the "Cosmic Soup", the Aether, and the harvesting of ambient energy, therefrom. As he would also not agree with current theories, even at this time. Einstein's theories are well studied in school, while Tesla's ideas are not, at all.
Do you believe in the Big Bang, as well. Or, only just in a part of "science". NickZ
Quote from: Void on June 26, 2020, 11:49:41 AM
Hello Nick,
electron mass = 9.10938356 × 10^-31 kilograms
From Wikipedia:
"The invariant mass of an electron is approximately 9.109×10^−31 kilograms, or 5.489×10−4 atomic mass units.
On the basis of Einstein's principle of mass–energy equivalence, this mass corresponds to a rest energy of 0.511 MeV."
Nice to see you Void! Yes standard Science, all Particles that have Charge, therefore Magnetic Moment, have a Mass.
Question is, does the Copper Coil actually loose that Mass?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
That electrons are not particles in the sense that a chip of ice is a
particle of the block from which it was chipped, is... well.... elementary.
One can have an idea and find that future events are predictable by use
of that idea.
The more an idea is of a macro world event (Newtonian) then also, the more
there is predictability of results.
One can have a non moving electron in theory only.
One can have electrons, the (Newtonian) relative motion (in a parallel vector)
of which is zero.
That kind of motionlessness is possible.
Move a wire coil past a magnet and the electrons in the coil are in motion relative
to the magnet and a voltage develops in the coil.
Move the magnet along with wire coil and the in the same direction and no voltage
An electron exerts a force around itself, which is termed as magnetic. That force is
not uniform in all directions around the electron.
That force is di-polar (N S).
This force is described as being a product of a kind of motion of the electro
(as if the electron were spinning upon an axis). This can be problematic, given that
conventional description of the electron gives it, a diameter / volume / so on, as zero.
Hence quantized values.
An electron exerts a force around itself, which is termed as electric (negative charge).
A given two electrons will repel by this force.
Unlike the magnetic force surrounding an electron, the electric force distributes
uniformly in all directions around the electron (unless it is affected by an external force).
That electric force decreases with distance, as the inverse of the square of the distance.
An electron within an atom has an orbiting motion around the nucleus of that atom.
That motion gives rise to a magnetic force which is related to but also distinctive from
the force arising due to the other two kind of motion (describe above). It also gives rise to magnetic force.
The mass of an object can be determined by applying a force of known value to that
object and measuring the change in the object's speed.
Similarly, mas can be determined by observing the change in direction of motion of an
object in response to an applied force.
Electrons behave as if / demonstrate that they have mass !
In reference to the "rest mass" of an electron.
Does that rest mass arise due to its spin ?
Is an electron itself, a kind of standing wave ?
If so, a wave within what medium ?
Is that wave a vortex / closed ended and helical ?
What ever.... quantised or other wize, use the description that is best applied to
your approach experimentally and then use the other !
All well and good, if you assume that mass creates energy. Which it can do of course.And we don't realise, that mass was created from energy. The chicken, or the egg. No energy no mass.
If you only see one side of the story. Might as well believe in your big bang theory.
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 05:08:52 PM
All well and good, if you assume that mass creates energy. Which it can do of course.And we don't realise, that mass was created from energy. The chicken, or the egg. No energy no mass.
If you only see one side of the story. Might as well believe in your big bang theory.
I think you should rethink this, make a bit more effort to link the
Mass Energy Equivalence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass%E2%80%93energy_equivalence) concepts. What you're saying is not correct and true, essentially.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
#164 : "rest energy" and not "rest mass" !
About the use from Newtonian laws there is a disput by kanarev and his new dynamics related " Kanarev law" .
Interesting his argumentation and as demonstration object : the Linevich-inertia transmission engine
Quote from: Floor on June 26, 2020, 04:34:02 PM
That electrons are not particles in the sense that a chip of ice is a
particle of the block from which it was chipped, is... well.... elementary.
One can have an idea and find that future events are predictable by use
of that idea.
The more an idea is of a macro world event (Newtonian) then also, the more
there is predictability of results.
One can have a non moving electron in theory only.
One can have electrons, the (Newtonian) relative motion (in a parallel vector)
of which is zero.
That kind of motionlessness is possible.
Move a wire coil past a magnet and the electrons in the coil are in motion relative
to the magnet and a voltage develops in the coil.
Move the magnet along with wire coil and the in the same direction and no voltage
An electron exerts a force around itself, which is termed as magnetic. That force is
not uniform in all directions around the electron.
That force is di-polar (N S).
This force is described as being a product of a kind of motion of the electro
(as if the electron were spinning upon an axis). This can be problematic, given that
conventional description of the electron gives it, a diameter / volume / so on, as zero.
Hence quantized values.
An electron exerts a force around itself, which is termed as electric (negative charge).
A given two electrons will repel by this force.
Unlike the magnetic force surrounding an electron, the electric force distributes
uniformly in all directions around the electron (unless it is affected by an external force).
That electric force decreases with distance, as the inverse of the square of the distance.
An electron within an atom has an orbiting motion around the nucleus of that atom.
That motion gives rise to a magnetic force which is related to but also distinctive from
the force arising due to the other two kind of motion (describe above). It also gives rise to magnetic force.
The mass of an object can be determined by applying a force of known value to that
object and measuring the change in the object's speed.
Similarly, mas can be determined by observing the change in direction of motion of an
object in response to an applied force.
Electrons behave as if / demonstrate that they have mass !
In reference to the "rest mass" of an electron.
Does that rest mass arise due to its spin ?
Is an electron itself, a kind of standing wave ?
If so, a wave within what medium ?
Is that wave a vortex / closed ended and helical ?
What ever.... quantised or other wize, use the description that is best applied to
your approach experimentally and then use the other !
Nice post Floor! A lot of sensible info in there!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
EMJ: Just keep believing that all you want. I am not trying to get energy from matter. Remember. Maybe you are.
Did all the matter just explde into being by itself, from nothing in one big bang? I look for the cause of causes. Or does your OU device still burns matter as it's source, as well?
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 05:25:55 PM
I think you should rethink this, make a bit more effort to link the Mass Energy Equivalence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass%E2%80%93energy_equivalence) concepts. What you're saying is not correct and true, essentially.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
If Nick is wrong, can you answer what is giving particles eternal life?
I think that you should rethink about what you read in Wikipedia.
At least Nick is using his brain.
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 05:08:52 PM
All well and good, if you assume that mass creates energy. Which it can do of course.And we don't realise, that mass was created from energy. The chicken, or the egg. No energy no mass.
If you only see one side of the story. Might as well believe in your big bang theory.
Nick, by genom makeup you are closer to Tesla, you are Croatian,
while EMJunkie is still closer to monkey.
You realize that?
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 05:55:41 PM
If Nick is wrong, can you answer what is giving particles eternal life?
I think that you should rethink about what you read in Wikipedia.
At least Nick is using his brain.
Another wanting to have a "Pissing Competition", what's wrong with you? Always trying to out do everyone. Do your home work, I gave you the link! As if you know anything about Tesla - What part of Kinetic Energy do you not understand? Do you even know the Quote I am referring to?
No wonder you, here, are so far behind! Too many Dummies stuck in the Cage!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 05:58:46 PM
Another wanting to have a "Pissing Competition", what's wrong with you? Always trying to out do everyone. Do your home work, I gave you the link! As if you know anything about Tesla - What part of Kinetic Energy do you not understand? Do you even know the Quote I am referring to?
No wonder you, here are so far behind! Too many Dummies stuck in the Cage!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
And you are master genius and from you everyone must learn?
What is wrong with you?
I just pissed on my self, laughing so had.
Thanks Karlo, for the support. You may just be about the only one that gets it. NickZ
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 05:58:46 PM
Another wanting to have a "Pissing Competition", what's wrong with you? Always trying to out do everyone. Do your home work, I gave you the link! As if you know anything about Tesla - What part of Kinetic Energy do you not understand? Do you even know the Quote I am referring to?
No wonder you, here, are so far behind! Too many Dummies stuck in the Cage!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
You did not answer!
What gives particles eternal life?
Will you avoid question twice?
Prove your advanced mind.
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:03:36 PM
And you are master genius and from you everyone must learn?
What is wrong with you?
Cupcake, youre gonna have to smarten up if you want to be Free, to evolve, because your evolution truly does depend on you using the only thing that cant be controlled.
Use it or loose it sweetheart!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 06:05:55 PM
I just pissed on my self, laughing so had.
Thanks Karlo, for the support. You may just be about the only one that gets it. NickZ
I am Croatian, proud to carry Tesla genes!
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:08:34 PM
You did not answer!
What gives particles eternal life?
Will you avoid question twice?
Prove your advanced mind.
How about you answer your Non-Sense questions! If you see so much value in being the biggest fish in the fish farm!
Particles are not eternal! All particles pop in and out of existence all the time. Know about the 720 do we? But I don't expect you to know this! Oh, people like you give me a Nut Ache!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 06:10:03 PM
Cupcake, youre gonna have to smarten up if you want to be Free, to evolve, because your evolution truly does depend on you using the only thing that cant be controlled.
Use it or loose it sweetheart!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
You avoid to answer for the third time.
What gives particles eternal life?
Or you can not because of that monkey genes you carry in your blood?
Will you avoid answer for the fourth time?
I am happy that I am behind you, because you stink so badly,
this way at least I don't have to smell that.
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:16:04 PM
You avoid to answer for the third time.
What gives particles eternal life?
Or you can not because of that monkey genes you carry in your blood?
Will you avoid answer for the fourth time?
I am happy that I am behind you, because you stink so badly,
this way at least I don't have to smell that.
You OOZE intelligence - Well Done ::)
Detect my sarcasm did we?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 06:12:52 PM
How about you answer your Non-Sense questions! If you see so much value in being the biggest fish in the fish farm!
Particles are not eternal! All particles pop in and out of existence all the time. Know about the 720 do we? But I don't expect you to know this! Oh, people like you give me a Nut Ache!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
If particles pop out and vanish every Tera second,
just imagine how your body will look like,
you will change shape so fast,
as you change your story.
Do you even have brain?
And dont attack Nick because he has brain and you dont!
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:19:54 PM
If particles pop out and vanish every Tera second,
just imagine how your body will look like,
you will change shape so fast,
as you change your story.
Do you even have brain?
Your logic and reasoning is indisputable, elmo!
In case you have not noticed, I am shredding you a new one in front of everyone! elmo!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:20:55 PM
And dont attack Nick because he has brain and you dont!
I see your'e having a bit of trouble there, cant reach the Coke:
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 06:24:28 PM
Your logic and reasoning is indisputable, elmo!
In case you have not noticed, I am shredding you a new one in front of everyone! elmo!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Wikipedia again?
Do you ever have your own opinion?
I asked simple question you avoided 4 times, and you will avoid it forever.
I dont need you apology.
I can watch apes in ZOO, as much as I want, I dont need you for that!
You should apology to Nick and kiss his feet.
Oh man, Now he got loose again. Hey guys, no need to be rude. I went to school. Heard the same thing. I just think differently.Don't need tò kill the messenger, just hear the message.. I won't bore you any more.
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:31:01 PM
Wikipedia again?
Do you ever have your own opinion?
I asked simple question you avoided 4 times, and you will avoid it forever.
I dont need you apology.
I can watch apes in ZOO, as much as I want, I dont need you for that!
You should apology to Nick and kiss his feet.
elmo, you loose! Pull your head in!
NickZ needs to get his facts straight, as do you! You foolish Child!
v1karlo clearly your 7 cylinders short of the 8!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Well, it would be different if you all could actually try to understand what I said. I'm not good at explaining things.. Some will get it, most will not.
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 06:45:13 PM
Well, it would be different if you all could actually try to understand what I said. I'm not good at explaining things.. Some will get it, most will not.
Nick, you did nothing wrong.
Actually, you stated what the greatest minds stated in their time.
Bowl full of water.
If you dont shake it, there is no waves!
Shake it, and waves appear.
Can it go in reverse?
Make the waves, and they move water mass in bowl?
Of course!
Tesla sat and watched pond for hours to observe that.
And then this ape spilling some philosophy he dreamed yesterday,
and have no connection to real world.
I dont have to remind you that whole world is powering their homes from his almighty device!
You said nothing wrong!
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 05:25:55 PM
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 05:08:52 PM
All well and good, if you assume that mass creates energy. Which it can do of course.And we don't realise, that mass was created from energy. The chicken, or the egg. No energy no mass.
If you only see one side of the story. Might as well believe in your big bang theory.
I think you should rethink this, make a bit more effort to link the Mass Energy Equivalence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass%E2%80%93energy_equivalence) concepts. What you're saying is not correct and true, essentially.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 06:59:50 PM
Nick, you did nothing wrong.
Actually, you stated what the greatest minds stated in their time.
Bowl full of water.
If you dont shake it, there is no waves!
Shake it, and waves appear.
Can it go in reverse?
Make the waves, and they move water mass in bowl?
Of course!
Tesla sat and watched pond for hours to observe that.
And then this ape spilling some philosophy he dreamed yesterday,
and have no connection to real world.
I dont have to remind you that whole world is powering their homes from his almighty device!
You said nothing wrong!
Mass does not
Create Energy, Mass
IS Energy compressed by
C2. Thus the term:
Mass Energy Equivalence (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/equivME/)
There you have it, v1karlo is officially a dufuss! A Trouble Maker, and just not very smart at all!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Ok you win. Made the most noise. Made your point.
I though that I was safe here. I guessed wrong.Sorry to have to leave the party, so early.Take it away, Sam...Only karlo gets it. Really?
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 07:22:26 PM
Ok you win. Made the most noise. Made your point.
I though that I was safe here. I guessed wrong.Sorry to have to leave the party, so early.Take it away, Sam...Only karlo gets it. Really?
NickZ, I was only trying to help, before Nut Ache came along:
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 05:25:55 PM
I think you should rethink this, make a bit more effort to link the Mass Energy Equivalence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass%E2%80%93energy_equivalence) concepts. What you're saying is not correct and true, essentially.
Its not about winning, or loosing, its about trying and succeeding, together! I was nice, and polite, and tried to point you in the right direction, before Nut Ache came and stuck his nose in!
You are free to put your 2 cents in, as am I:
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 10:33:05 AM
Tito: Sorry about all the insults, I know how you must feel. But, some of those insults are not about you, but are about your chosen religion. So, don't take them personally. We all have the right to believe what we want to believe. But, I don't always take kindly when being told what to do, or how to think concerning Gods and Saviors. But, I meant no insults to you personally.
On the other hand, I do think that the "black hole" idea has some merit. As it's the inward vortex that can suck external ambient energy into the circuit's coils and wires. It has been shown in ancient Indian scriptures as the Vimana craft. And shown in the Mayan texts as a mercury vortex used for their space crafts. Perhaps the free energy devices need to use same type of mode of operation, implosive, and not outward and explosive like a nuclear bomb, but like a whirlwind, instead.
I do not wish to insult others, but we do get carried away when we get heated.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Ok, good to know that you were beng polite
You know sometimes I think that all of us nutcases are here for treatment.
I know that I am.
Quote from: NickZ on June 26, 2020, 07:37:04 PM
Ok, good to know that you were beng polite
You know sometimes I think that all of us nutcases are here for treatment.
I know that I am.
After our little discussion, do you feel you understand Energy and Mass a little better? After all the conversation was Electrons and Kg's...
If yes, then that's a step ahead!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Hard to say, probably not. I am not into Mass. Not even on Sundays. Did you ever think that we may be saying the same thing. But, there's nobody home?
Tito, as well. Bless his soul.
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 07:12:45 PM
I think you should rethink this, make a bit more effort to link the Mass Energy Equivalence (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass%E2%80%93energy_equivalence) concepts. What you're saying is not correct and true, essentially.
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Mass does not Create Energy, Mass IS Energy compressed by C2. Thus the term: Mass Energy Equivalence (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/equivME/)
There you have it, v1karlo is officially a dufuss! A Trouble Maker, and just not very smart at all!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Energy creates mass.
Mass can influence energy. And mass can convert back to energy.
Otherwise our alien visitors will not be able to travel interstellar.
But they do.
Get out from 19 century.
Quote from: v8karlo on June 26, 2020, 09:36:34 PM
Energy creates mass.
Mass can influence energy. And mass can convert back to energy.
Otherwise our alien visitors will not be able to travel interstellar.
But they do.
Get out from 19 century.
Bozo the Clown, how about you stay out of it! You had your 5 minutes of fame, now stay out of others conversation! Go back to the Circus and stick to your Routine! After this much practice, maybe your'e good at that?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 26, 2020, 06:24:28 PM
Your logic and reasoning is indisputable, elmo!
In case you have not noticed, I am shredding you a new one in front of everyone! elmo!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Junkie, particles are also protons and neutrons.
And you claim they pop out and vanish all the time?
Weird, never heard that before, but I will look into it just to be sure what you are talking is true.
But in case of electron, if electron pop up in some atom, the atom will change its chemical properties.
Also if some electron vanish in atom, same thing will happen.
And protons and neutrons, their number determine element in periodic table.
Changing their number will change element in periodic table.
Don't get me wrong, it is not clear to me.
If you are talking about wave-particle duality of photons, it has some sense, but otherwise,
I am confused!
Particles has their points of stability and in that form exist for a long time. Electron, proton, neutron.
And there is the question: what forces them to be stable only in that points.
Some pressure from outside? Space?
If the space has frequency it has to be fixed, because otherwise particles would grow and shrink with change of space frequency.
But particles have stable size, so frequency must be fixed too.
Particles absorb energy from waves and emit energy in shape of waves.
Eternal exchange.
So, something is creating those waves which eternally force particles to spin and move.In between those states, they are unstable and deteriorate.
Sorry for post, maybe you thought something else?
Why do you think that particles like protons and neutrons are not eternal?
Eternal is a long time. I don't think that anything is Eternal. As everything is constantly changing, rusting, evaporating, dissolving,or being added onto, etz... We don't know what Eternal means. But, we know that things can recombine to form new things, different things. Sometimes this can be invisible to us. As we can not see an atom, electrons, protons, nor electricity. We don't even really know what electricity is, or where any extra energy may come from. Other what we are being told. I don't believe what the NASA wants us to see, at all. Do you?
Let me leave you this little bit of info. I know that most of you will not believe it. As you tend to believe what you are told. That, there is NO light coming from the Sun to this planet, or any other planets. Each planet is producing, and manufactoring, it's own light. It is being produced here, not reflected from the Sun. If you go in a rocket from here toward the Sun at midday, in just a few minutes you'll be in total darkness, and extreme cold. That is a FACT. Which we are not being told. And there's more to it, but I won't go into it now. That's enough for you guys to start putting up your proof of how wrong I am. I expect it, but really do you only believe what you're told. Or do you question, everything? Are we that gullible? Some even believe that the Earth is flat.
Just how this planet produces it's own light, is a big deal, and why it is still being help secret. Is of upmost importance.
Quote from: NickZ on June 27, 2020, 08:46:40 AM
Eternal is a long time. I don't think that anything is Eternal. As everything is constantly changing, rusting, evaporating, dissolving,or being added onto, etz... We don't know what Eternal means. But, we know that things can recombine to form new things, different things. Sometimes this can be invisible to us. As we can not see an atom, electrons, protons, nor electricity. We don't even really know what electricity is, or where any extra energy may come from. Other what we are being told. I don't believe what the NASA wants us to see, at all. Do you?
Let me leave you this little bit of info. I know that most of you will not believe it. As you tend to believe what you are told. That, there is NO light coming from the Sun to this planet, or any other planets. Each planet is producing, and manufactoring, it's own light. It is being produced here, not reflected from the Sun. If you go in a rocket from here toward the Sun at midday, in just a few minutes you'll be in total darkness, and extreme cold. That is a FACT. Which we are not being told. And there's more to it, but I won't go into it now. That's enough for you guys to start putting up your proof of how wrong I am. I expect it, but really do you only believe what you're told. Or do you question, everything? Are we that gullible? Some even believe that the Earth is flat.
Just how this planet produces it's own light, is a big deal, and why it is still being help secret. Is of upmost importance.
NickZ, nice post!
When people say, an Electron will pop in and out of existence, Science now prefers the term: "The Electron will switch between localized and delocalized states"
What does this mean?
Quote from: ACuriousMind link=https://physics.stackexchange.com/a/154851/193870
When the atom is undisturbed, the electron will be in the energy eigenstates of the system, the so-called atomic orbitals. These states are not sharp position states, the position expectation is "smeared out" over a region around the nucleus - this is what one calls electron/probability cloud.
When we make a position measurement, i.e. force some kind of interaction that allows us to measure the position state of the electron, it takes one of the position states that are allowed members of the orbital.
But the electron here just took another state (whether you believe that happens by collapse, decoherence or something else is not relevant - the interpretation you adhere to doesn't really influence this), it didn't "pop into existence" - it just switched from an energy state to a position state. Its existence in the energy state is, quantum mechanically, no different from its existence in the position state. Quantum objects are not little blobs in space.
Basically, the Electron is for some time, un-detectable as such. No longer existing in the space we expect to see it. Transitioned to another state as they say. So you are right, eternal is not right, its a long time, The Electron is essentially having a holiday for a short period of time.
Of course, this is not by any means NOT Well Known, its old and been known for a very long time!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
I agree with NickZ, and you all should strive to learn what you can now! Prove it to yourself, do not be the Gullible!
A Long time ago, I decided I would learn not so much from Science, but the Science that those before us knew! Floyd Sweet was a genius! Very smart man and very Scientific, Figurea, Ruslan (Awesome Man!), Akula, Don Smith (Another awesome Man!) and many hundreds of others.
If you stop and listen, these men, some more than others gave you exactly the answers you seek!
I believe in Science that can be done on the Bench, what works, what does not work I do not believe in, an example is: Magnet Conditioning!
Why don't I believe in that, because there is more proof to say this is fake non-sense than real! There is ZERO Proof to support it! ZERO!
Please people, I beg you all, what I have to share is very important, I am not asking for a single thing in return, other that you try! Please learn what I am sharing, it may save your family's life in years to come!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: NickZ on June 27, 2020, 08:46:40 AM
Eternal is a long time. I don't think that anything is Eternal. As everything is constantly changing, rusting, evaporating, dissolving,or being added onto, etz...
Yes, everything is constantly changing if matter has something with what it can interact to.
Water has protons, then it evaporates and same proton is in vapor now.
Did proton vanish?
Iron has proton, it rusts, same proton is inside rust now.
Did the proton disappeared?
No, it is the same proton.
This is not my point!
What drives all of those particles to exist eternally, to spin them, giving them life?.
Particles change states, but force which drives them is eternal.
At 10km depth of ocean, in total darkness, under pressure of tons and tons of water, 2 bubbles of air are talking.
"Hey buddy, we are lucky that there is nothing around us, not even light or waves!"
Did fish know it is surrounded by water?
Or fish thinks that it can fly and it is normal property of physics?
Steven Mark, Kapanadze, Floyd.... you name it,
they all use bucking coil at some point.
Steven Mark coil warmed, why? Because windings repel under heavy current, and vibrate.
Physics fact. He, himself said that can not be solved, because it is the way how physics works.
What I wanted to say here is that opposing (bucking) fields, coils have some other property,
which we did not discovered yet, and found use for it.
I am not talking about Chris usage of bucking coil.
There is something more to it.
I think that all the particles, matter is surrounded by some kind medium,
which pressed them, shake them, giving them life.
Pushing them so they group together into known matter.
Local movement of that medium we perceive as fields.
I can not find any other logical solution which fits more than this,
and more and more my thinking process is focused in that direction.
Everything is so much easier explainable this way.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on June 27, 2020, 09:56:55 PM
What I wanted to say here is that opposing (bucking) fields, coils have some other property,
which we did not discovered yet, and found use for it.
I am not talking about Chris usage of bucking coil.
I agree with all you said, until I got to that bit - Far too much speculation there! I prefer to stick to provable Fact!
Really, speculating on what you don't properly know or understand is no good for anyone. You don't know what My Coils are, or are not doing!
You are right however, Humanity has a huge amount to learn, an area has been missed in Science! Deliberately, but that's for a later conversation!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
If we don't speculate and have new ideas,
we will be forever standing at same spot.
You, Chris, chained yourself in so much chains,
that you stop to question yourself.
You wanna others to carry same chains,
because your knowledge is absolute and always correct.
You even do not realize that anymore because you don't care.
In your mind you collected all knowledge and stopped.
You have sharp mind, that is no issue.
On the other hand Nick is free like butterfly,
free of chains, and sharp minded as well.
That's I like him.
He accepts what he needs, and throw away garbage.
Don't take this post as insult or try to provoke you,
try to see one grain of what I am talking here.
I am still learning many things, nor have I given up on my project. However, I have decided that I should not be attached to just one type of device, nor expect any fixed outcome, therefrom. As I now have little to NO expectations as to a certain device having to bring me the outcome and success that I have been going towards. I leave the door open to any other form of self running device, being brought to my awareness, which may possibly be even much better, than what I can presently imagine.
I do imagine what I want to build beforehand, detail by detail. But, my rational thinking mind alone, does not know how, and is not programed to let me know just how to go about building an OU device, perhaps my higher mind does. Time will tell.
I also believe that we will know what we need to know, when we need to know it.
You are not alone, same here.
About your device.
It has:
1. HV coil
2. Inductor
3. Grenade
I did not build it and can not discuss much about its work.
HV coil and inductor are known.
Grenade coil has CW and CCW, right?
That is interesting part.
Something happen's with rest of circuit when you try to zero fields,
that is my best guess.
And that is what I am doing right now.
Investigating how components in circuit behave when I am using opposing field coil.
Not at way as Chris does.
I will try his approach as well (don't be insulted Chris).
I already tried, but was quick and sloppy, and failed. Does not mean it won't work when done properly.
I am using bifilar coil configured as zero inductance for my tryouts.
WhatIsIt: Yes, my device has two separate circuits, that are meant to work together to heterodyne, and mix both frequencies together.
It is not a simple device, although both of the two circuits, HV circuit, (the Kacher), and induction circuit (push pull/yoke circuits), appear simple on the surface, their interaction is not simple, at all.
Yes, the grenade output coil 37.5 meters long does use 1/2 CW and 1/2 CCW windings.
The kacher secondary coil going to the antenna coil, also sports a reverse wound coil on ferrite rod, or bar, in my case, as well.
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 27, 2020, 10:45:47 PM
I agree with all you said, until I got to that bit - Far too much speculation there! I prefer to stick to provable Fact!
You see conundrum here?
How did you get to the point when something becomes fact and provable fact?
By speculating, trying, failing, making theories (right or wrong, doesn't matter).
Just don't tell me and to the whole world that you did everything from first try!
That is why I said that you chained yourself, and you not even noticing that.
By talking to educated people outside this forum about medium of space,
who came to similar conclusion of medium existence.
And if medium is substance which is hard to compress.
Then matter becomes easily compressed.
Something like bubble of air at 10km of depth in ocean.
It can resist pressure, and take stable form and size according to pressure.
Also bubble reacts to movement of water, or waves propagating through water,
waving bubbles back and forth, shaking them,
and bubbles can influence movement of water too (if there are trillions of bubbles together).
Like mater does, trillions of atoms together.
We explained gravity so easily in that model, and other things.
And we had conundrum again.
To follow known facts and throw away everything or accept new find because it can explain gravity,
which no theory today can not. With so ease, you won't believe it.
This model reverses Einstein theory of growing mass, to shrinking mass while approaching speed of light,
which opens numerous new possibilities.
This is just one example, just one.
Covid19 = 5G ?
Quote from: WhatIsIt on June 28, 2020, 12:34:20 AM
You see conundrum here?
How did you get to the point when something becomes fact and provable fact?
By speculating, trying, failing, making theories (right or wrong, doesn't matter).
Just don't tell me and to the whole world that you did everything from first try!
That is why I said that you chained yourself, and you not even noticing that.
I have no Chains, I use Logic! Logic is undeniable! Period! You really need to take a page from Sherlock Holmes Play Book! Every serious Researcher should! Its important!
You speculate, its not a good method, not safe to come to any real conclusion! Facts are real, no one can be chained if they have facts! Your'e far too eager to judge, to categorise others when you have no information or facts!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
cw and ccw https://study.com/cimages/multimages/16/magnetic_field_current.png (https://study.com/cimages/multimages/16/magnetic_field_current.png)
The Barry Lebost Wind turbine ,the Lebost book "The Universal Properties of Acceleration" https://www.barrylebost.com/upofa (https://www.barrylebost.com/upofa)
Kango Iida Hydraulic converter
Andreas Sumera counterrotative gear
Edvid Linevich counterrotative gear system https://overunity.com/15704/is-newtons-law-at-risk/ (https://overunity.com/15704/is-newtons-law-at-risk/)
( Robert Cook Inertia propulsion engine ,centrifugal to linear
https://www.americanantigravity.com/robert-cook-jr-on-inertial-propulsion (https://www.americanantigravity.com/robert-cook-jr-on-inertial-propulsion) http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/cookip/cookip.htm)
Years ago, Albert Einstein remarked:
"When first studying mechanics, one has the impression that everything in this branch of science is simple, fundamental and settled for all time. One would hardly suspect the existence of an important clue which no one noticed for 300 years. The neglected clue is connected with one of the fundamental concepts of mechanics --- that of Mass." )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW7DW9NIO9M (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW7DW9NIO9M) or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCKNH0zaho (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOCKNH0zaho)
The most famous equation in all of science is Einstein's E = mc2, but it is also frequently horribly misunderstood and misused. In this video, Fermilab's Dr. Don Lincoln explains the real truth about this equation and how people often use it wrong.
The equivalence of mass and energy, or E = mc² for short, is a natural law discovered in 1905 by Albert Einstein in the context of special relativity. [1]
In today's wording it says that the mass m and the rest energy E of an object are proportional to each other:
E = mc²
Where c is the speed of light.
( But this is a "time delation"-relativity world formula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuD34tEpRFw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuD34tEpRFw) )
A change in the internal energy of a system therefore also means a change in its mass. Due to the large constant conversion factor c² energy conversions, as they are typical in everyday life, are accompanied by only small, hardly measurable changes in mass.
The mass of a typical car battery increases by only 40 ng due to the electrical energy stored in it.
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vixri.com%2Fd%2Fgermany%2FProf.%2520Alfred%2520Evert_Windrad%2520im%2520Keller.pdf (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vixri.com%2Fd%2Fgermany%2FProf.%2520Alfred%2520Evert_Windrad%2520im%2520Keller.pdf)
Acceleration : doubling the speed = 8 times the force
https://www.yumpu.com/de/document/view/20184764/otto-stein-die-zukunft-der-technik-pdf (https://www.yumpu.com/de/document/view/20184764/otto-stein-die-zukunft-der-technik-pdf)
p.s.: SR is not introduced by Dr.Albert Einstein but by his Professor Dr.Hermann Minkowski
relativistic space= " Minkowski Raum" and relativistic "Lorentz force"- velocity converter
p.s.II : https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20130314&CC=US&NR=2013062983A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20130314&CC=US&NR=2013062983A1&KC=A1)
magnetic ring
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=58&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19910411&CC=DE&NR=3928644A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=58&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19910411&CC=DE&NR=3928644A1&KC=A1)
generator with magnetic ring , patent offfice peers reviewed and granted !
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=57&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19900816&CC=DE&NR=3939081A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=57&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19900816&CC=DE&NR=3939081A1&KC=A1)
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 28, 2020, 04:12:02 AM
I have no Chains, I use Logic! Logic is undeniable! Period! You really need to take a page from Sherlock Holmes Play Book! Every serious Researcher should! Its important!
You speculate, its not a good method, not safe to come to any real conclusion! Facts are real, no one can be chained if they have facts! Your'e far too eager to judge, to categorise others when you have no information or facts!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Sad, Mr.Sykes. With all yours superior logic you did 1.8 Cop.
One Kapanadze has 100 times better logic than you in that case with his Cop, and is probably 100 times smarter than you.
Are you decades in front of Kapanadze too?
You love facts?
Then Kapanadze is milenium in front of you, thats a fact.
I admit that you superior to all of us.
And smarter, and decades in front of us,
and nobody has better logic than you,
and so on and on.
You satisfy now.?
You are the smartest man I ever met in my life.
Will you stop disparage members on this forum now.
Lanca: You have mentioned many things and ideas that are common in current science. Yet, not one quote, nor patent, nor idea, of Teslas. Our greatest inventor. What did Einstein invent, and prove? He was given recognition, while Tesla died broke. Not to be heard from, again. Don't you find that strange? Well, I do. Teachers are told what to teach, and students are told not to question "science".
Current science will not answer the questions that we are looking for. Nor will it even acknowledge Tesla's achievements, nor teach them in school. Except where it serves them, and even then will not mention where such an idea, or patent came from. Why??? Kapanadze, our greatest inventor of free energy systems, does mentioned where his ideas come from. You got it. Tesla. While some people try to proof that both Kapanadze, and Tesla are wrong. Yet can't replicate what Tariel has done, and shown many times over. Sad, isn't it.
NickZ,Tesla is a SI-,unit,so you can not say that Nikola Tesla is not scientifical remarked !
Much ideas in the scientifical "universum" from the last century became in the last decades approved,I do not see a need to critizise several scientists by their work,especially not if their theoretical results has been experimental approved and repeated !
Tesla in his last years became an outsider,from industrial view,the cooperation "divorce" with Charles Steinmetz let him loose the ground for further industrial developments !
Developping prototypes is one thing,to develop an industrial mass production process with relyable mass configuration numbers and by same production quality and quantity,warranty-able, a harder way !
For this N. Tesla was the wrong,less genious,talent !
And probably some from Teslas developments are scientifically to find in Thomas Townsend Browns inventions,one who worked ( we can also speak about "observated" him ) with Tesla in his last years !
The quantum mechanic and nuclear sector are the both sides from the same coin,when I look for the Kapanadze and similar devices I think in atomic bomb and reactors their operational " moderator" and its function as initiator of the " chain reaction" !
By nuclear devices we know "the fuel",by electrodynamic devces ?
Humidity(h2o) ,atmospheric oxygen to ozone ?
ps.: Einstein et cet. are the media-idols fom the "atomic age",but there are many others -the mainstream less known- digital age pioneers !The " digital cyberworld" is the applied "SpaceTime"-niversum
You mean like a digitally controlled atomic bomb? You think that Kapanadze or Tesla would agree with you?
Quantum physics may need another 100 year to reach what Tesla had known and proved. What did Einstein actually prove? That atomic bombs are possible to build, yet did nothing of the sort, himself. Explosive, destructive, poisonous, radioactive, science. Look what they've done. There is now enough power to destroy this planet, and everyone in it. Great achievements.
Now it's up to us to PROVE that Tesla was right, and Kapanadze was right, as there is no one else that will. The current tech will not even believe that it can be proven. Yet, hide all that type of technology under our noses. Are black holes, whirlwinds, tonados, and the rest of space based on natural functioning "chain reactions"?
Is a vortex a chain reaction?
Scientists like Tesla, are usually not good sales men. And sales men are usually not good scientists.
Are we looking for mass produced products, as yet. You can look, but you won't find. For the reasons given previously.
Elon Musk is a great sales man, and he preferred Edison, to Tesla. He is now wanting to be the greatest sales man in history. And he is. Now he is selling everything he owns, and is putting his money, where his mouth is.
Just wait, and remember that this is a free energy forum. It's Not about quantum physics, religion, or Geopolitical issues.
Which have not and will not show us what we really need to know, at all. Such as how to extract energy from the ambient, without needing to create more devastating nuclear power plants, nuclear satelites, or weapons of "MASS" destruction, etz...
NickZ,about which specific device by Nikola Tesla you are talking ?
Dr.Einstein did not invent the nuclear energy technology,here we would have to discuss about Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner !
Dr. Einstein got his merits for the scientific description about "photoelectric"(included A.Nobel award) ,something as basic renewable energy device from te 20th century.The first " photoelectric" device in use more than 50 years back the theory disclosure !
Now in the 21.century we enter the E=hv state ,Max Planck Quantenmechanik level,where not only photons but also phonons~ thermalnoise,becomes converted ! And as reversible process device !
We are not talking about sales men and their vending technique but about production technology science,which has nothing to do with the sales department !
Science= knowledge about object material physics,object re-/production technology ,object macro-/micronizing !
And today : climate effect research !
Material N? purity ? Material doting ? Thermical behaviour graph ! Efficiency parametric ! .........
Civil or military use :
Phonon ~ sonic technology and as we heared in the last months also here we have the military version :hypersonic rocket/ missiles
Digital "cyberwars" are also not anymore unknown !
It does not help to know that by shortest "recombination time in picoseconds" we can/could trap free electrons,these nano-transistor devices has to become developped and built :
an example for the production level in density number NovaSolix , 1 Trillion rectennas per square-inch
Quote from: NickZ on June 28, 2020, 10:01:06 AM
You mean like the atomic bomb? You think that Kapanadze or Tesla would agree with you?
Quantum physics may need another 100 year to reach what Tesla had known and proved. What did Einstein actually prove? That atomic bombs are possible to build, yet did nothing of the sort, himself. Explosive, destructive, poisonous, radioactive, science. Look what they've done. There is now enough power to destroy this planet, and everyone in it. Great achievements.
Now it's up to us to PROVE that Tesla was right, and Kapanadze was right, as there is no one else that will. The current tech will not even believe that it can be proven. Yet, hide all that type of technology under our noses.
Scientists are usually not good sales men. And sales men are usually not good scientists. Are we looking for mass produced products, as yet. You can look, but you won't find. For the reasons given previously.
Just wait.
My regards to you brother!
I can see that blue blood of Tesla is boiling in your veins forcing your brain to think.
You are true Croatian.
You are right, Einstein just showed that enormous quantity of energy can be released.
His equation has missing things.
And he involved speed of light, as obstacle, which complicate things.
For his time it was more than enough, but today not so.
Tesla wasn't super intelligent, but was excellent observer and very sharp minded.
And Tesla wasn't dormant in his last period of life.
He left tons of written material, which was confiscated and never published.
Just to read 60+ boxes of material one has to spend years, and to understand what he wrote, even decades.
I can see lots of things are rolling today.
People started to talk, new theories and speculations, which are good.
Something always come from nothing when people talk.
One post today made me thinking about your device.This is theoretical only.Maybe your device already have everything you need.
The inductor spread out field, emit, we can say push.
If we have only push of magnetic field, there is no strength in that, not so much anyway.
But if have coil which can pull at same time, in between strength will raise exponentially.
Magnetic push pull.
Place coil in between for output. To catch that waves.
Now, if inductor is push? , what will be pull?
Which coil do not spread out field, but pull it in?
You said in your post that your grenade is 1/2CW and 1/2CCW.
That makes that coil zero inductance coil.
Opposing field coil, bucking coil.
What does zero inductance coil, if it does not spread out field?
It does opposite!
It sucks field, perhaps! Why else to use zero inductance grenade?
You have HV which is push, you have grenade which is pull.
Synchronize them to do magnetic push pull. Maybe by driving those two in series.
This is just theoretical by reading those posts today.
We don't know what opposing field effect actually does!
But, we can see those type of coil in S.Mark, Kapanadze, Ruslan, S.Floyd...
Why, and what those type of coil does exactly?
No hard feelings if I insult any brain here.
Quote from: lancaIV on June 28, 2020, 11:14:10 AM
NickZ,about which specific device by Nikola Tesla you are talking ?
Dr.Einstein did not invent the nuclear energy technology,here we would have to discuss about Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner !
Dr. Einstein got his merits for the scientific description about "photoelectric"(included A.Nobel award) ,something as basic renewable energy device from te 20th century.The first " photoelectric" device in use more than 50 years back the theory disclosure !
Now in the 21.century we enter the E=hv state ,Max Planck Quantenmechanik level,where not only photons but also phonons~ thermalnoise,becomes converted ! And as reversible process device !
We are not talking about sales men and their vending technique but about production technology science,which has nothing to do with the sales department !
Science= knowledge about object material physics,object re-/production,object macro-/micronizing !
And today : climate effect research !
Of course you're right, Einstein did not invent it. Nor did Hanh, or Meitner. That knowledge came from elsewhere.
Which I'll not go into now.
Production technology science. You mean like 5G, with it's thousands for satelites, integrated to the use of chipped vaccines, and taking advantage of a false economy for their production methods. They won't build it, if they can't sell the technology. It's all about money. While destroying us with their technology.
Which particular example are you referring to. Edison's "Photoelectric" was a free energy device? Can you show what you mean, as most of us have not heard about it. I know that it's not good to assume, but, I haven't.
NickZ,it is time to make a break and to go out (5G free zone ) !
Nobody wrote in the last postes neither about "Edison" nor "Edison's photoelectric" .
I am not concerned about 5G,I am living in a rural -less habitants and user densified - zone and the fresh humid coastal wind will neutralize local possible radiation by-effects !
It is fine how peacefull and civilian serbian and croatian citizen could live together,when we would not living in a real world ! What was the cause for the Jugoslawia-war ? Tudjman,Milosevic and co ! Small conflict "under brothers" .
Karlo: I believe that we are on the same track. As you seam to understand the mode of operation of this type of device.And you may also be right about my device already has what it needs. Yet, there is further tuning to be done to it. Possibly that is all it needs, along with some right caps, and such. Most of it is a replication of the original TopRuslan 7 device. Which was later replicated in their own way, by Adrain, Stalker, and of course, by me.
I am not done with this yet. But, all the other guys, are now gone. Maybe some have even been killed, or stopped in their tracks. Yes, my blood boils at times.
My best to you.
Quote from: lancaIV on June 28, 2020, 11:58:53 AM
NickZ,it is time to make a break and to go out (5G free zone ) !
Nobody wrote in the last postes neither about "Edison" nor "Edison's photoelectric" .
I am not concerned about 5G,I am living in a rural -less habitants and user densified - zone and the fresh humid coastal wind will neutralize local possible radiation by-effects !
It is fine how peacefull and civilian serbian and croatian citizen could live together,when we would not living in a real world ! What was the cause for the Jugoslawia-war ? Tudjman,Milosevic and co ! Small conflict "under brothers" .
So, it was not you that wrote about Edison, and his "description" of his photoelectric project?
Sorry, I though that it was you. Me bad.
I am also living a a very rural area, as well. 50 meters away from the beach, and 80 meters away from cell phone tower.
5G will not spare, rural areas. But, I'm glad that you still feel safe.
The old Yugoslavia...why two world wars were started there? I don't blame the people, at all. But, what they were oppressed by for a long time, instead. Out of all of it, came the greatest scientist and inventor, with hundreds of patents, documents, notes, experiments tests and prototypes, for the good of mankind. What did You expect, that is what some scientists do. Yet, not even a mention of his name in schools.
As far as taking a break, going outside, etz. Well, I would if I could. But, there is a lock down, we have to wear masks, can't drive, can't go to work, and we are forced to sit at home, can't even go 50 meter to the beach, and so we must wait to starve, and slowly and painfully, experience a slow death.
"who knows what evil lurks in the minds of men".
My father had always told me, when Tito dies, our country will fall apart. Like what is happening now, to the rest of the world. Now in my birthplace and country, Venezuela, where corruption has taken it's toll, they have run amuck. Countries are now falling like dominos, one after the other.
Sorry for the rant. They are my cries for help, from the depths of our prison planet.
I'll eat a Snikers Bar now. If I can afford it.
Quote from: lancaIV on June 28, 2020, 11:58:53 AM
It is fine how peacefull and civilian serbian and croatian citizen could live together,when we would not living in a real world ! What was the cause for the Jugoslawia-war ? Tudjman,Milosevic and co ! Small conflict "under brothers" .
Old Yugoslavia were strategic point between Europe, middle east, eastern part (part of Russia), north Africa.
For a long time west wanted that position.
But, Tito, old president, who made and united third world did not allow that, while he lived.
Who ever will have ballistic missiles in Yugoslavia will have everyone on his hand.
War was orchestrated and financed by the west to brake Yugoslavia, and make citizens poor,
so they can buy everything cheaply.
USA was selling missiles and weapons to both parties, I was there when we got missiles from USA.
Same missiles they sold to Serbia.
Croatia has the most beautiful coast, just google "Dubrovnik", you will see.
Croatian sea has more salt than ocean, and because that we don't have sharks in Adriatic sea.
Google Croatian coast and wonder!
Because the war Croatia and Serbia still do not mix much, while some small trade exist.
The west devastated Croatia.
The war was western lie to brake Balkan republics to peaces!
Did you watch the video that I posted about Maria, and the vrils. And how they provided the technology to the Germans?
Maria was like Tesla, as they both were mediums, and could reach out to other dimensions, and frequencies, and download that information, to be used for constructive purposes. Little did they know how it would turn out. My father was actually born in Dubrovnic, although his parent were from Zabreb. My daughter visited the Croation coast, and found that Dubrovnic, as the most gorgeous place she has ever seen.
But, control and selling arms to the other countries, was not all that the West was involved. There is a very dark side to that. Which I will not go into. No need to go more into negativities.
v8carlo,Croatia their coast and other ex-jugoslawian regions are nice,yes ! Like many other european mediterran coastal zones !
About the reason from the jugolawian war :
many interests from many sides,
especially from the own political "socialist" hirarchy which has vasted the billions worth deposits from the millions of their citizen, living far from their country,whose month per month sended a great part from their salaries,deposited by the estatal centralbank !
Easy to spent for own political and private projects !
So : a war for tapping this "political scandal" was wellcomed ! "Socialist" and "corruption": not existent,not possible ::) (AAAAAAmen !)
Quote from: lancaIV on June 28, 2020, 01:34:15 PM
v8carlo,Croatia their coast and other ex-jugoslawian regions are nice,yes ! Like many other european mediterran coastal zones !
About the reason from the jugolawian war :
many interests from many sides,especially from the own political socialist" hirarchy which has vasted the billions worth deposits from the millions of their citizen living far from their country,whose month per month sended a great part from their salaries,deposited by the estatal centralbank !
So : a war for tapping this "political scandal" was wellcomed ! "Socialist" and "corruption": not existent,not possible ::) [size=78%] (AAAAAAmen !)[/size]
High level of salt makes the air smells good.
You won't find it anywhere else.
I've been in Greece, Italy, south France and Spain. No, it is not the same.
And the Islands, they are true gems of Croatia.
No sharks is big plus as well!
There are many many newer videos about the Bosnian Pyramid. Where ancient technologies may have originated from in those areas. The Bosnia pyramid, is now under investigation, and their ancient technologies we are now trying to understand.
This is just one of those videos: https://youtu.be/bUuPsHjb9Ko
NickZ,I hope for you that your objective view is independent from a "Semir Osmanagic/Sam Osmanagich" and his trial to install an "event parc" near Visoko ,B-H !?
The dalmatian coast,down to Albania,has many real archaeological artefacts and localities from the Illyrer time,there is not an extra need to develop pseudo-scientifical stories,probably with only comercial interests !
Well, I try to be impartial, when ever possible. Perhaps you can explain his event park idea, as I don't understand the language.
Do you and others feel that that is not a good idea?
I leave others to decide for themselves, what is the truth, and what is fiction.
Nor am I partial to one place over another, as there is beauty everywhere, even in the desert.
Yet, I choose to live where I want. A country without an army, nor wars, without nuclear facilities, and without armed men in green (or black), on every corner. Where a good percentage of the country is composed of areas as public "parks", as well.
Behind these hills, lies the biggest mountain in Central America. That's why this, is my home, for now. With no commercial nor "pseudo/scientifical" interests on my part, at all.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on June 28, 2020, 07:35:39 AM
Sad, Mr.Sykes. With all yours superior logic you did 1.8 Cop.
One Kapanadze has 100 times better logic than you in that case with his Cop, and is probably 100 times smarter than you.
Are you decades in front of Kapanadze too?
You love facts?
Then Kapanadze is milenium in front of you, thats a fact.
Hmmm, interesting.... I thought there was more to this... the: "no offense" bit was just a ruse!
You really think I would still be here if I was showing more than just a toy? Hahaha really, the joke is on you buddy...
Well, the truth is, some kiddies go to school, just go to eat their lunch...
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 28, 2020, 04:47:22 PM
Hmmm, interesting.... I thought there was more to this... the: "no offense" bit was just a ruse!
You really think I would still be here if I was showing more than just a toy? Hahaha really, the joke is on you buddy...
Well, the truth is, some kiddies go to school, just go to eat their lunch...
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
It is not rude, Kapanadze is a long way ahead of you, without scope.
And there is more to it, just different approach and usage.
Stay ahead for decades, wish you well Mr. Sykes Frederick junior.
I should report you to Stefan for your rude behavior toward members.
And tons of claims without measurement leading whole forum on a Titanic journey.
I think the others will do as well.
Quote from: NickZ on June 28, 2020, 03:16:49 PM
Nor am I partial to one place over another, as there is beauty everywhere, even in the desert.
Yet, I choose to live where I want. A country without an army, nor wars, without nuclear facilities, and without armed men in green (or black), on every corner. Where a good percentage of the country is composed of areas as public "parks", as well.
It is beautiful and amazing site!
You choose well! I like the idea without wars and army !
You deserve it.!
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 28, 2020, 04:47:22 PM
You really think I would still be here if I was showing more than just a toy? Hahaha really, the joke is on you.
I think that you are stuck and you want to involve researchers here to solve it for you.
There is no evidence about your device, no measurements, nothing.
Your videos are not showing input output measuring.
Just lots of talk.
I will report you to Stefan,
because you are rude to members and insult them all the time that they are
inferior to your super intelligence, advanced logic, you are decades in front of everyone and on and on.
And I am not the only one who complains to your behaviour,
while showing nothing and trying to distract forum or destroy it.
Stay decades in front of us and have a nice day in future,
Mr. Sykes Frederick junior.
If you are who you claim you are, teacher,
then your device will be all over the place from members who are happy
because they replicated your OU device.
But after a long time, I dont see any.
It is time for Stefan to evaluate your true agenda here.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on June 28, 2020, 10:18:28 PM
And tons of claims without measurement leading whole forum on a Titanic journey.
Quote from: v8karlo on June 29, 2020, 02:37:37 AM
Your videos are not showing input output measuring.
Just lots of talk.
... you are rude to members and insult them all the time that they are
inferior to your super intelligence, advanced logic, you are decades in front of everyone and on and on.
If you are who you claim you are, teacher,
then your device will be all over the place from members who are happy
because they replicated your OU device.
Hi WhatIsIt and v8karlo,
I agree with both of you. I already asked EMJunkie to make a short video just on showing the DC input and DC output power measurements of his setup here (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg547176/#msg547176) , to back up his
Input = 12V @ 0.5A = 6 Watts, Output = 17V @ 0.7A = 11.9Watts, COP = 11.9Watts / 6 Watts) = 1.98 claim but he hides his head into the sand when being challenged.
Another example of this is here (https://overunity.com/18530/the-real-deal/msg547269/#msg547269)where another member challenged him too (EMJunkie also deleted his post, this is why member onepower started a new thread where EMJunkie has no moderation rights).
I attached one of my posts to him what he deleted too, it was Reply #148 I made originally at 05:23 PM, June 16, 2020 but if you go to that thread you cannot find it any more. But he quoted from it here in his post. (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546916/#msg546916) :) Just read what 'argument' he devised against me: I do not understand the use of, or the meaning of the = sign. ;D
I hope Stefan makes the necessity steps.
Journey to planet Serpo over 39 light years away (the yanks have kept quiet about ) <---->
I first posted my complain on his thread,
but he deleted it.
Then I posted this complain here in Rant room.
Hope that Stefan will take steps to sort this out.
With regards to Mr. EMJunkie, doesn't it seem like he's forgotten this?
I contacted Stefan.
It is obvious that Sykes is not here to show and teach.
Quote from: gyulasun on June 29, 2020, 05:57:23 AM
Hi WhatIsIt and v8karlo,
I agree with both of you. I already asked EMJunkie to make a short video just on showing the DC input and DC output power measurements of his setup here (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg547176/#msg547176) , to back up his Input = 12V @ 0.5A = 6 Watts, Output = 17V @ 0.7A = 11.9Watts, COP = 11.9Watts / 6 Watts) = 1.98 claim but he hides his head into the sand when being challenged.
Another example of this is here (https://overunity.com/18530/the-real-deal/msg547269/#msg547269)where another member challenged him too (EMJunkie also deleted his post, this is why member onepower started a new thread where EMJunkie has no moderation rights).
I attached one of my posts to him what he deleted too, it was Reply #148 I made originally at 05:23 PM, June 16, 2020 but if you go to that thread you cannot find it any more. But he quoted from it here in his post. (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546916/#msg546916) :) Just read what 'argument' he devised against me: I do not understand the use of, or the meaning of the = sign. ;D
I hope Stefan makes the necessity steps.
Just like Spoiled Children, having a tantrum! Do you even read your own posts? Posts FULL of tantrums!
Unbelievable! Gyula whats wrong with you!!!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Grumpy shared a list
IMO a list which requires success with FE and open sourcing that success.
how to get there as fast as possible and as effectively as possible ..?
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Quote from: ramset on June 29, 2020, 06:59:18 PM
Grumpy shared a list
IMO a list which requires success with FE and open sourcing that success.
how to get there as fast as possible and as effectively as possible ..?
Sustainable Development Goals
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
Chet, I agree!
Please take a minute to read this:
Quote from: onepower on June 19, 2020, 01:08:06 PM
With respect to partnered output coils...
I understand myself and Chris have had misunderstandings and disagreements in the past however I hold no grudges with anyone and try not to judge. That being said my disagreement was not with his work but more so with his language and how he treats other people in some instances. I wish he would tone it down a little and I think it's important to separate our work from any personal feelings. For creative people like those of us here it is doubly hard as our creativity and emotions tend to drive us forward... I am no exception.
On the work Chris has done, I got a better chance to look at his theory and video series and in my opinion it's pretty solid work. His reasoning is sound and flows smoothly from one concept to the next. As well there is none of the hocus pocus or distractions and he stays on point, well done. All too often we see video's or posts which are incoherent offering no insight or justification which is a problem.
On the technology, I have seen similar layouts or variations of it before in patents and in the literature dating back to the 1900's. I believe the Akula/Kapanadze technology uses a similar coil topology in there circuit which some call a grenade coil. In any case it is a recurring theme in many technologies thus obviously has merit in my opinion. However as we know the coil(s) configuration is only half the battle and switching and energy flow dictates what will happen and why. I like the layout however based on my own work the closed core material can become problematic later on. A core gap with a magnetic sensor or pickup coil added to the control electronics could be beneficial.
Here it's important not to get too caught up in any one layout or theme and we should focus on what the layout and circuit are accomplishing as a process and why. It is the combined effort of every aspect of the device which drives the process however once the exact process is known any number of better or simpler variations could be built.
Food for thought, and based on my own work I think Chris is moving in the right direction. I have my own work and cannot get involved however I would suggest those looking to take on a project consider jumping on board. I am critical of everything and everyone in my nature with respect to science and engineering however this should not be considered as personal. I simply question everything and I think there is evidence to suggest this is a good project and it's about time in my opinion, well done.
Quote from: tinman on September 16, 2015, 12:05:20 AM
Many here laugh at, and mok EMJ, but the fact is , he is basically right in what he is trying to put forward.
Quote from: tinman on June 20, 2015, 06:15:34 AM
So here is where im at with V3 of the rotary transformer. Adding the bucking coil setup did indeed increase the overall output of the system-both mechanical and electrical. When i say bucking coil,i mean a coil that acts as a magnet that can be switched on and off at the right time. As it is a coil that is being shorted,and thus becomes an electromagnet that pushes against the rotors collapsing field just at the right time. This field also travels around the stator core,and boost the field within the secondary(generating)coil that provides the power for the globe.
So we do have a coil that is bucking both against the rotor's field and also the field of the generating coil.
Before the Childish Tantrums, started, and carried on, by Learning Impaired Bio Slushies, we had a chance to do exactly this!
But, you need to move all this down 1 notch and put this at the top:
1: Force Learning Impaired Bio Slushies back to school and teach them, the best way to learn is by experience only! Keep their big mouths shut until they are educated! Learn from Facts ONLY!
Chet, nothing has changed here, only the names!
For PPL with a Brain and wanting to learn: Here (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg545088/#msg545088), do the damn Experiment!
Quote from: cdsharp on May 13, 2020, 03:44:15 AM
Guys, I have a proposal for anyone that is honest and interested.
Please put this statement into your mind without any doubts: The device works on the exact principles Chris shared.
Now please go to the workbench and don't quit until you make it work! There are 2 choices to succeed: be smart and do it fast or be stubborn (like me) and do it by failing many times first. Either one works.
You know where to find me if you want to step up and leave the loonies behind!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 29, 2020, 06:55:23 PM
Do you even read your own posts? Posts FULL of tantrum!
Do you even read your claims and promises?
Long time passed without experiments and results here on this forum.
All you do is insulting and insisting to go to your forum.
You claimed, and it is on you to show measurements but here on this forum.
No more promoting your forum without showing anything here.
You are extremly rude to members forcing them to be rude to you.
We already had that situation with Rick Frederick and now you.
I promised Stefan that it wont happen again.
That is why I asked Stefan to evaluate your work here.
What are you advertising?
Your device or
Your forum AboveUnity.com ?
Dont forget,
I was the first one welcomed you back,
Then Chet accepted the idea that this time something positive may come from you. He forgot old fights and tried to make all of this works.
He gave his best.
We all supported you!
Then you started to be rude and insult everyone.
I tried to make your device, but I failed.
Can be my mistake and I did not claim it does not work.
You never tried to make further efforts to make small pdf with more detailed instructions which we asked you to do.
You just copy paste same text, together with advertisement of your forum,
over and over, claiming cop >1 (1.9) without any measurements or explanations,
and keep insulting people, but later deleted your insults and posts.
Now we are loonies?
https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/dlattach/attach/176302/image// (https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/dlattach/attach/176302/image//)
http://www.rexresearch.com/kawai/1kawai.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/kawai/1kawai.htm)
and Multivalued Magnetic Scalar Potential: Master Overunity Mechanisms
by T.E. Bearden
© 1996Introduction ~
This is a flash release of information on the operational principles of three overunity electromagnetic engines that are in the successful prototype stage or advanced engineering development. My purpose is to provide an explanation of the master overunity mechanisms utilized by these devices, and to alert researchers and experimenters that the mechanisms are well-established in the conventional scientific literature, though still but little known to the majority of electrical engineers.
My series of articles[1] on overunity engines and mechanisms, for The Virtual Times, Internet node www.hsv.com (http://www.hsv.com), covers these three engines, the master regauging mechanism, the multivalued potential, and several other overunity mechanisms or proposed mechanisms. The magazine has just released my latest article over the Internet, entitled "The Master Principle of EM Overunity and the Japanese Overunity engines: A New Pearl Harbor?" The article is heavily referenced and gives a thorough explanation of the three overunity devices: (1) Johnson's nonlinear boosting permanent magnet gate, [2 ,3] (2) the Takahashi engine, and (3) the Kawai engine.
All Three Engines Use Regauging of Magnetic Scalar Potential ~
All three devices freely asymmetrically regauge (A-regauge) (recharge or discharge, as required) the magnetic scalar potential energy of the device in a selected A-regauging sector.[4 ,5] Johnson uses a multivalued magnetic scalar potential to accomplish this A-regauging completely by means of a nonlinear permanent magnet rotor and nonlinear permanent magnet stator, without any electrical input. Takahashi and Kawai both use external electrical input to create or alter a magnetic scalar potential in the A-regauging section.
Conservative and Nonconservative Fields and Multivalued Potential (MVP) ~
Normal engine designers work with conservative fields, which require single-valued potentials. (See Figure 1). They consider A-regauging operations, as well as the multivalued potential (MVP), to be nuisances, since A-regauging may immediately involve nonconservative electromagnetic fields (see Figure 2). Most of the favored "engine design" laws and trusted circuit laws "blow up" during A-regauging, whether by electrical injection or the MVP region. So electrical power engineers just design conventional electromagnetic engines to avoid the MVP or eliminate it. On the other hand, if one deliberately evokes and properly uses the free "jump" of stored potential energy that occurs in an MVP-containing sector of an engine, a standard gauge-theoretic analysis will show that one can legitimately have overunity coefficient of performance from that engine. (See Figure 3). I first pointed this out in 1980.[6 ]
http://www.rexresearch.com/kawai/figure3.jpg (http://www.rexresearch.com/kawai/figure3.jpg)
But : conventional industrial electric motors and generators are not concipated - warranty preserving - to reach possible limits related given material potential !
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=11&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20020425&CC=US&NR=2002047346A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=11&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20020425&CC=US&NR=2002047346A1&KC=A1)
[0013] All DC permanent magnet motors run the risk of demagnetization of their permanent magnets if the electromagnetic field of the windings exceed the coercive force of the permanent magnets. To alleviate this problem, a maximum safe operating voltage for any DC permanent magnet motor is specified which under maximum power conditions (i.e., at stall) the resistance of the electromagnet windings will be high enough to prevent a flow of current through the electromagnet sufficient to cause irreversible damage to the permanent magnets. This current is considerably greater than the normal operating current, and for this reason, normal operating conditions for traditional permanent magnet DC electric motors only utilize a fraction of their true power capabilities based on their permanent magnets.
In fact, most of these motors only utilize between 10% and 25% of their true potential.
So new concepts must remark/recognize and accept mass production devices limitations ! Optimizing conventional motors 4-5 times :
10% x 4x or 5x = 40 to 50 % real efficiency
25% x 4x or 5x = 100 to 125 % real efficiency
The Kawai engine C.O.P. without pulse- on/off duty cycle- dc ?
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=kango+iida&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=kango+iida&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=0&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19820817&CC=US&NR=4345174A&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=0&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19820817&CC=US&NR=4345174A&KC=A)
distance and effect
The operation of the inventive engine 10 will now be described. It is first to be noted that the pull of an electromagnet varies as a function of the area of the holding surface muliplied by the square of the flux density divided by a constant. Also, that the flux density increases as the distance to the holding surface decreases. Hence, changes in the flux density is the greatest contributor to the pulling force of an electromagnet. Experiments conducted by the inventor have shown that an electromagnet powered by two "D" cell batteries can produce a holding force of 500 pounds and that the magnetic attraction force varies with the distance between the surface of the electromagnet and the item to be lifted. It was found, that at a distance of one-eighth of an inch, the force is approximately 7.8 pounds; at a distance of approximately one-twelfth of an inch the force is 31 pounds; at a distance of approximately one/twenty-fourth of an inch the force is 125 pounds; and, as stated, at contact, the force is 500 pounds. Thus, a usable force begins when the distance is one-eighth of an inch and increases rapidly thereafter.
the transformer gap,distance :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=21&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19990720&CC=US&NR=5926083A&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=21&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19990720&CC=US&NR=5926083A&KC=A)
Thus, the inventor examined as described below how much the flux of the permanent Magnet 1 contributes to the induction of the third flux 13 in FIG. 2. First, the inventor provided static magnet dynamos of the basic configuration indicated in FIG. 1, one with a permanent magnet 1 and another without a permanent magnet 1. The inventor then compared the power levels needed to induce fluxes of equal flux densities to the second core 3 of each embodiment, that is, the power levels supplied to the magnetized coil 4. As a result, an embodiment with a permanent magnet 1 required only a very low power level to be supplied to the magnetized coil 4. It was observed that the power level required was no more than 1/40 of that of the embodiment without a permanent magnet 1, depending on the test condition.
Chris quote
Chet, nothing has changed here, only the names! end quote
Chris there is no "here" anymore...it is everywhere..instantly global communications to billions ..who have access..but not the billions more who don't .
every thing has changed in the few months since your new topic started..Fear is not an option ....half measures will not get the job done.
One anomaly... shared.. in one instant [when taught to successful public replication] will bring all we hope for.
The world is being bound into a loop ATM ...we need another loop to keep us free...
None of us are free till everyone of us are free ...like the price of sunshine, air etc etc..seems our destiny _here_ on planet earth 2020....
Just one anomaly taught and shared will do !
Quote from: ramset on June 30, 2020, 07:59:23 AM
Chris quote
Chet, nothing has changed here, only the names! end quote
Chris there is no "here" anymore...it is everywhere..instantly global communications to billions ..who have access..but not the billions more who don't .
every thing has changed in the few months since your new topic started..Fear is not an option ....half measures will not get the job done.
One anomaly... shared.. in one instant [when taught to successful public replication] will bring all we hope for.
The world is being bound into a loop ATM ...we need another loop to keep us free...
None of us are free till everyone of us are free ...like the price of sunshine, air etc etc..seems our destiny _here_ on planet earth 2020....
Just one anomaly taught and shared will do !
Well why do you ignore THIS little hush hush fact ?
So does this make ZPE a reality ?
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 29, 2020, 06:55:23 PM
Just like Spoiled Children, having a tantrum! Do you even read your own posts? Posts FULL of tantrums!
Unbelievable! Gyula whats wrong with you!!!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
What is wrong you dare to ask? ???
You made misstatements in interpreting the correct relation between the units of electrical energy (Joule or Wattsecond)
and electrical power (Watt or Joule / second).
You wrote these:
"Automatically when you specify "Watt" it is Watt Second!" quote is from here: https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546724/#msg546724 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546724/#msg546724)
"Again: One Watt Second = One Joule per Second - Non-refutable!" quoted from here:
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546727/#msg546727 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg546727/#msg546727)
Member Bistander and I attempted to correct you and you then went to great lengths to confuse
the less observant readers to think you were correct all the time and bistander and I were wrong.
And in your confusing posts you included mocking words on us what you have continued since then.
This attitude is the one that needs drawing widespread attention to, IMHO. But this is a smaller problem, the big problem is your unfounded claim of
Input = 12V @ 0.5A = 6 Watts, Output = 17V @ 0.7A = 11.9Watts, COP = 11.9Watts / 6 Watts =
When bistander asked his question in your thread on an obvious discrepency you deleted his post. This was his post you deleted but he reposted here https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg547079/#msg547079 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg547079/#msg547079) and I quote it below:
Hi EMJunkie,Globe spec is 12V, 300mA. Calculates to 40ohm.
Your test data are 17V and 0.7A. This indicates globe R = 24.3ohms.
Why the discrepancy?
biSo Chris Sykes I ask this: Unbelievable! Chris whats wrong with you ?
Why the discrepancy ? Ohm and the temperature dependence !
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elexs.de%2Fkap2_3.htm (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elexs.de%2Fkap2_3.htm)
The resistance of 15 ohms is only measured at the full voltage of 6 V. At lower voltages, there is less resistance because the resistance of a metal wire depends on its temperature. When cold, the lamp has only about 1.5 ohms. The cold / warm resistance ratio of 1:10 applies to normal incandescent lamps. But there are also different lamps that behave very differently. A halogen lamp achieves better efficiency through a higher filament temperature. The on-resistance is therefore much lower. It is completely different with the older carbon filament lamps, which have an increased cold resistance. The situation is even different with an LED lamp. Here the resistance depends largely on the operating point. If the voltage is less than 1 V, the resistance is practically infinite,as the current increases, it decreases.
Nominal voltage and lower or higher voltages difference behaviour : material temperature ( metal or carbon)
https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/accircuits/reactive-power.html (https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/accircuits/reactive-power.html)
Generally, for a load with a power factor of less than 0.95 more reactive power is required. For a load with a power factor value higher than 0.95 is considered good as the power is being consumed more effectively, and a load with a power factor of 1.0 or unity is considered perfect and does not use any reactive power.
https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/22275/ (https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/22275/) #22288
My Members are well aware of the Fact, that we must achieve Magnetic Resonance between the Coils! As is Conico!
We have been told by so many: Resonance
Below, Floyd Sweet told us: Reactive at RESONANCE
Ruslan told us the same! So many have!Verpies, Smudge, you guys, why don't you jump in and give some advice on these real simple facts we are covering?
so changing : and a load with a power factor of 0 or zero is considered perfect and does use only reactive power.
resistivity : unit Ohm conductivity : unit Siemens
variable partnered output : semi-conductor (principle)
Quote from: lancaIV on June 30, 2020, 09:21:48 AM
Why the discrepancy ? Ohm and the temperature dependence !
Nominal voltage and lower or higher voltages difference behaviour : material temperature ( metal or carbon)
Globes, commonly called incandescent light bulbs, typically use nichrome filaments. The coefficient of resistivity w/r/t temperature for nichrome is 0.00017-0.0004/°C. Quite low. How hot is filament? Was spec given at rated load condition? I suspect discrepancy is not due to change in globe resistance. But a reason I ask Mr. EMJunkie.
Lanca,...You are writing supporting claims here from persons not writing here.
with no permission to do so or citations for reference and perspective ?
once again your contribution is clear as mud ....... [not the first time either..
flaming a fire that burns all... and supports no result ...conclusively ?
last time you did this it was also clear as Mud...with much fighting as you disappeared ?
// Note to AG on interstellar travel suppression by horrible US gov't [and obviously others too]I apologize for all atrocities globally by all of our gov'ts....as well any football[sports] or religious atrocities...oh also 5 G or anything else you care to pin on any particular member here...[guilt by geography ...? that too...]
our burdens are tuff to carry at times...as if we did not have enuff to sort out here...
Quote from: lancaIV on June 30, 2020, 09:21:48 AM
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elexs.de%2Fkap2_3.htm (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.elexs.de%2Fkap2_3.htm)
The resistance of 15 ohms is only measured at the full voltage of 6 V. At lower voltages, there is less resistance because the resistance of a metal wire depends on its temperature. When cold, the lamp has only about 1.5 ohms. The cold / warm resistance ratio of 1:10 applies to normal incandescent lamps. But there are also different lamps that behave very differently.
A halogen lamp achieves better efficiency through a higher filament temperature. The on-resistance is therefore much lower.
Hi lancaIV,
I think what I quoted from you above is a correct translation and if you check EMJunkie video 7 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU) at video time between 30:30 to 31:30, you can see a normal filament bulb I attached snapshots of. It is not a halogen type and must have the usual Tungsten filament. Here is a link (https://www.jaycar.com.au/components-electromechanical/optoelectronics-leds-and-lighting-/incandescent-globes-accessories/c/2EB?sort=popularity-desc&q)on such lamps which includes halogen ones too and a bakelite globe holder as seen in the snapshot.
If this is correct and EMJ perhaps confirms this, then the voltage - current characteristic of such Tungsten lamps is indeed nonlinear i.e. the resistance is nonlinear too, increasing with increasing voltage and current. The nonlinearity (as also included in the above translation) is caused by the effects of high temperature on the metal filament wire of the globe. The higher the filament temperature (due to the higher voltage and current), the higher the hot resistance becomes.
This means that bistander's discepancy question remains valid: when such globe is fed at 17V and 0.7A, its instanteneous resistance cannot be as low as Ohm's law calculates it (24.3 Ohm), while its instanteneous resistance at 12V and 0.3A calculates to be 40 Ohm. The temperature of the filament should be much higher at 17V than at 12V, so the resistance at 17V should be higher than 40 Ohm, ok?
This also needs clarification from EMJunkie.
Point 2 and point 3.
70-200 turns.
How many turns should be used?
There is 16900 possible combinations.
Or the number of turns are not important?
Just pick some number and go with it?
Why round numbers 70 and 200?
Is it some approximation?
I did not found any explanation for this.
Will it work with less than 70 turns and more than 200?
If there are so many people replicated this successfully, how nobody is posting about it?
Not even at his forum.
I stand corrected. Tungsten is normally used for bulb filaments. Its coefficient is 10 times that of nichrome. But still, at higher voltage and current, it should show increased resistance.
I am going to make this thing, to see what happens.
Quote from: bistander on June 30, 2020, 03:51:35 PM
I stand corrected. Tungsten is normally used for bulb filaments. Its coefficient is 10 times that of nichrome. But still, at higher voltage and current, it should show increased resistance.
Chris is decades in front of us (his words),
maybe bulb is from the future?
So it is possible.
If I make primary 5 turns and 2 secondaries 14 turns,
divided by 5.
IT should work if I raise frequency accordingly , right?
Why to wound so many turns, when the number of turns (ratio) can be regulated by adjusting the frequency?
Ordinary thing, just like in inverter.
Chris should know about this.
Or for some reason his device can not work with some other frequency and ratio of turns accordingly to frequency.
His instructions are little bit partially made. Like he did not think about it.
I will try to make the coil, but with lower ratio and higher frequency,
I am not to much motivated to wound 2 x 200 turns and lose to much time for it.
Quote from: ramset on June 30, 2020, 12:11:45 PM
Lanca,...You are writing supporting claims here from persons not writing here.
with no permission to do so or citations for reference and perspective ?
once again your contribution is clear as mud ....... [not the first time either..
flaming a fire that burns all... and supports no result ...conclusively ?
last time you did this it was also clear as Mud...with much fighting as you disappeared ?
I do not understand what you want to tell me :
" ..... You are writing supporting claims here from persons not writing here.with no permission to do so or citations for reference and perspective ? ...." ???
I am not here in the forum to support people but I am here to support experiment/work success and progress ! Physical and technical !
Many descriptions here are questionable,I try - at first for myself- to understand statements and if not I ask or give my impression about foreign people their standpoints !
And try to be Academies of Sciences their level near and DIY-textbooks and not telling "science fictions and possible science fakes" !
// Note to AG on interstellar travel suppression by horrible US gov't [and obviously others too]I apologize for all atrocities globally by all of our gov'ts....as well any football[sports] or religious atrocities...oh also 5 G or anything else you care to pin on any particular member here...[guilt by geography ...? that too...]
our burdens are tuff to carry at times...as if we did not have enuff to sort out here...
Hello Gyula,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU) Just a single DC Pulse, 10% Duty Cycle of 3000 Cycles per Second. = 90% "Ohms law" off
Peak 17 Volt or average 17 Volt, peak 0,7 Ampere or average 0,7 Ampere ?!
Yes,here is an open " numbers kind and quality" question and Mister Sykes probably gives answer,included "duty cycle" effect !
Quote from: gyulasun on June 30, 2020, 03:07:56 PM
Hi lancaIV,
I think what I quoted from you above is a correct translation and if you check EMJunkie video 7 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU) at video time between 30:30 to 31:30, you can see a normal filament bulb I attached snapshots of. It is not a halogen type and must have the usual Tungsten filament. Here is a link (https://www.jaycar.com.au/components-electromechanical/optoelectronics-leds-and-lighting-/incandescent-globes-accessories/c/2EB?sort=popularity-desc&q)on such lamps which includes halogen ones too and a bakelite globe holder as seen in the snapshot.
If this is correct and EMJ perhaps confirms this, then the voltage - current characteristic of such Tungsten lamps is indeed nonlinear i.e. the resistance is nonlinear too, increasing with increasing voltage and current. The nonlinearity (as also included in the above translation) is caused by the effects of high temperature on the metal filament wire of the globe. The higher the filament temperature (due to the higher voltage and current), the higher the hot resistance becomes.
This means that bistander's discepancy question remains valid: when such globe is fed at 17V and 0.7A, its instanteneous resistance cannot be as low as Ohm's law calculates it (24.3 Ohm), while its instanteneous resistance at 12V and 0.3A calculates to be 40 Ohm. The temperature of the filament should be much higher at 17V than at 12V, so the resistance at 17V should be higher than 40 Ohm, ok?
This also needs clarification from EMJunkie.
Are you brainless? You know nothing! Pick holes in others when you don't know. You are stupid Dumme Person. Siehe eine gerade linie?
Quote from: bistander on June 30, 2020, 03:51:35 PM
I stand corrected. Tungsten is normally used for bulb filaments. Its coefficient is 10 times that of nichrome. But still, at higher voltage and current, it should show increased resistance.
Hello bistander
many applications from a japaneses inventor named Dr.med Kazumi Masaki (R.I,P.)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=ken&IN=kazumi+masaki&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=ken&IN=kazumi+masaki&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search)
With/-out diode use, energy savings, ....
Quote from: FriskyFritz on June 30, 2020, 04:43:12 PM
Are you brainless? You know nothing! Pick holes in others when you don't know.
You are stupid Dumme Person. Siehe eine gerade linie?Fritz
Why did emerge from your jungle?
What kind of component is involved with your blurry and oversized picture?
If I see it correctly, it may show how the resistance of say a thermistor changes in the function of the temperature.
NTC (Negative temperature coefficient) type component.
Please learn some civil behaviour or go back to your jungle. Which is at aboveunity.com as you did write it here:
https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg543062/#msg543062 (https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg543062/#msg543062)
ADDITION: here is the link member FriskyFritz copied the blurry picture from, it indeed belongs to a thermistor: https://www.littelfuse.com/technical-resources/technical-centers/temperature-sensors/thermistor-info/thermistor-terminology/resistance-temperature-curves.aspx (https://www.littelfuse.com/technical-resources/technical-centers/temperature-sensors/thermistor-info/thermistor-terminology/resistance-temperature-curves.aspx)
Quote from: lancaIV on June 30, 2020, 04:40:09 PM
Hello Gyula,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU) Just a single DC Pulse, 10%
Duty Cycle of 3000 Cycles per Second. = 90% "Ohms law" off
Peak 17 Volt or average 17 Volt, peak 0,7 Ampere or average 0,7 Ampere ?!
Yes,here is an open " numbers kind and quality" question and Mister Sykes probably gives answer,included "duty cycle" effect !
Yes, Mister Sykes probably ought to explain several details and finally show scientific measurements.
Dass Widerstand und Temperatur zusammenhaengt ergibt sich aus der Erkenntnis der Halb-/Leiter-Forschung und letztendlich :
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supraleiter (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supraleiter)
Aber es ist kaum glaubhaft,dass mit solch einem " forschem -schamlosem- Auftreten" wahre Forschungsschritte erfolgen werden !
Vielleicht sollten Sie,Fritz,ueberschuessige mentale Energien in erfolgreiche Experimente umsetzen !
Viel Erfolg
Quote from: gyulasun on June 30, 2020, 05:06:54 PM
Why did emerge from your jungle?
What kind of component is involved with your blurry and oversized picture?
If I see it correctly, it may show how the resistance of say a thermistor changes in the function of the temperature.
NTC (Negative temperature coefficient) type component.
Please learn some civil behaviour or go back to your jungle. Which is at aboveunity.com as you did write it here:
https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg543062/#msg543062 (https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg543062/#msg543062)
ADDITION: here is the link member FriskyFritz copied the blurry picture from, it indeed belongs to a thermistor:
https://www.littelfuse.com/technical-resources/technical-centers/temperature-sensors/thermistor-info/thermistor-terminology/resistance-temperature-curves.aspx (https://www.littelfuse.com/technical-resources/technical-centers/temperature-sensors/thermistor-info/thermistor-terminology/resistance-temperature-curves.aspx)
WOW Gyula is
DESPERATE to attempt to discredit me and my work,
DESPERATE to try and make others appear silly when it is him that is looking silly!
DESPERATE to pick wording to pieces of others posts and opinions!
Thing is, he is wrong, again, as he was before! Plain and Simple Wrong!
DESPERATELY making himself look like a fool in front of everyone, again!
Quote from: ENERGY EDUCATION For Dummies
The resistance of a conductor can be calculated at a temperature of 20°C using:
With increasing temperature, the resistance of the wire increases as collisions within the wire increase and "slow" the flow of current. The amount of change is determined by the temperature coefficient.
Ref: Conductor resistance - Energy Education (https://energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Conductor_resistance#:~:text=With%20increasing%20temperature%2C%20the%20resistance,determined%20by%20the%20temperature%20coefficient.)
Now, plain and simple, Gyula should know about Thermal Drift, and the Thermal Coefficient and how Temperature can change Resistance, but it is clear, he is a Soiled Brat! His Behavior is disgusting towards others!
He does not even know the most simple Electronics Engineering Fundamentals! This is basic stuff, basic knowledge! Every first year EE gets taught this!
What Changes Resistance? What else might change Resistance?
This guy is one DESPERATE DUDE and is falling harder on his face, in every attempt to discredit me!
I wonder why he is trying SO HARD to Discredit me? Who is he working for? Only gets his big pay day if he succeeds? Hahahaha that's impossible!
Now I know why Fritz posted such a big image. Hahaha nice Fritz. BTY: Fritz's work puts you Numpty's to shame! He is Eons ahead of you!
All I see is Learning Impaired Bio Slushies!
@Chet - You can use gyula as an example, the reason all of us, don't want to share with people here!!
@All Reading, you want someone to
blame for not having access to this Technology? Here is your Man!!! gyula is your man!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 30, 2020, 11:06:19 PM
@All Reading, you want someone to blame for not having access to this Technology? Here is your Man!!!
No one replicated it with success.
At least nobody showed and wrote about it here,
not even researchers from your forum did not come here and celebrate showing results about which you are talking.
You do not have any measurements.
On which basis you call this technology?
On your word and word only.?
I don't know Chris, you got too far.
If you wanted publicity and promote your forum because more people, more donations,
you already used this forum for that in last months.
If you are researcher, then start project here from scratch and lead to first successful device.
But you just copy paste same thing over and over???
No further explanations, instructions.
Will it work if ratio of coils is divided down and used higher frequency?
It should! Why don't you talk about stuff like that, about your device, explain things?
So, what technology ??? Story from your copy paste thread. What are you doing?
You should lead experiments here and not fight with every member.
I think that you do not have anything.
You are desperate.
And if you want to make it for humanity,
why secrets?
Elite members. Only they know? And stuff like that.
Does elite members pay elite donations, because I saw on your forum that you are making lists who made bigger donation.
You come here, members gave you trust again and you should start a real project.
Here on this forum.
Don't call members from here to join you on your forum, just to see technology you will never show them.
But OK.
It is on you!
Time will tell and reveal everything! It always does.
Quote from: EMJunkie on June 30, 2020, 11:06:19 PM
@Chet - You can use gyula as an example, the reason all of us, don't want to share with people here!!
@All Reading, you want someone to blame for not having access to this Technology? Here is your Man!!! gyula is your man!
Reading this, I can only say that you are
totally out of your mind.
Chet forgot bad blood from past and did everything here to help you and make your own moderated space for experiments.
And Gyula has lots of experience and can not be deceived easily, and always helped me when I needed.
Those people gave you trust!
But to do experiments here! Not to wage wars!
And lead to first successful device.
Stefan should seriously talk to you!
Chris Sykes,
It is telling how you defend "Fritz" and you do not care that for instance v8karlo decided to replicate your setup and he may need some answers for his humble questions. Your "documentation" on your setup is gassy and far from complete, and most importantly the COP=1.98 is just a claim.
This sentence you quoted as
"With increasing temperature, the resistance of the wire increases as collisions within the wire increase and "slow" the flow of current. The amount of change is determined by the temperature coefficient."
does not prove me wrong at all. I did not write anything which would contradict to the nonlinear increase of wire resistance when the wire heats up. With filament wires like tungsten the resistance increases as the voltage across it increases and this invariably goes together with a nonlinear current increase too, -- this is what I wrote.
This quote from here describes this too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzSh6ykqn9I (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzSh6ykqn9I)
"The current through a filament lamp is not directly proportional to the potential difference. This is because the filament gets hot, which causes the resistance to increase. At high temperatures, the atoms in the filament vibrate more. The electrons in the current now collide more with the atoms. More energy is needed to push the current through the filament. As the potential difference increases, the current no longer increases as much."
It is also telling that with this miserable argument attempt you again tried to dodge the issue and blame me again for your own deeds.
How about giving a scientific explanation for Bistander's discrepancy question, based on YOUR measurements? How can a filament wire in a globe have less resistance at 17V DC than at 12V DC across it? It is impossible with the globe you use. If you say you measured it, then please prove it with a short video. Of course so far you have ignored such requests from me or from others.
It is you who is desperate and squirming and no need for anybody to discredit you: you yourself do it nicely.
Hey Chris,
I suggest you or one of your many replicators of your claimed OU POC device shows us some valid MEASUREMENTS. I don't trust measurements taken from a lamp load so please use a non-inductive film precision load resistor to confirm your output power measurements.
Enough talk already.....how about some action!
And please, quit hurling insults at those who question you or correct you or ask for validation or your claims! You really aren't benefiting yourself or others on this forum.
Chris, I often wondered who was stopping you here from sharing technology which will save so many lives "immediately" and perhaps our planet.
I never really understood how it was done in your topic in the past ? [were you moderated or valuable posts removed etc etc ?Chris quote
@Chet - You can use gyula as an example, the reason all of us, don't want to share with people here!!
@All Reading, you want someone to blame for not having access to this Technology? Here is your Man!!! gyula is your man! end quote
Honestly Chris
Please tell me these requests for answers are not your evidence of suppression or that such benign activity would stop a dedicated man ?....You and your members are withholding this technology in the times we live in do to gyula's question or a few other questions ?
This forum is open source ...no Elites ...this world is open source...I don't beg for sunshine or a breathe of air..no one should beg for that which is freely given...FE ...
please post a list of questions you will answer?
Honestly I still have a very hard time believing your membership Hides from this forum do to Questions ? ?
..Are you aware this technology will change our world ...will save our planet ..unimaginable benefits...immediately..
asking simple questions...[the reason for not sharing...are you making a joke ??
how about the untold numbers of persons whom we should be sharing this with at the moment...persons who lack equipment or skills...what questions will we hold them to ?
how will we teach them ?are Elites not allowed to teach ?
I am stupefied you hold this as an example ...
"They stopped us by asking questions ??"
Guys: As you can see, we are not going to get what we asked from EMJ, so... Why don't you just ignore EMJ, instead of wasting your breath. Or he is just going to continue insulting everyone, and defending whatever it is that he is defending, but, showing nothing that works. You can't get blood from a stone... I think Stefan must like the controversy, or why is he still here?
I wonder, just how many times he will he need to get banned?
At the very least, he can't be moderating and deleting anyone's posts here. But, that doesn't change much of anything about his insulting posts.
Quote from: NickZ on July 01, 2020, 08:54:40 AM
Guys: As you can see, we are not going to get what we asked from EMJ, so... Why don't you just ignore EMJ, instead of wasting your breath. Or he is just going to continue insulting everyone, and defending whatever it is that he is defending, but, showing nothing that works. You can't get blood from a stone... I think Stefan must like the controversy, or why is he still here?
I wonder, just how many times he will he need to get banned?
At the very least, he can't be moderating and deleting anyone's posts here. But, that doesn't change much of anything about his insulting posts.
Nick is right.
It is obvious that sharing from Chris wont happen.
And the big question is: does he even have anything, or this is chase for members and donations.
Do we need him to experiment with bucking fields effects?
We all know enough to do our own experiments and to find anomaly which will change everything.
I don't see a reason why to follow someone who don't wont to be followed.
I like the way he designed his forum, tho, very intuitive.
Chris is desperate,
He needs members and donations,
Even he wrote that, it is not my words.
He is playing on human greed.
Everyone will follow and pay money to see secret, which Chris will never show,
because he does not have much to show.
That's the reason for secrecy games, to play people.
This is my favorite?
I just laughed so much.
while whole site is black in total darkness!
It must be that someone forgot to switch device on!
hahaha, I just laugh and laugh.
So, Nick is absolutely right.
He could reveal everything in one post, long time ago!
That's it , no conundrum here.
Quote from: v8karlo on July 01, 2020, 09:32:35 AM
He could reveal everything in one post, long time ago!
That's it , no conundrum here.
a confusing and difficult problem or question. ;) life can be difficult with all the shenanigans going on,
I think the EMJunkie thing is a joke. A bad joke. A sad joke.
Regards to all,
Quote from: AlienGrey on July 01, 2020, 10:38:26 AM
a confusing and difficult problem or question. ;) life can be difficult with all the shenanigans going on,
Nothing really going on.
We all hoped that finally something is coming, but been played.
Someone used our hopes for his benefit.
Tito is doing that for 11 years now, so what?
And if person knows his knowing, he can explain anything in one post if he wants to!
Turn on new page, and don't loose hope.
Something will come up eventually.
Quote from: bistander on July 01, 2020, 11:19:53 AM
I think the EMJunkie thing is a joke. A bad joke. A sad joke.
Regards to all,
It wasn't, and still is not a joke for him.
He knew what he was doing.
When he come back he said in his post that he know exactly what to do here.
At the time it captured my eye, but I decided to leave it be, to see how it plays, and I welcomed him, but was cautious.
It is sad for us that someone used our hopes, and from rest of the world.
https://electrowave.org/power-measurements/ (https://electrowave.org/power-measurements/)
One RMS ampere of alternating current is as effective in producing current as one steady ampere of direct current, for this reason an RMS ampere is also called an EFFECTIVE ampere. In the figure above, the peak current of 1 ampere produces the same amount of average power as 0.707 amperes of effective (RMS) current, it is this Effective or RMS Value that is measured on most meters.
https://learnabout-electronics.org/ac_theory/ac_waves02.php (https://learnabout-electronics.org/ac_theory/ac_waves02.php)
https://books.google.pt/books?id=bNADDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT83&lpg=PT83&dq=ac+volt+x+1.414&source=bl&ots=RSw7MVl_pI&sig=ACfU3U1hP7a_zn8ULkUdT1Kd8ynK-bCDLw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu-LKusKzqAhUQJBoKHcONCoYQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=ac%20volt%20x%201.414&f=false (https://books.google.pt/books?id=bNADDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT83&lpg=PT83&dq=ac+volt+x+1.414&source=bl&ots=RSw7MVl_pI&sig=ACfU3U1hP7a_zn8ULkUdT1Kd8ynK-bCDLw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu-LKusKzqAhUQJBoKHcONCoYQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=ac%20volt%20x%201.414&f=false)
sinusoidal AC power to DC power :
sinusoidal AC voltage to DC voltage
sinusoidal AC current to DC current
2 units sinusoidal VA-AC power to VADC power : x 0,707 (for sinusoidal voltage conversion) x 0,707 (for sinusoidal Amperage conversion) = +- 1 unit DC power
before diode : Vmax and Vr.m.s.
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175641/image// (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175641/image//)
after diode: Vmax and Vr.m.s.
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175640/image// (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175640/image//)
In video seven I hear about "3 KHz" ! 17 V : after diode ? Vmax or Vr.m.s. ? And Peak Amperage, R.M.S. Amperage ?
https://fbadhusha.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/9/5/3895546/ele-pulse-power.pdf (https://fbadhusha.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/9/5/3895546/ele-pulse-power.pdf)
https://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Communications-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/1180 (https://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Communications-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/1180)
You see, even Lanca come back, that's good sign!
Chet, the Rant Room is fantastic invention!
It leaves other threads undisturbed, and still we can talk about anything here.
It was good method to contain ToolOfCortex at one place at the time by creating his own thread,
but it turns out it is good for general use for everyone creating such a place!
Quote from: lancaIV on July 01, 2020, 11:41:23 AM
https://electrowave.org/power-measurements/ (https://electrowave.org/power-measurements/)
One RMS ampere of alternating current is as effective in producing current as one steady ampere of direct current, for this reason an RMS ampere is also called an EFFECTIVE ampere. In the figure above, the peak current of 1 ampere produces the same amount of average power as 0.707 amperes of effective (RMS) current, it is this Effective or RMS Value that is measured on most meters.
https://learnabout-electronics.org/ac_theory/ac_waves02.php (https://learnabout-electronics.org/ac_theory/ac_waves02.php)
https://books.google.pt/books?id=bNADDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT83&lpg=PT83&dq=ac+volt+x+1.414&source=bl&ots=RSw7MVl_pI&sig=ACfU3U1hP7a_zn8ULkUdT1Kd8ynK-bCDLw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu-LKusKzqAhUQJBoKHcONCoYQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=ac%20volt%20x%201.414&f=false (https://books.google.pt/books?id=bNADDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT83&lpg=PT83&dq=ac+volt+x+1.414&source=bl&ots=RSw7MVl_pI&sig=ACfU3U1hP7a_zn8ULkUdT1Kd8ynK-bCDLw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu-LKusKzqAhUQJBoKHcONCoYQ6AEwAHoECAcQAQ#v=onepage&q=ac%20volt%20x%201.414&f=false)
sinusoidal AC power to DC power :
sinusoidal AC voltage to DC voltage
sinusoidal AC current to DC current
2 units sinusoidal VA-AC power to VADC power : x 0,707 (for sinusoidal voltage conversion) x 0,707 (for sinusoidal Amperage conversion) = +- 1 unit DC power
before diode : Vmax and Vr.m.s.
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175641/image// (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175641/image//)
after diode: Vmax and Vr.m.s.
https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175640/image// (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/dlattach/attach/175640/image//)
In video seven I hear about "3 KHz" ! 17 V : after diode ? Vmax or Vr.m.s. ?
You can get current after pulse simply by catching after pulse BEMF directly from inductor with 1 diode.
Inductor and autotransformer are same thing.
It depends only from which points you pull your outputs.
And it has smallest losses among transformers.
COP is almost 1.
And scope shoots are very similar to those, just much more regular in shape.
You don't need 3 coils for that.
Bulb is poor measurement method.
There is no need to further chase bulb thing.
Chris knew how to measure properly, but did not wanted to do it. He had his reasons.
Even when members asked him to do!
He needed mystery and secrecy to continue. That's why.
Even now people here think that Chris has magical device.
That is that HOPE which drives us to believe, our little inner Demon!
The hope which makes us to follow even we are aware something is wrong,
the hope which will make us pay money to someone for secret even when we know we can be deceived.
That's the human nature. It is not wrong. It is just what it is.
WhatsIT, circa 15 years before the portuguese technician J.Ferreira showed me the couple from two autotransformer,with C.O.P. 3 ! > 100 W demonstration !
Our development here was not based by mathematical calculation as "demonstration object"( with possible measurement errors),but by a real working electric motor and demonstration for the application teste in front from the patent office engineers to receive the commercial grant !
Overunity devices ,as output > input ratio result,are me not unknown .
Quote from: lancaIV on July 01, 2020, 12:30:21 PM
WhatsIT, circa 15 years before the portuguese technician J.Ferreira showed me the couple from two autotransformer,with C.O.P. 3 ! > 100 W demonstration !
Our development here was not based by mathematical calculation as "demonstration object"( with possible measurement errors),but by a real working electric motor and demonstration for the application teste in front from the patent office engineers to receive the commercial grant !
Overunity devices ,as output > input ratio result,are me not unknown .
You are not the only one.
Quote from: lancaIV on July 01, 2020, 12:30:21 PM
WhatsIT, circa 15 years before the portuguese technician J.Ferreira showed me the couple from two autotransformer,with C.O.P. 3 ! > 100 W demonstration !
Our development here was not based by mathematical calculation as "demonstration object"( with possible measurement errors),but by a real working electric motor and demonstration for the application teste in front from the patent office engineers to receive the commercial grant !
Overunity devices ,as output > input ratio result,are me not unknown .
Great. Let us see it.
Quote from: bistander on July 01, 2020, 12:40:10 PM
Great. Let us see it.
Maybe Lanca could not answer to that, but I can and it is here on this forum.
The patent was granted. 350% extra energy. And tests were done.
But our members choose to burn the man down because of cap conundrum.
For my dear friend! I know you read this. Of course they were wrong!
They were mixing oranges and apples and got bananas.
And then measured oranges with bananas.
But math is math!
would be nice if lanca answers too...[he always answers with much to spare...
your link https://overunity.com/15790/my-patented-device-does-not-work/ (https://overunity.com/15790/my-patented-device-does-not-work/)
what went before does not need to rule what happens now ...
I hope that something can be proposed for experiments...to show an anomaly ?
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 01, 2020, 12:45:56 PM
Maybe Lanca could not answer to that, but I can and it is here on this forum.
The patent was granted. 350% extra energy. And tests were done.
https://overunity.com/15790/my-patented-device-does-not-work/ (https://overunity.com/15790/my-patented-device-does-not-work/)
Hi WhatIsIt,
In that thread "my patented device does not work" the inventor is a Norvegian and not Portuguese, this is sure.
Hahahaha just like a bunch of spoiled girls all complaining: "I want it..." ::)
Quote from: NickZ on July 01, 2020, 08:54:40 AM
Guys: As you can see, we are not going to get what we asked from EMJ
All desperados! Got nothing, will never achieve anything. Hahaha...
In time, you will hear from other people, I replicated Chris's work and I have a self running machine... Just yesterday we had another success. And this will really get under your skin, like nothing else! I promise you this:
Partnered Output Coils wont go away!You people
are the darkness! Your amigdala's have been hijacked!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: gyulasun on July 01, 2020, 05:19:13 PM
Hi WhatIsIt,
In that thread "my patented device does not work" the inventor is a Norvegian and not Portuguese, this is sure.
The inventor is not in videos.
Norvegian company acted as middle man in negotiations with big motor manufacturers.
I can not talk about him, but he is the legend.
For me, very dear friend, always patient and full of knowledge.
Our members in that thread did not know with whom they were talking.
If they knew, maybe they would act differently.
Chet suggested that past leave to the past, so be it.
Quote from: EMJunkie on July 01, 2020, 05:54:11 PM
Hahahaha just like a bunch of spoiled girls all complaining: "I want it..." ::)
All desperados! Got nothing, will never achieve anything. Hahaha...
In time, you will hear from other people, I replicated Chris's work and I have a self running machine... Just yesterday we had another success. And this will really get under your skin, like nothing else! I promise you this: Partnered Output Coils wont go away!
You people are the darkness! Your amigdala's have been hijacked!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
It is not in question your device! Or the principle. Nobody ever said it is wrong.
Just opposite, could be solution!
Just remember from whom you got idea, we can discuss that matter as well.
But that also isn't important now.
What is in question is that you don't act as human being, rude, huge ego, insulting others, nobody opinion matters to you.
That is not the way it works among researchers.
What about young researchers who are just beginning? Why to kill their spirit right at beginning?
We should research, but also teach, which can be more important from research itself.
You are not the person with whom I would wanna work, and is not only my opinion!
You can insult as much as you want, but time will crack you eventually.
You are desperate, and will be even more in time. It does not going as you planned.
You play against yourself! And time is your biggest enemy now.
Chet,in search for cheap energy : what is cheap ?
EE-history : 1 Volt ~ 1 Daniell cell 100 Volt ~ 100 Daniell cells battery
With transmission losts compensation : a.110-115 Volt as grid tension electricity delivery : DC grid
AC grid positive tension from source to negative tension to source : 110-115 Volt x 2
When we pay 25 Eurocents for 1 KWh AC positive/negative tension eleectricity this means in DC 1 KWh equivalence :
50 Eurocents per real KWh netgrid price ! 100% duty cyce !
I take the mtbest.net 0,8 KWh ultra low electricity private household electricity consume number ( + solar heat) and the billions 2 US$ per capita/day habitants worldwide,per household 2 habitants minimum :
293 KWh per year x 0,5 Euro / ( 365 x 2 x 2 US$) ~ 10% electric energy costs from income
World data/statistics
10% is for private household a common income percentage,review 100 years electricity delivery and private household earnings/salaries
There are three "real world" options :
a ultra high efficient electric appliances
b. ultra low -on demand- electricity generation
c. both : a + b
50 Eurocents/KWh ~ 10% household income
25 Eurocents/KWh ~ 5%
So we get as economical possible "IDEAL" :
10 Eurocents/KWh ~ 2% household income by "ultra intelligent household"
10 - all inclusive- calculation costs ( service,friction parts refurbishment,recycle,........) Eurocents/ real KWh
Who wishes then the 3 KWh per day private household consume ( book "Autonomous House,GB) or www.oeko-energie.de (http://www.oeko-energie.de) household example shall be ready to spend 8% from his total household income for electric energy !
When we talk about fairness and justice we should ever have an up to 100 years commercial review about prices,consume,expenses : life profile and intelligence win/lost over the decades !
FREE ENERGY and AUTONOMOUS LIVING had - has- will have its price :
also in a 100% REPRAP industry world = zero human worker !
Quote from: lancaIV on July 02, 2020, 06:18:03 AM
Chet,in search for cheap energy : what is cheap ?
I know you are asking Chet, but can I express my opinion on your question?
Yes, solar become cheap and other similar products.
You are 100% right on that.
What you can not include is mobility.
There is no price for mobile FE device.
Can you move 200m2 of solar panels around, where ever you go? How much it will cost you to move them?
So, the worse FE device will be cheaper than cheapest solar panels,
you can carry it to the top of mount Everest and heat your home there without any effort,
carry it in your backpack.
We are talking about 2 properties of cheap energy source.
Price and mobility.
And mobility is priceless!
Now you calculate the real price of FE device vs cheap solar panel.
WhatsIT, in "autonomous" is mobility included !
Real world demonstration model for mobility :
www.wohnwagon.at (http://www.wohnwagon.at) www.mobilchalet.de (http://www.mobil-chalet.de) www.habitaflex.com (http://www.habitaflex.com)
Beside electricity on demand also in view : water on demand ! Greywater-to-whitewater
Probably also : household waste to energy ( organic biocomposter with heatelectric converter )
Indepenent if conventional Free Energy Conversion ( solar,wind,heat) or quantum-physical E=hf converter :
the commercial 10 Eurocents/real KWh on demand electric generator will be the " opener" !
Before estatal subsidaries !
The hurdle : the consumer needs to educate himself to become economic :
Physical and technical limits
generator Wattpeak output / consumer serial or parallel appliances use
As example : an 800 Watt nominal electric toaster
1600 Wp the inrush voltage and current phase power demand
( what the generator or in-/converter has to over-bridge)
but for the 5 minutes work-process only calculated : as 800 W x (60 min/5 min) = 67 Wh consumer listed !
1600 Wp to 67 Wh : this is the "on demand" and in storage difference
The mtbest 0,8 KWh does not explain the Wp " autonomous household grid" power max demand !
By linear calculation,the toaster value as example : 800 Wh/67Wh x 800 W toaster nominal =
9552 Wp nominal and 19100 Wip : if all appliances in parallel use
Quote from: lancaIV on July 02, 2020, 07:01:52 AM
WhatsIT, in "autonomous" is mobility inclded !
Beside electricity on demand also in view : water on demsnd !
Probably also : household waste to energy ( organic biocomposter with heatelectric convrrter )
Indepenent if conventional Free Energy Conversion ( solar,wind,heat) or quantum-physical E=hf converter :
the commercial 10 Eurocents/real KWh on demand electric generator will be the " opener" !
Before estatal subsidaries !
The hurdle : the consumer needs to educate himself to become economic :
Physical and technical limits
generator Wattpeak output / consumer serial or parallel appliances use
As example : an 800 Watt nominal electric toaster
1600 Wp the inrush voltage and current phase power demand
( what the generator or in-/converter has to over-bridge)
but for the 5 minutes work-process only as 800 Wx (60 min/5 min) = 67 Wh consumer listed !
1600 Wp to 67 Wh : this is the "on demand" and in storage difference
Don't get me wrong, this is not contest in intelligence.
If you have FE device, size of shoe box, mobile,
you can extract water from air, heat up, cool down, anything you imagine, have lights 24hrs a day for producing crops without real sunlight.
All the needs of person are covered, but if you have mobile, small, source of unlimited energy.
You can drink water in center of Sahara, all you need is energy to extract it from air.
You are not wrong, possibilities are unlimited.
Mobile, small, FE device you pay only once (maintenance over the years, if you know how to repair it, are almost none).
And have benefits while you are alive.
So, who cares for the price, you pay only once for the whole life.
;) , I do not get you wrong !
But there is industrial a great difference between " virtual reality : dreaming" and " hard ware "-development for day-by-day use !
And you can not "stretch" a given nominal energy/electricity output :
with a 1 KW generator you get up to 24 KWh per day ,but ever with the 1 KW limit !
Clearly,you can storage surplus energy in accumulators ( hot medium,chemical,flywheel,capacitor,magnet battery)
But all this means extra-costs/weight/risc ,.... !
Your own behaviour related material/energy consume commands the final € or US$/KWh price !
Your little box : Harold Goldbaum his invention with dis-/advantages
And you don't have to be economic,
FE device will produce every day the same,
who cares how much energy you spent last day?
Tomorrow will have same amount again.
Is it really any economy in question? Only in domain of energy.
We are not talking about others areas of economy!
So, what makes the price really?
Price itself or mobility feature of cheap energy source?
Quote from: lancaIV on July 02, 2020, 07:27:52 AM
;) , I do not get you wrong !
But there is industrial a great difference between " virtual reality : dreaming" and " hard ware "-development for day-by-day use !
And you can not "stretch" a given nominal energy/electricity output :
with a 1 KW generator you get up to 24 KWh per day ,but ever with the 1 KW limit !
Clearly,you can storage surplus energy in accumulators ( hot medium,chemical,flywheel,capacitor,magnet battery)
But all this means extra-costs/weight/risc ,.... !
Your own behaviour related material/energy consume commands the final € or US$/KWh price !
Your little box : Harold Goldbaum his invention with dis-/advantages
We can do this all day.
Why don't you ask Kapanadze on those matters?
I have opinion, yours different. I quit from further discussion. You win!
My intention was not to change your mind. You are great interlocutor.
I just expressed my opinion.
About amount of energy.
If you have 1kW small portable device, size of shoe box, and you know how to made it.
You can parallel as many as you wanna for given power, it is not big deal to do that.
I don't see the point in your words.
And you don't need accumulators at all. Why? What for?
Price/cost/value :
the receiving and transforming of unbonded energy to specific useable energetic kind for example heat,mechanical force,electrical force in DC or AC or pulsed DC need specific tools and/or machines with conventional-"abundant" or special rare mineral elements !
Let us take an example : aluminium
industrial production costs : 1 Euro per Kilogram
But there are conditions( endconsumer/fob factory,gross selling ) :
99% purity ,99,5% purity grade aluminium
foil or coil : thick or thin, or barr :
10 Euros up to 30 Euros per Kg
So speaking about metals/materials there is a great price-spread/amplitude !
If you invest in a machine you get a book-value :
let us assume 10 years life-time/function ( drop-away society device)
Economical this becomes in 10 years amortized + capital tax :
So if I invest in a 1000 Euros Free Energy or OU-generator with 10 years lifetime and 1 KWh electricity delivery per hour this means :
1000 Euros x 0,1 = 100 Euros per year linear amortization + 2,5 % low capital tax = 125 Euros per year
One year has 8766 hours ergo 8766 KWh per year electricity delivery
125 Euros/8766 KWh = each generated KWh costs 1,426 Eurocents = ≤ 2 Cents/KWh
But can I use this 8766 KWh output per year with 1 KW max per hour ? 1/2,1/3,1/4 ,1/10 the potential ?
Instead 10 years 20 or 30 years amortization ( like solarcells investments !?)
WhatIT,in economy nothing is lost - over the short time- linear amortization operates with up to 80 years timeline !
How will you start the electrical ignition start process ?With hand curbe or with battery/capacitor ?
Quote from: lancaIV on July 02, 2020, 07:53:37 AM
Price/cost/value :
the receiving and transforming of unbonded energy to specific useable energetic kind for example heat,mechanical force,electrical force in DC or AC or pulsed DC need specific tools and/or machines with conventional-"abundant" or special rare mineral elements !
Let us take an example : aluminium
industrial production costs : 1 Euro per Kilogram
But there are conditions( endconsumer/fob factory,gross selling ) :
99% purity ,99,5% purity ,foil or coil or barr : 10 Euros up to 30 Euros per Kg
So speaking abou5 metals there is a great price-spread/amplitude !
If you invest in a machine you get a book-value :
let us assume 10 years life-time/function ( drop-away society device)
Economical this becomes in 10 years amortized + capital tax :
So if I invest in a 1000 Euros Free Energy or OU-generator with 10 years lifetime and 1 KWh electricity delivery per hour this means :
1000 Euros x 0,1 = 100 Euros per year linear amortization + 2,5 % low capital tax = 125 Euros per year
One year has 8766 hours ergo 8766 KWh per year electricity delivery
125 Euros/8766 KWh = each generated KWh costs 1,426 Eurocents
But can I use this 8766 KWh output per year with 1 KW max per hour ? 1/2,1/3,1/4 ?
Instead 10 years 20 or 30 years amortization ( like solarcells investments !?)
WhatIT,in economy nothing is lost - over the short time- linear amortization operates with up to 80 years timeline !
Lanca, I just love you because I can not understand you!
Your mind is unique, and that's what drives me to talk to you.
Lanca, a few dollars worth of components and unlimited output..
power anywhere on the planet... regardless it is day or night..deepest ocean tallest mountain.. no storage of any kind required nor attachment to any power source .
"yes" would clean our waste... clean the air ... stop deforestation, bring energy to places which never had it [do to cost ]..give people the opportunity to go to places never before inhabitable ,change deserts into Eden ...no reason to migrate from Barren areas or drought ...power to scrub our atmosphere ...save our oceans...[even chill our polar regions ...manage sea level ...grow crops indoors.. anywhere on planet [vertical hydroponics]
and even take this to other planets and beyond...on and on
not by tomorrow...but maybe next week.
and here we have issues with asking questions and gloating and apparently big Ego [bigger than all above] ??
where is the teacher ??
one real human teacher!! [man or woman [girl] ["Chris" laughing and making fun or girls now too???]] with open source FE will change the world...
and Yes Lanca [below] we can remove the burden to Nature and our planet no chopping burning etc etc
using the power from our Star [Powering the dynamo in our planet]...CLEAN FREE ENERGY UNLIMITED POWER BEYOND OUR ABILITY TO ever USE it.... out destiny [the way it should be...
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 02, 2020, 07:30:04 AM
And you don't have to be economic,
FE device will produce every day the same,
who cares how much energy you spent last day?
Tomorrow will have same amount again.
Is it really any economy in question? Only in domain of energy.
We are not talking about others areas of economy!
So, what makes the price really?
Price itself or mobility feature of cheap energy source?
What are you costing the Nature, your estate,your family ? Do you know it ?
The price : to become served and paying this "a-/social "taxation" all inclusive"-package ,included warranty
or DIY : the detailed plan/scheme, the material,the tools,the time investment,the skills
the riscs of damage and health or life lost ( this all under estatal laws and orders conditioning)
How many analphabets ,how many ( old) people without technical skills and riscs concern ?
Shall "altrustic" -over-confessional- skilled pathfinder-groups realize these DIY-kits ready to use,costless,and deliver these to this special groups ?
#306 : yeah,you are right : instead only one 1 KW generator investment you can invest in 2,3,...10 or 100 x 1 KW generator "battery/bank/array" or in a 2,3,....10 or 100 KW generator !
It is all fine to talk what is " deo-rhetorically" possible,especially in a world where in G20 estates 1/3 from the private households has no savings to spent !
My name is not "Santa Clause" and my behaviour is also not as same !
Your shoe-box geometrical :14 x 8 x 5 inches or 9176 cubic-cm (less than 1/100 cbm)
Question : how to get a 0,109 W/cbcm power density generator
From volume to mass for comparison :
When one Siemens 13 KW/Kg high density motor is coupled with a 13 KW/Kg SIEMENS high density generator this rotoverter as transformer has a 6,5 KW/Kg ( C.O.P. ≤ 1) power/mass density : rpm ?
Shoe box internal process velocity ?
50 Hz/60 Hz ~ 3000/3600 RPM
500 Hz/600 Hz ~ 30000/36000 RPM
5000 Hz/6000 Hz ~ 300000/360000 RPM
Probably some understand the TPU heat problem !
Arc welding and fusing,EDM technology : material use longetivity ?
Or is your "shoebox generator" charge and discharge independent ,WhatIsIT ? then it is not em-dynamical
Quote from: EMJunkie on July 01, 2020, 05:54:11 PM
Hahahaha just like a bunch of spoiled girls all complaining: "I want it..." ::)
All desperados! Got nothing, will never achieve anything. Hahaha...
In time, you will hear from other people, I replicated Chris's work and I have a self running machine... Just yesterday we had another success. And this will really get under your skin, like nothing else! I promise you this: Partnered Output Coils wont go away!
You people are the darkness! Your amigdala's have been hijacked!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on July 01, 2020, 05:54:11 PM
Hahahaha just like a bunch of spoiled girls all complaining: "I want it..." ::)
All desperados! Got nothing, will never achieve anything. Hahaha...
In time, you will hear from other people, I replicated Chris's work and I have a self running machine... Just yesterday we had another success. And this will really get under your skin, like nothing else! I promise you this: Partnered Output Coils wont go away!
You people are the darkness! Your amigdala's have been hijacked!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Oh, Chris, you choose to quote wrong person again, Nick.
I've been asked not to flame anything, but it hurts my feelings so much that you always attack people I care about.
I can manage you with only my left hand but been warned politely not to do so.
You see Chris, from first time I saw your true intentions, you served purpose here.
I told about it to some members and we agree to let you rampage,you served well.
Now it is time for you to come back, and you must be aware that you were used.
For what, you will see.
You planned, but you were part of plan.
You did good up till this point.
I was commanding officer for 5 years to WhatIsIt, which shaped us like brothers.
I was also one who pulled him into this FE stuff.
He is not quite person for this, but OK.
I am from Zagreb, he is from small town, some 20km from Zagreb.
We drink beer often together.
My ability is to see through people,he is the brain.
So we made something for you from the first moment you come here and pulled that silly stuff with investor posting on your thread,investor who is member for a long time, but is no investor at all.
You were transparent like glass, and clear what you want!
Now we need you to know that you played well, so the next part can roll.
You think you smart?
I counted on it.
Please, leave the Nick out of it, because I like him! It wont play well for you.
I cared for my people, I always did.
Number 8 is number how much time i did not care for my life and save a soul.
Only one , 6 months after the war put the shootgun in his mouth and he is not with us any more.
In Croatia we use two barrel shootgun, so you can picture how was it looks like.
He could not stand what he went through.
So, seven is true number.
I am sorry we used you, but ToolOfCortex was weak and was poor candidate.
So, the brain waited for someone more eager of fame and publicity.
It happens it was you Chris, no offense.
We needed someone.
You played your part and set things in motion, without knowing that.
Thank you, still needed your rude behavior and insulting to make things better.
Thank you so much for helping.
Now it is time to play your second part.
Now, when you know you served your purpose, we need you again.
It wont be pleasant , but is necessary.
Today a busy day for me !
I am completely unaware of plans mentioned here
Just hoping for a good result ...where many hands can make
Light work.
Together we can be more effective than devided.
Quote from: ramset on July 02, 2020, 01:30:41 PM
Today a busy day for me !
I am completely unaware of plans mentioned here
Just hoping for a good result ...where many hands can make
Light work.
Together we can be more effective than devided.
The whole thing was invented to unite this forum, not divide.
just wait little bit longer and you will see.
We needed fool which will unite us and we have that.
You did not see that till now?
Put away Chris and you will see you made space for other researchers on a way never did before.
Chris opened way to
Nelson Rocha Workbench
and others.
So, you made a great progress, you can not see it right now, but in time, every flower blossom.
I am sorry that I used Chris for some things, enjoy the garden you made!
It is small now, but can grow in time!
Stick to this pattern, and you will have full garden of roses.
Chris was here only to show us negative side when people are not united.
He served his purpose well!
Try to understand how much progress you did with the help of Chris.
Been years long dream to have experimenters and builders
Being supported by community !
So those who have equipment and skill set can do experiments for those
Who don't. You see itsu and many others doing tests for years .
This model Started here in Wesley board (separate moderated section and another
Separate builders section)
This was model for what you see now !
Now with recent upgrade to forum... Stefan can make many boards with
Each builder moderating his own board .
This builder/moderator model works at another open source forum "OverUnity Research ".
Not one Boss ... Each builder has their own bench section ( they are moderator )
As long as forum rules are followed!
So to be clear , this has been in the works for years !
Many new topics coming here !
Also to note....just one anomaly will start a party !!
Progress with Chris? You all have to be kidding right? Speaking for myself, he first accused me of being a member of his AU form under a different name and then he proceeded to accuse me of copying his POC and achieving OU without giving him any credit. In both cases the accusations were and are false.
I have replicated his POC on my bench based on his info with proper measurements and load and the COP was ~.7. I mentioned this to him asked for help, and had no response. I also volunteered to simulate the POC if he would supply the info needed to model the transformer correctly. He declined.
Now please explain to me how any of this is positive for the betterment of the community?
PS: Oh wait! I did learn something and that is, if I have an OU device, I certainly will not share it on this forum!!!
Guys why you fighting.?
We all are having entertainment , research, hopes and expectations.
Dear "boarders" should you push the borders to recommend removal of certain characters?
I did it in the past so it is nothing new to me.
Rules are simple, if we assume that majority of trolls are defecating for few Russian rubles on our multinational audience,
than this is so unfortunate to them .
Explanation for non English speaking audience :
"a person who receives regular "meals" when staying somewhere, in return for "services."
So please get your meals and move out your milling to some other places.
American freedom of speech is not about lack of respect.
Quote from: partzman on July 02, 2020, 03:14:17 PM
Progress with Chris? You all have to be kidding right? Speaking for myself, he first accused me of being a member of his AU form under a different name and then he proceeded to accuse me of copying his POC and achieving OU without giving him any credit. In both cases the accusations were and are false.
I have replicated his POC on my bench based on his info with proper measurements and load and the COP was ~.7. I mentioned this to him asked for help, and had no response. I also volunteered to simulate the POC if he would supply the info needed to model the transformer correctly. He declined.
Now please explain to me how any of this is positive for the betterment of the community?
PS: Oh wait! I did learn something and that is, if I have an OU device, I certainly will not share it on this forum!!!
I have never, ever received any request for help from you about an experiment regarding POC! Period! You asked for Inductance's for a sim, but nothing else was received! What does that makes you?
Partzman used to work with Smudge, Graham Gunderson and others, for Mark Goldes back in the day, now unfortunately working with Mark Goldes gives Partzman a very bad reputation!
Do you trust a man that worked closely with a man that has earned the name:
Amazing Perpetual Swindling Machine (https://physicsreviewboard.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/perpetual-flimflam-machine-mark-goldes-fraudulent-aesop-institute/)
Let me quote:
For many years, the professional con artist and charlatan Mark Goldes has relentlessly targeted the readers of Huffington Post and many other sites by posting thousands of spam comments advertising his fraudulent so-called "AESOP Institute." He obtains loans from gullible people by falsely pretending that his non-existent make-believe "breakthoughs" could solve the problem of climate change. The loans are never repaid.
Goldes' sham "AESOP Institute" has been his instrument to defraud and swindle people with false and empty claims of make-believe "breakthroughs" for many years. Mark Goldes has no "out-of-the-box new science" or "revolutionary technology," and is not "prototyping" anything at all – all he has is the same old fraudcraft he's been deceiving people with for decades – first at MPI, and then at Chava Energy LLC and his so-called "AESOP Institute." He does not have any "breakthrough technologies" or any engine that could run on the single heat reservoir of ambient atmospheric heat. Every heat engine requires two heat reservoirs at different temperatures in order to do any work. That is why Goldes' pretended "fuel-free piston engine" concept is not worth a nickel, as he knows very well. He has no "fuel-free engine" that could work at all. During his 46-year career in fraudcraft Goldes has never produced a single "proof of concept" for a single one of his countless fraudulent "concepts." He has deceived and defrauded gullible people for decades with his endless empty claims of make-believe "breakthroughs," by persuading them to give him loans, which he never repays.
Ref: https://physicsreviewboard.wordpress.com/2013/12/22/perpetual-flimflam-machine-mark-goldes-fraudulent-aesop-institute/
<Line removed because someone took offence to it, took it the wrong way>
Oh dear, the truth about your background comes out partzman, and it is doggy as anything I see!
Oh yes, I see you have removed your post about your three coil Reduced Lenz's Machine? That just happens to
reproduce all I have shown on
My POCoils! How convenient! It seems the perpetual swindling machine is a trait learned and carried on by apprentices!
Best wishes, stay safe and well, and just remember, you and your identities are recorded for all of History and the authorities to access you when the time comes, I have all your personal information recorded, when asked, I will pass on!
Mark Goldes never produced a single product after 40+ years in the game!You, here, are the Darkness! Darkness we are currently Lighting Up!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Url: https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=3641.0
P.S: Why did partzman deliberately invert his probes? Why would he do that? The MEG Team did the same thing:
You, the people here, have two choices:
1: Stay Fat Dumb and Silly, watching TV shows filling your minds with rubbish!
2: Wake up, see things for what they really are, and make steps to progress, move out of the Neanderthal phase and become an advanced, educated species with Free, Clean Energy Sources and Water, and everything else Technology can bring - Wow what a future!
You are holding yourselves back! Not me, not My Members, but your'e doing this to YOU, and your Children, and their Children!
Perhaps without knowing it, Partzman has replicated My Partnered Output Coils, he got Above Unity Results as I have laid out in other posts, so like it or not, he has verified My Work, admit it or not, the evidence is there, from scope shots upside down, to words verifying what I have told you for more than a long time! He can try to deny it all day long, but the evidence is there! Its proof enough for any serious person!
Ask Partzman: Does your machine work if there is no Bucking in your Coils - There is your answer! One Buck, One Assist or as Partsman wrote aid! Whats the equation I have given you for years: 1 + -1 + 1 = 1, same thing!
Self Assisted Oscillation in a Shorted Coil - Bucking Magnetic Field Oscillation in 2011, the proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJsVSMQqCOM
I coined the term and Tinman agreed:
Action, Reaction and Counter-Reaction!
I ask you all, please try harder! Do it for your children and their children! And then their children! Become better Today than what you were yesterday! Make that change Today!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on July 02, 2020, 06:00:20 PM
My Partnered Output Coils, he got Above Unity Results
Chris Sykes
Do you mean overunity?
Can you explain it to me without giving your test results or all of your stories?
simple definition ..
-what is that "
Above Unity"?
-can you provide me some scientifically recognized literature on it?
You are really some piece of work!
QuoteI have never, ever received any request for help from you about an experiment regarding POC! Period! You asked for Inductance's for a sim, but nothing else was received! What does that makes you?
Partzman used to work with Smudge, Graham Gunderson and others, for Mark Goldes back in the day, now unfortunately working with Mark Goldes gives Partzman a very bad reputation!
Do you trust a man that worked closely with a man that has earned the name: Amazing Perpetual Swindling Machine
Yes, you did receive a request from me but you conveniently erased that message from your thread! So, why not agree to a simulation? Mark Goldes give me a bad reputation, Ha! I never was a contributor to MPI but you sure like to place some reputable people in the mud like Smudge and Graham. Chris, you are not worthy to tie their shoes!
QuoteWho do you think Mark Goldes was getting his information from?
Oh dear, the truth about your background comes out partzman, and it is doggy as anything I see!
Oh yes, I see you have removed your post about your three coil Reduced Lenz's Machine? That just happens to reproduce all I have shown on My POCoils! How convenient! It seems the perpetual swindling machine is a trait learned and carried on by apprentices!
Best wishes, stay safe and well, and just remember, you and your identities are recorded for all of History and the authorities to access you when the time comes, I have all your personal information recorded, when asked, I will pass on!
Mark Goldes never produced a single product after 40+ years in the game!
You, here, are the Darkness! Darkness we are currently Lighting Up!
What are you saying here? That Mark Goldes was getting info from me and thru this association I'm as guilty as he? If this is not the case you had better clarify things or I will take you and Stefan Hartman to legal task on just this statement alone as this is
I have removed no posts of mine on this forum or OUR regarding the sim you keep posting and continually claiming is a replication of your(?) POC. I have no 3-coil Lenz machine! It is a 2-coil standard transformer with a constant current load to create an anti-lenz effect. Are you deaf or just acting stupid?
BTW Chris, I hear that this whole idea of partnered output coils is really not your idea at all but was given to you by a third party. Wish to discuss that as I would like to hear how this all came about?
QuotePerhaps without knowing it, Partzman has replicated My Partnered Output Coils, he got Above Unity Results as I have laid out in other posts, so like it or not, he has verified My Work, admit it or not, the evidence is there, from scope shots upside down, to words verifying what I have told you for more than a long time! He can try to deny it all day long, but the evidence is there! Its proof enough for any serious person!
Ask Partzman: Does your machine work if there is no Bucking in your Coils - There is your answer! One Buck, One Assist or as Partsman wrote aid! Whats the equation I have given you for years: 1 + -1 + 1 = 1, same thing!
Yes Chris, my device works without bucking coils! The transformer you keep referring to in the sim has two alternative connection possibilities relative to itself. The primary and secondary can be connected in a bucking or aiding mode. In the bucking mode, the transformer supplies the means for the constant current inductor to gain energy. In the aiding mode, the constant current inductor supplies the means for the aiding primary and secondary to gain energy. There is no gain mechanism as you describe with your 1+-1+1=1! It just ain't there buddy and I wish you could see that!!!
Now, there are many variation and methods of applying constant current to achieve a gain in clever circuits. None of these utilize your(?) POC, sorry!
Look, if you took this the wrong way Partzman, I am sorry, my intent was not to smear you Graham or Smudge, I mearly pointed out that you had worked for Goldes.
Fighting is not going to get us ahead! I had hoped to work with you, but seems we don't see eye to eye. That's what I tried to point out in my last post: Here (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg547615/#msg547615)
Why cant people just get on, work together? Be happy to succeed, when they can, instead of shooting everyone else down all the time, that's what this thread is about, shooting others down, pulling the wings off flies!!! Destructive behaviour begets destructive behaviour, will we humans ever learn?
The truth is, 9 of 10 posts here on this thread alone could be libel or slander, its rampant, and we as a species should know better! Cant we just all grow up?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: partzman on July 02, 2020, 03:14:17 PM
I have replicated his POC on my bench based on his info with proper measurements and load and the COP was ~.7. I mentioned this to him asked for help, and had no response. I also volunteered to simulate the POC if he would supply the info needed to model the transformer correctly. He declined.
Hi Partzman,
Thank you for handling and clarifying this situation.
Keep up the good work.
Gerard Morin transformer without engine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBFAe3rArCg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBFAe3rArCg)
Comments :
Roland Chabanol
Sorry Your system has no over unity , I test it 20 w consummed to produce 11w. no interest in this way . you made mistake with your input Amperage. please correct it regards
The "partnered output coils" process efficiency "shall be based" by :
https://patents.google.com/patent/US6362718B1/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/US6362718B1/en)
http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/meg.htm (http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/meg.htm)
http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/megpaper.pdf (http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/megpaper.pdf) page 6+ "Results of the Research " ( page 18, nanocrystallin core material !; page 20/36 : Whittaker mechanism ; page 21 point 7 )
page 64 Figure 14 " Energy gain process ..."
and Regauging a Magnetic Scalar Potential page 486 http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/sachsO3.pdf (http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/sachsO3.pdf)
http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/022502.htm (http://www.cheniere.org/correspondence/022502.htm)
So the trick is to get the active environment to give you a "free wind" so you can have something approaching a windmill. Or as close to that as you can get.
Fortunately, in electrodynamics there are many "free winds" one can make with ease. The simplest one is to just make a common dipole. Lee and Yang received a Nobel Prize in 1957 for their work in broken symmetry and the weak interaction. One of the broken symmetries that was proven was that of opposite charges -- such as are on the ends of a dipole.
The very words "broken symmetry" in power systems implies that something virtual has become observable. In other words, the charges of the dipole continually absorb virtual photons from the seething vacuum (that is proven and well-known, and one does not have to prove it again). The spin of the charges then coherently integrates that absorbed virtual energy into real, observable EM energy. The dipole thus pours out EM energy in all directions at the speed of light. Let it alone and don't destroy it, and it will pour out that energy indefinitely. The dipoles in the original matter in the universe have been doing that for some 14 billion years or so. We used that fact of broken symmetry of opposite charges, together with the known clustering of virtual charges of opposite sign around any "isolated" observable charge, to treat the observable charge as a set of composite dipoles. Hence this finally explained the long-vexing source charge problem: how does a charge just sit there an pour out energy in all directions at the speed of light, establishing its associated fields and potentials and all that energy in them? We explained that in 2000, after a couple or three years work on it.
A simple "free energy system" can be built for a dollar. Just place a charged capacitor (or electret) across a permanent magnet so that the E-field is perpendicular to the H-field of the magnet. That silly thing will sit there and pour out Poynting energy flow S = E x H, so long as you just let it alone. Wait one year, and it will have changed the energy density of a volume of space a light year in radius (reaching out beyond the solar system).
In solving the dipole and source charge problems, it was found that the energy input comes from the time domain into 3-space via the negative charge, and exits 3-space back to the time domain via the positive charge.
In electrical engineering, it is recognized that the source charge pours out the energy to create all its associated fields, but until 2000 there has been no explanation as to what furnished the input energy. In effect, electrical engineering and classical electrodynamicists for more than a century have assumed that every charge in the universe is a perpetual motion machine of the worst kind, creating energy out of nothing.
There is no problem at all in extracting all the energy one wishes from the active vacuum, anywhere in the universe, at any time. Just make a dipole.
The problem is in (1) catching some of that freely gushing EM energy in a circuit containing a load, and (2) dissipating the caught and collected EM energy in that load to power it, without using half the caught energy to destroy the source dipole(s).
That is the ONLY real energy problem on the planet, and always has been.
https://news.fnal.gov/2016/04/theta-tau-two-generations-later/ (https://news.fnal.gov/2016/04/theta-tau-two-generations-later/) Quarks and their lifetime
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion)
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion#:~:text=4%20Siehe%20auch-,Einteilung,ein%20Fermion%20oder%20ein%20Boson. (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermion#:~:text=4%20Siehe%20auch-,Einteilung,ein%20Fermion%20oder%20ein%20Boson.)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaon)
Kaons have proved to be a copious source of information on the nature of fundamental interactions (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_interactions) since their discovery in cosmic rays (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ray) in 1947. They were essential in establishing the foundations of the Standard Model (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Model) of particle physics, such as the quark model (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark_model) of hadrons (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadron) and the theory of quark mixing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cabibbo%E2%80%93Kobayashi%E2%80%93Maskawa_matrix) (the latter was acknowledged by a Nobel Prize in Physics (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize_in_Physics) in 2008). Kaons have played a distinguished role in our understanding of fundamental conservation laws (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_law_(physics)): CP violation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_violation), a phenomenon generating the observed matter–antimatter asymmetry of the universe, was discovered in the kaon system in 1964 (which was acknowledged by a Nobel Prize in 1980). Moreover, direct CP violation was discovered in the kaon decays in the early 2000s by the NA48 experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NA48_experiment) at CERN (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CERN) and the KTeV experiment at Fermilab (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fermilab).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_violation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CP_violation)
https://theconversation.com/the-not-so-noble-past-of-the-nobel-prizes-18939 (https://theconversation.com/the-not-so-noble-past-of-the-nobel-prizes-18939)
But there have been quite a few controversies, even if we don't consider the often-politicised peace prize. For instance, half of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Makoto Kobayashi and Toshihide Maskawa for their discovery of the origin of the broken symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature. Many felt that Nicola Cabibbo also deserved the award, as his work on two quark families laid the foundation for Kobayashi and Maskawa.
ambient energy harvester and converter (dipole windings) up to 7,7 mW power conversion (915 MHz )
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301905364_Experimental_study_of_energy_harvesting_in_UHF_band (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301905364_Experimental_study_of_energy_harvesting_in_UHF_band)
http://www.rexresearch.com/kawai/1kawai.htm (http://www.rexresearch.com/kawai/1kawai.htm) to compare an electric motor its performance with a light bulb circuit is a provoke !
magnetic motor concepts compared
"basic factor" effect
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=ogino+sanshiro&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=ogino+sanshiro&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search)
[0038] As a result of comparison between the structure according to the present invention and the structure as a comparison example comprising the electromagnet element 17 and the attraction member 57 without the provision of the permanent magnet element 19, it has been found that the electrical energy (W) required for the structure of the present invention is less than one-third through one-fourth of that which is required for the comparison example having no permanent magnet element 19 when the attractive force of each of the working surfaces is the same between the two.
[0039] Further, when we suppose a reluctance motor to which the structure of the above-described comparison example is applied, the energy conversion efficiency thereof will be about 30%. However, if a reluctance motor utilizing the structure of the present invention requires an electrical energy of less than 30% as compared to the structure of the comparison example, an output exceeding the electrical input can be estimated and this fact shows that the energy of the permanent magnet element is being converted into a dynamic energy corresponding thereto.
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=4&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20191106&CC=EP&NR=3563395A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=4&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20191106&CC=EP&NR=3563395A1&KC=A1)
A switchable polarity magnetic diode utilizes the flux of a permanent magnet to do work while electricity consumed by the device can be minimized to only to the amount of energy needed to control/direct the flux supplied by the permanent magnet towards the effective poles. The unique method of controlling flux allows both the coil induced flux and the permanent magnet flux to always work together in such a way that total lines of magnetic flux at the working surface of the pole face can be double (200%) compared to either of the permanent magnets or control coil flux singly. This provides for excellent economy of operation in any magnetic application requiring high "permanent-magnet-like" holding/pulling power per amp turn. Such diodes could also be used for applications that use "on-off switching" for creating pulsed magnetic fields of same or alternating polarity, and is especially applicable towards "reversible polarity-switching" applications for creating high density or alternating N/S polarity magnetic fields.
That is the ONLY real energy problem on the planet, and always has been :
In solving the dipole and source charge problems, it was found that the energy input comes from the time domain into 3-space via the negative charge, and exits 3-space back to the time domain via the positive charge.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Nonsymmetric_velocity_time_dilation.gif (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/72/Nonsymmetric_velocity_time_dilation.gif)
real or relative time ( velocity ) with/-out speed change
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/description?CC=DE&NR=2617553A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=19771103&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/description?CC=DE&NR=2617553A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=19771103&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=DE&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=A1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=2617553&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=de&TRGLANG=en (http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=DE&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=A1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=2617553&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=de&TRGLANG=en)
For a simple explanation introducing this rolling bearing mechanism according to the invention, one can e.g. B. install a rotatably mounted bearing ring in a bearing housing and rotatably support the shaft in the ring. If you now turn the rotatable bearing ring, for example, with only 600 rpm and then you turn the shaft rotatably mounted in this ring also with an effective speed of 6nn rpm compared to the rotating bearing ring, you have to multiply the speed 60 by yourself and reaches a relative shaft speed of 360,000 rpm with an effective rolling speed of the rolling elements as at 600 rpm.
divided the shaft speed according to the invention z. B. in three stages, each 1/16 of the previous stage, the speed in 3 results in reverse order.
Potency of 16. In this case, despite the unusual relative speed of 245,760 rpm, the rolling speed of the rolling elements is at an effective speed of 16 'J /' s of the shaft. This corresponds to half the effective angular velocity of all mean radii between the respective inner and outer roller tracks of the rows of rolling elements or the actual rolling speed of the rows of rolling elements is 480 rpm.
For example, if you order the self-control of the speed division by a factor of 2, you have 1/16 of it in the fourth mile of the shaft speed. This results from 16 U of the shaft in the 4th Level only 1 U To divide the functions according to the invention or
potentiate the speeds even without special drive to achieve a given rotation of bearing rings, you can e.g. B. use the inevitably arising functions in the bearing by basically transferring the rolling speed in the known direction of rolling of the rolling elements rotating in the direction of shaft rotation with their cage by one or more steps of their effective movement speed to the next bearing intermediate ring, so that, for. B. the shaft closest to the rotating bearing intermediate ring 1/8 or 1/16 of the shaft speed compulsorily.
In this way according to the invention, at conventionally low rolling speeds of the rolling elements, theoretically almost unlimited relative shaft speeds are possible, as they can no longer be used in practice, so that the existing inertia of large bearing dimensions with large loads does not in itself constitute an obstacle to high speeds.
According to the invention, you can significantly reduce the rolling speed of the rolling elements and thus the coefficient of friction and at the same time multiply the speed and life / 3 hours compared to roller bearings in a known design.
Applicant : Heinrich Kunel ,1976
and 1980 MEG applicated
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=DE&NR=3024814A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=19820128&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=DE&NR=3024814A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=19820128&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
Quote from: EMJunkie on July 02, 2020, 06:00:20 PM
You, the people here, have two choices:
1: Stay Fat Dumb and Silly, watching TV shows filling your minds with rubbish!
2: Wake up, see things for what they really are, and make steps to progress, move out of the Neanderthal phase and become an advanced, educated species with Free, Clean Energy Sources and Water, and everything else Technology can bring - Wow what a future!
You are holding yourselves back! Not me, not My Members, but your'e doing this to YOU, and your Children, and their Children!
Above Unity Results
Chris Sykes
Chris you made call to
QuoteDumb and Silly, watching TV
Would you Enlighten me ...can you?
Would you help others to stop :
Quotefilling your/theirs minds with rubbish!
I gave you simple question for your genius to respond to.
What is that "Above Unity?" - you talking about ?
Provide the explanation, to us the "Dumb and Silly" please.
Show us your greatness please.." your mighty "
Show us Who is this king of glory?
Quote from: stivep on July 02, 2020, 06:36:44 PM
Do you mean overunity?
Can you explain it to me without giving your test results or all of your stories?
simple definition ..
-what is that " Above Unity"?
-can you provide me some scientifically recognized literature on it?
AboveUnity is way for promoting Chris forum here on this forum.
That is a quick answer to this story!
Now, direct question to Chris!
Chris, are you here to promote your forum in attempt to recruit members for more donations to you,
while offering them carrot on a stick?
Silence will mean yes.
Chris, you need time to answer above question?
It works same as polygraph,
more time passed, the bigger lie will be.
For truth, person does not need time on polygraph.
I told you, I need you now when you know that you are one which was used for some things.
Waiting for answer!
And V8 will evaluate your answer,
so it wont be pleasant, as I promised you.
Give time to yourself for answer and think carefully.
So, what is going to be?
You will loose all your credits?
You will admit your true agenda for once in your life?
I hope you will lie and fight back, but that's only my hope.
You can loose your existing members too,
don't forget about that!
WhatIsIT,related #305/306 :
https://patents.google.com/patent/US8847720B2/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/US8847720B2/en)
The generator has 10 interlocking inductor and inductee sections. The overall dimension of the nominal generator is approximately H4.5 cm×W4.5 cm×L35 cm, not including the casing=708 cm3 (43 In3), not including the automobile battery or computerized control module.
The inductors are in a parallel circuit comprised of 1000 lengths of wire, the ampacity of which is 64-73 amps. Each inductor interlocking section has a common permeable core of laminated sheets.
The inductee interlocking sections are in parallel circuit, comprised of 11040 lengths of wire.
Induced Voltage
Vs=Ns/Np (Fp).=11040/1000 (Fp)=11.04 (Fp). At 400 Hz AC inducing current, the induced voltage=4416 volts; at 800 Hz=8832 volts; at 3 KHz=33.12K volts; at 6 KHz=66.24K volts; at 60 KHz=662.4K volts; at 600 KHz=6,624K volts; at 780 KHz=8,611.2K volts.
Induced Current
Is=Np/Ns (Ip)=1000/11040 (55)=4.98 amps (Note: while larger units could have larger cross-sectioned wires, capable of higher ampacity, the amperage in the inductees will always be relatively low, because of the inverse ratio of wires).
Resistance of Circuits (R=I/V)
Inductors=55/240=0.229 ohms; Inductees=4.98/4416 volts at 400 Hz=0.00113 ohns. At higher voltages, resistance is lower. At higher frequencies, circuit resistance increases
Flux(Inductor's Voltage×T[frequency]/N[number of wires in inductor]=V(T/N)
240(400/1000)=96000/1000=96 webers; at 800 Hz=192 webers; at 3 KHz=720 webers; at 6 Khz=1,440 webers; at 60 Khz=14400 webers; at 600 KHz=144,000 webers; at 780 KHz=187,200 webers.
"B" Field=Flux/A
Length of Inductors is 0.35 m, height is 0.08 m, Area=0.35×0.08=0.028=96/0.028=3428.57 webers
"H" Field=I/2Pi(r)r=average distance from inductor to inductee
I=55 amps, r=0.025 m
55/2(3.1416)(0.025)=350 amps/meter
Net Power Output after Feedback of 13.32 Kva
The net output at 400 Hz is 16.871 Kva (22.6 Hp); at 800 Hz, 33.7 Kva (45.2 Hp); at 3 KHz=128 Kva (171.5 Hp); at 6 KHz=256 Kva (343 Hp); at 60 Khz=2.560 Kva; at 600 KHz=25.60 Kva; at 780 KHz=33.254 Kva.
Generator Rating Per Hour and Observations
The cyclic output per second is multiplied by 3600 to indicate the generator's hourly rating. Thus, at 400 Hz=60.7 Kva/h; at 800 Hz=121.4 Kva/h; at 3 KHz=460.8 Kva/h; at 6 KHz=921.6 Kva/h; at 60 KHz=9.26 Mw/h; at 600 KLHz=92.166 Kw/h; at 780 KHz=119.7 Mw/h.
A large home typically requires 15-20 Kva AC; an electric automobile 20-30 Kva DC. A medium-sized heliostat installation may generate 20 Mw; a large one 280 Mw.
Three linked nominal generators operating at a frequency of 780 Mhz (see above) provide more power, with incomparably less investment. The simplest method to increase output of a given generator is to increase the frequency of the inductors current, as shown in the calculations above. Obviously, the output of smaller generators may be combined via a parallel circuit, thus increasing the output of the installation. Full Wave DC is the preferable output for small generators, since the apparatus to which they would supply electricity would generally be small (requiring DC at a low amperage).
Compared :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_rectenna (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_rectenna)
http://www.novasolix.com/ (http://www.novasolix.com/)
https://l0dl1j3lc42iebd82042pgl2-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/11/materials.jpg (https://l0dl1j3lc42iebd82042pgl2-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2018/11/materials.jpg)
https://www.tek1up.com/blogs/news/a-90-efficient-solar-panel-is-it-even-possible (https://www.tek1up.com/blogs/news/a-90-efficient-solar-panel-is-it-even-possible)
https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8605910 (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8605910)
Novalsolix uses microscopic antennas to capture the light energy "as very high frequency alternating current and then use a diode to convert the alternating current into usable direct current.
Each carbon nanotube antenna is about one micron (1/1,000,000 th of a meter) long with a diode on one end that operates at frequencies approaching 1 PHz or one quadrillion cycles per second.
To correct: in the article to read : one micron ( 1/10,000,000 th of a meter )
Compare that to AM radio, which operates at around one million cycles per second. AM antennas are about a meter long.
Because NovaSolix collectors place "roughly one million tiny radio receivers per square inch, they are able to retrieve frequencies "from low infrared through visible light and up into the ultraviolet."
This are 1,55 billions tiny radio receivers per square meter and if with 45% efficiency we get by 1333 W per sqm solar konstant radiation 600 W/sqm electric energy conversion
= 600 W/ 1,55 billions tiny radio receivers
3.87096774e-7 Watt per receiver
one quadrillion cycles per second x 1,55 billions cnt x 3600 = 1 hour conversion work per sqm
It is not easy to trap free/unbonded energy in masses and to convert to useable DC or 50/60 Hz AC quantity electricity !
Both examples need electric energy intermittent storage,for start process or because day/night phase !
"Portable" : Dr, Pavel Imris generator in 1 KW 220 V /50 Hz range minimum weight (all inclusive) : 15 Kg mass
shoebox volume
The technology is in existence, entering
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?AB=&AP=&CPC=&DB=EPODOC&IC=&IN=&PA=alvin+marks&PD=&PN=&PR=&ST=advanced&Submit=Search&TI=&bcId=1&locale=en_EP&page=1&return=true (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?AB=&AP=&CPC=&DB=EPODOC&IC=&IN=&PA=alvin+marks&PD=&PN=&PR=&ST=advanced&Submit=Search&TI=&bcId=1&locale=en_EP&page=1&return=true)
and studying the "cited documents" applicants and inventors you will find the "users" and technology first interests ! Universities,Army,NASA,ESA,......
I love you because I do not understand you, but will eventually.
If I have FE mobile box, I dont need storage.
Maybe small battery for starting.
Thats the beauty of mobility and unlimited energy.
Talking to Mr.Gear I found out that all known principles of FE are already locked up in numerous patents which big companies holds.
So, if we find anything, nobody will be able to cash it in any way.
It will be only for us.
For poor to stand on their feets.
But it will change world and remove energy slavery.
We are all looking down on ground and never look up.
If there are so many resources on Earth, how much of resources are in other parts of our solar system?
Who will have rights to travel there?
And it is not ocean that you can swim accross.
The companies which holds patents and rights on FE device and gravity drive will dominate and regulate that part.
Just like cars, you can make your car, but can not go to highway or road with it because it is not licenced type of wehicles.
And those things are already happening, while we look at ground, unaware.
There is no antigravity.
All those small ships operate by creating its own gravity point in centre of vehicle.
Gravity centre is a size of small ball.
Gravity centre affects ship and small area around ship.
If you move gravity centre from centre of ship in any direction, ship will follow.
Crew compartment is always above the centre of ship so gravity for them is always below their feet, and is always down for them.
Because gravity centre is changing position rapidly under feets of crew.
crew can experience desorientation like in free fall from plane with parachute,
if they jump for the first time.
Ships operates in frequency ranges from 1.2 Th above.
Because high frequency it influence all atoms of crew and ship at same time,
so there is no inertia.
Moving gravity centre is made by use of 3 emitters.
Changing power of any of 3 emitters will affect position of gravity centre.
Ship is in shape of saucer so it disipates waves horizontaly,
otherwise ship will start to spin around itself,
if it is sphere shape.
So, you see, it is not even secret anymore, because new era is comming,
and big companies will have rights to it.
Only them.
All is already made for next stage.
And gravity drive exists only because we are surrounded by medium,
aether, space.
Call it what you want.
It is in between particles, atoms, all around us.
Gravity drive uses difference in pressure of medium.
If you create low pressure of medium in centre of your ship,
medium will push matter towards low pressure area.
They know this for a long time.
WhatIsIT,did you read #329 and think ever about this topic disputation theme in the last two weeks !?
https://lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/simplmach.gif (https://lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/simplmach.gif)
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301905364_Experimental_study_of_energy_harvesting_in_UHF_band (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301905364_Experimental_study_of_energy_harvesting_in_UHF_band)
7,7 mW ( to Joule : 0,0077 J/s )
when 1 h this value harvested = 27,72 Joules / 3600 = 0,0077 Wh
https://lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/whynot.htm (https://lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/whynot.htm)
It's irrelevant, but interesting, to consider just how much energy is stored in a small experimenter's magnet. That information isn't easy to find on the web. I was astounded at how small it is, and asked Rick Hoadley to do an independent calculation, which agreed with mine.
Rick considered an Alnico-5 magnet, in the form of a bar magnet is 6" x 1" x ¼" in size, a volume of about 2.5 × 10-5 cubic meters. The energy stored in an Alnico-5 magnet bar of that size is 1.2 Joules. [If you used a stronger magnet, say an NdFeB magnet bar, it would store about 14.7 Joules.]
1,2 Joules / 27,72 Joules energy harvester ;)
14,7 Joules / 27,72 Joules energy harvester ;)
Quoting Rick:
1.2 Watts for 1 second is = 1.2 Joules = 1200 Watts for 1 ms. A typical hair dryer uses 1200 Watts while it is running. If there is an easy way to take the energy out of a permanent magnet with 100% efficiency, it could run the hair dryer for 1 ms. That's all the energy in the magnet, 1.2 Joules.If, however, you had a similarly sized NdFeB magnet, it could run the same hair dryer for almost 13 ms! Wow, one hair might get dry!
Thanks to Rick Hoadley, The Magnet Man (http://www.coolmagnetman.com/), rhoadley@execpc.com for the calculations.So anyone supposing they could "extract" considerable energy from magnets to solve the energy crisis had better rethink the matter.
https://www.coolmagnetman.com/magindex.htm (https://www.coolmagnetman.com/magindex.htm)
About economy and "portability" : ;)
So using the 1200 Watt hair dryer 15 minutes means to use the energy stored from :
15 x 60 x 1000 x (6" x 1" x ¼" in size) AlNiCo-magnets = 900 000 permanent magnets units
https://allmagnetics.com/alnicobars.htm (https://allmagnetics.com/alnicobars.htm) 0,0667 Lbs/inch = 0,4 Lbs per magnet
https://www.google.com/search?q=1+lbs+in+kg&rlz=1C1AVFC_enPT797PT797&oq=1+lbs+in+kg&aqs=chrome..69i57.6076j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.com/search?q=1+lbs+in+kg&rlz=1C1AVFC_enPT797PT797&oq=1+lbs+in+kg&aqs=chrome..69i57.6076j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
900 000 x 0,4 x 0,453592 Kg = 162 293 Kg magnet material or 162,3 tons ::) or "only" 162,3 tons/13 =
12,5 tons neodym magnets
for understanding the numbers and calculation : 15 minutes are 900 seconds and 1000 ms are 1 s and 1000 mW are 1 Watt
WhatIsIT,when I want to use an halogen mini baking-owen with 1500 Watt and 1 hour use ?
or compact https://www.ebay.co.uk/c/26030340399?iid=193545621910 (https://www.ebay.co.uk/c/26030340399?iid=193545621910)
ALNICO or neodym magnet compared to the energy harvester the energy storage/conversion !
https://thebulletin.org/2017/05/clean-energy-and-rare-earths-why-not-to-worry/ (https://thebulletin.org/2017/05/clean-energy-and-rare-earths-why-not-to-worry/)
compared :
https://www.amazon.com/Yinlong-66160H-Battery-Energy-Storage/dp/B07P1MZY5T (https://www.amazon.com/Yinlong-66160H-Battery-Energy-Storage/dp/B07P1MZY5T)
https://www.allaboutbatteries.com/battery-energy.html (https://www.allaboutbatteries.com/battery-energy.html)
Joules are units of energy or work
The Joule is the International Standard unit of energy defined as one watt-second. One watt-second of mechanical work is the work done by a force of one Newton (or 0.2247 pounds) pushing through a one-meter distance. 3600 Joules are contained in one watt-hour since an hour contains 3600 seconds. Batteries are often rated in milliampere-hours instead of watt-hours. This battery rating can be converted to energy if the average voltage of the battery during discharge is known. For instance, a 3.6-volt Lithium-ion battery rated at 850 mAh will maintain a voltage of 3.6 volts with little variation during discharge. Multiply the voltage of 3.6 volts times 850 mAh to yield 3060 mA-volt-hours or 3060 milliwatt-hours. 3.06 watt-hours equal 11016 watt-seconds or Joules.
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=4&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19910523&CC=DE&NR=3938577A1&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=4&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19910523&CC=DE&NR=3938577A1&KC=A1)
http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=DE&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=A1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=3938577&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=de&TRGLANG=en (http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=DE&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=A1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=3938577&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=de&TRGLANG=en)
The energy balance of the converter is as follows: Input: electrical energy Output: + permanent magnet energy Power balance:
The power is frequency-dependent:
L = (WE + WM) x Hz
and frequency are cycles or RPM
#336 : one quadrillion cycles per second x 1,55 billions cnt x 3600 = 1 hour conversion work per sqm
What in future will become possible,by good cooling ( converter material melting point !) :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/description?CC=US&NR=5356484A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19941018&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/description?CC=US&NR=5356484A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=19941018&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
The above test used diodes with active diode areas of 10@-4 cm@2 as convenient to the fabrication and the tests. In the theory of the quantum reversible process, the output voltage is not dependent on the area of the diode electrodes. The test results do not support the existence of any electron thermalization process in which any significant fraction of the hot electrons is first thermalized to an equilibrium temperature for electrons. This thermalization process is not compatible with the experimental results, since approximately 10@13 watts per square meter of input power is needed to heat the thermalized electrons to the electron temperature of 6000 DEG K. for an electron photon thermalization time of 10@-12 seconds. This electron thermalization process is also not a physically realizable process for this input power, since the material of the diode is destroyed in less than 10@-12 seconds by this intensity of incoming photons.
This power is 6 orders of magnitude larger than the test power for the conversion process of 10@7 watts per square meter that was used in the experiment. These results support the conclusion that the thermal energy of the hot electron is directly converted into electromagnetic energy before any electron thermalization occurs.
Diods and "relaxation time" : https://www.toppr.com/ask/question/define-relaxation-time-of-the-free-electrons-drifting-in-a/ (https://www.toppr.com/ask/question/define-relaxation-time-of-the-free-electrons-drifting-in-a/)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=12&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19880119&CC=US&NR=4720642A&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=12&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19880119&CC=US&NR=4720642A&KC=A)
Macro Regime: The regime for large-scale devices having a dimension L>0.5 .mu.m, in which conventional electrical laws apply.
Quantum Regime: The regime for submicron devices having a dimension L<0.5 .mu.m, in which the laws of quantum electrodynamics apply.
Femto Sec.: 10@-15 sec (Femto means fifteen) The light period (time per cycle) for blue and red light respectively varies from 1.3 to 2.3.times.10@-15 sec or 1.3 to 2.3 Femto sec.
Femto Diode: A diode of this invention operating in the quantum regime which is reponsive to visible light frequencies.
"Energetic" Electron: An electron which has absorbed a quantum of light energy (1.8 to 3.1 eV) and which is traveling in the metal cylinder in its own conduction band at a corresponding large velocity and distance almost without collision; and which exhibits quantum regime properties.
"Thermal" Electron: An electron which travels at a small velocity due to its thermal energy of about 0.025 eV; which makes frequent collisions; and which exhibits macroregime properties.
TIME PER CYCLE E=tc² Nikola Tesla energy formula
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=12&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19931012&CC=US&NR=5252176A&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=12&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19931012&CC=US&NR=5252176A&KC=A)
A good question of this system is how a particle such as a photon traveling at the speed of light could be further accelerated as it passed through this crystal. The answer to that question could be that the crystal accelerator provides an energy gain from its strong nuclear forces to the particles which shows up as an increase of their effective mass. Another answer is that the energy law E=Mc@2 is changed when radiant energy units are subjected to certain forces such as the nuclear forces in the crystal. The speed of light is no longer limited and it conforms to the new equation E=McX. The value of X in the crystal approaches 3.times.10@20 meters per second.
Thank you Lanca,
This is much better, you actually explained with your words what are you quoting,
so now I can follow what you trying to say.
It was very hard to follow just links and imagine what you try to show.
Your lockhaven link won't open on my computer
But ok on phone
I have not read all however this part (looping COP 1.1 to runaway)
I found encouraging and hoping many such devices will
Be shared!
By members of Elite aboveunity forum !
So here we can open source for those less fortunate [who don't have the required money or equipment ]?!
Hello seychelles ( and Komoren,Andamannen,....... ::) )
your comparison is -from my standpoint- not certain :
your magnifying glas/lense,spectrum,focus does not intensify absolut the radiation energy content but concentrates it to a focus area/point !
When you study " concentrated photo-voltaic" concepts : 1 sun concentrated as "20/200/2000 suns"-factor
Factor 1000 example http://media.treehugger.com/assets/images/2012/09/solenspheredesign.jpg.492x0_q85_crop-smart.jpg
https://www.pres.org.pk/2012/new-concentrator-technology-reduces-pv-surface-area-by-factor-of-1000/ (https://www.pres.org.pk/2012/new-concentrator-technology-reduces-pv-surface-area-by-factor-of-1000/)
When you think it is certain why reach Owen Barker by his panels/magnets device a double output voltage ?
https://overunity.com/16681/24365-solar-cell-output-theory-and-experiments/ (https://overunity.com/16681/24365-solar-cell-output-theory-and-experiments/) Reply #6
The highly conductive magnets such as the aforementioned wrapped magnets may actually be performing four different functions:
(1) the movement of photons towards a given solar cell surface;
(2) the bending of electrons which might otherwise miss a solar cell surface towards the actual solar cell itself;
(3) the movement of unabsorbed photons passing through a given solar cell towards the surface of the next adjacent solar cell;
(4) the conduction of current down the stack of solar cells so as to increase electrical output in series.
We do not anymore talk about Magnesia/-it-magnetism,in AlNiCo and Samarium and Neodymium we use radioactive decay forces,Betavoltaic battery type !
What we can accept that this magnet energy is given by a small magnet active surface area
#344 : Hello Chet ,
the in the https://lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/whynot.htm (https://lockhaven.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/whynot.htm) article 110% efficiency engine is to understand as "hypothesis",not as existent scheme device !
You asked some posts before about anomaly : https://phys.org/news/2012-03-efficiency.html (https://phys.org/news/2012-03-efficiency.html)
In their experiments, the researchers reduced the LED's input power to just 30 picowatts and measured an output of 69 picowatts of light - an efficiency of 230%. The physical mechanisms worked the same as with any LED: when excited by the applied voltage, electrons and holes have a certain probability of generating photons.
but by given quantum energy efficiencies up to average 200%
https://books.google.pt/books?id=0H4bWIpaXb0C&pg=PA348&lpg=PA348&dq=m.i.t.+200%25+conversion+efficiency&source=bl&ots=yLNW6ymeT4&sig=ACfU3U1rPbtNkJ4TaYvRP1oh4uBo1a5Qvw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJxdyUsrvqAhUGJhoKHV7_CioQ6AEwDHoECAwQAQ#v=onepage&q=m.i.t.%20200%25%20conversion%20efficiency&f=false (https://books.google.pt/books?id=0H4bWIpaXb0C&pg=PA348&lpg=PA348&dq=m.i.t.+200%25+conversion+efficiency&source=bl&ots=yLNW6ymeT4&sig=ACfU3U1rPbtNkJ4TaYvRP1oh4uBo1a5Qvw&hl=de&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJxdyUsrvqAhUGJhoKHV7_CioQ6AEwDHoECAwQAQ#v=onepage&q=m.i.t.%20200%25%20conversion%20efficiency&f=false)
https://e-catworld.com/2020/06/30/surprisingly-strong-light-and-heat-from-nanogaps-between-plasmodic-electrodes-rice-university-study/ (https://e-catworld.com/2020/06/30/surprisingly-strong-light-and-heat-from-nanogaps-between-plasmodic-electrodes-rice-university-study/)
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02121 (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02121)
Our measurements over a large ensemble of devices demonstrate a giant (∼104) material-dependent photon yield (emitted photons per incident electrons). This dramatic effect cannot be explained only by the radiative field enhancement due to localized plasmons in the tunneling gap.
"partnered output coils"(effect)-devices
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=30&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19940519&CC=DE&NR=4238587A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=30&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19940519&CC=DE&NR=4238587A1&KC=A1)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=27&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19960215&CC=DE&NR=4428026A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=27&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19960215&CC=DE&NR=4428026A1&KC=A1)
http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=DE&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=A1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=4428026&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=de&TRGLANG=en (http://translationportal.epo.org/emtp/translate/?ACTION=description-retrieval&COUNTRY=DE&ENGINE=google&FORMAT=docdb&KIND=A1&LOCALE=en_EP&NUMBER=4428026&OPS=ops.epo.org/3.2&SRCLANG=de&TRGLANG=en)
Fig. 1 shows the basic circuit diagram of a DC / AC converter. The capacitor 11 charges via the changeover switch 12 and the primary winding A of the transformer 13. The self-induction generated in winding A is stored in winding A via diode 14. When the changeover switch 12 is switched over, the capacitor 11 discharges via the winding B of the transformer 13. The self-induction generated in winding B is stored in winding B via diode 15, etc. Since the windings A and B of the transformer 13 are connected in push-pull, an alternating magnetic field is generated in the transformer core, which generates a corresponding electrical power in the winding C of the transformer 13.
Quote from: lancaIV on July 07, 2020, 10:59:18 AM
#344 : Hello Chet ,
the in the article given 110% efficiency engine is to understand as "hypothesis",not as existent scheme device !
You asked some posts before about anomaly : https://phys.org/news/2012-03-efficiency.html (https://phys.org/news/2012-03-efficiency.html)
In their experiments, the researchers reduced the LED's input power to just 30 picowatts and measured an output of 69 picowatts of light - an efficiency of 230%. The physical mechanisms worked the same as with any LED: when excited by the applied voltage, electrons and holes have a certain probability of generating photons.
but by given quantum energy efficiencies up to average 200%
Hi guys,
I've seen this before. You can read in the provided link:
" took advantage of small amounts of excess heat to emit more power than consumed"
So it is not proof of OU.
Quote from: bistander on July 07, 2020, 11:44:22 AM
Hi guys,
I've seen this before. You can read in the provided link:
" took advantage of small amounts of excess heat to emit more power than consumed"
So it is not proof of OU.
from the contexte
" The researchers didn't try to increase this probability, as some previous research has focused on, but instead took advantage of small amounts of excess heat to emit more power than consumed. This heat arises from vibrations in the device's atomic lattice, which occur due to entropy. "
you not include that " This heat arises from vibrations in the device's atomic lattice, which occur due to entropy. "
so the total output related total input release " over unity effectivity" !
It is internal heat generation,not from the ambient/outer environment !
quote from link
In their experiments, the researchers reduced the LED's input power to just 30 picowatts and measured an output of 69 picowatts of light - an efficiency of 230%. The physical mechanisms worked the same as with any LED: when excited by the applied voltage, electrons and holes have a certain probability of generating photons.
end quote.
Thank you lanca for picowatt anomaly.
Here Aboveunity Elites have 6 watt input [6, picowatts] at COP 1.8 ...they have real meat to eat ....[maybe Aboveunity Elites can Share [Open source] how ?? for those less fortunate who can't pay and not as "privileged"?? ...Cop 1.7 claim was made here 5 years ago by Aboveunity Elite ...and still no one here has shared open source replication or tutorial for less privileged ?
And now we see that a post from V8carlo of funds required to have access at aboveunity forum ?[so not going to be open sourced without ??
If experiments are needed to find anomaly or method to pinpoint a gain in some geospecific location [recent comments in PM have indicated an issue replicating anomaly globally ...then this should have been stated from beginning
I/WE NEED HELP !!instead of so much finger pointing and destructive fire starting by Aboveunity Elites in this forum...
You need experimenters...to hunt ??SAY SO....making stories of 40 years no success...NOBODY IN HUMAN HISTORY HAS SHARED AUTONOMOUS [no battery etc]
STAND ALONE LOOPED DEVICE..... OPEN SOURCE ....not even "1" watt...[anomalous heretofore unknown source .
"I do need more satisfaction ! I will try,I will .... "
Chet,you rolling stone,at first you get "quantum state efficiencies" : > 1 : not enough ! :o 8) ;) .
( Meine Omi,Lehrerin,leider verstorben,wuerde meinen : Stoffel ! ::) u.m.o. = unidentified meaning object ;D Old school )
"Efficiencies > 1" -cascaded- let reach unlimited "efficiencies numbers " !
What do you know about aboveunity their set real input energy and output energy ratio,when there is not given V-average/V-max
and A-average/A-max ?!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_mean_square (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root_mean_square)
A capacitive charge pump circuit with parametric generator function : that is all !
https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFerdinand_Braun (https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=de&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FFerdinand_Braun)
On the transmission side, Braun was also able to help the radio technology make huge advances:
Guglielmo Marconi had largely managed his transmitter empirically (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empirisch&usg=ALkJrhgx2MTXQWGNCCPqRW7wImIfTTWvUA) , so that Braun could improve it by looking at the physical background.
While the oscillating (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwingkreis&usg=ALkJrhiboKsKD4z_KXhy8muogWUWRHHtGA) and antenna circuits were originally one, Braun separated these two parts.
Now there was a primary circuit, consisting of a capacitor and a spark gap, and an antenna (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antennentechnik&usg=ALkJrhhh-uwJwQIG7RDG0pIJAd8Z1h_G3w) circuit inductively coupled to it (https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=de&pto=aue&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induktive_Kopplung&usg=ALkJrhjGUoHeXPtY5gyMzEVrPGicaPqLRw) ,
which increased the transmitted energy in this system.
Quote from: lancaIV on July 07, 2020, 12:14:31 PM
from the contexte
" The researchers didn't try to increase this probability, as some previous research has focused on, but instead took advantage of small amounts of excess heat to emit more power than consumed. This heat arises from vibrations in the device's atomic lattice, which occur due to entropy. "
you not include that " This heat arises from vibrations in the device's atomic lattice, which occur due to entropy. "
so the total output related total input release " over unity effectivity" !
It is internal heat generation,not from the ambient/outer environment !
And in the context, 135°C was required. All I did was read the paper last year, but sure seems like a lot of excess thermal energy around the experiment. And I do not recall the experimenters or authors commenting they had ruled out heat from the environment, in fact, my old memory tells me they said just the opposite. Right now a picowatt doesn't motivate me to lookup and reread that article.
a rolling Snowball effect ?[gain mechanism ?]
Well others are looking at ....light?
And what may be available?
Note : Image below shared with permission of presenter [original topic starter]
#352 :
bistander,picowatts are not much ! Question here : work area in sqmm
1 sqm = 10000 sqcm = 1000000 sqmm
thermo or phono-photovoltaic panel
one quadrillion cycles per second x 1,55 billions cnt x 3600 sec. = 1 hour conversion work per sqm
cnt= carbon nano tubes
by 45% conversion efficiency we get photon energy transformed :
600 Watt AC electricity by theoretical "1 sun" = 1333 Watt/sqm solar radiation konstante
600W/sqm = 0,06 W/sqcm = 0,0006 W/sqmm
Quote from: ramset on July 07, 2020, 12:43:51 PM
quote from link
In their experiments, the researchers reduced the LED's input power to just 30 picowatts and measured an output of 69 picowatts of light - an efficiency of 230%. The physical mechanisms worked the same as with any LED: when excited by the applied voltage, electrons and holes have a certain probability of generating photons.
end quote.
Thank you lanca for picowatt anomaly.
Here Aboveunity Elites have 6 watt input [6, picowatts] at COP 1.8 ...they have real meat to eat ....[maybe Aboveunity Elites can Share [Open source] how ?? for those less fortunate who can't pay and not as "privileged"?? ...Cop 1.7 claim was made here 5 years ago by Aboveunity Elite ...and still no one here has shared open source replication or tutorial for less privileged ?
And now we see that a post from V8carlo of funds required to have access at aboveunity forum ?[so not going to be open sourced without ??
If experiments are needed to find anomaly or method to pinpoint a gain in some geospecific location [recent comments in PM have indicated an issue replicating anomaly globally ...then this should have been stated from beginning
I/WE NEED HELP !!instead of so much finger pointing and destructive fire starting by Aboveunity Elites in this forum...
You need experimenters...to hunt ??SAY SO....making stories of 40 years no success...NOBODY IN HUMAN HISTORY HAS SHARED AUTONOMOUS [no battery etc]
STAND ALONE LOOPED DEVICE..... OPEN SOURCE ....not even "1" watt...[anomalous heretofore unknown source .
Is OUR open?
We did share more than some PROOF to You, but the 2 left hands is ........
Becomes time Peter his eye blinds are falling OFF!
Get real!
Regards, Johan
Yes Johan, Grumage did run his hit and miss engine as shared there on 50% water with some soap.[.Li ].would not stay running for long ..
and recently we have plans to open a water fuel topic to experiment here a bit further... and as you have mentioned a plasma and hot and cold electricity ,I assume Hot is with current and cold mostly voltage ? [is that correct ?] ...
much work has been done with poor results ...trying to understand what is wrong ...running on pure water is goal [tiny bit fuel ?...Tinman did say last year he had seen this happen [all water] but a few who tried [myself included] could not get results ...recently speaking with Nelson here he also mentioned some experience he could bring to topic [some salt water car he had seen plus experiments years back] he is very busy also at the moment
trying to sort his life and work.[still getting equipment for experimenting too]
hopefully we can figure this out [plasma / water spray nozzle proximity to manifold/combustion chamber ? ...and as mentioned to you ...open source the work to the smallest detail for all to have and share.
who are those people in Picture ?
BTW Peter [owner overunityresearch forum] works full time job in UK... sometimes 16 hour days..and away from home week at a time he is EE there not really engine guy [we do have plenty of those]
respectfully and with appreciation Chet K
errare humanum est
What is "duty cycle" ?
https://www.newport.com/medias/sys_master/images/images/h8f/h7a/8797052108830/Average-and-Peak-Power-Calculation-Tech-Note-1.pdf (https://www.newport.com/medias/sys_master/images/images/h8f/h7a/8797052108830/Average-and-Peak-Power-Calculation-Tech-Note-1.pdf)
https://www.google.com/search?q=power+and+duty+cycle&oq=power+and+duty+cycle&aqs=chrome..69i57.8865j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.com/search?q=power+and+duty+cycle&oq=power+and+duty+cycle&aqs=chrome..69i57.8865j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
https://fbadhusha.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/9/5/3895546/ele-pulse-power.pdf (https://fbadhusha.weebly.com/uploads/3/8/9/5/3895546/ele-pulse-power.pdf)
https://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Communications-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/1180 (https://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Communications-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/1180)
much explanation and description !
aboveunity use in their set the duty cycle ,10% on and 90% off , 1/10 "duty ratio"
http://www.bticcs.com/pub.htm (http://www.bticcs.com/pub.htm) http://www.bticcs.com/pub/CCSE.pdf (http://www.bticcs.com/pub/CCSE.pdf)
page 7
Some claim, that charging with high amplitude and a short duration current, as with pulse charging, averts the memory effect and increases the battery life span. In reality the waveform of the charge current has much less effect on the battery charging than the overcharge has.
The power loss is I2 x R. Accordingly a pulse/stop relation 1:3 is resulting in a nine times higher power loss.
https://www.vishay.com/resistors/pulse-energy-calculator/ (https://www.vishay.com/resistors/pulse-energy-calculator/)
http://www.calctool.org/CALC/phys/optics/pulsed_source (http://www.calctool.org/CALC/phys/optics/pulsed_source)
PWM: Pulse Width Modulation: What is it and how does it work?
https://www.analogictips.com/pulse-width-modulation-pwm/ (https://www.analogictips.com/pulse-width-modulation-pwm/)
https://www.dnatechindia.com/DC-Motor.html (https://www.dnatechindia.com/DC-Motor.html)
Pulse Width Speed Control
The rotational speed of a DC motor is directly proportional to the mean (average) value of its supply voltage and the higher this value, up to maximum allowed motor volts, the faster the motor will rotate.
In other words more voltage more speed.
By varying the ratio between the "ON" (tON) time and the "OFF" (tOFF) time durations, called the "Duty Ratio", "Mark/Space Ratio" or "Duty Cycle", the average value of the motor voltage and hence its rotational speed can be varied.
For simple unipolar drives the duty ratio β is given as:and the mean DC output voltage fed to the motor is given as: Vmean = β x Vsupply. Then by varying the width of pulse a, the motor voltage and hence the power applied to the motor can be controlled and this type of control is called Pulse Width Modulation or PWM.
Another way of controlling the rotational speed of the motor is to vary the frequency (and hence the time period of the controlling voltage) while the "ON" and "OFF" duty ratio times are kept constant. This type of control is called Pulse Frequency Modulation or PFM.
With pulse frequency modulation, the motor voltage is controlled by applying pulses of variable frequency for example, at a low frequency or with very few pulses the average voltage applied to the motor is low, and therefore the motor speed is slow.
At a higher frequency or with many pulses, the average motor terminal voltage is increased and the motor speed will also increase.
Then, Transistors can be used to control the amount of power applied to a DC motor with the mode of operation being either "Linear" (varying motor voltage), "Pulse Width Modulation" (varying the width of the pulse) or "Pulse Frequency Modulation" (varying the frequency of the pulse).
Quote from: ramset on July 08, 2020, 05:56:34 AM
Yes Johan, Grumage did run his hit and miss engine as shared there on 50% water with some soap.[.Li ].would not stay running for long ..
and recently we have plans to open a water fuel topic to experiment here a bit further... and as you have mentioned a plasma and hot and cold electricity ,I assume Hot is with current and cold mostly voltage ? [is that correct ?] ...
much work has been done with poor results ...trying to understand what is wrong ...running on pure water is goal [tiny bit fuel ?...Tinman did say last year he had seen this happen [all water] but a few who tried [myself included] could not get results ...recently speaking with Nelson here he also mentioned some experience he could bring to topic [some salt water car he had seen plus experiments years back] he is very busy also at the moment
trying to sort his life and work.[still getting equipment for experimenting too]
hopefully we can figure this out [plasma / water spray nozzle proximity to manifold/combustion chamber ? ...and as mentioned to you ...open source the work to the smallest detail for all to have and share.
who are those people in Picture ?
BTW Peter [owner overunityresearch forum] works full time job in UK... sometimes 16 hour days..and away from home week at a time he is EE there not really engine guy [we do have plenty of those]
respectfully and with appreciation Chet K
Hi Chet,
That Plasma was 8 years ago, when you where flirting with Money and Man-Power from OUR!
So maybe to focus on what is cheaper and to understand more easy:
Engine with 100Kw Shaft Power, is making/producing a ≥300Kw of Non-Used Heat over Exhaust & Radiator, and so .......?
Hit&Miss, you have to keep it HOT, told you take a Air-, Water-Cooled engine and raise UP the Working Temp, why only 80-85C?
Kind regards, J
P.s. Why dropping Pic's so Big / Wide, you!??!
Johan,the engine beside mechanical energy output "the waste energy" not used ?
And what is "Co-generation" ?
The great power plants reach only by heat and mechano-electric conversion 58/60% efficiency !
This are home co-generation numbers , german inventor Ralf Walge in the 90' from the last century !Min. 40% electric + 20% heat
Similar : special interest here : waste heat recuperator www.proepowersystems.com/PROEHOME.HTM (http://www.proepowersystems.com)
But why so complicated if the "gun engine process" let reach 90% efficiency ?Fuel also -partial-water or hydrogen !
Quote from: lancaIV on July 09, 2020, 06:02:26 AM
Johan,the engine not mechanical energy output not used ?
And what is "Co-generation" ?
The great power plants reach only by heat and mechano-electric conversion 58/60% efficiency !
This are home co-genration numbers , german inventor Ralf Walge in the 90' from the last century !Min. 40% electric + 20% heat
Similar : www.propower.com (http://www.propower.com) special interest here : waste heat recuperator
Great, at least you understand it, so simple is it, keep the heat inside!
Can you build or .............
Regards, J
Johan,I have to correct the link
https://www.google.com/search?q=proepower+engine+proeschel&oq=proepower+engine+proeschel&aqs=chrome..69i57.15581j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 (https://www.google.com/search?q=proepower+engine+proeschel&oq=proepower+engine+proeschel&aqs=chrome..69i57.15581j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)
http://www.proepowersystems.com/PROEHOME.HTM (http://www.proepowersystems.com/PROEHOME.HTM)
http://www.proepowersystems.com/Engine_files/image006.gif (http://www.proepowersystems.com/Engine_files/image006.gif)
http://www.proepowersystems.com/Engine_files/image007.gif (http://www.proepowersystems.com/Engine_files/image007.gif)
easier ? and higher efficiency !
http://www.gun-engine.pl/en/suzuki.html (http://www.gun-engine.pl/en/suzuki.html)
As convert detonates fuel vapor, which yields about fourteen times higher pressure than max pressure of the original Suzuki, I limited fuel supply to 10% of the original spec to avoid cylinder bursting, yet the measured power output reading was exceeding max power of original Suzuki fully fueled. Also no traces of pollutants in emissions (zero toxic emissions). I also run the convert on many fuels including Hydrogen. No visible performance were noticed, yet the most important was that the convert runs very well on Acetylene that is already in production and the distribution infrastructure exists. This fuel is important as it is made out of coal and not petroleum.
After a short analysis I came to conclusion, that it has to be related to the power, which we can define as energy released from fuel in time.
Since the detonation of the fuel vapors mixed with air releases the energy about 1000 times faster than combustion, the power rises proportionally. The calculations are suggesting, that fuel supply at a level about 14 times lower, than before, will result in about the same power output, that the engine had in its original, not modified state - at its former fuel supply level.
Demonstration-ability ?
https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=10760 (https://patentauction.com/patent.php?nb=10760)
The motor vehicle comprises a fuel heater, an exhaust cleaner including a sinuous tube and liquid for separating impure components of exhaust, a main control module controlling the function of the engine and piston function, a second control module controlling the engine during the minimal running state, thus controlling the pause time of the piston, a third control module controlling the energy flow to the heater, the fuel feeder, and the air feeder.
It seems that this becomes electric "Variable Frequency/Speed Drive" similar !
And when we are in search for higher total efficiencies :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20130214&CC=US&NR=2013038069A1&KC=A1 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=1&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20130214&CC=US&NR=2013038069A1&KC=A1)
[0041] When coaxial inversion occurs between the housing main body 11 and the coil body 31 housed thereinside as stated above, providing that the velocity V2 (rotating velocity) attained when either the flux linkage magnets or the coil body is rotated while the other is fixed is "1," the relative velocity V1 between the first and second flux linkage magnets 21, 22 within the housing main body 11 and the coil portion 32 within the coil body 31 is twice the same, "2" (V1=2V2). Consequently, a generated power output as large as "4 times" the generated power output obtained when either the flux linkage magnets or the coil body is rotated while the other is fixed can be realized at the coil portion 32 within the coil body 31. Namely, the disk-shaped coaxial inversion generator 1 ensuring strikingly large generated power output (that is, high conversion efficiency from natural energy to electric power) can be realized.
[0061] The disk-shaped coaxial inversion generator 1 according to the present invention can find application in not only the foregoing wind driven generating equipment but also a hydraulic turbine generating equipment or the like by which a large generated power output can be obtained by the use of the torque of a water turbine rotated by hydraulic power being a natural energy. Further, the disk-shaped coaxial inversion generator can find application in a dynamo for bicycle, motorbike or car, a hydraulic turbine generator, a steam turbine generator, a propeller generator and other generators capable of converting rotational energy to electric power energy.
low temperature heat engine ( one from the rare granted Dr.Pavel Imris applications)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/description?CC=EP&NR=0943789A2&KC=A2&FT=D&ND=3&date=19990922&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/description?CC=EP&NR=0943789A2&KC=A2&FT=D&ND=3&date=19990922&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
50% efficiency
with the above electric Akio Hara generator ?
heat source : geothermic,solarthermic, thermic battery
::) Can you build or .............
For what ? ;)
I am in search for the ultra low applyable consume ( private household) number !
< 1 KWh electric per day ~ 125 W x 8 h generator work :) and battery storage
with permanent falling KWh storage prices,actually
https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/GOOSUN-hot-sale-lto-battery-55ah_62140142727.html (https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/GOOSUN-hot-sale-lto-battery-55ah_62140142727.html)
+ inverter/charger
and transforming permanent cold "on"-appliances like refrigerator and air-to-water generator to "dual-use": heat to electric
http://mtbest.net/household_efficiency.pdf (http://mtbest.net/household_efficiency.pdf)
efficient heat element ,coating ,circuits,double winding,frequency controler : 500 Wh TARGET
Ob hier Dr.Pavel Imris wieder in Frage kommt :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?FT=D&date=20180125&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=WO&NR=2018014893A2&KC=A2&ND=4 (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?FT=D&date=20180125&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP&CC=WO&NR=2018014893A2&KC=A2&ND=4)
" ..... Die vorliegende Erfindung betrifft alle elektrischen Energieverbraucher ..... "[/size]
mag bei vielen alternativen Konzepten fraglich sein ! 8) Betrifft es oder betrifft es mich nicht !?
Kommt Zeit oder Speed oder relative velocity oder Frequency ,kommt Radth ( oder Rat,oder Rad )
That Plasma was 8 years ago, when you where flirting with Money and Man-Power from OUR!end quote
Johan...There has always been Angel Donor money available for persons who will open source a technology to the world ....are you aware of anyone who would open source ?
Dr.Jones [member Physics prof] had started this years ago [in this forum] and IT IS STILL AVAILABLE and always will be [OPEN SOURCE}to those who would share with all....and for absolute clarity there is more man power now than ever ...it is not just limited to one geographical location or open source forum ...the need is worldwide the hands are too...
only takes a paragraph to share an anomaly .... but some here torment those who have no tools or skills
require "donations" to access what should be free.
Like air and clean water and sunshine ....too many want to be "Elites" at all costs ...even when lives and our planets future hang in the balance [apparently keeping secrets for a decade now [referring to the Elite forum ?
Johan quote: So maybe to focus on what is cheaper and to understand more easy: end quote
I Know you wrote recently [last weeks] of a common resistors in series and transmission line in resonance..perhaps you could share more info on this [since the sentence I wrote above is all I was told ?..surely such a simple OU process would be much easier than what Verpies and itsu are attempting ?
or even all the kapanadze builders and replicators these last million pages...and we could stop begging the "Elites forum" to share too...?[10 years now they laugh and finger point at those less privileged as the world suffers ]
is it time yet ??
sincerely Chet K
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYW_TYIBkgA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYW_TYIBkgA)
only takes a paragraph to share an anomaly .... but some here torment those who have no tools or skills
a paper ( got it 2010) ,with written paragraphs and a seeming "anomaly" ;D :
- Motor nao convencional que permite altos desempenhos com baixo consumo
- Capacidade de variacao de velocidade ate as 18.000 R.P.M.
- Silencioso e pequeno para o seu desempenho
- Quando sujeito a uma traccao de 5 KW tem um consumo proximo de 68 mA
- Capacidade de variacao de tensoes até +- 350 V
- Peso aproximado de 3,5 Kg para traccao de 5 KW
motor description end
some details about :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/mosaics?CC=WO&NR=2009154492A2&KC=A2&FT=D&ND=3&date=20091223&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/mosaics?CC=WO&NR=2009154492A2&KC=A2&FT=D&ND=3&date=20091223&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
the coil (not the motor ) ::) for thinking about
350 Vmax x 0,068 A input and up to five Kilo-Watt / 7 hp output
similar electro-magnet anno 1890 :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=427606A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=18900513&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?CC=US&NR=427606A&KC=A&FT=D&ND=3&date=18900513&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
combinated with :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/mosaics?CC=DE&NR=20317795U1&KC=U1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20040226&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/mosaics?CC=DE&NR=20317795U1&KC=U1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20040226&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP)
By the other two coil forms :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=envez&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=envez&IN=&CPC=&IC=&Submit=Search)
good to study
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=40&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19220710&CC=GB&NR=157262A&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=40&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19220710&CC=GB&NR=157262A&KC=A)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=39&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19220710&CC=GB&NR=157263A&KC=A (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=39&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=19220710&CC=GB&NR=157263A&KC=A)
The "paper paragraphed" electric motor as variable speed drive for such low consume vehicles :
https://overunity.com/16706/car-energy-consume-improvements/msg547688/#new (https://overunity.com/16706/car-energy-consume-improvements/msg547688/#new) # Reply 29
https://rqriley.com/product/centurion-plans/ (https://rqriley.com/product/centurion-plans/)
The technology used to produce Centurion's high fuel economy is very straightforward. An internal combustion engine runs most efficiently when it is operating at 60% to 90% of maximum output. In contrast, when an engine is throttled so it develops only a small portion of its power output capability, fuel economy plummets.
Automobiles operate most of the time with the engine throttled to 5% or less of full power, such as when cruising at low speeds in urban traffic. Even on the highway, the average family sedan can cruise at 55 mph on a little as 8 to 10 hp, which is only a fraction of the power capability of the engine. An engine throttled into fractional power regions can use double or triple the fuel per unit of power output. It's as simple as that.
Centurion first reduces road load by keeping weight and aerodynamic drag to a minimum with its sleek shape and low, 1,200-pound curb weight. Minimum installed power, tall gearing, and a transmission with high ratio selectivity combine to allow for high engine loading.
With its 17-hp, 3-cylinder Kubota diesel engine coupled to the 5-speed transmission with overdrive in each gear, the engine can be loaded into its region of minimum brake specific fuel consumption at just about any speed.
These are the primary factors responsible for Centurion's fuel economy at cruise. Stop-and-start fuel economy benefits from low weight, which translates into less energy lost to inertia in urban traffic. Reduced fuel consumption at idle and during braking results from the small-displacement engine.
( 17 hp / 129 hp ) x 30 eKW = 4 e KW electric motor Centurion
1 electric storage Wh per Kilometer : irgendwo ein "OMG :o !"
( - brake energy recuperation 8) : ZERO ENERGY CAR)
;D , mit Tesla Technology Tesla Motors Inc. schlagen und andere Pseudo-Premiums
Die AUTO-Welt seit 2010 : irgendwie anders ::)
Worldrecord : Tesla 3 : 66 KWh and 975 Km range,
average 25 mph/ 40 Km-h drive velocity :
67,7 Wh/Km
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IChR1dcw7dQ&list=PLGcvuj0J7FTvhK1z95j7GMqhQB30lz8LN&index=15&t=0s&app=desktop (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IChR1dcw7dQ&list=PLGcvuj0J7FTvhK1z95j7GMqhQB30lz8LN&index=15&t=0s&app=desktop)
Quote from: ramset on July 09, 2020, 08:23:10 AM
That Plasma was 8 years ago, when you where flirting with Money and Man-Power from OUR!end quote
Johan...There has always been Angel Donor money available for persons who will open source a technology to the world ....are you aware of anyone who would open source ?
Dr.Jones [member Physics prof] had started this years ago [in this forum] and IT IS STILL AVAILABLE and always will be [OPEN SOURCE}to those who would share with all....and for absolute clarity there is more man power now than ever ...it is not just limited to one geographical location or open source forum ...the need is worldwide the hands are too...
only takes a paragraph to share an anomaly .... but some here torment those who have no tools or skills
require "donations" to access what should be free.
Like air and clean water and sunshine ....too many want to be "Elites" at all costs ...even when lives and our planets future hang in the balance [apparently keeping secrets for a decade now [referring to the Elite forum ?
Johan quote: So maybe to focus on what is cheaper and to understand more easy: end quote
I Know you wrote recently [last weeks] of a common resistors in series and transmission line in resonance..perhaps you could share more info on this [since the sentence I wrote above is all I was told ?..surely such a simple OU process would be much easier than what Verpies and itsu are attempting ?
or even all the kapanadze builders and replicators these last million pages...and we could stop begging the "Elites forum" to share too...?[10 years now they laugh and finger point at those less privileged as the world suffers ]
is it time yet ??
sincerely Chet K
Maybe we should bring Kit's on the market for Left-Hand-Types?
Regards, J
Quote from: ramset on July 09, 2020, 08:23:10 AM
That Plasma was 8 years ago, when you where flirting with Money and Man-Power from OUR!end quote
Johan...There has always been Angel Donor money available for persons who will open source a technology to the world ....are you aware of anyone who would open source ?
Dr.Jones [member Physics prof] had started this years ago [in this forum] and IT IS STILL AVAILABLE and always will be [OPEN SOURCE}to those who would share with all....and for absolute clarity there is more man power now than ever ...it is not just limited to one geographical location or open source forum ...the need is worldwide the hands are too...
only takes a paragraph to share an anomaly .... but some here torment those who have no tools or skills
require "donations" to access what should be free.
Like air and clean water and sunshine ....too many want to be "Elites" at all costs ...even when lives and our planets future hang in the balance [apparently keeping secrets for a decade now [referring to the Elite forum ?
Johan quote: So maybe to focus on what is cheaper and to understand more easy: end quote
I Know you wrote recently [last weeks] of a common resistors in series and transmission line in resonance..perhaps you could share more info on this [since the sentence I wrote above is all I was told ?..surely such a simple OU process would be much easier than what Verpies and itsu are attempting ?
or even all the kapanadze builders and replicators these last million pages...and we could stop begging the "Elites forum" to share too...?[10 years now they laugh and finger point at those less privileged as the world suffers ]
is it time yet ??
sincerely Chet K
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYW_TYIBkgA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYW_TYIBkgA)
Over 10 years, what more do you need?
Kind regards, Johan
was Just talking with a builder who remembers the first one [flywheel spring]being discussed here somewhere [I just hung up the phone with him]and second one also ....will reach out to see if that fellow [gmeast] is still around and why he dropped that heater for solar panel business..
I am asking around ...doing my 10 year catchup home work...
Oh... RE: Two left handed OU anomaly Kits...absolutely a great idea...should build one here for all to see and share..so "Twolefthanders" can get one...and the rest of the world too.
A "how to" step by step PDF silverspoon... nipples ....etc etc [taking great care to be complete... and be certain all "TwoleftHanders" understand...
What do I think of that? Pretty nifty, but what can it do with a load? Zilch?
Re: science and prediction
Message from user: LancaIV « Reply #34 on: July 04, 2020, 01:05:59 PM »
Energy converter and the difference between 1 KW and 1 KWh
Just wondering...has anybody read this message above ?
in this topic link https://overunity.com/18232/science-and-prediction/msg547658/#msg547658
very cool
I guess I would build one if I had some spare super conducting materials laying around.
Mine are all tied up at the moment.
Quote from: Johan_1955 on July 10, 2020, 01:25:10 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYW_TYIBkgA (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYW_TYIBkgA)
Over 10 years, what more do you need?
Kind regards, Johan
Thanks for posting those. I remember the flywheel/spring vid and we had a discussion on that. But this time im ready to build it.
The crank pin pushes down on the spring toward the outer length of the spring making it easier to do so via leverage. Then when the crank pin is on the upward swing it is pushed up by the spring closer to the base of the spring thus having more upward force against the pin than the pin had on the downward push of the spring....The adjustable weight brings in more effect if set correctly. When the pin pushes down on the weighted spring, there is a possibility that the inertia of the weight going down may delay the upward push of the pin by the spring and possibly a short disconnect of the spring and pin. The when the weighted spring does come upward, it just may be tapping the pin, impact, giving the wheel a bit of acceleration. The adjustment of the weight will adjust the freq of the weighted spring to a happy running freq/rpm. That was the thoughts on it back then.
Didnt have the time to make it back then and probably moved on with other seemingly more important projects and forgot about it till now. Ive gotten better at more precise building over the years and confident I can do this one now. ;)
The other vid, when the switch is on, the current from the batts flows through the heater windings and when the switch is off, the inductance of the winding continues to flow through the diode and should add to the heat level of the coil. So it had me thinking back when I used diodes on drive coils of pulse motors, the diode would make the field of the coil last longer after the switch turned off and got greater speed with the same input from the source. So we could test this by setting up the coil to do some pull tests on a resonant pendulum and see if we can get the pendulum to increase swing with the same amount of input. ;D
Ok. Looked at the flywheel vid a few times. If you watch at 1:43 into the vid, you will soon see as it is spinning slow, it fully looks like the crank pin is making electrical contact for hidden motor/pulse motor coil and batteries. It literally speeds up the flywheel visible to the eye when the pin hits the spring. At one point the thing is going very slow and when it hits the spring is gets a boost, when actually the initial contact of the spring should be the beginning of resistance yo rotation. And the fact that when it is stopped, he never lets it be in a position of the pin contacting the spring. Or we would see more clearly that the thing can overcome the spring even at the slightest approach. Remember it all now. That one is a fake.
Quote from: Magluvin on July 12, 2020, 02:26:35 PM
Ok. Looked at the flywheel vid a few times. If you watch at 1:43 into the vid, you will soon see as it is spinning slow, it fully looks like the crank pin is making electrical contact for hidden motor/pulse motor coil and batteries. It literally speeds up the flywheel visible to the eye when the pin hits the spring. At one point the thing is going very slow and when it hits the spring is gets a boost, when actually the initial contact of the spring should be the beginning of resistance yo rotation. And the fact that when it is stopped, he never lets it be in a position of the pin contacting the spring. Or we would see more clearly that the thing can overcome the spring even at the slightest approach. Remember it all now. That one is a fake.
Yep, good analitics?, Clear to see the Sparks and the Black Carbon-Tracks from the Sparks on the Flat-Spring!
You could work at the WHO! Chep, is this your Best-Elite-Member?
Regards, Johan
here the vid again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg)
IMO this must be a repost of original builders work from another location.since you tube channel you shared uploaded it .
Magluvin is not "mine" he is a hens tooth...one of the rarest species on the planet ...an open source researcher who shares his work [schematics spoonfeed etc etc]....an open source builder extraordinaire .
I have asked others and now will ask a few more...
IMO the biggest problem for this one ...the technology to build what we see in the vid has been around since ...?..?...Just after the first guy with a wheel met the second guy melting ore...Did we have soo many ""stupid people""[not my words] ? or do we have tricksters...or should we be cautious first ?
I will look again for topic here where this was discussed .
Chet K
Quote from: Johan_1955 on July 13, 2020, 08:32:15 AM
Yep, good analitics?, Clear to see the Sparks and the Black Carbon-Tracks from the Sparks on the Flat-Spring!
You could work at the WHO! Chep, is this your Best-Elite-Member?
Regards, Johan
Through all my pulse motor experience, Ive seen low voltage input to do very little if any contact issues and sparking can be minimal to nada by eye. Can add a diode or a small cap to kill spark if any. Not a very good reason to believe there is not a battery driving the flywheel. Also it seems the flywheel may not be as heavy as it appears, if it works like the vid implies it does. The acceleration on a slow rotation when the pin contacts the spring seems like a lot considering the appearance of the spring and weight.
Unless you can say you built it and got it working as implied, and then 'show' without a doubt that it works, I call fake. ;) Its been years since I have seen the vid. Once looking it over a few times, I definitely will not be replicating, and my reasons are based on the evidence I have provided.
Quote from: ramset on July 13, 2020, 09:15:30 AM
here the vid again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3I2zeoUbzg)
IMO this must be a repost of original builders work from another location.since you tube channel you shared uploaded it .
Magluvin is not "mine" he is a hens tooth...one of the rarest species on the planet ...an open source researcher who shares his work [schematics spoonfeed etc etc]....an open source builder extraordinaire .
I have asked others and now will ask a few more...
IMO the biggest problem for this one ...the technology to build what we see in the vid has been around since ...?..?...Just after the first guy with a wheel met the second guy melting ore...Did we have soo many ""stupid people""[not my words] ? or do we have tricksters...or should we be cautious first ?
I will look again for topic here where this was discussed .
Chet K
One does not need a motor in order for a well balanced flywheel to spin for
as long as this one does in the first run in the video.
Without the spring, a very low friction flywheel would continue to rotate for
an even longer time period, than is demonstrated in the video.
The force to bend the spring is 100% returned with the un- springing (its balanced).
No net loss but no net gain either.
The losses are
The spring mechanism causes increased friction.
Against the fly wheel
Within the bending section of the spring
Against the bearings of the fly wheel upon the shaft.
The wheel's turning speed imperceptibly speeds up and then slows down.
This depends upon whether the wheel is loading the spring or the spring is being
unloaded into the fly wheel.
This is why The device would spin even longer without the spring.
A magnet arrangement could replace the spring setup with the
same non O.U. results.
In the second run, in the video, I conclude that there is no reason why the
wheel should continue to run. None at all.
I have to cry "fake" on this one.
Any flywheel which has metal shaft is electric motor.
Something observed long time ago.
Just run current through shaft and it will start to spin.
Demo can be seen in those videos. Ball bearing motor.
Basically, it is short circuit, zero resistance.
If you drive it with LC resonant circuit, you wont spend much (zero resistance),
possibly parallel for more current. It is current hungry electrical motor.
It is Kapanadze electro mechanical representation of his solid state.
If you watched Kapanadze motor video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVUN3GsekKQ ,
you saw that is slowly gaining speed,
just as motor in video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7LOF1GZpdo
His coil on the shaft has numerous turns, and shaft is secondary one turn, it is transformer.
Kapanadze used this principle to amaze crowd. (picture from his movie).
if you know how electro mechanical system works?
Can you make solid state?
There must be secret how to tap into LC resonant without disturbing LC resonant,
First, it must be zero resistance,
but, what else?
Caduceus or bifilar?
What they do?
They convert!
What into what?
Inductance into capacitance,
disturbing LC resonant.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 14, 2020, 06:30:28 PM
Caduceus or bifilar?
What they do?
http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Caduceus_02.pdf#:~:text=%22Caduceus%20Coils%22%20are%20pairs%20of%20closely%20coupled%20%28sometimes,see%20lots%20of%20voodoo%20science%20involving%20these%20coils (http://www.stealthskater.com/Documents/Caduceus_02.pdf#:~:text=%22Caduceus%20Coils%22%20are%20pairs%20of%20closely%20coupled%20%28sometimes,see%20lots%20of%20voodoo%20science%20involving%20these%20coils).
1. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/oct2000/972087328.Ph.q.html (http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/oct2000/972087328.Ph.q.html)
Subject: Does a caduceus coil generate peculiar 'scalar waves?' Date:
Sun Oct 1 08:38:35 2000 Posted by
Peter Blinn
2. http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/oct2000/972087328.Ph.r.html (http://www.madsci.org/posts/archives/oct2000/972087328.Ph.r.html)
Thu Oct 19 22:04:57 2000 Posted By:
William Beaty, Electrical Engineer / Physics explainer / K-6 science textbook content provider
3. for all interested in rejected topics:http://www.eskimo.com/~bilb/freenrgl/flist.html (http://www.eskimo.com/~bilb/freenrgl/flist.html)
FREENRG-L is for the discussion of experiments and devices which exhibit anomalous energy production
(or consumption!), or which violate currently-accepted physics theory. This includes:
* "Overunity"
* Electrogravity & inertia violation
* Scalar Electromagnetism
* Psi phenomena and Paranormal
* Relativity violation
For your curiosity only:
Zephir before he was moderated by our forum ...he promoted Russian
https://lenr.su/ (https://lenr.su/)
It looks OK but to trust Russian publications is like to trust cars on busy Russian intersection in Moscow .
You've been lucky till than. for sure..
Quote from: stivep on July 15, 2020, 12:51:20 PM
For your curiosity only:
Zephir before he was moderated by our forum ...he promoted Russian
https://lenr.su/ (https://lenr.su/)
It looks OK but to trust Russian publications is like to trust cars on busy Russian intersection in Moscow .
You've been lucky till than. for sure..
I dont know who Zephir was.
You are more Russian than I am. I am Croatian.
And I am promoting nothing, Russian especially.
I never mentioned scalar waves.
I mentioned Caduceus and bifilar as capacitor coils.
I dont know what are you talking about, or aiming at?
And this is Rant room where we can talk about everything, right?
It is its purpose.
The Caduceus coil performance
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ocPYYEv37g (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ocPYYEv37g)
this one is by our french colleague Woopy
caduceus coil on slayer exciter 1.wmv
Quote from: stivep on July 15, 2020, 01:28:06 PM
The Caduceus coil performance
Oh, you claim that caduceus is useless.
Now is more clear your aiming.
So, from now on, we must not talk about it , ever?
Thats your point?
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 15, 2020, 01:27:24 PM
You are more Russian than I am. I am Croatian.
I am promoting nothing, Russian especially.
I didn't mention or didn't talk here about you at all.
I have big respect to Croatians
I understand all of 27 Slavic languages and speak 3 of them fluent.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 15, 2020, 01:27:24 PM
I dont know who Zephir was
this is the guy.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 15, 2020, 01:27:24 PM
I never mentioned scalar waves.
In USA we allow everyone to express his opinion but this forum was created by great German spirit of self education .
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 15, 2020, 01:27:24 PM
I mentioned Caduceus and bifilar as capacitor coils.
I dont know what are you talking about, or aiming at?
I was just adding to mentioned by you caduceus coil additional information
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 15, 2020, 01:27:24 PM
And this is Rant room where we can talk about everything, right?
It is its purpose.
Sorry if you understand it improperly.
I didn't attack you or at this time I wasn't correcting you .
I already pointed caduceus origin to Wilbert B Smith.
They also tried many things with caduceus and found nothing.
If you read original reports.
My caduceus is tightly wound, not like in your video.
No scalar.waves, no voodoo, no magic.
Just their capacitive properties are in my interest.
And pretty much it acts as bifilar, also tightly wound.
So, your point still is not clear to me?
Quote from: WhatIsIt on July 15, 2020, 01:58:38 PM
So, your point still is not clear to me?
Quote from: stivep on July 15, 2020, 01:55:09 PM
I didn't mention or didn't talk here about you at all.
I have big respect to Croatians
I understand all of 27 Slavic languages and speak 3 of them fluent.
I was just adding to mentioned by you caduceus coil additional information
for these who are interested I posted more material to think about it . That's all.
Quote from: stivep on July 15, 2020, 02:04:24 PM
for these who are interested I posted more material to think about it . That's all.
OK, I agree, if you did it in additional info manner.
If you have any additional real experiments info on this 2 type of coils,
I will be glad to look at it.
I was experimenting with caduceus for more over a year,
and concluded it is very similar to bifilar.
Bifilar is easyer to wound and I continued with bifilar.
But I am interested in any additional info, if you have it.
My apology because I saw your words as an attempt to twist my words,
to some point which was not my intention!
Apology accepted?
no problem my friend
I been on your site, but there is so much trafic,
that I was surprised.
You should check members counter, I am sure that is something wrong with it.
You must make better commercials in future.
Adding music to commercials is good idea.
And maybe to show some real devices, which can attract new members.
People have to visit your site.
You are not advertising enough.
Little bit lazy latelly!
We all believe in you!
We can not go into future to your place,
but you can come to us.
Stay well and in good health and regards and best wishes in this (not future) times!
QuoteYou must make better commercials in future.
Adding music to commercials is good idea.
And maybe to show some real devices, which can attract new members.
People have to visit your site.
I'm pretty sure it's because there isn't enough whatchamacallits and thingamabobs. Like Bedini's whirligigs with big coils and shiny wires, thingamajigs which look mysterious and strange noises, people really like strange noises. He could also wind his coils in strange ways, people lose there mind when coils are Aether wound or even triple cross thread right turn caduceus.
Just remember people are like cats and noisy, shiny or moving generally does the trick.
I agree,
But after some time even cats gets bored with same trick.
Was reading the posts here and saw this a page back...
QuoteCaduceus or bifilar?
What they do?
It's strange that anyone would get any positive results from a Caduceus or Bifilar coil as we know them. Here it's important to understand history and how people change what was presented to them based on there own perspective. The new variants continue to change with time until they bear no resemblance to what was actually presented. This is why I always go to the source, the real origin of where the information came from.
I always got a kick out of Patrick Kelly, he was always modifying patent pictures and descriptions and it was obvious they could never work. I appreciated his hard work and he will be missed however by introducing his limited perspective he basically created a library of unworkable devices. For example the Adams motor/generator works as described in Adam's own patents but Patrick modified all the descriptions and diagrams based on Bedini's work which then made it unworkable. Now the internet is flooded with Patrick's modified pictures of the Adam's motor/generator which cannot work as depicted. So we should understand how a concept can change with time as people keep adding there own perspective moving further away from the original intent.
If you want to know what a real Caduceus coil looks like then the Sumerian, Egyptian or Staff of Hermes depictions are what your looking for. If you want a working Bifilar coil then Tesla's flat pancake bifilar coil is a correct depiction. The rest are simply imitations based on a flawed perspective which have been modified countless times. They were modified because the original designs were misunderstood and very difficult to build.
If we want the real deal we go to the real source, not second hand hearsay.
You dont know how wrong you are.
I already gave secret of caducesus and bifilar to some researchers on this forum.
Those two coils of same type have secret.
If they will use it, I dont know.
It is not up to me anymore, I shared.
What is in front of our eyes, we never saw. For centuries.
How many coils do you see here?
What polarities do you see here?
And to answer to your next question.
It is not imaginary, I tried it and it works.
Actually, I been playing with it for some time till now.
And I did not keep it for myself.
I gave it away.
Next stupid question?
It seems that you are trying to use your brain,
and I like that effort.
But then you go into alleys so dark that I totally lost you,
and can not follow.
But I appreciate your effort, and I like to talk with you.
At least, you are trying to think!
You hit the bulls eye this time!
QuoteIt seems that you are trying to use your brain,
and I like that effort.
But then you go into alleys so dark that I totally lost you,
and can not follow.
But I appreciate your effort, and I like to talk with you.
At least, you are trying to think!
You hit the bulls eye this time!
What is the light without the dark, Yin without Yang?. I'm not afraid of the dark nor to call it out for what it is.
What are you saying is all about duality.
But on the picture, there are 3 coils.
2 turns primary, core, and bifilar secondary.
Connect secondary bifilar as capacitor, and the Lenz is gone.
To connect secondary bifilar as capacitor, you must follow polarities,
which are also indicated on the picture.
How many times you looked at the picture and saw nothing?
You have it on Egyptian glyphs as well. All over the place.
When you have energy, you have health as well.
Because there is no Lenz,
if you know anything about reactive power,
you can drive primary almost for free.
No Lenz, primary does not see secondary capacitor,
which outputs power.
Who invened it?
Someone, thousands years ago.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on August 13, 2020, 05:00:23 AM
Because there is no Lenz,
if you know anything about reactive power,
you can drive primary almost for free.
No Lenz, primary does not see secondary capacitor,
which outputs power.
Can you show any experimental proof to support your claims above?
Quote from: WhatIsIt on August 13, 2020, 03:13:27 AM
2 turns primary, core, and bifilar secondary.
From Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt
to Steven L. Sullivan WO1999019962 https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO1999019962
EXAMPLE : 12,92 Volt and 0,8 Ampere in (put)
6,5 Volt and ! Ampere out ( put )
C.O.P.: ?
No/low counter-force effect !
Drawings : figure 14
Comparing : WO2004057740 inventor Kango Iida https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2004057740
Quote from: WhatIsIt on August 13, 2020, 05:00:23 AM
Because there is no Lenz,
if you know anything about reactive power,
you can drive primary almost for free.
No Lenz, primary does not see secondary capacitor,
which outputs power.
The path you follow right now, in this post, is correct, you just don't have a good portion very well explained.
Lenz's Law is always there, its just how and where it is reflected to. The force we call Lenz's Law, is directly connected to Current Flow, and this can not be negated, it can only be Asymmetrically Re-Directed.
Good thinking Whatisit, its about time you started to connect the dots! Others here need to start thinking along these lines also!
Feel the path forward, force logical thinking, avoid all distraction!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
EDIT: Lenz's Law, really this is not correct, technically, Lenz's Law is Negative Voltage, nothing to do with Current, but we typically view this Secondary Current aspect as Lenz's Law. Magnetic Drag, it is not properly termed or defined in Science! Back E.M.F is another area not properly defined. Again, E.M.F is measured in Units of Volts, and nothing to do with Current. There is a gaping hole in Electromagnetic Induction and no one has picked up on this gaping hole! What is termed as
Parasitic Inductance is the path forward to Above Unity Energy Machines!
Voltage V = L di/dt and Current I = Voltage V / Resistance R:
Connecting dots?
You dont know what else I did.
FE is kind of hobby for me.
Other things, which you can never achieve and I will never spoke about them with person like you. Far more valuable than FE.
I dont see you as intelligent person.
I dont need your badges and points.
Connecting dots I will leave to you.
Probably you will trying that for a long time.
Time is pressing you, not easy burden.
And I will talk with normal people which deserves more attention than you ever will.
Smudge is far better person than you.
It is because that he is not alone, he helps others and others helps him.
While you will be alone always, and always.
I speak with other members openly, no secrets.
But you are not one of them.
And they will crack this thing without you.
I can only imagine how you will feel then?
I was first that welcomed you back.
Chet forgot old bad blood and did everything to make your own moderated thread here.
What you did?
Shame on you!
And I will help them, not you Chris!
And they will help others.
Because, they are right kinds of persons.
One can do nothing!
Two can move a mountain!
And you will be always alone!
It is something you dont know nothing about.
Someday, when you realize this, it will be so late for you,
that day you will be able only to sit back and cry somewhere alone.
And time will tell, it always does! Always.
For the obvious reasons.
Your bucking coils are not even close to what I am talking about.
Not even close!
But dont worry, you can be great leader.
Hitler was just a painter, and look what he becomed.
So, you can do that as well.
You are on the right path!
Stay well, be healthy, regards, roses under your foots,
in this dare times.
Unfortunatelly, we live in today, not some future like you,
hundreds of light years away or hundreds of years in future,
In this dare time.
I have friends amongst your members on your site.
I am not trying to convince them in anything.
All of them I asked the same question:
If you invent something, will you keep it for yourself, or
Chris will claim it as its own?
A simple question.
They were confused. Some of them answered.
They never thought about it before.
But now they does.
You are playing dangerous game of chess.
Your move!
This is rant room where we can say whatever we want to.
It is its purpose.
I dont distract any other thread!
Sorry to interrupt
However... open source
Has no exclusion contract for sharing
And Chris has beautiful well built forum
If he would share open source ?
what he has hidden
Last 10 years ( he says he has FE that long)
Perhaps we remove starvation
And burning Forrest and resources
Energy to sterilize and clean water and food
Turn desserts into Eden and spread out the population
Every second that passes
And anyone who can carry water for the job
Is an asset
Let's start by ending hunger
Yesterday 100 "children" starved to death or died from lack of proper nuitrition in Phillipines
Daily rising count since Covid
Yes Chet,
That is why I was easy on Chris today.
I tried to be gentle.
He does not know what rude means, yet.
I can not stand persons like triangle and Chris, and few others.
I am sorry for that.
Chris constantly hurts and attack members like Smudge, because Smudge is trying and sharing. And others as well!
If anyone is OK with this, come here and spoke their reasons.
Please, this is rant room, you can tell here what you think openly.
That is the purpose of rant room.
And Chris can talk openly here.
Why he is doing what he is doing.?
And Chris does not know how to play chess.
You never play chess with person which has nothing to losse.
And Chris can losse a lot!
He is playing dangerous game for him.
All his members are reading this.
I have only one question for them
If any member of Chris site invent anything,
can they keep it?
Or Chris will claim it as his own?
No more questions.
Just this simple one.
Be well, stay well, what ever you want in this dare time!
And this is rant room.
Keep in mind that I dont polute any other thread.!
So, Chris, you wanted to damage others, but it wont play well for you!
Be careful.
Your move!
You claimed you are super intelligent, and from the future.
Please, I am here! I am not running away!
QuotePerhaps we remove starvation
And burning Forrest and resources
Energy to sterilize and clean water and food
Turn desserts into Eden and spread out the population
I would point out we already have all the technology we need to end starvation, produce clean water and energy and reforest our deserts. In this respect FE will accomplish very little because the problem was never technology but contempt and greed.
It's very strange, almost everyone claims we can do better and we should but they never do anything about it. In fact most of the things we hear are complete nonsense like the wealthiest people paying the most taxes and being the most charitable when the opposite is true. It's fake news, propaganda meant to enable greed as if it were good when we know it's not. To make matters worse the wealthy also inhibit technology which could help others in the name of greed.
Not only do most supposedly good people do little to help others in need but the majority champion wealth and greed in people like donny trump and his billionaire friends. There dishonest in my opinion, because one cannot champion greed then claim to want to help others. So while I don't hate the populists types like trump and his supporters in my opinion they have proven what they really believe beyond the lies and conspiracy theories. I mean there the ones talking big beautiful walls, inclusion, fascist nationalism, tariffs and banning trade with starving people and racism. It's so hypocritical and such complete bs it boggles the mind. So let's be clear, these people have proven they are only concerned with helping themselves.
In fact most of our problems seem to be coming from countries like the U.S., Russia and China. The move to populism/nationalism and growth/greed at the expense of others and the environment. I mean we have more than enough technology, why can nobody afford it?. Ah there's our answer and the growth/greed based economy can never help the poor or those in need because they always want more in return. They always want more...
So in my opinion it's the people who need fixing not science or technology.
Hard to imagine a world where we call the power to us..
from everywhere around us ...omnipresent energy for the asking .
looking up at that gigantic power source in the heavens .. it seems our destiny .
we should get started ..the sky is the limit..or is there a limit ?
doing the next right thing is never easy....we should set an example.
QuoteWe should get started ..the sky is the limit..or is there a limit ?
doing the next right thing is never easy....we should set an example.
I'm waiting for the tides to turn in our favor.
This populist wave has brought out the worst in people but it cannot last. As we speak most of the older generation in power, stuck in the past are dying in droves. The new generation is taking there place and talking about a new deal with new rules. This pandemic, the oil sector crash, climate change and a changing economy have also shown people how grossly incompetent the supposed powers that be really are.
You see the populists fear globalism not because it's socialist that's bs, but because it levels the playing field and holds everyone accountable for there actions globally. No more lying, no more fake wars to pillage resources, no more tariffs or trade bans to topple governments or corporations and no more free for all on fossil fuels, pollution and deforestation. Everyone is accountable for there actions which scares the hell out of some people used to acting irresponsibly.
So I think I will pass, I can wait until the time is right. As Tesla implied, the present may be there's but the future is ours, it's just a matter of time.
Quotewe should get started ..the sky is the limit..or is there a limit ?
Was thinking about this some more, yes there is a limit lower than most think.
The first limitation the successful FE inventor encounters is the "friendly businessman". There very optimistic and claims to be willing to help and everything is going to be oh so wonderful. Save the children, save the economy, save the world they say and there as giddy as a six year old in a candy store foaming at the mouth. It works so long as they think your a quack with potential however once something of real value is on the table everything changes. Now the topic of conversation is contracts and investors, mansions and yachts. It sounds so simple, just sign on the dotted line as your freedom, integrity and days as an open minded inventor just came to an end.
The second limitation the successful FE inventor encounters is the "we can do this ourselves fiasco". The people are no less optimistic or giddy however now the problem lies within. Again it's all well and good so long as they think your a quack and there is nothing of value on the table. However the moment something of value comes into play everyone scatters running for the nearest patent office to protect there work. Not our work, there work or interests which is now a legality and the our seems to be missing in action. At which point our supposed friends have now become our worst nightmare as everyone tries to throw everyone else under the bus to protect there interests.
You see the limit is not science, technology or invention the real limitation is that everyone I have known who has come into contact with real technology immediately loses there god damn mind. They turn into this monster, when the human condition takes hold, where enough is never enough as dreams of untold power and wealth dance around like the Aurora Borealis in that expanse between there ears. I imagine the euphoria is similar to that of cocaine or crystal meth however I don't do drugs.
QuotePower tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely
An observation that a person's sense of morality lessens as his or her power increases. The statement was made by Lord Acton, a British historian of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
So based on my own experience, when someone claims "the sky is the limit..or is there a limit?", we should ask how far we are willing to go?, to what end and for whom exactly?. Your not asking the right questions... in my opinion.
I thought this may be helpful...
THE ILLUSIONS OF YOUR LIFE - the story of the stonecutter
QuoteYou see in life your life, it is not important what you have, it is important what you do with the things you have...
There will always be someone or something more richer or powerful than you.
But at the same time there will always be something or someone poorer or weaker than you.
If you only compare yourself to others or other things you will only worry and keep on thinking, what if?.
And you shall never be content in your life.
Aim for the stars but know who you are and who you want to be.
The illusion that wealth matters or money ?
you can't wash that off...I spent my life in NYC ...daily status quo "neck deep" swimming thru that puke...your perspective or experience may be unique to you ...[with that mindset you write of and your experiences]
Always try to do the next right thing...you want to change the world
BE that change...and in this case .. to open source FE ...will only take one !!
YES !! one man can change the world...will be like turning a page ...no wealth required nor passion for wealth ...
Perhaps we unite all those of like mind who really want to do "the next right thing".
and I am not talking about uniting those who would step over the sick or dying on the way to the bank or the golf course..
Can't you see it ??
a man here reminded me of a word the other day "Dharma"..apparently a big word...
To remember ... and begin
The act of commitment or jumping in with both feet is well enough sometimes unless were talking about quicksand. I would also agree all kinds of things can occur in one's favor or not with respect to commitment. The problem with total commitment to something is that it's kind of like a jumping off a cliff and once you take the leap there's a certain finality to it.
It seldom works as planned because it's relatively easy to change our minds based on the facts before we have committed completely to something. The situation is fluid and dynamic however after the fact we would either have to admit we were wrong which few can do or continue to double down which just makes us look inept.
QuoteBoldness has genius, power and magic in it, begin now
Magic in it, like a magician using the power of illusion which seems like genius but is simply a slight of hand and deception?. I prefer intelligence, because when faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem bold generally gets someone killed while intelligence usually produces the opposite result. Which may be why the bold tend to crash and burn so often.
In my opinion the story is generally always the same, only those who bring little of value to the table, who have little to lose are the one's talking about going all in without thinking or having all the facts. There is another saying, it is a long hard journey to the top of a mountain but a short fall.
I thought this was interesting...
US Senate report goes beyond Mueller to lay bare Trump campaign's Russia links
It was of course, grossly under reported in the U.S. however it's just begun.
Apparently a republican Senate committee has found that not only was there direct Russian interference but the trump campaign was cooperating with Russian intelligence officers aka GRU/KGB.
QuoteThe Republican-controlled Senate panel said it was hampered in its search for the truth by the fact that Kilimnik and Manafort kept their communications secret. They used burner phones, encrypted chat services, and frequently changed email accounts. They also messaged via a shared email draft.
So let's look at the timeline...
QuoteThe report says: "The committee found that the Ritz Carlton in Moscow is a high counterintelligence risk environment. The committee assesses that the hotel likely has at least one permanent Russian intelligence officer on staff, government surveillance of guests' rooms, and the regular presence of a large number of prostitutes, likely with at least the tacit approval of Russian authorities.
So donny trump gets caught with his pants literally down with two Russian prostitutes supposedly urinating on him, uhm wow, Epstein ring a bell?.
QuoteIt adds: "According to two former employees of the Ritz Carlton in Moscow, in 2013 there was at least one [redacted] officer permanently stationed at the hotel. This non-uniformed officer was believed to be a [redacted] and had access to the hotel's property management system, guest portfolios and notations, as well as the network of "hundreds" of security cameras at the hotel.
It all gets recorded on video... Oh dear.
QuoteThe committee, which spent three years taking evidence for its report, also examined previous trips by Trump to Russia. It says that during a 1996 visit, Trump attended a party for a group of American investors at the Baltschug Kempinski hotel. The party was arranged by David Geovanis, a Moscow-based businessman who the report says has links to the Russian security services.
Not only are trumps friends implicated but he is as well. Oh what a surprise.
QuoteIt goes on to say that Trump "may have begun a brief relationship with a Russian woman" he met at the Geovanis party. Her name is blacked out. One source of the information is Theodore Liebman, an architect who lived in Moscow and New York in the 1990s, and who travelled to Russia with Trump to the event. Geovanis has spoken to journalists and is reluctant to visit the US, the committee notes.
Uhm... blackmail. It's always the same sad story isn't it?.
QuoteIt describes the Russian government's overall operation in support of Trump in 2016 as "aggressive and multi-faceted". The language echoes that of Mueller, who called Moscow's meddling "sweeping and systematic". But in many places the committee is more damning, suggesting a high level of coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian intermediaries.
Okay, this guy is screwed and unless he does everything the Russians say he will lose his family, his almost bankrupt businesses and be embarrassed on the world stage. What to do?...
QuoteThe report says that Trump's close friend Roger Stone was working closely with WikiLeaks in summer 2016. It suggests Stone was briefing Trump in real time, and that the Trump campaign was shaping its messages ahead of releases by WikiLeaks of Democratic emails stolen in Moscow by GRU state hackers.
Hmm... blackmail, coercion and treason, it's shaping up nicely and no wonder Putin is just grinning ear to ear with that sparkle in his eye.
QuoteIt says: "Trump and senior campaign officials sought to obtain advance information about WikiLeaks's planned releases through Roger Stone. At their direction, Stone took action to gain inside knowledge for the campaign and shared his purported knowledge directly with Trump and senior campaign officials on multiple occasions."
Oh dear, now were talking Russian Agents, donny trump, internal and external agents involved in espionage and treason. Not looking good.
But wait, there's more...
Now suppose donny trump is not just stupid but was being blackmailed by Russian agents and told if he didn't cooperate he would lose everything and become known as a the degenerate slob he is. Then suppose he had a way out, if he did cooperate he could become president, get billions in tax breaks and interest free loans saving daddy's empire, his sham marriage and not go to prison. All he had to do is be himself, incompetent, and not rock the boat too much. Pandemic?... no such thing, Oil crisis obliterating shale oil which benefits Russia?... cool, broken economy... that's the way the cookie crumbles, trillions of dollars migrating from the poorest to the richest... hallelujah.
Unfortunately, I managed to put most of this together last year and posted as much. You see it's one thing to be stupid but quite another to literally turn your own country into a dumpster fire overnight. Donny trump just ain't that smart, obviously, so when I heard rumors of a Russian video of him with a couple Russian prostitutes, the fact that he is fawning all over Putin and pouring gasoline on his own country?... well it's not rocket science.
So what of the future?...
Dipshit donny could defect to Russia but that's highly unlikely and maybe WW3.
He could ride it out, hope to win the next election which is looking very unlikely or he could prey, lol.
However I suspect he will do what his kind always does, double down, lie through his teeth and unfortunately have a massive heart attack. Not a real one mind you because both the U.S. and the Russians now have a liability to deal with and we all know how that works.
Another Shakespearean tragedy in my opinion...
It is times like these I am eternally grateful to be nobody, no one of significance who can simply live a content and happy life.
onepower I must say I come here to get away from this crap but you bring this up every time you get a chance and you do seem a bit obsessed or trump derangement syndrome has hit in Canada also. Since I have been reading things you posted there has never been one iota of technical language from you it is all ways political so if you want to follow the lefties into there new world order globalist crap of forced vaccines and electronic surveillance state go right ahead but shouldn't that be done at a political forum this doesn't seem the place to me there must be some lefty echo chamber forum where you can all agree and talk about your utopia with unicorns. I have tried to stay away from this topic with you but this is all you seem to want to talk about and I had seen enough. Do you have anything technical to share I would be glad to listen but these posts are crap.
Quote from: overcurrent on August 19, 2020, 10:14:28 PM
onepower I must say I come here to get away from this crap but you bring this up every time you get a chance and you do ...
Don't click on "RANT ROOM".
It is easy not to read.
Quoteonepower I must say I come here to get away from this crap but you bring this up every time you get a chance and you do seem a bit obsessed or trump derangement syndrome has hit in Canada also.
I think of it this way... when a politician is known to be a psychopath, a compulsive liar and being blackmailed by the Russians to destroy our democracy does it matter whether there left or right wing?. As well, if trump does manage to turn the U.S. into a communist dictatorship like the Russians want him to do you honestly think Free Energy would ever be allowed?. In Russia, they kick down your door and put a bullet in your head just for talking about free energy, is this what you want?.
So no, I'm not obsessed with trump and the guy is just another loser with mental problems in my opinion. I am obsessed with FE and the freedoms I enjoy which are being threatened by trump and the Russians. In my opinion anyone empowering trump empowers the Russians and Communism which makes them a Closet Communist, if you will. Like a Communist, having similar beliefs but too weak to come out and say it.
QuoteSince I have been reading things you posted there has never been one iota of technical language from you it is all ways political so if you want to follow the lefties into there new world order globalist crap of forced vaccines and electronic surveillance state go right ahead but shouldn't that be done at a political forum this doesn't seem the place to me there must be some lefty echo chamber forum where you can all agree and talk about your utopia with unicorns.
So you don't want my or others posts to be political yet you seem to have no problem posting this far right, populist nonsense do you?, lol. I mean you could have just said stick to FE please but you just had to throw in all that far right nonsense didn't you?. So let's be clear, your post was meant to be just as political as mine was. The difference between us is that at least I'm honest about it and don't try to obscure my intent.
QuoteI have tried to stay away from this topic with you but this is all you seem to want to talk about and I had seen enough. Do you have anything technical to share I would be glad to listen but these posts are crap.
So to recap, you would like me to stop talking about a clear and present danger to our Freedoms, Free Energy and the FE community then share all my hard earned knowledge with you?. Then you go on to say you would be glad to listen, as if you were somehow entitled to my knowledge and actually doing me a favor by listening?, ... Wow.
Look, we as a Free Energy Community need to address the problems we face not pretend they don't exist. We are being gamed by the scientific community, politicians, governments, corporations, corporate foundations and most of society holding false beliefs. We are looking for the whole truth and this is not some cult where alternative facts or false beliefs should come into play.
I presented my case, the supposed facts which affect everyone here in a sarcastic way as I often do and if you have a problem with it then debate the facts. However saying we shouldn't talk about politics, then talking about them and then implying your somehow entitled to anything... is not the way.
Don't click on "RANT ROOM".
It is easy not to read.
Of course it is quite easy to stick our head in the sand and simply ignore everything we do not like or agree with. Most of mankind does this a majority of the time, more so concerning Free Energy. It hasn't turned out very well, in fact it has become a complete disaster in almost every respect.
As well the greatest scientists and inventors mankind has ever known were not afraid to debate anything with anyone nor think for themselves. The more intense and interesting the debate on any subject the more they liked it which is why they were so great.
This is not a cult, were here to learn unlike the picture below... so debate, learn.
onepower I have never asked you for anything nor do I want anything from you especially a political debate you have obviously made up your mind. You act like you are some kind of wizard holding the secret but I don't believe so nor do I care if you did hold any such secrets, you can go to your grave with them I don't care have a nice day.
Quote from: onepower on August 20, 2020, 12:49:16 PM
Of course it is quite easy to stick our head in the sand and simply ignore everything we do not like or agree with. Most of mankind does this a majority of the time, more so concerning Free Energy. It hasn't turned out very well, in fact it has become a complete disaster in almost every respect.
It was not I complaining about your essay, just merely making a suggestion to someone who had. And you might be surprised at what a silent person on the sidelines can do when they decide to act. Yes, there are always bumps in the road, but I don't consider our current state of affairs a " complete disaster", as you put it. Things could be a lot worse.
A RANT ROOM is the perfect place to discuss Trump. If someone doesn't want to see that type of thing, don't click on it, or as you say, stick their head in the sand.
If you want to see a Wizard in action who seldom if ever contradicts themselves I suggest you watch this video...
Science can answer moral questions | Sam Harris
Note that he never tells anyone what to think outright like many try to do only to question what we think and ask why. Mr. Harris also adds compelling arguments to try to justify his claims with respect to why we should question everything from different perspectives. My philosophy is really no different and I understand many people don't want anyone asking the hard questions because it makes them uncomfortable, but I'm going to ask them just the same.
Here is an interesting question along similar lines... why do you think so few people here understand or have free energy?.
Is it the science, the technology, the complexity, there perspective, there beliefs, there experience or lack of it, the facts or hearsay?. Is it the popular contempt for intellectualism, science and philosophy because some think it is contrary to there beliefs?. From personal experience, I found it was all of the above and the fact I can say this of myself may be the reason I understand FE while most never will. As Sam Harris points out, it is seldom if ever what we think or believe but the fact we have never sincerely questioned it or ourselves.
Change invokes change and if we cannot invoke change in ourselves nothing will change. So it's not for me to tell you to believe anything because it doesn't matter however I will say what I believe to be true and try to justify it. As I said before this isn't a cult, this is a Free Energy forum where we debate all the issues relating to free energy including politics relating to government interference in our goals. As I implied, if populism and alternative facts become the norm and this blatant hostility towards clean energy continues free energy is a pipe dream.
QuoteIt was not I complaining about your essay, just merely making a suggestion to someone who had. And you might be surprised at what a silent person on the sidelines can do when they decide to act. Yes, there are always bumps in the road, but I don't consider our current state of affairs a " complete disaster", as you put it. Things could be a lot worse.
A RANT ROOM is the perfect place to discuss Trump. If someone doesn't want to see that type of thing, don't click on it, or as you say, stick their head in the sand.
Sorry about the rant... I was howling at the moon, again, lol.
I just get frustrated that everything seems to be moving in the opposite direction and Russia, China and Iran are getting braver by the day now that they have little coordinated opposition. People talk of the supposedly socialist liberals, try dealing with a hard core russian or muslim and they would see what totalitarian socialism really looks like. Some Vegan driving a Volvo is the least of our worries.
Now North America is in shambles, our alliances up in smoke because we have no leadership and meanwhile these populist nut jobs want to declare war on there own countrymen. We cannot afford to lose this war on our common values or everything we know and cherish will be history. So ya, I'm going to speak up.
onepower you asked
"Here is an interesting question along similar lines... why do you think so few people here understand or have free energy?."
I believe human greed is the biggest reason as with tesla, there wasn't a cabal that shut him down it was one person with a lust for money. JP Morgan shut him down because he wasn't going to be able to make money on it and I believe the same would happen today if anyone tried going public with it and if it was allowed they would just put a tax on it to feed the greed it wouldn't be free. The only way free energy would be possible would be to give it away to as many as you could so it could get out before they shut it down but I don't know if that would even be possible the way all communications are monitored today. I myself do not really care if it does come out I like many of the old ways as my family has lived in this area long before electricity and I believe they lived a more natural life with many of my older relatives living to their nineties. I don't mind the idea of using a root cellar again or the wind mill or the gravity fed water or cooking on the wood stove then using the ashes in the garden for fertilizer so I would say I am a naturalist at heart. I believe earth changes are coming no matter what you or any government does, I know Edgar casey's earth changes predictions didn't come true when he said exactly but I do believe they are coming and I try to prepare myself the best I can in case I survive the first round but to debate politics with you here would not serve that purpose although I do have my opinions and I don't have my head in the sand just debating them here with you would serve no purpose as far as I can see so go ahead and debate whatever you want you are right bi stander, I shouldn't have clicked on the rant room but the board said something about scalar waves, it should say whatever is on your mind. Also I did watch your video and it did not change what I think so you and me may not be so far apart as to what we think we just go about it in very different ways. Now I will ask you a question what part do you think if any the Nefalim or fallen angels have to do with all of this are they or their descendants still here sewing discourse throughout humanity or is the book of enoch just a fairy tale to you.
Quoteonepower you asked "Here is an interesting question along similar lines... why do you think so few people here understand or have free energy?."
I believe human greed is the biggest reason as with tesla, there wasn't a cabal that shut him down it was one person with a lust for money. JP Morgan shut him down because he wasn't going to be able to make money on it and I believe the same would happen today if anyone tried going public with it and if it was allowed they would just put a tax on it to feed the greed it wouldn't be free. The only way free energy would be possible would be to give it away to as many as you could so it could get out before they shut it down but I don't know if that would even be possible the way all communications are monitored today.
That may explain why FE has not gone mainstream and it may also explain why many FE companies I know of cannot find investors. However it doesn't explain why so many people here and elsewhere cannot understand FE.
QuoteAlso I did watch your video and it did not change what I think so you and me may not be so far apart as to what we think we just go about it in very different ways.
It wasn't supposed to change "what" you think but "how" you think. Think about that...
You see I studied and experimented with FE for over a decade and I was no closer to finding any answers. I scoured the forums and followed there links and did the experiments and it was generally a waste of time. In my mind I thought I was doing everything right and doing all I could however this wasn't the case. Sure I was going through the motions however I didn't learn a damn thing because I didn't know "how to learn", most people don't.
The fact remains that if we cannot change how we think, which in turn changes what we think we cannot learn anything. If we cannot learn anything were screwed and we can only know what we know and no more. So if anyone watched the video or read something or did something and it didn't change anything then unfortunately there not going anywhere.
What I took away from the video was that Mr. Harris has a brilliant mind and has the capacity to learn and look at things from a truly different perspective. So while many here decided they didn't like the topic or would go through the motions but not really listen I analysed how he thinks and rationalizes things. Once I learn how he thinks, how he breaks down problems, how he looks at things then I can learn to think like him. Not think "what" he thinks but "how" he thinks which gives me a completely different perspective to learn from.
Think of it this way, everything in the universe is know in and of itself. All is known because it exists and interacts with everything else on some level. However we cannot know it because we cannot even imagine it, we cannot imagine it because our perspective is singular and limited. However if we could embrace many other perspectives beyond our own limited perspective we could imagine many new things and learn from them as well.
This is how FE works, if you cannot even imagine how it works... you don't get it, literally.
I answered your question but you didn't answer mine, or if you are not familiar with the fallen angels how bout the ancient saemerian text that speaks of the brotherhood of the snake and the secrets they held and what they have evolved into today.
QuoteI answered your question but you didn't answer mine, or if you are not familiar with the fallen angels how bout the ancient saemerian text that speaks of the brotherhood of the snake and the secrets they held and what they have evolved into today.
As an Atheist I don't believe in gods however I do believe other people may have seen what they thought were gods. For example many people would think I'm definitely a god 1000 years ago knowing what I know today. I know and could build things they could not even imagine back then but I'm just a guy. Which isn't all that impressive because I have shown many people what I know and have built today and they still have no idea how I can do it, lol.
Given that, I would speculate the fallen angels (beings who's craft descended from the sky) and the Sumerian gods were either a race not of Earth or a highly advanced ancient race of Earth. They say based on our progress in the last 200 years, 1000 years from now nobody here would be able to recognize us. We will have integrated advanced technology into our bodies on the nano scale as an integral part of us. When technology becomes biology woven into the fabric of who and what we are at that time. So yes we will be gods in our own right relative to the primitive technology we have today, in our future.
I'm not an expert on ancient Sumeria and only have a few hundred hours of research into the culture and technology. Apparently they have integrated the technology into there language/imagery/hieroglyphics producing an image/conceptual based way of conveying intent or meaning. Which makes perfect sense as our primitive language or way of communicating is always ambiguous as both of us already know. You thought I implied something but I didn't and I thought you implied something but you didn't and even with our words it all get's screwed up somehow. However what if we could convey our meaning and intent in such a way that it was universal/conceptual between us?.
Think of it this way, when I kiss my wife do you think she wonders what I'm doing or what I mean?. Well no, the action conveys the meaning, it is mutual and understood by both parties, thus words or equations are not required and somehow primitive or lacking in this respect. This is how the ancient cultures operated, on an advanced level, which is why it makes no sense to most people.
The trick here is understanding we are primitive based on the facts we already know of ourselves, self reflection and forethought. Based on this we could imagine how we could improve at which point ... we have a choice to make.
All this talk of free energy and technology and taking the high road is all well enough however it matters little if we still have basically illiterate semi-primates like donny trump, jair bolsonaro and vlad putin in power. I mean, these people are barely smart enough to talk in complete sentences and sound like god damn six year old's.
I think a picture is worth a thousand words and all we have to do it look below and read trumps completely deranged tweets to understand how really screwed up this guy is. I mean look at him, spewing hate and racism and division and people think this retard is a leader?. I wouldn't trust him to change the tire on my truck because the guys a train wreck in every sense of the word.
So really that's where were at which explains why everyone I know who knew anything about free energy basically went into hibernation. Did anyone notice that all the really creative people making any real progress simply vanished?. Did anyone notice that all the real debate about free energy is now non-existent?. You want to return to the dark ages and see just how bad it can get... keep this bullshit up and you will see.
That's my rant for today...
Thinking about all the bullshit so many of the populists are trying to peddle today and "the litmus test".
Anyone remember an old member who called himself Milehigh from years ago?.
Man we used to get into it however there was no disputing his reasoning with respect to Free Energy which is timeless. I have a close to photographic memory about really good arguments and science/technology so I will always remember him. I remember he posted a picture of his awesome late model, blue BMW, behind a white stucco house with palm tree's in the background and I suspected he was from California or Florida.
So while we disagreed on most issues quite passionately we had a common ground in science, engineering and the facts we can prove as being true... his Litmus test.
As it were I'm an Engineer, well versed in Industrial Water Treatment and use PH strips daily at work and to test my hot tub. The thing about a litmus test is that it gives us a true indication of where were at in reality. No bullshit, no I wish it were this way or hope it were true and it must be proven otherwise were just wasting our time and things are going to go sideways on us.
This is the problem I see with all this bs out there concerning trump and Putin. They consistently fail even the most basic litmus test and it's easy if not preschool to prove there misrepresenting the facts. They say one thing then it's proven to be false, then they double down and keep repeating the lie which obviously doesn't make it more true. It's just more and more bs stacked on top of each other trying to convince us of something we know not to be true by the sheer magnitude of the lies.
I get it, however if my hot tub fails the litmus test and I believe it, eventually it is going to become stagnant and a cesspool, so why continue?. It eludes me why so many would buy into the bullshit when they should already know how this ends. It's not rocket science and no intelligent person should buy into what is obviously complete nonsense... so how did we get here?.
WellI been away for a week or so ...more isolated than I am use to ...helped Move an acquaintances newly acquired and untested [my reason for being onboard] small yacht thru some very unfriendly water ways between NYC and Maine besides all the small emergency's brought on by his very unprepared trip...I got a reboot on things I have been trying to forget ... highlighted by places like Marha's vinyard and Cape Cod etc ...the huge disparity in our world...persons who measure fuel mileage on their "pleasure" boats in the 10's of gallons per mile....[makes me ill to consider the carbon [and "other"] pumped into the air.
OnePoweryou have written plenty here...I am still in a bit of shock from my trip...But I would love the opportunity to comment more on your posts in the coming days....[after reading yours again]
and add my perspective on your choice to withhold your FE discovery at this time ...[as others have also chosen to do here.
Chet K
QuoteBut I would love the opportunity to comment more on your posts in the coming days....[after reading yours again]
and add my perspective on your choice to withhold your FE discovery at this time ...[as others have also chosen to do here.
Free Energy?, with the state of the world and the degeneration of society due to this populist fascism bs I make no claim to ever discovering anything with respect to free energy. I probably had one too many beer and you mistook what I meant or it may be my trump derangement syndrome affecting my memory. I just can't seem to recall anything concerning free energy however this could change in the future.
You know I'm not unreasonable however if people want to degenerate and lower themselves to this level then I say when in Rome do as the Romans.
Be aware !
AG: From the land of the free... free to use the internet, that is... and free to get fuc...
No wonder why there are now no new devices coming around on the internet, youtube, FE forums, nor any other sources, to ponder on. Sad, isn't it?
Then there was, Adrian's short life, as well to think about.
If true... as he may be on some remote tropical island, like Figi, instead. Lighting his hut at night from his self running device.
BTW: AG, yes, that post that I sent a couple of days ago, that got posted on the wrong thread, but it may have since gotten deleted, I think. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. It was meant to go into the Dally thread, instead, as you noticed. It's just as well that that post gets deleted. I think that he got the point, of posting images in a size that won't mess up each page of each thread that he posts on. But it seams that he likes to play by his own oversized, "colorful" rules, instead.
QuoteAG: From the land of the free... free to use the internet, that is... and free to get fuc...
No wonder there are now no new devices coming around on the internet, youtube, and other sources, to ponder on. Sad, isn't it?
I think it's kind of comical, the supposedly honorable members of our governments and it's agencies degenerating to the level of a pervert peeking through our windows hoping to see some flesh, lol.
It begs the question, if some pervert peeking through the window saw us naked should we be embarrassed?. Well no, we are not the degenerates consumed with what others may be doing in private and we have little to hide but they do. The fact is they obviously get off on this kind of stuff and it reflects more on there lack of morals that ours.
I can just imagine all those good christians, true patriots claiming we need more camera's and microphones in everyone's bathrooms and bedrooms for our own protection. They probably go to church each Sunday then sort through our trash Monday morning and are peeking in our windows that night, lol.
It also begs the question why we should care what they think of us?. Let them judge, let them be offended and scurry about in the shadows talking in whispers. I think it's comical and kind of pathetic that anyone would be so obsessed with what others are doing and thinking. This is simply another example of how some people can normalize almost anything no matter how screwed up it is in my opinion.
So we should be clear that these strange and degenerate obsessions some people have are more a reflection of them than us... it is sad.
My new theory is that I'm just another being in this universe, an individual, and have little to fear. What other people do and think isn't really my problem and I will decide my own meaning and purpose in life as I see fit. It makes life easier, it tends to remove all the distractions and move us forward.
Quote from: seychelles on August 29, 2020, 03:31:36 AM
The definition of Moderation:
The moderators (short singular form: "mod") are users (or employees) of the forum who are granted access to the posts and threads of all members for the purpose of moderating discussion (similar to arbitration) and also keeping the forum clean (neutralizing spam and spambots etc.).
Looks like you fall in this category Seychells. If you could be responsible and post on topic, sensible posts, then you would be safe!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on August 29, 2020, 03:44:49 AM
The definition of Moderation:
Looks like you fall in this category Seychells. If you could be responsible and post on topic, sensible posts, then you would be safe!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
I have made a number of posts which were "responsible and post on topic, sensible posts" yet you deleted those and delete all subsequent posts from me wherever you can. You would no doubt delete this if you could. You silence anyone who dares to question you. That is obvious. Mr. seychelles is correct in his observation.
edit for clarity https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg549489/#new
I am at a total loss to explain how Chris has the cure for world starvation and suffering [100 children dying daily from starvation or malnutrition in just the Philippines Every DAY [since Covid restrictions]never mind the horrors being done to our planet due to lack of FE these last 10 years [how long Chris says he has had FE]
and now a moderated builders topic for 4 months...where no builds are shared [nor has even one successful replication been shared here for replication EVER [since day one 2015
Just one replication showing a true gain mechanism heretofore unknown to science would bring 10's of thousand of builds...
I asked Why you would not share ...you mentioned "human trafficking" and something unrelated to an answer ??
you make off topic posts elsewhere in topics all the time [nobody removes them even when you are taunting...
and here you have a house full of builders..and allow no measurements or questions related to measurements..??
you write of your members "not"placing bullseyes on themselves [by sharing] ...and you hand them awards here for
"aboveunity success" in a forum with "ABOVEUNITY HERE!!!" flashing neon sign....
HUH ??
how many more must die before they are allowed to share here?
how do they sleep at night with such a burden ??...the deaths are rising from starvation and malnutrition not falling...
I said the same thing to Rick Freidrick in this topic..and also others who sell secret books on FEwhile the world suffers...
to have FE and knowingly withhold it or play this game... is the single biggest crime against humanity that could ever be imagined...makes human trafficking look passive by comparison...9 million die every year and climbing...
https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/people-and-poverty/hunger-and-obesity/how-many-people-die-from-hunger-each-year/story (https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/people-and-poverty/hunger-and-obesity/how-many-people-die-from-hunger-each-year/story)
here you have a builders topic [WHY ?} for 4 months with not one build ??
the only man here claiming OU and no builds in a moderated topic where not one word can be written off topic ??
writing about trolls that do not exist there ? [nothing off topic exists there ??
how many more must die ?
just part of my Rant....
Quote from: ramset on August 29, 2020, 09:53:19 AM
I am at a total loss to explain how a man who has the cure for world starvation and suffering [100 children dying daily from starvation or malnutrition in just the Philippines Every DAY [since Covid restrictions].
never mind the horrors being done to our planet due to lack of FE these last 10 years [how long Chris says he has had FE]
and now a builders topic where no builds are shared [nor has even one successful replication been shared here for replication EVER [since day one 2015
Just one replication showing a true gain mechanism heretofore unknown to science would bring 10's of thousand of builds...
I asked Why you would not share ...you mentioned "human trafficking" and something unrelated to an answer ??
you make off topic posts elsewhere in topics all the time [nobody removes them even when you are taunting...
and here you have a house full of builders..and allow no measurements or questions related to measurements..??
you write of your members "not"placing bullseyes on themselves [by sharing] ...and you hand them awards here for
"aboveunity success" in a forum with "ABOVEUNITY HERE!!!" flashing neon sign....
HUH ??
how many more must die before they are allowed to share here?
how do they sleep at night with such a burden ??...the deaths are rising from starvation and malnutrition not falling...
I said the same thing to Rick Freidrick in this topic..and also others who sell secret books on FEwhile the world suffers...
to have FE and knowingly withhold it or play this game... is the single biggest crime against humanity that could ever be imagined...makes human trafficking look passive by comparison...9 million die every year and climbing...
https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/people-and-poverty/hunger-and-obesity/how-many-people-die-from-hunger-each-year/story (https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/people-and-poverty/hunger-and-obesity/how-many-people-die-from-hunger-each-year/story)
here you have a builders topic [WHY ?} for 4 months with not one build ??
the only man here claiming OU and no builds in a moderated topic where not one word can be written off topic ??
writing about trolls that do not exist there ? [nothing off topic exists there ??
how many more must die ?
just part of my Rant....
Chet What FE under the counter info, send me a copy, why don't you in fact all the guys.
Quote from: EMJunkie on August 29, 2020, 03:44:49 AM
The definition of Moderation:
Looks like you fall in this category Seychells. If you could be responsible and post on topic, sensible posts, then you would be safe!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Dont worry Seychells, Chris has deleted so many of my posts that I dont even counting any more.
God syndrome.
He should sign contract with Marvel.
He is so much advanced, and god like.
So clecver,
decades in front of ordinary people.
He have everything we dont. I am glad about that.
Seychells. is he your god?
What do you really think about him?
Chet What FE under the counter info, send me a copy, why don't you in fact all the guys.end quote
AG.... what did you just write [you have under the counter FE...??
are you referring to Aboveunity forum ?
if I had FE everybody reading here and elsewhere would have FE...would not sleep a wink until as many as possible had it..[a HUGE responsibility for one person to carry ...people dying as we type for lack of FE
Quote from: ramset on August 29, 2020, 05:21:17 PM
Chet What FE under the counter info, send me a copy, why don't you in fact all the guys.end quote
AG.... what did you just write [you have under the counter FE...??
are you referring to Aboveunity forum ?
if I had FE everybody reading here and elsewhere would have FE...would not sleep a wink until as many as possible had it..[a HUGE responsibility for one person to carry ...people dying as we type for lack of FE
have a look at this post Nick posted yes it's in Russian but some one with a brain should be able to figure out you can change that with the caption programming buttons.
Quote from: NickZ on August 15, 2020, 10:43:27 AM
This is possibly something new from Ruslan.
I have no idea what he is trying to show, so if someone can help with that, please do so. https://youtu.be/tZ5CYWzDO0w
not sure how to switch threads to Dally yet!
. https://youtu.be/tZ5CYWzDO0w
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 29, 2020, 06:48:23 PM
have a look at this post Nick posted yes it's in Russian but some one with should be able to figure out you can change that not sure how to switch threads to Dally yet!
. https://youtu.be/tZ5CYWzDO0w
Hey AG,
In the description, it says: Channel created by Chris Sykes
One day, one day, ppl might realise?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on August 29, 2020, 06:52:55 PM
Hey AG,
In the description, it says: Channel created by Chris Sykes
One day, one day, ppl might realise?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Yes that too and any more you can find with capion enabled!
there are 2 or more if you click on vidio's on that site.
also on another of chris's postings one of his posters posts some more info
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 29, 2020, 06:57:33 PM
Yes that too and any m,ore you can find with capion enabled!
there are 2 others if you click on vidio's on that site.
Hey AG,
Many Videos there, only about 5 with subs.
Goto Settings, subtitles, Russian, then back in again and then Auto Translate, select your language.
How did I manage to get so many of Ruslan's Videos? Some that have not been shown before else where? In this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtoL8S31Zn8 how is it I have High Res Images?
A small percentage of the Population are completely Brain Dead, cant function unless they are being told what to do. Brain Washing has done this! Ppl cant think for themselves because they have been brain washed!
Fixate on this question: In the Kapanadze's Grenade Coil, exactly what is occurring? Whats different from My Work?
That's right, nothing! Its the same basic concept! Turns Clock Wise vs Turns Counter Clock Wise and the Resonance of Magnetic Fields are exactly the same Concept!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
QuoteDirected at EMJ
Just one replication showing a true gain mechanism heretofore unknown to science would bring 10's of thousand of builds...
I asked Why you would not share ...you mentioned "human trafficking" and something unrelated to an answer ??
you make off topic posts elsewhere in topics all the time [nobody removes them even when you are taunting...
and here you have a house full of builders..and allow no measurements or questions related to measurements..??
you write of your members "not"placing bullseyes on themselves [by sharing] ...and you hand them awards here for
"aboveunity success" in a forum with "ABOVEUNITY HERE!!!" flashing neon sign....
It is simply the way of populism in my opinion.
Trump said if they gave him power he would make america great again, there would be a big beautiful wall, a booming economy, jobs and prosperity. Now your around 5 trillion more in debt given to the wealthiest people, the economy is a train wreck with record unemployment, the rule of law is in shambles and there is still no completed wall. Not to mention leading the world with over 6 million infected with Covid, 184,353 dead while trump recommends injecting people with bleach and sunlight.
We could lay blame and point fingers however in my opinion it seems pretty obvious this "populist experiment" is a complete failure. The fact remains that if what we believe is not based on facts then it simply isn't factual. I get it, it's wonderful to believe because it gives us some sense of meaning or purpose however if it can never become real then were just wasting our time.
My motto is "Do It Yourself" or rather myself and depending on other people is usually a losing proposition.
Some people work to help themselves, some people wait for others to do it for them! The latter are always the noisiest and the least productive! I don't care much for unnecessary noise! I much rather would see and help others helping themselves! In other words, Productivity!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on August 30, 2020, 04:19:58 AM
Some people work to help themselves, some people wait for others to do it for them! The latter are always the noisiest and the least productive! I don't care much for unnecessary noise! I much rather would see and help others helping themselves! In other words, Productivity!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
You make a lot of noise. "Unnecessary noise"? Good example.
Nothing unusual about "I got mine""it's all good at my house"
I hear that all the time from persons here and elsewhere !
I like to read "productivity "
How to measure?
Maybe let's start by saving lives ?
A good goal IMO
One which will sway the world our way....
Like a floodgate opening
This drip drip drip is costing lives ...the 5 or 10 year plan needs amending .
All the other benefits will follow!
How to measure productivity?
A good conversation to have on a builders topic
Chet K
QuoteSome people work to help themselves, some people wait for others to do it for them! The latter are always the noisiest and the least productive! I don't care much for unnecessary noise! I much rather would see and help others helping themselves! In other words, Productivity!
I would agree.
Donny trump is by far the noisiest drama queen president in history. He just isn't happy unless his mug is plastered across every newspaper and twittered hate at least a hundred times a day. They also say he is by far the laziest president in history always sleeping in, watching fox news all day, twittering and never reading his daily briefings. While other presidents put in the time listening to the real experts to make informed decisions donny has turned the white house into reality tv.
Which may explain why the U.S. economy and society has turned into a dumpster fire since donny took office. Meanwhile he's still claiming to be the victim and "takes no responsibility" for what has happened, wow. It makes a person appreciate how good we had it before donny showed up and became a Russian troll.
QuoteI like to read "productivity "
How to measure?
Productivity generally relates to efficiency or somethings usefulness in producing bulk goods and services. The Russians like the term "productivity" and people are treated like cattle or objects bred to produce a good or service otherwise they are discarded. Not unlike an unthinking production machine where unproductive old or worn parts are simply sent to the scrap heap.
Here we need to be careful when people start judging others based solely on there usefulness or productivity to others. Otherwise, like in Russia we could be regarded as little more than expendable biological machinery bred to work not conscious beings.
In some sense when a person asks how productive we are they are really asking what we are doing for them. How have we served them, how have we helped make there lives better generally at our expense. Personally, I know too many people who worked long hard productive lives only to say they wasted there life near the end. So when someone say's I should be more productive I generally tell them to piss off. I own my life and I will live it as I please because we only get one around 692,040 hours... use them wisely.
First we need the same goals ?
Prior to defining productivity
the goals here are outlined in the mission statement above.
"You " have made a choice ... outside of Stefan's mission statement!
Productivity towards a goal .... typically has benchmarks
When the better good is the goal ..everybody but your "populists " win .
Those who would suppress or hinder are typically not interested in being
Productive members of an open source FE Forum
Hi all,
I just posted this on a thread and it was almost immediately deleted. Since I knew that would happen, I took a screenshot.
This thread https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg549521/#new
Hi Folks,
I appreciate the honesty of Loz (Captainloz) for admitting the measurement mistake on his 'aboveunity' claim.
See his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI)
Quote from: gyulasun on August 30, 2020, 07:09:06 PM
Hi Folks,
I appreciate the honesty of Loz (Captainloz) for admitting the measurement mistake on his 'aboveunity' claim.
See his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI)
That's interesting. Thanks for posting the vid. Nice to see Mr. Loz check his measurements and then post up a correction admitting an error on his previous video. Think EMJunkie will do the same and apologize to those questioning the data and insulting them, and deleting my perfectly reasonable and civil post?
Quote from: gyulasun on August 30, 2020, 07:09:06 PM
Hi Folks,
I appreciate the honesty of Loz (Captainloz) for admitting the measurement mistake on his 'aboveunity' claim.
See his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI)
Yes, today the skeptics get their day, and currently are gloating about it. Loz followed the measurement protocols I have given him. He found the error following the Protocols I gave him. Not you guys!
Evolution is Inevitable, like it or not, either Evolve or be left behind! Some still believe Humans cant Fly! Isn't that funny!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
QuoteHi all,
I just posted this on a thread and it was almost immediately deleted. Since I knew that would happen, I took a screenshot.
This thread https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg549521/#new
This is what generally happens when we give these populist types any power. Give them an inch and they take a mile not unlike donny trump. Beyond taking more power what makes it worse is that it's often based on petty and vindictive impulses.
It works like this...
They start throwing out bs to see what sticks then they use this to convince people to give them more power or money. Once they have more power they use division to separate people into groups using a for or against mentality to gain more followers. At which point they demand 100% loyalty from there followers like a cult which allows them to manipulate there followers. If you give them enough power then as we can see it goes to there head and it quickly degenerates into a whatever bs I want to peddle is right and everything else is wrong mentality... a cult.
So it's not as if this is anything special or new and these people with mental problems have been around since the beginning of time. The best course of action is to ignore them because in every sense of the word they are drama queens. Like a child they crave attention and power because something is broken inside them. It is generally a result of abusive parents however there are many thing which can trigger this kind of behavior.
So yes, it can only get worse and the best course of action is to simply ignore the the person gaslighting everyone.
Quote from: gyulasun on August 30, 2020, 07:09:06 PM
Hi Folks,
I appreciate the honesty of Loz (Captainloz) for admitting the measurement mistake on his 'aboveunity' claim.
See his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI)
Lets not forget, girls:
Skeptics are happy when Measurement error is found, but far from happy when No Measurement Error is found! COP = 1.89 and no one could prove any different!
Quote from: tinman on September 16, 2015, 12:05:20 AM
Many here laugh at, and mok EMJ, but the fact is , he is basically right in what he is trying to put forward.
We have already shown the Technology works, as have many thousands of people before me! Denial is not my problem! I am however, very pleased you geniuses have not pointed to the fact that Captainloz's last set of measurements are completely irrelevant! Trace Data off the screen, shame on you geniuses!
See my post to Loz here (http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/captainloz-s-asymmetrical-re-gauging-experiment/?order=all#comment-d42475e7-1468-4224-b95d-ac28001538ce)... Shame girls, shame!
Happy to over look this when you get the result you want? Shame on you!!!
Evolution keeps chugging along, weather you like it or not, sorry, you cant beat facts!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
QuoteLets not forget, girls:
Forget what exactly, I saw a few amateur video's which basically showed nothing, explained nothing and justified nothing... is this a joke?.
QuoteSkeptics are happy when Measurement error is found, but far from happy when No Measurement Error is found! COP = 1.89 and no one could prove any different!
I can prove different, this is a joke and I have seen absolutely nothing which implies you have anything let alone COP>1... Prove it.
QuoteWe have already shown the Technology works, as have many thousands of people before me! Denial is not my problem! I am however, very pleased you geniuses have not pointed to the fact that Captainloz's last set of measurements are completely irrelevant! Trace Data off the screen, shame on you geniuses!
No you have not shown any technology works and your peddling more bs in my opinion... Prove it.
QuoteSee my post to Loz here... Shame girls, shame!
Happy to over look this when you get the result you want? Shame on you!!!
Evolution keeps chugging along, weather you like it or not, sorry, you cant beat facts!
Oh... here we go, the donny trump rant, lmao.
First we have the predictable degradation "Shame girls, shame!", then the superiority kicker "Happy to over look this" and then the typical spelling mistake and false claim "weather you like it or not, sorry, you cant beat facts!". All those exclamations seem kind of weak and perhaps you should try all caps like donny or is that too much?.
I don't get it, I know your an intelligent and creative person but then you keep posting this bs making yourself look stupid. To what end, why?.
QuoteI mean, the word BiPolar comes to mind? Anyone, got anything to add?
I would add that I'm not bipolar but I do reserve the right to change my mind about anything and anyone at any time.
Some people may find this absolutely unbelievable but I'm always changing my mind as I learn new things and am generally wrong about many things. I know, crazy isn't it, what the hell?... when the new norm seems to have become misinformation and doubling down.
Initially I thought people were being unnecessarily critical of you and in some sense I still do. However I also think you have brought this on yourself by being mean, vindictive and purposely gaslighting people here. You could present your case and try to justify it in a meaningful way but instead you taunt and belittle other people then get off on deleting there posts. I mean you have your own website and now moderated threads here so why the need to spam post your bs everywhere?.
Personally, I think your trying to drive traffic to your website so you can profit from it. Just like donny trump and friends, get everyone worked up, divide them, then create a cult like atmosphere which can be monetized for profit. So really you and donny are kind of like Amway without the soap, lol.
Can't blame that on trump. You were a jackass long before he became president.
QuoteCan't blame that on trump
Sure we can, in the past it used to be that these con men, hucksters, pyramid scam and infomercial people knew there place. Sure we knew they were lying through there teeth and the outcome would be questionable if not bad but it was kind of entertaining. We tolerated them and there bs because the damage was usually minimal and only a small number of "marks or dupes" as they call them were affected.
However when the U.S. fell for what is obviously bs hook, line and sinker and elected a con man as president it empowered them. Now every tom, dick and harry thinks they too can be a con man because it's gone main stream. The constant lying, cheating, doubling down, name calling and gaslighting was normalized when the U.S. elected donny trump. Now every dim wit who ever screwed others over is walking around with there chin held high because it's open season on the general public.
I think this is why there is so much civil unrest and peoples tolerance is wearing thin. It's like when the police roughed someone up and it was tolerated but now there emptying there clip into peoples back which is not only cowardly but murder in my opinion. Trump enabled this kind of Communist bs and it's on us to disable it. I will tell you what, you give trump four more years and his whole family will be the new regime and you will be living in the new Russian State of America.
So when you think he's kidding about a family dynasty, an unlimited term in office and unlimited presidential/dictator powers ... he is not. The people who left the administration said as much and he's dead serious about taking absolute power by any means. What a shit show.
onepower, your version of truth is unbelievable! So extremely see through!
Talk about blind to facts! Trump has done more good things than any other President that you '
have' supported! I guess you prefer George Bush? You are so unbelievably brain washed its laughable!
Q did say 4-6% can not be helped!
Who funds Antifa? Yes Democrats and those Democrat Supporters, George Soros: George Soros gave Black Lives Matter and Antifa over $100 Million dollars (https://www.newsbreak.com/district-of-columbia/washington/news/1583520112758/george-soros-gave-black-lives-matter-and-antifa-over-100-million-dollars), tons of Liar Sites are paid to say otherwise! US Riots are the product of Democrat Interference!
In June 2015, he donated $1 million to the Super PAC Priorities USA Action, which supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential race. He donated $6 million to the PAC in December 2015 and $2.5 million in August 2016. Soros launched a new super PAC called Democracy PAC for the 2020 election cycle.
Beware Democrat Supporters, seems to be a clan of Pedophiles, see this link: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61646, the links to the Epstein case is getting worse and worse for many evil people!
All of them are Criminals and need to go directly to Gitmo with no chance of Freedom ever again! By the way, have you heard about the massive upgrades in the Gitmo Facility? Torture Chambers, massive number of new Chains and Cells, and new Red Onesies!
Trump is saving Kids being shipped in Containers to the Pedophiles, guess who they are? Guess where they come from? Guess who is responsible for luring them into the Containers?
So many people are now Awake, some choose not to be! Who knows maybe they are the
160 thousand Sealed Indictments? https://bad-boys.us/?map=all/sd/sealed/state/total2/total3
A massive number of Criminals are about to be locked away for Life! Lets see who dissapears from this board in the next few months? This will tell all!
Baphomet Lovers get ready for Gitmo!!! Your'e going to LOVE IT!!!
The WAR on Satanism, and God WINS! (https://qmap.pub/?css=dark) Educate: OUT OF SHADOWS OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wxKShBkwj4), Fallen ExAngels are not Gods!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quoteonepower, your version of truth is unbelievable! So extremely see through!
Talk about blind to facts! Trump has done more good things than any other President that you 'have' supported! I guess you prefer George Bush? You are so unbelievably brain washed its laughable!
I suspected you were a hard core populist based on your attitude and what was said.
QuoteQ did say 4-6% can not be helped!
Who funds Antifa? Yes Democrats and those Democrat Supporters, George Soros: George Soros gave Black Lives Matter and Antifa over $100 Million dollars, tons of Liar Sites are paid to say otherwise! US Riots are the product of Democrat Interference!
Do you know what Antifa is?, I'm guessing not. https://www.adl.org/resources/backgrounders/who-are-antifa
Antifa is an anti-fascist protest movement, Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultra-nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy. So it stands to reason that people who believe in real Democracy would be against Fascism and Communism. Given, there are some far left radicals in the group however that does not change there mission statement against Fascism/Communism.
So when you say your against Antifa your basically implying your against democracy and agree with dictators, Communism, white supremacy and Nazi's. Are you a Communist Chris?.
Q or Qanon also has an interesting background...https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/how-three-conspiracy-theorists-took-q-sparked-qanon-n900531
Three conspiracy nut jobs basically created a far right ultra-nationalist movement based on lies to get rich, lmao. It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?. A few half wits possibly Russian trolls spam the internet with conspiracy theories for profit and every disgruntled far right nut job buys into it hook, line and sinker?, unbelievable.
QuoteBeware Democrat Supporters, seems to be a clan of Pedophiles, see this link: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=61646, the links to the Epstein case is getting worse and worse for many evil people!
All of them are Criminals and need to go directly to Gitmo with no chance of Freedom ever again! By the way, have you heard about the massive upgrades in the Gitmo Facility? Torture Chambers, massive number of new Chains and Cells, and new Red Onesies!
So you believe all Democrats are criminals and need to go directly to Gitmo with no chance of Freedom ever again. You would imprison them based solely on there political beliefs?. Then you throw in "torture chambers" implying they should also be tortured for no other reason than what they believe. Based on what you have said I can only suspect you are a Communist because that's exactly how Russia and China operate.
So you seem to be implying you would cherry pick a family, mother, father and children off the street, send them to prison for life and torture them for no other reason than they believe in democracy as Democrats?. In my opinion you have mental problems I cannot even begin to understand my friend, you need help and I suggest you seek some. That much hate and contempt for others is just beyond me and I could never wish that on anyone including you.
I would also point out your claims directly contradict your supposed belief in God and his words. Does love thy neighbor ring a bell?, where you seem to be suggesting we should throw them in prison for life and torture them if there a democrat. I think your lying and you don't really believe in God, you could never believe and say the things you have.
So, this is how things looks like on aboveunity.com?
You pulse coil from source with max 50% duty,
so, in start you cut the power of source in half.
Now, with 50% of source power you have to make 200% output just to be equal to power of source.
You claim cop 1.8 which is 180%, so you did not even equal to source power.
Let me quess, you have a lots of problems when you try to loop device?
It wont selfrun?
The best thing is that you and your minions does not have a clue about reactive power.
Reading the posts on aboveunity.com can only amaze me how your minions are shallow with knowledge.
Total disaster.
Right Seychelles,
EmJunkie gathered bunch of morons around himself,
which he can control easily.
The smart ones are declared as trolls and cast away from his kingdom aboveunity.com.
The minions are good as long they donate.
If they are smart, he losses income plus!
I was talking to WhatIsIt this morning about this, and is obvious that the things are just as I said.
All electrical circuits see only power.
Voltage and amps are variables in that.
You can play with variables and make efficient circuit,
but you will never fool POWER!
Transformer sees only input and output power,
voltage and current are only variables in time domain which make power happens.
Chris can fool himself, playing with variables, but power has its own rules,
which he can not fooled!
Chris or EmJunkie must keep his minions stupid to gain some extra money.
He can not allow smart people to be in his vicinity,
because they will saw through him very fast.
Lots of his minions does not have a clue about reactive power,
and everytime their source spend less is miracle for them,
while they dont realize they use reactive components,
and their achivements comes from this simple thing.
He gave them badge to remain stupid.
Total disaster!
Well said.
Chris is using this forum to reroute traffic to his forum and achive overunity of donations.
I dont have anything against that.
That is hunger for extra money and is ok with me.
But it hurts me what he does to that stupid monkeys he calls minions.
They are bunch of peasants, without knowledge.
It hurts what he does to those folks.
It is shame.
Those people wants to do something and Chris is using them as morons,
milking donations.
I can not understand those people.
He is milking their money giving them bag of crap?
How stupid they must be?
Is this for real?
I can not imagine people that stupid.
Sorry I cant!
This is rant room and this is true rant.
Cnris EmJunkie,
You constantly delete my posts because you are affraid.
Thats ok with me, you can not delete rant room posts.
Recently you attacked OnePower because he has brain and he thinks.
Your numbers are correct. Only 25% of people are still believe in you, while other 75% thinks , you can presume what?
I was watching your videos, I think they are totally crap,
but that is not the point.
I knew they will show nothing, and I was looking for something else.
You know, people say that shoes and hands are mirror of person itself.
You have hands full of scars and dirt under your fingernails,
which is sign of hard work. I do hard work too.
So, you were tired of that hard work and thought, can you milk some money from ignorant peasants?
When you come back, you posted that you know what exactly you will do here,
I can not forget that post, probably which will be deleted soon, so no evidence can exists.
Now I know why you said that. It is not mystery anymore. You liked milking your members for money. Obvious.
But, you have to promise them some crap to hold them.
That was not easy. So you come here. To make mystery which will fuel them and maybe any new member who is stupid enough.
I presume your members know how to read and they read all of this.
So, let them decide what you are doing to them.
Present here your device, and my friend Mr Gear will conduct your device and measure it with state of the art equipment.
To prove to your members that you are what you are!
Prove to your members that you are their god.
Best wishes Mr Junkie.
Or by deniying this prove to them they are just peasants for milikng money.
It is up to you. Mr Sykes.
But beware,
You can play with variables, but you will not fool the power.
It was a pitfall for many of us, me included.
The circuit of Mr Sykes was already been tested.
If something interesting new stuff emerge, I will look into it, it is my job to do it.
Qoute from Mr Sykes
I have thick Skin, it doesn't phase me, actually all this publicity is something one just cant buy
End qoute
Because I can not post on your thread, you delete everything under my nickname. I post here.
You have thick skin, which is obvious.
And publicity you can not buy, but can achieve here on overunity.com because we are all sheeps and you are using this site to promote yours.
It is so obvious.
But, lets forget your atempts to make money ans publicity,
do you have anything to offer?
Forget about your videos and commercials, they are useless to this site.
Have you anything for real?
Or, you will milking your members for money forever?
Qoute from Mr Sykes
More people report Successful results by replicating my work than any other! I mean so many people are getting results, and some really good results,
End qoute
Well, you see, here is the problem.
I dont trust most of the unknown people.
I trust the one with high tech gear , and his word is: bust!
You should pay attention to power measurements.
Source power and output power. Everything else is play with variables.
Stay well and good luck in milking your members for money.
Quote from Emjunkie
I do not plan to show my hand, others are doing this for me!
End quote
You never planned to show anything.
And you use that poor researchers for your goals.
You are waiting for others to invent the thing for you,
and then you will erase posts of that person and claim the thing as yours.
Bifilar coil has its secrets, but is not your invention.
If we all going to regret, and you alone will be king,
Will you miss me?
Trash motherfucker!!
I see sour Grapes!
Three Videos:
Quote from: EMJunkie on April 23, 2020, 06:52:38 PM
My Friends,
I started Partnered Output Coils - Free Energy (https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/) back in January 2015. It was a success and Partnered Output Coils is now part of every serious Experiment today!
While some struggle, others report great success.
The biggest problem we had was, we could have done the release and Introduction with several hundred less pages on Stefan's Forum! Far too many trouble makers! Yes I could have handled myself a little better, but when one gets Attacked all the time, one tends to get a little defensive.
We Introduce: Partnered Output Coils - Builders Group
Chet ( Ramset ) and I are the moderators. There will be opposition, there will be some that don't like being moderated, we will be fair, we will only moderate what we need to! We aim to keep the Trouble makers out and the Motivation High!
No one is twisting your Arm, you join in and participate if you want to! This is your Choice! If your not participating, then please refrain from posting. We want those that have experience posting and all here to help each other.
1: Off Topic Posts will be deleted!
2: Posts containing Harassment will be deleted!
3: Slanderous Posts will be deleted!
I urge all interested parties, Gear Up, we are gonna break new ground! I will do the best I can to help others here! My Team must always come first however, but I am serious, I want every human being on the planet to have the opportunity to learn something amazing and simple!
1: Input Coil - 10% Duty Cycle starting at about 3 Volts into 25 turns 1.2mm Wire.
2: Secondary Coil - 70 - 200 Turns 0.8mm wire - Opposes the Primary, use the Right Hand Grip Rule.
3: Tertiary Coil - 70 - 200 Turns 0.8mm wire - Opposes the Secondary Coil, Assists the Primary Coil, use the Right Hand Grip Rule.
Make sure you have nice clean switching on your Input Coil. You need a Voltage Source that you can turn up, this is important to see the effects.
I have coined a term: Delayed Conduction (http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/delayed-conduction-in-bucking-coils/), I have many hundreds of very detailed articles on my Forum: http://www.aboveunity.com, please use the pages there for reference! Please use: Builders Guide to Aboveunity Machines (http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/builders-guide-to-aboveunity-machines/) for extra help!
Remember: Greater than 90% of the time, your Input is Off, this means your Output should be Off, there is no way for your Output to be On is there - Well yes, this is where Science has no proper explanation for whats occurring! One of many gaping holes in Electromagnetics! Let me tell you something very important:
1: The Change in Magnetic Field Creates a Voltage!
2: The Opposition of Magnetic Fields Pumps Current!
3: The term Magnetic Fields is Interchangeable with Current, as a Current is the same thing / Creates a Magnetic Field!
Your Coils must be Loaded at all times, or this will not work! It is advantageous to think: Action, Reaction and Counter-Reaction!
We have a Historical Record to support Asymmetrical Regauging, as long as one can get the Potential, Voltage sufficiently high enough: I = V / R, then your machines will produce: Above Unity Results!
Don Smith:
The MEG Team:
Quote from: tinman on June 25, 2015, 08:25:39 AM
What-you mean like the below scope shot's?
First scope shot before the diode.
Second scope shot after the diode,and large cap removed.
EDIT: Below, see Before and after Diode.
Graham Gunderson:
I have done a video series, to try to explain Partnered Output Coils, the effects, what to look for, how to solve problems and how to make the Coils Act and React together in an advantageous way!
1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUemDvugl4I
2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LtTerstCxU
3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWlLiiIyUOw
4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5RoEnmDrR4
5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTr6dxD61uw
6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFIgo7pj9bY
7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFo4dOW4UU
8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUaLp0E2L3s
9: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs_e_aU5loc
10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdwNiaEuUrg
11: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRduG2PNIgk
The Sawtooth Wave Form (http://www.aboveunity.com/thread/the-sawtooth-waveform/) is the defining Energy "Generation" Waveform! Please, always keep this in mind! Think in terms of Energy "Generation"!
You need to think in terms of Symmetry vs Asymmetry! A Symmetrical System can Never Go Above Unity! Your System needs to be Asymmetrical, this is a requirement to be able to "Generate" excess energy beyond the Unity Boundary! Its worth Bench-Marking your machine in Transformer mode, making sure you have around 80% Efficiency at least. Then anything above the 80% mark you can verify, has entered the System beyond the Benchmark value!
As I have shown for many years, Partnered Output Coils must oppose, must Buck each other, there is a specific Polarity to this and the polarity needs to be right. Then you need to focus on the "Generation" Phase, and maximise that phase, remember: I = V / R, Ohms Law. Keep in the back of your head, nearly all the Energy "Generation" Phase is done when your Input is OFF! Thus the short Duty Cycle.
NOTE: Your Machine Pumps Current for almost 100% of the Cycle, but your Input is only on around 10%, or less, so > 90% of the Cycle, you have Energy Output, Energy Output when your Input is OFF, this is significant!
If you only take one thing from what I have posted, please take the following sentence:
Its all just an Understanding, think Asymmetry, forget Symmetry. The Magic happens when you break Symmetry! Action, Reaction and Counter-Reaction!
I hope we get a good response from everyone! Good intentions bring forth Good Intentions, but also brings not so good Intentions, thus why we will Moderate. Please think twice before posting.
Please Remember: This is a Builders Group, if you are not building, then if you can make sure you only post useful, serious discussion, you think that would be helpful for others!
I would like to personally Invite Tinman to join us, that is if he wishes.
Best wishes, stay safe and well,
Chris Sykes
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Mr Gear already tested your claim.
You want to know results?
From your scheme is visible that you are not using bifilar coil!
And you claim Kapanadze grenade as your achievement?
Very odd.
What else?
Quote from: color on September 03, 2020, 05:02:47 PM
Trash motherfucker!!
I am starting to like you Mr Color,
Your english is better and better.
You see that english has its own advantages, everyone understand it imidiatelly.
Such a nice and easy language to learn, and you can express your feelings with only few words.
Does not matter to whom is designated, the answer came in matter of seconds.
Quote from emjunkie
Ramset, why do you get so upset when I refer to other Independent Replications?
End quote
Probably because you dont have your own invention,
and you refer to other people achivements as your own!
That upsets researchers.
You play a pocker game because you dont need to show your cards,
I rather prefer chess, where everyone can see moves on board.
And you caught yourself in situation where you must bluff till the end.
It is not nice situation when you are in the corner,
and you are forced to bluff,
forced by yourself!
Bluff to the whole world.
It was better that you choosed chess.
"Your chinese or korean glyphs symbols are obsolete.
In 20 years from now nobody will even pay attention to that.
It is broken language of past.
Nobody will use it in future.
As any useless complicated language it has no future.
And the messangers. They are nobody and nothing as any people without its own identity or opinion."
"I dont trust most of the unknown people.
I trust the one with high tech gear , and his word is: bust!"
"But it hurts me what he does to that stupid monkeys he calls minions.
They are bunch of peasants, without knowledge."
"EmJunkie gathered bunch of morons around himself,
which he can control easily......The minions are good as long they donate....Lots of his minions does not have a clue about reactive power"
"It hurts what he does to those folks........I presume your members know how to read and they read all of this.
So, let them decide what you are doing to them"
Here is the superior man. By setting an example, you will bring peace to the world. See a miracle.
All you quoted, I still think the same.
To learn 6000 or 9000 glyphs are obsolete.
It is not only my opinion. Lots of people think that.
Even my chinese friend think that glyphs are obsolete, and he learned english.
It is nice that you protecting your friend.
And I respect researchers.
Your friend Chris is harassing people here via pm, posts.
He did not making any experiments and pages are piling.
He often claims other researchers achievements, even when principles are different than his bucking coils.
He is using thread here to advertise his web site, which is not ok.
And on, and on.
If you are grown person, you should call your friend Chris and tell him that those things are not right.
But instead you choose to be good soldier and protect him by all means,
because you have a need to prove yourself in front of him?
You are researcher which I respect,
but you are also only servant or minion which you proved with your post.
Be grown and try to reason your master,
then I will think differently about you.
Because your mind can not grasp all those truths, I write this post.
Sit down and think for a while and try to see both sides,
otherwise, you will remain servant forever.
This site as a whole is a shambles kayos in fact, its worse than the face book my kids are on !
encase you haven't noticed this is a zero point information sharing site.
Then, why you are posting here?
You can go to aboveunity.com and post there,
where they share same thing over last 5 or 6 years.
Actually they share nothing new, like a broken record,
over and over the same thing.
Bucking coil is free energy and thats it.
You can also be part of that kind of sharing.
Just use copy and paste like Chris and you will be part
of their all sharing society.
What stops you AG?
Until now you probably realized that you wont get FE device on a plate,
ready for use.
If you want device, you will have to invent it by yourself.
Forum is of great use to observe ideas and which experiments failed,
so you can narrow the search.
Which can be of great help.
You also are lone wolf, not willing to work in group.
But you expect others to do differently?
If the bucking coils produce large currents and magnetic fields in the coils that fight each other, then could a motor be built into the system so that the system could produce mechanical power along with the electrical power production? The magnet in the motor would have to rotate at the resonate speed of the frequency of the bucking coils. But can the bucking coils be designed to operate at a lower speed that the magnet cn rotate at that speed? It just seems to me that if you have opposing magnetic fields, that this could be used to operate mechanical movement somewhere in the system at the same time as performing the electrical energy? I like to read peoples comments.
The Lunkster
QuoteThis site as a whole is a shambles kayos in fact, its worse than the face book my kids are on !
encase you haven't noticed this is a zero point information sharing site.
This is a Free Energy forum and this thread is the rant room for off topic content.
Unfortunately there are more people here probably being paid to disrupt the conversation than not. Many seem to have Russian or Eastern European accents spam posting nonsense to disrupt the topics. Others are just gaslighting people hoping to make some money from gullible people.
Yes it's turned into a joke.
Quote from: WhatIsIt on September 04, 2020, 09:02:32 AM
Until now you probably realized that you wont get FE device on a plate,
ready for use.
If you want device, you will have to invent it by yourself.
Forum is of great use to observe ideas and which experiments failed,
so you can narrow the search.
Which can be of great help.
You also are lone wolf, not willing to work in group.
But you expect others to do differently?
Thanks but I don't need advice on FE or groups I'm an experimenter I don't produce things and i don't accept tails of bull shit
if Z Point is illegal in your country your at risk unless you stick to the rules and play the game.
This doesn't look good...
Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are 'Losers' and 'Suckers'
QuoteWhen President Donald Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018, he blamed rain for the last-minute decision, saying that "the helicopter couldn't fly" and that the Secret Service wouldn't drive him there. Neither claim was true.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, "Why should I go to that cemetery? It's filled with losers." In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as "suckers" for getting killed.
Quote from: Lunkster on September 04, 2020, 11:39:21 AM
If the bucking coils produce large currents and magnetic fields in the coils that fight each other, then could a motor be built into the system so that the system could produce mechanical power along with the electrical power production? The magnet in the motor would have to rotate at the resonate speed of the frequency of the bucking coils. But can the bucking coils be designed to operate at a lower speed that the magnet cn rotate at that speed? It just seems to me that if you have opposing magnetic fields, that this could be used to operate mechanical movement somewhere in the system at the same time as performing the electrical energy? I like to read peoples comments.
The Lunkster
You should post on thread partnered output coils.
Owner of thread is expert in bucking coils for 10 years now.
He has solid state version of your device.
He will be very glad because it looks to me that your device is identical to his,
and his device is cop 1.7 or maybe selfrunner, I am not sure.
Because it is so advanced there is lots of secrecy involved, so details are not revealed.
Your device looks promising just as his.
He will explain everything to you.
Quote from emjunkie
Dumb people just get Dumber
End quote
How do you measure how much dumber? By looking in the mirror?
I hope not with same method as you measure your experiments.
And to what people (plural) are you refering to?
Member Lunkster has device to show to you,
so you can assist him with your expertise in bucking coils area.
You both working on bucking coils and you needed researcher,
at least that is what you told to Chet!
So, if you are serious about your proposal, you can work on Lunkster device.
If you have a time? It would be nice to help member.
Quote from: Lunkster on September 04, 2020, 11:39:21 AM
If the bucking coils produce large currents and magnetic fields in the coils that fight each other, then could a motor be built into the system so that the system could produce mechanical power along with the electrical power production? The magnet in the motor would have to rotate at the resonate speed of the frequency of the bucking coils. But can the bucking coils be designed to operate at a lower speed that the magnet cn rotate at that speed? It just seems to me that if you have opposing magnetic fields, that this could be used to operate mechanical movement somewhere in the system at the same time as performing the electrical energy? I like to read peoples comments.
The Lunkster
I asked member emjunie from thread partnered output coils to help you
with his solid state version of bucking coils.
Here is his schematic which is advanced version of less advanced version from before 5 or 6 years.
Both versions are very similar, but this one is very advanced because he is been
developing that for almost 6 years with help of many of his researchers.
I think they placed diodes on old version and made this one so much advanced.
And all of that in only 6 years, maybe more, but rouggly 6.
He is planning new version, but is secret for now.
For everything about bucking coils you can ask member emjunkie,
he can help you to turn rotor on your motor with bucking coils.
Quote from: Lunkster on September 04, 2020, 11:39:21 AM
If the bucking coils produce large currents and magnetic fields in the coils that fight each other, then could a motor be built into the system so that the system could produce mechanical power along with the electrical power production? The magnet in the motor would have to rotate at the resonate speed of the frequency of the bucking coils. But can the bucking coils be designed to operate at a lower speed that the magnet cn rotate at that speed? It just seems to me that if you have opposing magnetic fields, that this could be used to operate mechanical movement somewhere in the system at the same time as performing the electrical energy? I like to read peoples comments.
The Lunkster
Why don't you replace the rotor with a coil so to see for yourself what is your chances to do it!
Obviously you need a delay of current in one of your coils. This can be also done at any frequency you like. And if you comprehend the idea then your rotor will not load the input power even if you force it to stop rotating.
Many people can say same for you.
You got thread to perform experiment which researchers can follow.
You are advertising your web site here.
You copy and paste same text over and over.
You are pointing to other members work as your own.
And about your pm to members I even dont want to talk.
So, are you here to troll and destroy?
While rerouting visitors to your web site.
You are doing exactly what you accusing others.
Start a experiment from zero, so anyone can follow,
and nobody will say a word against you.
Do what you said you will.
Dont use this forum for advertising!
If you dont want to start your experiment from zero and step by step show
and teach,
It is very clear that your intentions are something completly different.
Advertising your web site and trolling to push as many people you can
on your web site.
But that is not ok and is very wrong!
Quote from: Lunkster on September 04, 2020, 11:39:21 AM
If the bucking coils produce large currents and magnetic fields in the coils that fight each other, then could a motor be built into the system so that the system could produce mechanical power along with the electrical power production? The magnet in the motor would have to rotate at the resonate speed of the frequency of the bucking coils. But can the bucking coils be designed to operate at a lower speed that the magnet cn rotate at that speed? It just seems to me that if you have opposing magnetic fields, that this could be used to operate mechanical movement somewhere in the system at the same time as performing the electrical energy? I like to read peoples comments.
The Lunkster
Quote from: Jeg on September 05, 2020, 08:57:11 AM
Why don't you replace the rotor with a coil so to see for yourself what is your chances to do it!
Obviously you need a delay of current in one of your coils. This can be also done at any frequency you like. And if you comprehend the idea then your rotor will not load the input power even if you force it to stop rotating.
@Lunkster, Great work, ignore the
Time Wasters! See patent: US4806834A (https://patents.google.com/patent/US4806834A/en)
Don't let "No-Body's" with nothing of value, guide you! Follow your Gut! Ignore Trolls! If this forum could moderate the Trouble Makers out, it would be so much more useful!
Jeg is right. Many things to investigate here!
Action, Reaction and Counter-Reaction!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 05, 2020, 06:15:39 PM
If this forum could moderate the Trouble Makers out, it would be so much more useful!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
It is already useful to you!
And without anyone to oppose you, advertising your web site and milking bussines will flourish!
If you wanted to disclose, you did not have to come here,
you could do that on your web site.
You come here to destroy this forum which rejected you,
and steal trafic to your web site.
That would be victory for you?
And you are doing just that.
About your disclosing!
Everyone can see till now that disclosing is a joke!
Maybe the reason for rejecting H tech is that everyone realized,
if they make solid state FE, you dont need H tech.
With solid state FE you can have H as much as you want.
I doubt that anywhere you will find interested party in H tech anymore,
Chris site or anywhere else.
You do what you want. Me personaly H tech is not of any interest.
Solid state is.
H is part of past. Move to another tech.
I presume that you invested time and effort.
Sometimes does not pay back.
It is shame, but that is what it is.
You dont have to expose as you said traitors.
You are refering to me.
And I am here, I am not running away.
Even that you know that I am right about H tech,
you lied to H2OPower , just to get one more victim for milking.
At least I told truth.
And you lied to fool another person.
Your intentions are more than clear. Now more than ever.
You lie to those people to gain their trust, pretend to be friend.
You lied to me, at first I belived you.
You lied to Chet and pretended as friend, until you got your thread, and then banned him,
accusing him as enemy.
You lied to everyone, promised project, revolution in FE.
Now you have cooy paste thread, wher you are offering membership on your web site.
And all that for your personal gain.
But, promised project we will never saw.
And I am traitor?
Quote from EMJ... If this forum could moderate the Trouble Makers out, it would be so much more useful!
That is an interesting concept, so what defines a "trouble maker"?, asking questions, being critical of other idea's and concepts?.
It would seem to me that all the most successful inventors in history questioned everything and EMJ said we should question everything but now he is suggesting that anyone who questions him or his beliefs are "trouble makers" and should be moderated ergo silenced. Strange isn't it, to suggest we should all be more open minded unless we question him in which case were close minded and trouble makers, lol.
It sounds like Socialism or Communism in my opinion. As if to say it's great to have an opinion so long as it's the same as mine otherwise you should be silenced. Adolf Hitler, Stalin and Putin would agree however no rational, open minded person should. I don't think EMJ is a communist rather just another self entitled a$$hole looking for gullible patrons to donate money. I thought it was obvious however some don't so I would simply call it a difference in opinion.
The neat part is we have seen these kinds of people come and go like the wind and all we have to do is wait because time is always on our side. They always self-destruct and it's basically a waiting game. It's kind of sad in a way, seeing them do this to themselves and already knowing the outcome. Yes, it's just sad.
#520 : Earl Koenig www.padrak.com/ine/KOENIG.html
Power input savings : zero But : probably wiring material savings
Mirror Image Symmetry versus Standard Winding
5VDC x Amperage / Gauss( magnetic force field) and force(in grams)
I like you because you are actually using your brain.
You like to think which is something I value the most, no matter if you right or wrong.
In this case trouble maker is me ! Nobody else.
He already banned Chet, which leaving me as only trouble maker here.
Am I doing trouble to you?
I am doing trouble only to Chris,
because his plan, intention is not going smoothly because of me.
He is doing what he planned, but I am revealing more than Chris wants to be seen.
And for him that is obstacle which he intends to remove.
I opposed him only because some members asked me to help reveal what he is
actually doing.
I never intented to win something.
In the beggining we all hoped that he changed, and he will achieve his promise.
At the end he is achieving, but something else, which has nothing to do with that promise.
It is to obvious what he is doing here.
There is no doubt anymore.
If the trouble maker is removed,
you can expect commercials of his web site all over the place,
and offering membership on aboveunity.com all over the threads.
He will jumping on every member promoting his ideas instead.
And it will become unpleasant very quickly.
Many people here know Chris from before,
and tasted what I said.
It is not something new.
New is that this time members believed that he changed.
QuoteI like you because you are actually using your brain.
You like to think which is something I value the most, no matter if you right or wrong.
In this case trouble maker is me ! Nobody else.
He already banned Chet, which leaving me as only trouble maker here.
This is not entirely true and I'm also a trouble maker and was banned as well I believe. If I remember right I was thankful I was banned because it was just an endless shit show and I should have known better to just walk away... thus I learned something in the process. Ergo pick your fights that matter.
QuoteAm I doing trouble to you?
I am doing trouble only to Chris,
because his plan, intention is not going smoothly because of me.
He is doing what he planned, but I am revealing more than Chris wants to be seen.
And for him that is obstacle which he intends to remove.
No, to be honest I think it's cool your antagonistic and question everything, so am I.
QuoteI opposed him only because some members asked me to help reveal what he is
actually doing.
I never intented to win something.
It's cool however we should not let our indifference become so great that we become what others want us to be which is indifferent. Let it go, find your own path forward despite everyone. There is a lesson here in my opinion, If we lower ourselves to that level we do no service to ourselves, we should be better and rise above it if we are truly better. Better is not an appropriate word because I am no better than EMJ or anyone in any sense of that word. Do you understand?, we disagree, and most people often disagree... it's not a big deal.
very LOUD fisherman
here somehow in FE world... somewhere along the line... it became OK to Hide technologies or sell them in secret books [ Bedini since 30 plus years ?]or only in Elite groups ?
seems Open source works everywhere on Planet earth [air sun water etc etc]...except FE ...[even tho the sun gives us open source KW + per Square meter..
Persons who tried to replicate Chris work were tormented here and called names for asking for help ....or MIB when they could not find same results...and here Chris work has been rebooted again...after nobody could show his original claim from 5-6 years ago.. simple solid state 1.7 COP Aboveunity...not one is written here as a replication for all to build...then it seems he shifted to calling other things
as replications ... got away somehow from original solid state cheap to build and experiment 1.7 claim and calls complex rotary thingy's replications of COP 1.7 solid state unreplicated claim here [rotary thingys of unknown driving mechanism and not long working]
so Chris no longer allows measurements...and points to ...I guess glowing bulbs as Rock solid proof ??
IMO would be better to ask for help...than remove people ...
he had whole list of persons he refused to allow to participate [open ended list
Perhaps we try again from beginning?.. simple solid state [I believe he wrote 10 dollars worth of partsand 1/2 hour to build at the time...I cannot remember might have been a bit longer ?
COP 1.7 is truly miracle from such a device [and MANY MANY MANY tried and failed [maybe few more many's...]
here in this community we need all the help we can get...
We need a teacher.. some compassion for the barriers in an international
Multi lingual forum
Taunting those who fail and calling names?
We need a true teacher !!
perhaps a clean slate ...less laughing and name calling...perhaps we actually believe it will help our planet ?and its not just some power game here with Ego's and "smartest and Dumbest and other children's games?
COP 1.7 aboveunity solid state claim ??
at the time was like FE -P.orn ...begging for attention of whole world...yet I can not find claim anymore ?
can anybody please post original COP 1.7 PDF from 5-6 years ago or send to me [I have asked but not received]
fresh start ...best path forward...we have a builders topic with no trolls and such allowed [for months and months now...not a word or period can be written out of place there !
never mind other guys complicated stuff
start with COP 1.7 solid state device .
sincerely Chet K
As requested
Why do people have to build so many overunity devices and not close loop them. If their devices are in deed over unity, then have the output feed the input. This would be proof that it is truely over unity, Sorry to say even this is not true for all of the devices on the web driven by hidden power sources. You can not believe what you see anymore.
The Lunkster
In stead of a rant, I want to thank everyone for all the comments. I am older than most of you and have thick skin. Yes I place too many idea's in the wrong places and I do need to be corrected. This old dog can learn new tricks. I have learned to much from the links and comments and responses to me. Let's say that I proceeded with the bucking coil motor idea and after spending a lot of time and money, I found out someone has already has a patent on it. How sad that would be. So overunity,com saves me both time and money,
So staying true to this thread, My rant in too much ranting and not enough helping!
The Lunkster
Patents ? Around here they are research tools...a true FE device [that actually works] has never been open sourced..
patented or otherwise !!
thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Chet K
Quote from: ramset on September 06, 2020, 11:26:11 AM
very LOUD fisherman
here somehow in FE world... somewhere along the line... it became OK to Hide technologies or sell them in secret books [ Bedini since 30 plus years ?]or only in Elite groups ?
seems Open source works everywhere on Planet earth [air sun water etc etc]...except FE ...[even tho the sun gives us open source KW + per Square meter..
Persons who tried to replicate Chris work were tormented here and called names for asking for help ....or MIB when they could not find same results...and here Chris work has been rebooted again...after nobody could show his original claim from 5-6 years ago.. simple solid state 1.7 COP Aboveunity...not one is written here as a replication for all to build...then it seems he shifted to calling other things
as replications ... got away somehow from original solid state cheap to build and experiment 1.7 claim and calls complex rotary thingy's replications of COP 1.7 solid state unreplicated claim here [rotary thingys of unknown driving mechanism and not long working]
so Chris no longer allows measurements...and points to ...I guess glowing bulbs as Rock solid proof ??
IMO would be better to ask for help...than remove people ...
he had whole list of persons he refused to allow to participate [open ended list
Perhaps we try again from beginning?.. simple solid state [I believe he wrote 10 dollars worth of partsand 1/2 hour to build at the time...I cannot remember might have been a bit longer ?
COP 1.7 is truly miracle from such a device [and MANY MANY MANY tried and failed [maybe few more many's...]
here in this community we need all the help we can get...
We need a teacher.. some compassion for the barriers in an international
Multi lingual forum
Taunting those who fail and calling names?
We need a true teacher !!
perhaps a clean slate ...less laughing and name calling...perhaps we actually believe it will help our planet ?and its not just some power game here with Ego's and "smartest and Dumbest and other children's games?
COP 1.7 aboveunity solid state claim ??
at the time was like FE -P.orn ...begging for attention of whole world...yet I can not find claim anymore ?
can anybody please post original COP 1.7 PDF from 5-6 years ago or send to me [I have asked but not received]
fresh start ...best path forward...we have a builders topic with no trolls and such allowed [for months and months now...not a word or period can be written out of place there !
never mind other guys complicated stuff
start with COP 1.7 solid state device .
sincerely Chet K
Much better than
COP = 1.7 is achievable! Tinman got
Only one experiment shared on the forum, it proves me to be correct:
Quote from: tinman on September 16, 2015, 12:05:20 AM
Many here laugh at, and mok EMJ, but the fact is , he is basically right in what he is trying to put forward.
We saw three Videos:
It is so simple, and no one here will do the Experiment! How SAD!!! That's a total contradiction to Stefan's Mission Statement! All of you are guilty of!
Perhaps, skeptics and those that spread, knowingly, PROPAGANDA, are now visible to all readers for what they are!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 06, 2020, 04:34:04 PM
Much better than COP = 1.7 is achievable! Tinman got COP = 1.89, HOW COINCIDENTAL!!!
Only one experiment shared on the forum, it proves me to be correct:
We saw three Videos:
It is so simple, and no one here will do the Experiment! How SAD!!! That's a total contradiction to Stefan's Mission Statement! All of you are guilty of!
Perhaps, skeptics and those that spread, knowingly, PROPAGANDA, are now visible to all readers for what they are!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Why don't you replicate tinman's 1.89 experiment? Why can't anyone else replicate it, including tinman himself? Maybe it was just an anomaly, or bad instrument, or a one-time miracle, but certainly isn't proof of anything you say. Why don't you take your 1.7 method, loop it, do some useful, verifiable work with it while using zero input power and no onboard energy storage? I know, because you can't. That's why you try and try and keep trying to get someone else to do it. So then, you can actually have something successful to claim as your own. Right now, all you have are empty claims.
Observation of provided images, is clearly, not some peoples strong point, sadly, and predictably!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on September 06, 2020, 05:50:36 PM
Observation of provided images, is clearly, not some peoples strong point, sadly, and predictably!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
Are you claiming that you posted an image of a self running device doing useful work while using no input power or stored energy?
#531 :Partnered Output Coils- Free Energy #11 , January 16,2015
" ... for no more than $20 -....."
Quote from: WhatIsIt on September 05, 2020, 07:58:35 PM
Maybe the reason for rejecting H tech is that everyone realized,
if they make solid state FE, you dont need H tech.
With solid state FE you can have H as much as you want.
I doubt that anywhere you will find interested party in H tech anymore,
Chris site or anywhere else.
You do what you want. Me personaly H tech is not of any interest.
Solid state is.
H is part of past. Move to another tech.
I presume that you invested time and effort.
Sometimes does not pay back.
It is shame, but that is what it is.
At least you told him truth.
Chris used him pretending to be friend and then dump him as trash,
qouting you.
#532 : Lunkster,you are researcher,are you not ?
With book(-let) publication,is it not ?
actio inertia and reactio inertia : how to resolve !?
Sincerely and a successful week wishing
Hey Chris,
You are scumbag, and you should not breathe the air.
Stop with your sick games!
QuoteAre you claiming that you posted an image of a self running device doing useful work while using no input power or stored energy?
You may have noticed that EMJ just keeps copying and pasting the same old shtick over and over when questioned. Oh, look at the shiny light, there's your proof, can you send money, lol.
The play ground fills with Juveniles, and nothing of any sensible, logical form, can be obtained as a result!
Stefan's mission statement is not being upheld and effectively Forum Rules are being broken! People here are so predictable! Moderation would result in the ban of all Juveniles! Then progress could be made!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these dire times,
Chris Sykes
You are the only one who should be banned!
So the researchers can work normaly.
Tinman the rotary transformer ,aboveunity
Referring C.O.P. and comparison : no load condition up to 1,84
load condition 0,98
Similar : Victor Arestov US2013320901 [0014]
and with pulse power WO2012065719 battery lamp charge from 25 to 65 minutes
Quote from: lancaIV on September 06, 2020, 06:11:54 PM
#532 : Lunkster,you are researcher,are you not ?
With book(-let) publication,is it not ?
actio inertia and reactio inertia : how to resolve !?
Sincerely and a successful week wishing
I have written two books.
"Please Pass the PEW" sold on Amazon and Kindle
"A free gift that may be over unity or free energy to the world." sold on Amazon and Kindle
I have worked with motor concepts mostly on paper off and on since 1969.
I was an electronic technician for 25 years and went back to collage later and got my BS in computer programing.
I retired once, but am back to work in a factory testing products before they go out to the customer.
So the action for me is on-line for me.
I have lived up to 18 months straight in an RV so it is hard to have a lab to work in. I do not even own a power supply. That is one reason I built a prototype using all permanent magnets. Of course it failed.
So over the years I put my independent thoughts on paper. It has only been the last couple of years I have been looking at other peoples work. I have found some of my idea's in other people patents. No they did not steel them from me. But things like the invention of the wheel, several different people will come to the same conclusion "round roles better than square". So when I search on the web, it is interesting how some people can be miss-lead the same way and other people see things which to me is the right way. I am not going to fight proven science, but if I see things that I have not seen before, I do like to ask questions about them.
So is there a place for a hobbiest on overunity.com. I sure hope so, because I sure have been enjoying it so far.
The Lunkster
Ever notice?
Chris Sykes, aka EMJunkie, is everything he complains about.
Quote from: onepower on September 05, 2020, 10:22:47 PM
This is not entirely true and I'm also a trouble maker and was banned as well I believe. If I remember right I was thankful I was banned because it was just an endless shit show and I should have known better to just walk away... thus I learned something in the process. Ergo pick your fights that matter.
No, to be honest I think it's cool your antagonistic and question everything, so am I.
It's cool however we should not let our indifference become so great that we become what others want us to be which is indifferent. Let it go, find your own path forward despite everyone. There is a lesson here in my opinion, If we lower ourselves to that level we do no service to ourselves, we should be better and rise above it if we are truly better. Better is not an appropriate word because I am no better than EMJ or anyone in any sense of that word. Do you understand?, we disagree, and most people often disagree... it's not a big deal.
I agree,
Time will play the rest.
Gyula had shared a link to a man who is building with Aboveunity components [I had seen Chris post an image of this once did not realize he was supplying this]
however I did watch some of this New Vid [while working ATM in My shop ]and he really is a Nice Man trying his best...and I will watch a few more times to try to understand this reguaging thingy .
New Vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeYB_-_dhhY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeYB_-_dhhY)
Gyula Quote
Hi Folks,
I appreciate the honesty of Loz (Captainloz) for admitting the measurement mistake on his 'aboveunity' claim.
See his video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgN3DVRLtBI)
end quote
QuoteEver notice?
Chris Sykes, aka EMJunkie, is everything he complains about.
Gaslighting 101, they accuse everyone else of the things there doing.
The problem is Chris sounds like a nice enough guy just like trump and many other populist types. They sound nice enough however it's almost as if there bipolar with a dark side. One minute they praise someone as the best, then if there not loyal or obedient they are the worst person in the world and stupid.
Gaslighting #5. Their actions do not match their words.
When dealing with a person or entity that gaslights, look at what they are doing rather than what they are saying. What they are saying means nothing; it is just talk. What they are doing is the issue.
Gaslighting #6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.
This person or entity that is cutting you down, telling you that you don't have value, is now praising you for something you did. This adds an additional sense of uneasiness. You think, "Well maybe they aren't so bad." Yes, they are. This is a calculated attempt to keep you off-kilter—and again, to question your reality. Also look at what you were praised for; it is probably something that served the gaslighter.
In effect, they offer praise when you serve there interests and harsh criticism if you do not... always serving there own interests not others.
I suspect Chris has already patented all of his followers work and they will receive no credit for it. It basically sounds like just another pyramid scam in my opinion. I would also suspect there is probably a user agreement clause stating that all information and technology posted on his website becomes his sole property. In effect owning everything his followers say and do, lol.
silly people here support Chris
but they attack Chris
if Dr AG supplied material
then this supports Chris
supports aboveunity.com members work
how did partzman source this information
who is partzman connected to
why is partzman connected to these people
what does partzman know that he is not sharing with you
why is partzman so active in trying to defame Chris
intelligence of some people is poor to none
just look how much people here attack Chris
Chris is attacked more that anyone else here on the forum
he hardly ever posts here
Stefan does not like you
thats why
we do this for love
we tell truth
we have many supporting us
stupid people
Quote from: partzman on September 16, 2020, 11:15:00 AM
Since Stefan is not honoring my request to take me off his forum that was posted and pm'd, I still engage in this ridiculous AU/OU/FE charade!
You and I and a host of other folks here do not believe the words of Chris or Friskie, etc, when they state that they have OU. So, how do we solve the problem? Well, one solution might be to investigate the source of Chris' information on "bucking" coils in the first place! What is the mystery behind all of this?
I invite anyone here who has knowledge about Chris' dealings with Dr. A_____ to come forward so we can go to the source and bypass all the BS. I know there are those here who know! We would then know if Dr. A______ really had anything and if Chris was a good steward in passing the info on or if he really has nothing at all.
Chris, Frisket, whoever, claims that those of us who don't have "it" working are stupid and don't know measurements from sickem. Actually, the evidence points in the opposite direction in this case as no valid measurements are given and there are crossed grounds and who knows what else.
So, who is willing to blow this whole thing open and set the record straight on Chris' antics for these past years?
PS: I think I start posting pix of my project cars thru the years-they have at least some electronics in them and are far more interesting than 99% of what Chris and Fritzer post!
with poor to no intelligence you will never succeed
you need to close your mouth
read, educate, unite, under love and selfless service for your brothers and sisters
help each other succeed like we have
silly people
no intelligence
Quote from: FriskyFritz on September 16, 2020, 03:49:37 PM
silly people here support Chris
but they attack Chris
if Dr AG supplied material
then this supports Chris
supports aboveunity.com members work
how did partzman source this information
who is partzman connected to
why is partzman connected to these people
what does partzman know that he is not sharing with you
why is partzman so active in trying to defame Chris
intelligence of some people is poor to none
just look how much people here attack Chris
Chris is attacked more that anyone else here on the forum
he hardly ever posts here
Stefan does not like you
thats why
we do this for love
we tell truth
we have many supporting us
stupid people
If you did what CaptainLoz did,
nobody would attack you ever.
It does not matter will CaptainLoz will succeed.
What matters, he showed the will.
And people follow his work.
Of course, accent is strange, hehe.
Quotesilly people here support Chris
but they attack Chris
if Dr AG supplied material
then this supports Chris
supports aboveunity.com members work
how did partzman source this information
who is partzman connected to
why is partzman connected to these people
what does partzman know that he is not sharing with you
why is partzman so active in trying to defame Chris
intelligence of some people is poor to none
just look how much people here attack Chris
Chris is attacked more that anyone else here on the forum
he hardly ever posts here
Stefan does not like you
thats why
we do this for love
we tell truth
we have many supporting us
stupid people
Gaslighting #4. They wear you down over time.
This is one of the insidious things about gaslighting—it is done gradually, over time. A lie here, a lie there, a snide comment every so often...and then it starts ramping up. Even the brightest, most self-aware people can be sucked into gaslighting—it is that effective. It's the "frog in the frying pan" analogy: The heat is turned up slowly, so the frog never realizes what's happening to it.
Gaslighting #8. They project.
They are a drug user or a cheater, yet they are constantly accusing you of that. This is done so often that you start trying to defend yourself, and are distracted from the gaslighter's own behavior.
the master of gaslighting and minion of his master
chattel slave
didn't Chris ban you for misleading others
Quote from: onepower on September 16, 2020, 05:20:48 PM
Gaslighting #4. They wear you down over time.
This is one of the insidious things about gaslighting—it is done gradually, over time. A lie here, a lie there, a snide comment every so often...and then it starts ramping up. Even the brightest, most self-aware people can be sucked into gaslighting—it is that effective. It's the "frog in the frying pan" analogy: The heat is turned up slowly, so the frog never realizes what's happening to it.
Gaslighting #8. They project.
They are a drug user or a cheater, yet they are constantly accusing you of that. This is done so often that you start trying to defend yourself, and are distracted from the gaslighter's own behavior.
Quotethe master of gaslighting and minion of his master
chattel slave
didn't Chris ban you for misleading others
I basically forced him to ban me by continuously calling him out on all his psychotic bs. So it wasn't as if I wasn't asking for it... I was.
So far as misleading others, it begs the question why your using so many aliases and always referring to yourself in the third person Chris. Who do you think your fooling?, damn that's got to be embarrassing, lol.
Gaslighting #5. Their actions do not match their words.
When dealing with a person or entity that gaslights, look at what they are doing rather than what they are saying. What they are saying means nothing; it is just talk. What they are doing is the issue.
oneower I do not believe you
Since RANT CAFFE ASYLUM thread has been locked, can we bring this one back to life? I miss it.
Not a good idea to have a one way discussion
Also hopefully Captain loz will continue on you tube and help itsu
I thought, just in case, like someone might have some other subject.
So, without names, someone tells me that a coil using a 2 inch diameter having 100 turns of 1mm copper wire has equal mass to a coil, 2 inch diameter, having 4 turns of 10mm copper wire, are they wrong? And if not, can someone explain the math used to arrive at that equivalency?
I can't type a word about Conflict here
Mostly because much bigger problem last 5 years
Needs complete resolution
Division in community of builders is my
Biggest concern
Most stay by sidelines because they have seen all the errors
Which can be made
Since 1984 ....and well before
I personally am unable to dismiss things
I cannot imagine such long standing claims
With no merit!
Nor a person being so dedicated to a position
And not embracing any opportunities to show
Empirical evidence!
This to me is way beyond bizarre
Especially to write in the same sentence
Compassion for the world
That goes off the chart for me!!
Beyond anything I can even reason?
And doing this for a decade?
See ....I wrote too much...
I will be removing this
Not sure how to proceed with out rebooting
Flaming libel wars
Not exceptable to Stefan
He gets pulled into lawsuits
Maybe should do this at ??? ?
The host forum?
Quote from: bistander on October 02, 2020, 01:17:39 PM
Since RANT CAFFE ASYLUM thread has been locked, can we bring this one back to life? I miss it.
Well, just after the burial of the other rant thread, this one looks so much more available.
No need to miss it, just jump right in, the water's fine.
Nothing better than the original thread to ramble on.
Any way, I just hope that we can get past the Captainloz device, as it has also wasted just too much time, for an obvious dud, already. Ramset is going to be very disappointed, when he hears the final results, the numbers, and the count and the amount...
We could say that we told you so, but, we won't.
QuoteI personally am unable to dismiss things
I cannot imagine such long standing claims
With no merit!
Nor a person being so dedicated to a position
And not embracing any opportunities to show
Empirical evidence!
It's not uncommon and Bedini comes to mind. When I read his decade of work and saw his devices I was sure FE was right around the corner. Then after more research it became apparent he was unable to produce a working device proven beyond all shadow of doubt so I moved on.
QuoteThis to me is way beyond bizarre
Especially to write in the same sentence
Compassion for the world
That goes off the chart for me!!
Again, its not uncommon and there are more than a few people who state how grateful and caring they are then in the next instant rant obscenities, it's called gaslighting. All we have to do is watch the news to understand how many really crazy people there are out there. So I don't see much sense in getting all worked up about it and it's best to recognize it for what it is and try to avoid it... move on.
There are plenty of good sincere people here we should be helping versus dwelling on a few nut jobs looking for attention.
quote: "There are plenty of good sincere people here we should be helping versus dwelling on a few nut jobs looking for attention?" end quote.
The problem is, that some people can't recognize the "nut jobs". Of which there seams to be several of.
Nor should it take months to get rid of them, either. The other problem is that some people can't recognize an OU device, from one that just has reading errors. Some of us are better at this. But, some of us aren't, at all.
And the third problem is that some people are just into BS'ing us on purpose, for fame and money. With their fake BS device.
Talk about nut jobs... And this can go on for years?
Then, the worse part is that some guys will spend some months trying to replicate a simple fake device, that only only has errors in measurements. Some guys may even spend years at this, like myself.
Seams to me that this is all a set up. To keep us lost, and going no where. And so far that part of it, is working just fine.
With no OU in site, after all these years.
Well, well w2hats it like to become popular at long last ;D ;D
The problem is this a/, it dose not pay to know too much that way we live longer.
I thing i will stop at that one :-\ :-\
And that is so old it's dusty!!
My Email is in my profile since day one
You don't want to share useful info
Send it to me ( edit ..added
And never write a name or source!!)
This nonsense has to stop
Pointing at guys who try to make money and profit and got caught up in who knows what?? !!
OPEN Source
Drama over!!
Or waste another ten years and countless lives
And all other horror happening to planet !!
QuoteSeams to me that this is all a set up. To keep us lost, and going no where. And so far that part of it, is working just fine.
With no OU in site, after all these years.
Agreed, in my opinion it's a twofold problem of Russian and corporate trolls spamming and spreading false information to distract and hacks preying on gullible people for profit.
This is just on the surface while behind the scene fake business people are being paid to approach all the inventors and silencing them with NDA's and contracts. The inventors never see a dime, they are continually threatened and intimidated and all there work is now collecting dust. Quite literally every credible inventor I have know was approached by these people so we can be confident this is not a random event.
The fact remains that the fossil fuel industry is hostile towards any new technologies despite there false rhetoric. The Russians have a dual interest, first there all in on fossil fuel oligarchies and second they want to destroy the Western world and Europe. So it would seem were being gamed from every angle and it's hard for most to wrap there mind around the magnitude of it. For every FE inventor there may be over 10,000 people trying to shut them down to serve there own interests.
Chet has it right in my opinion...
OPEN Source
Drama over!!
As well, in my opinion the fossil fuel corporations and the Russians are in a mad frenzy to lock this down and push an authoritarian agenda because Climate Change simply cannot be denied any more. The Russians have no renewable technology and are still in the stone ages so there screwed and the fossil fuel industry will go bankrupt if we move to renewable or free energy. The problem is Climate Change is exponential and things are going to get much worse very soon as were seeing. Hence the reason everyone is pushing so hard for authoritarian/populist leaders to distract from Climate Change and install puppet leaders.
Note Biden is talking about a green new deal, clean renewable energy for all so according to Russia and the fossil fuel industry he's public enemy number one. While trump is probably being blackmailed by the Russians and he thinks Climate Change and clean energy is a hoax. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on and anyone supporting trump and putin is obviously against free energy... end of debate.
Quote from: onepower on October 05, 2020, 12:55:54 PM
Agreed, in my opinion it's a twofold problem of Russian and corporate trolls spamming and spreading false information to distract and hacks preying on gullible people for profit.
This is just on the surface while behind the scene fake business people are being paid to approach all the inventors and silencing them with NDA's and contracts. The inventors never see a dime, they are continually threatened and intimidated and all there work is now collecting dust. Quite literally every credible inventor I have know was approached by these people so we can be confident this is not a random event.
The fact remains that the fossil fuel industry is hostile towards any new technologies despite there false rhetoric. The Russians have a dual interest, first there all in on fossil fuel oligarchies and second they want to destroy the Western world and Europe. So it would seem were being gamed from every angle and it's hard for most to wrap there mind around the magnitude of it. For every FE inventor there may be over 10,000 people trying to shut them down to serve there own interests.
Chet has it right in my opinion...
OPEN Source
Drama over!!
As well, in my opinion the fossil fuel corporations and the Russians are in a mad frenzy to lock this down and push an authoritarian agenda because Climate Change simply cannot be denied any more. The Russians have no renewable technology and are still in the stone ages so there screwed and the fossil fuel industry will go bankrupt if we move to renewable or free energy. The problem is Climate Change is exponential and things are going to get much worse very soon as were seeing. Hence the reason everyone is pushing so hard for authoritarian/populist leaders to distract from Climate Change and install puppet leaders.
Note Biden is talking about a green new deal, clean renewable energy for all so according to Russia and the fossil fuel industry he's public enemy number one. While trump is probably being blackmailed by the Russians and he thinks Climate Change and clean energy is a hoax. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on and anyone supporting trump and putin is obviously against free energy... end of debate.
Inventors does get paid.
Problem is that no NDA does not garantee that inventor won't push a tip to the competition side.
You can imagine the solution.
QuoteInventors does get paid.
Problem is that no NDA does not garantee that inventor won't push a tip to the competition side.
You can imagine the solution.
Interesting perspective, did you know that most new technology comes from young scientists who give there work to mankind as science papers. As well most professionals are expected to do countless hours of community service then donate there time to learning there discipline with little pay. This is to teach them morality, credibility and service to others... unlike business people.
In real science there is no "competition" other than trying to move beyond our own ignorance in most respects. Unlike most business people who feel compelled to turn everything into a pissing contest for profit so they can buy more stuff to impress there friends. I think it's funny because they always talk about how righteous they are until something of value is on the table then they generally show us what kind of person they really are.
It's the classic Nikola Tesla versus J.P Morgan dilemma in my opinion and these business people simply can't be trusted to do the right thing... because they seldom if ever do it.
No, I think I would just give FE away just to spite there greed and ignorance... a lesson if you will.
Quote from: onepower on October 05, 2020, 01:57:41 PM
Interesting perspective, did you know that most new technology comes from young scientists who give there work to mankind as science papers. As well most professionals are expected to do countless hours of community service then donate there time to learning there discipline with little pay. This is to teach them morality, credibility and service to others... unlike business people.
In real science there is no "competition" other than trying to move beyond our own ignorance in most respects. Unlike most business people who feel compelled to turn everything into a pissing contest for profit so they can buy more stuff to impress there friends. I think it's funny because they always talk about how righteous they are until something of value is on the table then they generally show us what kind of person they really are.
It's the classic Nikola Tesla versus J.P Morgan dilemma in my opinion and these business people simply can't be trusted to do the right thing... because they seldom if ever do it.
No, I think I would just give FE away just to spite there greed and ignorance... a lesson if you will.
Sell that reality to Akula or Adrian.
There is competition in everything.
Otherwise all inventions of all companies or individuals would be available on internet.
But it is not!
Even mainstream accepted renewables such as solar and wind energy are being suppressed: https://theenergymix.com/2020/09/10/trump-administration-suppresses-landmark-grid-study-that-boosted-renewables-undercut-coal/ (https://theenergymix.com/2020/09/10/trump-administration-suppresses-landmark-grid-study-that-boosted-renewables-undercut-coal/)
Quote from: onepower on October 05, 2020, 01:57:41 PM
It's the classic Nikola Tesla versus J.P Morgan dilemma....
Westinghouse was Tesla's true downfall. But for Westinghouse tricking Tesla into tearing up his royalties contract with Westinghouse, Tesla would have been filthy rich and would have been able to continue his research. Westinghouse could have at any point reinstated his royalties contract with Tesla, yet He didn't. Trickery! And One of humanities greatest minds died penniless. Good going, Westinghouse!
Quote from: Gear on October 05, 2020, 02:06:36 PM
Sell that reality to Akula or Adrian.
There is competition in everything.
Otherwise all inventions of all companies or individuals would be available on internet.
But it is not!
What have you heard concerning Akula's death?
Sometimes I think that guys like Adrian, Akula, and others, were too smart and could have just faked their deaths.
And are now hiding in a cave somewhere unknown, with their FE device cranking...
NickZ Hoping...
1,7 millions for a study, whch unreachable sum ::) for the photovoltaic technology industry which would probably win x-times this sum by their margin - per day !
I think we have to re-invent : opportunistic sponsoring ! win-win
Who was for their spectrum greater : Nikola Tesla or Carl Proteus Steinmetz ?
Quote from: lancaIV on October 05, 2020, 02:38:09 PM
Who was for their spectrum greater : Nikola Tesla or Carl Proteus Steinmetz ?
Great question. Seems like a trick question so I'll go with Steinmetz even though I'm not well versed in his practical contributions to the world.
Quote from: NickZ on October 05, 2020, 02:33:13 PM
What have you heard concerning Akula's death?
Sometimes I think that guys like Adrian, Akula, and others, were too smart and could have just faked their deaths.
And are now hiding in a cave somewhere unknown, with their FE device cranking...
NickZ Hoping...
My area of work is to determine does any new device violate already
existing patents.
That is the line where my work ends.
I do not deal with death of inventors.
If something emerge on new principle, inventor will be approached and paid.
My opinion is that companies pays inventors (that money is pocket change for them) to get informations about to whom else inventor shared invention.
By paying inventor they wash their hands and are not suspects.
After the naive inventor gives them all info they need,
there is only one problem which remains, inventor himself.
There are few ways how it is done.
One is to employ inventor and have him constantly under surveillance,
in which case inventor stays alive.
Second is, they let the inventors sells invention to smaller company,
and then buy whole company together with patent and in that case inventor
is dead weight and danger.
And other methods.
Akula or Adrian are not hidding, you just have to find their graves.
Ah! you sound just like another 'xuck' you jack I'm al right Jack I'm here to make my self millions!
Quote from: AlienGrey on October 05, 2020, 10:24:45 PM
Ah! you sound just like another 'xuck' you jack I'm al right Jack I'm here to make my self millions!
Why are you here?
To help humanity? Or yourself?
I heard that before many times, too many.
Quote from: Gear on October 05, 2020, 02:57:53 PM
My area of work is to determine does any new device violate already
existing patents.
That is the line where my work ends.
I do not deal with death of inventors.
If something emerge on new principle, inventor will be approached and paid.
My opinion is that companies pays inventors (that money is pocket change for them) to get informations about to whom else inventor shared invention.
By paying inventor they wash their hands and are not suspects.
After the naive inventor gives them all info they need,
there is only one problem which remains, inventor himself.
There are few ways how it is done.
One is to employ inventor and have him constantly under surveillance,
in which case inventor stays alive.
Second is, they let the inventors sells invention to smaller company,
and then buy whole company together with patent and in that case inventor
is dead weight and danger.
And other methods.
Akula or Adrian are not hidding, you just have to find their graves.
Hi Gear.
So what is your proposal to the few inventors in here? Each one to his own? Sharing anonymously everything in public with the sickest detail for quick replications? Patenting their devices and making their own companies? What do you consider out of your experience as the proper way of doing things in this area?
QuoteMy area of work is to determine does any new device violate already
existing patents.
That is the line where my work ends.
I do not deal with death of inventors.
If something emerge on new principle, inventor will be approached and paid.
My opinion is that companies pays inventors (that money is pocket change for them) to get informations about to whom else inventor shared invention.
By paying inventor they wash their hands and are not suspects.
If I read this correctly, your claiming to be looking for inventors with new technology which you then refer to corporations for your own profit. The corporations then approach the inventor and pay them off for the technology or resort to other less equitable means to suppress it.
QuoteAfter the naive inventor gives them all info they need,
there is only one problem which remains, inventor himself.
There are few ways how it is done.
One is to employ inventor and have him constantly under surveillance,
in which case inventor stays alive.
Second is, they let the inventors sells invention to smaller company,
and then buy whole company together with patent and in that case inventor
is dead weight and danger.
This sounds pretty accurate from my experience and it's nice to hear some honesty for a change. Your dialect sounds Slavic in my opinion, are you acting on behalf of foreign entities then or simply corporations.?.
I would also note there is a third option, the inventor is intelligent enough to understand the game is inherently rigged and refuses to play. As I once put it to a colleague, "your obviously not intelligent enough to understand when I'm telling the truth or not so whom is playing whom?. Did I just give you valid information relating to a technology or was I feeding you bs to see what happens, how would you know the difference?".
There is also the "your a primate" card. It works like this, I explain how they will be dead soon enough but in the process will have sold out there whole family tree who will also be dead for little more than a few shiny trinkets. At which point reality starts to set in and a few start to understand how naïve they have been. Can you imagine, the realization that there actions will ultimately kill everyone they love and hold dear?. I think many try to dismiss it but later on in life the guilt generally results in addiction or suicide so what did they gain?. Intelligence is knowing a losing proposition when we see one.
So the inventors always had the upper hand because they could do nothing and your just as screwed because a non-action is an action in itself, which is kind of ironic isn't it?. The fact will always remain that these corporations do not have the intellectual capacity to move any technology forward and without inventors there little more than used car salesmen. What would the used car salesman sell if nobody invented the car?... nothing.
Quote from: onepower on October 06, 2020, 12:50:18 PM
If I read this correctly, your claiming to be looking for inventors with new technology which you then refer to corporations for your own profit. The corporations then approach the inventor and pay them off for the technology or resort to other less equitable means to suppress it.
This sounds pretty accurate from my experience and it's nice to hear some honesty for a change. Your dialect sounds Slavic in my opinion, are you acting on behalf of foreign entities then or simply corporations.?.
I would also note there is a third option, the inventor is intelligent enough to understand the game is inherently rigged and refuses to play. As I once put it to a colleague, "your obviously not intelligent enough to understand when I'm telling the truth or not so whom is playing whom?. Did I just give you valid information relating to a technology or was I feeding you bs to see what happens?".
There is also the "your a primate" card. It works like this, I explain how they will be dead soon enough but in the process will have sold out there whole family tree who will also be dead for little more than a few shiny trinkets. At which point reality starts to set in and a few start to understand how naïve they have been. Can you imagine, the realization that there actions will ultimately kill everyone they love and hold dear?. I think many dismiss it but later on in life the guilt generally results in addiction or suicide so what did they gain?.
So the inventors always had the upper hand because they could do nothing and your just as screwed because a non-action is an action in itself, which is kind of ironic isn't it?. The fact will always remain that these corporations do not have the intellectual capacity to move any technology forward and without inventors there little more than used car salesmen. What would the used car salesman sell if nobody invented the car?... nothing.
I am not looking for anybody.
If someone find new tech, my job is to investigate and recreate device,
if it is possible, to see does it conflicts with existing patents or rights
of the party I represent.
My job stops with my report.
On the results of my investigation company decide what to do next,
and that part is out of my knowledge.
In all of my cases, inventors were payed or compensated on their terms.
The ones which invented already patented stuff, were not approached,
and if they sell eventualy device to someone,
they usually end up in court, resulting in huge fee and money debt for them.
If I am monster to you, it's ok.
Most of FE devices are in patents, separated into few,
so nobody can reproduce.
But in court, all few patents together are one complete device and inventor lose every time.
Compartmentalization of FE effects scattered into few or many patents.
But you are smart enough to understand all of this and how it works in real world.
Eventually it will surface. When?
Out of my "need to know".
My job is fairly simple and not connected to any crime acts.
This is Drama that goes with corporations
Patents etc
Patent Application = handing a man a stick to beat you with!
And OP writes hit so hard your great great ancestors thrice removed
Will feel it !
No offense GEAR
I am sincerely hoping to spoil any corporate fun!!
None of us are free
Till everyone of us are free!
Like Air to breathe
Our gift on this planet
And we make a stinky mess for too long
Beautiful Oceans too
Forests harvested to burn
Your a farmer
Your social topic here ...yes very important
There is another movie about our soil
And it's job here on planet earth
And trees and plants and our atmosphere
FE will bring much to the planet!!
And it's inhabitants!!
Our Destiny!
Just look up at the Drive mechanism pumping
24/7 !! And it's OPEN Source!!
could we wish for a bigger open source energy monster?
This place is like a big FE playpen waiting to work!!
And we keep choking the air and ruining !!
Quote from: ramset on October 06, 2020, 02:53:48 PM
This is Drama that goes with corporations
Patents etc
Patent Application = handing a man a stick to beat you with!
And OP writes hit so hard your great great ancestors thrice removed
Will feel it !
No offense GEAR
I am sincerely hoping to spoil any corporate fun!!
None of us are free
Till everyone of us are free!
Like Air to breathe
Our gift on this planet
And we make a stinky mess for too long
Beautiful Oceans too
Forests harvested to burn
Your a farmer
Your social topic here ...yes very important
There is another movie about our soil
And it's job here on planet earth
And trees and plants and our atmosphere
FE will bring much to the planet!!
And it's inhabitants!!
Our Destiny!
Just look up at the Drive mechanism pumping
24/7 !! And it's OPEN Source!!
could we wish for a bigger open source energy monster?
This place is like a big FE playpen waiting to work!!
And we keep choking the air and ruining !!
Yes Ramset. It is corporations drama's. Not one corporation.
I know some things, enough to spot what I have to look.
I dont know whole story. "Need to know" principle.
After many years I am tired, because in past I believed that all
that marvelous inventions will be public available.
Now I am doing dull job, without any excitement any more.
It is now on you, younger and smarter to outsmart the money.
Free Energy is most sensitive topic. And is hot potato.
Good luck!
Quote from: Gear on October 06, 2020, 01:26:14 PM
I am not looking for anybody.
If someone find new tech, my job is to investigate and recreate device,
if it is possible, to see does it conflicts with existing patents or rights
of the party I represent.
My job stops with my report.
On the results of my investigation company decide what to do next,
and that part is out of my knowledge.
In all of my cases, inventors were payed or compensated on their terms.
The ones which invented already patented stuff, were not approached,
and if they sell eventualy device to someone,
they usually end up in court, resulting in huge fee and money debt for them.
If I am monster to you, it's ok.
Most of FE devices are in patents, separated into few,
so nobody can reproduce.
But in court, all few patents together are one complete device and inventor lose every time.
Compartmentalization of FE effects scattered into few or many patents.
But you are smart enough to understand all of this and how it works in real world.
Eventually it will surface. When?
Out of my "need to know".
My job is fairly simple and not connected to any crime acts.
Your industry 'corporate greed' feeds on others misery while the world slowly dies. from polution
I dispense and hate everything about America it's almost satanic in its behavior and your part of it.
Oh but then there is karmic justice so hope your kind in your next life, I hope your a worthless peasant.
But hey no offense intended, and have a nice day.
:-* :-*
Quote from: AlienGrey on October 06, 2020, 03:21:17 PM
You feed of 'corporate greed' and others misery while the world slowly dies.
I dispense and hate everything about America it's almost satanic in its behavior and your part of it.
Oh but then there is karmic justice so hope your kind in your next life, I hope your a worthless peasant.
But hey no offense intended, and have a nice day.
:-* :-*
To.you I am worthless because you dont have anything
and never will.
Just curious passenger, one of many.
No deal for you and no money!
Easier is to cry, isn't it?
Continue with your journey!
https://youtu.be/OD3F7J2PeYU (https://youtu.be/OD3F7J2PeYU) ;) 8) ;D
Quote from: Jeg on October 06, 2020, 06:24:41 AM
Hi Gear.
So what is your proposal to the few inventors in here? Each one to his own? Sharing anonymously everything in public with the sickest detail for quick replications? Patenting their devices and making their own companies? What do you consider out of your experience as the proper way of doing things in this area?
Really I don't know.
Free Energy is sensitive matter.
Lots of multi trillion oil companies will lose their income,
and they will not be happy with that!
No one can fight multi trillion!
1. Have as many friends as you can who will know principle.
2. In NDA demand to work for them, which will keep you alive.
3. Give it for free outside mainstream media or forums.
4. Be naive and end up just as many before you.
I am sorry, but nobody can predict what will happen when trillions are in game.
Oil is your enemy, not me!
Quote from: Gear on October 06, 2020, 03:59:14 PM
Oil is your enemy, not me!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man)
Quote from: NdaClouDzzz on October 06, 2020, 03:54:11 PM
https://youtu.be/OD3F7J2PeYU (https://youtu.be/OD3F7J2PeYU) ;) 8) ;D
Wait-this sounds all too familiar!!! Let's see, who else is into Bob Marley? Why of course-Chris S.!
Do I sound like Chris s? I actually know how to speak English! And type English! 8)
EDIT: Wait, is emjunki chris s? I just read his post below and that sounds like pretty good english to me.
Anyway, I'm not this Chris s or emjunki. In fact, partnered output coils or bucking coils or split coils or whatever they are called, sound more like a free-energy enhancement, not an actual free-energy principle, and therefore from my perspective those coils shouldn't be the main focus of those trying to find a free-energy device. Of course, those types of coils could simply be a more advanced technique and not necessary for a free-energy device nor suited to the beginner; that is, someone who has not yet built a working free-energy device. My beginner focus is on electrostatics like Don Smith shows here: https://youtu.be/yLjt3y1_ceY?t=4011 (https://youtu.be/yLjt3y1_ceY?t=4011).
I know that Don shows some devices with these split coils, but as far as I can tell, they are only enhancements and/or advanced techniques and not the actual process for free-energy in his devices. But then, I too am a beginner.
It is not only the oil companies.
Japan invested trillions in hydrogen tech for their car industry.
They will lose too!
Should I continue with list of potentially pissed of parties?
There are huge investments accross the globe,
which will be destroyed with shoe box invention!
Does anyone knows how much is worth one huge electrical windmill?
How much money they will lose?
So, Alien Gray, your statement is stupid.
You should not look at me, but into real world for your childish answer!
You are not fighting me, but something much worse!
Japanese M.I.T.I. and many companies invested in their hydrogen research,but not trillions,even not in Yen !
Daimler-Benz also did,then the company bought a minority quote from the canadian Ballard !
The worth or the costs from off-shore windpark units ? By ten years bookvalue amortization : 0 €/$ !
There are many people who does not understand economy( macro versus micro) and are as worker surprised when their production place becomes closed !Often/mostly amortized = 0 €/$ bookvalue work places !
In the Western the fossil derivate industry is in devalorization, but this industry invested many billions in FE research and development since the first oil crisis 1973 !
espacenet advanced research : Esso(Exxon)/Shell/Chevron et cetera ,wind/solar/fuel cell /.......
Not only as ' greener' society " calm down placebo" !
Gear, up set you did I, you must support your company practices they pay your pay queue !
Lets get this in perspective here this site is about harvesting zero point energy, you are about
terminating that hope, and what more childish than name calling ;D ;D
Have you been over to PAAR energy conservation yet
They are selling devices apparently.
May I wish them all the best!
Quote from: Gear on October 06, 2020, 04:31:48 PM
There are huge investments accross the globe,
which will be destroyed with shoe box invention!
Obsolescence Risk https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/obsolescencerisk.asp (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/obsolescencerisk.asp)
Quote from: AlienGrey on October 06, 2020, 05:08:55 PM
Gear, up set you did I, you must support your company practices they pay your pay queue !
Lets get this in perspective here this site is about harvesting zero point energy, you are about
terminating that hope, and what more childish than name calling ;D ;D
Have you been over to PAAR energy conservation yet
They are selling devices apparently.
May I wish them all the best!
I was reading an article today, the term: "
Scientific Achievement" was used. Achievement is only possible under a set of very narrow conditions:
the act of achieving something the achievement of an ambition.
a result gained by effort : accomplishment being honored for her academic achievements a major scientific achievement.
a great or heroic deed.
the quality and quantity of a student's work standardized tests to measure achievement.
The Art of Exploration without Bias! That's why we are So Far Ahead of You Here, AG is also way ahead of most of you here! Very simply, there has been
Zero Scientific Achievement here, since Stefan opened this Forum, isn't that a real shame! All the so called experts, and several decades, and
Nothing, Nada, Zilch!
Even after those before us: Floyd Sweet, Don Smith, Tariel Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan and many hundreds more!
What could be put in place to make for Progress? What can be done to improve Productivity? What protocols could help the Community? Most importantly, why has this not ever been done?
Light Up The Darkness!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
QuoteIf someone find new tech, my job is to investigate and recreate device,
if it is possible, to see does it conflicts with existing patents or rights
of the party I represent.
My job stops with my report.
On the results of my investigation company decide what to do next,
and that part is out of my knowledge.
In all of my cases, inventors were payed or compensated on their terms.
The ones which invented already patented stuff, were not approached,
and if they sell eventualy device to someone,
they usually end up in court, resulting in huge fee and money debt for them.
If I am monster to you, it's ok.
No your not a monster, I didn't understand what you were trying to say. So your a re-inventor, it's cool.
QuoteMost of FE devices are in patents, separated into few,
so nobody can reproduce.
But in court, all few patents together are one complete device and inventor lose every time.
Compartmentalization of FE effects scattered into few or many patents.
But you are smart enough to understand all of this and how it works in real world.
The trick of course, is finding prior art and I have seen very few patents I could not negate. So I would disagree that the inventor would lose in court and the corporations obviously have the most to lose. All I would have to do is dig up the prior art and negate there patents piece by piece at which point it becomes public domain. The real kicker is that a scientific discovery cannot be patented so it was always in the public domain. Thus, I could also challenge any free energy patent and win on those grounds. You see when they didn't disclose the exact process, a discovery, there patent became basically worthless.
QuoteNo one can fight multi trillion!
1. Have as many friends as you can who will know principle.
2. In NDA demand to work for them, which will keep you alive.
3. Give it for free outside mainstream media or forums.
4. Be naive and end up just as many before you.
You are correct and only a fool would try to fight global corporations. However as I implied, if any inventor/scientist gave the technology to mankind as a scientific discovery there is nothing anyone could do. It is not a patent nor is it patentable and once it's out there is no taking it back.
As well, your fear mongering doesn't hold water. Elon Musk is producing a major disruption to not only the fossil fuel vehicle sector but also space propulsion and battery technology. He's disrupting everything and he's still alive so this bogey man thing just doesn't fly in my opinion.
Quote from: onepower on October 06, 2020, 07:52:53 PM
No your not a monster, I didn't understand what you were trying to say. So your a re-inventor, it's cool.
The trick of course, is finding prior art and I have seen very few patents I could not negate. So I would disagree that the inventor would lose in court and the corporations obviously have the most to lose. All I would have to do is dig up the prior art and negate there patents piece by piece at which point it becomes public domain. The real kicker is that a scientific discovery cannot be patented so it was always in the public domain. Thus, I could also challenge any free energy patent and win on those grounds. You see when they didn't disclose the exact process, a discovery, there patent became basically worthless.
You are correct and only a fool would try to fight global corporations. However as I implied, if any inventor/scientist gave the technology to mankind as a scientific discovery there is nothing anyone could do. It is not a patent nor is it patentable and once it's out there is no taking it back.
As well, your fear mongering doesn't hold water. Elon Musk is producing a major disruption to not only the fossil fuel vehicle sector but also space propulsion and battery technology. He's disrupting everything and he's still alive so this bogey man thing just doesn't fly in my opinion.
Sometimes it hurts to watch your mistakes!
Thank you onepower!
You have potential, try not to be linear.
Best regards!
QuoteSometimes it hurts to watch your mistakes!
Thank you onpower!
You have potential, try not to be linear.
I used to do something similar to what your doing however it was a part time gig and I know many people doing the same. Some are chasing smoke and mirrors, some researching patents, some are sent to validate others claims and some doing research and experiments. I have done all of the above over the years and learned many things along the way.
In my opinion the patents are unenforceable because there is never full disclosure however that doesn't mean it couldn't be tied up in court for a decade. That is generally the corporate modus operandi so it's best not to go there.
Quote from: onepower on October 07, 2020, 12:32:38 AM
I used to do something similar to what your doing however it was a part time gig and I know many people doing the same. Some are chasing smoke and mirrors, some researching patents, some are sent to validate others claims and some doing research and experiments. I have done all of the above over the years and learned many things along the way.
In my opinion the patents are unenforceable because there is never full disclosure however that doesn't mean it couldn't be tied up in court for a decade. That is generally the corporate modus operandi so it's best not to go there.
Yes, it is divided into many patents.
But someone who can be trusted is needed to know how to assemble many different patents into something useful.
Doesn't it?
How can I know is your device real or not? If I does not know how it function?
Don't think linear for a moment.
This talk ends here.
You have your business and I have main.
If I am monster for everyone, next time I will let others to approach researchers, for them to see real monsters.
You all are smart and you will find your own solution.
You don't need help.
Quote from: Gear on October 06, 2020, 03:59:14 PM
Really I don't know.
Free Energy is sensitive matter.
Lots of multi trillion oil companies will lose their income,
and they will not be happy with that!
No one can fight multi trillion!
1. Have as many friends as you can who will know principle.
2. In NDA demand to work for them, which will keep you alive.
3. Give it for free outside mainstream media or forums.
4. Be naive and end up just as many before you.
I am sorry, but nobody can predict what will happen when trillions are in game.
Oil is your enemy, not me!
The most of us know that greed is the enemy and not you in personal. It is just the raw reality that no free mind likes.
I guess that there are few more solutions for an inventor to move through. Like for example making a product like a heater for example that incorporates his discovery and being in to market as an efficient heater and not as a free energy device. The desire of the most inventors is not to conquer the planet but to be paid for their labor and make their family's life better. That is all about.
In the last thirty years we have had a great speculation with rural land for FE wind and solar parcs installation,sqm prices increased 1000% and more,for vegetable farmers for land renting a problem !
Now introducing wind and solar systems with 24/365 energy generation and 1/10 up to 1/100 conventional land need would/will diminuish this 'speculation bubble' and price part in conventional KWh-generating costs !
+ Telemetric service and maintenance !
Actually there is inside the abiotic/fossil fuel/gas industry worldwide an investment and insolvency war,many U.S. shale gas companies now entering 'chapter 11'state !
The US shale gas market with b2b 1 US$¢/KWh gas price compares to 16 US$/barrel crude oil ,many countries in the near/far east can not hold their estate budget plans by such low energy price concurrence !
Their planned market price target 40 and more !
The trial to introduce "cleaner" e-fuels(FischerTropsch process) by such low exploring costs and market prices will be only successfull by high estatal subsidary,but we know from older industrial projects :
Company Syntroleum as example FT-fuels production costs estimation : 17 US$/barrel
With industrial technology entering 'open source'- and in geral 70% costs decrease 2025 with lower electricity costs this 17 US$ probably now between 10 and 15 US$ per barrel FT-/e-fuels production costs to calculate
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 06, 2020, 07:35:00 PM
I was reading an article today, the term: "Scientific Achievement" was used. Achievement is only possible under a set of very narrow conditions:
The Art of Exploration without Bias! That's why we are So Far Ahead of You Here, AG is also way ahead of most of you here! Very simply, there has been Zero Scientific Achievement here, since Stefan opened this Forum, isn't that a real shame! All the so called experts, and several decades, and Nothing, Nada, Zilch!
Even after those before us: Floyd Sweet, Don Smith, Tariel Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan and many hundreds more!
What could be put in place to make for Progress? What can be done to improve Productivity? What protocols could help the Community? Most importantly, why has this not ever been done?
Light Up The Darkness!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris quote
"What should be put in place here"
End quote
Your forum model is obvious
1)5-10 years journey man stage..to prove your allegiance to instructor!
2) Dropping crumbs and keeping score on exceptable behavior ( to your standards)
3) all measurements not permitted ... standards determined by master ...science not allowed ( double
Checking with other profoundly obvious and scientific methods ..Totally shunned!!( obviously forbidden )
Etc etc etc
You give zero concern for humanity by your 10 year and counting ...in your plan for growing your forum
Obviously your goal is to grow your forum (not save lives with tech)
Your Many comments about views or hits taking precedent ( would be much better to count millions of lives that would have been saved or species or Forrest's or atmosphere .oceans, Coral reefs etc etc!
Counting the dead and suffering ( who perished every second you wasted time?
You call this mission statement here at Stefan's forum
" a self righteous cause"
Enuff said
I have an idea stop pretending you have enemies here
Open Source!!
Please help those struggling with your solid state captain loz
We don't need to read how far ahead you are ( in an open source forum here)
We are angry at your indifference to humanity this last decade
And our planet as well
And also how you shun the scientific methods
OPEN SOURCE and run to scrutiny
Not hide and taunt and point
We have an experiment on the bench
Please stop bragging
And show a caloric measurement or lux measurement
Of your simple solid state cop2 captain loz claim
Or gauss measure
Or whatever you can show to support claim
Open source!!
Please stop requiring ring kissing and bowing And begging!!
10 years iof world suffering is 10 years too long !!
QuoteYou call this mission statement here at Stefan's forum
" a self righteous cause"
This is not directed at EMJ, more so society.
Strange isn't it?. So many people talking of righteousness and god then in the next breath championing trump, an authoritarian, compulsive liar who likes to grope women as a leader then ranting obscenities' and dehumanizing others. It would seem to be so far removed from what they claim to believe I would have to presume there lying. They must be lying because what there doing goes against everything they claim to believe.
I can only think that if everyone actually followed what they claimed to believe the world would be a very different place. So I find it impossible to believe any of these people actually believe in any god or any of his words, how could they?. Understand, most trump supporters say they believe he has done all these vile things and they don't care. They believe he is a liar, a cheat, unfaithful to his wife, corrupt and they don't care.
Can anyone give me a valid reason why someone would claim to believe in god and his words then support a person who goes against everything they claim to believe?.
Quote from: ramset on October 07, 2020, 10:43:52 AM
Chris quote
"What should be put in place here"
End quote
Your forum model is obvious
1)5-10 years journey man stage..to prove your allegiance to instructor!
2) Dropping crumbs and keeping score on exceptable behavior ( to your standards)
3) all measurements not permitted ... standards determined by master ...science not allowed ( double
Checking with other profoundly obvious and scientific methods ..Totally shunned!!( obviously forbidden )
Etc etc etc
You give zero concern for humanity by your 10 year and counting ...in your plan for growing your forum
Obviously your goal is to grow your forum (not save lives with tech)
Your Many comments about views or hits taking precedent ( would be much better to count millions of lives that would have been saved or species or Forrest's or atmosphere .oceans, Coral reefs etc etc!
Counting the dead and suffering ( who perished every second you wasted time?
You call this mission statement here at Stefan's forum
" a self righteous cause"
Enuff said
I have an idea stop pretending you have enemies here
Open Source!!
Please help those struggling with your solid state captain loz
We don't need to read how far ahead you are ( in an open source forum here)
We are angry at your indifference to humanity this last decade
And our planet as well
And also how you shun the scientific methods
OPEN SOURCE and run to scrutiny
Not hide and taunt and point
We have an experiment on the bench
Please stop bragging
And show a caloric measurement or lux measurement
Of your simple solid state cop2 captain loz claim
Or gauss measure
Or whatever you can show to support claim
Open source!!
Please stop requiring ring kissing and bowing And begging!!
10 years iof world suffering is 10 years too long !!
When someone comes, shares, and tries to share more than you have, here, and then the Trolls all rush in, and
send Stefan dozens of complainy messages about that person and what that person is doing, to deliberately get that person shut down,
twice now, you, ramset, have been directly involved in shutting me down, by:
1: Getting me moderated from this forum (February 19, 2017 (https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg500382/#msg500382)).
2: Having all my threads shut down on this forum (October 02, 2020 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg551494/#msg551494)).
I have all your names, and I will be giving them all to authorities when the time comes!
Scientific Achievement is something you, here have not achieved in several Decades! We have done it in less than One!
Combined, the Guru's here, have, in the order of:
four hundred years of combined knowledge! I have fifteen years.
And, here you are, doing a NMR Experiment, WTF?
Why? Do Protons constitute Charge powering your Load? No, they don't! Does the Coulomb consist of Protons? NO!!! The Elementary Charge is based on what Particle?
You people are
so far off the mark, you're still in the Dark! You don't even follow
BASIC Scientific Protocol! You're not even remotely close to what Powers a Load --- Is this deliberately?
I think it might be!!!
Will you people ever get yourselves on the Right Track? I don't think So! That's why I am not sharing anything here! I mean, several Guru's here cant even follow a few simple instructions to make for accurate replication! Imagine if it was complex, expensive, what a waste, its so simple and so cheap, yet, no one can replicate it??? But, others, at home, in a home lab, with minimal equipment can do it?
In several more decades, will you still be here, stuck, going around in circles, chasing your Tail? Yes you will! You expose yourselves by not even remotely being close to the objective, of
What Powers a Load ??? WHY ???
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
P.S: I seem to be getting a regular visitor from Berlin now, I wonder who this could be?
I get what your trying to say however we have yet to see any tangible proof in my opinion. The only proof I would accept is a self runner which may or may not use input/output caps. I would also note I hold myself to this same standard and I wouldn't expect anyone to believe anything I could build hooked up to a power supply or battery. Hell I wouldn't believe it even if I built it and it was sitting on my own bench running. There are simply too many ways for errors in measurements to be made.
So I am sorry but what I have seen to date just doesn't cut it. So the onus is on you to do better not on us to do research for you.
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 07, 2020, 04:35:27 PM
Will you people ever get yourselves on the Right Track? I don't think So! That's why I am not sharing anything here! I mean, several Guru's here cant even follow a few simple instructions to make for accurate replication! Imagine if it was complex, expensive, what a waste, its so simple and so cheap, yet, no one can replicate it??? But, others, at home, in a home lab, with minimal equipment can do it?
Chris Sykes
What you don't seem to understand is, the burden of proof of your claims is on
YOU! What really matters is, many competent researchers have attempted to replicate your device without success and all you can do is demean their efforts with useless words. But what does this really mean? It means that your circuit doesn't really work. You say it does but where is your
PROOF? We have already heard many times how stupid, dumb, and blind we are while your followers have
IT! So let one of those follower come forward and show the results. And don't reference CaptainLoz's circuit as proof as it is fraught with potential measurement errors just from bad layout at 838kHz, etc.
Just put up some proof Chris and we'll give all the credit you're due. Otherwise, you're beginning to sound like an old drippy faucet that needs fixing!
Breaking laws in Germany ( you're past experience with breaking German laws here )as well as posting in constant violation Of TOS rules ( and then removing libels written against persons as if they could actually not be accessed in a lawsuit).
You get yourself moderated
Honestly not one dot or tiddle from me this time!!
This is all you!!
5 months to do !!
And you do not!!
And when one of your members does ?
You shut him down to further responses and questions from
A very festidious builder!
A builder Who knows the scientific method
Check !double check !!
And keep checking!!
With Every possible method !
A simple device with such a world changing claim?
Requires nothing less than total scrutiny !
You should spend more time helping itsu and humanity understand and replicate
Captain loz COP 2 aboveunity claim
Instead of laughing and poking fun and hovering over and monitoring IP addresses
I feel sorry for the people you throw out / ban in paranoia
Your latest libel against Gyula here a total fabrication or mistake!
You read like a spoiled infant
Not a man of science!!
It is all written in stone on the world wide Internet !
Every word and letter posted ( removing and thinking
It is hidden?
Servers have redundant protocols for protecting from lawsuits!
Surely you know better?
Please help the replicators
Allow captain loz to answer questions!!
It's not funny when people are dying for lack of this tech!!
And bragging and not helping??
You must be kidding right?
about how humanity will respond to that ?
Let the people decide where the crime has been
This last ten years you hide this life saving tech while members beg for help !!
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 07, 2020, 04:35:27 PM
When someone comes, shares, and tries to share more than you have, here, and then the Trolls all rush in, and send Stefan dozens of complainy messages about that person and what that person is doing, to deliberately get that person shut down, twice now, you, ramset, have been directly involved in shutting me down, by:
1: Getting me moderated from this forum (February 19, 2017 (https://overunity.com/15395/partnered-output-coils-free-energy/msg500382/#msg500382)).
2: Having all my threads shut down on this forum (October 02, 2020 (https://overunity.com/18464/partnered-output-coils-builders-group-moderated/msg551494/#msg551494)).
I have all your names, and I will be giving them all to authorities when the time comes!
Scientific Achievement is something you, here have not achieved in several Decades! We have done it in less than One!
Combined, the Guru's here, have, in the order of: four hundred years of combined knowledge! I have fifteen years.
And, here you are, doing a NMR Experiment, WTF?
Why? Do Protons constitute Charge powering your Load? No, they don't! Does the Coulomb consist of Protons? NO!!! The Elementary Charge is based on what Particle?
You people are so far off the mark, you're still in the Dark! You don't even follow BASIC Scientific Protocol! You're not even remotely close to what Powers a Load --- Is this deliberately?
I think it might be!!!
Will you people ever get yourselves on the Right Track? I don't think So! That's why I am not sharing anything here! I mean, several Guru's here cant even follow a few simple instructions to make for accurate replication! Imagine if it was complex, expensive, what a waste, its so simple and so cheap, yet, no one can replicate it??? But, others, at home, in a home lab, with minimal equipment can do it?
In several more decades, will you still be here, stuck, going around in circles, chasing your Tail? Yes you will! You expose yourselves by not even remotely being close to the objective, of What Powers a Load ??? WHY ???
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
P.S: I seem to be getting a regular visitor from Berlin now, I wonder who this could be?
A complete and total lie
I wrote not one word ...sent not one complaint ( this time)
Last " times " you got yourself banned
And blame others ??
Like a child who has no perspective for its behavior and consequences??
You libel me here and attach me to some " crime which will be reported to authorities "..in front of a community and a cause I serve
For many years !
As a known person in my profile here since day one!!
Completely atrocious libelous lie!!
And others you include here too!!
Again, you have no idea, what so ever about Science!
Quote from: stanford.edu link=https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/scientific-reproducibility/
Reproducibility of Scientific Results
The terms "reproducibility crisis" and "replication crisis" gained currency in conversation and in print over the last decade (e.g., Pashler & Wagenmakers 2012), as disappointing results emerged from large scale reproducibility projects in various medical, life and behavioural sciences (e.g., Open Science Collaboration, OSC 2015). In 2016, a poll conducted by the journal Nature reported that more than half (52%) of scientists surveyed believed science was facing a "replication crisis" (Baker 2016). More recently, some authors have moved to more positive terms for describing this episode in science; for example, Vazire (2018) refers instead to a "credibility revolution" highlighting the improved methods and open science practices it has motivated.
The crisis often refers collectively to at least the following things:
the virtual absence of replication studies in the published literature in many scientific fields (e.g., Makel, Plucker, & Hegarty 2012),
widespread failure to reproduce results of published studies in large systematic replication projects (e.g., OSC 2015; Begley & Ellis 2012),
evidence of publication bias (Fanelli 2010a),
a high prevalence of "questionable research practices", which inflate the rate of false positives in the literature (Simmons, Nelson, & Simonsohn 2011; John, Loewenstein, & Prelec 2012; Agnoli et al. 2017; Fraser et al. 2018), and
the documented lack of transparency and completeness in the reporting of methods, data and analysis in scientific publication (Bakker & Wicherts 2011; Nuijten et al. 2016).
The associated open science reform movement aims to rectify conditions that led to the crisis. This is done by promoting activities such as data sharing and public pre-registration of studies, and by advocating stricter editorial policies around statistical reporting including publishing replication studies and statistically non-significant results.
This review consists of four distinct parts. First, we look at the term "reproducibility" and related terms like "repeatability" and "replication", presenting some definitions and conceptual discussion about the epistemic function of different types of replication studies. Second, we describe the meta-science research that has established and characterised the reproducibility crisis, including large scale replication projects and surveys of questionable research practices in various scientific communities. Third, we look at attempts to address epistemological questions about the limitations of replication, and what value it holds for scientific inquiry and the accumulation of knowledge. The fourth and final part describes some of the many initiatives the open science reform movement has proposed (and in many cases implemented) to improve reproducibility in science. In addition, we reflect there on the values and norms which those reforms embody, noting their relevance to the debate about the role of values in the philosophy of science.
What constitutes proof? Do you know yet? What is consistent across my effort? Reproducibility of Scientific Results, yes we are learning something aren't we!
400 years of combined knowledge and here I am teaching you the absolute basics of Science!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 07, 2020, 07:16:28 PM
Again, you have no idea, what so ever about Science!
What constitutes proof? Do you know yet? What is consistent across my effort? Reproducibility of Scientific Results, yes we are learning something aren't we!
400 years of combined knowledge and here I am teaching you the absolute basics of Science!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
People here are not interested in your science,
or your brain capability!
They are interested for you to SHOW them how to
recreate your own work to get the gain you claim.
If you can not show that, nothing of your speech and talk
What is the point and purpose of letting EMJ back? Like bringing a snake into your house, after it has already bitten you once.
Is this the kind of publicity the Stephan wants to see on his forum??? What is the point here, to make money from BS.
Years of failures, and not a single FE device. Not one, including what EMJ has been wasting our time with.
I was hoping that EMJ was not allowed to waste and more of our time, with more insults and BS, while showing NOTHING that works. Something is not right here... WHY???
Typically Suppression has an agenda
Why are you not open sourcing ?
I have heard for years that you are begged
By members at your forum
You never explain just " I have my reasons "
Makes people think you hunt for an investor
Or try to grow your forum
And have absolutely no concerns whatsoever
About the damage and death happening to our planet !
Your refusal to allow captain loz to take a simple temperature
Measurement is truly beyond weird
Or run lux test?
Yes we know one thing is continuous through your years
No concern at all for the consequences to our planet
And no measurements allowed!
Self evident !! And you write about science??
Here no other claims matter !!
This is your cornerstone on which all is built !!
Solid state COP 2 claim
And you will not allow any further super simple measurements !!
That jumps out as a very big flag!!
Something really stinks
Why no further comments or even endorsements
From Captain loz himself??
And seems his you tube channel has nice comments removed?
We all know you don't do nice .. you would rather libel and risk lawsuits than do nice!
If you will allow Captain loz to do a more scientific demonstration ?
I know all reading here Will beg the topic be reopened !!
or I will
Personally reboot captain loz "verified " COP 2 build everyday!!!
No reems of data/math etc
There is a build here ( to my knowledge the only replication
On the planet ?
Please stop playing God with our planet
The consequences are horrific !
In your children's lifetime they will see changes that will
Risk our planets very existence
The ten years you say you have had this ( and forbidden open sourcing )
Will have "dire times " for your children and mine!!
And all others here!!
Ramset: Do you realize how many times that you have said the same thing. Like a broken record.
Don't you see that what you are saying makes no difference. Maybe you just want to say the same thing again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Do you really think that you are helping us here, don't you realize that guys like EMJ are just here to scam us. Don't just play his game...or you will become just like him. It was peaceful here, for a day or two... we could almost get back to work. But, no.
I will write no more about him here
Yes it was peaceful
And there are a few really cool things to work on
He is a time bandit stealing from men's lives
And wasting their time for years
When they could be sharing with others!!
And teaching !!
Or he could be much worse!!
QuoteRamset: Do you realize how many times that you have said the same thing. Like a broken record.
Don't you see that what you are saying makes no difference. Maybe you just want to say the same thing again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Do you really think that you are helping us here, don't you realize that guys like EMJ are just here to scam us. Don't just play his game...or you will become just like him. It was peaceful here, for a day or two... we could almost get back to work. But, no.
In my opinion Ramset's response is common to people who are being gaslighted.
The gaslighter basically said I have what you want but I'm not going to give it to you unless you are loyal and obedient. Then once he fleeced the sheep he wanted he moved the goal posts saying your not obedient and changed the rules. Next came the old reversal, claiming he's the victim and your evil by not being obedient, even though he is the one gaslighting everyone.
Do you see the gaslighting pattern?.
1)Deception: they promise something then never deliver, keep moving the goal posts always taking more.
2)Victimization: they always claim to be the poor little victim while victimizing others.
3)Deceit: they always misrepresenting the truth turning it back on others.
4)Abuse: they always claim to be superior while belittling and dehumanizing others.
So of course Ramset is upset and beside himself... he is being gaslighted.
The person gaslighting him keeps saying and projecting one thing then doing the exact opposite to create confusion and anxiety. The best option is to walk away because nothing good ever comes from it and the gaslighter gets off on the perversion and abuse... just walk away.
Not just gaslighting
He has once again started with
Pulling our host into some fake crime he will be reporting?
His "Berlin" comment
He was also banned one time for libel against Stefan
years ago!
If persons here were writing such of Chris's behavior
And attaching it to such libelous claims/crimes!
His head would explode !
Yet he feels he is not accountable ?
Typical for him
And typical of the kind of person who would let people die for a decade
While playing childish games with such technology!
His libel against members once again is his effort to be banned
It is part of his big lie here ,among many others!
To aquiere new recruits
No more from me to Chris
Fare thee well ...
Just a plea to the Captain
Please respond !!
Ramset: Now you put your faith onto the captainloz device, as If there is something to that , after all this time, and all the tests done, when there is not. But, as you are not up on what it takes to actually test and be able to use a FE device, you keep wasting our time with devices that don't work, and that never have, and never will. While giving credence to the gaslighters that you think are going to save lives. That does not help, and the last 5 months is an example of such of waste of time.
Is that how you want to help save all the people dying??? Has it helped, any of them, at all? Wake up Ramset.
Why is EMJ back on this forum??? What is going on... I would like to know.
Is this whole forum about gaslighting, as well??? Why were guys like itsu banned here, causing other to leave, as well.
While guys like EMJ, Rich F, and some others, are allowed to run amuck here???
Sorry guys, but has this not gone on long enough?
NickZ, you seem to think you have more rights than me? Why?
Have you made any contributions to the community, other than, your common 4 liners, with nothing but complaints?
I have not broken any Forum Rules! I was not Banned, I was Moderated, via the word of another, so others here need to start getting their facts right before spreading miss-information around the community! I believe Itsu and many others were Moderated during the Rick Friedrich postings and is nothing to do with me!
I have made more contribution to the community than most here! You all resent me for it, is the fact here! I don't care! You're gonna have to suck it up and be big kids! This aint going away anytime soon! I promise you of that!
You say: "run amuck", others call Progress, successful experiments, like CaptainLoz and many hundreds of others that you don't yet know about! I find your comment and approach interesting and somewhat disturbing at the same time! The term: "run amuck", indicates, that my effort, is disturbing others plans or intentions! But what Plans or Intentions?
Fact of the matter is, I get many messages a day, saying: Thank You for everything you do for the Community! Thank You for your Effort!
Do you?
Stefan deserves more respect and most of you here show none for him! Currently, most of you here are not even remotely close to Stefan's Mission Statement! This thread is totally against Stefan's Mission Statement!
I do wish you all would realise how far off the mark you all are! I have Open Sourced all my information, but done it in such a way that only those that put the time in, will succeed! We don't want those fly by nighters! They are Time Wasters! I have many hundreds of Pages of open Sourced Information! In point of fact, technically, I am the only one here abiding by Stefan's mission statement, and one of only a few, abiding by the Forum Rules!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
Well Chris, for me this farse has gone on way too long. Keep up the good work. I hope that you are getting paid for your efforts.
No more from me you. Even if you still run amuck, here, or else where.
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 08, 2020, 05:00:26 PM
I have made more contribution to the community than most here! (Where is your device?)
successful experiments, like CaptainLoz and many hundreds of others..? (Where is CaptainLoz? And hundreds of others?)
I have Open Sourced all my information! (Which does not work at all!)
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times, (I doubt that you really think that!)
Chris Sykes (This is only true line here!)
You can say truth, sometimes for a change.
And you did in the last line of your post, your name.
WhatIsIt: Good to see you back.
Croation summer on the coast was very packed, this year.
Not as much virus BS going on there, it seams... such a gorgeous and "open" place to get away from what's going on.
Quote from: NickZ on October 08, 2020, 08:32:29 PM
WhatIsIt: Good to see you back.
Croation summer on the coast was very packed, this year.
Not as much virus BS going on there, it seams... such a gorgeous and "open" place to get away from what's going on.
Hi Nick, good to see you too!
You should come back home to Croatia, even for a little. It is beautiful. Always was.
Take care bro!
Quote from: EMJunkie on October 08, 2020, 05:00:26 PM
NickZ, you seem to think you have more rights than me? Why?
Have you made any contributions to the community, other than, your common 4 liners, with nothing but complaints?
I have not broken any Forum Rules! I was not Banned, I was Moderated, via the word of another, so others here need to start getting their facts right before spreading miss-information around the community! I believe Itsu and many others were Moderated during the Rick Friedrich postings and is nothing to do with me!
I have made more contribution to the community than most here! You all resent me for it, is the fact here! I don't care! You're gonna have to suck it up and be big kids! This aint going away anytime soon! I promise you of that!
You say: "run amuck", others call Progress, successful experiments, like CaptainLoz and many hundreds of others that you don't yet know about! I find your comment and approach interesting and somewhat disturbing at the same time! The term: "run amuck", indicates, that my effort, is disturbing others plans or intentions! But what Plans or Intentions?
Fact of the matter is, I get many messages a day, saying: Thank You for everything you do for the Community! Thank You for your Effort!
Do you?
Stefan deserves more respect and most of you here show none for him! Currently, most of you here are not even remotely close to Stefan's Mission Statement! This thread is totally against Stefan's Mission Statement!
I do wish you all would realise how far off the mark you all are! I have Open Sourced all my information, but done it in such a way that only those that put the time in, will succeed! We don't want those fly by nighters! They are Time Wasters! I have many hundreds of Pages of open Sourced Information! In point of fact, technically, I am the only one here abiding by Stefan's mission statement, and one of only a few, abiding by the Forum Rules!
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: NickZ on October 08, 2020, 08:13:47 PM
Well Chris, for me this farse has gone on way too long. Keep up the good work. I hope that you are getting paid for your efforts.
No more from me you. Even if you still run amuck, here, or else where.
Well, NickZ, a very odd response to say the least, I am somewhat bewildered. It starts with: "Well Chris, for me this farse has gone on way too long." and then I get: "Keep up the good work."?
There truly is only one type of post on this forum that fits the category of: "run amuck", and this is those with no point or no value to the community. Unfortunately, this is nearly every post on this forum that does not align with Stefan's Mission Statement and within Forum Rules.
Who does this Include?
I will let the reader decide!
Perhaps Facebook might be a better option for these people? Then they can tag Smiley Virus in on their shenanigan's as well?
Best wishes, stay safe and well in these Dire Times,
Chris Sykes
Quote from: WhatIsIt on October 08, 2020, 08:48:10 PM
Hi Nick, good to see you too!
You should come back home to Croatia, even for a little. It is beautiful. Always was.
Take care bro!
https://www.google.com/search?q=Croatia+coast&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02wW-B_t0UomeliLxN5PGBfTUDshw:1602204608878&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjF38akpabsAhVsi8MKHaQdDGQQ_AUoAXoFCIQBEAM&biw=1728&bih=884 (https://www.google.com/search?q=Croatia+coast&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=ALeKk02wW-B_t0UomeliLxN5PGBfTUDshw:1602204608878&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjF38akpabsAhVsi8MKHaQdDGQQ_AUoAXoFCIQBEAM&biw=1728&bih=884)
Yes, thank you. An absolutely amazing place. I hope to can go there some day. There are so any things to see there , especially ancient technology, for me, to learn more about.
I have been studying more about the Slavs, (as it's in my blood), and why they are the ONLY ones with the real know how of FE, and self running devices. Such as Kapanadze, Akula, Ruslan, Stalker, Adrian, and others, etz... Do you know what I mean?
Every day I learn a little more. One day I can light my house, and all, for free. Why not...
If I get killed, you know that it works. Just ask Akula, or Adrian. Any way, just kidding, but where ever they may be, I wish them the best.
AG, says that you will live longer if you don't have anything that works. That's probably true. So, I pay my $25 electric bill each month until ...
PS, As I don't see much point in continuing on in this thread, I'll be going back to the Daly thread, instead, for now.
But, I'll be checking in from time to time, just in case anything exciting happens. Dogfights, etz...
Last time when I said that
You have Tesla's genes and
Chris have genes closer to monkey,
I was wrong!
There are no monkeys in Australia, and
Chris has genes closer to kangaroo!
Sorry for mistake.
Take care bro!
I wish to send Captain loz a lux meter and thermometer
Inside a cardboard box ( he'll need that too )
If his device truly makes twice the output
It will absolutely show up !!
And also many more experimenters can join in
To build without expensive equipment
The more the better!
And thermometer and lux are better evidence
A thermometer Can't be fooled in such simple
Or he has just measurement error on bench with scope !
We have seen this many times!
Super simple solid state COP2
The only claim we need!!
To Chris
Writing libel against members is against forum rules and laws of the land
You again libel Graham and Smudge and many others
And wrote bold faced lie about me getting you banned
Your behavior gets you banned !!
Just like your forum !!
Except there "questions " also get you banned !
And especially measurement questions!!
Your lies need to stop
Let your work support itself !!
Stop pointing at others !!
There are none who make your claims
A super simple solid state COP 2 device is unique to the planet !!
You should open a topic !!
There are people who will wind coils for free and populate circuit boards too
And send them to persons to build ( no charge)
Stop your suppression and secrets!!
The world needs this!!
A super simple solid state COP2 device !!
And it is why we are here!
I agree !!
Let's do this !!
I will start a topic today if you approve
Captain loz can help
Your forum will be filled with persons building COP2 solid state aboveunity
I am 100% serious
I will wind coils till my fingers bleed
No charge
People will donate
No charge ..their time and parts required!!
Let's do this !!
As you so recently write many times !!
It's in our mission statement!!
Welcome to OverUnity.com
The International Open Source Free Energy Research Forum
free energy will change the world - free energy will stop all environmental pollution
Free energy will help to heal the planet earth.
In our disccusion forum www.overunity.com (http://www.overunity.com) we talk about all kinds of free energy and alternative
and renewable energy systems.
The world will soon be very green without any pollution and any chemical fuel polutants
with this new technolgy.
What Tesla has begun in the 19th and 20th century we will now bring to
market in the 21th century.
With permanent magnet motors and Solid State magnet free energy convertes into the future.
free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will give us hope
and we will not surrender until free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will be enabled all over the world to power cars, ships and trains and
Free energy (http://www.overunity.com/) will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy (http://www.overunity.de/) will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Please press the Community button
Just a note
There was a topic started by Allan V which got
Started in the old moderated section!
It will most likely be reopened in new
I Have been talking a bit with Allan
He is making efforts towards this goal of
Moving His topic!
Ramset and All:
Hi again. I feel so much safer here. No one will delete my posts about free energy, and the Aether, on a free energy forum.
I can't believe that I have been censored and my posts deleted, for mentioning about Tesla and the Aether. No wonder our current science dismisses it, they have all been brainwashed, as well. Nor do they even believe in free energy. For free...Nor want us to have it, at all costs. Even willing to kill, to keep their control over us.
Any ways, I know that you Ramset, like me, are into this seriously, and don't want to waste more time on any forum, speaking about what does not work. And, I had been trying to make a very important point. Which is that the harvesting of the Aether, is behind free energy.
And I'm not the only one that thinks so. Kapanadze said, you must "shake" the Aether, which is what his devices do.
Shake means, to excite the Aether. This is the topic that I would like to pursue. As I don't believe the Easter Bunny is going to be bringing self running solid state devices, anytime soon.
The last thing our current science wants us to know, is how to produce anything for FREE.
If it's banging or shaking coils or rocks or aether or petunias....whatever together
Or if it's some frequency or song or ??
Most persons here are not concerned with such names !
Or all the different flavors of unity !
Just results ..any kind of gain mechanism or anomaly and how to get there
So it can be reproduced and shared open source!
Honestly I am intrigued with Wesley's claim of an interface along the planets surface ( between above and below)
And some angle that would manifest ( a literal angle ( Brewster and Some more comprehensive Brewster) an opportunity to bring out or harvest excess energy from that interface ( free Energy)
And am trying to get that experiment on the table for discussion in the open source community!
Especially since we have such a determined person insisting it is doable ,and big pieces are based
on really interesting effects ( apparently recently proven long distance wireless power transfer)
And it's cheap to do .
And we might have a really good builder available with tremendous experience
who could really use a break!
Regardless of builders
It is being discussed!
Chet K
Wesley has done more for this community than I can write
He stepped up many times to help when asked ( translate this or
Try that etc etc
And honestly experimenting with this particular claim
Is not really "city "work ( limited area to experiment privately in big city )
Too many noses poking around in NYC...and not talking about MIB or similar
Just regular people with time to interrupt or ??
Yes, we all would like to see results, also. There are no repeatable positive results, by us here. We've tried, but have had no positive results, as yet. No shaking petunias, worked, either. We'll have to wait and see what develops next.
But, you have to know where to aim your gun, if you want to hit the target. Target that some don't think even exists... NickZ
QuoteHi again. I feel so much safer here. No one will delete my posts about free energy, and the Aether, on a free energy forum.
I can't believe that I have been censored and my posts deleted, for mentioning about Tesla and the Aether. No wonder our current science dismisses it, they have all been brainwashed, as well. Nor do they even believe in free energy. For free...Nor want us to have it, at all costs. Even willing to kill, to keep their control over us.
It's debatable, we have a right to free speech but not to force it on others and make them listen.
I'm guessing your referring to stivep or Westley editing posts and as the moderator of that thread I agree with him. It's not your thread it's his and if you cannot abide by his rules you should be moderated. I have no issue with it and if he wants to moderate or delete any of my posts so be it.
It begs the question why you think you should be able to force your views on stivep when you could easily start your own thread or post in countless others?. In this respect your argument is completely absurd in my opinion.
WOW! Forcing my opinion? Really. I think that you've got that backwards, about forcing ones opinion. I broke no rules. Or was Tesla forcing his opinion, also.
I am forcing nothing. Yet don't agree with him and his opinion, not his rule. He is not in Russia, nor am I.
Yes, Wesley has been "forcing his opinion", for years, without any proof, other than copy and paste about things for years. He is saying that Kapanadze is a fake, and that there is a hidden transmitter which is what creates his output. Saying this over and over again. Even from the other side of the lake video, a hidden transmitter is what is fooling people.
I have tried to bring some truth to the matter. Not forcing. But, I am tired of hearing about that, and nothing more about how it's actually done. I've asked for some proof, and get censored.
BTW: AC, thanks for showing him how wrong he is about the Aether. Even if that was not your intention.
Folk running round bringing one another down explains nothing and gets nowhere.
Lets play a game where some joker call Mario runs across a long ladder stair way, how does that sound, except the ladder is made of two sections and its horizontal ok so far ?
it looks like this __|---|__|---|__| now the problem is Mario has to jump from one level to the next like this ---|____!------| now the first jump down is in sync top to bottom but the problem is he has to wait till the bottom vertical is in line with the top one before he can jump back so its not in phase. Do you under stand whats going on here ?
It's called in phase field modulation some thing like that so that's part of the problem.
AG: Criticizing everything that I say, gets you no where, also.
I am trying to bring some sense of truth into our forums, which up to now have had nothing positive and use able to contribute concerning free energy. And, when I hear something which I feel is wrong, I say something about it.
If people on this thread don't want to hear about the Aether, as Tesla has explained it, and don't want to hear or discuss the idea of harvesting this energy, which to me is a very important point, just let me know. I would not want to bore anyone.
Perhaps we need a thread about Aether Physics, instead...of talking about what more we can burn up for fuel.
Sorry, I don't "play games" AG. Nor am I running around bringing any one down. Just trying to get some truth going here, and discuss about things that may WORK.
Nick I have re posted links some three or four times this be ing the fifth a device that does what you want by Eric Dollard at Border land movies.
A ladder network.
Please be concerned about what you want. As that is not what I want.
This would be a little more like it, IF TRUE.
Quote from: NickZ on August 13, 2022, 12:19:24 PM
AG: Criticizing everything that I say, gets you no where, also.
I am trying to bring some sense of truth into our forums,
the Aether, as Tesla has explained it,
I'm not against you.
it is easy to someone, to fall into lack of reality, that is based on lack of knowledge,
that is based on garbage spread on the Internet.
for example:
but he's not PhD...
So who he is?:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Seifer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Seifer)
hello there if you read his article not having firm strong basis
you will fall into this excellent mix of nonsense.
Try your self:
https://rielpolitik.com/2022/08/12/zero-point-tesla-vs-einstein-the-ether-the-birth-of-the-new-physics-by-marc-seifer/ (https://rielpolitik.com/2022/08/12/zero-point-tesla-vs-einstein-the-ether-the-birth-of-the-new-physics-by-marc-seifer/)
I have most if not all articles by proud of Tesla Serbian society.
I went to Serbia personally.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cJDvtcAxE&t=10s (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cJDvtcAxE&t=10s)
I give you some titles.
Unfortunately most of those articles are available only by membership,
means you need to pay for it or, dig it in the Internet
the listing:
Aleksandar Marincic*, Zorica Civric** *Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade, Serbia **Museum of Science and Technology, Belgrade, Serbia
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of B.tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering by the University of Kerala
subject: Nicola Tesla3. Feasibility of Wireless Power Transmission A Seminar Report Submitted by Rajen Biswa
Electronics and Communication Engineering College of Science and Technology Rinchending :: Phuentsholing May, 2012
subject: Nicola Tesla4.Review Paper on Wireless Power Transmission S. D. Rankhamb1 , A. P. Mane2
Review Paper on Wireless Power Transmission S. D. Rankhamb1 , A. P. Mane2 1ME Student (E&TC), T.P.C.T's College of Engineering, Osmanabad-413501 2 Professor, E&TC Department, T.P.C.T's College of Engineering, Osmanabad-413501
subject:Nikola Tesla Experiment
not Serbian, related to Nikola Tesla by means of applied technology.
6.CHAPTER 7 The electromagnetic fi eld coupling to buried wires: frequency and time domain analysis
D. Poljak Department of Electronics, FESB, University of Split, Split, Croatia.
subject:Nikola Tesla Experiment The electromagnetic field coupling to buried wires:
7. ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD COUPLING TO ARBITRARY WIRE CONFIGURATIONS ABOVE A LOSSY GROUND USING THE ANTENNA THEORY APPROACH D. Poljak1 , V. Doric1 , Khalil El Khamlichi Drissi2 1University of Split, FESB, R.Boskovica 32, HR-21000 Split, Croatia, dpoljak@fesb.hr 2Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand, Pascal Institute, France, drissi@lasmea.univ-bpclermont.f
subject:Nikola Tesla Experiment – electromagnetic field coupling to multiple wires of arbitrary shape above a lossy ground using the antenna theory approach.
8. THE UNIVERISTY OF READING Ph.D. Dissertation on the Transmission of Wireless Power by Magnetic Resonance Submitted by Christopher A. Tucker
Prof. Kevin Warwick & Dr. William Holderbaum School of Systems Engineering April 2013
subject:Nikola Tesla Experiment Tesla's vision of wireless power
The prototype model for the transmission of power by magnetic resonance
9.Analysis of Tesla's Transmitter using Wire Antenna Theory Dragan Poljak, Zoran Blaževi, Vicko
Dori Department of electronics, University of split HR-21000 Split, Croatia
subject:Nikola Tesla Experiment modeling of Tesla's transmitter by using the wire antenna
10. Simple Transmission Line Representation of Tesla Coil and Tesla's Wave Propagation Concept Zoran Blažević 1 , Dragan Poljak2 , Mario Cvetković
subject:Nikola Tesla
simple transmission line model for a Tesla coil that includes distributed voltage source along secondary of Tesla transformer, which is able to explain some of the effects that cannot be fully simulated by the model with the lumped source. Also, a transmission line representation of "propagation of current-through-Earth wave" will be presented
11.Full Wave Model versus Transmission Line Representation of Tesla's Wave Propagation: 155th Anniversary of Birth of Nikola Tesla Dragan Poljak, Zoran Blazevic, Silvestar Sesnic, Mario Cvetkovic Department of Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering University of Split Split, Croatia
subject:Nikola Tesla
analyze the Tesla's propagation concept. The Tesla's propagation path through the ground has been represented by an equivalent conductor excited at one end by the current source.
12. Modelling Tesla's Radio System as a Transmission Line Z. Blažević (1), D. Poljak(2), M. Cvetković (3) 1,2,3University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
subject:Nikola Tesla
model of the Tesla's radio system
13. Synthesis of Passive RC Networks with Gains Greater than Unity* HERMAN EPSTEINt, STUDENT, IRE
note: it is controversial and made by student.
although article was made very much professionally wth all calculations please remember
overunity device doesn't existtitle:
"it is possible to obtain a passive resistor-capacitor network having a gain greater than unity over a band of frequencies with unity gain at zero frequency.
not related to Nikola Tesla."
14, Some Notes on Transmission Line Representations of Tesla's Transmitters Zoran Blažević 1 , Dragan Poljak2 1,2 University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Split, Croatia.
subject:Nikola Teslaa transmission line representation of various Tesla's oscillating transmitters and of propagation based on "true conduction", a Tesla's concept of non-Hertzian wireless transmission.
I got it exactly for the concept structure of Dr. James Corum.
was electromagnetic wave to enter the interface, it is no longer radiating in space.
Nikola Tesla was confused between ether/eather he grew at as young men
and Albert Einstein relativity, that came later.
Wesley: Is there ANYTHING in the above text that refers to FREE ENERGY. NO? No need to answer that...
Please spare us another one of your long and boring essays concerning first your negative views, and then your further interest in Tesla and the transfer of energy. Energy that you don't have to begin with, and must buy, or produce before one can transfer it.
I left your thread, never to go there again.
So, continue with your Zenneck waves, and the transfer of energy. I need nothing to do with that, nor need to hear of your unproven negative views of Kapanadze's devices. This is a free energy forum, that is what we are here for. FREE ENERGY....
Some one has called you a disinformation spreader. I tend to agree.
And, you have insulted me long enough... I have respected your deleting my posts on your thread, but, will no longer allow you to do so, again. I also don't need more of your negative and arrogant opinions of my lack of knowledge, my lack of abilities, my lack of reality, and that I don't know when I'm right or wrong, but, that only YOU do.
Well, I could say some things, but I won't. You've said it all...when saying things like, "Remember, overunity does not exist."
Wesley cannot explain Zenneck waves with a Kapanadze installation where the coil should be vertical.
Of course, in a 100kW installation, all coils are vertical, but this is only one device with vertical coils.
Quote from: NickZ on August 13, 2022, 09:29:04 PM
Please spare us another one of your long and boring essays
And, you have insulted me long enough...
NickZ no matter how I try it turns out you thinking not what I intended to say.
wording: "lack of knowledge, lack of reality," was just generalization not directed to you personally. ( look at word
"someone" in my previous comment.)
Sorry if your self-confidence was adversely affected.
Everyone has a value, I myself , I'm good in something but absolutely helpless in a lot of things, like cooking.
-language of expression doesn't always work for me and may cause a trouble.
my long essays you don't like, can't be any shorter,
- books are books despite criticism of its weight. — ... not so important
Bible is more than 1 page long.. having
nothing practical inside and still some people find value, or some value in it.
more so you'll NickZ would never say that Bible
is boring.. :)
Some People Will Never See Your Value, but that doesn't mean they all are against you.Wesley
Quote from: r2fpl on August 14, 2022, 04:26:37 AM
Wesley cannot explain Zenneck waves with a Kapanadze installation where the coil should be vertical.
Of course, in a 100kW installation, all coils are vertical, but this is only one device with vertical coils.
Tesla coil acting as an antenna ( radiative element) must be vertically polarized.
-because electric field must be perpendicular to the direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave to allow us interaction with 2D earth/air interface.
rielpolitik is the complete deception package aimed at 'the awaqe',
Overunity is: user input + nature input = system output; system output / user input > 1
Quote from: NickZ on August 13, 2022, 12:19:24 PM
//bring some sense //positive and use able to contribute concerning free energy.
// -shortcut in quote.
it is my second comment (please read the first one) as I have this guilt of me acting upon emotions of some unknown individual with peace he doesn't understand.
-at least for now.
Assume that you are me, with lab, experience, resources, directed education, in area of interest.
Assume that you have, knowledge/device significantly reducing cost, or even making electrical energy accessible for free.
Water is free, but you guys are still paying for "Poland Spring," two dollars per bottle, what makes it more expensive than gasoline per liter.!!!!!
if you start to advertise, that you have such a device,
How long do you think you would be safely walking at some areas of Brazil, Mexico,
or Russia?
five minutes, or more than five minutes?
the summary:
Proving your point is not always beneficial do you, although it might be to others.
but others would judge you based on their own need, to have it .
the advice:
When you win the lotto, keep it silent.
- or don't try to prove your point to others over a reasonable doubt / beyond a reasonable doubt,
even if you are in USA New York, Forest Hills where most people there, don't care how much they pay for electricity.
You don't play you don't win, so play with FE by the brain, knowledge, gain experience of Dr. James Corum.
and even though.. did he win? Viziv is another piece of history, like Tesla.
The only difference is : in age of 78 he doesn't need, to profit on it.
He's got his fun paid by others (investors), he proved his point to himself and to me, and now he can retire.
Wesley it's strange how at some stage it's all changed from free energy to power transmition from an unknown sauce. Yet a few years back you were pointing out 1/4 wave taps on Tesla coils or receiving coils, The thing is The Americana junta is a petrol chemical republic you live in America there for you have to tow the American Way even if big oil destroys the planet.
Some time ago on one of your many threads Mr Dolamato explained the Katcher or Tesla coil has to be the same frequency as that transmitted to the grenade coil ! and the demodulating coil has to phase locked and or a multiple of the revived modulated frequency.
I'm only an experimenter I don't build devices, never the less Hundreds of other builders cant be wrong that includes all that are now dead as well.
Wesley: Your insulting comments bring nothing USEFUL to the work bench. And, we've heard it all before.
You may have a house full of lab instruments and things that you can't and don't use. And, you can wear your white lab coat and pretend to be a scientist. Most real scientists like my father, don't need all that junk at home. Nor to dress like that at home, Nor to pretend to be, what you are not.
You have shown the pictures of your useless junk several times. I suppose we are supposed to be impressed. I'm not.
Your extensive knowledge about the subject of Free Energy? I doubt that too. You can't even light a single little led, for free.
Or you would not need to be making up stories of Zenneck waves, and how Kapanadze is fooling everyone by using them, from a hidden transmitter, instead.
Please insult people in your own thread, where you can ban and censor all you like. I came here to get away from your BS. Sorry, but you have a way of pissing me off. Over and over again, and forcing your opinions on people, or else... So, thanks for your translations, but not your partial one sided comments.
Here is a comment from AG: "Wesley it's strange how at some stage it's all changed from free energy to power transmition from an unknown sauce".
Strange, not really. He's been doing that for some some years now. Trying to brainwash us with his illusions. It's his favorite pass time. Hail to the Zenneck wave King.
Why do you think that we need your "advice"? You have not SHOWN us anything that would make us think that you KNOW, what you are talking about. However, I must also say that your copy and paste articles are not very convincing, as well.
Here is another opinion: "Conversely on a FE forum, when one explains that surface waves or other objects defined by physicists are not at all what stivep, champion of disinformation, describes, one is banned". end quote.
If you win the lottery, invest it in Zenneck wave tech, so you can do more than just dream about it.
I'll be waiting for your sent electrical transmisions, from your back yard tower, to be picked up by my Ruslan/Stalker device replication. Of course, I won't hold me breath.
Thank you for excellent, comment.Quote from: AlienGrey on August 14, 2022, 10:45:02 AM
The Americana junta is a petrol chemical republic
USA's oil is only
8 percent of our nation's Gross Domestic Product.
Oil & Natural Gas Contribution to
Economy Fact Sheet (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=4ec23af8a9252153JmltdHM9MTY2MDQ5MTY1MyZpZ3VpZD0yY2IxZTQ2NC04NDQ3LTQ5NWMtYmNjMC0wMzI4MDkxYjc4MTMmaW5zaWQ9NTQxMw&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=7b05dc83-1be7-11ed-b585-571980d8ecae&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXBpLm9yZy9uZXdzLXBvbGljeS1hbmQtaXNzdWVzL3RheGVzL29pbC1hbmQtbmF0dXJhbC1nYXMtY29udHJpYnV0aW9uLXRvLXVzLWVjb25vbXktZmFjdC1zaGVldCM6fjp0ZXh0PUFtZXJpY2ElRTIlODAlOTlzJTIwb2lsJTIwYW5kJTIwbmF0dXJhbCUyMGdhcyUyMGluZHVzdHJ5JTIwc3VwcG9ydHMlMjAxMC4zLHJhbmdlJTIwb2YlMjBvdGhlciUyMHNlY3RvcnMlMjB0byUyMHN1cHBvcnQlMjBvdXIlMjBhY3Rpdml0aWVzLg&ntb=1)
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 14, 2022, 10:45:02 AMhow at some stage it's all changed from free energy to power transmission from an unknown source.
My contribution has very much assign, known and described source of energy , and very much explained phenomena employed as specified by Dr. James F. Corum and Kenneth Corum - teslasociety.com (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=10d008d418b79d34JmltdHM9MTY2MDQ5MjY3MyZpZ3VpZD1iZmQyNDk3NS0wY2I3LTQ5YzMtYTEyMy1kZDNiZTExOWU0YmImaW5zaWQ9NTIzNA&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=da910109-1be9-11ed-aadd-3f31600c1910&u=a1aHR0cDovL3Rlc2xhc29jaWV0eS5jb20vY29ydW0uaHRt&ntb=1) , Dr Sommerfeld (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=5d0bc7d76437948fJmltdHM9MTY2MDQ5MjQ4OSZpZ3VpZD0zZDBlMmI0MC1lM2UzLTRhNGItYmExZi1kY2IzZTVlZjVmN2EmaW5zaWQ9NTE3MQ&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=6d478207-1be9-11ed-8fb2-99d79d8d0924&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9kYWlseWRpYWxlY3RpY3MuY29tL3NvbW1lcmZlbGRnb3ViYXUvU29tbWVyZmVsZEdvdWJhdQ&ntb=1), Dr ,Jonathan Zenneck - Wikipedia (https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=b4113ccd2850b86dJmltdHM9MTY2MDQ5MjU1OSZpZ3VpZD1iOGJkNzVmZS04NWI0LTQwODAtYjBmMS1jNGY0OTcwZDM4NjMmaW5zaWQ9NTE4MQ&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=96a06aef-1be9-11ed-a196-78d9420e1279&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9lbi53aWtpcGVkaWEub3JnL3dpa2kvSm9uYXRoYW5fWmVubmVjaw&ntb=1)
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 14, 2022, 10:45:02 AM
Mr Dolamato explained the Katcher or Tesla coil has to be the same frequency as that transmitted to the grenade coil ! and the demodulating coil has to phase locked and or a multiple of the revived modulated frequency.
it depends from the application but that sounds mostly right.
the only problem is with word : "demodulating coil"
Something must be modulated with known form of modulating format, prior to demodulation for our application.
I am referring to, non-modulated carrier, that can but doesn't have to be modulated to be extracted by receiving/receiver coil in my application.
Quote from: NickZ on August 14, 2022, 11:33:56 AM
If you win the lottery, invest it in Zenneck wave tech,
Wining in lotto, is not needed to have access or to buy VIZIV Tesla tower in Milford Texas.
it is called "other people money" where is - you are the brain, and others decides to invest
in themselves, stripping you from any responsibility whatsoever.
That is what Dr. Corum did.
Dr. Corum wanted to realize his dream of unlimited experimenting to come true, not money.
He wasn't paid for his job, but all of his expenses for travel parts tools accommodation and charge for+200 patents were paid for.
He had his joy, everyone of you would love to have.
AG: Delamorto never has shown a self runner, nor any free energy devices. Nor, did He build anything that used a grenade, nor are the two different frequencies, between the grenade and the kacher, the same. You may think they are, but, you'll never know, as you just want to theorize, and experiment, but without really doing any tests. So, it does not really matter, what's what, or so it seams. If you keep asking the people that have never worked on any of this, you will continue to just be pissing into the wind.
PS. Delamorto: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRYhzUMB2BkLa_b3A3_sw4dGSZKfG3--e (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRYhzUMB2BkLa_b3A3_sw4dGSZKfG3--e)
Wesley: Let us know when you buy the Tesla tower in Texas, "with other peoples money", not needing a lottery win, just your brains.
I didn't realize that they were "selling" the tower, and all, but, I can see why they would. It's been some years now...Maybe you'll get paid for it, someday. But, of course, I forgot, you don't need money, just brains, that only you have.
While I was learning Russian, I came across of most if not all
of the guys involved in it.
I was contacting many of them.
Example Anton Dremlyuga (https://www.youtube.com/c/AntonDremlyuga) pretty popular there is presenting replication of Delamorto.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep7ekRDwOiQ&list=PLRYhzUMB2BkLa_b3A3_sw4dGSZKfG3--e&index=12 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep7ekRDwOiQ&list=PLRYhzUMB2BkLa_b3A3_sw4dGSZKfG3--e&index=12)
FreeEnergyLT (https://www.youtube.com/user/FreeEnergyLT) I met this guy in Kaunas Lithuania(Lithuanian experiment)
While I was learning Russian, I came across of most if not all
of the guys involved in it.
I was contacting many of them.
Example Anton Dremlyuga (https://www.youtube.com/c/AntonDremlyuga) pretty popular there is presenting replication of Delamorto.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep7ekRDwOiQ&list=PLRYhzUMB2BkLa_b3A3_sw4dGSZKfG3--e&index=12 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep7ekRDwOiQ&list=PLRYhzUMB2BkLa_b3A3_sw4dGSZKfG3--e&index=12)
Stivep: Wow, that video shows an amazing mess of wires. You've convinced me again... It too bad that none of your contacts can show a free output, with NO input. But, then Kapanadze can, yet there just must be a hidden transmitter underneath somewhere, or so you say.
BTW: Did any of those guys provide you with a real self running device, to present to us here? That'll be the day...
No need to tell us about the other 200 free energy inventors that you've just invented. We are not as gullible as you may think. You forgot to put on your list: Wesley- poisoned, still alive. But, has not shown a real free energy device, that can be replicated here, and made to self run, as yet.
Once for all NickZ
I didn't insult you
I did want to insult you
If you feel this way it is simply unfortunate misunderstanding of each other.
I'm strongly standing on fundamental physics, and you are not.
That is the major disagreement we have.
I don't want to convince you to anything, nor I try to make a claim that I am giving you proof of some Russian
successful replication. I am just giving you link to someone I know with whom I was interacting
and who is recognized by Russian community of experimenters.,
I learned Russian very well and you not.
For your knowledge, most if not all of major players in this area I was contacting with .
that includes:
Lithuanians, using Russian
Latvians, using Russian
Estonians, using Russian
Ukrainians 100% easiness of direct communication I need like 30 minutes to adapt.
Czechians, 100% easiness of direct communication I need like 1 hour to adapt.
Slovakians, 100% easiness of direct communication I need like 1 hour to adapt.
Romanians, using English/Russian
Croatians, 100% easiness of direct communication I need like 1 day to adapt.
Serbians, 80% easiness of direct communication I need like 3 days to adapt.
Belarusians,100% easiness of direct communication I need like 30 minutes to adapt.
Hungarians, EBM (energy by motion) using English/Russian
Polish 100% easiness of direct communication perfect fluency
Bulgarians 100% easiness of direct communication I need like 6 hours to adapt.
and you are not.
Quote from: stivep on August 14, 2022, 01:42:26 PM
Once for all NickZ
I didn't insult you
I did want to insult you
If you feel this way it is simply unfortunate misunderstanding of each other.
I'm strongly standing on fundamental physics, and you are not.
That is the major disagreement we have.
I don't want to convince you to anything, nor I try to give you proof of some Russian
successful replication. I am just giving you link to someone I know.
You have not convinced me nor any one else as yet, it seams. But, you do insult me with every one of your posts. I hope that it makes you feel superior. But, there are no misunderstandings. Thanks again. Very informative, but too bad you don't want nor can't provide some proof, for a change, with "hundreds" of contacts with those inventors of free energy.
I will await for your further insults. While also waiting for your "fundamental physics" to show some Free energy Self runners. However,I do regret having been posting to your thread, that was a mistake, and I will try to refrain for doing so in the future. As it has costed me days of useless discussions with you, my friend. I suppose that I must of asked for it. NickZ
Here is a link for you https://overunity.com/12736/kapanadze-cousin-dally-free-energy/17085/
Re Lion 3.7volt 18650 devices,Question does 4 in series = 14.8 volt (4X 3.7 volt devices
any one got a circuit for them in series ican have pls?
Well, that's a tough one to figure, isn't it? I guess that lining 3 or 4 batteries up and connecting a meter would be too simple? There is no need for a circuit, just connect them together. You can find anything on the internet, if you look. Oh except about real free energy devices. Just about fakes, mostly.
Three of the 18650 batteries will be a bit low, and 4 of them will be a bit high. If 12v source is the idea, but either way they can be made work. However the amps contained in those batteries can vary from 1 amp to about 3 or more amps.
For our purposes, a 12v, 7Ah battery, or two of them in series for 24v, works well. Old still useful car batteries work good, as well. Old laptop batteries can sometimes be useful also, and can be revived and made to work again, at times.
All depend on how many amps you need, the size of batteries to utilize. This link may help: https://youtu.be/YPK47xsH1II
Where was disapear your TincelKoala?
TK, is being helped by the guys at our.com.
He may relocate to Arizona, as he has been homeless at times.
This is a repost from overunity research forum
Guys, Chet, Wesley,Its all a big joke here.. our.com.. ou.comTell me I'm wrong.All you working in private benches, shame on you.Wesley come on .. how should I call you?.. or compromised.Were not far from truth... so forget about patents and legal aspects.Just be a kind of Nikola Tesla guy and make history for man kind.
Do it or some nobody like me wil do it before you.
Aint you tired of faking truth?
Not a personal opinion just a wake up call for all the ones who know
End quote
Here an example of confusion
Assumptions and the typical issues on forums
Most sincere people share their work ( open source
Is not a forum ..
it is a mindset!
Others drop crumbs for personal gain ?
To develop a following?
Or just sociopaths making games !
A true breakthrough ( or gain mechanism)
Should be a paragraph long description
With an example for scrutiny
I can write a cake recipe in a paragraph
And many will enjoy
Those skilled in the art ,can write a long PDF
Send it to the proper factory,and a car or plane or
Whatever.. will come off the assembly line ..
Here scrutiny is our friend/ transparency in claims
No secrets and decades long crumb dropping
Such is the realm or sociopaths and sadists
Bragging while the world pays a price ...?
Truly sick minds with no place in the open source
Community !
I could not put my head on the pillow at night
With a true gain mechanism in my head
(Hiding for personal gain or etc etc)
And I truly hope those who do have such knowledge
Realize the consequences of their silence
As we burn our atmosphere and destroy our planet
With status quo
If you want to change the world
Be that change!
Sorry for rant
It just gets old seeing same nonsense over and over
If you know
Write the paragraph!!
And provide your empirical evidence for scrutiny!
There are tens of thousands who would gladly replicate!
Here a discovery shared yesterday by members Pix and also broli
https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008)
https://arstechnica.com/civis/threads/lk-99-lead-apatite-room-temperature-ambient-pressure-superconductor.1494809/ (https://arstechnica.com/civis/threads/lk-99-lead-apatite-room-temperature-ambient-pressure-superconductor.1494809/)
Shared for scrutiny...
That's how it should always be !
Another reported discovery to be shared:
World's smallest electric generator may herald breakthrough in solar cell technologyQuoteOpening up a new door in solar cell technology, an international team of scientists including a young Indian researcher has developed the world's smallest electric generator that can convert sunlight into electricity but with an efficiency twice that of conventional solar cells.
At the core of the technology lies a novel nano-material that does three things: it converts sunlight into electricity, it also converts the heat generated by the sunlight into electricity and it can store the electricity within the molecule.
It's a molecule?
ps. Fingers crossed for room temperature superconductor.
Chet,what did Apecore positively in the several forums for progress ?
But : I can accept his critics,it is a right observation,like about all the others FE-web-'parliaments' !
bistander :
nice,re-/e-volution wellcomed !
coupled with :
https://soldiersystems.net/2018/12/22/hyperstealth-files-patent-application-which-has-been-demonstrated-to-triple-solar-panel-output/ (https://soldiersystems.net/2018/12/22/hyperstealth-files-patent-application-which-has-been-demonstrated-to-triple-solar-panel-output/)
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x_UKVEBxYFM (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x_UKVEBxYFM)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20190627&CC=CA&NR=3144672A1&KC=A1# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=3&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20190627&CC=CA&NR=3144672A1&KC=A1#)
' The molecule ' ,as stated in the article, The crystal is made out of Cobalt and Gallium metals
Superconductor,RT( near) !? LK-99 ?
https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2023/07/regular-pressure-room-temperature-superconductor-is-a-world-changer-if-mass-produced.html (https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2023/07/regular-pressure-room-temperature-superconductor-is-a-world-changer-if-mass-produced.html)
Better (probably !?)as solar cell material ,IR-spectrum specific: translucent ferrite crystals
https://www.greenoptimistic.com/green-ferrite-solar-cell-japan-20110920/ (https://www.greenoptimistic.com/green-ferrite-solar-cell-japan-20110920/)
Now seemingly 10 years silence about !
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=19&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20140904&CC=WO&NR=2014133045A1&KC=A1# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=19&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20140904&CC=WO&NR=2014133045A1&KC=A1#)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=35&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20110714&CC=US&NR=2011168967A1&KC=A1# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=35&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20110714&CC=US&NR=2011168967A1&KC=A1#)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=40&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20100408&CC=WO&NR=2010038787A1&KC=A1# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=40&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20100408&CC=WO&NR=2010038787A1&KC=A1#)
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=52&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20090305&CC=WO&NR=2009028424A1&KC=A1# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=52&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20090305&CC=WO&NR=2009028424A1&KC=A1#)
Quote from: ramset on July 27, 2023, 08:46:28 AM
This is a repost from overunity research forum
Guys, Chet, Wesley,Its all a big joke here.. our.com.. ou.comTell me I'm wrong.All you working in private benches, shame on you.Wesley come on .. how should I call you?.. or compromised.Were not far from truth... so forget about patents and legal aspects.Just be a kind of Nikola Tesla guy and make history for man kind.
Do it or some nobody like me wil do it before you.
Aint you tired of faking truth?
Not a personal opinion just a wake up call for all the ones who know
End quote
Here an example of confusion
Assumptions and the typical issues on forums
Most sincere people share their work ( open source
Is not a forum ..
it is a mindset!
Others drop crumbs for personal gain ?
To develop a following?
Or just sociopaths making games !
A true breakthrough ( or gain mechanism)
Should be a paragraph long description
With an example for scrutiny
I can write a cake recipe in a paragraph
And many will enjoy
Those skilled in the art ,can write a long PDF
Send it to the proper factory,and a car or plane or
Whatever.. will come off the assembly line ..
Here scrutiny is our friend/ transparency in claims
No secrets and decades long crumb dropping
Such is the realm or sociopaths and sadists
Bragging while the world pays a price ...?
Truly sick minds with no place in the open source
Community !
I could not put my head on the pillow at night
With a true gain mechanism in my head
(Hiding for personal gain or etc etc)
And I truly hope those who do have such knowledge
Realize the consequences of their silence
As we burn our atmosphere and destroy our planet
With status quo
If you want to change the world
Be that change!
Sorry for rant
It just gets old seeing same nonsense over and over
If you know
Write the paragraph!!
And provide your empirical evidence for scrutiny!
There are tens of thousands who would gladly replicate!
Here a discovery shared yesterday by members Pix and also broli
https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.12008)
https://arstechnica.com/civis/threads/lk-99-lead-apatite-room-temperature-ambient-pressure-superconductor.1494809/ (https://arstechnica.com/civis/threads/lk-99-lead-apatite-room-temperature-ambient-pressure-superconductor.1494809/)
Shared for scrutiny...
That's how it should always be !
Quick Question for all you Guys:
How do you propose FUNDING all the R&D; materials, equipment, tools, expenses, rent, power (heat/cool, lights, etc.), testing, food and so forth (professionals - machining, transport, maintenance, etc.) cost money?
Proper development is an incredably expensive venture!
Do you have a foundation or other source of funding - without any ties, or other ROI? FREE UNINCUMBERED FUNDING in other words! To make the world a better place, of course...
If we build it they will come ..
No one has Open sourced any true gain mechanism ( FE autonomous night and day mechanism which can run with gain)
Or even supplied a recipe for replication!
Plenty have tried the patent ( hand a man a stick to beat you with) route..
And yes investors require such "protection "
Hopefully someone changes that soon..
We have tremendous potential ( open source community
I Believe!
Our open source sun ..and atmosphere ..and water ..etc etc..is just the way it is meant to be in this sea of energy we swim through
And I know I am definitely not alone !
Yes your point is not a new one ...
Hopefully the "others" we learn about in The news recently ( UFO's ? Etc)
Might have similar views on open source?
Congressional testimony and release of information!?
Quote from: SolarLab on July 27, 2023, 04:16:29 PM
Quick Question for all you Guys:
How do you propose FUNDING all the R&D; materials, equipment, tools, expenses, rent, power (heat/cool, lights, etc.), testing, food and so forth (professionals - machining, transport, maintenance, etc.) cost money?
Proper development is an incredably expensive venture!
Do you have a foundation or other source of funding - without any ties, or other ROI?
FREE UNINCUMBERED FUNDING in other words! To make the world a better place, of course...
Good comment thank you very much for that.
Crowd is a large number of people gathered together in a disorganized (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=disorganized&si=ACFMAn9IMdf-m8dGI-RtPy6zxE7l6sw1-Hw_ohWDxop2N-vVpTeTVFCTHvFnPSKOKZEz8M6dPt0MfbYI90xIibL20rULjXwPUyoS65mxBnqNnbejtc_DlJg%3D&expnd=1) or unruly (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=unruly&si=ACFMAn8Vh8Mk37drt2pTIRWqgL6eqB802sjbgPusNWca1k4iwJQEJUOYwhMqNdHNbhkwKhJDzHpHmWv390X6vGabftAr9hvevQ%3D%3D&expnd=1) way,
leaving little or no room for movement, often too close to your privacy and comfort SolarLab
creating forums, social platforms to get even closer to you .
Crowd wants free,
Crowd do not care
For crowd you and me we are just elements in that crowd.
When you'll get all pieces for any possible lab testing you are sensitive to crowd scrutiny, demands, attacks, disappointments.
And yet crowd doesn't want to learn, they want it to be delivered into the front door.
Actively researching and posting we have how many guys here?
Did I miss something else here?
My partner quote:
QuoteTell me Wesley Who is Mr forum ?
is he that who scrutinized you, or that who formulated demands, or that who makes rules there or
that who doesn't obey rules of physics...
You'll give me good convincing answer and I will let you publish our achievement.
Actually my achievement,- you Wesley just turned parts into some sort of box, I made it work.
So convince me please or shut up.
So, let me ask again, since I can't determine if your answer was a YES or NO:
Do you have a foundation or other source of funding - without any ties, or other ROI?
FREE UNINCUMBERED FUNDING in other words! To make the world a better place, of course...
Or, am I supposed to fund it all, for free, and give it to you (share)?
What if I can not afford to do everything, and don't have the resources to do it all for you?
If I give it away to you for free, it will be impossible for me to get real-life (business) investors.
You do see the problem I trust - I pay - but I can't afford all the development expense, and can't pay
for it all - so, maybe I should borrow a million +$ to pay for professional development to perfect it and present it properly - so I can give it all to you - for free!!!
What.... :o Pretty strange logic and not a viable business prospective, IMHO.
Here's a better scenario - you do your own design and development and share it with me and others for free!
I like this one better... ;)
Been that way for years
Angel donors willing to underwrite a technology which is to be open sourced ( that is the condition)
Open source!
Quote from: ramset on July 27, 2023, 06:17:19 PM
Been that way for years
Angel donors willing to underwrite a technology which is to be open sourced ( that is the condition)
Open source!
Please post a list of your (open source) Angel Doners:
- Names - phone numbers - email/mailing addresses
I'll contact them!
To be clear
This has never been for research
It has been presented to compensate inventors for existing technology ,
As of this writing, none passed scrutiny ( scientific rigor or testing)
Just as I would never publicly post your info without permission
I would never post others .
You might even try Dr.Steven Greer if you have something running ?
I will reach out to Dr.Steven Jones to start a discussion .
I suspect the opportunities would surprise you ( for those willing to open source
Have you vetted your (open source) suggested Angel Funding sources?
We have... - however, check again - you may want to do another assessment!
Quote from: ramset on July 27, 2023, 06:40:05 PM
To be clear
if you have something running ?
I will reach out to Dr.Steven Jones to start a discussion .
I suspect the opportunities would surprise you
I agree.
Show your progress, convince the donating party and there is plenty of money there,
Some old lady from Manhattan gives check for few millions dollars for saving feral cats.
and gets it tax free as she had to pay it anyhow in her income tax, so is other businesses too.
That is how donation business works.
There are people leaving this world ( with great wealth)
Every moment of every day
Many with regrets about leaving wealth to ... ( fill in the blank
A true world changing planet saving green technology
Would open the floodgates to such persons !
Angel donors are real!
In the past there have Been too many "cry wolf" moments in FE world.
Too many assumptions and measurement errors
Also way to many scam attempts...
I will touch base again ...( as you recommended
Quote from: stivep on July 27, 2023, 06:49:07 PM
I agree.
Show your progress, convince the donating party and there is plenty of money there,
Some old lady from Manhattan gives check for few millions dollars for saving feral cats.
and gets it tax free as she had to pay it anyhow in her income tax, so is other businesses too.
That is how donation business works.
PM me their emails/phone numbers - they can issue a cheque for a couple of million - no strings!
The technology can be presented, no problem (put the cheque in escrow), then, after executing
a non-disclosure - if there's no tech - then there's no money!
Will watch for your PM...
Simple! TIA
This is USA the country of rules and regulations not some "Far East of Europe mutant"
You must present the value first than some middle man contacts the donors .
Or just publish the results convincing enough but never in full, and donors will find you.
In business that will likely be join-venture sharks, in donation business they will be
businesses and individuals who must pay tax but have choice to donate this money to non profit.
There is also group of wealthy willing for whatever reason to put a stamp, pride, mark their name,
show off, or disappointed with their family, or just emotionally moved .
Thanks for the information, but we already have a full compliment of "Strap Hangers"
to draw from. They can have a full agreement in place post-haste!
I'll await your PM with contact information re: (open source) Angel Funders with no strings!
BTW, IMHO you have a very strange concept of real business and how things work, but it IS
YOUR CONCEPT and you are allowed to have it - hey, this is the ol'e United States of America!
Have a good one!
The "string" is
It must be open sourced!
To the world ..
Not to me !
I see you added much to previous comments
Angel donors are real ( for working prototype)
This is not really news here ( for many years)
Nor unique .. several benevolent labs were always
Funded towards this goal ..Hal Putoff and George Hathaway's labs were mentioned
Many times in this forum ( for those with working claims)
The only thing I can add is have you reviewed their agreements, we have!
And, please provide an example, or two, where any Angel Funding has been
awarded to any project found either here (OU.com) or OUR.com AU.com or BU.com.
I'm not aware of any but, then again, I'm not as intimate with the funding awards
than you might be.
I'm not sure I understood you properly.
I'm in USA, I know the rules from business perspective too.
Unfortunately tax deductible donations must be given to American non profit.
But I think that in that highly civilized EU there are similar rules too.
EU means European Union (- not the Far Far East Europe)
As already mentioned prior
The benchmark for Angel donations is a working prototype
Which can pass testing protocols
No need to share details of tech
Black box was always allowed .
To date ( it's been a longtime) none got that far ..
Many tried scams
Others had measurement error
And for clarity
Offer has nothing to do with a forum ( which you specifically asked about ?
Open source is a mindset
Not a forum anomaly
(IMO the world will rally to ( support)a true working open source device)
I will make a few calls again to reboot relationships with
Those who've offered to help open source inventor's in the past
Perhaps it's a good thing to do ..
And try to contact a few new persons too.
Times are changing!
Incredibly fast ..
I suspect many more are willing to help this world move
Towards a better path.
No offence but I'd rather work out the details with the Angel Funder directly.
As is very common and, generally, a requirement.
However, if you are the Angel Funder, please advise.
But, otherwise, thanks for your interest.
And, awaiting any information on other Forum Angel Funding...
You're the one who brought the "forum" Angel Funding" up, BTW.
Pretty hard to get a "direct answer" to a "direct question" around here, isn' it!
[Dodge Ball, anyone?] ;)
Have a good one.
QuotePM me their emails/phone numbers - they can issue a cheque for a couple of million - no strings!
The technology can be presented, no problem (put the cheque in escrow), then, after executing
a non-disclosure - if there's no tech - then there's no money!
It sounds like you have been down this road before like myself?.
Generally speaking the first thing an inventor learns is that all the middle men do not disclose there supposed contacts unless there cut is in writing first because there useless. Otherwise there out of the loop just like an inventor putting there ideas or technology in the public forum. We all have vested interests and we tend to protect them, that is human nature.
I think you nailed it, if everyone and more so the wealthy, are so altruistic and charitable why has society become such a train wreck?. If this was true everyone would do the right thing and put there money where there mouth is but in fact this is generally the last thing we see. No offense but I have found most people worth over a few million dollars to be shallow, contradictory, semi-psychotic, narcissistic and all around assholes. Which is why I choose not to be like them nor associate with any of them. There just not worth my time and I have better things to do like learning and improving myself.
In reality real people know there real worth, it is nether here nor there and has nothing to do with money. They walk into a room and everything they do or say resonates with everyone around them, that is there worth.
On the issue of money, I was supposedly offered "more money than my family could spend in there lifetime". Why would you suppose I turned them down?. Seems kind of crazy or reckless doesn't it?. I mean that's a stupid amount of money so why would anyone suppose a fool like me would reject it?.
Quote from: onepower on July 27, 2023, 10:36:08 PM
No offense but I have found most people worth over a few million dollars to be shallow, contradictory, semi-psychotic, narcissistic and all around assholes.
No offense taken - but just because I'm a Capitalist Pig doesn't mean I'm all the things you accuse me of.
Drop by some time and you'll find out - and yea, I grew up on a farm east of Edmonton, and I can still
milk a cow, ride a horse and rope! (well sort of ?)
And, I still enjoy sailing Yachts, good booze, a fast Mercedes, and inventing stuff, as well! Take care!
Middle men ?
Open source ...middle men not included!
It's just
Get the job done !
(FE open source to the world)
Yeah I know it's not everyone's forte
Thankfully there are plenty who toil for the cause !
It's like their future and their children's future depends on it ..
A calling so to speak..
Relentless pursuit..
Edit for comment below
I could probably have written that reply for you ..
Par for the course.
Oh man - I'm in tears already...
"Our children's future"
So, get off your ass and do it! What's stopping you?
Sure you're not just a leach, lookin for a free ride?
Gretta T, please save the world - you could actually do something,
you know that - but you don't - why? Where's your funding?
Where's your technology? "Come-on man", you can do it!
It's all out there - it's been presented already, just do it!
Quite looking for a free-bee! Just DO-IT - yourself!
Or "Pony-Up" and put your "Money where Your Mouth IS"
this stuff is not cheap to do - and you all know that - so get real...
Quite the crap and fund it! (sell your house and send the money)
if you really cared... about the kids... you'd do that.
- How accurately and how gracefully everything is said!
Time to stop the Cherade
Lobby everyone about the absolute need for Excess Energy - NOW!
The technologies are already there - we need substantial funding to get it to market - along
with the public acceptance (popaganda, etc.).
Politically, MSM and otherwise! Make some calls... No more Bullshit! Swamp them all...
Good topic, OPEN CODE for Free Energy! Unfortunately there are positions of users who even with the disclosure of FE technology (and it has long been disclosed), who pay a high price on the meter, are absolutely far from what we are doing here. The reason is the absolute illiteracy of the average person's energy. What's the matter with the average person, many engineers don't have enough knowledge to put it all together.
I can judge about it, my main professional activity before retirement, it is management from one person to the state, any industry any quantity, any turnover, even I can artist - to determine the norm on creativity. The second direction - economic security of business, analyzing processes and issuing recommendations for management. I don't do it anymore for ethical reasons, except for personal reasons, if I am sure of absolute ethics to people, to whom I can do it.
The energy industry is a business, the realization of the service of selling a unit of energy to the end user (no matter electric power, thermal power, consumable units of energy capacity, etc.) By all accounts this industry is subject to global control and regulation. Engineers inventors do not perceive the world order in the right light, almost all have illusions, they think they can make a fortune out of it.
Those ordinary people who have learned about FE and thought about getting a similar device for their use, again face the absolute lack of information about what it is - the operation of the FE device, how it looks and how much it costs. In the understanding it is disconnected from the network, miracle box FE plugged into the socket and it provided the work of household consumers in the algorithm of receiving as it was from the network through the meter. Alas, that's not how any appliance works. The FE generator is basically a source of electric potential difference in the format of a "current generator". For an example, you can look at the analogy of an autonomous micro-hydropower system for a household. Having considered all aspects of electric power generation, buffer storage, and conversion with regulation of frequency and voltage of the network for consumers in constantly changing load indicators during the day and a full week of the month, it is possible to learn what is management in the generation and operation of such an element as electric power for the household.
The basis of the system for closing any FE devices is their ability to operate in closed cycles (full autonomy). Any reference to this capability, will be pursued by the control system. The system will not allow, even a precedent of the appearance of such a device, by any means up to the most radical.
There is one moment of approaching FE technologies for use by households, it is the creation of manuals to improve the energy literacy of the average person, in the first place all this avalanche of fake publications, videos and other frauds will cease to be, at the will of the interested, dogma in the realization of the desire to have FE, without thinking how it works and how to manage it.
I have two episodes: 1) when we already had such a device (generator with a flywheel of batch action) but subsequently abandoned in favor of solar panels. Unfortunately the device itself was with a very problematic flywheel element, which due to poor balancing constantly required routine maintenance and replacement of worn parts. Also small power in average 200-250 watts/hour with practical constant operator participation of control. As a result, after the appearance of the possibility to connect to the network and sell electrical power, the owners made a decision. I do not know the further fate of the installation. 2) The second episode is the contacts with the design office about the customer (who referred to my material https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/06/magnetic-generator-cop-12.html ) after all the calculations and determining the amount for the implementation of the project with an element of integration into the network, without the amount of further operation and implementation of regulations, the customer also abandoned his idea, paying only engineering design work. Perhaps somewhere will sell the project.
The main reason is the lack of service for repair and maintenance. In Ukraine, at one time, an Odesa company sold up to 20-30 units of Vega Generators, with clear conditions in the contract: no warranty, no after-sales service, for scientific testing. up to 5 units of the device were returned to the manufacturer. No lawsuits have been brought against this device. We have information that some of the gossip was spread by the manufacturers themselves to eliminate interest in buying the device. The output power for charging the battery was only up to 100 W, not 2.5 kW. The system was autonomous and could provide 2.5 kWh per day. The price of the device was grossly overpriced for such a performance. I saw this device working at a remote facility to power a burglar alarm system. The facility had been abandoned by staff and was de-energized, and the alarm system needed such a source.
It's not that simple! The basis for the promotion of PV devices is educational work and increasing the energy literacy of the person concerned. If the average person does not want to know "how and why," it is pointless to convince them of anything.
Time to stop the Cherade
Lobby everyone about the absolute need for Excess Energy - NOW!
The technologies are already there - we need substantial funding to get it to market - along
with the public acceptance (popaganda, etc.).
Politically, MSM and otherwise! Make some calls... No more Bullshit! Swamp them all...
It is not about Cherade !
It is about Influence !
And what motivates Us all !
A first great change :
Aluminium production with global 1 US$/Kg gross selling price
Scherba-catalyzer,1/2 new alu production input need ~ ≤ 7,5 KWh per Kg
the Alu-Ion battery,with up to 250 000 charge cycles
https://www.elektormagazine.com/news/al-ion-battery-with-92-capacity-after-250-000-charge-cycles (https://www.elektormagazine.com/news/al-ion-battery-with-92-capacity-after-250-000-charge-cycles)
2018 - News !
Assuming ,at first,250 US$ per KWh battery capacity we get 25 000 US$¢/250 000 cc =
0,1 US$¢/KWh battery storage costs
+ battery management and charger,both ' open source' condition : 0,25-0,5 US$¢/KWh
Now the functional FE-energy/power generating battery-set !
There are some systems,rotative,non mechanical motional,but quantum mechanical !
KWh-price target : +- 1 US$¢/KWh electricity 24/365 production comercial/private household
https://energy-utilities.com/saudi-arabia-achieves-two-new-world-record-solar-news111675.html (https://energy-utilities.com/saudi-arabia-achieves-two-new-world-record-solar-news111675.html)
https://www.aiche.org/conferences/aiche-annual-meeting/2017/proceeding/paper/638a-cheap-energy-production-and-delivery-everywhere-including-mobile-applications (https://www.aiche.org/conferences/aiche-annual-meeting/2017/proceeding/paper/638a-cheap-energy-production-and-delivery-everywhere-including-mobile-applications)
Wind chamber
https://il.linkedin.com/in/israel-hirshberg-20164677 (https://il.linkedin.com/in/israel-hirshberg-20164677)
( same principle like airpower/Hirshberg ,375 €/KW prototype costs : aveurope.net group in Russia )
Climate change is by terrestric W radiation/sqm what translates in °C/sqm
= GWP ,Global Warming Potential
https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/thema_des_tages/2019/2/20_Bild.png;jsessionid=11BED746548A9C7D860B5A3A3DE7975B.live11052?__blob=normal&v=3 (https://www.dwd.de/DE/wetter/thema_des_tages/2019/2/20_Bild.png;jsessionid=11BED746548A9C7D860B5A3A3DE7975B.live11052?__blob=normal&v=3)
The airpower,RE AND ambiental temperature cooling !? ( Coanda-Effect )
And vertical in-door farming with ' climate positive/-90% water consume'' greenhouse effect :
https://geographyfieldwork.com/AlmeriaClimateChange.htm (https://geographyfieldwork.com/AlmeriaClimateChange.htm)
Because of changes in land use, the energy balance in the area has decreased by 20 watts per square metre (30 watts in summer), an effect much greater than changes caused by a global warming, an estimated increase of 1.66 watts.
In-door farming gives us " CO2-recycling : CO2-to-green plant" potential !
1984 !
https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/gestoertes-system-a-9df1bfdf-0002-0001-0000-000013508487 (https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/gestoertes-system-a-9df1bfdf-0002-0001-0000-000013508487)
All plants with CO2 fertilization grew between 30 and 50 percent more, flowered more profusely, bore more and larger fruit.
Whole concept thinking ! And affordable !
Progression as Evolution :
In near future all the above listed technical devices then produced in AI-humanoids managed factories,container-size/moveable !
1 US$- all inclusive per hour production/transformation costs (excluded product material)!
Per hour/Kg output and Kg/consumer price !
Agriculture :
https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/10/03/139937/new-autonomous-farm-wants-to-produce-food-without-human-workers/ (https://www.technologyreview.com/2018/10/03/139937/new-autonomous-farm-wants-to-produce-food-without-human-workers/)
About major recent commenters:
Honest and friendly but straightforward:
Ramset is based on wishes and when experimenter doesn't perform because he can't
or doesn't want to, he tends to qualify him as unrealistic, fake or unknown.
Perfectly understandable.
That is why you SolarLab do not qualify yet or at all so is others too.
Ramset can do a lot- possibly even more than that, however outcome is up to willingness
of interacting party - he is just a link much dedicated to the cause.
Rakarskiy - I like the guy..
Smart , educated, valuable experienced.
I don't agree with him in some areas but he is definitely an asset here you can't easily find elsewhere.
So he is uniquely important to this forum.
SolarLab.. I see his potential, self oriented, independent,
understanding need of "money" and life necessities.
He is moreso realistic than idealistic.
He is person who exploits circumstances to gain immediate advantage rather than being guided by consistent principles or plans.
Nothing wrong with that but this is not my cup of tea,
I don't give damn about money,
- good lab and minimum comfort in life, but still some sort of basic comfort.
Relation with friends, partners: , it is interesting -to see how they behave, and change.
After some time I may know who I deal with... never for sure.
Advise to SolarLab
If you want the real help and attention, than show your performance at first
Chet is dedicated to help you...
-and this is not a joke
Here's the performance curves you requested:
[ILPG - Florida Power and Light (FPL)] png - FPL
Be sure to also review the pdf file attached at the top of the
[LinGen - Ansys Analysis (NASA)]
pdf - LinGen_HV_CAUTION_Notes_Sch_Sim_22Feb23-1
Note: these are for Version 1 LinGen (the WAG).
In order for you to challenge these performance curves
you will have to show, and prove, where they are in error.
However, you will quickly find they are true and correct
If this information is not good enough in your opinion then that's unfortunate - I will not argue anymore with anyone that does not have the ability and resource to support "excess energy" device development.
BTW - I'm still waiting for the "PM with Contact Information"
(if it was just "smoke" please let me know so I don't have to keep checking)
Have a good one!
Quote from: seychelles on July 28, 2023, 07:36:53 PM
Try Walmart - they probably have a competitor model in stock! :D
Is that 300 KWH 24/7? {or just loop it and you don't need the Sun at all - get 2 while your there}
[Hmm @ 200W for a 4' x 8' panel - that's a pretty big solar farm you got there, nice ;) ]
Booo, still no Contact PM :(
Quote from: SolarLab on July 28, 2023, 03:24:19 PM
Here's the performance curves you requested:
[ILPG - Florida Power and Light (FPL)] png - FPL
The charts from FPL and conclusions presented by Holcomb are erroneous, misleading and wrong. They don't know what they're looking at and how to interpret readings. In one case they claim a damaged utility power meter and show a Internet connection box. They claim that FPL Demand Usage charts show a 2 : 1 energy savings. Outrageous. For more detailed analysis, see reply #2225 in the main Holcomb thread.
It remains that the only data claiming to be from functioning Holcomb devices are ones at his facility tested by him. All other installations report higher energy consumption (& higher utility bills) after the units installed. No data is made available from those, only reports from dissatisfied customers.
How many years now? And no independent test or replication.
Quote from: bistander on July 29, 2023, 12:06:37 AM
The charts from FPL and conclusions presented by Holcomb are erroneous, misleading and wrong. They don't know what they're looking at and how to interpret readings. In one case they claim a damaged utility power meter and show a Internet connection box. They claim that FPL Demand Usage charts show a 2 : 1 energy savings. Outrageous. For more detailed analysis, see reply #2225 in the main Holcomb thread.
It remains that the only data claiming to be from functioning Holcomb devices are ones at his facility tested by him. All other installations report higher energy consumption (& higher utility bills) after the units installed. No data is made available from those, only reports from dissatisfied customers.
How many years now? And no independent test or replication.
Bi, Ramsset,
Hey Bi - you'd know right! (so here comes part of the OU linch mob - they are
really "boned-up" on Excess Energy" stuff so we should all bow down and listen to
what they say - yea right (they couldn't find OU if was spread out on their driveway :D ).
No further comments or data required...
(no shame in your folding BTW)
Good Luck,
Based on your PM you should Ban me - best (typical) solution I figure,
and it appears you all feel the same way - so Bye Bye :)
I'm more for technical facts than just making unsourced shit up!
(which seems to be the modus operandi around here) Sad :(
So, I'll leave you experts to argue and fight amongst your selves...
Quote from: SolarLab on July 29, 2023, 01:53:01 AM
No further comments or data required...
(no shame in your folding BTW)
Good Luck,
Based on your PM you should Ban me - best (typical) solution I figure,
and it appears you all feel the same way - so Bye Bye :)
I'm more for technical facts than just making unsourced shit up!
(which seems to be the modus operandi around here) Sad :(
So, I'll leave you experts to argue and fight amongst your selves...
Not really into the "Smoke" stuff!
Your latest "Smoke" excuse and PM has, IMHO, sent this Forum (OU.com)
to it's lowest level ever - all credibility is lost - nice going!
None of you guys ever discuss technical issues - only "Smoke" - why is that,
kind of answers a retorical question does't it!
Good Morning,SolarLab !
Technical data related,specific effect/-s :
Holcomb device
14,4/36 ,for given example !
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=Victor+Arestov+&IN=&CPC=&IC= (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=Victor+Arestov+&IN=&CPC=&IC=)
25/65 as minute power load change here :
I know about (Dr.med.)Robert Holcomb his trials since over a decade ,similar like the Thane Heins case :
https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC6ZPiUObgaWAyeV3SmUH3mg?cbrd=1 (https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC6ZPiUObgaWAyeV3SmUH3mg?cbrd=1)
' .... 2022 will be the year the entire world learns about the ReGenX Generator, ReGen-X Motor and Bi-Toroid Transformer which are all third party proven ....'
2023 review !? ::)
public demonstration and approvement in need !
power input/load ,RPM and torque, really power need ' harmonizer' :
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=Meta-C&IN=&CPC=&IC= (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/searchResults?submitted=true&locale=en_EP&DB=EPODOC&ST=advanced&TI=&AB=&PN=&AP=&PR=&PD=&PA=Meta-C&IN=&CPC=&IC=)
Probably Heins and Holcomb get their merrits ! And acceptance !
A technical power saving potential is ever between the rotor/stator poles 360° revolution ,f.e. 2-poles device giving each pole 30° radius we have 300° from 360° a stand by/zero power input operation(on/off)Zeitfenster/Time Window
and in signal force output modulation !
+ EMF/MMF Feedback circuit (each pole as independent cycle )
+Load/source comparator and compensator
FM and AM ( as frequency controle and amplitude controle) introducing in rotative machines and transformers !
All time Power Factor 1 (consume)or Power Factor -1(generation) ,in no-load up to full load operation
From stupid consumer machines to 'self-controlled CNC machines' ,the heat pump sellers calls it 'inverter technology' !
p.s.: Uni Austin/dynamotors fix/variable speed power load experiments ,
Frank Nola's ( N.A.S.A.,70') load/source Voltage adjuster in mind
I would ask here
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/dlattach/attach/192335/image// (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/dlattach/attach/192335/image//)
A.nominal machine/-parc KVA or KW power
by nominal RPM ?
B.machine run-time in no-/quarter-/half-/full load condition from total run-time ?
C. Maschine/s equipped with ' inrush current/voltage limiter' ?
D. Fix Voltage and RPM or variable speed machine/-s ?
E. this factory with-/out displacement current/voltage compensation system installation ?
As mentioned in pm
There has been no discussion with forum members or even Stefan
I have just been trying to find a satisfied customer outside of
The business partners or other Holcomb associates
Yes I did write ...you seem to like to fight !
And I also wrote ( several times) I hope you have something running with gain
If Holcomb has been "suppressed " or ?( my question..no evidence)
The offer from Angel donors should be a path to helping you and our world
Example ,Angel donors require no patents or other business type concerns
Absolutely will be certain it truly works ( no reason to reveal working concepts at first
Just allow appropriate testing prior to agreed payment.
The world desperately needs a working non polluting source of energy
To stop deforestation, burning our atmosphere
Polluting our oceans our water etc etc
The knife at our throats from status quo...
Needs to go away..
Also this division brought on by oil ( energy) wars and conflicts ..
I wrote no falsehoods
Will keep looking into this ( this marketing company which got involved also ?
And I will try to discuss this with Stefan ( put him in contact with persons who have called me and others..?
We should not fight here
If you truly want to get something out to the world?
We are on the same page
Our resource is people
The world has many persons with resources ( funds too)who weep at what is happening to our planet and inhabitants
Persons with skills and assets to help ...
We just need that chance ( an open source non polluting working ..device.
Anything which can be relied on night and day
Hot climate cold climate ( underwater or mountain top ..
Or Desert!
Autonomous of ground ( for transport)
Etc etc
EDIT for Comment below
All the persons I am aware of have nothing to do with business partner issues.
Just persons who purchased ( or tried to purchase) and it did not work.
And there are a few other red flags not associated with performance ( marketing claims inferred)
Since these rumors surfaced, I wrote Ellen Holcomb and asked her directly. She told me that they have only one nasty opponent. Regarding doubts about the effectiveness, I offered to do a comparative test at the same time on identical loads. She thanked me and replied that all their data is recorded by the power company and is quite reliable.
I have no reason to doubt her word.
Quote from: SolarLab on July 29, 2023, 03:13:27 AM
None of you guys ever discuss technical issues - only "Smoke" - why is that,
kind of answers a retorical question does't it!
Whenever I engage you in technical issue discussion you quickly end it and start a pages-long rant calling me names and cussing. How many technical orientated questions from me do you leave unanswered? Nearly all. Simply put, you can't handle it. Remember those big boy pants?
Not here, but in the Holcomb thread, I'd appreciate a technical discussion of how the B H curve shows the energy gain which you claim is obvious. Show the math behind that claim and how Holcomb and your LinGen utilize this when it's been hidden from us who put the B H material characteristics to practical application for the past few hundreds of years.
Or, again in the Holcomb thread, please show a simple graphic in 2d of the magnetic circuit of the LinGen. I've asked several times. The 3d representations don't really show the complete picture and are cluttered.
QuoteNo offense taken - but just because I'm a Capitalist Pig doesn't mean I'm all the things you accuse me of.
Drop by some time and you'll find out - and yea, I grew up on a farm east of Edmonton, and I can still
milk a cow, ride a horse and rope! (well sort of ?)
And, I still enjoy sailing Yachts, good booze, a fast Mercedes, and inventing stuff, as well! Take care!
I think you missed my point, the majority of very wealthy people inherited there money and/or by being ruthless business people. Capitalism has little to do with it. Like Elon Musk demanding his employees work 80hr weeks, minimum wages with no worker rights. It's well know Musk screwed over most people he came into contact with which is how he became so wealthy. Good for him, I'm just saying if you do business with people like him they will probably screw you over too because it's in there nature.
On capitalism, capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. Capitalism works but nowhere in this definition does it say one has to act like an asshole to be a capitalist. Yet many people use capitalism as an excuse to act badly, ergo capitalism is not bad the people acting badly are bad. They use capitalism as a scapegoat implying the system is being attacked when in reality it's them and there bad behavior.
For example...
Higher social class predicts increased unethical behavior
Rich People 'More Likely To Lie, Cheat And Break The Law'
Study: Rich People Behave More Unethically Than Poor
I mentioned this because inventors are magnitudes more likely to get shafted by wealthy business people/investors. Almost every successful free energy inventor here I talked to or read about in the literature was screwed over by these people. This is the real reason why most people have never even heard of this technology. Here is how it works, the middle/business men buy or steal the technology then eventually flip it and sell it to a fossil fuel company for millions/billions of dollars. The fossil fuel company then bankrupts or buries the company and the tech with it. Problem solved and it's business as usual...
Good ethical question. Wealth is a means of power, and power is never enough. Moreover, the minority in power is afraid of losing that power to the anger of the majority. It doesn't matter whether it's communism, fascism, socialism or capitalism.
The sign of intilegent is the refusal of meanness. An intelligent capitalist is one who aims to do good through his means: to open a university, to provide education to the poor so that they can have and support a family. Everyone cannot be a leader. I have encountered very rich people, unfortunately there was not a single intellectual among them. For them business is a bloody fight for their power and grinding people's fates. That's the reason why I don't want to work with them.
QuoteGood ethical question. Wealth is a means of power, and power is never enough. Moreover, the minority in power is afraid of losing that power to the anger of the majority. It doesn't matter whether it's communism, fascism, socialism or capitalism.
Indeed, many of the wealthiest people claim religion, politics, patriotism, countries and borders are for the poor. They suppose to go where they please and do as they please with no restrictions. There only real belief is more wealth and power by any means necessary.
Elon Musk and Trump are a good examples, remember when they were pretending to care and be good people?. However once they duped everyone and got what they wanted there attitude changed. Now they demand complete loyalty and obedience to there wishes. Now there banning or cancelling all there critics and even suggesting prison or worse. You know free speech but only as long as the speech agrees with them. Strange how once they got what they wanted they became a completely different person. As if they were always a psychopath and it was all an act.
In fact, I think it was 60 minutes which interviewed a few billionaires recently. They openly claimed there goal had nothing to do with helping anyone only destroying the competition. A competition to make as much as they can to rise to the top no matter how many people got hurt in the process. However they only admitted this after the fact once they got what they wanted and retired, funny how that works...
Quote from: onepower on July 29, 2023, 02:37:34 PM
Elon Musk and Trump are a good examples, remember when they were pretending to care and be good people?. However once they duped everyone and got what they wanted there attitude changed. Now they demand complete loyalty and obedience to there wishes.
https://overunity.com/19486/re-ukraine-and-russia/msg578404/#msg578404""""" Please only strictly discuss Free Energy technologies over here in this forum.
Politics will only generate hatred...as we have just seen.
So I will ban everry member, who will again start to post political discussions.
Please go to a different forum, if you want to exchange your political opinions...
Many thanks for understanding.
Regards, Stefan. ( Admin) """"""
Personally I am sick of reading these political jabs..
Here's a couple of PM's from Ramset.
Maybe you all can help me out in deciphering them - he's a phone guy apparently:
Hate to just write him off as a fruitcake so I ask your help!
NASA METER - review before getting into the Ramset (possible BS):
ramset July 29, 2023 02:59:56 AM
(No subject)
« Sent to: SolarLab on: July 29, 2023, 02:59:56 AM »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »
Too many issues with you
Seems you have some war going on
With everyone
And yes I started topic when a fellow I had asked for help
On another invention we were looking to open source
That one turned out to be a scammer
He called me to be nice ("He" is not really an open source guy)
He said
Have a look at this one (Holcomb) it seems amazing
So I started a topic
Now he sends me notes to run from Holcomb
And mentions many persons who did very strict measurements ( including him)
And NASA test was refused by Holcomb ,they asked what the test protocol would be
BTW NASA test would've been no charge with all documentation if it passed rigor
Keys to the city for a business?
Test protocol was to be 3 calibrated water vessels hooked to each phase
Power in over temp rise over time etc etc
So NASA test quote is misleading
Big refinery in Oklahoma with huge market for Holcomb
Could not get it working weeks and weeks of trying
Many other examples from others
Did talk to fellow down your way today
He said he went there a while back with engineer
It was in-house test /show
And no argument could be made with shown results
He chose not to invest
He feels it's real and says he knows how it works ( said he is not free to discuss)
He use to be an open source guy
Now ??
Anyhow he spoke with Holcomb and Ellen few days back ( I had asked him to double check
If they were still in business ..
He said they were talking about some disagreement with building owner and business?
I'll call him again in a few weeks
I will try to reach out for this Bob Walker
Quite certain I will get to speak with him
Original guy that contacted me
Did a redo of Florida power company test during few days they were there
Did not see gain at meter ( they had their own test equipment
Other examples too
I hope you have real deal and get your wish
Did call one Angel donor contact today
He felt a working prototype would get things going
He is a physicist ( a man of faith)
I get the feeling you already have investors involved
And perhaps it's best for you to keep sourcing similar business oriented
We are looking to open source ( and yes pay inventor for compensation)
And there is absolutely no financial gain involved on this end.
This info has been pinging in my head for a long time
All the people contacting with bad results
It is truly taunting
Stefan does know man who gave me original info on Holcomb
I introduced him months ago
I have not spoken with Stefan about this
Keep hoping you really have something...
Sorry if text is hard to read
I suck at writing
And this tiny screen drives me batty
I'm a phone ( talk) guy
Not writing any of this on forum
Please keep it that way
ramset July 29, 2023 12:24;23 PM
Always drama
I truly hope you have something running with gain
People will support that (duh)
The only advantage those people ( of faith)
Might offer
Is money to compensate your efforts
And no need to deal with all the nonsense associated with
Doing business
No patents required
No government or other approval for bringing something to "plug and play"
Status ( underwriters lab etc etc
Problem with using Holcomb as your latch point for claims or
Seems now there is much negative news ( and a lot comes from customers who paid
And also the use of word NASA in comments ?
They refused offer ( only stipulation for offer was it needed to work as mentioned)
There was a recommendation made on hand meter ,but certainly no endorsement
Test was to be 3phase caloric heating of individual calibrated water vessels
Very known science
Yes I am also a bit suspicious of this ( is there someone trying to suppress them ?)
Or ?
I hope you have something real ...
Ultimately that is all that matters!
Thanks in advance - our comments and guidance is appreciated, as always...
BTW - Does it look fake to you? If so, then just move on!
Quote from: SolarLab on July 30, 2023, 02:49:51 AM
Here's a couple of PM's from Ramset.
... (content deleted)
That's interesting.
Quote from: bistander on July 30, 2023, 03:25:32 AM
That's interesting.
Interesting - for lack of a better term!
Nice photo of a pair of $200 meters. Good maybe for balanced 3ph which is far from what Holcomb's other videos show. And in this video, it doesn't appear the meters are properly connected, and you're trusting them to connect in the proper circuit locations, which has been brought to question on previous tests.
Context of PM was reply to Angel Donor info request , and issues ( concerns) that were standing in the way .
I asked you ( actually a bizarre request on my end since private message is ..self evident)
Please keep ( private comments ?) off forum
I guess integrity is not in your wheelhouse...( perhaps just how you are as a person
Now you Try to light fires elsewhere for some reason ?
Regarding my comments
Yes was waiting for a good result ( besides marketing)
Example: Results from happy customers ( the actual self sustaining status quo marketing
Which is typically used by businesses with solid product and support system in place)
As of this moment ,
Just unhappy customers..or issues ?
Yes it is weird that Astra was supposed to be marketing the small units that people keep telling
Don't work ?
And now a visit to see the stand alone unit which has never been shown running.
As mentioned
Hoping it's real
A stand alone unit heating a nice resistive load ( calibrated water vessel
Is a standard in science)
Heating a nice two house load For a given amount of time ( to rule out stored energy in the system)
Would be amazing !
If Mr Holcomb wants to really change the world
He should open source and get it done !!
Too many people trying to make money ( the FE patent trap ( like handing a man a stick to beat you with)
Just share ...open source
It's why most are here
For marketing..?
Not so much .
Yes I always reach out for people who vet such claims
Too many scammers trying to take advantage out there !
Unrelated to this claim
The forums have been filled with such persons over the years,
And now it's like it's own pandemic
driven by you tube etc
If people really want to change the world
They will teach how in a you tube vid or ?
(Millions of examples of good people helping the world, repairing fixing etc.)
Those who taunt with fake FE vids for clicks or ( hoping for the "I'll buy it ..!where do I send the money "
That happens every day unfortunately ,
Sociopaths and sadists.. robbing desperate people !
And as per your remark on open source ?
Yes it's like a joke to them ..
Sitting around the yacht club bar ..sipping "Tea"
Giggling at the "fools"
How would they make money if it's freely given to the world..?
Guess that's not in your wheelhouse either ..
Teach a man to fish ...
Status Quo
It's Gotta go
Here the cost is too great , and time and events are racing out of control!
You want to change the world
"Be"that change!
Edit for spelling:(
Quote from: bistander on July 30, 2023, 05:35:51 AM
Nice photo of a pair of $200 meters. Good maybe for balanced 3ph which is far from what Holcomb's other videos show. And in this video, it doesn't appear the meters are properly connected, and you're trusting them to connect in the proper circuit locations, which has been brought to question on previous tests.
Was this the video "where it doesn't appear the meters are properly connected":
Gene testimonial video:
https://vimeo.com/user81692192 (https://vimeo.com/user81692192)
Maybe you could point out exactly where the error is!
Thanks in advance...
To all the salesman on this Holcomb or any other device on this forum!
I have seen too many people on this forum selling BS, this is and should be a open source.
I like many others are believers in open source, I invest my time and money trying to develop a system that use less or even if possible free energy.
This is not about the $$$, this is personal.
If anyone does design and try to market a true free energy device, do you really think the world governments would let you sell it to the world? I don't think so!
Trillions of dollars are created with energy every year, not you or anyone else would be allowed to bankrupt this world.
The love of money is truly evil to the core, wars are fought for oil because it can produce so much energy and other products.
Nuclear power has even been used to create $$$, even when they claim it would cost pennies for electricity in the past; we all can see the cost of energy today has sky rocketed.
Third world countries are the real loser today, we are so lucky to have energy and yet people on this forum are looking to sell energy.
I realize there are many on this forum who are looking to steal a idea to make a dollar, open source would be the best way to counter these snakes!
Some company (made up of people) has to design it, develop it, buy parts and stock them for it,
build a factory to house the people and parts stock, give the employees bennifits, heat/cool the place,
provide flushing toilets, sinks, lunch room; buy, calibrate, maintain fabrication equipment, test
equipment, loading dock, pallet movement vehicles, employee pensions, health care, soap, janitorial
services; warrantee, repair, advertising, insurance, .... etc. The list is very long as you must know.
This all costs money!
Trying to do one by yourself is nobel - but it will not help those that can not do it.
A factory mass produces them, buys parts in volume for reduced costs, markets them, supports them,
installs them (contract or otherwise), developes newer, cost reduced/better performance devices, etc...
The looser is everyone - if it's "Open Source!"
No, it IS ABOUT $$$$ - becouse without them only a very few would have access to these devices - very few
so "open source" would be extremely selfish - would you not agree?
No common folk would do it - not because they didn't want to - but because they couldn't!
I could "open source" it to you under the agreement you would supply two trillion units to the world - free, agree?
And, it has to be delivered and installed, for free, and repaired, for free - hey everything is free!
You must see that, or not!
Once the unit is obtained (purchased, probably because some one had to
purchase the material to fabricate it and some one had to actually fabricate
it, ship it etc.)
Now you have abundant energy, free - except how's the city going to pay
for water, sewer, roads, street lights, stop lights, parks, etc... without a Tax on power consumption to help out a bit.
Maybe the city can get some free infrastructure funding and find employees
that will work for free.
Hey, who knows - but I won't die my hair pink just yet! ;)
Quote from: SolarLab on July 30, 2023, 04:40:31 PM
Maybe you could point out exactly where the error is!
Thanks in advance...
I referred to the video you linked.
Quote from: SolarLab on July 30, 2023, 02:49:51 AM
Here's a couple of PM's from Ramset.
Maybe you all can help me out in deciphering them - he's a phone guy apparently:
Hate to just write him off as a fruitcake so I ask your help!
NASA METER - review before getting into the Ramset (possible BS):
Kind of a stretch calling them NASA meters. Just appears that the clamp is vacant on one, or both. I think the camera angle purposely excludes clear visual confirmation of clamped lead. Towards the end of the clip, the way he handles the meter, hardly seems as though it has a phase lead from a 20kW load clamped, does it?
Quote from: bistander on July 30, 2023, 07:00:08 PM
I referred to the video you linked.
Kind of a stretch calling them NASA meters. Just appears that the clamp is vacant on one, or both. I think the camera angle purposely excludes clear visual confirmation of clamped lead. Towards the end of the clip, the way he handles the meter, hardly seems as though it has a phase lead from a 20kW load clamped, does it?
Review this video (the original) - full length about 4:35:
Gene testimonial video:
https://vimeo.com/user81692192 (https://vimeo.com/user81692192)
The meter is a German PCE; PCE-PCM1 (about $240),
The spec sheet & manual are on the PCE web site
(check out the certification price as well - about $700, follows the instrument by lab)
NASA uses COTS when ever possible [certified].
Apparently that meter samples and stores phase currents. Not exactly real time, but close enough, I guess. I still don't trust Holcomb.
Go through all the videos on this page:
I doubt if Holcomb or HES cares if anyone trusts them or not
at this point - they are long past that stage.
But do check out all the videos if you can spare a few minutes.
Interesting, if nothing else!
Maybe less dancers and more engineers.
QuoteNone of you guys ever discuss technical issues - only "Smoke" - why is that,
kind of answers a retorical question does't it!
That is interesting isn't it?.
As an Engineer who was sent to evaluate many of these devices and who has seen a few real working devices first hand I find most of the chatter in these forums a little mind numbing.
It's always he said/she said, oh look at this video which explains nothing, oh look at this second hand circuit diagram from a questionable source or look at this special clamp on meter in a video attached to some random wire which means nothing.
I think this may be the most relevant fact...
Bad Bot Traffic Report: Almost Half of All 2021 Internet Traffic Was Not Human
Thus it would be easy to presume half of all internet traffic including web sites, social media, comment sections and forums like this one are occupied by computer/AI generated responses and paid shills peddling misinformation. Smoke and mirrors indeed.
A few posts back you said something which hit home with me. Something to the effect that everyone is talking about all kinds of random bs which has no real bearing on how a real device could work. They talk about literally everything but how the device could actually work. Which tells me they don't have a clue what there doing or as explained above it's bot/shill traffic.
Like in the latest video presented about the Hocomb device here https://vimeo.com/750533880
I would never accept this amateur bs and would first verify that the conductor carried a pure sine wave the meter was actually able to measure accurately. If in fact the wave form was uniform measured with a DSO only then would I deem the instrument able to measure the power and only after a calibration test. You see even a $500,000 dollar instrument is basically a paper weight if it has not been properly calibrated and designed to measure the thing you want to measure in the proper context.
I get it, the video looks cool if a person is incompetent, has no idea about what the meter is designed to measure, how it measures it or all it's limitations. However whenever anyone pulls out a DMM or clamp meter I usually do a face palm. It's like, really dude?, I mean really?, and at that point I tell the investors looking to me for guidance this person has no idea what the hell there doing or showing.
Throwing this out there, going to retire early and wouldn't mind getting back into evaluating advanced technology having actually seen it. I don't fuck around and I call it as I see it based on my own instrumentation actually designed to show a loss or gain in energy. All these retards preoccupied with becoming billionaires doesn't really interest me but evaluating what works or not in the name of science does. I'm only interested in moving forward not backwards...
Good points.
Also, it's not uncommon when presenting information, especially complex technical
stuff, that the presenter assumes, maybe wrongfully so, that the audience has a least
a moderate "skili-in-the-art."
If you had to explain every finite piece of the presentation every time you made a post,
you would never be able to finish even a basic concept. Take the B-H Curve for example.
Or, as you point out, try measuring a GHz pulsed waveform with a clamp-on meter. If you
would have to explain the "why and how's" of the measurement techniques versus instrument
capabilities - you would never get from "a" to "b" in several months or quarters or years.
I have to assume the audience I'm presenting to has a skill level that's up to the task. But,
often times this is impossible.
The solution I've adopted, quite successfully in fact, is to use an accepted professional tool
that is trusted throught the industry and one that the audience has immediate faith in.
That's where my "CAE Analysis" approach was born. There are many other advantages to
using these tools, not only with clients, but also students or even in general discussions.
Analyze the concept, and if need be, construct a simple (or complex) Proof-of-Concept is need
be (e.g. B-H Curve analysis with graphs, etc; wind an air-core coil; measure it with a Tesla-Gauss
meter; insert a soft magnetic core; measure again. Now, go back and use the CAE Analysis to
show the same demonstrations. It works extremely well and is quite comprehensive.
Can be vital to the complex design and fabrication process as well further down the road.
Anyway, good luck with retirement - BTW, get a Contract and build-in the CAE tools - clients
will love it as well - a great deal of credability can be gained just by presenting it in the
proposal, including the time and effort that can be saved in getting their product to market!
QuoteAnalyze the concept, and if need be, construct a simple (or complex) Proof-of-Concept is need
be (e.g. B-H Curve analysis with graphs, etc; wind an air-core coil; measure it with a Tesla-Gauss
meter; insert a soft magnetic core; measure again. Now, go back and use the CAE Analysis to
show the same demonstrations. It works extremely well and is quite comprehensive.
That's cool but can you describe the actual rate of change of both the electric and magnetic field around a coil relating to the inverse square law as the current within it actually changes and not averaging the forces as most do?. You see as an engineer I cannot rely on hearsay or what someone 100 years ago claimed or said and it must be verified. This may be why a group of investors worth supposedly billions of dollars were seeking my advice versus others which means nothing. I do not rely on prior generalized knowledge only what I can verify using first principals.
I thought it was kind of funny because I basically said I don't give as shit what anyone else has said or done and my assessment is based on my own measuring instruments. I do not average anything nor rely on any model of anything. I measure whatever is able to be measured using any and all instrumentation available to me at the time. For example, most amateurs might use a clamp on meter while I use a magnetometer/electrometer array able to measure the rate of propagation of the magnetic/electric field within a three dimensional space.
It's not rocket science, I do not take anything for granted, everything must be proven step by step, concept by concept otherwise it means little.
It's quite complex, that's why you might get a better picture using CAE.
E.G. - pulse rise/fall w.r.t inductance of the coil which depends on dv/dt,
coil physical structure; the pole material characteristics (B-H); type of
recovery cicuit; stator loading, stator material, number of winds, physical
placement; air gap between poles and stator.
Many, many, interations which are intertwined. Pulse sequencing, etc...
W.R.T. the Investors seekin your knowledge - explain to them there is a complex
interaction within and between all the elements involved; however there are some
good proven tools that can be used to go through the design, one elemnet at a time,
as well as interactively; to achieve good results - will take a bit of time and investment,
but it can be done (use my initial CAE stuff if you wish, as an example - it's valid).
Hey, this stuff (analysis) is still in it's infantcy but is do-able!
Don't get bogged down with Analytics (formulas), you'll be there a hundered years
and be no further ahead than we are now!
BTW, first principals only work when you sprincle iron filings on a paper-magnet! ;)
Advice - stay out-of-the-weeds! I have a scheme with this and this and this - so
how does it work? Then, what if's...
Our brains and experience are pretty good, but not that good when 5 or more
complex interactions are involved. Unfortunately, that's just the way it is, for me anyway!
System engineering and analysis is pretty much all the same, be it an excess energy
device, a radio or TV, or a space borne electronic device - one piece + another piece...
Like you say, concept by concept - but to some it is "rocket science" to others it's just a toaster!
And - don't low-ball your proposal, or yourself. A few hundred $K for success is better than a
few $K for failure - and failures are dime a dozen - successes are 1 in million (priceless)!
Snake oil salesman are on this forum, be warned!
Clearly there are investors on this forum pushing this Holcomb device, I would caution anyone putting money down on these unproven claims.
Again, nobody has a single unit that worked or still waiting on their delivery after spending 50k+.
There's a old say, " If you can't sell it to the public because it doesn't work, try to sell it to a few people with a investment return and add more snake oil to the claims". Sounds like a Dennis Lee presentation on these forums.
SL clearly sounds like the salesman, yet he has more snake oil rubbed on his hands like a car salesman waiting for a payoff. At least a Salesman has a car you can test drive, SL has nothing!
Where is the real deal Mr salesman?
I see picture, meters and claims; but no physical machine.
It's unlikely for people on this forum to not show a prototype of how something should work, Yet Mr salesman is not doing that. WHY not?
SL need to come out of the closet and explain whats in it for himself, because he clearly has nothing to show but claims of someone who can't prove free energy.
SL sounds like someone who invested a lot of $$$ on this fantasy free energy machine.
Mr Salesman, you need to explain your behavior!
I'm wondering who the seller is here от https://holcombenergysystems.com/ ?
If you are in doubt, no one forbids you to contact Holcomb Energy System and ask to visit their research center and see for yourself. Just don't expect them to tell you the specifics of their engineering solutions. They demonstrate the work of not one, but numerous devices.
You have to be a complete fool to think that a pioneer project will not have various technical difficulties, administrative difficulties and lack of trust.
I hope they solve the technical challenges they have in scaling the plant above 200 kW.
The main issue is that this is not a forum to discuss investments and the risks involved.
As for the technical issues of how it works, I have voiced my opinion and it remains unchanged.
QuoteRobert Holcomb's solid state synchronous machine, works on the algorithm of a traditional electromechanical synchronous machine, generating electricity. A solid state rotor is a system of electromagnets that mimic the action of a mechanical magnetic rotor. The task is to create a magnetic excitation flux, hold it and move it in the stator and rotor, synchronously inducing EMF in the generator phases. When a load is connected, the excited current in the phase wires amplifies the magnetic field of the system's magnetic flux. The magnetic flux [ϕ] has a constant component, both for a traditional electromechanical generator machine and for a Holcomb solid state machine. The Holcomb machine, like the synchronous generator, depends heavily on the connected load to create a working rotating field.
If you think that it is easy to make a setup where you can simulate the rotation of a permanent magnetic field in a stator, you are wrong. Holcomb's patent is in plain sight, but the technology in terms of materials, algorithm and calculation system is his property.
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.
My new Tomcomb free energy generator system would do the same, looking for investor......LOL
I plan to do a series on my own version, unlike others I will have a real working prototype that everyone can copy!
"You don't have to be a rocket scientist to put hot air into a cylinder", time to start showing real stuff instead of BS!
You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.
TommeyReed, the Holcomb Energy System project is a commercial project from the very beginning. I don't think they're eager to share the specifics of their project. They are making every effort to get into the commercial energy system, not to give you free kilowatts. So it's absurd to make any claims against them.
If you have basic knowledge and experience in designing electromagnetic generators, it is not difficult to grasp the essence of my statement. To do anything with this technology, there will be a lot of how, why, what to do? The main thing is how to start the generator to create a working field in it. If you know how to calculate the electrical circuit with a generator, everything is in plain sight. But there are still a lot of questions. It's easier to try to make a machine like Park Jae-Soon's. (https://patents.google.com/patent/US8629588B2/en?oq=8%2C629%2C588)
Hi rakarskiy,
Unlike you and many of your followers, I have a very good friend who invested over 50K on the Holcomb device a few months ago, but did not give any money to Mr. Holcomb directly and still haven't received a unit to this day.
Now, his Friend did get a system a few months ago and it show more energy was need to get less energy output. There are going to be big law suits coming to Mr Holcomb very soon, just be warned of the facts.
Solarlab is not a employee of Holcomb, so why is he trying to make money from third party investors? What is he selling a program simulation that is claiming Holcomb device works. That like going to a fortuneteller with no proof or facts!
Quote from: TommeyReed on July 31, 2023, 12:00:59 PM
Hi rakarskiy,
Unlike you and many of your followers, I have a very good friend who invested over 50K on the Holcomb device a few months ago, but did not give any money to Mr. Holcomb directly and still haven't received a unit to this day.
Now, his Friend did get a system a few months ago and it show more energy was need to get less energy output. There are going to be big law suits coming to Mr Holcomb very soon, just be warned of the facts.
Solarlab is not a employee of Holcomb, so why is he trying to make money from third party investors? What is he selling a program simulation that is claiming Holcomb device works. That like going to a fortuneteller with no proof or facts!
I already had one explanation, perhaps to an investor. This converter is not a transformer and it has a stable dimension of input power. If at certain moments the consumer takes less power, the converter will still take its fixed power, which it needs. Probably the issue here is not in the parameters, but in the rules of operation. Those who operate such a device should know about it.
Hey Tommey,
Sorry to hear you and your friend got scammed - but it wasn't by me nor by Holcomb; so blaming
either of us for his, or your, stupidity is really unfounded and childish...
Since you are designing your own "excess energy" system, there's no need for you to
concern yourself with the HES developments; nor my methods (CAE Analysis) of determining
the Holcomb patent viability any further at this point.
Again, sorry you got scammed - but there's nothing I, nor Holcomb, nor Rakarskiy can do about that.
PS - you are looking like a childish fool having a temper tantrum - you know that, right!
Tommy is specifically writing about Holcomb's product that was purchased and also additional information!
Sorry for interrupting
Not sure if HES production units are available yet.
Maybe an Alpha or Beta insitu test device - part of R&D
development - very common, actually; that's part of
the research cycle - field evaluations.
Usually when you sign up for Beta unit testing you
understand that's what it is - a test unit for evaluation.
I could be totally wrong in this case however, but I don't
believe A-HES has started any production yet. Holcomb
seems to be quite fussy about performance in that regard.
Done a lot of Alpha and Beta testing over the years and not
every unit tested was perfect out-of-the-box!
Beta site and even most "first article" installations involve a
great deal of extra insitu information gathering - photos, videos,
data logging, performance comparisons, and so forth.
Quote from: ramset on July 31, 2023, 05:00:44 PM
Tommy is specifically writing about Holcomb's product that was purchased and also additional information!
Sorry for interrupting
Clearly you have no knowledge of what I know and who I know. Just shows you are a snake oil salesman.
I know a few people who visit Holcomb directly and purchase a 5k unit from Holcomb himself. I was going to visit the company, but because of a few snake salesman who try to sell these units I couldn't go.
They were called friends, but they are kicked out of my circle because of the deals they sold others. These are snake oil salesman, make me think you are too!
SL, so you're saying you work for HES, or are you just trying to collect money on a product you have no idea if it works?
OverUnity is not a platform to look for investors, why are you backing HES?
Clearly you haven't seen a working unit, yet your video game software claims that it works.
Irrelevant and immaterial... quite silly as well!
BTW - Nobody plays these "Silly Reindeer Games" anymore...
Although, I do peek in at your Youtube Videos on occasion :)
Quote from: SolarLab on July 30, 2023, 04:16:05 AM
Interesting - for lack of a better term!
Anyone measuring more than a few % more out than in, needs to just loop the thing and show constant power OUT, without any IN.
How many % should necessitate a loop to be presented in stead of the standard in-out picture? 10% to allow for losses? In some cases 5% surplus out should be enough to get 3-4% out, constantly, and have no more in connected.
With a multifold out vs in, we are just looking at THE very laziest inventor ever, or a measurement error. I am yet to hear of any exceptions, having seen plenty pass though, and you guys will have seen more.
Can we come to some rule set for claimants to adhere to? A 7x out picture is just not acceptable to present without at least showing an extensive log of failed loop attempts. If it remains unsuccesful, the inventor simply needs help with their measurements first, and a lawyer or publisher second.
Show me a 1MW MGU with a measly 20% out over in, and I'll show you a standalone isolated apparatus composed of 3 motors and circuitry outputting a constant 100 kW to a real and verified load performing work. Lifting stuff, driving a common vehicle over a common route, running a big fountain, etc, etc.
Hi Cloxxki,
You're right - a few % more Out than In; just looping it, should give an Out without any IN.
This is likely quite obvious to most technical folks who would view it that way - and they would
be correct. Of couse; it would require an initial "Start-Up" phase.
However, if the Inventor or Company "Advertised this type of Looped Operation" they would
likely find themselves in trouble with a whole segment of the "Establishment," including the
"Patent Office" and "Intellectual Property" folks.
The Patent Office, et. al., claims "Free Energy" is impossible (as we all know). So, you're in
trouble the minute you even speak of "looping" and all that.
Therefore; just stay 500+ miles away from anything, even remotely, related to "OU" or "Looping."
Problem is: You have to also compete with the "Solar" folks while trying to capture the non-grid
tied customers - it's a thin line to walk, to be sure!
Best to just say - an "Energy Saving" device - ILPG or a simple non-fuel generator (in small letters)!
;) a good example of how easy it is to mislead the average person. The main thing is that no louse will sue.
So let's do a little math! We'll calculate in RMS values 1/√2 = 0.7 (cosφ -0.77 indicated on the motor). Three-phase motor connection in delta, so for one phase.
The guy writes 10 kW: this is for 230V = 10000W/230V=43,48A.
Determine the resistance of the winding phase (total), the motor indicates 3.6A at a power of 0.75kW: R = U/I = 63.8Ω;
divide the value conditionally into active and reactive resistance equally (although this is incorrect): r0 = 63.8Ω * 0.5 = 31.9Ω
Next, calculate the index of the complete circuit, to begin with, calculate the load resistance of 10 kW: R(LOAD) = U/I = 230V/43.48A = 5.2Ω.
Let's calculate the current of the complete phase circuit with load I = U/(R(LOAD)+r0) = 230V /( 5.2Ω + 31.9Ω) = 6.2A
The first calculation shows that fig what there will come out at 10 kW, this is without taking into account the cross-section of the conductor on the current carrying capacity.
To get the desired current we need a function of the EMF drop, let's find how much we need to add:
Ui = I((R(LOAD)+r0) = 43.48A*( 5.2Ω + 31.9Ω) = 1612.74 V; the total EMF will be E = U+Ui = 230V+ 1612.74 V = 1842.74V.
For a complete circuit: I = (E-U) / (R(LOAD)+r0) = (1842.74V-230V) / ( 5.2Ω + 31.9Ω) = 43.48A For a section of circuitI = U/R = 230V/5.289Ω = 43.4A
That's all you can see from this show clip. ;)
Learn physics and master the solution of problems in physics. Without mathematical analysis you will remain losers.
Quote from: TommeyReed on July 31, 2023, 06:50:01 AM
Snake oil salesman are on this forum, be warned!
Clearly there are investors on this forum pushing this Holcomb device, I would caution anyone putting money down on these unproven claims.
Again, nobody has a single unit that worked or still waiting on their delivery after spending 50k+.
There's a old say, " If you can't sell it to the public because it doesn't work, try to sell it to a few people with a investment return and add more snake oil to the claims". Sounds like a Dennis Lee presentation on these forums.
SL clearly sounds like the salesman, yet he has more snake oil rubbed on his hands like a car salesman waiting for a payoff. At least a Salesman has a car you can test drive, SL has nothing!
Where is the real deal Mr salesman?
I see picture, meters and claims; but no physical machine.
It's unlikely for people on this forum to not show a prototype of how something should work, Yet Mr salesman is not doing that. WHY not?
SL need to come out of the closet and explain whats in it for himself, because he clearly has nothing to show but claims of someone who can't prove free energy.
SL sounds like someone who invested a lot of $$$ on this fantasy free energy machine.
Mr Salesman, you need to explain your behavior!
If, in fact, you did get taken for $50K (through your own stupididy, or not) we might be able to
recover a good portion of that $50K back to you:
A very remote associate I know is pretty good at "recovery" - of course he has a fee but it beats
a "poke in the eye with a sharp stick" and he does present legal, and other methods, as required.
Let me know if you need help - get a TACP and RM the #.
Just trying to help "clear the air" here - nobody deserves to be cheated, no matter how stupid they
are! I've been there and done that...
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 01, 2023, 12:49:48 AM
;) a good example of how easy it is to mislead the average person. The main thing is that no louse will sue.
So let's do a little math! We'll calculate in RMS values 1/√2 = 0.7 (cosφ -0.77 indicated on the motor). Three-phase motor connection in delta, so for one phase.
The guy writes 10 kW: this is for 230V = 10000W/230V=43,48A.
Determine the resistance of the winding phase (total), the motor indicates 3.6A at a power of 0.75kW: R = U/I = 63.8Ω;
divide the value conditionally into active and reactive resistance equally (although this is incorrect): r0 = 63.8Ω * 0.5 = 31.9Ω
Next, calculate the index of the complete circuit, to begin with, calculate the load resistance of 10 kW: R(LOAD) = U/I = 230V/43.48A = 5.2Ω.
Let's calculate the current of the complete phase circuit with load I = U/(R(LOAD)+r0) = 230V /( 5.2Ω + 31.9Ω) = 6.2A
The first calculation shows that fig what there will come out at 10 kW, this is without taking into account the cross-section of the conductor on the current carrying capacity.
To get the desired current we need a function of the EMF drop, let's find how much we need to add:
Ui = I((R(LOAD)+r0) = 43.48A*( 5.2Ω + 31.9Ω) = 1612.74 V; the total EMF will be E = U+Ui = 230V+ 1612.74 V = 1842.74V.
For a complete circuit: I = (E-U) / (R(LOAD)+r0) = (1842.74V-230V) / ( 5.2Ω + 31.9Ω) = 43.48A For a section of circuitI = U/R = 230V/5.289Ω = 43.4A
That's all you can see from this show clip. ;)
Learn physics and master the solution of problems in physics. Without mathematical analysis you will remain losers.
Or simply use an on-line calculator.
Quote from: SolarLab on July 30, 2023, 04:40:31 PM
Was this the video "where it doesn't appear the meters are properly connected":
Gene testimonial video:
https://vimeo.com/user81692192 (https://vimeo.com/user81692192)
Maybe you could point out exactly where the error is!
Thanks in advance...
Just noticed something about this video. Please confirm the system voltage.
Quote from: bistander on August 01, 2023, 03:31:36 AM
Or simply use an on-line calculator.
This is only if you know the essence and you need to reduce the time. But in any case the phase resistance cannot be the same for 10 kW and for 0.75 kW. By the way, in reality things are even sadder.
For me the only importance : functional ?!
Seeing the HES as power saving device,coupling into a motor-generator(rotoverter)battery-set ,
motor consume units 100 without HES 100
generator recuperation units 30
motor consume units 100 less HES given example 36 before/14,4 later power consume
~ now motor 40 net units
and generator 40 recuperation units (Yurth generator coil coating)
we get an ' quasi' unlimited car drive range,by loop !
p.s.: not being HES dependent,alternatively Keiichiro Asaoka and Sanshiro Ogino R&D results applying
The rotoverter +
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20190328&CC=DE&NR=112017003611A5&KC=A5# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?DB=EPODOC&II=2&ND=3&adjacent=true&locale=en_EP&FT=D&date=20190328&CC=DE&NR=112017003611A5&KC=A5#)
equals HES loop
Important fields to apply : heat pump drive loop ( heating/cooling) and peoples mobility
"If, in fact, you did get taken for $50K (through your own stupididy, or not) we might be able to
recover a good portion of that $50K back to you:", can't you read? I never said i invested any money!
Who are we?
Do you work for Holcomb?
You clearly are being either dishonest of who you are and what your true motive really is or just another salesman who are on the Holcomb train to get $$$.
Which is it Solarlab?
I would never waste a dime in this Holcomb device, I see the false claims from the start. I said my friend invested 50k, but I did warn him about the lack of independent verification like Department Of Energy and NASA!
I also asked Holcomb on YouTube comment, if the Department Of Energy or any company in the USA verified their claims. Never got a answer back!
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 01, 2023, 06:23:30 AM
// $50K (through your own stupidity.
SolarLab has rights to his own opinion.
We all have rights to our own opinion.
It is a mistake made by a buyer when "positive" declaration intended to give
confidence - a promise is false or can't be verified by other buyers.
Stupidity is not a cause but the consequence, as a lucky fool can win 1.1 billion dollars in lotto in USA.
Compared to it: The "given for free" - (instead of sold for profit.)
is attacked by very same people means you the audience.
More over the audience own laziness doesn't make them go to work or experiment if nobody pays for it.
- my contribution since 2019 didn't create much interest . Video would help a lot... what for ??? ? or for whom? ???
Uneducated authority allows you to move only as far as allowed by their own level and comfort .
This applies to any forum management/ activists that promote
conflicting with physics garbage while limiting freedom of expression
of true professionals, - that also extends to any local, any government any business.. having such one in power.
Opinions is one thing, but claiming something works without knowing the facts is another issue.
You clearly don't even know what issue is, like many on these forums pushing claims that can't be verify is misleading.
I never wasted 5k, what is wrong with you people?
Take a nap and maybe you can give everyone the real fact instead of following the misleading claims!
Great, glad we got that cleared up:
you didn't loose $50K; since Holcomb didn't answer your Youtbe Video comment about verification.
Sorry if I mis-read your post; sometimes they're interpretation is not that clear for me.
Who are "we" - We evaluate methods and techniques (some patent claims as well) using Professional CAE;
as an independant entity.
Please find attached the "DNV Verification Report" - there are others, as well, from what I understand
but to get a full picture you could always contact A-HES, HES or Holcomb directly or through your
Investment Adviser.
Your choice to purchase a unit when they become available on the market is entirely yours, of course!
Have a great day!
SL Attached: DNV Report dated 2019-11-04.
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 01, 2023, 06:23:30 AMSolarlab,
"If, in fact, you did get taken for $50K (through your own stupididy, or not) we might be able to
recover a good portion of that $50K back to you:", can't you read? I never said i invested any money!
Who are we?
Do you work for Holcomb?
You clearly are being either dishonest of who you are and what your true motive really is or just another salesman who are on the Holcomb train to get $$$.
Which is it Solarlab?
I would never waste a dime in this Holcomb device, I see the false claims from the start. I said my friend invested 50k, but I did warn him about the lack of independent verification like Department Of Energy and NASA!
I also asked Holcomb on YouTube comment, if the Department Of Energy or any company in the USA verified their claims. Never got a answer back!
Answer #1Quote from: TommeyReed on August 01, 2023, 02:59:05 PM
Opinions is one thing, but claiming something works without knowing the facts is another issue.
Tom I didn't disagree with you.. in the sense of an intentional action to get money from the buyer .
I think you didn't read my comment carefully enough -
to be delicate.I only said that an opinion makes a buyer .
Buyer made mistake on his own.
QuoteStupidity is not a cause but the consequence,
Please read it again please.
Great, glad we got that cleared up:
you didn't loose $50K; since Holcomb didn't answer your Youtbe Video comment about verification.
Sorry if I mis-read your post; sometimes they're interpretation is not that clear for me.
Who are "we" - We evaluate methods and techniques (some patent claims as well) using Professional CAE;
as an independant entity.
Please find attached the "DNV Verification Report" - there are others, as well, from what I understand
but to get a full picture you could always contact A-HES, HES or Holcomb directly or through your
Investment Adviser.
Your choice to purchase a unit when they become available on the market is entirely yours, of course!
Have a great day!
SL Attached: DNV Report dated 2019-11-04.
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 01, 2023, 06:23:30 AMSolarlab,
"If, in fact, you did get taken for $50K (through your own stupididy, or not) we might be able to
recover a good portion of that $50K back to you:", can't you read? I never said i invested any money!
Who are we?
Do you work for Holcomb?
You clearly are being either dishonest of who you are and what your true motive really is or just another salesman who are on the Holcomb train to get $$$.
Which is it Solarlab?
I would never waste a dime in this Holcomb device, I see the false claims from the start. I said my friend invested 50k, but I did warn him about the lack of independent verification like Department Of Energy and NASA!
I also asked Holcomb on YouTube comment, if the Department Of Energy or any company in the USA verified their claims. Never got a answer back!
DNV GL AS as international technical consultance ,DNV = Det Norske Veritas + GL= Germanischer Lloyd :
Above verification report from 2019
Now,since 2021,only DNV
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNV (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNV)
Answer #2Quote from: TommeyReed on August 01, 2023, 02:59:05 PM
Opinions is one thing, but claiming something works without knowing the facts is another issue.
I do not understand
what is wrong with your English Tommey.
Please read again this:
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580732/#msg580732 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580732/#msg580732)
than this:
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580735/#msg580735 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580735/#msg580735)
and that what I'm writing below in the Simple English -
American English specially for you.:
You are ABSOLUTELY right that no product should be sold that is or it represents
ADVERTISED non existing quality /
2. If your friend signed document revoking his rights to quality and performance than he can not get money back.
Quote from: stivep on August 01, 2023, 04:04:23 PM
Answer #2I do not understand what is wrong with your English Tommey.
Please read again this:
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580732/#msg580732 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580732/#msg580732)
than this:
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580735/#msg580735 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580735/#msg580735)
and that what I'm writing below in the Simple English -American English specially for you.:
1. You are ABSOLUTELY right that no product should be sold that is or it represents ADVERTISED non existing quality /
2. If your friend signed document revoking his rights to quality and performance than he can not get money back.
QuoteThan is used in comparisons as a conjunction (as in "she is younger than I am") and as a preposition ("he is taller than me"). Then indicates time. It is used as an adverb ("I lived in Idaho then"), noun ("we'll have to wait until then"), and adjective ("the then-governor").
Picky, I know. But there is a simple fix.
Thank you very much.
Typing error.
I was writing it in my car on my cellphone during the time the wobbly Tower Bridge on the river was moving down.
I'm doing it now too, having another 14 sec.
Quote1. You are ABSOLUTELY right that no product should be sold that is or it represents ADVERTISED non existing quality
True however I cannot recall any product I ever bought which ever lived up to most of it's claims. Like many of Elon Musk's questionable claims, the Tesla EV's were mowing down pedestrians, slamming into obstacles and spontaneously bursting into flames. I don't believe that was in the brochure when people signed up to buy the car. Any other car maker with this many defects would have been shut down a long time ago.
Or my high end induction range which 13 months later just off warranty cannot hold temperature in the oven. It only has one job, to hold the temperature, but apparently that's asking too much. Rather than me wasting time fixing it myself the wife wanted a supposed technician. There all contract technicians and as expected they were totally useless. So I will be fixing it myself like everything else.
So let's be honest, very little if anything is as claimed in this day and age.
QuoteNo product should be sold that is or it represents ADVERTISED non existing quality
-at the time of sale!! You have your warranty or can buy the additional one. After that you are on your own.
Quote from: onepower on August 01, 2023, 08:33:03 PM
So I will be fixing it myself like everything else.
So let's be honest, very little if anything is as claimed in this day and age.
Very much true. I agree.
All things including your life is this way.
That drives economy. The good in it is, that you must learn to fix things around you.
Kickers of inflated piece of rubber called football are watched by millions,
dedicating their time, (cost of tickets, parking, Cable TV payments,).
Education increasing knowledge in physics is my best entertainment and I do not have TV at home.
Extraction of energy from magnetic field of a magnet is impossible because magnets do not contain energy.https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-magnetism-be-used-as-a-source-of-energy/ (https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-magnetism-be-used-as-a-source-of-energy/)
All defendants have the right to be presumed innocent until an independent court finds them guilty
but intentional abuse of these values takes them there.
I do not see any extreme need for some friend of Tommey to invest 50k in Holcomb but he has full rights to
do it and eventually become
emerge as · grow into ; turn out to be · change into ; evolve into · transforms into ;
a loser. Wesley
Wesley,but the follower is also saying that : magnets are a ' force-source' !
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorentz_force) - battery
Better : lever devices ( anti-/conduction enhancer /resistor)
No pressure no force No force no energy No energy no power
We have to be concentrated in use of terms ( educative zones) :
Formulas are fixed and conditional defined,in lingual and physical terms !
Force = Kraft Energie=Energy Power= Leistung
nuclear force plant/Kernkraftwerk versus Nuclear power plant /Nuklear Leistungswerk
1 Trillion = 10¹² and 10¹⁵,both right a.german maths: anglo Trillion is german Billion b.anglophonic math
1 Billion = 10⁹ and 10¹²
There is no lingual syntax,caution : error source !
KHz KILO thousand MHz MEGA Million ,GHz GIGA Milliarde or Billion ,THz TERA Billion or Trillion cycles
Quote from: lancaIV on August 02, 2023, 07:06:02 AM
magnets are a ' force-source' !
Energy is the work required to displace a body by some distance.
At the same time the effort that it takes to do the work is the force experienced by the body
but to displace the body you must first to place that magnet there. You do the work not magnet.
https://www.vedantu.com/question-answer/difference-between-the-force-and-energ-class-9-physics-cbse-605045c864254c3b01ca85e5 (https://www.vedantu.com/question-answer/difference-between-the-force-and-energ-class-9-physics-cbse-605045c864254c3b01ca85e5)
Another explanation:
Energy is an ability to operate or activate things while force is a method of transferring energy.
Energy and mass of a closed system is conserved, but there is no such conservation for force. So magnetic force can be used by us,
Work is an energy transfer resulting from a force over a distance
anti-force source and force-source
Catalyzer ! re-/action improver !
Force/Energy can not be destroyed,by by specific time and in specific space maximized or minimized from basic value ! = Displacement
The 'displacement paradoxon' ( by some their mind) :
moving matter/material/a weight from A to B to A horizontal is in time and subject moving probably ' work',in energetic Joule consume physics also 'work' ,but objective by classical physics this displacement = no work !
Angular displacement !
Often there is also a syntax error about ' force' and ' energy' as physical phenomen and effect :
Only external molecular or including internal atomar/nuclear force/energy/power !
Is the source em radiative absorptive or emittive ? Saturation point !
p.s.: for plasma= electricity ? electron proton : why we do not have ' protonicity' as term ?
electron flow ≥ proton flow proton flow ≥ electron flow
Are both centrifugal and/or centipetal ? Accelerating/decelerating ? Internal temperature? In Gigacycle ? /RT !?
As standing wave : rotating in the same wire sequence ,turnado/tornado ' hose/tunnel' like
Cure for lung canbcer ? dont sling your Tesla coil away yet.
Georges Lakhovsky was an engineer who immigrated from Bolshevik Russia (leaving the emerging "happy Russian world"), living in Paris in the early 1920s. He proposed a revolutionary new theory that cells, the basic organic components of all living things, are electromagnetic radiators capable of emitting and absorbing high-frequency waves like wireless devices. The essence of Lakhovsky's theory was that the cell is a microscopic oscillating circuit. From the point of view of electrical engineering, such an oscillating circuit requires two basic elements: a capacitor, or source of stored electric charge, and a coil of wire. When current from the capacitor flows back and forth between the two ends of the wire, it creates a magnetic field that has a certain frequency of oscillation. If such an oscillating circuit is reduced to microscopic dimensions, a huge frequency of oscillation is achieved. Lachowski believed that this is the process that takes place in the tiny nucleus of a cell. And the small twisted fibers of the nucleus are the semblance of an electrical oscillating circuit. In his book L'Origine de la Vie (The Origin of Life), published in 1925, Lachowski described a series of striking experiments that supported the idea that disease was caused by an imbalance in cellular vibrations1.
In 1923, Lachowski developed an electrical apparatus that emitted very short waves (two to ten meters long), which the scientist called a "cellular radio emitter." In the surgical ward of the famous Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris, Lachowski inoculated geranium plants with carcinogenic bacteria. When tumors the size of cherry pits appeared on the plant, the scientist irradiated the geranium with his device. For the first few days, the tumor grew rapidly, but after two weeks it suddenly began to shrink and soon died; after another two weeks, the tumor fell off. Other plants treated for different lengths of time also shed their cancerous growths under the influence of oscillating radiation.
This is a great technology, we use this in the most advanced version and the results are amazing....we combinate it with the spooky2 technology based on Rife...
Hi All,
I add a little more details into Holcomb and a another company called Astra.
Astra has been taking investors money like my friend and not delivered a unit yet. This is claimed to be a secure account under Astra. But my resources tells me that law suits are under way with Holcomb and Astra.
Holcomb company in Florida has evicted and all of there machines will be auction very soon.
Unlike these snake oil salesmen on this forum, the fact that Holcomb can't pay their bills should say a lot.
Quote from: skybiker63 on August 02, 2023, 11:08:39 AM
This is a great technology, we use this in the most advanced version and the results are amazing....we combinate it with the spooky2 technology based on Rife...
Thanks, I know this program and frequency and amplitude modulation. I use it and make instruments. Vortex medicine is the generic name for it. The results vary, but mostly miraculous.
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 02, 2023, 02:13:59 PM
Hi All,
I add a little more details into Holcomb and a another company called Astra.
https://www.investorwire.com/press-releases/astra-energy-inc-joins-with-holcomb-energy-systems-llc-to-cut-carbon-footprints-and-energy-bills-by-50/ (https://www.investorwire.com/press-releases/astra-energy-inc-joins-with-holcomb-energy-systems-llc-to-cut-carbon-footprints-and-energy-bills-by-50/)
Astra has been taking investors money like my friend and not delivered a unit yet. This is claimed to be a secure account under Astra. But my resources tells me that law suits are under way with Holcomb and Astra.
Holcomb company in Florida has evicted and all of there machines will be auction very soon.
https://unicourt.com/case/fl-srs-caseek5f16a103736e-479762 (https://unicourt.com/case/fl-srs-caseek5f16a103736e-479762)
Unlike these snake oil salesmen on this forum, the fact that Holcomb can't pay their bills should say a lot.
Do you know when and where the auction will be - I'd like to pick up some equipment, maybe get a bargain or two!
The only thing I can find about the lawsuit is this:
Case Summary On 06/01/2023
KELMAR REALTY HOLDINGS LLC filed a Property - Other Eviction lawsuit against
HOLCOMB ENERGY SYSTEMS LLC. This case was filed in Sarasota County - Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court, Sarasota County Courthouse located in Sarasota, Florida. The Judge overseeing this case is CARROLL, HUNTER W. The case status is Pending - Other Pending.
From the Court website: This case was last updated from
Sarasota County - Twelfth Judicial Circuit Court on 07/30/2023 at 18:02:20 (UTC)
- Court documents are not available for this case.
Also, can't find anything about the lawsuits between Astra and Holcomb. Maybe you could provide some updated information - the lawsuit over rent is old.
Just "facts" would be nice - not BS. The bottom one was a day ago...
The lastest news that I can find between Astra and HES are these (of course not being an insider, like you, I can only go by what's out there):
Thanks in advance,
Tommey - You do know there is a difference between "Investing" and "Purchasing a Unit."
You say "
Astra has been taking investors money like my friend and not delivered a unit yet" - You invest in a company, and,
hopefully receive dividends and stock value increses as the company develops, manufactures and sells units. This can
take considerable time as we all know.
When a company completes the unit development they proceed to manufacture and market the unit.
Then, you purchase a unit and use it.
There's a big difference between "Investing" and "Purchasing!"
You know there's a difference - If not - please seek some professional investment advice!
Investment agreement has its rules too.
It is possible that private investors protected themselves in it, against fraud, if any.
Why Holcomb didn't use his own resources, to get patent, build just one unit (certified, approved, checked, )
independently replicated for free by some agency or business willing to gain on it ?
So far they have only an application that may be rejected right?
Rather than speculate regarding your questions:
To Everyone - I suggest you, or your Investment consultant, contact HES or,
probably now, A-HES or ASTRA directly.
There used to be an "Investors" link on the Holcomb web site but appears
to have been removed - likely now moved to the A-HES or Astra web site.
Good questions - but at this stage, I suspect, there have been a lot of new
players who likely are collaborating in the effort to field a variety of solutions.
I can bet that your inquiries can not be adequately answered on a forum
thread - lots of quess work probably - but not anything you can take to the
bank, so to speak. There might be business people here but how do you
know they are legit and qualified - you simply don't, nor can't know that.
Best to check directly with the source, or through your agent. Otherwise
you will end up in the same nonsense as we have just seen!
If you want Real, correct, answers then go to the Real, correct, source!
(Don't worry, they don't bite ;) )
Also; FWIW - Dr. Holcomb has been developing his devices for 15+ years;
and three (3), or more, patents have already been granted. Easily checked,
plus noted on his web site or facebook page somewhere! **** Search a bit!
A good "time-line" was presented at the original investors conference they
held a couple of years back; plus there is some information on their web
pages. Have a look - some are videos, etc...
Good Luck
Regarding investment in Holcomb. Due diligence, recommended. I was able to find in the public record that the doctor was fined $4,000,000 for selling patents he didn't own, as well as other unsavory business dealings. With his record, why would anyone trust him with a nickel?
Quote from: bistander on August 02, 2023, 10:58:18 PM
Regarding investment in Holcomb. Due diligence, recommended. I was able to find in the public record that the doctor was fined $4,000,000 for selling patents he didn't own, as well as other unsavory business dealings. With his record, why would anyone trust him with a nickel?
Any links or other factual information - would like to check before committing...
From Google:
For early investors! There will be no quick money from this project, there are very significant integration risks, including from opposition, already from existing players in the energy market. If your education and experience are not enough to evaluate this position, I can only sympathize with you.
HES is not ready for mass production, the fact that they have converters up to 50 kW, with specific operation, does not mean that they have converters above 100 kW, ready to be integrated into the power grid. They have only recently announced the development of a 200 kW converter (which will take time to develop and finalize).
When Holocombe received the patent, he probably made an agreement with the "energy control system" to promote inverters of at least 100 kW, which was an oversight, since he does not yet have a proven system for such power. Unless you pair several, which is an additional risk in the harmonization of the individual systems. I hope they solve this technical problem.
The position on the lawsuit has already been voiced for more than a month and hangs in limbo, what kind of maneuver it is, it's hard to say, but in my opinion it's a kind of leverage on HES, so I will not rush to conclusions.
The НES system is absolutely workable, probably by mass-size parameters (W/kg) of the generator itself may be inferior to mechanical generators, but in comparison with the general characteristics of, for example, mechanical motor/generator converter clearly wins. Linear converter of Holcomb should be compared with linear converter of Motor/generator, then all positions of comparison will be provided. Again, Holcomb does not have a 100 kW converter yet.
For example a motor/generator for the grid is interesting from 1 MW and Holcomb does not yet have a proven 0.1 MW system.
If I were Holcomb, I would focus my efforts on an electromechanical converter to achieve a power output of 0.5 MW or more (he has such a project, with a stated COP-4.0).
The problem with the Holcomb standalone generator is all positioning due to the uniqueness of the technology. The latter positioning in its promotional messages only indicates the ambiguity of further developments and controversies with this system. In my opinion this is exactly the kind of system that is interesting 10-25-50kW off-grid generators. But the system of existing energy, they are not interesting in free access to the consumer. Therefore, everything will be done to prevent the development of this generator.
Quote from: bistander on August 03, 2023, 12:03:05 AM
From Google:
https://www.nashvillepost.com/home/legal-dispute-over-holcomb-intellectual-property-expands/article_2afcce0f-8ac1-5240-b7fb-afd4444ce1e4.html (https://www.nashvillepost.com/home/legal-dispute-over-holcomb-intellectual-property-expands/article_2afcce0f-8ac1-5240-b7fb-afd4444ce1e4.html)
https://casetext.com/case/in-re-holcomb-health-care-services (https://casetext.com/case/in-re-holcomb-health-care-services)
https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/tn-court-of-appeals/1493881.html (https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/tn-court-of-appeals/1493881.html)
https://www.wistech.org/2004/12/judge_rules_inv.html (https://www.wistech.org/2004/12/judge_rules_inv.html)
Hey Bi,
Thanks! Good information, enlightening a worst!
Lots of info about Dr. Holcomb - now I can see why he's interested in
world health - his attempts at "non profit" go back a ways.
Also nice that he already knows his way within the system. At this
stage it's probably very helpful - makes me feel more confident in
his abilities - he's no neophite in that respect and should be able to
navigate the tough (free energy) waters ahead.
He's also probably learned not to fight the University (government).
I'm not on anyones side (except myself, of course) but I don't find this
lawsuit that incriminating - more like a pissing contest between a bunch
of academics who want to own the technology, and the money; even
though the documents all admit that Holcomb was the inventor.
You know I still hesitate to by a Chrysler after they stole the "Delayed
Winshield Wiper" patent - they even made a movie about it :) !
But buying a Jeep, no problem.
Again, thanks - intersting stuff! Have a good one...
Not technical I know, but then again, this is a "Rant" topic!
How many times did you see mention of proven fraud on Holcomb's part? I saw many. Once a liar, ..... Some things never change. Draw your own conclusions. Personally, I didn't need his history to conclude he was full of bs. Just listen to him or read his patents/applications. It amazes me how people fall for it.
Me, I use my own intuition and Analysis (technical and otherwise). Delt with
some pretty tough cookies over time and, if your prudent, its always been OK.
Just looking for a method to generate "excess energy" and I believe in what
my skill set tells me and the evidence that I've observed - thats all!
And, I did do a thorough detailed analysis of his patent technology - it works!
If it didn't - I would have little interest - like pretty much most stuff I've looked at.
So; if Holcomb is full of BS - then that's the kind of BS I like - smart, inventive,
writes great patents, and tough! I hope he never changes...and achieves his
dreams of a polution free world. He's doing more than anyone else I can see...
About "nonsense", which Holcomb says explaining his patents, does not confuse me at all. The man does not know the full course of electromechanics, or it was necessary to fit into the system of general "misconceptions", which dominates in the official explanation of certain moments in electrodynamics. You pardon me, if up to now, physicists can't explain exactly how an ordinary transformer works, what can be Holcomb's claims. It is his concept, the main thing is a working device, which he has.
I have talked to people who visited Holcomb's center, these people have appropriate technical education. In any case, they could not detect a trick in those demonstrations, which they saw with their own eyes. Neither could they explain it (except one, with whom our views agreed). Speaking of the complexities of technology development, our views also converged.
A misunderstanding Engineer with three degrees can hang his papers on the restroom door and admire his past. This explains why graduate engineers couldn't, while a non-professional MD could. It's a pity if the system manages to crush technology, like many other technologies, for example in the U.S. Joe Flynn.
Don't look too hard for secrets - there aren't any - it's strikingly simple.
You don't need an advanced CAE Analysis either, once you understand the B-H Curve
and how the magnetic field can be increased (mid-school physics) and how that
magnetic field gain is harvested using a simple Lap coil.
Configurations are as many as are magnetic core materials - find the "sweet spot" that's
it - based on the pole pulses, winds and spacing!
Recover the Fly-Back if you really want the thing to fly!
Not complicated at all - that's the beautiful part - it's as simple as it gets!
And that's why it has succeeded... and will continue to develop...
"So; if Holcomb is full of BS - then that's the kind of BS I like - smart, inventive,
writes great patents, and tough! I hope he never changes...and achieves his
dreams of a polution free world. He's doing more than anyone else I can see..."
Your full of it SL, many people on this forum are not scam artist. To say he's doing more then anyone else, I agree taking money for a product that didn't work.
Clearly I wouldn't invest a dime on anything you have to say, you backed Holcomb like a dedicated snake oil salesman. Now even if he's a fraud, you still will go down with the ship claiming you believe it works.
"Don't look too hard for secrets - there aren't any - it's strikingly simple.", Yet you SL can't build it? So simple, huh!
I been around enough to know people, good, bad and the ugly. There's a old saying, "Look at a history of a person, and you will know what to expect in the future!".
Personally, I think you should be banned from this forum. You offer nothing to help others on this forum, but yourself. Integrity is not your best subject, I hope you look in the mirror and realize we all can change into a better person.
I think you could help others out on this forum, I question if you have any real skills beside BS.
Let's work together, instead of thinking about yourself.
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 03, 2023, 02:47:57 AM
"So; if Holcomb is full of BS - then that's the kind of BS I like - smart, inventive,
writes great patents, and tough! I hope he never changes...and achieves his
dreams of a polution free world. He's doing more than anyone else I can see..."
Your full of it SL, many people on this forum are not scam artist. To say he's doing more then anyone else, I agree taking money for a product that didn't work.
Clearly I wouldn't invest a dime on anything you have to say, you backed Holcomb like a dedicated snake oil salesman. Now even if he's a fraud, you still will go down with the ship claiming you believe it works.
"Don't look too hard for secrets - there aren't any - it's strikingly simple.", Yet you SL can't build it? So simple, huh!
I been around enough to know people, good, bad and the ugly. There's a old saying, "Look at a history of a person, and you will know what to expect in the future!".
Personally, I think you should be banned from this forum. You offer nothing to help others on this forum, but yourself. Integrity is not your best subject, I hope you look in the mirror and realize we all can change into a better person.
I think you could help others out on this forum, I question if you have any real skills beside BS.
Let's work together, instead of thinking about yourself.
I've shown you all the theory and analysis, there is nothing more I care to do...
BTW - Sticks and Stones... you know the rest! Nobody plays those games anymore.
Banned from this forum would "break my heart" for a micro-second, maybe less. This
forum is a total garbage pit IMHO. Nothing technical has been gained by me from this
forum, for sure. It's like a sewer; as you have demonstrated, over and over.
If I'm in error - please show your value-added technical contributions. You can't!
It's just a never ending stream of unrelated shit from you - a.k.a a sewer...
Hope you succeed in your OU quest. Good Luck and have a nice day.
Don't look too hard for secrets - there aren't any - it's strikingly simple.
You don't need an advanced CAE Analysis either, once you understand the B-H Curve
and how the magnetic field can be increased (mid-school physics) and how that
magnetic field gain is harvested using a simple Lap coil.
End quote
This needs move discussion ( from physicist /electrical engineer types
Will ask Smudge
You east coast guys are up too late ...( me too
EDIT for comment below
There were questions to Solarlab early on,( unanswered questions)
addressing your simulation postings They were very important points .. technical points
Example "your starting points for sim"
"How did you get to that starting point"?
Like the thumb on the scale ( a layman term for biasing or skewing results)
I am out of my depth in these questions ( so I will endeavor to contact some who asked..( for clarity)
Good thing FE community is very capable ..and willing to help ..
Wouldn't it be wonderful if tomorrow a really good independent lab ( UL grade
Put their reputation on the line
And certified Holcombs self running autonomous unit ( of any output at all
Review the Solarlab posts on the threads starting at:
https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4261.msg98509#msg98509 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4261.msg98509#msg98509)
I'm not about to go through the whole thing again - all has been asked, and answered.
Any constructive, educated feedback is always appreciated. However, the CAE Analysis
has been well scrutinized, but more learned technical eyes are always welcome.
But, the topic is growing old and the stupid crap is over as far as I'm concerned; so
if your intent is to argue further - don't waist my time - we've moved on to the next phase.
Every success...
QuoteComputer-aided engineering is a general name for programs and software packages designed to solve various engineering problems: calculations, analysis and simulation of physical processes. The calculation part of the packages is most often based on numerical methods of solving differential equations/
CAE-systems are various software products that allow using computational methods (finite element method, finite difference method, finite volume method) to evaluate how a computer model of a product will behave in real operating conditions.
I have already had many disappointments when I applied ready-made paper clips, when in paper clips one thing is one thing and in practice another. That's why I have no enthusiasm. These programs with real calculations of real indicators are kept behind seven seals by design bureaus (it's their tool for earning their bread).
Moreover, all design bureaus do not hide that designing of real electromagnetic generators is impossible without modeling of work with load, which is done in fact, applying a bunch of deduced coefficients for a particular model and a particular load to it.
I think that Holcomb's team has such an algorithm, which they have applied in higher power and got a negative result. I am just sure of it and I really want them to solve the newly arisen technical problem.
Try Ansys EM or some of the others I've mentioned - you can do an entire system,
including loading. They are especially good at motors and generators.
Used by pretty much all big league firms - see their client list.
https://www.ansys.com/ (https://www.ansys.com/)
Anyway, do as you wish - I'm just pointing you in another direction - beyond paper clips!
You can try out a free trial.
Quote from: SolarLab on August 03, 2023, 04:03:38 AM
Try Ansys EM or some of the others I've mentioned - you can do an entire system,
including loading. They are especially good at motors and generators.
Used by pretty much all big league firms - see their client list.
https://www.ansys.com/ (https://www.ansys.com/)
Anyway, do as you wish - I'm just pointing you in another direction - beyond paper clips!
You can try out a free trial.
Simulation is like a video game, I know I did a lot of programming as a kid.
It never will give the the correct answers, just a basic that is useless in the real world of reality!
A real prototype is the real deal, not some foolish animations and misleading numbers that mean nothing!
Don't waste your money on expensive video games!
Again, I have a friend in Texas who used these type of software and ended up wasting millions of dollars on a energy system that didn't work!
Even air compressor you buy are misleading on the data no matter how much they cost!
Prototypes are your best reality of input vs output, not a simulation that cost $$$.
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 03, 2023, 07:54:14 AM
Prototypes are your best reality of input vs output, not a simulation that cost $$$.
I agree. Good point.Simulation is used to save money and possibly avoid bad decisions.
Simulation is based on entered data that could be any, and its result is 100% dependent on it.
Simulation is not a proof but another tool on the table among many.
Simulation: Someone enters data, forms tasks at the cost of the devices, software written by
"Simulation: Someone else forms tasks at the cost of his pocket to convince targeted others.
How do we know that SolarLab or Lottalead are not participants of a simulation but true passionates ?
Note: registered in November of 2022 - Please look at his other comments too.Here is a quote of
Lottalead:QuoteTommy, I took the liberty of forwarding your comments to Astra management.
They were not pleased.
This is my opinion , and you can obviously do and say as you wish, but...
I would be a bit more careful in what you say on public forums, there can and often are repercussions for those who spread false statements.
https://overunity.com/19069/holcomb-energy-systemsbreakthrough-technology-to-the-world/msg580806/#msg580806 (https://overunity.com/19069/holcomb-energy-systemsbreakthrough-technology-to-the-world/msg580806/#msg580806)
Just a question dear Lottalead:
What was your motivation ?
What did you gain by that?
What units of measure we can use to express your gain?
Will you ever respond to the questions, or you will not? -and why?Wesley
Simulations have there place and I used to use Solidworks Flow quite a bit.
What I found is that like ChatGPT a simulation seldom if ever tells the user something they don't already know.
I found simulators to be slow and redundant. Like ChatGPT the answer is only
as good as the description and context of the question. It's ironic because
the people intelligent enough to know all the correct details of the question
being asked should already know the answer. Thus the simulation does not
generally give new answers only a confirmation of what the user asked based on general knowledge.
What confuses most people is mistaking the skill of the user who built the simulation with the
simulation itself. Like thinking a brush and paint made a painting when in fact it was an artist
who made it. So a simulation is kind of like a brush and paint but if your not an artist it's basically useless.
Similar to the countless people who built a Adam's motor/generator that didn't work.
Then as the story goes, one person walked into the room changed some wires and it
did work for reasons nobody could understand. The machine didn't change itself the
user changed the machine based on knowledge and understanding they already possessed.
So it's important to understand the difference between what we think were seeing and what is actually happening.
onepower, absolutely spot on!
To calculate accurately you need to know what to calculate, the parameters of the components and all the initial and correction data. I pointed out above that there is no free software available for calculating generators.
03 August 2023
Fact and Truth Affirmation
I swear or affirm that all the facts and statements made by me in posts or otherwise
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief at the time
they were presented.
Interesting comments...
The only real fact is that this is the internet and recent studies found over 50% of what is posted is by bots,
shills and people with a vested interest. So what makes what two people post negatively any more
believable than anything else?. I could just as easily say I bought two of Holcomb's units and there
powering my house as we speak. It's not any more or less believable because nobody has any
demonstrable facts to prove what is actually true or not.
However strange behavior seems to be par for the course. Someone claims something with zero
proof, doubles down then finds it incredulous that everyone doesn't just believe them.
Here's a clue, just because someone supposedly finds something offensive and keeps
repeating themselves doesn't make what there saying any more believable.
Only real demonstrable facts can do that.
So a few critics making claims Holcomb is a scam is in fact no more believable than other people saying it isn't.
How true, great observations.
Maybe soon we can get one (or build one) and test it out.
Maybe someone already did that and they just are't sayin...
yet, for whatever selfish reasons.
Makes for good drama, however 8)
Quote from: onepower on August 03, 2023, 11:22:00 PM
Interesting comments...
So a few critics making claims Holcomb is a scam is in fact no more believable than other people saying it isn't.
Holcomb makes the claim. An extraordinary claim. Burden of proof is on him. What he, or others, have offered for proof, or evidence, falls way short. Facts support critics being believable way more than supporters.
It would appear that he now has a $5million motivation to accept NASA's offer of independent verification. Put it to bed Dr. Rob Ray Holcomb.
Best way to achieve success is to experiment and diy.
I do agree that simulators doesn't include overunity fact. The space and air have much energy in it and feeds all the compononent all the time - like we say etheric work of devices. Same is with kapanadze or hendershot coil, there is something in space which we aren't able to know by existing science.
i.e. a ferrit core adds energy into coil with current flowing and this can be much magnetic pressure with some types of ferromagetic available and the energy coefficient is inductivity. only there are no calculations for current gain. that's why any coil with high strong ferrite core and many turns shows overunity. once i've connected 8 of different coils on ferrite cores, set hypothethic input and output, started from a phase and i had overunity system to light up ccfl lamp (no gnd). other system was 10 different transformers (normal AC Step Down 50 Herz) connected by cables as the voltage raises. taken between grounding and neutral. the output was 220VAC several watts... yes, these parts are overunity, but overunity needs material. nowadays everything is miniaturized and included parts in electronics stuff or cars are useless for our purposes, the same is with speakers as a source. only few producers cares about energy in it because ppl don't know this and don't use it. we are lied by governments even if free electricity would be cool and normal systems available in stores, with services, shops and so on. and yes there is one answer why our generation need to diy, because the electricity grid was to important to hear what people do, what people think and so on. but this sucks if 2% observers want to control 98% of society. that's why those spy lines are used now by terrorists and mafias all over the world. just say too much... yes, we are prisoners of the system. to get off grid you would need several good diy books spread worldwide.
Quote from: bistander on August 04, 2023, 09:15:27 AM
Holcomb makes the claim. An extraordinary claim. Burden of proof is on him. What he, or others, have offered for proof, or evidence, falls way short. Facts support critics being believable way more than supporters.
It would appear that he now has a $5million motivation to accept NASA's offer of independent verification. Put it to bed Dr. Rob Ray Holcomb.
In case you missed this DNV-GL (now DNV) independant evaluation from the 13th and 14th of August 2019, attached.
There are others as well, as far as I understand - couldn't find anything on an offer from NASA to do
an independant verification however (maybe you could share that); could be tucked away somewhere.
Attached a little piece by Gene Brown, Lead Engineer at Holcomb Energy Systems re:
"Straight Off the Power Company Website, Florida Power and Light (FPL)"
Dated, Jun 21 (2022 ?) A 3 min read - attached pdf:
Ahhh, the plot thickens!
Quote from: bistander on August 04, 2023, 09:15:27 AM
Holcomb makes the claim. An extraordinary claim. Burden of proof is on him.
What he, or others, have offered for proof, or evidence, falls way short.
Facts support critics being believable way more than supporters.
I agree conceptually but it begs the question... extraordinary or unbelievable to whom?.
Having done decades of research on FE and seen many working devices first hand I don't find this technology extraordinary in any sense of the word. I think it's problematic because logically the least educated who understand almost nothing find everything extraordinary, do they count?. I mean, if a flat Earther who rejects all conventional proof thinks your nuts because you think the Earth is round are both your opinions equal?. So if you objected to the flat Earther's opinion why couldn't I object to yours using the same reasoning?.
What defines extraordinary?, well it explains itself, extra(beyond, above) ordinary(common, average). Any concept beyond an ordinary persons understanding with an average high school education who doesn't understand 99% of science. Ergo, the lowest common denominator, ie. something of small intellectual content designed to appeal to people who understand very little.
It took a while but I think I found the reason I succeeded where you obviously didn't. I think like a programmer and everything relates to logic, reason and factual information. The better and more accurate the information the better the odds of success. Thus, I always look to the highest common denominator not the lowest average and popular opinion... this is not a popularity contest.
Quote from: dxer_87 on August 04, 2023, 03:39:01 PM
Best way to achieve success is to experiment and diy
I thought this was true but found it's not...
I did literally hundreds and hundreds of experiments which led nowhere. Experiments mean little unless they have some kind of systematic direction based on facts leading towards our goal.
Think of it this way, we sit down at the bench and we build something, what are we trying to prove?. I think most, like myself, are trying to prove there thoughts are right about something which is the wrong attitude. Logically the outcome is usually binary and true or false, win or lose. However if we go into it and our goal is only to learn something new the outcome is different. We tend to pay much more attention to all the little details and our thoughts about what we think were seeing are fluid.
In effect, the moment I stopped trying to prove something to myself and just wanted to learn everything changed. The pressure and stress disappeared, it became fun and a challenge and I have nothing but options. No right or wrong just trying anything different and seeing where it led.
It's as Nikola Tesla implied, we can learn just as much about a given problem by thinking about it or doing thought experiments and going through all the different variations as we can by doing an experiment. In effect, trying to prove our opinion is not learning it is confirmation. Confirmation, more so to uphold popular opinion is very slow but learning can happen very fast. It always starts with a "what if", what if this happened versus that?. The only way to learn is to keep asking questions and the moment the questions stop so does the learning.
I think our definition of success differs. Show what you mean by "I succeeded" referring to a free energy device. Specifically, prove it. I see a lot of 'talk' from you but never clear proof or solid examples. I say there is no such thing as a free energy inventor because there are no free energy inventions. Context does not include the likes of solar, wind or heat pumps.
And "to whom is it extraordinary or unbelievable?" To the scientific community. And must have been extraordinary enough to the plaintiff for him to shell out 5mil for rights in 4 states. Now it's unbelievable to him. Maybe we'll find out if it is extraordinary/unbelievable to a judge and jury.
Performance and consumption can only be measured quantitatively. No amount of measured power moments on circuit sections can indicate the performance and efficiency of a system. Energy companies evaluate energy for billing purposes in terms of quantity.
In order to achieve a self-powered system, the quantification must be 3/1 (generation/self-powering cost), and if the input/output is AC, it is very difficult to make this connection without buffer storage/source. Can it operate in self-propulsion mode. Judging by the power torque measurements by the engineer of the company where СOP-7.0, divide this value in half 0.5*7 =3.5 we get the original value (the system cannot operate at maximum capacity all the time). Thus by external signs the system may well be self-propelled.
According to Holcomb, the system can only be evaluated quantitatively. What actually they do and it is better from the company, which loses less by selling its quantitative indicator. I think soon sellers will start "chemistry" to pervert this data or close the general access.
"Attached a little piece by Gene Brown, Lead Engineer at Holcomb Energy Systems re:
"Straight Off the Power Company Website, Florida Power and Light (FPL)"
Dated, Jun 21 (2022 ?) A 3 min read - attached pdf:
Ahhh, the plot thickens! "
More like snake oil salesman tricks!
These are not proof of anything, all we know is the power being used is a constant, tell me this is not correct. Did they have the a heater on or a few lights for a few days while being evicted?
There is no way you can have a constant at 130KW per day for two weeks. this is either fake or they closed the doors for two weeks to get these readings.
Also 200% efficiency is highly questionable, seems like more snake oil is being add big time!
I lived in Florida/Pa, I know how the power grid works and this is either a made up chart or someone left the lights on while it was closed!
I would like to see the real bill, looks like a total fake to me!
SL you should be very worry, your own investor could sue you! The only reason you keep pushing the Holcomb device is either you're selling something or fully know this could blow up in your face.
I look at the real facts as I read the information from countless articles and the history of the Holcomb energy systems. First they claimed to have over a COP of 4, now it's far less.
These chart you and others are putting up is nothing but smoke a mirrors, anyone could fake these readings.
I believe the Holcomb Energy System works. But its has no proof it will save anyone energy, seem more likely 90% efficiency at best.
you should ask your buddy Gene Brown, Lead Engineer at Holcomb Energy Systems to show the total billing from FPL. No billing has every looked so constant as the one you posted!
Quote from: bistander on August 04, 2023, 09:16:51 PM
I say there is no such thing as a free energy inventor because there are no free energy inventions. Context does not include the likes of solar, wind or heat pumps.
And "to whom is it extraordinary or unbelievable?" To the scientific community. Maybe we'll find out if it is extraordinary/unbelievable to a judge and jury.
Very true: it is
Energy for Free = Free Energy= FE
Your Father gives you FE = food for free and money too .
For solar, wind, water in the river, -
one time cost of energy converter makes it FE.
Energy of magnet can't be used as FE as there is no energy there.
To be more accurate
the old school says:
QuoteMagnets don't contain free energy.
They contain internal energy.
It can be removed as the magnetism is lost.
With the magnetic field there is an electric field vector circling the magnet,
but eddy currents waste the electric potential. So the permanent magnet does no work
\Free_energy_from_permanent_magnets#:\ (https://www.researchgate.net/post/Free_energy_from_permanent_magnets#:~:text=Magnets%20don%E2%80%99t%20contain%20free%20energy.%20They%20contain%20internal,potential.%20So%20the%20permanent%20magnet%20does%20no%20work.)
the new school says:
Extraction of energy from magnetic field of a magnet is impossible because magnets do not contain energy.
https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-magnetism-be-used-as-a-source-of-energy/ (https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-magnetism-be-used-as-a-source-of-energy/)
TommeyReed, the Holcomb system has no "foolproof" protection. If the total power consumption of the object on which the system is installed is less than the cost part of the converter, it is pointless to use the device. Now imagine that 2/3 of the time of day, the consumption is less than the cost part at the input of the device. What will be the result? If the "fool" doesn't know the power management of the object, and thinks that the device will guess by itself, will save on any consumer capacities, he is a "complete fool", we can congratulate him. It's not Holcomb's fault, before investing in the device it's necessary to study how it works. If this is the reason for the cheese fight, it's clear that such a "fool" can't manage or do anything, not even think, though it's not typical for fools to think.
What a ' new school ' ' says/educates is nice,what the academies of science addict is nicer !
From different links and views the objective point of view :
Happy weekend
My question is, whats in it for you? Are you one of those investors that might loss money due to the fact the system is not what it claims to be or a salesman?
This is just not my opinion, many articles and law suits have started and seems to increase. Yet , many of you think you're smarter then the facts.
Yes, Holcomb has a working system, but the claims are below reality of COP greater then 1 it seems.
I'm clearly not that smart compare to all of the so-called experts talking about this free energy device. The fact that now it seems to be far less energy in return and maybe a waste of money. Many of you are doubling down on more claims like not all power lines are the same.
Ok, I agree different areas in the country has power output problems. But really, that's all you can add? If you even have half the saving, wouldn't it still show up on your electric bill?
It sounds like a used car salesman trick, "Don't worry, your miles will double on a gallon of gas after you buy it."
I have nothing to gain or lose on this Holcomb device, the real problem is the salesman on these forum making claims that is highly questionable.
Rakarskiy, you seem to know everything about the device. Can you replicate his system and show us all?
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 05, 2023, 09:29:26 AM
My question is, whats in it for you? Are you one of those investors that might loss money due to the fact the system is not what it claims to be or a salesman?
I do not agree with rakarskiy in few areas but
-the only what matters to me is that he is this particular Ukrainian.
As if you would say Tommey The only what matters to me is that this boy is my son.
rakarskiy - is really good in our field
Ukrainian from Ukraine (-They buy guns now.
), so he can not be Holcomb salesman.
Now you can compare him to your son if you have one.
Quote from: stivep on August 05, 2023, 08:27:57 AM
Very true: it is Energy for Free = Free Energy= FE
Your Father gives you FE = food for free and money too .
For solar, wind, water in the river, - one time cost of energy converter makes it FE.
Energy of magnet can't be used as FE as there is no energy there.
To be more accurate
the old school says:\Free_energy_from_permanent_magnets#:\ (https://www.researchgate.net/post/Free_energy_from_permanent_magnets#:~:text=Magnets%20don%E2%80%99t%20contain%20free%20energy.%20They%20contain%20internal,potential.%20So%20the%20permanent%20magnet%20does%20no%20work.)
the new school says:
Extraction of energy from magnetic field of a magnet is impossible because magnets do not contain energy.
https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-magnetism-be-used-as-a-source-of-energy/ (https://engineering.mit.edu/engage/ask-an-engineer/why-cant-magnetism-be-used-as-a-source-of-energy/)
A magnet does not contain FE, That depends on your donation of FE, but it's a self runner
it powers it's own existence and goes on and on you cant easily destroy it unless you can smash it
and make it into smaller sections, lets take electricity it's two parts one part is magnetic and it goes back to
the generator the other part is dead on arrival. Other wise you would only need one wire.
Still got a problem with it ? then get an old TV circular madgnet wind a coil round one of the arms
and atatch high impedance headphones to it, what's that noise you hear ?
Quote from: onepower on August 04, 2023, 08:34:30 PM
I agree conceptually but it begs the question... extraordinary or unbelievable to whom?.
Having done decades of research on FE and seen many working devices first hand I don't find this technology extraordinary in any sense of the word. I think it's problematic because logically the least educated who understand almost nothing find everything extraordinary, do they count?. I mean, if a flat Earther who rejects all conventional proof thinks your nuts because you think the Earth is round are both your opinions equal?. So if you objected to the flat Earther's opinion why couldn't I object to yours using the same reasoning?.
What defines extraordinary?, well it explains itself, extra(beyond, above) ordinary(common, average). Any concept beyond an ordinary persons understanding with an average high school education who doesn't understand 99% of science. Ergo, the lowest common denominator, ie. something of small intellectual content designed to appeal to people who understand very little.
It took a while but I think I found the reason I succeeded where you obviously didn't. I think like a programmer and everything relates to logic, reason and factual information. The better and more accurate the information the better the odds of success. Thus, I always look to the highest common denominator not the lowest average and popular opinion... this is not a popularity contest.
life time of research? so what did you achive did you get any thing to work ? :o :(
Quote from: AlienGrey on August 05, 2023, 10:12:58 AM
Still got a problem with it ? then get an old TV circular magnet wind a coil round one of the arms
and attach high impedance headphones to it, what's that noise you hear ?
1.Connect your scope (spectrum analyzer)to headphones and measure frequency than connect this coil on the magnet as an antenna into a scope and search for source of that noise.
2. place your magnet with the wire on it inside of faraday cage - you'll hear nothing.
some explanation:if coil is wounded on the magnet than you may hear some magnetic domains changing its polarity.
But you may just place on that magnet medical doctor stethoscope and you'll hear the same, the crackling sound of mechanically switching domains.
To magnify this effect drop magnet on the hard floor or knock it with some hammer ( it can be rubber too) and immediately listen using medical doctor stethoscope for the sound of mechanically switching domains
TommeyReed, the way Holcomb's system works, I already said as a traditional synchronous oscillator. But with certain problems of its own.
First if you put a Holcomb solid state rotor into a traditional generator stator, the phase output will not be a pure sine wave, but a peak spike pattern. The solid state rotor is inferior to the traditional electromagnetic rotor, in forming an index of initial magnetic induction on the pluses in the same size rotors. The sine in a traditional oscillator is formed by the shape and variable clearance of the pole tip, which is impossible to accomplish in the solid state version. You don't need to be a professor for this, just an understanding of magnetic circuit design. I'm not interested in the solutions they applied to sine wave shaping. Anyway, with the cover removed, I saw a three-phase transformer in their self-propelled version.
Secondly, any device has specifications for operation. In order to fulfill the condition of power amplification in Holcomb converter, it is necessary to observe the proportion of connected load in constant mode: for the value of input power consumption of Holcomb converter 1P=IU, the load in the measure of 1.5-2P=IU is permanently switched on. In this mode you will get that saving which will be expressed in the value of minimum 1.5P - 1.0P = 0.5P. If you do not provide a constant load in a dimension greater than the inverter consumption you will be at a loss, for example your load is 0.7 P=IU. If you connect the load through the Holcomb converter, you will have a loss in the dimension of 0.3P=IU. But this is not the problem of Holcomb converter, but of the smart person who operates this converter. This is the control of energy processes at the object. and they have nothing to do with the technical characteristics of the converter.
Watch this video, you will see that the motor-generator is not on all modes of Overunity: https://youtu.be/mq98r-rdayo?list=PLeeRs1tEQlwFEicrLlYa0yWLFiYv-njUY.
Third, I have already explained to those personally interested that the Holcomb Generator is a pilot project. Investments with quick results are utopia. Also there are very serious risks of opposition in promotion on the markets from already active participants.
I hope I have described everything in detail.
Really progressive !? Compared https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrobus performance ?
Supercapacitor metro trains, trams and buses that provide regeneration of braking energy and the ability to operate without overhead wires are used now in China (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GX4o-2qFH40). The supercapacitor powers the vehicles for more than 2 km and the charging takes 30 seconds at each station via a fixed supply.
As energy storage we can alternatively take :
permanent magnet
coil wrapped permanent magnet
capacitive coil wrapped permanent magnet
capacitive coil electric magnet
electret https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electret
Wait, you claim to fully understand how the Holcomb device work. Do you have a prototype to show this forum and back up your own claims?
Just admit it, you can't built it? End of the debate!
Too many people on this forum who think they know something, yet couldn't even put a few Lego's together.
Rakarskiy, I hear you're open source. If you're serious I would be willing to help build your version so we all can have our own unit.
Quote from: bistander on August 04, 2023, 09:16:51 PM
I think our definition of success differs. Show what you mean by "I succeeded" referring to a free energy device. Specifically, prove it. I see a lot of 'talk' from you but never clear proof or solid examples. I say there is no such thing as a free energy inventor because there are no free energy inventions. Context does not include the likes of solar, wind or heat pumps.
And "to whom is it extraordinary or unbelievable?" To the scientific community. And must have been extraordinary enough to the plaintiff for him to shell out 5mil for rights in 4 states. Now it's unbelievable to him. Maybe we'll find out if it is extraordinary/unbelievable to a judge and jury.
That's an interesting take on things. As an expert in energy systems I only look at energy from the context of first principals. At the level where the motion of the particles/fields within a volume of space takes place. So when an amateur implies solar or wind energy is somehow different it seems strange. There are not different kinds of energy only one kind which can take many different forms through many different mechanisms/transformations.
I thought this was kind of funny, "Context does not include the likes of solar, wind or heat pumps.". Why would you think you would get to change the context thus the rules?, it's absurd. Here's a clue, "Everything is energy and that's all there is to it"- Albert Einstein.
My theory is when all of the most intelligent and knowledgeable people on the planet claim "everything is energy" there may be something to it.
On the question of, "to whom is it extraordinary or unbelievable?. My point was that to an amateur everything seems extraordinary but to an expert very little. Yet many seem to revel in there lack of understanding and hold it up on a pedestal as proof of something. Look, look I cannot understand this therefore it cannot be true. Obviously, this is not the way forward...
You say "So when an amateur implies solar or wind energy is somehow different it seems strange."
You're assumption is invalid. And not only do you have different definition of success, but many differing definitions.
Like a song says, go your own way.
QuoteYou say "So when an amateur implies solar or wind energy is somehow different it seems strange."
You're assumption is invalid. And not only do you have different definition of success, but many differing definitions.
That is your assertion but I think most who understand science would disagree.
Logically, when we start cherry picking the differences between everything the system becomes much larger and more complex. Where real science tends to reduce everything to first principals like E=mc^2 ie. "Everything is Energy". We reduce everything to the lowest number of parts and effects to build a foundation on which everything else is built.
Here's a clue, solar energy and wind energy are both forms of energy directly related to all other forms of energy because there all energy... key word energy.
Not much point talkin' 'bout anything, is there? When everything is the same.
BTW, you missed the point of my last post.
Quote from: TommeyReed on August 05, 2023, 11:54:46 AM
Wait, you claim to fully understand how the Holcomb device work. Do you have a prototype to show this forum and back up your own claims?
Just admit it, you can't built it?
Too many people on this forum who think they know something, yet couldn't even put a few Lego's together.
Rakarskiy, I hear you're open source. If you're serious I would be willing to help build your version so we all can have our own unit.
Good point Tommey. Well said, short and up to the point.However I can understand frustration of these who are attacked while willing to share.
rakarskiy build something it is up to him to share it as he has full rights to his intellectual property,
And this guy is really good in art.
Masters and Champions need to feel respect and support to share or at least cooperation.
And he is a Master, definitely with no doubt .
My personal opinion is there is 100% no way to extract energy from magnetic field of a magnet , but
if it works than
rakarskiy found yet another way for energy transfer not described here yet.
Holcomb should pay big.. to
rakarskiy for help, as they may end up very soon in court for not fulfilling investors/clients expectation .
rakarskiy as an inventor has also full rights to file patent application on his own name too.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 05, 2023, 11:39:15 AM
Third, I have already explained to those personally interested that the Holcomb Generator is a pilot project. Investments with quick results are utopia.
No. Putting these devices to Ukraine (if they work of course ;)) would be the best marketing move. Dr. Holcomb could be the second Elon Musk.
You still claim magnets does not contain potential magnetic energy? Sounds silly to me... Say this to Muammer Yildiz or other who replicate his full magnetic motor. Or there are other magnet boosted motors known in this forum that shows OU - look at the work of Yasir Experience channel. The same is with gravity force. Gravity has its energy (9,8m/s2), that's why gravity motors work - though they mostly have low torque/speed so may be useless for many appliances. I made both Yildiz like motor, Minato like and gravity pm, or even full mechanical pm's like neandertal were using in the time where no electricity were used yet.
Please stivep stop sowing this disinformation known from physics books for nowaday children that may not build another ufo to hunt people. Look at what better books of physics say "Magnetic density of energy" of ferro materials...
In the old time magnets weren't available that's why electromagnets were popular or combination with Earth soil (first self starting motors, i saw many of them for 30VAC or 50VAC and how later the "S" phase were discovered for motors, still many of them were able to utilize Neutral and Ground to work only - very old medieval stuff, i was creating transistor adddon for those motors, many were burnt with 220VAC, because in very old times 30VAC or special 'S' phase for motors exclusively were used) -
Earth contains energy too. what I remember from army that's how electricity were discovered - with multiple groundings and pure steel equipment. Earth contains so much energy it can kill like an electric chair. This I've tested too in 1994. I was using 8 groundings and special wet soil. 500 watts easily from this combination... Past...
And what about antennas/air potential? I made 20 systems with solid state and AM like antenna (long wire) or 2m2 zinc tin, and each holds 220VAC. I did for contest in 3 days with a box of diodes, transistors, caps, bridges and resistors from Germany in old 1994 (prelife, date changed). And this was a gift from army after some action with tanks... (in Poland were a state of war).
Quote from: dxer_87 on August 05, 2023, 03:14:40 PM
You still claim magnets does not contain potential magnetic energy? Sounds silly to me...
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580910/#msg580910 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580910/#msg580910)
Quote from: dxer_87 on August 05, 2023, 03:14:40 PM
I've tested too in 1994. I was using 8 groundings and special wet soil. 500 watts easily from this combination... Past...
And what about antennas/air potential? I made 20 systems with solid state and AM like antenna (long wire) or 2m2 zinc tin, and each holds 220VAC. I did for contest in 3 days with a box of diodes, transistors, caps, bridges and resistors from Germany in old 1994 (prelife, date changed). And this was a gift from army after some action with tanks... (in Poland were a state of war).
Quote from: SolarLab on August 05, 2023, 05:29:40 PM
https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4261.msg105893#msg105893 (https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4261.msg105893#msg105893)
SL, think this might be better although but they are harder to acquire now as computers have switched to solid state drives. Get a small rock tumbler from harbor freight, some stainless steel balls (couple sizes) eh, united nuclear, and some hard drive magnet parts off ebay. Pop off the magnets, hammer the shields (amorphous glass) into smaller pieces and throw them in the tumbler for as long as needed. Nice low remanence powder for your epoxy cores.
SS may be a poor choice - see information about Soft Magnetic Compounds (SMC).
Many soures of SMC's exist, however post-processing varies; pressing, thermal, etc. a pretty interesting subject but can be complex. However, the soft Bird Shot works well.
Note the term "soft" refers to the magnetic properties of the metal, not the physical part.
One example SMC supplier (there are quite a few):
https://ironpowders.com/iron-powders-for-soft-magnetic-products/ (https://ironpowders.com/iron-powders-for-soft-magnetic-products/)
It's covered to some extent in the Holcomb thread at OUR.
Sorry Phoneboy,
I misinerpeted your process, I think. You were suggesting using the SS balls and tumbler to "powder" the amorphus glass magnet shields into smaller pieces - to create a low remanence powder for the cores.
Good idea - although ready made coated powders with B-H Curves are available from a variety of sources.
Thanks again - and my appologies for "misreading your process."
QuoteMy personal opinion is there is 100% no way to extract energy from magnetic field of a magnet , but
if it works than rakarskiy found yet another way for energy transfer not described here yet.
I have proven energy can be extracted from the magnetic field of a magnet and it's fairly easy.
We attach an iron core/coil to a magnet then strike the magnet with a small hammer. The impact is converted into heat but it also disturbs the magnetic domains of the magnet inducing extra current in the coil. We can tell the magnetic field of the magnet was converted into electrical energy because the magnet gets weaker as the magnetic domains became scattered. The energy extracted is proportional to how many magnetic domains changed polarity or alternated with each impact.
Of course, it's not free energy and may not be what you were thinking however the process can extract energy from the magnetic field of a magnet.
Quote from: onepower on August 06, 2023, 09:28:07 PM
I have proven energy can be extracted from the magnetic field of a magnet and it's fairly easy.
We attach an iron core/coil to a magnet then strike the magnet with a small hammer. The impact is converted into heat but it also disturbs the magnetic domains of the magnet inducing extra current in the coil. We can tell the magnetic field of the magnet was converted into electrical energy because the magnet gets weaker as the magnetic domains became scattered. The energy extracted is proportional to how many magnetic domains changed polarity or alternated with each impact.
Of course, it's not free energy and may not be what you were thinking however the process can extract energy from the magnetic field of a magnet.
very good point.
You are thinker. Thank you.A magnet when strike with a hammer will cause mechanically some of magnetic domains to flip - reorient.
and by that its
magnetic field will permanently change:
If a coil of wire is placed in a (or in in that) changing
magnetic field, a current will be induced in the wire.
- is the flow of charges. and in classical physics any flow can be described by its current(e.g. water)/
Electrically charged particles can move on the application of an external force.
But word
: "Removal" has broader meaning than "
So you removing uniform orientation of the large number of magnetic domains from a magnet
and even when the hammering is constant - it also consumes more external energy per unit of time.
-as "energy "released from magnetic domains includes losses .
meaning of word "energy " used here is expressional.How much from the (gross) of that "energy" you can get from that process netto ? - less than 0
You are absolutely positively right that by removing domains orientation you extracting nothing practically useful
or you didn't say that?
Another and better analogy: put a watermill on a support and use water under pressure from a water pump to turn it and then power generator to produce electric current - this is how we produce electricity today using fosil fuels. Alternately you can build watermill on the river and get ambient energy , after spending energy to establish watermill in proper place - this is the future of extracting energy from Earth electromagnetic field and probably other magentic field too.
Thank you forest
yet another thing that I would be pleased to be answered by rakarlskiy too.
How much energy is stored in the magnet?
If we magnetize in 0.001 of a second an iron bar using 500W then the amount of energy we can get from it
when bar is demagnetized is less than 500W minus energy used for demagnetizing it.
-we may drop the magnet strongly enough so it is mostly demagnetized at the cost of gravity .
But when we look at it from perspective of unit of time:
- it will be much less than 500 watts during a period of 1 second. And than you end up with zero, zippo - having nothing at all.
If we take a bar magnet with the same measurements of 6" long by 1" wide by 1/4" thick, then ...
The energy stored then is 651,541 J/m3 * 0.00002458 m3 = 16.02 Joules.
That is 13.2 times as much energy as the Alnico magnet!
This is enough energy to keep a 100W (100 Joules per second) lightbulb lit for about 160 milliseconds.
However, an AA alkaline battery stores about 15,400 Joules of energy, about 1000 times as much as that bar magnet.
http://coolmagnetman.com/magenergy.htm (http://coolmagnetman.com/magenergy.htm)
Summary: So let's say the motor of Holcomb works- for some reason works.. yea.. what's a problem...
say that... :
if its concept would use stated above?
Quote from: stivep on August 07, 2023, 09:50:33 AM
Thank you forest
yet another thing that I would be pleased to be answered by rakarlskiy too.
How much energy is stored in the magnet?
If we magnetize in 0.001 of a second an iron bar using 500W than amount of energy we can get from it
when bar is demagnetized is less than 500W minus energy used for demagnetizing it.
-we may drop the magnet strongly enough so it is mostly demagnetized at the cost of gravity .
But when we look at it from perspective of unit of time:
- it will be much less than 500 watts during a period of 1 second. And than you end up with zero, zippo - having nothing at all.
http://coolmagnetman.com/magenergy.htm (http://coolmagnetman.com/magenergy.htm)
So let's say the motor of Holcomb works- for some reason works.. yea.. what's a problem...
say that... :
Some thing isn't right with your magnet theory and magnetization other wise the Tesla, Moray
and your mate Tariel Kapanadze thing is a lie isn't electrolysis and magnetism thing sqare. Re Don Smiths book
for sail on Amazon. Oh dear has Don and Richard Freidrich and many others let many cat's out of the bag.
Anyway my interest is purley Educational !
Tell me what is not right?
- By the way Kapanadze is not based on "energy" from magnet.
Kapanadze is based on energy transfer from Schumann waveguide unless found - not.
Dr James Corum explained energy transfer from A to B, and I explained energy origin and its transfer but audience is lazy enough to try it.
You guys want energy for free than do it.
$50 for new wire it is all it takes plus your work. :)
Quote from: stivep on August 07, 2023, 11:01:48 AM
Tell me what is not right?
- By the way Kapanadze is not based on energy of magnet.
Kapanadze is based on energy transfer from Schumann waveguide unless found - not.
Dr James Corum explained energy transfer from A to B, and I explained energy origin and its transfer but audience is lazy enough to try it.
I dont understand. In Don Lee Smiths book he says it's magnetics produced in a wire 'Right hand rule' is sqare and volts times frequency is important. To find out more read the excerpts on the intrenet links, look it up.
It's an expensive book do you think it will sell ? more than my pocket money.
My friend we are talking about permanent magnets now,
and energy stored in the magnet.
Nothing more than that.
Find me what is wrong in my explanation here:
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg581009/#msg581009 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg581009/#msg581009)
and now please consider all cost and energy used to create magnet.
first we need to make iron bar.
Iron has an embodied energy (https://www.energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Embodied_energy) of 20-25 megajoules (https://www.energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Joule) per kilogram (https://www.energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Kilogram)(MJ/kg),[2] (https://www.energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Iron#cite_note-unep-2) which is the energy (https://www.energyeducation.ca/encyclopedia/Energy) required to extract, refine, and process it.
that translates to : 6.9 kW per kg of Iron used for permanent magnet.
add to it 500W in period of 0.001sec to magnetize it .
The total amount of energy used is equal to : 7.4kW to create 1kg of iron based magnet.
1 millijoule per second (mJ/s) is equal to 0.001 watts (W).
1 megajoule per hour is equal to 277.8 watts.
1 megajoule per second (MJ/s) is equal to 1000000 watts (W).
1 megajoule (MJ) is equal to 277.8 watt-hours (W*h)
If we say that Holcomb found some magical way to extract all that used energy without losses then
Your 1kW/h microwave will work for 7.4 hours
and after that will be unused forever.
That is the real entire nonsense of magnet based self-powered magnetic motor based concept.
Holcomb has no permanent magnets, only electromagnets.
Making a magnet is metalworking from mining, melting and forming a bar. It is not an energy indicator of the formation of the magnetic induction vector. The magnet is started by a high power pulse, subsequently the magnet generates magnetic flux without an external source. Searching for magnetic flux storage elements will only lead you more into a dead end. Magnetic field cannot be accumulated, only induced, excited.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 12:00:45 PM
Holcomb has no permanent magnets, only electromagnets.
Making a magnet is metalworking from mining, melting and forming a bar. It is not an energy indicator of the formation of the magnetic induction vector. The magnet is started by a high power pulse, subsequently the magnet generates magnetic flux without an external source. Searching for magnetic flux storage elements will only lead you more into a dead end. Magnetic field cannot be accumulated, only induced, excited.
You are right Magnetic field cannot be accumulated, only induced, excited.-if we use word "accumulated" in broad sense:
QuoteA magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence on moving electric charges, electric currents, and magnetic materials.
So what the energy in Holcomb comes from?Please specify it step by step so we are on the same page.
Quote from: stivep on August 07, 2023, 12:05:32 PM
You are right Magnetic field cannot be accumulated, only induced, excited.-if we use word "accumulated" in broad sense:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_field
So what the energy in Holcomb comes from?
Please specify it step by step so we are on the same page.
In my Russian-language post on Holcomb's system, I gave what I think is a very lucid explanation:
QuoteRobert Holcomb's solid state synchronous machine, works according to the algorithm of a traditional electromechanical synchronous power generation machine. A solid-state rotor is a system of electromagnets that replicate the action of a mechanical magnetic rotor. The task is to create a magnetic excitation flux, hold it and move it in the stator and rotor, synchronously to induce EMF in the generator phases. When the load is connected, the excited current force in the phase conductors, amplifies the magnetic field of the magnetic flux system. The magnetic flux [ϕ] has a constant component, both for the conventional electromechanical generator machine and the solid-state Holcomb machine. The Holcomb machine, like the synchronous generator, is highly dependent on the connected load to produce a working rotating field.
My Explanation: Let's imagine a traditional synchronous mechanical electric generator (for an example that is mounted on a car). From the electromechanics and electrodynamics course, we are told that an electrical mechanical generator is a device that converts mechanical rotational energy into electrical energy. I strongly disagree with this statement. In the first place, Lawrence's force can be explained with great tension only to an open conductor that moves in a magnetic field, or vice versa. In an automobile alternator, the wire is placed in a slot in the magnetic core. The movement of the field in the magnetic core, is explained by the change in magnetic saturation of the core, when the poles of the dipole rotate in the body of the core. Designers and physicists explain it by the EMF in such a generator, by the appearance of a vortex electric field around the conductor (electromotive force EMF), when the magnetic field parameter changes in time. In the case of stationary conductors, the induction EMF is a consequence of the action on the free charges of the vortex electric field, arising when the magnetic field changes. The concept of vortex electric field was introduced into physics by the great English physicist J. Maxwell in 1861.
Now let us present the construction of a generator, a stator with grooves in which the generator three-phase winding for a twelve-pole magnetic rotor (six pairs of poles) has been stacked. The rotor is an electromagnet, made on an axis, with two pole pancakes with branches, which form six poles of one pole each. These branchings are bent towards the middle of the coil on the axle, so as to form twelve (6X6) electromagnetic poles. Rotation of the axis forms the rotation of these poles relative to the stator. The magnetic field in the poles of the rotor, is a consequence of the electromagnet, which has its own electrical power consumption. The on-board mains voltage is 12 Volts, the maximum excitation current is 5 Amperes. The maximum excitation power is 12V *5A = 72 watts. To create the peak value of magnetic induction in the stator, it is necessary to consume the excitation power of the electromagnet equal to 72 W, compared to the maximum output power of the electric generator 1.5 kW. The question arises, whence such a result. The answer can be found in the physics textbook NAMAGNICHIVANIATION OF STEEL (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2018/12/permanent-magnet-constant-device.html). Rotor rotation on the shaft, from an external mechanical driving force, provides "rotation" of the field or as for the stator core, synchronous change of the magnetic field (magnetic induction) in a particular point. The cause of the generator shaft braking is the magnetic blocking of the electromagnetic attraction of the two electromagnets of the rotor and stator. When the phase circuit is closed in the electrical circuit with the load, a current force is formed in the wires, which in turn forms the electromagnetic force of the "stator electromagnet". Overcoming the electromagnetic forces of attraction rotor/stator and is the electromagnetic torque of the generator. This is the necessary mechanical energy, which is not converted, but forms the variable component of magnetic induction from the rotor electromagnet by rotating it in the generator stator. As we see, we have not found any signs of transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy. We can conditionally disregard it for direct conversion of input electric power of excitation Pg, to the output power of generator phases Pg. Again conditionally we can determine the conversion efficiency:
Efficiency = Pg / Pr = 1.5 kW / 0.075 kW = 20.0 (2000%)
Mechanical rotation of magnetic poles in the stator, and if we make a device where the field movement will be simulated by switching on and off electromagnets by a special algorithm. Suppose we increase the cost part for excitation up to 200 W (0.2 kW), in any case the efficiency will be = Pg / Pr = 1.5 kW / 0.2 kW = 7.5 (750%).
Transformer and generator are completely different in principle of operation of devices. Any generator in converting excitation, to output power overunity. It is just difficult for physicists to recognize this fact.
Energy at the input will always be greater than at the output of the device.
All that is said in your explanation should make you automatically Noble prize nominee
for discovering overunity for the first time in the history of this planet of 4.54 billion years
- not today but long time ago.
Albert Einstein would look small and almost invisible from that point.
and yes..No need to fight for it.
So why you are not the one?
Why you will never be one?
Please correct me if you think I understood you improperly?
Wesley, I'm not interested in physicists and their feeding tube. I'm only interested in the truth. Holcomb is the one who did, but he couldn't explain it. If his device works, there's no other way. And the fact that the Lorentz force can't stand up to any criticism, physicists have been debating it for a long time. It is necessary to see how the calculation of the phase of the synchronous generator, this calculation in the same way pisses off physicists, they call it engineering. And the transformer EMF formula is also engineering, because it does not fit with their concept of magnetic lines crossing a conductor.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 12:51:01 PM
If his device works, there's no other way.
Rakarskiy with no irony, you know that I have a lot respect to you personally as well as to Ukraine and its history.
So make it..
Become the wealthiest person on the earth or the most known one.
if it works, but if it not than..
what?I was dealing with talented people for long.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
And till today nor you nor Holcomb can provide it.
But in my personal opinion
you are on the top - only fallowing wrong, totally wrong , or possibly not proven yet direction.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 12:51:01 PM
... the fact that the Lorentz force can't stand up to any criticism, ...
I believe it stands any criticism put to it. It works for me and works for thousands of engineers designing motors and generators, exactly and precisely, for the past several centuries. I think Lorentz Force Law is well proven.
ps. BTW. You said: "excitation power is 12V *5A = 72"
12 * 5 = 60.
Quote: "Removal" has broader meaning than "extraction."
So you removing uniform orientation of the large number of magnetic domains from a magnet
and even when the hammering is constant - it also consumes more external energy per unit of time.
-as "energy "released from magnetic domains includes losses .
meaning of word "energy " used here is expressional.
How much from the (gross) of that "energy" you can get from that process netto ? - less than 0
You are absolutely positively right that by removing domains orientation you extracting nothing practically useful
or you didn't say that?
We should separate the two discrete effects,
1)The impact producing heat as atomic jiggling.
2)The impact oscillations which re-orientates the magnetic domains weakening the magnetic field strength producing induction hence electricity.
In theory the work input as an impact should equal the heat output. While most of the induction energy should appear as extra energy separate from the heat produced. We should get more energy out than we put in because the magnetic energy was added to the magnet and stored in the domains at an earlier time. Ergo, stored energy is different than the input energy.
I think you fell into the same logic trap that most people do. Energy is not consumed it is always conserved in every case. Energy can take many different forms but it's always conserved.
In fact, many people/scientists including myself have looked at motionless magnetic systems for energy storage ie. a magnetic battery. I tested the experiment I described above as well as physical oscillators and demagnetizing coils able to release the stored energy within a magnets magnetic domains.
It was my theory that some inventors may have been using the Earths magnetic field as an energy source. For example...
1)The Earths magnetic field magnetizes a material.
2)The material is removed/hidden from the Earths magnetic field.
3)The residual energy stored in the magnetic domains is converted which produces induction and electricity.
4)The material is recharged by exposing it to Earths magnetic field again.
The only requirement for an energy gain is that the process to disrupt the magnetic domains releasing energy be less energy than what was induced producing electricity. The theory is very easy to understand it's the application which is difficult.
Thank you onepower I agree.
However energy at input will be always greater than at the output, unless the process is coupling to another energy source by "opening a door" to its transfer.
Quote from: bistander on August 07, 2023, 01:06:33 PM
I believe it stands any criticism put to it. It works for me and works for thousands of engineers designing motors and generators, exactly and precisely, for the past several centuries. I think Lorentz Force Law is well proven.
ps. BTW. You said: "excitation power is 12V *5A = 72"
12 * 5 = 60.
I'd like to see those engineering calculations of a synchronous generator when the Lorentz force calculates the EMF at idle. ;) :D
Quote from: stivep on August 07, 2023, 12:05:32 PM
You are right Magnetic field cannot be accumulated, only induced, excited.
https://www.google.com/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ZAMosm2M54&ved=2ahUKEwiTptObi8uAAxUJGRAIHftYDpYQuAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw3UTAPeJpn9Bqz9QNTwEqSn (https://www.google.com/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ZAMosm2M54&ved=2ahUKEwiTptObi8uAAxUJGRAIHftYDpYQuAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw3UTAPeJpn9Bqz9QNTwEqSn)
What about Leedskalnin's "magnet keeper"?
Quote from: stivep on August 07, 2023, 01:00:32 PM
Rakarskiy with no irony, you know that I have a lot respect to you personally as well as to Ukraine and its history.
So make it..
Become the wealthiest person on the earth or the most known one.
if it works, but if it not than.. what?
I was dealing with talented people for long.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
And till today nor you nor Holcomb can provide it.
But in my personal opinion you are on the top - only fallowing wrong, totally wrong , or possibly not proven yet direction.
I hope to complete my work (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgA-tSg_TRchNbuE3VptAnmocCDBoLsl4J9xGRRsq4XVN_Op7N5WIjZoT-8cBSONH6tStFRcxBKXIBplzyRlIvmkr2t8rRnuTf2XzlnjEAvEuPeUblKqBG5iazFrU96WL3rFKjevjvn9z2s5ArRMJ_FcjK0lS9w3x4LpKsPsP5NHlrzlr5_ObvBjHOOU7k/s1343/2023-06-21_163824.jpg) soon. It's quite interesting. There is a little bit left to do, but it takes time anyway.
Quote from: kolbacict on August 07, 2023, 01:50:57 PM
https://www.google.com/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ZAMosm2M54&ved=2ahUKEwiTptObi8uAAxUJGRAIHftYDpYQuAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw3UTAPeJpn9Bqz9QNTwEqSn (https://www.google.com/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ZAMosm2M54&ved=2ahUKEwiTptObi8uAAxUJGRAIHftYDpYQuAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw3UTAPeJpn9Bqz9QNTwEqSn)
What about Leedskalnin's "magnet keeper"?
It's not accumulation, it's closure. When a closed loop is broken, the flow is dissipated.
Guardian and Accumulator are kind of synonymous, but the point is the difference in action.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 12:00:45 PM
Magnetic field cannot be accumulated, only induced, excited.-if we use word "accumulated" in broad sense:
Quote from: kolbacict on August 07, 2023, 01:50:57 PM
https://www.google.com/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ZAMosm2M54&ved=2ahUKEwiTptObi8uAAxUJGRAIHftYDpYQuAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw3UTAPeJpn9Bqz9QNTwEqSn (https://www.google.com/url?esrc=s&q=&rct=j&sa=U&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3D1ZAMosm2M54&ved=2ahUKEwiTptObi8uAAxUJGRAIHftYDpYQuAJ6BAgBEAI&usg=AOvVaw3UTAPeJpn9Bqz9QNTwEqSn)
What about Leedskalnin's "magnet keeper"?
it is just a broad use of word "accumulation."
totally inadequate but expressively OK
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 01:40:20 PM
I'd like to see those engineering calculations of a synchronous generator when the Lorentz force calculates the EMF at idle. ;) :D
I'd use Faraday's Law to calculate generated voltage and Lorentz to calculate torque.
Quote from: bistander on August 07, 2023, 03:15:29 PM
I'd use Faraday's Law to calculate generated voltage and Lorentz to calculate torque.
Well, what's wrong? EMF occurs in the phase conductor, even if it is not connected to a circuit. It's a good example of the whole concept going down the toilet.
If a concept has exceptions, it is false.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 03:36:55 PM
Well, what's wrong? EMF occurs in the phase conductor, even if it is not connected to a circuit. It's a good example of the whole concept going down the toilet.
Nothing is wrong. The generated voltage can certainly be calculated at no load, idle, or open circuit.
You have a history with me about using the incorrect equations. Remember Ampere's Force Law.
Quote from: bistander on August 07, 2023, 03:44:17 PM
Nothing is wrong. The generated voltage can certainly be calculated at no load, idle, or open circuit.
You have a history with me about using the incorrect equations. Remember Ampere's Force Law.
Ampere's law will work only when a part of EMF is converted into a magnetic field. And it is this field that will interact with the magnetic flux that generated the EMF. In a synchronous generator they are connected, they will be co-directed.
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 03:49:47 PM
Ampere's law will work only when a part of ...
Quote from: rakarskiy on August 07, 2023, 03:36:55 PM
If a concept has exceptions, it is false.
You just grab any old law, rule, theory or equation, then use bad math and declare everybody else an amateur.
Good luck with that book.
A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force.[/li]
[li]When the forces acting of body are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction then law 1 also apply[/li]
[li]This is true also for Lorentz force[/li]
Do you agree ?
Quote from: stivep on August 05, 2023, 08:27:57 AM
Extraction of energy from magnetic field of a magnet is impossible because magnets do not contain energy.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X6143k9-epo (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X6143k9-epo)
And why does the amplitude of oscillations of the iron tongue of the vibration transducer increase after in me?
What adds energy?
Quote from: kolbacict on August 08, 2023, 01:06:41 PM
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X6143k9-epo (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/X6143k9-epo)
And why does the amplitude of oscillations of the iron tongue of the vibration transducer increase after in me?
What adds energy?
I would think : Laplace force ! Not ?
Quote from: forest on August 08, 2023, 05:58:00 AM
A body remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, unless acted upon by a force.[/li]
[li]When the forces acting of body are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction then law 1 also apply[/li]
[li]This is true also for Lorentz force[/li]
Do you agree ?
The Lorentz force is the force with which an electromagnetic field acts on a charged particle, or, in other words, the speed with which a linear momentum is transferred from the electromagnetic field to the particle. The Lorentz force is the force with which the electromagnetic field, according to classical (non-quantum) electrodynamics, acts on a point charged particle.
The formula for the Lorentz force takes the following form: F(L)=qE+vB, here: V is the velocity of the particle; E and B are the field strengths - electric and magnetic, respectively.
The question is how to apply this rule to the conductor, which is placed in the stator slot, or is in the transformer window at idle speed? Generally it is a tie to the electron, which is first in the conductor and it is then chased. What is this nonsense that has been fed for so many years. Electrons move in the cross-section of the conductor with the drift velocity, and it is 0.6-0.8 mm per second, for 1 minute electrons will pass 6 cm, for 1 hour 3.6 meters. And when we turn on the light on the switch on the wall, the light lights up instantly It's just that the mechanical model of gravitation as the primacy of the world order is taken as a basis. But gravity is a special case of electromagnetism. If gravitation is primary, name the gravitational spin permeability of vacuum.
And also by the Lorentz force they try to balance what is not balanced, for observance of the Law of Conservation of Energy even more nonsense when you start to penetrate into the essence.
Quote from: seychelles on August 08, 2023, 02:32:29 PM
Hello hyper-seychillian,what is going on ?Too much summer,too less beer ( and ..,You know : :-* - partner)
is Mark Dansie alive ?
http://revolution-green.com/gravity-powered-motors-free-energy-devices/ (http://revolution-green.com/gravity-powered-motors-free-energy-devices/)
Can he,if alive,doing some research,visiting them in Australia ?
All the Best wishing (and much sun radiation on the cells ) from south-west Europe
Quote from: lancaIV on August 08, 2023, 01:55:58 PM
I would think : Laplace force ! Not ?
Maybe Laplace,maybe Ampere,I don't know. But the mechanical energy of vibrations increases, this is obvious. Oscillations are made at the frequency of mechanical resonance. If the permanent magnet contains no energy, this should not be the case. I have only one explain.
The vibrator is very old, and the permanent magnet present in it has demagnetized, and the system has gone from perfection.
The current consumed by the coil is even reduced with magnet.
Hello seychelles,my family name is Lanca,not Dansie ,and we both are not : billionaer !
Have You,or Mark,not in/near Perth contacting relatives,friends ? At first !
Question,2023 : Development stage ?
This can clearly also becoming asked over their page ,non formal,anonym !
https://www.ggoe.org/pages/1-copy (https://www.ggoe.org/pages/1-copy) ' CONTACT US '
GGOE is looking for: "Vehicle partners, Drivetrain partners, Manufacturing partners, Distribution partners, and Installation and maintenance partners."
PT : https://salvadorcaetano.pt/en/ (https://salvadorcaetano.pt/en/) https://www.teixeiraduarte.pt/ (https://www.teixeiraduarte.pt/)
https://www.efacec.pt/en/about-us/ (https://www.efacec.pt/en/about-us/)
https://www.edpr.com/pt-pt (https://www.edpr.com/pt-pt)
TATA foundation(India)
Big enough,international working and sector related !
Industrial win:win ?
BRIC and Africa ( 4 billions habitants preview) are Renewables ' hungry' !
In future 33- 50% from total electric energy global will be used for CO2 scrubbing ,we can assume :
450 ppm down to 400 ppm to 350 ppm,during decades !
https://www.dolder-ing.ch/wissen/Einheiten/Teile-Vielfache/Teile-Vielfache.htm (https://www.dolder-ing.ch/wissen/Einheiten/Teile-Vielfache/Teile-Vielfache.htm)
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&q=energy+input+per+ton+atmospheric+co2+scrubbing&oq=energy+input+per+ton+atmospheric+co2+scrubbing&aqs=heirloom-srp (https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&q=energy+input+per+ton+atmospheric+co2+scrubbing&oq=energy+input+per+ton+atmospheric+co2+scrubbing&aqs=heirloom-srp)..
https://www.google.com/search?q=energy+need+for+1+ppm+atmospheric++co2+reduction&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m (https://www.google.com/search?q=energy+need+for+1+ppm+atmospheric++co2+reduction&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m)
With this above given data :
8,8 GJ per captured atmospheric ton CO2
https://www.google.com/search?q=8%2C6+GJ+in+KWh&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m (https://www.google.com/search?q=8%2C6+GJ+in+KWh&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-m)
450 ppm to 350 ppm atmosperic CO2 ppm in tonnes,
1 ppm ~ 7,82 Gtons :
7,82 Gtons( ppm) x 8,6 GJ/ton
~ ( 7,82 x 10⁹ ) x 8,6 GJ
~ 7,82 x 10⁹ x 2,388 MWh
First question : 2,388 MWh/ton versus https://www.scientistswarning.org/2020/06/04/direct-air-capture/ (https://www.scientistswarning.org/2020/06/04/direct-air-capture/)
The theoretical minimum energy required to extract CO2 from ambient air is about 250 kWh per tonne of CO2,
16,675 MWh x 10⁹
16,675 GWh x 10⁶
16,675 TWh x 10³
16,675 PWh x 1
Ergo : 16,675 PWh for 1 ppm capture , 1,6675 EWh for 100 ppm atmospheric CO2 capture !
Each KWh calculating with 1,0¢ generation costs ( without capture system):
MWh 10 $
GWh 10 000 $
TWh 10 000 000 $
PWh 10 000 000 000 $
EWh 10 000 000 000 000 $
1,6675 EWh divided 100 years reduction 16,67 PWh per year for atmospheric capture
case 250 KWh/ton : 175 PWh divided 100 years reduction 1,75 PWh per year
1 TW energetic generator parc gives ( 24/365,25) 8,766 PWh
or in GGOE/Holcomb/airpower 20 KW relocateable size : 50 000 000 units
ergo 16,75 Trillions $ pure energetic process costs ! How fast the capture to do ?
by 250 KWh/ton capture instead 2,388 MWh( or given 8,6 GJ)/ton and 1¢/KWh :
1,77 Trillions $ pure energetic process costs for 100 ppm CO2 capture !
Case 2,388 MWh/ton 166,75 Billions $ and case 250 KWh/ton 17,7 Billions $ :
per year ,100 years program !
Doubling : 50 years program ! - 2073
+ CO2 capture system costs
https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/24/new-technique-from-us-national-lab-to-remove-co2-at-record-low-cost.html (https://www.cnbc.com/2023/01/24/new-technique-from-us-national-lab-to-remove-co2-at-record-low-cost.html)
https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/132407.html? (https://judbarovski.livejournal.com/132407.html?)
The said chemistry can use electricity for the second reaction, while another lion share of electricity is consumed for contacting the air with CaO solution in the water. If 80% of the CO2 extraction it needs (1.0 / 0.0004) / 0.8 = 3.1 * 10^3 m3 air/m3 CO2 = 2 *10 ^6 m3/ton CO2 = 1.2 * 2 * 10^6 * 10^5 * P (bars) * 10^(-3) / 3600 = 67,000 * P(bars) kWh/ton CO2 + for chemistry we uses 1100 kWh/ton CO2. P is the air pressure for mixing the air with the CaO solution. If P = 1000 Pa = 0.01 bars, so totally it is about 1770 kWh electricity/ton CO2, and if 0.001 /0.33 = USD 0.003/kWh electricity, so CO2 of high purity would be USD 5.3 /ton CO2. The more energy effective it, the cheaper CO2 can be.
Here I mean to see a calculation error :
if 0.001 /0.33 = USD 0.003/kWh electricity
0.001 as heat costs ,/ 3 as conversion to electricity '2 from 3 losts' and ? the heatconverter costs !?
Even taking 80% heatelectric converter efficiency and 0,5 ¢/KWh converter costs we get USD 0,00625/KWh
https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/reports/cool-earth (https://www.givingwhatwecan.org/reports/cool-earth)
Given these factors, we estimate that Cool Earth reduces greenhouse gas emissions through direct protection of forests at a rate of $1.34 per tonne of CO2-equivalent. Despite the uncertainty which this figure is subject to, we estimate that this figure will be no higher than $1.87/tCO2eq and no lower than $0.65/tCO2eq.
With anymore anthropogenic surplus consume life CO2 emission ( body breathing out part ,okay!)
Energy consume/use per year,global :
https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/climate-change/energy/global-energy-consumption (https://www.theworldcounts.com/challenges/climate-change/energy/global-energy-consumption)
Energy is our system ' blood',not our system ' body ' and ' mind' !
p.s.: clearly,the ' open source' company Tesla Inc.,with a minority share holder from South-Africa,could also becoming interested for renewable power-pack energy
Quote from: solarlab on August 09, 2023, 12:00:36 AM
An important parameter in the design of the LinGen, Babcock Magnetic Motor, and other devices
that employ Pulse Magnetic circuits is the "Core Saturation Time." This is based on the Pulse
parameters and the Material characteristics (B-H).
//approach - an Analytical calulation given by Gorchilin
Quote from: solarlab on August 09, 2023, 12:00:36 AM
Analytical calulation is given by Gorchilin
Fascination turned into rejection of value especially
: Gorchilin revelations were mainly rejected by modern science,
even if some brains in Russia manifest some potential too .
Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann in 1989 were losers too but American science didn't lose its value by that.
I dedicated my last 30+ years to help the unique community of researchers , to understand where and how to look for Energy for Free ending with my partner
"no" to present working model fallowed by all kind of his excuses.
He is more tend to trade it for cash today.
His decision may change - he thinks he is still young enough
I may present the device on my own with full respect to protection of his intellectual property rights .
Personally I'm disappointed with that very much build into human nature egoism often manifested in social platforms
including this one.
especially aggravating is one
yelling at me guy :
QuoteYou had 13 years to prove your device, you promised to give away Wesley.
Answer: 12 years ago I visited Tariel Kapanadze.
~4 years ago I was in Costa Rica doing tests with the crew.
~2 years ago my partner ( the biggest sceptic) decided to look at the device I've build that didn't work.
~1 year ago I said publicly that he made it work
I never made promise to play with someone else intellectual property especially directing it, to the crowd of unknown to me individuals.
Simulation is great tool but it depends on entered data and only practical test can add into more accurate results.
Self powered magnet motors
concept is dead.
Energy conversion using
small energy coupling into another energy source works, - it is the only
direction that works saving your time and money for research.
Kapanadze didn't understand what is powering his device but he build it.
Valve on the pipe connected to the river water flow opened with use of small energy gives access to another energy source (river)
you can benefit from.
useful links:https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg581009/#msg581009 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg581009/#msg581009)
additional useful links
https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580999/#msg580999 (https://overunity.com/17252/the-rant-room/msg580999/#msg580999)
Quote from: Sergh on August 04, 2023, 08:16:09 AM
For Wesley,
Patents about wireless energy transfer:
https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20146089B (https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20146089B)
https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2007008646A2 (https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2007008646A2)
https://patents.google.com/patent/RU2115239C1/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/RU2115239C1/en)
Quote from: stivep on August 04, 2023, 08:32:34 AM
Thank you sergh for links
I will place my comment after I study the documents.
Where ?
QuoteI may present the device on my own with full respect to protection of his intellectual property rights .
Personally I'm disappointed with that very much build into human nature egoism often manifested in social platforms
including this one.
So your intelligent friend is being egotistical because they have serious reservations about the consequences of there actions as it relates to the effects of advanced technology on humanity. Where you imply to not be egotistical by wanting to disclose there technology consequences be damned and in effect take all the credit?... interesting. Do you psychopath much?.
COP-2.56 Device
Found this device on another Forum (AU) and thought it might be worth sharing here.
Aetherholic COP_2.56 Device Description (Brief - as presented)
https://www.aboveunity.com/thread/aetherholic-s-cop-2-56-device-test/?order=all#comment-d8a09194-7010-4301-98b9-b059003cee8c (https://www.aboveunity.com/thread/aetherholic-s-cop-2-56-device-test/?order=all#comment-d8a09194-7010-4301-98b9-b059003cee8c)
Approximate measurements and specifications (according to the Designer)
see attachment
This device was posted about 6 days ago (03 Aug 23) by a poster known as
Aetherholic claiming a COP of 2.56.
Some details were given as follows:
- 16 bit 2 channel Arbitrary Function Generator set to Square Wave 11.4 Khz 15% duty 10V
- Metglass core and 3 days build time
- 2 x 100W 230V bulbs in parallel to act as a load
- Input power 23.55V x 0.04A = 0.942W
- Output power 11.6Vrms x 104/500 Arms = 2.4128W
- COP = 2.1428/0.942 = 2.5614
Aetherholic advises that the device was tested at a National Institute of Metrology in an
attempt to validate the measurements an obtain a report and certificate.
Unfortunately, to date, for a variety of reasons, a report and certificate were not acquired.
At this point I have no reason to doubt Aetherholic's claims. Here's why:
Aetherholics device appears to physically mimic the original (WAG) LinGen dimensions
COP-2.56 [L ~ 4.54", W ~ 2.55", H ~ 0.9"]; LinGen [L ~ 5", W ~ 3", H ~ 0.5"]. The COP-2.56
extra height would easily enclose the uprocessor, drivers and FETs.
The COP-2.56 Device performance characteristics also closely match the original LinGen.
see attachment
When asked "Where the excess power was ccoming from," Aetherholic replied "I told him
that it was from exactly the same place as an AC generator gets its power."
Quote from: onepower on August 09, 2023, 01:39:03 PM
So your intelligent friend is being egotistical because they have serious reservations about the consequences of there actions as it relates to the effects of advanced technology on humanity. Where you imply to not be egotistical by wanting to disclose there technology consequences be damned and in effect take all the credit?... interesting.
Very good point. Thank you onepower.
My partner doesn't want nor care about being known, having good life now..
At first you respect your family than friends than acquaintances.
Your sister or daughter Mercedes car, will not be given to this forum members just because these guys here are part of humanity, - right?
not/nor you have any rights to "touch it." without approval.Personal property of close to you people incudes rights to their intellectual property.
So if someone wants to sale his car or his invention it is his decision you respect.
The device is mine and it was already published.
But I was not the one who made it work.
Yes I was not smart enough (- mostly, but not only - easy enough tuning)
That part is not mine,
not/nor I have any rights to "touch it." without approval. However since almost everything of it, is already explained in my posts, pictures and videos, you can invest $50 in new wire, and try it by yourself.
Benefits:You are not obligated to anyone and you can make humanity "happy"
- of course if you do not change your mind when it starts to work.
No violation of physics, no "magic" energy, no BS, no weird statements, clear and present science easy enough for much uneducated in art
to just read and fallow. Other people /scientists literature is widely available on line, talking about conformed by science phenomena..
You can feel doing that like a man free from garbage some forums are full of and people possessed by nonsense.
Aetherholic COP_2.56 Device Description
PDF file attached (for archive, etc.)
as of: 09Aug23.
Congratulations Aetherholic, and thanks for sharing as much as you can at this point...
Quote from: kolbacict on August 09, 2023, 12:04:28 PM
Where ?
A message with links to patents does not oblige Wesley to respond. I found the patent in the Georgian public database, and I assumed that the patent would be of interest to Wesley and community.
Of course, you can read these patents and give your opinion. As you know, I'm busy with a slightly different direction. But everything is possible. "The truth is somewhere near."
https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20146089B (https://patents.google.com/patent/GEP20146089B)
https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2007008646A2 (https://patents.google.com/patent/WO2007008646A2)
https://patents.google.com/patent/RU2115239C1/en (https://patents.google.com/patent/RU2115239C1/en)
About autors GEP20146089B:
QuoteIn the second half of 2011, an initiative group at the Department of Microprocessor and Measuring Systems (headed by Z. Azmaifarashvili, members - M. Foladashvili, N. Meskhidze) created several versions of a device for wireless power transmission. The first laboratory sample of a device for wireless transmission of electricity, with which we transmitted electricity over a distance - a light gas-discharge luminescent power of 40 W, where the resonator drive unit was built on electronic vacuum tubes, and the power consumed by the device for transmitting electricity was 400 W, frequency 250 Hz. And the transmission distance is 2-3m.
After that, experimental studies were carried out and, at the personal expense of the initiative group, a simplified version of the wireless power transmission device was created, where the resonator-excitation unit was made on the basis of semiconductor transistors. This exhibit was presented at the "Educational Exhibition" held on February 23-26, 2012 at the initiative of Expo Georgia. At this exhibition, Merab Foladashvili, a member of the initiative group, demonstrated for the first time a device for wireless transmission of electricity. Distance between receiver and transmitter was 1.3 m. The input power of the transmitter was 5.1 watts. The frequency range was 150–200 kHz. This was followed by responses from various agencies and individuals (we have a positive review from Dr. Georgy Arabidze, a physicist working abroad). Along with the creation of the aforementioned devices, the initiative group also applied for an invention on behalf of the Technical University of Georgia.
We received a patent for an invention, which was issued by Sakpatent [5].
s. 119
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jeziPoJia6w (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jeziPoJia6w)
So,you didn't hear me. My current consumption of the coil drops, and the amplitude of the oscillations increases.
Mechanical vibrations require energy. Air resistance and metal heating due to deformation.
Where does the extra energy come from ? This is your Synchro1 first noticed.
It has been written about this for a long time.
For example:
The initial efficiency of the device is 0.6. The device consumes a current of 1 ampere, the output amplitude is 8 volts.
Then you somehow improved the performance of the device. The efficiency of the device became 0.8.
The device consumes 0.8 amperes, the output amplitude is 10 volts.
Where does the extra energy come from? As usual from the outlet.
It is necessary to be guided by the correct measurements of energy at the input and output in real time.
Quote from: Sergh on August 11, 2023, 02:08:15 AM
It has been written about this for a long time.
For example:
The initial efficiency of the device is 0.6. The device consumes a current of 1 ampere, the output amplitude is 8 volts.
Then you somehow improved the performance of the device. The efficiency of the device became 0.8.
The device consumes 0.8 amperes, the output amplitude is 10 volts.
Where does the extra energy come from? As usual from the outlet.
It is necessary to be guided by the correct measurements of energy at the input and output in real time.
Which kind of improvement ? Efficiency : 0,6 to 0,8
but before: 8 Volt x 1 Ampere after : 10 Volt x 0,8 Ampere are (?) ....!
This is just for example.
The current at the input and the amplitude of something at the output.
This means that if the device was inefficient and then it was improved, then this does not necessarily result in more energy at the output than at the input.
Quote from: Sergh on August 11, 2023, 07:33:47 AM
This is just for example.
The current at the input and the amplitude of something at the output.
This means that if the device was inefficient and then it was improved, then this does not necessarily result in more energy at the output than at the input.
Efficiency means ?
Richard /Dick Fradella example !
https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=2012256422A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20121011&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP# (https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=2012256422A1&KC=A1&FT=D&ND=3&date=20121011&DB=EPODOC&locale=en_EP#)
[0090] Generator power and efficiency with wind turbine drive is computed below, for a representative example of the present invention, at maximum shaft speed, mid-speed, and minimum usable speed, using a few simplifying approximations. Shaft speed, power, and the other variables in the computations herebelow are exemplary, and not intended as limiting the present invention in any way. This will help explain FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 configuration operation, distinctions and improvements over widely used prior art generators:
[0091] Let maximum speed equal 1000 revolutions per minute (rpm), mid-speed equal 500 rpm, and minimum speed equal 100 rpm. Also, let maximum stator current Imax=10 amperes, and nominal VDC=100 volts. Further, let Q1-Q4 power MOSFET ON resistance Rdson=0.01 ohm, inductor L1-L4 series pair winding resistance RL=0.1 ohm. Also, stator winding resistance Rs=0.15 ohm, stator voltage Vmax=100 volts at 1000 rpm, and fly-back (free-wheeling) diode D1-D8 forward drop Vf=1-volt at 10 amp. These parameters are consistent with a test prototype, according to the present invention, developed to generate power from wind turbines.
[0092] At 1000 rpm, Vmax=100 volts, so PWM duty-cycle (Ton)/(Ton+Toff) is essentially zero. Therefore, losses=Imax<2>(RL+Rs)+2 VfImax=(10 amp)<2>(0.25 ohm)+(2 volt)(10 amp), amounting to 45 watts loss. Output power=(Imax)*(Vmax)=(Imax)*(VDC)=(10 amp)(100 volts)=1000 watts. So, generator efficiency at maximum speed and maximum power is about 95% for this example of generator and integrated electronics parameters.
[0093] At 500 rpm, Imax=(10 amp)/(4)=2.5 amps; and Vmax=(100 volts)*(0.5)=50 volts. So PWM duty-cycle=1⁄2. Average pulse power generated=(Imax)*(Vmax)=(Imax)*(VDC)/2=(2.5 amp)(50 volt)=125 watts. Losses to maintain inductor current=Imax<2>(RL+Rs+Ron)=(2.5 amp)<2>(0.26 ohm)=1.6 watts. Fly-back diode losses=2 Vf*Imax/2=(0.6 v)(2.5 amp)=1.5 watts. So total losses=3.1 watts. Therefore, mid-speed generator efficiency is about 97%.
[0094] At 100 rpm, Imax=(10 amp)/(100)=0.1 amp; and Vmax=(100 volts)/(10)=10-volts. So PWM duty-cycle= 9/10. Average pulse power generated=(Imax)*(Vmax)=(Imax)*(VDC)/10=(0.1 amp)(10 v)=1 watt. Losses to maintain stator and inductor current=Imax<2>(RL+Rs+2*Rdson)=(0.1 amp)<2>(0.27 ohm)=0.0027-watt. Fly-back diode losses=(2*Vf)*(Imax)/10=(0.6 v)(0.1 a)/5=0.012 watts. So total losses=0.015-watt. Thus, generator efficiency at low speed is about 98%.
Device nominal capacity full use efficiency ! inverse/cube law !
Above highest efficiency = lowest (uneconomical) conversion gain
We can see windgenerators with moving blades/rotor,consuming more energy than generating !
Triangulation : physical efficiency / technical efficiency / financial efficiency