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Solid States Devices => solid state devices => Topic started by: RobotHead on May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM

Title: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: RobotHead on May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM
If someone tells you a lie from the start, should you believe what they say afterwards?  Probably not if you use some common sense.

How do we know that ?SM? that was corresponding with Lindsay was really SM or telling the truth? 

We look at what he told us that we can verify and if it checks out, we give him more credit.  If it doesn?t check out, he?s a proven liar.

So what can we verify about Lindsay?s SM story?  How about his so called ?highbred? break through?  How real was that?

After reading through this story several times and looking into the facts, it just does not check out.

Here is the story as given by the supposed ?SM?.

My first invention was a Highbred electric automobile way back in 1978.

I knew that the automotive heat stroke engine was unbelievably inefficient.  Calculations told me that it only took about 15 horsepower to keep a vehicle on the highway at 60 mph but we needed 40 hp or more to accelerate the vehicle.  To accelerate it well we needed 100 HP.

So if we design the automobile with a large hp engine to accelerate the vehicle adequately we waste a great deal of energy when the large heat pump engine is only required to produce 15 hp to cruise at 60 mph on the highway. My solution was to find the smallest and most efficient engine I could possibly find and couple it to a storage system which could be used for and to provide for acceleration to cruising speeds..

The idea was simple and elegant at the same time.  I found my first experiments very encouraging.  I took a 20 hp 4 stroke gasoline engine coupled to a 48 volt generator
coupled to two banks of storage batteries coupled to a 48 volt aircraft starter motor connected to the transmission of a ford Fairmont automobile.

The Ford worked well.  It did not have blazing acceleration but was definitely adequate. You could drive it around town all day and on the highway at 60 MPH it would burn 1 gallon of fuel for every 50 miles you traveled. That is very good for a 3800 Lb. Ford at 60 MPH which on it's best day would have only achieved about 18 mpg.

I had proven my idea would work so I set out to refine it. I needed a more efficient primover and I needed a more efficient electrical conversion system. I found a wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours.

I then coupled that engine to 4- twelve volt automotive alternators run in series into 4-12 volt banks of batteries. Now I had a super efficient gasoline engine with a very efficient electric energy conversion system.

The car now accelerated very well using the extra power stored in the battery banks and cruised at 65 MPH using 18 HP and leaving an extra 5 to 7 HP output from the 25 hp Gasoline engine to keep the batteries charged up to capacity for acceleration when necessary. I added a governor to control the gasoline engine to throttle back when
necessary and save fuel.

You could drive it over town and high way all day. It worked wonderfully and achieved 320 MPG when driven on a trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas Nevada, a distance of several hundred miles. The car was a great success publicly and I invited Chrysler, Ford and General Moters to come to see the car.

They all sent representatives to see the vehicle, but I was surprised because they did not seem very impressed at all. I thought I had discovered the solution to the energy crises and they didn't even want to study the car I built. They were polite and they all asked me if I wanted to work for their companies but none of them were excited at all. I couldn't understand why until I met a very impressive fellow named Delorian.

Yes the ex-president of Ford who tried to manufacture the Delorian motor car in Ireland.
After visiting with him and meeting his chief engineer, Zora Duntoff, the father of the Corvette, I learned that the automotive companies already knew how to make Highbred automobiles and so did not need my design!

This was back in the 1970's and they are just now coming out with highbred electric automobiles for sale to the public. I find it terrible that these new automobiles are only getting 50 MPG! That was my first lesson in discovering what I thought was a break
through in technologies.

When I asked Mr Delorian and Mr. Duntoff why they were not making automobiles that could get 100 MPG they told me that it involved complicated economic issues involving the oil industry and the world economic system. . .

And so here we are today.

Obviously things haven't changed much.
I told you about all this so would have a better idea of my back ground and experiences in the past.



What he says about the hp needed to accelerate a car is true, the math checks out.

His car design sounds reasonable also BUT it all relies on his ?wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours.? 

I would replace his adjective ?wonderful? with ?imaginary?.  Such a thing just does NOT exist.

Even at idle speed, doing no real work, 3.5 hours on a gallon of gas is not possible for a 25 hp engine.

Take your average 25 hp electrical generator, with a 10 gallon tank, it will only run for 8 hours at half load on 10 gallons of gas!  That?s 48 minutes per gallon at HALF LOAD!  That?s almost 4.5 times less than SM ?amazing? engine?s stated run time!  In other words, a normal generator would need to be 450 % more efficient at half load to match ?SM? claimed gas engine.

According to my calculations, his claim of 320 miles per gallon of gas is only possible if the engine runs near full throttle most of the time, way more than half load.

So unless someone can show me such an engine, and I?ve looked, this story is complete fiction!  Some real facts that hinge on one lie that breaks it all apart.

?SM? also stated that ?Delorian? (ie John Zachary DeLorean) was ex president of Ford. No, he was ex president of GM, not Ford.  Another mistruth that is easily disproven.

So, just from the stuff that can be disproven, how can anyone really give any credibility to what Lindsay?s ?SM? is saying?  From the proven lies I?ve shown from this so called ?SM?, I can only assume the rest of his story is just as filled with bogus truths as well.

It?s all about these ?kicks?.  Use ?tubes? to build your device.  If anything, these are most likely just misdirections to throw people off the true track of a working TPU.

So maybe I?m wrong and if someone can show me a ?2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours?, I will gladly admit that I am wrong.  Or even show me an engine that can run at 25 hp for 1.75 hours or more and I could build a big car that gets 160 mpg!

Till then I give zero credibility to Lindsay?s so called ?SM? and anyone doing TPU research based on Lindsay?s ?SM? should really look into what I?ve said here.  You?re wasting your time if you buy into what he?s told you about kicks, imploding TV sets and anything else about the TPU.  He can?t even tell the truth about his ?highbred? car.  He?s a fraud as far as I can determine using his own words.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 20, 2008, 01:01:24 AM
Hello all,


about cars I dont know but you have to understand that Mannix only wants to help us. He knows a lot but  I suppose, not everything about the TPU.

Its fine for me to waste my last 2 years with my various TPUs. But then I have a question to you: why have I all the time runaways? Whats going on with my coils?

Even if SM would say that the TPU is a fraud I wouldnt trust him because I SAW and I KNOW that the TPU is real.

And I want to say you something else: a real TPU builder would never say that the TPU is a fraud, a waste of time. Do you think the fine, clever people here are idiots???

Im proud to be a TPU builder!!

Before end of this year you will have the prove.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 20, 2008, 03:06:18 AM

I agree. With all of the results I have seen from coils I have built and examined with my own equipment, I know better as well.


I know that SM can't spell worth a hoot, ("highbred" instead of "hybrid" just for an example). I also know that he conflicts himself occasionally. However, WHOEVER he is, whether SM or not, he knows more than you do about this subject, as the coils I have wound according to his concepts give interesting results. "Interesting" meaning they do not perform in the manner that I have been taught they should. "Interesting" meaning also anomalous voltage generation discrepancies according to principle.

For instance:

A six turn secondary on ANY coil should not put out more voltage than a hundred turn primary..... period. Yet I have seen as high as 200+V on a six turn primary not physically connected in any way (just inductively) to a hundred turn secondary pulsed directly by a signal generator at 15 lousy volts. This is air core mind you, not ferrite core or iron core. (less induction than a regular cored type transformer...).

Anomalies are present.

Paul Andrulis

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: fritznien on May 20, 2008, 12:28:46 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on May 20, 2008, 03:06:18 AM

I agree. With all of the results I have seen from coils I have built and examined with my own equipment, I know better as well.


I know that SM can't spell worth a hoot, ("highbred" instead of "hybrid" just for an example). I also know that he conflicts himself occasionally. However, WHOEVER he is, whether SM or not, he knows more than you do about this subject, as the coils I have wound according to his concepts give interesting results. "Interesting" meaning they do not perform in the manner that I have been taught they should. "Interesting" meaning also anomalous voltage generation discrepancies according to principle.

For instance:

A six turn secondary on ANY coil should not put out more voltage than a hundred turn primary..... period. Yet I have seen as high as 200+V on a six turn primary not physically connected in any way (just inductively) to a hundred turn secondary pulsed directly by a signal generator at 15 lousy volts. This is air core mind you, not ferrite core or iron core. (less induction than a regular cored type transformer...).

Anomalies are present.

Paul Andrulis

@ Paul
what  anomalies do you speak of? you quote 6 turns pri. to 100 sec. thats a good 15 to 1 step up.
thats about right for 15 volts in. perhaps you meant 100 pri to 6 sec.? i can still get high voltage out of an air core transformer, its called a telsa coil. the voltage out is dependant on the impeadance not the turns ratio.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on May 20, 2008, 01:32:12 PM
Quote from: RobotHead on May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM

When I asked Mr Delorian and Mr. Duntoff why they were not making automobiles that could get 100 MPG they told me that it involved complicated economic issues involving the oil industry and the world economic system. . .

And so here we are today.

Obviously things haven't changed much.

I told you about all this so would have a better idea of my back ground and experiences in the past.



SM was making an "allegory" - it should not be taken "literally".  Perhaps he meant to "imply" that the energy-controlling factions already have his technology, and they will not produce it commercially for fear of "economic shockwaves".  Hell, for all we know, power plants are already retrofitted with TPU's and we keep paying without knowing the difference...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 20, 2008, 02:30:45 PM

I am assuming you didn't bother to read my post very close. I STATED 6 turn SECONDARY, not primary. I also clearly stated 100 turn PRIMARY, in the first sentence. (Though I did misstate in the second.) You are right, it is a 15 to 1 ratio, in the WRONG DIRECTION. I should be getting less voltage, not more. By definition it is a step down transformer.

I have built numerous Tesla, Oudin, D'Arsonval, etc high frequency transformers, so that argument doesn't fly at all.

Even though they do not work by the 1:1 ratio principle, they still work by inductance. As such, they still work by ratio. Instead of a turns ratio, they work by fractional harmonic wavelength ratios. The principle is still the same, as the smaller (less turns much shorter wire length) wavelength fraction is the primary with lower voltage, with the larger (more turns and much greater wire length) the secondary with higher voltage. (A proper Tesla coil secondary is always tuned at 1/4 wavelength of the desired impression frequency, and the primary around 1/32, 1/64, or 1/128 wavelength.)

Impedance is a measurement of coil resistance to the flow of electricity, which at resonance decreases. That is how  choke coils work.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 20, 2008, 02:33:52 PM
*unnecessary duplicate post*
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on May 20, 2008, 03:20:17 PM
Quote from: RobotHead on May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM
If someone tells you a lie from the start, should you believe what they say afterwards?  Probably not if you use some common sense.

How do we know that ?SM? that was corresponding with Lindsay was really SM or telling the truth? 

We look at what he told us that we can verify and if it checks out, we give him more credit.  If it doesn?t check out, he?s a proven liar.

So what can we verify about Lindsay?s SM story?  How about his so called ?highbred? break through?  How real was that?

After reading through this story several times and looking into the facts, it just does not check out.

Here is the story as given by the supposed ?SM?.

My first invention was a Highbred electric automobile way back in 1978.

I knew that the automotive heat stroke engine was unbelievably inefficient.  Calculations told me that it only took about 15 horsepower to keep a vehicle on the highway at 60 mph but we needed 40 hp or more to accelerate the vehicle.  To accelerate it well we needed 100 HP.

So if we design the automobile with a large hp engine to accelerate the vehicle adequately we waste a great deal of energy when the large heat pump engine is only required to produce 15 hp to cruise at 60 mph on the highway. My solution was to find the smallest and most efficient engine I could possibly find and couple it to a storage system which could be used for and to provide for acceleration to cruising speeds..

The idea was simple and elegant at the same time.  I found my first experiments very encouraging.  I took a 20 hp 4 stroke gasoline engine coupled to a 48 volt generator
coupled to two banks of storage batteries coupled to a 48 volt aircraft starter motor connected to the transmission of a ford Fairmont automobile.

The Ford worked well.  It did not have blazing acceleration but was definitely adequate. You could drive it around town all day and on the highway at 60 MPH it would burn 1 gallon of fuel for every 50 miles you traveled. That is very good for a 3800 Lb. Ford at 60 MPH which on it's best day would have only achieved about 18 mpg.

I had proven my idea would work so I set out to refine it. I needed a more efficient primover and I needed a more efficient electrical conversion system. I found a wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours.

I then coupled that engine to 4- twelve volt automotive alternators run in series into 4-12 volt banks of batteries. Now I had a super efficient gasoline engine with a very efficient electric energy conversion system.

The car now accelerated very well using the extra power stored in the battery banks and cruised at 65 MPH using 18 HP and leaving an extra 5 to 7 HP output from the 25 hp Gasoline engine to keep the batteries charged up to capacity for acceleration when necessary. I added a governor to control the gasoline engine to throttle back when
necessary and save fuel.

You could drive it over town and high way all day. It worked wonderfully and achieved 320 MPG when driven on a trip from Los Angeles to Las Vegas Nevada, a distance of several hundred miles. The car was a great success publicly and I invited Chrysler, Ford and General Moters to come to see the car.

They all sent representatives to see the vehicle, but I was surprised because they did not seem very impressed at all. I thought I had discovered the solution to the energy crises and they didn't even want to study the car I built. They were polite and they all asked me if I wanted to work for their companies but none of them were excited at all. I couldn't understand why until I met a very impressive fellow named Delorian.

Yes the ex-president of Ford who tried to manufacture the Delorian motor car in Ireland.
After visiting with him and meeting his chief engineer, Zora Duntoff, the father of the Corvette, I learned that the automotive companies already knew how to make Highbred automobiles and so did not need my design!

This was back in the 1970's and they are just now coming out with highbred electric automobiles for sale to the public. I find it terrible that these new automobiles are only getting 50 MPG! That was my first lesson in discovering what I thought was a break
through in technologies.

When I asked Mr Delorian and Mr. Duntoff why they were not making automobiles that could get 100 MPG they told me that it involved complicated economic issues involving the oil industry and the world economic system. . .

And so here we are today.

Obviously things haven't changed much.
I told you about all this so would have a better idea of my back ground and experiences in the past.



What he says about the hp needed to accelerate a car is true, the math checks out.

His car design sounds reasonable also BUT it all relies on his ?wonderful 2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours.? 

I would replace his adjective ?wonderful? with ?imaginary?.  Such a thing just does NOT exist.

Even at idle speed, doing no real work, 3.5 hours on a gallon of gas is not possible for a 25 hp engine.

Take your average 25 hp electrical generator, with a 10 gallon tank, it will only run for 8 hours at half load on 10 gallons of gas!  That?s 48 minutes per gallon at HALF LOAD!  That?s almost 4.5 times less than SM ?amazing? engine?s stated run time!  In other words, a normal generator would need to be 450 % more efficient at half load to match ?SM? claimed gas engine.

According to my calculations, his claim of 320 miles per gallon of gas is only possible if the engine runs near full throttle most of the time, way more than half load.

So unless someone can show me such an engine, and I?ve looked, this story is complete fiction!  Some real facts that hinge on one lie that breaks it all apart.

?SM? also stated that ?Delorian? (ie John Zachary DeLorean) was ex president of Ford. No, he was ex president of GM, not Ford.  Another mistruth that is easily disproven.

So, just from the stuff that can be disproven, how can anyone really give any credibility to what Lindsay?s ?SM? is saying?  From the proven lies I?ve shown from this so called ?SM?, I can only assume the rest of his story is just as filled with bogus truths as well.

It?s all about these ?kicks?.  Use ?tubes? to build your device.  If anything, these are most likely just misdirections to throw people off the true track of a working TPU.

So maybe I?m wrong and if someone can show me a ?2-stroke gasoline engine that would put out 25 hp on one gallon for 3.5 hours?, I will gladly admit that I am wrong.  Or even show me an engine that can run at 25 hp for 1.75 hours or more and I could build a big car that gets 160 mpg!

Till then I give zero credibility to Lindsay?s so called ?SM? and anyone doing TPU research based on Lindsay?s ?SM? should really look into what I?ve said here.  You?re wasting your time if you buy into what he?s told you about kicks, imploding TV sets and anything else about the TPU.  He can?t even tell the truth about his ?highbred? car.  He?s a fraud as far as I can determine using his own words.



please dont bother about it
Others will and are actually doing things, its hard and info is not complete ,the tech is not based on conventional "understanding" The circuits that drive them are but way outside conventional paramaters.

The gas engine had some additions....

People who want to find a reason not too ...will always succeed....Well done!

The rest of us will continue with wires and coils untill all the naysayers wake up and say "perhaps I will, perhaps I can" ..."What can i contribute"

Has any  skeptik ever create anything other than more skeptiks that gobble up their words in a race to bottom?

Will I wast my time trying?...Does it matter as long as i am?

Its easy to look for fault......this aint a court room and nobody wants your money

so.....................................................thanks for the 2 seconds of inspiration

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: RobotHead on May 20, 2008, 04:05:48 PM
Quote from: otto on May 20, 2008, 01:01:24 AM
Hello all,


about cars I dont know but you have to understand that Mannix only wants to help us. He knows a lot but  I suppose, not everything about the TPU.

Its fine for me to waste my last 2 years with my various TPUs. But then I have a question to you: why have I all the time runaways? Whats going on with my coils?

Even if SM would say that the TPU is a fraud I wouldnt trust him because I SAW and I KNOW that the TPU is real.

And I want to say you something else: a real TPU builder would never say that the TPU is a fraud, a waste of time. Do you think the fine, clever people here are idiots???

Im proud to be a TPU builder!!

Before end of this year you will have the prove.


This is NOT a personal attack on anyone doing TPU research. let's not get distracted.  This is seriously questioning a source of information.

Otto, I respect your work and I don't think you have wasted your time.  If by looking into coils, you have gained real knowledge.  I believe the TPU is real and keep up the work by all means!

I just find the Mannix SM source questionable.  Nothing against Mannix, he seems sincere and genuine.

I am pointing out what I believe to be false, Lindsay's SM. 

I am saying to seriously question any information put forth by that source is very suspicious UNLESS someone can disprove my simple point of his "wonderful" engine.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: RobotHead on May 20, 2008, 04:17:40 PM
Quote from: Mannix on May 20, 2008, 03:20:17 PM

please dont bother about it
Others will and are actually doing things, its hard and info is not complete ,the tech is not based on conventional "understanding" The circuits that drive them are but way outside conventional paramaters.

The gas engine had some additions....

People who want to find a reason not too ...will always succeed....Well done!

The rest of us will continue with wires and coils untill all the naysayers wake up and say "perhaps I will, perhaps I can" ..."What can i contribute"

Has any  skeptik ever create anything other than more skeptiks that gobble up their words in a race to bottom?

Will I wast my time trying?...Does it matter as long as i am?

Its easy to look for fault......this aint a court room and nobody wants your money

so.....................................................thanks for the 2 seconds of inspiration

I asked a simple question, CAN ANYONE SHOW ME THIS "WONDERFUL" ENGINE.

Your making excuses for this engine of his.  He said he found this engine and gave exacting specs.  These specs DO NOT match up with any engine. "Special additions" huh.  Sounds like an excuse to me.

It seems some people just want to accept some light blindly, no matter how obviously and easily it is disproved.  I understand, I am saying to be MORE open minded.  You are saying to CLOSE our minds?

Keep doing TPU research but if you start on a false premise you are less likely to get to the end point.  You call me names but I am logical and open minded, I like to check the facts that are proveable.

Your SM has been caught in a lie unless proven otherwise.  Take what he says with a grain of salt.  No disrespect to you, I believe you are sincere but sincere does not lead to truth.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: RobotHead on May 20, 2008, 04:26:33 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on May 20, 2008, 01:32:12 PM
SM was making an "allegory" - it should not be taken "literally".  Perhaps he meant to "imply" that the energy-controlling factions already have his technology, and they will not produce it commercially for fear of "economic shockwaves".  Hell, for all we know, power plants are already retrofitted with TPU's and we keep paying without knowing the difference...
Maybe, I've considered this.  However, I think all but the most naive thinks that governments are honest with us about energy,especially in a forum like this!  Who here doesn't already know that the gov and big oil are suppressing energy technology?  So why the obvious lie?

The car story may even be some 'code' for a TPU design (I see it has a quadrant design), but all the car math adds up EXCEPT for his magical engine - which does not exist.

So from looking at the math, it seems that he was just bragging and showed himself a fraud.  I find it hard to trust someone that been caught in a lie.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on May 20, 2008, 04:29:05 PM
There never was a "wonderful engine" - the story was an "allegory". 

So "pull your head out" and stop questioning someone's integrity over something that you misinterpreted.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: RobotHead on May 20, 2008, 04:37:18 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on May 20, 2008, 03:06:18 AM

I agree. With all of the results I have seen from coils I have built and examined with my own equipment, I know better as well.


I know that SM can't spell worth a hoot, ("highbred" instead of "hybrid" just for an example). I also know that he conflicts himself occasionally. However, WHOEVER he is, whether SM or not, he knows more than you do about this subject, as the coils I have wound according to his concepts give interesting results. "Interesting" meaning they do not perform in the manner that I have been taught they should. "Interesting" meaning also anomalous voltage generation discrepancies according to principle.

For instance:

A six turn secondary on ANY coil should not put out more voltage than a hundred turn primary..... period. Yet I have seen as high as 200+V on a six turn primary not physically connected in any way (just inductively) to a hundred turn secondary pulsed directly by a signal generator at 15 lousy volts. This is air core mind you, not ferrite core or iron core. (less induction than a regular cored type transformer...).

Anomalies are present.

Paul Andrulis

I can't spell well either, thank goodness for spell check.

How do you know what I know?  Pretty presumptuous of you there.  I never talked about coils, I only talked about gas engines.  Something I seem to know more about than this "SM".

As to your results, great!  I assume you're talking about spikes here and not a continuous voltage increase? 

Also, it's power that we need to look at.  Voltage times current over time.  How does that check out?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on May 20, 2008, 06:14:39 PM

...wouldn't the consumption depend greatly on how much power was extracted from it? eg the throttle setting..load..not to mention other things which Steven has invented....and Im NOT mentioning them..now

About your current measurements, voltage and current over time.....EXACTLY...now, what voltage? when? and WHERE?...further...how many voltages?
and lets forget the current ...just for fun
we will  measure that much later...at a different time..certainly not when we put in the voltage

end of subject for this "dillusioned" one
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on May 20, 2008, 10:50:39 PM
@Otto and all,
I achieved runaway last week also. I can reproduce it at will but it costs parts. I can also configure the same components to achieve a nicer less formitable waveform.
It too has cost in test equipment. But everything is an experiment whether one uses a transistor or test equip.

Yes we must look past the noise but be open and forgiving in our assumptions. That is where the gleam or spark of insight comes from, No? I think so.

Follow you dreams first and the rest will follow. The builders, who are dog tired, know of this skill. It is what makes men out of dreamers. The rest are followers. That is why the barking at the words. Alot of people in the boat cry out about the storm. The adventurer jumps out of the boat and walks on water.

OBTW... Then who the hell is in the videos? Apparitions?

--giantkiller. There are alot of good associations here at OU.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 21, 2008, 12:07:11 AM
Hello all,


Im "happy" that you had a runaway but in the meantime a learned something:

A lot of "toroidal setups" can give you a runaway.

When I had my first, there was a current + voltage runaway and a pulsing at 5 - 10Hz. The signals, square waves at around 5 - 10V and from the power supply 12V/ 2 - 3A.

My last runaway was with sine waves at over 300V/less then 1A. I only saw fractions of a sine waves on my scope and my profi made PS is blown. The current, as said in miliamperes.

It seems that we can achieve 2 sorts of runaways: 1 with voltage and 1 with current + voltage.

With my newest coils I see that we can have a runaway with only current!! At some frequency mixes I see the voltage from my power supply is constant, 24V , but the current want to rise to "heaven".

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 21, 2008, 08:41:04 AM

He is referring to my results.

Pure sine @ approx 4Mhz, and I can get a little over 120V pretty much anytime now, with the highest measured on scope at 240V. However, current at this point is diddly. Connecting a load  (110 fridge light bulb) drops the voltage to around 25V on my current build, instead of just 2V like the last.

I know..... WhoopDeeDooo...

However, remember that I am only driving this with the output of a B&K function generator directly, using the "high" output  (15V P to P instead of 5V.... No secondary power source, No mosfets.) Not bad if you ask me considering the power supplied.

Paul Andrulis

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Drossen on May 21, 2008, 10:17:23 AM

Many combustion engines are less than 30% efficient.  Even the really high performance engines, that are commercially available, are a little over 40% efficient.  However, I know of a two cycle engine which is much more efficient, called the Bourke-Cycle Engine.  Check out http://www.bourke-engine.com/index1.htm (http://www.bourke-engine.com/index1.htm) for more information.  Several years ago, I bought the documents from them, and in those documents were some measurements which suggest that the Bourke-Cycle Engine is just under 83% efficient.  I lost all the documents, except the blueprints for building the engine, so I am unable to provide the exact measurement values.  However, on the specifications posted on the website, the 30 cubic inch version consumes less than 1/4 pounds of fuel per horse power hour, which is less than 6.25 pounds of fuel at 25 hp/h.  One gallon of gasoline is approximately 6.5 pounds.  This will not get you the 3.5 hours on one gallon of gas at 25 hp, but it will at 7.4 hp.  Keep in mind that the 30 cubic inch version was able to give about 38 hp at 5,000 rpm and 114 hp at 15,000 rpm, which means it isn't just a 25 hp engine, unless you limit the engine to 3289 rpm.  I don't know of any other combustion engines more efficient than this one, so I would tend to agree that the claim of running at 25 hp for 3.5 hours, on one gallon of gas, is a bit of an exaggeration.  However, this does not mean that the TPU is fake, it just means that SM over exaggerates, or adds extra fluff to catch people's attention.  We should always be careful about what we take as fact.  However, you should not discount something until you have tested it, as it is through experimentation and testing that the real truth will be found.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 21, 2008, 01:50:03 PM
Hello all,

Im posting here because I love Lindsays fraud.

1.Get 3 TVs deflection coils
2. wrap 20 turns bifilar of copper wire in horizontal over such a core from this deflection unit AND in the same time over a 3 turns lamp wire that is in the horizontal driection.
3. pulse this f...g coils and say what you see
4. wrap the other 2 cores and connect them.

Try to connect the coils like in the ECD. My God!! Use a little your imagination!! I needed only 10 minutes for my 1. coil and in 30 minutes I made 2 of such coils and now I have....


PS: Im waiting for the real builders.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on May 21, 2008, 02:50:02 PM

By deflection coil do you mean the "yoke". I took a yoke off of a computer monitor a few days ago and just set it aside for future stuff. There was also the degausing coil. lol Can it be done with only one?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Feynman on May 21, 2008, 03:29:06 PM
Follow you dreams first and the rest will follow. The builders, who are dog tired, know of this skill. It is what makes men out of dreamers. The rest are followers. That is why the barking at the words. Alot of people in the boat cry out about the storm. The adventurer jumps out of the boat and walks on water.

Amen GK.  I might add...

?But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.?
-Paulo Coelho
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 21, 2008, 04:32:01 PM
Hello all,


yes, I mean a yoke. Sorry my English....not from the best "house".

The best is a yoke from an old TV. I mean, you need 3 cores. I forgot to mention that the original coils have to be removed and wound new coils. Its really a joke to build this. Only 20 - 30 turns in a bifilar way.

Sounds this familiar?? How many turns can we see in the open TPU?? Did we see bifilar coils?? Whats the height of a 6" TPU?? And the height of my yoke cores??? And, and , and.... 

Comp. monitor? I dont think so because the screen of a PC is much smaller then from a TV. Please. a TV yoke. You can get it for free and then you need a few minutes for your 1. control coil. With even 1 control coil you will see.....and 2 frequencies.

I forgot to mention that in the TPU is the main "action" INSIDE the TPU. This means that the collector is wound INSIDE the cores.

The collectors have to "follow" the form of the core. So, we get 3 half circles, to say so, when the TPU is finished. This 3 half circles are OK. They have "special" properties for fast particles. Better not to discuss my crazy theories.

If and when you have done it connect a 100W bulb as a load and tell us what you see.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on May 21, 2008, 11:50:39 PM
please can you post a picture and details  if you have time..
an inertia experiment

It might be a safe experiment for people ...do you think?


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 22, 2008, 12:16:02 AM
Hello all,


in a day or 2 I will post pictures, no problem.


now I want to tell people how I started my fun:

A few months ago I grabbed 3 yokes from old TVs. In the first moment as I had them in my fingers I wanted to pulse this coils and I did it but with no success.

2 days ago I wanted to pulse this coils again and so I removed the coils with the cores from the plastic. With only the 2 cores with the original windings in my hands I connected them in series and on top of this 2 cores I had a lamp wire also connected with my new "controls". Of course, a 100W bulb as a load.

To be short, I saw a weak glowing, hard to see, of my bulb and said "thats it"!!!!
How did I knew "thats it"??
1. only 2 cores
2.muuuuuuch to long collector wires wound in layers, no kicks, only square waves, pulsed with SS oscillators
3. collectors only laying on top of the pulsed cores

Not to mention, my inner feeling.

About my inner feeling I wrote a lot of times and I have a little story about it but better for me to be quiet because people would think that Im crasier then Im really,ha,ha.

From now on I will post here because I love this thread!

People, grab your cores from old TVs.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 22, 2008, 02:17:41 AM
Hello all,

sorry for asking but how to compress a picture so I can post it?? Sorry again, Im not good with PCs.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on May 22, 2008, 03:55:22 AM

if you email it to me i will post (shrunk)it in 14 hours time
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 22, 2008, 04:01:06 AM

Thank you very much.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: gyulasun on May 22, 2008, 04:47:06 AM
Quote from: otto on May 22, 2008, 02:17:41 AM
Hello all,

sorry for asking but how to compress a picture so I can post it?? Sorry again, Im not good with PCs.


Hi Otto,

You can upload files here up to 5MB of size at a time on this Forum, see this link:
(with file extensions like zip, rar, doc, jpg, gif, png, avi, mov, mpg, mpeg, qt, swf, pdf, odt, rm, ra, wm2d)

After upload you can copy and paste the created link to your pictures into a message here.

rgds,  Gyula
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Earl on May 22, 2008, 06:05:17 AM

if your photos are 6, 7, or 8 MB you can upload them to


I have done this and left the email blank with nothing.
Browse to the photo and upload it.  Very simple.


copy and paste the URL of your photo(s) once they are uploaded to a local file so you have a record of it.  Be patient, it may take some time for the upload.  Then let us know the URL.

Regards, Earl
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on May 22, 2008, 01:03:10 PM
Quote from: otto on May 22, 2008, 12:16:02 AM
Hello all,

People, grab your cores from old TVs.


The design of the yoke's changed over the years due to problems with them radiating extreme low frequencies....
The Yoke's used in early color television had a diffrent configuration then the currently used yoke's so make sure you grab the right ones.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on May 22, 2008, 01:44:34 PM
Hi All,

I ripped the yoke out of my tv too, my little contribution to the forum :D


The image resizer from microsoft works very good for me.
After install you get a new feature when you rightclick a picture, "resize image"


Greetings Rene
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 23, 2008, 02:13:44 AM
Hello all,


In the download section is my schematic with no title.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 23, 2008, 10:31:12 AM
Hello all,

the reason for bifilar coils - not as in Tesla patents but for driving the TPU in 2 directions - a little bit out of phase.

How to do it?


1 end of each control coil must be connected to an iron wire so our particles in the wire cant reach the collector in the same time. This is then the delay.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 24, 2008, 09:13:24 AM
Hello all,

nice and quite, fine. Remembers me on the time with my ECD, ha,ha.

2. try

I removed all my wires and collectors, yesterday.
Then I used 2 cores, placed as a circel. Inside a 5 turn lamp wire, horizontal.
Over the core and the lamp wire a 24 turns bifilar copper wire, in vertical, 0,5mm diameter.

If correct connected, a very nice lighted bulb and a vibration at 2ookHz. Only at this frequency the vibration. Fact is that I have builded a TPU with only 1 controls and 1 collector.

Yesterday, I was wrong!!!! Bifilar, 1 trigger coil, 1 load coil. The trigger coil a little bit out of phase. Just a little bit.

Im on vacation the next week.


If somebody plays with the yoke cores, building a TPU, it can easily kill you.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 24, 2008, 12:47:59 PM
Hello all,

3. try

4 turns of lamp wire as collector, CW
12 + 12 turns of lamp wire as control, CW
2 cores placed as a circle

signals of over 1000V on the output.

Very important - the gap between the 2 cores.

I have connected 2 100W bulbs.


PS: still on vacation.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 24, 2008, 07:31:01 PM
@ Mannix
friend  please  ansfer me  IF YOU WHANT 
    FOR BIG   T.P.U OF  <<S.M>>
  WHARE IS conect   DIS  TURNS <i thinks is  90 or 100 turns  >  FLAT STRONG  COPER WIRE HO IS   MAKE  AROUND  the tpu   
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 25, 2008, 04:21:08 AM
Hello all,

The 3. try was my last try to build my TPU. Im sattisfied. With only 12 + 12 turns a 100Wbulb lights as a champ.

Next step: getting rid of my power supply. Feedback....with feedback coil.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Earl on May 25, 2008, 04:35:58 AM
Quote from: otto on May 25, 2008, 04:21:08 AM
Hello all,

The 3. try was my last try to build my TPU. Im sattisfied. With only 12 + 12 turns a 100Wbulb lights as a champ.

Next step: getting rid of my power supply. Feedback....with feedback coil.



I have tried to draw your experiment.  Please look at my image and confirm if it is correct, and answer the open questions.

distance a = ?
toroid dimensions ?
Are the 2 collectors bifilar connected in series to feed the lamps? 
Lamps in series or parallel?
You say output > 1kV, but that would burn up your lamps ???
Does max lamp output correspond to max vibration?  Only at 200 kHz or also at 100 kHz or 400 kHz or 600 kHz?

Thanks, Earl

edit:  have changed image from 02.gif to 03.gif for a small correction
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 25, 2008, 06:27:48 AM
what a bizzar place to find you guys talking about semi working tpu's and pics !!, awsome!! , my hats off to you guys keep up the good work!.( woops crap i dont have a hat, oh well, do you accept bicycle helmits?).
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 25, 2008, 07:02:29 AM
Hello all,


Input voltage 24V
Input current 2 - 3A

Output voltage 1000V
Output current cant measure because of the hogh frequency

Your drawing is wrong. Sorry

just 2 yoke cores used. I made a cicle with them and then 4 turns of lamp wire inside this circle - core. Over the core and the lamp wire I made 12 + 12 turns of lamp wire as a control coil.
Easy and quick.

1 strand of the control coil is used as a trigger coil.
The other strand is a power coil, like in Teslas patents.

1 end of the trigger coil is connected to 1 end of the collector. The trigger coil is connected in series and the power coil in paralel.
The collector is connected as a half Mobius. Just 1 end point of 1 strand to the start point of the other end. 2 ends of the collector coil left open to connect my bulb.

In short, get your cores.


if I can make this semi TPU working as a self runner I dont care if its "semi" or not. As Im sure I will have a self runner......at least, I lighted a 100W bulb very easy and with a few turns of wires. Do you remember? In the videos I saw a mini TPU with the diameter less then 6". It was a little TPU. It seems that Im building such a TPU.


PS: as Im on vacation, without a car, Im not able to make drawings because my scanner is on my workplace and Im posting from my home PC.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pese on May 25, 2008, 07:26:46 AM

Your 1000Volt high frequency measure.

Just bulbs
4 or 4 220/240 volt lamps in series established in 1000.

7watt lamps (refrigerator) 15 250 40 etc., are other values.
If the power exceeds your input, then it is OK
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on May 25, 2008, 10:31:54 AM

Do you think the empty yoke material is actually assisting in the reaction, or are the yokes simply providing a convenient and suitable form on which to make the winds.

I was going to ask about the center or side toroids in the TPUs and any relation to positioning one in your configuration but I think this would be jumping to forward.

Now 24V at 3 amps is a good level of energy (72 watts) and this will surely create some heat in the windings. But 72 watts to run a 100 watts bulb would do it anyways.  I mean any step up transformer would do just as well except you would be using AC instead of the DC now used.

I am trying to see what is out of the ordinary and seeing your results, what is striking high on the weird meter is that your output is 1000 volts, being created without pulsing DC to create radiant energy levels of 1000 volts but fractional amps. Am ! reading this correctly or did I miss the point.

What I am trying to say is I have done this with the Erfinder Challenge configuration producing up to 1500 volts but it was never enough to even light a 11 watts bulb. I think what is missing is to then use the 1000 volts (high speed voltage even at low amperage) to push through a third component as a step down transformer in order to re-compress the voltage or increase the amperage.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Earl on May 25, 2008, 01:01:35 PM

here is another attempt at trying to picture your experiment.

In particular, I do not understand connection and function of
the yoke coils.

Your comments, please.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 25, 2008, 04:34:16 PM
Quote from: otto on May 25, 2008, 07:02:29 AM
Hello all,


Input voltage 24V
Input current 2 - 3A

Output voltage 1000V
Output current cant measure because of the hogh frequency

Your drawing is wrong. Sorry

just 2 yoke cores used. I made a cicle with them and then 4 turns of lamp wire inside this circle - core. Over the core and the lamp wire I made 12 + 12 turns of lamp wire as a control coil.
Easy and quick.

1 strand of the control coil is used as a trigger coil.
The other strand is a power coil, like in Teslas patents.

1 end of the trigger coil is connected to 1 end of the collector. The trigger coil is connected in series and the power coil in paralel.
The collector is connected as a half Mobius. Just 1 end point of 1 strand to the start point of the other end. 2 ends of the collector coil left open to connect my bulb.

In short, get your cores.


if I can make this semi TPU working as a self runner I dont care if its "semi" or not. As Im sure I will have a self runner......at least, I lighted a 100W bulb very easy and with a few turns of wires. Do you remember? In the videos I saw a mini TPU with the diameter less then 6". It was a little TPU. It seems that Im building such a TPU.


PS: as Im on vacation, without a car, Im not able to make drawings because my scanner is on my workplace and Im posting from my home PC.

hi otto i ment no offence about calling them *semi* working tpu's , i just called it that becasue i havent yet seen any one say * here it is, this is how it works, this is how you build a basic one, and it will work  every time for any one*.( even if it just lights a light bulb).

i personally think the work you and the other are doing is truly fantastic and i have a lot of respect for you all, but here is the part that might upset some or all of you, RE: steven, i cant help but think hes a bit of a tard, or maybe im the tard? /shrug.

but the bottom line here is you guys deserve the credit here /clap!.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 26, 2008, 01:59:03 AM

Im using only the iron cores from a yoke. ONLY THE IRON CORES!!!!! You can see them in the picture on the previous side. The top picture. That grey core.

2 of them to form a circle. Inside 4 or so turns of lamp wire. Over that 12 + 12 turns of lamp wire. controls and collector wound CW.


Now I say:

Here it is and
how it works:
the collector is a mini Tesla pancake made with 4 turns of lamp wire.

As the cores have a special form - top diameter greater then the bottom diameter - the signals in the collector are travelling in an up - down direction at very high speeds.
This iron core amplifies the signals and it was a joke to get a 100W bulb to shine.

Now about the signals seen with my scope connected to 1 end of the bulb:

I was for 2 days looking to the kicks at a base time setting of 2 microsec. on my scope. Then, yesterday, I switched the time base setting to 50 microsec. and saw it:  IM ALL THE TIME WORKING WITH COMPRESSION WAVES!!!

With the 50 microsec. setting on the time base I see that the kicks have not the same distance each from the other. There are little bigger gaps - nodes - between the kicks. When I slowly change the frequency I see this gaps - nodes moving to left or right. I can easily see this.
Or, I can have an AC "carrier" wave and INSIDE this wave I have my kicks.

Of course, this carrier wave has also a "gap" - node - between the kicks and i can increase or decrease this carrier waves in the sence of time. It only depends on the 2 frequencyes mixed.

So, as a little conclusion:

With this little "thing" I made some sort of a TPU. For myself it seems that we have standing waves in the TPU. With the change of the frequency mix we move the POSITION of the standing wave. When 1 node hits the position where the bulb is connected then you have a great light.
How many nodes? I think 2 because of 2 control coils but I have to look.

As you all can see this little TPU is not only a few wires. There is a lot going on inside it. I wish I could buy much bigger cores and build a 6" TPU with them. With a bigger 2 collectors, 1 working in 1 direction the other in contra......yes, Im dreaming because here I cant buy them.

In the download section how you can build a basic one and it will work every time for any one!!! The picture with no title.

Borg I hope youre satisfied a little.

Yes, you miss all the complicated stuff that we all discussed for over 2 years. I made this TPU in only 1 hour and before that I cant remember how many TPUs I builded. I know I builded every week 1 TPU. Now imagine the number.

So, my claim is that I have a mini TPU.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 26, 2008, 02:14:07 AM
Quote from: otto on May 26, 2008, 01:59:03 AM

Im using only the iron cores from a yoke. ONLY THE IRON CORES!!!!! You can see them in the picture on the previous side. The top picture. That grey core.

2 of them to form a circle. Inside 4 or so turns of lamp wire. Over that 12 + 12 turns of lamp wire. controls and collector wound CW.


Now I say:

Here it is and
how it works:
the collector is a mini Tesla pancake made with 4 turns of lamp wire.

As the cores have a special form - top diameter greater then the bottom diameter - the signals in the collector are travelling in an up - down direction at very high speeds.
This iron core amplifies the signals and it was a joke to get a 100W bulb to shine.

Now about the signals seen with my scope connected to 1 end of the bulb:

I was for 2 days looking to the kicks at a base time setting of 2 microsec. on my scope. Then, yesterday, I switched the time base setting to 50 microsec. and saw it:  IM ALL THE TIME WORKING WITH COMPRESSION WAVES!!!

With the 50 microsec. setting on the time base I see that the kicks have not the same distance each from the other. There are little bigger gaps - nodes - between the kicks. When I slowly change the frequency I see this gaps - nodes moving to left or right. I can easily see this.
Or, I can have an AC "carrier" wave and INSIDE this wave I have my kicks.

Of course, this carrier wave has also a "gap" - node - between the kicks and i can increase or decrease this carrier waves in the sence of time. It only depends on the 2 frequencyes mixed.

So, as a little conclusion:

With this little "thing" I made some sort of a TPU. For myself it seems that we have standing waves in the TPU. With the change of the frequency mix we move the POSITION of the standing wave. When 1 node hits the position where the bulb is connected then you have a great light.
How many nodes? I think 2 because of 2 control coils but I have to look.

As you all can see this little TPU is not only a few wires. There is a lot going on inside it. I wish I could buy much bigger cores and build a 6" TPU with them. With a bigger 2 collectors, 1 working in 1 direction the other in contra......yes, Im dreaming because here I cant buy them.

In the download section how you can build a basic one and it will work every time for any one!!! The picture with no title.

Borg I hope youre satisfied a little.

Yes, you miss all the complicated stuff that we all discussed for over 2 years. I made this TPU in only 1 hour and before that I cant remember how many TPUs I builded. I know I builded every week 1 TPU. Now imagine the number.

So, my claim is that I have a mini TPU.


... im more than satisfied Otto, and congrats to you and the othersa that have put in all this work and gotten the results, ive been reading all about this for 2 years now and it just got better each week, all tho i have to admit, i really dont know how it works and i wish i could build one on my own, i guess im going to have to ask some one to build me a small 4" version, id be happy if it would simply light one light bulb,.. i sure wish i had the understanding to build one tho,...

..Otto and the rest of you,(there are to many names to list), your all top guys in my book, and for bring it out rather than selling it and dissapearing im even more impressed.

i salute you guys,.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 26, 2008, 03:01:28 AM
Hello all,

The smaler TPU in diameter - the easier to build. This is a fact.

As Im without my car, my son uses it, Im surching at home for a piece of oridinary iron strip. Maybe a few mm thickness, to form a circle with a bigger diameter then my TPU.

Yes, I know, the core that Im now using is a core made with pressed iron powder, to say so and I want s strip of iron that is made in a totally different way and has totally different properties but I cant rest. My fingers must work.

Im always thinking why my ECD was sooooo good.

If I think of such coils in a different way. I would say that the coils acted in 2 ways:

1. as coils
2. as a copper core.

The ECD coils I made only 1" long wound over the collectors. This acted as a copper coil and core. Hmmm....hard to explain.
This was copper + copper.

What would happen if I would have an iron core + iron wires wound over it??
Nickle core + Nickle wires wound around the core??

Or a little bit crazier, a combination of iron core with iron wires for 1 half of the TPU and the other half copper coil + copper core.

In the 6" unit we need 4 controls and so we also need 4 cores. 2 cores can be made of iron the other 2 of another metal.

Maybe this is needed for the 15" TPU?? A combination of metals? Magnetic or non magnetis metals?

It seems that Im wrighting more hten needed. Back to my workbench.

A time ago I made the 3 stack TPU without a core and got a fine light. If I would have the right iron cores it would without any problems light 2 100W bulbs. But I cant buy any cores here! Impossible.


PS: Im here to SHARE, not to hide.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 26, 2008, 04:08:04 AM
Hello all,

Just a correction about the nodes in my signals:

as Im changing my frequencies just a little I see that I can have more or less nodes. It depends on the frequency mix.

I dont know how and why but when I have a good light, this means that my 2 frequencis are a little out of phase, my kicks dissapears. IM loosing my frequency mix. I mean, the frequency mix of say 200kHz multiplies into the GHz region. I have no way to measure and see this frequency with my scope.

SHIT!!! Again Im feeling bad. Since Im working an hour with pulsing my coils there is something going on with me.
Yesterday, working all the day on my TPU I felt the same and on the eavening I was totally "crashed".

Please people, be careful if somebody is replicating my little 4" TPU.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Earl on May 26, 2008, 08:44:48 AM

another try.  Is this image getting closer?
Which cut-through is more correct A, B, or C?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 26, 2008, 09:35:38 AM
Hello all,


my car is at home, finally. Can you give me yout email adress in a PM so I can send you a hand drawn picture and you can shrink it and post?? I will make a drawing of the connections in my TPU. You will laugh how easy made.

About the pictures:

In all 3 pictures is the direction of the ferrites wrong: big diameter of the core up, small diameter down.

Picture B is almost OK. The blue coil is almost 3/4 of the core. Maybe there was room for  a 6 turns collector or a 4 turns collector and a 2 turns collector but the 2 turns driven in contra.


PS: Im really sorry that you have soooo much trouble because Im sitting here at home blocked, only with my PC.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Earl on May 26, 2008, 10:48:16 AM

here is another image.  I think this is now close to your experiment
configuration.  Comments?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 26, 2008, 11:25:40 AM
Hello all,


HURAAAAAA!!!!!  thats it!!! Bottom picture is much better to see what I did. I will send you in the next hour my schematic how I connected everything.

Not to forget, 12 + 12 turns of lamp wire as the controls. On every half of my core is a 12 turns collector. You will ask why not more turns. Easy. No room for more turns!!!

This morning I posted that when I have the brightest light my scope shows me that I lost the kicks.
The point is that they are NOT lost, of course. I only have to set my scope to AC and then I can again see the kicks.

I looked a little deeper to this:

You know that I have signals on my scope of 1000V. When I hit the exact frequency mix I have to swith to AC.

At a voltage of arround 700V this dont happen any more. I dont have to swich my scope its always DC or AC.

This effect I can see only with my "iron" TPU. With copper TPUs I never saw such an effect.

The coils are warm but not hot. Hmmm.....to say it better, the thick plastic isolation is warm.

Almost forgot: I lost my vibration with this lamp wire TPU!! The vibration is very important because it increases everything.

This I learned with my 3 stack all copper TPU: when I tipped with my finger this TPU I saw increased kicks. This means that without an vibration the TPU is not so  effective.

My next plans:

maybe a stacked TPU with the cores somehow one inside the other.
maybe to have an iron collector, and lamp wires as controls.

hmmm, to be honest, for what??? Hmmm....because my fingers must something work.

I almost forgot: I have a lot of Magnesium at home from my experiments with hydrogen.
This pieces of Mg have a good form for a bigger TPU. No, people, dont teach me about this metal. I know its dangerous!!

My point is to try other metals as a core. Copper - non magnetic, ferite - magnetic, Mg - paramagnetic. As always, just to see.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 27, 2008, 05:56:19 AM
Hello all,

today I wound a new TPU with 10 + 10 turns controls. What a disaster!!!

I see on my scope only 700V!

In short:

12 + 12 turns controls = 1000V
10 + 10 turns controls = 700V

Got it??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 27, 2008, 06:19:42 AM
Quote from: otto on May 27, 2008, 05:56:19 AM
Hello all,

today I wound a new TPU with 10 + 10 turns controls. What a disaster!!!

I see on my scope only 700V!

In short:

12 + 12 turns controls = 1000V
10 + 10 turns controls = 700V

Got it??


i dont think ill ever get it , but i love reading about what ya doing Otto, to me it sounds like you know how to build a real live working mini tpu, and im blown away and supprised the other tpu guys are not all over this and knocking your door down., keep it up Otto, and be safe.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 27, 2008, 06:41:09 AM
Hello all,


there is a little problem with building TPUs:

the bigger the diameter of a TPU the more complicated to build it.

It was really a joke to build my 4" TPU but a 6" or even a 15" TPU is really a F....G job.

If I could buy cores that are 6" in diameter, Im sure that I would have a working unit in a short time because I know what and how.

I have at home a big motor. A working one. Hmmmm......to see the cores. Are there cores inside?? I never thought about it.

I would love to have cores that are 1/2" in height and 6" in diameter. That would be great. I have to google it. Maybe.....

As you all can see - Im a dreamer!!


PS: the more turns, the more voltage on my scope - the more on the output. BUT, not to much windings because then you have nothing on the output!!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 27, 2008, 08:44:16 AM
If you got a theory, and the theory is correct. You could buy the right material core from any manufacturer to build any size you want. Even custom made the cores. Others could also do experiment base on that theory. Theory is very important, You got it?
How do we know the theory is correct? Simple, generates electricity without input power supply.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 27, 2008, 09:08:26 AM
Hello all,


Im really not a "theory man" but look at the 3 stack picture that worked fine for me without an iron core:

top and bottom collector connected together and rotating in 1 direction and the middle ring in the contra direction.

I was asking for cores of 1/2 in height because every control coil must have his own core. In this way I could stack 3 cores with the collectors and have again the height of 1 3/4" as the original height.
The controls wound of course not with lamp wires but with oridinary copper wires.

Thats the 3 stack version.
The other version with 4 controls is different:
there should be 4 cores, again 6" in diameter and connected as Mannix posted in his picture.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nickc44 on May 27, 2008, 09:16:37 AM

www. mag-inc.com


has 5 " OD and 3 " ID  1 " tall I have one Do I need 2 for this setup its a ring

You know I actually have 2

Draw it up for me and I will make it


Quote from: otto on May 27, 2008, 06:41:09 AM
Hello all,


there is a little problem with building TPUs:

the bigger the diameter of a TPU the more complicated to build it.

It was really a joke to build my 4" TPU but a 6" or even a 15" TPU is really a F....G job.

If I could buy cores that are 6" in diameter, Im sure that I would have a working unit in a short time because I know what and how.

I have at home a big motor. A working one. Hmmmm......to see the cores. Are there cores inside?? I never thought about it.

I would love to have cores that are 1/2" in height and 6" in diameter. That would be great. I have to google it. Maybe.....

As you all can see - Im a dreamer!!


PS: the more turns, the more voltage on my scope - the more on the output. BUT, not to much windings because then you have nothing on the output!!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 27, 2008, 09:49:24 AM
Hello all,


Just look at the 3 stack picture.

I dont know anymore where to send you my pictures because it seems that Im blocked somehow.

I sent also my schematic of the 4" TPU to Earl and Gustav22 but .....nothing

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on May 27, 2008, 03:41:35 PM

If you ever have a chance can you please try something.

Make your yoke work, measure the power off the collector. Then cut the collector in half and reconnect the cut ends and test again. I need to now if the collector has to be absolutely in one uninterrupted length of wire, or if putting two in series makes no difference. This may have played a role in the ECD having so many ring connections. It would also answer a question for my FTPU build of having the top and bottom collectors from the same wire, not cut, so the strands of wire are unchanged.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 27, 2008, 04:54:07 PM
hello Otto, im curious about your working 4" tpu,...do you need to place a magnet or two on it like SM does?, or is that simply a show of distraction ?, some people are sugesting that it runs on a small battery hidden some where, does yours need a battery or is it self running ?, have been able to run a light bulb for longer than 30mins ?, does it get hot ?,

..sorry for all the questions, but to me this is what i cant find the answers too, and i dont have a working tpu to test out.
..thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 27, 2008, 04:59:39 PM
Quote from: otto on May 27, 2008, 06:41:09 AM
Hello all,


there is a little problem with building TPUs:

the bigger the diameter of a TPU the more complicated to build it.

It was really a joke to build my 4" TPU but a 6" or even a 15" TPU is really a F....G job.

If I could buy cores that are 6" in diameter, Im sure that I would have a working unit in a short time because I know what and how.

I have at home a big motor. A working one. Hmmmm......to see the cores. Are there cores inside?? I never thought about it.

I would love to have cores that are 1/2" in height and 6" in diameter. That would be great. I have to google it. Maybe.....

As you all can see - Im a dreamer!!


PS: the more turns, the more voltage on my scope - the more on the output. BUT, not to much windings because then you have nothing on the output!!!

to Otto , or any one else, can post a pic or two of what a core is and where they might come from ?, sorry for asking a dumb question but i want to learn.( what are they actually supposed to do ?).
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: gyulasun on May 27, 2008, 06:05:43 PM
Quote from: otto on May 27, 2008, 09:49:24 AM
Hello all,

I sent also my schematic of the 4" TPU to Earl and Gustav22 but .....nothing


Hi Otto,

It seems your schematics is top secret otherwise it would be uploaded >:( ???

Why cannot we see it since yesterday afternoon?

Would you mind uploading it here: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=upload


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 28, 2008, 02:41:56 AM
Hello all,


I was thinking in the same direction. I will try it.


no magnets, no self runner. In this forum are much better guys with electronics then Im. I hope somebody will jump out with a solution. I remember there was ....hmmmm....

Really no problem with your questions!!!

I have my cores from TVs. That are deflection coils and I have removed only the coils with the cores, removed the original windings and formed a 4" circle with this cores. Then I made a collector coil with lamp wire INSIDE the core in the horizontal direction. After that in horizontal direction I have wound 12 + 12 turns as the controls. Made also with lamp wire because every strand of such an wire has a lot of fine wires inside each strand.
Now the people think a speaker wire with much more fine wires inside each strand would be better. YES, its better but for now I cant buy such a cable because I have no car and so I cant ......my problem.




PS: I have sent my schematic of the 4" TPU to some people but at least from 1 of them I got the message that he didnt get my email with the schematic attached and I didnt get the information that my emali was NOT delivered.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 28, 2008, 04:20:24 AM
Hello all,


Im using  2 oscillators connected to 2 MOSFETs. This is my mixing.

Forget the iron wire!! At least for now.

As Im on vacation, Im all the days working on various designs for a 4" TPU surching for anomalies as I did in the last 2 ?? years and today I found something but I have to look deeper.

Just a short one: all the time I have a feeling that in a TPU is not only working copper. There is more inside.
Later. Im on my workbench.


PS: nothing to hide - everything to share.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 28, 2008, 06:15:07 AM
Hello all,

today Im playing with oridinary SOLDERING WIRE as a control coil. The soldering wire that ecectronic guys are using.

Not bad, 640V on my bulb.
I have 19 or 20 turns as a control coil but only on half of my TPU. The other half of my TPU is on "vacation".

Forgot to say: diameter of this soldering wire is 1mm. In the same manner I wound a copper wire, diameter 0,7mm around my 1/2 TPU, or better, around 1 core, the SAME core.

As the core is NOT isolated I would expect a short between the iron powder core and the soldering wire but NO SHORT!!!
As the soldering wire has a bigger resistance then the copper wire I would expect a much higher current from the power supply but NO!!! The current is less then with copper. Now somebody would say because of the diameters. OK. Then let us say the current from the power supply is the same. But whats about the resistance? Wouldnt it be logic that the soldering wire because of the resistance would "need" a much higher current?
There is 1 more: with a copper or soldering wire collector Im always measuring 640V.

And there is more:

my TPU is heating. Yes, Eddy currents but why is my core that is in no way "connected" to the collector also heating up?? I mean, I have a little distance between the collector and the iron core.

I had to shut off my TPU after 15 - 20 minutes because the soldering wire controld would melt.

My next try was to connect my TPU in an idiotic way using copper wires as collectors. Copper wires because in the next run I forgot to let cool my TPU and the soldering wire controls melted.

End result:

With only 1/2 of my TPU I have the same great results as yesterday with the complete TPU!!! Not bad!!


PS: is it time to blow a 100W bulb??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 28, 2008, 06:36:26 AM
Quote from: otto on May 28, 2008, 06:15:07 AM
Hello all,

today Im playing with oridinary SOLDERING WIRE as a control coil. The soldering wire that ecectronic guys are using.

Not bad, 640V on my bulb.
I have 19 or 20 turns as a control coil but only on half of my TPU. The other half of my TPU is on "vacation".

Forgot to say: diameter of this soldering wire is 1mm. In the same manner I wound a copper wire, diameter 0,7mm around my 1/2 TPU, or better, around 1 core, the SAME core.

As the core is NOT isolated I would expect a short between the iron powder core and the soldering wire but NO SHORT!!!
As the soldering wire has a bigger resistance then the copper wire I would expect a much higher current from the power supply but NO!!! The current is less then with copper. Now somebody would say because of the diameters. OK. Then let us say the current from the power supply is the same. But whats about the resistance? Wouldnt it be logic that the soldering wire because of the resistance would "need" a much higher current?
There is 1 more: with a copper or soldering wire collector Im always measuring 640V.

And there is more:

my TPU is heating. Yes, Eddy currents but why is my core that is in no way "connected" to the collector also heating up?? I mean, I have a little distance between the collector and the iron core.

I had to shut off my TPU after 15 - 20 minutes because the soldering wire controld would melt.

My next try was to connect my TPU in an idiotic way using copper wires as collectors. Copper wires because in the next run I forgot to let cool my TPU and the soldering wire controls melted.

End result:

With only 1/2 of my TPU I have the same great results as yesterday with the complete TPU!!! Not bad!!


PS: is it time to blow a 100W bulb??

shisser this is better than watching batman!.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 28, 2008, 08:14:56 AM
Hello all,


this IS the reason Im building TPUs, test them, build new, again test them,.....

Almost every new TPU is better then the last one.

I can easily say that I saw signals that never have been seen on this planet......

In short, I have a lot of fun.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on May 28, 2008, 08:48:45 AM

Nothing is better then watching Batman. Well yeh there is. Catwoman. Much better. lol


Don't forget to try and cut the collector and re-splice it under the same conditions. I am now curious to know if you drive the same setup but just wind the collector and control coil on a 4" high rounded piece of carton, will it work the same way. The question is, is the yoke absolutely essential to these results as the coupling medium between the two winds.

Thanks you very much for your work because it is showing vertical control coil pulses will move current in the horizontal collector. I think there are many Forum threads that are converging.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 28, 2008, 10:25:14 AM
Hello all,


finally I can answer you but dont wonder what Im wrighting.

Without the core is nothing!! I didnt try it but I know it. How??

This morning I wound control coils - "bifilar" - 1 with soldering wire and 1 with copper wire 19 turns each, on 1 of my cores.
After I forgot to shut down my 1/2 TPU the soldering wire melted. Over 1" disapeared.
I didnt notice this because I didnt know it!!

An hour ago I wanted to remove this soldering wire and disconnected it. No kicks anymore on my TPU. Again I connected this piece of soldering wire to my 1 end of the collector and pulsed again my TPU. Fine, nice kicks and an incredible light.
Then I wanted to remove a little piece of this molten soldering wire where the + connection was. Just a few inch long. Again, no kicks, no light.

Whats going on??? How can I have kicks, a light .....with such a wire??

The "secret" is in the core. The core has now the function of my molten soldering wire!!! This core is "filling up" the 1" molten part of my control coil.

How I know? Easy. Build a control coil without a core and then cut this coil. End result: a big nothing!! No kicks no.....of course not because nothing can "melt" together such a cutted wire.

I think its enough from me today. Heeeey, Im on vacation.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tishatang on May 28, 2008, 11:37:50 AM
Hi Otto and All,

I posted this on another thread, but thought I would post it here as well.  Rotation can be induced by half wave rectified AC  causing a "Lorentz O"  (Tornado) force.
Follow this link and maybe this is what is causing rotation in the TPU?


Good luck to all,

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on May 28, 2008, 05:46:10 PM
Hello, Otto. Nice results and conslusions.
Maybe, melted solderihg wire has function of piece of collector?
Do you make test with collector from soldering wire, or classical soft iron magnetic core plates, or lead? Do you have electrical connect with melted piece of wire and copper collector?
Can you share pic of melted piece of soldering wire, please?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 29, 2008, 02:28:26 AM
Hello all,


I see youre a clever guy!! I mean it. I saw yesterday that the melted soldering wire was working because of the collector and NOT of the iron core. I saw it but it was to late to post it.

I made tests with soldering wire as a control coil. Yes, I remember that I made tests with soldering wires as a collector. This you can read in the ECD pdf.

No pics, because this was yesterday and that are "old" results. Today is a new TPU day and I already rewound my TPU and I have new results. Muuuuch better results.
Yes, my claim was that I have it. This claim is OK but now Im so crazy that I want to blow a 100W bulb!!!
A year ago I was happy to have a light glowing and now I want to blow a bulb!! Hmmmm....how things are changing!!

For now, dont expect a schematic from me because the setup changes every few minutes and its impossible to make a drawing.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 29, 2008, 05:16:55 AM
Hello all,

I have a new setup in the download section.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 29, 2008, 08:43:02 AM
hi friend   you  made some    PLEASE  SAY ABOUT   INPUT ENERGY   AND OUT ENERGY
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nickc44 on May 29, 2008, 09:10:15 AM
@ Otto

I have added some comments on your picture in Download under Nickc3
PDF format

See if you can answer or if anyone els can

with this setup are you still getting
large Voltages like 700v
and what is the currant


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 29, 2008, 11:16:05 AM
Hello all,


I cant measure the voltage nor the current. Not the voltage because my scope probe is not connected to the TPU. The probe is only near the TPU. The current I cant measure because of the high frequency.


sorry, my mistake but  its not a problem: if you try my setup you can pulse te coil and then a short touch with this wire on 1 end of the bulb or the other end!! Trust me you will have the right position of this wire in 1 second because if you touch a wrong connection you will hace sooooo big sparcs....powerfull sparcs!!

EDIT: the NOT connected wire must be connected to the +24V!!!!! Sorry.

In short: this wire has to be connected to the +24V

My biggest problem are my SS oscillators. As I change the frequency, my signal is increasing or decreasing!! So I dont have the possibility to try with higher frequencies. Even with lower frequencies I cant chose the best frequency mix but I HAVE AN INCREDIBLE LIGHT  and thats what counts!!

If somebody tries to build my setup a have to warn such people:  you are playing with your live. This monster can kill you!! Its extremly dangerous!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 29, 2008, 01:21:38 PM
Since you are using 24V for the input, could you try to use 2 (12V battery) instead of the power supply? If it work, you can further use  diodes to rectifier those output energy back to the battery then count how long time it could run. This is a way to know if you got O.U.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 29, 2008, 02:58:24 PM

I am not trying to rain on your parade, but your wiring drawing you uploaded shows a direct short from the power supply to the bulb. IE Power supply positive to one bulb lead, negative to the other.

I still intend to try it, but I thought all should examine this. I have no doubts under such a situation that you would have bad arcing if you touched the wrong connection, as you would be shorting out your power supply.

By the way, Otto, I have gotten a yoke as you suggested and have been experimenting.

Another note:

At 24VDC, it takes just 4.2 Amps to get 100W of energy.

Also note that a 100W bulb designed for 120VAC has a resistance of 1.2 Ohms.

With 24V DC across the terminals, the bulb will then allow up to 20 Amps to flow from the DC source.

If your source is current limited, such as a power supply, then your power supply may well be then driving the bulb.

Without measuring the voltage, there is no way to know.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 29, 2008, 06:22:17 PM
hi  otto
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 29, 2008, 10:46:37 PM
@Paul Andrulis
It is not surprise to light a 100W from 24V,  need only a little step up voltage. But your calculation is wrong a 120V light bulb should about 144ohm.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 30, 2008, 02:19:29 AM
Hello all,

Just a note:

I have sent a schematic about the TPU to a guy here from the forum. This was on Tuesday, I think. Today is Friday and he told me that he got TODAY my schematic.
It seems that the internet is NOT sooooo fast as we think,ha,ha.


I dont have 2 24V batteries, sorry.


I dont think that is a parade what Im wrighting. I dont have a minus connection in my TPU and I never had one. Im measuring less then 3A with my analog meter connected between the PS and my TPU. Maybe Im wrong but I think that the MOSFETs would overheat if there would be a larger current. I dont have big heatsinks for my MOSFETs.
My power supply is NOT current limited. Im using my home made PS because my profi made PS is still waiting to be fixed. No time for that.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gustav22 on May 30, 2008, 05:07:16 AM
Otto's 2-TV-yoke 1000V setup which he had also posted in the download section of this forum.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gustav22 on May 30, 2008, 05:15:16 AM
Otto's "half TPU"
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on May 30, 2008, 06:14:32 AM
Otto, thanks and congratulations!
What you think about collector from Cu-Sn alloy?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 30, 2008, 06:19:20 AM
Hello all,



Just a note: the NOT connected wire is to connect to the +!!! OK???


I made tests with soldering wire collectors and they gave me the best results. You can read about it in the ECD pdf.

I hope Im sure that an alloy has to be used if you dont want to use only copper. I made tests with pure metals like Aluminium, Iron, stainless steel......best to use is an alloy.

So try Cu - Sn alloy and let us know.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 30, 2008, 06:24:38 AM
I find most interesting is your setup and your theory. Could you share with us?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 30, 2008, 06:32:07 AM
hi Tosky,

.. i find Mac really hard to follow and ive seen others ask for pics or video and it never happens, it would be nice tho, some of the best pic ive seen come from EMdevices , tho i still wouldnt know how to make a tpu from it all, but it sure looks pretty.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 30, 2008, 04:55:30 PM

You were using P = V2/R.

Hmmm, somewhere I did mess up.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on May 30, 2008, 06:33:37 PM

I have been wondering how in the #### I came up with 1.2 Ohms???

This is funny, so I am going to share. I was holding another conversation with someone at the time. Word of advice, don't do this while trying to calculate formulae.

First, I messed up P=IV, which also translates to I = P/V in that I must have typed into the calculator V/P, or 120/100... That would explain the 1.2 part. (Brain Fart #1)


I am glad my life didn't depend upon it!!!!!!!


The "Half TPU" photo was the one I found. The "full TPU" photo above is better. I do not see the direct short in it. Even with the direct short though, after recalculating CORRECTLY,  the effect of full brightness would still be somewhat anomalous.

Let me show why, in support of your theory.

24VDC applied across 144Ohms using V = IR or I = V/R yields approx .17 .166(repeating) amps.

P = IV yields  a lousy 4 watts, with direct short..... So low that the bulb WOULD glow, but very weakly at best.

My bad Otto, sorry.

(I was starting to wonder if I had a brain eating virus or something, but nope, can still do basic algebra. ;D I do not have Drain Bamage. )

I do have one question, you may have already answered it, but I missed it somewhere if you did.

On the "full TPU" schematic, I see the positive 24V supply connection, but where is the negative?

Also, what kind of driving circuit? (The same 24V supply SW pulsed through mosfet's?)

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 30, 2008, 07:41:33 PM
hi  @ all


THE REAL POINT I LIKE TO  SAY IS   THIS  <<I HAVE READ  LONG TIME   THE POST  WHIT  S.M WHIT MANNIX <<<  if you have    smalll magnet    and  move fast to some coil  and that is that   




Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 30, 2008, 07:50:50 PM
here is my  video  and   zip file   pics of mesuring
this a showing   how to increase the kick or hz  whit  small magnets   whit  not  increase the input   energy THERE YOUY WHILL SEE THE RESONANCE  CAP  IN THE INPUT  COIL
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 30, 2008, 07:51:52 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on May 30, 2008, 08:15:12 PM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on May 30, 2008, 07:50:50 PM
here is my  video  and   zip file   pics of mesuring
this a showing   how to increase the kick or hz  whit  small magnets   whit  not  increase the input   energy THERE YOUY WHILL SEE THE RESONANCE  CAP  IN THE INPUT  COIL

VERY interesting video MAC , looks like magnets DO make some kind of difference !.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gustav22 on May 31, 2008, 12:01:14 AM
Quote from: pauldude000 on May 30, 2008, 06:33:37 PM
I do have one question, you may have already answered it, but I missed it somewhere if you did.

On the "full TPU" schematic, I see the positive 24V supply connection, but where is the negative?....
ca. 8 postings above yours:
Quote from: otto on May 30, 2008, 02:19:29 AM


....... I dont have a minus connection in my TPU and I never had one. Im measuring less then 3A with my analog meter connected between the PS and my TPU. Maybe Im wrong but I think that the MOSFETs would overheat if there would be a larger current. I dont have big heatsinks for my MOSFETs.
My power supply is NOT current limited. Im using my home made PS because my profi made PS is still waiting to be fixed. No time for that.


Dr Stiffler is creating a current in an Avramenko plug. An AV-plug has no minus either.
An AV- plug is a circular arrangement in which Dr Stiffler creates a current by squeezing this circular hose.

Normally it is considered bad behavior to squeeze Hosen. Especially when it comes to Unterhosen.
SM knew.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 31, 2008, 01:29:09 AM
this a showing   how to increase the kick or hz  whit  small magnets   whit  not  increase the input   energy THERE YOUY WHILL SEE THE RESONANCE  CAP  IN THE INPUT  COIL

Have you consider a possibility that input coil  consumed more energy at first due to the conditional parameters. Then you give a load is actually relief the consume of energy due to the change of the parameters? I mean it is not a linear circuit and you will increase the input current if you give it a more heavy loading. Otherwise you must success of getting Overunity.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on May 31, 2008, 04:18:06 AM
Hello all,


dont be soooo hard with youself. Your posts are great!! Sometimes it happens that our little brain blocks. Hmmm... thats live.

The negative I ALWAYS connect only to the source of the MOSFETs. And thats all.

My driving circuit are my home made oscillators. Bad ones!!

I was looking to your schematic for oscillators with the 555 ICs. Now my question: Whats the output voltage of your oscillators and is the output voltage constant at all frequencies or is it dropping with higher frequencies??

My problem is that my output voltage dropps from 12 V to say, 5V with a higher frequency and so dropps also my output power on the bulb. So I have to use frequencies at areound 200kHz to get a full light. When I could use 500kHz, my bulb would need only the half? current from the power supply. Not to mention a frequency at 1MHz.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 31, 2008, 04:42:03 AM
Take it easy Paul, my little brain is blocking 99.9% too. Otherwise I got O.U already.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 31, 2008, 12:52:58 PM

I think cutting the magnetic flux will stop the spinning in the field, this is the way of keeping energy conservation by mother nature. If you do not use any material core (only air coil).  Input pure sine or very clean energy to build up the vortex. Then collect the energy without material core.That will break the relationship between input and output. Do you need Capacitor discharge for large current in your setup? Correct me if I am wrong in understanding your theory?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on May 31, 2008, 01:33:22 PM
Try to think your setup is a simple step up converter circuit and there are many ways to setup those converter. As long as you use your power supply and no measurement on input to output relationship plus you don't like to talk about theory. I just don't know what a difference in those your TPUs. You should know many power supplies will deliver more current or out of control due to the feedback path in those transistors or Operation-Amplifiers in the control circuit, if interfacing with high frequency or switching circuits. You may feel like getting O.U. but actually not. That is why I suggest you play with chargeable batteries (battery never out of control). You know, buy the battery will sure lost you money, but save your precious time.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on May 31, 2008, 02:24:47 PM
I think that`s a right schem :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on May 31, 2008, 04:07:23 PM

You know how great my EE is but I thought I would run this by you.

The other day I was sending some sine waves into this new speaker magnet toroid that I have made (yes I call it a Magoid) to see how the Magoid reacts at certain frequencies.

Anyways I had my scope on the output of the sine wave and decided I should put a diode on the output of my audio output in case anything bad were to happen. To my surprise (but I'm sure not to your surprise), the scope no longer showed sine waves but square waves. Nice square waves. So I was thinking maybe your device could use the same type of driving method. That could do away with the negative return through the mosfet. Yes, I know I may have put my foot in my mouth once again. lol

Anyways, keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on May 31, 2008, 06:24:44 PM
hi all
  all that  my explane  or practical ways  is showing  the theory of  some gay < spherics>  that  his theory    is   so clouse like my test    to increase the   kick      <<not important  is  the speed   >>but  is  important how many times   the elktromagnet fild  whil be  move    in one directions  to  athere  out coil   LIKE YOU HAVE   SMAL MAGNET FILD  AND MOVE    ONLY   ONE POLE OF MAGET FILD     IN ONE DIRECTION      WHIT  MORE AND MORE TIMES      IN ONE SECOND
WE  all know  that the speed of light is   the same  of  speed of elktrones   moving in coper   wire 
if  we  have that  one second of speed of light moving elktromagnet fild   in one direction  way  clouse  to athere   out coil       what   whill be  doi   and how  to  make  more   andmore    times kick  to   the exit coil ist look  like  not posible  whit  one single  hz input    whit  that  very fast  moving fild  of speed of light   <<A LIKE TO POINT  THIS  I  WE  BE   CREATE   THAT  THAT FILD  AND MAKE  CUT  THIS  SECVENCE     IN MORE PIECES   <<LIKE   YOU  CUT   THE  SPEEED  OF LIGHT   IN   1000  OR  10000   SECVENCES   IF 1 SECVENEC  PICK UP  TO CREATED   A SINGLE  ONE KICK  IN  ONE DIRECTION  WAY     TO PROUCED        DC  VOLTAGE 
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm   his engls.  is  hard  to tape  to me   bbut immtraing to tape   what im   like to say   <<macedonian languege  is easy for me :D :D :D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 02, 2008, 01:00:11 AM
Hello all,


good job!


I know what you mean.


lets sumarise my last week

If you pulse a wire wound around an iron powder core with 2 or more frequencies you will see that the core saturates. My square waves are wide. But when as the core is more and more saturated I see the kicks getting nicer and better in the sence that they are not wide anymore. The problem is that if  the core saturates for 100%, then the current rises dramatically. So I have to detune a little bit my frequency mix to have a good light and the PS dont suffer soooo much. When the core saturates totally then the light is not good anymore and a huge current from the PS could blow my MOSFETs.

Last week I tried a lot of metals as cores and a lot of various winding techniques to get the best signals in my coils.

The best was when I wound a control coil DIRECTLY over the core and the other wire around the core and the collector. This "bifilar" wound control was the best.
I used the 1 winding over the core for the kicks. As this control was very near, to say so, the core I got big kicks and the other winding wound over the core and collector was used as a load coil. Not bad.

My next plan is to build a selfrunner but as Im working again, it will take a time....

My friend, a TV repair man, promised me a few yokes from bigger TVs so I can play with them.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: aether22 on June 02, 2008, 04:10:33 AM
Otto, what would be the odds in your opinion of getting energy from a collector coil that is not connected to any source of power? (as I believe SM's wasn't)

I made an image of a few ideas, not sure how good any of them are but see what you think.

By the way are you sure you aren't simply powering the bulb from the collapsing emf of the control coil?
To check you would need to run a disassembled TPU where the control coil was not around the collector to verify it doesn't create the same effects, sorry if you have already ruled out any such possibility.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 02, 2008, 04:55:16 AM
Hello all,


I know a lot more then posted because Im f...d!!!

Again my question: who has stolen my email for almost 3 days???

It seems that Im working for somebody unknown?? Heeeey, unknown guys, maybe you can "buy" me like Tesla?? Oh, Im not Tesla! Ha,ha.

Without a power source is nothing going on. This is the official version, the inofficial version I dont want to post!.The problem is: what gives us the 1.trigger when we have a self runner without a battery!! This is the real problem. Or somebody saw SM in the video striving along the TPU with a magnet??

NO. Of course not.

I didnt try this without a collector but the collector is nessesary because "something" must give the particles a way to go, to say so and of course to collect the energy and not to forget, that I have all the time 1 end of the control coil connected to 1 end of a collector to increase the kicks. So, no way to get the same effect.

If you look at my picture you will see something: a pulsed control coil AND a biased control coil but biased in REVERSE direction. If I would connect the + of the bias to the same end where the + of the pulsed control coil is, there would be not 1 watt on the bulb. I tried it.

This type of TPU is OK but....I know why SM a lot of times puts his hand onto the TPU when it works:

THE F...G CORE HEATS UP!!! This heat can destroy the cores in the sence that they change the working properties and then the unit stopps to work.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: aether22 on June 02, 2008, 06:00:52 AM
I don't understand your entire reply (did you look at my image?) but I have had one other idea, remove the bulb from the TPU and in it's place put another TPU, this second TPU would be wired similar to the first only it would be powered by the first TPU.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 02, 2008, 06:08:20 AM
Hello all,


something must be clear: I have enough power for a 100W bulb!!

My next plan is to make this TPU a self runner. Nothing more.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: aether22 on June 02, 2008, 06:12:47 AM
How much energy do you believe your PS is putting in?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 02, 2008, 06:21:49 AM
Hello all,


24V/2 - 3A DC.

Please, dont post about over or underunity. This is NOT of interest.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on June 02, 2008, 06:35:42 AM
i have made some  of you test but lie in my way  i have   pick the   YOKE   OF MY  OLD  BLACK AND WHITE TV AND  I HAVE PUT TO RUN TV   WHITOUT   TE YOUKE WHEREIS  HAS BEAING
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 02, 2008, 06:43:39 AM


everything is possible.

The core and the contra bias is the key. As collector use a speaker wire with a looooot of fine wires inside.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 02, 2008, 12:25:23 PM

The 555 circuit output voltage does not change with frequency. The voltage depends upon your input voltage, and can be anywhere from 5VDC to 16VDC with the TS555CN. They are also EXTREMELY inexpensive. I will provide the cheapest supplier I have found. Some 555 Chips source more current, but this one so far has the highest attainable frequency, with over-clocking measured at 4.9Mhz using the circuits posted. Square waves remain sharp to ~4 - 4.3MHZ, then the wave starts to distort with the duty cycle shortening, ending up with a nominal sloppy square wave at max frequency just before oscillation destabilizes.

Here is a supplier:

http://www.newark.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?SKU=89K1755&CMP=AFC-OP (http://www.newark.com/jsp/search/productdetail.jsp?SKU=89K1755&CMP=AFC-OP)

Note: Sourcing 200 milliamp, it will drive the mosfets, but not directly drive the Control coil with any real power. (Though it can directly drive with 200mA without damage to the chip.)

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 02, 2008, 07:54:31 PM

I found this particular patent that may have some pertinent explanations on the function of your yoke TPU.

I put one image below but the whole patent pdf can be downloaded here.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nickc44 on June 02, 2008, 08:26:36 PM
@ Otto and Paul

The control circuit has been a bit of a problem
Paul I have used your Oscillator 3 or 4 MHz but
I think my mosfet is always on never off could you
post a good Circuit for the controll


Otto you are having problems with heat and saturation or just heat
If its heat down the road you can use a synthetic oil to cool it...in time.. right
you need another vacation Ha HA


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 02, 2008, 11:24:19 PM

Below may be old hat info for most, but not for all.


Depending upon your mosfet (IRF840, Buz11, etc..) you may be hooking up the mosfet wrong. Check the spec sheet. Don't feel bad if this is the case, as I had the same "on all the time" problem when I first started using mosfets as well. One can tend to think transistor when hooking them up........ ;D

|         |
|   |   |
|   |   |
1  2  3

Pin 1 = Gate
Pin 2 = Drain
Pin 3 = Source

If you hook the mosfet up wrong, it will indeed "stay on", and will not shut off, either if you confuse the Gate and the Drain. (The base will be high all the time.) If you hook up source and drain backwards, it will be conducting all of the time, due to the built in diode.
_| |_ Pulse to Pin 1 (Gate)

+ supply hot to Pin 2 (Drain)

- ground at Pin 3 (Source)

Put the load in series EITHER between power supply + and Drain, OR between Source and - Ground. (different voltage/current/signal effects)

Usually the load is put between source and ground with a current limiting resistor of the needed resistivity.

If this is not the case, then hook up your scope with the circuit running,  from 555 pin 3 (Sqaure Wave Output) and ground to make sure it is still oscillating. If it is, it is not the 555 circuit, it is then the mosfet connections or the mosfet itself. The 555 will not handle a greater voltage than the mosfet's Gate/Source or Gate/Drain breakdown voltages, which the lowest tends to be +-20V, unless you are using the wrong mosfet for the job.  Again, check the spec sheets.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 03, 2008, 12:00:06 AM
Hello all,


thanks a lot. This is what I need to have good SS oscillators. A stable signal in voltage at all frequencies. My voltage drops with higher frequencies and thats really not good.
I dont know if I can buy such type of 555s so I have the next question: what about an oridinary 555 timer IC? I think you wrote that already but I cant find it. Lower frequency?? My memory is not the best.


the only problem is heat. The saturation is needed!! because the bulb lights very near the saturation point. If I have saturation for 100% then the current rises dramatically and so I have to move a little my frequency mix and everything is OK.

We know or should know that a TPU doesnt work in oil. Yes, another vacation would be great!!



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 03, 2008, 12:01:44 AM

Actually, I have to thank you! I was using NE555 in the test circuit, which source 500ma. I did some more research, just to make sure I was sourcing enough current to saturate the IRF840's properly, and using the TS555CN at 200ma I do not think so, at higher frequencies.

It would be a good idea to put a complimentary emitter-follower gate driver circuit as a higher current buffer for complete gate saturation at higher frequencies.

Here is a pdf for more information on the subject.

http://www.zetex.com/3.0/appnotes/apps/an18.pdf (http://www.zetex.com/3.0/appnotes/apps/an18.pdf)

Again, thanks.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 03, 2008, 12:20:30 AM
Hello all,

this is exactly what I have. I mean the pictures in the pdf. Im my oscillators are the BC 140-16 and BC141-16 as complimentary transistors as outputs.
An IC, dont remember the type, is driving this transistors and this IC gets the signals from a ICL 8038 IC.

Not bad signals but as said, the higher the frequency the lover the signal.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 03, 2008, 01:10:25 AM

Use figure 2 in the pdf. Use the 555's pin 3 output to the transistors bases, with a current limiting resistor suitable for drive current according to the transistor(s) needs, and your applied source voltage.

Make sure you are using transistors capable of the frequency. (IE use transistors with some frequency "elbow room" compared to your application. If you are desiring up to 4 Mhz, then make sure your transistors can go to at least 10Mhz or more, for example.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: eldarion on June 03, 2008, 01:51:03 AM

Would you mind posting a quick schematic of what you are proposing?  This circuit sounds like it could help significantly with a problem I am having...


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nickc44 on June 03, 2008, 03:10:36 AM

Do you think ne555's ( thats what I have ) are OK for this application
I will look at the PDF and try to get some Ideas
If you could make a schematic of a circuit after pin 3 I would
appreciate  it... you know a pictures worth a thousand words

@ Otto

So you or someone has used synthetic oil and it stopped working
That doesn't make sense ( not that a TPU does Ha HA ) did you ever try it without exposed wire
or has any one els ?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 03, 2008, 04:22:41 AM
Hello all,


I didnt try it in oil but SM tried it and it was really not good. You know that we have a vibration when the TPU works. But in oil or another liquid there cant be a vibration.


the TS555 is much faster, lower consumption......in short, much better.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 03, 2008, 01:08:42 PM

TS555CN's are rated the highest I have found in the 555 timer category concerning frequency. The standard bipolar 555 has a max freq of 500Khz, while the cmos 555 series ranges from 1Mhz, to the TS555CN at 2.7Mhz. I have had success overclocking the cmos varieties, but not the bipolar. Interesting, you said you tried the circuit and achieved 3 to 4 Mhz using standard ne555 BIPOLARS?? Awesome! Good job!

Concerning the schematic, use figure2 in the pdf, just like I told otto. It resembles a push/pull oscillation circuit, but is actually a source/sink drive circuit. For instance, an IRF840 and similar may well need to source/sink 1.5A or more to completely saturate the gate junction for full conduction, where the 555 function generator circuit can only source/sink 200ma. (I earlier didn't take this into account when I drew up the circuit, and it explains low amperage throughput problems I have been noticing.)


Sources of the TS555CN online:

Sierra IC
Online Components
Oxygen Elec.

Paul Andrulis

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nickc44 on June 03, 2008, 04:54:41 PM
@ Paul

You know I'm not that good I only pointed the 3 or 4 MHz out so you knew what Circuit to reference
Thanks for all the help.. I will pick up the 555 timers you have suggested

How is your TPU working have you tried Otto's config as you know my config
is on hold waiting for parts I am going to use batteries power for testing

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nickc44 on June 03, 2008, 10:56:17 PM
@ Otto and Paul

Even the newbees get to shine in the sun for a while

Thanks for your help on the oscillators
I took Paul's fast Oscillator circuit and Otto's Config of the tpu

By using all adjustable Resistors I did get the Oscillator to do its job
Finally !!!

Using a 12 V battery and a bridge I got the voltage to around 130 VDC and this was only
one Frequency  But Otto 75 W bulb did not glow

I have an old setup for another Oscillator I will need to try for the second Frequency any Ideas

My Mosfet was Africa Hot so I used and old PC CPU heat sink to cool it down.. worked good

So thanks guys


Oh ya I did try 24 V and it got up to 200 VDC It probably would go Higher. I will test  but Otto no glow on the bulb... Still fun.. you know !!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 03, 2008, 11:48:26 PM
Hello all,


thanks for the circuit. I have to buy the needed ICs.


something very important:

If you use a PS for the DC then my schematic is OK but when you use a battery then you have to reconnect a little bit your setup. I will post tomorrow how to connect the TPU when a battery is used.

Sorry, forgot this to say earlier.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 04, 2008, 10:03:51 AM

It's your favorite dumb question guy again. lol

This had been bugging me for a while. Did you ever try with two frequencies, one on the positive and one on the negative. Imagine when the tpu is disengaged from both ends at the same or varying frequencies. lol

On the +, is it possible to pass your frequency pulse through a fast diode. Also on the positive you can use a second diode in parallel to the first but in the other direction and going directly back the positive source. This will enable the flyback to return to source without touching the SS.

Flyback is what you are having as the heat source. Heat occurs when flyback occurs and it does not have a good place to go, like directly back to a battery positive terminal. I think that's why SMs TPUs heat up. There is nothing in his circuit that spells flyback return. He is returning the output to the circuit board, but the flyback is frying his coils. lol

If you give something to nature it will always want to give you something back. Give water and sunshine to an apple tree. It will give you magnificent apples that will nourish you much more then the water you gave it. Give a smart sequence of pulses at the right voltages and currents, into the right branchings of coils and like a tree, the coil will want to give something back to you. Flyback. Red hot and ready to use or ready to give back to your battery source so the voltage does not drop that much, or, ready to heat up your coils or circuit if you don't know how to accept natures generosity. This will be the challenge too tame the beast. This is what Tesla mastered.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 05, 2008, 04:47:00 AM
Hello all,

finally the forum "fixed".


in our work are no dumb questions. I have also more and more questions that I try to solve but then other questions opens as Im working ......

Your picture is good but not to use with my 4" TPU. This TPU is weird because I cant use diodes, caps, resistors, magnets....nothing is disturbing in any way the work of this little "thing" exept a STORM!!!
Yesterday was a storm around my house and I was trying to light my bulb. It lighted a little because the current got crazy. I couldnt tune my device to the needed frequency mix. NO WAY.

After the storm - everything OK. No problem with my little TPU.

So, your picture is to use with a 6" TPU.

I saw youre analysing the 15" TPU. The coils, 2 of them, that are the output coils. Each coil for 1 frequency.

For now Im not concerned about the heat. There are some solutions.

Title: simple energy math (not good for the first post, but anyway)
Post by: olecom on June 05, 2008, 05:01:22 AM
Quote from: RobotHead on May 19, 2008, 11:55:42 PM

I would replace his adjective ?wonderful? with ?imaginary?.  Such a thing just does NOT exist.

Even at idle speed, doing no real work, 3.5 hours on a gallon of gas is not possible for a 25 hp engine.

Take your average 25 hp electrical generator, with a 10 gallon tank, it will only run for 8 hours at half load on 10 gallons of gas!  That?s 48 minutes per gallon at HALF LOAD!  That?s almost 4.5 times less than SM ?amazing? engine?s stated run time!  In other words, a normal generator would need to be 450 % more efficient at half load to match ?SM? claimed gas engine.

Simple energy math:

Gasoline contains about 34.6 megajoules per liter(MJ/L) or 131 MJ/US gallon.

1 gallon ~ 131 MJ

Metric horsepower, as a rule, is defined as 0.73549875 kW, or roughly 98.6% of mechanical horsepower.

3.5 (hours) * 3600 (seconds/hour) * 25 (horsepower) * 735.5 (W/horsepower) = 231682500 J ~ 231.7 MJ

Or somebody somewhere have wrong measurements/numbers, or this was actual wonderful (well-) over unity.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Drossen on June 05, 2008, 11:04:58 AM
@ olecom

Interesting name.  You wouldn't by any chance be a Windows programmer, as OLE is built on top of COM, and both OLE and COM are Windows technologies?

Now, as for your post, it has already been determined that the statement about a 25 hp engine running for 3.5 hours on one gallon of gas was most likely an exaggeration.  Using the information you gave, a 25 hp engine, that was 100% efficient, would consume approximately 1.77 gallons of gas in 3.5 hours.  Please realize that there are very few combustion engines on the market that achieve more than 30% efficiency.  However, the Bourke Engine that I mentioned in an earlier post is just under 83% efficient in converting the energy in the gas to usable rotational power.  Here is a link to that post:

http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4728.msg98469.html#msg98469 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4728.msg98469.html#msg98469)

- Drossen
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: hydrocontrol on June 05, 2008, 11:17:53 AM
Quote from: Drossen on June 05, 2008, 11:04:58 AM

Using the information you gave, a 25 hp engine, that was 100% efficient, would consume approximately 1.77 gallons of gas in 3.5 hours.  Please realize that there are very few combustion engines on the market that achieve more than 30% efficiency.  However, the Bourke Engine that I mentioned in an earlier post is just under 83% efficient in converting the energy in the gas to usable rotational power.  Here is a link to that post:

http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4728.msg98469.html#msg98469 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php/topic,4728.msg98469.html#msg98469)

- Drossen

You can reduce the amount of gasoline used. Of course you have to make up for it somewhere. Just do what JLN did here with lawn mower and the Plasma Fuel Reforming with the PMC. Off the shelf plumbing parts.
80% water 20% gasoline. Throw in a Bourke Engine and you only need to go to the gas station once a month.  ::)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: olecom on June 05, 2008, 12:27:12 PM

I just want to go back to the topic. And that was simple energy no comparison of anything, no efficiency, nothing. I know about oil-funded agenda, e.g. "Who killed Electric Car?":


It will be nice if published historical info about "wonderful gasoline engine" with this typo/thinko/error can be fixed or clarified somehow (better in constructive way, of course).

[:side note: google nick and you will be tuxprized:]
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: hydrocontrol on June 05, 2008, 01:42:17 PM
Back on topic would be nice. Looking forward to the looping results Otto was going for next. Am I to understand Otto can light a 100 watt bulb and is now going for self power and to light the bulb at the same time. Sounds interesting..
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 06, 2008, 12:22:30 AM
Hello all,

yes, Im thinking about how to feed back a little bit power from the output back to the input. Without the PS connected its not a problem.

I have new TV yokes from big TVs. and I want to see the dimensions first and then see what I can do with them.

I have this yokes on my workplace where I have more time. This yokes are wound in another way:
the cores are free. There are no windings around them and the windings are made with a few copper wires made as strands for more energy because the screen is sooo big. This is something like the open TPU where we see the lamp wire.

It seems that this yokes are something like TPUs but for a lower frequency?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 08, 2008, 02:41:08 AM

You may already know all this, and if you do, please ignore.

The Yoke in the TV with the ferrite core and its windings, and the internal two oddly wound coils serve a very distinct purpose. (Notice I am NOT talking about the rgb coils here, just the main yoke)

Any electron beam created spreads rapidly, causal that the electrons composing the beam share the same charge. In essence, they repel each other. This sucks if you need a good tight beam hitiing just a few phosphorescent dots on the screen, instead of thousands of dots at once. The yoke provides a magnetic field with a small aperture (hole in the field) in the middle, which keeps the electrons from spreading. This accounts for the cores and their coils.

However, the beam needs to be focusable at more than one spot on the screen. Therefore, they provided deflection coils to manipulate the position of the aperture. IE the funky shaped coils is the center of the yoke deflect the hole in the field, moving the electron beam.

It should be obvious that we are talking quite ingenious magnetic field manipulation here.

The coils on the core may well be for a rotating field.... this I don't know. It does seem that a rotating field would provide better electron beam cohesion, as there would be less field distortion, and greater field strength at any point at any particular time.

The center coils definitely are not.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: jox on June 08, 2008, 03:41:03 AM

Don't know if this is heading off topic, is this similar?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 11, 2008, 01:45:25 AM

I found a 1973 patent a few days ago which I have uploaded here. It may or may not apply directly since it was destined for demagnetizing seismic measurement coils but I have a feeling it has some bearing on the your yoke TPU. It is using two frequencies.

We are usually looking to pulse dc from zero to maximum voltage as fast as possible, taking into account the speed at which the core can actually reach saturation, then reach desaturation, etc.. What if you should leave the dc at maximum and just demagnetize it to make the pulses. Does pulsing a DC and demagnetizing a steady DC do the same thing? I think the later would equal more a real magnet. So if the DC saturates the core, and the frequencies are actually a pulsed demagnetizer, what would the secondary do in the midst of so much flux swing? Make lot's of juice. Just another perspective.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 11, 2008, 02:08:18 AM
Hello all,



I dont understand why are the people so complicating. If you want a really good TPU just use iron powder cores as I did. If you want big kicks then you have to wind the turns of the controls close to each other and if you dont want big kicks then the turns must have a gap between each turn. If you have big kicks then you must use a little transformer on the output so the kicks are dropping to a level that a load can "use" ( this information is from a friend).

Its much easier to build a TPU with cores and its much more dangerous because there is a power in the coils.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 11, 2008, 03:02:32 AM

"If you want a really good TPU just use iron powder cores"


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 11, 2008, 03:18:57 AM

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 11, 2008, 03:28:21 AM
same ?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 11, 2008, 03:29:04 AM
Hello all,


it almost looks like a TPU. I mean the pictures.

Its a solution: to build a TPU and add iron powder as much as possible. Or another metal powder. Just to see the differences.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 11, 2008, 03:33:54 AM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 11, 2008, 05:14:43 AM
Corum   :o


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on June 11, 2008, 08:22:02 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on June 08, 2008, 02:41:08 AM
Any electron beam created spreads rapidly, causal that the electrons composing the beam share the same charge. In essence, they repel each other. This sucks if you need a good tight beam hitiing just a few phosphorescent dots on the screen, instead of thousands of dots at once. The yoke provides a magnetic field with a small aperture (hole in the field) in the middle, which keeps the electrons from spreading. This accounts for the cores and their coils.

However, the beam needs to be focusable at more than one spot on the screen. Therefore, they provided deflection coils to manipulate the position of the aperture. IE the funky shaped coils is the center of the yoke deflect the hole in the field, moving the electron beam.


When you have some time could you please direct me to an information source that agrees with the above statement?


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 12, 2008, 01:39:17 AM

Which statement? (I made many in what you quoted.)

Are you questioning that electrons all have the same polarity of charge? (any textbook)

Or are you questioning where like charges repel, and opposite charges attract? (also any textbook. Look up "electrostatics" for some basic info.)


The gun does produce the initial beam. However, the beam will want to "spread" because all of the electrons composing the beam carry the same charge.

You posted that with the removal of the deflector coils from the circuit, you get a "dot" in the center of the screen. A quick question for you. Was this dot 1 phosphorescent pixel wide and tall, or was it hundreds of pixels. Think of the size of the beam produced by the gun, and remember that it has to energize one pixel within a set of three (R,G,B) at a time, pixel set by pixel set, line by line to produce a rasterized color picture.

Man, you mentioned your SAMS, that brought to remembrance a small stack of the things I used to have laying around. Come to think of it, somewhere I should still have my old "Handbook of Electronic Circuits" book. Big "ye old ten pound bookshelf filler". I ought to dig it up, and see what it has for some new(to me)/old(for today) oscillator ideas.

Paul Andrulis 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on June 12, 2008, 06:49:45 AM

I thought I had a solid ground in CRT operation. At least scopes, B&W and also the Trinitron method. I must have some understanding as I've performed repairs and builds on all three.

My understanding:
The idea of a moving/resizing aperture didn't match what I understood. It (if it is an aperture) doesn't move. The strength of the field varies which causes a variation in deflection of the beam.

The beam spreads? I know this is in some text books as 'like charges repel' but the application of that term is incorrect as these are 'moving charges'. Not only moving but moving in the same direction at the same speed therefore they attract and the beam does not spread wildly.

The latter is where the laws of magnetics are hopelessly screwed as the theories of Gassman(sp?) were used instead of Ampere's correct experimental results by the folks that mistranslated the treatise on magnetics.

This is one I battle frequently and found true during short-circuit tests almost 30 years ago.

Like charges travelling parallel attract
Like charges travelling anti-parallel or not moving repel

Unlike charges travelling parallel repel
Unlike charges travelling anti-parallel or not moving attract

It is in some books this way just not many.

I expect arguments on this but I won't as the reality of jumping buss bars and cables during a short circuit can't be denied. Neither can that single dot on the screen when the beam is emitted from a fairly broad cathode element yet winds up as a tiny dot on the screen - even when the magnets, charged plates and coils have been turned off.

I don't mean to insult or start a heated discussion. The description of CRT operation just seemed very wrong to me.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 12, 2008, 07:30:16 AM

Sorry to bud in guys but I have a question for otto.

I found three more yokes today. Now I have at least two big ones. What do you do with the yokes. Do you have to cut all the wires and remove the glue to then remove and only use the ferrite yoke core, or, are you winding your coils over the complete yoke as is.

What a pity to dissect such a fine piece of coiling. I think I will keep two intact and play with the original coils a bit also.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 12, 2008, 07:47:56 AM

I have removed all the original coils and the glue.. Im using only the iron powder cores. The most time Im using only a quarter or half of the yoke because then I can quickly remove the controls and wind new ones.

I pulsed also the complete yokes. A fine light but there was no collector and so I made one with lamp wire. Just a few turns. I have 1 yoke that is complete with the coils - intact and working. Hmmm....I said already that this yokes looks like a TPU but without  the collectors.

I think that I can learn a lot with this strange coils. Its easy to work with this cores. Only a few turns for the collector and for the control coil and thats it! In a short time you can easily change your controls or collectors.

Please, when you play with such a TPU be careful because there is a really big current. Dont pulse the coils without a load and maybe it would be clever NOT to connect your scope on this f...g TPU. The scope probe can be near the TPU and you will see the same signals at lower voltage settings.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 12, 2008, 09:18:40 AM

No sooner said then done. Here is a unboned yoke showing one core (front left), one core with original wind (front right) and the fine winds that are inside the yoke (two rear).

I think I will use two pairs of the rear one to try handyguys' swing generator. They are half moon coils so they should be good for tests. Now for the next yoke unboning.

Yes the more you look at the yoke the more a TPU comes to mind. There are many parallels.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 12, 2008, 03:31:17 PM

Sorry if I came across as antagonistic. It sometimes appears that way, and I have not intended it to be so. I guess that I have to brusque a manner of speech. I do have an aggressive mind, and I think it shows when I write. I try to weed it out, but am not always successful.

I will be the first to state to anyone that I am not always right, and am as apt to be in error as anyone else. I do not doubt your grounding in CRT  technology.

I also don't deny your valid arguments concerning parallel wires and buss-bars during a short-circuit situation. I merely propose an alternative explanation.

I do not think it is the charges either repelling or attracting in this special situation, as much as the magnetic fields generated.

Consider this:

Parallel wires scenario:

A direct short happens, and a massive spike of current flows through both wires simultaneously, creating a temporary but massive magnetic field around each wire. These two fields are of opposite direction of rotation around the respective wires however (remember the right hand rule). This opposing effect causes the fields to repel each other, and since the generated field strength is quite large, the effect is also quite noticeable in that the wires are forced to jump.


Similar field interaction as above.

Some other observations:

A single wire of thin enough gauge will "jump" as well if a high enough energy charge is given to it, due to the magnetic field interaction between the induced field in the wire, and the earths own magnetic field.

What this demonstartes is that it is not necessarily the charges which are causing these effects, but the induced fields of the charges moving.

As to the charges themselves, they do repel each other, either stationary or motional.

This is the bane and limitation of would be particle weapons. The higher the energy of the charge, the stronger the repelling force. Too much energy and a particle beam will literally blow itself to pieces. This is also true to an extent with beams of photons. A laser beam will spread in the same manner in a vacuum, though at a VASTLY smaller amount of spread, causal that the charge of a photon is only as great as the electrical field component of the EM wave.

One thing you DID remind me of is that moving electrons DO create a magnetic field (same right hand rule as above). This is true whether in a conductor, or in free air or a vacuum. This generated field would help constrain the path of the electrons, yet it would not overcome the overall strength of the repellent force, due to its "weak per-electron constraining mag-field strength/vs/strong per-electron repellent force".

I actually need to thank you for this, as it provides an answer for a question I have long wondered about. Namely, "with the strong repellant force of each charge, why doesn't a low power beam blow itself apart soon after creation?"
Kewl, and again, thanks.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on June 12, 2008, 04:27:31 PM
I must be breif as I'm on my Blackberry in a Piper over Utah.
Paul is right and so is Art. During the initial switch closure AND at the right speed the rules I posted above prove true.
On a vaulted short the magnetic forces the conductors together.with thr right coditions the wires will continue in attraction during current flow. Both same direction.
In a beam it is all about speed. At the right speed things reverse - re sonic barrier. Such has been proven while rotating magnets also.
Like said the difficulty is speed in a wire.
Electrons gain mass and mag as they approach c of the medium not c of space. The trick is to counteract the mag of the wire and not the mag of the electron.
I believe this can be done with counterwound bifilar overwrap of a conductor. It certainly changes resonance and speed of a pulse in the wrapped wire but is counter intuitive at the right control freq. Very confusing. The pulse is faster but the resonance is much lower.
This weird flow also explains skin effect better and two currents of sparate sources in same wire going opposite directions

About to land will check back later
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on June 12, 2008, 04:28:31 PM
I must be breif as I'm on my Blackberry in a Piper over Utah.
Paul is right and so is Art. During the initial switch closure AND at the right speed the rules I posted above prove true.
On a vaulted short the magnetic forces the conductors together.with thr right coditions the wires will continue in attraction during current flow. Both same direction.
In a beam it is all about speed. At the right speed things reverse - re sonic barrier. Such has been proven while rotating magnets also.
Like said the difficulty is speed in a wire.
Electrons gain mass and mag as they approach c of the medium not c of space. The trick is to counteract the mag of the wire and not the mag of the electron.
I believe this can be done with counterwound bifilar overwrap of a conductor. It certainly changes resonance and speed of a pulse in the wrapped wire but is counter intuitive at the right control freq. Very confusing. The pulse is faster but the resonance is much lower.
This weird flow also explains skin effect better and two currents of sparate sources in same wire going opposite directions

About to land will check back later
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tsl on June 12, 2008, 06:06:33 PM
"...but the induced fields of the charges moving."

Now that is really something that should be investigated.Btw, did you read my post?

I like the game, it's getting hotter and hotter.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: kames on June 12, 2008, 09:02:01 PM
Quote from: tsl on June 12, 2008, 06:06:33 PM
"...but the induced fields of the charges moving."

Regarding the current thoughts it is worth of reading if forgotten.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 12, 2008, 09:50:53 PM

I keep wondering why you and others refer to a vacuum. What vacuum are you talking about because from where I sit, there is no such thing as a vacuum. If you are talking about the neutral space in a magnetic field, this could be called a void. If you are talking about energy in outer space, why use the word vacuum. There is no vacuum in space. There is just a lack of atmosphere because there is a lack of gravity, but this does not create a vacuum. Why would energy even care if there is a vacuum or not. The same energy that is around us, is also in all the universe. Are we in a vacuum? We walk on land, but we float in in the ocean and we float in space. Is the ocean a vacuum?

The ocean is just another method of occupied space, like land and the atmosphere are other methods of occupying space, just like the open universe is another way of occupying space. You can occupy space with something or with nothing, but none of these will create a vacuum. It's always the same space. We move through this space at 67,000 miles per hour. Why don't we feel the effects of Earth countering the vacuum. Because there is none. It does not exist. I feel this is a figment of our collective imagination. I feel this question should be clarified since it is being used and overused.

I can see it now at the next interplanetary meeting on civilization advancements, the chairman asks, "So Bluetok, how are the people of Earth doing?". Bluetok answers, "Well Sir, they still think space is a vacuum". All the members look at each other and at the same time sound out a big "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".

Sorry for the off topic. I know I may get slammed as a major ignorant for this post but it just does not click.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 12, 2008, 11:50:40 PM
Change the dielectric between two charges and you create a magnetic field (see Roentgen Current).

The aether is a dielectric.

Change the aether and you can induce an electric field in a conductor without the limitations imposed by a mass charge like the electron.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 12, 2008, 11:55:13 PM
Hello all,


you have to be extremly careful with such a TPU especially when you are close to full saturation of the cores. The current from the PS will jump extremly up to 5 - 10A!!! When this occures then you have to detune a little bit the frequencies.

Dont touch the f...g wires when youre pulsing your TPU.

Im was never afraid of my TPUs. A little burn of my fingers....not a tragedy but this one is something else. In such a iron core TPU is power. We ahve only to use it.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 13, 2008, 09:31:11 PM

I don't understand your question.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 14, 2008, 01:27:40 AM
Same as vacuum, which is relative to the parameters that it currently possesses.  If you compress and decompress it, then these values change.

Roentgen believed that he could create large currents if he could rotate the dielectric fast enough.  A gaseous, massless dielectric can be changed at a vry rapid rate.

So, what do you really want to know?  What are you looking for?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: weri812 on June 14, 2008, 08:49:36 AM
@ Erfinder

I am listening.  I may not under stand all but i do read all references put out there and keep a copy of everything.

God Bless all
good work to all that can

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 14, 2008, 09:18:55 AM
I just don't understand what a surprise, short circuit due to the core saturation is quite normal. All the motors burned due to core saturation when given a heavy load to it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 14, 2008, 09:49:16 AM
Pretty hard to saturate empty space.

As for measuring the density of space, or a vacuum or an aether - I think you can determine a set of reference of parameters regarding the movement of light through what you consider normal space and then determine these same values for light within the space you want to measure.

See, "light just is" - not really particle or wave completely - sounds like a perfect tool for see what can not be seen.

So, if you have a rotating dielectric field, and that dielectric is a gas or other seemingly transparent entity, you could probe it with light from the outside and not effect the field.   Of course, if you got carried away with the light you might start to effect things is some unforeseen way, so I'd easy any attempt along these lines.

So, you may find the light is compressed or expanded within the field, or rotated, or polarized, or the path changes.   You may find that a pattern projected through the field is "distorted", or just distorted in the field and then undistorted on the way out, but there is a change in velocity.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on June 14, 2008, 10:51:55 AM
Quote"Calculate" the current that would be produced by rotating the dielectric at a specific rate under a
specific controlling field, etc.  etc. 

I have seen the derivation in a book at Barnes and Noble, but I think I can still calculate it myself using my engineering books.  I'm getting rusty at everything nowadays... 

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 14, 2008, 11:12:18 AM

I made a few drawings of wind directions so I will not make any divergence from your build and save time.

Please look at the two wind directions of collector and identify which direction A or B.

Also please look at the bifilar control wind directions and identify the direction on one half (B or C) and on the other half (again B or C) over the ferrite yoke.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 15, 2008, 10:19:57 AM
Quote from: Loner on June 15, 2008, 02:25:23 AM
Grumpy, you reminded me of something that my help me a LOT.

I won't get into setails, but I still have the references stored away, just had completly forgotten
about the whole thing.  It's an old method, but there was a big push in the mid to late 70's where
it was detailed how to modulate a laser via the "Electron cloud" or "Space charge" in a vacuum
tube.  You passed the laser through that area and the different tube conductions and potentials
would modulate the beam.  What I had forgotten was that it's a linear function, not a "Particle"
function, which now, with the understanding I'm slowly getting, could mean that it's an aether
charge dielectric function more than an electron particle blocking function.  It had always been
a sore point with me that the laser had no angular displacement from impacting on the electrons.

If this is truly an aether function, in whatever form, that may be why the tables were made, the
functions derived, and the whole thing forgotten.  I haven't heard a reference to this in at least
25 years, but I've been out of that loop for a lond time too.

EIther way, just mentioning "Light" turned on the "Light Bulb" for me.  If it's the right bulb, I
have no idea, but at least I can start on somewhat familar ground.

Good idea, and with EM stating the basic current to field derivation has been done, then there
has to have been a field pattern and strength formula defined.  If all of that could be assembled
into a single concept, the the exact structure and strength of the field is findable.  Calc?

I've gotta look into this more, but I'll admit, I'm more of a hands-on type of guy, and would
rather assemble, wind, build and test for days then spend an hour with the calculator.  Just
typing here is enough.  I have to do too much Computer work for "Work" and the "Building"
part is the "FUN".  If I have to "Do the math", so be it, but I"ll be a long time before that
really happens.  There are lots of "Keyboard Builders" here.  Sorry to say, I'm the oppisite
side of that coin, I want to play with a build first, and type or do math later.  (Or Never!  ;D)

Having said that, please, everyone, don't think I ignore or file away and forget the information
you guys put here.  It all goes in and stays there, just not in a way that I'm comfortable even
talking about.  Makes me sound crazier than I already do, and my rep. here is bad enough.


You and EM just gave me an idea...Maxwell has equation for Roentgen current...and have to talk to a friend about what he saw around his Tesla magnifier.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 16, 2008, 12:20:57 AM
Hello all,


If B is showing a CW winding direction then OK.
If D is showing a CW winding direction then OK.

The most important is that the "start point" of the turns must be at the point where the 2 halfs of the cores are "connected" together. This is the most important point for winding such a TPU.

Just take a lamp wire, make a few turns INSIDE the cores and then take 2 copper wires and start to wind a few turns. Everything wound in CW or CCW. Not mixed CW + CCW. I tried this but it seems it was not so good.
Hmmm... what means not so good?? Everything you make in such an iron core is good! What a statement!
For sure I know that loooooong coils are not good.


As I hope I learned how to build a 4" TPU and use such a TPU to light a bulb, Im going  to build finally a 3 stack 6" TPU with an iron core.

In the last 3 weeks? or so I made a lot of this little TPUs, a lot of coils, a lot of various connections, tests......heeeey, I have 5 iron powder cores. Not a problem to build many various TPUs.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 16, 2008, 02:40:28 AM
@All, & Especially Loner and Grumpy

I will post this anyway, though many may look cross-eyed in the future for such notions.

Since we are speculating, lets speculate.

I actually think that neither the space-time model, nor the aether model "cuts the mustard". (is adequate)

I am actually starting to think of a model where there is an energy field which permeates all things, in the manner of the conception of the aether, but not "matter" or "a gas". This field would be completely non-detectable AS energy, as it would be ambient or "ground state" energy. Consider a battery as a source of energy. To detect any "energy" being present, it must be measured as a difference in energy levels across the poles of the battery. When a battery is "dead", there is still the same amount of energy in the battery, in that the number of electrons present which we consider the energy is the approximately the same as full charge, merely equal on both sides or at equilibrium. Therefore no energy can "flow", or be utilized.

Now, for any form of energy to transfer location in space, there has to be an energy imbalance, just like exists in a hypothetically "charged" battery. Thinking of the model as being a balanced energy field actually simplifies matters, since such things as "action at a distance" become local field effects of the overall field. A field that is present everywhere then explains motional effects, since even a stationary field would appear motional if all effects in the field are in motion relative to the field itself.

This would also account for all "missing mass", as mass itself would be merely a demonstration of movement relative to the omnipresent field. Matter would therefore be another aspect of the field. So would all forms of energy be modifications, or effects of the field.

It actually simplifies everything quite well.

Just a speculation, which probably has no basis in reality.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 16, 2008, 11:51:19 AM
@ Paul,

Yep, something like that...

Your now on the right track.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 16, 2008, 07:40:51 PM

Thanks for your answer. It is now clear. I can attest to the fact that the yoke is almost like it is alive. I did some trial with the original winding on half of the yoke but with both yoke halves put together and just put a few winds of heavy wire that I pulsed. The transfer was almost 1 to 1. These yokes are something else. I would not be surprised if this was wrongly pulsed that a hand comes out to slap you.


I should have also mentioned that I hope you did not think I was singling you out in my previous post regarding vacuum. I just seems to me that if we use less the word vacuum, it will force us to really search for a better understanding of what is really happening using words that truly describe what we think.

Good post. Speculation is the seed of discovery.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 17, 2008, 03:15:04 PM

Here is a photo of the yoke with 2 wires of 15 turns on one half of the yoke and collector underneath.

It also shows the next half first wind of 15 turns. What I do is simply unwind the wire spool loosely 15 turns then tighten the wind. Then do a second one for the bifilar. Very easy. lol

Does this look OK to you.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 17, 2008, 11:56:25 PM
Hello all,


its OK. Now, when you finished your little TPU, fire just half of your coils, of course, with a 100W bulb connected as a load. Tell us what you see.

Again, when you saturate your cores the current will rise dramatically so you have to detune the frequencies a little.

Dont touch the f...g wires when the TPU is pulsed.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 18, 2008, 09:41:07 PM

Was working pretty late today but managed to finish the yoke as shown below.

I will start testing this tomorrow.

Geez, I would have used this same post to continue updates but there is no damn modify button.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 18, 2008, 11:57:51 PM
Hello all,


looks good.

If possible, connect a little transformer to the output wires. On the other side connect the bulb.

Im using such a transformer from a PC power supply.

The point is that you cant light a bulb with kolovolts from your TPU. We all know that kilovolts are always in miliamperes and so you have to "shrink" this kilovolts into say, 200 - 500V. Then you have a chance to light a bulb because then you have a real current.

Of course this little transformer from a power supply is really not the best solution but good enough to play with it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 19, 2008, 05:39:25 AM
Hello all,


I tried with a cable that had 24 strands. Inside a lot of fine copper wires.....

Again, with this core I couldnt sink the current from my PS. 2 - 3A is a must, as it seems.

Almost forgot maybe the main point: my little output transformer. A bad one but as I dont have something better....of course, in this output transformer is a lot of the current from the power supply wasted. Not in the sence of heating but in the sence of saturating the core.

So I have in fact 2 cores that saturates: 1 inside the TPU and the other inside my output transformer. This is the main problem.

But for now OK. I want to learn how to feed back the energy from my bulb back into my TPU and then I will optimize the 4" TPU.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on June 19, 2008, 09:48:35 AM
hi to otto  ad  loner  and  wattsohmmm
ok i know  that  my english is bad  but  now  i like to  say something ather  i know  that is  no place for   this here



Title: Re: Is Lindsay’s “SM” a fraud?
Post by: altium on June 19, 2008, 04:14:08 PM
do you have diagram, picture, schem, video of REALLY working device with COP>1?
Because Otto has!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tsl on June 19, 2008, 04:21:47 PM
Quote from: altium on June 19, 2008, 04:14:08 PM
do you have diagram, picture, schem, video of REALLY working device with COP>1?
Because Otto has!

Otto has(ve) what?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on June 19, 2008, 07:15:38 PM


I HAVE TOLD     is not like this  whit clasical  conversial  enrgy    i  explane  that  tpu  of  s.m is
PLASTICS MATERIAL NO IRON  NO FERITH is not clasocal transfor  enrgy  is his tpu    this is  new pricipe  of convers  of energy
if you are traing  whit this  i dont thing  you  whill make something  if you
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 19, 2008, 10:50:08 PM
Otto always playing with his Power supply of out of control feed back circuit under large amount of input current to light the 100W bulb, never O.U. This classical energy conversion is happening everywhere including the power supply in your computer. It should be classify as a simple voltage step up converter, nothing more. There are many ways to do that. All the electronic engineers knows how to do. I just don't know why you guys so interesting about it. You can find methods in those switching power supply design books. The ferrite core for the TV is no difference to the normal toroidal transformer in those switching power supplies, may be a little larger than the one we can easily buy. I believe MAC is talking the truth, but he never talk further how to do it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 20, 2008, 12:13:21 AM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on June 19, 2008, 07:15:38 PM


I HAVE TOLD     is not like this  whit clasical  conversial  enrgy    i  explane  that  tpu  of  s.m is
PLASTICS MATERIAL NO IRON  NO FERITH is not clasocal transfor  enrgy  is his tpu    this is  new pricipe  of convers  of energy
if you are traing  whit this  i dont thing  you  whill make something  if you

M-CD is correct.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 20, 2008, 01:00:58 AM
Hello all,


where did I say anything about overunity or COP???

I am maybe a little bit crazy with my ideas but I would NEVER say just 1 word about overunity and such crap.

Crap, because overunity is for myself a forbidden word!! I have my reasons.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 20, 2008, 01:24:13 AM
Since you are not trying to get O.U. what are you doing now? Step up converter is normal thing. Are you trying to do an normal EE work? I respect your hard work. But your work is only a under unity toy, for what? Here is overunity.com, we should do overunity work.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 20, 2008, 01:41:17 AM
Hello all,


as Im only a little man from a little country AND a little dirty worker, would you please explain the therm "overunity"?


PS: it seems that Im in the wrong form!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 20, 2008, 02:09:40 AM
SM's TPU is Overunity device, Assume there was not a fake magic show.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 20, 2008, 02:41:53 AM
Hello all,


then Im building an overunity device! HA! It seems that Im posting in the right forum!

Yes, Im doing only EE work. Just oridinary EE work until I feed back the energy from the output into the input. Then the "story" changes dramatically.

Step up and step down converters are normal, thats clear.

But step up at very high speeds, 3 frequencies or even 2 frequencies are NOT anymore normal. I mean the effects.

Runaways are also not normal - for me they are. Heeey, I have burned ALL my instruments exept my scope, thanks God.

Did Mannix ever mentioned overunity? SM? NO!! Why?

Overunity depends on how you look at it. If you DONT accept the aether (like in our books) or call it how you want, then there IS overunity but if you accept the aether, then there is NO overunity because the system is getting his extra energy from the aether or from the core as in my case now with my 4" iron TPU.

So, again, Im doing a "boring" EE work.

You have to realize that a TPU without the feedback is a boring ring with kicks. Its working in a logic way that is well known and a lot of times described by clever people here in the forum. Its not a space shuttle.

It would be clever to find out how to feed back this boring ring because then we would have a self runner!! Ideas??


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 20, 2008, 04:05:53 AM
@Otto and Toski

I hate to say it toski, but otto pinned your wings with that one, as he actually is right.

Every system has energy from outside the system entering into it. Photons, heat, physical motion, fields of all types, are present everywhere, even in a shielded vacuum container. Even with six feet of lead, cosmic rays still punch through. There is no such critter as a truly "Closed System".

As long as a person holds to the notion, then overunity (more energy from a system than it provides, or COP>1 ) is possible. However, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, and there are vast pools of energy which we have not been able to figure out HOW to tap into, for useable energy.

Extracting energy from ANY of these, would appear as overunity, due only to closed system thinking, without the realization that the energy was available all the time TO said system. (Was already part of the system, but overlooked as such.)

It would not be any more overunity than hooking up another battery to the system.

So, in this, otto is absolutely correct. He is trying to be an EE, concerning sources overlooked by EE's.


Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 20, 2008, 04:48:21 AM
I do believe in dynamic aether theory. But I don't think just mixing frequency to get the peak voltage could lead to O.U. occur. There is very common practice in EE works. Any peak from the wave will compensate from it's valley. Average energy will be the same. I know Otto has his theory that he don't want to tell may be until he success. But his run out condition is quite normal. When you got over 1000V you must be very careful that is very easy to damage equipments. Even an Oscilloscope input probe is limited to around 750V. So what reason Otto's TPU will work only he knows.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 20, 2008, 06:06:32 AM
Hello all,

Thanks Paul for the open and closed systems, thats it. My biggest problem is my English because I learned it as a little child ( now Im a big child!) and only 4 years, so please dont think Im holding something back. In a conversation I hope Im better but...


just read Beardens papers. I love his theories, thoughts...

You readed what SM said about a vaccum tube and the first moment when such a tube was switched ON? Did he mentioned a kick and overunity? Maybe Im dreaming again,ha,ha.

yes, every peak from the wave will compensate from its valley.
Now my little question: if I have sine waves or square waves but this signals are over the zero point on my scope, what will compensate? Everything is in the positive region!!

No, sorry, the runaway condition is NOT normal and you cant get a runaway because of the kicks of sa 100V or 1000V or 10kV or....

A runaway occures only when you mix 2 or 3 frequencies, feed them into good controls....
We first have to understand what a runaway is: its the moment when a rotating field gets the control of itself, to say so - you cant control it with your oscillators. Its the moment when a TPU works at 1 speed and you hit the right frequencies and then the rotating field is getting FASTER and FASTER until it burns yout equipment. This is a runaway, I had a few of them.

In short: runaway = field in the TPU accelerates by itself. Sorry, not by itself! The aether is feeding this tornado so it groves until you have a disaster.

A little bit history, if allowed:

In the beginning was the DC system for powering homes. Not much homes but the DC system existed and was not efficient, not good. We know why.

Then came Tesla with the AC system, showed it and we know what we have. A SHIT!!!

Why? Look at the signals 1 half periode is positiv, the other half is negative.
Tesla knew he f..d the world but it was late AND he was bought by Westinghouse who wanted only profit.

Then came SM with his system:

ONLY POSITIVE SIGNALS!!! Pulsed positive signals. Sines or square waves. And again, we are at the discussion about overunity. Please, no more about overunity.

Maybe Im stressing the iron powder coil and this coil sucks energy from the eather or...Im really not so bright. To be honest Im not thinking about the theory, or?

With various cores I didnt made my homework because the time was short but I want to do my homework. I have sooo much to do. You cant imagine.

First, a feedback, then...


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on June 20, 2008, 08:59:45 AM
Quote from: otto on June 20, 2008, 06:06:32 AM
In the beginning was the DC system for powering homes. Not much homes but the DC system existed and was not efficient, not good. We know why.

Then came Tesla with the AC system, showed it and we know what we have. A SHIT!!!

Why? Look at the signals 1 half periode is positiv, the other half is negative.
Tesla knew he f..d the world but it was late AND he was bought by Westinghouse who wanted only profit.

Then came SM with his system:

ONLY POSITIVE SIGNALS!!! Pulsed positive signals. Sines or square waves. And again, we are at the discussion about overunity. Please, no more about overunity.


you're living in some kind of fantasy world dude, must have been a bad batch of red pills going around...hahahahaha!

and also it's not Tesla's AC system that is shit

when you know what you're talking about, then come back and post something worthwhile
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 20, 2008, 09:28:59 AM

Sorry but your crude comment to otto is the true crap.


I am not yet up to your level because I still need to work out the circuit. Is there an official diagram for the mosfet/driver. I will get my local EE company to make it for me.

I did do some tests by plugging the dual coil diagram to my Erfinder Challenge circuit connecting the +24 and the F1,F2 locations to where the working transformer primary was with only 12vdc. Shit does this thing every get hot. I mean really hot. Now I know this is not conventional. My regular microwave transformer would have produced up to 1500 volts with my system (yes no amperage). So now I know about the heat. The pulsing I used was only on the control coils with a large capacitor/diode connected to the collector, completely isolated from the control coils. Voltage went up to around 22vdc.

As for the OU aspect, just consider this.

1) Take a 100 watts bulb and connect it directly to your DC power supply. Set the power supply to 24 vdc. Look at the light. No light at all, just the filament is getting slightly lit. But no real light. We are OK on this point.

2) A step up transformer going from 24vdc to 110vdc does not exist. There is no such thing. Transformers only work with AC. Or, you require an inverter but even then, the output will be AC. try to even find a DC/DC converter for those specs and you will have a very hard time to find it.

3) For otto to be able to light a light bulb fully lit, using 24vdc, through a 15 turns x 4 plus 6 turn winding scheme HAS to make your eyes open wide and yell out, "what the f&?k is this". So this is NOT NORMAL.

4) Yes, as I was, we are tempted to treat this as purely a watts question. 24vdc at 3 amps makes 72 watts and this should be enough to light the bulb. So I took a 110vac to 70 vac transformer and plugged the bulb. Yes it does light up but never fully bright.

5) Then we will say, "Yes but there is not only 24vdc, there is as voltage added or consumed from the frequency side because the mosfet drive end is also consuming power. Here I will let otto explain exactly what it is he is feeding on F1 and F2 and the power it is consuming because I am not there yet.

But regardless of the power used in both the DC and mosfet side, MAC is right. There is a different form of power conversion happening in the device that is not your conventional transformer action, and realizing this, it does merit more then just a curious look. It actually demands more study and hopefully more people will take part in it that have much better EE brains then I do.

The basic point is you can take 24vdc even at 100 amps if you wanted. It won't light the bulb any brighter because it is 100 amps. But with some frequency it is cutting up the DC and creating an amplification or conversion if you will that stands outside the normal known phenomena. Why, because your are not only creating a reactive power that has zero amps. There has to be enough amperage to light the bulb. So imagine if this orientation was taken seriously enough to push more research, where do you think we would be in 1 year or so. lol

Does anyone have a set circuit diagram showing exactly how to connect the F1,F2 drive end? Hope fully showing the actual mosfet and drive pins and how they are connected with pin numbers.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on June 20, 2008, 09:50:30 AM
otto, all

just because the output of a fe device is dc doesn't mean it's better than Tesla's AC system

there used to be a theory that you could get dc by rectifying any ac source, even noise

who knows that the TPU does not just rectify output pulses (kicks) it produces to get the dc output? can you say one way or the other 100%?

output power is power whether ac or dc. if it heats a resistor by the same amount, it has the same power

otto don't generalize that ac is shit because it heats just as well as dc

if SM could have made his device output a nice AC sine wave directly, you can bet your bottom dollar that he would have

the fact that ac is one half positive and the other negative is of no concern, so what?

what's up with that wattsup?  :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 20, 2008, 11:31:21 AM
AC or DC output is only the output and etermined by the configuration.  The magic is in how you got the output - not the output itself.

Kinda like poynt99 said.

You can light a bulb with HV - so lighting a bulb is not an indication of much.  Light the bulb when both leads are an inch apart -  without AC - then you got something.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 20, 2008, 12:18:38 PM

Wattever is up, does not justify you bashing on otto.

As for what he said about AC, yes he is right in the sense that working towards anything OU will not be done in AC. First of all did you ever see an AC battery. No. So how will you return your power to source. You can only do this in DC. AC is not the same as DC, DC pulse or DC reversing polarity.

I think the inference to Tesla with AC is simply that once AC came, all brains started turning off because the quest to tame the DC beast stopped. The search for controlled return to source stopped. So AC brought power to every home in the most economical manner possible, but this has cost us in not liberating the people from the power mongers. Just the way they like it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 20, 2008, 02:16:42 PM
How do you know the runaway condition is abnormal? Besides it is powerful High volt, what else you have got? From your description, it drawn large amount of current. So high power input for high power high voltage output is a normal thing. What I think if you could keep the runaway condition even one second when power supply has been cut off. Then I will agree something there. To fully light a 100W bulb only need about 110V. Assume the ferrite core is not saturated, only a few turns of wire is enough to step up the voltage, some circuits could also add to the source input to be higher volt. Mixing frequency could be more easy to step up voltage because of the phase peak wave addition.
If there is a DC bias exist, the voltage will at the positive side even with any waveform.
If you drive a coil without a capacitor connect in serial also lead to a positive side position in the scope at a positive phase. But you have to give some time to let the coil demagnetize. Please tell what make you so sure runaway condition is special case.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 20, 2008, 02:53:34 PM
The word overunity is valid to be used in this universe. When we go up to quantum multi-universe view. It will be hyper than saying open or close system. Even could say as sharing  the energy from other universes or return back to them. But this hyper view is not valid in reality. Because we could only exist in this world.

If time travel is true and usually happens less than one second due to the time vector fluctuation. All things including our memory back to the previous second state. How do you know time travel has happened.

These examples tell we should reference to this system, this world, this moment, this extra energy.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 20, 2008, 02:58:10 PM

Please do not misunderstand. I am seeing ineteresting points being made all around. However, I also see misunderstandings  of things and each other all around as well.


Tesla introduced the AC system, because it was more efficient than the DC system. DC has bad problems with I2R losses. The longer the wire, the more horrendous the voltage/amperage drop. DC is usable only on a small local transmission scale.

AC, due to its pos/neg cycling is a push-pull system by nature, and allows for much greater transmission line distance, with much less voltage/amperage drop.

AC is also MUCH better for many practical uses, such as electric motors, etc, due to efficiency and ease of voltage modification.

However, Tesla himself didn't like having to have wires to transmit electricity to houses. He intended to do so WITHOUT wires. Standard AC was a step in a means to and end for him.


You made some good points.

Points 2, 3, and 4 have some real merit to them. However, with either AC or DC, what comes from the supply IS the system power. With DC, is is straight V x A for power. For AC, it is approx .707 peak x A for RMS (Approximate rule of thumb, use full equation for exact measurement.).

However, whether this energy is used by the drivers, or the TPU, or whatever, doesn't matter. This is the power that the output power is compared against to determine COP.


Unless someone directly attacks you, there is no logical reason for attacking them by anyones standards. The bashing was truly unjustified.

You made one very relevant point though. "Lighting a bulb", of itself, is nothing special. However, the means of it's lighting can be. If a 100W bulb is lit to full brightness abnormally (too low voltage, too low amperage/ whatever) it can be indicative of abnormal effects. I do agree with you however in that it is not really proof of any real kind, and too easily explained in most cases.

You have also got to understand that otto has made it clear that he is taking this in steps.

1. Produce the power (where he is at now).
2. Introduce feedback into the system to attempt to achieve COP.

His approach is quite logical.

I have a question for you. What is your TPU(s) producing?  Many builders here post pics of their projects, and also post data and results. Look at wattsup in this thread, or Loner.

The way to truly "know", is by building. I think Giantkiller posts quite well on that. If you have, I would love to hear your results and theories. Grumpy's as well for that matter. If you have posted this on another thread, let me know and I will look. All information is good stuff to me.


I tend to hear much wisdom from you, with the occasional BS. ;D (Ya know I like ya, most of the time, occasionally. :D Just kidding around. )

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on June 20, 2008, 03:15:50 PM

First, this is not an attack, but a logical challenge.

Prove it. ;D

All of the "extra dimensions" fall under hypothesis, and not even true theory, as they cannot be demonstrated, therefore have no falsifiability.

However, in every empirically demonstrable system, no such thing as a closed system can truly be demonstrated to exist. Energy in some form is present to any system externally from said system. The "closed system" is an antique figment of limited scope in reasoning and knowledge, which is still perpetuated without logical reason due to the evidence.

I still state that overunity is an equal figment, derived from the same source.

Small energies have long been known and accepted to control large energies. Absolutely nothing new. Overunity as a concept claims that small energies somehow CREATE the new unaccounted for energy. This is impossible, as energy is neither created nor destroyed. What I stated is that the small energies are directing the flow of larger energies already present. This is not overunity, and not a surprise or somehow "against current understanding" either. It is common.

The current scientific definitions for both "perpetual motion", and "overunity", both depend upon a closed system to be true, when the concept of a closed system is false itself.

Show me even ONE truly closed system in this entire universe. ONE!

I will show you how it is NOT a closed system.

I like, and respect, the fact that you are truly thinking about this though.

Paul Andrulis

Paul Andrulis

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 20, 2008, 03:46:41 PM
Bearden books state clearly about the open and close system. I have such knowledge.
I understand and agree your point of view. what I (and they)  say overunity is a description for the function of the device.
Nothing wrong with this word. why not use this word. It is logical description. Unless you assume others don't know the concept of the open or close systems.
What we want is to find out a method to build a device that consume a little energy for input but given out more energy than input which can self running like SM's TPU. The extra energy is not generated, it is attracted from the environment. Because otto's TPU consumes much energy from the power supply. It is unlikely to be one of those devices. So I asked him details about the runaway condition. I said I respect his hard work and want to help if I could.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on June 20, 2008, 05:47:14 PM
hi to all   today  you are    very     very  hmmm 
@ toski   yes you have raid to say  for  me     i dont tell   more    of  my  theory or   practical   things  im   doing here   BUT NOW   I LIKE TOO HELP   AND   UP THERE   I HAVE  TOLD  WHAT YOU  WHILL  DOING     IF YOU LIKE TO COPY S.M DIVICES   JUST     MAKE  LIKE THIS




Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on June 21, 2008, 01:16:36 AM
Quote from: pauldude000 on June 20, 2008, 02:58:10 PM

Unless someone directly attacks you, there is no logical reason for attacking them by anyones standards. The bashing was truly unjustified.

i'm not complaining here Paul, but i've received worse unprovoked attacks than this here--where were your words of support then?

sorry guys, but if someone's talkin' bullshit about the TPU etc, i'll call it what it is, especially if it comes from one of the "respected" members here
You made one very relevant point though. "Lighting a bulb", of itself, is nothing special. However, the means of it's lighting can be. If a 100W bulb is lit to full brightness abnormally (too low voltage, too low amperage/ whatever) it can be indicative of abnormal effects. I do agree with you however in that it is not really proof of any real kind, and too easily explained in most cases.

i have not seen any results from anyone yet that has convinced me in the slightest that something "abnormal" is going on

I have a question for you. What is your TPU(s) producing?  Many builders here post pics of their projects, and also post data and results. Look at wattsup in this thread, or Loner.

Paul Andrulis

if i've missed otto's video, results data posting, and pictures showing clear evidence of abnormal activity, then i would be glad to review them. is there a link handy?

as i said above, i've seen no evidence of any abnormal results here with what most members are doing. i built pulsers of various kinds years ago, i moved on--people here have an infatuation with pulsers to collect the reverse spikes. what tosky is saying is what i am saying also--it's nothing new or novel, this is standard stuff. there are ways to extend the pulse work and take this to the next step, but who's exploring any of them? sorry but iron cores and tv yokes is not the next step.

what is my TPU producing?---about the same as otto's

what exactly is that you ask? well that's precisely my point  :)

---alright, i'll leave the poor lad alone from now on

...flame retardant ready  8)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 21, 2008, 08:00:37 AM
Don't retard the frame, I tell you a story there was a famous expert predicted that there would not enough food for the population of China. It was logical prediction. Nothing wrong with the prediction. But finally the problem solved, because one of the Chinese scientist found a way to increase the rice production, up to  800% more production.
Only one smart scientist is enough to change the world. So what about the energy crisis. The classical way of energy conversion must fail on O.U. I still like to use this word overunity because it is good to describe this function. I am sure know what so called open and close systems. It is strange that Otto void this word. Take some time to analyse and digest what Mac said, His idea is new here, and very interesting. He mentioned the plastic construction. of S.M's  TPU. implies that a electric field or electrostatic charges may involved in the conversion of the device.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on June 21, 2008, 10:03:05 AM

Thanks for understanding. Otto has been around here for a long time and from experience he would never either bash anyone or answer back to anyone bashing him. So some of us here get pretty touchy on the subject. Let's leave it at that.


Regarding OU, come on guys, don't tell me we are all really here for a knitting lesson. We want OU. No two ways about it. All we are doing here is based on that one premise. It's like saying to your son "Son, work hard, study, work hard some more and shoot to be second best in what you do......". This does not fly in my book.


I know, I know I am a pain in the ass but here is another patent I uploaded to the forum. This was shown to me by Erfinder. I think this one has direct relation to not only the Yoke TPU, given you are using a center tap on the collector, but it will have relation to the SM TPU center toroid and maybe even the control coils.

Title: Electrical circuit for inductance conductors, transformers and motors -Patent No 4806834
URL: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=get91

One question. Are you using the same driving method (SS components) as with the ECD. I re-read the posts on this threads and really can't comfortably figure out how to make the driving circuit. Geez, I need a dumb proof diagram (DPD). lol

Also, looking at my yoke build, I think I made a major mistake because I completely forgot to only make 6 turns of the collector. My collector is wound on the total inside of the yoke and the control coils over it. I think this may be acting like a   shielding between the inside portion of the control coil and the yoke. I think with only 6 turns in there, the yoke would be more open to the inside of the control coil effects. Anyways, I have more yokes on hand so I could always make another one. lol
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 23, 2008, 12:13:50 AM
Some of you may be interested in a paper by M. Kanarev titled "The Basic Elments of Electrodynamics".
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 23, 2008, 12:33:57 AM
Hello all,


I have to look at the patent you gave us. Youre OK with your questions. This proves that youre working on the TPU.

A center tap on the collector is very good.

Im always using the same: from oscillators to MOSFETs gates, from drains to controls. Always my TPUs without caps, diodes, resistors.....just pure coils.

Maybe you should look at the magnetism fateback site and look at the "Sweet" draving.


my friends in the profi lab had also a runaway condition. They measured the voltage and current feeded back into the grid: hundreds of volts and over 150A. I had the same with an input of 12V and a current of 2 - 3A.
And I also saw the pumping at 5 - 10HZ.

This is normal, of course.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 23, 2008, 01:20:13 AM
If he can measure the runaway condition for the voltage and 150A, implies that the condition had kept at least 1 second. Could you keep this condition for a while. How long? Can it also be kept if you cut of the input power? This information is most important. If you did not get this measurement, then your inference engine is blocked.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 23, 2008, 01:53:50 AM
Hello all,


when this happened I was happy to stay alive. The problem is that this effect amplifies more and more. First a little pulsating at the mentioned 5 - 10Hz but groving very fast. First burned my scope, then I think my oscillators, then my power supply and then melted the soldering points in my TPU. I connected my coils by soldering the wires.

Of cours I made this s..t. In the first moment I saw kicks on my scope. Oridinary, nice kicks. As I changed the frequency mix, I saw the kicks are more and more forming somehow sine waves. As I moved very slowly the frequencies I saw better and better sinewaves but with a lot of hash. As I wantet to get rid of the hash I tuned again the frequency and then ......

As you see I was totally surprised. I only saw the analog instrumets pulsating. It was a very strong pulsating.


PS: I hope, never again.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 23, 2008, 03:30:14 AM
What you said is ordinary thing. You didn't answer the question "How Long". I appreciate your hard work, but you seems not logical working. So must waste too much time. (Runaway) how long is the point. even 1 nano-second is overunity. Otherwise it is a normal converter. I only want the answer of "How long".
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 23, 2008, 03:34:21 AM
Hello all,


I think it was over 10 seconds  until everything blowed.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 23, 2008, 04:04:40 AM
Glad to hear it could be so long. Could you find a constant method to repeat the process? Within this 10 second you should have enough time to cut off the input power supply.
Does it stop instantly?
If yes, how long could be kept?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 23, 2008, 04:20:27 AM
Hello all,


yes, I know how to repeat this. How else could I blow over 50 MOSFETs, ha,ha.

Dont forget that the coils are not patented but the controls have 13 or 14 patents. Or maybe I misunderstood something? So I dont want to play with this for now.

To cut off the PS would  NOT help. To cut the collectors would help, or a big hammer, ha,ha.

We have a Mobius inside a TPU. This Mobius works if you want or not, so disconnecting the Mobius from the controls would help.

You have to understand something: when a runaway occures, the TPU is feeding itself with power. You can cut off the power supply but the beast is growing. As said, cut the flux somehow.

Its would be much cleverer to figure out the feedback so we can get rid of our power supplies.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on June 23, 2008, 05:08:43 AM
I don't know your word 'help' from which point of view, to help to avoid damage or help to deliver extra energy. Please don't be angry, you work very hard but unlogical. If you don't cut off your power supply. What made you so sure you got something different, burning MOSFET is very easy, for example, over the max. specification of V or A, or working from a switch mode to linear mode Melting solder is more easy if you ignore Ohm's Law. Up to this moment, there are not any evidence that you are not working on a ordinary converter. Why not use a battery instead of the power supply. It would not be burn easily at the end you can feed back for self running.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 23, 2008, 06:43:16 AM
Hello all,

your questions are wellcome.

In the first moment with help I meant only to avoid damage. Then I remembered what I ALWAYS thought when this happened: how to cut off my PS so the beast would use only this extra energy?

So, hmmmm.....I have to work on this but as said, first the feedback.

Im in contact with a very bright man here and he was ALL the time wrighting me that he pulses the coils and has no SPIN UP. I was almost laughing because I thought he was refering to our kicks, our little particles swirling inside the TPU,......until I saw it: this what he called a spin up is the moment when the TPU really spinns up but allone, to say so, the TPU starts to collect energy from the aether or the surrounding or....its on you to say the right word,ha,ha.

I said already that Im doing a oridinary boring EE work. Nothing unusual, special. Hey, my friend had a runaway with an oridinary, to say so, toroidal transformer. Maybe he rewound his transformer for other purposes but .....

What do you expect is a TPU??

A few coils in horizontal and vertical direction, thats it!!

Step up - TPU - step down - bulb. Thats all.

I have only 1 battery, car battery and the light is good. Not sooo brillant as with 24V, clear, but a good light.

Yes, I know that I have to work with this battery for feedback.

The ECD, wasnt it an oridinary converter? Step up - TPU - bulb.

Nothing special. So its written in books. Oridinary coils.

The Tesla patents, arent they also oridinary coils? Somehow? A little bit of copper, cores....

Now would Erfinder kill me.

Why Im wrighting this crap? Easy, I dont want to discuss anymore this stuff.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 23, 2008, 09:28:44 AM
You get the "pumping" at 5 to 10 Hz because of the ambiant field (the earth's).  You can get this same pumping with a Tesla Magnifier.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on June 24, 2008, 07:31:04 AM

You can get the 'pumping' if the primary becomes highly capacitive with the secondary highly inductive when you are slightly off resonance of the 'transformer'.
This can be done with a transformer.

I don't think the books say why the pumping is usually in the low Hertz  ;)

It sounds like your input coils are building capacitive reactance.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 24, 2008, 07:53:33 AM
Hello all,


hmmm....it looked like the TPU was connected to the earths magnetic field. 7,8Hz. I dont know.

But this was done with a ECD TPU. Without a core, only with copper wires....

Im all the time comparing somehow the ECD with the TPUs I saw on this forum. Why did the ECD work so fine, with only 12V from the power supply at say 2 - 4A and for other TPUs I need 24V with a little bit lower current?

What was in my ECD so efficient? OK, I made a lot of tests to get good controls but.....in my iron core TPU is everything OK but what ever I do I have a bright light and thats all. I miss something.

I have to find it out. I know how.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 24, 2008, 08:31:33 AM
Quote from: otto on June 24, 2008, 07:53:33 AM
Hello all,


hmmm....it looked like the TPU was connected to the earths magnetic field. 7,8Hz. I dont know.

But this was done with a ECD TPU. Without a core, only with copper wires....

Im all the time comparing somehow the ECD with the TPUs I saw on this forum. Why did the ECD work so fine, with only 12V from the power supply at say 2 - 4A and for other TPUs I need 24V with a little bit lower current?

What was in my ECD so efficient? OK, I made a lot of tests to get good controls but.....in my iron core TPU is everything OK but what ever I do I have a bright light and thats all. I miss something.

I have to find it out. I know how.


Mobius has two flows.

No iron in the core.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 24, 2008, 10:14:08 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on June 24, 2008, 08:31:33 AM
Mobius has two flows.

like this:


see down in the page Head-on Collision of Vortex Rings (Re=1000) or
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on June 24, 2008, 10:50:53 AM
and this is one vortex ring
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on June 30, 2008, 02:54:13 AM
Hello all,

a nice quiet place here!!!

How about using a Metglas magnetic alloy as a core???

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on June 30, 2008, 10:12:23 AM
How about "no ferromagnetic materials are permitted in the fields generated by the coils"?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 01, 2008, 12:07:17 AM
Hello all,


maybe I got a newer information?


Again - How about using a Metglas magnetic alloy as a core?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 01, 2008, 01:14:49 AM
Quote from: otto on July 01, 2008, 12:07:17 AM
Hello all,


maybe I got a newer information?


Again - How about using a Metglas magnetic alloy as a core?


No.  You can not have a ferromagnetic material in the core. 

If you had newer information, it would be that you can not have a ferromagnetic material in the core - no magnets either.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 01, 2008, 01:28:19 AM
Hello all,


why not?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 01, 2008, 09:28:23 AM
Quote from: otto on July 01, 2008, 01:28:19 AM
Hello all,


why not?


I am not exactly sure.  Ferromagnetic material dampens the field, or absorbs it, or diverts it in some way.  A magnetic field is a dielectric phenomenon as this is where the field manifests - not in the material, but in the space around it, which is a dielectric.

I am not saying that you can not make a device that converts useful energy, and has ferromagnetic material in it's core - because you can - but it will not be a TPU as you have to take a different approach like Gunderson's ring device which has a ferrous core and a wavy collector and magnets perpedicular to the collector.

You can work with the "electric field" or you can work with the "magnetic field", but in the end you have to manipulate the "tempic field" and this means you have to alter the rate of entropy for the space your coils are in - this means altering the field that creates "time".  All three of these fields are related and two working together can manipulate the third.

The following is an excerpt from Wilbert Smith's "The New Science":

QuoteThere is basically no difference between particles and radiated energy, except one of structure and configuration. Both contain Reality and are made up of fields in space, and are subject to the higher Parameters. We can say that radiated energy is "extended" and that matter is "reentrant", to describe loosely their configurations and structures.

With the foregoing in mind we can now explore what happens when the various fields are operated upon by each other. When an electric field is operated upon by a tempic field, i.e., changed, a magnetic field results. When a magnetic field is operated upon by a tempic field, i.e., changed, an electric field results. A tempic field should result when an electric field operates on a magnetic field, but the trick is to make it do so. Also, we would like to know what happens when a tempic field is operated upon by an electric field or a magnetic field.

A tempic field is largely amorphous and has direction only in relation to its own gradient in space, while both the electric and magnetic fields have vectorial aspects in addition to their scalar aspects. Therefore, we could hardly expect complete symmetry among the operations of these three fields. We can, however, work through an intermediate arrangement whereby we generate the desired field with its interaction already built into it. Whether or not there is a limit to this sort of operation we do not know, but it certainly hasn't been found yet, and it is a valid approach so long as we keep the basic rules constantly in mind.

As an introductory exercise consider the operation of a tempic field on an electric field by the simple expedient of having the electric field move. A magnetic field will be produced and will have a certain specific orientation (this is the Rowland Effect). The vectorial direction of the magnetic field will be mutually at right angles to the direction of the electric field and its motion. Now, since the magnetic field is a curl function its divergence over the entire field must be zero. In order to bring this about the magnetic field must operate on either or both if the other fields to close the system somehow, somewhere. One such method would be for this operation to increase the tempic field on one side and decrease it on the other so that the motion would close into a loop, which implies the operation of the magnetic field on the electric field to produce a tempic field. If the structure of the three fields is understood, the validity of this operation is at once apparent, which establishes another principle; namely, that when a magnetic field, produced by a moving electric field, is moved longitudinally a tempic field is produced.

More thinking about this exercise discloses the fact that if this system merely closes on itself, the divergence, which is the electric field is eliminated, so that the only way in which the system can be self-sustaining is for it to close toroidally, so that there will be components of all three fields in all directions. That this is in fact the model of the basic particle of the universe in which we exist is amply borne out by experiment, because it displays a tempic field, an electric field, and a magnetic moment. The electric polarity depends on whether the spiral is right- or left-handed.

Inspection of this model discloses the fact that the tempic field will drop off as the inverse distance from the center of the toroid, the electric field will drop off as the inverse square of this distance, and the magnetic field will drop of as the inverse cube. What fields we observe with our instrumentation in the vicinity of such a particle will be the summation of the particle fields, the fields of all other particles, and the unresolved background fields of the fabric itself.

Possibly a clearer understanding of the structure of the basic particle may be had by considering the composition, orientation, and interaction of the entire field structure, considered together as a unit.

Looking at the composite field structure shows us three fields at right angles to each other. There is the tempic with its gradient in one direction, the electric with its divergence in a direction at right angles to it and including it, and the magnetic at right angles to the other two and including both of them. For self-sustaining conditions, the operation of each upon the other, there must be one-for-one relationships between them. Therefore the real movement under stable self-sustaining conditions will be in the vectorial 1,1,1 direction, or exactly midway among the three directions of the component fields. (this is inside the toroid)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: th3jester on July 01, 2008, 10:24:38 AM
Hmmmm. this thread got a little off topic.... ???

I've read most of everything from SM, Lindsay, Otto, GiantKiller and alot of others and still am not satisfied that something amazing is happening.

Now if someone can show me a TPU doing some real work, not lighting a LED or other bulbs but actually electrical work (and yes i do realize that lighting a light is electrical work but its pathetic, its not useful) then I will believe everything about SM and how he is not a scam artist.

I am going to forget everything I have read on this forum and all those PDF's and do my own research about a solid state generator. Anyone is welcome to join me.

Also, just to make sure, I am not bashing the above members or anyone else on this forum. I'm sure those people are not frauds and have probably learned a shit ton of stuff from SM research. I just don't like SM. There is too much discrediting information about him, and so I believe his TPU won't work.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on July 01, 2008, 01:12:41 PM
I understand and agree with the info you posted above and agree with the faults with iron in the core. The jard part is offsetting or cancelling one field so the other two fill the unbalance.
It is clear to me the tempic is hard to grasp beause it IS our frame of existance and reference. Iron in the core negates attempts to create unexpected resonance and speed.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 01, 2008, 03:04:06 PM
Quote from: BEP on July 01, 2008, 01:12:41 PM
I understand and agree with the info you posted above and agree with the faults with iron in the core. The jard part is offsetting or cancelling one field so the other two fill the unbalance.
It is clear to me the tempic is hard to grasp beause it IS our frame of existance and reference. Iron in the core negates attempts to create unexpected resonance and speed.

Hey BEP,

Glad to see you looking in the same direction.  Yes, it is hard to grasp.  I'm still trying.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 01, 2008, 03:06:40 PM
oops - duplicate post
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on July 01, 2008, 03:53:12 PM

Excelent quote, now I understand the kick coil


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 01, 2008, 04:38:51 PM
you will also see from that quote that communication via the tempic field is far more efficient than communication with EM.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on July 01, 2008, 05:14:01 PM
I thought I was a great communicator....  :-\       LOL  ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on July 01, 2008, 06:37:36 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on July 01, 2008, 03:04:06 PM
Hey BEP,

Glad to see you looking in the same direction.  Yes, it is hard to grasp.  I'm still trying.

Oh, I've been thinking that way for quite a long time. I just hesitate to use words most think are magic. It causes problems  ;D
When you start to understand a bit of this, Marco's dancing magnets aren't very surprising  ;) and neither is a slow running watch.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 01, 2008, 11:45:42 PM
Good one guys.


I have been using only the IRF840 and my function generator on the yoke. I forgot to look for your ecd diagram, but know I found it. Is this the way.  I grabbed this image from your ecd circuit diagram. I hope you don't mind. lol

So far, I have done many many types of connections of the yoke coils, pulsing through the 840 with the gen on the base. So far, blew two 840s. lol Many of my alligator clips are shot. Running up to 24vdc through this, sometimes my power supply refused and only gave 12vdc. Just hot, smoke here and there. Your regular testing site I would say. Now in most of these I kept the collector completely isolated and connected to a 1200v 88uf (huge) capacitor via a heavy duty capacitor and I put my volt meter on the cap. So far - D E A D. Completely dead. So from my present tests at the levels up to 2mhz, nothing, even through I could see the pulses on the scope. The best is 1 - 14hz. That's where I saw some potential movement.

So this is telling me something even though it does not work. I tells me the coupling is not happening in this manner from the vertical to the collector, so now when I try your system with the interconnected coils to collector, and if there is ANY sign of life, lol, I will know difference.

What I hate is the higher the frequency, the amplitude drops, so you have faster pulses but not more punch.

Please explain to me how the IRF7307 will help. Does it receive the same function generator output? I'll get a few 7307 tomorrow, plus a few more 840s and some more alligator clips, this time heavy duty type. lol
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 02, 2008, 12:19:52 AM
Hello all,




SMs TPU wont work??? HA;ha. Youre welcome in my home. I can show you something. Did I say a TPU? NO! Just "something".


forget the ECD. Almost all my drawings are in this forum so you can use them. Of course I dont mind.
Im using only my MOSFETs and never used the IRF 7307. This used Roberto.

You should use the schematic I posted. This schematic is for a TPU with iron powder cores. Not for the ECD. I see youre using cores from yokes. As said, my last schematic. It works only with frequencies at a high level, not low frequencies! 24V from the power supply, without caps, diodes, resistors....but WITH an output transformer - got this, as mentioned a few times - from a nice man here.


Im now using a Metglas magnetic alloy 2714A as a core. Google this. Maybe you get ideas.

Results: great.

Im using this alloy because the 4" TPU had not much room for the collector, the controls....
Now I have a 6" TPU - 1 ring only - with this alloy.
I hopw I can this week build another ring so my TPU will have 2 rings connected together and I hope ....who knows??


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: th3jester on July 02, 2008, 10:36:38 AM


I'll be there at 12:00pm on Saturday July 5th.

Honestly I am skeptic to everything on this forum. And your post saying "something" proves my skepticism. Again, if this is a forum to work on developing "free energy" why not tell everyone what that "something" is and give very detailed plans on making it without leaving ANYTHING OUT!!!

If you've already done so with this "something" then show me where the link and info is at.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 02, 2008, 11:09:15 PM

I think I will wait until you return from your vacations and simply put this project aside. I made the connections as per the dual  diagram but am still confused about the mosfet and how to connect it, and how to run it. My power supply can go up to 32vdc but even at maximum voltage, it can only supply 5-6 vdc at about 5 amps, so something is wrong and I will not surely spend hours searching through the threads for more specifics. I think what is required is a more formal explanation on the set-up and exactly how to connect the mosfet (pin by pin) and how to run it, otherwise I am simply wasting precious time that I can put elsewhere. So I will wait until you return form vacation and take this up then.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 03, 2008, 12:05:38 AM
Hello all,


This something is my newest TPU made with Metglas magnetic alloy. Its still in the construction. As I already saw with 1 collector and 4 controls it looks good but I have to build another collector with 4 controls so I can get more power and have more possibilities for various connections.

I will post the plans, thats for sure but as said, its not ready. Heeeeey, Im not hiding!!!


Im not anymore on vacation. This is the bad news. The good news here:

Connect the gate directly to the output of your oscillator.
Connect the source directly to the minus from your power supply.
Connect the drain directly to your coil or coils.

Thats it!!

If you have a car battery then use it. If you have a power supply then its OK but is your power supply with a current limiter? If so then it cant work because when we have a saturated core the current will rise to a lot of amperes. Maybe 5 - 10A and then you have to detune the frequency mix a little bit.

I hope this helped a little.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on July 03, 2008, 06:15:44 AM

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: th3jester on July 03, 2008, 01:21:29 PM

I like the ideas and concepts of that guy but he doesn't give any hard edvidence that it actually works. Or even any real theory or circuit analysis behind his devices. At least his thinking outside the box.

@otto @all

I would like to see some good circuit anaylsis on any of the TPU's that have been built or are still in development.

But anyways I believe if someone actually did some good circuit anaylsis it would probably give you guys a better idea of whats going on and how to actually make it work the right way. Don't say there is already tons of anaylsis on the circuits because I haven't seen one. Putting the input voltage and freq is not it.
If you need "circuit anaylsis" explained just let me know.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on July 03, 2008, 04:19:44 PM
The air core devices let the magnetic field reach the center at full velocity. The pressure will cause a spin in line with the direction of the pulse through the coil. When the pulse subsides, the earths magnetic field reconnects. The SM17 was air core although the drivers looked elsewise. Marco posted the Earth field reconnect 2 yrs ago when I posted the TPU in the Earth field horizontal to the ground.

I don't see much talk about the field model in real space.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 04, 2008, 12:36:57 PM

Thanks for your directives on how to connect. I did the connection expect that I presently only have one frequency generator (FG) so what I did was used two IRF840s in parallel but with only one frequency supplying both.

OK, just my bad luck when I did my first trials I did not write down what the frequency was but it was in the range of 1.6mhz. Anyways for the first time I could see some voltage rise on the load. On the 1000 watts bulb I also added in parrallel my humongous 1200v capacitor via a diode and there I put my voltage meter. Voltage went to around 34 volts. Never saw that happen before.

I was using my larger 10 amp dc power supply that doe snot have the current limiting like my other one, but voltage could only go to 20 vdc. I then started playing with the FG and from there I lost everything.

Oh yeh, I originally had the 840 on my breadboard but the board just smoked to hell. I now put the 840s in a good terminal holder with fatter wires. I had to double the + and - wires from the power supply. Eveything that was plastic like my red tapes to distinguish coils are now toast. Two of the four coils now have blackened wires so I don't know if I should rewind or continue trying.

My coils are with 22 awg wire but in your direction you are using .5mm (closest is 24 awg) so your coil wires are thinner then mine. I don't understand how you could be running 24 vdc into the and still have then survive. The device is basically one round toaster yoke. I could probably cook an egg in the yoke. lol

With my scope a 10x, I have seen some very weird things, that I have never seen before. I seems like there is also a delay from when you apply current and see anything special on the scope. Without making any changes, the scope changes by itself dramatically to some very bizare wave forms.

There is something happenning but it is difficult to separate the brute force driving power and the resulting effects. The bulb did not light but the system is just making smoke.

Anyways, I am looking for a second FG. I had a second one but it blew.

Last question, do you only put the FG probe onto the gate and not use the probe ground? I was not using the probe ground.

I am putting the diagram on page three here so others will know what I did.


Otto, on the diagram where we see the two top coil, where they cross over each other on the right there is a dot. Does this mean they are connected together all four wires. Just where it says 6" TPU, just below and between the P and the U. I did not connect it there.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on July 05, 2008, 12:48:28 PM

If you are applying the signal directly to the gate and the SG shield/ground is not connected there is probably no way for the gate to drain or fall back to an 'off' state. Your MOSFets are probably staying 'on'. This would smoke things a bit.
Hope you had the makings of smores when you lit'er up  ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on July 05, 2008, 07:17:20 PM
hi   all
  @th3jester   YES  YOU  HAVE RAID TO SAY     <<FOR  ALL SKEPTICAL  PEOPLE   YOU DONT BEALEAVET    ENYTHING >>   YES  THAT IS YOUr  real name  :)\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

  if  all people   if be like you  the  texnology  todays   whill not be  exsithing now   <<maybe >>
BUT  FOR  ALL man kind GOOD   <<you tell as  to stop the test and  give up     <<
but remeber this  <,GOD   say be perfect and learn to be perfect  and make  beter  world as   like haven >.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on July 06, 2008, 01:03:48 AM

SM's device is more difficult than radio receiver research, because it is seriously conflict to the physical law of energy conservation. I still don't see any practical way of any hope here getting close to the target. All of those experiments is trying normal EE work. Some of them even learning how to drive MOSFET. How is possible to be success.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 07, 2008, 12:32:59 AM
Hello all,

I wanted to post on Saturday, on Sunday....impossible. The "post" button blocked.
My PC at home is working OK, my internet connection is OK, I only could NOT post!! Now I will try to post from my PC at my workplace.


sorry for your trouble. We already know that the current is not in the wires but on the outer side of the wires so I can use even wires with a smaller diameter without any problems.
It seems that you have maybe something connected wrong? In my tests I saw that when a coil is connected in a wrong way the core heats up. Like a toaster.
When everything is connected as it should be then the core is only warm.

Again how to connect the FG, MOSFETs...

1. the "hot" side from the FG connect directly to the MOSFETs Gate.
2. the minus from the FG, from the power supply and from the MOSFETs Source is connected TOGETHER.
3. the MOSFETs Drain is connected directly to the MOSFETs Drain.

The dot you see in my schematic is NOT a dot so dont connect this point.

Dont connect the scope probe to this TPU. The probe just near the coils.

You saw weird things? Heeey, this is only the start point of much weirder things. You cant imagine what is waiting ....

I suppose that you dont have any light. How can you have a light from a high voltage??
We all saw the videos. On top of the 6" TPU is a "transformer" like from a camera flash. Under this "transformer" is an additional coil wound over a metal toroid. This is the OUTPUT transformer. This transformer converts our high voltage into a usable voltage for our bulb.

So, get a blown PC power supply and there is a transformer, always T1, and connect this transformer as an output for your bulb but driven in the opposite way.This great idea I got from a veeery good guy here from the forum.

Yes, I posted this a few times. Without this transformer you dont have a chance to light your bulb.

You remember the 15" TPU? Dont we see there 2 coils wound over a silver metal? This are the output coils!!!

Of course 2 FGs are a must. You have to mix at least 2 frequencies.


we all know the work of Tesla, now is Hubbard in the other thread...

If you look at just 1 coil its a piece of wire with or without a core and the work with such coils is only a EE work. When you have more of this boring coils its still an oridinary EE work until you see effects that are NOT expected. In such a moment the boring work with oridinary coils starts to be an interesting adventure. Interesting because the coils are not working as you would expect.

How is an success possible?



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 07, 2008, 09:03:33 AM

Thanks very much for your post. I needed exactly what you are saying and will be getting a second FG. I already saw one on Ebay here;


It goes up to 20MHz and is much more sophisticated then the one I have which is a 2MHz BK Precision model 3011B.

I have experienced that when I have the system running and I start playing with the FG Duty and Offset adjustment, more often then not I wind up blowing the mosfet. I have blown a good 15 mosfets so far. lol I think I am catching up to your number of blown mosfets. lol

Also, I think I will have to rewind the coils because two of the coils (the smaller ones in the diagram labeled Trigger coils) have been blackened considerably and I am worried the lacquer insulation is gone and is now shorting. No problem and this time I will use the 24 awg as you have.

I know I am a pain in the ass but could you please take a new look at the wiring diagram above just to make sure there is no mistake in the diagram itself. When I rewind the coils and prepare for new testing I will take a photo to show you what I have done.

I am amazed that there are no other people trying this. It is so easy to wind the coils and all.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 08, 2008, 12:05:43 AM
Hello all,


I already said that you can ask what you want. Youre working and thats very good.

My schematic is OK but you can change something:

The trigger coils must be connected in series. If you have 2 or 4 trigger coils they must be connected in series.

The load coil: if you have 2 cores then you can use 2 load coils connected in series and then connected in paralel. This gives the best output results.

Again, a n output transformer is needed to get a lower voltage on the bulb. This is important.

I made my newest TPU with a 9 turns collector + a Metglas magnetic core + 4 bifilar wound controls in 2 hours or so. Its not so a big job but .....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on July 08, 2008, 03:12:19 PM
Quote from: otto on July 01, 2008, 12:07:17 AM
Hello all,


Again - How about using a Metglas magnetic alloy as a core?


It has to be air core.
Using a core will null out and destroy the effect.
In fact anything inside the spinning vortex will interact with it ,even most plastics will heat up and melt at certain frequencies.
This is one of the reasons why you cannot use metals close to the unit aswell as why Stevens units heated up due to eddy currents induced in all the bailing wire inside the field.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 09, 2008, 12:00:51 AM
Hello all,


sorry, I dont get it. What effect?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on July 09, 2008, 03:14:36 AM
Quote from: otto on July 09, 2008, 12:00:51 AM
Hello all,


sorry, I dont get it. What effect?


The Kick Otto ,The little Radiant Energy burst.
Using iron close to the coils destroys the kick because it nulles out the effect.
So go and and use youre core do some testing and report the fantastic results like you use to do.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 09, 2008, 03:41:36 AM
Hello all,


thanks a lot because I really didnt get it. Heeeej, my "lamp" under my hair is not the brightest!!

Kicks? My God I have kicks as big as I want. It only depends how I connect my LC tank circuit to the TPU. I found out a few ways to have so big kicks that I can see only a fracture of them. The kicks are with a perfect on off time, to say it in this way.

When my scope probe is only near my TPU, not connected, then I see very sharp kicks at ALL frequencies. The same kicks I had when I didnt use a core. The same. But with this core I see that my output power is bigger and some anomalies that I now try to understand.

You showed us a long time ago signals, sines and the kicks on top of them. Mannix told us that such signals are on the output of the TPU. Now I have the same signals. And the same signals I had when I blowed all my equipment.

Such signals I have only at a frequency mix in the range of 4 - 5 micro seconds. At all the other frequency mixes I have oridinary signals - kicks.

I think I forgot to mention that I have for the moment a 1 ring TPU with an magnetic alloy as a core and a LC tank circuit connected just 1 end to the bulb. The bulb is separated from everything with an output transformer.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay’s “SM” a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on July 09, 2008, 10:49:23 AM
with all due respect gentlemen,

the KICK is not a voltage spike, but physical  MOVEMENT

re-read the SM correspondence and you'll see what he means ....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 10, 2008, 12:24:19 AM
Hello all,


sorry to say but I dont care what a kick is, I dont care if my waves are compression waves (longitudinal) or somethins else. With my newest TPU I have my little theory and I will prove this theory first for myself and then, if everything fits, I will post it.

The interesting point for me are my coils, the core and how to get as much as possible out of them.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 14, 2008, 02:05:45 AM
Hello all,

My 3. TPU with a metal core:

as sugested - not my idea - to use a STAINLESS STEEL core.


better light with less current from the power supply and a "phase" and "zero" on my bulb that is connected to my output transformer. Almost forgot: not soooo much heating as with the Metglas core.

This means that I have a much cheaper core. Google stainless steel and see the content of the metals. Its an alloy, cheap, not magnetic......Im happy because I have a lot of SS in my garage and I can build a lot of TPUs to try what I want.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on July 14, 2008, 04:49:32 AM
first kick comes for that magnet but rest becomes for rotating magnetfield?

first kick has inrush current but rest kick has too inrush current's somehow?

SM say that his overunity is inrush currents!

if transformer has steel core so coil makes magnetfield but magnetfied stay in core and there's comes second kick or same kick but what will happen?
will we need some harmonic or like IS has told us is like playing metal drum?

mmmh control coil push collector wire to make little kick's and transformer makes them bigger kick's
and tpu core's is like tornado core ?

maybe wrong maybe right?

i think that Oregon vortex has something do with "Natural Remanent Magnetization"

ps "shadowmask casting metal"something like that just put magnet on tv  and takeoff and see all weird colors why ?

"In the case of the color cathode ray tube, its shadow mask, mask frame, inner magnetic shield and the like are usually made of magnetic material such as low carbon steel. When they are magnetized by outside magnetism such as earth magnetism, therefore, their remnant magnetism shifts paths of the electron beams. When the paths of the electron beams are shifted in this manner, the electron beams cannot be landed correctly onto the phosphor screen. The color purity in the color cathode ray tube is thus reduced. This makes it necessary to demagnetize their remanent magnetism to prevent the color purity from being reduced."
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 14, 2008, 05:05:24 AM
Hello all,


in the moment it seems that my stainless steel core gives the particles a direction because I dont hear any more strange sounds on my radio.

I tried a lot of harmonics. Yes, it seems that they are needed.

Its the first time that a conbination of 245kHz and 35kHz works somehow. I never before could work with this 2 frequencies because the 35kHz would almost burn my MOSFET working at this frequency. Reason , high current from power supply.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on July 14, 2008, 05:44:00 AM
Quote from: otto on July 14, 2008, 05:05:24 AM
Hello all,


in the moment it seems that my stainless steel core gives the particles a direction because I dont hear any more strange sounds on my radio.

I tried a lot of harmonics. Yes, it seems that they are needed.

Its the first time that a conbination of 245kHz and 35kHz works somehow. I never before could work with this 2 frequencies because the 35kHz would almost burn my MOSFET working at this frequency. Reason , high current from power supply.


mmmhh S.M say like this you will newer find right frequency mmmmm may find another method ? let see .. i need to more study
what about that "mystery coil"first coil was right handed and second was left handed hhh with steel core mmmm
that man dr Schwartz was talking about left hand rule
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gustav22 on July 14, 2008, 07:03:44 AM
otto's metglas core tpu
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 14, 2008, 07:16:33 AM
Hello all,


thanks very much.


I wanted to show you a new TPU design. I made it first with a Metglas magnetic alloy core. It worked good but the heating was a big problem.

So, the picture showes a STAINLESS STEEL CORE TPU. Not soooo a big heating anymore.

Collector coil: 9 turns lamp cable
control coil: 60 turns for each quarter, bifilar, wire diameter 0,5mm
core: stainless steel, 2 halfes, outer diameter 6", inner diameter 4"
Core cutted by hand , not to overheat the steel because the non magnetic properties would be lost.

This is just 1 half of the TPU because I see that another ring is needed.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on July 14, 2008, 12:03:50 PM
Quote from: otto on July 14, 2008, 05:05:24 AM

Its the first time that a conbination of 245kHz and 35kHz works somehow.

well unless you tried this combo with a 15 inch diameter device you wasted your time. but i guess you didn't pick up on the clue that diameter and circumference changes mean a change in frequency.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on July 14, 2008, 04:14:39 PM
Thank you very much, Otto.
What`s your frequencyes? Are the freqs sinhronized or you  just use 3 single independent generators?  What`s power consumption of your supply?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: weri812 on July 14, 2008, 05:05:56 PM
to Gustav22 and Otto

like your drawing
is the core wound in a bucking  byfold  like   N---N   ??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 14, 2008, 09:24:32 PM

I don't get your new stainless core. You say it is 6" O.D. and 4" I.D. That will give you a 1 inch thick core. So how high is it? Please say 1/4". lol

Geez, how heavy is it?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on July 14, 2008, 11:58:08 PM
my new tpu....

is 4 mot's and a ROTARY switch.....




now is that ozone o zone 0 zone OR POINT 0 ZONE ;D

NOW i got it it is 0 point ozone  :D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 15, 2008, 03:04:48 AM
Hello all,


yes, I know it.


I use 2 or 3 not sinhronized frequencies from 3 oscillators. So I can mix all the frequencies I want. From the power supply I have 22 - 24V and at my best light around 2 - 2,5A.

But you all have to know something: Im measuring with my scope 1,6kV on the bulb. Im using an output transformer. This means I have to sink this 1,6kV to say 200 or 300V so I can light my bulb much better!! With a lower current from my power supply.


yes, my core is 4" inner diameter, 6" outer diameter and only 1 mm thick or high. Its only 1 plate. Why would you want its 1/4" thick?? Please answer me that because I think its important.


yesterday I got a PM from a well known membere here. I want to answer him in this way.

1. He said: you are misleading everybody!

Why? Its MY way to do my research work. If somebody want to build A TPU as Im doing it, why not??

2. He said: a TPU is air core and if it isnt it cannot work

Yes, my bright light Im only dreaming, ha,ha.
In the other thread, Hubbard coil, it has a core, Tesla used always cores, Bedini, Bearden.......

Why cant a TPU with a core work?? Remember the open TPU?? Sorry, Im only a little dirty coil winder but I really dont get it!! Why not a core?? I mean a stainless steel core as Im using it. I have nice signals, can pulse my coils as I want...

3.He said: there are NO collectors. There is just 1 wrap around the entire unit for output. Steven just told us that to keep us on a side track.

Hmmmm.....on one hand Steven wants that we rebuild his TPU and on the other hand he keeps us on a side track. Not logic!!

4. He said: the heating came from the field inducing eddie currents into all that metal. So we got rid of the metal and the unit runs cool now.

My TPU is not anymore hot! Its only warm. In the ECD TPU I had air cores but it was soooo hot. Without metals - cores.

5. He said: stop being a fool and start doing right things.

And I say:

1. why not a core
2. why dont you share your results?
3. Its my way to build a TPU and I see its working good

Nice day.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tishatang on July 15, 2008, 03:41:06 AM
SM only showed the way.  We do not have to copy his exact TPU.  It has its faults.
You can build a better one. 
Follow your own path.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 15, 2008, 03:57:49 AM
Hello all,


yes, I have my way to do the "job". Im always somehow out of the "box". Good or not but I have to explore this kind of TPU and I can only say its vorking good.

And I really dont get why a TPU with a core cant work.

I want to invite people to dicuss this here. AM, Erfinder ..... and a lot more of the good thinkerers, where are you??

Sorry, as said a lot of times, Im a little man from a little country, so please I want to understand why a TPU with a core cannot work.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on July 15, 2008, 04:06:04 AM
@ Otto

Bob Boyce's triple-pscillator...


"Serious warning needs to be given here. The combination of sharp pulsing and accurately wound toroid core composed of an iron powder matrix, draws in so much extra power from the environment that it is essential that it is only used with the electrolyser cell which is capable of soaking up excess energy surges. The extra energy drawn in is not always constant and surges can occur which can generate currents of 10,000 Amps. It should be understood that this electrical current which we can measure is only the 'losses' part of the real power surge which is in a form which we can't measure as we have no instruments which can measure it directly. Consequently, the actual environmental power surge is far, far in excess of this 10,000 Amps. It is very important then, that the electronics board and toroidal transformer are NOT connected to other equipment 'to see what will happen'. Even more important is not to arrange a pulsed, rotating magnetic field in the toroid by sequential pulsing of coils spaced around the toroid. These arrangements can generate power surges so great that the excess power not soaked up by the circuit (especially after it's instantaneous burn-out) is liable to form the ground-leader of a lightning strike.

Bob experimented with this and was hit by a direct lightning strike. He was very lucky to survive being hit and he now works in a worshop which has metal walls ans roof, and lightning grounding at each corner of the building, plus a separate ground for the equipment inside the building. A device like this is not a toy, and it demonstrates the incredible level of free-energy which can be tapped by quite simple devices if you know what you are doing."
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 15, 2008, 04:27:49 AM
Hello all,


thanks a lot for the warning.

I can say that my scope is never connected to the TPU. My output is separated with the output transformer and I have always my bulb connected. Not much but I hope Im a little bit safe. No, I dont have fuses.

Yea, I love your post because I see that my "Tpu" is connected wrong. No, the schematic is OK but I made a 2. ring like the 1. but without the controls. The 2. ring has only the core and the 9 turns collector. I connected this ring to the 1. with the controls. Did I see a better light? Maybe. But the point is that I measured over my TPU a field in the height of around 4". As I saw this I wanted that this field gets into an interaction with my 2. ring but......

Today I have to reconnect my 2. ring. As always, its just a feeling.....

Sequential pulsing of the coils......

Im pulsing my coils in a wrong way, I know this.

When I had my biggest runaway I had 4 controls and pulsed 3 coils with 1 frequency for each control and all the "soup" was then swirling through the 4. control coil. What a current feeded back into the grid!!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 15, 2008, 09:24:40 AM
Quote from: otto on July 15, 2008, 03:04:48 AM
2. He said: a TPU is air core and if it isnt it cannot work

Yes, my bright light Im only dreaming, ha,ha.
In the other thread, Hubbard coil, it has a core, Tesla used always cores, Bedini, Bearden.......

Why cant a TPU with a core work??

Tesla did not use cores in his Tesla transformers, oscillation transformers, or magnifier.  Ferromagnetic materials are magnetized by the flow of the aether, orgone, potential or whatever you want to call it.  Flow through a ferromagnetic material is so retarded that the effect which is responsible for the gain will not manifest.  You can consult the works of Steinmetz and Tesla about this.  One thing few realize is that a magnetic field is a dielectric phenomenon and "self-capacitance" also absorbs the "effect" and prevents it from manifesting.

Quote from: otto on July 15, 2008, 03:04:48 AM

3.He said: there are NO collectors. There is just 1 wrap around the entire unit for output. Steven just told us that to keep us on a side track.

Hmmmm.....on one hand Steven wants that we rebuild his TPU and on the other hand he keeps us on a side track. Not logic!!

There is always a "collector" even if one of the controls is also collecting.  It depends on the configuration used and could be countless ways to achieve results.

Quote from: otto on July 15, 2008, 03:04:48 AM
4. He said: the heating came from the field inducing eddie currents into all that metal. So we got rid of the metal and the unit runs cool now.

My TPU is not anymore hot! Its only warm. In the ECD TPU I had air cores but it was soooo hot. Without metals - cores.

As I recall, you used a lot of current in the ECD - it was supposed to get hot.  What he told you is correct.

Quote from: otto on July 15, 2008, 03:04:48 AM

5. He said: stop being a fool and start doing right things.

And I say:

1. why not a core
2. why dont you share your results?
3. Its my way to build a TPU and I see its working good

Nice day.


Answers to your three questions:

1. see answer above.  Ferrous core can be beneficial, but not in this configuration and magnets would be required to magnetize the core - see Gunderson's ring device.
2. He is sharing them in his own way.  Fastest way to feel the "fist of oppression" is to get cocky and think you are beyond their reach.
3. Your friend is trying to help you and you should listen.  Just because you see a light means nothing.  Is the light a bright white or the typical orange? The current applied to the controls should almost nothing, not amps of current like you have been using.  You say your TPU is "working good", what do you base this on?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on July 15, 2008, 09:43:05 AM
look at sm17... the balums... are transmitters  the collector on the outside is the reciever as the balums plusate or rotate..  they activate the collector control winds the controlls induce engery in the collector

so in the sm 17 air core for transmitters this is why he can read power with the clamp meter above the tpu the collector has to have metal in  it

cuz you need to trap the engery  if it was all air core you will have standing waves every where well depending on your freq and trust me you dont want to walk through an electrified standing wave.... or grab some metal that has been charged in the room like a door knob

internal and external magnetic feilds

hummm  how bout 1 of each!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 15, 2008, 10:54:11 AM
On the clamp meter:

"Orgone in motion" can impart a charge to conductors and a magnetic field to magnetic materials, yet it is not electric or magnetic itself. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: buzz-ard on July 15, 2008, 12:11:10 PM
(No insult intended, Grumpy)

"Orgone", the way I recall, is "orgasmic energy". If someone can come up with way to collect that, or even measure it, they'll really have something!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on July 15, 2008, 01:06:07 PM
Quote from: buzz-ard on July 15, 2008, 12:11:10 PM
(No insult intended, Grumpy)

"Orgone", the way I recall, is "orgasmic energy". If someone can come up with way to collect that, or even measure it, they'll really have something!

I used to term "orgone" to indicate that the scalar, tempic, longitudinal stuff is the same as Reich's orgone, or primal energy.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on July 15, 2008, 02:41:45 PM
After a bit more research I think the TPU is nothing more than a modified DC generator of sorts, The coils were orientated 90 degrees from the traditional direction. The armature could be the center torrid coil and the collectors (outside rings/wire) are the field (control) windings. This is a theory at the moment but the OTPU, the second version shows a clearer picture of it and seems to back this up. Take a look at the attached for a simple schematic of a DC generator. Here is the URL for the page I took this from, there is additional info that may be of interest. http://www.tpub.com/content/doe/h1011v2/css/h1011v2_94.htm

The only thing really required is a rotating field which I believe can be created using the specially wound center torrid assembly to emulate a turning armature. The external magnet would be used for exciting the coils to start the process.

A few turns of bailing wire would be required for the magnetic core. The actual circuit is basically a hybrid DC/induction generator. A capacitor would be required for output smoothing and one or two for the oscillator (LC tank) which drives the center torrid/armature. This would create a DC component with some hash due to the peaking of the half wave output of the generator.

As for the center torrid, this could be made from a simple wire spool with a few turns of bailing wire which is wrapped over with a few coils, one standard coil for the LC tank and one for the drive/tickler (these could be one coil). the outer coil is the split wound design (CW/CCW) to force the pulse train in one direction, this outer coil is what drives the field windings/controls.

Just some food for thought guys.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on July 15, 2008, 03:04:12 PM
kinda like a brushless dc motor with a collector wraped round it  :D

or a self vibrating relay telling the power where to go ...   in other words give it only 1 path  it will naturally look fo thr path of least resistance..

so make your load is the path and be sure your load has less restance than the rest of the unit... the output cap does serve a big propous more than just smothing out the ripples

it is your convertor ...   now this is confusing and it seams i conterdict myself this is just not the case.....

there many diffrent tpus and such they all work diffrently ...

1 thing for sure the free CAKE COMES FROM THE KICK

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on July 15, 2008, 03:29:04 PM
Otto, I try to draw your shem with two different colors for control coils. Are this drawing is correct?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on July 15, 2008, 03:55:16 PM
anyone ever do a pancake on a pancake 90 deg ?? then add a peice of steel wire to each one ???

dont make me draw a pic agin....

keep it simple  :)


in what i just wrote   visualize it ...    see it in your mind ...   build it in your mind ...   then assess  its operation in your mind ... then take to paper ...   trace the path of the electron in your mind   what will happen as the electricty enters the steel ?      and when you cut the power from the source what will happen ....?    how does the sterling engine work??   WATER HAMMER ;D

how does this work what does it do when you apply power to it   keep it real simple

just like ottos lil test   50 turns...  1 short fat  stranded coper wire

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 16, 2008, 01:33:51 AM
Hello all,


what to say??

I hope I finally got what my friend in his PM wanted to say to me. I really didnt want to mislead people. The point is and was that nobody posted so I jumped out with my schematic.
Now, if allowed I want to wright down how I think he made it:

1. 2 or 3 MOSFETs with square waves from 2 or 3 oscillators, yes, I know about tubes but now Im talking about SS devices
2. the drains connected to a step up transformer
3. this step up transformer is pulsed

I did this with an oridinary 230V/12V little transformer. When I connected ma MOSFET to the 12V side I measured on the 230V side really big sine waves. Yes, I know that such a transformer is a s..t. Clear. I had to use much lower frequencies because of the core.....not to bother the people here.

4. such big signals are then feeded into the TPU. The point is that working in such a way is muuuuuch better than Im doing it because there is almost no current consuption from the power supply and the coils are cool.

5. after rotating and mixing the frequencies I use an output transformer to step down the big kilovolts swirling in my TPU so I can use this voltage.

So, in short, today I will try this. I want only to connect a little transformer to the drain of my MOSFET and see how and why.




Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on July 16, 2008, 01:55:04 AM
the sm 17

the balums could be saturated as well as air core i think the effect would be the same  maybe not tho the saturated cores may be able to transmit more current or magnetic vibtations  i think there 2 freqs in it as there is iron wire and copper in the collector and you want to ring both and create a vibrating relay witch intrepus the curcuit  harvest the lil kicks right!!! 

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 16, 2008, 08:57:30 AM

My question about the thickness was just to know the thickness of your ring and by stating 1/4" (6.25mm), it was to say "I hope it was not any more then that" because it would seem that any more then this and the core would not have been able to reach any kind of saturation point with the amount of windings used (60 turns of 24 awg). But now you are stating the SS core is only 1 mm thick. Now this is sooooooooooo thin. Probably why you notice less heat because this thin material is also acting like a heat sink. Are you sure about the thickness? One thing for sure, with 60 turns per quad over such a thin SS ring, such a core would be extremely reactive to any field and saturation times would be very quick and probably well in line with the higher operating frequencies you are using.

On your FG's, do you have adjustments for the Duty, DC offset and Amplitude and do you play with these as well as the frequencies themselves. It seems any time I touch the DC offset, I fry another IRF840. Can you explain a bit how you play with the FG controls. Also, are you using the TTL/CMOS output or the standard output. Do you use heat sinks on your IRF840s.

Maybe one last point I would like to clarify and that is when we say frequency as F1, F2 and/or F3, these are not real frequencies that one can consider as relevant to real frequencies and their additive harmonics. Going through the IRF840 these become fast pulsing on/off iterations. I will be preparing a post on pulse/frequency and the relationship to single point multiple pulsing as you are doing here because the involved complexity is not only dependant on the frequencies themselves but also each individual setting for duty, dc offset, and amplitude. That makes four variables per frequency and the dependencies between these makes this effort even more complex to replicate. Consider also that the amplitude is fixed at a set level and there is no sweeping action to simulate actual field growth and decay. What I mean is when I manually sweep the amplitude while pulsing, I am seeing more activity then when the amplitude is fixed.

OK, last last question. Are you actually using the wiring as shown in @altium's wiring diagram which basically shows 8 coils but set in 4 bucking coil arrangements.

I purchased a second FG of maximum 2mhz off of EBAY so I should have it soon..
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 17, 2008, 01:59:36 AM
Hello all,


I saw your post yesterday afternoon on my home PC but my PC is blocked so I cant answer you. On my home PC I can only read the messages and posts, nothing more. This happens only at overunity. com. All other sites are working great, my son can post on other forums....

My core is only a stainless steel plate 1 mm thick. Its a 316 grade stainless steel. This core gives me a bigger voltage and more power.

Yes Im working with frequencies in the range of 100 - 500kHz.

My FGs, 3 of them:

each has a ICL 8038 function generator. Output feeded into a jfet IC, the LF 357. This output feeded into a pair of transistors, DC 140, BC 141. This is the output of each FG. This is then feeded into a IRFP 450 MOSFET - Robertos great idea!! This MOSFETs are on little heatsinks. You almost cant blow them.

The duty cicle is 50 - 50 and I cant change this. And I think its OK so. So, Im playing only with frequencies.

Im using the setup as altium showed us but with 1 correction: the start point of the 1 load coil is connected to the +24V. In this way connected.....hmmmm....try it and dont even think to touch your TPU!!!! And dont connect the scope probe to your TPU!!

F1, F2, F3 means only that we use 3 frequencies, nothing more.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 18, 2008, 04:39:08 AM
Hello all,

today I want to clarify something. I was at an Bulgarian site and I think people all over the world that are building TPUs have the same "problem". Im talking about the current from the power supply.

The people are calculating the input and output power when a bulb is connected to a TPU.


Dont do this!!! As my coils are NOT optimized my TPU needs 2, 3, 4, 5A to light a bulb. It doesnt matter how much!!!


The answer is easy: when I connect a bulb and have a good frequency mix, I SEE that the current from my power supply is CONSTANT!!! In some cases - very good frequency mixes - I saw, when a bulb is connected, the current DROPPS!!!!

This means that my coils are really not good because all the current from my power supply is needed to run the coils and NOT the load.

Everything clear??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: buzz-ard on July 18, 2008, 10:19:43 AM
Quote from: otto on July 18, 2008, 04:39:08 AM
The answer is easy: when I connect a bulb and have a good frequency mix, I SEE that the current from my power supply is CONSTANT!!! In some cases - very good frequency mixes - I saw, when a bulb is connected, the current DROPPS!!!!

This means that my coils are really not good because all the current from my power supply is needed to run the coils and NOT the load.

@otto - Great advice! When my coils are good, I see exactly the same thing. Bad coil designs require more amperage for the same work.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on July 18, 2008, 11:28:21 AM
Little corrected schem:
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on July 18, 2008, 11:44:20 AM
yep what i have been working on is compleatly diffrent  ;D

sorry guys

i can not offer any help .....

when i apply 5 amps to my lil setup  woooooh  DONT TOUCH THE WIRES......

hell when i use 1 amp i would not want to touch the wires  plused dc need i say more  oh hand plused dc  :D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 18, 2008, 03:25:08 PM
Hot is not the word. Burning hot is more like it. When I first did some tests on my yoke, the device was on my office table that has the regular hard enamelled melamine finish. Well I now have a nice round sun ray shaped burn mark on it. A permanent reminder of OU heat. Next time I take a photo of something on my table you will see it.


I am very glad that you are the one saying this in your last post and not me. If it was me, someone would say I don't know what I am doing. lol (Geez, they may be right also.)

I have noticed this from the beginning even with only one frequency. Just looking at the wiring diagrams spells power supply directly on low turns coils and on load. This spells close to short circuit and coil heat.

The coils would have to have more turns in order to produce a separation from the short circuit potential to become more of an inductive component.

With all the greatest respect for you and your endeavors,  what I feel is missing on the outset is a comprehensive theory (or intent) for the basic operation that can be the ultimate goal and from there, work the various effects involved. I know, I know what you will say. "But this is pure pioneering in new directions", which is very true but I am sure you have some idea of what you want to achieve or what you think is actually happenning in the device.

The more I play with this and the more I re-think what you have said about your own device especially when it has produced the bright light, the more I realize that the patent I had presented for seismic measurements, where they are using two frequencies on coils to neutralize the field like a degausing action, the more I am convinced this is what is happening with your device.

Remember when I had always stated this is brute force voltage applied to some scranny coils and there is no wonder it is producing both heat and lighting a light. Except that the high frequency pulsations could never be responsible for such an action since high frequency pulsing reduces the power and current applied to the coils. The faster you go, the less power is supplied because the 50% duty is less and less when you consider that each pulse will have its gradual up and down slope. You would have to increase the applied power as the frequency increases in order to compensate and maintain the same level of stress on the coils.

But what if the right frequency mix is causing a pulsed degausing of the coils. Then it is the degausing that is in control of the greatest pulsing action and not the frequencies themselves. If the degausing is causing the field to drop to zero in a much more forceful way then if you simply cut off the power. Said another way, instead of the traditional method of pusling applying voltage, from zero to 24 volts, on and off, on and off, imagine leaving the voltage at 24 volts all the time and simply degausing the field, on and off, on and off. The field would retract on degausing but the momentum is still active in the coil. When the degausing stops, the field JUMPS BACK without requiring the voltage rise. The PUNCH would be much greater then any other form of pulsing possible. The question is what frequency mix would cause a coil to degause.

Maybe said another way, what would produce more effect. If you had a 100 foot water hose and turned the valve at the beginning open and closed, open and closed, how would the water flow from the end, compared to if you put the valve at the end with pressure in the hose at all times and then opened and closed the end valve. The later would provide much more PUNCH because there is no pressure build up time required in the hose, the pressure is already there. The water would react instantly to the valve position. Pulsed degausing would be like the valve placed at the end of the pressurized hose.

Sorry for the long post and/or rambling.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 21, 2008, 02:40:49 AM
Hello all,


my theory is to build first and then, when I SEE, I can have a theory!!!

If I would jump out with my newest theory the people wouldnt understand it, there would be a lot of bla, bla as always and I dont need it! A theory is OK but FACTS are much better.


just an idea:

how about winding the controls in CW and CCW, maybe with different coil LENGHTS??

As said, just an idea

Lets dicuss if this is and good or bad idea.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on July 21, 2008, 08:03:52 PM

I really do understand your apprehensions of discussing what or how you think or realize the device to operate but I really feel you have enough on the table to put a theory to work, otherwise how do you expect others to help in the process. Besides, I myself am always feeling intimidated every time I post something, even this post.

It does not matter if the theory holds any form of validity with others. It will just provide us with what you think is going on and with this, it will give us a better insight into your motivations and maybe, just maybe, this will give others enough to push this in their own research and hopefully provide you with some great and pertinent help.

Again, I know I know, you will humbly say "but I am just a small man from a small country". Who cares how big you are or where you come from. It's what's between the ears and what you do with your hands that counts and I for one have the utmost respect and encouragement for what you are doing. Such a workable and compact device, if it can be tamed, would be the ultimate power source for generations to come. But I would really appreciate getting some of your insights into the device and what is your "vision". There is no right or wrong here. And, there will always be bla, blah regardless.

I hope to receive my second FG in the coming days. I also got some 24 awg wire because I rewound my yoke again with my original 22 awg wire and burnt it again. Sh&t this thing gets so hot.. lol I will try with 24 awg. Maybe it will give some more resistance and draw less amperage.

Regarding your problem with not being able to post form the home computer, what browser and version are you using. You may have unknowingly put overunity.com in a revocation list or other list in the browser (or in Windows) that prevents you from posting. Weird.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 22, 2008, 03:02:46 AM
Hello all,



Google earths magnetic field to understand better.

I SEE that the TPU works with the earths magnetic field. Imagine our planet rotating in the CCW direction. Now imagine our TPU on our planet working in the CW horizontally direction. What happens? I see our planet as a bar magnet: top is the south MAGNETIC pole, bottom the north MAGNETIC pole. This "bar magnet" has a field all around our planet and this magnetic field is STATIC, only our planet rotates.
Now, our TPU, with his rotation, "cutts" the earths magnetic field at 90? and amplifies this magnetic field by an factor of......big factor. Whats the speed of rotation of our planet??

Idiots are teaching us that the earths magnetic field is weak!!!! Yes, maybe. I see in my coils that this field is very strong and I see that without this field the TPU would NEVER work.

If my memory serves me well I remember SM said later the TPU doesnt work with the earths magnetic field, or something like this?? Of course he said this because the people didnt "get it".

As you see its not much but for now it has to be enough.

About help: Im working with a man, a nice patient man, he doesnt want to be mentioned, with a good knowledge about coils. So, I dont need more help.

Get rid of the yoke core TPU and start to think about a TPU with a stainless steel core.
This yoke core TPU was only a learning tool for me.
If you want to stay with this TPU try to pulse it with 1 high frequency and then with the 2. frequency.
My yoke core TPU was hot but not sooooo hot as yours.


Again the question from yesterday: is here a coil builder that tried a TPU with CW and CCW coils?

Any ideas? Woukd this be good or not?? Maybe with different control coil lenghts???


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 23, 2008, 02:34:45 AM
To Stefan Hartmann, the administrator of this forum!!

Would you PLEASE fix the problem with the message "user hartiberlin1" has exceeded.....

I tought this is a forum where I can work, post....but it seems this forum is a big joke!!!

Every 2 or 3 days is see this message....a few minutes ago I lost a big PM that I wrote....yes, I stored it in the outbox and saw its lost.

I hope that Im a serious researcher and I also hope that my posts are welcome but this forum is not anymore a place where I can work.

So, or  finally fix the problem or I will move to another forum and post there.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gustav22 on July 24, 2008, 06:06:37 AM
otto has drawn up a new schematic
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on July 24, 2008, 06:18:18 AM
Hello all,

thank you Gustav22, youre really helping me.


this is my newest "invention".

The stainless steel core is NOT shown. I have my core in 4 pieces, in quarters.

The controls are wound as you see in the picture. Wire diameter is 0,35mm. A very thin wire.

The collector has 9 turns lamp wire but is connected in series so I have 18 turns, a little pancake coil in 2 levels.


very bright light



I pulsed this TPU with a lot of wrong frequencies and had a lot of times from my power supply over 7 amperes but the TPU still cold.

The output transformer is also cold.

There is of course a reason I use 40 and 60 turns but this is a long story that I will post in a few days when I have a verification of my little theory.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: rayco on August 16, 2008, 01:21:37 PM
If you would like to know where SM go the idea all of you need to check this out.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: rayco on August 16, 2008, 01:24:18 PM
Every one check this out

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 23, 2008, 12:22:49 AM
Hello all,

just a short question:

Is here somebody still working on a TPU?

Of course, except Marco, Giantkiller, myself....   I mean, its sooo quiet in our forum.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Thaelin on September 23, 2008, 06:35:42 AM
   Crazy question for the group. Did steven have access to Zenier Diodes when he was doing
this work? I have been contimplating the controller part for a while and I have figured out how
to pulse the coils in sequence using only one freq. But it requires zeniers as part of the capture
system. Any takers?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 23, 2008, 06:44:35 AM
Hello all,

yes, thaelin.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on September 23, 2008, 06:50:19 AM
Quote from: Thaelin on September 23, 2008, 06:35:42 AM
   Crazy question for the group. Did steven have access to Zenier Diodes when he was doing
this work? I have been contimplating the controller part for a while and I have figured out how
to pulse the coils in sequence using only one freq. But it requires zeniers as part of the capture
system. Any takers?


Yes. They may have still been available as the 'top-hat' case but they were certainly around.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Thaelin on September 23, 2008, 07:53:03 AM
   In that case then I may well be on to something. It all fits to me then. But
then it doesn't fit the normal plan of things. Just something I have been playing
with. Two zeniers, two caps, and the potential between both when 180 degrees
out of phase with each other. This would be DC in respect to the negative side.

More later when I get back from vacation. Off to play for a week.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 08:36:39 AM
Quote from: otto on September 23, 2008, 12:22:49 AM
Hello all,

just a short question:

Is here somebody still working on a TPU?

Of course, except Marco, Giantkiller, myself....   I mean, its sooo quiet in our forum.


in the other threads you can see that peterae and spider are working on a spherics build. i am also working on the project, but my input as i was told is not useful because all that was offered is already "known".
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on September 23, 2008, 09:16:40 AM

Welcome to the real world.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 23, 2008, 09:50:47 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 08:36:39 AM
in the other threads you can see that peterae and spider are working on a spherics build. i am also working on the project, but my input as i was told is not useful because all that was offered is already "known".

What did you expect?  Have you seen all of the documents produced over the last three years?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 23, 2008, 10:54:48 AM
Quote from: otto on September 23, 2008, 12:22:49 AM
Hello all,

just a short question:

Is here somebody still working on a TPU?

Of course, except Marco, Giantkiller, myself....   I mean, its sooo quiet in our forum.


I am here.
The rat race controller I built was 74lsxxx technology. It drove tipxx trannys directly. I could put that tranny stage on the current rotating coil build. But I prefer IRF840 fets. So, I pulled the fet driver boards from the ECD build and am plugging them in between the controller and the coil.

This is merged with other life duties. I finally finished the kitchen floor after 2.5 years. See what I mean? I did mind blowing things when only focused in one arena. Now the house is done and everybody better look out!

--giantkiller. I can smell freedom.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 23, 2008, 11:03:24 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 08:36:39 AM
in the other threads you can see that peterae and spider are working on a spherics build. i am also working on the project, but my input as i was told is not useful because all that was offered is already "known".

@Poynt dude!
Here is a vote of confidence. There 3 phases to this. 1:) You gather for yourself. 2:) You gather for others. 3:) You constantly pull it all together through your time involved to make final points from patterns witnessed. You have graduated.

King Saul tried to dress up David, 16 yrs old at the time, in old men's war garb. David shucked all that and went towards the victory against Goliath with just a sling and 5 stones. He took down the giant with one small stone, then beheaded the giant with the giant's own sword. Not a bad day's work in 5 minutes.
Sometimes the real power is in the revelation itself.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 02:13:05 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on September 23, 2008, 09:50:47 AM
What did you expect?  Have you seen all of the documents produced over the last three years?

what did i expect? too much. this may be your guys' "real world", but fortunately, it's not mine.

yes i have seen all the documents posted here.

by the same token, have you seen all the builds and un-substantiated claims posted here over the last 3 years?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 23, 2008, 03:23:21 PM
The power comes not from the electrons but the potential between the atoms.
Space is black, that is a color too. Color denotes volume.

--giantkiller. Not by sight...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 23, 2008, 04:21:59 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 02:13:05 PM
what did i expect? too much. this may be your guys' "real world", but fortunately, it's not mine.

yes i have seen all the documents posted here.

by the same token, have you seen all the builds and un-substantiated claims posted here over the last 3 years?

Yes.  I've also seen a couple of substantiated claims.

I know it works, and I know how it works.  Now I'm trying to build and understand it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on September 23, 2008, 06:03:37 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 02:13:05 PM
what did i expect? too much. this may be your guys' "real world", but fortunately, it's not mine.

yes i have seen all the documents posted here.

by the same token, have you seen all the builds and un-substantiated claims posted here over the last 3 years?


I would appreciate any factual information you can provide. Until I do likewise I'll refrain from bashing your ideas. If you think my comments are bashing then I probably didn't read your data completely.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 09:29:32 PM
Quote from: BEP on September 23, 2008, 06:03:37 PM

I would appreciate any factual information you can provide. Until I do likewise I'll refrain from bashing your ideas. If you think my comments are bashing then I probably didn't read your data completely.


it's too late for that. i'll be lurking in the background where i belong   ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: infringer on September 23, 2008, 09:51:13 PM
hrmmm shame down the tubes with another member we must let our differnces just be differences and not let words be so personal to send you away from the common goal we all share whos right or wrong in the end it does not make a differnce once goal is achived can we all agree to that?

Share knowladge as without the sharing of knowladge you would not know what you know today.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 23, 2008, 10:08:57 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on September 23, 2008, 09:29:32 PM
it's too late for that. i'll be lurking in the background where i belong   ;)

Nobody belongs in the background. The forefront is where the discoveries are made.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 23, 2008, 11:52:02 PM

as we all should know,  there are a lot of ways to do our "jobs". Maybe you would read Marcos posts?
I mean really read and understand whats he talking about??


PS: Marco, as you maybe see your posts are welcome, at least for me.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on September 24, 2008, 07:17:36 AM
Yes. Many ways...

As usual I use poorly chosen words. To me a clear idea is 'factual', proven or not it is a fact even if in the form of an idea. No charts or schematics required. I draw the line on spacemen speaking through mediums. Things like that are only good for making hit counters ring the cash register.

'Theory' is anything that I haven't proven on my bench. Sad, I know. I'm a little behind on proving theories. Not quite to Ohm's Law yet.

If I offend then just slap me. I'll wake up and shut-up. I've been slapped many times before ;)

I doubt there is a single post from Marco that I haven't read. As for me understanding... that may be another story.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 24, 2008, 07:41:44 AM
Hello all,


your not the only one that was slapped. I know how it is. Now Im quiet and everything is just fine. No questions, no slappings, nothing.

Did you notice that when the TPU "problem" is solved, a lot of Teslas patents and of course other patents will be much clearer?
The guys that are sitting on their patents, where they use high voltages, are always forgetting to explain a few points.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on September 24, 2008, 09:51:59 AM
     I'm hoping that SM wasn't bullshitting when he flipped his first little tpu over.
Magnetism behaves exactly as any fluid should.  I believe the Earth's core is in a swirl.  This current or migration of matter gives rise to an acceleration of MAGNETIC PARTICLES.  The orbital momentum of the surface of the Earth is at varying aspects to the plasmic ring current within the core of the Earth.  So a tpu could be a Tesla turbine of sorts but using magnetic particles instead of water molecules.  The tpu observer constantly being dragged through a magnetic river. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 24, 2008, 10:59:34 AM
Quote from: otto on September 24, 2008, 07:41:44 AM

Did you notice that when the TPU "problem" is solved, a lot of Teslas patents and of course other patents will be much clearer?
The guys that are sitting on their patents, where they use high voltages, are always forgetting to explain a few points.


In regards to the guys that are sitting on their patents: We will find there is nothing new that wasn't stated 100 years ago.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on September 24, 2008, 01:16:13 PM
   High voltage low mass.  Low voltage high mass.  Air molecules have a highly energetic electron field whose intrinsic energy can be manipulated.  Hell you can burn air.  If you get the em wave energy radiated by all of space to travel in bundles instead of interfering you got yourself a photon/wave duality happening.   Cowboys don't pickup every cow in a herd and transport them on their backs.  Why would nature?  Why should we?

       Modification:  High voltage high mass watch out!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on September 24, 2008, 03:05:41 PM
HELOO   marco  you are still mad of me  ;)

to all 
YES IS GOOD  HV  is  llght the bulbs  ;)
yes  clouse to  end  and  away from  true <WHAT IS THE ELEKTRICITY?>

my tpu is vibrating and   expeckt  the  curents to come 

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 25, 2008, 12:08:46 AM
Hello all,

yesterday I didnt want to finish my thoughts about the "forgotten" words in some patents.

Over a year ago I wrote about SLOWING DOWN particles. The older members will maybe remember.

I hope the builders saw that for lighting a bulb, the high voltage is totally useless. High voltage = low current. Low voltage = higher current. Of course, not always. Only in our case.

So, SLOW DOWN the particles and you will have a usefull current.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 25, 2008, 04:24:57 AM
Hello all,


I was really hoping to see you here.

I was talking about PURE high voltage WITHOUT caps. Just the high voltage. With this high voltage you cant light a bulb. Im talking about hmmm....say 10 or 20kV.

Of course, when you connect caps to this high voltage everything changes. In a positive direction.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on September 25, 2008, 07:21:47 AM
So we...

1. Increase the capacitive surface area of this low F capacitor between charges and discharges
2. Change the inductance of this charged coil in a similar way and time
3. Run tests in a time machine
4. Use Ohm's Law but factor in Time

One or more? All the above?

To have HV with low power the time must be short. If you could stretch time for that pulse you would increase the area of the wave which increases the power stored.

A transformer will convert a short HV pulse into a short LV pulse but supply more amps out than in. We need a transformer that will convert a short HV pulse into a long LV pulse. I think the object is to get an output that has a larger wave area out than in.

(The above concept using 'pulse' can be replaced with 'wave' if you prefer no pulses  ;D


The above idea should appear to make sense to most but there is a flaw in the idea....
A pulse or wave is NOT the way it looks on a scope. Power in a wave or pulse is not the area of a slice of the wave (scope shot). The area is the height, length(time) AND WIDTH of the wave.

If this was not true a step-down transformer would also step the power down, not just the voltage.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on September 25, 2008, 07:25:48 AM
Hello all,


Look into the Tesla thread.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 25, 2008, 09:36:48 AM
Quote from: Erfinder on September 25, 2008, 04:02:59 AM
Sorry but I just couldn't stand by and let this one go without adding my two cents.....

I = E / R

Imagine you had a means of producing 150,000 volts constant pressure (could be an AC or DC source electrical pressure is electrical pressure), you charge a condenser bank rated at 100,000 volts 100nF.  You then short this condenser bank through a 5 ohm coil.  (The coil could be primary of an air core transformer.)  According to ohms law I = E / R, each time the condenser bank discharges across the 5 ohm coil, 20,000 amps is produced.  Yeah there is more math to it, but I don't care, this example is about ohms law.

If I or anyone for that matter  were to take what you say to seriously, that there is no power in high voltage, then all hope is lost, literally!  A high voltage low current source is used to charge a high voltage low capacity condenser, the condenser discharges and produces huge amperages which can't be produced in this amount nor with this efficiency in any other way!  So at the end of the day my friend, the problem doesn't lie with high voltages, it lies in your understanding of how to properly put them to use.

Had Tesla gone by what you say, he wouldn't have observed the power developed in a properly designed system when a high voltage low capacity condenser is discharged by connecting it with a coil of possessing the proper resistance and inductance, and driven or switched at the calculated frequency.  I am very grateful that he went the route he did.


Disclaimer: The following is not a correction or contradiction - it is just a different perspective.

I = E / R appies to DC

With impulses, we have impedence to contend with so we use:

I = V / Z (rms current = rms voltage / impedence)

Not that this changes the end result, just that is changes the view along the way, which I hope will be quite enlightning.

You apply your 100000 volt capacitor discharge to your coil of high self-induction whose resistance is 5 ohms, and whose impedence to this impulse from the capacitor is more like 10000 ohms.  The current in this case is only 10A.  If the phase difference between the voltage and current is 90 degrees, then your power factor is about 6 and your average power is a mere 6 watts. 

Wait. This is the good part.

If your capacitor discharge creates a traveling wave, then the current and voltage are "in phase", and the power factor is 1.  Your average power is now 1000000 watts - delivered in a nanosecond.

In order to achieve this, you have to follow the rules and cause a traveling wave to form.

Many of you may not be that familiar with traveling waves, but you can bet that Tesla and Steinmetz were very familiar with them.  They had seen the effects of these waves first hand.  The wave of energy that Tesla watched move along DC power lines was a traveling wave.  They are created by capacitive discharge, inductive discharge, lightning, and even switch closures such as Tesla observed.  In Dollard's analysis of Tesla Transformers, the traveling wave and it's effects are explained.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on September 25, 2008, 11:37:02 AM

      If we look at an altenator the speed of the wave is limited by mechanical constraints.  To achieve higher voltages from the slowly changing wave it is necessary to increase the wave amplitude which results in an increase in magnetic field intensity.  Again this is all limited by how fast the steel can respond to the mechanically produced wave another loss.  Now comes the real losses.  As current is drawn from the stator windings it produces magnetic field interference with the magnetic field of the driven rotor.  The prime mover bogs down and we are putting more energy into heat than anything else.   We end up with a 60hertz wave which is about as low as you can go on the emwave energy spectrum.
     Take the stator and replace the rotor with a "traveling wave" generator whose scource of energy could care less about magnetic field interference and we start to move in the right direction. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 25, 2008, 12:11:13 PM
Quote from: sparks on September 25, 2008, 11:37:02 AM
     Take the stator and replace the rotor with a "traveling wave" generator whose scource of energy could care less about magnetic field interference and we start to move in the right direction. 

I'll take that.

Looking at this from the "energy" perspective.  Energy is often measured in Joules - and a Joule is 1 watt/second.

So, with our small capacitor of 1000 pF, and our 100000 volts:

J = 1/2 C E^2

J = 1/2 * .000000001 * 100000

J = 5 Joules

Now 5 joules isn't much at all, so what's going on here?

Do we figure that this 5 Joules is repeated 100000 times a second and come up with 500000 Joules?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 25, 2008, 12:11:44 PM
Quote from: sparks on September 25, 2008, 11:37:02 AM
     Take the stator and replace the rotor with a "traveling wave" generator whose scource of energy could care less about magnetic field interference and we start to move in the right direction. 

I'll take that.

Looking at this from the "energy" perspective.  Energy is often measured in Joules - and a Joule is 1 watt/second.

So, with our small capacitor of 1000 pF, and our 100000 volts:

J = 1/2 C E^2

J = 1/2 * .000000001 * 100000

J = 5 Joules

Now 5 joules isn't much at all, so what's going on here?

Do we figure that this 5 Joules is repeated 100000 times a second and come up with 500000 Joules?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 25, 2008, 12:21:24 PM
For our answer, I draw on a Physicist:

QuoteAnd after thinking about this for a while, how do you get 1000 times the earth's power output in one second using only five dollars worth of energy? That seems a bit like the cold fusion claims, putting little in and getting a huge amount out.

Energy IS conserved - but power - the rate at which energy flows isn't.

You charge up the capacitors for several minutes - giving you a certain
amount of energy - and then discharge them in a very short time - like a
nanosecond. You don't create any energy - you just make it flow very
fast for a very short period of time.

The electronic flash on your camera works exactly the same way.

Let's say we can draw 100 watts [ like a single electric light ] from the
power grid. Let's charge a capacitor bank for 1000 seconds [ about 20 mins ].

So we have 100,000 watt-seconds of energy or 100,000 Joules stored. Now
let's discharge that capacitor bank in 1 nano-second or 10^(-9) seconds.

What's the power?

The power is energy per unit time. The energy is 100,000 watt-seconds or
10^(5) watt-seconds. The time to discharge is 1 nanosecond = 10^(-9)

The power P = 100,000 watt-seconds / (10^(-9) seconds) = 10^(14) watts
or 100 terrawatts.

That's twice the amount of the energy that the entire Earth uses in
that nanosecond. We didn't create any energy - we just had to spend
20 minutes storing energy at a rate of 100 watts [ like a lightbulb ]. We
just discharged it fast.

Nothing like cold fusion which claimed more energy than was put in.

Dr. Gregory Greenman

Which is what Tesla said, just different words.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 25, 2008, 12:48:00 PM
I have 2 planes/bifilar of 8 coils/tanks fired in adjacent pairs on each plane sequenced in opposing directions. I can put in 1 frequency and get 4 times the crossover. A slight adjustment up to either input frequency can magnify the intersection speed. This would be controlled better than the spaz firings of the GK4.

This is my take on building a better generator. After that I can see where the energy lies.

--giantkiller. I love controllers.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on September 25, 2008, 01:59:38 PM
     I don't know if Tesla was confused about this or not but he also said that he could put in 10,000 horsepower and extract millions.  Just like swinging a hammer you put in a little bit of power for a long time and release it in nanoseconds but this is not an increase in horsepower.    A small gain from radiant energy fields at very high frequency can get us some increase in horsepower though.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on September 25, 2008, 02:45:25 PM
Remember a while back I mentioend that TEsla had used this formula:


Yes; I charged the condenser with 40,000 volts.  When it was charged full, I discharged it suddenly, through a short circuit which gave me a very rapid rate of oscillation.  Let us suppose that I had stored in the condenser 10 watts.  Then, for such a wave there is a flux of energy of (4 x 104)2, and this is multiplied by the frequency of 100,000.  You see, it may go into thousands or millions of horsepower.

My previous post about Joules is what he was refering to - with different units.

1 terawatt is 1359621617 horsepower
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on September 25, 2008, 04:37:22 PM

"Yes; I charged the condenser with 40,000 volts.  When it was charged full, I discharged it suddenly, through a short circuit which gave me a very rapid rate of oscillation.  Let us suppose that I had stored in the condenser 10 watts.  Then, for such a wave there is a flux of energy of (4 x 104)2, and this is multiplied by the frequency of 100,000.  You see, it may go into thousands or millions of horsepower. "

     The key words here are very rapid rate of oscillation.  Every echo doing it's thing.  How the hell do we damp a 100khz wave to get it to run an electric motor?  Tesla's lightning shows are kinda cool but it doesn't cut the electric company out of the scene.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on September 25, 2008, 06:47:58 PM
Pancakes. Top and Bottom of rotational sequential pulsed coils/tanks. The rotation frequency equals the tank resonancy or I can speed up or slow down.

555 -> 74193 -> 74139 -> 74ls04 -> MAX621 -> Hi-side irf840 -> [8] 26khz tanks. 8)

Change out the 8 caps for a different res point. ;)

------------   -------------
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  ->
------------   -------------

The buckwheats will see the activity. :D

Put a dc bias on the steel bifilar set.

--giantkiller. Lock -n- Load.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on September 28, 2008, 02:42:57 PM
the REAL SECREAT lies in makeing the device self sustaining in operation

this is tought to you in the ozone pattend ....

thank you erfinder

this is verry easly done ....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 01, 2008, 09:50:04 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on September 28, 2008, 02:42:57 PM
the REAL SECREAT lies in makeing the device self sustaining in operation

this is tought to you in the ozone pattend ....

thank you erfinder

this is verry easly done ....


Then show us a self-sustaining Tesla device in operation.  Anyone have one?  Seriously.  I want to see one.  I read the Ozone patent and there is nothing in there that aludes to overunity or self-sustained operation in any way, shape, or form.  The device is a cleverly efficient adaption of a disruptive discharge coil.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 02, 2008, 12:09:55 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 01, 2008, 09:50:04 AM
Then show us a self-sustaining Tesla device in operation.  Anyone have one?  Seriously.  I want to see one.  I read the Ozone patent and there is nothing in there that aludes to overunity or self-sustained operation in any way, shape, or form.  The device is a cleverly efficient adaption of a disruptive discharge coil.

i have showen much of my work .....

use 2 caps 1 is out put the other is selfsustaining mode

tesla states you can charge almost ANY  VALUE CAP!!!

so charge 2 of em  send 1 back to self sustain put the other to work ......

3 coils right

primary secondary and xtra secondary.....

a tesla coil with 2 secondaries  REMEMBER RE IS FREE!!!!!!!

so basicly you got a tesla coil  you want to tap off some on its way through and create a positive feedback loop with the extra secondary to feed the primary after the first pluse has gone through.....


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 10, 2008, 01:32:43 PM
NEVER use feedback. Steven Mark used feedback and I say he was a lucky person that his devices always ran stable. One little special moment and you and your home are dust....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 10, 2008, 04:25:28 PM
From Dale Pond's and Walter Baumgartner's 'Nikola Tesla's Earthquake machine' Page 15.
Sound waves travel in a spiral or vortexian fashion. This in addition with sympathetic vibration produces the gyroscopy. In the three dimensional configuration, the three primary motions are a Longitudinal wave, a Transverse or Shear wave, and a spiralling Vortexial wave shape called a Raliegh or Lamb wave. All 3 modes of vibration are 90 degrees to each other and occur simultaneously.

Remember the AudioHenge spin? Do you know how close you are? Of course, you do! You then made the 3 phase Hubbard with 5 coils apiece. That means 3 frequencies. The Audiohenge, GK4 and the Bucket-o-Vibes are 3! Hamel had 3 layers.
I am boarding the proto setup of the 3 channel amplifier from the Bose 3 phase tests to make it portable. Then I look for echo producing tunnels around the city.

--giantkiller. This is the finally solution. Been there along. Right in front of everyones noses.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 10, 2008, 08:36:12 PM
Quote from: Antimon on October 10, 2008, 01:32:43 PM
NEVER use feedback. Steven Mark used feedback and I say he was a lucky person that his devices always ran stable. One little special moment and you and your home are dust....


remember if you do as i describe in my last post you want to use some setup like the ozone pattend to SWITCH  IT so you tell it when to fire not  LET THE THING RUN WILD  OR IN SM'S CASE RUNAWAY.....

heres 1 more for ya what does sm have in the centre of the sm 17??

looks like a magnetic feed back....  i bet it is real close to the battery charger unit im working on ....

only i aint useing the magnetic feed back part of it ....


btw im useing npn trannys... but i would almost bet sm used npn and pnp ....

why? do i say this ??   i learned this a while ago....  with my lite puter....   ;D ;D when i was fireing the turbo coil ...  and i would also think both are switched at the same time.... and the out of phase part and the phase invertor .....  lol lol

sounds like back emf through a diode....


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 10, 2008, 08:59:57 PM
Compression_ Longitudinal     Displacement_Transvese   Wake_Vortex

  One  steamy, you could cut the air with a knife night, a jet passed over my house.  It cut a hole right over my house through the steam.  The funny thing is that the jet sounded like it passed over my house 5 or six times in the course of the next two minutes.  I couldn't tell if it was coming or going.  Yet I could hear the far off sound of the jet transmitted outside the vortex tunnel of steam. 
  Combine this with vapor trails from fast movers that look like a chain of smoke rings and you have the above relationship.
   Now if space is assigned density and velocity (neutrinos?)  those little photon packets are just like a jet fighter going through pea soup.  Just like those dear little electrons doing 186,000 miles a second.  They don't weigh much but they sure as hell make up for it in speed. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 10, 2008, 11:01:13 PM
I enjoy and absorb what you post. Thanks.

be back in a week.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 10, 2008, 11:44:45 PM
here is a pic of my board with a meter on it

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 11, 2008, 10:25:13 AM
Quoteheres 1 more for ya what does sm have in the centre of the sm 17??

Saturable reactors

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 11, 2008, 10:52:24 AM

    He has one in the center of all his machines.  Sometimes two. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 11, 2008, 12:34:27 PM
I know ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 11, 2008, 02:49:20 PM
in my opinion it is the same as a sonic boom as the jet breakes the sound barrier

i think the same goes for electricty.....

if you hit the fundmental ....  it might be sevire   if you hit harmonics it could be sevire ...  remember sm's statment we need to diblirtly tune off the freqs...

well   with good reason...


i think the key is the balum way im persuing  as then you just amplfly it from the little bit that you get.... insted of screwing with massive amounts of the good stuff and risking your life....

btw the fundemental is 7.8hz.... so 7.5hz works...  so does 5hz  and 2.5 hz a personal favroite of mine... ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 11, 2008, 05:00:42 PM
ist's simple lil test..

take a charger unit like i have showen .... place it in the center of a wound coil like a pancake.....  pulse the pancake and take a reading on the balum...

components may need to be SHEILDED TO WORK... just to see if the magic feedback will work...

oops i mean magnetic feedback....

so  then you use the out put of the charger to charge a caps and dump em to the coils....  the feed back will charge up the cap agin...for the next fire.... ;)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 11, 2008, 09:05:40 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 11, 2008, 01:02:51 PM
Can you please tell me how can occour that big explosion?

100W in becomes 1kW out
1kW in becomes 10kW out
10kW in becomes 100kW out
100kW in becomes 1MW out

and thats in a fraction of a microsecond. Your copper and the device will vaporize and if you are unlucky it will take your life with it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 11, 2008, 09:58:33 PM

I tripped a 1200 Amp 3 pole circuit breaker with a 14 ga. jumper wire, by mistake, one time. ( phase to phase - load side connection ) The jumper showed no signs of the short circuit. It is amazing how much current can flow in very short time periods.

I've also seen complete PC board destruction with the 'fast-blow' fuse still good. The rated ampacity of the conductor doesn't mean squat unless the circumstances match everything on the ampacity chart.

Anyone having to worry about such run-aways yet?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 12, 2008, 01:29:57 AM
The vaporization occurs  from the high conductions through the copper. Get above that and the copper doesnt see the force. Skin effect.  :o

--giantkiller from South beach, Maimi.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 12, 2008, 04:59:04 AM
Quote from: Chef on October 11, 2008, 09:30:43 PM
How can the power level increase above the power level, which the copper wire can take, before the evaporation?

Take a power fold of the the device by 10. That means you put 100W into it and you get 1kW from the device. When you get 1100W from a slight instable situation the new factor is 11. The feedback and input is then 110W folded by 11 gives  1210W at the output terminals. This is the basic situation when the device runs away. This will result in an explosion because this happens in a fraction of a second. 1MW in microseconds is realistic.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 12, 2008, 08:00:31 AM
I don't think SM is a fraud just no one has been ale to replicate the TPU yet. I have been busy with other stuff for many months since i last checked in but in not sure if anyone is closer to the TPU especially when i see the TPU still being hit with powerful spikes creating massive EMPs. These are very dangerous and as discussed many times no way was the TPU really operated like this as it would be too dangerous to get near the thing at a 1kW.

Things are happening though across the ZPE scene.  We now have working bedini motors charging many big batteries from one small one, Rotaverter and Newman motors and many others these really do work for fractions of power inputs. There are many excellent studies and results on this stuff. So whats happening with the TPU? I dunno i wish i had access to a lab setup to try this stuff but the rotaverter proves a single phase which is pure sine wave signal BTW going into one phase can be capped in resonance to produce a rotating magnetic field of high order resonance!! It does NOT need sharp impulse to make this happen!!  I been saying this now for years the TPU works on sine waves and there is no need to go looking for magic spot frequencies. Its only the ratio between the frequencies is the key not the spot. SM told you many times the frequency of operation s dependent on the size of the coil. Once you have a rotating magntic field which is dead easy any sync motor does this off the shelf then you make sure it runs on resonance  NOW we start dealing with RF circuits because when you match a load to source signal the current input drops rapidly when its in tune. :)

So we are half way next is extraction. Any coil which is running in resonance IS over unity and the trick is to collect the excess by using an extremely small pulse EXTRACTION not input like you been doing for so long on the tpu. If you make pulse extraction you take a  snap shot in time compression where you can take HUGE amounts of current without reflection to the source! Bedini does this collecting the back emf and for a moment in time you can grab this and dump it into the battery. So the trick is this you dont take everything from the river but you can take a bucket full and pour that into your load yet the river still flows and does not SEE the bucket of water missing! You must NOT destroy the original oscillator signal nor does it have to be very strong to start with. Everything about the TPU relies on RF technology but at much lower frequencies. In essence its a folded dipole fed by a balun toroidal where each side of the dipole is fed a low power sine wave in pure resonance and each half of the dipole is configured as a motor in Y format single phase to 3 phase virtual mode aka rotaverter. This will instantly give you rotation which increases the energy.  I would try to AV plug it and scoop this excess power into caps before attempting to loop it. The virtual currents flowing around the system before looping should be 10 or 20 times higher then the input power.

Hope this helps open some ideas.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 12, 2008, 09:39:41 AM
welcome back BOLT   8)

things would have been much quicker if you were around  :D

glad to see you back

it is all bemf ....

thats the secreat.... ;)

bemf is the back bone the source of free engery

wakie wakie time for the bakee

if we look back in history we will see that ALL magnetic / electric free engery devices have been utilizineing bemf for many years.....



back to work it never ends 8)


access point power supply is almost up and online.... ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 12, 2008, 12:38:05 PM
    If say the copper gets hot enough to vaporize;  the normally matrix bound valence electrons start to express their kinetic energy outside the influence of the copper neucleus.  You get high energy emwaves like xrays etc. which could theoretically cause an avalanche of ionization of the copper and alot of heat and kaboom.  More probable is that the electrons start to circulate about the ionized copper field and you get a plasma.  This would be a good thing because the plasma matter stores the electron kinetic energy like a capacitor.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 12, 2008, 01:16:11 PM

Have you ever seen an impulse voltage test with copper wire? That happens with the wire in your device :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 12, 2008, 01:36:58 PM
Explosions are the last thing you need to worry about you have to make it work first. Unless you have access to scopes, and RF test equipment analyzers etc forget it you never get a folded dipole working with 3 phase on 2 half's working perfectly in tune without it AND loop it after. You are 10 mio times more likely to die of electric shock LOL

My guess is it will take a 20+ year experienced HAM radio guy with excellent background knowledge and good build standards with access to this stuff to make it happen. Kitchen table top workers with a DVM from Rat Shack  will take you 200 years. So do the rotaverter stuff instead you can pick up a 1 HP motor for under 100 bucks, a car battery from the trash and a few caps and you will have results to show for your money and effort.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 12, 2008, 02:23:42 PM

      I think it alot easier to start off with a resonant circuit and modifying the inductor by placing conductors in the core of the inductor.  Something like a Tesla transformer with conductors inside the coil of highself inductance. 
   So we have a coil of so many turns connected to a load.  Wrapped around this coil we have a coil of high selfinductance that produces a moving magnetic field.
Then around a portion of that coil of high selfinductance we wrap a primary winding which is resonant with a capacitor and provide input power to this primary resonant circuit.  If the output winding inductance and capacitance are matched the winding should be transparent to the resonant input circuit but not an external load.  So the magnetic energy normally going in and out of the core is resulting in electrical current flow in an external circuit.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 12, 2008, 02:27:23 PM
does anyone have a spectrum anyilizer??

i was thinking of buying 1

to finish this thing off ......

but most likley not for a bit yet

just so much to build and finish already 


1 is needed  to do this properly and not cause interferience i have herd from other inventors that when u get it just rite you get a self contained plasma force feild  i was also told that when u are around this device and the engeries it produces that your hair stops growing


oh btw my charger board is my osc....just drop a pot on it  ;)  i could do the same thing with a relay............ or a coil and a reed ..... 8)

1 million ways to switch it   TESLA  states you can use dc or ac....

i perfer to call my board in that setup a pulser rather than an osc....

all that is required for ou is the lil kick.... ;)

@ rosphere did you like the movie IRON MAN??  lol
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 12, 2008, 02:33:36 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 12, 2008, 02:26:01 PM
Yeah,but tell me how that will explode my house?  You just talking, but not answering my question.

House exploding is totally bullshit! Of course, you can die, or hurt yourself serious,but you will not make dust from your house in a microsecond. It will not happen!

omg, boy, i just said that......get your thing work and try it, then you will know

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: angryScientist on October 13, 2008, 12:53:18 PM
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't been too active. Life has lots of demands.

Could anyone tell me anything about the subject of Q value has to do with this device? I mean it is a coil so it does have a Q value. I have not seen anyone talking about how to construct this thing and address the Q factor.

The Q factor is affected by the resistance of the wire, the self inductance and the self capacitance. The higher the Q factor the more power the coil will store at resonance. The power that you put into a coil at resonance will be stored in the capacitor and inductor. therefore the voltage between the capacitor and inductor will be the the input voltage times the factor of Q. The amperage will multiplied by Q also. But, this is suposed to be a hidden power and can't be tapped directly.

Thank you for your thoughts on the subject.

By the way, I have been a HAM since I was 11 years old so I do have a little for familiarity with electrical and radio theory than the average bear.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 14, 2008, 07:22:38 AM

From one HAM to another:

You'll have to read the alleged commo with SM. Keep in-mind where thoughts lead to the idea of resonance and Q they probably don't fit conventional thought in LRC circuits. By 'conventional' I mean by the book and narrow minded. It is possible to 'null' a set of coils only in the high audio range of the spectrum. Whether that pertains to a TPU or not I can't confirm until I have one that works  ;D

I've been a brass-pounder for quite awhile. It has only helped a little, later. At first it made this trek more difficult.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Thaelin on October 14, 2008, 08:15:40 AM
   So what you are getting at here is the power gain seen in the coils is the reflected power in the coils. Then if you have a pick up coil
around that coil, will it not see the level of the gain and not the input signal?  The more I see this, the more I keep seeing a pair of three
phase windings overlapping to cause a rotating center field. If done like the RV, the cap will make the other half of the phase lag by 90
degrees for each winding set. That makes 4 phases of 90 for 360. Only diff is the speed at which the rotation is happening, say 5000?
Then  the "pick up coils" see a lot of action. Seems I remember two big caps on the 15". Something to ponder here.


Quote from: angryScientist on October 13, 2008, 12:53:18 PM
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't been too active. Life has lots of demands.

Could anyone tell me anything about the subject of Q value has to do with this device? I mean it is a coil so it does have a Q value. I have not seen anyone talking about how to construct this thing and address the Q factor.

The Q factor is affected by the resistance of the wire, the self inductance and the self capacitance. The higher the Q factor the more power the coil will store at resonance. The power that you put into a coil at resonance will be stored in the capacitor and inductor. therefore the voltage between the capacitor and inductor will be the the input voltage times the factor of Q. The amperage will multiplied by Q also. But, this is suposed to be a hidden power and can't be tapped directly.

Thank you for your thoughts on the subject.

By the way, I have been a HAM since I was 11 years old so I do have a little for familiarity with electrical and radio theory than the average bear.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 14, 2008, 10:34:22 AM

The LTPU big black caps are in series. Would that change the phase issue.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Thaelin on October 14, 2008, 11:27:12 AM
   Would definately. What I was thinking of was 3 phase star wire up with input on one pair of wires
and a cap across the last one. Having two seperate 3 phase setups. If they are in series then it could not
be as I was thinking. Still, I am going to have to build this monster just to see what happens. What I need
is to figure out what size of coils would work well with 5000hz. Then the 15" was said to be 35k so that is
another animal as well.

   Then, the caps may just look as if they are in series. Just too much unknown. This thing has to run in
resonance or it cannot make the output as stated. What ever I do, need to do it quick. Gov shipped 800
billion in Ameros to a bank in china. What does that spell. Dollar kaput.


Quote from: wattsup on October 14, 2008, 10:34:22 AM

The LTPU big black caps are in series. Would that change the phase issue.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 14, 2008, 05:48:21 PM
  you say  for the cap black  <,yes is  the big caps    i think  is  <330 uf   450v  >.two in serial is   165 uf   whit 900 volts>

in one each cap has   one  big diode  <and is like this  <<<<<one cap  whit  one diode   anther  cap  whit anther diode >

the diode is put  in positive  pin of cap  >>anther end of diode is going to coil >
<<<<if you ask   how is posible   whit one diode to have  good  dc voltage  >> yes  can be  dc voltage
if you look the  simple switcing circuits  the secundary  out has  one  diode  for   positive   voltage  <<not  4 diode> 

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on October 14, 2008, 06:47:21 PM
Hi innovation_station,
can you attach the electrical schem, please?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 14, 2008, 07:15:31 PM

As shown below, the caps are in fact in series when you move from this point a few more frames to see the rest of the wiring. But there are no diodes. These are simply bleed resistors indicating that this must be the output capacitors and they require to be bled when the system is shut down. Hmmmm. As for the cap values, i had tried many many times to catch the best image to see the value but no luck. I would guess they are 450 volts each to make 900 volts to equal the output voltage level of the LTPU.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Rosphere on October 14, 2008, 07:44:11 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 12, 2008, 02:27:23 PM
@ rosphere did you like the movie IRON MAN??  lol

What was your first clue?   ;)

The movie was not too bad.  My son wanted to see it, so I took him to the theater when it first came out.

I knew from the moment that I saw Tony Stark wearing the first "arc generator" that I had found my new avatar.  The basic conceptual similarities to the TPU were unparalleled.  Also, to me, the cave represented our little underground.  To top it all off, folks have told me for years that I look a lot like MDJ.

I cropped the photo from some internet movie promo' site just as soon as I got home from the theater.  You like it?

...now to make one...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Rosphere on October 14, 2008, 07:50:05 PM

I like the theory that you have put forth in your recent posts here.  It is quite different than the theory that spherics had posted.  I like both theories but I suspect that they both can not be correct.

Are you planning to attempt a replication with your theory?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 14, 2008, 10:54:31 PM

The color band style on the diode-resistor are of the diode configuration. The body appears to be the 'can' style. Look closely at the pic supplied by @Wattsup. The cathode end is identified as the end with the ridge.
The shape of the can style diode is very similar to the moderrn cola can.

Since the pic is B/W my best guess at the part number will be a 1N09 but could also be a 1N04.

I did a little digging and found the info on the attached document applied to that diode series. Look for the word 'harmonics' and the reference to picosecond cutoff.

If the caps are in series and these are diodes then another possibility for the circuit is a voltage multiplier for HF.

If the attached info applies then I can imagine the circuit doing super fast pulse generation with equally fast cutoff.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: miroslav on October 15, 2008, 02:53:45 AM
hi all  :)
it seem`s that the on LTPU center toroid there are at least two wire`s that going half circle on cw direction and half circle in ccw direction ( may be  4 for each control coil) ?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on October 15, 2008, 06:04:12 AM
Quote from: miroslav on October 15, 2008, 02:53:45 AM
hi all  :)
it seem`s that the on LTPU center toroid there are at least two wire`s that going half circle on cw direction and half circle in ccw direction ( may be  4 for each control coil) ?

aah good old mystery coil

"May be the direction of winding the small coils is also important
Starting the first "kick" comes from the magnets and the kick is a
result of the initial inertia of the free electrons is in the cable.
About the control, sure there are condensators, but i dont know how to
build it.
It could be so, that the small coils successively counter clockwise be
induced, so that there it a rotating magnetic field.."

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on October 15, 2008, 06:22:29 AM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on October 14, 2008, 05:48:21 PM
  you say  for the cap black  <,yes is  the big caps    i think  is  <330 uf   450v  >.two in serial is   165 uf   whit 900 volts>

in one each cap has   one  big diode  <and is like this  <<<<<one cap  whit  one diode   anther  cap  whit anther diode >

the diode is put  in positive  pin of cap  >>anther end of diode is going to coil >
<<<<if you ask   how is posible   whit one diode to have  good  dc voltage  >> yes  can be  dc voltage
if you look the  simple switcing circuits  the secundary  out has  one  diode  for   positive   voltage  <<not  4 diode> 


hello mister Mac

i remember your video about toroid coil and the magnet's
eny new stuff about that thing?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 15, 2008, 01:24:12 PM
heres another peice....

the pvc notched turbo coil....  drop my charger inside it...  out put of the charger is rectified then sent to the coils......

the megnetic feild produced is collected AS INPUT ON THE BALUM....  i designed a danceing magnet generator a longgggg time ago in half baked useing thease coils...

any how it aint magic at all just common sence ;)


i will post a pic  ;D

eh gk mic and speeker ;)  what ? what?? what??? what???  echo echo echo echo    lol!!

i almost cant wait to get started on the next new arc reactor   :D  now if i can just......  replace .... the magnetics with....   hummmm...  lol

have a great day  :)

ists next project ...

THE CASCADE BACK EMF AMP ;)  i was gonna build this months ago and post it but i dont think it was the rite time for it then it is now ..

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 15, 2008, 03:35:53 PM
way you say is  this   <the cap  has  resistor

NO ..

way tpu  get  hot ho wire exsactly is  gething  hot  in the t.p.u.



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 15, 2008, 03:43:18 PM
hi BEP
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 15, 2008, 07:35:04 PM
The caps are almost certain output caps and yes  thats a bleed resistor. It would very  unsafe to transport this tpu about with 1000 volts still floating on those caps for days on end so make perfect sense to bleed it off so its safe to move after.

The toroidal is important its the 1st stage to many tpu's and it has very special properties when there is a magnet beside it. NO you wont find the answer in mainline text books. SM told you to experiment with magnets and coils. Also now i have a much better understanding how this works the large TPU is a 3 stage design and almost certain not the latest version in the model range. The later versions are the smaller devices like the 9 incher and he managed to do this in 2 stages. But the 2 stage design is MUCH harder to get working im not suprised SM said it took several more years to get to that stage. The coil lengths, directions, resonance, size, space between windings and frequencies have to be DEAD right its not forgiving at all. The earlier models AND large tpu 1000 watt are all powered by a battery powered controller. If it was doing this back in 1990's and wanted to hide the battery  i would use a 12 volt 1/2 AA battery that is used in many car alarm key fobs. Thats all you need for the controller its needs milliwatts to start!

The latest models in the range could start without a battery. I think is has a COP>500/1000 before looping and thus just by brushing the start magnet once around the coil then dropping in to the holder will run it without a battery.

Oh don't forget the magnets they are the ignition keys. Engine wont run without it:)

BTW is SM still alive anyone know? Last i heard he had cancer.

Finally i don't have the 100% blue prints i wish i did but by filling in the dots i have a much better picture backed up by already proven OU devices like Bedini, Newman, Rotoverter and others all work on similar key features but on a much simplified level. The TPU is superior cos it takes it up a level higher but if you know the basics from other stuff already out there and working it helps tremendously.  The TPU is a hybrid between say the MEG and the VTA.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 15, 2008, 10:08:54 PM
@Macedonia CD

I'm with you man!

If these folks can't recognize a standard diode case and markings then maybe there is a way to make it work while bleeding the charge from the cap. I fear it is about as likely as using the small toroids as a balun, unun or common-mode choke  ;)

One thing I can't agree on is your condenser(condensator-capacitator-capacitor) description. At that time the voltage and capacitance you mentioned was indeed possible with that case style - but rare in common parts shops. 100 volts - yes, not 450 at the size I believe it to be. Even now you would be lucky to find one rated at 450 for that size and design. My opinion is they are each 2000mFd@50V, the diodes are 1N09's of the gold-bond case variety and that part of the circuit has only one purpose and it is not for filtering the output.

My only problem with the document I last posted (about harmonic and super fast cutoff with a diode) is I still think no TPU ran in the HF range or higher. That document about the step-charge diode says 20mHz or higher is needed. So I am about to throw out my own suggestion.

No problem. I'm not immune to my criticism either.


the step-charge diode problem was well known for destroying mosFET's (the real mosfets - the ones that were constructed using metal oxide substrate --- AFAIK the only true mosfets are made by IBM now. All the rest inherited the acronym but aren't truely mosfets)


Now that I think about it...I wonder if SIDACs or DIACs had the same stepped-charge problem. Wouldn't that be a kick in the pants? A solid state spark gap that was faster than anyhing Tesla could design!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 16, 2008, 08:39:49 AM
Well it could be a diode, but diodes could easilly be placed in the black box.

Question: Could the resistor on the cap be required to keep the output alive while it is not connected to a real load? I have notice that as voltage rises from a secondary into a cap tank, the coupling effect decrease inside a transformer. When you release the cap energy, the coupling effect return inside the transformer to it's maximum.

Here are some other observations on the LPTU;

1) The two toroids, if they are bucking, supply one impulse per toroid. 2 wires per toroid.
2) If you put a reed switch inside the center of the toroid and fill it with epoxy. 2 more wires per toroid. That's four wires from each of the toroids, two white and two black.

We know that in the LPTU, the four wires are coming out 2 by 2. One black to one white. Other black to other white. Why would you put the two in parallel. Because one feeds the coil and the other connects the circuit to short out the  impulse. This will make an oscillating bucking field. The magnet start is required to short out the first reed to get the first system going. He then brought the magnet to the other toroid to get the other reed started.

The toroid pulses with two wires. When it is pulsed it's field closes the reed that shorts the toroid, setting the supply voltage to zero, resetting the drive. All you have to do is provide a steady dc to this and it will pulse.

Here is some proof I did a few days ago but my video camera is broken so I did not do a video. I will do one when I get a new video camera. But here is a picture of what I used.

If you refer to the Tesla Project thread here;

OK I took two microwave transformers and took off the top armatures and this makes a good strong electromagnet. I then took two 3-way reed contacts, the type you use for doors and windows for home alarm systems. I connected them as per the diagram, without the need to use the lower magnets and put only 12 volts dc through the system. Placing the contacts at the approximate position as shown in the photo, the contacts started oscillating continuously. Only required to provide a steady dc voltage. I only used the primaries for this experiment.

Now I am thinking this three way thing can also be done with a two way reed switch if just used in parallel with a transformer to simply short to the bucking coil. Voltage on this does not have to be high. The bucking coil is not wasting anything. It puts energy into the core and also activates the reed. The reed shorts the coil, that implodes the field and some of (or all off depending on the timing) the energy inside the core, back into the feed source as flyback. This makes oscillating shorts, just the way Tesla likes it.

This may or may not be a direct relation to the TPUs. But one thing for sure is in any of these systems, you require a method for pulsing, to create a short, this short can return flyback and/or, even reverse polarity over a coiling system. There are not 1000s of ways to do this and the choice of components is very limited.

What @armagdn03 has shown is that with any coil/cap combo, if you reach a state of resonance, you not only increase the speed of energy exchange but you also increase the field density of a given coiling system. This simple increase in density for let's say the FTPU could be enough to generate and increase the coupling effect between the outer coils and the inner ring.

The electronic circuit (transistor, diode, etc.) let's say on the FTPU. Again, if you have a reed switch inside the toroid, your pulsing mechanism is ready to go. It is simple and in many cases, if the maximum applied voltage to the bucking coil is just right, the reed will last a long time indeed. Since the pulsing is taken care of, all you need is a transistor to sense the flyback and switch it over to a dioded output capacitor.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 16, 2008, 09:43:09 AM
Quote from: Chef on October 12, 2008, 02:26:01 PM
Yeah,but tell me how that will explode my house?  You just talking, but not answering my question.

House exploding is totally bullshit! Of course, you can die, or hurt yourself serious,but you will not make dust from your house in a microsecond. It will not happen!

Maybe this picture answers your question....

You should concider the copper isn't responisible for the explosion, but the reaction is.

The explosion is powered by the source we are tapping into, and this source can and will destroy you and your house in a microsecond in case of malfunctioning controlling circuits, it is extremly powerfull.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 16, 2008, 09:51:16 AM

       I wonder what the magnetic response of a metal oxide semiconductor is.
Maybe he is burying a mosfet in the epoxy instead of a reed switch. ???  Interesting concept putting the sparker inside a coil.  Tesla found that the physical orientation of the spark gap to his coils would make a whole bunch of difference.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 16, 2008, 10:24:41 AM

Yes that could be a mosfet but that requires three connections maybe one shared by the mosfet and the bucking coil.

Not only that, by putting the reed inside the toroid, you would also take advantage of the quenching effect of the toroid center and this helps maintain or preserve the life of the reed.

I have done many tests burning up over 25 reeds but within a field, the reed is still working. A magnet directly next to the reed makes the best action but will burn it up in no time, but near a field it lasts.

Plus as a bonus on today's special, you also get the "vibration" effect in the device itself at no charge.lol
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 16, 2008, 11:15:01 AM
Quote from: sparks on October 16, 2008, 09:51:16 AM

       I wonder what the magnetic response of a metal oxide semiconductor is.
Maybe he is burying a mosfet in the epoxy instead of a reed switch. ???  Interesting concept putting the sparker inside a coil.  Tesla found that the physical orientation of the spark gap to his coils would make a whole bunch of difference.

i have made claims of this in the past and done a bunch of expairments regarding exactly what you say sparks

yes the proper angle makes one HECK OF A DIFFRENCE ;)

my cap charger i made long ago works like this  and if you zap neos...  you will have a much larger plasma flame or rf flame or radient engery ball

when your spark is at the correct angle to the neo

WARNING ....   when doing this i beleave there is a RADITION  HAZZARD !!!!!!  SO BE WISE

i have personally felt burning on my skin...   and it seams similar to welders flash but on your skin !!!!!

i used 12vdc 1 amp and  hand pluses amoung many things   i will warn you DO NOT TOUCH THE MAGNET  you will feel it !!!!!

i have done many expairments such as this and i have vids here showing my spikes on my scope.... 

also it gets better....    ;)

when i use this as my osc and put the output to a mot  :o :o :o 8) 8) ;D

now u see tha light stand up 4 ur rite

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 16, 2008, 11:17:17 AM
Thanks a lot Marco ;)

But he will not understand, thats for sure.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 16, 2008, 11:25:43 AM
oops got a lil off topic lol sorry!!

but i will tell u this

@ bolt and all

to make the tpu run with out batteries....

this is how i see it ...   ok take the magic feedback coil  or similar ...  place a magnet on the balum and remove it or swipe it over the balum

what this will do is start the process the tiny amount of power in the balum will be amped via cold electricty captured in a cap and dumped to the coil


that is it ...

and it will repeat till it winds up lol .. then it will power the bulb ...  insted of it running away you are siphoning power away to lite the bulb

i will at some point build the most simplest way to achive this ....


btw  we are useing low voltage low amparge hot electricty to control hi voltage higher amparage cold electricty or NATURAL POWER ;) then make it hot power through CONVERSION
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 16, 2008, 12:04:21 PM
As I said, he will never understand :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 16, 2008, 12:14:23 PM
There will be no nuclear reaction.

Think what you want "Chef"  :D

Have a nice day

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 16, 2008, 12:47:12 PM

If you understand how the device works then you know that a failure in one of the subsystems can result in a violent, instant release of energy.  :o

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 16, 2008, 01:57:59 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 16, 2008, 01:09:57 PM
Can you explain in more depth?

You are not trying to split/brake the copper atoms, you trying to convert copper atoms mass to pure energy! It's like you changing the primary driving force phase in all atom in the collector, and they will receive more energy from the "system".
bullshit, and you don't know what are you talking about.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 16, 2008, 03:47:54 PM
   Electrons orbit the neucleus near the speed of light.  You derail them from their atomic orbits you get the potential energy stored in their orbital momentum.  Takes less energy to snap an electron bond to the neucleus than to accelerate the electron to the speed they are at running and spinning about the neucleus at.
No weird science just steering the car off the tracks.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 16, 2008, 05:54:39 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 16, 2008, 05:10:45 PM
So, can you explain how will the "device" make a hole from any house?

The device increases energy applied to itself.  Say you put in 10 Joules, it converts this energy to 10.000 Joules.  If the output is connected back to the input, then the 10 J becomes 10.000 J, which becomes 10.000.000 J which becomes J.  Where does this energy comes from?  It take an imense amount of energy to create our reality and maintain it.  This energy is provided by our universe.  This device changes the rate that this energy is applied to the collector wires.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 16, 2008, 06:21:19 PM
nice grumpy

but i guess i was not clear yet on a few things ....

to avoid RUNAYAY OR LIGHTNING explosions and all that wild stuff ....

think a little b4 u build it!!

a cap will only charge to its value  i have seen overcharged caps but when hooked properly it will not over charge .. 1 cap is for self running at the desired voltage you choose .. thus eliminating the chance of runaway ...

also ..

the other is an out put cap many times larger .....  designed to work with what you intend to power



also i throw in this eh armma ..  if man needs 3 word to explain ....   let those words be  BALANCED RYTHMIC INTERCHANGE ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 16, 2008, 06:32:34 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 16, 2008, 06:17:19 PM
I clearly understand that. But please explain me, if we need let's say 1kilowatt energy release in one microsecond for vaporizing the collector,how the rest of energy, what are you tell me will coming exponentially, will occur in our reality? It will ignite the air in the house? Or what? How do you think, that will happening?

The energy is concentrated in the device when in operation.  It will seek to relieve itself when the forces containing it are removed.

What will happen if you had a capacitor that could store Joules and you suddenly discharged this energy?  Have you seen shrunken coins, and exploded wires?  That is how your house will explode - by a shockwave in the medium - not an atomic reaction - no radiation - just energy release.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 16, 2008, 07:14:35 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 16, 2008, 06:59:21 PM

So, let's say the energy what the device can release in one second is 100w. That mean, it can release 10 000w of power in 100 second run. Is that mean the energy contained in the device is 10 000w? I think no! The device working like your electric socket in the wall. If you drawn more power that your fuse can accept, like short connect the wall socket with two wire, after you exceed the limit of your fuse, the discharging will stop, and your fuse kicked out you from the system. But if you short connect the wall socket with 5cm, hair thick cable, the cable will explode in a microsecond, but the discharging will stop!

Yes, the discharge will stop eventually. Until it does, the output is conencted back to the input and magnification continues - it only takes microseconds.  Wire is a conductor within a dielectric, it is not the only path for the energy.  Just like an arc across a surface, if less energy is required to make a path, then the arc will follow a longer path and not directly through the air.  This is known as the principle of "least action".
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 16, 2008, 07:42:53 PM
     If we take a condensor charged to 1000 volts.  What do we really have.  We say there is potential but what do we really have.  We have more electrons on one plate than the other and no way for the electrons to flow easily to the other.  But what do we really have.  We have a denser energy field relative to a less dense energy field.  That means that the space between the two plates has voltage also with no mass.  So if there is a way to exploit this voltage between the two plates would it effect the mass producing them or would the voltage just keep on coming?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 16, 2008, 08:08:38 PM

in my experience it just keeps on flowing with out concern to the source.....


as fast as i can short my cap there it is agin :P

anyone know the time??!!??!!??

video time

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 17, 2008, 05:57:31 AM
The cap is not safe, because you will not only get your energy from the cap when you feedback, you also get energy from the output, because the cap is parallel to the output. That means there is no protection of run away.

And: The bigger the collector, the more energy you will need to vaporize the copper, the bigger the explosion.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 17, 2008, 06:35:08 PM
  hi  to all

                            NICE SWITCHING  PARTS  YOU HAVE PUT  ON YOUR  TPU  marco<>

i hope is not expload like  your  atom bomb<yes   

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 17, 2008, 07:52:07 PM
hey i picked up some new wire anyone ever use anything like this???

seams to me i can replace my resistors in my curcuit with this wire as i have a little problem over time with them burning out when i turn the coil up

lincoln electric s-6mig .025" .64mm

it is copper coated mig welding wire.....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 18, 2008, 12:05:01 AM
Quote from: Chef on October 16, 2008, 07:22:56 PM
So, you state, it really doesn't matter how big is the device, the collector could be one single 10cm radius loop of wire, or 1m radius 2kg wire, the discharge always will be really powerful, as you state, it's enough for make that high shock wave, what will destroy the house.  How many energy is that about? Do you know that?

I can say that Steven Mark was a really lucky man, if your theory is right, because he stated, they destroyed more than 300 unit.

the size of the device is relevant to some degree, but understand that even a device that fits in the hand can provide enough energy to power your home.

How much energy?  A very large amount.   Millions of Joules.  Does it really matter?

Build the Spherics tetrahedron TPU - it will work just as he states it will.   

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 18, 2008, 01:03:48 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 18, 2008, 12:05:01 AM
understand that even a device that fits in the hand can provide enough energy to power your home.

indeed grumpy ...

i wish i could share all of my designs....  but i cant at this moment in time....


yep that is correct...

i have created in my mind  a wireless transmision of electrical power  device   ap and users that can be billed to the users and controled by the owners

it really aint that hard

to build may prove difficult but i dont think so....

because the fact of the matter is i DO NOT TRANSMIT HIGH POWER  ;)

no worries i have this idea down!!!!

this will require investors and they are lined up 8)

so who wants teslas dream a wireless grid???   

just think no maintince on lines poles all that crap....   can i do it ....



btw this is utilizing tpu technolagy and will be freq spsific to each ring.....  like the cell fone grid....   a transmittion tower and the users  the tower will transmitt a freq that will activate all rings in a given area the rings will convert the engery on site ...

just like blowing a whistle and calling lightning... ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 18, 2008, 11:21:54 AM
     So we get a rotating (more like a vortex) magnetic field going.  Isn't this just storing energy in an inertial frame?  Where's the gain?  I can create a rotating magnetic field by turning my tablesaw motor on.  Why even bother creating this elusive rotating magnetic field?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 18, 2008, 12:09:16 PM
it is not required for free engery how ever is some cases the rotation is free and why not use it...

as well you can build and design a much more powerful device  utilizeing rotation that is free this is where your high amps will come from  ;)

your supply power  is bemf  and with it you power your altonator ...

ok but  i see no reason to make a particle accelerator !!!

we really should be building a particle deaccelerator.....

there already flying around extreamly fast  catch em and slow em down


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: angryScientist on October 19, 2008, 05:10:35 PM
Hello all,
In the picture of the two small toroids you have been talking about two wires, one white and one black. This looks very familiar to me.

The last toroid I wound looked some what similar to that. Only the second wire I used was not a wire at all. It was a non conductive line used as a spacer. I had to use a spacer in between each turn to keep the turns separated as much as possible. I sure didn't want the turns to touch as that would increase the self capacitance of the coil. Self capacitance in a (high frequency) coil is BAD!

I would suggest that the white "wire" is not a wire at all. It would be an insulator used only to separate the individual windings.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 19, 2008, 05:43:19 PM
   Looks like those black wires are square.  Could this be a cannibalized magnetron core?    His starter magnets then bend the electron emission and starts a field a spinning just like a magnetron does.  Difference is this one is big and the lctanks are setup to be resonant at 5khz.  The gain is produced by the weakmagnetic field of the Earth keeping the spoked field a spinning.  Magnetic tornadoe of sorts.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Anothertruthfinder on October 19, 2008, 05:46:21 PM
Hi all aka eel here  ;D, sorry about the slightly off topic idea ive got but i just have to get this out somewhere,

i took one binatone 'walkie talkie' - i think 443mhz - and previously to this i had made a quick basic 'charge pump' circuit (Tate ambient power module or the 'free to air electricity' circuit), i was getting interesting result from a sound card on my pc with frequency gen software so i found it liked high frequency to 'excite' some voltage through the module managed to get about 40 volts from a 4 volt output and light loads of leds, anyway moving on to the walkie talkie, i found out that transmitting right near the diodes in the circuit i could induce a good 26volts at 40 milliamps peak enough to light a homemade 12 volt 48 led array near full brightness! i checked to see how much power the cb was drawing away from the circuit - 4.5 volts @ 80 ma, lighting up the leds 4.5 volts @ 85 ma, so logically i get about three quarters of a watt back from about 350 milliwatts! - shades of tesla bigtime! (wardenclyffe tower) - what if i put ten charge pumps in proximity of the aerial and fed a loop back to rechargable batts and powered a load? - im seriously investigating this matter - it partly seems to good to be true but maybe tesla knew exactly what he was talking about. if i put a large solar panel up am i making the sun work harder? if a million people tune in to radio 1 does the station feel extra drain? not as far i know. now it was mentioned that steven supposedly started these devices and it took a little time to charge but would self sustain there after - caps? and the ring kept the signal focussed and channelled perpetuating til thermal runaway took over? trying to do a jigsaw here i guess hehe
ill keep you posted about proof of concept. loads of potential i see here
also ill put some circuits and values and pics up soon as if ya all like?

catchya soon, take care
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 19, 2008, 06:46:31 PM
hi to  new   man up herewhit  rf transmiter ;)



BUT I   made mysefl rf amplifaers more biger and i know how is working  but i dont have yet  test  didi i whill get more  the  transmiter energy
ABOUT 10 YEARS AGO I HAVE MAKE   50WATT RF  FM TRANS.  AND  i put antene <dipol >out  and  i get   simple  analog mesurment   and  i see some force moving the  nigle of analog mesurment  whit out eny conection >
that was for me   insparation how is  this   strange efeckt  hmm but that was long time ago
then i have make   simple reciver  whit only diode  and coil  and opss i get 0,2v max   to  load  150 ohm load there
hmm <GREAT THINGS  >but i have   need  to get more power  like   10000000 diode  recivers to make  >but no to much
THEN  then   i have find   for first time << T.P.U> OF THAT strange  secret copy many   <Steven Mark>

                    yes  t.p.u or  generator whitout eny moving parts   <made long before the <Steven  Mark >  reborn   mystery

I                 I LIKE TO SAY  SOMETHING ABOUT  SOME  DOCUMENTARY I HAVE WATCHS LONG TIME AGO  IN THE TV.<< i dony remember where is beang this  test make  but is beang like this

  small plane  whit 100watt i thing has beang  elktromotor  for  that small plane  whit remote control 
that plane  has  no  have eny batery or eny kind fosil fuel   ony  reciver  ho pick up enrgy  of some transmiter and <THE PLENE IS  FLYING  >WHIT NO ENY KIND   FUEL  >

<<PS if you whant  the sheme for rf amplifaers  im here    i know how is  to make  <rf is complicate  divices for  tune  and whit out harmonics  >i work long time whit  that stuff <<YOU ONLY FIND 10000000 RECIVERS DIODE AND MAKE TEST ;) ;) ;)    :D :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 19, 2008, 07:01:52 PM
    Welcome another.  You got the jist of things.  The rf catalyzes disresonance of the mass emwavefield it encounters.  Reflect the rf enough times through the mass you get a standing wave field with voltage nodes that end up on your output terminals.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 19, 2008, 07:08:28 PM
ok for the wireless grid i spoke of b4

this is how im starting to see it

btw i used to install wireless internet  ;)

so we need a freq a carrier if you like  just for simplisity and it makes it easyest for me we will use 2.4ghz wirless internet gear  ;)  keep it simple and cheep !!!!!!

so we need a tower as an access point just a place of transmittion we will brodcast exacatlly the same as we do now a days lets use a 1 watt amp

so we would want an omni antenna on the access point so we have 360 deg of transmittion  ok thats it for the access point  this is line of sight transmittion ....

now on the recieving end we need a reciever be it what ever i personally would use tubes in my final network  but we will use a 2.4 ghz bridge ...  and an atenna ...

the bridge will recieve what ever we transmitt from the tower ...   what goes on next  is simple  my tpu's will have no control curcuitry in them  they will be sent signals fron the bridge that will activate the coils....

im gonna leave it there ....  for now  ;)

all coils will be identical other than the unique signiture used for control of payment :) this will enable the owners of this tower to connect or disconnect at there will.....

i dont like the idea to charge for it but the goves will have it no other way

truley there is no need to make it this way but why not .......   


not to hijack the thred as i usually do lol ....   

but keep this in mind!!!!!!   i have set up links useing this exact gear i speek of over 40km and i have POE...  over 900' 

poe = power over eathernet  this means 0 interferience from any coils and control curcutry ... as well everything needs to be sheilded...

plus you can just burry the ring   underground  so an it is tamper proof  8) ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 19, 2008, 07:11:39 PM


I THING IS  RF SPARK ;) :D ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 19, 2008, 07:35:22 PM

     Tesla would feed pulse energy into a resonant circuit using his capacitor/coil up in the tower and the Earth as an inductor.  This way the conductor/coil of high selfinductance between the ground and the cap up top would result in a mass elicited gain every time the waves would bounce from the top of the tower to the bottom.  This way he utilized the current lost in a typical resonant circuit to support his standing wave.  So out the top of the tower you have some real high voltage over ground building up.  He needed to run this at high frequency otherwise he would start ionizing the air around the top of the tower and blow the whole block up with a 300foot long lightning bolt.  I think he was operating in the radar spectrum looking at the covers of some of his books.

  Hey Mac how ya doing.   You should see the sparks I got flying in my microwave standing waves burning water.  I gotta get my video up this stuff is fun.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 19, 2008, 08:32:43 PM
awsome sparks...

i designed that system with safety in mind and with out the use of hi  power  there is no need to transmitt high power only the need to recieve high power ;)

any how nuff bout that

here is my 6pac charger unit

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 20, 2008, 08:44:03 AM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 20, 2008, 11:40:08 AM

     I'm worrying if Spider is still around?    The magnetic field demonstrates all properties of a gas.  So hydrodynamics become magnetic hydro dynamics.  You should be able to figure out the rest.  hint EMP resulting from a CMF caused by stored BEMF.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 20, 2008, 11:50:08 AM

I am still around and doing well.
I dont log in as much, as I can read the forum as a guest as well.

There is not so much happening in the TPU thread here.

As for myself, the electronics and all that are still very difficult for me. Have to study more.
And ofcourse waiting for results and stuff from other builders LOL.

How the thing works, I have figured that out. But building it is a whole different matter.
Its hard, expensive, time consuming.

Thanks for your concern! :)

Greetings Spider.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 20, 2008, 05:26:37 PM
hi spider

i know elktronics  you have idea lets   byld together you tell me i whill make

   DO YOU HAVE ENYone  know  way  t.p.u  has make vibration \
what is  produced  this vibration


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 20, 2008, 10:31:24 PM
here is the mess...   got a few wires left to solder....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 20, 2008, 11:26:31 PM
ED.L. also used square wire. It is hanging in his tool room just inside the door by the stairs to the second floor.
I know because I touched it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 20, 2008, 11:35:44 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 20, 2008, 10:27:40 AM
Dr. Grumpy!

No any answer? Marco same...

I just checked all the news, BBC, CNN, local news, but there is no report about big nuclear explosion, so I hope you all still alive.  :D

What is there to say?

That Tesla was correct?  That Helmholtz was on the right path?  That a correction to the work of Hertz yields equations for motional aether?

If you want to be free, build the tetrahedron TPU, or review the works of the old EM experimenters and develop your own version.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 21, 2008, 08:44:37 AM
   The corrections Grumpy refers to are quite revealing.  I believe even particle physics hints at a moving aether if one considers neutrino stream kinetic energy from neutron stars and galaxies as comprising the aether.  These streams have no wave properties to them just kinetic energy.  I believe they create the magnetic field and are what is responsible for photon slow down around bodies of mass that elicit high concentrations of these particles.  Now if quantom physics spent more time trying to figure out the play between an electron and it's neutrino and less time dwelling on what is inside the subatomic particles we'd get somewhere faster.  It's vibrations inside them mass fields boys,  move on.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 21, 2008, 09:40:11 AM
Chef, you should do something, not only bla bla....Build your device and we will see...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 21, 2008, 10:00:01 AM

The tpu is vibrating because some coils are constantly energized and some coils are pulsed.
So they are drawn together and pushed apart.

@Chef, ya man , go and build something!!! :)

Copper mass, high voltage short pulses, light speed, wave propagation, Spherics, Aspen, Bedini, Tesla, SM............. :D


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 21, 2008, 10:17:08 AM
Still building.  I am better at blah blah blah than electronics.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 21, 2008, 10:21:46 AM
It will work

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 21, 2008, 11:03:12 AM
It's safe.  The bad reputation is from lack of knowledge. 

A stick of dynamite is safe until you light the fuse or initiate a blasting cap.

So, build it, Chef.  You will be glad you did.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 21, 2008, 11:12:49 AM

       I'm into building a microwave excited fireplace insert to burn things that normally  just don't.  Things like water and plastic and hell I get it perked up enough,  betya I can burn nitrogen.  No neuclear regulatory agency or fcc up my ass because I emp the grid.   You think it is safe to pulse huge torroidal chokes with high voltage square waves?  You obviously see no danger in storing magnetic energy in a field and the power involved when this capacitor is allowed to discharge at rates that make a nanosecond look like a year.  Even SM didn't know the dynamics of this device let alone the dangers.  I believe in experimentation to proove or disprove a theory.  Not replication attempts at a very misunderstood device.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 21, 2008, 11:42:28 AM
i will design somthing that works and is simple to rep but give me some gide lines.....

all my shit works..... ;)

most is not finished by my choise not be cause i cant finish it  ;)


catch up already ...

i guess we are past the power supply now!!!  and conversion  and it is clear to everyone how to do it?

i will hope fully have my pulse motor controller / power supply finished and chargeing caps from a 9 v today....

then we will take the free converted cold electricty and power somthing with it now .....

as the OZONE pattend says we must  switch the caps to use the power ...... 8)

so i will get into more of this after i get my power supply finished and working...


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 21, 2008, 11:48:02 AM
Look what he built. This guy knows it works.
He died of stomach cancer.
Thats in case no one understands the atomic explosion as being the big picture.

[Come on all you big strong men. Uncle Sam needs your help again...]

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 21, 2008, 11:56:05 AM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 10:30:27 AM
Yeah, we know already Dr. Antimon. It will work, and just "One little special moment and you and your home are dust...".

I am already reported YOU to police. I think you are a terrorist.  :o You want to see peoples to die!  :-\

this is compleat bull shit!!!!







Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 21, 2008, 12:05:36 PM

    If you got a microwave and a piece of copper wire do this.   Take about 4" and curl it up so the two ends are facing each other.  You need some enamel on the wire and a nice clean cut.  Put this on an upside down plate you don't care about.
Then put a little water on the plate near the gap which should be about an inch.  You can put a second coil inside the first to help things along.  Put the whole thing in the microwave.  Turn her on.  It will take about 3 seconds for the filament in the microwave to warm up.  Then watch the water burn in blue white patterns and the standing waves pop the water making a high voltage corona discharge noise.
    I know what is going on here because I research shit like this.  I don't waste countless hours putting this that and the next thing together and doing this and that to them then try to find an explanation for it.
    Another thing you can try is converting radiowaves to light using a 4watt cb radio at 27mhz.  You take the output from the cb and connect it to a piece of copper magnet wire wrapped round a 40watt uv flurescent bulb.  Take the copper shield from the coax and drop it in a glass of water next to the bulb.  Key up the mike and the bulb lights up.  No filament heating or themionic emission or voltage across the tube.  Just electro-magnetic wave reflection through the bulb that excites the mercury vapor into plasma mode.  You use a steel clip at the end of the shield wire and no light.  Cause all your emwave energy is setting and resetting the magnetic field instead of turning the glass of water into a capacitor/antennae.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 21, 2008, 12:13:11 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 12:00:08 PM
That's the only problem!  ;D

No offence man!  ;)  :)

i am the least of this worlds problems....

and a good part of the solutions ... imho   

the world is a mess if you havent noticed ....

dont positives attract??  might this be why the earth is getting HOTTER??


btw you will never move forward till you look back ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 21, 2008, 12:30:48 PM

    Don't even think about bringing that generator of Ed's home for evaluation by an expert.  :)    Any chance Ed had room for an electric motor underneath it.  High frequency generator driven by a lowfrequency motor?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 21, 2008, 02:19:35 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 11:25:06 AM

Do you want to talk here about your theory why it will work for sure? You don't have one working, I bet you never saw one working personally, so you need to understand that clearly, if you can be sure, it work!

Are you going to show one working?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 21, 2008, 04:20:02 PM
Nobody wants that someone dies...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 21, 2008, 04:31:12 PM
Quote from: sparks on October 21, 2008, 12:30:48 PM

    Don't even think about bringing that generator of Ed's home for evaluation by an expert.  :)    Any chance Ed had room for an electric motor underneath it.  High frequency generator driven by a low frequency motor?

He had an inordinate amount of Block and Tackles around. I say he used the 'A' frame and a block and tackle as a watch spring. The center weight falls really slow to work a cable attachment to the crank shaft bottom of the generator. He originally used a bicycle.
At a certain revolution the genny spins a compass along side. With 24 n/s n/s n/s n/s n/s magnets the revolutions can be slow and the cycles are still there.
I'll post videos tonight.

I cracked Coral castle mystery...
It is a sextant type map pointing to a inhabited planet. Follow along.

You will notice that there are 2 tables or rail road ties along the front and the right side. Grab on to your shorts! The front has wire tie downs. There he wires down a bottled inductor. The wire loops match the respective ends of the bottles. The other railroad tie is for the variable capacitor. Can you say LC circuit? The long coil on the wall is ceramic core. This is placed in the holder on the other side. It has fat copper of 10#awg. Same as the the flat wire on the wall. Step up/step down, he has the items to do any.

The cross hair wire in the North point is not even straight. A spark gap at 33 feet height. 1500 volt potential at that altitude.

The combinations of different coils and variable caps are for the different mass sizes of the blocks he moved. Why heavy blocks? So they could not be moved in the future. The walls are made in segments. The gaps are only visible from the inside. The viewer is in a clock, chronometer, sextant, compass, resonant cavity. All objects line up with either the wall graticle or celestial objects.

The walls have slat markings where they were cut out from the quarry. The 'Blades' are in the tool room. These slats are smooth like spread clay. No cutting or chisel marks. The blades were put in place and driven in by the generator. Keely did this a couple of years prior to release gold from the quartz in an exhausted mine. The quartz fell to the ground like sand and the owner bent over and picked up the gold with his hand. The hole was 18 feet long, 4 1/2 feet wide and was cut? in 18 minutes. Quartz? This whole place is crystal.
In the interviews with the people on the DVD they never once mentioned machine sounds. Just 'The next day a stone would be erected''.
Well the responses are everything he had was so simplistic and primitive. Guess what? It don't take much.  8)

Ed's Barbecue is a smelter/blast furnace. The repentence room is a blast shield. The strange looking holes are windows with vertical tool manipulation slots. There are 2 of them. You can work the furnace from these 2 windows. The chair is there to sit on while he worked the bellows that feeds the furnace through a pipe below. There are steps on the left of the Repentance room by the beds. You go up the steps and you have access to long metal stock into the smelter.

On the iron door he has the sun, earth/21, and a object on the other side of the sun. The same display is on one of the standing stones. I didn't get a chance to see the angle facing. This also states on the door to 'ring the bell twice'. Why do we ring the bell? One frequency inside another. It is the path of the signal just closing the 1st revolution of the pancake coil.

Look at the 3 bears. One is too hot. One is too cold. One is just right by Goldilocks. PHI http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ratio
This points to the Pinwheel galaxy same one that the standing wave model North of Indian Springs, NV.  points to.
The bright planetary nebula Owl Nebula (M97), named for its appearance, can be found along the bottom of the bowl of the Big Dipper
Of note as a curiosity more than an interesting deep sky object is Messier 40, a double star that Messier nonetheless included in his catalogue. This looks like the cresents.
Ursa Minor  The tail is Polaris, the North star.

47 Ursae Majoris has a planetary system with two confirmed planets, 2.54 times and 0.76 times the mass of Jupiter.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrasolar_planet. Close to the Goldilocks zone!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gliese_581_d  Approx 20 light years. I say Ed was right by 21.

If one walks up the steps of the Polaris Telescope / North pointer and turns and faces into the chronometer, on the opposite wall there is an 'alter'. Look straight up for an alignment time. You then go and then stand on the 'alter' and face into the park.  When all the correct alignments are made by the facing chairs onto the wall the sexton will be correctly aligned. This is when the music can be made that resonates the environment. TeleForce.
On the North pointer steps the planets on your left will rise above that horizon. Mars and Saturn. These shadows should also point to something on the wall in the morning.

The 'Turnstyle' had a horn on it that can be blown and in any direction. At the right frequencies and power wave the cresent moons become parabolic focusing dishes. I am sure the angular line up is very, very important.
There is a lounger in the middle. Lay on this and look up to the sky. The angle points to something revelant at the right time of the year when the rest of this chronometer lines up.

The star of David or the Latvian cross appears 3 three times in the chronometer. Ursa Major was also pictured as a bear by both the Jewish people and most North American peoples.

If you take the ED.L. and apply it into the code table of the code144 you get 54.3.
The four stars in the "bowl" of the little dipper are unusual in that they are of second, third, fourth and fifth magnitude.

ISBN: 0-9637467-6-6  8)

Moving the stones was child's play. Read the sextant. Read the chronometer. Follow the map. I was there amongst the tourists and their fairy tail park guides. I know what I saw in real time stoneware. It is still there. Thanks, Ed.

I saw similar alignments in Tulum. It is a solar / celestial stadium. The building shadows point to places on the wall that surround it on the west. And view ports point out into space. Other standing stones point into space. It is not even documented.

--giantkiller. We won't get fooled again.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 21, 2008, 04:57:04 PM
hi to all



HELOO <<<<<<     Marcel ,, Inovation,,  Sparks,,    >>>>>>>

Marco  hmmmmmmmmmm   whereare your t.p.u

          Mannix   say haloo  to S.M   TELL HIM   THAT THE HIS  T.P.U IS NOT HIS  DEVICE



   YOUR FRIEND FROM  Macedonia
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 21, 2008, 06:17:45 PM
There is a wealth of other things that will crash into your mind, life and soul.You have but to follow instructions.
The red pill or the blue pill. In or out. The choice is yours.

The biggest barricade is yourself. Follow instructions, follow along or fall off.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ramset on October 21, 2008, 06:38:00 PM
YES you missed reality  THIS IS NOTHING NEW!!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 21, 2008, 06:39:39 PM
That's King David to you, son.

Have you absorbed anything here? The only shortcut is to try something, show something. Then ask.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 21, 2008, 07:00:50 PM

      tell us the bla bla bla behind this one

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 21, 2008, 07:21:23 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 06:45:26 PM
If I show you a green spark, can I join to sect?  ;D  ;D  ;D (sorry Grumpy, I can't missed that out)

the green spark was just to show that the color of the spark does not always mean "something unusual" is happening.  I got violet, blue and white as well as green - all from same system with different parameters.

Bedini shows a green/blue arc from a cap and claims it is radiant energy.  If this is the case then there must be more than one mechanism of energy storage in a capacitor - some sort of "super capacitance" - Dollard is the only one that I know has actually used this term in his work and super capacitoance was imparted by "compressing the aether" - which occurs when it is ordered (polarized) and it can store an imense amount of energy - it's sudden release is a radiant depolarization which will induce current/charge onto conductors.  Aether is ordered by magnetic fields as well as electric fields and changes in one, while in the presence of another, induce a force on the third.

At the time that I got the colorful arcs, I thought that Bedini was fully wrong, but I am not sure now. 

See, the aether is like a sea of virtual potentials in a non-physical dielectric - be it vacuum if you like.  Move the medium (charges within a dielectric) and you induce a current - under the correct circumstances that is. 

If energy can be stored in a capacitor's dielectric as well as the aether around and inside it - then Bedini is correct at least in the fact that more energy is stored, even if wrong that the color of the arc is an indicator. Of course, I could have been wrong and had RE all over the place and no means to detect it. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 21, 2008, 09:58:46 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 07:51:45 PM
I see you have selective eyesight, so I just copy here again my last post:

"I knew it, that will be your next question!  Grin

I never stated it will work, and never told to anybody to build one, why do I need to show a working one?

If I remember right, you are the one, who state in every third post, build one, and you will be happy...blablalblalblaba  Cheesy

I am still interested to make conversation with you about your theory, why it will work. YES, I need to ask YOU, because YOU state it will work for sure, and YOU offer to peoples to build one!

I think it's pretty obvious to asking you, I am really open minded to hear your theory."

Can you help me to understand why do I need one? Let's do it, tell me why this need to work, I don't need exactly building manual, just a theory, why  are you so sure it will work.

Not selective, I just went to the last post of the thread.

I do not believe that Spherics spoke any untruths, nor did Tesla - therefore I proceed on blind faith that it must work regardless of what anyone else says or thinks.  In an effort to understand unanswered questions, since there is no one available to answer them, I started reading old manuscripts from Tesla's era, and came to the conclusion that the devices that Tesla built and Spherics described, must work - without a single doubt in my mind.

Few know that Hertz initially measured instantaneous transfer of waves, but he doubted that this was correct.  This is found in his own diary.  His published work on electromagnetic waves was an effort to prove Maxwell correct, no to prove that longitudinal waves do not exist.

I have found very little of Helmholtz's work translated, but his theory appears to match Tesla work.  Tesla was fluent in German and well informed.  I am sure he read Helmholtz's work published between 1870 and 1880.  Tesla's work with radiant energy, I believe, began in 1891 or 1892.  Tesla did state that a published work of another proved he was correct.  I forget this person's name, but it was not Helmholtz.

Why do you need one?  So you have unlimited energy to light/warm/cool your home, and furnish power for you machines and endeavors.

Why will it should work?  Because Helmholtz defined longitudinal polarization waves of aether in motion and their properties match that of the field within these devices.

Why it will work?  TPU was replicated over a year ago.  It is doubtful that Spherics knew this, but his description matched reality and that it all I needed.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 21, 2008, 11:11:55 PM
       This sound familiar?  Compliments of BEP and Koen1.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 21, 2008, 11:25:57 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 10:29:15 PM
Are you just joking with me, right?  :o

Believe,blind faith, etc... Is that some religious forum? Where I am?  :D

No. No joke.  I see you did not comment on the TPU replication. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 21, 2008, 11:37:25 PM
Not trying to derail. But maybe other examples of not so known technology will spark some insight or show some old lies that can be dispelled.




Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 22, 2008, 05:40:34 AM
So sad discussion  :'( :'(

It makes me feel horrible.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 22, 2008, 05:42:43 AM
Chef, why you be here? To make the people in the forum angry? To stick some information out of us? Or is it boredom?

Make a construktive conversation otherwise leave.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 22, 2008, 06:58:13 AM

ho now whill be make  a war here 


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 22, 2008, 07:59:28 AM
Hello all,


let them fight. In this way they dont work on a TPU and cant blow their houses. Its maybe better when they fight,ha,ha.

As Marco said, a sad discussion and Im soooo sad because I dont see the people are building TPUs. Everything stopped. No test results, nothing. Just only fights.

Yes, Im working on this device, every day at least 3 hours, learning, building but I dont want to share because it has no sence. There would be a lot of questions from PC heroes and I dont want to waste my time with them.
Did I mention names? NO.

I know who  a TPU builder is and who  a PC hero is.

Hmmm...on the other hand Im happy that nobody wants to get dirty hands. Its a chance to get my money back when Im finished with my research. The price? We will see. Maybe now will somebody start to get dirty fingers?? MONEY!!!!

Ha,ha, its the only way today to get people to work.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 22, 2008, 08:13:41 AM
Well well, arent we all having a blast :)

Funny how these arguments come in waves once every while.

Marco, dont be sad, just people blowing off some steam.

Otto, not sharing doesnt mean not building!
I know quit a few now who are making nice stuff.

Chef, here is one for you:

If you want info, ask for info. If you want proof, go bother somebody else.

Here in my little country we have a saying, dont bite the hand that feeds you......

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 22, 2008, 08:21:37 AM
Hello all,


thanks a lot for this info. You know, its not nice when I think Im almost allone working on my TPU. Now Im happy again.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 22, 2008, 09:58:47 AM
    The below link is to an article in time magazine circa 1940.  This technology is owned and operated by GE to this day.  This technology for obvious reasons was scooped up by the Military during wwii and now we have microwave ovens.  To get wattage through a vacuum tube the only way is to increase voltage.  But if you do this the grid in the tube gets bombarded with electrons and you get surface plasmoids from the electron collisions with the grid and soon this plasma field grows until it creates a short between the cathode and the grid.  All sorts of screens and coils were used to combat this but it was a case of diminshing returns.  Then this young man comes along and puts the filament inside a torroidal piece of glass.  Then around this torroidal shaped light bulb he puts kick coils.  Now as the filament is heated the thermionic emitted electrons respond to the pulsed magnetic field and curve their free flight along a path that is defined by the magnetic field imposed on the filament.  The electrons soon reach phenomenol speeds.  No supercooled magnets and 30mile tunnels or any of that horseshit.
   The electrons when they are in atomic orbitals in the valence shell of elements they are moving at upwards of 1/10th the speed of light.  So when they get thermionically shaken loose of the filament atoms they are moving at greater than 1/10 the speed of light already.  Not alot of mass but there is a shitload of them and you didn't have to accelerate them to 1/10 the speed of light just cut them loose. So now you impose a magnetic field to guide not accelerate just guide these little devils to start running around the inside of the betatron.  So we have an electron cloud running around at 1/10 the speed of light.  Every time an electron gets cut loose from the filament it adds to the current flow.  So soon we have 1 coloumbs worth of electrons running around at 1/10 the speed of light.  We put a radioactive coating on the filament and you don't even need to heat the filament the emwaves interfere in the space between the electron orbitals and away they go.  Oh they will fall right back into the filament valence shell cause of the proton positive charge.  Which atom are they gonna go back to.  Their home or the neighbors who just lost an electron.  The atomic neucleus less one electron just shifts it's remaining electrons around into different orbitals and becomes electrically inert.  Of course it will take more energy to shake off an electron in this state but who cares we already got our current going determined by the amount of high energy valence electrons available from the filament mass.  The betatron tube is no longer in Kansas.  It is a plasma.  Now you have charge seperation or a charged capacitor that charged itself up due to the little capacitors running around called atoms and maintaining the charge seperation due to the electron inertial frame being relavent to most everything out there.  You cycle the guiding magnetic field off.  Now the emitted electrons begin to put nodes in the plasma vortex current.  As these nodes align with resonant tank coils around the periphery of the betatron you get energy capture from the spoked vortex current.  Then you can do what you want with the lc tank currents.  Put em down a waveguide and cook your dinner or burn some water or burn atomospheric nitrogen  (nasty shit) excite some other metal into radioactive decay split some water run a car.  The tpu is a frigging big magnetron.  Them white things in the middle were probably canibalized from old dental xray machines.  Thanks to Wattsup we see what appears as two black wires coming out of the core of the white torroidal deal in the middle.  They are not wires.  They are square tubing waveguides from the betatron that would extend to the xray emitter element in the dental thing they swing up in front of your face while you chomp down on those cardboard chemical emulsions.  Thanks again to Wattsup and BEP.  This fucking mystery is solved for me.  I'm not going to bother making one or replicating it I've got one sitting on my kitchen counter.  The reason it draws so much wattage is because it employs permanent magnets and high voltage low frequency transformers to create the spokes in the vortex current instead of cycling the magnets.  This is to make sure that your cofee nuker doesn't go runaway and nuke your ass.  Poor Leedskalin cranking up his 24pole magnetron got himself stomach cancer.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 22, 2008, 11:17:17 AM
Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 11:44:20 PM
Yeah, I did not, because how this come to our conversation?

The replication came into our conversation when you asked why I believe it will work.  Compare all the "working" devices that can't be adequately explained with present theories and see what comes our of it - moving aether.  Add also the US Navy has a similar device since the 1950's.

Quote from: Chef on October 21, 2008, 11:44:20 PM
Tell me, you know exactly, why and how it will work, just you don't want to tell to forum members. Is that true? Or you don't know exactly what will happen, just have a faith?

Almost everyone has been "told" in one way or another - they still persue the "mystery".  Perhaps the "chase is better than the catch".

Like you said, "answer in in basics" - and the answer has already been given over and over and over again.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on October 22, 2008, 12:50:40 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 22, 2008, 12:37:41 PM
One thing is sure, not for ass licking, like you!  :P

O please stop this, it seems like you are looking for a fight. someone answers you and you don't like the answer you get so you start insulting them.

Just disregard the person, he is looking for excitement by prodding us. he is not contributing anything useful as I see it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 22, 2008, 12:58:42 PM

My "theory" is nothing more than a "sketch" at this point - it is incomplete.  It is difficult to explain to people that have a different understanding of electricity.  It is based on the work of Wilbert Smith, Helmholtz, Hertz, Tesla, Rowland, Rontgen, and Wilson.

I urge others to build the device because I believe it will work as it has been described based on information I have read and seen.  I also believe it's operation can be enhanced, but this is based on my incomplete theory.

I have not completed a working TPU at this moment in time, or any variation of one.  I know of successful replications, and suspect that others more versed in electronics have stable working units, but this is just suspicion without proof.  That is their business.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 22, 2008, 01:05:33 PM
   I guess Chef needs to be spoon fed.  If you get the magnetic field to move in phase with the charged field.  There is no resistance no frequency no speed of light limitations.  The aether is filled with this energy but we don't see it so it can't be true.  It's frigging superlight or zpe longitudinal waves.  Whatever.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 22, 2008, 01:34:41 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 22, 2008, 01:21:33 PM
Clear. So as  a  matter  of  fact, like you said "I am better at blah blah blah than electronics.", so you don't have enough electronics knowledge to build one, (as I saw in a past, to build anything), you don't have a complete theory, but you feel, you need to post in every topic, to show how big master you are, and you need to pretend YOU exactly know, how, and what happening in a OU device.

You misleading many peoples, who can't see who you really are, and destruct many topic, with your buddy's like GiantKiller, Sparks,IS, Otto etc..

Who cares???

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 22, 2008, 01:41:28 PM
Here's your sign...


ISBN 0-9637467-6-6

If this can not be understood then precede no further or self destruction could be your next big career move.

--King David.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 22, 2008, 01:45:22 PM
if peoples dont have working devices to tap the big wheel by now

i beleave i cant spell it any easyer ......

truly sorry  :D

perhaps it is too simple for some to comprhend!!!


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 22, 2008, 01:48:29 PM
Quote from: Chef on October 22, 2008, 01:21:33 PM
Clear. So as  a  matter  of  fact, like you said "I am better at blah blah blah than electronics.", so you don't have enough electronics knowledge to build one, (as I saw in a past, to build anything), you don't have a complete theory, but you feel, you need to post in every topic, to show how big master you are, and you need to pretend YOU exactly know, how, and what happening in a OU device.

You misleading many peoples, who can't see how you really are, and destruct many topic, with your buddy's like GiantKiller, Sparks,IS, Otto etc..

Well, Chef, things are never really the way they seem to be, are they?  No one knows everything.  We are all just unknown people - aliases without faces - phantoms on keyboards.  I could have 10 working devices and just not want to share my knowledge, or maybe I am afriad for my safety with talk of MIB's and Corporate oppression.

For all you know, I am GiantKiller, Sparks,IS, Otto, etc. just as you probably post different words under different names.  You could post with an accent and then reply with perfect English or even Latin - even argue with yourself.

As for my "theory" - it's more than anyone else has, so I'll keep working on it.

Unless you know what is happening in an OU device, how do you know that I don't?  How can you say that I am wrong unless you know and if you know then why aren't you sharing this knowledge?  Perhaps you already have shared under a different name and you are aggrivated that no one has posted a working device based on your shared knowledge.  If so, then I appologize for the entire forum - sorry we let you down.

Misleading people?  I haven't pretended to be anything or to know anything.  I have said many times that I am not an electrical engineer or even a technician.  I am an engineer, but in a different field.  If people believe otherwise then that is on them. People mislead themselves quite readily. 

Also, this is a public forum - we can post whatever we like - and believe whatever you want to believe.

Yeah, more blah blah blah.  You are good at that too.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 22, 2008, 02:18:34 PM
While Chef is taking his time formulating his reply, I noticed in his previous posts that he commented on "polarization".

Quote from: Chef on August 07, 2008, 11:52:41 PM
You are right on all parts, except that one. There are no negativly and positively charged magnetism. Only polarized, and the polarization is only direction. Negative or positiv is only depend on point of view!

So, Chef, can you elaborate on "polarization"?  Polarization of what? The aether? Is the aether electrically polarizable?  Is electric field also a polarization? 

How is electric polarization different from magnetic polarization?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 22, 2008, 02:37:47 PM
@ Chef,

I don't hold it against you.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 22, 2008, 02:41:41 PM
     If you look at the disciples of Einstein they are steadily getting more and more confused.  The answer to the power of the Universe and how it is will not appear as a mathmatical anomaly on some computer program.  Keep looking for them gravitron particles in them there mathmatical equations.  There in there somewhere between the gluons and the muons.   ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 22, 2008, 03:06:43 PM

Come on, have a drink with me...

"vamos a echar el trago"
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 22, 2008, 04:29:56 PM
A quote from the latest Indiana Jones movie:
Indy's friend, Mac, asks where do the aliens go?
The Oxley, the older professor, answers: 'Into the space between the spaces'

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 22, 2008, 04:36:39 PM
Geez, Is the storm over yet. phewwww.


I will look on the net for old dental x-ray machine parts to see if I can find such a toroid.

One question though. You say the black wires are hollow tubes but when you look at the FTPU they are connected. Could their connections be a distration? Then on the LTPU, each black is connected to a white. Could this also be a distraction? Hmmmmm.


With my recent purchase of a nice big pulse generator (PG) going from 1hz-10mhz and 0-100 vdc, I am now testing things so fast and easy. I no longer have to worry about mosfets, etc., as you know that part of this work was my main problem and slowdown. Now I can test so many different transformers, coils, etc., and I am learning much faster with my trusty oscilloscope and compass. I am also learning more about the FTPU outer coils and ring, there is a coupling action from the coil to the ring. So you are not alone. At least 2-3 hours per day I am on this, plus reading and reading everything possible.

Overunity will not happen in a one two step. It will require many steps and each step has to be discovered and understood. We are all pushing on certain aspects of this and eventually it will all come togther.

For those who lack the EE skills, there are many FG's and PG's being offered on Ebay. If I could, I would buy them all but three in enough for now. lol


Liked your post. Thanks. Leed was the man indeed. Seems this man jumped right out of a Jules Verne novel.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on October 22, 2008, 05:57:10 PM
Well now I know who's been bidding against me for FG's and PG's lol
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 22, 2008, 05:59:44 PM
     SM  built himself a magnetron and tuned it to the emwave field the Earth emanates.  You bust an electron loose in a vacuum it is not free to go where it wants.  You have a positively charged plate at the other end of the tube or just plain old gravity force.  (one in the same) the electron starts to accelerate parallel with the field.  It would go straight like a rock dropping but there is this other force to deal with.  It is the omnipresent magnetic aether flow.  If the aether flow is perpendicular to the other force field the electron will veer off.  If we stop the other parallel force the electron will continue to veer and it's centripedal force will cause it to close in on it's own track and it now drifts cw or ccw in an orbit depending on which way the aether was flowing and in which direction the electron's motion was initiated.  Sm knows this unless he is a total idiot who never worked electronics,  which seem not to be the case.  This hall effect is well documented and can be explained by the coriolus force.  It's the same shit that gets hurricanes spinning.  Now a betatron makes sure that the electrons veer just enough to remain inside the torridal vacuum tube and form a current  driven by the energy of the electrons coming out of the filament.   So when SM puts his weak ass magnets in his first line of shit,  the ripped off betatron gets some voltage because he is using the permanent magnet and gravity to drive the cold cathode betatron.  Ooo voltage no current  and it goes away when he flips the shit over cause the parallel force in the betatron just changed.   Then he asks can you explain this.  I just did.   Then we go up to model two which is a microwave oven core all fuckedup.  But it runs on feedback circuits and lights a couple of bulbs.  Remember betatrons can go up to millions of volts from a 120volt supply so how much voltage do you need to get up to the 120volts going to the bulbs.  Not much.  The shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper and SM can't get anybody to buy it cause the thing already belongs to GE since it's inception in 1940.  Sorry SM you reinvented an invention.  Impulse energy that results in electron orbital momentum converting to conventional electron motions we know as electricity.  And all you have to do is use pulsed voltage.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 22, 2008, 09:21:15 PM
6 pac all wired up ready to test it out for the first time

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on October 23, 2008, 01:15:55 AM

good on ya!
it was fun while it lasted
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 23, 2008, 05:35:01 AM
Hello all,


yes, with a higher input signal its much easier to work.

I also dont have to worry about my MOSFETs. I use batteries.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 08:00:46 AM
i guess its on to the next design... ;D

mosfets irf840 8)

when useing the irfs....  there is no need for a trigger coil or a delay coil if that is what you call it  ;)

i have a simple freq genny i will build into my next new controller ...

as well i have a bunch of transformers ;D

this will be the ist 4pac mosfet driver board and freq genny supply

it will do the same job as my last unit  but the returning kick will be much larger....

i have already built units similar to what i speek of

ill see if i can digg up a picture  i used 3 microwave primaries i wound trigger coils on them and used the bendini curcuit i used with my last unit poor reslts with the trigger coils

so i will force feed  ;D

with a freq genny and fets....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 09:11:31 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on October 23, 2008, 01:15:55 AM

good on ya!
it was fun while it lasted

Come on Poynt99, you should have something working by now.  Did you even build it and give it a try?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on October 23, 2008, 09:38:59 AM
Let's change the soap opera channel:

How are Antimon, Spider, and Peterae progressing?

Are you still using the semiconductor devices?  Any success?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 10:04:22 AM
indeed change the channel the facts remain the same!!!   ;D

im sick of da mic any way....   lol

i will also be building 6pac TUBE MODELS and 4pac tube units .... 

mind you they will be priced much higher  there will be kits and finished units .... for sale

as well my final 6pac unit will be tubes and it is my pluse motor power supply/ controller  i will build a large many horse power pulse motor that will run on 12 and  less than 1 amp the mechanical work is free and i will recharge the driveing source as well as have usefull out put electrical engery all powered from bemf ;D 8)

did some one say a car motor???

investments are welcome   mind you  i have already big investors on board and there was talk of the stock exchange with ist :o


time to shine :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 10:47:39 AM

How would Steven Mark be doing? Would he still be following all this?

Spherics? Where did he go? Lindsay? Jack Durban?

Anybody hear from Bruce? I havent since Ike.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on October 23, 2008, 11:17:29 AM
Quote from: Spider on October 23, 2008, 10:47:39 AM
How would Steven Mark be doing? Would he still be following all this?

Spherics? Where did he go? Lindsay? Jack Durban?

Anybody hear from Bruce? I havent since Ike.


Does it matter?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on October 23, 2008, 02:18:16 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 09:11:31 AM
Come on Poynt99, you should have something working by now.  Did you even build it and give it a try?

We are in various stages of development: designing, prototyping, simulating, building, testing, speculating, conjecturing, thinking, revamping, calculating, researching, discussing, listening, viewing, reading, drawing, writing code, documenting, peer reviewing, etc etc.

how has your day been?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 02:54:34 PM
My day was fine thank you.

I am cranking out designs by the hour :)

I love Pro Engineer Wildfire!!

Almost ready to go into production.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 03:16:56 PM
Hey Spider  :)

Looks good i have made several units with that configuration.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 03:21:08 PM

Nice Marco!!

Did you get them running?

Or what is keeping you?

I only have them in virtual 3D. Seems you are a step ahead of me.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 03:33:57 PM
Well we all know it is a slow process when we try to do things right... :)
This big example was just a "look through" model i did not wire it.
I could wire it up but it will most likely melt.
I have build similar units out of diffrent materials and also diffrent in size.
Also i have build many controllers but they never did what i liked them to do.
At low frequency's the controllers seemed to work well but once i got above 1.5Mhz the oscillator would lock and then it kept one channel active for too long and fried the primary of one of the pulse transformers which i then had to re wrap.
Basicly i am now working on true tube amps whenever i got a spare minute, but i got other things to take care of too so it just takes time.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 04:00:13 PM
Here is another one i have made :)
You can see the step by step procedure of how i made it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 04:04:39 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on October 23, 2008, 02:18:16 PM
We are in various stages of development: designing, prototyping, simulating, building, testing, speculating, conjecturing, thinking, revamping, calculating, researching, discussing, listening, viewing, reading, drawing, writing code, documenting, peer reviewing, etc etc.

how has your day been?

My day has been exciting.  Got my pulse problems worked out yesterday and things are lookn' good.  I can now create a sequential order with just a capacitor to control the timing between channels - just have to create all of the channels now. 

I'm better at mechanics than electronics and spark gaps are a little more mechanical...  ;)

I hope you keep at it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Peterae on October 23, 2008, 04:22:12 PM
I'm still building in the background.

I have my system up and running, my controller is running nicely at 48 volts or lower, but have serious issues with noise on my psu's and hence also on my logic controller when running at 330volts, i have learnt loads on the way.
I am now onto MK2 controller, this is going to break all conponents of the controller into mdules, each module will be encased in an aluminnium die cast box.

I have 7 Modules
5V psu
4 x 18v psu, fet driver and fet output
1 x controller logic
1 x freq gen compliments of Poynt and his pdf & circuit.

All modules are interconnected using SMA bulkhead connectors.

Firstly i have to say a big thankyou to Poynt he has been simulating my coils and helped me a lot with design concepts, functionality, direction, theory of operation, grounding issues and just about everything else, most on here dont seem to appreciate his hard work but he has helped me extensively in the last year or so, so my build is actually a joint effort just incase you think Poynt doesnt do much LOL we have spent at least an hour a day for the last year on this and previous stuff.

Good Luck all we need it in this game.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 04:22:40 PM
And it doesn't have to be complicated.
Here is another one that i have made which is somewhat simpler.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 04:31:42 PM

Marco, the man of many TPU.

btw, do they breed when thrown together?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Peterae on October 23, 2008, 04:37:58 PM
@ marco
Great builds.
What are you seeing on your output coils, as i beleive we are building this wrong, i havnt studdied the device concept you are buiilding, but with the tetra when i vision a rotating magnetic ball, a torroidal shaped collector wont collect the energy properly,
i beleive all winds should be shorted on the top and also on the bottom of the collector toroid, this way both inner and outer vertical wires are in parralel, instead of producing opposing currents when the magnetic sphere is rotating.Also this would mean the collector is essentialy hundreds of very short wires all working together to collect the rotational kicks and field.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 05:00:06 PM
Hi Peterae  :)

Yes that is correct.
I have too seen this.
It is best to use as many short pieces of wire in parallel from the top to the bottom.
Although there can be some full turns here and there.
By shorting turns we can control the desired voltage to amp ratio.
I do not think this is the ultimate design ,but i don't think it's wrong.
Also we seem to be dealing with ether stresses here that are more like a charged area then like a magnetic field.
What i mean is that is is the voltage that does the trick, not the current.
So it's primary rotating charged area and just a little bit secondary magnetic element.

I have looked at your previous post and i like to say that i think 330 volts is way too low.
If you are not using bias elements the voltage should be between a constant +50 Volts and pushed to +1500 Volts at minimum.
If you do use bias elements the pulse voltage can drop to what you are describing and if switched properly ,this should show you the effect.
If you do not use bias elements like in the early models the units will vibrate and stop when flipped over because then it will build up it's fields on the natural underlying fields.

I am curious about the maximum stable frequency your control mechanism can put out because i could not find it in your writing.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 05:13:21 PM
Quote from: Peterae on October 23, 2008, 04:37:58 PM
@ marco
Great builds.
What are you seeing on your output coils, as i beleive we are building this wrong, i havnt studdied the device concept you are buiilding, but with the tetra when i vision a rotating magnetic ball, a torroidal shaped collector wont collect the energy properly,
i beleive all winds should be shorted on the top and also on the bottom of the collector toroid, this way both inner and outer vertical wires are in parralel, instead of producing opposing currents when the magnetic sphere is rotating.Also this would mean the collector is essentialy hundreds of very short wires all working together to collect the rotational kicks and field.


The toroid is a good collector if an inducing field is rotating within it, along it, or through it.  He said two rods would also work, which would be like an air dielectric capacitor. 

If you look up the "Wilson Effect" and consider that the aether is a dielectric, you will see that a top and bottom plate makes a lot of sense and could possibly be reversed.  The "Hezelton" device (which was replicated) worked like this.  I just talk "blah blah blah", so what do I know?  I have a prototype like this, but no success yet.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Peterae on October 23, 2008, 05:22:17 PM
Hi marco
I have not got that far with this build i am pulsing with 5us pulses at the moment, and cannot go too high in freq at the moment because of this, but i have used the same chips upto 10 mhz before during my delay line tests, i am not having any logic issues at all, the problem i have at the moment is noise on my psu's.
When i switch at 330 volts my rise time is 30nS and i am getting enourmous RF emission so much so that i can short my scope probe out with it's earth lead and read large pulses on the scope, it is this energy that is interfering with my psu's and logic, there is no reason why the logic will not go higher when i stop using the mono's and move to Poynts full circuit.

Once i have smooth operation at 330volts i will ramp up to 1500volts and then i will also add bias over winds.
The idea with my module setup is i can plug and play new modules as each prpgresses, in the mk2 i have changed my fet driver and fet to hopefully increase my rise time to 15nS, but first things first to get rid of the rf noise.
I am not sure what your issue is with logic but of course it is not unusal to run these chips at 100Mhz without concern.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 05:27:43 PM
Since we are all sharing:

Here is a coil I de-molded a while back.  It's potted with homemade Q-dope made from MEK and polystyrene which makes it easy to unwind if you need to.  The actual mold is on the left.  I made several molds and coils simulataniously - a few were tapered but can be used for testing or re-wound.

I made a "measuring drum" and use the same number of turns for each coil and then wind if onto the mold from the form.  Weight and inductance comes out very close.

I've tried working with 10kv and insulation doesn't hold up for long.  Workin' at 2kv for now.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Peterae on October 23, 2008, 05:35:20 PM
Grumpy the coil looks good ;)
I know the pain they can be to make, i had to make 7 to get 4 good ones, i like the mold that would have definatley saved1 more of my coils, instead i used cd's and mdf due to lack of machine tools :(

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 05:39:48 PM
Where's Chef at?   He's missing all the fun.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 05:43:54 PM
I think he had some humble pie and chocked  :o  8)

Or he is busy with his chocolate balls....


Nice coils G. Thanks for sharing.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 05:52:43 PM
@ Poynt99, Peterae, Spider:

"Avalanche mode"

Watch the Joules through the switch - running high, start bouncing back and forth through the swich and "poof".

Spark gap will increase rise time.  PFN will help the fall.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 05:52:44 PM
Quote from: Peterae on October 23, 2008, 05:22:17 PM
Hi marco
I have not got that far with this build i am pulsing with 5us pulses at the moment, and cannot go too high in freq at the moment because of this, but i have used the same chips upto 10 mhz before during my delay line tests, i am not having any logic issues at all, the problem i have at the moment is noise on my psu's.
When i switch at 330 volts my rise time is 30nS and i am getting enourmous RF emission so much so that i can short my scope probe out with it's earth lead and read large pulses on the scope, it is this energy that is interfering with my psu's and logic, there is no reason why the logic will not go higher when i stop using the mono's and move to Poynts full circuit.

Once i have smooth operation at 330volts i will ramp up to 1500volts and then i will also add bias over winds.
The idea with my module setup is i can plug and play new modules as each prpgresses, in the mk2 i have changed my fet driver and fet to hopefully increase my rise time to 15nS, but first things first to get rid of the rf noise.
I am not sure what your issue is with logic but of course it is not unusal to run these chips at 100Mhz without concern.


Well maybe i am just a bad designer  ;D
My logic always get's what i call "infected"
This means it just stops responding for some unknown reason.
Offcource the RF fields can cause this to happen as they induce tiny signals in the components.

Anyway it looks like you are going to give it a real good try and i like that.
Good luck  8)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 23, 2008, 05:59:10 PM
By the way this is how i wrap them coils  :)
I used to work with number of turns, but these day's are gone.
Now i take one meter of the wire and measure resistance and then i just wind the calculated length to get to the proper total resistance.
So for example if the wire is 2 Ohms per meter and i need a 200 Ohm coil i just wrap 100 meters of wire onto the coil form and i end up with a 200 Ohm coil.  :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 06:15:17 PM
Hey that looks like polyethylene sheet.  I had to double the sidewalls fo my froms to keep them from bowing out.

Attached are some old forms that bowed, so I had to get smarter.  You can see the measuring drum on the left.  This "jig" is ugly but modular and portable - it gets a lot of use.

This is how not to make a mold for a coil...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 06:15:48 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 06:28:36 PM
Quote from: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 06:15:48 PM
How far down the rabbit hole...

looks just awsome guys.....


@ rosphere how far can we safely go?? 8)

so whats next spin???  orbit   locked and controlled electricty  ;)

how far you wanna go???

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 06:31:44 PM
As long as we are sharing..

I think in a short while it wont matter anymore as the comming aliens are going to tell us how it all works :) 

Maybe the rabbit has a tpu?


PS to not to confuse I removed it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 06:42:08 PM
don;t sink the coils into the plates - it blocks the stuff.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 06:50:13 PM
That is a good thougth, I have been wondering about that too.

Rosphere's design is better, I will make some adjustments. Maybe small indentations will sufice.

Grumpy I hope you will share your circuit findings, I myself am more of a mechanical person too.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 06:57:14 PM
i really hope to hear your coils are polarized...   not ac coils....

im working on a new bifillar coil 22ga primary and 28ga trigger but im winding all 1 dirrection as i have seen results are much better there should be 21 layers on my new coil each layer has 32 turns 

this is for my 6pac

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 23, 2008, 06:57:47 PM
OK     BUT  idont see   SOMETHING LIKE  GREEN sparks here

here is  only pic when whill be see the  green spark 



HELOO  marco    i wondering  where is  <@ TAO>   IS LONG TIME NO SEE HERE
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 07:08:28 PM
Quote from: Spider on October 23, 2008, 06:50:13 PM

Grumpy I hope you will share your circuit findings, I myself am more of a mechanical person too.

Well, I have always wanted the "freaky" effects - which occur at higher voltages.  There are many ways to get there.  Avlanche mode devices are similar to spark gaps - both can be triggered and both can free-run.  I have an article somewhere that compares magentic switches, semiconductor switches, and spark gaps which is very informative - I'll look for it.

I working with a free-running sequential gap arrangment now and I can make it triggered if need be, but with close build tolerances between the channels, it should work without triggering.  I only have a test version of a portion of this built, but it will be 6 channels, 12 gaps, and 18 transmission lines when complete - assuming I see what I need to see while testing.  No rotary gaps, but I do think I need to make some air blow across the gaps to get rid of the ionized air.

Hmm - maybe I ain't as dumb as everyone thinks...  ;) - but I am still a Redneck!  LOL!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 07:13:07 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 23, 2008, 07:19:22 PM
Just got a pic that looks like it might be a travelling wave of aether hitting on an RE detector - got to go, but this has been great guys. 

It's good to share rather than be so secretive.

Grump-steins Dungeon will be roaring tonight.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 23, 2008, 07:34:49 PM
I agree, this is better!!! :)

I had no idea that so many are working on this version of the tpu.

I have to go too. Keep up the good work everybody!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 07:42:09 PM
this is what im useing for bifillar coils

or primary and trigger

i will use fets for single coils ...


this is my mkc circut kit assembled :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM
For as long as you all keep banging coils with spikes more years will pass with NO results. The TPU works off pure sine waves to provide the initial magnetic rotation of a weak magnetic field.  The energy required is extremely low it does not need 20 amp power supplies a 9 volt battery is enough.

How to make a rotation field? EASY make a Rotoverter that takes 110 AC sine wave and produces a PERFECT 3 phase magnetic circulation right off the bat with 3 or 4 components fed from a single phase AC sine!

When you have this you make another one the same and place it below the other one and do the same with a second frequncy. Now we have 2 circulations in perfect resonance but  slightly out of phase to each other. The out of phase produces a third heterodyne but now we have TWO rotating magnetic fields slightly out of phase produces a magnetic rotating BALL! How many of you have made a stacked tpu and actually made a rotating magnetic field?? I haven't seen ANY not ONE.

Each tuned circuit loop is half of dipole folded and the voltage will appear between the dipoles. The interaction of the rotating ball at the right frequency will interact with the earths magnetic field as because its spinning it will have INERTIA and will resist being moved as a gyroscope!

The circuit is also a cold cathode triode tube! The 3 coils around each collector are the control GRIDS the first collector is the ANODE and the bottom one is the CATHODE. Electrons will stream between the Cathode and the Anode (maybe reversed in cold electricity) of the folded dipole. When SM told you to use tubes it was also a cryptic clue as well as practical to make low noise pure sine and also said you do NOT need a heater to stream electrons of COLD electricity.  He also told you he made a 3 channel AUDIO amplifier of great purity. ANOTHER clue. He also told you the frequency was based on circumference of the collectors!

He told you there are THREE control coils not 8 5 20 or 50! One for each channel of his cryptic 3 channel hifi  system.  Also he said the best designs used 3 collectors but this gets sketchy because its clear the simple TPU use two collectors one anode and one cathode but can be stacked to increase current or voltage between then like stacking batteries.  He named them collectors for good reason too because they collect the streaming electricity which will appear like magic once you have a spinning magnetic ball of high purity.

You should NOT be making high voltage tesla coils or pancakes or HV generators that is not a TPU and has no place in this design. High voltage energy spikes of a few uSec at 1000 watts  as in the big TPU no way you can rub your hands round it and not get whacked in face and arms stinging like hell anywhere in the room.  Also SM told you there is NO mass circuitry he is right is needs 2 oscillators and some old 80's tech VCO feedback to keep it locked. So why are you making hi tech CPU controllers for?

The extremely low power to start the TPU is due to the fact it only requires simple sine oscillators these are the PRECURSORS.  This will produce the tiny magnetic field weak at first but as it interacts with the earth magnetic  field this FEEDS energy to the system.  As magnetic energy builds the earth responds by inducing more current in the collectors to resist the action. It feels like a motor spinning with a flywheel and wont like being moved and the phase offset creates the low vibration.  Electricity is now a by product you only have to find and tap the right places.

As SM said it RUNS with self gain and only a tiny sniffer coil is required to power the control circuity and like all ZPE devices the most critical of any design is making sure the load does NOT effect the input as NON REFLECTIVE. The TPU easily achieves this as high currents passing around the collector coils are perpendicular to the control coils and the entire format is a Class C Three Phase Magnetic Resonance PUSH PUSH Triode Amplifier.

Because its two triodes one up and one down this separates the voltage between the collectors. The higher the magnetic ball power field the greater the separations and resulting higher voltage appears between the dipoles and the more stress and heat builds up in the system. The lower side will force negative and top side positive thus only DC will appear from the device. BUT its actually high frequncy DC with an AC component.

So clear your bench throw the old trash out and start making collectors with SINE waves which will spin a compass needle .  Then make TWO and stack them and observe the relationship of the magnetic fields. When you hit the right frequencies and start shaking magnets some distance away of the loops with tuned collector caps spinning like hell then you should get ready for a big bang!

Im telling you this because we are running out of time before the planet is nuked.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 08:24:28 PM
and the big bang comes from the man made magnetic sphere synicing with the rotation of the earth as hammel has done  :o

hit 7.8 n call lightning??  this is like sound and the sound barrier 

sorry bolt

i do perfer the cascaded cold way it apears safe and remains compleatly cold  ;D


keep it simple stupid!!   remember that motto ;)


what you describe apears to me to be a plasma force feild bubble  ;)

not such a bad idea if we can get it to work safely.... :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 08:25:11 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM
For as long as you all keep banging coils with spikes more years will pass with NO results. The TPU works off pure sine waves to provide the initial magnetic rotation of a weak magnetic field.

Thank you for your efforts to guide us down the right path.

You are a bit too late for me.  I am not inclined to change horses in mid-stream.

"The academic world of experimenters was yet fixated on his former discovery of high frequency alternating currents. It seemed that Tesla alone now exclusively studied these impulse discharges. He was producing explosive impulses, which had not been observed in laboratories."
-Secrets of Cold War Technology: Project HAARP and Beyond, by Gerry Vassilatos

I will follow the impulses for now.  Besides, I am just not bright enough to make any sense of SM's cryptography.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 23, 2008, 10:11:07 PM
thats a shame as sine wave far easier to deal with then coil banging. Yes banging coils has it place like collecting back EMF from bedini and Newman etc but there are 8 energy transformation levels and the TPU is magnetic transformation.  A third is Keely stuff and harmonics they are related.  eg a sinewave driven vessel tapped into a harmonic driven by a low power sine peizo device of perfect resonance can heat water to boiling point using about 1/10000 over the energy conventionally required.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 23, 2008, 10:17:30 PM
Wow lots of new stuff :)

The electronics are very important, with bad electronics the TPU will not work.

@Marco and Grumpy, your coils look very fine! I will show you mine in a few weeks.

Have a nice day

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 23, 2008, 10:43:33 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 10:11:07 PM
thats a shame as sine wave far easier to deal with then coil banging. Yes banging coils has it place like collecting back EMF from bedini and Newman etc but there are 8 energy transformation levels and the TPU is magnetic transformation.  A third is Keely stuff and harmonics they are related.  eg a sinewave driven vessel tapped into a harmonic driven by a low power sine peizo device of perfect resonance can heat water to boiling point using about 1/10000 over the energy conventionally required.

ok im over the bedini stuff lets do it your way ....

can you post a list if required devices to duplicate an expairment i have aquired a few hifi tube amps but i have only 1 tube freq genny ...

i have miles of speeker wire  i do mean miles.....

varous gages i will whip er up  ;)

lets do it ..

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 23, 2008, 10:50:08 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 10:11:07 PM
thats a shame as sine wave far easier to deal with then coil banging. Yes banging coils has it place like collecting back EMF from bedini and Newman etc but there are 8 energy transformation levels and the TPU is magnetic transformation.  A third is Keely stuff and harmonics they are related.  eg a sinewave driven vessel tapped into a harmonic driven by a low power sine peizo device of perfect resonance can heat water to boiling point using about 1/10000 over the energy conventionally required.

I am with you, Bolt. The sines were very important. I still have my setups. You can use 1 with 120 degree delays to create 3 freqs to get the sound to spin. Then just use 3 resonant coils instead of speakers. Or you can use 3 seperate freqs. The variable delays are better to control the phasing of the heterodyning. Keely.
If 1 freq is used then the coils are all the same value of Q. It is easier to bend the aether and thenuse that output than to smack it and try to gather it up. I'd rather scoop with a bucket than swing a tennis racket in the rain. ;)
Thanks. I have a huge programmable bench with alot of toys. Time is the question, as always.

I read 'Tesla's dynamic theory of gravity' and william lynne's occult aether physics. A real eye opener on control of frequencies.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: X-File on October 23, 2008, 10:59:35 PM

Where I can start the exact coils and frequencies sine waves?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 11:30:53 PM
Quote from: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 08:25:11 PM
I am not inclined to change horses in mid-stream.

I appear to be riding the long shot.  Good thing that I am not looking for a racehorse; all I need is a good workhorse.  If this impulsive animal does not get me to the other side of the stream, then I may just need to get wet and sine up with another team.  ;)

I may be able to swap-out circuitry and drive the same coil configuration.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: X-File on October 23, 2008, 11:36:52 PM
Quote from: Rosphere on October 23, 2008, 11:30:53 PM
I appear to be riding the long shot.  Good thing that I am not looking for a racehorse; all I need is a good workhorse.  If this impulsive animal does not get me to the other side of the stream, then I may just need to get wet and sine up with another team.  ;)

I may be able to swap-out circuitry and drive the same coil configuration.

Ok Understood.  :D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 24, 2008, 03:15:53 AM
Hello all,

when I made my ECD I was hoping we all could learn a little bit from this device, but NO, nobody figured out why my device was working so good. Or maybe someone builded in the meanwhile a better one?? Powered with 12V.

Maybe a year or more later somebody will take a few minutes of his life and just watch the video JDO300, Jason made. Maybe it helps??


from your pictures I see you made very nice TPUs in the past.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pese on October 24, 2008, 04:56:52 AM
Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM
For as long as you all keep banging coils with spikes more years will pass with NO results. The TPU works off pure sine waves to provide the initial magnetic rotation of a weak magnetic field.  The energy required is extremely low it does not need 20 amp power supplies a 9 volt battery is enough.

JES , i think, you have right!

This because any transformer can not transfer square wave , except you power this
with extremely extra power that will exceed his saturation.
But all this are losses !
Think about that the core need time and to change the magnetic polarities inner the corematerials.
only this way an "transfer (power.less) is possible to have good rendement,

souare-waves and also peaks
scratch distortion from the audio sources , sound unlike any amplifier that was
constructed before with transformer.
So i was always wondering that Bedini and all others will receive
power from squarewaves or pecks that is transferred with transformers
(because that produce LOSSES.  Only sine-waves will transferred with
small amount of loss !

If you must (will) transfer spikes (example from spark gap) it is
only to make (with high efficient) with "air-coil" (that can also transfer Sine-waves
0.5 Mhz to 500 Mhz with good results.

BUT if you try to receive power wit "harmonic responce of wave"
you must see "the natural waves" and understand that will (if)
only with sine waves.
Gustav Pese
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 24, 2008, 05:04:32 AM
Hello all,

how times are changing.

A long time I posted almost the same as bolt. To use sine waves. I was almost "killed" by the members here.
Also a long time ago I posted to use a core. Reaction from the members was the same. I was almost banned from the forum.

I think the people here are not enough open minded.

Whats next?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: AhuraMazda on October 24, 2008, 05:22:18 AM
Thank you for your no BS explanation.

Hello my friend. You are very quiet these days.

I have one question that may have been answered before.

How do you switch off the TPU?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 24, 2008, 05:32:57 AM
Hello all,


as always you have the right question!!

Im doing it with a heavy hammer!! Or sometimes a big axt!! if Im fast enough.

Yes, Im quiet because I was sooo often pissed off with my ideas....but as I see the people are more and more doing what I have done a long time ago.

Im more and more like Mannix. He wanted to help and some people pissed on his words and now he is quiet. The same with me.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 24, 2008, 05:56:27 AM

Your explanation is awsome! I have read it over several times now and it makes a lot of sense to me.
I am on the "Spherics path" for a while now because I have the most info on that and that makes a lot of sense too. But I always want to keep a fully open mind. As long as I have not held a working unit in my hands, everything is open to me.

Can you give me(us) more info how to get this working. Coil diagrams, components to use, frequencies?
Public or private, I dont care.

I think the time is over that most of the work is done secretly.
On another forum there is a man from Erie,PA who claims he cracked it but he is keeping it because every house in america would burn down. So what, maybe its time to burn the house down.
The economic systems are collapsing, maybe a new energy source is the way to save our way of living.

Otto, dont bother if your ideas are pissed on. A truly succesful inverter is the one who can take a 1000 no's with a smile :)

Greetings Spider
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 24, 2008, 06:19:40 AM
Hello all,

OK Spider I will share something with you all with a question:

Say me a reason not to use a core.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 06:23:35 AM
Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

For as long as you all keep banging coils with spikes more years will pass with NO results. The TPU works off pure sine waves to provide the initial magnetic rotation of a weak magnetic field.

This is not exactly true.
The Radiant Energy Event itself manifests only when sharp gradients are used in combination with high voltage.
This means short sharp pulses.
This is the exact reason why we don not see it in our perfect sine wave applications.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

How many of you have made a stacked tpu and actually made a rotating magnetic field?? I haven't seen ANY not ONE.

The Stacked TPU model is conciderd to be a prototype which did have issues.
Also i have come to the conclusion Steven wanted to talk much about the thing but he wasn't really wanting to release any info on what it really did.
If this was a matter of him not knowing what it did , not wanting to risk his income or maybe just that he didn't want to give it away i don't know.
I do now there are people who have worked on this for a long time and they have improved the design.
As for the rotating (magnetic) field , i have seen more then one.
But like i said i am not intrested in the magnetic part, i am intrested in the high voltage charge.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

Each tuned circuit loop is half of dipole folded and the voltage will appear between the dipoles. The interaction of the rotating ball at the right frequency will interact with the earths magnetic field as because its spinning it will have INERTIA and will resist being moved as a gyroscope!

This is an old view.
I was also thinking like that 2 years ago.
My view has totally changed and it has got nothing to do with the earths magnetic field at all.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

The circuit is also a cold cathode triode tube! The 3 coils around each collector are the control GRIDS the first collector is the ANODE and the bottom one is the CATHODE. Electrons will stream between the Cathode and the Anode (maybe reversed in cold electricity) of the folded dipole.

This also relates to the early models, the early models Steven was wanting to talk about alot but he was not wanting to go into detail.
See Steven just putted alot of words into a cup, stirred it up and wrote them down.
What you are reffering to as being collector coils in the early units are control coils, and what you are reffering to as being control coils are collectors.

Steven deliberatly mixed things up.
To understand this you have to go back to the verry basic principle of this effect which was described by Nicola Tesla and aswell in the work of Edwin Gray.
Here we can see that a sharp high voltage pulse is being fed into a copper mass be it a bar or a wire.
In stevens unit this is what he calls his collector.
THen there are placed grids around that wire that intercept the high energy particles.
It is the big stout wire that is being pulsed and what he called the control coil are the receptors of the high energy particles that are ejected out of the wire at the exact moment the high voltage pulse is applied to the copper mass.

I have been holding on to Stevens words for over a year and i did not get any further.
Then i took a step back and compared what he said to what the older literature was describing and imediatly it became clear to me Steven didn't really want to give it away.

To see the verry basic effect only two conditions must be met.

1. Charged High voltage Capacitor.
2. Control of the pulse duration.

When Steven was working on his spatial 3D sound project he was working with quad esl electrostatic speakers and these have operating voltages well over 5000 Volts.
He was wrapping his own iron bailing wire delay coils and when testing he noticed a signal pop up on the spectrum analyzer.
So in essence he had discoverd that the Radiant Energy Effect could be intensified by adding a delay element but from the same source, an important discovery.

These high energy particles radiate away in a straight line perpendicular to it's source.
This means if you want to intercept them you would have to place grid over grid over grid over grid and so on building bigger and bigger around the radiating object, not verry practical.
So Steven was looking for a way to "spread" the effect over the capturing wires and here is where the rotation comes in.
Some of the units used vertical rotation and others used horizontal rotation to spread the effect over the wires that were aroud the units. (the wires you are reffering to as control coils)
We know when he was testing his delay coils he was pulsing with high voltage square wave so no sine here either.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

When SM told you to use tubes it was also a cryptic clue as well as practical to make low noise pure sine and also said you do NOT need a heater to stream electrons of COLD electricity.  He also told you he made a 3 channel AUDIO amplifier of great purity. ANOTHER clue. He also told you the frequency was based on circumference of the collectors!

Steven was an audio guy working on a 3D audio system to patent it and make money of it.
The multi channel high quality amplifiers he made (if he did) were not intended for the development of the TPU, they were intended to drive the quad esl electrostatic speakers he was working with in his project.
Steven had the right tools at the right place to see the effect, and he did.
The frequency is based on the circumference, this is just about what happens in a quad esl speaker where the diffrent areas of the cone are driven with diffrent progressive delays to get a perfect frequency responce.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

He told you there are THREE control coils not 8 5 20 or 50! One for each channel of his cryptic 3 channel hifi  system.  Also he said the best designs used 3 collectors but this gets sketchy because its clear the simple TPU use two collectors one anode and one cathode but can be stacked to increase current or voltage between then like stacking batteries.  He named them collectors for good reason too because they collect the streaming electricity which will appear like magic once you have a spinning magnetic ball of high purity.

He also said he used multiple runs of wires as well and you can use as many coils as you want if they fit into it.
But i do pay much attention to what he said anymore.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

You should NOT be making high voltage tesla coils or pancakes or HV generators that is not a TPU and has no place in this design. High voltage energy spikes of a few uSec at 1000 watts  as in the big TPU no way you can rub your hands round it and not get whacked in face and arms stinging like hell anywhere in the room.  Also SM told you there is NO mass circuitry he is right is needs 2 oscillators and some old 80's tech VCO feedback to keep it locked. So why are you making hi tech CPU controllers for?

So here you tell us what we must not do, and then you ask the question why we are doing what we are doing, that's a bit weird  mate.
High voltage is exactly where we should focuss and 1500 Volts is a good start.
As for the mass circuitry clue, it's the perfect way to say there isn't any so we would not have to talk about the actual circuits and reactors.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

The extremely low power to start the TPU is due to the fact it only requires simple sine oscillators these are the PRECURSORS.  This will produce the tiny magnetic field weak at first but as it interacts with the earth magnetic  field this FEEDS energy to the system.  As magnetic energy builds the earth responds by inducing more current in the collectors to resist the action. It feels like a motor spinning with a flywheel and wont like being moved and the phase offset creates the low vibration.  Electricity is now a by product you only have to find and tap the right places.

As SM said it RUNS with self gain and only a tiny sniffer coil is required to power the control circuity and like all ZPE devices the most critical of any design is making sure the load does NOT effect the input as NON REFLECTIVE. The TPU easily achieves this as high currents passing around the collector coils are perpendicular to the control coils and the entire format is a Class C Three Phase Magnetic Resonance PUSH PUSH Triode Amplifier.

Because its two triodes one up and one down this separates the voltage between the collectors. The higher the magnetic ball power field the greater the separations and resulting higher voltage appears between the dipoles and the more stress and heat builds up in the system. The lower side will force negative and top side positive thus only DC will appear from the device. BUT its actually high frequncy DC with an AC component.

The output is mainly DC from the high energy particles being spread over the many collector wires in one direction,but with a slight ripple from pulsing the control coils.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

So clear your bench throw the old trash out and start making collectors with SINE waves which will spin a compass needle . 

The one thing i hate most is that some people try to tell other people what to do without them having anything to .
You risk to point the one guy going in the right direction to drop his stuff and start to move in the wrong......

Seriously you cannot do that.

Quote from: bolt on October 23, 2008, 07:48:21 PM

Im telling you this because we are running out of time before the planet is nuked.

You wanna know what i think?

You think you think you know that you think that you know that you think how this thing operates.
And because you think you think you know that you think that you know that you think how this thing operates you think you can tell other people what to do because you are so sure about this.

Think again. :)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 24, 2008, 07:31:03 AM
Hey Guys!

Follow the words from marco! You will be in the right direction :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 08:30:53 AM
build what i have been saying and your done!!

come on guys .....

disriptuive discharges...  tesla  be it sine or square ...

the things i have created and designed work just fine and are safe

i do agree with rosphere    ..... i like a work horse too!!!  hell i m ramping things up so i just walk past the thing once a day and i push a button ;D ;D

now im good for power for the entire day lol lol lol !!!!

no shit!!!!


the goal will be to recharge a sealed forklift battery....   put a big invertor on it  and off grid your house / factory....   ;) ;)

this tech exisits NOW!!! 

dont waste your time you will be left in dust...

oh got my coil wound 30 layers fit at 32 turns per layer all north go to 1 end and souths to the other ...  around 1000 turns in total

should prove good results  i have not tested it yet

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on October 24, 2008, 09:02:27 AM
I believe that bolt makes some great points and has an excellent vision .

There are and always have been 2 schools of thought on this and there is no reason why they are not both true at the same time.

Stevens position was not to make sure that we could make a tpu. But I requested info that would satisfy at least some of my insatiabe curiosity of how his devices operated . For that I am grateful.
It is my opinion that if we keep at it we will succeed ...not this or that ......but yes and..  then we may ask the infernal why.

Every sine experiment that I have done resulted in very narrow spikes that come and go in waves . due to the sync unable to be held stable as it takes its own shape. many have seen these effects  we have just been challenged to kepp the swirl accelerating.

many spike experiments have resulted in sine buildup

If somebody has a way of generating coherent and synched 3 phase(analogue) with no moving parts of a high frequency that would be a fantastic help to all here as it could be incorporated into the build itself


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 24, 2008, 09:21:36 AM
Well well, so even more people are lurking in the background....

I am a bit lost for words at the moment.

What will it take?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 09:47:25 AM
Quote from: Mannix on October 24, 2008, 09:02:27 AM
I believe that bolt makes some great points and has an excellent vision .

There are and always have been 2 schools of thought on this and there is no reason why they are not both true at the same time.


SUre but one does not have to go post things like "You should NOT be making this or that" and "So clear your bench throw the old trash out and start making"

Come on men

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 24, 2008, 09:52:36 AM
   I think Marco is dead on balls.  Cold cathode betatron with the cathode extended to a load you get to heat.  Synchonization with the Earth's magnetic flux so that the electron's kicked loose stay loose and out of the cathode for as long as possilbe.  This is charge seperation.  Charge seperation is voltage. Voltage is power.  It aint the amps,  that's the work , the energy is in the voltage.
  The little betatron in the middle synchronizes the pulses to the big betatron on the outside.  The gain is because the Earth's magnetic field helps to accelerate the kicked electrons around the core of the torroid so the cathode attached to the load stays positive as long as possible.   This is utilization of  partial alignment of a magnetic field with the dielectric field.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 09:56:18 AM
 ;D ;D ;D 

speed is power  ;)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 11:33:18 AM
There are so many reasons why i take a stand on this but foremost by far the majority of TPU builds on here have been coil banging and over the years it has got no where. I yet to see ONE person demonstrate a rotating field with a compass in the centre spinning. Its not hard you use either 3 phase signaling OR rotoverter is dead easy just needs single phase sine. If you think this does not work then you are also suggesting an electric motor does not work either when the principle is the very same thing.

SM has tried his dam hardest to describe the TPU without mentioning the control circuit. Some is cryptic not to confuse but to simply avoid direct confrontation with the IP owners of the controller.

Secondly SM was an audio man he mentioned so many times about purity and hi fi and resonance and backed this up by explaining that the circuit boards had to be hi quality for stability. He also told you to make this first with tubes. ALL of these things you do when dealing with RF or pure audio sine. You do NONE of these things when coil banging.

Third over the last 100 years there have been several power making devices like the Hendershot and Moray which are  cousins of the TPU.  High speed logic and thyristors were not around back in those days nor CPU's to control the timing BUT triode tubes were around and so were sine waves.

I fail to see why SM tried to hide the fact a control coil is a collector and visa versa. Look, very simple if he did not want anyone to know how it worked quite simply he would say NOTHING. He could turn around and say the entire device is owned by another entity and was not allowed to mentioned it at all. On the contrary he has tried very hard to describe it without violation.  So my advice is before you spend money on making another TPU go through his check list and tick  90/90 points and not 10/90 and make up 80 of your own.

Do what he asked you to do. Make a rotating field.  You will see a kick!  The kick is what you get BACK not what you put IN. The faster you spin the  kicks  run with gain. Make 2 of these things to make a rotating magnetic  ball! I don't know why this is so hard you can plug a 3 phase motor casing into the mains and it will give you a spinning magnetic field powered from sine waves. There is no 1500 voltage spikes here!

I can go through his check list and tick 100% of his points and match it with a sine solution. You cant do this with spikes or tesla stuff.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 24, 2008, 11:59:22 AM
Like this?


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 24, 2008, 12:00:17 PM
  something about spining like jet engine turbine  <when steven said  >whit small  tpu whit  62 volts tpu

we  all thing is  some  vortex or some rotation   BUT is not
when is drop down slow  the voltage when is tubr out the permanent magnet


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 12:04:28 PM
If you positive voltage bias a sine wave it becomes a varying positive wave.  However you can not input energy and then take it right back out and hope to build up energy.  So, if you insist on a sine wave approach you still need high voltage and some form of biasing or cumulative input of energy so that the energy is not released from the system, but is maintained or increased.

The single thing that screws everyone up regarding the TPU is that everyone thinks they know how it works and that whatever anyone else thinks is wrong - all without ever showing any proof.

So, until someone shows proof that the device works one way or the other and can show that it can not work another way - no one is right or wrong.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 24, 2008, 12:14:33 PM
I have tested with sines (bucket-o-vibes) and squares(GK4) with impressive results. And both platforms are valid depending on the results one is trying is to achieve. Working with sines keeps the power moving in a smooth direction. Squares eject the power. The signal is too fast for the conductor. And what is the required mass, distance, or vector alignment for capture. With that being evident, it should become apparent as to the description of the sought after output.

The bucket of vibes produced a circular, horizontal effect, right IS? The GK4 produced a vertical effect. The RE volume was far larger than just cooking my arm.

At this point in time, anyone that has been here a while should have both platforms available.
Past that place in time now affords a clear mind to accept more synchronicity.

In other words: We all know how to design to the required place. Spend your energies dreaming for solutions.

Not making or choosing sides.

--giantkiller. There is so much to experience.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 24, 2008, 12:18:51 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 12:04:28 PM
If you positive voltage bias a sine wave it becomes a varying positive wave.  However you can not input energy and then take it right back out and hope to build up energy.  So, if you insist on a sine wave approach you still need high voltage and some form of biasing or cumulative input of energy so that the energy is not released from the system, but is maintained or increased.

The single thing that screws everyone up regarding the TPU is that everyone thinks they know how it works and that whatever anyone else thinks is wrong - all without ever showing any proof.

So, until someone shows proof that the device works one way or the other and can show that it can not work another way - no one is right or wrong.

I had (3) 40 watt 4.5" speakers in a vinyl bucket beat the crap out of my house with heterodyning. Tesla's thumper with a different platform.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 24, 2008, 12:32:07 PM
    Sines squares it don't matter to me long as they travel.  In a Tesla coil the magnetic wave travels from the section influenced by the primary ALONG and inside the length of the coil of high selfinductance.  You take the coil of high selfinductance and bend it into a torroid.  Now put some thoriated copper turns in there and smack it with whatever you want. Betya get some voltage out that collector winding.  Gain from the field not unless you take into account the magnetic field of the Earth helping the one traveling inside the torroid.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 12:35:44 PM
@ GK

Since we all singing along, do you want to tell about disappearing rice, fireballs on the bench, lightning strikes, houses smashed by tornadoes (hey, they had a ring on the roof), or sizzling coils and beams of light like lasers?

Don't play dumb now...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 12:46:28 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 12:04:28 PM

The single thing that screws everyone up regarding the TPU is that everyone thinks they know how it works and that whatever anyone else thinks is wrong - all without ever showing any proof.

Exactly  :)

Are you even paying attention?

Here's another video of a rotating field.
And guess what it uses?
Pulsed Square.....

http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=get148 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=get148)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 12:46:58 PM
i was discussing this on another forum but i cover some more points.

If you look at the DIY builds on
overunity.com 99% of people only can work in 2 dimensions thus they
make one coil or one motor as they look at a circuit diagram in 2D
only but you must work in 3D if you want to tap the 4th dimension :)

Hendershot and MRA are truly 3D devices and its not easy to think in 3D.

The magnetic 3D dipole is just like Moses it "parts the waves" of the
earth field passing over us all the time. When done correctly takes
very little energy but you have the ENTIRE force of the earth magnetic
field that wants to plug that hole back up.

I wont mention "aether" or "energy from the vacuum" as i cant relate
to that stuff they seem like marketing slogans but the TPU is known
and has been shown to be polarized ie up works and inverted stops.
Also south of equator spin goes other way round. So in the case of the
TPU the source of energy is not magic nor vacuum extraction. Likewise
it means bedini motor et al is only working to create a magnetic
stress tensor in the earth field of extreme short duration and the
portal is never opened only plucked and thus returns very limited
energy. Yes you can do lots of plucking and dump it through diode
plugs BUT

If you want REAL power you must make a sustained 3D portal. I have a
very simple brain when it comes to math (im stupid) but you make a RF
transmitter an EM field except we suppress E and provide only M the
earth will give us E back and to sustain this condition we need M on 3
planes XYZ so we must rotate it. A Long Wave transmitter is mostly an
M wave already very little E component. To setup constructive
interference takes sine waves of 3 frequencies of composite harmonics.

This was all entirely possible back in the days of Moray etc using
tubes for making sines was perfect but high speed logic and super fast
diode switching is a modern day fad and this is why i repeatably
reject coil banging.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 12:55:01 PM
Not coil banging.

You just apply a very fast pulse to a coil of high self-induction.  This causes the aether around the coil to polarize, then the pulse stops and the polarized aether suddenly depolarizes - this creates a shockwave in the aether, which causes it to move.  This in turn moves across your collector and induces an electric current along it.  An electric current can not maintain itself in a conductor so it must be utilized or it dissipates.

There is a lot more to it, but this is the start.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 12:57:47 PM
nice grumpy nice....

so the freqs..... i can not afford to loose another computer

so look for them written in stone  ;)  also look to the music scale .....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 24, 2008, 01:01:13 PM
bolt, when everything is working on sine waves, why did SM use saturable reactors? I'm waiting for your answer.

You also have to go through Dr. Aspden's work. You will find some useful facts about the TPU.

The ether theory is "too high" for the most people, because they cannot imagine what is going on.

I'm looking forward that you are making a working TPU and show us the facts that you have found.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:06:09 PM
Likewise if you layout on the bench ONE collector of about 50 turns of thick stranded speaker wire and 3 control coils say 20 turns single core door bell wire for the gate controls  you have no where to tap any voltage as you are working in two dimensions. Straight away you think of banging the coils looking for results but you only have HALF a dipole in front of you and even then no means of NON REFLECTIVE extraction.

The sine waves is ONLY the precursor if you make a 3D magnetic ball then you will get a stream of  kicks when its on the right frequency.  This is not theoretical its proven as one wire will jump when a current passes through it. SM told you to do this experiment as a teaching method to making a TPU.

What you can do though is layout and test the coils in rotorverter format (search this site for diagrams and info sheets) and find a run cap value to resonate plus you need a resonance cap across the collector coil.  You have to try a few coils and caps till you get 2D magnetic rotation verified by a compass. Try both Y and Delta. If you get this far you have made it further then anyone else on this forum that i can spot.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:18:02 PM
saturable reactor was almost certainly used for feedback control of the current loading. Its old technology and more proof that then TPU is using 80's technology.  They may be some twist where its required later but it shouldn't stop real proceedings in the meantime moving forwards and doing the precise stuff SM said that should be done.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 01:31:11 PM
i have done this..... ;D

bolt i have a super simple way to do this only thing is i did not use a compass i used a neo mag suspended on a string i did this long ago......

i have prototypes i choose not to share as almost no one has seen this effect

where are you erfinder ???

ready to talk yet???

@bolt have you ever studyied mpi?   

how far down the rabbit hole is safe??


in mpi where is the control curcuitry....   lol  there is NONE there is no need 4 it  ;) 

@grumpy  this is G    ;)  HOW DOES IT WORK  lol

it aint hard ....   and you only need 1 control coil.....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 01:42:14 PM
Good luck with that direction, Bolt.

Like the old band "Black" sang back in the late 80's: "everything is coming up roses" -  ;D

By the way, a compass also responds to a changing electrostatic field -  :o 

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 24, 2008, 01:48:40 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:06:09 PM
Likewise if you layout on the bench ONE collector of about 50 turns of thick stranded speaker wire and 3 control coils say 20 turns single core door bell wire for the gate controls  you have no where to tap any voltage as you are working in two dimensions. Straight away you think of banging the coils looking for results but you only have HALF a dipole in front of you and even then no means of NON REFLECTIVE extraction.

The sine waves is ONLY the precursor if you make a 3D magnetic ball then you will get a stream of  kicks when its on the right frequency.  This is not theoretical its proven as one wire will jump when a current passes through it. SM told you to do this experiment as a teaching method to making a TPU.

What you can do though is layout and test the coils in rotorverter format (search this site for diagrams and info sheets) and find a run cap value to resonate plus you need a resonance cap across the collector coil.  You have to try a few coils and caps till you get 2D magnetic rotation verified by a compass. Try both Y and Delta. If you get this far you have made it further then anyone else on this forum that i can spot.

This is a quick setup to do. And again, a field within a field. That is why Ed.L. stated to 'Ring the bell twice'.

The prior year I lived between 3 airports and close to a top secret radar base. My testing went just far enough to keep me out of jail.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:48:46 PM
"You just apply a very fast pulse to a coil of high self-induction.  This causes the aether around the coil to polarize, then the pulse stops and the polarized aether suddenly depolarizes - this creates a shockwave in the aether, which causes it to move.  This in turn moves across your collector and induces an electric current along it.  An electric current can not maintain itself in a conductor so it must be utilized or it dissipates."

Grumps this is tesla / bedini, newman stuff its only 1st level tapping of BEMF type systems. All that does is pluck the magnetic earth flux which gives you 1.618 * Q but real switching loses mean you see only .323 RF gain yes RE = RF in extreme time compression return.   If you want REAL power like kilowatts streaming through you must open a permanent 3D portal. Its only when you do this the earth mag will come back with the entire global energy to plug the hole.  Thats why 100% tuned mag portal will come down and vaporise everything in 2 milliseconds.

There are 8 modes of power extraction.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 24, 2008, 01:59:22 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:48:46 PM
"You just apply a very fast pulse to a coil of high self-induction.  This causes the aether around the coil to polarize, then the pulse stops and the polarized aether suddenly depolarizes - this creates a shockwave in the aether, which causes it to move.  This in turn moves across your collector and induces an electric current along it.  An electric current can not maintain itself in a conductor so it must be utilized or it dissipates."

Grumps this is tesla / bedini, newman stuff its only 1st level tapping of BEMF type systems. All that does is pluck the magnetic earth flux which gives you 1.618 * Q but real switching loses mean you see only .323 RF gain yes RE = RF in extreme time compression return.   If you want REAL power like kilowatts streaming through you must open a permanent 3D portal. Its only when you do this the earth mag will come back with the entire global energy to plug the hole.  Thats why 100% tuned mag portal will come down and vaporise everything in 2 milliseconds.

There are 8 modes of power extraction.

Very similar to the way a Sun spot works. A hole opens and one can see the plasma flowing into a black void. But energy is flowing into the hole across its diameter. Other wise the plasma just flows horizontally.

Occult aether physics and Dynamic theory of gravity both explain the aether around a mass.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 02:00:15 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:48:46 PM
"You just apply a very fast pulse to a coil of high self-induction.  This causes the aether around the coil to polarize, then the pulse stops and the polarized aether suddenly depolarizes - this creates a shockwave in the aether, which causes it to move.  This in turn moves across your collector and induces an electric current along it.  An electric current can not maintain itself in a conductor so it must be utilized or it dissipates."

Grumps this is tesla / bedini, newman stuff its only 1st level tapping of BEMF type systems. All that does is pluck the magnetic earth flux which gives you 1.618 * Q but real switching loses mean you see only .323 RF gain yes RE = RF in extreme time compression return.   If you want REAL power like kilowatts streaming through you must open a permanent 3D portal. Its only when you do this the earth mag will come back with the entire global energy to plug the hole.  Thats why 100% tuned mag portal will come down and vaporise everything in 2 milliseconds.

There are 8 modes of power extraction.

Mag portals?

Bedini?  Ever seen Bedini or Bearden with a TPU?  Thought not.

3D portals?

8 modes of power extraction?

Unfortunately, Bolt, you are just about as WRONG as anyone can possibly be.

Back to the bench now...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 24, 2008, 02:08:45 PM
In the beginning I posted a simple graphic of a ring and how it sits in the horizontal position between the layers of earth field flux. The flux is broken and reconnects layer to subsequent layer each on the same side of the ring, around the ring. It looks like water going down a drain.
Marco immediately reposted my pic with a point to point vortex in the middle. ( X ) Like this.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 02:21:25 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:48:46 PM
"You just apply a very fast pulse to a coil of high self-induction.  This causes the aether around the coil to polarize, then the pulse stops and the polarized aether suddenly depolarizes - this creates a shockwave in the aether, which causes it to move.  This in turn moves across your collector and induces an electric current along it.  An electric current can not maintain itself in a conductor so it must be utilized or it dissipates."

Grumps this is tesla / bedini, newman stuff its only 1st level tapping of BEMF type systems. All that does is pluck the magnetic earth flux which gives you 1.618 * Q but real switching loses mean you see only .323 RF gain yes RE = RF in extreme time compression return.   If you want REAL power like kilowatts streaming through you must open a permanent 3D portal. Its only when you do this the earth mag will come back with the entire global energy to plug the hole.  Thats why 100% tuned mag portal will come down and vaporise everything in 2 milliseconds.

There are 8 modes of power extraction.

i do not agree i have designed a device long  go based on this that i speek of that taps this from the earth and uses it sm could only mimic electlicly in a tpu as i understand   i can lock it indefnetally and speed it way up ;)  to tune the damn thing   tap the free spinning feilds....

gyro effect you bet ;)


let me ask the question why is baling wire still required in this unit?? at present design?


to contain the damm thing  trap it so it aint all over the place ;)

i bet you need i high voltage oscolating  open ended curcuit to drive this puppy ;)


dont get me wrong im not knocking down any of sm's work this is what i have come up with.... in my reserch
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 02:36:25 PM
its not hard you make constructive interference on all 3 planes XYZ  This creates a static standing wave in 3D is a big ball but it was generated from sine waves. Think of it as a hologram.

You need to make a dipole, you make magnetic amplifier of 2 triodes. The equivalent circuit is actually 2 back to back diodes this rectifies the charge between the collectors and pushes ONE positive and ONE negative.  As the 3D ball grows the earth will try harder to plug it and feed more energy into it. The more it pushes in the bigger the ball gets until such time the coil glows red hot and vaporises.

The results is high frequncy DC with AC component. The AC is the 3rd frequncy which is the heterodyne beat between the 2 collectors. This beat hetrodyne is what is felt in the tpu the slight vibration.

I quote you SM on this as im not making it up.

Think about the fact that in just one revolution, the Earth generates
enough electric power to supply North America with all it needs for over
100 years!
All we have to do is tap into that energy and all our energy wishes come

Yes i know what you mean SM:)

Rotation of field. . . How many people think about that.
If you could have a field that you could think of as a big ball.
And you could rotate it in two directions what would the ramifications

yes i know how to do that too.:)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 03:18:58 PM
Chef you tick 80 of 80 SM post with a valid explanation for each and everyone trust me i listen. Problem is within weeks of SM's postings people invented stuff that made no sense at all to the description. It became Chinese whispers where one person looked at the source then decided he couldn't deciphr it then made up NEW rules these became the HOUSE rules and they were followed instead. Eventually SM post were deemed deliberately false and thus not worthy of anything when in fact it was lack of knowledge which created a new false paradigm.

SM came back into the forum clearly pretty pissed off because he saw two years ago this happened.

This was mentioned again today.  "We couldn't work to SM rules so we tore it up and made our own".

They also have no concept of how important the control
frequencies are in order to make power from the collector.
It is obvious that most of the people trying to duplicate my experiment
are not of the intellectual caliper necessary to develop my technology or
at the very least they need to invest in some laboratory grade instruments
in order to develop any progress.
I assumed that anyone working on technology this sophisticated would
have a superior knowledge of electronics and an understanding of PURE
frequency output being a Necessity to control the reactions going
on inside the collector.
Please place this on the web site and let them know that if they do not
have a more then average understanding of electron flow then they
should not endeavor to try and duplicate my device because they do not
stand a chance.
I am tired of reading their disappointments because they do not have the
education or the knowledge necessary to duplicate my technology.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 03:25:15 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 01:18:02 PM
saturable reactor was almost certainly used for feedback control of the current loading. Its old technology and more proof that then TPU is using 80's technology.  They may be some twist where its required later but it shouldn't stop real proceedings in the meantime moving forwards and doing the precise stuff SM said that should be done.

They were almost certainly used for feedback?
How certainly is almost certainly??

They were certainly used to compress the pulse....ever tried to compress a sine wave....??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 03:36:29 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 03:18:58 PM

This was mentioned again today.  "We couldn't work to SM rules so we tore it up and made our own".

Are you going to repeat the whole SM story in parts?
I have tried that already man.

And we did not make our own rules.
Stevens units were carefully pulled apart when they were eventually sold.
How's that for a surprise?
Don't you think it's kinda stupid to assume these units are still in electrical tape today??
After 12 Years.....
Maybe you should try to get your ass closer to the fire in stead of keep digging in the old soup.
Be carefull it doesn't burn you.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 03:56:26 PM
Marco you done it again twice in one day!  You keep saying you stick to the rules when 5 seconds later you admit ignoring them!

My view has totally changed and it has got nothing to do with the earths magnetic field at all.

Rule break ONE SM told you it has but you ignored it. What do you think it is then Swamp Gas?

This also relates to the early models, the early models Steven was wanting to talk about alot but he was not wanting to go into detail.

Not true the rules apply to the TPU series i will digress slightly The large 800 watt TPU is not the latest model that is a 3 stage design and the smaller compact donut TPU are the latest models they are 2 stage.

See Steven just putted alot of words into a cup, stirred it up and wrote them down.

So you cant make sense of it so you ignore them.

What you are reffering to as being collector coils in the early units are control coils, and what you are reffering to as being control coils are collectors.

Really you sure your not making this up?

Steven deliberatly mixed things up.[/i

Oh to confuse you or everyone? Im not confused by any of his postings its very clear to me.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 04:02:11 PM
You don't understand it was his baby he did not want to give it away and i totally understand that.

Surely he wanted to be in the spotlight, but he did not want us to build these things.
So what options do we have then?

Talk alot without revealing alot, it's as simple as that.

Go on and believe whatever you want to believe i do not care anymore.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Moab on October 24, 2008, 04:04:06 PM

I wonder just how many we need in basememt labs around the world before the proverbial shit hits the fan. Strikeing simmilarities, dont you think?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 04:14:48 PM
Quote from: Moab on October 24, 2008, 04:04:06 PM

I wonder just how many we need in basememt labs around the world before the proverbial shit hits the fan. Strikeing simmilarities, dont you think?

hello bud

this is why i like my cascade amp   no worries of this crap

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 24, 2008, 04:17:53 PM
If one takes the 3 layer magnetic ball approach using square waves and shifts the 3 layers off their common center you then have a magnetic field model of John Hutchison's demos consisting of 3 fields impacting, interfering and randomly heterodyning.
Take that same model with the centers aligned and apply sine waves. What do you have? 3 fields impacting, interfering, controlled sweep heterodyning.

So can I pulse the Bolt coil? There is no problem trying that. Now there is a question. What is wrong with trying both ways?

A very good example of using square waves are Otto's schematics. A few twist and turns different each time and the field impacts are still there and minimal wire.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Moab on October 24, 2008, 04:32:33 PM
Hi, IST & Gk, its been a while.

your right Gk. nothing wrong with trying..
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 24, 2008, 04:55:09 PM

         People start talking about magnetic vortexes and I go nuts.  What do people think a magnetic vortex looks like.  We  got two of them going at the north and south pole already feeding a plasma ring current in the middle of the rock already.
We don't need anymore cause SM couldn't keep track of a couple of video tapes.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 05:23:54 PM
nothing wrong with trying it but the idea of sine is to use rotoverter setup to generate 3 phase automatically from 1 phase in perfect resonance.  Square waves waste power the leading edge forces against the caps charging requiring excess current and generates infinite harmonics.  You can turn square to sine but then requires perfect matching RC which requires adjusting every time you change the frequncy. Also squares increase the bandwidth by spluttering over the bands. Imagine making a MW AM transmitter of square waves it could have sidebands out of 500khz +/-.

So it can be done with pulses but only if you know the very final frequncy of operation then you can filter it all back to sine waves after otherwise makes tuning impossible as you never know if you are hitting a fundy or a harmonic. This is why SM said "pure frequency".  Remember the ultimate solution is extreme low power precursor oscillators which if locked steady will produce a narrow band high Q circuit with no wasted power into sidebands. When you have this you have a clean magnetic ball. Actually in reality its Dipole LOBES not a ball. If you aim to make a clean RF amp then i dont think you will be far wrong. Try to observe any sweet spots and relationship between coil size, collector coil C values and control gate frequency because whatever you do has to be replicated for the other side of the dipole.

For a quick fix you can bias your fets to class B with split R's or even drive it direct of a signal generator. If you tune it dead right it should run very very low power. So start with low frequncy first like 10 Hz need to see the compass is rotating smoothly

OOHHHH A final thought a STRF (straight tuned radio frequency) receiver is a low power transmitter:)  AND visa versa this means by transmitting a signal we are actually magnetically locked to the remote transmitter source at low frequencies therefore you can stick a crystal diode in a run through your scope and speakers- you maybe able to actually HEAR the earths magnetic waves. LOL Hey that would be cool you can listen to the earths power source.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 05:49:54 PM
still got that video of fireballs on the bench?


I have two brothers and I asked one why he would not divulge his work and he replied:

"They can either figure it out or stay behind."

Maybe he is right.  Maybe not.  So, I asked the other one and he replied:

"Screw them.  I don't have time help those that won't help themselves."

I think they are much wiser than I am.  Maybe this is why they have success with advanced technology.



SM stated that he did not know how it worked.  SM stated that he was not positive that the devices tapped the Earth's magnetic field.

Whoever took possession of the technology after SM would probably developed it further.  This being said, I am sure that there are perhaps half a dozen people that know how the device really works and can apply engineering principles to it's design.  I would also venture a guess that more than one of these persons has heard of our efforts to build an energy conversion device.  Perhaps one or more of these individuals is in our presence now.

Then there is the claim that the US Navy has had a similar device since the 1950's - this from a very good source.  I do not doubt this at all.

All this is fine and dandy but the real question is are you getting anywhere with your approach?  If not, I suggest you switch to impulses since there are individuals with success with this approach, even if they will not come forward.   Both of my brothers use impulses, but what do they know?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 24, 2008, 05:51:47 PM

Since SM didn't mention what field (as I recall) what makes you think he was talking about a magnetic field?

I dropped attempts at rotating a mag field a long time ago because there is no way to do it (around the N/S axis).

Constant references to rotating a mag field .... well.... I just blow them off anymore. Switching poles in a rotary fashion IS banging the coils.

Now build three electric fields that combine three vectors 90 out from each other and you have something, interesting at least and almost no power required.
Not that I'm pro or con on the wave shape but a good way to create a clean sine is to combine the correct frequencies of short pulses.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 24, 2008, 06:58:02 PM
hi  bolt

i thing i anderstend you  i have made something  about 5 days ago  and is like you are say...........










Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 24, 2008, 07:38:52 PM
      Below is a diagram I'd love to hear some blah blah blah about because I don't really want to duplicate it.   I don't know if it was a coincidence or not but things got a little weird around my neck of the wood after this.   I somehow ended up with the anode of a crt tube to the iron coil as shown. This was a florescent bulb holder and what the heck lets make a coil while we're at it.   The hv didn't do much for the bulb but somehow I ended up with the anode on the holder.  The smell of ozone and a whistling noise alerted me to look under the block where the end of the steel holder were stuck out about an inch or so.  The block was in a grounded metal vise.  There were these two jets extending from the wire ends as shown.
Never seen anything like this before.  I've seen plenty of highvoltage sparks from all sorts of ignition transformers and ozone generator hvhf transformers but never this.   I stuck my paw about six inches away from the ends of these flares and it was cold.  It was sucking heat right out of the top of my hand and I could feel cold air rising up in the cup of my hand an flowing around the edges.
    I know there was enough voltage to cause local ionizaton of the air around the electrode ends but cold air rising is weird.  Anyone explain this for me.  We had a halo of low altitude clouds for the next week or two and a rumor of a machine that suddenly appeared in someones basement.  And an armored private convoy of some sort going around town.  Hope it wasn't my broken TV opening up a worm hole. ::) ??? :P
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 24, 2008, 08:07:32 PM
Cold air is normal and you can feel it like you feel the wind that is why they called it "ion wind"
In the dark you can see it actually spit out this blue stuff like a fluid.
I have seen it many times.
If you "spray" it onto a plate connected to a meter and the other end connected to earth, earth shows up as being positive.
I have done many tests with this and it is also possible to transfer serious amounts of power to recieving devices, 100 Watt lightbulbs included, most of the time it only works when you first establish the connection and then apply the load, if you first apply the load and then the connection it won't work as strange as it seems and i have never found out why that happend.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 10:41:37 PM
"Then there is the claim that the US Navy has had a similar device since the 1950's - this from a very good source.  I do not doubt this at all."

Nor do i this could have been replicated from around 1930 using relative simple sinewave technology and tube amps.  Its cousin is the hendershot device.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 24, 2008, 10:55:37 PM

You keep telling me you cant make rotating magnetic field yet this circuit does exactly that. The L's are your control coils which are the grids in your cold triode. The big loop is the collector this should be LC with a cap on the output.

OR use a 3 phase driver which in effect is a single oscillator with phase shifted outputs. Both will give magnetic rotation.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 24, 2008, 11:00:14 PM
@all i liked everyones work .....

marco i liked your last build so i did it my way not done yet tho ....

it looks to me like a pluse motor with the rotation subbed for a generation coil ... 

yep this brut will have 6 coils will work with the 6pac and i will sub a generation picup coil or 2  ;) for the rotor  ;D

ps im useing wood ... and my coils are polorazied bifiller 2000 turns per coil so a total of 12000 turns thease are my electro mags only!!

the center collector wich consists of short pices of copper wire woven in and out of my electro magnets will connect to the final wrap if i use gargen wire mixed with my center collector it should be contained if i do not use it ther i will put it on the outter wrap ...   some where it will be there ...

a pic when i finally finish winding got 2 done ...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 11:53:59 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 10:41:37 PM
"Then there is the claim that the US Navy has had a similar device since the 1950's - this from a very good source.  I do not doubt this at all."

Nor do i this could have been replicated from around 1930 using relative simple sinewave technology and tube amps.  Its cousin is the hendershot device.

Yeah Yeah Yeah

Ever seen a replication of a Hendershot device?  Thought not.

I don't know how familiar you are with Tesla's work, but he equated impulses to a jackhammer.  His magical feats were not produced with his magnifier but with his three-phase rotating spark gap - which he stated was not used for wireless transmission of energy.

Anyway, you can stick with your sine waves as they can also be made to work.  When you bias above zero - it all kinda looks the same...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on October 24, 2008, 11:58:44 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 10:55:37 PM

You keep telling me you cant make rotating magnetic field yet this circuit does exactly that. The L's are your control coils which are the grids in your cold triode. The big loop is the collector this should be LC with a cap on the output.

OR use a 3 phase driver which in effect is a single oscillator with phase shifted outputs. Both will give magnetic rotation.

the collector is a bit confusing as it looks like a short in the loop
Could you tell us how many turns would be used for your example of 60 hz?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 25, 2008, 12:10:14 AM
Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 10:55:37 PM

You keep telling me you cant make rotating magnetic field yet this circuit does exactly that. The L's are your control coils which are the grids in your cold triode. The big loop is the collector this should be LC with a cap on the output.

OR use a 3 phase driver which in effect is a single oscillator with phase shifted outputs. Both will give magnetic rotation.

In your example and any generator or motor used today the only thing that rotates is the rotor. The focus of the magnetic flux is simply being moved from one point to another. It is not turning. This may be exactly what is required. I am not one to say if it is or not. However, the magnetic field is not rotating. You cannot rotate the measurement of something and proclaim you are rotating the item under measurement.

If I make the statement I am rotating a magnetic field it is no more correct than if I spin on the toes of one foot and tell everyone I am rotating the world around me. It isn't me that is spinning - it is the world! Now that is classic 2D thinking.

Sorry, but I've tried to find the means to make it happen for decades. After all that time I realized even if I could make one spin it would make no difference at all. Why? Because field lines are also B.S. They simply do not exist unless you add material between the poles of a magnet. These lines crossing a wire are supposed to be the reason for induction.
Also B.S. Induction isn't lines crossing a wire it is variations in flux density over a wire.
The use of 'lines' was created so those with minimal abstract thought abilities could visualize the effect. The latter statement is a matter of historic record.

For those that think they can rotate a magnetic field, magnetic flux is generated by a magnet or coil, field lines/layers or laminations are the normal makeup of magnetic flux, I am sorry. Your opinion will likely never change so I'll leave you to your travels.

You folks ever play 'Whack-a-Mole' ? That is the vision I have when I see discussions about pounding one coil after another in their attempts to cause movement. Things do appear to move. My opinion is they aren't moving the way you think.

In the end the most important thing is you choose your own direction and do it with gusto. Having a little fun while learning something new is also a great plus  :D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 25, 2008, 04:29:09 AM
the collector is a bit confusing as it looks like a short in the loop
Could you tell us how many turns would be used for your example of 60 hz?"

DONT run this on the mains supply its only a 3 phase schematic. Use signal generator only. The circle is the motor body and you must not copy verbatim so ignore the circle connections. In reality you make say 50 turns of heavy speaker or stranded mains cable for the collector and put a poly AC cap across the ends. The L's are suggested  20 turns of thin stranded wire like door bell wire wrapped around the collector 120 degrees apart. The 36uF cap must be AC cap but you must find this value to run resonance. By using big C's values start by trying to get this to run down at say 20 Hz so you can see compass rotate. You can try wiring the 3 coils in Delta as well as Y.

Remember this is ONLY half the dipole till you make two and stack them you will never get kicks or volts anywhere its for proof of concept only. The final frequncy to get a fast enough spin with 2 of these stacked and start to see odds things happening could be 500k to 1 meg Hz from your sig gen with the right (smaller) caps all tuned in perfect resonance.

Wiki =A symmetric rotating magnetic field can be produced with as little as three coils. The three coils will have to be driven by a symmetric 3-phase AC sine current system, thus each phase will be shifted 120 degrees in phase from the others. For the purpose of this example, the magnetic field is taken to be the linear function of the coil's current.

What im trying here to show that an RV modified motor concept can make a virtual 3 phase rotation from a single phase.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 25, 2008, 06:41:43 AM
Forget the magnetic field, we don't need it in this case. The ether shockwave is happening before the magnetic field builds up. The magnetic field should be as low as possible to save input power.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 25, 2008, 06:48:58 AM

Is this the configuration you mean?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 25, 2008, 06:56:19 AM
Quote from: BEP on October 25, 2008, 12:10:14 AM

For those that think they can rotate a magnetic field, magnetic flux is generated by a magnet or coil, field lines/layers or laminations are the normal makeup of magnetic flux, I am sorry. Your opinion will likely never change so I'll leave you to your travels.

Well said BEP.

The fields are stationary.

Quote from: bolt on October 24, 2008, 10:55:37 PM

You keep telling me you cant make rotating magnetic field yet this circuit does exactly that.

Can you explain to me then how exactly this magnetic field is rotating?
How can you move something that is proven to be stationary??


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 25, 2008, 07:10:51 AM

Since this is AC won't the coils change polarity at every half cycle thus the inside will be receiving a north then a south field and not a steady field rotation. Was this not made to keep a rotor in forward rotation by simply alternating the applied field.


Your design looks like Ottos ECD but in dual layers.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 25, 2008, 08:11:25 AM
You can only manipulate the field strength in regions and this is what happens in a 3-phase motor too. The rotating motion is only virtual, When you look at the rotor the field is stationary, you only move the "magnet" over the stator.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 25, 2008, 09:11:10 AM
"only manipulate the field strength in regions"

i know that thats what i want.  BUT the action on other magnets or magnetic  waves or even a tin can is rotation. So you will see the compass spinning like crazy in the center thats what we want thats what SM told us to achieve. THEN you make 2 of them and then we have a ball :)

There is a youtube vid somewhere i cant be bothered to look but a guy has a 3 phase motor casing open no stator he throws a beer can in and it spins up 1500 RPM and flies out.  This will produce circular polarization as it interacts with the earth field. I think your missing the point im not looking for a direct local effect this its precursory only. The real action is out in space beyond the TPU. By  transmitting you shall receive. Its only the first steps to making a TPU. If the compass spins this simple TPU has got further then ALL the other TPU's unless you show me one i missed.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 25, 2008, 09:14:39 AM
hey  how to put   pic. here  is  1MEGA
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 25, 2008, 09:20:23 AM

put them in the download section


I see some simularities yes


Do you have some personal building experiences with this setup you want to share?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 25, 2008, 09:58:57 AM
Quote from: wattsup on October 25, 2008, 07:10:51 AM
Was this not made to keep a rotor in forward rotation by simply alternating the applied field.

Exactly. No rotor = no rotation. Even if we think the normal rotor-type rotation is needed the target is missed.

My understanding of the description is a single ball rotating on two (2) axis. If you want to throw in a can to watch it spin then this will work, I'm sure. What if you don't want it to be ejected out the end but continue spinning and ALSO rotate end-to-end?

As far as Wiki goes.... yes they do a pretty good job. They blew it on this.

I don't waste much time anymore on the magnetic. IMO it is only there to give me control over the electric.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 25, 2008, 10:06:06 AM
         Below is a diagram of a cryptic Tesla transformer with an SM collector winding up through the middle.  In a coil of highselfinductance the magnetic field surrounding each turn induces the current in the next turn so the magnetic core inside the turns sees a "traveling magnetic field".  So doesn't SM's collector winding.   Notice that the capacitor is attached to ground and a voltage collector at the top.  Also notice that the spark gap is inbetween the capacitor plates.   This is basically creating a voltpile with the earth and the ionosphere as the outside collector plates.   Spark gap inside a capacitor inside a capacitor.  Also notice that the primary is a coil of low self inductance so it radiates the spark gap voltage information very quickly (speed of light quick) to the secondary.  Not alot of chance for backemf when you radiate the primary information in.  This basically is converting the velocity of an emwave into a much slower emwave. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 25, 2008, 10:06:50 AM
Spider no i don't im afraid. I wouldn't even bother to start unless you have access to decent scopes, grid dips, VSWR meters, loads, PSU's, 3 sig gens, frequncy counters and a spectrum analyzer or at least 100k to 1.5 gig scanner will come in very handy.  I do have build experience though and made homemade HF amps one was 500 watt Tube amp, CB radios, walkie talkies, many receivers of all types, packet decoders, i had massive 10 m Yagi antennas up in the back yard years ago. I worked on military and civil transponders FOF and missiles IF's and later years as a cell phone tech doing microwave towers and site surveys. So therefore i know not to bother even trying if all you got is a Rat Shack multimeter and a reel of wire.

But i know many of you have built TPU's banged the coils and got no where so i like to see if this works if it spins its something that SM said should happen. If it spins and nothing can be seen anywhere then have to try quenching with the torridial  on top.  Even if you get real power feedback by some miracle there would still be 18 month 2 years of work just to get it stable.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 25, 2008, 11:26:52 AM
Quote from: BEP on October 25, 2008, 09:58:57 AM
I don't waste much time anymore on the magnetic. IMO it is only there to give me control over the electric.

Best part of the whole thread..thanks BEP.

The magnetic field vanishes in a longitudinal wave, so the compass stops.  Yeah, there is still an inductive effect occurring but  it isn't caused by a magnetic field.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 25, 2008, 12:20:59 PM

So in a nutshell, all this writing has been a bit futile....

Maybe somebody should send Bolt all the secret Spherics documents we have so he can join us in the coilbanging LOL.

Everybody have a very nice evening!!!  ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 25, 2008, 12:21:52 PM
funny all this talk of a 7.5 hp 3 phase motor  ;D

i just happen to have 1 lol....

laying around damn heavy old thing as i recall... it is in storage currently but if i get excited enough bout it i may digg it out and dissassemble it  ;)  i also have a variack that i can use to restrict the flow  but this is eather a 600v or 450v  motor shoud make 1 hell of a big ass kick ;) :o 8) ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 25, 2008, 12:25:43 PM
     Tesla's primarys pretty much stops the time variant energy of an electromagnetic wave.  And it becomes electrostatically induced into the secondary.   As the wave is slowed down the frequency of the wave is converting to amplitude.  You shed enough time variant the wave goes into infinite charge seperation.  The magnetic field is an inertial field or where energy converts to time or nonchange.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 25, 2008, 01:29:55 PM
can i have your att please...   lol ...


look at this ...

marco wanna play tesla style with some real toys TUBES......

;D ;D


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 25, 2008, 01:41:16 PM
Communication is seldom a waste.

I don't share things I can't confirm or others will not be able to duplicate. There is no point.

Some things I'm glad to share that should apply and they can be checked:

1. A magnetic force does not add or subtract from a moving charge when the magnetic is used to change the direction of a moving charge. This is basic, conventional and proven on my bench (to my limited abilities).
2. Lenz's law does not apply (as it is written) to every inductor. It only applies to solenoid wound coils and single loops. Try applying it to a flat spiral. The induced magnetic force does not oppose in direction of the oncoming field. The polarity of the induced force is 90 degrees instead of 180 degrees.
Lenz's law is one foundation block for thermodynamics.
3. It is a simple matter to rotate a charged medium in a magnetic field. All you need is charge, flow and a magnetic field. Fill a plastic thimble with water, sprinkle some pepper in the water, apply a few DC volts positive to the middle of the water, apply the negative to the outer diameter of the body of water. The water will rotate (real rotation).
4. Moving charges induce movement in charges of a conductor. The magnetic is only the container of charge.
5. Like charges attract to each other when they move together in their common reference frame. (Hmmmm, sounds a bit like gravity doesn't it?)
6. Don't get hung up on field lines. Your iron filings make the field lines. They aren't there to begin with.
7. When a switch, spark gap, neon light, diode (SS or not) is turned on the most interesting things happen before conventional current flows.

One last proven fact:

8. I am not always correct. Your way may be the answer as easily as mine. The best thing you can do is work the problem the way you see it and believe nothing until it happens on your bench.

Some of Spheric's ideas prove out for me, not enough of them. Same for other works done on this forum. Some work done here is great and has shaken my world already. Now I understand why some things blew up. I just need to make use of that knowledge  ;)

So the question about why iron cores won't work..... I can only tell you why they won't work for my ideas. I can't say they will not work for the correct idea.

No bench work today. The Sun is shining and the wind isn't bad. Time to prepare for a lng cold winter.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 25, 2008, 02:16:20 PM
A turning compass needle does not necessarily mean there is a rotating field. I can make a compass needle turn very fast with one impulse and good voltage. I can lower the voltage and make it turn by providing the impulse just at the right time where the momentum of the needle is just right and all it needs is a little well timed nudge to keep it turning.

Most of the time when you check a devices magnetic field with a compass and you do not see anything special with the device flat on the bench, try turning the device on its side. You will be amazed and this gives you a better appreciation of the fields in the 3rd dimension.


I do agree about the control coil and collector designations as I have "lobbied" on and off on the forum that these were backwards. But when the wind blows east, it's hard to make things go west.

As for banging coils, I had said many times it is like "brute force DC pulsing" that will only create heat. That may be so but guys like Otto did come across a grand anomaly in this effect with his ECD which I still wonder about. I am convinced he hit a degausing frequency but cannot prove it. But there should not be any "for or against" and all should be willing to call a spade a spade and call it something else when it is is not a spade. What I mean is this.

Take any one portion of a thunder cloud. Nothing special but air, wind, some friction and water droplets. So you can play around in that area of the cloud and see what happens. Then you have the area immediately in the vicinity of where a thunder bolt is generated. This part of the cloud requires much more energy to replicate and the payoff is a nice thunder bolt. So. Some people like playing in the cloud and some people like to play near the bolt source. There is nothing wrong with either because both will teach you something you did not already know about the cloud. Besides, Tesla must have banged a few coils in his day (no pun intended). lol

Also, you are very right about the forum going "sort of haywire" during the first months. I was pulling the hair out of my head trying to wonder why guys would so quickly jump to conclude on what they were seeing then veer off into so many directions, when what was really required was more sober observation of the devices. Then and now my strengths in logic systems and logical thinking was always very high and I did not see the logic, but my OU acumen was very low or green so I did not think it was my place to stand up and beat the "who the hell cried wolf" drum. Maybe if more of us spoke out then, we would be further ahead. But such is life.


A 7.5 hp stator will give a nice kick all right. But it will also give a nicer kickback that can really hurt. lol
Also thanks for that history web page. Really nice and I will look it over. It's funny but when you are involved in this OU stuff, you read about the standard EE components and I always see them in such a different manner then they have originally been destined to be used.

@Guys in show and tell mode

I was really surprised to see all those builds from all you guys but am wondering if you all have a concrete strategy on how to make them vibrate, pulsate and generate what you expect from them.

Tesla would see his devices in 3d virtual reality in his minds eye before attempting to make a build. He knew before even starting the build that his device was "going" to work "exactly" as his vision depicted it. We are making so many builds, but I must say for myself that my building fervor has now given place to more deep reflections of my ideas "from all angles", without playing the, build it just to see game.

I can see these devices in my mind, certainly not as fluent or in focus as Tesla, but at least in my new method of building, I do at least 90% of the build in my mind. If it holds out OK then I will try to do some peripheral experiments to see if this or that effect can hold up, then I will make a build.

What I am trying to say is we have to stop pushing guys to build and build just for the sake of trying or just for the sake of being "part" of a build movement. Yes we all like being part of something that one would want to consider as a noble cause. But we also have to realize that we can build a device in our mind just as well as building it on the bench, when you have touched enough side aspects to get a preamble of the expected effects.

As for the spherics design, I can tell you today (my opinion only) that it will not work as is, simply because half of the supplied energy to the device is wasted in the opposing fields. There are always two coil halves that are being energized for nothing. When you are supplying such a coil scheme with 250 or 350 volts dc, with two coils always pulsing at any given moment. You are then expecting the ether to give back via the excitation or formation of a rotating field, to pull more energy into the center toroid collector. I cannot in all practicality envision this as being a sound expectation of the end results.

My first personal OU rule. If you waste a polarity, you have to first make back that waste before you can expect OU and the more you waste, the more you are already set back. So, make designs that do not waste a polarity.

OR, and this is a big OR. Include pick up coils on the opposing coil ends to catch as much of the wasted energy to be sent back to the source. If you use the north of a coil to simply turn a wheel with magnets in it, then also include a pick up coil on the south side to catch energy from that end and re-cycle it. This aspect of OU devices will have to be looked at more closely since the first step in any OU device will be its inherent frugality with the energy it receives. If this aspect is not optimized, then OU will be difficult.


I like your last post.

During my many many months on this board, I must say I have learned, tried and tried and seen many many device trials. Of all of these trials, there is really only one that stands out in my mind as a practical and potential source of free energy and that is the one shown by @handyguy. I have put up a post in his thread if anyone wants to take a look.

I am convinced that this is the most easiest method of overunity and in my selection criteria I give high marks for "low cost and simplicity" and ease of disseminating the build information and understanding should the idea meet with success. I will now make my outer coil for this device and start experimenting. I had tried many internal coil variations to see the effects without success. The only thing that has kept me on this orientation for so many months is because it works with a coil and a "swinging" magnet and not a "rotating" magnet, so it should work with a coil and a swinging virtual magnet. This is what I will be concentrating on for the near future. I want this thing to loop when the battery is disconnected and can see it already in my mind. Hmmmmm.

Sorry for long post.


Thanks for your post. Really pertinent.
I also have to change over my shed from summer to winter mode. Time to take out the snow blower.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on October 25, 2008, 08:58:34 PM
Hey Guys,

I haven't posted in a while since I just moved but I wanted to say that I just viewed the FTPU video again and I get convinced every time that what SM is saying in the video is quite amazing and simple.   

He says: 

1) energy comes from the magnetic field of the earth, which has an inherent frequency

2) he tunes his device to this frequency

I was just walking along a trail last evening that was close to power lines about 10 meters high off the ground.  I heard a very unusual beating frequency (combination of two frequencies or more) that was quite amazing and quite noticeable only between two poles.  From the geography and topology of the area, this was the crest of the hill or mountain  (rocky terrain here in Nevada)

This got me thinking some more about the TPU and vibrations/electromagnetic interactions.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 25, 2008, 11:12:26 PM
  @ wattsup

      Looks a bit like Searl's motor and Marco's dancing magnets.

     I think the weak magnetic field of the Earth can be utilized to power stuff up if we put a galvenometer to it.  We are traversing it at 1000mph and there is a vertical component to it also.  Well say we can cut some electrons free of a conductor.   Then the magnetic field of the Earth and our relavent motion across it are used to keep the electrons from going back into the wire.  We generate voltage because voltage is just charge seperation.  Now if we do this right the electrons stay out of the collector/cathode longer than would be expected because they are held out of the wire by magnetic suspension. The collector/cathode goes positive as soon as the kick kicks the electron's off the surface of the wire.  And now it stays positve longer than it should because it is being excited by the magnetic field of the Earth and the motion of the tpu through it.  The collector winding is now a positively charged capacitor plate.  (as well as the plastic near it that forms electrets)  Meanwhile a second unactivated cathode/collector winding is becoming  negatively charged because the electron cloud is heading it's way.  Connect the two collectors to a capacitor and charge her up. Every kick gets a little bit of voltage gain because of the Earth's magfield excitation.  core. 
    I get excited when NASA develops an ion propulsion system that works off ammonia gas a capacitor bank and some copper wire and they get a one megawatt power plant inside a sattelite.
   From Wiki:

Pulsed inductive thrusters (or PITs) are a form of ion thruster, used in spacecraft propulsion. A PIT uses perpendicular electric and magnetic fields to accelerate a propellant. A nozzle releases a puff of gas (usually ammonia or argon) which spreads across a flat induction coil of wire about 1 meter across. A bank of capacitors releases a pulse of electric current lasting 10 microseconds into the coil, generating a radial magnetic field. This induces a circular electrical field in the gas, ionizing it and causing the ions to revolve in the opposite direction as the original pulse of current. Because their motion is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the ions are accelerated out into space.

Unlike an electrostatic ion thruster, PIT requires no electrodes (which are susceptible to erosion) and its power can be scaled up simply by increasing the number of pulses per second. A 1-megawatt system would pulse 200 times per second.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 25, 2008, 11:47:28 PM
Look Mom!

The good doctor finally realized you can excite and improve very low level systems with a bit of Brownian noise. (Stochastic resonance to some). He gave his own name for it but he deserves that - he obviously worked hard for it.

This is one I haven't proven/disproven to myself. Apply Brownian noise with bandspread from 35kHz to 245kHz to raise the natural noise floor to a useable level and the result be DC with a bit of hash on it. I need to build the correct noise filter for my noise generator to do it.

Nice to hear from you EM! Nevada Huh?     8)


Watch it with flat coils. Put one between two solenoid coils - each of those opposite handedness. Wadda ya get? What most folks call a Tesla coil but the primary flat coil is in the middle between the opposing secondaries. hint: Telsa coil sitting upon a mirror with reflection showing
I think this is where the coil bangs the coil banger  :o

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 26, 2008, 04:17:45 AM
Hello all,


as you see I have no partner here to discuss cores.


you are clever. What do you think why didnt SM patent the coils but everything around his coils like the control of this device??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 26, 2008, 09:41:29 AM
@ otto i have not figured out why you are not useing your collector as your core

to make use of your lil test ;)

as i see it this should be your output if we are useing polarized electro mags then this becomes a pump

im useing bifillar coils so i can harness the kick but i also am useing the bedini curcuit with my mods to it

if i were to use fets i need only a single coil because the fet will dump the kick to the next load ;)

i have 2 tpu's im currently building

yes they are like marco's

i will post pics soon

i have .5 of a coil left to wind then i will take a pic...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 26, 2008, 10:06:17 AM
       Spherics states that SM discovered an anamolous spike on some bifilar wire.
He just rediscovered Tesla's coil cap.  This device converts the coil bang into a real slow mover.  Basically using the voltage of the emwave to lock the electron field in the  mass into warped orbitals causing each atom to become a self charged capacitor in response to the emwave catalyst.  This warping of the orbitals is selfpowered.  The wave doens't give a shit which way the electron field is circulating.  It's not in the same intertial frame as the electrons.  But the charge of the electron is.  So it swings it's electric dipole moments into alignment with the emwave charge seperaton.  This results in a disresonance of the atomic structure that can cause valence electrons on the surface of the mass to propel themselves,  beyond the influence of the neuclei.  This propulsion is coming from the potential energy stored in the electron orbital and spin momentum.  Ever touch a spinning top just right and have it take off like a bat out of hell?  All mass is is a bunch and I mean a bunch of standing waves.  So you can also think of the electron as an emwave donor to the system emwave density.  A very small conversion of mass to energy but if done right, and we recycle the catalyst wave, energy starts to build up in the system real fast. 
      The problem is that this has been known for many years.  When the hell is the technology going to start getting out of the Miltary field and into the grid?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 26, 2008, 05:32:20 PM

Well, I think this is not a fair question to ask since I have never seen any patents issued to a Steven Mark that can be directly identified to the maker of the TPU. I have searched for a very long time, like everyone else I am sure. Please explain what you really mean or what makes you think there are patents on other parts of the TPU.

But regardless of my gut feeling that there are no patents, I went back on Freepatentsonline.com and made an advanced search as follows;


This means search for all patents with Inventor Name "Steven Mark" between January 1st, 1995 and October 26th, 2008. There were 163 results but none come close to anything in the realm of circuit control for a TPU. Most are related to computer bus systems.

So my quick answer to your question is "no I am not that clever to be able to know anything about SMs patents, be it for the coils or for any peripheral control circuit or other components". I do not know anyone who does and have never seen or know of such patents. Granted, if anyone knows about these patents, please advise us all.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 26, 2008, 05:37:06 PM
This concludes another episode of the Twilight Zone...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 26, 2008, 07:41:27 PM
hi@ wattso

you said  for some patent of s.m  tpu




small tpu whit 62 v  and  small permanenet magnet has the  <ather principe of colect  out energy>

this  tpu has 62  v.  dc 
this 62 v dc  is  not  came from eny kind of   diode  whit cap   
this tpu is like  cap whit small uf
you ask way  then is magnet  for start
<,magnet has  put to  small  fertyh  torid that is the oscilator oscilator  is made  whit  some  turns of coper wire  in that way  when  toroid has no magnet clouse to him   then oscilator   working  <whit small  force  whit  his  oscilation
and then oscilator is  give small  out  enrgy to exit coil<when small magnet is  out of tpu then  dc v is  droping down  slow  beacouse the  <TPU IS LIKE SMALL  uf CAP  AND  THE VOLTAGE  WHILL NOT   BE CONSTANT THERE  AND THAT IS REASON  WAY  VOLTAGE IS DROPING SLOW     >>





thanks if you  are read  this  you whill see in the  athere way of looking this tpu

   tpu is not  ordenery  device  and  mast  look in the  ather  texnology 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 26, 2008, 09:07:47 PM
 The high potential, high frequency process creates an electrostatic potential. The sparks show the interface between the atmosphere and the aether as the discharge slows down, just like a belly flop. The tesla coil emits random emissions. Great display. Ya have to see past the electrostatic potential like that is normal. The electrostatic spark is a crack between 2 different potentials. Not end to end but along the sides of the spark stream.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 26, 2008, 11:15:37 PM
Quote from: wattsup on October 26, 2008, 05:32:20 PM
I do not know anyone who does and have never seen or know of such patents. Granted, if anyone knows about these patents, please advise us all.

Remember SM's talk about the US Government visiting?  One of the men was from the Atomic Energy Commission.

So, there are no patents and there will never be any.  Capiche?

What's interesting is that SM still get's his check (small as it may be) from a company that can not patent of publicly sell the technology.  Hmm.  So, where does the money for SM's checks come from?  LOL! They sell it to the Dark Side - US Military.  They probably yank down some serious cash for a TPU.  Talk about "finanial gain" .... whoo hooo!!! Like hitting the lottery.  Develop advanced technology, sell to black world military programs, smile all the way to the bank.

Now suppose a few other companies got into the show.  Say maybe Boeing, Lockhead, Northrop, and (just for giggles) Airbus somehow got the goods (maybe they already have it) - how does that change things if at all?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on October 26, 2008, 11:26:48 PM
You introduced so many theories.
You talked so many riddles.

Could you tell how to setup experiments to prove your theories.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on October 26, 2008, 11:42:16 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 26, 2008, 11:15:37 PM
Remember SM's talk about the US Government visiting?  One of the men was from the Atomic Energy Commission.

So, there are no patents and there will never be any.  Capiche?

What's interesting is that SM still get's his check (small as it may be) from a company that can not patent of publicly sell the technology.  Hmm.  So, where does the money for SM's checks come from?  LOL! They sell it to the Dark Side - US Military.  They probably yank down some serious cash for a TPU.  Talk about "finanial gain" .... whoo hooo!!! Like hitting the lottery.  Develop advanced technology, sell to black world military programs, smile all the way to the bank.

Now suppose a few other companies got into the show.  Say maybe Boeing, Lockhead, Northrop, and (just for giggles) Airbus somehow got the goods (maybe they already have it) - how does that change things if at all?

The inability to find an SM patent on the controller does not preclude the possibility of their existence, or at least partial existence. Patent applications deemed "sensitive to national security" won't be granted, and will be classified. It is quite possible that the controller patents SM said were confiscated were in fact applications.



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 27, 2008, 01:25:10 AM

Thanks so much for putting up that link to Pierre Luigi Ighinas theories, It has confirmed so many of my already notions of electricity that I told @sparks I was developing. He touches on it smack on. I will have to re-read it several times again. Electricity cannot "travel" in a circuit or in a wire. If something traveled that fast in a wire, then how could it just stop on a dime, or in this case at the last atom in the wire, from the known speed of electricity to zero speed. lol


Check this out. This article is dated only since August 19th, 2008 but it is no longer available expect with google.cache.
Skip down to the heading "About Ceramic Toroids and Inserts".

While I am waiting for a 10 lb roll of 30 awg magwire, I did another test.

I took one of my already wound laminated core toroid coils that I wound the same number of turns as the FTPU toroid as a bucking coil. I put a simple two-way reed switch in the center and connected the reed to the two wires of the coil in parallel. I then applied 3-4 DC volts in parallel to these. I then positioned the reed near the coil that was receiving the dc and bingo, it started pulsing. It was pulsing simply because the reed shorted the coil that removed the field, that opened the reed, that unshorted the coil, that energized the coil, that closed the reed and shorted the coil again. Very simple pulsing. One reed, One toroid. What I think is the laminated core is not required at all and maybe a non-magnetic core or air core will work better and not push the coil into saturation mode. What is also fun about this is that the @allcanadian circuit can now be run without a relay since the toroid could act as both the coil of high induction and the center field so the internal reed will do the pulsing. Next trials. I also have the rings of the FTPU already done some time ago so I will try it tomorrow.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 27, 2008, 01:37:40 AM
Hello all,

a long time ago I made the ECD. It was fine working and lighted a bulb. With a high current. I thought "thats it" but my feeling said me thats not what I wanted.

Here is the answer to my question from Friday about cores in a TPU:

I made 2 TPUs: 1 with a core and the other without a core. Same coils.....


same signals, same current but the core gives the TPU more power. Much more power.

No, not overheating or something like that. Of course, Im not using iron because then I would have a heater, not a TPU.

What happens In a TPU with a core or cores. How do they work. Whats going on in such a TPU??

Then I thought about the controls:

Why said SM to cover all the TPU with controls?

The core material releases particles, as I call them from the beginning. Nonsence? Not at all. They are for real.
This particles are pulled out from the core and if the core is a magnetic material then the particles are magnetic and if the core is a non magnetic material then the particles are also non magnetic.

This particles are a little bit inert, "lazy" as I always say. They have a big kinetic energy, are very strong.
So, if you build a TPU tink just a little bit about my words.

Oh, I forgot, if you think that Im wrighting crap its fine. But I have the prove on my workbench.

Now, use a core, its not wrong. Plastic?

Why not. I never tried it but I think there would be many great discoveries.

As its boring  to light a bulb Im now working on a TPU that transmitts energy.                           


It works, of course.

About this I dont want to wright. I dont want to do a job for the profi researchers for free, ha,ha.

The point is that when I want to read really good research studies I would have to pay for it. Why?  They dont want to share. On the web you can only see the apstract. Now THEY can see only my apstract.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 01:37:50 AM
Why do you think so called "perpetual motion" and "free energy" devices are excluded from patent? The reason is simple, OU devices have been made and demonstrated many many times since the 1900's. In most cases the inventor gets murdered over it.  The governments knew it exists and one way is to exclude it so private individuals/companies cant have money and unitary control of the device. Not to mention all the other politics that go with it.  As mentioned many times patent means nothing anyway unless you have billions to go chasing everyone that breaches the patent so it was never in SM or anyone else's interest to patent the technology as that means disclosure.

Also under the US 1950 law anyone that brings about a proven change /deliberate act which leads to damage/collapse of the US economy is subject to life imprisonment. (except the FED they can do whatever they like) Such a device would instantly break this law. Owning such a device means you have free heating, cooling, lighting, transport and free water as you can make your own water and tell all these utilities and services to go to hell. Also you can irrigate, heat, cool your land to grow food.

Finally having access to free energy means you have power and political leverage and is EASILY weaponized!

People think it don't exist but a heat pump is already at least 6 times OU.    OU is nothing more then the transformation of energy and there are at least 16 methods. In the Bedini, Newman, RV etc the RE is nothing more then captured RF through stochastic coil resonance which automatically provides a gain of 1.618 * Q of the coil of which 0.32 can be extracted and looped under perfect matched conditions. Until now these systems have used a single frequncy and time compressed it but its not the most efficient method. Using multiple frequencies under Keely work invokes NSR- nuclear spin resonance and requires THREE frequencies. The combination of such an effect is what SM states as "Striking the Chord".

Todays 3  phase technology already goes a long way in understanding this behavior and the TPU is a 3 phase, three frequncy device to preform NSR -nuclear spin resonance which allows not just spikes of  RF but a FLOOD and the entire planet tries to plug the hole if left uncontrolled. Other effects which have been seen when you tap in 3D reported by many many others over the years include components getting freezing cold and anti-gravity effects which as time is gravity you get time distortion at high power. Increase power still more creates a time warp and time space also becomes looped but usually the device start flying before this happens!  THIS is why SM got a visit from the Atomic Energy Commission.  In fact it MAY not be true it may well be a cryptic clue because SM likes stories of TV's exploding etc these may be just bible stories in his teachings. By mentioning the visit from Atomic Energy Commission it gets you thinking well WHY would they be interested? what IS the link to the TPU and it don't matter if they turned up or not it tells you about  this suppressed technology.

There is no doubt the TPU is very advanced technology but simply built this is exactly what SM said it was. The point is unless you make a 3D device of least 2 collectors and 3 frequencies either derived internally as 3 phase configuration or feed in all three independent frequencies driven the true power and full effects will never been seen from one collector and one coil is in effect a bedini device. ie bang a coil get RF spike back simple.

Wiki ="NMR resonant frequencies for a particular substance are directly proportional to the strength of the applied magnetic field, in accordance with the equation for the Larmor precession frequency.

NMR studies magnetic nuclei by aligning them with an applied constant magnetic field and perturbing this alignment using an alternating magnetic field, those fields being orthogonal. The resulting response to the perturbing magnetic field is the phenomenon that is exploited in NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging, which use very powerful applied magnetic fields in order to achieve high spectral resolution, details of which are described by the chemical shift and the Zeeman effect.

NMR phenomena are also utilized in low field NMR and Earth's field NMR spectrometers, and some kinds of magnetometers

In the Earth's magnetic field, NMR frequencies are in the audio frequency range. EFNMR is typically stimulated by applying a relatively strong dc magnetic field pulse to the sample and, following the pulse, analysing the resulting low frequency alternating magnetic field that occurs in the earth's magnetic field due to free induction decay (FID). These effects are exploited in some types of magnetometers, EFNMR spectrometers, and MRI imagers[2]. Their inexpensive portable nature makes these instruments valuable for field use and for teaching the principles of NMR and MRI."

magnetometers? Mmm another of SM teachings and what wiki dont tell you is if you do this right it unlocks untold amounts of power and energy.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 03:06:02 AM
After your strike the cord you need a way to increase the coil Q to be sensitive enough receive this signal.  One excellent way is quenching  by allowing oscillations to build up in the coil you slam it shut off then release it again and this allows more signal to collect on the collector. if you do this over and over the signal builds higher on the collector tuned circuit. This is super regen and you notice ONE frequncy which was pretty much standard through the TPU range is 6Kz and is the only common frequncy that is mentioned and is independent to the size of the TPU.  So SM used the same quenching circuit all the time as standard practice this was often the same principle for super regen receivers.  Without this the coil has a Q of say 100 and will never be good enough to capture a wavelength which is the size of the planet. With quenching it allows the Q of the coil to run to over a million! On each quench cycle notice we are TRANSMITTING via our oscillators and the receiver coil signal literally grows out into space and captures more and more of the magnetic energy. If we add stronger EM fields, they sum with the incoming EM plane waves and cause these waves to bend towards the tiny antenna, and the antenna absorbs them. This increases the antenna's EA (effective area, or effective aperture.) We can use this process to alter the coupling between the antenna and the surrounding space, but the total energy still follows the conservation law. The altered fields only change the "virtual size" or EA of the antenna.  In other words our loop has just grown massive electric ears and our 3D ball has got bigger!

So what did SM use to perform the quenching with then took me a while to work this out even though i mentioned super regen and quenching well over a year ago. The answer is a saturable reactor in electrical engineering is a special form of inductor where the magnetic core can be deliberately saturated by means of a dc current flowing in a control winding. Once saturated, the inductance of the saturable reactor drops dramatically.

Saturable reactors provide a very simple means to remotely and proportionally control the flow of ac current through a load such as an incandescent lamp; the flow of ac is roughly proportional to the flow of dc in the control winding. In this case its the toroidal thing on top of the tpu is a magnetic switch and is required to switch the loop on and off for quenching and runs at 6Khz. This allows the loop to be switched on and off without using semiconductors which would probably blow up due to the massive volts and currents involved.

By running coils as folded dipoles this Class C Magnetic Triode Amplifier (TPU) separate  and push electrons to each half of the dipole as explained in earlier posts. The result is DC with our quenching frequency sat on TOP -ie 6Khz.  SM described this in cryptic by discussing tube heater rectifiers and having 6 volts AC sat on top. The result is the same.

So its already established that RE is nothing more then RF and OU is energy transformation.  All you have to do is work out how to put this all together:)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 27, 2008, 03:24:31 AM
Hello all,


Im sorry, I didnt want to be unfair.

I wanted to say that you can build TPUs in various configurations.
SM showed us the open TPU with 2 collectors made with cores andwound with 4 controls made with lamp wire.
He showed us to build a TPU with  coils wound all over the circumference with 3 collectors.

And there are a lot of other ways to build a TPU!! This is the reason SM didnt patent his coils. They are oridinary coils. Nothing special

The main point is in the know - how of the surrounding circuits. The oscillator(s), the feedback, especially the control.
This is the main problem, not the coils!!!!


have you ever tried to pulse only a collector? Lets say a 9 turn collector made with a lamp wire.

Was there a light? Any success?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Peterae on October 27, 2008, 03:53:46 AM
When SM logged onto OU as Mercury Marila didnt he say i know which country the patents were filed with, i would suggest a country that would allow OU devices to be patented if such a country exists.

Anyone tried asking SM as we do have his email address  mercurymmm@yahoo.com

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on October 27, 2008, 06:06:13 AM
Quote from: Peterae on October 27, 2008, 03:53:46 AM
When SM logged onto OU as Mercury Marila didnt he say i know which country the patents were filed with, i would suggest a country that would allow OU devices to be patented if such a country exists.

Anyone tried asking SM as we do have his email address  mercurymmm@yahoo.com


jep thats good idea but  he answer something it's miracle
and i was looking some old treads like this one http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=1668.msg17394
and  i was  wondering mmh
maybe ask again Reed Huish to release information about Tpu
or Trevor Osborne http://www.world-harmony.com/About%20Trevor/abouttrevor.html (http://www.world-harmony.com/About%20Trevor/abouttrevor.html)"i think is same guy"
let's start massive email Bombing?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 27, 2008, 06:25:29 AM
Hello all,


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on October 27, 2008, 06:43:33 AM
Quote from: otto on October 27, 2008, 06:25:29 AM
Hello all,



yes otto you are right
but i studying something else
okey two rotaring magnetfield ?? yes theres one patent http://www.google.com/patents?id=MvdbAAAAEBAJ&dq=us+406,968

and element rod what that gotta do with this yes but inside toroid transformer some weird metal's
element rod is simple 2 rod's,coil , magnet and some special freq and i believe Steven miracle transformer work's like that
and control coil's work's similar like  http://www.google.com/patents?id=MvdbAAAAEBAJ&dq=us+406,968

but its my idea 's i maybe wrong
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on October 27, 2008, 07:40:42 AM
Quote from: bolt on October 27, 2008, 03:06:02 AM
So its already established that RE is nothing more then RF and OU is energy transformation.  All you have to do is work out how to put this all together:)

Definitions of RE will vary by individual. One thing it surely is - Radiant. RF? - some of it, yes. It is energy radiating from a point source. Think of it as an explosion. You feel the blast. There is no equal amount of suction after the pressure front. It doesn't turn around to return to the source.
Pretty much the description of a pulse.
Since it is a pulse then it can me measure in PRF (pulse rate frequency). The PRF can be anything from one end of the spectrum to the other end. DC to cosmic rays.

So I suggest we not limit it to RF.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 27, 2008, 08:21:09 AM
    My only theory is that electromagnetic waves act as a catalyst to release electromagnetic waves stored in the what we call mass.  An antennae does not absorb the energy of a radiowave.  It's mass reacts to the emwave.  I reflect an emwave between a glass of water and a flurescent bulb it lights the bulb.  No voltage no current no heat.  Just an emwave bouncing back and forth like inside a piece of coax.  I bounce some microwaves around inside a resonant cavity with some copper and water and the water burns.  It's really not that complicated.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 09:00:27 AM
BEP all OU is just a transformation of energy but there are many types. In electrical RE systems i can think of that use so called back EMF  of bedini newman and others its RF through stochastic coil and or capacitor resonance.  1.618 * Q with .382 extractable.

Input signal + ambient noise (thermal or electron spin ) = OU output
Where ((PI+SRA)=PO)/PI= Overunity
FACT no dis-info OU overunity is TRANSFORMATION of energy
( PI = (power in)+ SRA (Stochastic resonance amplification) = PO = (Power Output) )/PI = overunity

Respects of ARK Research.

I went back over Spherics writings but i cant tick  80/80 of SM teachings so i dismissed it. Not only but the most obvios fact is none of the TPU's looked anything like spherics models nor is the circuitry to drive it simple. Its extremely unlikely there was any CPU clocks and counters in the TPU.

I can tick 80/80 referring to my recent posts on how the TPU works including every single one of SM posts and cryptic clues. You pick one i tell you the answer.....maybe:)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 09:24:06 AM

how about teslas conversion is it second to none!!

and then there is my cascaded amp  wich is the same thing just cascaded close to bedini newman that stuff but unlinimited!!!!!   and can make a almost continous link to the zpe or pluse fast enough to apear continous

engery in unlimited amounts

this is my by product!!!

this is radient engery  conversion

i got a lil somthing for everyone on this site to study... ;)

in fact i have an un mooded original copy of this pattend and i have a modded one...  the un moded one is true and it tells a lot ...

pattend # 462 418

lets see who can figure this out b4 i tell ya all   ;)


look at the pics in the pattend ... ;D ;D

im working on a picture to show you this....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 09:38:17 AM
same formula applies you make high voltage sparks which is crude RF the interrupt creates gain on the return via the caps. BUT you will be in a world of shit with the FCC for causing interference.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 27, 2008, 09:42:59 AM
       I think that beyond the realitivistic forms of emwave resonant reflections there have to be larger ones.  Like the earth.   It demonstrates 1/2 spin in the plasmosphere.  It has dipole moments.  Satellites that can only stay in specific orbitals depending on their kinetic energy to gravity ratio.  So that makes us Earth particles.  So if we go out in a spaceship and listen to the Earth what song does it sing?  This should give us the frequency of the wave expansion and contraction of the standing wavefield called Earth.  Then we stretch out a guitar string and let her resonate.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 10:01:43 AM
Notice how when you go to 3 phase just how effective it becomes.

Alternator circulation (internal in ABC phases): W = (I1+I2+13)/3 x (V1+V2+V3)/3 x 1.732  * Q

so take just this part on its own in 3 dimensions  3 x 1.732  * Q compared to a single dimension of 1 x 1.618*Q as in Bedini or Newman. 

Single stage COP gains between 0.3 and 3 so its enough to charge a battery if its VERY well made but cant cover mechanical loses to loop the damn thing.  Most of the losses go on homemade crappy build quality poor coils and bearings.

BUT buy a factory ready motor off the shelf made properly.

An RV setup is 3 phase so for 100 watts input they can realize (I1+I2+13)/3 x (V1+V2+V3)/3 x 1.732  * Q = often 1000 VAR and most of this is extractable and loopable.  REAL measured COP is often +5

TPU could well be 3 x 1.732  * Q where Q has been quenched effective 100,000+.   VAR on large TPU 2KW+  oscillator input 10 milliwatts COP > +1000   There is no need to loop the TPU the gains are already massive and runs with gain.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 10:05:50 AM
here is the modded ver of this pattend


here is an original un modded copy...


look at "C"  hummm study it ....  this is a seperation point where the device splits in 2....


this then becomes G LOL     PLUG N PLAY   ;)  with many many ......



yes i will still do the pic...  so you can see ....   simply blow both up to 400 % and have a look at C  i figured this out over 1 year ago..... :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 27, 2008, 10:17:19 AM

About the utilities not wanting free energy, that is in my view the farthest from the truth. The oil guys maybe but we still need their plastic and polymers and other derivatives, but the grid guys, they will welcome this with open arms since you have to realize that not everyone will have such a device in their dwelling. I am saying dwelling because you have homes, but you also have all the cities, apartments and the like that will likely never have an OU need, simply because being on the grid makes so much more sense. So the home owner, farmers and others use these new OU devices and leave alot more grid electricity available for the cities. The utilities save this energy and also do nto need to expand their productions. Here in Quebec, I hope it will be the first nation to accept OU since our electric grid is owned by the people. (I always refer to Quebec as my nation.)

Let me tell you that we have to work smart towards OU and not be so afraid and paranoid. Open source is the way to not be afraid. 

Regarding the laws of conversion, how can you make such a law if you don't really know what the main ingredient is - electricity and you have neglected to take the ether into account?


I still want to believe that every coil has its way. Maybe with your air core, it should not be driven the same way as with your solid core.

What if (geez always that infernal "what if") the FTPU is simply a transmitter/receiver.

Then there is two possibilities.

1) Center toroid transmits, outer ring receives, or,
2) Outer ring transmits, center toroid receives.

If both are driven by the same frequency, don't they have to latch as feedback being so close. Would the toroid bucking coil ohms have to be the same as the outer ring coil ohms.

So you start with a 6v battery, transmit, whatever you catch with the receiver, you add it to the 6 volts to increase the transmission power, that the receiver then receives more to add to the 6 volts and increase again the transmission, and so on, running with gain. Does that make any sense. But that's a side issue.

Back to the two possibilities above.

One may work better with an iron core and the other with an air core.
I would guess that #1 is best with air core (using a resonance LC circuit) and #2 is best with iron core (but not totally sure of #2).
I really don't know enough about transmitters/receivers and antenna action so I leave it there.

But here is another TPU driving method or angle........

As you know, @armagdn01 has shown that you can light a bulb that is in series to an LC circuit and then when in resonance, the bulb turns off. So if you had a pulsing that is always in resonance to the LC, and if you could cut the pulsing, let's say in a 1 second frame, resonance 1/4 sec., then off 1/4 second so you get 2 resonances per second (this should evidently be faster), then you are actually getting two pulses per second on the bulb, or, two pulses on a coil instead of the bulb. The good thing about this is there is no switching directly on the coil but it is done via the switching capability of the LC when it goes in and out of resonance. This means the pulsing medium will last longer. I have noticed that with DC pulsing, you will hit the resonance point in many many points on the frequency scale and this must be due to the additive effects of the harmonics, whereas with AC sine waving, there is one specific point of resonance. If the TPU is at 6khz, this has to be DC pulsing since I have never seen any resonance of sinewave below the 100khz. We are all thinking about an LC in resonance cannot do work, but the LC going in and out of resonance is work is used as a switching medium. Hmmmm.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ramset on October 27, 2008, 10:24:05 AM
ist your one cool guy
@Watssup you are a definately an inspiration
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 10:25:58 AM
look at the damm thing ...

this is the most important info posted ever!!!!


i am not wrong!!   ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: JesterTerrestrial on October 27, 2008, 10:41:51 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 10:25:58 AM
look at the damm thing ...

this is the most important info posted ever!!!!


i am not wrong!!   ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 27, 2008, 10:44:34 AM
   Trying Inno just get one of those damn red x's
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 10:48:02 AM
"simply because being on the grid makes so much more sense"

erhh? How can it be you have to pay for it? Most people in northern countries half freeze to death in the winter can hardly afford to put a 1 bar heater on.   If you get several of these things or even a large RV its a one off investment and will run for 20 years. Dont forget once you have this you save 1000 a year on electric 1000 on gas and 500 a year on water cos you make your own water  thats 2,500  saving except now you can have as much heat or cold as your heart desires. PLUS 5000+ a year on gas in ya SUV  and there is lots of other things too like heating greenhouses or backyard irrigation for food etc. You can run cables underground and heat it or cool it for free to make perfect year round conditions.

NOT forgetting of course that 2/3 of the planet lives off 1 light bulb if there lucky. Places like Africa could be lit up like a stadium with fresh water everywhere it was needed.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 10:52:57 AM
please just try to understand what the man is teaching us....

more than worth anyones time ...   to figure out what i have .... 

i share as im tied ...  just no stupid money to move further .....

any how  go change this messed up place


glad to have helped


have a better look  :)

let a single discharge be FIRST CONSIDERED  ;) ;D 8)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 27, 2008, 12:05:37 PM

     Imagine that.  A capacitor pulling power from it's dielectric.  You need to put some red majic marker on the part that says that the currents in the working circuits exceed the currents in the supplier circuits.  And why?  Cause the dielectric has stored energy in it.  For the electrical minded.  Capacitive coupling to a Universal sized resonant circuit. :D
   I'm working on using water as a dielectric.  My resonant circuit in the microwave band.  I don't plan on taking 1000 watts and feeding it back in to get 1000watts squared on any stupid shit like that. 
   This microwave induced oxidation of stuff is in the pipeline.  They can take garbage and nothing  and I mean nothing comes out of the exhaust stack.  Why?
Cause it all changed into plasma energy.  Watch the oil prices drop when that one hits the newsreels. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 12:15:51 PM

i havent got to the text yet  ;)

i really dont think there is a need ...  well for many things any more  ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 27, 2008, 12:21:40 PM
sorry i don't see the fascination with sparks. Its not practical, makes a noise, wears out, causes loads of interference and will kill you from the amount of ozone it chucks out.

I think you should move it out of the TPU to the sparks section. LOL
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 12:29:50 PM
Quote from: bolt on October 27, 2008, 12:21:40 PM
sorry i don't see the fascination with sparks. Its not practical, makes a noise, wears out, causes loads of interference and will kill you from the amount of ozone it chucks out.

I think you should move it out of the TPU to the sparks section. LOL

i give up lol ...

you dont need spark gaps.... lol

and i dont think there will be any interferience when you build the damn thing correctly lol

use a transformer ....   do they cause inter ferience? currently?   no   

thank you

and we turn them off and on at will in our everyday lives already....   hummmmm....

;D ;D


now if you figure out the ozone pattend you will now have a SELF SUSTAINED CONVERSION DEVICE OF HIGH OUT PUT....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 27, 2008, 12:30:34 PM

I think you are still giving a really great description of the tpu.
With the setup you describe, and the limited number of parts, the number of variables cannot be that large.
Would it really be that difficult to get it working? Where is the catch?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 12:33:35 PM

i will still build your device you have figured

cuz i know it will work beond a doubt but can it be done safely?


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 27, 2008, 12:34:13 PM
What has been apparent is the search for frequencies, L and C, turns, sparks, no acceptance of heat, kicks. All minor...

The establishment of a stable electrostatic field first then pursue the rest. This what the accumulation of Tesla's patents compile to and the lectures. William Thomson in neon lights. It is not the light, the gas or ionization!

The bucket -o- vibes exhibited spinning sound in the standing wave. Single layer chord. So I built the BFG. 3 phase, 3 layer. I guess this makes me enemy of the state.
Ever wonder why a Tesla coil has the same shape as a nuclear bomb explosion?

@Bolt, thanks.  ;)

--giantkiller. No room for Armchair realism.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 27, 2008, 12:40:37 PM

       Another way to look at this is using the aether noise as an input.  Use an intermediate frequency to produce a wave that circulates so that the curl ends up on your collectors.  It's all the same principle.  The spark gap has been replaced in high power electronics with the Klystron.  Now klystrons ain't cheap.  But I got 4 microwaves down the local landfill that should get things perking.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 12:51:35 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 24, 2008, 12:35:44 PM
@ GK

Since we all singing along, do you want to tell about disappearing rice, fireballs on the bench, lightning strikes, houses smashed by tornadoes (hey, they had a ring on the roof), or sizzling coils and beams of light like lasers?

Don't play dumb now...

did i miss your responce....


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 27, 2008, 01:15:58 PM

     The company that has put this together can disintegrate human waste also.
So when you flush you get to heat the house for the rest of the day. ;D   That is unless you want to take a ride in your plasma rocket. 

   SM's device is just a packaged Tesla coil with potential for runaway. 

  Opec is getting real worried now.  They're losing their ridiculous cowboy oilman asshole.  Limiting production so they can get money.  What a bunch of shortsighted powermongers.  They are gonna get their due.  Problem is that they will take down all the innocent people while they swing their dicks around unless somebody grows some balls and tells them to fuckoff.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 27, 2008, 01:48:21 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 12:51:35 PM
did i miss your responce....



Let me put it this way:
I wanted to put a huge audio cable on a stun gun output. It was suggested that I don't. Something to do with airplanes. I then built the GK3 with 20awg control coils. @ 12v volts. It heated up. I didn't want that and did not want to up the voltage for a higher drive capability. So I built the GK4, 30awg control coils, 1 layer @ 12v was way more than satifactory. I could pull up the GK3 and drive it in Q. This puts more copper mass into the equation.

The BFG is also 30awg control coils, 3 layer driven by the AD826 audio amp. So I am continuing down this route. The progression is safety. There are 3 things to avoid: self inflicted pain, FAA/MIB, or finding yourself in another place, instantaneously. Like when you wake up in the shed and realize you were just in the basement. Matter teleportation? Not really. Just a new exit point through your house. The dogs are running loose, the wife is about to kick your arse, the microwave oven doesn't work or is missing and the MIB are standing over you asking for your permit to fly a microwave oven. You know the details.

This gives the microwave oven, the phrase that it is a time saving device, a whole new meaning. :o

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on October 27, 2008, 02:38:41 PM
okey that "page 262 scan courtousy of Jason Owens from
the Valve book !"
tungsten filaments
just like that

element 74
halogen lamp

mhh let see let see
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 27, 2008, 03:09:12 PM
here is a few pics of my work on marcos pluse motor generator unit


i added the tube driver i will use with this coil....  and if one dont do it  i have a dubble unit already built....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 28, 2008, 09:24:49 AM
ok well in post 698  the one with the blowen up pic ...

why did tesla call the battery A??   and the wires B??

humm this is a clue....

he did not polarize it why??


ist ;)

time to introduce spinn!!!

anyone gonna talk about it ? i know there many of you that know about it .......

i have an extreamly simple expairment for people to try to prove this.... ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 28, 2008, 11:12:52 AM
a few more pics of my unit ....

ready for outter wrap


i left the cores air core and left the center coil out im only useing the s poles to pump n for kicks  and both on the outter wrap for ac

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: angryScientist on October 28, 2008, 08:04:12 PM
Hi all,
Here I am trying to recover from a rough week end. I can tell you that Tequila plus stupid ignorant SOB's equals lots of blood and jail. Just in case anyone needed to know, don't touch my alcohol if you are an ignorant SOB!

Anyway, to get back on a more positive note, I've had some time to do some thinking about a simple circuit I put together last week.

I am not sure what you guys think when you hear "Electron Pump." I have had my own idea for many years and have come up with a way to employ it.


It's a simple little circuit but it is able to produce a direct current from any fluctuation voltage. You could feed the capacitors with pulsed DC or AC. If you need a higher voltage it is no problem because you can add a few more capacitors and diodes to make a voltage multiplier.

The next step I made was to combine my Electron Pump with a resonant circuit.
This is what I have done and it does work.

Here is my problem; I don't have an O-scope at the moment.

What I want to know is, does this circuit still resonate and store power even though I extract some of the power from the circuit? Will the tank circuit build up more power if I limit the amount of power I take out? Does the draw of the load affect the resonant frequency of the tank circuit?

I will be working in this area for a little while. If anyone has any knowledge or observations about this I would love to hear about it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 28, 2008, 08:06:19 PM
coil all wound up now need to get some more tape

here is the pic i will use tape to indicate the 2 phases i will try a flip flop first to drive this and each channel will have 3 coils wired as to cause rotation ;)


rotation from a pluse......
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: angryScientist on October 28, 2008, 08:35:00 PM
I have also been thinking about that rotating magnetic field.

I tend to believe that you don't need more than one driving coil, or frequency, to produce a rotating field in a toroid. But, a big but, you would have to have resonant elements (tank circuits) spaced separately around the toroid. The reason I believe this would cause a rotating field is because the phase of each tank circuits would be 90 degrees lagging the previous tank.

Keep in mind I could be wrong but if I am right then no special consideration need be given to forcing a rotating field. The field would automatically rotate due to the interactions of the coupled resonant tank circuits.

Also, thinking about a radio transmitter and how one receiver tuning to that station does not diminish the power received by all the other radios tuned to that station. Would that hold true in a toroid with multiple "receivers" (tuned circuits) placed around it?

I don't know for sure. Just throwing around some wild speculation.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 28, 2008, 08:57:06 PM
a rotating feild is simple .... i have done it with 1 single wire and a pluse look at my cap charger with the neo i wound the fine wire around the collector 3 times.. 1 on top the other all the same dirrection all 1 wire the next layer squeezes the  layer below it when that simple 2 wire unit was fired  2.5 hz i could feel the heterodyne with an external magnet 14" away ... i had no steel in it aswell i could hear it easly in other words it was quite lould.....


dont try this at home kids bad choise ... put some steel in it ...  KEEP SAFE

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 29, 2008, 09:22:07 AM
here it is all done aside the wireing... i will do that today...

but i was kind of thinking i should sheild it first....

what ya think.... i was gonna fit alum all around it excpt for the inside i will leave it un sheilded

i dont think there is enough garden wire in it to contain it  :o  so this is where i get better sheild it from at lest on the outter of it

i just happen to have some flatstock alum...  ALL OF MY CONNECTIONS ARE OUT SIDE THE COIL SO PEOPLE CAN SEE IT  8)


back to work

btw where did everyone go lol!!!    8)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ramset on October 29, 2008, 10:14:18 AM
ist it seems you have an understanding that very few have ??
   you are the right stuff !!!    Chet
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nievesoliveras on October 29, 2008, 10:23:40 AM

The photo at: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg134598#msg134598 and at http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg134602#msg134602
Cannot be seen.

I may be wrong though.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on October 29, 2008, 10:43:50 AM
I can see them :)

@ramset: I dont think so  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: gyulasun on October 29, 2008, 11:06:45 AM
Quote from: nievesoliveras on October 29, 2008, 10:23:40 AM

The photo at: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg134598#msg134598 and at http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg134602#msg134602
Cannot be seen.

I cannot see them either. This occurs with pictures uploaded by member  innovation_ station only.  Member wattsup explained this to him already weeks ago but now he seems to be forgetting again what to use.

Sometimes it helps for me if I either try to download his pictures or open separately...

rgds, Gyula
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 29, 2008, 11:34:47 AM

Maybe try to make your photos JPG format and not CMYK format since most people will not be able to see them directly on the thread. People have to click on the link then choose a photo paint program to see such a format. Also the photos are always dark. Hmmmm.

Also, nice build. Can you possibly explain to us how you plan to drive this TPU and/or what you expect the results to be.

I just got my 10lb of 30 awg and will start making a nice handyguy coil of 2-3 lbs. lol

I ran across the following patent dated 2001. It talks about a new way on winding electric motor rotors. It is surprising that in this day an age, such a patent could still be patentable but I wanted to put it on the forum because it does give an new way of thinking about windings that could also be applicable to coils. I put it up on my ftp site here....
just click on the ftp file to download.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 29, 2008, 11:47:21 AM
   I think we can all agree that what  tesla said that the trick is to get your capacitor to become relavent to the precharged aether.  This happens when we inonize a gas between two capacitor plates when they are kicked.  The trick is to make sure that the polarization of the field between the capacitor plates establishes itself quickly before  superconductive plasma bridges the spark gap and discharges the bubble fields comming out of each electrode.  There is a small gain from the field each cycle but if this is repeated enough times your current between the inductor and the capacitor is more and more and more in a resonant circuit.  Of course Tesla doesnt like waste so he makes sure his inductor is an electric motor winding.  He must have designed an electric motor whose impedance does not change with load. 
Then he puts it in his car and drives around on highfrequency input from the aether.  And all this cause the aether is charged up for us to harvest.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 29, 2008, 12:06:53 PM
i changed my pic format long ago as was sdjusted ... 

this is not the problem ..... lol

think about it ...


learn as i have done the answers are not to be given ... i was not given anything more than dirrection  to study tesla ...

this is what i did ...

marco    you could chime in any time.....

yes i can and will explain the entire thing 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 29, 2008, 12:11:25 PM

One of the reasons why I just put that patent in my previous post is that the motor is wound in a totally different way using less wire and thicker guage. This means the motor will have less of the attributes of the highly inductive nature that Tesla uses for the driving end of his circuits. Since the motor is more of low inductive nature, I am thinking that it should be able to be driven like the working primary of the ozone patent making it more responsive to capacitor discharges.


Just saw your post. I may have said it wrong. When you save the photo in jpg, you can save it as an RGB (24 bit) or a CYMK (32 Bit) format. This is were the mistake is happenning. It is always best to choose the RGB 24 bit type, then save it as a jpg.

Also "learn as i have done the answers are not to be given ".........
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on October 29, 2008, 12:16:38 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 29, 2008, 12:06:53 PM

yes i can and will explain the entire thing 

You can?  Well we can't wait to hear it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 29, 2008, 12:34:16 PM

       You could use a highfrequency transformer (torroidal air core) as the inductor and charge a downstream electolytic capacitor.  Then use a constant current ic to pump armature current into a permanent magnet motor.  The problem is efficiency.
If your gain isn't enough to overcome the inefficiency of the working circuit well everything goes south.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 29, 2008, 04:43:35 PM
the fact of the matter is my mkc unit is ou....  and i put 6 togather ...   i then sw 3 off and the other 3 on ...   utiliazeing the magnetic engery the coil produces where my mkc does not utilize it ... 

the mkc only collects the kicks .... re bemf ....  converts it to hot and you use it ...   this is 1 step further where i create a rmf external!!  and it cuts my wires it is contained in a tunnel of garden wire in a toroide shape all coils are polorized in winding  so i can use a magnet to rev it up

my verry best advice is build a joule theif then a pulse motor  bifillar  coil ..  then take the rotation away like my mkc ....  then your catching up

i have made agreements today as to not post any more info

i will post 1 or 2 more pics of my coil as it sits

i added shelding to it ....

ist   :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on October 30, 2008, 08:52:17 AM
Quote from: Chef on October 30, 2008, 08:43:37 AM
Is that mean no more SPAM from you in Steven Mark section?  :D

LOL!!! - The best yet!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 30, 2008, 09:02:22 AM
no that means

you can now go and build your 3 freq tpu ...  lol

and suck the world into the sun....  may be we all will get lucky and it will only destory you!!

learn what the hell u play with b4 u play with it  ;)

i have done what many could only dream of ....   

and you know how i did it i worked at it ...

just wait till i play with my crystals....   hummmmm


you got 3 eyes?  didnt think so .... you better go find your 3rd if you plan on keeping up....   lol!!!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 30, 2008, 10:49:02 AM
       I just saw a diagram about Tesla "tensioning"  a vacuum tube with a small battery over in the Electrinium thread.  Rest of the circuit was just a resonator circuit using the capacitance of the vacuum bulb and an antennae.  Now I know why the mosfets been breaking down.  The ic in reverse state is the capacitor in Tesla's aether energy collector.    Morays device same thing.  Germanium crystal in my crystal radio device sucks in aether energy when it goes plasmic.  All the electrons on one side   all the holes on the other.  What happens in the middle as the pn junctions expand?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on October 30, 2008, 11:22:26 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 30, 2008, 09:02:22 AM
i have done what many could only dream of ....   

and you know how i did it i worked at it ...

You think that an induction coil is OU?  Are you serious or are you just screwing around with people since this forum has gotten quiet again?  You get more voltage in the BEMF, but look at the time involved - you charge slowly, release quickly - no mystery to solve.

You worked at it?  I thought Erfinder told you everything and you still couldn"t make it work  :o

So, does this device run a load or are you still trying to figure out why it won't work?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 30, 2008, 11:42:11 AM
Yes IS, I agree with them.

I will never make sense of what you are building if you keep posting all over the place :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 30, 2008, 12:21:44 PM
I have pulled up the ad826 amplifiers on protoboards and put it on the bench. I have untangled the rat's nest of wires. The bucket-o-vibes bucket is at the bench out of storage. I am going to populate a solder board with the ad826 configuration and put jacks in where ever the external signal connections are. I will make this tight. It has got to be portable. With the snow season coming up I can purchase 3 snow disks and make my own triphase echo chamber. This avoids buying bigger speakers.
I also don't need stray capacitance or any signal degradation. Don't want to revisit a bad situation.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 30, 2008, 12:48:33 PM
well im not in charge of the web page

i know why erfinder dosent waste his time here... lol

no i was not showen shit thank you !!! 

if u only knew a few things....  you would be eating your words lol ...

anyhow it is not my job to teach you lol


eh grumpy put me on the list with the other 2 that say screw them  :P

if you guys would only do more than talk you  would have a 1000 diffrent tpus by now lol i personally have over 100 already :D/


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 30, 2008, 01:31:21 PM
      Below is what I want to build and it should probably be over in a Tesla thread but I believe if I can get this going.  I can package it to look like a torroidal coil later. 

     The vacuum tube capacitance is calculated to be resonant with the air core highfrequency transformer primary. 
From the grid of the vacuum tube is extended an antennae that is terminated with a sphere.  The electronics in the blue block (black box) monitors the ringing in the lc tank and when it starts to die out pulses an scr to pump her up again.  The bridge rectifier is of high efficiency avalanche diodes.  The load ballasts the battery charging circuit which hopefully will have to employ a voltage regulator.

     What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on October 30, 2008, 03:03:44 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 30, 2008, 12:48:33 PM
if you guys would only do more than talk you  would have a 1000 diffrent tpus by now lol i personally have over 100 already :D/

100 TPUs?  do any of them work?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on October 30, 2008, 03:41:07 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 29, 2008, 12:06:53 PM

yes i can and will explain the entire thing 

No You won't....because you can't.

Quote from: innovation_station on October 30, 2008, 12:48:33 PM



Too bad you live so far away, i would really like to piss on your face sometime.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 30, 2008, 03:42:23 PM
Hey Marco,

Watch the wind direction if you do that!!  ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 30, 2008, 05:23:31 PM
Tool - Intolerance

--giantkiller. :'(
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 30, 2008, 06:13:48 PM
      Marco's pissing in the wind has inspired me to post this old design of mine for a
low level windturbine that works an induction generator.  Any sailors out there will figure it out.  It sails up against the wind tacks and runs down.  The assembly is on a floating platform and can be anchored most anywhere there is wind.  The sails/aerfoils are made of carbon fiber.   The tips of the sails are magnetically latched to the rotaing hub and sensors in the sail unlatch it when they need to be.
     Built it in my mind about 25years ago. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on October 30, 2008, 09:36:19 PM
Quote from: -[marco]- on October 30, 2008, 03:41:07 PM
No You won't....because you can't.


Too bad you live so far away, i would really like to piss on your face sometime.


You know, I have been on a "TPU hiatus" for around two months now, and come back to see this.

Marco, shame on you.....  There is nothing which justifies this kind of talk to another... "TPU Elite" or not.

Yes, I know he makes claim after claim with generally no substantiation whatsoever, and sometimes can rub your nerves raw, but that is still no excuse.

Junk like this is starting to make me ashamed of being a member, as it seriously denotes a comprehensive reflection of the level of intellect here.

Here is a famous quote: "Sarcasm is the last refuge of a weak mind". It is what is resorted to after the brain fails using logic.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 30, 2008, 10:00:13 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on October 30, 2008, 09:36:19 PM
You know, I have been on a "TPU hiatus" for around two months now, and come back to see this.

Marco, shame on you.....  There is nothing which justifies this kind of talk to another... "TPU Elite" or not.

Yes, I know he makes claim after claim with generally no substantiation whatsoever, and sometimes can rub your nerves raw, but that is still no excuse.

Junk like this is starting to make me ashamed of being a member, as it seriously denotes a comprehensive reflection of the level of intellect here.

Here is a famous quote: "Sarcasm is the last refuge of a weak mind". It is what is resorted to after the brain fails using logic.

Paul Andrulis

Those two have placed enough shots across the bow and torpedoes in the water to say whatever they want.

Glad to see you are back, Paul - no sarcasm intended.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 30, 2008, 10:35:08 PM
well guys im happy to say that i have matured enough to look beond the negitive engeries and focous on the positive

so you  all know what i hold nothing aginst any of you cuz we are all human

i have been telling the truth this entire time to the best of my ability and understanding at the time

so what ever TESLA WAS NOT WRONG... 

you will learn as will, the rest of the world  ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 30, 2008, 10:38:34 PM
Quote from: sparks on October 30, 2008, 06:13:48 PM
      Marco's pissing in the wind has inspired me to post this old design of mine for a
low level windturbine that works an induction generator.  Any sailors out there will figure it out.  It sails up against the wind tacks and runs down.  The assembly is on a floating platform and can be anchored most anywhere there is wind.  The sails/aerfoils are made of carbon fiber.   The tips of the sails are magnetically latched to the rotaing hub and sensors in the sail unlatch it when they need to be.
     Built it in my mind about 25years ago. 

     Sorry a little absent minded forgot to post design.


       Welcome back.  Always good to have an ee onboard.

@ Inno

        Keep the faith brother

@  All

        Has anyone had a chance to see if the circuit below has any gross mistakes.
I'm trying to create an implosion of sorts in the grid area of the triode and see what pops in for a brief stay. :)  I include below diagram under the one I forgot the first time.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on October 30, 2008, 11:37:19 PM
that kind of language is really really sad and lowers not only the intellectual level of this forum, but puts a big damper on the spirits of those that read it.

it should not be condoned, nor should it be left unchecked.

questioning someone's claims is a good thing, but using vulgar and demeaning language towards them is quite another.

grow up lads!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 31, 2008, 02:23:15 AM
Hello all,

it seems that I was really naive when I posted my ECD TPU over a year ago.

It also seems that some people are "sitting" on TPUs and dont want to share their findings. No problem for me but then I have a question for this people:

What are you doing here??

Isnt this forum to share?

So, please SHARE or be QUITE!!


PS: afraid to share??
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: b0rg13 on October 31, 2008, 03:54:34 AM
Quote from: otto on October 31, 2008, 02:23:15 AM
Hello all,

it seems that I was really naive when I posted my ECD TPU over a year ago.

It also seems that some people are "sitting" on TPUs and dont want to share their findings. No problem for me but then I have a question for this people:

What are you doing here??

Isnt this forum to share?

So, please SHARE or be QUITE!!


PS: afraid to share??

ditto, bashing each other is getting boring.....and then there is,..never mind.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on October 31, 2008, 03:59:53 AM
nice reading last nigth: SM @ http://www.scribd.com/doc/6907813/steven-mark

"The very FIRST example I gave you was that;
It is common scientific knowledge that if you have a piece of wire and first run electricity through it you will have a small kick when first energized.
The kick is universally attributed to the earth's magnetic field.
WE are not talking about a coil or a transformer or anything developing a primary to secondary flux.
We are just talking about a straight piece of wire, some electrons and a method of measuring what comes out of it.
Some people just sit back and say, well that isn't very much power, we want to make much more.
In order to run you must walk first.
I told you that the simplest form of over unity is a piece of wire and a voltage source.
Anyone can actually connect it and measure.
See for yourself the kick. NO coil no xmrs, just a kick.
That should tell you learned gentleman that there exists a form of energy convertible and usable which is directly related to a simple piece of wire and instantaneous electron flow..
You know it is common knowledge in the electron tube world that aside from the fact that a cold filament conducts more electricity then when hot, one of the things that destroys the filament in electron tubes for that matter is this kick when you first turn on the juice.
The kick is there whether the filament is hot or cold.
The kick helps destroy the filament and cathodes integrity.
So everyone knows about the kick and accepts that it somehow comes from the earth's magnetic field.
So do something with this information!
Not even Edison explained what this means!
In his memoirs he said that it was a fact that we all had to contend with, but that he did not understand why it happened.
If you call yourself experimenters then start to experiment.
I had only this to go on when I started and little by little I figured out how to make many several thousands of kicks per second. . . AND YOU KNOW WHAT, IT ISN"T DIFICULT AT ALL.
Lets talk about the 'kick.'
When the old Edison DC generators were turned on, back in the day, they released this 'kick' and killed many workers in the process.
A man by the name of Tesla had seen this.
He wondered how and why this 'kick' would occur.
So he experimented with wire and disruptive discharges from capacitors.
It was found by him that this kick could be made so powerful that it could explode wires instantly.
This kick came out of the wires perpendicularly.
He discharged capacitors into stout wire and through a spark gap.
The key to the kick's strength and appearance was in how fast Tesla discharged the capacitors into the spark gap AND how fast Tesla STOPPED the flow of current AT the spark gap.
Tesla used all types of devices to stop this flow of current, magnets, a flame, counter-rotating engines.
His goals were to get the time in which the discharge is STOPPED to be much quicker.
As Tesla did this he found that the perpendicular radiations, the ones from the wires, caused electrical effects to appear in wires and other copper/metal materials near the STOPPED current/discharge.
These electrical effects could be made to create electrons on other wires and copper around his STOPPED current/discharge wire.
On to another point.
There is an inertia.
With the right combination of frequencies, you can actually create arevolving field with inertial!
That is what I have referred to as, The inertia effect.
There is a genuine gyroscopic effect when the units are on.
Everybody has noticed that when held and in operation, the units have a definite vibration and have a gyroscopic effect.
They seam to resist being moved through the air.
When placed on a smooth surface it is very pronounced.
Some of you should think about that.
Rotation of field. . ."
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 07:58:35 AM
i just think marco is angry i exposed his toys.....

sorry      grow up already

@ marco dont post your pics if you dont want them anyized!!

im no fool ....

indeed the kick!!!   hummmm   right now my coils each make 1000 kicks / sec  if i make 5000 kicks /sec i burn shit up  8)

tell me agin i did not crack this thing and teach you tonnes of ways to build the damn thing

i know i did ..  many times

the facts say i can build this from any coil or any single peice of wire IT DOSENT MATTER IT IS THAT SIMPLE JUST AS SM SAYS!!!


@ otto dont you find it odd that only certain members can see my pics??  kinda makes me think it has been set up this way... ;)

i can see all my pics.... 

i will post 1 more pic of my unit

and if you cant figure it from the pic what can i say...  there 2 fets and 6 3055 6 coils (mags) 1 pump coil and 1 generator coil  that is it ...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 31, 2008, 08:10:11 AM
Hello all,


sometimes its good to read the posts, especially my previous post.

If you have to show us something then do it!!! I have learned here that I have to post pictures, textes.....but in such a way that ALL members can see them. Half of your pictuers I cant see.

Otherwise be quiet!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 08:29:15 AM

Seems that the induction generator concept served you well.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 08:46:47 AM
Quote from: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 08:29:15 AM

Seems that the induction generator concept served you well.


oh i forgot to mention the 6 500vac 13uf caps in it too   ;D  wich are charged from the re ...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on October 31, 2008, 08:55:14 AM
Hello all,


i dont say that I dont trust you.

Lets say I want one day buy your TPU. Here in Europe its normal that every product have a declaration (short description) about the characteristics of the device. Input voltage, current,... output power, how many loads, bulbs.......watts, amperes,......

Let us know what you have. I dont ask for your sectets.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 31, 2008, 08:58:44 AM

Simply constructed maybe but technically very difficult to get working. Unless you have 2 collectors and 3 oscillators driving 3 gate coils each to give rotary 3 phase-NON reflective AND quench the collectors at 6 kHz with skewed  H B bias for the saturable reactor  mag amp (toroidal core and magnet) then you don't have a 3 Phase PUSH PUSH Magnetic Triode Amplifier that will automatically provide DC across the collectors with 6Khz AC sat on top with open loop gain>10,000 then you don't have a TPU you have a coil banger.

ALL the early versions of TPU had toroidal mag amps but i not seen anyone use them yet anywhere on this forum. If i missed one let me know;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 09:11:21 AM
Quote from: wings on October 31, 2008, 03:59:53 AM
With the right combination of frequencies, you can actually create a revolving field with inertial!
That is what I have referred to as, The inertia effect.
There is a genuine gyroscopic effect when the units are on.
Everybody has noticed that when held and in operation, the units have a definite vibration and have a gyroscopic effect.
They seam to resist being moved through the air.
When placed on a smooth surface it is very pronounced.
Some of you should think about that.
Rotation of field. . ."

Notice that SM says "revolving field" but not a "magnetic field".

So, If you have a device that you think works and no inertial effect - then you should take another look because it probably doesn't work like you think it does.

"Kicks" are what you get out - not what you put in.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 31, 2008, 09:19:05 AM

     SM is a teacher.   The collector winding in his coil can be treated as a cold cathode inside a ring shaped torroidal vaccum tube.  The initial kick introduced on a potential between the cathode and the outer solenoidal windings (which duplicate the walls of a vaccum tube and also an anode )  cause electrons along the surface of the collector windings to go airborne.  This energy to go airborne comes from the polarization of the space between the collector and the solenoid.
Force one.  The magnetic field polarity of the Earth.  Force two.  The drift of electrons in the intervening space of two perperndicular forces.  Magnetic and gravitational causes the entire collector to go positively charged or cold.  This is a negative entrophy that does not suppose to occur when dealing with energy.  It is the same thing that happens when hydrogen and oxygen implode.  Space becomes more ordered and the void is filled by everpresent energy that heats up mass as this implosion reverberates at tremendously high frequencies.  The gain in SM devices is the hang time of the electrons.  Longer they are out there the longer it takes space to heatup the collector. 
     Tesla in the patent that appears again and again in inno's signature states quite clearly (which is rare for Tesla talk )  that there is more current in the energy of his oscillating circuit than in his input circuit.   SM stores the energy illicited by the electron hang time in a rotating field alright.  It isn't rotating magnetic lines of force it's rotating electrons one direction and the holes left in the wire the other.  Does anyone see any similarity here with one of the original betatron tubes where the round filament is inside a torroidal vacuum tube surrounded by magnetic fields?  This design was used by physists in their unending search for field unification, meanwhile the filament degradation (carbon sputters) was overlooked and regarded as problematic.  They weren't interested in having the electrons hang around they wanted to get them the hell out the tube so they could shoot at things.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 09:23:26 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 09:11:21 AM
Notice that SM says "revolving field" but not a "magnetic field".

So, If you have a device that you think works and no inertial effect - then you should take another look because it probably doesn't work like you think it does.

"Kicks" are what you get out - not what you put in.

kicks are what fill my caps...  the rotating feild that sm speeks about is most likely the bemf beeing speeded up

there a million ways to achive free engery

here is 1 way sm could do it ... from his control coil he makes an magnetic feild over the collector wich is thick wire and stout as tesla would say and that magnetic feild squeezes the collector ...  induceing current in it ...  when you colapse the feild ....  the kick returns 2 places.....   1 in the collector and this is what you revolve to create your inertia and the other kick will apear at your switching device wich can be used as tesla teaches in the ozone pattend to self sustain or cut way... back on input as bendini motors use....

some of my coils will work this way...  not my current coil ...   it is a normal generator .....  and a + pump and a bemf haverstor ....

that is all...  all i did is utilize what my kick coil already makes 4 free  ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Thaelin on October 31, 2008, 10:01:39 AM
        And a partridge in a pair tree     ;D


Quote from: bolt on October 31, 2008, 08:58:44 AM

Simply constructed maybe but technically very difficult to get working. Unless you have 2 collectors and 3 oscillators driving 3 gate coils each to give rotary 3 phase-NON reflective AND quench the collectors at 6 kHz with skewed  H B bias for the saturable reactor  mag amp (toroidal core and magnet) then you don't have a 3 Phase PUSH PUSH Magnetic Triode Amplifier that will automatically provide DC across the collectors with 6Khz AC sat on top with open loop gain>10,000 then you don't have a TPU you have a coil banger.

ALL the early versions of TPU had toroidal mag amps but i not seen anyone use them yet anywhere on this forum. If i missed one let me know;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 10:54:28 AM

Have you tried to use a LC tank design in the input circuit? I am sorry if you mentioned this prior I did not see it. I believe doing so would greatly reduce the input requirements as to current. You could then use a smaller power oscillator to feed the input LC to keep it topped off, the oscillators operating frequency could then be a harmonic of the actual LC resonance (6Khz~ anyone?) to keep the parts cheap. The output as I think you are using would then use a diode plug with caps (resonant again to increase COP) to tap the output for work.

Is this similar to your concept? you can IM me if you choose if you do not want to publicly disclose.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 10:57:00 AM
i add this ....



between both thease times i drew a really thin line ...
its nothing i planed... and not that i can...
but you should be mine ...  across that line...

if i trade  it all ...  if i gave it all ...away ...for the... one thing  just for the ONE RING ;)
if i sortted it out ....  if i knew all about this one thing

i promise i might not walk on by.... maybe next time .......BUT NOT THIS TIME


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on October 31, 2008, 11:17:22 AM
100% true "Kicks" are what you get out - not what you put in." I been saying this for 2 years now stop putting kicks in there is no need you only need 10 millwatts sine waves to get it working. It don't kick though this is 3 phase it STREAMS pure cold RF = RE beuase the 3D hole created is constantly fed to try and block it. Because RE IS RF you will get RF type burns and RF green streaming flashes yet at the same time its DC. Why? Because its a magnetic triode and and triode SELF rectifies thus no diodes required electrons will flow creating a positive and a negative side automatically.

Kicks are tesla and bedini toys it has very little to do with the TPU.  Thats why when the TPU starts it winds up slowly as the oscillators take effect. The exact dynamics of whether its a magnetic, particle, neutron or electron spin is really not important as the very same thing can be argued about what really rotates in a 3 phase transformer or motor. Quantum mechanics no doubt describes the process very different to electronic or conventional electrical engineering. You can argue this point long AFTER a tpu has been made it wont solve the principles. Fact is 3 phase motors do have a rotating field and there are circular polarized antennas.

SM lessons are important he is not hiding anything.  Every step must be completed to reach the goal. Every tick must fit no excuses. Every story is a lesson he describes magnets, radios, oscillators, frequencies, purity, 3 channel hi fi, circuity, RF, stability, PCB's, feedback, rotation, magnometers, vortex and even 6KHz spot frequencies, hash and AC DC mixing, other based on the circumference of the coil. Gives instructions of construction, collectors and control grids coils even cold cathode  triodes. SM has given an incredible amount of information here but only 5% really can grasp the concept and it goes WAY WAY further then coil banging.

What is the result IMO = Three Phase PUSH PUSH Magnetic Triode Amplifier quenched 6Khz.  Whats in the box? 3 off 555 type oscillators, comparators for feedback control and 6Khz quenching control to drive the mag amp on a bit of PCB. If you had the circuit you could build the controller in an evening and buy the parts from Rat Shack exactly as others said in the past there is no CPU controlled stuff in there its more like a radio then anything else.

PS the other posts are skewed now to my way of thinking and it will appear everyone else had the same idea all along:)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 11:22:25 AM
Nice tune IS.

As I said prior one way to look at the TPU is it is a induction generator without a moving armature (physically anyways), couple this with the Rotoverter concept and you have it. phasing the coils can be done with a couple of capacitors.

The drive coil is necessary to decouple the oscillator from the LC tank, the output is the overwrapped lamp cord which is at 90 degrees from the tank coils.

I am not saying this is the only way just one. What marco and IS have done is show the way, no one is going to hand it to you you have to work for it (build it) and then you will understand.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 11:30:46 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 09:23:26 AM
kicks are what fill my caps...  the rotating feild that sm speeks about is most likely the bemf beeing speeded up

there a million ways to achive free engery

here is 1 way sm could do it ... from his control coil he makes an magnetic feild over the collector wich is thick wire and stout as tesla would say and that magnetic feild squeezes the collector ...  induceing current in it ...  when you colapse the feild ....  the kick returns 2 places.....   1 in the collector and this is what you revolve to create your inertia and the other kick will apear at your switching device wich can be used as tesla teaches in the ozone pattend to self sustain or cut way... back on input as bendini motors use....

some of my coils will work this way...  not my current coil ...   it is a normal generator .....  and a + pump and a bemf haverstor ....

that is all...  all i did is utilize what my kick coil already makes 4 free  ;)


There is no "overunity" or "new form of energy" or anything else mysterious in Tesla's Ozone Generator Patent.  This is not to say that similar principles can't be used to create a device that produces power - because they can - but as depicted, there is no magic there.  It's really starting to piss me off that everyone thinks they know "something" when they don't know shite - they even feel the need to spout their self-proclaimed wisdom all over the place.  So, you would do yourself a great justice to evaluate everything they say before vesting your faith in it.

You can probably count the people with the real knowledge on both hands - and they aren't spouting their knowledge and work on forums.  Do you ever see Eric Dollard on this forum? - thought not.

BEMF, as you call it, is nothing more than the collapse of a magnetic field in an inductor - there is no magic there.  An astute person would realize that this could be used, with additional components, to produce events of interest, but I have yet to ever see anyone try this or get it to work - probably because of the enormous air-core inductor required. 

The real definition of BEMF is the emf induced in another conductor which happens to be opposite direction of the inducing emf.  So, when people start to talk smack about BEMF being some sort of different energy or extra energy - just ignore them.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 11:48:29 AM
Opinions are like assholes and there are too many of both on this thread.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 11:50:05 AM
Quote from: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 11:22:25 AM
Nice tune IS.

As I said prior one way to look at the TPU is it is a induction generator without a moving armature (physically anyways), couple this with the Rotoverter concept and you have it. phasing the coils can be done with a couple of capacitors.

The drive coil is necessary to decouple the oscillator from the LC tank, the output is the overwrapped lamp cord which is at 90 degrees from the tank coils.

I am not saying this is the only way just one. What marco and IS have done is show the way, no one is going to hand it to you you have to work for it (build it) and then you will understand.

your a good guy i just know ....

here is my last pic

this shows everything i am useing in this unit



oh i have 2 more power outputs  ;) in this unit lol 1 is the altonator pump to replenish the source and the other is a stright up generator.... nevermind the 3000v worth of caps.... 


now if i can make it sing from a single discharge .... WOULDNT THAT BE SOMETHING..... ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on October 31, 2008, 11:50:34 AM

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 31, 2008, 12:51:46 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 09:11:21 AM
Notice that SM says "revolving field" but not a "magnetic field".

So, If you have a device that you think works and no inertial effect - then you should take another look because it probably doesn't work like you think it does.

The bucket-o-vibes put out a rotating field and it too was not magnetic.

"Kicks" are what you get out - not what you put in.

I concur...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 01:29:31 PM

It sounds like you have all you need to make it a self runner.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 01:47:26 PM
Quote from: starcruiser on October 31, 2008, 01:29:31 PM

It sounds like you have all you need to make it a self runner.

...except power...ROFLMAO!!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on October 31, 2008, 02:10:03 PM
OK lunch break is over, everyone back to work. lol


Regarding that circuit you put up.........

What is that blue box. Also the negative of the rectifier output is also connected to the primary of the toroid via that little black box. I don't think this is right. Last question is why would you put a rectifier on what already seems to be a DC output?

Something else.

I was thinking about the Earths field (EF) pulse and how to catch it.
Out of a hunch, I did a Google search for "7.8hz antenna".
Expecting 1000s of results, but, amazingly I got only 1 hit and it was specific to Tesla technology. Hmmmmmm.
Maybe you've seen this before but just in case.
Nice read.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 31, 2008, 02:23:48 PM

I want to show you all a device that I have been working on for the last 3 weeks.
It consists of 2 parallell collector wires, which, by rotating the white plug 180 degress, can be turned into a mobius loop. The device gets its energy from the fluxlines of the earths magnetic field passing through the collector with a speed of 1000 miles per hour.
If I lift the device I can feel a slight gravitational pull of about 3 Newtons.

I havent been able to get the device running with gain but I think I am making good progress so far.
I managed to get the wires connected with the aid of little screws. The collectors are made of multi strand wire, about 1,5 mm2. 

Greetings Spider
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: creative on October 31, 2008, 03:11:15 PM
that is realy easy to replicate... :D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 03:23:10 PM
Damn!  Right in front of me all this time!  Thanks Spider, I'll build 100 of those and be off the grid and off petroleum!

;D   :o   ::)   ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 31, 2008, 03:29:15 PM
Quote from: Spider on October 31, 2008, 02:23:48 PM

I want to show you all a device that I have been working on for the last 3 weeks.
It consists of 2 parallell collector wires, which, by rotating the white plug 180 degress, can be turned into a mobius loop. The device gets its energy from the fluxlines of the earths magnetic field passing through the collector with a speed of 1000 miles per hour.
If I lift the device I can feel a slight gravitational pull of about 3 Newtons.

I havent been able to get the device running with gain but I think I am making good progress so far.
I managed to get the wires connected with the aid of little screws. The collectors are made of multi strand wire, about 1,5 mm2. 

Greetings Spider

3 weeks is increadibly fast, man! Your genius mind must be exhausted? Now tie some toilet tissues streams into that loop and have a cat jump through it. If it's hair stands on end then you have found and created the elusive electrostatic charge and discharge! I'd call the IEEE org asap! Fill yer glass agin and drink up, mate! Your cat has just solved all the world's problems. No cat? How about an electric dog collar? Incedible. Can ya feel the energy here?
I am glad it was you. I blow sh!t up and would end up with cat patte'

--giantkiller. Lookin' over my shoulder for PETA.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on October 31, 2008, 04:34:19 PM
Quote from: wattsup on October 31, 2008, 02:10:03 PM
OK lunch break is over, everyone back to work. lol


Regarding that circuit you put up.........

What is that blue box. Also the negative of the rectifier output is also connected to the primary of the toroid via that little black box. I don't think this is right. Last question is why would you put a rectifier on what already seems to be a DC output?

Something else.

I was thinking about the Earths field (EF) pulse and how to catch it.
Out of a hunch, I did a Google search for "7.8hz antenna".
Expecting 1000s of results, but, amazingly I got only 1 hit and it was specific to Tesla technology. Hmmmmmm.
Maybe you've seen this before but just in case.
Nice read.

ELF antenna, A Minimal ELF Loop Receiver :


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on October 31, 2008, 04:43:55 PM

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on October 31, 2008, 04:55:15 PM
and ULF-ELF-magnetic antennaThe Black Hole Antenna :

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 05:39:13 PM
power grumpy lol

you ever squeze a crystal lol....


i do every time i lite my bbq  or is that start my tpu lol

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on October 31, 2008, 05:41:02 PM
Come on Inno, give us some convincing evidence!!!!! Real video or something like that.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 05:57:30 PM
take a mot and apply power to the primary then stop the power quickly what happins?

you get re returning engery the kick.... it is inverted in phase meaning it is cold like static electricty ... us a diode to mesure it with current methods.. or put a bulb on it ..

you will note the ball of electricty is much larger   than the little bit you invested to create this ball 

just try it and you know what it dont hurt that bad if you get a zap ;D  use 12vdc 1 amp or less

@ grumpy are you gonna make me get my red makrer for the ozone patt too?


i spent a wee bit of time on that pattend

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 06:27:49 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 05:57:30 PM
take a mot and apply power to the primary then stop the power quickly what happins?

you get re returning engery the kick.... it is inverted in phase meaning it is cold like static electricty ... us a diode to mesure it with current methods.. or put a bulb on it ..

you will note the ball of electricty is much larger   than the little bit you invested to create this ball 

just try it and you know what it dont hurt that bad if you get a zap ;D  use 12vdc 1 amp or less

@ grumpy are you gonna make me get my red makrer for the ozone patt too?


i spent a wee bit of time on that pattend


You are foolish to believe that the Ozone Patent is anything other than an "ozone generator" - you are more foolish to believe  that a collapsing magnetic field (BEMF as you call it) has more energy than you put in - it does not - only more power, but this power is delivered in a smaller amount of time.  This BEMF, as you call it, is not cold electricity - it is just opposite in direction to the initial energy that you applied.  This "returning energy" is not a "kick" it's just a collapsing magnetic field.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 06:33:31 PM
it seams you have more work to do than i orginally thought

good day ...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on October 31, 2008, 06:50:18 PM
hi to all

i like to say something and i like to say  FINALY I  HAVE  FOUND  HOW  IS  IS WORKING  T.P.U  OF <S.M>


DID YOU KNOW ENYBODY  WHERE IS  <TAO nick name  way is not here>

im wondering   way is not here  <<probobly  he make  some tpu   ;)

@TAO  IF YOU ARE HERE  LETs  say  something   and say hallo for  as  here  ;)

my test has   has  show  extreme   sefl distroction  of   my  colectors coil
so powerfull   that  he destroing the  out  coil  wire instantly




Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 07:02:41 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 06:33:31 PM
it seams you have more work to do than i orginally thought

good day ...


I see you even more gullible than I originally thought.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 07:29:51 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on October 31, 2008, 07:02:41 PM
I see you even more gullible than I originally thought.

just 4 you grumpy.....


grumpy what if the ozone was electricty....  ;)

also i will refer to this engery as hemf insted of bemf  hemf stands for   HIGH ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE

is that better grumpy?

and a cupple more from that pattend ....

btw he also says time is gained!!!!!!!!!  hummmmmm you mean i charge my caps faster than the speed of light whooooa !!!!  time travel wow!!!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on October 31, 2008, 08:07:24 PM
Hey all, LTNS (Except for my last post that is. ;) )

A couple pf months ago, I had a realization. I had hit a mental brick wall concerning this technology. No truly new ideas were forthcoming, the mental well was drying up. This is caused by "not seeing the trees because you are too close to the forest".

It called for a TPU vacation, which has in itself been quite rewarding, and necessary. It allows for a fresh perspective, drives out the cobwebs (crappy concepts), and allows for a re-evaluation of previously conceived notions.

Basically, I have returned to a basic root, and have had to throw away much trash thinking, which has percolated into my old perspective and understanding. I have revised "what I KNOW", so to speak. It is amazing how myths and fairy tales creep in when knowledge is limited on a subject, just look at the "Uncertainty Principle" for instance......... People will ALWAYS "make up something" to fit their understanding of any observation, unless they TRAIN themselves to be truly objective. It will still happen even then, but it's effect is thereby reduced somewhat.

What is amazing is that no one seems to be paying attention to Bolt. Of all the conceptions here, his makes the most current sense. I have also had to return my earlier understanding of the field, closer to what it was originally in my old "The TPU uncovered?....." thread. It truly is simply a hybrid generator. Why I wasn't personally looking at it as a three (or more) phase device is beyond me. I was talking multiple phase, but inherently thinking in single phase. Bolt had that pegged with a proverbial nail.

Good job Bolt.

The TPU is a generator of ELECTRICITY, usable by ordinary non-modified electrical devices, measurable by ordinary electrical test instruments. Therefore, the MAJOR effects are electrical in nature; that is particle electrons, electric fields, and magnetic fields..... EMF and BEMF. 

Though other "effects" (RE ETC........) may be made through the modification of such fields as a by-product, they are not necessarily of any real importance of CREATING the electricity. NOTHING in SM's words contradict this statement. In fact, Bolt is 100% correct in his statements concerning this, in that we are looking at a rotor-less electric generator

If you are wanting to build such a generator using other principles, not caring about what the inventor said, built, or demonstrated, go for it. Just quit trying to tell others you have a TPU, or that they need to do what YOU have declared as proper for the building of a -->SM<-- TPU......... 

The simple truth is that there is quite enough not known about electric fields, magnetic fields, electrons, Radio Frequency Effects, etc, etc, etc, to even try to prejudge the "impossibility" of OU from ordinary interaction od known principles.

What I am stating is simply that the fantastic should only be turned to when the realistic is impossible, which does NOT apply in this case.

Looking back, all the misdirection to various other concepts, was from speculation from people HERE, not from SM's actual descriptions or words. All along, SM was talking about magnetic and electric phenomena. The rest came from people's own personal interpretations of what he said.

This may not be popular, but it is true.

People, the train has derailed, let us get it back on it's tracks.

Paul Andrulis

(NOT an EE by the way, (as someone else stated) just a tinkerer with a large and varied knowledge base, and two functioning neurons.)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on October 31, 2008, 09:07:00 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on October 31, 2008, 08:07:24 PM
Hey all, LTNS (Except for my last post that is. ;) )

A couple pf months ago, I had a realization. I had hit a mental brick wall concerning this technology. No truly new ideas were forthcoming, the mental well was drying up. This is caused by "not seeing the trees because you are too close to the forest".

It called for a TPU vacation, which has in itself been quite rewarding, and necessary. It allows for a fresh perspective, drives out the cobwebs (crappy concepts), and allows for a re-evaluation of previously conceived notions.

Basically, I have returned to a basic root, and have had to throw away much trash thinking, which has percolated into my old perspective and understanding. I have revised "what I KNOW", so to speak. It is amazing how myths and fairy tales creep in when knowledge is limited on a subject, just look at the "Uncertainty Principle" for instance......... People will ALWAYS "make up something" to fit their understanding of any observation, unless they TRAIN themselves to be truly objective. It will still happen even then, but it's effect is thereby reduced somewhat.

What is amazing is that no one seems to be paying attention to Bolt. Of all the conceptions here, his makes the most current sense. I have also had to return my earlier understanding of the field, closer to what it was originally in my old "The TPU uncovered?....." thread. It truly is simply a hybrid generator. Why I wasn't personally looking at it as a three (or more) phase device is beyond me. I was talking multiple phase, but inherently thinking in single phase. Bolt had that pegged with a proverbial nail.

Good job Bolt.

The TPU is a generator of ELECTRICITY, usable by ordinary non-modified electrical devices, measurable by ordinary electrical test instruments. Therefore, the MAJOR effects are electrical in nature; that is particle electrons, electric fields, and magnetic fields..... EMF and BEMF. 

Though other "effects" (RE ETC........) may be made through the modification of such fields as a by-product, they are not necessarily of any real importance of CREATING the electricity. NOTHING in SM's words contradict this statement. In fact, Bolt is 100% correct in his statements concerning this, in that we are looking at a rotor-less electric generator

If you are wanting to build such a generator using other principles, not caring about what the inventor said, built, or demonstrated, go for it. Just quit trying to tell others you have a TPU, or that they need to do what YOU have declared as proper for the building of a -->SM<-- TPU......... 

The simple truth is that there is quite enough not known about electric fields, magnetic fields, electrons, Radio Frequency Effects, etc, etc, etc, to even try to prejudge the "impossibility" of OU from ordinary interaction od known principles.

What I am stating is simply that the fantastic should only be turned to when the realistic is impossible, which does NOT apply in this case.

Looking back, all the misdirection to various other concepts, was from speculation from people HERE, not from SM's actual descriptions or words. All along, SM was talking about magnetic and electric phenomena. The rest came from people's own personal interpretations of what he said.

This may not be popular, but it is true.

People, the train has derailed, let us get it back on it's tracks.

Paul Andrulis

(NOT an EE by the way, (as someone else stated) just a tinkerer with a large and varied knowledge base, and two functioning neurons.)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on October 31, 2008, 10:16:05 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on October 31, 2008, 08:07:24 PM
What is amazing is that no one seems to be paying attention to Bolt. Of all the conceptions here, his makes the most current sense. I have also had to return my earlier understanding of the field, closer to what it was originally in my old "The TPU uncovered?....." thread. It truly is simply a hybrid generator. Why I wasn't personally looking at it as a three (or more) phase device is beyond me. I was talking multiple phase, but inherently thinking in single phase. Bolt had that pegged with a proverbial nail.

Good job Bolt.

He gave me the specs for building the ad826 amp a year and 1 half ago. I made 3 of them and pumped them with xr2206-s and then into my Bose Acoustic radiator. Total cost $2000.00. I then built the bucket-o-vibes and drove that with the ad826-s system. Total cost $120.00. Sine, triangle, square waves all produce effects. Like a spinning field. Excuse me. Can I repeat that please? Like a spinning field! I read references by Lyne and Tesla that the sound waves and magnetic waves produce the same thing. The same Bolt said. The heterodyning produces fields with fields. Like a gaggle of spark gaps in a cloud. And it moves. Bolt mentioned Keely too. Anybody read that? How about schauberger? Oh, The Holy Grail has a stem of 3 supports. The cup above mirrors the cup below. The vortex model. 8)

Regurjitation of bad info only fills up the toilet. Well what do you know that spins too!

People slap magnets on for good health. Idiots. Read the Dotto ring.
Does anybody realize the answers are in these last pages. Or am I a release patsy?

Now close the flaps and spin some fields. You'd be in utter shock of the depth of info on that subject alone.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on October 31, 2008, 11:02:11 PM

     What is in the blue box is a monitoring circuit of the current flow in the oscillator.  A  small inductively coupled sensing circuit.  As the oscillating current  between the collector tube and the inductor dies off it triggers a ss device that pulses the tank.  The oscillator is actually an ac current between the capacitor and the  inductor.  The torroidal transformer core is alternately saturated and unsatured anyway in an lc so why not put it to work?
   An lc is analogous to two air compressor tanks and an air motor connected inbetween.  Starting with one tank charged or full of pressure and the other empty we allow it to go through the air motor attached to a flywheel.  At first it is all pressure to the motor as the inertia of the flywheel is overcome.  Notice pressure is not dropping much from the tank there is no flow but the pressure is doing something.   As the flywheel is accelerated there begins a flow so that as the first tank empties the second tank or capacitor plate is filling.   As the two tanks equalize in pressure the inertia of the flywheel now turns the air motor into an air pump.  The pump now compresses the second tank and pulls a vacuum on the first.   Then the cycle is repeated but with reverse flow.   At first glance this oscillation seems to do no work.  If we take into account that as the pressure drops in tank 1 the tank drops in temperature,  then it does.  Heat from the field flows into the tank under decompression.  This results in gain from the field when a vacuum condition in the first tank is delayed.  As the pump/mtr  goes into compression mode the second tank will heat up but the motor loading will be reduced if we remove the heat from the second tank and use it to do work.  It will take longer for compression loading of the flywheel.   
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 01:54:21 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on October 31, 2008, 07:29:51 PM
just 4 you grumpy.....


blah blah blah

yep...another dumb ass...

Time to join Marco for a piss in the tall grass - yeah - that's where the big dogs run.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 01, 2008, 01:58:14 AM

This is just speculation:

You've spun alot of fields, and I have spun several myself. Spinning by itself is not enough. It has to spin at high relative velocity to produce more electricity at same input power. IE, get it spinning, then kick it in the proverbial butt.

Something else I noticed is that 6Khz can be either a beat, a harmonically derived frequency, or simply the frequency at which the coil naturally rings (think tuning fork, and my best guess, as that would have to do with the diameter of the coil) and doesn't have to necessarily be the main driving frequency. IE 6Khz isn't necessarily the frequency pumped in to the coil, it is the main derivative besides DC coming OUT of the coil.

IF (BIG if) SM was thinking of the TPU like a sound driver, he would be applying the concept of frequency/driver diameter, in the manner of a good woofer or midrange.......

Now, if I had a three signal system, and wanted say a 6Khz beat, I would pump the first with 30Khz, the second with 36Khz, and the last with 42Khz........

Any thoughts?

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 01, 2008, 02:14:08 AM

Let me explain something really simple. SM discovered the principle while working on audio HIFI device research........

The only frequencies used in the audial spectrum are generally 20hz to 20Khz (average range of human hearing), or a maximum of 15hz to 30Khz (Very few high end systems).

Something to think about.......

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 01, 2008, 03:36:00 AM

An important clue from http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1944827568401901581&ei=k_QLSevSH4eQrALwkM2nDA&q=Steven+Marks (http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1944827568401901581&ei=k_QLSevSH4eQrALwkM2nDA&q=Steven+Marks) google SM video. Approx 3/4 of the way into this video, it shows the open TPU. Pay particular attention to his words, as they are VERY important. They come right after his light bulb demonstration of the device.

I am replaying this portion over an over to get an exact quote:

And I quote SM EXACTLY, with emphasis on the important parts ---> "This device puts out 91.2 volts.. direct current.. actually it is an alternating current it's right around 6000..uh... hertz... but for all intents and purposes it will show up as DC.. That is why the meter is set on DC.. 91.2 volts"

These units produce High Frequency AC!

These units do NOT put out DC!

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 07:28:25 AM
its DC but only because its polarized but in fact its high frequency streaming AC or RF because RE is actually RF nothing more. It will short, shock and burn like RF rather then conventional AC or DC.

Go and read about super regen radios. After you decode a signal you are left with the 6Kz quenching frequncy sat on top or whatever your regen runs at.  This was the biggest give away secret and i realized this in my very earliest posts almost 2 years ago. So as SM its like a radio but its not and this is very true. It has more radio principles then anything else.

The regen is vital its the ONLY way to make a loop at ELF appear large enough to grab some of the earth magnetic wave unless you stick a huge antenna to it.  I don't know if its scaler or not probably is but when you try measure a scaler conventionally  it "appears" weak which it will do cos its not moving but the static energy force is there equal to 1000's watts a centimeter holding that scaler in place. You just have to know how to tap it and you wont see anything until you antagonize it. Think of an MRI scanner. The amount of force there is incredible but you can lie in the mag field and not feel a thing.  Does it make it any less powerful just because you cant feel it? However its not scaler thus easily detected and will suck anything metal into the scanner.

Its also well known in HAM radio circles that if you want to receive a weak signal at say 100Kz you transmit in order to receive on a loop antenna. This will make the loop appear massive. Literally when in resonance the EM field is synchronized to the EM transmitter. This increases the coil Q and a super regen can make a tiny coil have a Q of 1,000,000.

Under Keely work solids liquids gases and scalar can be tapped by striking the chord. You have to find the frequencies that makes something ring like a bell. The Nuclear Spin Resonance will be somewhere in the range 10Hz for 100Khz for earth field reaction because it will simulate iron. You DONT need iron to simulate electrically. This is a mistake so many of you made thinking it has iron cores. Nor are there set frequencies it all depends on the geometry of the coils. To pump scaler its 90 degrees offset to M field so coils are wound perpendicular to main collector.

So the definition is getting bigger to fully describe the device. -

Scaler Pumped Three Phase Quenched PUSH PUSH Magnetic Triode Amplifier.    hahahha!

Normally in RF coils induction only happens when both are aligned the same axis and to reduce feedback you layout coils to minimize interference in conventional EM by placing them 90 degress to each other on PCB's How many of you thought of this? I don't know how SM worked out all this stuff we have something to go by the fact he has done it and given us a notes and bible stories to follow but to invent this thing is truly amazing.

RE is energy transformation and there are dozens of ways of doing this. The TPU is transforming a virtual spinning simulated iron molecule which interacts with the earth scaler magnetic wave which electron is spun off into the collectors produces a charge. This is real joule potential.  Here is our transformation.  Unlike other methods you don't get it by banging and brute force you get it by precision chord striking and excellence in resonance.

"This device puts out 91.2 volts.. direct current.. actually it is an alternating current it's right around 6000..uh... hertz... but for all intents and purposes it will show up as DC.. That is why the meter is set on DC.. 91.2 volts"   
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 08:55:14 AM
"TPU is a current amplifier. There is a method/way, to amplify the CURRENT, and there are many different possibility for driving. You can use DC, and AC as well.

I think there are really nothing magic in a working method. "

its not a current amplifier its a magnetic amplifier and it works by Potential Voltage separation. Its a triode in every sense exactly as SM told you it was. One collector is the anode the other the cathode and the control coils are grids. A triode is a diode and an amplifier. You will get voltage appearing on the collectors through TRANSFORMATION and because its non reflective you can load it and maintain that voltage which means you have current and thus you have P= Volts * Amps. The control circuit is NOT in the current path and therefore is not reflective nor placing any of the output stage back to the input.  Like most RE systems the more you load it the more the system provides energy to maintain that voltage potential. SO unlike say an inverter or conventional amplifier there is no output transistors or fets there is no need for anything on the output side. The limitation as you load the collectors is heat. This is conventional there is still coil resistance. There is no need to loop anything the stage gain is greater then 10,000.

Yes its not magic just clever circuitry. As i said before its not more then three 555's a comparator for feedback control and mag amp switcher for the quenching.  It will fit on a scrap of vero board. However learning how to put this together needs a full lab, time and plenty of money.

Forgot to mention its Class C magnetic amp. There is no biasing. The magnet on the mag amp skews H B into quench slope detection.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 09:35:04 AM
Dont forget the higher frequencies are only the precursors for the Nuclear Resonance Spin. The mag amp is only switching 6Khz on the toroidal with the magnet beside it changes H B hysteresis.  This is not hard and certainly not outside of working parameters for mag amps. Many SMPS use mag amps.

More power comes from God LOL

Its what you get back when you ask for transformation of one source of energy to another. In this case we convert earth scaler magnetic energy to electricity.  See you cant go looking for electricity you WONT find it. You must do something else and you get back something as a by product of that action.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 01, 2008, 09:46:51 AM
yep grumpy it is only bla bla bla

if you dont understand it  ;D

the ac hash is in my system  ;D  altho i convert it to dc to add up to more.....

the hash aint hash ... its spinn... or orbit... ;D and it oscolates...  lol

i usualy get around 35-o vac of what u call hash constantly flucatiting 0- 35 0-35.... on my ac side on the dc side i get diffrent mesurements i use a full wave bridge rectifier to combine the 2 as dc output  my freq is 1k ...

i have designed a new transformer  ;D

tesla  doide style ;D 

any how grump i wish u luck .... the OZONE PAT AND THE CONVERSION PAT HAVE SERVED ME WELL.... ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 01, 2008, 09:47:26 AM
Quote from: wattsup on October 31, 2008, 02:10:03 PM
I was thinking about the Earths field (EF) pulse and how to catch it.
Out of a hunch, I did a Google search for "7.8hz antenna".
Expecting 1000s of results, but, amazingly I got only 1 hit and it was specific to Tesla technology. Hmmmmmm.
Maybe you've seen this before but just in case.
Nice read.

This is a nice read. I wasn't aware a NASA scientist had put up with the same crap I've seen here on this idea. I am saddened he seems to think it was a new idea. Not mine, certainly. Long before either one of us were born...

As for the rest.... There is certainly rotation here. Now I'm sorry I started another revolution almost three years ago.

Reminds me of my favorite Cheech & Chong... Um? Looks like RE. Snif - Snif... Smells like RE....Chomp-Crunch!  Ahhh! UH! TASTES LIKE RE but it is really RF.

Just remember... Magic to some is old hat to others so if you think it is magic check it out before you flush it down that magical vortex in your toilet.


I can't disagree with most of your ideas. Why? Because they are a rehash of mine. They will change. Just like mine.

I have something that works and needs improvement and documentation. I check in once in a while.

Later folks  :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 10:00:47 AM
"Because they are a rehash of mine."

Bep so you knew this was scaler pumped  magnetic quenched  class c push push triode amplifier  then 2 years ago?   :o

Please show me some your  old post that has an incline to what i been disclosing? Not digging the dirt but if we both have exactly the same methodology that must be a good sign!! 

I already have OU devices everyone has not many know where to look though. By far easiest way is Rotoverter motors. Its OU out of the box. Been discussed and denied many times on this site.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 10:34:29 AM
Quote from: BEP on November 01, 2008, 09:47:26 AM

I have something that works and needs improvement and documentation. I check in once in a while.

Later folks  :)

Way to go BEP - see you in the tall grass - LOL!


Quote from: bolt on November 01, 2008, 10:00:47 AM
"Because they are a rehash of mine."

Bep so you knew this was scaler pumped  magnetic quenched  class c push push triode amplifier  then 2 years ago?   :o

Please show me some your  old post that has an incline to what i been disclosing? Not digging the dirt but if we both have exactly the same methodology that must be a good sign!! 

I already have OU devices everyone has not many know where to look though. By far easiest way is Rotoverter motors. Its OU out of the box. Been discussed and denied many times on this site.

Shut up and build something!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 10:38:31 AM
Quote from: Chef on November 01, 2008, 06:05:47 AM
I think, no needed to overcomplicate that. Frequency's are directly related to circumference of the collector coil. He mentioned in one video somewhere, there is a pattern set up, and it need time to wind down.

That pattern is, what going round and round in the length of the collector coil. So frequency's depend on the length of collector coil (If is that a loop= circumference), and the numbers of control coils. It's like an accelerometer, you need to push in right times in right direction, to achieve a drag round and round.
I think the high frequency AC in the output is only by product. Actually it would be only DC , but the output tank circuit system, cause the AC hash on a DC current.

Chef, you very smart.  Good luck in your work.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 10:51:14 AM
"Is that mean TPU is magnetic AMP? How do you think mag amp will make more power, as what you put in?"

You have to go back and read say my last 10 posts then make sure you have a copy of SM notes beside you then you can see it ticks all the boxes.

Lets make this really really simple. The TPU is  valve or switch you turn it on and it opens a magnetic portal and electricity will flow across the collectors.  Imagine a fireman hose. It doesn't take much effort to open the valve but the pressure of the water almost knocks him over.  The action of opening the valve doesn't relate to how much pressure there is available and its limitless. As SM said once you tap this you spend the next years trying to control it.

So for the TPU the action is precursory only its like making a bomb. If i mix ammonium nitrate with fuel oil it seems harmless while preparing it but you set it off you find out soon enough what power you had just tapped.  I have already explained how the TPU has a stage gain over 10,000 open looped. Compared to Bedinni which has gain of 0.3 to 3  this is just a toy.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 01, 2008, 10:59:36 AM
@ bolt the things i have designed ARE NOT TOYS.... ;D

and are compleatly scaleable   but there im sure some byproducts that need adressed...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 11:13:17 AM
its a toy compared to the TPU trust me. You are working on one dimension not three. You are extremely unlikely to ever get COP>3 most people get 0.3 to 2.6 so the lucky ones can charge a battery or two but never loop.  You can think about self runners over a COP >5 but so what you end up with a self runner that just about keeps going and can't do anything else.

You want to try this stuff go get motors 3 phase well built professionally wound. 2 or 3 HP.   RV it and frequency drive it THEN out of the box you get COP> 5 piss easy then its loopable and generates 500+ watts. I dont know why so many mess about with clock springs, and rat shack home made motors. This is still a toy compared to the TPU but it works well. Wont win prices though too heavy to post. LOL
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 01, 2008, 11:22:43 AM
Quote from: bolt on November 01, 2008, 11:13:17 AM
its a toy compared to the TPU trust me. You are working on one dimension not three. You are extremely unlikely to ever get COP>3 most people get 0.3 to 2.6 so the lucky ones can charge a battery or two but never loop.  You can think about self runners over a COP >5 but so what you end up with a self runner that just about keeps going and can't do anything else.

i beleave this to be incorrect ...

my cap charger self ran.... over 1 year ago..  from a d batt and it made a large ring of of rotating engery wich affects a magnet ...at a distance sooooo...   

tap what it makes... it is an eather spinner fired 2.5hz  heterodyineing  round and round  my ring ....there was no steel in it the steel goes on the outer torride shape to containe the rotating heterodyne.... of the cap charger ring

trust me the out put is far more than cop 5  ;)

now if you can get that to work  then fire it 5hz and see what the cop is ......

and if it aint enough fire it 7.5 :o :o

now tell me i get a cop of 5 cuz the dam thing ran from a single pulse .......  i also managed to make it start from placeing a magnet on it or swiping 1 past it

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 12:27:40 PM
"but I didn't found, any clear evidence in your posts about the power amplification."

Thats because you are still in mainstream electronics there is no need for a conventional amplifier i thought i had explained this already over many posts. The input power is just about 30 milliwatts for the oscillators and control circuit.

The answer is this very simple

(((v1+V2+V3/ 3) X (I1+I2+I3/3) ) x 1.732)X PF = WATTS (CIRCULATION 3PH) * Q where Q is greater then 100,000 to 1,000,000.

Numbers so large its instant vaporised if left untamed.

Power by GOD maybe yes a little humour on Nature nothing more or less. Same as GODS Sun, Wind or Rain.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 01, 2008, 12:51:17 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 10:34:29 AM
Way to go BEP - see you in the tall grass - LOL!

;D The thing to remember is there may be an electric fence lurking in that tall grass.


Like my last message.... I can agree with most of what you say - but not all.

Pure frequencies <EDIT> 'from' NOT 'form' </EDIT> noise and a single sine - regenerative receiver circuits - energy sucking antennae - NRO's - etc. etc. Its all in my old posts AND also in old posts from those before me.

Good luck. I can't wait to see you build your ideas.


The only known source of 'pure' sine is via FFT and noise. All else is 'good' or 'great' sound but not 'pure'.
Mr. Mark was an UberGeek in audio (to say the least). The electrostatic speaker system is a key for me. So is mention of the use of noise (conventional practice today).

Creating a difference in potential is child's play. Finding where and how to use it... well - not there yet.

Gyroscopic action? I think not. It isn't a simple matter of the thing trying to maintain pitch and yaw. It wants to keep the same relative position also. Try doing that with a gyroscope :o

The main reason I don't share... Because I can't. Every idea I came up with for the TPU is related (even so small) to four title 35's.

You don't think I have or know something? Good. I like it that way.

One thing I do know for sure.... my latest nightmare is completely unrelated (except at the spin level) and I'll not make the same mistake again.

Back to work now (Wattsup!). I got some CNC time and I need to make use of it.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 01:51:53 PM
Don't have the lab stuff to build so i wont bother. The reasons for posting is many do have labs and money and scratching their heads last few years thinking why it ain't working. So i give my ideas. I hope someone does make it im not fussed how but sooner it happens easier to bring other stuff out of the closet.

You know the game last five years i say there are hundreds of looped very effective systems working right now. You wont see these people often because when they pop up they are normally killed off so its still underground.

I can see both sides of the coin. Once its mainstream governments will apply other taxations and lose all benefits of keeping it quite to yourself. Even wages would be recalculated and tax relief changed to reflect less outgoings on utility bills.  The pressure to say and do nothing is clearly the stronger force. Only the have nots want it and those that do don't:)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 02:50:17 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 01, 2008, 01:51:53 PM
I can see both sides of the coin. Once its mainstream governments will apply other taxations and lose all benefits of keeping it quite to yourself. Even wages would be recalculated and tax relief changed to reflect less outgoings on utility bills.  The pressure to say and do nothing is clearly the stronger force. Only the have nots want it and those that do don't:)

...at least you got that part correct  ;)

I'm sick of hearing about the haves and the have-nots
Have some personal accountability
The biggest problem with the way that we've been doing things is
The more we let you have the less that I'll be keeping for me
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 04:00:06 PM
Quote from: Chef on November 01, 2008, 02:59:54 PM
What does this mean?

It's means he is bluffing and doesn't know. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 01, 2008, 04:42:21 PM
Mentioned many times the importance of Q in my very recent posts and how to achieve it.

Sorry im not going over it again i said enough now. If you don't understand then its clearly got too complicated for you.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 01, 2008, 06:04:59 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 01, 2008, 04:42:21 PM
Mentioned many times the importance of Q in my very recent posts and how to achieve it.

Sorry im not going over it again i said enough now. If you don't understand then its clearly got too complicated for you.

See Chef?  Bolt just folded. The pot is yours.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 01, 2008, 09:55:58 PM
Quote from: Chef on November 01, 2008, 06:19:08 PM
Hmm... Maybe I am that stupid.

"W = (I1+I2+13)/3 x (V1+V2+V3)/3 x 1.732  * Q"

Where did you get that equation?

Hmmmm... Looks like he is averaging amps then volts and then replacing PF (Power Factor) with Q.
Balanced load three phase Watts = I x E x 1.73 x PF

Replacing PF with Q would really jack the numbers  ::) Now if you could change the Q of a circuit -after- it was charged that might be reasonable.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on November 01, 2008, 11:24:54 PM
Just like 3 cannons.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 02, 2008, 01:15:29 AM

Yep, the hard part is the timing of the shots.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 02, 2008, 01:35:33 AM
QuoteBolt.......  The regen is vital its the ONLY way to make a loop at ELF appear large enough to grab some of the earth magnetic wave unless you stick a huge antenna to it.

Actually, it is not, but the thought of utilizing large fractal antenna's in such might be more than a little scary.  Too wideband, too much potential gain. Fractal collectors.....OUCH.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 02, 2008, 07:03:30 AM
Quote from: pauldude000 on November 02, 2008, 01:35:33 AM

Actually, it is not, but the thought of utilizing large fractal antenna's in such might be more than a little scary.  Too wideband, too much potential gain. Fractal collectors.....OUCH.

Paul Andrulis

:D Watchit! The mention of fractals a year ago lit the torches. 'Many short wires', coils, collectors sure sound like fractals to me. But then fractals are undeniably a part of everything. I've wondered how they could be used to describe/calculate (correctly) flux and field.
----Watched PBS last night, didn't you?

Three cannon? Shooting each other in a repeated fashion? When the mag flux refuses to turn one more corner (since mag flux does not rotate) it'll just 'slap back' on itself. A 'Kick' I presume?

Enough. I'm really outta here now. Catching a plane in a few hours.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 02, 2008, 08:29:19 AM
Quote from: pauldude000 on November 02, 2008, 01:15:29 AM

Yep, the hard part is the timing of the shots.

i shouldnt be ...

i never carried on to other designs i have ...  how ever 3 cannon ...  well we need 3 triggers....  lol  cannon trigger cannon trigger cannon trigger

the flux from the last cannon trips the next trigger  similar to my cascade amp altho it is the value of the cap in my cascade that will tell the next coil to fire... 

too many ways...  try coil reed coil reed ..... i did not want to close loop it ...  also you can take the hemf from the first coil to fill the the next cap and it is filled for free there fore everything after the first cap is free  8)

kinda gets back to what i have been saying for over a year .....LET A SINGLE DISCHARGE BE FIRST CONSIDERED....


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: altium on November 02, 2008, 09:46:18 AM
what results you give with schem from your avatar?
Do you measure COP?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 02, 2008, 10:01:31 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on November 02, 2008, 08:29:19 AM

kinda gets back to what i have been saying for over a year .....LET A SINGLE DISCHARGE BE FIRST CONSIDERED....

  Stop trying to pass Erfinder's work and words off as your own - you disgusting little maggot! 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on November 02, 2008, 10:15:36 AM
Quote from: altium on November 02, 2008, 09:46:18 AM
what results you give with schem from your avatar?
Do you measure COP?

Good Question  :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 02, 2008, 10:30:35 AM

You're on a roll with your last posts of special referals. Great stuff indeed.

Your reference to Gianni A. Dotto is an eye opener. His dad engineered the Teslas Niagara Falls Generating Plants and he himself is a true genius. Why the hell are we not using these Dotto Rings.
That would be one hell of a replication. Estimated cost? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
But imagine curing disease with watts.

No pills, no chills that you don't yield.
All you gotta do is swing the field. lol

But you will also notice the warning signs for what we are doing even with pulsed "magnetic" fields. There is a real physical danger in all magnetic fields to our body. OK, this is serious shit. Even MRI would then be considered dangerous.

For those who did not pay attention. Here's one link. Enjoy the new way of looking at the field and your DNA.


Thanks for those links. This shows the true practical methods for seeing and measuring the Earth pulsation. You notice on some of the graphs that there are four peaks from 7.8 to 14 hertz. The builds and results give you a realistic appreciation for the number of coil turns (69,000) to only make a few milliwatts.


Yes - It is incredible to read his stuff. It is so close to home. So mainstream, yet you realize their goal is not ours.

Here's a real re-hash of old stuff regarding the center toroid. Could it be a fylback converter instead of a buck-boost coil?


Oh yeh, my favorite Cheech and Chong is "Dave's not here!"

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 02, 2008, 10:42:47 AM
if you read back you will see erfinder did not do it alone ...


aswell i was not showen ....   i studyied ... and the second pattend ... lol ask him we never talked of that pattend  ;D

so piss on marco...  lol

my shit works cuz i worked at the second pattend ...  :P :P i learned to understand conversion ...

marco tell the crew how my tesla diode works incase MY WORDS WERNT ENOUGH.....


build what i have just showen and explain how and why the bulb is bright from the same input.....infact it is less input ... as it is pulsed...

good bye
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 02, 2008, 11:42:21 AM
whoop de doo...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on November 02, 2008, 06:09:44 PM
Omg he even calls it proof of concept  :-\
I had no idea he was that.....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 02, 2008, 06:16:52 PM
btw erf uses a diode...  and i bet marco does too!!!

what i have showen is with out diodes....   ::)

show me somthing you guys made with out useing a diode ...

yea i thought so....


btw you  will notice i posed this exact pic months ago....

marco you truly are an odd one.....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on November 02, 2008, 06:43:44 PM

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 02, 2008, 08:44:14 PM
turbo: brilliant, witty, outstanding

dwarf: the man to look up to

Lindsay: you sit idly by and let this crap go on?

where are the senior members here? oh yeah that's right, they're the ones perpetrating this gong show!

why are you two even here?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 03, 2008, 07:42:28 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 02, 2008, 08:44:14 PM

where are the senior members here? oh yeah that's right, they're the ones perpetrating this gong show!

I thought they either left or changed their handles when nuttiness went to my level and beyond.
I'm still trying to get into the space alien ideas by my mind won't stretch that far. I just need to keep blowing my nose harder, I suppose.

All this childish crap has made me shove a lot of coils aside. Der ain't no intelligent life here now (not many anyway).
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 03, 2008, 07:55:24 AM
just for all the fools that say it can not be done....


i see a half meggawatt unit for sale.... hummm  and you mean i can sell my excess power back to the grid wow!!!!

catch up  the world aint slowing down!!!!


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 03, 2008, 08:50:27 AM
Quote from: BEP on November 03, 2008, 07:42:28 AM
I thought they either left or changed their handles when nuttiness went to my level and beyond.
I'm still trying to get into the space alien ideas by my mind won't stretch that far. I just need to keep blowing my nose harder, I suppose.

All this childish crap has made me shove a lot of coils aside. Der ain't no intelligent life here now (not many anyway).

turbo and the dwarf are still around. the question is why?

sorry to hear about you putting coils aside. that's exactly the effect this crap has on people.

@all: if a few members spoke out when these malicious personal attacks occur, perhaps they'll stop. most people keep their homes from becoming a complete pig's sty. is the indignity and crudeness we've seen here lately acceptable to everyone ???
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 03, 2008, 09:07:47 AM
@ bolt

if you are still around ...  after all the BS... 

lets built your  unit!!!

i will build it   with the 7.5 hp 3phase motor i have wich is 600v i think...

it is realy big the output shaft 1.5"  the hole thing weighs bout 250lbs....

yes i will donate it and more of my time to TEACH MYSELF AND THE PEOPLES .....  i dont think it can be that hard....

so if you want me to build it hang around ....  i will  lol!!!

just to shove it in  grumpys and marcos MINDS...

i also have a 40 hp 3 phase 600 v motor  ;D ;D 

did some one say an arc welder?  lol 


i have not lost sight of MY GOAL!!  perhaps it is not the same as some.... ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 09:55:06 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 03, 2008, 08:50:27 AM
turbo and the dwarf are still around. the question is why?

I just stop in here for a good laugh.  Best comedy show around.  The "drawf tossing" act is the best - almost as good as the "troll squashing" act.

Almost everyone that washere two or more years ago has left, if you haven't noticed.  I guess they either got on the path to freedom or they just got tired of endless drama and BS on this forum.  If you post anything resembling "results" on this forum, you pay the heavy price of endless conjecture, ridicule, insults, and general defamation from people that don't know a damn thing in the first place but feel they are experts in various fields just because they know a few "buzz words" - who needs that crap?  You can post complicated explanations of real work and it goes unnoticed - look at the post made be "FunkyJive" in the "Complete information...TPU" thread.  Look at the info Spherics posted and then look at how many have constructed the device.  So, is posting your work really worth the effort.

No amount of reading and discussing can compare to experience, and few here seem to be interested in actually experiencing real results.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: dean_mcgowan on November 03, 2008, 10:46:18 AM
Yes !!

Hi Grumpster ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ramset on November 03, 2008, 11:00:14 AM
ist  You sure seem to upset some folks  .I don't understand why ?
None of this is for comedy or Bullying. The world really is in deep sh#t right now
Anyone offering to help, shouldn't be subject to such Abuse
This feels more like an unfriendly poker game than an open source Forum to change things for the better   Chet
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gothic on November 03, 2008, 11:12:49 AM
...  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTybhsoJFgU
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on November 03, 2008, 11:18:22 AM
Quote from: ramset on November 03, 2008, 11:00:14 AM
ist  You sure seem to upset some folks  .I don't understand why ?
None of this is for comedy or Bullying. The world really is in deep sh#t right now
Anyone offering to help, shouldn't be subject to such Abuse
This feels more like an unfriendly poker game than an open source Forum to change things for the better   Chet

If you have not noticed, IST has taken over a large portion of the forum with his "stuff".  Since none of it actually works, and he has a great time with it, I think the sole purpose is for comic relief.  Now that I realize that, I don't care what he posts, but it does really slow down the load times for forum pages which is bad enough will all the advertisements - I mean does anyone really buy anything advertised on here?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 11:34:50 AM
Dont matter if you buy or not the google advertisers are paying for displays and clicks and OU.com makes money so who cares.

Forgot to say if they annoy you then use firefox with adblock plugin its free takes 15 seconds to install and clear 99% of all ads from sites.  Ads? what ads i dont see any :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 11:39:04 AM
"7.5 hp 3phase motor i have wich is 600v i think..."

Well RV it then and it will be OU off the shelf. It  will run under 100 watts or under 15 watts with modified frequncy drive inverter.

You do the math how can you spin a 7.5 hp motor for 15/25 watts input?  Thats 75lb of steel rotor spinning on same power as couple of Xmas tree lights.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 11:58:26 AM
Quote from: wattsup on November 02, 2008, 10:30:35 AM

You're on a roll with your last posts of special referals. Great stuff indeed.

Your reference to Gianni A. Dotto is an eye opener. His dad engineered the Teslas Niagara Falls Generating Plants and he himself is a true genius. Why the hell are we not using these Dotto Rings.
That would be one hell of a replication. Estimated cost? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
But imagine curing disease with watts.

No pills, no chills that you don't yield.
All you gotta do is swing the field. lol

But you will also notice the warning signs for what we are doing even with pulsed "magnetic" fields. There is a real physical danger in all magnetic fields to our body. OK, this is serious shit. Even MRI would then be considered dangerous.

For those who did not pay attention. Here's one link. Enjoy the new way of looking at the field and your DNA.


Thanks for those links. This shows the true practical methods for seeing and measuring the Earth pulsation. You notice on some of the graphs that there are four peaks from 7.8 to 14 hertz. The builds and results give you a realistic appreciation for the number of coil turns (69,000) to only make a few milliwatts.


Yes - It is incredible to read his stuff. It is so close to home. So mainstream, yet you realize their goal is not ours.

Here's a real re-hash of old stuff regarding the center toroid. Could it be a fylback converter instead of a buck-boost coil?


Oh yeh, my favorite Cheech and Chong is "Dave's not here!"

Dave here...
2 layers of these: 3 bifilar air coils on a multistrand, multiloop copper windings. Outer set connected in series charged with DC. Inner set connected in series pulsed at high Q of an individual coil. 1 frequency.

One can talk all day long and not get the respect. One can post pertainent links of irrefutable info and not get the respect. One can post videos or designs of subsets and not get the respect. Follow all these steps. But! The only protection is to not post a video. Commadarie aside. There will be a day when all surviving OU'rs will ask 'Where's Dave?'

So, on with it,
A polarized object moving through space gathers a charge. This represents an outward pressure with by Newton's law exerts a reverse pressure. This is known as gravity. Tesla was the king of electrostatic charges. The spark gaps, the ignition coil tests, the 1 wire pulse jump, the stun gun test, SM17 TPU. He displayed discharges as a clue. 'William Thomson'. This is verified by Tesla and Lyne regarding Magnetohyrdodynamics. The inclusion of the property of aether. Control the aether into solid virtual matter on one side and a virtual vacuum on the opposite side. The effects achieved are levitation, antigravity, speed of light travel, oblique high speed turns, all depending on the direction focused. Reference the speed of light travel and call it teleportation, high speed movement thats all. Again reference the virtual vacuum. Two layers of a tpu creating a vacuum in between each other. One where their outputs are facing each other. Virtual vacuum in the center. High pressure zone above and below. The collector picks up the lateral movement from the pressure. It should be obvious how the power out can be so big. It operates in any direction because all matter is permiated by the stuff that dreams are made of.

I posted 2 years ago the SM17 TPU being a stungun of sorts. The spark demo by SM showed the electrostic discharge. I then show 3 stunguns connected in a circle. A sequential trigger cascade. I set this this up and blew up the stungun at the end. :o

Werner von Braun consults with Tesla in 1937. von Braun works in a Government lab in Arizona. Braun returns to Germany and become a high up At Peenemunde. There the work starts on the ship and the flytrap. Tesla dies Janurary 1943. U.S. Government scoops up Tesla documentation. They have an OMG moment. 8 months later Germany is invaded. Pennemunde gets bombed August 1943. Von Braun now resides in the states with 1500 commrades and Einstein. And so starts the secret designs and the Relativistic teachings by Einstein, the false prophet. A German jew? No oven? Dual standards?
Always playing catch up. Everyday is an Oh SH!T moment, now.

--giantkiller. Still here where aether is the real deal.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on November 03, 2008, 12:11:05 PM
It needs the power to overcome the friction of the bearing for the first spin move. The quality of the bearing is important.
Have you figure out the relationship or construction of those elements RotoVerter, Class C amplifier, Regenerative Receiver, Triode?
I consider RotoVerter as a resonance 3 phase power source, Class C amplifier is a transmitter, Regenerative Receiver only receive signal not power.  How to put them together as a theoretical TPU?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 03, 2008, 12:13:05 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 03, 2008, 11:39:04 AM
"7.5 hp 3phase motor i have wich is 600v i think..."

Well RV it then and it will be OU off the shelf. It  will run under 100 watts or under 15 watts with modified frequncy drive inverter.

You do the math how can you spin a 7.5 hp motor for 15/25 watts input?  Thats 75lb of steel rotor spinning on same power as couple of Xmas tree lights.

@bolt i really had no plans on phisically spinning the motor lol  ;)

i was gonna just use the case windings for a tpu base unit  ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: alan on November 03, 2008, 12:16:44 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on November 03, 2008, 07:55:24 AM
just for all the fools that say it can not be done....


i see a half meggawatt unit for sale.... hummm  and you mean i can sell my excess power back to the grid wow!!!!

catch up  the world aint slowing down!!!!


2 possibilities:
scam, or real.
This thing needs to be evaluated indivitually.
Till then it is a scam  :-X
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 12:22:38 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 03, 2008, 11:39:04 AM
"7.5 hp 3phase motor i have wich is 600v i think..."

Well RV it then and it will be OU off the shelf. It  will run under 100 watts or under 15 watts with modified frequncy drive inverter.

You do the math how can you spin a 7.5 hp motor for 15/25 watts input?  Thats 75lb of steel rotor spinning on same power as couple of Xmas tree lights.

There are 2 Rotovertor designs. Axially, on the same axial and parallel, side by side. The side by side is the one that works really well with minimal controls. The axial version has an immense amount of controls to compensate for inherent loses. These controls are correctly tune tanks and other unnecessaries. This design proves to be finicky.
The parallel one works by a belt drive pulley ratio with a brake. Seems as though this was simpler to institute.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: tosky on November 03, 2008, 12:36:04 PM
Could these logic true?
If 3 phase power source driving is normal design, then Rotoverter is overunity design.
If Rotoverter is normal design, then 3 phase power source driving is over waste energy design.
There are too many over waste energy designs such as quad-core CPU, air conditioner, etc. They are all considered normal. But a better CPU appeared, we may consider it is O.U.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 12:41:23 PM
Quote from: tosky on November 03, 2008, 12:11:05 PM
It needs the power to overcome the friction of the bearing for the first spin move. The quality of the bearing is important.
Have you figure out the relationship or construction of those elements RotoVerter, Class C amplifier, Regenerative Receiver, Triode?
I consider RotoVerter as a resonance 3 phase power source, Class C amplifier is a transmitter, Regenerative Receiver only receive signal not power.  How to put them together as a theoretical TPU?

YES! They are absolutely  related the TPU is a solid state RV but the method is increasing Q on TPU is the magic.  RV is tuned resonant 3 phase tanks driven off a single phase gives rotary field.  Its also a triode but hard to spot. The Rotor is the grid and cathode with stator is the collector. Its a magnetic amplifier same as TPU but only when driven below core saturation. You achieve this when driving 1/4 volts rated to allow it to "breath".  Calculations are similar except RV is broadband with lower Q. With input power down at 15 watts driving 7.5 HP motor the VARS is well over 1000 watts. Magnets will twirl other side of the room on a bit of string. Single stage gain is >5 COP VARS extractable.  There is no magnetic bias so its also Class C. The bigger the motor the better the magnetic gains versus bearing resistance.  The RV is rotary power factor correcting which is LEADING! This means you can achieve PF >1.  I let you think about what this does to your house supply:)

There are many sites which show how to RV a motor including degreasing bearings and get rid of the fan not required RV runs cold when well tuned.

The supply doest send KICKS either nor is it square wave its SINE wave. Don't mention tesla coils the only time i see sparks on RV is when its on fire LOL
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 03, 2008, 12:57:21 PM

At least in regenerative receivers increasing the Q is thought to be done by running the tickler coil at high current and low voltage. They were generally of heavier copper. This increased the Q of the overall tank, as well. At least according to some radio theories.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 12:58:10 PM
"over waste energy designs such as quad-core CPU"

One day in the next century perhaps CPU will be made properly using OU designs and extracting ZPE on each clock cycle then the damn things will run ice cold instead. Its total stupidity to have quad core gaming PC's requiring 750 watt PSU's with poor PF means its cost a 1000 watts to run. Its a joke.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 01:04:13 PM
Quote from: BEP on November 03, 2008, 12:57:21 PM

At least in regenerative receivers increasing the Q is thought to be done by running the tickler coil at high current and low voltage. They were generally of heavier copper. This increased the Q of the overall tank, as well. At least according to some radio theories.

Well you know regen was first designs the tickler is just a feedback coil but super regen the magic is quenching i explained this many times. This is how you get your TPU on the desk with a Q of about 20 and see nothing to a Q of 1,000,000. Then as quenching winds up Q the triode starts to work and volts appear this will take several seconds.

Getting that mag amp to work with exact H B skew offset with magnet will be a fker. Best to try  SS first but will blow first time power band is hit but least you know if the concept works.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: starcruiser on November 03, 2008, 01:18:07 PM
Now Bolt is starting to get it.

6 Coils to drive, 1 cap to resonate, 1 cap to phase shift, one coil to collect it, and one oscillator to tickle it. The magnet is for a field bias. I call it a motionless Inductor generator or MIG. Call it what you will (TPU or MIG) but it is what it is, a generator.

Look at the RV docs, look up alternators for guidance,  figure out the resonance of your coils, choose the correct caps and use an oscillator (colpitts anyone? There is your small torrid in the center) to tickle it, do you really need to have your osc match the tank? No, just a harmonic of it. you can probably use a 555 to do it but need to control the drift and the pulse width. Electrostatically couple ithe osc to avoid BEMF issues.

nuff said.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 01:31:51 PM
OU is appearing on the market in disguise.  Well known the heat pump already gives you OU taking ambiance heat and pumping in your house for a 1/5th of the electric. Now going a step further and using RV principles that absolute resonance creates OU conditions in a motor IF matched to frequency and load. Of course they haven't gone the full monty but these newer so caller INVERTER designs are simply frequncy driving motor pump to keep PF matched under different loads. Preventing start up currents on pumps often takes 10+ amps so they vary the pump speed to ease off cooling or heating  rather then switching on then off.  If  these motors were taken to RV mode and frequency driving ONLY at optimal motor conditions then they will run on virtually Zero power. In practice though there is a tiny motor pump getting red hot. If they put one in 5 times over rated and let magnetic amplification do the work then real savings will be see and it will run cold.

This is where Newman motor works on similar principles. He only requires volts and hardly any amps to generate massive magnetic amplification to turn the 7000lb motor.

This is open source disclosure so no one bother going out to patent it ok LOL

Wiki = Air-conditioners bearing the inverter tag use a variable-frequency drive to control the speed of the motor and thus the compressor. The variable-frequency drive uses a rectifier to convert the incoming AC current to DC and then uses pulse-width modulation of the DC current within an inverter to produce AC current of a desired frequency. The AC current is used to drive a brushless motor or an induction motor. As the speed of a brushless motor is synchronised to the frequency of the AC current, it is thus possible to build a compressor that can be run at different speeds.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 03, 2008, 01:40:51 PM
To those who are feeling discouraged by the drama here, know that there are others who work quietly in the background.  The current consensus seems to be that the frequencies for the TPU are dependent solely its size.  However, unless I've missed it buried under all the BS that the paid disrupters fill the site with, no one has ever done actual tests to prove or disprove this idea.

I believe that TPU operation is probably attainable with most any frequency, but that there should be some frequencies that display a greater transient spike than others, and that this frequency should be at least partially dependent on the altitude/longitude/latitude of the unit.

To this end, I'm currently working on a test setup which will send pulses/sine waves down a straight wire at around 500 volts.  The plan is to feed the output from a computer-controlled pulse/wave generator into a vacuum tube, and send that output down a straight wire, reading the other end with a good digital scope which is also computer-controlled.  Then starting with 1 pps/Hz, the program I'll write will record the total area inside the pulse, including the transient, which will give a relative total power reading for that frequency, then move up to the next frequency.  The end result will show a graph of power vs frequency over the entire spectrum.  Of course this will need to be run using several lengths and types of wire to eliminate resonant frequencies/harmonics for a given length of wire.  I also want to know if there are any differences when the wire is pointed to magnetic north/south, east/west, or vertically.  The equipment has been bought and I'm ready to start writing code, and testing will begin as soon as i get a double-layer Faraday cage built.  Any further suggestions for tests with this setup are of course welcome.

I will refrain from cluttering up the site further until I have concrete results to share.  At that time I'll expound further on my own theory of operation, which is very different than any I've seen to this point.  Until then it's just theory, and we certainly have no shortage of those.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 03, 2008, 01:54:47 PM

I have to say this about RV. It does not work. A 7.5 hp RVd at 100 watts will not even overturn a fly, let alone any plausible and always less efficient generator. I HAVE TRIED IT AND TRIED IT and it is bull. So sending people in that direction is like sending them on a wild goose chase. Have you ever actually tried an RV and do you have pics of this and what were your results. Start there and then afterwards you can tell others to do the same. Before then I suggest you stop this RV thing because it is dead in the coffin, otherwise this would be general open market available right now.

If you did not build the motor, like @JackH did, then don't expect it to go OU. It won't happen. I have dished out 1000s of $$$$ to find that out myself and so have so many others. @GK says parallel is better. He is right but still you lose 20% on the pulleys and there is still no OU. All pre-made motors were designed with great loses built in. If you ever tried to turn a generator or alternator that even only has a 100 watt buld as a load, you will realise the stresses and inefficiencies involved.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 01:57:39 PM
"that the frequencies for the TPU are dependent solely its size."

maybe now yes but while i was away for a year the discussions were fixed on finding "magic" spot frequencies where Pandora box opens. IMO as in my writings that the oscillators are wired to create Scaler induction as precursor and i have no idea what the ratio will be of 3 oscillators creating a pumped scaler wave out of the collector will be an artifact of the 3 sines in composite. Its not mainstream so require bench work. Only practical experiments i ever seen is Bordland Labs on scaler energy transfer.  THIS is the reason why grid control is wired 90 degrees perpendicular because if you want to meet scaler you must talk to it in scaler too. Hertzian rules no place here.

BUT yes experiments are required but if you want to see OU effects on same lines as your experiment you can make a transformer go OU with precision pulse banging. OU requires transformation of energy. No theory here open source disclosed and fully tested. COP>9.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 03, 2008, 02:04:04 PM
Prof Konstantin Meyl has a very simple experiment on scalar wave energy transmission.


I watched his 3 hour lecture on google video and it is very informative.
Luckely my german is better than my english LOL( and no, I am not german)

The kits he is selling, in a way resembles a simple tpu. 2x loop antenna, sphere, Tesla based.
The energy transmission between transmitter and receiver is supposedly running with an effecienty from 200% to 500 %.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 02:04:07 PM
Quote from: Neolystic on November 03, 2008, 01:40:51 PM
To those who are feeling discouraged by the drama here, know that there are others who work quietly in the background.  The current consensus seems to be that the frequencies for the TPU are dependent solely its size.  However, unless I've missed it buried under all the BS that the paid disrupters fill the site with, no one has ever done actual tests to prove or disprove this idea.

I believe that TPU operation is probably attainable with most any frequency, but that there should be some frequencies that display a greater transient spike than others, and that this frequency should be at least partially dependent on the altitude/longitude/latitude of the unit.

To this end, I'm currently working on a test setup which will send pulses/sine waves down a straight wire at around 500 volts.  The plan is to feed the output from a computer-controlled pulse/wave generator into a vacuum tube, and send that output down a straight wire, reading the other end with a good digital scope which is also computer-controlled.  Then starting with 1 pps/Hz, the program I'll write will record the total area inside the pulse, including the transient, which will give a relative total power reading for that frequency, then move up to the next frequency.  The end result will show a graph of power vs frequency over the entire spectrum.  Of course this will need to be run using several lengths and types of wire to eliminate resonant frequencies/harmonics for a given length of wire.  I also want to know if there are any differences when the wire is pointed to magnetic north/south, east/west, or vertically.  The equipment has been bought and I'm ready to start writing code, and testing will begin as soon as i get a double-layer Faraday cage built.  Any further suggestions for tests with this setup are of course welcome.

I will refrain from cluttering up the site further until I have concrete results to share.  At that time I'll expound further on my own theory of operation, which is very different than any I've seen to this point.  Until then it's just theory, and we certainly have no shortage of those.


A voice of reason amonst the lunatic babbling.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 02:05:11 PM
"I HAVE TRIED IT AND TRIED IT and it is bull."

Im sorry i dont agree i have tried myself on just small 1 hp motors and still get excellent results. its very well documented that if you run 1/4 voltage,  clean bearings, no fan, and tune with a cap back with PF meter in 0.5 uf increments you can get the Titanic to run off less then 100 watts :)

Now the mistake you made is when you load to a genset you MUST redo ALL the tuning into the load at the precise speed of the gen set. This means hours an hours and least 2 binary cap boxes. There are plenty of youtube vids etc to see this working.

AND its looped YES i know for  fact people have looped RV's gensets!!!  The Thrapp 900 watt yourtube video also proves the concept is real. NO they wont come out in the open unless you want death threats.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 03, 2008, 02:11:26 PM
Now would be a great time to put this RV stuff in its own topic in the sm section. Before it gets out of control here in THE FUN TOPIC

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 02:12:40 PM
Prof Konstantin Meyl

yep yep sorry i forgot about him see the vid long time ago.

But the TPU and RV are family:) In fact all ZPE is family understand one and the others come easier.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 03, 2008, 02:15:44 PM

If you take his transmission system and your theory, I think you could come up with something really good about the tpu.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 03, 2008, 02:19:02 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 09:55:06 AM
I just stop in here for a good laugh.  Best comedy show around.  The "drawf tossing" act is the best - almost as good as the "troll squashing" act.

the only thing you're tossing and squashing by carrying on the way you do here is your own integrity and self-respect...not to mention the respect of others.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 03, 2008, 02:29:43 PM
Grumpy is paid 500 bucks a week  by BP Oil Co. to sit here and squash anything that might work LOL
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 03, 2008, 02:32:00 PM
I am a member since April and I havent seen anything that works overhere. Only words of people who say they have something that works. LOL

So I think they are overpaying him LOL :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 02:35:11 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 03, 2008, 02:19:02 PM
the only thing you're tossing and squashing by carrying on the way you do here is your own integrity and self-respect...not to mention the respect of others.

What the hell are you doing here, Poynt99? 

I notice that you go out of your way to poynt me out as a trouble-maker, and ignore the bantering of the idiots.

[Aside from my part in the comedy show, I am recruiting Starfighters to fight for the planet Rylos on behalf of the Rylan Star League against the Ko-Dan Empire. (Hey, the 1980's were fun too..) ]
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 02:37:38 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 03, 2008, 02:29:43 PM
Grumpy is paid 500 bucks a week  by BP Oil Co. to sit here and squash anything that might work LOL

Actually, I am paid 5k a month to help keep idiots from killing themsleves.  It's a dirty, thankless job but someone has to do it.

Do you have a working RV motor?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 03, 2008, 02:49:33 PM

That must be a tough job. Really.

Can imagine that you have to blow of some steam now and then.

I dont have a RV Motor. I do have a Honda motor tho.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 03, 2008, 03:07:27 PM

I agree that it's likely about scalar induction.  The test is intended to go back to SM's 'very first thing I told you about', and assumes that there is a correlation between total power contained in a wave or pulse and the scalar force projecting at 90 degrees from the wire.  This, as everything else, is only an assumption, one which may or may not be valid once tested.   

Also, I found no reference to 'Bordland Labs Scalar Energy Transfer'.  Do you have a link?


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 03, 2008, 03:15:05 PM

I think this is what he means.

your investigation sounds really interresting, maybe you should devote a topic to your results

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 03:14:45 PM
Quote from: Neolystic on November 03, 2008, 03:07:27 PM

Also, I found no reference to 'Bordland Labs Scalar Energy Transfer'.  Do you have a link?

This may be a reference to the experiments and video with Eric Dollard transmitting across the San Francisco Bay with a Tesla Coil.

You can Google: eric dollard tesla video
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 03:53:04 PM
Get rid of all the moving metal and sequence controls.
That alleviates the mechanic resistance. The power comes from the resistance of the magnetic action against the aether.

Lets talk 3 phase or 3 freqs. When you heterodyne you are inputing nothing that moves. But there is a force that moves. What is it? Harmonics with the environment. How come nobody metions aether? Tesla does! Not standard academia. It is not the discharge but the charge. We don't conduct it we collect its flow. In the SM17 demo it lights light bulbs(inductors), it powers ac equipment(with an inverter), SM holds up 2 cables and shazam! Sparks. Big mofo sparks. That is the energy circulating in the coil. He makes a special connection to conduct the energy in another way.
Air coil, high Q and you can crack the universe. Harmonic of the circumference.

TPUs circulate. The GK4 jack hammers. See the difference? Around the coil and up and down. Beautiful.
TPUs produce power out. GK4 ejects power at the electrostatic level. Ooooh.

So this means we can drive any circular multi layer coil with 1 freq at high Q, harmonic from 3 angles of 120 degrees and the heterodyned sum should ring pretty loud while spinning is brushing the collector. Sounds like Hubbard. There is something out there. Is science fun?

--giantkiller. Aether... It's not just for dweebs anymore.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on November 03, 2008, 04:30:40 PM
Quote from: Spider on November 03, 2008, 03:15:05 PM

I think this is what he means.

your investigation sounds really interresting, maybe you should devote a topic to your results


my be this document can help:

para 3 Advanced electric concepts

para Dr Meyl's Personal Tesla Coil Experiments

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on November 03, 2008, 04:46:16 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 02, 2008, 08:44:14 PM

why are you two even here?


Noooooooo ::)....Why are you?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 03, 2008, 04:51:11 PM

i like your new avitar ....   

go on take the money n run  ;D


i dont need it ...

ist ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 05:00:40 PM
I see a 'Q'. Does anybody see that?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: maw2432 on November 03, 2008, 05:35:41 PM
This press release was all I ever heard about "The Duplicator"  which harnesses the changing magnetic flux of the passing
current to generate additional current into an independent circuit.  It all sounded much like a TPU.   Anyone see where this invention ended up?


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 06:02:59 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 01, 2008, 04:42:21 PM
Mentioned many times the importance of Q in my very recent posts and how to achieve it.

Sorry im not going over it again i said enough now. If you don't understand then its clearly got too complicated for you.

If the freq is applied to the highest expected Q out of the collector then the Q is not only mirrored but magnifies to the heterodyned output of the control coils. If highest Q is approached the DC output will go up which equates to a bigger mag field. This adds to what we are already pumping in for spin. That is where the bomb effect comes in. The mention of 555 comparators is vitally important.
Why the ramp up on TPUs? Sloppy start up Q. Dual sideband operation. Pure genius! The unit then systemizes itself for self induction to Hi Q operation. The comparators then do their work and fluctuate the unit to sideband operation. Otherwise we are just tapping the bath water and sending a tidal wave over the edge. ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:05:51 PM
Actually, I believe the sweet spots for this sort of thing are in discrete steps - similar to the Barkhausen effect.

..but the Twighlight Zone sort of description is far more entertaining...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 06:06:41 PM
Quote from: maw2432 on November 03, 2008, 05:35:41 PM
This press release was all I ever heard about "The Duplicator"  which harnesses the changing magnetic flux of the passing
current to generate additional current into an independent circuit.  It all sounded much like a TPU.   Anyone see where this invention ended up?



This is deemed illegal by the Public Utility commision. No different than holding a fluorescent bulb to high power lines. He is just matching the line freq to the load through resonance matching.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: gyulasun on November 03, 2008, 06:08:06 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 03, 2008, 01:57:39 PM
BUT yes experiments are required but if you want to see OU effects on same lines as your experiment you can make a transformer go OU with precision pulse banging. OU requires transformation of energy. No theory here open source disclosed and fully tested. COP>9.

Hi Bolt,  could you say some more details on how the precision pulse banging of a transformer gives OU, please?

Do you mean it is not a theory already and it is fully tested? 
I would like to learn some more if you please.

Thanks,  Gyula
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 06:10:31 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:05:51 PM
Actually, I believe the sweet spots for this sort of thing are in discrete steps - similar to the Barkhausen effect.

..but the Twighlight Zone sort of description is far more entertaining...

That would equate to the gyroscopic thumping of the comparators negating in off / on over voltage trip comparisions. The spin getting interupted. 8)
And they held this in their hands???!??!?! Guess they didn't know better!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 03, 2008, 06:23:50 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 02:35:11 PM
What the hell are you doing here, Poynt99? 

I notice that you go out of your way to poynt me out as a trouble-maker, and ignore the bantering of the idiots.

[Aside from my part in the comedy show, I am recruiting Starfighters to fight for the planet Rylos on behalf of the Rylan Star League against the Ko-Dan Empire. (Hey, the 1980's were fun too..) ]

if there are babblers on this forum, so what? ignore them.

they are not doing any harm to anybody!

if you're here just to denigrate people and have a big laugh from sick humour, then i would suggest there are more appropriate sites for you elsewhere.

if this forum is such a big joke then go elsewhere. your posts aren't funny, and they're not benefitting anyone.

i'm not posting, just hanging around in the background and working quietly on my own with a few colleagues. but when i see the type of trash being posted lately, i find it difficult not to speak out.

@turbo: why am i here?____ i'm not.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:28:42 PM
Quote from: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 06:10:31 PM
That would equate to the gyroscopic thumping of the comparators negating in off / on over voltage trip comparisions. The spin getting interupted. 8)
And they held this in their hands???!??!?! Guess they didn't know better!


I think it equates the something about the universe being "structured" in some orderly fashion and that the aether is not infinely polarizable, but is polarized in discrete steps - otherwise we could only obtain transverse waves and not longitudinal waves.  Took me a couple months to figure that out - consider it a gift to those who still persue freedom.  (That includes you too, Poynt99)

Helmholtz just wrote it out one fine day and no one noticed, but a handful of bright physicist notice it now and they have a whole different view of the universe.  Remember what Stephan Marinov used to go around saying? - "there are no fields, only the potentials" - he had that much figured out.

So, if the aether is a sea of potentials separated by a dielectric (like Tesla said), then moving the aether would induce electricty, which brings this damn thread back on track.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 06:30:14 PM
First Rotoverter by Nikola Tesla. Page 22 Polyphase currents from the book The Tesla Rotating Magnetic Field.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:37:58 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 03, 2008, 06:23:50 PM
if you're here just to denigrate people and have a big laugh from sick humour, then i would suggest there are more appropriate sites for you elsewhere.

if this forum is such a big joke then go elsewhere. your posts aren't funny, and they're not benefitting anyone.

i'm not posting, just hanging around in the background and working quietly on my own with a few colleagues. but when i see the type of trash being posted lately, i find it difficult not to speak out.

Well, actually my posts have and are benifiting many people, just most people either have no foundation on which to understand them or want everyone to remain slaves, but one or two do understand and they greatly appreciate every word - of course this does not pertain to the ridicule and joking stuff.

Denigrate, who have I denigrated?  Sick humor?  I have made great improvements by leaving out the vulgarities - hmm - I'll try harder not to denigrate anyone.

Perhaps you have not noticed my several attempts, during this barage of BS, to bring this thred back to the goal at hand.

Quote from: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:28:42 PM
I think it equates the something about the universe being "structured" in some orderly fashion and that the aether is not infinely polarizable, but is polarized in discrete steps - otherwise we could only obtain transverse waves and not longitudinal waves.  Took me a couple months to figure that out - consider it a gift to those who still persue freedom.  (That includes you too, Poynt99)

Helmholtz just wrote it out one fine day and no one noticed, but a handful of bright physicist notice it now and they have a whole different view of the universe.  Remember what Stephan Marinov used to go around saying? - "there are no fields, only the potentials" - he had that much figured out.

So, if the aether is a sea of potentials separated by a dielectric (like Tesla said), then moving the aether would induce electricty, which brings this damn thread back on track.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Moab on November 03, 2008, 09:56:51 PM
Youve done a fine job Grumpy. I like your post. and thanks for keeping the trash in one basket so we know where it's at.

GK. not so sure utility companies have the athority to say what is legal and whats not. Im sure they have spent a great deal to cover their asses in a bunch of cases to distance themselves from the EMF radiation comming from high tention lines. But would a "duplicator" be stealing. If it truly did just that?  i dont think so. Not any more than growing appletrees from appleseeds of apples you pay for at the store. you pay for the power you use. why cant you do what you want with it, hell even "diplicate" stuff if ya can,, I dont know.. just got me thinking. id like to see the schems on that one. sounds fimilliar some how. ;)

Quote from: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:37:58 PM
Well, actually my posts have and are benifiting many people, just most people either have no foundation on which to understand them or want everyone to remain slaves, but one or two do understand and they greatly appreciate every word - of course this does not pertain to the ridicule and joking stuff.

Denigrate, who have I denigrated?  Sick humor?  I have made great improvements by leaving out the vulgarities - hmm - I'll try harder not to denigrate anyone.

Perhaps you have not noticed my several attempts, during this barage of BS, to bring this thred back to the goal at hand.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 04, 2008, 12:36:44 AM
      "And the beat goes on on on on on and the beat goes ON ON ON ON ON...."

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 04, 2008, 01:39:02 AM

I looked over that patent with some other guys here back in 2007.  Totally crazy.
Have you seen this one. I am sure you will like the patent title.
Just click on the pdf file.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on November 04, 2008, 04:54:29 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 03, 2008, 06:05:51 PM
Actually, I believe the sweet spots for this sort of thing are in discrete steps - similar to the Barkhausen effect.

..but the Twighlight Zone sort of description is far more entertaining...

hmmm i was wondering if" mix tesla radiant energy device to barkhausen effect"or that energy from thin air setup ????
hmmmm ??? ???
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 04, 2008, 06:06:51 AM
Quote from: giantkiller on November 03, 2008, 06:02:59 PM
If the freq is applied to the highest expected Q out of the collector then the Q is not only mirrored but magnifies to the heterodyned output of the control coils. If highest Q is approached the DC output will go up which equates to a bigger mag field. This adds to what we are already pumping in for spin. That is where the bomb effect comes in. The mention of 555 comparators is vitally important.
Why the ramp up on TPUs? Sloppy start up Q. Dual sideband operation. Pure genius! The unit then systemizes itself for self induction to Hi Q operation. The comparators then do their work and fluctuate the unit to sideband operation. Otherwise we are just tapping the bath water and sending a tidal wave over the edge. ;)


GK   Q is everything for coil OU circuits. The gain is 1.618 * Q and applies to all motors and coil bangers. Bedini and Newman RV etc all work hell of a lot better when you use BIG ass motors and coils because Q goes UP. So how do you make a little TPU appear BIG?  and the answer is said a million times already QUENCHING. In fact if you study the followings of RV someone found that when you SHORT the coil on peak Current sine then open again 2 milli seconds later it creates a ring back and dramatically increases Q and genset output goes up MUCH higher.  Its a bit crude but in effect he is quenching the motor coils and preventing current formation.

wiki = uses a second lower frequency oscillation (6Khz TPU)  (within the same stage or by using a second oscillator stage(mag amp TPU H B skewed bias via magnet) to provide single device circuit gains of around one million. This second oscillation periodically interrupts or "quenches" the main RF oscillation, allowing the RF signal to be built up over and over. Strictly speaking, the main RF oscillation still occurs: the detector starts to build up the incoming RF oscillation up to and slightly above oscillation level. But the net result is that most of the time the detector is amplifying the RF signal and is creating a free running RF oscillation in only a small portion of its quenching cycle.

Without quenching TPU Q will be around 50 maybe less as its effective antenna area is microscopic compared to ELF Earth Scaler Wave mag field. Thus you can bang away till the cows come home wont get much happening unless you use REALLY high power levels to drive it like 100 volts at 10 amps. OR quench at your input oscillators only need to be 10 milliwatts and run off a little 9 volt battery thats all thats required.

This is why when the TPU turns on its not instant power the quenching needs to build up the Q state in the collectors before it starts to work this will take several seconds. By taking control of the mag amp reactor you have perfect control over the TPU without it running to vaporisation.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 04, 2008, 09:22:11 AM
Quote from: bolt on November 04, 2008, 06:06:51 AM
GK   Q is everything for coil OU circuits. The gain is 1.618 * Q and applies to all motors and coil bangers. Bedini and Newman RV etc all work hell of a lot better when you use BIG ass motors and coils because Q goes UP. So how do you make a little TPU appear BIG?  and the answer is said a million times already QUENCHING. In fact if you study the followings of RV someone found that when you SHORT the coil on peak Current sine then open again 2 milli seconds later it creates a ring back and dramatically increases Q and genset output goes up MUCH higher.  Its a bit crude but in effect he is quenching the motor coils and preventing current formation.

wiki = uses a second lower frequency oscillation (6Khz TPU)  (within the same stage or by using a second oscillator stage(mag amp TPU H B skewed bias via magnet) to provide single device circuit gains of around one million. This second oscillation periodically interrupts or "quenches" the main RF oscillation, allowing the RF signal to be built up over and over. Strictly speaking, the main RF oscillation still occurs: the detector starts to build up the incoming RF oscillation up to and slightly above oscillation level. But the net result is that most of the time the detector is amplifying the RF signal and is creating a free running RF oscillation in only a small portion of its quenching cycle.

Without quenching TPU Q will be around 50 maybe less as its effective antenna area is microscopic compared to ELF Earth Scaler Wave mag field. Thus you can bang away till the cows come home wont get much happening unless you use REALLY high power levels to drive it like 100 volts at 10 amps. OR quench at your input oscillators only need to be 10 milliwatts and run off a little 9 volt battery thats all thats required.

This is why when the TPU turns on its not instant power the quenching needs to build up the Q state in the collectors before it starts to work this will take several seconds. By taking control of the mag amp reactor you have perfect control over the TPU without it running to vaporisation.

If you open a shorted coil 2 milliseconds after shorting it, then you are interupting current rather than preventing it.  The electrons begin to flow withing nanoseconds of making the connection.

100v?  Then you have no idea how it works.  Ever hear of dielectric flux?

You do not need a scope, or fancy equipment.  You get off your ass and start building and tune the damn thing while observing the results.  Did Tesla have an oscope or even an oscillogram - no he did not.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 04, 2008, 09:31:51 AM
      This patent is two particle accelerators interacting with each other.  It uses magnetohydrodynamic (plasma wave field) particle accelerators.  The plasma field is pulsed so as to create a wave that rotates around the torroid and can actually close in on it's own tail.  The waves are initiated in the two torroids in counterotation which creates two electrical vortices that are relavent to each other and the aether.  The electrons surfing the plasma waves longitudinally are at  different energy densities and are electrically relavent to each other.  Beyond that, if looked at on a relativistic level, can be driven so that the electrons are at different speeds of light.  This opens up a whole new can of worms. ???   
     Electrical vortices are pretty powerful stuff.  Google electric vortex sometime and look for what happens when two magnetic monopoles become coherent.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 04, 2008, 09:34:06 AM
i actually figured this out with out a scope and with out building a damm thing

why do you think most of my posts are not here in the LOTR THRED......


ist ...

the funny thing is i never realized it till all most 10 months later.... lol  i do know for fact i am only scraching the surface and there is far more to it than i have made my own so far.... 

i aint steering any one down the wrong path but shareing what i have found so far in my reserch.... 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on November 04, 2008, 09:36:33 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 04, 2008, 09:22:11 AM

 The electrons begin to flow withing nanoseconds of making the connection.

Now that's where it gets intresting......

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 04, 2008, 09:44:46 AM
my cap charger does just this it intruptrups the flow for fractions of a second between the 2 windings......   i have hand drawen pics i will ask erf to post as he has them form long ago.....   it is my cap charger

and it is sipmle.....

if he wont post it i will .....

2 wires 1 magnet 1 cap   i have made it work with 2 magnets and as well my mkc unit is much similar :)

but im sure many already know this.....

btw if you configure it properly it ramps up all on its own ;D

it aint hard....


@bep heres your electric fence in the tall grass.....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 04, 2008, 10:01:23 AM
@ Marco

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: slapper on November 04, 2008, 10:26:45 AM
In an attempt to gain some understanding into the Steven Mark TPU puzzle I have tried to follow along and perform some tests. I am pretty much open to considering an approach to what Bolt has brought up.

But first I'd like to ask if it is possible that the toroidal coil in the center of some of the TPU's could cause a concentric standing wave similar to this:

I know this has been brought up before. I have not had the time to read through all of the responses. This post is mostly meant to disclose a general direction I am thinking about entertaining while other promising methods are pursued.

If a concentric standing wave of energy is being emitted from the center I am courious how this and energy from a sine wave traversing through a 'control coil' would interact:

Quote from: Steven MarkIn the case of my power unit, you create several frequencies within a space of the collector coil's circumference. The frequencies are directly related to the circumference of the collector coil.


Quote from: Steven MarkHEY, did you know that the frequency is proportional to the speaker's circumference? it appears that the frequency should change with the circumference of the speaker.

Wish information on this subject would be more available: http://www.springerlink.com/content/u1594kvh38535103 (http://www.springerlink.com/content/u1594kvh38535103)

Here is a fun site full of interactive applets: http://www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html (http://www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html)

Thank you everyone for all the hard work. Take care.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 04, 2008, 10:40:23 AM
Perhaps all SM was trying to tell you is that the coils inside the TPU (which appear bifilar in the open version) are driven at resonance - which would vary with the length of the coils which would vary with the circumference of the ring.

I never got the iron delay to work - anyone else have any luck?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 04, 2008, 12:05:32 PM
the iron delay is really not a delay   but a hi resistance trap ....

in my ver of my first turbo coil i plused both - + and it  ended at the steel wire....  i cut the pulse b4 it got to the end of the wire ...  it then returned to where it came from with far more force...  it was all 1 wire in 1 setup and all 2 wires in another setup ....

pos went through 1 way and negs the other way on both coils ....  the pancake and the control  both were bifillar and i then had to mig welding wires in it 1 with the pancake and the other with the control

this yeilds RESULTS  even with hand pluses.....  kinda of cancles the flux in a certain way as marco says.....


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 04, 2008, 12:22:57 PM
The dialectric volume of space is but one conductor, the aether. The greater the distance between two matched/tuned terminals the more volume of conductance. That area between the 2 terminals becomes the medium/aether for transference. One can slap this medium/aether to send faster kinetic pressures or the medium/aether can be pushed to transfer slower pressures across it. When the kinetic pressures are high frequency the pulses appear to travel like a stone skipping across water. From below the surface per say it looks like lighting and sounds like thunder. This is what we see on our most expressive devices. When the pressures are of slower frequencies they appear as waves on water. Heterodyning 3 low pressures into the same focal point of the medium/aether causes tidal waves as a product/kicks that is far greater than the sum. The vector at which 3 frequencies meet is a product greater than the sum of its parts.

The tpu is suggested to act as a slow pressure producer, slightly off 'Q'. When the frequency is bang on then the tpu is a high pressure producer like a belly flop.

We will connect to the wheelwork of nature.

Shorting a battery with Erector set parts in a dark room is not OU.  ::)

--giantkiller. All for one and one for all.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 04, 2008, 12:34:00 PM
So no one going to make a TPU then? Back to spark gaps and coil banging eh?

NO iron in TPU there is no need and SM told you so.  TPU simulates iron molecule in nuclear spin resonance.  3 phase scaler pumped creates 4th Dimension steady state TENSOR against earth mag scaler field.

Universal 4d projection constant is 1.618 (IN resonance energy expands into a logarithmic gain of 1.618 responding
to a 4d hypercube reflection in 3d matter .) - Respects ARK Research.

In 4D a potential is defined as in 0 time as a TENSOR of Force. The potential will manifest itself as a voltage across the collectors of TPU non reflective as attempts to load it will result in amps from the scaler field to plug the gap.

Once resonance is attained the only power needed to maintain it is the one lost in entropy. This is true for almost any coil cap circuit.  Simple banging and extraction is only one dimension and limited as Tensor is disturbed.

IF system is looped electron acquires energy from heat , (ethereal) is where gravity equation enters as electron goes soft Time where M=MC²/vT , Time becomes retrograde creating -G   

Effects are real its documented. The Sweet VTA started off weighing pounds and at 1kw weighed ounces. At higher power levels these devices can fly.  They absorb light at high density power levels and distort time. Effects noted on searl saucers underside was black when viewed from the ground.

This is UFO technology         ....and time machines:)

Not sure your ready for it yet so good job no one replicated the TPU.  Stick with spark gaps LOL

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 04, 2008, 12:38:50 PM
Quote from: slapper on November 04, 2008, 10:26:45 AM
In an attempt to gain some understanding into the Steven Mark TPU puzzle I have tried to follow along and perform some tests. I am pretty much open to considering an approach to what Bolt has brought up.

But first I'd like to ask if it is possible that the toroidal coil in the center of some of the TPU's could cause a concentric standing wave similar to this:

I know this has been brought up before. I have not had the time to read through all of the responses. This post is mostly meant to disclose a general direction I am thinking about entertaining while other promising methods are pursued.

If a concentric standing wave of energy is being emitted from the center I am courious how this and energy from a sine wave traversing through a 'control coil' would interact:


Wish information on this subject would be more available: http://www.springerlink.com/content/u1594kvh38535103 (http://www.springerlink.com/content/u1594kvh38535103)

Here is a fun site full of interactive applets: http://www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html (http://www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html)

Thank you everyone for all the hard work. Take care.



       Exactly how this tabletop particle accelerator works.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 04, 2008, 12:43:42 PM
Fe deficiant here.
Cu abundant.
I have pulled out a previous set of coils on a copper loop to sine drive.

At the sine post up ahead, 'The twilight Zone'

--Not Rod Sterling aether.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 04, 2008, 12:54:11 PM
ok bolt now it gets fun ;D ;D

you now have my intrest lets build it  i could dream up ways for ever to do things but   lets do this ...

cuz im actually getting bored of designing pointless engery devices that nobody understands....  lol

any how bolt can you tell me why it gets lighter??...

i would tent to think it is in the same dirrection of spin to the earth to repell it   and when you get her perfectly match to 7.8 lol   where the hell does it go???   lol

across the galixcy faster than the speed of light??

it is a gyroscopic particle but perfectly tuned and ballanced    and close to insync with the earth   so your telling me that i could use the free engery gained in the system to spin big electro mags to repell the magnetics of the earth  and in essence have my hovver board  ;D :o 8)

or a space ship that can travel time.......   hummmmm    wakeie  wakeie lol

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 04, 2008, 07:14:15 PM

   You heard the sine.  You know how the strings are stressed.  Play us a nice overunity song.  Pluck a string and see which ones up the harp vibrate for free.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 04, 2008, 08:00:36 PM
You guys need to lay off the psychedelic stuff...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 04, 2008, 08:23:52 PM
Quote from: sparks on November 04, 2008, 07:14:15 PM

   You heard the sine.  You know how the strings are stressed.  Play us a nice overunity song.  Pluck a string and see which ones up the harp vibrate for free.

@ sparks that was just awsome... ;D

@grumpy tiz the season.... :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 04, 2008, 10:09:39 PM

    It has been well established by particle physics  the electron field about an atomic neucleus stores energy in spin and orbital momentum.  This is not enough for these pseudo intellectuals.  They have to run a bunch of math through a computer waiting for a hicup to puke out some antiparticle or new upsidedown cluster fuck bosun or some other bullshit they can name after themselves.  WHO CARES ASSHOLES
We got people to feed and keep warm and get to work.  Get your head out your ass and build a cyclotron that does more than speed up some particles you can smash shit with and talk about at your next symposium.  Believe me it ain't gonna get you laid.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 04, 2008, 11:23:10 PM
Quote from: sparks on November 04, 2008, 10:09:39 PM

    It has been well established by particle physics  the electron field about an atomic neucleus stores energy in spin and orbital momentum.  This is not enough for these pseudo intellectuals.  They have to run a bunch of math through a computer waiting for a hicup to puke out some antiparticle or new upsidedown cluster fuck bosun or some other bullshit they can name after themselves.  WHO CARES ASSHOLES
We got people to feed and keep warm and get to work.  Get your head out your ass and build a cyclotron that does more than speed up some particles you can smash shit with and talk about at your next symposium.  Believe me it ain't gonna get you laid.

...and what are we doing Sparks?  Standing around at the circle-jerk talking smack?  Hmm?  Waiting for someone to save us from ourselves? 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on November 05, 2008, 03:56:36 PM
okey here is stupid video


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 05, 2008, 04:44:24 PM
It is the men of insight and the men of unobstructed vision of every generation who are able to lead us through the quagmire of a in-a-rut thinking. It is the men of imagination who are able to see relationships which escape the casual observer. It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question.
-Frank Edwards

Azeem: In my dreams alone have I imagined such a place.
Robin Hood: Then imagine a way to cross it.

--Robin Hood
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 05, 2008, 06:37:35 PM
Quote from: zapnic on November 05, 2008, 03:56:36 PM
okey here is stupid video



nice stupid video  ;D


yep ...  just waite till we all as a human race discover just how smart the kids are....

truth is both my children made me rings over a year ago with my tape identical to my finished unit ;D

oooOOO  O listen to the children

ali says daddy hook this cap to this coil u have a rocket ship and blast off .....  lol

!st   RUIN2UNE   ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 05, 2008, 08:58:40 PM

    Just trying to be a missing "brick in the wall".


      What is going on there in that interesting video?  Is it cold electricty?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 06, 2008, 07:11:39 AM
Hello all,

I only wanted to ask if we really know how a pulsed coil works??

Maybe a short description?? ot a longer but in the way that even I can understand it!! Heeey, Im far away to be clever.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 06, 2008, 09:43:21 AM
Possibly off-topic, but very inspirational to the task at hand.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 06, 2008, 09:48:02 AM
Quote from: otto on November 06, 2008, 07:11:39 AM
Hello all,

I only wanted to ask if we really know how a pulsed coil works??

Maybe a short description?? ot a longer but in the way that even I can understand it!! Heeey, Im far away to be clever.


How do you think a pulsed coil works? 

What happens from the moment of circuit activiation to the moment that all energy is dissipated? - the entire life cycle of the pulse

Don't bother quoting what everyone is taught in school as this is incorrect.

There are, maybe, a handful of people that know and also frequent this forum.  There are also one hundred people that think they know and will readily come forward and give you their wrong answer.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 06, 2008, 10:15:59 AM

     A coil?   Lets start with just a loop or single turn.    U   shaped.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 06, 2008, 11:53:32 AM
i do like the U shape..   lol  this is how i invisioned the "G" UNIT  but it seams neos will fit just perfect on eather side of the U

kinda like   n s  and maybe in center of the u a single polorized coil...  that is oscolating   
maybe bifiller centertaped and biased to the core through the neo to the amp

not done yet still in manifastion ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 06, 2008, 12:27:46 PM
well? Whats the answer then?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 06, 2008, 01:37:38 PM
Quote from: bolt on November 06, 2008, 12:27:46 PM
well? Whats the answer then?


I'm sure Sparks, Bolt, and I_S can adequately answer this question for you, and speed you along on your way to energy heaven.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 06, 2008, 02:17:11 PM
You guys are way ahead of me…I’m still working on figuring out current going down a single wire lol.  However, I’ll still take a stab the question.

First consider current moving along a single wire, frozen at a single instant in time.  Two types of fields exist at this point and time in the wire.  Each of these fields have different properties.  If we picture the wire in 3 dimensions, we can assign the Z axis to be parallel with the wire, along its length..

The first type of field is the magnetic.  This can be thought of like a normal magnet, with the north pole pointing in one direction along the wire, and the south pole pointing in the other.  This field is shaped like a normal magnet.  The north pole curls out from the center, further ahead in the wire, and loops back to the center, while the south pole curls out from the center, towards the back of the wire, and loops back to the center.  When viewed 3-dimensionally, the magnetic component of the field can be visualized by placing a figure-8 with the middle at our instant in time and the top/bottom of the figure-8 up and down the wire, then spinning the figure-8  around the wire. 

The second type of field which exists at our moment in time is called the dielectric field, the diamagnetic field, or the scalar wave field.  The lines of this field do not curl back on themselves as with the magnetic  field, but instead go straight out from the center in all directions.  It is this component of the field which is most interesting  to me.  Research into the magnetic portion of the field has dominated electrical research for over 100 years.  When Tesla commented on this matter, he said “I do not hesitate to say that in a short time it will be recognized as one of the most remarkable and inexplicable aberrations of the scientific mind which has ever been recorded in history”.

Concerning the speed of the field components…The magnetic component of the field travels at roughly the speed of light, while the dielectric field travels at pi/2 times the speed of light…faster than light.  The dielectric speed was experimentally verified by Professor Wheatstone, and this velocity is also stated by Tesla in his writings on wave propagation.  It is the dielectric field that Tesla concentrated most on, and it is the fundamental principal behind nearly all his apparatus.

Concerning the strength of the field components….The magnetic field strength varies with the inverse of the distance cubed, while the dielectric field strength varies with the inverse of the distance.  In non-mathematical terms, this means that, as you move away from the source, the magnetic field strength weakens much faster than the dielectric field strength.

Now take both portions of the field together and move it down a U-shaped wire.  Let’s assume that the opposite sides of the ‘U’ are close enough to be affected by both fields.  Since diamagnetic fields are formed faster than magnetic fields, we can see is that the ‘receiving’ part of the wire will ‘see’ the dielectric field faster than it will ‘see’ the magnetic field.  Also, in theory and assuming both fields started out as equal, the strength of the dielectric field ‘seen’ by the ‘receiving’ part of the wire would be stronger than the magnetic field strength.  However, in practice, this is generally not the case, since the magnetic field tends to start out stronger than the diamagnetic field.

The interesting thing about a toroidal shape is that its nature is such that the magnetic  portion of the field tends to be contained within the ring of the toroid, while the diamagnetic portion emanates out as usual.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on November 06, 2008, 03:07:02 PM
Quote from: sparks on November 06, 2008, 10:15:59 AM

     A coil?   Lets start with just a loop or single turn.    U   shaped.

U as bifilar? like:

"Did Tesla discover the mechanism changing the arrow of time?"


page 38 fig 4
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ramset on November 06, 2008, 04:23:46 PM
Grumpy  Is there someplace that this can be learned /studied? 
Those that understand, were they guided /helped to this knowledge?
Or are they just some really smart fellows ?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 06, 2008, 04:47:16 PM
Telsa did 3 things and 3 things only:
Charge, resonate, discharge. Kapeesh?

Now you apply volts, amps and materials!

--giantkiller. End of story.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 06, 2008, 06:15:52 PM
     I wanted to draw attention to the changes that occur in the circuit due to geometry of the conductor field.  A length of wire bent into a U creates effects quite different than the same length run straight.  I think Neolystic did a damn good job describing the effects.  Superluminal effects.  Hmmmm  So now we have a real problem.   Just from bending the wire.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 06, 2008, 07:19:15 PM
@Sparks - thanks for your compliment.

Another fascinating property of the dielectric field is that both metallic and non-metallic matter responds to its force. In 1962, Jefimenko did an experiment using grass seed spread over a glass plate to show the dielectric field of a toroid.  See http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?pid=S0103-97332004000800041&script=sci_arttext , figure 6.  This shows the dielectric field shape of a toroid energized with DC current (ignore the drawn-in lines...look at the grass seeds).  Now if you take that battery (on the left of the picture) and spin it around the toroid, you can visualize how the dielectric field will change in relation the the rest of the toroid.  The effect of a single pulse or sine wave flying around the toroid would be identical.  Now multiply that one pulse by whatever number of pulses are in the wire at any given time, and you can get a picture of what's happening.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Moab on November 06, 2008, 08:16:34 PM
This ia grain, Which any fool can eat, But let us give praises to the creator who made it by learning about Beer.  ( Little John )    ;)

Quote from: giantkiller on November 05, 2008, 04:44:24 PM
It is the men of insight and the men of unobstructed vision of every generation who are able to lead us through the quagmire of a in-a-rut thinking. It is the men of imagination who are able to see relationships which escape the casual observer. It remains for the men of intuition to seek answers while others avoid even the question.
-Frank Edwards

Azeem: In my dreams alone have I imagined such a place.
Robin Hood: Then imagine a way to cross it.

--Robin Hood
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 07, 2008, 02:14:37 AM
Hello all,

guys, thank you for the great discussion!!!! I thought nobody would respond but as you all see we have a great discussion.


I am in energy heaven!! but as you said with thinking "outside zhe box". Books?? forget them!! Classical knowledge??? Ha,ha, oh yes, ha,ha. Youre a clever man. Does a TPU work in a classical way?? NO!!


As Im an older man with soooo a little knowledge about coils I would ask you if you would be so kind and make us a hand drawing or maybe a better one about how you see a pulsed coil working. The "eights" are interesting. A picture with a coil and then your eights placed....sorry I dont "get it".

Yes, Im  almost 3 years working on coils but I cant say that I have a good knowledge about them. Why?? Hmmm....they are so fascinating, especially when pulsed. And when they are pulsed so much is "working" in this coils: magnetic fields, Eddy currents, energy from the "outside"....

NO; dont show me a site. Make just a quick drawing, please, please....


Ok, lets do our jobs.

Lets continue this discussion but with pictures if possible because 1 picture.......you all told me that,ha,ha.


I agree, why not a single turn and then spread this to a coil. And yes, we have a problem but not only from bending the wire. The real problem is the understanding about how a pulsed coil works.


yes, Tesla did what you said but he knew what to do. Especially with the materials!! (no comments on this!)

And whats our knowledge about only 1 biffilar coil? I mean real knowledge. We use bifilar or almost bifilar coils in our TPUs or maybe I missed something and Im wrong??


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 07, 2008, 09:36:21 AM

          One of the major problems is potential  energy fields altering state faster than the speed of light.  (Why would nature confine itself to the radiation parameters of one electromagnetic wavelength,  General relativity is a joke it should be specific relativity)  Demonstration that the magnetic field is an inertial field or antichange field and merely represents what happened not what is happening.  A piece of wood ready to burn or a speeding car ready to heatup the brake drums when we apply pressure to the caliper cylinders.  Electrostatic effects which predict a coherent electrical field or charged aether which does not allow a vacuum to be.  What I'm saying basically is that too much of the human experience has been spent propping up a theory promoted by mathmaticians who must normalize or remove infinity from their equations.  I ask them what inertial frame is the observer in?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 07, 2008, 09:42:06 AM
bifillar is not required...

i have a question...

why is the kick so pronounced in a mot primary coil ?  is it the gage of the wire  or the dirrection of the winding the polarity of the coil  or the shape??


gonna buy some more wire today

anyone want to give me a tip ;) ;) ;D


im after magwire 14ga enamiled this will be come my primary or my curcuit of low self induction so i will need a choke coil of sorts.. to coinside with this coil for my curcuit of high selfinduction  wich will be tied to the primary ..  then feed to the neg so it will only comsume engery  depending on the amount of turns on the high selfinduction coil ..  you need the low selfinduction to have a place for the kick to devolip

any how ..  just wanted to ask bout a mot primary ;)

the other thing to consider is this....  i have herd from people that have been doing tests on a aa battery  and word on the street is you could draw 24 amps at.5v  at almost a dead short from an aa bat ;)
hummm so  apply this info to the coil info...  something tells me we might have a big kicker !!! we can use high volts and low amps ...   or we can ues low volts and high amps :)


somthing to think about ....

the truth to this that i speek of resides with teslas unipolar dyno .....   AGIN WHY DID TESLA DEVIDE THE FARIDAY DISC??


ANSWER :   to make use of nature.... :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 07, 2008, 10:20:45 AM
I think you are all trying to swamp yourself in totally unnecessary and debatable science when looking at EXACT science of currents in a bit of wire. Text book writings will be totally different to what really happens and opinions on what really happens will differ. The net result is you will have no better understanding as you drive the argument in to deep nuclear and quantum physics rather then ACCEPT very simple notations and just MOVE ON.   Why try to decipher why the sky is blue or the sea taste salty it just is, we don't need to break it down further.

All you need to know that a wire or coil placed into resonance will yield energy and if matched perfectly - VSWR or power factor corrected. You can bang it with a spike and get uncontrolled demolition RF burst which goes from near DC to EHF or be gentle and put precise frequencies in tuned to perfection.

For practical purposes much easier to deal with LARGE coils and LARGE motors to get the effect you seek a tuning is easier  which is simply 1.618 * Q of which 0.382 is extractable and the ONLY part that needs to be replaced is the part lost by entropy.  ALL existing coil based OU devices are covered under the same principles. RV Bedini Meg VTA Newman etc there is no black magic only stochastic resonance tapping the earth field scaler tensor. You can switch at zero point interrupt earth scaler or create 3D TENSOR where extraction appears continues through
Quenched Three Phase Scaler Pumped PUSH PUSH Class C Magnetic Triode Amplification- TPU gives you all the power you need.:)

OU is only transformation of energy of which there are some 16 basic forms. I have already disclosed how the TPU most likely works or 99% of it is only RF engineering coupled with 3 phase power understanding. There is no deep dark magic its only common everyday circuits wired slightly different wired as simple oscillators and comparators built from simple Rat Shack parts exactly as SM told  you it was.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 07, 2008, 10:36:45 AM
Quenched Three Phase Scaler Pumped PUSH PUSH Class C Magnetic Triode Amplification-

how do i build this


cuz you know i will .....


can you provide a list tubes included and ill go get em as i already have the motor but not the tube driver.....

i have 6 6bq7a tubes already

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 12:07:06 PM
@Otto - Here you go.  Please excuse the crappy drawings, as I don't have time to learn a 3D animation program.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 12:08:00 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 12:08:33 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 12:12:57 PM
All together now!  Clear as mud eh?  Pictured are the scalar fields only, since the magnetic fields are nearly or totally nonexistant in the center of a toroid.  There are 3 pulses/sine waves in the toroid at the same time here.

If you still have trouble visualizing it, print this out, cut it out, stick a pencil in the center, and spin it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 07, 2008, 12:43:55 PM
yep good job

i got a pic almost the same lol

here ya go

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 12:51:48 PM
Yep...the Becker/Hagens grid.  I personally find the mathematics of the Cathie grid to be more sound.  But then let's try to stay on topic  :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 07, 2008, 12:52:58 PM
There is no circuit diagram only lab work with and understanding of what you are to achieve at each point.  SM uses many many cryptic lessons and one of the reasons to use tubes was to get you used to old technology. yes the TPU is very  old around 1940's era perhaps even a little older. BUT you don't have to use tubes the cryptic messages is pointing you directly to old technology rarely used nowadays.

Stage one build a super regen radio that works around 150Khz. Search google patents for old tube super regen radios. The tuned circuit is the loop antenna collector made of lamp wire. In first instance make it self quenching and drive the output conventionally to audio amplifier. Understand fully how the circuit works and stability and tuning etc. By changing the cap across the collector you change frequencies. Notice how what you tune TO the receiver also TRANSMITS. This is vital to understanding TPU that in order to receive you must transmit.

Stage 2 replace regen quencher components with separate solid state quencher oscillator running at 6Khz and retest everything to make sure its stable. This is VITAL.

Stage 3 wrap the 3 control coils around the collector and wire in DELTA 3 phase winding will be perpendicular to collector coil to inject scaler component.  At this point we have extreme gain in super regen mode this is the ONLY time TPU mode can ever be realized and the Q is over 100,000+  and now lab work to find WHAT frequencies SM spoke about to find unusual characteristics.  This is pure experiment i don't know try sweeping 1kz to 5megs all three coils and phases. Monitor very carefully effects like voltage spiking or surging on collector. This is where spectrum analysis will be handy. Lets say very good effects only 15khz 45kz and 150kz seams to give very large voltages on collector. This wont be usable at this time its only one half of diode.

Stage 4 build another setup EXACTLY same as above and stack one on top of other. Now look for effects between the TWO collectors. Now we have two magnetic diodes back to back if the TPU going to do anything with the right frequencies injected to both collectors this is the point when massive voltages will appear across the collectors. Change collector caps bigger so the TPU is in resonance in ELF range. It will almost certain blow the fets or power transistors every time you hit the sweet spot. This is becuase quenching SS is in series with the collectors. Try some over windings at this time over the two collectors looking for power spikes as conventional transformer effects.

Stage 5 with unusual power effects noted replace the SS devices with mag amps you will have to research hard to find out about these devices its the two toroidal cores on top of the boxes. This are mag amp switches running at 6Khz for quenching. These will replace SS quench devices and now real current can be drawn without blowing SS. This is 1940's technology do your homework on winding these special coils. The magnet beside it will change the HB bias hysteresis this is intensive lab work with full lab conditions only.

Stage 6. Hopefully by this time you found the magic but its a wild beast power surges blow the shit out of everything. This stage is taming the beast.    Comparators and VCO's etc to back off the mag amp to keep everything in order. It could well prove to be the hardest part to tame the beast. As SM said there is no huge amount of circuity simple coils and circuits but extremely bench demanding testing to find the effects. Its also possible the mag amp is not only the quencher but are the oscillators too. A mag amp can replace a tube amp or fet lock stock and barrel!! Entire radio receivers have been made with nothing more then coils caps and diodes with NO tubes or fet trans SS devices whatsoever except mag amps.

Please go over my notes in the last 10 or 20 posts on how all this is conceived and can be validated against everyone one of SM's bible stories and notes. It uses very old existing technology both radio, magnetic, scaler, 3 phase power because its a generator radio hybrid. There are NO large scale IC's or CPU required again keeping exactly to SM's teachings. To my knowledge no one else has built anything close to this which is why never seen powerful TPU effects yet.  BTW oscillators only need to be relative low power  pure low distortion sine sig gens should be fine. No need for coil banging.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 07, 2008, 02:05:10 PM
Coil banging produces energy that ejects away from the copper out into space. See why you can't collect it?
Sine control builds up an electrostatic volume in the magnetic field that is adjacent with the ring. That volume is there to harvest. That volume oscillates with the Earth. It heterodynes. The Earth's signal is how large? And now your little matched antenna says 'I hungry!' And the energy flows down the throat. Why this looks just the Tesla magnetic amplifier! Who would've figured?

I speak from the experience of doing the suggested tests.

There are those who put things together like LEGOs to try to make a working Universe.
There are those who put paper clips in electrical outlets in hopes learning how to fly.
There are those who continually have to bang coils for they know not what lies beyond in the peace of conformity with nature. Male physics is dying out. Female physics is so much more comfortable.

I started out blowing shit up. Now I realize how easy that is. To destroy is destruction. To employ is to benefit.

A couple of posts ago I mentioned 'something about trouble with airplanes'. Well that evening while driving home another device falls out of the sky, right in my view. Look it up, in Denver. I said 'another' because that is twice now in my world. Go figure.

Let me make a point clear here: Do what you want and try to be safe. There are invisible properties that can enable you to fail. Either by burn out or just plain burns. Follow the simple guidance first then proceed to play with danger. This is a far better stance than my initial aproach. When I started there were, in my mind, nothing but new guys and Tesla. My guidance stuck with the guaranteed knowledge of Tesla. That was the pathway I took and why I speak of such things. Now there are many options to follow. None bad, none good, just phenominal. So just build something and be safe.
My current state of collection of things, like others here let us play both the square and sine at a moments notice. Or as I was told 'A day will come when you see a device and its makeup will immediately obvious.' I thank the person that told me that. My world has never been the same and I now like it better. This planet of people have been lied to by their authorities. Read Tesla. This rabbit hole goes far deeper than you can imagine.

--giantkiller. It's been really, really real, for me.  ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 07, 2008, 02:21:38 PM
thank you


for you indepth reply

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 07, 2008, 04:02:03 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 07, 2008, 05:00:45 PM
The previous attempts by all before have lead to almost nothing based upon standard training.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 07, 2008, 05:36:41 PM

      I'm back at just taking a straight piece of wire and pulsing it either inductively or directly and observing what changes occur when the wires shape is changed.
One thing that happens is that a b mag field seems to come out of nowhere.  Is this field at the expense of the input charge pulse?  Would the Earth's magnetic field be relavent to this b field?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Mannix on November 07, 2008, 06:40:17 PM
Gk, Bolt..... that's music!

If we bang the bell it will ring ...if we resonate beside it it will also ring as will other bells that are of harmonic ratio ... three bells resonating at different frequencies.....what multiples of frequencies may result? How will they combine? Where will they combine? What happens when they do? What happens if their combination just goes to increase the spin?..then what? frequencies create harmonics  up and down . Do we need lead suits?

Steven descrobed this thing as a hunt for the correct frequencies

I personally like the musical approach but that does not mean i dont think that precicesly timed puilsing  will not work. It just that it does relate specifically to the imformation provided by the inventor.

Im pretty sure that smoking herbs wont help here either ..but knock your self out!

lets not get caught up in  in this or that ..rather, yes but ....and.....

Those who have success will have a hard time explaining this to others  wont they?

good hunting whatever your tools



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 07, 2008, 07:07:35 PM
Im not sure you all have to keep going back to grass roots we know a wire will jump when you pass a big current through it. If you have the lab stuff and some time and money just try it. If you want fast track route to ZPE go via Rotoverter the technolgy is closely related to TPU and superior to Bedini.

If i built the TPU and i was asked where does the energy come from i would answer the same as SM did a quote "i believe it comes from the earth magnetic scaler wave but it may not be the ultimate source" Does it exist throughout the entire universe or only where gravity exists? I don't know maybe yes maybe no but the fact remains too many devices work on tapping the same energy. if it works on earth who cares? Most only on single plane of time space compression -simple tesla related stuff like bedini. The TPU appears to be the only device which creates a 3D tensor state coupled with extreme high Q generates huge one stage gains not seen on many other devices. The hendershot is basically a Yin and Yang circuit and certainly in my opinion there is nothing special about basket weave coils and bees wax caps which many try to copy thinking thats where the magic lies.

We can only guess how SM came about this device he may not have invented it. To me it appears to be WW2 military device the kind of things Nazi Germany could put together and certainly has hallmarks of that era. For a start they loved mag amps and was extensively on the V2 bomb.  I know there was posts in the past about possible French scientist connection. For a start he said he had one device but took a year to replicate it after hundreds of failed attempts. Why take so long if you made the first? Anyway if you want to go forwards after so many years have to stop going backwards so don't bother going back to a single wire tests i think we have moved on far beyond that.

I don't think there are short cuts either. If you are not prepared to follow a plan make a sup regen receiver, wind coils, study the relationship of regen,  learn about mag amps and find the relationship of 3 phase pumped scaler frequencies from lab test not just talking about it then really do something else instead.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 07, 2008, 08:12:38 PM

Have you ever built or used a regen or super-regen receiver? They are very unique. From your descriptions it isn't clear to me since I have.


Did anyone else just see Rod Serling slide by here with that creepy grin on his face?


This comment isn't spurred by posts from @Neolystic.

I find those interesting and probably exactly what happens with a wave front. But then how many here can actually create a wave front or compression wave?

And three of them that will fit within the confines of a TPU sized toroid?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: AhuraMazda on November 07, 2008, 08:23:10 PM
Quote from: giantkiller on November 07, 2008, 05:00:45 PM
The previous attempts by all before have lead to almost nothing based upon standard training.

Yes I believe the coil arrangements were perceived wrongly by everyone including myself.
Time for thinking back in the box again!

SM was an audio engineer trying to generate 3D sound. He was also a tinkerer.
He put 3 coils together just like the coils of 3 speakers stacked on top of each other.
He drove them independantly with audio signals probabely out of phase in the hope to create a new audio experience.

The magnetic field projection caused reverberations in conjunction with the earths magnetic field and TPU was born.
Why do you thinkd his coils are shaped the way they are?

Due to economic panic my company cancelled my project and I am currently out of work so, I hope to investigate this line of thought.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 07, 2008, 10:01:35 PM

    When they created the steam engine they had no idea why when you combine the three elements hydrogen oxygen and carbon  the water in the boiler expands.  Stan Myers comes along and gets water to expand without using heat just a resonant circuit and some ultraviolet light.  Now they are finding that cavitation can be used to produce more heat energy than mechanical input.  Bypassing an understanding of the fundamental dynamics of a process is a mistake.   I think the underlying principal in play here is that if you make a given field cold by extracting energy from it the matter becomes more dense and occupies less space.  Nature now pumps energy into the energy voided space surrounding the densified matter and will continue to do so as long as we keep extracting energy from the cold field in a timely manner.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 10:16:56 PM
I'd like to say that I hope none of my recent posts regarding fundamental principles have had an influence on anyone's deciding to go back to grass roots.  You all are light years ahead of me on this.  As for me, I AM at grass roots, which is why I've tried (semi-successfully) to stay quiet.  I've amassed a sizable library of books from as old as 1883 to the present and have read nearly all of them so far.  I've also accumulated a small fortune in test equipment and am only JUST NOW setting up my lab.  My own theory of TPU operation is so far off from anything I've read here or anywhere else that, as I stated before, I prefer not to even talk about it until I've done the many 'grass roots', real-world experiments required to prove or disprove it.  The reason for this is twofold.  First, and most important, I do NOT want to be yet another person on here who drags people off in the wrong direction, and second, I don't want to embarass myself in the somewhat likely event that I'm wrong.  My own theory REQUIRES that I start at the beginning, but all of you are so far along on your own ideas, please just continue and let's make this thing work.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 07, 2008, 10:56:05 PM
2 things:

The one wire jumps because the emitted electrostatic force goes out while producing an inward force. On the surface of a planet we call that gravity! And anything on the surface gets pushed down. Ain't that the shits?!

The surround sound occurs on the standing wave. They somehow got that standing with a wide stance to fill the room or reflect off of surfaces. I experienced both in the Bose test. Funny how when you buy a product to get an effect you merely enjoy what it produces. But Holy Shat. When you actually produce it yerself it is at a time when there are no adult diapers present!

Glad to see people waking up regardless of their situation.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 07, 2008, 11:02:11 PM
Quote from: Neolystic on November 07, 2008, 10:16:56 PM
I'd like to say that I hope none of my recent posts regarding fundamental principles have had an influence on anyone's deciding to go back to grass roots.  You all are light years ahead of me on this.  As for me, I AM at grass roots, which is why I've tried (semi-successfully) to stay quiet.  I've amassed a sizable library of books from as old as 1883 to the present and have read nearly all of them so far.  I've also accumulated a small fortune in test equipment and am only JUST NOW setting up my lab.  My own theory of TPU operation is so far off from anything I've read here or anywhere else that, as I stated before, I prefer not to even talk about it until I've done the many 'grass roots', real-world experiments required to prove or disprove it.  The reason for this is twofold.  First, and most important, I do NOT want to be yet another person on here who drags people off in the wrong direction, and second, I don't want to embarass myself in the somewhat likely event that I'm wrong.  My own theory REQUIRES that I start at the beginning, but all of you are so far along on your own ideas, please just continue and let's make this thing work.


Dude!? we are an accumulation of things that were said to be wrong. You too are a hero among all thinking the way you are. Practice and learn. This is one way cool trip. Its funny how my big attempts shocked the hell out of me. But the grassroots test shocked the old knowledge out of me! Hang on. Let those is disbelief choke on their ignorance.

--giantkiller. Things have boiled down to the real stuff.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Grumpy on November 07, 2008, 11:09:33 PM
(Grumpy's last post on OU)

Fools!  Every damn one of you!

The answer is being trampled beneath your feet and still you look for more.

I hope everyone of you burn in your own private hell.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 07, 2008, 11:13:22 PM
3 rat shack 26awg spools in series and a 6nf cap in parallel. 30khz in @ 5 volts p2p, 18 volts out. Yes, it's greater. Again. Pulse at res and the respone is greater. Now! put a spark gap in there and the potential push against the coil creates maximum impedance or a brick wall. Remeber the wire jumps? Well that is also a reflection.

Frequencies, caps, coils, spark gaps. The reproduction is all. Just did what Tesla said to do.  Electrostatic charge, resonate or discharge.

--giantkiller. Shock the aether and it responds most plentiful.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 07, 2008, 11:36:01 PM
@ grumpy thanks...  :)

@ gk this has been the best part of my life by far i have learned so much  and i have only sm to thank as do we all....

@ moab   i liked the grain wich any fool can eat lol  ;)  but just try to find out about the grain from the beer lol  a long road .....eh?

cheers all

the goal of free engery has been achieved!


pick your path ...   red pill or blue  one   LOL 

i choose the true!!! ;)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: bolt on November 08, 2008, 03:04:23 AM
"He put 3 coils together just like the coils of 3 speakers stacked on top of each other.
He drove them independantly with audio signals probabely out of phase in the hope to create a new audio experience."

I like the theory but its too simple and has been thought of many times before. if it was as simple as that there are many people that have made 3 coils and stacked them in 100 different shapes and sizes and used 3 sig gens feeding audio amp and nothing happened. GK has had an excellent audio lab with class A amps and a pile of TPUs and as much as he learned about 3 signals interaction the effects never noted bringing the TPU to life.

Im 100% if it was as simple as that a TPU would have been discovered many times over.  Audio / Piezo driven has merit its another energy transformation, its the basis of the MEG and keely work including thrapp water heater of 9 volt battery. Its like suggesting a 3 phase motors runs on audio vibration as you cant see the 3 phase theory. Plus you cant explain the reasons for slow start up nor what the mag amp switch is used for if audio driven.  The implications would be profound in everyday electronics if audio disturbances could suddenly produce killowatts of power just because speaker coils were too close:)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 08, 2008, 04:01:30 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 07, 2008, 11:09:33 PM
(Grumpy's last post on OU)

Fools!  Every damn one of you!

The answer is being trampled beneath your feet and still you look for more.

I hope everyone of you burn in your own private hell. [ ]

       The ANSWER   ???    To which QUESTION  ???    Get er done all the time Grumpy.  How bout get it understood so every child in the first grade at school can dig it.  Sorry we are on the lowest rung of awareness and we have to be spoon fed.    Seeya. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: turbo on November 08, 2008, 04:07:25 AM
Quote from: sparks on November 08, 2008, 04:01:30 AM

How bout get it understood so every child in the first grade at school can dig it. 

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 08, 2008, 04:34:44 AM

       I'm not talking about teaching a first grader engineering data just some very fundamental energy flow diagrams.   Things get hot and things get cold.  When things get cold it leaves room for things that are hot to spread out.  Something like that.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 08, 2008, 08:39:34 AM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 07, 2008, 11:09:33 PM
(Grumpy's last post on OU)

Fools!  Every damn one of you!

The answer is being trampled beneath your feet and still you look for more.

I hope everyone of you burn in your own private hell.

good riddance and happy trails. you won't be gone long...

nice congenial post btw. a fine example set!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Spider on November 08, 2008, 09:01:59 AM
You guys keep cracking me up.... 8)

I know you all want to imitate Nicola Tesla, but if that means everybody has to work alone.....

What will it take to make people work together a little bit and stop bashing each others brains in...figuratively speaking....


It makes me sad....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 08, 2008, 09:45:24 AM
Quote from: Spider on November 08, 2008, 09:01:59 AM

What will it take to make people work together a little bit and stop bashing each others brains in...figuratively speaking....


the answer to that should be obvious ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: dean_mcgowan on November 08, 2008, 10:46:27 AM
The answer is and always will be ... 47

hehehee .. SM is a pillow biter .. omg .. i had a feeling!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 12:06:01 PM
Quote from: BEP on November 07, 2008, 08:12:38 PM
I find those interesting and probably exactly what happens with a wave front. But then how many here can actually create a wave front or compression wave?

And three of them that will fit within the confines of a TPU sized toroid?

I think 'any' time we energize a wire, we create 2 wave fronts...one magnetic and one dielectric.  When you talk about a compression wave, I assume you're referring to the outside edge of the dielectric field (at the instant of field formation) as it inflates like a balloon, with the compresion wave being the rubber in the balloon.  I also think that a standing wave is nothing more than a balloon that neither expands nor contracts.  As far as I can tell, the dielectric field, the diamagnetic field, the scalar field, the tempic field, the compression wave, the electrostatic field, and whatever other name people want to tag on it, are all the same thing. 

All it takes to create 3 of these fields within the empty center of a toroid at the same time is to send pulses, sine waves...whatever...into it such that pulses/sine waves number 2 and 3 enter the toroid before pulse/sine wave #1 has made it all the way around the circle.  One of the few things we can say with a high degree of certainty is that, since the magnetic field does not exist in the empty area at the center of a toroid, we are dealing with the dielectric field only here, and I think this is a crucial piece of information.  It's interesting to note that Steinmetz considered the magnetic field not as transmission of energy but as energy loss.

Even still, none of it explains overunity ... yet.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 08, 2008, 02:43:29 PM
Quote from: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 12:06:01 PM
I think 'any' time we energize a wire, we create 2 wave fronts...one magnetic and one dielectric.  When you talk about a compression wave, I assume you're referring to the outside edge of the dielectric field (at the instant of field formation) as it inflates like a balloon, with the compresion wave being the rubber in the balloon.  I also think that a standing wave is nothing more than a balloon that neither expands nor contracts.  As far as I can tell, the dielectric field, the diamagnetic field, the scalar field, the tempic field, the compression wave, the electrostatic field, and whatever other name people want to tag on it, are all the same thing. 

Agreed, for the most part. I view the magnetic vector like a wake from a passing boat. The dielectric is the water being pushed by the bow. Neither are the traveling boat.

All it takes to create 3 of these fields within the empty center of a toroid at the same time is to send pulses, sine waves...whatever...into it such that pulses/sine waves number 2 and 3 enter the toroid before pulse/sine wave #1 has made it all the way around the circle.  One of the few things we can say with a high degree of certainty is that, since the magnetic field does not exist in the empty area at the center of a toroid, we are dealing with the dielectric field only here, and I think this is a crucial piece of information.  It's interesting to note that Steinmetz considered the magnetic field not as transmission of energy but as energy loss.

I doubt it is that simple. Since the rise time from any simple circuit, even the best, is so long the dielectric field will easily reach completely around the circle before the peak is reached. Sure, you can apply three separate pulses but only the wave front will sum. Summation/superposition either may be where extra power arrives. The rest of the wave is waste (except if conventional induction is part of the game).

I can see the need for the controller in the center for a few reasons but I think the most important is probably because of timing. An external or uncentered controller should never work. The reason, I believe, is the wires are simply power and/or control. The timing critical coupling is the expanding dielectric.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 05:07:09 PM
You're absolutely right about this thing.  It's like a woman....simple at first glance but, when you try to really understand it, you find out it's a 3-headed hydra of complexity lol.  Also, I'm not saying three simultaneous dielectric fields is even what we're going for, because really..I have no idea.

Just for grins, let's see what it would take to get 3 simultaneous charges in SM's 17 inch TPU.  17 Inches is the diamater, giving a radius of 8.5".  Taking this times pi gives us a circumference of 26.7 inches.  Taking light speed of 186,000 miles/sec x 63.630 inches/mile means that light travels 11,835,180,000 inches in 1 second.  So the time required for the charge to travel once around the circle of 26.7 inches diameter would be 26.7 / 11,835,180,000 = 2.25e-9 or 2.25 nanoseconds.  Of course this is with one trip around the circle.  If we had, say, 100 winds to go through before exiting the toroid, then the charge would spin round & round the circle for 202.5 nanoseconds before exiting the toroid.  This is roughly the amount of time the first charge's field would exist inside the toroid.  Then, as long as we threw in another charge within 202.5/3, or 67.5 nanoseconds of the beginning of the first one, then a third in another 67.5 ns (or less), we'd have 3 simultaneous dielectric fields.  One charge every 67.5 ns equates to a required pulse/wave frequency of 67,500,000,000 or 67.5 Ghz.  Hmmm maybe we better spin it around 100,000 times instead of 100, for a frequency of 67.5 Mhz.  Or 100,000,000 times with a frequency of 67.5 Khz.  Interesting.  Since it's safe to assume that SM didn't have 100,000,000 or even 100.000 turns in his coils, we can conclude that we're not trying to deal with 3 or more simultaneous dielectric fields.  I think that's what you just said LOL
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 08, 2008, 07:49:32 PM


<if s.m said he  created elktromagnet fild to move elktrones in wires  way then this PERMANENT MAGNET OF SPEAKER  DONT DISTURB THE FUNCTION  OF  <,TPU >> IF TPU IS WOKING  IN SOME ELKTROMAGNET FILD

;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???


SEE AGAIN THE VIDEO OF Steven Marks  when he put clouse  to tpu  this  speaker permanenet magnet clouse to tpu  and ask your self way is not get eny disturbing force to tpu


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 08, 2008, 08:50:13 PM
Quote from: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 05:07:09 PM
Since it's safe to assume that SM didn't have 100,000,000 or even 100.000 turns in his coils, we can conclude that we're not trying to deal with 3 or more simultaneous dielectric fields.  I think that's what you just said LOL

Kind of what I meant. Yes, conventional resonance thought will not work. You can't make it fit. You can always go into VHF (still not high enough for regular thoughts) or microwave. Then they'll fit but the energy levels won't convert easily.

There is much more to resonance than wavelength. I'm sure this is part of the solution. Also, when dealing with compression waves PRF doesn't matter too much. You can always apply another behind the previous whether it has reached a peak or not. Still a problem on one conductor but apply your separate frequency to another coil and you avoid the problem in your expanded idea.

The thing most forget - or didn't know - is you don't need changing current to have rotation. In the right medium all you need is a magnetic field and one DC current flow. The charged medium WILL rotate.

Now make it rotate in the center of a toroid it will induce a DC current in the toroid.

Ok, that is simple enough. Three vectors cause rotation. If you don't have one of the vectors, lets say the magnetic field, at the beginning then apply a magnet until the unit builds its own magnetic field. It may take awhile to wind up but who cares? Applying the magnet with the correct polarity may have been the way to initiate the correct rotation direction.

I don't think the coil dimensions were keyed on frequency in the way we usually think. In this device resonance has more to do with dimension and mass as opposed to Henries and Farads. He said it...something about the frequencies having to do with the diameter?

The big problem is all the above will work with a plasma but not with a taped coil set. So what medium carries a charge to be rotated? Certainly air isn't it.

Macedonia CD is right, I think. These are not magnetic only devices. I think the magnetic is just a means to an end.

The only way I can think of to make the area inside the TPU energetic enough and worth spinning is the same idea used in the electrostatic speakers. Your standing wave balloon idea. Now talk about resonance! Apply a clean sine to the right kind of noise and you increase the level of that noise without adding energy to it! Strange I know but, true. See stochastic resonance. This also flips this between the linear and nonlinear worlds.

Now if that could have been used to increase the energy level, within the TPU area then all we need for rotation is a magnetic field - from the horizontal turns. Once spinning the vertical turns are the secondaries.

Pure frequencies.... that means either perfect sine with absolutely no impressed noise (this way no harmonics or sidebands are generated) or direct current with NO switching. Square wave generates odd order harmonics - no the fundamental is NOT the first harmonic.

What circuitry would be needed for the above?

Perhaps a simple oscillator for the one and only sine wave...
and a two or three transistor circuit in a noise generator configuration.

Earlier Marco posted schematics of the electrostatic speaker system. They were far from complex. If I remember correctly the only high voltage part was the Brownian noise generator.

Does the above fall anywhere within your ideas of how this should work?


Making a coil or wire resonate far below book values can be done, and has. I don't think that is required anymore.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 08, 2008, 08:55:29 PM
When fields mix they heterodyne. This causes greater levels of output at the intersection. Tidal waves are formed this way. When the interaction of one field changes direction quickly within another field the new difference of opposition creates power output. The frequency level can be different than the creation levels. Rogue waves can shear steel plates with a snap. Why rogue waves can even be created trying to disassociate water. One our members caught a flying plate from a blast cage. The bolts just split apart. Kind of like what John Hutchison does. The exploding pop can is a fine example of speeds that exceed the absorbtion level of aluminum. simply put as the difference between the motion of the field and the lack of motion of the target. 2 fields. Square waves cause hellacious differences.

I found out through William E. Lyne. It is an electrostic field with a spinning fiield in side. When it is bang on the operator has a problem with overrun. Sounds like rogue wave from heterodyning.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 08, 2008, 09:16:42 PM
       If we look at a torroidal high frequency choke pulsed with nothing but the frequency it was designed to choke what happens inside and outside of the choke?  No conventional current flows that's for damn sure.  The transient properties of a dc pulse are the most effective at inducing a change in the ambient energy field.  (eg automobile ignition coil control circuitry)
So now we have this very upsetting or noisy signal not reaching the end of our torroid but converting into a dielectric field that is in alignment with the magnetic field lines that SPAN the interior of the torroid.  On the outside of the torroid or skin we have a radiating electrostatic field.  What goes on inside a torroidal highfrequency choke if we put a conductor in there instead of ferrite?
    Hint:  What happened to Tesla's slitted copper cylinders across his lab when he made his first scalar wave dumping a 10,000 volt dc pulse into a copper dipole?

                                                           (    )-(    )
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 08, 2008, 10:15:00 PM
All these pulses, waves and noise mean nothing in the normal perspective. Why? Because they are Hertzian. One rides on top of the other creating nothing but hash and no gain.

The result of freak waves is so nasty because they are not Hetzian. They can sum. The energy in a wave is related to the cross sectional area of that wave. Since Hertzian waves don't sum there is never any gain.

Why did he mention the filament voltage riding the anode voltage of that tube? Because it shouldn't have! These waves are considered to be Herztian. They should not have summed. So they are both compression waves inside the tube.

If you have a radiant/charge field that is made up of crap that means it contains nothing but a huge amount of clean signals riding each other. Think how FFT works. When viewing noise on a scope you are looking at change of amplitude over time - and the whole thing looks like junk.

Use FFT and the perspective changes. It is now separate amplitudes over frequency. Each individual frequency, even in noise, appears as a separate peak.

I don't think anyone actually knows how stochastic resonance works. If the main function is to bring order to chaos by separating all those nasty little wave fronts then they can be summed.
Something about all of the frequencies created within the confines of the collector?

The literal definition of heterodyne is 'the creation of a power using other powers' (one of many translations from the root words). Sure it means many things other than that in electronics but those meanings have to do with Hertzian waves - not compression waves.
You can shatter glass with the right mix of audio frequencies. Why? Because when you have many frequencies - not just one - within the resonant point of a mass and as an integer dividend or multiple resonating with that mass then those waves sum. It is easy to do with sound as it is compression waves.

If a wave's energy is the square of the wave's cross sectional area....
Let's say this number is 1 then the energy in that wave is 1.
Let's say there are two equal waves - the total energy is 2.
Now bring them into phase - the sum of total area is 2 but the energy is 4
Add a third, fourth, etc. etc. etc.

All this is great but it still isn't a moving charge - or is it? You need two or more for gain. Better would be at least three for better control.

So what is better than a single charge field spinning on one axis and inducing current into a ring of coils? The same spinning charge rotating on two axis.

What is that horizontal ring in the middle of the toroid windings doing? It is the source of the magnetic field - one of the three vectors needed to create rotation. That would be the top one.

The bottom one of three would be flipped so that second axis of rotation can work. So what does the middle one do? Nothing. It isn't there.

A cross section of the top ring would look like          =
A cross section of the bottom ring would look like     ||

Two turns each if single flat conductor - or a single turn of zip cord with the correct orientation.

The magnetic polarity of a = loop with have North and South vertical
The magnetic polarity of a  || loop would be left and right ........  <<<< || >>>>

Two separate magnetic polarities and a charge filed = two rotational axis of that charge field.

What would the output of something like this be?

Unloaded: a bunch of very nasty and high amplitude noise like a continuous spark gap but no polarity reversals (DC with hash).
Loaded: Load current comes from both the secondaries and the horizontal primaries, Like a Rogowski coil (constant voltage as opposed to constant current like a common current transformer). As load increases the magnetic vector used to create rotation increases, which increases speed, which increases current, yada yada yada.
The stronger the mag vector the cleaner the dielectric vector because more of that energy takes the third rotational vector.

Why does the compass stop spinning? Why does the ampprobe show current in mid air? I think I know the answer to both.

I'm not Spherics. Most of the above ideas have been proven on my bench. Combined they may do nothing more than blow fuses.

Yes. I'm nuts but I'm also a long way from my bench and MRM project. I have the strange feeling this may be a fun Christmas  ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on November 08, 2008, 11:05:09 PM
Quote from: BEP on November 08, 2008, 10:15:00 PM
All these pulses, waves and noise mean nothing in the normal perspective. Why? Because they are Hertzian. One rides on top of the other creating nothing but hash and no gain.

The result of freak waves is so nasty because they are not Hetzian. They can sum. The energy in a wave is related to the cross sectional area of that wave. Since Hertzian waves don't sum there is never any gain.

Why did he mention the filament voltage riding the anode voltage of that tube? Because it shouldn't have! These waves are considered to be Herztian. They should not have summed. So they are both compression waves inside the tube.

If you have a radiant/charge field that is made up of crap that means it contains nothing but a huge amount of clean signals riding each other. Think how FFT works. When viewing noise on a scope you are looking at change of amplitude over time - and the whole thing looks like junk.

Use FFT and the perspective changes. It is now separate amplitudes over frequency. Each individual frequency, even in noise, appears as a separate peak.

I don't think anyone actually knows how stochastic resonance works. If the main function is to bring order to chaos by separating all those nasty little wave fronts then they can be summed.
Something about all of the frequencies created within the confines of the collector?

The literal definition of heterodyne is 'the creation of a power using other powers' (one of many translations from the root words). Sure it means many things other than that in electronics but those meanings have to do with Hertzian waves - not compression waves.
You can shatter glass with the right mix of audio frequencies. Why? Because when you have many frequencies - not just one - within the resonant point of a mass and as an integer dividend or multiple resonating with that mass then those waves sum. It is easy to do with sound as it is compression waves.

If a wave's energy is the square of the wave's cross sectional area....
Let's say this number is 1 then the energy in that wave is 1.
Let's say there are two equal waves - the total energy is 2.
Now bring them into phase - the sum of total area is 2 but the energy is 4
Add a third, fourth, etc. etc. etc.

All this is great but it still isn't a moving charge - or is it? You need two or more for gain. Better would be at least three for better control.

So what is better than a single charge field spinning on one axis and inducing current into a ring of coils? The same spinning charge rotating on two axis.

What is that horizontal ring in the middle of the toroid windings doing? It is the source of the magnetic field - one of the three vectors needed to create rotation. That would be the top one.

The bottom one of three would be flipped so that second axis of rotation can work. So what does the middle one do? Nothing. It isn't there.

A cross section of the top ring would look like          =
A cross section of the bottom ring would look like     ||

Two turns each if single flat conductor - or a single turn of zip cord with the correct orientation.

The magnetic polarity of a = loop with have North and South vertical
The magnetic polarity of a  || loop would be left and right ........  <<<< || >>>>

Two separate magnetic polarities and a charge filed = two rotational axis of that charge field.

What would the output of something like this be?

Unloaded: a bunch of very nasty and high amplitude noise like a continuous spark gap but no polarity reversals (DC with hash).
Loaded: Load current comes from both the secondaries and the horizontal primaries, Like a Rogowski coil (constant voltage as opposed to constant current like a common current transformer). As load increases the magnetic vector used to create rotation increases, which increases speed, which increases current, yada yada yada.
The stronger the mag vector the cleaner the dielectric vector because more of that energy takes the third rotational vector.

Why does the compass stop spinning? Why does the ampprobe show current in mid air? I think I know the answer to both.

I'm not Spherics. Most of the above ideas have been proven on my bench. Combined they may do nothing more than blow fuses.

Yes. I'm nuts but I'm also a long way from my bench and MRM project. I have the strange feeling this may be a fun Christmas  ;)

Traveling waves have the current and voltage in-phase - the sum algebraically.

What if there is another version of resonance - something more akin to spacial changes than just states of potential?

Ever witness a lightning strike on a long line?  There is far too much energy moving to be contained in the conductor, so what's really there?

On the compass, I recall a post about compasses being affected electrostatically - I tried this and he is correct.  The compass will react to the electric and ignore the magnetic.  SM mentioned a rotating field, but was it magnetic or electric?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 09, 2008, 09:12:23 AM
     Inside the torroidal choke before any magnetic field reaction or inertial response to a change in charge seperation can occur,  a disruption of the Brownian charge distribuiton of any mass in the field effected by the scalar wave occurs.  Now energy locked in the form of mass is converted.  Reverting to particle physics electron orbitals are destabilized and the mass becomes ionized.
By manipulation of the ambient magnetic inertial field the ionization of the torroidal core mass can be prolonged resulting in a gain in charge seperation not anticipated by a simple electrostatic destabilization of the torroidal core mass.

     Basically you blast the electrons off the surface of the copper strands of the collector winding and make sure the magnetic field the earth has keeps them from falling back into the copper collector winding.  The entire collector mass becomes positively charged.  Now all you need is a scource of electrons to migrate through a load towards the charged mass.  Collector winding two where the magnetic field makes sure the electrons are driven back into the mass as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on November 09, 2008, 09:17:11 AM
i was reading stuff about tesla electric car

and i was thinking why he was using 12 tubes  ;D

mhhh magnetic inrush current
like that youtube video " dude,magnet,lamp and little flash "
hey Macedonia mac
have you try this "put 12 toroid transformet serial and put some magnets ever one it "WARNIG it maybe cause huge lighting strike l"
bye bye
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 09, 2008, 11:32:20 AM
Summation of any waves is easiest done component by component: Volts with Volts, Amps with Amps. Don't try to total the volts with amps of the same signal thinking some other vector will be the total. That doesn't work as far as I know.

Sine/Phase relationship must be considered.

Yes, current and potential (amps and volts) will be lockstep and the same phase angle on compression waves (can be considered longitudinal).

Don't go off the deep end with the term 'Brownian'. All it is is another type of noise. Also called 'Red' noise. Basic red noise is a bandwidth of noise with a ramp in amplitude from one end to the other.

If I try to relate it to a TPU the bandwidth would be 35kHz-245kHz with the coil Q (gain and selectivity) highest at the 35 end lowest at the 245 end.

Brownian distribution of charge would be a fancy description for the taper of a charge vortex. The wide end appearing as 35 kHz and the narrow end 245 kHz. (One way to make a short wire resonate at a low frequency  ;) )

If that thought is on target then the little toroids are driven with a high voltage pulse near the 245kHz point. The 'bucking' point (where the outside coil handedness reverses) would be the point of dielectric expansion (more like a squirt  ;D ) Place a magnet there (like done on the first TPU) and any charge squirted will be spun by that magnet's field.

This is still far fetched but using the above 'assumption', I can imagine how a single diode (yes it is a diode - argue all you want) and an electrolytic could be using the negative resistance avalanche problems in some silicon diodes. Would make a neat little NRO (Negative resistance oscillator) and a very messy one, at that. Something like the output of Dr. Stiff's simple oscillator but with a smoother bandspread.

Hmmm.... now we would have a noise floor to raise.... Maybe charge some caps with it? Nah!

If I use/misuse a term don't hesitate to jump in. I'm no electronics god... mainly into R&D and setting my bench on fire  ;D

If an explanation of my brain farts is wanted - just ask.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 09, 2008, 12:45:50 PM
Since I'm in the mood for regurgitation of information. Here is a quick sketch on my charge pump.

It should look familiar to some.

Don't discount the use of VHB tape. It is highly electrostrictive when applied correctly. It makes a kind of flexible capacitor. Somehow I doubt SM went that far but it does give me something to spin  ;D

Please forgive the quality. I'm somewhat limited at the hotel.

BTW: There is no iron in the core. It is a hollow dougnut made of plastic. A PVC reducer  ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: slapper on November 09, 2008, 03:56:26 PM
Thank you MACEDONIA CD. Happy to hear about your recent discovery. Looking forward to your video.

Quote from: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 05:07:09 PM17 Inches is the diamater, giving a radius of 8.5".  Taking this times pi gives us a circumference of 26.7 inches.

You are half right: circumference = 2 x radius x pi = diameter x pi; 17" x pi = 53.4"

Quote from: Neolystic on November 08, 2008, 05:07:09 PMIf we had, say, 100 winds to go through before exiting the toroid, then the charge would spin round & round the circle for 202.5 nanoseconds before exiting the toroid.

Correct if the ring had a 1" circumference to its thickness. The 17" TPU has some height and width. Lets say the ring of the 17" TPU is 6" tall and about 0.75" thick. Now we have 13.5" into each wrap. The width of the lamp wire I have is about 0.22". So on a 17" ring we have about 240 turns. (240 turns x 13.5") / 12 = 270 feet.

If we take the speed of light constant to determine a wavelength it is more like: 186,000 miles per second / (270 feet / 5280) = 3,637,333 Hz.
Damn close to a color burst frequency. Please let me know if I have any errors here.

Then there is propagation. This involves 'Velocity of propagation' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity_of_propagation) which = 1 / (square root of the (dielectric constant of the conductor)). I suspect that the propagation of stranded lamp cord could be significant. This causes the speed of light constant to go down by a factor of ? from 0.4 to 0.8 ? and makes the wavelength of our coil go up and lowers the frequency.

However, as we can see by the findings in gotoluc's thread or Thane's thread, exposing coils to a high potential seems to set up a gradiant in the conductor that allows things to speed things up.

As BEP says, we probably should not belabor this too much. But I can not get why Steven Mark chose the word circumference, as opposed to diameter or radius.

Another thing that may be considered is 'time-domain reflectometry' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_domain_reflectometer). A sharp rise time pulse sent down a pair of wires will reflect back depending on the impedance of the conductor pair and the termination impedance. If the termination is a short an opposite polarity of the same potential is reflected back. If there is an impedance match there will be no reflected signal. But if the conductor pair is open the same polarity and potential will be reflected back. The delivered pulse and reflected pulse can sum up.

BEP. I am not sure how one comes up with the type of noise you brought up. Tiny magnetic domain switching in materials as they are exposed to certain conditions can throw out some noise. Hit a piece of permalloy with a field the wrong way and it will remain in a noisy condition until it is exposed to a magnetic field that lines the domains up properly. Exposing permalloy to an electrostatic charge or high temperature will also make it go into a noisy condition. I hope we are not talking about transition temperatures. That could get dicey.

Thanks and take care.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 09, 2008, 05:02:59 PM

I had considered the question of circumference over a year ago..... here;
Thread = Some thoughts on how the TPU might work.
Which is originally from the post here.........
Thread = Control Inside?

Also, why do you say there is no magnetic field in the center of the toroid. If this was true, how come I can create a pulsing oscillator with a reed switch in the toroid center. Anytime you have coils energized, you will have a magnetic field. The only difference with the toroid is there are no end polarities like in a straight core coil. But this does not remove the mag field, it just attenuates it from extending too far out, but the coil turns on the inside of the center are so close that there is in fact a mag field there. Just make any toroidal TPU coils, tip it on its side, give it some power and put a compass to the center.

More on that here......
Thread = Control Inside?


Good posts. Lots to consider.


So you want to know where the ether is coming from in your coils. Tricky question indeed. lol

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 09, 2008, 06:32:15 PM
Quote from: slapper on November 09, 2008, 03:56:26 PM
You are half right: circumference = 2 x radius x pi = diameter x pi; 17" x pi = 53.4"

Correct if the ring had a 1" circumference to its thickness. The 17" TPU has some height and width. Lets say the ring of the 17" TPU is 6" tall and about 0.75" thick. Now we have 13.5" into each wrap. The width of the lamp wire I have is about 0.22". So on a 17" ring we have about 240 turns. (240 turns x 13.5") / 12 = 270 feet.

Yes. I saw no reason to push it. The argument has been repeated many times.

If we take the speed of light constant to determine a wavelength it is more like: 186,000 miles per second / (270 feet / 5280) = 3,637,333 Hz.
Damn close to a color burst frequency. Please let me know if I have any errors here.

Then there is propagation. This involves 'Velocity of propagation' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity_of_propagation) which = 1 / (square root of the (dielectric constant of the conductor)). I suspect that the propagation of stranded lamp cord could be significant. This causes the speed of light constant to go down by a factor of ? from 0.4 to 0.8 ? and makes the wavelength of our coil go up and lowers the frequency.

Agreed again. I did extensive test on controlling VF with external coils. Also worked the problem using color burst, audio sidebands and horizontal sweep. Nothing interesting came up.

However, as we can see by the findings in gotoluc's thread or Thane's thread, exposing coils to a high potential seems to set up a gradiant in the conductor that allows things to speed things up.
Here is where things get confusing. I can decrease the anti-resonant frequency by at least one order of magnitude by preventing CEMF in a cyclic fashion. You would think that would increase speed. It does. But the anti-resonant point of the coil drops ???
As BEP says, we probably should not belabor this too much. But I can not get why Steven Mark chose the word circumference, as opposed to diameter or radius.

Gigged again but I'm no longer trying to rotate a magnetic field so the circumference only matters on my second axis of rotation. If it does decide to rotate it will be a secondary effect.

Another thing that may be considered is 'time-domain reflectometry' (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_domain_reflectometer). A sharp rise time pulse sent down a pair of wires will reflect back depending on the impedance of the conductor pair and the termination impedance. If the termination is a short an opposite polarity of the same potential is reflected back. If there is an impedance match there will be no reflected signal. But if the conductor pair is open the same polarity and potential will be reflected back. The delivered pulse and reflected pulse can sum up.
I'm sure TDR is a part of this but I argued that point quite awhile ago with only a couple of folks interested. The only summing that happens is when the leading edges meet and a properly terminated line will have a forward/reflected ratio nevel less than 1:1 unless the wave is non-Herzian. There will be no reflected wave then.
BEP. I am not sure how one comes up with the type of noise you with a field the wrong way and it will remain in a noisy condition until it is exposed to a magnetic field that lines the domains up properly.brought up. Tiny magnetic domain switching in materials as they are exposed to certain conditions can throw out some noise. Hit a piece of permalloy  Exposing permalloy to an electrostatic charge or high temperature will also make it go into a noisy condition. I hope we are not talking about transition temperatures. That could get dicey.

I'm no longer worried about domains flipping as much - no iron in my plan. I mentioned the source of the noisy idea above.

I no longer reread the relayed SM words but what was it he said? Something like 'now that is what I call resonance'. What about what everyone else calls resonance?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 09, 2008, 06:35:16 PM
Quote from: slapper on November 09, 2008, 03:56:26 PM
You are half right: circumference = 2 x radius x pi = diameter x pi; 17" x pi = 53.4"

Of course you're correct.  Nothing like having a degree in Math to make you miss the little things lol.

Quote from: wattsup on November 09, 2008, 05:02:59 PM
Also, why do you say there is no magnetic field in the center of the toroid. If this was true, how come I can create a pulsing oscillator with a reed switch in the toroid center. Anytime you have coils energized, you will have a magnetic field. The only difference with the toroid is there are no end polarities like in a straight core coil. But this does not remove the mag field, it just attenuates it from extending too far out, but the coil turns on the inside of the center are so close that there is in fact a mag field there. Just make any toroidal TPU coils, tip it on its side, give it some power and put a compass to the center.
What I mean is that a field has 2 components to it, the magnetic and the dielectric.  Each of these components is distinct and has different properties, as outlined in my previous posts starting here http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg136347#msg136347  In a toroid, the magnetic portion of the field is confined to the core, while the dielectric component emanates out from the core as usual.  The result is that, the center of the toroid (the space between the 2 cores) contains only the dielectric portion of the field.  The toroid is the only coil shape I'm aware of that can separate the dielectric portion of a field from the magnetic portion.

The magnetic portion of the field affects only metallic matter, but the dielectric portion affects metallic AND non-metallic matter.  The shape of the dielectric portion of the field can be seen in the picture below.  Jefimenko uses grass seeds, which are of course not affected by the magnetic component at all, but are affected by the dielectric portion, to map out the shape of the dielectric field within a toroid.  See figure below, and look at how the dielectric portion of the field shapes the grass seeds.  Also, the dielectric field is what Tesla felt when his skin 'tingled' during some of his tests.

When you see effects in the air center of a toroid, such as the effect on a compass, you are seeing one of 2 things.  Either 1) the effects of the dielectric portion of the field, or 2) leakage of the magnetic flux field component due to an 'imperfect' toroid, which in the real world, would be all of them.  In a mathematically perfect toroid, there is none of the magnetic component outside the toroid core whatsoever.

The same idea can be seen with a permanent magnet shaped into a ring, with one pole on the outside of the ring and the other inside.  You can place a piece of metal inside the circle and there will be zero magnetic attraction to the sides.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 09, 2008, 07:57:54 PM

nice to see you round ....   8)

i can plainly see stephen has no idea....  or he would of left my shit here .....   hahaha lol  lol!!!!!!

not my problem...  lol   ;D ;D

any how just wanted to say hi to mac   

as some dumb fools shoot him down fools!!!!  if you ONLY KNEW  A FEW THINGS ......   

TIME WILL TELL ALL!!!!!   ;D ;D ;D ;D   and i say GREAT WORK MAC!!!

as well i posted this shit here beacuse it belongs here!!!!!!!   duh!!!

wakie wakie ......

or shall we let it go another 10 years LOL  :D :D

my stuff aint half baked ... it is proven true!!  lol  with pattends from 100 + years ago   

just cuz i did not post it finished that is the rest of yours job  i did my job i got to the bottom of it all!

dont belive me ...  wait n see  ;D

btw i just finished my tpu curcuits for my tpu and i will post the compleated unit soon i have 6 feeds i can pull upto 500vac from  :P


@bolt your gonna love this...  i got my NEW CONTROLLER IM BUILDING  3 amps 3 freq gennys for my 3 phase 7.5 hp motor once compleated i have secured my investors to fund my TUBE BUILD 6 FREQ  ;D  IST'S UFO CONTROLLER  MUCH LIKE MY DUBBLE HETERODYNE SMASHER BUCKET :o


go on strephen move my shit round   it will just take you longer to figure it out

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 09, 2008, 08:34:19 PM

Your vertical compass test is beautiful!  When you hold the toroid horizontally, were the windings you were energizing vertical or horizontal?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ronotte on November 10, 2008, 03:55:10 AM
Hi all,

I've been requested from Otto to post this picture...for all to see :)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 10, 2008, 04:03:38 AM
Hello all,


Thanks for the picture.

In this picture you see a coil wound over a cardboard. The diameter of the cardboard is maybe 12mm, or 1/2". The lenght of the coil is around 10cm, 4" or so.
The iron core is from a radio antenna. NOT SHINY!! Its of course almost black. Diameter of the iron core is 10mm. Lenght of this core is over 15cm, 6". It doesnt matter.
Number of turns is 50 with a wire diameter of 0,5mm  AWG ??

Now, what I want to know what happens MAGNETICALLY in this little coil. How looks like the mag field, where is the strongest point.....everything in the magnetic manner.


are you sure that we dont have to look anymore to single coils and wires. Are we already TPU experts???


OK  experts, I hope I was clear what I want from you.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 10, 2008, 08:11:46 AM

They were vertical four coil 90 deg each. I wired them to @otto's classic 4 coil wiring. Pulsed only two wires. lol But that does not matter. Any way you make it, turn it also on its side when checking with the compass.

Thanks for a good response. Regarding that photo, I think it is showing a coil energized with a steady power supply. The result will change when pulsing dc, ac sine or when discharging a capacitor, all also depending of the frequency.


How are you and how is the new garage lab?


The same would apply to your coil test, meaning how it is driven, will play on the field.
The 0.5mm = 23 awg. I will try it and let you know what I find.
Hmmmmm. 50 turns, now where did I hear that one before. lol
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 10, 2008, 09:17:45 AM

Here is a little wake up call for you.......

I doubt very seriously that an AUDIO ENGINEER (SM himself) accidentally "tripped" over the TPU principle with his spectrum analyzer, USING HIGH VOLTAGE AND SPARK GAPS........

EXPLAIN PLEASE, why anyone in the audio field would be messing around with either?  The field of audio electronics uses neither high voltage (at least greater than mains 110v or maybe in certain amps 220v..... or 70v for the output).  Whats worse it never has.

SM outrightly pointed out in scenario after scenario that the unit is based off of 1. frequency resonation, 2. high speed moving magnetic fields, and 3. Rotating fields. Other clues were given for use with these basic three.

I love how people tag SM's name onto their own theories without even the possibility of his actually inventing the TPU using their concepts, and ignoring SM whenever inconvenient to their own theories.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 10, 2008, 09:27:29 AM
well my last tpu does this but not exactly sm's way...

im useing 1 freq only ....  1k and 3 coils are switched phase 1 and the other 3 phase 2  to cause rotation altho ...   both rotating wheels spinn same dirrection   in my bucket or 6 freq unit both will spinn oppsite ways and controlled at will there will actually be 12 coils in my 6 freq unit


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on November 10, 2008, 09:40:25 AM
Quote from: BEP on November 09, 2008, 06:32:15 PM

I no longer reread the relayed SM words but what was it he said? Something like 'now that is what I call resonance'. What about what everyone else calls resonance?

Perhaps SM was refering to some sort of spatial equivalent to reactive power.  How would a longitudinal wave resonate?  Displacement of the medium - same as sound in air.



Is the capacitative top terminal of a Tesla magnifying transmitter the closed or open end of the column?  (I think Tesla had an image showing the both ends were open but can't find it now to verify.)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MrMag on November 10, 2008, 09:52:52 AM

I don't fully agree with you. The spectrum analyzer was probably not needed or used. If he was using tubes the plate voltage could run up to 600VDC. As far as the spark gap, it could be a matter of a wire falling off and he placed it back on the post. He may have noticed something when the wire sparked.

Just guessing like everyone else :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 10, 2008, 10:02:40 AM
you may be correct   on the mt

ask erfinder to post my hand dwg ....

i was gonna post then stephen moved my stuff....

my original cap charger has 2 open ends.....

hummmm   how do u think i figured out g


the dirrection and connections make a big diff..... 

you must wind it as to repell each feild by 90 deg......  menanig polarity is also  of big consern

build it with 2 wires only!!!!   first to understand how it works.....you then interupt the flow in the 1 wire setup .....the colapse of the one feild speeds up the other.....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 10, 2008, 10:56:29 AM
Quote from: wattsup on November 10, 2008, 08:11:46 AM
They were vertical four coil 90 deg each. I wired them to @otto's classic 4 coil wiring. Pulsed only two wires. lol But that does not matter. Any way you make it, turn it also on its side when checking with the compass.

Oh but it does matter my friend...it matters a great deal, at least for me.  When I saw your spinning compass test I almost fell out of my chair, and I could barely sleep last night  That was the final piece of the puzzle for me to see, like it was in front of me, what's happening and how it works....in 3 dimensions and through time.  NOW I can go to the lab!

One minor question...were the 2 coils you pulsed in the compass test adjacent to each other or on opposite sides of the circle?

More to follow...
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 10, 2008, 11:15:48 AM

     Diodes hmmmm.  I've seen some hockey puck diodes before but I've never seen tubing potted in to cool them before.    I dont see much of a difference between a diode, spark gap, capacitor, tube.  Just different electrolytes.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 10, 2008, 11:17:12 AM
when built properly this thing does not need diodes....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 10, 2008, 11:29:35 AM
Quote from: MrMag on November 10, 2008, 09:52:52 AM

I don't fully agree with you. The spectrum analyzer was probably not needed or used. If he was using tubes the plate voltage could run up to 600VDC. As far as the spark gap, it could be a matter of a wire falling off and he placed it back on the post. He may have noticed something when the wire sparked.

Just guessing like everyone else :)

True MrMag, we are all just guessing. However, we will fall into the same condemnation of "they will never get it", if our guesses aren't based upon SM's concepts. SM was the one whom stated he discovered the frequencies with the spectrum analyzer while doing audio work. Most tubes used to make a class A, or class AB tube audio amp do not require anything near as high as 600v plate voltage (though I do know of various tubes which do use such high plate voltage). But you are right in that it could have been higher than 110v, as if my memory serves me the plates on some of the amplifier tubes could well go as high as 300v. I wasn't thinking about plate voltage in my statement. My bad, to quote the new vernacular.

Assuming the loose wire scenario is reaching, as it assumes both sloppy workmanship and electrical engineering ineptitude. Grabbing a loose 600v wire in operation (even with insulated pliers) is potentially fatal. Amateurs make this kind of HV mistake, which often involves a trip to the hospital.... or the morgue.

Making high end tube amps, SM would have known better, and shut down the equipment, and shorted the drive capacitors before attempting a reconnect in such a scenario. This is assuming he was building amps. However, if he was building high end speakers, the highest voltage used would be 70v.


Actually MrMag, he could have been dealing with 500v..... I remembered that he mentioned something about TV VHF triodes in his amps.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 11:39:54 AM
NO! He was dealing with electrostatic speakers, the voltage was over 5kV.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 10, 2008, 11:54:32 AM
aetheric control starts with electrostatic charge not discharge.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 10, 2008, 12:03:10 PM
Quote from: giantkiller on November 10, 2008, 11:54:32 AM
aetheric control starts with electrostatic charge not discharge.



hence 6 freqs as there 2 freqs of conversion..... ;)

you got a left and a right hand lol!!!!

first you must decide what you want if you want a power generator use square waves collect hemf  DONE...   

if you want ag and all kinds of crazy shit   play the chords...   i bet there sine in perfect harmony.... 3 with the last rased ;)  or in reverse.....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 10, 2008, 12:07:15 PM
Quote from: giantkiller on November 10, 2008, 11:54:32 AM
aetheric control starts with electrostatic charge not discharge.


I totally agree GK.  electrostatic field=dielectric field=tempic field=scalar field=compression field=diamagnetic (NOT magnetic) field=the unseen reality=what the TPU takes advantage of=what Tesla spent most of his life mastering.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 10, 2008, 02:15:46 PM

It could matter or not, but for me it does not matter how you make whatever you want to make or pulse it any way you want to. All I was trying to convey here is to look at your designs from the horizontal plane, then turn it over and check it from the other axis. This will give you a better understanding of the fields involved.


These may interest you. lol

@Those who are working on @spherics design.

(Did not know where to post this - sorry if out of context)

Regarding a rotating field, who said what is required is multiple coils placed in a circle have to be "pulsed in succession" so as to drag the field round and round. This may not be the case at all.

Take a look at a real tornado. Is the wind moving in two or more directions that meet at one given point being pulsed successively. No, they are in constant force. Does the tornado appear immediately? No, it grows slowly. I takes time to develop any type of natural rotating event. Take a small stick and swirl it very fast in water. Does it produce a whirlpool right away. No it takes time to build up the rotation.

A coil field is already in movement from one pole outwards and back around to the void center, then from the void center outwards and back around to the other pole inwards. Place two or more in the proper angles and these will mix. Put three like the @spherics idea. But don't put the coils so the pole is at a right angle from the center. Instead place them off angle so only one side end is pushing towards the center. I have prepared some time ago two diagrams to show what I have been trying to explain to the forums "field spinners".

But again, you have to think about your devices in 3D. The first drawing shows the conventional @spherics set-up using straight angled coils, even if they are slightly tilted upwards. The second drawing shows the coils angled so that only one of the the returning fields is sent towards the center, always pushing the field rotation in one direction, in this case clockwise. Try the conventional method and put a compass about 4-5 inches at top center. Then try to angle the coils and look at the compass. This should do it. Also, I don't think you really need to pulse in succession. The pulsing aspect is good since it will conserve energy, but simply pulsing them all at once should do it and if nature is any indication, you will have to do this for at least 2-3 minutes before you see any real rotation.

Now imagine if you could automatically angle all three coils by moving one lever. You angle to find the best starting rotation and I have a hunch that as the field starts rotating faster and faster, you will be able to adjust the field width by again changing the angles. Oh hey, I would put the center toroid under the three coils and not on top since if the vortex is like any natural vortex, the tail will pass through the center downwards. Also no, I have not built this but it is all based on my tests with pulsed coils and checking the fields with a compass.

But the fact will always remain that such a design will always waste a good 75% of the energy required to produce one rotating field. The only solution I can think of to limit the feed energy waste is to place pick-up coils near the other ends of the coils to capture some of that energy and re-cycle it. I have an idea to counter this waste but still need time to develop it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 10, 2008, 02:26:30 PM
@ whatsup

care to design a nice tornado or vortex for me ...   lol  ;)   but lets make it radiate and push out the bottom or draw from the top... at will  also we will change dirrection of spinn  fron the turn of a dial ...


really could use a few more minds ....   8)

how busy are you??

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 10, 2008, 03:42:42 PM

        You get up around 30kv over GROUND  and create some birkeland currents going into the end of an iron wire you aren't dealing with burning nitrogen or heating up carbon.  (poor guy in the video gets a wiff of nitrousoxide bad stuff)  This is because of the heat.  Very little heat around an ionized gas confined magnetically.  No electronic insulation there at tall.  Just pure lack of negative charge carriers.  Nature doesn't like this arrangement and just keeps on throwing electricity at the problem.
         In Tesla's ozone patent he is ionizing the gas the little fan motor is blowing up there.  He is also sucking the electron cloud right off the mass and using it's intrinsic energy most efficiently.  I doubt things get hot like they do in ozone generators I've worked with that use porous glass to distribute the charge. 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ronotte on November 10, 2008, 03:54:00 PM
Hello Whatsup,

I like your thinking about the possible coil orientation for S setup :)   it is really an interesting point of view which does seem of 'good sense'.......but.......there could be reasons for having had such indications...difficult to clarify them if not AFTER a real experimentation but it easy to say that it does need lot of time, a bit of genius and a cargo of professional equipment...if we don't want to repeat the well known SM scenario where we are NOT reaching a real hold on both the theory and the realization.

Well the performance obtained by my TPU 10-7 (the dfro suggested TPU) seems until now not reached by any other guy (unfortunately). At time when I did it .... it would have been overunity.... if not were for excessive heath dissipation of SS Switchers. In the mean time I've completed my education for that matter and now I'm ready to design and I'm actually building  far better pulsers...light years different from the ones used in the past.

My garage is now transformed into a full fledged lab with all the necessary prof. instruments and now I'm able to do finally my work with the best possible environment: the fun is starting   I hope to be able to report interesting news soon ;).

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 10, 2008, 05:31:10 PM
Quote from: sparks on November 10, 2008, 11:15:48 AM

     Diodes hmmmm.  I've seen some hockey puck diodes before but I've never seen tubing potted in to cool them before.    I dont see much of a difference between a diode, spark gap, capacitor, tube.  Just different electrolytes.


I was referring to the little cylindrical devices with axial leads found on the large dark electrolytics in the large TPU. High grade silicon and some germanium and other types were encased in a metal can. I know of many, used in military equipment had color bands. The band arrangement was not the same as color coding on resistors. You can google diode color coding and see what I mean.

Most I ran into had functions a bit odd - by conventional thought. The most interesting to me were the SRDs or Step Recovery Diodes. These had an intersting feature of dramatically shortening the rise or fall time of a pulse. I believe they still do a better job than even the fastest MOSFETS. Another feature was their use as frequency multipliers.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 10, 2008, 05:39:47 PM
Quote from: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 11:39:54 AM
NO! He was dealing with electrostatic speakers, the voltage was over 5kV.


I thought that maybe I had missed something, as I had never read Steven discussing electrostatic speakers. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I checked my copies of his writings, and still didn't find any reference. By chance, could you please show me where he said he was building electrostatic speakers???

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Peterae on November 10, 2008, 05:41:39 PM
Those cyclinders on the caps look exactly like the contained ceramic spark gap arresters used on old tvs to protect the high voltage drive transistors that drive the cathode ray tubes from damage when the tube grids flash over, they also came in a clear flavour, if i remeber red bands meant hydrogen was used as the gas but dont quote me on that.

If my poor brain is working correctly i think it was the old Panasonic chassis.

Also did you know Bose used Saturable inductors in their Class D amps :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 10, 2008, 05:49:01 PM
Quote from: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 11:39:54 AM
NO! He was dealing with electrostatic speakers, the voltage was over 5kV.


Hallelujah brethren!

At least I hope that is correct  ???

I don't have my personal laptop where all the info is stored right now.

This is where I took the 'noise' and ionizer tangent. Stochastic resonance is used to improve signal quality on data signals. I've run across claims and patents using noise and HV with a controlling sine wave to improve body in sound, pull 'lower than noise floor' signals out of chaos, UWB (Ultra Wideband) and others.

Then the circuit diagram posted on this site for those same electrostatic speakers. They had a noise generator built in.

My incentive is this (no need to start the old RMF argument): SM rotated a field. He didn't say what field. Everyone assumes it is the magnetic field. My experience says that is impossible - Wiki be damned. The current idea of a RMF is sequential or quadratic pulsing of separate coils in a circle. That doesn't cut it in my book.

So what field can be rotated? The dielectric field.
And I went from there.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 10, 2008, 05:51:16 PM
Quote from: pauldude000 on November 10, 2008, 05:39:47 PM
I thought that maybe I had missed something, as I had never read Steven discussing electrostatic speakers. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I checked my copies of his writings, and still didn't find any reference. By chance, could you please show me where he said he was building electrostatic speakers???

Paul Andrulis

I will. It'll be a few days before I get back to that PC. I'm pretty sure it was one, if not the only patent that could be attributed to him. No, I don't think it was in the commo via Mannix.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 05:53:08 PM
He was constructing his 3D surround system made of the best speakers available. These were the Quad ESL 63 electrostatic speakers. When you look at these speakers you can see that they need 7 delayed signals from the same source to operate. He wound this delay coils on his own when he found a curious spike in the spectrum analyser. The operating voltage was over 5kV.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 10, 2008, 05:58:50 PM
Sorry BEP  I thought you were talking about the white ceramic deals in the middle of SM's units.  Two of them on the big one.

    Short rise time?  How bout taking your primary winding cutting across your collector windings perpendicular.  H field of primary should cut across secondary pretty damn quick and low and behold be in alignment with the electric field..   Now who told me that trick a while back. :D

     Voltage multiplier.  Oh Oh here comes GKS stun gun again and my magnetron which is getting better and better at ripping the crap out of water and most anything else you put near it.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 10, 2008, 06:03:25 PM
Quote from: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 05:53:08 PM
He was constructing his 3D surround system made of the best speakers available. These were the Quad ESL 63 electrostatic speakers. When you look at these speakers you can see that they need 7 delayed signals from the same source to operate. He wound this delay coils on his own when he found a curious spike in the spectrum analyser. The operating voltage was over 5kV.


"The ESL-63
This full-range electrostatic speaker uses a unique radiating system. The diaphragm surface is divided into concentric circular areas fed by delay lines. An impulse fed to the speaker goes first to the center of the circle, then in turn to each larger ring until it reaches the periphery. This produces a close approximation to a spherical wavefront, similar to that radiated by an actual sound source of finite size. In practical terms, the result is a system that is (1) almost perfectly phase-coherent, and (2) free from treble beaming through a very wide included angle spanning the listening area."

from http://www.stereophile.com/floorloudspeakers/416/


"If the specified efficiency is 86dB at 1 watt in, and the maximum input is 100 watts, then the maximum output would be 86dB plus 20dB (100 watts is 20dB more than 1 watt), or 106dB. Not all loudspeakers show a linear increase in output with respect to input, however, so this calculation of ours could be off by as much as 3dB"

An OU speaker ?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 06:06:04 PM
Exactly, BEP

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 10, 2008, 06:07:03 PM
hi to all 
I HAVE TOLD YOU FOR SOME VIDEO  WHIT   in this video you whillsee a small adapter ho give  input to some  parts   and input is aurond 0,3 amps in 7,5 v   ther is  elktronics parts ho is cover     and  ther is small tpu  ho produced     strongs ampers  in the out coils 

the video is not very good but  the sparks and the  flat metal i show  that is ther strong ampers here is video  link

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 06:12:17 PM
He should show the caps, there is nothing special. Everyone can do this :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 06:14:11 PM
Quote from: BEP on November 10, 2008, 06:03:25 PM
"If the specified efficiency is 86dB at 1 watt in, and the maximum input is 100 watts, then the maximum output would be 86dB plus 20dB (100 watts is 20dB more than 1 watt), or 106dB. Not all loudspeakers show a linear increase in output with respect to input, however, so this calculation of ours could be off by as much as 3dB"

An OU speaker ?

No. This is because the 86dB are at 1 Watt input power, at 100W input power they have 106dB. Nothing special, because 10*log100=20dB.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 10, 2008, 06:40:52 PM
next time  maybe tomorou i whill show  the my bulb how is light









AND ATHER @ANTIMON>  ASK <<your friend <<  marco for  me  did he likes to speak whit me  >.ask ather way is make contack whit me >>please dont say shit for me
<<<< go a way please >>
dont say stupid things  please




Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 06:44:08 PM
OMG you have to learn a lot. cya

btw. my name is Antimon not ANTIUM, thx

EDIT: I don't need you ;) because you don't have it

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 10, 2008, 06:47:43 PM
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: creative on November 10, 2008, 06:57:30 PM
ne razumijem zasto govoris da imas tpu,pa sakrivas da nitko ne vidi? ako imas nesto pokazi jer ovaj forum sluzi za to!!!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 10, 2008, 07:04:21 PM





in the steve mark tpu is easy  everybody can  do  but still nothing  10years nothing  is easy  aaaaaaaa    and my tpu is easy 

  is takes  3 years rsto get this  resolts  is easy   everybodycan do this  <,please meka go a  way  you make me nervouse >
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 10, 2008, 07:41:12 PM
    Mac looks like he has a resonant circuit there running with gain.  Mac could you put together a diagram of the circuit? 
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 10, 2008, 07:47:35 PM


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 10, 2008, 08:17:22 PM


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 10, 2008, 08:25:30 PM
Quote from: Antimon on November 10, 2008, 06:14:11 PM
No. This is because the 86dB are at 1 Watt input power, at 100W input power they have 106dB. Nothing special, because 10*log100=20dB.


Yes, of course! Not what I meant. This system is obviously not OU but so much of the design coincides with descriptions of the TPU. What if many of the real TPU concepts actually came from this speaker system? If so then it is certainly worth looking into. Is it not?



Don't blow off Mac's display. At least he shows his work. One thing this video does show is the incredible capacitance a coil can have - yet another thing rarely accepted even though it is mainstream. As shown by the work of other experimenters on this site - that capacitance will be increased tremendously if he fires it at the antiresonant frequency.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 10, 2008, 09:51:09 PM
One does not get an electrostatic field from current. By creating the field through resonance you actually create the dialectric to manipulate.
Telsa mentioned killer current once. That was the epiphony moment that sent him into high voltage with resonance.
Well that is what I read.

I posted stun guns and speakers 2 years ago. I know 'Where have I been?'.

The SM17 is a stun gun when the output leads are gapped. He showed that. He also showed the RCA Jack Russell statue. Duh? 'His masters voice'. Due to fidelity. Purity.

--giantkiller. 'You rang?'
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 10, 2008, 10:07:37 PM
well guys i picked up 2 20 watt bridged amps and i got 1 more on ordor they are do it yourself kits they should work good enough for simple SPINN  testing......   

i also picked up 2 more sine freq gennies i have 5 of em now...  plus my tube unit ..   

the amps say they can handle 30 k

should do the trick for now...   i have a good feeling sm never used the controls for kicks ...  well not in the way i have been so far  ;) :D


picked up a nice box to build it in too   

got this real kool colour organ 3 channel 3 freq low med high  designed to run off of sound....   it also has a line in .....  so sounds like i can fire the right chord and it will split the freqs ...  much like a 3way crossover  :o

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 10, 2008, 10:40:30 PM
  7.5 at 1 amp 60 cycle    7.5 at 1 amp 5000 cycles   Which one is more disruptive to reality.  I think Macs system goes into resonance at some value of c across the terminals throwing sparks.  Could be nanoseconds before the metal melts.  Or his terminals represent a ballast for a winding feeding energy into a cold e field.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 10, 2008, 11:56:04 PM

I have sparked alot of wires at alot of voltage and amperage and I know for a fact that you could not get that much screwdriver spark action with only 7.4 watts. Now, where did you hide those batteries. lololololololololo.

No serious, this is serious shit.

I grabbed two shots of your video to put here.

Good work. This is major and not minor like some would want to believe.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 11, 2008, 02:37:26 AM

Thank you,  would appreciate the info. It may have the information I have known for awhile now that was missing. The "missing link" if you will. I will share a suspicion with you that has been bubbling around my brain now for a couple of months.

I have rotated fields, and have seen anomalous voltage patterns, which though a drastic increase, were not due to transformer action. I say this as coils situated 90deg spatially to each other minimize any field interaction between the coils by nature. We both know that placing coils in this manner, say on a crossover or other circuit where coupling is undesired between two unshielded coils which are situated close together are plced at 90 degrees offset (say one vertical and one horizontal). Yet my "controls" were at 90 degree spacing to my collectors. What I was seeing on my scope was a drastic increase in voltage (200+ volts) from the input. I was finding this at, or close to absolute combined resonance.  Had it been transformer action, even resonant RF type action, it should by all definitions been a step down transformer, not a step up transformer.

I knew that I was witnessing something which I could not easily explain. I tried every means I could think of to harness the potential with any corresponding power, and could not with any great success. (I do not count a string of leds in series as success.) The best voltage I could sustain with any load was 70v. IE, there is still a piece of the puzzle missing.

I hope that the info you have might shed some more light on it.

With all of SM's rhetoric about the superimposed separate voltage signals travelling down the same conductor being separate from each other, which was obviously a serious hint for us in the manner he placed and used it......... I wonder if his work in phase matching between his amp and these speakers you reference might have shown him how to phase lock (best term I can think of for what I envision) two signals into one, with one being high voltage low amperage, the other being low voltage high amperage.

Wouldn't a complete phase lock join the two signals into one signal.... of high voltage high amperage?

Just a thought.

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: pauldude000 on November 11, 2008, 02:49:37 AM
Quote from: wattsup on November 10, 2008, 11:56:04 PM

I have sparked alot of wires at alot of voltage and amperage and I know for a fact that you could not get that much screwdriver spark action with only 7.4 watts. Now, where did you hide those batteries. lololololololololo.

No serious, this is serious shit.

I grabbed two shots of your video to put here.

Good work. This is major and not minor like some would want to believe.

I am not making light of mace's accomplishments, but I would clarify that it IS possible to get such from 7.4 watts. Think tesla. Think "effective horsepower". 
What I am saying is that 7.4 volts at 1 amp will charge a cap of high capacitance, which if suddenly shorted after charging will dump quite a few joules all at once. IE 7.4 watts giving a buttload (pardon my frances) of sparks.

I haven't had a chance yet to see maces vid, so I am NOT saying this is what he did. If he arcs several times in succession with little pause between arcs, then it is not cap discharge at such low wattage. If he arcs it a couple of times, with large charging times between each arc, then it is entirely possible as sudden cap discharge.

Personally, I hope it isn't! :)

Paul Andrulis
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: slapper on November 11, 2008, 04:16:56 AM
Here is the spherics reference.
Quote from: spherics on March 24, 2008, 11:56:27 AMI will now digress onto the circumstance surrounding the initial eureka moment as I understand them. Audiophiles who frequent this watering-hole will no doubt have heard of QUAD ESL electrostatic speakers. An essential design element is the incoming signal is sent into, I believe, 7 or 8 progressive delay elements. These elements delay the signal by microseconds each time.

As part of experiments, associated with what would become his 3D spacial control patents, he was using these delay elements with custom made bifilar wound voice coils (i.e. air coils) and unexpectedly detected an anomolous signal on his spectrum analyser.

I can just see Steven Mark with a scope probe across the cap:

Remove the cap, diode and center tap and this looks like the ozone generator I built for a company a while back. Except the ozone plates were 0.10" thick ceramic with stainless screen glued on each side. When I would crank these up they would display a nice even corona. I did not use a toroid for the transformer.

Here is where I got the image. Interesting information on electrostatic speakers. http://www.soundlab-speakers.com/tech_princ.htm (http://www.soundlab-speakers.com/tech_princ.htm)

BEP: A little carbon might not hurt.

Thanks for the video MACEDONIA CD.

Take care.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 11, 2008, 05:36:58 AM
Quote from: pauldude000 on November 11, 2008, 02:49:37 AM

I am not making light of mace's accomplishments, but I would clarify that it IS possible to get such from 7.4 watts. Think tesla. Think "effective horsepower". 
What I am saying is that 7.4 volts at 1 amp will charge a cap of high capacitance, which if suddenly shorted after charging will dump quite a few joules all at once. IE 7.4 watts giving a buttload (pardon my frances) of sparks.

I haven't had a chance yet to see maces vid, so I am NOT saying this is what he did. If he arcs several times in succession with little pause between arcs, then it is not cap discharge at such low wattage. If he arcs it a couple of times, with large charging times between each arc, then it is entirely possible as sudden cap discharge.

Personally, I hope it isn't! :)

Paul Andrulis

I think its the arcing from loaded capacitors. I had such results many years before. But I am waiting for Macs explaination why his unit is OU :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: creative on November 11, 2008, 06:06:55 AM
jesi li probao pokupiti visak energije iz tpu sa magnetom za gitaru?po mogucnosti humbucker(to ti je onaj dupli).
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 11, 2008, 07:45:28 AM

On my sketch of the charge pump I show VHB tape between the copper discs. I cleaned both sides of the tape with contact cleaner and rubbed graphite onto the surfaces for contact. There is my carbon.
Prestretching the tape also has very interesting effects. After that just hit it with a charge. The stuff acts like a sponge for charge.

The above is surely unrelated to a real TPU but it was interesting.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 11, 2008, 08:47:05 AM
   Spheric's anamolous spike appears on Tesla's  top ouput spark gap very predictably.  The diagram Grumpy left us shows two series resonant circuits terminating at two electrodes that Tesla tells us can be used to go further up the voltage ladder if used driving the primary of another  transformer.  Stan Myer utilized the same system fracturing water.  Tesla used the voltage phase displacement between two series resonating circuits to drive his translatory loads.   Why do the utility companies have to use such high voltage?  They transmit 60hz sine waves.  Every once in a while when a plant or big user comes on or off line they transmit a square wave called a transient.  All hell breaks loose downstream cause the transient has more power in it than all the rest of the generating plants dumping into the grid.  Why?  From turning the switch on and off real fast.  duh?  Why 60hz sine waves?  Cause the old steam engines had mechanical limitations.  Keep burning the sludge to get pressure.  Some guys on this site are fracturing water to get pressure.  Other people are using high frequency alternators attached to motors that use low frequency energy.  The high frequency alternators run with enough gain from the field to power the motor and whatever else needs to be done.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: ronotte on November 11, 2008, 09:05:30 AM

due to Otto's problems with viruses (impossible for him to deal with pictures), please find attached his new pic.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 11, 2008, 10:28:32 AM
hi to all friends here

you ask  i to show some batery <<THER IS NOT ENY KIND  OF BATERY HIDEN












ask for you  <<i like to ask one friend  here  if you find this man <<nick name <<
<<tao>> hello tao
tomorou i whill make anthere video to shoow how is distring my flat wire  of my out oils
thanks by
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 11, 2008, 11:03:33 AM
Quote from: ronotte on November 11, 2008, 09:05:30 AM

due to Otto's problems with viruses (impossible for him to deal with pictures), please find attached his new pic.


  I'll take a stab at it.  If this choke is done right then all of the disruptive nature of the transient will be absorbed by the cardboard capacitor surrounding the iron inductor.  Any electrostatic effects will endup messing with the cardboard while any magnetic field reaction will endup messing with magnetic domains in the iron core.  This should produce an interesting echo instead of the infrared waves normally produced in a standard choke.  The square wave shouldn't result in any forward current at all as the choke represents a matched impedance to the flow of conventional current while the copper skin of the coil has no problem distributing the wave energy of the spike.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 11, 2008, 11:22:55 AM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on November 11, 2008, 10:28:32 AM
hi to all friends here

you ask  i to show some batery <<THER IS NOT ENY KIND  OF BATERY HIDEN












ask for you  <<i like to ask one friend  here  if you find this man <<nick name <<
<<tao>> hello tao
tomorou i whill make anthere video to shoow how is distring my flat wire  of my out oils
thanks by

190V and 43A. I see you never saw an arc from such a powerful source, because you will not stand nearby when you short the poles.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 11, 2008, 12:06:28 PM
Hello all

TPU experts.

Yes, Im sarcastic.

In my picture you can see  the kicks. At high frequencies they are oridinary kicks.

The magnetic field is like we learned them from our books.

Then, when I tune this frequency to a lower range something happens: I see a little additional kick is "born". This is the 1. harmonic!!! In this moment my little magnet hanging over the coil showes me that I have now a contra magnetic field: The North pole is now the South pole!!! and the South pole is now the North pole.

Also, my little magnet showes me that I have the South pole covering 50% of my coil and the other 50% is the North pole.

When I again tune slowly to a lower frequency I see there is "born" another little kick so I have 2 little kicks. This is then the 2. harmonic but the mag field is NOT changing.

Again tuned a little, I see a 3. little kick is "born" and the mag field is again changed S to N and N to S.

This is my 3. harmonic.

If I would continue......

We have 35kHz and 245kHz in our TPU. This means the 7. harmonic....

The moment when the magnetic field changes the poles is the moment where you have to take care of yourselfe and your equipment because......

more tomorrow.

I really dont know why the hell Im wrighting this because you all know this very well.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Antimon on November 11, 2008, 12:21:58 PM
Great experiment, otto!

Cool results

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 11, 2008, 12:35:14 PM
Hello all,

thanks Antimon.

I didnt wright a lot of my findings but I forgot something very important.

All mentioned works with a core or without.
With a power supply connected but the most dramatic results are when I use a car battery as power supply.

Maybe the people will understand what I gave them.

This results can use anyone working on pulsed coils.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 11, 2008, 12:38:42 PM
Awesome Otto!

Lots of people here should find your results very useful, not just in the TPU section.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 11, 2008, 12:39:01 PM
Here's my current TPU theory of operation.

First, to understand it we have to look at the actions of the 2 components of a charge field separately.  In an charge field we have a magnetic component, along with a separate and distinct dielectric component.  For the sake of brevity I'm going to call the magnetic component 'M' and the dielectric component 'E'.  For more info on the different properties of each field component, see my previous posts starting http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg136347#msg136347 (http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg136347#msg136347) .  Also for the sake of brevity, it is necessary to adopt a naming convention for the two separate circles in the TPU.  First we have the large circle, which we'll call R1.  R1 is comprised of what's basically a tube bent into a circle, and we'll call this tube R2.  See Figure 1.  Finally, all descriptions will be based on R1 being placed horizontally.

Now...we have a primary winding, which we'll call P1, wrapped vertically around R2, and these vertical windings proceed side-by-side around R1.  In the exact center of R2 (or P1) let's place a secondary which we'll call OU1.  OU1's windings run horizontally around R1.  This places these windings at a 90 degree angle to the vertical windings of P1.  Now what does this do?  As the field spins around R1, the E field lines of force cut through OU1 at right angles. It has been experimentally shown that E field lines of force cut through matter without slowing down.  The E lines of force cutting perpendicularly through OU1 are SM's '1000 tiny wires, and are also the cause of the 'kick''  The cutting through of the E lines at right angles to OU1 excites the electrons in OU1, resulting in an increase in voltage, but little or no actual flow of electrons.  E fields are massless as shown by their faster-than-light speed.  Since they are massless there is no energy transfer from P1 to OU1, and therefore no energy loss from P1 at this point.  Yet we have increased the excitation level (voltage) of the electrons in OU1, and therefore we have an increase in power.  This is our source of OU.  This anomalous increase in voltage, which is the result of placing the windings perpendicular to each other, is experimentally verified by Pauldude here http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=4728.msg137294#msg137294

However our work is still not done at this point.  We have no current flow to speak of in OU1, only voltage.  Now it's necessary to feed the output of OU1 into another secondary, S1, and go around the loop of R1 again.  S1's windings are vertical...parallel to P1's windings, according to standard transformer convention..  S1 will also be placed inside P1, as close to P1's windings as possible, so we maximize the coefficient of coupling between P1 and S1.  At this point actual power is transferred from P1 into S1, and that power is added to the voltage produced by OU1.  Now we have real power...current as well as voltage whose total joules is more than that which was fed into P1.  To increase the total power even more, we can add a third pickup coil, S2, whose configuration will match S1.  S2 will be placed below OU1, inside of P1.  See figure 2.

Voltages and frequencies fed into P1 are determined by the resonance characteristics of P1.  The length of OU1's windings can probably be most any multiple of R1 circumference, since its purpose is to pick up electron excitement from the E lines of force which cut through it in a parallel manner.  OU1 serves only to increase the excitement level of its electrons, ie very little electron flow actually occurs by this action.  S1 and S2 need to be tuned for the maximum power transfer from P1 to S1 and S2 according to standard transformer conventions.  Once power is built up at the output, this is fed back to the control circuitry to make the device self-sustaining, as well as to provide excess power for consumption.

NOTES:  It remains to be experimentally verified whether S1 and S2 should be wired in series or parallel to each other.  Also, experimentation will show if there is a difference whether current should be induced in S1 and S2 first, then that result fed in to OU1, or vice versa.  Experimentation will likely show the reason for 3 primary windings around R1 of 120 degrees each as well, which is at this point, unknown.  The reason the control circuitry must be placed in the center of R1 is that this is where there is an almost total absence of the M field...the vector sum of the M field lines approaches zero.  The reason OU1 is placed in the exact center of P1 is that this is where the M field will create the least amount of M interferance (reverse force from the M field).  This is also where the vector forces of the M field from the primary will approach zero.  Actually, it appears to me that OU1 might be better placed just outside of P1, on the inside of R1 at the vertical center,  where it will not be as affected by the M field.  I'll defer to SM's designs on this, but some lab work is in order there as well.  Concerning the wave shape fed into P1, this again will need to be experimentally verified.  I suspect that a pulse will be more effective than a sine wave for 2 reasons.  First, pulse waves create transients at their leading edge, which as SM stated, is OU in itself.  Second, although the speed at which the E field lines 'shoot out' from the source is constant, the rate of change of the E field lines' strength is dependent on the rise time of the charge placed on the wire.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 11, 2008, 01:19:57 PM
i knew you had it in you otto

great work



i almost got my tpu done finally ... well i tested it a wee bit i have 5 working coils now i have 1 to fix dont know what is wrong with yet  i have only my controller to build after this...   so far i have mesured up to 480v in my caps from 15v 1 amp

btw that is my supply but i dont think it consumes near that much ;)

heres an idea for you all from those 6 feeds i can easly charge 6 12vdc car batteries ....   from 9vdc up to 600 ma draw...  wich can be cut back on easly.....    ;)  lol

and i have my pos pump 2x also the generator that utilizes the free magnetic from my kick coils...

the real tpu  ufo style ....  is a



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wattsup on November 11, 2008, 02:30:35 PM

Sorry if you took it the wrong way because I was only joking about the batteries. That is why I put so many lololololol after the sentence. lol

Keep cool, take a deep breath and be happy for your great work. Really.


Just take any 110 or 220 volt to 7.5 volt 1 amp adapter and short the two output leads together. Then compare this to the video. Ok then take this same output and "try" to load a capacitor and see how long it will last when you discharge it. You will understand what @MAC has done is light years above or beyond this. There is nothing more clear then this just hearing and seeing the persistance of those sparks, it says it all.


I will have to send you an apple if you want to be a teacher, because I always want to learn more and more. lol

Just to re-cap what you have said. You are feeding the coil a pulse DC + on the positive of the diagram and - to the other wire. Then you are putting your frequency generator probe to the negative of the coil. Sorry if I am a little confused but I need this to be clear as I want to do the test also in your same way.


I like the theory and it sounds like you are taking the most basics of the TPU which I must say was put forth on this forum from way back, and then forgotten. Many theories have crossed this same path of thinking. You will have to elaborate a little more on potential build specs as the relationship of the two secondaries to the primary and horizontal are not very clear. Good work though.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on November 11, 2008, 03:10:10 PM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on November 10, 2008, 06:07:03 PM
hi to all 
I HAVE TOLD YOU FOR SOME VIDEO  WHIT   in this video you whillsee a small adapter ho give  input to some  parts   and input is aurond 0,3 amps in 7,5 v   ther is  elktronics parts ho is cover     and  ther is small tpu  ho produced     strongs ampers  in the out coils 

the video is not very good but  the sparks and the  flat metal i show  that is ther strong ampers here is video  link



Is this your circuit?  Can you post drawing?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 11, 2008, 03:19:02 PM
Quote from: wattsup on November 11, 2008, 02:30:35 PM


Just take any 110 or 220 volt to 7.5 volt 1 amp adapter and short the two output leads together. Then compare this to the video. Ok then take this same output and "try" to load a capacitor and see how long it will last when you discharge it. You will understand what @MAC has done is light years above or beyond this. There is nothing more clear then this just hearing and seeing the persistance of those sparks, it says it all.

this holds very little water.

the only sure way to tell if the intermittent (~2Hz) power output is higher than the constant 7.5W adapter power output, is to apply each case to a resistor and measure the temperature the resistor is raised to. chances are pretty good that the constant 7.5W will raise it higher. if the contrary is true, then mac has something and I congratulate him. until this test is done by him though, no one can say for certain that it is ou, just because it makes big sparks at a 2Hz rate.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 11, 2008, 04:24:25 PM

Good work!  If we all work together I think we will find OU.  It looks like your primary winding is side to side, while your secondary winding is up and down.  Is some of your secondary winding also side to side?

- Neo
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Neolystic on November 11, 2008, 05:05:56 PM
Quote from: wattsup on November 11, 2008, 02:30:35 PM
I like the theory and it sounds like you are taking the most basics of the TPU which I must say was put forth on this forum from way back, and then forgotten. Many theories have crossed this same path of thinking. You will have to elaborate a little more on potential build specs as the relationship of the two secondaries to the primary and horizontal are not very clear. Good work though.

Thank you Wattsup.  You're correct in that most or all of my theory has been covered before, although I'm not aware if anyone has put all the pieces together in exactly the same way.  But then, what ideas are ever completely original, and not a new compilation of known principles?  As GK once said, we are all just standing on the shoulders of giants.  I think the egoism of 'this or that person already did this or that' can be as much of a hindrance to our success as any other.  Perhaps what it will take is for a lowly 'one star' to come in, without preconceived ideas, benefitting from others' years of testing and theorizing recorded here, and see some simple little connection that's the key to it all.  I have a great deal of respect for the work you've shown here, and I hope my words haven't offended.

I'm unclear about what you would like me to elaborate on.  If you're saying I need to elaborate more on the winding directions of the various coils, I can do that.  If you're saying I need to elaborate more on specific design specifications such as coil size, wire size, frequencies, etc....those specifics are still in the works.  I am hoping for feedback on many of those aspects from some of the more experienced builders here, including yourself.  Questions such as how two identically-tuned secondaries wired in parallel, spaced 1 inch or so apart,  and formed into a toroid behave in real life, simply go beyond the known capabilities of Mathematics, and require real-world experience and testing.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: TinselKoala on November 11, 2008, 05:31:31 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 11, 2008, 03:19:02 PM
this holds very little water.

the only sure way to tell if the intermittent (~2Hz) power output is higher than the constant 7.5W adapter power output, is to apply each case to a resistor and measure the temperature the resistor is raised to. chances are pretty good that the constant 7.5W will raise it higher. if the contrary is true, then mac has something and I congratulate him. until this test is done by him though, no one can say for certain that it is ou, just because it makes big sparks at a 2Hz rate.

Wait a minute, poynt99--you are making way too much sense.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 11, 2008, 06:30:54 PM

<wearing my fire retardant suit now>

I have an issue with your cardboard tube. More correctly, with the spacing between the windings and the core.

We all know how conventional inductors should be built, with or without a core.
What is normally avoided when building an inductor....

If you vary the distance between the windings and the core (use thicker or thinner cardboard tubes) you should see a change in how the core magnetic is pinched. I use this same principle to divide the normal resonant frequency of a spiral coil. I also vary the turn count and driven frequency to control the division.

When you are flipping the core polarity there is some slapping going on. Correct?
Terms I've used before trying to convey the idea: Squirting, stomping on the middle of a banana, slapping, reconnection, bucking fields, etc. etc. etc.

Hope that is near the correct answer for your question  :)

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 11, 2008, 10:22:06 PM
ist's tpu battery charger 6 feeds......

here is the battery dwg configuration  ;D

got free engery yet?.....  did someone say to split the pos.... LOL!!


and here is the ist tpu....  ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on November 11, 2008, 11:05:54 PM
Quote from: BEP on November 11, 2008, 06:30:54 PM

<wearing my fire retardant suit now>

I have an issue with your cardboard tube. More correctly, with the spacing between the windings and the core.

We all know how conventional inductors should be built, with or without a core.
What is normally avoided when building an inductor....

If you vary the distance between the windings and the core (use thicker or thinner cardboard tubes) you should see a change in how the core magnetic is pinched. I use this same principle to divide the normal resonant frequency of a spiral coil. I also vary the turn count and driven frequency to control the division.

When you are flipping the core polarity there is some slapping going on. Correct?
Terms I've used before trying to convey the idea: Squirting, stomping on the middle of a banana, slapping, reconnection, bucking fields, etc. etc. etc.

Hope that is near the correct answer for your question  :)


Otto is not aware that the magnetic field resides in a dielectric sea.   It is a dielectric function.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: redstone64 on November 12, 2008, 12:54:44 AM

Did you really get useful output power from "IST's TPU" ? seems like you have used lots of batteries, why?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 01:17:39 AM
1 battery will charge 6 many times....


i have not spun it yet  or tapped the spinn
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 12, 2008, 01:42:34 AM
Hello all,

now I want to tell you my story from the beginning. This is the reason I was looking what happens in a coil.

I used a ECD coil and placed an iron rod inside such a coil.
The iron rod from a radio antenna.
The coil had 2 windings: 1 is the trigger coil around 2m  long and the load coil around 4m long.

As always, the ECD wound over a oval cardboard 1" wide.

As said, I placed the iron rod inside this coil and slowly tuned only 1 frequency.In one moment I only saw how the coil jumped!!
Then I saw that the iron rod was fired out of the coil but didnt understand why this iron rod was so strange looking. Then I saw it:
the iron rod was cutted!!! Then I found the other little piece of this rod was fired out of the coil but in the contra direction. I found my iron rod pieces almost a feet away from the coil!!
To see better what happened I tried this again: I tuned slowly the frequency and again the same happened: the iron rod was cutted and fired out of the coil.

So here is the explanation:

Yesterday I was wrighting about the magnetic fields in a coil.
It seems that when we tune the frequency in a coil we also can have a magnetic field in this way:

N _ S S _ N

How else would the iron rod be fired out of the coil in both directions??

This was done at around 55kHz and a current less then 0,5A.

Now imagine what a force was in this coil concentrated in only 1 point!! Thousands times more than the input was, thats for sure.

On the scope, no reaction, on the bulb, no reaction....it was sooooo fast.

If I could have thousends of such anomalies....


PS: sorry to bother you all. You almost have the TPU finished.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: otto on November 12, 2008, 02:03:32 AM
Hello all,


a oridinary coil is pulsed in a oridinary way: on 1 end of the coil are our square waves and on the other end of this coil is the + from the power supply or battery. Nothing special.


the space between the core and the coil is a totally different story. Its the story about our particles that are swirling around a TPUs circumference and inside a coil. I dont want to bother people with this story because, as said, I see some people have or almost have a TPU and I will wait until they post how they did it. I dont want to mention names because you can see them every day claiming they have done it.

Im posting my findings because all the people working on pulsed coils can use them.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 12, 2008, 06:04:28 AM
HI  to my all friends here 




7,5 * 0,3 =2,25 WATT

<<2,25 *2 = 4 WATT  OK










Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: dean_mcgowan on November 12, 2008, 06:54:51 AM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on November 12, 2008, 06:04:28 AM
HI  to my all friends here 




7,5 * 0,3 =2,25 WATT

<<2,25 *2 = 4 WATT  OK











Spell checker is a modern day miracle. Use it :D IT will make your communications much easier to read.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: dean_mcgowan on November 12, 2008, 07:23:00 AM
Most words were corrected except for Elktronics .. which for some reason word thinks is reasonable :P

Hi to my all friends here

I gain I will explain about input adapter
My adapter is 7,5v whit max. Out with 1 amp
But my electronics stuff there is need only  <<0,3 amps
When if make summary of this if is 2 Hz pulsing   then my total input will be <<<
7,5 * 0,3 =2,25 watt

If you say ok but there is not fast frequency ok then i will say then i will double then the input
<<2,25 *2 = 4 watt ok

Is good if will be 4 watt input but my adapter is cool not hot
And I tell you the currents is big and strong
I have tried whit other tpu to this same electronics and same adapter the difference is greater   next video i will show you to see the different whit this tpu and other tpu but more bigger and then you will see the amperes more double then this tpu i have show to you
I only will change tpu windings no input then if will be fire there
Only whit small adapter
And again I will tell you
This is not ordinary electrics all standard windings and standard measuring and magnetic field is not in to my device here
I have say in my device is not need strong magnet field to doing this
That is reason way is so powerful sparks there
If here has man ho know what I’m doing here please send me email and then I hope to finis my tpu my tpu is finish about 80%
Of course i have 20% problem here I am working in to this problem but this is very great success   everything if you tried to banning me ok that is your problem
For this man ho is not believe me for this

i tell this

Ok find adapter like my and make like me small tpu and make this fire and make this amperes there in that way to produced to stick the metal when you put short this out ends of coils
if you doing this whit  adapter  then i will congratulated you
But for all here my friends here ho is like to support me whit this new kind of stuff   thanks there is my email maybe will be share and maybe soon will be   make real tpu


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on November 12, 2008, 07:56:58 AM
Quote from: otto on November 12, 2008, 01:42:34 AM
Hello all,

now I want to tell you my story from the beginning. This is the reason I was looking what happens in a coil.

I used a ECD coil and placed an iron rod inside such a coil.
The iron rod from a radio antenna.
The coil had 2 windings: 1 is the trigger coil around 2m  long and the load coil around 4m long.

As always, the ECD wound over a oval cardboard 1" wide.

As said, I placed the iron rod inside this coil and slowly tuned only 1 frequency.In one moment I only saw how the coil jumped!!
Then I saw that the iron rod was fired out of the coil but didnt understand why this iron rod was so strange looking. Then I saw it:
the iron rod was cutted!!! Then I found the other little piece of this rod was fired out of the coil but in the contra direction. I found my iron rod pieces almost a feet away from the coil!!
To see better what happened I tried this again: I tuned slowly the frequency and again the same happened: the iron rod was cutted and fired out of the coil.

So here is the explanation:

Yesterday I was wrighting about the magnetic fields in a coil.
It seems that when we tune the frequency in a coil we also can have a magnetic field in this way:

N _ S S _ N

How else would the iron rod be fired out of the coil in both directions??

This was done at around 55kHz and a current less then 0,5A.

Now imagine what a force was in this coil concentrated in only 1 point!! Thousands times more than the input was, thats for sure.

On the scope, no reaction, on the bulb, no reaction....it was sooooo fast.

If I could have thousends of such anomalies....


PS: sorry to bother you all. You almost have the TPU finished.

my be you have obtained two time the Einstein-de Haas effect in opposite way - one conuter the other one?

see Einstein's only experiment:



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 08:11:15 AM
i had a holy s#!t moment last night ....   no i was not playing with my coils....

i was drawing ...  and i got somthing im sure only a few will get...  i beleave i made a huge connection.....  hummm

between marco rodins math the teleportor ...  walter russel and tesla  wow guys ....

i cant say im sure but i think i am correct  as i drew it out and it all fit togather  hummm  including the 3 6 and 9 tesla speeks of

i dont know how this works just yet but

it just fits  or almost fits perfect

i have a magizene i bought the other day and there is a coil in it ....   it is 12 around 1....  config and to this  fits walter russels hand drawings  and marco rodins map  as well 369  hummm  im almost sure i got it   3 rings diffrent diameaters  3 diffrent freqs 36 diffrent coils 12 crystals....

i will do a dwg a simple one so you can see how it all fits togather

yes i was blowen away....  when this came into my view....


btw the 12 crystals in the teleportor are the BIRTH STONES ...

then we got the star stones....  hummm   star gates anyone???   

interdemintal travel...   is it possible???  i beleve it is ....

and i tend to think stone henge plays a big roll   ;D  36 around 1   anyone ever see the crystal skulls??   lol by chance is there 36 of em that fit inside stone henge??


it has started alreday and its starting to get heavy in the middle of the mix of the riddles and the tricks...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on November 12, 2008, 08:26:36 AM
Quote from: wings on November 12, 2008, 07:56:58 AM
my be you have obtained two time the Einstein-de Haas effect in opposite way - one conuter the other one?

see Einstein's only experiment:



....explanation here:


    In this connection let us recall  the experiment of Einstein-de-Haas where  rotation of a  ferromagnetic placed in a constant magnetic field was demonstrated. This effect is explained by the fact that spins of a ferromagnetic initially oriented in an arbitrary way, under the action of a magnetic field have obtained a  primary orientation in a field direction. And if in an initial state  a  summary momentum of all spins  equaled to zero then in a magnetic field  it  had some non-zero value. According to the momentum theorem this leads to the rotation of a crystalline lattice in a direction opposite to spins. Beyond that point the inner moments of spins cause tangential stresses generating the torsional deformation of a ferromagnetic.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 12, 2008, 08:43:47 AM
Quote from: wings on November 12, 2008, 07:56:58 AM
my be you have obtained two time the Einstein-de Haas effect in opposite way - one conuter the other one?

see Einstein's only experiment:



I think the links you posted do pertain to the reversals shared by @Otto. I am quite sure they pertain to my division of resonant frequency. Also, I would not be surprised if this angular momentum is the source of the famous songs of the TPU.

While I've never had the dramatic results, as described by @Otto, I do have coils that make an unusual wah-wah sound as if there are two frequencies very close to each other. That is with one frequency injected.


Did your broken core pieces show signs of twist.


My experiments were basically Rogowski coils with one end passed through the center (as a flat spiral - 1 or 2 turns) and the outer winding wound around that core 360 degrees and then reversed in direction and handedness the full 360 degrees.
Highest frequency division is found with fewer spiral turns.

The number of cancelling outer turn pairs should be an even number.

Spacing between the core and outer wrap should be at least 2.5 times the diameter of the conductor.
Spacing between the turns of the outer wrap should be as close as possible and less than 2 times the diameter conductor.

The results seem counter intuitive. The lower the inductance of the core gives a lower resonant point.

I believe the outer wrap is creating induced nodes and antinodes on the core conductor. 'Squeezing the hose' or pinching, so to speak.

It is possible to have a spiral coil that should resonate at 30 mHz (overall coil capacitance is increased) and find the coil current 'dip' (drop) near normal resonance divided by the 1/2 the number of cancelling outer turns.
Or even much greater.

There, I've shared details on the most easily repeatable result I've had these past couple of years.
To me, this explains the strange 22kHz resonance of experiments by others and extremely low points found on my other tests.

If you try this please be aware if you create a resonance that matches the mechanical resonance of your core there will be mechanical movement. Mine broke a pane of glass I was using as an insulating surface on my workbench.

Since the magnetic field is well known to be concentrated inside winding of a toroid this idea may be part of a TPU function. I can see a magnetic field rotating about this axis.

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 09:57:22 AM
guys this is huge!!!!!!!

hummmmmm   things are clicking......   

so 3 6 9 ....   30 60 90 deg quarture ...   360 deg  plus 3x 6 x 9 x the rings and the windings....   3.333 6.666 9.9999 

12 crystals  12 vortexes plus the reverse   this fits rodins math some what i have not gone deep on this yet ....  but i bet if you map the colours of the torroide it works out with rodins stuff   

russels vortexes fit in as transmitting and recieving for each coil   

similar to this pic but walters shows all dirrections ... 


im drawing  lol

simple dwg

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 12, 2008, 12:05:01 PM
      Pulse energy is just efficient use of changing the dielectric field about a form of mass.  Intrinsic energy of the mass or potential energy stored in the mass or at rest energy or resonant structuring of electromagnetic waves or photons  whatever you want to call it is there in vast vast quanities in just one little point in our 3 dimensional planes.  Is it the energy from termination of other dimensions who knows.  Electrons even though they are said to be drifting like when we heat carbon and there is thermionic emission they are still loaded with potential energy.  They still have angular momentum as well as axial spin momentum up the wasu.   It is this energy that the pulse exploits.  It frees the electron from it's relationship with the neucleus where the electron now expresses it's angular momentum and resulting magnetic dipole moments on the rest of space.   Now say we have a magnetic field like the Earth has setup or a permanent magnet for that matter  The electron UNDER IT"S OWN POWER drifts away from the mass it just got kicked out of.  The mass meanwhile is getting hungry for some electrons to restore it's resonance.  It's got more holes in it then it does excess electrons and this is where we get to have some fun.  Make sure the positively charged mass gets back into electrical balance by drawing charge carriers through an INPUT circuit.  Notice there is no output circuit in this sceanario at all.  This is why I believe SM's units heat up.  The circulating electron cloud starts to create eddy currents and infrared em waves xrays etc.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 12:18:45 PM
i add this do u see this in the dwg i made...


369 = 123 ;)

this time.....     i wonder what it feels like... to find the ONE....  in this LIFE...... the one we all dream of ...
but dreams just arnt enough ...  so ill be wateing for the REAL THING .....  ILL KNOW IT BY THE FEELING ;)



hey just play the chord....   can you make this vilon sing?!?!?!?! ;)

just to warp your MIND BODY SOUL what if i could start this from  a single pluse ...  and it was portable ... 

what a dream to live.....    ;)

i would call it THE DEVICE OF THE UNIVERSE..... ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 12, 2008, 06:42:58 PM
hi friends here

WHERE is @marco    hmmmm   marco  SAY  something   WHAT IS GOING HERE WHIT MY STRONG AMPERS THERE

THANKS marco im just like to  be friend  dont be mad    i like yours  EXPERIMENTS WE ARE TOGETHER 







take the adapter as like me and if you whant chargin some cap and dischargyng  see  if there whill be like my sparks the same   and fast like my sparks
thakns for you time reading this
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 07:25:50 PM
i added russell to the dwg...


has anyone ever set up a CHAOS wave or feild inside a crystal....??

sounds like resosance to me.... ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 08:37:17 PM
you know the wildest thing that really clicks in my mind?????  to ALL OF THIS ....

guess...   lol


HERE IS THE ANSWER......   1....   11...... 111  ....    ;) = THE SECREAT ... 3 6 9 = 1ST 2ND 3RD GUESS....  HARMONIC...... ;)

of what you say ????

but the crystal of course.... 8)

wow!     what can i say....


i managed to get a few better pics of my tpu...  top left pic you see my childrens rings..... ;D
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on November 12, 2008, 08:58:38 PM
I am proud of macedonia cd as he has hit something close enough to be encourgeing to keep going and i like to say thank you for his curious yet passionate nature for this subject.

Now as you may know and it may feel like nagging if you take it that way but either way if you feel like you should not give infomation if you believe or feel hurt as in one sided for you know what happened then if you feel like is it worth after what has been shown then i feel sorry for the way you feel as i know if you are not careful for what people say and there may be a misconception depending if the person is bashing or being hard if that person see's it as wrong and as i know there are qualified people here and because of the way science is, we have to be optimistic looking it from all angles like science does and since we are searching for the answer useing physics not the misconception of physics of how it does not work but figureing out the puzzle with bits of that knowledge of it and also observeing very carefully with curious feeling and instead of being biased on the science view you can also use whatever the inventor says on the theory of how it works and see if it is credible or near it and create theorys close to those theorys without wondering to far from them and it may be that far but near so you must keep pushing because really, well opposites again even in knowledge and to eventually find out what on earth is creating the sparks and what is going on with the electic and the vortex theorys and so forth, will edge us closer which is better then nothing and if someone jumps in and shares what he thinks about which can help then thats great.

Anyhow i know there has been a time of nay sayers recently but that is a lack of knowledge of opposites to everything up/positive down/negative heh come on even electric - and + is an example of that and trust me it goes into alot of detail in the way the energy flows to achieve recycled energy and we know the buzz word is free energy heh if you want an example of how god did it, just look at nature that recycles and the faster it goes round and round the more energy you get and the way i look at it and what i read about telsa on velocity or if you digested it as some people put it voltage is the velocity of electric and no i did not study all of it it just bits of it that i felt were facts, anyways you get the idea, thanks for reading and hopefully not in a angry mood :/ .

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on November 12, 2008, 09:36:02 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 08:11:15 AM
i had a holy s#!t moment last night ....   no i was not playing with my coils....

i was drawing ...  and i got somthing im sure only a few will get...  i beleave i made a huge connection.....  hummm

between marco rodins math the teleportor ...  walter russel and tesla  wow guys ....

i cant say im sure but i think i am correct  as i drew it out and it all fit togather  hummm  including the 3 6 and 9 tesla speeks of

i dont know how this works just yet but

it just fits  or almost fits perfect

i have a magizene i bought the other day and there is a coil in it ....   it is 12 around 1....  config and to this  fits walter russels hand drawings  and marco rodins map  as well 369  hummm  im almost sure i got it   3 rings diffrent diameaters  3 diffrent freqs 36 diffrent coils 12 crystals....

i will do a dwg a simple one so you can see how it all fits togather

yes i was blowen away....  when this came into my view....


btw the 12 crystals in the teleportor are the BIRTH STONES ...

then we got the star stones....  hummm   star gates anyone???   

interdemintal travel...   is it possible???  i beleve it is ....

and i tend to think stone henge plays a big roll   ;D  36 around 1   anyone ever see the crystal skulls??   lol by chance is there 36 of em that fit inside stone henge??


it has started alreday and its starting to get heavy in the middle of the mix of the riddles and the tricks...


I will teach him the words he needs to know, and change his habit of typeing the letters which will make it easier to understand and the a little bit of his grammer, when i have the time and if he feels it is necessary, or i go through it with him through msn i mean he generally know what the words are ment to look like or he.. takes it as correct but i must be sure because he could be mistaken after all it would be daunting to learn his lauguage as i know why his grammer is poor is because the grammer in his lauguage is different, after all he wants to make his point and would be angry if you did not understand well enough and i know people here would not go that far or even shunt his use of this lauguage and anyways about the words he feels is right i would use words that generally mean the same thing like if he did not know how to spell power socket and i do think he knows that and will spell it to be understandable but not correct anyways since he understands general english well enough i would ask him if it is something you plug in, or if it is a part i will feel it is nessary to study the parts he commonly uses if he does not understand me in some stuff then basic general english description to the rescue i feel it is nessary to make it clear as possible.

Anyways through me am i trustworthy enough, well he can explain in actions or show the parts as he knows about that, i would post screen shots or a live webcam i am sincere i would not alter the general meaning i would remove unnessary words anyways i believe he a big enough stepping stone and the way i am i would still help him if he was not and in any case every little bit helps.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 12, 2008, 10:52:31 PM
   Here's some real old geometry for ya.   This would make an interesting permanent magnet crystal.  I think the golden ratio is on the walls of the triangle as well as the angles of some structures in Egypt.   This triangle confines a circle while a circle is created by rotation of a different type of triangle.   This triangle creates polarity as it is the first move away from infinite expansion or contraction of the circle defined by rotation of the equilateral triangle.  Maybe it could be used to get a rotating current of sorts?  Bolts rotoverter comes to mind.  Your Russell diagrams reminded me of this work I did awhile ago.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 11:47:25 PM
@ sparks  ;D  shall i add this too    lol  ;) 


wizemen ....   james blunt ...

gotta ask yourself THE QUESTION where are you NOW ........


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: lltfdaniel1 on November 13, 2008, 12:23:16 AM
Heh well to work that out it must be done with room for thinking what it could be elsewise to what you see fit rather than completely trying to figure it out in reality rather law blah science.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: dean_mcgowan on November 13, 2008, 04:56:06 AM
Quote from: innovation_station on November 12, 2008, 11:47:25 PM
@ sparks  ;D  shall i add this too    lol  ;) 


wizemen ....   james blunt ...

gotta ask yourself THE QUESTION where are you NOW ........


interesting to note that he is only one of the three wise men

Composer:  James Blunt, Sacha Skarbek, Jimmy Hogarth


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on November 13, 2008, 11:29:34 PM
Nice work Mac, congratulations.   Sparks with higher amperage (and voltage) is encouraging.  I'll wait to see a light bulb test.

Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on November 10, 2008, 06:07:03 PM
hi to all 
I HAVE TOLD YOU FOR SOME VIDEO  WHIT   in this video you whillsee a small adapter ho give  input to some  parts   and input is aurond 0,3 amps in 7,5 v   ther is  elktronics parts ho is cover     and  ther is small tpu  ho produced     strongs ampers  in the out coils 

the video is not very good but  the sparks and the  flat metal i show  that is ther strong ampers here is video  link

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 14, 2008, 09:01:50 AM
big sparks and burned out 20W light bulbs doesn't prove there is more energy out than in. they show only the output results of a highly-compressed input.

if you know what that means then you know you can't assume that the TOTAL output power exceeds the input power.

to put this into perspective, i could build a step charging device that charges a 10F :o capacitor from a 1.2V watch battery. it will take several days maybe to charge the cap to 100V, but when I discharge it into a short length of 30 gauge wire, chances are the wire will explode. in this case as is the case similar to MAC's devce, i have simply taken the small energy from a small source and condensed it into a device that will dissipate all that energy in an instant rather than over a 10 day period. this is a more extreme example than what MAC is doing, but it should illustrate well how MAC is creating the big sparks.

so how about we encourage MAC to make a few basic measurements to go along with the exciting light show? without some measurements, would anyone right now bet their life savings that it is ou? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i didn't think so ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 14, 2008, 09:18:56 AM

go push the button on your bbq if u want ou.... :)

give it 4 months aint be any saveings left..... ;)

dont we know.....


so how about that amero.....
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 14, 2008, 10:21:28 AM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 14, 2008, 09:01:50 AM
big sparks and burned out 20W light bulbs doesn't prove there is more energy out than in. they show only the output results of a highly-compressed input.

if you know what that means then you know you can't assume that the TOTAL output power exceeds the input power.

to put this into perspective, i could build a step charging device that charges a 10F :o capacitor from a 1.2V watch battery. it will take several days maybe to charge the cap to 100V, but when I discharge it into a short length of 30 gauge wire, chances are the wire will explode. in this case as is the case similar to MAC's devce, i have simply taken the small energy from a small source and condensed it into a device that will dissipate all that energy in an instant rather than over a 10 day period. this is a more extreme example than what MAC is doing, but it should illustrate well how MAC is creating the big sparks.

so how about we encourage MAC to make a few basic measurements to go along with the exciting light show? without some measurements, would anyone right now bet their life savings that it is ou? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, i didn't think so ;)

      What you said is very true. But the opposite can be accomplished also.  Say we have an event like the charge seperation resulting from the grid resistive effect  coming out of the wall that gets expressed every 1/60th of a second.  Now we take this force to time relationship and chop it up so that the change in charge  (this is what will be doing the work) happens every millionth or billionth of a second.  (remember it doesnt cost energy to turn something off)  We will now have the charge seperation that does the work doing it's thing every billionth of a second instead of every 1/60th.  A system that does work as a result of changing the charge state or dielectric distribution of a field will see a marvelous overunity effect.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 14, 2008, 10:51:12 AM
 :o :o :o   00o my 8) 8) 8)

now it gets wild!!


not sure it is worth my time to talk to you guys bout this.....

lets apply devici and the golden spiral...  to this .... 

well   also  somthing else bout the stones just clicked ...but

is this worth the effort?

anyone on the same page?.....

this looks to me to be a delicate musical instrement  if we apply devinci to this we get a creative outward  spiral vortex   meaning the coil could be  and should be activated from the inside out in quadture most likely frieing the spiral sequance but really who knows

it is fact that  2 engeryies are at play creative and destructive   creative is inside out as in nature and     destructive ...  our current world..,..

birth stones are related how?   by 3's 4's how ...   i think 3 6 9 and there 4 groups of 3 stones.... they are intangled ..... through harmonics...


drawing a posible fireing seq   for this coil inside out   

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: CodeWebs on November 14, 2008, 11:31:31 AM
This kind of goes along with what ist is saying; it reminds me of an idea I had some time ago.  I always wondered what kind of results would be achieved if the triple stack tpu wasn't stacked one on top of the other, but if it was actually stacked from the inside out in 3 layers, configured in the exact same manner in all other aspects.  It seems either in wording could be confused with the other, but they both may show different results.  (On top of one another could be taken as vertically on top of one another or layered on one another as concentric coils surrounded by concentric toroids).  I'm not sure if this has ever been considered, maybe it has.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 14, 2008, 02:20:22 PM
not sure about the gobeldygook posted here...

if no basic but clear measurements are done by MAC to prove OU one way or the other, where does that leave us?

in no man's land. as the people here like saying MAC...get'r done!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 14, 2008, 03:20:56 PM
here is my hemf transformer

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: TinselKoala on November 14, 2008, 03:51:49 PM
Quote from: poynt99 on November 14, 2008, 02:20:22 PM
not sure about the gobeldygook posted here...

if no basic but clear measurements are done by MAC to prove OU one way or the other, where does that leave us?

in no man's land. as the people here like saying MAC...get'r done!

Clear and properly conducted measurements of voltage, current, and duty cycle or frequency, aren't nearly as dramatic as showing some arc burning some aluminum foil and putting pits in a screwdriver.

Too bad our electrical systems and appliances don't run on screwdriver pits, sparks, or burning aluminum foil. Every one I know about needs amps at volts for some duty cycle time. So those are the parameters one needs to display from one's "free energy" device--IF you want to be taken seriously.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: alan on November 14, 2008, 04:07:01 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on November 14, 2008, 03:20:56 PM
here is my hemf transformer
What is Hemf exactly?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: poynt99 on November 14, 2008, 05:19:31 PM
Quote from: TinselKoala on November 14, 2008, 03:51:49 PM
Clear and properly conducted measurements of voltage, current, and duty cycle or frequency, aren't nearly as dramatic as showing some arc burning some aluminum foil and putting pits in a screwdriver.

Too bad our electrical systems and appliances don't run on screwdriver pits, sparks, or burning aluminum foil. Every one I know about needs amps at volts for some duty cycle time. So those are the parameters one needs to display from one's "free energy" device--IF you want to be taken seriously.


hey MAC, you're in the spot light and you've got everyone's attention. now's your chance to really shine. how about some measurements? show us what your device can really do. power some real loads like a 100W bulb, or better yet drive a 100W resistor and measure its temperature rise. take that and compare it to the temperature rise of just the adapter driving the resistor alone.

praise is good. now it's time to test the hypothesis. real numbers with real loads. come on MAC you can do it. ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 14, 2008, 07:31:04 PM

    In the below diagram if I close switch A between the 6 volt battery and the cap the cap will charge up to 6volts. I charge the capacitor through a resistor to limit the current and do some heatconversion calculations,  should keep the plasma from melting the contacts also. :D   Then I open up switch A after the cap has topped out at 6volts.   Then I close switch b which completes the circuit for the lc tank whose inductor is the primary in a 6 to 12 volt center tapped transformer.  Now I let this ring until capacitor a is out of juice.  If capacitor B is an identical capacitor will it be charged up to a higher voltage level when all is said and done then capacitor A?
   If I discharge this capacitor through a resistor which resistor gets hotter.  The one that charged capacitor A or the one that discharges capacitor B?
    Any help here from EE's would help.  I guess I could do the circuit but this experiment may have some gross problems I can't predict.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 14, 2008, 09:38:27 PM
Quote from: alan on November 14, 2008, 04:07:01 PM
What is Hemf exactly?

hemf is high electro motive force  as tesla calls it ...

i used to call it back emf but this is not the correct title....

this will charge caps extreamly efficiently....  or it will put out constant out put ...  that uses some hot power and converts the rest from hemf ....

this set up allows the power to flow only to the output  because of the 9 coil it will not back feed to the source ... because of the high selfinductance...  ie choke coil   it is contained in a transformer caseing

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 14, 2008, 11:50:10 PM
here is my dwg of my cap charger.... 

i beleave this to be the center of a tpu...  i have a design im working on to tap the rmf


tune this buy length to 7.5 hz and swipe a magnet past it to start it or .... charge the cap once and place a magnet in the correct place to cause operation .... ;)

HEY theres NO DIODE ::)
the hemf is collected in the cap and dumped to the control  thus running with gain... if a pulser is used  i have seen some neat things with this setup ..  around 2.5hz  you get the ringggg.  it is kool
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 15, 2008, 10:11:41 AM
so how will you make use of this... :P

many fine wires ringggg a bell then maybe some balling wire on top the whole thing ...   can it get easyer yet ....  the answer is yes it CAN


dont look like mac is talking....

it is possible that it only produces a week magnetic feild but perhaps a strong rotating sclar or electrostatic feild......


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: BEP on November 15, 2008, 01:06:47 PM
Quote from: innovation_station on November 15, 2008, 10:11:41 AM
so how will you make use of this... :P

many fine wires ringggg a bell then maybe some balling wire on top the whole thing ...   can it get easyer yet ....  the answer is yes it CAN


dont look like mac is talking....

it is possible that it only produces a week magnetic feild but perhaps a strong rotating sclar or electrostatic feild......



Nice drawing! Strung something like a dream catcher? What are your plans for the core/core winding?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 15, 2008, 06:32:12 PM
hi to all  im very hapy to see people soport me  thanks 

i have promise to all to send anther video  whit insaid magnet permanent but what i have do i have 

job at working <,you know this  if i dont work  how i whill suport my famyly is hard <<here isn macedonia   mast be work  >>








Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: Gobaga on November 15, 2008, 08:14:52 PM

How did you measure 20 amps in output?

Try neon or fluorescent bulb.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: TinselKoala on November 15, 2008, 08:35:44 PM
Duty cycle is the key.
I ran the numbers in the other thread.

You can easily have 5 Hz pulses at 40 amps and 200 volts, from a 2.5 watt continuous input--if the pulses are short enough duration.

And, as those things go, those pulses will still be plenty long enough to make nice arcs, especially if there is aluminum foil involved.

Don't believe me? Go measure the input power to your automobile's ignition coil, then look at the output spark at one of the 4, 6, or 8 or more spark plugs it's driving. Then make some aluminum foil electrodes, and substitute them for a spark plug.
How's that for "FORKING MOR POWER THAN IMPUT"....???

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: AhuraMazda on November 15, 2008, 09:34:23 PM
Quote from: MACEDONIA  CD on November 15, 2008, 06:32:12 PM




We live in a very sick world where we are made to believe money brings happiness but from my experience this is far from truth.
How much money is the guy making out of his invention who created magnetism or oxygen or water or the earth etc etc?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 15, 2008, 11:04:11 PM
Quote from: AhuraMazda on November 15, 2008, 09:34:23 PM
We live in a very sick world where we are made to believe money brings happiness but from my experience this is far from truth.
How much money is the guy making out of his invention who created magnetism or oxygen or water or the earth etc etc?

I believe it is nothing but pure joy...

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: MACEDONIA CD on November 16, 2008, 05:52:34 AM


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 16, 2008, 08:29:12 AM
Quote from: BEP on November 15, 2008, 01:06:47 PM

Nice drawing! Strung something like a dream catcher? What are your plans for the core/core winding?


i used thin wall pvc for my core   im building another one right now ..  i used stranded wire.... in this unit

so far i have my 3 coil...  it is my primary it is bifillar  ..also im currently winding my 9 coil the control coil ;)  i have 4 layers to it now im adding MORE

so when i pluse the control coil it racess around my collector  a few times...  well that leaves the 6 coil this is my out put it goes on top of the controll   it will have more selfinductance than the primary and less than the conrtol

i used 20 ga speeker for collector and 30 ga stranded for control  my control is all 1 wire and so far 400' 


the goal with this unit i posted it to pulse and keep pulseing faster than it can handle .....   so my control must be longgggg  also wouldnt it be kool if every lap around my collector it was interupted..... via the reed and   and caused the hemf to be dumped to my control and say i have 6 laps to my control

kinda not worded right ....  hummmmm

well lets  say i pulse my collector  that pulse gets broken after the first lap but i still have 5 more laps to my control .... b4 it finds its way to ground....

i have not tryed this just yet maybe tonight when i finish this ring...

this is my simple ring.....  someone i met will be releasing the rest soon ......  thing is he dont even know it yet...... ;)

so here ya go ..... what is the result if you BOUNCE THIS IN A 4 COIL SETUP......  FREE FREE FREE  SPINN....  that gains.....


isnt that right captin   ;)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 16, 2008, 10:05:20 AM
it seams the more thought i give it .....   the more my device returns me .... ;D

ok so i discover there is no need for a pulsed supply ......  LOL LOL!!!!!

duh!!   i will use a d cell battery to supply with an off and on sw ..... lol     if i used a nicad and did it correctly it would recharge it too ;D

the ring does the rest just put a constant dc supply to it   as i said i beleave this to be the center of a tpu ...  but i have also said this is the device of 1000 styles all useing the same SOURCE. ;D

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: alan on November 16, 2008, 10:36:40 AM

Make more video's, the last one was your capcharger using tesla's ozone generator.   :)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: alan on November 16, 2008, 12:07:13 PM
Quote from: Grumpy on November 07, 2008, 11:09:33 PM
(Grumpy's last post on OU)

Fools!  Every damn one of you!

The answer is being trampled beneath your feet and still you look for more.

I hope everyone of you burn in your own private hell.
What's the patent number?
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 16, 2008, 03:18:50 PM
i was just kinda of thinking on the teleportor idea ......   8)

i found this vid that could apply .... ;)



what if.....   how far does the rabbit hole go? ......

anyhow back to real time ....

i finished my latest cap charger unit poor results so far the mag feild is too week to trip my reed..... odd because it moves a magnet a bit

i have some smaller reeds  but the may burn out ...  but it seams i can hook it to my mkc unit ... i might try that in a bit but  till then im a wind a trip the next unit .......i will utialize my friends work ...

if he wants to...  :)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on November 16, 2008, 09:22:55 PM
@ Mac


translation by me, emdevices:

...But tomorrow I will be able to make a video clip, the same thing (or device) with all the same components and stuff,  but with a small neodymium magnet inserted inside.

@Innovation,    Yes it's true,  I'm not lying to you.  There is a very very small electromagnetic field.... but the electromagnetic field, I say,  is not the reason for making a lot of amperes!   
There,  I say again,  there is something new here!  Another type of force which is able to move electrons in the output coil.
You will see the video, and I will prove it, that the electromagnetic field has nothing (to do) with this (setup).

Mac, I'll be waiting to see your video where you try and PROVE your theory.   However,  I have to say that the magnets SM used in the TPU, don't seem to do much in the later devices, only in the first two. 

So, I hope you don't conclude that if your magnet doesn't do much, or has no effect, that there must not be an electromagnetic field.  This would be a wrong conclusion.

If you have found a new phenomena, you have to prove it first, but I suspect you have a typical transformer setup,  where secondary has lots of turns and primary has a few turns.   Is that not the case?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 16, 2008, 11:58:44 PM
here is my latest coil design this was designed for captinpecan ....  and the young effect!!

if you havent seen it you better check it out!!!!!   LOL!! ;)



yep this is the cat in circles 8)
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: captainpecan on November 17, 2008, 12:32:11 AM
Sounds interesting! I'm in!
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: AhuraMazda on November 17, 2008, 08:32:28 AM
Quote from: EMdevices on November 16, 2008, 09:22:55 PM
Mac, I'll be waiting to see your video where you try and PROVE your theory.   However,  I have to say that the magnets SM used in the TPU, don't seem to do much in the later devices, only in the first two. 

So, I hope you don't conclude that if your magnet doesn't do much, or has no effect, that there must not be an electromagnetic field.  This would be a wrong conclusion.

If you have found a new phenomena, you have to prove it first, but I suspect you have a typical transformer setup,  where secondary has lots of turns and primary has a few turns.   Is that not the case?

I have been reading this forum and not only learning a lot of technical and even esoterical science but also have learned to become a psychologist!
The jury is out whether mac has come up with anything new but even if he has, he will never reveal anything of substance.
He has a great reverence for SM and tries to emulate him in every way and we all know how things went with SM.
He also faces a dilema. If his phenomena is real and he completes his device, he wants money and that ultimately means dealing with the big corporations.
On the other hand, he thinks if he gives it away for free he will get killed!

So, my suggestion to everyone is not to expect much from mac.
We humans have come to a phase in life where we must embrase and demonstrate genuine love and compasion. Our survival will depend
on how much we can give and not on how much we take.


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 17, 2008, 09:26:14 AM
   I feel that it is possible to gain or condense energy from the electrolyte mass in a condensor or capacitor. When a capacitor is charged the electrolyte is ionized with electrons held electrostatically in place against an insulated layer between the anode and the electrolyte.  The charge at the anode causes an electron migration towards the anode and an ion migration away from the anode.  The other plate of the capacitor doesn't even have to be there for this to happen but when it is the positive ions of the electrolyte migrate towards this secondary plate and the charge seperation of the field is increased.  The free electrons of the electrolyte concentrate there energy in the field of the anode.  This is gain from the mass energy of the electrolyte.  Do this at a high frequency and efficiency it doesn't take long to concentrate energy in the field we want it in.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on November 17, 2008, 09:41:52 AM
Quote from: sparks on November 17, 2008, 09:26:14 AM
   I feel that it is possible to gain or condense energy

  Do this at a high frequency and efficiency it doesn't take long to concentrate energy in the field we want it in.


this coil i just designed ...   still  needs a magnet to start it .. to trip the first reed and release the first charge... :) and start the cat running ...

the hemf is added to the next cap from the coplase of the last coil :o and dumped to the next coil...  at the end of the loop b4 it self runns there is a diode so the source will not back feed to the ring and cause it to run the opssite dirrection ...  after 1 reveloution it is self timed ...

also self running with gain if configured properly.... ;)

then you got this massive magnet feild flying around 4 free TAP IT ALREADY!!!!

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on November 18, 2008, 10:47:09 PM
Check out this patent, quite interesting.  (self sustaining electromechanical oscillators, etc..)


Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: wings on November 19, 2008, 07:53:19 AM



Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: sparks on November 19, 2008, 10:00:29 AM
      This is a voltage regulator circuit whereby the core saturation of the transformer is actively controlled.   These are what should be used on the grid instead of the pieces of shit they throw up on a pole like they were gold or something.  The power companies only  install voltage regulation at  their substations that are few and far between.  A big user goes on and off line between you and the substation pop go your electronics.  Phase imbalance when a big single phase user starts chewing up their junk energy will overheat every motor you have going trying to boost the low voltage leg because of their poor quality product.  Meanwhile their stack emissions (which with the use of a plasma arc field  as part of the stack)  would go to o carbon emissions are choking us and heating up the planet.  Why don't they clean up their act?  They don't give a shit about anything else but the bottom line.  Frigging criminals.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: EMdevices on November 20, 2008, 01:25:36 AM
thanks for those links wings

I cleaned up this one close up so the eyes can focus on the essentials.  I'm starting to wonder if there are toroidal windings around the two main loops,  I know I see bumps from place to place but I'm thinking that's a video artifact.  Any thoughts?   

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: giantkiller on November 20, 2008, 02:23:03 PM
Well I'll be.The center is the same as the SM17! And the loops around the edge are 2. SM17 had 3. No?

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: CodeWebs on November 20, 2008, 04:13:00 PM
It does appear to be toroidal windings around the two main loops.  It also appears to be two separate windings around around each loop, counter wound with respect to each other.  They seem to be very near parallel to the loops, maybe only revolving around the loop 4 times around the whole circumference (shown clearest on the top loop), crossing every 90 degrees around the circumference.  What if these were fed the slightly offset pulses which has been mentioned in previous posts? I don't really know.  In some aspects of design it resembles multiple realizations of patent number 5442369.
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: zapnic on December 07, 2008, 08:02:03 AM

little heat problem
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: khabe on December 07, 2008, 06:22:19 PM
just found, perhaps you have seen,
then sorry ...

Steven Mark �In according to this report has been scamming people out of big money based on a faked over unity â€" he’s thought to have preyed on dopey Hollywood types.
Steven Marks TPU (toroidal power unit) Update
Jerry W. Decker ( (no email) )
Wed, 21 Jul 1999 21:31:44 -0500

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Previous message: Lindsay Mannix: "Re: Electro-gravity proof!!??"
Next message: Jerry W. Decker: "Ecklin/Bedini combination energy generator?"
Next in thread: John Berry: "Re: Steven Marks TPU (toroidal power unit) Update"
Hi Folks!

The following did not get posted to the members but you need to know it.

If you are at all interested in the Stevens toroidal coil (as shown in
the video that is going around), you will want to read this newspaper
clipping from Australia, kindly posted to the KeelyNet Interact list by
Lindsay Mannix.

Here is the Omnidyne toroid post with the Steven Marks URLs from Patrick
Padraks INE database, which will show you what it is about and what has
been posted publicly to date;


and here is the article from the Perth newspaper;


feel free to use or pass the information around, but if you decide to
republish the newspaper story you should get written permission from the
Perth paper....

Wonder what these two guys figured out when they got together? This
Collins fellow certainly seems to have some convictions about it...if
you have any more info to share on it, please send it back to me so I
can pass it on to the list and maybe put all this together into one URL
that is always accessible. Thanks...>>> Jerry
Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: innovation_station on December 07, 2008, 08:29:39 PM
Quote from: khabe on December 07, 2008, 06:22:19 PM

Here is the Omnidyne toroid

i must of missed this .....  along the way ....

Title: Re: Is Lindsay?s ?SM? a fraud?
Post by: nievesoliveras on February 20, 2009, 10:33:32 AM

I did not want to say anything yet, but I am having a tremendous success!!!!!!
