Couldn't resist posting this after reading it seconds ago.
Free Energy Truth makes a good point -->
Quote, (
Quoteask yourself whether you think Steorn would have spent 14 million Euros, have 20 full time staff, spent the last 6 years on developing this and outrightly refused offers of investment then be committing themselves to a launch and media scrutiny if they had nothing.
If Sean was a crook, then he may as well have ran away with the 14 million euros. Instead, Sean pays a staff of people.
Well, Steorn has no more than 27 days to demonstrate their device. We'll have to see. (
And another interesting statement by Free Energy Truth,
QuoteAnonymous - you said: "Ah ha! Maybe this will be revealing. Be honest here, lets say at Las Vega a casino was offering bets on Steorn. If you had say 100 million dollars, how much of that would you bet that Steorn had an over unity or COP>1 device? Be honest!"
All of it.
Quote: " We are less than 4 weeks away from this as we speak, so it will be a December launch for free energy."
Maybe thats why they hurry with the Kopenhagen agreement.... The energy industrie and politics need to secure there monyflow...
6 years employies and millions to play with ...
i did it on a shoe string .. alone ...
top it!
plus i already released .. how they all work ... and if there other ways ... and im sure there are .. then i will have to take a peek and see why they do as they do ...
this usually takes me a watch or 2 of the video ...
he better hope he is not doing it electro magnetic ... as he will not gain 1 pattend ... why ?
thats right .....
I must of missed all those videos! :o
Quote from: innovation_station on December 04, 2009, 09:25:04 AM
6 years employies and millions to play with ...
i did it on a shoe string .. alone ...
top it!
plus i already released .. how they all work ... and if there other ways ... and im sure there are .. then i will have to take a peek and see why they do as they do ...
this usually takes me a watch or 2 of the video ...
he better hope he is not doing it electro magnetic ... as he will not gain 1 pattend ... why ?
thats right .....
It is at the request of the readers-of-broken-verse, mystery and mayhem therein. I bequeath thee, post forth the aforementioned as you..
Quote from: innovation_station on December 04, 2009, 09:25:04 AMdid it on a shoe string .. alone ...
And cast out the demon once and for all.
23 days or less! FreeEnergyTruth heard from Sean, and he says it's all going as planned.
Hey, when the big moment happens, and Steorn announces something or starts the live video feed of the Orbo, could you *please* email me because I'll find out faster that way.
My email address (protected against spam spiders via javascript) is at, (
The launch will just consist of another web update without any real meat of interest.
Or they'll postpone the launch as all their other launches....which seems most likely.
The 'Orbo' is definitely a scam. I'd like to be wrong but I don't think I am.
Someone just emailed this to me, (
Very cool. Can anyone make out what it all says?
BTW, I was unaware of the new posts in this thread. Someone keeps logging into my account, reading my *unread* private messages, and sometimes disables my notifications. LOL! What's the big deal, I have no secrets. ;D Anyway, again, I appreciate the heads up via email on any Steorn news.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 10, 2009, 02:48:23 PM
Someone just emailed this to me, (
Very cool. Can anyone make out what it all says?
BTW, I was unaware of the new posts in this thread. Someone keeps logging into my account, reading my *unread* private messages, and sometimes disables my notifications. LOL! What's the big deal, I have no secrets. ;D Anyway, again, I appreciate the heads up via email on any Steorn news.
BTW, there are a lot of concerning words in that ad such as fraud, fairy tell, snake oil, non-sense? Is Steorn saying it's all a fake, or are they just quoting skeptics?
Hey folks,
Besides the video of the Steorn ad in the previous post, looks like stuff is starting to happen, and soon we'll see. Someone told me about the new official Steorn youtube, (
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 10, 2009, 02:48:23 PM
Someone just emailed this to me, (
Very cool. Can anyone make out what it all says?
BTW, I was unaware of the new posts in this thread. Someone keeps logging into my account, reading my *unread* private messages, and sometimes disables my notifications. LOL! What's the big deal, I have no secrets. ;D Anyway, again, I appreciate the heads up via email on any Steorn news.
Someone who knows what's happening emailed saying this is a new Ad by Steorn, which includes quotes from skeptics. Looks like global free energy will be realized in 2009.
one word ...
If they're paying $$$ for ad space and intend to do nothing, as they have for the last 4+ years, that's just wrong. Playing Devil's Advocate, it could simply be a maneuver to keep investors paying Steorn's bills. I hope I'm wrong, but it really seems quite absurd at this point.
Quote from: infringer on December 10, 2009, 11:30:25 PM
one word ...
Steorn is an anagram of the words stoner and tensor.
"Stoner-types" are what make up "Steorn". You can see it in their consistently laid back personalities. This is how they sell their "pesty" hoax.
Tensor: Their multi-dimensional plot to twist the minds of investors in hyperbolic "goobely-gook".
Other anagrams:
nestor - Later Greek commander during the siege of "Troy", and a victim of a "Trojan horse" hoax who claimed his own side had it coming "Nestor declared that the Trojans were winning because Agamemnon had angered Achilles, and urged the king [Achilles] to appease the warrior"
noters - recorders of an outline of a speech, statement, testimony, etc., or of one's impressions of something.
tenors - the course of thought or meaning that runs through something written or spoken; purport; drift.
toners - persons or things that tone.
trones - a large pair of scales, a spring balance, or other weighing device located in a town or marketplace to weigh goods and merchandise.
Quote from:
Length Starts with Ends with Contains Unscramble
6 letters steorn
or less
any order
all possible
English word lists:
Standard: 99,300+ standard words and abbreviations
Extended: 167,900+ SCRABBLE® words* (INCLUDES SLANG)
*There are issues with the extended list. Learn more >
Searched: 167964 words in 0.934 seconds
Words Found: 7 Scrambled Letters: stoner
I wouldn't be surprised if that name was a joke.
Quote from: kmarinas86 on December 11, 2009, 02:16:41 AM
Steorn is an anagram of the words stoner and tensor.
"Stoner-types" are what make up "Steorn". You can see it in their consistently laid back personalities. This is how they sell their "pesty" hoax.
Tensor: Their multi-dimensional plot to twist the minds of investors in hyperbolic "goobely-gook".
Other anagrams:
nestor - Later Greek commander during the siege of "Troy", and a victim of a "Trojan horse" hoax who claimed his own side had it coming "Nestor declared that the Trojans were winning because Agamemnon had angered Achilles, and urged the king [Achilles] to appease the warrior"
noters - recorders of an outline of a speech, statement, testimony, etc., or of one's impressions of something.
tenors - the course of thought or meaning that runs through something written or spoken; purport; drift.
toners - persons or things that tone.
trones - a large pair of scales, a spring balance, or other weighing device located in a town or marketplace to weigh goods and merchandise.
I wouldn't be surprised if that name was a joke.
Lol nice.
'Macs' / 'Cams' ( Kinetica demo?)
Steorn just posted a new video,
I love it! LMAO
Words..words..and more words....
What was there to love about this video?
It's just as inconclusive as usual.
LOL, I just love, the great theatrical play, brought to you by Big Oil. ;)
The video has been removed from YouTube. Do you have another link?
As far as your account, did you try changing your login password? I assume you have. If you still have a problem you need to notify Stefan. He should be able to trace were the hostile login is coming from.
In reference to this thread on Steorn. I have been following this since it began, and I am amazed how drawn out this whole process has been. The amazing breakthrough has always been pushed back. Again and again the promises, then the let downs. It sucks!!
I have reached the point where I'd just like to tell those guys to shut up and kiss my foot! Just shut up, release the technology, and get rich already. I'm sick of it because in the end the cost will save the average consumer NOTHING! Just wait and see, just like the oil companies, they will jack up the price and drain us just like it has always been done in the past.
Sorry, just venting.
Sorry, just saw the video Happy.
Is that the one that Paul posted the link for?
I assume it is.
Coming soon to a youtube screen near you, the promise is repeated again.
and again and again......blah blah.
Sick of it...PERIOD!!
Sure, someone copied it and has it playing at youtube. Sounds like you don't want to watch Steorn's new video.
Quote from: ResinRat2 on December 11, 2009, 08:45:57 PM
I'm sick of it because in the end the cost will save the average consumer NOTHING! Just wait and see, just like the oil companies, they will jack up the price and drain us just like it has always been done in the past.
Sorry, just venting.
Steorn isn't going to drain anyone except their investors.
That youtube video is the same one they have on their home page, I'm not sure how long it's been there but it's kind of old so I don't know the end of what year their talking about?
It would be great if it was this year but it seems like their more driven by money then saving the world so I'm not sure it will make any difference.
Nope, it was their new advert. You missed it. They posted it momentarily at youtube as a test while they get everything going to make sure it all works. You can still find it at youtube as someone copied it.
Driven by money???
Yeah right think about it if you had the best find since sliced bread you would want to be rewarded as well and amply rewarded ...
They should make this a law anyone who finds a way to create energy in this manner should be payed more then the highest payed sports player by the DOE of not just one but every nation!
They should not go broke like Tesla did feeding pigeons his last years and living in a single cramped room!
It is a world changing thing there is no excuse for this kind of thing it is GREED and nothing more!
Quote from: infringer on December 12, 2009, 10:10:01 AM
They should make this a law anyone who finds a way to create energy in this manner should be payed more then the highest payed sports player by the DOE of not just one but every nation!
Yes, because legislating profits works so well. Why don't we make a law that we should all be rich, and then no one would be poor and we could all afford the energy we need? And let's make a law that that Orbo should be a real thing and not a figment of someone's imagination.
Someone took a snapshot of the bulletin board that Steorn has advertising on for a few days now, (
Someone also took a video of this bulletin, which is essentially the Steorn new video mainly consisting of the negative quotes made by skeptics. Steorn is obviously getting ready to make a fool out of closed minded skeptics. Ah, btw, any closed minded skeptics in this thread willing to come forth and reveal your names? ;) Ha ha, it's so big of people to throw rocks anonymously.
Your going a little overboard ...
You do not think in all fairness that this discovery should not be handsomely rewarded I went a little overboard as well but the whole sports player salary thing has really troubled me as of late is why I give such an analogy sorry bit one sided I suppose...
All that I am saying is the monetary value for such a find is hard to equate but the discoverer(s) should not reside the rest of there life as paupers because they freely gave away something of such importance.
Bottom line our life would be changed full circle so many issues can be solved with OU or free energy... People seem fail at understanding how important such a thing or find like this would be.
Give the inventor 1$ for every person ever to use it. Paid from carbon taxes.
It should be a fair amount of money because of the amount of time conversion and adoption would take. Hell if they provided pirated movies and music with there product maybe they could be gillonares like billy gates muahahahaha!
The value of the device Steorn is claiming would be so much, they would need to buy Microsoft as a tax incentive.
Just think of the trillion dollar a year oil and gas companies that will be gone! Their product reduced to less than 1% of current value. (still good for plastics and fertilizer)
Just think of the HUGE boost to the world economy this would bring! Unemployment would be less than .5% for every developed nation for years!
Quote from: infringer on December 12, 2009, 12:14:47 PM
All that I am saying is the monetary value for such a find is hard to equate but the discoverer(s) should not reside the rest of there life as paupers because they freely gave away something of such importance.
There are already private and public prizes and grants for certain achievements. An example is the Nobel prize, which comes with a substantial monetary award.
And Paul, if Steorn turns out to be the real thing, i.e. bona fide overunity, free energy from magnets, real deal, I will gladly reveal my real name and private information. I have zero worry that this will actually happen.
The limits of mans ability, are found in the limits of his imagination!
Well, it's not entirely something out of nothing, right? From the little I was able to see of Steorn, you get heavy, slow moving machinery, with a surplus somewhere. To obsolete a nuke plant, it will need to be BIG. And no-where near free of charge.
The wealth to be found in a free energy device will be mostly decided by it's practicality. Average KWatts per kilo of device, or square floor meter needed. Cheaper to make than a windmills, less intrusive to community life, and a bit more output? That's going to warrent some industrial sized devices to be built. Building Microsoft to act as personal IT provider...not just yet.
If your one industrial device can obsolete all the others on earth, killing the energy industry altogether, the device feeding all the grip on the globe with plenty of power...yes, that would be huge. However, it would also be global war, instantly. No army could defend that device. Owning the de device would be like being a Kennedy walking around with a bulleye print on your jacket, your car, your house, your plane.
I hope the Steorn thing will prove to be like 5x better than a good windmill or solar panel, thanks to being weather independant. No crisis just yet, but a good boost for hunanity, and trade.
Quote from: utilitarian on December 12, 2009, 02:15:26 PMAnd Paul, if Steorn turns out to be the real thing, i.e. bona fide overunity, free energy from magnets, real deal, I will gladly reveal my real name and private information.
Get ready to reveal your real name & private information. :)
IST, 48/72 hour notice, get ready for project Guardian Steorn. ;) Many brothers are now gathering for this global pinnacle moment.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 12, 2009, 06:37:14 PM
IST, 48/72 hour notice, get ready for project Guardian Steorn. ;) Many brothers are now gathering for this global pinnacle moment.
no worries..
william filsinger!
The hype is well done. Even better than before. But what proof has anyone ever seen, or confirmed. Allot of flash but. ???
Anybody that's seen or heard of something should just wait till the demo. It will happen soon enough. People can wait. That's what Sean & Steorn wants. Lets not get everyone who lives near Dublin all hyped up and trying to breaking in the demonstration building. Let them be until it's time. One person already broke in.
Why do you suppose 'The Jury' found no excess energy? Surely they would have it were legit, no?
The jury found no excess energy because the jury was never allowed to see anything. LOL. Ding dong low end skeptics. I'd do the same thing, blow them off and ignore them. Such skeptics say the most negative things. Hey, there's a thought. Just maybe, just maybe Sean got fed up with those ding dongs and began ignoring them.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 12, 2009, 11:04:32 PM
The jury found no excess energy because the jury was never allowed to see anything. LOL. Ding dong low end skeptics. I'd do the same thing, blow them off and ignore them. Such skeptics say the most negative things. Hey, there's a thought. Just maybe, just maybe Sean got fed up with those ding dongs and began ignoring them.
Um, then what were they testing?
QuoteWhy do you suppose 'The Jury' found no excess energy?
Just a guess, but I think even though an energy gain may be shown on a test device using a given set of moves, building a device that can make the moves required and maintain low enough friction may not be that easy.
Judging from their last video, I looks like they may have overcome some final issues and have something operating.
At least we will all know in a few days one way or the other!
Quote from: lumen on December 12, 2009, 11:14:07 PM
Just a guess, but I think even though an energy gain may be shown on a test device using a given set of moves, building a device that can make the moves required and maintain low enough friction may not be that easy.
Judging from their last video, I looks like they may have overcome some final issues and have something operating.
At least we will all know in a few days one way or the other!
You have to admit it's pretty odd to think that such a device would then be able to generate any real torque.
Btw, what's this guy up to
Quote from: happyfunball on December 12, 2009, 11:09:11 PM
Um, then what were they testing?
Their patience. They never not for one nanosecond had the device.
QuoteYou have to admit it's pretty odd to think that such a device would then be able to generate any real torque.
If it can be developed into a rotary system, a small torque is very useful!
Once you reach about 100,000 RPM, even a tiny torque can do a substantial amount of work.
Jet engines are not particularly powerful. They have a low power output - that is until they are spinning at 40,000RPM and higher, then you are getting foot pounds of pressure.
When you ramp up the revs on those things it takes a while. Remeber the Airbus that crashed at the show, flew into the forest? The pilot started to Rev up at the end of the runway as he entered its zone, by the time he hit the forest 12 seconds later his engines were only just beginning to provide lift. Now compare a slight throttle tweak on a giant Diesel or if the plane had an old radial engine, the effect would have been instant.
As for the crash, most jets ramp up the engines as they hit the low point and by half way they are starting to provide the power.
Serious, anyone who has the software to record the live Steorn video coverage should be prepared! It might require screen capture video software. You *will* want to analyze the live video feeds later on.
Did anyone catch this? Someone snuck in and got some pictures (no video). Apparently it was running. The person claims that the demo will be sometime this week.
Quote from: Staffman on December 14, 2009, 01:20:27 PM
Did anyone catch this? Someone snuck in and got some pictures (no video). Apparently it was running. The person claims that the demo will be sometime this week. (
He made that post on past Saturday so "next week" is this week for us.
Per the link below the demo will be tomorrow 15 Dec at 10 AM in Dublin.
There is a stream at
Should be live tomorrow.
Staffman; What was that cable attached to it for?
First thing that came to mind is he is running it under power and then when he takes the cable off it will run on its own. At least for a while for a demo?
It looks like a cable to it to me.
Quote from: grayone on December 14, 2009, 06:36:47 PM
Staffman; What was that cable attached to it for?
First thing that came to mind is he is running it under power and then when he takes the cable off it will run on its own. At least for a while for a demo?
It looks like a cable to it to me.
Your right! I didn't notice that before. May it's taking measurements? I guess we will see tomorrow.
Steorn starts another try for a public demo.
Live at (
Start probably December 15th, 10AM GMT
Let's see what they have...
Quote from: hekkmekk on December 14, 2009, 08:33:42 PM
Steorn starts another try for a public demo.
Live at (
Start probably December 15th, 10AM GMT
Let's see what they have...
what is the password?
Have a look at: (
nice ya?
Quote from: hekkmekk on December 14, 2009, 09:32:34 PM
Have a look at: (
nice ya?
it says, offline.
I'm afraid Michoi cockface is right on this one , its just nice scam , they talked about him on FOX news lol give me a break , clearly they will use these guys as an lauughing stock to humiliate any future debate .
I want to see them shave their heads AND their pubes this time.
I think no undeserving fool should have a reach around here. take your turn please!
Any chance those are laptop battery packs acting as the bases for the three Orbos? :)
Live stream of Orbo up and running. Orbo up and running. Pinch me, I must be hallucinating..
Pinch me again, two live streams up and running. Orbo spinning.
There we have it. An electromagnetic system powered by a battery that never dies. I don't think a lot of people would like that.
The orbo runs from a battery and then charges the battery in their own words.
I suppose they lack caps, right?
If so, I can borrow them a couple…
I can't stream here. Please a quick report?
Quote from: happyfunball on December 15, 2009, 03:37:18 AM
Live stream of Orbo up and running. Orbo up and running. Pinch me, I must be hallucinating..
You’re just fine and not hallucinating.
It’s running from batteries. Even I (far from a great builder) can make a motor running 4-6months from 2 AA (2000mAh) batteries.
So, see you in …June-July 2010.
I guess Orbo is the biggest charade of all times…
I've been watching the live feed.
I noticed that they have a couple of guys doing RPM measurements. At around 11:40-11:45 GMT, a guy came around, did a RPM measurement then started turning on a white little dial on the machine (not the hookup panel). Is that for friction? Was it winding down? A demo like this should be completely HANDS-OFF.
The orbo is using very little energy from the battery to keep it at a constant RPM because of the frictionless magnetic bearings it is rotating on. I speculate when a load is put on it, then it will drain the battery really fast. The orbo could spin for a long time on a single battery without a load.
Here's a video of a levitating homopolar motor running for a long time with a single pulse of current,
Edit: It appears the orbo is a homopolar motor rotating on frictionless magnetic bearing while the battery can send out a quick pulse when it falls below a certain RPM in order to maintain it's target RPM. The duration between the pulses will be very long, and it will run for months maintaining a certain rpm with a single battery.
This is a real shame! >:(
What is the sense of spending time, effort and money for such a crap?
Do they really think we are _that_ dumb? They could have put an Diesel-Engine up there and say: "Look, it runs with nothing but this smelly liquid!" It would be the same...
This is absolutely unbelievable!!
There are 4 live streams,
Looks like a pulse motor to me!
Just replace the battery with a cap and show it charging before we go any further.
So, can they do any work with thise batteries during those months? Capacity of such batteries should be well established. You just can't lift a given weight up higher than X on a charge.
Just don't extract any work, and seasons pass during the experiment.
Hopefully there will be better stuff following soon :-(
There is no external load on the orbo. Why? Because the battery wouldn't be able to maintain the RPM for very long with a load on it. How difficult would it be to hook a light bulb to the orbo to prove it is OU? Not very difficult.
There is no external load on this device because it can not run with a load for very long. However, it can run for a very long time without a load. A demo running from a battery with no load on it showing OU. I don't think so.
Steorn should have used a small supercapacitor, even a 0.1 farad would do.
QuoteSteorn should have used a small supercapacitor, even a 0.1 farad would do.
Yes, then provide some display showing the capacitor's voltage.
Pulse motor..... :(
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 15, 2009, 09:25:36 AM
Steorn should have used a small supercapacitor, even a 0.1 farad would do.
A super capacitor or a battery will have the same results because there is
NO EXTERNAL LOAD on the orbo. The orbo is spinning on
FRICTIONLESS MAGNET BEARINGS, and the device only needs a quick pulse from the battery in order to maintain it's target RPM. The duration between each pulse of current are very long, thus it can run for months on this battery or super capacitor without a load.
Give me a frictionless magnetic bearing, and I can replicate this orbo with a homopolar motor, such as the link to the levitating homopolar motor I posted earlier.
I really hope I am wrong about this and I am trying to keep an open mind. The fact remains that this demo can be done without OU, and this bothers me.
I wonder why they are using toroid em's? Kind of reminds me of gotoluc's Generator Coil Test 1.
Instead of having a regular coil 90 degrees like gotoluc has it, they use a toroid at 90 degrees. Is this a lenz less setup?
I wonder if gotoluc can make a toroid and see what type of current he gets in his setup. Then put current through the toroid and disconnect power from the motor he's using in his setup to see if he gets rotation.
It's not frictionless. It might run a month, two tops on that battery.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 15, 2009, 09:46:14 AM
It's not frictionless. It might run a month, two tops on that battery.
The complete system may not be 100% frictionless, but it is pretty close to 100%. If it was 100%, then it wouldn't need the battery or capacitor. The tiny bit of friction that is still present in the system allows it to run from a battery for months like you have said.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 15, 2009, 09:25:36 AM
Steorn should have used a small supercapacitor, even a 0.1 farad would do.
Why do you think the Orbo would spin with that?
What does this device have to do with time variant magnetic materials?
Isn't that the principal it was supposed to operate on?
What I am surprised about is how little coverage there is of this event, as compared to last time. There are maybe 100 people worldwide watching the feed. Almost no news articles about this in Google News. A few things from ZDNet is all.
Even the Steorn forum is virtually dead about this, just a handful of people posting.
Here we go again :o
:D :D Yahoo!!! The world is saved!!! :D
I... :-\ ... think ???
Doesn't this new orbo resemble a small Bedini wheel? ::)
I think it resembles a Bedini motor.
This demonstration is supposed to convince the world that they have free energy, it's almost as good as watching paint dry.
z z z z z z z
@ grayone
I believe you are correct. There is only one difference I can see. It's that Steorn is using Toroid EM's. I'm thinking that based on what gotoluc showed in his video, the toroid in Steorn's setup minimizes lenz law. Steorn then uses a normal pick-up coil to recharge the batteries.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 15, 2009, 09:46:14 AM
It's not frictionless. It might run a month, two tops on that battery.
If it is putting out enough power to recharge the battery then wouldn't it run indefinitely?
Once again, it is nothing but a publicity trick. If they cant close loop it with a cap then they have nothing.
It is sad to say the least they continue to get away with this.
It would have been nice to have some meters and tourque gets down to power in and power out.
This device could run for months on battery power, if they really had something they would use a cap and close loop it. Sadly , just another publicity stunt.
No one has ever published a peer review paper on the input and output of any of their devices.
It have never been independently tested and peer reviewed in other words. Speaking of works the accademics use the word appears rather than any definitive language. When you test something it either does or does not. Its a bit like binary logic. Greay areas still have results without explanation.
The lack of interest this time is they have no credability, and it appears they will have none at all after this little stunt.
After millions of $ in investors money this is all they have to show. Sad
This looks like a Bedini pulse motor on toroids. :)
Battery must mean 10Kma hours. Seems like a well
designed pulse motor should be able to quite a while
on a single "D" battery. Makes me wonder if Steorn
doesn't read
If it's such a low-friction no-work spinning, no wonder really that it screeched to a halt when a couple of TV cam lights were pointed at it at a previous launch. Tight tolerances. So now, a controlled lab showing. The fact that it runs down is a btter disappointment. At least use 1 battery to charge multiple others to full capacity or something.
Really makes you wonder what their motive is. To scam the world and then come forward with it? Get money from someone, for nothing? Or just wild ignorance and vlind belief?
Still hoping there will be more...
It's either what they say it is, or they want to be sued into the ground by their investors. It's one or the other. Unless the investor contract is somehow worded so that they cannot sue, which is also pretty much impossible.
Steorn claims it also keeps the battery charged. If you look at the diagram it shows the pickup coils that goes to a diode, which charges the battery. So there's more than just friction, due to the pickup coils, but that's recycling the energy. (
Here are 2 Youtube Clips speeded up from the Livecam:
Looks really like a Bedini-Adams style Pulse motor.
Okay, if they would drive it just with supercaps,
I would be really saying that they have the breakthrough...
but with a 10.000 mAh D-cell battery and with
magnetic bearings, this thing will
just rotate for more than a year, until the battery will be drained...
I would really like to see scope shots of the
input and output currents and voltages
to see their claims validated..
In their other Demo Video with the Magnet Measurement-device one could only
see always very symmetrical force curves plotted on their screen
when they measured the attraction and repelling forces
of their magnets..
So I wonder, where the difference forces are, if these are
very symmetrical, cause it could only work,
when there would be very asymmetrical forces, so a positive difference
force would be needed there to propell something..
but all their curves they have shown in the video look very symmetrical.
Well, let´s just wait, until they will sell their
Online Developer Kits.
At least here you can see the inner setup of their Orbo rig:
Also available as PDF there.
Regards, Stefan.
My memory is probably faulty.... so here it goes....
I remember seeing a graph of the Steorn setup different than the 'new' video from the engineers. For some reason the graph I remember seeing resembled the one that gotoluc showed on his Generator Coil Test 1 video.
Maybe it was a PDF file or something. I'm probably wrong, but I just can't seem to get that picture out of my head. I think the engineer video is showing a graph of a different setup.
Oh well... At least I said something. Maybe it will stop bugging me.
Does Steorn say, that there must be a special magnet pole
combination or coil-magnet configuration to achieve the effect of greater output than input ?
What are their current claims for this ?
QuoteAny chance those are laptop battery packs acting as the bases for the three Orbos?
Ha! Ha! I collect my Brownie Points!
I did see something about the magnetic field configuration.
Here someone replicated the Steorn Toy, but called it the "90 Degree Magnet Rule".
To me it looks like a gate.
Anything change? Looks like it's still spinning at least. ;)
The problem here is that Steorn is still being very secretive. I here some people, insiders, have proof. We'll have to see.
Is it running anything? Anything at all?
Not even an LED!?!
Man! Pirate's Earthbattery does better than this.
Today was the day? Right!?
Was the real demonstration postponed again?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 15, 2009, 04:07:10 PM
Steorn claims it also keeps the battery charged. If you look at the diagram it shows the pickup coils that goes to a diode, which charges the battery. So there's more than just friction, due to the pickup coils, but that's recycling the energy. (
All of that other stuff on the device is more than likely a diversion and is not necessary for it to spin like it is. They say the battery is re-charging without offering any proof.
I'm almost sure if the battery and all input connections were cut that it would spin for a long time before coming to a halt. There is probably no current flowing through those coils to recharge the battery.
They have the entire orbo caged in plexiglas to minimize outside interferences such as air friction and pressure from people entering and exiting the building. The entire design is based on minimizing friction and is only given a pulse of current from time to time with the battery to maintain it's RPM.
1) Powered by a battery instead of a cap
2) Caged in Plexiglas
3) No External load
4) No measurements showing the battery is being charged.
5) More than likely has a near frictionless bearing.
6) All they need are a few new gullible investors from this demo to pay off their previous and current investors to keep everyone happy so they can continue the cycle all over again.
7) If they fail to obtain new investors, then this will more than likely end up in court.
8.) A public failure like this will more than likely make any legit device in the future not to get the support it needs from the public.
9) The powers that be, could be the cause and allowing this public failure to happen to limit public research, interest, and efforts in free alternative energy so they can stay in power. This demo is giving us a bad reputation, which is their goal. They know we are getting close, and this could be a big strike against us.
I'm not impressed and I have very low standards. I want this orbo to be the real thing just like the rest of you, but I am really disappointed in this demo. :(
Maybe tomorrow will be a different presentation to convince me otherwise. I want to be wrong, I really do.
To make this demo real all that they would have to do is power the motor with a 50,000 uF capacitor. Checking the voltage on the cap once per hour would tell you instantly if this was real or not.
It's a total scam to use a battery that can power the device for perhaps a few months.
The cap would go down in voltage or after a very long time the battery would discharge.
It's a complete farce but perhaps they don't care. Like barnacles in the ocean they know that some people will be impressed and might even invest. It's just a numbers game like putting an ad on TV.
and then again I repeat myself, you have to convert one form of energy into another to do work and each time you convert energy into another you lose efficiency in each transaction... Period! 8)
does anybody think they can break facts with their bare mind, you will hurt your head if you think you can. it is like somebody violently banging their head against an unbreakable wall for no apparent reason.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 15, 2009, 07:09:31 PM
Anything change? Looks like it's still spinning at least. ;)
The problem here is that Steorn is still being very secretive. I here some people, insiders, have proof. We'll have to see.
You seriously cannot be so gullible as to think this. Steorn is being very open with the aspects of the device that do not prove OU (the battery powers the low friction device). And they are being very secretive with the stuff that would actually prove OU (the charging of the battery). Why do you think this is? Isn't the point of the demo to show OU?
I think they have it, but this is not it!
Maybe their investors are energy people that pay to NOT release the real information.
Why don't they just show the K-toy build so everyone could replicate that?
It would be a better place to start than where we are at now.
These are the batteries they used.
I think one of these, in my giant wall clock, would run about 5 years!
Is it just me, or are they over doing it with all the thick acrylic? ..maybe to keep the lights from effecting it?
Bleh, is this another Rube Goldberg attempt at overunity?
Quote from: lumen on December 15, 2009, 10:25:35 PM
These are the batteries they used.
I think one of these, in my giant wall clock, would run about 5 years!
That battery cannot keep that orbo going more than 2 months. Probably more like 1 month.
QuoteThat battery cannot keep that orbo going more than 2 months. Probably more like 1 month.
The real issue here Paul is not to speculate about the number of months, it's to remember that you told everyone to be sure to start recording the Steorn live feeds because something big was about to happen.
Well, it didn't happen and Sean was not kidnapped by the MIB.
I can assure you that you can continue testing supercapacitors without any government agents watching over you. You can always burn CDs and give them to your friends and stay underground if you feel a compelling need. Sneakernet still works pretty well and you can always wear some Groucho Marx glasses to hide your Sneakernet packets.
Steorn, why use a rechargeable D-cell battery, why not use a aaa cell or aa? They are all 1.2 volt battery's, a 900 mah aaa battery would be more believable for the duration of this demo.
"and then again I repeat myself, you have to convert one form of energy into another to do work and each time you convert energy into another you lose efficiency in each transaction... Period! does anybody think they can break facts with their bare mind, you will hurt your head if you think you can. it is like somebody violently banging their head against an unbreakable wall for no apparent reason."
Your reasoning is flawed on various levels, you make the assumption that the system must lose energy because it is a closed system when of course this is simply not the case. Quantum mechanics wave/particle theory dictates motion is inherent in all matter as absorbtion/emission therefore there are no closed systems. As well you have assumed that energy lost in conversion cannot be compensated for by energy gains from external sources due to tha fact that conversion is in itself a disturbance of ambient conditions. Consider why a signal can be heard on almost every frequency from a simple crysatal radio, the static noise between man-made stations is in fact a signal and it constitutes energy recieved from an external source. This signal was "converted" and losses were incurred yet the signal remains and no energy was required by the operator to perform work on the speaker coil. It would seem a simple crystal radio contradicts your "theory" that a conversion process must always imply losses in an absolute sense.
"Steorn, why use a rechargeable D-cell battery, why not use a aaa cell or aa? They are all 1.2 volt battery's, a 900 mah aaa battery would be more believable for the duration of this demo."
The real issue is one of perception, you may think any battery can be slapped on this motor for the same reason milehigh believes any old capacitor could be used, while others believe they should just throw in a load of some sort. All these views make no consideration for the properties or qualities of the components in relation to the operation of the circuit, does it seem reasonable that we can just throw in any old components and expect the circuit to operate in exactly the same way? If you look at the history of the people who supposedly had free energy devices you will find all of them, 1)were observant of everything around them--every little detail, 2)meticulous in the craftmanship of their devices, 3)had an insatiable curiosity. The devil is in the details:)
All I know is that they completed the big hooha testing with all the scientific bigshot experts. As reported here on Steorn's own website:
Right there it says in black and white:
'In fact, following an invitation to the science community to examine the technology, an international panel of 22 experts, headed by Ian McDonald, professor of electrical engineering at University of Alberta, Canada, said that demonstrations “have not shown the production of energyâ€.
"The unanimous verdict of the jury is that Steorn's attempts to demonstrate the claim have not shown the production of energy. The jury is therefore ceasing work," said McDonald in an online post in June 2009."'
So the whole show is over. What the heck are these guys doing this for anyway?
What a bunch of fools. I really feel sorry for those who actually invested money in their antics.
Someone in the inner Steorn circle emailed me the reason why Steorn has not made this demonstration obvious over-unity. I don't have the right to post this information, I promised, but at least wanted to write this much. :( I don't know if I buy the reason, but we'll see.
Someone took a photo of the guys tachometer readings.
See the attached images. Here's what I can see,
First column:
14?2 ?
1190 or 1490 ??
Second column:
1235? ???
1624??? or 624???
789? or 489?
4?4 (464?)
Third column:
428? 928?
43? ?
Fourth column:
59? ??
Attached are two images, the same, except one is sharpened.
Some of the readings are clear, so you can get the gist that the rpm's fluctuate up & down a lot. That is extremely unusual, as that should not happen if it was just a battery & conventional electric motor.
Hmmm....... I just realized this may be working on a totally different principal than a pulse motor.
They are using toroidal coils!
My theory is that the rotor is attracted to the core of the toroidal coils. Then they saturate the core with the windings to eliminate or reduce the attraction, and the rotor magnets are free leave with less energy than they gained during the attraction.
Like the magnetic amplifier principal.
Any thoughts?
Quote from: lumen on December 16, 2009, 12:19:05 PM
Hmmm....... I just realized this may be working on a totally different principal than a pulse motor.
They are using toroidal coils!
My theory is that the rotor is attracted to the core of the toroidal coils. Then they saturate the core with the windings to eliminate or reduce the attraction, and the rotor magnets are free leave with less energy than they gained during the attraction.
Like the magnetic amplifier principal.
Any thoughts?
A lot of my magnetic designs are based on the premise of changing the cores effective permeability. :) (
Quote from: Staffman on December 15, 2009, 06:59:19 PM
I did see something about the magnetic field configuration.
Here someone replicated the Steorn Toy, but called it the "90 Degree Magnet Rule".
To me it looks like a gate.
but that is not an official Steorn movie, but only a tinkerer, who
thinks that it is this effect.
Steorn to my knowledge has not yet explained,
where the additional magnetic energy comes from or
how they extract it.
They only showed these 2 new videos,
where one could see, that it is a pulse-motor with some
pickup generator coils, but they have not yet explained,
how exactly they generate more energy via the pickup coils,
than they input via the motor coils.
Or did they already state that somehow ?
I really would love to see the input current into the motor
coils on a few scopeshots on a calibrated shunt and scope and
the output voltages and currents
of the pickup coils.
Then one could really say, what is going on in this motor/generator.
The way they show it now is only a big publicity stunt with no real data..
Regards, Stefan.
I had a closer look to the video and
saw this Roth Elektronik Germany board RE901.
Here they are using this circuit PCB board for their circuit:
It is a multisolution SMD pcb board, which can hold several SMD devices.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: lumen on December 16, 2009, 12:19:05 PM
Hmmm....... I just realized this may be working on a totally different principal than a pulse motor.
They are using toroidal coils!
My theory is that the rotor is attracted to the core of the toroidal coils. Then they saturate the core with the windings to eliminate or reduce the attraction, and the rotor magnets are free leave with less energy than they gained during the attraction.
Like the magnetic amplifier principal.
Any thoughts?
Very interesting observation. That may be easy to test.
I had another closer look in fullcreen to this video of Steorn:
They have used really Toroidal-Ferrite coils as Motor-Drive coils.
So as there are magnets inside the rotor,
the rotor is accelerated without any current input into the
direction of the ferrite toroid coils.
Then when the magnets arrive exactly over the toroidal ferrite core coils,
these coils are pulsed by a Reed Switch from the battery,
Part Number 23
and then repelled, so the rotor can rotate on.
One interesting fact here is, that these toroidal ferrite core coils
normally have their magnet fields completely inside the ferrite core
and only leakage flux is coming out of them..
so the rotor will probably have not much torque,
cause this will not repell strongly the rotor magnets.
Also the mechanical Reed switching of the input current will
probably wear down the Reed Switch pretty fast, as the BACKEMF
of the toroidal coils
also goes through the Reed Switch and will
spark a bit inside the Reed Switch.
Also the rotation RPM is thus not very fast, because the mechanical Reed Switch
could probably switch not faster than about 30 to 50 Hz or so...
So the Motor part is not very powerful in torque and not very durable
cause the Reed switch will wear out pretty soon.
On this Roth Elektronik RE901 PCB board there seems to be
soldered also only a SMD diode,
cause only 2 connections are used.
It seems to be only the blocking diode,so that
the current from the battery will not flow through the
pickup coils, but this diode will only conduct during the
induction spike of the pickup coils recharging the Ansman 10.000 mAh
NiMh accumulator battery.
So all in all it is a pretty easy to build pulse motor
and should be easy to replicate and measure the
input and output currents.
The only effect I could see is, that they use the toroidal ferrite core
coils for the driver part, which could behave stangely,
cause the magnet will also induce current into them,
when they go by and this could reduce the input current...
But how much could only be measured via a scope on a shunt
Gruss, Stefan.
I just did a small test. Not with a toroid but very similar. I took three neo magnets (1/4 inch diameter by 3 inches in length) and three 1/2 inch ball bearings. I then made a triangle with them making sure the poles all attracted. This cancelled the magnetic field (detected by the outside) of the neo magnets. Once the triangle was broken the field came back.
[Quick note... at the junction between the neos and the bearings due to size differences there was a small attraction to the neo by the iron nail I used to the sharp edge of the neo. Yeah, not quite a toroid but you get the point.]
I think this may be what they are doing with the toroids. With no current going to the toroid, the magnets on the rotor attract to the toroid. When the toroid is powered the rotor magnets are no longer attracted.
Does anyone have a toroid to test with? I may have something, an iron pipe that I could cut, but I'm going to have to get some higher gauge wire(36 awg will break on me).
EDIT: Just grabbed a magnet to see if it would attract to the steel ball bearings on the triangle. Yes, it still attracts. I'm going to try making a toroid coil tomorrow to see if this theory pans out.
Now for the arrangement of the double rows of rotor magnets.
There are two rotors and each rotor has two rows of magnets.
My opinion would be that it would be the most effective if the top row of each rotor would be "N" out and the bottom row would be "S" out.
This would yield the most draw to the toroidal core material. (probably ferrite with low saturation)
The coil should cause the field in the toroid to be in a direction where after the magnets pass, the field is in the direction that would push on each of the passing magnets.
It would not actually be pushing but the opposing direction would yield the greatest rejection of any attraction to the passing magnet.
I guess it all seems fairly clear how it should actually work. (and be OU?)
Looks like Steorn put out a new learning module that is very close to the working concept!
Another thing I just realized, when again looking at the video is,
that the generator magnets are located 90 degrees out of phase versus the motor magnets
inside the rotor.
So this makes sure, that motor and generator pulses are not occuring at the same
time but are occurring after each other in time.
So by putting a 1 Ohm shunt resistor onto the plus pole of the battery, it should
be visible on a scope , if the average current out of the battery is positive or negative
over one cycle...
If it will be negative, then surely this Orbo is overunity.
If the integration area is positive over one cycle then the Orbo is underunity.
(in this case heating losses I^2xR of the coils neglected..)
Quote from: lumen on December 16, 2009, 09:25:04 PM
Looks like Steorn put out a new learning module that is very close to the working concept!
Lumen, below is what the time variant magnetic material may be based on.
The Wiegand effect is a macroscopic extension of the Barkhausen effect as the special treatment of the Wiegand wire causes the wire to act macroscopically as a single large magnetic domain. The small high-coercivity domains in the Wiegand wire outer shell switch in an avalanche, generating the Wiegand effect's rapid magnetic field change.
Because the voltage induced by a changing magnetic field is proportional to the rate of change of the field, a Wiegand-wire core can increase the output voltage by several orders of magnitude as compared to a similar coil with a non-Wiegand core. Once the Wiegand wire has flipped magnetization, it will retain that magnetization until flipped in the other direction. It will not flip until an opposite polarity in the magnetic field reaches a certain threshold.
I've posted this information in various threads before this, but it's always ignored. You're going to need more than just a toroid core. You will need a Wiegand-wire core. GB
Great, now someone should build this. Although I would not recommend saturating the core.
I've seen several people who've had similar cop>1 designs based on the same method, but I don't recall their names and don't have the url's. Maybe someone knows.
I looked at about 1/2 of the module and it contains just basic Electronics 101 stuff about magnetism. I'm underwhelmed.
QuoteI've seen several people who've had similar cop>1 designs based on the same method, but I don't recall their names and don't have the url's. Maybe someone knows.
My eyes are glazing over.
MileHigh is now added to the iggy bin for trolling
Anyone who doesn't think COP>1 is possible, is a troll on this forum. "Zero Stars", below his name. Go join the Physics Forum, they will welcome you with open arms.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 17, 2009, 12:08:57 AM
MileHigh is now added to the iggy bin for trolling
Anyone who doesn't think COP>1 is possible, is a troll on this forum. "Zero Stars", below his name. Go join the Physics Forum where you are welcomed.
Welcome aboard to the MH ignore list. Soon he'll be talking to himself, lol.
Hey, not to get off topic to the Steorn replication, but the Thane Heins "Bi-Toroid Transformer" seems to use the same effect, except in a solid-state design. I'm still trying to find the other inventors using the same effect. I vaguely recall his accent, perhaps Russian.
Here's an example of the Thane Heins "Bi-Toroid Transformer",
Just swap the battery for a 25,000 uF capacitor and we will see who was right and who was glazed.
Paul, just use your "contacts" to get them to switch the battery for a capacitor, something that any person with the most basic understanding of energy and electronics would want to see.
PS: Since Sean is claiming three times more energy out than in, he can put a resistor in parallel with the capacitor. The energy return would burn through the resistor and also keep the capacitor charged to feed the motor.
So that's the real proof of the claim: A capacitor in parallel with a resistor running the motor. Everything else is bullshit - that's what they have to demo. But that won't happen - it's just a motor powered by a battery and just a bare naked capacitor without a "bonus energy sucking" resistor would show decreasing voltage.
Here's an interesting statement,
Comment #23: (
Quote, "Saw it today in the docklands, spoke to one of the guys, said that in Jan they're going to be hooking up all the equipment, oscilloscopes, amp meters etc, without those aforementioned devices it's just a nice looking display with a nice looking girl watching over it!"
Sounds like Steorn is going to hook up meters & such to the Orbo in January. ;D If true, then it's all going as planned.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 17, 2009, 12:08:57 AM
MileHigh is now added to the iggy bin for trolling
Anyone who doesn't think COP>1 is possible, is a troll on this forum. "Zero Stars", below his name. Go join the Physics Forum, they will welcome you with open arms.
No sens.
This forum is not a mosque "muslims, welcome, atheists, out!"
It is a forum for "Free Energy Alternative", not a sect.
"Free Energy Alternative" does not mean COP>1. For example free energy could tape a hidden source.
And in any case, as this forum is regularly refering to conventional science and science is made by "not believers in COP>1" since the 19th century, skeptics are welcome too.
The Steorn show does not prove any thing. A D battery can supply power for weeks to a motor with low friction.
For storing and restoring energy on cycles as short as the time for a motor turn, a simple capacitor of some thousands of µF should be enough!
As we were all expecting for a full magnet motor, Steorn is always disappointing anybody except believers without critical thinking.
There is nothing wrong with healthy skepticism, but condemnation before investigation is folly (that makes no sense). At this moment, I believe the orbo is a fake, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be investigated along with all other COP>1 claims. In reference to those other claims in post #109, they were condemned by him in post #110 prior to any investigation because it was based on "electromagnetism 101".
Always a good possibility for the powers that be to have forced Steorn to demo a device that doesn't convince anyone of OU. The way it was demoed makes no sense either. Something is not right.
I think all you need to do is just stop for a second and think really hard, what principal makes this device operate.
If you do this, you will see the exact reason this device is OU.
No other device uses this exact effect!
Think of the field going through the toroidal core by passing the two magnets along the upper and lower quadrants of the core.
AND when they reach the center point!
Hi All,
What an expensive work of art. Nice machine work! Looks to me like a Adams motor/generator with a torroidal twist. First remember that a 10Ah battery can power a low friction rotor for months if not years! Now to get to the "Guts" question.
Does it actually work as an excess energy producing device?
The most simple way to "prove" this technology is to GET RID OF THE BATTERY and run on a low impedance/low leakage Super Cap. At the COP claimed it would have no problem increasing the charge/voltage on the Cap. over time. If run away in unit is feared, use 1.5V zener of adequate wattage across Cap. to stabilize unit. IF OU, voltage in Cap. will increase from initial charge setting/rpm level to zener limit along with an increase in RPM, then stabilization.
Spin it up to speed with 1.25 V energy source and Cap. in parallel, let it stabilize (time?). Monitor Cap. voltage with 20 Meg input, 4 1/2 digit DVM. (if you are curious as I am, I assume it can power 20 meg load of meter and replace any leakage in the Cap.!) REMOVE energy SOURCE. Run on CAP only. It either works or it doesn't!.....Until they remove ANY charge producing (Primary or secondary battery/device) except the motor/generator, I will be skeptical of this work of art. I am a believer......just not in this technology as demonstrated.
My gut feeling is you will never see a Cap. replace that battery.
My name is Ben, been there done that, happy holidays to all.
Quote from: lumen on December 17, 2009, 09:09:01 AM
I think all you need to do is just stop for a second and think really hard, what principal makes this device operate.
If you do this, you will see the exact reason this device is OU.
No other device uses this exact effect!
Think of the field going through the toroidal core by passing the two magnets along the upper and lower quadrants of the core.
AND when they reach the center point!
If you are saying no other device design uses the effect found in the Steorn Orbo then IMO that's incorrect. Going back years ago, all on my own I came up with designs that use that effect. Along the way I've seen numerous other inventors that have also used that effect. On paper it works out great, so it's definitely worth trying.
Paul (
"Steorn have promised that in January there will be live validation and replication sessions which should provide help shed light on these issues."
Also supposedly Steorn said they're going to put all kinds of meters on the Orbo in January. Looks like January is going to be a great month! ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 17, 2009, 10:34:09 AM
"Steorn have promised that in January there will be live validation and replication sessions which should provide help shed light on these issues."
Quote from: gravityblock on December 17, 2009, 06:21:22 AM
There is nothing wrong with healthy skepticism, but condemnation before investigation is folly (that makes no sense).
I agree, gravityblock.
Nevertheless the burden of proof is not on the side of the investigation. If evidence is not provided by the claimant, the investigation need not even be made. An electric motor running with a battery is not a sign and even less an evidence of COP>1.
I look at it just like I looked at the Linnard Griffin Electrolysis Process. All my experimentation was to understand the process and then try to find evidence of overunity. Sadly, the unit was not able to run itself and slowly consumed the electrolyte and sacrificial metals. What would have been the sense of claiming overunity when the evidence showed otherwise?
I look at Steorn process the same way. So far not a single demonstration has shown overunity. I don't understand this last one at all. Why do it if you don't plan on showing overunity? It is a waste of time. Now they are delaying AGAIN until next month. This is ridiculous!
Delay...excuse...delay...excuse...delay...excuse... the pattern continues.
Please! If you have overunity, then show it already. Dump the battery and show something credible.
Does that make me evil? Unreasonable? Close-minded? Of course not.
Both of Steorn cameras now have audio! Looks like Steorn is slowly ramping it up. We know from their ads they they want to rub it in to the closed minded skeptics. Maybe they want more to put their foot in their mouths. ;)
At this moment the Steorn guy is explaining something to people.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 17, 2009, 12:38:20 PM
Both of Steorn cameras now have audio! Looks like Steorn is slowly ramping it up. We know from their ads they they want to rub it in to the closed minded skeptics. Maybe they want more to put their foot in their mouths. ;)
At this moment the Steorn guy is explaining something to people.
Perhaps he is explaining why the device has stopped many times and how to do quicker battery changes during the black screen periods. perhaps he is being managed by our other friend (The lawrence lead out device). Lots of promisies.
You have to ask why they even bothered with this demo until they do have meters and qualified people conducting the tests. Why the battery remains there eill always be a huge question mark.
Kind Regards
I suppose they should roll out this new technology at a rate to prevent any further sliding of current economies.
I mean, keeping the long term skeptics should provide a cushion that will prevent total chaos and slow the dumping of current technology during the build up.
Quote from: lumen on December 17, 2009, 05:43:31 PM
I suppose they should roll out this new technology at a rate to prevent any further sliding of current economies.
I mean, keeping the long term skeptics should provide a cushion that will prevent total chaos and slow the dumping of current technology during the build up.
Let me see. So the fact that the technology is unconvincing is now evidence that it's real, right? Please.
Quote from: lumen on December 17, 2009, 05:43:31 PM
I suppose they should roll out this new technology at a rate to prevent any further sliding of current economies.
I mean, keeping the long term skeptics should provide a cushion that will prevent total chaos and slow the dumping of current technology during the build up.
The Economist ad/ challenge came out Dec 2006. It's been three years. Do I hear four?
Quote from: utilitarian on December 17, 2009, 05:49:17 PM
Let me see. So the fact that the technology is unconvincing is now evidence that it's real, right? Please.
So your not convinced it's a real OU device?
Well I suppose you might as well go out and buy that new gas guzzling truck you wanted, instead of hanging out in here where nothing is useful.
I mean, what the heck, why waste time looking at fake OU stuff just to save a few cents worth of oil, the good old stuff is everywhere!
epic fail!
D cell. LOL!
As others have said, put a cap on it.
This is the only private video I could find on
youtube today, that a visitor has filmed about the Steorn Orbo...
But only taped via a mobile phone probably and very bad and too shacky...:
I wonder, why no visitors have put a detailed youtube video yet up,
where one could see more details, e.g.from the reed relay switch, etc...?
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 17, 2009, 08:26:51 PM
This is the only private video I could find on
youtube today, that a visitor has filmed about the Steorn Orbo...
But only taped via a mobile phone probably and very bad and too shacky...:
I wonder, why no visitors have put a detailed youtube video yet up,
where one could see more details, e.g.from the reed relay switch, etc...?
Thanks, was wondering what the sign said. So, there you have it in writing for all to see. They are either blatant liars or they have something.
Somewhere I read an astute comment by someone about the new problem the Steorn system will create - the overheating of the planet. Shucks, we forgot about the down side of the Orbos spreading like wildfire. It's wildfire. Things will get "explodey."
Forget about the carbon menace overheating the planet, it's the Orbo menace that we will be dealing with in 10 years.
P.S.: Sean McCarthy is the new bogeyman! lol
QuoteSomewhere I read an astute comment by someone about the new problem the Steorn system will create - the overheating of the planet.
I understand that heat will radiate out into space providing it's not held in by greenhouse gases.
What about the new solar project where they collect solar radiation from space and beam it down to earth?
How well you think that's going to work when we double the solar footprint of earth?
QuoteHow well you think that's going to work when we double the solar footprint of earth?
You think big. That's an extra 174,000 terrawatts.
We may have to set up some sort of giant Orbo-powered heat pump with COP > 4 to radiate the extra heat into space. Orbos cooling Orbos, so to speak.
Maybe just convert the excess heat to electricity and feed it back into an Orbo running in reverse.
The Orbo running in reverse would just absorb energy and make it vanish!
Some new Steorn videos:
Someone's personal video footage of the Orbo demonstration: (
Steorn placed their ad on TV. Skip to 49 seconds into video: (
Speedup Steorn Orbo demo live camera feed 2: (
A cartoon, "Sean McCarthy vs. Michio Kaku" (
Orbo Technology Update
Steorn invites you to visit ( for the first in a series of live talks and experiments regarding Orbo Technology.
Subject: Introduction to an Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction - Part 1
When: Saturday 19th December 2009
Time: 17:00 GMT
Where: - Live Stream View 1
In person at the Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre,
Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Directions: (
Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, will discuss and demonstrate cancelling Back EMF in Orbo electromagnetic interactions.
Who should attend:
Anyone interested in understanding Orbo Technology or taking up an Orbo Technology Developer License on 1st February 2010.
The Cry Of The Snake-Owl
"Steorn just posted an announcement that tomorrow, Dec 19th, CEO Sean McCarthy will give a talk titled “Introduction to an Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction, Part 1″. The talk will be at 5:00 p.m. GMT at the Waterways Visitors Centre where the demonstration is taking place. There will also be a live video stream of the talk available via the Steorn web site."
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 16, 2009, 06:30:47 PM
your analysis is only partially correct. Comments in-line.Quote
They have used really Toroidal-Ferrite coils as Motor-Drive coils.
So as there are magnets inside the rotor,
the rotor is accelerated without any current input into the
direction of the ferrite toroid coils.
Yes because the toroid core is made of magnetic material.Quote
Then when the magnets arrive exactly over the toroidal ferrite core coils,
these coils are pulsed by a Reed Switch from the battery,
Part Number 23
and then repelled, so the rotor can rotate on.
No, the rotor magnets are NOT repelled.Quote
One interesting fact here is, that these toroidal ferrite core coils
normally have their magnet fields completely inside the ferrite core
and only leakage flux is coming out of them..
so the rotor will probably have not much torque,
cause this will not repel strongly the rotor magnets.
The rotor magnets are neither strongly nor weakly repelled;
they only continue coasting by without being attracted back
in the direction of the torrid core. The pulse into the toroid
coil has NO effect on the rotor magnets, neither attraction
nor repulsion.
Your analysis is correct until the rotor magnet reaches the
toroid coil. At this point a pulse into the toroid coil saturates
the toroid core since it exceeds a certain ampere-turns
rating for that particular core material and size. When the
toroid magnetic core saturates, it becomes what I call
"synthetic air" as all its magnetic properties disappear.
Since the rotor magnet is not attracted to "synthetic air"
it continues to rotate with no braking. The magnetic leakage
from the now air-cored toroid is small.
Once the rotor magnet is far enough away from the toroid,
the pulse is stopped and the toroid core returns to being
magnetic material.
In my opinion, this demo is completely different from all
else Stoern has done until now.
In effect, this motor is alchemy. Instead of turning lead into
gold, it turns magnetic material into air.Quote
So all in all it is a pretty easy to build pulse motor
and should be easy to replicate and measure the
input and output currents.
It should be very easy to replicate this motor, add
generator coils, use optosensors for timing and then
measure input to output power. No reed relays
I do not think that Stoern is using generator coils in
this demo. This demo is interesting due to the non
traditional use of magnetic core saturation, but it
shows absolutely nothing about under or over unity.
Gruss, Stefan.
Regards, Earl
Some good pictures here:
One product: Steorn-O, the portable fire!
Hopefully they won't be trying to 'charge' a battery - otherwise We'll have to forward them some of our discussions about the accuracy of measured energy in one.
Here's a short video that shows underneath the Orbo, (
11.5 hours till the Steorn talks.
I am sure millions around the world are counting the seconds to the speach. But then perhaps not. I would be more interested in seeing him arrested or being handed a summons live for ripping all those people of. However their appears as usual to be a small band of die hard believers, the type that hung onto the Mylow fairytale till the very end.
However I support free speach and peoples right to have faith, just can not see why I would bother watching a spin doctor making more hollow promises.
Kind Regards
please.. I have a clock on my wall that runs for 2 years on a C cell. I suppose its OU.
Can i have some money to further my apparent over unity clock?
Quote from: hekkmekk on December 18, 2009, 01:57:50 PM
Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, will discuss and demonstrate cancelling Back EMF in Orbo electromagnetic interactions.
The back emf is not the point for overunity. Cancelling Back EMF is easy. It is just recovering the energy stored in the magnetic field. A simple electronics design can recover more than 94% of the energy put in a coil (it is the value I attained myself in several expriments). The back emf energy is always less than the energy put in the coil (due to losses) even when there is no part of the input energy used to run a motor. So a discussion on how to cancel Back EMF is conventional technics and irrelevant for giving proof of OU.
It's in what ... 1.5 hours? Well I never gave Steorn a dime and never signed any NDA with them, but I'm still open minded until something happens.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 16, 2009, 06:30:47 PM
Then when the magnets arrive exactly over the toroidal ferrite core coils,
these coils are pulsed by a Reed Switch from the battery,
Part Number 23
and then repelled, so the rotor can rotate on.
One interesting fact here is, that these toroidal ferrite core coils
normally have their magnet fields completely inside the ferrite core
and only leakage flux is coming out of them..
so the rotor will probably have not much torque,
cause this will not repell strongly the rotor magnets.
There is another way to see the functionning (I dont know which is the right one). The rotor magnets are grouped by 2. If their poles are inverted, then the magnetic field between them, crossing the toroid, is oriented parallel to the toroid axis.
As an ordinary toroid coil carries a "multi-turns current" around its section but also a whole "one-turn current" around its axis (see the top half-page here: we guess that the "one-turn current" could provide the repelling force.
It would be interesting to know the relative polarity of the 2 magnets.
QuoteI would be more interested in seeing him arrested or being handed a summons live for ripping all those people off.
I thought they only had private investors that were fully aware of the issues.
Like EESTOR, they only have private investors that were willing to gamble(invest) because the large profit potential.
Kinda like when you buy a lottery ticket. (big profit, small chance)
If they lose then oh well!
Anyone getting sound on the video?
Edit: I see others are having issues as well. I guess it's easier to create perpetual motion than to stream video with audio.
yes a sound of silence and no video ;] Very pro ;]
ok after all it wasn't that bad :P
toroid coils... hmm
I wonder the polarity of the rotor magnets.
At what position is the coil triggered.
Before coil center, as in attraction?
After center, as in repel?
After center, as in changing the permeability of the core to remove attraction?
I guess not much was answered on the operational theory.
Was still interesting.
Steorn said they'll post the recent live talks on their youtube page,
Someone else posted the video, no sound :( ,
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 19, 2009, 01:20:41 PM
Someone else posted the video, no sound :( , (
Speccy said the above video was captured some of the silent bit before it started, setting it up, some oscilloscope traces and what not. So it's not the entire talk.
here is a description of a similar device
This may help you see the orbo in a new light.
Kind Regards
Ahhh...the Retro-Encabulator!!!
Why didn't I understand Orbo before. The differential girdle-spring was the KEY component!!!
Thanks Mark!!!
I think he was right, it did seem to have the retro look!
Here's a nice brand new HD video on the orbo at the demo site,
you hit the nail on the head. Well done.
I am posting the link again so we can do a direct comparision with the link paul has put up. I am sure everyone will be amazed at the similarities in terminology and outcomes.
Have a good xmas everyone
Could someone please post the lingo similarities? Also it didn't look the orbo.
One was a bad actor practicing for the Ronco talent show, and the other was some engineer that may have a solution to endless energy.
Not a close match but exactly the same for someone with glaucoma. (narrow vision)
Steorn just posted todays Talks video,
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 19, 2009, 07:40:07 PM
Could someone please post the lingo similarities? Also it didn't look the orbo.
Dude, are you seriously expecting someone to make a comparison analysis between the orbo and the retro discombobulator thingy? The point is they are both joke devices.
Hi All,
today was a live demo of a scope measurement on the ORBO.
Now this thing gets much more clearer !
Have a look at:
Seems Steorn has a valid counterEMF less (Lenz law violation) motor
which brings up the possibility to produce greater mechanical torque power than inputed electrical power.
The question is, if the mechanical attraction of the magnets to the ferrite cores (distance x force) of the toroidal coils are bigger than the used energy pulse to energize the toroidal coils.
But surely you can get 90 % of the electrical input energy back, when recycling the BackEMF from the coils...
(This is the energy where the green scope trace line oscillates)
So I think it is a valid OU motor concept.
Now they only have to optimize the toroidal coils,
so these would need to have a much higher turn winding numbers, so
they work more likely like Newman coils and don´t need so much energy
per On pulse. Surely you have to optimize the tau=LxR of the coil wire
to get fast switching times for high speed=high power motors
and then compromize to use low input current with more turn number coils
and higher coil impedances.
Well done Steorn.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: Earl on December 18, 2009, 04:01:05 PM
Your analysis is correct until the rotor magnet reaches the
toroid coil. At this point a pulse into the toroid coil saturates
the toroid core since it exceeds a certain ampere-turns
rating for that particular core material and size. When the
toroid magnetic core saturates, it becomes what I call
"synthetic air" as all its magnetic properties disappear.
Since the rotor magnet is not attracted to "synthetic air"
it continues to rotate with no braking. The magnetic leakage
from the now air-cored toroid is small.
Once the rotor magnet is far enough away from the toroid,
the pulse is stopped and the toroid core returns to being
magnetic material.
In my opinion, this demo is completely different from all
else Stoern has done until now.
In effect, this motor is alchemy. Instead of turning lead into
gold, it turns magnetic material into air.[/b]
Hi Earl,
yes, it seems you are right,
they just saturate the ferrite cores with very high input current pulses
and then the cores act just like normal air , so uR=1 and not anymore
1000 or so..what ferrite normally has..
This saturation probably needs pretty big currents and I wonder how
these current pulses could be decreased maybe via higher turn number coils.
So it would probably be better to build lower RPM motors with more torque,
as then you can use higher turn number coils with a higher tau=LxR and thus lower switching frequencies
but bigger size and more torque to compensate for the lower speed.
Should be pretty easy to scale this effect up.
So it seems this is a real Lenzless counterEMF-less motor.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 19, 2009, 09:56:49 PM
Hi Earl,
yes, it seems you are right,
they just saturate the ferrite cores with very high input current pulses
and then the cores act just like normal air , so uR=1 and not anymore
1000 or so..what ferrite normally has..
This saturation probably needs pretty big currents and I wonder how
these current pulses could be decreased maybe via higher turn number coils.
Since it is Ampere-turns that saturate, with low turns you need higher Amps and with higher turns lower Amps. As always there is no perfection, only a good compromise. The more turns, the slower the current ramps up, so it takes longer time to saturate.
So it would probably be better to build lower RPM motors with more torque,
as then you can use higher turn number coils with a higher tau=LxR and thus lower switching frequencies
but bigger size and more torque to compensate for the lower speed.
Should be pretty easy to scale this effect up.
So it seems this is a real Lenzless counterEMF-less motor.
No, this motor has nothing to do with Lenz effect or Lenz-less operation. Only a motor using current to attract or repel a magnet is subject to Lenz's law. This motor does not use current through a coil to attract or repel a magnet, so it can *NOT* be said to be a Lenz-less motor.
It makes *NO* sense with this motor to talk about Lenz's law, there is no connection at all.
The only thing to do with this motor is measure power input consumption and power output and see if the cost of saturating the core is more or less than the output power.
I think we should all stay cool and calm until some valid measurements are made and make no conclusions now.
Regards, Stefan.
Regards, Earl
Someone put up a youtube video that includes more of the Talks. The official steorn youtube video does not include any of the questions afterwards. The following video includes at least one question & answer,
Here Sean talks about dark matter. ;D
You might want to download this video in case Steorn has the person remove it.
Thanks for that info !!
Quote from: Earl on December 20, 2009, 09:12:27 AM
Regards, Earl
So, it is cancelling the ferromagnetism of the core correct?
You're welcome Chet. Hey take a look at this promising machine. Maybe its design is related to the Orbo, (
So will this toast ferrite very soon causing yet another precious resource extinction?
Ferrite the new black gold Texas T now Texas F?
This worries me a little there original demo I do not believe was the same thing I wonder if this is just an intro type device to show a possible working model?
Either way I am still rooting for these guys I would assume ferrite is an abundant resource do not quot me on that though...
Quote from: Earl on December 18, 2009, 04:01:05 PM
your analysis is only partially correct. Comments in-line.
Yes because the toroid core is made of magnetic material.
No, the rotor magnets are NOT repelled.
The rotor magnets are neither strongly nor weakly repelled;
they only continue coasting by without being attracted back
in the direction of the torrid core. The pulse into the toroid
coil has NO effect on the rotor magnets, neither attraction
nor repulsion.
Your analysis is correct until the rotor magnet reaches the
toroid coil. At this point a pulse into the toroid coil saturates
the toroid core since it exceeds a certain ampere-turns
rating for that particular core material and size. When the
toroid magnetic core saturates, it becomes what I call
"synthetic air" as all its magnetic properties disappear.
Since the rotor magnet is not attracted to "synthetic air"
it continues to rotate with no braking. The magnetic leakage
from the now air-cored toroid is small.
Once the rotor magnet is far enough away from the toroid,
the pulse is stopped and the toroid core returns to being
magnetic material.
In my opinion, this demo is completely different from all
else Stoern has done until now.
In effect, this motor is alchemy. Instead of turning lead into
gold, it turns magnetic material into air.
It should be very easy to replicate this motor, add
generator coils, use optosensors for timing and then
measure input to output power. No reed relays
I do not think that Stoern is using generator coils in
this demo. This demo is interesting due to the non
traditional use of magnetic core saturation, but it
shows absolutely nothing about under or over unity.
Regards, Earl
It would appear that the key to this motor being able to generate more power out than input power, is whether the power invested in the toroid coil is more or less than the amount of useful torque output of the motor measured as watts of power out. The amount of heat generated by the power input into the toroid coil is of no matter. Heat that is generated is waste and is not useful. Perhaps they will do a straight forward test like just described, to answer the real question.
"they just saturate the ferrite cores with very high input current pulses"
4 coils , it is possible with only 1 AA battery?
Current and voltage starts at different time it is usual?
The ferrite core it is not visible , my be there is an hidden horizontal coil inside?
more in line with his philosophy
The core material is ferrite?
Did I miss something?
I would think something like a small spool of 1010 steel wire would be a better core material because of it's high permeability and low saturation point.
Even if this is a pulse motor and some wacky measurement look at the video when you slow the motor down the voltage and current remains...
Unless this part is the illusion which I doubt cause if you slow something down for seconds at a time pulsing or not it should be visible on the scope.
With that said I seem to believe that Steorn has a valid technology and it may also be possible that Tensol Kola may have had something as well thanks to how skeptic we have become I think it is possible that we tend to discount some things to the extreme!
The joule thief was a great find but people throw dirt at that one too rather then make flashlights to run with them....
Even if it this thing is not over unity people please realize that this may be the next step forward...
I tried a search on the CNN web site:
"Your search Steorn did not match any documents."
They aren't exactly big news. I love all the Lucite.
They did not use a capacitor for the demo because that would have been the Steorn Super Fail, ending up on the YouTube Failblog page.
Quote from: wings on December 20, 2009, 01:34:30 PM
"they just saturate the ferrite cores with very high input current pulses"
4 coils , it is possible with only 1 AA battery?
Current and voltage starts at different time it is usual?
The ferrite core it is not visible , my be there is an hidden horizontal coil inside?
more in line with his philosophy
These are normal ferrite core coils as you can see from the high resolution pictures
The function is this:
If the ferrite coils are not energized, the magnets in the rotor attract the
stator ferrite cores of the coils.
the rotor is accelerated into the direction of the ferrite cores.
At the time the rotor magnets reach the ferrite cores of the stator coils,
the coils are energized for a few milliseconds, so the ferrite cores
get saturated and their muR=1 then, so these ferrite cores act then,
as if they would be air and thus the rotor magnets don´t see any
ferrite anymore and can rotate freely on.
Then the coils are switched off and the rotor magnets again attract the ferrite
from the next position and so the rotor can rotate on and gets accelerated
and produces torque.
Now to scale this effect up,it only needs bigger and stronger rotor magnets
and optimized toroidal ferrite core coils,where the inputted energy can be recycled.
If you go for about 1/5 tau=LR only switchon time,
you will almost have no ohmical losses in these coils and can
recycle about 90 % of the inputed energy via BackEMF extraction.
( Please remember the difference between BackEMF and CounterEMF !
This motor does not have CounterEMF. But it does have BackEMF,
which is the same like flyback coils, who generate a voltage spike,
when they are switched off. BackEMF comes from the stored magnetic
energy of the coil and core and can be recycled, which is also the case over here.
CounterEMF is the normal induction for instance in a normal DC motor,
where the movement of the coils in a magnet field are inducing a counter voltage versus
the driving voltage, so the total driving voltage is always less than the inputted
supply voltage. In the Orbo motor we don´t have such a CounterEMF !)
So with an optimized design with BackEMF recycling you only need about 10% energy input
of what Steorn has shown now and can get the same torquexRPM= output power
out of it.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 21, 2009, 05:32:40 AM
( Please remember the difference between BackEMF and CounterEMF !
This motor does not have CounterEMF. But it does have BackEMF,
which is the same like flyback coils, who generate a voltage spike,
when they are switched off. BackEMF comes from the stored magnetic
energy of the coil and core and can be recycled, which is also the case over here.
CounterEMF is the normal induction for instance in a normal DC motor,
where the movement of the coils in a magnet field are inducing a counter voltage versus
the driving voltage, so the total driving voltage is always less than the inputted
supply voltage. In the Orbo motor we don´t have such a CounterEMF !)
Lets not confuse BEMF or CEMF, both are a form of induced EMF
opposing the original current flow. It seems that in this case there won't be any BEMF/CEMF (as there is no interaction with magnets), but you will have something called
I guess, you mean self-induction, when you say that there is a BEMF in the coil. Just trying to clear it up. Self-Induction is all we have when we just switch on/off a coil in absence of any other fields or materials.
So, it seems here that they are simply switching on/off the ferromagnetic property of an iron core using pulses. Surely, the battery will drain, no doubt, because of heat losses in flipping of ferromagnetic domains and a bit of resistance/radiation losses etc. The only thing that is charging the battery back is only its own self-inductance. You can make that 99% efficient.
If they can show (or anyone here) that the energy output of the rotor is greater than the energy loss of the battery in say, 1 hour, they have OU.
If anyone on this forum is doing any tests, please post the results,
I guess the secret is out now :-)
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 21, 2009, 05:32:40 AM
These are normal ferrite core coils as you can see from the high resolution pictures
The function is this:
So with an optimized design with BackEMF recycling you only need about 10% energy input
of what Steorn has shown now and can get the same torquexRPM= output power
out of it.
Hi Stephan,
I have been following the YouTube video #1 from Steorn but pulled my questions on that site as it seems that they give out very little technical information. The video answers a lot of questions and I suspect your analysis is very correct. There very obviously is BackEMF and little or no CounterEMF due to the toroidal coil construction.
I had lots of problems with the design at first as I know that there is virtually no magnetic field external to a close coupled toroid coil and could not figure out how it could drive the rotor. Finally realized it was simply a Adams motor (I assume everyone knows what a Adams motor is and how it works, if not Google it) with NO CEMF due to the toroid coil design. It was also immediately apparent that you could recover most of the BEMF to a fast recharge the battery/supply with surprising results.
IF you put a bridge rectifier across the coil network and drive the coils with a voltage low enough to not turn on the diodes during the pulse (around 1.4V for a 4 diode bridge or higher if multiple diodes used in the legs of bridge) you then can recover the BEMF back to the battery. You end up with resistive losses and very short BEMF pulses if diodes are fast enough and battery accepts a fast pulse recharge. Thus you end up with a very efficient motor, Not powerful but super efficient in its own funny way. Their estimate of COP around 3 for the power input vs. rotor mechanical output after all is accounted for is probably close and as seen in the Adams motor. A standard pulse generator only has to make up for the actual resistive losses (10%?), charging losses (20-40%) air drag and bearing losses and you have a OU or super efficient device. A Super Cap should be much more efficient as a power supply than the battery used as there would be no recharging losses in the Cap.
That they have not been able to utilize a solid state switching device is a puzzle considering the amount of money spend on this device. There are many switches that have a very low ON resistance, are very fast devices for switching efficiency and fast recovery diodes that should work with no problem. Anyway, I'm having fun working with this new twist. It will take time to build one. When you use NEO's with close coupled fields, the device must be robust to say the least.
Happy holidays to all,
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 21, 2009, 05:32:40 AM
These are normal ferrite core coils as you can see from the high resolution pictures
The function is this:
If the ferrite coils are not energized, the magnets in the rotor attract the
stator ferrite cores of the coils.
the rotor is accelerated into the direction of the ferrite cores.
At the time the rotor magnets reach the ferrite cores of the stator coils,
the coils are energized for a few milliseconds, so the ferrite cores
get saturated and their muR=1 then, so these ferrite cores act then,
as if they would be air and thus the rotor magnets don´t see any
ferrite anymore and can rotate freely on.
Then the coils are switched off and the rotor magnets again attract the ferrite
from the next position and so the rotor can rotate on and gets accelerated
and produces torque.
Now to scale this effect up,it only needs bigger and stronger rotor magnets
and optimized toroidal ferrite core coils,where the inputted energy can be recycled.
If you go for about 1/5 tau=LR only switchon time,
you will almost have no ohmical losses in these coils and can
recycle about 90 % of the inputed energy via BackEMF extraction.
( Please remember the difference between BackEMF and CounterEMF !
This motor does not have CounterEMF. But it does have BackEMF,
which is the same like flyback coils, who generate a voltage spike,
when they are switched off. BackEMF comes from the stored magnetic
energy of the coil and core and can be recycled, which is also the case over here.
CounterEMF is the normal induction for instance in a normal DC motor,
where the movement of the coils in a magnet field are inducing a counter voltage versus
the driving voltage, so the total driving voltage is always less than the inputted
supply voltage. In the Orbo motor we don´t have such a CounterEMF !)
So with an optimized design with BackEMF recycling you only need about 10% energy input
of what Steorn has shown now and can get the same torquexRPM= output power
out of i
Hello Stephan, good to see that you are finding merit in Steorn's shown device.
You are still way off the mark, and that's because of non obvious things, but you are in the right track.
A test by someone on the tube :
Quote from: Omega_0 on December 21, 2009, 09:32:28 AM
A test by someone on the tube :
Well done !
I guess now we know the real effect behind
the Steorn Orbo demo.
Tinsel Koala does not agree,
but his 4 new videos do show a totally different motor,
which I must have a closer look at still first .
He is using just aircore coils and seems to have simular CounterEMF -less
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 21, 2009, 10:38:54 AM
Well done !
I guess now we know the real effect behind
the Steorn Orbo demo.
Tinsel Koala does not agree,
but his 4 new videos do show a totally different motor,
which I must have a closer look at still first .
He is using just aircore coils and seems to have simular CounterEMF -less
Regards, Stefan.
I agree with you Stefan, TK is mixing apples and oranges and trying to prove they are the same. An air core PM motor does NOT a shielding device make (Adams Motor). A air core motor can be made to be low CEMF and have BEMF or Inductive kickback with funky coil design as shown, same thing, but that is all. it will not be OU. He is an excellent experimenter, usually dead on, and I have watched his work for a long time but I think he is missing the point on this design. I have built both kinds of motors, looked at waveforms till I was blue in the face but never latched onto the toroidal coil design! I give Stoern credit for that!!!!! Absolutely cool!!!!!
For any moderate builder this motor is very easy to build. It might be even easier to modify and existing bedini motor.
Nice to know TK is on the job
Thanks for the link
Yes, this is the first time I've seen TK is behaving strangely. He is rushing out videos after videos showing a completely different setup. Unexpected ...from a person so competent. It should not take him more than an hour to set an Orbo up.
But, Clanzer is saying that he has an orbo running on his desktop, of course, he can't go public with it, but he has a good reputation here.
So the design is simple and needs a few components, lets see who comes up with the first replication :)
Well, yes, I think Clanzer has signed NDA with Steorn and can not say much,
but I guess he helped them with the demos and might have also build
a few models for them.
Too bad his website forumis down in this moment.
All I can see at his website:
is only 403 errors.
Yeasterday it was a database error, today only 403 error.
I will look now closer at what Tinsel Koala has done.
Regards, Stefan.
I would agree that this Orbo effect is seen in a lot of other designs. IMO it's far more complex than just saturating the core, so please consider that if saturating the core does not work. Long ago I did plenty of FEMM analysis on my designs which use this same effect, and simply saturating the core always showed less than 100% efficiency, but if you get the applied field from the electrical current just right relative to the particular core you are using, then according to FEMM it is COP>1. I managed to find nine of my FEMM sims on this type of effect, but could not find the Lua scripts to go with them.
The adam motor sounds like it has potential. Any good replications? I commend Steorn on their great work. Good for them for closing the loop, successfully creating a self-runner.
Agreed, do *NOT* let this effect die. IMO it's legit. Nice going Steorn!
Ben makes an interesting point about the mechanical switch in Orbo. It's true there are transistors with incredibly low resistance, but one thing I've always hated about designing such circuits is that they require a diode, and diodes have a forward voltage. One way to improve the efficiency of a solid state design is to bring the voltage levels as high as possible, so the if diode forward voltage is say 0.5V, and caps voltage is 500V, then the losses are not so bad. I know there are a high speed relays, and there's not forward voltage drop like a diode. Maybe that's why Steorn used a relay instead.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 21, 2009, 11:43:08 AM
I would agree that this Orbo effect is seen in a lot of other designs. IMO it's far more complex than just saturating the core, so please consider that if saturating the core does not work. Long ago I did plenty of FEMM analysis on my designs which use this same effect, and simply saturating the core always showed less than 100% efficiency, but if you get the applied field from the electrical current just right relative to the particular core you are using, then according to FEMM it is COP>1. I managed to find nine of my FEMM sims on this type of effect, but could not find the Lua scripts to go with them.
The adam motor sounds like it has potential. Any good replications? I commend Steorn on their great work. Good for them for closing the loop, successfully creating a self-runner.
Agreed, do *NOT* let this effect die. IMO it's legit. Nice going Steorn!
Paul, can you share the lua script files that go with these designs?
I love playing with FEMM and it's been a while since I had a go.
Just curious about your simulation findings....
Quote from: teslaalset on December 21, 2009, 11:52:42 AM
Paul, can you share the lua script files that go with these designs?
I love playing with FEMM and it's been a while since I had a go.
Just curious about your simulation findings....
My post says I could not find them. I was very careful to be certain that text was in the post before I hit the submit button, lol. I do have other lua scripts for other FEMM sims, but they're for totally different magnetic designs.
I think this motor is an exact function of the window motor from Bedini with certain modifications, that being
the use of a toroid. If you look at the window motor and how it really works, one will see that it
runs not by the magnetic field itself but by the B field and its "curly A" field as Bearden explains
therefore why the name "window motor" (since it opens the window to the curly A field to manifest itself
without the restrictive B field.
Steron is using a 2 magnets which I think are arranged in a tri-state magnetic gate, North facing the other South)
so top magent is sharply north facing down while the bottom magnet is south sharply facing up, so in the
intersection of both magnets you have this "gate".
When the magnets approach the toroid a magnetic flux is generated on the toroid but the trick is this: a very
sharp pulse will flip the gate in the magnets causing them to repell from the toroid because of the
curly A field which spins trasversially from the toroid, just like Howard Jonhson's train on the tracks
example and his gates, therefore repelling the magnets away from the toroid.
This gate flipping is what Bearden claims to be what Howard Jonshon's motor principles of functionality.
Bedini also talks about that one point.
My 2 cents,
Lot of interesting ideas. Seems there are various ways of looking at this, and different design flavors.
[edit: never mind]
I'm thinking at this point, it would be best to try to first get even one exact operating replica. But even this is nearly impossible.
We still need all the missing details.
Rotor magnet polarity. (could easily try all combinations)
Coil core material.(probable high permeability and low saturation point)
Timing of current trigger.(could make adjustable to cover entire range)
Most important! (theory of operation) We all see it run, and believe we understand why, but why aren't they saying?
People really think Steorn has been doing nothing these past years. Don't you think if they are selling those torque integrators they would have used them themselves to death???
They know exactly how much energy is generated and used without the use of speculation or simulations. Further more this allows them to perfect the system in almost record times. By changing angles and materials on the spot. Then people like tinselkoala come along disproving their entire data by eye balling and speculation, this is outrageous to say the least. I have nothing against debunking but if that's your goal you better set the standards much higher than the thing you want to debunk not LOWER!
I have ran my own simulations to see how much net flux a magnet creates in a toroid when it passes it by and it's very little but definitely not zero. Determining this is not straightforward as you require a double integral which FEMM might be able to do.
This simulation has nothing to do with the forces but purely on the amount of "functional" flux caused by the magnet in the CORE that is able to cause a counter EMF. What I mean by functional is that you only look at the flux portion that goes tangential with the toroid and since this is the only portion that will induce an emf.
The integral has to be made in concentric circles around the core going from inner diamater to outer diameter. This will give a value that can be attributed to the net flux. If you animate this with the magnet starting at TDC and moving away from the core you will need to do this integral every frame.
There's a trick to completely kill emf without the need of simulations and speculation. I'll think about it more and post it.
FEMM gives forces as well.
BTW, FEMM cannot sim the Orbo design because it requires 3D sim beyond axisymmetric. FEMM can only do 3D axisymmetric sims.
It depends, if the polarity is as the below illustration then it can. But such simulation is definitely not for the faint of heart. You need to be sure of what you are doing.
you start at 10 o'clock for instance and start measuring torque up until 6 o'clock. Then you switch on the coil and you keep measuring torque. When you hit about 8 o'clock you switch the coil off while still measuring torque until you reach 12 o'clock once again.
This is the "easy" part. The near impossible part is measuring counter emf during the 6 to 8 o'clock portion. and getting a meaningful energy comparison.
In FEMM all of those parts are *infinitely* high, and therefore the magnetic field is prevented from escaping on a axis that would go outside the screen. Also the magnetic field from the magnet is going to be less. Furthermore the effective permeability from an infinitely high toroid for *external* fields is going to be completely different than if it was done properly in a 3D sim.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 21, 2009, 11:51:34 AM
Ben makes an interesting point about the mechanical switch in Orbo. It's true there are transistors with incredibly low resistance, but one thing I've always hated about designing such circuits is that they require a diode, and diodes have a forward voltage. One way to improve the efficiency of a solid state design is to bring the voltage levels as high as possible, so the if diode forward voltage is say 0.5V, and caps voltage is 500V, then the losses are not so bad. I know there are a high speed relays, and there's not forward voltage drop like a diode. Maybe that's why Steorn used a relay instead.
A continuation on that thought is even at low voltages, the rise time of a good power HEXFET is very fast so very low loss there, then if the capture diodes across the coil is fast enough, they turn on @ around .7V/diode and FET is not damaged plus as soon as they turn on, it is a current source returning power to the battery. Remember that inductive/BEMF pulse is very high voltage if not switched into battery. Been experimenting with some
e 2.7 V, 650FULTRACAP's this morning and they are amazing devices.....Impedance is so low it is unbelieveable! Low leakage, robust. Just looks like the ultimate power source! Sure would like to see one on their device! Going to build a motor but will have to wait till this weekend, traveling over Xmas, back on Sat.
Quote from: broli on December 21, 2009, 01:01:16 PM
There's a trick to completely kill emf without the need of simulations and speculation. I'll think about it more and post it.
Hi Broli and all,
YES you can completly KILL the CounterEMF during your ON-Time from 6 to 8:
Just put 2 toroidal coils in series, but with one coil the polarity reversed !
This way the counterEMF will add up to ZERO !
But as the current does still flow, the effect of making the ferrite act
like air with muR=1 is still there and voila , no CounterEMF !
You probably still can extract the BackEMF, if you have seperate graetz bridge diode rectifier
circuits across the single toroidal coils, so this would be the optimal solution, I guess.
@Ben, I totally agree with you , what you said about TinselKoala.
He just has a much different setup that just shows low CounterEMF,
which his scope on these settings and due to his low tau=LR does not show.
also he has some kind of triangle CounterEMF induction waveform.
The Orbo probably has a much different very low CounterEMF, when the
magnets just go by the toroidal ferrite coils and as I said above,
this also can be canceled by putting 2 coils with polarity reversed in series !
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 21, 2009, 02:25:35 PM
Hi Broli and all,
YES you can completly KILL the CounterEMF during your ON-Time from 6 to 8:
Just put 2 toroidal coils in series, but with one coil the polarity reversed !
This way the counterEMF will add up to ZERO !
But as the current does still flow, the effect of making the ferrite act
like air with muR=1 is still there and voila , no CounterEMF !
You probably still can extract the BackEMF, if you have seperate graetz bridge diode rectifier
circuits across the single toroidal coils, so this would be the optimal solution, I guess.
@Ben, I totally agree with you , what you said about TinselKoala.
He just has a much different setup that just shows low CounterEMF,
which his scope on these settings and due to his low tau=LR does not show.
also he has some kind of triangle CounterEMF induction waveform.
The Orbo probably has a much different very low CounterEMF, when the
magnets just go by the toroidal ferrite coils and as I said above,
this also can be canceled by putting 2 coils with polarity reversed in series !
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
You can also use two magnets running one above and one below the centerline of the coil if coil is on side facing rotor, or one magnet hitting the top of toroid and the other hitting the bottom if facing the coil and not have to use two coils!!!! I think in a N/S configuration.....Must test to be sure. IF this is true, then all coils just in series and all four coils is fed into bridge back to battery. This would give a operational voltage between 1.25 and 1.4 VDC volts when ever the innies and outties add up! Lots of other little things but basis is pretty simple. I do like their instrumentation but too expensive for me. Their torque measurement device and software would make setup a snap! Money can buy happiness.
Another thing, I think the micrometer on the big unit, is to raise and lower lower the main rotor tracks to get the best cancelation orientation with the paired magnets.....that is just speculation though.
I haven't seen TinselKoala's version, but I know for fact that it's far far more complex then slopping some toroids & magnets together and saturating the core. Maybe Steorn found a different method because they have not told me or anyone I know the details, but IMO if the toroid core is saturated then that's a guaranteed way to not get cop>1. According to my old FEMM analysis on my solid-state designs the balance of the fields between all of the applied fields can be critical.
Quote from: k4zep on December 21, 2009, 02:42:12 PM
Another thing, I think the micrometer on the big unit, is to raise and lower lower the main rotor tracks to get the best cancelation orientation with the paired magnets.....that is just speculation though.
Nope. The micrometer head is for adjusting the relationship between the ring magnets in the magnetic bearing components for minimum friction.
@Stefan that is a simpler suggestion than mine. I don't see why it shouldn't work. Even though Steorn hasn't given away their exact theory behind orbo, I believe we have come up with a solid base worth experimenting.
To find the best conditions requires a lot of experimentation like PL points out. For instance for the ohmic losses to stay low the ideal henries have to be used that cause saturation far below the ohmic current limit. The rpm also plays a role in this, since the rise time window will get smaller if the rpm increases. Further more this energy can be captured back in a capacitor which then charges the source. For the cores preferably soft ferrite material should be used, to rule out eddy currents and core losses. These rings can be found in old power supplies of any kind.
Attached image is my interpretation. Red is the coil wound toroid. So you have magnetic field going vertically from one magnet, through the toroid, and into the other magnet. The amount of field going through the toroid depends on the toroids effective perm. Apply current through the toroid windings for typical magnetic material will decrease the toroid perm. Magnets rotate away from the toroid, thus requiring less energy to escape.
Trust me, there's a lot more details involved. The magnet also changes the effective perm for the toroid. If everything's not right, then there's a big loss in toroid due to a change in perm.
A little more details. After applying current in the toroid, half of the toroid perm increases and the other half decreases for typical material. When the magnet leaves the perm changes once again.
Where can someone buy good priced bearings in north America?
Hi Paul,
I've been pleased with bearings from (
Thanks. Do you inject your own lub in the bearings?
Regarding @alsetalokin's (TinselKoala) back emf (BEMF) experiment:
This is an example of bad science:
Change of magnetic flux that is supposed to cause the BEMF, which is the main focus of attention here, is the change of flux caused by the pulses of current flowing through the coils. Thus, it is the emf causing these current pulses through the coils that is the subject of study here. Whether or not there is a permanent magnet nearby these coils is only a condition which may or may not change the studied emf. If that studied emf changes then there is BEMF generated. If that studied emf doesn’t change then there is no BEMF generated. In Steorn case the studied emf remained the same throughout the entire experiment despite the presence of permanent magnets near the coils and even despite their turning at various rotation rates.
Emphatically, the subject of study here is not the change of magnetic flux due to the motion of a permanent magnet that is supposed to cause emf (BEMF) in a nearby coil as the author of the video really wants us to believe. The gingerly activity of this author in the forum, supported by another ginger activist, will not change above fact and anyone caring for the scientific side of this debate should take note.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 21, 2009, 05:27:42 PM
Regarding @alsetalokin's (TinselKoala) back emf (BEMF) experiment:
This is an example of bad science: (
Change of magnetic flux that is supposed to cause the BEMF, which is the main focus of attention here, is the change of flux caused by the pulses of current flowing through the coils. Thus, it is the emf causing these current pulses through the coils that is the subject of study here. Whether or not there is a permanent magnet nearby these coils is only a condition which may or may not change the studied emf. If that studied emf changes then there is BEMF generated. If that studied emf doesn’t change then there is no BEMF generated. In Steorn case the studied emf remained the same throughout the entire experiment despite the presence of permanent magnets near the coils and even despite their turning at various rotation rates.
Emphatically, the subject of study here is not the change of magnetic flux due to the motion of a permanent magnet that is supposed to cause emf (BEMF) in a nearby coil as the author of the video ( really wants us to believe. The gingerly activity of this author in the forum, supported by another ginger activist, will not change above fact and anyone caring for the scientific side of this debate should take note.
TK is a major idiot, emphasis on major.
If I didn't know any better I'd say he's earning his bread out of spreading disinfo. Notice how he is the first to have some sort of "replication" posted online only to debunk the case. This is classic tactics for setting a front for skepticism because any talk and debate from now on will be linked to his experiment "this can't work as claimed because this random dude on youtube proved it doesn't". For us true scientists we can see through this vail of deceit.
I already pointed out at his video that his experiment is a joke and that his assumptions and conclusions are far worse than the claims of his worst enemies.
Notice how Steorn uses exactly 4 toroids in series. Notice how Stefan correctly pointed out you can cancel counter emf by two toroids. I will bet one million dollars that Steorn's toroids are winded in reverse from toroid to toroid. This practically and theoretically eliminates any induced emf caused by the motion of the magnet. Not 100% since in practice you cannot have the same identical magnets, cores etc... but it's very close. Definitely not what the TK fraudster wants you to believe. This is not science he's performing but a circus act.
I'm not defending Steorn's OU claim since they have shown nothing about that so far. I'm only defending what they rightly said about induced emf in the coils. If the toroids are winded in reverse each time then there will be
ZERO emf.
If steorn is legit they will weather the storm
No amount of utube vids will detract from a working device or concept
And still I wonder, Why did Sean find it necessary to reverse the polarity to the coils?
Just to show it would run the same direction with reversed polarity?
Or did it need to be reversed to operate correctly?
Things are either missing, or they just do things to mislead people.
Quote from: lumen on December 21, 2009, 07:59:15 PM
And still I wonder, Why did Sean find it necessary to reverse the polarity to the coils?
Just to show it would run the same direction with reversed polarity?
Or did it need to be reversed to operate correctly?
Things are either missing, or they just do things to mislead people.
Sean seemed to be saying it was anomalous and wouldnt normally happen. Who knows...
Quote from: plengo on December 21, 2009, 11:57:01 AM
When the magnets approach the toroid a magnetic flux is generated on the toroid but the trick is this: a very
sharp pulse will flip the gate in the magnets causing them to repell from the toroid because of the...........
IMO, you don't want it to repel, that is wasting energy. Pulse the toroid with just enough current where the rotor magnets will coast by the toroid core. The Adams motor uses this same philosophy. At higher RPM's the Orbo is much more efficient because the rotor magnets pass the core at a faster speed meaning your pulse duration is much shorter and using less energy at this higher RPM than at a lower RPM.
If you're repelling the rotor magnets with the pulse, then you won't be able to obtain the higher RPM's because your pulses will be longer in duration and nearly continuous at much lower RPM's. You're not able to capture all of the potential momentum in repel mode. The potential momentum is the rotor magnets being attracted to the toroid core.
Sometimes more is not always better. It takes more energy to repel the rotor magnets with the toroid coil, than it takes to let the rotor magnets to pass, thus allowing you to achieve a higher RPM and to capture more momentum with less energy by not repelling.
It is very interesting to sometimes lay back and see the evelution of a thread like this. They seem to always follow the same path.
FIRST there is some level of wonder and acceptance, a sort of awe at what is being proposed.
SECOND doubt begins to surface as the claims are brought in to question and the realization that (in this case) why is a cap and not a battery being used to power the device
THIRD And this is exactly what happened in the Mylow debacle all kinds of ideas began to be proposed that maybe this really does work, maybe because of the toroids coils there is some wonderful and mystical thing occuring that negates all the laws of physics. Remember how there was probably a 100 pages in the Mylow saga about size and placements of the magnets on the rotor, the distance between them, eddy effects and it went on and on and on....
Same thing here!
This is a small motor being run by a battery that is in turn pushing a near frictionless bearing cause "Orbo" to spin. Nothing more nothing less.
Do not let yourself "be Mylowed Again!!
Quote from: lumen on December 21, 2009, 07:59:15 PM
And still I wonder, Why did Sean find it necessary to reverse the polarity to the coils?
Just to show it would run the same direction with reversed polarity?
Or did it need to be reversed to operate correctly?
Things are either missing, or they just do things to mislead people.
Everything shown in the video is to instruct, cause a person to think and perhaps whether intended or not, to show clues as to how the basic device can operate me thinks. If the losses in the coils are strictly resistive, lets lower the average current while maintaining speed in a bi-polarity operable unidirectional DC pulse motor!
Consider that series inductors have a finite amount of inductance (L1+L2+L3+L4) and in the battery, besides being a battery there is some capacitance (C) and in the correct parallel circuit with some creative switching and at a certain rpm you would develop an AC waveform where there could develop a resonance with resultant average current dropping and motor would keep running just as efficiently due to its ability to run on a polarity in either direction! A DC pulse, sort of resonant, very efficient AC motor! Just going way outside the box. Perhaps we need to look at that battery's specifications a bit more. Hope this isn't too wierd a concept to all.
It's a battery running a motor, replace the battery with a cap and it will run down and stop, it's really that simple.
QuoteTHIRD And this is exactly what happened in the Mylow debacle all kinds of ideas began to be proposed that maybe this really does work, maybe because of the toroids coils there is some wonderful and mystical thing occuring that negates all the laws of physics.
Bingo! You hit it right on the head - in search of the "magic" configuration, again.
"If you don't use a cap, it's gotta be crap."
Quote from: billmehess on December 21, 2009, 10:42:39 PM
It's a battery running a motor, replace the battery with a cap and it will run down and stop, it's really that simple.
Is a capacitor exactly the same as a battery? No, it's as simple as that.
Thats right!
Electronics 101: V = Q/C.
In this case, Q = ((starting charge) - (current x time to run motor) + (current x time from the energy return))
If the energy returned from the Steorn motor is greater than the energy required to run it, the cap voltage will go up.
If the energy returned from the Steorn motor is less than the energy required to run it, the cap voltage will go down.
A capacitor is essentially 100% efficient in absorbing the energy returned from the motor whereas a battery is not 100% efficient. Therefore a capacitor would be a better energy source for demonstrating a self-runner than a battery.
QuoteIs a capacitor exactly the same as a battery? No, it's as simple as that.
It's not the same as a battery, it's better than a battery for this application.
100% correct MileHigh, charge up a cap with the battery then disconect the battery from the system. The motor will discharge the cap and the device will slow down and stop.This is so obvious a 5 year old should be able to see it.
Quote from: lumen on December 21, 2009, 07:59:15 PM
And still I wonder, Why did Sean find it necessary to reverse the polarity to the coils?
Just to show it would run the same direction with reversed polarity?
Or did it need to be reversed to operate correctly?
Things are either missing, or they just do things to mislead people.
Reversing the polarity will not reverse the rotation. Only way to reverse the rotation is to adjust the opto. The rotor magnets will attract to the toroid core from either direction. The opto allows the rotor magnets to pass the toroid core by signally for a pulse. Reversing the polarity of the current doesn't change the point in space where the opto signals for a pulse.
This may suggest the opto signals for a pulse when the rotor magnets are slightly off-center on one side of the toroid core. Want it to reverse it's rotation, then adjust the opto where it signals for a pulse slightly off-center on the other side of the toroid core. This allows it to gain the most momentum and torque out of the system because it's firing when the rotor magnets are slightly passed the toroid core due to it's momentum. Fire it too soon, and you won't capture all of it's potential momentum. Fire it too late, and you will lose some momentum. Timing of the pulses is critical in this setup.
Quote from: billmehess on December 21, 2009, 10:42:39 PM
It's a battery running a motor, replace the battery with a cap and it will run down and stop, it's really that simple.
A straight forward opinion. Just to take the devils advocate, Bill What if it doesn't stop and what if it doesn't run down?????
I have to say that over the years I have grown to hate ANY pulse OU device sustained by a battery because they will run you all around the barnyard but eventually all throw you in the pigsty....As all have stated that have even a slight clue as to the operation of pulse motors you simply replace the battery with a Cap. of low enough impedance to drive the coils and the capacity to give just a few pulses, run it up to "speed" on aux. power supply, then disconnect supply, run on cap only!. IF the device is OU, it should run and maintain on the Cap. For every power pulse and charge reduction on the cap, there has to be a generated/generator pulse that is greater or equal in charge. Thats it, no more, no less. 2 pulses(one innie and one outie) into that high dollar scope integrating the total power in and out of the battery or Cap. The answer should be there. Forget the blarney, forget the BS, just do it. One of the Tec's helping out there must know how to use that dam Cadillac of a scope!!!! All this could be demonstrated in 3-4 min in a clear concise and simple video.......All the rest is window dressing and loving to hear themselves talk.
Thats what I have been saying K4zep, replace the battery with a cap. Sean will never do this he is well aware of the fact that the device will stop and the charade will be over with. He is hopeing that showing some sort of device appearing to be creating an OU condition will allow the investor dollars to keep pouring in.
It's ALL smoke and mirrors!!
All the talk about how Orbo (rhymes with horrible) could be working is all nonsence.
Like I have said it's simple a battery running a motor.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 21, 2009, 10:59:58 PM
Electronics 101: V = Q/C.
In this case, Q = ((starting charge) - (current x time to run motor) + (current x time from the energy return))
If the energy returned from the Steorn motor is greater than the energy required to run it, the cap voltage will go up.
If the energy returned from the Steorn motor is less than the energy required to run it, the cap voltage will go down.
A capacitor is essentially 100% efficient in absorbing the energy returned from the motor whereas a battery is not 100% efficient. Therefore a capacitor would be a better energy source for demonstrating a self-runner than a battery.
It's not the same as a battery, it's better than a battery for this application.
Too bad your fancy equations don't factor in radiant energy, or even acknowledge that it exists.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 21, 2009, 10:59:58 PM
It's not the same as a battery, it's better than a battery for this application.
I'll take Bedini's word over yours any day, yes Bedini, a person who actually builds and experiments.
Quote from: billmehess on December 21, 2009, 11:40:48 PM
Thats what I have been saying K4zep, replace the battery with a cap. Sean will never do this he is well aware of the fact that the device will stop and the charade will be over with. He is hopeing that showing some sort of device appearing to be creating an OU condition will allow the investor dollars to keep pouring in.
It's ALL smoke and mirrors!!
All the talk about how Orbo (rhymes with horrible) could be working is all nonsence.
Like I have said it's simple a battery running a motor.
I agree, until he shows it running on a cap with no voltage drop and/or a net gain in the cap or battery, it is what it is.
There has been no defenitive proof that "radiant energy" exists. Its all mump jumbo, as far as Bedini goes none of his work has shown to be even close to valid. If his claims were provable he would have picked up his Nobel prize years ago. Show me one example where any of his claims have been validated by legit
In the search for OU there has grown a tremendous lore of unprovable and unsubstantiated work. Where's the working units, where's the proof!
Is this really to much to ask for?
You can't just "pluck 'radiant energy' out of thin air" to advance your argument. Sean says that more power is being returned to the battery by the return wire that connects to the battery.
Actually I did do the experiments. I made the measurements that show that the energy in a pulse discharge from an inductor is less than or nearly equal to the battery energy that energized the inductor in the first place. That means that Bedini's "radiant energy" is B.S. I read his 1984 "Kromrey Convertor" 15-page treatise and I almost puked from how little sense he made when discussing electricity and batteries.
So why don't YOU do the experiments. Hook up any Bedini motor or Joule Thief or whatever your favourite flavour of pulsing inductor circuit you want and measure the power supplied by the battery compared to the power you get from the pulsing inductor. In all cases you will find the output power is less than the input power, and you produce heat. The output power plus the heat will equal the input power. "Radiant energy" is just a buzz word to get you excited and induce you to believe in something that's not there. You can prove for yourself that it is not there if you really want to.
Quote from: Freezer on December 22, 2009, 12:22:15 AM
Too bad your fancy equations don't factor in radiant energy, or even acknowledge that it exists.
I'll take Bedini's word over yours any day, yes Bedini, a person who actually builds and experiments.
You should listen to what MH said to you but don't trust anybody , even if its your best friend. Your only best friend here is your data from experiment, everything else don't contribute to any of your advancement because it can mislead you. Take ANY scope who are able to do Math function(integral over CMEAN, not only MEAN) and do the integral of what go out VS what go in. The reason you need to do the integral over a CMEAN its because from cycle to cycle the value can change and the cycle time too, that cause a Bias effect, so since its not symmetrical only CMEAN can work.
Keep track of all your data, only data can show you what realy happen. If you don't have a oscilloscope who are able to do math function, buy one, best investment you will ever make.
Best Regards,
If a motor runs @ 750rpm for 10 hours with drawing a constant current from a battery, then building a motor that runs @ 750rpm for 30 hours from a same type battery is cop = 3 in mechanical energy gained vs electrical energy expended.
You have gained 3 times more mechanical energy than what the battery is capable of producing. The additional energy gained was mechanical energy and was expended in the additional 20 hours of mechanical motion instead of being converted to electrical energy.
If you converted only half of this mechanical energy that is gained (10hrs) into electrical energy, then you have COP = 1 in electrical energy gained vs electrical energy expended with 10 hours of additional mechanical momentum to keep producing this additional energy to keep it above unity. There is no hidden source of energy being tapped in this system. The additional source of energy is capturing all of the potential momentum instead of killing it like we've all been doing.
Angular momentum has already been shown to defy gravity, and . As long as the momentum isn't being killed, such as by gravity in this example, then it will continue to defy gravity without slowly falling. Capture all of the potential momentum in the Orbo or any other device without killing it and it will continue to defy physics. Gravity in this example is killing the momentum slowly. In our devices, we kill or don't capture the full potential of the momentum that is available to us by not properly using the magnets and the coils. Nature is already providing an excess of energy, we just kill this excess energy, lol
Quote from: k4zep on December 21, 2009, 09:11:09 AM
Hi Stephan,
I have been following the YouTube video #1 from Steorn but pulled my questions on that site as it seems that they give out very little technical information. The video answers a lot of questions and I suspect your analysis is very correct. There very obviously is BackEMF and little or no CounterEMF due to the toroidal coil construction.
I had lots of problems with the design at first as I know that there is virtually no magnetic field external to a close coupled toroid coil and could not figure out how it could drive the rotor. Finally realized it was simply a Adams motor (I assume everyone knows what a Adams motor is and how it works, if not Google it) with NO CEMF due to the toroid coil design. It was also immediately apparent that you could recover most of the BEMF to a fast recharge the battery/supply with surprising results.
IF you put a bridge rectifier across the coil network and drive the coils with a voltage low enough to not turn on the diodes during the pulse (around 1.4V for a 4 diode bridge or higher if multiple diodes used in the legs of bridge) you then can recover the BEMF back to the battery. You end up with resistive losses and very short BEMF pulses if diodes are fast enough and battery accepts a fast pulse recharge. Thus you end up with a very efficient motor, Not powerful but super efficient in its own funny way. Their estimate of COP around 3 for the power input vs. rotor mechanical output after all is accounted for is probably close and as seen in the Adams motor. A standard pulse generator only has to make up for the actual resistive losses (10%?), charging losses (20-40%) air drag and bearing losses and you have a OU or super efficient device. A Super Cap should be much more efficient as a power supply than the battery used as there would be no recharging losses in the Cap.
That they have not been able to utilize a solid state switching device is a puzzle considering the amount of money spend on this device. There are many switches that have a very low ON resistance, are very fast devices for switching efficiency and fast recovery diodes that should work with no problem. Anyway, I'm having fun working with this new twist. It will take time to build one. When you use NEO's with close coupled fields, the device must be robust to say the least.
Happy holidays to all,
Could you please post a simple diagram of that setup?
I'm very interested in learning how to build a setup that recycles flyback current.
How does the flyback current get put back into the battery?
Quote from: MileHigh on December 22, 2009, 12:59:04 AM
You can't just "pluck 'radiant energy' out of thin air" to advance your argument. Sean says that more power is being returned to the battery by the return wire that connects to the battery.
Actually I did do the experiments. I made the measurements that show that the energy in a pulse discharge from an inductor is less than or nearly equal to the battery energy that energized the inductor in the first place. That means that Bedini's "radiant energy" is B.S. I read his 1984 "Kromrey Convertor" 15-page treatise and I almost puked from how little sense he made when discussing electricity and batteries.
So why don't YOU do the experiments. Hook up any Bedini motor or Joule Thief or whatever your favourite flavour of pulsing inductor circuit you want and measure the power supplied by the battery compared to the power you get from the pulsing inductor. In all cases you will find the output power is less than the input power, and you produce heat. The output power plus the heat will equal the input power. "Radiant energy" is just a buzz word to get you excited and induce you to believe in something that's not there. You can prove for yourself that it is not there if you really want to.
Could you please post a simple method of how someone could reclaim flyback current and put it back into the battery?
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:09:38 AM
If a motor runs @ 750rpm for 10 hours with drawing a constant current from a battery, then building a motor that runs @ 750rpm for 30 hours from a same type battery is cop = 3 in mechanical energy gained vs electrical energy expended.
You have gained 3 times more mechanical energy than what the battery is capable of producing. The additional energy gained was expended in the additional 20 hours of mechanical energy instead of being converted to electrical energy.
Its only true if both motor have the same load, without load , the RPM mean absolutely nothing. Rotoverter is a perfect example of that.
Best Regards,
Quote from: MileHigh on December 22, 2009, 12:59:04 AM
So why don't YOU do the experiments. Hook up any Bedini motor or Joule Thief or whatever your favourite flavour of pulsing inductor circuit you want and measure the power supplied by the battery compared to the power you get from the pulsing inductor. In all cases you will find the output power is less than the input power, and you produce heat. The output power plus the heat will equal the input power.
All cases huh? So I guess you have built every single pulsing circuit that could ever be conceived and tested all these without success? You are pretty damn good!
Quote from: MileHigh on December 22, 2009, 12:59:04 AM
"Radiant energy" is just a buzz word to get you excited and induce you to believe in something that's not there. You can prove for yourself that it is not there if you really want to.
Sorry I don't do debunking, I build to make things work, not to prove things don't work, we have a team of debunkers for that, to tell us how it can't work, how it's not possible, and how it will never be done. Same with people who said it was impossible to build a rocket and travel to the moon.
Quote from: IceStorm on December 22, 2009, 02:15:34 AM
Its only true if both motor have the same load, without load , the RPM mean absolutely nothing. Rotoverter is a perfect example of that.
Best Regards,
If both motors have coils with the same load on the battery, then the RPM is relative in both systems and is not absolutely nothing. A coil is a load on the battery, is it not? This means both motors in my example have the same load!
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:33:56 AM
If both motors have the same coils, then it has the same load. A coil is a load on the battery, is it not? This means the RPM is relative in both systems and is not absolutely nothing.
No its not a load for the battery, in reality , under NO LOAD , if the coil is a ideal one (no loss) it cost you nothing if you put a sin wave on it, what go in = what come back , its basic electronic for inductor with alternating current. but keep in mind that my example is for a NO LOSS coil , in real world you have lost because of the resistance of the wire but not as large as you think. Its why i said to you that you need a load on a motor to know the power you can extract form it and compare it with another one.
Best Regards,
EDIT : look here , will be a good start for you to understand inductor
The inductance of an inductor is comprised of two components. The first is the self-inductance and the second is the intrinsic inductance (some call it the internal inductance).
Classical theory claims Intrinsic inductance is a linear function of wire length and independent of wire diameter. According to the classical understanding of inductance, if we construct two circular loops of wire, both with the same loop shape, but with different wire gauge, then both should have the same inductance. But this is not the case and can be seen in the results below. Since the thickness of wire does affect the intrinsic inductance, then the classical model for intrinsic inductance is incorrect. Here is the reference showing classical understanding of inductance is not right, in section 1 and 2 of the pdf document.
48 inch Area (sq. in) 26 AWG wire 22 AWG wire
perimeter (Measured) (Measured)
Circle 183 2253nH 2055nH
Square 144 2144nH 1950nH
Also, the magnetic field around a moving charge is not toroidal or donut shaped as taught. Simple experiments shows the magnetic field is spherical around the moving charges. I could go on and on about how classical theory has it wrong and is incomplete also. Classical theory can't even get the basic stuff right, and simple experiments clearly shows this.
Watch first demo:
Is there anyone in this thread that can explain a simple method to capture the flyback current and put it back in a battery?
here let me explain...
sm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbfbfxghkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbfbfxghkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbkjfkhgskfkjdsg jdshg sdjgfsfkj kshgd fskjhgdfa fajshgfas dfagjak sdfgsadf jkhgdsaf jhgds fkjshgdfjkshgd f dafhga fkja gfkjgd fkjhgd fkjhgdsaf ashgdf sadkjhgakjhf akdjshkshfgyrekjhdagkfhgshgsakh fhdsfk hjgdsa fkjahgs fkahgsfkhds fksagdfkjshgd fkhgsdkjhgs dkfjfsdgfhdsk fjsa ajg fhagdfbdsvb xc vv cxv xc bxcvbxcbxcvbcxbxcvb xvcdfghdsghjfgjgfhgdfgdsfgdsfghfh fd ggfhfdhfxcfgz xvhbjghjh ggfhjfdgdf sdf dsf gsdx fgds dxb dgdxf ghgdd fgh fdfg dxxx bcxbcbcxnbcvn cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcvbcbxcxbvc xc vbxcbfdhgj gkjhjbkbjk bn,m ,m ,nb, nb n nb, nm,mbnm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cvnb
vc nbvcnbvcbcvn vbfbfxgh
search for "joule thief"
pretty simple huh? lol
Quote from: MileHigh on December 22, 2009, 12:59:04 AM
You can't just "pluck 'radiant energy' out of thin air" to advance your argument. Sean says that more power is being returned to the battery by the return wire that connects to the battery.
Actually I did do the experiments. I made the measurements that show that the energy in a pulse discharge from an inductor is less than or nearly equal to the battery energy that energized the inductor in the first place. That means that Bedini's "radiant energy" is B.S. I read his 1984 "Kromrey Convertor" 15-page treatise and I almost puked from how little sense he made when discussing electricity and batteries.
So why don't YOU do the experiments. Hook up any Bedini motor or Joule Thief or whatever your favourite flavour of pulsing inductor circuit you want and measure the power supplied by the battery compared to the power you get from the pulsing inductor. In all cases you will find the output power is less than the input power, and you produce heat. The output power plus the heat will equal the input power. "Radiant energy" is just a buzz word to get you excited and induce you to believe in something that's not there. You can prove for yourself that it is not there if you really want to.
All energy is radiant which relegates the term to meaningless. Even Bedini stated when asked what radiant energy is "that it is any energy that radiates." The term means nothing in a science discussion.
Mass is made of energy and all there is in this universe is mass and energy. You can convert mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass and that is how all free energy devices work. You cannot produce stable mass from energy since only a black hole has that kind of power.
Atoms are tiny spinning masses of compressed energy - simple as that.
What is interesting about Orbo, he is using the north and south pole of a magnet since he is using a toroid coil. Most motors only use one pole and the other is wasted.
The Lentz cancellation may be due to the fact that the toroid is using both poles. If the two magnets are magnetically shorted on the other end with a third magnet of opposite polarity, I could see how that might improve their pulse motor through pulse compression. they may also have a shorted coil to cause a compression - see Thane Heins.
Pulse compression creates acceleration. All free energy devices use acceleration to disrupt the spin of an atom to release the energy being compressed within the two or more waves that form it. There are many ways of producing acceleration, pulse compression (compressing energy into time) is just one of them.
There are free energy receivers but they fall into another class of device that convert one form of energy such as heat into another such as electricity or light into electricity. They do not tend to produce large amounts of energy.
I would just wait and see. They are real people using their real names and their real asses are on the line. They don't appear to be con men. Releasing a free energy device in a public forum is a nearly impossible task for a bunch of reason.
Most scientist and inventor stumble many times prior to success. It took over 3000 experiments to invent the lead acid battery.
Free energy
I agree ,except for this part.
"cvnc nvc vccvnbvcnbcvnbbvn v vc cxvb xc bc bcv cv
bc bcxvbcxv bcxv bcxvbcxxcvb cxv bxc bxcv bxcv bxcvbvcxbxc b xx vcxcv"
Quote from: interestedinou on December 22, 2009, 03:39:00 AM
Is there anyone in this thread that can explain a simple method to capture the flyback current and put it back in a battery?
Here's a helpful circuit:
But it needs an extra diode to keep the capacitor from discharging.
Steorn is right about ohmic losses. All the current that is flowing after the current has reached its maximum is lost irreversibly, as this portion cannot be recycled. This is why it's useful to preferably allow the action to happen during the still linear rise time of the current so most of the inductive energy can be recycled.
The Lindemann motor makes good use of this:
Quote from: IceStorm on December 22, 2009, 02:40:52 AM
No its not a load for the battery, in reality , under NO LOAD , if the coil is a ideal one (no loss) it cost you nothing if you put a sin wave on it, what go in = what come back , its basic electronic for inductor with alternating current. but keep in mind that my example is for a NO LOSS coil , in real world you have lost because of the resistance of the wire but not as large as you think. Its why i said to you that you need a load on a motor to know the power you can extract form it and compare it with another one.
Best Regards,
So, according to you, you can take a coil and use it as an electromagnet without it draining the battery? I don't think so, lol. We're not talking about transformers here. These are two different things we're talking about.
The motor in my example where the coil is continuously energized from the battery is our
control experiment to let us know how long the battery can maintain the system at a certain RPM with a continuous output from the battery.
I guarantee you that it takes energy to run a
conventional motor at idle speed with no
external load on it that is greater than the small loss due to the resistance of the wire. Even when it's at idle speed, it is converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and this mechanical energy produces a CEMF that is against the EMF driving the motor and this increases the amount of energy that is consumed way above the small losses due to the resistance of the wire.
Quote from: broli on December 22, 2009, 06:38:51 AM
Here's a helpful circuit:
But it needs an extra diode to keep the capacitor from discharging.
Steorn is right about ohmic losses. All the current that is flowing after the current has reached its maximum is lost irreversibly, as this portion cannot be recycled. This is why it's useful to preferably allow the action to happen during the still linear rise time of the current so most of the inductive energy can be recycled.
The Lindemann motor makes good use of this:
Thank you for the link. It is very interesting. Do you know of any circuits though that put the flyback current not in a seperate capacitor but back in the original battery?
From TK
There's something fishy about that Alsetalokin guy.
Hi Chet
well his set up is different to Steorns, though TK is the only one posting test videos at the moment,
here is some more information from that video.
Alsetalokin, visiting scientist, shows the "cancellation" of EMF produced by a spinning magnet rotor in a toroidal coil when the coil is energized.
TK: This effect is claimed to be one of the key factors in an "Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction".
AL: Yes, that's right.
It certainly is interesting, and it's not that hard to demonstrate, it turns out. Not that anybody watching Sean's demo on Saturday would have gotten that impression. The Waterways demo did not illustrate the phenomenon that Sean wanted to show, as my 4 previous videos have demonstrated. However, this demonstration that I do here with a toroidal coil and a moving magnet rotor does actually demonstrate the effect.
As you can see, the moving magnets do generate EMF in the coil; when the coil is energised with a DC current, the magnitude of the EMF generated by the magnets decreases, as shown on the oscilloscope.
What is yet to be determined is whether the EMF is actually decreasing as a result of "shielding", or being smoothed out by the battery, acting much like a capacitor to smooth ripple.
This EMF in the coil is a consequence of the moving magnets; it is the CEMF that occurs when a motor is under power. You can see that the toroidal coil does "feel" the magnets; certainly the EMF in the coil is pronounced. The EMF indicated when the battery is in the circuit shows much less ripple from the moving magnets, and is mostly from the battery itself.
Whether this effect can actually be demonstrated in a motor driven by the toroid, with the motor under power, is a story for a different day.
So, Sean McCarthy, I suppose I owe you a mild apology. I thought Steorn had absolutely nothing of interest, much less of value, but at least this phenomenon is interesting.
Cheers, next round's on you.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 22, 2009, 07:24:10 AM
Thank you for the link. It is very interesting. Do you know of any circuits though that put the flyback current not in a seperate capacitor but back in the original battery?
Here's the code to import the circuit in the java applet:
$ 1 5.0E-6 12.050203812241895 50 5.0 50
v 432 320 432 144 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
l 240 144 240 320 0 1.0 0.0786318065125002
159 432 320 304 320 0 20.0 1.0E10
159 304 144 432 144 0 20.0 1.0E10
w 240 144 304 144 0
w 240 320 304 320 0
R 368 224 304 224 0 2 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 368 160 368 224 0
w 368 224 368 304 0
w 240 320 240 432 0
w 240 432 528 432 0
w 528 432 528 144 0
d 528 144 432 144 1 0.805904783
d 432 320 560 320 1 0.805904783
w 560 320 560 96 0
w 560 96 240 96 0
w 240 96 240 144 0
o 1 64 0 35 10.0 0.1 0 -1
applet link:
This will dump all the energy directly back into the battery. I also attached an illustration of it. The signal generator is meant for switching the switches, in orbo's case this is the optical signal.
Nice work!
I like the circuit, but is it showing the back EMF flowing in the correct direction?
Quote from: FreeEnergy on December 22, 2009, 03:51:22 AM
here let me explain...
sm bn m vnbcvvn cvnb cvn bvcb ncvbnvcbn bcv vcv v vcnb vcnb vcbcv bcvgfh cfgh cgfh cgjkjkg hukghiughkjhgkfuk fffffffffffhgh jgfvhj cgfj cgj gdc dcvjnbcmc bncnbv mgfvhjc jcgfhjchjdchj c dcg fg gfcj fdg hjfcg jcfgng cn cv bvxvbvc nvcbnvcn bvcnbvcnb b vcvcbn cv
search for "joule thief"
pretty simple huh? lol
Show me a self running Joule Thief and I'll get excited but we are having fun arn't we? Nice circuit, very efficient but can't keep the battery charged! What a waste of bandwidth.... ;D
Steorn official twitter writes, "The Steorn YouTube channel is now live. Please stop by and subscribe... ("
Does anyone see anything live at their youtube page?
Steorn official twitter, (
I agree there's no proof of Steorn claim yet. People are saying January will be the month of proof.
This post is not to show something that works, but rather to save people time by showing something that does not work. ~ last week I did some quick FEMM sims that showed cop>1, but did not take the time to do the Lua scripts to see for certain. After spending a week to build both the circuit & core I decided late last night to program the Lua script, because I was bored, to see if it really was cop>1. It's not, and here are the Lua scrip results,
--> Total consumed energy (J), Coil current 1 (A), Coil current 2 (A)
--> step 1
--> 0 0 0
--> 3.590518268139885e-006 0.01 0
--> 1.076837942257538e-005 0.02 0
--> 2.152567246223528e-005 0.03 0
--> 3.584987867452422e-005 0.04 0
--> 5.372477637093366e-005 0.05 0
--> 7.513137102932926e-005 0.06000000000000001 0
--> 0.0001000484567827349 0.07000000000000001 0
--> 0.0001284448334048866 0.08 0
--> 0.0001602705060022498 0.09 0
--> 0.0001954735644334508 0.09999999999999999 0
--> 0.0002340151264260043 0.11 0
--> 0.0002759037939155955 0.12 0
--> 0.000321184071531347 0.13 0
--> 0.0003699087571811861 0.14 0
--> 0.0004219585325872816 0.15 0
--> 0.0004768278325109655 0.16 0
--> 0.0005341002916773089 0.17 0
--> 0.0005935602750380198 0.18 0
--> 0.0006550542806126579 0.19 0
--> 0.0007183996895438364 0.2 0
--> 0.0007833678029607461 0.2100000000000001 0
--> 0.000849638268451597 0.2200000000000001 0
--> 0.000916856125808165 0.2300000000000001 0
--> 0.0009847808006294551 0.2400000000000001 0
--> 0.00105325813153989 0.2500000000000001 0
--> 0.001122061956599947 0.2600000000000001 0
--> 0.001191241765222169 0.2700000000000001 0
--> 0.001261180004139531 0.2800000000000001 0
--> 0.001332231676934107 0.2900000000000001 0
--> 0.001404621309551199 0.3000000000000001 0
--> 0.001478619406449006 0.3100000000000001 0
--> 0.001554832704586756 0.3200000000000001 0
--> 0.001633765584116694 0.3300000000000001 0
--> 0.001715480799122064 0.3400000000000001 0
--> 0.001800204919809737 0.3500000000000001 0
--> 0.001888760814127765 0.3600000000000002 0
--> 0.001981598461762843 0.3700000000000002 0
--> 0.002077719403497345 0.3800000000000002 0
--> 0.002175525771451832 0.3900000000000002 0
--> 0.002274293779069949 0.4000000000000002 0
--> 0.002373345530365636 0.4100000000000002 0
--> 0.00247124175808541 0.4200000000000002 0
--> 0.002565131284507889 0.4300000000000002 0
--> 0.002652725622921517 0.4400000000000002 0
--> 0.002733185015652727 0.4500000000000002 0
--> 0.002806758949279388 0.4600000000000002 0
--> 0.002874244030497155 0.4700000000000003 0
--> 0.002936528397946332 0.4800000000000003 0
--> 0.002994408155516128 0.4900000000000003 0
--> 0.003048561354976262 0.5 0
--> step 2
--> 0.003048561354976262 0.5 0
--> 0.003048218629603371 0.5 0.01
--> 0.003046901440529685 0.5 0.02
--> 0.003044600820428306 0.5 0.03
--> 0.00304130623557009 0.5 0.04
--> 0.003037007371840049 0.5 0.05
--> 0.003031692241737806 0.5 0.06000000000000001
--> 0.003025347949716552 0.5 0.07000000000000001
--> 0.003017953642556685 0.5 0.08
--> 0.003009485060872289 0.5 0.09
--> 0.002999937982725136 0.5 0.09999999999999999
--> 0.002989352491663576 0.5 0.11
--> 0.002977823784415115 0.5 0.12
--> 0.002965492795874145 0.5 0.13
--> 0.002952522235045185 0.5 0.14
--> 0.002939048984884102 0.5 0.15
--> 0.002925180703014064 0.5 0.16
--> 0.002910961960634052 0.5 0.17
--> 0.002896439339640948 0.5 0.18
--> 0.00288169003178506 0.5 0.19
--> 0.002866773995889459 0.5 0.2
--> 0.002851705835364595 0.5 0.2100000000000001
--> 0.002836496801753753 0.5 0.2200000000000001
--> 0.002821199139422801 0.5 0.2300000000000001
--> 0.002805914323231121 0.5 0.2400000000000001
--> 0.002790763022889252 0.5 0.2500000000000001
--> 0.002775826338041654 0.5 0.2600000000000001
--> 0.00276111730090713 0.5 0.2700000000000001
--> 0.002746614108469888 0.5 0.2800000000000001
--> 0.002732313346180004 0.5 0.2900000000000001
--> 0.002718231628920937 0.5 0.3000000000000001
--> 0.002704363354715092 0.5 0.3100000000000001
--> 0.002690669446889235 0.5 0.3200000000000001
--> 0.002677107131100328 0.5 0.3300000000000001
--> 0.002663630841766805 0.5 0.3400000000000001
--> 0.002650199186249004 0.5 0.3500000000000001
--> 0.002636790066656773 0.5 0.3600000000000002
--> 0.002623420339089672 0.5 0.3700000000000002
--> 0.002610145485391276 0.5 0.3800000000000002
--> 0.002597003431649619 0.5 0.3900000000000002
--> 0.002583969040181575 0.5 0.4000000000000002
--> 0.002570996225486628 0.5 0.4100000000000002
--> 0.002558050223878575 0.5 0.4200000000000002
--> 0.002545122719095612 0.5 0.4300000000000002
--> 0.002532227943781941 0.5 0.4400000000000002
--> 0.002519386648339695 0.5 0.4500000000000002
--> 0.002506611787103072 0.5 0.4600000000000002
--> 0.00249390789050716 0.5 0.4700000000000003
--> 0.002481275147127483 0.5 0.4800000000000003
--> 0.002468719057056149 0.5 0.4900000000000003
--> 0.002456259951179949 0.5 0.5
--> step 3
--> 0.002456259951179949 0.5 0.5
--> 0.002405462256831358 0.49 0.5
--> 0.002355458742805151 0.48 0.5
--> 0.002306435459827746 0.47 0.5
--> 0.00225867187622482 0.46 0.5
--> 0.002212246444778617 0.45 0.5
--> 0.002167137324896208 0.44 0.5
--> 0.002123287509743938 0.4299999999999999 0.5
--> 0.002080836940309113 0.4199999999999999 0.5
--> 0.00203992480474895 0.4099999999999999 0.5
--> 0.002000456592122689 0.3999999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001962367090143027 0.3899999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001925655869627818 0.3799999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001890374627222772 0.3699999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001856565265365677 0.3599999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001824232824152449 0.3499999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001793384383106103 0.3399999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001764030085054732 0.3299999999999999 0.5
--> 0.001736181959917234 0.3199999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001709854903110935 0.3099999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001685060199176545 0.2999999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001661798506485324 0.2899999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001640058697866304 0.2799999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001619820371196059 0.2699999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001601055982328429 0.2599999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001583726202893427 0.2499999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001567776037983496 0.2399999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001553137170970112 0.2299999999999998 0.5
--> 0.001539726281140034 0.2199999999999998 0.5
--> 0.00152743766576684 0.2099999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001516142172791192 0.1999999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001505685023380846 0.1899999999999997 0.5
--> 0.00149589724165913 0.1799999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001486584960608024 0.1699999999999997 0.5
--> 0.0014775084141841 0.1599999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001468279859006976 0.1499999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001458256342652655 0.1399999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001446958857792624 0.1299999999999997 0.5
--> 0.00143401817733061 0.1199999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001419219477244737 0.1099999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001402793386219292 0.09999999999999969 0.5
--> 0.001386012833198309 0.08999999999999969 0.5
--> 0.001370035808036354 0.0799999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001354984793985183 0.0699999999999997 0.5
--> 0.00134122842197862 0.0599999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001329225704211848 0.0499999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001319351584153604 0.0399999999999997 0.5
--> 0.001312153481479498 0.02999999999999969 0.5
--> 0.001307570024923967 0.01999999999999969 0.5
--> 0.001305280879241024 0.009999999999999691 0.5
--> 0.001305148774201166 0 0.5
--> step 4
--> 0.001305148774201166 0 0.5
--> 0.001267742420501036 0 0.49
--> 0.001230923166354812 0 0.48
--> 0.00119461638395876 0 0.47
--> 0.001158801850304672 0 0.46
--> 0.001123467244598066 0 0.45
--> 0.001088541848132292 0 0.44
--> 0.001053931269367919 0 0.4299999999999999
--> 0.001019553489462221 0 0.4199999999999999
--> 0.000985346153571138 0 0.4099999999999999
--> 0.00095128181858739 0 0.3999999999999999
--> 0.000917377609581669 0 0.3899999999999999
--> 0.0008836659869532686 0 0.3799999999999999
--> 0.0008501686788609103 0 0.3699999999999999
--> 0.000816912931046265 0 0.3599999999999999
--> 0.0007839494747557624 0 0.3499999999999999
--> 0.0007513532915734927 0 0.3399999999999999
--> 0.0007192098442373292 0 0.3299999999999999
--> 0.0006876087765101703 0 0.3199999999999998
--> 0.0006566193770842923 0 0.3099999999999998
--> 0.0006262972666842203 0 0.2999999999999998
--> 0.0005966933430658843 0 0.2899999999999998
--> 0.0005678464793179263 0 0.2799999999999998
--> 0.0005397899646925705 0 0.2699999999999998
--> 0.0005125528112680772 0 0.2599999999999998
--> 0.0004861627894751369 0 0.2499999999999998
--> 0.0004606545671803507 0 0.2399999999999998
--> 0.0004360886626383941 0 0.2299999999999998
--> 0.0004125512218290568 0 0.2199999999999998
--> 0.0003900737167018608 0 0.2099999999999997
--> 0.0003686461901923401 0 0.1999999999999997
--> 0.0003482625063669396 0 0.1899999999999997
--> 0.0003289193556166073 0 0.1799999999999997
--> 0.0003106147072878994 0 0.1699999999999997
--> 0.0002933473656752264 0 0.1599999999999997
--> 0.0002771203982077093 0 0.1499999999999997
--> 0.0002619406503524264 0 0.1399999999999997
--> 0.0002478149567788555 0 0.1299999999999997
--> 0.0002347503437721159 0 0.1199999999999997
--> 0.0002227540353909843 0 0.1099999999999997
--> 0.0002118324471779473 0 0.09999999999999969
--> 0.0002019900535321696 0 0.08999999999999969
--> 0.0001932305427804945 0 0.0799999999999997
--> 0.000185557393292687 0 0.0699999999999997
--> 0.000178973818975171 0 0.0599999999999997
--> 0.0001734827006454447 0 0.0499999999999997
--> 0.0001690865569702568 0 0.0399999999999997
--> 0.0001657874929460887 0 0.02999999999999969
--> 0.0001635871365176567 0 0.01999999999999969
--> 0.0001624866310459695 0 0.009999999999999691
--> 0.0001624866310459695 0 0
Basically there are two coils, inner & outer. Both outer coils are one. AC current going through coil 1 will *not* produce AC in coil 2. Same thing goes for the opposite. What this design is about is having coil 2 change the effective permeability of the entire core, which will effect coil 1. So you could think of this as modulated AM broadcasting where one changes the amplitude of the other, but the modulator by itself cannot induce AC without the signal.
In step 1 coil 1 is turned on and left on. step 2 coil 2 is turned on. step 3 coil 1 is turned off thereby collecting its energy. step 4 coil 2 is turned off and energy is collected.
Back to the drawing board.
PL, I have no clue what you are demonstrating there. But what I was trying to show with the previous circuits was that the orbo can be much more efficient than it currently is. If Steorn claims it's already cop=2 for instance then imagine how much more effecieint it could be if you recycled the inductive energy during the on period.
But even that is unsure since I do not have the equipment to verify this myself. Perhaps I'm all wrong, and the long current maximum is needed. But if it isn't then a lot of electrical energy is waisted by letting the current surf the ohmic limit for quite a time period based on their scope. It would be much more efficient to let all the action happen when the current rise time is still linear. And just when it hits saturation point you open the switches so that the energy flows back to the battery.
Without a decent oscilloscope determining all these parameters can be near impossible.
Sean has said repeatedly that the orbo over unity is clearly predicted using classical physics, which is what FEMM uses. For myself, it's best to see something work using FEMM before spending the time & $ to build it.
This may be a good read for you and others here about the various flux “threading†methods wherein newly created flux lines become “engaged†by the magnetic core without violating Ampere’s Circuital Law.
This improved flux model enables transformer theory to be modeled using the Classical Motional Electric Law (CMEL) ( emf = (v × B ) • L ) as well as Faraday’s Law and New Induction. In fact, it is shown that Faraday’s Law is just a special case of the CMEL and not a stand alone model of nature.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 06:57:36 AM
So, according to you, you can take a coil and use it as an electromagnet without it draining the battery? I don't think so, lol. We're not talking about transformers here. These are two different things we're talking about.
The motor in my example where the coil is continuously energized from the battery is our control experiment to let us know how long the battery can maintain the system at a certain RPM with a continuous output from the battery.
I guarantee you that it takes energy to run a conventional motor at idle speed with no external load on it that is greater than the small loss due to the resistance of the wire. Even when it's at idle speed, it is converting electrical energy into mechanical energy and this mechanical energy produces a CEMF that is against the EMF driving the motor and this increases the amount of energy that is consumed way above the small losses due to the resistance of the wire.
Im tired a bit to repeat because you don't know enough in electronic and you don't seem to want to put some time to learn something. I told you that with a Ideal inductor , if you put a sine wave across it , the battery in a perfect world will get back what it put in , its not mysterious , its classical EE. IN real world there loss . I told you too that a rotoverter was a good example about a no load motor, do a simple search, there people who run motor at full idle speed (NO LOAD, I REPEAT, NO LOAD) for only 15/20 Watt with a simple modification to get more VARS, do you know what is VARS ?????. A motor with no LOAD don't show ANYTHING about how much torque it has VS power consumption , you need a load at it shaft.
Look again at this site, its in the middle of the page, there a PERFECT example of what i told you yesterday you will see what happen with a pure inductive load(ideal one) ALL GET BACK.
Best Regards,
This is all such total noncense!!!! Charge up a cap with the battery, remove the battery and see how long Orbo (rymes with horrible) will run before it stops running just off the cap.
This is a battery running a small motor- NOTHING MORE!!!
Quote from: IceStorm on December 22, 2009, 11:34:15 AM
Im tired a bit to repeat because you don't know enough in electronic and you don't seem to want to put some time to learn something. I told you that with a Ideal inductor , if you put a sine wave across it , the battery in a perfect world will get back what it put in , its not mysterious , its classical EE. IN real world there loss . I told you too that a rotoverter was a good example about a no load motor, do a simple search, there people who run motor at full idle speed (NO LOAD, I REPEAT, NO LOAD) for only 15/20 Watt with a simple modification to get more VARS, do you know what is VARS ?????. A motor with no LOAD don't show ANYTHING about how much torque it has VS power consumption , you need a load at it shaft.
Look again at this site, its in the middle of the page, there a PERFECT example of what i told you yesterday you will see what happen with a pure inductive load(ideal one) ALL GET BACK.
Best Regards,
You're confusing the issue. Energy and power are not the same. I could trickle a small current from a battery to a heavy load and it won't have any power, but the battery is expending it's energy source (the small current doesn't have a
force on the load). Since energy is a scalar quantity and we're dealing with scalar quantities for power calculation, it is
missing the vector quantity associated with a force; as such it is only a simplification. Trying to infer unknown vector equations from scalar models is problematic at best. The rules of nature explains the problems and difficulties encountered when attempting to deduce answers from conservation of energy techniques, you need to put some time into learning what is correct from what is not correct.
From TK
QuoteFrom TK
Well, this shows the effect does exist.
The problem with using ferrite is you need to know which ferrite you are using.
Ferrite used in typical transformers will have an extremely high saturation point because this is good for transformers.
The ferrite that should work best would have a low saturation point. Or possibly not even use ferrite.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 12:02:28 PM
You're confusing the issue. Energy and power are not the same. I could trickle a small current from a battery to a heavy load and it won't have any power, but the battery is expending it's energy source. Since energy is a scalar quantity and we're dealing with scalar quantities for power calculation, it is missing the vector quantity associated with a force; as such it is only a simplification. Trying to infer unknown vector equations from scalar models is problematic at best. The rules of nature explains the problems and difficulties encountered when attempting to deduce answers from conservation of energy techniques,
Maybe you need to put some time into learning what is correct from what is not correct.
I sound like you like to mix thing but look at your question you asked me :
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:33:56 AM
A coil is a load on the battery, is it not?
My answer is still the same, NO , a coil is not a load because the reactive power is equal to the apparent power with a sine wave input so the true power will always be 0W IF its a ideal inductor, like i said in real world there always loss with the inductor since the wire is not a superconductor. Don't mix thing , i don't talk about motor i talk about inductor, your question is "IS A COIL A LOAD?". Do i need to past the link again so you can understand what we talk about again ?
Best Regards,
Quote from: MileHigh on December 22, 2009, 12:59:04 AM
You can't just "pluck 'radiant energy' out of thin air" to advance your argument. Sean says that more power is being returned to the battery by the return wire that connects to the battery.
Actually I did do the experiments. I made the measurements that show that the energy in a pulse discharge from an inductor is less than or nearly equal to the battery energy that energized the inductor in the first place. That means that Bedini's "radiant energy" is B.S. I read his 1984 "Kromrey Convertor" 15-page treatise and I almost puked from how little sense he made when discussing electricity and batteries.
So why don't YOU do the experiments. Hook up any Bedini motor or Joule Thief or whatever your favourite flavour of pulsing inductor circuit you want and measure the power supplied by the battery compared to the power you get from the pulsing inductor. In all cases you will find the output power is less than the input power, and you produce heat. The output power plus the heat will equal the input power. "Radiant energy" is just a buzz word to get you excited and induce you to believe in something that's not there. You can prove for yourself that it is not there if you really want to.
While you say the BEMF is less or close to equal to source energy that energize the coil is obvious, Bedini says that too.
Bedini clearly states in his forums at yahoo group and videos that there is NOTHING special about his SSGs and motors except that the "magic" happens in the battery. He states that the front end (the circuits) are totally common EE concepts but there is also some anoumalies presented but the battery is the OU creator.
One can easily test the load and charge process and see that there is not enough current going into the battery that could explain the charge being presented. Also the battery capacity increases with time. I know because I have done it over 200 times and it is thruth.
I would think if you tested his motors you should know that!
Quote from: IceStorm on December 22, 2009, 12:54:54 PM
I sound like you like to mix thing but look at your question you asked me :
My answer is still the same, NO , a coil is not a load because the reactive power is equal to the apparent power with a sine wave input so the true power will always be 0W IF its a ideal inductor, like i said in real world there always loss with the inductor since the wire is not a superconductor. Don't mix thing , i don't talk about motor i talk about inductor, your question is "IS A COIL A LOAD?". Do i need to past the link again so you can understand what we talk about again ?
Best Regards,
You know in the examples I gave you that the coils would be expending energy in order to generate mechanical motion, thus a load. You can't obtain mechanical energy without converting the electrical energy. Even at an idle speed, the battery is losing quite a bit of energy due to the CEMF above and beyond the losses due to the resistance of the wire .
Quote from: powercat on December 22, 2009, 12:05:43 PM
From TK
hmmmtoroid_4c (
Thanks. That's about the only TK video I've seen that's void of strong skeptic opinions while containing useful data.
Anyhow, that effect is easily seen in FEMM.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 01:08:09 PM
You know in the examples I gave you that the coils would be expending energy in order to generate mechanical motion, thus a load. You can't obtain mechanical energy without converting the electrical energy. Even at an idle speed, the battery is losing quite a bit of energy due to the CEMF above and beyond the losses due to the resistance of the wire .
ENERGY AND POWER ARE NOT THE SAME THING!, so go take your power factor and through it out the window, because it is irrelevant in the examples I mentioned.
I told you to look at the rotoverter, there people who get same idle speed , 200/300 watt input at idle become 15/20 watt for the same idle speed, you just need to change the power factor, THERE plenty of example all around the web, just ask Ash , he is a expert in that field. But we are not talking about TORQUE here , we talk about idle RPM as you said in your first post.So what is irrelevant is you comparison of 2 motor with NO LOAD on the shaft who mean ABSOLUTELY nothing about the torque it can give. What is important is the torque it can give for X power input, that's all , stop wasting your time with your idle speed comparison. you asked me a question to know if a coil is a LOAD and now you move onto something else loll at least i took time to answer both.
Best Regards,
Quote from: IceStorm on December 22, 2009, 01:23:03 PM
I told you to look at the rotoverter, there people who get same idle speed , 200/300 watt input at idle become 15/20 watt for the same idle speed, you just need to change the power factor, THERE plenty of example all around the web, just ask Ash , he is a expert in that field. But we are not talking about TORQUE here , we talk about idle RPM as you said in your first post.So what is irrelevant is you comparison of 2 motor with NO LOAD on the shaft who mean ABSOLUTELY nothing about the torque it can give. What is important is the torque it can give for X power input, that's all , stop wasting your time with your idle speed comparison. you asked me a question to know if a coil is a LOAD and now you move onto something else loll at least i took time to answer both.
Best Regards,
I never said anything about Power or torque in my example. I also never said the motors in my example were rotoverters. My example was meant to figure out how long it would take a battery to discharge in a controlled experiment at a certain RPM. It is the same as putting a resistor on a fully charged cap and seeing how long it takes to discharge across the resistor. My example is a good way to figure out how much energy is in the battery so you can make a mechanical comparison instead of an electrical comparison. Obviously you missed the entire point. It is possible to have mechanical OU without having electrical OU. If this is the case, then there may be methods and techniques to convert this mechanical OU into electrical OU or to improve upon the already electrical OU. My method would be a good indicator if it is achieving its maximum electrical potential and if not, by how much it could possibly be improved upon. Everyone focuses on electrical OU and forgets about mechanical OU. You can have mechanical OU and still not be able to recharge a battery or capacitor if this additional mechanical energy isn't converted to electrical energy.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 01:30:30 PM
I never said anything about Power or torque in my example. My example was meant to figure out how long it would take a battery to discharge in a controlled experiment. It is the same as putting a resistor on a fully charged cap and seeing how long it takes to discharge across the resistor. This is a good way to figure out how much energy is in the battery so you can make your comparisons. Obviously you missed the entire point.
Here you talk about 750 rpm , 2 motor with no LOAD on the shaft , one take 3 time the amount of the other one in power.Take your example and look at what i wrote about the rotoverter so Idle speed mean nothing to evaluate the TORQUE (MECHANICAL POWER) because THERE NO LOAD,
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:09:38 AM
If a motor runs @ 750rpm for 10 hours with drawing a constant current from a battery, then building a motor that runs @ 750rpm for 30 hours from a same type battery is cop = 3 in mechanical energy gained vs electrical energy expended.
You have gained 3 times more mechanical energy than what the battery is capable of producing. The additional energy gained was mechanical energy and was expended in the additional 20 hours of mechanical motion instead of being converted to electrical energy.
And here you talk about the coils in motor who act as load. if both motor is the same, first one is a rotoverter the second one is a normal one (both identical motor spec) , first one can be 50W idle and the second one 300W idle at SAME speed but the TORQUE it can deliver will not be the same because the PF is not the same, on the rotoverter one the VAR is bigger than the normal one, so less current input at the expense of torque.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:33:56 AM
If both motors have coils with the same load on the battery, then the RPM is relative in both systems and is not absolutely nothing. A coil is a load on the battery, is it not? This means both motors in my example have the same load!
Now tell me how you can evaluate if motor 1 is better than motor 2 ? no one deliver any power , they just idle so current input is absolutly nothing.
Best Regards,
I'm not trying to figure out power or torque. Power correction devices don't lower the amount of energy being consumed by a device, they help the watt hour meter to more accurately calculate the correct amount of energy used by a device. The watt hour meter does not calculate energy consumed correctly and the end result is the consumer is billed for energy they didn't use. The total amount of energy actually consumed is the same with or without the power correction device. Calculating energy in vs energy out is not as cut and dry as you may think.
If mass of a motor is great, and friction low, a slightly better battery or circuit can give hugely longer running times. Time will be spend more running the thing, than power is used to start up.
The other way around, a lightweight motor with high friction, that is more like a load. 10% more runtime, means ~10% more efficiency, or capacity.
Lets just give Steorn a chance to prove it. If they're a scam, then they have their day coming. If investors have given money without proof, LOL, geez, then that's going to be big lesson for them. I have not given Steorn a dime, and I would *NEVER* sign any NDA.
Supposedly January is the big month they're going to prove it.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:27:23 PM
I'm not trying to figure out power or torque. Power correction devices don't lower the amount of energy being consumed by a device, they help the watt hour meter to more accurately calculate the correct amount of energy used by a device. The watt hour meter does not calculate energy consumed correctly and the end result is the consumer is billed for energy they didn't use. The total amount of energy actually consumed is the same with or without the power correction device. Calculating energy in vs energy out is not as cut and dry as you may think.
Again some more non sense, PF CORRECTION do lower the input power , that don't mean the load will get LESS power , that mean the INPUT POWER will be less , look here : and go to 2/3, look for :
"This correction, of course, will not change the amount of true power consumed by the load, but it will result in a substantial reduction of apparent power, and of the total current drawn from the 240 Volt source:"
And dont change your non sense by saying "I'm not trying to figure out power or torque" because you should look at this post your wrote, look at what is in bold:
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:09:38 AM
If a motor runs @ 750rpm for 10 hours with drawing a constant current from a battery, then building a motor that runs @ 750rpm for 30 hours from a same type battery is cop = 3 in mechanical energy gained vs electrical energy expended.
You have gained 3 times more mechanical energy than what the battery is capable of producing. The additional energy gained was mechanical energy and was expended in the additional 20 hours of mechanical motion instead of being converted to electrical energy.
RPM at idle MEAN NOTHING , i showed you that with the analogy with the rotoverter for 2 identical motor , one with rotoverter modification and the order one normal, at IDLE the speed can be the same but the POWER consumption WILL NOT BE. so discharge your battery as you wich , that will never tell you if you are COP = 3 because THERE NO LOAD on the shaft.
Best Regards,
Quote from: gravityblock on December 22, 2009, 02:09:38 AM
If a motor runs @ 750rpm for 10 hours with drawing a constant current from a battery, then building a motor that runs @ 750rpm for 30 hours from a same type battery is cop = 3 in mechanical energy gained vs electrical energy expended.
If you converted only half of this mechanical energy that is gained (10hrs) into electrical energy, then you have COP = 1 in electrical energy gained vs electrical energy expended with 10 hours of additional mechanical momentum to keep producing this additional energy to keep it above unity. There is no hidden source of energy being tapped in this system. The additional source of energy is capturing all of the potential momentum instead of killing it like we've all been doing.
Look at the two words in bold print starting each paragraph, the two "if's". It was a hypothetical and was not based on a real result. The entire post was based on a hypothetical. The COP = 3 in mechanical energy was a hypothetical result and not based on a real world device. This hypothetical can be carried out in the real world though, but the results will vary from device to device. This hypothetical was to show you can have mechanical overunity while still draining the battery and not achieving electrical OU.
I'll let you have the last word on this because you are twisting and reading everything out of context while not grasping anything from what is written in my posts or in the link to the "allaboutcircuits" site. You lack severely in "reading comprehension". In addition to those reasons, it is off-topic from this discussion and I will not participate in hijacking this thread any longer.
Take care,
Try not thinking negative, always think positive!
Think, If this does not work, then what would it need to make it work.
When thinking positive, you can hope to see the light. To think negative and you are assured to see only darkness.
Everyone already knows it can't be done! But in time there is always one case that does not fit the norm.
QuoteAll cases huh? So I guess you have built every single pulsing circuit that could ever be conceived and tested all these without success? You are pretty damn good!
That is the attitude that is all wrong. It's all about understanding what the circuit is doing. This notion of looking for the "magic" pulsing circuit is wrong, and what is implicit in what you are saying is that you can go on testing different setups forever. You just have to learn and apply your knowledge.
QuoteSorry I don't do debunking, I build to make things work, not to prove things don't work, we have a team of debunkers for that, to tell us how it can't work, how it's not possible, and how it will never be done. Same with people who said it was impossible to build a rocket and travel to the moon.
You build things to understand how they work, it is not a question of proving one thing or another. Understanding is the key.
The "Flat Earth" argument is an old cliche. The real people with understanding said it was possible to build a rocket and go to the moon, not the opposite as you are implying. Same thing for powered flight.
QuoteClassical theory claims Intrinsic inductance is a linear function of wire length and independent of wire diameter. According to the classical understanding of inductance, if we construct two circular loops of wire, both with the same loop shape, but with different wire gauge, then both should have the same inductance. But this is not the case and can be seen in the results below. Since the thickness of wire does affect the intrinsic inductance, then the classical model for intrinsic inductance is incorrect.
You are absolutely wrong here and the statement that you make in your first sentence is wrong. You should check out the Hyperphysics web site. I am will assume that you have never sat through derivations in a class room where you calculate the magnetic field at any distance from an infinite length of wire of radius r with a current i traveling through it, or what the magnetic field is anywhere in free space for a loop of wire of wire radius r1 and loop radius r2. If you haven't, chances are that stuff will blow your mind. Your attempts to point out weaknesses in the classical model fall flat.
QuoteAlso, the magnetic field around a moving charge is not toroidal or donut shaped as taught. Simple experiments shows the magnetic field is spherical around the moving charges. I could go on and on about how classical theory has it wrong and is incomplete also. Classical theory can't even get the basic stuff right, and simple experiments clearly shows this.
You wish. You are completely out of your league here and are completely off the mark. This stuff is so well understood that it takes years of education to just understand the explanation for what's really going on.
Going back to Steorn, the "believers" as well as the people making all of the wild speculations about the magnetic effects, how many of them have made a comment about just using a capacitor to prove or disprove Steorn's claim? Not many I don't think.
I challenge all of you to chime in, should Steorn use a capacitor in their demo or not?
Steorn is crap.
'Nuff said
Just found out Sean has been making a lot of posts at his forum recently. Here are a few interesting posts regarding the technology,
QuoteOk - I agree that a great way to see if the system has CEMF is to test it as a generator - and we will be including that in the next experiment.
As for there being current through the coils when we say its turned off - thats just nonsence, but again we will make the switch from the power supply a lot more clear in the next one.
As for shorter and longer pulses - I assume that you are reffering to induction losses through the interaction - and there are none (in fact there is a greater energy returned from the field collapse than there is energy put into the field creation) - but THAT is the next experiment, so lets see.
Quote"Eddy currents in the core - how do you measure them"
Well you could just use a nonconducting core and then not have them at all.
Quote"I think the main basic thing people are waiting for is the input voltage/current along side the output voltage/current. I take it this will be included in 2010 demonstrations?"
Quote"That vibration does have my attention over all the other claims."
Its the nature of the bearings that we are using.
Quote"Will you be "redoing" the experiments before or after Christmas? (Never mind, I see you said January)"
Not sure on the date, but it will be prior to Jan 10th (we may do two experiments together - will have to look at the practicality of this).
QuoteOk the first sequence of experiments are about showing that in eOrbo all the input energy goes to output as Joule heating (no back emf, no induction losses) and yet work is still done by the rotor. The second sequence is total input energy, total output energy and the energy of the system itself.
Quote"Why have the demo "Orbo"s been changed out occasionally, was this due to "issues",,, or is that in some way a future part of the demonstration?"
Its been asked (and answered) - we made a call to use reed switches - they are across an inductive load and flyback dioide or not there is still a high failure rate.
Quote"You've mentioned that the overall thermodynamic efficiency of the system is about 3X. Shall we take that to mean, that if 10W (avg./cont.) battery power input is measured, calorimetry would indicate a heat flow of 30W (avg./cont.)?"
It means that for the type of system shown to date, 1J of elec input will produce circa 3J of output (heat, work done by the rotor and electrical) - but again this has yet to be proven, and it will - but I will not open the Xmas presents early.
A few more recent Sean quotes I missed in my last post,
Quote"Can we expect some independent, 3rd party, validation of your device as a part of the demo in January?"
You sure can.
QuoteOk what is rubbish about the video was the simple fact that this guy knows that there is CEMF present in his test, but hides it with the scale of his scope traces. So its not a rebuttal at all - its clearly someone playing games.
So does he have a point behind the sillyness - perhaps there are supporting methods that can be used to show that there is no CEMF, including but not limited to the current reversal that I believe he may have decided to leave out because perhaps its a bit more difficult to do a fraudulent debunk? - and indeed you will see these in the next experiment.
The difference of course in all this is what we are dealing with in the so called "rebuttal" is a simple method to debunk through deception - so be it - not a lot I can do about that - lets see if the fella can con the next version of the experiment - as I said it will be pretty amusing anyway,
There is an erroneous expression for the self inductance of a loop of diameter ‘a’ and wire thickness ‘b’ found in the book Classical Electrodynamics 3rd edition. Reviewing the derivation we find that this expression is actually the mutual inductance between two parallel loops of radius ‘a’ separated by distance b. Oooopsss, and it mis-leads the masses because nobody is able to think and have a mind of their own, lol.
Classical Electromagnetism predicts electromagnetic “Hot Spots†at the corners of rectangular loops. These Hot Spots are not seen in the lab. Consider a square loop of wire that contains a constant current. The current at the corners changes direction 90 degrees; this is effectively a changing current. By applying classical electromagnetic equations, we derive the effect of this current change on a test charge located just above the corner. Experimentation shows that there are no detectable corner effects. The spherical field completely cancels these corner effects.
The toroidal magnetic field of classical electromagnetism does not predict
the existence of longitudinal electromagnetic propagation. As such, the
classical models do not predict reception off the ends of a dipole antenna.
In fact, without longitudinal waves, the classical models are not even close to the measured radiation patterns. The reason is that the classical models do not predict magnetic effects in the longitudinal direction because the Biot-Savart field model of magnetism is a transverse only model.
In the classical electromagnetic theory of light (Maxwell’s Equations) only
transverse electromagnetic waves are anticipated. Yet in all other media in
which waves propagate, they propagate in both longitudinal and transverse modes. Why does classical electromagnetism only predict transverse waves? The answer is that classical electromagnetism views magnetism as a transverse only field phenomenon. The spherical field model readily predicts wave propagation in both longitudinal and transverse modes.
I am not going to rebut your examples except to say that I am not aware of transverse waves being an issue. When EM radiation propagates the electrical and magnetic fields are at right angles to each other. So if "z" is the transverse direction because the electric or magnetic wave is traveling and oscillating back and forth in the direction of z, then the complimentary electric or magnetic wave can be aligned in any direction in the x-y plane. Transverse waves are not anything special that I am aware of.
The determination of what the electric or magnetic field looks like (magnitude and direction) at any point in time and at any place in space is very well understood, but I am not a microwave engineer so I can't say much more than that.
I'm not exactly sure what they mean by capturing more inductive energy than is put in. There are two possible cases:
1) When they capture the collapsing field more inductive energy is captured than used. From their scope traces we can estimate that the inductive energy is 1/5 of the whole pulse. While 4/5 is ohmic and irreversibly lost as heat. This would explain why Sean keeps mentioning the heat energy.
2) When they capture the collapsing field more energy is gained than inductive+ohmic combined. This feat would be very amazing in itself. As the mechanical energy becomes a bonus.
Can someone please forward this or bring it up on their forum to get an answer from them. It would be very interesting and enlighting to know which case they are referring to.
I didn't think they were capturing any of the flyback from the pulse to the toroidal coils.
I understood it to be the generator at the top that was recovering all the losses.
Recovering the flyback from the toroidal coils would be a plus if it is possible.
Quote from: lumen on December 22, 2009, 12:29:17 PM
Well, this shows the effect does exist.
The problem with using ferrite is you need to know which ferrite you are using.
Ferrite used in typical transformers will have an extremely high saturation point because this is good for transformers.
The ferrite that should work best would have a low saturation point. Or possibly not even use ferrite.
Meanwhile, nobody seems to notice the pink elephant in the room which is the four sets of three disk magnets below the coils backed up with some iron laminates and the extra large hub above which probably contains another toroid magnet and core.
Thane Heins ring a bell? Steorns next controversy will probably be a patent fight since this does not seem to look anything like the original.
God created whiskey to keep the Irish from taking over the world so the Irish drank the whiskey and then created Orbo. Even Hitler had something to say about that.
Hitler reacts to Steorn's demo and launch of Orbo!
With this toroidal core saturation effect, setting muR to 1 one could also easily
build an overunity transformer with no moving parts.
Just make sure most of the magnetic flux from
a permanent magnet is attrated to the toroidal
coil´s ferrite, when the coil is not energized.
If you put an output coil into the airgap between
magnet and toroidal ferrite coil and only draw current
from it, when the toroidal input coil is not energized,
then you will have some kind of motionless orbo overunity transformer.
By the way, is it possible with FEMM to simulate also
BackEMF and CounterEMF in coils around iron ferrite cores ?
If yes, this could be modeled in FEMM too, to check for the best output.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 22, 2009, 09:00:28 PM
With this toroidal core saturation effect, setting muR to 1 one could also easily
build an overunity transformer with no moving parts.
Just make sure most of the magnetic flux from
a permanent magnet is attrated to the toroidal
coil´s ferrite, when the coil is not energized.
If you put an output coil into the airgap between
magnet and toroidal ferrite coil and only draw current
from it, when the toroidal input coil is not energized,
then you will have some kind of motionless orbo overunity transformer.
By the way, is it possible with FEMM to simulate also
BackEMF and CounterEMF in coils around iron ferrite cores ?
If yes, this could be modeled in FEMM too, to check for the best output.
Regards, Stefan.
I think you may even find two wires going up through the shaft that connect to a coil. E.g., Thane Heins only using toroidal coils instead of I cores. Optical switches switch when coil is shorted to get past hump and using both sides of a magnet in a pulse motor. Compression yields free energy as coil mass is converted into atomic energy.
Not sure that it has as much to do with saturation as it does with pulse compression. The compression accelerates mass which converts mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass.
I don't think Thane really understands his motor beyond a classic EM which is why he feels it violates Lentz law. Lentz law does not apply to an accelerated mass. Many law of physics can be violated with acceleration and why people feel they are impossible, or violate 2nd law when they wrongly apply 2nd law to an open system since mass is fuel source which opens the system.
All free energy devices use acceleration to convert mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass as I described in earlier post. Cavitation is a form of acceleration, pulse compression is a form of acceleration, a laser can be used to accelerate, vacuum tube accelerates, electromagnet accelerator coil accelerates using pancake and coaxial coil from Tesla, etc. It t is all so simple to understand once you let go of all the BS you were programmed with regarding zero point, eather and college level physics and see big picture of the forest.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 22, 2009, 09:00:28 PM
With this toroidal core saturation effect, setting muR to 1 one could also easily
build an overunity transformer with no moving parts.
Just make sure most of the magnetic flux from
a permanent magnet is attrated to the toroidal
coil´s ferrite, when the coil is not energized.
If you put an output coil into the airgap between
magnet and toroidal ferrite coil and only draw current
from it, when the toroidal input coil is not energized,
then you will have some kind of motionless orbo overunity transformer.
By the way, is it possible with FEMM to simulate also
BackEMF and CounterEMF in coils around iron ferrite cores ?
If yes, this could be modeled in FEMM too, to check for the best output.
Regards, Stefan.
I had the same thought, but I was thinking two toroidal coils and one magnet.
The field would draw to one toroid then the other, back and forth. Each time passing through two separate winding in the gap to generate power. Like switched reluctance.
At resonance in the toroidal coils, one would believe it should produce OU if the Steorn principal is correct.
Here you go, a new photo taken from the demo, one for the skeptics, ;)
Well Paul, the December demo was "not the real demo" and we are all supposed to tune in in January. Perhaps "January" really means August 2011, that's how it usually works with these things.
Why didn't they just show the "real thing" a few days ago? What have they been doing for the past three years?
They simply should have used a capacitor in parallel with a resistor. The resistor would have been there to "burn off the free energy" if there really was any free energy to be found and prevent the capacitor voltage from going too high. In reality, the capacitor voltage would have gone down without a resistor in parallel and that would have been the end of Steorn.
How come they didn't show battery out power and energy return power measurements? All of that high-end measurement equipment and they couldn't do that?
What happened to the magnetic bearings? What happened to the "real Orbo" that flopped in 2007?
The December Steorn demo was a Lucite extravaganza to hunt and fish for people exactly like you, but with money to "invest" in the company.
Steorn is going to use all of their new Lucite eye candy to show their non-technology at various trade shows and technology fairs, all in the hope of attracting new investor money. They are just another Lutec.
Just think, all they are doing is showing is showing a lousy pulse motor, something people on this site have been doing for years.
Keep hoping!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 22, 2009, 11:05:22 PM
Here you go, a new photo taken from the demo, one for the skeptics, ;)
Quite a claim when there does not exist a scale that could measure the minute amount of mass that would be missing since there is so much energy within mass.
To suggest that energy comes from nowhere is as silly and baseless as the claim that are violating the conservation of energy when it cannot be proven by anyone.
You would need to accurately weigh that motor, probably run it for 10,000 years and then weigh it again and even then, the amount of missing mass would probably be too small to account for.
Quote from: Reincarnate on December 23, 2009, 04:12:18 AM
To suggest that energy comes from nowhere is as silly and baseless as the claim that are violating the conservation of energy when it cannot be proven by anyone.
That's wrong. Violation of CoE has been proven conclusively.
Same old story, same old debates. Steorn has demonstrated nothing of value and there attempt to get credability fail with thier science council which evaluated their first attempt. Go back and look at the promisies re this demo for December. We will get to jan and then another delay.
I do not have the qualifications of MileHigh and many others, but I have seen dozens of devices worldwide in person that have made various claims. To date, (and some even had TUV certification) none have ever demonstrated overunity, free energy or could be closed looped. Can it be done...I am open minded. However to date it has not been achieved. When I evaluate technologies I get the best people I can find to assist.
Has anyone learnt any lessons from 2009 (Mylow was the most entertaining)
Have a great Xmas everyone.
QuoteSteorn has demonstrated nothing of value
Not so. Steorn just demonstrated practical elimination of back emf (violation of Lentz' law). That's big.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 23, 2009, 05:08:16 AM
Not so. Steorn just demonstrated practical elimination of back emf (violation of Lentz' law). That's big.
Omnibus is right and this shows,
that Mark is not qualified enough in EE to see this.
He should quit his job going around the world for his.
Anybody who hires Mark for this job wastes his money.
Quote from: markdansie on December 23, 2009, 04:58:47 AM
I do not have the qualifications of MileHigh and many others,
I didn't know you could have a qualification for spouting useless crap. MH has brought nothing of value to this forum in fact I'm surprised he's not put on read only because of his obstructive ways and zero productivity on this forum. He denies everything without reason, he strategically obstructs progress of others and infests promising threads like a cancer.
Stefan ask yourself what value it has to let a blockhead like MH run lose on your forum.
you don´t understand the difference of the December 19th demo to
their December 15th demo units.
The December 19th demo was a reconfigured Orbo ,
where they positioned the coils differently for easier viewing.
But it uses the same principle.
Watch all the videos again and it will get clear to you.
Quote from: broli on December 23, 2009, 05:45:31 AM
I didn't know you could have a qualification for spouting useless crap. MH has brought nothing of value to this forum in fact I'm surprised he's not put on read only because of his obstructive ways and zero productivity on this forum. He denies everything without reason, he strategically obstructs progress of others and infests promising threads like a cancer.
Stefan ask yourself what value it has to let a blockhead like MH run lose on your forum.
Well, what MH is right about, is the way Steorn is presenting these things...
Why didn´t they show additional measurements to prove it some more
now ?
Maybe this is their internal political decision to get this done this way ?
Well, maybe they just didn´t want to show now too much,
so we could not figure it out on our own and then
they would loose customers for their SDKB license signups ?
Well, we will probably see that in January 2010.
If not we will fiqure it out on our own.
I will keep an eye on MileHigh and his postings though...
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 23, 2009, 05:58:24 AM
Well, what MH is right about, is the way Steorn is presenting these things...
Why didn´t they show additional measurements to prove it some more
now ?
Maybe this is their internal political decision to get this done this way ?
Well, maybe they just didn´t want to show now too much,
so we could not figure it out on our own and then
they would loose customers for their SDKB license signups ?
Well, we will probably see that in January 2010.
If not we will fiqure it out on our own.
I will keep an eye on MileHigh and his postings though...
Regards, Stefan.
Steorn is not here to please anyone of us. As promised they delivered their public demo by the end of the year, as promised to put their first presentation up, and probably as promised in a few weeks others will follow. "Skeptics" like MH are not giving sound advice, what they are doing is nitpicking and trying to break progress.
I suggested the capacitor method on their yt video because it's a sound suggestion, but even if they used it people like MH will just find the next "problem" why Steorn is bullshit. TK is the prime example of this. Within days he had a "replication" to debunk Steorn. When he upset people by it, he crawled back pretending nothing happened. Why don't these "skeptics" have double standards, why did he get away with it, why is his reputation not flushed down the drain. True skeptics should deny nothing and accept nothing untill personal experience says otherwise. People like MH are completely against this philosophy. "Debunk from the start and try to stop progress ASAP". It makes you wonder whether they lack attention in their real lives or are paid for this job. How anyone wants to stop a cause that will be so positive to the world is beyond me unless you are pure evil.
hi, visited the waterways dublin centre yesterday. took photos. knock yourselves out. click "sizes -> original". they're taken with iphone 3gs. credit me (esa ruoho / / ) if you use them. i see paul lowrance already took just the banners, and not the closeups. look at the closeups.
i've got 4 vids i'll post, but dunno if they'll be amazing or not. my first time recording video. ( FLICKR PICTURES.
i had to pay 25$ to get a pro account, to be able to post these, so took a hit for you guys. either way, knock yourselves out, credit me and my site, cya! bye.
Hi Esa,
many thanks for the nice pictures.
Could you speak with the Steorn stuff there ?
Is it right, that the display Orbos still
use Reed relay switches for the coil current
switching ,
but the bit different Dec. 19th Demo unit did use optocoupler-transistor switches
for the coil switching ?
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: esaruoho on December 23, 2009, 06:21:54 AM
hi, visited the waterways dublin centre yesterday. took photos. knock yourselves out. click "sizes -> original". they're taken with iphone 3gs. credit me (esa ruoho / / ) if you use them. i see paul lowrance already took just the banners, and not the closeups. look at the closeups.
i've got 4 vids i'll post, but dunno if they'll be amazing or not. my first time recording video. ( FLICKR PICTURES.
i had to pay 25$ to get a pro account, to be able to post these, so took a hit for you guys. either way, knock yourselves out, credit me and my site, cya! bye.
Thanks for going the extra mile and posting those pictures!!!!!
Quote from: Reincarnate on December 22, 2009, 09:47:20 PM
I think you may even find two wires going up through the shaft that connect to a coil. E.g., Thane Heins only using toroidal coils instead of I cores. Optical switches switch when coil is shorted to get past hump and using both sides of a magnet in a pulse motor. Compression yields free energy as coil mass is converted into atomic energy.
Not sure that it has as much to do with saturation as it does with pulse compression. The compression accelerates mass which converts mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass.
I don't think Thane really understands his motor beyond a classic EM which is why he feels it violates Lentz law. Lentz law does not apply to an accelerated mass. Many law of physics can be violated with acceleration and why people feel they are impossible, or violate 2nd law when they wrongly apply 2nd law to an open system since mass is fuel source which opens the system.
All free energy devices use acceleration to convert mass into the atomic energy contained within the mass as I described in earlier post. Cavitation is a form of acceleration, pulse compression is a form of acceleration, a laser can be used to accelerate, vacuum tube accelerates, electromagnet accelerator coil accelerates using pancake and coaxial coil from Tesla, etc. It t is all so simple to understand once you let go of all the BS you were programmed with regarding zero point, eather and college level physics and see big picture of the forest.
Sure would like to know more about the Thain Hines device. Link to site would be helpful. Thank you.
QuoteI didn't know you could have a qualification for spouting useless crap. MH has brought nothing of value to this forum in fact I'm surprised he's not put on read only because of his obstructive ways and zero productivity on this forum. He denies everything without reason, he strategically obstructs progress of others and infests promising threads like a cancer.
Stefan ask yourself what value it has to let a blockhead like MH run lose on your forum.
Broli I have had enough of this garbage from you. My main interest is to help people get to the truth about their setups and I try to help them get there. To say I have brought nothing of value to this forum is a complete and total lie. I want this to stop from you, do you hear me?
It upsets you that I can look at someone's setup and give them good advice and explain to them what is going on from a technical perspective because it breaks the illusion that they are demonstrating free energy. If somebody actually had a real device that actually worked, it would be a different story.
With respect to Steorn, they are either the first in the world to demonstrate free energy but they are going to take years and years to prove it, or they are just a con job to steal money from investors just like Lutec did. The general consensus about Steorn is that they are a con job, and I was just pointing out in my posting all of the obvious problems with Steorn.
What is your opinion on simply using a capacitor as opposed to a battery? Does this make sense to you?
Broli, I understand technology and energy 20 times better than you and I could spin circles around you with my eyes closed. I want your attacking of me to stop right now, I have had enough. You are just mean-spirited and upset and you don't want to hear a rational opinion about someone's setup because it breaks your fantasy about free energy and makes you unhappy.
Tough luck for you Broli and I will repeat: I want you to stop attacking me and saying lies about me.
MH your fake puppy eyes won't work here. You are put on ignore by countless respected members on this forum for the crap you spew in every post just like the one you made now. You have no respect for others you have no respect for the science and you have no respect for this forum. GO AWAY you lowly piece of shit!!!!!!!!!
I do have respect for others and you are just having a meltdown because I am telling you to stop.
I will repeat it again: Stop it right now and regain your sense of composure.
We know that changing the battery to a capacitor would be proof of OU.
But there IS a problem!
The Steorn devices contain no control electronics, so in a real OU device, how long could the device run on a capacitor?
I think about 45 seconds would be about it. That don't sound like much of a display.
After all, what good is an over unity device that only runs 45 seconds?
I like what Lumen said "stick with the positive"
Hi all,
In a positive note and a question, can we assume that those toroidal coils have a very low permeability to allow them to switch the core off with that few turns coils on them? With even all 4 coils in series, we arn't looking at more than .5 to 1 ohm I would say and peak current with a NIMH battery in the 1.2 to 1.3 amp range. Ideas, comments from builders???
Ho Ho HO to alllllllll......
Quote from: MileHigh on December 23, 2009, 08:38:20 AM
I understand technology and energy 20 times better than you and I could spin circles around you with my eyes closed.
You understand technology and energy based on incomplete, misleading, inaccurate, contradictory, and deceitful theories. I know the theories you base your knowledge on and they have all of the problems I just mentioned. You are limiting yourself and others by holding on to those theories so dearly. It's a real shame you're not able to think outside of what you've been taught.
Go spin your circles with your eyes closed somewhere else. Yes, it's very evident your eyes are closed and your mind has been blinded by this system of things.
Thinking outside the box
I sail boats,I used to laugh at guys that said you could sail faster than the wind
and then I found you could sail several times faster than the wind [6 or more]
Think outside your comfort zone
One thing that's nice about youtube is you can filter negative comments (any comment with more thumbs down than thumbs up). That would be awesome to have such a mod on this forum!
Steorn said the only place they will consider requests is at their official Steorn YouTube site. So far I see 3 comments requesting a capacitor instead of battery. The more people who request the better. You can ask your request here,
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 23, 2009, 10:00:52 AM
One thing that's nice about youtube is you can filter negative comments (any comment with more thumbs down than thumbs up). That would be awesome to have such a mod on this forum!
It would also be nice if all kept on topic and "kept their minds right".....I sail boats, but my hunter won't go as fast as the wind due to hull speed limitations but that is off topic. OK gang, how bout the permeability of the core question??????
Quote from: lumen on December 23, 2009, 09:16:26 AM
We know that changing the battery to a capacitor would be proof of OU.
But there IS a problem!
The Steorn devices contain no control electronics, so in a real OU device, how long could the device run on a capacitor?
I think about 45 seconds would be about it. That don't sound like much of a display.
After all, what good is an over unity device that only runs 45 seconds?
This really is the heart of the debate. If the device is really OU then it would run indef. off the cap. the reason that they are using a battery instead of the cap is that the device is not OU.
Its absolutly amazing to me and (I am sure everyone else) that they are not using a cap nor do they have any instrumentation to measure and confirm power in and power out. This should be beyond obvious.
I can not understand why every post on this thread is not asking that?
This is simply another ploy to keep the investor money rolling in,
It seems to me that MileHigh and myself seem to be the only posters raising the flag here. Even a five year old could see what there up to!!!
They a company and they are protecting themselves. Stefan explained it already. How else are they gonna earn money. This is the unfortunate way our system functions.
What they have given away already is substantial info about what they call "their technology" (which in fact is something vell known as an idea, as far as I can see) -- violation of Lentz' law which is eqivalent to having an OU device. If that doesn't wet your appetite no amount of evidence with or without caps will be sufficient to you.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 23, 2009, 10:38:00 AM
They a company and they are protecting themselves. Stefan explained it already. How else are they gonna earn money. This is the unfortunate way our system functions.
What they have given away already is substantial info about what they call "their technology" (which in fact is something vell known as an idea, as far as I can see) -- violation of Lentz' law which is eqivalent to having an OU device. If that doesn't wet your appetite no amount of evidence with or without caps will be sufficient to you.
Come on Omni there reason for being is to prove OU. You are right this how they raise money. Its only OU if power out is more than power in. Since they are claiming OU then this is what they must prove to be happening. They are the ones making the claim. A cap or measurement of input power to output power would put this all to rest and they would receive more money than even they could comprehend. Its Lutec all over again. They guys are masters of misdirection. They thread is so Mylow like as the most obvious questions are not being asked.
Quote from: billmehess on December 23, 2009, 10:45:35 AM
Come on Omni there reason for being is to prove OU. You are right this how they raise money. Its only OU if power out is more than power in. Since they are claiming OU then this is what they must prove to be happening. They are the ones making the claim. A cap or measurement of input power to output power would put this all to rest and they would receive more money than even they could comprehend. Its Lutec all over again. They guys are masters of misdirection. They thread is so Mylow like as the most obvious questions are not being asked.
I agree, it does not make any sense to hide the ball as far as proof. If Steorn wanted to make money off the SKDB, etc., then the thing to hide is not the proof of overunity, but everything else.
Instead, what they did is explain in basic terms how their invention works, while hiding the proof that it actually works. Hey, if you want people to sign up for the SKDB, do the opposite. Hide as much as you can about HOW the device works, but be absolutely crystal clear on your proof that it does in fact produce overunity. That is how you wet someone's appetite to plunk down for an SKDB subscription!
I think the answer is obvious. They cannot demonstrate the impossible, so they demonstrate the possible and claim the impossible.
It isn't at all clear that they will get even more money if they reveal everything at once. All business is shady, has secrets, manipulates and so on. That's the nature of business. Otherwise everybody will be equally wealthy and that wealth differential won't exist. If you and I are angry at this kind of manipulation we should be 100 times more angry at the even greater manipulations of corporate culture we're sunk in. I'm amazed that they even showed that much.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 23, 2009, 11:01:32 AM
It isn't at all clear that they will get even more money if they reveal everything at once. All business is shady, has secrets, manipulates and so on. That's the nature of business. Otherwise everybody will be equally wealthy and that wealth differential won't exist. If you and I are angry at this kind of manipulation we should be 100 times more angry at the even greater manipulations of corporate culture we're sunk in. I'm amazed that they even showed that much.
I sure agree with you on most of this but what really have they show? Its all smoke and mirrors.
Quote from: billmehess on December 23, 2009, 11:08:26 AM
I sure agree with you on most of this but what really have they show? Its all smoke and mirrors.
Why smoke and mirrors? They showed practical constancy of V and I at all conditions of the experiment where according to Lentz' law there shouldn't have been one.
I too would like to see the unit run off of a capacitor. But Steorn says they will reveal the reason for the battery in the future. So I must assume there is a reason for it. One that I can think of is this:
The Steorn demo devices may not be able to generate enough electrical energy to replace the electrical energy needed to "switch" the toriodal coil to saturation. This is due to the fact that they are not re-capturing the electrical energy that is used to switch the coils. That energy is not being looped back to the battery and is lost (mostly as heat?). Likewise, the work of the rotor in overcoming mechanical friction and wind resistance is also expending energy that is not recycled to the battery and is lost (again as heat).
So the system may still be OU but not able to run without an input energy source. Still, they may be getting more energy out than in, and that is still OU. The demo units are in this example an energy amplification device, but not a self running device.
Those of us that will only except the self running device as proof of OU might ask why they did not go that route. I would argue that you could do either and prove OU technology. I for one am fine with an energy amplification display as proof. And maybe that is the simplest design that they could show, ie. the design with the smallest number of parts that could be claimed to house fraud, and the easiest to instrument to show more energy out than in.
Steorn has said that their technology can be demonstrated in a purely mechanical fashion as well as this electrical demo model. Maybe these demo units can be reconfigured to show both, and ultimately a self runner, etc.
Just thoughts.
I agree with all you're saying. I too would be satisfied to see this as an energy amplifier, never mind self-runner (would be good but isn't crucial for the scientific conclusion I'm seeking). Paradoxically they are excellently equipped to demonstrate energy amplifications at a blink of an eye (almost). This is one of the best endowed OU experiments I've ever seen. Too bad the corporate spirit stands in the way. So, if you're a real scientist you're poor and cannot demonstrate it properly because of lack of funding (you'll be fired if you try to do it with the equipment from your day job) but if you're funded as a corporate entity you cannot demonstrate it properly because of the company requirements. Sticky wicked.
Quote from: mondrasek on December 23, 2009, 11:20:58 AM
The Steorn demo devices may not be able to generate enough electrical energy to replace the electrical energy needed to "switch" the toriodal coil to saturation. This is due to the fact that they are not re-capturing the electrical energy that is used to switch the coils. That energy is not being looped back to the battery and is lost (mostly as heat?). Likewise, the work of the rotor in overcoming mechanical friction and wind resistance is also expending energy that is not recycled to the battery and is lost (again as heat).
So the system may still be OU but not able to run without an input energy source. Still, they may be getting more energy out than in, and that is still OU. The demo units are in this example an energy amplification device, but not a self running device.
Exactly, I totally agree.
As they don´t recycle back the BackEMF from the toroidal coils yet,
their output from the generator coils is probably lower than the input,
so in this crude model they can not show selfrunning with just a cap.
But I believe them, that all the output which is finally comverted to heat is bigger than
the total electrical input, so it is a OU evice.
But to measure this total heat output is pretty complicated and could
only be done with a very special and precise calorimeter.
So it is better first to scale this effect up with bigger magnets and toroidal coils
and recycle the inputed toroidal coil energy via the BackEMF and
then it could get selfrunning, if the losses are minimized.
It would be interesting and pretty straightforward to see the input VI product integrated over a certain period and compare it with the output VI product integrated for the same period. This they can do as we speak with this kind of oscilloscope. As for calorimetry, they can use a Seebeck calorimeter which at their level of funding they can acquire or rent without a problem. These are mostly games they are playing and that's because of investors involved, a company that has to be run and many other factors in the corporate world. In a way I can understand them seeing all this negativity, envy and sheer animosity directed at Steorn, aside from what the corporate world requires.
If the energy comes from ambient, then the calorimetry method might not work.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 23, 2009, 11:50:14 AM
If the energy comes from ambient, then the calorimetry method might not work.
Calorimeter will help to determine the energy balance. It will be equally as curious if there's a disbalance as deficiency (anti-OU) -- energy will be destroyed. Don't think that's the case, though.
This is a long post and I hope it is a good read. Permeability is the magnetic conductivity of a material. A higher permeable core will have a greater attraction for the rotor magnets than a low permeable core (I hope I got this right).
Now let's take a look at the "Expanding Field Model". Let's assume a new flux-line begins as an infinitesimal small loop around the primary-wire. Since loops can not overlap or cross, this new loop must physically displace pre-existing loops outward when it is created. Therefore magnetic fields must expand from, or contract to, the source wire. This expanding field method is the only way that a magnetic field can expand (or contract) without violating Ampere’s Circuital Law.
In classical electromagnetic theory, it is common to talk about expanding and collapsing magnetic fields; however, this phenomenon is only addressed in the following simplistic terms: When the current is large, the magnetic field is large; when the current is small, the field is small. Classical electromagnetism does not discuss the manner in which a field expands, or contracts. The mechanism of field expansion and collapse is the concept for the Expanding Field Model. This model shows that flux expands and contracts through free-space with an actual real velocity which depends upon a number of factors.
To illustrate the expanding flux method, consider Figure 1 below showing the toroidal system at steady state. In this diagram, only one turn of the primary is shown for simplicity. The primary winding is shown relatively far away from the core for the purpose of examining the behavior of the flux near the primary. Since Ampere’s Circuital Law must not be violated, there must be flux between the primary-wire and the core as represented by the violet/thick flux-loop. Each flux-loop is shown as a different color to aid in the discussion. “Thicker†loops indicate higher magnetic field intensity (flux-lines/area).
We begin by considering the system prior to the increase in primary current as shown in Figure 1. At this moment, there is a constant current in the primary which is responsible for the steady state magnetic field represented by flux-loops engaged by the core (blue/thin) and flux-loops near the primary which have not touched the core (violet/thick). "G" is the secondary.
When the primary current increases in Figure 2, new flux-loops (red/thick) are created near the primary-wire which then displace the violet flux-loops out. As the violet flux-lines displace, they expand in perimeter which causes their intensity to decrease (represented by the diminished line thickness of the violet loop). When the flux-line expands to the point where it touches the core, the “engagement†process begins. The “engagement†process continues as the remainder of the flux-loop is drawn into the core. The black arrows in the diagram represent the flux velocity.
In the engagement process, the right violet loop (inside the core) simply expands across the center as shown in Figure 2. Since, the left violet loop can not pass through other loops, it must therefore swing around the primary to the left or right (like a door slamming shut). When steady state is achieved, the violet flux-loops are completely engaged by the core (we are assuming an ideal core).
This method preserves the integrity of the classical flux model and Ampere’s Circuital Law; however, it shows that the flux-lines “cut†the secondary on their journey to engage the core.
The permeability of the core affects the number of flux lines that will pass into the space contained by the secondary when the primary current increases. It is not hard to see that with increased core permeability, more flux-lines pass into the interior of the secondary for any given increase in primary current.
I hope this is helpful in replicating a Lenz free motor or even a motionless OU Generator.
The design was to show a simple OU device. Using a capacitor makes it much more complicated.
Now you will need something to prevent the capacitor from overcharging or it will run for about 45 seconds before it winds up and the capacitor explodes and everyone is running around thinking "I cant breathe with that smell" and others are thinking "O-my gawd, I got stuff in my eyes and it burns" and people get trampled and cut from the broken glass as they stampede through the door.
Or they could probably add a zener diode to regulate the voltage.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 23, 2009, 12:04:11 PM
This is a long post and I hope it is a good read. Permeability is the magnetic conductivity of a material. A higher permeable core will have a greater attraction for the rotor magnets than a low permeable core (I hope I got this right).
Now let's take a look at the "Expanding Field Model". Let's assume a new flux-line begins as an infinitesimal small loop around the primary-wire. Since loops can not overlap or cross, this new loop must physically displace pre-existing loops outward when it is created. Therefore magnetic fields must expand from, or contract to, the source wire. This expanding field method is the only way that a magnetic field can expand (or contract) without violating Ampere’s Circuital Law.
The permeability of the core affects the number of flux lines that will pass into the space contained by the secondary when the primary current increases. It is not hard to see that with increased core permeability, more flux-lines pass into the interior of the secondary for any given increase in primary current.
I hope this is helpful in replicating a Lenz free motor or even a motionless OU Generator.
Thanks GB, finally some meat in the noise!! It will be interesting to hear their description of their "Lenz-less" GENERATOR as this is the crux of the question. An efficient motor as shown, is helpful but the generator is most important.
Quote from: lumen on December 23, 2009, 12:18:05 PM
The design was to show a simple OU device. Using a capacitor makes it much more complicated.
Now you will need something to prevent the capacitor from overcharging or it will run for about 45 seconds before it winds up and the capacitor explodes and everyone is running around thinking "I cant breathe with that smell" and others are thinking "O-my gawd, I got stuff in my eyes and it burns" and people get trampled and cut from the broken glass as they stampede through the door.
Or they could probably add a zener diode to regulate the voltage.
I would pay money to see that happen!! Actually just pay to see voltage increase on cap till it hit zener voltage and on and on and on!
You state...
Permeability is the magnetic conductivity of a material.
A higher permeable core will have a greater attraction for the rotor magnets
than a low permeable core (I hope I got this right).
You did get this right... and wrong.
Let me explain.
The whole magnetic conductivity thing is either bullshit or a poor description of what is happening.
A piece of Ferro has a two important properties,
1. It's
Magnetic Coercivity which relates to how easily the dipoles in Ferro turn.
(note... dipoles are ferro atoms with unmatched electrons in outer shell... mini coil)
A Magnet has a High Coercivity.. once those baby's are in place they stay there.
A Piece of Iron has Low Coercivity... the dipoles turn easily and effortlessly.
2. It's
Magnetic Permeability... which relates to the density of atoms and their magnetic power.
A piece of Iron turns into a Magnet in the presence of another magnetic field !!!
(note... domains of atoms previously "randomly" oriented, now all point in the same direction)
For Example... A coil around a piece of Iron has 5000 times the magnetic field than without Iron.
Therefore the Magnetic Permeability of Iron is 5000. !There is nothing being conducted...the alleged magnetic field that gets conducted... the coil's,
actually gets amplified !!! I started a thread on this subject entitled
Magnetic Permeabilty, Why isn't anyone tallking about this !!!! I hope you check it out...
The Observer
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 23, 2009, 05:44:39 AM
Omnibus is right and this shows,
that Mark is not qualified enough in EE to see this.
He should quit his job going around the world for his.
Anybody who hires Mark for this job wastes his money.
I never prented I was qualified but if your read carefully I employ people on contracts who are including Physisists, engineers or what ever the skill set is requiried on the job. I do have expertise in Hydrogen and to a lesser degree in magnetic motors. The point is I do save people in some cases million of dollars by not investing in technology that cannot live up to false claims. Some of these technologies have even had high level engineering certification.
Sadly as mentioned most turn out to be smoke and mirrors run by con men or self deluded individulas. Sometimes they disapeer (normally just before the arrest warrent is issued) or they get tied up in litigation.
I gather you are the new Sterling Allen. I have a simple question..
of all the threads that have started here over the years..How many have claimed your overunity prize?Sadly I have seen people invest their life savings into these snake oil salesmen that profess overunity. So Stephan...put your money where your mouth here or rather than character assinate me tell people here and now if you are so sure to invest in Steorn. Actually the more I get character assisinated the more work I tend to get offered which is great.
There is howver a body of people and work that is working on many aspects of alternative energy production and in some case possible overunity. They rarely visist forums like these.
I also ask how much assistance have you ever given to people in your own forum? I have financially supported some or provided resources or personel with qualifications to help them along. There have even been testimonials in your forum to that effect.
Up until now I have had a lot of respect for you in providing this forum and allowing both sides of the argument to be heard. It is now sad you are blinded or prejudiced by your own belief system or desperation to want to believe. Do me a favour...list every new thread and claim that was made this year re overunity in 2009 and then a one sentance outcome. Then rank them on how many people they succed in (Mylow would rank high) We both know that exercise will result in
over 99% leading nowhere.Finally , there are many good people here, and on going projects (Winsonali for one). As far as Steorn goes....con men. many other more qualified people than me have also reached the same conclusion.
PS for every one topic that hits these forums I can assure you there is 10 times more out there happenning both legitimately or non. I could post some video's of devices that would have you ttally convinced and fooled. I remeber one this year that after we busted the inventor we could not figure it out how he did the con on a particular video and he kindly confessed and showed us. he then drove of into the sunset with his new mercedes and a few hundred thousand dollars of investors money and still being sort by police. Did the people who hired me (and my team) waste their they saved millions.
I guess there is a role for everyone. perhaps I found mine.
So much are you willing to invest in Steorn? Mark
Hi Mark,
sorry, my comments to you were a little too harsh I guess.
Sorry about this.
Well, I don´t agree how Steorn is running their company and what they
have done in the past, as you can read here in the older postings.
For their past doings I was a very skeptic about them and their old
Orbo and how they managed all their old demo, etc...
But now I guess they might have something valid with their
new eOrbo.
But that does not mean, that I jump now onto their bandwaggon and
invest all my last money with them.
I will wait and see, what they will present in January.
I would rather try to build a solid state unit on this effect myself...
Regards, Stefan.
I too was a little bit harsh on you so I apologise. I do have great respect for you and enjoy following different threads on this forum. I also have great respect for many contributors and on going projects.
I guess we will all have to wait till January to see what Steorn comes up with. Given their past I am not too hopefull.
I would feel blessed if I had 5% of the knowledge of people like MileHigh, but I am always willing to admit I do not. However like I said I always surround myself with people who do when working on projects. My role is as a facilitator and to protect investors from being ripped of by testing claims.
Please have a great Xmas
Kind Regards
Quote from: k4zep on December 23, 2009, 09:40:29 AM
Hi all,
In a positive note and a question, can we assume that those toroidal coils have a very low permeability to allow them to switch the core off with that few turns coils on them? With even all 4 coils in series, we arn't looking at more than .5 to 1 ohm I would say and peak current with a NIMH battery in the 1.2 to 1.3 amp range. Ideas, comments from builders???
Ho Ho HO to alllllllll......
Permeability in the case of the orbo is meaningless. A relative permeability of 200 or 1 000 000 will probably give the same torque and will need the same current. The magnet is emitting a certain amount of flux, both cores will be able to capture most of it about equally. The most crucial part is amperage not permeability or core saturation. The magnet can be seen as a very strong coil, what needs to be done is finding an equivalent amperage and amount of turns to cancel the field of this magnet, wether you choose 1000u core or 1milu the amperage to cancel the field will remain almost equal.
So when picking a good material anything above 200 and is non conductive is good. The only property that should be inspected is coercivity, this property should be as low as possible as it has no use in the orbo besides heat loss.
To sum it up:
-Anything above 200 relative permeability gave the same force attraction in my simulations.
-Use a
soft magnetic material that doesn't retain magnetic strength after the field is gone.
broli's right except he exaggerated a bit. The field from the magnet in the eOrbo must go through air as well, so the cores effective permeability can be on the order of 10 for a good toroid core. A lot of core has permeability far less than 10, such as cores made from powdered iron, so it can make a difference in the magnetic attraction between the core and magnet.
Quote from: broli on December 23, 2009, 03:05:29 PM
Permeability in the case of the orbo is meaningless. A relative permeability of 200 or 1 000 000 will probably give the same torque and will need the same current. The magnet is emitting a certain amount of flux, both cores will be able to capture most of it about equally. The most crucial part is amperage not permeability or core saturation. The magnet can be seen as a very strong coil, what needs to be done is finding an equivalent amperage and amount of turns to cancel the field of this magnet, wether you choose 1000u core or 1milu the amperage to cancel the field will remain almost equal.
So when picking a good material anything above 200 and is non conductive is good. The only property that should be inspected is coercivity, this property should be as low as possible as it has no use in the orbo besides heat loss.
To sum it up:
-Anything above 200 relative permeability gave the same force attraction in my simulations.
-Use a soft magnetic material that doesn't retain magnetic strength after the field is gone.
Thanks for the info. We do have some thinking people out there.
QuotePermeability in the case of the orbo is meaningless. A relative permeability of 200 or 1 000 000 will probably give the same torque and will need the same current. The magnet is emitting a certain amount of flux, both cores will be able to capture most of it about equally. The most crucial part is amperage not permeability or core saturation. The magnet can be seen as a very strong coil, what needs to be done is finding an equivalent amperage and amount of turns to cancel the field of this magnet, wether you choose 1000u core or 1milu the amperage to cancel the field will remain almost equal.
If you honestly believe that the properties of the components has little or no relevance to the operation of this device or any other for that matter then I am afraid life will be very hard for you. I have found that in fact---everything matters and nothing should ever be considered as irrelevant. This is the difference between knowledge, understanding and success versus blaming others for a lack of the former.
Quote from: allcanadian on December 23, 2009, 04:23:22 PM
If you honestly believe that the properties of the components has little or no relevance to the operation of this device or any other for that matter then I am afraid life will be very hard for you. I have found that in fact---everything matters and nothing should ever be considered as irrelevant. This is the difference between knowledge, understanding and success versus blaming others for a lack of the former.
AC, I was giving a straightforward answer to k4zep. You are correct and everything I say might be wrong, but on the same terms we need a starting point based on logic, after that we can experiment to our heart contents until we can make leprechauns magically appear from black holes ;D . Isn't that better than endless speculation without starting somewhere?
Official Steorn twitter now says, "Finished up for Christmas - back in January with more live events and experiments"
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 23, 2009, 04:45:36 PM
Official Steorn twitter now says, "Finished up for Christmas - back in January with more live events and experiments"
yep, 23rd was the last day.. and as tachoman said, there's gonna be more experiments (and maybe measurements too, thats what he seemed to be saying) in january.. too bad i can't visit it..
hartiberlin you said something but i can't remember what i was supposed to respond to.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 23, 2009, 06:56:31 AM
Hi Esa,
many thanks for the nice pictures.
Could you speak with the Steorn stuff there ? Is it right, that the display Orbos still
use Reed relay switches for the coil current
switching ,but the bit different Dec. 19th Demo unit did use optocoupler-transistor switches
for the coil switching ?
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
tachoman used the words "reed" and "switch" when he was talking about the orbo demonstrations.
didnt speak to any staff, just asked tachoman what he was doing, and listened to him answer other people's questions.
i'm a bit not sure if i should upload video of him talking, but i'll upload it for myself for archiving purposes and see who else i should give it to. lets see. (im not sure if its allowed to just randomly film someone and push him online, to be seen by steorn skeptics and antiskeptics -- would i get into trouble? i guess i'm allowed to show it to like a friend i know, or something..)
either way, im still uploading.
a parametric circuit that operate the coil to OU ?
You only need enough permeability to contain most of the flux in the core. A stronger magnetic field will require a higher permeable material.
A higher permeable material will require more amps from the pulse to eliminate the magnet from being attracted to the core in order to eliminate the CEMF. This is the reason to keep the permeability as low as possible according to the strength of the magnetic field.
This is what I suggest:
1) Find out what the maximum attraction force is for the least permeable material. If there is no maximum attraction force, then find the best ratio ( I doubt this will be the case though).
2) Match this permeable material with a magnet with a field strength that saturates this core, but not to the point where there is stray flux outside this core ( we want nearly all of the flux to be contained within the material).
3) Find the distance the magnet is no longer attracted to the core. This distance will be the radius we will need to wind our toroid. This will also affect the decision we make in step 1. We want maximum attraction force with the least amount of distance before it starts to attract. This allows our pulse to be shorter while gaining the most momentum.
4) The smaller the surface area is for the core, the shorter the pulse will need to be. The surface area of the core will need to be taken into account in step 1.
5) Send a quick pulse to the coil with the least amount of amps to cancel the magnet from being attracted to the core.
6) Correct and improve on the above
7) Stop reading and do it!
Edit: Wings, those links look interesting. Thanks
This is a concept for a toroid meg generator.
Every other toroid coil would be energized as a set to allow the field from the two large disk magnets to flow through the cores of the toroid coils that are off.
Then the alternate set of toroid coils would be energized and the previous set would be turned off.
The cores of the off toroid coils would become the core for the outer windings.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 23, 2009, 05:46:40 PM
You only need enough permeability to contain most of the flux in the core. A stronger magnetic field will require a higher permeable material.
A higher permeable material will require more amps from the pulse to eliminate the magnet from being attracted to the core in order to eliminate the CEMF. This is the reason to keep the permeability as low as possible according to the strength of the magnetic field.
This is what I suggest:
1) Find out what the maximum attraction force is for the least permeable material. If there is no maximum attraction force, then find the best ratio ( I doubt this will be the case though).
2) Match this permeable material with a magnet with a field strength that saturates this core, but not to the point where there is stray flux outside this core ( we want nearly all of the flux to be contained within the material).
3) Find the distance the magnet is no longer attracted to the core. This distance will be the radius we will need to wind our toroid. This will also affect the decision we make in step 1. We want maximum attraction force with the least amount of distance before it starts to attract. This allows our pulse to be shorter while gaining the most momentum.
4) The smaller the surface area is for the core, the shorter the pulse will need to be. The surface area of the core will need to be taken into account in step 1.
5) Send a quick pulse to the coil with the least amount of amps to cancel the magnet from being attracted to the core.
6) Correct and improve on the above
7) Stop reading and do it!
Edit: Wings, those links look interesting. Thanks
Right on GB, Now I know at least one other person understands what is going on!!! With neo 48's, my lowest u torroid attracts from about 3/4" away and with a u over 200, about 1.5" on my synthetic clock bearings....something has gotta give. I have 6 different toroids and all in the 40 to 200u + range, Need to get some with a u in the 1-10 range, will take about a week or so to get. its a delicate balancing act. We don't have to totally shield the core but the better, the more output. Too much inductance and it won't switch fast enough, too little, and not enough shielding. I give Stoern kudos on his simple motor, ingenious. There doesn't appear to be much back emf due to dual magnets and wiring of coils, but there certainly is inductive kickback but it just adds to the total shielding effect. Have the basic electronics to switch with hall effects/FET's or IGBT's. Just have to get the coils right. Will be most interested in the No-Lenz generator section, hope they don't dwell too long on the motor.
Hi lumen,
Interesting design. BTW, what software was used to draw that?
I used Mechanical Desktop. I use that and NX all day at work so it only took me a few minutes to draw it up.
I think it may represent what is going on in the Steorn device, but with no moving parts.
hi, here's some video i posted on vimeo. ( (
and 2 more (shorter, less informative) vids coming out. just check the account. i use this account to post anything in, so don't be surprised if you end up watching me make a green smoothie.
@k4zep: I think you're right about the balance being of the utmost importance in this system.
@lumen: Excellent concept to possibly manifest a working toroid meg generator into existence. This is interesting and I'll have to take a good look at it.
@broli: Thanks for your circuit and the simulations on the permeability and the information you posted.
@esaruoho: Nice high quality videos.
This is great stuff!
Quote from: lumen on December 23, 2009, 07:56:40 PM
I used Mechanical Desktop. I use that and NX all day at work so it only took me a few minutes to draw it up.
I think it may represent what is going on in the Steorn device, but with no moving parts.
Nice, it would take me ages to draw those wires in Blender 3D, but I'm just a beginner.
I just realized your meg design is similar to broli's "Constant flux DC motor/generator" thread,
It's not the same, but I see some similarities between the two designs. Instead of having it rotate, you replaced the rotation with every other coil being on/off and switching between them to simulate the rotation. We may be on the right track here. I like the concept.
GB, k4, lumen, broli, etc...
Thanks guys! I was concerned no one was going to give this a go anytime soon! Learning all the new (to me) info on magnetic properties and the different available ferrites was frustrating my personal quest of how to (mentally) optimize the eOrbo demo design. And the solid state transformers are way beyond my limited electrical/magnetic knowledge. So I was hoping those with the expertise would start to play and post... Most appreciated!
I had feared it would be a long frustrating wait until after the holidays to when Steorn gets back to us or releases Clanzer et. al from their NDAs.
I'm still hopefull TK will present more of his video experiments soon as well.
Exciting stuff. Exciting times.
Thanks again.
Quote from: k4zep on December 21, 2009, 09:11:09 AM
Hi Stephan,
I have been following the YouTube video #1 from Steorn but pulled my questions on that site as it seems that they give out very little technical information. The video answers a lot of questions and I suspect your analysis is very correct. There very obviously is BackEMF and little or no CounterEMF due to the toroidal coil construction.
I had lots of problems with the design at first as I know that there is virtually no magnetic field external to a close coupled toroid coil and could not figure out how it could drive the rotor. Finally realized it was simply a Adams motor (I assume everyone knows what a Adams motor is and how it works, if not Google it) with NO CEMF due to the toroid coil design. It was also immediately apparent that you could recover most of the BEMF to a fast recharge the battery/supply with surprising results.
IF you put a bridge rectifier across the coil network and drive the coils with a voltage low enough to not turn on the diodes during the pulse (around 1.4V for a 4 diode bridge or higher if multiple diodes used in the legs of bridge) you then can recover the BEMF back to the battery. You end up with resistive losses and very short BEMF pulses if diodes are fast enough and battery accepts a fast pulse recharge. Thus you end up with a very efficient motor, Not powerful but super efficient in its own funny way. Their estimate of COP around 3 for the power input vs. rotor mechanical output after all is accounted for is probably close and as seen in the Adams motor. A standard pulse generator only has to make up for the actual resistive losses (10%?), charging losses (20-40%) air drag and bearing losses and you have a OU or super efficient device. A Super Cap should be much more efficient as a power supply than the battery used as there would be no recharging losses in the Cap.
That they have not been able to utilize a solid state switching device is a puzzle considering the amount of money spend on this device. There are many switches that have a very low ON resistance, are very fast devices for switching efficiency and fast recovery diodes that should work with no problem. Anyway, I'm having fun working with this new twist. It will take time to build one. When you use NEO's with close coupled fields, the device must be robust to say the least.
Happy holidays to all,
I'm very interested in understanding one of the setups you mentioned on about capturing flyback current. You stated the following. Could you please go into more detail and explain this setup to me? I would appreciate any help you can provide. I would like to build this circuit. I'm interested in powering an electromagnet from a battery and recapturing the flyback when the circuit opens.
Thank you.
Quote from: k4zep on December 22, 2009, 09:39:16 AM
Show me a self running Joule Thief and I'll get excited but we are having fun arn't we? Nice circuit, very efficient but can't keep the battery charged! What a waste of bandwidth.... ;D
Would you mind explaining the circuit you mentioned that could harvest flyback current?
Lumen good work. I thought I was the only one thinking of that.
I've been doing equations for the past three days to try to show output. I'm having trouble with the output coil equations. I know standard coil equations. But how can I calculate the amps in the output coil if the toroid is saturating and un-saturating, in say 1/1000th of a second. If the magnetic field (0.46T) generated by a coil (in response to the external magnet) around a 2000u permeable material is created by 0.02 amps of current, is that saying multiply the amps times the frequency(1000 times per sec) to get amps in one second? I do get confused at times. I hope this question doesn't look entirely stupid.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 24, 2009, 10:32:36 AM
Would you mind explaining the circuit you mentioned that could harvest flyback current?
Here's the link, (
His images are self explanatory, as it shows the path of current during the steps.
QuoteI've been doing equations for the past three days to try to show output. I'm having trouble with the output coil equations. I know standard coil equations. But how can I calculate the amps in the output coil if the toroid is saturating and un-saturating, in say 1/1000th of a second. If the magnetic field (0.46T) generated by a coil (in response to the external magnet) around a 2000u permeable material is created by 0.02 amps of current, is that saying multiply the amps times the frequency(1000 times per sec) to get amps in one second?
It would be very difficult to calculate anyway since you can't know the field actually flowing through the core from the permanent magnets.
You could calculate the required energy to saturate the toroid coil's core if you know the core material and the ratio of on time to off time (50%), but the output coil current flowing during the off time, is a function of the field flowing through the cores from the permanent magnets which is actually unknown since not all the field would flow through the cores.
The interesting part, is this area can be improved by better design, so at what point does it reach OU if ever?
Quote from: gravityblock on December 23, 2009, 08:07:26 PM
@k4zep: I think you're right about the balance being of the utmost importance in this system.
@lumen: Excellent concept to possibly manifest a working toroid meg generator into existence. This is interesting and I'll have to take a good look at it.
@broli: Thanks for your circuit and the simulations on the permeability and the information you posted.
@esaruoho: Nice high quality videos.
This is great stuff!
Hi GB.
Getting close on my proof of concept
motor. With Honney doooos, running around on Xmas Eve, time is short. Right now, only have two pairs of magnets N/S orientation top to bottom. Quad-filiar coil is 180T, each coil on Red form is 560 uH, when in QF mode, only have 12uH total all 4 coils @ 12.5 ohms total on coil. Core is crap. Interesting enough, in generator mode only about 1 mv pp, excellent balance. Could trim coils so totally balance inductance but not till I get one to run.
Using a A1101 Hall effect into a 2N7000 driver to a IRF1405 output. Perfect square wave to coil. with only 12uh measurable inductance, will Still shock the crap out of you if across the coil, have to shunt with diode across coil to keep under contro.. Extended run with it but not quiet running yet. Even @ 18VDC pulses, core is not saturating....arrggghhhhh. Anyway, having fun. Sure wish I had 4 GOOD low u forms!
To all the folk who want to know how to collect back EMF/kickback...go to Bedini School Girl Forum, Build one of their simple pulse motors, worth a thousand words. I simply do not have the time to teach right now.
Picture below.
Ho Ho Ho to all.
In this recent video of the demo you can see during 15-20 sec mark, a very clear animation of the device. You can see that there are total 16 magnets and 8 coils. If you enable HD mode you may even see the wiring.
Its my guess that only one magnet and one coil should be enough to check if its OU. You don't even need to collect the BEMF back into the power source (cap or battery or anything). Simply assume that you have 90% of energy back every pulse, in your calculation. Thats the first and crudest step. All the best to all of you :)
BTW: In his later video TK has explained the working principle very nicely, read the video description on the right. Strangely he has changed his tune.
Quote from: k4zep on December 24, 2009, 01:59:33 PM
Hi GB.
Getting close on my proof of concept motor. With Honney doooos, running around on Xmas Eve, time is short. Right now, only have two pairs of magnets N/S orientation top to bottom. Quad-filiar coil is 180T, each coil on Red form is 560 uH, when in QF mode, only have 12uH total all 4 coils @ 12.5 ohms total on coil. Core is crap. Interesting enough, in generator mode only about 1 mv pp, excellent balance. Could trim coils so totally balance inductance but not till I get one to run.
Using a A1101 Hall effect into a 2N7000 driver to a IRF1405 output. Perfect square wave to coil. with only 12uh measurable inductance, will Still shock the crap out of you if across the coil, have to shunt with diode across coil to keep under contro.. Extended run with it but not quiet running yet. Even @ 18VDC pulses, core is not saturating....arrggghhhhh. Anyway, having fun. Sure wish I had 4 GOOD low u forms!
To all the folk who want to know how to collect back EMF/kickback...go to Bedini School Girl Forum, Build one of their simple pulse motors, worth a thousand words. I simply do not have the time to teach right now.
Picture below.
Ho Ho Ho to all.
The low voltage generation is interesting. I think this is why they said almost 100% cancellation. In practice this is impossible as you need identical magnets and precise component positioning for 100% cancellation. But an advantage of orbo is that the induced emf can be either backwards or forwards to the applied current from battery. This might seem strange but there's some logic behind it. The same reason why EMF cancels in series hooked toroid with opposite windings.
Nice setup btw.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 24, 2009, 10:40:12 AM
Here's the link, (
His images are self explanatory, as it shows the path of current during the steps.
Is that the circuit he mentioned that uses the diodes or bridge rectifier to dump the energy back into the battery?
;D OK Merry Christmas ;D I hope Steorn Is the way!!!
QuoteEven @ 18VDC pulses, core is not saturating....arrggghhhhh.
I guess using ferrite from a transformer is not so good?
I was thinking of just making a core using some 1010 steel wire. Just wind it up on a form to make a core of any size.
It should make a core with high permeability and low saturation.
The idea of winding all that copper around it though, just don't sound like that much fun. Not after watching the toroid winding machines on youtube.
Quote from: lumen on December 24, 2009, 05:26:30 PM
The idea of winding all that copper around it though, just don't sound like that much fun. Not after watching the toroid winding machines on youtube.
Amen to that brother. Imagine a world where you can print any device, machine or component. Certain open source 3d printers have just made the baby steps towards that.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 24, 2009, 05:22:44 PM
Is that the circuit he mentioned that uses the diodes or bridge rectifier to dump the energy back into the battery?
It's the only one I've seen posted here. Let me know if you find another. Cool circuit.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 24, 2009, 05:37:10 PM
It's the only one I've seen posted here. Let me know if you find another. Cool circuit.
He's talking about the bridge rectifier circuit Steorn is using. I have noticed that some people have missed this fact.
But Steorn has a simple generator on top of the Orbo motor which generates conventional AC which is rectified into DC and fed back into the battery. This is the mechanical energy capturing part.
The circuit I posted is just a way to
recycle the
inductive energy part of the toroids.
Steorn top circuit is probably simple since it's just rectifying from a the coil output, so they only need some low Vf schottky diodes.
Hi All,
Merry Xmas, Stoern MOTOR ONLY replication is here:
It is the most basic drive I could build but it does work, it accelerates and there is NO measurable field around the toroid.
Quote from: k4zep on December 24, 2009, 06:08:42 PM (
Nice. I wonder if Steorn's January demos will replace the relays with transistors.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 24, 2009, 06:17:18 PM
Nice. I wonder if Steorn's January demos will replace the relays with transistors.
Thanks Paul,
There is no reason not to use electronics package except that they are using such a low voltage source for drive motor but a small converter or piggyback front end power supply could fix the electronics package.
It is amazing what you learn (and I am still learning) when you build a motor. Now to build a nice one! Will take several weeks to get all parts together, do research on LV coils, etc. Cut plastic, bearings, etc etc etc. But will build several more. Probably take several try's to get it going right.
I wondered why I saw sparks on the video of their unit on the 1.5V battery, understand now. There is a hell of an inductive kickback from the coils, diode takes care of that.
I couldn't have built it without all the input from the many people who post on this list, the videos, the pictures, TK's video. etc., and listening and watching and looking very carefully at what was there. Nothing like hands on electronics for 55 years.
Merry Xmas,
Quote from: k4zep on December 24, 2009, 06:08:42 PM
Hi All,
Merry Xmas, Stoern MOTOR ONLY replication is here:
It is the most basic drive I could build but it does work, it accelerates and there is NO measurable field around the toroid.
Hi Ben,
Congratulations old friend! It looks like you are the first independant person to replicate and confirm the validity of Steorn's pulse motor drive system/technology. Excellent work and well done! I am sure there will be much more to come. The mind boggles with the possibilities but one does wonder, since it has been a long time coming indeed, if the proverbial cat has been let out of the proverbial bag...
Merry Christmas to all.
Thanks Ben for the vid. Great job. Is it possible to show the voltage trace at higher resolution (the higher the better) and put weight on the rotor to see if there would be even a slightest back emf? Thanks.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 24, 2009, 07:02:04 PM
Thanks Ben for the vid. Great job. Is it possible to show the voltage trace at higher resolution (the higher the better) and put weight on the rotor to see if there would be even a slightest back emf? Thanks.
Hi OB,
Been working on this since 6:00 a.m., worn out. But yes, I can show higher resolution but there is just no coupling between the coil and the magnets (well 1 mv generated CEMF) which is zilch. I'll try to show voltage across coil and current in coil tomorrow. Just too worn out tonight. Funny with virtually all the inductance in the coil canceled with the filar design, there is still a hell of a INDUCTIVE kick back like a normal coil but nothing from the external magnets....It would appear that the coil as far as rest of the motor is concerned is just sitting out there doing nothing. There is virtually no back or CEMF. As a generator, it only induces 1-2 mv in the coil due to the core being covered/immersed in the coil. Now when the field collapses in the filar coil, it will zap you with inductive kickback!!!!. It needs a diode across the coil to shunt it back into the coil and add efficiency to the motor.
Thats all for now.
Once again, nice job! When you get a chance, could you place a DC battery along with an inductor in series with your large toroid while the magnets are spinning and show the a scope trace off voltage across the toroid? The reason for adding the inductor is to help block as much AC going into the battery so you can see the AC voltage produced by the magnets due to the toroid effective permeability changing from the magnets.
This might be revealing what I've seen in FEMM for a long time. I believe Steorn claim is legit, but I don't think it's a simple as it appears here. Indeed there would be no bemf on a perfectly uniform toroid, but this design is an entirely different animal, where the issue is a change in effective permeability.
So once again I think the excess energy would come from magnetic viscosity.
Anyhow, I think you guys will be surprised when you see how the magnets induce AC voltage on the toroid when there's current flowing through the toroid.
Quote from: k4zep on December 24, 2009, 07:23:16 PM
Hi OB,
Been working on this since 6:00 a.m., worn out. But yes, I can show higher resolution but there is just no coupling between the coil and the magnets (well 1 mv generated CEMF) which is zilch. I'll try to show voltage across coil and current in coil tomorrow. Just too worn out tonight. Funny with virtually all the inductance in the coil canceled with the filar design, there is still a hell of a INDUCTIVE kick back like a normal coil but nothing from the external magnets....It would appear that the coil as far as rest of the motor is concerned is just sitting out there doing nothing. There is virtually no back or CEMF. As a generator, it only induces 1-2 mv in the coil due to the core being covered/immersed in the coil. Now when the field collapses in the filar coil, it will zap you with inductive kickback!!!!. It needs a diode across the coil to shunt it back into the coil and add efficiency to the motor.
Thats all for now.
Hello Ben,
I responded to the private message you sent me.
I appreciate you responding.
If you get an opportunity please respond back.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 24, 2009, 07:41:06 PM
Once again, nice job! When you get a chance, could you place a DC battery along with an inductor in series with your large toroid while the magnets are spinning and show the a scope trace off voltage across the toroid? The reason for adding the inductor is to help block as much AC going into the battery so you can see the AC voltage produced by the magnets due to the toroid effective permeability changing from the magnets.
This might be revealing what I've seen in FEMM for a long time. I believe Steorn claim is legit, but I don't think it's a simple as it appears here. Indeed there would be no bemf on a perfectly uniform toroid, but this design is an entirely different animal, where the issue is a change in effective permeability.
So once again I think the excess energy would come from magnetic viscosity.
Anyhow, I think you guys will be surprised when you see how the magnets induce AC voltage on the toroid when there's current flowing through the toroid.
Hi Paul,
One of many things to try. I believe you are wanting me to bias the coils through an inductor with a separate isolated supply and then look at the resultant AC that develops across that inductor. Probably easier to energize the main coil and then AC couple to the coil and spin the magnets and see if there is external field excitation of the core when energized at various levels of current in the coil. Mechanically, due to the angular mechanics of core/magnet interface, you might see something if the orientation is there. The real question then is if there is modulation of the inductance, does it have any net effect on the motor or is just an ac anomaly internal to the coil if it does not saturate the coil but remains in a somewhat linear portion of the cores permeability window. Just a thought, perhaps electromagnetic or magnetic bias of coil to shift it into optimum switching window for optimum operation. Sheesss, hope that makes sense.
As for magnetic viscosity, one of many possibly good theories out there. Perhaps you would like elaborate on that theory so I can understand what I am looking for.
Does the following show the back EMF going in the correct direction? I am considering building this setup. I really need to know.;topic=8411.0;attach=40150;image
Quote from: broli on December 22, 2009, 08:24:52 AM
Here's the code to import the circuit in the java applet:
$ 1 5.0E-6 12.050203812241895 50 5.0 50
v 432 320 432 144 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
l 240 144 240 320 0 1.0 0.0786318065125002
159 432 320 304 320 0 20.0 1.0E10
159 304 144 432 144 0 20.0 1.0E10
w 240 144 304 144 0
w 240 320 304 320 0
R 368 224 304 224 0 2 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
w 368 160 368 224 0
w 368 224 368 304 0
w 240 320 240 432 0
w 240 432 528 432 0
w 528 432 528 144 0
d 528 144 432 144 1 0.805904783
d 432 320 560 320 1 0.805904783
w 560 320 560 96 0
w 560 96 240 96 0
w 240 96 240 144 0
o 1 64 0 35 10.0 0.1 0 -1
applet link:
This will dump all the energy directly back into the battery. I also attached an illustration of it. The signal generator is meant for switching the switches, in orbo's case this is the optical signal.
Quote from: k4zep on December 24, 2009, 08:33:32 PMProbably easier to energize the main coil and then AC couple to the coil and spin the magnets and see if there is external field excitation of the core when energized at various levels of current in the coil.
That would a lot better if you don't mind adding a secondary coil. I have no idea how many turns it would have to be in order for your scope to pick up the AC over noise.
Quote from: k4zep on December 24, 2009, 08:33:32 PMAs for magnetic viscosity, one of many possibly good theories out there. Perhaps you would like elaborate on that theory so I can understand what I am looking for.
Oh, I don't want to bore you with this stuff. It's the same old stuff I've worked on for years, (
It's interesting that Steorn has also mentioned magnetic viscosity as being a key ingredient to Orbo. IMO there's definitely something very sensitive going on with their design, far far more than a permeability motor. Have you seen how much the eOrbo rpm varies. It's crazy. Something that seems very difficult and sensitive to capture, and IMO Steorn's got it.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 24, 2009, 09:40:33 PM
Does the following show the back EMF going in the correct direction? I am considering building this setup. I really need to know.;topic=8411.0;attach=40150;image
Could someone look at the image attached and tell me if the flyback is flowing in the right direction?
Quote from: lumen on December 22, 2009, 09:31:35 AM
I like the circuit, but is it showing the back EMF flowing in the correct direction?
Can anyone please tell us if the current is flowing in the right direction in diagram in that post?
I really need to know.
Quote from: k4zep on December 23, 2009, 07:43:25 PMI have 6 different toroids and all in the 40 to 200u + range, Need to get some with a u in the 1-10 range, will take about a week or so to get. its a delicate balancing act. We don't have to totally shield the core but the better, the more output.
Hey k4zep,
That's backwards. You need a core with much higher permeability so that you can saturate it with less current. J or W ferrite (U = 5000 or 10000) would be nice.
Congrats on getting that motor up so fast.
QuoteHave you seen how much the eOrbo rpm varies.
Do you think it's something special, or just the reed switches welding or corroding from the current.
Seems like they could build metal bridges that could change the timing and then burn away again after another few hundred thousand connections.
I think the toroid coils on edge to the twin magnets is important to the OU operation.
The single row design that k4zep is using will show some voltage waveform on the coils by spinning the rotor. If there was a balanced pair of magnets with opposite polarity on the rotor, there could be no waveform generated.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 24, 2009, 10:12:58 PM
Can anyone please tell us if the current is flowing in the right direction in diagram in that post?
I really need to know.
Can you please tell me if the flyback current is flowing in the right direction in that diagram?
Quote from: lumen on December 24, 2009, 11:53:46 PM
Do you think it's something special, or just the reed switches welding or corroding from the current.
Not sure, but the Steorn tachoman in that awesome video recently posted in this thread basically said he's puzzled why the rpms are varying so much. That has me thinking.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 25, 2009, 12:19:54 AM
Not sure, but the Steorn tachoman in that awesome video recently posted in this thread basically said he's puzzled why the rpms are varying so much. That has me thinking.
It's probably the reed switches failing.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 25, 2009, 12:48:42 AM
It's probably the reed switches failing.
I agree. Must be solid state for long term run. There are so many variables here and with no circuit posted on the recovery methods, who knows. Then too, maybe not enough excess power to run electronics package.
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 07:43:10 AM
I agree. Must be solid state for long term run. There are so many variables here and with no circuit posted on the recovery methods, who knows. Then too, maybe not enough excess power to run electronics package.
There is supposed to be a series of additional talks/experiments in January so perhaps we will learn more then.
By the way, I sincerely apologize for repeating myself about this. But could you explain to me that circuit you mentioned earlier that uses diodes/bridge rectifier to put flyback current back into the battery? I'm just really eager to learn how this can be done. I am planning on building a pulse motor and want to use the concept. I've read about the Bedini motors and how they charge a seperate battery, but that does not sound too interesting to me. I want to know how to charge the same battery I'm using (if it turns out to be OU or not).
Quote from: interestedinou on December 24, 2009, 10:12:58 PM
Can anyone please tell us if the current is flowing in the right direction in diagram in that post?
I really need to know.
Yes, the current appears to be flowing in the right direction. The inductor wants to keep current flowing, this is basic circuit laws. I don't think the simulation is lying to us.
Quote from: gravityblock on December 25, 2009, 08:34:59 AM
I'm really surprised this question isn't being answered here. :o
Yes, the current appears to be flowing in the right direction. The inductor wants to keep current flowing, this is basic circuit laws. I don't think the simulation is lying to us.
The problem I see is that before and after the switches are opened the current is flowing in the same direction across the inductor.
My understanding of flyback from a collapsing magnetic field is that it produces a current moving in the opposite direction that created it.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 25, 2009, 08:40:26 AM
The problem I see is that before and after the switches are opened the current is flowing in the same direction across the inductor.
My understanding of flyback from a collapsing magnetic field is that it produces a current moving in the opposite direction that created it.
Like I said, the inductor wants to keep current flowing.
You shouldn't get to hung on the term fly"back". Think of it as the inductor wanting to keep the momentum of the current going. When the voltage source is removed or flipped the inductor produces a voltage to maintain current flow. In AC this results in a phase shift and 0 energy dissipation (perfect inductor). In DC this results in energy being dumped back into the source in a perfect linear fashion (again for perfect inductors).
Quote from: interestedinou on December 25, 2009, 08:15:59 AM
There is supposed to be a series of additional talks/experiments in January so perhaps we will learn more then.
By the way, I sincerely apologize for repeating myself about this. But could you explain to me that circuit you mentioned earlier that uses diodes/bridge rectifier to put flyback current back into the battery? I'm just really eager to learn how this can be done. I am planning on building a pulse motor and want to use the concept. I've read about the Bedini motors and how they charge a seperate battery, but that does not sound too interesting to me. I want to know how to charge the same battery I'm using (if it turns out to be OU or not).
Hang loose on the battery charging circuit. I want to be sure before I post anything on that. I know how the Bedini works as have built lots of them but this is a different turkey Just for thought, a separate coil for isolation and then a FAST high peak current FWBR offset for battery switching voltage ought to work but time will tell. I'm not ignoring your question, just want to be sure. Working on video of voltage and current, can only do so much so fast and I am NOT a video edit type person.......arrggghhh.
Quote from: broli on December 25, 2009, 09:02:23 AM
You shouldn't get to hung on the term fly"back". Think of it as the inductor wanting to keep the momentum of the current going. When the voltage source is removed or flipped the inductor produces a voltage to maintain current flow. In AC this results in a phase shift and 0 energy dissipation (perfect inductor). In DC this results in energy being dumped back into the source in a perfect linear fashion (again for perfect inductors).
I agree, looking at the Inductive kickback EMF pulse, while voltage is very high under no clamp or load suitation, when loaded into a diode across coil (which adds to motor power as it is bi-directional as far as voltage/current is concerned) the area under that waveform is just a small precentage of the waveform driving the rotor, hence it is NOT the source of OU in this motor/generator! Remember that in this motor, inductance is virtually cancled out so you do NOT have the large BEMF pulse you normally see...That is part of the genius of this motor.
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 09:14:27 AM
Remember that in this motor, inductance is virtually cancled out so you do NOT have the large BEMF pulse you normally see...That is part of the genius of this motor.
BEMF is easily recoverabe, it is done every day in conventional electronics devices. To recover BEMF is not related in any way with overunity.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 25, 2009, 10:01:00 AM
BEMF is easily recoverabe, it is done every day in conventional electronics devices. To recover BEMF is not related in any way with overunity.
Sure it isn't since you have tried every possible arrangement conceivable to mankind or any alien race to absolutely prove this, right? I'm sure Tesla was a blockhead using simple inductive and capacitance laws to do things 1 million EE's combined can't do today.
I don't want to touch too much on this subject since that's not what Steorn is mainly focusing on. The recovery process discussed here was solely for the purpose of recovering the inductive energy whether it's lower or higher than input is irrelevant so far. But Steorn made a small side note that it's in fact higher. This thread has some good momentum behind it with already decent experimentation beginning. I will politely ask you to either contribute to encourage positive progress or not disturb the progress with your short sighted believes. Thank you for your understanding.
Sorry guys, I have to disagree on the fly-back.
If you ground one end of a coil, then apply a current to the other end, when the current is removed the collapsing field will cause the current to flow the opposite direction of the applied current.
Anytime a current flows, a field is generated that opposes the current direction. When the current stops, the field that was opposing the current direction still exists, so the current flows backward until the field has fully collapsed.
Make sense?
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 25, 2009, 10:01:00 AM
BEMF is easily recoverabe, it is done every day in conventional electronics devices. To recover BEMF is not related in any way with overunity.
In this case, the mechanical gain due to no CEMF is already OU (Lenz violation). Recovering the BEMF makes it more OU. This really burns you naysayers to no end. I love it.
Take care,
Hi Gang,
Photos of waveform on 12.4 VDC battery supply
First photo JPGxx415:
Bottom trace is voltage across coil, top trace is total system current in .1 ohm resistor. Hence 12+ V pulse across coil and .8 amps current in coil give or take. Average power determined by duty cycle of pulse.
Bottom voltage trace is @ 5VDC/div and top current is .5 amp div. inverted trace. So down is current flow. Remember this is NOT precision measurement!!!! Note short coil charge up time due to a small amount of inductance not trimmed out in coil. Also note the integrated voltage at the trailing end of the voltage pulse @ turn off due to diode across coil.
xx416.JPG Below:
Second picture shows same but bottom traceis 20V/div now to show 50v pp giver or take, back emf pulse at turn off with diode across coil removed, Very fast ringing pulse @ cutoff but does not show up in current as the diode across coil keeps it in the coil. Just the current back feeding into diode and circulating around coil. As you can see, virtually no energy in back emf. That is the long and short of it. I could show the current in the coil by putting the .1 ohm resistor in series with diode but haven't bothered.
That's it.
Quote from: lumen on December 25, 2009, 10:20:13 AM
Sorry guys, I have to disagree on the fly-back.
If you ground one end of a coil, then apply a current to the other end, when the current is removed the collapsing field will cause the current to flow the opposite direction of the applied current.
Anytime a current flows, a field is generated that opposes the current direction. When the current stops, the field that was opposing the current direction still exists, so the current flows backward until the field has fully collapsed.
Make sense?
Lumen I suggest you reevaluate your basic electric/electronic understanding. An inductor doesn't instantaneously reverse current and then decay, this would be quite amazing but it doesn't happen in simple circuits. I might understand that the confusion arises with voltages across things, when they reverse and current doesn't and what not. But the most simple view is to see inductor wanting to keep the same current (direction and magnitude going). This is why if you short out a
perfect inductor It will maintain current flow with 0 voltage, like super conductors. When you short it out with a resistor it will decay exponentially since a resistor has a varying voltage drop which depends on current. On the other hand when shorted out with a battery it will be a linear ramp to 0 amps since the batteries voltage doesn't change with current flow.
Quote from: broli on December 25, 2009, 10:33:43 AM
Lumen I suggest you reevaluate your basic electric/electronic understanding. An inductor doesn't instantaneously reverse current and then decay, this would be quite amazing but it doesn't happen in simple circuits. I might understand that the confusion arises with voltages across things, when they reverse and current doesn't and what not. But the most simple view is to see inductor wanting to keep the same current (direction and magnitude going). This is why if you short out a perfect inductor It will maintain current flow with 0 voltage, like super conductors. When you short it out with a resistor it will decay exponentially since a resistor has a varying voltage drop which depends on current. On the other hand when shorted out with a battery it will be a linear ramp to 0 amps since the batteries voltage doesn't change with current flow.
Look at scope shot above and you can see direction of current flow.
Hi Ben,
many thanks for the scopeshots.
These are as expected.
Please can you now only turn the rotor by hand , give it a quick spin
with some kind of thread wound around the cola tube and just scope the
voltage from the coil, put the scope heads directly across the coil
without any switching.
I really would love to see, how much induction voltage your magnets are
putting out into your coil and how the waveform looks.
Probably only a very small some kind of a sin^2 waveform..
around the zero line..
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
QuoteSure it isn't since you have tried or any alien race to absolutely prove this, right? I'm sure Tesla was a blockhead using simple inductive and capacitance laws to do things 1 million EE's combined can't do today.
Actually Tesla's experiments and gained knowledge were very interesting and advanced science to a certain extent, but science has moved way beyond Tesla at the present time. We don't use Tesla's technology today because we have developed better technologies and better ways of doing things.
You should try to stay away from the "every possible arrangement conceivable to mankind" angle, it is a false argument. You can understand how certain electrical circuits work and then apply that gained knowledge in a general sense to all circuits of the same type.
QuoteThis thread has some good momentum behind it with already decent experimentation beginning. I will politely ask you to either contribute to encourage positive progress or not disturb the progress with your short sighted believes. Thank you for your understanding.
No way. You should not be saying that at all. People have a right to express their opinions. There is a difference between expressing a different opinion and people like Wilby that disrupt threads and go off topic for the "sport" of arguing.
Exnihiloest has the same right to express his opinion here as you do and as I do. This fundamental principle of free speech and the exchange of ideas is thousands of times more important that your personal feelings about who should be allowed to post and who shouldn't be allowed to post.
I know that you don't want me to post either but I will post if I want to post. This is what freedom and free speech are all about and you should apologize to Exnihiloest for your statement.
Anytime a current flows, a field is generated that opposes the current direction. When the current stops, the field that was opposing the current direction still exists, so the current flows backward until the field has fully collapsed.
Broli is right, the current does not change direction. Seeing the voltage reverse across a coil makes people think that the current changes direction but in fact the current keeps flowing in the same direction.
QuoteIn this case, the mechanical gain due to no CEMF is already OU (Lenz violation). Recovering the BEMF makes it more OU. This really burns you naysayers to no end. I love it.
There is no Lenz's law violation going on in the Steorn demo. There is CEMF but at a very low level. Most importantly, there is no OU. Don't believe that there is OU until it is proven to you. All that you saw with the Steorn demo was a pulse motor that demonstrated "classical" electrical and magnetic theories.
Lenz's Law is alive and well and this should not be surprising if you examine what they were demonstrating carefully. In the next few days I will post my impressions of what Steorn demoed and you can agree or disagree with me.
just wait until Ben posts his scopeshots of the hand turning induction into his
Then we can say more.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 02:00:41 PM
just wait until Ben posts his scopeshots of the hand turning induction into his
Then we can say more.
Hi Stefan,
Spun motor up to 1000 RPM @ 26VDC give or take. Removed power, scope shot directly across coil, 20mv./div. 50 to 60 mv peak funky sine wave due to imperfect magnet placement (shaky hands and eyeballs). IF all 4 coils were balanced, I assume they would disappear. When I rebuild it, I will try to balance to less than .1uH. Lets see 60 mv back emf vs. 26 volts not bad. Hope this helps.
Let me briefly discuss the voltage generated in the toroidal coil before he does his experiment because it will be helpful.
Suppose you have a normal coil of wire that has 10 clockwise turns and 10 millihenries of inductance. If you move a magnet in the vicinity of this coil you will see voltage generated across the coil.
If you now add another 10 turns to this coil, but this time in a counter-clockwise direction then the 10 counter-clockwise turns cancel out the 10 clockwise turns. Now the coil will measure 0 millihenries of inductance. When you move a magnet in the vicinity of this 10 turns CW + 10 turns CCW coil you will see that there is no voltage generated across the coil.
So what about a toroidal coil? Supposing you take the magnet's point of view and you are looking edge-on at the toroidal coil like you see in the Steorn demonstration clip.
The magnet sees the left side of the toroidal coil as having clockwise turns. It sees the right side of the toroidal coil as having counter-clockwise turns. Therefore the left and right sides of the toroidal coil cancel each other out just like in the example above. The coils in the center of the toroidal coil do not "see" the changing magnetic flux because they are oriented in the same direction as the magnetic field, there is no changing magnetic flux being "cut" by the coils in the center of the toroidal coil, for both the closer coils and the further away coils. The other coils of wire in the toroidal coil that are to either side of the center line partially cut flux, but they cancel each other out also.
The net result of all of this is that the net changing magnetic flux seen by the toroidal coil in the Steorn setup is almost zero. As the magnets fly by the toroidal coil, all of the changing magnetic flux seen by each individual turn of the toroidal coil, when they are all added together, will nearly completely cancel out.
However, it will not be a perfect cancellation, there will still be a very tiny net change in flux which will generate a very tiny change in the output voltage from the toroidal coil.
So Steorn chose a toroidal coil arrangement to saturate the core inside the coil. This makes perfect sense. We know that by saturating the coil it makes it appear to "disappear" when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of the saturated toroidal coil. Therefore there is attraction when the magnet is approaching the metal core of the toroid which speeds up the motor, and there is no opposite attraction causing the motor to slow down when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of metal core of the toroid because it "dissapears."
However, the whole time the magnet is flying by the toroidal coil of wire that is wound around the metal core, Lenz's Law is inducing voltage and/or current in the coil. It just so happens that the geometry of the windings of the coil are such that very little net change in magnetic flux is seen by the toroidal coil. A toroidal coil is just a variation on 10 clockwise turns being canceled out by 10 counter-clockwise turns.
The real issue underneath all of this is that it takes electrical energy to saturate the coil. You can see it in the Steorn clip and K4zep's clip. The real question is is the electrical energy required to saturate the coil more or less than the rotational energy added to the rotor when the magnet flies by the toroidal coil? That is the key critical question and I haven't seen any discussion about it around here.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 25, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Let me briefly discuss the voltage generated in the toroidal coil before he does his experiment because it will be helpful.
Suppose you have a normal coil of wire that has 10 clockwise turns and 10 millihenries of inductance. If you move a magnet in the vicinity of this coil you will see voltage generated across the coil.
If you now add another 10 turns to this coil, but this time in a counter-clockwise direction then the 10 counter-clockwise turns cancel out the 10 clockwise turns. Now the coil will measure 0 millihenries of inductance. When you move a magnet in the vicinity of this 10 turns CW + 10 turns CCW coil you will see that there is no voltage generated across the coil.
So what about a toroidal coil? Supposing you take the magnet's point of view and you are looking edge-on at the toroidal coil like you see in the Steorn demonstration clip.
The magnet sees the left side of the toroidal coil as having clockwise turns. It sees the right side of the toroidal coil as having counter-clockwise turns. Therefore the left and right sides of the toroidal coil cancel each other out just like in the example above. The coils in the center of the toroidal coil do not "see" the changing magnetic flux because they are oriented in the same direction, there is no changing magnetic flux being "cut" by the coils in the center of the toroidal coil, for both the closer coils and the further away coils. The other coils of wire in the toroidal coil that are to either side of the center line partially cut flux, but they cancel each other out also.
The net result of all of this is that the net changing magnetic flux seen by the toroidal coil in the Steorn setup is almost zero. As the magnets fly by the toroidal coil, all of the changing magnetic flux seen by each individual turn of the toroidal coil, when they are all added together, will nearly completely cancel out.
However, it will not be a perfect cancellation, there will still be a very tiny net change in flux which will generate a very tiny change in the output voltage from the toroidal coil.
So Steorn chose a toroidal coil arrangement to saturate the core inside the coil. This makes perfect sense. We know that by saturating the coil it makes it appear to "disappear" when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of the saturated toroidal coil. Therefore there is attraction when the magnet is approaching the metal core of the toroid which speeds up the motor, and there is no opposite attraction causing the motor to slow down when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of metal core of the toroid because it "dissapears."
However, the whole time the magnet is flying by the toroidal coil of wire that is wound around the metal core, Lenz's Law is inducing voltage and/or current in the coil. It just so happens that the geometry of the windings of the coil are such that very little net change in magnetic flux is seen by the toroidal coil. A toroidal coil is just a variation on 10 clockwise turns being canceled out by 10 counter-clockwise turns.
The real issue underneath all of this is that it takes electrical energy to saturate the coil. You can see it in the Steorn clip and K4zep's clip. The real question is is the electrical energy required to saturate the coil more or less than the rotational energy added to the rotor when the magnet flies by the toroidal coil? That is the key critical question and I haven't seen any discussion about it around here.
Good morning to you too. Too bad you missed the train and arrived to a conclusion which everyone and his cat already accepted. But I guess that's the sickness attention seekers like you have. Next time try to be on time.
Hi Gang,
A further video.....
Mile high has some very good observations and very good pointed questions as to theory of this device, most excellent. We can discuss them as time passes by....Are we having fun?
Happy new year.
QuoteGood morning to you too. Too bad you missed the train and arrived to a conclusion which everyone and his cat already accepted. But I guess that's the sickness attention seekers like you have. Next time try to be on time.
QuoteMile high has some very good observations and very good pointed questions as to theory of this device, most excellent. We can discuss them as time passes by....Are we having fun?
You were the 10 counter-clockwise turns and K4zep was the 10 clockwise turns so the statements canceled each other out, with the bonus that people can look at your statements and draw some conclusions about your character.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 25, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Let me briefly discuss the voltage generated in the toroidal coil before he does his experiment because it will be helpful.
Suppose you have a normal coil of wire that has 10 clockwise turns and 10 millihenries of inductance. If you move a magnet in the vicinity of this coil you will see voltage generated across the coil.
If you now add another 10 turns to this coil, but this time in a counter-clockwise direction then the 10 counter-clockwise turns cancel out the 10 clockwise turns. Now the coil will measure 0 millihenries of inductance. When you move a magnet in the vicinity of this 10 turns CW + 10 turns CCW coil you will see that there is no voltage generated across the coil.
So what about a toroidal coil? Supposing you take the magnet's point of view and you are looking edge-on at the toroidal coil like you see in the Steorn demonstration clip.
The magnet sees the left side of the toroidal coil as having clockwise turns. It sees the right side of the toroidal coil as having counter-clockwise turns. Therefore the left and right sides of the toroidal coil cancel each other out just like in the example above. The coils in the center of the toroidal coil do not "see" the changing magnetic flux because they are oriented in the same direction as the magnetic field, there is no changing magnetic flux being "cut" by the coils in the center of the toroidal coil, for both the closer coils and the further away coils. The other coils of wire in the toroidal coil that are to either side of the center line partially cut flux, but they cancel each other out also.
The net result of all of this is that the net changing magnetic flux seen by the toroidal coil in the Steorn setup is almost zero. As the magnets fly by the toroidal coil, all of the changing magnetic flux seen by each individual turn of the toroidal coil, when they are all added together, will nearly completely cancel out.
However, it will not be a perfect cancellation, there will still be a very tiny net change in flux which will generate a very tiny change in the output voltage from the toroidal coil.
So Steorn chose a toroidal coil arrangement to saturate the core inside the coil. This makes perfect sense. We know that by saturating the coil it makes it appear to "disappear" when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of the saturated toroidal coil. Therefore there is attraction when the magnet is approaching the metal core of the toroid which speeds up the motor, and there is no opposite attraction causing the motor to slow down when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of metal core of the toroid because it "dissapears."
However, the whole time the magnet is flying by the toroidal coil of wire that is wound around the metal core, Lenz's Law is inducing voltage and/or current in the coil. It just so happens that the geometry of the windings of the coil are such that very little net change in magnetic flux is seen by the toroidal coil. A toroidal coil is just a variation on 10 clockwise turns being canceled out by 10 counter-clockwise turns.
The real issue underneath all of this is that it takes electrical energy to saturate the coil. You can see it in the Steorn clip and K4zep's clip. The real question is is the electrical energy required to saturate the coil more or less than the rotational energy added to the rotor when the magnet flies by the toroidal coil? That is the key critical question and I haven't seen any discussion about it around here.
MHand all
Hi MH,
I'm for anyone jumping into the discussion as long as they remain a gentleman.
The problem with induction and bifilar wound coils is simple, sort of like the chicken and the egg, which comes first.
If you don't have inductance you can't have induction, but if you have induction and a magnetic field INSIDE the core from nominal external excition (power supply), does the passing magnetic fields interact with the internal field and in return show up in the coil when it is balanced or cause a special type of field anti-torque reflected back into the magnetic rotor? Don't know yet, Obviously with the coil around the core
on, it is shielded from external fields, but when floating, of course there could be interaction but to what. There is no load on the coil, therefore there is no current flow and hence no induction fields.....funky. If I can get the effective coil inductance down to <.1ufH with tedious trimming of individual coil turns and hence a resistive load, perhaps we can precede further into this discussion as a building block in our knowledge into this mode of operation.
OU, I don't know. Steorn thinks so.....I suspect the effect is OU expressed in mechanical terms, but is there enough for the "ride to glory!". Until I get a refined enough motor to run a generator, I haven't a clue.
Now darn it, there are some crackerjack of builders out there because I have seen their work, lets get a few more of these motors operating!!!!!
QuoteLumen I suggest you reevaluate your basic electric/electronic understanding.
Well, if you think about any coil on a relay, which way is the shunt diode that SHORTS the fly back?
Hmmm... it's not in the direction of the initial current flow.
I have been in electronics for 30 years.... I probably have an idea. I have a two oscilloscopes also and can set it up to look like anything, but the term fly back IS exactly what it means.
Quote from: lumen on December 25, 2009, 03:37:32 PM
Well, if you think about any coil on a relay, which way is the shunt diode that SHORTS the fly back?
Hmmm... it's not in the direction of the initial current flow.
I have been in electronics for 30 years.... I probably have an idea. I have a two oscilloscopes also and can set it up to look like anything, but the term fly back IS exactly what it means.
If you can't see that 1+1=2 then there's little reason to argue. If we don't have a mutual understanding of basic things we will never achieve anything.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 25, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
The real issue underneath all of this is that it takes electrical energy to saturate the coil. You can see it in the Steorn clip and K4zep's clip. The real question is is the electrical energy required to saturate the coil more or less than the rotational energy added to the rotor when the magnet flies by the toroidal coil? That is the key critical question and I haven't seen any discussion about it around here.
Yes, you are totally right...
BUT you can extract about 90 % of the inputted electrical energy via BackEMF extraction.
Then you have almost the rotational energy due to the attraction of the magnet to the ferrite core FOR FREE !
Then the attraction energy must only be bigger than the 10 % you will not be able to
extract via the BackEMF extraction circuit.
The simplest BackEMF extraction circuit is just a graetz bridge across (parallel ) to all the toroidal coil in series
feeding a capacitor.
Isn't it wonderful what civility and knowledge can do?
Gentlemen, (and I ask many to re-read that last word) I applaud you!
Please continue posting your findings! Cool stuff!
PS. TK, would you kindly join in here?
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 02:37:37 PM
Hi Stefan,
Spun motor up to 1000 RPM @ 26VDC give or take. Removed power, scope shot directly across coil, 20mv./div. 50 to 60 mv peak funky sine wave due to imperfect magnet placement (shaky hands and eyeballs). IF all 4 coils were balanced, I assume they would disappear. When I rebuild it, I will try to balance to less than .1uH. Lets see 60 mv back emf vs. 26 volts not bad. Hope this helps.
Hi Ben,
many thanks for the scopeshot !
Well , now we know, that with a good setup this will work.
60 mV with so many coil windings on neodym magnets is pretty low
at almost 1000RPM.
If you would take a normal coil with the same number of windings
and would use it, the induced voltage would be probably a few volts,
so we can say that the motor to generator effect is very asymmentrical,
what we also need for an OU motor.
So it seems the toroidal coil does not work well as a generator
and so the counterEMF(induction into the coil while motor is running)
is very much suppressed which
is a very good sign that this motor is just a motor and not a generator.
This way it can be designed as an OU motor with stronger magnets and the
right mechanical and electrical setup with BackEMF extraction and short gap magnetic
flux pathes.( low magnetic flux losses)
Hi Ben,
could you please put a graetz bridge rectifier bridge across your toroidal coil and charge up a big cap with it during the motor runs ?
Would like to see the produced voltage and the cap uF capacity.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 04:06:37 PM
Hi Ben,
many thanks for the scopeshot !
Well , now we know, that with a good setup this will work.
60 mV with so many coil windings on neodym magnets is pretty low
at almost 1000RPM.
If you would take a normal coil with the same number of windings
and would use it, the induced voltage would be probably a few volts,
so we can say that the motor to generator effect is very asymmentrical,
what we also need for an OU motor.
So it seems the toroidal coil does not work well as a generator
and so the counterEMF(induction into the coil while motor is running)
is very much suppressed which
is a very good sign that this motor is just a motor and not a generator.
This way it can be designed as an OU motor with stronger magnets and the
right mechanical and electrical setup with BackEMF extraction and short gap magnetic
flux pathes.( low magnetic flux losses)
Gentleman all,
I won't even get into the discussion about back EMF and which way the current flows, that was in E001,......We are so far beyond basic theories, whipping that old dog is like spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere. Build a darn motor, sit down with scope and you will see EXACTLY the way the current flows. Build a standard Bedini, single diode out to a separate battery......Everything is right in front of your eyes, polarity included! Look UP gentleman, quit looking back, its non-productive! If you want to fuss, go in set down with your wife (bettery half) and try to have a conversation about FREE ENERGY!!!!!
The best thing about this burst of creativeness I have had building this motor is all the NEW ideas that the process gave me. You have 100 good ideas and one turns out to be great. This has had to kick others into action too! One new idea is a gravity powered cloaked magnet enhanced pendulum for one....think about it. That is as far off topic as I will get. There are other applications of this "cloaking" effect that will have much more FAR reaching effects and I don't think Stoern will be the one to do it.....time will tell. What a great year to look forward to!
Quote from: broli on December 25, 2009, 09:02:23 AM
You shouldn't get to hung on the term fly"back". Think of it as the inductor wanting to keep the momentum of the current going. When the voltage source is removed or flipped the inductor produces a voltage to maintain current flow. In AC this results in a phase shift and 0 energy dissipation (perfect inductor). In DC this results in energy being dumped back into the source in a perfect linear fashion (again for perfect inductors).
So lets say I have the following simple circuit.
A battery with a positive terminal with a wire leading to a reed switch that leads to an electromagnet that then leads to the negative terminal of the battery.
When the reed switch is closed the current flows from positive to negative.
If I open the reed switch will there be a rush of "positive" polarity going back towards the reed switch?
QuoteHi IOU,
Hang loose on the battery charging circuit. I want to be sure before I post anything on that. I know how the Bedini works as have built lots of them but this is a different turkey Just for thought, a separate coil for isolation and then a FAST high peak current FWBR offset for battery switching voltage ought to work but time will tell. I'm not ignoring your question, just want to be sure. Working on video of voltage and current, can only do so much so fast and I am NOT a video edit type person.......arrggghhh.
I appreciate that you are working to answer my question.
By the way, if you could please include in the answer which way the current flows when the field of the electromagnet collapses it would be appreciated.
Quote from: lumen on December 25, 2009, 10:20:13 AM
Sorry guys, I have to disagree on the fly-back.
If you ground one end of a coil, then apply a current to the other end, when the current is removed the collapsing field will cause the current to flow the opposite direction of the applied current.
Anytime a current flows, a field is generated that opposes the current direction. When the current stops, the field that was opposing the current direction still exists, so the current flows backward until the field has fully collapsed.
Make sense?
I think you are correct. However, I would like other people's opinions.
Current actually flows from the negative but that is something for another point.
In your case, If you have one side of a coil connected to ground or negative, then you connect the other end to positive for a short pulse, the instant the connection is broken.
The end of the coil, that was positive will (fly back) toward ground but will surpass the ground point and move even more negative to a point that can damage electrical components.
This is exactly why a diode is usually placed across the coil to short this spike and prevent damage to components.
This is what they mean when the say recover the fly back in a way that can be used to recharge the battery.
I cannot understand why anyone would think the current continues to flow forward.
It may be something above me and I just don't see how at this time, but I'm always open to another view.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 04:23:05 PM
Hi Ben,
could you please put a graetz bridge rectifier bridge across your toroidal coil and charge up a big cap with it during the motor runs ?
Would like to see the produced voltage and the cap uF capacity.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
Its not quite that simple, IF I simply put a Graets Bridge (FWBR) across the coil, I will also be switching the power supply into the cap along with any other induced/produced voltages. You would end up with the Cap charged to PS voltage minus diode voltage drop, but then the voltage would slowly integrate up from that value from any other transients/spikes that was there. I would have to put a SS switch/gate to disconnect the FWBR while the coil was powered if I wanted to see actual output without the power supply reflected in the picture!! Timing gets to be tricky when you do that.....On before off, off before on, and on and on.....Remember the amount of power in the inductive kickback pulse (Low inductance, hence no current or power) and the 60mV pp of the back EMF is insignificant. Also, that kickback is already integrated into the coil via the diode across the coil.
Oh, hand drawn schematic of driver attached. IF anyone feels free to make it "pretty" go ahead, I don't have time. Oh, forgot to label the top line. It is 5 to 25VDC, with heat sink, can handle most anything. Love that IRF1405. It doesn't even get warm as used.
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 10:33:05 AM
Hi Gang,
Photos of waveform on 12.4 VDC battery supply
First photo JPGxx415:
Bottom trace is voltage across coil, top trace is total system current in .1 ohm resistor. Hence 12+ V pulse across coil and .8 amps current in coil give or take. Average power determined by duty cycle of pulse.
Bottom voltage trace is @ 5VDC/div and top current is .5 amp div. inverted trace. So down is current flow. Remember this is NOT precision measurement!!!! Note short coil charge up time due to a small amount of inductance not trimmed out in coil. Also note the integrated voltage at the trailing end of the voltage pulse @ turn off due to diode across coil.
xx416.JPG Below:
Second picture shows same but bottom traceis 20V/div now to show 50v pp giver or take, back emf pulse at turn off with diode across coil removed, Very fast ringing pulse @ cutoff but does not show up in current as the diode across coil keeps it in the coil. Just the current back feeding into diode and circulating around coil. As you can see, virtually no energy in back emf. That is the long and short of it. I could show the current in the coil by putting the .1 ohm resistor in series with diode but haven't bothered.
That's it.
Your voltage scope trace makes me think that voltage/current does flow backwards when the circuit is opened.
QuoteIf you want to fuss, go in set down with your wife (bettery half) and try to have a conversation about FREE ENERGY!!!!!
Yes, I do understand this exactly...... tried that ONCE!
I like your hand drawn circuit! very simple.
Hi Ben,
many thanks for the circuit diagram.
Could you remove the diode across L1 and instead use a graetz bridge
rectifier across L1 and use your boost cap at the output of the graetz bridge ?
Will be interesting to see, how fast this boost-ultracap will charge up.
Probably pretty fast.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: lumen on December 25, 2009, 04:52:22 PM
Current actually flows from the negative but that is something for another point.
In your case, If you have one side of a coil connected to ground or negative, then you connect the other end to positive for a short pulse, the instant the connection is broken.
The end of the coil, that was positive will (fly back) toward ground but will surpass the ground point and move even more negative to a point that can damage electrical components.
This is exactly why a diode is usually placed across the coil to short this spike and prevent damage to components.
This is what they mean when the say recover the fly back in a way that can be used to recharge the battery.
I cannot understand why anyone would think the current continues to flow forward.
It may be something above me and I just don't see how at this time, but I'm always open to another view.
You are absolutely correct. The problem is there are resistive losses in the core/windings and diode voltage drop and reversed fields fighting each other with resultant energy used so you can NEVER recover enough back EMF to make it OU. You can make a circuit more efficient if there is a HIGH level of backEMF but it is a no win situation.
In my circuit, coil is tied to POSITIVE and pulled low, so when FET turns off, that points goes VERY high or higher than the positive rail, .7 VDC later as it rises, the diode turns on/conducts and it then becomes a current supplying device to the coil or external cap or battery if so wired.......
Quoteif you have induction and a magnetic field INSIDE the core from nominal external excition (power supply), does the passing magnetic fields interact with the internal field and in return show up in the coil when it is balanced or cause a special type of field anti-torque reflected back into the magnetic rotor?
The effects passing magnetic field are simply added to the internal field generated by the battery. It is as simple as that, you add them together.
If the coil is open-circuit then the passing magnetic fields from the magnets flying by induce a small EMF in the coil. If the coil is short-circuited or connected to a low impedance battery or power supply, then the passing magnetic fields induce a current in the coil that is added to the DC current from the power source. It is hard to tell from your setup but the small ripple that you see in your current waveforms in your most recent clip could be partially caused by this effect. It could also be related to where you are connecting your probes in the circuit and the overall setup.
QuoteObviously with the coil around the core on, it is shielded from external fields
As per what I say above, when the coil around the core is on, it is not shielded from the external fields. The fields generated by the battery and the moving magnets add together, where the field inside the core is dominated by the field generated by the battery.
QuoteBUT you can extract about 90 % of the inputted electrical energy via BackEMF extraction.
Then you have almost the rotational energy due to the attraction of the magnet to the ferrite core FOR FREE !
You are incorrect here. K4zep pointed out the exponentially rising current waveform on his scope trace and stated that's where the inductor gets charged with energy and he is correct. Once the inductor is fully charged and the current levels off, then it is just acting like a resistor dissipating energy as heat.
In Sean's demo clip, you can see how the exponential rise to charge the coils with current is around only 2% or less of the ON time. Therefore, the back EMF that you can get from the coil discharge is only about 2% or less than than the total amount of electrical energy expended to keep the core saturated. In K4zep's most recent clip you can see the exponential curve of coil charging current levels off after about 10% of the total ON time. Therefore in his setup you can only recover 10% or less of the total electrical energy expended to keep the core saturated.
So there is nothing free about this process if you want to recover the back EMF after the coil has done its job of saturating the ferrite core. You have to put out a lot more energy to make the core "disappear" than you can get back in any back-EMF recovery circuit. In a Joule Thief circuit, the charging current in the collector coil is automatically shut off once the coil is fully charged with current, it is a self-regulating process. Therefore a Joule Thief would return a much higher proportion of the charging energy in its inductive kickback.
P.S: If the cap voltage will go higher than the supply voltage the greatz bridge will
not conduct during the normal input current operation but only
be charged when the BackEMF spikes occur.
So you need to have a cap that can stand higher voltages than the supply voltage.
So probably the boost supercap alone will not work at just 2.7 Volts or you need to
put a few in series.
Quoteould you remove the diode across L1 and instead use a graetz bridge
rectifier across L1 and use your boost cap at the output of the graetz bridge ?
I think this would be possible if you disconnected both ends of the coil as in Broli's design.
You would need a setup like an H bridge to drive the coil.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 04:59:49 PM
Hi Ben,
many thanks for the circuit diagram.
Could you remove the diode across L1 and instead use a graetz bridge
rectifier across L1 and use your boost cap at the output of the graetz bridge ?
Will be interesting to see, how fast this boost-ultracap will charge up.
Probably pretty fast.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
High Stefan,
Can't do that as part of the bridge would short the coil in the wrong direction due to normal wiring but I can put a single 1/2 wave diode in there just to see what will happen. Draw it out, will understand. If had a separate winding like Bedini could do it but with the quadf coil, no inductance!!!!!!!! a gotcha there.
Next post will show results.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 25, 2009, 05:01:46 PM
You are incorrect here. K4zep pointed out the exponentially rising current waveform on his scope trace and stated that's where the inductor gets charged with energy and he is correct. Once the inductor is fully charged and the current levels off, then it is just acting like a resistor dissipating energy as heat.
In Sean's demo clip, you can see how the exponential rise to charge the coils with current is around only 2% or less of the ON time. Therefore, the back EMF that you can get from the coil discharge is only about 2% or less than than the total amount of electrical energy expended to keep the core saturated. In K4zep's most recent clip you can see the exponential curve of coil charging current levels off after about 10% of the total ON time. Therefore in his setup you can only recover 10% or less of the total electrical energy expended to keep the core saturated.
So there is nothing free about this process if you want to recover the back EMF after the coil has done its job of saturating the ferrite core. You have to put out a lot more energy to make the core "disappear" than you can get back in any back-EMF recovery circuit. In a Joule Thief circuit, the charging current in the collector coil is automatically shut off once the coil is fully charged with current, it is a self-regulating process. Therefore a Joule Thief would return a much higher proportion of the charging energy in its inductive kickback.
Hi MH,
in a coil you have L and R.
The rising current waveform has the function of:
i(t)= Imax x ( 1- e ^(-t/tau) )
where tau=L/R
if you switch on the current only for 1/5th of the time of tau,
then more than 90 % of the inputed energy will be just stored inside
the coil L magnetic field and not much Ohmic losses will yet be present.
So a short Ontime less than 1/5th tau is required to extract almost
all energy back from the coil.
If you switch the input voltage longer on, you have more losses and this
motor will consume too much input energy and it will be hard
to get it to overunity.
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 05:09:18 PM
High Stefan,
Can't do that as part of the bridge would short the coil in the wrong direction due to normal wiring but I can put a single 1/2 wave diode in there just to see what will happen. Draw it out, will understand. If had a separate winding like Bedini could do it but with the quadf coil, no inductance!!!!!!!! a gotcha there.
Next post will show results.
You are right,
but you can start by letting the cap charge up to the power supply voltage via
the battery or power supply and then see from this point ,how much if will further charge
up over the power supply voltage.
The graetz bridge will only conduct, when the BackEMF voltage will
be higher than the cap voltage and as the cap voltage will be higher than
the supply voltage, the graetz bridge will only conduct during BackEMF spike voltage
and charge up the cap to the maximum spike voltage of the BackEMF.
Then you can calculate the difference energy the cap has got in a timeframe
by substrating the energy it had at the start with the supply voltage level.
This way also a graetz bridge will work for it, but you probably have to use
a cap that can stand around 100 Volts or more.
QuoteSo there is nothing free about this process if you want to recover the back EMF after the coil has done its job of saturating the ferrite core. You have to put out a lot more energy to make the core "disappear" than you can get back in any back-EMF recovery circuit. In a Joule Thief circuit, the charging current in the collector coil is automatically shut off once the coil is fully charged with current, it is a self-regulating process. Therefore a Joule Thief would return a much higher proportion of the charging energy in its inductive kickback.
I agree, the pulse in the Steorn motor is maintained for a very long duration and will consume too much energy.
If they are able to make this operate and still recover enough energy from the generator section to cover it, then it sure seem like in a solid state device where the saturation time could be minimal, a large amount of power could be generated.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 05:22:04 PM
You are right,
but you can start by letting the cap charge up to the power supply voltage via
the battery or power supply and then see from this point ,how much if will further charge
up over the power supply voltage.
The graetz bridge will only conduct, when the BackEMF voltage will
be higher than the cap voltage and as the cap voltage will be higher than
the supply voltage, the graetz bridge will only conduct during BackEMF spike voltage
and charge up the cap to the maximum spike voltage of the BackEMF.
Then you can calculate the difference energy the cap has got in a timeframe
by substrating the energy it had at the start with the supply voltage level.
This way also a graetz bridge will work for it, but you probably have to use
a cap that can stand around 100 Volts or more.
H Stefan,
This will surprise you!
No need to say more except it will also charge a 650 F super cap at the rate of about 2 mv/Min......will get a much more accurate
rate later.
I am enjoying every moment of this. Thanks to all!
K4, listening to your voice on the video I'd say you are from the South East of the USA. Tennessee to be exact. Am I close?
PS. To those who think I am the MIB for asking this question, I apologize. I am not. I just work with many good souls in TN who talk similarly to Ben, so I am curios.
No ulterior motives.
Quote from: mondrasek on December 25, 2009, 06:05:04 PM
I am enjoying every moment of this. Thanks to all!
K4, listening to your voice on the video I'd say you are from the South East of the USA. Tennessee to be exact. Am I close?
PS. To those who think I am the MIB for asking this question, I apologize. I am not. I just work with many good souls in TN who talk similarly to Ben, so I am curios.
No ulterior motives.
How about western North Carolina just over the Blue Ridge Mountains. Now, I'm retired to St. Petersburg, FL, an old fart that loves to play with out of the box stuff. I now but still get that twange worse when I'm on "TV". Heck of you were MIB, I'd invite you down for a cup of coffee and gab your head off!!!! Life is good....
Hi all,
For those that like to play with numbers the motor will charge up a 650 F Cap. at the rate of .198 V/ hour. How much electrical energy is it producing? Have fun.
Thanks again for your work. (I'm guessing many more are reading than are posting.)
As for: gab your head off!
1) I would humbly oblige to listen!
2) I'd buy the first round. Or not if your prefer.
PS. My baby is sleeping right now. She was blown away by Xmas...
Merry, Merry..
Awh, hell....
Merry Christmas!
And Peace on Earth.
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 06:04:43 PM
H Stefan,
This will surprise you!
No need to say more except it will also charge a 650 F super cap at the rate of about 2 mv/Min......will get a much more accurate
rate later.
Very nice Ben !
Well done ! Great BackEMF recycling circuit.
Did you just use a diode ?
What diode ?
Do you have a very fast diode ?
It will help.
Like MU5xxx types or so..
The energy comes from the stored magnetic field energy from the toroidal coil.
W= 0.5LI^2
Ben, as you switch on about 20 x tau
you need to go to higher supply voltages and
lower ontime intervals, so you will reduce the ontime
to less than tau=L/R.
This way you could scale the motor up
and could recycle almost all of your input energy back to the cap,
if you stay below about 1/5th of tau for the ontime.
With higher supply voltage you will then already reach in a shorter
time interval the same input current level as you reach now
after longer time.
I studied this all long time ago already with the Newman coils,
so I know quite well what is going on there.
Many thanks again Ben, you are a real help here.
Very well done.
Regards, Stefan.
Cause I'm lazy I used online calc ;D
In one hour you got 13 J of energy. 13J=13Ws
I hope It's right if not correct me. ;D
Quote from: k4zep on December 25, 2009, 06:22:48 PM
Hi all,
For those that like to play with numbers the motor will charge up a 650 F Cap. at the rate of .198 V/ hour. How much electrical energy is it producing? Have fun.
Hmm, seems to me that you are recovering 35 milliWatts while charging the cap.
At what voltage level did you measure this ?
As the cap charge ramp is only linear around 0 Volts and then goes into
a e-function it really depends on the voltage level the cap already has...
I will have another look at your last video and look into this to calculate
the recycled power level.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 06:53:31 PM
Very nice Ben !
Well done ! Great BackEMF recycling circuit.
Did you just use a diode ?
What diode ?
Do you have a very fast diode ?
It will help.
Like MU5xxx types or so..
The energy comes from the stored magnetic field energy from the toroidal coil.
W= 0.5LI^2
Ben, as you switch on about 20 x tau
you need to go to higher supply voltages and
lower ontime intervals, so you will reduce the ontime
to less than tau=L/R.
This way you could scale the motor up
and could recycle almost all of your input energy back to the cap,
if you stay below about 1/5th of tau for the ontime.
With higher supply voltage you will then already reach in a shorter
time interval the same input current level as you reach now
after longer time.
I studied this all long time ago already with the Newman coils,
so I know quite well what is going on there.
Many thanks again Ben, you are a real help here.
Very well done.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
Now you said a mouthful there. I would like to run several hundred volts and let that QuadF coil do its magic. It stores a lot more energy than we suspect. And I'm not certain it doesn't store energy from the magnetic field passing as in produces energy!. How much I DONT KNOW. Room for months of experimentation and I love R&D. This will not be a long winter with this good stuff going on! That said, I would have to have a much more precise timing circuit. Have done this before with opto and 1-2 ms pulse around 5-700 volts, But that is another story and won't go there. Not using HS diode, 1N4007, probably would be better with schotkey diode which I have on hand but this was just a quick test.
in your last video Ben,
you have charged the 60,000 uF cap= 0.068 Farad cap
in about 27 seconds from zero to about 6 Volts,
that means an energy storage of
W= 0.5 x 0.068 x (6 Volts)^2=1.224 Wattsseconds
Then divide this by 27 seconds and you get a power level
of about 45 MilliWatts, so it is in the same range as the charging of the
Bootcap tells us.
This is a valid level for BackEMF extraction, as your coil has not too much L
inductance and only bigger power levels could be extracted, if you will
have a higher inductance coil L.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 07:03:49 PM
Hmm, seems to me that you are recovering 35 milliWatts while charging the cap.
At what voltage level did you measure this ?
As the cap charge ramp is only linear around 0 Volts and then goes into
a e-function it really depends on the voltage level the cap already has...
I will have another look at your last video and look into this to calculate
the recycled power level.
Always start @ 0VDC. And you are right, it is a non-linear curve.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 25, 2009, 07:12:35 PM
in your last video Ben,
you have charged the 60,000 uF cap= 0.068 Farad cap
in about 27 seconds from zero to about 6 Volts,
that means an energy storage of
W= 0.5 x 0.068 x (6 Volts)^2=1.224 Wattsseconds
Then divide this by 27 seconds and you get a power level
of about 45 MilliWatts, so it is in the same range as the charging of the
Bootcap tells us.
This is a valid level for BackEMF extraction, as your coil has not too much L
inductance and only bigger power levels could be extracted, if you will
have a higher inductance coil L.
Excellent. Thats about what I got. Good work. I use the Electronics 2000 calculator that I found on line and saved to my ol HP computer that does that too.......lazy.
Several questions as to how coil is wound. Pictorial attached.
Great stuff in this thread guys! Thanks to all of you who have rolled up your sleeves on this one and got your hands dirty! I'm just getting caught up to speed with this thread, forgive me if someone has pointed out what I'm about to ask already, but I missed it if so. I agree, it is impressive with the reduction of BEMF with this type of toroid power coil setup, but it leaves me with a big question. Is it necessary? What I mean is this... It appears mostly that what is being done is powering a motor with no BEMF, and recovering as much from the inductance as possible. (I'm ignoring the generator part, as it is a seperate animal than I am referring to.) If this is true, then has anyone made a simple attraction motor? Replacing the magnets on the rotor with Iron slugs, would easily remove all the BEMF in the system. Pulse the power coil before the slug reaches the coil to attract it in. Cut the power just before dead center, and the field collapses, still pulling the rotor into the coil. When it reaches the center, the power is totally off and the field completely collapsed so the rotor floats right on by with no resistance, and I believe no eddy currents. No BEMF at all.
Now, it is possible that using the toroid power coil with rotor magnets concept produces more mechanical power, with less energy wasted... But I'm not sure that it would. So that's my question here, has anyone tested an attraction motor, and how would you compare it to the orbo design? Not to mention, the demo runs on 1.2 volts. That does seem a bit interesting.
The point here is this, while the motor concept is intrigueing, I am not sure it is more efficient than just an attraction motor that has already been invented long ago. Granted, I have not seen an attraction motor go to OU, just simply no BEMF. I think the magic is in the generator side of this device. Not that the motor is bad, just that I think the second part of Orbo is key. Only problem is, I see nothing out of the ordinary on the generator side. At least as far as I can tell, from the pictures, the pickup coils appear to be regular nylon core coils.
Great work! I wonder if you could try something simple. Could you try putting a permanent magnet on the opposite side of your toroid? I am just curious if maybe by partially saturating that core with a permanent field of the same polarity the current you plan to push into it is going to create, maybe you could get better efficiency by not drawing as much current to bias that toroid... As long as the permanent magnet is not strong enough to saturate it to much, I don't think it will effect the attraction the rotor has to the core much if any. Just a thought, I know it's not in the demo, but maybe it's part of what they will show in January.
Just a minor correction for you, the tau a.k.a. "time constant" is L/R, not L*R.
So from the cap charging measurements we will estimate that the average power that you can recover from the back-EMF spike from the coil is somewhere around 35 or 45 milliwatts. If K4zep was to freeze a frame on his scope when the motor is turning at its steady-state speed then you can easily calculate the average motor power consumption. You have the voltage, current, and ON and OFF times, so the power consumption calculation is pretty trivial. I think that it is fair to say for K4zep's setup or the Steorn setup the power consumption of the motor itself is much larger than any possible back-EMF recovery based on the data that we have seen today.
You made a few references about overcoming this situation by using a much larger toroidal inductor to that your ON time is less than 1/5 tau, or time constant. This is not going to work because then you will never manage to saturate the core and the motor will not run.
Beyond this, there is the issue of really being sure that the core is fully saturated, assuming that is your goal. I am not sure if K4zep made any measurements to be sure if the core was fully saturated or not. The less saturated the core is, then it "does not completely disappear" and therefore the motor will run at a lower speed.
I think that you made a few references to arranging your four wires that make up your toroidal coil so the inductance measures nearly zero so that the coil becomes a resistive element only. If I am understanding you correctly then this does not make sense - with that coil wiring configuration you will not be able to saturate the core and the motor won't work.
Here is where I think the discussion is right now:
Some measurements were made of the back-EMF of the coil and the average power is only in the tens of milliwatts. The average power consumption of the motor itself (the energizing of the toroidal coil) is probably three or four watts. These measurements are backed up by the scope traces. In the case of the Steorn setup, the potential recovered back-EMF power is proportionally much smaller as shown in the scope traces of Sean's demo.
Therefore, the idea of using the back-EMF from the toroidal coil itself to "get over the hump" and demonstrate the possibility of OU is highly unlikely but not completely ruled out. It would require that the power recovered from the separate coil energy recovery system (the pick-up coils in Steorn's setup) be nearly the same as the amount of power consumed to drive the motor.
To repeat, for any chance of OU where we also use the recovered back-EMF power from the toroidal coil, then the separate coil energy recovery system would have to generate nearly the same amount of power as that consumed by the toroidal coil.
I will make an important statement about the separate coil energy recovery system. Sean clearly stated that it is a simple vanilla system where the coils output into a full-wave bridge rectifier and then charge the battery. Many of you have played with these types of setups and you all know that there is no "magic" here. This is just a mundane standard circuit and many of you have observed them first-hand yourselves by adding the setup to a Bedini motor, etc. I can envision some of the true believers in Steorn insisting that there must be something special about the pick-up coils that tap into energy from Xanadu or whatever. I will state categorically ahead of time that I reject this unfounded speculation. It is a vanilla energy recovery system, an ordinary generator configuration that generates power the old-fashioned way. Don't blind yourself by thinking otherwise.
So, let's forget about the back-EMF power from the toroidal coil for now because we know it is very small. Let's move on to the real issue of power into the motor as compared to the power out of the motor from the energy recovery coils as per Steorn's setup.
So, how do you make some sort of reasonable estimate of the average power out? We already know what the average power in is, the scope traces clearly show it and it would be trivial to make the proper measurements. We also can see a tangible manifestation of the input power because K4zep has remarked about how hot the toroidal coil gets after running the motor for a few minutes. From the perspective of the battery, this motor looks mostly like a resistive load that burns off battery power and turns it into heat power.
So, we know the average power into the motor, perhaps two or three watts (to be confirmed by somebody) and we want to make an estimate of the average power out from the energy pick-up coils.
How do you do this estimate?
Does anyone have any information as far as to how many times they had to replace the batteries, or how long it ran before they had to? That is a 10,000 mah D nimh in the video and pictures, and I do not see the 3rd hot wire hooked to battery anywhere, except in the diagrams. I assume it is the pick up coils not even hooked up in the demo, but I am not sure. Either way, there must be more data I am missing somewhere.
Quote from: broli link=topic=8411.msg217350#msg217350 :date=1261754285
Sure it isn't since you have tried every possible arrangement conceivable to mankind or any alien race to absolutely prove this, right?
Why "every possible arrangement conceivable"?! Only one is enough (and there are many). When the magnetic field collapses, the energy it stored is converted in electrical energy which can be recovered without difficulty.
In the magnetic area, to open the circuit of a coil carrying a current is the same as in the electric area to shortcut a charged capacitor. In the first one we have to recovered the magnetic energy of the magnetic field (energy density = B²/2*m0), and in the second case, the energy in the electric field (energy density = E²*e0/2). There is no magic.
If Steorn claims the recovered energy is more than that one initially stored, Steorn has to prove it, not me. A motor powered by a charged battery is not a proof! A 1.5v, 10 A/h battery can easily sustain a low friction motor for days even for weeks.
I will politely ask you to either contribute to encourage positive progress or not disturb the progress with your short sighted believes. Thank you for your understanding.
There is no interest in encouraging anyone to waste time in conventional devices known from the XIXth century, and to believe instead of analysing the facts. I suggest to spend time in more profitable tracks and to not expand the noise around Steorn while waiting their proofs.
Steorn has’t yet shown proof for overunity. However, Steorn has shown practical elimination of back emf. How is that conventional?
I haven’t even seen yet proof that even the negligible back emf is due to the presence of the rotor. It very well may be that that’s due to imperfections in the making of the coil and will show itself even in absence of rotor. @k4zep may help us easily in clarifying this -- show the osciloscope traces i absence of rotor and see iif there's the same slight back emf.
So, suppose that that’s the case â€" both in absence and in presence of rotor oscilloscope traces remain the same â€" then that would be the ultimate proof for OU. No Eout/Ein measurement needed, no calorimetry etc. If traces remain the same then a supposed 100% energy balance for the coil in absence of rotor would have retained its 100% energy balance when rotor is present but when rotor in present there will be additional rotational energy coming “out of nothingâ€.
On this page #33, a whole pile of interesting questions that I will answer with very short answers. I am not trying to ignore any question but time spent at the keyboard is time away from the bench and I have spent a LOT of time at the keyboard over the last few days.
Quote from: captainpecan on December 25, 2009, 11:25:40 PM
Great stuff in this thread guys! Thanks to all of you who have rolled up your sleeves on this one and got your hands dirty! I'm just getting caught up to speed with this thread, forgive me if someone has pointed out what I'm about to ask already, but I missed it if so. I agree, it is impressive with the reduction of BEMF with this type of toroid power coil setup, but it leaves me with a big question. Is it necessary? What I mean is this... It appears mostly that what is being done is powering a motor with no BEMF, and recovering as much from the inductance as possible. (I'm ignoring the generator part, as it is a seperate animal than I am referring to.) If this is true, then has anyone made a simple attraction motor? Replacing the magnets on the rotor with Iron slugs, would easily remove all the BEMF in the system. Pulse the power coil before the slug reaches the coil to attract it in. Cut the power just before dead center, and the field collapses, still pulling the rotor into the coil. When it reaches the center, the power is totally off and the field completely collapsed so the rotor floats right on by with no resistance, and I believe no eddy currents. No BEMF at all.
Yes, that would work but power very limited. That advantage of the "no BEMF" is the use of magnets in the rotor and increased torque
Now, it is possible that using the toroid power coil with rotor magnets concept produces more mechanical power, with less energy wasted... But I'm not sure that it would.
I do not know yet either, time will tell!
So that's my question here, has anyone tested an attraction motor, and how would you compare it to the orbo design? Not to mention, the demo runs on 1.2 volts. That does seem a bit interesting.
Yes, I have built several, nothing special there at all
The point here is this, while the motor concept is intrigueing, I am not sure it is more efficient than just an attraction motor that has already been invented long ago. Granted, I have not seen an attraction motor go to OU, just simply no BEMF.
Correct I think the magic is in the generator side of this device. Not that the motor is bad, just that I think the second part of Orbo is key. Only problem is, I see nothing out of the ordinary on the generator side. At least as far as I can tell, from the pictures, the pickup coils appear to be regular nylon core coils.
No BEMF in generator would be just as advantagous BUT resistive losses in generator would limit any generator to less than OU so it would seem paramount that the motor is OU
Quote from: captainpecan on December 26, 2009, 12:49:07 AM
Great work! I wonder if you could try something simple. Oh, forgot to say welcome aboard. Have tried magnetic static bias and does NOT seem to increase the speed, need to do more test though. Could you try putting a permanent magnet on the opposite side of your toroid? I am just curious if maybe by partially saturating that core with a permanent field of the same polarity the current you plan to push into it is going to create, maybe you could get better efficiency by not drawing as much current to bias that toroid... As long as the permanent magnet is not strong enough to saturate it to much, I don't think it will effect the attraction the rotor has to the core much if any. Just a thought, I know it's not in the demo, but maybe it's part of what they will show in January.
Again, bias in the core might be of a help, I just cant demonstrate it right now.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 26, 2009, 01:26:40 AM
Just a minor correction for you, the tau a.k.a. "time constant" is L/R, not L*R.
So from the cap charging measurements we will estimate that the average power that you can recover from the back-EMF spike from the coil is somewhere around 35 or 45 milliwatts. If K4zep was to freeze a frame on his scope when the motor is turning at its steady-state speed then you can easily calculate the average motor power consumption. You have the voltage, current, and ON and OFF times, so the power consumption calculation is pretty trivial. I think that it is fair to say for K4zep's setup or the Steorn setup the power consumption of the motor itself is much larger than any possible back-EMF recovery based on the data that we have seen today.
You made a few references about overcoming this situation by using a much larger toroidal inductor to that your ON time is less than 1/5 tau, or time constant. This is not going to work because then you will never manage to saturate the core and the motor will not run.
Beyond this, there is the issue of really being sure that the core is fully saturated, assuming that is your goal. I am not sure if K4zep made any measurements to be sure if the core was fully saturated or not. The less saturated the core is, then it "does not completely disappear" and therefore the motor will run at a lower speed.
I think that you made a few references to arranging your four wires that make up your toroidal coil so the inductance measures nearly zero so that the coil becomes a resistive element only. If I am understanding you correctly then this does not make sense - with that coil wiring configuration you will not be able to saturate the core and the motor won't work.
Yes, that drives me nuts. Something is going on there and I don't have a handle on it yet either, it just runs!!!!!
Here is where I think the discussion is right now:
Some measurements were made of the back-EMF of the coil and the average power is only in the tens of milliwatts. Correct The average power consumption of the motor itself (the energizing of the toroidal coil) is probably three or four watts. Correct These measurements are backed up by the scope traces. In the case of the Steorn setup, the potential recovered back-EMF power is proportionally much smaller as shown in the scope traces of Sean's demo.Correct
Therefore, the idea of using the back-EMF from the toroidal coil itself to "get over the hump" and demonstrate the possibility of OU is highly unlikely but not completely ruled out. I agree completelyIt would require that the power recovered from the separate coil energy recovery system (the pick-up coils in Steorn's setup) be nearly the same as the amount of power consumed to drive the motor.Actually the generator has to have adaquate input (torque) to generate more energy than used. Therefore the motor must be ou to provide this energy
To repeat, for any chance of OU where we also use the recovered back-EMF power from the toroidal coil, then the separate coil energy recovery system would have to generate nearly the same amount of power as that consumed by the toroidal coil.Back emf recovery which is miniscule + generator output has to equal total electrical and mechanical losses to keep running. ?????
I will make an important statement about the separate coil energy recovery system. Sean clearly stated that it is a simple vanilla system where the coils output into a full-wave bridge rectifier and then charge the battery. Many of you have played with these types of setups and you all know that there is no "magic" here. This is just a mundane standard circuit and many of you have observed them first-hand yourselves by adding the setup to a Bedini motor, etc. I can envision some of the true believers in Steorn insisting that there must be something special about the pick-up coils that tap into energy from Xanadu or whatever. I will state categorically ahead of time that I reject this unfounded speculation. It is a vanilla energy recovery system, an ordinary generator configuration that generates power the old-fashioned way. Don't blind yourself by thinking otherwise. I agree, without the MOTOR being OU by a factor of about 3 to one, it will not work
So, let's forget about the back-EMF power from the toroidal coil for now because we know it is very small. Let's move on to the real issue of power into the motor as compared to the power out of the motor from the energy recovery coils as per Steorn's setup.
So, how do you make some sort of reasonable estimate of the average power out? We already know what the average power in is, the scope traces clearly show it and it would be trivial to make the proper measurements. We also can see a tangible manifestation of the input power because K4zep has remarked about how hot the toroidal coil gets after running the motor for a few minutes. From the perspective of the battery, this motor looks mostly like a resistive load that burns off battery power and turns it into heat power.
So, we know the average power into the motor, perhaps two or three watts (to be confirmed by somebody) Again, mine is 5-6 watts and this is really only a demo unit just to show the motor effect works. and we want to make an estimate of the average power out from the energy pick-up coils.
How do you do this estimate?Simple, output rectified if not sine wave by FWBR, filtered and P=EI, formulas for Sine wave AC real power into load available but as this is a DC system, simple. Thanks for your very straight forward questions/observation.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 26, 2009, 05:20:01 AM
Why "every possible arrangement conceivable"?! Only one is enough (and there are many). When the magnetic field collapses, the energy it stored is converted in electrical energy which can be recovered without difficulty.
In the magnetic area, to open the circuit of a coil carrying a current is the same as in the electric area to shortcut a charged capacitor. In the first one we have to recovered the magnetic energy of the magnetic field (energy density = B²/2*m0), and in the second case, the energy in the electric field (energy density = E²*e0/2). There is no magic.
If Steorn claims the recovered energy is more than that one initially stored, Steorn has to prove it, not me.Yes, we all are holding our breath on that A motor powered by a charged battery is not a proof! A 1.5v, 10 A/h battery can easily sustain a low friction motor for days even for weeks.Correct
There is no interest in encouraging anyone to waste time in conventional devices known from the XIXth century, and to believe instead of analysing the facts. I suggest to spend time in more profitable tracks and to not expand the noise around Steorn while waiting their proofs.Correct
Quote from: Omnibus on December 26, 2009, 06:15:50 AM
Steorn has’t yet shown proof for overunity. Correct However, Steorn has shown practical elimination of back emf. How is that conventional? Actually a bifilar coil does eliminate BEMF OR as the motor will run the same direction on either direction of current flow, you can wire even multiples of toroids in bucking mode, balanced inductance and resistance and balance out the back EMF, both works.
I haven’t even seen yet proof that even the negligible back emf is due to the presence of the rotor. It very well may be that that’s due to imperfections in the making of the coil and will show itself even in absence of rotor. @k4zep may help us easily in clarifying this -- show the osciloscope traces i absence of rotor and see iif there's the same slight back emf. JUST CHECKED, background output of non energized coil is less than 2 mv pp, looks like noise, nothing to photograph.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 26, 2009, 01:26:40 AM
Just a minor correction for you, the tau a.k.a. "time constant" is L/R, not L*R.
Many thanks. I calculated earlier something with the timconstant tau=R*C from a cap and mixed
this up. You are right, at the coil tau is L/R.
I corrected this now in my earlier postings.
Many thanks.
So from the cap charging measurements we will estimate that the average power that you can recover from the back-EMF spike from the coil is somewhere around 35 or 45 milliwatts. If K4zep was to freeze a frame on his scope when the motor is turning at its steady-state speed then you can easily calculate the average motor power consumption. You have the voltage, current, and ON and OFF times, so the power consumption calculation is pretty trivial. I think that it is fair to say for K4zep's setup or the Steorn setup the power consumption of the motor itself is much larger than any possible back-EMF recovery based on the data that we have seen today.
That is right.
Because of the small setup and not optimized magnets and too large airgaps
and too low winding toroidal coil,
the power input compared to the BackEMF power recovery is not optimal in this case.
But if you build it much bigger with bigger magnets, small airgaps and
big L toroidal coils you can really get 90% of the inputted power back,
if you do it right.
You made a few references about overcoming this situation by using a much larger toroidal inductor to that your ON time is less than 1/5 tau, or time constant. This is not going to work because then you will never manage to saturate the core and the motor will not run.
Well,you only need to use a higher voltage for the power supply,
then you reach the current level for saturation already at 1/5t of tau Ontime.
Maybe you need to use then 200 Volts as the supply voltage.
Then you would only need maybe 1 Watts of input power,
would get 0.9 Watts out via the BackEMF recycling circuit and
would get 3 Watts mechanical power output due to the rotation of the rotor
driving a mechanical load.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 26, 2009, 06:44:14 AM
So, suppose that that’s the case â€" both in absence and in presence of rotor oscilloscope traces remain the same â€" then that would be the ultimate proof for OU. No Eout/Ein measurement needed, no calorimetry etc. If traces remain the same then a supposed 100% energy balance for the coil in absence of rotor would have retained its 100% energy balance when rotor is present but when rotor in present there will be additional rotational energy coming “out of nothingâ€.
IF the mechanical energy coming out of the motor and expended in the generator is more than the equivelent electrical energy to power the toroids , then we have OU, if not, just another pretty motor
Now I'm going to eat breakfast, S&S and putter around while helping wife with honeydoos and now and then wander over to my closet/bench.........
Hi Ben,
could you please post the value of the ohmical resistance of your coil
(just measure via a multimeter with the OHM settings)
and a zoomed in scope shot of the input current into your coil,
where one can see the rising current waveform from zero amps to just the
maximum input current over maybe 8 divs in the horizontal direction
and please state milliseconds/div.
Then we can calculate the L of your coil
and also the tau timeconstant and can optimize the supply voltage and Ontime
for maximum BackEMF power recovery.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Ben,
was the first picture DSC04415.JPG of your
posting in:
the timebase set to 5 millisec/div or was it set to 5 microseconds/div ?
If it was set to
5 millisec/div
the tau=L/R is about 0.5 millisec,
so if we would know the ohmical resistance of the coil,
we could calculate L= tau/R
Then you need to use a much higher DC supply voltage to only
switch on for about 0.1 Milliseconds( 1/5th tau) to reach the same input current
level as you used now after about 2 Milliseconds.
Okay Ben,
let´s calculate some more:
I can see, that you used a 10:1 divider scope head, as the
voltage in the upper trace is about 8.5 milliVolts at a 0.1 Ohm shunt
maximal input current amplitude pulse.
So it was 12.4 Volts DC input at maximum 0.85 amps then,
that gives a DC resistance of about 14.5 Ohms for the coil.
Could you please verify this with a multimeter ?
Many thanks.
As tau=L/R is the time the waveform reaches about 63 % of the maximum amplitude
it is about 0.5 Milliseconds in your scope shot. ( a higher horizontal res scope shot would help)
So we can calculate now L of your toroidal coil:
L= tau/R= 0.0005 sec / 14.5 Ohms = about 34 microHenries
So now we can calculate what amount the coil L can store maximum
of magnetic field energy when it is energized by
0.85 amps in your example:
W= 0.5 x L x I^2
So we have 0.5 x 0.000034 H x (0.85 amps)^2= 12.3 microWattsseconds
So you see the coil has much too low Henries to store enough energy
for better BackEMF recovery.
Would be good, if the coil would at least have a few hundred MilliHenries.
Regards, Stefan.
Okay, now we can calculate, what the supply voltage would need
to be, if we want to have the current level of 0.85 amps already
at 0.1 milliseconds.
As the current waveform function i(t) is:
i(t)= Vsupply / Rcoil x ( 1 - (e ^t/tau) )
we can solve this for Vsupply( supply voltage)
so we can rewrite this as:
with i(t)= 0.85 amps
with t= 0.1 millisec
with tau= 0.5 millisec
Vsupply= 0.85 amps x 14.5 ohms / 0.18127 = about 68 Volts
So Ben,
if you would raise your Supply Voltage to 68 Volts and switch on your toroidal coil
just for 0.1 Milliseconds ,
you could extract about 90 % of your inputed power back
into your cap.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 26, 2009, 08:51:02 AM
Hi Ben,
could you please post the value of the ohmical resistance of your coil
(just measure via a multimeter with the OHM settings)
and a zoomed in scope shot of the input current into your coil,
where one can see the rising current waveform from zero amps to just the
maximum input current over maybe 8 divs in the horizontal direction
and please state milliseconds/div.
Then we can calculate the L of your coil
and also the tau timeconstant and can optimize the supply voltage and Ontime
for maximum BackEMF power recovery.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
From orginal measurements when building coil, each segment is 3.15 ohms for a total of 12.6 ohms series resistance , Each coil is 567 uH as wound and when is wired as shown has a residue of 16 uH inductance. I did not try to balance coils by trimming windings.
Have found by experimentation that coil can run very close to magnets and while it cogs like heck, with power it runs like heck. Also I put Hall Effect directly between coil and passing magnet for precise trigger on that individual magnet/core interface. Runs about 800 rpm now @ 3.15 watts @ 12.6 VDC. Mechanical limitations of my simple rotor are starting to be a problem. Need to build a new motor. I need to add a pulse modulator where I get the same width pulse for each magnet and have the ability to narrow the width down for optimization but that is further down the track. Possibly an optical pulse interface would be more advantageous later on down the road. It is obvious with correct number of coils, interfaced on the face of the toroid and not the side that a much more powerful motor could be built and at much lower power input.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 26, 2009, 09:00:13 AM
Hi Ben,
was the first picture DSC04415.JPG of your
posting in:
the timebase set to 5 millisec/div or was it set to 5 microseconds/div ?
If it was set to
5 millisec/div
the tau=L/R is about 0.5 millisec,
so if we would know the ohmical resistance of the coil,
we could calculate L= tau/R
Then you need to use a much higher DC supply voltage to only
switch on for about 0.1 Milliseconds( 1/5th tau) to reach the same input current
level as you used now after about 2 Milliseconds.
I simply don't remember, if VERY important, could do it again. I didn't take notes.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 26, 2009, 09:32:24 AM
Okay Ben,
let´s calculate some more:
I can see, that you used a 10:1 divider scope head, as the
voltage in the upper trace is about 8.5 milliVolts at a 0.1 Ohm shunt
maximal input current amplitude pulse.
So it was 12.4 Volts DC input at maximum 0.85 amps then,
that gives a DC resistance of about 14.5 Ohms for the coil.
Could you please verify this with a multimeter ?Current resistor not percision but marked .1 ohm, Coil is 12.6 ohms on my good FLUKE.
Many thanks.
As tau=L/R is the time the waveform reaches about 63 % of the maximum amplitude
it is about 0.5 Milliseconds in your scope shot. ( a higher horizontal res scope shot would help)
Actual measured rist time @ 100% is 62.5 uS, very darn fast as HXFET is VERY FAST and inductance very low.
So we can calculate now L of your toroidal coil:
L= tau/R= 0.0005 sec / 14.5 Ohms = about 34 microHenries
So now we can calculate what amount the coil L can store maximum
of magnetic field energy when it is energized by
0.85 amps in your example:
W= 0.5 x L x I^2
So we have 0.5 x 0.000034 H x (0.85 amps)^2= 12.3 microWattsseconds
So you see the coil has much too low Henries to store enough energy
for better BackEMF recovery.
Would be good, if the coil would at least have a few hundred MilliHenries. You have changed gears here and back to regenerator stuff. We do not want any apparent inductance to get ideal suupressiosn of back emf or inductive kickback. Funny thing in a bifilar coil there is a kickback from that strange windings .
Regards, Stefan.
I'm very open minded about Steorn having the smoking gun, but the people who keep saying there's not bemf are wrong, and I've already explained it. Again, you cannot do the bemf tests without any current in toroid coil. The toroid coil *must* have current going through it if you want to see the bemf. Many pages back in this thread I told Ben how to measure this, and how it's working, but it seems this was ignored.
IMO the excess energy effect, if any, is in the magnetic viscosity.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
I'm very open minded about Steorn having the smoking gun, but the people who keep saying there's not bemf are wrong, and I've already explained it. Again, you cannot do the bemf tests without any current in toroid coil. The toroid coil *must* have current going through it if you want to see the bemf. Many pages back in this thread I told Ben how to measure this, and how it's working, but it seems this was ignored.
IMO the excess energy effect, if any, is in the magnetic viscosity.
I hope you accept the superposition principle. Basically in this case it means the induced voltage will just add up with any other wave regardless of it's nature. If it was a constant value it would add up and show the sum of the two, but it would act the same if the initial wave was at 0 volts. So whether current is applied or not during the induced moment the result should be the same.
People have been overlooking something else with the Orbo though, I'm sure MH will notice it since he's so smart. I have some very good reasons to believe this motor is mechanical overunity not electrical. But not wasting the electrical energy by recovering it is a bonus and should defently not be ignored.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
I'm very open minded about Steorn having the smoking gun, but the people who keep saying there's not bemf are wrong, and I've already explained it. Again, you cannot do the bemf tests without any current in toroid coil. The toroid coil *must* have current going through it if you want to see the bemf. Many pages back in this thread I told Ben how to measure this, and how it's working, but it seems this was ignored.
IMO the excess energy effect, if any, is in the magnetic viscosity.
Hi Paul,
I remember the post and accepted it as a theory. Also the theory of magnetic viscosity is not mentioned in nominal magnetic writings.
Would you like to elaborate on the magnetic viscosity theory? All ideas at this point are considered and appreciated.
To All,
Once a theory is expressed. Talking about it is useless unless you build a device to demonstrate it. I have thousands of "theories" but 90% of the theories I have tried never worked (usually because my knowledge base is incomplete or mis-understood by myself as I have eaten crow so often that I have acquired a taste for it!), ever so often when you build something you have that eureka moment and that makes it worth while. So.......all good ideas and theories accepted on face value but based on my and I'm sure each person on the list personal set of filters mentally we will accept it or reject it. That does NOT mean it is good or bad, just how each individual see's it. Example....THEORY.......
It is purposed that the Steorm motor is where the OU is developed. I feel that theory is probably correct. Others may not feel the same but until we build a device that conclusively proves either/or, it is just a theory and not a working fact. Please don't get upset if I don't jump up and down, say hooray, what a great theory, just give your theory, then build a working model of theory and we can all jump on the bandwagen at the same time!!!!! I will become very cross and irritated if the a theory is repeated again and again....That won't make it work. A working model is where the rubber meets the road.
I remain.....
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
I'm very open minded about Steorn having the smoking gun, but the people who keep saying there's not bemf are wrong, and I've already explained it. Again, you cannot do the bemf tests without any current in toroid coil. The toroid coil *must* have current going through it if you want to see the bemf. Many pages back in this thread I told Ben how to measure this, and how it's working, but it seems this was ignored.
That's correct. I've emphasized it too here and in another forum.
It might be mechanical if you consider magnetic viscosity part of the mechanical aspect. I believe Steorn's first demo long ago was purely mechanical (no coils & batteries), but Steorn claims that motor was self-running even though they had problems with the bearings supposedly because of sharp sudden jolting movements.
This new design of Steorn is also probably driven by magnetic viscosity in terms of excess energy.
How the permeability motor works:
The magnet approaches the toroid, and magnetizes it. The effective permeability at this point is low. The toroid turns on during this low permeability stage. The magnets then move away thus increasing the effective permeability, and the toroid coil then turns off, but the effective permeability is higher than when they turned on. That is how the electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, because of the change in permeability. That's why long ago in this thread I called it a permeability motor and requested Ben to do the experiment so you people could how it's working.
That's not to say Steorn's motor is not producing excess energy. We'll have to see, and I'm hopeful, but it's far far far more complex than what's being said here. The bemf is there when the current is on, and it requires current to make the motor spin. This motor does have bemf.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
I'm very open minded about Steorn having the smoking gun, but the people who keep saying there's not bemf are wrong, and I've already explained it. Again, you cannot do the bemf tests without any current in toroid coil. The toroid coil *must* have current going through it if you want to see the bemf. Many pages back in this thread I told Ben how to measure this, and how it's working, but it seems this was ignored.
IMO the excess energy effect, if any, is in the magnetic viscosity.
But isn't this the exact time the current is flowing, when the rotor magnets are leaving the coil?
I think the OU does not occur in the Steorn demonstration, only the effect of no BEMF.
The real OU has to do with the orientation of the toroid coil and the rotor magnets setup like in the operating display.
The core material is also very important!
If this effect is indeed real, the most power would then be produced in a MEG device where everything could be controlled more efficiently.
Quote from: k4zep on December 26, 2009, 11:16:57 AM
Hi Paul,
I remember the post and accepted it as a theory. Also the theory of magnetic viscosity is not mentioned in nominal magnetic writings.
Would you like to elaborate on the magnetic viscosity theory? All ideas at this point are considered and appreciated.
How I explained this permeability motor is not my theory. It's conventional physics and is easily seen in FEMM. As far as magnetic viscosity, I already gave you link to my wikipedia user page. You probably forgot because I mentioned that it's my old magnetic research and would probably bore you.
Again, for anyone only reading this post without reading my other posts, I *am* saying there's a good chance the eOrbo obtains excess energy, but it's more complex than what's being said in this thread.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 11:01:16 AM
I'm very open minded about Steorn having the smoking gun, but the people who keep saying there's not bemf are wrong, and I've already explained it. Again, you cannot do the bemf tests without any current in toroid coil. The toroid coil *must* have current going through it if you want to see the bemf. Many pages back in this thread I told Ben how to measure this, and how it's working, but it seems this was ignored.
IMO the excess energy effect, if any, is in the magnetic viscosity.
look at this :
Hi Ben,
many thanks for your verifications.
So I was not far off with my numbers from the scopeshots
and the number are in the right range.
Well, to optimize
your current motor, I would wind additional 300 windings
onto the toroidal coil or as many as you can get on there.
So this will give you a much higher L and gives you
much more BackEMF extraction power and you
need to raise the supply voltage and switch on
for less than tau=L/R time.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 11:36:03 AM
look at this :
I have been following him for years!!!! Right on. I wonder if there is an English translation. I can sort of read the french enough to get the just of the subject but need more accurate information. GREAT someone else has jumped in there and JLN is good.
Quote from: tagor on December 26, 2009, 11:36:03 AM
look at this :
Wow, Jean Louis shows exactly that there is no
CounterEMF induced during the rotation of the wheel,
like Ben also has already proven with his low numbers.
But as JL has 2 coils in series also the last rest of the
induction voltage is canceled when rotating manually
and measuring the CounterEMF.
Well done Jean Louis !
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Ben,
Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
QuoteSteorn has’t yet shown proof for overunity. QuoteCorrect
However, Steorn has shown practical elimination of back emf. How is that conventional?
QuoteActually a bifilar coil does eliminate BEMF OR as the motor will run the same direction on either direction of current flow, you can wire even multiples of toroids in bucking mode, balanced inductance and resistance and balance out the back EMF, both works.[/1uote]
That’s well and good. In addition, it seems Steorn show a spinning rotor. Thus, while the first may be conceivable, the spinning isn’t at all to be expected.
QuoteI haven’t even seen yet proof that even the negligible back emf is due to the presence of the rotor. It very well may be that that’s due to imperfections in the making of the coil and will show itself even in absence of rotor. @k4zep may help us easily in clarifying this -- show the osciloscope traces i absence of rotor and see iif there's the same slight back emf. QuoteJUST CHECKED, background output of non energized coil is less than 2 mv pp, looks like noise, nothing to photograph.
Ben, the oscilloscope traces I have in mind are always taken when the coil is energized. Thus, energize the coils and show what the oscilloscope patern is when there’s no rotor present and then show the patterns when a rotor is present. When I discuss this I always have in mind energized coils.
Jean Naudin is a legend. Well done. I too wish there were an English translation of this fine study. Now, it seems we're getting more and more into a positive territory we've never been before.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 26, 2009, 12:17:47 PM
Jean Naudin is a legend. Well done. I too wish there were an English translation of this fine study. Now, it seems we're getting more and more into a positive territory we've never been before.
Go to: and paste in
in the box. Does an excellent job of translating the page!!!
Google translation puts out a pretty good english version of JL Naudin´s page: (
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 26, 2009, 12:23:30 PM
Google translation puts out a pretty good english version of JL Naudin´s page: (
Hi Stefan,
JLN's motor is vastly superior to mine. MY hat is off to him. It does suck current too, about 4.5 amp pulses but that is to be expected.
OK, who's next!!!!!
Quote from: MileHigh on December 25, 2009, 05:01:46 PM
You are incorrect here. K4zep pointed out the exponentially rising current waveform on his scope trace and stated that's where the inductor gets charged with energy and he is correct. Once the inductor is fully charged and the current levels off, then it is just acting like a resistor dissipating energy as heat.
In Sean's demo clip, you can see how the exponential rise to charge the coils with current is around only 2% or less of the ON time. Therefore, the back EMF that you can get from the coil discharge is only about 2% or less than than the total amount of electrical energy expended to keep the core saturated. In K4zep's most recent clip you can see the exponential curve of coil charging current levels off after about 10% of the total ON time. Therefore in his setup you can only recover 10% or less of the total electrical energy expended to keep the core saturated.
So there is nothing free about this process if you want to recover the back EMF after the coil has done its job of saturating the ferrite core. You have to put out a lot more energy to make the core "disappear" than you can get back in any back-EMF recovery circuit. In a Joule Thief circuit, the charging current in the collector coil is automatically shut off once the coil is fully charged with current, it is a self-regulating process. Therefore a Joule Thief would return a much higher proportion of the charging energy in its inductive kickback.
Hi Milehigh,
If you use a LR circuit which is just a coil with its internal ohmical
resistance, you can really extract 90 % of the energy of the inputed
energy, when you switch on for less than 1/5th of tau.
I did calculate this already a few years ago,
when I calculated a few Newman coils and their input energy
for varying input pulses.
To reach the required current level for ferrite core saturation, you just have to change the
supply voltage for higher voltages,so you reach the required current level
already at 1/5th of tau switch-On-time.
Maybe I will just recalculate this again and post the formulas to see it for you ?
Thanks Ben and Stefan.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 26, 2009, 12:32:03 PM
Thanks Ben and Stefan.
No Problem, have watched JLN's site 3 times now. IF the motor is OU as we suspect, he is very close, a day or so in having a self runner.
I simply do not have the resources to do what he is doing.........Life is good and JLN is back!
Any of you have seen this one ?
They're able to accelerate their motor when putting a load (only after a certain RPM is achieved) instead of slowing it down (expected effect)...
Another video in there is giving a lot of details on the setup too...
Oh, and this is my first visit here and first post, and I'm not a electronics guy at all, so bear me if this post is totally out of topic ;)
PS: I can translate french if needed (when not sure about google's results, though it seems pretty good on what I saw for JLN website)
Quote from: tanakat on December 26, 2009, 01:05:26 PM
Any of you have seen this one ?
They're able to accelerate their motor when putting a load (only after a certain RPM is achieved) instead of slowing it down (expected effect)...
Another video in there is giving a lot of details on the setup too...
Oh, and this is my first visit here and first post, and I'm not a electronics guy at all, so bear me if this post is totally out of topic ;)
PS: I can translate french if needed (when not sure about google's results, though it seems pretty good on what I saw for JLN website)
Peace to you too....Yes, I keep an eye on that site. It's pretty good. Wait and see if they come up with a viable product. Who knows.
Happy new Year to you also.
Where's everyone. Maybe everyone's building one of these now, including myself. :) The only difference is that I'll include a measurement to see if there's bemf >when there is current in the toroid coil!< To say there's no bemf when there's no current is meaningless, which is what I've been trying to tell everyone far before MH even said anything. Someone in another Steorn thread said that MH is getting the credit, lol.
So IMO the excess energy would be due to magnetic viscosity, so don't think this task will be easy. Congrats to Steorn on an awesome achievement!!! And congrats to Ben & J.L.Naudin on a great first build.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 01:52:54 PM
Where's everyone. Maybe everyone's building one of these now, including myself. :) The only difference is that I'll include a measurement to see if there's bemf >when there is current in the toroid coil!< To say there's no bemf when there's no current is meaningless, which is what I've been trying to tell everyone far before MH even said anything. Someone in another Steorn thread said that MH is getting the credit, lol.
So IMO the excess energy would be due to magnetic viscosity, so don't think this task will be easy. Congrats to Steorn on an awesome achievement!!! And congrats to Ben & J.L.Naudin on a great first build.
Hi Paul,
Still kicking around here. Helping wife, and learning a lot from JLN's motor......Wow. I understand what you are saying about current in the coil or no bemf. Both in a motor and generator but remember again the old adage about the chicken and the egg. Remember the old E before I and I before E in an inductor and Cap? We are all looking at the same motor through our eyes of experience and the final result is the same. Your right in there paddling with the rest of us. I apologize that I haven't been over to the other site yet.....Can only keyboard so much.......and I have to build a new motor too. Got all the info I can out of my tin can motor.
Hi All,
I must apologize...
I am getting old, it seems:
After 2 hours of calculations and trying to drive my brain mad,
I came to the conclusion, that I was posting something wrong earlier,
when I said, one could extract about 90 % of the inputed coil energy.
Now after recalculation I came to the conclusion that I was wrong and
mixed something up.
The numbers are a bit lower.
If you have a RL series circuit and put an constant voltage pulse in it
with a varying time:
Vsupply x i(t) x t = Input Energy
Vsuppy is the constant voltage
i(t) is the current through the RL series circuit
t= switch-On time interval
tau= L/R timeconstant
you can calculate the input energy for the time t.
Now input energy for this time interval is defined as:
Vsupply^2 / Rcoil x ( 1 - (e ^-(t/tau)) ) x t
This is the total energy drawn during t from the constant voltage
power suppy.
Now we can compare this with the energy stored inside the coil
which is Wcoil=0.5 x L x i^2
We will find the coil current after the time interval t with the formular:
i(t)= Vsupply / R coil x ( 1 - (e^-(t/tau)) )
So if you calculate i(t) after the time interval and put it into
Wcoil=0.5 x L x i^2
you will know the stored energy inside the coil and then
you can divide this value through the input energy
Vsupply^2 / Rcoil x ( 1 - (e ^-(t/tau)) ) x t
As the results you get:
if you choose:
t= 1/10 tau you store 47 % of the energy input into the coil
t= 1/5 tau you store 45 % of the energy input into the coil
t= tau you store 31 % of the energy input into the coil
t= 5 tau you store 15 % of the energy input into the coil
So you see, at 1/10 tau Ontime you can only recover less than
47 % of the input energy back into a capacitor.
So it was not 90 % but only less than 47 %.
But still this is a way to avoid too many losses
to just switch on only way less than tau and
use a high supply voltage so the saturation current level
is already reached during this short ontime interval.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 26, 2009, 03:05:46 PM
Hi All,
I must apologize...
I am getting old, it seems:
After 2 hours of calculations and trying to drive my brain mad,
I came to the conclusion, that I was posting something wrong earlier,
when I said, one could extract about 90 % of the inputed coil energy.
Now after recalculation I came to the conclusion that I was wrong and
mixed something up.
The numbers are a bit lower.
If you have a RL series circuit and put an constant voltage pulse in it
with a varying time:
Vsupply x i(t) x t = Input Energy
Vsuppy is the constant voltage
i(t) is the current through the RL series circuit
t= switch-On time interval
tau= L/R timeconstant
you can calculate the input energy for the time t.
Now input energy for this time interval is defined as:
Vsupply^2 / Rcoil x ( 1 - (e ^-(t/tau)) ) x t
This is the total energy drawn during t from the constant voltage
power suppy.
Now we can compare this with the energy stored inside the coil
which is Wcoil=0.5 x L x i^2
We will find the coil current after the time interval t with the formular:
i(t)= Vsupply / R coil x ( 1 - (e^-(t/tau)) )
So if you calculate i(t) after the time interval and put it into
Wcoil=0.5 x L x i^2
you will know the stored energy inside the coil and then
you can divide this value through the input energy
Vsupply^2 / Rcoil x ( 1 - (e ^-(t/tau)) ) x t
As the results you get:
if you choose:
t= 1/10 tau you store 47 % of the energy input into the coil
t= 1/5 tau you store 45 % of the energy input into the coil
t= tau you store 31 % of the energy input into the coil
t= 5 tau you store 15 % of the energy input into the coil
So you see, at 1/10 tau Ontime you can only recover less than
47 % of the input energy back into a capacitor.
So it was not 90 % but only less than 47 %.
But still this is a way to avoid too many losses
to just switch on only way less than tau and
use a high supply voltage so the saturation current level
is already reached during this short ontime interval.
Regards, Stefan.
Nah, when you really want to believe, numbers are always high. The 47% sounds very good and in the box! So we need a COP at least 2 to break even and probably 3+++ to overcome charging efficiency. Damn good work!!!! Keep an eye on JLN. When he gets going, he gets going!!!!!
Hi Ben & all,
I just built a test unit, nothing as complete as yours Ben coz I don't have the parts here, but so far I can't get the darn FEMM results, lol! When current is applied to the toroid, the secondary AC voltage goes down.
Even stranger yet, I could swear the darn thing is getting cold. Within about 15 minutes I'll post some photos. This setup is only to analyze the effect, not to get it self-running. So the magnets are on a dremel rotary motor. The entire dremel gets warm, which conducts to the magnets, but if I center the magnets it sure seems like they cool down. To give an idea, the ambient temperature from the thermal gun at the time during these measurements was ~ 67.2F, and if the magnets are not centered (or at least they didn't seem centered to me) then I recall them being ~ 71.2F, but after trying to center the magnets I've seen them get as low as 66.6F. It's not always easy to get a good thermal gun reading while one hand is trying to balance a dremel drill and other hand is trying to take a temperature reading, so who knows if there's something to this. Probably not, but conventional physics says the magnets cannot get colder than ambient temperature. Thermal gun measurements need to be consistent since it depends on the material you're pointing at, as some materials have lower thermal emissivity than others.
Has anyone noticed this cooling effect?
Here's a few snap shots. Now I'll go mount the dremel so I can focus on taking temperature measurements. To be honest, temperature was the last thing on my mind, but I kept noticing how cold the was, so I ran to get my thermal gun.
I saw in your video that you have the toroid facing flat to the magnets. In the Steorn
motor the toroid was facing the magnets with the hole. In your setup the magnets
can induce current in the coil because some part of the coil is being crossed by
the magnets at 90 degrees angle. In the Steorn motor the magnets can not induce
current in the coils because the magnets did not cross the wires at 90 degrees angle.
Naduin got it right and put the toroid as in Steorns motor. Any comments to this?
Here's a photo of the toroid.
As far as the magnets, there are 4 NdFeB. There are two on each side, one facing north and the other facing south.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 26, 2009, 05:15:55 PM
I saw in your video that you have the toroid facing flat to the magnets. In the Steorn
motor the toroid was facing the magnets with the hole. In your setup the magnets
can induce current in the coil because some part of the coil is being crossed by
the magnets at 90 degrees angle. In the Steorn motor the magnets can not induce
current in the coils because the magnets did not cross the wires at 90 degrees angle.
Naduin got it right and put the toroid as in Steorns motor. Any comments to this?
I think Steorn is making it look like that orientation can vary. Because indeed it would seem like the demo floor units have "standing" toroids:
while the video demo unit has "laying" toroids:
One may or may not have an advantage over the other.
Holy cr-ap! I have to somehow get my video camera footage up to youtube. This is still inconclusive, but the entire setup had been sitting unused for ~ 1/2 hour, I mounted the dremel mouter and the non-contact thermal gun, then turned on the dremel motor and the temperature began dropping right before my eyes.
Wait till you see the video.
Yes, you are right, thank you.
I will try "standing" toroid because then no magnetic field can cross my wires.
Here's the video footage of the temperature dropping. It goes far below ambient temperature. Please read the youtube video description for further details,
Anybody know if the magnets are all the same polarity facing out?
The attached image is how I have the magnets connected.
The youtube video description was just updated -->
QuoteThe setup consist of a toroid with coil winding and a dremel motor. On the end of the dremel is a round piece that allowed me to attached 4 NdFeB magnets, two on each side (180 degrees apart). If we look at one side (two magnets) we'll see one magnet that is facing us is south and the other magnet is north. The toroid coil is not loaded and there's no current flowing through the coil.
A bunch of people at overunity dot com have been discussing how the Steorn eOrbo might be working, and I've been doing similar magnetic simulations in FEMM for years. So I decided to slap together a quick experiment to see if I saw a particular effect. While running the machine, I kept noticing how cold it appeared, but thought that was due to air circulation. So I grabbed the non-contact IR gun and to my surprise the machine was colder than ambient temperature. So I mounted everything, the dremel motor, the IR gun, and took this footage.
The ambient temperature is over 67F. The dremel had been running for while earlier, but the dremel and everything was resting unused for ~ 1/2 hour prior to taking this video. So IMO the temperature of the dremel was not that high during this footage.
The wires connected to the toroid are connect to a volt meter, the oscilloscope, and a power supply, all of which were off during this footage.
One thing that seems odd is that the dremel rpm will suddenly change by a lot. I've used this dremel a lot, and it never varies like by itself. It seems the load or magnetic viscosity in the toroid is greatly varying.
This is inconclusive, as I need to be certain. It's just too good to be true. If I find out anything new I'll post another video. Thanks for any positive feedback.
Quote from: broli on December 26, 2009, 05:39:04 PM
I think Steorn is making it look like that orientation can vary. Because indeed it would seem like the demo floor units have "standing" toroids:
while the video demo unit has "laying" toroids:
One may or may not have an advantage over the other.
Hi Broli,
I have seen photos both ways as you show. I think from a torque and canceling effect the best way is how JLN did it, FACE on the toroid. My motor while demonstrating the effect is horrifically inefficient and about ready for the parts box. I will be building a much more robust motor over the next 2 or three weeks because IF it is a ou device it must be able to run for months on end. I want to build a HI rpm motor and drive a low rpm generator reducing the motor by a factor of 4-6 to further amplify torque. I am truly happy to see other people building and thinking. Great things will come from this!!
I'll be discussing my Steorn experiments & stuff in the tech thread -->;topicseen#new
Hi Ben,
How did you put the magnets? All North, all South or alternating?
QuoteWell,you only need to use a higher voltage for the power supply,
then you reach the current level for saturation already at 1/5t of tau Ontime.
Maybe you need to use then 200 Volts as the supply voltage.
Then you would only need maybe 1 Watts of input power,
would get 0.9 Watts out via the BackEMF recycling circuit and
would get 3 Watts mechanical power output due to the rotation of the rotor
driving a mechanical load.
This all sounds nice but I don't see that working out in real life. For example, if you are implying that you only reach saturation at the end of the 1/5 tau, then your "saturation duty cycle" is very low and the motor may or may not work. Also, the amount of time the core is saturated may not be long enough based on the speed of the rotor. That would imply that you need a setup where by 1/5 tau the core will have been fully saturated for 4/5 of the 1/5 tau time. That means that you have to supply an excess of current and "over-saturate" just so you can keep the core mostly saturated. In addition, you may have to do several 1/5 tau cycles, one after the other, just to keep the core mostly saturated for a long enough time for the magnet fly-by.
You can mix and match the excitation voltage, maximum current at the end of 1/5 tau, the number of windings around the toroid core, and the number of times you have to do the 1/5 tau pulses to keep the core mostly saturated for a long enough time. I don't smell any victory at the end of this process. You can compare how much energy you expended to keep the core partially saturated to how much energy you recovered from the BEMF collection capacitor and we know that the energy that you expended will be greater than the energy collected in the capacitor.
When you compare the above with just a normal energizing of the toroidal coil like we see in K4zep and Steorn's clips, it would not surprise me if the total net energy expended for the "complex" setup described above as compared to the simple straightforward setup would be the same. There is a good chance that the total net energy expended for the complex setup would be even more than the energy expended for the simple setup. Also, don't forget that the simple setup keeps the core 100% saturated for almost all of the time, while the complex setup would look like some variation of a sawtooth waveform for the current, where the core is not 100% saturated for almost all of the time.
I smell a no-win situation here and I have seen similar cases where people try all sorts of complex solutions to their problems and in the end the simple straightforward solution is the best solution.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 26, 2009, 06:24:14 PM
Here's the video footage of the temperature dropping. It goes far below ambient temperature. Please read the youtube video description for further details,
Do you have a current flowing in you coil? It appears that you have demonstrated a new way to get Magnetic cooling in a common substance. I suspect that RPM would effect the cooling. A basic schematic of what you are doing would also be helpful!!! Might have to start a new thread on the really excellent discovery!!!!! See, great things, Ideas are coming out of the wall and growing right before our eyes!!!
I am slowly catching up on the thread and this statement by you caught my eye:
QuoteIF the mechanical energy coming out of the motor and expended in the generator is more than the equivelent electrical energy to power the toroids , then we have OU, if not, just another pretty motor
Please keep in mind that there is no mechanical energy coming out of your motor or Steorn's motor. You often see Bedini enthusiasts running their motors and talking about the mechanical energy output also.
To be very sobering, any motor that is not connected to a mechanical load is outputting zero mechanical energy and is 0% efficient at turning electrical input energy into mechanical output energy. Watching it spin and knowing that it is overcoming bearing resistance and air resistance simply does not count.
What would count would be to connect a thread to the shaft and have a pulley setup where the motor could lift a weight up at a certain speed. That would be a real mechanical output from the motor. The caveat is that the rotor has to be running at a constant RPM when this is being done. If the rotor is decelerating when this is being done, then you are just extracting stored up rotational energy from the moment of inertia of the rotor itself, and that doesn't count.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 26, 2009, 07:01:01 PM
Hi Ben,
How did you put the magnets? All North, all South or alternating?
Hi Alex
I have mine all NNNNNNNNNNNNN but SSSSSSSSSSSSSS should work. Actually as it will run the same way on opposite current flow, I suspect it would work on a N S N S N S...............Funky isn't it!!!!!
Thanks. :-)
Quote from: MileHigh on December 26, 2009, 07:11:24 PM
I am slowly catching up on the thread and this statement by you caught my eye:
Please keep in mind that there is no mechanical energy coming out of your motor or Steorn's motor. You often see Bedini enthusiasts running their motors and talking about the mechanical energy output also.
To be very sobering, any motor that is not connected to a mechanical load is outputting zero mechanical energy and is 0% efficient at turning electrical input energy into mechanical output energy. Watching it spin and knowing that it is overcoming bearing resistance and air resistance simply does not count.
What would count would be to connect a thread to the shaft and have a pulley setup where the motor could lift a weight up at a certain speed. That would be a real mechanical output from the motor. The caveat is that the rotor has to be running at a constant RPM when this is being done. If the rotor is decelerating when this is being done, then you are just extracting rotational energy from the moment of inertia of the rotor itself, and that doesn't count.
Hi MH,
Absolutely dead on on ALL your observations above. In JLN's motor, there is significant power being expended at 2500 RPM due to bearing drag and air loading. Until we get some better motors built with multi-toroids and multi magnets, I won't be convienced yet as to what we really have here or not. You could load JLN's with a prop and use a prop torque/thrust program to calculate simple output that would be close especially if you geared it up 2 or 3 to 1 to get the prop up to a good speed. Time will tell when the good builders get theirs going, get a prony brake on it and leterrip......Now if they have a lenzless or no drag generator, that would be something but that has yet to be shown and think there is no mention of that from Stoern.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 26, 2009, 07:11:24 PM
I am slowly catching up on the thread and this statement by you caught my eye:
Please keep in mind that there is no mechanical energy coming out of your motor or Steorn's motor. You often see Bedini enthusiasts running their motors and talking about the mechanical energy output also.
To be very sobering, any motor that is not connected to a mechanical load is outputting zero mechanical energy and is 0% efficient at turning electrical input energy into mechanical output energy. Watching it spin and knowing that it is overcoming bearing resistance and air resistance simply does not count.
What would count would be to connect a thread to the shaft and have a pulley setup where the motor could lift a weight up at a certain speed. That would be a real mechanical output from the motor. The caveat is that the rotor has to be running at a constant RPM when this is being done. If the rotor is decelerating when this is being done, then you are just extracting rotational energy from the moment of inertia of the rotor itself, and that doesn't count.
Again, I agree totally. The weight bing picked up is one way to calculate it. An even simpler way would be to add a generator coil/s, rectify, filter, put in a resistive load which could be varied and from several points or measurements develop a curve of the demonstrable power output of the device. A simple Prony brake would also work. Its all in the details for sure.
On the contrary. Rotational kinetic energy does count. If the energy balance shows that rotational kinetic energy plus the heat is greater than the electrical input energy that will be a genuine OU machine.
Could you try this generator mode experiment out. While the motor is being spun, you put the scope probes across the toroid leads. Then what you do is grab the toroid by hand and start playing around with it by orientating it differently with angles and what not. And see how the scope behaves. What you are trying to looking for is whether the amplitude of the voltage increases when in a certain orientation if not we can say that orientation doesn't matter for generation mode.
Quote from: MileHigh on December 26, 2009, 07:11:24 PM
Please keep in mind that there is no mechanical energy coming out of your motor or Steorn's motor.
Someone advized me to just ignore your bullshit but sometimes it aches too much to ignore. The sentence above proves this once again.
Maybe you have been oblivious to the fact that Steorn is directly converting mechanical energy to electrical using a conventional generator mounted on top. It will be intresting to see how you will down play this episode of yours. You have some people fooled here but you won't fool me.
Paul has made comments about a cooling effect with his setup. This is most likely due to the increased air velocity and there is a real explanation for it but I am not qualified to give it. Plus the fact that the thermal temperature reading gun sees an "pulsed" image of the rotating magnets so who knows what that will do to to the readings. He has also made references to magnetic viscosity being the "key" and I don't buy it at all. There is no possible mechanism for magnetic viscosity to generate energy, it's just a pipe dream. Early on in the thread he mentioned it possibly came "from the vacuum" and I don't buy that either. I don't get what Paul is talking about when he says that you have to measure the BEMF when current is flowing in the coil. As I stated previously, with the coils being driven by a battery source, the small amount of measurable BEMF will be manifested by a slight modulation in the current flowing through the toroidal coil. Finally, Paul mentioned that something like "It is not as simple as it seems" and I don't buy that either.
Ben's and Steorn's setups are quite simple, Lenz's Law applies but you don't see much in terms of Lens's Law effects when you use a toroidal coil because the coil windings tend to cancel each other out.
QuoteOn the contrary. Rotational kinetic energy does count. If the energy balance shows that rotational kinetic energy plus the heat is greater than the electrical input energy that will be a genuine OU machine.
The rotational kinetic energy of the rotor does not count. That energy just represents the accumulated energy from the electrical pulses from when the motor starts at zero RPM until it reaches its steady-state speed. In Ben's and Steorn's clips, the motors run at a constant RPM and drive no mechanical load. You cannot add the rotational kinetic energy to the heat produced and compare that to the electrical input energy. That statement makes no sense on several levels. The rotational kinetic energy is expressed in Joules and the heat energy is expressed in Watts. The electrical input energy (Joules) is in reality the electrical input power (Watts).
QuoteSomeone advized me to just ignore your bullshit but sometimes it aches too much to ignore. The sentence above proves this once again.
Maybe you have been oblivious to the fact that Steorn is directly converting mechanical energy to electrical using a conventional generator mounted on top. It will be intresting to see how you will down play this episode of yours. You have some people fooled here but you won't fool me.
You have attached me viciously several times now in this thread and I want it to stop right now.
Stefan, if you are reading this could you please tell Broli to stop attacking me?
I am going to comment on Paul's depiction of how the motor works:
QuoteHow the permeability motor works:The magnet approaches the toroid, and magnetizes it. The effective permeability at this point is low. The toroid turns on during this low permeability stage. The magnets then move away thus increasing the effective permeability, and the toroid coil then turns off, but the effective permeability is higher than when they turned on. That is how the electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, because of the change in permeability. That's why long ago in this thread I called it a permeability motor and requested Ben to do the experiment so you people could how it's working.
That's not to say Steorn's motor is not producing excess energy. We'll have to see, and I'm hopeful, but it's far far far more complex than what's being said here. The bemf is there when the current is on, and it requires current to make the motor spin. This motor does have bemf.
For starters, here is now the motor works: During the approach phase of the rotor magnet to the core, the magnet is attracted to the ferrite core of the toroid. We will assume that at top-dead-center the toroidal coil is energized and saturates the core. During the departure phase of the rotor magnet leaving the core, there is no more attraction between the magnet and the core because the core is saturated. Therefore the rotor picks up a net gain in rotational energy from the rotor magnet being attracted to the toroidal core during the approach phase only.
QuoteThe magnet approaches the toroid, and magnetizes it. The effective permeability at this point is low.
We will assume that the rotor magnet does not come anywhere near saturating the toroidal core because of the distance and overall geometry of the setup. Therefore the permeability of the core remains high in this case.
QuoteThe toroid turns on during this low permeability stage. The magnets then move away thus increasing the effective permeability
Once the toroidal coil energizes the ferrite core we are going to assume that the field generated by the coil dominates over the external field of the moving rotor magnet and the core remains saturated. Therefore when the magnets move away, the permeability of the core does not change. The core remains saturated and has a low "invisible" permeability. Only after the current flowing through the toroidal coil shuts off does the core regain its high permeability by virtue of the fact that it is not in saturation any more.
Quotethe toroid coil then turns off, but the effective permeability is higher than when they turned on. That is how the electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, because of the change in permeability.
The first sentence is kind of hard to understand. You can say that "electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy, because of the change in permeability" but that is rather obtuse and hard to understand. Electrical energy is converted into mechanical energy because you selectively burned electrical power to prevent the deceleration of the rotor during the departure phase when the magnet is leaving the vicinity of the ferrite toroidal core. The acceleration of the rotor was due to the attraction of the magnet to the toroidal code during the arrival phase. Therefore the Steon and Ben's setups are a form of attraction motor.
QuoteWe'll have to see, and I'm hopeful, but it's far far far more complex than what's being said here.
It's actually all really quite simple because both of Steorn's setups and Ben's setups are normal under unity motors that obey Lenz's laws and all of the other laws governing energy interaction.
The real thing is to look at the power out vs. power in and try to understand how that works for any pulse motor, including the Steorn pulse motor setups. You are going to have to look into your hearts and souls to try to figure out why Sean claims his pulse motor setups are over unity devices when in fact they aren't.
Why didn't they simply use a capacitor?
Or, perhaps more importantly they could have done the following for the main Lucite motor setups:
1. Connect the differential voltage probe across the 1.5 volt source battery.
2. Connect the current probe to the output wire from the battery powering the motor.
3. Push a button on the high-end DSO and get an output power reading.
4. Connect the current probe to the power return wire coming from the generator coils section.
5. Push a button on the high-end DSO and get an input power reading.
6. Compare the power reading in step #5 with the power reading in step #3 to confirm or deny their claim of three times the power being returned to the battery as compared to what was being consumed by the battery.
Stop and think for a second. They had all of the measurement equipment in place and it would have taken a maximum of 10 minutes to make the measurements above but they did not do it. Look into your hearts and souls and try to find the answer to that question.
MH maybe I should make a really big post quoting you on things you have been saying on a
OVERUNITY.COM. I don't even have to look farther than your above post:
Quote from: MileHigh on December 26, 2009, 09:30:55 PM
both of Steorn's setups and Ben's setups are normal under unity motors that obey Lenz's laws and all of the other laws governing energy interaction.
I swear to god if you keep these negative rants up which you have made in countless threads without any single figment of experimentation or open mindness I will make it my sole purpose on this forum to get you banned from it. Consider it a miracle Stefan hasn't made that choice yet. Either reconsider your unreasonable and complete disbelieve in the sole purpose and cause of this forum or you will be removed from it like garbage.
You have been forwarned.
QuoteI swear to god if you keep these negative rants up which you have made in countless threads without any single figment of experimentation or open mindness I will make it my sole purpose on this forum to get you banned from it. Consider it a miracle Stefan hasn't made that choice yet. Either reconsider your unreasonable and complete disbelieve in the sole purpose and cause of this forum or you will be removed from it like garbage.
I am just looking for the truth and you stop what you are doing right now because the banning is going to happen to you, not me.
QuoteThe rotational kinetic energy is expressed in Joules and the heat energy is expressed in Watts. The electrical input energy (Joules) is in reality the electrical input power (Watts).
Sheer incompetence. And you dare to pontificate in this forum?
Since when energy is expressed in Watts?
I would like to believe that most of us here understand the complications with what Steorn is claiming.
However, They also said there is more to come in the next few weeks and it will be validated by a third party and proven beyond any doubt to be OU.
Even though I agree with many of the points you are making, I don't enjoy eating crow, especially on the side of the road with a bent fork.
I am dying to test this theory myself on a MEG generator where there would be much better control but at this point there may still be more to the operation of orbo than has been shown.
QuoteSince when energy is expressed in Watts?
You are correct and I made a slip-up. Talking about heat can be ambiguous sometimes because "heat" can mean energy or power, and it is worth it to be clear whether you are talking about one or the other. I have caught myself making the mistake many times in the past.
Your comments are gratuitous though because you may as well apply the same standard to yourself about your statement:
QuoteOn the contrary. Rotational kinetic energy does count. If the energy balance shows that rotational kinetic energy plus the heat is greater than the electrical input energy that will be a genuine OU machine.
That statement doesn't make any sense.
It will be interesting indeed to see what Steorn has to say in a few weeks if they deliver. I would not be surprised if nothing new happens until 2011 like I stated before. Also, like I just posted, they had all the equipment in place to prove or disprove if their Lucite pulse motors were over unity or not over unity. It would have taken 10 minutes to do with the DSO but they didn't. Why?
I will repeat what I said the other day for you and others to ponder: We have ruled out back-EMF from the toroidal coils as a means for achieving over unity, and we are left with looking at the electrical power fed to the motor versus the electrical power returned to the battery from the generator coil setup. How do you make a reasonable estimate of what that will be? Ben took a crack at it but he made no estimate, he just briefly described a methodology. Any takers?
Quotebecause "heat" can mean energy or power
Absolutely not. And, don't try to hide your incompetence by saying that what I write doesn't make any sense. It does.
QuoteOn the contrary. Rotational kinetic energy does count. If the energy balance shows that rotational kinetic energy plus the heat is greater than the electrical input energy that will be a genuine OU machine.
Can you elaborate on your statement above? You say that it makes sense so please flesh out the details with three or four paragraphs so that we can have a much clearer understanding of what you mean. Right now I don't understand it at all.
You don't make a distinction between energy and power. To you there is ambiguity regarding heat in terms of energy or power. You're incompetent and that's the elaboration you deserve. The best thing to do is to stop wasting the bandwidth of this board because there are important things to discuss here and the least such discussion neads is an incompetent but very active participant to interefere.
So you won't elaborate on your statement? C'mon go for it, don't hide. Please clarify what you really mean to say.
Yes, you have stated that I am incompetent several times now. However, any person reading this thread would disagree with you, I have tried to make a valuable contribution and got the discussion going. So you just end up making yourself look like a fool by calling me incompetent for one tiny mistake. You are just playing the "bad guy."
Please elaborate on your statement, don't say "You're incompetent and that's the elaboration you deserve." because that is childish nonsense.
QuoteOn the contrary. Rotational kinetic energy does count. If the energy balance shows that rotational kinetic energy plus the heat is greater than the electrical input energy that will be a genuine OU machine.
What does the above statement mean because I can't make any sense of it. If you don't answer I won't ask again. I will simply assume that you can't in fact back up your statement and you are chickening out.
Ok boys........step back.........ain't no sense in anyone else getting hurt.
Just what I have been waiting for. The big egos drop in a take over the thread so as to prove their empirical knowledge in a public forum.
Whatever your justification is to disrupt or manipulate this tread is rude, and/or immature, and/or disrespectful. I am sure you will reply with your justification of why it is so important to give us your wisdom, and the theory behind it.
Let this thread be. If not, kiss a fat hogs ass.
Respectfully, yet fully disappointed in you kids,
I think I can clear up the Omnibus/Milehigh issue.
Milehigh, what I think Omnibus is saying is the situation where say, you have a pulse electrical force that causes the rotor to rotate. If after the pulse, you measure the kinetic energy in the rotor, plus heat energy given off, if that is greater than the pulse electrical input, you have overunity.
Omnibus, while you are correct in this, you completely failed to understand Milehigh's point. He is talking about a continuous motor, where once it gets going, the kinetic energy in the rotor is indeed irrelevant. When the rotor is already spinning, it takes almost zero energy to keep it spinning. The only friction is bearing and the minimal air resistance. So if the motor was up for like a month, do you really care about the kinetic energy in the rotor anymore? No, it's miniscule, a rounding error, when calculating overunity. The calculation is going to be electrical input over the month's time versus heat energy (bearings, air resistance) given off.
I have made my motor using high impedance toroid taken from a differential protection sensor, a fan and reed .
With the high resistance I had a supply voltage above 100 V.
No success, the only effect was to squeak the toroid, the resonance remanis also reducing the voltage.
I suggest to don't use the reed it interferes with the magnet for a wide area of rotation, and also generates interaction torque.
the toroid was positioned tangential.
Nex step hall sensor circuit and toroid face to face the magnet.
Enjoying the thread. Just wish some of the people posting would try to remember that this is a research forum, where people come to try and discover a way to make a cheaper source of energy.
Reading on nearly every page that steorn should have used a load to prove his motor works is really annoying.
I mean seriously? You really need to repeat the fact that the product hasn't been proven to work on every single page? And in every thread that you participate in? Isn't the fact that people are experimenting with ways to make it work enough of a statement to that end?
Another poster said that it would be nice if a muting option could be added to this forum and I agree. If you know that it can't be accomplished and believe that a theory you know prevents it from being possible then you only need to state it once in the thread. Continually repeating that something can't work or shouldn't work is not a contribution.
Repeating the fact that over unity is proven by using a viable method of measuring input vs. output is not a contribution either (unless someone posts the fact that they need ideas on how to measure input vs. output). Would be great if stefan made this one sentence a forum rule that resulted in instant banning. It would probably eliminate 10% of the posts on this forum. ;)
Talking about things that might make it work, is a contribution, and god bless those of you that continue to do so inspite of the trolls. K4Zep your level of tolerance is impressive. A few others blew their tops long ago.
Sorry to clutter the thread further.
The english version is up now :
I tried to calculate input power using the scope shot.
A = 18 Amp (10A/div)
V = 8 V (5V/div)
Duty cycle = 25% (2ms on, 6 ms off)
P = 18*8*0.25 = 36 W
Energy spent in a sec = 36 J
As there is no load, all energy gets stored as kinetic energy of a flywheel.
KE of rotor = 0.5*m*r^2*w^2
= 0.5 *0.25 *0.075*0.075*(2*3.14*2520/60)^2
= 49 J (assuming a 250g rotor)
or 35 J (assuming a 180g rotor)
So the rotor must weigh more than 200g for OU. I did a rough calculation and the weight of magnets alone comes out to be 720g !! (which means an output of 140 J and efficiency of 300%, same as claimed by steorn)
Plz correct, if I made any mistakes.
Very good. That also answers @eatenbyagrue's point about the kinetic energy of the wheel.
Quote from: wings on December 27, 2009, 05:06:46 AM
I have made my motor using high impedance toroid taken from a differential protection sensor, a fan and reed .
With the high resistance I had a supply voltage above 100 V.
No success, the only effect was to squeak the toroid, the resonance remanis also reducing the voltage.
I suggest to don't use the reed it interferes with the magnet for a wide area of rotation, and also generates interaction torque.
the toroid was positioned tangential.
Nex step hall sensor circuit and toroid face to face the magnet.
Hi Wings,
I have found that increasing the input voltage in an effort to get the rotor to turn only resulted in more wasted energy being dissipated as heat in the coil. I actually have had far more success by reducing the input voltage as much as possible whilst changing my rotor/coil arrangement to result in far more torque. But the most important thing I found was that by using a piece of iron or ferrite next to the torroidal drive coils, the torque was significantly increased for very low input voltage and power.
Please see the following pictures. I am able to run this motor on as little as 0.25 watts at low RPM from 50-100rpm. Thats an input of 250ma at 1V. Without those washers you see next to the coils, there is no way this motor will run on such little power. I am using a reed switch for the switching which works fine for low voltages.
Quote from: callanan on December 27, 2009, 06:24:06 AM
Hi Wings,
I have found that increasing the input voltage in an effort to get the rotor to turn only resulted in more wasted energy being dissipated as heat in the coil. I actually have had far more success by reducing the input voltage as much as possible whilst changing my rotor/coil arrangement to result in far more torque. But the most important thing I found was that by using a piece of iron or ferrite next to the torroidal drive coils, the torque was significantly increased for very low input voltage and power.
Please see the following pictures. I am able to run this motor on as little as 0.25 watts at low RPM from 50-100rpm. Thats an input of 250ma at 1V. Without those washers you see next to the coils, there is no way this motor will run on such little power. I am using a reed switch for the switching which works fine for low voltages.
You have an excellent contribution to the art on several points, maybe what you have discovered is how the steorm unit works on 1.25 VDC by using the back up washers!!!!!. I noticed that JLN had a large mass behind his coils that looked like ferrite too. MOST EXCELLENT....Good to see you are in the game!!!!! I am at my computer now. Email as usual.
Quote from: broli on December 26, 2009, 10:23:59 PM
MH maybe I should make a really big post quoting you on things you have been saying on a FREE ENERGY OPEN SOURCE RESEARCH FORUM which is called OVERUNITY.COM. I don't even have to look farther than your above post:
I swear to god if you keep these negative rants up which you have made in countless threads without any single figment of experimentation or open mindness I will make it my sole purpose on this forum to get you banned from it. Consider it a miracle Stefan hasn't made that choice yet. Either reconsider your unreasonable and complete disbelieve in the sole purpose and cause of this forum or you will be removed from it like garbage.
You have been forwarned.
I think Broli is right and MileHigh needs a rest from posting
twisting the facts over here, so I have set him on read only.
well done !
Looking forward to see a few measurement numbers from you.
Nice enhancement with the iron washers !
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 26, 2009, 06:15:50 AM
Steorn has’t yet shown proof for overunity. However, Steorn has shown practical elimination of back emf. How is that conventional?
Steorn do not eliminate back emf, they recover the energy of the back emf.
A simple circuit with a diode connecting the coil to a capacitor can recover the back emf energy when the current in the coil is switched off. For example, all switching power supplies recover back emf, it is conventional technics. Even beginners in electronics engineering know it. It is the same in motors, and it is the reason their efficency can go up to 95%.
Quote from: k4zep on December 27, 2009, 06:31:55 AM
You have an excellent contribution to the art on several points, maybe what you have discovered is how the steorm unit works on 1.25 VDC by using the back up washers!!!!!. I noticed that JLN had a large mass behind his coils that looked like ferrite too. MOST EXCELLENT....Good to see you are in the game!!!!! I am at my computer now. Email as usual.
Thanks Ben,
It is amazing how by just playing with a torroidal coil, magnets on a rotor and a battery, you can get far more insight into how this motor works and it starts becoming obvious as to how improvements maybe made. In fact, it now appears to me that what Steorn has presented publically is only the very basic embodiment of this motor which really produces the most minimal torque. As long as you use torroidal coils as your motor drive coils, which do not see the rotor magnet's field, then I am sure there are very many ways that the torque can be increased significantly.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 27, 2009, 06:40:53 AM
Steorn do not eliminate back emf, they recover the energy of the back emf.
A simple circuit with a diode connecting the coil to a capacitor can recover the back emf energy when the current in the coil is switched off. For example, all switching power supplies recover back emf, it is conventional technics. Even beginners in electronics engineering know it. It is the same in motors, and it is the reason their efficency can go up to 95%.
Take a look at @Omega_0 calculation. That'll clarify the issue for you.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 27, 2009, 06:40:53 AM
Steorn do not eliminate back emf, they recover the energy of the back emf.
A simple circuit with a diode connecting the coil to a capacitor can recover the back emf energy when the current in the coil is switched off. For example, all switching power supplies recover back emf, it is conventional technics. Even beginners in electronics engineering know it. It is the same in motors, and it is the reason their efficency can go up to 95%.
Hi All,
As the mechanics are bi-directional with timing the only issue as to rotational direction, the BEMF resulting when the coil/s are turned off ADDS to the rotation and hence efficiency. Don't need to harvest it, it is already used if diode across the coil!!!!!!! It is a moot issue. Being married to two women (one after the other ha) for 42 years and 4 kids has made me a verry mellow fellow. Egos here/a persons competance/ slip ups, all part of life, don't mean "nuttin". Ideas, theories, results, and HAVING FUN AND SAYING WOW WOW when you see something work and then trying to figure out why when the workings turn your "theoretical" world upsides down is where it is at!!!!!
ALL, keep up the good work!! And whomever the pest is that keeps locking the site down, simply quit it.......
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 27, 2009, 06:40:01 AM
well done !
Looking forward to see a few measurement numbers from you.
Nice enhancement with the iron washers !
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan,
OK, here they are. Motor being powered from batteries via a 1 ohm shunt resistor. Voltage to motor after shunt is 2.2 volts. Average current on analogue ammeter is 300ma. Rotor is spining at 180 RPM. Circuit is a simple series circuit of battery, shunt, reed switch and coils, that's all. The two torroidal coils are in parallel. Here are the scope shots.
The first scope shot is across the shunt resistor. The second scope shot is across the coils (Both are in parallel).
Hi Ossie,
Can you also weigh out the rotor so that we can make Omega_0 calculation. It'll be very nice if Ben also does this. Thanks.
Hi Gang,
Does everyone realize that we have experimenters on every continent working on this now. All are contributing in their own way to the effort to understand this effect!!!!! Absolutely most excellent! The internet has made this possible, the rapid melding of minds and ideas. Astonishing. I stand in AWE.
Hi Ben,
Indeed. And this (whether or not the machine is OU) can be resolved within hours. Measure correctly the input energy (that's pretty straightforward), weigh the rotor (straightforward as well) and observe the rpm's it's spinning at steady state and do @Omega_0 calculations. By tonight we'll know the answer coming in from all continents.
Another replication by someone, no batteries this time :
And JLN's new video, basics demo:
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 07:51:23 AM
Hi Ben,
Indeed. And this (whether or not the machine is OU) can be resolved within hours. Measure correctly the input energy (that's pretty straightforward), weigh the rotor (straightforward as well) and observe the rpm's it's spinning at steady state and do @Omega_0 calculations. By tonight we'll know the answer coming in from all continents.
I have a doubt there. The current is being measured across a 0.01 ohm shunt, so do I need to adjust the value of the current somewhere ?
Can someone cross check that calculation pl?
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 07:43:34 AM
Hi Ossie,
Can you also weigh out the rotor so that we can make Omega_0 calculation. It'll be very nice if Ben also does this. Thanks.
Hi OB,
OK, this was the best I could do. See pics below. Motor runs at 180 RPM for an input of 2.2V at 300ma or 0.66 watts.
Approximate rotor weight is 350 grams.
Quote from: Omega_0 on December 27, 2009, 07:56:59 AM
Another replication by someone, no batteries this time :
And JLN's new video, basics demo:
Hi OM,
There is a power supply/battery there just out of sight. 6VDC, big cap. filter. DC current is not right on meter on left, DVM/DIM does not work correctly with that duty cycle, must use scope and current shunt to do it right. BUT GREAT RUNNING MOTOR!!!!!!
JLN getting ducks in row!
Your method of calculation is the correct one and is the most direct way to prove OU in this case. We need to know also what the exact weight of the rotor is. I sent an e-mail to Naudin to that effect. No reply yet. As for the shunt, if it is a calibrated shunt the voltage drop measured across the shunt will give you the current precisely.
Quote from: callanan on December 27, 2009, 08:09:28 AM
Hi OB,
OK, this was the best I could do. See pics below. Motor runs at 180 RPM for an input of 2.2V at 300ma or 0.66 watts.
Approximate rotor weight is 350 grams.
My rotor weighs 33 GRAMS!!!!! About 800 ma peak/50% duty cycle, average of 400 ma @ 10 volts, 800 rpm. Give or take..........or 3.2 watts.
Quote from: k4zep on December 27, 2009, 08:14:33 AM
Hi OM,
There is a power supply/battery there just out of sight. 6VDC, big cap. filter. DC current is not right on meter on left, DVM/DIM does not work correctly with that duty cycle, must use scope and current shunt to do it right. BUT GREAT RUNNING MOTOR!!!!!!
JLN getting ducks in row!
I guess I mistook the big cap as the power source. There is no explanation of the setup there. You are correct, the readings on the meters are wrong, one needs a scope in such cases.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 08:15:12 AM
Your method of calculation is the correct one and is the most direct way to prove OU in this case. We need to know also what the exact weight of the rotor is. I sent an e-mail to Naudin to that effect. No reply yet. As for the shunt, if it is a calibrated shunt the voltage drop measured across the shunt will give you the current precisely.
Thanks.. :)
Surely, if the shunt is exactly 1 ohm, the scope will read the current directly. Here it is 0.01. I'm a bit confused, because adjusting the scope reading gives 1800 Amp as peak current which is absurd.
Sorry Ossie and Ben, one more thing. What's the diameter of your rotor?
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 08:38:30 AM
Sorry Ossie and Ben, one more thing. What's the diameter of your rotor?
Mine is 100mm or 4 inches. I used two disks used for cutting metal with angle grinders. Standard 4 inch angle grinder disks.
Quote from: Omega_0 on December 27, 2009, 08:36:04 AM
Thanks.. :)
Surely, if the shunt is exactly 1 ohm, the scope will read the current directly. Here it is 0.01. I'm a bit confused, because adjusting the scope reading gives 1800 Amp as peak current which is absurd.
Be sure that resistor is .01 OHM. You can verify that resistance using ohms law and a constant current power supplly. Put 1 amp into resistor and measure voltage across it. IF 10 mv, .01 ohm, if 100 mv, .1 ohm, if 1 ohm, will be 1 VOLT. E=IR. We have a known current and a unknown resitance......Measured E is 10 mv, therefore R=E/I.........OK NOW that you are sure of your resistance.......
Ohms law. E (across shunt)=I (current thrugh shunt) X (times) R (resistance of shunt) or E=IR. IF current is 1 amp and resistance is .01 ohm, voltage measured across resistor will be .01 Volts. (10 mv.) Now you know the voltage across shunt per. amp. Set your scope Vert. to 10 mv/div and each amp will be one division or 100 mv/div and then 10 amps will be one division...... The important thing is to know how many mv is developed across that shunt/ amp. In this case 10 mv! SCOPE always ground to ground side of power supply. OK..... Instrumentation 101
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 08:38:30 AM
Sorry Ossie and Ben, one more thing. What's the diameter of your rotor?
Sprite drink al can.......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hummmmmmmm................How bout 65 mm. give or take 68 with magnets.
Sorry Ossie, but yours appears to be undeunity (if the unaccounted for heat losses don't turna that around). So, let's review what you have:
Input energy every second:
E = 2.2V
I = 0.3A
duty cycle = 0.48
Therefore, energy spent every secon is:
W = 0.48 x 2.2V x 0.3A = 0.32W or 0.32J every second
Output energy (only rotational kinetic energy):
Mass of rotor = 0.35kg
Radius of rotor = 0.05m
Rotations per second = 180/60 = 3rps
KE = 0.5 x 0.35kg x 0.05m x 0.05m x (2 x 3.14 x 3)^2 = 0.16J
Therefore, efficiency = 0.16/0.32 = 0.5 (heat losses unaccounted for) which is far from OU.
Hi Ben,
This is what appears to come out from your data:
Input energy every second:
E = 10V
I = 0.4A
duty cycle = 0.5
Therefore, energy spent every secon is:
W = 0.5 x 10V x 0.4A = 2W or 2J every second
Output energy (only rotational kinetic energy):
Mass of rotor = 0.033kg
Radius of rotor = 0.034m
Rotations per second = 800/60 = 13.3rps
KE = 0.5 x 0.033kg x 0.034m x 0.034m x (2 x 3.14 x 13.3)^2 = 0.13J
Therefore, efficiency = 0.13/2 = 0.065 (heat losses unaccounted for) which is even farther from OU than Aussie's.
There's an almost an order of magnitude discrepancy between yours and Aussies' so maybe some of the data aren't correct. Could you please double check just to make sure. Thanks.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 09:12:24 AM
Hi Ben,
This is what appears to come out from your data:
Input energy every second:
E = 10V
I = 0.4A
duty cycle = 0.5
Therefore, energy spent every secon is:
W = 0.5 x 10V x 0.4A = 2W or 2J every second
Output energy (only rotational kinetic energy):
Mass of rotor = 0.033kg
Radius of rotor = 0.034m
Rotations per second = 800/60 = 13.3rps
KE = 0.5 x 0.033kg x 0.034m x 0.034m x (2 x 3.14 x 13.3)^2 = 0.13J
Therefore, efficiency = 0.13/2 = 0.065 (heat losses unaccounted for) which is even farther from OU than Aussie's.
There's an almost an order of magnitude discrepancy between yours and Aussies' so maybe some of the data aren't correct. Could you please double check just to make sure. Thanks.
Darned if I know, I sure have good bearings! Perhaps if you subtracted the heat loss which in my case is really almost 100% of the energy used!, you would see what the motor is actually doing, but not the system. The we can zero in on preventing resistive heat loss later!
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 08:59:02 AM
Sorry Ossie, but yours appears to be undeunity (if the unaccounted for heat losses don't turna that around). So, let's review what you have:
Input energy every second:
E = 2.2V
I = 0.3A
duty cycle = 0.48
Therefore, energy spent every secon is:
W = 0.48 x 2.2V x 0.3A = 0.32W or 0.32J every second
Output energy (only rotational kinetic energy):
Mass of rotor = 0.35kg
Radius of rotor = 0.05m
Rotations per second = 180/60 = 3rps
KE = 0.5 x 0.35kg x 0.05m x 0.05m x (2 x 3.14 x 3)^2 = 0.16J
Therefore, efficiency = 0.16/0.32 = 0.5 (heat losses unaccounted for) which is far from OU.
Hi OB,
Don't be sorry. Thanks for the effort. Much more things to explore. Steorn is supposedly going to report on heat in the motor in January so we shall see just how much heat versus mechanical energy equals input for them. For my motor, I don't know. But it will be a factor. Anyway, I did a video of the running motor. Here it is.
Wow, I can't believe my eyes, (http://index.php?topic=8528.msg217758#msg217758)
Please discuss any temperature related stuff in that thread, otherwise I'll probably miss your post.
Hey guys. Today I have attempted to do Orbo replication, but sadly I didn't do enugh wire turns on toroids core, so they don't saturate. Will try to make new toroids soon.
Crapy quality video made with cellphone:
The link in my previous post suddenly broke, lol, oddly enough. Here it is again,
Did anyone see this one.
hi guys,
I have found this:
"The current required to get the temporary depolarization of the magnetic domains of the ferrite is fully independent of the mechanical torque produced on the motor shaft."
as JLN says: "Braking the rotor rotation has no influence on the amplitude of the pulse current measured"
but I ask: what happens with duty cycle of this pulses...
so you see, everything adds... no free energy ;)
Quote from: callanan on December 27, 2009, 09:31:56 AM
Hi OB,
Don't be sorry. Thanks for the effort. Much more things to explore. Steorn is supposedly going to report on heat in the motor in January so we shall see just how much heat versus mechanical energy equals input for them. For my motor, I don't know. But it will be a factor. Anyway, I did a video of the running motor. Here it is.
Never kill the messenger, use the message. What you are saying is "if we can reduce the resistive heating, we will go OU."
Quote from: Silvije on December 27, 2009, 10:56:09 AM
hi guys,
I have found this:
"The current required to get the temporary depolarization of the magnetic domains of the ferrite is fully independent of the mechanical torque produced on the motor shaft."
as JLN says: "Braking the rotor rotation has no influence on the amplitude of the pulse current measured"
but I ask: what happens with duty cycle of this pulses...
so you see, everything adds... no free energy ;)
It is my understanding that the energy you put into the coil is smaller than the kinetic energy the wheel gains by the attraction of the ferrit while a magnet approaches.
Dutycycle does matter, but you should keep the switch on time short enough to gain energy.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 08:59:02 AM
Sorry Ossie, but yours appears to be undeunity (if the unaccounted for heat losses don't turna that around). So, let's review what you have:
Input energy every second:
E = 2.2V
I = 0.3A
duty cycle = 0.48
Therefore, energy spent every secon is:
W = 0.48 x 2.2V x 0.3A = 0.32W or 0.32J every second
Output energy (only rotational kinetic energy):
Mass of rotor = 0.35kg
Radius of rotor = 0.05m
Rotations per second = 180/60 = 3rps
KE = 0.5 x 0.35kg x 0.05m x 0.05m x (2 x 3.14 x 3)^2 = 0.16J
Therefore, efficiency = 0.16/0.32 = 0.5 (heat losses unaccounted for) which is far from OU.
Hi OM,
Something not quite right here. It shows if we got our input down to .16 J cop would be 1 all other things being the same. Less than .16 J all things still equal, OU. Steady state also shows IF you made the rotor heavier at same speed, more weight would help the numbers, less friction, etc. would also help the numbers. The numbers say that all losses in the rotor as stated, .16 J is required to overcome all losses and then the extra energy is resistive losses, heat.
It seems that we are calculating KE at steady state only but not the KE when you turn it on and ramp up and turn it off, ramp down in speed and NO energy is used as it slowly stops, much longer period than the run up and is VERY high OU...Total over time.....Something is not right...........I"ll be the first to say MATH is not my strong subject, I do not think in equations but in pictures of dynamic systems...That and a quarter will get you a cup of coffee......Again this just for a more thorough discussion of these numbers.
To generalize, it would seem to say that we should ramp up to equilibrium, turn it off, use the energy over time when rotor is OU as heck with ZERO J input,, turn it on, ramp up till nominal RPM, turn it off, generate, etc. Only use the rotor energy to generate energy in the coast down time eliminating the resistive heating effect loss during that period.
Quote from: teslaalset on December 27, 2009, 11:04:00 AM
It is my understanding that the energy you put into the coil is smaller than the kinetic energy the wheel gains by the attraction of the ferrit while a magnet approaches.
Dutycycle does matter, but you should keep the switch on time short enough to gain energy.
If this what you are saying would be true, than we would have a self running motor..
But as I understand that is not the case..
So what could I possibly do with free energy which is totaly consumed by friction losses and heating? ;D
Ben, OM,
Calculating powers at constant RMP (2500) gives you the power needed to sustain constant speed. In other words: losses by the wheel meet exactly the input power (COP is exactly 1)
Since the input power seems constant even during ramping up, the COP > 1 situation is only occurring during acceleration.
To calculate the highest COP value, we need to know the ramping up time and the weight of the wheel
Quote from: Silvije on December 27, 2009, 11:30:44 AM
If this what you are saying would be true, than we would have a self running motor..
But as I understand that is not the case..
So what could I possibly do with free energy which is totaly consumed by friction losses and heating? ;D
The replication setup by Naudin shows that the wheel in not very aerodynamic. If you slow it down by getting electrical energy out of the second wheel (putting receiving coils near the wheel), there will be less air losses, while input power is similar
A lot of optimization has yet to been done. This is only the beginning.
Hi Ben,
That's correct. If you slash down the input power, everything else being equal, or increase the rotor weight, everything else being equal, etc. there will be OU. Problem is you touch one variable, for the motor as is, and everything else gets affected.
As for the steady-state, that's exactly where the KE formula applies to. The wheel turns, right? The way the bullet flies, correct? Bullet has a given KE, corresponding to its mass m and velocity v, hasn't it? Same thing with the wheel -- it has mass m and angular velocity. The input energy per second sustains a given angular velocity of that rotor of given mass m. If you din't feed it continuously the rotor will wind down and will lose its rotational KE.
Quote from: Omega_0 on December 27, 2009, 05:32:42 AM
The english version is up now :
I tried to calculate input power using the scope shot.
A = 18 Amp (10A/div)
V = 8 V (5V/div)
Duty cycle = 25% (2ms on, 6 ms off)
P = 18*8*0.25 = 36 W
Energy spent in a sec = 36 J
As there is no load, all energy gets stored as kinetic energy of a flywheel.
KE of rotor = 0.5*m*r^2*w^2
= 0.5 *0.25 *0.075*0.075*(2*3.14*2520/60)^2
= 49 J (assuming a 250g rotor)
or 35 J (assuming a 180g rotor)
So the rotor must weigh more than 200g for OU. I did a rough calculation and the weight of magnets alone comes out to be 720g !! (which means an output of 140 J and efficiency of 300%, same as claimed by steorn)
Plz correct, if I made any mistakes.
Hang on fellas, Omnibus and Omega O. This doesn't quite make sense.
The rotor maintains a constant RPM, so its kinetic energy is not increasing over time. Yet the motor continues to consume electical energy.
So to me, the kinetic energy in the wheel does not really enter into the analysis of overunity. We have to measure the load on the wheel, if any, plus friction losses. That is the work done here, not spinning the wheel.
To give a gross example of what I mean. Let's say this device was in a vacuum, so no air resistance. And let's say the bearings involved were truly zero friction. So it takes zero energy to maintain the spin. But if the device continued to consume, let's say, 10J per second to keep running, while RPM was not increasing, the device would be clearly under unity, no matter how fast or how heavy the flywheel was.
I am not trying to clutter the thread, but if someone is trying to measure overunity this way, maybe there is a better way.
Please tell me where my logic is wrong, I am trying to understand.
The whole system may need to vary transaction time. On the approach, the rotor needs to store all the energy it can since this is free energy, then when the coil is energized, the magnets need to pull away quickly, faster than the approach. This would unbalance the transaction time and cause an energy gain.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 25, 2009, 12:48:42 AM
It's probably the reed switches failing.
tachoman said that the reed switches arent designed for these types of spikes.
Quote from: lumen on December 27, 2009, 12:33:16 PM
The whole system may need to vary transaction time. On the approach, the rotor needs to store all the energy it can since this is free energy, then when the coil is energized, the magnets need to pull away quickly, faster than the approach. This would unbalance the transaction time and cause an energy gain.
H Luman,
Close, On the approach it is free energy as the magnet is sucked in. Then upon energization, it needs to coast on by without any loss of speed, hence saving the free energy that was added to wheel in the wheel. So, there is one positive vector force speeding up the wheel as the magnets are sucked into the core, another zero or negative vector force depending on efficiency of the coil/core system, a constant negative vector from air drag at equilibrium, a constant negative vector force of the bearing drag and I have to have missed a couple others.
Then too, the simple math. assumes a constant speed when in fact the wheel is constantly speeding up and slowing down but these are small variables. It would seem that with a load, with lower aerodynamic forces, the efficiency would be higher but again that is a small number. A nice live dynamic torque meter would be a neat analytical tool here wouldn't it?
Quote from: eatenbyagrue on December 27, 2009, 12:19:10 PM
Hang on fellas, Omnibus and Omega O. This doesn't quite make sense.
The rotor maintains a constant RPM, so its kinetic energy is not increasing over time. Yet the motor continues to consume electical energy.
You guys have a point, that's why I asked for a second opinion on the calculations, I was not very sure. It seems that we need to take into account the whole time needed to bring the rotor from stop to the max RPM.
So if it takes t sec to get to a speed of 2520 rpm, the input energy becomes
E = 36*t J
This energy is stored as usual as KE, as there is no load. Any input after this will not contribute to increase in KE (This is a strange case, as the input is independent of output here, unlike a normal motor).
We don't have the rotor weight, but lets take worst conditions here. So to be OU, it should take
49 > 36t
or 49/36 > t
or t < 1.36 sec to reach 2520 rpm
(Assuming a rotor weight of 720g, t = 4 sec). Of course, if you can recover the input energy back into the battery , t will increase.
So now it seems less probable that JLN setup is OU, but the real test will be to load the motor, without which all calculations are mere guesswork and should not be taken seriously :) :)
The way I see it, in the eOrbo, the electrical input to the toroids does NOT drive the rotation of the rotor in any direct way. Yet the rotor will ACCELERATE. If F=ma holds true (giggling to myself now...), then we are witnessing a Force, F, causing this acceleration. And that force is NOT due to the input electrical energy being used to switch the toroids!
I believe the electrical input energy used to switch the toroids is 100% conserved. You can try to recover it if you like. But whatever you do not recover is lost in the system as HEAT. That conversion of electrical energy to heat should be 100% efficient by CoE (again, lol).
The fact that the rotor spins at all is the evidence of OU. Unless anyone can prove that some of the electrical input energy to the coils is directly causing the force that creates acceleration of the rotors. If input energy and rotation are completely separate, then it must be OU.
Does the electrical input directly cause the rotors to accelerate? If so, that relationship should be measureable. So far, I see a lot of evidence that there is no such relationship.
Quote from: mondrasek on December 27, 2009, 02:41:30 PM
The way I see it, in the eOrbo, the electrical input to the toroids does NOT drive the rotation of the rotor in any direct way. Yet the rotor will ACCELERATE. If F=ma holds true (giggling to myself now...), then we are witnessing a Force, F, causing this acceleration. And that force is NOT due to the input electrical energy being used to switch the toroids!
I believe the electrical input energy used to switch the toroids is 100% conserved. You can try to recover it if you like. But whatever you do not recover is lost in the system as HEAT. That conversion of electrical energy to heat should be 100% efficient by CoE (again, lol).
The fact that the rotor spins at all is the evidence of OU. Unless anyone can prove that some of the electrical input energy to the coils is directly causing the force that creates acceleration of the rotors. If input energy and rotation are completely separate, then it must be OU.
Does the electrical input directly cause the rotors to accelerate? If so, that relationship should be measureable. So far, I see a lot of evidence that there is no such relationship.
This is the exact same thing I started to believe. The mechanical motion has no say in the electrical system. The kinetic energy gained from the force acting on the rotor is completely free and came out of thin air so to speak. I have a much simpler thought experiment on this which I'm currently setting up a presentation for.
Exactly my thoughts also. I think if we use a bifilar wound toroid and capture
back almost 80 - 90 % of the energy spent saturating the coil, and also pick
up some coils voltages spikes, then this motor will be over unity.
Quote from: k4zep on December 26, 2009, 12:10:34 PM
I have been following him for years!!!! Right on. I wonder if there is an English translation. I can sort of read the french enough to get the just of the subject but need more accurate information. GREAT someone else has jumped in there and JLN is good.
Ben (
also (
QuotePlease tell me where my logic is wrong, I am trying to understand.
The way I understand it is this. Powering of the coil cores has nothing to do with the presence of the rotor. Energy balance of the coils is 100% in any event. Now when a rotor is present there’s only an interaction between its magnetic field and the magnetic field of the cores without any back influence (back emf) of the rotor on the coils. Thus, the rotational energy of the rotor comes as a bonus, as FE, not affecting the 100% input energy.
That’s why, the calculation we should do is probably to add that FE to the input energy and then divide that sum by the input energy itself. Overunity is demonstrated just by the fact that the rotor spins.
I was discussing this earlier in the village of the banned forum and I'm glad that it beginning to be the understanding here too. Interesting stuff.
So to optimize the CoP, forget the electrical input to switch the toroids (just try to minimize current needed for saturation unless you want a space heater as a by product of your motor/generator). Focus on maximizing the attraction of the magnets to the ferrite cores, ie. ferrite materials, distances, switch timing, etc...
Maximize the (free) torque. That has nothing to do with the electrical power input.
Just a thought... I wonder if putting a ring magnet behind the toroid would help?
Quote from: mondrasek on December 27, 2009, 05:27:12 PM
So to optimize the CoP, forget the electrical input to switch the toroids (just try to minimize current needed for saturation unless you want a space heater as a by product of your motor/generator). Focus on maximizing the attraction of the magnets to the ferrite cores, ie. ferrite materials, distances, switch timing, etc...
Maximize the (free) torque. That has nothing to do with the electrical power input.
That's correct. That's exactly how I understand it. Very clever, indeed.
To prove conclusively that that's the case one needs to use a pulse generator (instead of having the rotor trigger the pulses) and see whether or not presence of rotor will have any effect on the electrical characteristics of the coils. If there's no influence OU properties of the motor will be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Quote from: Staffman on December 27, 2009, 05:38:33 PM
Just a thought... I wonder if putting a ring magnet behind the toroid would help?
Problem is, you need to create changing magnetic field that would interact with the magnetic field of the rotor without the rotor affecting the creation og the core magnetic field in any way (that is, without the rotor magnets affecting the electrical characteristics of the coils).
This is something like a permanent magnet OU motor whereby, as a separate system, there are coils having perfect energy balance.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 05:43:38 PM
I was just thinking that maybe a magnet behind the toroid could help increase torque on the rotor. Would the magnet effect the rotor when the toroid coils are energized?
Oke we already know there's no EMF when the circuit is shorted and the magnets being rotated. But still not absolutely certain if the same can be said when current flows. In order to remain sane and progress here's a simple setup that can resolve this easily and put an end to that discussion.
Wind a bifilair toroidal core, so you have two coils wound around the same core. First hook either one of the coils to the scope and confirm there's indeed no induced EMF when the magnets are spun. Now take one coil and hook it to DC and leave the other coil on the scope. The other coil will act as a pickup and show any induced EMF that would be present in the main DC coil, without being distorted by the voltage of the battery. If again there's nothing then we can conclude there's also no voltage when DC is applied.
I hope someone performs this test as it's an important one to reach closer to the complete understanding of this motor. If there is no EMF then that's it for me, I'll do everything I can to build a home unit, because then I know this is absolutely overunity.
The test that was done on the Steorn motor showed the current draw to remain flat after the coil was energized. This would seem to indicate that if the current was flat then there was no back EMF even when the coil was energized. Any forward or back EMF would have shown on the trace.
I think the real problem now, is the required pulse width while waiting for the rotor to pass, consumes too much power. The core material is the key! What has high permeability and low saturation point. Some grades of ferrite do but most have very high saturation because this is a good quality for transformers.
I think it may be better to use some low carbon steel as the core with the main problem being the eddy currents. If the core was wound of soft steel wire, it may be better than most of the ferrite. It may be that a powdered iron core would be better. In any case I think this may be the next direction.
Hi All,
I have found that with the addition of a stator magnet appropriately arranged behind the torroid coil, the torque of the rotor is dramatically increased for the same input power! Please see the following diagram and arrangement.
Quote from: callanan on December 27, 2009, 08:48:37 PM
Hi All,
I have found that with the addition of a stator magnet appropriately arranged behind the torroid coil, the torque of the rotor is dramatically increased for the same input power! Please see the following diagram and arrangement.
Hi Ossie,
Your creativeness is like a breath of fresh air!!!! Excellent work.....As usual, I'm breathing dust now in your wake!
Quote from: mondrasek on December 27, 2009, 02:41:30 PM
The fact that the rotor spins at all is the evidence of OU. Unless anyone can prove that some of the electrical input energy to the coils is directly causing the force that creates acceleration of the rotors. If input energy and rotation are completely separate, then it must be OU.
Although I'm with all of you and all this work, and behind everyone 100%, I must respectfully disagree with this statement. Just because the rotor spins, is not proof of OU at all. Also, just because the rotation, and input energy are totally separate, it still does not prove OU. I agree, it's necessary to prove OU, but it's not enough alone. Like others have mentioned, the work the rotor can do, has GOT to be measured to prove OU. It's no different than lifting a boulder to the top of a hill and letting it go. You lifted the boulder to the top of the hill. (input energy). The boulder rolled down the hill. (output energy). You did not shove the boulder down the hill, you let gravity and all other outside forces act on that boulder to force it down that hill. Therefor input energy was totally separate from output energy, yet without storing the potential (pulsing the toroid) into that boulder, the energy from the environment would not be able to act upon it. It still was not OU. What we are hoping to see with Orbo design, is that gravity chooses to shove that boulder harder for us, without us having to do anything else.
I think it is important that we all keep our heads, and don't make more out of something than we have yet. We have a very interesting concept, that shows an extreme amount of promise. Many are moving step by step and proving one piece at a time of OU. The OU in this motor is going to show up in mechanical energy. But it's the conversion back into electrical energy that will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. We still have to tackle Lenz Law in the generator side... I think we will get there. But let's take it one step at a time...
Quote from: callanan on December 27, 2009, 08:48:37 PM
Hi All,
I have found that with the addition of a stator magnet appropriately arranged behind the torroid coil, the torque of the rotor is dramatically increased for the same input power! Please see the following diagram and arrangement.
Awesome, thanks for testing that. I brought that up the other day to try, but I have been waiting for a day off of work so I could start building and testing myself! Good work!
Another thing that may be key to experiment with, is to see the difference made when using stronger, and weaker magnets compared to energy used to release the magnetic attraction. I am hoping when you hit the correct power in that saturates the toroid, we may be able to increase the power of the magnets without requiring more input energy. After all, stronger magnets, stronger rotor attraction, but maybe the same energy needed to let it pass by.
It should always take the same current to saturate the core regardless of the passing magnets strength. Just find a core that saturates in a weaker field and it should use less current.
"As you can see, the moving magnets do generate EMF in the coil; when the coil is energised with a DC current, the magnitude of the EMF generated by the magnets decreases, as shown on the oscilloscope.
What is yet to be determined is whether the EMF is actually decreasing as a result of "shielding", or being smoothed out by the battery, acting much like a capacitor to smooth ripple."
Quote from: tinu on December 27, 2009, 11:09:33 PM
"As you can see, the moving magnets do generate EMF in the coil; when the coil is energised with a DC current, the magnitude of the EMF generated by the magnets decreases, as shown on the oscilloscope.
What is yet to be determined is whether the EMF is actually decreasing as a result of "shielding", or being smoothed out by the battery, acting much like a capacitor to smooth ripple."
holy crap he says 'ahh' way too much. the guy needs a script or something. trying to decipher what the man is trying to say amidst all the pauses, umms and ahhhs... is almost painful. nice construction on the marinov though.
Quote from: lumen on December 27, 2009, 10:41:32 PM
It should always take the same current to saturate the core regardless of the passing magnets strength. Just find a core that saturates in a weaker field and it should use less current.
That's what I was meaning. I can't seem to get any larger toroids locally anywhere, so I decided to go ahead and use about 3/4" I got from the shack. May end up more like an Orbo toy, lol. Not very big, but it may help me see results at fairly low current. It should be easy for me to test different strength magnets with it to see if I can get more power, without having to use more energy once I find the sweet spot. I'll post what I come up with.
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 03:27:15 AM
They are NOT separate, observe duty cycle of drive pulses!
So braking does not influence amplitude, but it sure does influence duty cycle which means more energy to coils... that is exactly what steorn video shows... it is sad that very few people can see this and that the rest are so easily fooled..
Way to pluck one sentence out of a paragraph, quote it, and use it out of context. The jist of what I was saying was EVEN IF input was separate from output, more is needed to prove OU. There are many working bench models now, and under way to prove one way or another on whether input is separate from output or not. Mine is not done yet, so I can't say for sure either way yet.
I'm not trying to start an argument, this thread is moving and learning very quick. But I am curious why someone with a tag line such as yours is even wasting your time on a forum called OverUnity? After all, you obviously feel that "There is no free energy! Resistance is futile"... I'm kind of thinking your other nickname hit read only status, so now we get the pleasure of hearing from you under a different name? :-\
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 03:27:15 AM
They are NOT separate, observe duty cycle of drive pulses!
So braking does not influence amplitude, but it sure does influence duty cycle which means more energy to coils... that is exactly what steorn video shows... it is sad that very few people can see this and that the rest are so easily fooled..
Wrong. Duty cycle doesn't change.
I find it odd, that a few hours after MileHigh earns read only status, Silvije pops on here with his infinite knowledge of negative inspiration, after not posting since September? Hmmm... What a coinsidence... I wonder... nah, couldn't be that they are one in the same person... Shhhh... Your secret is safe with me Silvije, we wont let anyone know that your MileHigh, and you cant respect Stephan asking you to stop trying to hold everyone back, and you just sneak in here under another nickname and keep trying to obstruct progress...
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 03:27:15 AM
They are NOT separate, observe duty cycle of drive pulses!
So braking does not influence amplitude, but it sure does influence duty cycle which means more energy to coils... that is exactly what steorn video shows... it is sad that very few people can see this and that the rest are so easily fooled..
Omnibus is correct, the duty cycle does not change.
What is truly sad is that people can't see the 12 magnets below the stator backed up with 4 shorted coils, remember Thane Heins's claim of no CEMF, which is what Steorn is now doing and see that ORBO is probably a rip off since it doesn't look like the flux switching thing they have published in the past.
I have not followed them much but 12 magnets, 4 coils and a claim of no CEMF screams HELLO! Thane just got jacked by the Irish.
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 04:57:23 AM
ok, I hear you... I just wanted to stress that they are not separate..
I agree to disagree. Even though you cant have one without the other here, they do look separate as of yet. We'll see how it turns out. I hold high hopes.
other thing I could ask you the same thing, why are you wasting your time here as there is no proof of free energy yet... but I will not ask you that... you are free to believe ;)
Same reason most of us are here. To learn as much as I can, and help as much as I can, in the search for truth. But I do not care to hurt any progress by filling up this thread with mindless, off topic crap. I'm going back to building, so maybe I can have a little more hands on data to ad to this group, and get off theory.
shit I am going to build it...
duty cycle really does not change... I was thinking something else but my english is other story...
you might be right guys..
I apologize for rush statements...
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 05:23:22 AM
shit I am going to build it...
duty cycle really does not change... I was thinking something else but my english is other story...
you might be right guys..
I apologize for rush statements...
It is the frequency that is changing, as the rotor gains speed. Duty cycle has nothing to do with OU, you can minimize the duty cycle to arbitrary values, depending on the rotor geometry and core properties.
Can you point to a link where Thane Heins'motor is described in more detail?
Quote from: k4zep on December 27, 2009, 07:33:33 AM
Hi All,
As the mechanics are bi-directional with timing the only issue as to rotational direction, the BEMF resulting when the coil/s are turned off ADDS to the rotation and hence efficiency.
When the magnetic field collapses, BEMF is generated. Recovering BEMF implies there is a current circulating in the coil. This current creates a magnetic field that opposes the change of the collapsing magnetic field.
When the collapsing field is due to the motion of a permanent magnet, it means that the field created by the current recovered from the BEMF opposes the motion of the permanent magnet.
There is absolutely nothing in Steorn experiment that would contradict theory and facts known from near two centuries.
Being married to two women...
Sorry Old Man, I'm not interested neither in personnal problems nor in psychology. I discuss science and experiments. Please keep apart irrationnal blah and beliefs.
I have built hundreds of setups in electronics. Even though some were very surprising, after analysing I have never found one against the laws of physics.
Neither pretty setups nor hard works are evidence of new laws of physics. We need proofs. We need experiments with accurate measurements. We don't need conventional motors working from a powerful charged battery as Steorn do it!
QuoteThere is absolutely nothing in Steorn experiment that would contradict theory and facts known from near two centuries.
Quite the contrary. Spinning of a rotor for free (the energy to saturate core being fully recoverable) contradicts theory and facts known for near two centuries and more.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 28, 2009, 06:14:40 AM
When the collapsing field is due to the motion of a permanent magnet, it means that the field created by the current recovered from the BEMF opposes the motion of the permanent magnet.
This statement is not true. Reasons:
1) Current in coil never causes attraction of magnet.
2) When the field "collapses" the current doesn't reverse instantaneously as some seem to believe. The current moves on for a while until it reverses. This has to do with the simple induction law E=L*dI/dt where I=E/L*t. What it means for current to collapse is for instance if you reverse the polarity of the battery. Suddenly that last formula shows the slow becomes negative and thus current decreases towards zero. But if allowed it will cross this zero line and start storing magnetic energy again. Try this simulation to see it happen:
1) Charge the inductor
2) Flip the switch
3) Switch the batteries by dragging and dropping
4) Flip the switch again and look at the yellow current trace (
Quote$ 1 5.0E-6 66.51416330443618 41 5.0 50
S 336 176 336 96 0 0 false 0
w 176 96 320 96 1
w 352 96 480 96 1
w 480 96 480 368 0
l 336 176 336 368 0 3.0 -0.5241041666684361
w 176 368 336 368 0
w 336 368 480 368 0
v 176 96 176 368 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
v 112 368 112 96 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
o 4 128 0 35 5.0 0.8 0 -1
A lot of people have misconceptions about emf not induced by a magnet. The current never reverses direction instantaneously in a coil that would defeat the whole purpose of the momentum analogy in a coil. In mechanics a constant back force decreases the velocity of a big massive object over time until the velocity reverses, but while this is happening the rate of velocity change (aka acceleration) remained constant just like the rate of current change.
The idea Steorn has based its Orbo on to utilize the property of a toroidal coil with core to contain the induction within the coil and have the core be seen by external permanent magnets as just another permanent magnet is one of the best ideas I've seen in this field. Wonder who was the originator of that concept, especially to achieve OU? Obviously Steorn aren't, since almost everyone knows Bedini has worked on it, Bearden probably, now Thane Heins has been mentioned. Who's the first, though, does anyone know?
Quote from: Omnibus on December 28, 2009, 06:38:01 AM
Quite the contrary. Spinning of a rotor for free (the energy to saturate core being fully recoverable) contradicts theory and facts known for near two centuries and more.
it is not fully recoverable, you have ohmic loses unless you make coil and everything superconductive..
and than you have spent more on input on doing that...
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 05:27:49 AM
ok, here is what I was thinking so you might comment on that...
observe total "on" pulse time versus "off" pulse time in same period... does this "on" time increase as wheel spin up?
if so than extra input energy means higher wheel speed..
Good Morning,
Ratio of On to off same at all time until mechanical limits of reed relay exceeded.
Hi, everybody,
Pardon for the intrusion, please allow me to draw your attention of the following news:
The Steorn electromagnetic motor replication by Jean-Louis Naudin, Dec. 26, 2009. JLN Labs -
The report is quite professional.
Hi All,
Please see the following video for my new rotor. I am currently uploading my latest Steorn replication motor's first test run and the results are utterly amazing!!! With just two of my own wound toroid coils I can get the rotor to over 2000 RPM with just 100ma at 12V of input power!!!
The rotor is big and heavy and the bearings are not that flash either!
:)If, as J L Naudin claims: “There is no direct interaction of the magnetic field of the torus with the magnetic field of the rotor magnets.â€, the ease way to increase the motor power is use a more strong magnets or several magnets at the same position in the rotor. In the steorn device they use 2 magnets per position.
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 08:22:19 AM
Hi All,
Please see the following video for my new rotor. I am currently uploading my latest Steorn replication motor's first test run and the results are utterly amazing!!! With just two of my own wound toroid coils I can get the rotor to over 2000 RPM with just 100ma at 12V of input power!!!
The rotor is big and heavy and the bearings are not that flash either!
Hi All,
Here is the first test run of my latest Steorn replication motor in the link below. The motor can get to speeds of over 2000 RPM and more for a constant input power of only 100ma at 12V. The only speed limitation appears to be the reed switch with this current test setup.
The rotor weighs 450 grams. I am only using two toroid coils that I have wound myself at the moment but will increase this to four very soon.
The tuning of the timing and pulse width is the most difficult and important thing to get the motor to run at speed but it is essential. The reed switch allows you to do this quickly by feel. Electronic sensors can switch faster but will need to be elaborate to adjust accurate timing and pulse width but it is what is needed to take advantage of the full potential of this motor.
There is definately a sweet spot where the motor just takes off with no increase in the input power. The sweet spot changes depending on the RPMs so from 0-2000 RPM the sweet spot moves so an active timing system maybe necessary.
No heat can be felt on the coils even after running for over ten minutes.
This motor is nothing like anything I have worked with before. It is far more like a combustion engine then an electric motor! There appears to be no link between the input power and the output performance in terms of rotor acceleration (torque). Once you hit the spot, it just takes off!!!
I do not see any limitation to being able to engineer this motor to use even less input power whilst increasing the output performance of the rotor. You just got to build it to understand...
Also, please see below the circuit I used for the test setup I used in the above video.
Quote from: Silvije on December 28, 2009, 06:52:21 AM
it is not fully recoverable, you have ohmic loses unless you make coil and everything superconductive..
and than you have spent more on input on doing that...
It would be great to be just ohmic loses but there is more. Effectively, part of the electric energy is transferred from the core magnetic dipoles (core magnetic domains, if you want) to the outside magnet(s). The fact that a current in the toroidal coil shifts the magnetic potential energy of the core in respect to the external magnet can be clearly seen from TK’s experiments (links above, in my previous post). From there, it is evident that a change in potential energy is ultimately transformed into kinetic energy of the rotor.
@ all,
For those who wonder how I’ve got to the above and what’s exactly in my mind (well, assuming it’s more than nothing :D), my step-by-step reasoning is:
1. external magnet approaches the un-energized core;
2. magnetic domains in the core seek the minimum magnetic potential energy state (effectively they align with the external field);
3. electric current is applied to the toroidal coil; magnetic field inside the toroid is reorienting the magnetic domains in the core. (This is, in physics’ terms, the potential energy state of the core in respect to the outside magnet is being shifted to a higher value; potential energy is considered negative, by convention.)
4. Reorienting the magnetic dipoles inside the core is an energy demanding process because dipoles are “glued in place†by the already existing magnetic field imposed by the external magnet. As long as the external magnetic field does not change in time, all energy is theoretically recoverable as back EMF; unfortunately the magnetic field is time dependant because the external magnet is moving, hence less energy is recoverable.
My kind suggestion to all before criticizing me is try understanding the above. Mechanical thinking may well do it: make an imaginary core composed of several “elementary magnetic dipoles†(several small bar magnets, to be clearer). It should be obvious to anyone that a higher magnetic field inside the toroid (hence a higher electric current in the coil, hence a higher input energy) is needed in order to re-orient the bar magnets in the core when external magnetic field is present as compared to the case when there is no outside magnet. A mathematical difference of that kind of energies (a difference between two potential energy states) is what makes the rotor moving.
Bad news is that, according to the above, I have to disagree that the kinetic energy of the rotor comes from nowhere and although I may be wrong in my reasoning, as the possible mechanism of the Orbo motor is given in the above, please post alternative explanations instead of just a rebuttal based on no arguments.
Last but not least, I’m not saying Steorn is not onto something real. Hopefully it is!
I’m just saying that so far we were given one demo, which expectantly is only one piece of a larger puzzle but so far the part we have is not new neither particularly remarkable. I’ll take it as a mere lesson Sean want us to take and I’ll wait either for further findings from experimenters to open new paths ahead or for the next Orbo demo, whichever comes first.
Best regards,
Happy New Year!
Quote from: broli on December 28, 2009, 06:40:03 AM
This statement is not true. Reasons:
1) Current in coil never causes attraction of magnet.
Current in coil CAUSES attraction of magnet.
Please stick on facts.
Quote from: tinu on December 27, 2009, 11:09:33 PM
"As you can see, the moving magnets do generate EMF in the coil; when the coil is energised with a DC current, the magnitude of the EMF generated by the magnets decreases, as shown on the oscilloscope.
What is yet to be determined is whether the EMF is actually decreasing as a result of "shielding", or being smoothed out by the battery, acting much like a capacitor to smooth ripple."
You were rotating the magnet around the face of the toroid. Can you try moving the magnet across the face of the toroid? JLN's scope shot of the unpowered coil test showed no emf from the moving magnets.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 27, 2009, 05:43:38 PM
This is something like a permanent magnet OU motor whereby, as a separate system, there are coils having perfect energy balance.
Exactly. I was going for it being a permanent magnet motor utilizing magnetic shielding. The magnetic shielding is electromagnetic in nature and does not directly drive the rotor.
Magnets and gravity are (were?) considered conservative fields of force. If it is possible to shield a magnet, then you can build a permanent magnet motor, like eOrbo. If we can shield mass (gravity) we can do the same with a gravity motor (only we don't know how to shield mass, right?). So sadly I don't see this principle being able to be used to make a gravity motor, as many hoped might be possible. But what does that matter? Permanent magnets are sooo much more powerful than gravity.
I'm curious how placing another static permanent magnet on the back side of the toroids ultimately increases the rotor torque (and how was that measured)? I can understand that additional static magnet increasing the initial attraction of the rotor magnet (added to the ferrite toroid attraction). But doesn't that static magnet work to slow the rotor after it passes by? Or does saturating the toroid shield the rotor from the permanent stator magnet as well? Any clarification would be appreciated.
Edited to add: Okay, I realized the orientation of callanan's stator magnets was critical and wouldn't cause the drag I was concerned with. So the toroid shields the sticky point of that stator magnet, or is the added attraction of the toroid enough to get through it?
@ Staffman,
Those are not my experiments; I’ve just quoted from the description on youtube.
(TK was once a reputable member of this site but I guess he left us).
Yes, I’ve seen JLN’s results.
On the un-powered coil test I can say not more than: totally insufficient RPM. Is that a joking experiment?! I mean turning the wheel by hand at maybe 1-200rpm or less and after doing that claiming there is no induced voltage?!
As Ben here remarked (and I do not know anyone else here but him alone being aware of this fact), a toroid is ultimately a one turn coil; hence it will always pick up external induction although the phenomenon largely pass unnoticed. Moreover, a toroidal coil does confine most of the magnetic field in itself but not all or the transformers could not work… I would detail if not clear enough but I have to leave now…
On short, regarding the TK’s experiments and the original question, the reasoning I’ve provided in my posts is based on his results but it should be generally applicable and not dependant on the position of the toroid in respect to magnets.
If the above does not respond to your question, please be more specific and I’ll respond later or tomorrow.
Best regards,
I would strongly recommend researchers read my post in the other thread,
I am now convinced this excess energy effect is not stable (yet) like we would all want it to be. As you can see in my post in the other thread, this instability issue is seen all over the place.
So everyone here is advised to consider this during their measurements, otherwise it could be almost impossible to detect if you're expecting a machine that will run continuosly like an Energizer battery. IMO a lot of people here and throughout history have seen this excess energy, but it quickly goes away (still unknown why) with usage, and recovers from non-usage. Surely there's a way to get around this, to quickly "reset" the effect.
Anyhow, I would encourage everyone to monitor the temperatures of the toroid core & magnets, as this is one indication of the effect, or at least it occurred in my replication version of the eOrbo.
So yes, last night I confirmed without a doubt that the core temperature did drop rapidly *below ambient*, that it was *not* due to air circulation. And the spinning magnets do not effect the IR gun. Also I used a contact temperature probe, which confirmed the cooling effect. Last night I completed the various control experiments. IMO it's confirmed.
So, what we have here is a Walter Torbay motor of a cat chasing its tail but the consecutive gaps the rotor chases don't come from within the construction but are created separately and independently, using pulsed powered toroids. That's vey clever, indeed.
One thing that remains is to really prove conclusively rotor couples only magnetically to the cores and doesn't influence one bit the electrical characteristics of the coils. To prove that scope traces at much higher sensitivity have to be presented than those shown by Sean on the 19th. Unltimately, one has to have this well-crafted contraption and study it with high-end equiment as the one Sean uses, to reach conclusive proof.
The following is from Peswiki about the JLN replication:
Feedback from Steorn
On December 28, 2009 1:39 AM Mountain, Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn wrote:
Thanks for that - however I must urge some caution here, what Jean-Louis will find is that all of his electrical input is being output as heat and that the work done by the rotor is free. However this does not mean that simply putting in a generator will enable him to close the loop.
The reason is that the design of the 'active' coils is very important so that the input uses minimum current to cause the effect in question - the production of heat is a current^2 relationship. Unless this fact is considered in the design of the input, then while the system may be more than 100% efficient, the work done by the rotor will be less than the energy input into the system, and so a closed loop system will not be possible.
Our next sequence of experiments will address these issues.
We are quite happy to discuss this in more detail with Jean if he has further interest in replication (two of our engineers are French, so they should be able to communicate well).
I agree with Sean. If you are not recycling the inductive energy and using too much ohmic energy you will end up chasing a goose when you close the loop. Unless you can also recycle the heat in a meaningful way which will just bloat the system. The best method to consider is the one discussed early on in this thread, make sure the current doesn't come near the ohmic current limit and recycle the inductive energy.
But it's good to see that we are on the right path according to Steorn.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 28, 2009, 11:28:33 AM
One thing that remains is to really prove conclusively rotor couples only magnetically to the cores and doesn't influence one bit the electrical characteristics of the coils. To prove that scope traces at much higher sensitivity have to be presented than those shown by Sean on the 19th. Unltimately, one has to have this well-crafted contraption and study it with high-end equiment as the one Sean uses, to reach conclusive proof.
I think the emf that has been seen by some people when rotating the rotor by hand is caused by the imperfection of the windings. A perfect toroidal coil is a coil that has uniform amounts of windings all the way around and where the windings are as tight together as possible. Any imperfections give rise to local emfs being produced which can be measured.
I also proposed an experiment to show whether that same measured emf has the same amplitude when current is flowing through the system, see:
Basically this will give you a clean result without any interference of the voltage by the battery. As any change in the energized coil will be picked up by the coil hooked to the scope equally.
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 09:11:53 AM
Here is the first test run of my latest Steorn replication motor in the link below. The motor can get to speeds of over 2000 RPM and more for a constant input power of only 100ma at 12V. The only speed limitation appears to be the reed switch with this current test setup.
What in your opinion did you do different, to allow that good of a run on such low current? With my experiments, I am finding that if I use weaker magnets (ceramic) I can get a good run for alot less current, but the torque also suffers. When I use the Neo's, mine is just current thirsty... I mean, I think I heard mine burp when I turned it off, lol....
Quote from: captainpecan on December 28, 2009, 02:35:30 PM
What in your opinion did you do different, to allow that good of a run on such low current? With my experiments, I am finding that if I use weaker magnets (ceramic) I can get a good run for alot less current, but the torque also suffers. When I use the Neo's, mine is just current thirsty... I mean, I think I heard mine burp when I turned it off, lol....
Guys post as much parameters as you can:
Magnet types
Inductance of coils
permeability of core
This way others can compare notes and perhaps improve their motors.
Also try the following. My sims showed that the attraction forces can be as much as 13 times higher if the magnets pole orientation is tangential to the rotor instead of radially.
Quote from: broli on December 28, 2009, 01:23:21 PM
I think the emf that has been seen by some people when rotating the rotor by hand is caused by the imperfection of the windings. A perfect toroidal coil is a coil that has uniform amounts of windings all the way around and where the windings are as tight together as possible. Any imperfections give rise to local emfs being produced which can be measured.
I also proposed an experiment to show whether that same measured emf has the same amplitude when current is flowing through the system, see:
Basically this will give you a clean result without any interference of the voltage by the battery. As any change in the energized coil will be picked up by the coil hooked to the scope equally.
Very good point.
Just dropping a bit of data from my bench work. I have a running replication, but right now current draw it to big so nothing great to report, I have a long way to go. But I did wind my toroids a bit different to try an idea. I only had small toroids available, a little less than 3/4" I think diameter. I first wound 150 turns of 30 gauge, then I layed 75 turns of 20 gauge over that. I would have went with alot more turns but that little hole in the middle gets tight fast. The idea was to see how using it as a transformer would effect the rotor speed. It does work well to draw the energy back off the second winding. I do not have a scope, but I could not see a difference at all so far with current draw, or rotor speed when I pulled the energy back from the second winding as oppose to leaving it disconnected. Although I am not alternating pulses either. Still terrible efficiency in my setup, but I am hoping to collect a couple more components today, and try to pulse it with very short, alternating square wave to improve the transformer ability. I am hoping that since it does not seem to care what polarity of current flows, maybe alternating square will work just as well, and make it double as an efficient transformer also. If we are able to somehow collect MOST of the energy back that we used to run it, I do not think the amount of current will be as much of a problem, as the heating up should cut down quite a bit. Just thinking out loud.
To be honest I didn't get how to perform your test.
First, bifillar in my book means a coil with two ends, not four but the wire is first doubled and then wound around the core the way a single wire would be wound. As far as I can see you have in mind a different arrangement. Probably two separate wires wound on the core, first one then the other so that there would be four ends when done.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 28, 2009, 03:01:34 PM
To be honest I didn't get how to perform your test.
First, bifillar in my book means a coil with two ends, not four but the wire is first doubled and then wound around the core the way a single wire would be wound. As far as I can see you have in mind a different arrangement. Probably two separate wires wound on the core, first one then the other so that there would be four ends when done.
You are correct, I didn't meant the serial connected bifiliar coil but you wind it as one. Basically I'm saying make a 1:1 transformer. Since most people twist the wires together first to wind a bifillar coil, that process would be advantageous to use as well as you would then be sure you have the exact same number of windings. An emf reading in the secondary winding hooked to the scope, if any, can then be said to be equally as big as the one present in the energized primary coil which is only hooked to the battery.
Jnaudin has all the tools he need to very accurately measure mechanically energy without converting it to electricity. By using mechanical formulas. First he needs to figure out the moment of inertia of his rotor. This can be easily found by dropping a weight from his rotor and using photo gates to measure acceleration. Then he measures and stores the value of the changing rpm before it maxes out and stores this data. Afterwards he can use a simple formula to find the instantaneous energy and power by taking the numerical derivation of the angular speed.
I would be glad to do all this if I was allowed in his lab ;D .
Quote from: captainpecan on December 28, 2009, 02:35:30 PM
What in your opinion did you do different, to allow that good of a run on such low current? With my experiments, I am finding that if I use weaker magnets (ceramic) I can get a good run for alot less current, but the torque also suffers. When I use the Neo's, mine is just current thirsty... I mean, I think I heard mine burp when I turned it off, lol....
You must increase the current until you see strange elvish writing in fire on the side of the coil, saying 'overunity' ...
Quote from: captainpecan on December 28, 2009, 02:35:30 PM
What in your opinion did you do different, to allow that good of a run on such low current? With my experiments, I am finding that if I use weaker magnets (ceramic) I can get a good run for alot less current, but the torque also suffers. When I use the Neo's, mine is just current thirsty... I mean, I think I heard mine burp when I turned it off, lol....
Hi CP,
The theory behind the operation is valid and so by using stronger magnets, smaller air gap and designing a toroid coil that saturates with as little current/power as possible you can increase the output power in torque significantly whilst reducing the losses such as heat in the coil and switching circuit. We have control of all of this so it is simply a matter of understanding it and using this understanding when building this motor. The only thing that is more difficult to control is the permiability of the core since most of us will rely of cores bought from a shop. But standard ferrite cores used for chokes appear to work fine.
To build an efficient motor of this type you must not use prewound toroid chokes that are of few turns/windings. One layer of thick windings will only result in a higher current input and great heat losses for less output torque. So this means you must wind your own toroid coils of thin wire but with as much turns as you can possibly fit in.
Please see the picture below of my coils with an identical unwound core next to it. I have wound as much turns of thinner wire into the core as possible. This can only result in the need for less input current to saturate the core. This is what I believe Steorn was trying to say in their statement about JLN's work. Less current, less heat loss in the coils and you are on the way to OU. The only way to do this is by winding more turns on the core.
Once you have done this then you are on your way. Then switching becomes of utmost importance for getting the input power down for the most rotor power output. The importance of switching lies both in the timing and pulse width and of course a low resistance/impedance switching circuit.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 28, 2009, 06:14:40 AM
When the magnetic field collapses, BEMF is generated. Recovering BEMF implies there is a current circulating in the coil. This current creates a magnetic field that opposes the change of the collapsing magnetic field.
When the collapsing field is due to the motion of a permanent magnet, it means that the field created by the current recovered from the BEMF opposes the motion of the permanent magnet.
There is absolutely nothing in Steorn experiment that would contradict theory and facts known from near two centuries.
Sorry Old Man, I'm not interested neither in personnal problems nor in psychology. I discuss science and experiments. Please keep apart irrationnal blah and beliefs.
I have built hundreds of setups in electronics. Even though some were very surprising, after analysing I have never found one against the laws of physics.
Neither pretty setups nor hard works are evidence of new laws of physics. We need proofs. We need experiments with accurate measurements. We don't need conventional motors working from a powerful charged battery as Steorn do it!
A happy and prosperous new year to you too!!!
People should know that Steorn eOrbo has two magnets right next to each other per side, not one magnet.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 28, 2009, 04:43:20 PM
People should know that Steorn eOrbo has two magnets right next to each other per side, not one magnet.
Yes, this way with a backing plate you can increase the attraction forces onto the ferrite core.
So you have N and S facing coming from the 2 magnets attracting the ferrite core.
@Ossie, well done,
try to switch your coils on for below tau=L/R time interval to save input power
and being able to recover at least a third part of it again.
The mechanical attraction forces are then for free.
Regards, Stefan.
@ Ossie,
Thanks for the info, it is quite helpful. Maybe I missed it somewhere, but have you stated the size of wire and number of turns (approximately) you have in your toroids? If I had to guess, it kind of looks like your using 24 or 26 gauge wire in the picture, but I really cant tell for sure. I did however use 20 gauge on my, which of course allows much less turns before it is filled. It does explain my excessive current draw, I may have been looking at this wrong then. I was going for thicker wire, so a bit more current could saturate that core better. Looks like I've just gone to thick, because I think I just reinvented a heater for my lab!!! Some of it could be because I am also using a pretty heavy duty car battery, and it's pouring in those amps. I'll try adding some resistance, then I will get to winding another couple toroids I guess... :-\
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 28, 2009, 04:43:20 PM
People should know that Steorn eOrbo has two magnets right next to each other per side, not one magnet.
From what I have learnt from the test models I have made is that the motor will work with many different orientations of both the coils and magnets and even rotor. This is because the driving force of the rotor is due to the magnets attraction to the coil's core material and that's all. In regard to one magnet or two per toroid coil, I have found that when using one magnet with the coil's round face facing the magnet's round face, the magnet is attracted to only the side of the coil and not the centre of the coil.
To explain further, please see the following pictures. At these points the rotor cogs when not powered and left free. Because there is a hole in the core of the toroid coils there is nothing to attract the magnet in the middle of the coil. This does not effect the operation of the motor too much but from an engineering perpective it creates two attraction power points where the switching point will only trigger at one so one of the attraction power points is wasted in this design unless a more elaborate switching circuit is used that can switch on both of these points.
To get around this, you can simply use two smaller magnets to attract to a single point on the toroid at the top and the bottom of the coil's core. This is what Steorn appears to have done. The alternative is to orient the toroid coil such that it's face faces down so it is lying flat. This will cause only one attraction point when using one magnet but because the core is round, the attraction force to the magnet will be reduced and so the power output will be less. Steorn also showed this coil orientation but with a dual magnet rotor in it's last interection video.
It would be interesting to see the COP figures for 1 magnet and 2 magnet designs. Who knows, maybe Steorn discovered that only the 2 magnet design is cop>1.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 28, 2009, 04:56:22 PM
Yes, this way with a backing plate you can increase the attraction forces onto the ferrite core.
So you have N and S facing coming from the 2 magnets attracting the ferrite core.
Yes, I agree. Two magnets top and bottom, one N and the other S, will only result in one very strong attraction point. This should increase the power output sigificantly but will mean that you will need another rotor on the shaft for a generator with standard single magnets. This is exactly what Steorn has done so it appears that we now have all of their demonstration motor engineering principles understood.
The design is fairly simple now that all of this is understood. But I must say that I am surpsrised that there are only a few replications so far. With all the efforts and replications of some complex and crazy pulse motor designs done in the past, myself included, there is no reason I can see why people aren't bothering to replicate this motor apart from aparent disbelief. The irony is, "disbelief" is precisely the word to describe it when you get it to work...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 28, 2009, 05:37:06 PM
It would be interesting to see the COP figures for 1 magnet and 2 magnet designs. Who knows, maybe Steorn discovered that only the 2 magnet design is cop>1.
Well, with 2 magnets and an iron backing plate inside the rotor you just use then the 2 poles of the magnets to attract the ferrite toroidal core, instead of just using only one pole.
So the attraction forces are just doubled .
In the design Ossi and JL Naudin are showing,
the backside of the magnets, that are glued to the wheel
don´t attract the ferrite, so these forces are lost.
With an iron backing plate and 2 magnets in N-S configuration
as Steorn did it, you just can double the forces
and use the permanent magnets more useful (efficient).
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 28, 2009, 05:43:08 PM
Well, with 2 magnets and an iron backing plate inside the rotor you just use then the 2 poles of the magnets to attract the ferrite toroidal core, instead of just using only one pole.
So the attraction forces are just doubled .
In the design Ossi and JL Naudin are showing,
the backside of the magnets, that are glued to the wheel
don´t attract the ferrite, so these forces are lost.
With an iron backing plate and 2 magnets in N-S configuration
as Steorn did it, you just can double the forces
and use the permanent magnets more useful (efficient).
Regards, Stefan.
Yes I agree. But with just one magnet as I am currently using, the power efficiency is unlike anything I have ever seen and I have made a quite a few motors in my time. So it is quite mindblowing for me to think that this efficiency can yet still go higher with better design. As it is, with only two coils my current motor gets into a runaway mode and the only thing stopping it is the inability of the reed switch to switch any faster. I do have concerns in regard to the dangers of runaway when I implement proper electronic fast switching.
Even with the reed switch, when it hits a rapid accelleration point whilst tuning it gets pretty scary and my next move is to get some good strong tape and tape down those magnets. The disbelief comes when you see it do this and also see that there is no more increase in the input power being drawn...
Hi Ossie,
Would you mind checking the current draw when you try to decelerate a little bit the rotor by your hand? (using a piece of wood actually, not directly your fingers... :)) I am curious and yes I want to build also but can do it in a few weeks time in January.
I have not seen any comment on current consumption when the rotor is actually loaded but I think it would be a useful test.
Thanks, Gyula
Quote from: k4zep on December 27, 2009, 07:33:33 AM
Hi All,
As the mechanics are bi-directional with timing the only issue as to rotational direction, the BEMF resulting when the coil/s are turned off ADDS to the rotation and hence efficiency. Don't need to harvest it, it is already used if diode across the coil!!!!!!! It is a moot issue. Being married to two women (one after the other ha) for 42 years and 4 kids has made me a verry mellow fellow. Egos here/a persons competance/ slip ups, all part of life, don't mean "nuttin". Ideas, theories, results, and HAVING FUN AND SAYING WOW WOW when you see something work and then trying to figure out why when the workings turn your "theoretical" world upsides down is where it is at!!!!!
ALL, keep up the good work!! And whomever the pest is that keeps locking the site down, simply quit it.......
Would you please post a simple drawing of what you mean by a diode across the coil?
Do you mean a diode right before the coil that blocks the flyback from going back to the positive terminal?
Quote from: Omnibus on December 28, 2009, 06:01:02 AM
Can you point to a link where Thane Heins'motor is described in more detail?
One of the longest threads ever created here was by Thane. Here is more from youtube:
If you understand how Thanes device works and have a close look at the Orbo and you see EXACTLY the same thing except a pulse motor and toroids instead of a coaxial coil.
Why not just replicate thane's device - he gives all the info. you need and it works as as stated.
I have tried a yellow/white Iron Powder core. The current needed to saturate
the core was so high that my hot glue melted. What kind of core material
is the best to use?
Thanks @Reincarnate,
Unfortunately, the video wasn't of much help. What was it supposed to demonstrate didn't come across at all.
As for this:
QuoteIf you understand how Thanes device works and have a close look at the Orbo and you see EXACTLY the same thing except a pulse motor and toroids instead of a coaxial coil.
If that's the case then Thane Heins' is quite different from Orbo because the pulse motor as well as the toroids are the most substantial part of Orbo. If I find our what Thane Heins' device really is I may probably revise the above conclusion but thevideo definitely didn't help one bit in understanding its principle of action.
Quote from: interestedinou on December 28, 2009, 07:03:57 PM
Would you please post a simple drawing of what you mean by a diode across the coil?
Do you mean a diode right before the coil that blocks the flyback from going back to the positive terminal?
Schematic below. Diode across coil L1. When transistor turns on, Collector goes low and that junction goes to ground. When transistor turns off, inductive kickback in NORMAL inductor will drive the collector/inductor junction higher than the +12VDC, turn on Diode and induced back EMF will go back into coil. Used all the time to protect transistor. This is the short explanation.OKDOKIE......
Hi All,
I have updated my current Steorn test motor platform with a new switching circuit as attached below. I am still using the same two toroidal coils as in the previous video. The only thing I have changed is the switching circuit which I have designed to send the coil's collapsing emf straight back to the battery. I am still using a small reed switch for triggering because the optimal tuned trigger point is so very delicate and changes as the RPMs go up that I need to find it and move it manually by hand.
I can now get the rotor to approximately 2000 RPM using only 10ma at 12V. Yes I said "ten milliamps"! I do NOT need to use more current to start it at low RPMs! By carefull and precise hand movement of the reed switch I can get it up to 2000 RPM using no more than 10ma at 12V at any time!!!
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 08:13:00 PM
Hi All,
I have updated my current Steorn test motor platform with a new switching circuit as attached below. I am still using the same two toroidal coils as in the previous video. The only thing I have changed is the switching circuit which I have designed to send the coil's collapsing emf straight back to the battery. I am still using a small reed switch for triggering because the optimal tuned trigger point is so very delicate and changes as the RPMs go up that I need to find it and move it manually by hand.
I can now get the rotor to approximately 2000 RPM using only 10ma at 12V. Yes I said "ten milliamps"! I do NOT need to use more current to start it at low RPMs! By carefull and precise hand movement of the reed switch I can get it up to 2000 RPM using no more than 10ma at 12V at any time!!!
Hi Ossie,
That circuit is so good, it's bad.....MOST excellent. Get you a good Hall effect in there and stand back!!!!!
Quote from: Groundloop on December 28, 2009, 07:53:48 PM
I have tried a yellow/white Iron Powder core. The current needed to saturate
the core was so high that my hot glue melted. What kind of core material
is the best to use?
lol, I know what you mean. I'm in the same boat. I used simple ferite toroid I got in a multipack at radioshack. I ended up with the same results as you. I'm winding up a steel bushing now to see if the much lower permeability of steel will help or hinder this thing. I'm beginning to wonder if Steorn made their own cores... Maybe magnetite or something. 1200 rpms out of D cell still seems out of reach with what we know so far, so something is still a mystery.
My I humbly ask what core material you use in your toroids?
Edit: Are you sure that the right most diode in your drawing is the right way?
Quote from: k4zep on December 28, 2009, 08:18:33 PM
Hi Ossie,
That circuit is so good, it's bad.....MOST excellent. Get you a good Hall effect in there and stand back!!!!!
Hi Ben,
Thanks. I intend on getting a hall effect switch to compare to the reed switch. The reason the reed switch is working so well is because I can angle it and control the distance easily which in turn controls the timing but more importantly, the pulse width. I should be able to do this with a hall effect switch also so it will be interesting to see if it gives me just as much control to compare it.
Until people build their own motor, they won't realise just how precise the positioning and pulse width has to be for the trigger. The higher the RPMs the more delicate this becomes and most people who build this motor will simply roughly just place the switch in a position to make it run with no regard for the pulse width if they can get it to run at all. It is NOT an easy motor to get to run and the switching point is very fine and delicate and related to RPM. So it WILL use more power input then it has too if this is not considered and done. But precise active switching timing and pulse width adjustment of this motor gives a 100 times increase in efficiency from what I am seeing!
Way to go Ossie! Can you manage to get that baby running on 1.2 volts by any chance? Not that it is important with as well as yours is performing. Just curious if your setup can duplicate Steorns low voltage...
Quote from: Omnibus on December 28, 2009, 07:58:13 PM
Thanks @Reincarnate,
Unfortunately, the video wasn't of much help. What was it supposed to demonstrate didn't come across at all.
As for this:
If that's the case then Thane Heins' is quite different from Orbo because the pulse motor as well as the toroids are the most substantial part of Orbo. If I find our what Thane Heins' device really is I may probably revise the above conclusion but thevideo definitely didn't help one bit in understanding its principle of action.
Omnibus, I suggest you dig a little deeper and do your own research... There are 40 videos on his youtube page and you didn't watch them in that short amount of time.
Next he used the username crankypants here at overunity and if you do a search for that username, you only get two hits even though he made hundreds of posts. I can't explain that but maybe you can PM him and he can.
He works with others that use this web site such as gotoluc and maybe he can illuminate you.
The fact is, you are looking at the same base process once you see and understand what they have in common.
Good luck
Quote from: captainpecan on December 28, 2009, 08:22:56 PM
lol, I know what you mean. I'm in the same boat. I used simple ferite toroid I got in a multipack at radioshack. I ended up with the same results as you. I'm winding up a steel bushing now to see if the much lower permeability of steel will help or hinder this thing. I'm beginning to wonder if Steorn made their own cores... Maybe magnetite or something. 1200 rpms out of D cell still seems out of reach with what we know so far, so something is still a mystery.
Hi CP,
I have tried winding a coil on a steel washer but it was no good. But in regard to what you and GL are trying with your attempts on ferrite cores, it is likely that you have had a motor that will work but did not realise it. The best test I have found is to simply energise the coil next to a rotor magnet in the still rotor and see if it moves. If not, rock the rotor slighly and pulse the coil and see if you can increase the movement like swinging on a swing. Ben mentioned this in his early posts and I agree that it is the best method I have tried to know if you coil can dirve the motor.
If your coil does this then it WILL drive the rotor. All you need to do is find the sweet spot with the reed switch or hall sensor and sometime you need to give it a good twist with your hand if your coils are not that good.
Great job on your motor.
My motor runs. I'm using a Hall switch. But my Iron Powder core gets really warm
and the motor uses too much power. What kind of core material are you using?
Also, I think you got the right most diode in your drawing the wrong way.
As it is now the current is free to flow to ground when the top transistor opens up.
Edit: Attached is my switch drawing.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 28, 2009, 08:46:30 PM
Great job on your motor.
My motor runs. I'm using a Hall switch. But my Iron Powder core gets really warm
and the motor uses too much power. What kind of core material are you using?
Also, I think you got the right most diode in your drawing the wrong way.
As it is now the current is free to flow to ground when the top transistor opens up.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for the circuit diagram errata. I will update it shortly.
I am using the following cores from Jaycar Electronics here in Australia. See picture below.
You need as many turns on you core as you can possibly fit of medium to pretty thin wire! This will reduce the current input and increase the core saturation for voltages around 12 volts.
Thank you. :-)
Rewinding new core now...........................
great new circuit.
Please could you try this circuit
with a big electrolyte cap of at least 10,000 uF or
more and let me know, how fast it will charge up ?
Many thanks.
P.S. Please Ossi,
please reverse also the polarity of the toroidal coils versus each other and see, when the voltage
will rise the fastest in the cap .
Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: k4zep on December 28, 2009, 08:08:40 PM
Schematic below. Diode across coil L1. When transistor turns on, Collector goes low and that junction goes to ground. When transistor turns off, inductive kickback in NORMAL inductor will drive the collector/inductor junction higher than the +12VDC, turn on Diode and induced back EMF will go back into coil. Used all the time to protect transistor. This is the short explanation.OKDOKIE......
Thanks! I appreciate the schematic!
Anyone have any luck finding the toroid in JLN's schematic? He shows only 68 turns of appx AWG 25. I'm trying to hunt the core down. Right now I'm waiting for replies from sales reps.
OOPS: Make that 67 Turns.
Get rid of the reed switch. If you want to dynamically control duty cycle use two hall sensors/reflective sensors. One at TDC and one a little further which you can control by hand. When the first switch triggers at TDC it will trigger the coils on and leave them on untill the second sensor triggers and turns them off.
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 08:13:00 PMI can now get the rotor to approximately 2000 RPM using only 10ma at 12V.
Hi Ossie,
How much of that 120mW power is wasted in joule heating from the coil?
Quote from: Omnibus on December 28, 2009, 07:58:13 PM
Thanks @Reincarnate,
Unfortunately, the video wasn't of much help. What was it supposed to demonstrate didn't come across at all.
As for this:
If that's the case then Thane Heins' is quite different from Orbo because the pulse motor as well as the toroids are the most substantial part of Orbo. If I find our what Thane Heins' device really is I may probably revise the above conclusion but thevideo definitely didn't help one bit in understanding its principle of action.
I would also point out that Thane drives his motor with a triac which makes it a pulse motor. If he didn't, the motor could not accelerate since it would be inductively coupled to the mains.
The Only difference is a toroidal coil verses a coaxial coil. It's odd how people don't see what is in front of them an put it all together.
Hi All,
Please see this latest video I just uploaded. It highlights both the importance and difficulty in switching this motor for maximum output whilst keeping the input power as low as possible. Hopefully many who see this may realise that their previous Steorn motor they built which did not work may have actually run but was just not tuned correctly. I have gone through a few reed switches now and they are terribly unreliable and keep changing their properties in themselves over time. They are NO GOOD for this motor and electronic switching is a must but it also must be elaborate electronic switching and cater for timing advance and pulse width control.
Quote from: broli on December 28, 2009, 10:12:43 PM
Get rid of the reed switch. If you want to dynamically control duty cycle use two hall sensors/reflective sensors. One at TDC and one a little further which you can control by hand. When the first switch triggers at TDC it will trigger the coils on and leave them on untill the second sensor triggers and turns them off.
Hi All,
To dream further on down the line, use a small dedicated micro like the Arduino for overall control of all variables as needed, it goes on and on....It just depends on how creative the programmer/builder is.........But that is for later. Oh the webs we weave!
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 11:17:46 PM
Hi All,
Please see this latest video I just uploaded. It highlights both the importance and difficulty in switching this motor for maximum output whilst keeping the input power as low as possible. Hopefully many who see this may realise that their previous Steorn motor they built which did not work may have actually run but was just not tuned correctly. I have gone through a few reed switches now and they are terribly unreliable and keep changing their properties in themselves over time. They are NO GOOD for this motor and electronic switching is a must but it also must be elaborate electronic switching and cater for timing advance and pulse width control.
Just a quick comment... I fully expected the magnets to go flying off. Good work.
Do you have four magnets on that rotor? You could help with timing by drawing lines on your base board to show where the magnets are in relation to timing. I'm thinking that due to circuit lag (or in this case reed lag), placing lines to show where your magnets are would help visualize this. If this makes no sense, I've been up for awhile.
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 11:17:46 PM
Hi All,
Please see this latest video I just uploaded. It highlights both the importance and difficulty in switching this motor for maximum output whilst keeping the input power as low as possible. Hopefully many who see this may realise that their previous Steorn motor they built which did not work may have actually run but was just not tuned correctly. I have gone through a few reed switches now and they are terribly unreliable and keep changing their properties in themselves over time. They are NO GOOD for this motor and electronic switching is a must but it also must be elaborate electronic switching and cater for timing advance and pulse width control.
Hi Ossie,
It would be fun to see a low value current sensing resistor in one of the battery supply leads with a DVM or sensitive analog meter across it and see if the current flows negative at any time when you are messing with the reed switch/timing setup!!!!! Again GREAT work!!!
Right now teaching is almost as important as building! Passing on information and ideas to help the understanding and open mind is most important!!!
Hi All,
Here is where I got my coil cores from. The description contains the dimensions.
I have about 20 metres of 0.5mm thick wire total wound on these cores for the coils in my Steorn replication test motor. I have wound the cores as quadfilar to make winding easier and then simply connected all the 4 wires in series to make a single winding. I have put as much wire length and turns of this thickness wire (0.5mm) that I could fit in the cores and still be able to mount them with cable ties.
Quote from: Reincarnate on December 28, 2009, 11:12:01 PM
I would also point out that Thane drives his motor with a triac which makes it a pulse motor. If he didn't, the motor could not accelerate since it would be inductively coupled to the mains.
The Only difference is a toroidal coil verses a coaxial coil. It's odd how people don't see what is in front of them an put it all together.
This difference (toroidal versus coaxial coil) will be insubstantial if Thane Heins had shown that the input energy is used only to saturate the cores of the coils and no part of it is used to drive the rotor. There should be evidence that the rotor is only driven through the magnetic interactions between the cores and the permanent magnets of the rotor. Is there any such proof in Thane Heins' demos? Conclusive proof of that is still pending with regard to Orbo as well. That's a crucial requirement to constitute these motors as OU.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 29, 2009, 01:34:23 AM
This difference (toroidal versus coaxial coil) will be insubstantial if Thane Heins had shown that the input energy is used only to saturate the cores of the coils and no part of it is used to drive the rotor. There should be evidence that the rotor is only driven through the magnetic interactions between the cores and the permanent magnets of the rotor. Is there any such proof in Thane Heins' demos? Conclusive proof of that is still pending with regard to Orbo as well. That's a crucial requirement to constitute these motors as OU.
If I understand your question / statement, Thane does use the power from the pickup coils and feeds that back into the motor and has the motor down to using <10 watts.
I sent him the information that would allow him to make that a self runner but don't know if he will try it. He tends to not listen and do his own thing, hence the username crankypants?
QuoteIf I understand your question / statement, Thane does use the power from the pickup coils and feeds that back into the motor and has the motor down to using just a few watts.
If you mean by that that rotor turns at the expense of a few watts from the power supply then not only that's not an Orbo but its OU status is questionable. Rotor should not use any of the energy supplied by the power source.
Mind you that we already have Paul Sprain's machine and that isn't Orbo either in a sense that the power input in Sprain's machine is not recoverable. It is spent to overcome the sticky spot. It may still be an OU machine (not yet proven conclusively) but for different reasons than Orbo.
Quote from: k4zep on December 28, 2009, 11:18:54 PM
Hi All,
To dream further on down the line, use a small dedicated micro like the Arduino for overall control of all variables as needed, it goes on and on....It just depends on how creative the programmer/builder is.........But that is for later. Oh the webs we weave!
Hi all
Yesterday I bought the Arduino manual thinking about how to solve the switch timing .
assuming that you need 5° accuracy timing with a 2500RPM you have 0.33 millisecond to run the software instructions it is enough??
A pratical solution is to use magnet pais like in the original video, in this case with N and S magnet you can reduce the interaction area improving the timing, increase the torque .... but reducing the effect and speed.
Instead to use a standard ferrite toroid ... wy not use a magnet toroid facing with opposit to the rotating magnet, like to Ossie experiment.
Ben , Ossie , Stefan all
Thanks for the information you have given me so far
Stefan please stop the music
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 01:30:40 AM
Hi All,
Here is where I got my coil cores from. The description contains the dimensions.
I have about 20 metres of 0.5mm thick wire total wound on these cores for the coils in my Steorn replication test motor. I have wound the cores as quadfilar to make winding easier and then simply connected all the 4 wires in series to make a single winding. I have put as much wire length and turns of this thickness wire (0.5mm) that I could fit in the cores and still be able to mount them with cable ties.
Hi All,
For those wanting more detail on how I make my toroidal coils. Please see the following videos which are in 3 parts.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 29, 2009, 03:02:30 AM
If you mean by that that rotor turns at the expense of a few watts from the power supply then not only that's not an Orbo but its OU status is questionable. Rotor should not use any of the energy supplied by the power source.
That is quite a leap from what is known about both devices Omnibus.
To suggest that how one performs over the other is a departure from what I stated. "That they use the same basic process"
Next when one of them has not even been demonstrated or publically evaluated other than to show a prime mover and a scope shot from a company that failed to live into it's last claim is quite a leap of faith. Again has nothing to do with "same basic process"
Thane is using an off the shelf grinder motor and so the efficiency is quite low. His motor is MUCH LARGER so the current draw is not linear between the two. Thane is slow to refine as he is bogged down by outside influences such as NASA, DOE and CIA asking for replications.. the usual suspects.
Compare the apples to the apples you can see, not the oranges you imagine or have been told exist.
It's true more evidence is needed to sustain the Orbo claim which is that the rotor draws no energy from the power supply. As far as I understand Thane Heins' rotor does draw energy from the power supply and that makes it an entirely different invention. You're right about bogging down but even a greater obstacle is poverty. Overwhelmingly those with the bright ideas are poor and that prevents them from bringing their ideas to fruition. Sean as head of Steorn isn't that poor and he could accomplish the objective to prove conclusivelu the reality of an OU machine (I'm not even concerned about bringing it to the market). Unfortunately, Steorn is a business and business is opposite to science.
Hi All,
I always knew of Steorn over the past few years because of their publicity but I was and am still pretty green in terms of understanding their technology prior to December the 15th 2009. I have had some correspondance with JLN in the past day or two and he has made me aware of the following which is very interesting.
"US 2009/0009157 A1 : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEASURING ENERGY IN MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS : An apparatus and method is provided for measuring magnetic force response time due to the magnetic viscosity of materials and for measuring total energy exchanged due to relative motion of magnetic materials. Voltage and current versus time through an electromagnet is measured and recorded....
Inventors: Sean David McCarthy, Alan Simpson, Martin Flood, Maxime Sorin"
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 03:33:49 AM
Hi All,
I always knew of Steorn over the past few years because of their publicity but I was and am still pretty green in terms of understanding their technology prior to December the 15th 2009. I have had some correspondance with JLN in the past day or two and he has made me aware of the following which is very interesting.
"US 2009/0009157 A1 : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEASURING ENERGY IN MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS : An apparatus and method is provided for measuring magnetic force response time due to the magnetic viscosity of materials and for measuring total energy exchanged due to relative motion of magnetic materials. Voltage and current versus time through an electromagnet is measured and recorded....
Inventors: Sean David McCarthy, Alan Simpson, Martin Flood, Maxime Sorin"
"Voltage and current versus time through an electromagnet is measured and recorded.... "
Which is exactly what I have been saying about how the shorted coil acts an accelerator coil.
If I try to push you backward, we both go backward. If my back is against the wall, only one of us moves and that speed is "accelerated"
Now look at Thanes device. The shorted coil is a wall.
but it all falls on deaf ears...
Quote from: Omnibus on December 29, 2009, 03:33:46 AM
It's true more evidence is needed to sustain the Orbo claim which is that the rotor draws no energy from the power supply. As far as I understand Thane Heins' rotor does draw energy from the power supply and that makes it an entirely different invention. You're right about bogging down but even a greater obstacle is poverty. Overwhelmingly those with the bright ideas are poor and that prevents them from bringing their ideas to fruition. Sean as head of Steorn isn't that poor and he could accomplish the objective to prove conclusivelu the reality of an OU machine (I'm not even concerned about bringing it to the market). Unfortunately, Steorn is a business and business is opposite to science.
Apparently you have not heard of the business of global warming and the carbon tax or how science is funded and sometimes why? I wish I could live in your idealistic world of bliss.
My guess is Steorn was looking at fraud charges and was offered a nice deal to discredit or lock up Thane's device in court. Bet you a dollar a lawsuit is filed in the next year and you can bet Thane, who has no funding, will just go away even though he invented it.
That is all speculation but then this entire thread is speculation until people look at the components that are being ignored such as the shorted coil and magnets below the rotor and how they are being used as an accelerator.
Most all free energy devices use "acceleration" to convert mass into the atomic energy contained within mass and they do not violate thermodynamics.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 29, 2009, 03:33:46 AM
It's true more evidence is needed to sustain the Orbo claim which is that the rotor draws no energy from the power supply. As far as I understand Thane Heins' rotor does draw energy from the power supply and that makes it an entirely different invention.
No it doesn't, it "allegedly" makes Thane's motor less efficient. The only differences are toroids verses coaxial coils, size and friction as I stated.
Efficiency of the motor is none of our problems when discussing OU devices. It shouldn't even be mentioned. The crucial question is are there experiments proving that Thane Heins' rotor doesn't draw energy from the power supply. If that can be proved unequivocally Steorn will eat crow, lawsuit or no lawsuit.
By the way, is Thane Heins available for a commentary on Steorn's demo?
Why are you so bent on staying completely off topic and trying to send everyone to check out Thane's work? We are not talking about Thanes work here. There is a huge thread for Thanes work already, please lets stick to Orbo here in this thread. I too have been watching Thanes work since his first couple video's hit you tube. It's great stuff, but not exactly the same. Although you feel some aspects may be similar, you have stated this plenty of times already. We've got it okay, please let us work on Orbo. Thanes work is great, but what he is doing is feeding excess energy back to help the electric motor turn the generator. There is no electric motor in Orbo at all. The toroids ARE the motor. They are different. I feel everyone SHOULD see Thanes work. I have great respect for it. But I respectfully ask that you let us work on Orbo over here.
Quote from: wings on December 29, 2009, 03:14:13 AM
Hi all
Yesterday I bought the Arduino manual thinking about how to solve the switch timing .
assuming that you need 5° accuracy timing with a 2500RPM you have 0.33 millisecond to run the software instructions it is enough??
A pratical solution is to use magnet pais like in the original video, in this case with N and S magnet you can reduce the interaction area improving the timing, increase the torque .... but reducing the effect and speed.
Instead to use a standard ferrite toroid ... wy not use a magnet toroid facing with opposit to the rotating magnet, like to Ossie experiment.
Ben , Ossie , Stefan all
Thanks for the information you have given me so far
Stefan please stop the music
Wings, I have my arduino already running.
Just a tip:
The default arduino boot-loader software uses a rather inefficient C-compiler.
That will not enable you in an easy way to get high output timing resolution.
I will use a programmer (Olimax) to be able to run the Admel processor using assembler language. By this you can easily obtain output resolution of 125 ns (most of the arduino's use 16 MHz clock freq),
As a reference: at 2400 rpm that will give you 360/200000 degrees resolution using one coil, one magnet
Another approach I am working out is to sample the induced voltage of the coils by the controller (the Atmel processors have an on-chip A/D converter). This will allow me to work without a seperate sensor
I'll take further discussions/questions on the Arduino controller method over PM to avoid cluttering this thread
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 03:33:49 AM
Hi All,
I always knew of Steorn over the past few years because of their publicity but I was and am still pretty green in terms of understanding their technology prior to December the 15th 2009. I have had some correspondance with JLN in the past day or two and he has made me aware of the following which is very interesting.
"US 2009/0009157 A1 : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEASURING ENERGY IN MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS : An apparatus and method is provided for measuring magnetic force response time due to the magnetic viscosity of materials and for measuring total energy exchanged due to relative motion of magnetic materials. Voltage and current versus time through an electromagnet is measured and recorded....
Inventors: Sean David McCarthy, Alan Simpson, Martin Flood, Maxime Sorin"
here the link
and file
I just got done winding my new toroid. I went ahead and tried using a steel bushing I got from the local hardware store for the core. I know the properties of steel are not always desirable for these motors, but I wanted to try the much less permeability aspect. It's actually no different than a washer with a bigger hole in the middle. I used 1500 turns of #26 wire (took all night to wind). I am reworking the whole rotor design, so I did not get a chance to test for a runner yet. But I did do jean's test. With my last ferrite toroids that drank current, using jeans test would BARELY drop 1 half inch neo when hit with 12 volts. This thin steel bushing core, with 1500 turns, drops 6, 3/4" neo's stacked like it was nothing. So I think I am in business. Thanks for the details on all of your work, it's extremely appreciated. I know steel is not supposed to work as well, but I'll give it a shot with 1 toroid anyway and see, who knows. Much lower permeability may prove worth while.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 29, 2009, 04:56:02 AM
Efficiency of the motor is none of our problems when discussing OU devices. It shouldn't even be mentioned. The crucial question is are there experiments proving that Thane Heins' rotor doesn't draw energy from the power supply. If that can be proved unequivocally Steorn will eat crow, lawsuit or no lawsuit.
By the way, is Thane Heins available for a commentary on Steorn's demo?
I don't what Thane's status is nor do I speak for him. Neither Steorn or Thane have demonstrated overunity in terms of a self running device and Thane does not want to to touch that with a ten foot pole for commercial reasons from what he has stated.
BOTH Thane and Steorn show (or claim to show in the case of Steorn) a cancellation of Lentz law. They also both appear to doing that in the same way and that is the pink elephant in the room.
Monkey see monkey do, isn't going to understand it if the monkey can't see the pink elephant. The other aspects of the differences or performance in the two are what is irrelevant.
Anyway, let's stick to Steorn right now becauste, being better endowed at present, the likelihood of them proving OU definitively (not through a closed loop) is greater.
Quote from: captainpecan on December 29, 2009, 05:26:08 AM
This thin steel bushing core, with 1500 turns, drops 6, 3/4" neo's stacked like it was nothing.
Fantastic work, tnx for sharing. ;)
In the Steorn replication from JL Naudin,
we see the values of voltage and current used to power the coils:
8V, 18A and a duty cycle > 25% (
This leads to 36W/coil!
We now understand why Steorn is using a strong 10A/h battery instead of a capacitor... It is a very unefficient motor.
Quote from: wings on December 29, 2009, 03:14:13 AM
Hi all
Yesterday I bought the Arduino manual thinking about how to solve the switch timing .
assuming that you need 5° accuracy timing with a 2500RPM you have 0.33 millisecond to run the software instructions it is enough??
A pratical solution is to use magnet pais like in the original video, in this case with N and S magnet you can reduce the interaction area improving the timing, increase the torque .... but reducing the effect and speed.
Instead to use a standard ferrite toroid ... wy not use a magnet toroid facing with opposit to the rotating magnet, like to Ossie experiment.
Ben , Ossie , Stefan all
Thanks for the information you have given me so far
Stefan please stop the music
Yes, just dreaming, practically, will need much faster than Arudino as actual value pulse/pulses width (if individual coils controlled), needed to spin up is rather large but then actual value to maintain sync of fields (positive feedback of speed) when tracking pulses is very short, and very fast tracking at 2-10K rpm gets to be a bitch.......The application of micro will be mandatory as size and power increases and control of loop to keep power input down to minimum for speed and efficiency with little resistive heating .......know the above is rather cryptic but if you understand, don't have to elaborate, if not, just build the motors. Information and data coming in so fast, hard to digest it all and sleep at the same time.........Cowabunga, what a fantastic year......
Every one has contributed over time and all the ideas add up. Bedini, Adams, Flyn, Steorm, JLN, Ossie and all the other great experimenters on this list too numerous to mention and all the results of the Internet with the rapid distribution of information and on and on and on. Whomever ever though that two magnetic fields in a active environment could mechanically be brought into resonance with resultant power output..... Wow.......Again, just dreaming, me bad.
" I made a lot more electricity with steel than I ever made with copper. "
~ Ed Leedskalnin
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 29, 2009, 07:55:46 AM
In the Steorn replication from JL Naudin,
we see the values of voltage and current used to power the coils:
8V, 18A and a duty cycle > 25% (
This leads to 36W/coil!
We now understand why Steorn is using a strong 10A/h battery instead of a capacitor... It is a very unefficient motor.
Hi exnihiloest,
I was just wondering, have you read all of the posts in this thread?
QuoteThis thin steel bushing core, with 1500 turns, drops 6, 3/4" neo's stacked like it was nothing.
Interesting test! should have high permeability and low saturation. It may be better to have a core of rolled 1010 shim steel or fine 1010 steel wire to eliminate eddy currents.
I believe the core material will be an important factor in improving efficiency but maybe not something we are particularly looking at currently.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 29, 2009, 07:55:46 AM
In the Steorn replication from JL Naudin,
we see the values of voltage and current used to power the coils:
8V, 18A and a duty cycle > 25% (
This leads to 36W/coil!
We now understand why Steorn is using a strong 10A/h battery instead of a capacitor... It is a very unefficient motor.
And callanan gets 2000 RPM on quite heavy rotor with only 0.12W:
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 07:59:41 AM
Hi exnihiloest,
I was just wondering, have you read all of the posts in this thread?
I am interested only in experiments and accurate measurements.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 29, 2009, 09:45:43 AM
I am interested only in experiments and accurate measurements.
Not true. You're also interested in whether or not the motor is efficient which is absolutely irrelevant with regard to whether or not the motor is OU.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 29, 2009, 09:45:43 AM
I am interested only in experiments and accurate measurements.
It seems more like you're interested in debunking with little reason and thinking overunity is a joke. Take MH as an example to see where that road leads to. Poeple here are doing some very good work and if it wasn't for Steorn we wouldn't have learned this interesting phenomena.
Experimentation wise there's something interesting I'm wondering about besides the potential EMF when it's energised. That is how the inductance L of the coil is behaving while the magnet passes by. If the inductance increases as the magnet moves away from TDC then this would mean that the current will not rise linearly (considering ideal inductor with no resistance). Because I= E/L *t , if L increases in time the slope of I changes. Actually if L increases linearly this function is asymptotic, like an RL circuit, and reaches its own current limit which can be below the ohmic current limit. This is an intresting fact to clarify through experimentation. For this experimentation it's best to drop the voltage and increase the inductance and duty cycle. So the charge time of the inductor stretches out for easy analyzing without hitting the ohmic limit too fast.
If however inductance doesn't change at all it would be yet another property of the motor we learned about.
Quote from: k4zep on December 28, 2009, 04:32:27 PM
A happy and prosperous new year to you too!!!
Thanks Ben! All the best for you too in 2010. I guess my wish is unnecessary as Father Christmas huh... Steorn has already given you a FE machine and the gift of faith ::)
What I think I am getting so far is that if I want to heat my home in the winter, the Orbo is the device I need. If I want to make energy to say, charge a battery or operate an appliance, well, not so much.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 29, 2009, 09:56:12 AM
Not true. You're also interested in whether or not the motor is efficient which is absolutely irrelevant with regard to whether or not the motor is OU.
False statement. Experiments and accurate measurements are the only way to know if a motor is OU or not OU, efficient or unefficient.
If you saw an efficiency >100%, you guess there is a hidden energy source, and then you can use the COP instead of the efficiency to evaluate the machine.
OU can be seen only in experiments and measurements and that is why I am interested in.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 29, 2009, 10:29:21 AM
False statement. Experiments and accurate measurements are the only way to know if a motor is OU or not OU, efficient or unefficient.
If you saw an efficiency >100%, you guess there is a hidden energy source, and then you can use the COP instead of the efficiency to evaluate the machine.
OU can be seen only in experiments and measurements and that is why I am interested in.
I agree, if you have a device that you can show is over 100% efficient, then overunity is easy to prove there, so certainly efficiency is relevant to overunity.
Omnibus is talking about total energy, though, so I suppose if heat output + mechanical output > energy input, you have overunity.
How do you accurately measure the total heat from a device though?
If you make enough turns of thin wire on the core and use precise timing it shouln't become a heater. ;)
I'd like to see a clear list of tradeoffs. Such as:
Higher permability core => higher amp turns to saturate
Thinner coil wire => more physical (amp) turns possible (good?)
Thinner coil wire => higher resistance (bad?)
Higher number of (amp) turns => lower current required to saturate
Higher number of (amp) turns => slower response time to saturate (bad? irrelevant?)
And one I have not seen focus on:
Higher number of (amp) turns => thicker toroid => greater "gap" required between coil core and rotor magnets => lower magnetic attraction Force => lower ROTOR TORQUE (bad!)
Remember that the rotor torque is the "free" energy in this design and should be MAXIMIZED as much as reasonable with regards to your fixed parameters in any setup. RPM is not necessarily proportional to torque. So a good timing circuit might give high RPM but lower torque.
It is torque that drives the generator to produce the "free" electricity to close the loop. Anyone accurately measuring torque while adjusting other parameters?
Vid and quote from Larskro
Min. power use 2,9 volts x 50 mAmps = 0,145 watt. Speed 600rpm
I will try to reach zero power or overunity ?? free energy.
The toroid coil have about 300 turns. I have back EMF.
I understand what you're saying and that's important but for the later stages. We're still at the point of proving that the coupling betwieen the rotor and the toroids is exclusively magnetic. That is, that the rotor doesn't use any of the input energy. That's a crucial point which needs utmost attention.
Did some research on core materials:
Relative Permeability chart:
Mild Steel (0.2 C) 2,000
Iron (0.2 impurity) 5,000
Silicon Iron 7,000
Mumetal 100,000
Purified iron (0.05 impurity) 200,000
Supermalloy 1,000,000
MetGlas 1,000,000
It seems, stuff like Metglas should be ideal for this kind of motor. It should need just microamps to saturate, which means one can have bigger cores , bigger magnets (=more output power) and only a few milliamps of input current.
Check the BH curve of Metglas here, its awesome
Here is a useful graph from which one can directly calculate the number of turns needed to saturate a particular core for some value of current:
So, say for steel core, you need 200 turns/inch to saturate it with a current of 0.1 Amp. If you are sending any more current than that, in this case, its not doing anything, just getting wasted as heat.
So the golden rule for input side is - highest permeability , correct number of turns (of as thick wire as possible) and optimal current.
Wiki has also great info on "Magnetic susceptibility and permeability data for selected materials" :
Probably need the BH curve of the core material to determine what may work well.
Here is a nice pdf that explains some of the factors and how they could be used.
I would recommend everyone read this if you don't already know this!
I was thinking... could we use metal housing from an old hard drive to make toroids core.
It shoud have very high permeability to shield drive from outer magnetic fields.
Quote from: powercat on December 29, 2009, 10:39:06 AM
Vid and quote from Larskro
Min. power use 2,9 volts x 50 mAmps = 0,145 watt. Speed 600rpm
I will try to reach zero power or overunity ?? free energy.
The toroid coil have about 300 turns. I have back EMF. (
Nice video and great job!! I'm jealous that you have the parts to make a Steorn replication. :)
Quote from: Omega_0 on December 29, 2009, 10:47:50 AM
Did some research on core materials:
MetGlas 1,000,000
Ha ha, I already have that MetGlas core. Those cores are amazing! They're noncrystalline and amorphous cores. Just wish I had some ball bearings, rod, and all else that's needed to replicate an eOrbo version.
If the key factor of operation is core saturation, then just selecting a material with a very high permeability would also require a strong field to saturate the core.
Would it be better to use a material that saturates just above what the magnets would be applying so that there would not be any loss in attraction but the coil could easily saturate the core?
Do you have a used computer fan? Some super glue? Some magnets?
Then you can make a super low friction rotor in no time. Just carefully take
apart the fan, remove the fan blades, glue magnets onto rotor hub, remove
the fan electronic. Now you have a low friction rotor with magnets on.
As there are a garden variety of materials, best way to know the saturation point (Hmax) for a material is through manufacturer specs. Here is a good trick to calculate the amp-turns required to saturate a ferrite core.
(So Amp-turns = 0.8 x Hmax x length(cm))
Calculator for converting Oe to Amp/m :
Quote from: lumen on December 29, 2009, 12:07:52 PM
If the key factor of operation is core saturation, then just selecting a material with a very high permeability would also require a strong field to saturate the core.
Would it be better to use a material that saturates just above what the magnets would be applying so that there would not be any loss in attraction but the coil could easily saturate the core?
lumen, can you explain this more please. Why its better to have less permeability from output point of view ?
I was thinking that the force of attraction is proportional to the pole strengths and area of both pieces. So simply using a stronger and bigger magnet should increase the force. Or am I wrong here ?
Not very close, but should give an idea:
@Omnibus, I agree completely. I would just like to help those who are struggling to select materials and construction techniques for their set ups to have a concise list of the tradeoffs of each variable so they can choose wisely. It takes so long to wind the toroid coils. Choosing the wrong size wire, core material, number of turns, etc. can cause one to be quite far outside of the basic parameters already being learned. And the recovery time after learning that mistake is long. Especially if people are ordering the toroid core materials, wire, etc. It would be best if they had all the information to choose a construction set that is the closest to optimum available with the knowledge gained to date.
Ultimately I believe most builders want to create a self runner. That might not be what is needed to prove OU, but without it, many will not be satisfied. Plus, nothing else has the same "wow" factor imho. So I offer the idea that maximizing rotor torque must be a primary focus, and possibly secondary to minimizing the electrical input.
So much great information has surfaced on how to optimize the electrical control side. Any more information on how to optimize the "free" energy torque output should be collected too.
Again, optimizing the electrical controll circuit for the wrong goal (such as RPM) can be wasted efforts. The optimum electrical control circuit must create the maximum rotor torque in order to reach the ultimate goal. Ignoring rotor torque for the sake of minimizing electrical input alone can be counterproductive. I just want the electrical motor builders here to keep that in mind.
Quote from: Omega_0 on December 29, 2009, 01:02:02 PM
lumen, can you explain this more please. Why its better to have less permeability from output point of view ?
I was thinking that the force of attraction is proportional to the pole strengths and area of both pieces. So simply using a stronger and bigger magnet should increase the force. Or am I wrong here ?
Not very close, but should give an idea:
No, you are correct, I was saying that some materials that are rated low permeability, actually have very high initial permability but for a short range on the BH curve.
This may work out better in this case as long as the magnets used do not exceed the materials saturation point and lose some potential attraction.
The advantage is, it will require a smaller electrical input to the coil to saturate the core.
Just a few practical hints for winding toroids. Assuming you know how many turns you need . First take a short piece of wire , and wind 10 turns. Unwind it , and measure its length. You now can calculate total wire length needed . Add say 10% to be safe , more if the winding is to be multi layered. Find the middle of the wire . Wind the coil in 2 halves , start at say 6 o'clock and wind through 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock. Start again at 6 , wind through 3 to twelve o'clock . You may find that if the wire is long , a shuttle is useful . Take piece of 10 mm dowel about60 cms long , and cut a slot about 2 cms deep into each end [ like the slot in an arrow. Bind the dowel with thread to stop the slots splitting . wind wire end over end onto the shuttle , and keep threading it thru the toroid like a needle . Unwind wire from shuttle as and when necessary . Hope this helps someone.
Quote from: mondrasek on December 29, 2009, 01:07:29 PM
Again, optimizing the electrical controll circuit for the wrong goal (such as RPM) can be wasted efforts. The optimum electrical control circuit must create the maximum rotor torque in order to reach the ultimate goal. Ignoring rotor torque for the sake of minimizing electrical input alone can be counterproductive. I just want the electrical motor builders here to keep that in mind.
I agree totally, it should be kept in mind. There are a lot of us however that aren't that far yet with our builds. Me for instance, I just want a rotor that turns without my coils MELTING... lol.. I'm moving forward nicely though.
As for using steel for the core. Sure the numbers sound good, and my simple tests show it works pretty well, but there may still be some problems not seen yet. For instance, the whole point of this motor design is to eliminate Lenz Law. Is the permeability going to be high enough to do this? We will see. As far as saturation, yes steel should saturate much easier than ferrite, but to be honest, I'm not so sure we need complete saturation to begin with. Following everyones results, it seems that all that is required is to disrupt the domains in the core, to break the magnetic attraction. So we should keep in mind that complete saturation may not truly be the goal here anyway. I do not think Ossies setup is fully saturating those cores. I could be wrong of course, but I believe he is hitting it with just enough to jumble those domains. BUT, saturation may be needed if the magnets are strong enough. Then it would make it possible to keep increasing the free energy attraction, while still using the same input to break the attraction. It seems the number of turns is by far the most important aspect to cut current so far. Torque is another story, we will see what happens.
Quote from: neptune on December 29, 2009, 02:34:59 PM
Just a few practical hints for winding toroids. Assuming you know how many turns you need . First take a short piece of wire , and wind 10 turns. Unwind it , and measure its length. You now can calculate total wire length needed . Add say 10% to be safe , more if the winding is to be multi layered. Find the middle of the wire . Wind the coil in 2 halves , start at say 6 o'clock and wind through 9 o'clock to 12 o'clock. Start again at 6 , wind through 3 to twelve o'clock . You may find that if the wire is long , a shuttle is useful . Take piece of 10 mm dowel about60 cms long , and cut a slot about 2 cms deep into each end [ like the slot in an arrow. Bind the dowel with thread to stop the slots splitting . wind wire end over end onto the shuttle , and keep threading it thru the toroid like a needle . Unwind wire from shuttle as and when necessary . Hope this helps someone.
Thanks for the info, it will most likely help save some alot of headaches. I use pretty close to the same method, but there's a couple tips I can use.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 29, 2009, 12:19:17 PM
Do you have a used computer fan? Some super glue? Some magnets?
Then you can make a super low friction rotor in no time. Just carefully take
apart the fan, remove the fan blades, glue magnets onto rotor hub, remove
the fan electronic. Now you have a low friction rotor with magnets on.
I just got back from the garage where I was tearing apart an old computer, and managed to get the hard drive disc out. It was a 130 MB (not 130GB) drive. And I found a screw that fits it just right, so it's now mounted on a piece of wood (not eddy currents). It spins okay, but I took another HD apart, newer HD, and this thing spins forever, but I can't find any screws to mount it, so I'll just use the old 130MB HD. If this does not work that well, then I'll try the PC fan like you suggested. Thanks for help though! I did not read your message until just now.
Here's a very short video of it so far, (
Quote from: captainpecan on December 29, 2009, 02:40:28 PM
Following everyones results, it seems that all that is required is to disrupt the domains in the core, to break the magnetic attraction. So we should keep in mind that complete saturation may not truly be the goal here anyway.
That is a matter of experimentation. If you can get the same torque while staying below saturation, its a bonus !
However, you don't want the rotor to get attracted in reverse direction, when it flies by the core. So you can compensate that by keeping the coil on for some more time, which means increased duty cycle and input power. Sure there is a trade-off.
Some more thoughts on input optimization:
Building some arrangement to vary the duty cycle manually will be best. Goal is to keep it minimum. When the rotor magnet is well past the core, there is no point in keeping it on.
Say if there are 4 magnets (or 4 pairs), its not good to keep it on after 45 deg. Seeing that the motor will work with as little as 25% duty cycle, its better to keep it as low as possible given that torque remains constant. If the core is driven into saturation, the viscosity (if there is such a thing ;) ), will let the rotor not see it even if there is no current in it.
Collecting the induced emf (bemf or cemf or whatever) is a good thing, and it will lower the input even more, but I don't see how a battery would be able to keep up at high rpms, a cap will be needed if you plan to collect the emf.
That should cover the input side, IMO, and reduce some amount of hit-n-trial or rebuilds. Any more ideas are most welcome. Its very difficult to come up with design parameters at this time (and steorn is not telling any), but I will try to find something for output side also. And probably a decent method of measuring mechanical energy at the rotor, without which there is little point in building this stuff :)
@ PL,
Yeah, I like using the hard drive parts also. That's what I am using currently. What I like to do though is cut 2 circles from plywood, use a hole saw to cut out the center of them both. Then pinch the disk between them using brass or aluminum screws, just outside the outer perimeter of the platinum disk. I use brass and aluminum screws on the rotor, so as to not effect your magnets flux you are planing to install. Aluminum screws work good on the rotor, but if the magnets are moving past the aluminum, it's not a good idea. So I would steer clear of aluminum on the stator unless it's out of range of the flux.
But pinching the disk between two pieces of wood, makes it really easy to switch out your rotors if you need to make a couple different variations. Hope some of this info may help. At least this is how I do it.
That's a great idea to cut round pieces of wood. I only have one size round cutter for the drill press, and it's too small though. What's nice about that idea is arrow dynamics. Unfortunetly I might end up cutting two pieces of wood, one for each side of the disc, and epoxying those to the disc and of course the magnets will be epoxied to the wood, but that will have some wind drag. BTW, does anyone think that epoxy can hold the wood & magnets at say 2000 rpm?
Maybe the following is a better way than epoxying the wood to the harddrive discs. The hardrive has two metal discs, so how about cutting two pieces of wood (one for each side of the harddrive disc), then cut two thin slots into the wood so that the wood slips into the harddrives dual metal discs. Then wrap some metal wire around the entire disc, thus securing both wooden pieces. That way I can always remove the wood in case different size magnets are needed, or whatever. Also this avoids the 24 wait for the glue to dry. ;D
If you use Plywood and drill holes for the magnets AND then glue with Epoxy,
then the magnets will stay on the rotor at high rpm. It is no problem to
mount the coils above the magnets. If you have round magnets then the
drill method is the best way to do it.
Hi to all,
I just watch at yours work since Steorn last presentation. I think you are doing grate job, and I hope that this project will succeed!
I want to point on Steorn patent:
I think it explains how orbo works, and how it should be optimized to work most efficient. Charts are self explanatory, and you can learn a lot. The main thing is that magnetic interactions in static system - due to the so called "magnetic viscosity" - are different than dynamic. According to patent when you increase relative speed between core and magnet, the core saturation is lagged in time and therefore its value decreased. While torque doesn't change as fast as saturation change (saturation decrease for about 100 times, but torque only 2). I wont explain every thing, you all have to read this. It is better explained there. Correct me if am wrong about this.
All the best!!!
Quote from: marek on December 29, 2009, 04:58:33 PM
Hi to all,
I just watch at yours work since Steorn last presentation. I think you are doing grate job, and I hope that this project will succeed!
I want to point on Steorn patent: (
I think it explains how orbo works, and how it should be optimized to work most efficient. Charts are self explanatory, and you can learn a lot. The main thing is that magnetic interactions in static system - due to the so called "magnetic viscosity" - are different than dynamic. According to patent when you increase relative speed between core and magnet, the core saturation is lagged in time and therefore its value decreased. While torque doesn't change as fast as saturation change (saturation decrease for about 100 times, but torque only 2). I wont explain every thing, you all have to read this. It is better explained there. Correct me if am wrong about this.
All the best!!!
Hi marek,
Thanks for that important info! I just knew it, that it was due to magnetic viscosity. Since you studied the Steorn patent already, what type of magnetic core do you recommend?
I just took a look at the Steorn patent, and am amazed that it's all there, like marek said. They show everything from tons of magnetic viscosity plots to the design and theory. Steorn is legit! :) (
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 29, 2009, 05:16:44 PM
Hi marek,
Thanks for that important info! I just knew it, that it was due to magnetic viscosity. Since you studied the Steorn patent already, what type of magnetic core do you recommend?
That I don't know, and patent says nothing about that. It just measure system. I think it must be set experimentally. It will depend on operating conditions (rpm, torque). When you look at the torque-flux chart I would try to run it at higher rpm, because you need less energy to desaturate core. But really, it has to be experimented with different cores materials. Worth thing to notice is that maximum torque is in quite narrow range before core, and drops to 0 when passes it. Negative torque too comes later, so maybe the electric pulse can also be lagged, and duty cycle can be reduced... Speculations;)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 29, 2009, 05:20:41 PM
I just took a look at the Steorn patent, and am amazed that it's all there, like marek said. They show everything from tons of magnetic viscosity plots to the design and theory. Steorn is legit! :) (
Right on Paul, soneone else finally read the patent!!!! Reall exellent work...
Yes, groundloop is right. I always drill my magnets into the rotor whenever possible. I use a Forester bit. Costs a couple extra dollars, but it makes perfect flat bottomed holes for round magnets.
This is what I was referring to that you can do with that hard drive platter. This is not my Orbo replication, just a couple pictures of something else I'm working on also. Hope it helps, it's pretty simple to do, and it lets you easily mount whatever you want to the rotor, while still using that awesome hard drive bearing!
Hi Folks,
Steorn has another patent publication on Torque measurement of a rotating body, see here:
Abstract of WO 2009087476 (A2)
A system and method is provided for determining the torque and kinetic energy of a rotating body without contacting the rotating body. Graduation markings are applied to mark regular angular displacements on the object. Reflected laser light from the graduations is sensed and converted into a pulsed signal. The pulses of the signal are time stamped and used to determine the velocity of the rotating object at angular displacements which can be less than 360 degrees. Changes in angular velocity during each rotation can be measured and used to determine changes in torque and kinetic energy during each rotation.
rgds, Gyula
Hi All,
Regarding Steorn's design and claim that the magnet's field on their motor does not induce an emf in the toroid coils, in an ideal world this should be correct. But in the real world nothing is perfect.
Using store bought chokes with few turns will typical keep this induced emf down to the 1-10mV range. But as you all start to wind your own toroid coils on ferrite cores with many more winding turns and winding imperfections then the store bought chokes, this non-ideal induced emf will get larger and typically it can get up to 100mV.
This induced emf due to the coil's imperfection can also make the coil slightly polarity sensitive. Normally, with perfect coils, the polarity of the coil connection does not matter because the direct link between the electrical energy in the coil and the rotor magnet's field is broken. But with imperfect coils where there is a slight induced emf in the coil, this induction creates a link to the rotor magnet's field and will effect the performance of the motor, slightly, depending on the amount of induced emf.
Undertanding this, the induced emf then become very important when using multiple coils around the rotor on your test motor. When you engineer and build your motors, magnet and coil placement as well as even magnet field strength becomes very important. This is because each imperfect coil's induced emf can become additive. But by specially checking for this with a scope and connecting the coils together with specific polarity you can get the induced emf to cancel or reduce to a minimal amount. Typically less then 100 mV for multiple coils.
I have found that my motor performance is optimal when this is done and the trigger is far more stable.
So seeking perfection and accuracy in the design and construction of you your motor is very important if you plan on using more then one toroid coil. I know this holds true for most pulse motors but I though it worthwhile to describe some of the reasons behind it for this motor.
Hi Ossi,
many thanks for the additional infos
with the imperfect coil´s induction.
Could you please try this circuit and let us now the charge rate of the cap ?
Maybe you can make an additional video and show the voltage and
also use friction on the rotor manually and show, that the input current does not increase ?
Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Captainpecan,
Thanks for the helpful info. Is there a way of making those wooden circles with just an ordinary table saw and drill press?
Hi Ossie,
Would you happen to know the resistance of each of your toroid coils?
BTW, I had the idea of flipping the entire setup seen in my video upside down and using the wood base as the part that spins and contains the magnets. So the harddrive metal discs would be the base. Of course I would use a smaller base, as that one is a bit large, but the wooden base should extend beyond the metal discs to get the magnets away to minimize eddy currents.
... Awe what the heck, why not remove the bearings and do away with the metal disc completely? Has anyone ever tried to remove the bearings from the harddrive?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 29, 2009, 08:44:15 PM
Hi Ossie,
Would you happen to know the resistance of each of your toroid coils?
Hi PL,
Each coil is exactly 3.4 Ohms.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 29, 2009, 08:44:15 PM
Thanks for the helpful info. Is there a way of making those wooden circles with just an ordinary table saw and drill press?
Yeah, actually you can cut circles with a table saw, although I have not had to do it. There are some good video's online that show you how to. It's pretty straight forward... Here's one...
I was lucky enough to find a scroll saw at a pawn shop for $20, so that's what I use. You may check your local pawn shops, you never know what other peoples junk will work very well for your projects.
Quote from: captainpecan on December 29, 2009, 09:35:49 PM
Yeah, actually you can cut circles with a table saw, although I have not had to do it. There are some good video's online that show you how to. It's pretty straight forward... Here's one... (
I love it! :)
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 29, 2009, 08:14:49 PM
Hi Ossi,
many thanks for the additional infos
with the imperfect coil´s induction.
Could you please try this circuit and let us now the charge rate of the cap ?
Maybe you can make an additional video and show the voltage and
also use friction on the rotor manually and show, that the input current does not increase ?
Many thanks in advance.
Regards, Stefan.
Hi Stefan and All,
Here is a load test video as requested. The description is as follows:
"The test in this motor shows the lack of an increase in input current when the rotor is placed under a load. The generator coil and lamp which is 12V, 100ma, is by no means efficient in design but purely used to represent a load only and not an attempt to effeciently extract electrical energy from the rotor. Any apparent increase in input current that you may perceive is due to the increase of the duty cycle cause by the reed switch being turned on for a longer period as the magnets pass by at low RPMs."
A fixed reed switch was used as the trigger in this video so output power was not optimal. I am still working on better trigger and switching methods for optimisation and functionality.
In regard to the cap charging test, I may do this at some stage but I am really not interested in it and don't see much point. Such a test is better suited to a Bedini motor or something designed to charge caps but I do not believe that this motor is designed to do this or will be any good at it...
Your message in the video, "Coils are cold to the touch!" made my day! ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 29, 2009, 10:26:43 PM
Your message in the video, "Coils are cold to the touch!" made my day! ;D
Hi PL,
Looking at the low current the motor is drawing, I don't think it means anything special at this stage. It just means that resistive heating is being kept to a minimal....
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 10:15:40 PM
In regard to the cap charging test, I may do this at some stage but I am really not interested in it and don't see much point. Such a test is better suited to a Bedini motor or something designed to charge caps but I do not believe that this motor is designed to do this or will be any good at it...
Hi Ossie,
well done the new video.
It shows the skeptics that it is indeed just a motor and not a generator.
With the cap charging, I just wanted to see,
how much BackEMF power you could extract from the input power
in your setup.
Would be nice to see, if it is simular to Ben´s motor power recycling-extraction
Many thanks.
Hi All,
Please see this video of my Steorn test motor running on a virtually dead 9V battery.
This was just to show some people that this motor can run on very low levels of input power and not need power supplies, large lead acid batteries or even "D" cell batteries for it's input power.
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 11:47:10 PM
Hi All,
Please see this video of my Steorn test motor running on a virtually dead 9V battery.
This was just to show some people that this motor can run on very low levels of input power and not need power supplies, large lead acid batteries or even "D" cell batteries for it's input power.
Once again, good stuff! It's nice to see it running on about the power consumption a simple LED would take.
Hi All,
I have just mounted an additional two coils on my Steorn test motor platform for a maximum of 4 toroidal drive coils and I thought it important to show other motor replicators out there the importance of the cogging effect that your motor should have. Please see the following video.
According to the theory, the motor will gain energy from the rotor magnets attraction to the toroidal coil's cores. So to magnify or take most advantage of this, you want your rotor to be in attraction mode, ideally, 100% of the time through one revolution. In reality I have managed to get it to be about 95% of the time as can be seen in the video but this is very important for this motor and something you need to take into account when designing your motor for the best efficiency you can manage.
When you do this, your motor will have a very pronounced and strong cogging effect at very low RPMs such that even when the magnets are a considerable distance from the coils they will still have a strong enough attraction to pull the rotor towards them.
A perfectly designed rotor in regard to this will be one where it is very difficult to position the rotor such that it doesn't not pull itself towards the coils.
Quote from: callanan on December 29, 2009, 11:47:10 PM
Hi All,
Please see this video of my Steorn test motor running on a virtually dead 9V battery.
Hi Ossie,
A "virtually dead" battery can still provide current for a while when the voltage is not a question (and here it is the case, because the coils have a low resistance).
Why to not replace the "virtually dead" 9V battery with a capacitor of some hundreds µF?
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 30, 2009, 04:29:07 AM
Hi Ossie,
A "virtually dead" battery can still provide current for a while when the voltage is not a question (and here it is the case, because the coils have a low resistance).
Why to not replace the "virtually dead" 9V battery with a capacitor of some hundreds µF?
Because exchanging the battery for a capacitor turns the device into something else, not what is claimed nere. If you understand the principle of action of this motor you'd no better that it has to work with a battery, preferably not virtually dead battery, even.
Quote from: eatenbyagrue on December 29, 2009, 10:32:38 AM
I agree, if you have a device that you can show is over 100% efficient, then overunity is easy to prove there, so certainly efficiency is relevant to overunity.
Omnibus is talking about total energy, though, so I suppose if heat output + mechanical output > energy input, you have overunity.
How do you accurately measure the total heat from a device though?
Hi eatenbyagrue
You do not need it, or only in a second step.
In the first step, to accurately measure the input and output energy in order to be sure the second one is more than the first, is enough. I suppose that all in all, we would be satisfied with such a proof.
Then we could search for the hidden source (ZPE, environnemental thermal bath...) using calorimeters or other means but this would be only for intellectual satisfaction and theorical knowledge.
Zero point energy (ZPE) is a non-phenomenon and should be excluded as a possible explanation. Environmental thermal bath is out of the question too as an explanation once one gets comfortable with the principle of action of the motor. This is pure and genuine obtainment of energy out of no pre-existing energy reservoir -- violation of CoE in its fullest.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 30, 2009, 04:45:44 AM
Because exchanging the battery for a capacitor turns the device into something else, not what is claimed nere.
What is claimed is a motor running from a battery.
Omnibus, you must be informed that it is not new :D
If the battery is a mean for storing and recovering electrical energy, and nobody said it is not the case here, then we can use capacitors instead. It is just a question of quantity of charges that we have to deal with (with just an adaptation of the electronics because a capacitor does not work at a constant voltage).
All motor cycles being identical, it is clear that the balance of charges exchange is the same at each motor turn. Thus a battery or capacitor able to store and furnish the charges smoothly on one turn is enough. This needs not at all a high capacity battery like that used by Steorn.
But if it is a magic battery, I agree that we cannot replace it by other means.
There are many knowledgeable people here, fine engineers and researchers, who have followed the development of this idea for a long time who would know where it actually originated from. Who was the first to propose that a permanent magnet motor would only be coupled magnetically with the core of a coil (probably toroid is the best choice but who propsed it first) excluding any electrical rotor-coil coupling? Who was the first to notice that the current and voltage scope traces don't change form under load in such a machine which is a direct proof that said machine is OU. This contraption os one of the most brilliant ideas I've seen inthe OU field and kudos to Steorn for bringing it so powerfully into the public space.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 30, 2009, 05:03:02 AM
Zero point energy (ZPE) is a non-phenomenon and should be excluded as a possible explanation. Environmental thermal bath is out of the question too as an explanation once one gets comfortable with the principle of action of the motor. This is pure and genuine obtainment of energy out of no pre-existing energy reservoir -- violation of CoE in its fullest.
"Zero point energy (ZPE) is a non-phenomenon..."
"Environmental thermal bath is out of the question..."
It is irrelevant to say that possible explanations for a not proved claim are wrong. It does not make sens, it is to put the plow before the horse.
The question now is: is there OU?
The answer is: yes, there is OU. The constancy of U and I even under load prove it.
As for its explanation, as I said, in this and in any other case zpe cannot be utilized because zpe is a non-phenomenon. The case we're discussing is a geniuine OU, not seeming one and therefore environmental thermal bath as an explanation is also out of the question.
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 30, 2009, 05:09:26 AM
What is claimed is a motor running from a battery.
Omnibus, you must be informed that it is not new :D
If the battery is a mean for storing and recovering electrical energy, and nobody said it is not the case here, then we can use capacitors instead. It is just a question of quantity of charges that we have to deal with (with just an adaptation of the electronics because a capacitor does not work at a constant voltage).
All motor cycles being identical, it is clear that the balance of charges exchange is the same at each motor turn. Thus a battery or capacitor able to store and furnish the charges smoothly on one turn is enough. This needs not at all a high capacity battery like that used by Steorn.
But if it is a magic battery, I agree that we cannot replace it by other means.
Like I said, if you really understood what's going on here you would've known that it is new and you wouldn't have even posted the above text.
Quote from: happyfunball on December 11, 2009, 12:53:32 AM
If they're paying $$$ for ad space and intend to do nothing, as they have for the last 4+ years, that's just wrong. Playing Devil's Advocate, it could simply be a maneuver to keep investors paying Steorn's bills. I hope I'm wrong, but it really seems quite absurd at this point.
I think you are right. 4 years to make a small motor powered from a high capacity battery is the evidence.
It is not "Playing Devil's Advocate" but common sense.
Common sense? Common sense has always been that even 4000 years of effort won't bring even the smallest motor to display OU. However, it took only a couple of decades to accomplish that (those 4 years included). That's astounding.
I would be interested to see someone attach a fan blade to the motors shaft. Then put a plastic or cardboard tube over top of the fan blade. On the other end of the tube mount a small fan blade or motor (like a 12 volt pc fan) with the fan blade reversed to use the airflow to power the small generator.
I am interested to see one of these little guys under a small load.
I had seen someone on youtube a few months ago do this with a Bedini motor (I think) and was interested in the concept. Of course, I can't find the video now.
Keep up the great work everyone, it's very entertaining :)
Quote from: Omnibus on December 30, 2009, 05:42:30 AM
Like I said, if you really understood what's going on here you would've known that it is new and you wouldn't have even posted the above text.
What is possibly going on here:
According to the plausible explanation from Jean-louis Naudin, it is stated that the rotor magnet is attracted by the magnetic core of the ferrite toroid.
It is stated that a current pulse saturates the toroid core when the magnet is about to quit its nearest position from the toroid, allowing the magnet to freely continues its motion, or at least to be only partially retained by a force weaker than the first attractive force, resulting in a net force creating the motor torque.
It is stated that there is no action/reaction between the coil circuit and the rotor magnet, because the B field remains located in the toroid core.
Where is the fault? In the last point. When the rotor magnet approaches the toroid, the magnetic domains align along the magnetic flux of the magnet.
The magnetic domains (separated from one another by the "domain walls") can be thought like ensembles of current loops.
When a current pulse is provided to the coil, it establishes a magnetic field that re-aligns the magnetic domains. Energy is needed to exert this torque onto the "current loops" of the magnetic domains, against the torque due to the permanent magnet. Thus the permanent magnet and the field from the coil are linked. It is only the big power used to energized the coil (tens W in the Naudin experiment) in comparison to the weak power that the magnet provides (probably mW or tens of mW), that prevents to clearly observe their relation through their mutual actions onto the magnetic domains.
The explanation from JL Naudin is conventional. Only the conclusion that there would be over unity for the reason indicated above is clearly outside of the observed facts. In Steorn and Naudin experiments, there is none fact proving OU.
Guys check out this new clanzers videos behind the scene:
Quote from: futuristic on December 30, 2009, 07:48:45 AM
Guys check out this new clanzers videos behind the scene:
Looks like Ossie's motor is pushing them. They have NOT got the current down and possibly figured out how to do it!!!!! BEAUTIFUL plastic work but electronically I am beginning to wonder. Glad you released them so we can see where they are at. Using a DVM as a current meter in this situation is a instrumentation NO NO NO!.....Working like mad on my motor.
A great day!
Never mind.
Quote from: k4zep on December 30, 2009, 08:27:08 AM
Looks like Ossie's motor is pushing them. They have NOT got the current down and possibly figured out how to do it!!!!! BEAUTIFUL plastic work but electronically I am beginning to wonder. Glad you released them so we can see where they are at. Using a DVM as a current meter in this situation is a instrumentation NO NO NO!.....Working like mad on my motor.
A great day!
Who's is they, Steorn? Sean does not represent Steorn he's just an independant tinkerer who's part of the Steorn developers base. From February anyone will be able to join this develoment base at the mentioned annual fee.
Quote from: k4zep on December 30, 2009, 08:27:08 AM
Looks like Ossie's motor is pushing them. They have NOT got the current down and possibly figured out how to do it!!!!! BEAUTIFUL plastic work but electronically I am beginning to wonder. Glad you released them so we can see where they are at. Using a DVM as a current meter in this situation is a instrumentation NO NO NO!.....Working like mad on my motor.
A great day!
Those were some short snips from the SKDB back in November. I am only 1 replicator out of many more that may show their rigs and results as allowed.
We have came along way since November, just thought it would be nice to show that behind the scenes in the SKDB we have not just been sat on our hands.
Nothing being pushed by anyone, Steorn are taking their time doing their demo over 5 weeks as they planned. We were shown alot in week 1 and looking forward to January as should be cool to see their technology being shown and analysed by the public.
Informative ongoing thread on steorns test cum demo plans during Jan 2010. Looks like this will settle most of issues.
Quote from: CLaNZeR on December 30, 2009, 09:21:06 AM
Those were some short snips from the SKDB back in November. I am only 1 replicator out of many more that may show their rigs and results as allowed.
We have came along way since November, just thought it would be nice to show that behind the scenes in the SKDB we have not just been sat on our hands.
Nothing being pushed by anyone, Steorn are taking their time doing their demo over 5 weeks as they planned. We were shown alot in week 1 and looking forward to January as should be cool to see their technology being shown and analysed by the public.
Thanks CLa,
I stand corrected. Keep up the good work.
I have always found (during my research) that a rotor is just a waste of energy.
Attached is a proposed circuit that have no rotor. This should be easy to test.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 30, 2009, 05:09:59 AM
... the current and voltage scope traces don't change form under load in such a machine which is a direct proof that said machine is OU.
Actually current and voltage scope traces DO CHANGE!
What Steorn claims regarding the oscilloscope traces is a trap and I’m quite surprised you’ve also fallen into it.
Let me detail:
1. I admit that top&bottom (min&max) values for voltage and current do not change under load. (I also see here a small question mark related to the precision of the measurements and in that respect I fully support your call for the necessity of highest possible accuracy but let’s admit for the moment that those min&max values do not change at all.)
2. I also admit that duty cycle does not change under load. (That’s true for a good built as it relates to the proper switching; in practice it may not be always the case but we will disregard any non-idealities and poor-builds and consider only the case of ideal switching )
3. I hope everyone agrees that RPM do change under load. The higher the load, the lower the RPM. (At equilibrium it should be possible to draw a nice RPM-load chart for a given power input)
Despite the all above, scope traces DO CHANGE. They may look similar at a first glance but they are not! They simply change because both voltage and current follow an exponential function. At lower RPM, even if the duty cycle is the same, the values of voltage and current do progress for a longer time on their exponential curve, hence the difference. It is simple math â€" although the eye can be tricked when looking at those oscilloscope traces, an exponential curve remains exponential and as long as the on-time is changing, the traces change too and so does change the power input.
Fortunately, imho the experimental proof for the above is already available but for now I’d like to hear a rebuttal if someone disagree with me and considers necessary to discuss further on the subject.
Best regards,
Quote from: tinu on December 30, 2009, 09:53:37 AM
Actually current and voltage scope traces DO CHANGE!
What Steorn claims regarding the oscilloscope traces is a trap and I’m quite surprised you’ve also fallen into it.
Let me detail:
1. I admit that top&bottom (min&max) values for voltage and current do not change under load. (I also see here a small question mark related to the precision of the measurements and in that respect I fully support your call for the necessity of highest possible accuracy but let’s admit for the moment that those min&max values do not change at all.)
2. I also admit that duty cycle does not change under load. (That’s true for a good built as it relates to the proper switching; in practice it may not be always the case but we will disregard any non-idealities and poor-builds and consider only the case of ideal switching )
3. I hope everyone agrees that RPM do change under load. The higher the load, the lower the RPM. (At equilibrium it should be possible to draw a nice RPM-load chart for a given power input)
Despite the all above, scope traces DO CHANGE. They may look similar at a first glance but they are not! They simply change because both voltage and current follow an exponential function. At lower RPM, even if the duty cycle is the same, the values of voltage and current do progress for a longer time on their exponential curve, hence the difference. It is simple math â€" although the eye can be tricked when looking at those oscilloscope traces, an exponential curve remains exponential and as long as the on-time is changing, the traces change too and so does change the power input.
Fortunately, imho the experimental proof for the above is already available but for now I’d like to hear a rebuttal if someone disagree with me and considers necessary to discuss further on the subject.
Best regards,
My rebuttal is that this is relative. If you are considering an ideal setup why not make the inductor ideal as well? Meaning it has no resistance and is super conductive, now all the energy from the battery will never be lost theoretically as you can collapse the field into a capacitor after the magnet has passed by. So your argument is just relative from the setup you have on hand. Of course superconductivity toroids aren't easy to come by so you can just simulate this by using the right parameters to find optimal power performance. But that is rather an engineering issue.
Quote from: hartiberlin on December 28, 2009, 04:56:22 PM
Yes, this way with a backing plate you can increase the attraction forces onto the ferrite core.
So you have N and S facing coming from the 2 magnets attracting the ferrite core.
Regards, Stefan.
Being able to increase the attraction force to the core is huge. Do you have any idea how much the increase will be with the backing plate, approximately? A wild guess would be a 50% increase.
Thanks for the info,
Quote from: Groundloop on December 30, 2009, 09:47:38 AM
I have always found (during my research) that a rotor is just a waste of energy.
Attached is a proposed circuit that have no rotor. This should be easy to test.
You are right. The hypothetical principle of Steorn machine could be applied to solid state, for example by using the setup you modelized, or simpler by playing with 2 crossed magnetic fields in T.
The vertical bar of the T could be a permanent magnet, and the upper horizontal bar a simple electromagnet. The flux from the vertical magnet splits into 2 equal parts in the upper horizontal core of the coil, with a resultant null effect on the electromagnet (the two half-flux have opposite directions).
A pulse in the coil saturates the core, thus modulates the flux from the permanent magnet that took the path. Another coil in the path, for example wound around a core extending the lower permanent magnet section, could classically transform the flux changing into current.
Nevertheless it does not work for the reason I have previously given: the current pulse in the coil waste energy to align the magnetic domain along its own flux but against the torque that exerts the permanent magnet (even though there is no macroscopic motion).
Why all of the tinselKoala links? The guys is clueless.
Although I believe Orbo is cop>1, I am not a follower of CoE because it is impossible to prove because humanity will never know everything, and therefore one can never know if the energy is coming from an unknown source. And besides, so far I cannot explain away the NdFeB magnets chilling 2.5°F during my experiment. :)
@Clanzer, congratulation Sean! Glad you got to be on the "inside" on this. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy...
To anyone trying for a self runner:
The "free" energy in the eOrbo appears to be rotor torque. Torque is Force x Distance. The "free" Force in the eOrbo is the attraction of the rotor magnets to the toroid cores. For a given toroid/magnet/gap/timing setup, this Force is fixed. So to increase the Torque on this given setup we can only do two things, 1) increase the Force by adding more toroid coils, or 2) INCREASE THE DIAMETER OF THE ROTOR.
I believe it is possible to make a self runner out of even the most inefficient toroid coil set ups we have seen presented if one only increases the size of the rotor, and the number of permanent magnets on the rotor. So to make a self runner:
1) Get the most energy efficient coil/rotor magnet setup you can.
2) Measure/calculate the rotor torque a single coil can produce.
3) Calculate how much torque is needed for whatever generator idea you have in mind that will provide enough electrical power to run your coil setup.
4) Calculate the diameter of a rotor and how many magnets on it will produce that amount of torque.
5) Build and close the loop.
@Clanzer, can you tell us if closed loop systems exist? Have you built one yourself?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 30, 2009, 10:41:47 AM
Why all of the tinselKoala links? The guys is clueless.
I disagree. I think TK was correct in his rebuttal of some of the emf-less claims of the first Steorn demo. But as he delved into the toroidal coil design he realized the unique quality there, stopped trying to de-bunk, and even apologized somewhat. Since, he even was working with some of the replicators.
Imho I'd save the clueless comments for those that post those initial rebuttals without realizing the hmmtoroid videos that followed agree with the Steorn eOrbo principle of possible OU operation.
I wish TK was back here, assisting us. He is anything but clueless, imo.
Naudin is uploading new vids now.
Here are two so far:
The new Steorn motor v2 by Jean-Louis Naudin
Steorn motor V2, stator coils induction test on free run
JLN replication V2 :
V2 power calc:
P(in) = 12*2.5*0.2 = 6 W
Quote from: exnihiloest on December 30, 2009, 10:32:30 AMNevertheless it does not work for the reason I have previously given: the current pulse in the coil waste energy to align the magnetic domain along its own flux but against the torque that exerts the permanent magnet (even though there is no macroscopic motion).
I agree that domain switching in the core takes energy and this may be a possible problem, but you are missing an important factor! In the toroid, at the point when it is energized, the domains are aligned along two separate paths. One half of the core is already aligned in the direction the coil is about to align to, and the other half is in the opposite direction. The current only needs to align one half of the core while the other half enforces the current direction. This condition means that the maximum COP<2. With the heat and core losses it may still be possible to sneak under the wire and end up at some point with a COP>1.
Quote from: broli on December 30, 2009, 10:19:55 AM
My rebuttal is that this is relative. If you are considering an ideal setup why not make the inductor ideal as well? Meaning it has no resistance and is super conductive, now all the energy from the battery will never be lost theoretically as you can collapse the field into a capacitor after the magnet has passed by. So your argument is just relative from the setup you have on hand. Of course superconductivity toroids aren't easy to come by so you can just simulate this by using the right parameters to find optimal power performance. But that is rather an engineering issue.
Current in a superconductive coil will follow an exponential law too.
So yes, you can take the inductor as being ideal; it won’t change the validity of my arguments.
Besides, I’ve shown here the possible mechanism that is responsible for coupling electrical input with B field in toroid and further on with B field of the rotor. So even if you collapse the entire field, as you propose, and even if the motor is absolutely ideal, you’ll still recover less electrical energy because part of the initial energy was already transformed into kinetic energy of the rotor.
Do we talk serious business here, pls? ???
Or can I also say that Steorn is simply wrong because they’ve failed to take into account the gravitational lead-out energy? ;)
Quote from: tinu on December 30, 2009, 12:58:40 PM
Current in a superconductive coil will follow an exponential law too.
Before you belittle people educate yourself some more. In an ideal conductor current will rise linearly. An inductor is a very good example of F=ma where I is propotional to speed. If E is constant ie F then v or I will increase linearly. If you have a resistance on the other hand your mechanic system will have an counter force F=-kv exactly like wind friction. And as we know with wind friction a body will drop until it hits the thermal velocity in our case being the ohmic current limit. It will do this by starting out linearly and dieing off exponentially just like an RL circuit.
That is serious business my friend.
Quote from: marek on December 29, 2009, 04:58:33 PM
Hi to all,
I just watch at yours work since Steorn last presentation. I think you are doing grate job, and I hope that this project will succeed!
I want to point on Steorn patent:
I think it explains how orbo works, and how it should be optimized to work most efficient. Charts are self explanatory, and you can learn a lot. The main thing is that magnetic interactions in static system - due to the so called "magnetic viscosity" - are different than dynamic. According to patent when you increase relative speed between core and magnet, the core saturation is lagged in time and therefore its value decreased. While torque doesn't change as fast as saturation change (saturation decrease for about 100 times, but torque only 2). I wont explain every thing, you all have to read this. It is better explained there. Correct me if am wrong about this.
All the best!!!
@ marek
Thanks for pointing on Steorn patent and welcome here!
The patent brings indeed some light, especially if it’s being worked in-between the lines.
Still, I can’t grasp the whole picture of Orbo… arrrgh.
How do you read Fig 16? (Anyone, pls?)
I’m asking simply because I believe part of the puzzle is hidden behind it.
On the other hand, please expand on the excitement about decreasing torque. I probably didn’t get the point right. I mean that the torque referring in the patent is what resists the movement; that torque goes directly into thermal loses. I can see the joy after having it decreased by a factor of 2.2 but not when it requires increasing the input power by a factor of 10k.
Also, I can not find trace of decreasing saturation. The patent talks about peak magnetic flux values and it’s movement from 180 to about 210 degree. Did you find or deduce something about saturation or it was just a typo?
Welcome again and best regards,
Quote from: broli on December 30, 2009, 01:15:09 PM
Before you belittle people educate yourself some more. In an ideal conductor current will rise linearly. An inductor is a very good example of F=ma where I is propotional to speed. If E is constant ie F then v or I will increase linearly. If you have a resistance on the other hand your mechanic system will have an counter force F=-kv exactly like wind friction. And as we know with wind friction a body will drop until it hits the thermal velocity in our case being the ohmic current limit. It will do this by starting out linearly and dieing off exponentially just like an RL circuit.
That is serious business my friend.
Do you have a link/reference/proof for that?
I admit superconducting is not my expertise but do I have to take your word for real?
At least I’ve always try providing links and arguments based on various references... Hope you can do the same. Eventually PM would be more appropriate instead of polluting the thread. We may reconvene when Orbo will be provided with superconducting coils...
Consider the following condition.
The outer winding of coil #1 is connected to the toroidal winding of coil #2.
The outer winding of coil #2 is connected to the toroidal winding of coil #1.
When the magnetic field is attracted to the core of coil #1, the outer winding generates a current to saturate the core of coil #2 which increases the field through coil #1 until all the field is flowing through coil #1.
After the flow stagnates and the current starts to collapse, core #2 starts to become desaturated and some field flows through core #2. This induces a current in the outer windings of coil #2 which saturates the core of coil #1 causing all the field to flow through core #2 until it again becomes stagnant and things reverse again.
Self oscillating MEG?
Quote from: tinu on December 30, 2009, 01:53:15 PM
Do you have a link/reference/proof for that?
I admit superconducting is not my expertise but do I have to take your word for real?
At least I’ve always try providing links and arguments based on various references... Hope you can do the same. Eventually PM would be more appropriate instead of polluting the thread. We may reconvene when Orbo will be provided with superconducting coils...
What I say is common sense there's nothing mysterious about it. Look at the attached image for the math. This also explains why current flows indefinitely in an super conductor. This is newtons first law, there's no force acting on it so velocity remains constant.
This has lead me through some peculiar alleyways these last days.
Its interesting to see that JLN's V2 with 6 W input and about 800 rpm (guessed from frequency ???) is very close the clanzer's build shown here:
with 8 W input and 1130 rpm.
my be it is a small effect .... but put the coil face to face to the magnet you can use also the Vector potential effect to push the magnet away, instead to only saturate the toroid.
ClanZer has put together this page:
There he shows his builds and some kits.
Regards, Stefan.
Independent Magnetic viscosity tests:
So far looking at those eOrbos replications and all the talks we have here it sounds like this is no different than a regular Bedini monopole (no pun intended, please dont shoot me for it).
I see the same effect with a Bedini monopole and this eOrbo-toroid concerning the "interferance" of both the toroid and the rotor magnets. Now, the magnets on the rotor of the monopole are not only attracted to the cores of the coil but also repelled when the coil receives a pulse from the source circuitry and the coil reverse its magnetic polarity. In the case of the eOrbo we have a nullification of the attraction of the rotor's magnet and the core of the toroid but no repulsion so far because of the pulse that the toroid receives. We do have a lot less copper though!
My questions would be then: Does that difference really matters? Is not the Monopole superior because it also provides an extra repulsion? (In superior I mean in terms of energy/motion generated). Don't we still have to make the rotation of such weak rotor motion into electrical or usable energy that would overcome the power used to generate the pulses that create the magnetic fluxes in the toroid / coils? Don't both systems "wastes" the energy used to generate the magnetic flux on the monopole-coil or eorbo-toroid as heat?
I have been playing with many Bedini motors and all have this amazing economical usage in power and great rotation speed on the rotors (even better than all the eOrbo replications I have seen so far) but I have not seen any OU except in the charging of the battery (which is a totally different beast here).
Quote from: plengo on December 30, 2009, 04:48:30 PM
So far looking at those eOrbos replications and all the talks we have here it sounds like this is no different than a regular Bedini monopole (no pun intended, please dont shoot me for it).
I see the same effect with a Bedini monopole and this eOrbo-toroid concerning the "interferance" of both the toroid and the rotor magnets. Now, the magnets on the rotor of the monopole are not only attracted to the cores of the coil but also repelled when the coil receives a pulse from the source circuitry and the coil reverse its magnetic polarity. In the case of the eOrbo we have a nullification of the attraction of the rotor's magnet and the core of the toroid but no repulsion so far because of the pulse that the toroid receives. We do have a lot less copper though!
My questions would be then: Does that difference really matters? Is not the Monopole superior because it also provides an extra repulsion? (In superior I mean in terms of energy/motion generated). Don't we still have to make the rotation of such weak rotor motion into electrical or usable energy that would overcome the power used to generate the pulses that create the magnetic fluxes in the toroid / coils? Don't both systems "wastes" the energy used to generate the magnetic flux on the monopole-coil or eorbo-toroid as heat?
I have been playing with many Bedini motors and all have this amazing economical usage in power and great rotation speed on the rotors (even better than all the eOrbo replications I have seen so far) but I have not seen any OU except in the charging of the battery (which is a totally different beast here).
To be perfectly honest, I've been wondering the same thing. Most of the effects are seen in the monopole. Now, since I am not done with my replication, I can't say for sure either way, but I do have a few Bedini's built to compare.
I also am not sure that the overunity effect they are planning to measure, would not also be seen in most any pulse motor already. For instance, it appears they are planning on showing that all the energy used, is lost as heat. Then the motion of the rotor is free. To be honest, I do think this is an aspect of most pulse motors. Now the amount of torque is a different story. Also, there are some key aspects are different here. So we will just have to wait and see I guess. I do however wonder if steorn really has a self runner yet, or if they are just basing all their claims on adding the conversion of heat to the mix. While it is true, that has to be calculated and is very important, what everyone wants to see is everything getting converted back into more electrical energy out than put in. Overunity or not, I do not really need a motor that just heats up faster than it should, lol... We'll see, I still have high hopes.
Further to mondrasek...
TinselKoala may be a little opinionated at times...but he deserves respect for having the strength of character to admit when he is wrong.
Please be civil to each other...after all we are working to improve life for everyone on the planet.
There can be not be more uniting team oriented goal than that.
My understanding of fig 16 is that: when relative speed between magnet and
magnetic core increase, energy transferred - in this case - from magnet to core,
decrease. Core at low speed (or static) case, will be magnetized (saturated) to
certain value (lets assume that all magnetic dipoles are aligned to external
magnetic field). To demagnetize it you will need certain amount of energy. Now
speed increase and magnetic viscosity starts to play. Magnet passes by the core,
but magnetic dipoles don't have enough time to align to external field because
magnet has already "ran away". Thus I deduce that magnetic core was not
saturated as much as in static case, and thus I thing you need less energy to
desaturate it (less power).
Quote from: tinu on December 30, 2009, 01:35:40 PM
On the other hand, please expand on the excitement about decreasing torque. I
probably didn’t get the point right. I mean that the torque referring in the
patent is what resists the movement; that torque goes directly into thermal
loses. I can see the joy after having it decreased by a factor of 2.2 but not
when it requires increasing the input power by a factor of 10k.
I think that you've mixed up something here. The torque don't go to thermal
loses, and what is more important torque is the motive force and we want it as
much as we can get. But the trick is that torque, as you can see in fig. 14 is
positive as well as negative. We do not want to have negative torque, it will
simply stop our mover. To cancel negative torque, toroidal coil trick is used.
And now what goes to thermal loses is electric energy, used for cancelling this
negative torque. We want to minimize it. So when you look again at figs 11 and
12, you can see that with increase of speed from 1 to 10000 rpms torque decrease
about 2 times, and flux about 100 times. So I think you will need 100 times less
electrical energy (?) to cancel negative torque, wile positive torque will be
only 2 times smaller.
Quote from: tinu on December 30, 2009, 01:35:40 PM
Also, I can not find trace of decreasing saturation. The patent talks about peak
magnetic flux values and it’s movement from 180 to about 210 degree. Did you
find or deduce something about saturation or it was just a typo?
You cannot find it because it isn't there:) They speak only about flux, and flux directly depend on saturation. Or something like that;)
Now I have some new thoughts. Try to calculate mechanical power in the system
shown in patent's charts. Lets assume that torque is constant at whole range of
Formula for mechanical power:
P = M*w
N - Power
M - torque
w - angular speed
n - rpm
For 1 rpm:
P=0,2*((3,14*1)/30) = 0,02093
For 1000 rpm:
P=0,1*((3,14*1000)/30) = 10,46
For 10000 rpm:
P=0,1*((3,14*10000)/30) = 104,6
Those numbers are strange. I'm not sure if I calculated is right!?
I hope it wasn't too boring;)
Did you see that: ? CLaNZeR in conjunction with Steorn have produced these 50 Orbos to be distributed free to whoever they consider to be members (don't know what's that all about) throughout the world to be studied. I'm speechless. That's exactly what anybody with such claims should do. Go for it CLaNZeR. You the man.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 30, 2009, 09:47:38 AM
I have always found (during my research) that a rotor is just a waste of energy.
Attached is a proposed circuit that have no rotor. This should be easy to test.
Great concept Groundloop!
Another concept that does includes motion would be a vertical linear generator where you use
very strong magnets and as much weight as possible to add gravity into the equation.
This would use 'work' from the magnet, attraction to the toroid when coil is off, and gravity for
assisting the release when the coil is on. Springs could be used to keep the magnet/weight in
the optimum zone.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 30, 2009, 05:32:40 PM
Did you see that: ( ? CLaNZeR in conjunction with Steorn have produced these 50 Orbos to be distributed free to whoever they consider to be members (don't know what's that all about) throughout the world to be studied. I'm speechless. That's exactly what anybody with such claims should do. Go for it CLaNZeR. You the man.
Haha, that's a nice tease. I'm sure about everyone in here wants one.
Quote from: Omnibus on December 30, 2009, 05:32:40 PM
Did you see that: ? CLaNZeR in conjunction with Steorn have produced these 50 Orbos to be distributed free to whoever they consider to be members (don't know what's that all about) throughout the world to be studied. I'm speechless. That's exactly what anybody with such claims should do. Go for it CLaNZeR. You the man.
Nice work, won't be a chance in heck I could get one but nice work ClzN.
Wow. Hopefully, Clanzer will be able to communicate freely with all of us soon. This is getting more interesting with each passing day.
I really like your idea of a MEG. The self oscillation mode is really interesting. I think were thinking along the same lines. When I saw how the magnet just dropped from the coil in JL Naudin's test I wondered how it could be used to switch the magnetic flux.
My idea was to use a special core shape which would drive the flux through the center pickup coil. Switching the control coil would divert the magnetic flux from the center. I haven't had much time to play in the "lab" to see if this will even work.
Quote from: DreamThinkBuild on December 30, 2009, 08:46:59 PM
My idea was to use a special core shape which would drive the flux through the center pickup coil. Switching the control coil would divert the magnetic flux from the center. I haven't had much time to play in the "lab" to see if this will even work.
I was thinking it would be good to provide an alternate path for the field because it will be hard to stop the field and force it to loop back to it's own opposite pole.
I will be gone for the next week, so if you get a chance to try some things, maybe you could try the setup in my picture since it does not require a special core shape.
You could test the operation by switching on one coil and testing the output from the other coil, then swap the control power back to the other side and test the output form the other coil. back and forth double pole relay or Mosfet setup.
Quote from: k4zep on December 30, 2009, 06:02:23 PM
Nice work, won't be a chance in heck I could get one but nice work ClzN.
Maybe Clanzer could post the actual CAD data for the real Orbos on display, this would save some design work on reverse engineering.
Quote from: DreamThinkBuild on December 30, 2009, 08:46:59 PM
My idea was to use a special core shape which would drive the flux through the center pickup coil. Switching the control coil would divert the magnetic flux from the center. I haven't had much time to play in the "lab" to see if this will even work.
Your transformer idea looks alot like Thane Heins (Crankypants) BI-TOROID TRANSFORMER setup in this overunity thread where he was claiming a high efficiency.
Video here
Another variation of the BI-TOROID transformer Thane made here
Perhaps Thane was not too far off.
Hey guy's.
I'm sitting here on my X-mas break with nothing to do so I made a clip to demonstrate a few things about the Steorn motor.
It's mostly for people who find it difficult to visualise.
I used a magnetic needle and iron filings to show how the domains act during the motor operation. (
Happy New Year to all.
For those of you that want to try and make an orbo but do not have the resources maybe mine will inspire you to use what you can easily obtain.
I took the focus toroid coil from an old CRT and mounted my magnets by attraction only to a bicycle wheel. I can get more rpm by adding more magnets but it seems to run just fine with 4 and 1 toroid.
Mine is running at about 50 rpm, on 12volts. the reading jumps between .02 and .11 on the mamp scale . The toroid shows a voltage of 3 to 5 volts across the terminals. It's got a surprising amount of torque for the rough and dirty configuration. Ive held up a fully shorted 12volt coil to simulate a generator coil on the opposite side and the rpm or the current draw is not affected at all. I can feel the magnets attract the coil as they pass but it purrs along quite nicely.
To make it I used;
12 inch STEEL bicycle wheel, no tire
1 focus toroid coil from a CRT tube
4 ceramic magnets 1" x 2" x 3/8" Fit inside the rim by magnetic attraction only
reed switch from a door alarm
npn transistor switch any kind
12volt, 6 amp battery charger power source
Quote from: vince on December 30, 2009, 10:44:57 PM
For those of you that want to try and make an orbo but do not have the resources maybe mine will inspire you to use what you can easily obtain.
I took the focus toroid coil from an old CRT and mounted my magnets by attraction only to a bicycle wheel. I can get more rpm by adding more magnets but it seems to run just fine with 4 and 1 toroid.
Mine is running at about 50 rpm, on 12volts. the reading jumps between .02 and .11 on the mamp scale . The toroid shows a voltage of 3 to 5 volts across the terminals. It's got a surprising amount of torque for the rough and dirty configuration. Ive held up a fully shorted 12volt coil to simulate a generator coil on the opposite side and the rpm or the current draw is not affected at all. I can feel the magnets attract the coil as they pass but it purrs along quite nicely.
To make it I used;
12 inch STEEL bicycle wheel, no tire
1 focus toroid coil from a CRT tube
4 ceramic magnets 1" x 2" x 3/8" Fit inside the rim by magnetic attraction only
reed switch from a door alarm
npn transistor switch any kind
12volt, 6 amp battery charger power source
Hi Vince,
Wow! Great stuff! Very ingenuitive to do this with old parts you had lying around!!!
Quote from: vince on December 30, 2009, 10:44:57 PM
For those of you that want to try and make an orbo but do not have the resources maybe mine will inspire you to use what you can easily obtain.
I took the focus toroid coil from an old CRT and mounted my magnets by attraction only to a bicycle wheel. I can get more rpm by adding more magnets but it seems to run just fine with 4 and 1 toroid.
Mine is running at about 50 rpm, on 12volts. the reading jumps between .02 and .11 on the mamp scale . The toroid shows a voltage of 3 to 5 volts across the terminals. It's got a surprising amount of torque for the rough and dirty configuration. Ive held up a fully shorted 12volt coil to simulate a generator coil on the opposite side and the rpm or the current draw is not affected at all. I can feel the magnets attract the coil as they pass but it purrs along quite nicely.
To make it I used;
12 inch STEEL bicycle wheel, no tire
1 focus toroid coil from a CRT tube
4 ceramic magnets 1" x 2" x 3/8" Fit inside the rim by magnetic attraction only
reed switch from a door alarm
npn transistor switch any kind
12volt, 6 amp battery charger power source
Absolutely first rate, looks like a deflection coil to me from my ol TV repair days 30 years ago! but hell it is a huge toroid no matter what!!!!! If you could dig up one for each magnet, series them, it would run like heck!!!!! Again EXCELLENT WORK!!!!!
Hi All,
Please see the following video. I have managed to now implement electronic triggering/switching on my 4 coil test motor and it now runs very stable without the need for tuning. I have also got a higher resolution ammeter for the current measurement. Enjoy.
The circuit I am now using is in the diagram below. There is no longer anymore need for power transistors for switching because of the low input power requirements of this motor.
Quote from: scotty1 on December 30, 2009, 10:31:40 PM
Hey guy's.
I'm sitting here on my X-mas break with nothing to do so I made a clip to demonstrate a few things about the Steorn motor.
It's mostly for people who find it difficult to visualise.
I used a magnetic needle and iron filings to show how the domains act during the motor operation. (
Happy New Year to all.
Hi Scotty,
Thanks for the demo, very good!
Happy New Year,
Quote from: callanan on December 30, 2009, 11:34:41 PM
Hi All,
Please see the following video. I have managed to now implement electronic triggering/switching on my 4 coil test motor and it now runs very stable without the need for tuning. I have also got a higher resolution ammeter for the current measurement. Enjoy.
The circuit I am now using is in the diagram below. There is no longer anymore need for power transistors for switching because of the low input power requirements of this motor.
You just get it better and better. Now you need a 100 ma meter so you could tune mechanically the coil placement, pickup etc. for min. current, you gotta have an old Simpson or Triplet VM around there somewhere! Or at least an ol RS Analog VM.........Most excellent!!!!!
Quote from: callanan on December 30, 2009, 11:34:41 PM
Hi All,
Please see the following video. I have managed to now implement electronic triggering/switching on my 4 coil test motor and it now runs very stable without the need for tuning. I have also got a higher resolution ammeter for the current measurement. Enjoy.
The circuit I am now using is in the diagram below. There is no longer anymore need for power transistors for switching because of the low input power requirements of this motor.
Hi All,
Here are some scope traces of the motor running at about 1000 RPM.
First - PN100 (not trigger transistor, the other one) collector reference to ground - negative.
Second - PN200 collector reference to positive.
Third - Across the toroid coils (all in series).
Fourth - Across the 1A ammeter.
Very impressive work you have done!
I can see the current usage in the video.
What is the input voltage?
Do you plan to try a output generator coil also?
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 12:39:22 AM
Very impressive work you have done!
I can see the current usage in the video.
What is the input voltage?
Do you plan to try a output generator coil also?
Hi Alex,
Thanks. The input battery voltage is also shown on the multimeter in video and is just a tad over 12 volts....
Quote from: vince on December 30, 2009, 10:44:57 PM
For those of you that want to try and make an orbo but do not have the resources maybe mine will inspire you to use what you can easily obtain.
I took the focus toroid coil from an old CRT and mounted my magnets by attraction only to a bicycle wheel. I can get more rpm by adding more magnets but it seems to run just fine with 4 and 1 toroid.
Mine is running at about 50 rpm, on 12volts. the reading jumps between .02 and .11 on the mamp scale . The toroid shows a voltage of 3 to 5 volts across the terminals. It's got a surprising amount of torque for the rough and dirty configuration. Ive held up a fully shorted 12volt coil to simulate a generator coil on the opposite side and the rpm or the current draw is not affected at all. I can feel the magnets attract the coil as they pass but it purrs along quite nicely.
To make it I used;
12 inch STEEL bicycle wheel, no tire
1 focus toroid coil from a CRT tube
4 ceramic magnets 1" x 2" x 3/8" Fit inside the rim by magnetic attraction only
reed switch from a door alarm
npn transistor switch any kind
12volt, 6 amp battery charger power source
I love it! That's exactly what people need to see. You don't have to have everything perfect, all you need is to find a way to get some hands on experience with what you've got! I know I have made some motors that looked like a hunk of crap, but that's how you learn! Thanks for sharing.
Excellent modification. Can you now compare the current and voltage scope traces when the rotor is removed with the current and voltage scope traces in the presence of motor turning?
Great work Ossie, makes me want to get more time to get mine done! Been tough with so many work hours right now, but it's great to keep checking in here and seeing so much progress from everyone! Even if all this work does not eventually prove OU, we have all definitely learned a whole new concept of a pulse motor!
Quote from: callanan on December 31, 2009, 12:21:19 AM
Hi All,
Here are some scope traces of the motor running at about 1000 RPM.
Hi Ossie,
I cant help but notice your circuit is almost identical to Bedinis patent, namely the half sequential switch. Hall triggered or trigger coiled, it has that familiar PNP isolating a drive coil which is darlingtoned triggered. It would only be a short step forward before you switch on both polarities, using the full sequential switch, either with a separate hall trigger for each polarity or a extra trigger coil/winding.
All that would be required is a second circuit built identical to the first and inverted over the drive coil. Just like the full window motor circuit in which others have drawn tangents from. Oh and of course one would most likely need to add a full bridge rectifier.
Good to see people are finally waking up to these ideas.
Good work
Quote from: vince on December 30, 2009, 10:44:57 PM
I took the focus toroid coil from an old CRT and mounted my magnets by attraction only to a bicycle wheel.
Attention, Vince, the coils from CRT toroids are not wound around the toroid. For the main part they are mounted against the internal wall. They focus the magnetic field in the center of the toroid in order to deviate the electronic beam. Thus the magnetic flux is outside of the ferrite and not along circles inside the toroid. Inversely this explains why you got a high voltage (3-5v) due to the motion of the rotor magnets. Your experiment is not at all the same as in Steorn device where the magnetic flux from the coil is (supposedly) confined in the toroid.
Quote from: lumen on December 30, 2009, 12:21:58 PM
I agree that domain switching in the core takes energy and this may be a possible problem, but you are missing an important factor! In the toroid, at the point when it is energized, the domains are aligned along two separate paths. One half of the core is already aligned in the direction the coil is about to align to, and the other half is in the opposite direction. The current only needs to align one half of the core while the other half enforces the current direction. This condition means that the maximum COP<2. With the heat and core losses it may still be possible to sneak under the wire and end up at some point with a COP>1.
Hi Lumen,
For me, when the permanent magnet is at its nearest position relative to the toroid, the magnetic flux from the magnet is radial from the viewpoint of the toroid.
Thus the coil has to equally aligne the two halves of the core perpendicularly to the magnet field.
When the magnet continues its way, then I agree there is a different angle between the magnet flux and the two halves of the core but if one is enforced, the other one is opposed, and the two halves balance one another, leading to about the same need of energy for aligning the magnetic domains (except that the magnet flux is decreasing because the distance is increasing, but it is another point).
Naudin has made some progres:
(Scroll down to the section "5 - The new Steorn motor v2 design")
Hi k4zep, callanan and all
do you have any recommendations for how to determine the number of windings to put on a attractor-toroid?
The more windings the better? I.e. to wind until no more windings fit on?
Or should one make a test? Like sticking a magnet to the wound toroid and then the magnet should fall off when the coil is energized?
Thank you guys and
happy new year to all.
edit: in the meantime I realized that callanan has answered this question already here:
and here:
Quote from: callanan on December 28, 2009, 08:58:04 PM
You need as many turns on you core as you can possibly fit of medium to pretty thin wire! This will reduce the current input and increase the core saturation for voltages around 12 volts....
Thanks again.
Hi everyone,
Software engineer not electrical engineer here, but I'm eating my way through several electronics texts. I stumbled on Steorn when they published their initial ad years ago, and now of course I'm all in a frothy excited lather again.
I'm come humbly seeking advice - I looked around on the web, and I couldn't find any place to purchase wound toroid cores. I pulled some out of an old PC power supply and wound them with what I thought was a lot of windings, ~60 feet of > 30 awg magnet wire, but trying to get the coil to drop attached magnets isnt working out as expected. If I use a very weak magnet, 14V @ 3A will drop it. Moderate to strong magnets stay firmly affixed to the coil.
I understand that 3A is way too much for that wire (gets hot quick, and its only 8 ohms), but 50mA wasn't making the pony do its trick. Is this just due to my core not being saturated due to insufficient winds or a core who's permeability is too high? I have no idea the qualities of these cores since I yanked them from the PS.
Callanan or others, can you recommend a good core and where to purchase them, as well as wire and wind counts? I've purchased several sets of neodymium magnets, an oscilloscope, function generator, and various construction mats and they are inbound via fed ex - I'm very eager to get my own replica up and working. I'm hoping this community can help short-circuit my path to a successful coil.
The moment I have a build working (motor turning using moderate to low power consumption) I'll post several vids, to help all the others builders out there. The vids you all have posted so far are brilliant and I cant wait to contribute.
Thank you very much for any help!
Happy New Year
Rodin Coils?
I've wound a couple Rodin Coils (I dont know what everyone thinks of them), and it seems like they create a more focused magnetic field at their core for less energy than their standard wound counter parts. I was considering setting up the same arrangement but trying to use a Rodin Coil for the toroid with some kind of ferrite rod in the toroids center.
Can anyone with experience with Rodin Coils chime in on this notion?
Callanan is having sucess with this coils:
Read here:;topicseen#msg218105;topicseen#msg218153
Resonant Frequency
Last post, promise! I wanted to split these notions into separate messages since they had different related subjects.
Again, to be up front, I'm very new to most of this - learning as quickly as I can stuff information into my head. And I wont shirk my duties with the ugly maths part of the learning curve!
Can you achieve saturation of a ferrite material with less current if you're hitting your coil with voltage tuned to the coils resonant frequency? My scope wont be here for a week, and my excitement has left me impatient for answers. :)
I hope these questions aren't off topic too much, they are with steorn orbo replication in mind, and I'm hoping either their answers will help other replicators in their work, or at least let others with like thoughts dismiss them and stay on task.
Happy New Years
Quote from: void109 on December 31, 2009, 06:48:10 AM
Callanan is having sucess with this coils:
Read here:;topicseen#msg218105;topicseen#msg218153
Thank you! I'll find someone in the states to ship that model my way! :)
@ Exnihiloest
Actually the coils ARE wound around the toroid. The wall inner coils you speak of were removed and only the inner toroid coil remains. I have 4 of theses coils of varying sizes and they all have an inner wall winding and also around the ring.
In the original experiment that I did the magnet was attracted by the ring and then released when energized. There is no push from the toroid.
Do you remember the circuit drawing I posted back on page 55? I have started to build
it and will test the circuit. The two toroid ferrite core coils are glued to a center ferrite core.
The worst part is done (winding the two toroids) and now I have to wind the generator coil.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 09:43:40 AM
Do you remember the circuit drawing I posted back on page 55? I have started to build
it and will test the circuit. The two toroid ferrite core coils are glued to a center ferrite core.
The worst part is done (winding the two toroids) and now I have to wind the generator coil.
Someone asked about the Rodin coil. This coil is an air-core item, but think of its implications in this design.
My attempt is to try to make a solid state Orbo design. It has nothing to do
with a Rodin coil. So I do not understand your comment at all. My coils are
not air core. I use Ferrite as cores.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 10:05:55 AM
My attempt is to try to make a solid state Orbo design. It has nothing to do
with a Rodin coil. So I do not understand your comment at all. My coils are
not air core. I use Ferrite as cores.
My point is that a Rodin coil may work in place of the toroids in your design due to their strong magnetic field, however I have not built one on a ferrite core yet. Just food for thought.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 09:43:40 AM
Do you remember the circuit drawing I posted back on page 55? I have started to build
it and will test the circuit. The two toroid ferrite core coils are glued to a center ferrite core.
The worst part is done (winding the two toroids) and now I have to wind the generator coil.
I think this is going to be interesting. Good Work!
I'm wondering if Pulsed DC or AC will be better for the input? The output would be pulsed DC anyway correct? I'm thinking that AC would be better to desaturate the core completely so the magnetic fields would pass through easier. Someone please let me know if I'm thinking wrong. Thanks.
OK, now I understand you. Maybe try that later on.
I will use a mosfet switch to control both toroid coils.
The output should be pulsed DC or something. Don't
now yet.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 09:43:40 AM
Do you remember the circuit drawing I posted back on page 55? I have started to build
it and will test the circuit. The two toroid ferrite core coils are glued to a center ferrite core.
The worst part is done (winding the two toroid) and now I have to wind the generator coil.
Nice device.....
from my side I have run my motor with single small toroid, reed and a fan rotor but ...too far to have low current.
From the second picture it seem that you have put the magnets inside not outside the toroids, the central part is the ferrite where you have to wind the output coil ?
with a single magnet (apart the toroid) it is close to the Kunel device see the following document.
the Kunel ring design is also nice
lot of information on similar devices :
No, the magnets is not there yet. The magnets will be on the outside of the
toroids as shown in the drawing. I have seen the Kunel device and also tested
it some time back. I did not find any ou in the Kunel device.
A simple mechanical switching method is shown here for those who don't want to mess with mosfets and circuits :)
Cut a triangle shape out of metal sheet (copper or any other) and glue it on a CD or disc of plastic/wood. Attach it to the rotor above or below it, it should rotate with rotor. Use two/four triangles if you have two/four coils.
Use an unshielded multi-strand mains wire as contacts to be placed above the CD on a support. Support should not rotate and should be fixed to shaft or something. One contact should be fixed near the center which will be return path.
You can vary the duty cycle by simply placing the other contact near or far from the center (0-100% on-time is possible). You can vary the phase by simply rotating the disc relative to the rotor by the amount of angle you need.
You will need a pot in the circuit to vary the current and a shunt for meters/scope. The disadvantage here is that it will spark if you are using high voltage. Advantage is that you don't need reed/hall effect sensor or opto sensor and complicated circuits.
When I think about the induced magnetic polarization in the toroid but no voltage induced on it I become very puzzled why is that. Can someone explain or show where I can learn about that one effect?
One thing that comes to my mind about the rotor being attracted by the core of the toroid but once the toroid is energized and no longer there is an attraction by the rotor magnet, is the concept of a "magnetic diode".
It sounds like one can induce a magnetic flux on the toroid core from the rotor magnet but no voltage or current generated on the toroid at the same time that, a current and voltage on the toroid creates enough polarization on the core to avoid being attracted by the rotor's magnet.
It is like one way induction only.
I must be mistaken by my understanding of this effect.
The way I think of it is this. When the toroid is energised , all the magnetism is contained
inside the core which forms its own tight closed magnetic circuit. Any relationship between the unenergised core and an external magnet is a very poor relation with an open magnetic circuit [5mm airgap] If this concept proves to be overunity ,then we may think of it as a "magnetic transistor" rather than a diode.{smal power controlls larger power] Not very hi-tech answer, but may help you .
Is there a cure for a wobbly drill press? On now on my 3rd eOrbo replication attempt! The drilled holes are lopsided, lol.
BTW, Happy New Year!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 31, 2009, 03:59:03 PM
Is there a cure for a wobbly drill press? On now on my 3rd eOrbo replication attempt! The drilled holes are lopsided, lol.
Happy New year, Paul.
Not much to a drill press:
- Roll your bit on a flat surface to see if it's bent.
- Make sure your table is at 90 deg to your bit, use a square (not an adjustable t-square).
- Open the top, grab the pulley and see if you have play in the bushings.
- Whack the chuck with a chunk of wood to make sure it's seated.
- Make sure the inside of the chuck is clean, no shrapnel in there to offset your bit when you insert it and tighten it down.
Members on this forum,
My solid state Orbo generator is completed.
First test:
Connected power to oscillator, adjusted oscillator, no magnets on the coils, output was zero volt.
Attached N35 Neo magnets (crappy magnets) and the output was 180 Volt AC no load voltage.
Will be back soon with more testing.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 31, 2009, 03:59:03 PM
Is there a cure for a wobbly drill press? On now on my 3rd eOrbo replication attempt! The drilled holes are lopsided, lol.
BTW, Happy New Year!
Is it a wobbley drill press or wobbly bit. Use VERY SHARP BIT, use a Forstner bit, go VERY SLOW, use right RPM for material.........
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 04:15:00 PM
Members of this forum,
My solid state Orbo generator is completed.
First test:
Connected power to oscillator, adjusted oscillator, no magnets on the coils, output was zero volt.
Attached N35 Neo magnets (crappy magnets) and the output was 180 Volt AC no load voltage.
Will be back soon with more testing.
Turns in (Inductance), Turns out (inductance) inductance with magnets?, Voltage in????? Current out into load.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 31, 2009, 03:59:03 PM
Is there a cure for a wobbly drill press? On now on my 3rd eOrbo replication attempt! The drilled holes are lopsided, lol.
BTW, Happy New Year!
Drills don't produce perfectly round holes. Worst case result is if there is some wobble in the machine or the piece, you don't drill pilot holes, or your feed rate or drill speed is wrong for the material and bit.
You can solve most elliptical hole problems by drilling pilot holes and making sure everything is secure.
I use three Toroids (the one that is on power cables) with the size as in the attached drawing.
I threaded two of them with 4 wires in parallel 0,2 mm enameled copper wire. Did put as many
turns as I could on the cores, approx. 90 turns. I then epoxied the two toroids to the third
ferrite core. Did use two plastic rings to keep the generator coil in place. The generator coil
is wound approx. 200 turns with 1 mm enameled copper wire. The mostfet switch is
the Rosmary Anslie switch found in another thread in this forum. I have three pot-meters
to adjust frequency, duty cycle and mosfet gate trigger resistance.
Don't know who makes your press,but it doesn't really matter its either a morse taper or threaded
Drop the table down open the jaws all the way [oil] tap up on the chuck and tighten the screw inside to make sure its all the way seated/tight
PS run the jaws ALL the way open and closed a few times after oiling
check for damaged jaw [chucks are cheap to replace ]
@Groundloop. I suggested a rotor for the Stoern Orbo made from Flynn parallel path iron bars, coils and magnets sandwiched to the outside, that deliver four times the magnet strength to one side of the array, and zero to the other, when a small charge is applied to the connected coils. The polarization remains after the charge is removed. It occurred to me that rapid axial flux switching from a DPDT charge reversal in the Flynn array might couple with the Stoern cancelling toroid wraps to create a more powerfull solid state generator.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 04:15:00 PM
Members on this forum,
My solid state Orbo generator is completed.
First test:
Connected power to oscillator, adjusted oscillator, no magnets on the coils, output was zero volt.
Attached N35 Neo magnets (crappy magnets) and the output was 180 Volt AC no load voltage.
Will be back soon with more testing.
I'm fascinated and enthralled. Good job, thank you, and I look forward to hearing of further results!
I do not know much about Flynn parallel path iron bars, but what you describe may be possible.
Thanks. I have been working two days nonstop on this circuit.
Happy new year.
There is NO magnetic coupling between the toroid coils and the generator coil.
So all input energy is converted to heat in the toroids.
That means that ALL the energy from the generator coil is free energy.
Gee ! This very thread is more and more a den of witty & clever guys a lair of successful experimenters and a cavern of very good ideas! Thanks a lot. We shall overcome...
Quote from: wings on December 30, 2009, 03:42:47 PM
my be it is a small effect .... but put the coil face to face to the magnet you can use also the Vector potential effect to push the magnet away, instead to only saturate the toroid.
Yes, IMHO, the "vector potential effect" should (also) be taken into account.
Mys guess is that it is not a (so) small effect.
Very Best
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 05:20:52 PM
I do not know much about Flynn parallel path iron bars, but what you describe may be possible.
Thanks. I have been working two days nonstop on this circuit.
Happy new year.
There is NO magnetic coupling between the toroid coils and the generator coil.
So all input energy is converted to heat in the toroids.
That means that ALL the energy from the generator coil is free energy.
I cant help but feel I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. It sounds like you're saying you've found the big fat "I win" button? I think you're saying, that you put energy into your SS generator, and you're just flat getting more out? Is that correct? :)
Big NO. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is the same thing that Steorn is saying.
They claim that the rotor goes around for free because of the interaction between
the magnets and the toroids. I'm saying the same thing, the energy I get out of
the generator coil is there because of the interaction between the magnetic field
and the toroids.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 06:49:41 PM
Big NO. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is the same thing that Steorn is saying.
They claim that the rotor goes around for free because of the interaction between
the magnets and the toroids. I'm saying the same thing, the energy I get out of
the generator coil is there because of the interaction between the magnetic field
and the toroids.
Your posts are a bit vague. What exactly have you done and seen. Did you use AC or DC did you put a load on the generator coil, did you do an energy in vs out test, could you share the scope shots.
I think I have explained what I have done.
I used pulsed DC to control the toroids via the Rosmary Anslie pulse circuit.
I run from a 12 volt battery.
I have NOT had the time yet to do any input or output measurements.
I have not taken any scope shots yet.
I have done one observations so far, the generator coil has zero volt when I remove
the magnets. The generator coil has plenty of volts when the magnets are there. This proves
that the toroid coils DO switch the magnetic field on and off to some extent. And, THAT
is the important feature on this test circuit.
I need some sleep now, been up for two days working on this circuit.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 07:17:01 PM
I think I have explained what I have done.
I used pulsed DC to control the toroids via the Rosmary Anslie pulse circuit.
I run from a 12 volt battery.
I have NOT had the time yet to do any input or output measurements.
I have not taken any scope shots yet.
I have done one observations so far, the generator coil has zero volt when I remove
the magnets. The generator coil has plenty of volts when the magnets are there. This proves
that the toroid coils DO switch the magnetic field on and off to some extent. And, THAT
is the important feature on this test circuit.
I need some sleep now, been up for two days working on this circuit.
Oke thanks for the clarification and your dedication. Things are getting more interesting by the day in here.
Thanks 4 all the help on the drill press. It fixed itself. While doing a test run a bunch of black rubber began flying out of it, and then a rubber round fitting connected to a pointer (that I never use) dropped, and now it drills perfect holes, lol.
Another question. My ball bearing ID is 0.125" diameter, but if I place a rod that's 0.125" it's a sloppy fit. Then I found a 0.127" ID rod, and it's better, but still a sloppy fit. What size rod should I get?
Thanks for any help.
BTW congrats to all of the Orbo replications! Looks like 2010 will be the year of the open-sourced Self-Runners. :)
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 04:15:00 PM
Members on this forum,
My solid state Orbo generator is completed.
First test:
Connected power to oscillator, adjusted oscillator, no magnets on the coils, output was zero volt.
Attached N35 Neo magnets (crappy magnets) and the output was 180 Volt AC no load voltage.
Will be back soon with more testing.
have you valuate the possibility to use two magnets recovered from the magnetron of a microwave oven, that is probably more close to the toroid size?
Did anyone do a torque comparison by using a rubber band and comparing how much it stretches for pulling the rotor 10 degrees for instance. Comparing slightly energized to fully energized beyond core saturation to non energized. The torque difference might be small. But by adjusting the current one might get a sense on how net torque relates to current and at least prove simulations wrong by showing there's a torque difference.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on December 31, 2009, 07:25:36 PM
Another question. My ball bearing ID is 0.125" diameter, but if I place a rod that's 0.125" it's a sloppy fit.
You can't always trust the consistency or the tolerance a particular manufacturer allows, you really have to try it out to actually 'know' what you're dealing with on a supplier by supplier basis.
You might want to 'mic' (mike) the bearings and the rods for O.D. but I think you have to go with a caliper to read I.D., if possible.
If you do this kind of thing a lot, you can get a set of 'reference' rods that will let you obtain I.D. measurements directly (kind of like 'feeler' gauges, but round). A 'library' of pin gauges will run you around 800-1500 bucks.
A cheap way out for these is to use the shank-end of numbered drill bits, 'mike' them first to actually know what your measuring.
Here's some hole-gauges for accurate I.D. measurements:
Prices - about 120 bucks covers you for 1/8" to 1/2":
Get a good micrometer (Starrett is what I use), just buy it once.
Complete noob here that has been following the Steorn saga from day1. Very excited about the replications & variation. I'm winding my 6th toroid now. Man that is time consuming but the prize seems worth it. Thanks to all. I too am in Australia so I have been to the local Jaycar to get the same components as Ossie. Hard to bloody keep up with him tho! Every time I come to the forum he's made 2 doz improvements! I have a rig of a notebook hard drive with 2 neos atm. I tried JLN switch circuit but couldn't get it working. So now I'm on to Ossie's luvyawork guys! HNY!
Is there an easier way to wind toroids other than this?
Quote from: Jimboot on December 31, 2009, 10:45:23 PM
Is there an easier way to wind toroids other than this?
Check out Ossie's tutorial. Parts 1, 2, 3 respectively.
Quote from: Staffman on December 31, 2009, 10:50:29 PM
Check out Ossie's tutorial. Parts 1, 2, 3 respectively.
Wow much better way! Oh well at least I have 6 test runs! Thanks
Hi All,
Seasons greetings.
I too, am a total noob. I am from Sydney metro area, Australia.
I am wishing to wind 4 of the coils per Ossie's videos. In his videos, he shows winding multiple wires at once (bifilar I think). Is this necessary or should I use a single strand 0.5mm similar to Jimmy ?
Kind Regards, Penno
Hi All,
Please see the following video of different magnet arrangements for use on the rotor of your Steorn motor replication.
Quote from: penno64 on January 01, 2010, 02:01:59 AM
Hi All,
Seasons greetings.
I too, am a total noob. I am from Sydney metro area, Australia.
I am wishing to wind 4 of the coils per Ossie's videos. In his videos, he shows winding multiple wires at once (bifilar I think). Is this necessary or should I use a single strand 0.5mm similar to Jimmy ?
Kind Regards, Penno
Well, to be honest that all depends on how perfect you want your coils, and how much time you want to spend doing it. Sure you can make a perfect coil, and run 1 strand around it over 1000 times or so. That's what I did for 1500 turns. Now that I did it, I have seen Ossies videos. As far as I can tell, there is no reason to not use his method. It is much faster, and much easier. Hooking the wires in series when done will have VIRTUALLY the same result as if you just spent hours and hours winding one strand. Yes, the layout of the windings will be slightly different, but the magnetic field will still move the exact same directions I believe, so why not do it the easy way! I just wish I had seen those video's a week ago. BTW, I am not sure, but I think he used 2 spools of bifilar windings. In other words, 4 strands at once. So if you wanted a 1000 turn toroid, you would only physically have to wind 250 of them.
I fully agree with you. I used 16 strands and 60 turns on my new toroid motor.
I'm almost ready soldering the switch electronic and will upload a couple of
photos when done.
The rotor is from a computer fan. Two Neo magnets with North out.
I thought you were gonna rest??
Thanks for all you do [an understatement]
I got my 6 hours sleep tonight. Then I wanted to see if my new motor will run.
And it does, but I keep blowing those Hall sensors, so I will try out either a pickup
coil or a Read switch.
Quote from: callanan on January 01, 2010, 02:56:36 AM
Hi All,
Please see the following video of different magnet arrangements for use on the rotor of your Steorn motor replication.
Great vid Ossie thanx.
Quote from: Groundloop on December 31, 2009, 07:17:01 PM
I have done one observations so far, the generator coil has zero volt when I remove the magnets. The generator coil has plenty of volts when the magnets are there. This proves that the toroid coils DO switch the magnetic field on and off to some extent. And, THAT is the important feature on this test circuit.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your excellent contribution with these ideas.
I would like to show for members here a "free" flux 'amplifier' applied to your idea because it is able to increase the induction several times, as if you were using much stronger permanent magnets, attached to the ends of the toroidal cores.
The outer ends of both permanent magnets are open, and if you make closed magnetic flux path via soft iron bars or a C core as I drew it in your earlier attached picture, then the desired flux increases manifold.
Of course this modification has sense only if your original open magnet end idea shows 'promising' results in itself, near in the COP>0.7-0.8 values.
Obviously the input coils also have to be optimized for getting the highest saturation in the cores versus the lowest input power.
Thanks, Gyula
Hi All,
Please see the following video of the new magnet arrangement and how it causes a violent cogging effect due to the intense magnetic attraction of the magnet pairs to the toroidal coil's cores. The rotor is very hard to turn slowly by hand.
Hi Ossie,
If I see it correctly, two of your L shaped coil holders are made of steel and unless they are non-magnetizable SS, the magnet stacks can attract to them too, not only to the toroids.
If this is soo, then the toroids cannot fulfill their 'masking core effect', the strong magnetic flux will penetrate through them to the L holders too, making the cogging effect ALSO when you apply input current to the coils.
Thanks, Gyula
EDIT: if the L shapes are not steel but say Aluminium, then some eddy current induction can happen, though this cannot cause cogging as significant as the direct attraction in case of steel.
Steorn motor v2: Measuring the current lag in the toroidal coil and fine tuning
JLN has posted a short video on optimizing coil switch timing.
Quote from: callanan on January 01, 2010, 06:49:25 AM
Hi All,
Please see the following video of the new magnet arrangement and how it causes a violent cogging effect due to the intense magnetic attraction of the magnet pairs to the toroidal coil's cores. The rotor is very hard to turn slowly by hand.
That must be the strongest magnetic rotor ever built :)
Let us see at what current it frees itself from the core.
I'm guessing from the steorn-patent curves, the current will probably be large when the rotor is stationary but lower current will be needed at high speeds, to free it.
And I agree with the above post, you need to replace those metal L-shapes with plastic or wood, because they will only cause a drag.
I'm wondering what does this mean ?
Quote from: Groundloop on January 01, 2010, 05:09:46 AM
I got my 6 hours sleep tonight. Then I wanted to see if my new motor will run.
And it does, but I keep blowing those Hall sensors, so I will try out either a pickup
coil or a Read switch.
Show schematic and Hall effect part number perhaps we can fix the blowing out of HE, I have never blown a HE unless I was switching too much current in its output to down line electronics.!!
Quote from: Omega_0 on January 01, 2010, 09:34:51 AM (
I'm wondering what does this mean ?
This very interesting experiment shows that, while the rotor approachs to the toroidal stator coil, the current lag increases dramatically due to polarisation of the ferromagnetic core and to the increase of the magnetic viscosity. This experiment shows also a good method to find the optimal angle where the stator coils must be energized. If the toroidal coils are energized at this point, the current will be minimum and thus the energy spent in the motor optimized...
I meant, I could not understand why this is happening. It seems the inductance is increasing when the magnet is near. Which means rotor does have some kind of effect on the input.
Here are some ideas for a self runner. Someone showed a motor based on a bicycle wheel. Why not use a wheel with a "hub dynamo " These dynamos have few losses , and are actually 12 pole alternators which work at very low RPM ,and give 6 volts at 0.5 amp , or 3 watts. There is hardly any drag . little cogging , and are as efficient as you will get with conventional tech . You will need a bridge rectifier with low loss diodes . I would recomend mechanical switching a described by Omega O on page59 .The advantage of mechanical switching is that eliminates transistor losses. You will need to rectify the output , as due to the high inductance of the toroids , they will not act fast enough for AC to work .
Quote from: Omega_0 on January 01, 2010, 10:09:10 AM
I meant, I could not understand why this is happening. It seems the inductance is increasing when the magnet is near. Which means rotor does have some kind of effect on the input.
You are right.
Conceptually there are 3 different cases that can occur. They all have to do with the saturation of the core.
1) When the coil field and magnet field combined are way above the saturation point of core
2) When the coil field and magnet field combined are on the border of saturation level of core
3) When the coil field and magnet field combined are under saturation level of core
As far as my logic goes only case 3 would produce no changing inductance and thus no weird emfs. The distance from the core to the magnet dictates in which case you fall. But Steorn said they also recovered more inductive energy. This would mean that they used the low inductance as a way to quickly charge the coil up and then having the inductance increase quickly by a 1000 fold or more as the magnet moves away. The same current now will have much higher inductive energy in the coil since Eneergy=L*I^2. This is assuming no backemf is seen. I proposed a simple test for this which noone seemed to care about.
The most urgent thing to do regarding this motor is to get hold of the current (I) and voltage (U) data from the screen of the scope shown on the 19th of December as well as the value of the Ohmic resistance R. Once these data are dumped into an Excel spreadsheet one can at once calculate the point by point IU product, sum those products up (integrate) to get the input energy and the I^2R (where I is the mean current value) to get the output Joule heat. The device will be OU is
IU(input) = I^2R(output)
That will give us the definitive, unequivocal answer as to whether or not we're dealing here with an oveunity device. If the above equality indeed holds there will not be a single qualified critic in the world who won't find himself silenced by that fact.
Therefore, if there are people on this board who are in contact with Sean McCarthy, please kindly ask him to provide these data (upload them here, for instance). It shouldn't be difficult at all because the data from his December 19th demo are still in his scope and the Ohmic resistance of the toroids (if it isn't known already) can be measured right away on that same demo device which supposedly is still in the Waterways Centre, Dublin.
Quote from: broli on January 01, 2010, 10:22:15 AM
You are right.
Conceptually there are 3 different cases that can occur. They all have to do with the saturation of the core.
1) When the coil field and magnet field combined are way above the saturation point of core
2) When the coil field and magnet field combined are on the border of saturation level of core
3) When the coil field and magnet field combined are under saturation level of core
As far as my logic goes only case 3 would produce no changing inductance and thus no weird emfs. The distance from the core to the magnet dictates in which case you fall. But Steorn said they also recovered more inductive energy. This would mean that they used the low inductance as a way to quickly charge the coil up and then having the inductance increase quickly by a 1000 fold or more as the magnet moves away. The same current now will have much higher inductive energy in the coil since Eneergy=L*I^2. This is assuming no backemf is seen. I proposed a simple test for this which noone seemed to care about.
and what that test would be please?
Quote from: plengo on January 01, 2010, 10:39:16 AM
and what that test would be please?
and here:
Quote from: broli on December 27, 2009, 07:14:26 PM
Oke we already know there's no EMF when the circuit is shorted and the magnets being rotated. But still not absolutely certain if the same can be said when current flows. In order to remain sane and progress here's a simple setup that can resolve this easily and put an end to that discussion.
Wind a bifilair toroidal core, so you have two coils wound around the same core. First hook either one of the coils to the scope and confirm there's indeed no induced EMF when the magnets are spun. Now take one coil and hook it to DC and leave the other coil on the scope. The other coil will act as a pickup and show any induced EMF that would be present in the main DC coil, without being distorted by the voltage of the battery. If again there's nothing then we can conclude there's also no voltage when DC is applied.
I hope someone performs this test as it's an important one to reach closer to the complete understanding of this motor. If there is no EMF then that's it for me, I'll do everything I can to build a home unit, because then I know this is absolutely overunity.
Ok Broli, good test.
I performed quickly this first test. I have a bifilar small toroid coil. First I connected the scope into one of the coils and performed a fast moving magnet in front of it at very close proximity. I could see no signal variation on the scope. Scope at maximum volts division vertically.
The same test was performed with a regular Bedini bifilar and scope showed a substantial voltage fluctuation as the magnet flys by.
First test showed that, at this particular toroid, It had no influence from the external magnet field producing any EMF inside the toroid coils.
Second test, applied a constant 12.5 volts into coil 1 of the toroid (power supply current limited from mains) while connected scope probes to second coil of the toroid (see picture). Performed moving magnet at close proximity of toroid as test one above.
Substantial voltage fluctuation was visible at scope. Conclusion: toroid has now influences from external magnetic field and therefore some EMF is present.
You cross bar idea is great. Something for experimenters to try out.
I have posted the circuit drawing back on page 47 in this thread.
Quote from: plengo on January 01, 2010, 11:31:59 AM
Ok Broli, good test.
I performed quickly this first test. I have a bifilar small toroid coil. First I connected the scope into one of the coils and performed a fast moving magnet in front of it at very close proximity. I could see no signal variation on the scope. Scope at maximum volts division vertically.
The same test was performed with a regular Bedini bifilar and scope showed a substantial voltage fluctuation as the magnet flys by.
First test showed that, at this particular toroid, It had no influence from the external magnet field producing any EMF inside the toroid coils.
Second test, applied a constant 12.5 volts into coil 1 of the toroid (power supply current limited from mains) while connected scope probes to second coil of the toroid (see picture). Performed moving magnet at close proximity of toroid as test one above.
Substantial voltage fluctuation was visible at scope. Conclusion: toroid has now influences from external magnetic field and therefore some EMF is present.
Is the toroid being saturated by the voltage you are applying? If not, I can see that the external magnet is realigning the magnetic domains of the toroid material causing voltage to appear on the secondary coil. If it is being saturated, then I have no idea why you are getting the result you saw. Let me know if my reasoning is flawed.
I would think the core is saturated simply because with the same voltage on a much larger coil and core I do get it to create substantial voltage.
This is a much, much smaller core (orders of magnitude smaller) compared to the Bedini SSG bifilar under the same voltage. As a matter of fact the coil even gets very hot while doing the test if let it run for a while.
Thanks for doing the experiment Plengo. This is just the tip of the iceberg that shows that this needs deeper investigation and not just assume there's no induced emf because the unenergized coils show no induced emf. The explanation I posted above might explain this effect. If you use the wrong current strength you over saturate the core when the magnet passes by, this causes an unbalance in flux change and thus an induced emf arises. But if the current and distance of magnet are chosen wisely I believe this emf can be reduced completely.
Does anyone of the replicators use a digital storage oscilloscope? If so, please upload here the current and votage data (possibly in an Excel spreadsheet) corresponding to one cycle at steady state. Also, please tell us what the Ohmic resistance of the toroid coils is. Thanks.
Happy New Year all
Could someone please help me understand the Steorn Coil effect a little more?
Does it require a lot less voltage and current to "switch off" the magnetic attraction of core material to the rotor magnets than current required for a normal motor where the coils are more like electro magnets? If so how much less? What amount voltage/current is required?
Sorry if this has been covered before.. but I just want to make sure I understand the significance of this new technology.
Quote from: maw2432 on January 01, 2010, 12:26:19 PM
Happy New Year all
Could someone please help me understand the Steorn Coil effect a little more?
Does it require a lot less voltage and current to "switch off" the magnetic attraction of core material to the rotor magnets than current required for a normal motor where the coils are more like electro magnets? If so how much less? What amount voltage/current is required?
Sorry if this has been covered before.. but I just want to make sure I understand the significance of this new technology.
It all depends on the construction of the toroid used in the motor and the amount of torque developed between the toroid core and the magnets on the rotor. More wraps on the toroid uses less current, and better magnets (or larger diameter rotor) produces more torque. As far as specific voltage/current difference from a regular motor, I've seen no tests done on that yet. Also, there have been no tests to date that I know of that have tried to put a generator on the output to measure a load. I'm sure these tests will be done in due time.
When are you guys going to start spending time focusing on the real cop>1 effect here, magnetic viscosity. ;) From almost the start of this thread I told you there was no bemf while there's no current in toroid coil, but that there *is* bemf when there's current in the toroid, but it's more complicated than that.
Anyhow, the real cop>1 effect is due to magnetic viscosity!!!
Hey, my Steorn eOrbo replication is about 98% complete as far as the mechanical end. Only need to mount the toroids. The circuit shouldn't take more than a few hours * murphy's law = 4 hours.
Attached is my new switch. My motor now runs at 0,2A @ 12,31 Volt.
I have also found that mounting magnets at some angle on the core
will let the motor runs a huge faster! My angle was 45 Degrees from TDC.
Here's a short video of my eOrbo
Next is the circuit.
Good work done. :-)
Hi Groundloop,
What was the result of your attempt at a solid state device? You had mentioned that it had shown 180 VAC.
Do you have a Video of the speed improvement by adding the magnet to the toroid? Did adding the magnet change the input power at all?
Happy new year,
so how is the testing of you solid state orbo? I am dying to know more about it.
Looking at Callanan toroid core "L8" ferrite material info it shows an Initial Permeability of 1500 +-20%. If I understand correctly, using a material with a lower Permeability would allow for saturation with even lower amp turns, ie. less coil windings (easier to build) and consuming less power. Is this correct?
I've found ferrite materials with Permeability as low as 20. Is there a downside to using toroidal ferrite cores with such low Permeability?
Quote from: Omega_0 on January 01, 2010, 10:09:10 AM
Which means rotor does have some kind of effect on the input.
Of course it does!
Simplest experimental proof: you can take the closest toroidal power transformer you find around, put a magnet on it at see the effects. First effect is that even without a load on secondary, the toroid starts getting hot quickly; of course you can see the transformer is taking now measurable power from mains, although not loaded. Explanations for that in my former posts. Humming, as in JLN’s movie, is another confirmation I didn’t preached crap…
Best regards,
Quote from: mondrasek on January 01, 2010, 03:47:16 PM
Looking at Callanan toroid core "L8" ferrite material info it shows an Initial Permeability of 1500 +-20%. If I understand correctly, using a material with a lower Permeability would allow for saturation with even lower amp turns, ie. less coil windings (easier to build) and consuming less power. Is this correct?
I've found ferrite materials with Permeability as low as 20. Is there a downside to using toroidal ferrite cores with such low Permeability?
Have you a link for where you got this info ?
The solid state Orbo produces high voltage at low amperage in the generator coil.
So I need to make a impedance match or step down transformer to be able
to use that power for something. But the method works! The unit DOES produce
output power in the generator coil.
In my motor test with magnets on the toroid,
the RPM did go dramatically UP and the input usage went DOWN.
I have no video but it is easy to test for everyone by themselves.
See above. I have not tested much yet. Did want my motor to run first.
Will be testing more soon.
Quote from: bourne on January 01, 2010, 04:05:27 PM
Have you a link for where you got this info ?
L8 material info:
Possible source for ferrite cores with much lower Permeability:
So, does using a lower Permeability ferrite core material have any potential negative effects for an eOrbo set up?
I wanted to bring to light a problem with winding toroidal coils for this use.
If you wind a coil with two layers, you should not continue to wind around the coil, you need to wind until you reach where you started, then reverse the direction.
Not the direction you are looping on the core, but the advancing direction around the core.
If you do not do this, you are creating a coil that will in effect have two loops of wire that are susceptible to BEMF from the magnets!
That's why everyone can show some BEMF on their coils.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 01, 2010, 04:05:46 PM
The solid state Orbo produces high voltage at low amperage in the generator coil.
So I need to make a impedance match or step down transformer to be able
to use that power for something. But the method works! The unit DOES produce
output power in the generator coil.
In my motor test with magnets on the toroid,
the RPM did go dramatically UP and the input usage went DOWN.
I have no video but it is easy to test for everyone by themselves.
Hi Groundloop,
Great information, thank you! You might consider using stranded or litz for the Solid state generator core, making the coil with a series of strands in parallel. Should increase amperage and decrease voltage. I also loved the idea that was given earlier to increase the magnetic flux.
What size wire did you use for your generator core, and what was it's approximate length? Thanks!
Happy New year to all! Please find attached pictures of my Steorn Magnet motor being built. I am winding on my third toroid, and I made the design flexible in design with everything removable. I have the toroids held between two wine bottle corks. I have a feeling in the next few weeks all of ours will be changing radically.
Quote from: mondrasek on January 01, 2010, 04:23:58 PM
So, does using a lower Permeability ferrite core material have any potential negative effects for an eOrbo set up?
The torque for this motor setup comes from attraction between a magnet and a ferromagnetic core and I think you surely get less attraction force to a core with a permeability of 20 than to a core with a permeability of 1500.
So I think this is the relationship.
To choose a good core for our job here you have to select cores with the lowest saturation values, among the ones with a permeability over several hundred or higher.
rgds, Gyula
Thanks. Any you got a nice motor setup there.
>>What size wire did you use for your generator core, and what
>>was it's approximate length?
I posted that information back on page 60 in this thread.
There I also posted the core sizes etc.
Would it be more efficient to utilise more than one side of the toroid ?
Happy New Year
Quote from: gyulasun on January 01, 2010, 04:41:45 PM
The torque for this motor setup comes from attraction between a magnet and a ferromagnetic core and I think you surely get less attraction force to a core with a permeability of 20 than to a core with a permeability of 1500.
So I think this is the relationship.
To choose a good core for our job here you have to select cores with the lowest saturation values, among the ones with a permeability over several hundred or higher.
Thanks Gyula. Exactly the type of information that I was looking for. And exactly the concern I had!
Do you, or anyone else, know how to relate the permeability of a ferrite material with it's ability to be attracted to permanent magnets of a given strength? I mean, you said a permeability of over several hundred or higher... but how low is too low, and how high is unnecessary? Any idea how to optimize the selection?
Quote from: mondrasek on January 01, 2010, 05:11:39 PM
Thanks Gyula. Exactly the type of information that I was looking for. And exactly the concern I had!
Do you, or anyone else, know how to relate the permeability of a ferrite material with it's ability to be attracted to permanent magnets of a given strength? I mean, you said a permeability of over several hundred or higher... but how low is too low, and how high is unnecessary? Any idea how to optimize the selection?
Naudin first choice:
Quote from: mondrasek on January 01, 2010, 05:11:39 PM
Thanks Gyula. Exactly the type of information that I was looking for. And exactly the concern I had!
Do you, or anyone else, know how to relate the permeability of a ferrite material with it's ability to be attracted to permanent magnets of a given strength? I mean, you said a permeability of over several hundred or higher... but how low is too low, and how high is unnecessary? Any idea how to optimize the selection?
Is it not linear? If you have a permeability of 1 or 2, there is no or very very little attraction. If you have 20, then it increases twenty times and so on.
The higher limit is only material dependent, the important data to be connected to here is saturation characteristics I think.
The lower this latter value is the better. Nowadays perhaps you find among the off the shelf toroidal cores only the ferrites as the lowest saturation core materials. I would prefer using those with rectangular and narrow B-H curves I think. We ought to dig out old knowledge in magnetic core history...
rgds, Gyula
I've been designing a mosfet circuit that will utilize two small trigger coils to turn the coils on & off. The 1st trigger coil will turn the current on. The 2nd trigger coil will turn the current off. So the 2nd trigger coil will be situated a bit after the first. Has anyone here already designed this. It would save some good time.
Also, what's the most inductance anyone's used for the toroid so far? Initially I'm going to try the two pre-wound coils, but they'll be good for low rpm because of their high inductance. Later I'll wind the Metglas cores and see what they get. :)
Quote from: gyulasun on January 01, 2010, 05:38:20 PM
Is it not linear? If you have a permeability of 1 or 2, there is no or very very little attraction. If you have 20, then it increases twenty times and so on.
Exactly. So, what is optimal for any given permanent magnet?
Here is a specific example. Let's say you have a 10mm diameter x 10mm long cylindrical magnet that will "hold" with a force of 100N if on a smooth surface of a steel block that is thick enough and has a surface area large enough to satisfy all needs for "attractive" target material. Now if we replace that steel block with something with less permeability, say 50% that of steel, will the permanent magnet only hold at 50% the force, ie. 50N? If not, at what decreasing level of permeability will the permanent magnet no longer be able to maintain 100N of attractive force?
Likewise, will the attractive force increase to greater than 100N if the permeability of the target material also increases over that of steel?
With respect to using two trigger coils, one to turn on, one to turn off, all we need is a T flip flop. Of you'll need a schmitt trigger for the coil inputs. Simple! :)
Hello ALL,
Below is the first idea I have been stewing on all day, as I wind toroids. I am now working on my fourth and last one. Tomorrow the electronics. I will use Ossies circuit, seeing it uses the least power thus far.
I have one more CRAZY idea that I am drawing up and will post in a few minutes... It incorporates some of ya'lls ideas in a unique way.
Forgive me for posting this here. It comes from MileHigh logical dispute of how orbo could work if it is OU or not. He thinks that it is impossible to be OU based on this very thought logical dissertation.
This comes from another forum that I have no rights to post. I do bring it here not for more flaming but to raise my "solution" to his argument. My solution will be posted right after this post.
From MileHigh:
<<< Copied over from "The Buzz" a.k.a. Everybody must get Steorned >>>
Hi Eatenbyagrue and all interested in the recent Steorn demo,
Thanks for your comments and I will be an OU Exile on Main Street and I can live with that. Thanks for the info about Omnibus and this posting will be my simplified analysis of the actual power-in/power-out of the Lucite pulse motors that Steorn demonstrated.
Anyone can feel free to copy and paste the following into the OU thread at your own risk. Perhaps posting a link would be less riskier. Anybody can copy this to the Steorn forum if they want also.
For starters, I noticed that K4zep/Ben on the OU forum has basically already given the correct description of the energy dynamics of the motor when running at a steady-state speed and I heartily congratulate him for that. I will be stating essentially the same thing but perhaps with a bit more detail.
So we know that the Steorn pulse motors are attraction motors, and when they are running at a steady-state speed the power in must be equal to the power out. If you look at a finite time interval, then the energy in must equal the energy out. This is a simple fact that is applicable to any type of motor. When you first plug in a motor, the rotor speeds up and levels off at a speed where the power in equals the power out, it is as simple as that.
The power in consists of the electrical power in, and there are no other sources.
The power out consists of the friction in the bearings (heat), the air friction (also heat) and the energy that the generator coils send back to the battery (which becomes stored electrical energy and heat).
To keep things simple, we will lump the friction in the bearings and the air friction together, and call that "friction."
Therefore, (electrical power in) = (the mechanical friction power out) + (the mechanical generator coil power out).
Stating it like this may be a little clearer for some: (electrical power in) - (the mechanical friction power out) - (the mechanical generator coil power out) = 0.
This is what is going on when the Steorn pulse motor is running at a steady state speed. Everything is in balance.
Steorn is claiming that the generator coils are returning three times the electrical power in and sending that back to the battery. We are going to see if this claim is likely true or not true.
I am going to talk about the motor energy dynamics at an abstract level. This means for this discussion I don't care about the specific measurements or the RPM or whatever, I just want to get a handle on what is going on first. If I want to later I can make some measurements and punch in the numbers.
I am going to talk about "units of energy," when I analyze what the motor is doing. It is more convenient to use "units of energy" instead of "units of power" but the analysis either way will be the same. To repeat, these "units of energy" are an abstraction, and they can be considered a "currency" for purposes of the analysis because we know that energy goes from one place to another and changes form. Even though the energy changes form, for the purposes of this discussion everything is expressed in terms of units of energy.
For starters, let's assume that when the rotor is spinning at its steady-state speed, that it stores a minimum of 100 units of energy.
Ben made a very astute observation when he stated that the rotor is always accelerating and decelerating when it turns. The rotor accelerates when it gains energy from the magnetic attraction and decelerates when it looses energy due to friction and when it transfers energy into the pickup coils. This important fact will be critical to the energy analysis.
The issue of how the Steorn motor is driven can be simplified also. Simply forget for a while that it is a system where a magnet is attracted to a ferrite core and then the ferrite core is made to "disappear" when the toroidal coil is energized. The only thing that you need to know is that you put a pulse of electrical energy into a coil, and the rotor speeds up, it is as simple as that. It is no different than having a conventional pulse motor and either generating an attraction pulse before the rotor magnet reaches top-dead-center, or generating a repulsion pulse after the rotor magnet has passed top-dead-center. My gut feeling is that the conventional attraction and repulsion pulses are more efficient than the Steorn "core disappearing" pulse but the true answer to that would require testing or simulation.
I am going to repeat this again because I know this simple fact will "upset" some of the readers here: It DOES NOT MATTER if it is an attraction pulse, a repulsion pulse, or a "core disappearing" pulse, they all do fundamentally the same thing: You expend electrical energy by pulsing a coil and the net result is that the rotor speeds up. Let that sink into your brains because the statement is absolutely true. You pulse electricity in and you end up with the rotor spinning a bit faster for ALL THREE FLAVOURS OF PULSE. Some of the electrical pulse energy gets stored as rotational energy in the rotor, some of it is lost as heat. Let this fact sink in.
So, let's look at what is happening in the motor using the abstract "energy units." I can imagine some people out there objecting to this concept. Just go with the flow and perhaps learn something new.
Here is a chronological breakdown of the events relative to the Steorn motor with respect to a single pulse. This can then be applied to all of the pulses. It is all about using your mind to visualize what is really going on, where we will "slow down time" and look at the sequence of events step by step.
1. <before the pulse>..................................... rotor spinning with 100 units of energy
2. <pulse event>........................................... 10 units of electrical energy pulsed into the toroidal coil
2.1 <heat slice of pulse> ................................ 5 units of electrical energy pulse lost as heat
2.2 <useful energy slice of pulse>..................... 5 units of electrical energy transferred into the rotor
3. <rotor energy after pulse>.......................... rotor now spinning with 105 units of energy
4. <friction losses>....................................... 1 unit of rotor energy lost due to friction
5. <rotor energy after friction losses>.............. rotor now spinning with 104 units of energy
6. <rotor energy transferred into pick-up coils>.. 4 units of rotor energy transferred into pick-up coils
7. <rotor energy after pick-up coils>................. rotor now spinning with 100 units of energy
The above gives you an absolutely accurate energy breakdown of what is happening when the rotor is spinning at at steady state speed. Even if your tachometer says 2000 RPM, if you have four magnets on your rotor then the above sequence of events happens four times per revolution, every 90 degrees. The rotor is constantly accelerating and decelerating.
So where does that leave us with respect to energy (or power) in vs. energy (or power) out?
You can see that you pump 10 units of energy into the motor and you get only 4 units of energy back from the pick-up coils. We will further divide the energy coming back from the pick-up coils into 1 unit lost as heat due to the diodes in the full-wave bridge rectifier and the charging efficiency of the battery. That leaves us with 3 units of recharging energy going into the battery from the 10 units of electrical energy that we first put into the system, 30% efficiency.
I am giving you an estimate of 10 units in, and 3 units back for 30% efficiency.
Steorn is stating 10 units in and 30 units back for 300% efficiency, an over unity device.
Notice that this analysis has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the energy in the spinning rotor like Omnibus on OU believes. He is absolutely wrong and should take a physics course.
Some of you may want to challenge the 5 units lost as heat when the electrical pulse of 10 units is delivered to the motor. I don't know what the precise split is but with 100% certainty I can tell you that there IS a split. The Steorn attraction motor method looks very inefficient to me. When the magnet is 2/3 away from the saturated toroidal core the attraction forces that you are eliminating are very low, yet you are still energizing the toroid with the full pulse power. Don't forget the toroid gets hot in Ben's clips, and heat is lost energy.
By the same token, where does Steorn get the 30 units of energy back like they claim? WHERE? Look at the sequence of events above again and tell me where the extra energy comes from.
If some of you think that the magic extra energy comes from the "core disappearing" pulse then I have got some news for you. If this was true then it would have been discovered in the 19th century and we would all be living in a free energy Jetson's Age right now as we speak. There is not a chance in hell that the "core disappearing" pulse is a source of over unity and miraculously speeds up the rotor to produce over unity. Anybody that thinks this is true is going to have to prove this with experimentation and theory. Good luck.
So, now that we have an understanding of the energy dynamics of the Steorn motor, all that you have to do is make the measurements and punch in the numbers so that the abstract energy description above becomes real-world measured values.
If you are following what I am saying and you agree with me, then here is the crux of the matter with respect to the Steron demo in Dublin for their Lucite motor setups:
1. Connect the differential voltage probe across the 1.5 volt source battery.
2. Connect the current probe to the output wire from the battery powering the motor.
3. Push a button on the high-end DSO and get an output power reading.
4. Connect the current probe to the power return wire coming from the generator coils section.
5. Push a button on the high-end DSO and get an input power reading.
6. Compare the power reading in step #5 with the power reading in step #3 to confirm or deny their claim of three times the power being returned to the battery as compared to what was being consumed by the pulse motor.
Stop and think for a second. They had all of the measurement equipment in place and it would have taken a maximum of 10 minutes to make the measurements above but they did not do it. Look into your hearts and souls and try to find the answer to that question.
Why didn't Steorn make the above measurements to prove their claim of over unity when the Lucite pulse motors were all there and running off the batteries, and the high-end Tektronix DSO with the differential voltage probe and the fancy current probe were all there and available on site? Why didn't they do it?
The answer is because their Lucite pulse motors were conventional under unity devices and they dared not do it.
Well, a good idea just occurred to me for how experimenters can get to the bottom of the whole Steorn December 2009 pulse motor issue - is it or is it not an over unity device?
Let's start with a bit of speculation about how this is going to play out in 2010 with respect to the replicators. The "replicator buzz" has already started. People are trying different magnet and toroid configurations, different numbers of turns, positions, etc, etc, etc, and they are marveling at this new Steorn pulse motor. Already people are playing with the motor configuration in search of higher RPMs, faster accelaration and so on and so on. This is going to go on for nine months to a year, we have all seen this scenario play out before.
There is a huge down side to this scenario. People, the replicators, forget all about the over unity claim and just focus on the building. They stop even trying to make any serious measurements or they make "fake" measurements. They measure the RPMs and current consumptions for different configurations and get all excited about how "efficient" their pulse motors are. Big deal. The quest for over unity gets lost in the shuffle. It's not easy to make measurements to prove or disprove over unity but on the other hand it is fun to build motors and measure RPMs. Before you know it, making a serious attempt to prove or disprove Steorn's claim is lost in the shuffle. This is a huge problem.
On top of all of this, you get people going down other alleys, most likely blind alleys. Notice that Paul Lawrence is off on a "temperature of the magnets" kick. Seriously, what does this have to do with Steorn's claim?
Step #1 is to read my energy analysis of the pulse motor in my posting #11 above. Read it over and over until you understand it.
To confirm or deny Steorn's claim about their pulse motor it is time to think outside of the box.
Going back to my energy analysis, the real issue is this: The amount of rotational kinetic energy that the rotor picks up from the pulse has to be greater than the amount of electrical energy expended to do the pulse.
The generator pick up coils are only there to tap into the "extra energy" imparted into the rotor by the electrical pulse. The generator coils can be completely ignored in your test procedure if you want to, they are nothing but window dressing.
I will repeat: Read my energy analysis in posting #11 and you have to conclude that the amount of rotational kinetic energy that the rotor picks up from the pulse has to be greater than the amount of electrical energy expended to do the pulse if you are going to make a claim of over unity.
So what you can do is strip the problem/replication down to the bone and make the proper measurements.
When you strip the problem down to the bone and you work with the motor, the only thing that counts is to see if when you pulse energy into the toroidal coils, is to check if the rotor ends up with more rotational kinetic energy in it as compared to how much electrical energy you expended to pulse the coils in the first place. That is not so easy to measure but that is what the whole deal is about.
You can play with different toroid and magnet configurations with your Steorn pulse motor replication and have some fun, but what really counts is what I just said above, everything else is unimportant and can be ignored.
Here is how we can strip the problem down to the bone and make some REAL measurements:
Forget about the motor entirely and work with a linear track. Place the magnet on a buggy and place the buggy on a near-frictionless linear track (for example: use a child's train set) and pulse the toroidal coil and measure the increase in speed of the buggy. Use a video camera to do this and look at the video frame by frame and measure the velocity before and after the toroid is pulsed.
If you weigh the magnet-buggy combination, then you can calculate the increase in kinetic energy based on 1/2*m*v-squared. Use your scope to measure the energy in the pulse. You can try different combinations of magnets and toroids on the linear track.
You are going to find that you always have to put in more electrical energy to pulse the toroid than you can get in increased kinetic energy from the magnet-buggy speeding up. However, I know many won't believe me. Fine, don't take my word for it, do the tests yourself.
Does everyone see what I have just proposed? I have just given the replicators a way to bypass all of the bullshit and craziness where for the next nine months people are going to be playing with motor combinations and nobody is actually going to make any real measurements because it is too hard to do it. All that they end up doing is playing with a new type of pulse motor.
Strip the motor away and get it down to its bare essentials - a linear track setup where you actually can make some real-world measurements and see if pulsing the toroidal coil will give you an energy gain or not.
You have to think outside of the box and I just came up with a damn good idea for the replicators and I will cross my fingers that somebody actually does it.
This Steorn stuff is going to result in dozens of replicators playing with magnets, toroids, and motors, and nobody is going to even get remotely close to confirming or denying if the Steorn claim of free energy is true or not. Switching to a linear track, a scope, and a video camera, something that anyone can do, will actually give the experimenters the power to confirm or deny Steorn's claims.
The energy analysis in my posting #11 is the key, and the energy analysis says that the mechanical kinetic energy gained per pulse has to be greater than the electrical energy expended per pulse. Everything else is bullshit and can be ignored. I am also telling you that this will never happen, but don't believe me if you don't want to - just do something that is REAL, the linear track measurement system is REAL, the motor is just a toy that is too hard to make measurements on.
What about 7 rotors, 13 toroids, all of which used dual. Imagine these bunched up almost like oranges in a crate.
5 for 8 is a bit tighter, but all 8 would be dual as well. Middle rotor is smaller.
What about 3 for 3? If that could be made to fit.
\ /
O | O
I like 5 toroid for 4 rotors, all dual. I can see a 6th if you go 3D, but that is surely pushing it for toroid space.
O - O
- x -
O - O
No idea if this makes any sense at all, other wise sorry for the bandwidth.
(continuation of MileHigh argument I posted before)
I think if this orbo really is OU it must be one of two options:
1) when the pulsating the toroid the kinetic energy created on the rotor is greater than the energy used to pulsate the toroid. That's is also a possibility MileHigh accepts.
2) no extra kinetic energy is created on the rotor BUT somehow pickup generating coils, using something similiar to what we have on the toroid pulsating / magnet no EMF interaction, is creating extra energy from the kinetic rotor energy WITHOUT EMF again and therefore (Lens laws) generating energy WITHOUT using kinetic energy as the source. So basicaly one would have free rotating energy being used to generate as much energy one wants by simply increasing the number of pickup/generating coils.
3) a combination of 1 and 2.
Hello ALL,
Here is my second idea. I like it even better. And it could also work with several rotors patterned It incorporates Groundloops ideas also.
@ Fausto
I think there is still more to be revealed by Steorn in their upcoming public experiments. Besides their public demonstration motor running on 1 D cell, recharging itself. Pretty good proof for me. Besides, this thing will be running all kinds of things, and some will still deny it...LOL
Personally I am thrilled with the "simplicity" of it. Complex, yes, but simple still.
Happy New Year!
For my small tu'penny worth, I don't think Steorn have shown all their cards yet. The 'brief' week before christmas demo was a teaser.
Anybody know when they are back? Is it Monday the 4th?
Quote from: mondrasek on January 01, 2010, 04:23:58 PM
So, does using a lower Permeability ferrite core material have any potential negative effects for an eOrbo set up?
If the core saturates, then magnetic flux will 'leak' out of the core material. I think having stray mag-flds outside the core is probably not wanted in this application.
This video seams to be tapping my option 2 above where one could utilize the free spin energy to generate free extra energy without Lens effects on the knetic motion of the rotor (
Quote from: mondrasek on January 01, 2010, 07:14:58 PM
Exactly. So, what is optimal for any given permanent magnet?
Here is a specific example. Let's say you have a 10mm diameter x 10mm long cylindrical magnet that will "hold" with a force of 100N if on a smooth surface of a steel block that is thick enough and has a surface area large enough to satisfy all needs for "attractive" target material. Now if we replace that steel block with something with less permeability, say 50% that of steel, will the permanent magnet only hold at 50% the force, ie. 50N? If not, at what decreasing level of permeability will the permanent magnet no longer be able to maintain 100N of attractive force?
Likewise, will the attractive force increase to greater than 100N if the permeability of the target material also increases over that of steel?
Hi all,
I am trying to figure this out too, and my brain is red hot right now:) Have some thoughts about it. Here is my logic.
First, force acting between two magnetic poles is proportional to "magnetic strength" of those two poles and inversely proportional to distance square. Assume distance is constant. "Magnetic strength" is proportional to magnetic induction B (parameter which often describe permanent magnet strength), so to have maximum force the best is to have both magnetic fields strong. When ferromagnet is in magnetic field of permanent magnet, it tends to behave as another permanent magnet (induces field in ferromagnet) and attract each other. Induced field depends on external magnetic field H and is proportional to magnetic permeability of ferromagnet. So higher permeability -> higher force.
Now question about appropriate material for orbos core. Hmm, when I look on B-H curve, I would have material which first of all will need small energy to saturate it (low H - lower electrical energy to saturate, as well to desaturate). Second, material with high induction B (high B - higher force). In this case B-H curve should be narrow and rectangular ( ( Unfortunately I can not yet find how magnetic viscosity relates to B and H (probably when material has low H, viscosity is smaller? and I am not sure if we want small viscosity).
I hope, I helped a little bit:)
Happy New Year to all
Attached is the switch I'm using for the Solid State Orbo Coil Switch.
The mosfet is rated to 1000 Volt and just blew up today when testing.
I will replace that mosfet with a high voltage power NPN transistor.
EDIT: My switch is now updated like in the attached drawing.
EDIT2: The transistor setup does not work as planned. Now I can only get out
3 to 4 volt AC from the generator coil. So it seems that "sharp" switching is
necessary to get this thing going. This is really strange?
All this talk and suppositions will fade away if we can get hold of Sean's December 19th data and observe that indeed, as claimed, all the input power has gone exclusively for Ohmic heating. Finding out whether or not that's the case should be the only focus of attention. Talking about anything else is just a waste of time at this point.
Promptly obtaining and analyzing Sean's data is especially important for those who've set themselves to replicate Orbo because it will save them time and resources if it turns out that the data doesn't support the claim that all the input power goes solely for Ohmic heating. We've gone through a lot of this -- to take somebody's word and only because of that start efforts to replicate the claim -- to find ourselves look like fools pulled into a hoax. Here in this case the resolution is straightforward -- if Sean has these claims he should provide the data, clearly available, to back them up. No more Mylows.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 01, 2010, 10:59:29 PM
Attached is the switch I'm using for the Solid State Orbo Coil Switch.
The mosfet is rated to 1000 Volt and just blew up today when testing.
I will replace that mosfet with a high voltage power NPN transistor.
EDIT: My switch is now updated like in the attached drawing.
EDIT2: The transistor setup does not work as planned. Now I can only get out
3 to 4 volt AC from the generator coil. So it seems that "sharp" switching is
necessary to get this thing going. This is really strange?
Very interesting Alex. It kind of makes sense to me. Sharper sounds like "works better with higher magnetic viscosity, or bigger lag from the magnet induction to react to the gradient".
(webster: Viscosity = the ratio of the tangential frictional force per unit area to the velocity gradient perpendicular to the direction of flow of a liquid â€"called also coefficient of viscosity)
The different in output was dramatic reduced with a slower transistor. The hexfet I
did use had a switch on time of approx. 54 nano second. The transistor switch on
at maximum 600 nano second. The output voltage was reduced from 180 VAC to 3VAC.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 02, 2010, 12:48:54 AM
All this talk and suppositions will fade away if we can get hold of Sean's December 19th data and observe that indeed, as claimed, all the input power has gone exclusively for Ohmic heating. Finding out whether or not that's the case should be the only focus of attention. Talking about anything else is just a waste of time at this point.
Promptly obtaining and analyzing Sean's data is especially important for those who've set themselves to replicate Orbo because it will save them time and resources if it turns out that the data doesn't support the claim that all the input power goes solely for Ohmic heating. We've gone through a lot of this -- to take somebody's word and only because of that start efforts to replicate the claim -- to find ourselves look like fools pulled into a hoax. Here in this case the resolution is straightforward -- if Sean has these claims he should provide the data, clearly available, to back them up. No more Mylows.
I agree. That is the main issue.
If Steorn can prove that almost no energy is transferred into the rotor then it will prove they have an OU technology.
This may help in choosing the right core material,
Hi All,
Tests I have done have shown that if the attraction between the magnet and toroid core is too great for the particular coil and core material there will be more losses in the process and so a balance needs to be found for optimum operation.
With that, I have found what I consider to be the best possible magnet and coil arrangement for my motor and now have measured the best efficiency for this motor. I don't think I am going to beat this level of efficiency.
Also, I have found that the best way to trigger the switching circuit for optimum performance is to simply wind a trigger coil of about 100 turns around one of the toroid coils.
With my current configuration I can achieve a consistent 750RPM for only 239mW of input power!
Please see the following video for further details and the circuit & waveform across the coils is attached below.
Also, because I believe I have reached a limit to the efficiency, with the current materials I am using, I believe I will now need to increase the number of magnets, coils and possibly rotors so as to be able to generate some usefull torque and possibly even self run if this is indeed possible with this motor.
Quote from: interestedinou on January 02, 2010, 02:21:15 AM
I agree. That is the main issue.
If Steorn can prove that almost no energy is transferred into the rotor then it will prove they have an OU technology.
How can we obtain these data? I'm banned in the Steorn forum so I can't post a thread there to that effect. Could you please do it if you have access there? I wonder if you or someone else is in contact with Sean McCarthy to ask him if he would relesae the data from December 19th demo. Also the data in Naudin's experiment can be analyzed in the same manner. I wrote him an e-mail asking him if he could provide these data. Haven't gotten a response from him yet. As far as I remember Aussie and Naudin had an e-mail exchange. Maybe Aussie too can ask him to do that.
Also, there are replicators here who may have digital storage oscilloscopes. They may be willing to help in this respect -- take the U and I traces at steady-state and dump the data into an Excell spread sheet as well as measure the precise value of the Ohmic resistance of the coils. Something has to be done to have a definitive answer sooner. Not only we don't want this to drag itself as another Mylow or Mike saga but also, unlike many other experiments, to obtain the decisive answer in this case is very very straightforward.
Hi All,
My first attempt at winding a toroid was a disaster.
I measured out 20 meters and fed this onto a home made shuttle.
At the point where the shuttle would no longer fit through the centre, I uncoiled the remaining .5mm wire and began the slow process of feeding this through.
I reached a point where I could no longer fit the wire through the centre and had to cut the remaining 7 mtrs off.
Nonetheless, I wanted to try running 12v through the coil and see the effects on my 19mm x 28mm cylindrical magnets (ndfeb). Much to my disappointment, my coil did not release the this magnet, nor even the smallest magnet I could test.
I fear I must have missed a fundamental concept in winding toroids.
I have viewed Ossies winding videos several times over and even though he winds them quadfilar, I thought I could get a tighter fit with a single wire (NOT). At least at the completion of his winding, you can still see through the centre of his coil.
I considered posting a pic, and thought better of showing my disaster.
Guys, any clues greatly appreciated.
Kindest Regards, Penno.
p.s. Great work Ossie, I am so jealous.
With my current configuration I can achieve a consistent 750RPM for only 239mW of input power!
Dear Ossie,
Coul you please attach an efficient 12VDC, 5 W motor to your shaft? You can find in old CDROM etc..
If you could find a such small DC motor with 750 rpms and attach to your shaft I beleive you will show self runner righaway..
Maybe you can also add a buffer cap to start and regulate the system?
Can you let me know the specs of the magnets and toroidal core? Also tore winding (gauge, number of turns..)
Thanks and Best Regards.
Quote from: samedsoft on January 02, 2010, 04:47:20 AM
With my current configuration I can achieve a consistent 750RPM for only 239mW of input power!
Dear Ossie,
Coul you please attach an efficient 12VDC, 5 W motor to your shaft? You can find in old CDROM etc..
If you could find a such small DC motor with 750 rpms and attach to your shaft I beleive you will show self runner righaway..
Maybe you can also add a buffer cap to start and regulate the system?
Can you let me know the specs of the magnets and toroidal core? Also tore winding (gauge, number of turns..)
Thanks and Best Regards.
Hi samedsoft,
The magnets shown on my motor are from this same place (link following) which I got a few years ago, although I think mine are actually 22mm x 4mm which they may no longer stock. But regardless, I have now run this motor with many different magnets and magnet arrangements and it still works well. I have even used weak ferrite magnets. You just need to find the best magnets and arrangement to work with your toroid coils and cores and rotor.
In regard to my toroid coils and cores, I have posted all the information about them previously in this thread.
Hi Ossie,
I wonder what causes the small (0.35V) negative going 'bump' between the normal on-off pulses?
Thanks, Gyula
Quote from: gyulasun on January 02, 2010, 05:19:05 AM
Hi Ossie,
I wonder what causes the small (0.35V) negative going 'bump' between the normal on-off pulses?
Thanks, Gyula
Hi Gyula,
I am thinking it is due to imperfections in the coil windings. Whatever it is, with the circuit I am using, this negative voltage bump will help send energy back to the battery via the two feedback diodes. So I don't mind it being there that much...
2 new from TK.
Orbette 2: Acceleration
Orbette 1: Layout, scope interpretation, RPM fluctuation
Looks like adding pick-up slows the engine down but interesting.
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 03:04:37 AM
Also, because I believe I have reached a limit to the efficiency, with the current materials I am using, I believe I will now need to increase the number of magnets, coils and possibly rotors so as to be able to generate some usefull torque and possibly even self run if this is indeed possible with this motor.
you might already have it :) with regard to the pick up coils I was wondering instead of putting pickup coils on the side of the motor were the attraction of the magnets slows it down as they pass by. Would making it a halo (The coil tap ) a large round horizontal circle and sticking a couple of magnets on the top of the motor and placing the halo above it slow it down as much since the magnets would be always the same distance from the tap. A simple test would be to loop some wire attach it to the multi meter and bring it down over the top of the motor by hand and see if there is any effect.
Thanks for your videos.
When i saw the one with the tremendous cogging
I wanted to suggest to use a dissimilar number of stators/toroids and rotor magnets, such as a setup with 4 magnets (spaced at 90° from each other) and 3 toroids (spaced at 120° from each other).
In this way not all coils and magnets would align at the same time, but each pair would align at a different time during one revolution.
But then I figured, that in order to do this, each torus would have to be triggered/energized/masked at a different point in time, so several trigger switches would be necessary. This seemed to make things difficult, so I did not post.
But now, that you found the solution of winding a trigger coil onto the torus, you could do that for each torus, so that each one is triggered individually and maybe a configuration as I described becomes more viable.
Quote from: penno64 on January 02, 2010, 04:45:37 AM
.... Much to my disappointment, my coil did not release the this magnet, nor even the smallest magnet I could test.
I fear I must have missed a fundamental concept in winding toroids.
I also thought like you, but it seems not to be a prerequisite, that the toroid actually releases a stuck magnet.
As you can see in the videos of those who have built it, there is quite a big air-gap between the toroids and the passing magnets.
And the magnet arrives with a certain speed. It seems to be enough to weaken the attracting field between torus and magnet. The toroid's attracting field does not have to be completely nullified, as far as I understand.
If your magnet doesn't release increase the amperage or increase the distance of the magnet from the core.
A number of people have suggested adding a generator, the simplest generator I know of is a
stepper motor,used in old computer printers,floppy drives.
TK made one with a Joule Thief.
Yes the magnet wheel was fake but that generator was real
@Penno 64 .I t is not clear from your posting , wether your failed winding is a single wire , or a multifilar wind . If it consists of say 4 strands, you may have got the ends wrongly interconnected , so that the magnetic fields of some strands oppose and cancell others , Giving a net field of zero . Interconnect them like this . Each strand has a start end {A] and a finish end B. When the winding is complete all the A ends will be in one bunch , and the B enda in another . Pick an A end wire at randon and label it "start" . Use an ohm meter or battery and test lamp to pick its other end , and connect this end to another wire from the A bunch [NOT the B group.] Now with one test lead on "start" go to group B and find the single wire that forms a circuit with "START" connect that wire to any spare A group wire . Continue this process untill you have only one spare wire in group B .Label this END. Job Done. In other words although the strands are in series, the current in each strand must always flow in the same direction ,either all A to B or all B to A depending which way round you connect the battery . Hope this helps.
Quote from: gyulasun on January 02, 2010, 05:19:05 AM
Hi Ossie,
I wonder what causes , but the small (0.35V) negative going 'bump' between the normal on-off pulses?
Thanks, Gyula
I'm not sure but it could be that there is only one serial winding on the core and not two passes.
This is like a single loop of wire passing the magnet so it generates a small pulse.
This very good page about magnetic amplifier buildings
could help here probably:
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 01, 2010, 07:47:37 PM
Hello ALL,
Below is the first idea I have been stewing on all day, as I wind toroids. I am now working on my fourth and last one. Tomorrow the electronics. I will use Ossies circuit, seeing it uses the least power thus far.
I have one more CRAZY idea that I am drawing up and will post in a few minutes... It incorporates some of ya'lls ideas in a unique way.
Thanks Bruce that answers my question (reply 954)
do you have the same energy saving with one rotor if there were two lines of magnets,
here is your original design with my badly edited one underneath
I have posted this before but here it is again.
If you put two Toroids next to each other then you can
switch on or off the power transfer with a third winding
as shown. You can also control the power output in a linear
way with a variable resistance on the center winding.
This will also work for pulsed DC input and output.
By this way do you eliminate BEMF?
Have you made any experiments so far ?
Why do you need resistance in the middle?
In order to couse delay in the middle current dont you need inductor?
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 03:04:37 AMWith my current configuration I can achieve a consistent 750RPM for only 239mW of input power!
Please see the following video for further details and the circuit & waveform across the coils is attached below. (
Very nice! Now you need yet another current meter. ;) According to your scope it looks more like 770 rpm. When I get my eOrbo running it would probably start flying away like a propeller at 770 rpm, lol.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 02, 2010, 12:48:54 AM
All this talk and suppositions will fade away if we can get hold of Sean's December 19th data and observe that indeed, as claimed, all the input power has gone exclusively for Ohmic heating. Finding out whether or not that's the case should be the only focus of attention. Talking about anything else is just a waste of time at this point.
Promptly obtaining and analyzing Sean's data is especially important for those who've set themselves to replicate Orbo because it will save them time and resources if it turns out that the data doesn't support the claim that all the input power goes solely for Ohmic heating. We've gone through a lot of this -- to take somebody's word and only because of that start efforts to replicate the claim -- to find ourselves look like fools pulled into a hoax. Here in this case the resolution is straightforward -- if Sean has these claims he should provide the data, clearly available, to back them up. No more Mylows.
I agree, but IMO the eOrbo will be extremely difficult to get it just right. IMO it's due to magnetic viscosity, which is what Steorn has made very clear. It's not a matter of just saturating a core, and presto, cop>1. I know what I measured, which was the magnetic material cooling nearly 3°F, but it seems to be very difficult to get the material back in that state. Maybe Steorn is still having problems with that; e.g., swapping the eOrbo.
Quote from: powercat on January 02, 2010, 10:09:11 AM
Thanks Bruce that answers my question (reply 954)
do you have the same energy saving with one rotor if there were two lines of magnets,
here is your original design with my badly edited one underneath
VERY THOUGHTFUL, Now you are starting to see the problems and the solution! This is fun watching people really think!!!!!
Back electromagnetic force is what happen in any coil when you add current to a coil.
The coil try to resist the current change. An inductive kick back voltage is what you
get from a coil when you switch off the current in a coil. Don't mix those two.
As to you questions, I'm not quite sure what you are asking?
The circuit posted is to show people how to make a "Transfer Resistor" eg. transistor
for AC voltages or pulsed DC. When you short the middle winding then the power
is free to flow from input to output. If you short the middle coil gradually by a variable
resistance of some sort, then you can adjust the output from null and up to half the input
level (minus transformer losses). And, yes, I have tested that this works.
Quote from: broli on January 02, 2010, 07:31:03 AM
If your magnet doesn't release increase the amperage or increase the distance of the magnet from the core.
The lack of a regulated power supply makes a build more challenging (this is my situation). You need to design the coils for the voltage you intend to use. And if you want to maximize the output torque, you need to consider what magnets you have/want to use as well. That is the reason for the questions about the best ferrite core material for a given magnet set up. But I had not considered that you could adjust the core to rotor magnet gap just to get any setup to run (pretty much), even if not able to saturate. Thanks to all for that and all the rest of the info. Any more is also appreciated.
The flip-flop circuit tests out great. It's not connected to the eOrbo yet, just a manual run. It's a d-flip-flop. The starting trigger goes to the d-flip-flop clock pin, and the ending trigger goes to the d-flip-flop clear pin. That way the timing can never get out of sync. Schmitt triggers are used between the triggers and d-flip-flop. The Q pin will go to the mosfet, which will go to the coils.
Also I might use LEDs & photodiodes instead of pickup coils.
Hello ALL,
My Steorn Magnet Motor is complete, and I am just now working on my electronics. I can't wait to have this thing up and running so that I can begin to experiment!
Did you read this:
QuoteWe will be placing a system in the Waterways and will allow people to bring their own test equipment (or use ours) - and you can test a system the way you see fit. Note that all tests like this will be done under the supervision of one of engineers - this is simply to prevent someone who might want to break a system apart. However no reasonable request will be refused.
Off to Dublin, everybody ...
This happens for the first time in our community, someone to invite people to do tests as they please on his machine. I'm out of words. That's exactly how people claiming OU should behave. Go Steorn. All power to you.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 02, 2010, 10:58:48 AM
Back electromagnetic force is what happen in any coil when you add current to a coil.
The coil try to resist the current change. An inductive kick back voltage is what you
get from a coil when you switch off the current in a coil. Don't mix those two.
As to you questions, I'm not quite sure what you are asking?
Dear Alex,
I meant the BEMF due to loading on the secondary side of the transformer. On a regular transformer, loading on secondary increases primary current.
I thought your system did not increase primary current.. I was thinking orbo..
You know when Ossie loads his orbo it does not consume much current on the primary.. But he looses rpm.
In a similar sense, loading on orbo trafo secondary may cause a lag on primary current maybe?
Rather than resistor using an inductor would make latency on middle transfer system. Latency would cause consuming reactive power and conversion of reactive power to active power.... as Thane's Bi-Toroid Transformer..
Could you please post a video in this topic?
Great work. If you put your toroids flat against you rotor the you get only one
attraction point instead of two. My I recommend you put your toroids horisontal
with the toroid hole pointing upwards.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 02, 2010, 12:42:21 PM
Did you read this:
QuoteWe will be placing a system in the Waterways and will allow people to bring their own test equipment (or use ours) - and you can test a system the way you see fit. Note that all tests like this will be done under the supervision of one of engineers - this is simply to prevent someone who might want to break a system apart. However no reasonable request will be refused.
Off to Dublin, everybody ...
This happens for the first time in our community, someone to invite people to do tests as they please on his machine. I'm out of words. That's exactly how people claiming OU should behave. Go Steorn. All power to you.
Ha ha, Steorn is legit, and there's no stopping this technology now, as Steorn has provided enough detail for someone to eventually get it right. IMO it could take a long time for the 1st open-sourced self-runner because it's due to magnetic viscosity, so everything has to be just right. Also given what I've seen in sims and experiments it seems the magnetic material needs to reset someone or simply resting a long time. Maybe Steorn has no revealed the big secret on how to reset the magnetic material.
Enjoy your trip.
This transformer setup does behave just like an ordinary transformer.
The only difference is that you can switch on and off the output.
If you load the the output then you will load the input.
I do not make any videos, sorry.
I agree with PL on this one. I read their patent very carefully and the only thing they see as the anomaly is magnetic viscosity. But some of their figure don't make sense to me like the energy figure. At 1 rpm they find that everything is behaving "conventionally" but if you look at the energy graph (fig 16) at the 1 rpm mark you see the torque is producing net energy during one full rotation while there's hardly any current flow in the coil. Did they do something wrong with that graph? From their torque graph (fig 13) they show how torque in and out are pretty much equal, so why is there a "energy due to torque" at 1 rpm in their graph?
Quote from: Omnibus on January 02, 2010, 12:42:21 PM
Did you read this:
Off to Dublin, everybody ...
This happens for the first time in our community, someone to invite people to do tests as they please on his machine. I'm out of words. That's exactly how people claiming OU should behave. Go Steorn. All power to you.
Man oh man, Wish I could afford to go....
This is good!!!!!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 02, 2010, 01:09:31 PM
Off to Dublin, everybody ...
This happens for the first time in our community, someone to invite people to do tests as they please on his machine. I'm out of words. That's exactly how people claiming OU should behave. Go Steorn. All power to you.
Ha ha, Steorn is legit, and there's no stopping this technology now, as Steorn has provided enough detail for someone to eventually get it right. IMO it could take a long time for the 1st open-sourced self-runner because it's due to magnetic viscosity, so everything has to be just right. Also given what I've seen in sims and experiments it seems the magnetic material needs to reset someone or simply resting a long time. Maybe Steorn has no revealed the big secret on how to reset the magnetic material.
Enjoy your trip.
Hi Paul,
I suspect a couple of people are already OU but just don't want to talk about it but as you say, it will eventually come out. I have to commend Steorm for his openness! Most excellent. Good luck on your motor.
On you cooling effect. IF you could reverse your rotation for a while, it might reset it, and then when you go back to orginal direction cool for a while, just a hunch.
Good work on all your projects guys, I have been working quite a bit the last few days so not much time to get to far. I'll get done with my replication hopefully in a couple days when I get some more time. A couple things I wanted to point out I saw while catching up reading here...
First off, I was also thinking of the odd number of coils, and even number of magnets that someone suggested here. I had planned on making mine to adapt that way already to test it, as I am a huge Bill Muller fan, and I have already used this concept on one of my other projects with some success. It does make the triggering a tad more difficult. But, without the ability to hook more than one in series, it could also increase the input for the same torque, just less cogging. Not necessarily what we need, but still worth trying.
The next thing that has been rolling around in my brain for quite some time, and nobody seems to have a solution for it yet. Ossie has done fantastic with his replication, and has gotten further than anyone as far I can tell. But, I have yet to see anyone get this done with 1.2 volts yet.. ? ? ? We need to start trying to figure out what aspect of all of this we are missing, that is allowing Steorn to get that kind of motion for such little voltage. I am afraid that even though we have gotten far here, we have still got to missing something that is key. Can anyone come up with any theories as to how we can do this for much less voltage, without drawing 2 amps of current... ?
@Ossie, I know you show yours running on a dead 9 volt, but could you please take second and throw a D battery on there, and let us know if you can get any consistent spin at all? They of course use a pretty mighty 10,000 mah nimh, but a simple disposable D battery at 1.5 volt should easily give as much current as theirs. Maybe you can already sustain 200 rpms or something with your new setup. I know we can easily pulse charge a cap from 1.2 volts, and use the cap to run it. But Steorn does not appear to be doing that. What do you think we may be missing here?
Quote from: k4zep on January 02, 2010, 01:45:19 PM
Hi Paul,
On you cooling effect. IF you could reverse your rotation for a while, it might reset it, and then when you go back to orginal direction cool for a while, just a hunch.
Great idea! Really, the best idea I've heard so far. Thanks.
There are a lot of things to test. Degaussing the toroid. Zapping the NdFeB with strong magnetic field various ways. Put it in the freezer over night, lol-- probably won't doing anything.
My guess is that they have custom made toroid cores from material that has high permeability and low saturation point.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 02, 2010, 02:01:52 PM
But, I have yet to see anyone get this done with 1.2 volts yet.. ? ? ?
That's only a matter of lowering the toroid inductance and using thicker wire. Less inductance means di/dt is higher, which means the current goes higher in a given period of time, which means you can lower the voltage to end up with the same results. Of course you need to make sure the wire resistance is thick enough.
The toroid I'll be using (only as an initial test) has very fine wire, which is why I'll probably need a few giga volts for my coil, lol. And that's why the wire used in Steorn's eOrbo coil is thick because it's designed for low voltage.
Quote from: broli on January 02, 2010, 01:34:18 PM
I agree with PL on this one. I read their patent very carefully and the only thing they see as the anomaly is magnetic viscosity. But some of their figure don't make sense to me like the energy figure. At 1 rpm they find that everything is behaving "conventionally" but if you look at the energy graph (fig 16) at the 1 rpm mark you see the torque is producing net energy during one full rotation while there's hardly any current flow in the coil. Did they do something wrong with that graph? From their torque graph (fig 13) they show how torque in and out are pretty much equal, so why is there a "energy due to torque" at 1 rpm in their graph?
Actually that is an energy loss of about .12J per one rotation at 1 RPM and it keeps around .12J loss up to about 100RPM. It simply means that in order to rotate the shaft at 100 RPM (considering the same .12J) one needs to provide 0.2W (which is quite reasonable for a setup of that kind).
If you analyze the torque graph, you’ll see the area under the axis (negative part) is slightly larger than the other area hence the energy loss which will heat the core (not the coils; it has nothing to do with coils). That loss is due to hysteresis and to touch another question someone raised, for that reason I’d chose for the core a material with minimal hysteresis loss as the first criteria before anything else.
What does really concern me is the fact that after a carefully study I couldn’t spot in Steorn’s patent a single clue on a possible energy gain. Any ideas?
Best regards,
Also, another question that arises. Assuming that Steorn has done their research, surely they already know about triggering transistors with a trigger coil, and how much more reliable it is. I'm sure they also know about hall effect. They proved they know about optical switching on one of the demo's. Yet they insisted on using a reed switch for their public demo? Of course with only 1.2 volts, a reed switch is a bit more reliable than at 12 volts. But it makes me wonder if they are simply trying to teach a lesson on the best way to get the most efficiency... K.I.S.S. ...
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 03:04:37 AM
Hi All,
Tests I have done have shown that if the attraction between the magnet and toroid core is too great for the particular coil and core material there will be more losses in the process and so a balance needs to be found for optimum operation.
With that, I have found what I consider to be the best possible magnet and coil arrangement for my motor and now have measured the best efficiency for this motor. I don't think I am going to beat this level of efficiency.
Also, I have found that the best way to trigger the switching circuit for optimum performance is to simply wind a trigger coil of about 100 turns around one of the toroid coils.
With my current configuration I can achieve a consistent 750RPM for only 239mW of input power!
Please see the following video for further details and the circuit & waveform across the coils is attached below.
Also, because I believe I have reached a limit to the efficiency, with the current materials I am using, I believe I will now need to increase the number of magnets, coils and possibly rotors so as to be able to generate some usefull torque and possibly even self run if this is indeed possible with this motor.
Hi callanan
Bruce_TPU, k4zep and all
Closing the Loop
Feed the power from the trigger coil directly into the toroid.Now that is seems the power to toroids is reaching lower levels, and for the ones who are using a trigger (pickup) coil for timing, may I suggest to directly feed the power from the trigger coil into the toroids.
There may be more optimization needed for materials, dimensions, permeability initial/final, coil size, core magnetic viscocity effect etc
But as the power required to Saturate the toroid is becoming less and less, there will be a point beyond which the power from the trigger (pickup) coil(s) will be enough to create the effect and thus closing the loop with minimal electronics if any involved.
Towards optimization, rotor bearing friction and aerodynamic drug losses should be minimized, speed increased, resulting in more energy remaining per cycle to induct VI on the trigger (pickup) coil(s) and making it available to the toroids.
Nice work all
All the best
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 05:25:31 AM
Hi Gyula,
I am thinking it is due to imperfections in the coil windings. Whatever it is, with the circuit I am using, this negative voltage bump will help send energy back to the battery via the two feedback diodes. So I don't mind it being there that much...
Hi Ossie,
could you please show the input current from the battery on a shunt resistor
on a scopeshot ?
I really would like to know, how this small negative bump happens in your other scopeshot.
Maybe the input current directly taken at a shunt resistor makes this more clear ?
Many thanks.
Could some of you please help with Oscilloscope choice?
I noticed in Steorn's last mini lecture he had a high-end Tektronix Oscilloscope.... but what is really needed for these type of measurements? Does one really need that high-end scope?
I found this scope and was wondering if it would do all the measurements needed for testing.
Anyone thought about it this way?
That scope doesn't seem to be a digital storage oscilloscope. You need a DSO to be able to store a waveform and dump it via the GPIB port into a computer for further data processing. That's crucial if you need to do precise assessment of the data. The high-end scopes, aside from other special characteristics, can do some basic data processing. For our case not so much necessary if you can do that after dumping the data into the computer.
See this, for instance:
After you have your Orbo style motors running well and you know how much power it takes to run it,and what RPM it runs under load, a test of torque output (via prony brake and weight scale) converted into watts will be necessary to calculate if the output is greater than the input. Here is a helpful web site that might assist you to arrive at the proper calculation and conclusion. It is: (
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 02, 2010, 01:09:31 PM
Off to Dublin, everybody ...
This happens for the first time in our community, someone to invite people to do tests as they please on his machine. I'm out of words. That's exactly how people claiming OU should behave. Go Steorn. All power to you.
Ha ha, Steorn is legit, and there's no stopping this technology now, as Steorn has provided enough detail for someone to eventually get it right. IMO it could take a long time for the 1st open-sourced self-runner because it's due to magnetic viscosity, so everything has to be just right. Also given what I've seen in sims and experiments it seems the magnetic material needs to reset someone or simply resting a long time. Maybe Steorn has no revealed the big secret on how to reset the magnetic material.
Enjoy your trip.
Guys, think about this for a second...
In order to scramble the ferrite core inside the toroid, you would have to have enough power in the toroid to generate a magnetic field which is greater than the magnetic field coming from the permanent magnet on the rotor. This means that: 1) you are applying power to the motor, by generating a magnetic field powerful enough to overcome the magnetic field from the rotor; and 2) the power needed for the toroid must be directly proportional to the magnetic field from the rotor.
There is nothing to indicate that conservation of energy is being violated.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 02, 2010, 04:12:36 PM
That scope doesn't seem to be a digital storage oscilloscope. You need a DSO to be able to store a waveform and dump it via the GPIB port into a computer for further data processing. That's crucial if you need to do precise assessment of the data. The high-end scopes, aside from other special characteristics, can do some basic data processing. For our case not so much necessary if you can do that after dumping the data into the computer.
See this, for instance:
It does have USB out to computer and Data Cable (Transfer waveform data to a PC)
Would that be ok for a poor-mans DSO for recording output... or do you really need DSO?
Quote from: SnowDog on January 02, 2010, 04:39:17 PM
Guys, think about this for a second...
In order to scramble the ferrite core inside the toroid, you would have to have enough power in the toroid to generate a magnetic field which is greater than the magnetic field coming from the permanent magnet on the rotor. This means that: 1) you are applying power to the motor, by generating a magnetic field powerful enough to overcome the magnetic field from the rotor; and 2) the power needed for the toroid must be directly proportional to the magnetic field from the rotor.
There is nothing to indicate that conservation of energy is being violated.
Conceptually there never is anything that indicates it, at least according to the concepts of textbook physics. This is why people experiment so they discover "unknown" things.
What you have mentioned makes full sense to me as I have stumbled across that conclusion as well, but again my head doesn't dictate nature. According to to my thought experiment you can not only decrease the force on the way out but you can even make it repel the magnet without having to deal with induced emf. The problem of the thought experiment lays in core saturation. There is going to be a loss in inductive magnetic energy after the magnet is gone, wether this loss is also there in the real world or is exactly equal or less than the mechanical energy gain is a completly different story. Only experimentation reveals the truth. But Steorn's big thing according to their patents is magnetic viscosity.
Quote from: maw2432 on January 02, 2010, 04:41:13 PM
It does have USB out to computer and Data Cable (Transfer waveform data to a PC)
Would that be ok for a poor-mans DSO for recording output... or do you really need DSO?
As far as I can see that's a real-time transmission through the serial port. What DSO's do is they store the data in their own memory for later transmission via the GPIB. I don't know, if I were you and I'm serious about these matters I'd invest once and for all to have a good scope. I know, that's easier said than done but that's to be preferred. I wonder if you've seen there are computer cards which are actual oscilloscopes which you may insert into your desktop. I've worked with such long ago but it's a pain, I think (depends, you may like it, I don't know). The best thing is to have state of the art equipment which will also enhance the credibility of your results. It's one thing to present results taken with a Tektronix DSO and quite different with some chinese attempt at a DSO replica. I looked also at the Fluka Naudin uses but they're also expensive. For that money I'd prefer Tektronix many times over.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 02, 2010, 02:01:52 PM
Good work on all your projects guys, I have been working quite a bit the last few days so not much time to get to far. I'll get done with my replication hopefully in a couple days when I get some more time. A couple things I wanted to point out I saw while catching up reading here...
First off, I was also thinking of the odd number of coils, and even number of magnets that someone suggested here. I had planned on making mine to adapt that way already to test it, as I am a huge Bill Muller fan, and I have already used this concept on one of my other projects with some success. It does make the triggering a tad more difficult. But, without the ability to hook more than one in series, it could also increase the input for the same torque, just less cogging. Not necessarily what we need, but still worth trying.
The next thing that has been rolling around in my brain for quite some time, and nobody seems to have a solution for it yet. Ossie has done fantastic with his replication, and has gotten further than anyone as far I can tell. But, I have yet to see anyone get this done with 1.2 volts yet.. ? ? ? We need to start trying to figure out what aspect of all of this we are missing, that is allowing Steorn to get that kind of motion for such little voltage. I am afraid that even though we have gotten far here, we have still got to missing something that is key. Can anyone come up with any theories as to how we can do this for much less voltage, without drawing 2 amps of current... ?
@Ossie, I know you show yours running on a dead 9 volt, but could you please take second and throw a D battery on there, and let us know if you can get any consistent spin at all? They of course use a pretty mighty 10,000 mah nimh, but a simple disposable D battery at 1.5 volt should easily give as much current as theirs. Maybe you can already sustain 200 rpms or something with your new setup. I know we can easily pulse charge a cap from 1.2 volts, and use the cap to run it. But Steorn does not appear to be doing that. What do you think we may be missing here?
Hi captainpecan,
Input voltage has nothing to do with the efficiency of the motor! I have run my motor on as low a 1V with varying circuits and coil arrangements. It is the input power that is important and what you want is to keep it as low as possible.
But in regard to what Steorn maybe doing with their model. By using a motor that runs on low voltage, you do not need as many turns on the coils in the generator and can then can use thicker wire on those coils which can increase the efficiency of the generator in terms of impedance matching of the generator to the motor or battery if you choose to have one. In fact, the battery maybe needed to serve the purpose of impedance matching the generator to the motor for maximum power transfer. I do not believe it is absolutely necessary to do this to make a self runner but it will make construction easier if you are making the generator coils yourself.
I am sure there are many ways to make this motor work.
Quote from: darkspeed on January 02, 2010, 04:10:52 PM
Anyone thought about it this way?
The only advantage would be to wind the halves very easily with respect to a closed core winding. The touching surface areas must have excellent tolerances to avoid any airgap when you join the halves because the higher the gap the more input power is needed to saturate such a 'closed' core.
I think it is worth trying, nevertheless.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 02, 2010, 01:06:15 PM
Great work. If you put your toroids flat against you rotor the you get only one
attraction point instead of two. My I recommend you put your toroids horisontal
with the toroid hole pointing upwards.
Hi Groundloop,
Thank you. Putting the former replication of Al's Hoax Motor (aka..TK) to good use!
I am going to eventually lay them flat, but want to do several experiments first.
@ Ossie and Groundloop,
I have built my "Ossie" circuit, but replaced the PN200 with a PN2907 and replaced the PN100's with MPS2222A's. I believe that Ihave built my circuit correctly but seem to be having a problem with getting a trigger coil to trigger the circuit. I am using small N35's, all North's facing out. I have 20awg enameled wire and I have 26awg. I made a small coil with the 26awg wrapped around a one inch plastic pipe. When I spun the rotor, I could not get any voltage to register on my coil. Any thoughts would be appreciated...LOL Thanks!
Hi Bruce,
I think your induction in the trigger coil is small: due to the small magnet strength or the number of turns is not enough or both.
Try making much more turns for the trigger coil, using finer wire.
Also use a small ferrit core in that coil to increase its inductance and test the distance till you cannot get a peak 0.6-0.7V induced voltage when you handturn the rotor.
Hi Gang,
Just testing a core a few min ago and I have a motor that runs on 1.000 VDC, 25-30 ma. ON ONE CORE. Uploading video, will post location in a few min.
It has been a very good day and Ossie my friend has been a huge help in our continuing conversations!!!!!
Quote from: k4zep on January 02, 2010, 06:12:04 PM
Hi Gang,
Just testing a core a few min ago and I have a motor that runs on 1.000 VDC, 25-30 ma. ON ONE CORE. Uploading video, will post location in a few min.
It has been a very good day and Ossie my friend has been a huge help in our continuing conversations!!!!!
WHOOOOHOOOOO!! Great work ol' buddy!!!
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 06:26:05 PM
WHOOOOHOOOOO!! Great work ol' buddy!!!
OK GANG, check out:
Actually it will run @ .900 VDC @ 12 ma. DC pulses should be would be 130 ma but with the coil as an AC device, current drops WAY down.
Enjoy, Their ORBO will run on 1.5 VDC,.....well I proved it will run on .900 VDC, with only one coil,thery are the real thing as far as a motor goes!!!
I agree with Gyula. Use a Ferrite core in your pickup trigger coil.
You can also use some DC bias to the trigger coil as shown in
my drawing back on page 63 in this thread. I have built and tested
this circuit on my motor and it works very well. The motor is easy to
start because of the bias voltage. When the motor gets up to speed
then I just turn down the bias. The bias voltage on the trigger coil
is also a great RPM adjuster.
Quote from: k4zep on January 02, 2010, 06:34:21 PM
OK GANG, check out:
Actually it will run @ .900 VDC @ 12 ma. DC pulses should be would be 130 ma but with the coil as an AC device, current drops WAY down.
Enjoy, Their ORBO will run on 1.5 VDC,.....well I proved it will run on .900 VDC, with only one coil,thery are the real thing as far as a motor goes!!!
Nice one Ben
0v line looking like no BEMF.
Quote from: k4zep on January 02, 2010, 06:34:21 PM
OK GANG, check out:
Actually it will run @ .900 VDC @ 12 ma. DC pulses should be would be 130 ma but with the coil as an AC device, current drops WAY down.
Enjoy, Their ORBO will run on 1.5 VDC,.....well I proved it will run on .900 VDC, with only one coil,thery are the real thing as far as a motor goes!!!
Great work Ben!!!
Your motor will run on less energy then it takes to light a single white LED!!!
damn where was this sweet design when cd walkmans were the in thing?
imagine this would be a very good use for that or hell even portable DVD/BluRay units...
Quote from: k4zep on January 02, 2010, 06:34:21 PM
OK GANG, check out: (
Actually it will run @ .900 VDC @ 12 ma. DC pulses should be would be 130 ma but with the coil as an AC device, current drops WAY down.
Enjoy, Their ORBO will run on 1.5 VDC,.....well I proved it will run on .900 VDC, with only one coil,thery are the real thing as far as a motor goes!!!
Congrats Ben! How many rpms at 12mA 0.9V?
Need a little help. I have repaired my solid state Orbo and is able to run the unit
at very little input power. My digital ampere meter shows 0,00 and -0,00 alternating.
I do not trust that meter. I hooked up a analog moving Iron ampere meter. It says
zero amps. I do not trust that to be true either.
So, how can I make a accurate measurement of the input current going to the circuit?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 02, 2010, 07:34:02 PM
Congrats Ben! How many rpms at 12mA 0.9V?
Paul, probably 150 rpm, didn't check.
Have found that 0.500 VDC is min rpm with crooked magnets, that it will run. About 100 RPM @ that voltage.
I have a hell of a good core/coil combination.
HEXFET Switch is reason it will run so low. Transistor would not work here at that voltage.
Note picture below running @ .500 vdc. Top trace when it is high, the coil is ON, as shown on the bottom trace is at the FET/coil junction. Now will build a good motor as I know what works on the motor. Folks, this is an AC device NOT DC.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 02, 2010, 07:35:41 PM
Need a little help. I have repaired my solid state Orbo and is able to run the unit
at very little input power. My digital ampere meter shows 0,00 and -0,00 alternating.
I do not trust that meter. I hooked up a analog moving Iron ampere meter. It says
zero amps. I do not trust that to be true either.
So, how can I make a accurate measurement of the input current going to the circuit?
Get a better analog meter in the 0-100 ma range or use a current shunt, scope. REMEMBER IN this device the impedance of the coil changes radically during magnet passage and current drops accordingly.
Thanks. I have no magnets passing, this is my solid state unit.
The magnets are firmly attached to the toroids.
I will try a 0,25 Ohm non inductive resistor on the input and see what I get.
I found that the circuit uses 14mA from the 12,25 Volt battery while still
maintaining an small output.
That's amazing you can get it to work at 0.5V.
My motor's almost ready for the 1st test run. If all goes well then maybe a video tomorrow. The core's I'm using have so many turns that in my case the voltage will be high, but if it turns then the current should be low. Maybe it will be in the micro amps. ;)
Seems to be a fair amount of decent testing going on here I just want to thank all you guys for sharing your work with the rest of us without all the fancy equipment and test rigs most I have is a a soldering iron and a lot of resistors some breadboard maybe a dip socket or 2. That I had for old eprom projects that I never finished to make home brew mp3 players.
I just have to say thank you for sharing all the video and all the progress being made all of you have done a rather excellent job of staying on track weather trying to prove or disprove this should be the topic that will follow us into this bright new year!
I wonder if JP Morgan dropping out of FDIC coverage had anything to do with this device after all he was the original power broker of America... Probably not but hell just figured I'd tack it on as an observation.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 02, 2010, 05:19:56 PM
As far as I can see that's a real-time transmission through the serial port. What DSO's do is they store the data in their own memory for later transmission via the GPIB. I don't know, if I were you and I'm serious about these matters I'd invest once and for all to have a good scope. I know, that's easier said than done but that's to be preferred. I wonder if you've seen there are computer cards which are actual oscilloscopes which you may insert into your desktop. I've worked with such long ago but it's a pain, I think (depends, you may like it, I don't know). The best thing is to have state of the art equipment which will also enhance the credibility of your results. It's one thing to present results taken with a Tektronix DSO and quite different with some chinese attempt at a DSO replica. I looked also at the Fluka Naudin uses but they're also expensive. For that money I'd prefer Tektronix many times over.
Thanks again
I know having a higher MHz scope would be better - but would a 20 to 60 MHz scope be useful for these motors or do you need higher ?
Quote from: CLaNZeR on January 02, 2010, 07:07:05 PM
Nice one Ben
0v line looking like no BEMF.
Great to see you are still checking in and are with us.
Could you please give us your thoughts about Orbo?
Do you think the motor is something we should all be replicating? What is most important?
What can you tell us about what you have seen?
Science is the best.
Quote from: maw2432 on January 02, 2010, 09:29:36 PM
Great to see you are still checking in and are with us.
Could you please give us your thoughts about Orbo?
Do you think the motor is something we should all be replicating? What is most important?
What can you tell us about what you have seen?
Science is the best.
Hi Bill,
Some rambling thoughts. I'm tired, its past 10 p.m. so I won't build any more today, just relax and think and talk a bit.........
First, this is a combination of a AC motor and DC pulse Adams style motor, hence the low current. There is a heck of a lot going on in a successful motor that I simply do not have the time to go into here. I'll let Stoern do the teaching and remain the student.
It will be easy to show/build a basic motor for almost any reasonably competent builder but it will be very difficult to demonstrate OU as in a self run device. I highly recommend that all who can build one of these devices do so as you will learn an incredible amount of information and be a better self educated builder for it!!
It would appear that the Steron motor is VERY efficient if all the AREA of the switched core/coil is utilized. What we see is definitely NOT optimized but a teaching device and an excellent one at that. That they have a motor that runs on 1.25 vdc via a reed relay is a basic fact.
It would not seem that as of yet, they have demonstrated OU over a long term. It would appear that their over simplified switching circuit is simply not rugged enough for multi day operation. With a battery the size used, it then becomes a suspect that the claim to OU as shown in their large motor is at this time overly optimistic.
I have been fortunate to be working with Ossie C on the opposite side of the world. We have been knocking ideas and trying things for years together and his valuable insight into this device has been most helpful. We think so much alike it is like I have a double or twin in AU! Developing a theory and understanding as to exactly how this device works is slowly coming around. Countless EMails, a few WTF's on some things we see and so on!
You must understand and I repeat, IT IS NOT A PULSE MOTOR. IT IS NOT AN AC MOTOR, it is NOT a Switched Reluctance motor, it is NOT a Stepper Motor spin off. It is a hybrid of many aspects of all the above devices....As you build, you learn, you will get carpel tunnel syndrome winding toroid coils, some things work, some don't but as I have said in the past and will say in the future, I am retired, I do this for fun. Stacking rotors will not give you much if any more efficiency, you have to utilize all the energy in each core for maximum efficiency.
So much more to do, I know I have just scratched the surface in my quest for knowledge about this effect, time will tell......
Oh, I sure would like to see inside the base of that neat pendulum at the top when you log in! Fun to watch!!!! No I am NOT going to build one right now, but sure downloaded the video! Anyone know anything about it, hystory? ???????
So build and have fun....
Hi All,
I have started to work on a low friction rotor to see if I can get the input power down further whilst keeping the RPMs up. That old castor wheel I was using, with huge bearings, really had a great deal of friction and weight... Take a look.
I have also learnt how to annotate my videos.
Quote from: k4zep on January 02, 2010, 06:34:21 PM
OK GANG, check out:
Actually it will run @ .900 VDC @ 12 ma. DC pulses should be would be 130 ma but with the coil as an AC device, current drops WAY down.
Enjoy, Their ORBO will run on 1.5 VDC,.....well I proved it will run on .900 VDC, with only one coil,thery are the real thing as far as a motor goes!!!
Fantastic work! You also answered my earlier question, as to why they chose to use a reed switch for the public demo. Most every other way would need more voltage to trigger, and they were trying to SHOCK people into seeing how little power is needed for this effect. I do feel a higher voltage and less current will of course end up being more efficient in the long run, but you proved what they showed is in fact possible, and so far, nothing major is missing to do it. It is still not clear as to whether Orbo is more efficient or better than a simple bedini, but I say it is impressive to even be in the same ballpark as Bedini! This motor design is a good addition into the archives of most efficient motors!
Now, we can hope steorn has a trick up there sleeve about the generator part that they have not shown us yet.
Hi All,
Firstly, many many many thanks for the advice. Oscar, Mondrasek, Neptune and Ossie your advice has helped me to achieve a working motor.
Whilst my coil winding skills are improving, I have not managed to get the full 20 metres onto the core. My last attempt (quadfilar per Ossies video) got me to 4 metres wound on before the centre hole closed up. So I have ended up with one core total length 16 metres and the first redo has only 12 meters. Never the less, I am sure you can imaging my suprise when I powered on the 12v and gave the rotor a gentle bump. It continued and continues to rotate at, I think, 170RPM. ( 6 magnets and pulse from hall effect is 35 milliseconds. 1/.035 * 6 ).
I am hoping if time permits, to get my other two coils wound (hopefully get the full 20m on them with more practice). Then see if I can redo the first two.
With the rough setup that I have and switching with a ciruit similar to JLN - cant buy those hall effects, so had to go with 5v regulator and Jaycars 5v H/E sensor, the current draw at 12v is only 300ma and thats with a 12v car lamp in series with the coils (helps to keep the current down and gives me a visual on coil activation).
The shaft is an ac fan motor from an airconditioners indoor unit - this has been sandwiched between to chip boards for stability.For the rotor, I have used a piece of MDF and the 6 magnets are held in place with copper saddles and a screw.
Once again, thanks for the assist.
Kindest Regards, Penno
Quote from: maw2432 on January 02, 2010, 08:40:17 PM
Thanks again
I know having a higher MHz scope would be better - but would a 20 to 60 MHz scope be useful for these motors or do you need higher ?
I think you need higher. Indeed, you can do some crude measurements with these in this particular experiment but given the controversy you really need to present high quality data.
Quote from: maw2432 on January 02, 2010, 08:40:17 PM
Thanks again
I know having a higher MHz scope would be better - but would a 20 to 60 MHz scope be useful for these motors or do you need higher ?
I don't think I've seen anything that indicates you need to measure risetimes that are faster than several 10s of nanosecs, so I think any of the scopes with a BW of between 20 and 60 MHz are adequate. Here are the specs from Saelig...
Model PDS5022S PDS6042S PDS6062S/T PDS7102T
Bandwidth 25MHz 40MHz 60MHz 100MHz
Rise time ≤14ns ≤8.75ns ≤5.8ns ≤3.5ns
Even the slowest can measure risetimes of close to 10ns. Again, so far I can't remember any mention of needing that kind of performance on any of the components. Well, wait a sec, someone did mention the turn-on time for one of the components and having to change to something else with a much slower turn-on time and he went from 100V+ to 3V... let me find out what that was.
Back at Reply#973 was the following post from @GroundLoop (with typos corrected by me)...
"The difference in output was dramatically reduced with a slower transistor. The hexfet I did use had a switch on time of approx. 54 nano second. The transistor switch on at maximum 600 nano second. The output voltage was reduced from 180 VAC to 3VAC."
The 54ns hexfet turn-on time is the only mention of sub-microsecond timings that I'm aware of, and its still 4 times longer than the risetime of the slowest scope above. So I think any of those would do... if possible, I'd tend toward the 40 or 60 MHz models...
Quote from: Groundloop on January 02, 2010, 01:20:50 AM
The difference in output was dramatically reduced with a slower transistor. The hexfet I did use had a switch on time of approx. 54 nano second. The transistor switch on at maximum 600 nano second. The output voltage was reduced from 180 VAC to 3VAC.
I think this is a
VERY IMPORTANT piece of info regarding the sensitivity that different components can have on performance.
GL, can you please VERIFY this observation. Go back to using the hexfet and measuring the output V; then use the transistor, then back to the hexfet, then back to transistor. If the output V changes consistently from ~180VAC (for hexfet) to 3VAC (for transistor), then you may have identified a critical design element of this system.
The only thing that makes sense as to why the turn-on time of the hexfet/transistor makes so much difference is the magnetic viscosity hypothesis... which, from experiments I've looked at on utube, is likely in the 10s of nano-seconds. The turn-on time of the transistor is 10 to 40 times LONGER than the delay due to magnetic viscosity!!!!
Thus, any effect from MV is destroyed by the fact that the transistor takes way too long to ramp the voltage up on the coil.
I know that GL is experimenting with a solid state version, so things are not rotating, but consider this in the mechanical version of Orbo. Here we are, dealing with a motor that is running at maybe 1000rpm so far, which means that the rotor makes one revolution in 1 millisecond. Even if one takes into consideration 4 coils instead of 1, then the coils are being pulsed every 0.25 millisecs. This is ~ 10,000 times
slower than the delay from MV. All other timings on this thing are nowhere near nanosecs...
I did blow my first hexfet, IRF PF50, so I tried a NTE2354 transistor. Almost all
the high voltage was gone from my generator coil. I then tried a IRF540 witch
is almost as fast as the PF50. Then I got my high voltage back again. So I can
confirm it. I will not switch to a new hexfet until I get more of the PF50 because
it is a lot of work un-soldering and then solder in a new hexfet. I'm also out of
solder wick.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 03, 2010, 02:02:18 AM
I did blow my first hexfet, IRF PF50, so I tried a NTE2354 transistor. Almost all
the high voltage was gone from my generator coil. I then tried a IRF540 witch
is almost as fast as the PF50. Then I got my high voltage back again. So I can
confirm it. I will not switch to a new hexfet until I get more of the PF50 because
it is a lot of work un-soldering and then solder in a new hexfet. I'm also out of
solder wick.
Hi Alex!
So you have at least some consistent evidence that turn-on time of the switching component (whatever it is), will affect Vout... additional trials would certainly answer that question conclusively... sorry, but I'm a scientist as well as an engineer and the scientist needs
statistically significant data! ;)
There's one thing that bothers me, and correct me if I'm wrong...
You are blowing devices that are spec'd at way more than 180VAC, and I would guess that you're no where near the current limitations of the devices.? If so, then perhaps there are voltage/current spikes (from BEMF??) that are way too fast for your scope to resolve?? Experience has taught me that if there's something in your setup that doesn't make sense, something that you don't understand, then its probably wise to first determine what's causing that anomaly.
Thanks for keeping us updated on your excellent work!
I can't be 100% certain that the change between transistors was the only factor.
But it sure looked that way to me when testing. And I agree with you, only testing
can confirm that. The input was from a 12 volt battery when the hexfet did blow up.
I did run the switch very hard but I do not think that I exseeded the current limit
of the hexfet. Hard to know, I was not looking at the amp meter. It could have been
inductive kick back voltage spikes from the toroid coils that did destroy the hexfet.
BTW: I have been above 400 VAC from the generator coil with the new IRF540 hexfet.
It seems that there is a lot of voltage but very little current.
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 10:57:26 PM
Hi All,
I have started to work on a low friction rotor to see if I can get the input power down further whilst keeping the RPMs up. That old castor wheel I was using, with huge bearings, really had a great deal of friction and weight... Take a look.
I have also learnt how to annotate my videos.
Hi All,
I have completed my low friction rotor and it takes 3 minutes to spin down. This is a big difference from my previous rotor which would spin down in 30 seconds and weighed considerably more.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 03, 2010, 02:42:01 AM
BTW: I have been above 400 VAC from the generator coil with the new IRF540 hexfet. It seems that there is a lot of voltage but very little current.
Not necessarily a bad thing; one can use a step-down xformer to reduce V and increase I... never know until you try! ;)
I better get some sleep...
3 new from TK
Orbette 3: New Rotor, New Magnets, Stronger Acceleration
Orbette 5: Orbette Powers a Load! Well, sort of
Orbette 6: External Bias Improves Performance
nice videos,
i noticed in your last 3 vids, you have your toroid positioned at an angle with respect to the "cylinder" / rotor in stead of pointing it "straight-on" .. have you experimented with this positioning to see the effects on speed / current draw etc?
David. D
David, TK does not post here any more, but he will reply to messages on YouTube.
I hope people are reading (more info) on the right-hand side of the video.
@ Ground loop. Do not use a stepdown transformer , this will introduce extra losses . Unwind generator coil and count the turns .You can then calculate volts per turn . The rewind it with thicker wire to give desired volts out .
Cat said,
David, TK does not post here any more, but he will reply to messages on YouTube.
End quote
He may not post here BUT
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Yah know he's watching ;D ;D
Which is just fine, he is a great guy
And a MONSTER asset to this community.[a little worried about Alsetalokin's credentials]
Quote from: penno64 on January 03, 2010, 12:25:53 AM
Hi All,
Firstly, many many many thanks for the advice. Oscar, Mondrasek, Neptune and Ossie your advice has helped me to achieve a working motor.
Whilst my coil winding skills are improving, I have not managed to get the full 20 metres onto the core. My last attempt (quadfilar per Ossies video) got me to 4 metres wound on before the centre hole closed up. So I have ended up with one core total length 16 metres and the first redo has only 12 meters. Never the less, I am sure you can imaging my suprise when I powered on the 12v and gave the rotor a gentle bump. It continued and continues to rotate at, I think, 170RPM. ( 6 magnets and pulse from hall effect is 35 milliseconds. 1/.035 * 6 ).
I am hoping if time permits, to get my other two coils wound (hopefully get the full 20m on them with more practice). Then see if I can redo the first two.
With the rough setup that I have and switching with a ciruit similar to JLN - cant buy those hall effects, so had to go with 5v regulator and Jaycars 5v H/E sensor, the current draw at 12v is only 300ma and thats with a 12v car lamp in series with the coils (helps to keep the current down and gives me a visual on coil activation).
The shaft is an ac fan motor from an airconditioners indoor unit - this has been sandwiched between to chip boards for stability.For the rotor, I have used a piece of MDF and the 6 magnets are held in place with copper saddles and a screw.
Once again, thanks for the assist.
Kindest Regards, Penno
Excellent work Penno, excellent work!!!!!!!
Thanks for the tips.
Perhaps there is a better way to place the core as shown.
I guess, the magnet will see less of the core and it will enable you to reduce the pulse width even further, and reduce input energy even more.
Last night I ran a simple test to see if "magnetic viscosity" would affect a signal.
I took two coils. Both are bifilar. One has all wires of same dimension (I think 23) and are wound as 1:1 ( classical Bedini for his solid state radiant charger ).
The other coil is 1:1 but one wire is 26 and the other is 23.
Both have iron as the core.
The test consisted of putting a signal from a signal generator in one coil and connect channel A probe of the osciloscope on it. Another probe B connected to the other end of the other wind (all on the same coil).
The signal is to be changed from 1 hz up to megahertz range. The scope should show both channels with the same signal and strength. Except for very small variations on the signal both signal should be the same phase and amplitude. Being square wave or sine wave. When using square wave I saw distortion on the signal (as expected) but still the same signal on both channels of the oscilloscope.
I tested the procedure on both coils and both had the same results.
Now, I change the core of one of the coils (the one with the same wire 23 on both winds) with a very powerfull NeFb Magnet.
I ran the same test and the results were nothing like before. Up to high end kilohertz the signal on both channels of the scope were still the same BUT when going to higher frequency such as megahertz things changed substantially.
I could not only make the signals very different in voltage, shape but also up to 180 degree offset. In some points I even had an amplification of the signal.
I am puzzled since I would expect the same signal behaviors as before. Off course having a powerful magnet as the core would be the same as having a core that is always saturated ( I think there is nothing more saturated than a full running Neo manget ).
My poor conclusions (for lack of better knowledge) is that the magnetic viscosity manifest itself more under higher frequencies therefore causing a much higher distortion of the signal through the coil.
Any corrections, ideas please?
Here is my new motor. (It is a recycled Bedini motor)
The motor uses my ultra simple switch posted earlier.
(On this motor I use a MJ15003 and 680R+500R bias).
It runs at a terrible fast speed. I have not even tried
to run it at full speed yet because I'm afraid that the
rotor will disintegrate. The rotor is from an old 230VAC
fan. I have removed the fan coils and fan blades,
and has glued (with hot glue) four Neo magnets NSNS
inside the plastic hub.
I use Neos on the core as shown. The trigger coil is loose
and I adjust it by moving it around. I will glue it on later.
The motor uses up to 4 ampere from a 12 volt battery,
if I let it do that.
The power npn transistor gets hot but the core stays cool.
I will now add a generator coil so that I can get the rpm down
to a safer level.
EDIT1: I have added a 450 turn Ferrite core generator coil. The motor runs well
width the generator coil on but the drive transistor get hot so I can't run
for long yet. My first loop back test did not charge my lead acid battery.
Quote from: callanan on January 02, 2010, 10:57:26 PM (
Nice, but I sure wouldn't want the job of centering & drilling those holes. ;) At least not with my tools.
Very good book about magnetism and magnetic amplifiers. For anyone feeling he has some gaps in knowledge of these things. Also some interesting patent:
And enough of those low-powered toys, instead make some more of those pre-saturated toroids with neodymium cores... All or nothing :)
Hi All,
Does any one have any more information on that pendulum you see at the start up. I hope there is NOT a coil hidden in the base.
Quote from: plengo on January 03, 2010, 10:23:34 AM
Last night I ran a simple test to see if "magnetic viscosity" would affect a signal.
I took two coils. Both are bifilar. One has all wires of same dimension (I think 23) and are wound as 1:1 ( classical Bedini for his solid state radiant charger ).
The other coil is 1:1 but one wire is 26 and the other is 23.
Both have iron as the core.
The test consisted of putting a signal from a signal generator in one coil and connect channel A probe of the osciloscope on it. Another probe B connected to the other end of the other wind (all on the same coil).
The signal is to be changed from 1 hz up to megahertz range. The scope should show both channels with the same signal and strength. Except for very small variations on the signal both signal should be the same phase and amplitude. Being square wave or sine wave. When using square wave I saw distortion on the signal (as expected) but still the same signal on both channels of the oscilloscope.
I tested the procedure on both coils and both had the same results.
Now, I change the core of one of the coils (the one with the same wire 23 on both winds) with a very powerfull NeFb Magnet.
I ran the same test and the results were nothing like before. Up to high end kilohertz the signal on both channels of the scope were still the same BUT when going to higher frequency such as megahertz things changed substantially.
I could not only make the signals very different in voltage, shape but also up to 180 degree offset. In some points I even had an amplification of the signal.
I am puzzled since I would expect the same signal behaviors as before. Off course having a powerful magnet as the core would be the same as having a core that is always saturated ( I think there is nothing more saturated than a full running Neo manget ).
My poor conclusions (for lack of better knowledge) is that the magnetic viscosity manifest itself more under higher frequencies therefore causing a much higher distortion of the signal through the coil.
Any corrections, ideas please?
Hi Fausto,
I do not think you ought to expect the same results with a magnet as the core with respect to an iron core. The permeability of the Neo magnet practically is 1 (you rightly say it is like a core that is always saturated) so your test with the magnet as the core is like as if you did not use any core in your coil, i.e. you measured the response of your air cored bifilar coil.
(If you still have the setup you may want to repeat the test without the magnet, no core at all, you should receive the same results like with the magnet as the core.
Quote from: gyulasun on January 03, 2010, 12:50:15 PM
The permeability of the Neo magnet practically is 1 (you rightly say it is like a core that is always saturated) so your test with the magnet as the core is like as if you did not use any core in your coil, i.e. you measured the response of your air cored bifilar coil.
This is why it seems extremely promising to me - air does not attaract to rotor magnets, but neo does like hell...
Quote from: k4zep on January 03, 2010, 12:24:21 PM
Hi All,
Does any one have any more information on that pendulum you see at the start up. I hope there is NOT a coil hidden in the base.
Here is the thred Ben
Quote from: powercat on January 03, 2010, 01:16:42 PM
Here is the thred Ben
I've began my replication. I'll keep you updated after I get my toroid wound and the circuit completed. I plan on using 4 sets of neo magnets with a diameter of 12.7mm
Quote from: gyulasun on January 03, 2010, 12:50:15 PM
Hi Fausto,
I do not think you ought to expect the same results with a magnet as the core with respect to an iron core. The permeability of the Neo magnet practically is 1 (you rightly say it is like a core that is always saturated) so your test with the magnet as the core is like as if you did not use any core in your coil, i.e. you measured the response of your air cored bifilar coil.
(If you still have the setup you may want to repeat the test without the magnet, no core at all, you should receive the same results like with the magnet as the core.
Thanks Gyula for the idea.
So I did the test with the same coil but this time no core as you said. The results were NOT the same with the magnets but the same as with the iron core.
Quote from: plengo on January 03, 2010, 02:26:17 PM
Thanks Gyula for the idea.
So I did the test with the same coil but this time no core as you said. The results were NOT the same with the magnets but the same as with the iron core.
Hi Fausto,
Well, that is strange for me because normally an iron core increases the self-inductance of a coil, this means the low frequency response improves if the coil with that core is used in a transformer and normally the high frequency response suffers with the iron core (of course the quality of the iron core is of paramount importance in this respect).
Now that you replaced the iron core with the Neo magnet I thought you should get the response of an air core transformer for the same 1:1 bifilar coil pair, and this normally means the low frequency response is ruined (air core transformer will work from a much higher 'low' frequency than with the iron core) and normally the high frequency response improves or remains the same if the iron core used earlier is pretty good at that high frequency range.
So sorry that I am mistaken in the magnet core case, and you found the same behavior with the magnet core like with the iron core case.
Would you mind showing a picture of one of your bifilar coils you made the tests? Just wonder how they look like, also what kind of iron core you used?
Thanks, Gyula
Quote from: k4zep on January 03, 2010, 12:24:21 PM
Hi All,
Does any one have any more information on that pendulum you see at the start up. I hope there is NOT a coil hidden in the base.
Hi Ben,
In fact there is another thread on that pendulum setup, besides what 'powercat' showed you. It is here: (Stefan started later his thread on it).
The reason I tell this is that member 'capthook' made a small analysis on this setup, see here:
So all the energy seems to come from the side plates falling down by their appropiate weight in the right moment to kick on (repel) the just incoming pendulum edge magnets.
Here is the youtube channel of the 'inventor': (He has not commented the video responses for 3 weeks now, unfortunately.)
Now this all was off topic, sorry for this from all others.
On your 1V Steorn motor: maybe in this particular setup of yours (excellent as usual) I think you could use reed switch instead of HEXFET, because maybe the total consumption considered would be less (no control circuit power waste) and this would compare better to the demoed Steorn motor (if your aim was to "beat" them in power consumption of course).
Your single coil has a 600mH self inductance as you mentioned, and with a temporary reed switch usage you could probably better study any collapsing flux recovery when this huge self inductance wakes up from any saturation than with the FET switch (the latter has the built-in body diode).
Thanks, Gyula
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 03, 2010, 11:04:52 AM
Nice, but I sure wouldn't want the job of centering & drilling those holes. ;) At least not with my tools.
Hi PL,
Actually that is why there are so many bolts. The bolts are only 2.5mm thick yet the holes I have drilled are 5mm in diameters. This is to give me plenty of play. So when I put it together, I tighten the nuts loosely and spin the rotor. Sure the whel will be offset to centre at first but then I spin it by hand and use a fixed guide to centre it while it is spinning. When centred, I then tighten the nuts tight. I can get a nearly perfect centre this way. It works very well.
The banned user MileHigh wrote in another forum:
Hi Eatenbyagrue and all interested in the recent Steorn demo,
Thanks for your comments and I will be an OU Exile on Main Street and I can live with that. Thanks for the info about Omnibus and this posting will be my simplified analysis of the actual power-in/power-out of the Lucite pulse motors that Steorn demonstrated.
Anyone can feel free to copy and paste the following into the OU thread at your own risk. Perhaps posting a link would be less riskier. Anybody can copy this to the Steorn forum if they want also.
For starters, I noticed that K4zep/Ben on the OU forum has basically already given the correct description of the energy dynamics of the motor when running at a steady-state speed and I heartily congratulate him for that. I will be stating essentially the same thing but perhaps with a bit more detail.
So we know that the Steorn pulse motors are attraction motors, and when they are running at a steady-state speed the power in must be equal to the power out. If you look at a finite time interval, then the energy in must equal the energy out. This is a simple fact that is applicable to any type of motor. When you first plug in a motor, the rotor speeds up and levels off at a speed where the power in equals the power out, it is as simple as that.
The power in consists of the electrical power in, and there are no other sources.
The power out consists of the friction in the bearings (heat), the air friction (also heat) and the energy that the generator coils send back to the battery (which becomes stored electrical energy and heat).
To keep things simple, we will lump the friction in the bearings and the air friction together, and call that "friction."
Therefore, (electrical power in) = (the mechanical friction power out) + (the mechanical generator coil power out).
Stating it like this may be a little clearer for some: (electrical power in) - (the mechanical friction power out) - (the mechanical generator coil power out) = 0.
This is what is going on when the Steorn pulse motor is running at a steady state speed. Everything is in balance.
Steorn is claiming that the generator coils are returning three times the electrical power in and sending that back to the battery. We are going to see if this claim is likely true or not true.
I am going to talk about the motor energy dynamics at an abstract level. This means for this discussion I don't care about the specific measurements or the RPM or whatever, I just want to get a handle on what is going on first. If I want to later I can make some measurements and punch in the numbers.
I am going to talk about "units of energy," when I analyze what the motor is doing. It is more convenient to use "units of energy" instead of "units of power" but the analysis either way will be the same. To repeat, these "units of energy" are an abstraction, and they can be considered a "currency" for purposes of the analysis because we know that energy goes from one place to another and changes form. Even though the energy changes form, for the purposes of this discussion everything is expressed in terms of units of energy.
For starters, let's assume that when the rotor is spinning at its steady-state speed, that it stores a minimum of 100 units of energy.
Ben made a very astute observation when he stated that the rotor is always accelerating and decelerating when it turns. The rotor accelerates when it gains energy from the magnetic attraction and decelerates when it looses energy due to friction and when it transfers energy into the pickup coils. This important fact will be critical to the energy analysis.
The issue of how the Steorn motor is driven can be simplified also. Simply forget for a while that it is a system where a magnet is attracted to a ferrite core and then the ferrite core is made to "disappear" when the toroidal coil is energized. The only thing that you need to know is that you put a pulse of electrical energy into a coil, and the rotor speeds up, it is as simple as that. It is no different than having a conventional pulse motor and either generating an attraction pulse before the rotor magnet reaches top-dead-center, or generating a repulsion pulse after the rotor magnet has passed top-dead-center. My gut feeling is that the conventional attraction and repulsion pulses are more efficient than the Steorn "core disappearing" pulse but the true answer to that would require testing or simulation.
I am going to repeat this again because I know this simple fact will "upset" some of the readers here: It DOES NOT MATTER if it is an attraction pulse, a repulsion pulse, or a "core disappearing" pulse, they all do fundamentally the same thing: You expend electrical energy by pulsing a coil and the net result is that the rotor speeds up. Let that sink into your brains because the statement is absolutely true. You pulse electricity in and you end up with the rotor spinning a bit faster for ALL THREE FLAVOURS OF PULSE. Some of the electrical pulse energy gets stored as rotational energy in the rotor, some of it is lost as heat. Let this fact sink in.
So, let's look at what is happening in the motor using the abstract "energy units." I can imagine some people out there objecting to this concept. Just go with the flow and perhaps learn something new.
Here is a chronological breakdown of the events relative to the Steorn motor with respect to a single pulse. This can then be applied to all of the pulses. It is all about using your mind to visualize what is really going on, where we will "slow down time" and look at the sequence of events step by step.
1. <before the pulse>..................................... rotor spinning with 100 units of energy
2. <pulse event>........................................... 10 units of electrical energy pulsed into the toroidal coil
2.1 <heat slice of pulse> ................................ 5 units of electrical energy pulse lost as heat
2.2 <useful energy slice of pulse>..................... 5 units of electrical energy transferred into the rotor
3. <rotor energy after pulse>.......................... rotor now spinning with 105 units of energy
4. <friction losses>....................................... 1 unit of rotor energy lost due to friction
5. <rotor energy after friction losses>.............. rotor now spinning with 104 units of energy
6. <rotor energy transferred into pick-up coils>.. 4 units of rotor energy transferred into pick-up coils
7. <rotor energy after pick-up coils>................. rotor now spinning with 100 units of energy
The above gives you an absolutely accurate energy breakdown of what is happening when the rotor is spinning at at steady state speed. Even if your tachometer says 2000 RPM, if you have four magnets on your rotor then the above sequence of events happens four times per revolution, every 90 degrees. The rotor is constantly accelerating and decelerating.
So where does that leave us with respect to energy (or power) in vs. energy (or power) out?
You can see that you pump 10 units of energy into the motor and you get only 4 units of energy back from the pick-up coils. We will further divide the energy coming back from the pick-up coils into 1 unit lost as heat due to the diodes in the full-wave bridge rectifier and the charging efficiency of the battery. That leaves us with 3 units of recharging energy going into the battery from the 10 units of electrical energy that we first put into the system, 30% efficiency.
I am giving you an estimate of 10 units in, and 3 units back for 30% efficiency.
Steorn is stating 10 units in and 30 units back for 300% efficiency, an over unity device.
Notice that this analysis has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the energy in the spinning rotor like Omnibus on OU believes. He is absolutely wrong and should take a physics course.
Some of you may want to challenge the 5 units lost as heat when the electrical pulse of 10 units is delivered to the motor. I don't know what the precise split is but with 100% certainty I can tell you that there IS a split. The Steorn attraction motor method looks very inefficient to me. When the magnet is 2/3 away from the saturated toroidal core the attraction forces that you are eliminating are very low, yet you are still energizing the toroid with the full pulse power. Don't forget the toroid gets hot in Ben's clips, and heat is lost energy.
By the same token, where does Steorn get the 30 units of energy back like they claim? WHERE? Look at the sequence of events above again and tell me where the extra energy comes from.
If some of you think that the magic extra energy comes from the "core disappearing" pulse then I have got some news for you. If this was true then it would have been discovered in the 19th century and we would all be living in a free energy Jetson's Age right now as we speak. There is not a chance in hell that the "core disappearing" pulse is a source of over unity and miraculously speeds up the rotor to produce over unity. Anybody that thinks this is true is going to have to prove this with experimentation and theory. Good luck.
So, now that we have an understanding of the energy dynamics of the Steorn motor, all that you have to do is make the measurements and punch in the numbers so that the abstract energy description above becomes real-world measured values.
If you are following what I am saying and you agree with me, then here is the crux of the matter with respect to the Steron demo in Dublin for their Lucite motor setups:
1. Connect the differential voltage probe across the 1.5 volt source battery.
2. Connect the current probe to the output wire from the battery powering the motor.
3. Push a button on the high-end DSO and get an output power reading.
4. Connect the current probe to the power return wire coming from the generator coils section.
5. Push a button on the high-end DSO and get an input power reading.
6. Compare the power reading in step #5 with the power reading in step #3 to confirm or deny their claim of three times the power being returned to the battery as compared to what was being consumed by the pulse motor.
Stop and think for a second. They had all of the measurement equipment in place and it would have taken a maximum of 10 minutes to make the measurements above but they did not do it. Look into your hearts and souls and try to find the answer to that question.
Why didn't Steorn make the above measurements to prove their claim of over unity when the Lucite pulse motors were all there and running off the batteries, and the high-end Tektronix DSO with the differential voltage probe and the fancy current probe were all there and available on site? Why didn't they do it?
The answer is because their Lucite pulse motors were conventional under unity devices and they dared not do it.
My answer to this is:
Hi MH,
if you build a bigger EOrbo Motor with a BackEMF recycling circuit
you can get it as follows:
1. <before the pulse>..................................... rotor spinning with 100 units of energy
2. <pulse event>........................................... 10 units of electrical energy pulsed into the toroidal coil
2.1 <heat slice of pulse> ................................ 7 units of electrical energy pulse lost as heat
2.2 <useful energy slice of pulse>..................... 3 units of electrical energy recycled to the BackEMF circuit
3. <rotor energy after pulse>.......................... rotor now spinning with 150 units of energy as the bigger magnets have done attaction work= force x distance
4. <friction losses>....................................... 1 unit of rotor energy lost due to friction
5. <rotor energy after friction losses>.............. rotor now spinning with 149 units of energy
6. <rotor energy transferred into pick-up coils>.. 40 units of rotor energy transferred into pick-up coils
7. <rotor energy after pick-up coils>................. rotor now spinning with 109 units of energy
So rotor accelerates and BackEMF and pickup coil circuits put more
energy out than energy was put in.
The attraction forces of the magnets to to ferrite core
and thus the mechanical output power
does not have anything to do with the electrical input to
saturate the ferrite cores...
Regards, Stefan.
Interesting points from Steorn forum regarding inductance:
From Dareka01:
I don't know much about the details of science, but is this what you are talking about?
"sonoboy 9 hours ago edited
IMHO. As most of you know I was experimenting with trapping the energy in the coil to increase the 'shielding' time based on the time constant for inductance, which is: Time in seconds= Inductance in Henries / Resistance in ohms. I made up a new coil yesterday out of a ferrite material and tried testing it tonight. It has about 5 millihenries of inductance and .1 ohms dc resistance. Again, very close in physical size to the one's Steornn are using. I was experimenting with a pulse generator, mosfet and diode assembly and wanted to try something. I brought a 1/2 inch Neo over near the toroid and noticed what looked like a change in the clamp time of the diode. This was telling me that the inductance was changing. Sure as shit I stuck it on an LC meter and could see the inductance decrease more than a factor of ten by bringing the Neo up against it. It went from 5 millihenry to .3 millihenry and all values in between as they got closer. This is not trivial. What is formed here is a variable inductor, an inductor who's value increases with increasing magnet / toroid separation. What is going to be claimed as OU energy will turn out to be a result of this variable inductance and it will be erroneous."
Steorn reply:
Ok - thats the basics - the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an external field. What this means in our system is that you get a greater energy return from the collapse of the field of the EM than the energy it took to create the field, because at the point of field construction you have lower inductance than when the field collapses - hence you get an inductance energy gain thru the interaction rather than the inductance loss that was being discussed in this thread.
While the greater return from inductance is interesting - what really counts is that you get this extra inductance energy and the rotor does work - and quite a lot of work.
Regards, Larry
Stefan by posting MH's garbage you are contradicting the reason he got booted from this forum and that post of his just reaffirms it.
MH does not do science what he does is denience, if that's a word. Notice how in that entire essay of his there's not a single talk about the magnetic interactions and time variants of parameters or possible reasons it may or may not work. There's not a single figment of true science in it. It's kind of insulting actually. He has done not a single experiment to back up his moronic statements or even have an open minded technical talk involving the principles. How is repeating "but energy out is always equal or less than energy in" a million times productive in any way? Even a 5 year old child can do that.
Please leave his mindless posts away, there's nothing anyone can learn from them. There are quite a few skeptics on here who you can debate with on a reasonable level and which they or you can be convinced of each others conclusions. MH brought nothing of that kind of reasoning to this place. He's a broken tape who keeps repeating the same thing in long winded and boring posts.
Soon I'll make a new thread, since I don't want to distract this thread, about some ferromagnetic concept which was derived from the Orbo which shows that simple calculations can give big energy anomalies. It has exactly to do with inductive energy input vs output which Sean mentions.
Soon, things are going to pick up at Steorn and I think MileHigh will be about a MileOff.
How hard would it be for the replicators to, once the required input for a steady rpm is established, to add any quantifyable amount of input power, and see at which rate a weight can be lifted at that same rpm?
The weight lifting setup can be super-low loss. A non-stretch teflon coated aramid bicycle derailer cable, a fixed pulley, and a means to attach the cable around the rotor or its axle for self-winding.
If a motor can't bear a load it's useless anyway? What could possible be harder to be misinterpreted than a weight being lifted? Load (weight and axle diameter) are easily trimmed for experiment's convenience. Height gain, or vertical speed even, are easily measured. Many ways about it.
Friction at (say) 1000rpm is established at 1W
Input is increased to say 2W or any figure, and weight to be lifted and axle diameter (gear ratio) can be adjusted to end up at 1000rpm again. A simple calculation will tell what we get for that 1W extra. After the useful work (weight lifted) exceeds all input, we have OU.
We all know this, but it seems impopular to actually carry out these simple tests. OU researchers rather look at a multimeter and cry OU. Who argues results claimed, is outcast.
All I see are super smooth turning rotor being kept spinning. Putting a load (finger) on it may not affect input, but really, bearing friction and air friction are substituted for finger friction.
I can believe Steorn motors are more efficient that usual motors though, who knows soon we'll have electric cars that get more of a battery this way?
Quote from: Cloxxki on January 03, 2010, 06:57:40 PM
How hard would it be for the replicators to, once the required input for a steady rpm is established, to add any quantifyable amount of input power, and see at which rate a weight can be lifted at that same rpm?
The weight lifting setup can be super-low loss. A non-stretch teflon coated aramid bicycle derailer cable, a fixed pulley, and a means to attach the cable around the rotor or its axle for self-winding.
If a motor can't bear a load it's useless anyway? What could possible be harder to be misinterpreted than a weight being lifted? Load (weight and axle diameter) are easily trimmed for experiment's convenience. Height gain, or vertical speed even, are easily measured. Many ways about it.
Friction at (say) 1000rpm is established at 1W
Input is increased to say 2W or any figure, and weight to be lifted and axle diameter (gear ratio) can be adjusted to end up at 1000rpm again. A simple calculation will tell what we get for that 1W extra. After the useful work (weight lifted) exceeds all input, we have OU.
We all know this, but it seems impopular to actually carry out these simple tests. OU researchers rather look at a multimeter and cry OU. Who argues results claimed, is outcast.
All I see are super smooth turning rotor being kept spinning. Putting a load (finger) on it may not affect input, but really, bearing friction and air friction are substituted for finger friction.
I can believe Steorn motors are more efficient that usual motors though, who knows soon we'll have electric cars that get more of a battery this way?
Noone claimed OU so far besides Steorn. Your method of measuring energy is very impractical and inefficient. Why make things harder than they are. If you want continuous generation of energy you just simply use a generator like a stepper motor from an old printer which has been pointed out or generator coils like Steorn does, much easier than messing with lifting weight and way more accurate.
Quote from: LarryC on January 03, 2010, 05:08:58 PM
Steorn reply:
Ok - thats the basics - the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an external field. What this means in our system is that you get a greater energy return from the collapse of the field of the EM than the energy it took to create the field, because at the point of field construction you have lower inductance than when the field collapses - hence you get an inductance energy gain thru the interaction rather than the inductance loss that was being discussed in this thread.
While the greater return from inductance is interesting - what really counts is that you get this extra inductance energy and the rotor does work - and quite a lot of work.
Regards, Larry
Is there anyone out there that can verify the lowering of inductance as the magnet passes by? Although this is very interesting, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Any thoughts from anyone how to improve upon what was stated?
Quote from: Staffman on January 03, 2010, 08:05:31 PM
Is there anyone out there that can verify the lowering of inductance as the magnet passes by? Although this is very interesting, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Any thoughts from anyone how to improve upon what was stated?
I'm currently setting up a presentation on this subject diverting a bit from the real orbo. Basically when the permanent magnet is close to the core the dipoles of the core are "held" in place. When you energize the coil at this moment in time the coil will act like an air cored coil, that is permeability = 1. This low permeability will cause the current to have a very fast and high rise time if not limited by resistance. Now as the magnets move away the dipoles are no longer held by the magnets so they relax but only to find themselves in yet again another magnetic field (of the coil). When the magnet is fully away the coil will have a certain current and inductance, this equates to a certain amount of energy given by Energy=0.5*Current^2*Inductance.
Steorn claims ,and I can agree with it, that that inductive energy is much high than the one you gave to the coil when it had low inductance. Here's a technical example:
Imagine when the magnet is close by the coil acts like it has 1H of inductance. And assume that we let the current rise to 10 A. This will give us a total Energy input of 50 Joules. Now when the maget has moved away the inductance has increase but the current remained the same. Let's say the inductance increased a 100 fold which is moderate, this now gives you a total inductive energy of 500 Joules. This is an increase of 100x to the inputted energy.
Now this is the theory. Jnaudin showed an intresting experiment concering inductance and distance from magnet which seems to be counter intuitive:
You see as the magnet comes closer the rise time stretches out which would indicate an increase in inductance and as the magnet moves away the rise time becomes much shorted which indicates a decrease in inductance, this is opposite to what I said above. This may be attributed to magnetic viscosity if jnaudin can show the results at different frequencies. I would think at lower frequencies it would behave as speculated above.
In the orbo the only energy you will lose for good is the ohmic energy.
Quote from: Cloxxki on January 03, 2010, 06:57:40 PM
All I see are super smooth turning rotor being kept spinning. Putting a load (finger) on it may not affect input, but really, bearing friction and air friction are substituted for finger friction.
As already rebutted, no one in this group has yet to claim OU... they know better!
It is pretty much a futile and even self-defeating task to attempt OU BEFORE you even UNDERSTAND the system with all its components and their interactions. What's happening now is a learning phase so replicators can hope to have a chance at achieving OU...
grant them the courtesy of some time to learn before you start criticising their methods -- you want to see the lifting test so badly, THEN BUILD IT YOURSELF!
Quote from: broli on January 03, 2010, 07:37:10 PM
Noone claimed OU so far besides Steorn. Your method of measuring energy is very impractical and inefficient. Why make things harder than they are. If you want continuous generation of energy you just simply use a generator like a stepper motor from an old printer which has been pointed out or generator coils like Steorn does, much easier than messing with lifting weight and way more accurate.
A clamp with a one foot rod attached to it, that can slip on the axle as the motor turns, with a drag adjustment on the clamp would make a "prony brake". The end of the one foot rod should rest against the face of a sensitive digital scale for a reading of foot ounces which can be converted into foot pounds for a torque output of the motor. A power output in watts can then be calculated from the motor with RPM and Torque readings. The drag from the prony brake provides a load for the motor while testing maximum torque output.
@ Stefan and all,
MH is out too? I must have missed it!
It’s a shame that MH was banned and I’m not going to talk about the freedom of speech here… It has been done in the past with little effects…
It seems to me that more and more of the valuable people are leaving, they’re banned or they just stop posting while mediocrity thrives. I know brain surgery usually starts by opening the skull and yes, I have an axe; does it make me a surgeon? Ha! Does it make me competent to go into a forum and post stupidities as advices to real medical doctors just because that forum has also a fringe part? Would you like me to fix your brain disease? Or to try increasing your IQ by a novel approach? Or maybe just to “open your mind� Come to daddy then…
Pretty much the same inhere. Just my opinion!
But I think there is more. The newly proclaimed inventors that, mostly undergraduate and barely writing in their native language, throw huge claims on the public domain and they then cry “skeptics, skeptics†when someone points to the simple truth and to their naivity/stupidity! Don’t do what you’ve not been trained to do ppl or while you insist on doing it even against your training and maybe way beyond your intellectual abilities, at least accept that you are a humble learner. We all are learners during our entire life but let the skeptics be skeptics when brain surgery is being done by illiterates with axes in their hands who assume no responsibility, ok?
I’d like to see the day when a super-hero-elite is banned for his/her crap or otherwise penalized for the hundreds and hundreds of men-hours and thousands of dollars some spend because of his/her BS that could not be criticized by a so called “skeptical†for obvious reasons already. But that ain’t gonna happen, right? Remember the name of the game? Better get as many monkeys as possible and let the paper roll on the typewriter maybe a poem will be written some day… Those who disagree are banned, some don’t really care and others play ostrich… Nice!
Last, I’d like to point out that every coin has to faces and in everything there is a balance; no matter what happens into this forum, equilibrium will be somehow reached. But I’d like to say that progress has been achieved especially by conflicting ideas. And skeptics (not the lunatics) are the ones who raise challenges and those who really motivate to get the best out of any idea if there is any substance in it. As for the builders, I have the utmost respect for them but we need to remember that we live in times when extremes like nanorobotics and monumental experimental installations are both flourishing. Are we to rediscover the wheel (and bearings) here?! We also need to remember that in a long time now (like 200 years or so) the vision of human mind is constantly and well ahead of incidental observations and of discoveries by chance. I have to say also that although is pleasant and meaningful to make an experimental setup or to build a device (and there were quite a lot of people doing it), I couldn’t find many threads here that progressed beyond a fairly basic level and even lesser (if any) that came to any practical result, be it the most minor one. Why? Is that because of skeptics or negativists? Yeah, right. MH, TK (and so many others having the same faith) came inhere (as disguised MIBs, maybe) and took ahold of peoples’ arms and brains, huh?! Something is then going terribly wrong here…
If you people wish to have only home experimenters (where did that came from?!!!), fine but if you agree with it Stefan, please state it on the first page (or on the ‘create account’ or “T&C†page) so others don’t waste their time inhere. At least some members would be happier after getting rid of people like me much easier… (I’m for evolutive professional builds and cost-sharing, for instance.)
If ignoring a user is an option, why not use it? (apparently isn’t enough, is it?!)
If this forum is mainly for entertaining (until that “OU day†that hasn’t come yet), why hiding and pretending it’s something else?
If it’s not for entertaining, why it failed to produce any result?
Isn’t it because OU is just a dream and in reality it is just the crooks and delusionals that cry wolf?
Why there is so much noise here speaking loudly and the real brain-power so much needed is actually silenced?
So many rhetorical questions…
Besides being disgusted (pretty obvious, huh?), I really feel like doing brain surgery to someone... Maybe 3 years was too much and it’s about time to change heading…
My deepest apologize for going so off-topic and a last question: how do I delete my account? (please reply if there is a button for it - I couldn't find it; or if there is not such a button, please delete my account entirely.)
Best regards and good luck to everyone!
Tinu out.
Hi guys - very interesting reading, this whole thread makes you really think.
Regarding the change in inductance in a toroid in the presence of a magnetic field - wouldn't that explain why you are not getting a large back EMF pulse when you are switching off the coil? Since at the point when the magnet is closest to the coil the inductance is lower it wouldn't have that much affect.
What I was also thinking was what would happen if you played a bifiler winding with different turns - one optimized for the initial inductance without magnetic field and one for the case when the magnet is closest to the toroid - for recovering the energy...
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 03, 2010, 05:06:22 PM
The banned user MileHigh wrote in another forum:
Please see to it in the other forum that MH's gross ignorance or outright lying is brought to light. As you pointed out, his stepwise analysis COMPLETELY fails to mention the attraction of the rotor magnets to the stator core as a source of input energy to the rotor. There are only two explanations for this:
1) he is completely ignorant about the device's construction and operation, in which case, he shouldn't even be commenting on it, OR
2) he is intentionally lying
I don't see any other possibilities, and this certainly confirms why he was banned.
Sorry, I just have little tolerance for these kinds of pin-heads... they are not helping by posting 'suggestions' that are 'so obvious'... suggestions that no doubt have been seen by all numerous times. There is a reason why those suggestions are not followed promptly, as I pointed out in a post a bit earlier. Namely, that trying to establish OU with a device that one doesn't even understand yet, is probably going to end up failing. If the orbo was blatantly OU, then perhaps one would try, but that is not the case here... I think we would all agree that so far, none of the units are OU, and certainly not blatantly OU. And Steorn is only claiming 3x OU... What the serious and sincere builders realize is that the best chance to determine ACCURATELY whether a device can or cannot achieve OU is to learn all one can about it so the design can be optimized enough to give it a fair chance at success (OU).
These forums are so people can share their knowledge and experiences, and to get CONSTRUCTIVE criticitsm from others, so everyone can move forward faster... people like MH only slow down progress and learning. What a shame...
May the rest of your life, be the best of your life.
As far as OU God has been doing that a long long time, even the bugs know how
I don't believe in banning,especially not when there is an ignore button ::) ::)
Quote from: tinu on January 03, 2010, 08:37:07 PM
@ Stefan and all,
MH is out too? I must have missed it!
It’s a shame that MH was banned and I’m not going to talk about the freedom of speech here… It has been done in the past with little effects…
[rest of the diatribe deleted...]
My deepest apologize for going so off-topic and a last question: how do I delete my account? (please reply if there is a button for it - I couldn't find it; or if there is not such a button, please delete my account entirely.)
Best regards and good luck to everyone!
Tinu out.
If you think that MH was such an honest, intelligent, honorable skeptical contributor to this forum, then PLEASE answer the following:
MH showed gross ignorance or outright lying in his post on another forum (copied here with rebuttal by Stephan). His stepwise analysis COMPLETELY fails to mention the attraction of the rotor magnets to the stator core as a source of input energy to the rotor, which Stephan points out. There are only two explanations for this:
1) MH is completely ignorant about the device's construction and operation, in which case, he shouldn't even be commenting on it, OR
2) he is intentionally lying
I don't see any other possibilities. If it was #1, then that would seem to show that MH is not very intelligent, and shoots his mouth off before taking time to understand what he is being skeptical about. If it was #2, then he is not an honorable individual... which needs no further explanation. So the question I pose to you is, which one, #1 or #2, do you think it is?
I posted a reply at the end of my quoted MileHigh posting
to show him,
that he is wrong. I think you missed that.
So I guess, as I answered this several times to MileHigh, I think
that he is intentionally lying and that was why he was banned.
And this is why I left this forum for a long time, and went elsewhere. Why the hell is everyone so hell bent in trying to tear down everyone? Why do all the people that actually build something, constantly get told how stupid they are, or how much it wont work, or reminded of all the laws stated in the books. WE DON'T CARE!!!! That's why we are here. To experiment, and work towards finding stuff others are to closed minded to even look for. Free speech my ass. Let's plant someone at your work, and make sure they stand more the 12 inches from your face, otherwise that would be assault. And let's just let him follow you around all day, screaming how stupid you are, and how you don't know what the hell your doing. Let him just keep wearing you down, and getting in your way. Then let's just let him keep going to your work and doing the same thing every single day... Or, we can throw him the hell out, so we can get some work done. I'm all for free speech, but when it impedes someone elses rights, and is intended to cause harm, then they are not respecting others rights. If you can't respect our right to work, why should we respect their right to drag us down while we do it.
This thread was moving very well. And every time a thread get's moving really well, the trolls come out to take a big crap on everyone. I really do wish we could get an ignore button on here. Stephan has the right to ban anyone for any reason. If you don't want banned, then offer something useful, or at least don't tear everyone else down that want's to. I respect everyone's opinion, but if you can't do it in the proper way, then hell yeah, ban 'em all Stephan... But ban the IP also, because usually they just appear as another name.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 03, 2010, 09:44:09 PM
And this is why I left this forum for a long time, and went elsewhere. Why the hell is everyone so hell bent in trying to tear down everyone? Why do all the people that actually build something, constantly get told how stupid they are, or how much it wont work, or reminded of all the laws stated in the books. WE DON'T CARE!!!! That's why we are here. To experiment, and work towards finding stuff others are to closed minded to even look for. Free speech my ass. Let's plant someone at your work, and make sure they stand more the 12 inches from your face, otherwise that would be assault. And let's just let him follow you around all day, screaming how stupid you are, and how you don't know what the hell your doing. Let him just keep wearing you down, and getting in your way. Then let's just let him keep going to your work and doing the same thing every single day... Or, we can throw him the hell out, so we can get some work done. I'm all for free speech, but when it impedes someone elses rights, and is intended to cause harm, then they are not respecting others rights. If you can't respect our right to work, why should we respect their right to drag us down while we do it.
This thread was moving very well. And every time a thread get's moving really well, the trolls come out to take a big crap on everyone. I really do wish we could get an ignore button on here. Stephan has the right ban anyone for any reason. You don't want banned, then offer something useful, or at least don't tear everyone else down that want's to.
The troll that is called MileHigh has been taken care of for a while now. This thread is still going well because of it. Whenever trolls like him pop up I will hammer them down, but there's a balance in life so no matter how much you spray they will come back but you just need to make sure it doesn't get out of hand.
So continue on with the good research guys.
Further to the apparently final posting from user 'tinu':
In life, and it follows, in life there are some who like or feel they have to assert their thoughts, opinions, and 'take on things' in a disingenuous, disrespectful, or a condescending manner.
Of the examples cited of former members who left because 'their reasonably skeptical opinions were not welcomed' (in other words, suppression of speech), one was recently noted for admitting he was in the end wrong on some technical point he was pushing extremely hard.
Another ventured into my territory...where he "mixed it up" with various members, arguing ridiculous concepts...which caused me to doubt his sincerity, on any topic.
He was not "banned" I understand it he is on 'read only' status...not because of his opinions though.
I have never known Stefan to restrict access to anyone without just reason...and adequate notice of warning.
There is room for all levels of understanding here...people can still 'get together' on projects, without interfering in the affairs of others...and without needless confrontation.
I may not have the technical ability to keep up with a lot of people here, but I am slowly learning.
I am intelligent enough to recognize very innovative thinking when I encounter it...and there is a goodly amount of it here.
The key to it all may be something so simple that only a novice would notice...but would have gone unnoticed if there wasn't someone paying attention, who had the knowledge to apply the concept.
Quote from: callanan on January 03, 2010, 05:01:13 PM
Hi PL,
Actually that is why there are so many bolts. The bolts are only 2.5mm thick yet the holes I have drilled are 5mm in diameters. This is to give me plenty of play. So when I put it together, I tighten the nuts loosely and spin the rotor. Sure the whel will be offset to centre at first but then I spin it by hand and use a fixed guide to centre it while it is spinning. When centred, I then tighten the nuts tight. I can get a nearly perfect centre this way. It works very well.
Took one of my fans apart (from a failed bedini exp) and noticed the holes in the fan are premarked! I was thinking it was going to be tedious marking out 8 holes in such a small area.
Quote from: broli on January 03, 2010, 08:29:38 PM
I'm currently setting up a presentation on this subject diverting a bit from the real orbo. Basically when the permanent magnet is close to the core the dipoles of the core are "held" in place. When you energize the coil at this moment in time the coil will act like an air cored coil, that is permeability = 1. This low permeability will cause the current to have a very fast and high rise time if not limited by resistance. Now as the magnets move away the dipoles are no longer held by the magnets so they relax but only to find themselves in yet again another magnetic field (of the coil). When the magnet is fully away the coil will have a certain current and inductance, this equates to a certain amount of energy given by Energy=0.5*Current^2*Inductance.
Steorn claims ,and I can agree with it, that that inductive energy is much high than the one you gave to the coil when it had low inductance. Here's a technical example:
Imagine when the magnet is close by the coil acts like it has 1H of inductance. And assume that we let the current rise to 10 A. This will give us a total Energy input of 50 Joules. Now when the maget has moved away the inductance has increase but the current remained the same. Let's say the inductance increased a 100 fold which is moderate, this now gives you a total inductive energy of 500 Joules. This is an increase of 100x to the inputted energy.
Now this is the theory. Jnaudin showed an intresting experiment concering inductance and distance from magnet which seems to be counter intuitive:
You see as the magnet comes closer the rise time stretches out which would indicate an increase in inductance and as the magnet moves away the rise time becomes much shorted which indicates a decrease in inductance, this is opposite to what I said above. This may be attributed to magnetic viscosity if jnaudin can show the results at different frequencies. I would think at lower frequencies it would behave as speculated above.
In the orbo the only energy you will lose for good is the ohmic energy.
I think you're right on the money my friend.
Now, how can we create a testable test to explore that effect?
Stephan has always let the dissection go on and on, I think he is more than fair. M/H repeated his anti OU anthem over and over endlessly. There was no dissection just the same nothing to see here attitude ad nausium.
No Great loss there as I'm sure there would be no great loss if it were me but hey I like it here so I'll keep it humble.
I'm afraid I'll be showing my lack off electronics understanding by asking questions but I really want to understand so be kind please.
Am I correct that a toroidal coil with the proper windings and current run Thru it effectively cancel a magnetic field allowing magnetic coil to get past the sticking point and proceed to the next movement point? Kind of like the ever elusive 1 way magnetic shielding?
I know its much more complex than this but as I said I am 1 notch below novice and if I'm missing the point could you help me out.
thanks Pete
Quote from: vonwolf on January 03, 2010, 11:19:11 PM
Stephan has always let the dissection go on and on, I think he is more than fair. M/H repeated his anti OU anthem over and over endlessly. There was no dissection just the same nothing to see here attitude ad nausium.
No Great loss there as I'm sure there would be no great loss if it were me but hey I like it here so I'll keep it humble.
I'm afraid I'll be showing my lack off electronics understanding by asking questions but I really want to understand so be kind please.
Am I correct that a toroidal coil with the proper windings and current run Thru it effectively cancel a magnetic field allowing magnetic coil to get past the sticking point and proceed to the next movement point? Kind of like the ever elusive 1 way magnetic shielding?
I know its much more complex than this but as I said I am 1 notch below novice and if I'm missing the point could you help me out.
thanks Pete
Yes it could and that opens another door!!!!!
Quote from: Staffman on January 03, 2010, 08:05:31 PM
Is there anyone out there that can verify the lowering of inductance as the magnet passes by? Although this is very interesting, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. Any thoughts from anyone how to improve upon what was stated?
It's the *effective* permeability that changes. That's well known about.
Again, since the beginning Sean @ Steorn has said the key is magnetic viscosity.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 03, 2010, 10:54:42 PM
Took one of my fans apart (from a failed bedini exp) and noticed the holes in the fan are premarked! I was thinking it was going to be tedious marking out 8 holes in such a small area.
Hi Jimboot!
Yes my fan rotor had eight holes premarked inside as well! I don't know if they were perfect but my bolts didn't come out too well in terms of alignment so it may have been my drilling. But I got around all that as previously described and alignment is great now!
In the Steorn demo talk 2009-12-19 they show a scope shot of the current & voltage. Has anyone been able to tell how much current it is? I'm not familiar with that scope model.
We can see that the current rises almost instantly, so nearly 100% of the entire pulse is just pure resistance losses. So why didn't Steorn use much thicker wire in their toroid? In their other video titled "Steorn Orbo Technology Launch 2009" we can see that the separation distance between the magnets and toroid wires is relatively far. So they could have used wire that's like 10 times thicker.
Woohoo!!! I finally got a little time to get my motor running. It's running really well so far, but I have alot of tuning to do. It's just been so frustrating working so many hours at my job, I've been inching my way through the replication. My first test run, just to see if it would work, is using a little cellphone charger adapter to power it. It is running about 800 rpm, with 5.3 volts and 90 ma... That's acceptable for me to go ahead and finish mounting things, and tune it in. I'm only using a reed switch at the moment, because that's all I have. And I don't even have any transistors or recovery circuit hooked up yet. It was just a quick spin up to see if I could start mounting things down a bit. With only one steel washer toroid, and 1500 turns of #26, it's running... I'll get a video and pictures up in the next day or so, and start helping out a bit more with another hands on replication to poke around at!
Does anyone have a setup running like Steorn's with dual magnets, one above the other? If the top magnet polarity is opposite of the bottom magnet, then that's a whole lot more cogging, but maybe that's why Steorn is using relays for the toroid current.
It's cool to see how little current & power we can get a motor to run on, but maybe that's the opposite direction to go in terms of amplifying the excess energy effect.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 04, 2010, 02:13:49 AM
Does anyone have a setup running like Steorn's with dual magnets, one above the other? If the top magnet polarity is opposite of the bottom magnet, then that's a whole lot more cogging, but maybe that's why Steorn is using relays for the toroid current.
It's cool to see how little current & power we can get a motor to run on, but maybe that's the opposite direction to go in terms of amplifying the excess energy effect.
Yup, we do now! I built mine so I can easily change all the parameters to test. Here's some pics of it so far. It's not tuned, but so far there is no vibration and running very smooth. Except of course that it's not hooked up right yet, lol... I'll get to that tomorrow night after work I hope!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 04, 2010, 02:13:49 AM
Does anyone have a setup running like Steorn's with dual magnets, one above the other? If the top magnet polarity is opposite of the bottom magnet, then that's a whole lot more cogging, but maybe that's why Steorn is using relays for the toroid current.
It's cool to see how little current & power we can get a motor to run on, but maybe that's the opposite direction to go in terms of amplifying the excess energy effect.
1) I think they are the same polarity, and someone suggested that the two magnets presented a more homogeneous mag-fld to the coil.
2) I think your guess is as good as any! IMHO, I think a first attempt at self-runner would try to minimize PowerIn, and then use a very small generator that only produced PowerIn + some padding (10%?) for losses...
If one had a torque-meter, and they do exist but are quite expensive, one would optimize the system to maximize torque with minimum power in... but since most here are working on 'spare change', they have to go about it in a round-about way.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 04, 2010, 02:13:49 AM
Does anyone have a setup running like Steorn's with dual magnets, one above the other? If the top magnet polarity is opposite of the bottom magnet, then that's a whole lot more cogging, but maybe that's why Steorn is using relays for the toroid current.
I agree that this could be a very important factor in any OU effect.
If you think of the field through the core as it approaches the center of the core, then it should only require about half the power to achieve the desired effect.
Quote from: k4zep on January 04, 2010, 12:16:09 AM
Yes it could and that opens another door!!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to answer me it helps to know I'm not too far off from understanding this. It dose seem very exciting, could you clarify how that opens up "another door"?
Any further explanation would be a great help to me.
Thanks Pete
I was just reading on the Steorn Forum. Someone said that you could do a different experiment to see the addition of momentum. Put a magnet on a pendulum and put the toroid coil at the bottom (TDC) and see if the momentum is greater. Interesting? No?
Quote from: captainpecan on January 04, 2010, 02:35:37 AM
Yup, we do now! I built mine so I can easily change all the parameters to test. Here's some pics of it so far. It's not tuned, but so far there is no vibration and running very smooth. Except of course that it's not hooked up right yet, lol... I'll get to that tomorrow night after work I hope!
Great, now all we need is to test the machine for any excess energy so we'll know when a change is good or bad. :)
BTW, lets say that a particular build is not cop>1, and a certain change increased it form say 40% to 80% efficiency. That is not necessarily a good thing! That might be increasing the efficiency, but it might also be decreasing the excess energy effect. So my only point is that it's good to explore various methods.
BTW, my 1st best guesstimate is that the dual magnets in the eOrobo design are opposite polarity.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 04, 2010, 02:35:37 AM
Yup, we do now! I built mine so I can easily change all the parameters to test. Here's some pics of it so far. It's not tuned, but so far there is no vibration and running very smooth. Except of course that it's not hooked up right yet, lol... I'll get to that tomorrow night after work I hope!
Very good CP, very good.
Sterling Allen just wrote the following in a new article,
"For reasons not stated, they [Steorn] chose to do this recent demonstration with their electromagnetic version. At some point this year will they show the all-magnet version, with no electrical input? That's what they apparently intended to demo on July 4, 2007, which was botched."
That would be great if Steorn demonstrates the 1st Orbo, the one with no electrical wires, just magnets. That's magnetic viscosity being used as a tool!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 04, 2010, 11:14:51 AM
Sterling Allen just wrote the following in a new article,
"For reasons not stated, they [Steorn] chose to do this recent demonstration with their electromagnetic version. At some point this year will they show the all-magnet version, with no electrical input? That's what they apparently intended to demo on July 4, 2007, which was botched."
That would be great if Steorn demonstrates the 1st Orbo, the one with no electrical wires, just magnets. That's magnetic viscosity being used as a tool!
Now that I will look forward to.
It seems that the jury's verdict was not correct. One scientist revealed that they never saw or tested any device.
Jean-Paul Biberian, engineer in nuclear physics,said:
We do not know how much energy is consumed or how much is recovered. With the jury had never been able to vote because they had never seen the prototype running
New from TK
Orbette 8: To CEMF, or Not to CEMF, That is the Question
Orbette 9: Constant Current wrt Shaft Speed Varying Load
Moved to dedicated thread, created by Broli:
I agree with one of the posts above that many builders don't bother to measure the input and output energy. I've rarely seen any thorough measurements done, and usually its a spinny thing and a glowing LED at most.
I think many do measure outputs and try to close the loop but don't post their results because, clearly, they are not OU and it discourages others, so they keep the enthusiasm up. This is both good and bad, and I leave it to builders to decide.
Anyway, I'm thankful to someone who mentioned de Prony's method for measuring output. I believe its the simplest method for such projects. This picture shows a simple Prony brake with needed equation.
I guess the brake should be made out of plastic or wood and need not be perfect. The red wheel here is an extra wheel fixed on the shaft. You simply need to tighten it till the arm exactly levels without support or stoppers, at which point the weights hanging from it are balancing the torque. Choose any convenient length and weights.
You must take many readings, at same input and at various other input current levels and duty cycles and magnet strengths and core materials and coil turns etc etc. Plot a graph and see if there is a sweet spot. I know this is hard work, but there is no point if you are not interested in making the setup OU.
Input is as usual P(in) = Vpeak* Ipeak * Ton/(Ton+Toff) Watts.
Where Ton and Toff are pulse on and off times.
@Omega O . Your post re the Prony brake was very informative . Just a couple of practical points . First the arm needs to be fitted with stationary safety stops to limit its motion to say 20 degrees either side of horizontal . For initial tests , a suitable " fish scale type spring weighing device {calibrated spring"] might be handier than weights .Finally , if your rotor shaft is vertical , the string suspending the weight needs to be run over a pulley .
neptune, thanks for your suggestions. :)
More on measurements:
Of course, one can argue that hooking up a generator and measuring its output should be more convenient. Well, if you trust your generator, sure, go ahead, and if its really OU, loop it back.
In practice, I've seen that all gens are made for specific purposes, for specific RPMs/torques and are most efficient only for a narrow range of loads (i.e. it must match the load to be 90%+ efficient). So if the gen is not suitable and the OU is tiny, you will surely miss it.
With mechanical methods you are always sure.
So lets take an example:
Say, your setup is taking 10 W at the input and you hang 100 gram at 50 cm on the arm and brake it till it reaches a steady RPM and is not trying to drag the arm along. To be OU -
P(out) > P(in)
or (100/1000)*(50/100)*RPM > 10
or RPM > 200
If RPM in this example is measured above 200, then you have some hope, else note it all, change stuff, rinse and repeat, like a good scientist :D
Hi powercat
Very good and instructive vids,thanks,but one question that you or others may be able to answer,if one had ideally set up pulse motor with GENUENE zero cemf,would it guarantee ou?
Hi peter
To answer your question, I don't know yet, I hope so as I believe in OU, a lot of people have built motors with no attempt to generate power, but it is early days.
Why did Steron have a gap in their demonstration, maybe they hope someone else will figure out
the OU part for them.
I was thinking about those V gate magnet motors, maybe it'll help clear the sticky spot, saving power as it only needs to fire once every rotation, hmmmm
Anyway enough from me here is another new video from TK
Orbette 10: Quivering, and Low Voltage Operation
Here is an idea for a big magnet bearing, useful for those considering a big rotor
Quote from: petersone on January 04, 2010, 04:25:27 PM
if one had ideally set up pulse motor with GENUENE zero cemf,would it guarantee ou?
That is going to be a tricky question to answer. Would it be TRUE OU, I guess we will have to wait and see, because to my knowledge, there does not appear to be a situation I'm aware of that has tested this as of yet. At least I'm not aware of it.
But the real question is this... Just because you get more mechanical energy out, than electrical energy you put in... How useful is it even if it's OU... It's like comparing apples to oranges, and the only way to know the truth is using equations. This is why so many people do not take the road of using a pony brake to prove anything. Most of us agree, a pony brake will prove things, but if we put electrical energy into a system, we need to see electrical energy back out, and compare apples to apples. It's the conversion process of going back to same type of energy as you started with that most of us are concerned about. Even though I totally agree, measuring the mechanical energy out, and heat and friction loses, and comparing to electrical energy in will give you the answer. But what good does that do us?
Prony brake
La fabricación de un Prony brake para medir una energÃa tan pequeña como 1watts requerirá de un esfuerzo grande.
Como cada vez que se pone en marcha uno de los dispositivos que se están probando tiene lugar un aumento de la velocidad, hasta que ésta se estabiliza, es más fácil calcular la energÃa necesaria para aumentar la velocidad en un intervalo de tiempo dado, y a su vez determinar la energÃa empleada durante ese perÃodo de tiempo, empleando para ello el consumo de corriente y el voltaje.
Hi all
Thank you powercat and captainpecan for your answers,if there is such a motor,would it follow that a genny working on the same principles,but in reverse,would have no bemf?
>>a lot of people have built motors with no attempt to generate power
I have made a version that also had a generator output coil.
My solid state has an output generator coil also.
And I posted both in this thread.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 04, 2010, 06:23:01 PM
>>a lot of people have built motors with no attempt to generate power
I have made a version that also had a generator output coil.
My solid state has an output generator coil also.
And I posted both in this thread.
Working on it too...
Nice work done. :-)
Quote from: callanan on January 04, 2010, 07:43:12 PM
Working on it too...
Hi Ossie,
Nice new setup there. Are you planing to close the loop as suggested here?
Honestly, closing the loop in the way you suggest is the best thing I have heard in all this thus far. Reed switches are cool, as I have fair experience with them. Now what would be very interesting is, eliminate the electronics and use a reed to connect the charge coil to the toroid at the right time. This may be just enough to let her spin without the batteries. Of course some playing with the charge and toroid coils size and no. of windings of which there will be many combos, but it just might work considering the low consumption of the toroid coils. Awesome thought there.
Good luck all
Evening ALL,
I worked with a nifty switching circuit today from JDO300. Basically a reed switch, switching a power mosfet. Circuit works great but we found out what my problem has been all along...My toroids. It seems that the cores, of which I have had for years, are of the type that do NOT saturate easily but require a great deal of current, and they are also too large, nearly 2.25 inches in diameter.
So, now I will order the proper toroidal cores and try once again... LOL Frustrated and ready to see this dude spin... ;) And I also have all of my parts arriving tomorrow to replicate Jean Naudin's circuit, but will wait until I have wound a proper coil.
Dont get me wrong Mike. Im not taking any credit here from what I said. It is a suggestion for Ozzie's position of the charge coils. I cannot see if there are 8 or 4 mags on the rotor. But if that were the case, the reeds would be appropriate. Having large charge coils over the toroid may have altered affect on the toroid as a core, as in it may cause an attraction/drag where ya dont want it. a larger dia rotor could separate things well enough. I just may give this a go myself. =]
People, here is a very important post just made by Sean from Steorn 7 hours ago,
Just so that you are aware - we have seen various claims of replications of our system from various sources. However we have been through most of these today and can advise that none of the supposed replications of the core effect are in fact replications at all. Specifically in all the cases that we have examined we are 100% confident that CEMF exists and that this is the primary cause of rotor motion.
Our next experiment is scheduled for 17:00 GTM this Friday, January 8th.
Luvyawork! That looks friggin awesome. I'm working on a baby version using the fan rotor.
When you have time I'd love to know the following.
Why have you changed the position of the toroids by 90deg?
When you used the charge coil in another vid on your 1st motor it seemed to affect the speed. So I thought you would try to charge off a 2nd set of mags not affected by the toroids attached by another 100mm PVC cap bolted above the existing one. Or is that a bad idea?
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 04, 2010, 09:08:03 PM
I worked with a nifty switching circuit today from JDO300. Basically a reed switch, switching a power mosfet. Circuit works great but we found out what my problem has been all along...My toroids. It seems that the cores, of which I have had for years, are of the type that do NOT saturate easily but require a great deal of current, and they are also too large, nearly 2.25 inches in diameter.
So, now I will order the proper toroidal cores and try once again... LOL Frustrated and ready to see this dude spin... ;) And I also have all of my parts arriving tomorrow to replicate Jean Naudin's circuit, but will wait until I have wound a proper coil.
To be honest, if your stuck and cannot work on your projects because you do not have proper toroids, there is an answer. My motor is running quite well with my steel washer toroid. I can't say it's any better or worse than using a proper toroid, because I have not had enough time to get it all done yet. But I do know it spins right up, and is low current consumption right off the bat. I have alot of tuning to do, and need to hook things up to a proper recovery circuit and stuff, but I'm pleased with the first run already.
Moral of the story, proper toroids may still be the best answer. But if it keeps you from getting anything done, go grab a washer with the biggest center hole you can find and get to winding that baby... lol... you never know, you may end up with a motor that runs better than all the rest. This is all new to us, so technically, there is no instruction manual. Improvise! Then when you improvise something that doesn't work, let us know, so the rest of us don't make the same mistakes!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 04, 2010, 10:45:16 PM
People, here is a very important post just made by Sean from Steorn 7 hours ago,
Just so that you are aware - we have seen various claims of replications of our system from various sources. However we have been through most of these today and can advise that none of the supposed replications of the core effect are in fact replications at all. Specifically in all the cases that we have examined we are 100% confident that CEMF exists and that this is the primary cause of rotor motion.
Our next experiment is scheduled for 17:00 GTM this Friday, January 8th.
Hi Paul,
I respect Sean most highly, but from the "demo" motor, I must say that if it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, has a spark across the reed relay (inductive kickback) and drives off the side of a Toroid coil, gee, it must be a duck! Remember CEMF does not make a field outside the core of the toroid and hence can not drive the rotor......But then in the past I have learned to LOVE roasted crow, lightly salted. I remain.......
Quote from: k4zep on January 04, 2010, 11:57:27 PM
Hi Paul,
I respect Sean most highly, but from the "demo" motor, I must say that if it looks like a duck, quacks like duck, has a spark across the reed relay (inductive kickback) and drives off the side of a Toroid coil, gee, it must be a duck! Remember CEMF does not make a field outside the core of the toroid and hence can not drive the rotor......But then in the past I have learned to LOVE roasted crow, lightly salted. I remain.......
I have to agree with you here. First off, they could simply be referring to the fact that MOST of the replications use a significant amount of current to operate. And others, that do not use much current, are not using the dual magnet scenario that steorn has shown. So he could easily say nobody has successfully replicated it yet. BUT... That does not mean we haven't come DAMN CLOSE! But, I'm like you here. From all the details we have on the demo unit, and watching it's operation, I think we have gotten the effect pretty well nailed down. Making it more efficient, and getting more torque from it are still being worked on. Steorn could help a bit by at least releasing any kind of data as far as how much current was being used, or something. But I think everyone has done very well, considering this thing has had to be picked apart from the outside in.
IMO people need to start testing for excess energy. Getting a motor to run on as little power as possible doesn't prove that.
I think @Broli gets the 'attaboy' for figuring out one of the KEY elements!!!!
I've been scouring the Steorn discussion groups for any explanations by Sean/Steorn people and found this explanation from Sean:
Ok - thats the basics - the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an
external field. What this means in our system is that you get a greater energy
return from the collapse of the field of the EM than the energy it took to create
the field, because at the point of field construction you have lower inductance than
when the field collapses - hence you get an inductance energy gain thru the
interaction rather than the inductance loss that was being discussed in this thread.
While the greater return from inductance is interesting - what really counts is that
you get this extra inductance energy and the rotor does work - and quite a lot of
I'll be posting some more 'technical tidbits' from Sean in a few mins.
Here are some additional technical tidbits straight from the horse's (aka Steorn's Sean McC) mouth... and comments from a few other people as well. Hope they help in some way...
Link to source page:
If you look very closely at steorn's current trace from demo 1, you can see the extra cost of saturating the core with the magnet in place. It's the curve at the "leading edge" of the current pulse. Without the magnet it would be a sharper
Thanks. There is the loss mechanism, which takes the Steorn demo machine back into the realms of ordinary non-OU motors.
Well this in an interesting theory - induction losses - seems rational - but then perhaps you should look at the basic theory of induction and the effect of permeability of the core material?
But easy enough to disprove anyway - so January is indeed going to be fun!
Using the right measurement equipment, one can show the total electric energy (integral over U.I) to saturate the stator toroid is higher with the pre-magnetization by the rotor magnet than without. When neglecting hysteresis losses, this extra electric energy would be exactly the same as the kinetic energy of the accelerated rotor. The kinetic energy that the rotor won by concentrating the magnetic field lines in the stator ferrite is exactly the same as the extra electric energy needed to 'push' them out again when saturating the stator. The balance is zero.
Let's just wait for the next level of obfuscation, maybe with materials that have funny permeability behavior. I'm starting to enjoy it.
Well this is the inductance loss argument - pretty simple to test - or you can wait for our test and then throw stones at that.
Or maybe you should look at the relationship of permeability to the BH curve, then permeability to inductance â€" because you should then be able to prove your point right here and now?
IMHO. As most of you know I was experimenting with trapping the energy in the coil to increase the 'shielding' time based on the time constant for inductance, which is: Time in seconds = Inductance in Henries / Resistance in ohms. I made up a new coil yesterday out of a ferrite material and tried testing it tonight. It has about 5 millihenries of inductance and .1 ohms dc resistance. Again, very close in physical size to the one's Steorn is using. I was experimenting with a pulse generator, mosfet and diode assembly and wanted to try something. I brought a 1/2 inch Neo over near the toroid and noticed what looked like a change in the clamp time of the diode. This was telling me that the inductance was changing. Sure as shit I stuck it on an LC meter and could see the inductance decrease more than a factor of ten by bringing the Neo up against it. It went from 5 millihenry to .3 millihenry and all values in between as they got closer. This is not trivial. What is formed here is a variable inductor, an inductor who's value increases with increasing magnet / toroid separation. What is going to be claimed as OU energy will turn out to be a result of this variable inductance and it will be erroneous."
Ok - thats the basics - the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an external field. What this means in our system is that you get a greater energy return from the collapse of the field of the EM than the energy it took to create the field, because at the point of field construction you have lower inductance than when the field collapses - hence you get an inductance energy gain thru the interaction rather than the inductance loss that was being discussed in this thread.
While the greater return from inductance is interesting - what really counts is that you get this extra inductance energy and the rotor does work - and quite a lot of work.
This comment of Sean's does not take into account the energy required to make the change in the coil's inductance, i.e. to bias the toroid core to saturation.
@mark, interesting stuff.
QuoteOk - thats the basics - the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an external field. What this means in our system
is that you get a greater energy return from the collapse of the field of the EM than the energy it took to create the field, because at the point of field construction you have lower inductance than when the field collapses
Is it just me, or does that describe a bedini monopole pretty well? I'm not so sure this is a STEORN discovery. We'll have to see if more comes out of this info as to the key to how eOrbo is supposed to be COP >3.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 01:05:18 AM
IMO people need to start testing for excess energy. Getting a motor to run on as little power as possible doesn't prove that.
People have not to test Steorn device, this would mean reversing the burden of proof and wasting time.
As the battery of Steorn motor is strong enough to power it for weeks, Steorn did not provide neither proof nor clue of OU. Thus we can assert: Steorn has no OU machine.
"He who does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption, meaning he needs no evidence to support his claim. [] The burden of proof is an especially important issue in law and science."
We have just to wait for evidence from Steorn before checking. It is a question of scientific methodology.
QuoteAs the battery of Steorn motor is strong enough to power it for weeks, Steorn did not provide neither proof nor clue of OU. Thus we can assert: Steorn has no OU machine.
You're promoting an incorrect criterion for whether or not Steorn's machine is OU. It is not at all how long the battery will power the motor that should be criterion for OU but whether or not all the input power goes only for heating. Steorn claims it does. Unlike what you state, they have given a clue experimentally in the 19th of December to that effect. Where's your proof that it isn't so to have the nerve for such a categorical blast?
Some data from my experiments....
I'm not real excited about my results today, I just could not find a sweet spot, but I'm reporting what I've got so far anyway. As a reminder, I am using a steel bushing toroid with 1500 turns of #26.
When hooking the toroid directly to the power supply with a reed switch, I got the most speed on the rotor so far. But for this test, I hooked my toroid up in an SSG circuit. I simply eliminated the trigger coil in the circuit, and routed the base of the transistor through a reed switch back to the collector with a pot. After playing with the reed for a while, the best I got out of it was 440 rpm, using 10.7v and 180ma. The charge battery was charging, but not as well as a normal bedini does. When I disconnected the charge battery, I could not see the neon lamp light at all, and there was no change in rotor speed.
At this time, there is much more to do, as far as tuning, and determining the best circuit to use. Even though I am not impressed with my results today, a charge battery does charge using the normal bedini circuit.
My next test was to simply see if I could confirm or deny something Steorn has said about other replications. I do not have the exact quote handy at the moment, but someone posted a quote from Sean stating that the replications are being run from EMF, and are not true replications. I felt that the toroid kept the field inside it, so I wanted to test this.
I turned my motor up vertical, so a set of magnets were directly in line with the toroid, and hanging straight down. I then pulsed the toroid. If it was done correctly and all the field stayed inside the toroid, I should not have seen the magnet move at all when the attraction was released. But I saw different. Each pulse was pushing the magnets away from the toroid. So at least in my test, Sean appears to be correct. There is a push to the magnets as a result of the pulse. I think there is a good chance I am already saturating my core, even though I am only hitting it with 180ma. This could either be a good thing I'll find out later, or a bad thing, which I will also find out later.
My conclusion so far, at least from my first set of tests is this.
1. I need more toroids wound to get any measurably good results. Although there is a fair amount of attraction to the core, it is not nearly enough to pay for the amount of energy I am pulsing into it to run. More attraction from multiple toroids, will increase the rotor speed with the same or less input power.
2. I need more toroids. Steorn seems to elude to the fact that we do not want any push against the magnets when firing the toroids. Since mine does show this, I must increase the number of toroids and cut down the power. That coupled with the fact that eOrbo demo seems to use 8 toroids and 16 magnets to show about 800 to 1200 rpms. I do not believe Steorns version of Orbo, tuned properly, could even run on 1 toroid. It may not even be able to run on 4.
In final... I need more toroids... lol... so I guess I start winding...
Quote from: markzpeiverson on January 05, 2010, 01:37:02 AM
I've been scouring the Steorn discussion groups for any explanations by Sean/Steorn people and found this explanation from Sean:
Ok - thats the basics - the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an external field. What this means in our system is that you get a greater energy return from the collapse of the field of the EM than the energy it took to create the field, because at the point of field construction you have lower inductance than when the field collapses - hence you get an inductance energy gain thru the interaction rather than the inductance loss that was being discussed in this thread.
Wrong assertion.
Firstly "the inductance of a coil is LESS in the presence of an external field" only if the field is strong enough to saturate the magnetic material at least partially, thus reducing its permeability.
Secondly, changing the magnetic permeability of a coil changes the energy stored in the field only if you add work (like changing the dielectric permittivity of a capacitor can increase the energy stored in a capacitor but when you replace a dielectric plate of high permittivity by one of low permittivity such as air, you need work to remove the plate, and this energy adds in the electric field of the capacitor. The same with coils and magnetic fields instead of capacitors and electric fields). It is the conventional principle of "parametric amplification" which is well known for decades and is not OU.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 05, 2010, 03:29:07 AM
It is not at all how long the battery will power the motor that should be criterion for OU but whether or not all the input power goes only for heating. Steorn claims it does.
It is not the point. A claim is not a proof.
I invite you to re-read and try to understand why what is asserted without proof (such Steorn OU) can be denied without proof.
QuoteSteorn did not provide neither proof nor clue of OU. Thus we can assert: Steorn has no OU machine.
This is just your own private opinion and it is without proof therefore it can be denied without proof.
Steorn give as proof experimental data of U and I staying the same under load (no rotor-coil electrical coupling). Where is your proof that it doesn't mean also that all the input power has only been used for heating which is the real criterion for OU?
Quote from: Groundloop on January 04, 2010, 06:23:01 PM
>>a lot of people have built motors with no attempt to generate power
I have made a version that also had a generator output coil.
My solid state has an output generator coil also.
And I posted both in this thread.
Yes I did see your version, I apologise for not remembering, it is good to see that others are now building generators to.
I will now post something more important then my ramblings.
TK is really working hard at this.
Orbette 11: Two Rows are Better Than One...But Why
Orbette 12: CEMF test of Two-row Orbette with "aiding" polarity of rotor rows
Orbette 13: Two Rows, Bucking Polarity (all same poles facing out)
Orbette 14: CEMF test of Bucking Two-Row Orbette
Quote from: Omnibus on January 05, 2010, 04:30:42 AM
This is just your own private opinion and it is without proof therefore it can be denied without proof.
You seem not yet able to deal with the principle of the burden of proof, which is for the first claimant (Steorn).
Steorn give as proof experimental data of U and I staying the same under load (no rotor-coil electrical coupling).
Not a proof. Most of U/I energy is wasted in the coil resistor and/or in the magnetic saturation of the core. Reaction from the rotor have negligeable influence. And a battery is a voltage generator that maintains a almost constant voltage on long time period.
When I power a 10 Kohm resistance from my car battery during several minutes, I read U/I constant. Weak charges do not allow to measure changes of the baterry voltage below the voltmeter accuracy.
Well, according to your measurement protocol, my car battery is a OU device! Thanks Omnibus I had a working OU machine and did not know it! ;D
Data would be conclusive if we had:
U, I, motor torque, t, and measurement accuracy, with duration of several hours (or may be less, depending on the torque in comparisson with the battery).
Where is it ?
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 05, 2010, 03:15:56 AM
People have not to test Steorn device, this would mean reversing the burden of proof and wasting time.
As the battery of Steorn motor is strong enough to power it for weeks, Steorn did not provide neither proof nor clue of OU. Thus we can assert: Steorn has no OU machine.
"He who does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption, meaning he needs no evidence to support his claim. [] The burden of proof is an especially important issue in law and science." (
We have just to wait for evidence from Steorn before checking. It is a question of scientific methodology.
That is highly illogical. Science is not about waiting for people to prove things to you. Nothing would ever get done that way. If it interests one enough, then by all means investigate, which is what people are doing here.
Besides, I have my proof that the magnetic material cooled by nearly 3°F, all of which was on video. To varying degrees this was seen numerous times in other experiments.
There's rumors that Steorn might demonstrate their original Orbo, the one with only magnets and plastic, no batteries, etc. Sean said they consider all requests made at their YouTube comments page --> (
I just made the following request,
"If possible could you also demonstrate your original Orbo, the one that had no wires or batteries, just magnets and plastic."
It already has +1 thumbs up. So maybe if enough people give that youtube comment a thumbs up then Sean will do it. :)
btw, steorn homepage has been streaming live now. cam 3 is interesting.
Just sharing what John Bedini said about orbo:
QuoteTo All,
First wishing you all a Happy New Year.
I will be addressing Orbo soon to the group, as Orbo is just one
variation of the monopole system, and a poor one at that. I know all the
questions are going to be flying in so hold off until I finish my new
pages. I think at this time we should talk about what a Zero Force motor
really is and how to self loop it. The Orbo is not what they think it
is. If you really study it you will find that it draws way to much
current and is returned in Heat.
So in the next few days we will all be build the monopole as a Zero
force motor. I will make this warning one time the speed is a danger in
this device as it can exceed 15000Rpm if built right. The Zero Force
motor was build in 1984 so Orbo has nothing on me except a patent
violation. Toridal coils have a magnetic field and it is an "A" field
driving that motor. So how many want to do this project?
John Bedini
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 09:48:43 AM
That is highly illogical. Science is not about waiting for people to prove things to you. Nothing would ever get done that way. If it interests one enough, then by all means investigate, which is what people are doing here.
Besides, I have my proof that the magnetic material cooled by nearly 3°F, all of which was on video. To varying degrees this was seen numerous times in other experiments.
Hi Paul,
People need to be patient. I think there will be breakthroughs in the understanding of how the Steorn works in our community over the next few days and they will find that it is INDEED OU. It is right in front of you, don't ignore it. You have to understand inductors, loop current in core, direction of loop current, residule magnatism, electromagnetic biasing and mechanical biasing of/from rotor, coil winding direction and a whole lot more. ALL have to be right for it to work. The motor IS a generator and a motor and it is OU. The proof will come but not first from me, but it will come. Steorn knows it is OU.....I think he has a hard time explaining it but the scope and battery voltage shows it all IF you know how to look. The only thing wrong in his demo motor is that his circuit is not robust enough to keep going and going. He has to get rid of that darn reed relay first!
So keep building gang, keep experimenting.
Bedini wrote this? -->
"Orbo is just one variation of the monopole system, and a poor one at that."
Sounds like bedini's getting jealous.
Quote from: k4zep on January 05, 2010, 10:16:12 AM
Hi Paul,
People need to be patient. I think there will be breakthroughs in the understanding of how the Steorn works in our community over the next few days and they will find that it is INDEED OU. It is right in front of you, don't ignore it. You have to understand inductors, loop current in core, direction of loop current, residule magnatism, electromagnetic biasing and mechanical biasing of/from rotor, coil winding direction and a whole lot more. ALL have to be right for it to work. The motor IS a generator and a motor and it is OU. The proof will come but not first from me, but it will come. Steorn knows it is OU.....I think he has a hard time explaining it but the scope and battery voltage shows it all IF you know how to look. The only thing wrong in his demo motor is that his circuit is not robust enough to keep going and going. He has to get rid of that darn reed relay first!
So keep building gang, keep experimenting.
Sorry Ben, I have to agree with Sean on this one. Besides, I haven't seen anyone here even attempt to try and measure any excess energy. The only proof I've seen is my temperature measurements, and that's very convincing to me.
Before throwing rocks at Sean & all, lets give the guy a chance. Maybe there's a reason they used relays for their demo.
Quote from: k4zep on January 05, 2010, 10:16:12 AMIt is right in front of you, don't ignore it.
What am I ignoring, Ben?
Quote from: k4zep on January 05, 2010, 10:16:12 AMYou have to understand inductors, loop current in core, direction of loop current, residule magnatism, electromagnetic biasing and mechanical biasing of/from rotor, coil winding direction and a whole lot more.
Not sure what you're insinuating there, but yes I have those covered, Ben.
Quote from: k4zep on January 05, 2010, 10:16:12 AMSteorn knows it is OU.
Sean said he didn't see any of the replication designs as having the orbo effect. Lets not ignore his words. ;)
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 10:25:17 AM
Sorry Ben, I have to agree with Sean on this one. Besides, I haven't seen anyone here even attempt to try and measure any excess energy. The only proof I've seen is my temperature measurements, and that's very convincing to me.
Before throwing rocks at Sean & all, lets give the guy a chance. Maybe there's a reason they used relays for their demo.
What am I ignoring, Ben?
Not sure what you're insinuating there, but yes I have those covered, Ben.
Sean said he didn't see any of the replication designs as having the orbo effect. Lets not ignore his words. ;)
Hi Paul,
Gee, I think I said his device WAS OU and I am NOT throwing rocks at his device. I am sure he can show OU for several hours, but the reed relay lets him down. He hasn't seen all the devices! Patience my friend, Patience.
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 10:16:08 AM
Just sharing what John Bedini said about orbo:
Where JB said that ?
Yup, looks like live cam 3 was just showing them blowing air on their rotor and watching the scope. Looks like they have seen TK's replication. I wish I could make out the scope shot.
Clanzer (or however he spells it) was blowing high pressure air on his Orbo in the video.
Way to go Steorn. People like TK must be getting nervous that the Steorn claim is true. ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 10:22:46 AM
Bedini wrote this? -->
"Orbo is just one variation of the monopole system, and a poor one at that."
Sounds like bedini's getting jealous.
To be honest, John has been saying this since during the live demo. John is sort of my idol when it comes to free energy work, and even though I tend to always take his side, I must do so this time also.
He made some posts in another forum right off the bat, describing how orbo worked, and how it was basically taken directly out of his book from 1984. They do use toroids which is different, but the effect is SUPPOSEDLY the same as in his book.
To back it up, my bedini runs circles around my orbo so far. But of course, my orbo was just born, and needs to grow quite a bit, lol. But, I hold high hopes for it, and will keep building and tweaking, and trying to figure this thing out. I think it would be wise to watch the battle between steorn and bedini as it unfolds! John has had a self runner running in his shop for over 10 years. This could be good.
JLN discovers more stuff about inductance variation and optimal trigger point.
TK discovers right polarity of magnets on rotor [youtube.]
QuoteWhen I power a 10 Kohm resistance from my car battery during several minutes, I read U/I constant. Weak charges do not allow to measure changes of the baterry voltage below the voltmeter accuracy.
Well, according to your measurement protocol, my car battery is a OU device! Thanks Omnibus I had a working OU machine and did not know it!
This shows you don't uderstand the principle of action of Sean's motor neither do you understand the character of the OU in it. If you have self-respect you should stop posting on this subject until you get acquainted well with the subject at hand and only then, if it isn't embarrassing to you, you may return to discuss further these matters.
I think the difference is that Steorn has a self runner that they have and will allow 3rd parties to verifying. I've seen all of bedini's motors and claims, and I don't think he has a self-runner. If he does, then shame on him for not marketing it or giving the exact details.
Groundloop's success at generating current with his toroid flux blocker M.E.G. represents a major advance that I think may justify a new thread for further clarification. The toroid has been demonstrated to share the same attraction blocking character wound bifilar as the single wrap. This opens the possibility of a dual pourposed Joule thief M.E.G. Groundloop generated current in his main output coil by depolarizing the core with toroid coils on each end with powerful neo disks in series to the outside of the toroid blockers. Groundloop has unequivocally proved that polarizing and depolarizing the core by pulse energizing the toroid attraction blocker generates current in the main coil. Wrapping the toroid blockers bifilar creates a transformer that generates high voltage current. This high voltage increases negative resistance that has been proved to ground scour the negative pole of a battery or capacitor, spontaneously generating a positive charge in the opposite pole. This dual pourposed combination creates a multi dimensional interface that is synergistic and may equal a whole that is greater then the sum of it's parts. I believe the current generated by the flux attenuated depolarization and repolarization of the magnetized coil core can loop back to the toroid primaries and simultaneously generate free high voltage in the toroid secondaries.
Quote from: IceStorm on January 05, 2010, 11:29:43 AM
Where JB said that ?
He said at the yahoo forum Monopole (that is the advanced Bedini group).
New vid from Jean Louis Naudin
Steorn motor V2: Measuring the coil inductance Vs the rotor magnet angle
I think you guys should watch this video from Bedini:
He clearly states what I said a few pages before about the A field. I am more convinced now that that is the case based on the speed increase from some replicators here.
That a good test from JLNaudin, but I wish he had done it with double magnets. His single magnet compared to a double sticky spot toroid is obvious in his results. But, if he had used a double, I'm sure we would have seen the same results, just would not have two waves of inductance changes and only had one.
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 02:08:35 PM
I think you guys should watch this video from Bedini:
He clearly states what I said a few pages before about the A field. I am more convinced now that that is the case based on the speed increase from some replicators here.
GO JB!!!! Yeah baby... This is gonna get interesting really quick.....
I now can confirm that the energy created in the generator coil of my solid state
is real and useful. I have done a test and used the output to charge another
lead acid battery. I collected the high voltage output in a capacitor and when the
voltage in the capacitor reached approx. 220 volt, then I just discharged the
capacitor into the battery with a SCR triggered from a Neon bulb. When the
high voltage from the capacitor meets the low resistance of the lead acid battery,
then the voltage is "converted" to current in the battery, thus making the ions
move and ultimately charging the battery. I can not claim that my first crude
and simple setup is over unity. But I hope that future versions is better tuned
with better toroids etc. I have also learned that the generator coil must be
a high turn (thin wire) coil so that we generate a LOT of voltage with almost no
current. It looks like this method of generating power need voltage, not current.
I know this because I was WRONG about the fast switch on time regarding the
difference between hexfets and regular transistors. I found that in my first transistor
trial run I have used a diode across the coil to protect the transistor from high
voltage spikes. This WAS a mistake and killed the output voltage. When I removed
the diode and put it across the transistor collector and emitter instead, then I
got the same high voltage effect as with a hexfet. So I was wrong.
I think this solid state shows a great potential for more research. There are numerous
ways to improve the circuit. One way is to make it bigger. The bottom line is that
the system works and the only way it CAN work is by magnetic shielding by the
toroids at each end of the center core.
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 02:08:35 PM
I think you guys should watch this video from Bedini: (
He clearly states what I said a few pages before about the A field. I am more convinced now that that is the case based on the speed increase from some replicators here.
I sure hope that's not "the" John Bedini in that video. Is his analog current meter zeroed out because when he says it's micro amps it shows ~ 10mA. Also it looks like his analog voltage meter is showing ~ 13 volts. That's 130mW. Hmmm.
I don't think Steorn needs to address JB, lol.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 05, 2010, 02:20:53 PM
I now can confirm that the energy created in the generator coil of my solid state
is real and useful. I have done a test and used the output to charge another
lead acid battery. I collected the high voltage output in a capacitor and when the
voltage in the capacitor reached approx. 220 volt, then I just discharged the
capacitor into the battery with a SCR triggered from a Neon bulb. When the
high voltage from the capacitor meets the low resistance of the lead acid battery,
then the voltage is "converted" to current in the battery, thus making the ions
move and ultimately charging the battery. I can not claim that my first crude
and simple setup is over unity. But I hope that future versions is better tuned
with better toroids etc. I have also learned that the generator coil must be
a high turn (thin wire) coil so that we generate a LOT of voltage with almost no
current. It looks like this method of generating power need voltage, not current.
I know this because I was WRONG about the fast switch on time regarding the
difference between hexfets and regular transistors. I found that in my first transistor
trial run I have used a diode across the coil to protect the transistor from high
voltage spikes. This WAS a mistake and killed the output voltage. When I removed
the diode and put it across the transistor collector and emitter instead, then I
got the same high voltage effect as with a hexfet. So I was wrong.
I think this solid state shows a great potential for more research. There are numerous
ways to improve the circuit. One way is to make it bigger. The bottom line is that
the system works and the only way it CAN work is by magnetic shielding by the
toroids at each end of the center core.
Great work Groundloop! And great information. Just a quick question, do you think you could go magnet, toroid, coil, and test that? Not having toroids and magnets on both ends should generate some voltage, but probably not asmuch, but it would be a good test. Also, have you had the opportunity to test Gyula's idea about directing and strengtening the flux by the steel horsesoe like configuration from sets of magnets on one toroid to the other set on the opposing toroid? Thanks!!
@ all
I have ordered my new toroids last night. Al of 75 and permeability of 125. OD of .87".
I'm not able to remove the toroids because they are epoxied to the center core.
Did test this though:
Without magnets = zero (or very close to zero volt) in generator coil.
With ONE magnet at one end = 1/2 the voltage (approx.) as with 2 magnets.
Tried both ends, same result. Did try both polarities, north and south, same result.
With two magnets attracting each other = high voltage on output.
Did try both NS and SN, same result at each ends.
With two magnets PUSHING at each other at both ends, zero volt at output.
Did try NN and SS and zero volt in both cases.
With TWO magnets NS and adjusting the distance to toroid with paper shims,
then I got even higher volt for the particular switch setting and frequency.
So there IS a relationship between magnet strength AND the power you put
into the toroids.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 02:33:24 PM
I sure hope that's not "the" John Bedini in that video. Is his analog current meter zeroed out because when he says it's micro amps it shows ~ 10mA. Also it looks like his analog voltage meter is showing ~ 13 volts. That's 130mW. Hmmm.
I don't think Steorn needs to address JB, lol.
Yes, that is "the" John Bedini. And if you take another look at that video, he does not say "micro amps"... He says "micro watts". It could have been 130 mW before the iron was introduced. But after he introduced the iron to the core, his current meter bottomed out, showing what appears to be LESS THAN 1ma. How much less I don't have a clue. If you figure in all the factors a bit, his statement of "micro watts" seems to hold pretty true as far as I can tell. Anyone who can run a motor with that much speed, on less than 1ma, has got a pretty good idea of how these things work.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing steorn. I just love to see John get involved. He knows more about building efficient motors than most of us will ever know. His input certainly could help us figure all this out.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 05, 2010, 03:05:25 PM
Yes, that is "the" John Bedini. And if you take another look at that video, he does not say "micro amps"... He says "micro watts". It could have been 130 mW before the iron was introduced. But after he introduced the iron to the core, his current meter bottomed out, showing what appears to be LESS THAN 1ma. How much less I don't have a clue. If you figure in all the factors a bit, his statement of "micro watts" seems to hold pretty true as far as I can tell. Anyone who can run a motor with that much speed, on less than 1ma, has got a pretty good idea of how these things work.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing steorn. I just love to see John get involved. He knows more about building efficient motors than most of us will ever know. His input certainly could help us figure all this out.
No, if you read my comment I said that it's ~ 10mA *after* he puts the metal rod in the coil. Before he puts it in it's 100mA, ~ 1.3 watts. Read my previous post for details.
Hi Guys,
What circuit for switching is JB refering to - BI POLAR Switch ?
I would like to, if possible, replicate this setup.
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 03:15:41 PM
No, if you read my comment I said that it's ~ 10mA *after* he puts the metal rod in the coil. Before he puts it in it's ~ 1.3 watts. Read my previous post for details.
I'm sorry, I still am not seeing what you are meaning. How are you getting 1.3 watts out of 13v and 10ma before he inserts the iron? My calculations say that is .13 watts, or 130mW. Then after the amp meter drops to nothing, basically meaning less than 1 ma or so. If it was 1 ma at 13 volts, that would be .013 watts, or 13mw after the iron was inserted. I am assuming it was LESS THAN 1 ma, but we cannot tell for sure. If so, that is not far from hitting the microwatt scale.
I am not seeing how you are getting 1.3 watts? Am I looking at all this wrong, I don't think so. But feel free to feed me some crow if needed, lol.
(EDIT)... I would prefer my crow cooked slightly before I eat it... lol... I just noticed I looked at the amp meter wrong.
Quote from: penno64 on January 05, 2010, 03:17:06 PM
Hi Guys,
What circuit for switching is JB refering to - BI POLAR Switch ?
I would like to, if possible, replicate this setup.
Kind Regards, Penno
I believe he is referring to using alternating magnets to trigger. Using both north and south pole triggers, as in his window motor circuit possibly. I'm by far not an expert, I've just built a couple to learn from. Some else may be able to clear that up better for you.
not really caring where I get my info from .... ;)
edit: this is NOT me talking, clue is in line 1 .... ;)
QuoteMemo from a non-builder (MH) to the builders:
About those pesky toroidal coils.... The most basic test that you want to be doing is checking how much current you need to saturate your core for your particular toroidal coil configuration. To my non-amazement, I have seen zero discussion about this incredibly important topic.
For a given core we know that at a certain point it will be 100% saturated. To saturate the core you can play with two variables, the amount of current going through your coil, and the number of turns of wire in your coil. Amperes x turns = "amp-turns."
For a given core a certain number of amp-turns will saturate it. Therefore high current times a few turns would be equal to low current times a lot of turns. The more turns you add the higher the resistance of the coil. The more turns you add the higher the measured inductance of the coil up until you saturate the core. The more turns you have, the lesser the required current to hit the saturation point. After the core is saturated for either case (low or high number of turns), then the inductance looks like a normal air-core inductor, where it is proportional to the square of the number of turns in your coil.
So how do you test the toroidal coil to know that it is saturated? Simple, you connect it to a variable power supply and vary the voltage while you check how must attraction you feel with an external magnet near it. The point where the attraction drops to its lowest point is your saturation point. Make a note of the voltage/current required to saturate your coil.
Probably most replicators are using a fixed 12-volt power supply and they are over-saturating their coils for no reason. It simply represents wasted energy.
For those replicators that have variable bench power supplies, then they can adjust their power supplies to the right voltage after making the proper measurements on their toroidal coils as outlined above. For those replicators that are real keeners with bench power supplies, what they can do is set up their power supplies as current sources instead of voltage sources. They can simply dial up the correct amount of current to go into their coils. This will give their motors a slight advantage in that the core will "disappear" just a little bit faster than if they set up their power supply as a voltage source.
So I hope that was a good lesson for all of your builders. Every toroidal coil you build has a certain saturation current value that you can measure. There is a very good chance that a 12-volt supply will be overkill for your toroidal coil and your best bet is to use a variable current supply to energize the coil, and using a variable voltage supply is almost as good.
Jean Nauden has been conducting these experiments as well, his youtube username is bluelightning77
here is his channel;
check it out.
Jerry ;)
Quote from: captainpecan on January 05, 2010, 03:36:44 PM
I'm sorry, I still am not seeing what you are meaning. How are you getting 1.3 watts out of 13v and 10ma before he inserts the iron? My calculations say that is .13 watts, or 130mW. Then after the amp meter drops to nothing, basically meaning less than 1 ma or so. If it was 1 ma at 13 volts, that would be .013 watts, or 13mw after the iron was inserted. I am assuming it was LESS THAN 1 ma, but we cannot tell for sure. If so, that is not far from hitting the microwatt scale.
I am not seeing how you are getting 1.3 watts? Am I looking at all this wrong, I don't think so. But feel free to feed me some crow if needed, lol.
It is 10mA after, but 100mA before, correct? I've looked at the video many times and I see a 5A full scale analog current meter.
That's 13V * 100mA = 1.3 watts
That's 13V * 10mA = 0.13 watts
Yup, you are correct. I was editing my last post when you posted this one... Like I said, I would prefer my crow cooked a little bit before I eat it! ;)
Quote from: tak22 on January 05, 2010, 03:41:35 PM
not really caring where I get my info from .... ;)
I like your talk!!! Your test is pretty good too and very simple!!!! Keep up the good work and thinking...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 03:52:02 PM
It is 10mA after, but 100mA before, correct? I've looked at the video many times and I see a 5A full scale analog current meter.
That's 13V * 100mA = 1.3 watts
That's 13V * 10mA = 0.13 watts
The way I see it it's even more than that. The current meter only has 5 subdivisions per amp, so even though he says it's a tenth of an amp it looks more like 200mA. So we're up to 2.6W without the core and ~260mW otherwise. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sorry for being off topic.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 05, 2010, 02:35:26 PM
Great work Groundloop! And great information. Just a quick question, do you think you could go magnet, toroid, coil, and test that? Not having toroids and magnets on both ends should generate some voltage, but probably not asmuch, but it would be a good test. Also, have you had the opportunity to test Gyula's idea about directing and strengtening the flux by the steel horsesoe like configuration from sets of magnets on one toroid to the other set on the opposing toroid? Thanks!!
@ all
I have ordered my new toroids last night. Al of 75 and permeability of 125. OD of .87".
I've been messing around with that type of setup. I'm using a 555 timer and an IRF630b. I have a toroid (radio shack... crappy) wound with 200+ turns of 30 AWG wire. I've wound a small pickup coil 400+ (30AWG) turns on a small bolt (3/4 inch long). The magnets I'm using (2 of them) are NEO's 1/4 inch diameter by 3 inches in length. My setup is magnet | toroid | pickup | magnet. The magnets are long enough so that they can touch each other to make a magnetic loop. I'm feeding the IRF630 with 9V going into the coil. I've been playing with the frequency a bit to find better results.
So far, not going well.... If I have the frequency around 140K Hz, I get about 24mV AC across the pickup coil. Scope showing a sine wave, but a bit choppy. I think my IRF630 may be a problem, but not certain. I'm not getting enough current through the toroid, 200 - 300 mA.
I'll try putting in more voltage later. Just wanted to let you guys know someone else is playing with a solid state version.
New from TK
Orbette 15: Generation of Power from...Nothing? According to Steorn....??
Orbette 16: The Full Version with Two Long Tall Texas Toroids
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 10:22:46 AM
Bedini wrote this? -->
"Orbo is just one variation of the monopole system, and a poor one at that."
Sounds like bedini's getting jealous.
I agree. It sounds like he is getting jealous.
Quote from: k4zep on January 05, 2010, 10:16:12 AM
Hi Paul,
People need to be patient. I think there will be breakthroughs in the understanding of how the Steorn works in our community over the next few days and they will find that it is INDEED OU. It is right in front of you, don't ignore it. You have to understand inductors, loop current in core, direction of loop current, residule magnatism, electromagnetic biasing and mechanical biasing of/from rotor, coil winding direction and a whole lot more. ALL have to be right for it to work. The motor IS a generator and a motor and it is OU. The proof will come but not first from me, but it will come. Steorn knows it is OU.....I think he has a hard time explaining it but the scope and battery voltage shows it all IF you know how to look. The only thing wrong in his demo motor is that his circuit is not robust enough to keep going and going. He has to get rid of that darn reed relay first!
So keep building gang, keep experimenting.
The problem I see is that if he gets rid of the reed switch and goes with some other switching method it would complicate the setup. With a more complex setup there would be more wires everywhere and more people would scream it's a hoax.
SteornOfficial added me as a friend on Flickr. They have a load of photos posted, of setting up on 4th and 5th of January 2010, in pretty decent quality. Check it out. (
Steorn just twittered this,
"Finally updated the flickr page ... ( "
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 07:56:04 PM
Steorn just twittered this,
"Finally updated the flickr page ... ( "
Anyone else get this email today?
Steorn invites you to visit for the second in a series of live talks and experiments regarding Orbo Technology.
Subject: Steorn's Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction COP >1
When: Friday 8th January 2010
Time: 17:00 GMT
Where: - Live Stream View 1 and 3
In person at the Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre,
Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 4, Ireland.
Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, will discuss Steorn’s Orbo electromagnetic interaction and
demonstrate that the Coefficient of Performance is greater than 1.
Who should attend:
Anyone interested in understanding Orbo Technology or taking up an Orbo Technology Developer License on 1st February 2010.
yes, received mail. also have been looking at steorncam#3 where they were setting up all day yesterday.
Quote from: esaruoho on January 05, 2010, 08:51:16 PM
yes, received mail. also have been looking at steorncam#3 where they were setting up all day yesterday.
What are the chances someone will ask 'excuse me, Mr McCarthy, why the **** can't you substitute a capacitor for the battery?
Quote from: happyfunball on January 05, 2010, 08:54:38 PM
What are the chances someone will ask 'excuse me, Mr McCarthy, why the **** can't you substitute a capacitor for the battery?
pretty slim unless if someone schedules a flight there.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 05, 2010, 03:36:44 PM
I'm sorry, I still am not seeing what you are meaning. How are you getting 1.3 watts out of 13v and 10ma before he inserts the iron? My calculations say that is .13 watts, or 130mW. Then after the amp meter drops to nothing, basically meaning less than 1 ma or so. If it was 1 ma at 13 volts, that would be .013 watts, or 13mw after the iron was inserted. I am assuming it was LESS THAN 1 ma, but we cannot tell for sure. If so, that is not far from hitting the microwatt scale.
I am not seeing how you are getting 1.3 watts? Am I looking at all this wrong, I don't think so. But feel free to feed me some crow if needed, lol.
(EDIT)... I would prefer my crow cooked slightly before I eat it... lol... I just noticed I looked at the amp meter wrong.
Sorry captan but Paul is right (even he downplay a bit) before he insert the iron was around 200mA (every section on amp meter is 200mA) and when he inserted iron went down but not to 0 looks that there is around 20mA.
First, ask Gotoluc to send you a free Rosmary Anslie PCB (if he has more left).
Then build the switch with the component values as shown in the attached
drawing. The three pot-meters must be external to the PCB for easy adjustment.
You can use almost ANY hexfet transistor as long as it is a HIGH VOLTAGE type.
You can also use a HIGH VOLTAGE bipolar transistor as shown in my drawing.
If you choose to use a high voltage bipolar npn power transistor, then you MUST
use a diode across collector and emitter as show in the drawing. If you use a
high voltage N-Type power HEXFET then the diode can be omitted since
the hexfet already has a internal diode. This is step one.
Step two. Find three ferrite TUBES that normally is used as RFI shielding around
mains cables. Remove the plastic covering around the Ferrite tubes. Now wind two
of the Ferrite tubes with as much copper wire you can get onto the core. Go back
to page 60 in this thread, post 891, and check what copper wire I used. Use the
same wire thickness and number of wires.
Step three. Find an old used and empty solder tin plastic spool. Cut off the top
and bottom of the spool, leaving a few mm of the center tubing on each top
and bottom. Epoxy one plate at each end of the third Ferrite core tube. Next,
epoxy one toroid tube (ready winded with copper wire) to each end of the plates.
You then get a setup as shown on page 59, post 874.
Step four. Now wind the generator coil with 0,5 mm wire as many turns as you
have room for between the two plastic plates. Secure with tape when done.
Step five. Solder two ends from the outer toroid cores together. The two remaining
ends connects to the RA switch output connector. Look at the attached drawing.
Connect power to the unit and try out different magnets. Adjust for best output
voltage by using paper shims between magnets and toroid cores. No need to use
the biggest Neo magnets you have. Try finding the magnets that is strong enough
for you toroids.
Hi Guys,
Not sure what you arguing over.
I guess the point is that the current draw reduces to something negligable.
I would love to replicate JBs setup and try to incorporate a generator ??
What do you think ?
Regards, Penno
Hi Groundloop,
At what frequency is your toroid turning on and off? I would think that increased frequency would produce more power on the coil and a lower frequency on the toroid, would produce less power on the coil. Have you confirmed this? Thanks!!
Does anyone in here have any tips for winding toroids?
I've heard of a method in which you first wind the copper wire around a length of material that can fit through the center of the toroid. You take this length of material and keep putting it through the center of the toroid while making each turn.
I can tune from a low audible frequency and up to a frequency that I can not hear
with the posted component values of the RA switch. Higher frequency gives more
output voltage. If I tune the base resistor down too much at high frequency then
I hear a click and the 555 timer blows up. My guess is that there is a feed back
of high voltages to the 555 output pin that blows the 555. Maybe negative. When
I find more time I will try adding a diode to the 555 output pin to prevent this.
But, yes, the output goes up in voltage at higher frequencies.
The easiest way is to use several strands of wire together at a short length of
some few meters. Then you thread all the wire strands at once. Afterward you
just solder the ends together. It is less time consuming to solder than to thread
a single wire. I used 16 strands of wire on my motor toroid and had to solder 15
of the wires. But if you want a perfect winded toroid then you use just one wire.
Thanks Groundloop!!!
I'll try building the circuit over the next day or so and see how it goes. I have alot of grade 8 alnico magnets that might work. My other neo's are way tooooo big for this (finger crushers). If I use the big neo's I may have to make a slider to adjust the distance. I'll keep everyone posted.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 05, 2010, 09:55:33 PM
The easiest way is to use several strands of wire together at a short length of
some few meters. Then you thread all the wire strands at once. Afterward you
just solder the ends together. It is less time consuming to solder than to thread
a single wire. I used 16 strands of wire on my motor toroid and had to solder 15
of the wires. But if you want a perfect winded toroid then you use just one wire.
Thanks for the tip.
I may look at winding a toroid that way.
Are there any drawbacks to that method of winding?
Also, what is the drawback to having dual layers of windings?
Well, you have to solder the wires together after you have made the windings.
I can't see any drawbacks to this. But as I said, if you want that perfect
toroid then you must go the long mile of winding a single wire. Maybe other
members have any comments on this?
Quote from: Groundloop on January 05, 2010, 09:12:29 PM
First, ask Gotoluc to send you a free Rosmary Anslie PCB (if he has more left).
Hi Groundloop and all
I still have 3 boards left! after that they are gone ;D
Get your board while you can.
email me directly your full mailing address at:
Great work you're doing here as usual Alex ;)
Hi Luc,
Thanks. :-)
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 10:16:08 AM
Just sharing what John Bedini said about orbo:
I'm disappointed in Bedini. He sounds a little childish here. You'd think he'd be glad someone is bringing free energy to a commercial reality. Something Bedini has never achieved.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 05, 2010, 09:50:38 PM
I can tune from a low audible frequency and up to a frequency that I can not hear
with the posted component values of the RA switch. Higher frequency gives more
output voltage. If I tune the base resistor down too much at high frequency then
I hear a click and the 555 timer blows up. My guess is that there is a feed back
of high voltages to the 555 output pin that blows the 555. Maybe negative. When
I find more time I will try adding a diode to the 555 output pin to prevent this.
But, yes, the output goes up in voltage at higher frequencies
Hi Groundloop,
Thank you for the answers and information you have been providing. So, I have a couple of quick thoughts...increase the frequency as high as you can design for, and second, have you tried placing ferrite or steel inside of your Generator coil to see what you might see? Thanks!!
There is already a Ferrite tube inside the generator coil. See my earlier posts.
I will add a switch to my setup. I can then use two ceramic capacitor
values with the switch so that the frequency can be varied over a wider range.
Hi Groundloop
Quote from: Groundloop on January 05, 2010, 02:20:53 PM
...I have also learned that the generator coil must be
a high turn (thin wire) coil so that we generate a LOT of voltage with almost no
current. ......
when you wind your next generator coil, maybe you can put a centre-tap in it.
Then you may want to test this arrangement again:
Quote from: Groundloop on January 05, 2010, 03:00:55 PM
With two magnets PUSHING at each other at both ends, zero volt at output.
Did try NN and SS and zero volt in both cases.
Maybe you will get "two outputs" with the centre tapped generator coil.
measuring between each end of the generator coil and it's centre.
Just a thought.
I already have a center tap at my generator coil. So I will try it out.
Looks to me like if Steorn had anything original they would run it from supercaps or a B-cap instead of a battery. A Bedini will run very well from supercaps or a B-cap. I can ever run one of mine from my EER.
I agree with John Bedini on this one.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 05, 2010, 09:48:43 AM
That is highly illogical. Science is not about waiting for people to prove things to you.
It is right but not the point. Science is people proving things to others, others verifying such things, and every body agreing one each other on facts and theory.
Besides, I have my proof that the magnetic material cooled by nearly 3°F, all of which was on video. To varying degrees this was seen numerous times in other experiments.
Science is not claiming without proof. If your assertion is not accompanied with solid evidence and all the stuff for its replication by an independant team, what you say or nothing is the same.
Magnetic cooling is not even a OU proof, it is conventional technics.
Did your experiment be replicated and confirmed? Not only the cooling but also OU?
"My" proof is lacking meaningfulness. A personnal proof is conviction or faith. A real proof is shareable.
New vid from TK
Orbette 17: More Better Magnetic Circuit Makes Baby Happy
Orbette 18: Confirmation of RPM, and Constant Current / Voltage Characteristics
Orbette 19: Scoposcopy, Artifact, RIngdown, Spike
Quote from: Omnibus on January 05, 2010, 01:32:55 PM
This shows you don't uderstand the principle of action of Sean's motor neither do you understand the character of the OU in it. If you have self-respect you should stop posting on this subject until you get acquainted well with the subject at hand and only then, if it isn't embarrassing to you, you may return to discuss further these matters.
Please stop your ridiculous speech, we are not at church listening to sectarians wanting by fallacious arguments to prohibit freedom of expression of others.
Even Steorn agrees that the expriment they presented in december is not conclusive:
"We will be conducting another live experiment this Friday - which we expect will be far more interesting than the one that we did before the Holidays."
I am a rational scientist with open mind. If Steorn gives evidence of OU in their next experiment, I will acknowledge it. But today, it is not yet done, we have no proof despite the incantations of the monks of FE.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 06, 2010, 04:07:02 AM
Please stop your ridiculous speech, we are not at church listening to sectarians wanting by fallacious arguments to prohibit freedom of expression of others.
Even Steorn agrees that the expriment they presented in december is not conclusive:
"We will be conducting another live experiment this Friday - which we expect will be far more interesting than the one that we did before the Holidays."
I am a rational scientist with open mind. If Steorn gives evidence of OU in their next experiment, I will acknowledge it. But today, it is not yet done, we have no proof despite the incantations of the monks of FE.
You don't know what you're talking about, as I indicated earlier citing a concrete example of your ignorance. Therefore, if you have even a trace of self-respect left in you, you should stop posting on this topic untill you find out what it really is all about. Coming back here to discuss it, as embarrassing as it may be to you, should occur only after you clarify for yourself how this motor works and what the methods for conclusive proving that it's OU are.
Allowing free speech doesn't mean tolerating ignorance. People have work to do here and they don't need interference and bandwidth waste by interlopers such as you who don't even care to undestand the basics of what's being discussed.
Quote from: interestedinou on January 05, 2010, 09:43:07 PM
Does anyone in here have any tips for winding toroids?
I've heard of a method in which you first wind the copper wire around a length of material that can fit through the center of the toroid. You take this length of material and keep putting it through the center of the toroid while making each turn.
You may have to make your own shuttle. I just cut a v in either end of a stiff bit of plastic.
@ Groundloop:
Maybe a good idea to move the MEG activities to a separate thread?
It's getting a bit mixed up here.
Two new videos from Bedini : ( (
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 05, 2010, 02:35:26 PM
I have ordered my new toroids last night. Al of 75 and permeability of 125. OD of .87".
Bruce, could you please check how well your ur 125 toroids attract to your permanent magnets? I understand that as relative permeability decreases the attraction of a permanent magnet will also decrease at some point. I am trying to learn how low the relative permeability of the toroid cores can be and still become fully magnetized and attracted to a neo. Exact measurement would be difficult, especially since the geometry of the toroid plays a part and you probably do not have a toroid of steel with the same dimensions. But your general observations are good enough for me now. I would just like to hear if you think the attraction of a neo to your ur 125 cores is the same or less than the attraction to steel.
Thanks for your help,
Hi Gang,
IF what Storen says is correct and that "he has not seen any of the effect in any devices shown", maybe we are looking at this motor all wrong.
IF the motor is a bi-directional field device as demonstrated by Steorn, then is it possible that this is just a very efficient A field motor due to close coupling between coil windings and magnet. IF this is a correct assumption, then the pulses should be very short, tailored to rise time of the inductance where E leads I and you want to cut off as soon as E reaches the peak before current can rise(and in those toroids, it is darn fast).
Maybe STeorn was trying to show us the square wave for that reason and we all ran in the wrong direction!. If the motor is NOT a long pulse magnetic device, the pulse does not have to be that wide as shown, it was only shown for demo purposes!
I also agree that Groundloop needs to start a separate thread for his MEG Transformer style device.
I also like the straight forward videos that John Bedini has shown, clear and concise! Thanks John.
New vid from Larskro
Steorn Orbo Rep. 6 New Trigger
so steorn guys do not intend to collect extra energy from the rotor
but from the coil circuit, right?
Quote from: tanakat on January 06, 2010, 08:47:40 AM
Two new videos from Bedini : ( (
For me it's becoming rather clear who bedini is and what's been happening to the "free energy" community for decades. Very sad, but we'll win this battle! bedini's been playing his role for decades.
Posting this as a reference on COP > 1 , even COP>3 at times.
On COP>1 especially as it relates to heat transfer systems, cooling/heating.
Something to keep in mind when using heat energy balance energy calculations as part of OU verification. Depending ofcource on the system under examination.
"A geothermal heat pump operating at COPheating 3.5 provides 3.5 units of heat for each unit of energy consumed (e.g. 1 kWh consumed would provide 3.5 kWh of output heat). The output heat comes from both the heat source and 1 kWh of input energy, so the heat-source is cooled by 2.5 kWh, not 3.5 kWh.
A heat pump of COPheating 3.5, such as in the example above, could be less expensive to use than even the most efficient gas furnace."
A heat pump cooler operating at COPcooling 2.0 removes 2 units of heat for each unit of energy consumed (e.g. such an air conditioner consuming 1 kWh would remove heat from a building's air at a rate of 2 kWh).
The COP of heat pumps (300%-350% efficient) make them much more efficient than high-efficiency gas-burning furnaces (90-99% efficient), and electric heating (100%). However, this does not always mean they are less expensive to operate. The 2008 US average price per therm (100,000 BTU) of electricity was $3.33 while the average price per therm of natural gas was $1.33.[1] Using these prices, a heat pump with a COP of 3.5 would cost $0.95[2] to provide one therm of heat, while a high efficiency gas furnace with 95% efficiency would cost $1.40[3] to provide one therm of heat. With these average prices, the heat pump costs 32% less[4] to provide the same amount of heat. The savings (if any) will depend on the actual cost of electricity and natural gas, which can both vary widely."
This coil configuration from John Bedini
runs even better with the iron tube inside the coil:
The current almost drops to zero and the rotor speeds up !
I wonder, if the magnets are attracted in the first case
to the coil or does it run without the iron core in
repelling mode ?
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 06, 2010, 11:26:24 AM
This coil configuration from John Bedini
runs even better with the iron tube inside the coil: (
The current almost drops to zero and the rotor speeds up !
I wonder, if the magnets are attracted in the first case
to the coil or does it run without the iron core in
repelling mode ?
When he puts the metal bar in the coil, the current is ~ 10mA and the voltage is ~ 13V, which is ~ 130mW. I used to be a huge bedini fan ages ago, but he's still playing these games. Ask yourself why bedini doesn't use a current meter that's more sensitive.
Coming back to the Steorn principle:
It would be interesting to test
if a series of pulses , maybe 10 pulses for only 1/5th tau ontime time intervals
with some mikroseconds of offtime between them
for one attraction cycle of the magnet versus ferrite core would help
to save input energy.
Maybe this is what Sean from Steorn will show in his next demo and what Ben was reffering to ?
This blog is few days old, (
How can the jury say what they said when they never even saw the Orbo?
>>Maybe a good idea to move the MEG activities to a separate thread?
>>I also agree that Groundloop needs to start a separate thread for his MEG
>>Transformer style device.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 06, 2010, 12:04:31 PM
>>Maybe a good idea to move the MEG activities to a separate thread?
>>I also agree that Groundloop needs to start a separate thread for his MEG
>>Transformer style device.
Sounds like you're offended. This is not what I intended to do.
My apologizes if that happened.
Your work on the MEG type is also very interesting, please continue to discuss your progress in a separate thread.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 06, 2010, 12:08:51 PM
Sounds like you're offended. This is not what I intended to do.
My apologizes if that happened.
Your work on the MEG type is also very interesting, please continue to discuss your progress in a separate thread.
Hey GroundLoop,
Hey, don't be offended that was NOT intended, I tried the MEG concept years ago and will let you find your way!, I like your energy, stay around here and I personally like your input on this Topic!!
Now I am very confused.
Here is a link from your posting Paul:
So what is going on here? What exactly did the Jury look at? Was it just a bunch of data?
There is even a hint at the Steorn reply that there may have been some problems that occured during demontration to the Jury. So the Jury was just basing its reply off of what it was given. Which showed no production of free energy.
Wow! Steorn is really doing some strange things; and their present demo does NOT show overunity while they are using a battery.
Two years of Jury work, and this whole affair is as confusing as ever. They really need to get their act together and show a real working demonstration. This is why I cannot bring myself to believe they have anything conclusive to show; because they don't so far.
I have started a new thread over here:
Not offended, just a man of few words. :-)
Well said.
Quote from: mondrasek on January 06, 2010, 09:10:29 AM
Bruce, could you please check how well your ur 125 toroids attract to your permanent magnets? I understand that as relative permeability decreases the attraction of a permanent magnet will also decrease at some point. I am trying to learn how low the relative permeability of the toroid cores can be and still become fully magnetized and attracted to a neo. Exact measurement would be difficult, especially since the geometry of the toroid plays a part and you probably do not have a toroid of steel with the same dimensions. But your general observations are good enough for me now. I would just like to hear if you think the attraction of a neo to your ur 125 cores is the same or less than the attraction to steel.
Thanks for your help,
Hi Mondrasek,
I based my values on JLN labs. The toroid he is using and is working well for him is .90" OD, wrapped with 39 feet of 26 awg wire. His permeability is 120 and is Al is I think 87. So, I got as close as I could to those values. I tried to order his exact core, but could not find it here in the U.S.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 06, 2010, 11:09:52 AM
For me it's becoming rather clear who bedini is and what's been happening to the "free energy" community for decades. Very sad, but we'll win this battle! bedini's been playing his role for decades.
Now hold on there Cowboy, I have known John Bedini probably more than 15-18 years, had lots of conversations with him and he is a upfront man. He doesn't write much but he sure walks the walk!
I too have had disagreements with him but always in a gentlemanly manner. That he has patents on his devices and will defend them should be understood, but I have to say that I disagree with your tone and implications and will be first to vouch for him as a scientist, a builder and a Free Energy expert....That we have not cracked this nut of FE in the magnetic domain makes us all grit our teeth, but lets keep it on an even keel. Sad? without JB's work, probably we wouldn't even be here talking about Free Energy!
Lets stay on topic....and I know I am as guilt as any in rambling around at times....
As you can see. When the Buz71 goes ON. The volt over A---D is only 0,05 volt. A transistor has about 1,5 volt and 2 transistors pnp/npn have 3 volt. This give 3 volt losses. Not good.
A mosfet Buz 71 need over 4 volt on the gate to go ON. Therefor the lithium lipo cell. The current to the reed and the gate is only 0,007 mAmp. This losses means nothing. The Reed will hold for ever.
Quote from: Larskro on January 06, 2010, 12:31:22 PM
As you can see. When the Buz71 goes ON. The volt over A---D is only 0,05 volt. A transistor has about 1,5 volt and 2 transistors pnp/npn have 3 volt. This give 3 volt losses. Not good.
A mosfet Buz 71 need over 4 volt on the gate to go ON. Therefor the lithium lipo cell. The current to the reed and the gate is only 0,007 mAmp. This losses means nothing. The Reed will hold for ever.
Nice little circuit, check out a IRF 1405's on resistance! Good work and good first post. Keep it up!!!!
New vid from TK
Orbette 20: Low Voltage Operation
Quote from: k4zep on January 06, 2010, 12:29:29 PM
Now hold on there Cowboy, I have known John Bedini probably more than 15-18 years, had lots of conversations with him and he is a upfront man. He doesn't write much but he sure walks the walk!
I too have had disagreements with him but always in a gentlemanly manner. That he has patents on his devices and will defend them should be understood, but I have to say that I disagree with your tone and implications and will be first to vouch for him as a scientist, a builder and a Free Energy expert....That we have not cracked this nut of FE in the magnetic domain makes us all grit our teeth, but lets keep it on an even keel. Sad? without JB's work, probably we wouldn't even be here talking about Free Energy!
Lets stay on topic....and I know I am as guilt as any in rambling around at times....
No offense captain but those 15-18 years are the reason why you are bias.
No one here trying to minimize his excellent work but he can be more open and not to try to present something perfect when is not.
I agree completely with you that we should stay focused and not favor anyone.
Sorry for the big picture. I try again.
My motor can now run under 1.2 volt. With the new trigger.
As you can see. When the Buz71 goes ON. The volt over A---D is only 0,05 volt. A transistor has about 1,5 volt and 2 transistors pnp/npn have 3 volt. This give 3 volt losses. Not good.
A mosfet Buz 71 need over 4 volt on the gate to go ON. Therefor the lithium lipo cell. The current to the reed and the gate is only 0,007 mAmp. This losses means nothing. The Reed will hold for ever.
New vid from TK
Orbette 23: Let There Be Light !!
Orbette 23a: Supplement: Battery Powered, Lighting Neon
Orbette 21
Orbette 22
Quote from: Larskro on January 06, 2010, 12:31:22 PM
As you can see. When the Buz71 goes ON. The volt over A---D is only 0,05 volt. A transistor has about 1,5 volt and 2 transistors pnp/npn have 3 volt. This give 3 volt losses. Not good.
A mosfet Buz 71 need over 4 volt on the gate to go ON. Therefor the lithium lipo cell. The current to the reed and the gate is only 0,007 mAmp. This losses means nothing. The Reed will hold for ever.
Hi Larskro,
You can use the coil's back emf to charge a capacitor via a diode to power the gate switching circuit of your mosfet and get rid of the lithium lipo cell....
Hi everyone,
just to let you know that I donated out the last 3 RA circuit boards Groundloop had professionally made and donated to me for free distribution and mailing to help anyone interested in testing the RA circuit.
Thank you once again Groundloop for your kind generosity.
Quote from: Groundloop on January 06, 2010, 01:15:39 AM
I already have a center tap at my generator coil. So I will try it out.
Hi Groundloop, I just want to second what Ben said. Please stick around on this thread as well as your new solid-state thread. We value your contributions.
If I have any updates on my motors then I will post it here.
Quote from: gotoluc on January 06, 2010, 10:09:08 PM
Hi everyone,
just to let you know that I donated out the last 3 RA circuit boards Groundloop had professionally made and donated to me for free distribution and mailing to help anyone interested in testing the RA circuit.
Thank you once again Groundloop for your kind generosity.
Thanks Groundloop and gotoluc I can't wait to get mine!
Thanks Pete
Hi Guys,
Can someone please give me an idea or circuit that allows me to capture off the massive BEMF spike genereated from the coils.
I would like to charge a cap or maybe a 12v sealed lead acid battery.
I am unsure where to tap from and where to place either a diode or bridge rectifier.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards, Penno
I think TK made a video about how to capture the spike of the back EMF from the coils in this video: , and today also posted a follow up here:
Thanks Dan, Exactly what I am after.
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: Omnibus
You don't know what you're talking about...
you should stop posting ...
if you have even a trace of self-respect left in you...
bandwidth waste by interlopers such as you...
Here is your problem:
When omnibus will be able to discuss technical points in a rational way instead of preaching, the cows will come home.
New TK vid's
Orbette 24: Principle Experiment -- The Core Neutralization Effect
Orbette 25: The LostCauses Experiment
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 07, 2010, 06:38:48 AM
Here is your problem:
When omnibus will be able to discuss technical points in a rational way instead of preaching, the cows will come home.
This can't hide your incompetence no matter how much you try to project it on others.
Hi Gang,
We are so all fired up and like to flail away at things, perhaps we should listen very closely as to what Steorn has written in the past as to how it works. IF the magnetic viscosity theory is correct, then I purpose this:
Basically, it is a time dependent because of the lead/lag in the two magnetic fields as they merge (two magnets coming togather). You speed it up QUICKLLY, SHORT PULSE, coming in at the highest interraction PEAK but displaced Field interraction time, then as it goes over TDC and a millisecond or two when fields are togather and peaked and togather/merged in time, you slow it down via generating a longer/wider but more total power area with the two coils in SERIES, that would do it.
I think it can also be done with a SPDT reed relay along with generator coils or maybe diode logic. What he has just might be OU if the timing is right. I don't know if you use the "masking or de-polarization" theory or just the "viscosity lead lag theory of generation". Short pulse speed it up on entering, longer generator drag pulse on exit should do it..........
My thought for the day
New vid from TK
Orbette 26: Orbette RUNS ON C-CELL
Orbette 27: C-cell Run Continues Without Sign of Stopping
Quote from: k4zep on January 07, 2010, 12:21:19 PM
[snip] perhaps we should listen very closely as to what Steorn has written in the past as to how it works. IF the magnetic viscosity theory is correct, then I purpose this:[snip]
I very much agree! Steorn already said everyone, including TK, is not doing it right. Maybe there's something to some of the designs posted in this thread, but I can't get what Sean said out of my head. We don't know any details about the magnets or toroid core. The toroid could even contain magnet(s). It could be transversely or longitudinally annealed. There might be an air gap inside. Same goes for the magnet. What kind of magnet is it. Steorn could have coated an ferrite or an alnico for all we know. Maybe each magnet is made up of numerous magnets oriented in various ways.
BTW, I replicated my magnet cooling effect a few days ago on an entirely different setup. ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 07, 2010, 12:43:43 PM
I very much agree! Steorn already said everyone, including TK, is not doing it right. Maybe there's something to some of the designs posted in this thread, but I can't get what Sean said out of my head. We don't know any details about the magnets or toroid core. The toroid could even contain magnet(s). It could be transversely or longitudinally aligned. There might be an air gap inside. Same goes for the magnet. What kind of magnet is it. Steorn could have coated an ferrite or an alnico for all we know. Maybe each magnet is made up of numerous magnets oriented in various ways.
BTW, I replicated my magnet cooling effect a few days ago on an entirely different setup. ;D
EXCELLENT and I totally agree with you but it might be as simple as timing before and after TDC, pwer pulse before TDC and generator pulse after TDC, simply timing and WIDTH of each pulse and of course the lack of CEMF via the mechanics of the toroid!!!!
As he has never given out the exact wireing diagram of the demo model as well as timing diagram, it does tickle the funny bone a bit. He has blarney and misdirection and ability to leave out that which is important to the technically inclined. The timing and schematic would sure help things......but what if it was that simple???? And cost $30 million!!!!
Congratulations on replicating your cooling experiment. Have you figured it out as far as repeatability?
Some skeptics have said the excess energy comes from demagnetizing the magnet. That is 100% incorrect. I don't have the reference right in front me, when a demagnetized magnet is magnetized there is a release of potential energy in the form of heat-- MCE. This is well understood by conventional physics, and is known as MCE (magnetocaloric effect). So you get X joules in wasted heat (from the battery to magnetize the magnet) and there's also Y joules in wasted heat from MCE.
So when a magnet is magnetized, all of the energy from the battery goes into heat and you get extra energy in the form of heat from MCE. This is not terrible difficult to verify experimentally. Place the magnet and magnetizing coil inside a thermal insulated chamber, monitor the amount of input energy from the power supply, and monitor the rise in temperature, then do the control experiment to get the heat capacity. You will see that the total energy in heat is greater than what came from the power supply.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 07, 2010, 01:23:44 PM
Some skeptics have said the excess energy comes from demagnetizing the magnet. That is 100% incorrect. I don't have the reference right in front me, when a demagnetized magnet is magnetized there is a release of potential energy in the form of heat-- MCE. This is well understood by conventional physics, and is known as MCE (magnetocaloric effect). So you get X joules in wasted heat (from the battery to magnetize the magnet) and there's also Y joules in wasted heat from MCE.
So when a magnet is magnetized, all of the energy from the battery goes into heat and you get extra energy in the form of heat from MCE. This is not terrible difficult to verify experimentally. Place the magnet and magnetizing coil inside a thermal insulated chamber, monitor the amount of input energy from the power supply, and monitor the rise in temperature, then do the control experiment to get the heat capacity. You will see that the total energy in heat is greater than what came from the power supply.
Hi Paul,
Not to put words in your mouth but it seems to indicate that you feel that the Steorm theory/model might work?
Does this theory explain your magnetic cooling also?
Hi Ben,
Yes, I think the cooling effect explains the Steorn cop>1 / excess energy claim. In early 2009 I documented very simple methods of detecting long term magnetic viscosity effects where a magnet could be demagnetized by a slight amount or even strengthened a bit, and when left alone the magnet would slowly recover, on the order of hours to weeks, depending on the magnet and how much it was changed. This occurs in all magnetic materials, but is easily seen in permanent magnets. So I believe the cooling effect was due to noticeable demagnetization of the NdFeB magnets, which will causes a cooling effect-- MCE. My early 2009 experiments showed that the magnet slow recovers, so that's why it would be excess energy / cop>1.
Now what I was measuring was significant temperature drops, ~ 3°F, which equates to a lot of energy, especially when we consider that the magnets were spinning at ~ 10000 rpm. BTW, the recent experiments that occurred ~ 3 days ago had nothing to do with spinning objects, where the temperature dropped 1.6°F in large NdFeB magnets. That was measured with tiny 402 SMD thermistor. So that's a lot of energy, relative to what Steorn is showing. So IMO Steorn is taking advantage of short term magnetic viscosity, on the order of milli to 100's micro seconds, and of course magnets recover just as fast for short term magnetic viscosity.
In my 1st temperature experiment the magnets were oppositely polarized, so when they're spinning at 10000 rpms over a toroid that's shorted there will be magnetic repulsive forces, which explains why the magnets degaussed a bit, and hence cooled. The recent experiments consisted of taking a ferrite rod with coil placed over a NdFeB magnets, and then shorting the coil across a 40000uF 50V capacitor, which caused the ferrite rod to repel the NdFeB. That has the same effect as slightly degaussing the NdFeB, which explains the cooling effect.
In the Steorn device the magnets would cool by such small amounts that it's probably not measurable.
Anyhow, that's at least the theory. We'll have to see if it's true.
Hi Ossie,
How's that new motor coming along ?
Has anyone been able to replicate JB's setup that required minimal current when the iron pipe was used. Wonder if his coil was merely a very long spool of enamelled wire ?
Also wonder if his bipolar switch is like Ossie's coil switching circuit - though he uses a H/E sensor.
Any thoughts.
Regards, Penno.
Quote from: penno64 on January 07, 2010, 02:18:27 PM
Hi Ossie,
How's that new motor coming along ?
Has anyone been able to replicate JB's setup that required minimal current when the iron pipe was used. Wonder if his coil was merely a very long spool of enamelled wire ?
Also wonder if his bipolar switch is like Ossie's coil switching circuit - though he uses a H/E sensor.
Any thoughts.
Regards, Penno.
my best with minimum
1 fan rotor
1 coil 55.5 ohm
1 reed
2 battery D 3 volt
consumption 12- 15 milliamps 0.045 W? (3x0.015)
HIGH VOLTAGE inductive kick back oscillation when reed open 300V (5v div x 10 attenuation x6 div), you can easy light a neon lamp.
Hello and Happy New Year to all
I apologize for this certainly horrible English, but Google's results. ;)
I am passionately developing this engine and I think you made an impressive work.
Tinselkoala videos are superb and he implemented some ideas that I had.
The videos also Callanan was superb but since the rotor changed nothing
Ask Callanan: The new rotor is as promising as it is the old?
Could Steorn be using magnetic wire with the toroid being an air core? The magnetic wire will allow a good attraction force for the rotor magnets while a low pulse of current could saturate this magnetic wire to let the rotor magnets pass the toroid.
Please correct me where I am wrong. I am only making assumptions and throwing out ideas from what I have observed.
1) The rotor magnets in the Orbo have quite a bit of distance to the outside wire layer of the toroid, which would diminish the attractive force to the inner core.
2) The more layers you have on the toroid means even more distance between the core and rotor magnets, which would diminish the attractive force even more.
3) There is no way the rotor magnets at these distances from the core with a very slight attractive force could possibly help the pulse of current to saturate the core to allow the rotor magnets to pass. The pulse of current will be doing almost all of the work in this case.
With a magnetic wire, these problems are not an issue even if the rotor magnets have a distance to the outside layer of the toroid since the magnets will be attracted to the very first outside wire layer. The rotor magnets in this case will help to saturate the magnetic wire, allowing for less input energy for the pulse of current to let the magnets pass by. This allows the magnets to do most of the work. If the magnets do more work than the pulse of current, then you have OU.
Any thoughts on this?
Quote from: gravityblock on January 07, 2010, 07:05:14 PM
Could Steorn be using magnetic wire with the toroid being an air core? The magnetic wire will allow a good attraction force for the rotor magnets while a low pulse of current could saturate this magnetic wire to let the rotor magnets pass the toroid.
Please correct me where I am wrong. I am only making assumptions and throwing out ideas from what I have observed.
1) The rotor magnets in the Orbo have quite a bit of distance to the outside wire layer of the toroid, which would diminish the attractive force to the inner core.
2) The more layers you have on the toroid means even more distance between the core and rotor magnets, which would diminish the attractive force even more.
3) There is no way the rotor magnets at these distances from the core with a very slight attractive force could possibly help the pulse of current to saturate the core to allow the rotor magnets to pass. The pulse of current will be doing almost all of the work in this case.
With a magnetic wire, these problems are not an issue even if the rotor magnets have a distance to the outside layer of the toroid since the magnets will be attracted to the very first outside wire layer. The rotor magnets in this case will help to saturate the magnetic wire, allowing for less input energy for the pulse of current to let the magnets pass by. This allows the magnets to do most of the work. If the magnets do more work than the pulse of current, then you have OU.
Any thoughts on this?
Interesting observation. Ordering some nylon coated steel wire (0.018" Dia). It's crafting wire. I'll try a test when it comes in.
The following is on Steorn's front page.
Next Talk: "Steorn's Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction COP > 1"
Friday 8th Jan 17:00GMT on Live Stream Views 1 & 3 or in person at the Waterways Center
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 07, 2010, 12:43:43 PM
I very much agree! Steorn already said everyone, including TK, is not doing it right. Maybe there's something to some of the designs posted in this thread, but I can't get what Sean said out of my head. We don't know any details about the magnets or toroid core. The toroid could even contain magnet(s). It could be transversely or longitudinally annealed. There might be an air gap inside. Same goes for the magnet. What kind of magnet is it. Steorn could have coated an ferrite or an alnico for all we know. Maybe each magnet is made up of numerous magnets oriented in various ways.
BTW, I replicated my magnet cooling effect a few days ago on an entirely different setup. ;D
Anyway Paul - even if TK & rest of the "gang" are not replicating orbo properly - still they are so many ideas that existing systems can be improved - not to mentioned more "bones" for new brains. :-)
Quote from: gravityblock on January 07, 2010, 07:05:14 PM
Could Steorn be using magnetic wire with the toroid being an air core? The magnetic wire will allow a good attraction force for the rotor magnets while a low pulse of current could saturate this magnetic wire to let the rotor magnets pass the toroid.
Please correct me where I am wrong. I am only making assumptions and throwing out ideas from what I have observed.
1) The rotor magnets in the Orbo have quite a bit of distance to the outside wire layer of the toroid, which would diminish the attractive force to the inner core.
2) The more layers you have on the toroid means even more distance between the core and rotor magnets, which would diminish the attractive force even more.
3) There is no way the rotor magnets at these distances from the core with a very slight attractive force could possibly help the pulse of current to saturate the core to allow the rotor magnets to pass. The pulse of current will be doing almost all of the work in this case.
With a magnetic wire, these problems are not an issue even if the rotor magnets have a distance to the outside layer of the toroid since the magnets will be attracted to the very first outside wire layer. The rotor magnets in this case will help to saturate the magnetic wire, allowing for less input energy for the pulse of current to let the magnets pass by. This allows the magnets to do most of the work. If the magnets do more work than the pulse of current, then you have OU.
Any thoughts on this?
I tried to start a conversation on this topic over on the Steorn forum last month:
I didn't get much feedback.
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 02:08:35 PM
I think you guys should watch this video from Bedini:
He clearly states what I said a few pages before about the A field. I am more convinced now that that is the case based on the speed increase from some replicators here.
Is that what JB was using, simply a coil of wire with no core (air core) ???
A, Penno
--just found a pure generator design that seems to be working on a principle some what like the Steorn motor, but in a pure generator form.
Here are the links >\ButchLaFonte\Switcher\
Hi Guys,
Just replaced the ferrite toroids with a couple of large pinball machine solenoid coils (No core).
Amazing that it runs so well and with negligable current.
I am still using my Hall Effect sensor and IRF540N fet and have been running this motor from a near dead (9v no load) 12v SLA battery, feeding the spike back into battery via a large diode.
Let you know how long she runs.
Kind Regards, Penno.
p.s. that JB is a wizz!
Orbette C29: Running on AA Battery; Orbette Charges a C-Cell
I was thinking about a copper-plated iron wire. They use this for the center conductor wire in some RG-6 co-axial cable. The copper for the conductivity and the iron for the magnetic attraction. The losses shouldn't be much different than a normal solid copper wire and the iron should be easy to saturate.
I have some copper-plated iron wire from the center wire of a RG-6 coaxial cable and it has a fairly good amount of magnetic attraction from a small single piece of wire. We can't use the center wire from the RG-6 coax because it has no outside insulation after you strip the bare wire. I'm using the coax as an example only.
The ideal case would be a wire with an inner core made of a soft iron, then a thin coating of insulation, then copper with another thin insulating material over this copper.
Hi Guys,
I think we should look at controlling the pulse.
Rather than rely on the H/E sensor or Reed switch, we should use this pulse to trigger a 555 and set the width of the coil pulse.
This would allow for more fine tuning.
I know that with the H/E sensor, you can back it away and adjust the coil pulse or even place it on a slight angle.
Using a 555 should allow us to have total control of the pulse. see this guys PWM at allt-nrg.
Regards, Penno
TK Vid's
Orbette 28: More Low Voltage, Timing Adjustment Mechanism
;D Hi TK ! I just seen your orbette 30! ... I am one of the followers (up to now silently) reading this forum and rejoycing on the "about to happen" (I hope) paradigm shift that Steorn's, your's and all the other replicating / investigating people in here (including the other ideas, like the tpu replication from agentgates) are trying to achieve.
I just wanted to say to you and everyone that is actually replicating and investigating the concept behind Steorn's demo. Congratulations, man!! Cheers!. Excellent work!.
Now, just a side note. Can you find a way to do exactly the same but without the timing / Switching circuit powered by the external 9v battery. I think that for a replication it would be necessary to erase that "variable". Maybe you can grab again the reed concept (I know it sucks, but is mechanical / magnetical) from steorn ?
salute! Enrique.
Yep, without a Reed, energy still may come from the 9V. It's a step needed to take.
On Steorn site on webcam 1 the orbo is running like crazy with what seems to be just one AAA cell.
@sigmaX TK vid's, not Powercat,TK is not here.
another bottle of whiskey for TK! ;D
Quote from: danmarius7 on January 08, 2010, 06:28:34 AM
Yep, without a Reed, energy still may come from the 9V. It's a step needed to take.
On Steorn site on webcam 1 the orbo is running like crazy with what seems to be just one AAA cell.
I see it much bigger (AA, R14?).
Can someone hypothesizes why using such a high capacity battery when it is (supposedly) perpetually refueled? A button cell or a capacitor (not even a supercapacitor) should be enough.
Quote from: danmarius7 on January 08, 2010, 06:28:34 AM
Yep, without a Reed, energy still may come from the 9V. It's a step needed to take.
On Steorn site on webcam 1 the orbo is running like crazy with what seems to be just one AAA cell.
The following circuit will allow a hall and mosfet switching without the need for a reed switch or additional higher voltage battery to power the switching. Only an initial pulse from a battery greater then 4.5V to charge the capacitor and the circuit will keep the capacitor charged using the back emf from the coil/coils at a higher voltage then the coil driving battery which maybe only 1-3V.
If you also had generator coils, you could just spin the rotor by hand to initially charge the cap up over 4.5V, instead of using another battery, and once the motor starts running it will self power the switching circuit.
I have been using this circuit and it works well.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 08, 2010, 06:57:59 AM
I see it much bigger (AA, R14?).
Can someone hypothesizes why using such a high capacity battery when it is (supposedly) perpetually refueled? A button cell or a capacitor (not even a supercapacitor) should be enough.
Impedance of battery. Large Cap and very small battery should work though.
Just checked ORBO site, they have reschuled the demo to later next week due to the weather!!!!!
Has anyone ever wondered what that knob that looks like a micrometer handle does on top of that machine. I always assumed it was for timing adjustment, but I wonder if it is a loading adjustment to adjust the phases of the two fields? Also, they have $7-800 dollars of plastic in that thing on Ch. 1, man it is massive!
See my video: twenty hours with one NiMh accu.
Quote from: k4zep on January 08, 2010, 08:47:27 AM
Just checked ORBO site, they have reschuled the demo to later next week due to the weather!!!!!
Has anyone ever wondered what that knob that looks like a micrometer handle does on top of that machine. I always assumed it was for timing adjustment, but I wonder if it is a loading adjustment to adjust the phases of the two fields? Also, they have $7-800 dollars of plastic in that thing on Ch. 1, man it is massive!
Hi Ben,
The Micrometer a Mitutoyo Micrometer head series 149 carbide tipped, can be used to adjust the ceramic ball ( as contact surface to the top of the vertical rotor shaft) So the “sweet spot†of the magnetic bearing relative positions can be finely adjusted.
Yes, that can be an expensive setup for the avg builder.
In the other video just the DPO 7104 new, would run you well into the high 20k or low 30K USD depending on options. Pretty high end equipment and way out of reach for the avg builder out there.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your contibutions
Quote from: mikestocks2006 on January 08, 2010, 12:30:05 PM
Hi Ben,
The Micrometer a Mitutoyo Micrometer head series 149 carbide tipped, can be used to adjust the ceramic ball ( as contact surface to the top of the vertical rotor shaft) So the “sweet spot†of the magnetic bearing relative positions can be finely adjusted.
Yes, that can be an expensive setup for the avg builder.
In the other video just the DPO 7104 new, would run you well into the high 20k or low 30K USD depending on options. Pretty high end equipment and way out of reach for the avg builder out there.
I hope this helps.
Thanks for your contibutions
Thanks Mike,
There is one of the DPO7104's on Ebay for $14,999.00. I have found as an old retired Tec, you can get real deals on EBAY if you shop carefully. My pockets are not as deep as Steorn's! I purchased a good as new Fluke PM3394B about a year ago after my old Tectonics gave up the ghost for $250.00, cost about 5 grand new and works perfectly. (I like Fluke test Equipment) Sure it is a few years old but it had to sat on a shelf and not used much at a school. You can get good Fluke DVM's 5 and 6 digit for 50-60 bucks for those close measurements. You might have to come up with a power coard and test leads but heck, they were 4-700 dollars new and work great. Same for HP pluse and signal generators.....VERY GOOD OLD STUFF OUT THERE!!!!
Just letting those know that are on a limited budget you can get good equipment, you just have to be picky and when you find a good one, use a automated bidding software program to bid at the last min.
Thanks for the info about the bearing/adjuster and I assume a magnetic load bearing at the bottom for absolute minimum drag! Excellent fix for a "touchy" adjustment situation!
I read somewhere that Steorn said there were two ways to use this unique system, wonder what the other is??? The "A" field as used must really be a low power system as shown but spin it it does as that is the requirement to get the magnetic shift and no CEMF. I wonder how long it takes the demo unit to get up to speed!
Here is a small experiment I just carried out :
A generator outputing a sinusoidal signal (tests performed from 1 Khz to 100 Khz) is connected to a toroidal coil on a ferrite core.
A small single test loop around the toroid, thus acting as secondary of a toroidal transformer and connected to an oscilloscope, permits to monitor the signal. We can shift it around the tore. We observe that the signal does not depend on the position of the loop (classical result, emf depends only on the flux through the loop, which is constant in the torus).
A second magnetic circuit consists of a coil wound around a large piece of ferrite shaped in U and allows to monitor magnetic leakage from the first circuit. Nothing at the oscilloscope, the magnetic field is well confined in the toroid.
Now I apply a stack of powerful neodymium magnets against the circumference of the toroid.
(photo here, test loop not shown:
It follows that the emf recovered by the test loop now depends on its position around the toroid. There is a ratio of 1 (near the magnet) up to 2 (diametrically opposed to the magnet).
I also observe now a strong signal from my second circuit.
Possible explanation:
As seen in Naudin's measures, the magnet acts onto the ferrite permeability. But the permeability is no more constant throughout the torus due to the fact that near the magnet the permeability is less than on the other side. Due to this permeability gradient, the magnetic flux in the toroid is no longer constant, which explains that the test loop emf is position dependant. But the flux being conservative, this means there is magnetic leakage. Because of the low permeability near the magnet, the flux lines not closed inside the toroid, close up outside. This is confirmed by the strong signal received by the external circuit only when the toroid is polarized by the magnet.
Contrary to Naudin's suggestion about the motor, there is thus reaction between the magnet rotor and the toroidal coil when the magnet is close enough to change the toroid permeability. A permeability gradient in a toroid core induces magnetic leakage. The setup becomes classical, with repulsion of the magnet by the leakage field. Thus Lenz's Law applies.
For the basic idea to be feasible (without prejudging the outcome), i.e no direct interaction between the magnet and the toroid coil during the current pulse, it is necessary that the magnet moves near the toroid while maintaining a uniform permeability. I do not really see how we could succeed in this feat with a rotation of the magnet. Only a translation keeping the magnetic axis of the magnet concentric with the geometrical axis of the toroid would be suitable. Nevertheless Steorn motor configuration, even though it is a rotation, is probably closer to this ideal case than Naudin, perhaps by using smaller toroids and farther magnets in order to reduce the permeability gradient in the toroid core.
There was som bugs in the first diagram.
This one works.
See video: 7 Twenty hours on 1,25 volt.
This motor.
Quote from: callanan on January 08, 2010, 07:09:25 AM
The following circuit will allow a hall and mosfet switching without the need for a reed switch or additional higher voltage battery to power the switching. Only an initial pulse from a battery greater then 4.5V to charge the capacitor and the circuit will keep the capacitor charged using the back emf from the coil/coils at a higher voltage then the coil driving battery which maybe only 1-3V.
If you also had generator coils, you could just spin the rotor by hand to initially charge the cap up over 4.5V, instead of using another battery, and once the motor starts running it will self power the switching circuit.
I have been using this circuit and it works well.
Hi Ossie,
Do you have a self running magnet motor?
Thank you,
While finishing up my replication, I had an interesting thought that maybe we have not thought as much about as we should. We've been pushing for as high of rpms as possible on as little current and voltage possible. That's fine, and surely what we want to do. But, when we see TK's great replication, we are looking at a 2 coil system doing near 800 rpms on 1.2 volts, but the current is still kinda high. Ossie is getting great rpms on low current which is fantastic, yet he is using 4 coils as compared to TK's 2 coils, and seems to have many more turns on the coils. But look at the Orbo. They are getting between 800 to 1200 rpms, no clue on the current draw as of yet, but running it at 1.2 volts. What I'm pointing out is that they are using 8 coils to do it.
The point in this obvious observation is this... Steorn has said, and I cannot find the exact quote, but they have said that every replication they have seen is not correct, and that all the replications are running on emf pulses... Or something to that effect, I cant find the quote. But Sean was basically saying our replications are pushing the rotor along like a pulse motor. What if he is simply trying to say that we are supposed to only have enough pulse width to break the attraction for a split second, and no more. If the replications we are seeing right now did this, the rpms would be really low, but the current draw would be next to nothing. Steorn's Orbo combats the low rpms by simply adding more toroidal coils. They are using 8, and none of our replications are using that many that I have seen. It is possible if we had more toroidal coils, then we could pulse it for a much shorter period of time, and end up with 800 rpms. It would then use much less current, and be able to recover a greater percentage back from the recovery circuit. Basically just pulsing at the peak of the inductance change, and just enough to neutralize the attraction for a split second. Not much power, but a small increase in kinetic energy, adding up with many toroidal coils.
Just a thought... Maybe we are expecting to much, with to little coils. Maybe 2 toroidal coils would barely run at all when tuned properly.
Cam1 & 2 are still showing the orbo spinning and have not heard anyone say there was a swap yet.
Has anyone seen whether or not they have the pickup coils hooked up this time? I may have missed it in the last demo, but when I was watching it during the demo, they did not even have the 3rd wire ran to the battery, that all the schematics show is needed for the design. Now maybe I simply missed them hooking it up last time, but even in the images I've seen posted showing the battery, the third red wire is not hooked up.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 08, 2010, 06:36:57 PM
Hi Ossie,
Do you have a self running magnet motor?
Thank you,
Hi Bruce.
Unfortuanately no. There is still a long way to go yet. At least for me.
What I have learnt is the basic effect that drives the rotor in Steorn's motor is no where as efficient as normal pulse motors that I have made. But their theory of not have CEMF has merit and OU potential.
My coils do have some CEMF. As the rpms increase then there will be a point or a symmetry in the whole process where the CEMF will prevent the rpms from getting any higher. Steorn claims they have NO CEMF at all in their motors. If this is true then ideally, regardless of the initial efficiency of the motor, the symmetry is broken and ideally the RPMs will increase infinately.
This is how I see a way that their motor can become OU. As the RPMs increase past the normal break even point of the most efficient pulse motor, the OU energy will start to be stored in the rotor as it acts as a flywheel. When you take energy out of the rotor the rpms will decrease so then you will have to turn the gen coils off and let it build some OU energy back up in the rotor flywheel. This is what I am thinking of at the moment.
But as long as you have even a little CEMF, then the symmetry cannot be broken. So I am thinking that coils a fewer turns as possible can further reduce the CEMF down to nothing but you will have to deal with the current then by very small pulse widths. So it looks like you will need many coils of few turns, at least eight as they have shown, to give enough thrust to drive the rotor but keep the CEMF down to zero. Then you will break the symmetry and the rotor can begin to increase it's RPMs, to very high values if not ideally infinately...
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 08, 2010, 01:42:30 PM
Possible explanation:
As seen in Naudin's measures, the magnet acts onto the ferrite permeability. But the permeability is no more constant throughout the torus due to the fact that near the magnet the permeability is less than on the other side. Due to this permeability gradient, the magnetic flux in the toroid is no longer constant, which explains that the test loop emf is position dependant. But the flux being conservative, this means there is magnetic leakage. Because of the low permeability near the magnet, the flux lines not closed inside the toroid, close up outside. This is confirmed by the strong signal received by the external circuit only when the toroid is polarized by the magnet.
In such case, one should see a very large CEMF induced in the coil, as the fields are no more confined in the core and the core has non-uniform permeability. (as if one part air and other iron). But we see negligible CEMF in original orbo and its replications.
Have you tried saturating the core, and checking the effect of magnets ?
I'm guessing that after saturating, these classical effects will disappear, you will see no gradients and there should be no leakage.
Saturation and a sharp hysteresis is the key component here.
So far I've seen that all replicators are turning on the current at TDC, after reading your post, I feel that it should be advantageous to turn it on before magnet reaches the core, so that the core disappears before magnet gets a chance to introduce gradients and leakages in it.
Quote from: Omega_0 on January 09, 2010, 04:00:37 AM
So far I've seen that all replicators are turning on the current at TDC, after reading your post, I feel that it should be advantageous to turn it on before magnet reaches the core, so that the core disappears before magnet gets a chance to introduce gradients and leakages in it.
Well, to be honest, with my replication, if I fire it just before TDC, I get the most rpms out of it. I'm not positive but I think there is a trade off there. If you fire it before TDC, you may get more rpms out of it, but you may only be able to recover a smaller percentage of the energy back out of the coil, due to inductance change between on time and off time. I think there is a delicate balance here that none of us have quite hit just right yet. I think with our replications, we may need to give up rpms, so we can recover more energy used to drive the circuit. Then get the rpms back by increasing the number toroidal coils, thus increasing the overall torque also, and increasing the inductance which should also give even more recovery energy used to power the system. I think I said that right... It's a bit harder to verbalize. This is all my theory anyway. We'll just have to wait and see.
There is a very simple reason why it doesn't increase in RPM infinitely even with no CEMF. At a certain RPM, then the pulse width will be so short that the reed switch will be continuously on. A higher RPM means the coils are more on than off and won't be able to keep up.
OU doesn't mean the motor will run at an infinite speed. Putting more fuel in your car doesn't make it run faster, it just makes it run longer. Want your car to run faster then build a bigger engine.
Here may be how to increase the RPM while maintaining peak operating efficiency.
Eight coils connected in series with multiple reed switches in the system. Only 1 reed switch will be used at any given time while each reed switch can pulse all of the coils. Alternate the reed switch being used. This will allow us to reach a higher RPM without the switch being continuously on. Again, there is a limit here and in doing this we have increased this limit. We could also use the more than one reed concept to have a constant torque as someone else here suggested earlier in this thread. A larger diameter rotor would be a plus so the coils aren't continuously on due to the short pulse durations and higher RPM's.
Like I said, want it to run faster then build it bigger. One or two coils as you suggested isn't going to cut it. Likewise, adding more switches and increasing the diameter of the rotor should make it more efficient and powerful at higher RPM's with less input energy.
Drawing V2.1
The 500k ohm can adjust the speed on the motor. The one end is free.
YAAAAAAAAAAY! Got my first one running! Thankyou Ossie! Vid to follow.
can i ask, what gauge of wire are you using on your 100 turns- trigger coil?
David. D
Quote from: rave154 on January 09, 2010, 06:55:51 AM
can i ask, what gauge of wire are you using on your 100 turns- trigger A?
David. D
Hi David,
I don't remember or know the guage of wire. The spool's label fell off a long time ago. It looks about 0.3mm to me. Sorry I can't be more specific.
Hi All,
Please see my latest interesting video.
New vid from TK
Orbette C31: Battery Charging, Low Voltage Operation, Scoposcopy
Quote from: callanan on January 09, 2010, 07:36:50 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest interesting video.
Hi Ossie,
So you are trying to improve this motor setup by bringing in an extra repel force from the facing repel magnets when the core is brought into saturation, I think a very good idea!
Hopefully the washer will not introduce too much eddy current loss. Maybe thin enough ferrite washers also exist somewhere.
Thanks, Gyula
I'm impressed with your latest video. Enough turns to saturate the core to let the magnets pass by but not many layers which decreases the distance from the core to the rotor magnets for better attraction between them.
Oh, thank you for your winding technique you posted earlier in this thread. Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
Vid of my first working motor. based on @callanan switching circuit. Thanks again Ossie. :)
Here is a data sheet such ferrite "washer" exist, obviously this is one sudden find, many other manufacturers should have thin ferrite rings.
From the link below, for instance
OD ID h (in mm)
T 12 x 5.5 x 3
T12.7 x 7.9 x 5
T 18 x 10 x 4
All in case the metal washer may introduce eddy current losses.
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: Jimboot on January 09, 2010, 08:55:12 AM
Vid of my first working motor. based on @callanan switching circuit. Thanks again Ossie. :)
I got: This video is private.
I carried out new measurements today on permeability change of toroid cores under magnetic fields from permanent magnets.
There is change of the permeability viewed from the coil only when resultant components of the magnet field saturate the core somewhere along circles that pass inside the torus and have the same center as the torus.
When the field from permanent magnets is transverse to the toroid plane along the whole core, there is no change of the permeability viewed from the coil (same inductance).
Thus the permeability change due to saturation depends on the direction of the field. Permeability is not isotropic.
There must be some alignment of the magnetic domains along the circles in the torus in order to obtain an effect on the inductance. Only in this case a current in the coil will repel the magnet or prevent it to be attracted back. But as viewed yesterday, this implies action/reaction between the magnet and the coil, and Lenz's law applies.
When the magnet field is uniformly perpendicular to the plane of the torus, a current in the coil causes no force onto the magnet, because the two fields have independant actions. Even though the magnet aligns the magnetic domains in a transverse plane and saturates the core in this direction, the field due to the current in the coil can still rotate them because there is no saturation in its own direction.
The "Steorn effect" (if real) cannot be due to a simply handle of the permeability as asserted by JL Naudin.
This is a rather interesting exchange
Sean Vs TK
Hey Sean, replace the battery with a capacitor....
Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery.
alsetalokin's (TinselKoala's) feeble attempts to debunk eOrbo as an OU are to be ignored altogether. Those vids are a sheer waste of time and bandwidth. If he were serious he knows very well what experiments need to be performed regarding OU instead of the joke he is presenting now. Ignore him.
It has been my experience TK is not a creep[didn't say you said that]
He is a huge [REDICULOUSLY HUGE]asset to this community and will "man up" [do the right thing]
If and when that time comes.
That Alsetalokin guy on the other hand??[He might be Creepy]
Quote from: Omnibus on January 09, 2010, 10:11:38 AM
alsetalokin's (TinselKoala's) feeble attempts to debunk eOrbo as an OU are to be ignored altogether. Those vids are a sheer waste of time and bandwidth. If he were serious he knows very well what experiments need to be performed regarding OU instead of the joke he is presenting now. Ignore him.
I have to disagree. I feel that anyone who actually builds, and gives it a go, has earned the right to be skeptical. It's not like milehigh, that was just spouting off to top of head about stuff he had never tested in real life. TK has given this a strong go. And he has been surprised more than once with what he has accomplished with the Orbo. BUT, if he feels he wants to be a bit of a thorn in Steorn's side, and pop tough questions, I think he has earned that right. I still hope the Orbo turns out to be the answer, I'm not saying otherwise. Just that I feel I've got to back TK on this one. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, the man has earned the right to bitch!
Quote from: happyfunball on January 09, 2010, 09:37:30 AM
This is a rather interesting exchange
Sean Vs TK (
Hey Sean, replace the battery with a capacitor....
Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery.
You guys are aware that it is a fact that TK is "alsetalokin." And you are aware that TK / alsetalokin dislikes Sean & Steorn like the plague, or at least that's the signs he's clearly shown in the past, for anyone who has read some of the things alsetalokin said about Sean. That's why I've tried to get people here to be cautious about giving TK a hip hip hurray because he'll get everyone's hopes up and then drop you like a ton of bricks.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 09, 2010, 10:51:09 AM
I have to disagree. I feel that anyone who actually builds, and gives it a go, has earned the right to be skeptical. It's not like milehigh, that was just spouting off to top of head about stuff he had never tested in real life. TK has given this a strong go. And he has been surprised more than once with what he has accomplished with the Orbo. BUT, if he feels he wants to be a bit of a thorn in Steorn's side, and pop tough questions, I think he has earned that right. I still hope the Orbo turns out to be the answer, I'm not saying otherwise. Just that I feel I've got to back TK on this one. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, the man has earned the right to bitch!
alsetalokin (Tinsel Koala) is putting on an act of being surprised more than once. He hasn't been surprised one bit. That's part of his subversive game. That fellow, being a zealous activist, is one of the most cunning enemies of the efforts of the OU movement and should not be given one bit of a credit. You may recall the hoax he perpetrated with his Whipmag. That was part of the same strategy those who use him (and may be pay him) to discourage people from studying overunity. Take a look at his current 30 or so videos. Does any one of them have anything to do with studying OU? None of these vids has. These are just videos made by the said zealous activist to pool wool over peoples' eyes, to distract them to divert them from their pursuit in this new, non-mainstream field of science. Beware of clowns such as alsetalokin (Tinsel Koala). He deserves no credit at all.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 09, 2010, 10:51:09 AM
I have to disagree. I feel that anyone who actually builds, and gives it a go, has earned the right to be skeptical.
That not the issue at hand. TK started out being a skeptic and judged Sean & Steorn. I've shown that modern skepticism is inefficient and flawed. Imagine being in court and the entire jury immediately from the start judged you and believed you were guilty. That my friend is what modern skepticism has become. A truth-seeking object person will *wait* for the data to come in before judging. TK / alsetalokin has judged Sean & Steorn heavily before he built anything! And take a look at his conversation with Sean today, as a few key sentences clearly shows TK's harsh judgment, and hence TK's intent.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 09, 2010, 11:29:43 AM
alsetalokin (Tinsel Koala) is putting on an act of being surprised more than once. He hasn't been surprised one bit. That's part of his subversive game. That fellow, being a zealous activist, is one of the most cunning enemies of the efforts of the OU movement and should not be given one bit of a credit. You may recall the hoax he perpetrated with his Whipmag. That was part of the same strategy those who use him (and may be pay him) to discourage people from studying overunity. Take a look at his current 30 or so videos. Does any one of them have anything to do with studying OU? None of these vids has. These are just videos made by the said zealous activist to pool wool over peoples' eyes, to distract them to divert them from their pursuit in this new, non-mainstream field of science. Beware of clowns such as alsetalokin (Tinsel Koala). He deserves no credit at all.
How true indeed, unfortunately. By Joe, you might be the 1st person I've met on this forum who "Gets It!" :)
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 09, 2010, 09:11:02 AM
There must be some alignment of the magnetic domains along the circles in the torus in order to obtain an effect on the inductance. Only in this case a current in the coil will repel the magnet or prevent it to be attracted back. But as viewed yesterday, this implies action/reaction between the magnet and the coil, and Lenz's law applies.
The action is the pulse of current and the reaction from this pulse of current is the core disappearing and is no longer seen by the magnet. This allows the magnet to pass by without a CEMF because there is no
net EMF from the coil acting on the magnet
s, thus Lenz's law does not apply but Newton's Third law still holds.
Ossie has noted and I agree with him about pulsing the toroid before the magnet reaches TDC in regards to how we are replicating. When first pulsing the toroid at TDC, the magnetic field is not yet contained within the core and will act on the magnet and generate a CEMF as the magnet departs from TDC. Pulse the toroid slightly before TDC, then most of the magnetic field will be inside the saturated core before the magnet passes by without slowing it down after departing. Yes, you will lose a little bit of attraction force and speed when pulsing it slightly before TDC. Either way we will have a CEMF in the current way we are replicating from what I have seen. The Steorn camp can look at any replication and be able to tell if it has CEMF or not because they know the principals behind the operation of this device.
Here is the key. Pulse it at TDC. This way you retain all of the speed the rotor gained due to being attracted to the core. The
pair of magnet
s will use Newton's Third law and cancel the CEMF as the magnets depart from TDC. One rotor magnet will be attracted to the magnetic field from the pulse while the other magnet will be repelled by the magnetic field that has yet to be contained within the core with an equal force, thus canceling each other out and eliminating nearly all of the CEMF without a loss in speed.
The important factor with the core is for it to have good attraction force, can contain most of the flux from the pulse (permeability), the domains are easy to turn so it can be saturated quickly with less current and it doesn't retain any magnetism after being unenergized.
The pair of magnets won't even begin to saturate the core if they have the same pole facing the toroid, thus the core doesn't lose it's attraction force as the magnets approach.
I will run down what I believe will consist of a successful replication.
1) Use more than a few coils as Ossie suggested.
2) Use more than one reed switch or whatever your choice will be for a reed substitute and alternate between them.
3) Do not use a single rotor magnet. Use them in pairs. There is a very good reason for this.
4) Put a backing plate behind these pairs of magnets. The pair of magnets may not be alternating in poles and this would cancel the CEMF both on the approach and departure with the core. If they're not alternating in poles, then the backing plate will increase the attraction force.
I don't have it all figured out yet, but it's starting to become clear on how this system operates. Use Newton's Third law to overcome the CEMF and defeat lenz.
Below is a quick video I made a while back explaining magnetic shielding. It also applies to saturation and permeability. I used a piece of mu-metal with 2 strong neo magnets attached to one side of the metal. When both neo's had the same pole face attached to the metal, the screwdriver was still attracted to the other side of the metal. This means the flux was going through or around the metal piece to the other side and was not containing the flux. This is what we want so the core doesn't lose attraction force to the magnets as they approach. It also allows both magnets to cancel the CEMF on their departure from the coil after it's been pulsed.
When both neo's had opposite poles attached to the mu-metal, then the screwdriver was no longer attracted to the other side of the metal. This would suggest that the mu-metal was containing all of the flux and it canceled the attraction force on the other side of the mu-metal. We don't want this as our magnets approach the core because it means we lose our attraction force as the magnets get closer in their approach to the core. It also won't allow us to cancel the CEMF on the departure.
Quote from: happyfunball on January 09, 2010, 11:47:55 AM
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 09, 2010, 11:32:34 AM
That not the issue at hand. TK started out being a skeptic and judged Sean & Steorn. I've shown that modern skepticism is inefficient and flawed. Imagine being in court and the entire jury immediately from the start judged you and believed you were guilty. That my friend is what modern skepticism has become. A truth-seeking object person will *wait* for the data to come in before judging. TK / alsetalokin has judged Sean & Steorn heavily before he built anything! And take a look at his conversation with Sean today, as a few key sentences clearly shows TK's harsh judgment, and hence TK's intent.
I agree.
Thank you. :)
I just wrote the following comment to TK,
QuoteTK, TK, TK, your scope shots are not comparable to the Steorn's. Also, Steorn showed a closeup of their toroid windings, which obviously has very low parallel capacitance. Why can't you show a close up of your cores and tell us the parallel capacitance. What's with the dark room? Looks like a massive core, which will absorb / hide most of the CEMF. Sean is correct, I looked at his scope shots and saw the toroid windings. Steorn appears to have something amazing!
Again, TK is clueless.
Use Newton's Third law to overcome the CEMF and defeat lenz.
That would be nice
very nice!!
P.L. :P :P :P
Those are big kiss's from Alsetalokin!!
New vid from TK
Orbette C32: Slow Speed Operation on Very Little Power
Orbette C33: More on Battery Charging
I love TK's work :-*
Quote from: powercat on January 09, 2010, 02:30:58 PM
New vid from TK
Orbette C32: Slow Speed Operation on Very Little Power
Orbette C33: More on Battery Charging
I love TK's work :-*
That's crap.
Quote from: A on January 09, 2010, 03:27:51 PM
That's crap.
@@ Omnibus
What a rude person you are :o I'm entitled to my opinion with out being attacked by someone who should know better, you bring shame on the word elite.
I will no longer respond to your post, as you've probably want to waste time having a long argument.
Quote from: powercat on January 09, 2010, 03:38:20 PM
@@ Omnibus
What a rude person you are :o I'm entitled to my opinion with out being attacked by someone who should know better, you bring shame on the word elite.
I will no longer respond to your post, as you've probably want to waste time having a long argument.
The crap alsetalokin posts on youtube should be pinned down promptly and decisively no matter how uncomfortable some may feel about that. alsetalokin is continuing the subversive destructive behavior he demonstrated with his Whipmag hoax and that should not be forgotten. The area of overunity needs to be developed and zealous activists such as alsetalokin trying to destroy it should be recognized and shunned as soon as they try to raise their ugly heads from under the rock they're hiding.
Are Alsetalokin and Tinsel Koala cryptic code names for the same youtubist?
Quote from: synchro1 on January 09, 2010, 04:22:47 PM
Are Alsetalokin and Tinsel Koala cryptic code names for the same youtubist?
LOL yeah its the same, can make Nikola Tesla too ;).
Best Regards,
Quote from: synchro1 on January 09, 2010, 04:22:47 PM
Are Alsetalokin and Tinsel Koala cryptic code names for the same youtubist?
Yes, they are the same person and both handles (alsetalokin and Tinsel Koala) are anagrams of Nikola Tesla. How ironic that a clown such as alsetalokin/Tinsel Koala should attempt to associates himself in that way with the great man.
Very uneaky!
Quote from: Omnibus on January 09, 2010, 04:00:08 PM
The crap alsetalokin posts on youtube should be pinned down promptly and decisively no matter how uncomfortable some may feel about that. alsetalokin is continuing the subversive destructive behavior he demonstrated with his Whipmag hoax and that should not be forgotten. The area of overunity needs to be developed and zealous activists such as alsetalokin trying to destroy it should be recognized and shunned as soon as they try to raise their ugly heads from under the rock they're hiding.
I don't like like getting involved in arguments, but on this one, I have to COMPLETELY agree with Omnibus!! Al Hoaxed this community, and carried it way further than a joke. Countless hours and dollars wasted, including mine, with that hoax.
How can anyone believe anything he would have to say after that, without it being suspect? One can not. And that is th simple truth but he has no one to blame but himself. He works full time, paid, to disprove FE devices. Just my 2 cent's worth, and nothing I have not told Al in private.
Quote from: callanan on January 09, 2010, 07:36:50 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest interesting video.
Hi All,
Here is a second video of this interesting effect.
For those of you interested in TK new vid here it is
Orbette C34: Miscellaneous Lab Stuff, Timing, Batteries
Only an opinion but TK seems to be reasonably intelligent. It does appear he spends most of his time trying to show why something does not work than what may help it work.
After watching all his YT videos and the arguing with Sean about CEMF, I was wondering why he built a device that does not closely resemble a real Orbo device to perform the tests on.
Everyone knows winding a single pass on a toroidal core will always show EMF to a passing magnet as the field travels through the open center of the toroid. It will then have CEMF also.
Quote from: lumen on January 09, 2010, 06:19:41 PM
Only an opinion but TK seems to be reasonably intelligent. It does appear he spends most of his time trying to show why something does not work than what may help it work.
After watching all his YT videos and the arguing with Sean about CEMF, I was wondering why he built a device that does not closely resemble a real Orbo device to perform the tests on.
Everyone knows winding a single pass on a toroidal core will always show EMF to a passing magnet as the field travels through the open center of the toroid. It will then have CEMF also.
The reason he built a device that does not resemble an Orbo is because he is simply trying to make fun of Steorn and attack them. He is not trying to replicate.
Quote from: Omnibus on January 09, 2010, 04:00:08 PM
The crap alsetalokin posts on youtube should be pinned down promptly and decisively no matter how uncomfortable some may feel about that. alsetalokin is continuing the subversive destructive behavior he demonstrated with his Whipmag hoax and that should not be forgotten. The area of overunity needs to be developed and zealous activists such as alsetalokin trying to destroy it should be recognized and shunned as soon as they try to raise their ugly heads from under the rock they're hiding.
I agree. He is a hoaxer that cannot be trusted.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 09, 2010, 10:51:09 AM
I have to disagree. I feel that anyone who actually builds, and gives it a go, has earned the right to be skeptical. It's not like milehigh, that was just spouting off to top of head about stuff he had never tested in real life. TK has given this a strong go. And he has been surprised more than once with what he has accomplished with the Orbo. BUT, if he feels he wants to be a bit of a thorn in Steorn's side, and pop tough questions, I think he has earned that right. I still hope the Orbo turns out to be the answer, I'm not saying otherwise. Just that I feel I've got to back TK on this one. Whether you agree with his opinions or not, the man has earned the right to bitch!
Anyone who has hoaxed a free energy device should not even be considered to exist.
Quote from: lumen on January 09, 2010, 06:19:41 PM
Only an opinion but TK seems to be reasonably intelligent. It does appear he spends most of his time trying to show why something does not work than what may help it work.
After watching all his YT videos and the arguing with Sean about CEMF, I was wondering why he built a device that does not closely resemble a real Orbo device to perform the tests on.
Everyone knows winding a single pass on a toroidal core will always show EMF to a passing magnet as the field travels through the open center of the toroid. It will then have CEMF also.
that's his modus operandi... to falsify. he never properly replicates.
look at the ainslie incident and how much shit i had to take from tk and his sycophants for telling him that substituting whatever fet he had on had and changing multiple components wasn't a replication by any stretch of the imagination, or good scientific method.
Quote from: interestedinou on January 09, 2010, 07:11:06 PM
The reason he built a device that does not resemble an Orbo is because he is simply trying to make fun of Steorn and attack them. He is not trying to replicate.
you could be right,
but his new C34 Orbo movie with only 270 MikroWatts of input power is pretty efficient with the loud output noise and wind output it generates
and he could already be in overunity mode
with it, when he would measure all the energies it puts out and also all losses as heat outputs
from each device in his circuit would be accounted for with it.
Will be interesting to see, if he will change his new videos more into the support or
rather into the skeptical view direction...
I also asked him to reduce his input power even more by chopping his 4 Milliseconds
input pulse into a burst of like 10 On-Off 400 Mikroseconds pulses,
so this will reduce power input again and have more BackEMF recycling output power.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 09, 2010, 08:55:12 AM
Vid of my first working motor. based on @callanan switching circuit. Thanks again Ossie. :)
Vid is now live. Accidentally made it private last night.
i find tk's cheap a$$ centech meters hilarious. shouldn't milehigh or poynty or someone tell tk that simply measuring voltage is no indication of a battery charge? isn't that what they always say when 'debunking' someone else's experiment? and where is the temperature control on the battery? etc. ad infinitum, ad nauseam
Quote from: callanan on January 09, 2010, 06:07:30 PM
Hi All,
Here is a second A of this interesting effect.
Preparation for another experiment attempting to use the same effect.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 09, 2010, 08:07:08 PM
Vid is now live. Accidentally made it private last night.
Hi Jimboot,
Video looks good. How many ohms are your toroids? What awg magnet wire and length per toroid? And, lastly, I could not see your trigger coil. What size wire for it and length? I ask because I am comparing the builds I have seen in this regard, and getting ideas for when my toroids arrive...hopefully Monday. I am wrapping them with 26awg.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 09, 2010, 05:43:54 PM
... . He works full time, paid, to disprove FE devices. Just my 2 cent's worth, and nothing I have not told Al in private.
Not taking part in any side BUT I was wondering the same. So many videos. Either he is paid or he is retired.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 09, 2010, 08:35:51 PM
Hi Jimboot,
Video looks good. How many ohms are your toroids? What awg magnet wire and length per toroid? And, lastly, I could not see your trigger coil. What size wire for it and length? I ask because I am comparing the builds I have seen in this regard, and getting ideas for when my toroids arrive...hopefully Monday. I am wrapping them with 26awg.
Hey Bruce, I'm still working with Ossie's original switch circuit. I couldn't keep up with him so I decided to get the original one working first :) Switching coil is next. The toroids have around three layers of 0.5mm & 2.8 ohms
Quote from: Jimboot on January 09, 2010, 09:03:27 PM
Hey Bruce, I'm still working with Ossie's original switch circuit. I couldn't keep up with him so I decided to get the original one working first :) Switching coil is next. The toroids have around three layers of 0.5mm & 2.8 ohms
Great work Jimboot!
Hi All,
Please see my latest video.
cant see the vid
Quote from: callanan on January 09, 2010, 09:54:05 PM
Hi All,
Please see my latest video.
Ossie great toroid. I can't wait to see what your going to do with it!!!
Your video makes one wonder in several directions. Is this a path to OU?
Nice idea!
I'll be releasing a video soon. I have 4 pairs of magnets with the same poles attached to a metal backing plate and 1 horizontal toroid with a homemade mechanical switch.
Before I did this experiment I had 4 pairs of magnets without the backing plate and each magnet in the pair had an opposite pole facing the toroid. It ran extremlly slow. I attached a few neo's to the toroid and the speed increased.
After I made the changes with adding the backing plate and with the same poles of each pair facing the toroid it was able to run faster without the neo magnets.
My next step is to add more coils and use Ossie's trigger coil instead of the homemade mechanical switch I am currently using. I will then reduce the input power and optimize my windings with changing the wire and core material I am currently using. I have nothing at the moment to suppress the spark from the switch. I am using what I had around the house.
I have to wait for my g/f to finish watching TV before I can make the video. When the device is running the digital converter box for the TV loses the signal and she tells me to turn my motor off, lol.
[Edit:] I just now notice the Led light on my webcam comes on when the device is running. Very weird. I will video tape this stuff also.
@ Ossie,
Great work !!
That stator would not be made from roofing iron by chance ?
It looks to be slightly larger than you new low friction setup. Hope I'm on the right track.
Would love to replicate this one.
Regards, Penno
Quote from: penno64 on January 09, 2010, 11:23:25 PM
@ Ossie,
Great work !!
That stator would not be made from roofing iron by chance ?
It looks to be slightly larger than you new low friction setup. Hope I'm on the right track.
Would love to replicate this one.
Regards, Penno
Hi Penno,
I am simply using one layer of builders frame strapping tin/steel for the core. You can get it from the hardware and it has holes in it. It is pretty thin and looks to be less then 1mm thick. I think two layers maybe better but I will work with this completed coil for the moment.
Another good core material would be that heavy duty box strapping tin that is black. I have used that before and it makes good cores.
@ Ossie, great stuff! Looks like your drifting, but in a good way!
@ all,
A couple interesting things to note from Steorn's argument with TK:
1st... When asked to replace the battery with a capacitor, Sean gave a response that made no sense... "Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery."
.... WTF, this makes no sense. Why would he post a reply like that? Everybody knows caps are WAY faster at pushing instant current than any battery I've ever heard of! There are a trillion other responses he could have had to that question, but this was not a response I expected.
2nd... Check out this quote... "As for the delay - there is no delay, there is a current rise, its very slow, thats due to the core material that we use."
.... This would certainly indicate that they DO NOT use normal core material for their toroidal coils.
I'm more confused than ever about Orbo now. I get the feeling that either Sean is just playing dumb, or they are trying to throw off any replicators. Either way is fine, it's their discovery, and they are releasing it at their own speed. It's just weird responses from Sean is all I'm saying.
Here's the video,
The toroid coil does not heat up and I have excellent attraction between the core and magnets after placing each pair of magnets with the same poles attached to the metal backing plate.
As you can see the webcam's LED flickers on/off when the motor is running. It really scares me that this motor can turn my webcam on. When the signal for the TV is 0, the motor is running then I have my g/f disconnect the power to the motor and the signal increases to around 50%. My off-air antenna is outside on the roof very far from my motor and It is hard to believe this motor could affect the digital signal at these distances.
Throughout the video I had my g/f connect and disconnect the power supply for various reasons, but the audio doesn't come through very well when recording videos from my cell phone so it's hard to really tell what is going on.
I have too much power going into my toroid at this point and I am sure it is repelling the magnets instead of letting it just pass by, so this will allow me to decrease the power input. With additional coils I should be able to maintain the same RPM's at a much lower input.
This is the same toroid coil that ran hot and would barely rotate without the neo magnets attached to the coil. It now runs much faster, more efficient, and much cooler after I made these changes in addition to the weird side affects. More videos to come soon after a few more modifications.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 09, 2010, 08:35:51 PM
Hi Jimboot,
Video looks good. How many ohms are your toroids? What awg magnet wire and length per toroid? And, lastly, I could not see your trigger coil. What size wire for it and length? I ask because I am comparing the builds I have seen in this regard, and getting ideas for when my toroids arrive...hopefully Monday. I am wrapping them with 26awg.
Got the coil switch circuit working now. 0.3mm wire 100 turns
Quote from: Jimboot on January 09, 2010, 08:07:08 PM
Vid is now live. Accidentally made it private last night.
Way to go Jimboot! It feels good to get your first project running doesn't it! Keep it up!
Quote from: Jimboot on January 10, 2010, 12:57:40 AM
Got the coil switch circuit working now. 0.3mm wire 100 turns
Great! Thank you, that helps a bunch! I am using a different circuit to start, but will be trying several.
Nice work... I'm a bit curious though, I can't quite make out the video that well, but is that a reed switch arcing that brightly? Was this just a quick test run, and no recovery circuit yet? Just curious, because if that is in fact the reed switch arcing so strong, unless you have got some extra to spare, I would modify that circuit pretty quick and extinguish that arc as much as possible! Good work though, and those are some interesting anomolies you've got going on there. Just don't overload your tv converter box on accident, or your GF won't let you build motors anymore, lol...
Quote from: captainpecan on January 10, 2010, 01:17:53 AM
Nice work... I'm a bit curious though, I can't quite make out the video that well, but is that a reed switch arcing that brightly? Was this just a quick test run, and no recovery circuit yet? Just curious, because if that is in fact the reed switch arcing so strong, unless you have got some extra to spare, I would modify that circuit pretty quick and extinguish that arc as much as possible! Good work though, and those are some interesting anomolies you've got going on there. Just don't overload your tv converter box on accident, or your GF won't let you build motors anymore, lol...
That is a homemade mechanical reed switch I made. It probably cost 0.25 cents to make this switch and will last much longer than a normal reed switch.
I have no recovery circuit yet and I'm not really concerned at this moment about burning these cheap homemade switches out. In fact it's been running for awhile now and the switch is just fine. I will try Ossie's trigger coil down the road and work on the recovery circuit along with adding more toroid coils and optimizing the whole system. Still a lot of work to be done here.
Here's a video I followed on making the homemade reed switch for pennies, I modified this process slightly to make it even more durable.
The arcing may be the cause of turning my webcam on/off and interfering with the digital off-air antenna, but it's really hard to believe because my off-air antenna is outside and a good distance from this motor. I sure would like to know the exact cause of this.
[Edit:] I can't believe how cool this coil is with the motor running. It feels to the touch as if it wasn't even being used. I can't detect any heat coming from it at all and it's been running continuously for about 15 minutes now.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 10, 2010, 12:05:15 AM
@ Ossie, great stuff! Looks like your drifting, but in a good way!
@ all,
A couple interesting things to note from Steorn's argument with TK:
1st... When asked to replace the battery with a capacitor, Sean gave a response that made no sense... "Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery."
.... WTF, this makes no sense. Why would he post a reply like that? Everybody knows caps are WAY faster at pushing instant current than any battery I've ever heard of! There are a trillion other responses he could have had to that question, but this was not a response I expected.
2nd... Check out this quote... "As for the delay - there is no delay, there is a current rise, its very slow, thats due to the core material that we use."
.... This would certainly indicate that they DO NOT use normal core material for their toroidal coils.
I'm more confused than ever about Orbo now. I get the feeling that either Sean is just playing dumb, or they are trying to throw off any replicators. Either way is fine, it's their discovery, and they are releasing it at their own speed. It's just weird responses from Sean is all I'm saying.
Hi captainpecan,
I like the way you share your observations :)
I don't think Sean is trying to throw off replicators. As a matter a fact I found him to be very patient with TK and found TK to be a little had on Sean when he is trying to help before the official release.
Anyways, I think what Sean was trying to communicate to TK about the deep battery is I think at the time TK was running his Orbett on a depleted AA battery and we all know that a high Amp hour rated D cell will have much more instant amp delivery then a depleted AA battery. So don't expect to have Orbo results TK! .... what do you think of that possible explanation?
I think it's now also clear that the Orbo effect is based on many parameters to be very exact. Even they have a had time with it! so that goes to show that it's a delicate balance act. So core material will be chosen for correct size, hysteresis and permeability to work with the chosen magnets, air gap, chosen space between magnets at operating RPM and I haven't even mentioned coil or switching characteristics.
If someone can achieve a working replication of the real Orbo effect before they release more information then that person deserves much credit for their accomplishment.
I'm not building a replication but more like Ossie slowly testing one parameter at a time to better understand what could be the Orbo effect before building.
If I find something worth sharing I'll post a video.
@Ossie, great experiment as usual mate ;D... thank you and everyone for sharing.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 10, 2010, 01:01:14 AM
Way to go Jimboot! It feels good to get your first project running doesn't it! Keep it up!
@callanan 1st circuit with the reed switch was my fist working circuit.... ever :) Ossie's detailed vids & diagrams made it easy for even a noob like me. I couldn't get the same transistors (pn100 & 200) so I used BC337 for the 100 & C32816 for the 200. Doesn't seem to go as fast as the reed circuit but I'm thinking that is the transistors.
Hi All,
Please see my latest video with a proof of concept motor. Not optimised but runs as expected. Much magnetic and eddie current drag on the rotor and significant CEMF when compared to the orbo which keeps the RPMs lower for the input power.
But much was learned. Better eddie-less core material would be of advantage to this design. But going back to individual smaller toroids with magnets in them or behind them will also be looked at.
Quote from: callanan on January 10, 2010, 03:55:54 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest video with a proof of concept motor. Not optimised but runs as expected. Much magnetic and eddie current drag on the rotor and significant CEMF when compared to the orbo which keeps the RPMs lower for the input power.
But much was learned. Better eddie-less core material would be of advantage to this design. But going back to individual smaller toroids with magnets in them or behind them will also be looked at.
Great! I like your ability to experiment with new solutions!
Naudin made new video:
Why is everyone overlooking using pairs of magnets with the same poles of each magnet attached to a metal backing plate? This is key and a very important feature IMO. I made these changes in my setup and got excellent results. If I didn't think this was important, I wouldn't be sharing this. This is how it's setup in the Orbo and it appears to be ignored by most of the replicators, unbelievable. I was almost ready to give up on this replication, but now I have new hope. :)
This is why I released a video on it, because prior to this it would barely run without the neo's being attached to the coil and ran very hot. After I made these modifications it is faster and runs without the heat. Attaching neo's to the core has no noticable affects and may even hinder it slightly after I made the changes.
This allows the toroid core not to lose magnetic attraction as the magnets approach the core which allows it to gain additional speed. It also uses Newton's Third law to defeat the CEMF of Lenz when the magnets depart from the core (one magnet is attracted to the core after being energized and the other magnet is repelled by the opposite side of the core, thus canceling each other and allowed to pass by without opposition). The flux doesn't fully engage the core immediately when the coil is first energized. I can't stress this enough.
The core I am using is a thick collar and it is heavy. I wish I had taken a picture of it before I wound it. I have no idea where I got this collar from either. :( I will try to find something similar to it.
Working with my replication, I noticed something interesting that nobody has seemed to touch on yet. I will try and make some video's shortly, as my video camera has shot craps on me, and I'm working on a solution. But my current setup has 4 steel washers (actually really thin bushings), each with 1500 turns of #26. I previously posted some pics of the coil I was using back around page 43 or so I think. Anyway, my rotor is set with 4 pairs of magnets, and is layed out exactly like the orbo. I've been running and testing it with opposite poles facing the toroid. North on top, and South on bottom. I have one sticky spot as the magnets pass, and it is in the center of the coil as expected.
Following what I have seen from others experiments, I decided to go ahead and flip around the bottom magnets, so all magnets are North facing out. All of the sudden, it is impossible for me to line them up as the Orbo has it, with all like poles, and get only one sticky spot. I now have 2, the two outside edges of the coil, and it floats past the center to lock onto either side. Just like Ossies one magnet setups. What I find odd about this, is that it is obvious in the video's that Steorn has one center sticky spot on their coils.
This means that I do not see any way Steorn is using like poles facing out. There is no way I can set this up and get back to only one sticky spot using like poles, unless I change the layout to look completely different than the demo Orbo does. Using like poles does however make the rotor move by the coil easier, but it is not the way the Orbo is made in the demo.
TK's demo showed increased rpm when he changed to like poles, but he also only used one outside edge of his coils. Not to mention, I think it is possible his added speed was simply because he doubled the number of magnets he was using. I have not tested biasing the coils with magnets on the back side in relation to like and opposing poles on the rotor yet. I will post what I find out.
I only have one sticky spot with like poles and that is in the center of the coil. I wonder if it has to due with eddy currents in the washers. This is interesting.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 10, 2010, 04:51:13 AM
Why is everyone overlooking using pairs of magnets with the same poles of each magnet attached to a metal backing plate?
Actually, you posted at the same time I was posting about the same issue. I have the dual magnet setup. I also am getting faster rpms with like poles. But it does not match the Orbo demo for me as I just posted above, I now have two sticky spots per coil. How about your setup, how many sticky spots per coil do you have? If you are using like poles, and get only one sticky spot, then that means my core is to thin would be the only explanation I could come up with for my different results. My thing is, even if like poles SEEM to run better, I'm trying to replicate as closely as possible the original demo.
Looks like we keep posting at the same time, lol... I am out of time to experiment until tommarrow evening, but I think I have a hunch as to why I am getting different results. The pairs of magnets I'm using are actually 2 stacks of 3 magnets for each pair. I'm going to remove one magnet from each stack, and try again. Then another layer... Then step down to ceramic if I need to... I'm betting it's the thickness of my material, or the fact that my permeability is so much less than your cores is.... I'll report what I find tomarrow night... I hope this solves my double sticky spot problem, because the rotor spins so much nicer with like poles. Maybe I can fine tune this thing a bit, and find a sweat spot with a happy medium between magnet strength and low permeability, where it will use next to no current at all to drive the rotor.
Quote from: captainpecan link=topic=8411.msg221090#msg221090 =1263099915
@ Ossie, great stuff! Looks like your drifting, but in a good way!
@ all,
A couple interesting things to note from Steorn's argument with TK:
1st... When asked to replace the battery with a capacitor, Sean gave a response that made no sense... "Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery."
.... WTF, this makes no sense. Why would he post a reply like that? Everybody knows caps are WAY faster at pushing instant current than any battery I've ever heard of! There are a trillion other responses he could have had to that question, but this was not a response I expected.
2nd... Check out this quote... "As for the delay - there is no delay, there is a current rise, its very slow, thats due to the core material that we use."
.... This would certainly indicate that they DO NOT use normal core material for their toroidal coils.
I'm more confused than ever about Orbo now. I get the feeling that either Sean is just playing dumb, or they are trying to throw off any replicators. Either way is fine, it's their discovery, and they are releasing it at their own speed. It's just weird responses from Sean is all I'm saying.
It is possible to run the motor with only a capacitor and solar panel,
the motor run from 10 to 30 milliamps :
Here's a quick video showing only one sticky spot in the center of the coil when both pairs of magnets have like poles facing the toroid. I am holding a neo magnet trying to show how both magnets repel, but the video doesn't clearly show this. I need to work on my video skills, lol.
[Edit:] @Captain: How do you know the original Orbo demo isn't using like poles for the pair of magnets? I thought this was still an open question that hasn't been answered yet. I am also trying to replicate this as closely as possible.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 10, 2010, 12:05:15 AM
@ Ossie, great stuff! Looks like your drifting, but in a good way!
@ all,
A couple interesting things to note from Steorn's argument with TK:
1st... When asked to replace the battery with a capacitor, Sean gave a response that made no sense... "Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery."
.... WTF, this makes no sense. Why would he post a reply like that? Everybody knows caps are WAY faster at pushing instant current than any battery I've ever heard of! There are a trillion other responses he could have had to that question, but this was not a response I expected.
2nd... Check out this quote... "As for the delay - there is no delay, there is a current rise, its very slow, thats due to the core material that we use."
.... This would certainly indicate that they DO NOT use normal core material for their toroidal coils.
I'm more confused than ever about Orbo now. I get the feeling that either Sean is just playing dumb, or they are trying to throw off any replicators. Either way is fine, it's their discovery, and they are releasing it at their own speed. It's just weird responses from Sean is all I'm saying.
Hi CP,
Steorn is shall we say somewhat oblique in his response for what reasons I will not speculate. It might be simply a matter of sequential communication in that he is trying to keep each process separate as he leads the sheep to the fold.
The waveform shows a virtually identical rise time on both VOLTAGE and CURRENT as if the core is composed of a very weak magnetic material. This rapid rise time can not happen in his statement above unless he is simply talking about the coils response time. The cores field and CURRENT IN THE CORE as it is switched, due to a very low magnetic (mu) u, borders on paramagnetic or very low ferromagnetic composition and is simply another process and he will handle them separately in his discussion it would seem. The interaction between the two processes is not or has not been considered at this point in his discussion. Probably it has not come up so he is letting that part of the process lie by the wayside for now. It is possible that this slow field rise time in the core. vs. the rapid rise time in the coil gives him the phase shift in the fields that he is looking for.
The battery makes sense IF the current and voltage rise VERY FAST IN the COILS AS THE WAVEFORM WOULD SUGGEST. You have to have a robust current source to support that RAPID RISE time of voltage/current in the coil......It would appear that he has not kept up with the latest super caps or cap. technology in his quest......
I severely question the ability of a reed relay to support switching during the start up and long runtime of/in the system. Perhaps they spin it up by hand and never let it run at low RPM'.
I found this video interesting.
Note the date posted...... Dec 11 2009
Very similar effect??
My Motor is now running with a trigger supply from a coil. 2000 ohm.
Se Wideo 8: without 9 volt batt.
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 09, 2010, 08:06:01 PM
you could be right,
but his new C34 Orbo movie with only 270 MikroWatts of input power is pretty efficient with the loud output noise and wind output it generates
and he could already be in overunity mode
with it, when he would measure all the energies it puts out and also all losses as heat outputs
from each device in his circuit would be accounted for with it.
Will be interesting to see, if he will change his new videos more into the support or
rather into the skeptical view direction...
I also asked him to reduce his input power even more by chopping his 4 Milliseconds
input pulse into a burst of like 10 On-Off 400 Mikroseconds pulses,
so this will reduce power input again and have more BackEMF recycling output power.
I agree, but there's a problem here. We should not trust anything TK posts. Remember his big fake, that huge rotating machine that was
obviously cop>1 *unless* TK had something hidden.
I tried to make a deal with TK, an exchange of my diode array for his device. He said yes, but he refused to sign a paper stating what I would receive. He would not say that the passive device I received would
spin for at least 7 hours as he claimed. For those who were not around during this, TK built a magnetic device that had no batteries, or at least that's what he said. The device was large, maybe 2 feet or larger in diameter. I forgot the rpm's, but it was high. With the flick of his wrist it would start, and accelerate.
So it's clear that all of TK's videos cannot be trusted. Why are his videos in a dark room. Why not show everything. He should place everything on a glass table with no clutter. Even then I would not trust him.
Here it is,
Quote from: maw2432 on January 10, 2010, 10:19:48 AM
I found this video interesting.
Note the date posted...... Dec 11 2009
Very similar effect??
Hi Bill,
If the steorn motor shown openly a few week ago worked by saturating the toroidal core, then the parallel path technology is not similar to that, because there is no any saturation needed for it to work, in fact saturation is to be avoided. See some info with measurements on it in Josh's Research paper here:
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: PaulLowrance link=topic=8411.msg221194#msg221194 A=1263140398
I agree, but there's a problem here. We should not trust anything TK posts. Remember his big fake, that huge rotating machine that was obviously cop>1 *unless* TK had something hidden.
I tried to make a deal with TK, an exchange of my diode array for his device. He said yes, but he refused to sign a paper stating what I would receive. He would not say that the passive device I received would spin for at least 7 hours as he claimed. For those who were not around during this, TK built a magnetic device that had no batteries, or at least that's what he said. The device was large, maybe 2 feet or larger in diameter. I forgot the rpm's, but it was high. With the flick of his wrist it would start, and accelerate.
So it's clear that all of TK's videos cannot be trusted. Why are his videos in a dark room. Why not show everything. He should place everything on a glass table with no clutter. Even then I would not trust him.
Here it is,
What was the outcome in his device. Did he admit it was fake?
Yes, IMO it's best to use dual magnets if we are to try and replicate Steorn's orbo. That's what I have been doing since the beginning. Also not how Steorn's toroid has hardly any windings. It's as if they're trying to lower the parallel capacitance.
Quote from: maw2432 on January 10, 2010, 11:54:54 AM
What was the outcome in his device. Did he admit it was fake?
Not that I'm aware of. I know he led a lot of people on after that, "working" with them. Nobody's replicated his device to this day.
Quote from: gyulasun on January 10, 2010, 11:50:08 AM
Hi Bill,
If the steorn motor shown openly a few week ago worked by saturating the toroidal core, then the parallel path technology is not similar to that, because there is no any saturation needed for it to work, in fact saturation is to be avoided. See some info with measurements on it in Josh's Research paper here:
rgds, Gyula
Gyula, thanks. Nice research paper and very smart 15 year old boy.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 10, 2010, 05:56:41 AM
Here's a quick video showing only one sticky spot in the center of the coil when both pairs of magnets have like poles facing the toroid. I am holding a neo magnet trying to show how both magnets repel, but the video doesn't clearly show this. I need to work on my video skills, lol.
[Edit:] @Captain: How do you know the original Orbo demo isn't using like poles for the pair of magnets? I thought this was still an open question that hasn't been answered yet. I am also trying to replicate this as closely as possible.
I see the difference in our setup now. It didn't occur to me until just now, but your toroid is laying flat, so the center would be the sticky spot for your setup. Your's is setup like the second demo he did showing the scope. Mine is setup like the actual orbo demo, with the toroids vertical, and the magnets passing in front of the top and bottom side of the coil at the same time. I'll do some more experiments when I get home this evening.
It maybe that JL is now using dual magnets
Quote from: captainpecan on January 10, 2010, 12:11:01 PM
I see the difference in our setup now. It didn't occur to me until just now, but your toroid is laying flat, so the center would be the sticky spot for your setup. Your's is setup like the second demo he did showing the scope. Mine is setup like the actual orbo demo, with the toroids vertical, and the magnets passing in front of the top and bottom side of the coil at the same time. I'll do some more experiments when I get home this evening.
I think you have the correct setup, since this is the only setup that Steorn has claimed to be OU.
I agree that the rotor magnet polarity is likely to be opposite polarities facing the toroid. By this line of thinking, the direction of saturation is in the same direction already aligned by the magnets, so the polarity of the coil winding is probably important also to achieve OU but not to simply run.
Quote from: jox on January 10, 2010, 12:26:27 PM
It maybe that JL is now using dual magnets
Is that cylinder made of metal? A metal cylinder would create massive eddy currents.
opps, sorry, wrong thread.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 10, 2010, 12:05:15 AM
1st... When asked to replace the battery with a capacitor, Sean gave a response that made no sense... "Not as easy as you may think - we need a pretty instant current responce (due to the rotational speed), hence the 'deep' battery."
Good point. IMO the capacitor issue is the only thing I don't get about Steorn.
Maybe the excess energy effect comes and goes, comes and goes. Trust me, that's what I'm seeing with my temperature measurements, so far. In that case they would need a large source of energy such as found in a battery in case the excess energy effect went away for awhile. And that seems to match their demonstrations, right, where sometimes they have to change things.
They could use an ultracapacitor such as the bcap0650, 650 farads, but then what's the advantage of using that since it holds as much energy as a 658mAh AA rechargeable battery. People would complain that the bcap0650 holds too much energy.
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 09, 2010, 08:06:01 PM
but his new C34 Orbo movie with only 270 MikroWatts of input power
It's milliwatts. To be more precise, it's 1009mV * 0.27A =
272mW. The meter on the right is in the 10A setting.
Looking for a little advice - I've wound three cores, and I'm not getting the desired effect. To test the cores I'm using a 14V supply that provides ~3.5A of current.
The cores are:
1" Ferrite Toroid
Permeability = 2500, B(sat) = 500 mT
NOS Arnold Engineering
OD: 1" (25mm) ID: 0.64" (16mm) Height: 0.32" (8mm)
Material: ASTM P7070 ( TSF7070 ) power ferrite
I am using enamel coated magnet wire, 30awg. Each time I fail, I wind another with more wire, the last wind, I used approximately 200 feet of wire (wound 25 feet x 8 strands and wired them in series afterward).
To test them I put a variety of neo magnets to the core, and pulse it from the supply - no dice so far.
Do you think its the cores, the winding strategy, the wire thickness or the supply voltage/current that is causing failure? My first toroid was with two strands, then four, last one with eight strands. I'm afraid I'm going to develop CWA (coil winders arthritis)!
When I connect the strands, I do them in the following fashion (assuming four strands, A being the start, B being the end)
1A - Input
1B - 2A
2B - 3A
3B - 4A
4B - Output
So the current is always flowing in the correct direction around the coil.
Any advice appreciated! :)
Quote from: void109 on January 10, 2010, 03:27:58 PM
Looking for a little advice - I've wound three cores, and I'm not getting the desired effect. To test the cores I'm using a 14V supply that provides ~3.5A of current.
Any advice appreciated! :)
Are you allowing a gap between the coil and the magnet in your test? Everyone I see demonstrating how a magnet falls away from the coil is using something, a piece of wood or lucite to establish a gap
Quote from: maw2432 on January 10, 2010, 11:54:54 AM
What was the outcome in his device. Did he admit it was fake?
Actually, as far as I also am aware of, he did not admit anything 'obvious/clear' about this device.
To me, the psychology of this named 'Nikola Tesla's anagram guy remains mysterious.
He seems to be very proud of his intellect and lacking of any modesty (IMHO).
Anyway, thanks you guys for all your experiments, ideas, vids, pictures, etc...
This thread is just gorgeous.
Quote from: ken_nyus on January 10, 2010, 03:52:34 PM
Are you allowing a gap between the coil and the A in your test? Everyone I see demonstrating how a magnet falls away from the coil is using something, a piece of wood or lucite to establish a gap
No I am not - I hadnt thought that would be required - I'll give that a shot.
Quote from: NerzhDishual on January 10, 2010, 04:08:20 PM
This thread is just gorgeous.
Indeed. It's booming, and probably the best thread at this site! :)
Quote from: NerzhDishual on January 10, 2010, 04:08:20 PMTo me, the psychology of this named 'Nikola Tesla's anagram guy remains mysterious.
btw, not sure if people know, but at the village of the banned forum alsetalokin admits he is TK. People can go there to ask TK / alsetalokin questions about his recent Orbette youtube videos.
Quote from: callanan on January 10, 2010, 03:55:54 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest video with a proof of concept motor. Not optimised but runs as expected. Much magnetic and eddie current drag on the rotor and significant CEMF when compared to the orbo which keeps the RPMs lower for the input power.
But much was learned. Better eddie-less core material would be of advantage to this design. But going back to individual smaller toroids with magnets in them or behind them will also be looked at.
Great work callanan!
Since you are the one creating many variations of this motor, I thought about sharing with you another idea. Please bare with me for a second. Bedini said that the "A" field is the one running the motor. (Have you seen his video at
Since you created this motor using a huge toroid going outside the magnets, what about flattening the toroid down and keep it outside the magnets just like you did. In other words, the toroid would be flat going out not up and the magnets would be on the TOP of the toroid width instead of just within the toroid.
If the "A" field is to be there, they would push the magnets always into the same direction, and since the magnets would be just right above the toroid it would work just like the Bedini demonstration with the exception that it would work as an infinite bifilar.
Make any sense?
fantastic build with your new flat toroid motor !!!!!!!!! i love the way your mind works, full marks !!
are you going to experiment with more powerful magnets on both inside & outside?
as an idea, how about another toroid, same as the one you have..stacked above the first....with another set of magnets.....basically.....a dual,vertically stacked version of what you have now.
keep up the nice work.....its fascinating.
David. D
New vid from TK
Orbette P35: Example of Rotor Power Dissipation Measurement
Quote from: powercat on January 10, 2010, 05:44:18 PM
New vid from TK
Orbette P35: Example of Rotor Power Dissipation Measurement
It would seem that with 10 watts in and 0.1 watt out torque, the MOTOR efficiency would be 1% not 99%. the 99% is wasted energy. Good show and effort though!
Quote from: powercat on January 10, 2010, 05:44:18 PM
New vid from TK
Orbette P35: Example of Rotor Power Dissipation Measurement (
could you try calibrating the blades power dissipation for your setup because it's not in open space due to the plastic that is sitting below it.
Anyhow, I fail to see any purpose in that video.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 06:26:22 PM
powercat, could you try calibrating the blades power dissipation for your setup because it's not in open space due to the plastic that is sitting below it. Anyhow, I fail to see any purpose in that video.
dear Paul, could we establish a form of communication that starts with "powercat, please tell TK to ...." followed by advice - since thats all powercat ever does, talk about videos made by TK. who knows, maybe powercat would actually go to the youtube videos that TK keeps posting, and suggest that to TK. as we know, powercat isn't TK.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 06:26:22 PM
could you try calibrating the blades power dissipation for your setup because it's not in open space due to the A that is sitting below it.
Anyhow, I fail to see any purpose in that video.
I don't know why you're asking this question as you don't trust anything TK is working on, I seem to remember you made a very big claim last year, and nothing came of it, I could go through your previous posts, but I am not looking for an argument.
Okay you have a problem with TK, I am not TK, so don't shoot the messenger
With all the numerous OU devices on this forum that don't work, you and others think TK is the devil himself or something like that ::)
We are all entitled to our opinions, and even if you don't believe TK, other people including myself find his work interesting and helpful for understanding these types of devices
regarding C35 video of TK,
From what measurements did he know, that the rotor generates 100 MilliWatts ?
Is that from the rotor propellor documentation manual at 1000 RPM ?
But he has shunted the front air away, as he did run it below the transparent plastic cover plate.
Might that not change these parameters ?
Would be better to measure this via a prony brake.
Also what did he change, so that his input power raised so strong from
270 MilliWatts in C34 to now 10 Watts in C35 ?
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 10, 2010, 06:56:16 PM
regarding C35 video of TK,
From what measurements did he know, that the rotor generates 100 MilliWatts ?
Is that from the rotor propellor documentation manual at 1000 RPM ?
But he has shunted the front air away, as he did run it below the transparent plastic cover plate.
Might that not change these parameters ?
Would be better to measure this via a prony brake.
Please tell TK, maybe he'll listen to you. :) TK & friends don't listen to me, lol.
Quote from: powercat on January 10, 2010, 06:54:05 PM
I don't know why you're asking this question as you don't trust anything TK is working on, I seem to remember you made a very big claim last year, and nothing came of it, I could go through your previous posts, but I am not looking for an argument.
Sure, that's why you deliberately miss spell my name. At least I have the decency to spell peoples name correctly. If it means anything to you, trust me, the fact that you and the gang misspell my name offers no harm to me what so ever, lol. I know you'll deny any such wrong doing, probably dismiss it as a typo. You're perfect guy, right? ;)
Anyhow, as stated many times, the reason is obvious. Because I'm only trying to point out things so people will see TK for who he is. We know what he's done in the past-- whipmag.
Quote from: esaruoho on January 10, 2010, 06:47:36 PM
dear Paul, could we establish a form of A that starts with "powercat, please tell TK to ...." followed by advice - since thats all powercat ever does, talk about videos made by TK. who knows, maybe powercat would actually go to the youtube videos that TK keeps posting, and suggest that to TK. as we know, powercat isn't TK.
I have started many topics on this Forum, as I spend a lot of time on YouTube
I have never started a topic with a TK video, and in this topic I have posted other people's videos as well
This is getting ridiculous, why do people want to attack each other, do they think this is the way to find OU, maybe somebody else should be posting TK's work as I'm beginning to feel intimidated.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 07:09:23 PM
Sure, that's why you deliberately miss spell my name. At least I have the decency to spell peoples name correctly. If it means anything to you, trust me, the fact that you and the gang misspell my name offers no harm to me what so ever, lol. I know you'll deny any such wrong doing, probably dismiss it as a typo. You're perfect guy, right? ;)
Anyhow, as stated many times, the reason is obvious. Because I'm only trying to point out things so people will see TK for who he is. We know what he's done in the past-- whipmag.
Hey I have problems with dyslexia too, a common problem when in a hurry, tired, etc. Keep it cool gang....
Hopefully soon within the next 24 hours Steorn will announce when the next Steorn Talks will take place. Can hardly wait. ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 07:09:23 PM
Sure, that's why you deliberately miss spell my name. At least I have the decency to spell peoples name correctly. If it means anything to you, trust me, the fact that you and the gang misspell my name offers no harm to me what so ever, lol. I know you'll deny any such wrong doing, probably dismiss it as a typo. You're perfect guy, right? ;) Anyhow, as stated many times, the reason is obvious. Because I'm only trying to point out things so people will see TK for who he is. We know what he's done in the past-- whipmag.
i never noticed the typo, actually, interestingly, Paul Lowrance. i do hope that eventually either TK comes back to address these issues people have with his vids (but he's already on that village of the banned thingo, right? so i guess that shows what kinda attitude he has towards the work of steorn), or that that powercat dude starts pasting your responses to him on youtube and functions as a useful relay....) .. i dunno. anyway, looking forward to whatever announcement steorn make on monday 11th or tuesday 12th regards their steorn talk#2. i guess they'll have to rush to release talk#3 and talk#4 too, since its almost 30th january.
Quote from: k4zep on January 10, 2010, 07:17:16 PM
Hey I have problems with dyslexia too, a common problem when in a hurry, tired, etc. Keep it cool gang....
LOL, it must be a contagious disease here because a quick forum search shows it's happened 10 times, and it seems to happen more often when I'm blunt. Too bad, that's me. :)
Quote from: PaulLowrance link=topic=8411.msg221334#msg221334 A=1263168563
Sure, that's why you deliberately miss spell my name. At least I have the decency to spell peoples name correctly. If it means anything to you, trust me, the fact that you and the gang misspell my name offers no harm to me what so ever, lol. I know you'll deny any such wrong doing, probably dismiss it as a typo. You're perfect guy, right? ;)
Anyhow, as stated many times, the reason is obvious. Because I'm only trying to point out things so people will see TK for who he is. We know what he's done in the past-- whipmag.
My apology for the spelling error I have now gone back and corrected it.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 07:19:26 PM
LOL, it must be a contagious disease here because a quick forum search shows it's happened 10 times, and it seems to happen more often when I'm blunt. Too bad, that's me. :)
Hi Paul, Hummmmmm statistics would tend to indicate there is a deviation there......Now on a more inquiring note just re-read STEORN's description of the forces generated and I partially pharaphrase: /Bla bla bla...."the force results from the
change of a partially saturated neodymium magnet's force due to a rapidly increasing applied magnetic field". I might ask how a toroid can APPLY a magnetic field to a neo and where do you get a partially saturated NEO????????? NOBODY is pulsing the NEO!!!!! OR its field!!!!! Chew on that a bit!!! I have to look at this motor and its inventor in a completely different light now!
Quote from: k4zep on January 10, 2010, 07:35:54 PM
Hi Paul, Hummmmmm statistics would tend to indicate there is a deviation there......Now on a more inquiring note just re-read STEORN's description of the forces generated and I partially pharaphrase: /Bla bla bla...."the force results from the change of a partially saturated neodymium magnet's force due to a rapidly increasing applied magnetic field". I might ask how a toroid can APPLY a magnetic field to a neo and where do you get a partially saturated NEO? ??? ??? ?? NOBODY is pulsing the NEO!!!!! OR its field!!!!! Chew on that a bit!!! I have to look at this motor and its inventor in a completely different light now!
Great find Ben! Where did you find that revealing quote? Maybe the Steorn toroid is not wound like people thought. Maybe there are two windings in each toroid, a left & right, which oppose each other. That would cause the magnetic field to shoot out the ends, which could do as the descriptions says, right? Believe it or not, that's a design I've been thinking about a lot.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 07:41:08 PM
Maybe the Steorn toroid is not wound like people thought. Maybe there are two windings in each toroid, a left & right, which oppose each other. That would cause the magnetic field to shoot out the ends, which could do as the descriptions says, right? Believe it or not, that's a design I've been thinking about a lot.
I'm sure there is something in the way Steorn winds their toroid coils, possibly winding one pass clockwise and a second pass counter clockwise, to eliminate all traces of induced current from the magnets. The second and also a very important part, is the core material used.
Even at this point there are many factors involved in achieving the claimed OU effect. I will be building something soon, but plan to wait a few more days to see if any of the missing, critical details are revealed.
When the current is increasing in the coil due to the pulse and the magnets begin to pass TDC, the flux is not fully engaged with the core and must swing out because the field lines can't cross each other. You must use Newton's Third law during this period and the only way to do this is to have the dual magnets having like poles facing the toroid.
You do not want to saturate the core with opposite poles of the dual magnets. I have already shown a video showing what happens when the core is saturated with opposite poles of a magnet. The result is the core is no longer attractive. This means the core is losing it's strength in being attractive as the magnets approach with opposite poles and you don't obtain the full speed. This is a CEMF on the approach and can be overcome by Newton's Third law by using like poles with the dual magnets and the video clearing shows the metal is not saturated with like poles and don't lose it's attractiveness.
This is the reason why the Steorn camp is talking about having a battery that can deliver a fast rise time in the current. The faster the rise time, the closer the Magnets can get to TDC and allowed to gain additional speed before the pulse of current. It also allows the pulse width to be shorter. The core material allows the flux from the pulse to be fully engaged inside the core much quicker allowing the magnets to get closer to TDC before you pulse it so it can reach a higher speed.
IMO it is a really simple and brilliant concept. Use Newton's Third law to defeat the CEMF on both the approach and departure of the core. I will be releasing videos soon showing the spin down time when the input power is cut. I will test the spin down time with the dual magnets having like poles and the toroid being vertical, horizontal, and without the toroid. I will also test the spin down time with opposite poles. I am speculating the spin down time will be the same when the toroid is vertical or horizontal and the spin down time will be longer with like poles than with opposite poles of the dual magnets.
Let's not make this more complicated than it really is.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 10, 2010, 07:41:08 PM
Great find Ben! Where did you find that revealing quote? Maybe the Steorn toroid is not wound like people thought. Maybe there are two windings in each toroid, a left & right, which oppose each other. That would cause the magnetic field to shoot out the ends, which could do as the descriptions says, right? Believe it or not, that's a design I've been thinking about a lot.
Go to:
About 1/2 ways down!
Quote from: gravityblock on January 10, 2010, 08:10:54 PM
When the current is increasing in the coil due to the pulse and the magnets begin to pass TDC, the flux is not fully engaged with the core and must swing out because the field lines can't cross each other. You must use Newton's Third law during this period and the only way to do this is to have the dual magnets having like poles facing the toroid.
You do not want to saturate the core with opposite poles of the dual magnets. I have already shown a video showing what happens when the core is saturated with opposite poles of a magnet. The result is the core is no longer attractive. This means the core is losing it's strength in being attractive as the magnets approach with opposite poles and you don't obtain the full speed. This is a CEMF on the approach and can be overcome by Newton's Third law by using like poles with the dual magnets and the video clearing shows the metal is not saturated with like poles and don't lose it's attractiveness.
This is the reason why the Steorn camp is talking about having a battery that can deliver a fast rise time in the current. The faster the rise time, the closer the Magnets can get to TDC and allowed to gain additional speed before the pulse of current. It also allows the pulse width to be shorter. The core material allows the flux from the pulse to be fully engaged inside the core much quicker allowing the magnets to get closer to TDC before you pulse it so it can reach a higher speed.
IMO it is a really simple and brilliant concept. Use Newton's Third law to defeat the CEMF on both the approach and departure of the core. I will be releasing videos soon showing the spin down time when the input power is cut. I will test the spin down time with the dual magnets having like poles and the toroid being vertical, horizontal, and without the toroid. I will also test the spin down time with opposite poles.
Let's not make this more complicated than it really is.
I look forwards to the spin down results!!!!!
Quote from: gravityblock on January 10, 2010, 08:10:54 PM
When the current is increasing in the coil due to the pulse and the magnets begin to pass TDC, the flux is not fully engaged with the core and must swing out because the field lines can't cross each other. You must use Newton's Third law during this period and the only way to do this is to have the dual magnets having like poles facing the toroid.
You do not want to saturate the core with opposite poles of the dual magnets. I have already shown a video showing what happens when the core is saturated with opposite poles of a magnet. The result is the core is no longer attractive. This means the core is losing it's strength in being attractive as the magnets approach with opposite poles and you don't obtain the full speed. This is a CEMF on the approach and can be overcome by Newton's Third law by using like poles with the dual magnets and the video clearing shows the metal is not saturated with like poles and don't lose it's attractiveness.
This is the reason why the Steorn camp is talking about having a battery that can deliver a fast rise time in the current. The faster the rise time, the closer the Magnets can get to TDC and allowed to gain additional speed before the pulse of current. It also allows the pulse width to be shorter. The core material allows the flux from the pulse to be fully engaged inside the core much quicker allowing the magnets to get closer to TDC before you pulse it so it can reach a higher speed.
IMO it is a really simple and brilliant concept. Use Newton's Third law to defeat the CEMF on both the approach and departure of the core. I will be releasing videos soon showing the spin down time when the input power is cut. I will test the spin down time with the dual magnets having like poles and the toroid being vertical, horizontal, and without the toroid. I will also test the spin down time with opposite poles. I am speculating the spin down time will be the same when the toroid is vertical or horizontal and the spin down time will be longer with like poles than with opposite poles of the dual magnets.
Let's not make this more complicated than it really is.
That could itself be overly complicated, we simply don't know. After watching everything on this thread for some time and seeing the remarks from Sean, I bet he is laughing at everyone's attempt to duplicate the effect using limited information.
I have my own idea of what the effect is and how one should build a replica, but I refuse to at this time because there are still two many different directions into the unknown.
Saying that, I am glad everyone is trying their best to get something working because there is always a chance someone will find an even better way to get the same effect. (whatever it is)
Does anyone have a link to any video, that shows for sure that the original orbo demo only has one sticky spot per coil? I realized that I am basing the theory of the original only having one sticky spot, by looking at the demo they showed when hooking it to the oscilloscope. But that model is set up using toroidal coils laying on their sides. It does in fact show one sticky spot. BUT, how do we know that the original does not have two sticky spots? I thought it only had one, but now that I'm looking for it, I can't seem to see any indication on their model with vertical toroids.
I'm trying to dig up a video cam again so I can shoot some video's tonight showing what I'm talking about. It's possible that mine works different because of a thin core, but I think everyone will find exactly what I have when they test it at home. When using like poles facing out, if the toroid is laying flat, their is only one sticky spot. If the toroid is standing vertically, it then has 2 sticky spots. I have tested this with washers, lock washers, small toroid cores, it does not seem to matter I am seeing the same results. Now as soon as you flip the magnets to opposite poles facing out, you go back to one sticky spot in BOTH scenarios. I still admit, it seems to run better with like poles facing outward, I'm just trying to figure out if that is in fact what Steorn is doing or not.
It is possible that this is the reason Steorn chose to lay the coils on the side when doing the close up demo. Doing it this way, makes it more difficult for people to notice they are using like poles... maybe... I don't know, I'm just trying to figure this thing out. Unless of course they simply are NOT using like poles, which maybe we can figure this out soon for sure.
Just like the current direction through the coils. I had ask Sean early on if reversing the current direction was necessary, or was just to show it would operate regardless of current direction.
He did not answer the question.
It may run with coil current flow in either direction but only achieve the OU effect when current flows in the correct direction. (depending on the rotor magnet polarity)
The devil is in the details!
Some interesting reading and work done by you guys.
I am sure some of what I am about to post has been covered.
NO CEMF means no propulsion by the coil None.
All this is to do is disconnect the magnetic circuit between the magnets and the coil core.
Confused?? Most will be.
Timing has to be adjusted for coil on just before the lock position of closest dead center. it needs to be very close to the knee that when shut off the upcoming magnet is connected to. It means about 45 dergees from the closest dead center.
The rotor magnets need to be able to retract the field a bit on the disconnect. NS out, and or some arrangement the normal connection retracts a bit. Maybe even the same pole out with a back bar magnet as TK does. Seems to be a good arrangement.
Coil distance should be set to the minimal drag on the rotor when it is powered. In theory it should not add to the rotor velocity, nor when take it away. that would be no CEMf.
When such is done, there will be no CEMF. This is a problem due to the magnet will still see the thing. To close the magnet will still have a strong connection. To far will effect the reluctance this works by.
This device is to work by reluctance to the permanent magnets. Not the energy transfer to the rotor.
I am sure most are.
This can work as a drive with CEMF. Yet that is not what one wants to use to make a OU device I am told.
It is such the more fixed the cost of operating the coil, the better off you are. Cost per cycle, to the kinetic energy gain. Cost goes down per cycle ( on time is faster ) and the KE stays mostly the same. That is the ideas I can get from all of this.
Oh and the scope shots from the demo. Forget them until it is redone. Unknown voltage source. Used a power supply instead of battery. current may be high due to that. Voltage is just messed up due to clipping. It was messed up demo. Remember they use a reed switch and a variable load on the original. Also a diode to protect the flyback on that reed switch.
I may or may not check back..
remember the coil when on: is not the drive, it should produce NO torque to the rotor.
folks are going for the highest speeds to electrical cost. Mistake!
Get the timing and coil set up correct first. Then adjust timing at the just before TDC and that approx 45 degree position or so.
This is not a drive in the normal range. It is supposedly the main part of an OU device. Do not treat it as a electric motor.
Strange, Yes.
That claim of no CEMf is just as interesting as the claims of OU. And is also a part of that claim of OU.
Work to get the least connection by the rotor to the coil when it is on.
Edited to remove some white space.
Have you tried replicating this device yet, or are you stating learned theories? Just curious. To be honest, most of what you say is pretty accurate as to how I believe it also. Those are some pretty good obsersations if you have not built one yourself yet, and many of what you stated I've been talking about also. Keep tabs on us, my replication is planned to have most of what you said in it's design.
Just out of the blue - Sean mentioned "stretch" to have capacitor there (as Paul explained - possible to have ultra one with all ups and downs) - looks that device must reach certain oscillation (like old PC working on crystals) before become potential OU.
good job on the replications people. but please remember that with all this attention he is getting his product is still just a clever motor run by a battery. remember what he has done in the past. i check this board at least weekly for years to see the next great idea. i do believe this one will pan out like all of the others. i feel that magnets are going to be a solution one day, just not like this.
just to clarify, when constructing your flat-sheet metal toroid core.. when curving it around and joining the two ends, did you butt them together end to end.....or overlap them?
David. D
Quote from: rave154 on January 11, 2010, 02:10:47 AM
just to clarify, when constructing your flat-sheet metal toroid core.. when curving it around and joining the two ends, did you butt them together end to end.....or overlap them?
David. D
Hi David,
About 10mm of overlap.
Below are two videos testing the spin down time with the dual magnets having like poles with the core and without the core. I ran multiple tests and each test was within 5 seconds of each other. The variation in time is due to the placement of the reed switch. I followed the same procedure of placing the reed switch in both tests so the RPM's would be around the same when I cut the power.
Test 1A: Spin down with dual magnets having like poles with the core. Total spin down time is 100 seconds,
Test 1B: Spin down with dual magnets having like poles with no core. Total spin down time is 184 seconds,
More spin down tests to follow within the next couple of days with the core being vertical and with opposite poles on the dual magnets.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this circuit does not appear to be even in use in the demo unit. Are they intentionally trying to throw everyone off? Or am I just looking at this wrong? This circuit is in the second red wire, and appears to be in parallel with the first red wire running to the battery.
(Edit) That trace may run backwards and make connection. If so, that whole circuit board is in place for 1 diode? Why not just solder a diode?
Hey Ossie,
Nice work on the large coil motor. Would winding more wire have a detrimental effect on the motor. This would reduce current draw, yes.
Is that a Jaycars automotive Hall effect Sensor ?
If so, what circuit are you now using for switching ?
Kind Regards, Penno.
I reversed the polarity of 1 mag of my 3 mag setup and now it will only spin counter clockwise. Uploading vid now if anyone interested. I have reverted to the reed switch setup as I can't get hold locally of pn100 & 200 transistors.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 11, 2010, 05:32:11 AM
I reversed the polarity of 1 mag of my 3 mag setup and now it will only spin counter clockwise. Uploading vid now if anyone interested. I have reverted to the reed switch setup as I can't get hold locally of pn100 & 200 transistors.
The video
Hi Penno,
Yes that is a hall vain sensor from Jaycar that I have cut the built in magnet off. This sensor is good because it can be powered with voltages from 4.5-30 volts.
I can post a circuit but it is not much different then the mosfet-hall sensor circuits shown by others.
The large toroid ofcoarse can be wound with more turns of thinner wire to reduce the current and increase the efficiency but my goal was to simply show a working concept motor.
To further increase the efficiency and torque of this concept motor the core must be laminated to reduce drag on the rotor.
New vid's
from Jean-Louis Naudin
Steorn motor V3: Shorting the stator coils test
from TK
Quote from: captainpecan on January 11, 2010, 05:17:46 AM
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but this circuit does not appear to be even in use in the demo unit. Are they intentionally trying to throw everyone off? Or am I just looking at this wrong? This circuit is in the second red wire, and appears to be in parallel with the first red wire running to the battery.
(Edit) That trace may run backwards and make connection. If so, that whole circuit board is in place for 1 diode? Why not just solder a diode?
There can be components on the other side. The path is not ending, where you point, perhaps a leg of transistor is soldered there. You can't say much without looking at the other side.
Anyway, I'm surprised, nice detective job. :D
The power measurements done by TK do not prove or disprove anything, that is not the correct way of measuring efficiency, so no need to take them seriously. But I'm happy that this is the first time someone has done something useful with his rig.
He has taken an arbitrary measurement. This is just one point on the curve. In fact he has shown that loading the rotor will not change the input power, this is significant, IMO.
His cores sizes are 10x that of steorn's , so they may take 10 or 20 amps to saturate (if they don't catch fire before that). He has not shown the saturation, after which no amount of increase in input current will increase the RPM. But, and this may be the secret of OU here, increasing the magnet strengths will go on increasing the torque, without there being any need to increase the input, which will anyway be wasted in heat. This motor is not linear, it is unlike anything you have seen.
The optimal condition to measure efficiency would be when the input is just enough to completely saturate the core and duty cycle is minimum for max rpm. Then measuring the torque with a torquemeter or prony brake will give the optimal output. This output/input will be the correct efficiency.
If it is below 100%, simply adding stronger magnets should increase it hopefully, perhaps, if there really is something .........
How about winding the big toroid coil on a slinky!
Should reduce the eddy currents.
Saturation is important but it's not the key. One of the keys is how fast it can be saturated. The faster it can be saturated the closer the rotor magnets can get to TDC before the pulse is needed. The closer it can get to TDC before the pulse, the bigger the speed gain is from the magnets being attracted to the core. The closer it can get to TDC before the pulse, the shorter the pulse width needs to be. Shorter pulse widths means less input energy. This means you need less energy to saturate the core.
The core material (magnetic viscosity) and how fast the power source can deliver the current (the rise time in the current) both have a direct affect on how fast the core can be saturated.
Less input energy to saturate the core (shorter pulse width), bigger speed gains (closer to TDC before the pulse), using Newton'ts Third law with the dual magnets having like poles to cancel the CEMF and defeating Lenz on both the approach and departure of the rotor magnets when the flux is not fully engaged inside the core during the rise time in the current all adds up to OU.
Yes, I am suggesting Steorn is legit. This is my current position at this time. This is a really simple and brilliant concept. This is so beautiful. It's a nearly perfect system.
Steorn's second talks / demonstrations on analyzing if Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction is COP> 1 will takeplace at 17.00 GMT on Tuesday, 12th January 2010.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 11, 2010, 10:33:37 AM
Steorn's second talks / demonstrations on analyzing if Orbo Electromagnetic Interaction is COP> 1 will takeplace at 17.00 GMT on Tuesday, 12th January 2010.
Awesome, I have that day off of work! Now if he would turn the sound on for the live cams would be really good!
IMHO the subject of proper material selection from an engineering point of view has not been fully addressed by the replicators.
1st there is the issue of toroid core material. Some of the important material properties that need to be considered are geometry and permeability (there are many others). If the toroid dimensions are not considered wrt the rotor PM dimensions you will not be able to fully tap the attractive rotor PM potential and maximizing rotor torque. For example, a PM will have less attractive force to a ferrous material that is too thin. This goes the same for permeability. I think of permeability as being similar to “magnetic domain density†of a material. So if permeability is too low, then there are not enough magnetic domains for the rotor PMs to align to achieve maximum attraction/rotor torque. If permeability is too high, you will require extra electrical input power to saturate the cores OR suffer decreased rotor torque (both bad). That is further address below.
Since it takes ever increasing amounts of energy to saturate a material the closer you get to 100% (not really achievable), we should target a value where the maximum torque per input energy is maximized. If we assume this to be ~95% saturation (just for example purposes) then we need to select a toroid core shape and material that will saturate to 95% and thus attract the rotor PMs to ~95% of their maximum and no more. The “gap†between the rotor PMs and the toroid core needs to be taken into account in this, since the windings will necessitate some gap. But adjusting your setup for more gap than necessary may likely be another design flaw.
2nd, we need to wrap the toroid core with the proper number of wraps (amp-turns) and wire diameter (resistance value per length) to minimize the power requirement to saturate to (again) an optimum value, in this example again ~95%. Any more power used is just pointless. Any less means the rotor PMs are not optimally released from attraction to the toroid core after passing TDC and are therefore dragging on the system, thus reducing rotor torque. So, for example, if you are only saturating your core to 5%, then 95% of the rotor PM attraction is working as negative torque after passing TDC. And while it is obviously possible to make motors spin in this mode it is hardly optimal from an electrical input energy vs. rotor torque stand point. This also explains why the replications to date appear to run faster with more electrical input. If adding more electrical power increases RPM/torque, then you are not electrically saturating the toroid core material, not fully releasing the rotor PMs, and can never fully achieve the maximum rotor torque potential of the rotor PMs you are using.
So choosing any toroid material may get you a running motor, but nothing near what I believe Steorn is demonstrating (or think they have). Selecting a core with a relative permeability of ~120 because JLN did that is also not correct. The balance between all of the above described material properties (and more) needs to be considered (or engineered) for the purpose of maximizing usable torque output energy and minimizing required electrical input energy.
More from Naudin:
Quote from: mondrasek on January 11, 2010, 02:00:14 PM
IMHO the subject of proper material selection from an engineering point of view has not been fully addressed by the replicators.
1st there is the issue of toroid core material. Some of the important material properties that need to be considered are geometry and permeability (there are many others). If the toroid dimensions are not considered wrt the rotor PM dimensions you will not be able to fully tap the attractive rotor PM potential and maximizing rotor torque. For example, a PM will have less attractive force to a ferrous material that is too thin. This goes the same for permeability. I think of permeability as being similar to “magnetic domain density†of a material. So if permeability is too low, then there are not enough magnetic domains for the rotor PMs to align to achieve maximum attraction/rotor torque. If permeability is too high, you will require extra electrical input power to saturate the cores OR suffer decreased rotor torque (both bad). That is further address below.
Since it takes ever increasing amounts of energy to saturate a material the closer you get to 100% (not really achievable), we should target a value where the maximum torque per input energy is maximized. If we assume this to be ~95% saturation (just for example purposes) then we need to select a toroid core shape and material that will saturate to 95% and thus attract the rotor PMs to ~95% of their maximum and no more. The “gap†between the rotor PMs and the toroid core needs to be taken into account in this, since the windings will necessitate some gap. But adjusting your setup for more gap than necessary may likely be another design flaw.
2nd, we need to wrap the toroid core with the proper number of wraps (amp-turns) and wire diameter (resistance value per length) to minimize the power requirement to saturate to (again) an optimum value, in this example again ~95%. Any more power used is just pointless. Any less means the rotor PMs are not optimally released from attraction to the toroid core after passing TDC and are therefore dragging on the system, thus reducing rotor torque. So, for example, if you are only saturating your core to 5%, then 95% of the rotor PM attraction is working as negative torque after passing TDC. And while it is obviously possible to make motors spin in this mode it is hardly optimal from an electrical input energy vs. rotor torque stand point. This also explains why the replications to date appear to run faster with more electrical input. If adding more electrical power increases RPM/torque, then you are not electrically saturating the toroid core material, not fully releasing the rotor PMs, and can never fully achieve the maximum rotor torque potential of the rotor PMs you are using.
So choosing any toroid material may get you a running motor, but nothing near what I believe Steorn is demonstrating (or think they have). Selecting a core with a relative permeability of ~120 because JLN did that is also not correct. The balance between all of the above described material properties (and more) needs to be considered (or engineered) for the purpose of maximizing usable torque output energy and minimizing required electrical input energy.
Very well put. Looks like we need a good materials specialist here for core selection!!
Quote from: k4zep on January 11, 2010, 02:27:18 PM
Very well put. Looks like we need a good materials specialist here for core selection!!
Not to slight anyone... I am sure there are many experts in the field here already. But it has been recommended to me that we listen to Overconfident. I think he is 0c on this board. I've seen some promising posts by him so far on other boards.
The relationship of a ferrite material's relative permeability to saturation due to a PM field is what I thought was needed for the first step. And I've yet to find it. Anyone have reference info for this?
For anyone interested in material-core selection, almost everything you need is here: . At page 41 especially one will find core loss in ferrite core, but ferrite core is for high frequencies. So unless you're spinning that device at 500000 rpm :) I would not use ferrite for the core.
Quote from: mondrasek link=topic=8411.msg221543#msg221543 A=1263240697
Not to slight anyone... I am sure there are many experts in the field here already. But it has been recommended to me that we listen to Overconfident. I think he is 0c on this board. I've seen some promising posts by him so far on other boards.
I wouldn't consider myself an expert, no formal education or anything like that. But I do have some insights into magnetism, many of which have been experimentally confirmed. I hope I can contribute something worthwhile to this effort.
QuoteThe relationship of a ferrite material's relative permeability to saturation due to a PM field is what I thought was needed for the first step. And I've yet to find it. Anyone have reference info for this?
The core data you are most likely to find does not deal with the problems in this device. Most coils and cores are designed for use as filters, transformers, or RF equipment; applications where saturation is a distinct disadvantage and should be avoided at all costs. You won't find the information you are looking for there.
You should be looking for information regarding "Magnetic Amplifiers" or "Saturable Core Reactors". Of course, most of the books and papers on those topics are held in university libraries and professional magnetics societies and hard for laymen (like me) to get hold of. Here is an introductory "Neets" module on Saturable Core Reactors:
and another on Magnetic Amplifiers
The following graph from the link above illustrates the general relationship between permeability and saturation:
For the type of application we are dealing with here, the important relationships are between permeability and saturation. Please study the permeability curve in the graph. The high point on the permeability curve is where magnetic attraction will be the strongest and we can get the most torque as the magnet approaches the core.
When the magnet is at its closest point, we want to reduce the attraction so there is little resistance to further rotation, so we need to further saturate the core and reduce its permeability. It will be virtually impossible to reduce permeability completely. Fortunately, that's not required, as long as it is significantly less than it was in the attraction phase.
I have mentioned elsewhere about "magnetic bias". By using materials with high remanence, we can increase the permeability when no power is applied to the coil. Take 1010 steel as an example (look up the magnetic properties), you'll see it has a high remanence.
It will take less input power to drive 1010 from remanence into saturation than it would to drive it from zero B all the way up to saturation. With ferrites and other materials without any remanence, you would always be starting from zero.
Hope this makes sense,
some suggestions, incorporate magnetic bearings on the rotor, build the rotor inside an ideal jar, remove the air inside the jar with a food jar vacuum sealer or better yet with a high performance vacuum pump.
this will minimize the drag on the rotor and will increase efficiency. aerodynamic drag and bearing friction should be dropped to as close to zero as possible.
Thanks 0c. I'll have a look at those reference materials as soon as life allows.
I thought that graph was most interesting. I actually saw you post that "somewhere else" and have looked at it several times since.
So, a couple quick questions regarding:
Quote from: 0c link=topic=8411.msg221554#msg221554 A=1263245277
I have mentioned elsewhere about "magnetic bias". By using materials with high remanence, we can increase the permeability when no power is applied to the coil. Take 1010 steel as an example (look up the magnetic properties), you'll see it has a high remanence.
It will take less input power to drive 1010 from remanence into saturation than it would to drive it from zero B all the way up to saturation. With ferrites and other materials without any remanence, you would always be starting from zero.
Should we not try to bias ferrite with external magnets as TK, Ossie, etc. have already shown (to raise permeability) rather than switch to a material like 1010? Or is the total power to saturate (say to ~95%) the steel vs. ferrite from max permeability less?
Sorry in advance if the answer is in the referenced links. But isn't the quick exchange of information what conversations (and forums) are all about?
Thanks again,
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on January 11, 2010, 04:47:55 PM
some suggestions, incorporate magnetic bearings on the rotor, build the rotor inside an ideal jar, remove the air inside the jar with a food jar vacuum sealer or better yet with a high performance vacuum pump.
this will minimize the drag on the rotor and will increase efficiency. aerodynamic drag and bearing friction should be dropped to as close to zero as possible.
Excellent suggestions for increasing efficiency. But a bit premature imo. And here is my reasoning for that:
So far we have not seen evidence of OU. In fact, we have seen some that shows possibly very low efficiency. That is because no one is measuring all of the input and outputs.
There have been many good replications and measurements of input electrical power. But there are two outputs that have not been measured simultaneously. Those are the rotor torque (finally measured by TK), and the heat and/or electrical energy recoverable from the toroid coils (measured somewhat by a few). Without both of those measurements (rotor torque *and* heat/recovered coil energy) we have no data to support claims of OU. Only if the total of those outputs is greater than the input are we in OU territory. And then optimizations to the nth degree, that would include the more advanced level of placing the unit in a vacuum, would seem appropriate to me. Right now I suggest we get rid of the gross inefficiencies that may have occurred due to lack of proper material specification for the major components.
Again, just my opinion.
I look at permeability as being 100% attraction and 0% saturation. The permeability is just the inverse of saturation. When the core is 100% saturated, then it will have 0% attraction. When it is 0% saturated then it will be 100% attractive. This is why you don't want to use opposite poles with the dual magnets. This will cause the core to increase towards saturation as the rotor magnets approach and the speed gain decreases as it gets closer to the core. This is a CEMF on the approach. When using like poles with the dual magnets, the like poles do not increase the core towards saturation and it doesn't lose it's attractiveness, thus the rotor magnets can obtain its greatest total speed during it's approach to TDC.
Being able to saturate the core very quickly with a fast rise time in current and with magnetic viscosity decreases the energy needed from the pulse to increase the core towards saturation so it begins to lose its attractiveness. The faster the core increases towards saturation, the closer to TDC the rotor magnets can get before the pulse is needed and this will increase the speed gains.
Here are the key components and factors in this device
1) A core being able to saturate very fast (Magnetic viscosity)
2) A core that has a high attractiveness at 0% saturation.
3) A fast rise time in current to saturate the core as quickly as possible.
4) Dual magnets with like poles to use Newtons Third law to defeat the CEMF on both the approach and departure.
Quote from: gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg221571#msg221571 A=1263249372
I look at permeability as being 100% attraction and 0% saturation. The permeability is just the inverse of saturation. When the core is 100% saturated, then it will have 0% attraction.
And I believe this is correct for electromagnetic situations. But if a PM is interacting with a material, then there is only a finite amount that it can "saturate" that material. So if the material is more permeable than the PM can, in effect, fully (99.99%) saturate, that is just permeability that works against the rotor PM in this orbo implementation.
Likewise, if there is more permeability than the PM can use, it can still be 100% attractive to the PM and have extra (wastefull) permeabilty left over.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 11, 2010, 05:36:12 PM
Being able to saturate the core very quickly with a fast rise time in current and with magnetic A decreases the energy needed from the pulse to increase the core towards saturation so it begins to lose its attractiveness. The faster the core increases towards saturation, the closer to TDC the rotor magnets can get before the pulse is needed and this will increase the speed gains.
I agree completely.
Now we are getting to the nuts and bolts of the operation.
Steorn originally said (a long time back) that there is an effect in steel and that they were looking at other materials also. So the original effect was found in steel which has high initial permeability and easily saturates.
Sorry, but I believe the rotor magnets must be opposite polarities and that the toroid coil must also be standing upright as in the three operating Orbo (I wonder if Orbo is also plural) to be OU.
I'm thinking it's the fact that the rotor magnets do saturate part of the coils core as they approach, and then the current continues the saturation in the same direction (important) around the core.
This would then take less current to fully saturate the core.
Not a proven fact but merely the way I'm looking at it until additional information is provided.
Quote from: lumen on January 11, 2010, 06:23:07 PM
Sorry, but I believe the rotor magnets must be opposite polarities and that the toroid coil must also be standing upright as in the three operating Orbo (I wonder if Orbo is also plural) to be OU.
I'm thinking it's the fact that the rotor magnets do saturate part of the coils core as they approach, and then the current continues the saturation in the same direction (important) around the core.
This would then take less current to fully saturate the core.
Not a proven fact but merely the way I'm looking at it until additional information is provided.
You're right, the PM do saturate the coils as they approach with opposite poles. This means the coil is losing it's attractiveness and you lose potential speed as it get's closer to TDC. The additional speed it gains with like poles is not lost on it's departure. With opposite poles, the mechanical energy it gained during the approach is lost during it's departure of TDC. Yes, with opposite poles you do need less energy to saturate the core.....but the mechanical energy it gained during the approach will be lost while the core is increasing in saturation. I know exactly what you are saying. I have built an Adams motor in the past and have experience with that theory. Steorn's device does not use the same principals of the Adams motor, but they do share some similarities.
Something interesting, when my replication has been running for awhile, I can squeeze and hold the bare wires with my fingers and the wire is not hot. The wire is around room temperature. The coil is around room temperature also.
[Edit:] The only advantage I can see with having the coils vertical is you can fit more around the rotor without them interfering with each other. It may even be possible to set them up in a way where they have a positive affect on each other, such as only energizing every other coil and alternating between them. I am not that far yet. A single coil being vertical or horizontal should have the same results. There may be an advantage with multiple coils when they're vertical, since they will be farther away from each other. I will test this when I have more than one coil. I also plan on doing a spin down test with the coil vertical.
I do know that my reed switch works better when it is 180 degrees from the coil when it is horizontal. If I place it at 90 degrees then it doesn't work very well. I may be able to put the coil vertical and have the reed switch work at 90 degrees with the same performance.
I need to make a correction in my previous post. The reed switch now works at 90 degrees from the coil with the dual magnets having like poles with the same performance as 180 degrees. When the dual magnets have opposite poles, then my reed switch doesn't perform well at 90 degrees.
Please note: I am using a homemade mechanical reed switch. It is cheap, durable, and fast to make. I have yet to burn this homemade switch with the arcing. When I have a recovery circuit and suppress the arcing, the homemade switch will be very reliable and dependable. I do plan on trying different types of switching methods down the road. Still a lot of work and testing to be done here.
New Steorn Photos Posted Showing Preparations For Tuesday's Talk
Quote from: mondrasek link=topic=8411.msg221563#msg221563 A=1263247132
Should we not try to bias ferrite with external magnets as TK, Ossie, etc. have already shown (to raise permeability) rather than switch to a material like 1010? Or is the total power to saturate (say to ~95%) the steel vs. ferrite from max permeability less?
That will improve the situation by driving the core partially into saturation, BUT it does so by rotating the domains 90 degrees from where the coil wil rotate them, so it is not the best way to go about it. And if you overdo it, you can actually make the situation worse. The core will be magnetized diametrically and the opposite side will act like an attractive magnet, giving you more attractive force between core and magnet than you would ordinarily have when the coil is off, and may have additional cost or reduced effectiveness when powered. Downside is, then you need more energy to the coils to overcome that additional attraction after the magnet passes dead center. It's a delicate balance to get it right.
If you can bias the toroid circumferentially, and apply current with proper assisting polarity, this becomes less of a factor and the domains will already be rotated in the correct direction. The important consideration is to have the permeability significantly greater when the magnet approaches than when it is departing. The most critical time is near dead center.
You could experiment with a toroidal transformer to see what works best. Apply a bias current to the primary to bias the core, then see how much current it takes on the secondary to saturate the coil and get the desired response. This will vary according to the properties of the core materials.
The best core materials would have high permeability (better attraction), low Bsat and/or high remanence (easier to bias), and a steep permeability decline when approaching saturation (less energy required for maximum effect). I have found data for mumetal which indicates it should be a good material for this purpose. There may be better materials.
Permendur looks like it might be good, has high permeability and remanence, but the downside is high Bsat. I haven't been able to locate a permeability curve for it yet, but if it's steep enough when saturated, it might compensate for the high Bsat.
I did a quick test in changing the polarity by reversing the negative and positive connections with dual magnets being like poles. The direction of rotation changed also, which is not the same results as the test in the Steorn Demo. This may be due to over-saturating the core and the magnets are being repelled instead of allowing it to pass by. I need to lower my input energy I think. I will put this on my list for tests to do with the dual magnets having opposite poles and testing both vertical and horizontal positions and with less input energy. If the direction of rotation is the same with opposite poles after reversing the polarity, then Steorn's demo is using opposite poles. If this is the case, then I must be overlooking something. I will still say like poles is more efficient until I'm convinced otherwise.
I think OC is on the right path in finding the best core material.
Quote from: gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg221571#msg221571 A=1263249372
I look at permeability as being 100% attraction and 0% saturation. The permeability is just the inverse of saturation. When the core is 100% saturated, then it will have 0% attraction. When it is 0% saturated then it will be 100% attractive.
Not true, at least for some materials. Here's the permeability curve for mumetal:
Notice that permeability when 0% saturated is only about 30,000 but it reaches its peak of almost 100,000 when partially saturated. If you can bias the core to the permeability peak without using any external power, you will have stronger attraction when the coil is unpowered and will require less power to drive the core into saturation.
Well look at OC go over here! =]
Hows it going OC?
Will we see any battery operated toys on yer bench any time soon? ;]
Quote from: lumen link=topic=8411.msg221583#msg221583 A=1263252187
Sorry, but I believe the rotor magnets must be opposite polarities and that the toroid coil must also be standing upright as in the three operating Orbo (I wonder if Orbo is also plural) to be OU.
It doesn't matter much WRT to saturation. It does matter WRT coil orientation. The way Steorn has their coils oriented in the eOrbos on display would require the magnet pairs to have the same polarity.
[A author=Magluvin link=topic=8411.msg221616#msg221616 date=1263267555]
Well look at OC go over here! =]
Hows it going OC?
Will we see any battery operated toys on yer bench any time soon? ;]
Not until I can buy one at Home Depot.
Quote from: 0c on January 11, 2010, 10:28:29 PM
Not true, at least for some materials. Here's the permeability curve for mumetal:
Notice that permeability when 0% saturated is only about 30,000 but it reaches its peak of almost 100,000 when partially saturated. If you can bias the core to the permeability peak without using any external power, you will have stronger attraction when the coil is unpowered and will require less power to drive the core into saturation.
I knew someone was going to say this. You are correct. I was trying to keep things simple. There is permeability and relative permeability. There is also relative permeability within the same material according to saturation which is the permeability curve.
I agree with you completely.
Quote from: 0c on January 11, 2010, 10:40:06 PM
It doesn't matter much WRT to saturation. It does matter WRT coil orientation. The way Steorn has their coils oriented in the eOrbos on display would require the magnet pairs to have the same polarity.
You could be right, but it just don't make sense. Why use a pair of magnets and place the same polarity out when it would be much easier to simply use one magnet, or a long skinny magnet, or whatever would work best since you only need the same polarity facing out?
It takes more power to change domain direction than any energy gained by the change. So unless the rotor magnets can provide near saturation in the core and provide it along the same direction as the coil, it could never be OU.
I suppose we don't have long to wait. Although I doubt these tiny details that make all the difference are going to be revealed any time soon.
Quote from: lumen on January 11, 2010, 11:10:19 PM
It takes more power to change domain direction than any energy gained by the change. So unless the rotor magnets can provide near saturation in the core and provide it along the same direction as the A, it could never be OU.
The rotor magnets don't provide significant saturation in the core. The main objective is to reduce the counterproductive effects of inuced EMF and Lenz effect opposition.
Believe it or not, it takes less energy to rotate the partially aligned domains 90 degrees than it does to rotate randomly oriented domains into alignment. Don't believe me? Try it.
believe me, if you can find away to push a dead car over the hill and get over unity, I'll vote for you. wait till the car settles at the bottom of the hill, tell me which contains more energy. huff and puff to get that car over the hill. I am exhausted, I am going to take a break!
like I have been preaching, lazy conservative slave is what energy is.
have you been paying attention?
Quote from: lumen on January 11, 2010, 11:10:19 PM
You could be right, but it just don't make sense. Why use a pair of magnets and place the same polarity out when it would be much easier to simply use one magnet, or a long skinny magnet, or whatever would work best since you only need the same polarity facing out?
It takes more power to change domain direction than any energy gained by the change. So unless the rotor magnets can provide near saturation in the core and provide it along the same direction as the coil, it could never be OU.
I suppose we don't have long to wait. Although I doubt these tiny details that make all the difference are going to be revealed any time soon.
It makes total sense to me and I've already explained it many times. With like poles the core does not increase towards saturation as the magnets approach the core. This means it doesn't lose being attractive the closer the magnets get to the core. This means a greater potential in speed during it's approach. It also don't lose some of the speed it gained while the core is increasing towards saturation from the pulse. This eliminates the CEMF on both the approach and departure with the core. It is using Newton's Third law to defeat Lenz. This is exploiting the most mechanical gain possible without losing it. The fast rise time in current and a core that is saturated extremely fast is lowering the energy input requirements for the pulse. The mechanical gain will be more than the electrical losses. If you can re-capture the current from the pulse, then that is an additional bonus and you will have a huge mechanical gain with very little electrical losses.
Do you have a replication? If you don't, then I suggest you attempt to build one so it begins to make sense to you. You have a very good bench with all of the tools and equipment needed for the replication. Maybe you don't have time to replicate and that is understandable. I don't have a bench or money to replicate, but I am making every effort to do experiments and to share my results so we can progress quicker.
There is always a chance I may be wrong, but my experiments at this time suggests the dual magnets are like poles. Another replicator here already said like poles increases the speed which means a shorter pulse width and less energy input required. I think when I lower my input energy for the pulse to allow the magnets to pass by instead of being repelled then It will rotate in the same direction regardless of polarity input.
COP>1 talk starts in less than an hour (17:00 GMT)
it is called overly efficient, if you could store that energy inside a superconductor only then would you approach 99.999 percent efficient return. all else are hopeless lies. that really depends upon your gullibility gauge.
I decreased the power input by 75% and it still runs around the same RPM. It does take it much longer to reach top speed and has a very slow spin up, but this was expected. I no longer have the anomalies after reducing the input energy with my webcam or TV. Everything is fine now. :)
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on January 12, 2010, 01:50:32 AM
it is called overly efficient, if you could store that energy inside a superconductor only then would you approach 99.999 percent efficient return. all else are hopeless lies. that really depends upon your gullibility gauge.
There is an infinite amount of energy in the universe. Since energy can't be created nor destroyed and we know it exists, then it must be infinite. It has no beginning and no end (infinite), but yet it exists. All we need to do is tap into it just like a solar panel taps into the energy from the sun. We didn't put any energy into a solar panel, but yet we get energy out of it.
With the Orbo, we put a little energy into it and get much more out. This is not breaking any laws of physics. We already have an abundance of infinite energy available to us in the universe. Have a little faith and reach out to this infinite source. I know, this is against your belief. That is OK, we will all be believers in due time.
Is there a reason Camera 1 is a looped 4-5 second video?
Nevermind I guess theyre just setting up the talk
The below picture is similar to what I wound my coil on. It's a shaft collar with a set screw. I just removed the set screw and wound as much wire as I could on it. My system is running on 12v @ 300mA with 1 toroid and no recovery circuit.
Cam #3 is up. A steorn tech is working with three Orbos. Two big ass Tektronix scopes are on the table too.
Quote from: 0c on January 12, 2010, 12:01:20 AM
The rotor magnets don't provide significant saturation in the core. The main objective is to reduce the counterproductive effects of inuced EMF and Lenz effect opposition.
Believe it or not, it takes less energy to rotate the partially aligned domains 90 degrees than it does to rotate randomly oriented domains into alignment. Don't believe me? Try it.
Less time.
Quote from: 0c on January 12, 2010, 12:01:20 AM
...Believe it or not, it takes less energy to rotate the partially aligned domains 90 degrees than it does to rotate randomly oriented domains into alignment...
If this statement holds true - measured and proven experimentaly -, then the system is Overunity.
Even if it takes the same exact energy to rotate randomly oriented domains, as the partially oriented, to the same final alignment, then it still is Overunity, the rotor movement is the free (energy) ride. The "final" alignment, breaks/or reduces the original attraction to the magnets so the rotor is allowed to rotate. Higher pull as it comes in, less/or zero pull as it leaves.
The partially aligned domains will be due to the external magnets, and yes the external magnets can be of the same polarity facing the toroid. Also discussed in another thread.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 12, 2010, 01:58:07 AM
I decreased the power input by 75% and it still runs around the same RPM. It does take it much longer to reach top speed and has a very slow spin up, but this was expected. I no longer have the anomalies after reducing the input energy with my webcam or TV. Everything is fine now. :)
Running the motor @ the minimum current that produces max rpm is obviously the best and most efficient point in operation of the motor, anything more makes the resistance in the wire just a good heater which is not a bad idea for all the cold we have here in Florida.....
Very good observation.....
Quote from: mikestocks2006 on January 12, 2010, 07:27:17 AM
and yes the external magnets can be of the same polarity facing the toroid.
Magnets mounted with the same polarity and separated by the toroid width (toroid Z axis facing the magnets) will both attract to the nearest point on the toroid during approach.
As they pass over the toroid more torque is created because the two separate attractions are the same polarity and will forcefully separate (because they are the same polarity) as the field lines seek the outer diameter of the toroid.
If the above proves experimentally then the nulling pulse needs to start when the magnets are exactly center of the toroid and end before attraction begins at the next toroid.
Quote from: k4zep on January 12, 2010, 07:52:45 AM
Running the motor @ the minimum current that produces max rpm is obviously the best and most efficient point in operation of the motor, anything more makes the resistance in the wire just a good heater which is not a bad idea for all the cold we have here in Florida.....
Very good observation.....
It's running with 12v @ 300mA right now. Spin down time was 90 seconds with this power input while Spin down time with 75% more power input was 100 seconds. I guess this would be a 10% drop in RPM's using 75% less input power. I would like to decrease the voltage and raise the amps. I have a feeling more amps will saturate the core faster allowing the magnets to get closer to TDC for additional speed gains and shorter pulse widths. This should allow it to be even more efficient with less input energy with a faster spin up time and higher RPM. I'm not sure about this, but I'm going to play around with it. The Orbo does seem to be running on very low voltages with more amps, so I think this is the right direction to take.
Quote from: mikestocks2006 on January 12, 2010, 07:27:17 AM
If this statement holds true - measured and proven experimentaly -, then the system is Overunity.
Even if it takes the same exact energy to rotate randomly oriented domains, as the partially oriented, to the same final alignment, then it still is Overunity, the rotor movement is the free (energy) ride. The "final" alignment, breaks/or reduces the original attraction to the magnets so the rotor is allowed to rotate. Higher pull as it comes in, less/or zero pull as it leaves.
The partially aligned domains will be due to the external magnets, and yes the external magnets can be of the same polarity facing the toroid. Also discussed in another thread.
It was always over unity. Think of building an electric heater that converts 100% of the current into heat, but you have this rotor that performes additional work also.
So it's always been an over unity device, what everyone is trying to obtain is a self sustaining device.
Quote from: lumen on January 12, 2010, 09:25:58 AM
It was always over unity. Think of building an electric heater that converts 100% of the current into heat, but you have this rotor that performes additional work also.
So it's always been an over unity device, what everyone is trying to obtain is a self sustaining device.
I think that is exactly the case.
If you put in one unit of energy you get that unit out as heat PLUS another certain amount of energy via rotor KE.
It might be easy to get 20% or 75% the rotor KE you would need to close the loop and self sustain. But it might be difficult to get 100% the KE you would need to self sustain. Also, 100% the KE you would need to self sustain would not be enough due to losses in using pick up coils.
Quote from: lumen on January 12, 2010, 09:25:58 AM
It was always over unity. Think of building an electric heater that converts 100% of the current into heat, but you have this rotor that performes additional work also.
So it's always been an over unity device, what everyone is trying to obtain is a self sustaining device.
When the dual magnets had opposite poles in my setup then I had almost 100% heat and very little KE (maybe 30 RPM at the most). Then I changed the dual magnets to like poles and I have no noticeable heat coming from the coil and a lot of KE.
I'll stay with the like poles with more KE and little to no heat until I'm shown otherwise. It will never be self-sustaining with opposite poles with all the heat losses and very low KE, lol.
You still need to take into account that your setup is not like the operating Orbos. Your coils lay down horizontally and in your case this may be working better, but as Sean said, none of the replications use the Orbo effect.
Quote from: lumen on January 12, 2010, 09:25:58 AM
It was always over unity. Think of building an A that converts 100% of the current into heat, but you have this rotor that performes additional work also.
So it's always been an over unity device, what everyone is trying to obtain is a self sustaining device.
If the system is proven overunity, to get to self runner, the collapsing toroid field after the mags departure, needs to be fully harvested and ready to use for the next pulse, PLUS any energy from the rotor rotation via e.g. pick up coils (as in the second “deck†that acts as a generator), these need to be fed back to the toroid on the next pulse.
What needs to be overcome:
Bearing friction losses â€"taken care off with use of magnetic bearings- minimized but not eliminated. There is still that small contact surface on top of the shaft. Air drug losses, -increasing as rotation speed increases- but can be minimized with aerodynamic rotor design and as many time mentioned before enclosure inside a vacuum chamber.
Then you have mc effect, magnetostriction, resistive elements losses, inductive core losses, eddie currents etc, a long list
If all these can be properly measured (including a thorough detailed error analysis), accounted for and controlled to optimum levels, then both the ultimate question of excess energy creation, and a self runner will be answered.
Quote from: lumen on January 12, 2010, 10:41:21 AM
You still need to take into account that your setup is not like the operating Orbos. Your coils lay down horizontally and in your case this may be working better, but as Sean said, none of the replications use the Orbo effect.
Sean made that statement before I and others released their videos. Do you really think they have seen every replication of the Orbo on the internet? Do you really think everyone has published their work on the Internet?
I already addressed this issue with a single toroid. It performs better horizontally with this single toroid. I am speculating that it will perform better vertically with many toroids. Also, almost everyone was/is using higher voltage and lower amps and very few were using dual magnets at the time of that statement.
I am heading in the other direction by trying lower voltage and higher amps. I have a good feel on what is happening here. If you got involved in replicating, then you could do more in 1 day than I could do in a week here because you have a very good work bench. What a waste of good work space. I am sure you will replicate after everyone else does the hard work and lay all the answers in your lap.
Steorn demo to start in 30 minutes, right? It's now 4:30PM GMT, and it starts at 5:00PM GMT.
So far it seems cam1 is the only one showing something.
Is anyone getting audio? All I hear is a whistle noise.
Not getting anything down here in Costa Rica 30 minutes into the promised start. A bit disappointed!
No problems viewing it here, as I saw the entire Steorn Talks.
Well that Steorn Talks was very interesting. Looks promising, and Steorn revealed some good information in the tests, but a question here. Does a capacitor really have a lag in producing *current* compared to that deep battery?
Well folks, what do you think of that? Nothing proven, nothing disclosed.
Interesting ... I did not understand everything, as I am not a physisist. All I got clear was that there is no back emf, and the inductance is less when it starts the pulse than when it ends, and that gain in inductance is "an extra".
Can anyone explain a bit better what we just saw ?
More smoke and mirrors.
I wonder if the issue with capacitors is due to resonance. It's true that it will resonate and it seems very clear they need constant current. Maybe that's what Sean is referring to, and why they used a battery.
Very interesting. The inductance changes is also interesting. Perhaps the most interesting part of the talks was how the slightest tweak / adjustments changes it from an ordinary motor to an Orbo, thus requiring high precision. That's something all of us replicators need to consider. Making lot of slight adjustments and trying to see a pattern could make all the difference. I did not try that with my eOrbo replication.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 12, 2010, 12:51:02 PM
No problems viewing it here, as I saw the entire Steorn Talks.
Well that Steorn Talks was very interesting. Looks promising, and Steorn revealed some good information in the tests, but a question here. Does a capacitor really have a lag in producing *current* compared to that deep battery?
What would be the difference in charging- draining - charging - draining time between a 'deep' battery and a capacitor? I suppose that's what they'd be referring to. A 'deep' battery retaining a slight surplus charge easier than a cap? Maybe? Who knows.
Could someone please provide a link to todays orbo talk?
Quote from: neptune on January 12, 2010, 01:58:23 PM
Could someone please provide a link to todays orbo talk?
It's not up yet, but it will probably 1st appear at the official Steorn YouTube page -->
It might take then a day to get the new video up.
Think of, an accubatt NiMH 10000mAmp is a very very big cap. 10000 Fahrad or more. This is better than a cap. to deliver current spikes.
So next week is when they *anyone* can start testing the eOrbo as they see fit, using their own equipment or they can use Steorn's equipment. ;D
Actually what I can hardly wait for is the calorimeter tests in one of the up coming Steorn Talks this month. My concern is that the calorimeter is no where near sensitive enough to detect any cooling effects in the spinning magnets.
Does anyone know more about Roth-Elektronik Corporation who makes the printed circuit boards for the Orbo? Is it owned or affiliated in any way with the Rothchilds?
If it is, then you can be sure this technology is in the hands of the elitists and is without a doubt legitimate. If this is the case, then I am sure they already have it fully developed and will cause great distress in the world to usher in the NWO. Then they will come as our salvation and deceive many.
Well there is a transcript here :
excellent transcript. The only error is when the creator of the transcript says that sean shows gain in inductancy in both motors. If I recall correctly, that happened only in the orbo.
Live feed capture posted on youtube! Someone posted these on the forum link zapnic just posted, just relaying other's work.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Interesting quote, with possible hidden meaning behind it from Sean... "We have 4 sets of strong neo magnets on it, and we have 4 coils. These coils are toroidal coils positioned in a very specific way."
To me, this indicates that it is possible that not all magnets are exactly aligned with the coil at the exact same time. Maybe we should keep this in mind when doing slight adjustments to our replications. Maybe we need drift a bit away from having them all exactly in line.
"Next week, people can bring their own meter to measure themselves to see how much current is in the system."
Quote from: gravityblock on January 12, 2010, 02:11:18 PM
Does anyone know more about Roth-Elektronik Corporation who makes the printed circuit boards for the Orbo? Is it owned or affiliated in any way with the Rothchilds?
If it is, then you can be sure this technology is in the hands of the elitists and is without a doubt legitimate. If this is the case, then I am sure they already have it fully developed and will cause great distress in the world to usher in the NWO. Then they will come as our salvation and deceive many.
This, IMHO, is (another) GB very astute remark :)
I have just read this: (
As for me [Ben Fulford], I am a spokesperson for the Black Dragon Society. We believe that finance is the process of deciding what humanity does in the future. We believe the planet faces an emergency situation that requires emergency action.
Our membership includes:
High level members of the
Rothschild family who want to use some of their gold to pay off US external debts. They agree to help the planet so long as they can continue to live in their big castles and be surrounded by servants. We say OK, why not. They can mobilize much of the British Empire so let's work with them.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 04:47:37 PM
Interesting quote, with possible hidden meaning behind it from Sean... "We have 4 sets of strong neo magnets on it, and we have 4 coils. These coils are toroidal coils positioned in a very specific way."
To me, this indicates that it is possible that not all magnets are exactly aligned with the coil at the exact same time. Maybe we should keep this in mind when doing slight adjustments to our replications. Maybe we need drift a bit away from having them all exactly in line.
LOL! I wish I could get my to line up! My first attempt actually worked better when they weren't lined up properly but I think I was simply compensating for inconsistent coil windings.
Can someone enlighten me here? The way Sean explains getting more energy out then put in this time is a bit confusing to me. He is of course talking about what we have all already discussed about the change in reluctance of the coils, that part I get. I dont see where he is claiming the excess is coming from though. He is saying it takes less energy to build the field, than he get's back out of the collapsing field due to the increased inductance from the passing magnets. What about the energy used to keep the field built up?
Let me see if I can explain somehow what my question is better. The numbers I'm using are not correct, I'm just throwing number out there... But what I'm trying to say is this....
If you have a 5 ms pulse. During the 1st ms, the votage is turned on, and the current follows slightly behind it due to the permeability of his cores. This takes lets say 2mw of energy to build the field. On the 5th ms, the connection is broken and field collapses. This time the inductance of the coil was higher and now we get 3mw back out of it. 2mw in, and 3mw out... an energy gain... But only if you forget about 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ms that the energy was being used to keep the field built up. So overall there would be an energy loss. I am assuming this is where the energy is supposed to be showing up as heat, and kinetic from the rotor. But Sean makes it sound like he is getting more ELECTRICAL energy out, than ELECTRICAL energy in when he describes it this time.
Any thoughts... Am I looking at this wrong, or hearing him wrong?
Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo technology: (
Quote from: esaruoho link=topic=8411.msg221849#msg221849 A=1263337523
Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo technology: (
Sorry, could someone please explain what he is saying in this video in more understandable terms.
I also watched the videos of his second demo in Dublin... very small group of people... looks like less than 40... It would seem that more people would be interested. Questions were not that good. I hate to say this, but it looked like a small group of street people that were ushered in for a free cup of coffee with maybe a few planted questions. Not that impressive. Sorry for my bad impression.... but I call it the way I see it.
Quote from: captainpecan link=topic=8411.msg221844#msg221844 A=1263336950
Can someone enlighten me here? The way Sean explains getting more energy out then put in this time is a bit confusing to me. He is of course talking about what we have all already discussed about the change in reluctance of the coils, that part I get. I dont see where he is claiming the excess is coming from though. He is saying it takes less energy to build the field, than he get's back out of the collapsing field due to the increased inductance from the passing magnets. What about the energy used to keep the field built up?
Let me see if I can explain somehow what my question is better. The numbers I'm using are not correct, I'm just throwing number out there... But what I'm trying to say is this....
If you have a 5 ms pulse. During the 1st ms, the votage is turned on, and the current follows slightly behind it due to the permeability of his cores. This takes lets say 2mw of energy to build the field. On the 5th ms, the connection is broken and field collapses. This time the inductance of the coil was higher and now we get 3mw back out of it. 2mw in, and 3mw out... an energy gain... But only if you forget about 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ms that the energy was being used to keep the field built up. So overall there would be an energy loss. I am assuming this is where the energy is supposed to be showing up as heat, and kinetic from the rotor. But Sean makes it sound like he is getting more ELECTRICAL energy out, than ELECTRICAL energy in when he describes it this time.
Any thoughts... Am I looking at this wrong, or hearing him wrong?
I believe most of you still have the mind-block of the Law of Conservation of Energy. You still think that the output energy cannot possibly be greater than the input energy as that violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.
If you think of the Orbo as leading-out (or bringing-in) electron motion energy from the surrounding, then the problem is solved. To be more specific, magnetic energy is a form of electron motion. When an electron orbits around the nucleus, a tiny magnetic field is produced (or the equivalent of a tiny magnet). We can use a bit of electromagnetic energy to align such electrons. These aligned electrons (or tiny magnets) will provide the additional energy to the system. The Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine demonstrated to over 25,000 persons in Hong Kong can do that. The Orbo can also do that.
Details are in the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy thread on this forum.
Ok time for some interesting info for the replicating guys from my side:
SOFTMAG 78 Series (78%Ni, Fe rest) (also known as Mumetal ;) - very high permeability, low saturation alloys. This family of alloys shows very high initial and maximum permeability- at low magnetizing forces, low core losses and very good magnetic shielding characteristics. There are six grades of alloys under this series, composed basically of 78% Ni-Fe-Mo and classified according to their permeability characteristics.
78A Series, 78B Series & 78C Series contain small quantities of copper in addition to molybdenum as an alloying element. They are supplied in the form of sheets, strips, cores and laminations.
78D Series & Series 78E are supplied only as tape wound cores in the heat-treated condition to gain optimum magnetic properties higher permeability and reduced losses.
Series 78F is an alloy which exhibits a rectangular hysteresis loop due to special heat treatment. It is obtained from 78D Series heats and is used in the form of cores for magnetic amplifiers, DC transformers, memories, etc.
You know what you need it for, right ?
Quote from: esaruoho on January 12, 2010, 06:05:23 PM
Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo technology: (
Wow, there's a lot of helpful information in that new video for replicators!
Quote from: ltseung888 on January 12, 2010, 06:39:45 PM
I believe most of you still have the mind-block of the Law of Conservation of Energy. You still think that the output energy cannot possibly be greater than the input energy as that violated the Law of Conservation of Energy.
If you think of the Orbo as leading-out (or bringing-in) electron motion energy from the surrounding, then the problem is solved. To be more specific, magnetic energy is a form of electron motion. When an electron orbits around the nucleus, a tiny magnetic field is produced (or the equivalent of a tiny magnet). We can use a bit of electromagnetic energy to align such electrons. These aligned electrons (or tiny magnets) will provide the additional energy to the system. The Tong Po Chi Lead-Out Energy Machine demonstrated to over 25,000 persons in Hong Kong can do that. The Orbo can also do that.
Details are in the Lee-Tseung Lead-Out Energy thread on this forum.
Ummm... Not really my question. I am asking if he is accounting for the energy used to keep the field built up in between the start of the pulse and the end of the pulse. Now if he is getting 10 times the amount of energy back when disconnected, then it makes up for the time energy was used to keep the field alive. I'm just looking for a bit of clarification, as it seems he is eluding to saying he does not need the generator coils hooked up at all, and that the motor part itself keeps the batteries charged.
And no, if I had the mind block of conservation of energy, I wouldn't even be here. The law of conservation of energy holds true, it's just misunderstood. Scientists will take a free energy device, and say it is not possible because it violates the law. Yet, they are fine with a windmill. If they used the same definition of the conservation law, on a windmill as they do on a free energy device, then a windmill would also be impossible. If you ignore the wind being a piece of the equation, it is the same thing as ignoring zero point energy that enters a system. After all, if you ignore wind, then a windmill would be WAY OVERUNITY! The same rules do not seem to apply to a free energy device, simply because they do not believe it is possible there is another source of energy.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 12, 2010, 06:57:23 PM
Wow, there's a lot of helpful information in that new video for replicators!
I agree. He left out some key things that would have been nice to know though of course. But overall, it was a pretty good explanation of how bemf is lurking around in there when the current is on 100% of the time also.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 07:31:58 PM
I agree. He left out some key things that would have been nice to know though of course. But overall, it was a pretty good explanation of how bemf is lurking around in there when the current is on 100% of the time also.
Just watched the demo. Remarkable. What you see is the perfect no back EMF/CEMF GENERATOR. SPIN the damn thing at 20K rpm via a small motor as there is no load!, very short pulses in, then with the inductance shift at turn off of just 500us/1 ms pulses/magnet passage, larger pulses and CURRENT GAIN OUT!!!! Damn, why didn't I see that before!!!!!!
Quote from: maw2432 on January 12, 2010, 06:35:47 PM
Sorry, could someone please explain what he is saying in this video in more understandable terms.
I will do my best! The simplest explanation I can give is this... Picture a coil and a magnet. In a typical motor, when you pulse current into the coil, it forces the magnet away from it (or draws it near, depends on polarity of magnet and pulse). In a generator, when you move the magnet past the coil, it generates a pulse of energy in it. Now picture both of these scenarios happening at the exact same time. That is back emf in laymen's terms, or Lenz Law.
In his demonstrations, the replication he is showing, is at first pushing a certain amount of current. Then as the pulse is still on, the movement of the magnet is also generating current in reverse of the pulse. This is causing a back pressure of sorts to the original current and is not allowing as much to flow. This is what he is referring to with the top of the line being wavy to an extent. When looking at the trace from the Orbo, the top of the pulse line is straight across. This indicates that there is no back pressure being applied to the flow of current from beginning to end. Or of course it could mean there is an exactly constant back pressure at all times. Depends on how you look at it, lol..
I hope that explains it so you can understand it. I'm sure there are many others here much more qualified to explain it than me, but I tried to keep in simple terms as best I could.
I got my orbo running of your high power transistors and reed switch diagram but I cannot do it with pn transistors.
I am using 2N2222 and 2N2907 with 1N914. When I connect it to 12V battery it draws 30mA without presence of the rotor. Trigger coil is 100 turns of #30 wire and it inducts arround 30mV. I don't know why and where does 30mA leaks.
Quote from: k4zep on January 12, 2010, 07:54:27 PM
Just watched the demo. Remarkable. What you see is the perfect no back EMF/CEMF GENERATOR. SPIN the damn thing at 20K rpm via a small motor as there is no load!, very short pulses in, then with the inductance shift at turn off of just 500us/1 ms pulses/magnet passage, larger pulses and CURRENT GAIN OUT!!!! Damn, why didn't I see that before!!!!!!
Yes, I totally agree. I'm starting to understand it much better now. He also stated that the faster it goes, the more energy gain. This also makes since, as the total on time of each pulse decreases, there is less wasted energy to hold the field. While still getting the gain when it collapses over the amount it took to create it. It will be interesting to see how all this pans out, I wish I had an inductance meter!
I'm believing more and more that the Orbo really is an energizer more than a motor. Like the bedini monopole, the motion of the rotor is just a bonus, it was not meant for torque, it was meant to cause very sharp pulses to catch the collapsing field. Same thing seems to apply here. I do not think torque is important at all, I think it is just a bonus. I think Sean just wants it to spin as fast as possible to keep the pulses the shortest possible. I really dont think he cares if you can stop it with your finger or not. At least not at this stage.
Quote from: EBISEVAC on January 12, 2010, 08:12:43 PM
I got my orbo running of your high power transistors and reed switch diagram but I cannot do it with pn transistors.
I am using 2N2222 and 2N2907 with 1N914. When I connect it to 12V battery it draws 30mA without presence of the rotor. Trigger coil is 100 turns of #30 wire and it inducts arround 30mV. I don't know why and where does 30mA leaks.
You sure your reed switch isn't stuck? Just curious, you might wanna flick it with your finger lightly. Just a thought. You might also try to swap out your transistors with others if you have spares. You may have bum transistor that is conducting all the time. As long as your diode is oriented in the right direction, then I'm out of thoughts... Good luck.
Quote from: captainpecan link=topic=8411.msg221909#msg221909 A=1263344389
I will do my best! The simplest explanation I can give is this... Picture a coil and a magnet. In a typical motor, when you pulse current into the coil, it forces the magnet away from it (or draws it near, depends on polarity of magnet and pulse). In a generator, when you move the magnet past the coil, it generates a pulse of energy in it. Now picture both of these scenarios happening at the exact same time. That is back emf in laymen's terms, or Lenz Law.
In his demonstrations, the replication he is showing, is at first pushing a certain amount of current. Then as the pulse is still on, the movement of the magnet is also generating current in reverse of the pulse. This is causing a back pressure of sorts to the original current and is not allowing as much to flow. This is what he is referring to with the top of the line being wavy to an extent. When looking at the trace from the Orbo, the top of the pulse line is straight across. This indicates that there is no back pressure being applied to the flow of current from beginning to end. Or of course it could mean there is an exactly constant back pressure at all times. Depends on how you look at it, lol..
I hope that explains it so you can understand it. I'm sure there are many others here much more qualified to explain it than me, but I tried to keep in simple terms as best I could.
Captain, thanks. I think I am starting to understand, but I still do not understand how he is achieving this "no back emf." What is special about his coils and core material? Do they have any patents on their technology that explains it?
Quote from: maw2432 on January 12, 2010, 08:20:49 PM
Captain, thanks. I think I am starting to understand, but I still do not understand how he is achieving this "no back emf." What is special about his coils and core material? Do they have any patents on their technology that explains it?
Now that's a question we all would like the answer to... Welcome aboard.. LOL!
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 08:15:44 PM
Yes, I totally agree. I'm starting to understand it much better now. He also stated that the faster it goes, the more energy gain. This also makes since, as the total on time of each pulse decreases, there is less wasted energy to hold the field. While still getting the gain when it collapses over the amount it took to create it. It will be interesting to see how all this pans out, I wish I had an inductance meter!
I'm believing more and more that the Orbo really is an energizer more than a motor. Like the bedini monopole, the motion of the rotor is just a bonus, it was not meant for torque, it was meant to cause very sharp pulses to catch the collapsing field. Same thing seems to apply here. I do not think torque is important at all, I think it is just a bonus. I think Sean just wants it to spin as fast as possible to keep the pulses the shortest possible. I really dont think he cares if you can stop it with your finger or not. At least not at this stage.
Hi CP,
I do have an inductance meter and several things stand out. He has an almost 1 H choke there with those small coils, very high permeability! I have a core that switches a much larger swing than those coils right now. Just so much work to put it in motion!!!!
I think I understand how he cancels out his Back EMF,CEMF with his two coils. He back hand shows it in the other demo where he shows a 1 magnet N and S system with two bucking cores....... Same thing happens with correct orientation of two N/N magnets and one coil with large face to both magnets. Remember with two N magnets approaching a toroid, top side and bottom side, one is approaching a CW winding and one is going away with a CW winding, hence no CEMF!..... Then with this one coil on one side, and one coil on the other side one bucking BACK EMF of the other, they get canceled out too via the return loop through the power supply. BUT if you put a transformer between those two coils, you could take out the excess power created by the effect (with switching pulses at the right time)!!!!! I think that is basically it.
Quote from: k4zep on January 12, 2010, 08:32:34 PM
Hi CP,
I do have an inductance meter and several things stand out. He has an almost 1 H choke there with those small coils, very high permeability! I have a core that switches a much larger swing than those coils right now. Just so much work to put it in motion!!!!
I think I understand how he cancels out his Back EMF,CEMF with his two coils. He back hand shows it in the other demo where he shows a 1 magnet N and S system with two bucking cores....... Same thing happens with correct orientation of two N/N magnets and one coil with large face to both magnets. Remember with two N magnets approaching a toroid, top side and bottom side, one is approaching a CW winding and one is going away with a CW winding, hence no CEMF!..... Then with this one coil on one side, and one coil on the other side one bucking BACK EMF of the other, they get canceled out too via the return loop through the power supply. BUT if you put a transformer between those two coils, you could take out the excess power created by the effect (with switching pulses at the right time)!!!!! I think that is basically it.
That's pretty much exactly what I decided after watching these new demo's as to how he's getting rid of the back emf. I also think he is being really picky with his magnets too. They are measuring each one of their magnets with their gause guage, and making sure they align magnets in pairs with as close to identical fields as possible to cancel each other out properly. I have also been trying to figure a good way to more focus the field of each magnet more directly in front of the magnet instead of so spread out. This would make the inductance change happen in a more narrow width, thus decreasing the amount of time a pulse would have to be sustained, for the same results. Maybe wrapping the magnets with thin metal sheet, so as to draw some the stray fields in closer. Or orienting magnets inside the rotor sideways, point directly at 90 degrees the rotor magnets opposing them. This should force the field of the rotor magnets to be more focused forward and tighter. Not sure, still pondering on that one.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 09:07:10 PM
That's pretty much exactly what I decided after watching these new demo's as to how he's getting rid of the back emf. I also think he is being really picky with his magnets too. They are measuring each one of their magnets with their gause guage, and making sure they align magnets in pairs with as close to identical fields as possible to cancel each other out properly. I have also been trying to figure a good way to more focus the field of each magnet more directly in front of the magnet instead of so spread out. This would make the inductance change happen in a more narrow width, thus decreasing the amount of time a pulse would have to be sustained, for the same results. Maybe wrapping the magnets with thin metal sheet, so as to draw some the stray fields in closer. Not sure, still pondering on that one.
Hi CP,
IF you got serious in making a good generator, you would have to match magnets with a HE meter, you would have to match cores/coils with an inductance meter, you would have to have adjustable cores in two axis for best tracking or precision machining, matching output transformers to not introduce a phase shift in the output, VERY low loss switching, on and on and a very balanced rotor that flys! Hummmmmmm sounds like a hard drive designer could have a "field" day with this!!!!! With everything perfect, very small motor could drive to cause the inductance shift. Wow. He is probably right, we can build a demo unit but practically, will take a lot of precision and a lot of good electronics.
Imagine about 180 magnets in two rows, every two degrees, very small toroids, integrated switching chips, on and on, yes, it could be made to work.......In this form, certainly self powering and massive power output. But now I'm dreaming!!!!! I immediately see even a better way........almost a pure DC output!!! IF this effect is really real!!!!!
Has anyone tested with an inductance meter, using dual magnets? I would be interested to know if their is a big difference in the inductance when using two like poles compared to two opposite.
The scary part of this whole project is that you appear to be correct k4zep. It could be a nightmare to tweak to get one working correctly. I can see why Sean does not want to build these things, and just wants to lease the rights to it. But, it will be an interesting month to see what all Steorn has planned.
I think you guys are putting way to much into this. :o
Way to complicated.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 09:07:10 PM
That's pretty much exactly what I decided after watching these new demo's as to how he's getting rid of the back emf. I also think he is being really picky with his magnets too. They are measuring each one of their magnets with their gause guage, and making sure they align magnets in pairs with as close to identical fields as possible to cancel each other out properly. I have also been trying to figure a good way to more focus the field of each magnet more directly in front of the magnet instead of so spread out. This would make the inductance change happen in a more narrow width, thus decreasing the amount of time a pulse would have to be sustained, for the same results. Maybe wrapping the magnets with thin metal sheet, so as to draw some the stray fields in closer. Or orienting magnets inside the rotor sideways, point directly at 90 degrees the rotor magnets opposing them. This should force the field of the rotor magnets to be more focused forward and tighter. Not sure, still pondering on that one.
Just thinking a bit, you could add a balance coil to the torroid, detect the CEMF if balance wasn't perfect and add corrective negative feedback pulse bias to the core to make it perfect!!!! only 3-4 turns and a summing junction in a op amp or high speed micro. Give or take.......Many ways to tame the beast. Got to shut up now, talking too much...........
Quote from: k4zep on January 12, 2010, 10:05:00 PM
Just thinking a bit, you could add a balance coil to the torroid, detect the CEMF if balance wasn't perfect and add corrective negative feedback pulse bias to the core to make it perfect!!!! only 3-4 turns and a summing junction in a op amp or high speed micro. Give or take.......Many ways to tame the beast. Got to shut up now, talking too much...........
Or just wind two layers around the core, one layer clockwise and the other counter clockwise?
Balance it by adding or removing one loop on the last layer.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 04:38:42 PM
Live feed capture posted on youtube! Someone posted these on the forum link zapnic just posted, just relaying other's work.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
My impression to this video presentation is,
that Steorn is totally right with this.
Interesting to see was, that the toroidal coils gain in inductance,
when the magnets approach.
Can we get some testers verify this ?
I would have thought, that it would be the other way around,
but maybe they are switching their coils at different angles
as we would have thought of ?
Isn´t a ferrite core not getting saturated from the magnet and then the coil
around it having a lower inductance ?
have to rethink and ponder about this.
Here is a page with some good calculations for toroidal coils:
Well, does somebody know, what kind of coils Steorn used
in the other NORMAL pulse motor ?
Did they have just normal toroidal coils without a ferrite core ?
or were these ones cylindrical aircore coils ?
ALso Ben is right, with this setup one could build a great dragless
generator too wit the right coil setup and a highspeed motor powering the
Regards, Stefan.
Greetings all,
This YT video uploaded by Steorn tries to explain why people are having problems with replicating Orbo effect:
Hopefully it will prove to be useful for someone (TK?)
Quote from: lumen on January 12, 2010, 10:15:47 PM
Or just wind two layers around the core, one layer clockwise and the other counter clockwise?
Balance it by adding or removing one loop on the last layer.
Not a bad idea. Maybe simply just a bifillar wind, their are a few good variations you could hook the windings up in to test. One idea could be like a joule thief wind, but instead of the two leads running to the collector and base of a transistor, they would just go together and onto the next component. The thing is, there is no data that I know of that is showing they are only using one winding on the toroids, so the answer could be just that simple.
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 13, 2010, 12:01:51 AM
Interesting to see was, that the toroidal coils gain in inductance,
when the magnets approach.
Can we get some testers verify this ?
Well, just remembered, that Jean Louis
had already done this over here:
So we now know, that Steorn switches their coils ON only
shortly after top dead center and keeps them
on for about 30 degrees, until the coils have again a higher inductance.
As we now have a dL/dt term the energy equations change immense.
Have to look this up, I calculated this already a few years back
for the Newman coils.
I wonder, how Steorn accomplishes to have almost 1 Henry of inductance
just with 2 (or 4) toroidal coils, when Naudin has a simular size and is only in a range of
1 to 12 milliHenries ?
Does Steorn use special ferrite or mumetal cores ?
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 13, 2010, 12:01:51 AM
Interesting to see was, that the toroidal coils gain in inductance,
when the magnets approach.
Can we get some testers verify this ?
Actually, it is a gain in inductance when the magnets LEAVE the coils. I was just going to post that JLNaudin had already shown this, but I just saw you figured that out already. But I was going to make a quick note, that if you watch the demo closely, you can see that what they are calling the beginning of the pulse, does in fact appear to be a stopped rotor at TDC. Then the end of the pulse is a little bit past. So even picking it apart and studying very closely, they do confirm JLNaudin's results on the inductance test. Of course Naudin tested it with one magnet and had 2 sticky spots, but the results are the same. Any others want to see exactly the spot of the video I'm referring to where you can see them showing their pulse width, just check out part 2 right at about 7:30
Quote from: hartiberlin link=topic=8411.msg221978#msg221978 A=1263366204
Does Steorn use special ferrite or mumetal cores ?
Grrrr, cannot you just read what I have written a few posts back ?!! Look at the properties of Mumetal !! Like talking to the wall ;]
1) When reversing the pulse polarity, the rotor has the same direction of rotation. What is biasing the rotor in one direction only with either polarity in the pulse?
The only thing I can think of that could bias the rotor in one direction only when changing the pulse polarity is for the core to have dissimilar metals in it. For example, the top side of the core is mu-metal and the bottom side of the core is a soft iron or whatever. It could also be diametrically where the right side is mu-metal and the left side is some other material or a combination of both.
I would love to know the answer to this question. This could be what is responsible for the huge gains in inductance since the pulse could be at TDC or slightly past its departure as Stefan suggested and still have the same rotation direction regardless of the pulse polarity.
If there are other possible reasons why the rotor is biased in one direction only with either polarity in the pulse, then I would love to hear it.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 13, 2010, 04:54:37 AM
1) When reversing the pulse polarity, the rotor has the same direction of rotation. What is biasing the rotor in one direction only with either polarity in the pulse? If the pulse is TDC, it shouldn't have any net rotation with either polarity. When the pulse is slightly to the left/right, then reversing the pulse polarity will reverse the rotation direction.
Well, when you figure in the fact that Steorn keeps saying that Orbo does not work from pulses pushing or pulling the rotor. Then it makes sense. They must be very simply adjusting all the values of the motor so that the current will only jumble the alignment of the domains in the core, and not bias them in any direction at all. This is the only way I can think of that current in either direction will have the same effect on the rotor. Like we've been discussing, they are simply cloaking the core from the magnets so that the magnets cannot attract to them for a short time. I believe this is why they are stating so strongly that they need a very precise current and voltage value at all times. Because I'm betting a slight drift in current either up or down, may have an effect on that rotor that would cause switching polarities to again make a difference.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 04:11:41 AM
Grrrr, cannot you just read what I have written a few posts back ?!! Look at the properties of Mumetal !! Like talking to the wall ;]
Hi AS!
You might be absolutely right. 4:30 a.m. here, woke up with this thought.
I suggest there is another way to do it with 1 magnet per coil set. Rotor magnets on the horizontal in rotation plane. IF 1 magnet is X wide or diameter, then wind two toroids X/2 wide, one CW wound and CCW wound, Place them on top of each other, each hole in the vertical direction of orientation and facing the magnet exactly centered on the magnet wired in series, start to finish to start to finish. Thus 1/2 of magnet field is approaching a coil with the CW wind and 1/2 magnet approaching with CCW winding, any CEMF is canceled out but the switching ORBO "effect" is there. Two sets of these coils in a BUCKING configuration (start to finish of one set to finish to start on other "set" of cores) on opposites sides of rotor, the currents will be 180 degrees out of phase between them during switching and can be picked off with a transformer/resistive/etc load between them. I was wrong before on one statement, the currents do not feed around through the power supply but should be simply completed by appropriate switching across the whole system of coils as in a standard pulse systems.
Everyone realizes that for all of this to work, there is some very precise machining and coil assembly required to get pure cancellation in the whole system with the resultant output the Input current plus the "effect". Or I out=I in + Orbo effect. Precision, speed of rotor and speed in switching on and off and switching inductance differential speed is of the essence then! As maximum effect is equal to peak field in toroids effecting the inductance shift, pulse would be at TDC and only wide enough to develop the effect via the inductance shift. I just realized,the micrometer at the top of the motor is not for precise bearing adjustment as they are already precise, it is for precise vertical adjustment of the tracking of the rotor/magnet interface for maximum cancellation!
There might be two or three other ways to wind these cores for same effect and switching but have to try it as BS (brain simulation) only goes so far! Bleary eyed, no glasses, going back to bed.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 07:27:39 PM
Scientists will take a free energy device, and say it is not possible because it violates the law.
Not exactly. Science is based on observations and experiments. Scientists say: where is the evidence you get more out than in?
Many people, including scientists, replicated Naudin's lifter but no one is (yet?) able to duplicate a free energy device. OU is rejected by scientists less for a question of theory not matching the experiments than for a question of experiments not matching the builders claims.
When experiments contradict obviously solid theories, they are checked and if confirmed, theories are modified or replaced.
Ok guys now please read carefully what I'm going to write and please don't ignore it only for the reason that I've written only 8 posts here!
ORBO is in fact a motor and generator in one! What's most important it doesn't even need the top disks generator part!
And here is what will blow your mind - a mathematical / physical proof of working ORBO !!!:
i x v = dL/dt x 1/2 x i^2
where x is meaning a multiplication sign.
Since i x v is the energy transferred to the system per time, it follows that (L/2)i^2 is the energy of the magnetic field generated by the current. A change in current thus implies a change in magnetic field energy, and this only is possible if there also is a voltage.
Left side of the equation is the input, right side is the output of the system.
Now consider a constant current in a time frame. Since current is constant the magnetic field generated by that current also stays constant.
Now note, what Sean has shown about ORBO action considering a change in Inductance.
Since current stays constant on the input side of the equation and we have change in Inductance on the right side of the equation (due to ORBO interaction), what we end up with is a gain in magnetic field energy !!
What is more important here is the fact, that the higher the change in Inductance and the lower the time frame, the more magnetic energy gain !!!
So now you understand what Sean meant when he was saying that what really counts is the RPM and not the torque, right ?!
Now, what you do to get that magnetic energy gain back in electrical terms ? Colapse the field !!!
Also bear in mind that the higher the RPM, the smaller the time frame (energy needed) to saturate the core. So the higher the RPM, the time frame where the core is saturated divided by the time frame where the field is being colapsed, is getting closer to 1.
So all in all how ORBO really works ?:
- saturate the core with the smallest current possible at the right time (which is when the magnet meets toroid coil) - this is the only way that you end up with no back EMF
- use mumetal (SOFTMAG 78 Series) as the core material - hight permeability | low saturation point
- release the current at the right time (when the magnet is at the max distance from the toroid and so the Inductance is maximum)
- probably also use magnetic viscosity effect to lower the time frame in which current has to be provided to the coil - mutmetal should like this (is this the real secret of the ORBO?)
- what you have at this moment is a gain in magnetic field energy which you utilize due to the colapse of the field (gratis electrical energy)
- you have a moving motor which enables you to make other (next) interactions for free (gratis kinetical energy)
Now what you can do more is:
- use the kinetical energy to do work (ordinary generator at the top disk of ORBO) - just make sure that it doesn't make the motor decrease it's speed - motor RPM must stay constant - remember what the tachoman was doing ?
- use low friction bearings to get more RPMs
- make the interaction gaps the lowest possible
- close the magnetic loop where the interaction is taking place (remember the two magnets in the original ORBO?)
- other stuff ?
Man... I just didn't realize it's so perfect !!!!!!!
Best regards,
Julian S.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:14:49 AM
They must be very simply adjusting all the values of the motor so that the current will only jumble the alignment of the domains in the core, and not bias them in any direction at all. This is the only way I can think of that current in either direction will have the same effect on the rotor. Like we've been discussing, they are simply cloaking the core from the magnets so that the magnets cannot attract to them for a short time. I believe this is why they are stating so strongly that they need a very precise current and voltage value at all times. Because I'm betting a slight drift in current either up or down, may have an effect on that rotor that would cause switching polarities to again make a difference.
I disagree with you. The domains are already jumbled and not biased in any particular direction in most cases without any outside influences and this makes the core attractive. If the pulse from the current jumbled the domains, then it would make the core attractive during it's departure and would not cloak the core from the magnets.
The attraction of mu-metal gets stronger when it first heads towards saturation until it reaches a peak. After this peak, then it starts losing its attractiveness.
Lumen is going to like this. Now, if the dual magnets have opposite poles, they will start saturating the mu-metal and this will increase the attraction force during it's approach. At TDC, the mu-metal is at it's peak attraction, but is pre-saturated from the magnets.
The other side of the core is made up of a different material and it's pre-saturated at TDC and has very little attractive force.
The pulse at TDC will begin to saturate the mu-metal and it will begin losing it's attraction force. The other material is fully saturated and will increase the rate at which the mu-metal is saturated causing it to lose it's attraction force quicker during it's departure than what it took to become more attractive during it's approach.
When the pulse ends, it takes both materials longer to de-saturate than what it took for them to be saturated by the pulse. This leads to an inductance gain.
This is manipulating the "Time Frames" that was mentioned as their theory on where the gains in inductance is coming from.
I haven't thought this through completing and I am just throwing it out here. I am sure there are full of mistakes in the above because I am short on time in writing this post.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 05:55:50 PM
If you have a 5 ms pulse. During the 1st ms, the votage is turned on, and the current follows slightly behind it due to the permeability of his cores. This takes lets say 2mw of energy to build the field. On the 5th ms, the connection is broken and field collapses. This time the inductance of the coil was higher and now we get 3mw back out of it. 2mw in, and 3mw out... an energy gain... But only if you forget about 2nd, 3rd, and 4th ms that the energy was being used to keep the field built up.
Any thoughts... Am I looking at this wrong, or hearing him wrong?
I asked me the same question. It is not possible to obtain a pulse constant in current and voltage when powering a changing inductance.
When the inductance increases the current should be decreasing.
Possible explanation for both this question and also the functionning with reversed current pulse:
The magnetic flux from the moving magnet is not balanced inside the toroid core, thus it induces an emf in the coil. As the voltage is kept constant by the pulse generator, it follows that the current decreasing because of increasing inductance is compensated by the current provided by emf from the magnet motion (Lenz's law).
When the pulse polarity is reversed, the effect is the same, because the Lenz's law goes always against the variation of flux and not against the absolute direction of the flux.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 06:17:27 AM
Since current stays constant on the input side of the equation and we have change in Inductance on the right side of the equation (due to ORBO interaction), what we end up with is a gain in magnetic field energy !!
It is generally true, but a wrong statement in the present case. Even though the coil is toroidal, the rotor magnet motion induces emf in the coil, and thus provides current that is supposedly free.
Why? Because the magnet modifies the toroid core permeability but the permeability is not constant along circles that pass inside the torus and have the same center as the torus. The core cannot confine the flux because of core parts having higher permeability than others. The flux in the sections of higher permeability cannot pass fully through the sections of lower permeability (these more saturated): the field lines have to loop outside of the core. Thus it is a classical functionning of a coil in the field of a moving magnet, the only particular thing being that the coil inductance is field dependent. This kind of motor is known as "parametric motor".
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 13, 2010, 08:08:36 AM
the rotor motion induces emf in the coil and thus provides current that is supposedly free
No it doesn't. When the magnet is approching a coil, the coil's circuit is open so there is no current. Then at TDC we saturate the core. Since the core is fully saturated it's "invisible" for the magnets and vice versa. Just put a simple saturated toroid and a magnet in the FEMM simulation. Does the field lines of the magnet penetrate the toroid ?
I think the thermal imaging camera suggests an inner and outer core material. Both the inner and outer core being made up of a different material. Take a very close look at 7:25 to 7:27 in the video.
Naudin has posted a new coil test on inductance of his latest rig. (
He shows also quite high values in Henries near 1 H.
As far as he indicated he uses ferrite as coil material.
In my view Steorn just uses simple ferrite cores.
Ferrite is able to handle high frequencies and has a permeability of around 4000.
Mumetal is not able to handle fast switching without significant losses as far as I am informed correctly.
Quote from: teslaalset link=topic=8411.msg222043#msg222043 A=1263391257
Mumetal is not able to handle fast switching without significant losses as far as I am informed correctly.
Sure, so why not use a magnetic viscosity effect ? Why do you think Sean have some patents on it ?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 13, 2010, 09:00:57 AM
Naudin has posted a new coil test on inductance of his latest rig. (
He shows also quite high values in Henries near 1 H.
As far as he indicated he uses ferrite as coil material.
In my view Steorn just uses simple ferrite cores.
Ferrite is able to handle high frequencies and has a permeability of around 4000.
Mumetal is not able to handle fast switching without significant losses as far as I am informed correctly.
Where does he indicate he used ferrite as the core material? He doesn't say in the video or in the description of the video what he used as a core material. It's not in the comments either, because there are no comments at this time. You may be right though.
Something about that video doesn't look right to me.
Quote..........................So all in all how ORBO really works ?:
- saturate the core with the smallest current possible at the right time (which is when the magnet meets toroid coil) - this is the only way that you end up with no back EMF
- use mumetal (SOFTMAG 78 Series) as the core material - hight permeability | low saturation point
- release the current at the right time (when the magnet is at the max distance from the toroid and so the Inductance is maximum)
- what you have at this moment is a gain in magnetic field energy which you utilize due to the colapse of the field (gratis electrical energy)
- you have a moving motor which enables you to make other (next) interactions for free (gratis kinetical energy)
Now what you can do more is:
- use the kinetical energy to do work (ordinary generator at the top disk of ORBO) - just make sure that it doesn't make the motor decrease it's speed - motor RPM must stay constant - remember what the tachoman was doing ?
- use low friction bearings to get more RPMs
- make the interaction gaps the lowest possible
- close the magnetic loop where the interaction is taking place (remember the two magnets in the original ORBO?)
- other stuff ?[/b]
Man... I just didn't realize it's so perfect !!!!!!!
Best regards,
Julian S.
@Airstriker I like your thinking on this. Nice touch adding the math. Change in inductance rather then change in current to pull more energy out than the electrical energy in.
Where do you believe the excess energy is coming from (2nd law)?
Is there a transfer from the neo's on the rotor (allbeit very small, motor would run a long time)?
Therefore Will the rotor neo's ultimately be depleted?
What are your thoughts?
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 09:13:35 AM
Sure, so why not use a magnetic viscosity effect ? Why do you think Sean have some patents on it ?
As long as he hasn't revealed the materials, it's guess work.
The fact that he has a patent on magnetic viscosity doesn't prove he applied them in the Orbo.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 13, 2010, 09:17:05 AM
Where does he indicate he used ferrite as the core material? He doesn't say in the video or in the description of the video what he used as a core material. It's not in the comments either, because there are no comments at this time.
You may be right though.
I based my observations on his first setup:
He stated:
QuoteI used 2 ferrite toroidal cores made by Philips (purple color), reference 4C65-RK190. Outer diameter: 23.6 mm, inner diameter: 13.4 mm, height: 7.6mm. Permeability: 120, specific inductance Al = 87.
Quote from: PCB link=topic=8411.msg222046#msg222046 A=1263392345
Where do you believe the excess energy is coming from (2nd law)?
Is there a transfer from the neo's on the rotor (allbeit very small, motor would run a long time)?
Therefore Will the rotor neo's ultimately be depleted?
What are your thoughts?
To answer this question we first need to know what really causes the Inductance value to change. This should leed to the answer.
But what you gone like is this:
A mechanical analogy to the provided equation is a body with mass M, velocity v and kinetic energy (M/2)v2. A change in velocity (current) generates a force (an electrical voltage) proportional to mass (inductance). So what we do have here is in fact an analogy to the change of mass!
Quote from: teslaalset on January 13, 2010, 09:00:57 AM
Naudin has posted a new coil test on inductance of his latest rig. (
He shows also quite high values in Henries near 1 H.
As far as he indicated he uses ferrite as coil material.
In my view Steorn just uses simple ferrite cores.
Ferrite is able to handle high frequencies and has a permeability of around 4000.
Mumetal is not able to handle fast switching without significant losses as far as I am informed correctly.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 13, 2010, 09:29:21 AM
I based my observations on his first setup:
He stated:
I used 2 ferrite toroidal cores made by Philips (purple color), reference 4C65-RK190. Outer diameter: 23.6 mm, inner diameter: 13.4 mm, height: 7.6mm. Permeability: 120, specific inductance Al = 87.
The first quote you say ferrite has a permeability of around
4,000. The second quote from you quoting Naudin says his ferrite cores have a permeability of
Something with this is not right either.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 13, 2010, 09:38:32 AM
The first quote you say ferrite has a permeability of around 4,000. The second quote from you quoting Naudin says his ferrite cores have a permeability of 120.
Something with this is not right either.
Gravity, there are many varieties of ferrite around. Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 13, 2010, 09:43:10 AM
Gravity, there are many varieties of ferrite around. Sorry, I should have mentioned that.
120 is not around 4,000. So, now you are saying ferrite doesn't have a permeability around 4,000 because of the different varieties? You're statement was saying all ferrites have a permeability around 4,000. Don't be giving statements that gives a near constant, when it is variable. Especially when the variable is large.
Should I now question if all varieties of ferrites are able to handle high frequencies?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 13, 2010, 09:27:45 AM
As long as he hasn't revealed the materials, it's guess work.
The fact that he has a patent on magnetic viscosity doesn't prove he applied them in the Orbo.
Then try to explain Sean's words: "we are modifying time frames" in other terms.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 10:11:28 AM
Then try to explain Sean's words: "we are modifying time frames" in other terms.
I agree with you Striker but I wouldn't go too heavy on the "time frame" thing. I've been down this road and most people think time is just a measurement and is a man made concept. You will be fighting an uphill battle trying to convince even 1% of the people here that time can run slower in one frame of reference while it is running faster in another frame of reference.
IMO, this is exactly what is happening with the Orbo and I have spent many sleepless nights trying to figure out how to manipulate these different "time frames". Einstein's theory of relativity says the speed of light is constant in all reference frames. This can only be true if time is variable.
IMO, mass slows time down and causes a time gradient around the mass, thus gravity. The closer you get to the mass, the slower time runs. This is responsible for the acceleration of an object falling towards a large mass. The object is moving through slower time frames and gains energy, thus an acceleration. It boggles my mind that physicists are so blinded to this concept. 100% time is 0% energy and 100% energy is 0% time. Time and energy are the inverse of each other. You lose one, you gain the other and vice versa.
I've been looking at different toroid materials for the past few days. I ran across this chart (see link) that shows a changing permeability with changing Gauss. I've tried to find other materials with this graph, with no success.
Is this what they are talking about?
Ok.... link not quite right...
After you click on the link, select the High Permeability 76 material. Then select the bottom toroid from the list (5976000221). Then see the chart labeled 'Amplitude Permeability vs Flux Density.
Sorry for the stupid question:
How is the outcome of this experiment and all the talks at youtube from Steorn? Is this OU? Has anyone replicated a real Orbo?
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 10:11:28 AM
Then try to explain Sean's words: "we are modifying time frames" in other terms.
If you can move the magnets in slowly, drawing power as you do, then move them away quickly, you have modified the time frame of the reaction and can have a much shorter pulse to hide the coil compared to the energy gained on the approach.
Few observations from the demo, Regular Pulse motor vs Orbo and Inductance changes.
The only measured info displayed for all to see was Inductance of regular motor 7.254 mH at the beginning of the pulse, and 961.4 mH for the Orbo at the same beginning of the pulse. That is a factor of about 132.5x
The coils on both setups appear to have the same outside dimensions. Similarly positioned and are toriods.
Inductance of toroidal coil is: proportional to the permeability of the core material, proportional to the square of coil turns, and also proportional to the ration of the cross section area over the effective core length
In addition the core permeability is also dependant on the external magnetic field applied to it.
The main unknowns regarding inductance between the two motors are:
a.Core material properties,
b. core size, physical dimensions and number of turns. You can have a smaller core with more turns fitting into the same volume (apparent same size of toroid)
c. Pole orientation and strength of the rotor magnets (external magnetic field)
So between the 2 rotors we do not know what level of saturation does each core experience, and furthermore when the coils are pulsed during operation what is the H field created by the coils (as stated above they can be different # of turns), and of course, what is the composite effect of both fields (coil plus magnets) on the core material.
One question to ask:
If the coil field is extremely high as compared to the outside from the magnets, will the coil ever register a “dip†in current as the outside magnets pass though and move away?
Nice comments folks
Thanks for posting
New upload of censored video
Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo Technology
Quote from: captainpecan on January 12, 2010, 09:36:43 PM
Has anyone tested with an inductance meter, using dual magnets?
btw, a way of measuring inductance without an LCR meter is to place an AC signal across an inductor in series with a resistor and measure the AC voltage across the inductor. Or here's a good inexpensive new LCR meter for just over $40 -->
Amazing resolution:
0.1uH resolution
0.1pF resolution
There's a cheaper LCR meter for about $27, but it's resolution is about 10 times worse.
Hey, I just calculated the permeability of the Steorn core, and I come up with 2.7 million!!! That's about 27 times higher than Mu-metal. There's a closeup view of the toroid to get a good idea how many turns in Steorn video 3 of 5 @ 2:47 time mark --> (
I get ~ 24 turns. In order to get 985mH in a core that size it takes a permeability of ~ 2700000.
What kind of freaken material are they using??? The highest I'm aware of is sold by Metglas, nanocrystalline & amorphous, and it's about 1 million.
Quote from Metglas, (
"Question: Which Metglas product alloy has the highest permeability?
Answer: METGLAS2714A ribbon which has the highest permeability, exceeding that of crystalline Supermalloy"
The permeability of METGLAS2714A is 1 million --> (
Mu-metal permeability is 0.08 to 0.1 million. I think my estimate of 24 turns on their core is close, and the core is ~ 1" OD, so I would just love to know where Steorn got that magnetic material.
Looking at that 76 material above, it would have a large output based on what Steorn was saying about changing inductance. If we started with a magnet field strength of 0.4 T (permeability ~ 4000) at TDC then turned the coils off when the field moved away, so the field strength is now at 0.15 T (permeability ~ 14000), then the energy gain would be close to 3.5 units more then we put into the coil. I think they are definitely on to something big.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 01:13:04 PM
Hey, I just calculated the permeability of the Steorn core, and I come up with 2.7 million!!! That's about 27 times higher than Mu-metal. There's a closeup view of the toroid to get a good idea how many turns in Steorn video 3 of 5 @ 2:47 time mark --> (
I get ~ 24 turns. In order to get 985mH in a core that size it takes a permeability of ~ 2700000.
What kind of freaken material are they using??? The highest I'm aware of is sold by Metglas, nanocrystalline & amorphous, and it's about 1 million.
Quote from Metglas, (
"Question: Which Metglas product alloy has the highest permeability?
Answer: METGLAS2714A ribbon which has the highest permeability, exceeding that of crystalline Supermalloy"
The permeability of METGLAS2714A is 1 million --> (
Mu-metal permeability is 0.08 to 0.1 million. I think my estimate of 24 turns on their core is close, and the core is ~ 1" OD, so I would just love to know where Steorn got that magnetic material.
This looks like they are using the same toroids for all their demo's. I see many more than 24 turns here, and judging by how narrow the center hole is, there is quite a few layers also is my guess. Depending of course on the actual size of that toroid, my guess is they are upwards of 250 turns easily. Maybe near 500. This could put them right back down into the ferrite core to mumetal range again easily.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 01:47:48 PM
This looks like they are using the same toroids for all their demo's. I see many more than 24 turns here, and judging by how narrow the center hole is, there is quite a few layers also is my guess. Depending of course on the actual size of that toroid, my guess is they are upwards of 250 turns easily. Maybe near 500. This could put them right back down into the ferrite core to mumetal range again easily.
Here's a snap shot of the *actual* toroid in the demo used during the inductance measurements. I counted 3 turns for 45 degrees. Actually, is it closer to 4, which makes it 32 turns? That's close enough for a rough estimate. :)
Now this is getting interesting. I think it's very possible Steorn is using a Metglas 2714A *Longitudinally* annealed core. Consider the two possibilities:
If we take a look at the BH loop of the Metglas 2714A *Longitudinally* annealed core, then it looks like Metglas took the permeability measurements near 100% saturation, but if we consider say 95% saturation then according to that graph the Metglas 2714A *Longitudinally* annealed core permeability is 2.2 million. This would mean the Steorn core had ~ 27 turns instead of my estimated 24.
If Steorn's permeability measurements were near 100% saturation, then my estimated turns for the Steorn core would be 39 turns.
Both cases are believable, and the only options I see.
Either way, the only core that comes even close is the Metglas 2714A *Longitudinally* annealed core. Hey, I have some of those cores. ;D
I've always assumed Steorn would camouflage their core, did they? In a close up photo of the core used in the Steorn Talks #2 looks like it's black. Notice how a lot of Metglas core casings are black plastic.
btw, I just counted all of the turns shown in the captains photo (last photo shown in above post) of the Steorn's coil, and I'm getting 37 turns, which places it at 1.1 million permeability. Maybe there are a few more turns I can't see, but to put it at 1 million would take 39 turns.
Looks like Steorn is using Metglas 2714A *Longitudinally* annealed core, which the only ones available in non-custom order are the Metglas MAGAMP - Square Loop Cores -->.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 01:47:48 PM
This looks like they are using the same toroids for all their demo's. I see many more than 24 turns here, and judging by how narrow the center hole is, there is quite a few layers also is my guess. Depending of course on the actual size of that toroid, my guess is they are upwards of 250 turns easily. Maybe near 500. This could put them right back down into the ferrite core to mumetal range again easily.
Orientation of the toroid looks different than the one(s) shown at the latest demo.
Demo's coil(s) look to be horizontal and parallel to the rotor plane of rotation.
Coils may appear the same, but in the pic above the different realtive positioning to the passing rotor magnets may drastically effect coil's response.
If, and that's a big if, this is the orientation on the regular pulse motor, and the Orbo has its coils flat, then we cannot be sure if these two systems can even be compared.
Use this calculator.
Quote from: mikestocks2006 on January 13, 2010, 03:47:11 PM
Orientation of the toroid looks different than the one(s) shown at the latest demo.
Demo's coil(s) look to be horizontal and parallel to the rotor plane of rotation.
Coils may appear the same, but in the pic above the different realtive positioning to the passing rotor magnets may drastically effect coil's response.
If, and that's a big if, this is the orientation on the regular pulse A, and the Orbo has its coils flat, then we cannot be sure if these two systems can even be compared.
Now that's it's proven Steorn uses ultra high permeability core, and IMO most likely the Metglas 2714A, their claim of excess energy seems even more believable.
The amount of energy required to saturate that core even in the presence of the magnet is almost nothing.
I would bet the farm that the Metglas 2714A core would show exactly what's seen in the Steorn scopes. There would be no hump when the magnet flies by because that 2714A core would be so freaking saturated.
Any legit researchers out there, here's where I bought my Metglas cores -->
Elna Magnetics (
They stock a lot of Metglas cores.
The particular Metglas core that matches the Steorn measurements is the MAGAMP Square Loop: (
Here are the Metglas MAGAMP cores I've had for years:
My largest MAGAMP, MP1805P4AS, is 0.82" OD, which appears to be a bit smaller than Steorn's, but still very close. ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 05:06:29 PM
Any legit researchers out there, here's where I bought my Metglas cores -->
Elna Magnetics (
They stock a lot of Metglas cores.
The particular Metglas core that matches the Steorn measurements is the MAGAMP Square Loop: (
Here are the Metglas MAGAMP cores I've had for years:
My largest MAGAMP, MP1805P4AS, is 0.82" OD, which appears to be a bit smaller than Steorn's, but still very close. ;D
Hi Paul,
Do you remember what those cores cost in lots of 10?
Quote from: k4zep on January 13, 2010, 05:30:09 PM
Hi Paul,
Do you remember what those cores cost in lots of 10?
Ben, they are very reasonable. Let me take a look in my email. ... Attached image is a copy of my order. Black part I did because it contains my home address & phone #.
I believe the price is per item. So the MP1805P4AS costs $2.65 each. As far as quantity of 10, I don't know, but I'm certain they offer quantity discounts.
@ Paul,
Is there a reason you keep assuming there is only one layer or turns on those toroids? You keep mentioning 24 to 34 turns or so max... If inductance is what they are after, why would they do that? Why wouldn't they have as many layers as the core would allow, and as many turns as possible for the chosen wire size? Looking at these cores are very difficult to make any determination, but with such a tiny hole in the middle of their coils, they either started with an overly fat toroid with barely any hole in the middle, or they added layers and layers of turns.
When I look at the toroids, I do not see a core between the windings. This indicates to me that there is at lease 3 to 4 layers at a minimum to totally cover the core material. I think the black color you are seeing is simply shadow of the wire windings. When I look at my coils they look exactly the same way, but I have 1500 turns on mine.
Bottom line, it's still a guess anyway. But I'm just curious why you feel there is only 1 layer to use 24 to 27 turns in your equations? We would see quite a bit of core showing if there was only 6 turns every 90 degrees on that core. I'm of course not doubting your thoughts on the core material, that looks like pretty promising stuff. Just the turn numbers you are using for your equations. But that of course is just my opinion.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:50:48 PM
@ Paul,
Is there a reason you keep assuming there is only one layer or turns on those toroids? You keep mentioning 24 to 34 turns or so max...
Because you can see the spacing between the wires, and there's nothing but black material underneath the wires.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:50:48 PMIf inductance is what they are after, why would they do that?
It's not about inductance, but about how much energy is require to saturate the core, and these ultra high permeability cores require almost no energy to saturate them. I have a bunch of these cores. I've tested them before.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:50:48 PMWhy wouldn't they have as many layers as the core would allow, and as many turns as possible for the chosen wire size?
Sean keep repeating how level they need to current to be. A 2nd layer of wiring would add significant capacitance. Maybe it's too much capacitance. How am I to know until I try it. Or maybe Steorn just wanted to make it look simple, which Sean has made very clear that's what they want.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:50:48 PMWhen I look at the toroids, I do not see a core between the windings.
I see a black core, which btw is the same color as the Metglas MAGAMP cores, black plastic.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:50:48 PMBottom line, it's still a guess anyway. But I'm just curious why you feel there is only 1 layer to use 24 to 27 turns in your equations? We would see quite a bit of core showing if there was only 6 turns every 90 degrees on that core. But that of course is just my opinion.
I don't think it's a guess. I looked at the zoomed photo of the core, and counted *all* the way around the core. I counted 37 turns. If that was a MAGAMP core, the permeability matches, okay.
So the permeability matches. The color matches. I see one layer of wires.
And these cores are so inexpensive, a few dollars.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:14:49 AM
Well, when you figure in the fact that Steorn keeps saying that Orbo does not work from pulses pushing or pulling the rotor. Then it makes sense.
Like we've been discussing, they are simply cloaking the core from the magnets so that the magnets cannot attract to them for a short time.
According to CaptainPecan and as far as I can catch it, Steorn should have discovered an efficient mean/trick to electrically "switch off" one magnet during a short time...
This switching is done without lost/braking (Lenz effect). If it is the case, it actually makes sense and is very very promissing. Is it not?
Now, would it be that steorn had previously discovered another (but, perhaps, 'capricious'?) mean to mechanically 'switch off' a magnet (magnetic field).
Actually, the first claimed Orbo was an all-magnets device.
Please consult this Steorn (McCarthy) patent :
A low energy magnet actuator allows magnetic fields to be turned on and off using a small amount of energy.
Quote from: NerzhDishual on January 13, 2010, 06:07:57 PM
Please consult this Steorn (McCarthy) patent : (
A low energy magnet actuator allows magnetic fields to be turned on and off using a small amount of energy.
That spells ultra high permeability.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 06:02:04 PM
It's not about inductance, but about how much energy is require to saturate the core, and these ultra high permeability cores require almost no energy to saturate them. I have a bunch of these cores. I've tested them before.
Now I'm confused. I understood that the higher the permeability, the MORE it takes to saturate it. I'll go check into it again, maybe I'm wrong.
PL, so do your Metglas core samples attract a PM with the same force as a block of steel, less, or more?
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 06:14:42 PM
Now I'm confused. I understood that the higher the permeability, the MORE it takes to saturate it. I'll go check into it again, maybe I'm wrong.
I can tell you as 100% fact it takes less energy to saturate the core with higher permeability.
Anyhow, the numbers just don't come even remotely close if we consider a normal core. At 2000 permeability it would require close to 1000 turns! At 37 turns per layer, that's ~ 27 layers, lol. It's physically impossible unless all of the other layers are microscopic thin wire.
Quote from: mondrasek on January 13, 2010, 06:17:25 PM
PL, so do your Metglas core samples attract a PM with the same force as a block of steel, less, or more?
It depends if the MAGAMP core is saturated. These cores saturate at only 0.57T, while steel saturates at ~ 1.8T. A common ferrite core saturates at only 0.35T to 0.5T.
So if the MAGAMP is not saturated, then it will be more attracted to the magnet than a steel core.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 06:14:42 PM
Now I'm confused. I understood that the higher the permeability, the MORE it takes to saturate it. I'll go check into it again, maybe I'm wrong.
This is a simple PDF that describes the terms that everyone should be talking in, so everyone understands what is meant when talking permeability.
Quote from: captainpecan link=topic=8411.msg222196#msg222196 A=1263424482
Now I'm confused. I understood that the higher the permeability, the MORE it takes to saturate it. I'll go check into it again, maybe I'm wrong.
I think the distinction between PERMEABILITY and RELATIVE PERMEABILITY needs to be made clear.
Also, I have learned that many documents say Permeability when they really mean Relative Permeability.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 06:27:34 PM
It depends if the MAGAMP core is saturated. These cores saturate at only 0.57T, while steel saturates at ~ 1.8T. A common ferrite core saturates at only 0.35T to 0.5T.
So if the MAGAMP is not saturated, then it will be more attracted to the magnet than a steel core.
Have you confirmed this with a simple experiment? Does a PM actually hold onto the bare Metglas cores better than the same PM holds onto a piece of steel (ignoring the different shapes of the core vs. steel you have to test)?
Quote from: mondrasek on January 13, 2010, 06:35:43 PM
Have you confirmed this with a simple experiment? Does a PM actually hold onto the bare Metglas cores better than the same PM holds onto a piece of steel (ignoring the different shapes of the core vs. steel you have to test)?
No, nor have I done a lot of obvious tests. One would need two exact cores in size to do such a comparison, but that's not necessary because that's what specs are for; i.e., saturation, permeability, etc. I know MAGAMP has ~ 1000 times higher permeability than a steel core. It requires a lot of energy to saturate a steel toroid core. I mean, a lot of energy relative to a Metglas MAGAMP core.
If the steel toroid core has 1000 times less permeability, and (1.8T / 0.57T) = 3.16 times saturation, then it requires 1000 * 3.16^2 = 10000 times more energy to saturate the steel core. ;)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 06:45:01 PM
No, nor have I done a lot of obvious tests. One would need two exact cores in size to do such a comparison, but that's not necessary because that's what specs are for; i.e., saturation, permeability, etc. I know MAGAMP has ~ 1000 times higher permeability than a steel core. It requires a lot of A to saturate a steel toroid core. I mean, a lot of energy relative to a Metglas MAGAMP core.
Paul, could you please indulge me with a test? I appreciate using specs, but personally I need to have experience or seen evidence of the experiments that confirm those spec to solidify my understand sometimes. All I want to know is if you can pull a PM off the Metglas cores more easily than any steel object. I understand that test is completely subjective and geometries of the core vs. steel are important, but with such radically different "permeabilities" you should be able to confirm for me if the attraction "feels" the same, greater, or less.
I guess I just have trouble with the idea that a PM can attract anything with more force than steel.
Quote from: mondrasek on January 13, 2010, 06:57:51 PM
Paul, could you please indulge me with a test? I appreciate using specs, but personally I need to have experience or seen evidence of the experiments that confirm those spec to solidify my understand sometimes. All I want to know is if you can pull a PM off the Metglas cores more easily than any steel object. I understand that test is completely subjective and geometries of the core vs. steel are important, but with such radically different "permeabilities" you should be able to confirm for me if the attraction "feels" the same, greater, or less.
I guess I just have trouble with the idea that a PM can attract anything with more force than steel.
I believe that I said steel will have the greatest pulling force if were talking about fields over 0.57T, but again what's important here is that it requires ~ 10000 times less energy for the coil to saturate a Metglas MAGAMP core than a steel toroid core of the same size. Sean made it clear in the recent Talks #2 that the Orbo does not produce a lot of power. Besides, the Metglas MAGAMP cores cost $2.65 each!
Where to buy the Metglas MAGAMP toroid cores: (
A copy of my order form: (
Also, I would not want to fool around with these cores because one slip with the NdFeB magnet and that's the end of the MAGAMP core. So no way Jose! Not going to do it. :(
Quote from: mondrasek on January 13, 2010, 06:57:51 PM
Paul, could you please indulge me with a test? I appreciate using specs, but personally I need to have experience or seen evidence of the experiments that confirm those spec to solidify my understand sometimes. All I want to know is if you can pull a PM off the Metglas cores more easily than any steel object. I understand that test is completely subjective and geometries of the core vs. steel are important, but with such radically different "permeabilities" you should be able to confirm for me if the attraction "feels" the same, greater, or less.
I guess I just have trouble with the idea that a PM can attract anything with more force than steel.
Well, in Pauls defense here, I don't think he will be able to feel a difference. I know I have tried feeling the difference already with harddrive magnets attracting to MUMetal and regular steel. I could not tell a difference at all. I am just not sure that test can be done without more equipment. One you hit a spot where the magnet is very attracted, it is hard to tell anymore when it is more attracted. It is possible if he used a pull scale and saw the force needed to pull the magnet free of the materials. But overall, I think we're stuck with the graphs on this one. There may not be any way to tell for sure with what he has. I agree with Paul on that one though, there should be a stronger attraction. But I don't understand enough about it yet to say whether it is just mostly due to the quickness the domains are able to change state or other stuff.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 05:50:48 PMLooking at these cores are very difficult to make any determination, but with such a tiny hole in the middle of their coils, they either started with an overly fat toroid with barely any hole in the middle, or they added layers and layers of turns.
You have me thinking about this. Now IMO there's no way they have 27 *layers* @ 37 turns per layer, which is what it would take to get close to 1 Henry with a normal ferrite core, but lets say they can fit maybe 3 layers in their core. BTW, I've looked at various photos of their toroid, and I don't see a tiny hole. Anyhow, even at 3 winding layers it would require something with ultra high permeability.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 07:04:28 PM
I believe that I said steel will have the greatest pulling force if were talking about fields over 0.57T, but again what's important here is that it requires ~ 10000 times less energy for the coil to saturate a Metglas MAGAMP core than a steel toroid core of the same size.
And a PM has a FINITE amount of energy. Attraction of a PM to another object requires that the PM orient (or SATURATE) the magnetic domains of that other object so they become (in effect) an equal and oppositely polarity magnet. If the other object saturates too easily, I do not think your magnet can achieve the maximum attractive force and therefor cannot achieve the maximum rotor torque.
But I understand that those cores are yours to do with what you will. It was only a request. I'd just hate to see a bunch of people order these cores and then find a PM is not as attracted to them compared to one with slightly less permeability.
I believe the correct permeability to PM strength ratio is very important. Maximizing permeability may not maximize performance.
Quote from: mondrasek on January 13, 2010, 07:22:52 PM
I'd just hate to see a bunch of people order these cores and then find a PM is not as attracted to them compared to one with slightly less permeability.
The cores are only $2.65 each, and so far it appears to be the best matching core to Steorn's. I would think people would want to be encouraging to buy these Metglas MAGAMP cores, not discouraged, right?
I believe it is a requirement that at least part of the core is saturated by the magnets.
This is what lowers the inductance of the core at the start of the pulse. As the magnets move further away from the core the full inductance of the coil will return to normal.
The distance from the magnets will determine at what point the core saturates for any particular material.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 07:33:17 PM
The cores are only $2.65 each, and so far it appears to be the best matching core to Steorn's. I would think people would want to be encouraging to buy these Metglas MAGAMP cores, not discouraged, right?
Lol, actually I'm very much encouraging you to buy them! That way I can try something different and compare results... There is nothing wrong with giving them a go, who knows, they may be the exact cores Steorn is using. But I do think it is important to try other options too. There always seems to be a trade off somewhere when you choose materials for a build. But in this case, I do not think Steorn cares at all about torque. It's about getting more from the return of a pulse than what was put in. The rotation is just a bonus I believe, but necessary for fast switching. Paul is right on this one, it's a great idea to give these cores a whirl! Mine is built with 4 cores of thin steel, and 1500 turns on each. I've got a good runner at very low voltage and amperage but it's far from as efficient as my bedini is right now. I'm rebuilding my rotor and everything to better suit Steorns original design and see what I can do. Mine is just not anywhere near OU.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 07:46:01 PMBut I do think it is important to try other options too.
I agree, but since the Steorn showed the inductance measurements of the core it's not even worth for *me* to try common cores because it's just physically impossible to fit 27 *layers* (@ 37 turns per layer = 1000 turns) with that wire.
I already have the Metglas MAGAMP cores, and just about every other type of Metglas core that Elna carries, which includes the transversely annealed cores with only 80000 permeability. ;)
Quote from: mondrasek on January 13, 2010, 07:22:52 PM
But I understand that those cores are yours to do with what you will. It was only a request. I'd just hate to see a bunch of people order these cores and then find a PM is not as attracted to them compared to one with slightly less permeability.
It's probably best to do this type of testing with a gap anyway, like maybe 1/4" of plexiglass to separate the magnet and core material. Recent NdFeB magnets are capable of producing a surface field that would completely saturate the metglas and reduce permeability as it did, thus reducing the attraction when in contact.
Permeability is just the material's affinity for magnetic fields. You would want to test the maximum values (at a distance) instead of the contact value. Steel would likely do better with a high-power neo magnet in contact, simply because it won't be saturated yet and permeability will be near its maximum.
Just watched the videos from yesterday. Very interesting, a lot of good information. Should be possible replicate given the information available. Perhaps someone could help me with some information that may have been posted earlier.
@PaulLowrance. I agree with you that the cores have to have a very high permeability. I also count about 36/38 turns (one layer). Give the size of the core what would you estimate the gauge of the wire to be? I should be possible to measure the inductance of the winding to conform that it is in the same range as given by Steorn in their video test.
There is a micrometer on the top of motor. Does anyone know what bearings there are using? It should be possible to make this mechanism, micrometers are pretty cheap on ebay. Could be re machined just to use the micrometer mechanism.
Sean had a circuit diagram on the overhead projector. Has anybody posted what that was?
Lastly, I thought @Airstriker gave a good explanation earlier on the generally theory of operation based on the equation for an inductor that did not seem to get much play in the forum.
Good catch Paul. You can actually see the core and I only see 1 layer of 37 turns as you suggested. This is the reason in having a "deep battery" to deliver a fast almost instant current to saturate the extremely high permeable core.
Magnetic viscosity determines how much energy it takes to saturate. If the domains turn easily, then it takes less energy to saturate a high permeable core than to saturate a low permeable core where the domains don't turn easily. This is a low voltage and high amp system (relative to each other). Very little resistance in the entire system.
I think there is enough known information now in order to have a successful replication. There may be other unknowns, but the answers will probably be in the videos and in what is openly said. They don't appear to be hiding anything and are giving us many good clues to point us in the right direction.
Good job Paul!
Remember, winding a single layer around the core, will have the CEMF of one loop of wire under the right setup!
Quote from: PCB on January 13, 2010, 08:25:20 PM
Sean had a circuit diagram on the overhead projector. Has anybody posted what that was?
Yes, I also would like to see the slides that Sean showed there.
Did anybody from the forum users over here go there and took pictures of these ?
Many thanks.
Hi guys (thanks for still ignoring me ;] )
First of all, Paul is for sure right that it's metglas. At the begining I thought it should be mumetal 76 because of it's low saturation point. But hey! Let's have a look at metglas. It only requires 0,57 T to saturate! It's just like nothing.
Another interesting property of METGLAS® Square Loop magnetic cores: Low saturated permeability !
Now go back to video: "Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo Technology".
What do you see at the gaussmeter? 0,5 T per magnet? Yes you're right!
Since "recent NdFeB magnets are capable of producing a surface field that would completely saturate the metglas and reduce permeability as it did, thus reducing the attraction when in contact", than think how much current do you need at TDC to saturate this metglass core ?:> The answer is: almost NONE or simply NONE!
Note here, that this is exactly why we need two magnets (as Sean did) - to make the magnet's flux lines go through the toroid (tried it at FEMM - works).
Lets go back to my equation (by the way it's simply the law of conservation of energy aplied here):
i x v = dL/dt x 1/2 x i^2
First of all, why a hell are you still talking about maximising torque??!!! As I said torque does not matter at all! I don't want to repeat why - just look a few posts back ;]
As it's clear now, let's add another equation:
(thanks mikestocks2006)
What's important in this equation is the fact that L is the higher, the higher is permeability. Now do you remember Staffman's graph "Amplitude Permeability vs. Flux Density"? What you find in this graph is: The higher the flux density, the lower the permeability. I bet this graph looks very similiar for metglas (can somebody find it please ?)
So now you know where the change in Inductance comes from, right ? Just a property of the core's material.
Ok now lets modify a bit my understanding of ORBO's interaction:
1) We assumed that at TDC the core is saturated just by magnets or requires very little current to saturate. The current is minimal.
2) As we move further with the magnet we only slightly need to rise the current to keep the saturation of the core (as the flux density "coming" from the magnets drops with the distance to toroid).
3) point 1 and 2 simply explains the "exponential lag" of current versus voltage on Sean's osciloscope during the demo show.
3) Since we keep the core saturated the Inductance does not change (flux density is kept constant so permeability stays constant)
4) There is no interaction with the magnet (no Lenz effect) due to core saturation
5) At the proper moment we colapse the field and result in postion where the flux density "coming" from the magnet is minimal, thus the permeability of metglas is maximum (not exactly but close to that) and so the Inductance has risen. Colapsing the field with higher Inductance than at TDC results in electrical energy gain.
6) The higher the RPM the smaller the time frame where you apply energy (current) to keep the core saturated. Thus the higher the RPM, the closer to ratio 1/1 when considering energy input vs energy output.
7) Utilize free kinetic energy of the motor using additional generator
8) Use the COP > 1 you got to charge your phone ;]
One more question to be asked and answered. Why only few coil turns ( < 40) on the core? Simple - to stay with low resistance and this way minimize the heat loss.
Something not right with this idea ? Just tell me where and do not simply ignore it !!!!
Best regards,
Julian S.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 06:49:44 PM
If the steel toroid core has 1000 times less permeability, and (1.8T / 0.57T) = 3.16 times saturation, then it requires 1000 * 3.16^2 = 10000 times more energy to saturate the steel core. ;)
Gee, If this was true, then wouldn't you also get 10000 times more energy out when it un-saturates? :o
I like your thinking but I also believe the direction of saturation from the magnets needs to be along the core in the same direction as the coil current will continue the saturation. If not, then isn't current wasted in the realignment of the core domains and nothing is gained except for the leaving of the magnets.
Also, increasing the RPM will not decrease input because the duty cycle is constant. (50% duty cycle is 50% at any RPM). The gain will come from the constant torque X RPM. Work is RPM x torque so if torque is constant, then work out increases with RPM.
It's not being ignored. You're right on the money. Broli had posted this thread, about "energy gain by inductance change" before the release of this information from the Steorn Demo's. It's not getting much attention either and I don't know why. It could be that it's not understood by most.
We're walking in new territory and it takes awhile to get your mind to completely wrap around and understand the concept. Like I said in a previous post here, "We will all be believers soon". Steorn is legit and we need to have a little patience before all of the pieces are put together. It appears at the moment we know enough information to begin successful replications. It will still be a rough road due to the high tolerances and to have all of the components to be matched for optimal performance. We're getting close, I feel it.
Quote from: NerzhDishual on January 13, 2010, 06:07:57 PM
Please consult this Steorn (McCarthy) patent :
A low energy magnet actuator allows magnetic fields to be turned on and off using a small amount of energy.
They can't patent that - that is in Public Domain (original patents expired long time ago).
@ Airstriker
I couldn't find the graph for the specific material you were looking for but, I did find one for the Metglas Magnaperm material.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 10:07:07 PM
Hi guys (thanks for still ignoring me ;] )
First of all, Paul is for sure right that it's metglas. At the begining I thought it should be mumetal 76 because of it's low saturation point. But hey! Let's have a look at metglas. It only requires 0,57 T to saturate! It's just like nothing.
Another interesting property of METGLAS® Square Loop magnetic cores: Low saturated permeability !
Now go back to video: "Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo Technology".
What do you see at the gaussmeter? 0,5 T per magnet? Yes you're right!
Since "recent NdFeB magnets are capable of producing a surface field that would completely saturate the metglas and reduce permeability as it did, thus reducing the attraction when in contact", than think how much current do you need at TDC to saturate this metglass core ?:> The answer is: almost NONE or simply NONE!
Note here, that this is exactly why we need two magnets (as Sean did) - to make the magnet's flux lines go through the toroid (tried it at FEMM - works).
Lets go back to my equation (by the way it's simply the law of conservation of energy aplied here):
i x v = dL/dt x 1/2 x i^2
First of all, why a hell are you still talking about maximising torque??!!! As I said torque does not matter at all! I don't want to repeat why - just look a few posts back ;]
As it's clear now, let's add another equation:
(thanks mikestocks2006)
What's important in this equation is the fact that L is the higher, the higher is permeability. Now do you remember Staffman's graph "Amplitude Permeability vs. Flux Density"? What you find in this graph is: The higher the flux density, the lower the permeability. I bet this graph looks very similiar for metglas (can somebody find it please ?)
So now you know where the change in Inductance comes from, right ? Just a property of the core's material.
Ok now lets modify a bit my understanding of ORBO's interaction:
1) We assumed that at TDC the core is saturated just by magnets or requires very little current to saturate. The current is minimal.
2) As we move further with the magnet we only slightly need to rise the current to keep the saturation of the core (as the flux density "coming" from the magnets drops with the distance to toroid).
3) point 1 and 2 simply explains the "exponential lag" of current versus voltage on Sean's osciloscope during the demo show.
3) Since we keep the core saturated the Inductance does not change (flux density is kept constant so permeability stays constant)
4) There is no interaction with the magnet (no Lenz effect) due to core saturation
5) At the proper moment we colapse the field and result in postion where the flux density "coming" from the magnet is minimal, thus the permeability of metglas is maximum (not exactly but close to that) and so the Inductance has risen. Colapsing the field with higher Inductance than at TDC results in electrical energy gain.
6) The higher the RPM the smaller the time frame where you apply energy (current) to keep the core saturated. Thus the higher the RPM, the closer to ratio 1/1 when considering energy input vs energy output.
7) Utilize free kinetic energy of the motor using additional generator
8) Use the COP > 1 you got to charge your phone ;]
One more question to be asked and answered. Why only few coil turns ( < 40) on the core? Simple - to stay with low resistance and this way minimize the heat loss.
Something not right with this idea ? Just tell me where and do not simply ignore it !!!!
Best regards,
Julian S.
Brilliant post Julian. And a great catch on the .5 T of the magnets matching the saturation point of the core that PL deduced. I am ordering tomorrow morning. I received in my others, at 125 permeability, laughable. I was following JLN labs. I think you have this figured out! IMHO
Keep going...LOL
Quote from: lumen on January 13, 2010, 10:13:46 PM
I like your thinking but I also believe the direction of saturation from the magnets needs to be along the core in the same direction as the coil current will continue the saturation. If not, then isn't current wasted in the realignment of the core domains and nothing is gained except for the leaving of the magnets.
Also, increasing the RPM will not decrease input because the duty cycle is constant. (50% duty cycle is 50% at any RPM). The gain will come from the constant torque X RPM. Work is RPM x torque so if torque is constant, then work out increases with RPM.
How can you say increasing the RPM will not decrease the input energy because the duty cycle is constant? The magnets approach and depart from the core much quicker at a higher RPM. This means a shorter pulse width. A shorter pulse width means less input energy. This is kindergarten stuff and you're not even understanding the elementary truths. You're still drinking milk.
Also, how can the direction of saturation from the magnets be in the same direction as the coil current saturating the core when reversing the polarity of the current would then be saturating the core in the opposite direction and wouldn't be in the same direction with the magnets. They're not pre-saturating the core with opposite poles in the dual magnets for this simple reason alone. Another reason why the dual magnets are like poles is the fact they're using 10,000mA from the battery to saturate the core in a nearly instant time. If the core was saturated by the approaching magnets with opposite poles, then they wouldn't need 10,000mA to saturate the core. Also, in most metals, the core would lose their attractive force as the magnets approached with opposite poles and you wouldn't gain the fullest speed possible.
You've argued that having the coil horizontal will not get the Orbo affect, but yet they say in the Steorn Demos there are different configurations and shows them using the coils both horizontal and vertical.
Some of your statements make me very suspect to your motivations here. It's Ok to be wrong, but you refuse to accept anything other than your own thinking. You keep insisting on being correct, even when shown otherwise. Great work bench, no replication attempt or not sharing the results of your replication attempt, and trying to discredit even the basic elementary truths. I don't understand why you are here. It really makes me wonder.
Paul and AirStriker is right in my opinion.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 13, 2010, 11:22:32 PM
How can you say increasing the RPM will not decrease the input energy because the duty cycle is constant? The magnets approach and depart from the core much quicker at a higher RPM. This means a shorter pulse width. A shorter pulse width means less input energy. This is kindergarten stuff and you're not even understanding the elementary truths. You're still drinking milk.
Also, how can the direction of saturation from the magnets be in the same direction as the coil current saturating the core when reversing the polarity of the current would then be saturating the core in the opposite direction and wouldn't be in the same direction with the magnets. They're not pre-saturating the core with opposite poles in the dual magnets for this simple reason alone. Another reason why the dual magnets are like poles is the fact they're using 10,000mA from the battery to saturate the core in a nearly instant time. If the core was saturated by the approaching magnets with opposite poles, then they wouldn't need 10,000mA to saturate the core. Also, in most metals, the core would lose their attractive force as the magnets approached with opposite poles and you wouldn't gain the fullest speed possible.
You've argued that having the coil horizontal will not get the Orbo affect, but yet they say in the Steorn Demos there are different configurations and shows them using the coils both horizontal and vertical.
Some of your statements make me very suspect to your motivations here. It's Ok to be wrong, but you refuse to accept anything other than your own thinking. You keep insisting on being correct, even when shown otherwise. Great work bench, no replication attempt or not sharing the results of your replication attempt, and trying to discredit even the basic elementary truths.
Yes your right except they are also occurring at a faster rate so the input is constant!
"This is kindergarten stuff and you're not even understanding the elementary truths. You're still drinking milk."
What are you saying, I agree with Striker almost totally. The RPM and shorter pulse concept is a common mistake. It is a duty cycle, it is constant at any frequency.
Quote from: lumen on January 13, 2010, 11:30:58 PM
Yes your right except they are also occurring at a faster rate so the input is constant!
"This is kindergarten stuff and you're not even understanding the elementary truths. You're still drinking milk."
What are you saying, I agree with Striker almost totally. The RPM and shorter pulse concept is a common mistake. It is a duty cycle, it is constant at any frequency.
The input energy will be less at higher RPM. Compare the total input energy of one complete turn in the rotor at a low RPM to the total input energy of one complete turn in the rotor at a high RPM and you will see there was less input energy put into the system at a higher RPM than at a lower RPM.
The duty cycle is not constant, and it will change with the frequency. In fact, the duty cycle is the inverse of the frequency in this case. Higher frequency equal shorter duty cycle. Lower frequency equal longer duty cycle.
Oh believe me, I've read every single post in this thread, and did not ignore any. I just did not comment much on yours because it was pretty much restating what I was already working on. Awesome catch though on the magnet strength matching Pauls Metglass theory!
Gotta give ya props on this one man. There are just simply to damn many coincidences here to not give metglass a try. I think you've got it nailed down pretty good! Looks like I'm ordering some for myself now!
Has anyone figured out what gauge wire they are using yet? I am guessing it's about 23, but I'm just not sure. I used 26 on mine, and it just seems they are using thicker than that for sure. I'm beginning to wonder if the wire gauge they are using is just simply chosen depending on the core. I think they are just using the largest wire they can, while still fitting the number of turns they want on the core. I am leaning towards believing they are using thicker wire to cut down resistance also, as someone else has just stated.
Great work all!!! I can see a valid replication in the near future!
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 13, 2010, 11:19:14 PM
Brilliant post Julian. And a great catch on the .5 T of the magnets matching the saturation point of the core that PL deduced. I am ordering tomorrow morning. I received in my others, at 125 permeability, laughable. I was following JLN labs. I think you have this figured out! IMHO
Keep going...LOL
It also makes me think that this is the basis for the "original" non electrical version of orbo. matching the magnets to the core, one could almost picture an original orbo, before the e-orbo version... ;)
Just thinking through this.
I'd just like to add my 2 cents here... please feel free to ignore me if i make no sense. ;D
First, nobody seems to have pointed out yet that the nearly 1 henry inductance comes from multiple toroids in series, so each individual toroid would be a smaller value. This may mean something regarding core material, but i'm no expert on this. :P
Second, the input energy is constant at all speeds as can be seen by the constant voltage and current traces with a constant duty cycle. However, if the collapsing field is recovered (bedini style), then pulse width determines how much of that input energy can be recovered and sent back to the battery.
Just a couple of things I thought I might have enough understanding of to say something... sorry if i'm mistaken. ;)
P.S. The duty cycle does not change with frequency or RPM... if you don't believe me just check this link.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 13, 2010, 11:52:10 PM
Has anyone figured out what gauge wire they are using yet?
It's been suggested to me by someone else that the gauge of wire should be able to handle twice the amount of current in the wire. This may be a good starting point. So the wire should be able to handle 20,000mA.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 13, 2010, 11:59:25 PM
It's been suggested to me by someone else that the gauge of wire should be able to handle twice the amount of current in the wire. This may be a good starting point. So the wire should be able to handle 20,000mA.
Yep, we need to match magnet wire and find some .5 T magnets to match our cores.
Quote from: downunder on January 13, 2010, 11:59:10 PM
Second, the input energy is constant at all speeds as can be seen by the constant voltage and current traces with a constant duty cycle.
The voltage and current is constant at both a low and high RPM, but at higher RPM the voltage and current will be on for a shorter period of time which relates to shorter pulse widths at higher RPM. Shorter pulse widths is less input energy.
The duty cycle is only constant at a constant RPM. When the RPM is changing, then the duty cycle is changing. The duty cycle only affects the pulse widths, it doesn't affect the voltage and current being constant.
Don't listen to Lumen. He needs to re-visit his physics books and his thinking is not right.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 12:12:31 AM
The voltage and current is constant at both a low and high RPM, but at higher RPM the voltage and current will be on for a shorter period of time which relates to shorter pulse widths at higher RPM. Shorter pulse widths is less input energy.
Don't listen to Lumen. He needs to re-visit his physics books and his thinking is not right.
Well actually your all kinda right, lol... It is true, if the duty cycle stays the same, and rpms increase, you do get a shorter pulse. That shorter pulse does use less energy, obviously. BUT, the higher the rpms, the MORE PULSES are done in the same amount of time. But in the case of the orbo, rpms would make a big difference. It's the on time between start and finish on the pulse that needs cut down for a higher efficiency. So even though over all you are pretty much putting in the same energy, it greatly will effect the ratio of output to input.
At least that is how I see it anyway.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 12:12:31 AM
The voltage and current is constant at both a low and high RPM, but at higher RPM the voltage and current will be on for a shorter period of time which relates to shorter pulse widths at higher RPM. Shorter pulse widths is less input energy.
Don't listen to Lumen. He needs to re-visit his physics books and his thinking is not right.
I'm sorry GB, but I edited my post after you quoted me, so your quote was incomplete.
At higher frequencies, the on pulse is shorter, so there is less energy per pulse. However, the off time is also shorter. This means that the next on pulse comes sooner, resulting in the duty cycle and input energy being constant regardless of the frequency or RPM.
If we change the control circuitry to increase duty cycle, then input energy increases. Or we can lower input energy by decreasing duty cycle. However frequency or RPM alone do not change duty cycle in these pulse motors as far as I can tell.
But don't believe me or anyone else posting on here if you don't want to... and don't trust your own memory, because we all get things muddled up sometimes. Go research duty cycle and what it means, or check out this link.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 12:12:31 AM
The voltage and current is constant at both a low and high RPM, but at higher RPM the voltage and current will be on for a shorter period of time which relates to shorter pulse widths at higher RPM. Shorter pulse widths is less input energy.
Don't listen to Lumen. He needs to re-visit his physics books and his thinking is not right.
Gawd... C-mon GB, I was just going to let it go but you keep insisting.
Think of this:
1: Turn your bedroom light on for 1 minute, then off for 1 minute, do this for 1 hour.
2: Turn your bedroom light on for 1 second then off for 1 second, do this for 1 hour.
Which one used more power?
The correct answer is ...... um..... 2
Ok, so this was a bad example. ???
Quote from: lumen on January 14, 2010, 12:36:39 AM
Gawd... C-mon GB, I was just going to let it go but you keep insisting.
Think of this:
1: Turn your bedroom light on for 1 minute, then off for 1 minute, do this for 1 hour.
2: Turn your bedroom light on for 1 second then off for 1 second, do this for 1 hour.
Which one used more power?
The correct answer is ...... um..... 2
Compare the total energy input of one complete turn of the rotor at a higher RPM to one complete turn of the rotor at a lower RPM. You will notice there was less input energy for one complete turn at a higher RPM than at a lower RPM.
You're bedroom light anology is wrong. Both tests are doing it within the same 1 hour period or duty cycle. At a higher RPM it is making a complete turn much faster and would be equivalent to less than 1 hour as compared to a lower RPM. You can't compare the two within the same 1 hour period because the frequency is increasing at higher RPM and the duty cycle is decreasing.
The 1 hour represents the duty cycle or one complete turn. The 1 minute and 1 second represents the frequency (how long it takes to make one complete turn). Your bedroom light analogy keeps the duty cycle the same for both tests. ROFLMAO.
Quote from: downunder on January 13, 2010, 11:59:10 PM
First, nobody seems to have pointed out yet that the nearly 1 henry inductance comes from multiple toroids in series, so each individual toroid would be a smaller value. This may mean something regarding core material, but i'm no expert on this. :P
Yeah, I've been keeping that in mind. But you must realize, there is a set of magnets for each coil also. Therefore you must figure the system properties AS IF you had one set of magnets and one core. Because for every pulse, each set of magnets have to do their job to get each toroid to saturation. So basically, I don't everyone is forgetting that steorn is using 8 coils, they are just trying to find the right match for 1, then use that combination on all of them!
Quote from: downunder on January 14, 2010, 12:30:38 AM
I'm sorry GB, but I edited my post after you quoted me, so your quote was incomplete.
At higher frequencies, the on pulse is shorter, so there is less energy per pulse. However, the off time is also shorter. This means that the next on pulse comes sooner, resulting in the duty cycle and input energy being constant regardless of the frequency or RPM.
If we change the control circuitry to increase duty cycle, then input energy increases. Or we can lower input energy by decreasing duty cycle. However frequency or RPM alone do not change duty cycle in these pulse motors as far as I can tell.
But don't believe me or anyone else posting on here if you don't want to... and don't trust your own memory, because we all get things muddled up sometimes. Go research duty cycle and what it means, or check out this link.
Read the wiki article on duty cycle and you will see the duty cycle is not constant and changes with the pulse duration.
I've already said the duty cycle is the inverse of the pulse width. As you approach a 0% pulse width, you will be approaching a 100% on time. One duty cycle at 1% pulse width is using less energy than a duty cycle with a 99% pulse width.
Duty cycle could be based on the pulse width or one complete turn. The pulse width for the duty cycle is technically correct, but I was trying to simplify things by using one complete turn to show that a higher RPM uses less energy on 1 complete turn as compared to a lower RPM.
I said in this post #1307, if we used multiple reed switches or a reed switch substitute and alternated between the reed switches we can increase the RPM because the reed switch won't be continuously on. Multiple reed switches means a higher RPM and less input energy. Alternating between every other coil means a higher RPM and less input energy (The coils would need to be very close to each other in this case). There is a lot of ways to improve this system with more coils, switches, magnets, larger diameter rotor, etc.
Sean said "theoretically there is no limit", and he is correct. The only limit is what is in the system. Talking about the 100% on time with the reed switches and coils is irrelevant. That does not limit us in any kind of way. What does limit us is limited thinking and I won't be a part of that.
How's your motor going ?
I picked up one of the automotive Hall Effects from Jaycar.
Can you please describe how you picked out the magnet ?
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 08:33:51 AM
No it doesn't. When the magnet is approching a coil, the coil's circuit is open so there is no current. Then at TDC we saturate the core. Since the core is fully saturated it's "invisible" for the magnets and vice versa.
Not so simple. I agree that "When the magnet is approching a coil, the coil's circuit is open so there is no current" but it is not the point. The problem appears when the coil is powered.
"we saturate the core" or "the core is fully saturated" is no sens if you don't say in which direction. When you saturate a ferrite in a direction, it remains not saturated in a perpendicular direction, and partially saturated elsewhere.
As the permanent magnet and coil fields cannot be perpendicular, they have always common colinear field components thus they have conventional action on each other via their fields.
Just put a simple saturated toroid and a magnet in the FEMM simulation. Does the field lines of the magnet penetrate the toroid ?
The saturation model must include the direction of the saturated magnetic domains.
A "simple saturated toroid" is not a "real saturated toroid".
Unfortunately for your thesis, in real life "simple saturated toroid" do not exist and "real saturated toroid" do not respect Steorn claims for the obvious reasons I mentionned.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 14, 2010, 02:50:48 AM
The problem appears when the coil is powered.
"we saturate the core" or "the core is fully saturated" is no sens if you don't say in which direction. When you saturate a ferrite in a direction, it remains not saturated in a perpendicular direction, and partially saturated elsewhere.
This is only true in an increasing current when the flux is not fully engaged inside the core. At a steady current, the core is saturated equally through out and not partially saturated elsewhere.
This is another reason for the near instant saturation of the core with a 10,000mA battery. All of the flux is fully engaged inside the core almost instantly to saturate the core equally throughout in near 0 time.
In the orbo, it doesn't matter which direction the core is saturated in. If it did, then reversing the polarity of the pulse would reverse the rotation direction. In this case, it doesn't matter what direction the core is saturated because the dual magnets are like poles and the core is saturated equally throughout and nearly instant. It also doesn't matter which direction the core is saturated in for the magnet not to see it. The magnet won't see the core regardless of which direction the core is saturated in. The core is neutral during the period and is like a piece of plastic with no attraction or repelling forces regardless of the saturation direction.
You conveniently leave out the most important factors in your analysis.
A simple experiment rules out Steorn motor theory.
Put a toroid coil between 2 strong disk magnets of a bit larger diameter than that of the toroid, one magnet having its north pole against the toroid, and the other one, its south pole, toroid and magnets being in parallel planes.
The magnetic field is very uniform inside the core, and perpendicular to the toroid plane.
Check the inductance : almost no change, the core is not saturated from the view point of the coil. It is saturated only transversally.
Now shift the magnets or rotate them 90° in order to cancel the field uniformity inside the toroid. The coil inductance is drastically changed.
It means that core saturation influences the coil inductance only when the saturation is along some parts of the circles along the coil center. This implies that there must be magnet field components along the circles at the coil center in order the coil to feel the change of permeability of its core.
A non uniform saturating field makes the coil no more "magnetically toroidal" because of lack of magnetic symmetry in despite its still geometrical toroid shape: field is not confined in the core, there is magnetic leakage of the coil field and also external fields can induce emf in the coil. It follows that magnet and coil act onto one another via their field and that Lenz's law applies.
When the coil is powered, the U/I pulse remains constant because of emf induced in the coil by the magnet moving away. Emf adds current in the coil that compensates the current from the pulse source that would otherwise decreases due to the inductance that is increasing. As shown by Steorn, the direction of the current pulse does not a matter because in any case Lenz's law applies in order to fight the variation of flux (not its absolute direction).
In conclusion when the magnet moves away, the coil desaturates, its inductance increases but according to Lenz's law, current is added in the coil by the change of flux of the magnet generating emf. The fact that currents from the change of the magnet flux and from coil pulse add is not surprising, it is the consequence of the unusual variation of flux because of the inductance change. Nevertheless it obeys Lenz's law and energy conservation still applies, the added current is drawn from the work of the magnet motion. Steorn motor is a parametric motor which is in the field of conventional technics.
One core 46 turns 250mH very good. 4 coils in serie 1000mH
See: Calculator
Come on --- Too much talk and too little work. ???????????
Quote from: gravityblock on January 13, 2010, 08:25:30 PM
Good catch Paul. You can actually see the core and I only see 1 layer of 37 turns as you suggested. This is the reason in having a "deep battery" to deliver a fast almost instant current to saturate the extremely high permeable core.
Magnetic viscosity determines how much energy it takes to saturate. If the domains turn easily, then it takes less energy to saturate a high permeable core than to saturate a low permeable core where the domains don't turn easily. This is a low voltage and high amp system (relative to each other). Very little resistance in the entire system.
I think there is enough known information now in order to have a successful replication. There may be other unknowns, but the answers will probably be in the videos and in what is openly said. They don't appear to be hiding anything and are giving us many good clues to point us in the right direction.
Good job Paul!
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 10:07:07 PM
4) There is no interaction with the magnet (no Lenz effect) due to core saturation
In order the coil to feel the saturation, the saturation must be along the circles at the coil center, at least along some parts of these circles (it is easy to check that a transversal uniform field does not change the inductance of a toroid).
This implies that magnet and coil field directions must share common sections. Consequently magnet and coil act onto one another and Lenz's law applies.
Quote from: Staffman link=topic=8411.msg222303#msg222303 A=1263442740
@ Airstriker
I couldn't find the graph for the specific material you were looking for but, I did find one for the Metglas Magnaperm material.
WOW !!! This graph is absolutely perfect!
Note, that for flux density from 0 to 0,47 T the graph is almost flat. That's the last piece of the puzzle! Look at the scope shoots from the last Sean's demo. As I've mentioned earlier, the first thing that is happening with the current is a slow exponential rise (thus it look's like the current is lagging a bit versus voltage). That's the 0,57 to 0,47 T range on the graph. But then the current trace gets totally steady on Sean's scope. I wondered.. what a hell ? This didn't meet my explanations at all. But hey! According to the provided graph this is totally ok! Since the permeability doesn't change for flux density range 0 - 0,47 T the current needed to keep the core saturated is constant! That clearly points that the material used must be metglas or something very similar!
Quote from: penno64 on January 14, 2010, 02:36:11 AM
How's your motor going ?
I picked up one of the automotive Hall Effects from Jaycar.
Can you please describe how you picked out the magnet ?
Kind Regards, Penno
Just finished my rotor now to build the circuit also with Jaycar parts :) Just about to place an order now for some Metglass toroids. This thread is getting interesting!
exnihiloest.... where a A do you see any interaction here ??!!!!!!!!
If your magnets are above 0.5 T, then you will require more gap between the magnets and core relative to the Steorn demos. If it's below 0.5T, then you will need to decrease the gap. Their magnets are right on the borderline with 0.5T if my memory serves me correctly. That must be the reason for the gap between their magnets and core. The dual magnets will need to be matched as closely as possible also.
This is all starting to come together nicely. Great Job everybody. I think we can build this even if it does have high tolerances such as a hard disk drive. It will just need to be fined tuned after all of the components have been matched as closely as possible. :)
How to build an inexpensive Gauss-meter for under $6.00 using your voltmeter. We will need this to match the dual magnets as closely as possible and to stay within 0.5T
Quote from: lumen on January 13, 2010, 11:30:58 PM
Yes your right except they are also occurring at a faster rate so the input is constant!
"This is kindergarten stuff and you're not even understanding the elementary truths. You're still drinking milk."
What are you saying, I agree with Striker almost totally. The RPM and shorter pulse concept is a common mistake. It is a duty cycle, it is constant at any frequency.
Hi Gang,
OK now that we are getting RPM (Hz of the pulse) into the equation, its time to think about INDUCTIVE REACTANCE of the coil/core module using standard formulas! Another light will go off! This device is NOT a static DC coil/resistance formula device, time to leave EL101 lets go up one step!.......It is an AC device! This explains why the high current (DC) motors we have built up to now run at a much lower current while ROTATING!!
Oh, I'm getting some Metglass cores too......When you plug in that inductance of almost 1 H and frequency in 10 to 60 Hz into the formula, most interesting. Didn't anyone notice how the current dropped drastically when Ossie's motor was in motion?
Do not drop, bang, hit, squeeze your Metglass cores. This could degrade the performance and possibly ruin the core. Don't fasten the coils down. The coils in the Steorn Demos are inside a plastic case that holds the coil without them being able to move so that no stress is put on them.
Do not wind the wire on your metglass cores too tight and don't squeeze the core to hard when winding. The pressure of the wire can degrade the metglass.
Handle it as if it was extremely fragile, even if it does have a plastic protective case around it.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 13, 2010, 10:07:07 PM
Ok now lets modify a bit my understanding of ORBO's interaction:
1) We assumed that at TDC the core is saturated just by magnets or requires very little current to saturate. The current is minimal.
2) As we move further with the magnet we only slightly need to rise the current to keep the saturation of the core (as the flux density "coming" from the magnets drops with the distance to toroid).
3) point 1 and 2 simply explains the "exponential lag" of current versus voltage on Sean's osciloscope during the demo show.
3) Since we keep the core saturated the Inductance does not change (flux density is kept constant so permeability stays constant)
4) There is no interaction with the magnet (no Lenz effect) due to core saturation
5) At the proper moment we colapse the field and result in postion where the flux density "coming" from the magnet is minimal, thus the permeability of metglas is maximum (not exactly but close to that) and so the Inductance has risen. Colapsing the field with higher Inductance than at TDC results in electrical energy gain.
6) The higher the RPM the smaller the time frame where you apply energy (current) to keep the core saturated. Thus the higher the RPM, the closer to ratio 1/1 when considering energy input vs energy output.
7) Utilize free kinetic energy of the motor using additional generator
8) Use the COP > 1 you got to charge your phone ;]
A very nice summary to which I mostly agree as well.
But how to harvest the gained energy?
Looking to point 5, when switching off the toroid coil current, that current is re-directed to the source battery with a fly-back diode I presume.
The current will die out applying the LR constant (R being the resistance of the coil). The integral of this current curve is suppose to be larger than the total current put into the coil on forehand.
Strange thing is that I remembered Sean mentioning the Orbo has some generator coils on the same axis that are used to harvest the energy surplus.
So, where am i wrong here?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 14, 2010, 07:06:19 AM
The integral of this current curve is suppose to be larger than the total current put into the coil on forehand.
Not larger but close to ratio 1/1. It can be less - no problem with that as you use additional generator coils on the upper disc to go to COP > 1.
If Steorn needs a constant current as the magnet passes by, then I can see why they might want to stay away from capacitors because it will oscillate with the toroid inductance. A battery would have considerably less oscillations because the battery is non-linear and wants a constant voltage.
Also, I think captainpecan is correct that we should also test other cores as well. If the inductance measurements was all coils in-series, then they must be using another type of core, but still it must be high permeability core. So it might be a good idea to purchase numerous types of Metglas materials. At least Metglas cores are very inexpensive. I would also recommend the same Metglas material, 2714A, but transversely annealed, which has permeability of 80000.
Hi jimboot,
My motor is running well on D cell with gen coils and lasts a long time but not OU yet. My ferrite cores just aren't going to cut it so it seems like the consensus at the moment is to go for metglas cores so that is probably the way to go.
Using a small screwdriver you can test for which side of the Jaycar vain switch has the magnet in it. You can also get the small UGN503 hall sensor from Jaycar which is cheaper. This also works well but you will need a seperate 6V battery pack and I have found that it can directly switch the gate of a mosfet well enough on it's own for this motor.
I'm not sure if the energy from the pulse can be captured electrically from the collapsing field after looking at the specs on Metglas because the electrical energy from the pulse plus an additional energy gain in inductance was converted to mechanical energy during the magnets departure and during the pulse.
Steorn showed the inductance test because physics says if you have a gain in mechanical energy, then you had a loss in inductance. This is the reason for the generator coils on the same axis to draw off the net gain in the mechanical energy.
The net gain in the mechanical energy is more than the electrical losses and the inductance test shows this. The energy gain from the inductance has already been converted to mechanical energy during the magnets departure and during the pulse, so we will need to capture this gain mechanically instead of electrically.
This is my understanding of this. The pulse might be able to be recaptured with the Metglas cores, but I doubt it. You may be able to capture a small amount, but not nearly as much as a traditional core material.
I'll need to think about this more.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 07:21:57 AM
Not larger but close to ratio 1/1. It can be less - no problem with that as you use additional generator coils on the upper disc to go to COP > 1.
I looked at the current fall wave shape of the second part of Steorn's new videos, but I don't see a big LR shaped area which would justify the 1/1 ratio.
So, I am still puzzled.
Sorry Gravity, I our postings just crossed each other.
I agree with you, the only gain is in the mechanical effects.
The energy caused by the attraction of the magnet to the uncharged coil is higher than the energy put in the coil right after passing the coil. That should be it, indeed.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 14, 2010, 07:30:44 AM
I looked at the current fall wave shape of the second part of Steorn's new videos, but I don't see a big LR shaped area which would justify the 1/1 ratio.
So, I am still puzzled.
Sure as these are input current scopes. The output is redirected to the other circuit. At least this sounds reasonable. Note that Sean didn't show the output yet ! Only the input just to show no Lenz interaction.
By the way, this should become clear if we see any of the oryginal ORBO circuit (not the one from demo as it doesn't recover the energy in any way).
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 07:37:27 AM
Sure as these are input current scopes. The output is redirected to the other circuit. At least this sounds reasonable. Note that Sean didn't show the output yet ! Only the input just to show no Lenz interaction.
By the way, this should become clear if we see any of the oryginal ORBO circuit (not the one from demo as it doesn't recover the energy in any way).
It's my understanding the these current probes are mounted on the coil leads. The only way that you won't see the current fall according an LR curve is because, like Gravity indicated, this current is not re-cycled.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 14, 2010, 07:42:44 AM
It's my understanding the these current probes are mounted on the coil leads. The only way that you won't see the current fall according an LR curve is because, like Gravity indicated, this current is not re-cycled.
Totally agree. But only in demo setup.
This doesn't have CEMF or BEMF. You can't capture the pulse because there is no BEMF. The net gain in mechanical energy is more than the input energy.
This is a brilliant and nearly perfect system. Have I said that before, lol.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 06:05:45 AM
How to build an inexpensive Gauss-meter for under $6.00 using your voltmeter. We will need this to match the dual magnets as closely as possible and to stay within 0.5T
If you already have a clamp-on ammeter capable of DC just clamp the magnet in the 'bite' of the clamp and set the meter for DC amps. You'll find the Hall effect devices in those meters are calibrated. You can also buy such a meter for less than the price of a calibrated Hall effect device.
It won't read out in a magnetic value but this works great for comparisons.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 07:59:38 AM
This doesn't have CEMF or BEMF. You can't capture the pulse because there is no BEMF.
Why do you say that? Whether you got the gain in magnetic energy or not, when you release the applied current you've got a BEMF because of the colapsing magnetic field. Just as always.
At the colapsing time moment, the magnets are at the maximum distance from toroids. So there is nothing that would interfere the field colapsing.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 08:24:10 AM
Why do you say that? Whether you got the gain in magnetic energy or not, when you release the applied current you've got a BEMF because of the colapsing magnetic field. Just as always.
Because the flux remains fully engaged inside the metglas core during the collapsing field and never cuts the wires to generate a BEMF.
In a normal core material the flux dis-engages from inside the core during the collapsing field and cuts the wires and this induces a BEMF.
This is not your conventional motor. This does not break any laws of physics, but the books will need to be re-written. OU is real and possible.
[edit:] If we could find a way to get the flux to dis-engage the metglas core during the collapsing field so it will cut the wires to induce a BEMF such as manipulating the end of the pulse, then this would be a huge bonus. I highly doubt the Steorn camp has been able to do this yet. It may be possible, but it would need to be manipulated somehow.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 08:42:35 AM
Because the flux remains fully engaged inside the metglas core during the collapsing field and never cuts the wires to generate a BEMF.
Wow now you really are rewritting books ;] If by applying current you are building magnetic field, then by destroying the field you "build" current ;] What's the difference what core material you use ? Don't try to change physics to understand ORBO ;] You people need some sleep ;]
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 07:23:09 AM
Great catch by Airstriker on the Gauss meter measurements done by Steorn. Hey, I think Steorn is using Bonded or Injection Bonded NdFeB magnets, as they are exactly in the 400mT to 600mT range! Sintered NdFeB magnets are ~ twice that strength.
Bonded NdFeB (
Injection Bonded NdFeB (
One huge advantage to Bonded NdFeB magnets is they have no measurable eddy currents!
btw, if Steorn needs a constant current as the magnet passes by, then I can see why they might want to stay away from capacitors because it will oscillate with the toroid inductance. A battery would have considerably less oscillations because the battery is non-linear and wants a constant voltage.
Also, I think captainpecan is correct that we should also test other cores as well. If the inductance measurements was all coils in-series, then they must be using another type of core, but still it must be high permeability core. So it might be a good idea to purchase numerous types of Metglas materials. At least Metglas cores are very inexpensive. I would also recommend the same Metglas material, 2714A, but transversely annealed, which has permeability of 80000.
Hi Paul,
In thinking about whether the four toroids were in series or not, I think that we can deduce that it was one individual toroid that was measured, from what Airstrike figured out. If their magnets are .5 T to match the toroids, the toroids would only be at .5 T EACH if their saturation was that of the original Magamp square loop that you did a great job in finding. I believe that if the toroids were in series, then the T of the magnets measured would have been four times less. I think that is right... Your thoughts?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 07:33:17 PM
The cores are only $2.65 each, and so far it appears to be the best matching core to Steorn's. I would think people would want to be encouraging to buy these Metglas MAGAMP cores, not discouraged, right?
I definitely do not want to discourage anyone from whatever their goal is. But my goal is not to duplicate Steorn's demo devices. They have openly stated that they are just that, a demo of a prototype technology. They may or may not be designed with the capability to ever self-run or even with the maximum rotor torque capability for the cores they used. My goal would be to design/engineer a system that would maximize the rotor torque per unit electrical input energy based on the data that is available. One part of that process would be to understand the relationship of the attractive force a PM can feel towards materials of different permeability. Since permeability is usually referenced as an electromagnetic property, I find that PM attraction relationship information lacking. So I've asked it several times as well as asked for simple experiments.
Again, I appreciate that the cores you have are yours to do with what you will. I would not want you to risk damage to them at all. And I agree that it might be difficult or even dangerous to bring a neo into contact with them. But that also does not need to happen. The test could be performed with a weaker magnet, even a refrigerator magnet. Also, separating the magnet from the core with a nonmagnetic spacer, like a piece of wood could allow for a better "feel" or even a definitive answer to the question of does a PM attract to the Metglas cores more, less, or the same as to steel.
No worries either way. I am also content to wait and see what Steorn, JLN, and/or TK do next as well.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 09:07:46 AM
Wow now you really are rewritting books ;] If by applying current you are building magnetic field, then by destroying the field you "build" current ;] What's the difference what core material you use ? Don't try to change physics to understand ORBO ;] You people need some sleep ;]
Look, the metglas core holds onto the flux so strongly that it doesn't want to let it go. Paul mentioned in an earlier post that he thought he was going to tear his metglas core up trying to get the magnet off. This is the reason why the metglas core can be saturated almost instantly. The metglas core loves and wants the flux. I'm not trying to re-write physics books. I'm just telling you how I see it.
Have a look at my stats and you will see that I don't sleep,;area=statistics;u=16774GB
Quote from: gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg222415#msg222415 A=1263479090
Look, the metglas core holds onto the flux so strongly that it doesn't want to let it go. Paul mentioned in an earlier post that he thought he was going to tear his metglas core up trying to get the magnet off. This is the reason why the metglas core can be saturated almost instantly. The metglas core loves and wants the flux. I'm not trying to re-write physics books. I'm just telling you how I see it.
Sure but these are completely two different stories. One is about the colapsing field which is catched by the coil and the other one about magnetic interactions between magnet and the core. There is nothing in common. End of story ;]
I just ordered Metglas (4) MP2510P4AS. Identical to the MP1305's but these have an OD of 26.8 mm while the MP1305's had an OD of 13.72. BUT my cost for the 1" OD was $12.14 USD EACH compared to just over $2.00 fore each of the MP1305's. They do have a $34.00 USD minimum.
Opps, my mistake. In a recent post I suggested that Steorn is using Bonded NdFeB magnets, but that was wrong on my part. I forgot that Steorn's magnet gauss measurements was on an open faced magnet that was not between two magnets, and therefore the field will be half the value.
So, 500mT is normal for a strong sintered NdFeB magnet during open faced measurements. It seems that Steorn is using either SmCo or NdFeB sintered magnets.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 09:34:36 AM
Sure but these are completely two different stories. One is about the colapsing field which is catched by the coil and the other one about magnetic interactions between magnet and the core. There is nothing in common. End of story ;]
What is common between the two different stories is the metglas core doesn't want to release the flux, and the flux from the pulse never dis-engages the core during the collapsing field in order to cut the wires to induce a BEMF. End of story. :)
What's so brilliant about Steorn's design is that the ultra high permeability core easily saturates with a relatively small amount of current, thereby producing a closed magnetic loop, which means the magnetic is no longer magnetically attracted to the core. So while the toroid current is off, the magnet is attracted to the core, but when the coil current is on, the magnet attraction decreases. So in theory, a small amount of energy from the coil makes the toroid vanish from the magnet, and so the magnet can move away with less attraction. The Metglas ultra high longitudinal permeability means it requires far less energy to saturate the core longitudinally.
Steorn, you're brilliant! ;D
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 09:47:50 AM
What is common between the two different stories is the metglas core doesn't want to release the flux, and the flux never dis-engages the core during the collapsing field in order to cut the wires to induce a BEMF. End of story. :)
If it never disengages the core, then why is the magnet being attracted to the toroid again ? Sorry but you story is bullshit :P
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 09:59:52 AM
What's so brilliant about Steorn's design is that the ultra high permeability core easily saturates with a relatively small amount of current, thereby producing a closed magnetic loop, which means the magnetic is no longer magnetically attracted to the core. So while the toroid current is off, the A is attracted to the core, but when the coil current is on, the magnet attraction decreases. So in theory, a small amount of energy from the coil makes the toroid vanish from the magnet, and so the magnet can move away with less attraction. The Metglas ultra high longitudinal permeability means it requires far less energy to saturate the core longitudinally.
Steorn, you're brilliant! ;D
And where are now all those disbelievers ? 8)
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 10:20:11 AM
If it never disengages the core, then why is the magnet being attracted to the toroid again ? Sorry but you story is bullshit :P
Maybe the answer is in the common use of metglas cores
I had a look at the Alloy 2705M materials they have available.
Below, the B-H curve of that material.
If the H field is reduced to zero after saturation you see no B-field reduction, so no colapsing field.
Fascinating stuff.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 04:04:46 AM
This is only true in an increasing current when the flux is not fully engaged inside the core. At a steady current, the core is saturated equally through out and not partially saturated elsewhere.
The core is never equally saturated because the field due to the permanent magnet has not a toroidal topology.
Thus magnet field strengh and direction depend on the locations in the core, and naturally saturation and permeability also.
In the orbo, it doesn't matter which direction the core is saturated in. If it did, then reversing the polarity of the pulse would reverse the rotation direction.
Not true. See my other posts. According to the fact that the toroidal coil feels the magnet field due to the irregular permeability along the core, magnet motion induces emf in the coil and Lenz's law applies. Thus reversing the polarity does not change anything: the current is always in the direction for fighting the flux variation. All is conventional.
Okay guys, let's keep it respectful and concentrate on our build...LOL
So...Based on the information that Paul L. has given, I believe that the best magnets to go with our Metglas MP2510P4AS cores would be either the N25 or N28. The N25 is rated at 0.98-1.02 T. Divide this by half and we have 500mT on one end...a perfect match! The N28 is rated at 1.04-1.08, and gives us about 530mT. I will be looking for some N25's.
Steorn demonstrates an increase in coil inductance when the magnets are passed by a toroid coil in their Orbo. Steorn then passes magnets past a conventional pulse coil and shows no increase in inductance. The pulse coil in John Bedini's Zero Force motor is positioned laterally, so one of two rotor magnets are at each end of his pulse coil core simultaneously. The position of the pulse coil in Bedini's version would allow for an increase in inductance as the magnets are drawn past manually, unlike the pulse coil tested by Steorn, which has only one side of the coil exposed to the magnets. I would like to see John demonstrate the same kind of rise in his coil inductance in a new video to help prove that the Orbo is nothing more then a copy of his Zero Force concept.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 10:20:11 AM
If it never disengages the core, then why is the magnet being attracted to the toroid again ? Sorry but you story is bullshit :P
The flux will dissipate inside the core just like it would dissipate in the air if it did leave the core. When the energy source is cut, the flux doesn't remain and will dissipate quickly. It doesn't stay around very long when there is no energy source. If it didn't dissipate after the current is cut, then we could cut the power and still have the flux. Sorry, but your rebuttal is B.S. :P
Quote from: gravityblock on January 14, 2010, 10:47:48 AM
The flux will dissipate inside the core just like it would dissipate in the air if it did leave the core. When the energy source is cut, the flux doesn't remain and will dissipate quickly. It doesn't stay around very long when there is no energy source. If it didn't dissipate after the current is cut, then we could cut the power and still have the flux.
I think you are right. See the update on my previous posting.
Quote from: gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg222445#msg222445 A=1263484068
The flux will dissipate inside the core just like it would dissipate in the air if it did leave the core. When the energy source is cut, the flux doesn't remain and will dissipate quickly. It doesn't stay around very long when there is no energy source. If it didn't dissipate after the current is cut, then we could cut the power and still have the flux. Sorry, but your rebuttal is B.S. :P
Ok now I don't understand you. What is the difference between "field colapse" and "field dissipate" according to you? And then you're negating your own words by saying: "If it didn't dissipate after the current is cut, then we could cut the power and still have the flux". So according to you the field stays there when the current is cut or not ??
Metglas histeresis loop is very narrow - meaning you don't need much energy to remagness (saturate) the core. It's also magnetically soft material - which means it DOES like high frequencies and the field does not simple stay in it (saying in simple words). So please admit that you are wrong ;]
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 11:08:46 AM
Ok now I don't understand you. What is the difference between "field colapse" and "field dissipate" according to you? And then you're negating your own words by saying: "If it didn't dissipate after the current is cut, then we could cut the power and still have the flux". So according to you the field stays there when the current is cut or not ??
When the field collapses then the flux physically leaves the core and will cut the wires. As it is physically leaving the core it is also dissipating, meaning it's field strength is decreasing towards 0 outside of the core.
With the metglas, the flux does not physically leave the core to cut the wires as it's field strength is decreasing in strength towards 0 inside the core so it never cuts the wires to induce a BEMF.
After the current is cut, the field is completely gone after it quickly decreases in strength towards 0 weather it dissipates while it is leaving the core and cutting the wires, or if it dissipates inside the core without cutting the wires.
The B-H curve of the example I posted shows also that it will be very difficult to find and stay in the situation where the permeability is very high.
I am beginning to understand why Sean says the tolerances to put this together are extremely tight.
Cancelling CEMF? Not sure the motor would run if the coil is between N-S magnets
Quote from: happyfunball on January 14, 2010, 11:57:36 AM
Cancelling CEMF? Not sure the motor would run if the coil is between N-S magnets
This is interesting but understandable. Probably wound the coils with several layers all in the same direction.
The same results as a few loops of wire would produce.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 14, 2010, 05:29:05 AM
exnihiloest.... where a A do you see any interaction here ??!!!!!!!!
Where is your data? A model depends on what you put in.
Where is your analysis? FEMM gives the saturation only along the field lines.
Here is real life, not a simulation:
- a generator provides a 10 Khz sin signal to a toroid coil with a 100 ohm resistance in series in the circuit.
- the oscilloscope measures the voltage across the coil.
- if the core is saturated, the coil inductance is lower thus the voltage too.
1th test) no magnet: voltage reading is 4 v pp.
2nd test) coil tightly sandwiched between two magnet stacks, providing a rather uniform and transverse field through the core: voltage is 3.6v pp, near the same.
3rd test) magnets providing a field in the same plane as the toroid. Thus along some parts of the toroid, magnet and coil fields are colinear: voltage is 1 v pp.
It is to be highlighted that in the 3rd case, the two magnet stacks are farther from one another than in the second, providing a mean magnetic field in the toroid lower than in the second case and nevertheless the effect is much more important.
It is obvious that the saturating field must be in the direction where we want an effect to occur. The field from the magnet being neither toroidal nor uniform, magnetic flux cannot be confined in the core, thus coil and magnet act on one another, with emf and Lenz's law applying.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 09:46:47 AM
Opps, my mistake. In a recent post I suggested that Steorn is using Bonded NdFeB magnets, but that was wrong on my part. I forgot that Steorn's magnet gauss measurements was on an open faced magnet that was not between two magnets, and therefore the field will be half the value.
So, 500mT is normal for a strong sintered NdFeB magnet during open faced measurements. It seems that Steorn is using either SmCo or NdFeB sintered magnets.
Hi Paul,
I was able to find some 1" OD disc magnets here:
They are rated at 10800 Gauss. 10000 Gauss = 1 T. So 10800 Gauss gives us 1.08 T. I think that should work fine, would you agree?
Naudin just posted another video... He shows how to cancel back EMF. Very cool!!! Sorry if this has been previously posted.
Edit: I see it has been posted... sorry guys!!!
Ok guys, I've made an attempt to visualize what the magnitization cycle could be as I understand it right now.
The idea is that the coil is mostly at a remanent magnetic status while rotating.
Only shortly after the magnet passes the coil some action is changing the core status.
Let me know whether you agree with this.
Rotor is moving clockwise
Only in situation 3 the permeability is at maximum value at a very short time.
I'm still having a bit of trouble deciding which metglass for me to order today. I remember seeing that you posted your order the other day on this thread, for some reason I don't see it. Maybe the graphic didn't load for me when I scanning back to find it. But could you tell me again exactly which ones you ordered, and then if you could give me your opinion on the exact ones I should order? What I mean is this, if you had to build a second one to test other criteria, what would you use? I'll order that one, and then we see both results.
Quote from: Staffman on January 14, 2010, 12:52:19 PM
Naudin just posted another video... He shows how to cancel back EMF. Very cool!!! Sorry if this has been previously posted.
Edit: I see it has been posted... sorry guys!!!
HUGE experiment by JLN labs! I had heard Sean from Steorn mention the importance of "POSITION" of the toroidal coils, and NOW we know why! So, to briefly recap, we now have three main specs to work with... 1. Proper permeablity of core for needed Saturation. 2. Magnets, paired of 1 Tesla or 10000 gauss each, one facing North and one facing South. 3. The EXACT position on the Netral line between the two magnets for the Toroid. ;) Ahh...the smell of progress! still appears that there are TWO toroid, one above the other on the Demo, and they are not positioned on the neutral line. I wonder if JLN Labs had held the toroid with the hole facing the magnets, and tested with one magnet in front of it, if the CEMF would be nil. This would also make sense based on the Demo rigs....hmm...
Most of us already knew the inductance could only change if the saturation occured in a direction around the core.
The problem is your test does not show CEMF. The field generated by the coil is matained only in the core and the external fields mainly enter the core at a point perpendicular to the core.
Because of this, the field from the coil that is matained in the core, can never exert 100% of it's CEMF into the external field.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 01:25:54 PM
HUGE experiment by JLN labs! I had heard Sean from Steorn mention the importance of "POSITION" of the toroidal coils, and NOW we know why! So, to briefly recap, we now have three main specs to work with... 1. Proper permeablity of core for needed Saturation. 2. Magnets, paired of 1 Tesla or 10000 gauss each, one facing North and one facing South. 3. The EXACT position on the Netral line between the two magnets for the Toroid. ;) Ahh...the smell of progress! still appears that there are TWO toroid, one above the other on the Demo, and they are not positioned on the neutral line. I wonder if JLN Labs had held the toroid with the hole facing the magnets, and tested with one magnet in front of it, if the CEMF would be nil. This would also make sense based on the Demo rigs....hmm...
this can explain the use of micrometer not for bearing load adjustment but for rotor magnet position adjustment, acting on the spring adjustable position of the lower ball bearing ....?
Is anyone willing to go down to dublin with a maxwell ultra capacitor and testing it on the open test rig? Has anyone figured out the orientation of the magnets in the latest orbo demo?
delete this post.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 01:25:54 PM
HUGE experiment by JLN labs! I had heard Sean from Steorn mention the importance of "POSITION" of the toroidal coils, and NOW we know why! So, to briefly recap, we now have three main specs to work with... 1. Proper permeablity of core for needed Saturation. 2. Magnets, paired of 1 Tesla or 10000 gauss each, one facing North and one facing South. 3. The EXACT position on the Netral line between the two magnets for the Toroid. ;) Ahh...the smell of progress! still appears that there are TWO toroid, one above the other on the Demo, and they are not positioned on the neutral line. I wonder if JLN Labs had held the toroid with the hole facing the magnets, and tested with one magnet in front of it, if the CEMF would be nil. This would also make sense based on the Demo rigs....hmm...
I still don't see how placing a coil midline between two N-S magnets would work. Seems like it's basically the same as measuring coil CEMF with no magnets and declaring CEMF cancelled.
1. Does anyone have the circuit diagram of Steorn's Demo (there was a relay, variable resistor and an optical switch and I'm sure other components). They surely cannot be using the relay to switch the current through the coil? Also, the voltage drop across the coil must be less than 1.5V. since they used the variable resistor to reduce the current though the coil in the demo when switching over from the pulse motor. This supports the idea that there are not many turns on the toroid.
2. Does anyone have a design for Steorns' bearing setup?
3. Has anyone worked out what gauge wire they are using?
I think its important to build a prototype as close as possible to theirs, not create a new design.
I found this exploded view of Steorn's demo system. Not quite the same as the unit show the other day. Has double stator coils plus plus generator pickup coils.
Sorry if its already been posted.
Quote from: PCB on January 14, 2010, 03:04:27 PM
1. Does anyone have the circuit diagram of Steorn's Demo (there was a relay, variable resistor and an optical switch and I'm sure other components). They surely cannot be using the relay to switch the current through the coil? Also, the voltage drop across the coil must be less than 1.5V. since they used the variable resistor to reduce the current though the coil in the demo when switching over from the pulse motor. This supports the idea that there are not many turns on the toroid.
2. Does anyone have a design for Steorns' bearing setup?
3. Has anyone worked out what gauge wire they are using?
I think its important to build a prototype as close as possible to theirs, not create a new design.
oops seems that orbo run on magnetic bearings ...
"SM: One of the key problems that we have always faced in implementing Orbo are bearings. The reason is that a typical Orbo interaction involves very strong radial forces that change direction in very small angular displacements. Hence an Orbo system built using traditional bearings is like driving you car at high speed over speed bumps â€" you can do it, but after a small distance you car will simply break down. The key technical advance that we have made with respect to implementation is a move away from the use of traditional bearing technologies to the use of our own passive magnetic bearing technology, ZeroF."
Quote from: Bruce_TPU link=topic=8411.msg222481#msg222481 A=1263493554
HUGE experiment by JLN labs! I had heard Sean from Steorn mention the importance of "POSITION" of the toroidal coils, and NOW we know why! So, to briefly recap, we now have three main specs to work with... 1. Proper permeablity of core for needed Saturation. 2. Magnets, paired of 1 Tesla or 10000 gauss each, one facing North and one facing South. 3. The EXACT position on the Netral line between the two magnets for the Toroid. ;) Ahh...the smell of progress! still appears that there are TWO toroid, one above the other on the Demo, and they are not positioned on the neutral line. I wonder if JLN Labs had held the toroid with the hole facing the magnets, and tested with one magnet in front of it, if the CEMF would be nil. This would also make sense based on the Demo rigs....hmm...
JLN is right and wrong at the same time. With his toroid orientation versus magnets there is no CEMF observed. Right. But this will not make his ORBO work ! Notice one thing. The toroid orientation JLN is using is only used in Sean's demo experiments. Original ORBO machine uses totally different toroid orientation. Why did they do it? For fun ? No! They wanted you all to go in a wrong direction. Only in the original ORBO's toroid orientation (toroid face meets the face of the magnets) the flux from the magnets is going through the whole core's circumference (exactly and only what you've showed exnihiloest), thus we end up with partially saturated core and don't need a big current to fully saturate the core. You would have already known that if you've read carefully what I've written earlier ;]
According to what you're saying, metglas is a black hole on earth. It eats magnetic field energy. Cool! Go get some sleep ;]
In his recent talk , during the part where he answers questions, Sean McCarthy says words to the effect that " this is not like some guy in his garage trying to discover free energy." Sean obviously underestimates guys working in garages . So far , the skill levels displayed in reverse engineering this effect have amazed me . Praise is due to Wings for working out the purpose of the micrometer. For the home builder , individual adjustment of toroid position might be easier . Praise is also due to JL Nadine , for showing cancellation of CEMF , and his expt shorting two toroids. I think we may see OU before February.
Hehehe ... ;D
Who can tell me the difference between the "orbo motor" and the "pulse motor"?? Anyone? Bueller? LOL
For the demo rig, I will tell you... JLN is correct! Please go to 4:06 for Part 2 and hit pause. the unit on the left is Orbo...why? NO CEMF. Why? Because on this machine you have the toroid EXACTLY lined up on the Neutral line between the North and South facing magnets.
Now...Look at the "pulse motor" on the right...what do you see? You see the toroid Higher ABOVE the neutral line, and thus inducing CMF into the machine.
Lastly, I am starting to doubt that the toroids are 1". They are looking more like 3/4". Can someone help me deduce the correct size please? Thank you!!
Okay, I deduce that they are using 3/8" disc magnets. One facing is North and the other South.
Great catch Bruce, that's some funny shit right there, lol... I think you nailed the bemf shown on the meter exactly.
Also, I am pretty sure they are also using N and S magnets also. If you think about the fact that they need as short of a pulse width as possible, placing a N and a S magnet completes a magnetic circuit in a much smaller area of spread, since almost the entire set of flux lines are heading the quickest route to the other magnet. Two like poles, such as N and N, would repel against each other, thus creating a much wider area for the inductance to change. That would require a much longer pulse. So I think this project is pretty well picked apart.
I think the JLN CEMF test is just a common mistake!
He is not taking into account the winding around the toroid is the same as a loop of wire.
With two passes it's like two wire loops. It all makes sense, when your above the spinning magnet centers, the field curves up through the cores open center and induces current into the loops of wire (single direction windings).
When you move below center the same thing but in the opposite direction.
If only two layers of windings were placed around the cores, one layer progressing clockwise and the second layer progressing counterclockwise, the effect would cancel itself and nothing would show either above or below the center position!
Any thoughts on this?
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 04:12:15 PM
For the demo rig, I will tell you... JLN is correct! Please go to 4:06 for Part 2 and hit pause. the unit on the left is Orbo...why? NO CEMF. Why? Because on this machine you have the toroid EXACTLY lined up on the Neutral line between the North and South facing magnets.
How exactly would you get any attractive force from a torroid located on the neutral line? Aren't we talking about 100% cancellation?
Quote from: happyfunball on January 14, 2010, 05:19:48 PM
How exactly would you get any attractive force from a torroid located on the neutral line? Aren't we talking about 100% cancellation?
only of the CEMF, NOT of the attraction...LOL
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 04:12:15 PM
Hehehe ... ;D
Who can tell me the difference between the "orbo motor" and the "pulse motor"?? Anyone? Bueller? LOL
For the demo rig, I will tell you... JLN is correct! Please go to 4:06 for Part 2 and hit pause. the unit on the left is Orbo...why? NO CEMF. Why? Because on this machine you have the toroid EXACTLY lined up on the Neutral line between the North and South facing magnets.
Now...Look at the "pulse motor" on the right...what do you see? You see the toroid Higher ABOVE the neutral line, and thus inducing CMF into the machine.
Lastly, I am starting to doubt that the toroids are 1". They are looking more like 3/4". Can someone help me deduce the correct size please? Thank you!!
Hi Bruce,
I think they just used only toroidal coils without ferrite cores in them
and did not put them inverted in series.
Then the Counter EMF adds up and does not cancel.
Also he said, "we have to compensate for the higher current in the NON-Orbo",
so you see, that they did not use ferrite cores, so the current rises
much faster in the same sized coils, thus needing much more
current when they are energized energized...
You might be interested in this :
From : (
dtorus:here's a question from our audience:
"ask him why the Kinetika Orbo has not been shown again. If he was not lying about it being fully functional and OU before the bearing failure, why are they now displaying something that requires explanation and an oscilloscope to 'prove' OU?"
Sean what do you have to say to S. from Wisconsin?
Because its a horror to build and we no longer work with the company that made them for us.
Also, from Steorn :
There is no back EMF in the PM systems - but it works on the same principle of change of permiability during the interaction.
BTW: the whole page could be interesting too.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 12:30:45 PM
Hi Paul,
I was able to find some 1" OD disc magnets here: (
They are rated at 10800 Gauss. 10000 Gauss = 1 T. So 10800 Gauss gives us 1.08 T. I think that should work fine, would you agree?
Hi Bruce,
Great find! That's about as close to 1T (or 0.5T for one side open faced magnet) as it gets. Do you or anyone else know how thick the Steorn magnets are?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 14, 2010, 01:09:13 PM
Ok guys, I've made an attempt to visualize what the magnitization cycle could be as I understand it right now.
The idea is that the coil is mostly at a remanent magnetic status while rotating.
Only shortly after the magnet passes the coil some action is changing the core status.
Let me know whether you agree with this.
Rotor is moving clockwise
Only in situation 3 the permeability is at maximum value at a very short time.
Hi teslaalset,
One important thing I did not see in your diagram was that the magnetic field from Metglas core rotates as it tries to align with the magnet, but when the coil current is turned on the Metglas cores magnetic field easily changes such that it forms nearly a perfectly close loop near full saturation. IMO that's where the excess energy effect is caused by because it requires very little energy to change the Metglas *longitudinally* annealed core field to closed loop, which decreases the magnets attraction to the core.
So IMO it's not all that important if the core remains nearly saturated the entire time, but where the dipoles are pointing and where they change during the entire cycle.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 05:26:08 PM
Cancellation only of the CEMF, NOT of the attraction...LOL
How do you figure that would happen? If the coil is on the center line between an N and S magnet, it can neither attract nor repel, no?
Quote from: captainpecan on January 14, 2010, 01:25:47 PM
I'm still having a bit of trouble deciding which metglass for me to order today. I remember seeing that you posted your order the other day on this thread, for some reason I don't see it. Maybe the graphic didn't load for me when I scanning back to find it. But could you tell me again exactly which ones you ordered, and then if you could give me your opinion on the exact ones I should order? What I mean is this, if you had to build a second one to test other criteria, what would you use? I'll order that one, and then we see both results.
Hi Captain,
Here's the link,
Elna Magnetics
Some of those cores you won't want unless you plan to replicate the J.Naudin's MEG. Also, elna may be out of stock for some of those core sizes, so you can do a search for other MAGAMP cores. I don't recall how to do that at elna, so let me know if you figure it out lol. btw, all of my MAGAMP cores are small compared to Steorn's. My largest one is ~ 0.8" OD, and Steorn's seems at least 1" OD, no? You might want to order various sizes if possible, at least a 1" OD and larger.
If Steorn is using Metglas cores, or if not then maybe they will, soon, then I'd love to buy some Metglas stock. ;D Is that legal? I mean, what we know here is not considered company insider information, is it?
You can't compare a ferrite core with a metglass core in CEMF tests. In most materials the core will lose it's attractiveness as the magnets approach and this is one form of CEMF and can be defeated with like poles. The other form of CEMF is when the coil is closed prior to TDC and the magnets will induce an EMF in opposition to the current and this can be defeated with opposite poles with the proper polarity in the pulse. The bottom line is you can only defeat one form of CEMF or the other, but you can't defeat both forms with a traditional pulse motors.
Metglas is the total opposite to all other materials. It can defeat both forms of CEMF because the pulse can occur at TDC and become completely cloaked from the magnets almost instantly by going around 0.6T in field strength. from 0.0 - 0.47T it doesn't lose it's attractiveness and is the reason why their magnets are around 0.47T. between 0.5T - 0.6T it has a steep decline towards no attraction.
I now know why the rotor will rotate in the same direction when reversing the polarity pulse because all forms of CEMF has been eliminated on both the approach and departure. Absolutely amazing.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 04:38:47 PM
Okay, I deduce that they are using 3/8" disc magnets. One facing is North and the other South.
Awesome Bruce! btw, if you happen to find the toroid diameter and also the separation distance between the magnets & toroid then I'd greatly appreciate it!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 07:27:03 PM
Hi Bruce,
Great find! That's about as close to 1T (or 0.5T for one side open faced magnet) as it gets. Do you or anyone else know how thick the Steorn magnets are?
Hi Paul,
Actually, I am not going with the 1" magnet, but rather I am going to order some 1/4" and some 1/2" magnets of the same type, they do not have 3/8" and I can't find that gauss anywhere else. All others are in the 13000-14000 gauss range. These smaller ones are still 10800 gauss. They look to be about 1/8", not sure about the spacing, but appears to be less than 5mm. Hard to see. If our magnets are too strong, greater distance would be needed. for the 1/2" size.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 08:14:51 PM
Awesome Bruce! btw, if you happen to find the toroid diameter and also the separation distance between the magnets & toroid then I'd greatly appreciate it!
I have been working on the toroid size and believe it to be 3/4" to 1". I have ordered the 1" OD even though they were expensive. I will probably use 37 turns of 20awg magnet wire and see how it looks. I have wound so many thousands of turns on the wrong cores over the last several weeks, It will be a pleasure to wind 37 very neat winds! LOL
So what is the current best selection for the Metglas cores?
I found these at a surplus site.
Quote from: lumen on January 14, 2010, 08:41:02 PM
So what is the current best selection for the Metglas cores?
I found these at a surplus site.
The MP2510P4AH is what I ordered. $12.00 USD each.
It is the IDENTICAL material that Paul L. and others felt would work. the 4AH magnetic material.
@ All
I've been doing some calculating and I'm getting confused. Steorn was saying that they are getting out more energy with the change in permeability. Where E = LI^2. Simple enough concept at first glance. Cool! Well, here is where I'm getting confused. If the inductance increases, the reactance also increases. If the reactance increases, shouldn't the current decrease before the toroid coil is cut off? Where I = V/R. Is Steorn saying that in their setup, voltage and current remain steady and reactance is no problem? I know that is what they are claiming, but this is confusing when trying to calculate this stuff and follow the energy flow. If someone could help clarify this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: I think I know where I'm getting confused, there is a DC component. You have a changing voltage on the rise and fall, but in between there is DC. But would the collapse of the field follow the reactance of the coil?
Regarding the coil orientation in JLN's video, you're right. They only used this orientation in the first Orbo demo. However, the motor did work in said demo. What I'm wondering though is if the effect is the same. They are also claiming that the CEMF in an open loop coil won't be representative of a powered/saturated coil, so I don't really know what this tells us about JLN's measurements.
I don't know why you'd even want a field collapse without "cutting" the wires? It's just the inverse action of building the field in the first place. The energy you put into the coil to build the field will be recovered when the field collapses. This isn't a bad thing. If you eliminate this you'd effectively destroy energy and we wouldn't want that. Also, as it's just the inverse action to building the field you'd never be able to build the field in the first place if somehow metglas shields the field in the core from the wire. I think their first demo even showed the inductive kick-back pretty clearly.
Hi all.
I thought I might be able to clear up the arguement between Striker and GravityB.
The truth is that they are both correct. ;D
When you turn off the current, the core does hold alot but you also get a huge back voltage spike.
For instance:
Take an iron toroid in 2 halves each with a winding on them.
Now magnetize the two halves together to form a full toroid.
When you disconnect the current you get a back spike but the two halves remain firmly magnetized together.
You can see me doing it in a similar way here. (
If I put a rectum frier :o on the output of those coils and pulse them...I can charge up caps to over 300 volts. (If I do it at the A time)
The Metglas core would give me even more! And I can run a motor at the same time.
I can charge the cap with or without using a keeper on my electromagnet.
So no matter if the magnetic circuit is closed or broken you still get a back spike when you disconnect the current from the coils.
When there is a closed magnetic circuit then it will remain closed until something breaks it, but you still get a large voltage back spike from the coils.
Take a look at this clip I made a while back too. (
It will help with your visualisations.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 08:14:51 PM
Awesome Bruce! btw, if you happen to find the toroid diameter and also the separation distance between the magnets & toroid then I'd greatly appreciate it!
As far as the gap between magnets and coil, I think that is going to have to be adjustable for sure. It will depend on both the toroid material, and the strength of the magnets. But here are a couple pics I dug up that show the gap being fairly large. My guess is near 1/2" or so. But that does not mean all their demo's are the same gap, same magnets, or even same core material. We just sorta have to assume they are using all similar materials.
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 08:08:35 PM
"I think you guys should watch this video from Bedini:
He clearly states what I said a few pages before about the A field. I am more convinced now that that is the case based on the speed increase from some replicators here.
Fausto. "
Hey all,
Being a Noob, I cannot get my head around how this works.
Would some of you magno-tech savvy guys help me understand, if there is no core, like I have setup with my pinball machine coils, where does the attraction come from that makes this motor spin ?
There is no core, the coils are wound around a plastic former.
I know I must be missing something very fundamental.
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: i0n on January 14, 2010, 10:29:17 PM
Regarding the coil orientation in JLN's video, you're right. They only used this orientation in the first Orbo demo. However, the motor did work in said demo. What I'm wondering though is if the effect is the same. They are also claiming that the CEMF in an open loop coil won't be representative of a powered/saturated coil, so I don't really know what this tells us about JLN's measurements.
I don't know why you'd even want a field collapse without "cutting" the wires? It's just the inverse action of building the field in the first place. The energy you put into the coil to build the field will be recovered when the field collapses. This isn't a bad thing. If you eliminate this you'd effectively destroy energy and we wouldn't want that. Also, as it's just the inverse action to building the field you'd never be able to build the field in the first place if somehow metglas shields the field in the core from the wire. I think their first demo even showed the inductive kick-back pretty clearly.
Well, you need to research metglas a little better. I also said it would be a huge bonus if we could capture the BEMF. The field is built outside of the core in the wire. The field dissipates inside the core because it doesn't release the flux. It is a one way door. The door only opens one way, it doesn't swing both ways.
It doesn't destroy the energy. Not capturing the BEMF in a traditional motor doesn't destroy the energy, lol. It returns to the infinite source. The energy gain in inductance is due to pulling energy in from the infinite source due to manipulating time frames.
You get more net mechanical energy out of the system than the electrical energy that went into the system, but yet you still complain about not being able to recover the energy from the pulse. Some people will never be satisfied.
It took pages of rebuttal just to make a point that it could be possible for the field to dissipate inside the core without cutting the wires to induce a BEMF. The concept may be understood now, but I'm not sure it is even accepted. You really think an OU device is going to have the same properties, principals, and behavior as a traditional under unity device?
I will give you something to think about though. Why do you think they showed the inductance test first? There was a good reason. Why do you think they have generator coils on the Orbo if the pulse could be recaptured? It should be able to self run without the generator coils if the pulse could be recaptured and it had a net gain in mechanical energy.
They're keeping things simple and they have their setup at the bare bones to avoid suspicion. This means they would have eliminated the generator coils if they could have replaced the generator coils with recapturing the pulse or at least demo it without the generator coils.
I'll almost bet less than 10% of the BEMF is induced in the Orbo weather you like it or not. I am sure some flux will escape the metglas core after power is cut and induce a BEMF, but in a perfect material it would not happen.
Only time will tell. Let's just wait and see what we learn after all of the demo talks are over and what is learned from the replications. No need in getting ahead of ourselves here, but I have a feeling this will be heavily talked about down the road. There are more important things to be talking about right now. Just my thoughts and opinions.
Quote from: i0n on January 14, 2010, 10:29:17 PM
Regarding the coil orientation in JLN's video, you're right. They only used this orientation in the first Orbo A. However, the motor did work in said A. What I'm wondering though is if the effect is the same. They are also claiming that the CEMF in an open loop coil won't be representative of a powered/saturated coil, so I don't really know what this tells us about JLN's measurements.
I don't know why you'd even want a field collapse without "cutting" the wires? It's just the inverse action of building the field in the first place. The energy you put into the coil to build the field will be recovered when the field collapses. This isn't a bad thing. If you eliminate this you'd effectively destroy energy and we wouldn't want that. Also, as it's just the inverse action to building the field you'd never be able to build the field in the first place if somehow metglas shields the field in the core from the wire. I think their first demo even showed the inductive kick-back pretty clearly.
That's my man !
gravityblock you are telling such a bullshit that my ears are gonna explode righ now!! Stop it please as I don't have time and energy to learn you some basic physics. Whatever you're gonna say right now, I'm just skipping your posts ;/
What I'm gonna loose my energy on, is to explain the no BEMF effect in the original ORBO machine. This will in fact answer your question i0n. However, first I need to draw some pictures and as I'm kind'a lazy this will take some time. So stay tuned and please don't go back with some bullshit theories.
Quote from: callanan on January 14, 2010, 07:23:53 AM
Hi jimboot,
My motor is running well on D cell with gen coils and lasts a long time but not OU yet. My ferrite cores just aren't going to cut it so it seems like the consensus at the moment is to go for metglas cores so that is probably the way to go.
Using a small screwdriver you can test for which side of the Jaycar vain switch has the magnet in it. You can also get the small UGN503 hall sensor from Jaycar which is cheaper. This also works well but you will need a seperate 6V battery pack and I have found that it can directly switch the gate of a mosfet well enough on it's own for this motor.
Thanks mate - off to Frankston Jaycar in the AM:)
Ordered my metglass toroids earlier.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 15, 2010, 04:10:14 AM
What I'm gonna loose my energy on, is to explain the no CEMF effect in the original ORBO machine. This will in fact answer your question i0n. However, first I need to draw some pictures and as I'm kind'a lazy this will take some time. So stay tuned and please don't go back with some bullshit theories.
If you have a CEMF then you will have a BEMF. If you don't have a CEMF then you won't have a BEMF. You can't have one without the other and if you don't have one then you don't have the other. This is basic physics, Newtons Third law and you haven't learned it.
Like I said in my previous post, there are more important things to be talking about at the moment. This will be heavily talked about after all of the demo talks are over. Let's just wait and cross this bridge down the road if we need to, and I'm sure we will. Besides, your a little cocky and arrogant. You think you know it all. You say I'm B.S, you tell me to get sleep, you tell me to stop with the B.S theories, etc. Lol
You're closed minded and limited in your thinking process. Just get over it and move on, you're not the brightest crayon in the box and for you to think you are is laughable.
Quote from: lumen on January 14, 2010, 01:34:20 PM
The problem is your test does not show CEMF. The field generated by the coil is matained only in the core and the external fields mainly enter the core at a point perpendicular to the core.
Because of this, the field from the coil that is matained in the core, can never exert 100% of it's CEMF into the external field.
"The field generated by the coil is matained only in the core" is a wrong assumption when the core has not a uniform permeability along the circles inside the coil.
The coil is geometrically toroidal. This implies symmetry. In a classical view this symmetry is also assumed for the magnetic properties. The permeability of the core is supposed to be uniform and it follows that the flux lines perfectly circle inside the toroid: the flux is also toroidal, thus it is closed inside the core.
Under the effect of the external field from the magnet, this toroidal symmetry is broken. Of course the geometrical shape of the toroid core is the same, but if we look at the magnetic properties, we do not see a toroid because of lack of constant permeability along the core because of not toroidal saturation.
Indeed we have to remember that the saturation is the result of all superposing fields, i.e. not only that one from the pulsed coil (which is perfectly toroidal) but also this one of the magnet (which is not toroidal and induces assymetry in permeability along the toroid).
Thus it is as if we had a magnetic circuit with sections of low permeability and ultimately with open sections. If you look at an open section of a magnetic circuit, you see the field lines expanding in the space around. They no longer follow the narrower magnetic channel of high magnetic permeability. It is what happens in Steorn toroid core: the field lines of the pulsed coil expand outside of the toroid around the lowest permeability sections, in order to maintain the full flux that pass through the higher ones.
In a symmetrical manner, the field lines from the moving magnet penetrate the toroid core through the sections of lower permeability, follow the sections of higer permeability, and emerges again from sections of lower permeability, looping outside the toroid core. Naturally this induces emf in the coil.
We have a conventionnal interaction between magnet and coil, thanks to the magnetic flux linking the toroid core to the magnet. The flux amplitude is equal to the flux in the highest permeability sections of the toroid minus the flux in the lowest ones.
No mystery, no paradox, not OU, all is well explained by the physics laws. The only unusual thing but perfectly explained, is the way in which Lenz's law applies because the flux variation through the coil depends also on the permeability change. But it is not new. Magnetic parametric devices were already built in the 19th century. The physicists team having check the device last year and concluded there was nothing anormal were perfectly right. All tests I carried on confirm the facts.
@Lumen and all:
I think the dual magnets can be like or opposite poles with the Metglas core. It all depends on the orientation of the coils and could be the reason for the different types of configurations we have seen. This Metglas core changes everything, it really does.
Now I understand how ORBO works:
Convencional Motors:
1) Have BACK EMF
2) It is good when the motor have no mecanical load, because with it the electrical current is very small
3) When apply a mechanical load to motor, the BACK EMF go down, it increase electrical current throught the coils of motor
1) Have no BACK EMF!
2) The electrical current is same with or without mechanical load!
3) The inductance of coils is very hi to increase impendance of coils. That makes the pulsed current go down (without need BACK EMF)!
4) When apply a mechanical load to motor, the electrical current steel determined by impedance of coils, and it is constant, fixed in a hi value to get a small electrical current (pulsed) throught motor.
Sorry my poor english :D
Quote from: leonirz on January 15, 2010, 07:45:29 AM
Now I understand how ORBO works:
Convencional Motors:
1) Have BACK EMF
2) It is good when the motor have no mecanical load, because with it the electrical current is very small
3) When apply a mechanical load to motor, the BACK EMF go down, it increase electrical current throught the coils of motor
1) Have no BACK EMF!
2) The electrical current is same with or without mechanical load!
3) The inductance of coils is very hi to increase impendance of coils. That makes the pulsed current go down (without need BACK EMF)!
4) When apply a mechanical load to motor, the electrical current steel determined by impedance of coils, and it is constant, fixed in a hi value to get a small electrical current (pulsed) throught motor.
Sorry my poor english :D
I think you got most of that correct, at least the main idea. I can't believe more people aren't catching onto this. They have shown us that the Orbo is an OU device in many different ways already. I will list them.
1) It runs in the same direction regardless of the input polarity from the battery.
2) The energy gain in inductance.
3) No CEMF.
4) The voltage and current doesn't drop when a load is put on it (No BEMF due to no CEMF inducing a current that is in opposition to the EMF of the battery)
If you have a BEMF, then you don't have OU because this means you have a CEMF. It's that simple.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 15, 2010, 07:19:15 AM
Indeed we have to remember that the saturation is the result of all superposing fields, i.e. not only that one from the pulsed coil (which is perfectly toroidal) but also this one of the magnet (which is not toroidal and induces assymetry in permeability along the toroid).
In a symmetrical manner, the field lines from the moving magnet penetrate the toroid core through the sections of lower permeability, follow the sections of higer permeability, and emerges again from sections of lower permeability, looping outside the toroid core. Naturally this induces emf in the coil.
We have a conventionnal interaction between magnet and coil, thanks to the magnetic flux linking the toroid core to the magnet. The flux amplitude is equal to the flux in the highest permeability sections of the toroid minus the flux in the lowest ones.
No mystery, no paradox, not OU, all is well explained by the physics laws. The only unusual thing but perfectly explained, is the way in which Lenz's law applies because the flux variation through the coil depends also on the permeability change. But it is not new. Magnetic parametric devices were already built in the 19th century. The physicists team having check the device last year and concluded there was nothing anormal were perfectly right. All tests I carried on confirm the facts.
But because this all happens as the magnet approaches the core when the coil is disconnected, the CEMF is never realized.
When the coil IS energized, the field in the core is symetrical with the strongest connections to the magnets at points 90 degrees to the electrically induced field. This forces any CEMF to minimal values from which point on the magnets have virtually no affect on the core.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 15, 2010, 07:41:19 AM
@Lumen and all:
I think the dual magnets can be like or opposite poles with the Metglas core. It all depends on the orientation of the coils and could be the reason for the different types of configurations we have seen. This Metglas core changes everything, it really does.
I was thinking that also but mostly for core orientation. If the core is laying down, the rotor poles should be the same, and when the core is upright, the rotor poles should be opposite.
This would cause the correct flow through the core in each case.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 15, 2010, 08:01:47 AM
I think you got most of that correct, at least the main idea. I can't believe more people aren't catching onto this. They have shown us that the Orbo is an OU device in many different ways already. I will list them.
1) It runs in the same direction regardless of the input polarity from the battery.
2) The energy gain in inductance.
3) No CEMF.
4) The voltage and current doesn't drop when a load is put on it (No BEMF due to no CEMF inducing a current that is in opposition to the EMF of the battery)
If you have a BEMF, then you don't have OU because this means you have a CEMF. It's that simple.
Yess I agree.
Then, more some considerations about ORBO:
1) When the trigger is fired (optical sensors) send the command to an electronic circuit to create an electrical pulse.
This pulse should always be the same length. Regardless of motor speed. For thus the impedance always reacts with the same intensity on the current. But it can be repeated many times until you release the trigger (optical sensors) with a train of pulses.
2) Magnetic bearings help to reduce the mechanical losses. And if you want that a machine to work independently, for very long time, she should not show mechanical wear. Therefore, ORBO is using magnetic bearings and optical sensors (instead ball bearings for example, or reed switch).
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 14, 2010, 07:32:01 PM
Hi teslaalset,
One important thing I did not see in your diagram was that the magnetic field from Metglas core rotates as it tries to align with the magnet, but when the coil current is turned on the Metglas cores magnetic field easily changes such that it forms nearly a perfectly close loop near full saturation. IMO that's where the excess energy effect is caused by because it requires very little energy to change the Metglas *longitudinally* annealed core field to closed loop, which decreases the magnets attraction to the core. So IMO it's not all that important if the core remains nearly saturated the entire time, but where the dipoles are pointing and where they change during the entire cycle.
I didn't catch your insights.
From what I understand is that the dipoles in the cores change from 1 to 4 as shown in below figure, right?
Are you saying that the permeability is changing as a function of dipole direction?
Maybe you can visualize what you intend to teach us here?
Hello all,
Surface field gauss is what we are interested in, NOT BrMax gauss. The following is a list:
Define "surface field Gauss": "Surface Field (Surface Gauss) - The magnetic field strength at the surface of the magnet as measured by a Gauss meter. A comprehensive table of the surface field for all of our stock magnets is available here"
5000 gauss or as close to that as possible for the "surface field gauss" is what we need. Perhaps the following one:
[edit: lumen, that is not a MAGAMP core. You can tell by the last letter, which is "F", which means it's a flat loop, not square loop. That has a permeability of 80000, not 1000000!]
Quote from: lumen on January 14, 2010, 08:41:02 PM
So what is the current best selection for the Metglas cores?
I found these at a surplus site. (
Nice find lumen! and thanks for sharing. That photo of the Metglas core looks just like the Steorn photos, nice and thick. That looks like a MAGAMP, as the part # starts with MP, but maybe we should contact Metglas to be certain.
If you want the 1 million permeability cores, then it must be MAGAMP. Metglas sells various types of 2714A cores, some are transversely annealed, some are longitudinally annealed. MAGAMP cores are longitudinally annealed.
That's not to say the transversely annealed cores are not worth a try. In fact, I'll be trying my Metglas transversely annealed if all else fails. :)
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 14, 2010, 08:56:14 PM
The MP2510P4AH is what I ordered. $12.00 USD each. (
Hi Bruce,
Is that price quote from Elna, or Metglas, or somewhere else? My MAGAMP's, bought in 2007, were $2.65 each at 0.82" OD. Of course your core is a lot larger in all dimensions.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 15, 2010, 09:18:39 AM
I didn't catch your insights.
From what I understand is that the dipoles in the cores change from 1 to 4 as shown in below figure, right?
Are you saying that the permeability is changing as a function of dipole direction?
Maybe you can visualize what you intend to teach us here?
That diagram looks correct. As the magnet approaches, the dipoles try to align with the NdFeB's magnetic field, but when the coil current turns on, the toroid dipoles easily align in a circumferential / longitudinal manner because it's a closed magnetic loop and also because this core is longitudinally annealed. :)
Has anyone considered using a relay like Steorn? It seems Steorn likes a few turns, ~ 37, maybe to lower the inductance so as to reduce resonance from the battery. So few turns = ultra low DC resistance. I'm sure there are relays, and then there are relays, right? All relays have ultra low on resistance, but some might have even lower resistance. Also, how about switching speed, as it should be very fast, probably faster than 100 microseconds.
As for myself, I don't have any fast relays, so I'll using an IRF540. :'(
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 11:09:56 AM
Hi Bruce,
Is that price quote from Elna, or Metglas, or somewhere else? My MAGAMP's, bought in 2007, were $2.65 each at 0.82" OD. Of course your core is a lot larger in all dimensions.
Hi Paul,
That price was from Elna. My cores I have ordered are 1.06 inches OD. The permeability is identical to what you had linked to earlier, but yours were 1/2" inch OD, too small. The permeablility is identical, just the size is different according to Elna.
The smaller ones were only just over $2.00. Huge price increase at the 1" OD mark...LOL
I found it. Check out Steorn video at time mark 1:48 -->
Notice how thick the magnets are. You can see the size of the magnets. Maybe the magnets Steorn is now using in the demos are much thinner. What do you think?
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 15, 2010, 11:34:34 AM
Hi Paul,
That price was from Elna. My cores I have ordered are 1.06 inches OD. The permeability is identical to what you had linked to earlier, but yours were 1/2" inch OD, too small. The permeablility is identical, just the size is different according to Elna.
The smaller ones were only just over $2.00. Huge price increase at the 1" OD mark...LOL
Hi Bruce,
Hey, actually the largest one in my elna order list were 0.82" OD. :) But yes, I agree, that's a huge increase in price, but your core probably weights a lot more. Here's the specs:
My small core:
MP1805P4AS OD=20.83, ID=10.80, Height=6.76
Total volume = (pi*20.83^2 - pi*10.80^2) * 6.76 = 6737.46766 mm^3
Your large core:
MP2510P4AH OD=27.79, ID=17.27, Height=11.48
Total volume = (pi*27.79^2 - pi*17.27^2) * 11.48 = 17096.1645 mm^3
So your core has 2.5 times more material. That still doesn't account for the price increase. That's probably good old influation. ;D
Sorry, I just noticed in my Elna order form that I actually have an MP2510P4AS! It cost me only $6.10. So their recent quote of $12 must be due to inflation.
That sounds right, my MP2510 cost 2.3 times more than my MP1805, but you get 2.5 times more material.
The only problem is I ordered only 1 of the MP2510P4AS. Can I make a Steorn replication with one core?
Quote from: lumen on January 14, 2010, 08:41:02 PM
So what is the current best selection for the Metglas cores?
I found these at a surplus site. (
This is important. Lumen, that MP1906P4AF is not a Metglas MAGAMP core. You can tell by the last letter, which is "F", which means
it's a flat loop, not square loop. That has a permeability of 80000, not 1000000!
Although the other core is a MAGAMP core, part number MP1005L4AS, but that's a very small core, 10.92mm (0.43") OD.
So for those who want the Metglas core with 1 million permeability, the part number must start with MP and the last letter must be 4AS. If it ends with an "F", then it's the flat loop (transversely annealed).
Sean just posted at his form -->
QuoteFaster in what way - clearly you seem to understand the requirements for current into in Orbo - so let me ask you this - a capacitor can provide a perfectly flat current output - right?
I think Sean could not be clearer. Although IMO Sean has not clarified the reason. We know that the core has inductance, and we know that if you connect a capacitor to an inductor it resonates. Well, resonance is not a "flat current." A battery does not resonate no where near like a capacitor, as a battery tries to be a constant voltage source.
Also, we should be careful with adding capacitance to the toroid coil. Is that another reason to use a relay instead of a mosfet, as mosfets have a reputation for having a lot capacitance for a switch. Lets not forget that 30 to 40 turns on this Metglas core gives ~ 1 Henry.
Just some food for thought.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 11:50:23 AM
Sorry, I just noticed in my Elna order form that I actually have an MP2510P4AS! It cost me only $6.10. So their recent quote of $12 must be due to inflation.
That sounds right, my MP2510 cost 2.3 times more than my MP1805, but you get 2.5 times more material.
The only problem is I ordered only 1 of the MP2510P4AS. Can I make a Steorn replication with one core?
I'm not sure Paul if it would work. I don't think that the animation is to scale, so wouldn't worry about that, but rather the math for the interaction of our rated surface gauss of our magnet(s) and the metglas toroid to make sure we have everything correct.
I did just notice something that I did not realize from their animation and have posted a pic below.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 12:18:52 PM
as a battery tries to be a constant voltage source.
So do ultra capacitors. So why are they ignoring that. Surely a 50$ ultra capacitors the size of a D cell battery would end all speculation.
Quote from: broli on January 15, 2010, 12:54:20 PM
So do ultra capacitors. So why are they ignoring that.
Capacitors are very linear, and the energy is 0.5*C*V^2. The battery that Steorn uses is considered drained at 1.2V. Huge difference. It's well known that batteries are non-linear and do not resonant nearly as much as a capacitor.
Quote from: broli on January 15, 2010, 12:54:20 PMSurely a 50$ ultra capacitors the size of a D cell battery would end all speculation.
A $50 bcap1500 ultracapacitor has 1500 farads and has as much energy as a 1500mAh battery. People would complain. Maybe if they had a smaller capacitor, say 100000 uF, not that many people would complain, but then again we have the resonance issue.
do this at 100.000 rpm (10 times speed of modern HDD) and you have yourself a winner in the collapse field theory. That's why they can't prove you for real the COP>1 but they want to sell patents (the idea works) to interested companies who can do that kind of RPM. Remember what Sean was talking about all along the presentation? (HDD)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 01:06:24 PM
Capacitors are very linear, and the energy is 0.5*C*V^2. The battery that Steorn uses is considered drained at 1.2V. Huge difference. It's well known that batteries are non-linear and do not resonant nearly as much as a capacitor.
A $50 bcap1500 ultracapacitor has 1500 farads and has as much energy as a 1500mAh battery. People would complain.
Resonance happens when the capacitor gets depleted, but with these high capacitance ucaps they won't get near depletion during the on state. As for people complaining, all steorn has to show is the voltage rising and maybe discharging through a zener to not explode the cap.
I don't know how much current the eorbo uses during the on state. But even if it's 10 amps, and the on time is 0.1s a 350 F ucap would only drop 3mV in voltage. Either Steorn doesn't know of the existence of ultra caps or they are hiding something.
Quote from: broli on January 15, 2010, 01:21:27 PM
Resonance happens when the capacitor gets depleted, but with these high capacitance ucaps they won't get near depletion during the on state.
A capacitor resonates regardless. See the two attached images. Top graph is for a capacitor of 100000uF. The bottom graph is for a battery. There's no need to simulate a large ultra capacitor because they hold a lot of energy like batteries, so people will complain.
Quote from: broli on January 15, 2010, 01:21:27 PMI don't know how much current the eorbo uses during the on state. But even if it's 10 amps, and the on time is 0.1s a 350 F ucap would only drop 3mV in voltage. Either Steorn doesn't know of the existence of ultra caps or they are hiding something.
The only reason people are saying to use a capacitor is because it does not hold a lot of energy like a battery. A 350F cap @ 1.3V holds a lot of energy.
The drop in voltage is significant in the capacitor simulation. The current drop is low, but Sean has made it clear that it has to be very constant.
I'm not saying resonance is the reason, but that it will exist if a cap is used.
I'm curious what Sean means when he mentions that the use of a torroid is irrelevant in Anyone have an explanation?
What I still don't get is how Steorn is charging a 0.98 Henry toroid in ~ 10ms. I guess that's the secret, the trillion dollar question, no?
That only thing that comes to mind is how square loop the Metglas core is. Therefore, the inductance meter they used seems pretty good, as it's probably difficult to measure the inductance with such a square loop core.
We'll have to see when someone builds one of these guys using the metglas MAGAMP core. :)
Quote from: adrians on January 15, 2010, 02:29:20 PM
I'm curious what Sean means when he mentions that the use of a torroid is irrelevant in ( Anyone have an explanation?
Hmmm, I don't see where Sean said that.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 02:30:32 PM
What I still don't get is how Steorn is charging a 0.98 Henry toroid in ~ 10ms. I guess that's the secret, the trillion dollar question, no?
I guess it's not 0.98 Henry during the whole period of time.
The larger the current, the lower the permeability and thus thus the smaller the Henry value?
Something is strange here.
At the first part of the third video the coils are measured.
Now, the Orbo coils is measured 0.961 and 0.984 Henry at the position where the magnet is present. In that position the core should be already saturated, right?
That would mean that the coil value is way higher in the out of magnet range area.
Any comments to that observation?
[edit 2]
I have to correct myself here. If the core is a metglas one, it's is almost al the time saturated. So that means that the wire has a very low resistance in order to load the coil that fast.
By the way Naudin updated his site with some interesting findings on loading his coils with extra thick wires.
See: (
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 02:36:10 PM
Hmmm, I don't see where Sean said that.
Sean is being quoted about comments he made on a particular replication attempt. Quoting the quote - "With respect to the topic in hand (i.e. the supposed Al 'replication' I find it amusing at several levels, the focus on the use of a torroid (that is irrelevant) and so on".
Update: I seen now in the original thread that I might be misunderstanding the context. How do you guys read his response here - ?
A couple of interesting quotes from Sean. Nothing really new but some confirmation regarding the theories involved.
Quote from: Steorn
There is no back emf in any of the coils in the experiment shown - it is not a case of one coils Back EMF cancelling out the other.
Quote from: Steorn
overconfident:What core materials are you using?
Just a soft magnetic material - I will not go into the details - sorry.
Quote from: Steorn
overconfident:Is there any hard magnetic bias in the toroidal cores?
Quote from: Steorn
The magnetic arragement on the rotor is the same in both cases, an N pole above an S pole (or the other way around). The coils in the pulse motor (like the coils on the Orbo motor) are both facing up
Quote from: Steorn
There is no back EMF in any of the coils due to the motion of the rotor. All coils suffer CEMF during the inductive rise and collapse of the field.
Thanks overconfident for some of the questions.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 02:04:37 PM
The only reason people are saying to use a capacitor is because it does not hold a lot of energy like a battery. A 350F cap @ 1.3V holds a lot of energy.
That was never my reason though. The only reason I had is that an ultra cap gives you accurate voltage numbers where as batteries the voltage can be questionable as all the bedini motors show. With an ucap there would be no "maybes", just hook it to a 5$ voltage meter and keep it on the live camera.
Could someone briefly explain the difference between BEMF and CEMF please?
Quote from: neptune on January 15, 2010, 03:55:52 PM
Could someone briefly explain the difference between BEMF and CEMF please?
it depends on how you define BackEMF and CounterEMF.
For me BackEMF is the kickback flyback induction
when a current carrying coil is opened.
So this is the inductive kickback voltage spike coming from
the stored magnetic field of the coil.
CounterEMF for me is the voltage generated in a normal DC motor coil
generated due to its generator effect from the coil versus the magnets
Quote from: adrians on January 15, 2010, 02:29:20 PM
I'm curious what Sean means when he mentions that the use of a torroid is irrelevant in Anyone have an explanation?
Any one who is serious about this will read the below link. It's about the theory on the Adams motor. They talk about a reverse time flow in current just like Sean's theory on the "time frame" manipulation.
Toroid is not required, reverse time flow in current is running backwards from the coil to the battery.
The diameter of your magnet is extremely important relative to your coil. You want the pulse to begin as soon as the very edge of your magnets line up at TDC and want the pulse to end at the very edge of the magnets past top dead center.
After the end of the pulse, the magnets will be attracted to the core but will have enough momentum to escape and will generate a reverse time flow of current from the coil to the battery assuming you have a recovery circuit. This is not BEMF. This is a reverse time EMF. Don't believe me then read the above link on the Adams motor, then compare it to Sean's statement about the "time frames" and then take a look at broli's thread on an energy gain by induction change, system will now run both CW and CCW with the same polarity input while the dual magnets being like poles and the coil horizontal. I assume opposite poles will make it run in the same direction when reversing the input polarity. I will be working on the recovery circuit.
Please note. It's not recovery BEMF. It will be recovery a reverse time flow EMF generated in the coils by the magnets after the pulse (this is the generator part where Steorn is using the generator coils for and is not necessary with a non metglas core). This is the energy gain in induction.
This is not my Theory AirStriker and it is supported by quite a few people. Steorn has his setup the way he does trying to patent the device and to try to get around what is already open-sourced or patented.
Quote from: broli on January 15, 2010, 03:26:02 PM
That was never my reason though. The only reason I had is that an ultra cap gives you accurate voltage numbers where as batteries the voltage can be questionable as all the bedini motors show. With an ucap there would be no "maybes", just hook it to a 5$ voltage meter and keep it on the live camera.
It would be interesting to do a side by side comparison of a 650 farad ultracap vs. a 650mAh rechargeable battery. I know from my detailed data logging of the bcap0650 (650 farads) that it has a crazy amount of dielectric absorption. That's also seen in electrolytic capacitors. So it's not really true that capacitors voltage is an accurate representation of anything until the capacitor has had a long time to rest. For the bcap0650, we're talking about up to ~ 1/2 day of rest time before you can accurately use the voltage as something meaningful.
Good points you bring up though. :)
quote -->
QuoteThe counter-electromotive force (abbreviated counter emf, or CEMF ) [1] is the voltage, or electromotive force, that pushes against the current which induces it. CEMF is caused by a changing electromagnetic field. It is represented by Lenz's Law of electromagnetism. Back electromotive force is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where there is relative motion between the armature of the motor and the external magnetic field. One practical application is to use this phenomenon to indirectly measure motor speed and position [2]. Counter emf is a voltage developed in an inductor network by a pulsating current or an alternating current [1]. The voltage's polarity is at every moment the reverse of the input voltage [1][3].
In a motor using a rotating armature and, in the presence of a magnetic flux, the conductors cut the magnetic field lines as they rotate. The changing field strength produces a voltage in the coil; the motor is acting like a generator.. (Faraday's law of induction.) This voltage opposes the original applied voltage; therefore, it is called "counter-electromotive force". (by Lenz's law.) With a lower overall voltage across the armature, the current flowing into the motor coils is reduced. [4]
[edit] Efficiency
If it is assumed that a motor is 100% efficient with no friction or windage losses, the speed of the armature will increase until the back electromotive force is equal to the applied electromotive force, i.e. there will be no net electromotive force, no current flow and hence, no net force. The armature will spin at a constant rate, of its own accord.
[edit] References
1. ^ a b c Graf, "counterelectromotive force", Dictionary of Electronics
2. ^ Back-EMF
3. ^ Naval Electrical Engineering Training Series, Module 02 - Introduction to Alternating Current and transformers", Inductance, self-inductance
4. ^ "Nuclear Power Fundamentals Training Manuals". DC Generators, Counter-Electromotive Force
(CEMF), DC Equipment Terminology, Electrical Science Volume 2.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 15, 2010, 11:58:30 AM
This is important. Lumen, that MP1906P4AF is not a Metglas MAGAMP core. You can tell by the last letter, which is "F", which means it's a flat loop, not square loop. That has a permeability of 80000, not 1000000!
Although the other core is a MAGAMP core, part number MP1005L4AS, but that's a very small core, 10.92mm (0.43") OD.
So for those who want the Metglas core with 1 million permeability, the part number must start with MP and the last letter must be 4AS. If it ends with an "F", then it's the flat loop (transversely annealed).
bugger. I ordered those as I couldn't work out how to buy on Elna
Quote from: gravityblock on January 15, 2010, 04:48:51 PM
This is not my Theory AirStriker and it is supported by quite a few people. Steorn has his setup the way he does trying to patent the device and to try to get around what is already open-sourced or patented.
I salute them for there findings but I completely agree with you and that is why they are trying to sell licenses since patent can't be obtained.
Anybody see this on the Steorn public forum? It's a post from Sean McCarthy.
"The magnetic arrangement on the rotor is the same in both cases, an N pole above an S pole (or the other way around). The coils in the pulse motor (like the coils on the Orbo motor) are both facing up."
Quote from: adrians on January 15, 2010, 02:29:20 PM
I'm curious what Sean means when he mentions that the use of a torroid is irrelevant in Anyone have an explanation?
I also read over at Steorn, Sean saying that there are many types of Orbo that share the same principle, he mentioned mOrbo, eOrbo, and ssOrbo.
I take these to mean mechanical orbo, the electromagnetic Orbo, and I guess he means the solid state Orbo.
So in that greater sense the toroid is not as important.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 15, 2010, 05:55:04 PM
bugger. I ordered those as I couldn't work out how to buy on Elna
Hi Jimboot,
To order from Elna, call them! ;)
Quote from: interestedinou on January 15, 2010, 06:30:44 PM
Anybody see this on the Steorn public forum? It's a post from Sean McCarthy.
"The magnetic arrangement on the rotor is the same in both cases, an N pole above an S pole (or the other way around). The coils in the pulse motor (like the coils on the Orbo motor) are both facing up."
I already knew that. If anyone had looked hard at the Clanzer/Steorn Units, you would see magnets in one that was put together and you would have seen black marked on end (North, Clanzer always marks N black...LOL) and opposite (black marks) from each other. Thus I deduced N and S. ;)
You would not want to sit next to me and watch a mystery....LOL You would not enjoy hearing the "who done it" five minutes into it...LOL
NO Back EMF explained in original ORBO motor (sorry for lame pictures :P):
First and second picture:
1) First stage
A are approaching the toroid coil. They are simply being attracted to the core. Coil's circuit is open. As the magnets "coupled" flux goes through part of the toroid's core this induces EMF in the coil - an electric potential difference across two open-circuited terminals. The current doesn't flow so there is no Lenz interaction with the rotor.
2) Second stage
Magnets reached TDC. Magnets "coupled" flux goes through half of the toroid. Or it's being divided by two - part of the flux goes left side of the toroid and the other part goes right side of the toroid. How it is in fact doesn't really matter.
As the magnets reached TDC, we close the electric circuit and fire up the current to saturate the core. As the core is partially saturated by magnet's flux we don't really need much current (this is the main and very important difference with JLN setup). In the first picture you can see, that the applied current made the the coil's magnetic flux go clockwise. In the second picture the coil's magnetic flux goes anticlockwise.
Now the important part. Why don't we see any Back EMF here? Simply because magnet's "coupled" flux will always choose the simplest way to go - the way it find's no magnetic resistance. So magnet's "coupled" flux lines will always align here with the coil's magnetic flux lines. In the first picture this "coupled" flux goes clockwise and in the second anticlockwise.
So as these flux lines does not "fight" with each other - we simply have no Lenz Law interaction here.
3) Third stage
As the magnets go past the toroid, their flux lines still align with the coil's flux lines but the aid they provide in saturating the core is getting weaker with the distance from the toroid. However, the current input (to keep the saturation) stays constant at some point (in fact very quickly) because of the core's material properties. Remember the graph "Amplitude Permeability vs. Flux Density" for Metglas? If not have a look at it below. What you find in this graph is: The higher the flux density, the lower the permeability. However for metglas the permeability stays constant between 0 - 0,47T. As the permeability is getting steady and constant, the current needed to keep the core saturated is also getting constant. This is exactly what you see on the scopes.
As the magnets move on, there is still no Back EMF because there is still no "negative" interaction.
At some point we open the coils circuit and the process repeats.
Third picture is just a side view of the first and second picture.
Also to point one thing - picture one and two does indeed show that the direction of current flow doesn't matter here.
Now one thing I must admit I was wrong about.
Have a look at metglas hysteresis loop. What's important in it is, that it has really high remanence (about 0,5T). Fortunately it also has high squareness ratio - low coercive force. That simply means that the resistance of a material to becoming demagnetized is low. High squareness ratio also means very high speed responses of the material. All these properties of metglas make me say the following:
- There is no sense in recovering the energy of the colapsing field, as much of it stays residual in the core (note, that residual doesn't mean that it dissipates inside the core as gravityblock says). Also note, that on their ORBO graphic presentations and animations there is in fact no recovering circuit.
- The fact that much of the field stays residual will not be a problem in any way, if we simply apply a very small magnetizing force in the opposite direction (going to the left on the hysteresis loop). To do it in ORBO is very simple. Just use the following magnets orientation on the rotor:
, and connect all the coils in series but in a way that every even coil is saturating the core in one direction, and every odd coil is saturating the coil in other direction.
This way we soothly move around the hysteresis loop with no side effects or energy loss.
So to be honest, the whole ORBO is nothing special. I mean it's briliant, but it does not violate any laws. It just uses material properties and proper magnetic flux "redirecting" to spin the wheel with very little energy input. Then they just get more energy output than input, simply utilizing the kinetic energy they gained. That's it.
By the way - please be my guest and test this theory in real life.
Ps. Of course the position of the toroid versus magnets is very important here. Also their dimensions.
PS2. Gravityblock, when will you start saying about UFOs here? I really cannot wait!
Best regards,
Julian S.
Quote from: ken_nyus on January 15, 2010, 07:21:19 PM
I also read over at Steorn, Sean saying that there are many types of Orbo that share the same principle, he mentioned mOrbo, eOrbo, and ssOrbo.
Cool, maybe there's hope for my tOrbo, worlds Tiniest Orbo just over 1" diameter ;D --> (
Quote from: callanan on January 11, 2010, 05:59:06 AM
Hi Penno,
Yes that is a hall vain sensor from Jaycar that I have cut the built in magnet off. This sensor is good because it can be powered with voltages from 4.5-30 volts.
I can post a circuit but it is not much different then the mosfet-hall sensor circuits shown by others.
The large toroid ofcoarse can be wound with more turns of thinner wire to reduce the current and increase the efficiency but my goal was to simply show a working concept motor.
To further increase the efficiency and torque of this concept motor the core must be laminated to reduce drag on the rotor.
I'm trying to use the JLN circuit but not having much joy. If you do get a chance to post your mosfet circuit I would be very grateful!
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 15, 2010, 07:21:23 PM
Hi Jimboot,
To order from Elna, call them! ;)
Aaah I'm an online marketer as my day job so I get confused when there is no "buy" button :D & I'm in Melbourne Aust so the timezone thing usually gets me :)
Steorn answers a question:
Quoteoverconfident:Does your "secret" core material demonstrate a significant Wiegand effect?
Sean: No
Another Sean quote,
Quote[snip] but as I keep saying this stuff does take a huge amount of precision positioning to get right.
Sean is addressing a lot of questions about the eOrbo personally here:
Hopefully some of the comments will provide to be useful with replication attempts.
So to be honest, the whole ORBO is nothing special. I mean it's briliant, but it does not violate any laws. It just uses material properties and proper magnetic flux "redirecting" to spin the wheel with very little energy input. Then they just get more energy output than input, simply utilizing the kinetic energy they gained. That's it.
More energy output than input violates the law of conservation of energy, so even though your explanation is very logical, as a consequence we have a device that violates that rule...
Your explanation seems to point that they have found a way to basically "shut off" the permanent magnet by redirecting its flux somehow...
Hehehe! I recall posting a photograph with some graphics, where I pointed out that the only difference between the "eorbo" motor and the pulse motor were the position of the coils. The eorbo coil was on the "neutral line" between the N and S magnets as JLN Labs showed, produces NO CEMF. Well, Sean has "verified" my find tonight. ALSO, Stefan was correct in that the pulse motor coils were AIR COILS! LOL
Goofy: "So then in general, what are the physical differences between the two motors?"
SEAN: "The only difference was the coils"
Cheers, ;)
Edit 1:
SEAN: "Ok wobble in this arrangement will induce BEMF, full stop"
Technical Note to all, do not have a wobble in the rotor.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 12:39:51 AM
Hehehe! I recall posting a photograph with some graphics, where I pointed out that the only difference between the "eorbo" motor and the pulse motor were the position of the coils. The eorbo coil was on the "neutral line" between the N and S magnets as JLN Labs showed, produces NO CEMF. Well, Sean has "verified" my find tonight. ALSO, Stefan was correct in that the pulse motor coils were AIR COILS! LOL
Goofy: "So then in general, what are the physical differences between the two motors?"
SEAN: "The only difference was the coils"
Cheers, ;)
It looks like you were right.
Using 37 turns as a reference, I estimate that there is about 4.5 feet of wire wound onto the toroid. If the wire is say 20 gauge then the resistance of the coil would be about 0.06 Ohms. Steorn looks to be using a variable resistor to set down the voltage from the D-cell (1.5 V) to something much less.
Given the inductance of the coil which some here say is about 1H, want level of current would be needed to saturate the core?
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 12:39:51 AM
Hehehe! I recall posting a photograph with some graphics, where I pointed out that the only difference between the "eorbo" motor and the pulse motor were the position of the coils. The eorbo coil was on the "neutral line" between the N and S magnets as JLN Labs showed, produces NO CEMF. Well, Sean has "verified" my find tonight. ALSO, Stefan was correct in that the pulse motor coils were AIR COILS! LOL
Goofy: "So then in general, what are the physical differences between the two motors?"
SEAN: "The only difference was the coils"
Cheers, ;)
Edit 1:
SEAN: "Ok wobble in this arrangement will induce BEMF, full stop"
Technical Note to all, do not have a wobble in the rotor.
Is there a neutral line between opposite polarities or is it only same polarities?
Wouldn't the neutral point only exist with a single rotor magnet or two magnets of the same polarities like the JLN test?
Quote from: Airstriker on January 15, 2010, 07:32:00 PM
PS2. Gravityblock, when will you start saying about UFOs here? I really cannot wait!
Best regards,
Julian S.
It's Ok for Sean to talk about modifying "time frames" and you was in agreement with this, but when I mentioned something about "reverse time flow of current", I'm out there. Modifying "time frames" is the theory behind the Adams motor also and I provided a link to this. Isn't a reverse time flow of current in reference to modifying time frames? I'm out there and Sean is not, but yet I didn't say anything different than what Sean said, lol. All I did was to expand on it.
You see, It is this kind of limited thinking that will get us nowhere. The Orbo is based on the same operating principals and theory of the Adams pulse motor, which is modifying time frames and I provided a link showing you how they are based on the same theory.
Steorn made a few changes by using toroids and dual sets of magnets while using very tight tolerances in the specs and components in order to obtain patents, by-pass other peoples patents, and to get around what has already been open-sourced.
Isn't this forum about sharing thoughts, ideas, having discussions, and theories along with experiments in order to achieve OU? I can't do this without Striker blowing a nut, but in his eyes it's Ok for him to give his opinions and theories. Grow up.
Believing in OU or modifying time frames isn't anymore out there than believing in UFO's. I believe you fall in one of these categories and this makes you just as much out there as I am.
Yeah grow up gravityblock and simply test my theory. Don't think it's a big deal. Or simply point out where I'm wrong and be the first one to throw a stone at me.
Quote from: Staffman on January 14, 2010, 12:52:19 PM
Edit: I see it has been posted... sorry guys!!!
Don't be sorry, I missed it the first time :)
This Naudin's check is a very very informative video.
What do we see?
1) there is emf induced almost everywhere but in a particular position
2) at this particular position, emf is nullified or at least is under the measurement accuracy
3) the position at which emf is nullified is not the position of the coils powering the motor (we see they are nearer from the magnet).
What can we deduce?
The change of magnet flux in the coil core causes saturation and permeability change. Thus we have two antagonist phenomenons:
1- the classic one: change of flux in the coil induces emf
2- the parametric one: change of permeability opposes the classic change of flux (because the more the saturation, the less the permeability).
Classic change of flux inducing emf is a linear phenomenon while saturation is not at all linear. When the magnet is very near the coil, change of permeability is the dominant effect. When it is far, permeability change is weak and has not much influence.
It follows that at a particular distance, the two effects balance one another. At that point shown by Naudin, there is no emf.
At a farther distance, permeability doesn't compensate the induced emf, so the effect is almost classical.
At a nearer distance, permeability change over-compensates the induced emf and reverses its direction.
This explains why the current pulse is constant in Steorn motor when the magnet moves away. The current provided by the pulse generator should decreases when the inductance increases nevertheless we see no change: the current resulting from the change of flux because of the permeability change, just adds to the current from the pulse generator against the current from normal emf, in order to fight the flux variation (Lenz's law).
But this added current is still drawn from the kinetic energy of the moving magnet trying to escape. The work provided by the magnet when it is approaching the toroid is the same than the work wasted when it moves away and once again we see it is only the energy from the pulse generator that unbalances the energies and permits the motor to rotate.
Even if we placed the powering coils at the position where there is no emf (in fact where the flux change from the moving magnet is compensated by the permeability change), we would have also to add external energy in the system to unbalanced the works done by the magnet when approaching and wasted when moving away.
Quote from: lumen on January 14, 2010, 05:02:10 PM
I think the JLN CEMF test is just a common mistake!
He is not taking into account the winding around the toroid is the same as a loop of wire.
With two passes it's like two wire loops.
Hi Lumen,
You are perfectly right, we must always be aware that each winding layer is one loop of wire in the toroid plane (if the winding layer is not reversed at each whole turn around the toroid and with an even number of layers).
Nevertheless in our particular case, I guess this effect is likely negligible because the number of turns is important and the wire resistance is consequently high for a single loop. I concede my remark is not funded on measurement but on long practice in electronics engineering. I let the not convinced guys check it :-)
This proves OU beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is no B.S. in here. Pure mathematics. Please recheck my math.
The current from the pulse has a field strength that is equal to 25% of the field strength of the magnets or around 0.13T. The combined flux density between the magnets and the pulse is 0.60T relative to the core and I must stress relative here (0.47T + 0.13T = 0.60T flux density). At 0.60T flux density, the metglas core will be fully saturated and will have close to 0% attraction. In the permeability vs. flux density chart you will need to draw this line until you reach 0.60T but it appears to be a near linear curve.
Before the pulse at TDC, the core has a flux density of 0.47T from the magnets and is still fully attractive. The pulse at TDC adds an additional flux density of 0.13T to the core which increases the cores flux density it is holding to 0.60T and this fully saturates the core in a near instant time and the core is no longer attractive.
As the magnets begin to depart from TDC, the core is losing flux density from the magnets and the core is getting more attractive, but this is Ok because the field strength of the magnets are decreasing in strength relative to the core as the magnets depart. When the core loses a total of 0.13T flux density from the magnets, the core is fully attractive at 0.47T and the pulse is turned off.
The strength of the magnets relative to the core at the end of the pulse is 0.34T and will be fully attracted to the core but it has enough momentum to escape.
So, the end result is you had an attraction force of the magnets to the core at 0.47T during it's approach, and only used 0.13T of energy for the pulse during it's departure and lost 0.34T from the drag of the magnets after the pulse. This is a net gain of mechanical energy of 0.13T (0.47T gain on the approach minus 0.34T loss for the drag after the pulse equals 0.13T).
0.13T net mechanical gain. 0.13T loss from the pulse. How long was the pulse on for? It was on during the time it took the core to lose 0.13T from the passing magnets. It will be unity at it's highest pulse width (0.13t mechanical gain - 0.13T pulse width = 0)
Obviously higher RPM's means the core will be losing 0.13T flux density from the magnets faster meaning a shorter pulse width and will then be OU. You need me to throw any more stones at you Striker?
Nice "reverse time flow of current" theory lol. I just simply don't have time to answer all your stupid posts and will stop this mess in the thread right now ;]
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 07:02:02 AM
This proves OU beyond a shadow of a doubt. There is no B.S. in here. Pure mathematics.
We have to remember that facts can call theory into question but theory doesn't call facts into question.
"Pure mathematics" is well inside a shadow of a doubt. Beyond a shadow of a doubt there is only experimental evidence i.e. a self running device, not a motor powered by a battery.
The current from the pulse has a field strength that is equal to 25% of the field strength of the magnets or around 0.13T. The combined flux density between the magnets and the pulse is 0.60T relative to the core and I must stress relative here (0.47T + 0.13T = 0.60T flux density). At 0.60T flux density, the metglas core will be fully saturated and will have close to 0% attraction.
The core is fully saturated along circles inside the toroid. It is not saturated for transversed fields or fields not exactly directed along the toroid.
While magnets cannot increase the magnetic field along the toroid because of saturation, nevertheless they can still be attracted because their not toroidal fields can still rotate the magnetic domains of the toroid core towards their own direction which is different from the saturation direction.
"Pure mathematics" is only an internally coherent reasonning, relative to the axioms of the beginning. When the axioms are wrong such those you took, the conclusion is coherent with wrong hypothesis, thus the result is physically false.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 16, 2010, 08:58:33 AM
The core is fully saturated along circles inside the toroid. It is not saturated for transversed fields or fields not exactly directed along the toroid.
While magnets cannot increase the magnetic field along the toroid because of saturation, nevertheless they can still be attracted because their not toroidal fields can still rotate the magnetic domains of the toroid core towards their own direction which is different from the saturation direction.
You're misunderstanding me. The goal is not to increase the strength of the magnetic field along the toroid.
It takes 10,000mA with 37 turns with the correct core dimensions and permeability to create a field strength of 0.13T that will saturate the core when the magnets are TDC. The magnets already pre-saturated the core at TDC with 0.47T flux density but the core is still fully attractive. We need an additional 0.13T flux density to saturate the core so it is no longer attractive at TDC.
This is not hard to understand. Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 09:21:45 AM
You're misunderstanding me. The goal is not to increase the strength of the magnetic field along the toroid.
It takes 10,000mA with 37 turns with the correct core dimensions and permeability to create a field strength of 0.13T that will saturate the core when the magnets are TDC. The magnets already pre-saturated the core at TDC with 0.47T flux density but the core is still fully attractive. We need an additional 0.13T flux density to saturate the core so it is no longer attractive at TDC.
This is not hard to understand. Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.
Hi GB,
After all the discussion about MetGlass, this on Steorn's forum:
Steorn 19 hours ago permalink
overconfident:What core materials are you using?
Just a soft magnetic material - I will not go into the details - sorry.
Now how do you get almost 1H with 38 turns??????
Quote from: k4zep on January 16, 2010, 09:31:32 AM
Hi GB,
After all the discussion about MetGlass, this on Steorn's forum:
Steorn 19 hours ago permalink
overconfident:What core materials are you using?
Just a soft magnetic material - I will not go into the details - sorry.
Now how do you get almost 1H with 38 turns? ??? ??
Either with ultra high permeability material or ~ a 1000 turns with common material. The way only it could be 1000 turns is if there are hidden layers that use microscopic wire.
I've concluded that Steorn must at least have a square loop core in order to get the scope shots they're showing. :)
Slowly but surely we're figuring it out.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 16, 2010, 08:53:47 AM
Nice "reverse time flow of current" theory lol. I just simply don't have time to answer all your stupid posts and will stop this mess in the thread right now ;]
Did you read the link. If you had, then you would have noticed it wasn't my theory. I even said in the post it wasn't my theory. I posted that link to show that Sean's theory on modifying the time frame is the same theory on the Adam's motor. You have no reading comprehension.
You tell me to cast the first stone at your theory and I did. After I did this, then you bring up the time reversal stuff again because you have no rebuttal to my theory. lol
I'm glad you're deciding to stop this mess. I suggested you get over it, and to move on many pages back. As long as you're attacking and insulting me, I'm going defend myself.
Take care,
Quote from: k4zep on January 16, 2010, 09:31:32 AM
Now how do you get almost 1H with 38 turns??????
Ben, in my view the situation with the cores is following:
- indeed, metglas maybe the candidate core material. Sean of Steorn indicated that by saying they use soft magnetic material.
- During the use of the core material there is only a specific area where the permeability is very high (upto 1.000.000) and that is at the H field values where the B-H curves are vertical, so at very specific current values in the coils (indicated in red below)
Now, the Steorn demo showed a coil value of around 0.961 - 0.984 Henry.
This was shown at the first part of the third video. The magnets were positioned near the coil, while measuring the coil, so presumably around a near saturated core situation.
A near saturated coil of metglas will not have a permeability of 1.000.000. but much, much lower. More like 10 - 300.
So, to conclude, I don't think those coils have only 37 windings, but much more.
[edit] above text has been corrected
Quote from: lumen on January 16, 2010, 01:39:33 AM
Is there a neutral line between opposite polarities or is it only same polarities?
Wouldn't the neutral point only exist with a single rotor magnet or two magnets of the same polarities like the JLN test?
Hi Lumen,
The two magnets are NOT of the same polarity in the JLN test. Please see picture below. I have circled it in yellow... ;)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 09:37:39 AM
Either with ultra high permeability material or ~ a 1000 turns with common material. The way only it could be 1000 turns is if there are hidden layers that use microscopic wire.
I've concluded that Steorn must at least have a square loop core in order to get the scope shots they're showing. :)
Slowly but surely we're figuring it out.
I agree. Well I have a pile of normal cores and a few Metglass cores to be here in 3.4 days. I can easily get more than 1 H with 4-500 turns and appears with a RL network (see JLN's newest video) at a particular voltage you can get that square wave....As you say, it slowly becoming clearer. I suspect many ways to skin this cat!
Could you people help me out here? *Please* go to --> (
then click on radial button next to "HTTP Headers" and then paste one of the following web address into the field next to the "GO!" button? Do not type "http://", otherwise it chokes. -->
You will see a header like this -->
Header are:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Last-Modified: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:25:37 GMT
Cache-control: public
Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 14:52:35 GMT
Content-Length: 10819
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 14:52:35 GMT
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Server: GFE/2.0
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Notice the "Last-Modified" date. This one was 2009, Feb 24th.
The more of the files you verify were last modified in early (February) 2009 the better. :) You have no idea how much I appreciate it!
Thanks so much!!!! It would mean the world to me, as this is at least some evidence that in February 2009 I uploaded my designs based on a technique of using a toroid as a magnetic switch. I have always planned on making my designs open-source, but always planned on starting a business manufacturing & selling excess energy devices to people who don't want to build their own, that is *after* such technology is proven.
Also, IMO I'm not the 1st to re-invent this technique, but I would like as much evidence as possible in case Steorn ever decides to sue me. btw, I would never in a million years sue Steorn! Nor would I have grounds to sue them.
Also feel free to download and view the files --> ( ( ( ( ( (
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 09:37:39 AM
Either with ultra high permeability material or ~ a 1000 turns with common material. The way only it could be 1000 turns is if there are hidden layers that use microscopic wire.
I've concluded that Steorn must at least have a square loop core in order to get the scope shots they're showing. :)
Slowly but surely we're figuring it out.
It's not really hard to get almost 1 henry with 37 turns with high permeability. What he meant by a soft magnetic material is the domains turn easily. Microscopic wire isn't going to handle 10 amps, you can rule that out.
Below is a calculator that will help you to figure this out. Start with 37 turns. Then play around with the relative permeability along with the core and coil radius until you have almost 1 henry. Once you find the right combination, then you will have the core dimensions and will know what the core material is. I'm just trying to help. Maybe you already tried this. you know that Metglas trade secrets have been stolen. A man was arrested on Dec. 23, 2009. Sounds like somebody knows of the future potential in the explosive market regarding the Metglas material and wanted to capitalize on it.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 10:04:38 AM
It's not really hard to get almost 1 henry with 37 turns with high permeability. What he meant by a soft magnetic material is the domains turn easily.
Below is a calculator that will help you to figure this out. Start with 37 turns. Then play around with the relative permeability along with the core and coil radius until you have almost 1 henry. Once you find the right combination, then you will have the core dimensions and will know what the core material is. I'm just trying to help. Maybe you already tried this. (
Can you show the example while using realistic values for the Steorn toroid because I'm getting 1mH for -->
Toroid radius = 2.3cm
Turns = 37
Coil radius = 0.38
Permeability = 2000
Inductance = 1.08 mH
You would need a permeability over a million to get close to 0.98 henries. Guys, I have an Amadon book that shows the inductance of normal cores, and cores with permeability of 2000 the size of Steorn's requires ~ 1000 turns to get 1H.
Quote from: k4zep on January 16, 2010, 09:58:27 AM
I agree. Well I have a pile of normal cores and a few Metglass cores to be here in 3.4 days. I can easily get more than 1 H with 4-500 turns and appears with a RL network (see JLN's newest video) at a particular voltage you can get that square wave....
Can you show this RL network and how efficient it is. So you're saying one can take a flat loop core, get the current to spike up almost instantly (requires high voltage), followed by flat DC current?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 10:12:39 AM
Can you show the example while using realistic values for the Steorn toroid because I'm getting 1mH for -->
Toroid radius = 3 cm
Turns = 37
Coil radius = 2.5 cm
Permeability = 55,000
Inductance = 985.60 mH
[Edit:] The above represents a toroid that is 0.5cm in thickness.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 10:26:27 AM
Toroid radius = 3 cm
Turns = 37
Coil radius = 2.5 cm
Permeability = 55,000
Inductance = 985.60 mH
Hi GB,
3 centimeters is equal to 1.18 inches, and you have that as the radius of the toroid. The radius should be 1.5 centimeters or even slightly less.
Please recalculate.
Thank you,
Toroid radius = 1.5 cm
Turns = 37
Coil radius = 1.0 cm
Permeability = 168,000
Inductance = 963.38 mH
The above represents a toroid that is 0.5cm in thickness.
Hi Paul L.,
Could you please double check the permeability of our Magamps. The people at Elna mentioned a permeability of 90,000. You mentioned 1 million. I tried to find it in the spec sheet but could not. We need to know this exactly, to know the correct number of winds. :)
Thank you,
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 10:26:27 AM
Toroid radius = 3 cm
Turns = 37
Coil radius = 2.5 cm
Permeability = 55,000
Inductance = 985.60 mH
[Edit:] The above represents a toroid that is 0.5cm in thickness.
You cannot have coil's radius that is almost the same as toroid's radius. The equation that tells you the Inductance is only valid for a very small ratio of coil's radius vs. toroid's radius. I'm just fed up with correcting your thoeries all the time ;]
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 10:50:32 AM
Toroid radius = 1.5 cm
Turns = 37
Coil radius = 1.0 cm
Permeability = 168,000
Inductance = 963.38 mH
The above represents a toroid that is 0.5cm in thickness.
Hi GB,
Okay, there's something very different with what they call coil radius. Also it's nice if they had toroid height as well.
Anyhow, after trying numerous times to get that calculator to agree with real measurements, I've failed, so I found a calculator that is very clear in what is what, and also is has toroid height. ;D Best yet, it's in agreement with real measurements --> (
So the first time I entered in the Steorn toroid dimensions (close as I can see) and using a permeability of 1 million, here is the results -->
Toroid height (length) = 300 mils (1 mil = 0.001 inches)
Outer diameter = 1100 mils
Inner diameter = 700 mils
Permeability = 1000000
Number of turns = 37
Results = 943001874.832 nH = 0.94 Henry ;D
Nice find Paul !
Quote from: Airstriker on January 16, 2010, 11:04:05 AM
You cannot have coil's radius that is almost the same as toroid's radius. The equation that tells you the Inductance is only valid for a very small ratio of coil's radius vs. toroid's radius. I'm just fed up with correcting your thoeries all the time ;]
Why you can't have a coil 0.5 cm in thickness when the total radius is 3.0 cm. Lol
Once again, go to the calculator link and take a look at the illustration. It clearly shows you how the coil radius and toroid radius is calculated. If you follow these instructions then it is possible.
Paul said "Okay, there's something very different with what they call coil radius." Don't blame me for what they call coil radius. lol
The toroid would be 0.5 cm in thickness when the toroid radius is 3.0 cm and the coil radius is 2.5 cm (3.0 - 2.5 = 0.5) according to how they measure the toroid and coil radius. I even put a little edit note at the bottom of the post to avoid confusion, but yet that didn't help you to understand the measurements.
You prove once again you have poor reading comprehension.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 11:03:11 AM
Hi Paul L.,
Could you please double check the permeability of our Magamps. The people at Elna mentioned a permeability of 90,000. You mentioned 1 million. I tried to find it in the spec sheet but could not. We need to know this exactly, to know the correct number of winds. :)
Thank you,
Hi Bruce,
There are two types of 2714A material for non-custom orders. One is transversely annealed, which has a permeability of 80,000. The other longitudinally annealed, which has a permeability of 1 million.
This page tells you that MAGAMP is square loop -->
This page that shows the 1 million permeability of an annealed 2714A core -->
I went through this whole mess with Metglas years ago. It's confusing, lol.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 11:17:17 AM
Why you can't have a coil radius that is 0.5 cm in thickness when the total radius is 3.0 cm. Lol
Once again, go to the calculator link and take a look at the illustration. It clearly shows you how the coil radius and toroid radius is calculated. If you follow these instructions then it is possible.
Paul said "Okay, there's something very different with what they call coil radius." Don't blame me for what they call coil radius. lol
The toroid would be 0.5 cm in thickness when the toroid radius is 3.0 cm and the coil radius is 2.5 cm.
You prove once again you have poor reading comprehension.
eh hem, ;)
If it helps any, here's the data that I used to verify the following inductance calculator was in agreement with real measurements
Toroid height (length) = 750 mils (1 mil = 0.001 inches)
Outer diameter = 1932 mils
Inner diameter = 1250 mils
Permeability = 5000
Number of turns = 1000
Results = 8294602114.270 nH = 8.29 Henry
Real measurements taken by Amidon:
Part number = FT-193A-J
OD = 1.932 inches (1932 mils)
ID = 1.250"
Height = 0.750"
Inductance = 7.435 Henry
I also came up with the same results with the 1,000,000 permeability using the calculator. I'm really tired of AirStriker trying to prove me wrong in every thing I say and do. There was nothing wrong in the figures I provided as far as being possible, and they were close to the same dimensions of the cores Steorn is using. At least I am trying to make an effort in figuring this puzzle out. I've released videos, provided links, trying to replicate and sharing my results, etc.
What has he really contributed here. Absolutely nothing except argumentative statements.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 11:19:53 AM
Hi Bruce,
There are two types of 2714A material for non-custom orders. One is transversely annealed, which has a permeability of 80,000. The other longitudinally annealed, which has a permeability of 1 million.
This page tells you that MAGAMP is square loop -->
This page that shows the 1 million permeability of an annealed 2714A core -->
I went through this whole mess with Metglas years ago. It's confusing, lol.
Thanks Paul! I feel a lot better now...LOL
I found the following, on your link and it explains why they said what they said.
Maximum DC Permeability (µ):
Annealed (High Freq.)
As Cast
>80,000 That was where they came up with their other permeability number. :)
I think we should be good to go! I am making some mechanical changes to my entire set up in preperation of all of the arrival of ordered coils and magnets. Precision is going to be needed...
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 11:44:57 AM
I also came up with the same results with the 1,000,000 permeability using the calculator. I'm really tired of AirStriker trying to prove me wrong in every thing I say and do. There was nothing wrong in the figures I provided as far as being possible, and they were close to the same dimensions of the cores Steorn is using. At least I am trying to make an effort in figuring this puzzle out. I've released videos, provided links, trying to replicate and sharing my results, etc.
What has he really contributed here. Absolutely nothing except argumentative statements.
Thanks, we definitely need more people like you guys in this thread!! The workmanship in this thread alone is amazing. Heck, I'm lucky to drill one straight hole per day. So my wobbly 1.1" orbo attempt's not going to do much, lol.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 11:51:29 AM
Thanks Paul! I feel a lot better now...LOL
I found the following, on your link and it explains why they said what they said.
Maximum DC Permeability (µ):
Annealed (High Freq.)
As Cast
That was where they came up with their other permeability number. :)
I think we should be good to go! I am making some mechanical changes to my entire set up in preperation of all of the arrival of ordered coils and magnets. Precision is going to be needed...
I agree. Makes sense. Now lets hope Steorn does not have hundreds of turns hidden in their toroid.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 10:21:30 AM
Can you show this RL network and how efficient it is. So you're saying one can take a flat loop core, get the current to spike up almost instantly (requires high voltage), followed by flat DC current?
Look through this:
Ends up a resistance in series with coil is a form of a snubber or RL network.
Quote from: k4zep on January 16, 2010, 12:26:47 PM
Look through this: (
Ends up a resistance in series with coil is a form of a snubber or RL network.
The Steorn scope shows both the voltage and current are square wave. With an ordinary core there's no way around it that the voltage across the coil *must* spike up high and then rapidly drop to almost nothing in order to get a square wave current. But with a square loop core, it works out perfectly, as the current surges up immediately and then hits a brickwall as the inductance goes from extremely low to ultra high.
Quote from: k4zep on January 16, 2010, 09:31:32 AM
Hi GB,
After all the discussion about MetGlass, this on Steorn's forum:
Steorn 19 hours ago permalink
overconfident:What core materials are you using?
Just a soft magnetic material - I will not go into the details - sorry.
Now how do you get almost 1H with 38 turns??????
It's already been shown how to get almost 1H with 37 turns with the correct dimensions and permeability that matches the toroid Steorn is using with metglas and even with other materials with similar dimensions with less permeability.
"Soft magnetic material" means the domains turn easily (This is the second time I'm having to repeat this). It also means the core won't hold it's magnetism after leaving the presence of an external field. "Hard magnetic materials" maintains their magnetism after an external field is removed because their domains aren't easy to turn. Hard magnetic materials are used in PM.
Steorn didn't exclude anything other than a PM or other similar materials by saying they used a soft magnetic material. A high permeable material doesn't mean it's a hard material. In fact, metglas is a very soft material even though it has a high permeablity. Steorn almost through this entire thread off by making that simple statement. Unbelievable. They know we almost have this nut cracked and they're starting to worry IMO. The way this is being reversed engineered before their eyes and at the speed it is happening must have them worried.
I'm really getting tired of defending everything I say. I guess this post will lead to a few more pages because somebody will want to shoot it down. Lol
Here's the reference material on soft magnetic materials, If you disagree with this then take it up with whoever wrote the article.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 01:20:33 PMIt also means the core won't hold it's magnetism after leaving the presence of an external field.
Not necessarily. Ultra high permeability cores close to a million are a different animal. They're square loop (have high remanence ), but it takes almost nothing to change their domains.
As someone already pointed out, the measured nearly 1H inductance by Steorn includes the four toroidal coils in series.
If this is really so, then the 1H should be divided by 4 if four coils are in series, so this gives around 240-250mH for any one toroidal coil.
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
Not necessarily. Ultra high permeability cores close to a million are a different animal. They're square loop (have high remanence ), but it takes almost nothing to change their domains.
In my view it's still a "soft material" because the domains change easily. Not every thing is black and white. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules. Sometimes the patterns are broken. That doesn't mean we can't talk in general terms. Common sense should tell you it may not be the case in every situation. Just look around, and you will see this all around you. I could find something wrong in most of your posts also, but I don't..... because it is mostly correct and common sense lets me know what you are trying to say. There are always two sides to a coin (maybe that is right and maybe that is wrong, but we should understand the meaning behind that statement without trying to prove the "always" wrong or right).
I guess I have to use, "maybe, mostly, if, sometimes, not necessarily, not always, except, but, possibly, etc.", before every word I use. That would be very redundant in my opinion to talk or to read such nonsense.
Give me a break Paul. Is this too much to ask?
It's not an exception. This is simply how it is in soft materials. If you're trying to explain things, be precise. Also I haven't seen anobody here being confused beacuse of Sean's words that they are using magnetically soft material. If you were, then it simply means you lack the knowledge about these materials. But if you don't have time to learn, simply read what I've written about metglas properties in my post about Back EMF. Also does the word Hysteresis mean anything to you ?
By the way, sorry for the coil radius issue - as Paul said it was strangly treated in that calculator. See? Admitting you are wrong is not that hard ;]
One more thing. By saying that I didn't put anything to the subject you went to far. Please provide us some more videos or links to Adam's motor...
Hello to all
A new proto Orbo was born yesterday evening :D
If you want I invite you to see the first videos on the small:
It is not only the first few laps and it is not sophisticated ::) but it works pretty
Thank you and good evening to all
Quote from: Airstriker on January 16, 2010, 04:04:20 PM
It's not an exception. This is simply how it is in soft materials. If you're trying to explain things, be precise. Also I haven't seen anobody here being confused beacuse of Sean's words that they are using magnetically soft material. If you were, then it simply means you lack the knowledge about these materials. But if you don't have time to learn, simply read what I've written about metglas properties in my post about Back EMF. Also does the word Hysteresis mean anything to you ?
By the way, sorry for the coil radius issue - as Paul said it was strangly treated in that calculator. See? Admitting you are wrong is not that hard ;]
One more thing. By saying that I didn't put anything to the subject you went to far. Please provide us some more videos or links to Adam's motor...
High remanence means it retains some or all of it's magnetism after an external field is removed. That was the exception paul was referring to when I said soft materials don't retain it's magnetism after an external field is removed. There are so many different properties in different materials that it would take an entire book to get a statement right about all of them. This is why we speak in general terms. If we didn't, then we would have a very difficult time in communicating. Languages are not perfect.
I've also read what you wrote about metglas and BEMF. It's good to see you came to the same conclusion I had prior to you writing that, although you won't admit it.
I also admitted way back I was wrong about there being an inner and outer core, but I never stated it as fact and only suggested it as a possible solution. I also corrected myself about the dual magnets not having to be like poles, but could be opposite poles.
This isn't about being right/wrong or somewhere in between. This is about cracking this nut so we can achieve OU. Let's put this childish behavior behind us and work together while overlooking each other's errors, shortcomings, mistakes, etc. without bashing or trying to make someone look bad just because you have a different opinion. It is for our own benefit to do this and most of us here are serious about the issue at hand.
Let's work together instead of against each other. We will get more done this way.
Quote from: taramop on January 16, 2010, 04:19:42 PM
Hello to all
A new proto Orbo was born yesterday evening :D
If you want I invite you to see the first videos on the small:
It is not only the first few laps and it is not sophisticated ::) but it works pretty
Thank you and good evening to all
Wow! Nice! Having shot a cyliner neo magnet through a wall into the next room before let me say "BE CAREFUL" with that kind of rpm!
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 04:28:57 PM
Let's work together instead of against each other. We will get more done this way.
Done. I was always for that but simply putting magic to the concept will not make it work. Let's stick to the facts and physics only. Ok?
I think most of it we have cracked. Now we need experiments only.
JLN has a new video:
Looks very well. However, do you know anything about the power input ? Current | voltage ? Does anybody here have a direct contact with him? Would be nice if he could test different toroid orientation (the one I've shown) and compare the input power. His setup is very precise so it should give a good comparison.
Wonder how Naudin connected the compensation coils and also the variable power resistor?
Probably the compensation coils works against the main flux in each toroidal core?
Dissipation in the power resistor is negligible with respect to the gain with flat pulses?
Are you guys in for a discussion on how a Solid State Orbo should be implemented?
Maybe we should open a dedicated thread on this.
[edit] Never mind, there is already one. Found it. Sorry!
I just got my mini 1" OD orbo to run using the magamp metglas core. For now the toroid is not mounted, so I have to hold it, lol. It's very sensitive. For some reason it will only run if the toroid is slightly slanted, at least so far. If Sean is reading these posts, he may split a gut laughing at my hand held toroid orbo. How's that for precision? ;D
Anyhow, it's pretty cool seeing this run on only 37 turns. Right now it seems very inefficient, so we still might have a ways to go before figuring out the Steorn Orbo secrets. I did not measure the input power or even the voltage, yet, but according to the meter it was drawing ~ 200mA DC.
Quote from: gyulasun on January 16, 2010, 02:37:02 PM
As someone already pointed out, the measured nearly 1H inductance by Steorn includes the four toroidal coils in series.
If this is really so, then the 1H should be divided by 4 if four coils are in series, so this gives around 240-250mH for any one toroidal coil.
rgds, Gyula
Hi Paul,
Your thoughts on the above post, please...
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 06:52:03 PM
Hi Paul,
Your thoughts on the above post, please...
Hi Bruce,
Not Paul but if coils are in series, that is a correct statement, IF in parallel, not so.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 06:52:03 PM
Hi Paul,
Your thoughts on the above post, please...
I think that is an interesting question about the coils being connected in series. Would this quadruple the total inductance between all of the coils? More than likely, but I could be wrong. If it does, then could the coils be connected in parallel? Either way this will need to be taken into consideration because the resistance along with other things will be determined if they're in series or parallel. I don't have the equipment to test this, but others do here. This definitely needs to be look into. Just my thoughts.
[Edit:] The pattern so far has been to eliminate resistance.
Sorry for interfering. But I'm fed up with some behaviors.
We should all be in the same boat. Should we not?
We should all be friendly and helping each other.
This very thread is a nest of nice and witty theorists/experimenters and a source of very precious information.
It is not a competition: "I'm more clever and knowledgeable/educated than you".
It is, IMHO, a collaboration.
Would it be possible to avoid definite judgments and orders by some...
For ex :
Quote from: Airstriker on January 16, 2010, 04:04:20 PM
be precise.
it simply means you lack the knowledge about these materials.
Also does the word Hysteresis mean anything to you ?
Admitting you are wrong is not that hard ;]
Please stop it.
Well, the tiny Orbo is looking much better after I mounted the toroid. It just came alive. See my video, (
Tomorrow I'll put the other toroid on, and tonight I'll add sufficient glue. This thing shot up to 4000 rpm before I have to turn it off. Who knows how fast it will spin.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 16, 2010, 06:52:03 PM
Hi Paul,
Your thoughts on the above post, please...
I asked that question days ago, and nobody seemed to interested.
Hey, why didn't anyone respond to my request to verify the date stamp of my files? That means a lot of me.
Once again it's overconfident to the rescue:
Quote from: Steorn
overconfident:Since we have not seen a wiring diagram yet, can you tell us whether the coils are wired in series, parallel, or series parallel?
Series - (and that is said in the video if you watch it) - but it really makes no difference.
Source: official Steorn forum
So there you have it, the coils are indeed in series in their setup.
I wish I had Steorn's LCR meter to see how much inductance my toroid has. Testing inductance can be inconsistent on square loop cores though, for obvious reasons.
Anyhow, my orbo produces both square wave current and voltage. So that's a plus for the Metglas core. :) OC, could you please ask Sean if they use a square loop core? Thanks.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 08:52:57 PM
I asked that question days ago, and nobody seemed to interested.
Hey, why didn't anyone respond to my request to verify the date stamp of my files? That means a lot of me.
Wow that is impressive! Re your pages you realise the date stamp is not conclusive. What do you want to achieve. We use a number of different crawlers & spiders to get that sort of info. I think we are all busy trying to replicate! :)
Hi All,
Please see my latest video.
I am testing a new Hub Dynamo that someone suggested, earlier in this thread, to use as a generator. I must say that I am pretty impressed with it's performance and high power output for reasonable torque input. It appears pretty efficient. The light bulb in the video is 12V 100ma and lights brightly even though the dynamo is rated at 6V 3W.
Obviously it is suited for low RPM use but a Steorn motor design could be implemented with this by using a large disk rotor.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 09:10:01 PM
I wish I had Steorn's LCR meter to see how much inductance my toroid has. Testing inductance can be inconsistent on square loop cores though, for obvious reasons.
Anyhow, my orbo produces both square wave current and voltage. So that's a plus for the Metglas core. :) OC, could you please ask Sean if they use a square loop core? Thanks.
Hi Paul,
Looked at the video. Very good, can't wait to get my cores in! Waveform looks pretty good but I'm not sure it is a perfect flat top, but darn good for the first try!!!!!
Haven't got to look at the other locations you posted yet, will try and look at them tomorrow.
Your video looks promising. Hey, we've been rescued once again by OC and iOn. The coils are connected in series. The messenger delivered us from doom once again. I guess we all have a role here, but playing the messenger role isn't rescuing anybody.
The rescuing is coming from the source of the information and not the messenger who is delivering the information. We would have figured it out anyways by testing in the replication devices. I guess it makes some people feel better and they're better than everybody else because they can deliver a message. This is really unbelievable how people are acting in here.
Keep up the good work,
Quote from: Jimboot on January 16, 2010, 09:17:04 PM
Wow that is impressive! Re your pages you realise the date stamp is not conclusive. What do you want to achieve. We use a number of different crawlers & spiders to get that sort of info. I think we are all busy trying to replicate! :)
Hi Jim,
Geez, it would take like 15 seconds per link. ;) At least give me 15 seconds and post the date stamp, no? Every evidence helps.
Hey, interesting idea about the crawlers. Will they crawl .asc files? I'm trying to get an archived date stamp. Any ideas anyone?
Hello guys,
So...Gyula is correct, no? Then the 1H should be divided by 4 if four coils are in series, so this gives around 240-250mH for any one toroidal coil.
Is this correct? So perhaps OC can find out, if the induction measurment we all saw was of ALL four toroids in series or of just the ONE coil?
Assuming all 4 in series, we have the wrong coils. We need some fresh math and finding the correct metglas coil...again...LOL
Sorry that I missed your far earlier comment and question on this Paul. You should have pushed the is important to have the correct coils.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 09:29:07 PM
Your video looks promising. Hey, we've been rescued once again by OC and iOn. The coils are connected in series. The messenger delivered us from doom once again.
Keep up the good work,
Alright, I'm done here. Sorry for posting information people were asking for. Clearly you can figure this all out by yourself as long as you have your snide remarks. I don't know why you feel the need to belittle everyone else as I never attacked you or your "interesting" theories.
Good luck to everyone else though.
Quote from: i0n on January 16, 2010, 09:43:59 PM
Alright, I'm done here. Sorry for posting information people were asking for. Clearly you can figure this all out by yourself as long as you have your snide remarks. I don't know why you feel the need to belittle everyone else as I never attacked you or your "interesting" theories.
Good luck to everyone else though.
You're post and information was very helpful and we all appreciate it, but the rescuing once again part isn't necessary (that is you trying to belittle others and making side marks, not me). Steorn said, "
the coils are connected in series, but it doesn't really make a difference".
Please continue to be helpful here in any way possible. The more people involved the better off we are. There is power in numbers.
Quote from: Steorn
overconfident: Since we have not seen a wiring diagram yet, can you tell us whether the coils are wired in series, parallel, or series parallel?
Steorn: Series - (and that is said in the video if you watch it) - but it really makes no difference.
@Bruce_TPU and All:
The quote from Steorn says it doesn't really make a difference if they're connected in series or not.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 09:51:53 PM
There is no reason to be done here. You're post and information was very helpful and we all appreciate it, but the rescuing once again part and making everyone feel stupid because it was said in the videos isn't necessary.
Please continue to be helpful here in any way possible. The more people involved the better off we are. There is power in numbers.
You see hidden attacks in my posts that aren't there. I never intended to belittle anyone's effort in here, nor did I mean literally rescue. It's a common phrase. I realize that me posting information that is available to everyone is not of much help, nor anything special.
I will however stop posting anyway as I'm honestly afraid you will take offense to something I say, which will lead to further arguments that won't help anybody. Don't take it personally.
So enough off topic now. Good luck guys in your replication efforts and keep solving the puzzle.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 16, 2010, 10:02:23 PM
@Bruce_TPU and All:
The quote from Steorn says it doesn't really make a difference if they're connected in series or not.
One last input. I think he means it doesn't make a difference in the functioning of the device. It will work either in series or parallel. It does however make a difference in regard to the inductance. The full inductance is the sum of all coils, which means ~250mH does sound reasonable per coil.
People, something else I've mentioned that was ignored was that measuring the inductance of a core with such a high squareness factor can change significantly depending on the inductance meter. Even the slightest change in the AC signal from the meter can change the inductance. I went over this.
Quote from: i0n on January 16, 2010, 10:10:27 PM
One last input. I think he means it doesn't make a difference in the functioning of the device. It will work either in series or parallel. It does however make a difference in regard to the inductance. The full inductance is the sum of all coils, which means ~250mH does sound reasonable per coil.
Our expensive cores are the wrong ones. Incorrect inductance. We need to source the correct cores, with 37 turns to come up with nearly 250mH...
So...Free energy is getting expensive...again...LOL Can we please find the right cores this time... :D ;)
Keep helping, you've done well. This thread is read by hundreds, don't worry about any one individual.
Quote from: i0n on January 16, 2010, 10:05:55 PM
You see hidden attacks in my posts that aren't there. I never intended to belittle anyone's effort in here, nor did I mean literally rescue. It's a common phrase. I realize that me posting information that is available to everyone is not of much help, nor anything special.
I will however stop posting anyway as I'm honestly afraid you will take offense to something I say, which will lead to further arguments that won't help anybody. Don't take it personally.
So enough off topic now. Good luck guys in your replication efforts and keep solving the puzzle.
I am feeling the same way as you are at the moment. I am afraid to make any comments for the fear of someone calling me stupid, disrespecting me, or insulting me. We don't need this. We need you and everyone else to say whatever it is they feel is important, without all of the attacks. I've been attacked and insulted in just about every post I have made. There is no reason for it. This needs to stop with everyone here, and I'm talking to myself also.
Please stay around. You and everyone else is an asset here.
I'm sorry,
Quote from: i0n on January 16, 2010, 10:10:27 PM
One last input. I think he means it doesn't make a difference in the functioning of the device. It will work either in series or parallel. It does however make a difference in regard to the inductance. The full inductance is the sum of all coils, which means ~250mH does sound reasonable per coil.
Just remember gang, if you put 4 one Henry coils in parallel, you have 250mH but very low DC resistance. There is such a diversity of knowledge levels here that to one person it is very obvious and to others more obscure. It could just as easily be 4-4 Henry coils in parallel and same measurement would be made.
I've always thought the cores were in series because it seems like that in one of the videos, but the question I've always had was how he had the inductance meter connected. It could have been measuring only one of the inductors.
If that ain't bad enough, I think we might need to recalculate the turns on the coils also.
Has anyone else calculated the supposed diameter and figured how many turns it would take just to cover it with a given gauge wire?
I mean just to cover it!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 10:25:01 PM
I've always thought the cores were in series because it seems like that in one of the videos, but the question I've always had was how he had the inductance meter connected. It could have been measuring only one of the inductors.
Exactly! This was my earlier point and question also.
@OCPlease find out the above for us and let us know...Thank You Kindly!
Another consideration is that Steorn may have wrapped the core with say electrician tape to separate thee wires even further from the core. This technique helps produce a more balanced applied field.
Quote from: callanan on January 16, 2010, 09:18:12 PM
Hi All,
Please see my latest video.
I am testing a new Hub Dynamo that someone suggested, earlier in this thread, to use as a generator. I must say that I am pretty impressed with it's performance and high power output for reasonable torque input. It appears pretty efficient. The light bulb in the video is 12V 100ma and lights brightly even though the dynamo is rated at 6V 3W.
Obviously it is suited for low RPM use but a Steorn motor design could be implemented with this by using a large disk rotor.
Hello All,
Here is a short video of my new Steorn platform I am building. Everything is going to be adjustable for precision and accuracy.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 16, 2010, 11:59:15 PM
Hi Jimboot,
Not Jaycar this time. I got it from here.
Regarding the measured coil value of the Orbo demo setup:
Are you guys sure that the coils weren't measured separately instead of in full circuit?
Another factor: the coil(s) were measured while the magnets were close to the coils. In that case the permeability might not be at it's maximum value.
You used 1.000.000 in your calculations; the value at those positions might well be 250.000 because of the presence of the external magnetic field.
After reading all arguments, I think you (paul, GB) are quite right with the coil specifics.
Quote from: callanan on January 17, 2010, 02:48:35 AM
Hi Jimboot,
Not Jaycar this time. I got it from here.
If you get a chance I'd love to see your mosfet circuit. I realise with your metglass arriving anyday now I may not get another chance to ask! :) luvyawork
Hmmm... again someone (Steorn) who will not reveal its invention to public but try to make business out of with only revealing the papers for a 420$, if I understood right. It would not be much if it would solve the energy problems, and I understand that it is business. But again I hate this behavior. If something goes wrong this technology will again vanish in a black hole because someone might actually buy Steorn company completely including all their rights and then bringing everything behind their own walls not letting public take part in it. It happened a 100 years ago and it will happen again. Why don't they realize it... Always the same ole shite...
Quote from: teslaalset on January 17, 2010, 06:00:13 AM
Another factor: the coil(s) were measured while the magnets were close to the coils. In that case the permeability might not be at it's maximum value.
Actually they took both measures, when the magnet was at TDC and also when the magnet was completely away.
Quote from: k4zep on January 16, 2010, 09:23:23 PM
Hi Paul,
Looked at the video. Very good, can't wait to get my cores in! Waveform looks pretty good but I'm not sure it is a perfect flat top, but darn good for the first try!!!!!
Haven't got to look at the other locations you posted yet, will try and look at them tomorrow.
Hi Ben,
The way I see it is that the tiny orbo current pulse is flat, but slanted. If memory holds true, Sean said their current was also *slightly* slanted, but it's very flat. Their current is less slanted than mine. The way I see the signal is that the initial immediate rise is due to the cores high squareness factor, and the sudden flatness (relatively speaking) is when the dipoles (in the domains) are changing direction. So the amount that it slants up represents how fast the dipoles are changing direction.
What this tells me is that the Steorn core has higher permeability and/or more turns. Well, I'm not aware of a higher permeability core,
so IMO Steorn has more turns under their core.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 08:26:08 AM
Actually they took both measures, when the magnet was at TDC and also when the magnet was completely away.
Completely away? 1 inch I would say.
Anyway, I haven't got a LCR meter yet, so I can prove my conclusion to my observation is correct. Time will tell.
How useful will a PC based Oscilloscope using a sound card be for the task at hand,
A buffer hardware circuit could be used to buffer the probe similar to a true oscilloscope and protect the PC's Line In from excessive voltages. Would I need the buffer hardware circuit, or could I get by with just protecting the PC Line In with a Voltage Divider.
I don't have the money to buy the real thing. I know being cheap isn't the best thing, but it has to be better than nothing and doing it totally blind. Any thoughts?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 10:03:52 AM
Could you people help me out here? *Please* go to --> (
then click on radial button next to "HTTP Headers" and then paste one of the following web address into the field next to the "GO!" button? Do not type "http://", otherwise it chokes. -->
You will see a header like this -->
Header are: HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Last-Modified: Tue, 24 Feb 2009 18:25:37 GMT
Cache-control: public
Expires: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 14:52:35 GMT
Content-Length: 10819
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Date: Sat, 16 Jan 2010 14:52:35 GMT
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Server: GFE/2.0
X-XSS-Protection: 0
Notice the "Last-Modified" date. This one was 2009, Feb 24th.
The more of the files you verify were last modified in early (February) 2009 the better. :) You have no idea how much I appreciate it!
Thanks so much!!!! It would mean the world to me, as this is at least some evidence that in February 2009 I uploaded my designs based on a technique of using a toroid as a magnetic switch. I have always planned on making my designs open-source, but always planned on starting a business manufacturing & selling excess energy devices to people who don't want to build their own, that is *after* such technology is proven.
Also, IMO I'm not the 1st to re-invent this technique, but I would like as much evidence as possible in case Steorn ever decides to sue me. btw, I would never in a million years sue Steorn! Nor would I have grounds to sue them.
btw, the reason for the request is that google says they will soon move (and convert) my entire googlepages site to another server and completely different system, so the file date stamps will be no more. Thus I'll no longer have proof that I upload the above files in Feb. 2009. Some may say that's not proof in court, but I would definitely not be so quick to say that.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 17, 2010, 08:56:56 AM
How useful will a PC based Oscilloscope using a sound card be for the task at hand, (
A buffer hardware circuit could be used to buffer the probe similar to a true oscilloscope and protect the PC's Line In from excessive voltages. Would I need the buffer hardware circuit, or could I get by with just protecting the PC Line In with a Voltage Divider.
I don't have the money to buy the real thing. I know being cheap isn't the best thing, but it has to be better than nothing and doing it totally blind. Any thoughts?
Just make sure you're aware that method cannot measure *DC*. It's only good for AC. Not sure the lowest frequency.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 17, 2010, 08:52:49 AM
Completely away? 1 inch I would say.
Anyway, I haven't got a LCR meter yet, so I can prove my conclusion to my observation is correct. Time will tell.
Yes, the magnet was moved as far away as possible. They showed the inductance change. You can see this at the end of the video #2 & start of video #3 in the Steorn 2nd Talks.
People need to know that measuring the inductance of square loop cores can vary by massive amounts. I now think the inductance meter came no where near flipping the cores domains, which meant it was seeing the cores permeability on the lower end. If true, then there are at least 2 layers. Probably not that many layers since there's not enough room unless they use thinner wire.
If I had to take a wild guesstimate, I'd say the scope slope of my cores is ~~ 10 times more than Steorn's. Given a perfect system, inductance increases at turns^2. So today I might add two more layers for a total of 3 layers, thus increasing the inductance ~ 9 times.
My tiny orbo input power was 130mW @ ~ 4000 rpm. After some thought, that figure could come down by a thousand times or more, IMO. Time will tell.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 09:22:23 AM
Just make sure you're aware that method cannot measure *DC*. It's only good for AC. Not sure the lowest frequency.
I did a little more research on this and it doesn't look like a good idea after all. Sound card inputs are AC and can't measure DC like you said. The frequency thing is an issue also. Looks like eBay is my only option. Thanks for your input.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 17, 2010, 09:50:10 AM
I did a little more research on this and it doesn't look like a good idea after all. Sound card inputs are AC and can't measure DC like you said. The frequency thing is an issue also. Looks like eBay is my only option. Thanks for your input.
No problem GB. I've been through that hassle as well when I needed a lot of channels to only discover PC after PC after PC did not do DC. I even tried to find the darn capacitor and short it, lol, but it seems to be embedded within the audio chip circuitry, at least on my PC's.
Hey, I've seen old scopes on ebay for $20 before. Oldies, but a zillion times better than an audio AC probe. And those old scopes do DC. ;D
Check these out. I have no idea if they work, and can only say what the ebay ad says,
Quote$18. Bell & Howell Oscilloscope model 34. used dusty Bell and Howell model 34 Oscilloscope unit works no other acc. come with unit thank you for viewing my auction buyer pays shipping I accept all forms of payment thank you
I would be very cautious of this one since the seller has not tested it.
Quote$24.99, BBC M6003 Oscilloscope 60 MHz #5081.
There are plenty more on ebay.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 17, 2010, 09:50:10 AM
I did a little more research on this and it doesn't look like a good idea after all. Sound card inputs are AC and can't measure DC like you said. The frequency thing is an issue also. Looks like eBay is my only option. Thanks for your input.
I already have two analog quad channel scopes, (100Mhz and 60Mhz) but was looking at those USB scopes on Ebay just for the digital storage ability.
Some of them look very good but I also wonder about the input attenuation.
They seem to be reasonably inexpensive for what they can do.
Hi Gang,
Just messing around.
Slow and quiet, Yahama turntable gave up its life for me, found at a a Yard Sale, Stripped down turntable, etc. Guts all gone inside only wanted platter and bearing. Clean bearing, re-lubed with good oil. Spin down is about 6 min from a good hand spin so very free. Added plastic platter on top to get more mass to the rotor. Will get exact inductance, resistance, shunt resistance, etc. if any one interested. Still running on 650 F BoostCap, starting voltage 2.000 after 35 min. with .670V drop on cap. Wanting to see if in the spin down there is a sweet spot. It is VERY close, much more over time, I'm the worlds slowest builder. When I'm done, will look sort of neat, plastic cover and all that! Think too much.
Quote from: k4zep on January 17, 2010, 10:55:51 AM
Hi Gang,
Just messing around.
Slow and quiet, Yahama turntable gave up its life for me, found at a a Yard Sale, Stripped down turntable, etc. Guts all gone inside only wanted platter and bearing. Clean bearing, re-lubed with good oil. Spin down is about 6 min from a good hand spin so very free. Added plastic platter on top to get more mass to the rotor. Will get exact inductance, resistance, shunt resistance, etc. if any one interested. Still running on 650 F BoostCap, starting voltage 2.000 after 35 min. with .670V drop on cap. Wanting to see if in the spin down there is a sweet spot. It is VERY close, much more over time, I'm the worlds slowest builder. When I'm done, will look sort of neat, plastic cover and all that! Think too much.
It looks good to me! I like the cap for the supply, it shows real world draw that is easily calculated. It should work out well once your finished and add a charger circuit.
Your also not the slowest builder, I haven't even started, and I have CNC machines in the shed!
Quote from: lumen on January 17, 2010, 11:31:33 AM
It looks good to me! I like the cap for the supply, it shows real world draw that is easily calculated. It should well once your finished and add a charger circuit.
Your also not the slowest , I haven't even started, and I have CNC machines in the shed!
Thanks. It finally spun down after 1:46:37 at .773 VDC across cap. Helping around house with honey dooooos. Will get data out later today........To die for a shed and CNC!!!!!
People, large capacitors, especially supercapacitors have tremendous dielectric absorption. You *cannot* use the capacitors voltage reliably until after the capacitor has had a long time to rest. I did a detailed datalogging investigation into this -->
Gang, some great news. It appears that nearly all of the 130mW from my tiny orbo is joule heating losses from the mosfet and wire resistance. ;D
Also I pumped up the gate voltage on my mostfet and the on-current pulse is now as flat as a pancake, just like Steorn scope shot! Good grief, I'm a bit puzzled what's making this motor spin. Where's the CEMF, lol? I'm now wondering if Steorn flat current pulse is also due to resistance.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 12:09:09 PM
Gang, some great news. It appears that nearly all of the 130mW from my tiny orbo is joule heating losses from the mosfet and wire resistance. ;D
Also I pumped up the gate voltage on my mostfet and the on-current pulse is now as flat as a pancake, just like Steorn scope shot! Good grief, I'm a bit puzzled what's making this motor spin. Where's the CEMF, lol? I'm now wondering if Steorn flat current pulse is also due to resistance.
Here's the youtube video,
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 12:09:09 PM
Gang, some great news. It appears that nearly all of the 130mW from my orbo is joule heating losses from the mosfet and wire resistance. ;D
Also I pumped up the gate voltage on my mostfet and the on-current pulse is now as flat as a pancake, just like Steorn scope shot! Good grief, I'm a bit puzzled what's making this motor spin. Where's the CEMF, lol? I'm now wondering if Steorn flat current pulse is also due to resistance.
Good work Paul, isn't it amazing how things add up. It is a R/L circuit! Thanks for the refresh on the Ultra Cap. Interesting and useful information. You have been very busy!
Aren't we having fun!!!!!
The core in the tiny orbo is 26 AGW. I have some massive 10 AGW solid copper wire, but needs pliers and some muscle to bend it. Just afraid I'll crumble my poor nanocrystalline metglas core trying to wind it. Any suggestions? Maybe use stranded wire, or add about 100 times more 37 turn layers *in-parallel* to reduce the cores wire resistance?
I can hardly wait till you guys get your metglas magamp cores. With all of your equipment, the results will eventually be amazing. My tiny orbo wobbles, probably because there's only one core on one side, so the magnet pulls toward one side. If there were two cores, then the forces would balance out. Well, if precision work was done. And you can feel the air swirling due to the spinning magnets. So much room for improvements. :)
Hey, here's a thought. If there's something under the Steorn toroid top layer, maybe it's other windings *in-parallel* to reduce the losses from wire resistance!
When the tiny orbo is turned off at ~ 4000 rpm, the voltage produced by the magnets on the core / coil is 10mV peak. That's balanced pretty good. Could be a bit better. There are a few more windings at the top than the bottom. I'd imagine if the core is rotated a bit then most of that will go away. The remaining could be fixed by evenly spacing the wires in the winding.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 12:06:01 PM
People, large capacitors, especially supercapacitors have tremendous dielectric absorption. You *cannot* use the capacitors voltage reliably until after the capacitor has had a long time to rest. I did a detailed datalogging investigation into this -->
Interesting super cap data, I wonder if the losses would have been less if the discharge was slower.
I was thinking the cap should work if it was setup like in RF circuits.
Something like a super cap in parallel with a good electrolytic in parallel with a few .1uf ceramic caps.
I know the battery is easier at this point, but in time you know where it will end!
Quote from: lumen on January 17, 2010, 01:13:20 PM
Interesting super cap data, I wonder if the losses would have been less if the discharge was slower.
I was thinking the cap should work if it was setup like in RF .
Something like a super cap in parallel with a good electrolytic in parallel with a few .1uf .
I know the battery is easier at this point, but in time you know where it will end!
An excellent idea!!!!!
Maybe you could try something for me on your tiny Orbo since you have a good setup to see this effect.
The way your coil is wound (one pass winding) should cause a field on either side of the toroid about the same as one loop of wire.
Is there any difference in RPM simply by changing the current direction in the coil?
Hi everybody
The new Orbo prototype better.
Yesterday I realized I did not have you given these measurements.
Base disk + two plates of Plexiglas 4mm glued on the disk dia 145mm
Magnet quantity 8 to 45 ° (size 8 * 8 * 4 magnetization N45)
Stator: Tore recovery on an HP diet (torus recovered on power cable)
5 * 50 turns of 0.4mm wired in series
Diode SB340
Power supply: Transformer 12V 1.25A Recovery
Sensor homemade (saw blade and scalloped piece of printed circuit board)
That good night and good viewing
You might enjoy this one. I replaced the power supply with my BCAP0650 (650 farads), charged at 0.465 volts, and the scope current shot was still flat as a pancake! :) Now that's not to contradict what Sean said because I am not measuring for excess energy, yet. Also, Sean was talking about a capacitor and never mentioned a supercapacitor.
btw, the BCAP0650 holds roughly the same energy as a 650mAh battery.
Quote from: lumen on January 17, 2010, 01:20:37 PM
Maybe you could try something for me on your tiny Orbo since you have a good setup to see this effect.
The way your coil is wound (one pass winding) should cause a field on either side of the toroid about the same as one loop of wire.
Is there any difference in RPM simply by changing the current direction in the coil?
Good question. I can try it. btw, are you saying the coil is equivalent to a one loop coil?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 08:58:06 AM
btw, the reason for the request is that google says they will soon move (and convert) my entire googlepages site to another server and completely different system, so the file date stamps will be no more. Thus I'll no longer have proof that I upload the above files in Feb. 2009. Some may say that's not proof in court, but I would definitely not be so quick to say that.
- & I have a copy on my desktop :)
Is anyone tweeting their progress? anyway when my metglass arrives I'll be tweeting mine @jimboot
Quote from: Jimboot on January 17, 2010, 02:13:50 PM
- & I have a copy on my desktop :)
Wow, Jimboot, I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much! I love the graphics screen shot. That's the best way to do it. I owe you one. :)
Quote from: lumen on January 17, 2010, 01:20:37 PM
Maybe you could try something for me on your tiny Orbo since you have a good setup to see this effect.
The way your coil is wound (one pass winding) should cause a field on either side of the toroid about the same as one loop of wire.
Is there any difference in RPM simply by changing the current direction in the coil?
Well, I just attempted to do it, but the darn tiny orbo keeps on going. I had to stop it at 5000 rpms in fear that the glued magnets will shoot off, lol. The rpm just kept going and going.
When the bcap0650 voltage gets low enough, then maybe it will reach a maximum rpm, and I'll try it then.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 02:04:35 PM
You might enjoy this one. I replaced the power supply with my BCAP0650 (650 farads), charged at 0.465 volts, and the scope current shot was still flat as a pancake! :) Now that's not to contradict what Sean said because I am not measuring for excess energy, yet. Also, Sean was talking about a capacitor and never mentioned a supercapacitor.
btw, the BCAP0650 holds roughly the same energy as a 650mAh battery.
I assume it ran at that voltage??? Like I said, now we have two folk with square waves with a cap!!! Like you say, no OU yet but
we are sniffing at the door.
Another observation note taken from yesterdays horsing around: When the toroid was moved closer to the magnets, the torque increased significantly, but there was no observed change in the coils current or voltage. The core is relatively far away from the magnets in the videos shown so far.
Also, slanting the toroid had significant positive effect where the rpms increased a lot, but that was when I was holding the core by hand. So far I have not tried slanting the core after the core was mounted.
Lots of things to learn. Steorn has, what, ~ 7 years head start on us?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 02:28:25 PM
Well, I just attempted to do it, but the darn tiny orbo keeps on going. I had to stop it at 5000 rpms in fear that the glued magnets will shoot off, lol. The rpm just kept going and going.
When the bcap0650 voltage gets low enough, then maybe it will reach a maximum rpm, and I'll try it then.
Thanks for trying. I was thinking that as the windings progress around the core, it makes a single loop of wire that would cause a field that could work like a standard pulse motor.
It is likely that a single wire loop would produce only a very small field and could be nearly undetectable.
Thanks again,
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 02:25:02 PM
Wow, Jimboot, I can't thank you enough. Thank you so much! I love the graphics screen shot. That's the best way to do it. I owe you one. :)
Well I wouldn't mind a copy of your mosfet circuit :D (I understand if your too busy solving world energy crisis)
Quote from: Jimboot on January 17, 2010, 02:52:59 PM
Well I wouldn't mind a copy of your mosfet circuit :D (I understand if your too busy solving world energy crisis)
No problem. See attached image. It's nothing fancy what so ever, but just something I sloped together. Lots of improvements. :)
I have to agree though that a relay will have less losses than mosfet, at least an IRF540. Maybe you have a mosfet with less resistance. Do you know of any efficient high-speed relays that would work well for this?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 03:17:13 PM
No problem. See attached image. It's nothing fancy what so ever, but just something I sloped together. Lots of improvements. :)
I have to agree though that a relay will have less losses than mosfet, at least an IRF540. Maybe you have a mosfet with less resistance. Do you know of any efficient high-speed relays that would work well for this?
Wow thanks. You have mistaken me for someone that has a clue. I don't know even how to spell high-speed relays!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 03:17:13 PM
No problem. See attached image. It's nothing fancy what so ever, but just something I sloped together. Lots of improvements. :)
I have to agree though that a relay will have less losses than mosfet, at least an IRF540. Maybe you have a mosfet with less resistance. Do you know of any efficient high-speed relays that would work well for this?
Paul, the IRF540 on-resistance is something like 0.07 ohms.
Are you sure it is switched on/off properly?
Switching off an IRF540 is not simple. It takes me a heavy driver to do that properly (I use UCC27322p )
Also, if you use a diode in parallel (flyback) with your coil it's even more effecient. By this you can switch off earlier in time.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 17, 2010, 03:33:29 PM
Paul, the IRF540 on-resistance is something like 0.07 ohms.
Are you sure it is switch on properly?
If you use a diode in parallel (flyback) with your coil it's even more effecient.
Also you can imagine a few irf540 in parallel to lower that .07 ohms =]
Quote from: gravityblock on January 17, 2010, 08:56:56 AM
How useful will a PC based Oscilloscope using a A card be for the task at hand,
A buffer hardware circuit could be used to buffer the probe similar to a true oscilloscope and protect the PC's Line In from excessive voltages. Would I need the buffer hardware circuit, or could I get by with just protecting the PC Line In with a Voltage Divider.
I don't have the money to buy the real thing. I know being cheap isn't the best thing, but it has to be better than nothing and doing it totally blind. Any thoughts?
Not sure about that setup but I found this scope at a low price of only 287 US dollars.
Lots of features. Also comes with USB out to computer.
No shipping charge in US if regular UPS ground. No tax in NC.
Hello all,
I have a question for those who understand magnetic effects. From my understanding the magnet pairs are N and S on the Steorn motor. From the Steorn forum it seemed it did not matter which way he had them. But has anyone considered alternating the pairs...... one N and S ..... then the next set S and N and so on?? What effect would this have on the core? Your thoughts appreciated. Anyone testing this?
Quote from: maw2432 on January 17, 2010, 05:40:38 PM
Hello all,
I have a question for those who understand magnetic effects. From my understanding the magnet pairs are N and S on the Steorn motor. From the Steorn forum it seemed it did not matter which way he had them. But has anyone considered alternating the pairs...... one N and S ..... then the next set S and N and so on?? What effect would this have on the core? Your thoughts appreciated. Anyone testing this?
I don't think alteration of the N-S orientation matters that much.
What does matter is that the magnets don't have too much different strength, something that has not been discussed here.
In other words, the magnet tolerances.
It has been found that the alignment of the position of the toroid coil is extreemly important to cancel out CEMF.
You can do that using one pair of rotor magnets.
But when the magnet pairs at the different positions of the rotor have, e.g. 20% different field strengths, the allignment of the coil is not optimized for that pair
of magnet.
So selection of matching pairs of magnets will be required in my view.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 17, 2010, 05:47:21 PM
I don't think alteration of the N-S orientation matters that much.
Actually it does matter - please read my post about cancelling back EMF. It's needed to move smoothly on the hysteresis loop. What also matters is the coils connections - you will find that also in the said post.
Please remember that everything counts here if you want to have a self runner.
As for the magnets tolerances it for sure has to be done as you've said - simply match the pairs.
Why are you using only single magnets in your motor? Is there any special reason for this ? If not - could you test a pair of magnets in the configuration I've proposed and compare the input power needed ? Thanks in advance.
Good luck hardware men !
Thanks for your reply Tesla..
BTW I found this answer to "What is Metglas?"
Metglas is an amorphopus metal, Amorphous metals do not have crystalline structure like other magnetic materials. All the atoms in an amorphous metal are randomly arranged, thus giving it a higher resistivity (about three times) value than that for crystalline counterparts. Amorphous alloys are prepared by cooling the melt at about million degrees per second. This fast cooling does not give the atoms enough time to rearrange into stable crystalline form. As a result one gets metastable amorphous structure. Because of the absence of crystalline structure amorphous alloys are magnetically soft (lower coercivity, lower core loss, higher permeability,...). High resistivity gives lower loss at higher frequencies. The losses are among the lowest of any known magnetic materials.
Sorry if this has been posted before but I am now convinced Steorn may have used this as his core material.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 17, 2010, 05:47:21 PM
So selection of matching pairs of magnets will be required in my view.
In addition to every set of dual magnets. One set of dual magnets needs to match all the other pairs as closely as possible.
Holly Smokes!!! I just did some quick COP measurements, and when subtracting electrical resistance losses, it is showing my tiny "orbo replication" is way over COP 1.
Some real quick numbers just to get this post out:
Power input from inductance input: 12.9 mW
Power output in joule heating from rotating device: 32 mW
COP: 2.5
If that's not enough, I am not even considering that nearly all of the energy that goes into inductance can be captured back, at least according to Steorns recent inductance measurements on their Orbo. So lets take that into consideration -->
Power input from inductance input: 0.258 mW (258 uW)
Power output in joule heating from rotating device: 32 mW
COP: 124
If that is not enough, I did not even take into consideration all of the joule heating.
It's possible I could have made a calculator error. We'll have to see, but so far so good. Also, remember these are quick measurements, so it could be off a bit. IMO the COP is higher than 2.5. What's interesting is that this is very close to Steorn's COP claims. Note that Steorn also does not capture the toroid losses.
I hate to get everyone's hopes up, but this is a very sincere post. IMO this tiny orbo is over COP 1 when not considering electrical resistance from the wires and mosfet.
A bit more detail now. I found out how much energy is going into the actual inductance of the core. The core has appreciable inductance for ~ 60us (60 microseconds). So it's not difficult to calculate the energy that goes into the inductor per cycle.
Next post will be how I came up with the joule heating output.
Joule heating was calculated by doing a control experiment. The tiny orbo was rotating at 3450 rpm's during the main and control experiment. By using the video camera and a timer, the time it took for the tiny orbo to decelerate by 180 rpm's was recorded. The mass of the NdFeB magnets and also the black plastic *outer rim* were calculated. So far I have no calculated the rest of the tiny orbo mass, which would be an appreciable amount. Then the kinetic energy was calculated from the mass and velocity at 3450 and 3270 rpm (180 rpm difference). This gives the joule losses, and the power was calculated from the joule loss and the time duration.
Hello ALL,
You can see my ongoing build video 1.2 here, as I continue to work on the mechanical while I await my cores, and my magnets.
Hi All,
A good place to find a hall sensor is in DC brushless fan motors. The kind typically found in PCs & power supplies. Here an old faulty one I have opened. See pics below.
Also, here is a link to the datasheet for this sensor.
The fan it came from was a 12V 1.1W DC brushless fan. As you can see in the datasheet, the hall sensor has a wide voltage operating range and is very versatile.
There are plenty of these fans lying around in many old and faulty pieces of equipment like PC power supplies so you can save some money getting the hall sensors out of them...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 08:06:14 PM
I hate to get everyone's hopes up, but this is a very sincere post. IMO this tiny orbo is over COP 1 when not considering electrical resistance from the wires and mosfet.
In my opinion this system and concept is OU. From an engineering view, it is extremely brilliant. This is the real deal. We will all be believers in due time.
I appreciate all who provided me with links for the oscilloscope. Thanks Ossie for the information on where to get the Hall Sensors in order to save money. I may be one of the last to have a self-runner due to my very limited budget, but all of these cost savings will make it possible.
Thanks to everyone for making this a real possibility,
Any chance of there being a metglas core inside the PC Power Supplies, LoL?
I have an old power supply opened up right now and there is a small toroid that is highly attracted to my magnets with what appears to be a black plastic case.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 17, 2010, 08:56:56 AM
How useful will a PC based Oscilloscope using a be for the task at hand,
A buffer hardware circuit could be used to buffer the probe similar to a true oscilloscope and protect the PC's Line In from excessive voltages. Would I need the buffer hardware circuit, or could I get by with just protecting the PC Line In with a Voltage Divider.
I don't have the money to buy the real thing. I know being cheap isn't the best thing, but it has to be better than nothing and doing it totally blind. Any thoughts?
VA is FREE real time program which simulates a set of electronic instruments, Such as:
Detailed Features about:
1. Oscilloscope (dual channel, xy, time division, trigger);
2. Spectrum Analyzer with amplitude and phase display (linear, log, lines, bar, octaves band analysis 1/3, 1/6, 1/9, 1/12, 1/24);
3. Wave-form generator with "custom functions", triangular, square, sinus, white noise and pulse generation (NO ALIASING);
4. Frequency meter (in time and frequency domain) and counter; in time domain by means of a real time zero crossing algorithm;
5. Volt meter with DC, true RMS, peak to peak and mean display;
6. Filtering (low pass, hi pass, band pass, band reject, notch, "diode", DC removal);
7. Memo windows (data log) for analysis and storage of time series, spectrum and phase with "triggering" events; possibility to save in various formats and display them with a viewer;
8. A TRUE software digital analog conversion (for complete signal reconstruction using Nyquist theorem) ;
9. Frequency compensation: one can create/edit a custom frequency response and add it to the spectrum analyzer spectrum ; added standard weighting curves A,B,C in parallel with custom frequency response;
10. Support for 8/16/24 bit soundcard by means of API calls;
11. Unlimited frequency sampling (depend from the capabilities of your soundcard);
12. Cepstrum analysis;
13. Cross Correlation;
14. Extended THD measurements, with automatic sweep and compensation.
15. ZRLC-meter with Vector scope, automatic sweep in time and frequency for automatic measurement.
original site:
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 17, 2010, 08:06:14 PM
Holly Smokes!!! I just did some quick COP measurements, and when subtracting electrical resistance losses, it is showing my tiny "orbo replication" is way over COP 1.
Some real quick numbers just to get this post out:
Power input from inductance input: 12.9 mW
Power output in joule heating from rotating device: 32 mW
COP: 2.5
If that's not enough, I am not even considering that nearly all of the energy that goes into inductance can be captured back, at least according to Steorns recent inductance measurements on their Orbo. So lets take that into consideration -->
Power input from inductance input: 0.258 mW (258 uW)
Power output in joule heating from rotating device: 32 mW
COP: 124
If that is not enough, I did not even take into consideration all of the joule heating.
It's possible I could have made a calculator error. We'll have to see, but so far so good. Also, remember these are quick measurements, so it could be off a bit. IMO the COP is higher than 2.5. What's interesting is that this is very close to Steorn's COP claims. Note that Steorn also does not capture the toroid losses.
I hate to get everyone's hopes up, but this is a very sincere post. IMO this tiny orbo is over COP 1 when not considering electrical resistance from the wires and mosfet.
Holy crap Batman. Waiting for my Metglas! Well done.
Indeed most interesting! That would be really awesome if it turns out to be working and be replicateable. Since Steorn business won't go public, the community is all on what we can hope :) Please keep up the good work!
Impressive analysis Paul. Thanks for sharing.
In your enthusiasm you might have overlooked the option I proposed earlier to recycle the current that is stored in the coil.
If you mount a (fast) diode in parallel to the coil you re-use another wasted energy source.
The coil holds P=0.5*L*I^2 W. The diode will push that energy to the coil after switching off.
In this way you can switch off earlier in time and thus use less power resulting in same mechanical output.
What your view on this?
Well Sean & Steorn shot down TK's & everyone elses voltage & current scope photos, except mine so far. TK's scope photos are nothing like Steorns in terms of the RL rise times, as Steorn's is a square wave. So it looks like the metglas cores are the hot ticket.
Good luck on your replications boys & girls. ;D
Quote from: teslaalset on January 18, 2010, 08:05:30 AM
Impressive analysis Paul. Thanks for sharing.
In your enthusiasm you might have overlooked the option I proposed earlier to recycle the current that is stored in the coil.
If you mount a (fast) diode in parallel to the coil you re-use another wasted energy source.
The coil holds P=0.5*L*I^2 W. The diode will push that energy to the coil after switching off.
In this way you can switch off earlier in time and thus use less power resulting in same mechanical output.
What your view on this?
As I've said earlier, I don't think there is much sense in the recycle circuit, as the metglas material has very high remanence value (about 0.5 T) comparing to BSAT which is 0.57T.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 18, 2010, 08:55:37 AM
As I've said earlier, I don't think there is much sense in the recycle circuit, as the metglas material has very high remanence value (about 0.5 T) comparing to BSAT which is 0.57T.
No so in the Orbo. That's only if a square loop core is going to be flipped. If it does not go near the flipping point, then it's rather linear, and you get nearly all of the energy back. In my 37 turn metglas core, the inductance is 35 *micro* henry to at least 4 amps and probably far high levels of current. Although if the current is taken to a certain point, then the core flips, and then you have massive inductance. :)
btw, the field on the metglas from the NdFeB is no were near 0.5T. In fact, if you do a FEMM analysis you'll see it's far far lower. Furthremore, the *effective* permeability on the metglas core in an *open* magnetic loop (in the case of the NdFeB magnet) is extremely low, far below 20.
Hi Paul,
So you would still recomend 37 turns on our new cores? Did you use 20 awg wire for your turns?
Thanks and great job!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 18, 2010, 08:52:19 AM
Well Sean & Steorn shot down TK's & everyone elses voltage & current scope photos, except mine so far. TK's scope photos are nothing like Steorns in terms of the RL rise times, as Steorn's is a square wave. So it looks like the metglas cores are the hot ticket.
Good luck on your replications boys & girls. ;D
Paul, can you mention once more what exact metglas core we need to order?
Hello ALL,
Build video #3, as everything starts to take shape... ;) from: teslaalset on January 18, 2010, 10:18:36 AM
Paul, can you mention once more what exact metglas core we need to order?
Not to answer for Paul, but it was the MP2510P4AS
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on January 18, 2010, 10:43:28 AM
Hello ALL,
Build video #3, as everything starts to take shape... ;)
Not to answer for Paul, but it was the MP2510P4AS
Exiting setup. The race to replicate has begun ;)
Ok, so it should be the 2714 material.
Looking at the specifications, I noticed that there are actually 4 forms:
- Anneal longitudinal field
- Anneal Transverse field
- No-field Anneal
- As cast
Looks like they have 3 different manufacturing methods.
How do I know what I order and what did you guys order w.r.t. the anneal characteristics?
Quote from: Airstriker on January 18, 2010, 08:55:37 AM
As I've said earlier, I don't think there is much sense in the recycle circuit, as the metglas material has very high remanence value (about 0.5 T) comparing to BSAT which is 0.57T.
Hi Paul,
Been working on recycle circuit, have the run time on my turntable motor up to 3 1/2 hours with at least another 2-3 hours on my 650F BoostCap. Not quite over but real close. Started @ 2.000 VDC now down to 1.17 VDC after 3.5 hours. It is difficult to match the loop current and boost it back into the cap but it can be done. Your have a valid idea.
Hi Gang,
@ 5 hours, voltage is 0.879 down from 2.000 V with 650 F........go figure. It is running down albeit very slowly.....But progress is being made. Will stop it now, rebuild circuit with better transformer, FWBR instead of 1/2 wave. Then see what happens. Might change to 10,000 maH nimH.....
Anyone else having a hard time viewing Steorn's Youtube videos?
This is a personal off topic post:
I just signed in, because I am reading the overunity dot com stuff for over a year and this is the first time that I do not find your manner of conversation awkward wrt insults, ego polishing and fights over personal beliefs. I'm a software-developer so I'm finally happy to find you all in a state of healthful curiosity and cooperation.
You know, many people are reading your stuff, without you noticing; it really helps - in whatever ways - seeing the bunch of you working nicely towards a great goal, which is opposite to the experience of seeing you guys drilling and poking stinky fingers into each other's brains.
Thanks & sincerely yours from currently cold northern Germany,
Kasimier Buchcik
Quote from: Casimodo72 on January 18, 2010, 07:08:59 PM
This is a personal off topic post:
I just signed in, because I am reading the overunity dot com stuff for over a year and this is the first time that I do not find your manner of conversation awkward wrt insults, ego polishing and fights over personal beliefs. I'm a software-developer and inventor so I'm finally happy to find you all in a state of healthful curiosity and cooperation.
You know, many people are reading your stuff, without you noticing; it really helps - in whatever ways - seeing the bunch of you working nicely towards a great goal, which is opposite to the experience of seeing you guys drilling and poking stinky fingers into each other's brains.
Thanks & sincerely yours from currently cold northern Germany,
Kasimier Buchcik
Agreed! I feel like I'm standing on the shoulders of giants in this thread. A total noob like me was able to get something up & running. I also am not fond of "poking stinky fingers into each others brains" LOL! The more replications the better! However my inner conspiracy theorist is concerned the worlds supply of metglas may suddenly become scarce. But if Honeywell was behind creation of Metglas ( my understanding) they must be out there in a lot of applications.
Quote from: Casimodo72 on January 18, 2010, 07:08:59 PM
This is a personal post:
I just signed in, because I am reading the overunity dot com stuff for over a year and this is the first time that I do not find your manner of conversation awkward wrt insults, ego polishing and fights over personal beliefs. I'm a software-developer and inventor so I'm finally happy to find you all in a state of healthful curiosity and cooperation.
You know, many people are reading your stuff, without you noticing; it really helps - in whatever ways - seeing the bunch of you working nicely towards a great goal, which is opposite to the experience of seeing you guys drilling and poking stinky fingers into each other's brains.
Thanks & sincerely yours from currently cold northern Germany,
Kasimier Buchcik
Hi Kasimier,
Good to have you on board. I for one have found that most of the folk on this particular thread have been doing their best to keep it on the up and up.....Hey spring is just 2-3 months away and then the cold will be a thing of the past.
All, here is a simple way to accurately measure the pulse current input into a ORBO. Basically you use a high multi FARID Cap. as a filter to get rid of all the pulsing, NOT to integrate the actual pulse but to highly regulate the output of the power supply. In my case, I run between 1 and 2 VDC. I first short the 0-100 ma meter in series with the Cap., charge it up to 1.000 VDC, while monitoring the voltage across the actual cap. Then when I have the voltage stable on the cap, start up the Pulse motor. Open shunt switch around meter and watch the pure DC
replacement current into the cap.....I find that works pretty well. Also, you need to measure the voltage across the coil/s itself to see what the voltage is AT the COIL! Then you know how much loss is in wiring/switcher/etc. You will find out how useless clip leads are except for initial testing. You could also replace the MA meter with a DVM, might have to adjust the output of the power supply to make up for the resistive losses in the meter shunt itself. Just for example,
with cap @ .976 VDC, Voltage @ coil is .650 for a drop of 328 mV in my ultra simple reed relay system with clip leads!. With decent wiring, shouldn't drop more than a few mV in a simple system like this! Oh, just for the thinking out there, I have to "make" that current and that voltage to make the motor OU........Easier said than done!
I'll stick up a short video on YouTube in a few min to show this idea and how well it works to measure current.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 18, 2010, 01:50:22 PM
Ok, so it should be the 2714 material.
Looking at the specifications, I noticed that there are actually 4 forms:
- Anneal longitudinal field
- Anneal Transverse field
- No-field Anneal
- As cast
Looks like they have 3 different manufacturing methods.
How do I know what I order and what did you guys order w.r.t. the anneal characteristics?
I think GB or Paul worked out it should be longitudinally annealed. It is earlier in the thread. Also must be square loop so the models ending in S
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 16, 2010, 08:52:57 PM
I asked that question days ago, and nobody seemed to interested.
Hey, why didn't anyone respond to my request to verify the date stamp of my files? That means a lot of me.
Yes, can verify the timestamps, just can't read the files.
Hi All,
Inproved circuit to capture all energy in cap. or in wheel. Trying to keep it simple gang to show the basics.
Going to bed
Paul probably posted this already but I just stumbled across it today. It is the spec page for the Metglas 2741a. Used in power supplies eh?
Quote from: k4zep on January 19, 2010, 12:15:18 AM
Hi All,
Inproved circuit to capture all energy in cap. or in wheel. Trying to keep it simple gang to show the basics.
Going to bed
Hi Ben,
very well done.
I think the other diode 1N4148 is not doing much, only maybe shuttling some stray capacitance charges
back from the switch to the bootcap, so you could probably leave it out.
Or am I wrong ?
Nice blinking light.
If it would run faster you would probably have steady light, so the human
eye could not see any blinking anymore.
Regards, Stefan.
For those who are interested in the progress of Naudin (JLN Labs): he posted an update on his Orbo research showing results of his magnetic viscosity measurements:
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 18, 2010, 09:17:36 AM
No so in the Orbo. That's only if a square loop core is going to be flipped. If it does not go near the flipping point, then it's rather linear, and you get nearly all of the energy back. In my 37 turn metglas core, the inductance is 35 *micro* henry to at least 4 amps and probably far high levels of current. Although if the current is taken to a certain point, then the core flips, and then you have massive inductance. :)
btw, the field on the metglas from the NdFeB is no were near 0.5T. In fact, if you do a FEMM analysis you'll see it's far far lower. Furthremore, the *effective* permeability on the metglas core in an *open* magnetic loop (in the case of the NdFeB magnet) is extremely low, far below 20.
Sorry for going back to that subject but I didn't really get your explanation. Can you say it in more words if it's not a problem ?:) Maybe some pictures. This is quite important if it really can be done and I just simply cannot see that :(
Has anyone posted on the implications of Metglas on the SS Orbos?
No yet, although there is a solid state Orbo thread which is discussing more the MEG type of solution.
Steorn has mentioned SSOrbo. I wonder how they implemented this.
Maybe we should start a separate thread on this to discuss non MEG SSOrbo.
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 19, 2010, 03:34:20 AM
Hi Ben,
very well done.
I think the other diode 1N4148 is not doing much, only maybe shuttling some stray capacitance charges
back from the switch to the bootcap, so you could probably leave it out.
Or am I wrong ?
Nice blinking light.
If it would run faster you would probably have steady light, so the human
eye could not see any blinking anymore.
Regards, Stefan.
Thanks Stefan,
No the little 1N4148 does little with the LED in there as the first swing negative is dispersed in the Big LED. Without the LED, it had more work to do. All your ideas above are correct.
Another thing I did not mention is the ability to use that LED as a timing light. Shine it on the switch area in a low light condition and you can see where the magnet is when the coil turns off. Works very well!
Something, question just hit me. Sean has NEVER showed the timing or switching of the wheel! What if our timing is all wrong. What if we should be turning on going in and SUCK in, then TDC turn off like the BEDINI, With no CEMF (In a mechanically correct motor) and very small BEMF due to low turns on coil, the viscous effect and the delay switching in the core IF magnets are at the right spacing would KICK out and add energy to the rotor????? Just a weird thought!!!!! Arrrgggghhh.
Coffee is a wonderful thing!
Quote from: Jimboot on January 19, 2010, 12:47:54 AM
Paul probably posted this already but I just stumbled across it today. It is the spec page for the Metglas 2741a. Used in power supplies eh?
There was a small metglas toroid in my old PC Power supply that I removed and verified it as being metglas. It is too small. I have a newer power supply, and the toroid is much larger. It appears to be really close to the correct dimensions we are looking for, but I haven't removed it to verify if it is metglas or not (I can't see the core due to the windings). I plan on converting this power supply unit for other purposes and it doesn't make much sense to destroy it for a $3.00 core.
This could become important down the road if there is a long delay in ordering metglas cores due to supply and demand.
Quote from: k4zep on January 19, 2010, 07:44:26 AM
Something, question just hit me. Sean has NEVER showed the timing or switching of the wheel!
If I remember correctly on first showing on 15th of December he mentioned optical switching on bottom of the rotor.
Can you please explain how did you check if it is metglas. I have many pc power supplies laying around but I have no idea how to identify metglas core.
Quote from: k4zep on January 19, 2010, 07:44:26 AM
Thanks Stefan,
No the little 1N4148 does little with the LED in there as the first swing negative is dispersed in the Big LED. Without the LED, it had more work to do. All your ideas above are correct.
Another thing I did not mention is the ability to use that LED as a timing light. Shine it on the switch area in a low light condition and you can see where the magnet is when the coil turns off. Works very well!
Something, question just hit me. Sean has NEVER showed the timing or switching of the wheel! What if our timing is all wrong. What if we should be turning on going in and SUCK in, then TDC turn off like the BEDINI, With no CEMF (In a mechanically correct motor) and very small BEMF due to low turns on coil, the viscous effect and the delay switching in the core IF magnets are at the right spacing would KICK out and add energy to the rotor????? Just a weird thought!!!!! Arrrgggghhh.
Coffee is a wonderful thing!
What is Steorn talking about when they used to say the magnets were "stopping for a moment"? Do they still say that?
Quote from: dradak1 on January 19, 2010, 12:42:47 PM
If I remember correctly on first showing on 15th of December he mentioned optical switching on bottom of the rotor.
Yes, that is understood but what is the timing referenced Magnet centering on core? Does his trigger before or after in the cycle?
Quote from: futuristic on January 19, 2010, 12:44:00 PM
Can you please explain how did you check if it is metglas. I have many pc power supplies laying around but I have no idea how to identify metglas core.
If it has a black plastic protective case then it is more than likely metglas. The one I have has numbers on it, but I'm not able to read the numbers to match it with a specific metglas product. This came out of a very old PC and it probably wouldn't match any of their current product numbers even if I could read numbers.
Quote from: k4zep on January 19, 2010, 02:34:37 PM
Yes, that is understood but what is the timing referenced Magnet centering on core? Does his trigger before or after in the cycle?
Has anyone tried a 555 timer to control the pulse width? We could then try triggering the pulse at different locations and find the optimal pulse width for the highest performance. If our magnets are too large in diameter then the pulse width will be too long, too small in diameter then the pulse width is too short. A 555 timer would get rid of this issue.
[Edit:] The pulse width remains the same at all RPM's. The pulse duration decreases as the RPM's increase. Lumen was right about this. I was saying pulse width while thinking pulse duration earlier in the thread. I apologize for the confusion.
Even more detailed COP measurements. Once again the "tiny Orbo replication" is far over COP 1 -->
I've been having fun with my "tiny Orbo replication." At one point yesterday the toroid was moved about as close as possible to the magnets. This thing spun up to 7000 rpm's in a matter of seconds, and sounded kind of like my dremel drill. I had to disconnect it otherwise who knows how many rpm's it would have went to.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 19, 2010, 06:33:26 PM
Even more detailed COP measurements. Once again the " Orbo replication" is far over COP 1 -->
I've been having fun with my "tiny Orbo replication." At one point yesterday the toroid was moved about as close as possible to the magnets. This thing spun up to 7000 rpm's in a matter of seconds, and sounded kind of like my dremel drill. I had to disconnect it otherwise who knows how many rpm's it would have went to.
Hi Paul,
Looking at your numbers I get the impression that you are calculating the efficiency of the motor based on the premis that with a known average input, if you can show losses that are greater than the input power and it still runs, it is OU....IF this is the fact, and your motor is using the Viscous theory, your motor should at some RPM stabilize at voltages and current given. That it does not up to 7K and maybe higher would suggest that something other than the calculated losses is wrong or that your calculated input is wrong. I'm not saying that any of the above assumptions is correct, I just get that funny feeling when I see the numbers because:
If you are using 2714 material, your indicated inductance is very low @ 60uH????? I have never been able to get a motor to run at that low inductance. OF course that indicated value makes you motor OU. I would really check that but it is obvious you are a very precise experimenter and careful in your measurements. Did you mean 60mH? If so, that would muck things up a bit but would make things fall into place a lot more.
What is your inductance, free air, fully saturated by magnet and switched via the voltage and current given when at TDC in the magnetic field? Also if using Steorn viscosity theory, there should be a sweet spot rpm wise where it should stabilize as it would drop off above, speed up below wouldn't it as it goes into and out of OU based on the delay and position of magnets for the viscous pulse? IF it doesn't stabilize and just keeps winding up, it is just a pulse motor,
a very good one!!! and the overall thrust is purely magnetic, not viscous. Just curious and NOT being in any way raising a fuss, just need clarification.......
Quote from: k4zep on January 19, 2010, 07:33:04 PM
Well Paul,
Put a very small generator on that sucker and self power it..........Very good!
Perception has made me eat much crow in the past!!! What current and voltage are you switching?
Sure, but I'll need to borrow some room temperature superconducting wires. ;) Right now my coil wires are thin. Maybe if I placed about 5 layers in parallel to reduce joule heating, and had a near frictionless magnetic bearing, then it would self-run. My measurements are only to detect any excess energy.
You can see the current & voltage on the blog page. The pulses across the coil are 1.26 amps & 0.36 volts. Coil inductance inductance during the pulse period is 60 uH in the setup during this COP measurement.
Hi Gang,
Slow motor magnet/core/LED ....Just another little bit of knowledge for those like me who visualize things.
Let me say this is NOT a true Steorn motor but a small step in that direction, a bit more instrumentation to see the viscous effect in the coil real time in the motor core to set timing, dual magnets, Metglass core and we might get there!
I need your help. I am doing something wrong but I can't see it. My rotor is motor from hard drive with 3.5" pvc pipe cap (from Homedepot) and 4 neo magnets, all north pole facing out. I have 3 black 1" toroids. First has windings with #30 wire, 5H, 10 Ohm and probably 600 windings (dual winding like Ossie's), second is 67 windings (dual winding like Ossie's) of #26 wire, 234mH and 0.6 Ohm, third is 67 windings (one wire) of #26 wire, 0.6 Ohms and 225mH. I tried Ossie's high power circuit (with 2n3055), Ossie's low power circuit and your circuit all with only one toroid. It will run only with high power circuit and it consumes lots of power. All runs were done with 12V battery and for first toroid consumption is 0.3A, for other two is 1.7A. When I am using your circuit my hall sensor gets so hot after 2 seconds that I have to turn it off.
Good evening ALL,
My build continues with video's part 4 and 5:
Quote from: EBISEVAC on January 19, 2010, 11:44:05 PM
I need your help. I am doing something wrong but I can't see it. My rotor is motor from hard drive with 3.5" pvc pipe cap (from Homedepot) and 4 neo magnets, all north pole facing out. I have 3 black 1" toroids. First has windings with #30 wire, 5H, 10 Ohm and probably 600 windings (dual winding like Ossie's), second is 67 windings (dual winding like Ossie's) of #26 wire, 234mH and 0.6 Ohm, third is 67 windings (one wire) of #26 wire, 0.6 Ohms and 225mH. I tried Ossie's high power circuit (with 2n3055), Ossie's low power circuit and your circuit all with only one toroid. It will run only with high power circuit and it consumes lots of power. All runs were done with 12V battery and for first toroid consumption is 0.3A, for other two is 1.7A. When I am using your circuit my hall sensor gets so hot after 2 seconds that I have to turn it off.
I don't see why the hall sensor would get hot. My circuit connects the hall sensor as specified with its specs. All I can say is just recheck every thing. Maybe make a youtube video so everyone can see it.
No where near Paul "look at the size of my RPMs" LOwrance et al, but hey I'm a noob. Bought a tacho 2day, changed rotors and I'm getting 1000 RPMs out of my tri coil/mag setup. :) pretty happy with that as a start. Thanks all. Edit: Here's the vid
Not having any joy with a hall circuit. I've tried a UGN3503 running at 6V (not sure if I've done it right) but I've powered it separately to the rest of circuit running on 12V. The UGN3503 is only rated too 6V. The other hall sensor that I can get locally is not suitable for my rig. It is an ignition sensor. Based on @pl's circuit my mosfet gets hot (burnt my finger) There is V thru the coil. The coils get warm but my sensor does not seem to switch.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 20, 2010, 07:18:12 AM
Not having any joy with a hall circuit. I've tried a UGN3503 running at 6V (not sure if I've done it right) but I've powered it separately to the rest of circuit running on 12V. The UGN3503 is only rated too 6V. The other hall sensor that I can get locally is not suitable for my rig. It is an ignition sensor. Based on @pl's circuit my mosfet gets hot (burnt my finger) There is V thru the coil. The coils get warm but my sensor does not seem to switch.
Hi Jimboot,
Using the UGN3503, put a 10K from the mosfet gate to the positive of your 12V supply and another 10K from the mosfet gate to the ground. Then connect the output from the hall sensor directly to the mosfet gate. Power the hall sensor from a seperate 6V supply but make sure the ground of this supply is connected to the ground of the mosfet supply. This should work as it has worked for me using an IRF1405 mosfet.
Don't forget that hall sensors are magnetic polarity sensitive to N or S in reference to their front face or back face.
Steorn has posted an Addendum video with new info .
It can be found here: (
Mmmm, I wonder:
- I see multiple winding layers
- I calculated a permeability ratio of 7650
Are they showing the real Orbo toroid or just an example?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 20, 2010, 07:47:21 AM
Steorn has posted an Addendum new video with info and instructions.
It can be found here: (
Hi Ossie,
A new video above by Steorn’s lab. Ossie let me know it was up in our continuing great conversations.
I must say Ossie does more in a day than I do in a week!
My reply to Ossie.
OK, they just showed that there is not DC resistive change while the inductor is in or out of a magnetic field.
This is well known!This also indicates that if you have NO CEMF, while the inductance changes, the DC resistance of the coil remains the same.
That should be understood chicken and egg theory, no chicken, no eggIn an toroid inductor, because of it construction, there will be no difference in the attraction via an electrical current
in the inductor if it is of a BALANCED or unbalanced design.
In a toroid inductor, there will be no induced voltage in a correctly positioned inductor hence NO inductive reactance
change in current because of CEMF...........duh because there is no voltage/current.
BUT there will be a difference in current in the PULSE circuit from the power supply because of the inductive reactance of the cores, which increases as the inductance decreases when the motor is running @ each magnet passage, which we see and this they have NOT discussed. I suspect this is a good thing and the "Kernel" of the device. The driving force HAS to be the A field and nothing else in a perfectly designed ORBO. Which I might say Bedini has demonstrated so effectively.
NOW they need to discuss the EFFECTIVE input power at speed vs. the DC power input @ zero RPM and the intensity of the delayed wave. IS its intensity based on the DC power input and ignoring the AC power input caused by the inductance change or is it induced by the effective AC power input @ speed but intensifies when the inductance changes BACK to the higher value after passage with no input power, a after the fact wave pulse in the inductor with POWER GAIN. Timing is so important here. THE pulse IN would have to be shorter than the passage of the rotating magnetic field while it lowers the inductance and the input power pulse would initiate the wave in this lower inductive value core, the wave size and power should increase due to the change back to the higher inductance.......
The funny thing is I have done all these same measurements 2 or so weeks ago. I just haven't been able to measure the delayed viscous field in a active motor to be sure of what is happening. (JLN does show this effect very cleverly, and it is obviously there) If I with a particular core, could measure a delay, and it does amplify in a delayed pulse with an increasing inductance, we would be home free.
So folk, there is much to think about and don't be too upset with me but I think the Bedini motor/generator when working correctly utilizes this same effect which long term will leave John Bedini in the drivers seat.
Quote from: k4zep on January 20, 2010, 08:08:16 AM
Hi Ossie,
A new video above by Steorn’s lab. Ossie let me know it was up in our continuing great conversations.
I must say Ossie does more in a day than I do in a week!
My reply to Ossie.
OK, they just showed that there is not DC resistive change while the inductor is in or out of a magnetic field.
This is well known!
This also indicates that if you have NO CEMF, while the inductance changes, the DC resistance of the coil remains the same.
That should be understood chicken and egg theory, no chicken, no egg
In an toroid inductor, because of it construction, there will be no difference in the attraction via an electrical current
in the inductor if it is of a BALANCED or unbalanced design.
In a toroid inductor, there will be no induced voltage in a correctly positioned inductor hence NO inductive reactance
change in current because of CEMF...........duh because there is no voltage/current.
BUT there will be a difference in current in the PULSE circuit from the power supply because of the inductive reactance of the cores, which increases as the inductance decreases when the motor is running @ each magnet passage, which we see and this they have NOT discussed. I suspect this is a good thing and the "Kernel" of the device. The driving force HAS to be the A field and nothing else in a perfectly designed ORBO. Which I might say Bedini has demonstrated so effectively.
NOW they need to discuss the EFFECTIVE input power at speed vs. the DC power input @ zero RPM and the intensity of the delayed wave. IS its intensity based on the DC power input and ignoring the AC power input caused by the inductance change or is it induced by the effective AC power input @ speed but intensifies when the inductance changes BACK to the higher value after passage with no input power, a after the fact wave pulse in the inductor with POWER GAIN. Timing is so important here. THE pulse IN would have to be shorter than the passage of the rotating magnetic field while it lowers the inductance and the input power pulse would initiate the wave in this lower inductive value core, the wave size and power should increase due to the change back to the higher inductance.......
The funny thing is I have done all these same measurements 2 or so weeks ago. I just haven't been able to measure the delayed viscous field in a active motor to be sure of what is happening. (JLN does show this effect very cleverly, and it is obviously there) If I with a particular core, could measure a delay, and it does amplify in a delayed pulse with an increasing inductance, we would be home free.
So folk, there is much to think about and don't be too upset with me but I think the Bedini motor/generator when working correctly utilizes this same effect which long term will leave John Bedini in the drivers seat.
find in internet:
"There are some aspects of physics that are never taught and therefore never considered. If you add the magnetic field (B) from a bar magnet to one from a current carrying coil wound on that bar (deltaB) the field everywhere is a the sum of two terms, B+deltaB.
Energy density goes with the square of the field, so expanding the square of the sum we get B^2 +2BdeltaB + deltaB^2. B^2 is the original energy from the magnet. deltaB^2 is the energy from the coil. 2BdeltaB is excess energy gained from where?
You won't find the answer in your text books! That is not a trivial amount of energy, and it can be shown that it comes from the quantum domain. It is ignored because over a full cycle it is generally not available to us.
Can an electro-magnetic theory which ignores magnetic energy shuttling about within our machines be considered complete? Is it not possible that someone will eventually discover how to tap into that ignored energy flow?
- cyrilsmith UK "
Hi All,
Please see my latest videos as follows.
Quote from: callanan on January 20, 2010, 08:47:36 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest videos as follows.
're a genius
Quote from: wings on January 20, 2010, 08:55:18 AM
're a genius
I concur!!!!! Amazing implications......
Quote from: Jimboot on January 20, 2010, 07:18:12 AM
Not having any joy with a hall circuit. I've tried a UGN3503 running at 6V (not sure if I've done it right) but I've powered it separately to the rest of circuit running on 12V. The UGN3503 is only rated too 6V. The other hall sensor that I can get locally is not suitable for my rig. It is an ignition sensor. Based on @pl's circuit my mosfet gets hot (burnt my finger) There is V thru the coil. The coils get warm but my sensor does not seem to switch.
I recommended the UGN3130, not the UGN3503. My circuit works fine for me.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 20, 2010, 10:22:16 AM
I recommended the UGN3130, not the UGN3503. My circuit works fine for me.
Clarification: I did not "recommend" the UGN3130. That's what I am using, and it works for me. :)
btw, can anyone show in a Steorn video that they are definitely measuring the voltage across the coil, or if that's the simply the signal to the relay. IMO, this idea that the pulse voltage must be flat is wrong. For efficiency purposes, I think their should be a constant current source during the pulse period. So during the first few dozen or so microseconds the current is rising in the coil, and therefore the impedance is high, but once the current stabilizes the only impedance is from the electrical wire resistance, and therefore ideally the voltage across the coil should be as low as possible when the current stabilizes.
Anyway, that's the way I see it. Magnetic materials react to electrical current, not voltage.
Quote from: callanan on January 20, 2010, 08:47:36 AM
Now it's time to take it to the next level. As well as ferromagnetic core material, the iron wire can conduct and generate electricity too. How much can be generated by it? And can it be done without moving parts?
This is interesting. Yesterday I told TinselKoala about my over COP 1 measurements and videos, and almost immediately after he replied back with attacks, one of the moderators at this forum, Pirate88179, commented on my "tiny orbo replication" writing -->
Pirate88179 wrote at my youtube video page:
QuoteWhat drugs are you on? You told a lot of people this would not work and to ignore it, and now....well, once again you seemed to have changed your mind. you said B-caps were worthless, and think they are the key.
I have *always* said Steorn & Orbo are legit! Also, bcaps have nothing to do with my video. And I never said bcaps are worthless.
Also, almost immediately after Pirate88179's youtube comment, I get a truck load of youtube negative ratings. So, looks like we're all on to something here folks. ;D Keep up the good work, and lets help bring about global free energy.
Here's TinselKoala youtube message to me,
QuoteI am truly impressed, especially by your bogus measurements. If you can't convince them with bullshit, dazzle them with data, that works every time.
Quote from: 0c on January 20, 2010, 11:00:06 AM
Now it's time to take it to the next level. As well as ferromagnetic core material, the iron wire can conduct and generate electricity too. How much can be generated by it? And can it be done without moving parts?
great synchronicity?
also Hubbard coil?
imagin the external coil or the internal winded over a magnet, and the two sistem that resonate
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 20, 2010, 11:20:33 AM
This is interesting. Yesterday I told TinselKoala about my over COP 1 measurements and videos, and almost immediately after he replied back with attacks, one of the moderators at this forum, Pirate88179, commented on my "tiny orbo replication" writing -->
Pirate88179 wrote at my youtube video page:
I have *always* said Steorn & Orbo are legit! Also, bcaps have nothing to do with my video. And I never said bcaps are worthless.
Also, almost immediately after Pirate88179's youtube comment, I get a truck load of youtube negative ratings. So, looks like we're all on to something here folks. ;D Keep up the good work, and lets help bring about global free energy.
Here's TinselKoala youtube message to me,
Paul, are you talking about your YouTube channel like (,
or do you maintain others as well?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 20, 2010, 11:32:04 AM
Paul, are you talking about your YouTube channel like (,
or do you maintain others as well?
Yes, that's the one.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 20, 2010, 07:47:21 AM
Steorn has posted an Addendum video with new info .
It can be found here: (
Just food for thought. How do we know that extra energy is actually coming out of the coil when the field collapses? How do we know that the extra energy being measured, isn't just skewed results in the presence of a magnetic field? I'm not sure how to word my question, but has anyone ever been able to successfully show as of yet that the extra gain in energy being theorized on, isn't just simply leaving with the magnet the same way it showed up? I wish Steorn would go ahead and show all the real voltage and current measurements, along with energy in and out.
Not a negative comment, just thought I'd kick it around.
btw, several days ago I switched from an IRF540 to an IRF2204PBF. It has ~ 20 times less on resistance, but it takes an incredibly good ground from the source. I've got it down to 15mOhm last time I checked. If more wires were added from source to ground then the on resistance would probably go even lower.
There are even better mosfets if anyone wants to post the part numbers. The lowest I've seen is about 0.7mOhm.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 20, 2010, 11:20:33 AM
This is interesting. Yesterday I told TinselKoala about my over COP 1 measurements and videos, and almost immediately after he replied back with attacks, one of the moderators at this forum, Pirate88179, commented on my "tiny orbo replication" writing -->
Pirate88179 wrote at my youtube video page:
I have *always* said Steorn & Orbo are legit! Also, bcaps have nothing to do with my video. And I never said bcaps are worthless.
Also, almost immediately after Pirate88179's youtube comment, I get a truck load of youtube negative ratings. So, looks like we're all on to something here folks. ;D Keep up the good work, and lets help bring about global free energy.
Here's TinselKoala youtube message to me,
Well, It's obvious Pirate does not agree with you, but that's as far as it goes. I know Pirate is a good man, after the same thing the rest of us are. But one thing I know for sure, is that Pirate88179 is not a suppressor or a troll. Whether he's right, or your right, doesn't matter. I'm sure he is just like the rest of us, and tired of seeing things get way blown out of proportion, when there is nothing to them. I sure can't speak for TK, as many have shown reasons to not trust his motives.
I'm not trying to be negative, or bash your work at all. You've helped move this thread a long way, and have done some great work. But it does seem you get really irritated when someone thinks different than you... You almost accused John Bedini of suppressing free energy... Now your eluding to others doing the same because they don't agree with your measurements. Simmer down hot rod, lol... It's all good. Just like Newton said, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every one who agree's with your measurements and findings, there is someone who disagrees. Please don't take it personal, it gets in the way of progress! Sometimes a little criticism helps find mistakes we learn from.
My recommendations to anyone who has the resources to make a self runner is to -->
1. Get magnetic ball bearings.
2. Make sure your toroid has a many turns as possible, but be very careful about parallel capacitance. This means you should know how to wind a core. Trust me, you just can start winding away.
3. Try to make your setup as balanced as possible because IMO the Orbo seems to like high rpm. Higher the rpm increases the COP measurements if you can keep the friction losses down. If memory holds true in my measurements, higher rpm does not increase the joule heating losses, but does increase the output (e.g., in friction heating in my case).
4. Reduce air drag as much as possible.
5. Keep as much metal away from the toroid & magnets to prevent eddy currents.
6?. I have not confirmed this yet, but it seems that the Orbo likes strong magnetic attraction. If true, then you'll want to use a North-South dual NdFeB set. This will greatly increase the magnetic pull prior to TDC. You just need to make sure your current can overcome it. Although, I'm certain there's an optimum distance between magnets and core. My NdFeB magnets are small.
Anyhow, I've spent enough time on the "orbo replication," and given my recent well over COP 1 measurements I'm convinced the Orbo is legit and over COP 1. So I'll be going back to my old magnetic designs, which IMO use the exact effect that Steorn is using, a magnetic switch, even though Sean says otherwise. I think Sean is great, but if it's true that Orbo is based on a magnetic switch, then IMO that pretty much stops him from preventing other companies from marketing similar technology. The magnetic switch concept has been around for before Steorn.
Enjoy! The more experienced builders here should have great results with the Metglas cores, to say the least!
I would like peoples opinions as to how the situation will change come February . The key question is , just how much info will Steorn release. No doubt if they do not release enough for successful duplication , no one will buy development licenses. Assuming that they have patented the technology , what have they got to loose by revealing everything . Sean says that they like to see replication , and indeed actively encourage it . Not that actively , as they refuse to reveal vital info , such as core material , magnet type , polarity , wire gauge , number of turns etc.
It has been said that extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof . I am not seeing it . OK it is not Feb yet , but the time rapidly approaches when they need to piss or get off the pot. By releasing info a bit at a time , they are playing a waiting game . Why? Also , they totally underestimate the caliber of engineers we have on this forum . Nothing would please me more than to see someone steal their thunder.
Well, I've done measurements on my "Orbo replication" that show far over COP 1.
But I would agree that one person should not control all of such technology over the entire planet for the life a patent, ~ 20 years! IMO I completely understand the Orbo effect, and maybe that's why I had very little problem getting it to be over COP 1. I also invented magnetic designs using this effect, but Google is about to move my files and I'll lose my date stamps.
So if anyone cares to help this technology become open source and not controlled by one person over the next several decades, then please help -->
My designs have always been open sourced.
I made a quick calculation on the demo coil of Steorn Adendum video.
It's 0.077 Ohm!
I wonder whether that is a realistic value, looking at the amount of wire that has been used for this coil.
Where can I buy Metglas 2714A. ????????????????????
Where can I buy Metglas 2714A. ????????
Thanks. Larskro.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 20, 2010, 12:48:28 PM
My recommendations to anyone who has the resources to make a self runner is to -->
1. Get magnetic ball bearings.
2. Make sure your toroid has a many turns as possible, but be very careful about parallel capacitance. This means you should know how to wind a core. Trust me, you just can start winding away.
3. Try to make your setup as balanced as possible because IMO the Orbo seems to like high rpm. Higher the rpm increases the COP measurements if you can keep the friction losses down. If memory holds true in my measurements, higher rpm does not increase the joule heating losses, but does increase the output (e.g., in friction heating in my case).
4. Reduce air drag as much as possible.
5. Keep as much metal away from the toroid & magnets to prevent eddy currents.
6?. I have not confirmed this yet, but it seems that the Orbo likes strong magnetic attraction. If true, then you'll want to use a North-South dual NdFeB set. This will greatly increase the magnetic pull prior to TDC. You just need to make sure your current can overcome it. Although, I'm certain there's an optimum distance between magnets and core. My NdFeB magnets are small.
Anyhow, I've spent enough time on the "orbo replication," and given my recent well over COP 1 measurements I'm convinced the Orbo is legit and over COP 1. So I'll be going back to my old magnetic designs, which IMO use the exact effect that Steorn is using, a magnetic switch, even though Sean says otherwise. I think Sean is great, but if it's true that Orbo is based on a magnetic switch, then IMO that pretty much stops him from preventing other companies from marketing similar technology. The magnetic switch concept has been around for before Steorn.
Enjoy! The more experienced builders here should have great results with the Metglas cores, to say the least!
Quote from: callanan on January 20, 2010, 07:36:44 AM
Hi Jimboot,
Using the UGN3503, put a 10K from the mosfet gate to the positive of your 12V supply and another 10K from the mosfet gate to the ground. Then connect the output from the hall sensor directly to the mosfet gate. Power the hall sensor from a seperate 6V supply but make sure the ground of this supply is connected to the ground of the mosfet supply. This should work as it has worked for me using an IRF1405 mosfet.
Don't forget that hall sensors are magnetic polarity sensitive to N or S in reference to their front face or back face.
Wow thanks Ossie. My metglas just arrived! But it isn't the squareloop unfortunately. That won't stop me playing with it tonight though!
[Hello all
What a pleasure to follow this thread since the beginning
thanks to all for the sharing of such a good work and very special thanks to Ossie .
yes the quest for overunity is very important but simple and "practical" easy to do and cheap proto is ,IMO, one of the good way to succes in this quest.
So my testings here under , sorry only pictures, but i promise, i will soon learn how to use video. hmmmmm!
So after having tested the crude replication of orbo with normal ferrite which works very well, Ossie proposed the flat toroid idea, which i replicated at once.
Very good results and sooooooo easy to wound a real pleasure for amateur as i am.
-toroid core simple clamps of unknown material
- wounded with 0.4 mm copper very crude making
- resistance of the coil= 2 ohm shortcut is 1.5 A protection diode through the coil is very recommnanded to prevent kick back sparks to destroy the reed switch
- all magnet are neodym
- this setup works with 4.5 volts battery the current is about 200 mA direct through a reed switch (no electronic)
- works very well and by braking the main shaft the current seems to stay constant about 200 to 220 ma..... back EFM and Mister Lenz in Holliday ????
- kick back recuprration through a high voltage cap (MOT) and i can light a neon bulb each 5 seconds.
-Very interesting
- i will receive some material to go further and will keep you informed
- and bravo to Ossie for its last video very helpfull Hi Hi only one 1 wire core hehe thats how i see the future
best for you all
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 20, 2010, 10:22:16 AM
I recommended the UGN3130, not the UGN3503. My circuit works fine for me.
Yeah I got that but all that seems avail here in Aust is the 3503. 'sok Ossie has come to my rescue!
Quote from: callanan on January 20, 2010, 08:47:36 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest videos as follows.
This is seriously ingenious stuff. If you are ever in Melbourne I owe you a beer!
Hi All,
There is some great work going on !
@Ossie. What inspired you to go with the wire core and where are you sourcing your enamelled wire from and how many mm is it ?
Guys, what I need help with is a 555 Monostable one shot. I have found many examples on the net, but not sure what values to use. I would like to feed the hall effect pulse to trigger the 555, then be able to adjust the pulse width & length to drive the scr.
Can anyone give me a helping hand ?
Kind Regards, Penno
Hello ALL,
I continue with my slow methodical build... ;)
Here is my latest build video. I am seriously detail oriented, as if you couldn't tell! LOL
Hi All,
I received my cores yesterday. Interesting the results. They do NOT pull in as strong as ferrite but what they do is most excellent. With about 45 turns on a core, my inductance is about 1mH but the best part, when saturated, the inductance is only 6-7uH! A huge swing.
I hope later today to test the viscous properties of a coil in a real motor situation, real time to determing the BEST pulse width to the core relative to the angular difference of the magnet. I suspect that best point is near TDC with resultant highest saturation of core. It is all time dependent. There is a demonstrated definitive time lag to this viscous pulse, it will by the mechanics make the motor a very speed dependent device. The width of the "Power" pulse must be short enough not to interfere with the later viscous pulse and thus, the motor does become a somewhat 1 speed device when in its best OU condition.
The ugly fact is that the viscous pulse is in the toroid core and hence contained inside the core so it can NOT add any mechanical energy to the rotor directly but you must use the pulse (not CEMF but VEMF [Viscous EMF])to add energy back to the electrical side of the system (battery/Cap./ etc )and then use it elsewhere or back into the rotor cores to keep it ou, as there are very finite units of voltage and current where the coil is working at its best. There are other possibilities that will have to be studied as time goes by. On further thought, there is a way the OU inductive magnified VEMF pulse can add energy directly to the rotor. There are so many things that have to be taken into effect. Steorn has not even started to go into the effects of the LARGE VEMF pulse!
Pic. of one of 16 coils. I am using 1 magnet, two coils instead of 1 coil/two magnets.
Hi Gang,
Viscous pulse in a MetGlass core. Non canceling mode first.
Quote from: penno64 on January 20, 2010, 11:14:06 PM
Guys, what I need help with is a 555 Monostable one shot. I have found many examples on the net, but not sure what values to use. I would like to feed the hall effect pulse to trigger the 555, then be able to adjust the pulse width & length to drive the scr.
Can anyone give me a helping hand ?
Kind Regards, Penno
Here's a simple and dirty Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) With 555 Timer. Schematic is below.
Part list:1) 555 timer IC - 1
2) 100K variable resistor - 1
3) 1N4148 Diode - 2
4) 100nF capacitor - 2
The 555 Timer IC:PIN 1 - Ground
DC Ground
PIN 2 - Trigger
When LOW, it causes the Output pin to go HIGH. Activated when voltage fall
below 1/3 of +V.
PIN 3 - Output
Output is HIGH when Trigger pin is LOW. Output is LOW when Threshold pin is
HIGH. Output is LOW when reset pin is LOW. Output pin is able to source or sink
PIN 4 - Reset
Short to +V when not in use.
PIN 5 - Control Voltage
Grounded through a capacitor when not in use.
PIN 6 - Threshold
When voltage reaches 2/3 of +V, this pin will cause Output to be driven LOW.
PIN 7 - Discharge
Grounded when Output pin goes HIGH.
PIN 8 - +V
DC Power
How it works:When the circuit is powered up, the C1 capacitor will initially be in a discharged state. Thus, the Trigger (pin 2) will be LOW, driving the Output (pin 3) to go HIGH. Discharge (pin 7) goes HIGH and goes ground. The cycle begins.
The HIGH Output will cause C1 capacitor to be charged through the R1 and D1 path. Upon C1 voltage reaching 2/3 of +V, the Threshold (pin 6) will be activated and drive the Output (pin 3) LOW. Discharge (pin 7) goes LOW. The time it takes for C1 to charge depends on the position of R1.
Since Output (pin 3) is now LOW, capacitor C1 will start to discharge through the D2 and R1 path. When the voltage of C1 drops below 1/3 of +V, Trigger (pin 2) will be LOW, driving Output (pin 3) to go HIGH, and Discharge (pin 7) to go HIGH and shorts to ground. The cycle repeats itself.
You've probably noticed that the circuit is using Discharge (pin 7) to drive the motor, simply by going ground in each cycle. You can add some amount of protection if you're concerned about back EMF from the motor.
Pin 4 and 5 are not used, and pin 1 is simply tied to ground. The circuit can take between +3v to +18v. The Frequency is around 144Hz. Do note that, doubling the value of C1 will reduce frequency to half, tripling will reduce frequency to 1/3, and so on.
Please note: The 555 timer circuit just gets connected to the motor. It doesn't change the rest of the circuitry inside the motor such as the hall sensor or mosfet. This is a very simple circuit to control the PWM and speed of the motor.
Can anyone tell me what is happening , or not happening with Steorn? Is there any news of the promised demonstrations/ experiments . Or is this another Mylow / Agentgates type disappearance scam? Did I miss something?
Quote from: k4zep on January 21, 2010, 10:47:05 AM
Hi Gang,
Viscous pulse in a MetGlass core. Non canceling mode first.
Ben, nice coil. I am looking forward to your next tests.
What gage wire are you using for you metglas coil?
Second question what did you use for your inductance tests? Do you think this meter on ebay work?
specs are Inductance ranges with
Quote from: maw2432 on January 21, 2010, 05:09:14 PM
Ben, nice coil. I am looking forward to your next tests.
What gage wire are you using for you metglas coil?
Second question what did you use for your inductance tests? Do you think this meter on ebay work?
specs are Inductance ranges with
Hi Bill,
#22 Wire, 44 turns fills my cores 100% on the inside. I use a LC Meter IIB by Almost All Digital Electronics I built as a kit 3-4 years ago.
The meter on Ebay looks like it would be an excellent buy for the money and is a absolute necessity in this type of experiments!
More to come as time and energy dictates.......I hope to show that a INPUT power pulse is amplified both in voltage and current hence POWER by the inductance change as it leaves the rotor field.
I've come across some interesting information on the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect, and I think it is related to the Orbo effect in many ways. It has to do with the rise time and decay time of the pulse. Also, with nano-crystalline or layered crystalline materials, such as metglas. It shows how the core materials and construction freely localizes the B-field (the curled component of the A-potential), and how that leaves the uncurled A-potential extending out into surrounding space.
An easy way to show this localization is to place a strong straight bar permanent magnet in the inside air space of the transformer, across its open diameter. Air gaps at the contact ends should be absolutely minimized. For a core exhibiting the AB effect, almost the entire magnetic field B of the magnet is drawn into the localization area and no longer spills out into space around the bar magnet! A good magnetic field meter with excellent probe, placed directly against the surface of the magnet over one of its poles, will show almost zero “spilling out into space†of the magnetic field B. If this effect does not happen, then one knows that the core is not exhibiting B-localization and is not producing the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 21, 2010, 08:17:12 PM
I've come across some interesting information on the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect, and I think it is related to the Orbo effect in many ways. It has to do with the rise time and decay time of the pulse. Also, with nano-crystalline or layered crystalline materials, such as metglas. It shows how the core materials and construction freely localizes the B-field (the curled component of the A-potential), and how that leaves the uncurled A-potential extending out into surrounding space.
An easy way to show this localization is to place a strong straight bar permanent magnet in the inside air space of the transformer, across its open diameter. Air gaps at the contact ends should be absolutely minimized. For a core exhibiting the AB effect, almost the entire magnetic field B of the magnet is drawn into the localization area and no longer spills out into space around the bar magnet! A good magnetic field meter with excellent probe, placed directly against the surface of the magnet over one of its poles, will show almost zero “spilling out into space†of the magnetic field B. If this effect does not happen, then one knows that the core is not exhibiting B-localization and is not producing the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
I thought amorphous alloys were non-crystaline
Quote from: Jimboot on January 21, 2010, 10:05:25 PM
I thought amorphous alloys were non-crystaline
FINEMET alloy is a
nanocrystalline material obtained by heat treating an
iron based amorphous alloy, we be using the FINEMET square loop magnetic cores instead of the Metglas square loop magnetic cores? Is Metglas square loop cores a nanocrystalline material like the FINEMET square loop cores?
Quote from: gravityblock on January 21, 2010, 10:57:19 PM
FINEMET alloy is a nanocrystalline material obtained by heat treating an iron based amorphous alloy,
Should we be using the FINEMET square loop A cores instead of the Metglas square loop A cores? Is Metglas square loop cores a nanocrystalline material like the FINEMET square loop cores?
IMHO Saturation induction at 20°C 1.23 T makes it not usable in ORBO application. At least not in the one we're trying to replicate. But it could be usefull in the bigger unit as it would mean that you can use stronger magnets.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 22, 2010, 03:50:13 AM
IMHO Saturation induction at 20°C 1.23 T makes it not usable in ORBO application. At least not in the one we're trying to replicate. But it could be usefull in the bigger unit as it would mean that you can use stronger magnets.
Saturation flux density for
both Metglas square loop and Finemet square loop cores are
0.57T. The
maximum saturation flux density for Finemet is 1.23T at 20 degrees. I can't find what the maximum saturation flux density for Metglas square loop cores are at 20 degrees, it doesn't say.....unless I'm overlooking something or not understanding something properly.
Saturation induction is the maximum intrinsic induction possible in a material. Also known as saturation flux density. Saturation flux density is the state reached when an increase in applied external magnetizing field H cannot increase the magnetization of the material further, so the total magnetic field B levels off and can be seen in the BH curve or hysteresis curve.
IMO, the Finemet square loop cores need to be tested. This looks promising to me and appears to be a good candidate to have an Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect which could be what the Orbo effect is based on.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 22, 2010, 07:46:35 AM
Saturation flux density for both Metglas square loop and Finemet square loop cores are 0.57T. The maximum saturation flux density for Finemet is 1.23T at 20 A. I can't find what the maximum saturation flux density for Metglas square loop cores are at 20 degrees, it doesn't say.....unless I'm overlooking something or not understanding something properly.
Yes I've also noticed that but looking at the hysteresis loop makes me think that they've just simply made a mistake in the table. All in all Bsat for Finemet is 1.23T.
A very basic question to you knowledgeable people around here:
In Steorn's latest videos they showed some details of the current measurements, like below picture taken from one of these videos (the yellow trace)
Now, according to theory, if you switch on a coil, the current flow is increasing very rapidly from the start and then saturates (like the black curve in the graph below)
Steorns current curve shows differently, indicated by the blue dashed curve in the same graph below
Why is that?
Quote from: k4zep on January 21, 2010, 10:47:05 AM
Hi Gang,
Viscous pulse in a MetGlass core. Non canceling mode first.
Very interesting and informative test, Ben.
When the magnet is approaching, we see a first positive pulse. At a particular level threshold, the signal goes back to zero and remains at zero, and after a certain delay, there is a negative pulse when the magnet moves away.
Imho it is not a question of magnetic viscosity. The first positive pulse is caused by the variation of magnetic flux from the magnet through the coil (classical induction law). The increasing flux gradually saturates the toroid core. The saturation of the core reduces the permeability, producing an opposing flux variation through the coil. We have two antagonist effects.
At a particular threshold, the variation of flux because of permeability change is equal to that one from the approaching magnet. The variation of flux is nullified. The signal abruptly falls to zero. It does not become negative, because the flux change because of permeability cannot exceed that one from the moving magnet: we have like a servomechanism, with feedback between magnet flux and permeability flux changes. This balance is shown by the flat step.
At some position, the flux change because of increasing permeability can no longer compensate the decreasing flux change from the magnet moving away, thus we have the negative pulse (classical induction law).
The flat step is the more interesting. It is the reason of constant values of U and I of the pulse powering the Steorn motor.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 22, 2010, 07:54:13 AM
Yes I've also noticed that but looking at the hysteresis loop makes me think that they've just simply made a mistake in the table. All in all Bsat for Finemet is 1.23T.
The word maximum has no meaning to you? It could very well be a mistake as you suggested, but this "maximum" flux density suggests it is not a mistake in the table. Also, the table shows both the saturation flux density and the saturation induction (maximum flux density) at 20 degrees for the Finemet. The Saturation flux density is 0.57T and the saturation induction at 20 degrees is 1.23T. Why would they list both in the table if they were the same? They also don't bother to list the saturation induction numbers with the Meglas, why not? I don't think it's a mistake, those two numbers appear to have different meanings and that's why they're both listed in the table. The saturation induction is probably a unique property of the Finemet cores as compared to the Metglas cores.
This could be what is responsible for the energy gain in inductance due to the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect. A material may have an Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect, but if the core can't hold the additional energy being pulled into it, then it won't have an energy gain in inductance. There will only be an energy gain in inductance if the core can hold this additional energy due to the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect or other unknown effects that is pulling this additional energy into the core material. If the saturation induction is higher than the bsat, then the core can hold additional energy that is being pulled into it, thus an energy gain in inductance. Other than this, the Finemet and Metglas cores are almost identical in properties. There must be something different between the two cores, and I think the main difference is the saturation inductance.
We need a little diversification. Don't put all of our eggs in the same basket. I guess we need to find out if it's a mistake or not, and if it's not a mistake, then what are the advantages and disadvantages with this material. You do bring up a good point with the hysteresis loop though. Fascinating stuff.
[Edit:] There is a saturation point where the core starts to lose attractiveness (around 0.45T), a saturation point where the core is no longer attractive (0.57T, Bsat), and a saturation point where additional flux can no longer be held within the core (1.23T, Saturation Induction). This is how I'm looking at it.
In the Finemet, 1.23T / 0.57T =
2.15 and 1.23T / 0.45T =
2.73. These numbers with the Finemet cores are close to the Cop > 2 claims by Steorn.
In the Metglas, 0.57T(Bsat) / 0.57T (assuming the saturation induction is the same as the Bsat) = 1.0 minus electrical losses, air friction, friction in the bearings, etc. would put it below unity with the Metglas cores, or at unity/slightly above if the saturation induction is a little higher than 0.57, or if we calculate it with 0.45T with the Metglas. I realize this may not be the correct way to figure this up and could be called pseudoscience, but the results are interesting nonetheless. Why isn't the Finemet cores being discussed as a possible core material? IMO, the Finemet has some interesting potential and shouldn't be ignored.
Quote from: teslaalset on January 22, 2010, 08:35:01 AM
A very basic question to you knowledgeable people around here:
In Steorn's latest videos they showed some details of the current measurements, like below picture taken from one of these videos (the yellow trace)
Now, according to theory, if you switch on a coil, the current flow is increasing very rapidly from the start and then saturates (like the black curve in the graph below)
Steorns current curve shows differently, indicated by the blue dashed curve in the same graph below
Why is that?
I thought Sean explained that... I remember him referring to that noisy, gently sloping up region before the vertical increase in current. Does it have to do with the turn on time of the switching device?
What's the time-scale/division on that pic?
Quote from: markzpeiverson on January 22, 2010, 11:59:13 AM
I thought Sean explained that... I remember him referring to that noisy, gently sloping up region before the vertical increase in current. Does it have to do with the turn on time of the switching device?
What's the time-scale/division on that pic?
Sean mentioned that this is related to the change in permeability.
Change in permeability means change in induction value.
It still remains an induction. The curve doesn't indicate that.
Time scale, vertical, is 10 mA per division.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 22, 2010, 09:53:07 AM
[Edit:] There is a saturation point where the core starts to lose attractiveness (around 0.45T), a saturation point where the core is no longer attractive (0.57T, Bsat), and a saturation point where additional flux can no longer be held within the core (1.23T, Saturation Induction). This is how I'm looking at it.
In the Finemet, 1.23T / 0.57T = 2.15 and 1.23T / 0.45T = 2.73. These numbers with the Finemet cores are close to the Cop > 2 claims by Steorn.
In the Metglas, 0.57T(Bsat) / 0.57T (assuming the saturation induction is the same as the Bsat) = 1.0 minus electrical losses, air friction, friction in the bearings, etc. would put it below unity with the Metglas cores, or at unity/slightly above if the saturation induction is a little higher than 0.57, or if we calculate it with 0.45T with the Metglas. I realize this may not be the correct way to figure this up and could be called pseudoscience, but the results are interesting nonetheless. Why isn't the Finemet cores being discussed as a possible core material? IMO, the Finemet has some interesting potential and shouldn't be ignored.
GB, interesting theory.
If I look to the B-H curve of Finemet then the saturation level shows 1.23 T.
Shouldn't that be 0.57 with your approach?
Also, how would one use the ratio Bindsat/Bsat to get the the extra energy out in your view? I.e. what would be the sequence of operation to benifit from the AB effect?
Quote from: teslaalset on January 22, 2010, 01:30:44 PM
GB, interesting theory.
If I look to the B-H curve of Finemet then the saturation level shows 1.23 T.
Shouldn't that be 0.57 with your approach?
Also, how would one use the ratio Bindsat/Bsat to get the the extra energy out in your view? I.e. what would be the sequence of operation to benifit from the AB effect?
The B-H curve of Finemet is showing the saturation point of 1.23T which is the point where it can't hold anymore flux inside the core. The 0.57T is when the material has 0% attraction and this doesn't end the B-H curve in the Finemet. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong. I just think it needs to be researched and not overlooked.
One such area is strong gradients (as used on the leading and trailing edges of the input energy pulses) and another is memory characteristic of materials (as in the nanocrystalline core materials and structure that freely localize the B-field and thus evoke the Aharonov-Bohm effect and possibly needs a much higher Bindsat than the Bsat in order to benefit. Nanocrystalline or layered crystalline cores may not be necessary and may only improve efficiency. The wiki article I used as a reference says the affect has been noticed in carbon nanotubes, non-superconducting metallic rings, and nano rings.
Bruce_TPU mentions TB in the solid state thread and suggests the core material doesn't need to be a nanocrystalline material and steel could possibly be used and this would be inline with the Adams motor also, but he hasn't linked it to the Aharonov-Bohm effect yet,
Once you start connecting the dots, then it's really hard to overlook this. The dots are the Aharonov-Bohm effect, TB MEG based on this affect, nanocrystalline and other cores, rise time in current according to Steorn and TB, possible energy gain in inductance due to a much higher Bindsat than the Bsat of the material, if the effect is present in the material. Both Sean and TB refers to modifying time frames and pulling this extra energy into the core from space/time. If one reads all of the reference materials I first provided when I mentioned this, then the dots are easy to connect in my view. This has to do with the uncurled A potential outside of the core of the curled B field localized inside the core. k4zep has even mentioned the uncurled A, I believe. It's time to start connecting the dots, and I think all of the dots have something in common.
Wheeler clearly pointed out that mass and space continually interact. Quoting Wheeler: "Space acts on matter, telling it how to move. In turn, matter reacts back on space, telling it how to curve."
The extra energy that is pulled into the core more than likely adds mechanical energy to the system while utilizing less input energy to do so. In the ssOrbo, you won't have the mechanical gain, but the additional energy that is pulled into the core will follow the flux path of the ferromagnetic materials which would be beneficial.
A lot of this stuff is over my head at the moment. It will take a little time before I am able to wrap my mind around it better. I understand the main concept, but not all of the small details, etc. This is why I'm trying to bring this to everyone's attention. The worst case scenario in researching this material and effect is possibly learning a little more.
Hi GB,
Just please write an email to the producer of this core and he will simply tell you it's a mistake. As for the rest I will just stay quiet ;]
Quote from: Airstriker on January 22, 2010, 05:11:49 PM
Hi GB,
Just please write an email to the producer of this core and he will simply tell you it's a mistake. As for the rest I will just stay quiet ;]
If the magnets are pre-saturating the cores at 0.47T, then do you really think 10,000mA in the pulse with a highly permeable material is only going to create 0.10T flux density to saturate the core at 0.57T where it is no longer attractive? No, the 10,000mA (10amps) in a highly permeable core is going to create a much higher flux density inside the core to saturate it at much higher values than we're currently talking about.
Take a look at this post, . It says, "the N25 is rated at
0.98-1.02 T. Divide this by half and we have 500mT (0.5T) on one end...a perfect match!"
The 0.98T-1.02T is much closer to 1.23T than the half on one end we've been working with. The field strength of the dual magnets with opposite poles won't be one half when they're TDC with the core and the pulse would only need to saturate the core with 0.23T with the Finemet as compared to the 0.10T with the metglas while taking only one end into consideration relative to the core.
I've asked this question before and nobody cares to answer it. How much flux density will 10amps with any given core provide in flux density to help saturate it so it is no longer attractive? Answering this question in addition to the proper strength of magnets will help to determine what core is being used and nobody cares to answer this. The 10amps in the pulse has been totally left out of the equation.
It doesn't matter if it's a mistake or not. If it's not a mistake, then the 10amps pulse in addition to the magnets could be giving it a total of 1.23T flux density inside the core for a Finemet core.
The questions I am asking now and have asked earlier in this thread aren't being taken into consideration. It's like the 10amps in the pulse is totally being ignored. Everybody is trying it at relatively low amps compared to the 10amps from Steorn. Even Paul is using lower amps in his Metglas core so he doesn't cause the core to flip so he can try to capture the BEMF. There is good reason why Steorn is using higher amps and it has nothing to do with flipping it or not. If it's being flipped at lower amps, then maybe it's not the correct core.
I don't see any true replication attempts. The replication attempts I am seeing is people modifying the setup trying to improve on it or following their own ideas on trying to obtain the Orbo effect. I have a feeling people are holding back the data on their experiments because they're not getting the expected results. Of course not, because we're building and not replicating.
I give up. This is a waste of time. Sean was right in his statement about the people on their forum don't make up the scientific community. I didn't agree with him before, but I do now.
I don't have all of the answers, and there are things I don't understand......but I do know when things aren't adding up correctly.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 22, 2010, 08:57:45 PM
If the magnets are pre-saturating the cores at 0.47T, then do you really think 10,000mA in the pulse with a highly permeable material is only going to create 0.10T flux density to saturate the core at 0.57T where it is no longer attractive? No, the 10,000mA (10amps) in a highly permeable core is going to create a much higher flux density inside the core to saturate it at much higher values than we're currently talking about.
Sure but nobody has ever said that ORBO uses 10A! If you've figured that out from the battery that Steorn is using then you must know that 10000mAh battery doesn't mean that it must provide 10A current. I don't really think that it can even provide such a current without any harm to the battery itself.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 22, 2010, 09:14:24 PM
Sure but nobody has ever said that ORBO uses 10A! If you've figured that out from the battery that Steorn is using then you must know that 10000mAh battery doesn't mean that it must provide 10A current. I don't really think that it can even provide such a current without any harm to the battery itself.
There's a big difference in 10,000mAh compared to 300mAh or less to what people are currently trying. Even the current Paul tested his device on was only 1/3 of what the battery in the Orbo is delivery because he didn't want to flip it. Let's put things into perspective for a change. We're trying to do it with less. Sometimes less is not better. We're trying to do it our way instead of following what Steorn is doing. Trying to do it with less and not following what Steorn is doing is not replicating, it's just building.
I wonder how many people are using a 10,000mAh battery like Steorn is using in their Orbo replication attempts? Not 1 that I have seen. If we can't get what is known right, then I doubt we will get what is not known right, such as the core.
Less voltage, more current to match the Orbo. Different core materials need to be tested and results compared since we're not 100% sure of the correct core. This is just common sense and logical. How anyone can disagree or ignore this is beyond me, but yet this is what will happen more than likely. Totally unbelievable. It doesn't really surprise me though, because I see it happen all the time.
Hi Gang,
Let me say, I have 16 wound cores, 45 turns each, same type of core and individually, each looks different on the scope in a static moving magnetic field condition as to how/when it switches and it is entirely non linear.. Some you can see the viscous delay and others it just isn't there...... I did NOT take into account the direction of the winding in the core and hence get different effects out of each core or that is at least one possibility. Then too, when you put two cores next to each other, hell of an interaction between them when there shouldn't be. Cancelation of fields which should occur, doesn't, addition of inductive fields doesn't make any sense.....This device is a bear to work with. Have to back up and start with one coil. Possibly will have to go ahead and put in the motor mode with variable pulse width and hight and timing to see if I can get all to match up, as they simply do NOT in a purely inductive magnetic field situation!...........Oh, I have a 10 Amp nimH battery when I need it..... but are not there yet and don't need it! It is possible that my two coil/ one magnet theory does not work and I will have rework my rotor to a two magnet system.....
Pulling my hair out,
Quote from: gravityblock on January 22, 2010, 08:57:45 PM
I don't see any true replication attempts. The replication attempts I am seeing is people modifying the setup trying to improve on it or following their own ideas on trying to obtain the Orbo effect. I have a feeling people are holding back the data on their experiments because they're not getting the expected results. Of course not, because we're building and not replicating.
I give up. This is a waste of time. Sean was right in his statement about the people on their forum don't make up the scientific community. I didn't agree with him before, but I do now.
Well, don't count us all out yet. And yes, some of us have been watching every single theory that has been popped out here. Just because we don't all reply to it, does not mean we are ignoring it. Trust me, I've been following all your comments, and trying to learn more about each effect, and move along as best I can. Keep it coming, just don't get to frustrated. The search for free energy is not an easy one without headaches.
I don't like siding with people who seem to just argue about everything, but I must say, just because they used a 10 amp hr battery, does not mean they are using that much current at all. For all we know, they are using 5ma of current, and just simply wanted a battery that could run their orbo for days easily if it did not charge as planned. You must realize, after the public humiliation Steorn went through last time, I'm quite sure they were planning on avoiding showing a motor that died after 1 hour of operation if it did not work as planned. I personally think the 10 amp hr battery was just a form of insurance for them.
I have not posted much about my replications, for a couple reasons. My digital camcorder shot craps so have not been able to shoot video, although I think I found a camera that will work okay now. Also, my replications have quite frankly not shown anything different than the others yet, so nothing good to post about them. My current replication is not done yet but is as exact as I am able to do so far to replicating Orbo. Here's a couple photo's just to show I am working on the dual magnet version and the vertical toroidal coils. It's obviously not done yet, and I do not even have the uprights attached yet or all the magnets installed. But I just wanted to show the direction my replication is taking. Hopefully I will at least get enough time to get it running in a day or so.
Something that keeps bugging me is this. If the orbo we see when watching live cam 1, is actually putting more energy in the battery than it is taking out, why hasn't the battery exploded yet? lol, just curious. Second, unless maybe they have been swapping the battery when I have not checked, then either that 10 amp hr battery is lasting a very long time, or they are looping the video. I don't know the answer to any of these questions, just thought I'd add my 2 cents.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 22, 2010, 08:57:45 PM
I don't see any true replication attempts. The replication attempts I am seeing is people modifying the setup trying to improve on it or following their own ideas on trying to obtain the Orbo effect. I have a feeling people are holding back the data on their experiments because they're not getting the expected results. Of course not, because we're building and not replicating.
Have to agree with GB, and coming from a scientific backround, the initial goal should be an exact replication. Once that is achieved, then begin trying variations...
It should be painfully obvious that the positioning of a coil by a millimeter one way or the other could decide success or failure... and when you've got 10s of millimeters as a possible position, the chances for INCORRECT positioning, and thus FAILURE, are far greater than getting it right. This begs an exact replication first to verify operation, and then you can 'get creatve'...
Quote from: teslaalset on January 22, 2010, 12:32:31 PM
Time scale, vertical, is 10 mA per division.
Say what??? Me thinks you've been dipping into that Tillamook Dew a wee too much! ;)
Time scale is on the HORIZONTAL axis, and it is not milliamps (mA). Go sleep it off! LoL
Quote from: markzpeiverson on January 23, 2010, 02:50:43 AM
Have to agree with GB, and coming from a scientific backround, the initial goal should be an exact replication. Once that is achieved, then begin trying variations...
It should be painfully obvious that the positioning of a coil by a millimeter one way or the other could decide success or failure... and when you've got 10s of millimeters as a possible position, the chances for INCORRECT positioning, and thus FAILURE, are far greater than getting it right. This begs an exact replication first to verify operation, and then you can 'get creatve'...
I completely agree. But there is a little problem with an EXACT replication. There is NO FRIGGIN INFO!!! STEORN, come on now, throw us a bone here. We do not know the core material for sure, the number of turns, the polarity of the magnets, the current draw, the gap between the magnets and coils, and we do not even know for sure if it works even after we get a PERFECT replication. We also have not been told whether or not the device they use for testing, with the coils laid horizontal, even shows the same COP>1 than the other design. We also do not know what the scope shot looks like on an orbo with vertical coils, because they have neglected to show any tests at all with that version except let us watch it spin. Since we do not know if the horizontal core device shows OU, we are guessing on magnet strength also. The magnets they tested the strength of, were not even part of either of their original demo's. They were part of a demo built to show the inductance change.
Therefore, it is IMPOSSIBLE to make an exact replication without some info. We can make a device that looks like an orbo, and acts like an orbo... but even if we got it right on accident, we wouldn't even know if it was an orbo, or a crap load of assumptions thrown into a big pile that happened to work.
But, we keep trying anyway... And that leaves most of us simply trying to replicate the orbo "effect", instead of replicating the orbo itself. Because it's the only thing we really seem to have info on. So even though everyone is drifting different directions, I can't really blame them.
My understanding is that specifications, data and pertinent info will be issued with registrations/licenses a week from now: February 1, 2010.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 22, 2010, 11:36:40 PM
Well, don't count us all out yet. And yes, some of us have been watching every single theory that has been popped out here. Just because we don't all reply to it, does not mean we are ignoring it. Trust me, I've been following all your comments, and trying to learn more about each effect, and move along as best I can. Keep it coming, just don't get to frustrated. The search for free energy is not an easy one without headaches.
I don't like siding with people who seem to just argue about everything, but I must say, just because they used a 10 amp hr battery, does not mean they are using that much current at all. For all we know, they are using 5ma of current, and just simply wanted a battery that could run their orbo for days easily if it did not charge as planned. You must realize, after the public humiliation Steorn went through last time, I'm quite sure they were planning on avoiding showing a motor that died after 1 hour of operation if it did not work as planned. I personally think the 10 amp hr battery was just a form of insurance for them.
I have not posted much about my replications, for a couple reasons. My digital camcorder shot craps so have not been able to shoot video, although I think I found a camera that will work okay now. Also, my replications have quite frankly not shown anything different than the others yet, so nothing good to post about them. My current replication is not done yet but is as exact as I am able to do so far to replicating Orbo. Here's a couple photo's just to show I am working on the dual magnet version and the vertical toroidal coils. It's obviously not done yet, and I do not even have the uprights attached yet or all the magnets installed. But I just wanted to show the direction my replication is taking. Hopefully I will at least get enough time to get it running in a day or so.
Thanks CP,
Just venting my frustration helps in the thinking process. After I sent the message, I realized what I was asking of the cores and
the flaws in my testing procedure and went to bed to sleep on it. I now am just going to match cores with no field (max inductance) and go for it.
The dynamics of the switching process when the core is partially/mostly saturated with an additional pulse which would push further towards saturation is beyond my abilities to measure at this time. There must be a way to see/measure that resultant viscous pulse in the dynamic state so that we may quantitate it for verification of this process.....
You keep up your good work and thoughts process. The deeper we get into this device, the larger the room of uncertainty until we get a handle on the basic "Kernel" of how this operates. Until someone demonstrates OU (Steorn included) this is all just a neat theory!
Hi all I was hoping you could help me. I'm trying to get my circuit working with a UGN3503 sensor. It's based on PL circuit and Ossie with recc on how to power the 6V Hall sensor. The I am measuring a low of 1V across the sensor when activated. I thought it should go to 0. Across the coils I am measuring around 1 - 2 volts With drops of around 0.25 of a volt when using the sensor. Or my reed switch I was getting much higher voltages and drops at the coil. Any help appreciated.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 23, 2010, 08:58:18 AM
Hi all I was hoping you could help me. I'm trying to get my circuit working with a UGN3503 sensor. It's based on PL circuit and Ossie with recc on how to power the 6V Hall sensor. The I am measuring a low of 1V across the sensor when activated. I thought it should go to 0. Across the coils I am measuring around 1 - 2 volts With drops of around 0.25 of a volt when using the sensor. Or my reed switch I was getting much higher voltages and drops at the coil. Any help appreciated.
Hi Jimboot,
That's an extremely sensitive hall effect sensor. I'm using a hall effect switch. Anyhow, here's the datasheet, (
And here's a circuit that someone made for that the UGN3503, (
The UGN3503 seems very nice in that's extremely sensitive, meaning you can place it farther away from the magnets, but definitely requires a different circuit.
Hi JB,
Please finish your schematic with pin #'s on UGN, show source and drain on FET, and this afternoon, I'll try and correct it for you if no one else will help....DC resistance of coil????? Without a square up amp like Paul showed above, it won't switch fast enough. While an excellent linear sensor, you need a switching action Hall effect that is either high or low for a start. A mono-polar device that turns on with a N field and turns off with no field if used in a monopole motor. But anything can be made to work....Do you have a scope????
Quote from: Jimboot on January 23, 2010, 08:58:18 AM
Hi all I was hoping you could help me. I'm trying to get my circuit working with a UGN3503 sensor. It's based on PL circuit and Ossie with recc on how to power the 6V Hall sensor. The I am measuring a low of 1V across the sensor when activated. I thought it should go to 0. Across the coils I am measuring around 1 - 2 volts With drops of around 0.25 of a volt when using the sensor. Or my reed switch I was getting much higher voltages and drops at the coil. Any help appreciated.
Hi jb
here under the hall switching i use . It is a modified config of PL schema. It works very well on both my ossie-monocoil and my orbo testing . It works with a BUZ 11A also. The Hall sensor is a TLE 4905 L, perhaps easyer to use . The led is not necessary but it shows the impuls. The Diode IN 4007 is not necessary but prevent the kickback impuls and the motor spins smoother why ??? Any idea ??
On the picture you see the scope shot without the diode installed. The kickback is at about 100 volts. If i put a 1 microfarad 2000volts cap between the drain and the diode i can light a neon bulb almost continuesly.
Is there any body trying to replicate the Ossie- Monocoil motor or the one -wirecoil -motor. ??
Good luck
At TDC, send a pulse with a fast rise time in current (this is according to Steorn). When the current is steady and no longer increasing, start to decay the pulse with a decreasing current until the magnets are no longer attracted to the core. When the magnets are at the edge of no longer being attractive to the core, the current from the pulse should be 0. This determines the decay time in our pulse and also determines our pulse width. The current in the pulse should be decreasing towards 0 until it reaches the end of the pulse width.
At the end of the pulse, there should be an energy gain in inductance that possibly could be captured as BEMF if the timing is right. We won't be able to capture the BEMF from the pulse because it will be lost during the decay time.
What we're trying to do is to perturb the curled B inside the core with a decreasing decay time in the pulse, while the departing magnets are perturbing the uncurled A potential outside the core to pull energy into the core while our input pulse is decaying in time.
This keeps the core at 0% attractive force while using less input energy because the perturbed uncurled A potential is providing additional energy. This would lead to a mechanical gain that is much more than the electrical losses.
Just another wild idea. Thanks to all for not bashing me because I get a little frustrated from time to time.
Is it possible to dump the current and voltage data seen on the screen of your DSO (corresponding, say, to one full turn of the rotor) into an Excel spreadsheet and upload it here? Can you also tell us what the Ohmic resistance is of the coils where you've measured the said current and voltage?
Quote from: Omnibus on January 23, 2010, 03:12:12 PM
Is it possible to dump the current and voltage data seen on the screen of your DSO (corresponding, say, to one full turn of the rotor) into an Excel spreadsheet and upload it here? Can you also tell us what the Ohmic resistance is of the coils where you've measured the said current and voltage?
hi Omnibus
Thanks for your interest
I am now on the very basic testing of these "ORBO" concept. And I am very impressed by the Ossie Callanan idea of one coil (so easy to build) distributing all the effect through all his circonferencie. and so we can add a lot of attracting magnet on one single coil. Very intersting !!
I have made some basic testing with the multi toroid ALA steorn (my basic ser up works quite fine ) but i think there is a lot of people here who are far more advanced than i am in this direction . I will of course follow tjhe progress attentively.
But for my 2 cents in this technologies i will try to go deeper in the MONOCOIL-OSSIE idea. I hope this will not disturb this thread , and i think it is a lot to learn on this idea . Of course if it is needed i will ask Ossie Callanan if he wants to open dedicated thread to develop his idea separately.
To answer a part of your demand i have made 3 monocoil
1 is 2 Ohm about 20 meters of 0.4 mm copper on a soft core (see picture) good result at 7.2 volts it takes out 0.8 amps to spin the rotor quite fast ( sorry i did not test the rpm and torque) but encouraging first try.
2 is also 2 ohm and about 20 meters of 0.4 mm copper the core was hard steel with hole all along no success the motor did not spin at all. The cogging was very strong.
3 is 6.8 ohm and x meter of 0.3 mm copper (i dont know because i have made a machine ALA Ossie to wound it and i simply made the winding "at the nose") the scope shot you mentionned is with this winding.
So i am not ready to make deep invastigations in one or another config , i have first to test basic fonctional improvement on what Ossie said already that is the EDDY currents of the monocoil princip
so i enclose here to all the contributors of this forum some idea of how we could build these core and please feel free to give your correction and critics
It would no doubt work much better if Ossie were to wind his special coil on a steel SLINKY toy for the core!
The lamination's should nearly remove all the eddy currents.
Hey guys - great work with this thread. I think many of you don't realize that there are many of us following this, even though we don't contribute to it on a day to day basis for various reasons. Mine being that I'm unable to get the right cores and not very good with my hands. This type of replication takes more skill than using duct tape and WD40.
One idea to throw into the air is this:
I was wondering what would happen if you were to wind a toroid in the way you've been doing to cancel out the magnetic attraction of the rotor, but at the same time wind another coil AROUND the whole toroid which could be used to generate power as the field gets magnetized during rotor attraction? Drawing power from this may even increase the attraction (or not)... and this energy should be free since it's not affecting the toroid at all.
You could either have a separate pulse for that or try and pulse it at the same time. Or maybe just a diode bridge connected to a dc battery, I have not thought it through enough. Incidentally - this may be used for a solid state orbo as well - it needs experimentation.
Until I do get my cores and some time to play around I hope this could be tested by someone on this thread.
@ akashh,
Some time ago in this thread, Ossie used the same concept already. However he did not use it for generation purposes per say, he used it for a trigger coil on his transistors. But, Ossie has been moving a mile a minute with his work, and I'm not sure he ever checked to see how much could be generated that way if it wasn't only used for trigger purposes.
Hi all
Nice sunday and i got the idea to replicate the Ossie fence wire coil but on an other configuration. See attached pictures they are self explanatory.
The voltage is 7.2 volts
the coil is 2.4 Ohms wrapped one layer opf 0.3 mm copper
the diameter of the core about 3mm fence wire
the magnets are 5mm cube neomagnet 50
result is much less Eddy currents
much less cogging
the motor spin till 2120 rpm , my best result until now
but the current is about 0.8-0.9 A
So my question. Would it be better to wound the core with 1 layer thinner copper, or wound a second layer backwards with the same 0.3 mm copper
Quote from: woopy on January 24, 2010, 01:31:53 PM
the diameter of the core about 3mm fence wire
Is it a continuous strand of fence wire, or multiple cut strands?
Quotebut the current is about 0.8-0.9 A
Peak or average?
Have you tried recovering the spike energy (flyback)?
Have you tried measuring the available voltage/current in the fence wire?
FINEMET core’s magnetic properties, “B-H curve†can be controlled by applying a magnetic field during annealing. There are three types of B-H curves with the Finemet cores.
1) H type: a magnetic field is applied in a circumferential direction during annealing.
2) M type: no magnetic field is applied during annealing.
3) L type: a magnetic field is applied vertically to the core plane during annealing.
On page 2 of the Finemet intro PDF brochure,;sa=downfile&id=362 in regards to the "L type", you will see the Bsat to be 0.57T when the drive field is Hmax=8 A/m while the Bsat is 1.23T when the drive field is Hmax=800 A/m.
There are three types of B-H curve squareness; high, middle,and low remanence ratio corresponding to various applications. With this material, we'll be dealing with hard disc drive tolerances, does this ring a bell?
It is no mistake.
Quote from: 0c on January 24, 2010, 01:48:18 PM
Is it a continuous strand of fence wire, or multiple cut strands?
Peak or average?
Have you tried recovering the spike energy (flyback)?
Have you tried measuring the available voltage/current in the fence wire?
-yes it is a continous wire (plain) with 3 mm diameter fence wire
-the voltage go up at the first revolution to about 1 A and than rapidly go down to at max speed 0.78 A. and stay there. (average)
-the kickback spike is only about 40 volts and i can not light anymore the neon through the 2000volt 1 farad cap as per the previous version. i enclose a picture with only 1 led just for fun.
-I don't see how i can capture the voltage through the core. As you see the core is completely isolated and wounded. Can you be more precise on this point please ?
any propositions for next test ??
Quote from: Jimboot on January 23, 2010, 08:58:18 AM
I'm trying to get my circuit working with a UGN3503 sensor.
For the future, you should note that this device is no longer
being made. I think the replacement is the A1302. (Allegro).
to OC
i made my post in your quote
excuse me i am not very used with this forum. But i will improve
good night
Quote from: gravityblock on January 24, 2010, 03:27:07 PM
FINEMET core’s magnetic properties, “B-H curve†can be controlled by applying a magnetic field during annealing. There are three types of B-H curve squareness with the Finemet cores.
1) H type: a magnetic field is applied in a circumferential direction during annealing.
2) M type: no magnetic field is applied during annealing.
3) L type: a magnetic field is applied vertically to the core plane during annealing.
On page 2 of the Finemet intro PDF brochure,;sa=downfile&id=362 in regards to the "L type", you will see the Bsat to be 0.57T when the drive field is Hmax=8 A/m while the Bsat is 1.23T when the drive field is Hmax=800 A/m.
There are three types of B-H curve squareness; high, middle,and low remanence ratio. With this material, we'll be dealing with hard disc drive tolerances, does this ring a bell?
It is no mistake.
Nice find GB. So the Bsat can vary between 0.57T to 1.23T depending on the FINEMET core type. Anyway I don't really think we need it for the replication project. 1.23 T is too much and 0.57T is just fine - so metglas would be just fine.
As for the fence wire coil project - what is the purpose of it ?? I don't really find in it anything to do with ORBO project (if there is any sense in it at all (other than being "cool")). So I would simply suggest setting up a new thread with it.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 24, 2010, 04:18:47 PM
Nice find GB. So the Bsat can vary between 0.57T to 1.23T depending on the FINEMET core type. Anyway I don't really think we need it for the replication project. 1.23 T is too much and 0.57T is just fine - so metglas would be just fine.
As for the fence wire coil project - what is the purpose of it ?? I don't really find in it anything to do with ORBO project (if there is any sense in it at all (other than being "cool")). So I would simply suggest setting up a new thread with it.
Hello AS
who are you ??
perhaps a fantastic judge of what is good and no good for the ORBO ??
So long i know , ABSOLUTELY NOBODY and surely nor AS knows how exactly the ORBO works (if it WORKS) or do i miss something ?????
so i propose very *COOL " protos " but WORKING protos with some measurable results not very good but results which is not the habits of a lot of people here !!!
And I AM POLITELY asking to your very HONORABLE person to make some critics and proposal not to simply eject it as a POUBELLE
so long as i have understood the ORBO IS an ATTRaCTION motor with very low BEMF or eventually no BEFM or do i miss something more ???
and what i am to do now is simply to propose different possibilities to get this attraction capabilities . With of course very differents results on the yes or no BEMF and which core material to use !!!
So as mentionned earlier if this quest DOES disturb here as Mister AS suggest , i am of course ready to make a special topic for this "cool" technology .
Browsing through the MetGlas and FineMet applications, one common application mentioned is magnetic amplifiers or in short MAG AMPs.
Simple introduction: (
If you look at the principles of magnetic amplifiers you can see the resemblance with Orbo. Instead of the control DC current used in magnetic amplifiers the external magnetic field is applied.
Magnetic amplifiers amplify current.
There's lots of stuff on the internet available on MAG AMPs.
Looks like here's also the basis for the SSOrbo, the solid state version of Orbo.
If you put a permanent magnet accurately positioned next to the toroid coil this substitutes the DC control of a MAG AMP.
Quote from: woopy on January 24, 2010, 03:58:05 PM
Quote from: 0c on January 24, 2010, 01:48:18 PM
Is it a continuous strand of fence wire, or multiple cut strands?
Peak or A?
Have you tried recovering the spike energy (flyback)?
Have you tried measuring the available voltage/current in the fence wire?
-yes it is a continous wire (plain) with 3 mm diameter fence wire
-the voltage go up at the first revolution to about 1 A and than rapidly go down to at max speed 0.78 A. and stay there. (average)
-the kickback spike is only about 40 volts and i can not light anymore the neon through the 2000volt 1 farad cap as per the previous version. i enclose a picture with only 1 led just for fun.
-I don't see how i can capture the voltage through the core. As you see the core is completely isolated and wounded. Can you be more precise on this point please ?
any propositions for next test ??
The steel wire should be wound around several turns BUT must be insulated, you can use strips of newspaper around the wire if you need to so the turns of fence wire don't short out. It will serve as ferromagnetic core material and will also become a secondary generator coil. The ends of the wire must pass through the copper wire toroid.
Each pulse fed to the copper toroid wrapped around the fence wire will also induce a current in the steel fence wire. You can measure the voltage from the inner coil separately from the outer copper coil and see what happens when you connect a load across the inner core.
Quote from: Airstriker on January 24, 2010, 04:18:47 PM
Nice find GB. So the Bsat can vary between 0.57T to 1.23T depending on the FINEMET core type. Anyway I don't really think we need it for the replication project. 1.23 T is too much and 0.57T is just fine - so metglas would be just fine.
In the conventional soft magnetic materials, “whose grain size is far larger than 1μmâ€, it was well known that soft magnetic properties become worse and coercive force increases when crystal grain size becomes smaller.
For example, coercive force is thought to be inversely proportional to D. Therefore, main efforts to improve the soft magnetic properties were directed to make the crystal grain size larger and/or to make the magnetic domain size smaller by annealing and working.
However, FINEMET demonstrated a
new phenomenon; reduction of grain size, “to a nano-meter levelâ€,
improves the soft magnetic properties drastically. In this nano-world,
the coercive force is directly proportional to D on the order of D2 to D6. This is absolutely contrary to the conventional concepts for improving the soft magnetic properties.
In this nano-world of FINEMET, the coercive force is directly proportional to D on the order of D
2 to D
6, while in the conventional soft magnetic materials the coercive force is thought to be inversely proportional to D. It sounds like FINEMET is much more softer than the Metglas.
If Metglas doesn't have the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect and is not as soft as FINEMET, then the Metglas may not be just fine. Don't forget, the bread crumbs on researching the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect has led me to the FINEMET. I also think the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect is the Orbo effect. It appears FINEMET is a very soft material, which may be what Steorn is referring to when he says a soft material.
IMO, the FINEMET is a better candidate for the Orbo effect than the Metglas. I've been wrong many times, but FINEMET does look more promising to me. Neither one needs to be ruled out, and both needs to be tested.
[Edit:] The information contained within this post can be found on Page 8 of the "Intro Finemet brochure" that I provided a link to in my previous post.
Lumen posted information on this patent: US20090096219, in the Solid State Orbo thread,
The patent says the data is for a dual toroid configuration using Finemet in the Solid State sytstem.
beautiful GB :) Lets read it...
woopy i meant no harm to you ;] I just said this thread is about replicating and nothing more. There is a solid state ORBO like device thread so maybe there should be one for yours ;> But do as you wish.
Thank you all for your help. My Macbook Pro HDD died yesterday so I have been un able to upload anything. I've switched to Hall effect ignition switch instead of the sensor. Trying to keep the circuit as simple as poss!
Quote from: gravityblock on January 24, 2010, 09:11:45 PM
In the conventional soft magnetic materials, “whose grain size is far larger than 1μmâ€, it was well known that soft magnetic properties become worse and coercive force increases when crystal grain size becomes smaller. For example, coercive force is thought to be inversely proportional to D. Therefore, main efforts to improve the soft magnetic properties were directed to make the crystal grain size larger and/or to make the magnetic domain size smaller by annealing and working.
However, FINEMET demonstrated a new phenomenon; reduction of grain size, “to a nano-meter levelâ€, improves the soft magnetic properties drastically. In this nano-world, the coercive force is directly proportional to D on the order of D2 to D6. This is absolutely contrary to the conventional concepts for improving the soft magnetic properties.
In this nano-world of FINEMET, the coercive force is directly proportional to D on the order of D2 to D6, while in the conventional soft magnetic materials the coercive force is thought to be inversely proportional to D. It sounds like FINEMET is much more softer than the Metglas.
If Metglas doesn't have the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect and is not as soft as FINEMET, then the Metglas may not be just fine. Don't forget, the bread crumbs on researching the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect has led me to the FINEMET. I also think the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect is the Orbo effect. It appears FINEMET is a very soft material, which may be what Steorn is referring to when he says a soft material.
IMO, the FINEMET is a better candidate for the Orbo effect than the Metglas. I've been wrong many times, but FINEMET does look more promising to me. Neither one needs to be ruled out, and both needs to be tested.
[Edit:] The information contained within this post can be found on Page 8 of the "Intro Finemet brochure" that I provided a link to in my previous post.
Metglas sells Finemet. Actually I own a lot of Finemet & Metglas cores, and Metglas has the highest magnetic permeability. Which cores works the best, I have no idea, but
my measurements already show that the Metglas MAGAMP core in the "tiny orbo replication" was ~ COP 2. :)
IMO the excess energy effect will appear in either Metglas or Finemet.
As far as the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect, come on. Please study about the effect because scientists have been researching it for ages, and it is a ridiculously difficult weak effect to even measure.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 25, 2010, 07:01:02 AM
Thank you all for your help. My Macbook Pro HDD died yesterday so I have been un able to upload anything. I've switched to Hall effect ignition switch instead of the sensor. Trying to keep the circuit as simple as poss!
I think the problem you were having was that you were using a hall effect sensor without the internal switch. Therefore, you would most likely need an extra transistor to inverse the signal. So when your mosfet was supposed to be off, it was on.
Metglas makes a lot of cores that are noncrystalline. The Metglas MAGAMP is nanocrystalline and has a *HIGHER* permeability than any Finemet core, which makes Metglas cores softer than Finemet.
Metglas MAGAMP, which is Metglas 2714A square loop, has the highest permeability of all cores, 1 million --> (
btw, Finemet was created by Hitachi. Metglas, Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hitachi Metals America Ltd.
Anyhow, try both cores. If you need highest permeability and softest magnetic material, then Metglas is the one. If you need higher Bsat, then Finemet is the one. Both are nanocrystalline & amorphous cores. :)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:02:28 AM
The Metglas MAGAMP is nanocrystalline and has a *HIGHER* permeability than any Finemet core, which makes Metglas cores softer than Finemet.
Could you provide me with a link that specifically mentions Metglas MAGAMP is a nanocrystalline material because I have not been able to find a reference to this anywhere. Don't get these two words confused due to spelling similarities,
non-crystalline and
nano-crystalline. This is easy to misread.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 10:10:19 AM
Could you provide me with a link that specifically mentions Metglas MAGAMP is a nanocrystalline material because I have not been able to find a reference to this anywhere.
Go to the following page that lists the nanocrystalline & amorphous cores sold by Metglas. The title of the webpage is, "High Performance Amorphous and
NanoCrystalline Cores for Electronics" (
As far as I know, nanocrystalline is the only way Metglas can achieve a permeability of 1 million to make it Superparamagnetic material.
Anyhow, try both cores, but on two different setups, both using the Metglas MAGAMP core, I've achieved well over COP 1 in the "tiny orbo replication."
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:22:44 AM
Go to the following page that lists the nanocrystalline & amorphous cores sold by Metglas. The title of the webpage is, "High Performance Amorphous and NanoCrystalline Cores for Electronics" (
Nanocrystalline is the only way Metglas can achieve a permeability of 1 million to make it Superparamagnetic material.
Yes, Finemet is listed on that page with a keyword of nanocrystalline. Metglas is on that page also with no keyword of nanocrystalline.
That's why the title is "High Performance Amorphous
and NanoCrystalline", because the page is showing both.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 10:26:31 AM
Yes, Finemet is listed on that page as well with a keyword of nanocrystalline. Metglas is on that page also with no keyword of nanocrystalline.
LOL, you're ignoring the title of the page that lists nanocrystalline cores. If you don't believe me, then email Metglas. All of those cores are nanocrystalline cores.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:28:45 AM
LOL, you're ignoring the title of the page that lists nanocrystalline cores. If you don't believe me, then email Metglas. All of those cores are nanocrystalline cores.
That's why the title is "High Performance Amorphous
and NanoCrystalline", because the page is showing both.
That's because they are both amorphous and nanocrystalline, lol. Thought everyone knew that metglas cores are nanocrystalline.
Here's another one for you: (
Quote, "Utilizing our world-class amotphous and nanocrystalline manufacturing technology, Metglas®, Inc. offers some of the highest performance magnetic components on the market."
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 09:32:20 AM
As far as the Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect, come on. Please study about the effect because scientists have been researching it for ages, and it is a ridiculously difficult weak effect to even measure.
It can be measured with very expensive equipment. Gravity is a weak force that has no instruments to measure it directly. The Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect is due to the uncurled A
potential of the curled B field. It is a potential, it is not a force. This potential can be tapped into in order to pull energy out of the vacuum, from space/time itself.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 09:32:20 AM
Actually I own a lot of Finemet & Metglas cores, and Metglas has the highest magnetic permeability. Which cores works the best, I have no idea, but my measurements already show that the Metglas MAGAMP core in the "tiny orbo replication" was ~ COP 2. :)
Lets not ignore this.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 10:38:00 AM
It can be measured with very expensive equipment. Gravity is a weak force that has no instruments to measure it directly. The Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect is due to the uncurled A potential of the curled B field. It is a potential, it is not a force. This potential can be tapped into in order to pull energy out of the vacuum, from space/time itself.
I never said it was a force. I clearly wrote "effect."
Gravity from planets is not weak, and is easily measurable.
Fact still remains about Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect. Maybe if you had a core the size of a planet you could measure it, lol. ;)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:36:16 AM
That's because they are both amorphous and nanocrystalline, lol. Thought everyone knew that metglas cores are nanocrystalline.
Here's another one for you: (
Quote, "Utilizing our world-class amotphous and nanocrystalline manufacturing technology, Metglas®, Inc. offers some of the highest performance magnetic components on the market."
Once again, that link is not in reference to the Metglas MAGAMP cores. The powerlites are nano-crystalline. Metglas has more than one product. Some are nano-crystalline, and some are not.
Please provide me with a link that directly says Metglas MAGAMP cores are nano-crystalline. I already knew this was going to happen before I asked for a link.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 10:42:34 AM
Once again, that link is not in reference to the Metglas MAGAMP cores. The power lite cores are nano-crystalline. Metglas has more than one product. Some are nano-crystalline, and some are not.
Please provide me with a link that directly says Metglas MAGAMP cores are nano-crystalline. I already knew this was going to happen before I asked for a link.
OMG, just email Metglas. I've had countless email exchanges with Metglas and their tech team. MAGAMP is their highest permeability core. If you understood the technology there would be no questions here.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:44:58 AM
OMG, just email Metglas. I've had countless email exchanges with Metglas and their tech team. MAGAMP is their highest permeability core. If you understood the technology there would be no questions here.
Highest permeability doesn't make it a nano-crystalline material. I'll wait for my link.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 10:49:35 AM
Highest permeability doesn't make it a nano-crystalline material. I'll wait for my link.
Who said there was a link that spelled it out for you that "MAGAMP is nanocrystalline"? I said it was, and I suggested that you contact Metglas to know. I gave you a page that's titled says nanocrystalline & amorphous, where MAGAMP was listed, but you seem to interpret that differently. That's all I can do for you.
My measurements already show that the Metglas MAGAMP core in the "tiny orbo replication" was ~ COP 2.
Wow, did you guys see the Steorn home page now?! Look at the large flash intro!!! ;D
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:54:45 AM
Who said there was a link the said "MAGAMP" was nanocrystalline? I said it was, and I suggested that you contact Metglas to know. I gave you a page that's titled says nanocrystalline & amorphous, where MAGAMP was listed, but you seem to interpret that differently. That's all I can do for you.
The products that are nano-crystalline clearly says so, and MAGAMP does not say so. MAGAMP and other
non-crystalline products are being referred to as amorphous in the statement of "nano-crystalline
& amorphous", while products such as Finemet, powerlite, and other nano-crystalline products is referring to the nanocrystalline part.
All I asked for was a link. Don't get upset with me if it doesn't directly say MAGAMP is a nano-crystalline material. If it doesn't say so, then it's more than likely not.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 11:05:03 AM
Wow, did you guys see the Steorn home page now?! Look at the large flash intro!!! ;D
It says,
"This Saturday
Steorn presents
the final demo
proving overunity
30th Jan 16.00 GMT
at the waterways center
with live streaming
Final demo: PROVING OVERUNITY Saturday 16.00 GMT at"
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 10:54:45 AM
Who said there was a link that spelled it out for you that "MAGAMP is nanocrystalline"? I said it was, and I suggested that you contact Metglas to know. I gave you a page that's titled says nanocrystalline & amorphous, where MAGAMP was listed, but you seem to interpret that differently. That's all I can do for you.
My measurements already show that the Metglas MAGAMP core in the "tiny orbo replication" was ~ COP 2.
Then why you don't have a self-runner yet. What are you waiting for? Your measurements can't be confirmed until it is self-running. A self-runner is the ultimate test and measurement.
Why is there 100% resistance to the Finemet cores when there is plenty of research pointing to the Finemet as possibly being the core material in the Orbo. The Metglas cores are accepted without question or any research pointing to it, except for it having the highest permeability.
Finemet is much softer than metglas, and page 8 of the Finemet brochure suggests this due to it's nano-crystalline structure. I believe Steorn said they're using a very soft magnetic material. He didn't say anything about having the highest permeable material.
On page 2 of the Finemet brochure, it says:
1) Satisfy both high saturation magnetic flux density and high permeability. High saturation magnetic flux density comparable to Fe-based amorphous metal. High permeability comparable to Co-based amorphous metal.
You see, there is a difference between the amorphous metals, such as Metglas, and the nano-crystalline materials such as Finemet. The brochure is comparing the Finemet with the amorphous metals. Finemet has high saturation, high permeability comparable to metglas, and is a much softer material than metglas.
I'm going to sit on the sidelines for a while and let you guys figure this stuff out. I'm tired of defending everything I say here. I believe finemet is more promising than the metglas. They both need to be tested and results compared. It's that simple.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 12:01:06 PM
Why is there 100% resistance to the Finemet cores when there is plenty of research pointing to the Finemet as possibly being the core material in the Orbo. The Metglas cores are accepted without question or any research pointing to it, except for it having the highest permeability.
GB, I do not believe that is the case at all. I, for one, do not accept just one or the other and believe the properties of both should be explored. But, as stated before, my goal is not to replicate the Steorn demo devices (and NO that is not the sole purpose of this thread AS). My goal is to learn about the properties of all the materials so that a design can be optimized for whatever end result is desired. Since I believe that high rotor torque is desireable, I would tend to want to know what magnet strength is most highly attracted to what core material. Others may be focused on the possibility of energy gain due to just the electrical input and the correct recovery circuit.
Point being, we do not yet know just what the "Orbo effect" is exactly, even though some are very confident that they have it all figured out. So it is difficult to optimize any design. So I wait patiently for more information, either from those experimenting and/or replicating, or from Steorn themselves.
I applaud all the useful information given here by all sources. I also applaud those who do not join in the egostorms that arise from time to time.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 12:01:06 PM
Why is there 100% resistance to the Finemet cores when there is plenty of research pointing to the Finemet as possibly being the core material in the Orbo. The Metglas cores are accepted without question or any research pointing to it, except for it having the highest permeability.
Finemet is much softer than metglas, and page 8 of the Finemet brochure suggests this due to it's nano-crystalline structure. I believe Steorn said they're using a very soft magnetic material. He didn't say anything about having the highest permeable material.
On page 2 of the Finemet brochure, it says:
1) Satisfy both high saturation magnetic flux density and high permeability. High saturation magnetic flux density comparable to Fe-based amorphous metal. High permeability comparable to Co-based amorphous metal.
You see, there is a difference between the amorphous metals, such as Metglas, and the nano-crystalline materials such as Finemet. The brochure is comparing the Finemet with the amorphous metals. Finemet has high saturation, high permeability comparable to metglas, and is a much softer material than metglas.
I'm going to sit on the sidelines for a while and let you guys figure this stuff out. I'm tired of defending everything I say here. I believe finemet is more promising than the metglas. They both need to be tested and results compared. It's that simple.
GB, Do you have any suggested part numbers and where to order Finemet cores?
I have some test equipment ordered and will test both when it arrives.
Quote from: mondrasek on January 25, 2010, 01:43:18 PMI also applaud those who do not join in the egostorms that arise from time to time.
I applaud those who can post information and what they believe is truth without concern that others might falsely believe they are being egotistical.
Quote from: k4zep on January 21, 2010, 08:05:41 AM
I received my cores yesterday. Interesting the results. They do NOT pull in as strong as ferrite...
Hey Ben, could you clarify for me what you meant by, "They do NOT pull in as strong as ferrite"?
Quote from: maw2432 on January 25, 2010, 02:08:44 PM
GB, Do you have any suggested part numbers and where to order Finemet cores?
I have some test equipment ordered and will test both when it arrives.
That is a good question.
I haven't been able to find the ordering specifications for the Finemet "FT-3L" cores, it may be a special order. I would suggest contacting Finemet. Phone numbers are in the finemet brochure I posted earlier. I can find the "H" and "M" types, but not the "L" types. :(
We're interested in the FT-3L Finemet cores. We want the "L" type because the magnetic field is applied vertically to the core plane during annealing. The "L type" won't need a small reset current after the pulse, which is required in the Metglas MAGAMP Square Loop Cores and the finemet "H" type cores for them to become
fully attractive again. <----- That statement is another 10 pages of posts disputing this fact.
I won't be around to defend this statement. All one has to do is compare the B-H curves of the Finemet "L type" to the M and H types along with the Metglas MAGAMP Square Loop Cores. The finemet "H" type is a square loop core and will need a small reset current just like the Metglas square loop cores. This is a good reason why the square loop cores are not the right choice for the Orbo.
Take care and good luck,
Quote from: mondrasek on January 25, 2010, 02:56:12 PM
Hey Ben, could you clarify for me what you meant by, "They do NOT pull in as strong as ferrite"?
Because they are square loop cores and they will need a small reset current in order for the cores to become fully attractive again. Square loop cores are not a good choice in my opinion. I'm just going to say it, square loop cores are a terrible choice for the Orbo, IMO.
For those looking for Finemet materials, specifically the FT-3L, you will need to contact Hitachi Metals. (Be sure you read the form before sending..... I thought it was quite funny....)
Below is also a PDF showing Finemet properties.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 03:38:00 PM
Because they are square loop cores and they will need a small reset current in order for the cores to become fully attractive again. Square loop cores are not a good choice in my opinion. I'm just going to say it, square loop cores are a terrible choice for the Orbo, IMO.
Well that just about says it all. Someway I was convinced to order Metglas cores which .. I did and now have waiting on some other parts and info.
Now it seems the cores are not what should be used... anyone doing any testing and recording results.... back to real science would be nice.
Quote from: maw2432 on January 25, 2010, 04:51:48 PM
Well that just about says it all. Someway I was convinced to order Metglas cores which .. I did and now have waiting on some other parts and info.
Now it seems the cores are not what should be used... anyone doing any testing and recording results.... back to real science would be nice.
Hi m2
yes it is probably the big problem here
as nobody knows the exact working ORBO process all of us try to suggest solutions and as far as i see, we are going towards lot of solutions and contra solutions but no results and only suggestions
So what do we want to do ???
-or we silentely attend the ORBO news and eventualy public demonstration of the OU
-or we go on our way
- in this respect for me one of the answer is staying in real life make protos and get the touch of what is going on directly in contact with my fingers...!
so last testing
1- i added a boost coil 0.5 mm around the original0.3 coil ( ala Jean louis Naudin boost coil) = about 10 % more power
2- i noticed that the distance from the coil to the magnet is very important i mean only mm ofset is very important.
3- I wounded a 3mm Fence Wire core with a very thin o. 1 mm coper , the resistance is 60 Ohms and the results is 6 volts and 40 MA average is about i turn per second absolutely staedy spin bsince 3 hours
good luck
Hi All,
My metglas cores have come in at last. Here are some pictures of them compared to the ferrite cores I have been using.
There are so many errors in this page alone that I wouldn't even know where to start, LOL. "Reset current"? Studying "effective permeability" will help a lot of people here. The core is not a square loop for open magnetic loops, which is the case for the magnet to core interaction. And it doesn't matter because the reason the core is square loop is because it takes hardly no longitudinal applied field to flip it. ... I don't even want to spend the time to help people here anymore because it's a hopeless cause. Good luck! :)
Quote from: callanan on January 25, 2010, 07:20:19 PM
Hi All,
My metglas cores have come in at last. Here are some pictures of them compared to the ferrite cores I have been using.
Looks good Ossie!!!!
Hi All,
Please see my latest video here.
My latest Steorn replication motor appears to be running at almost 100% electrical efficiency. I am still using ferrite cores for the drive toroids and the motor runs at about 60 RPM.
Please see the circuit diagram and waveform traces as follows.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 08:49:03 PM
There are so many errors in this page alone that I wouldn't even know where to start, LOL. "Reset current"? Studying "effective permeability" will help a lot of people here. The core is not a square loop for open magnetic loops, which is the case for the magnet to core interaction. And it doesn't matter because the reason the core is square loop is because it takes hardly no longitudinal applied field to flip it. ... I don't even want to spend the time to help people here anymore because it's a hopeless cause. Good luck! :)
Typical Paul Lowrance behavior. I am not a bit surprised.
Quote from: callanan on January 25, 2010, 10:34:51 PM
Hi All,
Please see my latest video here.
My latest Steorn replication motor appears to be running at almost 100% electrical efficiency. I am still using ferrite cores for the drive toroids and the motor runs at about 60 RPM.
Please see the circuit diagram and waveform traces as follows.
Very nice work, as usual! Close to the speed expected, when you consider only half the amount of toroids as the original orbo, and 4 generator coils... How long have you gotten it to run before you see any voltage drop in the battery?
A couple questions though, just so I understand the concept of what you are doing. Why 2 reeds, wouldn't just one of the reeds do the same? Or is it so you can fine tune the pulse width more easily? Also, why hook the generator coils directly in series with the toroid coils, and not seperate? Are you using the generator coils to help drive your motor or something? I am assuming that you have tried the generator coils in parallel and found the way you did it better or something, but I was just hoping to hear more on the theory behind why you hooked them up in this manner? Also, where is your pulse in this setup? Are you pulsing between 0 degrees and 30 degrees, or a shorter pulse width?
Great work though, keep it up! Some interesting concepts and results.
Just want to clear up the discussion/difference between MetGLAS and FINEMET...
From my research on this I can definitively state the following:
1) MetGLAS is an AMORPHOUS METAL (i.e., it is NOT nanocrystalline)
2) FINEMET is a nanocrystalline metal (i.e., it is NOT amorphous, or 'glass-like')
3) MAGAMP is simply a term used by MetGlas to describe cores that are designed for MAGnetic AMPlifiers, thus, 'MAGAMP'. There are BOTH MetGLAS MAGAMP cores and FINEMET MAGAMP cores! (
Hi All,
Please see my latest video here.
There has been an interesting development. As it turns out, I was able to completely remove and bypass all of the toroid coils! So there are no toroid coils in this motor. There are only normally wound air core coils in this motor. The motor now runs at 120 RPM and appear to even slightly increase in efficiency to the point of appearing to be 100% electrically? The battery voltage does not go down and the scope trace across the battery appears to show an even amount of energy both going in and coming out of the battery.
Please see the latest updated circuit diagram below.
Does this mean this motor is not a Steorn motor anymore? Does anyone know if Steorn's orbo theory could cover such this motor's operation in terms of still utilising their viscous magnetic theory in neo magnets? Or is it simply an amazingly efficient normal pulse motor?
Quote from: captainpecan on January 26, 2010, 01:00:29 AM
Very nice work, as usual! Close to the speed expected, when you consider only half the amount of toroids as the original orbo, and 4 generator coils... How long have you gotten it to run before you see any voltage drop in the battery?
A couple questions though, just so I understand the concept of what you are doing. Why 2 reeds, wouldn't just one of the reeds do the same? Or is it so you can fine tune the pulse width more easily? Also, why hook the generator coils directly in series with the toroid coils, and not seperate? Are you using the generator coils to help drive your motor or something? I am assuming that you have tried the generator coils in parallel and found the way you did it better or something, but I was just hoping to hear more on the theory behind why you hooked them up in this manner? Also, where is your pulse in this setup? Are you pulsing between 0 degrees and 30 degrees, or a shorter pulse width?
Great work though, keep it up! Some interesting concepts and results.
Hi CP,
The motor has been running all day but the battery has NOT dropped even one millivolt. But please see my latest post for some interesting developments with this motor.
Two reeds allow far greater pulse width and timing control but also MUST be used to take advantage of the proper back emf to battery recovery I am employing in this circuit.
The generator coils in series is important to get the right voltage for the right RPMs that the battery needs to see. In this motor, yes the generator coils are also diring the rotor. Please see me latest video and post for further details.
The pulse is small and at the top peak of the induced generator coil's voltage.
Hi All
@GB - thanks for the circuit and description. I was trying to drive the input to the 555 from the hal effect sensor. Thanks.
@Ossie - Great work - I asked the question twice before, after viewing John Bedinis you tube and did not get a nibble from anyone. How I would love to replicate his effect of reducing the current to near zero by inserting the iron core. I have attempted a similar setup with pinball machine coils and my Hall effect and IRF540 and as a newbie, I was having trouble understanding what was causing the rotation. Any how, great leap forward and well done.
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: callanan on January 26, 2010, 03:23:06 AM
The motor has been running all day but the battery has NOT dropped even one millivolt. But please see my latest post for some interesting developments with this motor.
Wonderful results! 2 things I would love to see tested with your setup. 1. Could you replace that D cell with a rechargeable AAA with much lower mah rating, and see if it still holds! 2. Use a cap of course instead of a battery all together. Now I expect the cap will lose charge slowly, as they seem to be less efficient than a battery and a good piece of the added energy in these systems I think are related to the chemical effects in a battery, which caps obviously don't have. But it would be interesting to see the results.
The biggest jaw dropper here is obviously the extremely low current draw! It would be interesting to see what happens if you add an extra pickup coil or two!
If Ozzie's torroidless system is using the Bedini effect/radiant energy, Bedini himself says that you can't use the same battery for driving and charging. It's in one of the Energy from the Vacuum videos. Does anyone remember that?
My point is that maybe it's not the Bedini effect.
Quote from: wopwops on January 26, 2010, 04:04:57 AM
If Ozzie's torroidless system is using the Bedini effect/radiant energy, Bedini himself says that you can't use the same battery for driving and charging. It's in one of the Energy from the Vacuum videos. Does anyone remember that?
My point is that maybe it's not the Bedini effect.
I remember what your talking about completely. But, when you follow the history of bedini's devices, there were many he worked on that did in fact feed back to source. Like his early devices, also from the same 1984-1985 time frame that he also refers to when discussing his zero force motor. Here is also a link showing some of his work using a feedback to source...
So honestly, when he states in the energy from vacuum series not to feed back to source, he could simply be discussing the effects coming from the SSG style circuits, and possibly not the same as his zero force. As I have experienced, the SSG charge battery builds it's energy at rest a great deal, where the zero force is different. It could be possible that in an SSG style, it is the battery drawing in the free energy in the long run, where in the other styles it is being drawn in elsewhere in the circuit. Maybe??
Not really sure, just spitting out food for thought. But an aircore coil should show almost zero eddy currents, which could be a reason to get such high efficiency, although the generator effect you would assume would be much less effective with no core. I'm kinda baffled to tell you the truth. That battery should be going down, and it would seem that is not even enough current to build a strong enough field to even push that rotor. But this is obviously not the case. Great stuff!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 25, 2010, 08:49:03 PM
There are so many errors in this page alone that I wouldn't even know where to start, LOL. "Reset current"? Studying "effective permeability" will help a lot of people here. The core is not a square loop for open magnetic loops, which is the case for the magnet to core interaction. And it doesn't matter because the reason the core is square loop is because it takes hardly no longitudinal applied field to flip it. ... I don't even want to spend the time to help people here anymore because it's a hopeless cause. Good luck! :)
You will see on this page a small reset current with the Metgls MAGAMP square loop cores are needed, SQUARE LOOP:* Low Saturated Permeability
* Low Coercive Field -
indicating a small reset current* Low Profile - enabling weight and volume reduction of up to 50%
* Low Loss - resulting from micro-thin Metglas® ribbon (18µm)
I apologize to all for posting this since it appears there is progress being made at this time. It's not my intent on throwing a monkey wrench into things. I'm just really tired of being insulted when I post information I believe is important. In the end, it may be important and it may not be important, but we have to sort through all of the information to decide on the best approach to take. I have no other agenda other than posting information I think will be beneficial at some point in time.
Keep up the good work on the testing,
Hi All,
Please forgive my newbieness, but I want to ask this question -
As the stator toroid sees the rotor A, the voltage/current generated fed to a cap, then, the cap discharged back into toroid to make it invisible to the magnet on departure?
I know it maybe the cart before the horse, but I think you know what I am asking.
Is that what makes an Adam's motor or is that what makes Bedini's coil motor work with such little power ???
Also, is that why Ossie's motor use near nothing ?
Regards, Penno
Quote from: captainpecan on January 26, 2010, 04:23:08 AM
I remember what your talking about completely. But, when you follow the history of bedini's devices, there were many he worked on that did in fact feed back to source. Like his early devices, also from the same 1984-1985 time frame that he also refers to when discussing his A force motor. Here is also a link showing some of his work using a feedback to source...
So honestly, when he states in the energy from vacuum series not to feed back to source, he could simply be discussing the effects coming from the SSG style circuits, and possibly not the same as his A force. As I have experienced, the SSG charge battery builds it's energy at rest a great deal, where the zero force is different. It could be possible that in an SSG style, it is the battery drawing in the free energy in the long run, where in the other styles it is being drawn in elsewhere in the circuit. Maybe??
Not really sure, just spitting out food for thought. But an aircore coil should show almost zero eddy currents, which could be a reason to get such high efficiency, although the generator effect you would assume would be much less effective with no core. I'm kinda baffled to tell you the truth. That battery should be going down, and it would seem that is not even enough current to build a strong enough field to even push that rotor. But this is obviously not the case. Great stuff!
Hi CP,
I have had a great deal of experience with radiant energy circuits and devices and Bedini motors. This motor doesn't appear to be working like any of them. This motor shows real current and not radiant energy spikes going back into the battery as can be seen in the first scope trace below that was taken directly across the battery.
A key to the effect appears to be the need to pulse the coils at the peak of the generator pulse as can be seen in the second scope trace below. But you also need to try and make sure that the pulse turns off as close as possible to the absolute peak voltage of the generator pulse. When you do this, the back emf somehow appears to combine with the generator pulse at the peak and provide real current back into the battery via the two back emf recovery diodes.
At the moment, the battery has now gone UP two millivolts with the RPM constant!!!
Will let it run all night and see what we have in the morning...
The stuff you post is always amazing and fascinating. I'm very impressed and have learned so much from your posts. I hope you have a self-runner.
Wow !!
Ossie thanks for sharing all your fantastic stuff.
Can't wait untill tomorrow to see what happen to your batterie
good luck
Hey Ossie,
If you get favorable results would it be possible to create another thread for your motor ?
I am sure alot of the people here trying to figure out the Steorn Motor would re-focus their attention to your work given your openness to share your amazing early results.
Keep up the great work :)
I stand corrected. I said the MAGAMP is nanocrystalline, but there are two types of MAGAMP cores, Metglas and Hitachi Finemet. The Metglas MAGAMP is amorphous alloy. The Hitachi Finemet MAGAMP is nanocrystalline alloy. Here's a quote from Metglas -->
QuoteHi Paul,
METGLAS MAGAMP cores are made using Co based amorphous alloy (2714A).
Hitachi Japan, our sister comapany, makes MAGAMP cores using nanocrystalline
My COP measurements show that Metglas MAGAMP cores in my "tiny orbo replication" are COP 1.7 to COP 2.5, but have not tried my Finemet cores. If time permits I'll test my Finemet FT-3KM K1208A cores. I don't have the L cores. (
@callanan loving your work Ozzie. Shouldn't you have been at a BBQ yesterday instead of working! :) I see you're still using the fan rotor. Looks amazing. We had a housefull of friends & family yesterday for Australia Day & I showed them my setup - They think I'm a nut :) I have to go to Jaycar today to pick up some new coils it would seem! Will you be trying your Metglas in this setup?
We need to do some serious research in regards to the core material.
The below materials are from Magnetic Metals and need to be researched, We need to find out what all of these materials have in common in regards to their B-H Hysteresis Curves. We figure this out, then I think we're home free.
1) Superperm49
2) Superperm80
3) SuperMalloy
4) SuperSquare80
5) Square50
6) Supermendur
Some of the above materials are square loop, but could have a high pulse permeability with or without reset (according to their site).
Also, Magnetic Metals have nanocrystalline and amorphous cores, that could be an equal or better substitute than Metglas or Finemet.
In addition to the above materials, Both the Finemet "H" (the H type is a square loop, but it's a really soft magnetic material and needs to be tested) and "L" cores need to be researched and tested.
Magnetic Metals have a tremendous amount of information on their site. They appear to be very flexible in the wide range of core properties to meet the customers needs. Their entire site needs to be looked at.
Research will save us time, money, and frustration. The list is from a patent in a Solid State Design, and some of the materials on the list won't match the requirements we need to replicate the eOrbo. Don't let the list above to be overwhelming. A little research will narrow this list down quickly. If not, then we may have a lot of choices available to us with the same effect we are looking for.
Hello all
what a pleasure to follow this thread
Ossie offers usa a new
this design comes from the ORBO quest and it evoluates to something different and fantastic for fun i just named it the OSSBO motor. And of course if it is needed it merits a special thread, But Ossie is the judge for this question,
of course i could not prevent me to try a very crude replication
as i had to disposal all the material id did it this afternoon but as usual very crudely and on my way that is on a flat platform i had to disposl
here some pictures
the coils are 1mm copper and in series 0.4 ohms
the rotor disk is the same as for the FENCE WIRE COIL previous test with 8 neo magnets it still spins at about 200 rpm since 4 hours from now
i am waiting for what happen to my battery untill tomorrow good night
Quote from: callanan on January 26, 2010, 05:16:31 AM
A key to the effect appears to be the need to pulse the coils at the peak of the generator pulse as can be seen in the second scope trace below. But you also need to try and make sure that the pulse turns off as close as possible to the absolute peak voltage of the generator pulse. When you do this, the back emf somehow appears to combine with the generator pulse at the peak and provide real current back into the battery via the two back emf recovery diodes.
Great results Ossie !
Yes, you probably have to make the pulse pretty short, so the magnet still can push a changing flux dphi/dt into the coil
when the inductive kickback BackEMF flyback voltage happens.
Looks sometimes, that your positive voltage pulse on the battery line(Charging the battery) is
bigger than the negative voltage pulse ( draining the battery).
At the moment, the battery has now gone UP two millivolts with the RPM constant!!!
Will let it run all night and see what we have in the morning...
Well, maybe try with a supercap and see, if it will charge or discharge ?
Great results ! Well done Ossie,
this is the research everyone has been waiting for.
Regards, Stefan.
the last motor you have built is more or less a good and well
timed Newman motor with a feedback loop of the BackEMF spikes
into the battery.
If you would chop the input current e.g. 10 times during the incoming
of the magnets, you would get many more spikes all charging up the battery.
So maybe for a quick test just use a function generator driving a relay with 2 switches on them
instead of the 2 reed relays and see, what this will get you in back energy back to the
Then you can set the driving frequency of the relay maybe to 40 Hz and it will
then make and break the contacts several times, when the magnet aproaches
and goes away from the coil.
This will induce big spikes back to the battery.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 26, 2010, 06:58:48 PM
Great results ! Well done Ossie,
this is the research everyone has been waiting for.
Regards, Stefan.
I agree. It will also eliminate the guessing game we're doing with the core materials along with other things in the Orbo. OU is OU with or without the Orbo. Ossie's research needs to stay in this thread, even if it may not be a true Orbo. I guess Ossie and Stefan has the final say in this.
People should be encouraged to take COP measurements. How long something runs on a battery is meaningless, lol.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 26, 2010, 07:49:57 PM
People should be encouraged to take COP measurements. How long something runs on a battery is meaningless, lol.
The variable theoretical maximum COP of a standard heat pump can be as high as 9.22. The usual home heat pump has an efficiency of only about 50% or less, so at least half of all its energy input is lost. As you can see, COP measurements could be meaningless also. The real test is a self-runner with a super cap.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 26, 2010, 07:49:57 PM
People should be encouraged to take COP measurements. How long something runs on a battery is meaningless, lol.
What good is a high COP if you are not able to make use of all the extra energy to keep it running? How long a battery runs can sometimes be even more important than just the COP alone.
Take your Orbo replication and your claims of COP>2.5 and try measuring your COP again after your battery has died and let me know how it turns out! LOL.
Quote from: hartiberlin on January 26, 2010, 07:16:58 PM
the last motor you have built is more or less a good and well
timed Newman motor with a feedback loop of the BackEMF spikes
into the battery.
That's a pretty good observation. There does seem to be some similarities here, although I believe Ossie's layout could be better for many reasons. Not to mention being able to get many more turns out of much less wire, and sheer ease of build.
If you would chop the input current e.g. 10 times during the incoming
of the magnets, you would get many more spikes all charging up the battery.
So maybe for a quick test just use a function generator driving a relay with 2 switches on them
instead of the 2 reed relays and see, what this will get you in back energy back to the
Then you can set the driving frequency of the relay maybe to 40 Hz and it will
then make and break the contacts several times, when the magnet aproaches
and goes away from the coil.
This will induce big spikes back to the battery.
Many thanks.
Regards, Stefan.
Although that does sound like a great addition, I'm afraid we tend to make things much more complicated than they need to be as soon as we find a good result. Adding more components does equal more voltage drops, and more power needed to run even though we stand to gain more for each pulse. Chopping it up would also hinder the rpms. Maybe keeping it simple is not so bad, because the ability to run it on a AAA battery is pretty nice. For instance simply pulsing both on the way in and also on the way out. Since there is 2 peaks for every pass there is a possibility of using both.
The reason ORBO will have no credability while they have it hooked up to a battery in preference to closed loop with a Cap is the battery effect. Just by utilising a batery it can jump up in volts especially if it is pulsed. I use to recondition bateries by pulsing them and their performance improved dramatically in many instances. The use of a battey can induce chemical changes. How often have you flatenned a batery and come back to find it is partially charged again.
No Cap no really is that simple.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 25, 2010, 10:38:00 AM
...Gravity is a weak force that has no instruments to measure it directly...
Misinformation. Since general relativity, we know the effects of gravity as indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration, so any accelerometers are gravimeters.
Hi all
this mornimg i open the door of my lab with no hope of something special.
I left my OSSBO replication yesterday at 24.00 spining at 214 rpm with battery (AAA) voltage at 1.28 volts accus (NIMH 3000ma) in serie (completely depleted) at 130 mv. the Multimeter and scope turned off so no eventual voltage interaction
So i open the door and guess what the OSSBO is still spinning at 223 rpm the AAA voltage is 1.24 volt and the depleted Nimh accu is now at (average) 145 mv ???????????
what is special is that the voltage in the accu is not regular and varies quickly up and down from 140 to 155-160 mv ??
Very interesting BRAVO and thanks to OSSIE for sharing. What about your experiment ?
I have now to go for the day so i will leave the OSSBO running and i will see what happens this evening.
Quote from: woopy on January 27, 2010, 03:26:13 AM
what is special is that the voltage in the accu is not regular and varies quickly up and down from 140 to 155-160 mv ??
Great work! Keep us updated. As far as your depleted batteries acting funny, it seems they are most likely just not holding their charge. They may need reconditioned, but I'm not sure this setup is the most ideal to do that like a true bedini could. You may want to try different batteries, or simply just remove those and just run off the AAA for now and see if you can build it back up to where it started, or at least to get it to stay where it is at. It's possible that you may have gained a small amount of energy while you let it run but can't tell because your overly depleted batteries are wasting it. Just a thought.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 27, 2010, 03:06:41 AM
Misinformation. Since general relativity, we know the effects of gravity as indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration, so any accelerometers are gravimeters.
It's measuring the effects of acceleration due to gravity. It is not measuring gravity directly, it is measuring gravity indirectly through the effects of acceleration. Look at my statement again, "...Gravity is a weak force that has no instruments to
measure it directly...", and you will see I said
When an object is not accelerating in a gravitational field such as resting on the surface of a planet, then according to the accelerometers there is no gravity, but we know this is not a correct measurement because it can only measure the effects of gravity due to acceleration. There are also other methods to measure gravity indirectly.
My statement was not misinformation. My statement was misunderstood and taken out of context by poor reading comprehension, as we have seen many times in this thread already. It's no big deal, sometimes my reading comprehension isn't good either. My writing skills are much worst. My posts are long enough, and I try to keep them as short as possible so they are read.....but this leads to leaving words out or speaking in general and this could cause it to be misread.
The Aharonovâ€"Bohm effect can be measured indirectly by its effects also. Without the effects it is extremely difficult to measure.
working on my new rig now.
Well done, exciting stuff. Photos to follow. Still waiting for the return of my MacBook!
Quote from: woopy on January 27, 2010, 03:26:13 AM
Hi all
this mornimg i open the door of my lab with no hope of something special.
I left my OSSBO replication yesterday at 24.00 spining at 214 rpm with battery (AA
A) voltage at 1.28 volts accus (NIMH 3000ma) in serie (completely depleted) at 130 mv. the Multimeter and scope turned off so no eventual voltage interaction
So i open the door and guess what the OSSBO is still spinning at 223 rpm the AAA voltage is 1.24 volt and the depleted Nimh accu is now at (average) 145 mv ???????????
what is special is that the voltage in the accu is not regular and varies quickly up and down from 140 to 155-160 mv ??
Very interesting BRAVO and thanks to OSSIE for sharing. What about your experiment ?
I have now to go for the day so i will leave the OSSBO running and i will see what happens this evening.
New rig taking shape. I feel the attraction from the coils when charged is similar to the metglas but not as strong. I get the 'cogging effect' from them tho.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 26, 2010, 09:03:01 PM
The variable theoretical maximum COP of a standard heat pump can be as high as 9.22. The usual home heat pump has an efficiency of only about 50% or less, so at least half of all its energy input is lost. As you can see, COP measurements could be meaningless also. The real test is a self-runner with a super cap.
It's very strange that you try to introduce heat pump COP with the orbo. Read about it at wikipedia, (
Quote, "When comparing the performance of heat pumps, it is best to avoid the word "efficiency" which has a very specific thermodynamic definition. The term coefficient of performance ( (COP) is used to describe the ratio of useful heat movement to work input."
Heat pump COP describes the useful heat moved.
COP describes for the orbo means the amount of power produced to input power. My "tiny orbo replication" measured at producing 1.73 times more power output than input. It does not matter to me if you people want to use COP or efficiency, but a lot of people in the "free energy" community (example, Tom Bearden) use COP.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 26, 2010, 09:59:23 PM
What good is a high COP if you are not able to make use of all the extra energy to keep it running? How long a battery runs can sometimes be even more important than just the COP alone. Take your Orbo replication and your claims of COP>2.5 and try measuring your COP again after your battery has died and let me know how it turns out! LOL.
Wrong. A COP > 1 tells the science community there's excess energy. Have you ever heard of improvement?
How long it runs on a battery is meaningless info, and IMO out right deceptive. Are you people trying to mislead legit researchers? The goal is not to produce a device the consumes the least amount of power, but one that has a COP > 1.
Very interesting. As stated for years, this website would be the *LAST* place on Earth anyone should announce a legit self-runner. IMO it would be ignored like the plague, and who knows what thugs would be kicking down that poor persons door.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 08:26:10 AM
COP describes for the orbo means the amount of power produced to input power. My "tiny orbo replication" measured at producing 1.73 times more power output than input.
Then why you don't have a self-runner? What are you waiting for? If it's producing 1.73 times more power output than input according to your COP measurements, then close the loop. If it can't run itself, then the COP measurements are meaningless, that was the reason for the heat pump analogy and it went right over your head.
Go argue with the other person who told you the same thing about how the COP measurements could be meaningless. Also, there's always a possibility your COP measurements are wrong. For you to think otherwise, is not very wise IMO.....but you've been proving this over and over again.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 08:54:23 AM
Then why you don't have a self-runner? What are you waiting for? If it's producing 1.73 times more power output than input according to your COP measurements, then close the loop.
The question should be, why didn't you read my blog page on my measurements? It clearly says that the losses from electrical resistance was removed from the calculations in order to detect if there was excess energy.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 08:54:23 AMIf it can't run itself, then the COP measurements are meaningless, that was the reason for the heat pump analogy and it went right over your head.
Wow, "meaningless?" You would call the confirmation of excess energy "meaningless?" Have you people every heard of improvement. The last ~ week I've been working on a solid-state design of mine, but today I'll be getting back to the "tiny orbo replication" to improve it by reducing the electrical wire resistance (more turns in parallel), placing 4 magnets instead of 2, and balancing the machine by adding the 2nd toroid instead of just 1 toroid since in its present design there's a considerable tug on the ball bearings in one direction.
It's kind of funny watching this forum, in a sad way. The moment I came here years ago I could have sworn I was in a massive theatrical play, and I've been to countless forums on various topics. Never have I seen anything like this place. Just weird! Funny how you people avoid COP or efficiency measurements like the plague. And now you're actually attempting to discourage it, lol. Big Oil was caught red handed paying people & groups who are against global warming. I wouldn't be one bit surprised if they're also paying thugs under the table to distract from legit excess energy research.
QuoteThe variable theoretical maximum COP of a standard heat pump can be as high as 9.22.
And FYI, the "tiny orbo replication" is not about pumping hot air from a heated chamber to get some high COP measurements. Call it whatever you want. Personally I've used COP definition in this community because Tom Bearden uses it, but I have no problems using "efficiency" instead.
PL, let's stop the arguing, debating, and nitpicking. I don't really care about the COP measurements even if they are correct and I gave you my reasons for this. Maybe you do care about COP measurements and that is fine, but in my view it is falling short until you have a self-runner. All I care about is a self runner. Having a COP > 1 in "your tiny orbo replication" could be just as meaningless as a heat pump with a COP >1 if they can't self-run.
Self-run it, then you'll have my attention. I'm not trying to be difficult, this is just how I see things and maybe you see things differently. In the end, it comes down to a self-runner producing more out than in.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 09:11:16 AM
And FYI, the "tiny orbo replication" is not about pumping hot air from a heated chamber to get some high COP measurements. Call it whatever you want. Personally I've used COP definition in this community because Tom Bearden uses it, but I have no problems using "efficiency" instead.
That whole post I made about the heat pump came directly from one of Tom Bearden's articles and he used both COP and "efficiency" in his analogy of the heat pump. Go argue with him. I used his analogy because it makes sense. Obviously you missed the point.
GB, I seriously doubt you're fooling any legit people her. It's just weird that you give praise to posts that say they're machine has ran on a battery for X amount of time, while throwing stones at COP>1 or efficiency>100% measurements. btw, I don't need to go argue with Tom Bearden because he's not discouraging people from conducting COP or efficiency measurements, so please stop trying to pass it on to other people.
To legit researchers: COP or efficiency measurements reveals if there's excess energy. As you make changes to your device, and you can tell improvements by the efficiency. Heaven forbid these people here would not want you to do that, lol. You'll be hard pressed to find efficiency or COP measurements at this entire forum. And from there you can improve the design to make a self-runner; e.g., thicker wire, better material, etc.
Paul & GB - can you guys please stop wasting your energy on finger-pointing. My understanding is that we are here to try to help each-other not to "out-smart" (what is childish BTW).
Here is interesting fact from zeitgeist:
"The fact is, when a scientist tells you something is possible, he is likely correct. However, when he
states something is impossible, he is likely wrong. Science and technology have continued to defy
prior assumptions of possibility, and will continue to do so. It can safely be assumed that whatever
the future holds from a technological standpoint, it will likely seem impossible and “ridiculous†from
the standpoint of today’s understandings and methods."
"We have gone from smoke signals to the telephone to electronic mail sent at near the speed of light. Everything that has once been considered impossible has gradually become possible. The Wright Brothers were told by “experts†that it was impossible to fly…years ago people who talked of traveling to the moon were dismissed and labeled as “Mooniacsâ€. To assume something is ‘impossible’ in this world is a failure of creativity."
"Tiny orbo replication" update
I might be scraping up some pennies today to buy an Enermax Marathon PC fan because they claim to have frictionless magnetic levitation bearings inside.
Quote from: callanan on January 26, 2010, 03:23:06 AM
Hi CP,
The motor has been running all day but the battery has NOT dropped even one millivolt. But please see my latest post for some interesting developments with this motor.
Two reeds allow far greater pulse width and timing control but also MUST be used to take advantage of the proper back emf to battery recovery I am employing in this circuit.
The generator coils in series is important to get the right voltage for the right RPMs that the battery needs to see. In this motor, yes the generator coils are also diring the rotor. Please see me latest video and post for further details.
The pulse is small and at the top peak of the induced generator coil's voltage.
You ARE THE MAN - Ossie.
Since you didn't remove magnets that where used for orbo replication - can you make another coil (similar as you show on one of your previous video with drill - maybe just wider to match size of those magnets) and place all around as additional generator?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 09:22:51 AM
GB, I seriously doubt you're fooling any legit people her. It's just that you give praise to posts that say they're machine has ran on a battery for X amount of time, while throwing stones at COP>1 or efficiency>100% measurements.
You're not fooling anyone here either. You was wrong about the metglas being a nanocrystalline material. You are wrong about the metglas square loop cores not needing a small reset current in order for them to become fully attractive again (this means we need circuitry to do this small reset current, but you don't tell anyone about this and you try to deny this even after it is stated on the page for the Metglas square loop cores).
You are wrong about metglas being a softer magnetic material than finemet. You are wrong about needing a material with the highest permeability (Steorn said a very soft magnetic material. He never mentioned anything about permeability). You are wrong about saying finemet doesn't have a permeability that is comparable to metglas. You are wrong about your COP measurements.
I said, "I
hope he has a self-runner" (paraphrasing). I also hope you have a self-runner soon. I don't care about COP measurements. Show me a self-runner and not COP measurements. A self-runner with more out than in is the final and best test. I'm sorry, my standards are a little higher and more reasonable than yours.
I am withdrawing from this thread so I don't lose my sanity. I suggest you do the same PL for the benefit of progress. You have twisted the facts in this thread more than MH and I'm really surprised you're not on read-only mode. If I'm wrong about something, it's not intentional. The things you are wrong about looks intentional to me in order to mislead this thread.
I am asking everyone in this thread, Please don't respond to this post or any of my previous posts so I can leave this thread with a little bit of sanity I have left. Dradak1 is right, this stuff is childish and I don't want to be a part of it anymore.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 09:59:57 AM
"Tiny orbo replication" update
I might be scraping up some pennies today to buy an Enermax Marathon PC fan because they claim to have frictionless magnetic levitation bearings inside.
Congratulation Paul - that's the spirit.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 10:12:52 AM
You are wrong about the metglas square loop cores not needing a small reset current in order for them to become fully attractive again (this means we need circuitry to do this small reset current, but you don't tell anyone about this).
You are wrong in theory and wrong in practice. The magnets have no problems being attracted to the toroids. Maybe you forget I have these Metglas MAGAMP toroids and magnets. And as far as the other guy who said the these toroids have less attraction than ferrite toroids, I seriously doubt there's much difference at all. These Metglas toroids are encased in a plastic casing that makes them appear larger than they are. I would love to see a comparison with a ferrite toroid of the same dimensions and same Bsat, and you'll see the magnetic attraction will be very similar. And the separation distance between the magnet & toroid (not the plastic) must be the same.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 10:12:52 AMYou are wrong about metglas being a softer magnetic material than finemet.
Prove it.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 10:12:52 AMYou are wrong about needing a material with the highest permeability (Steorn said a very soft magnetic material. He never mentioned anything about permeability).
I can't respond to your gibberish.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 10:12:52 AMYou are wrong about your COP measurements.
Ah, so now you're saying my COP measurements were wrong, LOL.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 10:12:52 AMI said, "I hope he has a self-runner" (paraphrasing). I also hope you have a self-runner soon. I don't care about COP measurements. Show me a self-runner and not COP measurements. A self-runner with more out than in is the final and best test. I'm sorry, my standards are a little higher and more reasonable than yours.
Your statements show you're not a true scientist. A true scientist would focus on the excess energy, which is seen in the COP - efficiency measurements.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 27, 2010, 10:12:52 AM
I am withdrawing from this thread so I don't lose my sanity. I suggest you do the same PL for the benefit of progress.
GB - your contribution is grate and very appreciated and if you withdraw you will just make step in opposite direction of progressing. :(
Quote from: dradak1 on January 27, 2010, 10:31:16 AM
GB - your contribution is grate and very appreciated and if you withdraw you will just make step in opposite direction of progressing. :(
Don't worry. He says that all the time.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 10:23:08 AM
Your statements show you're not a true scientist.
Paul - but real scientist do not pay to much attention to words - they are ideas oriented and open-minded.
Quote from: dradak1 on January 27, 2010, 10:47:05 AM
Paul - but real scientist do not pay to much attention to words - they are ideas oriented and open-minded.
Real scientist would not discourage people to take output / input measurements, and would not out right say my measurements are incorrect without proof. By focusing on wowing people how little power your device runs on is not focusing on the excess energy effect. I have a tiny conventional motor that can run on microwatts. Proves nothing!
I just bought this, so we'll see how difficult it will be to make this into a working "tiny orbo replication."
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 11:05:43 AM
Real scientist would not discourage people to take output / input measurements, and would not out right say my measurements are incorrect without proof. By focusing on wowing people how little power your device runs on is not focusing on the excess energy effect. I have a tiny conventional motor that can run on microwatts. Proves nothing!
I just bought this, so we'll see how difficult it will be to make this into a working "tiny orbo replication."
What I see here is difference in approach - GB sees idea that may work and he try to help to developed on another hand your approach is to have small test and measurements to support idea first. Both have a merit but starting on opposite sides live to many things between as potential for disagreement.
Good luck with new replica.
Quote from: dradak1 on January 27, 2010, 11:26:21 AM
What I see here is difference in approach - GB sees idea that may work and he try to help to developed on another hand your approach is to have small test and measurements to support idea first. Both have a merit but starting on opposite sides live to many things between as potential for disagreement.
Good luck with new replica.
Thanks. I'll be working on the "tiny orbo replication" in a few after searching for some inexpensive supercaps, less than 1F.
Anyhow, I don't think you've summarized GB at all. You can admit that he's outright said to not take my COP measurements, which I've clearly said were output / input. Must I post his quotes? ... Just keeping it real here.
Since I'm getting back to the "tiny orbo replication" today, I'll be blogging about the results here --> (
Blog comments are now open, but please no trashing. Thanks.
[EDIT: corrected URL]
Damn, I logged on and saw a bunch of posts, and was excited to see how much everyone has learned and moved forward. Instead I got to just see a butt load of bickering. Paul, you have got to chill the hell out. This is just getting really STUPID!!!! Ossie simply posted some interesting results that everyone in this thread thought were fantastic and show promise, but you have laughed at him because he did not measure COP yet. Here's your qoute...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 26, 2010, 07:49:57 PM
People should be encouraged to take COP measurements. How long something runs on a battery is meaningless, lol.
WE DON'T CARE!!!! WE ARE TRYING TO WORK HERE! Although I agree just like pretty much everyone in here, that COP measurements are scientific proof and very much needed if one is to get scientist backing. But I'll be honest, I want a self runner, and do not give a crap if scientists back it, and I'm pretty sure Ossie feels the same way although I will not speak for him. A self runner cannot be disputed. One that the battery dies on, causes tons of arguments over how the COP was measured and pissing matches, that ultimately still lead to a device that runs until it stops.
Please get back on track Paul. I mean no disrespect, but please stop getting irritated if someone gets results that do not fit your bill exactly. I'm just curious though, why is it that you do not want a self runner also? I thought we were all after the same thing here.
Hi all
back home and slowly open the lab door and the machine spins (since 18 hours) at 197 rpm battery (which is a non rechargeable AA and not AAA as i mentionned earlier) at voltage 1.22 volt and accu flicking at 130 to 140mv
by looking attentively i heard some time the rpm going down so i stay to see what is going on. The machine seams to "respire" it goes down and than after some minutes it goes up again. Once it goes down to 111 rpm and get back to 194 rpm 5 minutes later ???
Than something weird happen . I tried to measure the voltage of the accu and stayed sometimes with the voltmeter probes on the accu. than it decharges very fast to 50 mv and the machine stops. ??
Do a voltmeter take out the current when measuring ??
Anyway i will try now with a rechargeable AA battery without depleted accu
and see what happens
Good work, thanks for sharing the results. You have at least shown that it is still very efficient, and still somewhat backs up Ossie's results. I'm with you though on that one, using a rechargeable is much better experimentally. I'm glad your choosing to remove the other dead batteries just see how this thing goes. It would not be a bad idea however to just add a small pickup coil and harvest a bit of that rotors kinetic energy.
Hi Captain
thanks for supporting this OSSbo idea
what i can not target is why i don't get the same scope trace across the coils. Ossies shows us a regular oscillating trace Plus on the top a little square spique. On my replication i get what is on the picture on my previous post that is a straight up curve than going smoothly down than almost flat than back to zero than ( i suppose must be the) kickback power = a straight down and up square trace ??
I jusat try a new rotor with alternating polarities NSNS etc but the trace is always the same and the timing with the reed switch is much more difficult to tune and the rpm stay very low.
HEHE not so easy the quest to OU
but lets go on with courage and determination
Hello Ossie some result or video ?
good night
Hey Guys, Ossie's toroidless design reminded me of a doco I saw about 5 years ago. Specifically the work of Doug Konzen. At about 19:31 into the vid you will see his reed switch electromag overunity motor. The doco is A machine to die for - the quest for free energy.
Quote from: woopy on January 27, 2010, 04:50:34 PM
Hi Captain
thanks for supporting this OSSbo idea
what i can not target is why i don't get the same scope trace across the coils. Ossies shows us a regular oscillating trace Plus on the top a little square spique. On my replication i get what is on the picture on my previous post that is a straight up curve than going smoothly down than almost flat than back to zero than ( i suppose must be the) kickback power = a straight down and up square trace ??
I jusat try a new rotor with alternating polarities NSNS etc but the trace is always the same and the timing with the reed switch is much more difficult to tune and the rpm stay very low.
HEHE not so easy the quest to OU
but lets go on with courage and determination
Hello Ossie some result or video ?
good night
Well, when you changed your magnets to alternating polarities, did you change your pulse to alternating polarities also? Or at least pulse half the time on the approach instead of while it's leaving. If not, that could explain why you are not getting the speed and results. You may be putting on the brakes half the time when you pulse it.
As far as your scope trace, I'm not for sure but it should be at least similar to Ossies any time you just pass a magnet by an air core coil. All I can figure is that maybe your coils are not as perfectly in line as you thought. Since they are hooked in series, you should be careful to make sure each magnet is passing over each core at the same time and in the same trajectory to get a nice AC wave. Maybe you are simply canceling each of them out against each other a bit so they are not working together as nicely as what Ossie's is. When I look at the photo's you posted, it does seem like the coils are not exactly lined up correctly, but of course I can't tell for sure in a photo it could just be the angle it was shot. Just a thought. As far as that little square spike at the top of Ossie's trace, that's simply the on time for his power pulse. You can see how is turning on the pulse just before the peak of the generator pulse, and turning it off as close to the exact peak as he can. The rest of his trace is just a normal AC wave that you should be shooting for in yours I believe. Get that same generating wave, even just hand turning it, then you can start trying to tune your pulse like Ossie did.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 27, 2010, 12:58:17 PM
Damn, I logged on and saw a bunch of posts, and was excited to see how much everyone has learned and moved forward. Instead I got to just see a butt load of bickering. Paul, you have got to chill the hell out. This is just getting really STUPID!!!! Ossie simply posted some interesting results that everyone in this thread thought were fantastic and show promise, but you have laughed at him because he did not measure COP yet. Here's your qoute...WE DON'T CARE!!!! WE ARE TRYING TO WORK HERE! Although I agree just like pretty much everyone in here, that COP measurements are scientific proof and very much needed if one is to get scientist backing. But I'll be honest, I want a self runner, and do not give a crap if scientists back it, and I'm pretty sure Ossie feels the same way although I will not speak for him. A self runner cannot be disputed. One that the battery dies on, causes tons of arguments over how the COP was measured and pissing matches, that ultimately still lead to a device that runs until it stops.
Please get back on track Paul. I mean no disrespect, but please stop getting irritated if someone gets results that do not fit your bill exactly. I'm just curious though, why is it that you do not want a self runner also? I thought we were all after the same thing here.
What a sad attack. I offer help and you attack me, lol. Very interesting. And don't tell me to get on track when it's people like you that are attacking and I'm the one talking about science. Yet one more time, the reason for the COP - efficiency measurements is so you people will know when there's an increase in excess energy. Geez, unbelievable!
If you think I'm attacking you, I apologize. It's quite obvious you are just looking for an argument with anyone and everyone here now. That is nowhere near what I am trying to do. It's just getting frustrating to see you arguing with everyone. Then I saw you basically laughing at Ossie's work, simply because he shared his great work without following all your rules and measuring COP first. We don't need you or anyone else trashing someone else's work because you don't agree with it. I personally would love to see more work posted from all the builders, and this is exactly the kind of stuff that makes builders quit posting here. I've wasted enough space on this forum with responding to this kind of crap. So finish making yourself feel good, and throw another attack at me so I can ignore it then we'll all move on. I used to hold a good deal of respect for the work you've put into this thread, but that's pretty much dwindled down to me just ignoring your posts. Hell, you even eluded to John Bedini trying to suppress and hurt the free energy movement, simply because he does not agree with the orbo. I just don't understand your motives anymore, but to be honest, I really don't care either. I'll just do my best to ignore all your rants from here on out.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 07:26:16 PM
What a sad attack. I offer help and you attack me, lol. Very interesting. And don't tell me to get on track when it's people like you that are attacking and I'm the one talking about science. Yet one more time, the reason for the COP - efficiency measurements is so you people will know when there's an increase in excess energy. Geez, unbelievable!
Captainpecan is a well respected member of this forum and, I have never seen any evidence of him "attacking" anyone. By the way, any "excess" in produced energy should make it able to self-run. I use capacitors for this, supercaps to be exact. It was Captanpecan that alerted me to this a long time ago.
If you have X input and 3X coming out, it would stand to reason that a device should self-run. You have "claimed" a COP > 1. Where is your evidence? Why have you not applied for the OU prize yet?
Quote from: callanan on January 26, 2010, 03:09:07 AM
Hi All,
Please see my latest video here.
There has been an interesting development. As it turns out, I was able to completely remove and bypass all of the toroid coils! So there are no toroid coils in this motor. There are only normally wound air core coils in this motor. The motor now runs at 120 RPM and appear to even slightly increase in efficiency to the point of appearing to be 100% electrically? The battery voltage does not go down and the scope trace across the battery appears to show an even amount of energy both going in and coming out of the battery.
Please see the latest updated circuit diagram below.
Does this mean this motor is not a Steorn motor anymore? Does anyone know if Steorn's orbo theory could cover such this motor's operation in terms of still utilising their viscous magnetic theory in neo magnets? Or is it simply an amazingly efficient normal pulse motor?
Looks like you are on the Dr. Robert Adams motor section now (no pun intended).
EXCELLENT work Callanan.
Not directed at anyone. My experience in forums where passions run high on a subject, is that there can be a bit of virtual biffo going on. That's cool as long as everyone maintains mutual respect. If I get attacked in a forum I'll try to take the discussion outside the space where it occurred. Otherwise it's a bit like attending a conference where people are screaming at each other. Not a whole lot of fun. The world is watching folks!
So is anyone familiar with Doug Konzen here? He's been doing this stuff since at least 2004
Quote from: Jimboot on January 28, 2010, 01:10:33 AM
So is anyone familiar with Doug Konzen here? He's been doing this stuff since at least 2004
Yeah, he goes by the name Konehead most of the time. He has done some really good and interesting work. A lot of what I have seen him do are simple pulse motor variations, but he has come up with some pretty interesting original work, like his splatter coils. Just do some google searches and you will find quite a bit about him. There are some good pdf's out there that he has written also. Here is one of the links that shows some of his original work...
Let's not forget to giggle.
My 1st circuit board.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 28, 2010, 03:24:15 AM
Yeah, he goes by the name Konehead most of the time. He has done some really good and interesting work. A lot of what I have seen him do are simple pulse motor variations, but he has come up with some pretty interesting original work, like his splatter coils. Just do some google searches and you will find quite a bit about him. There are some good pdf's out there that he has written also. Here is one of the links that shows some of his original work...
Thanks CP! I didn't know his name but remembered someone in a doco using a reed switch & charging batteries. Just wondering if his work was known of here. I've since been googling him & really find his work interesting. My untrained brain senses some parrallels to what is going on here & wanted to get recc on whether to follow his work. That info is sensational. thanks
Quote from: captainpecan on January 27, 2010, 12:58:17 PM
Although I agree just like pretty much everyone in here, that COP measurements are scientific proof and very much needed if one is to get scientist backing. But I'll be honest, I want a self runner
I share this opinion. COP measurements can be steps needed in the process but only a self runner that can be duplicated should be required before claiming "over unity".
It is well known that extraordinary claims needs extraordinary evidence.
Seeing purple arcing in my reed switches. Not sure if that is good or bad. Taken some macro shots. will post tmrw. @callanan I wasn't sure where you placed your reed switches in you last vid. Are you able to tell me proximity to mags etc pls?
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 28, 2010, 05:15:15 AM
It is well known that extraordinary claims needs extraordinary evidence.
it's a flawed argument... the big bang theory is arguably
the most extraordinary claim ever. 'at first there was nothing, then it exploded'. this violates numerous laws of physics, yet there is no extraordinary evidence for it and it is taught as gospel by nasa and institutions of higher learning around the world. why is steorn to be held to a standard that popular science is not?
Just to remind you all... Oryginal ORBO doesn't utilize any kickback energy. You will simply not find it anywhere on their site. None of the presentations show it. Only motor and generator. And it's the generator part that's utilizing "excess" energy. You will see that on saturday.
And why are you talking here about all this different stuff totally not related to ORBO working principle ? Adams motor, pulse motor ? What does it have in common with ORBO ? Please... You have seen the comparison of ORBO and pulse motor on Steorn site. Why to make such comparison if there wouldn't be any difference ? There is a difference. BIG difference. So why to talk about pulse motor here if it's not a pulse motor! This thread is already too big. And it will get bigger and bigger if you keep talking about all the OU devices the world has seen here. This thread is about ORBO and should be only about ORBO ;] Don't you guys have any forum moderators here ?
Quote from: Jimboot on January 28, 2010, 03:47:20 AM
Let's not forget to giggle.
My 1st circuit board.
I like the smile on your face and your enthusiasm! Keep it up and keep messing up those cutting boards!
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on January 28, 2010, 06:11:50 AM
it's a flawed argument... the big bang theory is arguably the most extraordinary claim ever. 'at first there was nothing, then it exploded'. this violates numerous laws of physics, yet there is no extraordinary evidence for it and it is taught as gospel by nasa and institutions of higher learning around the world. why is steorn to be held to a standard that popular science is not?
good point !
Ideas that have successfully challenged the status quo have typically followed three steps:
1. Rote denial, based on "The Laws of Science".
2. Assail of the inventor's character.
3. Acceptance as though the idea is self-evident.
At one time, the earth was flat. Not because scientists used to be stupid, but because there is stability for the cultural elite in the status quo.
Back in 2007, Sean gave a presentation To University College Dublin (UCD)
At the very end of the first video (last 10 seconds), , Sean says it's not really an engineering problem, but is a problem with "tape price".
I'm not sure if he said "tape price" or something else. If I understood him correctly, then what could he be referring to as "tape price". Could he be referring to a tape wound core?
The tape wound core approaches the perfect magnetic circuit configuration. The tape wound core configuration also provides a good degree of self-shielding from external magnetic fields. The single, uniform, magnetic path causes any entering magnetic field to split into two and induce equal but opposite voltages in the two halves of a uniformly distributed winding. Thus, there tends to be no voltage apparently induced in the total winding.
Here's a few interesting links about "Tape Wound Cores":
Could Steorn's cores be tape wound?
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on January 28, 2010, 06:11:50 AM
... 'at first there was nothing...
If we do not see anything and can't detect it - doesn't mean
...this violates numerous laws of physics
you forget to put "today’s laws of physics" - and laws exists to be broken. ;)
and also that can be reason for:
Quote extraordinary evidence for it ...
but lot of people around the glob working on it. :)
Quote from: k4zep on January 28, 2010, 06:57:44 AM
I like the smile on your face and your enthusiasm! Keep it up and keep messing up those cutting boards!
Let’s hope that he will not be chased by someone who was sharing that cutting board with him for other purpose. :D
Quote from: Jimboot on January 28, 2010, 03:47:20 AM
Let's not forget to giggle.
My 1st circuit board.
And the many sleepless nights with your brain running constantly begins!!! lol... Nice work, most of us have those first builds that everyone looks at scratching their heads saying "What the hell is that?", lol... Hey, sewer pipe and duck tape are in my orbo replication, so some things will never change! We use what we can. Good to see you hit the bench, that's where the learning really happens.
well sayd Captain
here some results
I changed the rotor from 8 to 4 bigger magnets and i got the nice AC trace you spoke yesterday.
Than i have research a mean to get the pulse exactly at the peak of the generator wave . And progressively by trial and error i got it . But it seams that the peak is much Higher than the one of Ossie. ??
I have noticed that my reed switch move a lot when the the magnets pass by, so i am now trying to fix all this much better because it needs great precision to get the Ossie effect.
good night
Hello ALL,
Still around, just took a time out to finish my website.
Part 7 of my snail build...LOL
Tried to post this earlier but had some probs. This is a photo of arcing in my reed switches on Ossies toroidless design. Still having issues getting it tuned to run but the arcing corresponds with voltage spikes in the battery
Quote from: captainpecan on January 28, 2010, 01:17:33 PM
And the many sleepless nights with your brain running constantly begins!!! lol... Nice work, most of us have those first builds that everyone looks at scratching their heads saying "What the hell is that?", lol... Hey, sewer pipe and duck tape are in my orbo replication, so some things will never change! We use what we can. Good to see you hit the bench, that's where the learning really happens.
Geez you're not wrong! The night I got 1000RPMS last week I tossed & turned all night, dreamt about it even LOL!
Quote from: k4zep link=topic=8411.msg225369#msg225369 =1264679864
I like the on your face and your enthusiasm! Keep it up and keep messing up those cutting boards!
Thanks for all your help. I actually find those cutting boards quite hand for a noob like me.
[ author=woopy link=topic=8411.msg225410#msg225410 date=1264706903]
well sayd Captain
here some results
I changed the rotor from 8 to 4 bigger magnets and i got the nice AC trace you spoke yesterday.
Than i have research a mean to get the pulse exactly at the peak of the generator wave . And progressively by trial and error i got it . But it seams that the peak is much Higher than the one of Ossie. ??
I have noticed that my reed switch move a lot when the the magnets pass by, so i am now trying to fix all this much better because it needs great precision to get the Ossie effect.
good night
Are you getting arcing in your reed switches?
Hi all,
I just watched this video on Orbo replications:
Steorn examine attempted replications of Orbo Technology
At the end of the video he mentions something about closed loop vs open loop. He suggested the replicas are open loop and his demonstration is closed loop. Can anyone explain to me what he is talking about?
Is he saying that the replicas didn't have current going through them?
I really like your design.. a lot easier to build.
Good morning all
@ Jb
no my reed do not arc.
are your diodes the right direction ? my voltage is very low , about 1.2 to 1.6 volt and current very low too. On previous test by using 4.5 volt battery , without protecting diode , the reed does arc and will not work long because than it became black in the center and than it glued itself and stop working.
@ 4Tesla
Thanks and please feel free to do one of those it is a very interesting machine.
For info Yesterday evening i could not prevent to make a test before sleeping. So i took back the AA non rechargeable battery (originally 1.5 volt) which run my previous test for more than 18 hours and was at 1.2 volt . After one day rest this battery went up to 1,26 volt. I use it for the new test.
so 1.26 volt yesterday 23.30 at 46 rpm. And this morning after 9 hours the rpm are 25 and the battery is at 1.24 volt. For my very crude proto i think it is very interesting. An as i mentionned in my previous post the reed switch must be very fine tuned, and it is not my case at the present. And another problem is that the reed are magnetic and they make a braking cogging when the magnet bypass. Is it an other mean to get the effect without reed ?? Is there a difference between reed switch (tube) and reed relay as Ossie seams to use in is design ??
To most of the "replicants" - you still do have BEMF - so it will not work ;]
Quote from: woopy on January 29, 2010, 03:19:31 AM
Good morning all
@ Jb
no my reed do not arc.
are your diodes the right direction ? my voltage is very low , about 1.2 to 1.6 volt and current very low too. On previous test by using 4.5 volt battery , without protecting diode , the reed does arc and will not work long because than it became black in the center and than it glued itself and stop working.
DOH! Thanks that is what I wanted to know, I'll reduce the voltage.
Hi All,
Please see the excellent replication work of Jean-Louis Naudin as follows:
His replication video is also on youtube here:
Quote from: gravityblock on January 28, 2010, 10:38:48 AM
Back in 2007, Sean gave a presentation To University College Dublin (UCD)
At the very end of the first video (last 10 seconds), , Sean says it's not really an engineering problem, but is a problem with "tape price".
I'm not sure if he said "tape price" or something else. If I understood him correctly, then what could he be referring to as "tape price". Could he be referring to a tape wound core?
I'm in Ireland so the accent is more familiar to me. I believe he says "tape drives" referring to a magnetic effect being noticed before in old fashioned tape drives.
Congratulations, a job well done. Impressive too !
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: callanan on January 29, 2010, 04:53:03 AM
Hi All,
Please see the excellent replication work of Jean-Louis Naudin as follows:
His replication video is also on youtube here:
FANTASTIC!!!! It's great to see Jean take note of it. You know you've got something at least interesting and worth looking at then. You've done a fantastic job, thanks for sharing!
I know it's starting to drift from Orbo in this thread, maybe it really is time to start your own thread with this one Ossie. I just wanted to show that I've already replicated it fairly successfully myself! I don't have an oscilloscope, so I'm still working on precise tuning but I am getting an extremely long runtime on a AA battery also! I have ran it for about 8 hrs so far and the battery has only dropped .03 volt. I'm almost there, and I've got some 10 farad super caps to play with also just to see as soon as I try to tune a bit better. The picture looks like it's running really fast, but my tach says it's 160 rpm. If I can cut the pulse width just a tad, and maybe see around 100 rpm or a little less at this voltage, I just might get close to your efficiency. I'm working on it!
I hope Naudin takes efficiency - COP measurements!!! This is exactly how designs at this forum continues because nobody cares to take efficiency measurements, which is very odd. And it's odd how people fight this. By nobody taking efficiency measurements claims can go on for endless years wasting massive amounts of time, burning out a lot of people. Now why would anyone want to do that? Gee, lol.
Can you guys believe what the guys at are claiming.
Have a look at their list of can do - under the technology link.
Regards, Penno
Quote from: penno64 on January 29, 2010, 06:08:27 AM
Can you guys believe what the guys at are claiming.
Have a look at their list of can do - under the technology link.
Regards, Penno
I see a religious website with a donation button!'
Quote from: captainpecan on January 29, 2010, 06:01:50 AM
FANTASTIC!!!! It's great to see Jean take note of it. You know you've got something at least interesting and worth looking at then. You've done a fantastic job, thanks for sharing!
I know it's starting to drift from Orbo in this thread, maybe it really is time to start your own thread with this one Ossie. I just wanted to show that I've already replicated it fairly successfully myself! I don't have an oscilloscope, so I'm still working on precise tuning but I am getting an extremely long runtime on a AA battery also! I have ran it for about 8 hrs so far and the battery has only dropped .03 volt. I'm almost there, and I've got some 10 farad super caps to play with also just to see as soon as I try to tune a bit better. The picture looks like it's running really fast, but my tach says it's 160 rpm. If I can cut the pulse width just a tad, and maybe see around 100 rpm or a little less at this voltage, I just might get close to your efficiency. I'm working on it!
Hi CP,
Or perhaps something more like this...
Quote from: callanan on January 29, 2010, 04:53:03 AM
Hi All,
Please see the excellent replication work of Jean-Louis Naudin as follows:
His replication video is also on youtube here:
I have no words to express my appreciation.
great job!
... nex step a solid state system?
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on January 28, 2010, 06:11:50 AM
it's a flawed argument... the big bang theory is arguably the most extraordinary claim ever. 'at first there was nothing, then it exploded'. this violates numerous laws of physics, ...
Big bang theory doesn't violate any law of physics. Not a physicist says "at first there was nothing".
I urge those claiming such absurdities to study the laws of physics.
Quote from: vorrex on January 29, 2010, 05:31:32 AM
I'm in Ireland so the accent is more familiar to me. I believe he says "tape drives" referring to a magnetic effect being noticed before in old fashioned tape drives.
You may be right and I also came across the tape drives in my research. What I find interesting about the tape wound cores, is there will be no CEMF or BEMF and it also minimizes losses, fringing, leakage, distortion, and
decreases the magnetizing force necessary to produce a given flux within the material, especially in a toroid configuration.
Below is a small snippet from this webpage, tape wound core
approaches the perfect magnetic circuit configuration. The effective air gap in the magnetic path is so small that it can be considered non-existent. This minimizes losses, fringing, leakage, distortion, and
decreases the magnetizing force necessary to produce a given flux within the material. In a toroidal core and coil assembly, the entire magnetic path is contained within the electrical winding, further minimizing leakage flux and increasing winding-to-winding coupling.
The single, uniform, magnetic path causes any entering magnetic field to split into two and induce equal but opposite voltages in the two halves of a uniformly distributed winding. Thus, there tends to be
no voltage apparently induced in the total winding (No BEMF or CEMF).
Here's a list of materials for tape wound cores from this manufacture, and Most of these materials are already on my list as a possible core material. Other manufacturers can do tape wound cores with their own materials also. This manufacture can do tape wound soft magnetic cores including nanocrystalline materials like the other manufacturer,, this may upset some here and I must stress this is not my intent. AirStriker is right about the BEMF in the other designs being researched here. Here's the definition of insanity, "doing the same thing over and over again, while excepting a different result". If you have BEMF and are trying to capture the BEMF in order to get it to self run, then you will be fighting a losing battle. We have tried to capture the BEMF over and over again in just about every design in this forum, and it just hasn't worked for a self-runner.
Let's try something different in order to get a different result (anything less than this is insanity, IMO). No BEMF is no CEMF equals a Self-runner. BEMF is a CEMF equals no Self-runner.
As long as we have BEMF, then we're going to have the same results, which is no self-runner. If you disagree with this post, then just ignore it. The other research here is promising, I won't deny that.....but get rid of the CEMF so you don't have BEMF that can never be fully captured, maybe 94% at the most.
I think it is a good idea for others to be trying different things here. We will progress faster this way. I am not trying to discourage this. I support all replication attempts here, just get rid of the BEMF and use pickup coils to close the loop. Don't try to close the loop with a BEMF or CEMF, you will lose IMO.
NAMLITE COATING: to reduce eddy currents at high Frequency, the thinner gages of material are selected and the isolation between laminations (coating) becomes more important. For high Frequency applications (>50Khz.), Namlite coating is applied to Nano material to reduce the eddy current losses.
hi GB
Always read your posts with great interest,as I'm sure others do,although a lot of it is over my head,I've been interested in generating rather than a motor,but there are similar probs.Something I've seen,and it's an easy test,if you take a small transformer,with any covers removed from the laminated core and put in some juice in will not magnetize the frame,as I suppose that is the idea,to keep the flux in the core,but if you pass a magnet by it,it will generate,so it seems to be a one way street,just what is wanted to beat Mr Lenz,only prob. is I can only get enough juice to light a couple of small led's.Any thoughts?
So tomorrow is the big day . Steorn is going to prove overunity . My guess is , even if they do , nothing will change . They claim that they encourage replication , but with hold key info. The only way you will gain this info , is to pay for a license , and they will give you the info . Based on their track record , this will take several years. After that , the results of your endeavors will become and remain the PROPERTY OF STEORN. Comments welcome.
The quote below is something John Bedini wrote in another thread here. So, if you have spikes, then it may have potential. I think this is the reason why Stefan suggested to chop the input current e.g. 10 times during the incoming of the magnets, you would get many more spikes all charging up the battery. Don't confuse the spikes with BEMF. I hope your listening Ossie, because this means your system could be a self-runner.
Quote from: john_bedini on January 29, 2010, 01:45:19 PM
The back emf of the system is always much lower then the input voltage. The spike is the true Radiant energy and it can do things current can not do. It can charge batteries, run motors, light lights and so on. Converting the Radiant energy must be converted in the collector circuit with a semiconductor and not the emitter. You must drain that off to charge something like a capacitor, and then only is it real measurable electricity. So you must understand the system you are trying to build first."
I hope John doesn't mind me quoting him here, it's just really good information and I thought was beneficial here since I attacked BEMF like I did in my earlier posts. It's easy to confuse BEMF with radiant energy and I thought a distinction between the two was needed.
Petersone, this stuff is over my head're not alone.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 29, 2010, 02:45:12 PM
The quote below is something John Bedini wrote in another thread here. So, if you have spikes, then it may have potential. I think this is the reason why Stefan suggested to chop the input current e.g. 10 times during the incoming of the magnets, you would get many more spikes all charging up the battery. Don't confuse the spikes with BEMF. I hope your listening Ossie, because this means your system could be a self-runner.
I hope John doesn't mind me quoting him here, it's just really good information and I thought was beneficial here since I attacked BEMF like I did in my earlier posts. It's easy to confuse BEMF with radiant energy and I thought a distinction between the two was needed.
Petersone, this stuff is over my head're not alone.
Hi GB,;topic=1868.0;attach=5087
Hi Ossie,
I wonder how much better your setup would work (both in RPM and in charging back) if you did not use the 2.2 Ohm resistor in series with the coils?
I understand it limits coils' current hence protects reed switches from burning in fast but then the number of turns for all the coils could be increased to improve induction and copper resistance would certainly increase --> current gets limited without the resistor.
rgds, Gyula
Hi Ossie,
Thank you for the wonderful contribution. You have been busy eh!.
Did anything eventuate from the fencing wire coils ?
Regards, Penno
That was a really good read. I enjoyed it. The "hissing noise" you mentioned in your article, I've heard that noise before with my reed pulse motor. It sounds similar to a cooling effect, or like something is being sucked out of the air or pulling something into the surrounding space.
My reed switches are home-made, so I have a feeling the contacts are bouncing back and forth during the magnets approach and departure which causes the home-made reed switch to be closing and opening multiple times during a single pass of the magnets (maybe this could explain the hissing noise due to the radiant energy).
I forgot to mention the hissing noise because I was freaked out about this pulse motor turning my web cam on/off and messing with my digital off-air TV signal.
Very good article, well written and very informative. It answers a lot of questions I had.
Thank you,
@callanan just got my Ossie Motor running! Tuning the bloody reed switches was the hard part. Initial tacho readings are saying over 300 rpm but I want to double check those as I can't see why mine should be that fast.
Can someone recommend what sort of scope I should get for entry level? Does Fischer Price make one :D Uploading vid now. Will upload another with V readings later.
Here's the vid
Ok I've obviously got something arseabout as rpms are up over 1200 but voltage keeps dropping
Quote from: callanan on January 29, 2010, 05:22:40 PM
Hi GB,;topic=1868.0;attach=5087
Very good and interesting read. Although it almost appears as you are upset with John Bedini. I must say it may be looked upon better by others if it was not so much looking down as Johns SSG work, and simply compared as being much better and why. But, that's of course the view from a big Bedini fan such as myself. None the less, it is a very good read, and there is certainly original content there! Looks like I'm also an Ossie fan now, lol... Great work!
On the side note. Your pulse motor in your latest video. Could you give us some details on how it has performed over the last few days? I know we need to watch how far we drift from the Orbo content in this thread, especially as we approach their big OU proof day tomarrow morning. But I've replicated your pulse motor pretty well, and I would like a bit more info to compare my results to. As of yet, the voltage is still dropping on my AA battery, but EXTREMELY slowly. So I am close, but I am fine tuning the reeds only by hooking in led's and visualizing the on time as I move the rotor past the coil. I simply still have not been able to obtain an oscilloscope, but tax return will most likely be getting me a good old used one online real soon. My big question though is this. Are you pulsing on the approach and attracting the magnet into the coil, or are you pulsing it as it leaves with a push? I'm not sure it even matters, I'm just trying to replicate as closely as possible before I start throwing in my own twists and stuff.
Is anyone set to record Steorns presentation Saturday? I'm a bit confused on the time zone difference and daylight savings time, and all that jaz. To be be honest I'm not exactly sure when it is going to start, and I don't want to miss any of it. Last time I tried to capture it with some software I downloaded like others did, but it did not work out at all for me. Luckily someone else nabbed it.
Quote from: captainpecan on January 30, 2010, 12:32:34 AM
Very good and interesting read. Although it almost appears as you are upset with John Bedini. I must say it may be looked upon better by others if it was not so much looking down as Johns SSG work, and simply compared as being much better and why. But, that's of course the view from a big Bedini fan such as myself. None the less, it is a very good read, and there is certainly original content there! Looks like I'm also an Ossie fan now, lol... Great work!
On the side note. Your pulse motor in your latest video. Could you give us some details on how it has performed over the last few days? I know we need to watch how far we drift from the Orbo content in this thread, especially as we approach their big OU proof day tomarrow morning. But I've replicated your pulse motor pretty well, and I would like a bit more info to compare my results to. As of yet, the voltage is still dropping on my AA battery, but EXTREMELY slowly. So I am close, but I am fine tuning the reeds only by hooking in led's and visualizing the on time as I move the rotor past the coil. I simply still have not been able to obtain an oscilloscope, but tax return will most likely be getting me a good old used one online real soon. My big question though is this. Are you pulsing on the approach and attracting the magnet into the coil, or are you pulsing it as it leaves with a push? I'm not sure it even matters, I'm just trying to replicate as closely as possible before I start throwing in my own twists and stuff.
Hi CP,
- My motor and any replication motor can run indefinitely once tuned correctly and the coils have enough turns for the magnet strength and RPM such that the generator voltage is equal to the battery voltage.
- Whether you pulse in attraction or repulsion mode does not matter. It works the same.
- Please see my latest video below. Note the waveform across the coils for tuning. You need to make sure the input pulse voltage DOES NOT exceed the generator pulse voltage. You need to get your pulse width to fit almost exactly neatly inside the top of the generator pulse such that you can't even make out the input pulse as it is masked inside the generator pulse. Don't worry, the motor will still run when you do this as long as the input pulse width is wide enough but still within the generator pulse.
- I am reluctant to say that you can get the battery to charge as well, even though I am doing this also, because it is not easy so until I can work out a simple enough arrangement and circuit for others to replicate a battery charging effect also, I will just say that you can run this motor indefinitely on the same battery with what I have presented so far, fairly easily!
- In regard to the motor I am showing you relating to this thread, my perspective is that it was born out of this thread and should remain here as a reference to the benchmark of performance that Steorn has shown us so far. Until they show us superior performance of their motor to my motor then I think my motor should remain here in this thread were it was born.
Hey Ossie.
My motor got up to 5400 RPM but it used a lot of V & no recharge. I have built two circuits now. I am pretty sure they are correct but obviously I'm doing something wrong. My rotor dia is diff to yours & JLN does the timing of the switches efffect the generator or have I got a buggered circuit if I'm getting 5400rpm off a 6vsla whose v keeps dropping
Quote from: Jimboot on January 30, 2010, 03:01:06 AM
Hey Ossie.
My motor got up to 5400 RPM but it used a lot of V & no recharge. I have built two circuits now. I am pretty sure they are correct but obviously I'm doing something wrong. My rotor dia is diff to yours & JLN does the timing of the switches efffect the generator or have I got a buggered circuit if I'm getting 5400rpm off a 6vsla whose v keeps dropping
Don't bother answering! Just read your above post. Looks like I have yto see if Fischer price makes a scope!
Hi JB,
You need to read my recent posts today here and on the youtube comments. Your coils will generate a particular voltage for a particular RPM. Your input battery voltage needs to be approximately equal to this voltage. By using higher input voltages your RPMs will go higher and as a consequence your generator voltage will increase but higher RPMs are more susceptible to air and bearing friction innefficiencies. So lower voltages are usually more efficient for the rotors we make at home.
Hi All,
Also see the latest updates on JLN's webpage as follows for further information on tuning this motor for self running and indefinate operation on the same battery.
Quote from: gravityblock on January 29, 2010, 06:48:44 PM
That was a really good read. I enjoyed it. The "hissing noise" you mentioned in your article, I've heard that noise before with my reed pulse motor. It sounds similar to a cooling effect, or like something is being sucked out of the air or pulling something into the surrounding space.
My reed switches are home-made, so I have a feeling the contacts are bouncing back and forth during the magnets approach and departure which causes the home-made reed switch to be closing and opening multiple times during a single pass of the magnets (maybe this could explain the hissing noise due to the radiant energy).
I forgot to mention the hissing noise because I was freaked out about this pulse motor turning my web cam on/off and messing with my digital off-air TV signal.
Very good article, well written and very informative. It answers a lot of questions I had.
Thank you,
The hissing I'm hearing in mine is coming from the coils. Will buy a stethoscope trw to confirm.
Looks like our old buddy Lidmotor got wind, lol... I love watching him work! He usually ends up adding CFL's to most everything just for kicks. And again, he's added a CFL to Ossie's circuit!
4pm GMT = 11am NEW YORK Time
Quote from: rave154 on January 30, 2010, 03:32:31 AM
4pm GMT = 11am NEW YORK Time
Err thanks..? What the..? I'm in Melb & have a computer :) I understand time zones, they just don't fit with schedule :)
Great work Ossie!
I really don't want to be disrespectful to your discovery but this effect remids me of Newmans work and Leon Dragone study:
Naudins work:
What is common here is: air coil, rotating magnet and physical switch. When you put all this together you get strong current back after each switch.
Naudin achieved 5min of selfrun: (Too bad he stopped researching at that point)
Keep up the good work! ;)
Hey Ossie is it just me or when this thing slows down down it sounds like a piston engine? Started to see v go up at 1600rpm but lostthe tuning. I think the big self tappers I'm using to hold the coils on are acting as toroids. Seems to really speed up when the reed switch is hooked over the back of one
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 27, 2010, 09:59:57 AM
"Tiny orbo replication" update
Hi Paul,
I'm refering to:
I'm pleased to find accurate measurements and calculus here. I perfectly agree with the method you are using to evaluate the COP.
Nevertheless I see a possible flaw in the data so I have a question: how do you estimate the coil inductance during pulse?
The inductance depends on both the magnet position and the current in the coil. From my own experiments, I found that the inductance can drastically change from one to less than one tenth with a coil current around 1 A, because the current participates in saturating the ferrite core.
At the begining of the pulse, the effect of the current onto the ferrite permeability is not yet established, thus inductance should be much higher than later and it will not change instantly. I'm afraid that we have to integrate 0.5*d(L*i²)/dt² over the pulse duration to get the right power instead of using a mean inductance value which is possibly irrelevant.
Hi All,
Please see further independant verification of my latest results here from Jean-Louis Naudin.
ok running at 1300RPMS now at 1.22V frm a D cell . Voltage is not dropping atm. I have a feeling it is still not tuned well enough but won't know till I get the scope.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 30, 2010, 05:46:02 AM
ok running at 1300RPMS now at 1.22V frm a D cell . Voltage is not dropping atm. I have a feeling it is still not tuned well enough but won't know till I get the scope.
I can't help be keep wondering about your rpm's. Are you seriously getting over 1000 rpms on that 1.22 v battery? I have seen your other posts and you even spoke of much higher than that. Now I can't say for sure, because mine still is not a self runner, but it's damn close. In my experience, to have it tuned properly for that voltage, you should have significantly less rpms. Not that rpms are a bad thing. The more the better, but in this case I think it may be indicating that your pulse width is to wide. As far as I can tell with my work so far on this motor, the smaller the pulse with the more efficient. Now Ossie's newer info seems to show you still want a little length in the pulse, maybe a bit more than I am using even, but his motor also does not appear to be coming anywhere near 1000 rpms. I could of course be wrong, there are component differences between our setups, but you may want to try and narrow your pulse width a little, which will drop your rpms as a result of course, but you may get a big gain in efficiency. Just a thought.
Without a scope, I hooked up an led and battery accross my reeds, while not using any part of the circuit. Then moving the rotor really slow by hand, you can get a pretty good idea by the lighting of the led where your coil is firing and can tune it in fairly well. Once you get it where you want it, take out the led and battery and hook your circuit back up and give it whirl. Doesn't beat a scope for sure, and you can't really tweak it while it's running this way. But if you don't have a scope, that's how I'm doing it anyway. If anyone else has a better way, please let me know.
1700 RPM now. I've lost .01V in an hour. Still tuning. D cell at 1.21 v. I'm too scared to measure amps lest I upset the tuning! Is a D cell running a motor for an hour using .01 volt good? I don't think I could run my portable drill for that long at that speed.
Would the metglas cores get saturated if I stuck them inside the air coil? At 1900RPM now still 1.21 v . I think the switches connected dorictely to the self tapper toroids is the doing something but not sure what. I think I need to build a control set motor
Quote from: captainpecan on January 30, 2010, 06:01:36 AM
I can't help be keep wondering about your rpm's. Are you seriously getting over 1000 rpms on that 1.22 v battery? I have seen your other posts and you even spoke of much higher than that. Now I can't say for sure, because mine still is not a self runner, but it's damn close. In my experience, to have it tuned properly for that voltage, you should have significantly less rpms. Not that rpms are a bad thing. The more the better, but in this case I think it may be indicating that your pulse width is to wide. As far as I can tell with my work so far on this motor, the smaller the pulse with the more efficient. Now Ossie's newer info seems to show you still want a little length in the pulse, maybe a bit more than I am using even, but his motor also does not appear to be coming anywhere near 1000 rpms. I could of course be wrong, there are component differences between our setups, but you may want to try and narrow your pulse width a little, which will drop your rpms as a result of course, but you may get a big gain in efficiency. Just a thought.
Without a scope, I hooked up an led and battery accross my reeds, while not using any part of the circuit. Then moving the rotor really slow by hand, you can get a pretty good idea by the lighting of the led where your coil is firing and can tune it in fairly well. Once you get it where you want it, take out the led and battery and hook your circuit back up and give it whirl. Doesn't beat a scope for sure, and you can't really tweak it while it's running this way. But if you don't have a scope, that's how I'm doing it anyway. If anyone else has a better way, please let me know.
I have coloured the face of my mags black so they don't reflect on the tacho, so if the tacho is correct (brnd new) I'm getting around 1900RPMS atm on 1.21 v. I'd love to tune the pulse but I think I'll setup another motor & buy a scope & mess with that. I want to see how long this one goes. :). It does seem as twice as fast as my firs rep with ferrite torroids which achieved 1000RPM
Hey Ossie any advice? I'm getting a scope tmrw to tune here is the latest vid. I'm filming with a web cam atm as all my vid gear is in the office. I'll make a better one soon.
The d cell is losing about .01v per hour. The voltage is now at 1.19 doing 1800RPM. Have to go to bed. Will leave running overnight.
Quote from: exnihiloest on January 30, 2010, 05:06:20 AM
Hi Paul,
I'm refering to: (
I'm pleased to find accurate measurements and calculus here. I perfectly agree with the method you are using to evaluate the COP.
Nevertheless I see a possible flaw in the data so I have a question: how do you estimate the coil inductance during pulse?
The inductance depends on both the magnet position and the current in the coil. From my own experiments, I found that the inductance can drastically change from one to less than one tenth with a coil current around 1 A, because the current participates in saturating the ferrite core.
At the begining of the pulse, the effect of the current onto the ferrite permeability is not yet established, thus inductance should be much higher than later and it will not change instantly. I'm afraid that we have to integrate 0.5*d(L*i²)/dt² over the pulse duration to get the right power instead of using a mean inductance value which is possibly irrelevant.
I just posted a reply here,
I was hoping someone would have done some efficiency - cop measurements on the ossie device by now. As an example, people were being wowed by the Joule Thief videos, and even I was impressed by some, but then I tested the best / biggest Joule Thief claim, and it was far far below 100% efficiency. So battery measurements are to only wow people, and are often misleading. I have confidence you people can do it! ;D
Quote from: Jimboot on January 30, 2010, 08:26:00 AM
The d cell is losing about .01v per hour. The voltage is now at 1.19 doing 1800RPM. Have to go to bed. Will leave running overnight.
I did not realize with my last post that your batteries were not going down any more than they are. .01 volts per hour is not bad at all, and I'd say it's tuned pretty damn well. The extra rpms you are getting MAY indicate the pulse width is a bit wide, but to be honest we are at about the same stage in our replications so I really have no advice. Mine is running longer with a little less loss in voltage. But yours is running about 9 times faster than mine is also. Please share your scope shots when you get 'em! Congrats on your replication so far, your almost there!
Well... I sure don't mean to be negative. But Steorn PROOF of OU was pretty disappointing to me. That demonstration is going to catch quite a bit of criticism everywhere. God forbid they just measure the damn thing input to output. Hell, they could have at least showed a multimeter hooked to the battery showing an increase in voltage. That's not to much to ask. He says it's over 300% efficient electrically, there is no reason at all that could not be easily shown with a $10 multimeter attached to the battery.
As a replicator, I was really pulling for them to come out and actually prove something. And they did that. They proved that they obviously do not care to prove anything. I'm very disappointed, and all I can say is that I'm extremely grateful that Ossie showed his finds, because Steorn pretty much lost a ton of respect on this demo, at least from me. I think I'm wasting my time if I spend 1 more second on my Orbo replication. This was a joke. Sorry guys, I hate posting negative thoughts, but I have a feeling I'm not alone on this one.
Even though I do not agree with Pauls COP measurements and do not feel it proves OU, his results were probably hands down a much better attempt of proof than Steorn's FINAL DEMO OF PROOF OF OU! That was a spit in the eye for the free energy movement that Steorn just dealt us all.
At least we learned a couple details during Seans attempt to avoid answering any difficult questions. He said they are using just over an amp of current. And he also said the average runtime on the reed switch orbo is 7 days.
If they are pushing over an amp of current, and only getting around 1000 rpms, something seems wrong. I think something stinks in Dublin....
Morning All,
Where can I get a look at this last Steorn video ?
Regards, Penno
No kidding I did not see anything yet where is the video were others already able to see the final video already I haven't seen nothing...
Hi all
thank Ossie and Jean Louis Naudin i can understand better how it works
picture 1 a replication with 4coils of about 1 ohm resistance = good results but you can see on the trace that the impulse voltage is higher than the generative voltage = long run but no OU!!
¨picture 3, 4 and 5 = new setup with 4 coils each of about 5 ohms = the trace shows a short impulse current about 1.2 volts and a strong 2.1 volt generative wave. But i can not get the timing to INSERT the motor impulse IN the generation wave any idea ??
THE TIMING IS THE KEY (+ a lot of determination)
good night
I think that's about all they could show you... in a way that doesn't reveal much about the technology. Note, that their company is not about showing anything, but to earn money selling "how to". But anyway... go to Dublin and do the tests yourself. I'm pretty sure that the multimeter test will actually show you what you want to see - I hope it OU ;) But you are obviously right - as for a finall demo it was simply shitty ;]
Hello All,
Going back to the build...LOL I continue to make new progress. Here is the latest. I am slow, but it is gonna be nice..very soon! And I have some VERY unique ideas for the generator side when that comes.
Ok the d cell was down to .8 this am & the motor had stopped. For the hell of it I hooked up the 6VSLA batt again I get 7000>RPM bit of fun but the volts keep dropping. The mototr will run on 0.6v & still get 1200RPM tho. More tuning to do
What an anti-climax! ::)
Not only do steorn not have it available on their website, they're still showing the loop ad for it. No one has yet uploaded it to youtube either... I wish I'd recorded it now - there was a couple of screenshots I want to take a look at again.
Quote from: woopy on January 30, 2010, 05:51:52 PM
Hi all
thank Ossie and Jean Louis Naudin i can understand better how it works
picture 1 a replication with 4coils of about 1 ohm resistance = good results but you can see on the trace that the impulse voltage is higher than the generative voltage = long run but no OU!!
¨picture 3, 4 and 5 = new setup with 4 coils each of about 5 ohms = the trace shows a short impulse current about 1.2 volts and a strong 2.1 volt generative wave. But i can not get the timing to INSERT the motor impulse IN the generation wave any idea ??
THE TIMING IS THE KEY (+ a lot of determination)
good night
Hi Woopy,
Get some schottky or germanium diodes and connected them directly across the battery then control the current to the coils with a series resistor from say 0-100ohms. See the latest circuit on JLN's website. Use a variable resistor for better adjustment. You can also just use one series resistor/variable resistor instead of two.
Use your scope and get that input pulse inside the generator pulse. Yes timing is of most importance. Place each reed switch next to a different magnet. Have one oriented vertically and one oriented horizontally. I have found this is the best method of placing and adjusting the reed switches for me.
Hello ALL,
Coils are wound, magnets glued and simply need to tune the toroids to the neutral line tomorrow. Soon I will be ready to take it for a spin... ;D
This is the latest, from a few minutes ago:
Ok bought a scope from Jaycar today.... now I just have to work out how to use it! LOL . Took my Ossie motor down there too to show the guys what I have been building. Even one of the biggest sceptics down there got a bit excited & offered a bunch of advice. Once I've worked out how to use the scope I'll post some shots. From what I can tell I should just be measuring what happens over the coils right?
1st scope shot across the coils on 6V running at around 5000RPM . 2nd is running on a D cell at around 1100 RPM
Quote from: vorrex on January 30, 2010, 06:28:54 PM
What an anti-climax! ::)
Not only do steorn not have it available on their website, they're still showing the loop ad for it. No one has yet uploaded it to youtube either... I wish I'd recorded it now - there was a couple of screenshots I want to take a look at again.
Here's what I found so far... Part 1... That's all this user has uploaded as of this post. Make sure to check his channel to see if he has the other parts uploaded, as I'm sure he's working on it.
A screenshot of the output vs input, as shown in the final demo.
The trace going uphill continuously is the output power in the pickup coil (which was shorted, so its R*I^2)
The pulses are the "net" input power going into the input part of the system (i.e. the toroids). It is not clear what the "net" means here, but I guess it must be the sum of power fed and power collected back from the collapse. Not sure but.
He said you can work it out and the output would be 300% of the input. So, there you have the proof. Enjoy :)
I agree, that it was not as clear cut as expected, and like others I also feel disappointed, because I was waiting for some solid proof. But it is better than nothing at all. Hopefully, when all the raw data is posted on their site (as promised) we will know for sure.
If you watch the (short) demo, he divulged more info in those 5 mins as compared to all the combined info given out in last 4 years.
Hopefully more of the demo will become available quick. I would like to see it again, and pick it apart, and just make sure I am not missing something. The more I think about it, I really would like to see how they hooked up that scope again. My internet was choppy so I missed some words here and there, but I think they had one generator coil hooked up. They had that one generator coil directly shorted, and the output scope trace was from that one coil alone I believe. I could be wrong on this of course, I do not remember for sure. But running this through my mind, tells me that something is bogus or I definitely saw it wrong, which is possible. But, it appears that they were saying that one pickup coil was producing over 300% of the electrical energy going into the system. If they were using a little over an amp as Sean stated during a question, then they had to be pushing a little over 1 watt input. That means somehow they are claiming to be getting over 3 watts output from one common wound pickup coil, with a rotor with small magnets on it rotating at a mere 1200 rpms. I want those coils, because that would be some amazing output for an air cored coil, low rpms, and close to 1/2 inch magnets.
I will of course try and keep an open mind, and see what others here think after everyone has gotten to watch. Maybe I expected to much for proof of OU. But I must say, I was hoping for more than a simple scope trace that shows input measured in a different manner than the output.
The 1 amp for input may not be the average value, it could be peak current. The real current would be I*dutycycle. There was only one pickup coil which was shorted and connected to a current probe.
The demo was stupid and was probably designed for a layperson, but even a layperson will gain nothing much out of it. Well CEOs cannot be compared to engineers :D
They did not measure I and V (on both input and output sides) separately, simply displayed integration of both, in a vague manner. He did not describe the scope connections very well. So nothing much can be said about the "proof" part. The real proof will come from replicators, not from steorn.
Anyway, summing up the relevant info for replicators here (as much as I could understand) :
1- There is an input part and an output part of the device and both are independent i.e don't influence each other. (see the boxed part in the pic below)
2- The input is taking just over an amp (peak most probably)
3- The output is picked up via air core coils. The actual output is NOT the collapsed EMF of toroidal coils.
4- You can get the collapsed EMF power also which would be 108% of input (I may be wrong here, pl check)
5- The output side efficiency is infinite, because the input is nil as seen from the output.
6- The net "electrical out" to "electrical in" efficiency is 327%
7- COP is a bit more and will include KE of rotor + air and bearing friction in output.
8- The coils are turned on exactly at TDC and turned off at 25-30 deg from TDC.
9- There is no fixed efficiency. You can vary it according to design, like by placing the pickup closer to the magnets, or getting bigger magnets and coils. You can make it as efficient as you want.
10- RPM is 1300 in this case.
The 1 amp was meant for the demo orbos on the steady stream.
It wasn't referred to the one we saw yesterday.
Scope shot of D cell battery that is about 8 YO been sitting in a disused portable elec fence unit. 1.28 Volts 1100RPM. Am I right in assuming the fuzzy arrowheads are the coils & the 2 that are more prominent is where the switch is operating?
Part 3 of yesterdays demo is now available here: (
Still no sign of part 2 though.
This on 6V running at 6000RPM losing 0.12V/hour On this wave what pulse do I need to increase
Thanks Ossie for the axplanation
i now installed a 4.5 non rechargeable battery and put 2 resistor between the reed and diode (as Jean Louis Naudin did)
For my set up i used 57 ohms each (47 + 10) and the RPM increase to 290
and now the trace is as on the attached picture.
As i have no schotky diodes i tried BY 550-800 seams quite good but will order some schotky next week.
I tried a lot of positions for the reed , and the best for my set up is as on the picture
I am making a long run test right now with the 4.5 volt battery
so stay tuned
Ok got the V drops down to 0.02 an hour running at 2400RPMS. Not that much better than on the D cell really. I will let it run overnight. Are these numbers any good?
Quote from: Jimboot on January 31, 2010, 07:45:17 AM
Ok got the V drops down to 0.02 an hour running at 2400RPMS. Not that much better than on the D cell really. I will let it run overnight. Are these numbers any good?
Jim, nice work! 2400RPMS WOW! Where did you get your Rotor? Can you give us some specs on bearings etc. Thanks.
Hi all
here it is full Mond. I don't know if it brings energy but the Ossbo is spinning its own weight, working against the bearing friction and flapping my air lab still 10 hours from now
test begins at 12 00 with (new normal cheap standard 4.5volt square battery non rechargeable) at 4.8 volts and 290 rpm
interesting point at 14.00 the rpm was 294 and the voltage drop very slightly at 4.77
at 16.00 the rpm was 294 and the voltage drop very slightly at 4.75
at 19.00 the rpm was 293 and the voltage drop very slightly at 4.72
at 20.00 the rpm was 294 and the voltage drop very slightly at 4.71
at 22.00 the rpm was 292 and the voltage drop very slightly at 4.70
the scope trace don't show any drop in the generative wave (almost 5.6 volt very constant) and the power pulse is almost totally integrated in it !!!
I will order tomorrow more sensible reed and schottky plus wind some more different coils and we will see
but anyway OSSIE YOU ARE GREAT many thanks
Quote from: maw2432 on January 31, 2010, 08:38:38 AM
Jim, nice work! 2400RPMS WOW! Where did you get your Rotor? Can you give us some specs on bearings etc. Thanks.
The rotor is just an old power supply fan that I increased the Dia of so I could fit my big mags on it. Uploading vid now. I had it has high as 7000RPM but it was not feeding back to the battery.
Here is latest vid
Btw I am using Ossie's original circuit not the JLN modified one wit resistor. So essentially 2 X N5408, 2 reeds & 4 coils.
Been following this thread and have been tinkering my own little lab I patched together specifically to look at this tech... I have a notion (i'm new to electrical engineering and such), and if I can get a couple of you to give me the nod of approval, meaning, its a reasonably sound idea, I'll invest in testing it.
Pulsing the coil saturates the core rendering it less attractive to a permanent magnet. I assume that's true? I was unable to make my coils 'invisible', but I could drastically reduce the attraction.
The amount of current required to saturate the core is a fixed value independent of the rating of the permanent magnet. Is that true?
If the above are true, and seeing as mounting an absurdly large magnet to the rotor is impractical, I propose buying two large Neo magnets (3"x3") and putting the coils, circuit and battery/cap in the rotor. If the above relationship is as asymmetric as it appears, this should be very self evident with the proposed setup.
The fact that everyone is squeezing and optimizing to whatever ends available to barely meet unity, seems to say that either we are skirting the edges of what is possible with magnets that are simply too weak, or, that the amount of current that is required may scale with the strength of the permanent magnet which I think would then make the relationship symmetrical.
Crazy? Not? Thanks for any input! Those big magnets can be costly, so I wanted to solicit your feedback prior to purchase. ::)
Hy, all...
I'm an italian researcher,
I'm very curious in ossie motor!
Wath is wattage drain by your motor during test?
a doubt, anyone tried to replace battery with cap? (eventually ultracapacitor?) work
Ossie motor now running for over 13 hours. 2800RPM at the moment, battery has dropped to 5.82Volts. I'll start build on another one tonight. Anyone else using screws to fasten their coils & use them to trigger the coils? This is what is giving me the high RPMs.
btw how do I measure the amps on this baby? Where do I stick my probes? (be nice!)
Comments on the Steorn Final Demo
I have watched the three part final demo:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
It is clear to me that Steorn is NOT using the Lead-Out Energy to explain the source of energy of Orbo yet. Their demonstration and the data presented so far is NOT convincing as far as proving COP > 1.
If I were to present the Orbo from the Lead-Out Energy Theory Point of View, I would do the following:
1. Explain the Lead-Out Energy Theory first. The Law of Conservation of Energy has NOT been violated. The extra energy comes from Electron Motion (magnetic) energy from the surrounding. So long as there is a Pulse Force on a non-constant speed rotating wheel, we can lead-out electron motion energy. See the Lee-Tseung Lead Out Energy theory thread for more details.
2. Talk about the various factors that would affect the efficiency. It is a matter of properly tuning or matching the various parts.
3. One important factor is the PULSE Current. It must be provided at the right time. Its strength and duration will determine the INPUT POWER supplied. Its frequency should vary with the External Load.
4. Another important factor is the Coil. In the Orbo, magnetic attraction was used. In the Tong wheel, magnetic repulsion was used. With magnetic repulsion, we can easily increase the force via higher current. With the Orbo, the input current is used to reduce the magnetic attraction. It is not easy to increase the Pulsing force.
5. Another important factor is the diameter of the wheel. With a larger diameter, more coils and magnets can be put on. Tuning can be achieved with different number of drive coils and collector coils as in the Tong wheel. The larger wheel also allows time for the Lead-Out Energy Process to complete.
6. With any PULSE Force, the pushed object will take time to accelerate to the highest speed to take full advantage of that force. If the RPM or pulse interval is too fast, this will not happen. Most Pulse Motor Researchers did not understand this important factor. From the comments in this thread, I believe some replicators still did not appreciate this. They are still blindly trying to get higher rotational speed.
7. The most important aspect is to allow other groups to test the demonstration prototype with their own equipment. Different types of experiments can be done. Good ideas and suggestions will come out.
As far as providing full engineering specification for replication, Steorn would like to protect some secrets. In addition, there were much tuning to get to the right working point. The Tong Wheel can demonstrate this aspect very well with the proximity switch positioning. With slight variation, the Tong wheel can rotate clockwise, rotate anti-clockwise, stop, achieve OU or fail to achieve OU.
The better way is to have manufactured Educational Products that can demonstrate OU at purchase. The buyer (developer or student) can then take the product apart and improve.
At this moment in time, the Tong Wheel is ahead of Orbo in its ability to demonstrate OU. Both devices are now open to the Public for verification and testing. The World will benefit.
Lawrence Tseung
Help Seedlings Innovate Foundation Limited
Thank You folks we can now check out the final demo here:
In 3 parts thank you freely whom ever you are.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 31, 2010, 07:50:53 PM
Ossie motor now running for over 13 hours. 2800RPM at the moment, battery has dropped to 5.82Volts. I'll start build on another one tonight. Anyone else using screws to fasten their coils & use them to trigger the coils? This is what is giving me the high RPMs.
btw how do I measure the amps on this baby? Where do I stick my probes? (be nice!)
Your probes go in series with the positive lead on the run battery to measure amp draw.
Hope this helps.
Now that everyone has a chance to see the final demo. What are all your thoughts about the questions at the end? My thoughts were that not one of them had any questions that even mattered, except for one guy, who was quickly shut up as Sean moved on. The other questions were actually quite stupid, which leads me to believe the questions were either planted, or most of the people there did not have a clue what they were even looking at to start with. Now the guy in the brown coat was obviously disappointed as I was, and did not feel Steorn did well at all towards proving OU. He was asking the correct questions, in a nice direct way, and simply got treated like he was the plague! I REALLY wanted to hear the rest of that discussion that Sean got shut down quick like. I also got the impression that Sean did not want to answer the question of how long the battery lasts. I also found it quite interesting, that the demo unit they were showing this entire time, with the 8 toroids, was never once tested at all for us to see. Every part of the demo we could see was an orbo build differently than the main Orbo. It does say though, that Steorn believes even the 4 coil setup with the coils layed down, is supposed to be over 300% efficient. But that is only measuring one pickup coil. This was just a sad ending to demo saga.
Great Ossie Motor replications guys, looking good! Mine still is not as efficient as Ossie's but I know why it's not. I simply do not have enough turns or the right guage wire to get a generator voltage higher than my input. I will be redoing my rotor in the next day or so and piling on the magnets to increase the voltage of the coils I've got.
I need to order some more magnet wire, and I'm trying to determine the best gauges to order for this project. What size wire are you guys using that is giving you the higher voltage? I'm thinking of going with #26, as I think it will give a fairly high voltage, and MAYBE the smaller diameter will not be to much resistance for the efficiency. I also will be ordering some stronger and better magnets to use. This appears at least so far with my work, that increasing number of turns on the coil, and magnet strength will give higher rpms, and more power output for the same or less energy input. Depending of course on how much lenz holds back the power pulse during the generation cycle. This is good stuff.
The demo was very convincing for those who understand what's being presented. It doesn't matter one bit that there were those who don't have a clue. It appears that we have finally a definitive proof for continuous production of excess energy, publicly demonstrated. The only problem would be if Steorn didn't plug in the correct R value or there was something wrong with the y-axis scale of the two traces etc. I don't think that such elementary flaws are very likely in view of the open character of the demo (people are invited to do their own experiments on the premises).
Quote from: Pirate88179 on January 31, 2010, 08:27:06 PM
Your probes go in series with the positive lead on the run battery to measure amp draw.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for helping the noob!
Hello ALL,
In the youtube Steorn Demo, at 2:54 -2:57 Sean say what is true. "There is a lot more power that we can capture."
They have only ONE pick up coil but there is room for more, not to mention adding the second level generator. As far as I am concerned it is pretty conclusive, via the scope shot, as Omni also pointed out.
I think we need to think "outside" the box with the generator ideas for our motors, and push it to the limit!
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 01, 2010, 01:24:08 AM
Hello ALL,
In the youtube Steorn Demo, at 2:54 -2:57 Sean say what is true. "There is a lot more power that we can capture."
They have only ONE pick up coil but there is room for more, not to mention adding the second level generator. As far as I am concerned it is pretty conclusive, via the scope shot, as Omni also pointed out.
I think we need to think "outside" the box with the generator ideas for our motors, and push it to the limit!
I'm with you on that! I'm currently thinking about a 2nd lvl generator for my Ossie motor. Because I'm getting 2400RPM & it feels to the touch that it is capable of some work
Listening with a stethoscope to the 'hissing' of the coils on my Ossie Motor, it sounded like water trying to get through a garden hose when you kink it.
Been running 20 hours non-stop 2800RPM battery down to 5.6Volts. Truly amazing Ossie! Thanks
edit: Ok hold the press. I was reading the tacho wrong. Divide all my reported RPMS by 3. Still fast I think for a motor I had running nearly 22 hours b4 I switched off. Sorry for my noobiness.
MrEntropy, a participant in another forum has provided the simple explanation of this crucial definitive test. Indeed, the I^2R where R is the Ohmic resistance of the toroid coils is the recoverable power that goes for Joule heating. That part of the input I*V power isn't spent for spinning the rotor (and producing the i^2r output power, where i is the current in the pick-up coil and r is its Ohmic resistance) and has to be subtracted. Thus, the bottom trace in the screen shot posted earlier in this thread, in fact shows I*V -I^2R integrated. Its slope gives the input power. What Sean did is a very clever, definitive way of demonstrating OU by a method which improves on MrEntropy's earlier suggestion to compare I^2R with I*V which was stimulated by an earlier Sean's claim that the input power only goes for Joule heating of the toroid coils.
That earlier Sean's claim met with objections from some who made a big point that there are also inductive and other losses and therefore it cannot be that I^2R = I*V. Now in the way this final demo was presented any such objections become meaningless and the proof of OU becomes conclusive, provided the values of R and r are determined correctly and there are no other trivial systematic errors. At this moment I take the position that such trivial errors are unlikely in view of the fact that neither Sean nor his assistants are sophomores in the principles of elementary measurement techniques.
Steorn have done a fantastic job and have to be commended for their latest demo. Case seems closed, continuous production of excess energy being definitively proven by a very clever simple experiment (involving sophisticated test equipment). Of course, I'm looking forward to see independent parties confirm that effect which will establish that finding in the body of the mainstream science.
@ Jimboot , re where do I stick my probes . Just in case you did not fully understand the reply by Captain 88179 . Remove positive .wire from pos battery terminal . place red wire from multimeter onto battery pos terminal . Connect black wire from multimeter to the wire you previously removed from pos battery terminal . Job done . You can in fact break the battery leads at any point ,and connect multimeter leads to the disconnected ends. If your probes are reversed , meter will show a negative quantity . Always ensure meter is set to correct range before connecting . If in doubt , start at a high current range and work down . Hope this helps.
Quote from: Jimboot on January 31, 2010, 05:29:55 PM
The rotor is just an old power supply fan that I increased the Dia of so I could fit my big mags on it. Uploading vid now. I had it has high as 7000RPM but it was not feeding back to the battery.
Here is latest vid
Jim, looks great. Are you using reflector tape for your RPM measurements? Sometimes the magnets reflect and cause one to think they are getting much faster RPM.
Sorry if this was covered before.
I just posted 20 mins ago that it looks like that is exactly what was happening. Divide all my reported RPMs by three. Thanks. I'm a noob. Sorry.
You guys serously have to build an Ossie motor. Back on the 8 yo abused d cell now. 140 RPM & looks like it is stable at 1.27V. It sounds like a steam engine starting up on 6V. Amazing under a stethoscope. I think I need a magnetic potentiometer. The screws I have used to hold on the coils have been acting as a mag trigger for my reeds. I ran the Ossie motor for the last 21 hours on a 6V battery at speeds of between 800 -1200. (corrected - previously reported 3 times higher). At the mo I am sliding the reeds terminals up and down the backs of the screws to tune. The field on the screws is weak. I was thinking of something that would adjust where the screw made contact with the terminal. Any ideas? I guess this will be obsolete when Ossie introuces the hall effects version :)
Quote from: dynoc on January 31, 2010, 06:16:54 PM
Hy, all...
I'm an italian researcher,
I'm very curious in ossie motor!
Wath is wattage drain by your motor during test?
a doubt, anyone tried to replace battery with cap? (eventually ultracapacitor?) work
Well you're not suppose to ask those questions, LOL! ;) That would pretty much end the distractions of completely-non-Steorn replications, and people might actually start researching the Orbo and getting close to a self-runner.
My recommendation to all legit researchers is to stick to the Orbo designs, or a least something close. And that means no massive air cores. Also I would ignore the people who are trying to passively throw rocks at Steorn, and btw those people are passively pushing for the massive air core replications. Steorn *DID* show the proof, but you have to understand electronics 101-- I^2 * R.
Congratulations Steorn! End of the Paid Posters era coming to an end soon. :)
Quote from: Jimboot on February 01, 2010, 07:55:55 AMYou guys serously have to build an Ossie motor.
What's the input & output power of this massive air core non-Steorn replication? Hmmmm???
After countless posts, you would think that all of these people who keep asking everyone to build one of these ossie motors would have took the time to do some efficiency measurements by now. Well, I did that on my "tiny orbo replication," and one setup it was 250% efficient, and another setup (lower current) it was 170% efficient. As *PREDICTED* years ago, I said that the real deal posted at this forum would be ignored like the plague. Prediction fulfilled! :(
Also the recent Steorn Talks videos (2) have been up on the Steorn Official YouTube page since yesterday along with another video, "SKDB learning resources" -->
Quote from: Jimboot on February 01, 2010, 07:55:55 AM
You guys serously have to build an Ossie motor.
Please open another thread for that. Ossie motor is a very different motor with a conventional functionning.
It is desirable to not pollute the Steorn thread with obviously unrelated matter.
While we wait for the actual raw data which will be dumped on their site hopefully, here is some analysis of the scope shot. It shows a full revolution of the rotor.
I'm just trying to see what happens as the magnet pair flies past the input and output coils.
Output side
The orange staircase is obviously accumulated values of (I^2)*R. The pickup coil is shorted (full load or short circuit test, for those who know how we test a generator), so the output voltage is 0. The value is always positive because the square of the current will always be positive, although the actual current will oscillate in both directions. Assuming it as roughly a sin wave, an integral (using wolformalpha) is shown below, which is identical to steorn's plot. So I guess, they are honestly showing the integrals here.
You can see that as the magnet pair crosses the pickup coil (placed at 45 deg from TDC), it produces energy and then there is no increase in energy till next cycle. The energy gain is the difference shown.
Only problem here is that you can make the output look bigger simply by plugging a big value of R in the scope.
Input side
Input is difficult to understand and you can guess why they did not use a wattmeter or voltmeter to measure it. Wattmeters are designed for sine waveforms and will not show correct reading for pulsed waves. And a voltmeter won't work here because there are huge flyback pulses. Many people are fooling themselves by using normal meters for complex waveforms.
The pulse starts are TDC and goes off at 25 deg. This causes the peak in energy, which is V*I. Now here is the tricky part, you would expect the energy curve to stay there as no more energy is getting consumed, and you'd expect it to go up again at the next pulse, starting from the present value. But it falls down, which means energy is being added in the battery.
Notice that if I flows in reverse, the energy becomes (-V*I), and we see the same here when the flyback comes as soon as the pulse ends at 25 deg. Now steorn have cleverly set the scope so that it takes the direction of current into account at the input side, so you see a fall in curve, which is actually a gain in energy.
Not all energy comes back, and you can see a net loss, which is small compared to the net loss at the output, so it appears that this system is OU.
Waiting for third party confirmation ...... :)
Folks looking at the trace picture, and listening to Mr Sean McCarthy on this video:
regarding the trace at around 1:04
-question from the audience: “ does the trace definitively prove that orbo is overunity?â€
-and Mr Sean McCarthy replies: “.. the answer is no, you have to take the summary of the three tests..â€
So at his point the actuall data and methodology needs to be analyzed including a robust measurement error analysis, and assumptions stipulated, in order to arrive at some more definite conclusion for either or not this is overunity.
Thanks Omega_0 for posting the trace pic, and also thanks ltseung888, infringer and ofc reeeeeely for capturing it especially the Q&A section.
ps: I'd like to echo exnihiloest's comment, great work from Ossie and replicators, however; it maybe easier to follow if this thread mainly focused on the Dublin demo, or maybe the latest demo needs a new thread all by itself? A lot of these builds are also interelated or spawn out of the initial orbo build attempts.
Nice work folks, nice work.
The latest demo talks were short and sweet. An OU technology is not an easy cookie to sell or for people to accept. I think Steorn has provided enough proof for further research and development so this technology has an opportunity to get into the market place.
something in the latest steorn demo that caught my attention was a circular dark object behind the neo magnets inside the rotor.
It looks like a metal circular disk about the size of a coin, if so it would create a virtual horseshoe magnet effect.
Great analysis. Everyone interested in this subject should read it carefully and should try to understand it. Steorn have found a simple yet very elegant way to prove OU conclusively.
As for the Ohmic resistance, as far as I understand they have attached a resistor of known resistance in the circuit of the pickup coil and this value is what they've plugged in the scope to obtain the staircase (output energy) trace.
Also, they have specifically indicated that the vertical resolution for both traces is the same (in case it occurs to someone to question it).
Everything so far points to a new dawn in the search for overunity. This should be reproduced by as many people as possible and the sooner the better.
Just a little detail concerning this:
QuoteNow here is the tricky part, you would expect the energy curve to stay there as no more energy is getting consumed, and you'd expect it to go up again at the next pulse, starting from the present value. But it falls down, which means energy is being added in the battery.
Unfortunately, that gain in energy during the downfall (which should be subtracted from the input energy) is not added to the battery because at the off-duty 75% period the battery is disconnected from the coil.
That was just a detail. Great analysis otherwise.
How do you connect your explanation of the net input energy (called by you "Energy Loss In") with the fact that that the net input energy should also be roughly V*I - I^2R ? Is "Energy Loss In" only V*I - I^2R or there's more to it (inductive loss, domain reorientation energy, etc. which should also be subtracted from I*V to get the correct "Energy Loss In" )?
First of all, we don't have full info. I don't know whether the battery remains disconnected for rest of the 75% cycle or gets fed in via diodes. The whole description of setup and circuit, components and their values was omitted from the demo (may be intentionally?). So I'm only guessing that the fall in input is due to energy being fed back into battery.
Regarding the net input loss being V*I - I^2R or something else, honestly I have no idea. Theoretically, it should include other losses like hysteresis loss etc, but the situation here is complicated because of things such as presence of a strong magnet, changing inductance and core saturation. Steorn says nothing about where the energy is going and whether the scope shows true energy loss....
That's why I said, this demo is inconclusive and real proof will come from replicators.
That was my initial inclination too -- to consider the falling part of the curve as returning energy to the battery. That appears to be one of the most interesting features of this device. Of course, that's a detail and in time we'll know what the real story is. At present, and in general, I don't think it has any importance as to whether or not the device is OU. That energy has to be subtracted from the I*V during the duty cycle in any event.
I don't think that it matters what other terms are subtracted from I*V other than I^2R once we have the traces and the values of in and out which you've so correctly shown in your post. Replicators need to show only that run of the traces and OU will be independently proved beyond any doubt. Details such as the above are for later.
Yours was one of the best posts on the topic. Thanks.
Moreover, he is claiming overunity (108%) at the input side also, which complicates matter further. You won't see the classical energy loss at the input if he is right.
The output is straightforward (surprisingly they didn't make it convoluted), but the input trace is beyond me. Need more info or Sherlock Holmes to understand it.
I think your interpretation of the input trace is pretty decent for the purposes of determining whether or not there's OU which is the important part. As to why its shape is exactly the one we see is only a detail to be studied later on.
I did a further analysis of the blue curve that corresponds to the driving coil power (picture posted on page 151, by Omega_O).
The blue curve can be re-calculed to time by differentiating the curve.
If I am correct on this it will be like below graph.
The area A corresponds to the pulsing period of the coil.
This shape is formed by the rectangular voltage shape and the current curve that is exponential with time constant LR.
The area B is something to discuss about.
In my view it looks like this part is used to de-magnitize the coil and the inductance is almost zero (saturated coil with very low permeability)
The negative spike is caused by the high voltage peak that is caused by switching off the voltage abrupt.
At first I thought that area B is caused by pulsing the pulse with a reverse (negative) voltage. But that would cause negative voltage times negative current and thus a positive power area instead of a negative one.
So what is causing area B?
If you see their previous demo videos, you will see that there is a lot of ringing after the flyback pulse, which dies down over time. The area 'B' in your pic might be due to integration of that ringing.
If you recall, one of TK's video also shows that. I will dig those videos and post a shot in few hours, I have to logoff for now.
Maybe making up some fake data in Excel and plotting the curves can solve this mystery ?
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 01, 2010, 03:10:39 PM
If you see their previous demo videos, you will see that there is a lot of ringing after the flyback pulse, which dies down over time. The area 'B' in your pic might be due to integration of that ringing.
If you recall, one of TK's video also shows that. I will dig those videos and post a shot in few hours, I have to logoff for now.
Maybe making up some fake data in Excel and plotting the curves can solve this mystery ?
Fake data in Excel would a nice method indeed. I'll see what I can do.
B.t.w. I made a mistake in area A. The last part should not be at a constant positive level, but go to zero and stay there for a short while. I'll post a corrected picture and than we can do the next analysis on area B
Ok motor been running at 300rpm on 1.25volts overnight (9 hours)
Anyone going to join the Steorn developer license? The demo showed what the Orbo does but not really how it is setup..i would hope joining the developer group would give you the details!
@ jb
Nice man i am sure you are as i am , simply amazed of what you see with your eyes your ears and your fingers hours after hours and really asking yourself wow it is fantastic !! and perhaps with some more shottky and better timing "why not close the loop"
bravo jb go on
After 30 hours of spinning my Ossbo is still working perfectly and the 4.5 volt alcaline battery shows a 4.62 volts. (always above the nominal 4.5 volts) very interesting isn'it ??
I began this experiment because my interesrt in ORBO (from which i have made also a crued replication already) and i follow the Steorn evolution intensively . But as replicator i am now simply scotched, between metglass or finemet or or or ...good or not at all very discouraging so i decidded to wait for more really practical info.
As i am not a big theorician and have low education in the great math , i learn a lot from all of you on this forum and i t is a pleasure thanks.
Ossie began also with ORBO replication and it splits to something else, or is it really something else ??? the quest of OU. who knows.????
going on and wait and see !!
good night
Quote from: teslaalset on February 01, 2010, 03:29:51 PM
Fake data in Excel would a nice method indeed. I'll see what I can do.
B.t.w. I made a mistake in area A. The last part should not be at a constant positive level, but go to zero and stay there for a short while. I'll post a corrected picture and than we can do the next analysis on area B
Here's the corrected graph.
Quick Excel analysis learned me already this is close to the blue Steorn curve.
Excel analysis will follow.
A NEW ALCALIN 4,5volt Alkaline Battery have 4,9 volts
Because 1,5 Volt Celle have already 1,63 to 1,64
if you buy them. (I found only british made DAIMON
since years on the market , that can not drive even an digicam)
so give attention on this.
Following this:
Even if the power comsumtion of an steorm motor
is in the nano or milleampere range, the voltage
vom 4,9 volts mus not dropping down.
If that is drop to 4,6x volts, it sound not good
beacaus this motor is nothing driving .
no any mechanical losses .
SO this motor can not power any free energy.
My Wall- Clock , do better work to move over 2 years
with 1 aa alkalin cell.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 01, 2010, 10:43:26 AM
What's the input & output power of this massive air core non-Steorn replication? Hmmmm???
After countless posts, you would think that all of these people who keep asking everyone to build one of these ossie motors would have took the time to do some efficiency measurements by now. Well, I did that on my "tiny orbo replication," and one setup it was 250% efficient, and another setup (lower current) it was 170% efficient. As *PREDICTED* years ago, I said that the real deal posted at this forum would be ignored like the plague. Prediction fulfilled! :(
WHoooa - geeez - don't build one then. Sorry if I offended you. Didn't realise I was one of "these people"
Quote from: woopy on February 01, 2010, 04:30:25 PM
@ jb
Nice man i am sure you are as i am , simply amazed of what you see with your eyes your ears and your fingers hours after hours and really asking yourself wow it is fantastic !! and perhaps with some more shottky and better timing "why not close the loop"
bravo jb go on
Thanks Laurent like you, I am waiting for more info on Orbo. My new toroids (metglas) have just arrived today. Mini ones. 10mm I have some small mags I'm using as well. Less blood blisters! In the meantime I will keep playing with the Ossie motor & big arse air coils :)
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 01, 2010, 11:52:20 AM
Please open another thread for that. Ossie motor is a very different motor with a conventional functionning.
It is desirable to not pollute the Steorn thread with obviously unrelated matter.
You have mistaken me for a moderator.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 01, 2010, 04:34:38 PM
Here's the corrected graph.
Quick Excel analysis learned me already this is close to the blue Steorn curve.
Excel analysis will follow.
Here's the Excel file attached.
Simulation of the power and integral of the power graphs are also attached below.
What I think is happening is:
1) the coil is powered for a very short period
2) next, the coil is shortened by the switch
3) next, the switch is opened, with some remaining energy still in the coil
4) a large spike is caused by opening of the switch while energy is still in the coil
5) area B is started. I still don't know what is happening here. probably necessary for degausing the toroid.
Hello PESE
take it easy everything allright !!
I know exactly the voltage of my alcaline battery and if you go some post ago you will see that the testing began at 4.8 volt on my alcaline battery so i loose in 30 hours from 4.8 -to4,6 volts
yes of course you are right my kitchen clock works pricesily since last year with only 1 AA battery but it surely would not have run 4 "heavy magnets on a crued bearing at 290 mean rpm for 30 hours
I am not proving here OU i am simply feeling very intersting way to approach the goal.
to all
@ the italianer researcher sorry but i have ordered today some better meters to perhaps answer your questions, but of course feel free to replicate the Ossie motor it is very easy to do see prevoius post all is explained and if you already have the material to measure your results please keep us informed
In my previous posat i forgot the pictures
good night
@woopy - love the propeller!
Quote from: woopy on February 01, 2010, 05:46:20 PM
Hello PESE
take it easy everything allright !!
I know exactly the voltage of my alcaline battery and if you go some post ago you will see that the testing began at 4.8 volt on my alcaline battery so i loose in 30 hours from 4.8 -to4,6 volts
yes of course you are right my kitchen clock works pricesily since last year with only 1 AA battery but it surely would not have run 4 "heavy magnets on a crued bearing at 290 mean rpm for 30 hours
I am not proving here OU i am simply feeling very intersting way to approach the goal.
to all
@ the italianer researcher sorry but i have ordered today some better meters to perhaps answer your questions, but of course feel free to replicate the Ossie motor it is very easy to do see prevoius post all is explained and if you already have the material to measure your results please keep us informed
In my previous posat i forgot the pictures
good night
OK, if this is know, to all.
so that is not wondering, since bedini naudin and and.
i will follow time to time ...
Gustav Pese
Ok my Ossie motor which is informing my new Orbo replication (see what I did there :)) has been running on a 1.5V Everready Energizer Alkaline D Cell for over 19 hours at 300RPM. It has shown steady at 1.25V dropping very occasionally down to 1.24 then back to 1.25. My noobie brain can only assume it is consuming what it generates. What is the big step in this situation to get something to self run. The battery tested in at 1.32 before I started the run. Does that mean there is .07V in use accross the circuit that I have to compensate for before I can think about a cap? Sorry for the electronics 101 questions.
Scope shot (I returned the CRT for a USB scope) below.
edit: resized & posted again
morning jb
yes nice shot, but could you make the shot showing the volt div for or info.
i think you have almost the same trace (see picture 1) that the one i got in my earlier Ossbo config. That is a very long pulse exceeding the generative energy.
As Ossie said and showed we have to confine the pulse energy INSIDE the AC generative energy. That's why the timing is fondamental it seams to be micrometric. (probably the same for Orbo machine, thanks Tesla for your excell sheet)
I am approaching this "perfect" curve but still not enough my pulse energy is on the left boarder line and something outside .
picture 2 3 4 shows the progress of the curve to the optimal
i hope to approach the goal with finer diodes and better timing and correct resistors
.hope it helps
@ Ossie, Jimboot, Woopy and other Ossie motor enthousiast:
I created a new 'Ossie motor' thread to deal with findings, discussions, results etc. on this great concept.
The new thread is here:
Could you please start using this thread and leave this one dedicated to Steorns Orbo technology?
Many thanks, and please continue on this great stuff.
Yes, please use the proper thread for discussions.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 01, 2010, 05:45:35 PM
Here's the Excel file attached.
Simulation of the power and integral of the power graphs are also attached below.
What I think is happening is:
1) the coil is powered for a very short period
2) next, the coil is shortened by the switch
3) next, the switch is opened, with some remaining energy still in the coil
4) a large spike is caused by opening of the switch while energy is still in the coil
5) area B is started. I still don't know what is happening here. probably necessary for degausing the toroid.
Thanks a lot for the excel work. It is very close.
I have added some more data into your excel file (see sheets 2 & 3 of attached file)
I could get the output perfectly right. Its identical to their scope trace.
I'm close to their input trace (sheet 3), the purple area (kickback region) is a problem. We need more accurate values there. Perhaps you can improve it. (Or anyone else here...) I will add the ringing part too in some more time.
Plz remember that this is dummy data, just to understand the shapes of voltages and currents. This will help in replications.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 02, 2010, 04:29:41 AM
Thanks a lot for the excel work. It is very close.
I have added some more data into your excel file (see sheets 2 & 3 of attached file)
I could get the output perfectly right. Its identical to their scope trace.
I'm close to their input trace (sheet 3), the purple area (kickback region) is a problem. We need more accurate values there. Perhaps you can improve it. (Or anyone else here...) I will add the ringing part too in some more time.
Plz remember that this is dummy data, just to understand the shapes of voltages and currents. This will help in replications.
Hi Omega_O
Great additions. Thanks for that.
I'll study it tonight (I am doing my dayjob right now, timezone GMT+1).
I agree with you, this will help in a very nice way to reverse engineer the input signals.
@ Gravityblock and @Paullawrence.
I invite you to help us out with your views on the MetGlas and FineGlas toroidal behavior and the analysis done here? Your knowledge and insights could help a lot to do the proper reverse engineering.
The current trace doesn't seem to be of the shape Steorn's is. Please take a look at the attached xls sheet, containing real data from the screen of the oscilloscope someone who have visited them last week sent me. That set of data would be better to ponder over rather than a simulated one.
P.S. Because the file is too large it won't allow it here as an upload. Will have to send you an e-mail where to download it from.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 02, 2010, 05:55:12 AM
The current trace doesn't seem to be of the shape Steorn's is. Please take a look at the attached xls sheet, containing real data from the screen of the oscilloscope someone who have visited them last week sent me. That set of data would be better to ponder over rather than a simulated one.
P.S. Because the file is too large it won't allow it here as an upload. Will have to send you an e-mail where to download it from.
Could you please send me the link as well?
@Omega_0 and @teslaalset,
Just sent you the link to the file through the forum e-mail function. Please let me know if you got it all right. Hope you did.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 02, 2010, 06:04:42 AM
@Omega_0 and @teslaalset,
Just sent you the link to the file through the forum e-mail function. Please let me know if you got it all right. Hope you did.
Thanks a lot!
I think when zipping it would fit to post here. Would it be OK to share here?
I already had strong suspicion that they switch voltage from negative value to positive value, rather than switching from zero to positive.
This data confirms it.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 02, 2010, 06:10:49 AM
Thanks a lot!
I think when zipping it would fit to post here. Would it be OK to share here?
Please do. Thanks.
Quote from: robbie47 on February 02, 2010, 03:57:10 AM
@ Ossie, Jimboot, Woopy and other Ossie motor enthousiast:
I created a new 'Ossie motor' thread to deal with findings, discussions, results etc. on this great concept.
The new thread is here:
Could you please start using this thread and leave this one dedicated to Steorns Orbo technology?
Many thanks, and please continue on this great stuff.
No probs. Thanks, I appreciate your efforts. When someone works out whether I should be using Finemet or Metglas I'll be back. I'll ask the question again but I'll do my own research; would Metglas get saturated if placed inside an aircoil? I'll report my findings back here if that's ok?
Quote from: Omnibus on February 02, 2010, 05:55:12 AM
The current trace doesn't seem to be of the shape Steorn's is. Please take a look at the attached xls sheet, containing real data from the screen of the oscilloscope someone who have visited them last week sent me. That set of data would be better to ponder over rather than a simulated one.
P.S. Because the file is too large it won't allow it here as an upload. Will have to send you an e-mail where to download it from.
@Lunchtime: I had a look at the data you made available.
I think it does not represent the actual orbo in COP operation, but it represents date of a test setup that shows the "no BEMF" demo.
Integrating U * I of this data does not reflect at all the energy waveform that Steorn showed last Saturday.
It's still very useful data thought.
Yes, this data is not from the final demo. Attaching the plot here, it simply shows a single pulse. Still it is useful. Thanks.
Anyway, I don't know how they allowed someone to take the data away like this. :D
Just watched the demo video in HD again. The setup is powered by a power supply, there is no battery. So the question whether the negative energy spikes are due to current being fed back to the source is answered. It is not...
So why are there these negative spikes? What manipulation is needed to produce such curve ?
Also, there is no resistance connected at the output, the coil is simply shorted via a connector. So whoever said that in the other forum is not telling a fact.
Some captures, this is the whole setup.
@Omega, @Omnibus, @tesla
thanks for sharing the excel sheets.
Indeed the one with real data is from BEMF-Test and doesn't match to the other graphs.
I had a look to the original scope shot from the video an made a V*I graph that would fit to the blue line on the scope. (pic1)
So this negative spike comes right after the magnets have passed the drive coils, but before they reach the collector coil.
I thought about it but I can't see a possibility that would fit.
But: IF the toroid isn't working as it was said by Sean then it would match perfectly.
Sean says the ferromagnetic material in the toroid attracts the magnet then the coil hides the ferro and the magnet passes by.
After looking at the data my conclusion is: They attract with the coil and then they push with the other polarity. So perhaps the toroid isn't wound just by one wire but by two in other direction. So the north/south magnets -array makes even more sense.
Just a guess but it wouldn't surprise me if Sean hides some basic principles here.
just forgot: pic2 is the integral result of pic1. It matches the blue trace on the steorn-scope quite well.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 02, 2010, 09:12:35 AM
So the question whether the negative energy spikes are due to current being fed back to the source is answered. It is not...
IMO the small spikes seen in the input is due to resonance between the toroid inductance and it's parallel capacitance. It looks like a spike because the line is so thin, so you can't seen the oscillations.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 02, 2010, 09:12:35 AMAlso, there is no resistance connected at the output, the coil is simply shorted via a connector. So whoever said that in the other forum is not telling a fact.
Who told you that. Of course there's a resistor.
QuoteOk motor been running at 300rpm on 1.25volts overnight (9 hours)
QuoteOk my Ossie motor which is informing my new Orbo replication (see what I did there ( has been running on a 1.5V Everready Energizer Alkaline D Cell for over 19 hours at 300RPM.
The total friction consumed by my terribly unbalanced replication at
1600 rpm is 4.36mW. Without even capturing any energy it would run for
124 days on a single 10Ah 1.3V D-cell battery.
@Omega_0 and the rest,
I don't think the original data I sent you differs from the Saturday demo data. What is being done in the Saturday's demo to produce the bottom (input) trace is to extract only the, what they correctly call, net input energy. That is, the bottom trace only shows the energy with all losses subtracted. That's how I understand it. Therefore, probably, it is not the integral(V*I)dt which should be plotted in that Excel sheet but integral(V*I - I^2R)dt where R = 4.8Ohms. See what will happen if you do it that way. It is crucial to understand well what the shape of the input trace is due to.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 02, 2010, 10:19:48 AM
The total friction consumed by my terribly unbalanced replication at 1600 rpm is 4.36mW. Without even capturing any energy it would run for 124 days on a single 10Ah 1.3V D-cell battery.
Actually my above example was for a rechareable battery. Since you're using an Eveready Energizer Alkaline D cell, which has 18 Ah,
it would run for 224 days! :)
Quote from: Omnibus on February 02, 2010, 10:24:05 AM
@Omega_0 and the rest,
I don't think the original data I sent you differs from the Saturday demo data. What is being done in the Saturday's demo to produce the bottom (input) trace is to extract only the, what they correctly call, net input energy. That is, the bottom trace only shows the energy with all losses subtracted. That's how I understand it. Therefore, probably, it is not the integral(V*I)dt which should be plotted in that Excel sheet but integral(V*I - I^2R)dt where R = 4.8Ohms. See what will happen if you do it that way. It is crucial to understand well what the shape of the input trace is due to.
You are right Omnibus, it seems they are subtracting the I^2R loss from the input to get that integrated trace. The measurement they are doing is not fair IMO. Lets see what others think of it.
Plots from your data are here:
The file is here :;sa=view;down=364
I got a better curve with R=4.9
It is surprising how sensitive to R the shape of the curve is, even a 0.1 change can make it totally different.
Recall that in the first demo vid Sean was claiming that all input energy goes only for Ohmic heating. This means that the OU effect would have been infinity. That was a loose statement of his because, as we see now, he should've said most of the input energy goes for Ohmic heating.
I think if we're to calculate fairly the OU effect we have to subtract at least the Ohmic heat component from the input power and compare that to the output power produced in the pick-up coil. That's why I was saying above that if all the I*V went to Ohmic heating the OU effect would've been infinity. Now we see that there's some more power in the input I*V, in addition to the Joule heat calculated as I^2R. We see, however, that that extra (I*V - I^2R), part of which supposedly goes for turning the rotor, is three times less than the power produced in the pick-up coil (which I will denote as i^2r).
As seen, if the crucially important values of r and R are determined correctly, we have over 300% overunity without a doubt.
P.S. Current in the integrated curve should be always positive (i.e. absolute value of current should be used) so that the negative voltage would correctly reflect the power gain, as in the trace which Steorn show. You may wanna correct that.
This Max fellow who I suspect is at the bottom of this development is really brilliant. I think he's French, actually.
Yes, thanks.. :)
I got your point.
Steorn made a mistake by not telling this directly in the demo. Most people are still thinking that the input trace is actual energy consumed. So if I understand you correctly, this system is OU only if the input I^R losses are minimized. A superconductor will help here ;)
Quote from: Omnibus on February 02, 2010, 12:03:30 PM
As seen, if the crucially important values of r and R are determined correctly, we have over 300% overunity without a doubt.
Yes, that seems to be the golden key.
I have corrected the plot with Absolute values of I. This is the correct graph.
Also, thanks to
@hekkmekk who was also very close.
Thanks @Omega_0. Now, that looks more like it.
As for the Ohmic heating, the rig is OU even as is (without superconducting toroid coils) because the Ohmic heat recovers 100% the input V*I(Ohmic) in accordance with CoE which is never violated with regard to Joule's first law. That recoverable (as heat) I*V power must be subtracted from the input when our concern is the spinning of the rotor -- V*I(Ohmic) part of V*I has already been used for Ohmic heating and none of it, therefore, can go for spinning. What goes for spinning is the remainder of V*I, that is (V*I - V*I(Ohmic)) or (V*I - I^2R) which is the same.
P.S. Also, probably you should rename the graph to read Net Input Energy, instead of Net Abs Energy
That make sense that the input power can be recovered and the rotor moving is not receiving power from the input.
But that is a bit tricky. If we were to run a pulse motor and the coil created heat, can we deduct that from our input also? And the function of the 2 motors IS the same essentially, field attraction or repulsion being turned on and of by means of some power input.
So I guess that a real motor, as in having real usable speed and torque, for the size of it, will have to be made Orbo style, with many magnets and toroids and see what happens. Cuz honestly, that orbo looks big enough to run a gocart, but it aint gunna do it.
Check it, I was at RC Hobbies the other day picking up some super glue, and got to talking with the guy about brush less motors, which is in this category, he showed me a motor that was no bigger than 2 in dia and maybe 3 1/2 in. long. 6000 watts! Dudes thats 8 horse power! It is for a turbine blade on an rc plane. With the turbine it can substitute a large turbo system in a car. 14lb almost a bar. ya might say, yea but 6000 w of 12v bat just to use this for a turbo? Then I could say, Nooo, a lot of that power is going toward making heat, so its much less than that. :-\
We really have to consider, what are we really seeing here. Why is it that these things, claims, are basically small when it comes to power in vs power out?
Check this vid of mine, you should enjoy it. I am using 4 AA and my 3 Big coils in parallel .14 ohm, pulsed by my big reeds GE DR113. I am capturing BEMF off of the coil array an heating 5 ohm 5 watt resistors, and the rotor is really kickin. In the vid I make a couple tiny adjustments and it goes faster than I had planned for the vid. So now we got all this rotor power going, capturing bemf into a 5ohm load getting so hot you cannot keep your finger on it, and still maintaining 2.5v on that resistor continuous, and making heat we can capture in theory to help negate some input.
But at least I am showing very usable power out, in multiple forms, from 1 input.
In the demo video 2/2 at 00:50 there is a hint that they do deduct the heating loss from their OU calculations. So I must take some of my words back. But it was not very obvious.
Ok, titles of the pics changed and calculation for R added in the excel sheet, which you can download from here:;sa=view;down=365
Now its time to find correct design parameters, so one can actually build this thing and make it work in practice also. The parameter are resistances, voltages, currents, inductances, RPMs and many more. Luckily, no new physics is needed, so the clever guys here will figure that out.
Thanks guys for the great info.
This Excel-Experiment was really a damn good idea. One can play with the numbers and see the reactions on the system.
So we get closer and closer.
That's great. Thanks @Omega_0.
In terms of reproducing it, I wonder what good would it do to pay them the 419 or so euros? If that's accompanied by signing of NDA then count me out. If no NDA is required then it would be interesting how much more you have to pay to have it physically made. Let alone you really need high-end scopes and other equipment for quality study.
Also, I've heard Sean say it more than once that what their aim now is is to find developers who would buy licenses from them. They won't be producers in any way. However, it is quite unclear for me what is it that they own to be able to sell? What are they actually selling?
I think they've done a great job. However, that, from my point of view, is just great service to humanity with no prospects for their bottom line, but what do I know. Maybe someone can enlighten me how such great demo would bring in revenue if there's no protection associated with it, as seems to be the case.
Hi all,
Out of interest, is that a car battery on the floor underneath the table?
Perhaps its to power the scopes eh...
Indeed, that was a nice exercise, leading to great insights.
Thanks Omnibus, Omega_O.
This shows how powerful open source really is.
There's some urgency in finding ways to replicate this great rig. Wonder what @CLaNZeR is up to and if there would be others, having CNC machines, who would help build replicas?
CTG Labs:
I believe you are correct. Here is the photo and also one in negative. Sure looks like a car battery to me.
@Omnibus . What they are selling is an idea , or intellectual property. Reading the small print , they are selling commercial licenses , so the developing company buys this license ,and pays royalties on products . It is
interesting to note , that licenses are not being sold for certain types of product , These include portable electronics [cell phones , lap tops ?] Also for transportation , [electric cars , bikes ?] So what are they planning here , have they already sold these categories? I understand that the non commercial licenses include an NDA . Also , anything you come up with as a developer becomes the property of STEORN . That's an interesting concept , make someone pay to do your research for you .
In spite of Sean's sarcastic comments about building things in your garage , that is where the future lies for us guys . The level and quality of research on this forum is astonishing . I predict a self runner within 2 months . After that it is a case of scaling up . Buy Metglass shares now.
Quote from: CTG Labs on February 02, 2010, 02:02:28 PM
Hi all,
Out of interest, is that a car battery on the floor underneath the table?
Perhaps its to power the scopes eh...
Sean already talked about the battery in previous Talks. The battery is in plain sight.
Things designed to trick you are often placed in plain sight are they not, easy to explain it away then. Just saying...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 02, 2010, 02:15:50 PM
Sean already talked about the battery in previous Talks. The battery is in plain sight.
Quote from: CTG Labs on February 02, 2010, 02:19:07 PM
Things designed to trick you are often placed in plain sight are they not, easy to explain it away then. Just saying...
Oh yeah, they really trying to trick you with a battery when from the start they made it very clear they using a 10000 mAh D cell battery in their demos, lol. The D cell is too large to prove a self-runner, so it makes no difference what size battery they use. Have you been following the Steorn demos? They never said it did not use a battery. They made it very clear the orbo uses a battery. Makes no difference what size battery of if it's a power supply. The last demo was about showing the input & output measurements.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 02, 2010, 02:04:14 PM
Indeed, that was a nice exercise, leading to great insights.
Thanks Omnibus, Omega_O.
This shows how powerful open source really is.
That's right. Open source is the surest way to achieve progress. We've had great experience here in this respect and it has brought about sweet fruits. I think we're on our way to achieve even more. Good luck to all.
Yes this is a battery.
To be more precise it is this one: (
Quote from: teslaalset on February 02, 2010, 02:04:14 PM
Indeed, that was a nice exercise, leading to great insights.
Thanks Omnibus, Omega_O.
This shows how powerful open source really is.
It does not matter if it's subtracted or not, but so far they've shown zero evidence of it. What's so difficult to understand that the input rise is due to current into the toroid, and the sudden drop in the graph is due to the diode rectifying the collapsing field back into the battery. :)
QuoteWhat they are selling is an idea , or intellectual property.
How can you sell an idea? I've never heard of such a thing. If it's intellectual property it should have protection such as a patent, copyright, design or it should be a trade secret (ideas cannot be patented, as you probably know). As far as I know Steorn doesn't have any of the first three, so what remains is selling a trade secret. Do you think they have trade secrets relating to Orbo? What is it that you're supposed to be silent about when you sign an NDA? How about if they start claiming all kinds of things after you sign an NDA with them and make it appear they own things you've never even imagined they do at the time of signing the NDA?
There's something deeply unclear to me about their business model. Unless they turn it into a non-profit organization I don't see how any investor would expect any return on his or her investment.
As for the practical side of the issue of concern to us, I think those of the participants who already have rigs manufactured should try to find the proper high-end equipment and carry out the just discussed procedure to determine if their contraption is indeed overunity. That's as practical an approach as can be.
I hope everyone shares their own findings.
Please remember that this thread is about discovery, and not all ideas, opinions, graphs shall be 100% correct. They keep changing and nothing is final unless it works.
Info will be limited and partial, unless you buy the licenses, which are being given away at the cost of peanuts, because other companies usually charge millions for IP or even for songs or music. But its downside is the NDA, which is against the spirit of open source.
I doubt that steorn will ever open source its tech. It is a commercial org. Their profit will not come from selling licenses or kits, but from royalties. Even if one product comes out in market out of 100s of licenses they are selling, they will be billionaires.
Does anyone actually know if Steorn has a patent on Orbo ?
Quote from: neptune on February 02, 2010, 02:41:40 PM
Does anyone actually know if Steorn has a patent on Orbo ?
I don't think they do. Some links were posted of their filings for patents several years ago but I don't think they have been granted one.
Also, I think now's the time to look back into the origins of this idea and especially its founder -- Adams. There are folks here very knowledgeable of the foundations of this research and it would be very interesting to hear what they have to say. Why didn't Adams motor achieve the notoriety it probably deserves and why its proponents weren't able to convince the mainstream scientists of its OU properties?
Is it even possible to sell licenses without having a patent? I always thought a patent is necessary in order to do so.
Quote from: felix1337 on February 02, 2010, 02:53:15 PM
Is it even possible to sell licenses without having a patent? I always thought a patent is necessary in order to do so.
Exactly. That's how I understand it too.
Not really. If nobody can get a pat. then Steorn has an upper hand in court just as they stand.
Quote from: Magluvin on February 02, 2010, 03:46:08 PM
Not really. If nobody can get a pat. then Steorn has an upper hand in court just as they stand.
Can't Adam's motor be cited as prior art in that court?
That depends if someone owns that art. I dont think anyone can just simply lay claim to something that is just lying there unless you take the proper steps.
Patents are completely useless in a case like this where there would be millions of replicators. If you cannot defend your patent against ALL infringements (have the means to sue every culprit) then the patent is void.
A patent is really only useful if there are a very limited number of parties interested in the product, ie your main competitor.
Paul, I bow to your superior knowledge. I guess there is no point in presenting my test data on my build because you have it sorted...
Sorry guys...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 02, 2010, 02:22:10 PM
Oh yeah, they really trying to trick you with a battery when from the start they made it very clear they using a 10000 mAh D cell battery in their demos, lol. The D cell is too large to prove a self-runner, so it makes no difference what size battery they use. Have you been following the Steorn demos? They never said it did not use a battery. They made it very clear the orbo uses a battery. Makes no difference what size battery of if it's a power supply. The last demo was about showing the input & output measurements.
Ok, I broke down and gave Orbo a shot. Not bad, for a toroid prewound found in a bad inverter
Quote from: Magluvin on February 02, 2010, 03:53:46 PM
That depends if someone owns that art. I dont think anyone can just simply lay claim to something that is just lying there unless you take the proper steps.
Say, for instance, this patent of Adams motor: GB patent 2,282,708 filed on 30 September 1993. Anyone know what that's all about and whether or not that can be considered prior art with respect to Steorn. Just curious. Otherwise, I agree patents are useless in the area we're discussing.
If someone owns that pat., being that you can own it for only so many years and have to renew. Im sure the gov. takes what they want as the ownership is given up, if ever. And if they even want to pursue. Some times no.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 02, 2010, 01:31:12 PM
In the demo video 2/2 at 00:50 there is a hint that they do deduct the heating loss from their OU calculations. So I must take some of my words back. But it was not very obvious.
Ok, titles of the pics changed and calculation for R added in the excel sheet, which you can download from here:;sa=view;down=365
Now its time to find correct design parameters, so one can actually build this thing and make it work in practice also. The parameter are resistances, voltages, currents, inductances, RPMs and many more. Luckily, no new physics is needed, so the clever guys here will figure that out.
I played a bit with your latest Excel, very handy indeed.
One remark however: You can't just change the R value in your calculations in my view.
I took the R value that can be derived from the U and I data. Average the I and U in the area where both are high and you get something like 4.96 Ohm.
You can only take that value, otherwise you need new measurement data, or artificially change all measured current values.
I hope you can agree with that.
Something I don't understand is the current values of the original measurement data, before and the after the pulse.
Voltage show values around -0.5 V, however current is zero ???
Looks like an offset problem of the voltage measurement....
In the end , Steorns Business Model may be harder to understand than their technology.
Quote from: neptune on February 02, 2010, 04:20:24 PM
In the end , Steorns Business Model may be harder to understand than their technology.
Well said.
As it concerns Adams motor and the like, I guess the time has come for these to be conclusively proven one way or another because of the sophisticated level the measuring equipment has reached. Wonder if someone has an Adams motor at hand to be tested by the procedures we just discussed?
Quote from: CTG Labs on February 02, 2010, 03:56:44 PM
Paul, I bow to your superior knowledge. I guess there is no point in presenting my test data on my build because you have it sorted...
Sorry guys...
Hi Dave,
Very nicely built steorn you have! Please would you reconsider your decision and go ahead with your measured data, I am sure many of us would appreciate it (except maybe one arrogant man).
The more info can be collected the easier will be to crack steorn secrets.
rgds, Gyula
Why wonder about the patent issues?
Even if Steorn stands to make billions off royalties, can you imagine what the company selling the first free energy home generator would make?
At this point, I would like to first see something able to sustain operation from all the FREE energy.
Quote from: CTG Labs on February 02, 2010, 03:56:44 PM
Paul, I bow to your superior knowledge. I guess there is no point in presenting my test data on my build because you have it sorted...
Nonsense! Data is exactly what I would like to see. Thank you for a most impressive build and offer to share.
Hi Gyula,
Yes, I will post my data, but for the betterment of the forum and not my ego (like someone we could mention)...
Quote from: gyulasun on February 02, 2010, 06:29:23 PM
Hi Dave,
Very nicely built steorn you have! Please would you reconsider your decision and go ahead with your measured data, I am sure many of us would appreciate it (except maybe one arrogant man).
The more info can be collected the easier will be to crack steorn secrets.
rgds, Gyula
Very nice replication. We don't have it all sorted out and need all of the data we can get from replicators. What type of core and dimensions, how is the core positioned, number of turns, what gauge wire, pulse width, power input, strength of magnets and size, polarity of dual magnets, scope shots, RPM's, run time, recovery circuit, COP measurements, etc.
Quite a few people said they ordered the Metglas cores, but I have only seen data from one person, PL. We need this data. There is a possibility more than one type of core will work above unity. We can then find out what these cores have in common and improve on it with tape wound cores that are more customized for the greatest efficiency.
We also need to have a number of tests done on each replication, such as is there a net EMF induced in the toroid from the rotor magnets? An easy way to test this is to run it until it reaches a high RPM, then disconnect the power and check the voltage across the toroid as it's decreasing in RPM. If there is voltage on this test (CEMF), then the dual magnets will need to be re-aligned with the toroid and the gap between the dual magnets may also need to be adjusted and any wobble in the rotor will need to be eliminated. I'm getting 2mv induced in the toroidal coil spinning it by hand, so I need a little bit more precision.
I did some tests with a generator coil. There was twice as much voltage induced in the generator coil when the dual magnets are like poles with a metal backing plate than when the dual magnets are opposite poles with a backing plate. This was a very crude test and the poor alignment of the generator coil with the dual magnets could be the reason for the differences. Another possiblity is the field from the like poles may be spread out more and cutting more of the coil than with opposite poles. My system only runs with the dual magnets being like poles, weird. It must be the shaft collar I'm using for my core or the strength of my magnets, lol.
I would like to hear more about the generator coils. The Orbo is using an air coil for the generator part, right? Does both of the dual magnets cut the generator coil, or only one of the magnets? If both of the dual magnets cut the generator coil, then which configuration of the dual magnets (like or opposite poles) would induce more EMF in the generator coils? Would there be a configuration where drawing current from the generator coil work with the rotor instead of against the rotor or maybe have no net effect on the rotor?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 02, 2010, 10:19:48 AM
The total friction consumed by my terribly unbalanced replication at 1600 rpm is 4.36mW. Without even capturing any energy it would run for 124 days on a single 10Ah 1.3V D-cell battery.
@GB where did we get to in the finemet/Metglas debate? I have some Metglas squareloop which I intend to try.
Strange the scope says the output heat of the out put coil in the last demo should get greater than the input, yet that output coil shorted never shows on the thermal imaging.
Just saying folks.
Quote from: Jimboot on February 02, 2010, 09:15:26 PM
@GB where did we get to in the finemet/Metglas debate? I have some Metglas squareloop which I intend to try.
Try the Metglas. You may need to build a small reset current into your circuit to degauss the square loop cores, but it may not be necessary if the loss in attraction isn't too great (it may not have much effect on it at all).
Some ferrite cores may even work. I think the Finemet "L" type is interesting and should be tested along with tape wound cores of different materials. We'll keep testing different core materials until we get it right. Some core materials will perform better than others, and we need to find the best performers. We won't know until we test.
Quote from: CTG Labs on February 02, 2010, 06:50:51 PM
Yes, I will post my data, but for the betterment of the forum and not my ego (like someone we could mention)...
Ah, I forgot to tippie toe around the delicate emotional human nature. :'( So it must be ego, says the emotional human, lol. Emotional logic.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 02, 2010, 10:24:08 AM
Actually my above example was for a rechareable battery. Since you're using an Eveready Energizer Alkaline D cell, which has 18 Ah, it would run for 224 days! :)
My nonrechargable battery has gained .03v today after running for 43 hours. Hoping to see the same results in my next Orbo replication
Quote from: teslaalset on February 02, 2010, 04:20:16 PM
Something I don't understand is the current values of the original measurement data, before and the after the pulse.
Voltage show values around -0.5 V, however current is zero ???
Looks like an offset problem of the voltage measurement....
Good eye ! There is indeed an offset in both V and I of -0.5 and -0.02
Actually the scientific notation in the excel was hiding true values.
After adjusting the values, I get an R = 5.1 and the trace looks much more accurate now. Thanks for pointing that.
V = 12.28 and I = 2.4 (both peak values). T(on) = 0.005. No idea what the units and multipliers are.
Actually some error in R can be tolerated as long as IV < I^2R. You start getting negative net energy when R is larger. Interesting thing is that when IV=I^2R , net E=0 and efficiency becomes
infinite (theoretically)
For this data you get this for R=5.1175
A cleaned up excel sheet is here:;sa=view;down=366
I saw that V and I offset (as well as the time offset which is an obvious artifact) but since it's raw data I thought it should be left untouched. Until one has his own data to deal with touching other data doesn't seem methodologically correct. Of course, I was wondering what that might be due to and I thought that's the off-duty Lentz' law kicking in which during the duty cycle wasn't showing. Weird. Anyway, independent data are needed to know what exactly is going on (although it's just a detail and doesn't affect the overall conclusion).
As for the R, I was told it's around 4.8Ohms (immediately after disconnecting the circuit to measure the resistance of the coils while still hot; in several minutes when they get colder the resistance drops to around 3.9Ohms). Applying Ohm's law to these raw data isn't correct because that's to assume that the voltage drop is only Ohmic voltage drop which we now know isn't the case.
CTG Very nice build!!! I can not wait to see it running in a video. Maybe you could build some more to sell to us less talented builders? You must know how frustrating it is to source parts for rotors etc.
@Omni and teslaalset and all
Got the correct input trace in dummy data as well. In this attached file, you can simply change the R and L values (in red) to instantly see changes in input net energy. This is just to have an idea of how L & R affect the input. Its almost a virtual Orbo. :)
Of course, it is still a draft and there can be errors etc. I will try to refine it and make it work with realistic data as well.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 03, 2010, 07:25:23 AM
@Omni and teslaalset and all
Got the correct input trace in dummy data as well. In this attached file, you can simply change the R and L values (in red) to instantly see changes in input net energy. This is just to have an idea of how L & R affect the input. Its almost a virtual Orbo. :)
Of course, it is still a draft and there can be errors etc. I will try to refine it and make it work with realistic data as well.
For real simulation there are two complex issues to be incorporated which we didn't discuss yet:
- since we don't talk about DC but pulsed method, I and U are out of phase at some time instances. This means there is power factor at some time instances that should be taken into account.
- The L value will vary, due to the changing permeability in the toroid core.
To elaborate a bit more on the permeability:
At the steep vertical slope of the BH curve, permeability is very high, leading to extreem high L value
At the horizonal slope of the BH curve, permeability is close to 1, and therefore low L value
I think we need to agree first on what exactly is happening with the coil and its BH cycle in relation to the magnet position and the pulse being generated.
As a matter of fact it's even more complex, because the given BH curve is only valid in 2 dimensions, while the permanent magnets cause the dipoles to move in 3 dimensions.
Quote from: Jimboot on February 03, 2010, 01:54:16 AM
My nonrechargable battery has gained .03v today after running for 43 hours. Hoping to see the same results in my next Orbo replication
As far as battery voltage going up, that's perfectly normal when a battery is used less; e.g., going from X*1.2 amps to X amps-- battery relaxation. 0.03V is actually very very mild battery relaxation. That can occur in less than a second.
The proper way to test a battery is to allow it at least 2 hours to rest disconnected before taking any *meaningful* measurements.
That's why input & output measurements are so important.
You can't say it perfectly normal for the battery voltage to go up after it has been running motor continuously for 43 hours.
If you think that that's normal please show me your motor that can achieve that. I for sure have not seen that in my life.
Quote from: futuristic on February 03, 2010, 09:46:58 AM
You can't say it perfectly normal for the battery voltage to go up after it has been running motor continuously for 43 hours.
If you think that that's normal please show me your motor that can achieve that. I for sure have not seen that in my life.
You didn't read my post. A motor running for 43 hours and then disconnected for a split second could easily rise far above 0.03V. Besides, jimboot has already said many times the voltage has dropped on other runs.
If he thinks it's excess energy then let him show the input output measurements.
A D-cell could run a low power motor over a year.
Lets be a bit more responsible and show input & output measurements. There should nothing to hide. I've shown mine! :)
As I understood him he didn't disconnect the battery. So you can't talk about battery recovering here.
Quote from: futuristic on February 03, 2010, 09:55:15 AM
As I understood him he didn't disconnect the battery. So you can't talk about battery recovering here.
Sure I can because he did not even offer any details at all of his experiments except for one thing, and that was in previous experiments where he clearly said the battery voltage is slowly decreasing.
If he can dare to post that he did not disconnect the battery for the entire 43 hours, then I'll sit back and wait to see what his battery does next. 0.03 volts is extremely small, and could also be due to if the motor slows down, which draws less from the battery, which could easily cause 0.03 volts relaxation.
If jimboot is reading this, then all of this means that the battery cannot be disconnected at all during the 43 hours, and that includes while you're taking the voltage measurement. Disconnecting it for even a moment prior to taking the measurement can cause relaxation, and even relaxation oscillations that dampen out. Furthermore, that is by no means proper battery measurements! Again, *proper* battery measurements are taken when the battery has been disconnected and fully relaxed, which should be at least a few hours. That does not mean one cannot datalog battery voltage at all times, but the measurements one considers is when the battery has fully relaxed after being disconnected.
Please show the input & output measurements.
It's just me or is gone ?
Quote from: Airstriker on February 03, 2010, 10:17:28 AM
It's just me or is gone ?
I think Domain Name Servers that Steorn is using is down.
I tried to ping both and getting timed out. I'm sure they will be back up after WorldNIC gets their stuff fixed.
EDIT: This could be a fiber outage as well. Doing a tracert, I'm getting stopped after... []
It should be up in a while. These things are sometimes quick fixes or horribly long (8 hours) outages. Yes I used to be in Telecom.
Steorn is back up at this time......
Quote from: Airstriker on February 03, 2010, 10:17:28 AMIt's just me or ( is gone ?
It's been up & down all day. It's back up right now.
Here is what I don't understand, and maybe someone can explain it to me. I am not that smart at electrical and battery things, but I am looking at it from a business perspective.
Why is Steorn selling this thing they way they are? Seriously, why sell the SKDB memberships? 419 Euro? Small potatoes. They are allegedly sitting on a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar idea, and the best they can come up with is "here, pay us a little money and we will teach you how it works and then you make it work."
If they have what they say they have, they surely went about it the worst possible way as far as making money.
What they should have done is make a damn generator and sell it. It would sell like hotcakes! They would all be billionaires overnight. Instead, we have this crap with oscilloscopes and batteries and all that rubbish. Is it overunity or isnt it? Why even go there? Just make a generator, I say.
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on February 03, 2010, 11:50:48 AM
Here is what I don't understand, and maybe someone can explain it to me. I am not that smart at electrical and battery things, but I am looking at it from a business perspective.
Why is Steorn selling this thing they way they are?
If they have what they say they have, they surely went about it the worst possible way as far as making money.
There are issues larger than making money. If Steorn is right and they have found overunity, this will be a complete world changing invention.
There are many established special interests that stand to lose especially in the energy field. Fosssil fuels will become obsolete.
Yet, it is in the best interest of the world environment to make the change.
Steorn realizes they have an obligation to their fellow men to make the technology available regardless of the risk.
This method of release of the idea is the least risky for them because the whole world knows the intellectual property at once.
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on February 03, 2010, 11:50:48 AM
Here is what I don't understand, and maybe someone can explain it to me. I am not that smart at electrical and battery things, but I am looking at it from a business perspective.
Why is Steorn selling this thing they way they are? Seriously, why sell the SKDB memberships? 419 Euro? Small potatoes. They are allegedly sitting on a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar idea, and the best they can come up with is "here, pay us a little money and we will teach you how it works and then you make it work."
If they have what they say they have, they surely went about it the worst possible way as far as making money.
What they should have done is make a damn generator and sell it. It would sell like hotcakes! They would all be billionaires overnight. Instead, we have this crap with oscilloscopes and batteries and all that rubbish. Is it overunity or isnt it? Why even go there? Just make a generator, I say.
In my opinion, you answered your own question. Why don't they make and sell an OU generator? Because they can't. IF they could, they would. Nothing else makes sense to me about their business model if this is not correct.
Again, just my opinion.
Quote from: forsalebabyshoesneverworn on February 03, 2010, 11:50:48 AM
Here is what I don't understand, and maybe someone can explain it to me. I am not that smart at electrical and battery things, but I am looking at it from a business perspective.
Why is Steorn selling this thing they way they are? Seriously, why sell the SKDB memberships? 419 Euro? Small potatoes. They are allegedly sitting on a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar idea, and the best they can come up with is "here, pay us a little money and we will teach you how it works and then you make it work."
If they have what they say they have, they surely went about it the worst possible way as far as making money.
What they should have done is make a damn generator and sell it. It would sell like hotcakes! They would all be billionaires overnight. Instead, we have this crap with oscilloscopes and batteries and all that rubbish. Is it overunity or isnt it? Why even go there? Just make a generator, I say.
My opinon IMHO is that they are operating blind; What is Orbo? This
time they have demonstrated something with sufficient complexity
to include something which has overunity energy potential.
He has indeed not demonstrated a self-runner. But I feel he could
by stringing two units together in series. A rechargable battery
is almost a necessity. The key is extracting excess energy while the
unit runs and dissipating it through a fixed known external load. The
load need not be matched to the generating capacity of the particular
unit, in fact, should be in excess of it. Since energy has a time
derivative, a timer clock would be included to record how long
the load is turned on vs off. Known batteries with fixed chemistries
and volumes, and voltages have near identical capacities, so load
clock run time would eventually demonstrate energy in excess of
battery capacity.
So he should skip the theory, and demonstrate what the end user
really wants to see. Experiments always tend to educate theory
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 03, 2010, 12:10:52 PM
In my opinion, you answered your own question. Why don't they make and sell an OU generator? Because they can't. IF they could, they would. Nothing else makes sense to me about their business model if this is not correct.
Again, just my opinion.
They have only a prototype model. It cannot produce enough energy to sell in it's current state and they cannot continue to develop it at the current rate or they would never turn a profit.
It needs to be accepted and advanced by mechanical engineers to build efficient designs, electrical engineers to design efficient electronics, magnetic material designers to find the most efficient core materials, analytical engineers to find the best core shape and layout.
So why can't they just build it and sell it? Because it is not efficient in it's current prototype state!
I've discussed it many times and I'll mention it now once again. The overunity idea, specifically the idea that CoE can be violated is exactly the opposite of a business idea. This is as anti-business as can be. My understanding is that not only it cannot make any money for the inventor in the long run but any business that would have anything to do with it would be out of their minds. That's a sucidal idea for the business. Even more, it is suicidal for the type of society we're living in. Once widely spread, the OU machines will have such far-reaching consequences which will dwarf the industrial revolution with its steam engine hands down. This would be a revolution beyond imagination which will drastically change our society to the point beyond recognition. I would be surprised if the countries would remain as separate entities as a result of such revolution. That's what the current elites are dreading
Despite the propaganda, presenting our society as a free society, the truth is that it is efficiently controlled and no concept that would free it from the economic and financial discrepancies and stranglehold it's in would ever be tolerated. No symbols of that suppression such as, say, the Nobel prizes, would ever be awarded for such a concept which would inherently free the society from the grip of the system functioning as a deeply socially stratified mold.
I think that's the reason why there has been and is such a vehement push by the powers that be to make people convinced that perpetuum mobile has never existed historically, although it probably has but had been squandered for the purposes of preserving the type of system we "enjoy" living in. So, all these companies such as Steorn are just dreamers if they expect revenue form OU machines. I admire the fact that they have been able to raise even that much money by somehow convincing the wealthy that investing in such an enterprise is more worthy than spending money for yachts, jewelry and Patek Philips. However, return on investment by selling licenses is highly unlikely for the reasons mentioned above and will only remain a sweet dream.
In my view, the best anyone who thinks he has an OU device can do is make it available to as many people as possible throughout the world, promptly, at that, before it's squashed by the conservative elites trying to preserve the status quo. Even a brief browsing through the various forums will reveal the level of animosity and the readiness to drown the proponents of OU in a drop of water by paid and unpaid zealous activists and their opportunistic sycophants in their determination to completely obliterate the free energy movement. It depends on people like you and me and on our proper understanding of the ways to convince society, to prevent those zealous activists and their opportunistic lackeys from winning once again. Now we're in the age of internet, international flights and sophisticated manufacturing and measuring equipment which makes it harder for the servant of the OU suppressors to have their way as they are used to have it in the past. Nevertheless, this new battle, enhanced by the achievements of the modern times, has just begun and we have to wage it as efficiently as those new tools allow us to.
I wish to correct something that I said in a previous post. In the demo the power supply is being used only to power the optical switch. The toroids are being powered by a battery.
You can see that in an earlier video (Video 1/6) of the setup.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 03, 2010, 12:47:33 PM
I wish to correct something that I said in a previous post. In the demo the power supply is being used only to power the optical switch. The toroids are being powered by a battery.
You can see that in an earlier video (Video 1/6) of the setup.
It's power, then, should be added to the input power (just for completeness -- it's probably negligible).
Only comparison that should be done is the input cost to the out put cost.
This can be done by joule heating input only (not subtracting flyback): and out put joule cost.
The rate of change will be the same for both if the rest of what goes on in the black box is not subtracted from the input cost.
They show you the black box, they tell you what is going on in the black box and they never never show you real output being greater than input, thought they claim it.
It is exactly the opposite, of saying "Here in my black box, you can see what goes in, and what goes out" but never what is in the black box.
Steorn never never shows real input to an output. They just give you crap about what is in the black box. They are not making mistakes they are leading folks around and around the bush..
The last demo is to supposedly show out put rate of change is such it is OU, Yet they subtract from the input after the black box part. (not a real input calculation).
And then compare it to a coil heating as output.. Yet that out put coil never get hot enough to even show on the thermal imaging.
Demand real input to output.
Input to black box and out put from black box.
But don't worry about it, you will never get it from them.
Make em, play with them and learn...
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 03, 2010, 01:15:20 PM
Only comparison that should be done is the input cost to the out put cost.
This can be done by joule heating input only (not subtracting flyback): and out put joule cost.
The rate of change will be the same for both if the rest of what goes on in the black box is not subtracted from the input cost.
They show you the black box, they tell you what is going on in the black box and they never never show you real output being greater than input, thought they claim it.
It is exactly the opposite, of saying "Here in my black box, you can see what goes in, and what goes out" but never what is in the black box.
Steorn never never shows real input to an output. They just give you crap about what is in the black box. They are not making mistakes they are leading folks around and around the bush..
The last demo is to supposedly show out put rate of change is such it is OU, Yet they subtract from the input after the black box part. (not a real input calculation).
And then compare it to a coil heating as output.. Yet that out put coil never get hot enough to even show on the thermal imaging.
Demand real input to output.
Input to black box and out put from black box.
But don't worry about it, you will never get it from them.
Make em, play with them and learn...
That's incorrect and is due to a general lack of understanding of what's going on in the Orbo device.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 03, 2010, 07:55:15 AM
For real simulation there are two complex issues to be incorporated which we didn't discuss yet:
- since we don't talk about DC but pulsed method, I and U are out of phase at some time instances. This means there is power factor at some time instances that should be taken into account.
- The L value will vary, due to the changing permeability in the toroid core.
You forgot to mention viscosity and time frames :D
There are too many variables here and certainly it is not possible to correctly guess them all by mere chance. Moreover according to SeanM, one cannot build this in a garage as it needs a lot of precision. So things are very challenging here.
We have scattered info from various videos and statements, such as the magnets are 0.5T or that the inductance changes from 980 mH to 960 mH at off and on positions. Using these we can perhaps estimate the permeability and material of the core and using the traces we can guess other stuff.
What I'm trying to do is, to find a combination of parameters that produces the scope traces similar to those in the demo and then go ahead and build a physical one. So far this is the plan. Can't say how useful it will be.
Now about the phase and variable permeability, if you see the video 1/6 (and the Omnibus's data), there is no delay in the current, but we have rise times, which are not normal. SeanM tells in that video that this is due to permeability change after the current reached a certain value. So one must plug in various mu values (or L values) in the sheet at various times and see how closely one can match the actual traces. You have already done this, I guess you are using L=4 at on time and L=16 at off point. I just made it a variable. Now you need to plug in a new value at one more point, which is just after the start. Assuming that the BH curve is sharp, one can safely assume an instantaneous change of mu at certain times.
I'm sorry if it does not make sense at this time. I'm a little overwhelmed right now.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 03, 2010, 01:21:25 PM
That's incorrect and is due to a general lack of understanding of what's going on in the Orbo device.
I dont care what is going on in the box before it is proven than input is less than output..
Like the Smot It does a great job of lifting the ball, The inside looks great. Yet the human energy input to output messes it all up.
You again are making the inside of the black box mistake again. What is real input to real output of the black box??
With Steorns you do not get to see real input to real output. Just this black box. A common mistake and easy to fool people with: including your self.
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 03, 2010, 01:27:45 PM
I dont care what is going on in the box before it is proven than input is less than output..
Like the Smot It does a great job of lifting the ball, The inside looks great. Yet the human energy input to output messes it all up.
You again are making the inside of the black box mistake again. What is real input to real output of the black box??
With Steorns you do not get to see real input to real output. Just this black box. A common mistake and easy to fool people with: including your self.
You'd do much better to avoid posting this nonsense because it clutters the important discussion we're having here.
My first reaction when @teslaalset was mentioning inductance L was that we shouldn't bother with these details at this time. But now I see your point. You want to model a trace matching the Steorn experimental trace by varying R, L, mu etc. Once values of this set of parameters is established we would look for matching materials. Kinda reverse engineering of the materials and conditions used. Sounds reasonable.
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 03, 2010, 01:15:20 PM
Only comparison that should be done is the input cost to the out put cost.
This can be done by joule heating input only (not subtracting flyback): and out put joule cost.
The rate of change will be the same for both if the rest of what goes on in the black box is not subtracted from the input cost.
If you see the video 2/2, he mentioned
1.5 to 2 mJ per revolution and the output is 3x, so its 6mJ per cycle. There ... you have the measurements of energy, not merely scope traces. ;)
Of course, after adding the heat loss at the input, it is NOT ou and I guess they are trying to solve this problem since 6 years and had no success.
Now, there is no question of trusting this claim, and they did not show it on wattmeters or by lifting weight, for reasons you will understand only after reading this whole thread. But he openly said not to trust his figures and invited everyone with their own toys to measure themselves. Which is fair enough.
Lets us wait for independent measurements and hope for the best !
Meanwhile try to build your own, because you won't get the tech spoon fed from them , its only for paid and gagged members.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 03, 2010, 01:37:32 PM
My first reaction when @teslaalset was mentioning inductance L was that we shouldn't bother with these details at this time. But now I see your point. You want to model a trace matching the Steorn experimental trace by varying R, L, mu etc. Once values of this set of parameters is established we would look for matching materials. Kinda reverse engineering of the materials and conditions used. Sounds reasonable.
On this you have to also use the diode voltage drop to decay rate. It may be easier to give you some values. Yet what diode was used??? what is the real VD across it??
Still the L/R for decay rate, with the v locked due to the diode might be useful. .2 to .7 VD might give a value range.
And don't forget what YOU call "important" may not be to others.. seems to be a problem with you.
Yes, exactly.
We do have some values for some of the parameters and assuming no new physics is involved, one can estimate the input loss and output.
QuoteOf course, after adding the heat loss at the input, it is NOT ou and I guess they are trying to solve this problem since 6 years and had no success.
Even after adding the heat loss at the input it is OU. In such a case the output I^2R will be part of what's been provided by the input I*V(which includes Joule heating part), according to CoE. As we see, however, there is a quantity over and above the difference between I^2*R and V*I which is three times (I*V - I^2*R). So, we have:
Input -- I*v + I^2*R = I*V
Output -- 3I*v + I^2R = 2*I*v + I*V
Pout/Pin = (2*I*v + I*V)/I*V = (2*(v/V) + 1) > 1
That's the power balance (respectively, energy balance if integrated over t) which proves violation of CoE. To make it practical one has to have the output energy above unity in a proper form to feed it into the input. That's a hitherto unresolved technical problem. The unresolved technical problem (of no significance to science whatsoever) by no means cancels the fact that the device in question is an OU machine, as seen above.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 03, 2010, 09:53:00 AM
A D-cell could run a low power motor over a year.
Lets be a bit more responsible and show input & output measurements. There should nothing to hide. I've shown mine! :)
Really? That's cool. Show us your's doing it? Or better yet, just show us your's actually get 7 days like a real Orbo does? OH, OH, how about showing us your battery go up in voltage AT ALL, without disconnecting it? How about that? It should not be so hard, since as you seem to claim it is so easy to do, and means nothing. Then show us, or leave Jimboot the the hell alone. He is doing a fantastic job with his Ossie Motor, and even though so far his is looking towards maybe be a self runner soon, he is still working on his Orbo replication. How about you quite trashing everyone. Not that you are going to listen anyway, I'm sure like before your just going to say that now I'm attacking you, and suppressing free energy, and maybe I'm even a paid poster now trying to hurt the movement. Whatever, I don't really care. Attack me all you want, I've been developing a thick skin.
I don't think anyone in this thread but yourself is interested in listening to your arrogance, and trashing other peoples work. That's all you have been doing was touting terribly measured COP results of your 1 toroid orbo, and thowing crap in the face of anyone who does anything different than you. Please stop chasing great builders away from this forum with your arrogance. There dropping like flies.
Post removed in an effort to remain on topic.
@ Omega_O,
Sorry, I didn't mean to discourage you in continuing simulation of Orbo.
Please, continue to do so.
In addition to your remarks to the coil measurements as shown in Steorns earlier videos where the show 980 and 960 mH, everyone should be aware that those values are only part of the inductance value story.
We know now what the coil values are under the influence of the permanent magnet, but very little info has been mentioned or shown to the real trick in Orbo: the coil values caused by the core material under the influence of a powered coil.
The other coil values that we need to know are related to the influence of the H field (the A/m values) to the coil while powering the coils.
If Metglas is used, which seems very likely, the inductance could be 1000 times higher as the measured values given by the videos, where the coils are only very slightly driven by current to do the coil value measurement.
I assume here that the permeability of the core is already 1000 when the coil is not yet powered, and the max. permeability of metglas is 1.000.000.
Now, 1000 is related to the maximum permeability value of metglas cores at a certain DC situation, so in practice it may be less, let's say 100.
That leads to incredible inductance values that explain the current lag just after switching on the voltage across the coil.
So, the inductance will vary roughly from 1 H to 100 H in a very short time instance.
Simulating this process will be a real challenge.
On the last demo supposedly showing more out than in:
Well a quick check on the proportions of the joule heating relations of input to output, ( ignoring the subtraction to the input.
Strange thing about joule heating is it only occurs when current flows, so the time off, and time for fly back is not needed to see if more energy is put in than out.. All the info to compare the true input to output is there for them that desire to see.
It is approx 1 1/4 more for input energy than output energy.. No extra electrical out.
Interesting Not OU.
Not going to recharge that battery with that.
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 03, 2010, 07:58:00 PM
On the last demo supposedly showing more out than in:
Well a quick check on the proportions of the joule heating relations of input to output, ( ignoring the subtraction to the input.
Strange thing about joule heating is it only occurs when current flows, so the time off, and time for fly back is not needed to see if more energy is put in than out.. All the info to compare the true input to output is there for them that desire to see.
It is approx 1 1/4 more for input energy than output energy.. No extra electrical out.
Interesting Not OU.
Not going to recharge that battery with that.
As I already explained, the above is an incorrect understanding as to what happens in Orbo.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 03, 2010, 09:19:51 PM
As I already explained, the above is an incorrect understanding as to what happens in Orbo.
You deal with what you believe is going on inside of it.
Your game of the inside of the black box. It good for Steorns pay to play game.. Have you payed to get in yet??
I will deal with what is going on out side of it.
Rise time of the wave of input to the top. Off part of trace level with the top (not the drop to a minus joule heating, or joule cooling) To the next on, and repeat.
The climb rate of input greatly out does the rate climb of the output.
Simple measurement by there own scope traces shows no electrical gain on out put, but loss.
As I said I will look out side the box. It don't add up.
Hey Omnibus I if as you say: subtract the flyback: does the battery last longer???, or the same time as before it was subtracted???
So does joule heating become less to the battery input time due to flyback subtraction??
Remember nothing in the demo is feedback to the battery.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 03, 2010, 10:03:50 AM
Sure I can because he did not even offer any details at all of his experiments except for one thing, and that was in previous experiments where he clearly said the battery voltage is slowly decreasing.
If he can dare to post that he did not disconnect the battery for the entire 43 hours, then I'll sit back and wait to see what his battery does next. 0.03 volts is extremely small, and could also be due to if the motor slows down, which draws less from the battery, which could easily cause 0.03 volts relaxation.
If jimboot is reading this, then all of this means that the battery cannot be disconnected at all during the 43 hours, and that includes while you're taking the voltage measurement. Disconnecting it for even a moment prior to taking the measurement can cause relaxation, and even relaxation oscillations that dampen out. Furthermore, that is by no means proper battery measurements! Again, *proper* battery measurements are taken when the battery has been disconnected and fully relaxed, which should be at least a few hours. That does not mean one cannot datalog battery voltage at all times, but the measurements one considers is when the battery has fully relaxed after being disconnected.
Please show the input & output measurements.
Paul, the only reason I haven't taken I/O measurements is because I don't know how. I have no intention of getting into a pissing contest with you as I wouldn't know where to start. I only post what I see on the meter to learn from this esteemed group. If my posts are too dumb & annoying then I'll go and see if the is an overunity creche forum :) I'm not trying to make any claim here, just telling you what I observe.
Yes the battery had dropped in voltage then it came back up. I left the house yesterday morning & it was 1.20 I got home 10 hours later & it was 1.23. This morning it had dropped again to 1.21. I dropped back home this morning and the motor was still going. SO that was 62 hours of continuous run when I last checked. The battery HAS NOT been disconnected at any stage during this run. I'm not sure of the significance of this. Anyway this belongs in the other thread.
@omnibus I think anyone who believes they can make billions & trillions out of an OU device is dreaming. As you rightly point out there is a multi-trillion dollar derivatives market that will make sure your device disappears.
I think open source is the answer. Like open source software money is made by individuals by providing services around that software. There is no one source then that can be shut down. This is one of the reasons I'm announcing & cataloging my experiences on youtube, facebook & Twitter. This is where I do have exp and also my day job. My company is one of Australia's leading SEO companies. It's easy to get the word out these days. The hard part is deciding what the word should be. I want to see the sham of carbon trading exposed when we ask our Politicians why they won't advocate OU devices that are clearly working. A way to go yet tho.
Busy week at Steorn,
The latest test, designed to prove OU was indeed very clever and definitive. I really wish to see those trying to replicate Orbe do this test on their rigs and tell us about the outcome.
Also, it would be great if Paul Sprain can do that test too on his contraption. Maybe Stefan can fill us in on what has been going on lately with Paul Sprain's device. I know at one point his lawyers insisted that he should withdraw all the details and pictures of his motor published here, which he did. That was a really sad day for the OU community. I wish, now that Steorn has adopted a more open strategy, Paul reconsiders his decision and allows the community to observe experimental evidence in the open manner Steorn are doing it.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 03, 2010, 12:41:50 PM
...I think that's the reason why there has been and is such a vehement push by the powers that be to make people convinced that perpetuum mobile has never existed historically, although it probably has but had been squandered for the purposes of preserving the type of system we "enjoy" living in.
It is not the reason. There is no conspiracy. Reasons are not so simple.
The first main reason is rational and empirical. The human knowledge tell us thanks to the physics laws that there is no possibility of "over unity" because of conservation of quantities, and the facts confirm: nobody succeeded in providing a perpetual mobile.
The second one is irrational and religious. Westerners have inherited from the Judeochristianity in which man must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow: we lost the paradise then we have to work, nothing is free.
This is a rare case where common sense, religion and science say the same, thus this awful idea is firmly anchored in every mind.
QuoteThe first main reason is rational and empirical. The human knowledge tell us thanks to the physics laws that there is no possibility of "over unity" because of conservation of quantities, and the facts confirm: nobody succeeded in providing a perpetual mobile.
No, there is no such reason and the above is a misrepresentation of the human knowledge. It has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that CoE can be violated -- excess energy can be produced discontinuously. It appears that Steorn are the first in modern times who have demonstrated continuous production of excess energy.
QuoteThe second one is irrational and religious. Westerners have inherited from the Judeochristianity in which man must earn his bread by the sweat of his brow: we lost the paradise then we have to work, nothing is free.
This is a rare case where common sense, religion and science say the same, thus this awful idea is firmly anchored in every mind.
This is exactly what people call conspiracy. Science tells us CoE can be violated while the irrational forces in the society suppress it for their own evil goals.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 04, 2010, 04:31:43 AM
No, there is no such reason and the above is a misrepresentation of the human knowledge. It has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that CoE can be violated -- excess energy can be produced discontinuously. It appears that Steorn are the first in modern times who have demonstrated continuous production of excess energy.
This is exactly what people call conspiracy. Science tells us CoE can be violated while the irrational forces in the society suppress it for their own evil goals.
It's about who writes the history. Unless there is a massive groundswell on the Net for an issue mainstream media will not pick it up. The potential of the Orbo & Ossie to take homes off the grid will only reach the masses when a village in Africa is using one to power a water pump or local mechanics have started replacing the petrol tank in a Prius for an Orbo or an Ossie or an Orzy and there are Howto vids on Youtube. It's about take up. It is about spreading the tech. All the staff at my local Jaycar store (electronic components) have seen my working Ossie & the youtube vids of my Orbo attempts. I think I have convinced a couple of them to start their own replications. Giving it away is soooo important here. Think of OU as The Net. No one owns the net. Sure there are somemajor players but no one pays a license fee to setup a website. Look at the size of the online inustry though. My point is that OU is a platform that if set free will be bigger than the industrial & information revolutions combined. My business is about connecting suppliers with customers online. I highly suggest anyone wanting to get this taken up by the masses watch the doco "How Kevin Bacon Cured Cancer". Use the principles in this vid to spread the word and we will be wittnesses to massive change. We need to get OU first though :) small detail.
QuoteGiving it away is soooo important here.
That should be put as a slogan in every OU lab, garage or what have you. That's the only solution if we don't want this to be squandered once again by the powers that be. And it isn't even necessary at this point for it to have "the Orbo & Ossie to take homes off the grid will only reach the masses when a village in Africa is using one to power a water pump or local mechanics have started replacing the petrol tank in a Prius". Because not all the scientists in the world are lowly opportunists but there are thousands if not millions who do care about the truth but are suppressed by the system, it would be enough for them to even just have the experimental device in its present form in their hands, to be able to test it for themselves. Once convinced, they can pressure their local colleges and departments at the universities to change ways. Bureaucrats in government will soon follow. They will have no choice. Thank God we have the net now and if you can summarize the main points in that docu you posted will be great. We have to begin understanding and adopting the new ways of dissemination of knowledge this 21st century world is offering us.
Please don't compare Ossie's motor to Steorn's. Ossie's is only unity or even not unity. Orbo is over unity. Ossie's will never power anything because it would loose the flywheel effect. It's simply a flywheel that is storing the energy. A toy, a gadget that looks nice on the desk. Orbo is different, much different.
Some more analysis of steorn's data. The file is here:;sa=view;down=367
I hope there are no calculation mistakes. I'm not expert in math etc. If you think there is any mistake pl point it out.
Note that L is falling inversely in a linear manner. Its value goes from 0.5 H to almost 0.
There is a strange delay in current here, which was not there in the video. I have no idea whats causing this.
This ~600us phase shift between V and I may be due to inductive reactance and probably is too small to be seen in the video. It's of the same order of magnitude for which L decays to zero. That's too short of a period for that shift to have any practical significance for the overall energy balance.
Regarding posts that contain no scientific data, that contain personal attacks, I no longer place my replies to such posts on this server. Therefore, I place such replies at my kiddies website. Here's the recent reply to the Pirate / Captain -->
Or it could be due to switching delay in some electronics or relays. Note that the V drops slightly as soon as the current starts. Depends on where the probe is connected.
Anyway, looking at the falling portion (sheet2), L behaves strangely. Perhaps a calculation error somewhere, or I'm doing something wrong and there is another way to get the L from impulse response. Opinions plz ?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 04, 2010, 02:21:34 PM
Regarding posts that contain no scientific data, that contain personal attacks, I no longer place my replies to such posts on this server. Therefore, I place such replies at my kiddies website. Here's the recent reply to the Pirate / Captain -->
lol, your being such a child. Exactly the kind of reply I expected. Obviously it's not even remotely a possibility that your actually attacking others trying to work. Nope, not at all. And of course I must be a paid poster, trying to destroy the free energy movement, because I said something about you tearing down others trying to learn and build. The funny part is the fact that you act like you really believe this crap your spouting! Truly amazing. What's even more funny, is that you think everyone else enjoys this behavior from you or something. It's okay, you will get yourself banned from this forum eventually, but of course to you that would be Stephan suppressing free energy, and he must be paid by the oil companies to do so.
As far as my Orbo replication, I don't give a rats ass if everyone in the world wants to build one. I think it's a great learning experience, and there is a lot left to learn. With my replication, I can get a good run on a 1.2 volt battery, but mine simply does not perform any better efficiency wise than my multiple pulse motors I have running right now. That does not mean Steorn is a fraud, that just means I'm disappointed they made it sound like they were going to run lights as loads and show battery voltages and all that jazz when proving OU. They did not. They showed a scope trace that is pretty convincing, AFTER you dig very deep and make a bunch of assumptions as to how they got that trace. Overall, I do think Orbo has some very interesting things going on, but I also think until it can get nailed down a bit better as to how a real build should be, I'm working on what shows better results for me. It's my choice. And I would rather use my limited bench time right now for something that is giving me better results. I doubt anyone has thrown there hands up in the air and said "Captain is working on something else, so lets all give up"... To be honest, I really don't think anyone interested in the Orbo cares what I build. But of course PL thinks I'm trying destroy everyone in the free energy movement because of it. Whatever.
Quote from: captainpecan on February 04, 2010, 05:20:14 PM
lol, your being such a child. Exactly the kind of reply I expected. Obviously it's not even remotely a possibility that your actually attacking others trying to work. Nope, not at all. And of course I must be a paid poster, trying to destroy the free energy movement, because I said something about you tearing down others trying to learn and build. The funny part is the fact that you act like you really believe this crap your spouting! Truly amazing. What's even more funny, is that you think everyone else enjoys this behavior from you or something. It's okay, you will get yourself banned from this forum eventually, but of course to you that would be Stephan suppressing free energy, and he must be paid by the oil companies to do so.
As far as my Orbo replication, I don't give a rats ass if everyone in the world wants to build one. I think it's a great learning experience, and there is a lot left to learn. With my replication, I can get a good run on a 1.2 volt battery, but mine simply does not perform any better efficiency wise than my multiple pulse motors I have running right now. That does not mean Steorn is a fraud, that just means I'm disappointed they made it sound like they were going to run lights as loads and show battery voltages and all that jazz when proving OU. They did not. They showed a scope trace that is pretty convincing, AFTER you dig very deep and make a bunch of assumptions as to how they got that trace. Overall, I do think Orbo has some very interesting things going on, but I also think until it can get nailed down a bit better as to how a real build should be, I'm working on what shows better results for me. It's my choice. And I would rather use my limited bench time right now for something that is giving me better results. I doubt anyone has thrown there hands up in the air and said "Captain is working on something else, so lets all give up"... To be honest, I really don't think anyone interested in the Orbo cares what I build. But of course PL thinks I'm trying destroy everyone in the free energy movement because of it. Whatever.
Last time I'm going to ask you before placing you on my ignore list, Captain / Pirate. Take your negativity & emotional logic void of science in private. This is like chess for you, trying to counteract my suggestions as to your motives. Your move was expected.
QuoteOr it could be due to switching delay in some electronics or relays. Note that the V drops slightly as soon as the current starts. Depends on where the probe is connected.
Oh, I see what you mean -- measuring voltage starts slightly before it is actually applied to the coil. Thus, the voltage seen prior to current rising from zero is just measurement of the open-circuit voltage. How will that happen, though?
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 03, 2010, 07:58:00 PM
Strange thing about joule heating is it only occurs when current flows
I thought Joule heating occurs only on rise and fall of current? Or is that just inductance?
Hi all,
a test I made that maybe of interest ???
QuotePlease don't compare Ossie's motor to Steorn's. Ossie's is only unity or even not unity. Orbo is over unity. Ossie's will never power anything because it would loose the flywheel effect. It's simply a flywheel that is storing the energy. A toy, a gadget that looks nice on the desk. Orbo is different, much different.
I would disagree, I have built both the steorn and callanan motors and they both have benefits and issues that need to sorted out. As well both have very little torque and were never designed to carry a load persay, they were designed to recharge the source thus the flywheel effect as you call it is an integral and equal part of the operation of both devices. You also make the mistake in assuming they will "power" something, again this is detrimental to their operation, they are designed to recharge the source battery. What Steorn has not told you which should be obvious is that the toroid saturation which drives this device will always limit it's application. If you use strong magnets to increase output you will need a very large toroid to avoid pre-saturation as well residual magnetism will limit the maximum speed thus the machine will always be a large/low output device. The callanan motor utilizes air core coils with zero saturation issues or residual magnetism issues thus it can always be made lighter, more compact and have a higher power density at high voltage/current with very little rotor speed limitations. If you had built these devices you would know this, as well Mr.Callanan has always been sincere and open about his work and shared his knowledge with others. How many people do you know that have done this? Personally, as an inventor I have a great deal more respect for Mr.Callanan than I do for Steorn, we can only hope both will succeed.
Nice experiment. I knew I had seen that type of coil before - it is from the chasis of a monitor.
As an aside Luc, would it be possible to get a schematic of that wonderful 555 PWM that I have seen you use in your other videos.
I posted looking for a circuit a while back, and only GB helped out with something similar. This would fit in greatly with some of the tests I want to do.
Kind Regards, Penno
Wow! Paul thinks that you and I are the same person. His delusions are getting worse.
He even posted on his "website" that we are one and the same. Of course, if someone calls him on that, he will change it like he always does. I have the screen shots to prove it. He wants to sell OU devices. He is here to find some that he can sell. Watch out for this guy.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 04, 2010, 02:41:19 PM
Or it could be due to switching delay in some electronics or relays. Note that the V drops slightly as soon as the current starts. Depends on where the probe is connected.
Anyway, looking at the falling portion (sheet2), L behaves strangely. Perhaps a calculation error somewhere, or I'm doing something wrong and there is another way to get the L from impulse response. Opinions plz ?
@ Omega_O
My opinion is that the delayed current is caused by a very high value of the coil
(I mentioned earlier that a value of about 100 Henry's have to be overcome due to a permeability rise that is very steep).
The voltage drop after the current rises is most likely caused by the internal resistance of the power source (e.g. 0.5V/2A=0.25Ohm)
Quote from: Omnibus on February 04, 2010, 05:44:26 PM
Oh, I see what you mean -- measuring voltage starts slightly before it is actually applied to the coil. Thus, the voltage seen prior to current rising from zero is just measurement of the open-circuit voltage. How will that happen, though?
No idea, because the position of the probe is unknown, may be its an artifact of the probe. Using complicated instruments complicates the things. It can be due to high inductance as teslaalset said above, but 100 H is very high, and we should see some values of 50, 40 30 or 10 H in the curve as it falls, but you can see that it falls from 0.5H or 1 H max.
What do you think about the calculation of L? Is it correct?
Can we use the equation for static L to compute here ? Because the i=Im(1-e^(-t/tau)) assumes a constant L, IMO.
I have plugged a constant L into the equation with real Im and t values and the curve is not the same. Which means L is definitely varying in the real setup, but its value that I computed may be wrong.
At rising edge we see the L (or mu) drop as there is a magnet nearby and I is rising fast. So as expected it drops to almost 0. On the falling edge, the I is decreasing and there is no magnet near the core, so it must either increase or remain constant. Problem is, with these numbers (in sheet2) I don't see that. Which means either the equations are wrong or not applicable or something else is going on.
Btw, there was a mistake in the calculations, time should be (t-t0) instead of t, which gives L=0.25 to 0.001, but the behavior is same.
Quote from: allcanadian on February 05, 2010, 12:58:59 AM
I would disagree, I have built both the steorn and callanan motors and they both have benefits and issues that need to sorted out. As well both have very little torque and were never designed to carry a load persay, they were designed to recharge the source thus the flywheel effect as you call it is an integral and equal part of the operation of both devices.
The pulse duration can make a huge difference in the orbo torque. Increasing pulse duration might not make much difference, but then suddenly it will come alive. During the last stage of my "tiny orbo replication 1" it accelerated and sounded like a dremel drill. From nearly dead stop to over 7000 rpm's in a few seconds. Also I could place a large thick solid piece of Aluminum ~ a centimeter away from the spinning magnets, and it still ran. I have not done the calculations, but IMO that's a lot of power due to eddy currents relative to the input.
I think @Omega_0's explanation of the seeming phase shift is the correct one, that it, there is no phase shift between I and V.
L undoubtedly isn't constant. However, why should one be concerned as to what L is for the present analysis of the energy balance? That's a detail which doesn't pertain to the analysis at hand.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 10:04:48 AM
I think @Omega_0's explanation of the seeming phase shift is the correct one, that it, there is no phase shift between I and V.
I guess I am too focussed on my own insights. That is always dangerous ;)
I'll step back and try to understand Omega's approach.
Now, if I understand Omega_O correctly following is happening:
- pulse is generated just before the magnet enters the coil position. The L value is around 0.98 Henry. This causes the current to stay low in value
- then the magnet passes the coil and saturation is occuring leading to low L value and high rise of current.
Well, if the pulse voltage is 12 V and the coil value is say roughly 1 Henry the current change can be derived from the following formula :
L= L x di/dt.
From that one can calculate the current acceleration value after switching the power.
So, in this case, di/dt = 12 A/s
Just to the point. The core inductance is on the order of micro henries. Just forget about the 0.98 henry measurements.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 05, 2010, 11:27:40 AM
Just to the point. The core inductance is on the order of micro henries. Just forget about the 0.98 henry measurements.
Paul are you saying that the values shown in Steorn's video are fake?
Have a look at about 25 second from the start of this video:
It's not fake. It's not of any use except Sean was trying to show a point how the inductance changes a bit. That's all. To be honest with you, that Steorn inductance measurement is 100% worthless in terms of replicating an Orbo. That LCR meter will not saturate that core.
To be more specific to my previous post, when the magnet is at TDC, the core has ultra high permeability (that lasts a few microseconds in my replication). When core is in that state of ultra high permeability, changes in current have no measurable effect on magnet interaction. What decreases the attraction between magnet & core by measurable amounts is when the core is well into the saturation curve.
A few people have said how the core is always in saturation. As the magnet approaches the core, it has no problem reorienting the domains to align with the field from the magnet. In order for the coil to change that orientation back to a loop requires high current. So on a scope shot one will initially see a short period where the current hardly changes, micro amps, and then suddenly the current will soar upward. In my setup, that short period is a few micro seconds. Then the core (relative to the coil) switches almost instantly from ~ a henry to ~~ a hundred micro henries. When coil inductance is low, micro henries, that's when work is done; i.e., when the core & magnet attraction begins to decrease.
Since the inductance is so low during the pulse, it may seem like there's no EMF, but there is a bit. You can see in some of Steorn's scope shots the RL rise time, microseconds, not milliseconds. So it does take work, albeit small, and there is excess energy.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 05, 2010, 02:16:08 PM
A few people have said how the core is always in saturation. As the magnet approaches the core, it has no problem reorienting the domains to align with the field from the magnet. In order for the coil to change that orientation back to a loop requires high current. So on a scope shot one will initially see a short period where the current hardly changes, micro amps, and then suddenly the current will soar upward. In my setup, that short period is a few micro seconds. Then the core (relative to the coil) switches almost instantly from ~ a henry to ~~ a hundred micro henries. When coil inductance is low, micro henries, that's when work is done; i.e., when the core & magnet attraction begins to decrease.
Thanks Paul, that is very useful data.
I had very similar sequence in mind, but with a factor 100 on the inductance off. Good to know.
b.t.w. how did you obtain your MetGlas cores a while ago?
I tried to get samples from, but no response at all.
Then I tried Elna. They have a lead time of almost half a year. Terrible!
I must agree with you guys. The "lag" seems to be really due to high L during startup of the pulse. The pulse rises slow till the L drops to 0.1, where it takes off till L drops to 0.0015. The rise is so fast that it looks like the pulse starts there.
Luckily we also have confirmation from PL and JLN (His scope below). And the last plot shows guessed current with manually plugged values of L (Green line), which matches the trend. So I can confirm that :
Start L (In presence of a magnet) = 0.25 H or more
End L (In presence of the magent+pulse) = 0.0015 H
R = 5.1 ohm, V=12.28 V and I(peak) = 2.38 A
JLN is using ferrite (mu=6000) not metglas, and he is still getting the same response. So my current guess is, a sharp BH curve matters more than high mu. One should experiment with both metglas and other materials. Most of the energy (non-ohmic) is being spent during this "lag", so one must minimize the 0.5*L*I^2 here.
So now this is out of the way, and it seems the statements of steorn are making sense bit by bit. If you can show that small details of their claim are true, chances of their claim of OU being true increases.
Glad our views converge ;)
Keep in mind that sharp rising B-H curve corresponds with high mu at certain B, H situations:
B= mu x H, and therefore:
delta mu = delta B / delta H
Excellent analysis. Now, that makes sense.
Like I said, I'm not too concerned with the contribution of L, however. From purely scientific point of view, even with the L as it is, the output energy is over three times the net input energy and that's the significant fact. Wish JNL and everybody else with a similar motor apply the same methodology Steorn have shown us, to see if they'll get that much of excess energy, if at all. Wonder what a regular pulse motor (non-Orbo) would give when studied by that methodology?
I think if Steorn happen to be reading here, I'd like to tell them that it would be in their best interest to invite @Omega_0 and @ teslaalset for a visit. Also, @MrEntropy. That would be a part of a third party verification of their Orbo claims by really competent fellows.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 04:30:28 PM
Excellent analysis. Now, that makes sense.
Totally agree with that. Good job!
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 04:30:28 PM
Wonder what a regular pulse motor (non-Orbo) would give when studied by that methodology?
The more I understand Orbo, the more I think Bedini already was the original source of this all. Bedini always advertised soft iron (many small diameter rods pulled together to avoid Eddy Current losses). I wonder whether he used himself soft iron for his working machines.
Even with soft iron you can make use of the changing mu and magnetic viscosity, but it's much harder to prove because the max. COP will be much less compared to MetGlas alike core materials
You mention Bedini, how about the earlier Adams motor?
I should add, probably, something I've mentioned many times. No matter who gave the idea, the party which manages to clearly demonstrate the OU effect, so that it can be reproduced by third parties, will have the priority. In this case the simple, yet elegant and conclusive method Steorn offers wins the contest hands down. Of course, the modern high-end technology, unavailable even a year or two ago, together with a proper endowment, makes it possible to carry out studies which one would only dream about just a few years ago.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 04:44:49 PM
You mention Bedini, how about the earlier Adams motor?
Yes, Adams too, indeed.
There are a few more to mention. In general all the mysterious pulse motors that use ferro based cores
Like Sean of Steorn mentions, tolerances are VERY tight.
The ultimate reason why replication never was succesful. Because the basics were not understood (including not by myself..b.t.w.)
I agree about the basics but I'm not sure replication wasn't successful then. We just didn't have the means at that point to know one way or another. The way I see it, instrumentation technology hasn't yet been available even a few years back. I'm sure if Steorn didn't have those fantastic oscilloscopes, even being that creative, the effect we see now might have been missed. That's almost certain.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 05, 2010, 04:29:18 PM
Glad our views converge ;)
Keep in mind that sharp rising B-H curve corresponds with high mu at certain B, H situations:
B= mu x H, and therefore:
delta mu = delta B / delta H
There has to be a sweet spot somewhere, because a very high mu core will not attract the rotor magnet with much force. I can't say it for sure, because I don't have a high mu core, yet.
I'm really a noob :D. I have only managed to mount a rotor on a PC fan with some magnets etc. It will take a long time to get somewhere.
IMO, JLN or clanzer or CTGlabs are best candidates for verification. I'm hopeful for clanzer, he is already a member. But we will get build specs only from non-members.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 05, 2010, 04:41:27 PM
Bedini always advertised soft iron (many small diameter rods pulled together to avoid Eddy Current losses).
I have always wondered about iron filings packed into some sort of glue or varnish. Would this make a good core?
Next question to understand all this is : WHERE THE HECK THE EXTRA ENERGY COMES FROM?
I found an interesting article on work of N.E. Zaev that indicates that it comes from converting environment heat into current.
It's a bit hard to read (I had to read it several times) but for those who find interest: the article is attached.
(a nice start for a Solid State Orbo)
Quote from: Paul-R on February 05, 2010, 05:16:54 PM
I have always wondered about iron filings packed into some sort of glue or varnish. Would this make a good core?
Jip, it would.
E.g.the type of cores Bob Boyce use(d) for generating excessive brown gas.
His work is also very controversial.
The extra energy comes "out of nowhere", "out of nothing", as it were. This is violation of the first part ("conservation" part) of the principle of conservation and transformation of energy (as is the full name of (CoE).
The "out of nothing" may sound shocking but this is just a figure of speech because what happens is, conditions are created, purely constructively, for conservative forces to induce spontaneous displacement which is work (energy). Conservative forces and displacement per se are not energy but also they are not "nothing".
Thus, instead of "out of nothing" one may say "out of no pre-existing energy reservoir".
I have already shown discontinuous production of energy "out of nothing" through a magnetic propulsor. Steorn now demonstrate continuous production of such excess energy.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 05:31:31 PM
I have already shown discontinuous production of energy "out of nothing" through a magnetic propulsor.
Omnibus, do you have a link where I read this?
Sounds like some new stuff (for me at least) to learn from.
Give me your e-mail address because I don't want to water down this discussion, devoted to Steorn.
Edit: O.K., you got it. I sent the link through the e-mail function of this forum. Note also, I don't want to discuss it at this time.
If the lag bothers you guys in high perm cores then just add bias current. In metglas we're talking about micro amps. It doesn't matter in metglas because the lag does not take any measurable power since the current is nearly zero amps during the lag. Personally I like the lag (few microseconds) because it gives time to prime the mosfet capacitance, lol.
btw, the lag is not magnetic viscosity. It's just the brief period when the core permeability is high.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 05:44:32 PM
Give me your e-mail address because I don't want to water down this discussion, devoted to Steorn.
Edit: O.K., you got it. I sent the link through the e-mail function of this forum. Note also, I don't want to discuss it at this time.
Got it. Thanks a lot.
Agree not to clutter this thread.
One of Orbo secrets?
The proving overunity part 1 video showed test of the Orbo and Pulse running and firing with the magnets and without the magnets.
The first pic shows the trace of the Pulse motor. The blue is with the magnets and the pink is without the magnets. The cemf is obvious and the expected inductive rise and fall can be seen.
The second pic shows the trace of the Orbo motor. Both traces are the same and no or almost none inductive rise and fall. How is that possible? The inductive time constant used to graph the rise and fall is equal to L/R. So it can be reduced by increased resistance or reduced inductance. The trace without the magnet should have been different.
After much analyst, it occurred to me that it seemed to be working like a high loaded transformer where the secondary decreases the back emf in the primary.
I don't have an Orbo motor, but I did wind an Orbo coil based on Ossie's technique. So I shorted one of the wires and used the other for input, like a 1 to 1 transformer.
I manually tapped the input with a D cell and watched on the scope.
It worked!!!!! Traced V and I the same as Stern's and without a magnet. ;D
Haven't tried, but it should also eliminate CEMF from a moving magnet.
Would appreciate if anyone with a replication would test. Should be easy with an Ossie winding.
Just a comment on the constant core discussions. Steorn has stated on their forum that the material was not that important, but it could be used to maximize performance.
So far it's very interesting to see the theoretical aspects behind the "orbo interaction".
So let's say for now all the equations are true, and there is the movement of the rotor for free.
How to use it practically?
They subtract the I^2R from the input. But after all, that is as far as I understood it, the I^2R is actually there.
Even if there is done work for free, I can't see how to use it.
Most of the energy goes to heat, the rotor movement is like a little waste.
So combination with sterlingmotor?
Can someone please enlighten me ;)
Just proving that CoE can be violated, as has already been done and now that Seorn does it too, is a revolution in science. There cannot be anything more practical than the far-reaching consequences such revolution in science can bring about. What exact practical devices will inevitably come about as a result of such change and how this or that form of energy produced can or cannot be used is a moot point in comparison with the magnitude of such drastic development and isn't even worth discussing at this time.
By the way Orbo has nothing to do with Sterling motor. The excess energy Orbo produces is genuine excess energy as can be seen here:
Mind you this, the fact that you don't see at this point how a particular kind of energy produced (heat in this case) can be used doesn't mean that energy can be neglected as produced energy. On the contrary, when doing the energy balance all energy produced must be considered and it is that overall quantity of energy that is to be compared with the overall input energy. As seen this comparison in the case of Orbo shows that the former is greater than the latter. Whether or not you may consider this or that particular type of the energies as useless at a given moment has nothing to do with the importance and even the principal practicality of that dramatic finding.
I agree with what you've said about the importance and the groundbreaking news for science.
But I just wanted to know if anybody can think about a useful engine. Just asking this to brainstorm about the endversion of orbo.
You understood me wrong if you think I find that invention meaningless. It is vice versa.
btw, the sterling-motor, I mentioned, was just an idea to catch the heat to do useful work. I didn't say I think the orbo is such kind of engine...
Quote from: allcanadian on February 05, 2010, 12:58:59 AM
I would disagree, I have built both the steorn and callanan motors and they both have benefits and issues that need to sorted out. As well both have very little torque and were never designed to carry a load persay, they were designed to recharge the source thus the flywheel effect as you call it is an integral and equal part of the operation of both devices.
Torque and RPM can easily be increased by not having your coils and magnets at every 90
o. With this setup, there is no torque during the pulse and no torque after the pulse until it's next attraction point.
A design with 6 coils at 60
o from each other and 9 sets of dual magnets 40
o from each other will have plenty of torque. You'll always have magnets in attraction providing torque. Also, you'll have 9 sets of dual magnets moving past your pickup coils instead of just 4 sets. With the toroids vertical, you can even place more pickup coils around the rotor. It's just like Sean has said, the only limit is in the design.
A design like this will have torque to carry a load and be able to charge the source at the same time. They have kept things simple in the Orbo demonstrations and this is the reason why it can't be under load while charging the source. This doesn't mean it can't be designed to have torque to carry a load and to charge the source at the same time.
I may not have the design I described above totally right, but you should get the main idea how this system can have plenty of torque to carry a load and to charge up the source.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 05, 2010, 04:41:27 PM
Bedini always advertised soft iron (many small diameter rods pulled together to avoid Eddy Current losses).
Namlite coating can reduce eddy currents,
Quote from: LarryC on February 05, 2010, 06:49:01 PM
Haven't tried, but it should also eliminate CEMF from a moving magnet.
Just a comment on the constant core discussions. Steorn has stated on their forum that the material was not that important, but it could be used to maximize performance.
Excellent post and I hope someone can test your idea to see if it can reduce or eliminate the CEMF. Tape wound toroidal cores can eliminate nearly all of the CEMF from a moving magnet also. It's a near perfect magnetic circuit.
Elimination of the CEMF is the most important factor. I've also stated ferrite cores may work, but we need to find the cores that are the best performers. Elimination of the CEMF and the best performing core materials will increase our chances of success.
A tape wound toroidal core using a nanocrystalline material with Namlite coating should have a huge advantage over a standard ferrite core. Take your pick, both will probably work, but one will have better performance and more success. The very minimal should be a tape wound toroidal core with a soft magnetic material.
Quote from: hekkmekk on February 05, 2010, 08:46:39 PM
I agree with what you've said about the importance and the groundbreaking news for science.
But I just wanted to know if anybody can think about a useful engine. Just asking this to brainstorm about the endversion of orbo.
You understood me wrong if you think I find that invention meaningless. It is vice versa.
btw, the sterling-motor, I mentioned, was just an idea to catch the heat to do useful work. I didn't say I think the orbo is such kind of engine...
There are a number of ways to maximize the usable energy ...
Here is one a little more modern then a sterling (
While much of this may be heat energy even if it is 50% more energy it is of no matter... We can still use some of this "3"
Use your imagination a little but yes it is practical ...
The only thing I wonder if scaled up will results change?
Quote from: teslaalset on February 05, 2010, 02:47:52 PM
Thanks Paul, that is very useful data.
I had very similar sequence in mind, but with a factor 100 on the inductance off. Good to know.
b.t.w. how did you obtain your MetGlas cores a while ago?
I tried to get samples from (, but no response at all.
Then I tried Elna. They have a lead time of almost half a year. Terrible!
From Elna magnetics. I just now checked for MP2510P4AS and they have 215 in stock. I'm sure they have a lot of other sizes in stock as well. (
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 04:44:49 PM
You mention Bedini, how about the earlier Adams motor?
I should add, probably, something I've mentioned many times. No matter who gave the idea, the party which manages to clearly demonstrate the OU effect, so that it can be reproduced by third parties, will have the priority.
I couldn't agree more. I'm quite certain the concept has been visited many many times. But it's the true understanding and replication that makes it a real discovery. We have needed someone to conclusively prove OU, even to the scientific community. Maybe Steorn has done that with their private visitors since the demo, I would love to hear from some of them that have gotten to measure the results first hand. After all, it was said that it was impossible to run a mile in less than 4 minutes.... Until Roger Bannister did it somewhere back in the mid '50's I think... Now there have been thousands.
I think there is enough conclusive evidence myself the next step is to approach a build for public consumption a replication that can easily be replicated or maybe even a kit that can be purchased to achieve the results as shown.
I thank everyone for sitting down to do the math and be true to the community we have something to really approach and replicate. Excellent I say!
Another video that may interest some:
My replication of Allcanadian's No BEMF motor design may not be correct :-\
Great work you are all doing here. Looks like you may find the Orbo coil secret ;)
Thanks for sharing
Quote from: LarryC on February 05, 2010, 06:49:01 PM
One of Orbo secrets?
I don't have an Orbo motor, but I did wind an Orbo coil based on Ossie's technique. So I shorted one of the wires and used the other for input, like a 1 to 1 transformer.
I manually tapped the input with a D cell and watched on the scope.
Would appreciate if anyone with a replication would test. Should be easy with an Ossie winding.
Great post!
Can you post a picture, which type of Ossie winding you have used?
Quote from: wings on February 06, 2010, 03:42:35 AM
Can you post a picture, which type of Ossie winding you have used?
Yes, I was wondering the same. We need to know for sure.
Do you mean the Ossie fence wire coil ?
@ Paul, thanks for the Elna info. I'll send them a request right away.
@ GB, interesting stuff this coating. Thanks for posting that info.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 05, 2010, 04:40:35 PM
I think if Steorn happen to be reading here, I'd like to tell them that it would be in their best interest to invite @Omega_0 and @ teslaalset for a visit. Also, @MrEntropy. That would be a part of a third party verification of their Orbo claims by really competent fellows.
Sorry Omni, I overlooked above reply.
I don't think Sean would like to see free replication. So inviting people from will not be on their priority list, I am afraid ;)
Quote from: teslaalset on February 06, 2010, 04:10:33 AM
Do you mean the Ossie fence wire coil ?
Yes, I could see how that was confusing, since Ossie has presented so much.
Use Ossie's original technique to easy wind a toroid for the Orbo. Basically, If you want to wind 20 feet of wire on a toroid. Cut in half to give two 10 foot pieces. Then wind both together, cutting the wind time in half. After connect them in series to give the benefit of one 20 foot wire.
My change is to connect one 10 foot wire to itself and use the other to power the coil. This creates a 1 to 1 transformer with a high load, which will keep V and I in phase.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 06, 2010, 04:12:08 AM
@ GB, interesting stuff this coating. Thanks for posting that info.
It sounds like you've done some research on the Namlite. I'm posting this for those who may have overlooked it.
The patent and other resources says it can reduce power losses between 15% - 45% and is used in tape wound soft magnetic cores such as amorphous and nanocrystalline materials,'s a short PDF file on the Namlite coating,;sa=downfile&id=369It's used in high frequency or ultra-fast pulse applications to provide zero stress on the core material and to reduce eddy current losses. The Namlite is a fairly new material.
A toroidal core has very little CEMF, a tape wound toroidal core reduces the CEMF even further to near 0, and the Namlite coating reduces the power losses between 15%-45%. How could one go wrong with a tape wound toroidal core with the Namlite coating? It's a near perfect magnetic circuit.
I will continue to push the tape wound toroidal cores using a soft magnetic material with the Namlite coating until it has been tested. This has a huge potential over a standard toroidal core. If we want maximum performance and have the greatest chance of success in replicating the Orbo, then this has the greatest potential in my opinion. Research and testing is the only way to know. Let's not leave this stone unturned.
Quote from: LarryC on February 06, 2010, 10:03:46 AM
Yes, I could see how that was confusing, since Ossie has presented so much.
Use Ossie's original technique to easy wind a toroid for the Orbo. Basically, If you want to wind 20 feet of wire on a toroid. Cut in half to give two 10 foot pieces. Then wind both together, cutting the wind time in half. After connect them in series to give the benefit of one 20 foot wire.
My change is to connect one 10 foot wire to itself and use the other to power the coil. This creates a 1 to 1 transformer with a high load, which will keep V and I in phase.
You mean that there is hidden secondary coil shorted in the Orbo coil?
Does flux exist inside an ideal transformer with a shorted secondary?
can you explain more
Quote from: gravityblock on February 06, 2010, 11:18:00 AM
It sounds like you've done some research on the Namlite. I'm posting this for those who may have overlooked it.
I didn't do any research yet on Namlite, but I found this stuff while browsing for Superperm, which was mentioned in some patents I was reading.
It should be on the list of materials to be investigated, in addition to Finemet and Metglas.
Quote from: wings on February 06, 2010, 12:20:43 PM
You mean that there is hidden secondary coil shorted in the Orbo coil?
Does flux exist inside an ideal transformer with a shorted secondary?
can you explain more
Considering our simple transformer model, the effect of a short circuit on the secondary is illustrated below. The short circuit effectively removes the distributed capacitance, the core loss and the primary inductance from the model, leaving only the series resistance and the leakage inductance.
Likewise, if the transformer's secondary is open circuited, and if (as is normally the case in a well designed transformer) the leakage and series resistance are small in comparison to the other transformer elements, the open circuit measurement effectively measures Cd, Rc an Lp.
You mean that there is a hidden secondary coil shorted in the Orbo coil?
Does flux exist inside an ideal transformer with a shorted secondary?
Yes, the primary draws the most power.
can you explain more.
In a transformer with no load the V and I are out of phase by 90 degrees. In a highly loaded transformer the V and I are in phase or 0 degrees. On a scope the traces are the same when highly loaded.
The toroid when pulsed can only act like a transformer at the rise and fall of the pulse or if CEMF is created by magnet motion. A highly loaded secondary will keep V and I in phase and no drop in current will be seen due to magnet motion.
Steorn has been pushing his no CEMF message since the first video. I just realized on the last video that there was also no inductive rise and fall curve with and without the magnet. With the Orbo metal core the inductive rise and fall should have been much greater than the Pulse air core when no magnet was present.
Inductance of a toroidal coil is L = K N^2 A / 2 Phi r. K is the permeability of the core. Any metal attracted to the magnets would have a much greater permeability than air.
Thanks, wings
This statement is key:
Considering our simple transformer model, the effect of a short circuit on the secondary is illustrated below. The short circuit effectively removes the distributed capacitance, the core loss and the primary inductance from the model, leaving only the series resistance and the leakage inductance.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on February 06, 2010, 02:48:37 PM
Thanks, wings
This statement is key:
Considering our simple transformer model, the effect of a short circuit on the secondary is illustrated below. The short circuit effectively removes the distributed capacitance, the core loss and the primary inductance from the model, leaving only the series resistance and the leakage inductance.
Regards, Larry
thanks to you , you have solved the mystery.
more the toroid have no flux leakage (leakage inductance) wow ;D ;D
best regards
Quote from: wings on February 06, 2010, 02:58:38 PM
thanks to you , you have solved the mystery.
more the toroid have no flux leakage (leakage inductance) wow ;D ;D
best regards
next step verify the saturation using this test with hidden secondary coil shorted
.... test the secondary with a diode to recover some back effect ???
I just built and tested an Ossie type Hay wire copper wrapped spiral pancake flux blocker A. I sandwiched the coil between two large ring magnets N facing S, attracted to the steel wire core. When energized, the magnets cinch in towards each other and demonstrate a marked repulsion from a stack of magnets nearby. Imagine a stack of ring magnets behind a pancake flux blocker for a stator, and a stack of ring on the rotor in polarity opposition. The rotor magnets would swing around attracted to the metal wire in the pancake coil, then when they hit the sticky spot, the copper wraps would be energized, not just to eliminate the attraction, but to expose the rotor magnets to the powerfull opposition force from the stack of magnets shielded behind the flux blocker. This is an Orbo with an additional torque booster. I plan to try and build this one.
I need to respond here, because I gets errors on the message screen. You are winding correctly.
The saturation test works, but you have to adjust your power supply, because the Ohms are cut in half. Lower voltage will get the same current.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: wings on February 06, 2010, 02:58:38 PM
thanks to you , you have solved the mystery.
more the toroid have no flux leakage (leakage inductance) wow ;D ;D
best regards
I didn't catch this when you first sent it, but you are very correct about the low flux leakage in a toroid.
This is only part of the mystery, we (all of us) need to figure out the rest.
Regards, Larry
Hi Larry,
Great job, really! I have been scratching my head trying to get these blasted Magamps to saturate without needing a dozen amps with only 37 turns. It did not work, not with my 1.12" Magamp anyway.
But I have now unwound one of my toroids, and rewound (1) One layer of 26 awg magnet wire, and shorted the leads. Now, I will begin to wind one single layer of about 45 turns of 20 awg wire on top of that secondary. And I am tweaking my switching circuit, with some help...LOL
Primary is now wound over the secondary. First completed toroid.
Bruce, nice looking coil. Did it saturate? Could you please explain how you shorted the secondary? Thanks.
I just received 4 of those toroids and was wondering how they should be wound.
Looks like [Steorn's measurement error] ( has been found.
Quote from: skcusitrah on February 07, 2010, 11:25:14 AM
Looks like [Steorn's measurement error] ( has been found.
You have given a link to an obviously incompetent commentary. Therefore, it is to be ignored.
Quote from: skcusitrah on February 07, 2010, 11:25:14 AM
Looks like [Steorn's measurement error] ( has been found.
Posting of .99 shows no proof that there is a mistake.
He says he simulated stuff, but doesn't show what and how.
So, don't take such postings for granted without solid facts
.99, is the same guy who uses massive old fashion standard lead weight capacitors to filter spikes from entering a DMM. My last interaction with .99 was on the Rosie circuit about how his Spice simulations were inaccurate and amateurish due to the obvious need of propagation delay.
And his buddy MileHigh is the master of lies. I've shown many of them.
His entire post is based on assumptions. Why bother posting a link here?
Regarding his buddy, MileHigh, recently I gave him a chance to explain the errors in my recent "Tiny Orbo Replication" that was measured at 170% efficiency. Here's his so-called scientific reply at my website -->
QuoteHa ha Paul
Your energy input calculation is nonsense. You energy output calculation is a mystery, how did you really measure the 5% drop in speed?
You are the fool Paul, you are an electronics Joe Blow that can talk the talk but when push comes to shove you can't walk the walk. You are a poseur and can get away with it because most people are electronics newbies.
Your COP calculation is a joke, your premise to ignore the thermal heat generated is ridiculous, and your input energy calculation is amateur nonsense.
Many many times you display your cluelessness where you are either consciously bullshitting or are simply unaware.
Have fun with your COP fantasies with your pee-fart spinning thingy.
I provided the data and equations for my 170% efficiency resutls. If they can't find the errors, then they make up gibberish delusional claims, LOL. Poor MH.
Hey Paul L
170% efficient? Is there no way to close that loop?
then show me a running device
oh yea,
and what is the price!
Quote from: supersam on February 07, 2010, 03:04:44 PM
then show me a running device
Did that from the start, at youtube.
Quote from: supersam on February 07, 2010, 03:08:10 PM
oh yea,
and what is the price!
All my research and replications are open-source,
Quote from: Magluvin on February 07, 2010, 02:58:37 PM
Hey Paul L
170% efficient? Is there no way to close that loop?
Of course. That's already in the works.
I'd like to further discuss the input energy spend by the Orbo as demonstrated by Steorn in their latest video's.
There is still something I don't understand about the integrated energy curve of the input of Orbo.
We can distinguish 3 phases:
1) In the integral curve, the first part is climbing until 25 degrees from TDC.
A horizontal part means consumption is zero.
2) Then the curve is diving very steeply, meaning much electrical energy is produced in a very short time.
3) The last part of the integrated power curve shows a slow declining part, also meaning electrical energy is produced, but at a slower paste.
I can understand the first part. This is where the coil is powered.
But what is causing the electrical energy generation in 2) and 3)?
Can we exchange some thoughts here?
Quote from: teslaalset on February 07, 2010, 03:36:14 PM
I'd like to further discuss the input energy spend on the Orbo as demonstrated by Steorn in their latest video's.
There is still something I don't understand about the integrated energy curve of the input of Orbo.
We can distinguish 3 phases:
1) In the integral curve, the first part is climbing until 25 degrees from TDC.
A horizontal part means consumption is zero.
2)Then the curve is diving very steeply, meaning much electrical energy is produced in a very short time.
3) The last part of the integrated power curve shows a slow declining part, also meaning electrical energy is produced, but at a slower paste.
I can understand the first part. This is where the coil is powered.
But what is causing the electrical energy generation in 2) and 3)?
Can we exchange some thoughts here?
The attached image should explain it. That's how it seemed to me from the start.
Quote from: maw2432 on February 07, 2010, 07:20:10 AM
Bruce, nice looking coil. Did it saturate? Could you please explain how you shorted the secondary? Thanks.
I just received 4 of those toroids and was wondering how they should be wound.
Hi Bill,
I will let you know in a bit, as I am just having time to play... LOL
You wind the secondary, strip the leads and join them together. That is it. They are not joined "electricaly" to the circuit, if I may use that word.
I will let you know if it works!
As everyone should be able to see, it's very simple. No need to subtract anything. Very simple equation, I^2 * R. The R is the coil wire resistance. The blue trace is net input (from battery), brown trace is output from pickup coil, just as Sean said. No mystery. No silly .99 misunderstandings.
2) [is explained here] (
No diode is used in Orbo.
No energy goes back to battery, as shown in post.
Quote from: skcusitrah on February 07, 2010, 04:34:49 PM
2) [is explained here] (
No diode is used in Orbo.
Wrong. Sean said from start there's a diode. They would be wise to use a simple rectifier in this particular demo to show higher efficiency.
Quote from: skcusitrah on February 07, 2010, 04:34:49 PM
No energy goes back to battery, as shown in post.
Of course they are. Look at the integrated power plot.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 07, 2010, 04:31:17 PM
Hi Bill,
I will let you know in a bit, as I am just having time to play... LOL
You wind the secondary, strip the leads and join them together. That is it. They are not joined "electricaly" to the circuit, if I may use that word.
I will let you know if it works!
Bruce thanks,
Let me see if I understand, once shorted the secondary coil wires are then connected to one of primary wires? If so does it matter which one? If not connected at all, then how does it effect the primary? Sorry for being so detailed.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 07, 2010, 04:31:17 PM
Hi Bill,
I will let you know in a bit, as I am just having time to play... LOL
You wind the secondary, strip the leads and join them together. That is it. They are not joined "electricaly" to the circuit, if I may use that word.
I will let you know if it works!
Hey Bill,
Ok, having a shorted winding on the primary does indeed allow the current to flow, and reduces the need for much voltage at all. I have just burned up some wires (too much current), no biggie... LOL But I now must switch from my 12 volt sealed lead acid to a D Cell and see what happens. Worst case, I put it onto my power supply. I really want to go with a battery if I can.
Shorted secondary (my green winding) is not connected to anything but itself (shorted)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 07, 2010, 04:25:45 PM
The attached image should explain it. That's how it seemed to me from the start.
Paul, thanks for your thoughts.
I thought about this kind power flow, however that does not match with my thoughts on how the coil moves in the B-H curve.
Below my initial views.
Red is the area that is 'travelled' during the power pulse.
Blue is the one travelled after the coil power has ended.
To close this loop, the remanent magnetic situation of the coil core needs to switch. This is probably where the magnet comes in. Any other thoughts?
Quote from: teslaalset on February 07, 2010, 05:02:37 PM
Paul, thanks for your thoughts.
I thought about this kind power flow, however that does not match with my thoughts on how the coil moves in the B-H curve.
Below my initial views.
Red is the area that is 'travelled' during the power pulse.
Blue is the one travelled after the coil power has ended.
teslaalset, the BH curve you show is only for internal interaction, not simultaneous external-internal interaction. The magnet acts as an external field since it cannot form a close magnetic loop. You can't use the square loop BH curve in this case. The magnet forces a lot of the domains to align to its field. This requires a lot from the coil to counteract. It's almost a flat curve, practically no coercivity.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 07, 2010, 05:14:23 PM
teslaalset, the BH curve you show is only for internal interaction, not simultaneous external-internal interaction. The magnet acts as an external field since it cannot form a close magnetic loop. You can't use the square loop BH curve in this case. The magnet forces a lot of the domains to align to its field. This requires a lot from the coil to counteract. It's almost a flat curve, practically no coercivity.
That makes sense, indeed.
B.t.w. instead of a diode, it could simply be shortened as well.
(in case of reed switches or relais)
If we're going to use a BH-curve, then it would have to be the upper part of the BH curve, but even that is not accurate for this setup. Consider the following two images. One image simply shows the full BH curve of the normal material just as a reference. The thin image shows the upper part of the BH curve, which you should use for the Orbo analysis, but again even that is inaccurate for the Orbo design due to the external field from the magnet.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 07, 2010, 05:17:48 PM
B.t.w. instead of a diode, it could simply be shortened as well.
(in case of reed switches or relais)
How would shorting it act as a rectifier? You mean short it a certain times? That wouldn't dump the energy back into the battery, as seen in the scope shot. From the start Sean said there was a diode placed across the coil, but if they want higher efficiency then they would simply direct that to the battery. As seen in close up camera shots of the board we can see a diode chip. These chips usually have 2 to 4 diodes, which is all we need to fully rectify the pickup coil.
The last Steorn Talks is very revealing. It shows the RL curve and time constant, and pulse width. The pickup coil scope shot provides some indication they're using a square loop core. ;) Also it shows how much of the energy goes back into the battery from inductance-- a high percentage.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 07, 2010, 04:57:47 PM
Hey Bill,
Ok, having a shorted winding on the primary does indeed allow the current to flow, and reduces the need for much voltage at all. I have just burned up some wires (too much current), no biggie... LOL But I now must switch from my 12 volt sealed lead acid to a D Cell and see what happens. Worst case, I put it onto my power supply. I really want to go with a battery if I can.
Shorted secondary (my green winding) is not connected to anything but itself (shorted)
Hey Bill,
D cell won't work for my setup. I am using a Mosfet and it is not getting enough voltage to trigger. But plenty of current! LOL
For getting down to the bare minimum voltage needed and max current, it would seem that shorting the secondary is indeed the way to go. But... My toroid STILL will not saturate. (see pic below) So I will add more winds in series with my 20 awg of 26 awg. I have also ordered Jimboot and ossies toroid.
Keepin' windin'...
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 07, 2010, 05:33:54 PM
How would shorting it act as a rectifier? You mean short it a certain times? That wouldn't dump the energy back into the battery, as seen in the scope shot. From the start Sean said there was a diode placed across the coil, but if they want higher efficiency then they would simply direct that to the battery. As seen in close up camera shots of the board we can see a diode chip. These chips usually have 2 to 4 diodes, which is all we need to fully rectify the pickup coil.
The last Steorn Talks is very revealing. It shows the RL curve and time constant, and pulse width. The pickup coil scope shot provides some indication they're using a square loop core. ;) Also it shows how much of the energy goes back into the battery from inductance-- a high percentage.
Ah, I see some confusion occurring.
In my understanding the rectifier diode(s) were used for the pickup coil, not the driving coil.
I mean shortening the driving coil right after switching off the power to the driving coil. In this way one can switch off the coil at bit more earlier, because current is 'recycled' within the driving coil.
In the scope picture the coil is powered until 25 degrees after TDC, while 45 degrees was mentioned as the optimum switch off moment in one of the Steorn videos. That would be a nice twist.
Indeed, I recall Sean saying it's 20 to xx degrees. You might be interested in this, (
The coil is 1.4 Ohms primary and secondary with a ferrite core. Don't know the inductance, no meter. The scope traces used a .1 Ohm resister to display the current. Used a pulse generator as input.
Works as theorized, the only surprise was the induction curve with no secondary short increased when the magnet was half under the toroid, little less when directly under. But it fluctuated when moving in and out. Moving the magnet around when the secondary was shorted had no effect.
IMG_0249 - no short, magnet half under the toroid. Good induction curves.
IMG_0250 - no short, no magnet. Less induction curves, but still there.
IMG_0251 - secondary shorted, no magnet. No induction curves.
IMG_0252 - secondary shorted, magnet half under the toroid. No induction curves.
IMG_0253 - Coil, the black cable was used to short the secondary. The magnet was placed under the 1/4" plywood for testing.
Regards, Larry
Anyone who has Java enabled on their browser can play around with the Ising magnetic simulations, a well known and popular way to simulating magnetic materials. Give your browser ~ 30 seconds to get the applet going. You'll see a large window. Change the "disorder" to a square loop core, ~ 2.3. Click "Generate loop." Then click on BH curve to move the applied field. Moving the field back and forth from full to 0 to full to 0, etc. matches the core seen in the Steorn power in & out scope plots. You'll see how it shows that most of the energy stored in inductance in the Steorn setup can be captured back, as shown in the Steorn scope integrated power plots. (
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 07, 2010, 05:50:29 PM
For getting down to the bare minimum voltage needed and max current, it would seem that shorting the secondary is indeed the way to go. But... My toroid STILL will not saturate. (see pic below) So I will add more winds in series with my 20 awg of 26 awg. I have also ordered Jimboot and ossies toroid.
Good try. But just some comments.
I don't know if full saturation is used in Orbo, as the flux return for power increase in the upper end of a Core Saturation curve is constanly reducing until full saturation.
That's a lot of magnets strung together in the jar. All together they produce almost the same force as one long magnet. The glass thickness seems thinner than the normal distance used in Orbo. My magnet drop test worked correctly using a 3/16" distance.
Also, I used 26 awg, same length, for primary and secondary in my toroid. Mainly because I don't know how to properly balance wire size and length when using different sizes.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on February 07, 2010, 08:23:10 PM
Good try. But just some comments.
I don't know if full saturation is used in Orbo, as the flux return for power increase in the upper end of a Core Saturation curve is constanly reducing until full saturation.
That's a lot of magnets strung together in the jar. All together they produce almost the same force as one long magnet. The glass thickness seems thinner than the normal distance used in Orbo. My magnet drop test worked correctly using a 3/16" distance.
Also, I used 26 awg, same length, for primary and secondary in my toroid. Mainly because I don't know how to properly balance wire size and length when using different sizes.
Regards, Larry
Hi Larry,
Very good observations. I am now winding my primary with 26 awg, same as my secondary. I just put it into series with the 20 awg. basically I didn't feel like unwinding it.
Some more winding should get me there... LOL
Tinselkoala's latest video, Biased Magnet Orbette number 51, is an excellent proof of concept demo for the idea I posted a few pages back. TK's Orbette RPMs rise around 50% while his input current drops with the attachment of magnets of opposite polarity behind his flux blocker toroids. Truly awesome results!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 07, 2010, 05:27:23 PM
If we're going to use a BH-curve, then it would have to be the upper part of the BH curve, but even that is not accurate for this setup. Consider the following two images. One image simply shows the full BH curve of the normal material just as a reference. The thin image shows the upper part of the BH curve, which you should use for the Orbo analysis, but again even that is inaccurate for the Orbo design due to the external field from the magnet.
Some delay in response, Paul (I am in Europe)
Yes, it must have something to do with the external magnetic field, since even the higher permeability area at the top of the specified B-H curve is quite flat. Using that part of the B-H curve will not justify the slow energy gain in the last part of the cycle. It's either the external magnetic field or they use FineMet cores.
Some real B-H curve measurement are necessary to confirm, but I believe you are correct.
As soon as I have some Metglas cores I'll have a look into measuring the B-H curve at that position with the magnet around.
Quote from: plengo on January 05, 2010, 08:08:35 PM
"I think you guys should watch this video from Bedini:
Hi all,
Has any been able to replicate Bedinis setup.
He says his rotor has 8 magnets and states he is using his bi-polar switch and running on three poles. Does this mean his disc that has magnets to switch the hall effect has only three magnets ??
Sorry for repeating this subject (question) but, I would really like to replicate this setup.
I tried to follow, via the comments on you tube, but got lost in that poster description.
Kind Regards, Penno
The Ising model applet shows:
1. As magnet is at TDC, and as the coil current begins to increase, the permeability is low. This is seen in the Steorn integrated power plot as a sudden rise-- see "Ref. A" in the attached image, violet text.
2. Due to the resistance of the circuit, the current reaches maximum, and the power disipation is relatively constant. This is seen in the Steorn power plot at "Ref. B" in the attached image.. In the Ising applet the permeability increases a bit, but this will not show up in the power plot because the coil current is now high, and hence the circuit is mostly resistance at this point.
3. The coil current turns off, and the diode bridge rectifier conducts. The Ising applet shows the permeability is very low as the field begins to decrease. This is shown in the power plot as a rapid downward slop-- see "Ref. C".
4. As the applied field on the toroid core approaches zero (caused by the pickup coil), the Ising applet shows that the permeability begins to significantly increase. This is seen in the power plot as "Ref. D"
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 07, 2010, 05:27:23 PM
If we're going to use a BH-curve, then it would have to be the upper part of the BH curve, but even that is not accurate for this setup. Consider the following two images. One image simply shows the full BH curve of the normal material just as a reference. The thin image shows the upper part of the BH curve, which you should use for the Orbo analysis, but again even that is inaccurate for the Orbo design due to the external field from the magnet.
This is a "static" curve (no external magnet moving effect) just the coil and the core.
The "dynamic" curve (with the magnet approaching to the core) is more large because the saturation due to magnet effect.
my feeling is that the saturation curve change is similar to the enclosed picture.
The gain of energy must be find within the change between the two condition "no load=no magnet" and "shorted=with magnet".
Moving anti clockwise between the two curve (having the contribution of the moving magnet) you have OU.
As I see it, shorting the coil will only result in wasted energy.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on January 13, 2010, 07:33:17 PM
The cores are only $2.65 each, and so far it appears to be the best matching core to Steorn's. I would think people would want to be encouraging to buy these Metglas MAGAMP cores, not discouraged, right?
I just had a quotation from Elna: MP2510P4AS $12.14 each.
I have a strong feeling they think they got gold in their hands.
@ Ben, what did you pay for your MetGlas cores?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 08, 2010, 03:06:54 PM
The Ising model applet shows:
1. As magnet is at TDC, and as the coil current begins to increase, the permeability is low. This is seen in the Steorn integrated power plot as a sudden rise-- see "Ref. A" in the attached image, violet text.
2. Due to the resistance of the circuit, the current reaches maximum, and the power disipation is relatively constant. This is seen in the Steorn power plot at "Ref. B" in the attached image.. In the Ising applet the permeability increases a bit, but this will not show up in the power plot because the coil current is now high, and hence the circuit is mostly resistance at this point.
3. The coil current turns off, and the diode bridge rectifier conducts. The Ising applet shows the permeability is very low as the field begins to decrease. This is shown in the power plot as a rapid downward slop-- see "Ref. C".
4. As the applied field on the toroid core approaches zero (caused by the pickup coil), the Ising applet shows that the permeability begins to significantly increase. This is seen in the power plot as "Ref. D"
Paul, what application did you run on that webpage? I see 3 different one's.
Or did you download the application and run that one?
Update from Naudin:
Quote from: teslaalset on February 08, 2010, 04:31:27 PM
I just had a quotation from Elna: MP2510P4AS $12.14 each.
I have a strong feeling they think they got gold in their hands.
@ Ben, what did you pay for your MetGlas cores?
That's because your cores are a lot bigger, and contain ~ 4.5 times more material. I posted the calculation at this forum like last month. If works about the same price per amount of material.
Some people are trying to say the Orbo is a fake because the pickup coil is not glowing on the FLIR camera. Here is an analysis of the Steorn FLIR shots --> (
Quote from: teslaalset on February 08, 2010, 05:02:23 PM
Update from Naudin:
Youtube: (
Web: (
One can always count on Naudin making professional videos. :)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 08, 2010, 05:42:19 PM
That's because your cores are a lot bigger, and contain ~ 4.5 times more material. I posted the calculation at this forum like last month. If works about the same price per amount of material.
I bought 30 @ a little over $4.00 each.
Just back from week vacation, trying to get over it.
Quote from: wings on February 08, 2010, 03:30:48 PM
This is a "static" curve (no external magnet moving effect) just the coil and the core.
The "dynamic" curve (with the magnet approaching to the core) is more large because the saturation due to magnet effect.
my feeling is that the saturation curve change is similar to the enclosed picture.
The gain of energy must be find within the change between the two condition "no load=no magnet" and "shorted=with magnet".
Moving anti clockwise between the two curve (having the contribution of the moving magnet) you have OU.
Naudin great men.
It show us the beauty of the symmetry.
Without symmetry the B-H curves have the Y axis shifted on one side and you have easy saturation of the core.
Probably it cannot be compensated by bias current because you reduce the attracting effect.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 07, 2010, 04:57:47 PM
Hey Bill,
Ok, having a shorted winding on the primary does indeed allow the current to flow, and reduces the need for much voltage at all. I have just burned up some wires (too much current), no biggie... LOL But I now must switch from my 12 volt sealed lead acid to a D Cell and see what happens. Worst case, I put it onto my power supply. I really want to go with a battery if I can.
Shorted secondary (my green winding) is not connected to anything but itself (shorted)
Bruce, I noticed Naudin uses a Booster coil approach. I wonder which would be best?
Hello all,
Do you know what hides in the sheath blue?
Test JL Naudin :
Is this the modification for an auto-transformer?
Does somebody have the diagram?
Thank you for the answer.
The third experiment in Naudin's vid is of crucial importance to be understood. That's the essence of the Orbo principle -- rotor and coils decoupled electrically and the rotor only "seeing" the variation of the stator magnetic field. Some may recall that I was proposing that type of experiment after Steorn's first demo in December. The other experiments and all that talk about inductance, H-B curves etc. are only details and should be avoided at this point because they only lead to confusion in the already confused understanding of Orbo by some.
Once Naudin's third experiment is understood the replicators should proceed to apply the exact procedure Steorn have shown in their final demo and probably nothing else since the pivotal question is whether or not Orbo is OU. If correctly done the procedure in question is a truly definitive one for that purpose (proving OU). That procedure should be applied on motors such as Paul Sprains's, Adams (Bedini's) etc., solid-state devices using a similar principle as well as on the motors intended to replicate Orbo, discussed in this thread. I know it requires expensive high-end equipment which hardly anyone but Steorn has. Steorn, having these apparatus allowing them to apply the discussed procedure are way ahead of the game and the rest should catch up somehow. Otherwise, just making rigs that turn when passing pulsed current through their stator coils proves nothing, unless self-sustaining is demonstrated, which isn't possible technically at this level of experiments.
I checked with some companies and it turned out the DPO 7104 scopes Steorn are using cannot be rented and one has to shed something on the order of $18,000 even for a refurbished one. Wonder if it also includes the probes and other accessories? I think the lack of that sophisticated equipment is what holds up those trying to replicate the effect. As I said, nothing short of demonstrating a self-sustaining device may substitute for studies with such high-end equipment.
Of course, less sophisticated digital storage scopes, not allowing integration, can also be used -- the integration left to be done later in Excel. Cumbersome but more affordable. Anyway, would be interesting to hear ideas as to how this major obstacle (lack of proper equipment) can be overcome, so that we can promptly move on, having the effect definitively confirmed by independent third parties.
Quote from: k4zep on February 08, 2010, 11:36:21 PM
I bought 30 @ a little over $4.00 each.
Just back from week vacation, trying to get over it.
@ Ben, can you post the types you ordered (only the Metglas ones).?
Quote from: Omnibus on February 09, 2010, 06:16:16 AM
The third experiment in Naudin's vid is of crucial importance to be understood. That's the essence of the Orbo principle -- rotor and coils decoupled electrically and the rotor only "seeing" the variation of the stator magnetic field. Some may recall that I was proposing that type of experiment after Steorn's first demo in December. The other experiments and all that talk about inductance, H-B curves etc. are only details and should be avoided at this point because they only lead to confusion in the already confused understanding of Orbo by some.
I agree with you Omnibus. It looks like using Metglas cores and understanding the nitty gritty of the B-H curves it not really necessary to get replicatation going.
However I learned a lot on this stuff by just discussing it here. Thanks anyway for that (@all).
An additional conclusion is also that one needs to select components that have identical performance.
Not every magnet and not every toroid core will have exactly the same performance.
Since alignments are critical this is something that should also be checked.
I wonder when Naudin will show a self runner. He should be very close by now.
nice magnetic bearing motor here:
Well, can setup a paypal donation center for the scope...
Quote from: Omnibus on February 09, 2010, 06:16:16 AM
I checked with some companies and it turned out the DPO 7104 scopes Steorn are using cannot be rented and one has to shed something on the order of $18,000 even for a refurbished one. Wonder if it also includes the probes and other accessories? I think the lack of that sophisticated equipment is what holds
Naudin's 3rd key should not be part of his video. As you can see in his scope shot, there is a difference between TDC and not TDC. It's not blatantly in your face because nearly all of Naudin's scope shot is showing the R part of the RL curve. If Naudin would zoom in and show the L (inductance) part, it would be very clear there is a difference.
Trust me, I've been looking at such scope shots in my orbo replications for over a month. Also it depends on what magnetic toroid core you're using. The higher the permeability the more pronounced the difference will be.
Paul, could you please be more specific in how exactly JLNaudin did not show the L-Part and how he should have done the test or on which part he should zoom in?
Quote from: hekkmekk on February 09, 2010, 10:17:56 AM
Paul, could you please be more specific in how exactly JLNaudin did not show the L-Part and how he should have done the test or on which part he should zoom in?
I said it's there, but it's not blatantly in ones face because most of his scope shot is of the resistive component. If you look, you'll see there's a difference. Naudin should zoom the time domain so people can easily see it.
Also I would strongly discourage people from placing a static short on the toroid. I don't think that's what Steorn is doing, and that's not what I did on my "tiny orbo replication" that was measured at 170% efficiency.
How are the N and S rotor magnets attracted to the coil if it is centered between them?
Even though the magnet poles are opposite, both poles are equally attracted to a piece of iron.
Clanzer had previously stated on the Steorn forum that none of the replicators has shown an Orbo type motor. That was even after JLN had his V4 test. Clanzer is an excellent builder and is in the SKDB.
Please review the Steorn trace and the JLN trace below.
On the steorn trace, the yellow is the current, looks like a pulse generator trace. Whereas the inductive rise and fall in the JLN trace is obvious.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: synchro1 on February 09, 2010, 12:47:46 PM
Even though the magnet poles are opposite, both poles are equally attracted to a piece of iron.
Quote from: carbonc_cc on February 09, 2010, 08:23:10 AM
Well, can setup a paypal donation center for the scope...
That's a very good idea. I would suggest the scope to be located at a place pretty accessible to the contributors. The first that comes to mind would be CLaNZeR's, I think, if it's OK with him. However, if you guys have other suggestions let's hear them. It would be great if CLaNZeR reads this and gives us his input. Like I said, I'd like to see Paul Sprain's motor studied with this methodology but I don't know what the story with the permission by his lawyers is. Maybe Stefan can fill us in on it.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 09, 2010, 06:16:16 AM
Of course, less sophisticated digital storage scopes, not allowing integration, can also be used -- the integration left to be done later in Excel. Cumbersome but more affordable. Anyway, would be interesting to hear ideas as to how this major obstacle (lack of proper equipment) can be overcome, so that we can promptly move on, having the effect definitively confirmed by independent third parties.
We know the start of the pulse is TDC and the end of the pulse is 20
o to 30
o from TDC according to Sean. The toroid core must fit within this pulse duration. This will be the gap between the toroid and the dual magnets. 20
o for a vertical toroid and 30
o for a horizontal toroid (I'm guessing here).
When the magnets are TDC with the core, measure and draw a line 20 or 30 degrees to the right and 20 or 30 degrees to the left from TDC. Now, move the core back until the outer edges of the core touches both lines. This should be the appropriate air gap between the toroid and the dual magnets. The dimensions of the core, magnets, and rotor may all be proportional to each other.
If the diameter of the core is too large, then the gap will be too great and we will lose most of our attraction force. If the diameter of the core is too small, then the gap will be too small and we will need too much electrical input energy to overcome the attraction. The thickness of the core has a role in all of this also.
This may be a good starting point without the expensive equipment. I'm sure geometry has a lot to do with this. It's time to do some math in order to match the dimensions of the rotor, core, magnets and the air gap between the core and dual magnets.
Never mind.
Below is an illustration showing a toroid at 25o from TDC. The illustration is showing the concept and should be used as a guide only. If it was 30o, then the toroid would be closer to the rotor. Also, if the core is smaller in diameter, then it would be closer to the rotor.
We need to have the greatest attraction force with the least amount of input energy for the pulse to make the core no longer attractive according to the gap between the core and the magnets. Geometry and math can solve this issue I believe.
@LarryC The Storn current trace appears to have a slight rise at the start. Are the Steorn and JLN traces showing the same timebase?
Quote from: happyfunball on February 09, 2010, 04:26:25 PM
@LarryC The Storn current trace appears to have a slight rise at the start. Are the Steorn and JLN traces showing the same timebase?
At least they don't show same polarities.
B.t.w. keep in mind the Naudin's next step will most likely be using cores with higher permeability.
He's already referring to Nanoperm cores.
So, let's not draw conclusions yet.
Quote from: happyfunball on February 09, 2010, 04:26:25 PM
@LarryC The Storn current trace appears to have a slight rise at the start. Are the Steorn and JLN traces showing the same timebase?
I don't know, but there are many Steorn traces that show a similar trace.
In the Steorn video 'Steorn examine Orbo replication attempts' they showed that opposite polarity magnets on the rotor will induce emf in the same direction when current (+ or -) is applied. Another, how is that possible? I'm sure this is another important key, any ideas?
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on February 09, 2010, 06:30:19 PM
I don't know, but there are many Steorn traces that show a similar trace.
In the Steorn video 'Steorn examine Orbo replication attempts' they showed that opposite polarity magnets on the rotor will induce emf in the same direction when current (+ or -) is applied. Another, how is that possible? I'm sure this is another important key, any ideas?
Regards, Larry
Are you saying that many of Steorn's current traces show the same rise at the start? I thought their whole schtick was that it was perfectly flat.
Quote from: LarryC on February 09, 2010, 06:30:19 PM
I don't know, but there are many Steorn traces that show a similar trace.
In the Steorn video 'Steorn examine Orbo replication attempts' they showed that opposite polarity magnets on the rotor will induce emf in the same direction when current (+ or -) is applied. Another, how is that possible? I'm sure this is another important key, any ideas?
Regards, Larry
That is in reference to the replication attempts and not to the Orbo. How can it be another key when it's not in regards to the Orbo?
The rotor magents SHOULD NOT induce a NET EMF in the toroid. If it does, then you would have a CEMF and that is what Steorn was showing in the replication attempts.
The polarity of the rotor magnets did not change, so why would the EMF induced by the rotor magnets be in a different direction.
Here's how to properly tune the Orbo.
1) Dual magnets must be perfectly centered with the toroid. If not, then you have a CEMF.
2) Dual magnets must be equal in strength. If not, then you have a CEMF.
3) Dual magnets must have the appropriate distance from the coil when at TDC. If not, then you have a CEMF.
4) Dual magnets must have the appropriate gap between the upper and lower magnets. If not, then you have a CEMF.
5) All of the dual magnets must be aligned perfectly at TDC with each of the cores. If one set is slightly off, then you'll have a CEMF.
5) Rotor must not have a wobble and must be perfectly balanced. If not, then you have a CEMF.
6) The core must have low coercivity and low remenance. If not then you have a CEMF.
6) A tape wound core can be beneficial in eliminating the CEMF.
7) Namlite coating can reduce the power loss from 15% - 45% due to eddy currents.
8.) Friction from the bearings and air is a form of CEMF and both should be reduced as much as possible.
If you don't have all of the above, then the voltage and current from the pulse is not going to remain constant with or without a load.
There is no mystery or hidden information. It's all about precision. The key is to get the CEMF as close to 0 as possible. Sean said the Orbo must be built with hard disc drive tolerances, and for good reason. I'm sure the list above is not a complete list.
Anyone up to the challenge? You can have all of the expensive equipment you need, but if you don't build it with tight tolerances and with precision, then the equipment won't do you any good.
In some video way back when steorn was first on the map I recall seeing the magnetic interaction that happens with a "net gain" and it appeared that the magnetic pole was not directly parallel with the other surface it was a little higher or lower I cannot recall which but... Just an observation I wonder if the position on the magnetic field lines has a degree of importance in this "orbo interaction"?
Quote from: happyfunball on February 09, 2010, 08:36:22 PM
Are you saying that many of Steorn's current traces show the same rise at the start? I thought their whole schtick was that it was perfectly flat.
Look at the two pictures in my reply 2442. The first is of the pulse motor and has a classic induction rise(outward curve) and fall(inward curve). The second picture is of the Orbo motor and is basically straight rise and fall with a very slight angle. It is chopped off in the second picture, but at the very bottom of an Orbo rise traces(reply 2530), there is a very small inward curve(zoom the picture) at the start of the pulse. But it is backward to a normal induction rise curve. ???
Regards, Larry
A few facts:
Although I believe Steorn has a legit "free energy" machine, they're (Sean) is wrong about no CEMF. The reason Sean believes this is because he takes inductance measurements with and without magnet, and they're both basically the same, ultra high inductance. What Sean is obviously not considering is that such inductance meters do not saturate the core. Saturation of the core is required in order to noticeably decrease the pull between the magnet and core. This is not referring to the cores normal saturation from coercivity. We're talking about extreme saturation. When the core is saturated as such, the inductance is low, micro henries. That is why Sean believes there's no CEMF, because the scope shows a square wave, rather than a typical RL curve, because he's expecting an RL curve from a 0.98 henry inductor!! If you look closely, you can clearly see the Orbo RL curve in their scope shots when they zoom the scopes time domain. In fact, one could even calculate the inductance of their cores.
As far as BEMF, the reasons there's no BEMF is because it's a permeability motor, and requires a completely different analysis of *changes* in permeability. So saying there's no induced voltage from the spinning magnet with no current through the coil is meaningless in this design.
That is in reference to the replication attempts and not to the Orbo. How can it be another key when it's not in regards to the Orbo?
They did show the replicators attempt at first, then they showed how an Orbo coil differ from a normal toroid coil used by the replicators.
The rotor magnets SHOULD NOT induce a NET EMF in the toroid. If it does, then you would have a CEMF and that is what Steorn was showing in the replication attempts.
They had a Orbo coil, but using one rotor magnet centered on the coil, instead of two, one above and one below. The induced emf is shown at 5:20.
The polarity of the rotor magnets did not change, so why would the EMF induced by the rotor magnets be in a different direction.
At 5:20 he states that the magnets have opposite polarity and shows that the emf curves reverses as each magnet passes.
At 6:25 he has added a steady current from the battery and shows that the emf curves are the same, even with opposite polarity magnets. ???
At 7:50 he has reversed the battery and shows that the emf curves are the still the same. ???
The point being, that if your toroid coil can not do this, then it is not an Orbo.
Does any replicator have a toroid that can pass this test?
Regards, Larry
Regarding yesterdays blog post on the Steorn FLIR camera, minor correction, it just occurred to me that the room temperature was 22.3°C, not 28°C. The 28°C is the average temperature of the entire FLIR image. So again, there is no chance that a spinning Orbo produces the level of power required to heat that amount of plastic and core material from 22.3°C (72.1°F) to 39.7°C (103.5°F) -->
For details:
Let's not forget that the trace comparison between Steorn and JLN involves two different planes of approach. The Steorn trace was produced by magnets swinging by the toroid from one side to the other in a parabola as the the rotor spun by, while the JLN trace was produced simply by pulling the toroid straight away from the magnets in linear fashion. JLN's tutorial is merely a teaching tool to help us understand how the Orbo can generate power to help run itself without slowing itself down.
Sean said the Orbo has no CEMF, did he not say this? If it has no CEMF, then the rotor magnets are not inducing a NET EMF in the toroid coils that is in opposition to the EMF of the pulse, is this correct?
If what you are saying is correct about the rotor magnets inducing a NET EMF in the toroid coils, then Sean is not telling the truth. I haven't had time to re-watch the "replication attempt video" in reference to the time periods you have mentioned. Either you are misunderstanding something, or Sean is contradicting himself.
If you can get the CEMF to near 0 by following the list I previously posted and assuming we have the proper core material then our cores will behave like the cores in the Orbo.
Let me watch the replication video again. I have a feeling it has something to do with the air gun.
[Edited to correct spelling error]
i think it might be very beneficial to use Marko Rodin's toroid designs for anyone winding their own ...
Quote from: synchro1 on February 10, 2010, 11:10:38 AM
Let's not forget that the trace comparison between Steorn and JLN involves two different planes of approach. The Steorn trace was produced by magnets swinging by the toroid from one side to the other in a parabola as the the rotor spun by, while the JLN trace was produced simply by pulling the toroid straight away from the magnets in linear fashion. JLN's tutorial is merely a teaching tool to help us understand how the Orbo can generate power to help run itself without slowing itself down.
This is correct and there is a Big difference between the two. It's like trying to compare apples to oranges. Also, in the Orbo, the coil is open while the magnets are approaching the there can be no EMF induced in the coils during the approach.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 10, 2010, 02:17:02 PM
Sean said the Orbo has no CEMF, did he not say this? If it has no CEMF, then the rotor magnets are not inducing a NET EMF in the toroid coils that is in opposition to the EMF of the pulse, is this correct?
If what you are saying is correct about the rotor magnets inducing a NET EMF in the toroid coils, then Sean is not telling the truth. I haven't had time to re-watch the "replication attempt video" in reference to the time periods you have mentioned. Either you are misunderstanding something, or Sean is contracting himself.
If you can get the CEMF to near 0 by following the list I previously posted and assuming we have the proper core material then our cores will behave like the cores in the Orbo.
Let me watch the replication video again. I have a feeling it has something to do with the air gun.
I also believe that Steorn is talking about Net CEMF.
The two magnets pass by in a symmetrical orientation.
Each one will cause local dipoles to move. Moving dipoles will cause current in the coil.
The movement of the dipoles in the coil is different at each location of the core, but due to the symmetry of the magnetic field, the net effect is zero.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 10, 2010, 09:50:47 AM
A few facts:
Although I believe Steorn has a legit "free energy" machine, they're (Sean) is wrong about no CEMF. The reason Sean believes this is because he takes inductance measurements with and without magnet, and they're both basically the same, ultra high inductance. What Sean is obviously not considering is that such inductance meters do not saturate the core. Saturation of the core is required in order to noticeably decrease the pull between the magnet and core. This is not referring to the cores normal saturation from coercivity. We're talking about extreme saturation. When the core is saturated as such, the inductance is low, micro henries. That is why Sean believes there's no CEMF, because the scope shows a square wave, rather than a typical RL curve, because he's expecting an RL curve from a 0.98 henry inductor!! If you look closely, you can clearly see the Orbo RL curve in their scope shots when they zoom the scopes time domain. In fact, one could even calculate the inductance of their cores.
As far as BEMF, the reasons there's no BEMF is because it's a permeability motor, and requires a completely different analysis of *changes* in permeability. So saying there's no induced voltage from the spinning magnet with no current through the coil is meaningless in this design.
No BEMF because it's a permeability motor? Lol
It's a "Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor". Did I say that correctly, lol. It's a
variation of a switched reluctance motor (SRM),
BEMF is when the field collapses and cuts the wires (The "
B" is for the EMF coming
Back to the source). CEMF is the EMF that is induced by the rotating magnets that is in opposition to the EMF of the pulse (The "C" is for a
Counter EMF that is in opposition to the applied EMF).
If you have a CEMF from the magnets, then it will be in opposition to the EMF of the pulse and the voltage will drop and the current will decrease over time, thus you get the curve over time, unlike in the Orbo. The Orbo doesn't have this curve because it has no CEMF. There is no mystery in this. It's a really simple concept.
I wouldn't say the CEMF is 0 in the Orbo, I would say it is near 0 in the Orbo, thus you have to zoom in on the time domain in order to see it. The CEMF in the Orbo is so tiny that it is irrelevant and if you rounded it off then it would be rounded down to 0. It really amazes me how things are always being taken out of context. The CEMF in the Orbo is close enough to 0 to be said to have no CEMF. Reduce the CEMF to near 0 and we can have a scope trace like the Orbo.
Quote from: LarryC on February 09, 2010, 06:30:19 PM
I don't know, but there are many Steorn traces that show a similar trace.
In the Steorn video 'Steorn examine Orbo replication attempts' they showed that opposite polarity magnets on the rotor will induce emf in the same direction when current (+ or -) is applied. Another, how is that possible? I'm sure this is another important key, any ideas?
Regards, Larry
If they had of left on voltage you would see one signal was lost due to the inductor filtering it out.
Input signals were exceedingly different due to offset magnets and coils.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 10, 2010, 02:26:45 PM
This is correct and there is a Big difference between the two. It's like trying to compare apples to oranges. Also, in the Orbo, the coil is open while the magnets are approaching the there can be no EMF induced in the coils during the approach.
If a moving magnetic field crosses a conductor CEMF exists. It does not have to have an existing current.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 10, 2010, 03:49:35 PM
BEMF is when the field collapses and cuts the wires (The "B" is for the EMF coming Back to the source). CEMF is the EMF that is induced by the rotating magnets that is in opposition to the EMF of the pulse (The "C" is for a Counter EMF that is in opposition to the applied EMF).
You have it backwards, (
"Back electromotive force is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where there is relative motion between the armature of the motor and the external magnetic field."
And yes, I refer to it as a permeability motor because it relies on changes in effective permeability.
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 10, 2010, 05:20:19 PM
If a moving magnetic field crosses a conductor CEMF exists. It does not have to have an existing current.
If the circuit is open, then it's not opposing anything, thus no CEMF. Also, If the circuit is open, then it creates a static electric field in the conductor because the charges have nowhere to go. If the charges aren't moving, then there is no magnetic field induced in the coils to oppose the mechanical motion. A moving charge induces a magnetic field. If the charges aren't moving, then there is no induced magnetic field.
Take a coil that is an open circuit and rotate the strongest magnets you can find at 30,000 RPM and see if the coil will drop a magnet. It will not, because there is no induced magnetic field because the charges aren't moving in the coil. No CEMF.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 10, 2010, 05:35:15 PM
You have it backwards, (
"Back electromotive force is a voltage that occurs in electric motors where there is relative motion between the armature of the motor and the external magnetic field."
I suggest you re-read the wiki article. It states, This voltage opposes the original applied voltage; therefore, it is called
"counter-electromotive force". That is not any different than what I referred to as CEMF. They are referring to CEMF as being electrical opposition (the effect) and BEMF as being mechanical (the cause). One is the cause and the other is the effect. There is no reason to over-complicate this, and I refer to both the cause and the effect as CEMF, in order to avoid confusion when talking about the BEMF due to a collapsing field in a coil.
If we know the effect (induced EMF in opposition to the applied EMF or CEMF), then the cause (mechanical energy being converted into electrical energy) should be a given. There is no need in calling the effect and the cause two different things. That is nonsense, redundant, and confusing.
The proper use for BEMF is when the field is collapsing in a coil and the proper use for CEMF is when the induced voltage is in opposition to the applied voltage. Again, words can have different meanings according to the context they are being used in.
Quote from: lostcauses10x on February 10, 2010, 05:12:00 PM
If they had of left on voltage you would see one signal was lost due to the inductor filtering it out.
Input signals were exceedingly different due to offset magnets and coils.
That is very well said . I finished watching the replication videos and they did turn the voltage off in test 2 and 3. If the voltage was on during tests 2 and 3, we would have seen one signal was lost. Why was one signal lost? The signal was lost because the induced EMF of the lower strength magnet was canceled by the EMF of the battery and by the magnets/coils being offset. We are only seeing the induced EMF from the magnet with the higher strength pole. They showed in the video that one pole of a magnet was stronger than the other magnet with the opposite pole. In test 1, the EMF of the lower strength pole didn't completely get canceled, thus we see the EMF of both magnets.
All 3 tests were demonstrating how CEMF works. In test 3, the EMF induced by the magnets will be in the same direction as Test 2 because the direction of rotation was the same. The polarity of the battery has nothing to do with how the magnets are inducing an EMF in the toroids. What determines the direction of the EMF induced by the magnets are the polarity of the magnets and the direction of rotation.
Good Evening,
A question to all of the knowledgable people on this thread: ;D
1. I have completely wound my metglass core (1.12") to where there is nearly no hole at all. It is wound with 26 awg magnet wire.
2. It has the first layer that is shorted with itself.
3. I am using the following circuit (below) with an IRFZ30 Mosfet.
4. I am using 5 volts, 2 amps for power.
5. I can not use my 12 volt battery because the shorted first layer allows the current to flow and melts the wire, and I even used two 1 ohm 10 watt resistors in series and they heat up, so I did away with the 12 volt battery.
6. Old scope is not working and I am going to order a new one.
7. Used an LED to make sure that mosfet is switching.
Do I need to wrap another Metglass, but without shorting the first layer?
The problem is either:
1. Shorted first layer is a problem
2. Switching circuit is not very good
3. 2 amps is not enough current.
Any and all assistance is appreciated. I am very good at the mechanical but need some assistance with getting this going. I have a beautiful setup with two rotors. One with weak magnets and one rotor with 4 pairs of strong magnets.
Thank you for your assistance,
It's about reducing the CEMF to near 0. Take a look at my list on reducing the CEMF to near 0 and you will see why there is high precision and hard disc drive tolerances in order to achieve this. The replication video was all about CEMF. This is the reason why nobody has successfully replicated the Orbo, because they have CEMF.
Anything that is in opposition to the pulse and RPM is reducing the OU effect. Even though the voltage and current remains constant due to no CEMF when there is a load, the load is slowing the RPM which is reducing the efficiency. Sean has said the efficiency increases with the RPM's. Torque can be increased with the proper design so it can carry a load while maintaining a higher RPM so the efficiency stays near the maximum.
If you don't follow the list, then you're just wasting your time. There is nothing magical about the Orbo. The concept is really simple, reduce the CEMF to near 0. Build it with precision and accuracy.
If we don't understand the elementary truths and the basics, then how can we move on to more complex truths. We should be eating meat by now instead of still drinking milk.
Build the SOB with precision and accuracy. We have all of the information we need. If it doesn't work, then try a different core material.....although I believe there will be many different types of core material that will work. Some will perform better than others.
We need to be focusing on our replications instead of trying to figure out the mystery. There is no mystery once you understand the concept and principals the Orbo is based on. After saying all of this, there is nothing more to say other than our progress on the replication attempts and discussions on tips and tricks on achieving the tight tolerances without having the expensive equipment.
I believe Bruce provided an excellent example on how to align the dual magnets with the coils by adjusting the PVC pipe up and down by turning it. We need more examples like this. Everything needs to be adjustable so it can be tuned and tweaked easily.
At 1,000,000 permeability for the metglas core, it will take a lot of volts and amps to saturate it. That baby can hold a lot of flux before it even starts to saturate and lose attractiveness.
Steorn is able to do it with 12 volts while drawing around 1 amp (according to one of the demo talks). This is 12 watts.
The Orbo on display has a 1.2 volt battery with 10 amps which is also 12 watts. You're at 10 watts. I would try to increase your watts to around 12 and see what happens.
What has me puzzled is you have the metglas core almost completely wrapped and the coils in the Orbo is just barely wrapped. This may suggest the metglas isn't the core Steorn is using. We need to eliminate the other possible reasons you mentioned before drawing any definite conclusion though.
PL, I don't want to hear how the amps are more important in saturating the core than the voltage. I can already hear you.
Hi everyone,
just completed winding my first Toroid coil to start testing the Orbo concept.
I wound my coil in a special way and it seems to be giving some promising results.
Have a look at my GOBO test 3 video which is truly my first Toroid test. Let me know what you think.
Link to video:
Quote from: maw2432 on February 09, 2010, 05:25:57 AM
Bruce, I noticed Naudin uses a Booster coil approach. I wonder which would be best?
I think Steorn used a Booster coil approach also. I'm attaching a photo courtesy of PL that he posted way back in this thread of a coil in the Orbo Demo.
The first photo is an enhanced image that was sharpened, color adjustments, and flipped horizontal in order to see the different layers better. The second photo is the original PL posted. It is very clear in the enhanced image there are at least 2 layers while each layer has a different wire thickness (Pay careful attention to how some of the turns in the wire are raised much higher than the turns next to them). Compare the enhanced image to Naudin's Booster Coil and you will see the similarities,
Here's a patent from Steorn:
US2009/0009157 A1 : SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR MEASURING ENERGY IN MAGNETIC INTERACTIONS: An apparatus and method is provided for measuring magnetic force response time due to the magnetic viscosity of materials and for measuring total energy exchanged due to relative motion of magnetic materials. Voltage and current versus time through an electromagnet is measured and recorded....
Inventors: Sean David McCarthy, Alan Simpson, Martin Flood, Maxime Sorin
The question I have is why do they need to measure the magnetic force response time due to the magnetic viscosity of materials and for measuring total energy exchanged due to relative motion of magnetic materials if they know what type of cores work?
Is it possible that only a small percentage of the same type of core material or magnets have the effect? If this is the case, then the measuring device in this patent needs to be replicated before we can replicate the Orbo. This is again inline with the tight hard disc drive tolerances and could be the main reason why they're looking for developers and manufactures so that 100% of the materials that role off the production line will work instead of a small percentage.
The filing date of this patent was: Jul 2, 2008 and the publishing date was Jan 8, 2009. I am sure they already knew what the best performing core material was prior to Jul 2. 2008, so why a need to patent this measuring device? The only reason is if a small percentage of the same type of core material has the effect. Tom Bearden suggested this also with his MEG device. This patent was brought to my attention on Naudin's website. Naudin is way ahead of everyone here (Take his Booster Coil and all of the information on his site seriously). From what I can tell he's already replicated the measuring device mentioned in this patent. Makes me wonder why he's looking at Nanoperm now.
I recommend everyone to read this patent more than one time. I only had enough time to skim through it so far. I also recommend everyone to read and follow every link on this page,
Hi all,
If you shorted your first layer, you will have a force against electromotive CEMF. At the point of reference TDC, you can do it through a resistance of 100 ohm, with a reed switch.
Hello everyone,
In Orbo, a Battery of 1.2V 10A/H and not 10A. I make function my Orbo engine with 0.1V and puls 80mA. It is not the capacity of the Battery in A/H (Amp per hour) which counts, but autonomy.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 11, 2010, 12:23:39 AM
At 1,000,000 permeability for the metglas core, it will take a lot of volts and amps to saturate it. That baby can hold a lot of flux before it even starts to saturate and lose attractiveness.
Steorn is able to do it with 12 volts while drawing around 1 amp (according to one of the demo talks). This is 12 watts.
The Orbo on display has a 1.2 volt battery with 10 amps which is also 12 watts. You're at 10 watts. I would try to increase your watts to around 12 and see what happens.
What has me puzzled is you have the metglas core almost completely wrapped and the coils in the Orbo is just barely wrapped. This may suggest the metglas isn't the core Steorn is using. We need to eliminate the other possible reasons you mentioned before drawing any definite conclusion though.
PL, I don't want to hear how the amps are more important in saturating the core than the voltage. I can already hear you.
The Metglas cores are far far far easier to saturate.
Saturating a core requires voltage & time for a core with a given saturation, and of course given that the turns are the same. A core that saturates at 0.5T requires half the voltage (and same time) as a core that saturates at 1T. What is great about the Metglas and other ultra high permeability cores is that it requires hardly no *current*.
So if we compare two identical cores in size and # of turns, given the same voltage & pulse width, the core with 100 times the permeability requires 1/100th the current to saturate, and hence 1/100th the amount of energy to saturate it. That is basic physics, which I have confirmed in my experiments time after time, and is seen in FEMM.
Is there a better core than Metglas MAGAMP. I have no idea, but future technology will indeed create a better core. I know that the Metglas MAGAMP works well for an orbo replication.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 11, 2010, 04:36:38 AM
I think Steorn used a Booster coil approach also. I'm attaching a photo courtesy of PL that he posted way back in this thread of a coil in the Orbo Demo.
The first photo is an enhanced image that was sharpened, color adjustments, and flipped horizontal in order to see the different layers better. The second photo is the original PL posted. It is very clear in the enhanced image there are at least 2 layers while each layer has a different wire thickness (Pay careful attention to how some of the turns in the wire are raised much higher than the turns next to them). Compare the enhanced image to Naudin's Booster Coil and you will see the similarities, (
I'm using 3 layers on my Metglas MAGAMP core. This 1805 core is 0.82" OD.
BTW, I have a big announcement to legit researchers in a few, as soon as I read all of the new posts here and at the steorn website.
To legit researchers:
Again, I do NOT recommend shorting the core. I understand people for the most part are followers of mass majority, and you'll want to do what most people here are suggesting. I'm out numbered here, LOL. So when you do it, short the core, and when you learn that it's not working well, that you just can't get the darn thing to self-run, then please do not give up on your orbo replication. Please continue on. You will get success if yo do so. There's a lot of noise here that might distract you. Also Metglas MAGAMP cores are working great for me in the orbo replication. There might be better cores, but at least I can say my "tiny orbo replication 1" using the Metglas MAGAMP core was tested at 170% efficiency (less losses in electrical resistance from wires and the mosfet), and also I have some big news today. No, nothing like a self-runner ... at least not yet ;) . One step at a time. :) Give me a few weeks of tweaking the new "tiny orbo replication 2" and then I'll start working on what it will take to get a self-runner.
Hi Bruce,
Basically I fancy the idea of a short circuited coil on a toroid, but certainly NOT for good. The problem is that a short circuited coil highly reduces any flux that may develop in the core either from outside induction or from the excitament from another coil on the same core.
Just short circuit a secondary coil of an unplugged mains transformer and check its primary inductance with inductance meter.
So if the Steorn Orbo does use a second layer of winding that has not been shown and they short circuit it, then it can only be done for a very short time by a controlled switch, hidden somewhere in their setup.
All the other part of your circuit seems ok, including the 5V too. So remove the short, and test the core again.
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 10, 2010, 11:43:28 PM
Good Evening,
A question to all of the knowledgable people on this thread: ;D
1. I have completely wound my metglass core (1.12") to where there is nearly no hole at all. It is wound with 26 awg magnet wire.
2. It has the first layer that is shorted with itself.
3. I am using the following circuit (below) with an IRFZ30 Mosfet.
4. I am using 5 volts, 2 amps for power.
5. I can not use my 12 volt battery because the shorted first layer allows the current to flow and melts the wire, and I even used two 1 ohm 10 watt resistors in series and they heat up, so I did away with the 12 volt battery.
6. Old scope is not working and I am going to order a new one.
7. Used an LED to make sure that mosfet is switching.
Do I need to wrap another Metglass, but without shorting the first layer?
The problem is either:
1. Shorted first layer is a problem
2. Switching circuit is not very good
3. 2 amps is not enough current.
Any and all assistance is appreciated. I am very good at the mechanical but need some assistance with getting this going. I have a beautiful setup with two rotors. One with weak magnets and one rotor with 4 pairs of strong magnets.
Thank you for your assistance,
@ Gotoluc
Thanks very much for sharing all your experiments here and on all the other place where you post
I am very interested in the Orbo config and also in the Ossie motor . I have seen your last experiment with the "assymetrical winding coil" and i have made a rapid and crude replication.
As you said that if it was different polarity on the magnet it could be better, i did mount this coil vertically and i used HDD magnet for this very first test. An it work at once without problem, from 1.5 to 7.2 volts and than my setup is much too bumpy. But good test.
But the aim of this post is that i measured the inductance of the coil when the magnet is passing this very particular coil.
First the semicoil (not joined ) are 1.2 ohms each and once joined they have 2.3 ohm ( 3 layers of 0.3 mm wire about 5 meter on each semicoil on a standard ferrite core )
second the inductance not joined are 70 mh each and once joined they have about 286 mh ??
than when i let the magnet pass in front of the coil unjoined the behaviour of the inductance is normal that is it drops progressively from 70 mh to o.o1 mh at TDC and back up 70 mh
But once joined the inductance begin at 286 mh,
than approaching the magnet the inductance drop rapidly and began to turn negative until - 536 mh MINUS 536 mh and than go up to - 105 mh at tdc than the magnet passes the coil and same effect on the other side ??? up to 286 mh.
is it possible to get negative inductance ?? Is my meter fooling me ? Have you any idea ?
I enclose some pictures to better explain
do you have knowledge of the method which your LCR-meter uses to measure inductance?
Hi Bruce
My circuit diagram.
The current of first layer activates the bulb reed switch and shorted second layer.
Yes, I also think the "negative" display on inductance is inherent of the LCR meter.
If I can make out correctly the "negative" value is shown in the same measuring range 2 Henry, where the 282mH is shown. Try to switch to a lower range when the negative numbers are seen and sould find one range where the display is positive again.
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: woopy on February 11, 2010, 11:15:56 AM
@ Gotoluc
Thanks very much for sharing all your experiments here and on all the other place where you post
I am very interested in the Orbo config and also in the Ossie motor . I have seen your last experiment with the "assymetrical winding coil" and i have made a rapid and crude replication.
As you said that if it was different polarity on the magnet it could be better, i did mount this coil vertically and i used HDD magnet for this very first test. An it work at once without problem, from 1.5 to 7.2 volts and than my setup is much too bumpy. But good test.
But the aim of this post is that i measured the inductance of the coil when the magnet is passing this very particular coil.
First the semicoil (not joined ) are 1.2 ohms each and once joined they have 2.3 ohm ( 3 layers of 0.3 mm wire about 5 meter on each semicoil on a standard ferrite core )
second the inductance not joined are 70 mh each and once joined they have about 286 mh ??
than when i let the magnet pass in front of the coil unjoined the behaviour of the inductance is normal that is it drops progressively from 70 mh to o.o1 mh at TDC and back up 70 mh
But once joined the inductance begin at 286 mh,
than approaching the magnet the inductance drop rapidly and began to turn negative until - 536 mh MINUS 536 mh and than go up to - 105 mh at tdc than the magnet passes the coil and same effect on the other side ??? up to 286 mh.
is it possible to get negative inductance ?? Is my meter fooling me ? Have you any idea ?
I enclose some pictures to better explain
Hi woopy,
thanks for being the first to replicate the GOBO split coil ;)
I can't comment much on your findings since I just found this effect about 12 hours ago and posted a video to get others to look at it.
What I have found is there seems to be one way to connect the coils that gives the best result. So anyone can try this. Connect it one way and try it and the flip the wires around and see the difference. The coils may not need to be one CW and the other CCW but this needs to be tested to confirm that.
I'm in the middle of building a dual magnet rotor today and will post a new video when I have it done.
Happy experiment and please continue to share your findings as you have done.
Thanks for sharing.
The Orbo Toroid needs to be precisely centered on the Bloch Wall between the A poles and the Toroid edge needs to be positioned precisely in adjacency to the Neutral Line, on the perpendicular. Both these neutral zones require toroid adjustment within a half millimeter range, a split hair width; hence the hard drive tolerance comparison. Perhaps two Piezo Nano-Positioner chips, one behind and the other under the Toroid, with feed back circuitry might help keep the Toroid adjustments in optimum range. The problem with this upgrade is that it adds a huge cost to the equipment.
The Orbo Toroid needs to be precisely centered on the Bloch Wall between the magnet poles and the Toroid edge needs to be positioned precisely in adjacency to the Neutral Line, on the perpendicular. Both these neutral zones require toroid adjustment within a half millimeter range, a split hair width; hence the hard drive tolerance comparison. Perhaps two Piezo Nano-Positioner chips, one behind and the other under the Toroid, with feed back circuitry might help keep the Toroid adjustments in optimum range. The problem with this upgrade is that it adds a huge cost to the equipment.
This is an idea which might be total rubbish . What are the magnetic characteristics of recording tape ? With tis tape , you could wind your own toroids and glue them together. Make them any size you need . Just a thought...
@ Gyula
thanks another time . You are right i have to change the setting to 200 mh and the reading is now correct with 0.05 mh at TDC ouf !! ha!! these cheap instruments !!
@ Gotoluc thanks for the answer I have just tried to inverse the connection and it works very well too. Will follow your video tomorrow
that is a great idea. But the density of the oxide vs tape, will be less than most toroids out there. But that might just work for this stuff if less is sufficient. =]
The patent for their measuring device says the method for claim 1 is a partially demagnetized neodymium magnet under test. WTF?
Wow, with all this stuff going on, it may be easier to just get a group of about 20 peeps and go together and spring for the SKDB.
Then build something that works!
Quote from: LarryC on February 10, 2010, 09:51:46 AM
That is in reference to the replication attempts and not to the Orbo. How can it be another key when it's not in regards to the Orbo?
They did show the replicators attempt at first, then they showed how an Orbo coil differ from a normal toroid coil used by the replicators.
The rotor magnets SHOULD NOT induce a NET EMF in the toroid. If it does, then you would have a CEMF and that is what Steorn was showing in the replication attempts.
They had a Orbo coil, but using one rotor magnet centered on the coil, instead of two, one above and one below. The induced emf is shown at 5:20.
The polarity of the rotor magnets did not change, so why would the EMF induced by the rotor magnets be in a different direction.
At 5:20 he states that the magnets have opposite polarity and shows that the emf curves reverses as each magnet passes.
At 6:25 he has added a steady current from the battery and shows that the emf curves are the same, even with opposite polarity magnets. ???
At 7:50 he has reversed the battery and shows that the emf curves are the still the same. ???
The point being, that if your toroid coil can not do this, then it is not an Orbo.
Does any replicator have a toroid that can pass this test?
I set up a test the same way as steorn in the second half of the replicator video, except driving the rotor with a DC motor, but it does have opposite polarity magnets and two toroid's in series the same as their demo.
IMG-0255- This is the test with no voltage applied, shows the emf goes down, up then up, down. This is as expected with opposite polarity magnets. Emf curves are slightly different and may be due to coil inbalance. One is 2.7 Ohms and the other is 2.2 Ohms.
IMG-0256- D cell battery applied, voltage in yellow, current in blue. Yellow is down, up, down, up. Blue is up, down, up down as Steorn showed. The emf curves difference is increased.
Img-0257-D cell battery applied. Current is reversed, probes are reversed, same traces.
Tried other test with D cell, flipped one of the coils input, same results and another test with only one coil next to the rotor, no emf curves at all.
Note that the current and voltage was
180 degrees out of phase with the D cell and yes, I did set up the probes in the correct polarity.
So it does work as Steorn stated when you have at least two toroid's in series.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: gravityblock on February 11, 2010, 03:24:50 PM
The patent for their measuring device says the method for claim 1 is a partially demagnetized neodymium magnet under test. WTF?
He he, sounds like my el grande chepo NdFeB magnets in my "tiny orbo replication" that most people would throw away, lol.
Hi all,
here is a new video that better demonstrate the differences between a single coil toroid over a dual split coil toroid since I did not show the difference between the two in the last video.
I did build a new rotor to accommodate 2 magnets but before adding the second set of magnets I decided to do this video (single magnets) so we have a measuring difference using the same rotor since the rotor characteristics have now changed.
I didn't have enough time at the end of the video to do an Inductance test of the coil once in the preferable configuration, so here are the numbers:
880mH @ TDC (coil on position)
1,050mH @ (coil off position)
6.75 Ohm DC Resistance
Also single coil resistance is 3.35 Ohms
I will be away for the next 2 days, so the dual magnet test will have to wait till maybe Sunday.
I don't understand this effect, so if anyone has an idea of what's going on please share.
Link to video:
Anyone find these two drawings interesting on the magnitude of the flux versus angular displacement of the disc at 10,000 RPM in figure 15, and the torque and flux versus the angular position of the disc at 10,000 RPM in figure 14? PL, I know you're new circuit is for RPM's greater than 10000, what are your thoughts on the graphs? The graphs were found in the patent.
Hi all,
a last quick update!
I added the top row of South pole magnets to the rotor and basically the current is half of what it was. I also had to back out the core about 2mm as it was getting noisy.
The current is now around 8.6ma @ 1.58vdc with the coils connected in the preferred dual mode. RPM is 195 from 210 with single magnets and flyback at 1K load is 1.19vdc from 1.43vdc with single magnets.
Inductance @TDC is 793mH and 1,053mH at off position.
That's all for a few days.
Quote from: lumen on February 11, 2010, 04:59:39 PM
Wow, with all this stuff going on, it may be easier to just get a group of about 20 peeps and go together and spring for the SKDB.
Then build something that works!
I have a good idea what is in the SKDB. It's going to teach you how to build and use the patented measuring device to perform tests on the materials so you will know the optimal parameters and are able to match the materials in a successful replication.
There are slight variations within the same type of materials. For example, one metglas core may perform better with a pulse width of 21
0 and another metglas core of the same type may perform better at 23
0. You would then need to match all four cores which require the same pulse width in order to have the best performance. Also, one core may saturate at 0.62T and another core of the same material may saturate at 0.64T. You would need to match the cores that have the same saturation point.
Another example, one core may perform best with a 2mm air gap with the dual magnets and another core of the same core material may perform best with a 1.7mm air gap. You would then need to match all four cores that perform the best with the same air gap. The expensive scope won't allow you find the best air gap if each of the cores and magnets have a slight difference in the air gap requirements.
The patented measuring device will allow you to match the cores and magnets for maximum performance and to know the optimal parameters for the build.
The patented measuring device may be the reason why their business model is selling licenses for this technology. Without this measuring device, it may be nearly impossible to replicate the Orbo successfully.
The hard disc drive tolerances goes way beyond lining something up. The tolerances are so tight across the entire build, Steorn wants to pass it on to the developers and manufactures by selling licenses to use their patented measuring device in order for this technology to get into the market much quicker.
I still think this can be built in the average garage. The patented measuring device doesn't look difficult to build or to use. I really hope people take a really good look at the patent on the measuring device. There is good reason why they patented the measuring device instead of the Orbo, because it can't be done without the measuring device. Just my thoughts on it.
[Edit:] I'm going to start a new thread on the measuring device so I don't clutter this thread.
Looks like the measurement data will be available only in first or second week of March .
Meanwhile hitting in the dark continues for me.
I have decided to go in reverse. Setting up the output side first with continuous monitoring of P_out in a resistive load. By doing this, I will be able to see the effect on the output by varying input parameters one at a time. The input parameters are:
1- The input current
2- Core material (BH properties)
3- Air gap between core and the rotor magnet pair
4- Number of turns (Inductance)
5- Vertical position of the coil
6- Biasing magnets
7- Number of coils
8- Pulse width
9- Duty cycle
10- And some more ...
Output parameters are:
1- Number of rotor magnets
2- Number of generator magnets
3- Number of generator coils
4- Polarity
5- Rotor weight
6- Rotor size
7- Friction
8- Load
9- Air core or iron core
10- Air gap
By fixing the output parameters to some value, one can find optimal input parameters, then switch back to output and find optimal output parameters. This is a very difficult engineering task and will need high precision adjustments.
The SKDB materials talks about the M-H Curve and Magnetic Domains. I don't think the M-H Curve is the same as the B-H Curve from the brief research I have done on this so far.
At 12 seconds in the video you can see the topic on M-H Curve in the presentation for the SKDB learning resources if you make the video full screen,
I posted this information in the Steorn's Patent and SKDB thread I recently created,
I think Steorn is using Magnetic Recording Tape for their core materials. I already posted a video of Sean talking about "tape price" and the user vorrex corrected me and thought Sean was referring to a magnetic effect noticed in old fashioned "tape drives", .
The M-H curve points in the direction of magnetic recording tape. Neptune threw the idea about using recording tape a few pages back,
Look at the graphs I posted earlier and take note of the low flux measured in Webers in Fig. 15 . This also may suggest the core material is a magnetic recording tape,
Here's a good reference on recording tape, Please read all of the subsections on that web page. It really puts everything together nicely. The gap between the dual magnets will act as the gap in the record/playback head. This is so brilliant.
Metglas cores are tape wound.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 12, 2010, 04:35:41 PM
Metglas cores are tape wound.
So is Finemet and a lot of other cores. Just because metglas cores are tape wound doesn't mean it's the right material. The only reason why you want it to be a metglas core is because you have previous designs on a magnetic switch built around the metglas core. This is the reason why you wanted everyone to verify the date stamps on your designs and is the reason why you're pushing metglas so hard.
Here's a picture of an audio tape. When the recording tape is equally wound on both sides, then the dimensions are really close to the dimensions of the cores in the Orbo when taking the wire wrapped around it into consideration. Take both sides to double the height to make one single core or use each side to make two coils. I speculate the 8mm audio/video record tape would give the exact dimensions without the need to double the height. I have some, but I can't find them.
Please note in the following first two image captures from (ClanZer's replication), that the yellow colored core can be seen under the single layer of winding. Since Steorn mentioned tape and the high inductance with four toroid's, it is most likely that it is composed of one of materials stated in the last picture from
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on February 12, 2010, 06:30:05 PM
Please note in the following first two image captures from (ClanZer's replication), that the yellow colored core can be seen under the single layer of winding. Since Steorn mentioned tape and the high inductance with four toroid's, it is most likely that it is composed of one of materials stated in the last picture from
Regards, Larry
I've already posted the information on those materials from magmet and nobody was interested. I've also been talking about tape wound cores and nobody appeared to be interested. I agree it could be one of those materials in the magmet page, but the effect can be found in the magnetic recording tape also. It appears the Orbo is based on the magnetic effect of the tape drives.
It may not be recording tape, but we need to start looking at the M-H Curves in more detail instead of just the B-H Curves. The effect can be found in the magnetic recording tape.
This is what Steorn has done. They took the tape drives and re-engineered it. The dual magnets are the gap for the record/playback head which is recording or playing back the signal to the tape wound core.
They then use the linear components on the tape's M-H curve and apply a DC bias to the signal coming from the dual magnets so that it sits on one of the linear portions of the M-H curve of the tape. This is what Sean meant by it not being an engineering problem, but the problem is with the "tape drives". Re-engineer the tape drives and there are no problems.
In order to understand how the "tape drives" were re-engineered for the Orbo please read every page of each sub-section on this page,
This is absolutely amazing. After reading this, I'm sure everybody will agree with me.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 12, 2010, 07:14:23 PM
I've already posted the information on those materials from magmet and nobody was interested. I've also been talking about tape wound cores and nobody appeared to be interested.
GB, don't conclude nobody is interested.
I think its very good that you look for all possible alternatives.
But it takes time to find out what materials suit the ORBO concept.
Right now most of the replicators are investigating MetGlas, but it's very well possible that soon findings will show it's not the proper material.
Naudin is reading this thread as well, he will notice your findings as well.
(I noticed he is online here once in a while). He has already investigated at least 3 different core materials and I bet he will continue to do so.
Please, keep posting you findings. They are interesting.
Hi All,
Please see this latest update from JLN.
This US government patent shows a method that can be used to reduce CEMF in toroid coils to zero by means of an additional coil wound circularly in normal fashion around the toroid's core and then wired in series or parallel with the toroid coil such that the current flow of any induce CEMF in each coil opposes each other. As long as the number of turns of this additional coil is equal to the number of times the toroid coils windings complete a full circle around the circumference of the core then it is possible to reduce any total CEMF induced in the coils to zero.
Here is perhaps a better explanation from JLN himself.
"The patent is very interesting because it say that in a common toroidal coil each layer are equal of one coil turn along the axis of the toroid. So, a one layer of toroidal coil is equal to a flat coil of one turn and thus it can catch or produce emf outside. So, to counter this, the only thing to do is to wound a one tun coil along the main axis of the toroid so as to create a magnetic field which nullify the virtual one turn coil created by the one layer toroidal coil... This is simple be this is a very important thing to do for canceling the weak CEMF induced in the toroid... "
This once again is an amazing find by JLN.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 12, 2010, 04:39:41 PM
So is Finemet and a lot of other cores. Just because metglas cores are tape wound doesn't mean it's the right material.
My measurements using a Metglas core show 170% efficiency (less electrical resistance from wires & the mosfet), and that's not using the energy that could be captured back from the cores inductance, which several days ago I verified can be recaptured, thus making it far over 170% efficiency.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 12, 2010, 04:39:41 PMThe only reason why you want it to be a metglas core is because you have previous designs on a magnetic switch built around the metglas core.
Incorrect. What I did in the past has nothing to do my present decisions. The reason I picked Metglas long ago and also for my "Tiny Orbo replication" is because it has the highest permeability of all non-custom cores, and they offer longitudinally annealed.
To legit researchers: I do *NOT* recommend air-cores, plastic cores (magnetic audio tape), and shorting your cores, ... LOL. Please by all means try such things if you must, but after you discover they do not work well, then lets talk.
BTW, for now I no longer have time to argue or debate with people to help them.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 12, 2010, 07:35:01 PMThis is absolutely amazing. After reading this, I'm sure everybody will agree with me.
Incorrect. Sorry.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 13, 2010, 04:01:27 AM
Right now most of the replicators are investigating MetGlas, but it's very well possible that soon findings will show it's not the proper material.
And what people might that be? People interested in causing distractions? Sorry, but I've already posted measurements on a Metglas core that is over 100% efficiency. Metglas may or may not be the best choice core, but it is one core choice, and in fact it is the only core that's shown over 100% efficiency so far.
Like I've said for years, no offense Stefan, but this forum would be the LAST forum in the world I would post the Smoking Gun, a self-runner, for obvious reasons. Anyone who does not know the reasons, please contact me in private.
GB in my opinion you should hold your horses a bit ;) I mean first some ideas have to be checked before you can say they are worth nothing ;] And I totally agree with Paul - Metglas MAGAMP cores are the best to try first. Finemet cores have too high saturation points. MAGAMPs have only 0.57 Bsat - it means only few coil turns are needed and this means low resistance and this means low heat loss and of course this means low current needed. Also MAGAMPS have very high differences between high and low permeability points - this means huge energy for free to be recaptured. Cores made of old tapes ? Oh please ;]
But what is important - many core materials are ok to be used for ORBO. But Metglass MAGAMPs are just simplest to use. Just as an example - if you use FINEMET you would have to build a much bigger ORBO - use bigger/ stronger magnets, use more powerfull batery and etc. Why to go that way if you can do it simpler ;]
Remember that what we're about to do at the moment, is to build a replication. Simple working unit. Not the "best" one. Just working.
One more thing. I've not seen a single one replication using an original ORBO's toroid/magnets setup so far. I mean the toroids set up vertically, with the toroid's hole facing two magnets. I think it should be better than JLN's setup (I've written earlier why exactly).
Quote from: Airstriker on February 13, 2010, 08:16:37 AMOne more thing. I've not seen a single one replication using an original ORBO's toroid/magnets setup so far. I mean the toroids set up vertically, with the toroid's hole facing two magnets. I think it should be better than JLN's setup (I've written earlier why exactly).
I can hardly wait to get to that point, but so far have not even reached the point of placing my 2nd toroid in, lol. Using the dual magnets would be my first choice, but I used what was available in the garage and lab. My experience with the "tiny orbo replication" so far shows that the dual magnet could significantly increase the efficiency. This is based on a lot of thought on my orbo experiments, which are showing that it's best for the attraction between the magnet and toroid to fade as soon as possible; e.g., from 30 degrees to 20 degrees pulse width. The obvious reason is so the pulse current can be shortened to save power. So far the killer to preventing a self-runner is the losses from electrical resistance to maintain the pulse current. A field from a single open-faced magnet decreases at a lower rate relative to distance compared to a dual magnet where the poles are opposite. Sorry for the poor description. Maybe you get the idea.
Quote from: callanan on February 13, 2010, 04:43:02 AM
Hi All,
Please see this latest from JLN.
This US government patent shows a method that can be used to reduce CEMF in toroid coils to zero by means of an additional coil wound circularly in normal fashion around the toroid's core and then wired in series or parallel with the toroid coil such that the current flow of any induce CEMF in each coil opposes each other. As long as the number of turns of this additional coil is equal to the number of times the toroid coils windings complete a full circle around the circumference of the core then it is possible to reduce any total CEMF induced in the coils to zero.
Here is perhaps a better explanation from JLN himself.
"The patent is very interesting because it say that in a common toroidal coil each layer are equal of one coil turn along the axis of the toroid. So, a one layer of toroidal coil is equal to a flat coil of one turn and thus it can catch or produce emf outside. So, to counter this, the only thing to do is to wound a one tun coil along the main axis of the toroid so as to create a magnetic field which nullify the virtual one turn coil created by the one layer toroidal coil... This is simple be this is a very important thing to do for canceling the weak CEMF induced in the toroid... "
This once again is an amazing find by JLN.
Yes when you wond a toroid you have not ony put coil around a toroid but you have also one loop along the toroid axis.
.... might be interesting to repeat the vector potential experiment with one orizontal loop-back to correct the horizontal loop , to check if the vector potential effect is real .
This was posted very early in this thread:
Maybe it was by Lumen? I thought it important enough to save, but sorry I do no exactly remember who contributed it. Thanks though!
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 07:50:38 AM
My measurements using a Metglas core show 170% efficiency (less electrical resistance from wires & the mosfet), and that's not using the energy that could be captured back from the cores inductance, which several days ago I verified can be recaptured, thus making it far over 170% efficiency.
You're now saying your "tiny orbo replication" is
3400% efficient after recovery 95% of the energy from the core and it's based on using only 1 metglas core, you first calculated the permeability of the core Steorn was using you said it was 2.7 million, of the information you post is based on your own wants and desires for your calculations. You can't deny the video where Sean was referring to the problem being the "tape drives". You can't deny there has been an unkown magnetic effect in the old fashioned tape drives. You can't deny the
M-H Curves being discussed in the SKDB materials. You can't deny the information in Steorn's patent.
What I have posted is based on what Sean has said in a video, the patent, and what is being shown in the SKDB materials while what you are posting is based on your outrageous calculations that are obviously in error. 3400% effecient, but yet you can't get it to self-run. You don't need magnetic bearings to self-run it if you have a 3400% efficiency, lol.
My research is legit and your research is not. You're research is based on your own calculations that are wrong while ruling everything else out.
Ah, still desperately trying to find a fight with someone?
Quote from: gravityblock on February 13, 2010, 12:44:44 PM
You're now saying your "tiny orbo replication" is 3400% efficient after recovery 95% of the energy from the core and it's based on using only 1 metglas core, (
3400% if you recapture 95% of the energy into inductance. 170% if you do not.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 13, 2010, 12:44:44 PMWhen you first calculated the permeability of the core Steorn was using you said it was 2.7 million, (
If you would read my posts you would see that the 1 million permeability is for saturation, and 2.7 million is peak from a core that is not saturated. You seem to be confusing yourself.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 13, 2010, 12:44:44 PMAll of the information you post is based on your own wants and desires for your calculations.
Nothing to do with desires. Sorry.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 13, 2010, 12:44:44 PMYou can't deny the video where Sean was referring to the problem being the "tape drives". You can't deny there has been an unkown magnetic effect in the old fashioned tape drives. You can't deny the M-H Curves being discussed in the SKDB materials.
Who cares about deny something he said. You're jumping to conclusions. Even if Sean did discover the effect from drive tapes, then you're making a massive assumption that he has not taken that effect and turned it into something useful, such as using a useful core. If you think Steorn is using cores made from tape drives, then go build & test it. I'd give it nealy zero chance of working well.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 13, 2010, 12:44:44 PMWhat I have posted is based on what Sean has said in a video and what is being shown in the SKDB materials while what you are posting is based on your outrageous calculations that are obviously in error. 3400% effecient, but yet you can't get it to self-run. You don't need magnetic bearings to self-run it if you have a 3400% efficiency, lol.
My research is legit and your research is not. You're research is based on your own calculations that are wrong while ruling everything else out.
I can't get it to self-run you say. What an angry negative little one you are? I'm working on decreasing losses from electrical resistance relative to output, if you cared to know. I don't have time to argue with you little emotional one. If you think there are errors in my efficiency calculations then by all means show them.
As far as your research, IMO it's good for a laugh. By all means build your plastic tape drive core and see for yourself. Correcting your errors got old long ago. These days I just let you find your own errors rather then trying to help you.
Look at the similarity between Tesla's patent for his bifilar pancake coil and the arrangement for the suppression of the B field in the Toroid. The current goes in two different directions at the same time with the doubled over wrap. I suggested this for the Ossie spiral wire winding where both ends of the wire wrap emerge from the same end of the wire spiral, and are folded over in the center. Looks like Tesla was on to this Interesting effect.
I have already stated the core material is not the magnetic recording tape (I got a little excited when I first posted this information), but the magnetic recording tape has the effect that the Orbo is based on.
Below is a picture taken from the SKDB learning presentation. I circled it in red where it says "M-H Curves and Magnetic Domains".
Listen to the last 15 seconds of this video where Sean says "It's not an engineering problem, but a problem with tape drives", which means they re-engineered the tape drives so there are no problems,
For anyone interested in learning what the effect of the Orbo is based on, then read all of the subsections on this page, It even talks about the unknown effect.
The theory is simple, you take the linear portions of the M-H Curve for the core material being used and apply a DC offset (bias) so that the magnetic field from the dual magnets sit on the linear portion of the M-H Curve of the core material during their departure. When the dual magnets sit on this linear portion due to the DC pulse, it is not attracted to the core material and is allowed to pass. I don't think it has much to do with the B-H curve, permeability or saturation of the core. The core material does not need to be the magnetic recording tape. There are much better materials for this, but you will need to know if the core material has a linear portion where the magnetic field from the dual magnets can sit on when the pulse is applied to the coil.
On Core Materials:
Permeability is only one of the factors that should be considered when selecting core materials. Permeability is a material's affinity for magnetic flux. A higher permeability will result in more attraction under certain conditions. As the flux density of the core changes, so does the relative permeability. As the core becomes magnetized near the knee of the BH curve, permeability will be at its maximum. Any increase in magnetization beyond that point will cause the permeability to rapidly decline to almost negligible levels, thus reducing magnetic attraction from that point onwards.
For maximum force of attraction, a material should be selected which also has a high saturation flux density (Bsat). This allows the permeability to stay at a high level for greater increases in magnetization (as the rotor magnet approaches the core), and allows more torque to be applied to the rotor at close distances. This also has a negative influence when the magnet is moving away from the core, and may require a higher level of saturation as the magnet departs.
The downward slope of the relative permeability vs. Bsat curve should be steep in order to minimize the input power required to more fully saturate the core and reduce the negative torque as the magnet moves away from the core.
When working with magnetic fields with the same orientation and DC currents that always apply the same current polarity to the coils, a high remanence material (square loop) is desirable to reduce the input power requirements to saturate the core. The core will retain a certain level of magnetization when the coil is deenergized and will require less input power to saturate on subsequent pulses. In order to make efficient use of this remanent magnetic bias, coercive reverse currents must be avoided (a low loss flyback diode MUST be used).
If you are using an alternating magnetic field polarity or AC coil currents, you should avoid square loop materials. Try materials that have a remanence near zero.
Based on statements from Steorn and experiments by Naudin, magnetic viscosity may also be a factor. I've had difficulty finding data about magnetic viscosity for common core materials.
Based in the info above, materials like Finemet, Supermendur, Vitrovac, or even hard steel (electric fence wire) might be better than Metglas, where permeability will fall at a much lower level of magnetizing field.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 13, 2010, 01:50:53 PM
Listen to the last 15 seconds of this video where Sean says "It's not an engineering problem, but a problem with tape drives", which means they re-engineered the tape drives so there are no problems, (
That's good find as to the
*origin & history* of the Steorn effect. Anyhow, he says it's a problem with tape drives. One important note that may or may not help, is that Sean says "tape drive," not "magnetic recording tape." I used to work for a magnetic head company, and tape drives contain magnetic heads, which have magnetic cores. Don't you think Sean is referring to the tape drive, and not the magnetic recording tape?
Higher Bsat toroid cores require more energy to sufficiently saturate enough to appreciably decrease the force between magnet and toroid. So far I've seen no experiments that would indicate higher Bsat is better. Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. One thing is for certain, and that if the magnet is too close to the core, then it requires too much current. Remember, twice the current equates to four times as much power, which results in four times as much energy. That is why the Steorn magnets do not move right next to the core.
My "tiny orbo replication 1" at one point was like a dremel drill, where the magnets went as close as possible to core, but it took over 10 amps to get it run. Sure, it had a lot of torque and power, but terribly inefficient.
For anyone who did not instantly know what M in the M-H-curve is - like me - it's the Magnetization (
Usually M=x*H, where x is a material constant. But note why a M-H-curve makes sense in the Steorn case: "In ferromagnets there is no one-to-one correspondence between M and H because of hysteresis."
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 02:07:11 PM
That's good find as the *origin & history* of the Steorn effect, but he says it's a problem with tape drives. One important note that may or may not help, is that Sean says "tape drive," not "magnetic recording tape." I used to work for a magnetic head company, and tape drives contain magnetic heads, which have magnetic cores. Don't you think Sean is referring to the tape drive, and not the magnetic recording tape?
I think Sean is referring to how the original tape drives are designed and by re-engineering the tape drives you can exploit the unknown effects of the magnetic recording tape or other core materials by having the dual magnets sit on the M-H Curve of the core material during their departure from TDC by offsetting or biasing it with a DC pulse.
I agree this may be the origin and history of the Steorn effect. I think it's really important to know the origin behind the Orbo effect. We really need to take a hard look at the M-H Curves because it's mentioned in the SKDB resources and is linked to the magnetic recording tapes of the old fashioned tape drives that Sean made a reference to in a video presentation.
PL, I do respect your research. I'm not saying metglas won't work and I don't think you're saying metglas is the only core that will work. I think we're in agreement about this, so there is no reason to fight with each other. If we can all work together, share ideas and thoughts, we'll be able to replicate the Orbo. Some ideas may be good while others are not so good, but they all need to be researched. Sometimes things that appear to be counter intuitive can have amazing effects, such as the design of the Halbach Arrays.
Quote from: haithar on February 13, 2010, 02:20:04 PM
For anyone who did not instantly know what M in the M-H-curve is - like me - it's the Magnetization (
Usually M=x*H, where x is a material constant. But note why a M-H-curve makes sense in the Steorn case: "In ferromagnets there is no one-to-one correspondence between M and H because of hysteresis."
Yes, that is correct. If the magnetic field from the dual magnets sit on the linear portion of the M-H Curve by biasing it with a DC pulse, then the dual magnets aren't attracted to the core during their departure from TDC even if the core isn't saturated. The core is not attractive from the frame of reference of the dual magnets and are allowed to pass if it's field sits on the M-H Curve of the core material. I don't think the Bsat of the material has much to do with it, other than the torque as OC has mentioned, but has more to do with magnetic field of the dual magnets sitting on the linear portion on the M-H Curve of the core material so it's not attracted to the core during their departure.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 02:14:05 PM
Higher Bsat toroid cores require more energy to sufficiently saturate enough to appreciably decrease the force between magnet and toroid. So far I've seen no experiments that would indicate higher Bsat is better. Maybe it is. Maybe it is not. One thing is for certain, and that if the magnet is too close to the core, then it requires too much current. Remember, twice the current equates to four times as much power, which results in four times as much energy. That is why the Steorn magnets do not move right next to the core.
My "tiny orbo replication 1" at one point was like a dremel drill, where the magnets went as close as possible to core, but it took over 10 amps to get it run. Sure, it had a lot of torque and power, but terribly inefficient.
Higher Bsat will provide more force (torque), both positive and negative. In order to overcome the negative torque, a greater saturation level will be required. Since a high remanence will retain most of the magnetization (up to 90% or more for some square loop materials), less input current will be required to fully saturate than with materials having low remanence ... as long as the magnetic field is always the same polarity, the current is the same polarity, and the inductive spike is redirected with a flyback diode so it doesn't reverse polarity in the coil and coerce the remanent magnetization back towards zero.
I don't do electrical/electronics experiments, only permanent magnet/mechanical ones. So I won't be verifying which core material works best. I'm merely pointing out some factors that haven't gotten much attention. I don't think permeability is the only consideration. A compromise which considers other properties may be necessary for best results.
In my reply #2584, I showed the scope shots of my test which Steorn had made in the second half of the Orbo video. I originally thought that it showed an Orbo interaction due to the same emf curves with different power polarities.
I was wrong and I don't want to mislead. At 6:52 in 480P, he states that it is not an Orbo setup. FYI, my cores were green taken from Computer power supply. My winds were normal without a shorted secondary.
@Ossie, JLN latest is an interesting technique. However, in the closeup of Clanzer's replication in reply #2596, it shows no circumference wire on the outside in the wind gaps which show the yellow core. Don't know if the inside circumference would work, but they could hide it that way. However, It would be difficult to get that many turns in the inside circumference.
Regards, Larry
Can I thank Gravity Block for seriously considering my Recording tape idea . It may or may not turn out to be useless. However , in radical research one needs to leave no stone unturned. I would be the first to say that I know precious little about magnetic materials , but by not laughing at me, you will encourage other radical ideas , maybe the ones that lead to success. Thanks.
As far as I can tell, the ultra high permeability core is good for eliminating the need to get the core to the *start* of the saturation curve. After doing countless measurements on the scope with the "tiny orbo replication," I can tell you that anything below saturating is meaningless. In an ordinary core it takes an appreciable amount of energy just to get into the start of the saturation curve. With ultra high perm. cores such as Metglas & Finemet it takes hardly no energy. Once well into the saturation area, then real work can be done in forcing the domains back into an overall closed loop alignment. The fact that the MAGAMP is longitudinally annealed might help reduce the force required to realign the domains away from the magnet since the MAGAMP wants to align longitudinally.
Anyhow, I have a bunch of Finemet cores. Most of them are kind of fat, so that's not too good for the Orbo because you need a longer pulse width just to accomplish the same thing. If you get some Finemet cores, then see if they sell thin ones.
Quote from: wings on February 13, 2010, 09:07:33 AM
Yes when you wond a toroid you have not ony put coil around a toroid but you have also one loop along the toroid axis.
.... might be interesting to repeat the vector potential experiment with one orizontal loop-back to correct the horizontal loop , to check if the vector potential is real .
Hi Ossie,
This man told us this already and few listened and few looked at his circuit. It is wound exactly like JLN Labs has said. Check it out, at bottom.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 03:45:23 PM
As far as I can tell, the ultra high permeability core is A for eliminating the need to get the core to the *start* of the saturation curve. After doing countless measurements on the scope with the "tiny orbo replication," I can tell you that anything below saturating is meaningless. In an ordinary core it takes an appreciable amount of energy just to get into the start of the saturation curve. With ultra high perm. cores such as Metglas & Finemet it takes hardly no energy. Once well into the saturation area, then real work can be done in forcing the domains back into an overall closed loop alignment. The fact that the MAGAMP is longitudinally annealed might help reduce the force required to realign the domains away from the magnet since the MAGAMP wants to align longitudinally.
That longitudinal annealing you mention simply ensures the squarest loop, highest remanence, and lower H field to achieve saturation. As long as you respect the considerations I listed ablove about high remanence, you should see some of the benefits I mentioned - reduced DC power requirement to saturate (the core already retains most of its magnetization), higher permeability at a distance but when magnet gets close permeabilty (and torque) is reduced.
In order to gain more torque, a material with higher Bsat should be used. There may be tradeoffs in other areas, but some of the materials I listed above will provide that additional flux density and still allow for a steep permeability drop in saturation with very little increase in current to get there.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 03:45:23 PM
Anyhow, I have a bunch of Finemet cores. Most of them are kind of fat, so that's not too good for the Orbo because you need a longer pulse width just to accomplish the same thing. If you get some Finemet cores, then see if they sell thin ones.
Finemet, Supermendur, etc. should be investigated to see if overall performance and/or efficiency is better or worse than Metglas. If your Finemet cores are heavier, you might want to use more turns. Is the Finemet you have square loop (remanent), magnetic amplifier material or low remanence transformer material?
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on February 13, 2010, 04:27:32 PM
This man told us this already and few listened and few looked at his circuit. It is wound exactly like JLN Labs has said. Check it out, at bottom.
So he is using a shorted secondary on a 1:1 transformer with the primary in line with the coil. It is an improvement that the secondary is automatically opened for feedback collection. If this is true, I wonder where it could be hidden in their plastic model.
I set up the same test from their replication video, except with a 1 to 1 transformer. It is .4 Ohms per side and approximately 60 winds per side. The secondary of the transformer is shorted and a 1.5 volt D cell is applied. The same settings are used.
I'm showing the lastest and previous trace comparision. It significantly reduces the voltage and current emf curves. Just a little larger than the static. Almost an Orbo? I'll try to dig up a 120 wind 1 to 1 T, but I can't imagine it would make a big difference.
Bruce, where did you find this information?
Regards, Larry
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 04:36:58 PM
That longitudinal annealing you mention simply ensures the squarest loop, highest remanence, and lower H field to achieve saturation. As long as you respect the considerations I listed ablove about high remanence, you should see some of the benefits I mentioned - reduced DC power requirement to saturate (the core already retains most of its magnetization), higher permeability at a distance but when magnet gets close permeabilty (and torque) is reduced.
In order to gain more torque, a material with higher Bsat should be used. There may be tradeoffs in other areas, but some of the materials I listed above will provide that additional flux density and still allow for a steep permeability drop in saturation with very little increase in current to get there.
Finemet, Supermendur, etc. should be investigated to see if overall performance and/or efficiency is better or worse than Metglas. If your Finemet cores are heavier, you might want to use more turns. Is the Finemet you have square loop (remanent), magnetic amplifier material or low remanence A material?
Hi 0c. I almost liked your last posts about high remanence and high Bsat cores. But I think there is a flaw in these cosiderations (tell me if I wrong or not as I'm not sure yet). Let's investigate the following scenario:
1. Saturate the core at TDC
2. Leave the saturation point at some point where it's no longer needed.
3. We've got some remaining field in the core (as high as the remanence is).
4. Next set of magnets is approaching the toroid.
5. As we were left with some level of magnetisation (due to remanence) the approaching magnets will add some more magnetisation to the core. This will simply lead the saturation way too quickly (before the magnets reach TDC) and so all in all will reduce the torque :(
This is exactly why I originally adviced to go through the whole hysteresis loop (please read the following...):
Tell me what you think about this. Thx in advance.
By the way, Paul how are you going to get past the remanence when capturing the energy back ? I mean most of the energy will stay in the core and you will be able to get only small percent of the energy. But maybe there is a way ?
And speaking about the vertical toroid setup. I can see that Clanzer has actually built it this way :) If he has done that I think everybody should. After all he should know more ;>
Considering Clanzer's replications... I also don't see any more than two wires comming from the toroid. So forget about bifilar coils. Not needed here.
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 04:36:58 PM
Is the Finemet you have square loop (remanent), magnetic amplifier material or low remanence transformer material?
It's semi square loop. FT-3KM K1208A
Quote from: Airstriker on February 13, 2010, 06:19:28 PMBy the way, Paul how are you going to get past the remanence when capturing the energy back ? I mean most of the energy will stay in the core and you will be able to get only small percent of the energy. But maybe there is a way ?
Since the Metglas MAGAMP is ultra high permeability, it means there's hardly no energy contained in it until you go into the saturation area. That's what I keep telling everyone. All of the action in the Orbo is well into the saturation curve. Everyone should completely forget about anything less than saturation. It's meaningless for the Orbo replications. Meaningless!
Everyone should listen to this. These cores normally take hardly no energy to flip their polarity. The amount of current is practically *nothing.* But that applies hardly no force on affecting the domains that are under the influence of the magnet. It takes a lot of current to flip the domains back away from the magnet, but the longitudinally annealed core helps.
So all of the work in the Orbo motor is done when the core is well into the saturation curve. If you look at an Ising simulation you'll see that cores (including square loop cores) are appreciably flat curve in the saturation area, which is why their permeability is low in the saturation area. I verified this. Nearly all of the energy that I put into the Metglas MAGAMP core in the "tiny orbo replication" comes back. Right now I have it dumping the energy into an LED.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 02:14:05 PM
One thing is for certain, and that if the magnet is too close to the core, then it requires too much current.
Why is that ??? The core should saturate more so the current needed to fully saturate it should be less.
Here's the video module of the SKDB e-Learning resources for the "M-H Curves and Magnetic Domains", There are 20 slides in the flash presentation and you will need to push the play button for each slide. If it stops playing, then push the play button again.
Look at the four images on this page that I've been trying to get everyone to read, and compare it to slides 7 - 10 of the flash presentation. They are both showing the same magnetization hysteresis loop. Take note in slide 10 how they draw a dotted line with no explanation for this. The dotted line is showing the near-linear positions of the M-H Curve and can be compared to the image on this page, showing the near-linear positions of the M-H Curve for magnetic recording tape. Both are near-linear and goes to the 0 magnetization mark on the graphs.
I'm also attaching a PDF file which says on the bottom of page 5, one of the current Orbo projects is a MH measurement system.
The M-H Curve is very important. I hope this doesn't get pushed under the carpet.
Quote from: callanan on February 13, 2010, 04:43:02 AM
Hi All,
Please see this latest update from JLN.
This US government patent shows a method that can be used to reduce CEMF in toroid coils to zero by means of an additional coil wound circularly in normal fashion around the toroid's core and then wired in series or parallel with the toroid coil such that the current flow of any induce CEMF in each coil opposes each other. As long as the number of turns of this additional coil is equal to the number of times the toroid coils windings complete a full circle around the circumference of the core then it is possible to reduce any total CEMF induced in the coils to zero.
Here is perhaps a better explanation from JLN himself.
"The patent is very interesting because it say that in a common toroidal coil each layer are equal of one coil turn along the axis of the toroid. So, a one layer of toroidal coil is equal to a flat coil of one turn and thus it can catch or produce emf outside. So, to counter this, the only thing to do is to wound a one tun coil along the main axis of the toroid so as to create a magnetic field which nullify the virtual one turn coil created by the one layer toroidal coil... This is simple be this is a very important thing to do for canceling the weak CEMF induced in the toroid... "
This once again is an amazing find by JLN.
Humm :-\
could it not be possible that JLN looked into this after I posted (Fed.10th NY time) that dual coils on a single ferrite Toroid core has a positive effect of reducing CEMF ???
Quite the coincidence I would say :D
Your idea for the magnetic recording tape won't work for the simple reason that it's not magnetic. Hold a magnet up to the tape and see if there is any attraction. I tried this already and found that there is none. The magnetic recording properties of the tape have to do with data storage on a thin film on the surface of the tape, and not any magnetic attraction properties.
Quote from: synchro1 on February 13, 2010, 08:02:27 PM
Your idea for the magnetic recording tape won't work for the simple reason that it's not magnetic. Hold a magnet up to the tape and see if there is any attraction. I tried this already and found that there is none. The magnetic recording properties of the tape have to do with data storage on a thin film on the surface of the tape, and not any magnetic attraction properties.
That is totally wrong. My magnets are attracted to the magnetic recording tape of my audio cassette tapes and the 8mm audio/video tape I found.
I'll upload a video of my magnets attracted and attached to the magnetic recording tape if you like. My magnets even attract to the magnetic tape from a distance. The problem with the magnetic recording tape is going to be with the torque and it won't reach a high RPM which is very important in the Orbo. The Orbo effect is based on the recording tape and a different core material is used in the Orbo to increase the torque and RPM.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 13, 2010, 07:49:24 PM
Why is that ??? The core should saturate more so the current needed to fully saturate it should be less.
Well if you think about it, if the magnet is very strong it could overtake the saturation being made by the coil. So depending how strong the magnet is will determine how close it can be to the toroid.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 13, 2010, 07:49:24 PM
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 02:14:05 PMOne thing is for certain, and that if the magnet is too close to the core, then it requires too much current.
Why is that ??? The core should saturate more so the current needed to fully saturate it should be less.
Because the magnet does not saturate the core circumferentially. Only the coil can do that. Saturation is not saturation. The Metglas MAGAMP core wants to be saturated circumferentially. The magnet does not want that.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 13, 2010, 06:19:28 PM
1. Saturate the core at TDC
2. Leave the saturation point at some point where it's no longer needed.
3. We've got some remaining field in the core (as high as the remanence is).
4. Next set of magnets is approaching the toroid.
5. As we were left with some level of magnetisation (due to remanence) the approaching magnets will add some more magnetisation to the core. This will simply lead the saturation way too quickly (before the magnets reach TDC) and so all in all will reduce the torque :(
Permeability reaches its highest when the flux density B is near the knee of the BH curve, not when B is at zero. A material with remanence at a B near max permeability will have higher permeability when the magnet is at a distance. As the magnet approaches, the core will saturate further, permeability will drop until it is at its nonenergized minimum when the magnet is closest. When the coil is pulsed and held energized for the required duty cycle, the permeability will drop even lower.
The ideal condition would be for the permeability to be highest when the magnet is approaching, to remain near the top of the permeability curve until the magnet is very close. IOW, it should still not be completely saturated until the pulse is applied. So the saturation flux density should be higher than what can be provided by the magnet alone. The Metglas saturates too easily and can almost be completely saturated by the magnet alone.
Higher Bsat will also provide for greater attraction force and torque.
@Syncro1 and all:
I decided to upload a video showing how the recording tape has magnetic attraction. It even has enough magnetic attraction to catch a falling magnet,
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 08:53:11 PM
The Metglas saturates too easily and can almost be completely saturated by the magnet alone.
That's simply not how magnetic material works. The Metglas core only has high permeability for a closed loop magnetic field, which can only come from the coil. The effective permeability from an external field such as from a magnet on the Metlgas core is ~ 10 at most. Yes, that is correct, an effective permeability of ~ 10. That is not 10 thousand. That is not 10 million. Just 10. To be more specific, somewhere between 2 and 10.
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 08:53:11 PMHigher Bsat will also provide for greater attraction force and torque.
As stated too many times already. That extra force and torque comes at a heavy price. You can more force & torque by moving the magnet closer, but that's suicidal, which is why Steorn does not do that, because it requires too much current to fight the magnet-- P=
Geez, doesn't anyone in this thread understand fundamental magnetic theory? ;D Again, this based on fundamental magnetic theory & a lot of experiments that I've seen countless times.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 09:03:09 PM
That's simply not how magnetic material works. The Metglas core only has high permeability for a closed loop magnetic field, which can only come from the coil. The effective permeability from an external field such as from a magnet on the Metlgas core is ~ 10 at most. Yes, that is correct, an effective permeability of ~ 10. That is not 10 thousand. That is not 10 million. Just 10. To be more specific, somewhere between 2 and 10.
Do the inductance tests like Max did in:
or like Naudin did in:
Note how much change there is in the inductance and ask yourself what else is changing to cause that inductance change?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 09:03:09 PM
As stated too many times already. That extra force and torque comes at a heavy price. You can more force & torque by moving the magnet closer, but that's suicidal, which is why Steorn does not do that, because it requires too much current to fight the magnet-- P=I^2*R
Maybe not as heavy a price as you might think, when you consider the remanence of square loop material will retain most of the magnetization. Yes, the distance between magnet and core may need to be adjusted. The objective is to spend as much time as possible on the saturation side of the permeability curve.
See the permeability curve here:
Paul, you seem to think everyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid or uneducated. Please take the time to perform some inductance testing with your cores, see just how much influence those magnets really have.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 09:03:09 PM
As stated too many times already. That extra force and torque comes at a heavy price. You can more force & torque by moving the magnet closer, but that's suicidal, which is why Steorn does not do that, because it requires too much current to fight the magnet-- P=I^2*R
I'll give you that. Take a look at this newer video by CLaNZeR attempting to replicate the Orbo, I can't believe the magnets are even attracted to the core at those distances or have any torque. Must be the reason for the magnetic bearings, because it doesn't need much torque.
That is a beautiful replication.
Why is the flash presentation on the "M-H Curve and Magnetic Domains" talking about hard ferromagnetic materials needing an opposing field to de-magnetize it completely? Metglas and other materials retain some of their magnetism after the field responsible is removed but they are considered soft materials. Magnetic recording tape retains some of the magnetism also (if it didn't, then tape drives wouldn't work). This is why the magnetic field of the dual magnets must sit on the linear positions of the M-H Curves due to the DC Pulse.
Here's a video showing how the magnetic recording tape can act as a permanent magnet. It can both repel and attract a magnet,
I shot the video on my cell phone and it was sitting on it's side so the video isn't showing the correct perspective. You'll need to turn your monitor 900 to the right or turn your head 90o to the left, lol.
The magnet is placed on a glass table and the recording tape can repel the magnet or attract the magnet depending on how the magnetic recording tape is magnetized.
This is showing the Orbo effect. The dual magnets in the Orbo during their departure from TDC are sitting in a position where it isn't attracted to nor repelled by the core material due to the pulse biasing the magnetic field of the magnets where it sits on the M-H Curve of the core material. When the pulse is cut off, then the core material has 0 magnetization so it will attract at full strength when the magnets make their next approach towards TDC.
This is a really simple concept and the Orbo is based on this.
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 09:25:30 PM
Do the inductance tests like Max did in: (
or like Naudin did in: (
Note how much change there is in the inductance and ask yourself what else is changing to cause that inductance change?
What about it? That's complete expected.
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 09:25:30 PM
See the permeability curve here: (
Paul, you seem to think everyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid or uneducated. Please take the time to perform some inductance testing with your cores, see just how much influence those magnets really have.
I have. Again, the effective permeability of the core in relation to the magnet is very small, less than 10. That is well understood in conventional physics.
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 09:25:30 PMPaul, you seem to think everyone who doesn't agree with you is stupid or uneducated.
Because, Oc, what you're saying is completely incorrect on such a fundamental level.
Quote from: lumen on January 01, 2010, 04:24:38 PM
I wanted to bring to light a problem with winding toroidal coils for this use.
If you wind a coil with two layers, you should not continue to wind around the coil, you need to wind until you reach where you started, then reverse the direction.
Not the direction you are looping on the core, but the advancing direction around the core.
If you do not do this, you are creating a coil that will in effect have two loops of wire that are susceptible to BEMF from the magnets!
That's why everyone can show some BEMF on their coils.
JLN has a good idea!
I wonder where he found that one?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 11:23:00 PM
Because, Oc, what you're saying is completely incorrect on such a fundamental level.
Please explain what's incorrect and provide references to support your argument.
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 11:40:19 PM
Please explain what's incorrect and provide references to support your argument.
Equations are found in University and various other books and software such as FEMM. Equations provided in the open-sourced software, FEMM. Evidence: experiments & FEMM. That's all I can do for you since it's not worth the time to create FEMM files to show you very fundamental physics.
Latest YouTube video update on my "Tiny Orbo Replication 2"
What I would suggest is people play around with FEMM. First play around with calculating the effective permeability of cores in various configurations. For non-saturated cores in closed loop problems you can use either planar or axisymmetric problem type. For open loop problems such as magnet to toroid interaction you must use axisymmetric problem type.
Quote from: neptune on February 13, 2010, 03:42:22 PM
Can I thank Gravity Block for seriously considering my Recording tape idea . It may or may not turn out to be useless. However , in radical research one needs to leave no stone unturned. I would be the first to say that I know precious little about magnetic materials , but by not laughing at me, you will encourage other radical ideas , maybe the ones that lead to success. Thanks.
No problem. In my book, your idea is really good. If the magnetic recording tape isn't used in the Orbo, then I'm sure it's based on the effects of the old tape drives and recording tape. I've been laughed at quite a bit on this forum. I don't really care. I'm in search for the truth and I will post information even when I know it could be laughed at. If they take the time and do some serious research, then they just may realize the importance of something.
I'm going to hammer this into the ground. It's about the M-H Curves and there is a really good reason why they have a video module of it in the SKDB resources (I've even posted a link to this video module) and their magnetization hysteresis loop example matches the example for the magnetization hysteresis loop for the recording tape exactly. Also, Steorn has been working on a MH measurement system because it's extremely important.
Everything I've been posting has been backed up with reference materials, videos, flash presentations from Steorn, and experiments.......but yet it's still not being discussed or researched by others. I'll give it a few days and it'll all be swept under the carpet, attacked, argued, or dismissed. Lol
It's already been attacked by someone saying the magnetic recording tape has no magnetic attraction and this is the furthest thing from the truth which I posted two videos proving otherwise.
Contrary to what most may believe, the recording tape has quite a bit of magnetic attraction. There may be a difference between analog and digital tapes, but to say something won't work based on a specific tape they may have and automatically ruling out other types of recording tape isn't a good thing to do.
do you even know why looking into a system with no moving parts is viable? do you realize you can eliminate so many violations in physics by merely paying attention.
no moving parts! pay attention!
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2005 on February 14, 2010, 01:04:07 AM
do you even know why looking into a system with no moving parts is viable? do you realize you can eliminate so many violations in physics by merely paying attention.
no moving parts! pay attention!
This thread is about the e-Orbo. There is a solid state Orbo (ssOrbo) with no moving parts in another thread. You're right though, a solid state solution is much better and it's being worked on also.
To talk about a wheel inside a wheel that doesn't turn (Ezekiel's wheel) is for the ssOrbo thread. When the wheels rose from the ground, the creatures rose also, because they were inside the wheels and the wheels didn't turn. The rims were high and awsum and had eyes all around the rim. The wheels sparkled like chrysolite. I had to throw Ezekiels wheel in here, since this is what you're referring to or at least something along these lines.
First image is on the M-H Curve from Steorn's presentation (Slide 10). Second image is on the M-H Curve from the magnetic recording tape. The first two images are a perfect match. The third image is showing the two-linear portions on the M-H curve for the magnetic recording tape. The third image is also a perfect match for the linear curve shown as the dotted line in the first image from Steorn.
Please note, the third image is showing both linear portions and the first image is only showing one linear portion of the curve. It's a perfect match if you only take one of the linear curves of the third image and match it with the dotted line in the first image.
Hey All,
From a newbies point of view -
the tape drives as stated may well be in reference to the need to be able to flip the magnetization of the write head in a hurry. Just how long do you guys think a one bit or zero bits length is. uh huh
Yes, I know it is transitions of magnetic flux.
Regards, Penno
p.s. Is the material we are so keenly seeking similar to the material used in a read/write head ?
Did anyone watch Bedini's second video on the zero force motor where, he winds his own cores using a piece of pvc and this "TAPE" ??
Quote from: 0c on February 13, 2010, 08:53:11 PM
The ideal condition would be for the permeability to be highest when the magnet is approaching, to remain near the top of the permeability curve until the magnet is very close. IOW, it should still not be completely saturated until the pulse is applied. So the saturation flux density should be higher than what can be provided by the magnet alone. The Metglas saturates too easily and can almost be completely saturated by the magnet alone.
Higher Bsat will also provide for greater attraction force and torque.
I agree completely here. Good explanation.
In SeanM's own words - "Core material is not important for the orbo effect, any material will work as long as it is a soft ferromagnetic material". (Quoting from memory, you will find the exact words on steorn forum).
So changing materials will only change the design parameters, like input currents and output torque. A particular material will not guarantee OU, there is no magic recipe, only a magic combination. Arguing is good, but too much of it is a waste of time and confuses the newcomers.
IMHO, one should stick to ranges around 1 Amp or so, just like steorn, because at uA and fraction of mA the instruments don't behave and will not show correct readings, which means you will miss the OU, even if its there or worse, you will think there is OU when there is none. Having big enough input and output boosts confidence.
It doesn't matter if your orbo takes 100 Watts, as long as it is giving out 110 Watts. Our aim is energy production not energy saving. Don't try to minimize the current, try to maximize the output.
Some more thoughts on how the output from an orbo should be viewed.
Suppose the setup is such that both the output coil and the toroidal coil is immersed in a water filled jar, and the rotor rotates just outside this jar. Short the output coil. Now as soon as power is turned on, both input and output coils are heating the water. So we have a fancy water heater or coffee maker here.
Ensure that all the inductive flyback energy is being captured. Don't worry about the I^2R losses, because it is not being wasted, it is heating the water. Lets say the input is 100 W. Suppose the water boils after 10 mins and the energy consumed is 60 kJ.
Now remove the rotor. Fill the jar again with cold water and power it on. You will see that it still consumes 100 W, because nothing was changed on the input side and orbo ensures that output doesn't affect the input.
But you will see that it takes 15 mins for water to boil because the output coil is not contributing anything. So the energy consumed is 90 kJ in absence of the rotor.
So you will see that it takes less input energy to bring the same amount of water at same temperature to 100 deg when the rotor is present. Removing the rotor somehow causes it to consume more energy, although one would expect the reverse. Normally one will expect that it will take more energy to heat the water in presence of the rotor because some of the energy will go in turning the rotor. We are gaining 30 kJ of energy simply by placing a rotor there.
This is very counter-intuitive, and if you can show this happening, it will be enough to overturn Physics.
Of course there are some obvious optimizations that could make the orbo more effective.
As far as i understood the purpose of Steorn was only to validate their key facts which lead to the orbo-effect. That's why they did not connect a real load to the pickup coil, for digital components the current would have needed to be rectified and flattened (extra parts and more speculation), for a light bulb the energy was clearly not enough. If the promised data will appear finally and is considered valid by experimenters and professionals this optimizations can easily be done by developers.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 14, 2010, 07:10:59 AMNow remove the rotor. Fill the jar again with cold water and power it on. You will see that it still consumes 100 W, because nothing was changed on the input side and orbo ensures that output doesn't affect the input.
But you will see that it takes 15 mins for water to boil because the output coil is not contributing anything. So the energy consumed is 90 kJ in absence of the rotor.
Why do you think that is? I'd be willing to bet that it would take 10 min again, also 60kJ.
I have another question. This is the circuit from Naudins website:
edit: okay apparently the SPX 3955-8207 is an optical sensor. maybe someone has a part number for this or a similar sensor which exists?
Quote from: haithar on February 14, 2010, 07:33:13 AM
Why do you think that is? I'd be willing to bet that it would take 10 min again, also 60kJ.
That's what the claim says. I reworded it to make it clear. Of course, you can go ahead and practically show that it takes same amount of energy with or without rotor. However it will still mean that the system is OU, because the rotor motion comes for free.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 14, 2010, 09:19:37 AM
That's what the claim says. I reworded it to make it clear. Of course, you can go ahead and practically show that it takes same amount of energy with or without rotor. However it will still mean that the system is OU, because the rotor motion comes for free.
This statement is not true.
Without a rotor all input is lost but with a rotor some energy can be reclaimed. This is not proof of OU.
Your reasoning is flawed.
Thank you for your demonstration video on the attractive properties of recording tape. It wouldn't do that for me, perhaps from tape age and weaker magnet strength.
I am considering a multi strand magnetically attractive wire to use as a core for a spiral pancake coil with biflar copper windings. The haywire core magnetized and stopped working for me. Do you have any suggestions for a metal alloy multi strand wire that might have optimum permeability characteristics?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 13, 2010, 11:56:39 PM
Equations are found in University and various other books and software such as FEMM. Equations provided in the open-sourced software, FEMM. Evidence: experiments & FEMM. That's all I can do for you since it's not worth the time to create FEMM files to show you very fundamental physics.
Paul, I have a number of those textbooks and a lot of industry literature. The thoughts I posted are based on that literature. I'm afraid I don't have the math background to do more than simple algebraic calculations, but I can follow the dynamic relationships pretty well.
If you would take some time to consider some of the the properties I mentioned, you may see that they too can influence the overall behavior. High permeability is one of the desired characteristics. But by no means is it the only one.
For the sake of further discussion, let's talk about remanence for a moment. A high remanent magnetization will provide a magnetic bias that reduces the DC input energy costs to saturate the core.
Using longitudinally annealed Metglas 2714AS as an example, we see it has a Bsat of 0.57T and a Br of 0.45T, for a Br/Bsat ratio of about 79%. That's pretty high compared to most materials.
(page 3 of: )
Now compare that with Finemet FT-1H, which has Bsat of 1.35T and Br of about 1.21, for a Br/Bsat ratio of 90%.
(page 8 of: )
The Finemet will retain 90% of its magnetization when the coil is deenergized where the Metglas will only retain 79%. Which material will require more input energy to push into saturation?
This seems rather interesting. What do you figure the draw of those LED's might be
Quote from: 0c on February 14, 2010, 11:40:26 AM
For the sake of further discussion, let's talk about remanence for a . A high remanent magnetization will provide a magnetic bias that reduces the DC input energy costs to saturate the core.
The Finemet will retain 90% of its magnetization when the coil is deenergized where the Metglas will only retain 79%. Which material will require more input energy to push into saturation?
translating into simple concepts:
the remanence is the ability to retain a magnetic polarity.
this can help the motor torque only when the next magnet have inverted magnetic polarity, otherwise you reduce the DC input energy but you reduce also the attraction force.
in any case you have energy loss in the core (heating).
the best solution is to have an "elastic" property when the magnet approach the spin becomes aligned with the magnetic field, then with the coil current you flip the spin alignment along the toroid core and saturate the core (it appear like air to the magnet).
The challenge is to have the new spin alignment with gain of energy that recover the work of alignment done by the magnets.
metglas annealed along the core have the possibility to do this job?.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 14, 2010, 06:43:08 AM
I agree completely here. Good explanation.
In SeanM's own words - "Core material is not important for the orbo effect, any material will work as long as it is a soft ferromagnetic material". (Quoting from memory, you will find the exact words on steorn forum).
If my memory serves me correctly, his words were "The core material is a soft magnetic material, I will not go into the details, sorry".
If he's not going into the details, then the details are important for the Orbo effect. The details of the core material is important, because the linear portions in the M-H Curve must be large enough for the magnetic field from the dual magnets to sit on due to the DC Pulse biasing it to that position.
Quote from: wings on February 14, 2010, 12:33:28 PM
translating into simple concepts:
the remanence is the ability to retain a magnetic polarity.
this can help the motor torque only when the next magnet have inverted magnetic polarity, otherwise you reduce the DC input energy but you reduce also the attraction force.
If the field from the magnets sit on the linear portions of the M-H Curve of the core material when the pulse is applied, then the attraction force is not reduced while keeping the torque at it's maximum, but the DC input energy will be reduced. How many times do I need to say what is in bold. I will say it as many times as necessary for this to sink in, if that is possible.
Quote from: 0c on February 14, 2010, 11:40:26 AM
Paul, I have a number of those textbooks and a lot of industry literature. The thoughts I posted are based on that literature. I'm afraid I don't have the math background to do more than simple algebraic calculations, but I can follow the dynamic relationships pretty well.
If you would take some time to consider some of the the properties I mentioned, you may see that they too can influence the overall behavior. High permeability is one of the desired characteristics. But by no means is it the only one.
For the sake of further discussion, let's talk about remanence for a moment. A high remanent magnetization will provide a magnetic bias that reduces the DC input energy costs to saturate the core.
Using longitudinally annealed Metglas 2714AS as an example, we see it has a Bsat of 0.57T and a Br of 0.45T, for a Br/Bsat ratio of about 79%. That's pretty high compared to most materials.
(page 3 of: ( )
Now compare that with Finemet FT-1H, which has Bsat of 1.35T and Br of about 1.21, for a Br/Bsat ratio of 90%.
(page 8 of: ( )
The Finemet will retain 90% of its magnetization when the coil is deenergized where the Metglas will only retain 79%. Which material will require more input energy to push into saturation?
Oc, I'll make this brief because you keep missing the point. So I don't think I can help you much right now. Briefly -->
First of all you don't base it on percentage. You need to know how much does the field increase, the permeability, and the core characteristics.
Second, your question is pointless in terms of the Orbo design because *yet for the umpteenth time* LOL, what does work in the Orbo design is when the field is well within the saturation curve. I keep telling you guys over and over and over and over that the work done in decreasing the magnetic attraction between the magnet and core is well within the saturation curve. Furthermore, the amount of energy require to get the Metglas core to the point where it's within the saturation curve is so ridiculously small that it's irrelevant. For common cores, yes, it's somewhat relevant.
The Finemet MAGAMP core is like placing ~ 2.5 Metglas MAGAMP cores in the same space. *If* it takes 2.5 times as much current in the Finemet core to force the dipoles out of being aligned with the magnet as compared to the Metglas, then that's 6.3 times as much power-- P=I^2*R. So you would get 2.5 times the force, which equals 2.5 times the work, but it takes you 6.3 times the power, thus making it 2.5 times less efficient. IMO, there is a high probability that it will take more than 2.5 times as much current in the finemet core, thus require more than 6.3 times the power. The only saving grace for your finemet cores is if by chance somehow it takes less than 2.5 times the current to force the dipoles away from the magnet, but I wouldn't bet anything on that.
Real quick, so if you say, "Well, if the Finemet core is like 2.5 times Metglas cores in the same space, then just move it farther away." Of course you can do that, but moving it farther away you end up with the same force. If moving the core farther away has other side effects that are good, then the Finemet is a better choice. We'll have to see.
Quote from: wings on February 14, 2010, 12:33:28 PM
A into simple concepts:
the remanence is the ability to retain a magnetic polarity.
this can help the motor torque only when the next magnet have inverted magnetic polarity, otherwise you reduce the DC input energy but you reduce also the attraction force.
Immediately after deenergizing, the core will retain a remanent magnetization, oriented in a circular polarity that is not externally detectable. This "biased" core will have very near the maximum permeability and attraction to an approaching magnet (permeability is higher near the knee of the BH curve than it is at zero). As the magnet approaches, the domains in the core will be rotated to align with the field of the magnet and the core will essentially become a diametrically magnetized magnet, oriented for maximum attraction to the approaching magnet.
Rotating the prealigned domains of the core due to remanence consumes less energy than aligning randomly oriented domains (zero remanence). This the reason why permeability is higher at magnetization levels above zero.
(This is a reference for ferrite materials, but the principle is the same, see figure 1: )
So contrary to what you said, attraction to the approaching magnet will be greater when it is remanently biased than it would be if it had no remanence.
Quote from: wings on February 14, 2010, 12:33:28 PM
in any case you have energy loss in the core (heating).
There will always be heat, but the heat generated is proportional to the amount of work done. Since rotating prealigned domains (remanent magnetization) requires less work than aligning randomly oriented domains (no magnetization), less energy will be lost to heat for a remanently magnetized core.
Quote from: wings on February 14, 2010, 12:33:28 PM
the best solution is to have an "elastic" property when the magnet approach the spin becomes aligned with the magnetic field, then with the coil current you flip the spin alignment along the toroid core and saturate the core (it appear like air to the magnet).
The challenge is to have the new spin alignment with gain of energy that recover the work of alignment done by the magnets.
That's almost what happens with a remanently magnetized core, except the prealigned domains are only required to "rotate" 90 degrees instead of "flip" 180 degrees.
Quote from: wings on February 14, 2010, 12:33:28 PM
metglas annealed along the core have the possibility to do this job?.
Possibly, but I'm not sure. I think other materials with higher Br/Bsat ratios should be investigated.
Quote from: 0c on February 14, 2010, 11:40:26 AM
The Finemet will retain 90% of its magnetization when the coil is deenergized where the Metglas will only retain 79%. Which material will require more input energy to push into saturation?
If the metglas retains 79% of its magnetization when the coil is de-energized and 79% of the energy stays inside the core, then PL can't possibly recover up to 95% of the energy from the pulse. The most that could be recovered from the pulse is 21% in the perfect case.
That is a
174% gain just by energizing and de-energizing the metglas core if you can re-capture 95% of the pulse according to PL, which is close to PL's
170% efficiency claim for his tiny Orbo replication. We have OU just by energizing and de-energizing the metglas core. I don't think so, lol.
PL, your COP calculations don't add up.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 01:23:19 PM
The Finemet MAGAMP core is like placing ~ 2.5 Metglas MAGAMP cores in the same space. *If* it takes 2.5 times as much current in the Finemet core to force the dipoles out of being aligned with the magnet as compared to the Metglas, then that's 6.3 times as much power-- P=I^2*R. So you would get 2.5 times the force, which equals 2.5 times the work, but it takes you 6.3 times the power, thus making it 2.5 times less efficient. IMO, there is a high probability that it will take more than 2.5 times as much current in the finemet core, thus require more than 6.3 times the power. The only saving grace for your finemet cores is if by chance somehow it takes less than 2.5 times the current to force the dipoles away from the magnet, but I wouldn't bet anything on that.
Ahhh, but it's still an unknown. How much power is required to push an equivalently sized Finemet core into saturation? Can equivalent or better results be achieved with smaller cores? How much additional torque can be gained at the required distance? Do you have the numbers? I don't.
Paul, I'm not saying Finemet is the answer. I'm merely suggesting that there are other magnetic properties to consider besides permeability and other materials which exhibit those properies. I still think it should be investigated.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 01:32:22 PM
Real quick, so if you say, "Well, if the Finemet core is like 2.5 times Metglas cores in the same space, then just move it farther away." Of course you can do that, but moving it farther away you end up with the same force. If moving the core farther away has other side effects that are good, then the Finemet is a better choice. We'll have to see.
... or use a smaller, easier to saturate core to get the same torque?
Can someone probably answer my question which optical sensor to use when timing the pulse? Over an hour of internet search didn't bring me results.
Like the optical sensor in this image: (
Anyone? Name, Part number, shop link, whatever. thanks.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 14, 2010, 01:38:28 PM
If the metglas retains 79% of its magnetization when the coil is de-energized and 79% of the energy stays inside the core, then PL can't possibly recover up to 95% of the energy from the pulse. The most that could be recovered from the pulse is 21% in the perfect case.
That is a 174% gain just by energizing and de-energizing the metglas core if you can re-capture 95% of the pulse according to PL, which is close to PL's 170% efficiency claim for his tiny Orbo replication. We have OU just by energizing and de-energizing the metglas core. I don't think so, lol.
PL, you're calculations don't add up.
The energy recovered from the pulse has nothing to do with remanent magnetization. It has everything to do with the change in inductance (permeability) between coil on and off times. The permeability ratio at these 2 moments is what will determine how much energy is returned when the coil is deenergized.
Quote from: 0c on February 14, 2010, 01:32:50 PM
Immediately after deenergizing, the core will retain a remanent magnetization, oriented in a circular polarity that is not externally detectable. This "biased" core will have very near the maximum permeability and attraction to an approaching magnet (permeability is higher near the knee of the BH curve than it is at zero). As the magnet approaches, the domains in the core will be rotated to align with the field of the magnet and the core will essentially become a diametrically magnetized magnet, oriented for maximum attraction to the approaching magnet.
@ OC
I forgot this step, thanks for the explanation
Quote from: 0c on February 14, 2010, 02:01:21 PM
The energy recovered from the pulse has nothing to do with remanent magnetization. It has everything to do with the change in inductance (permeability) between coil on and off times. The permeability ratio at these 2 moments is what will determine how much energy is returned when the coil is deenergized.
It has to do with both remenance and coercivity. Let's say you used a pulse with enough energy to magnetize it to 100%. If the metglas core is 79% magnetized after the pulse, then it is holding 79% of the energy from the pulse. If you re-capture 95% of the pulse, then you lost 5%, but the core is holding 79% of the energy it took to magnetize it. (79-5=74% above unity or 174%).
So, you're saying it only took 5% of the energy from the pulse to magnetize the core to 79% while the 95% that could be recovered only magnetize the core 21%?
Quote from: gravityblock on February 14, 2010, 01:38:28 PM
If the metglas retains 79% of its magnetization when the coil is de-energized and 79% of the energy stays inside the core, then PL can't possibly recover up to 95% of the energy from the pulse. The most that could be recovered from the pulse is 21% in the perfect case.
That is a 174% gain just by energizing and de-energizing the metglas core if you can re-capture 95% of the pulse according to PL, which is close to PL's 170% efficiency claim for his tiny Orbo replication. We have OU just by energizing and de-energizing the metglas core. I don't think so, lol.
PL, your COP calculations don't add up.
LOL, the problem at this forum is either a lack of mental power or paid posters. I keep telling you ding dongs that nearly all of the work that goes into the Orbo toroid core is when it's well into the saturation curve. Example, from say 95% saturated to 97% saturated. The core is nearly completely flat in the saturation curve. If you don't believe me then look at an Ising plot. Hello? Anyone home?
I'm not spending much time on you people anymore. By all means dwell in your silly and obvious disinformation acts. Paid posters IMO because the odds of nearly everyone in a thread being so dense is highly unlikely.
If you think I'm wrong about the energy coming back from the core then put your $ where your mouth is. Anytime.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 02:49:03 PM
If you think I'm wrong about the energy coming back from the core then put your $ where your mouth is. Anytime.
Everyone conveniently forgets about the time aspect. If the coil is on for 10ms and it takes 1ms for the field to collapse, then you only recovered 95% of the energy for 1ms. The other 9ms of energy the pulse was on for is lost along with the 5% that was lost during the 1ms.
Now, please tell me how you can re-capture 95% of the energy during the entire pulse duration again? According to you, if the coil is energized for 1 minute, it will retain all of the energy during this 1 minute period so you can re-capture 95% of the total energy that went into keeping it energized for 1 minute. I don't think so, lol.
Deleted, Duplicate Post
Quote from: gravityblock on February 14, 2010, 02:24:52 PM
It has to do with both remenance and coercivity.
So which is better, high or low coercivity?
Metglas 2714AS has coercivity somewhere about 3.0 A/m (taken from the "Coercive Force vs. Frequency" chart on page 3 of:
and the Hc of Finemet FT-1H is 0.8 A/m:
(page 8 in: )
Quote from: gravityblock on February 14, 2010, 02:24:52 PM
Let's say you used a pulse with enough energy to magnetize it to 100%. If the metglas core is 79% magnetized after the pulse, then it is holding 79% of the energy from the pulse. If you re-capture 95% of the pulse, then you lost 5%, but the core is holding 79% of the energy it took to magnetize it. (79-5=74% above unity or 174%).
So, you're saying it only took 5% of the energy from the pulse to magnetize the core to 79% while the 95% that could be recovered only magnetize the core 21%?
There will be a higher cost for the initial pulse, but all the thousands and millions of pulses thereafter will benefit from the remanent state. What I'm saying is that Metglas has to be pushed 21% of the way from remanence into complete saturation. Finemet only needs to be pushed 10%.
Quote from: 0c on February 14, 2010, 03:16:16 PM
So which is better, high or low coercivity?
Metglas 2714AS has coercivity somewhere about 3.0 A/m (taken from the "Coercive Force vs. Frequency" chart on page 3 of:
and the Hc of Finemet FT-1H is 0.8 A/m:
(page 8 in: )
There will be a higher cost for the initial pulse, but all the thousands and millions of pulses thereafter will benefit from the remanent state. What I'm saying is that Metglas has to be pushed 21% of the way from remanence into complete saturation. Finemet only needs to be pushed 10%.
I would think Finemet is a better choice because it only needs to be pushed 10% of the way from remanence into complete saturation, which would benefit after the initial pulse. I see exactly what you're saying now. Thanks.
Real quick for legit researchers: When the magnet is at TDC, the circuit first stage pulses coil with *high* voltage for ~ 25us to get the current to its peak. During this pulse the circuit is nearly 100% inductive. Second circuit 2nd stage pulses coil with *low* voltage for the remainder of the pulse width, which I've varied anywhere from 10 to 21 degrees. Second stage the circuit is resistive, and is part of the electrical wires losses, which can be decreases relative to the output by various methods. Resistive losses remains the same regardless of rpm. Inductive losses increases with rpm. As stated, most of the inductive energy can be captured back-- e.g., my 95% example.
Quote from: haithar on February 14, 2010, 01:58:23 PM
Can someone probably answer my question which optical sensor to use when timing the pulse? Over an hour of internet search didn't bring me results.
Like the optical sensor in this image: (
Anyone? Name, Part number, shop link, whatever. thanks.
They are called opto interrupters and here are some types with prices:
Naudin used a T shaped black color (probably plastic) light blocker that interrupts light between the light diode and light sensor. I have not seen his mentioning what type he used.
Quote from: gyulasun on February 14, 2010, 04:12:34 PM
They are called opto interrupters and here are some types with prices:
...and before anyone despairs at the cost, you get 18 to the pound sterling.
Quote from: Paul-R on February 14, 2010, 04:20:12 PM
...and before anyone despairs at the cost, you get 18 to the pound sterling.
Yes, I think at the ELFA link the prices are in EEK.
1.00 Estonian Kroon = 0.0870 U.S. Dollar nowadays.
I wrote an E-Mail to Naudin and kind as he is i got an answer. He was recommending the rpi-441c1 from Rohm semiconductor, but since i cannot get this part from a shop here i chose the CNY70 along with a Schmitt-Trigger IC for perfectly sharp triggering.
Quote from: haithar on February 14, 2010, 04:48:39 PM
I wrote an E-Mail to Naudin and kind as he is i got an answer. He was recommending the rpi-441c1 from Rohm semiconductor, but since i cannot get this part from a shop here i chose the CNY70 along with a Schmitt-Trigger IC for perfectly sharp triggering.
Thanks for the info. I do not think any special feature is needed to expect from such interrupter, maybe the only caution is to prevent stray light (that do not come from its LED transmitter) entering from any direction into the opto receptor side of the interrupter.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 03:36:09 PM
Real quick for legit researchers: When the magnet is at TDC, the circuit first stage pulses coil with *high* voltage for ~ 25us to get the current to its peak. During this pulse the circuit is nearly 100% inductive. Second circuit 2nd stage pulses coil with *low* voltage for the remainder of the pulse width, which I've varied anywhere from 10 to 21 degrees. Second stage the circuit is resistive, and is part of the electrical wires losses, which can be decreases relative to the output by various methods. Resistive losses remains the same regardless of rpm. Inductive losses increases with rpm. As stated, most of the inductive energy can be captured back-- e.g., my 95% example.
The field always collapses much quicker than the time it takes to build the field. This is probably the reason for the remenance or magnetization left over due to the coercivity and the less time it takes for the field to collapse. Higher coercivity and a faster collapse time probably means more remenance left over.
If the field collapses twice as fast than the time it takes to build the field, then you can only recover 95% of half of the total energy it took to build the field, Which is a 55% total loss. In order for you to re-capture 95% of the total energy from the pulse, the core material would need to have a low remenance, low coercivity, and nearly the same collapse time it took to build the field. In addition to this, the pulse is on longer than the time required to build the field, which means more losses.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 14, 2010, 05:35:19 PM
The field always collapses much quicker than the time it takes to build the field.
Incorrect. To be blunt, that once again shows you don't know what you're talking about. The field collapse rate depends on the load. For example the field will collapse at ~ twice the rate for a 20 volt zener load than a 10 volt zener load.
The rest of your post is meaningless.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 06:07:45 PM
Incorrect. To be blunt, that once again shows you don't know what you're talking about. The field collapse rate depends on the load. For example the field will collapse at ~ twice the rate for a 20 volt zener load than a 10 volt zener load.
The rest of your post is meaningless.
If the domains in the core material are very hard to turn (coercivity), then it's equivalent to a load. The harder the domains are to turn, the more work needs to be done which is the same as a load. This is just common sense. The field collapse is always faster than the time it takes to build the field.
Wow. Good luck with that. :)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 02:49:03 PM
LOL, the problem at this forum is either a lack of mental power or paid posters. I keep telling you ding dongs that nearly all of the work that goes into the Orbo toroid core is when it's well into the saturation curve. Example, from say 95% saturated to 97% saturated. The core is nearly completely flat in the saturation curve. If you don't believe me then look at an Ising plot. Hello? Anyone home?
I'm not spending much time on you people anymore. By all means dwell in your silly and obvious disinformation acts. Paid posters IMO because the odds of nearly everyone in a thread being so dense is highly unlikely.
If you think I'm wrong about the energy coming back from the core then put your $ where your mouth is. Anytime.
So, if we don't agree with Paul we are either idiots and stupid, or paid posters.
This says it all to me. He has done this numerous times on this forum and I am getting tired of it.
Who is "paying" us Paul? Big Oil? Who? You never say who that might be. I do not get paid for posting on this forum BUT if I am supposed to be paid, please tell me who I can call to collect my check.
This post was very insulting to me, and many of the other hard working folks on this forum.
He has also said many times that IF he ever came up with a free energy device, he would NEVER disclose it here.
So why are you here Paul?
My guess is that he is hoping others will educate him enough so he can find and build a device and then sell it like he posts he will do on his own website.
I am tired of feeding the trolls.
This is supposed to be open source yet Paul will NOT disclose any device that actually works here. (His words)
Think about this.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 07:19:03 PM
Wow. Good luck with that. :)
You missed the point. That doesn't surprise me.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 07:19:03 PM
Wow. Good luck with that. :)
Paul always misses the point unless, of course, he made the point to begin with, no matter how incorrect it may be.
This pretty much sums everything up:
In the third paragraph of the above link it says, "The first technique utilizes a method of controlling the response time of magnetic materials to make them time variant. This is achieved by controlling the MH position of materials during permanent magnetic interactions."
What is the MH position? It's the linear portion of the M-H Curve. How do you control the MH position? With the gap between the magnets/toroid and by using the pulse to offset the field of the magnets to sit on the linear portions. If the core material has a larger linear portion, then the magnets can be closer to the core. The linear portion must be large enough for the field to sit on during the complete interaction.
What is the response time of magnetic materials? That is the magnetic viscosity (relaxation). The important thing to note is the core doesn't even need to be saturated from the pulse due to the magnetic viscosity or relaxation of the interaction (There is a delayed response in their interactions because they now have a time variant property to them)!
anyone know why tinselkoala/alsetalokin quit at 51 videos?
nothing new on the orbo from him in 2 weeks...
This will be posted when Pirate88179 replies soon after my post, as he follows me around telling lies:
QuotePirate88179 is on my blocked list because he's deceitful & blatant lies about me. So I don't read his posts, unless someone alerts me to something.
Quote from: WilbyInebriated on February 15, 2010, 09:17:31 AM
anyone know why tinselkoala/alsetalokin quit at 51 videos?
nothing new on the orbo from him in 2 weeks...
I believe he has left Orbette 1.0 behind as he has travel back to his real "work" location. He is building Orbette 2.0 now as well as gathering some measurement equipment in order to more exactly replicate the measurement methods of Steorn in their final videos, as well as test other items of interest. Last he posted on "Village of the Banned" (yesterday) he expects to be up and running today or tomorrow. Not sure when he will be posting videos.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 03:36:09 PM
...Resistive losses remains the same regardless of rpm. Inductive losses increases with rpm. As stated, most of the inductive energy can be captured back-- e.g., my 95% example.
When you pulse the coil, the current at the beginning of the pulse creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field aligns the electron spins along its flux. These spins were previously aligned along the field lines of the magnet, thus they have to be rotated by the coil field against the magnet field. To do it, the coil has to exert a work dW= T*dA where T is the torque and dA the angle between the first and last angular position of the spin alignments. This work is done at the expense of power in the coil during the switch-on transition time.
Only the energy in the final magnetic field can be recovered later but it is weak because the coil inductance is low when the ferrite core is saturated. The work initially done to rotate the spin aligments is lost.
A best way to improve the energy efficiency could be to gradually reduce U/I during the pulse because when the magnet moves away a lesser magnetic field should be enough to maintain the spin alignment.
If I just had a passive magnetic levitation bearing, then IMO the "tiny orbo replication 2" would be a self-runner.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 15, 2010, 11:03:51 AM
If I just had a passive magnetic levitation bearing, then IMO the "tiny orbo replication 2" would be a self-runner.
didn't someone show a build of hartiberlin's thingy-ma-jig that was using magnetic bearings a few months back? it was a short lived thread as it got polluted with a bunch of scammer videos. perhaps you could get some info from him about his bearings.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 15, 2010, 10:53:34 AM
When you pulse the coil, the current at the beginning of the pulse creates a magnetic field. The magnetic field aligns the electron spins along its flux. These spins were previously aligned along the field lines of the magnet, thus they have to be rotated by the coil field against the magnet field. To do it, the coil has to exert a work dW= T*dA where T is the torque and dA the angle between the first and last angular position of the spin alignments. This work is done at the expense of power in the coil during the switch-on transition time.
Only the energy in the final magnetic field can be recovered later but it is weak because the coil inductance is low when the ferrite core is saturated. The work initially done to rotate the spin aligments is lost.
A best way to improve the energy efficiency could be to gradually reduce U/I during the pulse because when the magnet moves away a lesser magnetic field should be enough to maintain the spin alignment.
So along this line of thinking then, If the spins were previously aligned from the magnets along the same direction the coil was about to align the spins to, then in one half the core no energy would be required. At TDC the magnets should be aligning the cores with half in alignment and the other half out by 180 degrees.
The two directions would cancel out each other and act the same as with no magnets at all EXCEPT the permeability will have changed, lowering the inductance.
With lower inductance it will take less energy to saturate the core.
As the magnets move away, the inductance will increase and energy will be gained. Although, the waiting for the magnets to move away will consume more energy than what can be gained.
Unless the approach by the magnets was slower and produced free energy longer and the retract was shorter and consumed less energy!
Quote from: lumen on February 15, 2010, 12:34:42 PM
The two directions would cancel out each other and act the same as with no magnets at all EXCEPT the permeability will have changed, lowering the inductance.
With lower inductance it will take less energy to saturate the core.
As the magnets move away, the inductance will increase and energy will be gained. Although, the waiting for the magnets to move away will consume more energy than what can be gained.
Unless the approach by the magnets was slower and produced free energy longer and the retract was shorter and consumed less energy!
You will only have an energy gain if the field of the magnets are sitting on the linear portions of the M-H Curve of the core material during their departure from TDC.
PL - "Real quick for legit researchers"
<sarcasm>Yes - after reading that, all of the illegitimate researchers immediately ceased reading the rest of your post...</sarcasm>
Please stop. Please. Your scattered comments that are blanket insulting everyone on the forum are souring the content -
PL - "I keep telling you ding dongs"
PL - "The problem at this forum is either a lack of mental power or paid posters" -
Please stop.
Look at the delayed response of the magnet being attracted to the material. At 1:57 in the video the magnet is attracted to underneath the material at TDC moving along the surface of the table, then the magnet stops for a brief moment and has a delayed response before lifting off the table and attaches itself to the material. This is showing the magnetic viscosity between their interaction. It doesn't always do this. Most of the time it lifts immediately off the table with no delay. Watch between 1:50 - 2:00, but the effect happens right at 1:57 after I flip the magnet over. Don't forget to turn your head 90o to the left for the correct persepective.
[Edit:] Does anyone know how I can flip the video 90 degrees so it is showing the correct perspective. Thanks.
Am I nuts or is J-L Naudin now showing OU on youtube? Any comments on the lack of apparent current draw while lighting LED's?
Quote from: happyfunball on February 15, 2010, 01:40:31 PM
Am I nuts or is J-L Naudin now showing OU on youtube? Any comments on the lack of apparent current draw while lighting LED's?
No. Unfortunately Naudin's shown everything except input : output measurements.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 15, 2010, 02:04:20 PM
No. Unfortunately Naudin's shown everything except input : output measurements.
Current draw is irrelevant? Isn't that what the meter is showing?
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 15, 2010, 02:04:20 PM
No. Unfortunately Naudin's shown everything except input : output measurements.
what's there?
oh yeah, "Stay tuned, more to come soon..."
we'll hopefully see in the next days
Some thoughts on the reason why Orbo is demonstrated by a 10 Ah D cell.
At first I thought they need that kind of cell to provide enough current to power the coils.
Now, on second thought I think that is not the reason.
They use soft metal cores. If one look at e.g. metglas, these have an Hc of a few A/m, let's say 2 A/m.
With a number of windings of 60 per coil you need around 12 - 15 mA to saturate those cores. More current is just a waste of energy.
So, why the 10 Ah?
I think they need such a cell because those can handle a peak charge current of several 10th of Amps.
Such value is being returned if the drive power of the coils is stopped in an abrupt way. The peak current that is occuring at that moment is hugh.
A normal D cell would not be able to absorb such value.
Of course a (super)capacitor would also fit in here.
It's unclear why the don't use those.
Replicators should keep this mind. If you don't use a power cell that is capable of charging with high current values, you could also use a capacitor in parallel with e.g. a more common rechargable cell.
example specification of such D cell can be found at: (
@ Paul,
I think you are quite right, although a bit on the optimistic side. The coil energy can be re-gained for a great deal. If you look at the integrated power coil on the input power (below). The power level between the start and the end of the curve shows a very tiny difference. This indicates the net energy loss. I estimate 10%.
To refresh memories, the bottom graph shows the energy graph as a function of time, derived from the differential of the integrated power graph.
A large part of the re-gained power is in the power peak, which is very large because at that moment the coil value has changed from a few mH to almost 1 Henry. Energy of a coil that hold current is 0.5*L*I*I.
So, energy jumps linear with the inductance jump and in a very short period of time at the end of the power period of the coil. If inductance jumps from a few mH to almost 1 H, energy jumps a factor of a few hundred times!
The bottom graph is a bit incorrect w.r.t. to the 0 power value just before the peak occurs. There should be some current left in the coil when the power is switched off. So timing of the switch off moment is also very critical.
It also means that the nr. windings on the coil are critical and not just any number can be used. The coil value is critical because the nr. of windings determine the saturation current and the switch off moment.
Quote from: haithar on February 15, 2010, 02:19:58 PM
what's there?
oh yeah, "Stay tuned, more to come soon..."
we'll hopefully see in the next days
Was referring to this one He doesn't seem to be claiming OU but..?
Here's a video showing the correct perspective of the magnetic viscosity at 1:57 in the video,
Quote from: gravityblock on February 15, 2010, 03:51:37 PM
Here's a video showing the correct perspective of the magnetic viscosity at 1:57 in the video,
GB, what type of tape did you use for this video?
There are many types of tape available. Is anyone of the available comparable with soft metal core material, as Sean (Steorn) did mention?
Ferromagnetic materials, metglas, finement all have a M-H Curve. It's not just in the magnetic recording tape. A core material with a larger linear position on the M-H Curve is better than a core material with a small linear position.
Steorn says the response time of the magnetic materials (magnetic viscosity) can be controlled by controlling the M-H position of the materials during the permenant magnetic interactions,
I have no idea why the M-H Curve isn't being discussed here. The magnetic recording tape in the video makes it easy to see the magnetic viscosity or the delay in their interactions with each other. This is the effect Orbo is based on.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 15, 2010, 03:58:37 PM
GB, what type of tape did you use for this video?
There are many types of tape available. Is anyone of the available comparable with soft metal core material, as Sean (Steorn) did mention?
It's a TDK D90 IECI/TYPEI tape (audio tape). I'm not sure how soft this material is. It retains most of it's magnetization after the external magnetic field has been removed. Metglas retains 79% of it's magnetization and Finemet retains 90% of it's magnetization after the external magnetic field has been removed. The magnetic recording tape, metglas, and finemet all retain most of their magnetization after the field is removed.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 15, 2010, 04:06:39 PM
I have no idea why the M-H Curve isn't being discussed here.
Well, at least I lack some understanding what exactly is the difference B-H and M-H curves.
I guess that counts for most of the readers here.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 15, 2010, 04:14:03 PM
Well, at least I lack some understanding what exactly is the difference B-H and M-H curves.
I guess that counts for most of the readers here.
The ferromagnetic hysteresis M-H loop shows the effect of the magnetic field on
inductance or magnetization. "M" is called the magnetization of the material. "H" is the magnetic field strength (Oe or A/m). "B" is the magnetic flux density or mag. induction (Gauss or Tesla).
Here's a good reference explaining and showing the differences in a PDF file,;sa=downfile&id=373 You're interested only in the first 6 pages of the pdf file. The rest of the file can be ignored, unless you want additional information that is more than likely outside of this topic. If you need more references, then please let me know.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 15, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
The ferromagnetic hysteresis M-H loop shows the effect of the magnetic field on inductance or magnetization. "M" is called the magnetization of the material. "H" is the magnetic field strength (Oe or A/m). "B" is the magnetic flux density or mag. induction (Gauss or Tesla).
Here's a good reference explaining and showing the differences in a PDF file,;sa=downfile&id=373 You're interested only in the first 6 pages of the pdf file. The rest of the file can be ignored, unless you want additional information that is more than likely outside of this topic. If you need more references, then please let me know.
Thanks GB.
I'll study those.
Quote from: happyfunball on February 15, 2010, 02:08:35 PM
Current draw is irrelevant? Isn't that what the meter is showing?
In the Orbo the current pulse is a square, at least according to Sean. Nearly all of the current pulse is therefore resistive (wire and transistor resistance). So indeed, the battery voltage is fixed, and the resistance is fixed. So I predict that the current draw in Naudin's setup will by a very small amount.
@paullowrance what was the metglas serial in your miniorbo? I have one type of non-sq & square.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 15, 2010, 06:09:01 PM
In the Orbo the current pulse is a square, at least according to Sean. Nearly all of the current pulse is therefore resistive (wire and transistor resistance). So indeed, the battery voltage is fixed, and the resistance is fixed. So I predict that the current draw in Naudin's setup will by a very small amount.
Seems plausible
Quote from: Jimboot on February 15, 2010, 11:27:04 PM
@paullowrance what was the metglas serial in your miniorbo? I have one type of non-sq & square.
It's P4AS04IG. The S means it's a square loop. An F would mean flat loop. Your P4AF001G is a flat loop. I have no idea what that L4AS01DU core is.
Quote from: lumen on February 15, 2010, 12:34:42 PM
The two directions would cancel out each other and act the same as with no magnets at all EXCEPT the permeability will have changed, lowering the inductance.
It is right that "the two directions cancel out each other". But you must say what is canceled!
It is wrong to think that moving each domain alignment is done at no price.
When you initialize the rotation of two contra-rotating wheels, the whole angular momentum of the sytem is null but you have to do work to do it. The angular momentum is canceled but energy is needed.
With lower inductance it will take less energy to saturate the core.
As the magnets move away, the inductance will increase and energy will be gained.
No. The energy density is B²/(2*mu). Mu is B dependant: when B decreases, mu increases (de-saturation), thus the energy density decreases. We guess what is going on: work is expended against the magnet movement, because it is attracted back by the ferrite core.
Although, the waiting for the magnets to move away will consume more energy than what can be gained.
Unless the approach by the magnets was slower and produced free energy longer and the retract was shorter and consumed less energy!
Work is not time depending. The energy used to move anything from point A at potential Pa, to point B at potential Pb, depends only on the potential difference (here a magnetic potential). It does not depend on the time to move it.
It is the saturation that changes here the potential at the TDC point, and this is done at the price of energy expenditure for changing the aligments in the magnetic domains as seen above.
How to make a magnetic levitation bearing out of common cube magnets:
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 16, 2010, 06:17:53 AM
It is right that "the two directions cancel out each other". But you must say what is canceled!
It is wrong to think that moving each domain alignment is done at no price.
When you initialize the rotation of two contra-rotating wheels, the whole angular momentum of the sytem is null but you have to do work to do it. The angular momentum is canceled but energy is needed.
No. The energy density is B²/(2*mu). Mu is B dependant: when B decreases, mu increases (de-saturation), thus the energy density decreases. We guess what is going on: work is expended against the magnet movement, because it is attracted back by the ferrite core.
Work is not time depending. The energy used to move anything from point A at potential Pa, to point B at potential Pb, depends only on the potential difference (here a magnetic potential). It does not depend on the time to move it.
It is the saturation that changes here the potential at the TDC point, and this is done at the price of energy expenditure for changing the aligments in the magnetic domains as seen above.
You are applying test book examples to each part of the system in an independent way.
The effects need to be calculated as they occur.
First, no work needs to be applied to cause the rotor to rotate as it attracts itself to the core.
At TDC of the core the attraction has reached it's closest point and has added it's maximum energy to the rotor.
The core domains are aligned along the core material traveling around each side equally as this is the best path of field conduction when setup correctly.
This means the core material is near saturation in both sides of the core with the domains aligned already in the direction the coil will align them and the other side 180 degrees from the direction the coil will align them.
The coil calculations at THIS time will only apply to half the core material because the other half is already aligned and already contains the energy potential.
Once the coil does the other HALF of the work, the core will be fully saturated and all domains will be aligned in a circular path around the core.
Form this point on energy is being expended preventing work so because it is the inverse of doing work, TIME is important and if the removal of the magnets was faster, would conserve energy.
Finally, after the magnets are removed, the core is still saturated and contains the calculated energy of the entire core.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 15, 2010, 04:39:55 PM
The ferromagnetic hysteresis M-H loop shows the effect of the magnetic field on inductance or magnetization. "M" is called the magnetization of the A. "H" is the magnetic field strength (Oe or A/m). "B" is the magnetic flux density or mag. induction (Gauss or Tesla).
Here's a good reference explaining and showing the differences in a PDF file,;sa=downfile&id=373 You're interested only in the first 6 pages of the pdf file. The rest of the file can be ignored, unless you want additional information that is more than likely outside of this topic. If you need more references, then please let me know.
Sorry GB but I simply have never seen a hysteresis loop like shown at the picture at page 6 of your PDF. "The B value does not saturate" - WTF ?! This is not what I've been tought at school. But maybe I have to go back and read my books again. Or throw them away and read yours.
Also I don't really understand the linear M-H loop part you are refering to in every post of yours. I've read the book as you've adviced. As I've understood it is, that M is just what is left on the tape - the level of tape's magnetisation (I think it's doesn't have any physical unit like B has). The idea about sticking to the linear part of M-H curve (by biasing) is just to have the linear relation between the recorded signal and the level of tape's magnetisation (relationship between the applied field and the stored field). Perfect. We have a way to record a tape (store magnetic field on it) in a way that it's reflecting in a linear way any data we want to store on it. But what for God's sake does it have to do with ORBO ???????? We don't want to store any data on our toroids ;] It's not meant to play music :) It's meant to do some work ;]
No offence, I just simply don't get it. You teach me -> I like you ;)
Regarding JLN's latest video.
Most of what is being discussed lately is far beyond my comprehension level - pretty new to electronics and magnetism.
I had a notion which might just be newbie crazy - but to create electrical current with a pickup coil, you require a changing magnetic field. We see with the Orbo, the toroids are pulsed so as to lessen their attraction to the approaching neo magnets. Isnt the same occurring in JLN's 2SGen experiment? While the flux of the coil is contained within the toroid - wouldn't this cause the flux lines of the neo to change as the attraction to the toroid changes? And it would be these changing flux lines of the neo magnet that are driving current through the pickup coil.
From my physics-lacking perspective, this is what I'm seeing. Am I remotely close to the mark?
Quote from: gravityblock on February 15, 2010, 04:39:55 PM;sa=downfile&id=373
To simplify, the MH curve represents the "internal" state of the material. The BH curve represents the magnetic field "external" to the material.
The part about saturation - When fully saturated, the internal state (M) of the material will not change any further, no matter how much you try. But what happens to the B field? Permeability will never drop below "1", so if a stronger magnetizing force is applied, some of that will still propogate outside the material, and the externally detectable B field will continue to increase, but slowly compared to presaturated levels.
Thanks! That's a good reference, Gravityblock.
Hope this helps.
Quote from: void109 on February 16, 2010, 11:42:50 AM
Regarding JLN's latest video.
Most of what is being discussed lately is far beyond my comprehension level - pretty new to electronics and magnetism.
I had a notion which might just be newbie crazy - but to create electrical current with a pickup coil, you require a changing magnetic field. We see with the Orbo, the toroids are pulsed so as to lessen their attraction to the approaching neo magnets. Isnt the same occurring in JLN's 2SGen experiment? While the flux of the coil is contained within the toroid - wouldn't this cause the flux lines of the neo to change as the attraction to the toroid changes? And it would be these changing flux lines of the neo magnet that are driving current through the pickup coil.
From my physics-lacking perspective, this is what I'm seeing. Am I remotely close to the mark?
It's really amazing how well it actually works. The toroid's core attracts the magnets field and causes a delay in the field passing through the pickup coil. Then when the toroid is energized, the magnets field takes a shorter route directly through the pickup coil.
I think a small capacitor along with the toroid coil to set up a resonant frequency, it would take an even smaller input to cause the output.
I must say though, I still don't like the idea of JLN trying to patent the toroidal winding process that I had described a month earlier! Shame on him.
It doesn't matter if any of this stuff is patented. A patent is USELESS. Anyone who patents any part is just spending money for no reason.
Let them waste time and money on their patents, it means absolutely NOTHING.
Quote from: lumen on February 16, 2010, 12:28:30 PM
I must say though, I still don't like the idea of JLN trying to patent the toroidal winding process that I had described a month earlier! Shame on him.
Lumen, if you are referring to JLN's report here: that is not his patent. It is a US Army patent. He just found it and brought it to our attention as possibly being important to understand when winding toroids. You, of course, have been telling us all about the same issue for quite some time before.
Quote from: mondrasek on February 16, 2010, 12:45:39 PM
Lumen, if you are referring to JLN's report here: that is not his patent. It is a US Army patent. He just found it and brought it to our attention as possibly being important to understand when winding toroids. You, of course, have been telling us all about the same issue for quite some time before.
So what you say is true!
I have been mistaken and owe JLN an apology.
Someone found this same problem a few years back.
Kinda makes me wonder what they were working on back then?
Quote from: gravityblock on February 14, 2010, 12:53:05 PM
If the field from the magnets sit on the linear portions of the M-H Curve of the core material when the pulse is applied, then the attraction force is not reduced while keeping the torque at it's , but the DC input energy will be reduced. How many times do I need to say what is in bold. I will say it as many times as necessary for this to sink in, if that is possible.
It sounds like you're describing how to make it more efficient which is great, and I think you're also explaining the need for the air gap between the magnet and rotor.
What the "linear" portion of the M-H curve show is that after a point, you're going to need a lot more energy to saturate that core to one polarity.
Or, conversely, you're going to need a lot more energy to de-saturate the core at first, so what if Orbo stayed at the horizontal asymptote of the curve? That would mean that the passing rotor still leaves a high amount of M in the core. Maybe the M level never drops much at all, and that might be the secret of Orbo.
I admire your persistence. But having the same M-H curve, for me, doesn't say that the cores and magnetic tapes. It just says that whoever made that module was looking at a similar graphic to the one in the other textbook. I've been told that the modules were made by SKDB members as a way to help out.
There's also one on there explaining basic atomic principles. Using your same logic you could be shouting up and down that Orbo relies on atoms for its power.
Most people in the public will want to buy a machine, not build it. Patents are good if you want to sell such machines to the people who has no interest in making one. I'm told that here in the USA if a company sells such a device without a patent, LOL, OMG, another company can patent it, legally claim it, prevent you from selling them, and sue the h*ll out of you if you don't stop.
Good grief, at least get a provisional patent for a single owner, which is like $100.
Steorn had no choice but to patent. They're a business. Sean means business, and he's made it very clear anyone who builds and sells their devices will be in court so fast.
btw, months ago I contacted Sean by email, and have made it very clear that I congratulate him, and that I have *ZERO* interest in copying their technology. Years ago I started my magnetic research, and over a year ended with a solid state magnetic switch using low magnetic viscosity Metlgas core and high magnetic viscosity steel, which I concluded will work if the losses were low enough, but the losses from electrical resistance would be far to high. So it was never built one.
My interest with the Orbo replication is to see if the mechanical version can self-run, thus overcoming such losses. If it self runs, then I'll go back to my solid-state magnetic research and keep working on it until I come up with a solid-state design that's efficient enough to self-run.
As always, and as stated too many times, I'll make such a design open-sourced, and for the people who do not want to build their own I'll build them and sell them, but those designs will be fancier and more advance. :)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 01:43:36 PM
Most people in the public will want to buy a machine, not build it. Patents are good if you want to sell such machines to the people who has no interest in making one. I'm told that here in the USA if a company sells such a device without a patent, LOL, OMG, another company can patent it, legally claim it, prevent you from selling them, and sue the h*ll out of you if you don't stop.
Good grief, at least get a provisional patent for a single owner, which is like $100.
Steorn had no choice but to patent. They're a business. Sean means business, and he's made it very clear anyone who builds and sells their devices will be in court so fast.
This is incorrect. In the US ONLY the inventor can patent a device so if I make one and sell it no one else can defend a patent that they MIGHT be able to obtain on my device. This is for 2 reasons. First, they did not invent it and second, it has been made known to the general public by my advertising and selling them so once exposed to the general public, it is not patentable by me or ANYONE.
I am not a patent attorney and therefore do not give patent advice. I have been all through this a number of years ago and I prevailed when challenged by someone (very large corporation) that obtained a patent on our invention.
They attempted a cease and desist but ended up having their patent on our invention made null and void for the 2 reasons I mentioned above.
So why do people keep patent things if it's the way you say it is ? Would you patent your OU device if you had one ?
I don't think I understand your question?
Why do people patent things if it is the way I say it is?
They patent them to protect their device from other making it and selling it for profit. This has nothing to do with what I was posting about.
Paul was saying that if he sold a device that was not patented, that here in the US someone else THAT DID NOT INVENT the device could patent it and stop him from selling it. That was the point of my post to explain that this was incorrect information.
You have to be the original inventor of the device AND it can not have been disclosed to the general public. (there is a time period for this which I think is 1 year)
So, you could invent a device, start selling it and get a patent on it...or not. If you didn't, I might be able to buy your device but I should not be able to patent it. EVEN if I did somehow manage to get a patent, which does sometimes happen as I mention before in my case, once I told you to quit selling your device and you found out about my bogus patent, it is a simple matter to get the patent deemed null and void as I was not the original inventor.
Does this make better sense now? This was in response to the scenario that Paul had described.
No, I would not patent any of my energy devices for many reasons. Most of them are based upon Tesla or Stubblefield's work anyway but the main reason is based upon what my patent attorney from years ago told me. He said that if I were to obtain a patent, first, all of my drawings and schematics would now be published for all to see along with instructions on how the device works. Second, part of the patent law dictates that you must vigorously defend your patent against any and ALL violators. This means if General electric (just for example) jumped your patent, you would have to defend it or it is considered surrendered.
Fine, right? Except, that even back then, the average cost of a patent defense lawsuit cost over a million dollars and I am sure it is higher now. So what if 10 companies jump your patent but you can only afford to defend against one of them? You just surrendered your patent rights.
Plus, unlike Paul, and some others, I am here for the open source which I believe in. I will not be selling any devices to any one. That is what this site is supposed to be about.
Thanks a lot. That was very insightful. I hope all the friends with their working gravitational, spinning or solid-state etc. OU machines read this carefully, understand it well and drop all that unnecessary secrecy and games. Their inevitable remuneration will come about in a different way, other than through wasting money and efforts for patents. Research in this field (the field of OU devices) has to stay open source which is its very essence, to begin with.
One open sources their work by protecting it with a patent. Forums, blogs, and wikies used to hold weight in the court of law, but no longer. I provided the references for this some time ago. That includes a provisional patent. There are a lot of companies that qualify as prior-art for a provisional patent.
I would be very cautious of anyone who tells you not to get a patent.
You nailed it Pirate, if an OU device is built, there is NO reason to patent it, because every company in the world will want to build them, and there is no way anyone can afford to defend a patent against that. Patents are just money wasted.
Spend the money/time on the research, and development, NOT patents.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 16, 2010, 11:13:06 AM
Perfect. We have a way to record a tape (store magnetic field on it) in a way that it's reflecting in a linear way any data we want to store on it. But what for God's sake does it have to do with ORBO ???????? We don't want to store any data on our toroids ;] It's not meant to play music :) It's meant to do some work ;]
No offence, I just simply don't get it. You teach me -> I like you ;)
Below is a quote from a book on magnetic tape drives on page 104,, it may be noted that the reading process in a recorder, is in every way, analogous to the process occurring in any other electrical generator or dynamo where permanent magnets move past a pole structure bearing output coils. It follows that the same consideration of the recoil energy available within the M-H loops, which are used in discussing the maximum power output of generators apply equally well to magnetic recording.
Likewise, the recording process is analogous to the process occurring in an electrical motor, such as the Orbo. As you can see, it has everything to do with the Orbo. The Orbo may be using both the read and recording process of a tape drive along with demagnetizing during the interactions between the dual magnets and the toroid.
A tape drive is recording and playing back the fluctuations of the magnetic field due to the sound on the recording tape. In the Orbo, the fluctuations of the magnetic field is due to the dual magnets approaching and departing from TDC and it also affects the magnetization of the core material just like the sound.
Sean said, "it's not an engineering problem, but a problem with the tape drives". If we know what the problem is with the tape drives, then we can re-engineer the tape drives so there are no problems. The Orbo is a re-engineered tape drive based on controlling the M-H position of the materials so that the magnetic interactions are time variant which allows you to control the response time of the magnetic materials (magnetic viscosity). If you can't find a connection between the tape drives and the Orbo, then the words escape me to show you otherwise.
Properly documenting is the first step to protecting IP. This forum does *not* qualify as prior art. Why doesn't anyone here tell you that.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 04:51:15 PM
One open sources their work by protecting it with a patent. Forums, blogs, and wikies used to hold weight in the court of law, but no longer. I provided the references for this some time ago. That includes a provisional patent. There are a lot of companies that qualify as prior-art for a provisional patent.
I would be very cautious of anyone who tells you not to get a patent.
Paul, there is no person or company that exists in the world that could EVER defend a patent on a working/marketable free energy device.
The amount of money required to defend against the MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of patent infringements would make the U/S bail out money look like pocket change.
I don't know how much money you have, maybe you could afford to defend the first infringement for a million or two, but what about all the rest?
Patents are fine if the invention is really only something that a limited few companies would be interested in, such as a new latch system on a garbage bin, or a new kind of stapler.
There is no way to stop the immense rush of companies that would be building "your" ou device. Patent = time and money lost.
Quote from: freeorbo on February 16, 2010, 01:43:34 PM
I admire your persistence. But having the same M-H curve, for me, doesn't say that the cores and magnetic tapes. It just says that whoever made that module was looking at a similar graphic to the one in the other textbook.
You are correct. The M-H loops shown by Steorn and the magnetic recording tape is a textbook example only. This doesn't change the fact that the Orbo effect is based on controlling the M-H position of the materials during their interaction. I have said many times that this does not mean the core materials must be a recording tape. Read my next post. I will talk about returning the core material back to it's virginal state where both the "M" and the "H" are 0. I will also talk about resonance of the system.
Quote from: dirt diggler on February 16, 2010, 05:29:00 PM
Paul, there is no person or company that exists in the world that could EVER defend a patent on a working/marketable free energy device.
The amount of money required to defend against the MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of patent infringements would make the U/S bail out money look like pocket change. I don't know how much money you have, maybe you could afford to defend the first infringement for a million or two, but what about all the rest?
Don't tell that to Steorn. Anyhow, if you have a good case then a lawyer doesn't need your money. I know several people who didn't have a dime, but a lawyer took their case. A patent makes a good case.
Quote from: dirt diggler on February 16, 2010, 05:29:00 PMPatent = time and money lost.
A provisional patent would cost me ~ $100, and lasts a year, which should be far long enough for the company to get started.
Posting their inventions at this forum holds no weight in the modern court. Those days are gone. WikiPedia used to hold weight, but not any longer. There are a lot of companies that specialize in *properly* publishing prior-art that's far less than $200.
Furthermore, wealthy patent vultures can indeed take some machine posted at this forum and patent it, and you just lost it. These days it takes a lot of evidence to prove it's yours, such as from a lot of sales.
You people can do whatever you want. The few poor innocent legit researchers at this forum listening to you guys, and they'll lose control over the invention.
Myself, I'll *NEVER* let thugs trick me! As stated for years, I'll get the documention ready to do a quick prior-art publishing at a 3rd party company, but will not click the send button just yet. Before doing so, I'll spend ~ 10 hours handing out fliers that contains all of the exact details & part numbers for people to build it to help get it open-sourced while demonstrating the device to people. Then I'll quickly submit to hundreds of forums, and send out to a large email list. Then I'll come back home and click the submit button to quickly submit my prior art to the 3rd party company (~ $100 to $150).
Here's how I think the M-H positions are being controlled in the materials. Anyone who skips this long post will lose valuable information even if it's not 100% correct. If you follow the M-H Loop, you will notice the core material never reaches a value where both the M and the H are 0. We don't want this. We want both the M and the H to be 0 after the interactions and put the core material back into its virginal untouched state.
The dotted lines in the M-H Loops represent this virginal state. This is the very reason why the Orbo will operate in the same direction when the polarity of the battery is reversed without having to change the timing, because the material is always left in it's virginal state after the interactions.
Reversing the battery polarity reverses the direction it is following in the M-H Loop, but it always returns to it's virginal state so when you reverse the battery polarity again, it starts at this virginal state and follows in the opposite direction in the M-H Loop while being left in it's virginal state for the next interaction without needing to change the timing.
The "H" is proportional to the current and "B" is proportional to the integral of voltage across an unloaded inductance model. So "B" is a function of the current. In a linear core or in that region where the core is linear, then it is related by a constant. In the region where the core material is nonlinear, then the core effective permeability is a function of current but not a linear one. If we're working with the linear portions of the core, the "B" will be proportional to the voltage. This means the voltage and current must be proportional to each other based on a constant (resonance) if we're going to stay on the same linear positions of the M-H Loop. Reference material for this,
According to the above paragraph and reference material, I have a feeling that the voltage and the current must be proportional to each other based on a constant. Example, 12 volts @ 1000mA may be proportional to 1.2 volts @ 100mA. The ratio between the voltage and current is 10 in this case, so the constant is 10. The next higher resonance is 120 volts at 10 amps in order to stay on the linear portions of the M-H Curve to return the material back to it's virginal untouched state. Anyone following me on this? This may be the reason for the 1.2 volt battery in the live demo, because a 12 volt battery @ 1000mA or 120V @ 10A are the next resonances in order for the voltage and current to operate on the same linear portions of the core material, and with that size of a battery, it would be really unbelievable.
The gap between the dual magnets and the toroid will determine which resonance you are on. At 120V, the gap is very small while with 12 volts the gap is large and with 1.2 volts will have even a larger gap (Note, there is a limit in the upper and lower resonances that can be reached in any particular system and having a smaller constant means having more resonances a particular system can operate at). You will notice in the SKDB presentation, it talks about resonance and I believe this is what it is referring to in this case.
I gave an example to how I think the M-H positions of the material is being controlled. Is it correct? I don't know, but it makes a lot of sense to me at the moment. If this isn't totally correct, then it's pretty close IMO.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 05:57:08 PM
You people can do whatever you want. The few poor innocent legit researchers at this forum listening to you guys, and they'll lose control over the invention.
Myself, I'll *NEVER* let thugs trick me! As stated for years, I'll get the documention ready to do a quick prior-art publishing at a 3rd party company, but will not click the send button just yet. Before doing so, I'll spend ~ 10 hours handing out fliers that contains all of the exact details & part numbers for people to build it to help get it open-sourced while demonstrating the device to people. Then I'll quickly submit to hundreds of forums, and send out to a large email list. Then I'll come back home and click the submit button to quickly submit my prior art to the 3rd party company (~ $100 to $150).
The only reason you keep throwing around legal terms like "prior art" is because, as you have said, you are going to apply for a patent. Applying for a patent and OPEN SOURCE do not even come close to being the same thing, as you claim.
ANY exposure to the "general public" would protect someone from having their device patented by someone else. This disclosure can come from sales or just having many world-wide replications.
So, go ahead, learn everything you can here from other folks and then run off to patent "your" device.
You once again are admitting to what you keep claiming I am lying about.
I said you were going to find an FE device, run off and patent it so you could sell it. So, there it is.
That is why I continually ask you what are you doing on an open source site?
If you do build a device and patent it, I hope you do sell it, I really don't care. I just hope you share your profits with all of the good folks here that taught you how to build one.
I am not holding my breath on that one.
PS Do some research on Patent law in the US before you accuse folks here of conspiring to convince others not to get a patent. Not everyone works for Big Oil as you seem to think.
This will be posted when Pirate88179 replies soon after my post, as he follows me around telling lies:
Pirate88179 is on my blocked list because he's deceitful & blatant liar. I'm told that he gets a sick enjoyment from replying to my posts telling out right lies when he knows I don't see his posts because he's on my blocked list, and that's the way I want it. I will not dwell long on a sick Soul. So I don't see his posts, unless someone alerts me. He copies a partial sentence from my website to twist to truth because anyone who reads the full sentence will know Pirate88179 is lying. My public statement was published from the start that my designs are open-source. He tries to get people to think I'm here to ripoff information, when the opposite is the truth, as I'm here to give information. In nearly every case I'm the one that's giving, and not learning much at this forum. It is so obvious what is happening here. BTW, I'll do a background check exchange with any suspicious person such as username "Pirate88179." So far he will not do it.
There is a thread on "Open Sourcing Vs. Patenting",
Please divert your comments on Open Sourcing or Patenting to the appropriate thread.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 05:13:52 PM
Properly documenting is the first step to protecting IP. This forum does *not* qualify as prior art. Why doesn't anyone here tell you that.
This is funny. Paul is saying that the only way to preserve open source is to patent something?
This makes no sense at all for good reason.
I will post here again, if I have to, the screen shots of his site where he says he will look around for an FE device and when he finds it, he will sell it.
He has already said he was going to do this, otherwise, why would he worry about "prior art"?
He just said he is not learning anything from anyone here. He also says he will patent any device he makes.
So, once again, Paul, why are you here on a free OPEN SOURCE forum? (He will never answer this question)
I agree with GB that this topic is covered elsewhere but I wanted to set the record straight with this guy. I have given him my real name a number of times but yet he "claims" I am hiding behind my OU screen name.
I do background investigations for a living and, well, Paul does not want me to post my findings here. Not that he has anything to hide, except, his website does not reflect the real owner's address. I wonder why that is?
There is another possibility. Instead of returning the core material to it's virginal state, the linear portion could be between the saturation magnetization (Ms) and the reminent magnetization (Mr) on the M-H Loop of the material.
OC or anyone, please let me know if the near linear curve is from it's virginal state to the saturation magnetization or from the reminent magnetization to the saturation magnetization. This has to do with the voltage ("B"), current ("H"), and the constant during this linear curve of the core material which determines the proportionality between the voltage and current in order to find the resonance of the system.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 16, 2010, 09:57:45 PM
There is another possibility. Instead of returning the core material to it's virginal state, the linear portion could be between the saturation magnetization (Ms) and the reminent magnetization (Mr) on the M-H Loop of the material.
Someone's finally paying attention. Now I'm not a member of the SKDB and have absolutely no inside knowledge. And I don't have the resources to test it myself. This is only coming from funny images flickering in my head. But even after a lot of research, I don't see why a minor loop between remanence and saturation wouldn't be ideal WRT to minimizing input energy costs, maximizing saturation, and maximizing any possible gains from the flyback.
There are some issues to watch out for. The DC input power must always be the same polarity and the flyback diode must prevent any reverse current in order to retain a maximum remanent magnetization. I also think each pair of rotor magnets should have the same orientation, but I'm not absolutely certain of this.
I've also mentioned some other factors that may come into play. I'm willing to give them some more attention whenever anyone is ready to listen to my rants.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 12:48:55 AM
It's P4AS04IG. The S means it's a square loop. An F would mean flat loop. Your P4AF001G is a flat loop. I have no idea what that L4AS01DU core is.
Thanks! Nor do I but I'm looking forward to finding out. I won't be disappointed now if I can't replicate your results :)
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 01:43:36 PM
Most people in the public will want to buy a machine, not build it. Patents are good if you want to sell such machines to the people who has no interest in making one. I'm told that here in the USA if a company sells such a device without a patent, LOL, OMG, another company can patent it, legally claim it, prevent you from selling them, and sue the h*ll out of you if you don't stop.
Good grief, at least get a provisional patent for a single owner, which is like $100.
Steorn had no choice but to patent. They're a business. Sean means business, and he's made it very clear anyone who builds and sells their devices will be in court so fast.
This says it all.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 14, 2010, 02:49:03 PM
LOL, the problem at this forum is either a lack of mental power or paid posters. I keep telling you ding dongs that nearly all of the work that goes into the Orbo toroid core is when it's well into the saturation curve. Example, from say 95% saturated to 97% saturated. The core is nearly completely flat in the saturation curve. If you don't believe me then look at an Ising plot. Hello? Anyone home?
I'm not spending much time on you people anymore. By all means dwell in your silly and obvious disinformation acts. Paid posters IMO because the odds of nearly everyone in a thread being so dense is highly unlikely.
If you think I'm wrong about the energy coming back from the core then put your $ where your mouth is. Anytime.
Geez, doesn't anyone in this thread understand fundamental magnetic theory? (http://Smileys/default/grin.gif (http://smileys/default/grin.gif)) Again, this based on fundamental magnetic theory & a lot of experiments that I've seen countless times.
Like I've said for years, no offense Stefan, but this forum would be the LAST forum in the world I would post the Smoking Gun, a self-runner, for obvious reasons. Anyone who does not know the reasons, please contact me in private.
Paul gets mad when I quote him but these are his words. Be very careful what info you share with him. His method is to take and not give. Which is fine as long as everyone knows about it. He is a very intelligent fellow to be sure. But, he will take from this site what he can and run to the patent office.
Quote from: 0c on February 16, 2010, 10:39:27 PM
Someone's finally paying attention. Now I'm not a member of the SKDB and have absolutely no inside knowledge. And I don't have the resources to test it myself. This is only coming from funny images flickering in my head. But even after a lot of research, I don't see why a minor loop between remanence and saturation wouldn't be ideal WRT to minimizing input energy costs, maximizing saturation, and maximizing any possible gains from the flyback.
There are some issues to watch out for. The DC input power must always be the same polarity and the flyback diode must prevent any reverse current in order to retain a maximum remanent magnetization. I also think each pair of rotor magnets should have the same orientation, but I'm not absolutely certain of this.
I've also mentioned some other factors that may come into play. I'm willing to give them some more attention whenever anyone is ready to listen to my rants.
I'll be honest, at this very moment my mind is split between the Minor Loop and returning the material back to it's virginal state. I see the possible potential in both. The Minor Loop has the advantages of everything you've just mentioned and I'm in agreement with your analysis.
I'm willing to listen to you rant about giving some of the other factors that may come into play, more attention. I always try to pay attention, but I may not always comprehend immediately. I'm a slow learner and it takes me time to digest this stuff. I just hope I'm digesting it correctly.
@AirStriker: I can't teach you what I don't know. We'll have to learn this stuff together and we'll make mistakes along the way. As long as we can learn from our mistakes and make the needed corrections as we move forward, we'll be alright. We're going to do this and we're going to do this together. The "we", is referring to everybody here. The day we stop learning, is the day we die. I'm very much alive, because I'm always learning from everybody here, including you. Thanks to all. If I don't learn it today, then I may learn it next week.
Einstein said, "If you study something for one hour every day, you'll be an expert on that subject within a year". If this was the case, then I should have been an expert on this a long time ago, because I spend nearly every waking moment on this stuff. Actually I started studying the Orbo back in December, so it's only been around 3 months for 24 hrs a day, lol (Look at my stats. It shows my posting activity by time and you will see it is 24 hrs a day,;area=statistics;u=16774 ). Like I said, I'm a slow learner. My thoughts are haunted and Cuttingedge2005 knows what I'm talking about.
GB... If you dont saturate the core, ORBO will not work. So you cannot stick to the linear part of M-H curve as it doesn't lead to saturation. We don't want saturation on magnetic tapes but we do want it on ORBO' core. If you don't have saturation in ORBO the rotor will stop right next to the core.
After all I think 0c might be right that going between remanence point and saturation point would be best (yes it's linear in Metglas for example). And that would indeed explain quite a big gap between rotor's magnets and core. In such case the magnets should be positioned in a way, that they (magnets) alone will not fully saturate the core and also in a way, that only very little electric power is needed to make it go into full saturation mode. Once again precision needed.
Fabulous business model you have for planet Earth!
Seeing all the "Moths" that have been drawn to the "FLAMES" of the US Patent office [and other incinerators around the world].
It will be nice to see someone "share" without all the "FLAMES" [a paradox].
I think its up to 6000 incinerated patents??
But you are a pretty fart smeller!
If nothing changes "nothing changes"
Here is an interesting discription of the operation of the old toroidal compasses they used to make before the new semiconductor sensors took over.
From the patent:
In accordance with well known flux gate principles, when an AC current, or a pulsed DC current, is applied to the exciter winding via its input terminals 33 and 35, a varying magnetic field is created in the core 11. When a magnetic core is thusly excited into saturation and placed in a magnetic field, such as the earth's magnetic field, the magnetic components of that field vary the voltage across the sense windings. More specifically, as the core moves into and out of saturation the intensity of the earth's magnetic field passing through the core changes. This change varies the voltage across the sensing windings. The variation in voltage can be analyzed in accordance with standard vector analysis techniques to determine the direction of the magnetic field within which the core has been placed, with respect to the legs of the core. In this manner, the voltages generated across the sense windings provide information related to the direction of the magnetic field within which the core, and associated windings, have been placed.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 04:30:09 AM
GB... If you dont saturate the core, ORBO will not work. So you cannot stick to the linear part of M-H curve as it doesn't lead to saturation. We don't want saturation on magnetic tapes but we do want it on ORBO' core. If you don't have saturation in ORBO the rotor will stop right next to the core.
After all I think 0c might be right that going between remanence point and saturation point would be best (yes it's linear in Metglas for example). And that would indeed explain quite a big gap between rotor's magnets and core. In such case the magnets should be positioned in a way, that they (magnets) alone will not fully saturate the core and also in a way, that only very little electric power is needed to make it go into full saturation mode. Once again precision needed.
When a core material is driven deep into the saturation region, the 'flat' upper and lower portions of the curve as shown in the below image, the incremental inductance approaches that of an air core inductor. Essentially all of the magnetic domains present in the material have been aligned with the magnetic field.
About the origin, in the somewhat
steep and linear regions of the curve (L1 and L2 in the image below), there are large numbers of unaligned magnetic domains at any point, and
an increase in H (current) will cause a correspondingly linear increase in the number of aligned magnetic domains. This is the reason for the fast rise time in current for the Orbo. Remember "H" is proportional to the current and "B" is proportional to the voltage related by a constant on the linear portions? This means our voltage and current will remain steady, and this is what has been shown in the Orbo. This also has to do with the Resonance of the system and the gap between the dual magnets and toroid.
Between these two regions is a transition region. In this portion of the curve, which can be relatively large dependent on the material, the number of unaligned magnetic regions is becoming smaller, and the B-H curve flattens. As you can see, the steep linear regions do lead to saturation according to the material. This region, dependent on the core material, can be rather small or even quite large.
Below is a sketch of a lossless B-H curve. This drawing shows a curve of a hypothetical lossless, saturating core. Such a B-H loop approximates the midpoints of a curve for a material such as a ferrite, which can have a 'skinny' B-H loop, representing little core loss. The 'flat' top portion can represent an extended transition region, or an air-core,
fully saturated region of operation, again dependent on the material.
As you can see, the steep linear portions do lead to saturation in certain materials. When the gap between the dual magnets and toroid are larger, then you will need less domains aligned and won't need to be on the "flat" top or bottom portions of the "fully saturated" regions. The closer the dual magnets are to the toroid, the further you need to be into the saturated regions. The Orbo is sitting at it's highest point of this steep linear curve.
B is proportional to the
integral of voltage across an unloaded inductance model on the nonlinear portions and
B is proportional to the voltage related by a constant on the linear portions, while H is proportional to the current through the device. e = n * (dphi/dt)
B = (µ0 * µr) * H, and H is proportional to current, so why is not B proportional to current? Well, it is a function of current,
so in a linear core or in that region where the core is linear, then it is related by a constant. In the region where the core material is nonlinear, then the core effective permeability is a function of current but not a linear one.
[Edit:] The "flat" portions representing the fully saturated regions is nonlinear in respect to B, which means it is related by an integral and not related by a constant. This means going from M
r to M
s, "B" will be related by an integral and not by a constant, which I think means the current won't have a fast rise time and the voltage/current won't remain steady under load. Maybe it depends on if the material is a square loop core or not, in regards to which method to use. Maybe OC can give us some insight into this. Like I said, I see potential in both methods and my mind is split between the two.
Quote from: Pirate88179 on February 16, 2010, 09:10:04 PM
I will post here again, if I have to, the screen shots of his site where he says he will look around for an FE device and when he finds it, he will sell it.
It's a good thing I have good friends online who alert me when you are lying. Man, you are one massive liar. I challenge you, shows these people a screen shot!
Notice how he does not show my quotes.
Bye bye, ;D
Quote from: lumen on February 16, 2010, 10:11:32 AM
You are applying test book examples to each part of the system in an independent way.
I'm applying laws of physics.
The effects need to be calculated as they occur.
The problem is not to calculate. It is to know how to calculate.
First, no work needs to be applied to cause the rotor to rotate as it attracts itself to the core.
You don't understand what is work. A magnet far from a ferromagnetic material has a high magnetic potential energy relative to the material, and when it approaches, it loses it.
Naturally there is a work done to attract the magnet, at the expense of the potential energy. It is the same thing than a weight falling in the gravitational potential: the magnet "falls" onto the ferromagnetic material, it gains kinetic energy while loosing magnetic potential energy. All these movements are based on the same principle: to reduce the whole energetical state of the system. It is related to the Maupertuis's principle and to the principle of least action.
The core domains are aligned along the core material traveling around each side equally...
Too many approximations !
The main one is the direction of the magnet flux. Steorn is using 2 magnets side by side with opposed poles facing. Their flux linked one another in a vertical plane. Thus the flux from the coil is globally perpendicular to that from the magnets, no matter the half core in question.
TIME is important and if the removal of the magnets was faster, would conserve energy.
No sense.
Quote from: PaulLowrance on February 16, 2010, 01:53:37 PM
...My interest with the Orbo replication is to see if the mechanical version can self-run, thus overcoming such losses. If it self runs...
The Steorn claim is only based on the joule losses because Steorn substracts them from the total energy to calculate the useful energy.
Thus if Steorn over-estimates the Joule losses, his motor is not OU.
Steorn presumes that R*I² is the Joule losses, where R is only the coil resistance, and every one accepts it as evidence. But it would be true only if there was no resistance in parallel with the coil.
As the coil current works in aligning the electron spins against the magnet field, this work should be viewed by the generator as a supplementary resistance in which current is wasted (because from a voltage generator, all consumed energy is viewed as a current in a resistance).
I confess that I did not yet succeed in putting this equivalent resistance in the equations of the coil circuit but we must keep this hypothesis or explain in a different way how is done the work for spin alignement. Naturally I would prefer to be wrong and that a self-running motor proves it.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 04:30:09 AM
In such case the magnets should be positioned in a way, that they (magnets) alone will not fully saturate the core and also in a way, that only very little electric power is needed to make it go into full saturation mode. Once again precision needed.
Why wouldn't you want the magnets to completely saturate the core? Think about it a bit. When the magnets saturate the core, the core becomes a magnet and its external B field is oriented for maximum attraction to the magnets, thus providing maximum torque. Under this condition, the main purpose of the coil is to "rotate" the domain alignment so there is little or no "external" field to interfere with the magnet departure.
You wouldn't want the magnetic field to be more than what's needed to saturate because there would be unnecessary resistance for the coil to overcome, when rotating the B field. But magnetization all the way up to saturation should be fine and the closer to full saturation, the better (according to these funky images in my head).
Saturation gives you:
1) More torque
2) Increased inductive return from the flyback spike
If there is a resistance in parallel with the coil and Steorn are only considering the resistance R of the coil when subtracting I^2R from the input IV then they are underestimating their OU effect. In such a case the OU effect would be higher than the one they claim.
The problem Steorn have is that they are too much ahead of everybody, especially with regard to measurement techniques and manufacturing of the device which prevents anyone from independently confirming their findings. So far there hasn't been a single attempt to replicate properly their claim. Just producing spinning pulse motors without the sophisticated measurements Steorn are presenting is no replication whatsoever. Because of lack of replicators up to the task the several on duty zealous activists, surrounded by a group of opportunistic sycophants, are having a ball which will not last long.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 17, 2010, 11:34:05 AM
The Steorn claim is only based on the joule losses because Steorn substracts them from the total energy to calculate the useful energy.
Thus if Steorn over-estimates the Joule losses, his motor is not OU.
Steorn presumes that R*I² is the Joule losses, where R is only the coil resistance, and every one accepts it as evidence. But it would be true only if there was no resistance in parallel with the coil.
As the coil current works in aligning the electron spins against the magnet field, this work should be viewed by the generator as a supplementary resistance in which current is wasted (because from a voltage generator, all consumed energy is viewed as a current in a resistance).
I confess that I did not yet succeed in putting this equivalent resistance in the equations of the coil circuit but we must keep this hypothesis or explain in a different way how is done the work for spin alignement. Naturally I would prefer to be wrong and that a self-running motor proves it.
Your response was so calculateable, I could have filled out your reply myself.
The problem is not in your calculations, It's your viewpoint of the calculations.
Use your ability to find how it could work, not why it can't!
Everyone already knows why it can't work!
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
About the origin, in the somewhat steep and linear regions of the curve (L1 and L2 in the image below), there are large numbers of unaligned magnetic domains at any point, and an increase in H (current) will cause a correspondingly linear increase in the number of aligned magnetic domains.
Agreed. The effort required to flip and align the domains is the most difficult part and is responsible for most of the inductive current rise delay when the pulse is initially applied. Rotation once the domains have been aligned with each other is relatively inexpensive.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
This is the reason for the fast rise time in current for the Orbo.
I disagree. This is the primary reason for the initial delay before the sharp rise in current for the Orbo. Some of the factors I have been mentioning do not seem to be incorporated in Orbo, remanence is one. That inductive delay at the beginning of the pulse indicates to me that Orbo's cores have very little remanence and require more effort to realign the domains with each other at the beginning of each cycle.
It is possible that Steorn has deliberately sacrificed some of the efficiency remanence might contribute in order to leverage some other material property (like magnetic viscosity). It's also possible they have simply overlooked it.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
... "B" is proportional to the voltage related by a constant on the linear portions?
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
Between these two regions is a transition region. In this portion of the curve, which can be relatively large dependent on the material, the number of unaligned magnetic regions is becoming smaller, and the B-H curve flattens. As you can see, the steep linear regions do lead to saturation according to the material. This region, dependent on the core material, can be rather small or even quite large.
Not "wrong" but doesn't really sound quite right either. Let's call that "transition region" the "knee". Below the knee, the primary effect is domain alignment. Above the knee, the primary effect is rotation. The transition region itself is varying degrees of both.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
The Orbo is sitting at it's highest point of this steep linear curve.
I'm afraid I don't see it this way. I think Orbo is straddling the permeability curve, leaning a bit towards the saturated side. Remember their first measurement of inductance? The change was only from about 960 to 990 mH. That's not a massive change like they got in their supplementary demo with the A and large magnet in direct contact. I think greater gains in torque and inductive return can be had if better use can be made of the saturated side of that permeability curve.
See Figure 3.11:
(I wish I could find a "permeability vs. saturation" graph like this for Metglas or Finemet.)
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 09:37:58 AM
[Edit:] The "flat" portions representing the fully saturated regions is nonlinear in respect to B, which means it is related by an integral and not related by a constant. This means going from Mr to Ms, "B" will be related by an integral and not by a constant, which I think means the current won't have a fast rise time and the voltage/current won't remain steady under load.
I'm afraid the math is out of my reach. I'll leave that to those more capable than me. I just have "visions".
Hope this makes sense.
I seem to always think of remanence as a bad thing. I can see no way it could play in as a benefit.
The last condition the core would be left in would be a circular path that was generated to ignore all external fields.
The next approaching rotor magnet will have no attraction until some core domains start flipping so the remanence at this point could be of no real help.
By the time the rotor reaches TDC, any remanence of the previous cycle will be totally gone so it will not exist before the coil is again energized.
Unless I'm missing something in there?
Quote from: lumen on February 17, 2010, 01:53:52 PM
I seem to always think of remanence as a bad thing. I can see no way it could play in as a benefit.
If it was an AC application or if here were alternating magnetic fields, you would be correct.
Quote from: lumen on February 17, 2010, 01:53:52 PM
The last condition the core would be left in would be a circular path that was generated to ignore all external fields.
Not true. The last state of the core is when the coil is deenergized. When that happens, the core returns to its remanent state which, if you look at one of the permeability vs. saturation references I provided, you will see is actually close to
maximum permeability and maximum attractive force. In remanence, the domains in the core are already mostly aligned with each other and will rotate easily, reorienting to present an external field to attract the magnet even better as the magnet approaches.
Quote from: lumen on February 17, 2010, 01:53:52 PM
The next approaching rotor magnet will have no attraction until some core domains start flipping so the remanence at this point could be of no real help.
The domains don't "flip", they just "rotate". Get a document on Barkhausen Noise. The noise occurs during domain growth and alignment (flipping), the steep vertical portion of the BH curve. This is the hardest part of the magnetization process. Subsequent rotation (without much noise) is easy in comparison. The saturation flux density (B field) is not easily increased above the knee, but the polarity can easily be rotated up to about 90 degrees or so, possibly more.
Quote from: lumen on February 17, 2010, 01:53:52 PM
By the time the rotor reaches TDC, any remanence of the previous cycle will be totally gone so it will not exist before the coil is again energized.
Not true. The domain alignment remains and all that's required is rotating prealigned domains by about 90 degrees.
1) Four axially magnetized rod magnets, say about 1/4" dia x 1/2" long
2) One larger magnet, say 1" dia x 1" long
3) Lid from a pickle or mayonnaise jar
4) Large round plastic or cardboard container (Quaker Oats container works good)
Take the 4 small magnets and arrange them on the lid near one edge so they form a square with N end of each connected to S pole of the next (similar to the natural domain orientation of unmagnetized material).
Set the jar lid with magnets in the bottom of the oats container and using the large magnet try to get all the magnets to rotate so they are oriented in parallel and have the same pole facing the large external magnet.
Now take the jar lid and rearrange the rod magnets so they are all as parallel as you can get them with same poles facing the same direction. Stick the lid and magnets back into the oats container and use the large external magnet to get the jar lid and magnets to all align with the same pole facing the external magnet. Now move the external magnet around the outside of the container and see how easy it is for the rod magnets to follow it and maintain their relationship with each other and the external magnet.
I know it's a pretty crude experiment, but hopefully it'll give you a better feel for what I'm saying.
Have fun!
Another way to see what I said above is to just take the 1st quadrant of the BH curve for the material in question. Draw a minor loop from zero B out to Bsat. Draw another minor loop from Br out to Bsat. Which loop is smaller? Which one requires the most work?
Quote from: gravityblock on Today at 08:37:58 AM
This is the reason for the fast rise time in current for the Orbo.
Quote from OC in response:
I disagree. This is the primary reason for the initial delay before the sharp rise in current for the Orbo. Some of the factors I have been mentioning do not seem to be incorporated in Orbo, remanence is one. That inductive delay at the beginning of the pulse indicates to me that Orbo's cores have very little remanence and require more effort to realign the domains with each other at the beginning of each cycle.
It is possible that Steorn has deliberately sacrificed some of the efficiency remanence might contribute in order to leverage some other material property (like magnetic viscosity). It's also possible they have simply overlooked it.
My Response: The reason why it appears to have very little remanence is because the core material is returned to its virginal state. There is an easy axis and a hard axis. It requires less energy to align the domains along the easy axis than the hard axis. From Mr to Ms, "B" and "H" are related to the voltage and current by an integral. This means, the deeper you get into the flat saturation portions, the harder it is to continue aligning the domains, which means your voltage and current requirements go up by an integral the deeper into the saturation curve you go. This is the hard axis.
On the linear portions of the curve, "B" and "H" are proportional to the voltage and current by a constant. This means the voltage and the current remains constant and doesn't require additional energy the deeper into the linear portions you go. This is the easy axis.
Quote from: gravityblock on Today at 08:37:58 AM
... "B" is proportional to the voltage related by a constant on the linear portions?
Quote from OC in response:
My Response:
The 4th and 5th paragraphs below the second image of the page, , you will find how "B" is related to the voltage by a constant and "H" is proportional to the current when you're on the linear portions of the curve. The flat portions representing the saturation area is not linear or related by a constant but is related by an integral.
Quote from: gravityblock on Today at 08:37:58 AM
Between these two regions is a transition region. In this portion of the curve, which can be relatively large dependent on the material, the number of unaligned magnetic regions is becoming smaller, and the B-H curve flattens. As you can see, the steep linear regions do lead to saturation according to the material. This region, dependent on the core material, can be rather small or even quite large.
Quote from OC in response
Not "wrong" but doesn't really sound quite right either. Let's call that "transition region" the "knee". Below the knee, the primary effect is domain alignment. Above the knee, the primary effect is rotation. The transition region itself is varying degrees of both.
My response:
The 4th paragraph below the first image you will find my words are almost identical to this page, The author of this page is claiming to be an expert on Cores and Transformers.
Quote from: gravityblock on Today at 08:37:58 AM
The Orbo is sitting at it's highest point of this steep linear curve.
Quote from OC in response:
I'm afraid I don't see it this way. I think Orbo is straddling the permeability curve, leaning a bit towards the saturated side. Remember their first measurement of inductance? The change was only from about 960 to 990 mH. That's not a massive change like they got in their supplementary demo with the A and large magnet in direct contact. I think greater gains in torque and inductive return can be had if better use can be made of the saturated side of that permeability curve.
My Response: There is no need to fully saturate the core when there is a large gap between the magnets and toroid. This is just wasted energy.
Quote from: gravityblock on Today at 08:37:58 AM
[Edit:] The "flat" portions representing the fully saturated regions is nonlinear in respect to B, which means it is related by an integral and not related by a constant. This means going from Mr to Ms, "B" will be related by an integral and not by a constant, which I think means the current won't have a fast rise time and the voltage/current won't remain steady under load.
Quote from OC in response
I'm afraid the math is out of my reach. I'll leave that to those more capable than me. I just have "visions".
My Response: No need to do the math. Just knowing that it is related by an integral should tell you that it's going to require more energy the deeper you go into full saturation. On the linear portions, the energy requirements don't increase the deeper you go into the linear regions, which will lead right up to the "knee" or transitional area. At this position, the magnets won't be attracted to the toroid because full saturation isn't needed due to the gap between the toroid and magnets.
Quote from: 0c on February 17, 2010, 03:38:09 PM
Another way to see what I said above is to just take the 1st quadrant of the BH curve for the material in question. Draw a minor loop from zero B out to Bsat. Draw another minor loop from Br out to Bsat. Which loop is smaller? Which one requires the most work?
Smaller doesn't necessarily mean less work, especially when the energy requirements are increasing by an integral the deeper you go into it.
Now, I may have the easy and hard axis backwards. If I do, then please correct me.
Quote from: 0c on February 17, 2010, 11:44:20 AM
Why wouldn't you want the magnets to completely saturate the core? Think about it a bit. When the magnets saturate the core, the core becomes a magnet and its external B field is oriented for maximum attraction to the magnets, thus providing maximum torque.
Wrong. Saturated core doesn't become a magnet. Saturated core has very little permeability. And permeability is a factor that tells you whether something is magnetically atractive or not. Low permeability means not a magnet at all ;]
And as for why I woudn't want the magnets to completely saturate the core... I simply don't believe that you can make the core fully saturated by magnets alone just right at the TDC and not at any point earlier. If you did it earlier than at TDC, you would simply loose torque. What's more...
I don't think that you can flip (or rotate as you call it) all the domains of the core (meaning full saturation) by only using magnets and no matter how strong these magnets are. If I'm wrong I would like to see that happening on some video, FEMM simulation or something ;] I was not able to do it in FEMM.Quote from: gravityblock
There is no need to fully saturate the core when there is a large gap between the magnets and toroid. This is just wasted energy.
That is also wrong. If you don't fully saturate the core you will not have any significant permeability change (drop). So the core will remain fully atractive and the rotor will brake.
The conclusion should be: You have to saturate the core to have the rotor going. The question is: Is it possible (and needed) to use the remanence of the core ?
In my opinion the difference: (Bsat - Br) for most materials is too little to use it. I mean use it in a way that the core doesn't saturate by magnets alone and still have a good amount of torque.
Notice one thing. Wouldn't it be much easier (and better), if you went through the whole hysteresis loop and use such magnets, that can saturate the core to the point, where B = something like Br ? This way you would end up with the same effect as if you would be using only the Br to Bsat part of hysteresis loop (use remanence as suggested by 0c).
Pitty Paul has left the forum (to be honest a bit childish and irresponsible move it has been); I just wanted to ask him for some simulation files cosidering toroid coil and magnets interactions. Would be nice to do some 3D simulations as only in this way we could trully see what's going on. Maybe somebody here has some 3D FEMM software ? (And knows how to use it hehe ;))
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
My Response: The reason why it appears to have very little remanence is because the core material is returned to its virginal state.
ie. very little remanence.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
On the linear portions of the curve, "B" and "H" are proportional to the voltage and current by a constant. This means the voltage and the current remains constant and doesn't require additional energy the deeper into the linear portions you go.
There is no direct relationship between voltage (electrical pressure) and any part of the BH curve. Current (the flow of electrons) is the only factor. Additional voltage (pressure) can be applied at the beginning of the pulse to help get the current flowing. Once flowing, there is indeed a constant relationship.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
This is the easy axis.
Most BH graphs are designed to show the best characteristics of the materials being tested. That invariably means the material will be magnetized in the easy axis. There are some studies out there that show the difference when the material is magnetized in other directions.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
The 4th and 5th paragraphs below the second image of the page, , you will find how "B" is related to the voltage by a constant and "H" is proportional to the current when you're on the linear portions of the curve. The flat portions representing the saturation area is not linear or related by a constant but is related by an integral.
From the page you referenced, 4th paragraph:
"In the B-H curve, B is proportional to voltage, and H is proportional to current."
You can imply some relationship to voltage if you like. Sorry, I don't see it that way. Current is the only factor I see.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
The author of this page is claiming to be an expert on Cores and Transformers.
This is not a transformer. It is an electromagnet.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
My Response: There is no need to fully saturate the core when there is a large gap between the A and toroid. This is just wasted energy.
How is it wasted? The saturation is acquired as a side effect of the magnet approaching the core and producing torque at the same time. No external energy is required to achieve this. It happens automagically. The external power is only required to "reduce" the attraction on the way out and only depends on the difficulty of rotating the domains approximately 90 degrees, so the field is reoriented in a circumferential direction and mostly constrained within the toroidal material.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
Just knowing that it is related by an integral should tell you that it's going to require more energy the deeper you go into full saturation. On the linear portions, the energy requirements don't increase the deeper you go into the linear regions, which will lead right up to the "knee" or transitional area.
I will agree the higher the level of saturation, the more power is required to saturate further. And "complete" saturation is not required to acieve our goals. For purposes of maximizing the return from the inductive spike, what's important is the "difference" in effective permeability when the magnet is at TDC and when it is farthest from the core.
WRT reducing the undesired attraction to the magnet as it departs, rotating the core's magnetic field so it is mostly contained inside the toroid is probably the most important concern. The saturation level is also a significant consideration. It's a tradoff and I'm not sure where the best balance is.
The fastest current rise will happen with minimum induction (maximum saturation). Easiest domain rotation will occur above the knee. Maximum reduction of magnetic attraction will occur at full saturation.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
At this position, the magnets won't be attracted to the toroid because full saturation isn't needed due to the gap between the toroid and magnets.
The attractive force will decrease significantly with distance. But remember, that's what gives us our torque as well. Maximum torque is up close. It's another tradeoff.
It's going to be hard to find the optimum balance.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
Wrong. Saturated core doesn't become a magnet. Saturated core has very little permeability.
The B field represents the external magnetic field. Where is the B the greatest? At saturation. This is where the maximum external magnetic field is available.
Wrap some wire around a nail and see where it becomes strongest.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
And permeability is a factor that tells you whether something is magnetically atractive or not. Low permeability means not a magnet at all ;]
Nope. Low permeability means it has less ability to become
more magnetized than it currently is. Take a Neo magnet, for example. The permeability is almost minimum, just a bit higher than air. It will be very difficult to magnetize it more than it already is. In remanence, it has a very high magnetization, not very far from saturation.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
And as for why I woudn't want the magnets to completely saturate the core... I simply don't believe that you can make the core fully saturated by magnets alone just right at the TDC and not at any point earlier.
Depends on the material, the A and strength of the magnets, and the distance. In the supplemental Steorn demo, the core was almost completely saturated when in contact with the magnet. Some materials saturate easily, Metglas saturates at a much lower B than Finemet.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
If you did it earlier than at TDC, you would simply loose torque.
No argument.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
What's more... I don't think that you can flip (or rotate as you call it) all the domains of the core (meaning full saturation) by only using magnets and no matter how strong these magnets are.
Flipping the domains is getting them to all align so like poles are facing in the same direction, all N poles pointing the same way.
Rotation is changing the direction all those poles are pointing.
Flipping is a lot of work. Rotation is considerably easier.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
If I'm wrong I would like to see that happening on some video, FEMM simulation or something ;] I was not able to do it in FEMM.
I offered a little experiment a few posts back, so you can do it and see what I mean.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
That is also wrong. If you don't fully saturate the core you will not have any significant permeability change (drop). So the core will remain fully atractive and the rotor will brake.
Do you have a steel washer handy (a simple ferromagnetic toroid)? Stick a neo magnet to the edge. The washer becomes a magnet and the far edge will act just like the magnetic pole that it is. Remove the magnet and wrap a few turns of wire in a toroidal fashion and briefly touch the ends of the wires to the terminals of a battery. The washer will again become magnetized but it won't seem to attract other iron or steel objects. Why not? Because the field is contained entirely within the donut itself.
That's what is required to release the rotor magnet. The toroid's magnetic field A to be completely contained and the affinity of the core to external magnetic fields (permeability) needs to be reduced as much as possible.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
The conclusion should be: You have to saturate the core to have the rotor going.
Not completely, but the more saturated it is, the less resistance there will be to the rotor.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
The question is: Is it possible (and needed) to use the remanence of the core ?
That's one of the questions I have been asking. I don't think we know the complete answer yet. It is possible, but does it actually do any good? The images in my head indicate that it should reduce the input energy required for the coil to saturate the core. They also indicate that the rotor magnet will experience greater torque.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
In my opinion the difference: (Bsat - Br) for most materials is too little to use it.
You're missing the point. The Br means the core is already partially saturated. Bsat - Br represents the amount of work required to fully saturate, and believe me it's a lot less work than would be required to go from B=0 to Bsat.
Wow OC nice post! You're making a lot of sense here.
I agree also with what you're saying about the coil's function - it's to totally occupy the magnetic potential of the core. orbo is the exact opposite of an electromagnet. You're using current to keep magnetic fields from interacting.
I really don't think there is one secret ingredient to an Orbo interaction. It's a combination of factors. The Orbo that they are showing at Waterways is NOT the only way to demonstrate the phenomenon. It's a configuration that they figured out, working backward from their original discovery, and that's important to remember.
There's a way to do this all without toroidal coils.
Steorn themselves never say it's about the coils. They say
"Orbo is based upon time variant magnetic interactions, i.e. magnetic interactions whose efficiency varies as a function of transaction timeframes."
So my interpretation of that phrase is that during this 1/200th of a second interaction as the magnet passes the coil, the magnetic potential between the magnet and the core goes from basically zero to full.
It doesn't just appear at full; it builds. And that building of the field is what is causing your energy gain.
You're building the field and using it's magnetic potential to do work without having to have an equal amount of work to remove the field again.
Imagine a spring that takes a pound of force to compress and then lifts a 2lb weight.
I really feel that the core is a bit of a red herring here. It's just the mechanism in this particular configuration.
The "magic" of Orbo seems to be that you can suppress the field (compress the spring) when the interaction between the magnet and core are distant and therefore less potential energy is between them.
And then as the field springs back open, the rotor has moved to where you have the greatest magnetic potential, and it springs open fully. I'd wager that the power of an Orbo interaction is repultraction, but assymetrical and heavier on the repulsion.
The attraction magnet sneaks it into position, and then at just past TDC, as the coil effect is wearing off, the repulsion kicks in and blasts the rotor on to the next interaction. 70% of the action is happening with no current from the reservoir at all.
You gain just a bit on each rotation but it adds up and up and you see acceleration until you are going so fast that the fields don't have a chance to fully establish on each interaction. You end up not getting the full potential energy from the magnets because the fields aren't "peaking" or "blooming" or however you'd like to put it.
I wouldn't put any money on seeing an Orbo go much more than 2000 RPM, and only then it would take a specific combination of materials with very high speed "field establishment"
By the way, are any materials rated by the speed of their hysteresis curves, not just the strength? That's probably more important.
@OC and ALL:
Does the uncurled A potential of the curled B field have anything to do with this. I talked about this earlier and have forgotten about it until now. The curled B field is located inside the core material, but the "B" in the B-H Loop is referring to the external magnetic field, so wouldn't this actually mean the "B" for the B-H Loop is referring to the uncurled A potential that is outside the core instead of the B field which is located inside the core material?
Either way, the uncurled A potential located outside of the core needs to be taken into consideration.
I'm really starting to get confused here. I haven't had much time to go through and study the last few posts. I think by having a few questions answered it will help me. It's nice to have you join the discussion, freeorbo.
Quote from: 0c on February 17, 2010, 01:12:48 PM
See Figure 3.11:
(I wish I could find a "permeability vs. saturation" graph like this for Metglas or Finemet.)
Hi 0c,
I did some search but here is only one link I managed to find for MAGNAPERM material permeability vs saturation graph, all the other types are for request only...
rgds, Gyula
Ok 0c nice post indeed and seems I still need to learn quite a bit ;)
But there is one thing I don't understand if it's the way you say it is. Why does ORBO have such a big air gap between magnets and toroid ?
Also note that if you don't have a drop in permeability at TDC you will not have an inductance gain later.
PS. To be honest the more we're analysing this machine the more I get confused ;] Still so much to understand and so low on time :(
I'm sure you guys know of the Curie motor:
Is this ou ? Because all input is going to towards heating. Actually the input is only pure heat.
Gadolinium's Curie temperature is around 17 to 20 deg C, which is ideal for such a motor.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 17, 2010, 07:22:49 PM
You have to saturate the core to have the rotor going.
Quote from: 0c on February 17, 2010, 08:44:13 PM
Not completely, but the more saturated it is, the less resistance there will be to the rotor.
Exactly. This is why (most) replications show a relationship between electrical input power and rotor RPM (torque). They are not driving their cores necessarily into complete saturation (or, say 98% saturation). So they still have a considerable braking effect on their rotor magnets while the toroid coils are energized and rotor magnets are moving past TDC. In effect, they are only canceling a portion of the attraction the rotor magnets have towards the toroid cores.
So it is very possible to make a rotor spin without saturating the cores (by the rotor magnets or the electrical input). And such devices will show the characteristic of higher RPM for higher electrical input power, which many believe proves the electrical input power must cause the rotation. But at a high enough electrical input power the cores will approach saturation and fully "release" the rotor magnets and so additional RPM increase will not be seen.
Driving the core to saturation is not necessary to make a rotor spin, but it is important for maximizing rotor torque. But, on the other hand, driving the core to saturation takes ever increasing amounts of electrical input power, so you have diminishing gains of torque. There should be an optimal point where rotor torque PER input electrical energy is maximized. Just maximizing torque (at the expense of high input electrical power), or minimizing electrical input power (while sacrificing rotor torque) cannot be considered. It is the correct balance of both of these design criteria for any core material and magnet strength selection that needs to be the focus of an optimized design.
Please consider all of the above just my humble opinion, of course.
This all leads to the requirement to select an appropriate core material. The core material selection would necessitate the selection of a commercially available toroid (at least right now). The selected toroid would then, through proper analysis, drive the selection of the appropriate rotor magnets, winding (wire gage and number of turns), and the physical dimensions of the component placement (rotor diameter, gap, etc.). At least that is how I see it from an engineering point of view.
I think you should spend more time trying to understand the behavior Steorn has displayed. Much of your post is confused or completely wrong. You could probably gain quite a bit from the Alsetalokin and Naudin replications and analysis.
In the past, I recall seeing some academic papers which discussed the A field potential. It's not something I understand and doesn't seem to show up in my "visions". I'm afraid I can't help with that.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 18, 2010, 08:36:59 AM
But there is one thing I don't understand if it's the way you say it is. Why does ORBO have such a big air gap between magnets and toroid ?
There are a lot of properties and the costs and benefits of each need to be balanced. If you compare Steorn's earlier video where they measure the change of inductance in a demo device, you will notice only about 30mH change in inductance. That's just a drop in the bucket compared to the several orders of magnitude change Max demonstrated in the supplemental video.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 18, 2010, 08:36:59 AM
Also note that if you don't have a drop in permeability at TDC you will not have an inductance gain later.
True. So we want the permeability (inductance) up close to be lower than when far away. Not too hard to achieve that.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 18, 2010, 08:36:59 AM
PS. To be honest the more we're analysing this machine the more I get confused ;] Still so much to understand and so low on time :(
Believe me, I don't understand it all either. If anyone does, it's Steorn and their insiders.
I noticed that the only factors given much consideration here have been permeability, inductance, and saturation. I think there is a lot more to this thing than that. So far, I have discussed how remanence can also fit into the equation, and that seems to have stirred things up a bit. There are some others I'd like to mention, once things settle down a bit.
Quote from: 0c on February 17, 2010, 02:57:24 PM
If it was an AC application or if here were alternating magnetic fields, you would be correct.
Not true. The last state of the core is when the coil is deenergized. When that happens, the core returns to its remanent state which, if you look at one of the permeability vs. saturation references I provided, you will see is actually close to maximum permeability and maximum attractive force. In remanence, the domains in the core are already mostly aligned with each other and will rotate easily, reorienting to present an external field to attract the magnet even better as the magnet approaches.
You don't think the magnetic fields in the Orbo are alternating? The magnetic field in the Orbo is going from low strength to higher strength when the magnets approach TDC from the view of the core, then go from higher strength to lower strength as they depart from TDC. Isn't this an alternating magnetic field. Remember, we're not sure if the pairs of magnets have the same orientation or not in the Orbo, and it may or may not have the same orientation according to a specific configuration. Alternating magnetic fields can be used to return the core to it's virginal state or to a low remenance state. I even have a video on it, but they use an AC current to do it, instead of magnetic fields from the magnets.
We don't know for sure if the last state of the core is when the coil is de-energized. The pulse could be cut off when the core is still seeing a weak field from the magnets while the coil is still in a closed loop, which in this case could bring the last state to the point of coercivity (H
c). Then when the magnets are approaching TDC with no voltage/current, but the coil is in a closed loop, the small increasing strength of the approaching magnets could bring the core back to a very low remenance state. Then at TDC when the pulse is applied, the core is in a very low remenance state.
I have a feeling the toroids are in a closed loop most of the time, with only voltage and current flowing from TDC to 20 - 30
o past TDC. With this in mind, try to think what the state of the core is in during each of the interactions between the magnets prior to TDC, after TDC, and the time the pulse is on for (also, do this same thought experiment when the pairs of magnets have a different orientation). I think you will find this interesting. To make it simple, they're using only half of a Minor Loop relatively speaking. They're using one half of the Loop more than the other half. A Half Minor Loop with a near virginal state. This is why my mind has been spit between the two methods, because they're using a combination of both methods. I'm always thinking outside of the box.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 18, 2010, 01:37:03 PM
You don't think the magnetic fields in the Orbo are alternating?
I don't think anyone but Steorn, SKDB members, or possibly someone who went to Waterways and tested Orbo knows for sure. But
IF Orbo happens to gain anything from remanence, I think the rotor magnets should always have the same polarity.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 18, 2010, 01:37:03 PM
The magnetic field in the Orbo is going from low strength to higher strength when the A approach TDC from the view of the core, then go from higher strength to lower strength as they depart from TDC. Isn't this an alternating magnetic field.
If Steorn is using a low remanence core material, this would be true for their device. If a high remanence core material is used, most of the magnetization is retained when the coil is deenergized (as long as current with opposite polarity is not applied). The core is already magnetized as the magnet aproaches. The field from the approaching magnet will not contribute much to the flux density until quite close. What it will do is rotate domains in the core so the polarity will align with the magnet's polarity and the core's field will become unshielded and interact with the magnet until the next pulse is applied to the coil.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 18, 2010, 01:37:03 PM
Alternating magnetic fields can be used to return the core to it's virginal state or to a low remenance state. I even have a video on it, but they use an AC current to do it, instead of magnetic fields from the magnets.
That's why I said AC currents and alternating magnet polarities should be avoided with remanent materials.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 18, 2010, 01:37:03 PM
We don't know for sure if the last state of the core is when the coil is de-energized. The pulse could be cut off when the core is still seeing a weak field from the magnets while the coil is still in a closed loop, which in this case could bring the last state to the point of coercivity (Hc).
The fields from rotor magnets are more rotational than coercive. I used Finemet as an example. It's Hc is very small. There are other materials which can handle coercive fields better. If coercivity is a problem, a different material with higher Hc value can be used.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 18, 2010, 01:37:03 PM
... they're using only half of a Minor Loop relatively speaking. They're using one half of the Loop more than the other half. A Half Minor Loop with a near virginal state.
That may be the case. I don't think any of us knows for sure what Steorn is doing. In my discussion, I have concentrated on materials with high remanence.
Both sides of the minor loop can be utilized. The power-on side is used to reduce attraction between core and magnet. The power-off side is used to allow the inductance change to increase and increased return of power.
Here's a video on the Hysteresis Loop,
Please watch between 20:00 - 45:00 in the video. Starting at 20:00 minutes he talks about the hysteresis loop. At 30:00 he talks about demagnetization and shows how to use an AC current to return the ferromagnetic material back to it's virginal state. What he refers to as Bvac is actually the "H".
After the demagnetization experiment, he shows the retentivity of a material and the point of coercivity Hc. Between 40:00 - 45:00 he does an experiment with a nail. I am most interested in this experiment. The magnet releases the nail when another ferromagnetic material approaches the magnet because the field of the magnet weakens on that side. This probably doesn't have anything to do with the Orbo, but I find it most fascinating how the attraction force is weakened on that side. I just wanted to bring it to everyones attention.
Here's a good site for anyone interested in learning electronics and magnetism. Free education for all,
Here's another video on magnetic materials from MIT,
Between 25:00 - 32:00 he does an experiment where you can here the domains flipping, and is known as the barkhausen effect.
Quote from: Airstriker on February 18, 2010, 08:36:59 AM
But there is one thing I don't understand if it's the way you say it is. Why does ORBO have such a big air gap between magnets and toroid ?
From my own playing with a pulsed toroid coil, I've noticed that at about .75" there is a strong magnetic repulsion to both poles of a magnet. If you hold a magnet lightly at that distance it'll spin. then as you move it closer, you can press through the repulsion (it's not very strong) and you'll feel the magnet passing through a sort of barrier or flip/flop zone so to speak, and moving closer in it becomes attracted to the core.
My interpretation would be that there's a zone where the field of the permanent magnet is interacting with the field from the coil, which is a very odd, circling, whirlpool of a field, almost like magnetic wind (and probably generating eddy currents in the magnetic field) which is constantly disrupting the field of the magnet. But once it gets close enough to the core, more of the magnet's field "pours" into the core where it finds a more stable resting place. And once the magnet is all the way attached to the core, the majority of its field is going to be occupied there, resisting the "wind" of the core.
there's a pretty common misconception that the core is canceling out the attraction between the magnet and the core, like it's rendering the attraction inert. It's not.
It feels more like the coil is setting up a smokescreen between them, an area of magnetic entropy, wild and thick, that prevents the magnet from pouring it's field into the core. But once the magnet penetrates far enough into that "smoke" it can then "see" the core and permeate it's field more fully.
So the air gap is there to let the magnetic "fog" from the coil look "thick enough" that the magnet doesn't "see" the core.
Makes me wonder if Naudin's SSGen is working the opposite of how I first thought- I was thinking the power to the coil made the magnet "ignore" the core and pour its field into the air coil. But maybe instead the toroidal core power makes the magnet "ignore" the air coil, since the magnet is inside of the "fog belt"?
If there was a high speed camera that could visualize magnetic fields, this would all be easier to understand.
Quote from: freeorbo on February 19, 2010, 11:26:46 AM
From my own playing with a pulsed toroid coil, I've noticed that at about .75" there is a strong magnetic repulsion to both poles of a magnet. If you hold a magnet lightly at that distance it'll spin. then as you move it closer, you can press through the repulsion (it's not very strong) and you'll feel the magnet passing through a sort of barrier or flip/flop zone so to speak, and moving closer in it becomes attracted to the core.
That's what I've been trying to get people to notice in the magnetic recording tape video I have done, the tape is magnetized, then the tape will repel the magnet if you approach the tape from a distance slowly to the magnet. If you approach the tape to the magnets too fast, then it breaks through this light repulsive zone and then attracts to the magnets. Since this experiment is done with the magnetic recording tape, everyone is ignoring it because they don't think the recording tape is being used in the Orbo. The recording tape shows the effect much better, but it is the same effect with other core materials.
It's showing the magnetic viscosity or relaxation of the material and makes the interactions time variant. Nobody is paying attention. They're more focused with the pulse nearly saturating the core material to its fullest while overlooking the effects when the domains are just pointing in the direction of the field of the magnets whenever we stay on the linear portions of the core material.
If this effect is used properly, then it may be possible for it to ride this light repulsive force after TDC if the core isn't close to being fully saturated and are on the linear portions of it. If the core is on the linear portions, instead of being nearly saturated, and the magnets are the appropriate distance from the toroids, then this effect will manifest itself and the rotor magnets will be able to ride this light repulsive force and will get a push. This is where the energy gain in induction is occurring, because it's riding this repulsive force and the rotor has more mechanical energy gained than the electrical energy put into it.
Everybody is still trying to do what we've been trying to do for the last 100 plus years and it hasn't worked for us yet, and it's not going to work for us now. We must do something different. Yes, it may appear to be counter intuitive, but somethings that appear to be counter intuitive can have amazing results.
Good post freeorbo. People need to start paying attention to this effect and stop doing what has already been done for the last 100 plus years and that is nearly saturating the material to its fullest (this isn't anything new). Sometimes more is not better, and more saturation where it is nearly saturated to it's fullest may not be better in the case of the Orbo.
Quote from: freeorbo on February 19, 2010, 11:26:46 AM
From my own playing with a pulsed toroid coil, I've noticed that at about .75" there is a strong magnetic repulsion to both poles of a magnet. If you hold a magnet lightly at that distance it'll spin. then as you move it closer, you can press through the repulsion (it's not very strong) and you'll feel the magnet passing through a sort of barrier or flip/flop zone so to speak, and moving closer in it becomes attracted to the core.
Interesting effect. You say it repels either pole? If that's the case, I would like to suggest an experiment using a neo sphere, sort of a ball-in-a-bowl experiment.
Mark the neo sphere with different colors at each pole, so any motion will be obvious. Drop it into a small bowl or cup with rounded bottom. Lay the coil on the table and bring the bowl slowly towards the coil until the interaction you described takes effect.
If anything interesting happens, get it on video.
I'm not sure whether this effect is relevant to Steorn discussion. You might want to start another thread about this effect.
Quote from: 0c on February 19, 2010, 12:52:25 PM
Interesting effect. You say it repels either pole? If that's the case, I would like to suggest an experiment using a neo sphere, sort of a ball-in-a-bowl experiment.
Mark the neo sphere with different colors at each pole, so any motion will be obvious. Drop it into a small bowl or cup with rounded bottom. Lay the coil on the table and bring the bowl slowly towards the coil until the interaction you described takes effect.
If anything interesting happens, get it on video.
I'm not sure whether this effect is relevant to Steorn discussion. You might want to start another thread about this effect.
Start another thread because you think it may not be relevant to the Steorn discussion? This effect may be at the very heart of the Orbo and you want another thread started. Unbelievable. I think it is very relevant to the Orbo. Let's just sweep this under the carpet like everything else and continue doing things the way they have been done for the last 100 plus years.
This effect needs to stay in this thread because I think it is the Orbo effect. It's nothing more than magnetic viscosity or magnetic relaxation that Steorn has mentioned over and over again. You think near saturation is the most important thing, lol. That is B.S. and near saturation has been tried over and over again without success. Near saturation isn't any different than any other pulse motor. Let's stop doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. That is insanity.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 11:54:32 AM
When the tape is magnetized, then the tape will repel the magnet if you approach the tape from a distance slowly to the magnet. If you approach the tape to the magnets too fast, then it breaks through this light repulsive zone and then attracts to the magnets.
GB, I've just played with a toroid made from VHS tape and a strong neo. Here is what I see:
1) Magnetized the tape toriod by touching to the N side of a permanent magnet. The N side of the permanent magnet will now be attracted to the toroid when approached slowly. This is due to the remenance of the tape toroid: it was magnetized by it's initial interaction with the permanent magnet. If approached from above, but slightly off center, the attraction will cause the permanent magnet to first slide horizontally to center itself directly below the toroid. Now as the toroid continues to approach the magnet the magnet will eventually have enough attraction to jump up to the toroid. This delay in the action of the permanent magnet sliding to become directly under the magnet and (pause delay) the jump up to the toroid is simply explained: When the toroid is close enough to have attractive force greater than the static friction force of the permanent magnet and the surface, but less than enough to lift the magnet, it will slide until directly under the toroid. It will sit in this position indefinitely if you do not move the toroid closer. The "delay" you saw is controlled only by the distance between the tape toroid and magnet.
2) Magnetized the tape toroid by touching to the N side of a permanent magnet. The S side of the permanent magnet will now be repelled by the toroid when approached slowly. This is also due to the remenance of the tape toroid: it was magnetized by it's initial interaction with the permanent magnet. If you restrain the permanent magnet so that it cannot move away from the approaching tape toroid that is repelling it, eventually the magnet will re-magnetize the tape toroid in the opposite polarity and the permanent magnet will again jump up to and attach to the tape toroid.
I'm not saying there is no display of magnetic viscosity. But I am not able to see it in this demonstration. Everything is behaving as expected, for me at least.
I had less than 30 people look at the video on the magnetic recording tape showing magnetic viscosity. I'm sure more than 30 people are reading this thread.
Other ferromagnetic materials have the same effect as the magnetic recording tape in the video. When will you guys ever notice something important after seeing it for yourself. You have to do more than just watch videos. You must study, examine, and analyze every part of it.
In fact, I haven't seen any videos on replication attempts in a long time. Most of the replicators have left this thread. The reason is simple. They have tried what has already been tried and were unsuccessful, so they gave up. Stop doing what has already been tried, and that goes for near saturation also. Stay on the linear portions of the core material and have the rotor magnets ride this light repulsive force.
I'm out of here. This is a waste of my time. Keep doing what has already been done and tried while ignoring the important things because they're behaving as expected. Who says an effect must behave unexpectedly? Stick with near saturation and f**K the linear portions so you can ride this slight repelling field.
Take care,
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 01:04:19 PM
Start another thread because you think it may not be relevant to the Steorn A? This effect may be at the very heart of the Orbo and you want another thread started. Unbelievable. I think it is very relevant to the Orbo. Let's just sweep this under the carpet like everything else and continue doing things the way they have been done for the last 100 plus years.
No need to get so upset. A separate thread under the Steorn topic would be fine. If this effect is Orbo related, it is not anything Steorn has bothered to publicly demonstrate.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 01:04:19 PM
This effect needs to stay in this thread because I think it is the Orbo effect. It's nothing more than magnetic viscosity or magnetic relaxation that Steorn has mentioned over and over again.
That's your opinion and I respect it. I don't have to agree with it.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 01:04:19 PM
You think near saturation is the most important thing, lol. That is B.S.
I didn't say that. What I said is there may be some benefits from other material properties besides permeability, the main focus in this thread so far. According to Steorn, saturation is one of the key effects contributing to an energy gain. It should not be ignored. In fact, I have spent the majority of my time here discussing remanence, and I'd like to move on and discuss some other properties that might be relevant as well.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 01:04:19 PM
... and near saturation has been tried over and over again without success. Near saturation isn't any different than any other pulse motor. Let's stop doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. That is insanity.
"Over and over"? Please point me to some experiments using core materials with much higher Bsat and remanence. Where are the Supermendur and Square Loop Supermalloy experiments, or even Finemet or Vitrovac? Who's "doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result"?
You sound like you have it all figured out. I don't think we're there yet, and I have a feeling the answer, if it exists, is a bit more complicated.
Quote from: 0c on February 19, 2010, 02:14:06 PM
You sound like you have it all figured out. I don't think we're there yet, and I have a feeling the answer, if it exists, is a bit more complicated.
I don't have it all figured out, but I'm not going to ignore something or suggest it should be sent to another thread that may have importance to this discussion. This is a waste of my time. Can't even get people to give something a little consideration. Closed minded people. I'm logging off now.
Hi guys,
@freeorbo, Oc and Gb -
The effect you describe is this similar to that which the guy that made the "GARY" motor found.
Something about a NULL zone ?
Don't remember the specifics, but I do remember reading this in a document of his.
Regards, Penno
@gravityblock . I do hope you will reconsider your decision to disappear . The forum needs original thinkers such as yourself .
Quote from: gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg229182#msg229182 =1266607498
I don't have it all figured out, but I'm not going to ignore something or suggest it should be sent to another thread that may have importance to this discussion. This is a waste of my time. Can't even get people to give something a little consideration. Closed minded people. I'm logging off now.
Actually I did give it some consideration, unfortunately I don't have the link handy but I believe on the magnetec (creators of nanoperm) site they mentioned their line of laminated cores or tape cores.
I went back and looked at "There are no electrons" By Kenn Amdahl (required reading if you've haven't yet, can't recommend it highly enough) because in the section regarding EMF he talks about the "iron losses" cause by a soft iron core. They're due to eddy currents within the body of the solid toroid. One of the ways around that is my creating "laminations", thin coated sheets of steel or iron. Each sheet is thin enough to suppress a lot of the currents (they can't move up or down much, just horizontally) If you break open a brushless DC motor, like say in a computer fan, you'll see that the coils are wrapped around these laminations.
Using a magnetic tape would be an example of a laminated core. Unfortunately it would be laminated only horizontally, along the circumference. What might be really interesting is if you could create a core that started as a wire ring, and then was progressively coated in ferromagnetic material, so it would be like a donut-shaped gobstopperâ€"radial laminations. That way you'd suppress eddys across potentially three dimensions.
Something else I found that was interesting is that magnetic tape actually predates modern ferromagnetic cores by a few decades. The cores that are widely in use now are sintered (compressed, like in a pill) from a powder that is so fine that each grain actually represents a single magnetic domain. The implication is that a lamination into itself. I would imagine that a nanoperm core has literally zero eddy currents.
So GB, I'd say you may be right about the effect being related to eddy current cancellation in the magnetic tape. I would encourage you to get some ferrite cores and try your experiments on them as well, you might find that they respond in the same way.
I understood magnetic saturation to be describing a situation where all of a core's domains are aligned in the same direction. I don't take that to mean that the core will at that point be "immune" to an external magnetic field, but that it's engaged with the field to its maximum. Externally a saturated core would appear to the world as a permanent magnet…right?
It's not like the core is saying "Nope, no more, I'm full, move on, no magnet here!" and the magnet gets all its field back. It's that the core is becoming as close to a permanent magnet as it can be, accepting as much of the interacting magnetic field as it possibly can. Any remnant field from the interacting permanent magnet would then seek out any other available permeable material.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 01:53:11 PM
I had less than 30 people look at the video on the magnetic recording tape showing magnetic viscosity. I'm sure more than 30 people are reading this thread.
Other ferromagnetic materials have the same effect as the magnetic recording tape in the video. When will you guys ever notice something important after seeing it for yourself. You have to do more than just watch videos. You must study, examine, and analyze every part of it.
In fact, I haven't seen any videos on replication attempts in a long time. Most of the replicators have left this thread. The reason is simple. They have tried what has already been tried and were unsuccessful, so they gave up. Stop doing what has already been tried, and that goes for near saturation also. Stay on the linear portions of the core material and have the rotor magnets ride this light repulsive force.
I tried using a similar concept with ceramic magnets and a neodymium magnet to magnetize the ceramics in whatever direction you might want. I was unable to find a method to use the principal to any advantage.
It still takes work to overcome the previously magnetized direction and again work to separate the two after magnetizing it in a new direction.
I don't see how this effect can be used to any advantage, unless you have some other concept.
Hi Gravityblock
I like very much your tape idea and of course when something interest me, i can not prevent me to test it
very interesting results
the tape is a TDK video from an old video recorder
But what is really intersring is that you can manipulate the orientation of the magnetic station at will
i could changed the north and south pole by simply applying the strong magnet 1 second at any place and the tape stores the pole
I could also make 4 poles on the tape.
Woohoo very inteersting
and bravo GB
It was Wesley Gary and he called it the neutral zone. I studied his work many years ago, and I also came to the conclusion that this motor is working on the same principles.
Quote from: penno64 on February 19, 2010, 03:38:05 PM
Hi guys,
@freeorbo, Oc and Gb -
The effect you describe is this similar to that which the guy that made the "GARY" motor found.
Something about a NULL zone ?
Don't remember the specifics, but I do remember reading this in a document of his.
Regards, Penno
Hi all,
To add weight to GB's tape concept, I posted earlier (way back) a link to John Bedinis ENEGENX you tube of -
1 of zero force ORBO coil but no one made any comments.
I think the list is
Kind Regards, Penno
Quote from: Omnibus on February 17, 2010, 11:51:59 AM
If there is a resistance in parallel with the coil and Steorn are only considering the resistance R of the coil when subtracting I^2R from the input IV then they are underestimating their OU effect. In such a case the OU effect would be higher than the one they claim.
No sens. You don't understand basic electronics.
(refering to:
Let R1 be the coil resistance, and R2 in parallel with R1, R2 being the equivalent resistance (seen from the pulse generator) of the process by which the coil current does work for aligning the electron spins of the ferrite core. Then R2*I2² is a usefull power and R1*I1² is the wasted power.
Steorn can measure only R1 (not R2 because R2 is dynamic and not accessible to ohmeters). He also measures only the total current of the circuit I=I1+I2. Then by presuming the losses are R1*I² instead of R1*I1², he over-estimates the Joule losses because I>I1.
The over-estimation of the Joule losses is a likely explanation of the hypothetical OU and can be proved false only by the evidence of a working selfrunning motor.
No, you’re the one who doesn’t understand the matter at hand. Steorn, like I said, must subtract R*I^2 for correct estimation of the Ohmic heat losses because not only R1*I1^2 but also R2*I2^2 is obtained power. Your introduction of “wasted†and “useful†power is nonsense. If they subtract only R1*I^2 then they will overestimate the input power thus underestimating the OU effect. Let alone that there isn’t any “R2 in parallel with R1â€.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 20, 2010, 10:22:36 AM
Your introduction of “wasted†and “useful†power is nonsense.
The nonsense is to assert that the energy wasted in Joule losses are the same as the work done to align the electron spins.
If you are not able to distinguish wasted energy for heating a resistance from useful energy indirectly powering a motor via spin alignments, sure you will see overunity everywhere!
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 20, 2010, 10:05:06 AM
Let R1 be the coil resistance, and R2 in parallel with R1, R2 being the equivalent resistance (seen from the pulse generator) of the process by which the coil current does work for aligning the electron spins of the ferrite core. Then R2*I2² is a usefull power and R1*I1² is the wasted power.
Steorn can measure only R1 (not R2 because R2 is dynamic and not accessible to ohmeters). He also measures only the total current of the circuit I=I1+I2. Then by presuming the losses are R1*I² instead of R1*I1², he over-estimates the Joule losses because I>I1.
The over-estimation of the Joule losses is a likely explanation of the hypothetical OU and can be proved false only by the evidence of a working selfrunning motor.
I think this is well said. Here's another way to look at that dynamic resistance. As the magnets begin to spin past the toroid, there is a large magnetic attraction between the magnets and the toroid that must be broken, or the magnet will reverse and stick at that point. When the coil is energized, the magnetic lines of force attracting the magnets to the toroid must be broken and redirected inside of the toroid. I think it is likely that this magnetic interaction requires energy -- energy that would not be reflected in the I^R heating measurement.
Quote from: Spartane on February 20, 2010, 12:04:33 PM
I think this is well said. Here's another way to look at that dynamic resistance. As the magnets begin to spin past the toroid, there is a large magnetic attraction between the magnets and the toroid that must be broken, or the magnet will reverse and stick at that point. When the coil is energized, the magnetic lines of force attracting the magnets to the toroid must be broken and redirected inside of the toroid. I think it is likely that this magnetic interaction requires energy -- energy that would not be reflected in the I^R heating measurement.
I have to agree. So I await one of two things: 1) Demonstration of a self runner to prove this wrong, or 2) Calorimetry (or any other measurements) that conclusively prove this right.
@Woopy . With due respect Sir , The use of magnetic recording tape was MY idea originally . Credit where it is due , please .
Quote from: Spartane on February 20, 2010, 12:04:33 PM
I think this is well said. Here's another way to look at that dynamic resistance. As the magnets begin to spin past the toroid, there is a large magnetic attraction between the magnets and the toroid that must be broken, or the magnet will reverse and stick at that point. When the coil is energized, the magnetic lines of force attracting the magnets to the toroid must be broken and redirected inside of the toroid. I think it is likely that this magnetic interaction requires energy -- energy that would not be reflected in the I^R heating measurement.
You must understand that I^2*R losses start only after the pulse hits the top, before that these are negligible. At the rising edge all the energy goes into alignment of spins, and if I'm not wrong Steorn is taking this into account and this energy is not being subtracted.
I don't think you can call the opposition to current during the rise as "resistance" in parallel, it is impedance, and lasts only for the rise time, which is just a few usec. A little bit of energy is again wasted as heat in the core during spin alignment but most of it can be recovered back, and cannot be called a loss.
If steorn is smart, they will calculate the R from V and I on the fly, instead of an ohmmeter. Temperature is also a factor, R increases as the coil heats up.
IMO, the problem is not theoretical, only a good replication will solve it.
I guess I just don't get the problem.
If every pulse through the coil, draws the same current at the same voltage whether there is a magnet present or not and whether there is a moving magnet present or not, then no other conditions exist.
If the resistance changed or the current changed or anything changes, it will show on the scope.
After the years of testing this, Steorn surely would have found any problem by now, if it existed, and abandoned the concept.
Unless I am missing something on their videos?
Quote from: lumen on February 20, 2010, 03:19:00 PM
I guess I just don't get the problem.
If every pulse through the coil, draws the same current at the same voltage whether there is a magnet A or not and whether there is a moving magnet present or not, then no other conditions exist.
If the resistance changed or the current changed or anything changes, it will show on the scope.
After the years of testing this, Steorn surely would have found any problem by now, if it existed, and abandoned the concept.
Unless I am missing something on their videos?
I have to say I am completely of the same mind.
I have not seen anything to disprove Steorn's claim. But I admit I do not completely understand all the post of those that have presented such "proof".
I have also, unfortunately, not seen anything (demo, replication, etc.) that fully corroborates their claim.
And so I wait.
I'd like to do more, but I do not see the point in expending funds that I currently cannot claim as "expendable" (right now). If I did, I'd be more "in the weeds" with those who are doing experiments.
Where are the reports from those who have been trying to replicate? What are your results, positive or negative? Please provide your observations and data!
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 20, 2010, 11:29:19 AM
The nonsense is to assert that the energy wasted in Joule losses are the same as the work done to align the electron spins.
If you are not able to distinguish wasted energy for heating a resistance from useful energy indirectly powering a motor via spin alignments, sure you will see overunity everywhere!
That's nonsense. The experiment is about energy balance. Read carefully what I wrote and try to study and understand it. Steorn correctly carry out their energy balance and you'll do better not to clog the discussion with misinterpretations due to you poor understanding of the experiment.
QuoteI have also, unfortunately, not seen anything (demo, replication, etc.) that fully corroborates their claim.
Like I said earlier, Steorn are way ahead of everybody especially regarding the advanced equipment they use let alone the methodology they apply in their study. That's unfortunate for them in a way because corroboration of their claims cannot be expected from the generally poor equipped replicators. In addition, sadly, there's a lot of misunderstanding of what they do, as is seen in many of the posts here. That's,of course, the lesser evil. The main problem is that practically no one around can reach the sophistication of the experiments Steorn presents. Something has to be done about that and that level of experimentation has to be applied to everything else in the field (Adams, Bedini, Paul Sprain motors, solid state devices etc.) so that conclusive results of the type Steorn presents can be obtained after so many years of semi-amateur work.
Steorn have reached unprecedented level of sophistication in their experiments unmatched by anything in the field of OU. We all should take notice and should try to do something to catch up with them.
Quote from: Spartane on February 20, 2010, 12:04:33 PM
I think it is likely that this magnetic interaction requires energy -- energy that would not be reflected in the I^R heating measurement.
It doesn't require energy, that's the whole nature of the claim. The simple presence of the rising current in the toroidal coil breaks the magnetic force lines between the core and the magnet. That's why they're just measuring I^R, they're just trying to show how much current you have to have present in the coils to show the effect, and the way to measure that is to measure the joule heating that's an after effect of the current.
And due to the inductive gain, the amount of current present in the coils actually goes down during the interaction, meaning an actively pulsed, interacting coil has even less current present in it than if it were measured with a steady current.
Quote from: mondrasek on February 20, 2010, 03:58:59 PM
Where are the reports from those who have been trying to replicate? What are your results, positive or negative? Please provide your observations and data!
i spent the day building and playing with Naudin's s2Gen experiment. I've written up some of my initial thoughts, here: (
I will say that replicating this has given me a much deeper understanding the Steorn claim, and I can now say with utmost confidence that they did test it correctly and that their final proof did demonstrate overunity.
If you watch all of Naudin's videos and read his writeup: (
You may start to understand as well, but I highly highly suggest you attempt to recreate his experiment. It's a good litmus test. As much as I have written about and thought about and read about Steorn's claim, I can admit now that I didn't really fully understand it until this weekend.
The first Steorn demo, showing that there is no backEMF in the system, is really important and very underplayed by Sean in the demo. He does the demo without really discussing the implications. What it's saying is, they have created action without equal and opposite reaction. This doesn't just mean that there's no magnetic friction and that you have a more efficient rotor. It plainly means that work is being done with no source input. The work being done is not tied to any other energy. There is no see saw. Nothing goes down for it to go up. It is literally new energy that never existed before.
I had been caught up on this idea that we needed to see a set input and be able to compare it to an output and that the output must be bigger. Or that the battery somehow means it's not free energy. None of that of course is true.
If I pour a gallon of water down a drain and that magically causes a gallon pitcher across the room to become full, it all still adds up to more water than I started with. The gallon of water is still down the drain, and overall there is still a gallon more water than the world started with. I'm not net zero, I'm up a gallon.
I don't need to have two gallons in my hands to have a gain. Does that make sense?
Quote from: freeorbo on February 21, 2010, 02:24:45 AM
i spent the day building and playing with Naudin's s2Gen experiment. I've written up some of my initial thoughts, here: (
I think you got it very well when you said:
The energy coming out of the pickup coil is not coming from the battery.That is the key point here, that many are missing. Input is decoupled from the output, so whatever energy you see at the output is for free. This is essentially steorn's claim. (and only an opinion of mine, as I can't support it at present)
I'm currently doing drop tests with various cores and turns of wires and it is also my experience that an air gap helps. The exact air gap is very important parameter.
When the strong neo magnet is touching the coil (minimum gap) , it "captures" the nearby domains and no amount of current will release the magnet, because these hijacked domains don't respond to the field from the coil. When you increase the gap, the magnet drops. Now it hold the nearby domains lightly and current in the coil can do its stuff.
If you increase the gap too much, the magnet will not attract sufficiently, so you can see that there is a sweet spot here. I was wondering why there is such a big air gap in both steorn's and clanzer's setups. Now it is clear.
Note that the torque is produced only during a brief moment when the magnet enters the influence of the core uptill TDC. So the torque is very very tiny. It is so small that it barely takes the rotor far enough to attract next magnet. This explains why you need friction free rotor.
My PC fan rotor failed miserably to overcome the losses. I'm building a new rotor now. :)
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 21, 2010, 04:26:41 AM
I think you got it very well when you said:
The energy coming out of the pickup coil is not coming from the battery.
That is the key point here, that many are missing. Input is decoupled from the output, so whatever energy you see at the output is for free. This is essentially steorn's claim. (and only an opinion of mine, as I can't support it at present)
I'm currently doing drop tests with various cores and turns of wires and it is also my experience that an air gap helps. The exact air gap is very important parameter.
When the strong neo magnet is touching the coil (minimum gap) , it "captures" the nearby domains and no amount of current will release the magnet, because these hijacked domains don't respond to the field from the coil. When you increase the gap, the magnet drops. Now it hold the nearby domains lightly and current in the coil can do its stuff.
If you increase the gap too much, the magnet will not attract sufficiently, so you can see that there is a sweet spot here. I was wondering why there is such a big air gap in both steorn's and clanzer's setups. Now it is clear.
Note that the torque is produced only during a brief moment when the magnet enters the influence of the core uptill TDC. So the torque is very very tiny. It is so small that it barely takes the rotor far enough to attract next magnet. This explains why you need friction free rotor.
My PC fan rotor failed miserably to overcome the losses. I'm building a new rotor now. :)
We can look at it as if the energy in the pickup coil does not come from the battery, only directly. If it wasnt for the battery, the pickup coil would get nothing
QuoteWe can look at it as if the energy in the pickup coil does not come from the battery, only directly. If it wasnt for the battery, the pickup coil would get nothing
The excess energy in the pickup coil does not come from the battery. Do you get that part?
Quote from: Magluvin on February 21, 2010, 05:32:48 AM
If it wasnt for the battery, the pickup coil would get nothing
Of course, it would get nothing.
The battery is just sitting there doing its thing, it is not
generating energy.
Then what is generating the energy in the pickup ? where is the prime mover ? Whatever is giving this energy out is giving it for free. The battery is causing this source to give up its energy, the battery is not the source.
Do you see it now ? Its a bit tricky but you should see it.
Steorn have really brought the research in OU to new heights. As you can tell from my recent posts I'm really enthused by what I see is going on there. I really wish people like @Omega_0, @telsaalset, @mondrasek, @MrEntropy and several other are listened to more and are somehow funded to bring about quality replication. The unfortunate reality is that some avid, zealous activists are overwhelming the internet with their stupidities, assisted by some really laborious stupid people. That deliberate and in some cases unconscious clogging of the discussions with gibberish and activist venom is really unfortunate and, together with the lack of proper equipment with the majority of the researchers, is the hope for the enemies of OU to swamp the research in this field.
Another unfortunate circumstance is that Steorn while offering super high quality scientific research are bound by their business agenda. Let us be perfectly clear, the superb experimental results Steorn are presenting is of no immediate practical or business interest. I'd be amazed if even the most far-sighted businesses would buy licenses from them because the very essence of OU is anti-business. The's why, although viable, OU has been suppressed throughout centuries to begin with. There's no reason that businesses would react differently nowadays.
Thus, practically minded, utilitarian technicians and people expecting eOrbo to cut their home utility bills should pay only cursory attention to the discussion because they will be disappointed. This isn't for them right now. This discussion has far-reaching scientific conclusions and only people who understand this can really appreciate what's going on can really benefit from this conversation.
I continue to insist that everything that has been going on throughout these last decades (all pulse motor OU proposals, solid state electroniocs OU proposals etc.) should now be explored according to the high scientific standards Steorn is setting with their endeavor. I can't emphasize it more strongly that this is the only way to separate wheat from the chaff in the OU research and eliminate the enormous waste in the net suffocating the legitimate OU research.
The ultimate goal, prior to seeking practical application, is to establish OU as a mainstream scientific fact recognized by the academia. That goal cannot be reached by just constructing spinning motors but by presenting high quality experimental data obeying the high standards of science.
Of course, there cannot be anything more killing in this respect than demonstrating a spinning gravity or magnetic motor without any energy input. That's a very daunting engineering task, however. On the other hand, we cannot deny science and its methods and careful, quality study of easily reproducible and simpler in engineering terms motors or solid-state devices such as Paul Sprain's or the clones of Adams motors (such as Bedini's and eOrbo) would be equally as good. As of now, Steorn are the only ones (even Naudin isn't up to the task so far) really on the right track in this respect. Unfortunately, like I said, they are way ahead of everybody else who would allow themselves to even dabble in the OU field (involvement of well-endowed mainstream labs is out of the question) and that really stands in the way of the so much needed independent verification by independent third parties.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 20, 2010, 04:04:05 PM'll do better not to clog the discussion with misinterpretations due to you poor understanding of the experiment.
Psychological projection.
You do not understand basic electronics equations and you do not reply with rational and logical arguments but by preaches like an imam. Please avoid to give lessons. Your level in physics is far from being enough.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 21, 2010, 06:33:46 AM
Psychological projection.
You do not understand basic electronics equations and you do not reply with rational and logical arguments but by preaches like an imam. Please avoid to give lessons. Your level in physics is far from being enough.
Stop posting this crap. You don't understand the essence of the discussion, let alone electronics and your gibberish has no place here. Don't clog the discussion with your nonsense.
Of course, it should never be forgotten that violation of CoE through discontinuous production of excess energy has already been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt and that fact alone should be part of the mainstream science. The opposition to that would be somewhat lesser if continuous production of excess energy is demonstrated, as in eOrbo. Of course, the real breakthrough in this respect would be to demonstrate continuous production of excess energy without any energy output. That is an engineering task of enormous practical difficulty for the time being. Therefore, the more viable and easy (although yet prone to attacks by zealous activists), in addition to the already available discontinuous case, is to obtain quality data by independent parties that would confirm, say, the eOrbo high standard results. I see this as a major opportunity for establishing OU research as a legitimate academic research now that the time has come when superb equipment such as, for instance, DPO 7104 is already available (which hasn't even been around some 12 years ago although OU claims have been put forth then).
Oh. there is Excess energy being produced. Well that is good.
The way I see it then, all that need be done is to feed the output back to the input and she is a runner. More out than in (errr used elsewhere to allow output to happen).
As for a release of other energy, I see the toroid just changing the flux direction on one side if the magnet, causing fluctuation in the pickup coil. Sort of like turning an armature to get the same, even though the energy from the hand did not directly generate the output electricity.
I have done quite a bit of this flux path controlling with the Orbonbon and some new tests. But it seems to take at least as much to pulse the toroid as the output ever gets. Maybe Im just not there yet.
It seems the amount of energy it takes to change the flux path enough to cause, things to happen elsewhere, just adds up to as much as it would take to do it another way.
This is just so far with what I have found. Like I said, maybe Im just not there yet.
QuoteThe way I see it then, all that need be done is to feed the output back to the input and she is a runner.
It's been explained many, many times why that's not the agenda. The agenda right now is to reproduce the high quality results of Steorn and possibly study by those rigorous methods other claims such as those of Paul Sprain and the clones of Adams motor (Bedini).
Quote from: Magluvin on February 21, 2010, 07:28:57 AM
Oh. there is Excess energy being produced. Well that is good.
The way I see it then, all that need be done is to feed the output back to the input and she is a runner. More out than in (errr used elsewhere to allow output to happen).
As for a release of other energy, I see the toroid just changing the flux direction on one side if the magnet, causing fluctuation in the pickup coil. Sort of like turning an armature to get the same, even though the energy from the hand did not directly generate the output electricity.
I have done quite a bit of this flux path controlling with the Orbonbon and some new tests. But it seems to take at least as much to pulse the toroid as the output ever gets. Maybe Im just not there yet.
It seems the amount of energy it takes to change the flux path enough to cause, things to happen elsewhere, just adds up to as much as it would take to do it another way.
This is just so far with what I have found. Like I said, maybe Im just not there yet.
A reference indication of the steady state COP is given by Sean of Steorn in this video at approx. 6 minutes : (
He indicated that in steady state there is a COP of 1.08
This is where Naudin got his inspiration from most likely.
Naudin, as everybody else is underfunded, unfortunately.
Wonder if someone can point me to a place in the Boston area or somewhere in New England where they'd have DPO 7104? This type of equipment has to be found urgently so that the proper replication can be vigorously pursued.
Quote from: Omnibus on February 21, 2010, 06:31:41 AM
Steorn have really brought the research in OU to new heights.
Another unfortunate circumstance is that Steorn while offering super high quality scientific research ...
So high that a whole physicists team has denied his effect :D.
All the Steorn stuff is based on the hypothesis that R*I² represents the losses, R being the coil resistance and I the current in the circuit, i.e. he is neglecting the work done by the coil current to change the electron spin alignment. This energy, like every consumed energy, is seen from the pulse generator as a current in a resistance R' possibly in parallel with R (thus derivating a part of I). It follows that Steorn's approximation is likely an over-estimation of the losses and an under-estimation of the useful energy.
We have not yet proof that Steorn would not be another Lutec, another Minato, another MPI... the only method to prove it, is not to preach good word of OU like the omnibus post but to produce a replicable selfrunning machine. A claim of OU without the evidence of a selfrunning machine is completely vain, we have not to swallow pseudo-scientific garbage.
QuoteSo high that a whole physicists team has denied his effect
That's a lie.
QuoteAll the Steorn stuff is based on the hypothesis that R*I² represents the losses, R being the coil resistance and I the current in the circuit, i.e. he is neglecting the work done by the coil current to change the electron spin alignment. This energy, like every consumed energy, is seen from the pulse generator as a current in a resistance R' possibly in parallel with R (thus derivating a part of I). It follows that Steorn's approximation is likely an over-estimation of the losses and an under-estimation of the useful energy.
So, you'll continue posting that crap which obviously proves the opposite of what you intend it to prove. Impudence of some people has no bounds.
Quote from: neptune on February 20, 2010, 01:09:55 PM
@Woopy . With due respect Sir , The use of magnetic recording tape was MY idea originally . Credit where it is due , please .
Really sorry Neptune, i did not know. I don't want to discredit any body anywhere . This idea is really interesting and probably can help. And the quick experiment with changing poles of the tape gives me some better knowledge and i thank you.
So bravo Neptune
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 21, 2010, 09:22:07 AM
So high that a whole physicists team has denied his effect :D.
All the Steorn stuff is based on the hypothesis that R*I² represents the losses, R being the coil resistance and I the current in the circuit, i.e. he is neglecting the work done by the coil current to change the electron spin alignment. This energy, like every consumed energy, is seen from the pulse generator as a current in a resistance R' possibly in parallel with R (thus derivating a part of I). It follows that Steorn's approximation is likely an over-estimation of the losses and an under-estimation of the useful energy.
We have not yet proof that Steorn would not be another Lutec, another Minato, another MPI... the only method to prove it, is not to preach good word of OU like the omnibus post but to produce a replicable selfrunning machine. A claim of OU without the evidence of a selfrunning machine is completely vain, we have not to swallow pseudo-scientific garbage.
As far as i know they didn't ever get a working prototype to do tests with and that's why they were disbanding.
The output energy is Wout = R * I² dt there's no arguing about it. It's not a hypothesis nor an imagination of someone, that's how you calculate. And since they shorted the coil it was an ohmic load in which all power is dissipated as heat. So output power = losses and you integrate R*I² by the time to get the energy.
@Woopy . No problem old chap . It is just that dumb guys like me do not get much glory . The real glory must go to Gravityblock for his investigation of the idea .
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 21, 2010, 09:22:07 AM
So high that a whole physicists team has denied his effect :D.
All the Steorn stuff is based on the hypothesis that R*I² represents the losses, R being the coil resistance and I the current in the circuit, i.e. he is neglecting the work done by the coil current to change the electron spin alignment. This energy, like every consumed energy, is seen from the pulse generator as a current in a resistance R' possibly in parallel with R (thus derivating a part of I). It follows that Steorn's approximation is likely an over-estimation of the losses and an under-estimation of the useful energy.
exnihiloest, my friend, you need to research a bit before posting or if in doubt, ask :)
I even posted the news about the jury on this thread many days ago, where it was disclosed that the jury tested nothing. Steorn failed to show up with a working model within the contract time and the jury said exactly that, but in different words.
If they tested it and proved it non-OU, where is the report ? There is none because there is nothing to report. You can blame the bad luck of steorn and mismanagement there, they mostly fail in whatever stunt they attempt :D
If you say they are neglecting the energy consumed in spin alignment, then why is there a trace at all at the input? If they are subtracting (I^2)*(RR')/(R+R') from the input, the trace should come out a flat 0.
Instead we see many peaks, with each peak falling to a higher value, which means some energy is being lost inspite of subtracting heat losses. (I hope you must have seen that huge spike in dE/dt also). Where is this energy getting lost ? My best guess is, in the spin alignment and hysteresis loss. So they are not neglecting it.
Of course the trace will prove nothing. But if we can show that the trace makes sense, steorn gets sorta plus points and it becomes less probable that they are scamming people for money. They are trying to show something, although in a very bad manner.
The bad manner of their showing results is that they rely on people being competent and able to grasp sooner what they're intending to get across. It's true also that they withhold details of the experiment and leave the observer guessing. That's not how scientists behave but Steorn always insist they are a business and not a scientific organization. Once, however, one understands what they're doing it becomes clear that it's a very clever and definitive experiment. One good thing about it is that it makes calorimetry redundant. Like I said, that methodology, using those high-end instruments should be applied to everything else that has been around for decades and is still a subject of controversy. This methodology will bring closure to that. Too bad hardly anybody in the field of OU is in possession of such sophisticated instruments which will allow to obtain conclusive results, as in the case of eOrbo.
Quote from: Magluvin on February 21, 2010, 07:28:57 AM
I have done quite a bit of this flux path controlling with the Orbonbon and some new tests. But it seems to take at least as much to pulse the toroid as the output ever gets. Maybe Im just not there yet.
It seems the amount of energy it takes to change the flux path enough to cause, things to happen elsewhere, just adds up to as much as it would take to do it another way.
Hey Mag,s don't discount yourself, I've been watching all of your videos, you actually made the S2Gen way before Naudin did. Orbonbon seems to work the same way.
As far as input/output, you are overunity, you're jsut measuring it incorrectly.
Overunity doesn't have to mean that you're getting as much total out as your putting in. It means you measure all of the current through the entirety of the circuit, which is not an easy thing to do(!), and measure all of the energy from your output (also not easy, but easier since you can apply a load to measure dissapation), and if the latter is larger, you're over unity.
I can tell from your videos that you have a good understanding of electronic theory and you have a good mastery of your components, you just may be missing how waesome of a thing you've made.
Here's a question for you: How much current is escaping for your input system? Not how much input is your power supply offering, but how much energy is being converted out of the system? Which is to say, if you can it off of a fresh set of batteries, how long would it run? You could measure that by running it for a while and then testing the batteries. Just measuring the current across the coil doesn't show us anything. It just shows how much current is in the coil at that second.
You could put your multimeter on either terminal of a battery and get a reading, but we wouldn't say that that circuit is using 3 watts of energy, right? There may be 3 watts flowing through the system, but we're not expending it, it's just circling.
You've got a lot of energy circling through your input system, but very very very little of it is actually leaving the system; only what's lost to heat in the components. It's not
doing anything, just circling.
Then, measure all of the energy coming out of your pickup. I bet you're overunity by a lot and don't even realize it. You could be trickling it back into a battery and keeping that battery charged.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg229422#msg229422 =1266759731
Wonder if someone can point me to a place in the or somewhere in New England where they'd have DPO 7104? This type of equipment has to be found urgently so that the proper replication can be vigorously pursued.
I was thinking of taking a class at the local technical college to get access to something similar.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 21, 2010, 09:22:07 AM
All the Steorn stuff is based on the hypothesis that R*I² represents the losses, R being the coil resistance and I the current in the circuit, i.e. he is neglecting the work done by the coil current to change the electron spin alignment. This energy, like every consumed energy, is seen from the pulse generator as a current in a resistance R' possibly in parallel with R (thus derivating a part of I). It follows that Steorn's approximation is likely an over-estimation of the losses and an under-estimation of the useful energy.
this could be easily tested with a well done calorimetric test.
Just let us see, how much heat the coil put out in a certain time frame and compare it to the
electrical energy input in this time frame.
2. I am still wondering, that no one of the replicators is using the idea
of extracting the inductive BackEMF as Ben (user K4ZEP) said in his video, where he showed
the blinking LED.
As we also gain electrical energy by the delta muR factor during the switching
and passing of the rotor, you only need to build it big enough to overcome
the losses and you will get a real good electrical output this way, which should
be much higher than the energy used to drive the coils.
Regards, Stefan.
freeorbo =]
Thanks for the good words. You may be right. I may be wrong and missing a lot. Heck, I do know some stuff, but at times when I see some here with pages of algorithms, I can feel quite small at times. But I keep absorbing more as I go.
I just posted a pic of a different way of doing the orbon on the Solid State Orbo thread. But it has to pulse 2 toroids alternatively to get each half of the AC cycle. But it may have better balance in changing the fields at the center coil. It is simple and complete.
I just had to give my self a break from winding toroids. I have wound many and cut many to start over. Unwrapping
is not as tedious as new winding, but time is a constraint to get to the next level.
As for current looping, power is being expelled. If we have current flowing through the toroid from a battery, and none going back to the battery, that power is gone, till it is replaced, reconverted or captured. Which brings me to my next subject.
I am going to post a vid tonight showing captured bemf from the toroid of the orbon and the output of the pickup lighting 2 separate light bulbs on each output, and neither bulb can be lit as bright on the 5v input alone.
Maybe I have it wrong, but if the toroids show no cemf, why do I have it? Is it because my Tcoil is not saturating the core? Or is all they are saying is the Tcoil is not affected by the rotor mags as in producing current in the Tcoil.?
I may have to do 2 vids, one with the separate outputs, and one with the 2 outputs in series and parallel. But the separate capture outputs gives me more total output, while not decreasing the pickup output as we capture bemf from the Tcoil. Actually I think I remember the bemf capture being more out than the pickup, we will see.
Quote from: Omega_0 on February 21, 2010, 02:18:27 PM
I even posted the news about the jury on this thread many days ago, where it was disclosed that the jury tested nothing. Steorn failed to show up with a working model within the contract time...
Well I missed that, sorry.
The situation is worst than I imagined. Steorn announced their discovery in 2006, and they pretend they have not even been able to give matter to a physicists team in 2009?! Well I feel a new hoax story.
If you say they are neglecting the energy consumed in spin alignment, then why is there a trace at all at the input? If they are subtracting (I^2)*(RR')/(R+R') from the input, the trace should come out a flat 0.
Instead we see many peaks, with each peak falling to a higher value, which means some energy is being lost inspite of subtracting heat losses. (I hope you must have seen that huge spike in dE/dt also). Where is this energy getting lost ? My best guess is, in the spin alignment and hysteresis loss. So they are not neglecting it.
Steorn estimates the wasted power from R*I^2 but R*I^2 is more than the losses.
The wasted power is R*I"^2 where I"=I-I' = I-U/R', R' being the equivalent resistance of the process providing energy to align the electron spin.
It follows that at each step, a power R'*I'^2 is added in the trace and this explains why we see each peak falling to a higher value.
It is the same absurd method as measuring current/tension powering a filament light bulb, then substracting R*I^2 from U*I (R being the resistance of the lighted filament of the bulb) to get the useful energy, then observing that no useful energy is consumed and finally concluding that it is OU because when we remove the losses we get light for nothing!!!
Then followers, misunderstanding that useful energy has been wrongly accounted for losses, tempt to remove the losses of the light bulb, still expecting for light :D.
(I^2)*(RR')/(R+R') is only a part of the equation of the circuit. There is still the classical term -L di/dt (and probably others of second order due to non-linearities of saturation). All phenomenon influencing the current/voltage are not known and some are antagonist, for example the flux change due to di/dt probably acts against the flux change due to dL/dt, leaving us with flat U/I.
Of course the trace will prove nothing. But if we can show that the trace makes sense, steorn gets sorta plus points and it becomes less probable that they are scamming people for money. They are trying to show something, although in a very bad manner.
I agree but this work is for Steorn, not ours.
Quote from: hartiberlin on February 21, 2010, 09:24:14 PM
this could be easily tested with a well done calorimetric test.
I agree, Stefan, but such a test is not so easy as you think.
One would have to distinguish the heat of the coil resistance from the heat of its ferrite core (because re-orienting the magnetic domains has also losses and provides heat).
And the useful mechanical energy that the motor can actually provide is very weak. Not sure one could measure a significant torque. This means that almost all energy from the pulse generator, changing in whatsoever form, finally ends in heating.
2. I am still wondering, that no one of the replicators is using the idea
of extracting the inductive BackEMF as Ben (user K4ZEP) said in his video, where he showed the blinking LED.
As we also gain electrical energy by the delta muR factor during the switching...
I don't agree this viewpoint. In classical physics you gain electrical energy by increasing a self-inductance L for example by tightening coils carrying current because you change mechanical energy into electrical energy. But in Steorn's motor, it is the coil current that works to change L. It is the reason why I think a part of this energy is wrongly accounted for losses.
BackEMF is not a problem. Conventional electronics allows us to easily recover it. Nevertheless we must remember that back emf is never more than the energy we put in the coil and that when coil current is switched off, L is low, thus not much energy can be expected.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 22, 2010, 08:43:31 AM
It follows that at each step, a power R'*I'^2 is added in the trace and this explains why we see each peak falling to a higher value.
It is the same absurd method as measuring current/tension powering a filament light bulb, then substracting R*I^2 from U*I (R being the resistance of the lighted filament of the bulb) to get the useful energy, then observing that no useful energy is consumed and finally concluding that it is OU because when we remove the losses we get light for nothing!!!
Trace falling to a higher point means a loss of energy at the input. If you subtract this loss also, the trace will fall back to original level, which means no energy was consumed and OU is infinite. This is not possible for a real life setup.
Your light bulb analogy is problematic because light is energy and its about 2-3% of total energy consumed, so even if you subtract all the heat loss, you will find 2-3% extra consumption , which is given off as light.
There is little point in arguing about this thing.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 22, 2010, 09:32:34 AM
I agree, Stefan, but such a test is not so easy as you think.
One would have to distinguish the heat of the coil resistance from the heat of its ferrite core (because re-orienting the magnetic domains has also losses and provides heat).
And the useful mechanical energy that the motor can actually provide is very weak. Not sure one could measure a significant torque. This means that almost all energy from the pulse generator, changing in whatsoever form, finally ends in heating.
I don't agree this viewpoint. In classical physics you gain electrical energy by increasing a self-inductance L for example by tightening coils carrying current because you change mechanical energy into electrical energy. But in Steorn's motor, it is the coil current that works to change L. It is the reason why I think a part of this energy is wrongly accounted for losses.
BackEMF is not a problem. Conventional electronics allows us to easily recover it. Nevertheless we must remember that back emf is never more than the energy we put in the coil and that when coil current is switched off, L is low, thus not much energy can be expected.
I must agree with Omega, all the input power has been accounted for and shown several times on the scope.
All the input power was shown to be converted to heat AND was shown to be the SAME with a magnet present or not.
This leaves the rotation of the rotor as additional energy that can not be accounted for.
Watch the video where they show the rotor with every other magnet missing but are still providing the pulse to the coil at all locations. The waveform is indistinguishable at either location.
I received my MetGlas cores last week and did some initial research I would like to share to discuss.
Some data first:
- Metglas cores, type MP2510P4AS
- Nr. of windings: 80
- Wire: 0.5 mm diameter
Scope shots:
- top curve: 20 V/div, representing voltage at the collector of the transistor (node nr. 3)
- middle curve 1 V/div, representing the voltage at the emitter (node nr. 2)
- bottom curve 5 V/div, representing the input voltage
- time base is 50 us/div, frequency of the complete cycle is approx 3.3 KHz
- emitter resistor 10ohm, measuring current through the coil
- max. current throught the coil (L1) set to approx. 100 mA, allowing for firm saturation of the torroid
- input signal is a TTL level signal from a microcontroller kit (Arduino)
- Coil measured without external magnet, Fig 1
- Coil measured with a ring magnet directly attached to the torroid, Fig 2
- Coil measured with a ring magnet attached to the torroid with optimum spacing. (maximum coil value), Fig 3
Figure 1 represent the measured curves without a external magnet attached.
A delayed increase of the current through the coil has been found, as well as a peak voltage over the coil that shows relevant energy freed when current is shut down.
Figure 2 represents the measured curves while the (strong) magnet is directly mounted to the torroid.
A longer delay of increased current can be seen. This means higher coil value is occuring. Also a bigger peak can be found right after current has been switched off.
Figure 3 represent the measured curves while the magnet is held at an optimized distance from the torroid, such that coil value is optimized to its maximum value. Pay attention to the large amount of energy released when switching off the current in the coil.
Thinking over these results, I find it striking that coil value is maximized when there is a specific space between the magnet and the torroid.
I have some thought of this on my own, but any thoughts of these findings are welcome to discuss.
[edit 1]
One conclusion I already would like to share is that the external magnet is essential to obtain a maximum coil value.
The findings without a magnet show the boxed B-H curve as specified by MetGlas, so including the BR value present after switching off the current.
When applying an external magnet the Hc point of the boxed B-H curve moves to near 0 A/m values, allowing for very low BR values and very high permeability at near zero current.
This can be compared with the B-H curves that FineMet shows, only this case has the max. permeability of metglas (1.000.000)
It's all fitting together now.
[edit 2]
My coil shows 4 wires.
- 2 for normal winding (80 in this case), used for this experiment.
- 2 for a tangential winding, not used in this occasion. I will do experiments with that winding later on, to substitude the magnet
We must reckon that Steorn motor is a very low friction motor. A very weak mechanical energy can maintain its rotation. This means that the coil/magnet coupling is likely weak (although the ferrite/magnet coupling is strong). Not surprisingly a magnet does not change noticeably the U/I pulse.
We should ask us why Steorn motor has to be friction less. If its principle was really a free change of ferrite mu by the coil current at a null energy price, then we could let the magnets pass very near the coils and get a terrible torque.
Quote from: exnihiloest on February 23, 2010, 03:45:39 AM
We must reckon that Steorn motor is a very low friction motor. A very weak mechanical energy can maintain its rotation. This means that the coil/magnet coupling is likely weak (although the ferrite/magnet coupling is strong). Not surprisingly a magnet does not change noticeably the U/I pulse.
We should ask us why Steorn motor has to be friction less. If its principle was really a free change of ferrite mu by the coil current at a null energy price, then we could let the magnets pass very near the coils and get a terrible torque.
I would also wonder why it would need to be frictionless except for the four generating coils at the top of the motor that recover the losses and must be placing a drag on the rotor.
I believe it to be over unity but I am not yet convinced it can be built to be self sustaining.
Self sustainability would be a breakover point where the device would become astounding!
I believe that is what everyone is looking for.
Quote from: lumen on February 23, 2010, 07:47:07 AM
I would also wonder why it would need to be frictionless except for the four generating coils at the top of the motor that recover the losses and must be placing a drag on the rotor.
I believe it to be over unity but I am not yet convinced it can be built to be self sustaining.
Self sustainability would be a breakover point where the device would become astounding!
I believe that is what everyone is looking for.
I share almost all your point of view, except I would like the only criteria of over-unity to be the self-sustainability (this would have avoided hundreds of past claims, erroneous or fallacious).
Quote from: neptune on February 21, 2010, 01:20:26 PM
@Woopy . No problem old chap . It is just that dumb guys like me do not get much glory . The real glory must go to Gravityblock for his investigation of the idea .
To be honest I don't see anything glorifying in the tapes experiment GB provided. All you can see in his video is a physical proof of hysteresis loop (experiment good for school labs and not for explaining ORBO :) ). When you approach a magnetized tape to a magnet (or vice versa) you can see that they are repelling each other (of course it depends how you set the magnet - but let's say that they repell each other). For some time, when you keep approaching the tape to the magnet they still keep repelling each other. This will stay that way till the magnet will reach the point where magnetic field strength applied on the tape is = Hc (coercivity). Note, that till this happens you are moving on the second quarter of the tape's hysteresis loop graph. The distance it takes for the magnet to reach Hc point is quite big, because tapes are made in a way to not get erased easily when moved near magnetic field (big Hc values). Ok, now what happens when the magnet reaches Hc point ? We end up in the third quarter of the hysteresis loop - the tape is no longer magnetized and if you move the magnet closer to the tape, the tape will change the direction in which it will be magnetized. This will simply lead to the attraction between the magnet and the tape.
If you see anything special in it then you can also glorify me for explaining you this issue ;) lol
Anyway I don't really see a way you can use this "effect" in ORBO ;)
And if you keep insisting on the subject that we should use tapes as the cores for ORBO, please let me remind you that as PL said - Metglas cores are in fact tapes ;] So what ?
@Airstriker . You have probably forgotten more about magnetic materials than I ever knew . My point is that the use of tape was closer to the mark than might be imagined . Idiots like me need to be reassured that it is OK to suggest out- of-the-box ideas and not be ridiculed . In the words of Forest Gump ,"that's all I have got to say about that ."
Quote from: neptune on February 24, 2010, 12:46:19 PM
You have probably forgotten more about magnetic materials than I ever knew .
I didn't get that part ;>
did you all forget your first semester, a magnet will always behave as a magnet and a coil will always act as a coil and a transformer will always act as a transformer? what is the deal?
I asked in another thread if someone has a pulse motor that he would be willing to send for a couple of months to me (in Massachusetts) to do measurements on it? I'd like first to study a known pulse motor (that'll be easier to find, I guess) and demonstrate it isn't OU (who knows?) by applying the Steorn integration method. Then, possibly study a replica of an eOrbo. As I've said more than once, it appears that the problem isn't the very making of the device but the sophistication of the measurements. I'm trying to set up conditions to do such measurements at least at the level of Steorn, a level reached by no one so far which is the main reason for the difficulties they have with getting it across to society at large.
@Airstriker . That was my way of saying , in a poetic way , That you obviously know much more about magnetic materials than I do . Guess I am not much of a poer either LOL
Quote from: neptune on February 25, 2010, 05:25:25 AM
@Airstriker . That was my way of saying , in a poetic way , That you obviously know much more about magnetic materials than I do . Guess I am not much of a poer either LOL
Still learning I am anyway... All life long ;)
Quote from: Airstriker on February 24, 2010, 10:15:47 AM
To be honest I don't see anything glorifying in the tapes experiment GB provided. All you can see in his video is a physical proof of hysteresis loop (experiment good for school labs and not for explaining ORBO :) ). When you approach a magnetized tape to a magnet (or vice versa) you can see that they are repelling each other (of course it depends how you set the magnet - but let's say that they repell each other). For some time, when you keep approaching the tape to the magnet they still keep repelling each other. This will stay that way till the magnet will reach the point where magnetic field strength applied on the tape is = Hc (coercivity). Note, that till this happens you are moving on the second quarter of the tape's hysteresis loop graph. The distance it takes for the magnet to reach Hc point is quite big, because tapes are made in a way to not get erased easily when moved near magnetic field (big Hc values). Ok, now what happens when the magnet reaches Hc point ? We end up in the third quarter of the hysteresis loop - the tape is no longer magnetized and if you move the magnet closer to the tape, the tape will change the direction in which it will be magnetized. This will simply lead to the attraction between the magnet and the tape.
If you see anything special in it then you can also glorify me for explaining you this issue ;) lol
Anyway I don't really see a way you can use this "effect" in ORBO ;)
And if you keep insisting on the subject that we should use tapes as the cores for ORBO, please let me remind you that as PL said - Metglas cores are in fact tapes ;] So what ?
AirStriker, you really have a problem in finding a correlation between things. You think the experiment I did is just showing a physical proof of a hysteresis loop, lol. Of course it's showing a hysteresis loop, but it's showing you how to use it appropriately.
You really think the Orbo doesn't have a hysteresis loop? Of course the Orbo has a hysteresis loop, but it is using and controlling it so it can have an advantage. Get Real and learn how to use and control the hysteresis loop the right way in order to have an advantage, and my experiment shows just how to do that.
Steorn says they
control the MH position of materials during permanent magnetic interactions and they
decouple the Counter Electromotive Force (CEMF) from torque for electromagnetic interactions. This decoupling of CEMF allows time variant magnetic interactions in electromagnetic systems, you can't find a correlation between my magnetic recording tape experiment and how the MH positions could be controlled in order to
decouple the CEMF from the torque in order to take advantage of it, then I feel really bad for you.
In fact, I've been talking about tape wound cores with a Namlite coating way before Neptune mentioned anything about the tape wound magnetic recording tape. Tape wound cores can be made from many different materials, such as Finemet, Metglas, Nanoperm, magnetic recording tape, and other materials.
The bottom line is, if you don't know what you are building and how to control the MH positions of the materials, then no materials will work for you because a different core material may need to be controlled differently using the same basic principles. You must know what you're building and what the MH positions are before you can have success. Don't believe me, then continue to overlook what I've been saying.
Most everybody here thinks all you need to do is saturate the core at TDC and that is it, other than the common sense things, such as having everything aligned properly, etc. Keep on believing this lie, for it's the very reason why nobody has successfully replicated it so far.
Quote from: gravityblock on February 17, 2010, 04:50:49 PM
The 4th paragraph below the first image you will find my words are almost identical to this page, The author of this page is claiming to be an expert on Cores and Transformers.
Quote from: 0c on February 17, 2010, 07:26:27 PM
This is not a transformer. It is an electromagnet.
This author also wrote the B2 Spice v.5 Electronic Circuit Simulation Software that is well known and used,'s not only an expert in transformers, but he also claims to be an expert on
cores which make up an electromagnet. In order to write a software package such as Spice, then I'm sure he knows what he's talking about, but yet you say he is wrong. I'll take his words over what you say any day. Also, one of the videos from MIT says the same thing this guy is saying, yet you say what I posted isn't right, when what I posted was almost word for word in the reference material. LOL
Quote from: gravityblock on February 25, 2010, 01:03:24 PM
Most everybody here thinks all you need to do is saturate the core at TDC and that is it, other than the common sense things, such as having everything aligned properly, etc. Keep on believing this lie, for it's the very reason why nobody has successfully replicated it so far.
GB, maybe if you translate your magnetic tape understanding into a concrete proposal how the pulse timing would look like in ORBO's situation that would increase enthusiasm.
That could open up eyes a bit quicker. Seeing the M-H mechanism in relation with the pulse switching will definitely boost the discussion.
Are you willing to explain that?
Quote from: teslaalset on February 25, 2010, 02:17:59 PM
GB, maybe if you your magnetic tape understanding into a concrete proposal how the pulse timing would look like in ORBO's situation that would increase enthusiasm.
That could open up eyes a bit quicker. Seeing the M-H mechanism in relation with the pulse switching will definitely boost the discussion.
Are you willing to explain that?
I will explain it after I test it and have it on video. It's easier said than done as we all know.
Quote from: teslaalset on February 25, 2010, 02:17:59 PM
GB, maybe if you translate your magnetic tape understanding into a concrete proposal how the pulse timing would look like in ORBO's situation that would increase enthusiasm.
That could open up eyes a bit quicker. Seeing the M-H mechanism in relation with the pulse switching will definitely boost the discussion.
Are you willing to explain that?
I must say that I have given the M-H concept some thought and can only come up with one idea that seems to lead no where, but this is how it would work.
Suppose you took a toroidal ceramic magnet off the back of a speaker and neutralized it's field using a strong neodymium magnet so it has no real polarity remaining.
Wrap it with some heavy magnet wire to make an Orbo coil core that can retain it's field.
Now when the rotor magnet is at TDC, you would apply a large pulse and magnetize the core in a circular path around the core. This will leave the core in a state that will not be attracted by the rotor magnets since it is essentially the same as a loop of magnets placed end to end and the field is self consuming and contained.
At this point the rotor magnets will now continue on without further power or with reduced power to the core's coil.
The problem is , now the approaching rotor magnets will also not be attracted, until they get into a range that overcomes the contained field and breaks the self attraction within the core. (at least they are not repelled)
So every solution on one end causes a problem on the other end. It's just such a...... magnet like problem!
But some how it seems like there is a solution in there somewhere.
I have a basic question about Orbo and other overunity magnet devices: Won't the magnets degrade over time, according to how much work they've done?
This appears to be a common objection that skeptics have for overunity magnet devices in general. The argument is that there is potential energy stored in the magnets; and as the magnets perform work, their potential energy decreases until such energy is completely degraded over time, thereby requiring a costly recharge of the magnet. The energy required for the recharge, the skeptics argue, would be greater than or equal to the excess usable energy produced by the overunity device, and therefore it isn't a free energy device. The analogy would be that the magnets are like a battery or capacitor with stored potential energy that is released as it does work. Is there any truth to this argument?
I know that magnets degrade over time due to temperature, external magnetic influences, and sharp impact. But those factors can be safely ignored from this argument because they don't depend on the amount of work done.
I suppose that the skeptics' argument might be right if the microscopic domains within the magnet are misaligned as it is doing work; or if the electron spins and/or orbital paths are modified in some way.
In the recent Steorn presentation, the presenter (named Sean, I believe) said that the total measured energy in all the magnets in the device was only 2.3 joules. That figure seems totally bizarre to me because to recharge a magnet, you need something on the order of 1,000,000 watt/seconds of energy for a time period of 10-30 milliseconds. I've acquired these numbers from a website article written by a professional scientist. Sean's stated 2.3 joules of energy is, by comparison, a very tiny amount of energy that can only move an object a distance of 2.3 meters using only 1 newton of force. And that's enough energy to recharge the magnets? Or am I missing something? I am assuming that Sean's concept of "total energy stored in the magnets" is the recharge energy. After doing some math, I figured that the total energy to recharge a magnet (of typical strength) to be tens of thousands of joules of energy. According to Sean, the Orbo's measured output during one experimental run was 21 kilojoules.
This is my only concern with Orbo and any other magnetic overunity device. Sure, they may appear to produce overunity but are we figuring in the depletion of the stored energy of the magnets?
I do not know much about magnets (except that I have done very well in my college Physics courses) and I am hoping that my above concerns are invalid.
Can someone please shed light on this issue? Thanks in advance.
P.S. I am sure that I understand exactly how the Orbo works, and I can say with certainty that the energy that drives the Orbo is coming from the rotor magnets and only the rotor magnets. That is why this issue is very important to me.
Quote from: lumen link=topic=8411.msg230258#msg230258 A=1267156299
Suppose you took a toroidal ceramic magnet off the back of a speaker and neutralized it's field using a strong neodymium magnet so it has no real polarity remaining.
Wrap it with some heavy magnet wire to make an Orbo coil core that can retain it's field.
Now when the rotor magnet is at TDC, you would apply a large pulse and magnetize the core in a circular path around the core. This will leave the core in a state that will not be attracted by the rotor magnets since it is essentially the same as a loop of magnets placed end to end and the field is self consuming and contained.
At this point the rotor magnets will now continue on without further power or with reduced power to the core's coil.
The problem is , now the approaching rotor magnets will also not be attracted, until they get into a range that overcomes the contained field and breaks the self attraction within the core. (at least they are not repelled)
The Orbo is a pulsed device, meaning that the toroidal coil will be de-energized when the previous rotor magnet has moved, for example, about 45 degrees after top dead center (TDC). At that moment, the incoming rotor magnet will be -45 degress away from TDC. Because the toroidal coil is now de-energized, the incoming magnet will now be attracted to the ferrite toroidal ring, thereby causing rotation of the rotor.
So I'm not sure I see what the problem is, exactly. This is how many standard electric motors work.
Quote from: htert2020 on February 26, 2010, 11:37:53 AM
The Orbo is a pulsed device, meaning that the toroidal coil will be de-energized when the previous rotor magnet has moved, for example, about 45 degrees after top dead center (TDC). At that moment, the incoming rotor magnet will be -45 degress away from TDC. Because the toroidal coil is now de-energized, the incoming magnet will now be attracted to the ferrite toroidal ring, thereby causing rotation of the rotor.
So I'm not sure I see what the problem is, exactly. This is how many standard A motors work.
That is the presumed normal operation, we were looking at an additional effect that may or may not be playing a part in the orbo operation.
I was simply exaggerating the effect in an attempt to reveal some answer, since many times if you push a small concept to some limit, you can find the problem or solution.
Here's something that hasn't been discussed here, Gapped Toroids. I haven't seen any evidence of the toroids in the Orbo having a small gap, but if the gap is very small, then the windings could cover this small gap or the small gap could be filled in with a non-magnetic material and we wouldn't know it. The small gap in the core would face the magnets at TDC.
Tape drives do have a gap in the record/playback head which is a gapped toroidal coil. I'm not going to push this until I see evidence pointing in this direction, but it's always a small possibility the toroids in the Orbo are gapped and could be the missing link to this puzzle. I'm just throwing this idea out here and I'm very neutral to any discussion it may spark.
192 pages. hmmm... can any of you guys see this for what it is yet. perhaps an efficient pulse motor. any company who says they are not in the business of manufacturing a device of their own invention that would change the world, something wrong there. "no thanks, i dont want to be the richest man on earth" o/u is out there im sure. but once again ladies and gentlemen, steorn does not have it....
Quote from: rice on February 27, 2010, 07:32:49 AM
192 pages. hmmm... can any of you guys see this for what it is yet. perhaps an efficient pulse motor. any company who says they are not in the business of manufacturing a device of their own invention that would change the world, something wrong there. "no thanks, i dont want to be the richest man on earth" o/u is out there im sure. but once again ladies and gentlemen, steorn does not have it....
Quote from: htert2020 on February 26, 2010, 11:37:53 AM
The Orbo is a pulsed device, meaning that the toroidal coil will be de-energized when the previous rotor magnet has moved, for example, about 45 degrees after top dead center (TDC). At that moment, the incoming rotor magnet will be -45 degress away from TDC. Because the toroidal coil is now de-energized, the incoming magnet will now be attracted to the ferrite toroidal ring, thereby causing rotation of the rotor.
So I'm not sure I see what the problem is, exactly. This is how many standard electric motors work.
Actually there is a small difference you have not noticed - ORBO motor does not experience BEMF, which usually is a result of Lenz law. Beating Lenz Law either in motor or in generator will certainly lead to OU -> ORBO is on a good way to OU ;)
Hi Airstriker
I'm with you on that one,I know nothing about ORBO,but beating Mr Lenz on motors or gennys is the only way to go,without it we are going nowere.
I reserve the right to be totally wrong.
Hi all,
I must agree with Rice. For the past 2 years + I have mostly dealt with plasma discharge and water spark plug work. But in the past, I have done much work with Bedini, Newman, Konzan(?) and many other F.E./O.U. devices and motors.
Since LENR (cold fusion) has proven to be real and tangible with thousands having replicated Pons & Fleischman's 1989 experiment since, (including the US Navy, military sub contractors like SPAWARS in San Diego, CA and many independent labs worldwide) I have turned may attention there.
In researching the history of CF, arguments against this technology usually centered around measurement methodologies. But those arguments were proven moot because the technology ends up being real after all.
During my work with F.E./O.U. I came to realize the importance of measurement methodologies there also. I conducted many experiments to see how analog meters, digital meters, clamp-on meters .... all types reported measurement. I sadly came to the conclusion that only 'analog' amp and voltage meters (you know...with dial and needle) correctly measure 'pulsed' energy and that is only if the duty cycles were near 50% (they seem to auto-integrate just fine there). The only true measurements of pulsed energy must involve scopes (digital or analog), their traces, the areas under the scope traces and/or perhaps very expensive integrating scopes and analysers that properly characterize pulsed current, voltage and power. I have never seen any posts where measurement is performed correctly (at least on pulsed systems).
When I applied the proper measurement constraints to these devices, I saw a clearer picture.
F.E. or O.U is out there. But don't be led down the wrong path because you are interpreting measurements incorrectly. I have been, many times, fooled in concluding that a battery has become 'recharged' by BEMF or other field collapse or resonance phenomena. Example: I would take a new battery and incorporate it into one of the many O.U. motor configurations and excitedly see the battery stay charged up while the motor does work. MMMMM but then the motor actually does eventually slow down but the battery voltage is still high .... What? This would be because of the very high voltage (but low, low power) spikes being returned to the battery keeps the battery at an 'apparent, full' state. Removed from the circuit, the voltage stays high because of the latent battery charge ... the battery likes to be at 12.8V - 13.5V 'chemically'. But if you load that battery the voltage will drop significantly and the battery will appear 'squishy'. Now if you measure the specific gravity of the acid (assuming led-acid type) you will see that the density is indeed low, indicating a discharged condition even though it might show an open circuit voltage of say 13 + volts (mostly in low use batteries).
You can also see this behavior in solar panels. Take a 64 Watt solar panel with maximum power rating of 4 Amps at 13.8 VDC. That panel may have an 'open circuit' voltage rating of, say, 17 VDC. You can place that panel in an indirectly lit room, (daytime, drapes opened, sun hitting the rooftop, you can read the newspaper easily, etc.). The panel will read and open circuit voltage very near the 17 VDC value (chemically). But if you put so much as a 2 or 3 Watt load on the thing, the voltage may drop very nearly to "0" VDC.
I want O.U. to exist because I don't want to be controlled by power companies or special interests.
Well, there ya go. Don't stop searching. Just search wisely.
Quote from: rice on February 27, 2010, 07:32:49 AM
192 pages. hmmm... can any of you guys see this for what it is yet. perhaps an efficient pulse motor. any company who says they are not in the business of manufacturing a device of their own invention that would change the world, something wrong there. "no thanks, i dont want to be the richest man on earth" o/u is out there im sure. but once again ladies and gentlemen, steorn does not have it....
Nobody seems interested in orbo OU
Quote from: rice on February 27, 2010, 01:32:49 PM
192 pages. hmmm... can any of you guys see this for what it is yet. perhaps an efficient pulse motor. any company who says they are not in the business of manufacturing a device of their own invention that wouldchange the world, something wrong there. "no thanks, i dont want to be the richest man on earth" o/u is out there im sure. but once again ladies and gentlemen, steorn does not have it....
On the contrary:
Quote from: ramset on February 27, 2010, 08:07:44 PM
Nobody seems interested in orbo OU
Hi Chet,
I believe ORBO is another step towards growing insights how extra energy can be generated. Point is that this time the extra energy is a bit larger than Bedini and other magnet pulse motor principles claim.
Mainly due to the use of new core materials.
Those older 'bedini like' claims relate to extra energy that was hardly coming out of the 'noise' of measurement by replicators.
The extra energy ORBO claims is little. That is why interest is vanishing.
But the real potential is in understanding what leads to the extra energy.
Once a few people really understand, this can be brought to another level.
This will take time. Many people here don't have the patience and the drive to work on that.
But there are a few die hards that do really interesting replications.
The link I posted is just one of them.
It's a pity that only a few are really smart and persistent guys. They get beaten by many less smart and persistent guys. That group is always the majority in forums like this. In some cases the more persistent guys get fed up and leave this forum.
I am still following some of those guys that left this forum. They have their own tiny forums or blogs or use YouTube.
With some better moderation this could have been avoided.
This handbook I found on transformers and inductors is full of great information,
On page 1-25 it says the area around the gap in a gapped toroid is very sensitive to metal objects. If another ferromagnetic material is in close proximity to the gap so it conducts the magnetic field of the toroid it will cause it to short the gap and cause a higher inductance than designed which could drive the core into saturation. Will the dual magnets cause the gap to be shorted? I believe so. How will the dual magnets react while shorting this gap?
The fringing flux factor (F) due to the gap in the toroid decreases the total reluctance of the magnetic path and therefor increases the inductance by a factor, "F", to a value greater than without the gap.
If the fringing flux is strong enough then it could cause localized heating and is the same principal used in induction heating. Does this sound familiar?
Also, the Mr or remenance is much lower in the gapped toroids which is more inline with the cores being used in the Orbo. The old fashioned tape drives use a gapped toroid also.
I see no physical evidence the Orbo is using a gapped toroid, unless the gap is being physically hidden from our view. When I was in high school many years ago, a guy who repaired electronics told me some tape drives could be modified to build a motor that produced more output than input. He would not go into much details, but I remember having this conversation with him. That was 24 years ago and I only recall very little of what he did tell me. :(
Quote from: ramset on February 27, 2010, 08:07:44 PM
Nobody seems interested in orbo OU
Quote from: rice on February 27, 2010, 01:32:49 PM
192 pages. hmmm... can any of you guys see this for what it is yet. perhaps an efficient pulse motor. any company who says they are not in the business of manufacturing a device of their own invention that wouldchange the world, something wrong there. "no thanks, i dont want to be the richest man on earth" o/u is out there im sure. but once again ladies and gentlemen, steorn does not have it....
On the contrary:
From what I see in the video, it looks like another mistake of measuring the RPMs. To me it looks much slower than over 1200 RPMs. I think maybe the experimentor is getting reflections from the 4 magnets. I can almost read the writing on the wheel as it is spinning. Makes me wonder what other measurements are not correct.
All things considered,
"Eyeballing" RPM on a vid link accross the internet
is Weak.
Quote from: ramset on February 28, 2010, 07:33:00 PM
All things considered,
"Eyeballing" RPM on a A link accross the internet
is Weak.
Chet, I agree about Youtube videos but I have mentioned this several times now from my "Eyeballing" and in each case the person taking the measurements came back and said I was right. I posted a RPM measurement problem I saw on
this thread earlier if you go back.
Anyway, it is just a caution for those of us taking measurements. It is easy to get rapped up in some measurement data and miss a problem. We are all learning.
"The Waterways will remain open for a further three weeks, until Friday 19th March, due to additional applications from third parties interested in testing Orbo technology."
"Release of calorimetry and other test data â€" being finalised and ready for release soon"
So looks like, its delayed again, and we will see the results in April now (hopefully).
Quote from: rice on February 27, 2010, 07:32:49 AM
192 pages. hmmm... can any of you guys see this for what it is yet. perhaps an efficient pulse motor. any company who says they are not in the business of manufacturing a device of their own invention that would change the world, something wrong there. "no thanks, i dont want to be the richest man on earth" o/u is out there im sure. but once again ladies and gentlemen, steorn does not have it....
I would have to disagree with your assessment. The Steorn Orbo incurs no back-EMF (BEMF) on the input power. This fact alone proves that the device is overunity.
An analogy would be that, if I throw my fist to hit a brick wall, the brick wall smashes into a thousand pieces, but meanwhile, my fist feels absolutely nothing and keeps moving forward indefinitely. In essence, my fist has gained free energy that seemingly came from nowhere. This is what the Steorn Orbo does. The input energy from the battery does not transfer to the output energy of the rotor. And yet, the rotor moves to produce output energy. The input energy is like my fist; the rotor is like the brick wall; the absence of back-EMF is like the absence of any bouncing effect as my fist hits the wall.
I think that Steorn's presentation in the Waterways definitively proves that Orbo is overunity. Unfortunately, it was too technical for a general audience to understand.
I can explain my position further if you would like. I have studied the Orbo concepts and I believe that I have a full grasp on exactly how it produces overunity, to the point that I can build a similar device if I had the time.
Quote from: htert2020 on March 03, 2010, 06:36:25 AM
I would have to disagree with your assessment. The Steorn Orbo incurs no back-A (BEMF) on the input power. This fact alone proves that the device is overunity.
An analogy would be that, if I throw my fist to hit a brick wall, the brick wall smashes into a thousand pieces, but meanwhile, my fist feels absolutely nothing and keeps moving forward indefinitely. In essence, my fist has gained free energy that seemingly came from nowhere. This is what the Steorn Orbo does. The input energy from the battery does not transfer to the output energy of the rotor. And yet, the rotor moves to produce output energy. The input energy is like my fist; the rotor is like the brick wall; the absence of back-EMF is like the absence of any bouncing effect as my fist hits the wall.
I think that Steorn's presentation in the Waterways definitively proves that Orbo is overunity. Unfortunately, it was too technical for a general audience to understand.
I can explain my position further if you would like. I have studied the Orbo concepts and I believe that I have a full grasp on exactly how it produces overunity, to the point that I can build a similar device if I had the time.
I like your analogy. Please explain further your ideas. Fresh ideas are welcome.
One question, do you think the rotor of the Orbo really needs to be on "magnetic" almost frictionless bearings? It makes almost any attempt to replicate very difficult.
Have you guys seen the latest S2Gen Episodes by JLN ?
For the first time I must say that his explanations and experiments are not right at all.
He says:
"The output coil must be fully EM decoupled from the input coil (no mutual inductance), so this is why the toroïdal coil is used as the input coil and a cylindrical or a flat coil set at 90° as the output coil."
If one coil is decoupled from the second one (toroid coil vs cylindrical one) why is he saying that magnetizing toroid coil directly affects the cylindrical one ??! Doesn't he see that one statement denies the other ?
Also he says:
"The magnet is used only to set the operating point in the MH curve of the toroïdal core. The magnet is not the source of the excess of energy. The ferromagnetic core is used on the highly non linear portion of the MH curve (where the core permeability drops quickly)"
This statement is also wrong. The magnet IS used to set the operating point in the MH curve of the toroïdal core, but the magnet is also the only source of the excess energy here!
When you magnetize the toroid core it's magnetic field is contained totally in the toroid core. So it cannot directly influence (generate electricity) in the cylindrical coil - as he has shown by himself in episode 2!
What is actually happening here is (I'm considering the 2SGen v5 setup):
- During the phase when the toroid is not saturated (no current in the toroid's coil) nearly ALL the magnetic field lines of the magnet go through the toroid core (half of them through the left part of the toroid and half of them through the right side of the toroid). So nearly no magnetic field lines do go along the axis of the cylindrical coil - no or little EMF induced in the cylindrical coil.
- When you saturate the core (current going through the toroid's coil), the magnetic field lines of the magnet don't go any longer through the toroid core. All of the magnetic field lines of the magnet now go from N to S of the magnet but in the plane perpendicular to the toroid's core face. So this time, all the magnetic field lines of the magnet will go just along the axis of the cylindrical coil - thus generating EMF.
So as you can see the magnet does more than just setting the operating point of the toroid core!
Going further the experiment performed by JLN at episode 7 does not really make much sense. What he is actually measuring there is the output of the system alone. Not the input/output. What he really should measure, is the energy input during the magnetisation phase BUT the energy input to the toroid's coil! Then he can compare the input vs output.
Also note, that he in fact can also capture back the energy contained in the toroid - during the demagnetisation phase - as at the moment he is not utilizing that energy at all. This will simply make a very efficient device and for sure a self runner should be possible.
Do you guys agree with my point of view ? If so, can somebody write him an email to answer this post ? (Edit: already done that)
Quote from: maw2432 on March 03, 2010, 07:25:52 AM
I like your analogy. Please explain further your ideas. Fresh ideas are welcome.
One question, do you think the rotor of the Orbo really needs to be on "magnetic" almost frictionless bearings? It makes almost any attempt to replicate very difficult.
Hi Bill,
Before I explain anything, first let me say that I am not a physicist. I am only a software engineer. However, I have been studying electrical concepts and I also had straight A's in all my college physics courses.
Incidentally, to understand Orbo physics requires little more than second-year college physics knowledge. That is why I am suprised at how most public criticisms of Orbo come from a lack of knowledge of Orbo's physics. Steorn's demonstration in the Waterways wasn't really necessary to prove that Orbo is overunity. All that is necessary to prove Orbo's overunity is an explanation of the physics concepts. For, once I understood the physics concepts, I instantly knew that Orbo was overunity -- without having to see any demonstrations anywhere. Steorn could have rigged the demo, for all I care. On knowing the concepts, it wouldn't really matter to me.
So let me elaborate on the fist-and-brick-wall analogy with another analogy that is more accurate. A battery can be compared to a 100-pound bowling ball elevated at 50 feet in the air. When you connect a wire between the terminals of a battery, you release the electrons as they race from one terminal to the other. This is analogous to the bowling ball falling toward the ground from its initial elevation. Essentially, the bowling ball is converting its potential energy into kinetic energy.
But what happens if the bowling ball hits the top of a giraffe's head during its downward journey to the ground? Obviously, some of the kinetic energy of the bowling ball is transferred to the giraffe's head (ouch!). Since the bowling ball loses some kinetic energy, its speed temporarily diminishes for a split second. Then the bowling ball continues its journey until it reaches the ground. When it reaches the ground, it hits the ground with a loud thud. The thud is the bowling ball transferring kinetic energy into the ground. So all of the kinetic energy of the ball has been lost to the environment.
Compare that to the electrons flowing between terminals of a battery. Imagine an electron to be the bowling ball. The voltage of the battery is like gravity -- it is a force. The electron "falls" toward the "ground" terminal. As the electron "falls", it gains kinetic energy. However, during its journey, it may "hit" something... not a giraffe's head, but something else that can absorb some of its kinetic energy, thereby slowing down the electron. This slowing down of electrons is what engineers call "Back EMF", which I mentioned in my previous post. After "hitting" something, the electron continues "falling" toward the "ground" terminal. Along this journey, the electron may "hit" multiple things, each time transferring some of its kinetic energy to the environment. Finally, the electron "hits" the "ground" terminal and releases its remaining kinetic energy as heat. If during the journey, the electron had never hit anything, then it will hit the ground terminal with a very loud, super thud -- which is the overheating of the battery due to short circuiting. I should also mention that all throughout that journey, the voltage force continuously accelerated the electron as the kinetic energy steadily increases and the potential energy steadily decreases. At the end of that journey, the electron has maximum kinetic energy and minimal potential energy. If the electron hadn't hit anything along its journey, then all of that saved kinetic energy goes into slamming into the ground terminal at a super speed to cause heating of the battery.
This heating is exactly what Sean McCarthy from Steorn means when he says that virtually 100% of the input energy goes toward joule heating and heat losses. This means that virtually zero percent of the input energy goes toward moving the rotor! Because in a conventional electric motor, the electron would "hit" something along its journey, thereby transferring some of its kinetic energy somewhere else. That something is the "Back EMF" that is caused by the rotor magnets moving in front of the stator coil. Engineers also call the "Back EMF" the "load" of the circuit.
Since a Steorn Orbo has absolutely zero back-EMF, the electrons flow along as if there was no load. So no kinetic energy is lost from the electron. It just simply maintains its speed -- whereas in a conventional motor, the electron would have lost speed and kinetic energy due to the back-EMF. In the Orbo, the saved kinetic energy (which is major savings, by the way) is then used to power other things. If there's nothing else in the circuit, the saved kinetic energy goes toward heat losses to the environment -- whether at the ground battery terminal or through the resistance along the wire. After all, that saved kinetic energy must go somewhere. That saved kinetic energy can also be used instead to power -- let's say -- a generator, maybe? Get the idea? And then the generator can feed the energy back to the battery to recharge it. Meanwhile, the rotor gets away with free energy.
In a conventional electric motor, the electron energy that would otherwise have been saved by Orbo is transferred instead to the rotor through the back-EMF. That balances the equation for satisfying the "law" of conservation of energy. But in an Orbo, the saved energy can go toward other things along the battery circuit. It can power other loads -- a generator, for example. Virtually 100% of the rotor energy is free energy that came from seemingly nowhere. Of course, you can then use some of that rotor energy to power another generator, or to power a load of your choice, or even to power another Orbo! There is no reason why you can't connect the same input battery circuit to multiple Orbos. If you connect the input battery circuit to two Orbos, you'll double the output energy, which is completely free. Want to triple the output energy? Connect three Orbos. And the battery power would not be drained in any way. The input battery circuit maintains its original energy.
Now, if you want, I can explain exactly why the Orbo has zero back-EMF, as it is a key concept. (Or someone else here can take the ball and explain it, too) Understanding the back-EMF phenomenon requires second-year college physics knowledge. But even a student of college physics may still not get why the Orbo has no back-EMF. The secret is in the shape of the stator coil. It is a circular toroid. If your're curious, I can explain that as well.
Anyway, I'll answer your question...
Quote from: maw2432 on March 03, 2010, 07:25:52 AM
One question, do you think the rotor of the Orbo really needs to be on "magnetic" almost frictionless bearings? It makes almost any attempt to replicate very difficult.
In my opinion, you won't need near-frictionless bearings. Think of the friction as just another load. The free energy actually comes from the rotor magnets. Obviously, if you want the rotor to power something practical, like a generator, the kinetic energy available to drive the generator will be less, if you have high friction at the bearings. Steorn used very low friction bearings (magnetic, I believe) in order to show maximum output energy as detected by the pickup coil. With high friction, less energy would be available to the pickup coil. The pickup coil is like a generator, except that its main purpose is to sense the power and current of the output circuit, and forward that information to the oscilloscope for all the skeptics to see.
If you're building an Orbo replication, just be aware that as the bearing friction increases, less energy would be available to drive any load that you wish to attach to the rotor's output energy. If the bearing friction is infinite, then theoretically, all of the rotor's output energy goes into frictional heating -- but still, that frictional heating represents free energy that seemingly came from nowhere, if you account for the preserved energy of the battery circuit.
The nature of your question leads me to guess that you don't fully understand yet how Orbo produces overunity and free energy. Unless you understand the science, it's going to be very difficult for you or anyone to replicate it. For one thing, you wouldn't know the measurements to make in order to confirm that your creation is really overunity. However, I'm available to help if you should need it. Actually, I'm thinking about replicating it myself, but I'm not sure if I should spend my valuable time doing it. Perhaps if I team up with someone, I might consider it.
By the way, replicating the Orbo requires a high level of precision because the toroidal stator coils must be perfectly round, not too thick, and perfectly positioned in relation to the rotor magnets in order to cancel out all EMF forces so that the total EMF forces due to the magnets is as close to zero as possible. That's why Sean McCarthy compares building the Orbo to building a high-precision hard drive. However, with gentle hands, dedication, and perhaps good measurement tools, it can theoretically be done "in your garage", so to speak.
htert2020 please go on with the zero back-EMF explanation. You seem to be quite gifted in explaining things ;) Maybe something new will come to the ground. Anyway if you go on with no BEMF explanations please stick to the oryginal ORBO concept -> magnets facing the face of the toroid. Nobody except me has tried that before on this topic (at least I don't recall any more tries) and I wonder if we think the same way about this.
@ htert2020
Thank you for your reply which obviously took much thought.
Yes please go on with your ideas and the ways you think Orbo could be replicated.
I am just a Science teacher in the public school system with only a general physics background. I have been struggling with a replication attempt myself.
I have spent a lot of time testing and finding a good rotor/wheel that could be used. I think I finally found an acceptable rotor/wheel that may be used for a good replication attempt. If you are interested in a replication attempt you could obtain this wheel without much trouble. Good Ceramic bearings are also easy to get for this wheel. I seem to learn the hard way ..... failure, failure, and more failure...... until I get it right.
I call this find a GreenOrb or "G-Orb" for short because of the bright green color of the wheels. I think G-Orbs would make great test rotors,
The ABEC 11 Flywheel is 97mm diam and about 52mm wide. It is the first wheel with the width needed that I have tested (after many tested and much cost) that did not have any wobble. (A requirement that Steorn mentioned.)
As they say "you get what you pay for". The ABEC 11 Flywheel uses two standard 608 bearings so Bones ceramic speed bearings are a good choice. I tested many sets of bearings for spin down tests... as well as studied the reviews, the Bones Reds ceramics are the best so far. There are more expensive 608 bearings ... I hope to test later. My spin down tests with a hard turn by hand is just over 3 minutes with one bearing and around 2 minutes with two bearings with the wheel on a 8 mm shaft. With both bearings in the wheel, I consider it rock solid with no wobble. I will send a photo later.
Here is a photo of the wheel.
I will post a photo of my test rig later. I think it makes a good test rotor.
fortunately i do understand the technical mumbo jumbo. the fact that there is very little or no back emf makes this thing super efficient, but not O/U. i am in no way trying to discourage anyone, and i may be wrong, but i feel people should see this whole orbo revolution for what it is. energy efficiency at best! i like your analogy but the part that needs correcting is that the orbo will not continue on through the wall. it will indeed stop. until the next pulse of energy which it is getting from a power supply. back emf is not the only thing trying to stop a rotating magnetic field.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 03, 2010, 04:06:00 PM
htert2020 please go on with the zero back-A explanation. You seem to be quite gifted in explaining things ;) Maybe something new will come to the ground. Anyway if you go on with no BEMF explanations please stick to the oryginal ORBO concept -> magnets facing the face of the toroid. Nobody except me has tried that before on this topic (at least I don't recall any more tries) and I wonder if we think the same way about this.
Okay, this explanation is for the benefit of anyone reading this, especially for those unfamiliar with electrical physics.
I think we all know that a steady electric current creates a steady magnetic field. That is, a moving charged particle -- in this case, an electron -- causes a steady magnetic force that radiates outward in all directions, similar to how gravitational force radiates outward from the Earth toward the universe in all directions. Naturally, the force is strongest when you get closest to the moving electron... and it gets weaker as you get farther away from it, on the order of the square of the distance.
However, I believe it is less widely known that a changing magnetic field creates a steady electric current in a conductor such as a copper wire. This principle was discovered by Michael Faraday, supposedly in 1831, and is the basis of all modern-day generators, electric motors, and transformers. It is explained in the following Wikipedia article:
So, to boil it down to just a couple of sentences:
(1) An electric current creates a steady magnetic field.
(2) A changing magnetic field creates an electric current.
Also, a strong electric current creates a strong magnetic field. That is, the magnetic field varies with the strength of the current.
And, a rapidly changing magnetic field, or even a slowly changing but strong magnetic field, creates a strong electric current.
These are very important principles in order to understand why the Orbo has no back-EMF.
In a conventional electric motor, when the rotor magnet moves past the conventional stator coil, this represents a changing magnetic field as experienced by the stator coil. And the above rule (2) states that this changing magnetic field must induce an electric current in the stator coil. Yes, the stator coil already has current flowing from the battery or power source. However, the rotor magnet's changing magnetic field induces a current in the stator coil wire that flows in the opposite direction to the current provided by the power source. Actually, it is more accurate to say that the changing magnetic field causes a FORCE that tries to move the electrons in a direction that opposes that which is provided by the power source. That force is called voltage. It is also called back-EMF, or BEMF. EMF is an acronym for "electromotive force". In the literature, you'll also see the acronym CEMF, which stands for "counter electromotive force".
Going back to my previous analogies, the back-EMF is similar to what happens when the bowling ball hits the giraffe's head, or my fist hits a brick wall. The electrons in the stator coil has hit a "brick wall" and loses kinetic energy, and that kinetic energy is transferred to the rotor magnet.
Now, how would the EMF in a Steorn Orbo work? Why is there no back-EMF in a Steorn Orbo? How do I know that there is no back-EMF in an Orbo, even though I've never attended the Steorn demonstration and haven't checked out the device myself to see if it's rigged? This is because the back-EMF created on all the segments of wire within a toroidal coil cancel out to zero, in the presence of the changing magnetic field of Orbo's rotor magnets. To understand why this is so, let me mention an additional fact about rule (2) above. According to Michael Faraday's original discovery, a changing magnetic field creates an electric current in a "loop of wire". This loop of wire can be of any shape, but in stator coils, the shape is circular. Think of a stator coil -- conventional or Orbo -- as a collection of circular loops of wire. So if a stator coil has 100 turns of wire, then it has 100 circular loops of wire.
A changing magnetic field, therefore, will try to force a current in a loop of wire that goes either clockwise or counter-clockwise. In a conventional stator coil, a clockwise direction of current flow along all the circular loops of wire means that all the electrons are flowing in the same direction along the one-dimensional wire. This is true because of how all the circular loops are stacked in relation to each other. Because the electrons move in the same direction along the wire (when viewed one-dimensionally), the net effect is a back-EMF that is nonzero in total along the length of the wire.
However, in an Orbo toroidal coil, the individual loops of wire are stacked in an unconventional manner. Imagine that Orbo's two rotor magnets (north and south) are positioned at top dead center, right in front of the toroidal coil. If you were the size of a small insect, and you flew onto the magnets, right in front of the toroidal coil, what would you see? You would see a beautiful symmetry in the toroidal coil.
Now here's the key point. The changing magnetic field creates a back-EMF that tries to move electrons along the circular loops of wire, either clockwise or counter-clockwise when viewed from the insect's perspective. (The insect, again, is located at the magnets) But because of the geometry of the coil, if you move electrons clockwise along one loop of wire, then try to move electrons clockwise in another loop of wire that is positioned symmetrically opposite to the first loop of wire, the electrons actually move in opposite directions along the wire from a one-dimensional perspective. When I say "clockwise", I mean clockwise from the perspective of the insect, and only the insect -- for that is where the magnets are located. Because you're pulling the electrons in contradictory directions along the length of the wire -- that is, the electromotive forces on the segments of wire contradict each other -- the forces cancel each other out in a symmetrically beautiful way. So the total net force on all electrons along the length of the wire, due to back-EMF, is zero. Positive 5 plus negative 5 equals zero. And as all physics students learn in Physics 101, when the sum total of all forces acting on something is zero, then there is effectively zero force on the object.
This cancelling out of back-EMF forces is true whether the toroid's face is toward the magnets (as in the older Orbo configuration) or toward the ceiling (as in the newer Orbo configuration as shown in the Waterways demo). In the case of the toroid facing the magnets (the older Orbo configuration), the magnets are positioned in such a way that most of the loops of wire in the toroid are perpendicular to each magnet. This means that each magnet "sees" a circular wire that is so elongated -- so thin -- that it looks almost like a line rather than a circle. Michael Faraday's discovery states that the induced EMF along the loop of wire is a function of the change in magnetic flux through the area enclosed by the loop. If the rotor magnets are angled such that it "sees" that enclosed area as almost nonexistent, then the magnetic flux will be almost nonexistent, and therefore the change in magnetic flux will also be nonexistent... and this means that the induced back-EMF will also be nonexistent.
There's one important thing that needs to be mentioned. In an Orbo, there is a north and south rotor magnet. The magnetic field produced by a south magnetic pole is positive (I believe -- I may have it the other way around, but it won't matter, as you'll soon see). And the magnetic field produced by a north magnetic pole is negative. So if the field strength of the north magnet as experienced by any given point on the toroidal stator is, say, -5, then the field strength of the south magnet as experienced by the same point on the toroid will be +5, which will cancel out the -5 from the north magnet. Actually, the field strength from the south magnet at the given point on the toroid will be slightly different than +5 because geometrically, the point on the toroid will be either nearer or farther away from the south magnet as compared to the north magnet, unless the point is located at the exact equator of the toroid. But if you understand the symmetry of the toroid, you will always find another point on the toroid that experiences the symmetrically opposite total force from the two magnets.
So having a north and south magnet at the rotor is a clever way of minimizing back-EMF in the toroidal stator coil. In a conventional motor, you can only use a single magnet polarity on the rotor because the stator coil produces either a "north" or "south" magnetic field to either attract or repel the stator magnet. However, in the Orbo, the stator's ferromagnetic core attracts both north and south magnets. So in an Orbo, both the north and south magnets can be used at the rotor, and quite conveniently, this combination of north and south magnets work to provide only minimal back-EMF to the stator coil.
Based on the above knowledge, it is my strong belief that the Orbo should theoretically have no back-EMF. I base my reasoning on three things:
(1) The above theoretical knowledge of basic physics.
(2) The patent paper entitled, "SUBSTANTIAL NULLIFICATION OF EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELDS AND LORENTZ FORCES REGARDING TOROIDAL INDUCTORS". More information about this patent paper can be found at the very bottom of Orbo-replicator Naudin's web page at:
(3) Steorn's consistent claims and oscilloscope readings showing the total absence of back-EMF in the Orbo circuit.
As I mentioned before, the total absence of back-EMF in an Orbo definitively proves that Orbo is overunity. For, none of the input energy is spent on operating the Orbo. That saved input energy can be used for other purposes, such as powering a generator to feed energy back into the battery, thereby "closing the loop" of continuous energy flow.
And, there is one thing that I disagree with Sean McCarthy about. Sean McCarthy, in the Steorn demo, claimed that the energy efficiency of the Orbo shown in the demonstration was, electric output to electric input, about 327%. To me, that is a wild claim. The energy efficiency of the Orbo is not around 327%, but it should actually be closer to infinity!
Think about that. Infinite efficiency. Why do I say that? Because NONE of the input energy is ever spent. And when you divide the output energy by the input energy of zero -- or if you divide any number by zero -- you get infinity.
Here's an analogy to better understand this. Say I invest $10 in a company, and I make back $30. My return on investment would be 300%. This is similar to what Sean McCarthy is claiming about the Orbo. However, what if my original $10 investment was returned back to me? In other words, not only do I make back $30, but my original $10 was returned back to me. Then my original investment was actually $0. And $30 divided by $0 is infinity.
Another way to think of this is to consider how a single battery circuit can power an unlimited number of Orbos, not accounting for negligible resistence heat losses along the wire. That would be infinite energy efficiency. Not 300%. Not 327%. But infinity.
So I believe that Sean McCarthy vastly UNDERSTATED the energy efficiency of the Orbo and what it can do. But I don't blame him for that. Because if he goes around claiming that the Orbo produces infinite energy efficiency -- even though it's absolutely true -- he'd be labelled more of a lunatic that he already is.
Quote from: rice on March 03, 2010, 07:57:47 PM
fortunately i do understand the technical mumbo jumbo. the fact that there is very little or no back A makes this thing super efficient, but not O/U. i am in no way trying to discourage anyone, and i may be wrong, but i feel people should see this whole orbo revolution for what it is. energy efficiency at best! i like your analogy but the part that needs correcting is that the orbo will not continue on through the wall. it will indeed stop. until the next pulse of energy which it is getting from a power supply. back A is not the only thing trying to stop a rotating A.
No, I strongly disagree. The absence of back-EMF does really mean that the device is overunity. In fact, it means that the device has theoretically infinite efficiency if everything is set up right to completely cancel all traces of back-EMF.
Why do you believe that zero back-EMF still means underunity? A better question is, in your view of things, how exactly does the input energy of the battery transfer to the output energy of the rotor? My claim is that there is no such transfer. There is zero transfer of any input energy from the battery to the output energy of the rotor. In a conventional electric motor, there is a transfer because of the back-EMF. The back-EMF decreases the current in the battery circuit -- that is, the bowling ball hits the giraffe's head, or the fist hits the brick wall -- thereby transferring energy from the battery circuit to the rotational energy of the rotor. That's how energy is transferred in a conventional electric motor. However, in an Orbo, since there's no back-EMF, there is no such energy transfer. Therefore, the energy that would otherwise have been transferred from the battery circuit to the rotor is conserved in the electrons of the current. That excess energy can then be used to power something else, or to power a generator that returns most of the energy back to the battery. Only a minimal amount of that excess energy would be lost as heat, if you use the generator approach. That additional heat is free energy that otherwise would not have been there in a conventional electric motor, so it's an energy gain. And, yes, I recognize that the battery will eventually be drained, but the output energy of the rotor is free energy, and some of that free energy can also be used to recharge the battery. So in effect, the battery never gets drained, and the rotor spins forever, at least until the bearings fail or something similar. What part of that is not overunity?
If the device had an energy efficiency of exactly 100%, then there would be a small amount of back-EMF that exactly and precisely corresponds to the rotational output energy of the rotor.
If the device had an energy efficiency of less than 100%, then the amount of EMF would be greater than the rotational output energy of the rotor.
If the device had an energy efficiency of slightly greater than 100%, then the amount of EMF would be less than the rotational output energy of the rotor.
If the device had an energy efficiency of infinity, then the amount of EMF would be exactly zero.
And zero EMF is what Orbo has, and that's what I've been discussing at length in an earlier post.
Do you not believe that the amount of EMF represents the precise transfer of energy from the input battery to the rotational output energy of the rotor?
I just fail to see your reasoning. I don't know how to exactly address your concern because I don't know exactly why you believe what you believe. If you could give your reasoning, then I'll be able to give you a more direct response.
Quote from: maw2432 on March 03, 2010, 06:54:13 PM
I have spent a lot of time testing and finding a good rotor/wheel that could be used. I think I finally found an acceptable rotor/wheel that may be used for a good replication attempt. If you are interested in a replication attempt you could obtain this wheel without much trouble. Good Ceramic bearings are also easy to get for this wheel. I seem to learn the hard way ..... failure, failure, and more failure...... until I get it right.
I call this find a GreenOrb or "G-Orb" for short because of the bright green color of the wheels. I think G-Orbs would make great test rotors,
The ABEC 11 Flywheel is 97mm diam and about 52mm wide. It is the first wheel with the width needed that I have tested (after many tested and much cost) that did not have any wobble. (A requirement that Steorn mentioned.)
As they say "you get what you pay for". The ABEC 11 Flywheel uses two standard 608 bearings so Bones ceramic speed bearings are a good choice. I tested many sets of bearings for spin down tests... as well as studied the reviews, the Bones Reds ceramics are the best so far. There are more expensive 608 bearings ... I hope to test later. My spin down tests with a hard turn by hand is just over 3 minutes with one bearing and around 2 minutes with two bearings with the wheel on a 8 mm shaft. With both bearings in the wheel, I consider it rock solid with no wobble. I will send a photo later.
Hey thanks, Bill. If I do put together a replication, I'll be sure to look into that rotor wheel. A spin test lasting 3 minutes sounds like very low friction indeed.
May I ask, what is the purpose of your replication? To confirm that Orbo works, or to show it to others to "spread the word" about Orbo? If you could build one that can spin forever based on a loopback generator, then that would be the most effective way to spread the word about Orbo. Most people, when they hear about Orbo, are very skeptical.
As a side note: It seems to me that the very fact that a magnet can hang and completely support its weight on an iron ceiling violates the law of conservation of energy. It is the fact that it takes energy to counteract the force of gravity. And, for that matter, any object sitting on a desk seemingly violates the law of conservation of energy. For, the molecular bonds of the desk are counteracting the force of gravity, thereby providing infinite energy. Of course, people will argue that since the object does not move, no work is being done. But remember Einstein's relativity: all movement is relative. So when people say that the object does not move, I would ask, "From what frame of reference are you observing that the object does not move?" Could it be that energy itself is only relative?
And could it be that energy is much more widely available in the universe than we currently realize?
I'm just theorizing, so don't hold me to these thoughts just yet. Maybe you or someone else has an opinion on this subject, and I would be interested in hearing what they have to say.
Magnetic bearings for an eOrbo replication is essential. I agree with htert, elimination of BEMF has OU potential. Since the magnetic interactions are decoupled, the eOrbo has just enough mechanical energy for the magnets to reach the next attraction point with magnetic bearings. Without magnetic bearings it may not reach the next attraction point and if it does, then it won't reach a high enough RPM to push it above COP > 1. Air resistance can also lower the RPM and reduce the COP.
Clanzer's wind down test with magnetic bearings from 300 RPM was 23min. 20sec. without a lot of tweaking,
My suggestion is don't even waste your time in replication of an eOrbo unless you have magnetic bearings. In a solid state solution, magnetic bearings, air resistance, torque, RPM, moving parts, high precession and tight tolerances are not an issue and can achieve a much higher COP.
No BEMF has a COP potential of Infinity and is only limited by the design and components in the system.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 01:06:34 AM
A bearings for an eOrbo replication is essential. ... Since the magnetic interactions are decoupled, the eOrbo has just enough mechanical energy for the magnets to reach the next attraction point with magnetic bearings. Without magnetic bearings it may not reach the next attraction point and if it does, then it won't reach a high enough RPM to push it above COP > 1. Air resistance can also lower the RPM and reduce the COP.
Isn't frictional loss just another load on the output torque?
I still don't believe that you really need magnetic bearings. Conventional bearings will cause some frictional loss, yes. However, that frictional loss pales in comparison to the load that you will want to place on the output -- whether that load is a generator, a lawnmower, or a vacuum cleaner.
The Orbo can output any strength of output energy that you wish, depending largely on the strength of the magnets. The only forces acting on the rotor magnets are accelerating forces. If the Orbo is designed correctly, there should be almost zero decelerating forces on the rotor magnets.
If you drive your car and only step on the gas pedal -- and you never step on the brake pedal -- and factoring out such things as air resistance, then your car would accelerate forever.
In an Orbo, where are the decelerating forces? If what you say is true -- that the magnets will not reach their next attraction point (by which I suppose you mean, the next toroidal coil), then there must be decelerating forces acting on the the rotor that counteract the accelerating force of the magnets being attracted to the toroidal core. But what are those decelerating forces? You can't claim that bearing friction would be a problem, because standard bearing friction is almost nothing compared to the accelerating force of the magnets being attracted to the toroidal core. In the event that the bearing friction is too high, such that it would stop the rotor, then either get a better bearing, or get stronger magnets, or spray WD40 on the existing bearing.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 01:06:34 AM
No BEMF has a COP potential of Infinity and is only limited by the design and components in the system.
I would say that that is an understatement. For an understanding, see my recent posts.
Quote from: htert2020 on March 03, 2010, 06:36:25 AM
...The Steorn Orbo incurs no back-EMF (BEMF) on the input power. This fact alone proves that the device is overunity.
False statement.
Quote from: exnihiloest on March 04, 2010, 02:34:20 AM
False statement.
I spent hours of my time typing at my keyboard and explaining my position in detail, in many different ways, in my previous posts. And now you utter two words, "False statement" and expect me to respond to that?
Yes, the absence of back EMF definitively proves that Orbo is overunity. I have already written hundreds, if not thousands of words in previous posts to support my position. I will debate endlessly on this issue if necessary. So, would you care to explain why you feel it is a "False statement"?
Quote from: Airstriker on March 03, 2010, 07:41:25 AM
Have you guys seen the latest S2Gen Episodes by JLN ?
For the first time I must say that his explanations and experiments are not right at all.
He says:
"The output coil must be fully EM decoupled from the input coil (no mutual inductance), so this is why the toroïdal coil is used as the input coil and a cylindrical or a flat coil set at 90° as the output coil."
If one coil is decoupled from the second one (toroid coil vs cylindrical one) why is he saying that magnetizing toroid coil directly affects the cylindrical one ??!
It is not the point. He is wrong because the toroidal coil is not at 90° from the output coil. This would be true only if the plane of the toroid was horizontal as the output coil. But we know that it doesn't work in this position. What is to be accounted for is the angle between the plane of each turn of the toroid coil and the plane of the output coil.
The output coil is horizontal and the toroidal coil is vertical. In the left and right vertical sections of the toroid coil, the plane of each wire turn is parallel to the plane of the output coil, thus they are coupled.
The idea that no field can escape a toroidal coil is false when the core permeability is not uniform. As the toroidal magnetic field inside the core opposes the permanent magnet field in one of the vertical section of the core, and adds in the other side, the permeability is not the same in the 2 sides, thus the flux is not balanced, it follows that field escapes leaving us with a direct coupling between the toroid coil and the output coil.
Quote from: htert2020 on March 04, 2010, 02:03:46 AM
Isn't frictional loss just another load on the output torque?
I still don't believe that you really need magnetic bearings. Conventional bearings will cause some frictional loss, yes. However, that frictional loss pales in comparison to the load that you will want to place on the output -- whether that load is a generator, a lawnmower, or a vacuum cleaner.
The Orbo can output any strength of output energy that you wish, depending largely on the strength of the magnets. The only forces acting on the rotor magnets are accelerating forces. If the Orbo is designed correctly, there should be almost zero decelerating forces on the rotor magnets.
If you drive your car and only step on the gas pedal -- and you never step on the brake pedal -- and factoring out such things as air resistance, then your car would accelerate forever.
In an Orbo, where are the decelerating forces? If what you say is true -- that the magnets will not reach their next attraction point (by which I suppose you mean, the next toroidal coil), then there must be decelerating forces acting on the the rotor that counteract the accelerating force of the magnets being attracted to the toroidal core. But what are those decelerating forces? You can't claim that bearing friction would be a problem, because standard bearing friction is almost nothing compared to the accelerating force of the magnets being attracted to the toroidal core. In the event that the bearing friction is too high, such that it would stop the rotor, then either get a better bearing, or get stronger magnets, or spray WD40 on the existing bearing.
I would say that that is an understatement. For an understanding, see my recent posts.
Do a wind down test at 300 RPM with a rotor on the best conventional bearings you can find and do a comparison with the wind down test with magnetic bearings at 300 RPM. We're talking about a couple of minutes at the most and will more than likely be under a minute with very good conventional bearings as compared to 20 - 30 minutes with magnetic bearings. Conventional bearings create a
huge mechanical drag on a rotor, rather you like it or not. The more drag and friction in the system, the less RPM you will achieve. I believe the vcr head has very good bearings.
The eOrbo is not OU at very low RPM's. There is a certain RPM where it is at unity. Increasing the RPM above this certain RPM increases the OU. Without magnetic bearings and low air resistance you won't reach the RPM required to go above unity because the gap between the toroid and the magnets are huge which produces a very low torque. Increasing the strength of the magnets mean you will need to increase the gap between the toroid and magnets in order for the magnetic interactions to be decoupled, which won't increase you're torque.
If magnetic bearings wasn't essential, then Clanzer wouldn't be using magnetic bearings in his replication. Clanzer is a member of Steorn's SKDB, only reason why the Orbo can achieve high RPM's with very little torque is because there is no BEMF, near 0 losses with the magnetic bearings, and low air resistance. If the BEMF, losses from the bearings, losses from air resistance is greater than the very small torque, then it won't be able to accelerate and it won't run. Even if the torque is slightly greater than the losses due to the conventional bearings doesn't mean it will obtain a high enough RPM to go above unity. Slight vibrations and a slight wobble in the rotor can even interfere with eliminating the BEMF/CEMF, especially at higher RPM's.
If it does achieve an RPM that is above unity with conventional bearings, then it may not be able to maintain a RPM higher than unity after you add the generator coils. Magnetic bearings are a must in the eOrbo. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
For an understanding, see your recent posts? WTF. I read every post here. I do not skip posts. Your understanding of things don't mean it's correct.
A good site hosted on youtube just got removed the authors were Magluvin and second Gotoluc.
Search on google their youtube channel still exists.
A long vortex coil coil with twin windings are shown and generate good result yet small unlike 2SGEN nicely made by Naudin.
My idea would be to:
Using a one metre soft iron wire wound with a copper winding all along and then made into a spiral should become an ideal wall between two magnets and a coil to generate a variable magnetic field in a coil to generate current. passing a square wave at high frequeny will give great results like Naudin should work and setup will be cheap.
Quote from: exnihiloest on March 04, 2010, 03:05:13 AM
It is not the point. He is wrong because the toroidal coil is not at 90° from the output coil. This would be true only if the plane of the toroid was horizontal as the output coil. But we know that it doesn't work in this position. What is to be accounted for is the angle between the plane of each turn of the toroid coil and the plane of the output coil.
The output coil is horizontal and the toroidal coil is vertical. In the left and right vertical sections of the toroid coil, the plane of each wire turn is parallel to the plane of the output coil, thus they are coupled.
The idea that no field can escape a toroidal coil is false when the core permeability is not uniform. As the toroidal magnetic field inside the core opposes the permanent magnet field in one of the vertical section of the core, and adds in the other side, the permeability is not the same in the 2 sides, thus the flux is not balanced, it follows that field escapes leaving us with a direct coupling between the toroid coil and the output coil.
If the voltage and current doesn't drop on the toroidal coil when a load is put on the pickup coil, then the magnetic interactions are decoupled. Naudin has already showed this in his experiments. He even says, "the best tuning is done when there is no change in the measured DC input power while the output coil is loaded."
Yes, if it's not tuned properly, then the magnetic interactions won't be decoupled, but this is not the case when it's properly tuned.
Why do you say the voltage/current doesn't DROP when a load is put on the pickup coil,normally the input would rise when a load is on the pickup coil,I seem to be missing something,what?
Quote from: petersone on March 04, 2010, 06:03:04 AM
Why do you say the voltage/current doesn't DROP when a load is put on the pickup coil,normally the input would rise when a load is on the pickup coil,I seem to be missing something,what?
It's not a transformer. This video of Naudin clearly shows the input power doesn't change when a load is put on the pickup coil, means the magnetic interactions are decoupled and there is no BEMF, Lenz violation.
Here's my current understanding of how the solid state device is working and it should apply equally well to the eOrbo as well. This doesn't mean I have it correct.
There is a magnetization-demagnetization process. During the magnetization of the toroid core from the pulse, the pickup coil is opened (Can't be coupled here). After the pulse has ended the magnetization of the core doesn't stop immediately. Induction lags in ferromagnetic materials with quick changes in tension of the field. This phenomenon is attributed to magnetic viscosity.
After the pulse, the pickup coil is closed while the induction change is still occurring in the core material due to magnetic viscosity (No coupling here either because the toroid coil is opened). The continued magnetization of the core after the pulse causes the magnetic field of the magnets to fluctuate which cuts the wires in the pickup coils to induce an EMF. This causes excess heat to be generated in the toroidal core from the load and the core is demagnetized due to heat.
Using this lag in induction allows the magnetic interactions to be decoupled from each other. The excess energy is due to the heat generated in the ferromagnetic materials from the load during the demagnetization process.
Spontaneous magnetization in the area H=(1.2 + 1.4)Hc is a basis for COP>1 when demagnetization is due to heat. The excess energy is not coming from the magnets, but is coming from the ferromagnetic materials.
The magnetic interactions are decoupled, thus No BEMF.
Quote from: htert2020 on March 04, 2010, 02:55:18 AM
Yes, the absence of back EMF definitively proves that Orbo is overunity.
By no Back EMF, do you mean the return voltage spike when the Toroid is switched off or
do you mean the induced coil voltage by the passing magnets?
There is a big difference in these two "voltages".
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 07:23:51 AM
Here's my current understanding of how the solid state device is working and it should apply equally well to the eOrbo as well. This doesn't mean I have it correct.
There is a magnetization-demagnetization process. During the magnetization of the toroid core from the pulse, the pickup coil is opened (Can't be coupled here). After the pulse has ended the magnetization of the core doesn't stop immediately. Induction lags in ferromagnetic materials with quick changes in tension of the field. This phenomenon is attributed to magnetic viscosity.
After the pulse, the pickup coil is closed while the induction change is still occurring in the core material due to magnetic viscosity (No coupling here either because the toroid coil is opened). The continued magnetization of the core after the pulse causes the magnetic field of the magnets to fluctuate which cuts the wires in the pickup coils to induce an EMF. This causes excess heat to be generated in the toroidal core from the load and the core is demagnetized due to heat.
Using this lag in induction allows the magnetic interactions to be decoupled from each other. The excess energy is due to the heat generated in the ferromagnetic materials from the load during the demagnetization process.
Spontaneous magnetization in the area H=(1.2 + 1.4)Hc is a basis for COP>1 when demagnetization is due to heat. The excess energy is not coming from the magnets, but is coming from the ferromagnetic materials.
The magnetic interactions are decoupled, thus No BEMF.
Ok now my opinion. I may also not be right but it simply seems bulshit to me. The funny thing is that you have read the paper by Nikolay E. Zaev and you are trying to apply his work to what you see (as you did many times so far with hundreds of different and strange theories). But these in fact are two completely different designs and different theories do apply.
First of all, you don't have a single coil here as Zaev has. Secondly you don't have any load on your toroid coil! Thirdly, why the pickup coil has to be opened during the magnetization of the toroid coil ? What one has to do with the other ? Just please take a real toroid coil to your hand, put it into the cylindrical coil in any orientation you like, fire up your function generator feeding the toroid coil and have a look at the output of your cylindrical coil. Do you have any EMF there ? Any ? NO! So why are you saying that the toroid's coil demagnetization influences the output of the cylindrical coil??! It doesn't ! All that does influence the output of the cylindrical coil is the magnet alone! The magnet is decoupled from the toroid coil. So when the magnet reacts with the cylindrical coil (during the toroid's satuaration phase) it doesn't affect the toroidal coil. This is just simple as that. Comm'on man it's pure ORBO concept. The difference here is that you don't get a magnet's rotation but make the magnet do a different job - make the B-field's changes in the cylindrical coil.
If you still don't agree, let's add another thing to the design. Let's simply recycle the energy stored in the toroid's coil. If you would do so, according to your explanation you should get a lower output on the cylindrical coil. But hey, you know what ? Nothing really changes. And you got some of your imput energy back. If you don;t trust me, check out Magluvin's video.
However, as for Magluvin's design, I think 2Sgen design has a better potential - the field of magnets is "isolated" in a better way from the cylindrical coil. In Magluvin's design some of the magnet's field leak to the cylindrical coil during the toroid's non magnetized state (no current in the toroid's coil) - thus lowering the B-field change observed from the cylindrical coil point of view when the toroid is saturated by the provided current.
And for a dessert:
Quote from: gravityblock on February 19, 2010, 08:55:45 AM
Here's a video on the Hysteresis Loop,
Please watch between 20:00 - 45:00 in the video. Starting at 20:00 minutes he talks about the hysteresis loop. At 30:00 he talks about demagnetization and shows how to use an AC current to return the ferromagnetic material back to it's virginal state. What he refers to as Bvac is actually the "H".
After the demagnetization experiment, he shows the retentivity of a material and the point of coercivity Hc. Between 40:00 - 45:00 he does an experiment with a nail. I am most interested in this experiment. The magnet releases the nail when another ferromagnetic material approaches the magnet because the field of the magnet weakens on that side. This probably doesn't have anything to do with the Orbo, but I find it most fascinating how the attraction force is weakened on that side. I just wanted to bring it to everyones attention.
Here's a good site for anyone interested in learning electronics and magnetism. Free education for all,
Actually the experiment with the nail has very much to do with 2SGen.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 09:18:55 AM
Ok now my opinion. I may also not be right but it simply seems bulshit to me. The funny thing is that you have read the paper by Nikolay E. Zaev and you are trying to apply his work to what you see (as you did many times so far with hundreds of different and strange theories). But these in fact are two completely different designs and different theories do apply.
First of all, you don't have a single coil here as Zaev has. Secondly you don't have any load on your toroid coil! Thirdly, why the pickup coil has to be opened during the magnetization of the toroid coil ? What one has to do with the other ? Just please take a real toroid coil to your hand, put it into the cylindrical coil in any orientation you like, fire up your function generator feeding the toroid coil and have a look at the output of your cylindrical coil. Do you have any EMF there ? Any ? NO! So why are you saying that the toroid's coil demagnetization influences the output of the cylindrical coil??! It doesn't ! All that does influence the output of the cylindrical coil is the magnet alone! The magnet is decoupled from the toroid coil. So when the magnet reacts with the cylindrical coil (during the toroid's satuaration phase) it doesn't affect the toroidal coil. This is just simple as that. Comm'on man it's pure ORBO concept. The difference here is that you don't get a magnet's rotation but make the magnet do a different job - make the B-field's changes in the cylindrical coil.
If you still don't agree, let's add another thing to the design. Let's simply recycle the energy stored in the toroid's coil. If you would do so, according to your explanation you should get a lower output on the cylindrical coil. But hey, you know what ? Nothing really changes. And you got some of your imput energy back. If you don;t trust me, check out Magluvin's video.
However, as for Magluvin's design, I think 2Sgen design has a better potential - the field of magnets is "isolated" in a better way from the cylindrical coil. In Magluvin's design some of the magnet's field leak to the cylindrical coil during the toroid's non magnetized state (no current in the toroid's coil) - thus lowering the B-field change observed from the cylindrical coil point of view when the toroid is saturated by the provided current.
And for a dessert:
Actually the experiment with the nail has very much to do with 2SGen.
Actually everything I described is how Naudin's 2SGen is working. Look at Episode 6 on the scope shot and you will see the pickup coil is opened during the pulse to the input coil while the core is being partially magnetized. It says, "Core magnetization - Not used (
Open Circuit)", in regards to the blue trace which is the output coil. After the pulse, the core is still being magnetized and the output coil is closed during this period.
Episode 7 was a way to measure COP, but you don't agree with that either. You also don't agree with Naudin saying the magnet is used to set the operating point in the MH curve of the toroïdal core. You don't agree with most of anything, but yet his experiments is showing No CEMF/BEMF. My description was nothing more than how the 2SGen is operating. In one sentence you say the 2SGen is more promising than MagLuvin's design, then the next sentence you're disagreeing with everything about the 2SGen. LOL
Quote from: FatChance!!! on March 04, 2010, 09:12:02 AM
By no Back EMF, do you mean the return voltage spike when the Toroid is switched off or
do you mean the induced coil voltage by the passing magnets?
There is a big difference in these two "voltages".
He was talking about the induced voltage of the passing rotor magnets.
This is the reason to use the term "CEMF" in reference to the induced voltage of the rotor magnets and to use the term "BEMF" in reference to when the toroid is switched off. It's the only way to avoid confusion, but people always want mix the terms up or use the same term for both. I"ve recently been using whatever term to describe whatever because nobody cares to make a distinction between the two different things.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 10:10:44 AM
Actually everything I described is how Naudin's 2SGen is working. Look at Episode 6 on the scope shot and you will see the pickup coil is opened during the pulse to the input coil while the core is being partially magnetized. It says, "Core magnetization - Not used (Open Circuit)", in regards to the blue trace which is the output coil. After the pulse, the core is still being magnetized and the output coil is closed during this period.
Episode 7 was a way to measure COP, but you don't agree with that either. You also don't agree with Naudin saying the magnet is used to set the operating point in the MH curve of the toroïdal core. You don't agree with most of anything, but yet his experiments is showing No BEMF.
Sure this is what you can see in JLN's lab. But who said that it must be the right way ? I'm saying that it's not the right way. And Magluvin has showed it to you also.
I've never said, that I don't agree with the idea to set the operating point in the MH curve the way JLN did. Actually I'm saying that it's a very good idea.
And yes I don't agree at all with the COP experiment idea.COP is OUT/IN and not OUT/OUT like JLN did. IN is in the toroid's coil and nowhere else.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 10:43:36 AM
Sure this is what you can see in JLN's lab. But who said that it must be the right way ? I'm saying that it's not the right way. And Magluvin has showed it to you also.
And yes I don't agree at all with the COP experiment idea.COP is OUT/IN and not OUT/OUT like JLN did. IN is in the toroid's coil and nowhere else.
How did Magluvin show his way is the right way and Naudin's way is the wrong way? Did he show NO BEMF in reference to the input power not changing when the output coil is loaded, like Naudin did with the 2SGen?
You think Magluvin's design is the right way, but then you say Naudin's 2SGen is more promising while it's not the right way? What kind of sense does this make? It makes no sense at all.
Also, why can't there be more than one right way? Why does it have to be this and can't be this or that? Sometimes there is more than 1 road taking you to the same location.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 10:55:05 AM
Also, why can't there be more than one right way? Why does it have to be this and can't be this or that? Sometimes there is more than 1 road taking you to the same location.
Not when it comes down to efficiency calculations !
Then out/in is the only correct method.
Quote from: Honk on March 04, 2010, 11:48:16 AM
Not when it comes down to efficiency calculations !
Then out/in is the only correct method.
Efficiency is different from COP! When did I or anybody else mention anything about efficiency. The measurements taken by Naudin were COP measurements and not efficiency measurements. Groundloop posted a circuit to test for OU without doing any measurements, Another test is if it can self-run. As you can see, there are other methods than measuring the input/output in order to determine OU or not.
The variable theoretical maximum COP of a standard heat pump can be as high as 9.22. The usual home heat pump has an efficiency of only about 50% or less, so that at least half of all its energy input is lost.
However, the heat pump extracts and receives so much additional free (or nearly free) heat energy from its external environment that it still outputs from 3 to 4 times as much heat energy as the electrical input energy paid for by the operator. So the heat pump’s actual COP is usually about COP = 3.0 to 4.0. Reference Material for this is at the bottom of page 6 and the top of page 7,;sa=downfile&id=374 and>1 doesn't mean it can self-run if it can't utilize the excess energy generated that is wasted as heat or other losses. Even if it can't utilize this excess energy, it is still OU. Measuring the input/output won't tell if it's OU or not if it can't utilize the excess energy in order to feed it back to the input. Naudin says, "Of course, to get a true 2SGen unit working in closed loop, the drivers circuit must be optimized and need to overcome the hysteresis losses and the joules losses. Nevertheless, the physic phenomenon here is very interesting and worth to be deeply explored,
the 2SGen is a very promising device..."
He never measured input versus output to determine the efficiency, but instead measured the COP. If he measure the input versus output, then it would more than likely be less than 100%. According to wings in the solid state thread, he thinks the efficiency is 98% in regards to input/output. The bottom line is, if you don't have a COP>1, then you have no hope of tapping this excess energy in order for it to self-run.
GB, I've already said why 2SGen setup is better. I've also said what can be improved in it. And I only said what Magluvin is doing with the energy stored in the toroid coil and that it can be recycled. Nothing more. What's not clear in it ?
And again I will ask - where is that toroid's coil load in 2SGen that you are using to get excess energy? I don't really see it in the circuit. You are referring to Zaev but he is using only one coil which in fact is under load. So where does your words make sense ?
Wikipedia says:
The coefficient of performance or COP (sometimes CP), of a heat pump is the ratio of the change in heat at the "output" (the heat reservoir of interest) to the supplied work.
In our case the supplied work is the magnetisation of the toroid core by the current applied to the toroid's coil. Where is Nauding measuring it ?
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 03:46:53 PM
According to wings in the solid state thread, he thinks the efficiency is 98% in regards to input/output. The bottom line is, if you don't have a COP>1, then you have no hope of tapping this excess energy in order for it to self-run.
there was a mistake in the circuit 10Kohm in series to the toroid is now 220 ohm the input/output power ratio goes down from 98 to 2.2 anyway more than 1
here the corrected circuit and estimation:
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 04:03:03 PM
GB, I've already said why 2SGen setup is better. I've also said what can be improved in it. And I only said what Magluvin is doing with the energy stored in the toroid coil and that it can be recycled. Nothing more. What's not clear in it ?
And again I will ask - where is that toroid's coil load in 2SGen that you are using to get excess energy? I don't really see it in the circuit. You are referring to Zaev but he is using only one coil which in fact is under load. So where does your words make sense ?
Wikipedia says:
The coefficient of performance or COP (sometimes CP), of a heat pump is the ratio of the change in heat at the "output" (the heat reservoir of interest) to the supplied work.
In our case the supplied work is the magnetisation of the toroid core by the current applied to the toroid's coil. Where is Nauding measuring it ?
Who said anything about Magluvin being able to recapture the energy stored from the pulse in the toroid not being clear? This is nothing new and is very common to recapture the energy from the collapsing field. It is very clear to me and I don't know what I said to make you think it's not clear.
I've been talking about Naudin's experiments and have not been referring to Zaev experiments, but you keep insisting I am, LOL. This is probably due to Naudin setting up his COP measurment experiment according to Zaev's findings.
He's measuring the magnetization of the toroid core across RLoad of the output coil for a very good reason. The reason is to increase the power density. Increase of power density is possible by increase of H
c up to 10-15 A/M by selection of core material, increase of frequency, and by a high speed diode.
Measuring this increase in power density can't be achieved by measuring it across the toroid. This is the reason why the energy received during demagnetization of the core is much greater than the energy spent for magnetization of the core due to the steps followed to increase the power density. If those steps weren't followed, then the COP may be greater than 1, but it would also be much less than the 13.7 due to the increase in power density as measured across the RLoad of the output coil.
Don't say something is wrong if you don't know or understand the reasons behind something.
Quote from: wings on March 04, 2010, 04:37:57 PM
there was a mistake in the circuit 10Kohm in series to the toroid is now 220 ohm the input/output power ratio goes down from 98 to 2.2 anyway more than 1
here the corrected circuit and estimation:
Thanks for the correction. Very well done in breaking everything down in order to see the COP estimation of 2.2 in regards to input vs. output.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 04:59:07 PM
He's measuring the magnetization of the toroid core across RLoad of the output coil for a very good reason. The reason is to increase the power density. Increase of power density is possible by increase of Hc up to 10-15 A/M by selection of core material, increase of frequency, and by a high speed diode.
Did anybody here understand this ? Power density ? Whose theory is this now ?
Your estimation would look a bit better if you add the energy stored in the toroid (which can be recycled) to the output. The question is how much of it would really be recycled with nanoperm.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 05:03:23 PM
Thanks for the correction. Very well done in breaking everything down in order to see the COP estimation of 2.2 in regards to input vs. output.
So now you're saying JLN is wrong ? You really have to decide ;] No offense, I just want us to make a clear view of what is really happening here.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 05:59:48 PM
So now you're saying JLN is wrong ? You really have to decide ;] No offense, I just want us to make a clear view of what is really happening here.
There was an error in one of the values for a resistor on the schematic posted by JLN. JLN corrected the error, then wings recalculated the output/input COP estimates. The error was probably a copy and paste mistake on paper and doesn't affect the COP measurements of 13.7 by JLN. The simplest things go right over your head. You can't piece nothing together on your own.
The estimated COP ratio between the output to input is 2.2
The COP ratio between the demagnetization to magnetization is 13.7
This means it has excellent potential to be a true OU device that would be self-efficient without the need for an external energy source to drive it.
The magnetization-demagnetization ratio is a good indicator on excess energy generated. This doesn't mean the excess energy generated can be utilized if it's lost in heat, etc. The out/in ratio of 2.2 estimate posted by Wings suggests that some of this excess energy being generated during the demagnetization is successfully being trapped and converted into useful usable energy that is above the energy put into the system to magnetize the core.
I'm not saying JLN is wrong or right. I think the method he used is sound in determining if there is excess energy being generated, regardless if it is useful or not. There are always possibilities for errors, miscalculations, etc. in any experiment. The ultimate test will always be if it's self-efficient or not. There is always a possibility of any system to be OU, even if it's not self-efficient.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 05:57:42 PM
Did anybody here understand this ? Power density ? Whose theory is this now ?
That's not a theory. Power density is nothing more than the ratio between the energy received during demagnetization and the energy spent in magnetization. That came from Zaev. I believe you need to re-read his articles, because you should have known this if you payed attention. You probably just skimmed over it real quick if you did read it.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 06:57:24 PM
That's not a theory. Power density is nothing more than the ratio between the A received during demagnetization and the energy spent in magnetization. That came from Zaev. I believe you need to re-read his articles, because you should have known this if you payed attention. You probably just skimmed over it real quick if you did read it.
Actually I've read all of them. The main point is - Zaev is using one coil and measuring one coil's magnetisation / demagnetization energy only. Here you have two coils and they have really nothing in common. Actually, the one Naudin is measuring the effect on is an air coil. So it cannot have any effect Zaev is speaking of.
And as for Naudin's 13,7 value you called COP. Let's not call it COP (as it's not it at all) but let's say coefficient of generation (lambda). Also not a perfect name but let it be.
Ok now something you all gonna like ;) We've all missed it and I don't really know how it has happened.
Please have a look at JLN's 2SGen Episode 6. Look at the blue curve. Compare the voltage levels of magnetization and demagnetization phase. What do you see? Yes, the magnetization phase voltage level is much higher than the demagnetization phase voltage level. And yes I know the magnetization phase is not rectified but anyway even after it would have been made pure DC it would have had a much higher voltage level.
What is also important at this point is the fact that the demagnetization phase's pulse is wider than the magnetization phase's pulse. We will come back to that fact later.
Now lets move on to Episode 7.
Please have a look at the scope shots. You can see two rectified voltage levels. But hey! Why a hell the demagnetization phase's voltage level is higher than the magnetization phase's voltage level ?! Wasn't that the other way ? Well... In my opinion, JLN simply went to far with thinking about Zaev's theory and confused the voltages! He wanted it the other way that it really is and has not noticed this fact.
Now let's make the answer for two questions:
1) Why is the demagnetization pulse wider than the magnetization pulse ?
2) Why is the demagnetization pulse voltage lower than the magnetization pulse voltage ?
First things first...
1) Magnetic viscosity effect in ferromagnetic core (after demagnetizing the core) does not allow all of the magnet's B-field to "get stuck" in the toroid at once. It takes a while until the toroid's core magnetization level (because of magnetic viscosity effect) becomes NULL. So releasing the magnet's B-field due to toroid's core magnetization will actually be faster than "accumulating" the magnet's B-field during the toroid core's demagnetization phase.
2) The answer for the first question implicates the answer for this one. If the magnetic field change seen from the cylindrical A's point of view is faster during the magnetization phase than during the demagnetization phase, then the EMF induced during the magnetization phase will be higher than the EMF induced during the demagnetization phase - just as we can see in Episode 6.
The funny thing is, that it took me the whole day to think about how is it posiible that it is the way that in fact it's not at all :) Well now I know.
If you want to prove me wrong, show me the updated scopes and probably I will shut up for some time ;]
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 09:16:09 PM
Now lets move on to Episode 7.
Please have a look at the scope shots. You can see two rectified voltage levels. But hey! Why a hell the demagnetization phase's voltage level is higher than the magnetization phase's voltage level ?! Wasn't that the other way ? Well... In my opinion, JLN simply went to far with thinking about Zaev's theory and confused the voltages! He wanted it the other way that it really is and has not noticed this fact.
The funny thing is, that it took me the whole day to think about how is it posiible that it is the way that in fact it's not at all :) Well now I know.
If you want to prove me wrong, show me the updated scopes and probably I will shut up for some time ;]
In Episode 7 the yellow trace is the demagnetization trace and the blue trace is the magnetization trace. In Episode 6 the colors representing each trace were reversed. So what, that don't mean anything, lol. In Episode 7 the Yellow trace for Dmag = 37.6v and Blue trace for Mag = -8.4v Then the voltmeter for Dmag = 35.2v and for the Mag = -9.5v. The scope traces and the voltmeters are pretty much in agreement with each other.
Are you saying both the scope traces and the voltmeters are wrong? LOL. Naudin thinking about Zaev's theory caused him to get the voltages reversed? LOL. For one thing there is a difference between a theory that has no experimentation to back it and a theory that has experimentation to back it. How can we show you the updated scope shots when there is no updated scope shot or even a need for an updated scope shot? This is getting really comical and you're really showing your true colors and motivations here. It's time to get the spray out.
i appreciate your thoughtful posts, i have been there. i have been a quiet member of this forum for years. i have built quite a few promising devices that i have seen here and other places online. i am an electronics engineer, with an industrial background. i dont like to type too much so this is all ive got to say....... if and when we stumble upon an overunity device or motor, without geting into technical details, it will quickly be turned into a self runner. the COP will not be 1.02 or 2.5, it will be 200 or 1000. the amount of great minds that are out there that have read thousands of these forums, and would never post a thing are people like me with a garage full of failed magnet motors and oscilloscopes and boxes of test models. this is not the real deal. i am confident. however i will not waist any more of your time, as i am not too interested in a debate. best of luck to you.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 04, 2010, 05:59:48 PM
So now you're saying JLN is wrong ? You really have to decide ;] No offense, I just want us to make a clear view of what is really happening here.
no! no! Naudin is a great man! I just said that in the first diagram there was a wrong label the 10kohm is now corrected 220 ohm.
my analysis is simple input output power and is also simplified
Quote from: rice on March 04, 2010, 10:14:27 PM
i appreciate your thoughtful posts, i have been there. i have been a quiet member of this forum for years. i have built quite a few promising devices that i have seen here and other places online. i am an electronics engineer, with an industrial background. i dont like to type too much so this is all ive got to say....... if and when we stumble upon an overunity device or motor, without geting into technical details, it will quickly be turned into a self runner. the COP will not be 1.02 or 2.5, it will be 200 or 1000. the amount of great minds that are out there that have read thousands of these forums, and would never post a thing are people like me with a garage full of failed magnet motors and oscilloscopes and boxes of test models. this is not the real deal. i am confident. however i will not waist any more of your time, as i am not too interested in a debate. best of luck to you.
we are man
the scope of the forum is to increase the knoledge of people to higher level
we have different life experience
if you like you can share your, and accept also comments from the other
all we are one
Quote from: FatChance!!! on March 04, 2010, 09:12:02 AM
By no Back EMF, do you mean the return voltage spike when the Toroid is switched off or
do you mean the induced coil voltage by the passing magnets?
There is a big difference in these two "voltages".
I mean the effect of the passing rotor magnets' changing magnetic field on the current running through the toroidal wire. Because the magnets are moving, this represents a changing magnetic field experienced by the toroidal current. As a result, the toroidal current experiences a voltage that tries to move the electrons opposite to the direction that they're trying to move.
Therefore, the electrons experience a decrease in kinetic energy. That is, the electrons surrender or transfer energy to the rotor magnets in what can be thought of as a "mathematical transaction", if that makes any sense. This transfer of energy is what happens in a conventional motor.
But in the Orbo, there is no such energy transfer. If no energy transfers from the input circuit, then the energy is preserved in the input circuit. That saved energy can be used to power other things along the input circuit, such as, for example, a loopback generator that recharges the battery, so that the Orbo can basically run forever. It also means that 100% of the rotor torque energy is free and unbalances the conservation of energy equation.
You can't use a loopback generator on the input circuit in a conventional motor because energy will always be transferred from the toroidal current to the rotor torque. That lost energy is not recoverable for recycling into the loopback generator, which means that the input battery will eventually be depleted.
It is a misconception that energy is transferred from the toroidal current to the output torque in an Orbo. I strongly believe it is a misconception because an electric current, in the absence of all external forces (such as back-EMF), can neither transfer nor radiate energy into the environment -- except through resistance losses along the wire.
But don't just take my word for it:
(1) Ask any electrical engineer or college physics student who has studied electricity.
(2) Ask any college physics professor.
(3) Go on or research the Internet for basic electrical physics information.
(4) Review any ordinary college physics textbook.
So don't take my word for it. This is common knowledge. An electrical current flowing through a wire, in the absence of external electrical forces such as magnetic fields, cannot possibly dissipate energy except through negligible resistance losses along the wire. The energy in a current can only be transferred or dissipated due to resistance: Whether that resistance is back-EMF, wire resistance, a 20Kohm resistor, or the destination terminal of a battery. Typically, heat is generated during resistance, except for things like back-EMF, in which the energy is transferred to the rotor magnets.
The above mentioned misconception is the key to my thesis that 100% of the input energy from the battery is preserved. And 100% of the output torque energy of the rotor seemingly came from nowhere, which is free energy and violates the "law" of conservation of energy. This is the key to understanding exactly how the Orbo can generate not only an efficiency of greater than 100%, but much higher values approaching infinity.
Without fully understanding why Orbo is overunity, I predict that it will be very difficult to replicate the Orbo and the virtually limitless efficiency that is possible with the Orbo.
If I am wrong that zero energy is transferred from the toroidal current to the output torque, then someone please correct me and tell me exactly how that energy is being transferred using concepts that are consistent with and do not contradict already known electrical principles.
Quote from: htert2020 on March 05, 2010, 01:15:46 AM
If I am wrong that zero energy is transferred from the toroidal current to the output torque, then someone please correct me and tell me exactly how that energy is being transferred using concepts that are consistent with and do not contradict already known electrical principles.
There has been a lot of confusion on whether any energy is transferred from the battery to the rotor, IMHO, the energy is not directly transferred, but some energy is needed in order for it to work, because it causes some imbalance or asymmetry, which provides a drive. This energy comes from battery and travels in these stages:
Stage 1: When the magnet is facing the core, it aligns the domains in its own direction, and some energy (Ec) is needed to re-align the domains back along the coil's direction, for unlocking the magnet, which gains KE in the process (lets call it Em = potential energy of the magnet at BDC).
Without this pulse the magnet will find itself in a potential well, with +ve potential on one side and -ve on the other, and will tend to stay at 0 potential (the TDC). What Ec is doing is, flattening one wall of the well to 0, to let the magnet escape. Exactly how much Ec is required to maintain Em ? No one knows, it depends on core material and magnet strength and air gap...
Stage 2: During the pulse, all energy goes in heating the coil (resistive heating = Eh). This cannot be recovered, but can be thought of as a kind of output from a heat engine point of view. So its not a loss, technically.
Stage 3: You can think of the domains as balls connected together with lossy springs. At the end of the pulse, the domains jump back to random positions (Bsat to Br), releasing the Ec back. This is the inductive collapse, which steorn is collecting and feeding back to the battery.
You can't collect all, because the springs are lossy and some energy is lost as heat and radiation. (Inductive loss = Es).
So total energy from the battery = Ec+Eh+Es. None of this appears at the output, but it is needed anyway. What appears at the output is Em. So efficiency (as we used to calculate in school) is:
n (classical) = Em/(Ec+Eh+Es), which will be less than 1% if you measure it, so no OU here.
BUT, steorn says Eh is not driving the rotor (sure, I agree) and can be removed from the equation, and Ec can be collected back in a capacitor or the same battery. So:
n (steorn) = Em/Es, which is 327%, as per the claim
Moreover Es is also not driving the rotor, so n = Em/0, infinite...
So you can say that Ec is driving the rotor indirectly, but it is not lost and can be reused again and again. You must have noticed that everything is theoretical here, all in thin air. If it turns out that Em is always less than Ec, n will fall below 100%, even if you collect it all.
No one has shown real measurements of Em, Ec, Eh, Es etc, including steorn. No amount of reasoning and argument is going to answer the question Em>=Ec? Only experiment.
So far the leading replicators, JLN, TK , Clanzer and others have not shown any meaningful measurements. Thus, whether orbo is ou or not is an open question, don't try to settle it with theory please. Start building.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 05:53:18 AM
If the voltage and current doesn't drop on the toroidal coil when a load is put on the pickup coil, then the magnetic interactions are decoupled.
It would be true if the toroid coil was an ordinary inductance with constant L. It is not the case.
The pulse saturates the core so L and µ are low, and also the magnetic field that has built up. Then we can think that most of the energy provided by the pulse is stored in the ferrite as internal energy of saturation, and not in the whole magnetic field across the toroid. When the pulse is switched off, the collapse of the magnetic field desaturates the core which in turn moderates the collapse of the field, avoiding strong back emf in the toroid coil.
If we keep the hypothesis of the coupling, this flux change induces current in the pickup coil which reciprocally induces opposing flux in the toroid coil. The desaturation process depends on the resultant flux. There is a feed back between the desaturation and the flux change, so the coupling between pickup coil and ferrite coil is unnoticeable from the electric viewpoint of the toroid coil circuit.
Now the remaining question is: when there is no load on the pickup coil, where goes the desaturation energy (lost as heat?)? It would be interesting to monitor the temperature.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 04, 2010, 10:11:28 PM
In A 7 the yellow trace is the demagnetization trace and the blue trace is the magnetization trace. In Episode 6 the colors representing each trace were reversed. So what, that don't mean anything, lol. In Episode 7 the Yellow trace for Dmag = 37.6v and Blue trace for Mag = -8.4v Then the voltmeter for Dmag = 35.2v and for the Mag = -9.5v. The scope traces and the voltmeters are pretty much in agreement with each other.
Are you saying both the scope traces and the voltmeters are wrong? LOL. Naudin thinking about Zaev's theory caused him to get the voltages reversed? LOL. For one thing there is a difference between a theory that has no experimentation to back it and a theory that has experimentation to back it. How can we show you the updated scope shots when there is no updated scope shot or even a need for an updated scope shot? This is getting really comical and you're really showing your true colors and motivations here. It's time to get the spray out.
GB before you take out you troll spray again and spray it at people go to school and learn to read.
Where did I say anything about colors? Where did I say that the Voltmeters and scopes are showing wrong values?
I just asked you - go to episode 6 and read what is written in the scope shots.
How can the reality change in Episode 7 if nothing has really changed in the circuit other than additional rectification?
The only thing I'm saying is: The scope shot you can see in the Episode 7 has wrong labels on it. The blue trace is the demagnetization phase. The yellow trace is the magnetization trace. And yes now I'm talking about colors.
I asked you for some facts that can deny this and you spray your troll shit at me. Can somebody deny what I said with pure facts ?
Am I right or wrong with this video ????
Quote from: Larskro on March 05, 2010, 05:49:29 AM
Am I right or wrong with this video ????
Hi Larskro,
I would like to understand why you do not use the input power in the calculation of overunity?
Quote from your text:
"Input power without load. 4 volt * 31mA = 0.124 watt. All the power is heat losses.
Input power with load. 4 volt * 32 mA = 0,128 watt. Input power increase with 0,004 watt.
The output to the load is 7,72 volt * 2,99 mA = 0,023 watt. The Overunity is 0,023 - 0,004 = 0,019 watt COP 4,8 ???"
You actually consume 0.124W input power, it is ok that it is a heat loss and also saturates the cores but you totally disregard this 0.124W when you calculate overunity. You consider only the increase in input power. Why?
It is YOU who inputs 0.124W, not the enviroment or something else.
rgds, Gyula
Hi Gyula
I am with you there,unless all the 0.124W is heat,and can be totally recovered.
Thanks Peter, however a heat loss is rather difficult to recover with reasonable efficiency and maybe there is a better hope for recovering the pulse created by the collapsing magnetic field in the toroidal core, just after the switch-off of the input current.
Maybe the changing permeabilty of the ring core helps in catching more pulse energy than usually comes from collapsing fields (this latter is always less than the input in normal cases). This is where further tests are needed, Steorn keeps silence on this.
rgds, Gyula
Hi Gyula
Yes, you are right,for ou everything needs to be utilized,heat,flyback,and anything else we can think of,but it maybe heat that we want,so the fan,on the rotor, would be "free" if the heat could be turned back to juice with ease I think we would have self running heat pumps.
Quote from: Larskro on March 05, 2010, 05:49:29 AM
Am I right or wrong with this video ????
Wrong, most likely.
Can you please capture the data from a DSO and post here ?
I'll try to calculate the energies involved. Both input and output trace will be needed.
Looks like not only I have doubts whether somethign is wrong with JLN's measurements or not.
exnihiloest has found another possible reason for the wrong JLN's conclusions. Rather than simply changed labels on the Episode 7's scope shots the reason might be the following:
and the second part:
Also Omega_O seems to be concerned:
Still want to debug me with your troll spray ??
Quote from: Airstriker on March 05, 2010, 10:44:07 AM
Looks like not only I have doubts whether somethign is wrong with JLN's measurements or not.
exnihiloest has found another possible reason for the wrong JLN's conclusions. Rather than simply changed labels on the Episode 7's scope shots the reason might be the following:
and the second part:
Also Omega_O seems to be concerned:
Still want to debug me with your troll spray ??
The links you mentioned above is about the circuit or scope shots in Episode 6. The 13.7 wasn't measured from the circuit in Episode 6, but was measured from the circuit in Episode 7, so the circuit or scope shots in Episode 6 can't be used to determine if there are any errors in the COP ratio of demag/mag in Episode 7.
Naudin is a great experimenter and he is a member of this forum. We don't have many people sharing their experiments with us. If you keep attacking Naudin, then he may decide not to publish his experiments on the Internet or not publish those experiments that may be controversial. If there are any problems with measurement errors or with the circuit, he will post an update with corrected information. Naudin did not get the voltages confused because he was thinking about Zaev's experiment. I've already said, in any experiment there are possibilities for errors, mistakes, etc. but it won't be because he was thinking about somebody else.
If someone doesn't agree with you, then you attack that person. Your own opinions are your own personal theories, but yet you are always attacking others for their own personal theories that are different than yours. This is the reason for the debug spray. The debug spray wasn't based on a single post, but was based on how you attack others over many posts. You've even attacked the Administrator of this forum, Stefan, by telling him that he's "like talking to the wall" because he didn't listen to what you said in a previous post, lol., after saying all of this, Groundloop which is the administrator of all the topics in the Steorn category has said, "This thread is about people working on solid state Orbo like systems and NOT about JNL measurements. If you want a lengthy discussion about measurements errors etc. then please do it somewhere else", Groundloop has said, applies equally well to this thread. Go take your measurement errors in regards to a solid state device somewhere else if you want to have a lengthy discussion on it. Continue attacking and disrespecting others and you just may find yourself on read-only mode. I'm really surprise you wasn't put on read-only mode when you attacked Stefan and the pattern still continues. You've attacked Stefan, Naudin, and many others on this forum. I haven't even mentioned how you're
always attacking me. You've made only 75 posts, and the number of attacks are extremely high versus the number of posts you've made. You like to start flame wars and this is trolling, please stop it.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 05, 2010, 01:15:36 PM
The links you mentioned above is about the circuit or scope shots in A 6. The 13.7 wasn't measured from the circuit in A 6, but was measured from the circuit in Episode 7, so the circuit or scope shots in Episode 6 can't be used to determine if there are any errors in the COP ratio of demag/mag in Episode 7.
Please read again the first link of mine and stop talking about reading comprehension ;/
If anybody is rude here that's only you GB. If pointing somebody's errors means an attack for you, than I'm really sorry for you. You didn't like your school teachers, did you ? If I wrong about something I can at least admit it.
I asked you to show me some facts if you think the other way than me. And what you do ? Take your troll spray and attack me for my theory. To be honest I would really fast run out of troll spray if I would use it every time you turn up with something new. But I simply stay quite if I don't know what you're talking about and cannot say that you are wrong. But if I know what you're talking about and know that you're talking bulshit, why cannot I point out why I don't agree with you? You're calling this an attack. I'm calling this discussion. Isn't forum meant for this ?
Please don't answer this post...
I can't access Naudin's site (No response from the server). If he took his site permanently off-line, then a few of you should be really proud of yourselves.
Quote from: Larskro on March 05, 2010, 05:49:29 AM
Am I right or wrong with this ????
Larskro! Good to see you man! Love your videos.
Quote from: gyulasun on March 05, 2010, 06:56:24 AM
It is YOU who inputs 0.124W, not the enviroment or something else.
rgds, Gyula
He's not consuming 0.124W.
Here's a question: If I connect a multimeter to either end of a battery, and it says 1.5V and 1 amp, am I
consuming 1.5 watts?
What if I put between the battery and the multimeter an air coil of 1000 ft of wire and the meter now reads 1.5V and .98 amp. How much energy am I
consuming then? My measurement is now 1.47 watts. am I consuming 1.47 watts? Or am I consuming the .03 watts lost to heat?
I would say the latter but I might be wrong.
Hi Freeorbo,
Quote from: freeorbo on March 06, 2010, 02:07:51 AM
He's not consuming 0.124W.
Why not? Watch his video, at 0:15 Larskro shows his digital multimeter, 31.2mA input current on display and then watch his power supply's meters at 0:28 show 4V DC input voltage and nearly 30mA current on his analog current meter, ok?
If he did not take any current from his power supply i.e. there were zero current, his motor would stop. Agree with this?
His power supply runs his motor. And if you take out any current from a power supply or a battery at a certain voltage level, then you consume power from that source, right? If you have a load like a bulb, it will load your battery continuosly, current hence power will be consumed in any moment of time, and if you run a pulse motor like Larskro, then current hence power will also be consumed but in an interrupted way and duty cycle comes into the consideration of the real power consumption. BUT power is STILL consumed from the battery or the power supply, ok? It is just shown by Larskro's analog and digital meters.
Don't you agree? Please answer.
Here's a question: If I connect a multimeter to either end of a battery, and it says 1.5V and 1 amp, am I consuming 1.5 watts?
If you properly
measure the 1 Amper current that goes into a load and the battery still maintains its 1.5V output voltage, then YES you consume 1.5 W power from your battery.
What if I put between the battery and the multimeter an air coil of 1000 ft of wire and the meter now reads 1.5V and .98 amp. How much energy am I consuming then? My measurement is now 1.47 watts. am I consuming 1.47 watts? Or am I consuming the .03 watts lost to heat?
Yes you consume 1.47 W power (not energy!) I agree with your number.
However, I do not understand why you think the loss is .03W only?
Why do you relate your previous example of the 1.5W power consumption to this 1.47W power consumption?
AGAIN: if you do not feed 1.5W (or whatever W) into your load, your load (in this case Larskro's motor) will not do its task, the motor will stop (or will not start at all without its needed input current.
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: gyulasun on March 06, 2010, 07:00:59 AM
Hi Freeorbo,
Why not? his video, at 0:15 Larskro shows his multimeter, 31.2mA input current on display and then watch his power supply's meters at 0:28 show 4V DC input voltage and nearly 30mA current on his analog current meter, ok?
If he did not take any current from his power supply i.e. there were zero current, his would stop. Agree with this?
His power supply runs his motor. And if you take out any current from a power supply or a battery at a certain voltage level, then you consume power from that source, right? If you have a load like a bulb, it will load your battery continuosly, current hence power will be consumed in any moment of time, and if you run a pulse motor like Larskro, then current hence power will also be consumed but in an interrupted way and duty cycle comes into the consideration of the real power consumption. BUT power is STILL consumed from the battery or the power supply, ok? It is just shown by Larskro's analog and digital meters.
Don't you agree? Please answer.
If you properly measure the 1 Amper current that goes into a load and the battery still maintains its 1.5V output voltage, then you consume 1.5 W power from your battery.
Yes you consume 1.47 W power (not !) I agree with your number.
However, I do not understand why you think the loss is .03W only?
Why do you relate your previous example of the 1.5W power consumption to this 1.47W power consumption?
AGAIN: if you do not 1.5W (or whatever W) into your load, your load (in this case Larskro's motor) will not do its task, the motor will stop (or will not start at all without its needed input current.
rgds, Gyula
There's a difference between the amount of current flowing through a system and the amount of load or consumption. When you take a reading on a circuit that's just your meter and your battery, you're not consuming anything, you're just measuring the flow past the multimeter. The electrons go right back into the battery. They aren't "used up."
An Orbo motor has no load. That is the key fundamental issue at hand here. The circuit has
no load. It performs
no work. All of your input current returns back to the battery except for the miniscule amount of energy lost due to inductive heating. Basically some drop off during the trip. But none of the energy is converted into work or any other form of energy.
The work is done by the realigning magnetic domains in the toroidal cores, which is a permanent, renewable energy source that will never run out.
The reason that you see any change in current is because at lower RPMS the inductive gain caused by the magnetic interaction with the windings is lessened. It's not because that extra current is performing any work. It's because the system is less efficient at lower RPMS.
That's why we say the way to measure the performance of an Orbo system is to compare the losses in the coils to the work being performed. Standing current has no impact on the system because 99% or more of it is returned back to the battery.
QuoteAn Orbo motor has no load. That is the key fundamental issue at hand here. The circuit has no load. It performs no work.
That's incorrect. The pick-up coil is the load.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 05, 2010, 05:43:12 PM
Please read again the first link of mine and stop talking about reading comprehension
In the first link, you will find a reference link to an image, This image is of the scope shot from Episode 6. The other reference link to the other image is the circuit from Episode 7, Exnihiloest is mixing the scope shot from Episode 6 with the circuit from Episode 7. You can't do this, because the circuit in Episode 7 is different than Episode 6. In fact, there are two circuits in Episode 7.
After the pulse has ended for the magnetization phase, the core is still being magnetized due to a lag in induction. This lag in induction is what exnihiloest sees as some of the magnetization energy being accounted for in the demagnetization phase in Episode 6. In Episode 7, Naudin has two circuits which separates the demag phase from the mag phase, so Exnihiloest arguments can no longer hold true for Episode 7. Exnihiloest knows what he is talking about, and this was an intentional and obvious attempt by him to misdirect the other thread. I really question the motivation and agenda of Exnihiloest, Airstriker, and a few others here. There is nothing wrong with being wrong, but doing it intentionally is another thing. There is always a possibility Naudin's measurements are wrong in Episode 7, but the arguments I've been hearing, saying they are wrong do not hold any weight.
If you can't accept the COP of 13.7 for the Dmag/Mag ratio as being correct (which I believe it is correct), then what is wrong with the COP of 2.2 for the Output/Input ratio that Wings posted? Both COP measurements is showing a COP>1. Are you saying both are wrong?
I think this one is the best replication so far :
2W input, 5500 RPM, 8 coils
No magnetic bearings, no precision cnc, no expensive scopes.
Can you see the power its producing ?
How do you judge it's overunity?
Quote from: Omnibus on March 06, 2010, 01:08:02 PM
How do you judge it's overunity?
It seems it could easily produce 2W, if coupled to a generator. We will see ...
The problem is , this vid is 2 weeks old, and he has no updates to show even with such a promising setup.
I'm hopeful because of the speed. At that speed, the required pulse width will be tiny and the joule heating will be so low that it will be possible to self run it.
Quote from: freeorbo on March 06, 2010, 09:21:19 AM
There's a difference between the amount of current flowing through a system and the amount of load or consumption. When you take a reading on a circuit that's just your meter and your battery, you're not consuming anything, you're just measuring the flow past the multimeter. The electrons go right back into the battery. They aren't "used up."
Sorry to say but you have taken too much Bearden pill that poisoned your understandings on electric circuit behaviors. Because if you take a battery and check its output voltage with a multimeter, you actually load the battery with the meter but at a really negligible way. Most digital multimeters have about a 10 MegaOhm inner resistance and the current that is consumed from the battery during the measurement is V
Bat/10MOhm, ok?
However small pico or microamper current is consumed, it is dissipated in the 10MOhm inner resistance, WILL NOT GO BACK to the battery.
The same is true for the case of toroidal coils, the wire copper resistance is heated by the current taken from the battery or from the power supply in Larskro's case, the power dissipation in the wire is I
2R where R means the total coil resistances used in series.
And the dissipated power will not go back to the battery or to the power supply, because part of is converted into heat in the wires and part of it is converted into magnetic flux. And part of it is used up by the ferromagnetic core in hysteresis loss and the like, whatever small part these are in case of modern cores.
If you make clever circuits that are able to recapture the energy from collapsing magnetic fields in the coils than you can reduce the input power consumption by utilizing the recaptured energy but normally you cannot eliminate fully the input power. And in case the power taken from the battery or from a power supply creates heat in any part of a circuit, you cannot recover it easily, even if you make dedicated circuits for recovering it in electric form again.
Has Larskro used some means for capturing the energy of the collapsing flux in the coils? Maybe I missed that, sorry.
Has Larskro used any means for returning most part of the input power consumed by the toroidal coils back to his power supply? Maybe I missed that too, sorry.
I am aware of Steorn claiming a COP > 1 performance for their motor and so far I hope the COP>1 possibility is inherent in their motor design. However, I do not know HOW they actually did it, what circuits they used etc, etc.
I am open for accepting COP>1 performance from their motor and looking forward to learn the real solution whenever they disclose it.
What you try to explain in your previous letter I cannot buy it, sorry.
rgds, Gyula
A motor not under load is simply idling and the power
That it is using is wasted. If you put a resistor in series with
it is it simply idling using less power. While an unloaded
motor spinning is is largely useless.
Whether the motor can increase it's power based in mechanical
load or not depends on it's design...real world motors can draw
additional current to support additional mechanical loads. AC
motors do this via phase shifting their current vs voltage waveforms.
Of course a generator might overload a motor depending on the
resistance of it's output load, as the generator acts as a brake.
For overunity determination purposes an idling motor is largely
meaningless...You'll need to tell that to Joe Newman.
If you want to determine overunity you need to loop your motor
back, so that it runs itself, then pull off power as it runs and
split the power into a (user) load that dissipates it. Attach a clock to
load being on, which gives the energy (milliwatt seconds) being pulled
from the motor and is being dissipated (thrown away) that
to the energy density of the power source for the motor...when you
have more - that is overunity energy being produced. Forget the
instrumentation, other than the clock and the determination of the
filtered DC voltage and current dissipated by the load resistance
which at a constant voltage should be a constant.
Doing anything else is largely a waste of time.
I recommend reading this short post by exnihiloest, as IMHO it's mostly what's in ORBO and 2SGen:
If something is not right in this post please point this out.
I've finished the discussion with you.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 06, 2010, 05:16:33 PM
I recommend reading this short post by exnihiloest, as IMHO it's mostly what's in ORBO and 2SGen:
If something is not right in this post please point this out.
I've finished the discussion with you.
Your partner has done nothing but intentionally twist the facts, along with you and a few others. I've already posted how the facts are being twisted, and you keep insisting otherwise.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 06, 2010, 06:24:07 PM
Your partner has done nothing but intentionally twist the facts, along with you and a few others. I've already posted how the facts are being twisted, and you keep insisting otherwise.
936 posts. nice. I wonder what percentage of this is the same kind of shit.
You know what? Fighting with the devil you eventually become one. Look in the mirror and stop saying about twisted facts when you can mix ten different theories in one post. No I will not show here any of these. I've already read enough of them.
If you still want to play your little war just go order the new Battlefield.
why don't you start a new thread ? like "reasons steorn replications don't work" , or "bad steorn replication experiments measurments", just shut the fuc* up here! PLEASE!
or show some of your experimental evidence for anything you espouse!
Everybody needs to calm down here, frustration is at a all time level!!!
Let's be objective and take a look a the Steorn saga based on reality:
Steorn takes out big add in the Economist spending 50,000 (euro or $) claiming to have invented a device that will solve all the worlds energy needs. This is wonderful everyones excited. Who would do this unless they really had something. Show us more!!!
And the investor money rolls in.
Steorn established independent group to validate their claims. Accountability and independent validation. This sound better and better! And the investor money rolls in.
Steorn announce first open display of Orbo- We can hardly wait! .And the investor money rolls in.
Whoops!! Orbo melts down due to heat from camera lighting- What? And the investor money rolls in.
Group investigating Orbo say " no over unity here" . What's going on here? Steorn and evidently everyone else pays no attention to this. And the investor money rolls in.
Steorn announce second demo. This is great they fixed the problem. All is forgiven. Were all excited. And the investor money rolls in.
Second demo is a battery running a small motor. Oh-oh, but for some reason that is ok. Because a zillion pages are spend on this site talking about coils.
OU is a very simple concept- more out than in. In this case more voltage x amperage out than voltage x amperage in. But again for some reason this has been all but ignored.
Omnibus once said I would only be happy if there was no battery in the system. Sounds right to me, has there been any absolute proof showing that the battery is charging up. Even if it is we all know that a battery showing a higher voltage can be due simply to electrolyte stirring.
If they have OU replace the battery with a cap, if they have OU then loop it back into the system to keep it running. And the investor money rolls in.
OK I am waiting for there next demo of there all magnetic Orbo. When is that going to occure-I'm really excited here. And the investor money rolls in.
6,000,000 million Euro or $ and counting
As far as I can see, everything shown by Steorn thus far proves they have OU. Unfortunately, as I said earlier, they are too much ahead of everybody in terms of equipment to prove it independently. It isn't enough for OU to be proved to just demonstrate a spinning rotor in this kind of demo. Many have shown that and certain other aspects of the eOrbo performance but that's not enough to conclusively replicate Steorn's OU claim. I won't be amazed if many other rigs such as the founding Adams motor, Paul Sprain's motor etc. would also show conclusively OU had they been studied at the level of sophistication Steorn does it.
Unfortunately, it's true, however, that the zealous activists and their sycophants will resist it till the end if devices such as eOrbo aren't shown to be self-sustaining. Scientific method, science and its criteria have long been abandoned by these circles and we see that unfortunate fact in many other aspects in what passes as science nowadays, not only regarding OU.
That doesn't mean we should abandon the scientific method even if a self-sustaining device isn't readily available as proof. Like I said, sadly, none of the attempts to replicate eOrbo have shown the necessary data to sustain Steorn's OU claim and blame that mainly on the lack of proper equipment. Yes, it's cheaper to show a self-sustaining device but is much more difficult to make such rather than easily make an eOrbo replica with a battery and prove OU with sophisticated expensive equipment. Making eOrbo is easy, proving eOrbo being OU is the difficult part.
Hi Omnibus
Why is it so difficult for them to proof their claim, It is a lot like the term " a little bit pregnant" you either are or you are not.
Are you saying that they have demostrated OU but we do not have the necessary equipment to verify that?
It would be so simple for them to proof their claim.
I bow to your knowledge of these things but I consider myself a very grounded individual and they simply do not make any sence.
Our comments will soon be all for naught as I am sure soon there will be another 500 pages of coil building, off topic , and endless confusing scope shots.
This is always the way of things.
Hi all,
This may be specifically off topic and may also be a 'buzz-kill' but ....
Steorn might very well have OU. I had (until recently) been following a 'Top Ten' list of FE efforts ... no names here ... just because. There is a common thread and everyone knows what that thread is. It's built on some pretty anomalous behaviors be it in coils, magnets, materials or something. These anomalous behavior(s) always involve varying degrees of measurement difficulty (usually extreme degrees). It is because of this latter characteristic that folks are able to make careers out of their unfinished business ... out of their "discoveries" claimed all along to be a 'gift' for all of humanity. An example is a particular motor that once hit the headlines - Some Great Motor. Websites, forums and builder groups sprung up around it to "TEACH" the principle. But the inventor has a patent(s) and defends it. No one uses this technology. No one has perfected the technology ... what's the point?. No one can commercialize it but many books are sold yet the public does not benefit and never will.
What about another. This one is actually VERY REAL, having been independently verified by many the world over. It's LENR, LANR, and other names (does Cold Fusion ring a bell? CF). Since it's clumsy announcement in 1989 it has become the career builder for many researchers (and career buster for the original pioneers: P & F). This promising energy technology, I fear, has gone the way of Hot Fusion. Hot Fusion gets $billions annually in funding across the globe only to support university research bureaucracies. Cheap (relatively radiation-free) Fusion Power has been only 30 years away for the last 50 years .. and likely will remain so. I fear the same fate for LENR, LANR, CF.
Quote from: billmehess on March 07, 2010, 10:29:32 AM
Hi Omnibus
Why is it so difficult for them to proof their claim, It is a lot like the term " a little bit pregnant" you either are or you are not.
Are you saying that they have demonstrated OU but we do not have the necessary equipment to verify that?
It would be so simple for them to proof their claim.
I bow to your knowledge of these things but I consider myself a very grounded individual and they simply do not make any since.
Our comments will soon be all for naught as I am sure soon there will be another 500 pages of coil building, off topic , and endless confusing scope shots.
This is always the way of things.
Quote from: supersam on March 06, 2010, 11:51:43 PM
why don't you start a new thread ? like "reasons steorn replications don't work" , or "bad steorn replication experiments measurments", just shut the fuc* up here! PLEASE!
or show some of your experimental evidence for anything you espouse!
1. I never said they don't work.
2. What doesn't "work" is yours (and many people's here) understanding of what you see.
3. Experiments already provided by exnihiloest (but deleted in the related thread by the moderator)
4. Who are you to tell me to shut up? I will when I decide to and actually I've already decided. No sense to loose my free time to commit anything to the subject if these words are being deleted just because they present a different point of view than yours "gods". I've got much better things to do.
QuoteAre you saying that they have demostrated OU but we do not have the necessary equipment to verify that?
That's correct. Someone has to carry out independently the exact same measurements they've shown and that'll settle the matter. Unfortunately, no one, as far as I know, has the necessary equipment to do that and that's why Steorn are open to attacks from interested parties. These adversaries are pushing as much as they can, as seen, trying to destroy the effort. The stakes are too high to allow that OU pursuit to continue.
Mind you, however, that at this stage Steorn's device is far from allowing a practical application. It only has scientific value and that mostly because they were able to demonstrate definitively OU. Other, earlier, devices are also OU probably but thus far I haven't seen such sophisticated research and proof as that of Steorn.
Steorn's device (eOrbo) is not practically applicable because larger part of the input energy which is 100% recoverable is in the form of heat and cannot be converted directly into anything usable. The OU effect is found when that 100% recoverable Joule heat is subtracted from the rest of the input energy and what remains is compared with the energy obtained. The mentioned difference is the only amount of input energy that goes for spinning the rotor (obviously, the Joule heating cannot be used for spinning the rotor). Experiment (Steorn's experiment) shows, however, that that said difference, comprising the only input energy used for turning the rotor, is three times less than the measured output energy when the rotor turns. That's a clear proof of OU. Not practically applicable at the moment but real.
Like I said, had we had Steorn's high-end equipment we might've already had conclusive answers regarding Paul Sprain's and Adams (and its replicas such as Bedini's and eOrbo) motors but also regarding this: That latter device is a similar brute-force (as opposed to self-sustaining) device as the already mentioned but only uses gravity and no permanent magnets. It kills me when I realize it's only money that's preventing our community (the OU community) to get to the bottom of all this and it's been dragging on for years in the fringes of science. Steorn have it but they are driven by other agendas (business) and science isn't on their list of priorities.
Of course, speaking of gravity and a self-sustaining device based on gravity Bob Kostoff's, for one, would be the solution but he isn't forthcoming either. Neither is Sjack Abeling. Sticky wicked.
Quote from: Omnibus on March 07, 2010, 03:34:41 PM
Steorn's device (eOrbo) is not practically applicable because larger part of the input energy which is 100% recoverable is in the form of heat and cannot be converted directly into anything usable. The OU effect is found when that 100% recoverable Joule heat is subtracted from the rest of the input energy and what remains is compared with the energy obtained.
Hi all,
On the contrary. Heat is one of the most practical energies to use. If you are tool cold, it's nice warm up. If you're too warm, you can use heat to cool off ... anyone with a propane refrigerator knows that mechanism.
LENR, LANR or Cold Fusion will eventually face the same issues. Anomalous heat near room temperature results in a small delta(t) (temperature differential) and is difficult to implement in a heat engine but nonetheless useful in place of burning fossil fuels in other applications.
It just might turn out that the only practical uses for OU systems will be to replace those in which we presently use a great deal of fossil fuel ... in systems we use to heat and cool our homes and workplaces.
Who says an OU system needs to generate hundreds or thousands of brake-horsepower. It can provide the equivalent in the forms of heating and cooling. If it manifests around a spinning motor looking thingy at least you have a built-in circulating fan motor. tee hee
Ultimately, you're right but in eOrbo case what is sought for is the motor application. The OU effect, small as it is, is showing there. Heat released when eOrbo works isn't anomalous.
If we are to consider any OU device as practical we already have one, proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be an OU device--the magnetic propulsor. Magnetic propulsor produces excess energy, although discontinuously, but it can find practical use. Who would deny using energy created "out of nothing", no matter how insignificant that might be? Well, of course, it would be much better to have excess energy produced continuously and preferably in large quantities. That would be even more practical, wouldn't it? Indeed, and that's why we're looking for devices such Kapanadze's, Adams' (eOrbo, Bedini), Paul Sprain's, Bob Kostoff's, Sjack Abeling's and what not. Unfortunately, so far we only have good quality OU results from Steorn and from nobody else. Thus, what is needed is third party verification of any of these claims abiding by the high standards of science so that these devices can enter the mainstream knowledge base of humanity and not only be treated as curiosities, at best.
Quote from: Omnibus on March 07, 2010, 09:15:17 PM
Ultimately, you're right but in eOrbo case what is sought for is the motor application. The OU effect, small as it is, is showing there. Heat released when eOrbo works isn't anomalous.
Hi again,
Yes you're right. "anomalous" = " Deviating from the normal or common order, form, or rule" is maybe not correct terminology. In CF research there is the joule heating and then there is the excess heating that the joule heating can in no way account for. That excess is currently termed "anomalous" in that research.
I have yet to see any electrical 'in' vs work or electrical 'out' with the Orbo and according to the information out there, they (at Orbo) are leaving that up to whoever license$ the technology. It's just going to be another case of building a career off of another observed phenomenon.
BTW: Please steer me to details about the "magnetic propulsor." I've done several topic searches hear and on the 'net' and get nothing.
Thanks in advance,
That's right. They show it clearly in their experiment but one has to see it for oneself. That's the main problem.
I've started a new thread for anyone interested in using Flux3D or other simulation software in order to simulate the effect of magnetic viscosity with the main focus on the needed code changes to demonstrate this effect,
According to Sean McCarthy in 2007, they use an FEA package called Flux3D from Cedrat ( ). Sean says, "I should point out that the system does require some code changes in order to demonstrate the effect which is based around Magnetic Viscosity",
Quote from: Omnibus on March 06, 2010, 09:54:24 AM
That's incorrect. The pick-up coil is the load.
It's a load on the rotor, not on the circuit. The circuit is unaffected by the pickup coil, that's the whole point of Steorn Demo 1, right?
the input current is steady and independent of what is going on with the rotor, right?
Quote from: gyulasun on March 06, 2010, 02:10:34 PM
However small pico or microamper current is consumed, it is dissipated in the 10MOhm inner resistance, WILL NOT GO BACK to the battery.
Right, that's my point. I agree with you 100%. And in the case of Larskro's video, the amount dissipated is the only amount consumed. He could input 20V and 200 amps, or 4V and .31 amps; he'd still only be
consuming the amount dissipated by the wire resistance.
An orbo circuit is just simply the current running through some wire. The only load on the circuit is the wire resistance. And the wire resistance never goes up, but does sometimes go down due to the inductive gain.
So any energy gotten back out of an orbo system should be compared not against the input power, but only against the resistive losses. Agreed?
Quote from: gravityblock on March 06, 2010, 06:24:07 PM
Your partner has done nothing but intentionally twist the facts, along with you and a few others. I've already posted how the facts are being twisted, and you keep insisting otherwise.
I gave facts and possible explanations. You may agree or not agree, but please stop your ad hominem attacks.
Here is your problem, gravityblock:
Quote from: exnihiloest on March 08, 2010, 04:41:43 AM
I gave facts and possible explanations. You may agree or not agree, but please stop your ad hominem attacks.
Here is your problem, gravityblock:
I showed how you're
intentionally twisting the facts in your analysis. If knowingly mixing two different experiments in your analysis of one single experiment isn't intentionally twisting the facts, then what is? I think any reasonable person would agree. I'm not claiming everything I post is correct, but I'm not intentionally posting things that I know are incorrect either. I think the physiological projection fits your behavior more than me. The physiological projection from you is that OU is impossible and not real and we should abandon our research and attempts. You won't succeed in your projection and you are failing in your attempt to do so.
QuoteQuoteAn Orbo motor has no load. That is the key fundamental issue at hand here. The circuit has no load. It performs no work.
That's incorrect. The pick-up coil is the load.
That is, eOrbo, does perform work in addition to heating the toroid coils.
Therefore, that:
QuoteThat's why we say the way to measure the performance of an Orbo system is to compare the losses in the coils to the work being performed.
would only be correct if by "losses in the coils" one means the energy in addition to Joule heating.
Quote from: freeorbo on March 08, 2010, 12:24:37 AM
Right, that's my point. I agree with you 100%.
It is strange you agree with me here now because what I wrote it includes: the dissipated energy in a resistor WILL NOT GO BACK TO THE BATTERY! You quoted me as:
Quote from: gyulasun on March 06, 2010, 02:10:34 PM
However small pico or microamper current is consumed, it is dissipated in the 10MOhm inner resistance, WILL NOT GO BACK to the battery.
BECAUSE you said earlier this:
Quote from: freeorbo on March 06, 2010, 09:21:19 AM
There's a difference between the amount of current flowing through a system and the amount of load or consumption. When you take a reading on a circuit that's just your meter and your battery, you're not consuming anything, you're just measuring the flow past the multimeter. The electrons go right back into the battery. They aren't "used up."
I am pleased you start agreeing with me. Now if you understand that without the 4V and 31mA current input into the coils, Larskro's motor would not rotate at all, that would be a great understanding from you.
(Likewise, the Steorn demo motor would not work without their D cell battery at all, ok?)
I fully understand that the input power to the coils does not get consumed by the rotor or by the rotor's mechanical loads. This is a very very good feature indeed. But why cannot you understand that without the 4V at 31mA input power (in Larskro's case), this wonderful motor would not rotate at all?
IF you or Larskro or anyone could generate a useful power output from the rotor's rotation and this generated power would exceed the 4V at 31mA input power in Larskro's case, THEN you could say: well this motor really have a COP > 1.
An orbo circuit is just simply the current running through some wire. The only load on the circuit is the wire resistance. And the wire resistance never goes up, but does sometimes go down due to the inductive gain.
Your latter sentence is a mistake, to say the least. Wire resistance does not change when the coils inductance changes, the latter either gets reduced or get increased in its inductance value during induction or 'inductive gain' but the copper resistance remains the same, ok?
So any energy gotten back out of an orbo system should be compared not against the input power, but only against the resistive losses. Agreed?
NO, I do not agree. As long as you take back energy by utilizing the rotor's rotation, you have to compare it against the input power you supply into the coils.
BECAUSE without input power, your rotor magnets would keep attracting to the stator cores FOREVER, they could not go past the sticky points.
If you do not agree with this, it is fine with me though, I do not care any more.
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: gyulasun link=topic=8411.msg231717#msg231717 =1268050265
BECAUSE without input power, your rotor magnets would keep attracting to the stator cores FOREVER, they could not go past the sticky points.
If you do not agree with this, it is fine with me though, I do not care any more.
I agree with you. I think the distinction is, for Orbo to be overunity, which is to say to generate more energy that it consumes, the energy retrieved from the rotor has only to exceed the energy lost from the resistance.
I don't make some distinction that it needs to be clear of input; because even in the scenario where it would require 2000 mW of input, it'll generate 2000 W of output if you let it run long enough. So the initial starting voltage is pretty inconsequential as far as the usefulness of the product goes.
Making up for the totality of the input voltage is an interesting stunt certainly. But having a required input doesn't preclude Orbo from being immensely useful.
We don't each get to define what overunity means for us. It means it makes more than it eats. Period.
Quote from: Omnibus on March 08, 2010, 06:24:16 AM
That's incorrect. The pick-up is the load.
That is, eOrbo, does perform work in addition to heating the toroid coils.
Therefore, that:
would only be correct if by "losses in the coils" one means the energy in addition to Joule heating.
I misspoke, I meant to say there's no load on an orbo circuit (if you look at it separate from the Orbo system as a whole)
Well, I guess what I meant to say is, the activity of the rotor is independent from the activity of the current. They're two separate systems that working in concert produce an effect. The distinction I'm trying to make is that the presence of a rotor, whether stopped or spinning, has no effect on the circuit made up of the battery, the coils, and the timer. Electrically, energetically, it's almost as if they are in independent black boxes.
The presence of the circuit causes the core to perform work on the rotor but it isn't itself performing the work. There's no energy lost out of the Orbo circuit that can be traced back to the work in the rotor.
Here's a picture story: When a mother walks into a room, a child becomes happy. The mother doesn't have to perform any action to make the child happy, merely her presence has an effect. Walking into the room counts as work, but she's not performing any work directly on the child. Still, the child becomes happy.
The work to become happy all happens within the child. The mother is contributing simply by existing and being present.
Now, that's correct but it has already long been known, judging from Steorn's data. Now, again, the problem is to have it verified by a third party.
Quote from: billmehess on March 07, 2010, 09:03:31 AM
Everybody needs to calm down here, frustration is at a all time level!!!
Let's be objective and take a look a the Steorn saga based on reality:
Steorn takes out big add in the Economist spending 50,000 (euro or $) claiming to have invented a device that will solve all the worlds energy needs. This is wonderful everyones excited. Who would do this unless they really had something. Show us more!!!
And the investor money rolls in.
Steorn established independent group to validate their claims. Accountability and independent validation. This sound better and better! And the investor money rolls in.
Steorn announce first open display of Orbo- We can hardly wait! .And the investor money rolls in.
Whoops!! Orbo melts down due to heat from camera lighting- What? And the investor money rolls in.
Group investigating Orbo say " no over unity here" . What's going on here? Steorn and evidently everyone else pays no attention to this. And the investor money rolls in.
Steorn announce second demo. This is great they fixed the problem. All is forgiven. Were all excited. And the investor money rolls in.
Second demo is a battery running a small motor. Oh-oh, but for some reason that is ok. Because a zillion pages are spend on this site talking about coils.
OU is a very simple concept- more out than in. In this case more voltage x amperage out than voltage x amperage in. But again for some reason this has been all but ignored.
Omnibus once said I would only be happy if there was no battery in the system. Sounds right to me, has there been any absolute proof showing that the battery is charging up. Even if it is we all know that a battery showing a higher voltage can be due simply to electrolyte stirring.
If they have OU replace the battery with a cap, if they have OU then loop it back into the system to keep it running. And the investor money rolls in.
OK I am waiting for there next demo of there all magnetic Orbo. When is that going to occure-I'm really excited here. And the investor money rolls in.
6,000,000 million Euro or $ and counting
Hey Bill,
What if your motor is running at close to 100% efficiency and it does work i.e. I have attached a seperate gen motor to my rotor, but the voltage is lower going out that what is running my coils. How do you get that extra voltage back into the coils rather than charging a separate battery? I am quite a noob so this is a genuine question rather than a defense of Steorn. edit: Also on the replacing with a cap, my exp with the Ossie motor is that you can run a motor indefinitely but it won't necessarilly run off a cap. Also the capacity & type of battery changes the efficiency of the motor as well.
Incidentally I have tried some Metglas squareloop cores but I'm not getting anywhere near saturation at this point.
I have an article from the late 1800's on magnetic viscosity by E. Rutherford,;sa=downfile&id=375 This research was undertaken to see if steel or soft iron exhibited any appreciable magnetic viscosity when under the influence of very rapidly changing fields. It says soft iron and steel exhibit the effect of magnetic viscosity quite strongly for a frequency of 1,000. Very informative article.
Any thoughts on this?
Quote from: Jimboot on March 08, 2010, 08:40:21 PM
Hey Bill,
What if your motor is running at close to 100% efficiency and it does work i.e. I have attached a seperate gen motor to my rotor, but the voltage is lower going out that what is running my coils. How do you get that extra voltage back into the coils rather than charging a separate battery? I am quite a noob so this is a genuine question rather than a defense of Steorn. edit: Also on the replacing with a cap, my exp with the Ossie motor is that you can run a motor indefinitely but it won't necessarilly run off a cap. Also the capacity & type of battery changes the efficiency of the motor as well.
Incidentally I have tried some Metglas squareloop cores but I'm not getting anywhere near saturation at this point.
First how do you know it's running at ( close to 100% efficiency)
If you are admitting that your voltage is dropping this is just the normal drain on the battery. As far as getting " extra" voltage into the cells that really is the challange on any motor claiming to be OU.
Also you state that the Ossie motor will run indefinitly - no it won't. If it would run indefinitly then it would have to be running at over OU as it would need to overcome friction, even as little friction as there might be.
If this were true then a cap replacing the battery would work. Since it does not what does that tell you.
The Steorn motor does not work, it has never worked . Only if they can run it with a cap or show their all magnetic motor will they prove beyond a doubt that what they say is factual. In the final analysis all they have is a battery running a small motor.
For this type of motor OU is defined very simply it is more power in (watts) than power out. Any thing else is all smoke and mirrors. If the motor generates more power out then that power in (watts= voltage x amperage) could be looped back into the motor to power it indefinitly.
Remember Steorn claimed that their motor would change the world and make other forms of energy obsolete. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. In reality so far they have proved nothing.
POWER IN vs POWER OUT that's what it should be all about every thing else is mental masturbation.
Not so. Science requires proof according to its own criteria, based on the scientific method and never qualifies claims or proof as extraordinary or non-extraordinary. Thus, according to these criteria of science Steorn motor not only works but is also OU which has been proved by very precise methods. As to how one judges whether or not Steorn motor is OU this has been explained in the recent posts and anybody interested in the matter can go back and read that explanation.
The only thing that remains now is to confirm independently Steorn's observations which isn't an easy task in view of the massive lack of adequate equipment. Steorn are way ahead of everybody in that respect and that's their main problem in terms of having their claim verified by third parties.
So what you are saying is that Steorn equipment is so advanced that only they can claim and " prove OU. And because of everyone else having inferior testing equipment that is why they have been unable to validate Steorns claims?
Considering ORBO's intelectual rights... What is their real state ? Can you use it's working principle, build your own devices and sell them if you haven't signed their NDA ? There is no patent on it so in fact it can be considered "open sourced" - right or not ? You cannot patent it yourself but you can use it if you know how. Is that right or not ? Can they sue you if you build your own unit and sell it ? Why didn't they patent it ? If Howard Johnson got his patent it shouldn't be a great deal to get one for ORBO. If they had patented it, it would have still been possible for them to sell licences. Is it possible to get the patent for OU device if you say it's OU and show them a working unit ? Is saying that you broke law of conservation of energy prohibited when patenting or is it that you cannot say your machine is perpetuum mobile? Just wondering what you can do when you deal with this stuff. I have started a new thread for this question, so please answer there:
Quote from: billmehess on March 08, 2010, 10:59:24 PM
First how do you know it's running at ( close to 100% efficiency)
Just what I've learned from others definitions here & @jln. I ran a motor for 100 hours with no change in voltage at the end of the run on an alkaline D cell. When running the voltage would not drop.
If you are admitting that your voltage is dropping this is just the normal drain on the battery. As far as getting " extra" voltage into the cells that really is the challange on any motor claiming to be OU.
No I'm saying my motor runs & I attach another Gen motor to the rotor and the gen motor generates a charge however I can't get it back into the batt (lack of knowledge) of the main motor as it is a lower voltage than the running battery.
Also you state that the Ossie motor will run indefinitly - no it won't. If it would run indefinitly then it would have to be running at over OU as it would need to overcome friction, even as little friction as there might be.
Not my claim. I know what I can run it at. @jln & @ossie have I think said indefinitely.
If this were true then a cap replacing the battery would work. Since it does not what does that tell you.
That the cap behaves differently to the battery. Just as one battery's performance differs to another, including achieving the right motor frequency, reed switching freq etc. If I could find a cap that matches a Dcell I'd do it.
The Steorn motor does not work, it has never worked . Only if they can run it with a cap or show their all magnetic motor will they prove beyond a doubt that what they say is factual. In the final analysis all they have is a battery running a small motor.
I'd be happy with a motor steadily increasing in voltage whilst running a standard household incandescent light bulb.
For this type of motor OU is defined very simply it is more power in (watts) than power out. Any thing else is all smoke and mirrors. If the motor generates more power out then that power in (watts= voltage x amperage) could be looped back into the motor to power it indefinitly.
Yeah if you have a circuit to how I loop that power back that'd be great. Seriously. That is the bit I'm having probs with.
Remember Steorn claimed that their motor would change the world and make other forms of energy obsolete. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. In reality so far they have proved nothing.
Couldn't agree more!
Quote from: billmehess on March 09, 2010, 12:37:30 AM
So what you are saying is that Steorn equipment is so advanced that only they can claim and " prove OU. And because of everyone else having inferior testing equipment that is why they have been unable to validate Steorns claims?
Correct. That's what I'm saying.
Anything short of demonstrating a self-sustaining device requires equipment at least as sophisticated as Steorn's and, as we see, practically no one involved in this research has such.
Quote from: Omnibus on March 09, 2010, 08:06:50 AM
Correct. That's what I'm saying.
Anything short of demonstrating a self-sustaining device requires equipment at least as sophisticated as Steorn's and, as we see, practically no one involved in this research has such.
IMHO taking the scopeshot's digital data and doing math in whatever program you like is not a problem at all. What's the difference, whether you do it in real time (you Steorn does with his high tech equipement) or do it later in the program (matlab or something)? Both should have the same result. The other equipement (Gauss meters etc.) is not so expensive.
Quote from: Airstriker on March 09, 2010, 09:03:21 AM
IMHO taking the scopeshots digital data and doing math in whatever program you like is not a problem at all. What's the difference, whether you do it in real time (you Steorn does with his high tech equipement) or do it later in the program (matlab or something)? Both should have the same result. The other equipement (Gauss meters etc.) is not so expensive.
Well, that's correct, however, where are these data? Of course, the bells and whistles of Tektronix scopes make it straightforward to get across your point in an environment which is adversary to begin with. There are poor man's solutions also but where are they? It appears our friends trying to replicate Steorn's device cannot afford even a decent DSO let alone an integrating one.
Quote from: freeorbo on March 08, 2010, 02:49:01 PM
I misspoke, I meant to say there's no load on an orbo circuit (if you look at it separate from the Orbo system as a whole)
Well, I guess what I meant to say is, the activity of the rotor is independent from the activity of the current. They're two separate systems that working in concert produce an effect. The distinction I'm trying to make is that the presence of a rotor, whether stopped or spinning, has no effect on the circuit made up of the battery, the coils, and the timer. Electrically, energetically, it's almost as if they are in independent black boxes.
The presence of the circuit causes the core to perform work on the rotor but it isn't itself performing the work. There's no energy lost out of the Orbo circuit that can be traced back to the work in the rotor.
Here's a picture story: When a mother walks into a room, a child becomes happy. The mother doesn't have to perform any action to make the child happy, merely her presence has an effect. Walking into the room counts as work, but she's not performing any work directly on the child. Still, the child becomes happy.
The work to become happy all happens within the child. The mother is contributing simply by existing and being present.
How many children can she fit in the room? And can the children do any work? ;D
Some news from a skdb member hdeasy. Looks like about 20 tests were done, and according to him "The results were positive..."
Encouraging statement, if you believe hdeasy. From my experience, he was a forum member at steorn and I did not see him posting BS. He also updates the steorn wiki page.
One more skdb blogger here:
Leaked unofficial test data proves Orbo is 110% real
You decide if the video is fake or not. In the meantime, we'll just have to wait for the official test data to be released.
They got to have something its just a way crazy story and such a risk fraud in this manner. I think for people in the states it will simply take the tours in the states to make it true and hit home many people given how big this story is are just simply unaware of the claim the device or the video evidence of this device. Weather it is fraud or not one thing we cannot deny from what we are able to see with our own two eyes seems a bit like magic or maybe as people say there is no need to let the cat out of the bag cause the bag never really was there.
Quote from: gravityblock on March 16, 2010, 10:04:47 PM
Leaked unofficial test data proves Orbo is 110% real
You decide if the video is fake or not. In the meantime, we'll just have to wait for the official test data to be released.
Lols! 110% luvyawork.
Did anyone else besides PL try the metglass? I couldn't get mine to saturate.
Update on CLaNZeR's Replication:
CLaNZeR Orbo Replication Adding Pickup Coils,
CLaNZeRS Orbo Replication Scope Shots,
Now, regarding replicating the eOrbo I'd like to ask those who already have experience in it, could you please recommend a place where one can get adequate toroid coils? Also, I'd like to use a pulse generator instead of a battery and a schematic to create the pulses. I guess it should be quite powerful pulse generator (providing ten or more volts and current on the order of amps isn't usual for a pulse generator, it seems). Would you recommend any? Thanks.
The Perminvar alloys have constant permeability and almost no hysteresis up to flux densities of 1,000 Gauss. Even at still higher flux densities, residual magnetization and coercive force remain practically zero. The permeability of Perminar, however, remains constant only as long as high magnetization is avoided. Other materials which have constant permeability are Conpernik and Isoperm. These materials have a near 0 hysteresis loss.
The above information can be found on the 12th page of the "SURVEY, CHARACTERISTICS, AND EVALUATION OF HIGH-PERFORMANCE MAGNETIC CORE MATERIALS" by the United States Airforce,;sa=downfile&id=381
Concerning the Toroids for an Orbo:
I used FERROXCUBE - TN23/14/7-3E25 - FERRITE KERN, TOROID, TL2/14/7-3E25
Hersteller: FERROXCUBE
Farnell Best.Nr.: 3056971
Herst.Bez.: TN23/14/7-3E25
10 meters of 0,4 mm wire on the Toroids.
But I also tried other Toroids of similar size and my little Orbo-Motor (without pick up coils) worked as well. You can see my best Orbo-Motor on the net (just two Toroids, no pickup coils):,edIWzQFiFFb7IZ221NFzhNis5c2Gh6H_/index.html
I think that the Toroid material does not matter very much (as long as it is some Ferrite, could even be iron) when one only wants to build some sort of motor. To produce over unity the Toroid material might be the crucial point. But I do not know anything specific like everybody else because Steorn is very secretive.
I also found out that it does not matter very much how one orientates the Toroids in respect to the magnets as long as one allows for a a certain distance (about 8 mm) between the Toroid and the magnet. See the attached photo. What I call "radial" seems to be the best solution (but not overwhelmingly).
Attached you find the circuit I am using to drive my Orbo replications (which only function as motors). All components can be bought from Farnell (for a few Euros).
When I try to get some usefull energy out of these Orbo-Motors, I fail. Pick up coils deliver very little power. My Orbo motors have very little torque but spin quite nicely when the bearings are very good. I can drive the motor (you can see on Step-Load) with as little as 0,15 Watts on the two Toroids. I cannot put more than 4 Watts through a Toroid because it will become hot quickly.
I am just building one more Orbo-Motor with a dynamo that has the disk with the magnets attached to its shaft. I want to measure the output of the dynamo in comparison with the input to the Toroids. There will not be over unity but at least I will know the efficiency of my Orbo-Motors. That will be the end of my excursion into Orbo because I suspect that the Orbo-Effect is very small or cold even be an illusion.
Brushless motors ( e.g. can be used as dynamos (three phases). But I do not know yet how efficient these brushless motors are as dynamos. As motors they are wonderful, having up to 80% efficiency.
Greetings, Conrad
Quote from: conradelektro on March 23, 2010, 08:48:17 AM
Concerning the Toroids for an Orbo:
I used FERROXCUBE - TN23/14/7-3E25 - FERRITE KERN, TOROID, TL2/14/7-3E25
Hersteller: FERROXCUBE
Farnell Best.Nr.: 3056971
Herst.Bez.: TN23/14/7-3E25
10 meters of 0,4 mm wire on the Toroids.
But I also tried other Toroids of similar size and my little Orbo-Motor (without pick up coils) worked as well. You can see my best Orbo-Motor on the net (just two Toroids, no pickup coils):,edIWzQFiFFb7IZ221NFzhNis5c2Gh6H_/index.html
I think that the Toroid material does not matter very much (as long as it is some Ferrite, could even be iron) when one only wants to build some sort of motor. To produce over unity the Toroid material might be the crucial point. But I do not know anything specific like everybody else because Steorn is very secretive.
I also found out that it does not matter very much how one orientates the Toroids in respect to the magnets as long as one allows for a a certain distance (about 8 mm) between the Toroid and the magnet. See the attached photo. What I call "radial" seems to be the best solution (but not overwhelmingly).
Attached you find the circuit I am using to drive my Orbo replications (which only function as motors). All components can be bought from Farnell (for a few Euros).
When I try to get some usefull energy out of these Orbo-Motors, I fail. Pick up coils deliver very little power. My Orbo motors have very little torque but spin quite nicely when the bearings are very good. I can drive the motor (you can see on Step-Load) with as little as 0,15 Watts on the two Toroids. I cannot put more than 4 Watts through a Toroid because it will become hot quickly.
I am just building one more Orbo-Motor with a dynamo that has the disk with the magnets attached to its shaft. I want to measure the output of the dynamo in comparison with the input to the Toroids. There will not be over unity but at least I will know the efficiency of my Orbo-Motors. That will be the end of my excursion into Orbo because I suspect that the Orbo-Effect is very small or cold even be an illusion.
Brushless motors ( e.g. can be used as dynamos (three phases). But I do not know yet how efficient these brushless motors are as dynamos. As motors they are wonderful, having up to 80% efficiency.
Greetings, Conrad
Hey Conrad,
Awesome that you're pushing forward!
regarding your toroids, is there a reason you didn't match Steorn's orientation? They use two magnets and as Naudin has shown they place the toroid exactly between the two magnets. This might help improve your torque as it will cancel the CEMF. I haven't seen much of your rig but from the pictures I'd say you most definitely have some pretty serious CEMF working against you.
Quote from: conradelektro on March 23, 2010, 08:48:17 AM
When I try to get some usefull energy out of these Orbo-Motors, I fail. Pick up coils deliver very little power. My Orbo motors have very little torque but spin quite nicely when the bearings are very good.
Good work and thanks for posting your findings.
I'm facing the same problem, which is, getting something useful from this motor. Its very easy to get the motor spin, comparatively speaking. The toroid material, orientation or input power don't matter, when all you need is a spinning rotor, but as soon as you start loading it, things grind to a halt.
I tried using a brushless motor to generate power, it produced only 0.1 Volts (open circuit), which was not enough to drive any load. The cogging in such motors is too much to get a high RPM. I did not try an alternator. (Still searching for a small enough alternator)
Ultimately, you may need to set up your own air coils with adjustable gaps. It will be difficult to close the loop.
I would suggest you increase the number of coils (at least 4) to get good torque, and I agree with
freeorbo that your next step should be to remove CEMF, which is the key for OU.
To freeorbo and Omega_0,
I did not read through the whole thread, herefore I do not know what has been discussed allready.
I came up with the design shown in my photos and videos at,edIWzQFiFFb7IZ221NFzhNis5c2Gh6H_/index.html
because that was the best design for motor action. The reason is, one can use both sides of a magnet.
Yes, more Toroids are of course better for motor action than only two. See my next design in the attached drawings. I am just building this new contraption.
The CEMF question: I suspect (just a hunch) that the whole CEMF show by Steorn is a way to confuse people. They propably can not get a patent on their "invention" (because it is propably an old thing nobody looked at till now) and therefore they try to hide the essential clue.
My aim at the moment is to find the best Orbo-motor without focus on CEMF. Look at it from the point of view of "shielding the magnetic attraction" between the Ferrite material of the ring-core and the magnet on the rotor by help of an electric current through the winding around the Toroid core.
How efficient is such a motor if done right?
My measurements on the motor shown in the photos and videos at,edIWzQFiFFb7IZ221NFzhNis5c2Gh6H_/index.html
Watt per Toroid-Pair / revolutions of the rotor per minute
0,14 Watt / up to 300 rpm (the motor was left running for hours and nothing became hot)
0,54 Watt / up to 650 rpm (the motor was left running for hours and nothing became hot)
1,61 Watt / up to 1000 rpm (the construction is not good enough, much vibration)
4,17 Watt / up to 1350 rpm (the construction is not good enough, much vibration)
8,61 Watt / more than 1500 rpm (the Toroids become hot quickly)
This does not show much, but one sees that the magnet shielding effect increases with the current through the windings of the Toroid. And I find it remarkable that one gets rotation with as little as 0,14 Watt per Toroid pair (because I have a Toroid on each side of the magnet I use the expression "Watt per Toroid pair"). The current has soon an upper limit (because the Toroids become hot) but we want low current for a good efficiency, also a self runner would have to run with as little input as possible.
Now I want a dynamo at the hub of the machine (the disk with the magnets will be fixed to the shaft of the dynamo) in order to measure efficiency with a certain degree of accuracy.
Once I have a good motor I start to tinker with CEMF in the Toroid cores. Most likely I will give up soon, because material science for the Toroids is not feasible in a little workshop, it is even very expensive for a proper lab. But I suspect that CEMF can be avoided by simply mounting the Toroids in the right position, distance between Tloroid and magnet being most important (about 8 mm). In my new design the position of the Toroids can be changed easily.
For me Orbo is about shielding the magnetic attraction between a permanent magnet and the Ferrite core of the Toroid. Therefore one switches this shield on at the "dead points" of the rotor (when the magnet is trapped between the Toroid cores in my design) so that the rotor can escape from this well known trap. How much does the "escape" cost in terms of electricity? Is it better than the usual motor design? Is it better than the Bedini-Coils (pulse motors)?
I see some similarity with the efforts to build a self running permanent magnet motor. There the trick would be to overcome the dead point. Some shielding of the magnetic field would be necessary. And Orbo does this shielding in an elegant way.
I will finish my new design with the dynamo at the hub and then may be I can tell more than hunches. At least we know something about the efficiency of Orbo as a motor (propably low, but this is per se no contradiction to a self runner).
Do the simple thing first (build a good motor which runs with very little input) and worry about the difficult things (material of the cores, CEMF) later.
Greetings, Conrad
Cool setup Conrad. You got yourself a sturdy testbed there.
I would like to suggest however that the following layout gives greater efficiency.
I really like this one. Self-charging closed loop no bearings.
I would like to see the rotor larger with four magnets.
The build is shown better in this earlier video.
Some results on the calorimetric Tests performed on Orbo:
The way I interpret these result is that they claim that a non-rotating Orbo produces less heat than a running Orbo both consuming 3.8 Watt.
It does not show COP>1 in this way in my view.
As I remember there was a question whether the magnets themselfs saturate the core completely at the TDC. Well here is the answer:
QuoteAs can be seen from the results, there was a net decrease in inductance when the two magnets on the rotor were facing the toroid. This is because the magnets saturated the toroid's core when they were in that position. This saturation resulted in a change in the core's magnetic permeability and, hence, a change in the inductance of the coil.
I also suggest reading all ot the information published under:
Especially the pmORBO papers are interesting - I don't think they have been published anywhere before.
Quote from: teslaalset on April 01, 2010, 03:26:35 PM
Some results on the calorimetric Tests performed on Orbo:
The way I interpret these result is that they claim that a non-rotating Orbo produces less heat than a running Orbo both consuming 3.8 Watt.
It does not show COP>1 in this way in my view.
Indeed, such heat difference will be observed with an ordinary non-OU pulse motor as well. If they were to demonstrate OU calorimetrically they should've calibrated the system with a resistor to see how much of the input 3.8W without rotor goes for non-heating losses. Once that is known then it should be compared with the excess heat when the rotor is spinning. If there is OU that excess heat should be greater than the energy spent for non-heating losses.
That calorimetry experiment was unnecessary and I think Steorn gave in into the zealous activists' agenda to muddle the issue. The integration experiment in their last demo, carefully done, is enough as a proof of OU. It needs to be confirmed by independent parties but, sadly, there's none in sight with that level of equipment. Here lies the greatest problem Steorn are facing -- they are way ahead of everybody.
Hi folks, what do you think about this?
Searching for publications about Steorn and possible info on pm-orbo and e-orbo this showed up:
If anyone has red it, please post any relevant info data/tests etc Does it also include ss-orbo developments?
Ps: As a side note, an interesting coincidence how close the publication day of the book and the starting day of this thread, announcement of e-orbo upcoming events/demos etc.
Quote from: mikestocks2006 on April 08, 2010, 09:54:51 PM
Hi folks, what do you think about this?
Searching for publications about Steorn and possible info on pm-orbo and e-orbo this showed up:
If anyone has red it, please post any relevant info data/tests etc Does it also include ss-orbo developments?
Ps: As a side note, an interesting coincidence how close the publication day of the book and the starting day of this thread, announcement of e-orbo upcoming events/demos etc.
You can look inside the table of contents. There's a whole chapter on the steorn forum (which if you've never been its a hornets nest). Its not clear if this guy had inside access or has just compiled a history from across the web but it definitely seems like a good read ( from the first few pages ).
It sounds like he knew they were going to do a demo but not of what.
Also, re: ss-orbo, steorn themselves only started working on it in 2010.
PL is claiming OU
Video does not show any measurements but speed is impressive. Note that there is no arrangement to cancel bemf.
The most important question is -- how is he measuring the input and the output power? Before answering this the shown vid has no value whatsoever.
Looks like the world has moved on to the solid state lol :D
I'm still experimenting with spinning stuff. Its in primitive stage as you can see, nothing fixed or finalized, just trying things out. This is my second attempt, although titled ver 0.1, because the last one was made with high expectations and hopes but did not even spin (was with built in generator). This one spins at max 200 RPM with approx 2W consumption. Nothing has been optimized here, as you can see from the scope shot there is a lot of cemf (orange trace is voltage across the coils and purple is the current)
I'm using a simple circuit, I found some useful components in an old PC power supply, like fast power transistors and fast schottky diodes.
Next step is to add two more coils and remove the cemf. Will update soon.
Changed the PS to a brand new 12V maintenance free battery. Surprisingly, the cemf was reduced to almost nil just by changing the battery. I don't understand this, need to do some tests on this magical situation.
Made new arrangement to mount the 4 coils. For testing I removed all but one coil. Set a convenient air gap and some 100/200 ohm resistors in series at the base of power transistor. Took some readings, each time shorting one resistor to increase the current. Plots and excel sheet of measurement data are attached below.
A very important thing to notice is that at a certain current/power level the RPM shoots up. There is a non-linearity there. Any more current will not increase the RPM significantly. This is the sweet spot !
I will post more data soon for 2/3/4 coils configs.
The setup
More measurements with two coils.
Surprise, no jump this time. The RPM increase almost linearly with current, upto a limit where it flattens and will not increase with current. Adding second coil doubles the RPM for same value of current. (80 to 180 at around 0.9 A)
I also varied the air gap (keeping the current constant). Here also there seems to be a jump for single coil case and perfectly linear relation in case of two coils.
Important thing to learn is that even one mm can make a difference, precision is needed to place the coil. I could not move the coil closer than 12 mm as the construction is not rigid enough.
Thanks for sharing these interesting results. Would it be possible to try running the motor with a pulse generator? What's the maximum current through the toroids?
Yes it would be possible. However it may not be practical.
Peak current values are in the excel file attached in above posts. (1 coil case)
I will complete the tests and upload the data in a day or two.
Of course, but for research purposes it would be preferable because you can make comparisons of the behavior of the toroids for same pulses with and without rotor. Would be interesting to see how that affects the input power. Just that, no pick up coil even necessary, may be an indication for unusual behavior if the presence of rotor has no effect. Other revealing studies, impossible when using reed switch or hall sensor circuit can also be done.
Sure, using pulse generator to compare power consumption with or without rotor is on my list of experiments, to be done with better rig and hardware. This is just a start.
Below are Comparative Results for one coil config with 200 and 400 turns respectively. The speed profile is similar, there is a jump in both cases. The current needed to reach the same speed is higher in case of the coil with less number of turns.
You don't have data for the input I and V, do you? It would be interesting to see if we'd get the same fine structure for the integrated curves as Steorn's. Of course, I and V of a pick up coil would be interesting too, to compare with the input. I'm getting a nice Tektronix DPO any moment now and will join the efforts.
No, the current and power measurements shown here are simple (Ipeak*dutycycle) and I ignored all fine transients in the pulse. I feel the rig is not good enough to measure the non-joule energy yet.
I'm improving my rig and once it starts going above 500 RPM on lowest possible current, I will start capturing the scope data into excel and integration will follow. Next thing would be to use Metglas cores. I don't have any at the moment.
Its a good news that you will be building, we need more dedicated replicators. People don't persist usually.
All builder have disappeared. If you guys are working underground, please invite me, I'm reinventing the wheel in a cave :)
Some readings on effect on RPM with core position. X axis is distance in mm from center line of magnet pair to center of the core). The negative distances are when core is moved towards center of the rotor. Relation seems to be parabolic.
I installed 4 coils finally and got 300 RPM, and I'm not happy about it. The total resistance has shot up and with 12 V battery the current is reaching just around the operating value, not above that.
The rig is showing its weakness, the pull of the magnets is very strong and the rotor yields and goes crazy. So no more experiments till I build a better rig.
Made a new rotor, it is smaller and more rigid. Unexpectedly it gave better results as compared to the bigger rotor. Its going 400-500 RPM with two coils and 4 magnet pairs. There must be some relation between rotor diameter and RPM. Need to find out.
I was trying to remove the cemf and no matter where I placed the coil, it produced a large cemf, except when I placed it very far away from the magnets. The rotor has S-N magnet pair polarity, i.e opposite poles facing the core. Surprisingly, changing it to N-N, same poles, made cemf almost nil.
So those who are using the pairs in S-N config may like to see the effect of using NN or SS config. Latter reduces the attraction a bit, but cemf is gone. (see the scope shot taken with two pairs in NN and two in SN positions, with rotor spun by hand and probes connected to both the coils)
I've also seen cemf disappear when the coils are connected in parallel. Need to confirm this once again though.
I'd like to tell you that I value very much your input as well as the input of several other researchers. I'm reading your posts regularly although I don't respond every time.
Now back to I and V measurements. How are you solving the problems with the differential and current probes? Probes are more expensive than many of the scopes themselves. Can you think of any way to use usual passive voltage probes for measuring current and would you trust voltage measurements with a passive probe (say, ground loop problem) in what we're studying?
Thank you for your kind comments. All kinds of feedback is welcome.
Well, I've not reached that stage yet to begin worrying about accurate measurements. Right now trying to get the mechanical stuff right. I'm using the scope and passive probes only to take crude measurements.
Surely, you can't trust these readings as far as the absolute values are concerned, but they are fine for measuring trends and finding optimal spots, like how the RPM varies with current, the absolute value of current is not very important here.
When it comes to measuring power so accurately that the difference in transients shows up and the integrations make any sense, a better scope and probe will be required. Investing in a $2000 probe is out of question so I may try some op-amp based home made circuit to enhance accuracy.
I'm hopeful that with a 300% OU the chances of measurement error will be slim. So lets see.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 05, 2010, 09:52:08 AM
I may try some op-amp based home made circuit to enhance accuracy.
Whom besides yourself will determine the accuracy of your home made circuit?
The basis of accuracy and evaluation is having more than one skilled people doing the measurements.
The risk of an induced error by a "home made" circuitry is probably a lot higher than using better equipment.
Try to borrow or rent the equipment when your design is ready for final measurements.
BTW, a good digital oscilloscope from eBay won't cost you any $2000.
And you don't need extreme bandwith for simple motor current measurements.
Here's some links for cheap investments, shipping included in the price.
Used Tektronix 468 100MHz Dual Digital for $197
Used Hitachi VC-6015 Digital Storage Oscilloscope for $249
New ADS1022 Digital Storage Oscilloscope 25MHz for $289
Used EZ Digital OS 5060A Oscilloscope 60MHz for $313
Quote from: FatChance!!! on May 05, 2010, 10:35:34 AM
Whom besides yourself will determine the accuracy of your home made circuit?
Calibrations and baseline measurements. Although I'm not an expert in that field.
Thanks a lot for the links.
I have a cheap but decent USB scope but we were talking about probes. If all else fails and the measurement is not definitive, (and the claim shows some promise), I'll surely invest more in measuring stuff. Time is not ripe yet.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 05, 2010, 12:52:11 PM
Calibrations and baseline measurements. Although I'm not an expert in that field.
Thanks a lot for the links.
I have a cheap but decent USB scope but we were talking about probes. If all else fails and the measurement is not definitive, (and the claim shows some promise), I'll surely invest more in measuring stuff. Time is not ripe yet.
That's a very prudent approach and I second it. Here's what I found as a substitute (for Tektronix or Agilent) probes: I'll try to use it with a precision resistor in series to do the current measurements. This way it may be even better than using a current probe, especially for our purposes.
See, I'm looking at this not only as something applicable to eOrbo type of measurement but as a general methodology which should apply to correct power measurements in all those Bedini, Valeri Ivanov, Kapanadze, you name it kinds of cases. So far this most important aspect is neglected overwhelmingly and that amounts to wasted efforts. The only ones I've seen doing these experiments the way they should be done are Steorn. I've said that more than once. Unfortunately, the equipment they are using is beyond anybody's reach and that's probably the reason why no studies matching the quality of their research can be found, not even Naudin's, not even some of the zealous naysayers' attempts.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 05, 2010, 03:07:56 PM
See, I'm looking at this not only as something applicable to eOrbo type of measurement but as a general methodology which should apply to correct power measurements in all those Bedini, Valeri Ivanov, Kapanadze, you name it kinds of cases. So far this most important aspect is neglected overwhelmingly and that amounts to wasted efforts. The only ones I've seen doing these experiments the way they should be done are Steorn. I've said that more than once. Unfortunately, the equipment they are using is beyond anybody's reach and that's probably the reason why no studies matching the quality of their research can be found, not even Naudin's, not even some of the zealous naysayers' attempts.
Measurement is not the reason. It is not enough to measure. It is as important to understand how you measure and what you measure. Steorn measures losses for spin alignment and count it for usable work!
As it is unbelievable that engineers can make such mistakes, it is likely that Steorn is a real scam and will join Lutec, Bedini, Perendev and other gurus of free energy searching for funds and never able to present a duplicable working machine.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 05, 2010, 12:52:11 PM
I have a cheap but decent USB scope but we were talking about probes.
If you buy one of the ebay scopes you will get the probes as well. Then get rid of the USB scope.
Believe me, it's not possible to build good and accurate probes by yourself.
Good scope probes are made professionally and is adapted to fit the properties of a scope input.
The is usually done by a adjustable probe capacitor to make it match the scope input capacitance perfectly.
Yes thats right. If the ordinary probes and scope don't detect anything then the obvious solution is ebay or taking the setup to some lab for measurements. Thats what I also think.
Quote from: exnihiloest on May 06, 2010, 02:40:01 AM
Measurement is not the reason. It is not enough to measure. It is as important to understand how you measure and what you measure. Steorn measures losses for spin alignment and count it for usable work!
As it is unbelievable that engineers can make such mistakes, it is likely that Steorn is a real scam and will join Lutec, Bedini, Perendev and other gurus of free energy searching for funds and never able to present a duplicable working machine.
The above text unnecessarily clogs this discussion. Keep this kind of crap to yourself.
Steorn is obviously a con I wish theyd go away already. Not a single person has been able to reproduce what they claim to have, it's been four years. I wonder how much money theyve sucked out of investors.
Moving on to ver 0.2 :)
- New rotor 6mm thick acrylic plate mounted on a 25mm ball bearing and 12mm brass bolt as shaft, secured by brass nuts.
- Old rotor converted to base. Got rid of old photo frame as it was too noisy and was troubling neighbors in late nights experiments.
- Runs silent with a thick cloth underneath, without which it tends to move and jump off the table. Low tech solutions at the moment.
- New SMF 12V battery supplying about 500mA @ 600RPM (No optimization)
- Only one core assembly. same old cores.
The scope shot shows heavy cemf, as the magnet pairs are in SN config back again. The hump of cemf shifts with the reed trigger and you can bring it right into the rising edge at the cost of speed loss, where is looks as if not present.
The reason I changed back to SN was, with NN, the repulsion is so strong between the pair that magnets were flying off the rotor at high RPMs, even when secured tightly. I'm VERY afraid now and don't want 1 inch neos flying around in my room...
Further experiments must wait till I find a way to secure the magnets nicely in NN mode.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 06, 2010, 08:21:24 AM
The above text unnecessarily clogs this discussion. Keep this kind of crap to yourself.
Quote from: happyfunball on May 06, 2010, 10:17:06 AM
Steorn is obviously a con I wish theyd go away already. Not a single person has been able to reproduce what they claim to have, it's been four years. I wonder how much money theyve sucked out of investors.
They are too far ahead of everybody both in their level of equipment and in sophistication of analysis that's why it appears as if not a single person has been able to reproduce what they claim to have. Show results as sophisticated as theirs and then we can talk. Otherwise you have no basis for the above statements and are only wasting the time of the participants in this discussion.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 07, 2010, 11:13:41 PM
They are too far ahead of everybody both in their level of equipment and in sophistication of analysis that's why it appears as if not a single person has been able to reproduce what they claim to have. Show results as sophisticated as theirs and then we can talk. Otherwise you have no basis for the above statements and are only wasting the time of the participants in this discussion.
Anybody of whom? The replicating guys of free energy or what???
Any electronic development lab has better or equal equipment as Steorn.
They didn't build their own equipment, it's regular stuff, yet expensive, but that's
is the equipment at my job as well. I work in telecom development and uses
advanced equipment regulary. Don't bullshit us by saying they have equipment that
differs from others and this is should be the reason we can't get the same results. ::)
Quote from: Omnibus on May 07, 2010, 11:13:41 PM
They are too far ahead of everybody both in their level of equipment and in sophistication of analysis...
You're obviously not at all aware of working conditions in a laboratory.
Steorn equipment is high tech but common. It is simply boring that their interpretation of what they measure is completely wrong.
Looks like Steorn got rid of their messageboard. Guess they're in full scam mode now. What a surprise.
Quote from: happyfunball on May 08, 2010, 12:09:07 PM
Looks like Steorn got rid of their messageboard. Guess they're in full scam mode now. What a surprise.
This is exactly what I'm saying. A removal of a message board, which you give as evidence, is in no way a proof for a scam mode. Give real scientific arguments and then we can talk. So far you're just wasting the forum bandwidth.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 08, 2010, 01:25:38 PM
This is exactly what I'm saying. A removal of a message board, which you give as evidence, is in no way a proof for a scam mode. Give real scientific arguments and then we can talk. So far you're just wasting the forum bandwidth.
Why can't ClanZer reproduce an Orbo, he's in the SKDB. He can't and no one else to date can. Can you?
[A author=happyfunball link=topic=8411.msg240829#msg240829 date=1273377942]
Why can't ClanZer reproduce an Orbo, he's in the SKDB. He can't and no one else to date can. Can you?
Has anyone in the SKDB posted any of their testing results? Positive or neg.
I do not know what was being said in the Steorn message board.
Anyone know?
Here is some data......
also see
I'll now post all replication related posts in this new thread here, leaving this thread for general steorn discussions :
Quote from: maw2432 on May 09, 2010, 07:21:16 AM
Here is some data......
also see
Like I said, show experimental data at Steorn's level of sophistication and then we can talk. The videos shown are nowhere near.
Quote from: maw2432 on May 09, 2010, 06:24:07 AM
Has anyone in the SKDB posted any of their testing results? Positive or neg.
I do not know what was being said in the Steorn message board.
Anyone know?
ClanZer and other SKDB members have said on the Steorn Forum, they have not been able to reproduce OU with there eOrbo replication attempts. ClanZer also says the SKDB provides the basis to build an eOrbo, but that Steorn does not support the eOrbo for the SKDB members and are only supporting the Solid State designs.
ClanZer says he has positive results with his SS replication, but can not release a video of the ssOrbo replication because it would give out too much information and would violate the NDA.
The ssOrbo only requires a
simple oscilloscope without the expensive test equipment and doesn't require the precision necessary for success.
[A author=gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg240887#msg240887 date=1273420869]
ClanZer and other SKDB members have said on the Steorn Forum, they have not been able to reproduce OU with there eOrbo replication attempts. ClanZer also says the SKDB provides the basis to build an eOrbo, but that Steorn does not support the eOrbo for the SKDB members and are only supporting the Solid State designs.
ClanZer says he has positive results with his SS replication, but can not release a video of the ssOrbo replication because it would give out too much information and would violate the NDA.
The ssOrbo only requires a simple oscilloscope without the expensive test equipment and doesn't require the precision necessary for success.
GB, thank you for the SKDB info. I am glad to hear ClanZer is getting positive results with his SS replication. There is hope for OU.
Sorry to hear there is not much info on the SSOrbo.
You would think there would be some leaks.
What do you think is used.... magnets and coils....etc. ?
I’m posting this here because it pertains to the methodology all these transformer-type devices, including Steorn’s (if Steorn’s eOrbo is a real OU machine the same effect should be seen in a corresponding solid-state transformer-type device also), should be studied by. I’m attaching a Tektronix DPO2014 screen shot of a RadioShack 273-1380 Transformer powered by an HP 8116A Pulse Generator at 10Hz and 25% duty cycle. The load resistance (Ohmic resistances are measured using a Keithley 2000 multimeter) is not optimized yet to allow maximum power efficiency transfer from the primary into the secondary coil, so this is just an illustration. As seen, the Pout/Pin ratio is very near unity despite the fact that the eddy current and hysteresis losses have not been taken into account. Would be curious to hear your comments. What I’d also expect is to have someone else carry out the same measurements on this transformer so that we can confirm the methodology and extend an offer to anybody with an OU claim to have his device examined and the OU effect independently verified.
Please see attached the corresponding Excel file (compressed).
Interesting experiment. I haven't gone through the data yet, but I guess at 10 Hz the losses will be undetectable. Even an average quality transformer is 99% efficient. So total of joule energy will be almost equal to input energy (I*V), if the secondary is shorted.
Anyway, at high frequencies also, most of the losses convert into heat. So a calorimeter will show the same results, a scope may not.
My brain is not working right now for some reason, but I guess you are trying to show that if you place a rotor near this transformer and somehow if this rotor spins, it spins for free. Because all the losses have been accounted for, the energy in rotor is unexplained. Doubly so, when the rotor does not induce any reaction in the transformer.
This is exactly steorn's logic, and your experiment is good enough to illustrate it IMO. I will reply again after some sleep.
I am posting here because my brain does not work that way, simplistically that is, my brain ain't workn simplistically.
Studied the data, it is good enough for an example. Only problem is that there are two coils and their power must be added to get the output, which can be confusing for many people. Because normally we don't add primary side power to secondary to compute total output energy.
Anyway, I think that this method should be applicable to all pulse OU systems for validation purpose. Attached plot is (VI-heat) which looks very similar to steorn's plot. Your excel file is also attached with extra calculations (data points reduced for size limit). So all replicators can follow this method and compare the plot like this one with Eout.
That's correct. That's what Steorn are plotting as net input and are comparing to the power generated in the pickup coil. The problem is that the result is crucially dependent on the Ohmic resistance values. If all the currents and voltages are measured properly, no unaccounted for offsets and such, an incorrectly assumed R value may lead to false appearance of what may seem as OU. R cannot be measured on the fly and has to be assumed. This may be one major source of error.
On the other hand, like I said, if this effect is real with eOrbo then it should also show up with the so-called solid-state devices. Naudin's 2SGen, for instance, should be tested in this way.
By the way, I tried to optimize the output by changing the output resistance but what I got was worse than what I already showed.
Here are some results with JLNaudin's 2SGen replica. As seen, everything is as expected -- no OU.
Enclosed below are the corresponding data in an Excel spreadsheet.
I guess I do not understand how someone can assume that a solid state or stationary device could even remotely come close to having the same effects as a moving object onimbus you are very educated indeed I am not attacking you per say I just refuse to agree on that I believe that moving and non moving should be kept apart here if we are so worried about elaborate setups and readings and specifics the last thing we want to do is group these to things as "should have the same effect" ... Your assumptions are correct steorn may have something don't give this all up on a whim they have far too much invested to intentionally make inaccurate readings and they have struggled with this for years naudin is a great guy too but there may be something missing that he or we are not catching totally who knows but do not put down the sword!
Fight the good fight free energy is out there!
Quote from: infringer on May 14, 2010, 12:12:53 AM
I guess I do not understand how someone can assume that a solid state or stationary device could even remotely come close to having the same effects as a moving object...
It is the principle supposedly involved in the moving object, that is applied in the stationary device.
If Steorn motor works as presumed, then a "static orbo system" should work.
But none works because the principle is flawed: ferrite saturation needs energy, and also a field for "modulating the permeability" superpose to the others and the effect is perfectly in agreement with the laws of physics and with what we observe, they don't multiply, no switching effect can be expected.
Our understanding of the laws of physics is not fixed. Our knowledge about these laws improves continuously and we now know, for instance, that there are conditions at which the conservation of energy can be violated. What we're looking for here are conditions to violate CoE persistently in these types of devices. As a matter of fact Steorn might have found such which has to be reproduced independently. It isn't at all clear that all is known about the interplay between the various phenomena involved here and there may be conditions in these devices for spontaneous displacement (speaking of rigs such as eOrbo) under the action of a conservative force which is what OU is. If that condition is due to elimination of back emf and the coupling is only magnetic (electrical coupling is eliminated) then the OU effect may be expected to show itself in a "solid-state" device (a device without moving parts) as well.
OU in magnet motors is about overcoming the sticky spot. One approach is to achieve that by a clever construction. It appeared that constructions such as the one proposed by Walter Torbay ot Mike Brady (Perendev) would acomplish that but so far no one has shown a working model of such motor that can be reproduced by others. Another approach is the "brute force" approach, that is, to use some minimal power to overcome the sticky spot right at the moment that sticky spot shows itself. That's what Paul Sprain's or Steorn's approach is all about. Thus, the underlying problem is always the same -- the sticky spot -- but is tackled by different approaches constructively. Of course, the cleanest, undeniable proof would be to have a motor turn without any input power. That's a daunting engineering task, however. Much easier in engineering terms is to apply the "brute force" approach and, as seen, the power balance can give a definitive answer as to whether the device is OU. I'm willing to test anyone's OU claim either by visiting him or her and bringing my equipment there or have him or her bring the rig to my place. It's time to have definitive answers about those claims so that we can move on and not waste time on dreams and fantasies.
Get this:
Attached, please find the corresponding Excel data.
I'm getting even more dramatic results but I won't post them until I hear what you have to say about the results I just posted.
Here are some pictures of the setup.
First reaction that anyone would have is - you have OU ! :)
Now, it confused me for a while because this is an unexpected result, so I decided to dig more in the data. Below is a plot of instantaneous resistance with the input current (scaled by 7000). It should be obvious that the resistance will not change in reality, these values are derived from AC voltage and current, so they are wrong. But thats not the point. But we should see a constant actual value of resistance during the DC part of the pulse, when the voltage does not change. However there is no such part here.
When a pulse is applied to a coil, there is a transient stage and there is a steady state. The instantaneous power in transient stage is expressed by a different formula, in steady state its simple I^2*R. You can see from the plot that there is no steady state portion here in current. That's because the frequency is so high that the pulse ends before it reaches the steady state. So the energy calculations are incorrect here, IMO.
That is still an useful experiment, because, we learn an important thing, that your method is applicable only when the rise time is much less than the pulse width.
May be I'm making a mistake here, so a second opinion should be nice, may be teslaalset can point out the exact problem, if he is here.
Thank you very much for your analysis. You know how much I appreciate your input. I'll have to reevaluate it and get back to you. I'm considering submitting a text to a peer-reviewed journal and I'll let you know what the outcome is.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 16, 2010, 11:27:02 AM
May be I'm making a mistake here, so a second opinion should be nice, may be teslaalset can point out the exact problem, if he is here.
Omni, Omega, I'll check as well.
But I have to catch up some reading, because I've not been following in details what progress has been made by you.
Please, allow me some time.
You are welcome....
Peer comments on this method of measuring pulsed energy would be valuable. I guess no one has peer reviewed steorn so far. Unfortunate that.
Teslaalset, I made a separate thread for my replication when you were away. Hows your replication going ? You have the holy Metglas, throw us some bone please.
I've looked at some excel data from your Radio Shack transformer and some questions came up:
- It seems that the input current is perfectly square shaped, while the input voltage is not.
I would expect the other way around. Normally these pulse generators are voltage driven not current driven. Can you check this?
- You mentioned core losses. Core losses only occur when you full cycle the B-H curve. In this case you only pulsed with positive current, so no real core losses.
(Only the upper part of the right half side of the B-H curve is used when this transformer is pulsed)
The only core losses that may occur are due to the viscosity of the Br value.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 16, 2010, 04:00:20 PM
You are welcome....
Peer comments on this method of measuring pulsed energy would be valuable. I guess no one has peer reviewed steorn so far. Unfortunate that.
Teslaalset, I made a separate thread for my replication when you were away. Hows your replication going ? You have the holy Metglas, throw us some bone please.
Omega, yes, I noticed you started a separate thread. Very good, and a good overview of the links you follow.
I monitor the same list (I have no additional ones)
Yes, I've received several MetGlas cores, which I have investigated intensively.
I've no motor replication yet, since I had some ideas on a solid state version, that up tilll today appear non working w.r.t. COP>1.
I also obtained a 100 Mhz DSO that I coupled via Visual Basic to Excel, so this enables me to perform the integrating power measurements.
Great stuff, but very time consuming.
So, my progress is very slow, but solid.
@Omega_0 and @teslaalset,
The peer-reviewed journal will have to wait. Here's the problem:
As you can see, I'm using an air core as the load. Unfortunately, I thought this would be a pure active resistance load of negligible inductance. Thus, as my Excel data shows, I was dividing the voltage across that air coil by its Ohmic resistance. That's incorrect. The measured voltage across the coil consists of two components only one of which is due to the active resistance of the coil. Therefore, in taking the entire voltage value across the coil and dividing it by its Ohmic resistance I have overestimated the value of the current causing the Ohmic heating.
In saying the above, I should add that Steorn do that measurement quite correctly because they use a dedicated current probe and don't rely on a poor man's solution of measuring current indirectly as I do.
To solve this problem now I have replaced the air coil by an active resistance which allows me to measure the true current. So, everything now is as expected ... underunity, that is.
@teslaalset, regarding the pulse generator -- I had the same concern, expecting it to be voltage driven and not current driven. However, that's a moot point when you consider that what matters are the actual data which you get from the properly calibrated oscilloscope. The distortion of the signal (otherwise perfectly square) is due to various factors stemming from the attached transformer but what you see on the scope screen and download from there are true values when the measurement is done correctly.
As for the Visual Basic you mention which you intend to use with Excel to automate the calculations, I'd recommend to use the beautiful macro capability Excel has, which is actually VBA and you don't need and external Visual Basic medium. Unless you intend to crunch all the 125,000 (let alone the million) points and won't settle for the REDUCED mode whereby you can only tackle something on the order of 5210 points. Excel itself cannot handle more than 65000 and something points. So, if you have an idea how to place all of the 125,000 points in arrays and crunch them in this way I'm all ears. Otherwise, Excel is just fine with its own VBA built into its macro mode.
Anyway, with your DPO coming we seem to be building a strong team which hopefully will bring the quest for OU to a new level. Also, let me mention that I already got my metglass cores but haven't done a thing with them yet because of that business with the RadioShack transformer. If nothing else, that transformer project confirms the viability of the methodology and its readiness to test claims in the area of OU rigs having to do with electricity, if not more.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 12:31:31 AM
@Omega_0 and @teslaalset,
As you can see, I'm using an air core as the load. Unfortunately, I thought this would be a pure active resistance load of negligible inductance. Thus, as my Excel data shows, I was dividing the voltage across that air coil by its Ohmic resistance. That's incorrect. The measured voltage across the coil consists of two components only one of which is due to the active resistance of the coil. Therefore, in taking the entire voltage value across the coil and dividing it by its Ohmic resistance I have overestimated the value of the current causing the Ohmic heating.
Agree, always take the complete impedance as load value.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 12:31:31 AM
@teslaalset, regarding the pulse generator -- I had the same concern, expecting it to be voltage driven and not current driven. However, that's a moot point when you consider that what matters are the actual data which you get from the properly calibrated oscilloscope. The distortion of the signal (otherwise perfectly square) is due to various factors stemming from the attached transformer but what you see on the scope screen and download from there are true values when the measurement is done correctly.
Clear point. Scoop readings are the valid results,no matter how you drive the circuit.
It's no issue calculating the input / output power, but I wanted to double check with you because it looked like you mixed up input current and input voltage, which is not the case.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 12:31:31 AM
As for the Visual Basic you mention which you intend to use with Excel to automate the calculations, I'd recommend to use the beautiful macro capability Excel has, which is actually VBA and you don't need and external Visual Basic medium. Unless you intend to crunch all the 125,000 (let alone the million) points and won't settle for the REDUCED mode whereby you can only tackle something on the order of 5210 points. Excel itself cannot handle more than 65000 and something points. So, if you have an idea how to place all of the 125,000 points in arrays and crunch them in this way I'm all ears. Otherwise, Excel is just fine with its own VBA built into its macro mode.
Anyway, with your DPO coming we seem to be building a strong team which hopefully will bring the quest for OU to a new level. Also, let me mention that I already got my metglass cores but haven't done a thing with them yet because of that business with the RadioShack transformer. If nothing else, that transformer project confirms the viability of the methodology and its readiness to test claims in the area of OU rigs having to do with electricity, if not more.
I use VBA and Excel to control the DSO and process the data as well.
It is already up and running.
Control is done with the use of VISA drivers from National Instruments (free of use).
My DSO is VISA compatible, which is a great advantage.
VISA is acting as a software interface between VBA and the driver DLL's.
It took me quite some time to get this stuff going (I am not a software guy), but it is good fun learning this kind of programming as well.
As for the limitations of Excel, I use Excel 2007, which has following limits:
Worksheet size 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns.
Here is nice overview of alternative spreadsheet programs:
(a bit further down the page)
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 12:31:31 AM
@Omega_0 and @teslaalset,
The peer-reviewed journal will have to wait. Here's the problem:
As you can see, I'm using an air core as the load. Unfortunately, I thought this would be a pure active resistance load of negligible inductance. Thus, as my Excel data shows, I was dividing the voltage across that air coil by its Ohmic resistance. That's incorrect. The measured voltage across the coil consists of two components only one of which is due to the active resistance of the coil. Therefore, in taking the entire voltage value across the coil and dividing it by its Ohmic resistance I have overestimated the value of the current causing the Ohmic heating.
Does that mean that the previous results are also incorrect ?
I still think that you will get different results at different pulse frequencies. The reactance is a function of frequency, and it is very high at high frequencies. When the frequency is low, the resistive part of the output coil + probe coil will dominate and vice versa.
E-orbo operates at frequecies below 100 Hz (my current setup goes max 40 Hz), so I think steorn's measurement is still valid.
Quote from: teslaalset on May 16, 2010, 04:12:49 PM
Yes, I've received several MetGlas cores, which I have investigated intensively.
I've no motor replication yet, since I had some ideas on a solid state version, that up tilll today appear non working w.r.t. COP>1.
If your design is similar to JLN's S2gen then IMO it won't work. Although I've not done any work on SS version yet.
I guess steorn has simply substituted electromagnets in place of PMs and has simulated the rotation using properly timed waveforms feeding these electromagnets and toroidal coils. So there are no moving parts, only moving fields.
If Eorbo works, this will also work and will require less precision and no mechanical setups. It should work with only one EM and a toroid and at high frequencies.
QuoteDoes that mean that the previous results are also incorrect ?
No, the previous results where I used an active resistance as load are correct -- they are underunity. Only the results with the air core are incorrect, that is, the overunity results are incorrect.
I see now, I'm using Excel 2003 and have to upgrade to Excel 2007 if I want to use the 135,000 or a million point feature. What I'm doing is I'm saving the data on a flash drive and then I'm processing it separately with an Excel macro. I guess you have the scope connected to the computer and do the changing of scope parameters and the follow up processing of the data all automatically. Wonder what the advantage of doing it that way may be?
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 07:46:48 AM
I guess you have the scope connected to the computer and do the changing of scope parameters and the follow up processing of the data all automatically. Wonder what the advantage of doing it that way may be?
Yes, I've hooked it up to my PC via USB.
My main reason of doing it this way, is that I can obtain more samples per measurement out of the DSO that way.
Mine is only copying 600 time values per measurement when stored on a flash memory, corresponding to the screen resolution of the DSO.
Via USB/PC control I can enlarge the number of samples per measurement to 16K.
Controlling it via a PC is nice but not necessary, I agree.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 17, 2010, 05:25:44 AM
If your design is similar to JLN's S2gen then IMO it won't work. Although I've not done any work on SS version yet.
I guess steorn has simply substituted electromagnets in place of PMs and has simulated the rotation using properly timed waveforms feeding these electromagnets and toroidal coils. So there are no moving parts, only moving fields.
If Eorbo works, this will also work and will require less precision and no mechanical setups. It should work with only one EM and a toroid and at high frequencies.
The big puzzle in Steorns SSOrbo is the fact they use, as they call it, rotating domains.
From one of the other blogs, I heard they use 3 addition solenoids next to a toroidal coil.
My experiments were more or less inspired by Naudin indeed, but as said, not successful, so I won't clutter any discussion thread on this here at Overunity, until I think I have something new that is worth sharing.
I was thinking maybe it will not be a bad idea if you could get one of these RadioShack 273-1380 transformers and do the power balance at several frequencies to compare notes.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 11:29:24 AM
I was thinking maybe it will not be a bad idea if you could get one of these RadioShack 273-1380 transformers and do the power balance at several frequencies to compare notes.
I live in the Netherlands, so it's not easy to buy those here.
Order them from the US is not a good option.
Shipment takes a lot of time + customs costs.
What is the purpose of this experiment?
I have no access to a fancy pulse generator, I pulse my coils using my own circuitry (fet drivers + fets), driven by a microcontroller kit. Nothing comparable with what you have available, unfortunately.
For other waveforms I use my PC sound card plus a windows program that can be used as a poor man arbitrary waveform generator.
I have an audio amplifier using this sound card generator for higher current where needed (e.g. measuring B-H curves).
Sorry I didn't know you don't have an easy way to get that transformer. I thought it might be good to compare the methodology, a calibration of sorts.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 17, 2010, 03:01:28 PM
Sorry I didn't know you don't have an easy way to get that transformer. I thought it might be good to compare the methodology, a calibration of sorts.
No problem. I will help where I can.
@Omega_0 and @teslaalset,
I'd like to discuss a little more the error which I thought I had made when assessing the output energy in the output coil in my RadioShack 273-1380 experiment. The output coil which I was using as load when ostensible overunity results were obtained has 36 turns, its diameter is 4.6cm and the height (length) is 1.7cm. These data should give a very low value of the inductance, something on the order of microHenries and therefore shouldn't play a role if I treat the coil as only an active resistor. And, yet, when I use that coil (its Ohmic resistance is about 0.23Ohms) and calculate the output energy as I^2R I get overunity. If, however, I substitute the coil with a ceramic resistor of 0.23Ohms the overunity effect goes away. Any thoughts?
Can you please post the data for both cases. Lets see if there is any difference in waveforms.
Secondly, how did you get the resistor of exactly same value ? How was the value measured ?
Before posting the data I'd mention that, yes, there's a difference in the wave forms. The resistance of the coil and the ceramic resistor was measured with a Keithley 2000 multimeter. The ceramic resistors are four 47Ohm ceramic resistors connected in parallel.
Here are the screen captures. You can clearly see the inductive response when coil is used as the load. That's what I thought was the error -- considering the inductive voltage as Ohmic overestimates the current for a given R. When you calculate the inductance, however, it's on the order of microHenry's. Don't know what the frequency dependency of the induction might be and I don't have an inductance meter at the moment to measure it.
Here is the coil Excel spreadsheet:
And, here's the resistor Excel spreadsheet (couldn't post them together 'cause files are too big):
Hi Omnibus,
your coil data gives 71.6uH inductance.
N=36 turns
I used this link but several other similar online single layer air core calculators give the same 71.5-71.6uH inductance.
EDIT: I used a wire diameter of 0.472mm.
That's correct, and therefore the inductance can practically be ignored. Now, all the problem stems from my lacking of a current probe which is more expensive than the scope itself. I tried measuring the current by adding a resistor in series with the coil in question and measuring the voltage drop across it to divide by its resistance. The voltage in this case is measured across the coil and the resistance in series. However, if you do the measurement in this way you add active resistance to the active resistance of the coil and this is something you don't want to do because that changes the circuit and that new circuit may not be giving the effect.
Also, the formula for calculating the inductance value isn't a function of frequency so it seems there shouldn't be any concern regarding frequency effect on inductance.
Now, watch this. This is with active resistance as load only:
And the corresponding Excel data.
Seems we're getting beyond the limits here with these microjoules.
for the steam and the World.
Maybe the high frequency components at the fronts of the waves kick in here but if that were the case it seems the input energy should be the one boosted.
or maybe it is OU as simple as that... IDK its seeming rather hard to disprove to me so why doubt it go with it lets see if you can light a led forever or whatever ;) Looks like you have a good testbed to me make something to test the functionality...
If this is real OU then the output voltage and current, properly converted, could be fed back into the input and, voila, we'll have a self-sustaining device. Problem is, who's gonna design the converter to feed the output signals with the proper form back into the input? Doing that would be the best test as to whether or not we have OU here.
yes you are correct there if it could light a LED and feedback power better yet was my thought case and point though I guess it should be fairly possible for the power to be supplied it would seem so much easier to just charge a battery but then there is more vodoo that you have to worry about with the battery and so on...
Errr I see your issues more hard work...
How did you measure the output current (of the data in thread #3088)?
What was the attenuation of the probes you used? Do you know the probe resistance by chance?
Sometimes the probe resistance is no more than 1 MOhm, depending on the attenuation.
I noticed your external load is 652KOhm. In that case probe resistance may be of influence.
You measured the values in a DC coupled DSO input mode I presume?
Quote from: Omnibus on May 18, 2010, 03:28:28 PM
Before posting the data I'd mention that, yes, there's a difference in the wave forms. The resistance of the coil and the ceramic resistor was measured with a Keithley 2000 multimeter. The ceramic resistors are four 47Ohm ceramic resistors connected in parallel.
Thats 11.75 ohms. Where should this appear in excel sheet ?
I also could not find 0.23 ohms in your formulas
The resistor sheet has Po = ((E4/0.1936)^2)*(0.1936)+((B4/1.0762)^2)*(1.0762 + 65.2124)
So I assume 0.1936 was the load. I think the resistance of the secondary coil also should be added here, just like you did on primary side.
Btw, when I put the 0.23 value it shows underunity.
The coil sheet has Po = =((E4/0.1939)^2)*(0.01939)+((B4/1.0762)^2)*(1.0762 + 65.2124)
Notice the extra 0 in 0.01939, is that an error ?
Removing the 0 makes it a lot more overunity. Perhaps you should explain these numbers first before doing the troubleshooting.
QuoteThats 11.75 ohms. Where should this appear in excel sheet ?
I also could not find 0.23 ohms in your formulas
Four 47Ohm resistors in parallel indeed should give 11.75Ohms. I'm measuring this morning (colder weather) 0.1192Ohms (using Keithley 2000 multimeter). Yesterday it was 0.1936. The 0.23Ohms is the active resistance of one of the coils used as load. I have removed the load coil in this experiment and have replaced it with with the 0.1192 resistor (four 47Ohm resistors in parallel).
QuoteThe resistor sheet has Po = ((E4/0.1936)^2)*(0.1936)+((B4/1.0762)^2)*(1.0762 + 65.2124)
So I assume 0.1936 was the load. I think the resistance of the secondary coil also should be added here, just like you did on primary side.
Btw, when I put the 0.23 value it shows underunity.
Correct, 0.1936Ohms is the load (no it is 0.1192Ohms). The resistance of the secondary coil is 0.5921Ohms and I've included it in the new Excel spreadsheet as you correctly suggested.
QuoteNotice the extra 0 in 0.01939, is that an error ?
This is indeed an error. I've corrected it.
Here is the corrected result for 30000Hz:
Here are the Excel data:
The output current in post #3088 is measured by measuring the voltage across 0.1936Ohms resistor and dividing it by that resistance, the same way I did it in the last experiment I posted (the resistance now is 0.1192Ohms because it's colder today). As I've mentioned before, measuring resistance on the fly would be the desirable thing to do but it's impossible, unfortunately.
The attenuation of the probes is 1X. The probes are Tektronix P2221 200MHz 1X/10X passive probes. At 1X the input resistance is 1MOhm +/-3% at DC. My output load is 0.1192Ohms. The DPO is in DC coupled mode, that's correct.
In view of the changed ambient temperature I should've changed the rest of the resistance values and not only the 0.1936->0.1192Ohm value of the load resistor. This won't change the result qualitatively, though, therefore I'll keep them as they are in the macro for now.
Some numbers in your spreadsheet are still a puzzle:
- a factor 1.0762 in the input power calculation
- a number 65.2124 in the output power calculation
Maybe it's better if you draw the diagram which you have in mind to calculate this model and post it here.
Now, this is interesting. I'm now measuring the current by dividing the voltage drop only across the active resistance while the voltage is measured across the coil and resistance which are in series.
Here are the Excel data for the above:
Quote from: teslaalset on May 19, 2010, 08:38:25 AM
Some numbers in your spreadsheet are still a puzzle:
- a factor 1.0762 in the input power calculation
- a number 65.2124 in the output power calculation
Maybe it's better if you draw the diagram which you have in mind to calculate this model and post it here.
1.0762Ohms is the ceramic resistor across which I'm measuring the voltage drop to get the input current while 65.2124 is the Ohmic resistance of the input coil.
This is the schematic diagram with the three probes (the last data is taken with four probes). Here R1 = 1.0762Ohms is the resistor to measure the input current (voltage across that resistor divided by its resistance), R2 = 0.1192Ohms is the resistor used to measure output current, Rcoil1 = 65.2124Ohms is the resistance of the input coil while Rcoil2 = 0.5921Ohms is the resistance of the output coil.
In the screen images -- the yellow trace is always the input voltage across the input resistor (used to calculate the input current), the blue trace is the input voltage, the purple trace is the output voltage measured across the load (resistor, coil or resistor+coil, depends on the experiment) used to calculate the output current and when there's a green trace that's the output voltage.
See how the change of duty cycle by just 10% kills the effect. The results here are somewhere around the cutoff frequency and are taken in the "proper" way, that is, the voltage to be used to calculate the output current is measured across the 0.1192 resistor while the output voltage (to calculate the output power) is measured across the resistor and the load coil hooked up in series. Let me mention also that sine wave as well as triangular (jigsaw) input also kills the apparent OU effect. Should I post the Excel data as well?
This is expanded, to see the ringing and all:
I don't wanna clutter the thread with more pics so I'll say it in words -- the ostensible OU effect seems to be critically dependent on the pulse generator offset. It is maximum at a certain negative offset. Before and beyond that the effect decreases and even disappears.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 19, 2010, 10:35:24 AM
The ostensible OU effect seems to be critically dependent on the pulse generator offset. It is maximum at a certain negative offset. Before and beyond that the effect decreases and even disappears.
That is a remarkable finding.
I expect the optimum offset of the generator shifts if you use different resistor values as load to the secondary coil. If you have the time available, could you do that experiment?
I'll do that but first I'd like to check whether I'll be able to find that critical offset value for a lower frequency. I find the OU effect (or, what appears to be an OU effect) to be really sensitive to the offset value.
The main question is, of course, is this OU effect real but I think now that the output current is measured across an active resistor (by dividing that current by its resistance) we're somehow closer to an assertive answer because the inductance problem that was bothering me should be gone when measuring output current in this way.
The resistance of the RadioShack resistor is 0.47Ohms and not 47Ohms as I wrote earlier. Sorry about that. In fact, what I'm using is the measured value of 0.1192Ohms so that won't make any difference in the findings. Thanks for correcting this and the other error where I had the decimal point off by one place.
I was able to observe ostensible OU with a sine wave (skewed sine wave -- 10% duty cycle) as well. The instrument offset is -6.10 which amounts to -3.66V. The maximum is at 0.520V in square wave mode. The example here is at 80kHz. Unfortunately, I have to continue with the reduced mode in Excel 2003 because it turned out Excel 2007 cannot plot more than ~30,000 points. Anyway, here are the pics from the screen and the energy-time plot. If someone is interested I'll post the Excel data too. I should also mention that at these conditions the square and the jigsaw waves show worse OU results.
Now, with the above results we're getting closer to the affirmative OU claim because unlike the square-wave pulses with the steep fronts and higher order harmonics we see here much smoother traces. The inductance problems also seem to be fading away compared to the square-wave case.;topic=8411.0;attach=44825
This schematics is correct only in linear modes.
When a magnetic core is saturated as in Steorn motor, non linear resistances must be added in parallel with each L. The Steorn's measurement error is due to this simple fact.
Quote from: exnihiloest on May 20, 2010, 02:40:14 AM;topic=8411.0;attach=44825
This schematics is correct only in linear modes.
When a magnetic core is saturated as in Steorn motor, non linear resistances must be added in parallel with each L. The Steorn's measurement error is due to this simple fact.
Good point.
What you are referring to are core losses. When passing through the B-H curve (using negative and positive input current) the surface of the B-H curve represents the loss per cycle.
The two figures below visualize this. The red areas represent the energy put into the coil, the blue area represent the energy returned by the coils. The difference is the core loss.
It was my understanding that Omnibus used only positive current input at first instance.
In such case the only extra losses besides the ohmic losses are due to viscosity, see the red area in the third picture below. For high frequencies they will be hardly noticeable because viscosity delay is much higher than the cycle time of the input.
In case of low frequencies, of course, these viscosity losses will also occur when full cycle the B-H curve (twice, one for the positive side, one for the negative side)
Quote from: teslaalset on May 20, 2010, 07:00:45 AM
Good point.
What you are referring to are core losses. When passing through the B-H curve (using negative and positive input current) the surface of the B-H curve represents the loss per cycle.
The two figures below visualize this. The red areas represent the energy put into the coil, the blue area represent the energy returned by the coils. The difference is the core loss.
It was my understanding that Omnibus used only positive current input at first instance.
In such case the only extra losses besides the ohmic losses are due to viscosity, see the red area in the third picture below. For high frequencies they will be hardly noticeable because viscosity delay is much higher than the cycle time of the input.
In case of low frequencies, of course, these viscosity losses will also occur when full cycle the B-H curve (twice, one for the positive side, one for the negative side)
See, core losses are over an above the Ohmic losses. Therefore, any observed OU based only on Ohmic losses, as in the discussed here case, would be just conservative -- the real OU effect will be greater.
At your request I changed the load active resistance to 0.0607Ohms (measured) by adding in parallel another 4 of the 0.47Ohm ceramic resistors. The apparent OU effect was slightly lower. However, adding another air coil in series with the original 0.1192Ohm ceramic resistor and the original air coil the OU effect shot way up. Now, here we may again think that the inductance is to blame for an error in the measurement, however, take a look at the schematic diagram for this measurement -- the output current is measured by dividing the voltage across the active resistance R2 while the output voltage is measured across both the resistor R2 and the air coil R3. Seems the measurement methodology is correct which gives further confidence in the reality of the observed effect. I'm attaching here the Excel file with the data from this 80kHz, 10% duty cycle, sine wave experiment taken at -3.66V (-6.10 pulse generator reading) offset.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 20, 2010, 08:00:33 AM
See, core losses are over an above the Ohmic losses. Therefore, any observed OU based only on Ohmic losses, as in the discussed here case, would be just conservative -- the real OU effect will be greater.
Some background of this can be found in a nice Texas Instruments document, page 5:
Quote from: teslaalset on May 20, 2010, 08:22:49 AM
Some background of this can be found in a nice Texas Instruments document, page 5:
Thanks for the link. It is my understanding that per cycle the energy that characterizes those losses is only given by the area enclosed within the hysteresis curve. In any event, like I said, those losses would give an even greater OU effect if included in the energy balance discussed here.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 20, 2010, 08:46:11 AM
Thanks for the link. It is my understanding that per cycle the energy that characterizes those losses is only given by the area enclosed within the hysteresis curve. In any event, like I said, those losses would give an even greater OU effect if included in the energy balance discussed here.
I had a look at your latest excel results.
One crucial thing about your method of calculating P=V*I is that you have to take the absolute values,
If V or I is negative you can't use a negative value, because that leads to negative Power results.
Using absolute values leads to below result. Much more realistic.
You know, that was a question I had from the very beginning. One thing is for sure, the Joule heating has to be always positive (it is anyway because I is squared). As for the other energy we should be careful about the physical meaning. Negative energy is returning energy to the power supply. If there is such and you take it with its absolute value then in cases where per cycle there would be no net energy (say all energy put in comes back as in the cases of an inductor) then you would incorrectly assess the output energy instead of being zero being double the calculated value. Thus, it seems to me one should put it in the energy balance equation as what it really is and not always consider it only positive.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 20, 2010, 04:08:40 PM
You know, that was a question I had from the very beginning. One thing is for sure, the Joule heating has to be always positive (it is anyway because I is squared). As for the other energy we should be careful about the physical meaning. Negative energy is returning energy to the power supply. If there is such and you take it with its absolute value then in cases where per cycle there would be no net energy (say all energy put in comes back as in the cases of an inductor) then you would incorrectly assess the output energy instead of being zero being double the calculated value. Thus, it seems to me one should put it in the energy balance equation as what it really is and not always consider it only positive.
I agree with you on this.
The sign of the power can be negative if it's generated power.
Case in point. See the 170kHz run for a sine wave. That seems to be the ultimate OU machine if energy balance is calculated right because you drive it only to obtain energy without spending any. All electrical energy is returned back to the supply and in addition you get Joule heat.
Here are the Excel data for the above:
With the above I've reached the limit of what I can do with the equipment I have at the moment. Unfortunately, one crucial element is missing -- measurements with a current probe. Obviously these types of measurements we're discussing here cannot be done on a shoestring budget. As far as I can tell so far only Steorn have achieved the necessary level of experimental quality, also in this respect, and, like I've said many times, they are way ahead of everybody. I'll see what I can do in the coming days to verify, using a current probe, that the current I'm measuring in the indirect poor man's way, by dividing the voltage measured across a resistor by the resistance of that resistor, is indeed the applied current. Once again, as I noted earlier, one objection to measuring the current in this indirect way may be that the voltage that is being measured across the resistor may in fact be voltage due to inductance and therefore its phase and amplitude may not coincide with the phase and amplitude of the actually applied current which would lead to wrong values of the measured energies. This may be especially true for the frequencies I use in my last experiments. A current probe measures the current from the magnetic field generated by the actually applied current and no problems stemming from inductance will interfere with the measurement. If the current probe measurement confirms that the currents, respectively energies I'm reporting here are the true currents (energies) then what I've shown would be a discovery with far reaching consequences. Therefore, it is mandatory to complete this study and reach a definitive answer one way or another.
I am very impressed with your efforts and documentation here. This is an incredible research effort you are doing. I am learning a lot from being here.
Thank you,
Refering to:
By just removing Rs/Xs and the secundary coil, we are left with an equivalent circuit of a real saturable inductor.
Rc is the core loss equivalent resistance. We have no direct means to measure Rc. Nevertheless Rc is a real resistance viewed from the coil input and thus Rc*Ic is (partly) the energy for saturating the coil core.
Steorn didn't account it for losses, and thus its conclusion about OU is erroneous.
Exprimenters must be beware that measurements are not enough to conclude, when ideal models are taken instead of real ones and wrong math is done for computing the energy balance.
Quote from: exnihiloest on May 21, 2010, 01:05:36 PM
Steorn didn't account it for losses, and thus its conclusion about OU is erroneous.
I don't totally agree with this, exnihiloest, with all respect.
Steorn's coils are not energized with both positive and negative currents, as far as they publicly explained.
They show only positive currents.
Thus there will be no core losses that related to the B-H cycle, simply because they don't full cycle the cores.
I mentioned before, in such case (only positive currents) the only core losses are due to viscosity.
But these are factors smaller than B-H cycle losses.
The higher the pulse frequency, the smaller these minor core losses.
Core losses are irrelevant as an argument against OU. On the contrary, a I already said, if core losses are taken into account in the energy balance discussed here the OU effect will be even greater.
Thank you for the kind words. I went to two universities today and called a third one in an effort to borrow a current probe. Unfortunately, it isn't as common as one might think. It appears some colleagues at the physics departments don't even know such critters exist at all (not that it was a household item for me either when I started this research). Now, while figuring out what to do to verify the reality of the current I'm observing (as I said, a current probe will give a direct answer to that) I used the following schematic to study what might be the threshold frequency where the purported parasitic inductance might kick in. You can see two screenshots taken at 50Hz, 1kHz (current and voltage traces superimposed) and 50kHz (note, I've changed the scale of the one at 50kHz to show you in detail what's going on with the voltage and its current response). As you can see, there is no frequency dependence of the current. The change in shape of the current trace at 50kHz is due to the change of voltage trace shape which is due to the peculiarities of the pulse generator -- current only follows that. As was mentioned before, it is the scope readings that are to be trusted regarding the values of the supplied voltage, no matter how weird they might appear -- the function generator may exhibit peculiar behavior at higher frequencies, as is the case here, apparently. Our main concern are the values of the current which are derived values. Some may say that it may include parasitic inductance voltage values, as discussed, and that would distort the derived current value which is only supposed to be the quotient between the Ohmic voltage drop and the Ohmic resistance across which it is measured. As seen, however, from the data presented, it appears not to be the case and the obtained current values may be trusted at all studied frequencies. That, of course has to be confirmed independently by measurements with a current probe.
Joining back after a break due to travel etc.
At this time I've no explanation of this behavior. I guess this has more to do with some weird unknown measurement errors than with true OU.
I've seen resistance changes of +/- 1 ohm only due to loose connections alone. When the resistance is so low, everything becomes unreliable. So for example when you have a low resistance measured precisely with high end meters upto 6 decimal places, it may not remain of that value in the circuit, due to loose connections, heating up during run or moisture etc etc.
So there is a need to use either high values of resistances and voltages or place the system in tightly controlled atmosphere in a lab with gold connections etc. Best would be a calorimetry test.
As I'm repeatedly stating here all the questions as to whether or not this is an OU effect will go away when current probes are used instead of passive ones. The culprit is the current. It should not be overestimated which may happen if possible induction isn't accounted for. The problem is that current is in fact cubed at the output while at the input it is in its first power. Even at this stage, however, it appears that the eventual inductive effects can be neglected. My last experiment was designed to explore how accurate the current measurement is when done indirectly (by dividing voltage across an active resistor by the resistance of this resistor). In other words, whatever voltage change might occur when adding such resistor is unimportant. That ultimately is taken care of when measuring the overall voltage in the actual experiment. We're not doubting the voltage measurements. What is being doubted are the values of the current which are derived quantities. When looking at the voltages from which we derive the current in my last experiment, it is seen that these voltage undergo a very slight glitch at the very beginning even when the spice of the applied voltage (not the voltage used to assess the current) is quite big -- the response of the current to a high voltage spike is negligible. Thus, I think that even prior to measuring it with a current probe (which bring an end to this major doubt we're having as to the reality of the OU effect) it appears that current data for frequencies as high as 100kHz and even higher are trustworthy. The contribution of the glitch in the current you see in the 50kHz pic I posted is negligible which can be seen when you integrate the current over time for a, say 100Hz frequency and compare its slope with the integrated current at 50kHz frequency. What I haven't done is to see what the square and the third power of this frequency will give, that is, is the glitch in question negligible at these conditions. Whill have to see that an will post results.
As for calorimetry, I don't think it's necessary once you do the electric measurements right. Even the slight variations of the resistance values don't exert so great an effect and I suspect the error due to the glitch in the current at high frequencies brings about an error of that magnitude which is to be neglected. Also, realize, with current probes the resistors we're using now to measure the current will be gone and we will be carrying out a power balance on a bare naked transformer whereby we'll only have to worry about the accuracy of the transformer input and output resistance. That's why current probes are so much needed for reaching a definitive answer.
Also, realize, conversely, once it's confirmed that active resistors can be used to measure the currents then it would be possible for more folks to replicate the experiment without the need to get into the expense of buying current probes. It would be nice if four channel software oscilloscopes can be downloaded free from the internet (I've only seen 2 channel software scopes so far, using the sound card and wonder if 4 channel softscope exists at all). If we can achieve reproduction of the OU effect discussed here (it appears the definitive answer is almost around the corner) by many participants here and in other forums that would bring the OU effort to a new level. Of course, the transformer I'm studying can be found probably only in the US but I have several of these and I can send it to anyone who might express interest and has the equipment to study it as an OU machine. Don't know if customs in Holland would charge a fee otherwise I can send one to @teslaalset as long as I know the address to send it to. If you're not in the US I can send it to you too. Just let me know.
This open loop current transducer from digikey is $18.00 US.
I have this setup. This item with a 9 volt battery in the circuit and connected to the voltage probe is all you need for accurate current testing.
Plus, I don't understand why a .1 ohm carbon resistor has an inductance problem. It is good enough for JLN and in most of my testing, but not for you?
Just curious, how do you have an expensive high end 4 probe tek scope (~15,000) and can't afford a much cheaper current probe (~500)?
Regards, Larry
Quote from: teslaalset on May 21, 2010, 01:31:00 PM
I don't totally agree with this, exnihiloest, with all respect.
Steorn's coils are not energized with both positive and negative currents, as far as they publicly explained.
They show only positive currents.
Thus there will be no core losses that related to the B-H cycle, simply because they don't full cycle the cores.
When the coil is pulsed, the rotating magnet moves away. It is not simply a question of losses in B-H cycle. It is a question of work: the coil current do work to align the magnetic domains of the core against the direction that the permanent magnet want impose. This also is viewed as a resistance from the pulse generator.
Quote from: exnihiloest on May 24, 2010, 10:50:39 AM
When the coil is pulsed, the rotating magnet moves away. It is not simply a question of losses in B-H cycle. It is a question of work: the coil current do work to align the magnetic domains of the core against the direction that the permanent magnet want impose. This also is viewed as a resistance from the pulse generator.
Coming from earlier positive pulses, the domains are already alligned for a great deal. This is why there is a magnetic power B
R left in the core. Assuming Steorn is using Metglas cores, the difference between B
R en B
sat is 0.57 - 0.43T, so roughly 80% is still aligned before a new pulse is applied.
The remaining 20% is not perse converted in heat while being aligned. Most part is returned to the coil after powering the coil.
Compare them with a spring that is loaded and unloaded after releasing the power to load them.
Quote from: exnihiloest on May 24, 2010, 10:50:39 AM
When the coil is pulsed, the rotating magnet moves away. It is not simply a question of losses in B-H cycle. It is a question of work: the coil current do work to align the magnetic domains of the core against the direction that the permanent magnet want impose. This also is viewed as a resistance from the pulse generator.
This is easy to test by removing the rotor and pulsing the coil alone. Have you tested it, or is it only a theory ?
If the "drag" presents itself as a resistance, the current will decrease in presence of magnets or the current pulse shape will be different. Hope fully I will be able to do this test soon, but I have no idea why other replicators haven't touched it yet. Its a tell tale sign of OU.
The transformer being used by Omnibus is nothing special, no special material needed and should be available easily. Its a 1K/8 ohm audio output transformer, used in matching the impedance of speakers with audio amp for max power output.
All other transformers should also show the same behavior in my opinion. I will do some experiments in near future when the measuring equipment is there.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 24, 2010, 01:49:06 PM
The transformer being used by Omnibus is nothing special, no special material needed and should be available easily. Its a 1K/8 ohm audio output transformer, used in matching the impedance of speakers with audio amp for max power output.
All other transformers should also show the same behavior in my opinion. I will do some experiments in near future when the measuring equipment is there.
That's correct. I've been testing four or five different types of transformers and the effect I'm reporting is seen in several of them. Probably those that didn't show what appears as OU will show OU at appropriate conditions too. The point here is to study one and the same easily obtainable transformer (at least in the USA) so that we can compare notes, not that it's anything special. That effect, if real, is trivially present in transformer type devices but hasn't been noticed so far.
Quote from: LarryC on May 22, 2010, 07:20:42 PM
This open loop current transducer from digikey is $18.00 US.
I have this setup. This item with a 9 volt battery in the circuit and connected to the voltage probe is all you need for accurate current testing.
Plus, I don't understand why a .1 ohm carbon resistor has an inductance problem. It is good enough for JLN and in most of my testing, but not for you?
Just curious, how do you have an expensive high end 4 probe tek scope (~15,000) and can't afford a much cheaper current probe (~500)?
Regards, Larry
What's very important is to have a current probe based on Hall effect and not a transformer based probe as the one $1300 Tektronix probe I got today by going all the way to the North shore of Boston. It's a Tektronix P6021 current probe. That type of a current probe is not appropriate for the experiments we're discussing because, being a transformer, it cannot measure the DC offset component of the input current. I took it temporarily just to check the form of the waves and to compare them to the forms I'm getting using my method of measuring the current. The Agilent Hall effect based current probes were not in stock and when they arrive (will know for sure tomorrow when they'll arrive) I'll exchange the Tektronix probe with them and hopefully will report the results as soon as I obtain them.
As for why the inductance problem has to be addressed. Well, you know full well what controversy such claim stirs up and critics will be grasping at straws. The goal is to allow them as fewer straws as possible.
Quote from: Omega_0 on May 24, 2010, 01:42:37 PM
This is easy to test by removing the rotor and pulsing the coil alone. Have you tested it, or is it only a theory ?
It is not "easy" here because the effect is weak. And if you pulsed the coil alone without magnet moving around, no work is needed (except for fighting losses).
We have to see the magnetic domains as current loops. The field generated by the coil tends to rotate them in its own direction and the field from the moving magnet tends to move them in another one.
The 2 fields are coupled through the core materials and provide a resultant field that is viewed from the magnet as a leakage flux, weakly repulsing it and allowing it to move away with less backward attraction. This weak field is enough to rotate the motor but needs energy to be created, like any ordinary field used in magnetic motors. This energy is viewed from the electric generator pulsing the coil, as current in a resistance in parallel with the input (electric energy for rotating a motor is always seen by an electric generator as a current in a resistance).
But if any current is accounted for losses in the measurement process, of course OU is found because the current for the useful work is denied! It is Steorn's methodology :)
My viewpoint is just a conventional explanation according to the physics laws and what we observe. Steorn's motor "mystery" is founded on the false idea that a magnetic field would be confined in a toroidal coil. It is true when the B field is also "toroidal" and the material is used in its linear characteristics. It is false when the material is not linear (varying and unbalanced magnetic permeability) and the field is not "toroidal" (due to the permanent magnet action).
Quote from: Omnibus on May 24, 2010, 10:07:32 PM
What's very important is to have a current probe based on Hall effect and not a transformer based probe as the one $1300 Tektronix probe I got today by going all the way to the North shore of Boston. It's a Tektronix P6021 current probe. That type of a current probe is not appropriate for the experiments we're discussing because, being a transformer, it cannot measure the DC offset component of the input current. I took it temporarily just to check the form of the waves and to compare them to the forms I'm getting using my method of measuring the current. The Agilent Hall effect based current probes were not in stock and when they arrive (will know for sure tomorrow when they'll arrive) I'll exchange the Tektronix probe with them and hopefully will report the results as soon as I obtain them.
As for why the inductance problem has to be addressed. Well, you know full well what controversy such claim stirs up and critics will be grasping at straws. The goal is to allow them as fewer straws as possible.
The sensor LarryC is referring to is Hall sensor based, so it looks suitable from that perspective.
I am not sure about the suitable bandwidth. Response time is 3 us which is quite high.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 22, 2010, 07:08:47 PM
Don't know if customs in Holland would charge a fee otherwise I can send one to @teslaalset as long as I know the address to send it to. If you're not in the US I can send it to you too. Just let me know.
My spare time is very limited, sorry.
I am not convinced your way of calculation energy is correct.
We need to agree first on the basic calculation of the input energy before I spend extensive time on this.
We seem to differ opinions here, so let's first agree and discuss here (or via PM).
You continued expressing input energy using positive and negative values (see posting #3123), so you seem to disagree with my analysis earlier (see posting #3120) that negative currents into a load also consumes energy, rather than delivering energy.
To be to the point: the blue curve shown in posting #3123 shows energy consumption and energy production. I think this is not correct.
It may be that there is just a simple mistake rather than a fundamental difference in opinion.
Anyway, let's find out, first.
The data I presented in my posting #3123 may just be a measurement mistake due to, as I already mentioned, unaccounted for parsitic inductive voltages appearing at the frequencies studied -- the parasitic inductance voltages would then be included in the voltages I use to calculate the current by dividing them by the resistance of the resistor. Whether or not that's the case is something I'm trying to establish now by replacing the method for measuring current with one using Hall effect current probes. As I said, because of the significance of the claim these probes have to be quite reliable and well calibrated, in addition to being Hall effect probes. The sensor @LarryC quoted is indeed a Hall effect sensor, however, specific studies have to be done with it (to determine its frequency response, for instance) to develop it as a suitable instrument in this case. Therefore, it seems preferable at this point to rely on already studied devices such as the Agilent probes I'm waiting for.
Now, if we suppose that the data in posting #3123 were correct then it would definitely be an even more interesting case of OU than the reansformer case. Indeed, in #3123 we don't even need to know what's going on in the secondary coil -- the negative value of the power is enough to conclude that we have an OU device based solely on the data for the primary coil. The negative sign of the power values indicates that energy has been returned to the device, in addition to the energy that has been dissipated through Ohmic losses and losses in the core (hysteresis, eddy currents, magnetostriction, etc.) The novelty here is that during the functioning of the device one not only gets energy produced in the form of these losses but gets back electrical energy. This is a self-sustaining device par excellence. Therefore, it is crucial to ascertain that we're not dealing here with simple measurement errors.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 25, 2010, 06:22:17 AM
Now, if we suppose that the data in posting #3123 were correct then it would definitely be an even more interesting case of OU than the reansformer case. Indeed, in #3123 we don't even need to know what's going on in the secondary coil -- the negative value of the power is enough to conclude that we have an OU device based solely on the data for the primary coil. The negative sign of the power values indicates that energy has been returned to the device, in addition to the energy that has been dissipated through Ohmic losses and losses in the core (hysteresis, eddy currents, magnetostriction, etc.) The novelty here is that during the functioning of the device one not only gets energy produced in the form of these losses but gets back electrical energy. This is a self-sustaining device par excellence. Therefore, it is crucial to ascertain that we're not dealing here with simple measurement errors.
@omnibus, when do you spend time to sleep? I did'nt expect such fast response ;) .
To further align our views, I took the diagram of posting #3117 and the excel data of #3123.
In column D, I don't see the absolute values, which should be used according to my indications.
In my view you should use ABS(((B(x)/1.0762)*C(x)) to calculate D(x) of column D.
Reason: it doesn't matter whether the current through the input impedance is positive or negative, it
consumes power in both cases.
QuoteReason: it doesn't matter whether the current through the input impedance is positive or negative, it consumes power in both cases.
I agree with that but only when it concerns dissipated power. Note, however, that current is squared when Ohmic losses are calculated so we don't need to take its absolute value. When, however, electrical energy applied is concerned we have to take the signs of I and V as what they actually are. In the usual cases the signs are such that the energy during a full cycle is positive, that is, energy has been spent. Recall, however, the case when we have induction and we are to assess what energy has been spent during a full cycle to overcome it. As is well known, the net energy spent during a full cycle to overcome induction is zero -- whatever energy has been spent in the first part of the cycle is returned to the source when the cycle is completed. Thus, the net energy of induction is zero if we look at the entire cycle. Notice, we will not reach this (correct) result if we had used the formula ABS(((B(x)/1.0762)*C(x)) you proposed. Hope the above illustrates why one has to deal with the real data registered by the scope and not with their absolute values.
Interesting statement from wikipedia: 'Current Shunts are considered more accurate and cheaper than Hall effect devices.' at
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on May 25, 2010, 08:55:14 AM
Interesting statement from wikipedia: 'Current Shunts are considered more accurate and cheaper than Hall effect devices.' at
Regards, Larry
@LarryC, thanks for the quote. Yesterday's experiments with the P6021 probe reassured me further that the method I'm applying for measuring current is correct. Unfortunately, as I said before, because the P6021 probe is a transformer type probe it is inferior to the method I'm using -- it cannot measure the DC component of the current (the offset) and burdens the circuit with additional inductance which is exactly what we want to avoid. Nevertheless, I saw that the form of the secondary coil current trace taken with that probe is the same as the form obtained by the method I'm applying. The primary coil current form appeared slightly different (without offset, of course) with the current probe. Unfortunately, now looking more thoroughly into the Agilent probes I've ordered I'm finding out they won't do the job in terms of resolution -- 100mA minimum isn't enough. What I really need are two TCP0030 probes (Hall effect based), over $3,000 each. That may be an overkill.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg242444#msg242444 A=1274795349
@LarryC, thanks for the quote. Yesterday's experiments with the P6021 probe reassured me further that the method I'm applying for measuring current is correct. Unfortunately, as I said before, because the P6021 probe is a transformer type probe it is inferior to the method I'm using -- it cannot measure the DC component of the current (the offset) and burdens the circuit with additional inductance which is exactly what we want to avoid. Nevertheless, I saw that the form of the secondary coil current trace taken with that probe is the same as the form obtained by the method I'm applying. The primary coil current form appeared slightly different (without offset, of course) with the current probe. Unfortunately, now looking more thoroughly into the Agilent probes I've ordered I'm finding out they won't do the job in terms of resolution -- 100mA minimum isn't enough. What I really need are two TCP0030 probes (Hall effect based), over $3,000 each. That may be an overkill.
Just my opinion, but I'm not sure why you wish to continue with the pursuit of a hall effect current probe. It is clear to me from the available information, that a shunt resistor would be more accurate, less costly and it will measure the DC and AC component with your voltage probes.
With my scope a .1 Ohm resistor is the lowest that I can use for a small amperage circuit, any lower and the gain needed would cause too much static. With your high end scope a .001 Ohm could be used. This is important as it lowers the power wasted by the resistor.
Regards, Larry
To accept that current measured by dividing the resistance of a shunt resistor into the voltage measured across that resistor is the actual value of the current means that we are talking here about a major finding. I don't see anything else that can come close as an objection to the reality of the effect compared to what a critic might say about the current measurement. I discussed that part, the current measurement, with several colleagues and their opinion summarized coincides with yours. Would be interesting to see their reaction when they hear what this really is all about. Especially in these new times when current measurements are almost completely forgotten -- because of the microelectronics is in the focus most measurements in these electrical engineering departments are voltage measurements. Now I have to figure out how to present this new finding. I'll continue the contacts with my academic colleagues and will probably ask some of them to assign the measurement of the power balance of a transformer to a grad student as a small educational project or, even better, have them do the balance. Too bad no one here in this forum found this simple project to be worthy of experimental attention. Of course, lack of adequate equipment may be the main reason. Anyway, next step is assesment of the propagation of errors and summarizing the work done so far. Any ideas about the error analysis?
Here's the schematic of a setup which appears to solve the inductance problems. Now the OU effect is easily reproducible at very low frequencies such as 1Hz and is much more pronounced (many times) than previously. I haven't tried it with other transformers but I guess OU will show trivially in all of them. It seems the incomplete energy balance is the reason OU has not been discovered so far in the various energy transforming devices, including transformers. Would be nice to hear comments about the new setup and maybe even have someone try it.
I wonder the physical distance between the connecton point of CH4 and that of CH3, if it is 2 -3 centimeter, then there can be no extra info in the voltage shape between the two points? Especially in the low frequency range the transformer is able to cover, such a small distance does not introduce transmission line effects.
I can ask the same for CH2 too: why is it justified to measure the same voltage again on a separate channel? Maybe you wish to mount the BNC sockets further from each other? (Even so it may warrant this at some hundred MHz.)
One more question: I tried to figure out from its user manual whether your DSO scope 4 input channels have got independent grounds each or just common ground as most of the multi-input scopes have but I have not found it. (I think they do not have independent grounds from each other, once you created the measurement setup with all inputs having the common ground.)
Otherwise the setup seems ok for me.
rgds, Gyula
You're quite right about the redundant measurement of voltage at CH1 and CH2 as well as CH3 and CH4 (the distance between CH1 and CH2 is about 5cm while between CH3 and CH4 it is 8cm). I did that for consistency and to use it for some other configurations, if needed. But, yes, you can get away with only 2 voltage measurements rather than double them. Just to mention -- one has to be very careful when using the 6252point (REDUCED) mode vs. 125,000point (FULL mode) when dumping the data into the flash drive. For some reason Tektronix have decided that the 6252point dump has to be into a 9 column spreadsheet adding four additional columns for the peak voltage values at each channel. The 125,000point dump is supposed to be only 5 column dump but at some x-axis resolutions it becomes 9-column without a warning. This may result, as obvious, in strangest results if you apply a 5-column macro. 1,000,000point measurement always yields 5 columns but it is impractical because, the results being essentially the same, it reqiures much longer time to crunch the data let alone plot it. As for the ground, my understanding is that it is a common ground for all four channels. What is interesting in the last setup I showed is that because of the large area of the ground plate the phase difference between the current and voltage under no load is completely gone -- practically no inductance. That's exactly what we need. That improved the results immensely, like night and day. As I said before, now you can observe OU reproducibly at frequencies as low as 1Hz and maybe even lower.
Your remark is also important in a sense that people who do not have four-channel oscilloscopes and probably do not have any standalone oscilloscopes but only softscopes downloaded free from the internet may try to replicate these results.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 27, 2010, 05:15:28 PM
As for the ground, my understanding is that it is a common ground for all four channels.
Well, if the grounds are common, I would like to understand your measuring setup shown last week in your Reply #3105 here:
namely the position of the probe for the CH1 which is shown in parallel with resistor R1 as if CH1 were a ground-independent input.
If I suppose the ground clip for CH2 was connected to the generator GND in the bottom line to show correctly the input pulse, then the GND clip for CH1 could not be placed to any one side of R1 in the upper line as shown? because the ground clips would have placed a short across the generator either directly or via R1, I suppose. Understand my problem?
So I wonder how the CH1 probe was connected in parallel with R1, once the scope has no individually ground independent inputs and both ends of R1 are at "hot" connection points, not at gnd level.
Thanks, Gyula
The whole idea was, in lack of differential probes, to make the passive probes share the same ground with the generator ground. So, the grounds of CH1 and CH2 meet at the same place where the generator ground is -- to the left of R1. To achieve this in a more direct way and to have a large area in an attempt to fight inductance I changed the setup with what I've shown in my last schematic. The idea is the same but probes and their little ground leads are avoided by clearly designating a common ground. Another thing I changed were the RadioShack ceramic resistors which, turned out, are wound and therefore a possible source of parasitic inductance and replaced them with metal-oxide resistors.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 27, 2010, 07:05:56 PM
The whole idea was, in lack of differential probes, to make the passive probes share the same ground with the generator ground. So, the grounds of CH1 and CH2 meet at the same place where the generator ground is -- to the left of R1. To achieve this in a more direct way and to have a large area in an attempt to fight inductance I changed the setup with what I've shown in my last schematic. The idea is the same but probes and their little ground leads are avoided by clearly designating a common ground. Another thing I changed were the RadioShack ceramic resistors which, turned out, are wound and therefore a possible source of parasitic inductance and replaced them with metal-oxide resistors.
From checking online for RadioShack metal-oxide resistors, they don't seem to be a good choice. Very little inductance but the low wattage will cause them to heat up and distort the measurement and the higher ohm rating will pull more power from the circuit. Please check for the appropriate type for a high end scope. Picture below.
Regards, Larry
Thanks a lot for the link. I will order some of these and will report the outcome. I have already ordered 1Ohm (0.05% tolerance) shunt resistors and am waiting for them to be delivered. At present I'm using 10Ohm, 1W resistors from RadioShack: These should be fine for the conditions of the study. I don't think that using shunts having several Ohms resistance should be of any concern in this specific study because the goal here is not the minimizing of the heat losses. On the contrary, heat losses here are the output, as the correct energy balance requires. As seen, if the energy balance is done correctly overunity is trivially present in transformer-type devices. The last schematic I'm using further optimizes the effect and now, as I mentioned earlier, what remains is to design an appropriate converter. It would allow to have the excess energy of the output to be converted into I and V of a proper form which can be fed back into the input and thus turn the transformer into a self-sustaining device.
As a matter of fact now that the schematic has been optimized with regard to inductance it appears that the greatest effect is observed with a symmetric sine wave which simplifies the needed design of a converter aimed at preparing the I and V of the output signal to be fed back into the input.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 27, 2010, 07:05:56 PM
The whole idea was, in lack of differential probes, to make the passive probes share the same ground with the generator ground. So, the grounds of CH1 and CH2 meet at the same place where the generator ground is -- to the left of R1.
Yes, that is ok, I understand.
Thanks, Gyula
Here are some data taken with the new setup. This is a graph of the OU effect as a function of frequency. Note the x-axis scale is logarithmic.
I have to retract the above. You may notice in the last schematic I presented that I'm not measuring the input voltage while redundantly measuring the voltage across the input resistor. I'll post corrected schematics and results later.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg242679#msg242679 A=1275031267
Thanks a lot for the link. I will order some of these and will report the outcome. I have already ordered 1Ohm (0.05% tolerance) shunt resistors and am waiting for them to be delivered. At present I'm using 10Ohm, 1W resistors from RadioShack: These should be fine for the conditions of the study. I don't think that using shunts having several Ohms resistance should be of any concern in this specific study because the goal here is not the minimizing of the heat losses. On the contrary, heat losses here are the output, as the correct energy balance requires. As seen, if the energy balance is done correctly overunity is trivially present in transformer-type devices. The last schematic I'm using further optimizes the effect and now, as I mentioned earlier, what remains is to design an appropriate converter. It would allow to have the excess energy of the output to be converted into I and V of a proper form which can be fed back into the input and thus turn the transformer into a self-sustaining device.
Noticed JLN had used a .01 Ohm shunt with a portable Fluke scope in his original Steorn testing. Makes me wonder what Ohm shunt you should be using with your high end scope.
I found this great article to 'Make a shunt resistor' using copper wire at
It would be prudent to test a few shunt values with your scope before ordering a high price, but more accurate shunt.
Regards, Larry
Can you please also measure Vo, so that we can determine if Vi*Ii = Vo*Io is holding here as written in text books. (This is just to see if there is any major measurement error due to incorrect resistances or scope grounding problems)
I still think that to put the matter to rest, you should put the transformer in a thermos flask filled with oil and with secondary shorted and log the temperature change for an hour.
If the heat generated is more than Vo*Io, you will win a nobel for sure.
As promised, here's the correct schematic diagram of the setup and a graph of the experimental results with secondary transformer coil loaded. I'll show you in a separate posting results from unloaded transformer -- OU from just a coil with core. Notice in the diagram the correct measurement of the input voltage (output voltage is redundant but the input is not and that was my error in the previous diagram and data I posted). Also, note the two additional coils in series with the secondary coil. With these additional coils the OU effect which is already there increases. Another interesting finding is the increase of current amplitude with the increase of frequency within a certain interval of frequencies, contrary to what's expected when impedance is increased. Notably, the voltage stays constant during that current increase with frequency. Have to figure out how to present graphically that effect. For now enjoy this:
Calorimetry is a very tricky business. For one thing, if you immerse the transformer in oil you have to have a way to stir well the oil to avoid developing of hot spots. Very careful calibration is also a must. I do have a high end four place thermometer (measures temperature with 0.0001oC accuracy) -- Thermometrix Precision Thermometer Model TS8901 -- but to do quality calorimetry with it, aside from the other problems (stirring) I have to sit down and figure out how to program it via its RS232 or the GPIB port for a long term data acquisition. Don't feel like doing it right now. If someone is willing to help I'll appreciate it greatly. As for the VoIo = ViIi thing will have to post separately an Excel datasheet.
Back to calorimetry -- I don't think that even carefully done it will resolve the problem with the correct current measurement because the integration of the electrical power will again be based on the oscilloscope data. The best thing is to avoid calorimetry in such cases. The I and V data, correctly taken, should be enough.
Tried to upload an Excel file but even compressed it's too big for the size allowed here (maybe that's due to the fact that I moved to Excel 2010). I'll say it in words, though -- from the data it is seen that the OU effect is almost exclusively due to the heating of the primary coil. In other words the equality VoIo = IoIo is nowhere near obeyed. All the action, as I already mentioned, is in the primary coil and you don't even need the secondary one for OU to be observed.
Nice work omnibus! I am very happy to see the hard work paying off to some extent I believe you may have finally found this red herring that other replicators are failing to see... The diagram and data provided should be more then enough for any willing replicator to confirm.
Let the confirmations begin.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 28, 2010, 11:04:35 PM
Tried to upload an Excel file but even compressed it's too big for the size allowed here (maybe that's due to the fact that I moved to Excel 2010). I'll say it in words, though -- from the data it is seen that the OU effect is almost exclusively due to the heating of the primary coil. In other words the equality VoIo = IoIo is nowhere near obeyed. All the action, as I already mentioned, is in the primary coil and you don't even need the secondary one for OU to be observed.
You can try reducing the size by deleting the data for all but two pulses (at a particular frequency, all frequencies are not needed).
Or upload it on and post a link.
IMHO, since you are measuring the output as total heat emitted on both sides of transformer, a direct measurement of heat would be more accurate and trustworthy. The I^2*R method relies on very accurate values of R and I (both sides), and can produce errors.
I agree with you that the calorimeter will still require an accurate measurement of Vi and Ii, out of which only Vi is easy to measure. Ii can be measured by a calibrated probe. IMO to start with, you don't need a high end thermometer, just simple digital thermometer will do, note the temperature by hand in a notebook.
If the transformer equation (Po = Pin - losses) is not holding, it is surely an anomaly, because the losses are coming negative.
Quote from: Omnibus on May 28, 2010, 11:04:35 PM
Tried to upload an Excel file but even compressed it's too big for the size allowed here (maybe that's due to the fact that I moved to Excel 2010). I'll say it in words, though -- from the data it is seen that the OU effect is almost exclusively due to the heating of the primary coil. In other words the equality VoIo = IoIo is nowhere near obeyed. All the action, as I already mentioned, is in the primary coil and you don't even need the secondary one for OU to be observed.
There is a possibility to upload files with a max. size of 5 MB here:;cat=25
At the bottom of this page you can 'add a download'.
Maybe you could give this a try?
Calibrated probe is the answer and I may have to shed some dough for one. Like you said, even if one decides to do calorimetry there still would be the problem with the correct I measurement. The first step is to order precision shunts, however, which should happen on Monday or maybe Tuesday because of Memorial Day. What I'd like to show you, however, is the really strange behavior of the current at some frequencies. I think that lies at the bottom of the observed OU effect and probably makes the current accuracy measurement a moot point at this stage. This is some reaction of the core that has to be understood.
Here is a plot of the difference between the maximum and the minimum voltage, respectively current at various frequencies. Notice the sudden drop in current after around 50Hz, its further decrease till around 70-80kHz but then a steep increase from around 100kHz. That steep increase of current with increasing of frequency is not to be expected and that's the peculiar reaction of the core I was talking about. Notice that the maximum of the OU effect is around 450kHz. It should also be noted that the current trace is quite distorted up to frequencies of about 500Hz after which the shape of the current trace regains its sinusoidal shape matching the shape of the voltage trace. Voltage trace does not seem to undergo much changes. A change in the phase shift is also observed but you'll have to bare with me because I'm not done with that data yet. I'll post it as soon as I'm ready.
This graph shows the phase shift of V with respect to I. When V is lagging behind I the phase shift expressed in us is positive, otherwise it's negative. Notice the reversal at around 47kHz when the I starts to lag behind V. The phase shift after that reversal is slight and tends to decrease as the frequencies get higher. Again, recall that the maximum OU effect is observed at around 450kHz.
Please clarify the 45kHz for the biggest OU effect because you wrote in the last but one post 450kHz for it.
What if you place some capacitor in parallel with either the primary or the secondary coil of the transformer to see if you can tune the zero phase shift frequency spot away from the 45kHz? Maybe a few nanoFarad or some tens of nF caps could do for a start. IF you disagree with this, it is ok of course. This way maybe some kind of resonance around 45kHz could be detected?
rgds, Gyula
45kHz is a typo. The maximum OU is observed at 450kHz -- recall the graph in At 45kHz we have underunity. By the way, thanks for alerting me about the redundancy measurement of the voltage.
Checked it with 0.001uF, 0.0047uF and 0.01uF. This is all I had at hand. No effect. 45kHz seems to be the cutoff frequency for the switch in phase shift.
Can the attached audio transformer be used?
Also, can you clarify in your drawing on how you connected your transformer?
It will help a lot if you draw some dots in the transformer and label primary and
secondary. Did you put the function generator input to primary or to secondary?
What was your input voltage and duty cycle at 450KHz where the COP was
largest? What was the Henry value of your extra coils?
My studies show that it is quite likely that every transformer should exhibit OU at certain characteristic range of frequencies. Would be interesting to see if you would observe OU with your transformer. The extra coils are of several nH calculated inductance and it was interesting that adding more or having only one or none affected adversely the effect. The effect without the coils or with more extra coils is still there but is less. The signal from the function generator is applied to the primary coil of the transformer. As you can see from the graph shown here: , for the transformer studied the OU effect appears in the range of frequencies between about 200-700kHz, reaching its maximum values at about 400-450kHz.
Thank you for taking time to answer my questions.
I plan to build something like in the attached drawing.
That's great. Looking forward to see the results of your replication. Good luck.
It will take 3 weeks until I can build and test this circuit.
I will be back with more info then. Attached is the Eagle CAD
files (zipped) if anybody want them. Eagle electronic CAD is
a free design program from that
allow you to make up to 100mm x 100mm size pcb.
One need to buy the program if one want to make larger size pcbs.
Here is a 555 oscillator circuit that can be used to switch coils.
The ICM7555IPAZ IC uses only 60uA to run but is still able to
drive a mosfet gate via a pullup resistor. The frequency range
can be changed by using a different value on C1. The really nice
feature on this circuit is that the frequency adjustment does NOT
affect the duty cycle, also, the duty cycle adjustment does NOT
affect the oscillator frequency. The duty cycle can be adjusted
from (almost) 0% to (almost) 100%. The Eagle CAD files are
attached as a zipped file.
I hope you find this circuit useful.
The more I think about the calorimetry the more convinced I get it's not appropriate a technique in this case. Even if the heat is measured accurately the problem with the input power is practically unresolvable. The complicated form of the signals requires a very detailed quantization and that can be achieved for only very short periods of time, way too short compared to the periods needed for accurate calorimetry. The method I'm applying, only comparing experimentally obtained electrical quantities, is the most rigorous indeed, provided these quantities are correctly measured. Now what needs to be done is to find qualified independent parties to reproduce what I've already found. @Groundloop said he's planing replication as well as you, as far as I recall. This third party replication has been the weak point in all OU claims so far and this study should be an example as to how such claims are to be handled. I'll try to speak with colleagues these days and see if they would be interested in reproducing the results. Also, I'd appreciate it if you or the other participants in this discussion would come up with names and/or places I could contact to explore if they'd want to try reproducing these findings. The beauty here is that we're dealing with easily available apparatus (easily available where such work is routinely done, of course) and with a device which cannot be more accessible.
Most people in Academia are afraid for their careers and they won't touch such experiments with a ten foot pole. Case in point -- there's an experiment done in one of the universities on the East Coast, confirmed in several independent labs, proving OU without a doubt. This hasn't been the goal of their research but has popped-up as an unexpected byproduct. A friend of mine is involved in it and him and I are really amazed to observe how the researchers themselves are reluctant to make their finding public. This is an effect that has never been discussed in the OU forums and it may be an element of what's causing the effect I'm observing. I won't get into this now to not get distracted from the main issue but that is a telling experience in addition to everything else we know about what's going on in the OU research field.
My build will be some time after the 10th of June. My test
will loop the input back to the source battery so if there
is any OU then the source battery will charge. I have
ordered parts and pcb for this project and will start
soldering as soon as I get the parts.
The nature of the OU at this point isn't such as to be pluggable back into input. What we have now is excess heat and that excess heat has to be converted into electrical energy suitable to be fed back into the input (the current and voltage signals have to be of an appropriate form and frequency). So, if your intention is to prove OU that way the result will be negative. We can say that right now, without carrying out special experiments with charging a battery. Instead, what is needed is to replicate the rigorous measurement of the input and the output current and voltage (their momentary values) and do the integration just as the correct methodology requires. Values of the resistances should also be very carefully measured. The results presented so far, although of far-reaching scientific value, are of no practical interest whatsoever at this point (unless someone intends to use the excess heat for heating purposes but that's trivial and can hardly match the scientific significance of the results presented).
Well, unless you have the knowledge and the skills (which you probably do, judging from your posts do far) to design and make the converter I mentioned in my previous post. That, surely, will bring about a substantial advance of the topic and if self-sustaining can be achieved then no measurements with scopes and such would be necessary at all. I'd be curious if that's what you really intend to do?
Did you measure your excess heat in the output load resistor or in the transformer?
First, it has to be understood that all we get as output in the secondary coil is heat. That's on the one hand. On the other hand, heat in the primary coil is also output in the energy balance equation. In most cases the excess heat comes from the heat developed in the primary coil and therefore in these cases we don't even need a secondary coil (the contribution of the secondary coil in the overall output is negligible).
I do not understand you? Did you not use resistors to measure
the input and output power to/from the coil?
The resistors which I use are to measure the current (by measuring the voltage drop across these resistors and dividing their resistance into that voltage drop). The obtained heat in the output coil side of the transformer, however, is equal to the Joule heating of the resistor in question plus the Joule heating of the secondary coil itself (it also has Ohmic resistance). That isn't the entire heat obtained, however. In the energy balance equation, in addition to the Joule heat of the secondary coil and the Joule heat of the mentioned resistor, you have to add also the Joule heat developed in the resistor in series with the primary coil, the Joule heat of the primary coil itself and the Joule heat of the two additional coils I have added in series with the primary coil. All of that is output and that output has to be compared with the input (with the integrated momentary Iin*Vin, that is).
I do wonder if the test you are performing is accurate when measuring only on the ground side of the device.
Do you think it possible to accurately test the primary on the input side in a similar fashion?
The reason I think this is because it would seem there could be some capacitive coupling between the windings in the transformer. This would tend to show up as increased output on the secondary and reduce the load on the primary (where you are checking).
It would also be likely that the capacitive transfer would also be optimal at some exact frequency.
If the input load were used in the calculations, then this could be eliminated.
OK, I got it now.
Quote from: lumen on June 02, 2010, 06:44:44 PM
I do wonder if the test you are performing is accurate when measuring only on the ground side of the device.
Do you think it possible to accurately test the primary on the input side in a similar fashion?
The reason I think this is because it would seem there could be some capacitive coupling between the windings in the transformer. This would tend to show up as increased output on the secondary and reduce the load on the primary (where you are checking).
It would also be likely that the capacitive transfer would also be optimal at some exact frequency.
If the input load were used in the calculations, then this could be eliminated.
I would like to understand this argument better. First, as you can see all the voltages, both on the side of the input and on the side of the output coil, are measured against the same ground, as is the correct way of measuring them.
Further, capacitive coupling between the windings of the transformer seems far fetched to me. There may be such a thing but I've never heard of it. A reference or link would help.
Let's, however, suppose that there is such coupling. Understand first that I' calculating both on the input and the output side. The capacitive coupling would affect the phase of the I with respect to V and at some frequencies it might be very favorable. Then, if capacitive coupling brings about the effect let it be more. That not only wouldn't hurt but will favor the results and will explain additionally where the effect might be coming from.
Remember also that at the request of @gyulasun I placed capacitance in parallel with the input and I saw no effect due to this addition.
To reinforce your concern about capacitive coupling, please take another look at the graph I already published here: . As you can see, up to 47kHz the voltage is lagging behind the current which isn't a behavior of inductive load and speaks of a capacitive such. Due to what? It's true the graph shows data for a transformer with a load in the secondary coil. And, then again, at 47kHz the phase shift reverses itself and becomes "proper" (if we consider only active and inductive components of the impedance, as should be the case), decreasing with frequency and tending to disappear around 10MHz.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 02, 2010, 06:58:31 PM
I would like to understand this argument better. First, as you can see all the voltages, both on the side of the input and on the side of the output coil, are measured against the same ground, as is the correct way of measuring them.
Further, capacitive coupling between the windings of the transformer seems far fetched to me. There may be such a thing but I've never heard of it. A reference or link would help.
Let's, however, suppose that there is such coupling. Understand first that I' calculating both on the input and the output side. The capacitive coupling would affect the phase of the I with respect to V and at some frequencies it might be very favorable. Then, if capacitive coupling brings about the effect let it be more. That not only wouldn't hurt but will favor the results and will explain additionally where the effect might be coming from.
Remember also that at the request of @gyulasun I placed capacitance in parallel with the input and I saw no effect due to this addition.
Now that I'm thinking about this, it is possibly more complicated than I was thinking.
Let me repeat the test first to see if I have it correct.
You put a wave into a transformer of known amplitude or V. Then on the ground side you place resistors of known values so you can monitor the current going to ground. (overly simplified but this is the concept)
This would then let you calculate all the energy going into the device, because you know what is going to ground?
It could be radiating energy or reflecting the wave back into the source like an out of tune radio antenna(standing wave).
This would also reduce the current shown at the output while unknowingly increasing the actual input load.
It seems there may be other problems also. The best test is to some how know the actual input energy put into the device, then compare this to what is going to ground on the output end.
You may be onto something here, but I still think there is a chance something is getting over looked.
Ok, How about this.
Feed the input with a resistor of the same value as on the ground side. Then monitor the input after this resistor in case there is any increased load on the input it will result in lower v on the input side also.
This would correct for the unknown "I" on the input side.
Unfortunately, I'm away from my experiment right now. Will be back in Massachusetts sometime Saturday or Sunday and then will a new setup with a new transformer of a different type to check all this.
Now, regarding the ground. The ground is common for both the input and the output. Therefore, on each side it closes the loop on the respective side. So we should just refer to the input circuit as opposed to the output circuit and should abandon the "ground side" concept. It's confusing because you have ground side on both sides of the transformer. Unless you have something else in mind which I can't get.
Once we agree that there are two circuits -- input (of the primary coil) and putput (of the secondary coil) and that these are closed circuits then we should agree that, provided the voltage is measured correctly, the culprit for any overestimation or overestimation of the input and/or output energy would only be the current. Now, the problems with overestimating current due to inductance have already been discussed and it was agreed that measuring it across a metal-oxide resistor (by dividing its resistance into the measured voltage drop) is the most precise way to do it -- inductance of the metal-oxide resistor is negligible even at the studied frequencies. So far so good. As long as current is measured correctly we don't care about radiating energy or reflecting it back to the source because it will be accounted for in the integration. Proper current and voltage measurement is all it takes. If it reduces the current observed at the output that would be detrimental to the effect so, once we observe effect, we shouldn't worry about that loss -- the actual OU will be even more.
Again, it seems that if current and voltage are measured correctly (voltage is, the problem is current; not any more, it seems) then the actual input energy put into the device is precisely known and it can be compared with the output energy. The problems with inductance were discussed. I don't see what the role you mentioned of the eventual capacitance might be other than enhancing the real OU effect.
P.S. Does anyone know of a place to order 1Ohm (or 10Ohm) precision resistor of, say, 0.1% tolerance and possibly 10W max power?
Quote from: lumen on June 02, 2010, 07:45:54 PM
Ok, How about this.
Feed the input with a resistor of the same value as on the ground side. Then monitor the input after this resistor in case there is any increased load on the input it will result in lower v on the input side also.
This would correct for the unknown "I" on the input side.
Mind you this -- the resistors on both sides used to derive the two currents are both about 10Ohm, however, the resistance of the primary coil is about 63Ohms while that of the output coil is about 0.6Ohms.
Now, back to this I-V phase shift. If the error in measuring current were the inductance then inductance cannot explain the reversal of the phase shift at 47kHz because inductance would increase with frequency and therefore the error due to it would be in one only direction. If we suppose that somehow at low frequencies there's some capacitance overwhelming the inductance and that capacitance decreases with frequency then at 47kHz the inductance and capacitance become equal and we have a condition of resonance. What good does it do, though? Resonance cannot be the cause of OU and, rightfully so, as we saw the OU effect begins to appear away from 47kHz, somewhere around 200kHz and persists to about 700kHz only to vanish again at still higher frequencies. Not an easy explanation of OU in terms of inductance, capacitance and eventual errors due to these. Evidently the core plays some hitherto unknown and unstudied role.
I hope you are correct, but I still have this vision that as some point in the inductance of the two windings, a standing wave is setup with the internal capacitance, and the input impedance causes an increased rejection of the input frequency. This would cause further internal heating without the increase in current into the ground plane where it would have been detected.
I am thinking of an antenna that is out of phase with the input. Nothing changed at the antenna but the reflected wave causes additional loading or rejection of the input frequency.
I do understand that the unit can be viewed as a closed system and what is put into one side must be the same as what is coming out the other. If it is not at the output then it was not at the input.
In the end it would be much easier to place another 100ohm resistor from the signal generator to the input.
The input will be measured from the input resistor and considered the actual input.
If the OU effect is still present, then all else could be eliminated, since increased input current for any unseen reason would result in reduced input voltage and the calculations would show no OU.
Like I said, I'll do this experiment on Saturday or on Sunday. If you could only tell me where exactly you want me to put that 100Ohm resistor in my schematic diagram: .
Now, since the reality of the effect is of the essence and nothing else, I still don't see how this
Quoteat some point in the inductance of the two windings, a standing wave is setup with the internal capacitance, and the input impedance causes an increased rejection of the input frequency. This would cause further internal heating without the increase in current into the ground plane where it would have been detected.
I am thinking of an antenna that is out of phase with the input. Nothing changed at the antenna but the reflected wave causes additional loading or rejection of the input frequency.
can explain away the effect (if such mechanism in fact does exist). The further additional internal heating you mention due to the rejection of the input frequency is triggered by an energy amount of a magnitude that can be precisely determined if voltage and current are measured correctly. The only concern would be if the current and voltage were affected, without accounting for that, by the mechanism you describe and that would lead to misrepresenting of the actually applied power. Otherwise, why should we care in terms of reality of the effect, as long as the overall balance shows OU. So, the question is, could the mechanism you describe affect the correct current measurement (overestimate the output and underestimate the input)?
I believe this would automatically adjust the voltage to CH2 according to any dynamic load caused by any internal conditions that may result in increased current draw from the source that would not be detected on the other side of the transformer.
If the OU effect still holds, then ........?
I don't know!
That new R is equal to the input resistor Rin used to measure the input current and isn't equal to the internal resistance of the pulse generator, correct?
Because if that new R is equal to the internal resistance of the pulse generator (50Ohm) then the OU effect is increased when using the earlier schematic (not that last one with the copper plate as common ground; I haven't tried it here).
More importantly, regarding the OU effect, why should we care at all what is detected on the other side of the transformer if we indeed are measuring correctly the actual I and V on both sides and the calculations yield OU?
I have not looked at all the excel data but I assume you are using CH2 as the input source used in the current calculation along with the signal on CH1 and CH3 to determine the current through the setup.
I am thinking that as some frequency, it may be possible to have an internal capacitance conduct a greater current from the source into the secondary winding, where much of this is shorted in the secondaries path to ground on the end opposite of R out. This would result in greater current draw at the source that would not show up at either Rin or Rout, but instead route to ground out the opposite end of Tr from Rout.
Anyway, it seems possible that several conditions may exist within the operation of this setup and the best choice to detect any error was placing the resistor at the source generator or the opposite transformer leg from rout, since this could be an alternate path to ground that is not monitored.
Or possibly both locations. I think at the source is the best choice and should show any faults.
Correct. CH2 measures the input voltage, CH1 measures the input current while CH3 measures both output voltage and output current (if that voltage is divided by the resistance of Rout).
I'd like to understand better, however, your argument which allows for the existence of current unaccounted for either by Rin or Rout (the voltage measurements across them, that is). I don't see how in a closed circuit there can be an alternate path that isn't monitored. Unless I consider it a closed circuit in one way but the capacitance closes the circuit differently. But still, no matter how the circuit is closed current flowing inside of it cannot have two different values or I'm missing something. That's important to be understood if you're right.
Somehow, if I understand you correctly, the unsuspected capacitance makes it so that what is measured as input is only part of the actual input to the device because the capacitance shorts the pulse generator out somehow along an alternate circuit. But how does this exactly happen?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 02, 2010, 04:08:00 PM
The more I think about the calorimetry the more convinced I get it's not appropriate a technique in this case. Even if the heat is measured accurately the problem with the input power is practically unresolvable. The complicated form of the signals requires a very detailed quantization and that can be achieved for only very short periods of time, way too short compared to the periods needed for accurate calorimetry. The method I'm applying, only comparing experimentally obtained electrical quantities, is the most rigorous indeed, provided these quantities are correctly measured. Now what needs to be done is to find qualified independent parties to reproduce what I've already found. @Groundloop said he's planing replication as well as you, as far as I recall. This third party replication has been the weak point in all OU claims so far and this study should be an example as to how such claims are to be handled. I'll try to speak with colleagues these days and see if they would be interested in reproducing the results. Also, I'd appreciate it if you or the other participants in this discussion would come up with names and/or places I could contact to explore if they'd want to try reproducing these findings. The beauty here is that we're dealing with easily available apparatus (easily available where such work is routinely done, of course) and with a device which cannot be more accessible.
I'm using a common sense approach here, as I have no experience in measuring such systems and using this particular method. (And I guess no one else has attempted such thing except steorn). So I can't say which approach will guarantee most accurate results, but IMO more than one approach is the safe way.
As the output of the system is totally heat (primary heat+secondary heat+iron losses) it is prudent to use a means to measure heat directly, i.e. a calorimeter on the output side. As the input is electrical energy only (ignoring the heat generated in internal resistance of power source), its prudent to use a scope with data capture, as you are already doing, and integrate the readings.
I agree that more replications are needed. I'm stuck with a USB scope whose s/w is still under development (no data capture available at this time, expected in a month or so), I can only test this in near future. I guess you should send a request to JLN and others who are good at measuring and have some experience in OU matters (and are well equipped and fast). More heads are needed.
About lumen's idea that some energy is getting through the input without being measured, I think that a good way to verify this will be to use a big cap as power source. Suppose its charged to Vc volts then it has 0.5*C*Vc^2 J in it. Let it drive the transformer in "OU mode" for a while and measure the output as usual. But this time, ignore the Iin*Vin, instead disconnect the cap and measure its voltage again, which should give the remaining energy and the difference with initial value would be your input energy.
Note that we are working with energy here, not power. So time should be measured accurately. Let me know what you think about this method.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 02, 2010, 06:58:31 PM
Further, capacitive coupling between the windings of the transformer seems far fetched to me. There may be such a thing but I've never heard of it. A reference or link would help.
Most of the transformer equivalent circuits do not include any capacitances of a real transformer , mainly because the low frequency equivalent schematic is considered and at low frequencies the effects of capacitances are small and negligiable. So you have to search for wideband equivalent transformer circuits like for instance audio transformers.
See Figure 13 and Chapter 1.2.3 in Page 8 of this PDF file:
Then go to Figure 21, Page 12, there is a 'bump' in the frequency response depending on the residual damping resistance. I think lumen may have thought of such 'peculiarities' in amplitude response in the funtion of frequency.
Here is another link, the chapter deals with pulse transformers and the coils self capacitances (the step-down transformer is also dealt with).
and also for audio transformers:
Also, if you look at Fig. 107 here:
then Figure (d) shows both a mutually and an inductive bottom coupled double LC equivalent circuit for the high frequencies, and as such it must have a "selective" frequency response.
I do not mean to suggest that the phenomena you have found is a simple resonant effect for your transformer (like the 'bump' referred to above). It needs further testing of course.
rgds, Gyula
Can't agree more that more heads are needed and, as I said, I'll do my best to have this reproduced independently. Otherwise it has no value as almost anything else we're seeing that is kept secret which prevents third party replication. The idea to have Naudin reproduce it is very good but I'm not sure he has the equipment to do so. I've never seen him carry out quantitative energy balance.
As for the heat, I agree that a direct method of determination is needed which will also account for the core losses but the input energy is hard to measure (more so than even measuring the heat) because the period one full curve is registered by the scope is too short for a meaningful calorimetry. It has to be short in order to be able to integrate it properly with all the details. On the other hand, the time to drive the device should be long so that enough energy is put in to have the temperature raise sufficiently for an accurate calorimetry. I was thinking, maybe, once the exact joules are known for the short period of the curve registration then one can use an external timer. Once the extended time period, necessary for good calorimetry, is accurately measured one can divide into it the shot time interval from the scope. The result from this division times the joules for each short time period (the registration time period of the scope) will give the overall input energy spent to do the calorimetry. Will have to think more about it.
As for your cap idea, I don't see how it can be applied straightforwardly because the experiment is done with AC. Unless some converter is added but I have no idea how to do that let alone that there will be losses in the converter which will be hard to account for. The solution to @lumen's idea would be to avoid the current common ground approach and measure the voltages with differential probes and the currents with Hall effect current probes. This amounts to spending no less than ten grand, if you are to use really good probes. That has been a problem from day one, as you know.
Thanks a lot. These are great links and I'l have to study them more thoroughly. The fact remains, however, that once the measured input and output currents and voltages are the real ones and the calculations indicate OU then circuit mechanisms of energy exchange are immaterial regarding the reality of OU. These mechanisms can only aid in explaining where the OU comes from but will not affect its reality. So, the struggle here is to ascertain that what we're measuring are the true I's and V's.
Therefore, @lumen's argument has to be understood better and addressed if it can be a mechanism of unaccounted for error in measuring current, as can the parasitic inductance be. You were the first to ask for adding capacitances to chase away eventual resonance from the 47kHz point. I did place capacitance in the 0.001uF range in parallel with the input but that 47kHz phase shift point didn't go away.
What really bothers me is the lagging of voltage behind the current for frequencies below 47kHz shown in the diagram I already published. It's true that the current below 500Hz is so messed up that it isn't even a sine wave but at higher frequencies it has a sine form just as the voltage trace does. And yet, the voltage is lagging behind the current while it should be otherwise. The capacitance that @gyulasun gave references for seems to kick in at way higher frequencies. So, is this some kind of measurement error or it's the effect itself. Now, these data are taken with a load on the secondary coil. I can't wait to see what would be without a load. Will it return to "norma", that is, will we again have current lagging behind the voltage as inductive coils behave? That I'll know on Sturday whe I return. Then I'll also do the experiment which @lumen suggested.
I'm back earlier than I planned. Couldn't wait. Of course, the first thing was to check @lumen's suggestion. I did put a 100Ohm resistor where he indicated in the schematic diagram and what I found was that not only the OU effect didn't vanish but it got even slightly higher. So, @lumen's supposition for capacitance of a standing wave and such playing a role is out. Moreover, as I said before, I don't even need the secondary coil. The OU effect is even higher with no load on the secondary side. Thus, that settles the problem posed by @lumen outright.
What I'll do now is try desperately to get a Tektronix TCP0030 current probe (which is on the order of $3000). The good news is that now I need only one such probe. That will provide the ultimate confirmation of the effect I'm presenting, although it seems pretty clear even at this stage that it is real. That's it folks, we got it -- reproducible and open for everyone to do it, as has never been shown before. OU trivially present in most common coils and transformer-type devices.
On the technical side -- I'd like to hear from anyone who has had experience with bifilar coils aiming at eliminating parasitic inductance. What I did today was to destroy one of those wound ceramic RadioShack 0.47Ohm resistors, extract the wire, straighten it and then re-wind it in a bifilar manner. Also, I took one of the RadioShack larger coils, unwound it and wound it back as a bifilar coil with the intention to use it as that so-much discussed current detecting shunt. I did use these two shunts and the results confirm what I reported earlier. Trying to order the shunts from Newark Co. and elsewhere, mentioned earlier, but still haven't received any. The metglas toroid cores I sent to be wound aren't arriving either. So there's this typical waiting period. Will see on Monday how long it will take to get the Tektronix current probe. However, like I said, all signs indicate we're already there.
That's interesting, I would have expected a voltage drop at the input at about the same time the frequency reached the point of OU.
You suggest also that the effect still occurs even with both sides of the secondary disconnected?
Correct. No need for a secondary coil at all. I observed that earlier, as you can see from my posts several pages back but was still uncertain, attributing it to errors due to parasitic inductance. That problem (parasitic inductance) has haunted me from the get go. Now I'm almost certain that has been a false alarm but to make it go forever I need to see the effect by using a Hall effect current probe. That will eliminate any trace of doubt regarding inductance as the culprit. All in all, the whole thing turned out to be much more interesting than I ever expected.
I found a site that says they will rent/lease what you need. I'm not sure how much they are asking, but probably much less than the $3000 for a new one.
Thanks for the link. I'll probably go for the offer by Test Path Co. They are less expensive and I have already dealt with them (had to return one $1300 Tektronix current probe because it wasn't Hall effect based but was a simple transformer--completely inadequate for the current studies). With the TCP0030 I'm noticing another problem. It only works with DPO3000 and higher and I have a DPO2014. Any suggestions as to how to solve this current probe problem would be welcome.
I thought I might bring you up to date on what's going on here while waiting for the TCP0030 current probe. First thing was to eliminate any additional wire that does not contribute to the workings of the device. The BNC from the pulse generator is the shortest I could find and it gets directly into a female BNC connector on the board. One of the transformer primary coil (having a resistance of 64.1701Ohms) leads are soldered directly to the female BNC. The other one is in parallel with a resistor of approx. 0.0038Ohms which on its part is soldered to the ground of the female BNC connector. The resistor in question is crucial for unearthing the effect. @LarryC was emphasizing that (namely, the fact that it has to have a possibly smallest value to avoid drawing of power). That resistor is parasitic in the circuit and will be eliminated by using a current probe. Its value must be low, though. If it isn't you may miss the OU effect big time.
Here's the schematic diagram:
... and, here's what I've got. This is taken at 1Hz. 1Hz, mind you--no inductance concerns, no nothing. We got OU over 200%. Again, 1Hz:
The Excel file:
Now, that's for 50Hz. Look at the weird forms voltage and especially current have. As you saw above, at 1Hz the sine wave is a sine wave and the current and voltage are not out of phase as would be expected for an inductive coil--frequency is too low. At 50Hz something happens and I attributed it to the long BNC cable from the pulse generator to the device which on top of that had about 6 inches of non-BNC part. Antenna, I though or some similar nuisance. But, no, now with the shorter, rigorous BNC cable the distortion has remained the same. Whatever. You can see clearly OU. Here too inductance can hardly play a role. I wonder if you can see in the pictures above the tiny wire, which is in fact a piece about an inch long from a spool of magnet wire from RadioShack. It's tiny and one can't do much with it but at least I bent it to resemble bifilar, just in case.
And here, if the above isn't enough, is the real treat. Take a look at this, taken at 700kHz. I already posted a similar result but was still agonizing over the inductance problem in measuring the current. Now, I'm almost certain this is a real effect (can't wait to check it with the current probe to confirm it definitively). What we see here is that the driving of the device requires spending of no energy at all. On the contrary, the very driving of the device pushes in your hands excess energy not only energy in the form of heat but also tons of energy as electrical such. What does it mean? Self-sustaining device is just one step away--someone has to make a converter and that's not a problem for anybody savvy in electronics, to feed what's obtained at the output back into the input. That's it folks. OU trivially present in electrical devices, no need to look for special constructions, secrecy agreements, investors, you name it. Here it is, for your viewing pleasure:
If someone wants the Excel data for the above, let me know.
Suddenly I do not get where is you measuring the output power in these last 3 simplified cases? I understand you drive the transformer's primary coil with 20-30V peak to peak sinusoid AC voltage. How do you interpret the output?
Another question: In case of the 50Hz test, if you reduce the FG output voltage to a lower value like 5V peak to peak, do you still see a distorted waveform instead of the sinusoid one? Also, in case of this 5V, for instance, do you find OU at 50Hz?
I suspect core saturation causes the waveform distortion? Have you seen such distorted waveform at 1kHz, 5kHz, 10kHz or 15kHz in this simplified setup?
Thanks, Gyula
Hi Omnibus,
I want to say great job thus far, and great attention to detail. It is nice not having to chase down an inventor for details or to have to worry about a hoax.
The real reason that I want to write to you today is to share with you and to remind our community that there was another man who saw some strange things in a transformer, many years ago. He too would not let it go. I want to share some of his quotes and then summise by stating where the OU is coming from and how to prove what I am going to say, once you have concluded your testing with the current probe. Funny, then you will come to the same place this man was, such as, how can I use this to create even greater power.... And thus the Steven Mark Toroidal Power Unit was born.
But first, in Steven's own words:
"It is an insignificant power supply except when the two transformers get slightly out of phase with each other, or when they are connected in reverse of one another.
Then you can measure all kinds of things going on.
You can generate all kinds of hash and multiple frequencies, and I do mean all kinds.
What I measured during this process was very interesting.
All these frequencies occasionally met at the same time with a much larger kick at the output."
"I was working at a laboratory at the time with much more sophisticated equipment then is available to even most manufacturing companies.
I was able to analyses everything coming out of this simple two transformer AC high voltage circuit.
In most power supplies there is lots of hash coming out and designers use a .05 or so to short out as much as possible before it gets to the smoothing capacitors.
This hash comes from the mains supply and especially from the transformers themselves.
Then the smoothing capacitors take out the rest of the multiple frequency hash along with the gigantic 60 Hz ac left in the B+.
I became interested in the interaction between the two AC transformers.
The interaction can be very reveling, trust me.
Also, there is another interesting analogy.
We seem to overlook so many things in our society.
They are right in our faces but we just look around them without interest at all.
When I began to study the effects of multiple frequencies combined together I found out that when you deliberately strive to create the worst case scenario of frequencies you start to get some very measurable kicks."
I would bet money that the OU is a result of harmonics coming together, caused by intermodulation. A really good spectrum Analyzer would bear this out. This is very good news and is a powerful step in the right direction. The only difference that I see, is that you are using one transformer.. But still, I would bet the cause is the same. This "Kick" is EVERYWHERE but is ignored. Until now! ;D
Cheers my friend,
Quote from: gyulasun on June 06, 2010, 05:49:44 PM
Suddenly I do not get where is you measuring the output power in these last 3 simplified cases? I understand you drive the transformer's primary coil with 20-30V peak to peak sinusoid AC voltage. How do you interpret the output?
Another question: In case of the 50Hz test, if you reduce the FG output voltage to a lower value like 5V peak to peak, do you still see a distorted waveform instead of the sinusoid one? Also, in case of this 5V, for instance, do you find OU at 50Hz?
I suspect core saturation causes the waveform distortion? Have you seen such distorted waveform at 1kHz, 5kHz, 10kHz or 15kHz in this simplified setup?
Thanks, Gyula
The Pin is simply Iin*Vin, while the Pout is (Iin)^2(Rin + Rprimary).
I'm trying to stick to a set of conditions throughout for the purposes of being more systematic although it's really tempting to try all kinds of things.
Now, however, to answer your question, I'll try it at a lower amplitude for the 50Hz case and will post the result as soon as I obtain it.
At your request:
As you can see the OU effect is even higher at a lower amplitude.
Makes you wonder if saturation of the core has anything to do with the distortion of the current just at around 50Hz--at higher frequencies current form straightens out. I changed Rin to a slightly higher value but not to depress the OU effect--0.0101Ohms--to see the form of the current more pronounced. Now I'm observing what I saw before with a lower Rin-- the form of the current becomes somewhat more sine-like at around 200Hz and carries it through somewhere around 1kHz. From there to about 10kHz there's practically no signal only to reappear at around 50kHz on with a nice, out-of-phase sine form, as the one I showed earlier. OU is observed in most regions, at regions in the hundreds of kHz showing the shocking negative slope of the input energy curve.
Thanks for the nice words. What I'm trying to do now is establish the reality of the effect first and then get into where it's coming from. I think it's another expression of the effect following from the magnetic propulsor I've been discussing for quite a while but, as I said, I'll get into that later. What's amazing, indeed, is that this is a right-in-your face effect and it has been totally ignored (or suppressed maybe). That should change for which very decisive actions are needed.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 06, 2010, 06:39:22 PM
The Pin is simply Iin*Vin, while the Pout is (Iin)^2(Rin + Rprimary).
I agree with the formula's used but I don't agree with the way they are being applied. Any OU results on a transformer can only be shown thru the secondary. But if you wish to use the input only, there is another Ohm law formula for power, Pout = (Vin)^2 / R. This formula would show a loss.
Regards, Larry
What's done here is what thermodynamics requires, regardless of transformers or what not, and not what the engineering R&D's in companies are doing. Maybe that's why that has been overlooked--the lack of scientific approach.
Let me say a little more. It is unclear what Vin, if nothing else is known, really includes and therefore it is incorrect to assign it to Ohms law only. In order to understand what it really means, you have to find an independent way of measuring power. So, on the one hand you measure power as Iin*Vin and that's indisputably the input power. On the other hand, if CoE holds, that Iin*Vin must equal the power calculated independently by using Joule's first law (Iin^2*R). Any discrepancy in favor of (Iin^2*R) is overunity beyond a doubt, no matter whether we observe transformers, separate coils or any electrical devices for that matter.
This plot is of 1Hz data that you posted above.
I have plotted Ein and Eo for two values of Rin. (Original Rin and a value of 0.0085 ohm where Ein==Eo)
Now a measurement error of 0.004741 ohm is predicted, as any other engineer will say surely.
This value is tiny and error can not be ruled out. There are many possibilities how this error may occur:
- the resistance meter is not calibrated
- the resistor changes in value when heated due to current
- while measuring the connection resistance is less and gives low value (loose connections in working circuit)
- meter is not very very accurate (we need a meter with 1/1000 ohm or more precision here to measure such a low resistance)
- many other factors
So I still think more accurate measurements are needed. The setup is not within error limits.
I suggest you get the industrial/lab quality 1 ohm +/- 1% shunt resistor with secure connections and measure again.
Ein and Eo are also equal at Rc = 28 ohm, but thats too big a variation to worry. Problem is mostly with Rin
Of course, all these concerns will vanish when current is measured with a proper current probe and LCP0030 appears to be such: Also, first thing in the morning will be to order a shunt resistor. @LarryC gave a very good link for that: . The resistance of the shunt, however, should not be 1Ohm because, as @LarryC pointed out, it will draw power. I tried various resistances and found out that their value is crucial for the effect to be observed because thay become unneeded part of the circuit and interfere with the effect. The lower the resistance of the shunt resistor, the more the effect shows up. Of course, there's a limit set up by the scope resolution. And, to say it again, the least such parasitic intereference with the studied circuit will be induced by this so much mentioned Hall effect current probe.
Nevertheless, the points you raise can be addressed even at this time:
- the resistance meter is not calibrated -- I'm using a Keithley 2000 multimeter as is, haven't sent it for calibration so that is a legitimate point. Hope the precision shunt resistor I'm going to order may shed some light on that.
- the resistor changes in value when heated due to current. Current is on the order of several hundred mA and, indeed, one may think that approx. 2 inch long RadioShack magnet wire may heat up. It didn't feel, though. Besides, the effect shows up with a resistor made of about 40cm connector wire (that standard connector RadioShack wire) as well as with even longer such wire (in fact a whole spool of those standard spools RadioShack sells).
- while measuring the connection resistance is less and gives low value (loose connections in working circuit). That's out because, having in mind such possibility, I soldered all the connections, save those of the probes, of course.
- meter is not very very accurate (we need a meter with 1/1000 Ohm or more precision here to measure such a low resistance). The meter I'm using (Keithley 2000) does have such precision. So, that's out too.
- many other factors -- can't think of any that would substantially alter the result, other than the above.
To address the measurement error, the used value 0.003759Ohm is the average (as Excel gives it; when minding the significant figures it should be 0.0038Ohm) of 22 separate measurements at the interval of 1min. The standard deviation is 0.000105Ohm. Therefore, the value of 0.0085Ohm as an upper error limit ou give is more than two orders of magnitude higher than the real error limit.
P.S. Although the spreadsheet contains Eo values, such are not measured. Therefore, arguments based on Eo should be ignored. Recall, only the input voltage and the voltage across the resisor Rin are being measured.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 06:44:15 AM
Of course, all these concerns will vanish when current is measured with a proper current probe and LCP0030 appears to be such: Also, first thing in the morning will be to order a shunt resistor. @LarryC gave a very good link for that: . The resistance of the shunt, however, should not be 1Ohm because, as @LarryC pointed out, it will draw power. I tried various resistances and found out that their value is crucial for the effect to be observed because thay become unneeded part of the circuit and interfere with the effect. The lower the resistance of the shunt resistor, the more the effect shows up. Of course, there's a limit set up by the scope resolution. And, to say it again, the least such parasitic intereference with the studied circuit will be induced by this so much mentioned Hall effect current probe.
Nevertheless, the points you raise can be addressed even at this time:
- the resistance meter is not calibrated -- I'm using a Keithley 2000 multimeter as is, haven't sent it for calibration so that is a legitimate point. Hope the precision shunt resistor I'm going to order may shed some light on that.
- the resistor changes in value when heated due to current. Current is on the order of several hundred mA and, indeed, one may think that approx. 2 inch long RadioShack magnet wire may heat up. It didn't feel, though. Besides, the effect shows up with a resistor made of about 40cm connector wire (that standard connector RadioShack wire) as well as with even longer such wire (in fact a whole spool of those standard spools RadioShack sells).
- while measuring the connection resistance is less and gives low value (loose connections in working circuit). That's out because, having in mind such possibility, I soldered all the connections, save those of the probes, of course.
- meter is not very very accurate (we need a meter with 1/1000 Ohm or more precision here to measure such a low resistance). The meter I'm using (Keithley 2000) does have such precision. So, that's out too.
- many other factors -- can't think of any that would substantially alter the result, other than the above.
To address the measurement error, the used value 0.003759Ohm is the average (as Excel gives it; when minding the significant figures it should be 0.0038Ohm) of 22 separate measurements at the interval of 1min. The standard deviation is 0.000105Ohm. Therefore, the value of 0.0085Ohm as an upper error limit ou give is more than two orders of magnitude higher than the real error limit.
P.S. Although the spreadsheet contains Eo values, such are not measured. Therefore, arguments based on Eo should be ignored. Recall, only the input voltage and the voltage across the resisor Rin are being measured.
The problem with your setup is not the way you measure it, its how you understand impedance with a inductor. You expect Rprimary to be a static value when its not, the value change as the frequency change, the formula is : 2 * Pi * F * L . F is the frequency in Hertz and L is the inductance value in Henry.
So suppose you have a coil , 250mH, DC resistance is 5 Ohm , what mean 5 ohm at 1KHz ? nothing , here why
2 * 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 * 1000 * 0.250 = 1570.7963 Ohm for Rprimary and not 5 ohm.
Best Regards,
While I agree with you about the inductance of the coil, I do not agree with respect to the active resistance of a coil. The active resistance of a coil is not a function of frequency (inductance is). The fact that impedance of the coil changes with frequency (because of inductance changing with frequency) in no way affects the results I'm presenting. Once the active resistance of the coil is correctly measured all remains as already presented.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 06:44:15 AM
- many other factors -- can't think of any that would substantially alter the result, other than the above.
Skin effect comes to mind. A normal resistor is not frequency independent, resistance increases with frequency due to skin effect. So the resistance should be measured at operating frequency.
I know that you have taken a good care in measuring resistance here, but the whole game depends on resistance value. Although the resistance at which OU disappears is double the measured value, the absolute value is very very small. Smaller the value bigger the error.
I will wait for probe readings, please do post the excel sheets. Meanwhile I'm trying to find a way to exploit the excess energy, if its really there.
I'd also like to see the Rin vs Eo plot at sweetest frequency. Lets see how big the Rin can go roughly. Bigger Rin means more reliable measurements.
Quote from: IceStorm on June 07, 2010, 09:30:42 AM
The problem with your setup is not the way you measure it, its how you understand impedance with a inductor. You expect Rprimary to be a static value when its not, the value change as the frequency change, the formula is : 2 * Pi * F * L . F is the frequency in Hertz and L is the inductance value in Henry.
Just to make it more clear for other readers, this formula is for reactance of the coil, and reactance does not consume any power. It only limits the current, the real power dissipation is always resistive.
A little power also goes as stored magnetic field of the inductor (0.5*L*I^2), but it is not consumed, it returns back to the source after each cycle.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 10:01:58 AM
While I agree with you about the inductance of the coil, I do not agree with respect to the active resistance of a coil. The active resistance of a coil is not a function of frequency (inductance is). The fact that impedance of the coil changes with frequency (because of inductance changing with frequency) in no way affects the results I'm presenting. Once the active resistance of the coil is correctly measured all remains as already presented.
You should learn a bit more in electronic before seek a OU effect, The resistance of the coil dont mean anything , its the resistance of the wire , its only useful if you pass DC on it , so 0 hertz. Its basic electronic lol the reactance change as the frequency change, its why the Rprimary is not a static number.Dont argue pls until you make a simple search on inductor impedance, its a bit a waste of time continuing this discussion on a very well know fact even if you denied it.Its really basic electronic, there no magic here.
Edit: The inductance doesnt change with the frequency, a 2mH coil is still a 2mH coil at 1Mhz unless you affect the Core by moving it or passing a Magnet near it.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 07, 2010, 10:37:37 AM
Just to make it more clear for other readers, this formula is for reactance of the coil, and reactance does not consume any power. It only limits the current, the real power dissipation is always resistive.
A little power also goes as stored magnetic field of the inductor (0.5*L*I^2), but it is not consumed, it returns back to the source after each cycle.
The reactance is the impedance of the coil , so affect Rprimary since ITS NOT A DC SIGNAL. Rprimary as draw in the schematic he showed is Rprimary = XL
Here a simple link about impedance , hope you learn someting
Best Regards,
The very well known fact is that the active resistance neither of the coil nor of Rin changes with frequency. Active resistance. Focus on it and don't argue further. Read again what @Omega_0 told you, namely,
Quotethe real power dissipation is always resistive.
Best, read again the whole answer by @Omega_0 to you:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 11:22:50 AM
The very well known fact is that the active resistance neither of the coil nor of Rin changes with frequency. Active resistance. Focus on it and don't argue further. Read again what @Omega_0 told you, namely,
Best, read again the whole answer by @Omega_0 to you:
Omg lol , continue your experiment , at the end you will finally understand what i said to you.
I understand that the greater the Rin is the more accurate the measurements are, however, like I said, greater Rin interferes with the circuit which produces the OU. Rin is in fact parasitic active resistance which we try to avoid in order to get the OU effect. The only way to avoid it is to have an independent, external way of measuring current, say, by using Hall effect.
I'll have the probe hopefully on Wednesday but here's another problem--my scope requires the probe to have an external power supply which Tektronix don't have in stock. The power supply was ordered from another company which luckily happens to have ordered it previously for other clients. They said the lead time in principle is couple of weeks but may come any time. May arrive even tomorrow, so this brings a bit of suspense to the excitement which is here to begin with.
Quote from: IceStorm on June 07, 2010, 11:25:50 AM
Omg lol , continue your experiment , at the end you will finally understand what i said to you.
You are a bit confused and similar confusion has led some people to not fully understand the importance of what Steorn really do. Of course, now after these latest findings we're discussing here Steorn's technological aspect is moot but the way they calculate their input and output power is impeccable. As I've said many times, they are way ahead of everybody regarding the rigor of their experiments, one of the elements of which is the correct understanding that the Ohmic resistance does not change with frequency. Don't bother with impedance. Impedance does change with frequency, but that's immaterial, as @Omega_0 explained. Show evidence of Ohmic resistance changing with frequency.
Not to say that frequencies of 50Hz, let alone 1Hz are negligible even if there were frequency dependency of the Ohmic resistance.
you stated: (Iin)^2(Rin + Rprimary) but what it should be is (Iin)^2(Rin + XL).
Here another link you should REALLY look at :
Quote from: IceStorm on June 07, 2010, 11:47:39 AM
you stated: (Iin)^2(Rin + Rprimary) but what it should be is (Iin)^2(Rin + XL).
Here another link you should REALLY look at :
This is incorrect. What matters in the power balance discussed here is only the Ohmic resistance because it is the only resistance (out of the entire impedance) which participates in Joule's first law.
As a matter of fact, even the harshest critics of Steorn never questioned this particular part of their calculations. Like I said, questioning it can only be due to some confusion as to what causes Ohmic heating.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 11:47:29 AM
You are a bit confused and similar confusion has led some people to not fully understand the importance of what Steorn really do. Of course, now after these latest findings we're discussing here Steorn's technological aspect is moot but the way they calculate their input and output power is impeccable. As I've said many times, they are way ahead of everybody regarding the rigor of their experiments, one of the elements of which is the correct understanding that the Ohmic resistance does not change with frequency. Don't bother with impedance. Impedance does change with frequency, but that's immaterial, as @Omega_0 explained. Show evidence of Ohmic resistance changing with frequency.
Not to say that frequencies of 50Hz, let alone 1Hz are negligible even if there were frequency dependency of the Ohmic resistance.
Wake up, i have a SKDB developer license, since you talk alot about steorn , you can contact me on the SKDB member area on EgmQC if you have a license(i really doubt of that). So now by telling me that i don't understand what Steorn do is a bit stupid since its REALLY not what you try to do here with your experiment, completely irrelevant for the claim, in the right upper corner there a Icon named Build Packs on the SKDB Developer forum, click on it and you will see ALL schematic steorn used after that look at the video made available for member who explain the principle and what you should seek to get the effect.
If you don't understand what mean impedance and how to use it the get the right value of your experiment i really don't know what to say more to you.
Quote from: IceStorm on June 07, 2010, 12:01:49 PM
Wake up, i have a SKDB developer license, since you talk alot about steorn , you can contact me on the SKDB member area on EgmQC if you have a license(i really doubt of that). So now by telling me that i don't understand what Steorn do is a bit stupid since its REALLY not what you try to do here with your experiment, completely irrelevant for the claim, in the right upper corner there a Icon named Build Packs on the SKDB Developer forum, click on it and you will see ALL schematic steorn used after that look at the video made available for member who explain the principle and what you should seek to get the effect.
If you don't understand what mean impedance and how to use it the get the right value of your experiment i really don't know what to say more to you.
Like I said, impedance is irrelevant when Ohmic heating is calculated. For a given current it's only the Ohmic resistance that matters and that's frequency independent. The fact that you are in SKDB does not change the fact that in their eOrbo they measure the output power exactly the way I measure it, that is, by calculating I^2*Rpucoil. You can't deny that. The only difference is that they have a proper current probe to measure I.
I used my Thermometrix thermometer (0.0001oC precision) and first measured the temperature near the device. Ten measurements taken at 1min interval gave a mean value of 24.4173 +- 0.0919oC. Then I wound around the temperature probe a 0.087Ohm resistor and soldered it into the setup as Rin while running the device at 1Hz. The average of ten measurements taken at 1min interval now is 25.5343 +- 0.0722oC. So, as expected, we have a slight increase (on the order of 1oC) in temperature of Rin. This cannot, however, explain away the effect.
Quote from: IceStorm on June 07, 2010, 11:47:39 AM
you stated: (Iin)^2(Rin + Rprimary) but what it should be is (Iin)^2(Rin + XL).
Here another link you should REALLY look at :
Icestorm, its important that you understand power correctly before you venture into OU (or even non-OU systems).
I will quote here :
"For a perfect capacitor or inductor there is no net power transfer, so all power is reactive."More
We know that reactive loads such as inductors and capacitors dissipate zero power, yet the fact that they drop voltage and draw current gives the deceptive impression that they actually do dissipate power. This “phantom power†is called reactive power,
# Power dissipated by a load is referred to as true power. True power is symbolized by the letter P and is measured in the unit of Watts (W).
# Power merely absorbed and returned in load due to its reactive properties is referred to as reactive power. Reactive power is symbolized by the letter Q and is measured in the unit of Volt-Amps-Reactive (VAR).
# Total power in an AC circuit, both dissipated and absorbed/returned is referred to as apparent power. Apparent power is symbolized by the letter S and is measured in the unit of Volt-Amps (VA).The equation you posted in also not totally correct. The impedance is
Z^2 = R^2+X^2
and V=I x Z
(note that these are vectors, except R which is scaler)
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 01:10:15 PM
I used my Thermometrix thermometer (0.0001oC precision) and first measured the temperature near the device. Ten measurements taken at 1min interval gave a mean value of 24.4173 +- 0.0919oC. Then I wound around the temperature probe a 0.087Ohm resistor and soldered it into the setup as Rin while running the device at 1Hz. The average of ten measurements taken at 1min interval now is 25.5343 +- 0.0722oC. So, as expected, we have a slight increase (on the order of 1oC) in temperature of Rin. This cannot, however, explain away the effect.
Well that's correct. Still a quality shunt will remove all doubts and will also serve as a cross check for the probe, when you get them.
And what do you think about skin effect. I posted something about it above, before the ice storm hit....
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 07, 2010, 01:30:17 PM
Icestorm, its important that you understand power correctly before you venture into OU (or even non-OU systems).
I will quote here :
"For a perfect capacitor or inductor there is no net power transfer, so all power is reactive."
We know that reactive loads such as inductors and capacitors dissipate zero power, yet the fact that they drop voltage and draw current gives the deceptive impression that they actually do dissipate power. This “phantom power†is called reactive power,
# Power dissipated by a load is referred to as true power. True power is symbolized by the letter P and is measured in the unit of Watts (W).
# Power merely absorbed and returned in load due to its reactive properties is referred to as reactive power. Reactive power is symbolized by the letter Q and is measured in the unit of Volt-Amps-Reactive (VAR).
# Total power in an AC circuit, both dissipated and absorbed/returned is referred to as apparent power. Apparent power is symbolized by the letter S and is measured in the unit of Volt-Amps (VA).
The equation you posted in also not totally correct. The impedance is
Z^2 = R^2+X^2
and V=I x Z
(note that these are vectors, except R which is scaler)
you are a bit confused again i think. Power = I^2 * R, Omnibus was right in his equation, his was talking about power , look at Ohm law. When you state Z^2 = R^2+X^2 you are right , R is a scalar since its static, but that represente A LOAD , X represent the Reactance, so the impedance of the coil, Just ask you a question, whats the unit of the Reactance ? answer : OHM , so the total impedance on the primary side in his schematic is Rin + XL = Z, since he already know the amp draw , the power used can be derived with I^2 * Z = Power, and the power used is DIRECTLY proportional to the TOTAL impedance.
Exemple time:
you have 2 coil , each coil is 250mH, the first one use really small wire and the DC resistance is 15 Ohm , the second Coil use big heavy wire and have a DC resistance of 0.001 Ohm, the amp draw will be the same for each one under the same frequency because the impedance will be the same, so ignoring the impedance when you try to figure out the Power used is .....
Best Regards,
I'm just coming back from a discussion with a prominent colleague, a professor at a leading university. What I heard was that there is a culture among professionals to always consider impedance when they talk about resistance in AC cases. Just as @IceStorm tends to think. That's incorrect but that's the culture in these circles. Pure Ohmic resistance is only considered when measured at 0Hz, otherwise a distinction is never made between the different components of the impedance and talk is always about the concrete models of that impedance (are inductances, capacitances and active resistance connected in series or in parallel or whatever else way you can propose and sustain it). That approach has to change, of course, because we're only interested in the Joule heating in this very case, and a current probe will resolve it at once. So, the importance of a current probe is greater than it appeared initially. I learned also that power balances of transformers (although teaching the theory of transformers is their primary job) never involves studying rigorous power balances but students are only presented with only approximate models. I have a strange feeling that this is another instance of suppression at play here but let's not distract from the main issues of discussion. I'm now eagerly waiting for the current probe due to arrive on Wednesday (hopefully the power supply too). Tomorrow I'm expecting the arrival of the precise 0.001Ohm shunt. I will also start the preparations for calorimetry. As usual, I'll post the results from my studies as soon as I obtain them. I guess that's all from me for today.
It looks to me like you are only measuring the actual input with no way to know the difference between reactive and dissipated power.
Using the circuit below, (R primary) is not a known value at every frequency. (R in ) will however show the actual current draw but not actually the current flowing through the primary since it will also show current from out of phase reactance of the primary.
At very high frequency, the primary would work as a choke and no current would pass through the primary except for some DC offset.
I would think you need a resistor on the ground leg of the primary and CH3 of the scope to show actual current passing through the primary and even then the channels CH1 and CH3 may need to be summed to find the actual non reactive current in the primary. DC coupling may also need to be removed between the pulse generator (series capacitor) and the circuit to remove any DC coupling if this does not already exist in the pulse generator output.
I understand what you are thinking and it seems to make sense, but to view the resistance of (R primary) as constant, could be misleading the calculations.
Forgot about the skin effect. I think you're right, it may play a role which is important for Rin only. For Rprimary, even if that effect is tangible won't change the OU conclusion because the scope is measuring what it really sees as I and V. Again, this as well as @lumen's concern will be taken care of by the current probe. So, let's wait and see what those experiments will show. Like I said, I'm preparing also for calorimetry but there is a slight concern that it may not be conclusive. Imagine if the reaction of the core is such that it cools down causing the OU effect through the violation of second thermodynamic law. Then we'll see no effect calorimetrically and yet the OU will be real. Anyway, at this point I have some more practical things to deal with. Will keep you posted.
Just some brief remarks. Tried calorimetry and without going into details will have to say that I once again observed that it cannot be done with simple means. Will see in the future what I can do about it but I don't think I'll pay too much attention to it because the methods with measuring electric parameters are incomparably more accurate. Also, the 0.001Ohm shunt arrived and I tried it at 1Hz. The results are even better that with the self-made resistors I used earlier. Also, my Keythley 2000 multimeter used in a 4-point mode recovered the Ohmic resistance of the shunt stated by the producer. This settles the calibration issue. So far so good. Now I'm waiting for the current probe to arrive to do the crucial experiment.
Thats a good news. Things are getting interesting.
Can you please post the data with shunt.
Here's the setup and the screen shot for the 1Hz experiment:
Here are the data in an Excel spreadsheet as well as the energy-time graph:
The above data are for the shunt resistor at its 0.001Ohm value, as stated by the manufacturer. No doubt the value of the real shunt resistance in the circuit used to derive current will differ slightly although I did my best to place the probe as close to the shunt terminals as possible. Also, I measured again the resistance of the primary coil using the four-point mode of the Keithley 2000 multimeter. Now, what we need to see is a replication of the above data when using a current probe. We'll see. That may even be today if the power supply of the probe has arrived with the supplier (as I said, I'm expecting the probe itself to arrive today.)
Looks like I have been missing a bit of work that has been going on here. First of all omnibus
I don't care if the transformer is OU. But you have set an example of how this community should operate. Professional experimentation and sharing without making a joke or puzzle game about it. We need many more posts like these. I see you are getting some slack but these people don't understand how much work is needed to even get this far. All you hear is their bullshit and no contribution. Either you contribute or you back off idiots!
Anyway keep up the good work man you have my respect however little that's worth.
Thanks a lot @broli. Your words mean a lot to me. It's good to see someone who understands and appreciates the importance of careful studies and openness.
I saw the data, these are my observations:
The current goes from -1.5A to 1A peak (slight offset)
Voltage goes from -9.6V to 9V (again some offset)
Now, at 1 Hz, there is no inductive effect, only resistive, so I'd expect it to follow ohm's law. The R is Rin+Rc = 63 ohms approx, and this gives a peak value of 9.6/63 = 0.15 A
So you see there can be some possible reasons-
- the coil is drawing 10x times current somehow, and not following ohm's law
- or your probe is set at 10x,
- or the scope is multiplying the current value by 10x internally
- or the Rc is actually 6.3 ohm (Btw, when you plug this value in excel, the Ein becomes exactly equal to Eout)
I'm only trying to eliminate errors here, not saying that there cannot be an anomaly. I'm hoping for OU to be there. So if you don't mind can you please double check the values and scope/probe settings. And also replace the coil with a simple resistor of value around 63(say 100 ohm) and capture the data again?
If it can show this behavior at 1 Hz, it will show it on 0 Hz (DC) also, so that can be one test.
Quote- the coil is drawing 10x times current somehow, and not following ohm's law
- or your probe is set at 10x,
- or the scope is multiplying the current value by 10x internally
- or the Rc is actually 6.3 ohm (Btw, when you plug this value in excel, the Ein becomes exactly equal to Eout)
First off, I wouldn't expect the coil to follow Ohm's law if the effect is real. I think we're in agreement on that.
Probes are set at 1X, I double checked.
On the side of the scope the probes are st to 1X also. I double checked that too.
Rcoil is measured with the Keithley 2000 in 4-point mode--the 63Ohm value is correct.
I did the simple resistance test and also did some soldering in the transformer test, having in mind the importance of Rin. The simple resistor test shows OU at 1Hz as well. Please, bear with me, because I'd like to repeat the transformer test before sending you the data.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 09, 2010, 02:21:05 PM
First off, I wouldn't expect the coil to follow Ohm's law if the effect is real. I think we're in agreement on that.
Probes are set at 1X, I double checked.
On the side of the scope the probes are st to 1X also. I double checked that too.
Rcoil is measured with the Keithley 2000 in 4-point mode--the 63Ohm value is correct.
I did the simple resistance test and also did some soldering in the transformer test, having in mind the importance of Rin. The simple resistor test shows OU at 1Hz as well. Please, bear with me, because I'd like to repeat the transformer test before sending you the data.
You forgot to multiply by 100 the result of what you got across your 0.001 resistor, its why you get 10 time more, Omega_0 was right.
There might have been loose connection in the previous data as well. Also, the transformer as well as the resistor are getting very hot so I have to disconnect them from the power and wait till they cool down before taking the data. So, here are the data for the transformer as well as for the resistor. It appears that the resistor behaves equally as well as an OU device as the transformer. I know how it sounds but I'm presenting the data the way I'm obtaining it. We'll see in the end what the truth is.
I just got the current probe. Now, what's holding me back is the 12V, 4.2A power supply. They say it'll take two to three weeks to get it. These power supplies are like gold, I was told. Can you believe it? Having all this equipment and a power supply holding you back. Incredible. I'm going out to see if I can't borrow it from some nearby university.
Redacted: No joy. Checked at two universities--at the physics department and at the electrical engineering department. No probes-- we already know that-- and no power supplies.
Quote from: IceStorm on June 09, 2010, 02:29:46 PM
You forgot to multiply by 100 the result of what you got across your 0.001 resistor, its why you get 10 time more, Omega_0 was right.
No, this was an error due to loose connection. See the latest spreadsheets.
Also, in the latest transformer spreadsheet there's another slight error. Use the value 63,5148Ohms instead of the 61.0425Ohms. The latter value is for the resistance of the resistor used instead of the transformer. That's inconsequential for the reality of the effect but has to be corrected nevertheless.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 09, 2010, 02:47:53 PM
There might have been loose connection in the previous data as well. Also, the transformer as well as the resistor are getting very hot so I have to disconnect them from the power and wait till they cool down before taking the data. So, here are the data for the transformer as well as for the resistor. It appears that the resistor behaves equally as well as an OU device as the transformer. I know how it sounds but I'm presenting the data the way I'm obtaining it. We'll see in the end what the truth is.
To once again quote a source from whom I have, from day one, believed he told the truth, said the following:
Steven Mark-"The very FIRST example I gave you was that;
It is common scientific knowledge that if you have a piece of wire and first run electricity through it you will have a small kick when first energized.
The kick is universally attributed to the earth's magnetic field.
WE are not talking about a coil or a transformer or anything developing a primary to secondary flux.
We are just talking about a straight piece of wire, some electrons and a method of measuring what comes out of it.
Some people just sit back and say, well that isn't very much power, we want to make much more.
In order to run you must walk first.
I told you that the simplest form of over unity is a piece of wire and a voltage source.
Anyone can actually connect it and measure.
See for yourself the kick. NO coil no xmrs, just a kick.
That should tell you learned gentleman that there exists a form of energy convertible and useable which is directly related to a simple piece of wire and instantaneous electron flow.."
In the data for 61 ohm resistor, the Vpeak is 8V and Ipeak is 0.75 (1A to 0.5A), which gives a resistance of 8/0.75 = 10 ohms
If the Resistor is really 61 ohms the peak current should not exceed 8/61 = 0.13 Amps
But the amazing thing is that your scope shows it touching 1 Amps on -ve side (10x more), I don't know the reason.
It would be good to check the peak current using a normal analog meter....
I see the boys fom Ireland are to rake in over 2 million Euros this year selling development licences. I hope everyone here is n their Xmas lis for you effos promoting them.
It is al ur hope something usefull will come of this.
i think hey owe ou all a big thank you for yu efforts and many others like you. It certainly will make for a great Xmas for them
Kind Regards
I also think that the power source being used is constant current type or something non-ordinary, because I'm not getting a constant V/I ratio is excel sheet.
The R is also varying sinusoidally. Thats strange.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 07, 2010, 12:37:35 PM
Like I said, impedance is irrelevant when Ohmic heating is calculated. For a given current it's only the Ohmic resistance that matters and that's frequency independent.
Any usefull work done by an electric generator to power a device, appears as a fictive resistance R// viewed from the generator, i.e here in parallel with the coil. R//*i² represents the energy that is consumed elsewhere in the circuit (in the core losses, or for doing work onto any external element coupled to the coil). "R primary is not a known value at every frequency", said Lumen, it is right but not enough. R// is missing in the circuittest.jpg scheme which is thus simply wrong.
Your mistake is to deal only with the coil ohmic resistance. It is irrelevant: you presume OU by ignoring the key element R// of the equivalent schematic and therefore you measure... OU! Pure tautology, not real world.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 10, 2010, 04:37:41 AM
Any usefull work done by an electric generator to power a device, appears as a fictive resistance R// viewed from the generator, i.e here in parallel with the coil. R//*i² represents the energy that is consumed elsewhere in the circuit (in the core losses, or for doing work onto any external element coupled to the coil). "R primary is not a known value at every frequency", said Lumen, it is right but not enough. R// is missing in the circuittest.jpg scheme which is thus simply wrong.
Your mistake is to deal only with the coil ohmic resistance. It is irrelevant: you presume OU by ignoring the key element R// of the equivalent schematic and therefore you measure... OU! Pure tautology, not real world.
This has already been clarified. Read for instance what @Omega_0 posted on the subject and try to understand it. This discussion is not in need of input by confused individuals.
All of this will become clear by using the current probe I got yesterday. I'm especially interested in the negative slope of the input energy in the case of the transformer which I'm not observing with the simple resistor. Will it be confirmed with the current probe? Simple resistor shows OU at low as well as at high frequencies but the slope of the input current is never negative. Also, to mention it as a detail, with the transformer, the form of the current signal gets distorted at frequencies around 50Hz, apparently due to the core. Not in the case of the simple resistor. Also, simple resistor exhibits no I-V phase shift up to kHz frequencies after which inductance kicks in--you see I lagging behind V. I'll keep looking for the current probe supply today and hope I can find it sooner than the end of the month, as the company it was purchased from is expecting it. It's really aggravating to be held back by a simple power supply, having everything else needed to answer these important questions at once.
I guess I can't do more at this point but to show you some more data similar to what I've already posted. Here are data taken at 0.1Hz and a simple resistor of about 10Ohm replacing the transformer. As you can see, the OU effect shows more than ever even at such a low frequency (it can be even lower).
Omnibus since you are waiting anyway. Can you go through different loads and plot the different slopes on the same graph. It might show the characteristic of this ou phenomena and give a relation between it and the load by making a cop vs load graph. Be it linear, quadratic, inverse square... Appreciate the work.
I wonder if it wouldn't be more prudent to wait and see all that when it becomes clear that we're dealing with a real phenomenon. Today I'll devote more efforts on finding the current probe power supply and I'll try to do some more work along the lines you're suggesting but we'll see how it goes.
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I suspect the scope. I suggest you use an analog meter to get the peak current just as a cross check.
1. Put the meter in same circuit in series with Rin. Compare peak current value on scope and on meter.
2. Connect the meter to signal generator and compare the peak voltage on both.
Quote from: powercat on June 10, 2010, 09:34:01 AM
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Quote from: Omnibus on June 10, 2010, 04:58:48 AM
This has already been clarified. Read for instance what @Omega_0 posted on the subject and try to understand it. This discussion is not in need of input by confused individuals.
All open and critical minds need such discussions, especially when under-qualified people pretend to hold the truth when they present only invasive rantings.
For the current, I think we should wait till I straighten out the power supply problem. The voltage measurement seems to be right. I'm measuring the 1Hz signal with my Keithley 2000, doubling the scope measurement, and it appears to reproduce what's on the scope screen.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 10, 2010, 10:12:13 AM
All open and critical minds need such discussions, especially when under-qualified people pretend to hold the truth when they present only invasive rantings.
No, distractions and sidetracking such as aggressive misunderstanding of the role the active component of the impedance plays is detrimental to such discussions.
Don't want to be a distractor or sidetracker, just want to show the facts from another test setup. My goal is not super accuracy, but just to show how this setup can produce correct results.
The first pic shows a stepdown transformer (120V to 6V) gone into a 1 Ohm resistor and a Radio Shack transformer with 51.1 Ohm primary. The resistor is wire wound, but the inductance is only 7 MH and would have insignificant inductive reaction. The transformer has an inductance of 1.413 H and has a huge induction reactance of 525 Ohms at 60 HZ. So this is a series RL circuit.
In the scope pictures the Vrms of the 1 Ohm resistor is shown in the middle column, second row. With a 1 Ohm resistor MV is equal to MA.
The first scope pic shows the voltage across the transformer primary(yellow Vrms = 6.55) and the voltage across the 1 Ohm resistor(blue Vrms = .00347) with the secondary open. Note the out of phase wave.
The second scope pic shows the voltage across the transformer primary (yellow Vrms = 6.44) and the voltage across the Ohm resistor (blue Vrms = .0533) with the secondary using low resistance. Note much larger amperage and very close to in phase wave.
I don't agree with Omnibus ignoring inductive reactance, but just to show that his results have a issue, I'll use the same technique with Rms values.
1: P = I^2 * Rt = .00347^2 * 52.1 = .000627 Watts
P = V * I = 6.55 * .00347 = .022729 Watts
2: P = I^2 * Rt = .0533^2 * 52.1 = .148 watts
P = V * I = 6.44 * .0533 = .34325 watts
So these results show that there is no OU and that as secondary output increase so does input wattage.
Regards, Larry
You are using average V and I to calculate P and are not integrating the product of the momentary V and I values, correct? If so, you're making a major mistake and until it is corrected any further discussion of your results is senseless.
Finally I was able to get my current probe working. How? Well, I brought the scope and the probe to one of the RadioShack locations and established that one of their 12V power supplies does the job. Finding a power supply caused a great deal of frustration but now it's behind and I was able to carry out some real measurements finally. You'll have to bear with me until I am able to post results. However, I'll mention at once that the preliminary tests I made confirm unequivocally the OU I reported in the region between 200 and 700 (and slightly beyond) kHz. The Hall effect based current probe will also resolve in a natural way and will disperse the confusion in some regarding the issue of inductive reactance and why only the real part of the impedance is to be used in calculating the losses (which is on top of it a conservative calculation since it doesn't take into account the hysteresis, eddy current etc. losses in the core). I'll emphasize again that the above applies to an unloaded transformer which means that we don't even need to have a transformer fro the OU effect to be observed. Things are now getting to be more exciting than ever.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 10, 2010, 07:36:41 PM
You are using average V and I to calculate P and are not integrating the product of the momentary V and I values, correct? If so, you're making a major mistake and until it is corrected any further discussion of your results is senseless.
LarryC is Right, for a perfect Sine wave you just need to convert it to DC equivalent , so Veff = (Vp * 0.707) give you the DC equivalent , since you only use resistive load, the current is in phase with the voltage so you get Ieff = (Ip * 0.707) , the end result is P = Veff * Ieffl.
AC source + 2 resistor = OU ? ;D
Best Regards,
Edit : LarryC specified to you that he was using RMS value so you dont do a integral to get the right value, RMS = ROOT MEAN SQUARE , the DC equivalent
Quote from: IceStorm on June 10, 2010, 08:00:57 PM
LarryC is Right, for a perfect Sine wave you just need to convert it to DC equivalent , so Veff = (Vp * 0.707) give you the DC equivalent , since you only use resistive load, the current is in phase with the voltage so you get Ieff = (Ip * 0.707) , the end result is P = Veff * Ieffl.
AC source + 2 resistor = OU ? ;D
Best Regards,
No, @LarryC is not right and he should know better when trying to carry out power measurements, especially when the reaction of the core inevitably changes the sine wave from being perfect, let alone if there is an offset.
Also, as I have shown OU effect isn't observed at all frequencies (this I'm confirming with the irrefutable Hall effect based current probe). So, there's more to be desired when one sets to debunk one's claims (the least that one should know is what part of the impedance is responsible for the losses).
Quote from: Omnibus on June 10, 2010, 07:33:53 AM
I guess I can't do more at this point but to show you some more data similar to what I've already posted. Here are data taken at 0.1Hz and a simple resistor of about 10Ohm replacing the transformer. As you can see, the OU effect shows more than ever even at such a low frequency (it can be even lower).
I was refering to this post , you removed the trafo and used a resistor, so Vrms * Irms = P but look at what you got as result lol
Quote from: IceStorm on June 10, 2010, 08:16:20 PM
I was refering to this post , you removed the trafo and used a resistor, so Vrms * Irms = P but look at what you got as result lol
So, what did I get as a result? What I got as a result when I did the measurements with a current probe is what I reported qualitatively earlier. The current probe results are of importance, as I've always insisted. The results with the shunt should be considered only preliminary.
Just for kicks is there a specific range of frequencies like I see in the pic 60.24 or is it just right around the standard 60ish mark???
I just don't wanna say that you are collecting from the grid wireless somehow like was the case and point of many of the arguments at this forum I'd like to know the values out of curiosity .... Is there a range off of this number which is proving useful as well outside of the magic number 60 of course?
I agree with omnibus, there's not even a debate when comparing integral values of experimental data to a theoretical perfect sine wave.
Now, with the current probe around I guess we'll be getting closer to the truth. No need to mention, that probe really gives a new perspective to the studies.
First, to put @LarryC's objection to rest, see what the current probe gives for 60Hz. That distortion of the current was observed before (shown some pages back) when using the shunt as well. It is obvious from that screenshot that one cannot use the average V and I to calculate P.
Now, back to the issues. There are two problems to be addressed at this point, as far as I can see:
First, the shunt issue. I did measurements at 400kHz first using the probe to determine the current and then using resistors of various resistances. Only the resistor of about 5Ohm resistance value gave results coinciding with the probe results. Resistances higher than 5Ohm cause the OU effect to go down while resistances less than 5Ohms ostensibly increases the effect (recall the crazy results with the 0.001Ohm shunt). Having in mind that it is the probe that proves the reality of the OU effect one wonders what may be the cause of that discrepancy when using shunts. One thing appears to be clear now--the adamant insistence by almost every professor of electrical engineering I spoke with, let alone others, that measuring current across shunts (by measuring the voltage ac the shunt and dividing it by the resistance of the shunt) is the way to go, turned out not to be the case and it has to be understood why (even at frequencies as low as 1Hz where inductance is out of the question).
Second important question to be answered is is the ~63Ohm resistance of the coil, which is measured at 0Hz, really ~63Ohm at 400kHz. There should be direct evidence that it is if one is to claim OU. This applies to Steorn's results too (moot as they are now, in light of the present findings) and that's the main point the critics should have raised instead of the ridiculous banter they are still filling the net with.
That nipple is a very good example of core saturation. I'm sure if cores were ideal and they didn't saturate, you would see no OU. It's funny that something considered to be a loss and avoided is truly the gain. Congrats omnibus, the fight has only begun now but you are well equipped to slay the dragon ;D . You are the only one I know on this forum with a hall scope current probe, and you have shown that the right equipment makes the difference between day and light in such experiment.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 11, 2010, 07:45:59 AM
One thing appears to be clear now--the adamant insistence by almost every professor of electrical engineering I spoke with, let alone others, that measuring current across shunts (by measuring the voltage ac the shunt and dividing it by the resistance of the shunt) is the way to go, turned out not to be the case and it has to be understood why (even at frequencies as low as 1Hz where inductance is out of the question).
@Omnibus: Outstanding work!
Intrinsic Inductance: Sometimes called internal inductance; this inductance is the result of changes in the magnetic field produced from the current in the wire itself.
It is not the result of magnetic field changes entering the wire from the surroundings. Essentially, the wire itself opposes changes to the current through it. Classical theory claims this relationship is linearly proportional to wire length and independent of wire thickness. Furthermore, simple experimentation teaches that intrinsic inductance, unlike the classically derived equation, is a function of wire thickness.
According to the classical understanding of inductance, if we construct two circular loops of wire, both with the same loop shape, but with different wire gauge, then both should have the same inductance. But this is not the case as demonstrated by the following experimental data which is found in the paper New Induction (ni.pdf).
48 inch Area (sq. in) 26 AWG wire 22 AWG wire
perimeter (Measured) (Measured)
Circle 183 2253nH 2055nH
Square 144 2144nH 1950nH
Since the thickness of wire does affect the intrinsic inductance, then the classical model for intrinsic inductance is incorrect. As you can see from the above, a thinner wire will have a higher inductance and a higher resistance than a thicker wire of the same length.
We need to test different gauge wires of the same length to see if there is a relationship to the OU effect between wire length, wire diameter, and resistance along with the frequency, and if there is, what would be the best ratio, etc. Then we will need to test different gauge wires with varying lengths of equal resistances along with the frequency. I think by performing these tests, then the OU effect can be understood and exploited to its fullest. I hope this can be helpful in some kind of way. Maybe a hollow copper wire is what we're looking for. LOL.
Quote from: A on June 10, 2010, 07:36:41 PM
You are using average V and I to calculate P and are not integrating the product of the momentary V and I values, correct? If so, you're making a major mistake and until it is corrected any further discussion of your results is senseless.
Really, major mistake???, so Rms values are not used in Power calculations, well only in Omni world.
From Electricity 1-7: The Rms values of an a-c voltage or current is the value that will cause the same amount of
heat to be produced in a circuit containing only resistance that would be caused by a d-c voltage or current of the same value.
I can collect momentary values in my scope and download to Excel, but it would be such a waste of time when Rms values can be used.
When you used a resistor only a-c circuit you still showed OU. How strange, the following is my test using a resistor only a-c circuit.
The first pic shows that the resistance across several carbon resistors is 49.5. Need to add the 1 Ohm amperage resistor, so 50.5 is total resistance.
The second pic shows that the Rms voltage is 6.59.
The third pic shows that Rms amperage is .130.
So with my test circuit, if P=I^2*R= .8534W and P=V*I = .8567W.
No OU with a correct test setup.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 11, 2010, 08:23:56 PM
Really, major mistake???, so Rms values are not used in Power calculations, well only in Omni world.
From Electricity 1-7: The Rms values of an a-c voltage or current is the value that will cause the same amount of heat to be produced in a circuit containing only resistance that would be caused by a d-c voltage or current of the same value.
I can collect momentary values in my scope and download to Excel, but it would be such a waste of time when Rms values can be used.
When you used a resistor only a-c circuit you still showed OU. How strange, the following is my test using a resistor only a-c circuit.
The first pic shows that the resistance across several carbon resistors is 49.5. Need to add the 1 Ohm amperage resistor, so 50.5 is total resistance.
The second pic shows that the Rms voltage is 6.59.
The third pic shows that Rms amperage is .130.
So with my test circuit, if P=I^2*R= .8534W and P=V*I = .8567W.
No OU with a correct test setup.
Regards, Larry
LarryC , Omni don't want to learn anything , he will say you are wrong even if you show to him 10000000 empirical proof wrote on million books saying you are right.Best thing we can do is letting him realize that by himself.
QuoteLarryC , Omni don't want to learn anything , he will say you are wrong even if you show to him 10000000 empirical proof wrote on million books saying you are right.Best thing we can do is letting him realize that by himself.
Not at all. As I showed @LarryC is wrong on this issue. If he shows correct measurements and analysis of these measurements I will be more than happy to comment on them and if they are serious I'll take them into consideration. So far arguments are wanting. I will post in a moment results with the current probe and some problems that have to be addressed (real problems, not problems due to confusion as in the recent attempts at debunking).
Here are some data taken with the current probe. As you can see these data are very similar qualitatively to the data I posted earlier when using the shunt. Understandably, these data are the more rigorous, however. We're moving closer and closer to the truth.
Now, from the discussions I had these days with experts all boiled down to the following far-fetched objection (which in some way was implied in @IceStorm's posts, although he probably didn't even realize it because he was emphasizing on some obviously confused proposition). One of my friends came up with the idea that Ohmic resistance may be frequency dependent. He couldn't cite references to back up that supposition but nevertheless he insisted that that may somehow be the case. The suggestion to solve that problem was to do what our own @Omega_0 was insisting on from the get go.
Instead, I carried out parallel measurements of the current using the resistor on the one hand and the probe on the other. First, I used a precision 1Ohm resistor (0.05% tolerance) which was unfortunately wound and, while the coincidence from 1Hz to up to 100kHz went very well (almost perfect), I was starting to see a phase shift and a slight change of amplitude from 100kHz on. Therefore, I resorted to 1Ohm, 10Ohm and 100Ohm metal-oxide RadioShack resistors (the 1Ohm were in fact 10 10Ohm resistors in parallel; I will order on Monday a precision un-wound resistor of 0.05% tolerance). The coincidence between what the probe showed as current and the current measured with the resistor was just perfect. What more can I say? No frequency dependence of the active resistance. Period. Curiously, the 0.001Ohm shunt I got the other day was showing parasitic inductance and that may be the reason for the funny results I reported couple of days back. So, we're all set--no frequency dependence of the active resistance (of course, no one of the experts ever questions what some here are trying to do, namely, that it is only the real part of the impedance, the active resistance that is, that is responsible for the losses in our case, where the core losses, which would contribute even more to the OU, are ignored).
Quote from: Omnibus on June 11, 2010, 10:32:30 PM
Now, from the discussions I had these days with experts all boiled down to the following far-fetched objection (which in some way was implied in @IceStorm's posts, although he probably didn't even realize it because he was emphasizing on some obviously confused proposition). One of my friends came up with the idea that Ohmic resistance may be frequency dependent. He couldn't cite references to back up that supposition but nevertheless he insisted that that may somehow be the case. The suggestion to solve that problem was to do what our own @Omega_0 was insisting on from the get go.
That is really getting funny, 'experts and far-fetched objection'. So if you and your friends keep at it you may come up with the following formula for an A-C inductive circuits, XL = 2Pi f L, where f is the frequency and L is the inductance and the XL results is in Ohms. Of course this is the previously well established formula for inductive reactance in an A-C inductance circuit. XL is used in the following formula I = E/XL. Can you guess what value of E has to be used, wait for it ............ Vrms.
Of course, it is more complicated than that as you are dealing with an A-C circuit with inductance and resistance. But I'll be glad to go over that later if you can accept the basics of inductive reactance.
Thanks, you have been right in most of your statements, but I have had much experience in the past with Omni world so it is not an issue.
Regards, Larry
@LarryC two things.
1) Are you paid to debunk? There's nothing rational and open minded about your posts anymore. For every argument you raise omnibus gives more than plenty back and now you are stuck in a repeating loop.
2) Why haven't you repeated omnibus's EXACT experiments before he got the current probe. Or is that not the reason you are here?
@Omnibus again keep up the good work.
The experiments are solid and the numbers are solid and you are extremely open and cooperative. I couldn't ask for more. Just keep it going and don't let a few idiots who aren't willing to at least see it through to the end with an open mind waist your time. OU or not you have got my respect.
Inductive reactance doesn't contribute to the losses when integrated over a full cycle. Read it in every standard book on electriciy and don't continue with this. Also, as @broli says, if you want to reproduce the results I'm presenting please do the experiments at the same conditions. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time.
I downloaded my resistor only test data and started setting up a spreadsheet. Wanted to see how you could possibly get OU with a resistor only circuit. Your error was obvious right away.
Attached picture is showing my spreadsheet and yours. The voltage on mine is in Col C, amperage is in Col D, and Watts in E. Notice the huge difference in watts in the 6.8 volt range. The problem is that you are dividing your amperage by .001 and it should be .01. The proof follows.
Given that I = V/R, then for my test using 6.8/50.5 is .134. My data shows .128, close enough.
Your test using 6.8/61.0425 is .111. Your data of .00096/.001 or .96 is impossible, it should be .098.
I'm hoping that even you can understand this problem and not have one of your usual dismissive fits.
Also, your amperage is bouncing all over the place, how can my much cheaper scope be more stable?
Edit: Your .001 Ohm shut may have been to low for the small amperage in this test. A .1 would be more appropriate.
' Inductive reactance doesn't contribute to the losses when integrated over a full cycle. Read it in every standard book on electricity'
??? I have 3 books and none of them state this fact, would you please take a picture of the page and list the book.
Thanks for the compliment, that you think I know enough that someone would pay me to waste my time trying to keep you idiots straight.
I can repeat Omni's experiment, but it may not be necessary if he gets his formulas correct.
'@Omnibus again keep up the good work.' Anybody with any common sense would have checked his formulas after getting OU out of a resistive circuit.
'For every argument you raise omnibus gives more than plenty back'
He does, but they are usually so ridicules that it not worth the trouble arguing.
Regards, Larry
Never mind the resistor-only OU. As was seen after I got the current probe the apparent OU I was observing with the resistor was due to problems with the resistors used to measure the current (even the industry-standard precision shunt showed inductance component). Please try to compare the integrated momentary I*V values with I^2R of a no-load transformer in the frequency range between 200kHz and 1.5MHz. As seen in the last figure I posted here (which confirms qualitatively what I posted earlier when using the shunt) that is the frequency region where OU is observed.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg244846#msg244846 A=1276385514
Never mind the resistor-only OU. As was seen after I got the current probe the apparent OU I was observing with the resistor was due to problems with the resistors used to measure the current (even the industry-standard precision shunt showed inductance component). Please try to compare the integrated momentary I*V values with I^2R of a no-load transformer in the frequency range between 200kHz and 1.5MHz. As seen in the last figure I posted here (which confirms qualitatively what I posted earlier when using the shunt) that is the frequency region where OU is observed.
Let's be a little more honest then that and not continue to mislead people about your other results. The resistor-only OU was only the tip of the iceberg that showed there was a problem. All of your OU graph were incorrect because for P, the amperage was being increased by a factor of 10 and then squared. I checked one of your other non-resistor excel.
I do agree that somehow you had some bouncing amperage values with the shunt, but I don't understand how anyone could get such results with a precision shunt. I know you stated that all the electrical professors and industry are wrong about using shunts, but that's just a totally unbelievable statement anywhere other than Omni world. Anyway it did not have near the distorted effect of the factor of 10 problem.
'(even the industry-standard precision shunt showed inductance component)'
Yes they do, but it is usually around 10nH or .00000001 Henry. Your transformers primary has around 1.5 Henry. So how could it possibly be a shunt inductance issue.
As far as testing 200kHz to 1.5MHz with a 60Hz core, I'll pass, but good luck with getting any worthy amperage out of that setup.
Regards, Larry
Solid State Orbo System - not so solid ;)
my latest motor based on ss . I'm very happy with result (very simple electric tiger) spinning and produce energy ... one more
I'm as honest in reporting my results as I can possibly be. Everyone can see that by looking back at what I posted. The fact of the matter is that using a shunt is the misleading approach. The Hall effect current probe proved that. All in all, however, aside from the problems with measuring current with shunts and some inadvertent errors which were pointed to me by @Omega_0 and some I found myself and retracted, the OU effect I was reporting is confirmed by the studies with the current probe. Now I can conclude that OU in electrical devices is confirmed experimentally beyond a doubt. I will post more results as soon as I get ready which will provide more details of that finding. It takes time, though, and you have to bear with me.
Polish motor
Better q
another setup
Quote from: Omnibus on June 14, 2010, 05:26:13 AM
the OU effect I was reporting is confirmed by the studies with the current probe.
It is not. Wrong methodology.
As I promised, I'm posting the results obtained with the current probe. First, the setup:
These two figures show the OU effect as a function of frequency. The cutoff frequency of 33MHz is arbitrary and is only chosen for convenience of presentation. As seen, up to frequencies around 190kHz all is as expected, no OU. At a wide range of frequencies the underunity seen is severe, one might say.Th OU effect kicks in at about 190kHz, goes through a peculiar maximum and ends at about 1.4MHz after which there's again severe underunity up until about 32MHz is reached. After 32MHz again OU kicks in, increasing until a sharp increase at frequencies around 41MHz. Notice now the reversal of the sign--the slope of the input energy-time dependence has become negative. This means that electric energy is being returned to the source. That, together with the excess heat makes the device a direct candidate of becoming a self-sustaining device. Of course, further studies are needed to verify this is a real effect and not just some kind of antenna picking up artifact, having in mind that all this occurs in the low band VHF region.
Here are also some data showing the reversal of the V-I phase sf As see in the first figure, the current is lagging bed the current, which is as expected for an inductive coil, up to frequencies around 9kHz. After 9kHz we see a reversal--now the current leads the voltage. This may speak of capacitance kicking in, as @lumen suggested in another context. One may further think, that at 9kHz the purported capacitance becomes equal to the inductance and conditions of resonans are established which may be the reason somehow for the OU effect. Resonance, however, cannot cause OU and rightfully so, as seen earlier, the OU effect pops up much further down the frequency scale--at around 190kHz.
It may also be interesting to show the peak to peak value of the current and voltage as a function of frequency. As is seen, a sharp drop in current is observed at low frequencies, the current decrease being what's expected with the increase of frequency. However, at frequencies around 100kHz an unexpected increase with frequency, at the beginning slow and then sharp, is observed where, as said, after 190kHz the OU effect starts to show up.
Have to go now but will continue in a bit.
Again a good job. You also raise a good point on radio waves, in itself that would seem strange as the fields are confined but to get rid of any doubts I suggest you put the setup in a tin foil covered box or something to make sure it's not influenced by MF AM radio waves.
I've tried it with a Faraday cage and it doesn't seem it's picking up anything extraneous. I'm concerned about it picking up something from the pulse generator itself and such. Like I said, more studies are needed in this region.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 09:56:25 AM
I've tried it with a Faraday cage and it doesn't seem it's picking up anything extraneous. I'm concerned about it picking up something from the pulse generator itself and such. Like I said, more studies are needed in this region.
Get a a large box from some mall and buy some aluminum foil while you're there. Completely cover it and put as much of the setup in it :P .
One weakness of the current studies is the fact that the Ohmic resistance R is not a subject of direct measurement but its value is assumed at any frequency to be what it is at 0Hz. Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure R on the fly, that is, while the experiment is running. However, the real (dissipative) component of the impedance is not known to be frequency dependent and if claims are put forth that it is, these claims have to be sustained by experimental evidence. In this respect, it may be mentioned that the comparison of the voltage drop across metal-oxide resistors (10 and 100Ohms) divided by their respective resistances showed no discrepancy with the measurements taken with the current probe at frequencies of up to at least 1MHz. This proves that at least the Ohmic resistance of an active resistor is not frequency dependent. Of course, one may object that coil with a core constitutes a different system and there may be a purported frequency dependence of R. However, as noted, such claim must be proved experimentally.
Another concern would be the eventual appearance of capacitance at higher frequencies, which would enable the current to flow along an alternative reactive path, bypassing the Ohmic resistance. Therefore the acceptance in this study that the dissipation is I^2R would be an overestimation. Against such supposition is the fact seen in the figure I already posted of the phase shift reversal, whereby the inversion of the phase shift, the current leading the voltage, which is an indication of capacitance action, is observed at frequencies as low as 9kHz which is far below the 190Hz where the overunity effect begins to appear. Also, as seen, overunity as a function of frequency goes through a maximum as the ostensible capacitance effect (the reverse phase shift of current versus voltage) decreases. All in all, proposals to explain away the observed effect by such mechanisms would only be acceptable provided that direct experimental evidence is presented and are not offered as just assumptions or surmises, as they would be at present. Therefore, as of this writing, no experimental evidence available for the frequency dependence of R or for current taking an alternative path but through the active resistance, accepting the state of the art approach, namely that I^2R is the power produced, as is done in the present study, seems the most plausible. In seeking independent ways to resolve the above issue conclusively one may propose applying calorimetry. Calorimetry will resolve the issue conclusively only in case the result turns out to be positive, that is, the measured heat is more than the input energy. A negative outcome from the calorimetry will not be conclusive because the possibility still would remain that the effect is at the expense of cooling of surroundings.
Quote from: broli on June 16, 2010, 09:59:09 AM
Get a a large box from some mall and buy some aluminum foil while you're there. Completely cover it and put as much of the setup in it :P .
That's exactly what I did yesterday (earlier I was putting it in a metal candy box). I got a metal trash bin from Walmart and a metal gauze from Lowe's to cover the top. Will repeat the experiment at those frequencies with that but maybe not today because I have some other things to take care of. In any event, I'll report, as usual, what I'm finding.
And, again, how are we to guarantee that even while in the Faraday cage it isn't picking up noise from its own wires and components?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 10:08:08 AM
Calorimetry will resolve the issue conclusively
Or closing the loop. I'm interested on how well this anomaly scales up. I'm sure you answered this but I couldn't find it, what type of transformer are you useing, sillicon steel laminates? And what is the turns ratio?
Quote from: broli on June 16, 2010, 10:14:01 AM
Or closing the loop. I'm interested on how well this anomaly scales up. I'm sure you answered this but I couldn't find it, what type of transformer are you useing, sillicon steel laminates? And what is the turns ratio?
I'm using a RadioShack 273-1380 audio transformer. Unfortunately, I don't have any more details about it but, boy, is it hard to disassemble it.
Now, about closing the loop, which would be the ultimate proof, all one needs is a trivial (for an electrical engineer to design and make) converter and possibly a superconducting wire. This is an interesting engineering problem to pursue and I hope some folks around here might be interested in pursuing it.
Omnibus has at least presented some better results at lower Hz, which totally contradict his early claims, but the higher frequency results are questionable and may only be artifacts. The majority of his statements are still only true in Omni world but not in the real world. Only a couple rebuttals follows:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 10:08:08 AM
One weakness of the current studies is the fact that the Ohmic resistance R is not a subject of direct measurement but its value is assumed at any frequency to be what it is at 0Hz. Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure R on the fly, that is, while the experiment is running.
Not true, that is why the formula for inductance reactance (XL) was developed, which changes with
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 10:08:08 AM
However, the real (dissipative) component of the impedance is not known to be frequency dependent and if claims are put forth that it is, these claims have to be sustained by experimental evidence.
Not true, the formula for impedance is Z = square root of R^2 + XL^2. XL has a
frequency factor in its formula.
I'm done with Omni world for a while, got other important things to do, does anybody else want to bang their head against the Omni truth barrier for a while?
Regards, Larry
Try silver wire. But I am not sure it will help what you are trying.
Here are the data in the interesting region between 40 and 42MHz redone with the setup in a Faraday cage:
Quote from: LarryC on June 16, 2010, 06:45:02 PM
Omnibus has at least presented some better results at lower Hz, which totally contradict his early claims, but the higher frequency results are questionable and may only be artifacts. The majority of his statements are still only true in Omni world but not in the real world. Only a couple rebuttals follows:
Not true, that is why the formula for inductance reactance (XL) was developed, which changes with frequency.
Not true, the formula for impedance is Z = square root of R^2 + XL^2. XL has a frequency factor in its formula.
I'm done with Omni world for a while, got other important things to do, does anybody else want to bang their head against the Omni truth barrier for a while?
Regards, Larry
On the contrary, dissipative (Ohmic) resistance is not known to be a function of frequency neither does R in Z = square root of R^2 + XL^2. XL. R is not frequency dependent. That's elementary.
Quote from: AB Hammer on June 16, 2010, 07:06:45 PM
Try silver wire. But I am not sure it will help what you are trying.
Unfortunately, silver isn't much better than copper:
In discussing the results I'm presenting there is a very limited choice of parameters one can juggle with. Only three, in fact--dissipative resistance (active resistance) R, inductance and capacitance. Because R isn't frequency dependent and inductance doesn't contribute to losses when integrated over a full cycle, the only remaining parameter to juggle with is capacitance. @gyulasun and @lumen were mentioning earlier that possibility and @gyulasun even gave some links to that effect. Now, the problem is that there should be direct experimental evidence for the capacitance developing at the studied frequencies for the coil I'm using. Such, however, is lacking and all that can be said are only conjectures and assumptions.
Therefore, I'm intending to address this issue directly by taking the transformer apart and measuring the capacitance of the coil without the core at the various frequencies. Thus, I'm open to suggestions as to how all this can be done.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg245381#msg245381 A=1276731272
On the contrary, dissipative (Ohmic) resistance is not known to be a function of frequency neither does R in Z = square root of R^2 + XL^2. XL. R is not frequency dependent. That's elementary.
R is not frequency dependent. That's elementary!!! Trying to mislead again. Please try to be honest for once, I didn't say anything about R and frequency.
You stated:
'However, the real (dissipative) component of the impedance is not known to be frequency dependent and if claims are put forth that it is, these claims have to be sustained by experimental evidence. '
My response:
' Not true, the formula for impedance is Z = square root of R^2 + XL^2. XL has a frequency factor in its formula.'
The formula for XL = 2 Pi f L, where f is frequency. How can you not understand that frequency is part of this XL formula and is part of the Impedance formula.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 07:53:30 PM
Therefore, I'm intending to address this issue directly by taking the transformer apart and measuring the capacitance of the coil without the core at the various frequencies. Thus, I'm open to suggestions as to how all this can be done.
If your transformer is of the typical EI lamination then it is simple to dismantle. Put the side of the E or I on a hard metal surface, then wack the other side lightly with a hammer. Continue to turn and wack until the enamel bonding starts to break loose. Then each E and I piece can be pulled out of the transformer until only the coil and bobbin is left.
Regards, Larry
QuoteI didn't say anything about R and frequency
I know and that's what you're missing. R is under discussion here. Recall, output power is I^2R. So, again, R is not frequency dependent.
QuoteHow can you not understand that frequency is part of this XL formula and is part of the Impedance formula.
Frequency may be part of the impedance formula but frequency is not part of the real term in this formula which is R. R is what is of interest here because, recall, output power is I^2R. The dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance R is not frequency dependent. Like I said, that's elementary.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 10:17:28 PM
I know and that's what you're missing. R is under discussion here. Recall, output power is I^2R. So, again, R is not frequency dependent.
Your confusion is due to the fact that R is not the value of the coil resistance alone. From the generator, components of R are also due to dynamical process such the work to align magnetic domains. These components of R viewed from the generator are not linear and are frequency dependant.
I got a simple question that probally most of the people are thinking.
Does this device do Overunity? yes or no?
please bring proof of it.
thanks for your time,
Keep the good work up.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 17, 2010, 03:06:50 AM
Your confusion is due to the fact that R is not the value of the coil resistance alone. From the generator, components of R are also due to dynamical process such the work to align magnetic domains. These components of R viewed from the generator are not linear and are frequency dependant.
Exnihiloest, you do have a valid hypothesis here. Some work is needed to align the domains and it will show up as increased intake from the power supply, so the I^2Rc will not reflect true power dissipated.
However, and you must be knowing this, the domains re-align automatically and release the energy (as CEMF), which again dissipates in Rc, so over time all energy, whether direct heating of Rc or domain movement, turns up as heat.
I think that this heat is mostly in I^2Rc, I don't know any better. If you know some research papers etc that study the energy transfer in coils, please point us to them. How much do you think the R of domain alignment is ? Is it much bigger than Rc or tiny ? Anyone knows ???
If the R_domain is in parallel with Rc, then we have real problem, if it appears in series then OU is underestimated and is no problem. I don't know which case holds true here.
I'm suggesting two ways to settle this -
1- Use an air coil (well that was obvious) and see if OU effect is still there.
2- Since the domain alignment is again dissipated as heat (domain friction+CEMF current flowing in Rc), we need to measure heat directly, which brings it back to a calorimeter.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 17, 2010, 03:06:50 AM
Your confusion is due to the fact that R is not the value of the coil resistance alone. From the generator, components of R are also due to dynamical process such the work to align magnetic domains. These components of R viewed from the generator are not linear and are frequency dependant.
No, you are the confused one. Why? Because you can produce no experimental evidence for your supposition. The problems lie elsewhere and I already spelled them out.
Can't agree more that the coil without core has to be the first thing to study. That's why we were discussing yesterday how to dismantle the transformer and pull the coil out. Will try that today. As for calorimetry, like I said, it's a tricky business. I talked already to two very reputable labs to have it done with their sensitive calorimeters but they declined. I will reiterate now, calorimetry will settle the issue conclusively only if the outcome is positive (that is, more heat than energy input). If negative, the question will still remain open because there will be no evidence that the effect isn't at the expense of cooling of the surroundings which is still a violation of thermodynamic laws. Thus, ways have to be sought to solve the problem by purely electrical measurements.
As I said above, the remaining parameter to juggle with (having no experimental evidence that dissipative resistance R is frequency dependent) is the capacitance. It was already pointed out by @lumen and @gyulasun that it can be an alternative mechanism to be considered. Indeed, at the studied frequencies the coil may develop capacitance which, as I already said, can provide an alternative route for the current passage which might be the reason for overestimation of the dissipative losses in the current studies. The presence of core makes it complicated to assess from the results presented what that capacitance contribution might be (had there been no core the results, as they are now, would've clearly shown that capacitance is no problem). So, first thing is to take the transformer apart and see what's going on in the air coil.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 16, 2010, 07:31:17 PM
Here are the data in the interesting region between 40 and 42MHz redone with the setup in a Faraday cage:
Thanks for the experiment. Is your vertical axis in percentage, because it seems a bit big for COP :p. But the results seem completely unfazed. Just to be really sure, I hope a radio stops working at this frequency range in that cage ;D .
The air coil can't disprove anything though. Either it shows the same exact OU (which I doubt) and makes the core just an amplifier? Or it doesn't and the OU is due to the use of the core. Either being some unknown core phenomena of domain shifting/saturation/resonance freq or other.
I don't want to stir attention away but this is a good example of not taking things for granted: (
At first sight it's not even a good transformer as the iron is first saturated. Then struck with a very precise frequency that causes some quantum magic to happen and release neutrons which transmutes the metal and can cause current flow in a "secondary".
I don't know whether omnibus is seeing this as this happens on all the harmonics of the frequency. But the French article speaks of 9 significant digit accuracy for copper, which is quite accurate.
Quote from: broli on June 17, 2010, 07:03:49 AM
The air coil can't disprove anything though. Either it shows the same exact OU (which I doubt) and makes the core just an amplifier? Or it doesn't and the OU is due to the use of the core. Either being some unknown core phenomena of domain shifting/saturation/resonance freq or other.
If the "OU effect" is present without the core, it will be even more interesting and even more doubtful. If there is no OU with air-core, we settle the measurement error debate for once and all.
So its worth doing. I have the data capture program ready for my USB scope and will be able to start experiment with a simple coil this weekend.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 17, 2010, 05:54:55 AM
As I said above, the remaining parameter to juggle with (having no experimental evidence that dissipative resistance R is frequency dependent) is the capacitance. It was already pointed out by @lumen and @gyulasun that it can be an alternative mechanism to be considered. Indeed, at the studied frequencies the coil may develop capacitance which, as I already said, can provide an alternative route for the current passage which might be the reason for overestimation of the dissipative losses in the current studies.
There is no way to isolate the capacitance from the coil, but there is a way to check its effect by adding a small but known capacitor in parallel. If the OU is unaffected, then it is purely due to other reasons.
On the other hand, if you see a big increase in OU after adding the cap, then we can suspect the coil parasitic capacitance to be a culprit. I guess you have done that, but its worth repeating with a current probe.
As for calorimetry, at this stage its not that necessary to get a high-end calorimeter. You have a high end thermometer which should be sufficient. I'm suggesting a simple experiment :
From the graph, at 41MHz there is 500 times energy (or is it 5 times ?), so the temperature should be 5 times at 41Mhz compared to that at 0Hz (DC), at an equal value of Ein = Vin*Iin*Time.
So simply measure the core temperature for a certain time and capture the data, once at 41MHz and second at DC. Say at the value of Ein=10, you get T1=1500K and T2=300K, you have a good case.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 17, 2010, 09:22:57 AM
If the "OU effect" is present without the core, it will be even more interesting and even more doubtful. If there is no OU with air-core, we settle the measurement error debate for once and all.
So its worth doing. I have the data capture program ready for my USB scope and will be able to start experiment with a simple coil this weekend.
I took out the core (thanks @LarryC) and now the OU effect is even slightly higher. Now I'm trying to unwind it an rewind it on another plastic and see what happens. Will try to answer also @broli's question about the number of turns. Tedious job. Will report as soon as I'm done.
I've tried that already (simple calorimetry). I've made a device and have written a program for my students to study heat of reaction, heat of solution etc. and I tried to use it for this purpose, to no avail. The heat released is too small for the device to detect it. Wonder if you're talking about the older results I reported which I corrected later. Now, corrected, for the kHz frequencies the maximum OU effect I got is around 1.9.
The y-axis shows times, not percent. It would be an amazing OU effect if it turns out to be real.
QuoteThere is no way to isolate the capacitance from the coil, but there is a way to check its effect by adding a small but known capacitor in parallel. If the OU is unaffected, then it is purely due to other reasons.
On the other hand, if you see a big increase in OU after adding the cap, then we can suspect the coil parasitic capacitance to be a culprit. I guess you have done that, but its worth repeating with a current probe.
Just checked it with a 0.0047uF in parallel. With capacitor the OU is 1.989. Without capacitor the OU is 1.997. Thanks for that suggestion. I think that's the crucial experiment to prove capacitance isn't an issue. Now I'll go on with the unwinding and will get back with results as soon as possible.
REDACTED: I have to correct the above because I had put the capacitance after the current probe. When I place the capacitance correctly so the current probe measures both the current through the coil and through the capacitor there is a clear increase in what appears as OU. This is to be expected, though, and I don't think it proves the OU is due to the parasitic capacitances in the coil until they themselves are measured. A telltale sign is that when rewinding the same primary coil wire on a separate spool (even with the primary wound underneath it) no OU is observed--the underunity is severe. Only when the transformer coil is used as is, even without the metal core, only then there is OU.
While you're at it let me propose some very boring experiments ;D . Since you're going to wind it around a pvc tube this gives you the perfect opportunity to try out different cores, from transformer to iron and perhaps even a copper tube, at different insertion distance and compare results. It's tedious because it's a lot of repetitive work.
The core didn't appear to make one bit of a difference. I got the same effect without the core. But now, get this, when I wound half of it on a different plastic and tried it it showed severe underunity. Now, first, let me mention that the secondary coil has about 70 turns while the one I just tried, wound around a different spool, yielded 470 turns. I'm winding now the second half of it and we'll see what happens (second part has 360 turns, so all in all we have about 830 turns in the primary).
Mind you this, the coil, intact but without the core, is made up of layers--primary coil being on top of the secondary. The secondary is made up of a much thicker wire. The primary coil, like I said, is made up of consecutive layers of the first part (green) and the reddish second part of the wire (the input of the transformer has a middle point). Probably the secondary coil is acting as a core and that brings about the effect. Let me do the second half and then we'll know better (also, will have to take apart another transformer to have the air core at hand).
OK, here's what I'm finding thus far. When I try the first part of the primary coil and wind it on a brand new spool I'm getting severe underunity. Severe underunity is observed when I add the second part of the primary coil to the first part. Now, having seen that I decided that somehow the presence of the secondary coil would make a difference. So I first wound that thicker wire, constituting the secondary coil, on the original spool, then isolated it with its original tape (had to pull it out of the trash) and then wound the second part of the primary coil around it. Severe underunity again. Now, what's going on? Wasn't there supposed to be capacitance and so on and so forth that would appear as OU? Obviously, the original air coil (which as I said shows OU even without the metal core) is wound in some special way which I couldn't discern entirely because wires are so tiny. Like I said, the first and the second part of the coil are wound in consecutive layers somehow. At one point I thought they were bifilar. That doesn't square with the fact that I'm observing current lagging behind voltage, typical for a regular air coil with inductance. So, there's something interesting here which is at play and is still escaping me. I'm tending more and more towards concluding that this is a real OU (my confidence being shaken earlier by the capacitance argument).
I forgot to ask to take pictures of the disassembly process. Is this an E core? Were all windings were around the center E finger? So if I'm right you removed the spool from the E core and then tested it and saw OU. Then unwound the wires and rewound it on the same spool and saw UU? Since these transformers are very cheap I recommend you buy a lot. And check a few of them to confirm it, and maybe other models too? Then work as a surgeon to find out just how they are wound :P .
Quote from: broli on June 17, 2010, 02:31:03 PM
I forgot to ask to take pictures of the disassembly process. Is this an E core? Were all windings were around the center E finger? So if I'm right you removed the spool from the E core and then tested it and saw OU. Then unwound the wires and rewound it on the same spool and saw UU? Since these transformers are very cheap I recommend you buy a lot. And check a few of them to confirm it, and maybe other models too? Then work as a surgeon to find out just how they are wound :P .
Yes, you've understood it correctly. It's an EI core and I removed it just the way @LarryC instructed. I tried to get more of these yesterday but all the RadioShacks in the whole Boston area are out of stock, I was told. Now I'm going out with the same mission--hope they've replenished their inventory. Too bad I'm not in New York right now. There are at least 6 RadioShacks' in the neighborhood. Will soon make a new report because I just took apart another one of the fast draining supply of the apparently most precious item RadioShack has.
Let me mention something before I go. I just tried the newly dismantled transformer (having it only as an air core) and, suddenly, I'm getting underunity--the voltage leading the current and so on. I look at the setup and what do I see, I've connected the black wire which is the midpoint. So, I promptly corrected that and we're back in business--current leading the voltage and the OU is 2.11. No metal core, mind you. Be back in a bit.
Sorry for stepping in without any feedback, I have been following your postings thought, but did not want to interfere due to different opinions.
I just want to check some of your remarks, which seem very essential to me.
You mentioned that you've got a COP > 1 when current is leading the voltage.
Are you saying that this is the essential condition to get OU in this setup?
Quote from: teslaalset on June 17, 2010, 03:56:15 PM
Sorry for stepping in without any feedback, I have been following your postings thought, but did not want to interfere due to different opinions.
I just want to check some of your remarks, which seem very essential to me.
You mentioned that you've got a COP > 1 when current is leading the voltage.
Are you saying that this is the essential condition to get OU in this setup?
This is a very good question. I thought so but if you look at the I-V phase shift vs. frequency diagram I posted yesterday you'll notice that the current starts leading the voltage at around 9kHz frequency which is much earlier than the frequency of 190kHz where the OU kicks in. Nevertheless, I think I leading V is one of the conditions for OU.
Here's another piece of info I'd like to share with you. I've shown for convenience the schematics of the transformer in question. So, OU is observed only when the signal from the pulse generator is applied to the Blue and the Green terminal. Applying power to the Black and Blue or the Black and Green terminal yields severe underunity. Wouldn't the Black-Blue or the Black-Green part of the primary coil also have capacitance, although less than the Blue-Green and, therefore, if the capacitance were responsible for the OU, observe OU when connecting to these terminals as well?
LarryC while I appreciate your wit I would like if we could get along without saying that onimbus is trying to "Mislead" people a lack of understanding does not mean that someones intentions are to mislead people I would hate to see this thread erupt into flamboyance and fall off if anything keep explaining why this don't work if it is your goal to teach be a teacher not an accuser .... Many lessons will be learned if we realize that not everyone is as far into the the knowledge of as others are I think that your corrections have a point but let use keep the arguments simple and professional no name calling or calling people out cause then the arguments you make start to lose merit for those who are not nearly as educated and they will indeed think you are suppressing rather then trying to aid.
Onimbus you may be right let LarryC's arguments drive you to proof of or not. Either way LarryC feels he is trying to mentor you so let him do it provide him with as many arguments you can and take his advice in stride but do not give up on the prize and proving the prize until you are sure you are infact incorrect a defeat here would be worth just as much as a win you will gain knowledge of OU or understand much more of how to prove it if you find it!
Lets touch gloves I want a nice clean match!
Quote from: Omnibus on June 17, 2010, 08:07:46 PM
Here's another piece of info I'd like to share with you. I've shown for convenience the schematics of the transformer in question. So, OU is observed only when the signal from the pulse generator is applied to the Blue and the Green terminal. Applying power to the Black and Blue or the Black and Green terminal yields severe underunity. Wouldn't the Black-Blue or the Black-Green part of the primary coil also have capacitance, although less than the Blue-Green and, therefore, if the capacitance were responsible for the OU, observe OU when connecting to these terminals as well?
If you have an L meter could you please measure the inductance between these points.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 17, 2010, 04:39:26 AM
Exnihiloest, you do have a valid hypothesis here. Some work is needed to align the domains and it will show up as increased intake from the power supply, so the I^2Rc will not reflect true power dissipated. However, and you must be knowing this, the domains re-align automatically and release the energy (as CEMF), which again dissipates in Rc, so over time all energy, whether direct heating of Rc or domain movement, turns up as heat.
I think that this heat is mostly in I^2Rc, I don't know any better. If you know some research papers etc that study the energy transfer in coils, please point us to them. How much do you think the R of domain alignment is ? Is it much bigger than Rc or tiny ? Anyone knows ???
Hi Omega_0
The magnetic domains align along the resultant of both the fields of the coil and the moving magnet.
Thus the impulse in the coil tends to align the magnetic domains against the direction that the moving magnet would impose.
At the start of the impulse, the moving magnet is at its closest position from the coil.
At the end of the pulse, the magnet has moved away.
Therefore more work is needed at the start (provided by the coil) than at the end (restored by the magnet).
The difference is not much but enough to run the motor. We must reckon that Steorn motor is using very low friction bearings, in order to be able to exploit such a tiny difference. This explains why almost all energy is wasted in heating and why it is difficult to distinguish the useful work (imho it can be less than 1%).
If the R_domain is in parallel with Rc, then we have real problem, if it appears in series then OU is underestimated and is no problem. I don't know which case holds true here.
Please see
It is the equivalent circuit of a real transformer. By just removing Rs/Xs and the secundary coil, we are left with an equivalent circuit of a real saturable inductor.
We can see Rc, the coil loss resistance. Attention: in this schematic, Rc is the coil loss resistance, NOT the coil resistance which is Rp. "Loss" means any energy
apparently wasted in the core when viewed from the generator, i.e. it includes also any possible useful work done onto the magnet through its coupling to the core.
We see that Rp+Rc is the resistance viewed from the generator. But Rc is dynamical, not linear and frequency dependant. It can't be measured with an ohmmeter. In cc, Rc is 0. With an ohmmeter, only Rp can be measured. With this schematic we clearly understand why it is vain to consider that only Rp, the pure resistance of the coil wire, would dissipate energy and why the measurement protocol is unable to prove OU.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 18, 2010, 03:30:15 AM
Hi Omega_0
Please see
It is the equivalent circuit of a real transformer. By just removing Rs/Xs and the secundary coil, we are left with an equivalent circuit of a real saturable inductor.
We can see Rc, the coil loss resistance. Attention: in this schematic, Rc is the coil loss resistance, NOT the coil resistance which is Rp. "Loss" means any energy apparently wasted in the core when viewed from the generator, i.e. it includes also any possible useful work done onto the magnet through its coupling to the core.
We see that Rp+Rc is the resistance viewed from the generator. But Rc is dynamical, not linear and frequency dependant. It can't be measured with an ohmmeter. In cc, Rc is 0. With an ohmmeter, only Rp can be measured. With this schematic we clearly understand why it is vain to consider that only Rp, the pure resistance of the coil wire, would dissipate energy and why the measurement protocol is unable to prove OU.
It has already been stated that any core losses taken into account will make it more OU. Omni even showed the OU effect without the core material, so your Rc arguments with the core holds no weight against the measurement protocol Omni has chosen.
Quote from: broli on June 18, 2010, 03:12:53 AM
If you have an L meter could you please measure the inductance between these points.
I would also like to know the inductance on the different points as Broli suggested. A few pages back, I posted information on intrinsic inductance and I think it may have a role,,
@broli and @gravityblock,
Unfortunately, I don't have an inductance meter. However, I don't think inductance is an issue since the integral of inductance over time for a full period is zero. The real issue here is the parasitic capacitance which has been proposed as a candidate mechanism to explain away the OU effect. It is a conjecture, there's no direct experimental proof that parasitic capacitance is the culprit but also there's no way to directly prove otherwise. Therefore, indirect ways are to be sought to exclude it as a possibility. We already have two experiments in that respect. The same wire the primary coil is made of is rewound over the same secondary coil and that yields strong underunity. That's the first one. The second one is the just discussed disappearance of the OU when one of the terminals is the midpoint (Black) terminal. It seems these two experiments should be experiencing parasitic capacitance of the same order as the original experiment and yet they show no OU. Now that the metal core is gone and the OU is still there in what remains from the original construction, I'd like to remove just the secondary coil and have only the primary the way it's wound in the factory and try it. Will have to see how to do it.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 06:35:57 AM
@broli and @gravityblock,
Unfortunately, I don't have an inductance meter. However, I don't think inductance is an issue since the integral of inductance over time for a full period is zero. The real issue here is the parasitic capacitance which has been proposed as a candidate mechanism to explain away the OU effect. It is a conjecture, there's no direct experimental proof that parasitic capacitance is the culprit but also there's no way to directly prove otherwise. Therefore, indirect ways are to be sought to exclude it as a possibility. We already have two experiments in that respect. The same wire the primary coil is made of is rewound over the same secondary coil and that yields strong underunity. That's the first one. The second one is the just discussed disappearance of the OU when one of the terminals is the midpoint (Black) terminal. It seems these two experiments should be experiencing parasitic capacitance of the same order as the original experiment and yet they show no OU. Now that the metal core is gone and the OU is still there in what remains from the original construction, I'd like to remove just the secondary coil and have only the primary the way it's wound in the factory and try it. Will have to see how to do it.
I really recommend an L meter. You are quite well equipped and this would be a dirt cheap addition.
And as gravityblock pointed out this anomaly might also a function of wire thickness and length. Skin effect, standing waves in wire, self capacitance...can all be contributing factors.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 06:35:57 AM
The real issue here is the parasitic capacitance which has been proposed as a candidate mechanism to explain away the OU effect. It is a conjecture, there's no direct experimental proof that parasitic capacitance is the culprit but also there's no way to directly prove otherwise.
This is exactly the reason why I made a remark about the leading current.
Regarding inductance meters: they are only useful when measuring air coils.
And even then it's just an indicated value, since the inductance is measured at only one specific (unknown) frequency.
If one uses metal cores, the indication is very unreliable due to the non linearity of the core materials.
Quote from: gravityblock on June 18, 2010, 04:44:10 AM
It has already been stated that any core losses taken into account will make it more OU.
Wrong statement. It would be true if only losses were measured.
Unfortunately in the measured losses there is a part which is useful work because the measurement protocol can't distinguish both (Rc is not accessible ref.
I was able to take out the secondary coil, tried it and now it's better than ever--2.6 overunity at 700kHz. I know @broli wants pictures but I'll describe it in words. First, I took apart the metal core the way @LarryC explained. Then I twisted, cut and pulled out the plastic spool to expose the inner side of the secondary coil, after which I gently separated one of the windings and carefully started pulling out from within that thicker secondary coil wire. We're down to bare bones now, the effect is greater than it was with the laminated core and with the secondary coil (if we think of it also as some sort of a core) and what remains is to see exactly how that magic primary coil is wound. @broli wants me to turn into a surgeon but we'll see if it would be possible. Question is--by removing all that aren't we decreasing the sources of the possible parasitic capacitances? If so, that seems contrary to the the capacitance theory because the OU increases.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 18, 2010, 06:52:26 AM
This is exactly the reason why I made a remark about the leading current.
Regarding inductance meters: they are only useful when measuring air coils.
And even then it's just an indicated value, since the inductance is measured at only one specific (unknown) frequency.
If one uses metal cores, the indication is very unreliable due to the non linearity of the core materials.
I agree but remember we have already removed the core and are dealing with an air coil. This specific air coil is yielding OU unlike any other air coil I've tried. Would be interesting to measure its capacitance at 700kHz. That would resolve the issue.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 08:00:38 AM
I was able to take out the secondary coil, tried it and now it's better than ever--2.6 overunity at 700kHz. I know @broli wants pictures but I'll describe it in words. First, I took apart the metal core the way @LarryC explained. Then I twisted, cut and pulled out the plastic spool to expose the inner side of the secondary coil, after which I gently separated one of the windings and carefully started pulling out from within that thicker secondary coil wire. We're down to bare bones now, the effect is greater than it was with the laminated core and with the secondary coil (if we think of it also as some sort of a core) and what remains is to see exactly how that magic primary coil is wound. @broli wants me to turn into a surgeon but we'll see if it would be possible. Question is--by removing all that aren't we decreasing the sources of the possible parasitic capacitances? If so, that seems contrary to the the capacitance theory because the OU increases.
So no more core and no more secondary. Now we're down to a single inductor?
@broli and @All,
Here are some screenshots taken with the magic air core, showing current leading the voltage (@teslaalset, in particular, will be interested to see that). One may consider the current leading the voltage as an indication of parasitic capacitance kicking in, however, the effect at 90kHz where that I-V phase shift effect is seen (it flips from 80 to 90kHz; at 80kHz current is still trailing) is dramatic underunity--0.01. The underunity is pronounced at 100kHz as well--0.07, despite the observed current leading voltage. OU kicks in at around 200kHz where it is 1.07 while at 700kHz it is already 2.65. This is an air coil, mind you.
Now, notice this, the phase shift (which one may think is due to capacitance kicking in) whereby current is leading the voltage decreases with frequency but the OU effect increases. Indeed:
90kHz 2.8us
100kHz 2.08us
200kHz 1.8us
700kHz 0.328us
If we follow the capacitance theory it should be the opposite--the I-V phase shift should increase, indicating greater capacitance leading to a greater apparent OU. It seems the above is one piece of experimental evidence that goes against the theory that parasitic capacitance is being developed at higher frequencies which acts as a shunt and therefore the current we're observed and attributing to Ohmic losses is overestimated.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 09:07:13 AM
Now, notice this, the phase shift (which one may think is due to capacitance kicking in) whereby current is leading the voltage decreases with frequency but the OU effect increases. Indeed:
90kHz 2.8us
100kHz 2.08us
200kHz 1.8us
700kHz 0.328us
If we follow the capacitance theory it should be the opposite--the I-V phase shift should increase, indicating greater capacitance leading to a greater apparent OU. It seems the above is one piece of experimental evidence that goes against the theory that parasitic capacitance is being developed at higher frequencies which acts as a shunt and therefore the current we're observed and attributing to Ohmic losses is overestimated.
You should be careful with expressing the shift in absolute time figures. As you increase frequency the period shortens and any phase shift will shorten too. It's best to express the shift in percentages or degrees. A phase shift 1 sec in a period of 10 sec becomes 0.1sec in a higher frequency with period 1s. Both have the same shift but their time scale have changed.
Quote from: broli on June 18, 2010, 09:14:24 AM
You should be careful with expressing the shift in absolute time figures. As you increase frequency the period shortens and any phase shift will shorten too. It's best to express the shift in percentages or degrees. A phase shift 1 sec in a period of 10 sec becomes 0.1sec in a higher frequency with period 1s. Both have the same shift but their time scale have changed.
That's true but, notice, I'm measuring the time difference with the cursors directly on the screen. I should have said that explicitly because the way I presented the pics it may seem that I estimated just roughly that deltat. The deltat measured is exact.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 09:53:12 AM
That's true but, notice, I'm measuring the time difference with the cursors directly on the screen. I should have said that explicitly because the way I presented the pics it may seem that I estimated just roughly that deltat. The deltat measured is exact.
Below you can see what I mean. The lower graph is just a higher frequency but it has the same angular shift, but if you measure the absolute time difference then it's smaller due to the higher frequency.
So it's more useful to calculate the angular shift using the equation in the image. To apply this on your data this would give:
90kHz : 90.72°
100kHz : 74.88°
200kHz : 129.6°
700kHz : 82.65°
Please take a look at the upper right corner of the screen. You'll see two columns there. At the bottom of the left column (the third number down) you'll see the exact value of deltat measured with the two cursors. It indeed appears visually the way you've presented it but measuring it with the cursors presents it in the actual scale along the x-axis. The numbers there in these two columns are the real values measured, using the actual scale.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 10:55:04 AM
Please take a look at the upper right corner of the screen. You'll see two columns there. At the bottom of the left column (the third number down) you'll see the exact value of deltat measured with the two cursors. It indeed appears visually the way you've presented it but measuring it with the cursors presents it in the actual scale along the x-axis. The numbers there in these two columns are the real values measured, using the actual scale.
Yes we are on the same page there. What I'm talking about is frequency scale. You need to compare angular shifts and not the the times since you are comparing different frequencies. However you use those measured times to calculate angular shift, I hope that makes sense. What interests me most is the angular shift of 130°. This is a clear indication of more energy being put into the system.
But the most correct measurement is the integral one where instantaneous values are integrated over a time period like your graphs.
My understanding is that the change in frequency is included in that time shift. In fact frequency is 1/T. When you say frequency in this case you mean how many times one full cycle is repeated per second. That's in Hz. So, if you want to know what the angle is then because the full cycle is 360 degrees then you'll have to calculate (360/Tfullperiod)*deltat where Tfullperiod is the peak to peak time measured on the screen (with cursors) and deltat is the observed here phase shift (also measured from the screen with the cursors) expressed in us. Of course, Tfullperiod has to be expressed in us too.
QuoteBut the most correct measurement is the integral one where instantaneous values are integrated over a time period like your graphs.
Correct. But that's exactly what's being done here.
This might sound stupid. But since the magic frequency is around 700kHz what would happen if you removed the whole signal gen and replaced it by one single capacitor that would oscillate with the system around that frequency. After an initial pulse wouldn't energy increase be seen as a linear (or exponential) voltage increase? 2.6 cop should be enough to overcome the minuscule losses of this "closed loop" no?
Quote from: broli on June 18, 2010, 11:31:33 AM
This might sound stupid. But since the magic frequency is around 700kHz what would happen if you removed the whole signal gen and replaced it by one single capacitor that would oscillate with the system around that frequency. After an initial pulse wouldn't energy increase be seen as a linear (or exponential) voltage increase? 2.6 cop should be enough to overcome the minuscule losses of this "closed loop" no?
This is not only not stupid but this is exactly what should be done at once. That would be the ultimate proof that we have OU. For this reason someone knowledgeable in designing and making converters should make one and we will probably have a self-sustaining device.
Of course, there's an intellectual challenge here to prove (or disprove) experimentally, using only electrical measurements, that the observed OU effect isn't an artifact due to parasitic capacitance.
There's a very simple way to determine if Orbo is OU.
Is Steorn's headquarters in Ireland powered by Orbo technology?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 18, 2010, 11:38:43 AM
This is not only not stupid but this is exactly what should be done at once. That would be the ultimate proof that we have OU. For this reason someone knowledgeable in designing and making converters should make one and we will probably have a self-sustaining device.
Hi Omnibus,
Very interesting detective work thus far. I am VERY interested in the "magic air core" primary. Therein seems to lie the magic. A picture or two of it in it's dissassembled state, as well as your "surgery" using perhaps powerful magnifying glasses, to see how this coil is wound. Also, what awg wire is it wound with?
I do like Broli's suggestion, as it cuts to the heart of the matter. 2.6 cop is sufficient to do something with, to make the OU self evident to all. How you proceed from here may very well be an important step, as you well know.
I thought of posting pics of the disassembled transformer but it all came out very messy and I thought I might postpone it. Will see what I can do tomorrow. Also, the surgical work still meets dead-end but I got a few more of these transformers today. I could also find 100pF caps and will post results with these in parallel with the coil. The capacitance issue is the most serious so far. As for @broli's suggestion, that indeed is the ultimate but a good electronic designer is needed to take care of the converter. There was someone with a handle @poynt99 in the village of the banned forum who modeled Steorn's scope traces with electronic elements. I wonder if you remember him. His traces came out of almost exactly the same shape as Steorn's. It would be great if he could help in this case but I'm not sure he reads this forum.
Quote from: happyfunball on June 18, 2010, 01:14:07 PM
There's a very simple way to determine if Orbo is OU.
Is Steorn's headquarters in Ireland powered by Orbo technology?
Maybe not yet but in the future? That is only the beginning.
And what progress do your experiments?
Here's a pic of the air coil. Will be posting more data in a bit.
Quote from: rensseak on June 19, 2010, 03:06:37 AM
Maybe not yet but in the future? That is only the beginning.
And what progress do your experiments?
They've supposedly had Orbo technology for at least seven years. Why isn't their headquarters powered by it?
Quote from: happyfunball on June 19, 2010, 09:02:02 AM
They've supposedly had Orbo technology for at least seven years. Why isn't their headquarters powered by it?
The view that Earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it was around a bit longer--about 2000 years. Why did we have to listen to Copernicus and his revolutionary heliocentric theory? Seven years. Are you kidding me?
Hi Omnibus,
Thank you for the picture. It appears to be 30 awg wire or so. Now, one more favor and please give me accurate dimmensions in mm. Height, circumference, diameter, thickness of sides.
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 19, 2010, 10:01:37 AM
Hi Omnibus,
Thank you for the picture. It appears to be 30 awg wire or so. Now, one more favor and please give me accurate dimmensions in mm. Height, circumference, diameter, thickness of sides.
Now, here's some further development which is even more interesting. I unwound one of the primary coils (recall the primary coil consists of two parts--reddish and yellowish wire) and wound it around a plastic spool I found lying around. The rewinding was done by having the two parts side by side and wind them as one on the spool. Then I connected the what appears to be bifilar and lo and behold, an even bigger OU effect. I'll post a picture but please bear with me since I was trying to finish and post an account on capacitance when this came about. Besides, there's not much to say about it, only the number of turns (425turns) maybe and that the wire is hair thin (you mention 30awg wire and if that's hair thin then it very well may be).
@omnibus, thanks again for your collaboration.
So if I'm not mistaken if you take the current and voltage, and multiplied these instantaneous values you should get a certain wave form indicating power. Now this waveform can be averaged over time. In excell this means adding up all these power values of a certain time period and dividing by the amount of values you added. In the case of an ideal capacitor or inductor the average power should be near 0W, for a resistor it would be some positive value, but in your case this integral should give a negative value. Can you please confirm this on the frequency with the highest cop. It's also probably best to only use a resistor at this frequency to compare its average value. I you like I can help with the visualization of the data. Thanks.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 19, 2010, 09:48:09 AM
The view that Earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it was around a bit longer--about 2000 years. Why did we have to listen to Copernicus and his revolutionary heliocentric theory? Seven years. Are you kidding me?
That's amazingly unrelated. They claim to have had OU technology for ~ 7 years. What possible justification can there be for Steorn not to be using Orbo to power their office? I know, they want to 'lease the technology'... It's absurd.
Here's a picture of the new air coil:
Quote from: happyfunball on June 19, 2010, 11:07:32 AM
That's amazingly unrelated. They claim to have had OU technology for ~ 7 years. What possible justification can there be for Steorn not to be using Orbo to power their office? I know, they want to 'lease the technology'... It's absurd.
Why didn't John von Neumann make the computers we use today when he was working on them in 1943 but was dragging his feet? Seven years after 1943 he was still dragging his feet and there were no computers in sight in offices and in kid's dorms? Why? It's absurd. He should've done it right away and not make people wait for it. What nerve.
How about Goddard. Did he go to the Moon with his rocket invention? No. Why? That's unfair.
I'd like to run this by you and hear what you think. It seems that settles the capacitance problem:
It has been suggested that parasitic capacitance in the coil might be the reason for the apparent OU reported here. The conjecture put forth is that when the device is powered at high frequencies the inherent capacitance C (which is inherent but is unintended, that is, parasitic for an inductive coil) starts to play a role, giving rise to non-dissipative capacitance current according to Ic = C dE/dt. If unaccounted for it may misleadingly be taken as part of the current which passes through the dissipative (Ohmic) resistance R of the coil. Thus, it was proposed that if one fails to recognize that the current I one measures, in fact consists of two components I = Ic + Ir of which only Ir; that is, the one passing through the active (dissipative, Ohmic) resistance, is responsible for the losses, then the output power I^2R will be overestimated.
The above hypothesis must be tested experimentally. For this reason, a capacitance of 100pF was connected parallel to the coil before the current probe measurement, as seen in the figure below.
This 100pF capacitance models a capacitance shunt mentioned above, increasing the current I measured by the current probe. For the purposes of this model that measured current I is taken to be entirely the dissipative current passing through the active resistance R of the coil and therefore the Joule heat produced is calculated as I^2R.
By falsely assuming, for the sake of argument, that the entire current I in the figure below thus measured causes Ohmic heating, one obtains the Pout = I^2R values, respectively Pout/Pin values for various frequencies, which are then plotted as a function of these frequencies (See below: Curve 1---OU effect measured in the absence of 100pF capacitance. Curve 2---Apparent OU effect with 100pF added and current probe measures current I consisting of Ir and Ic). As seen from that figure in order for the current in I^2R, constituting Pout, to cause almost doubling of the OU effect at the maximum, that current must be caused by increase of the parasitic capacitance of the coil by at least 100pF. Therefore, if that additional 100pF capacitance shown in the schematic diagram is removed the coil itself should still have a capacitance of at least 100pF in order to consider that the I in I^2R, used to obtain curve 1 in the figure below is overestimated.
However, measurement of the coil capacitance using a RadioShack digital multimeter cat.22-168A shows that is not the case---the capacitance of the coil, if any, is below the measurement limits of the instrument, that is, it is way below 100pF.
Maybe it should be mentioned again that the capacitance of an element is an intrinsic property of that element. It is a constant, denoted by C. Therefore, the change with frequency connected with capacitance C of that element is only reflected in the change of current I = C dE/dt which is due to dE/dt.
Another observation which one might think is connected with capacitance is the observed reversal of the current-voltage phase shift. While at frequencies below 90kHz the voltage trace is observed to lead the current trace, as is expected with an inductive coil, at frequencies above 90kHz the current trace starts to lead the voltage trace. This may be attributed to capacitance and the frequency around 90kHz, where no current-voltage phase shift is observed. Capacitance and inductance become equal, which is the condition for resonance.
It is seen from the presented figure, however, that introduction of 100pF into the circuit curve 2) has practically no effect on the current-voltage phase shift. This means that the observed phase shift has some other nature, other than being due to capacitance alone.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 19, 2010, 11:58:23 AM
I'd like to run this by you and hear what you think. It seems that settles the capacitance problem:
It has been suggested that parasitic capacitance in the coil might be the reason for the apparent OU reported here. The conjecture put forth is that when the device is powered at high frequencies the inherent capacitance C (which is inherent but is unintended, that is, parasitic for an inductive coil) starts to play a role, giving rise to non-dissipative capacitance current according to Ic = C dE/dt. If unaccounted for it may misleadingly be taken as part of the current which passes through the dissipative (Ohmic) resistance R of the coil. Thus, it was proposed that if one fails to recognize that the current I one measures, in fact consists of two components I = Ic + Ir of which only Ir; that is, the one passing through the active (dissipative, Ohmic) resistance, is responsible for the losses, then the output power I^2R will be overestimated.
The above hypothesis must be tested experimentally. For this reason, a capacitance of 100pF was connected parallel to the coil before the current probe measurement, as seen in the figure below.
This 100pF capacitance models a capacitance shunt mentioned above, increasing the current I measured by the current probe. For the purposes of this model that measured current I is taken to be entirely the dissipative current passing through the active resistance R of the coil and therefore the Joule heat produced is calculated as I^2R.
By falsely assuming, for the sake of argument, that the entire current I in the figure below thus measured causes Ohmic heating, one obtains the Pout = I^2R values, respectively Pout/Pin values for various frequencies, which are then plotted as a function of these frequencies (See below: Curve 1---OU effect measured in the absence of 100pF capacitance. Curve 2---Apparent OU effect with 100pF added and current probe measures current I consisting of Ir and Ic). As seen from that figure in order for the current in I^2R, constituting Pout, to cause almost doubling of the OU effect at the maximum, that current must be caused by increase of the parasitic capacitance of the coil by at least 100pF. Therefore, if that additional 100pF capacitance shown in the schematic diagram is removed the coil itself should still have a capacitance of at least 100pF in order to consider that the I in I^2R, used to obtain curve 1 in the figure below is overestimated.
However, measurement of the coil capacitance using a RadioShack digital multimeter cat.22-168A shows that is not the case---the capacitance of the coil, if any, is below the measurement limits of the instrument, that is, it is way below 100pF.
Maybe it should be mentioned again that the capacitance of an element is an intrinsic property of that element. It is a constant, denoted by C. Therefore, the change with frequency connected with capacitance C of that element is only reflected in the change of current I = C dE/dt which is due to dE/dt.
Another observation which one might think is connected with capacitance is the observed reversal of the current-voltage phase shift. While at frequencies below 90kHz the voltage trace is observed to lead the current trace, as is expected with an inductive coil, at frequencies above 90kHz the current trace starts to lead the voltage trace. This may be attributed to capacitance and the frequency around 90kHz, where no current-voltage phase shift is observed. Capacitance and inductance become equal, which is the condition for resonance.
It is seen from the presented figure, however, that introduction of 100pF into the circuit curve 2) has practically no effect on the current-voltage phase shift. This means that the observed phase shift has some other nature, other than being due to capacitance alone.
The parasitic capacitance is a lousy excuse if you measure voltage across, and current from the source. Even if it was there it shouldn't be a problem since it's behind the current probe. In classical terms everything behind the current probe is some impedance beast denoted by some phase shift. As long as you measure in front of this beast all is fine. I don't know why it's being discussed.
For instance in the below diagram there's a big mess after the probes. But it does not matter at all if you measure correctly. Their net result is some impedance with some phase shift. By multipluing instantaneous current and voltage and averaging power we get more information about this load. In your case it seems to be acting as an energy source.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 19, 2010, 11:27:22 AM
How about Goddard. Did he go to the Moon with his rocket invention? No. Why? That's unfair.
Lol. A trip to The Moon requires a bit more than a rocket. Steorn claims to have fully functional OU technology, on Earth. Why can't they power their office with an Orbo 7 years later? They can't do that but they can lease the data for a fee? Come on.
I have posted some update on my built and data from the new setup, which I'd like you to "peer review" for any mistakes. I'm a bit confused about when to take absolute values for power and when not to. I'm getting a trace similar to steorn when I keep the minus sign. Thread is here:
On the matter of air coil, the doubts about parasitic capacitance or eddy currents or any such things sucking up the current are now almost gone. I can't think of any reason why you are getting OU. Good job on reverse engineering the transformer, I guess the winding style is special for this one.
I see that for the air coil, the OU frequency has dropped to some Hz instead of MHz, so now I'm thinking of experimenting with PC based waveform generator, that's what I have at this time and it goes to max 25 kHz, and is ok for a try.
I will definitely take a look at the link but I'd like to say at once: don't mess with the signs of voltage and current, leave them as they are. Otherwise you'll start getting dissipation when there is none (say, from inductance).
Since the beginning I and others have tried to tell you that your basic formula's and methodology were wrong. But you had the mistaken belief that since no one complained about Stearn's use of these formula's, that you were right.
Stearn had a pulsed DC circuit which he insisted that the pulse had to be flat. Yes, it is okay to use those formula's for DC, pulsed DC, or AC resistive only circuits.
The page listed below is from electricity one-seven revised second edition page 4-35. It shows the formula's used to calculate the true power actually consumed in a series RL circuit, which is what you are testing.
Now, I and others don't want to hear one of your usual misleading statements and don't even bother trying to trash the book. Show the Page and list the book, showing that your formula's can be used for any circuit other then DC or AC resistive only.
Regards, Larry
Read very carefully the pages you have posted and try to understand what that standard text is trying to tell you. I can explain it to you but cannot understand it for you. Read carefully and think.
Quote from: LarryC on June 19, 2010, 06:32:34 PM
Since the beginning I and others have tried to tell you that your basic formula's and methodology were wrong. But you had the mistaken belief that since no one complained about Stearn's use of these formula's, that you were right.
Stearn had a pulsed DC circuit which he insisted that the pulse had to be flat. Yes, it is okay to use those formula's for DC, pulsed DC, or AC resistive only circuits.
The page listed below is from electricity one-seven revised second edition page 4-35. It shows the formula's used to calculate the true power actually consumed in a series RL circuit, which is what you are testing.
Now, I and others don't want to hear one of your usual misleading statements and don't even bother trying to trash the book. Show the Page and list the book, showing that your formula's can be used for any circuit other then DC or AC resistive only.
Regards, Larry
No offense Larry but that's stupid. You know that formula only counts for
PERFECT SINUSODIAL waves. What that formula does in theory, that is integrate the wave over time, is done in practice with the actual time stepped data. You cannot even begin to argue against that.
If more power is indeed being sent back it doesn't matter what the shape of the wave is. If you can integrate over some million values and show a strong negative power average the case is closed.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg245882#msg245882 A=1276987589
Read very carefully the pages you have posted and try to understand what that standard text is trying to tell you. I can explain it to you but cannot understand it for you. Read carefully and think.
So you decided to use a lame attempt at misdirection and not show the text proof. Please enlighten us with your explaination. If I don't understand I'm sure someone else here will.
And don't try to use where they stated Ptrue = I^2R, where R = Z cos angle. Your R is incorrectly using the coil resistance.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 19, 2010, 07:16:27 PM
So you decided to use a lame attempt at misdirection and not show the text proof. Please enlighten us with your explaination. If I don't understand I'm sure someone else here will.
And don't try to use where they stated Ptrue = I^2R, where R = Z cos angle. Your R is incorrectly the coil resistance.
Regards, Larry
Power is voltage times current. The load is irrelevant now. Those two quantities however give you an indication of what the load is like. If the wave is mostly above the zero line it's resistive, if it's centered on the zero line it's pure inductive...however if it's mostly below it, it's acting as a source thus pumping more energy back. By mostly I mean literally taking the average by using the raw data from the scope and not some fantasy of ideal sine waves. By using the raw current and voltage data the shape of the wave becomes IRRELEVANT. Omnibus got this probe for doing just that. Eliminating information of the load, which might be some crazy beast due to all the parasitic and ohmic crap. With the current probe you don't need to know anything about the load before hand. You just measure voltage from source and current from source. Take the raw data and integrate it which will give you a REAL average. If this average is positive, nothing special. If it's 0, means no losses. If it's negative means energy is pumped back.
You can choose to deny this if your ego is at stake. But it won't change the truth.
Quote from: LarryC on June 19, 2010, 07:16:27 PM
So you decided to use a lame attempt at misdirection and not show the text proof. Please enlighten us with your explaination. If I don't understand I'm sure someone else here will.
And don't try to use where they stated Ptrue = I^2R, where R = Z cos angle. Your R is incorrectly using the resistance.
Regards, Larry
No, I, of course, won't use "Ptrue = I^2R, where R = Z cos angle". Instead, I will use this and please read it carefully and try to understand it:
QuoteIn resistive circuits all of the power is dissipated by the load but if you recall what you learned from Volume 3 in an RL circuit only a portion of the input power is dissipated. The part delivered to the inductance is returned to the source each time each time the magnetic field around the inductance collapsews
Did you read that carefully, Larry? I guess not. So, I'll repeat it: in an RL circuit the power which is dissipated is only that due to the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance. that is, I^2R where R is the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance having nothing to do with inductance L. The part of the power delivered to the inductnce is not dissipated. Again -- the part of the power delivered to the inductance is not dissipated when integrating over a full cycle. Can this come across to you or you need more explanation? Here in the discussion at hand we are only concerned with the dissipated power. Only the power dissipated is the ouput power (the power delivered to the inductance is not dissipated and therefore is not of interest to us in this discussion). Therefore, because the only dissipated power is I^2R where R is the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance having nothing to do with inductance or L, that's what we calculate as output power in our case. Get it?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 19, 2010, 07:34:20 PM
Did you read that carefully, Larry? I guess not. So, I'll repeat it: in an RL circuit the power which is dissipated is only that due to the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance. that is, I^2R where R is the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance having nothing to do with inductance L. The part of the power delivered to the inductance is not dissipated. Again -- the part of the power delivered to the inductance is not dissipated when integrating over a full cycle. Can this come across to you or you need more explanation? Here in the discussion at hand we are only concerned with the dissipated power. Only the power dissipated is the output power (the power delivered to the inductance is not dissipated and therefore is not of interest to us in this discussion). Therefore, because the only dissipated power is I^2R where R is the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance having nothing to do with inductance or L, that's what we calculate as output power in our case. Get it?
Omnibus stated:
'Did you read that carefully, Larry? I guess not. So, I'll repeat it: in an RL circuit the power which is dissipated is only that due to the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance. that is, I^2R where R is the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance having nothing to do with inductance L.'
Larry states:Yes, I did read carefully, but somehow what you say you read is totally different from the page that I posted. Total disinformation. Where did you get that statement from, you must be delusional? Can anyone here find what Omnibus stated in my page listing?
I've included the page listed again below to shows the actual original statement: 'In an RL Circuit, only a portion of the input power is dissipated. The part delivered to the inductance is returned to the source each time the magnetic field around the inductance collapes.'
Regards, Larry
LarryC , I admire your patience but i still think its a waste of time, Omni want to stick to his view even if we know that's not the correct one. At the end he will come to the same conclusion , will just take more time.
Best Regards,
Quote from: LarryC on June 19, 2010, 08:18:35 PM
Omnibus stated:
'Did you read that carefully, Larry? I guess not. So, I'll repeat it: in an RL circuit the power which is dissipated is only that due to the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance. that is, I^2R where R is the dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistance having nothing to do with inductance L.'
Larry states:
Yes, I did read carefully, but somehow what you say you read is totally different from the page that I posted. Total disinformation. Where did you get that statement from, you must be delusional? Can anyone here find what Omnibus stated in my page listing?
I've included the page listed again below to shows the actual original statement: 'In an RL Circuit, only a portion of the input power is dissipated. The part delivered to the inductance is returned to the source each time the magnetic field around the inductance collapes.'
Regards, Larry
Of course. Do you understand what you just posted? Obviously not. Can't you understand that the power returned to the source is not dissipative power? Power delivered by the inductance and returned back to the source is not dissipative power. In this discussion we are only interested in dissipative power. Inductive power is not dissipative power. Only power delivered to the active resistance (dissipative resistance, Ohmic resistance) is dissipative power. Only power causing Joule heating (Ohmic heating) is dissipative power. Only the power delivered to the active resistance, not to the inductance brings about Joule heating. Get it? Read first the scanned pages and try to understand them before posting them here.
Hi Omnibus,
Thank you for the pictures of the primary, and of it rewound on your plastic bobbin. Please humour me and give me a diameter measurement in millimeters... Thank you!
That last coil is approx. 1.5cm in diameter and 1cm thick--425turns. I wonder what the awg of the wire is. You said 30awg which may be right. Will have to look around to see if I can order from somewhere similar or even thinner (if such exists at all). Also, you may try with the magnet wire from RadioShack. I'm playing right now with such. This is getting more and more interesting.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 19, 2010, 08:36:50 PM
Of course. Do you understand what you just posted? Obviously not. Can't you understand that the power returned to the source is not dissipative power? Power delivered by the inductance and returned back to the source is not dissipative power. In this discussion we are only interested in dissipative power. Inductive power is not dissipative power. Only power delivered to the active resistance (dissipative resistance, Ohmic resistance) is dissipative power. Only power causing Joule heating (Ohmic heating) is dissipative power. Only the power delivered to the active resistance, not to the inductance brings about Joule heating. Get it? Read first the scanned pages and try to understand them before posting them here.
Another delusional rant, but I'll answer some of your misleading questions.
Omnibus stated:
Can't you understand that the power returned to the source is not dissipative power?
I didn't state that, so show me the statement where the text states that power returned to the source is dissipative power?
Omnibus stated:
Power delivered by the inductance and returned back to the source is not dissipative power. Only power causing Joule heating (Ohmic heating) is dissipative power. Only the power delivered to the active resistance, not to the inductance brings about Joule heating.
Text stated:
In an RL circuit, only a portion of the input power is
dissipated(Ohmic heating). The part delivered to the inductance is returned to the
source each time the magnetic field around the inductance collapses.
The text agrees exactly to what you stated. So why is the text wrong? Is this another case where all the text books, electrical professors, and industry are wrong and Omnibus is right?
Now, as I asked earlier.
Show the Page and list the book, showing that your formula's can be used for any circuit other then DC or AC resistive only.
Regards, Larry
QuoteShow the Page and list the book, showing that your formula's can be used for any circuit other then DC or AC resistive only.
The page is right in front of you. You posted it twice. I said it, you don't get it, so I'll repeat it--only the active resistance is responsible for the losses. Inductance is not responsible for the losses. Even if there is inductance and the circuit is not DC or AC resistive only, even in such a case the only parameter responsible for the losses is the active (Ohmic) resistance. That is because over a full cycle the contribution of inductance to the losses is zero. You have to cut that out and to avoid cluttering this thread with your muddled thinking. Taking a course at a local college may help you straighten out some of your confusion.
Can you please share the data of your highest cop setup yet. Time, current and voltage columns are enough. Thanks.
Unfortunately, I took apart the coil that was giving the best result (didn't keep the data either) but I think this one is equally as good:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 20, 2010, 08:39:48 AM
Unfortunately, I took apart the coil that was giving the best result (didn't keep the data either) but I think this one is equally as good:
Thanks omnibus but I would like to ask one more favor. Can you make a reference test case without changing anything besides removing the coil and replacing it with a simple resistor that draws near the same amperage. This will tell me what's up and down so to speak.
Here are the data with 100Ohm metal-oxide resistor at 700kHz. As you can see, even in this case there's slight OU but I didn't report it because it may be considered within the error limits.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 20, 2010, 12:17:06 AM
The page is right in front of you. You posted it twice. I said it, you don't get it, so I'll repeat it--only the active resistance is responsible for the losses. Inductance is not responsible for the losses. Even if there is inductance and the circuit is not DC or AC resistive only, even in such a case the only parameter responsible for the losses is the active (Ohmic) resistance. That is because over a full cycle the contribution of inductance to the losses is zero. You have to cut that out and to avoid cluttering this thread with your muddled thinking. Taking a course at a local college may help you straighten out some of your confusion.
So you cannot produce any information to back up your incorrect use of your formula's.
Besides, you should quit focusing on the use of inductance in the true Power formula's. Your formula's lack of 'cos angle' is causing the major error. Your scope shot shows that your voltage is 90 degrees out of phase with the current. Cos of 90 is 0, so True power is zero for your 700Hz.
Your lastest plot with the 100 Ohm resistor is correct because voltage and current are in phase and it is an AC resistive only circuit. Steorn's V and I was in phase.
A simple example would be to plug in a small wall transformer but leave the output unpluged(V & I out of Phase or Omnibus OU). Hardly any heat will be produced. Plug in the output(V & I in phase) and the heat will increase dramatically.
Your calorimetric test would easily show your error, but you are allready trying to mislead by saying that poor results would not mean anything.
Omnibus stated:
'Taking a course at a local college may help you straighten out some of your confusion.'
LOL, they teach exactly what is stated on my shown page.
Regards, Larry
There is no phase shift between the momentary current and voltage values. I said momentary. Further, even if there is an inductance contribution in the measured momentary voltage it will be negated when the momentary powers are integrated over a full cycle. This you don't understand and refuse to come to terms with although I repeated it already several times. It follows from the text you're showing me but you don't get it. Again, read the very text you yourself cited and try to understand what the meaning of it is. Why should I give you more reference since you have already shown one? Notice carefully how I'm calculating the power and don't continue with this silliness.
The phase shift seen above in the coil exhibiting OU, whereby voltage trails the current, is indicative of capacitance load. However, the coil has no measurable capacitance above 100pF. I have already shown experimental data which proves that in order for the observed effect to be due to capacitance the coil must have at least 100pF capacitance ( Therefore, the observed current (leading to OU) cannot be due to a current through a capacitive shunt. The contribution of the inductance to the losses (the output) is zero, since power due to capacitance, integrated over a full period is zero, as I explained earlier. The active resistance is frequency independent. Therefore, the observed current-voltage shift causing OU (there are regions where voltage also trails current but no OU is observed there) is real and non-trivial.
Quote from: IceStorm on June 19, 2010, 08:30:20 PM
LarryC , I admire your patience but i still think its a waste of time, he wants to stick to his view even if we know that's not the correct one. At the end he will come to the same conclusion , will just take more time.
Thanks, but I don't expect Omnibus to admit he's wrong even after he understands.
In the pass he didn't have any equipment and no testing that I've seen. He usually made a statement like 'It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that this (insert thread device) is OU'. But, no matter how many people asked for proof, he could show no proof and never admit that he was wrong.
Now he has access to University level equipment, large University blackboard, and a University quality test stand as can be seen on page 215, #3220. Did he inherit a University?
His ability to mislead others, has gone up a 100 fold. So it may be worth the trouble to insert a little truth.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 20, 2010, 11:43:49 AM
Thanks, but I don't expect Omnibus to admit he's wrong even after he understands.
In the pass he didn't have any equipment and no testing that I've seen. He usually made a statement like 'It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that this (insert thread device) is OU'. But, no matter how many people asked for proof, he could show no proof and never admit that he was wrong.
Now he has access to University level equipment, large University blackboard, and a University quality test stand as can be seen on page 215, #3220. Did he inherit a University?
His ability to mislead others, has gone up a 100 fold. So it may be worth the trouble to insert a little truth.
Regards, Larry
Cut out the insults at once. You're wrong, as I've already explained, and that doesn't allow you to insult people. You can't win an argument by insulting people. Educate yourself first and then you may find out how embarrassed you'll feel.
The funniest thing is that you don't realize that if I consider the cos(Phi) factor the OU effect I'm reporting will be way higher.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 20, 2010, 11:48:43 AM
The funniest thing is that you don't realize that if I consider the cos(Phi) factor the OU effect I'm reporting will be way higher.
Okay, lets use your 700kHz with cursors as an example. I'll just use your R as I don't know what value is Z. The phase angle is close to 90, so I'll use 88 as cos(90) is zero and that would make all answers 0.
True power at cursor b = 17 V * .002 A * cos(88) b = .002^2 * 63 Ohms * cos(88)
b = 17 * .002 * .034899 b = .000004 * 63 * .034899
b = .001187 b = .000009
Omni power at cursor b = 17 V * .002 b= .002^2 * 63
b = .034 b= .000252
You're welcome to show any other example, but since the cosine of all angles from 1 to 90 will be less than one, then True power answers will always be less than Omni power except at angle 0.
Regards, Larry
That's not only an incorrect way to calculate power but it makes the OU much higher than the OU I reported. It's for you to find out why. Let this homework teach you something so that you can get out of this silliness.
Hi Omnibus,
Why not just increase the input power, at the frequency that shows the greatest OverUnity and then Rectify and Smooth the DC output for measurement. This will (should) stop all of the arguments and show that either there is or there is not OU. You may already have more than enough voltage to rectify it even now.
Keep up the good fight,
Quote from: A link=topic=8411.msg246043#msg246043 A=1277074577
That's not only an incorrect way to calculate power but it makes the OU much A than the OU I reported.
Not true, that is a total lie.
Lets keep in mind that you first stated this: 'The funniest thing is that you don't realize that if I consider the cos(Phi) factor the OU effect I'm reporting will be way higher.'
The math I showed using cos(Phi) factor in my previous post proved that you are wrong, your OU is
not higher with the True power formula(from the displayed text). In both cases True power is less than Omni power(from your excel formula's):
'True power at cursor b = 17 V * .002 A * cos(88) b = .002^2 * 63 Ohms * cos (88)
b = 17 * .002 * .034899 b = .000004 * 63 * .034899
b = .001187 b = .000009
Omni power at cursor b = 17 V * .002 b= .002^2 * 63
b = .034 b= .000252'
Isn't .001187 < than .034 and .000009 < than .000252 in Omni world?
But as usual, as you have done many times in the past, instead of being man enough to admit that you are wrong or show the math that is being presented is wrong, you decide to just state another lie.
It seems you have the delusional belief that just because you state an incorrect fact that people will believe you and you don't have to show any proof.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg246043#msg246043 A=1277074577
'It's for you to find out why. Let this homework teach you something so that you can get out of this silliness.'
Homework for me? You did not even realize that the Cos of 1 to 90 angle, which is all less than one, would reduce the OU.
Regards, Larry
Where's my Omni Power? I want my Omni power, and I want it right now!
Interesting Tidbits #1, Omni Power was named after Ominbus in the forum by LarryC. When you here Omni power today, it is in reference to OU, which means there is more output returned than the input power applied, as defined by the new equation for power measurments that Ominibus shook the scientific foundation and shattered presently acceptable known theories which will re-write physics as it is currently understood.
Interesting Tidbits #2, There is Omni Power (OU) everywhere!
Just trying to add a little humor and to encourage the continuation of this research. I apologize in advance if this post offends anyone. It's all about research, observing, analyzing, understanding, and questioning everything.
Nothing wrong with having a good heated debate.
Quote from: gravityblock on June 21, 2010, 02:57:51 AM
There is Omni Power (OU) everywhere!
Everywhere, like God.
The question remains: where can we plug God to power our houses?
I apologize in advance if this post offends anyone. :)
Quote[ author=LarryC link=topic=8411.msg246066#msg246066 date=1277089598]
Not true, that is a total lie.
Lets keep in mind that you first stated this: 'The funniest thing is that you don't realize that if I consider the cos(Phi) factor the OU effect I'm reporting will be way higher.'
The math I showed using cos(Phi) factor in my previous post proved that you are wrong, your OU is not higher with the True power formula(from the displayed text). In both cases True power is less than Omni power(from your excel formula's):
'True power at cursor b = 17 V * .002 A * cos(88) b = .002^2 * 63 Ohms * cos (88)
b = 17 * .002 * .034899 b = .000004 * 63 * .034899
b = .001187 b = .000009
Omni power at cursor b = 17 V * .002 b= .002^2 * 63
b = .034 b= .000252'
Isn't .001187 < than .034 and .000009 < than .000252 in Omni world?
But as usual, as you have done many times in the past, instead of being man enough to admit that you are wrong or show the math that is being presented is wrong, you decide to just state another lie.
It seems you have the delusional belief that just because you state an incorrect fact that people will believe you and you don't have to show any proof.
Homework for me? You did not even realize that the Cos of 1 to 90 angle, which is all less than one, would reduce the OU.
Regards, Larry
You'd do better to find some way to straighten out your confusion before continuing to clog this discussion with gibberish. Your calculations are wrong, I explained why and continuing to insist on them will not make them right.
Oke omnibus I've used your data to graph instantaneous power of the supply and power being dissipated from the resistor which I took to be 63 ohms, correct me if I'm wrong on that one. Using this cop becomes around 15.
But I have to retract my previous comment on parasitic capacitance. Because this graph assumes that indeed the measured current is actually going through the resistor. The problem is how can we be absolutely sure about this. There are really two methods, one is a calorimetry test, which is not the most straightforward. And the other is to resort back to a non inductive resistor in front of the coil of about equal resistive value. If we assume that power will be divided we can only measure the current and then calculate power dissipated by this shunt. Since we're dealing with such high cops the power dissipated by the shunt alone should still be higher from what the supply has given.
Edit: Have re graphed the data with the correct resistance value posted below of. Now the average ratings are in line with the slope graphs from omnibus. Have also scaled the y axis up a bit to see the averages better.
I think this answers the capacitance problem:
Also, the active resistance of the coil is 11.4126Ohms while the resistance of the metal-oxide resistor is 99.7475Ohms.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 21, 2010, 06:20:11 AM
Also, the active resistance of the coil is 11.4126Ohms while the resistance of the metal-oxide resistor is 99.7475Ohms.
Have edited my post with correct data.
If indeed the current goes through the coil then this excess energy is all lost as heat. In other words the presence of the resistor causes this OU. If for instance the resistance was extremely low without changing the other parameters, would OU increase, decrease or stay the same. And in all 3 cases would the average power from the supply go negative? Because now it's hard to tell whether its average is loss or gain. Basically I'm saying how can we change this energy from joule heating to for instance a perpetual LC oscillator.
Please bear with me. I'm working towards answering this question. May take me some time so if I don't post here for a while you should know I'm working on this problem.
Quote from: gravityblock on June 21, 2010, 02:57:51 AM
Where's my Omni Power? I want my Omni power, and I want it right now!
Interesting Tidbits #1, Omni Power was named after Ominbus in the forum by LarryC. When you here Omni power today, it is in reference to OU, which means there is more output returned than the input power applied, as defined by the new equation for power measurments that Ominibus shook the scientific foundation and shattered presently acceptable known theories which will re-write physics as it is currently understood.
Interesting Tidbits #2, There is Omni Power (OU) everywhere!
Just trying to add a little humor and to encourage the continuation of this research. I apologize in advance if this post offends anyone. It's all about research, observing, analyzing, understanding, and questioning everything.
Nothing wrong with having a good heated debate.
LOL, excellent, thanks GB I needed that.
The only way to get power out of Don Quixote's device is thru mutual induction, but then all Omni power would disappear.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 21, 2010, 09:17:56 AM
LOL, excellent, thanks GB I needed that.
The only way to get power out of Don Quixote's device is thru mutual induction, but then all Omni power would disappear.
Regards, Larry
Slightly funny but you have to work more to achieve you goal of becoming a good comedian. Same as your attempts to calculate power correctly.
Quote from: A on June 21, 2010, 09:55:12 AM
Slightly funny but you have to work more to achieve you goal of becoming a good comedian. Same as your attempts to calculate power correctly.
Another lie. My goal is not to be a comedian. It is to find OU.
But I wanted to warn you, that the ignorant physicist at the highly regarded Hyperphysics website are spreading anti-Omni power calculations.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 21, 2010, 07:02:46 PM
Another lie. My goal is not to be a comedian. It is to find OU.
But I wanted to warn you, that the ignorant physicist at the highly regarded Hyperphysics website are spreading anti-Omni power calculations.
Regards, Larry
If after that he still denied the fact that he is wrong i really dont know what you can do more to wake him up.
Best Regards,
Quote from: IceStorm on June 21, 2010, 07:43:01 PM
If after that he still denied the fact that he is wrong i really dont know what you can do more to wake him up.
Best Regards,
Trying to prove that someone is lying by random multiplication by arbitrary factors, as @LarryC is doing is nothing but comical. That's a performance of a bad comedian, though. If he's interested in proving OU he should get some education first and not disturb threads with legitimate discussions by imposing his confusion.
Quote from: LarryC on June 21, 2010, 07:02:46 PM
Another lie. My goal is not to be a comedian. It is to find OU.
But I wanted to warn you, that the ignorant physicist at the highly regarded Hyperphysics website are spreading anti-Omni power calculations.
Regards, Larry
If you really want to find OU you swhould first educate yourself. It's OK to cite hyperphysics as long as you understand what is explains. For instance, you should know better than insisting that it proves your point when you read that what's discussed there are the effective values of voltage and current. I am not using the effective values of the voltage and current in my calculations.
Thus, you are the liar. I've never said that hyperphysics is wrong. What I said is that you're wrong and don't understand what hyperphysics teaches you. What's even worse, you're trying to impose your confusion with the matter on everybody else here, which is reprehensible.
@Omnibus: would it be reasonable to assume that if a controlled test on dc was performed of same average power calculated through the resistive part that this would yield the same temperature from a temperature probe? Since cop is rather high either temperature remains in the same ball park or is as much as 3 times lower.
Of all I'm seeing I have no reason to believe temperature rise is any different than it would be as expected from the first Joule's law. In other words, if we have current I passing through resistance R the heat generated per unit time would be I^2R which will give rise to a certain temperature. Like I said, however, I'm working on some developments right now and will get back to you as soon as I get more results. I'm keeping an eye on the forum but will get more technical when I get ready.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 22, 2010, 08:05:34 AM
Of all I'm seeing I have no reason to believe temperature rise is any different than it would be as expected from the first Joule's law. In other words, if we have current I passing through resistance R the heat generated per unit time would be I^2R which will give rise to a certain temperature. Like I said, however, I'm working on some developments right now and will get back to you as soon as I get more results. I'm keeping an eye on the forum but will get more technical when I get ready.
Oke I'll back off for a while so you can do your thing in peace.
In your graph shown below where half the time the Voltage is + and the current is - or vice versa. According to your excel you just ABS the formula to show an increase in power in your graphs.
So you know how to always get an increase in power out of this situation. Amazing, do you realize that you will get the Nobel prize for extracting power in this situation, in which nobody has ever done.
I know you going to say I don't understand Omni power and need education, but please educate me.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 22, 2010, 06:35:09 PM
In your graph shown below where half the time the Voltage is + and the current is - or vice versa. According to your excel you just ABS the formula to show an increase in power in your graphs.
So you know how to always get an increase in power out of this situation. Amazing, do you realize that you will get the Nobel prize for extracting power in this situation, in which nobody has ever done.
I know you going to say I don't understand Omni power and need education, but please educate me.
Regards, Larry
You have understood it wrong. I never take the absolute values of current and voltage.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 22, 2010, 08:28:59 PM
You have understood it wrong. I never take the absolute values of current and voltage.
So the formula (fx) as shown below for Ein,h (also for Eout,J (not shown)) from your excel dataset does not have an ABS function. Please help me with my confusion.
Regards, Larry
You're indeed confused. Notice carefully that that the ABS function does not apply to the current or the voltage. It applies to the time so that the time interval is always positive in case there is offset on the x-axis scale (in most cases there's no offset on the x-axis scale).
LarryC your arguments are getting really sad. The calculations are all correct the only question that is left is does current pass resistance or not and for that you either replicate it with the same numbers and do your own heat measuring, or you shut up and let the people that are willing to do it progress.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 23, 2010, 07:46:44 AM
You're indeed confused. Notice carefully that that the ABS function does not apply to the current or the voltage. It applies to the time so that the time interval is always positive in case there is offset on the x-axis scale (in most cases there's no offset on the x-axis scale).
You're right, I mismatched a semicolon.
Checked and the 1HZ 61 ohm data does not have the V and C different sign issue, no inductance.
Could you send your excel data for the 700Hz scope shot.
I would still like to understand how the power is increasing, when half the time according to the scope shot, V and C have different signs.
Regards, Larry
I just took these data with the primary coil, bare bones--no core, no secondary coil. The trace you see is a result of averaging of 16 traces taken at 1s interval.
Quote from: A link=topic=8411.msg246369#msg246369 A=1277311109
I just took these data with the primary coil, bare bones--no core, no secondary coil. The trace you see is a result of averaging of 16 traces taken at 1s interval.
Thanks for the data. I do admit that you are being very open with your output.
But I found an issue with your use of I^2. The value is always positive due to ^2. While V * I is negative if either one of the values are negative.
It should be ((I^2) * sign (I)) to be compatible with V * I.
Edit: I don't think it will correct the whole issue because of the following
I * V I^2 * sign
-5*5 =-25 -25
5*-5 =-25 25
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 23, 2010, 01:04:32 PM
Thanks for the data. I do admit that you are being very open with your output.
But I found an issue with your use of I^2. The value is always positive due to ^2. While V * I is negative if either one of the values are negative.
It should be ((I^2) * sign (I)) to be compatible with V * I.
Regards, Larry
In calculating these powers one should follow the physics of the situation. That's what determines the outcome. The voltage and current should be as they are, without messing up with them and the current in the Joule's law is to be squared. So far, as @broli says, the calculations are OK and what has to be determined is if the whole current goes through that resistance R. I've shown data that it really does and I'm working on further definitive proof which, as I said earlier, will post here as soon as I get ready.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 23, 2010, 01:16:56 PM
In calculating these powers one should follow the physics of the situation. That's what determines the outcome. The voltage and current should be as they are, without messing up with them and the current in the Joule's law is to be squared. So far, as @broli says, the calculations are OK and what has to be determined is if the whole current goes through that resistance R. I've shown data that it really does and I'm working on further definitive proof which, as I said earlier, will post here as soon as I get ready.
So you are using Pin = V *I and Pout = I^2 * R. Because of ^2, Pout is basically an absolute value, but Pin is not absolute and has negative values half of the time.
Then you graph the absolute and non-absolute values and claim OU. Just the simple fact that Pin can be negative should tell you that this is not mathematically correct.
GB, is right. Using your methods, Omni power is everywhere.
Your Pin = 2.26E-06 Pout = 9.48E-06.
I changed your excel and made Pin absolute also and got the following values:
Pin = 2.64E-05 Pout = 9.48E-06.
Oops, lost my Omni power big time.
Okay, I'm outer here for a while, got a big Omni ache. But, I'll be watching to see how you geniuses get that OU power out.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 23, 2010, 03:21:23 PM
So you are using Pin = V *I and Pout = I^2 * R. Because of ^2, Pout is basically an absolute value, but Pin is not absolute and has negative values half of the time.
Then you graph the absolute and non-absolute values and claim OU. Just the simple fact that Pin can be negative should tell you that this is not mathematically correct.
GB, is right. Using your methods, Omni power is everywhere.
Your Pin = 2.26E-06 Pout = 9.48E-06.
I changed your excel and made Pin absolute also and got the following values:
Pin = 2.64E-05 Pout = 9.48E-06.
Oops, lost my Omni power big time.
Okay, I'm outer here for a while, got a big Omni ache. But, I'll be watching to see how you geniuses get that OU power out.
Regards, Larry
What you're doing is arbitrary. It is incorrect. If you do it right the OU will still be there.
If you do it right the OU will still be there.
"I believe there is OU therefore there is OU". ::)
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 24, 2010, 04:08:12 AM
"I believe there is OU therefore there is OU". ::)
The opposite is true: "I believe there is no OU therefore there is no OU" and to "prove" that the likes of @LarryC will crunch the numbers any way it suits them, no matter how much in opposition to physics and reason that might be.
There are three Power formulas: P=EI P=E^2/R P=I^2R
The second two were derived using Ohm's law equivalent as follows:
P = E I = E (E / R) = E^2/ R
P = E I = (I R) I = I^2 R
So I changed the formula from EI, which is bias by signs, to E^2/R in the 700Hz data.
Omni world results Pin = 2.26E-06 Pout = 9.48E-06
Real world results Pin = 1.84E-04 Pout = 9.48E-06
Oops, Omni OU is lost big time again.
Please teach us the physics and reason against the use of E^2/R.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 24, 2010, 11:37:06 AM
There are three Power formulas: P=EI P=E^2/R P=I^2R
The second two were derived using Ohm's law equivalent as follows:
P = E I = E (E / R) = E^2/ R
P = E I = (I R) I = I^2 R
So I changed the formula from EI, which is bias by signs, to E^2/R in the 700Hz data.
Omni world results Pin = 2.26E-06 Pout = 9.48E-06
Real world results Pin = 1.84E-04 Pout = 9.48E-06
Oops, Omni OU is lost big time again.
Please teach us the physics and reason against the use of E^2/R.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 24, 2010, 11:37:06 AM
There are three Power formulas: P=EI P=E^2/R P=I^2R
The second two were derived using Ohm's law equivalent as follows:
P = E I = E (E / R) = E^2/ R
P = E I = (I R) I = I^2 R
So I changed the formula from EI, which is bias by signs, to E^2/R in the 700Hz data.
Omni world results Pin = 2.26E-06 Pout = 9.48E-06
Real world results Pin = 1.84E-04 Pout = 9.48E-06
Oops, Omni OU is lost big time again.
Please teach us the physics and reason against the use of E^2/R.
Regards, Larry
Cut this gibberish at once. Follow the rules of science and don't try to finagle out of the situation you've placed yourself in. Anyone can make mistakes but to be stubborn and not willing to learn as you're doing is not the way to go in a discussion like this. Such stubbornness only clogs the discussion.
Of course P = E^2/R should not be used in this case because it isn't only Ohm's law that holds in this situation. To calculate power in this case you must use the real measured value of the current I as well which does not correspond here to the voltage V through Ohm's law.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 24, 2010, 11:45:30 AM
Of course P = E^2/R should not be used in this case because it isn't only Ohm's law that holds in this situation.
Not to mention E is not over R but over R and L, so of course it can't be used to calculate power through resistance :P . But at this point he's at the level of a troll so no need for an educated correction.
Quote from: broli on June 24, 2010, 11:47:40 AM
Not to mention E is not over R but over R and L, so of course it can't be used to calculate power through resistance :P . But at this point he's at the level of a troll so no need for an educated correction.
@LarryC's behavior is pathetic. Really.
Quote from: broli on June 24, 2010, 11:47:40 AM
Not to mention E is not over R but over R and L, so of course it can't be used to calculate power through resistance :P . But at this point he's at the level of a troll so no need for an educated correction.
Finally, one of you tries to talk about the science, along with your child like name calling.
I used R because you two refused to believe in inductance. It is not R and L. It is Z (impedance), which is equal to the square root of (R^2 + X^2), where X is the inductive reactance.
Edit: Z is only slightly larger than R because of the low inductance of the air coil and would only slightly decrease Pin.
I have shown nothing but facts and can show the literature to prove it.
Others will not believe you, if all you do is try to dismiss my evidence without proof.
Omni said I don't understand physics and reason. So here's your chance to teach us all.
Regards, Lary
Quote from: LarryC on June 24, 2010, 12:41:41 PM
Finally, one of you tries to talk about the science, along with your child like name calling.
I used R because you two refused to believe in inductance. It is not R and L. It is Z (impedance), which is equal to the square root of (R^2 + X^2), where X is the inductive reactance.
Z is larger than R and would increase the Pin.
I have shown nothing but facts and can show the literature to prove it.
Others will not believe you, if all you do is try to dismiss my evidence without proof.
Omni said I don't understand physics and reason. So here's your chance to teach us all.
Regards, Lary
Read carefully what I wrote, try to understand it. Try to understand what others wrote, including regarding reactance and R and then come back to discuss these issues. You are unprepared but are arrogantly pushing your confusion. Like I said, don't clog this discussion further with your gibberish.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 24, 2010, 12:45:20 PM
Read carefully what I wrote, try to understand it. Try to understand what others wrote, including regarding reactance and R and then come back to discuss these issues. You are unprepared but are arrogantly pushing your confusion. Like I said, don't clog this discussion further with your gibberish.
I can only assume that you think this is your proof:
'Of course P = E^2/R should not be used in this case because it isn't only Ohm's law that holds in this situation.'
I showed the following in my post:
'I used R because you two refused to believe in inductance. It is not R and L. It is Z (impedance), which is equal to the square root of (R^2 + X^2), where X is the inductive
reactance.Edit: Z is only slightly larger than R because of the low inductance of the air coil and would only slightly decrease Pin.'
I am the other that wrote about reactance, so you want me to read my own post.
I'll be glad to calculate Z if you give the inductance of your air coil. I have similar air coil, which I can take the inductance if you can't.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 24, 2010, 01:46:51 PM
I can only assume that you think this is your proof:
'Of course P = E^2/R should not be used in this case because it isn't only Ohm's law that holds in this situation.'
I showed the following in my post:
'I used R because you two refused to believe in inductance. It is not R and L. It is Z (impedance), which is equal to the square root of (R^2 + X^2), where X is the inductive reactance.
Edit: Z is only slightly larger than R because of the low inductance of the air coil and would only slightly decrease Pin.'
I am the other that wrote about reactance, so you want me to read my own post.
I'll be glad to calculate Z if you give the inductance of your air coil. I have similar air coil, which I can take the inductance if you can't.
Regards, Larry
This is gibberish and is to be ignored.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 24, 2010, 06:39:10 AM
The opposite is true: "I believe there is no OU therefore there is no OU" and to "prove"
The opposite is inconsistant: wrong method, you are reversing the burden of proof.
It is not to the skeptics to prove there is no OU in Steorn device (nevertheless I gave many elements to conclude there is no OU).
"This burden of proof is often asymmetrical and typically falls more heavily on the party that makes either an ontologically positive claim, or makes a claim more "extraordinary", that is farther removed from conventionally accepted facts"
Steorn claims OU, you too, but both of you failed to give the evidence.
Actually, I was hoping to help them understand. My next calculation for Z would be for an RCL circuit and use V^2/Z. This is a valid formula stated in many text books so they could not credibly argue against it use.
The observed amperage increase is due to high frequency parasitic capacitance.
' For example, an inductor often acts as though it includes a parallel capacitor, because of its closely spaced windings. When a potential difference exists across the coil, wires lying adjacent to each other at different potentials are affected by each others electric field. They act like the plates of a capacitor, and store charge. Any change in the voltage across the coil requires extra current to charge and discharge these small 'capacitors'. When the voltage doesn't change very quickly, as in low frequency circuits, the extra current is usually negligible, but when the voltage is changing quickly the extra current is large and can dominate the operation of the circuit.'
Note the bold areas.
The first picture below shows the effect of current in a capacitance circuit.
The second picture the effect of frequency in an RC circuit.
The simple reason that Omnibus showed more Omni OU in the air core, then the steel core is because the inductance goes from Henries to low Mili Henries. The parasitic capacitance can easily dominate.
That's all I got, as I'm wasting to much time trying to help.
Of course, Omnibus will say gibberish.
Broli will ;D
Regards, Larry
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 24, 2010, 02:42:19 PM
The opposite is inconsistant: wrong method, you are reversing the burden of proof.
It is not to the skeptics to prove there is no OU in Steorn device (nevertheless I gave many elements to conclude there is no OU).
"This burden of proof is often asymmetrical and typically falls more heavily on the party that makes either an ontologically positive claim, or makes a claim more "extraordinary", that is farther removed from conventionally accepted facts"
Steorn claims OU, you too, but both of you failed to give the evidence.
You don't know what you're talking about so that's not even the opposite. Yours is pure nonsense and you'd do better not to interrupt the discussion with it. Trolls like you and @LarryC are the least needed in this exchange.
Quote from: LarryC on June 24, 2010, 04:07:52 PM
Actually, I was hoping to help them understand. My next calculation for Z would be for an RCL circuit and use V^2/Z. This is a valid formula stated in many text books so they could not credibly argue against it use.
The observed amperage increase is due to high frequency parasitic capacitance.
' For example, an inductor often acts as though it includes a parallel capacitor, because of its closely spaced windings. When a potential difference exists across the coil, wires lying adjacent to each other at different potentials are affected by each others electric field. They act like the plates of a capacitor, and store charge. Any change in the voltage across the coil requires extra current to charge and discharge these small 'capacitors'. When the voltage doesn't change very quickly, as in low frequency circuits, the extra current is usually negligible, but when the voltage is changing quickly the extra current is large and can dominate the operation of the circuit.'
Note the bold areas.
The first picture below shows the effect of current in a capacitance circuit.
The second picture the effect of frequency in an RC circuit.
The simple reason that Omnibus showed more Omni OU in the air core, then the steel core is because the inductance goes from Henries to low Mili Henries. The parasitic capacitance can easily dominate.
That's all I got, as I'm wasting to much time trying to help.
Of course, Omnibus will say gibberish.
Broli will ;D
Regards, Larry
This is mindless quoting out of context whatever. This problem has been addressed already and the only thing that remains is for you to understand it and not continue to clutter the thread with gibberish.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 24, 2010, 04:09:20 PM
You don't know what you're talking about so that's not even the opposite. Yours is pure nonsense and you'd do better not to interrupt the discussion with it. Trolls like you and @LarryC are the least needed in this exchange.
Your reply is as your OU claims, in accord to the great principle:
"I say it therefore it is the truth"
Here's some troll food....
Quote from: Omega_0 link=topic=8411.msg245459#msg245459 date=1276781903
You have a high end thermometer which should be sufficient. I'm suggesting a simple experiment :
From the graph, at 41MHz there is 500 times energy (or is it 5 times ?), so the temperature should be 5 times at 41Mhz compared to that at 0Hz (DC), at an equal value of Ein = Vin*Iin*Time.
So simply measure the core temperature for a certain time and capture the data, once at 41MHz and second at DC. Say at the value of Ein=10, you get T1=1500K and T2=300K, you have a good case.
Quote from: broli@Omnibus: would it be reasonable to assume that if a controlled test on dc was performed of same average power calculated through the resistive part that this would yield the same temperature from a temperature probe? Since cop is rather high either temperature remains in the same ball park or is as much as 3 times lower.
Quote from: Omnibus@broli,
Of all I'm seeing I have no reason to believe temperature rise is any different than it would be as expected from the first Joule's law. In other words, if we have current I passing through resistance R the heat generated per unit time would be I^2R which will give rise to a certain temperature. Like I said, however, I'm working on some developments right now and will get back to you as soon as I get more results. I'm keeping an eye on the forum but will get more technical when I get ready.
So LarryC is that enough to calm your senses and have patience?
Oh who am I kidding, I just lit the troll on fire.
I did try to contact STEORN's company in Ireland some years ago, but they refused to talk me. Right now, i am more interested in the results, not their controversial theory. If there is any OU in the device, it should not be difficult them to make their device self-running. Have they not demonstrated a self-running device to the public yet?
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 25, 2010, 09:30:04 AM
Your reply is as your OU claims, in accord to the great principle:
"I say it therefore it is the truth"
No, you're saying that, not I. Don't put words in my mouth.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 25, 2010, 11:04:44 AM
I did try to contact STEORN's company in Ireland some years ago, but they refused to talk me. Right now, i am more interested in the results, not their controversial theory. If there is any OU in the device, it should not be difficult them to make their device self-running. Have they not demonstrated a self-running device to the public yet?
On the contrary, it is difficult to make a self-sustaining device as any complex engineering effort is. Making a self-sustaining device should not be pushed as a criterion for whether or not OU claims are real. Making a self-sustaining device is a totally different project.
Quote from: broli on June 25, 2010, 10:16:09 AM
So LarryC is that enough to calm your senses and have patience?
My problem is not so much with your P=I^2 R. It your use of P = EI where you have negatives signs almost half the time causing the graph to show Omni OU incorrectly.
P = V^2 Z is the correct formula is this case. Z is for a LCR circuit. Where the inductor and capacitor is parallel and the R is in series.
Circuits dominated by inductance reactance has the voltage leading the current.
Circuits dominated by capacitive reactance has the current leading the voltage.
Omni showed the same in his test results.
The capacitive information that I recently posted, predicts that using your current formulas that Omni OU power will be shown using a capacitor only.The larger the capacitor the lower the frequency to show Omni OU.If Omni does make this simple test with the correct type capacitor(no polarised electrolytic), he should ramp up the frequency slowly as it will appear like a short to the function generator at some point. Should stop at the same amp's as produced by the 700HZ to compare the results.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 25, 2010, 05:27:16 PM
My problem is not so much with your P=I^2 R. It your use of P = EI where you have negatives signs almost half the time causing the graph to show Omni OU incorrectly.
P = V^2 Z is the correct formula is this case. Z is for a LCR circuit. Where the inductor and capacitor is parallel and the R is in series.
Circuits dominated by inductance reactance has the voltage leading the current.
Circuits dominated by capacitive reactance has the current leading the voltage.
Omni showed the same in his test results.
The capacitive information that I recently posted, predicts that using your current formulas that Omni OU power will be shown using a capacitor only.
The larger the capacitor the lower the frequency to show Omni OU.
If Omni does make this simple test with the correct type capacitor(no polarised electrolytic), he should ramp up the frequency slowly as it will appear like a short to the function generator at some point. Should stop at the same amp's as produced by the 700HZ to compare the results.
Regards, Larry
I respond to this seriously.
1st point:
Yes power goes up and down that's also why we are AVERAGING these values. What do you think root
mean square means? It's just the theoretical
AVERAGE of a perfect sine wave. But we are not assuming we are dealing with a sine wave, let alone a perfect one, thus averaging the raw data... you can't get a more accurate result than that.
2nd point:
It seems like you are late to the parasitic capacitance party as this has been the argument all along, not the formulas or data. Omnibus already did a controlled experiment on this showing that a reasonable sized cap in parallel still shows OU. This is a good argument but to many people, including me, not inconclusive proof.
So this is why I and others hope omnibus can do the temperature measurements of the coil to prove that indeed current is going through resistance.
This is where we are "at". I hope you are now enlightened and either contribute in a constructive way or step aside and not waste the time of the people wanting to progress. That's fair enough, right?
Quote from: broli on June 25, 2010, 05:50:51 PM
I respond to this seriously.
1st point:
Yes power goes up and down that's also why we are AVERAGING these values. What do you think root mean square means? It's just the theoretical AVERAGE of a perfect sine wave. But we are not assuming we are dealing with a sine wave, let alone a perfect one, thus averaging the raw data... you can't get a more accurate result than that.
Broli, thanks for getting serious, your honest response helps to clear up some of the confusion.
1st point:
Sorry, but RMS is not just for a perfect sine wave and it is not considered average.
RMS is computed as follows:
It is equal to the square root of the average value of the squares of all the
instantaneous value of current or voltage during
one-half cycle. The
Oscilloscope shows this calculation. The one-half cycle eliminates the sign issue.
The effective value or RMS of an
ac voltage or current is the value that will cause the same amount of
heat to be produced in a circuit containing only resistance that would be caused by a
dc voltage or current of the same value. That is why it is the accepted standard.
In a
perfect sine wave RMS is equal to .707 of peak, Average is equal to .637 of peak. Note my early post scope shot that my RMS value was not .707 of peak, because it was not perfect.
Quote from: broli on June 25, 2010, 05:50:51 PM
2nd point:
It seems like you are late to the parasitic capacitance party as this has been the argument all along, not the formulas or data. Omnibus already did a controlled experiment on this showing that a reasonable sized cap in parallel still shows OU. This is a good argument but to many people, including me, not inconclusive proof.
So this is why I and others hope omnibus can do the temperature measurements of the coil to prove that indeed current is going through resistance.
Sorry, I totally missed the post showing that Omnibus got OU with a capacitor. I'm interested in the scope shot and data, so could this be shown.
It would be easy to calculate Z with a capacitive only circuit.
'going through resistance'. Current is not going thru the resistance. This is a complex issue and I admit I don't know the answer. What I do know is at 700K Hz the inductive reactance is massive so that only a miniscule current can flow thru the coil. The circuit is dominated by capacitance. So there is a current flowing into the coil from one side or the other, maybe halfway and flowing back out. Is R the same at this point?
Quote from: broli on June 25, 2010, 05:50:51 PM
This is where we are "at". I hope you are now enlightened and either contribute in a constructive way or step aside and not waste the time of the people wanting to progress. That's fair enough, right?
Thanks, you have enlightened me into your mindset. You have helped me with some of my misconceptions as I hope I helped you with some of yours. Looking forward to the temperature measurements.
Regards, Larry
You realise the average of a sine wave is 0, right?
Putting that aside though, I think a deeper understanding of electromagnetism (and for some people, even basic electronics) is required here. Impedance and resistance shouldn't be thought of in absolute terms, and the difference between the two needs to be clearly understood.
Has anyone performed the necessary calculations using Maxwell's equations (and their relativistic forms, not to rule anything out)?
Quote from: LarryC on June 25, 2010, 07:42:32 PM
Broli, thanks for getting serious, your honest response helps to clear up some of the confusion.
1st point:
Sorry, but RMS is not just for a perfect sine wave and it is not considered average.
RMS is computed as follows:
It is equal to the square root of the average value of the squares of all the instantaneous value of current or voltage during one-half cycle. The Oscilloscope shows this calculation. The one-half cycle eliminates the sign issue.
The effective value or RMS of an ac voltage or current is the value that will cause the same amount of heat to be produced in a circuit containing only resistance that would be caused by a dc voltage or current of the same value. That is why it is the accepted standard.
In a perfect sine wave RMS is equal to .707 of peak, Average is equal to .637 of peak. Note my early post scope shot that my RMS value was not .707 of peak, because it was not perfect.
Sorry, I totally missed the post showing that Omnibus got OU with a capacitor. I'm interested in the scope shot and data, so could this be shown.
It would be easy to calculate Z with a capacitive only circuit.
'going through resistance'. Current is not going thru the resistance. This is a complex issue and I admit I don't know the answer. What I do know is at 700K Hz the inductive reactance is massive so that only a miniscule current can flow thru the coil. The circuit is dominated by capacitance. So there is a current flowing into the coil from one side or the other, maybe halfway and flowing back out. Is R the same at this point?
Thanks, you have enlightened me into your mindset. You have helped me with some of my misconceptions as I hope I helped you with some of yours. Looking forward to the temperature measurements.
Regards, Larry
Now we are getting to the real crooks of the problem. Let me quote some of wikipedia on rms power:
QuoteHowever, if the current is a time-varying function, I(t), this formula must be extended to reflect the fact that the current (and thus the instantaneous power) is varying over time. If the function is periodic (such as household AC power), it is nonetheless still meaningful to talk about the average power dissipated over time, which we calculate by taking the simple average of the power at each instant in the waveform or, equivalently, the squared current. (
So this is really like the chicken and the egg problem. But in our case the mean is much stronger than the root mean square. The latter is just a by product of the former if you follow some assumptions. The P = R*I^2 asks you take the mean of I and then square it. This is coincidently called rms. The problem with using rms values with non purely resistive circuits is that you could have 0 REAL power yet have substantially more apparent power calculated from these rms values: (
This is due to the inherit way root mean square is calculated by starting from a resistive energy point of view. That is why it has to be corrected by using impedance knowledge.
However if only instantaneous power and its average/mean was used you will always be safe and get only REAL power out of your average formula of power (P=U*I). Because you are not starting off by assuming you have resistive load and calculating the rms voltage and current. This is fundamentally calculus. By integrating over an arbitrary function you get the average area under that function, then by dividing by the length of the area you get the average height.
Has all doubt been cleared now about the calculation?
Very well put. I hope @LarryC could finally get a grip of this difference between apparent and real power when reactive components are involved.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 25, 2010, 11:25:48 AM
No, you're saying that, not I. Don't put words in my mouth.
I didn't put them in your mouth but in "omnibuzz"'s mouth, some one like you.
Are you ready? If so, hold on to your hats. I'll show you a bunch of figures which go beyond the bare bone studies I last posted. Here we're not only having one element but that element isn't even a coil. Take a look at the schematic diagram:
Hope you'll agree that such a setup settles the proble as to where exactly the current flows. There's no question that the entire current we're measuring with the current flow passes through the active resistance R. Therefore I^2R is indeed the entire obtained power and the integral of that I^2R over time is the entire energy dissipated in the active resistance. Further, you'll also agree that that parasitic capacitance or parasitic inductance for that matter is out of the question here. Clear as a sunny day in June.
P.S. I should have addressed this posting also to @Omega_0, @teslaalset and some other folks I'd love to discuss this but I know they are doing their own research and am not sure they're reading this thread.
Now, let's get to the essence of this finding:
By Ohm's law every momentary current should correspond to a given momentary voltage which is determined by the active resistance. This is illustrated in screen shot a) below.
Here's a description of those screen shots presented below:
Oscilloscope screen shots---trace 1 (yellow trace) is the current while trace 2 (blue trace) is the voltage. Each trace is the average of 16 traces taken at the interval of 1s. Each trace typically consists of 3,125 points and occasionally 100,000 point traces were recorded for a check-up. The results from the data processing of the more and less detailed traces show practically the same effect. a) pure 99.7147+-0.0004Ohm resistor, b) 99.7147+-0.0004Ohm resistor plus 115pF capacitor shown in the circuit schematics I posted above, c) 99.7147+-0.0004Ohm resistor plus 64pF capacitor shown in the schematics above.
However, as is well known, at a given frequency, placing a capacitor in series with the resistor not only changes the voltage but also changes the current in two ways. First, it changes the current but not to the value that should be obtained from Ohm's law using that changed voltage. Second, it changes the phase of the current with respect to the voltage---the current begins to lead the voltage--see screen shots b) and c).
It has not been noticed, however, that, while the output, including momentary output, can only be positive because of the squaring of current, the momentary input can also be negative as well as positive. Moreover, these input values of varying sign are not fixed by some fixed current and voltage values determined by R through Ohm's law, but can be made different for a given R through introducing capacitances C in series with the resistance R (cf. circuit schematics posted above). Thus, conditions exist whereby the integrated values of the input power (the energy) in the presence of a capacitor would be lower than the integrated power in absence of a capacitor, which is given by I^2R, that is, using Ohm's law. In other words, the observed overunity effect is due to saving on the side of the input power compared to what it might have been provided Ohm's law were in effect. The saving of input power can be to such an extent that it may not even be spent but will be returned to the source, due solely to the construction of the device, ensuring conditions for the integrated input power to be of negative slope. The above data confirm experimentally that such possibility to save input power exists. It also confirms the view expressed previously in many Omnibus' writings and posts that constructions, not only mechanical, exist which allow for the production of energy without exhausting any previously existing energy source.
In connection with screen shot a) and the energy-time plot derived from it, which I'll post shortly, notice also that the output curve has been calculated for R measured at room temperature. The current passing through the resistor in absence of the capacitor, corresponding to the applied approx. 30V voltage, heats up the resistor substantially, thus raising its resistance. If that rise in the resistance of R is taken into account, then the integrated powers Pout and Pin will show overunity in the case of a pure resistor as well. This will be the subject of further studies.
As discussed above, by properly choosing the conditions; i.e., controlling the current through choosing the right capacitance, one may not only achieve the production of more energy than the energy spent (seen in the diagram I'll post shortly), but also can reach a state whereby, in addition to the excess heat, the functioning of the device amounts to having energy continuously sent back to the power source--you'll see that in the graph I'm going to post in the submission following this one. That effect can be used to construct a self-sustaining device which will power itself without the need for spending external energy. Therefore, the next step is to manufacture such device.
@broli, please notice the levels here where OU is observed. These require calorimetry of unusually high accuracy and precision hardly available anywhere. Therefore, this question can and should be resolved by purely electrical means. The best resolution for those who are practically minded will be by producing a self-sustaining device. For scientists the data presented here should be enough to convince them in the reality of the OU effect.
Here are the promised energy-time plots for the different conditions. This first one is for the above-stated R in series with a 115pF capacitor:
Here, we have the same R but the capacitance is 64pF. Notice the negative slope of the input energy curve. This shows returning energy to the source (in addition to the production of Joule heat shown by the red curve).
And, here, we got the resistor R alone in the circuit (no capacitor C):
I am by no means an electronics genius I will be the first to admit...
But that looks like a fairly simple thing to build...
I do have some questions about it though.
Resistor (R) is at the top on the right the banding on the resistor should face north right? And what is the resistor specs and where to buy.
The capacitor (C) the negative lead should also face north correct? What are the specifications and where can I purchase this as well?
The pulse generator what type of pulse generator is this where can I buy it and how many legs and how does it solder into this circuit as well.
Where is the supply current coming from and what is the supply current and voltage and the supply is hooked to the pulse generator correct?
I am interested in testing this fairly simple looking circuit...
CH1 and CH2 are both leads of the current probe I would assume as well. So I may have failed this basic electronics course so far but learning does not come without failure.
If you will I would love to know the exact specifics on building this circuit... I may just have to find a scope for purchase and start doing some math as well boooo! I always hated math. heh
anyhow I thank all of you for your comments that leads the the making of a good thread with much to be learned this seems to be a fair starting point for many this simple little circuit will help others understand circuits while it is not the standard denotations or pictures if you will for the parts in the circuit which is like a whole language to learn in itself it appears it is a good starting point.
Quote from: broli on June 26, 2010, 06:35:11 AM
Now we are getting to the real crooks of the problem. Let me quote some of wikipedia on rms power: (
So this is really like the chicken and the egg problem. But in our case the mean is much stronger than the root mean square. The latter is just a by product of the former if you follow some assumptions. The P = R*I^2 asks you take the mean of I and then square it. This is coincidently called rms. The problem with using rms values with non purely resistive circuits is that you could have 0 REAL power yet have substantially more apparent power calculated from these rms values: (
This is due to the inherit way root mean square is calculated by starting from a resistive energy point of view. That is why it has to be corrected by using impedance knowledge.
However if only instantaneous power and its average/mean was used you will always be safe and get only REAL power out of your average formula of power (P=U*I). Because you are not starting off by assuming you have resistive load and calculating the rms voltage and current. This is fundamentally calculus. By integrating over an arbitrary function you get the average area under that function, then by dividing by the length of the area you get the average height.
Has all doubt been cleared now about the calculation?
Broli, Thanks,
I do agree now we are getting to the real crocks of the problem. Actually, I was wondering what was the source of your misinformation.
Wiki, is a quick source of information, but you can't trust all information because they let almost anybody submit. They didn't require that an EE write what you showed. I do quote from them sometimes but only if I know from other accurate sources that it is correct.
The comment in my last post that I made about RMS is from college level literature. Omnibus, I didn't specify any formula about calculating power using RMS. I have in previous post and used the real power formula shown below.
The first picture is from Hyperphysics which shows the real formulas to calculate using instantaneous values.
The second shows how RMS is used with cos angle to get real power.
Hyperphysics and college level literature should always be used before wiki. Vet
Regards, Larry
Now, let me also reveal the secret of the transformer coil yielding the OU effect. Look how it is wound. Isn't that something? I've established that it not only must be wound in this way but has to be of a certain length to generate the OU effect. Recall that I showed an even bigger OU effect with a coil wound the same way but made of longer wire. The length must be just right though and one won't get more OU just by adding length.
So, all this talk about the importance of cores and what not goes. Things turned out to be as simple as can be. I guess all of that was overlooked not only because it didn't occur to anyone to check the power balance at various frequencies etc. but because accessible (and not only accessible but in principle) equipment to do such studies has not been available in the not so distant past.
Notice also this--all the OU is of electrical nature and we don't even need to generate heat from current. All the OU can directly be stored in a capacitor and then through a converter brought back into the input. I'm sure there are designers of electronic circuits lurking here and it would be of great help if someone find the time to design and make such converter. It seems to be it would be a trivial matter for an expert in electronics to do that but I may be wrong.
Onimbus first off if you would like such a converter to be built, you may want to give some specifics of what ratings you are trying to achieve like:
Current type
Voltage level or range
If you are more specific you may just get what you ask for who knows... But it appears in every learning venture or asking for help being specific was always part of the criteria for getting an appropriate answer.
It would be great to try to reproduce these finding and I'll try to hel you as much as I can:
QuoteResistor (R) is at the top on the right the banding on the resistor should face north right? And what is the resistor specs and where to buy.
The capacitor (C) the negative lead should also face north correct? What are the specifications and where can I purchase this as well?
The pulse generator what type of pulse generator is this where can I buy it and how many legs and how does it solder into this circuit as well.
Where is the supply current coming from and what is the supply current and voltage and the supply is hooked to the pulse generator correct?
The resistor and the capacitor are from RadioShack. Don't know the exact catalog numbers but will check. The resistor is a 1W, 100Ohm metal-oxide resistor while the cap is 100pF cap. You can find them in those drawers almost every RadioShack has. I think it was the top drawer for the resistors as well as for the caps.
The power supply is a Hewlett Packard 8116A pulse/function generator. I guess you can use a different one. It just happened that I had this particular device. What I did was I mounted a female BNC (for some reason you won't find BNC's in RadioShack but luckily I had one lying around) onto a tiny board I got again from RadioShack. If you go back in the thread there a a couple of pics I posted of a similar setup. The female BNC was connected to the pulse generator via male to male BNC cable. RadioShack has such but they are very long. It again happened so that I had one (a foot short) lying around from previous research (sometimes you're lucky, you know). I guess, you can make one because, fortunalely, RadioShack has male BNC's.
So, once you have the female BNC connected to the pulse generator, what remains is to connect (solder) the R and C in series to the hot and the ground point of the female BNC. The voltage is measured across these two poins while the current is measured with the current probe after the resistor, as shown in the schematic. Now, current probe is an expensive critter (it brought me back with about $3000) so you may try with measuring current by dividing the resistance of the resistor into the voltage drop across the resistor.
That's for now. I can't think of anything more right now but please do ask questions if there's something unclear.
Quote from: infringer on June 26, 2010, 11:55:00 AM
Onimbus first off if you would like such a converter to be built, you may want to give some specifics of what ratings you are trying to achieve like:
Current type
Voltage level or range
If you are more specific you may just get what you ask for who knows... But it appears in every learning venture or asking for help being specific was always part of the criteria for getting an appropriate answer.
The way I understand it, the converter should turn the energy stored energy in a cap into 700kHz voltage and current at the level seen in the screen shot I posted.
Hi Omnibus,
Gteat information on the coils special winding! It remins me of a special type winding I saw on a patent...will post more info later. Just moved and computer is not yet connected.
Wat is the ideal length of wire? Have you tried using a thicker awg wir?
Groundloop_ could you help out Omnibus with a circuit for a converter? Thank you!
Quote from: Bruce_TPU on June 26, 2010, 12:11:53 PM
Hi Omnibus,
Gteat information on the coils special winding! It remins me of a special type winding I saw on a patent...will post more info later. Just moved and computer is not yet connected.
Wat is the ideal length of wire? Have you tried using a thicker awg wir?
Groundloop_ could you help out Omnibus with a circuit for a converter? Thank you!
I got this this effect also with the RadioShack magnet wire. I can't tell you yet what that dependence on the length is but the effect was seen when I only wound in parallel the wire from the two spools with the thinner wire (they are always selling three spools of magnet wire). The wire with the lowest agw never showed OU. Also, when I wound two lengths of the green and two lengths of the red (that is, doubled the length) the OU disappeared.
The main thing is the capacitor, however, and all my attention got diverted towards that element, abandoning the coils altogether (I'm still waiting for several toroid coils, a couple of them with metglas to arrive, but I don't think they would be of any use in view of the new findings).
>>Groundloop could you help out Omnibus with a circuit for a converter? Thank you!
I can try to adapt my existing circuit if Omnibus can give me some ideas and inputs
for a circuit that can be built and tested. Existing circuit is attached as a zipped file.
Thanks for your readiness to help. I wonder what more details I can give you other than there should be a capacitor which would be charged by the output and then it should power a converter which should be able to recreate the 700kHz, ~12V and ~0.006A signal (see the b) and c) screen shots on the previous page) which is supplied by the pulse generator. In other words, we want to replace the input from the pulse generator (once the device is powered) with the combination of the cap and the appropriate converter.
I already have designed and tested a 555 oscillator that uses only 60uA to run.
(Not counting the power needed to trig the mosfet.) This oscillator provide square
pulses with a adjustable frequency and duty cycle. Is square pulses a problem?
Or must it be sinus?
Quote from: gravityblock link=topic=8411.msg244635#msg244635 =1276272337
We need to test different gauge wires of the same length to see if there is a relationship to the OU effect between wire length, wire diameter, and resistance along with the frequency, and if there is, what would be the best ratio, etc. Then we will need to test different gauge wires with varying lengths of equal resistances along with the frequency. I think by performing these tests, then the OU effect can be understood and exploited to its fullest.
@Omnibus: I posted the above awhile back and would like to thank you for taking the wire length and thickness into account with your experiments, as can be seen by the below posts, by you. I assume you would have done this regardless of my posting though, since this was the direction your tests were pointing in.
Quote from: Omnibus link=topic=8411.msg246681#msg246681 =1277566788
Now, let me also reveal the secret of the transformer coil yielding the OU effect. Look how it is wound. Isn't that something? I've established that it not only must be wound in this way but has to be of a certain length to generate the OU effect. Recall that I showed an even bigger OU effect with a coil wound the same way but made of longer wire. The length must be just right though and one won't get more OU just by adding length.
Quote from: link=topic=8411.msg246689#msg246689 =1277569257
I got this this effect also with the RadioShack magnet wire. I can't tell you yet what that dependence on the length is but the effect was seen when I only wound in parallel the wire from the two spools with the thinner wire (they are always selling three spools of magnet wire). The wire with the lowest awg never showed OU. Also, when I wound two lengths of the green and two lengths of the red (that is, doubled the length) the OU disappeared.
I hope we can find the best relationship between the wire length/diameter and the other possible relevant parameters so we can exploit this to the fullest in order to have the best OU effect. I find it fascinating how the coil winding method is similar to the Tesla Bifilar Pancake Coil.
I really look forward to see how this thread develops from this point on. Thanks Omni. Very exciting stuff.
Quote from: Groundloop on June 26, 2010, 04:32:45 PM
I already have designed and tested a 555 oscillator that uses only 60uA to run.
(Not counting the power needed to trig the mosfet.) This oscillator provide square
pulses with a adjustable frequency and duty cycle. Is square pulses a problem?
Or must it be sinus?
Now, that's a very good question. I have to test it but at this moment my Excel isn't working and I'm waiting for a new delivery. I was expecting it today but it didn't come. I'll try square pulses as soon as I get that new Excel.
Download Openoffice from SUN. It is free and also have a Excel clone called "Calc"
Maybe this Excel clone will work for you.
Quote from: Groundloop on June 26, 2010, 04:57:08 PM
Download Openoffice from SUN. It is free and also have a Excel clone.
Maybe this Excel clone will work for you.
Does it have a good macro capability and how many points can it crunch? You see, Excel 2010 can now handle easily 125,000 points, even a million.
open office is open and free and many of us use it indeed if you could take the time it is a bit of a learning curve but I would bet nearly everything can be achieved with open office and then some that can be achieved with MSOffice.
Trust me it is a crazy how far open office has came and there is actually people making plugins for the software in open office as well.
All around eventually it will be pointless to pay for MSOFFICE to me for my usage it already is!
Here is a fair unbiased comparison of features I believe this will help you:
Macros written in VBA for Excel do not work in Calc and macros written in StarBasic for Calc do not run on Excel. Re-writing of macros is required when moving spreadsheets between either application.
Some additional resources for writing Basic macros include:
“Porting Excel/VBA to Calc/StarBasic†
StarOffice 8 Programming Guide for BASIC,
“Useful Macro Information for OpenOfficeâ€, by Andrew Pitonyak, Macros Explained, by Andrew Pitonyak, available from the publisher: or from various online booksellers.
Andrew Pitonyak’s web site for OOo macros:
Online VBA to StarBasic Converter:
Yeah, looks great but now that I'm hooked up on Excel I don't think it's worth to migrate, having other more important things to focus on. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of the open source and I'd like to have everything open source. Unfortunately, they have us for the time being. Hope the day will come when we will free ourselves from all this dependence. Aren't we fighting, by doing OU research, exactly for such freedom, after all?
I did check one of my Mouser audio transformers. The transformer had its primary on the outside
of the former and was made of two different color hair-tin wires in parallel. The wire ends was
connected so that it was a winding described in you drawing a few posts back. The few turn
secondary was closest to the core. It was also made up of two (slightly thicker) wires in parallel
that also was connected as pr. your drawing. The core was enameled laminated soft Iron E and I
This is just an ordinary bifilar coil. Because the potential difference between each neighboring coil is high, it can store more energy than ordinary coil. But this does not necessarily mean it has any OU effect.
You may end up with some standing wave effects when the coil is operating at certain frequencies, which makes the device appear like an antenna, resonator or whatever. But I do not believe your measurement is accurate. This "surplus" power may actually come from your pulse source or your instruments.
I wish I am wrong. Like you, I am seriously looking for a functional OU device.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 26, 2010, 11:39:48 AM
Now, let me also reveal the secret of the transformer coil yielding the OU effect. Look how it is wound. Isn't that something? I've established that it not only must be wound in this way but has to be of a certain length to generate the OU effect. Recall that I showed an even bigger OU effect with a coil wound the same way but made of longer wire. The length must be just right though and one won't get more OU just by adding length.
So, all this talk about the importance of cores and what not goes. Things turned out to be as simple as can be. I guess all of that was overlooked not only because it didn't occur to anyone to check the power balance at various frequencies etc. but because accessible (and not only accessible but in principle) equipment to do such studies has not been available in the not so distant past.
Notice also this--all the OU is of electrical nature and we don't even need to generate heat from current. All the OU can directly be stored in a capacitor and then through a converter brought back into the input. I'm sure there are designers of electronic circuits lurking here and it would be of great help if someone find the time to design and make such converter. It seems to be it would be a trivial matter for an expert in electronics to do that but I may be wrong.
Never mind the coil. How about the RC filter? I'm observing OU there too, as you can see from what I've posted. That's way more interesting than the coil, isn't it?
Also, as far as bifilar coils go, my understanding is that the current travels in opposite directions in the parallel windings. Not so here. However, as I said, never mind the coil. The other stuff is more interesting.
As I said before, if there is any OU in the device, it should not be difficult for you to turn the device into a self-running system that obeys nyquist theorem.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 27, 2010, 09:07:25 AM
As I said before, if there is any OU in the device, it should not be difficult for you to turn the device into a self-running system that obeys nyquist theorem.
Like I said, turning a device into a self-sustaining system is a totally different ball game. It may be interesting for some practically minded folks but for a scientist the data presented so far suffice to conclude OU demonstrated is real.
It should be other way round. The practical minded folks look for input and output. The scientist would verify the OU from the system's point of view.
you are most welcome blue planet you can now remove my quote too as well ;)
I have removed the last sentence in my last message. Thank you for your reminding me.
Quote from: infringer on June 27, 2010, 12:05:51 PM
Blue Planet such bold claims call for a name and description of such a said device. Anyone here could lay such claims to "seeing a real OU device before" but as you well know without zero description, zero anything except for a claim of seeing you tend to lose your credibility with such a post. If you don't care to share that is entirely up to you but it is in your best interest if you do not bring it up for your own sake.
If you do plan to share I would suggest starting an entirely new thread so you do not hijack this one as I kind of am already.
Quote from: LarryC on June 26, 2010, 11:35:21 AM
The first picture is from Hyperphysics which shows the real formulas to calculate using instantaneous values.
The second shows how RMS is used with cos angle to get real power.
Hyperphysics and college level literature should always be used before wiki. Vet
Regards, Larry
The hyperphysics formula is in terms of Vm and Im (the peak values) and it is for pure sine waves. Omnibus is not using Vm or Im in his calculations and does not assume his trace to be a pure sine wave, it can be of any shape. The wt and phi terms are taken care of automatically when you integrate samples. You have learned a lot about power formulas, now its time to go a step beyond and learn about basic integration.
The area below the curve of V*I gives the value of power, no matter what the wave shape, phase or peak values are, this is as simple as this.
The real question you should ask is whether its ok to deduct the I^2R term from the Pin, without first measuring the heat from first principle. It is a big assumption and a bit of gamble. Of course, I'm doing the same, following Steorn's method. So I'm also faced with this question. Steorn did the calorimetry but its a bit shady like all their stuff.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 26, 2010, 11:25:15 AM
Here are the promised energy-time plots for the different conditions. This first one is for the above-stated R in series with a 115pF capacitor:
This is interesting. How did you arrive at that particular value of C ?
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 28, 2010, 02:03:45 AM
The real question you should ask is whether its ok to deduct the I^2R term from the Pin, without first measuring the heat from first principle. It is a big assumption and a bit of gamble.
I say the same for months. The answer is "no, it's not ok", because any useful work is also viewed as R*I^2 term from a generator. Then another mean is required to distinguish losses from useful work.
Among these means, measuring the heat is not enough with an idling engine, because the mechanical energy goes back to heat that add to joule or core losses. Then measuring heat measures joule losses+useful work returning to heat, i.e it does not distinguish between two.
Steorn's scam is based on this principle.
The only way is to measure a significant useful work done outside the calorimeter while measuring also the heat inside. If the energy sum is superior to R*I^2 therefore there is OU.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 26, 2010, 11:21:41 AM
Now, let's get to the essence of this finding:
By Ohm's law every momentary current should correspond to a given momentary voltage which is determined by the active resistance. This is illustrated in screen shot a) below.
Here's a description of those screen shots presented below:
Oscilloscope screen shots---trace 1 (yellow trace) is the current while trace 2 (blue trace) is the voltage. Each trace is the average of 16 traces taken at the interval of 1s. Each trace typically consists of 3,125 points and occasionally 100,000 point traces were recorded for a check-up. The results from the data processing of the more and less detailed traces show practically the same effect. a) pure 99.7147+-0.0004Ohm resistor, b) 99.7147+-0.0004Ohm resistor plus 115pF capacitor shown in the circuit schematics I posted above, c) 99.7147+-0.0004Ohm resistor plus 64pF capacitor shown in the schematics above.
However, as is well known, at a given frequency, placing a capacitor in series with the resistor not only changes the voltage but also changes the current in two ways. First, it changes the current but not to the value that should be obtained from Ohm's law using that changed voltage. Second, it changes the phase of the current with respect to the voltage---the current begins to lead the voltage--see screen shots b) and c).
It has not been noticed, however, that, while the output, including momentary output, can only be positive because of the squaring of current, the momentary input can also be negative as well as positive. Moreover, these input values of varying sign are not fixed by some fixed current and voltage values determined by R through Ohm's law, but can be made different for a given R through introducing capacitances C in series with the resistance R (cf. circuit schematics posted above). Thus, conditions exist whereby the integrated values of the input power (the energy) in the presence of a capacitor would be lower than the integrated power in absence of a capacitor, which is given by I^2R, that is, using Ohm's law. In other words, the observed overunity effect is due to saving on the side of the input power compared to what it might have been provided Ohm's law were in effect. The saving of input power can be to such an extent that it may not even be spent but will be returned to the source, due solely to the construction of the device, ensuring conditions for the integrated input power to be of negative slope. The above data confirm experimentally that such possibility to save input power exists. It also confirms the view expressed previously in many Omnibus' writings and posts that constructions, not only mechanical, exist which allow for the production of energy without exhausting any previously existing energy source.
In connection with screen shot a) and the energy-time plot derived from it, which I'll post shortly, notice also that the output curve has been calculated for R measured at room temperature. The current passing through the resistor in absence of the capacitor, corresponding to the applied approx. 30V voltage, heats up the resistor substantially, thus raising its resistance. If that rise in the resistance of R is taken into account, then the integrated powers Pout and Pin will show overunity in the case of a pure resistor as well. This will be the subject of further studies.
As discussed above, by properly choosing the conditions; i.e., controlling the current through choosing the right capacitance, one may not only achieve the production of more energy than the energy spent (seen in the diagram I'll post shortly), but also can reach a state whereby, in addition to the excess heat, the functioning of the device amounts to having energy continuously sent back to the power source--you'll see that in the graph I'm going to post in the submission following this one. That effect can be used to construct a self-sustaining device which will power itself without the need for spending external energy. Therefore, the next step is to manufacture such device.
@broli, please notice the levels here where OU is observed. These require calorimetry of unusually high accuracy and precision hardly available anywhere. Therefore, this question can and should be resolved by purely electrical means. The best resolution for those who are practically minded will be by producing a self-sustaining device. For scientists the data presented here should be enough to convince them in the reality of the OU effect.
I completely missed this huge post ;D . It sure has a shock value. Who would have thought that a simple RC circuit could provide this apparent OU.
If your scope allowed to do some more fancy things you could cut on tweaking the parameters a lot. For instance by multiplying the current and voltage channel, taking the mean of that, and dividing that result by the mean of the current squared resistance. This gives you and instant cop value on screen. Since you're dealing with such low capacitance you could make your own simple variable capacitor and adjust it while running or adjust resistance while running. This will probably give some specific RC formula for each frequency that will give maximum cop.
If you don't mind could you please share the above data.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 27, 2010, 09:25:38 AM
for a scientist the data presented so far suffice to conclude OU demonstrated is real.
Absurd statement. It is obvious you are not a "scientist" so please, don't speak for them.
A skilled person not even very expert in the field can rapidly see that the data presented are not a proof of OU, there is at least one evident loophole. See my previous message.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 28, 2010, 04:13:35 AM
Absurd statement. It is obvious you are not a "scientist" so please, don't speak for them.
A skilled person not even very expert in the field can rapidly see that the data presented are not a proof of OU, there is at least one evident loophole. See my previous message.
My troll senses are going off the hook.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 28, 2010, 03:49:00 AM
I say the same for months. The answer is "no, it's not ok", because any useful work is also viewed as R*I^2 term from a generator. Then another mean is required to distinguish losses from useful work.
Among these means, measuring the heat is not enough with an idling engine, because the mechanical energy goes back to heat that add to joule or core losses. Then measuring heat measures joule losses+useful work returning to heat, i.e it does not distinguish between two.
Steorn's scam is based on this principle.
The only way is to measure a significant useful work done outside the calorimeter while measuring also the heat inside. If the energy sum is superior to R*I^2 therefore there is OU.
What are you talking about ? The Eorbo ?
The topic here is the OU from simple RC circuit. No engine, work or mechanical stuff here. Only heat.
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 04:05:46 AM
I completely missed this huge post ;D . It sure has a shock value. Who would have thought that a simple RC circuit could provide this apparent OU.
If your scope allowed to do some more fancy things you could cut on tweaking the parameters a lot. For instance by multiplying the current and voltage channel, taking the mean of that, and dividing that result by the mean of the current squared resistance. This gives you and instant cop value on screen. Since you're dealing with such low capacitance you could make your own simple variable capacitor and adjust it while running or adjust resistance while running. This will probably give some specific RC formula for each frequency that will give maximum cop.
If you don't mind could you please share the above data.
@ Omnibus, Broli,
I followed this thread partly. A few thoughts that I have with this RC example:
- What exactly is the output terminal in this circuit?
- It might be good to do a simulation by performing an 'old school' calculation and compare them with the real measurement results, so we could have a discussion on why there are differences between them.
I could do the calculation, but need to know the output terminal in this circuit case.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 28, 2010, 05:29:00 AM
@ Omnibus, Broli,
I followed this thread partly. A few thoughts that I have with this RC example:
- What exactly is the output terminal in this circuit?
- It might be good to do a simulation by performing an 'old school' calculation and compare them with the real measurement results, so we could have a discussion on why there are differences between them.
I could do the calculation, but need to know the output terminal definition in this case.
Output is measured as current flowing through resistor squared times resistance, Pout=I*I*R. Then the mean of that function can be taken to get the average value.
Input is more straightforward by taking Pin= U*I, and again taking the mean to get an average value. Omnibus shows the work as joules in his graphs. The slope of these graphs is the power. If the slope of the input energy is taking it should give a negative power value. Meaning the source is giving out no energy, it's getting energy from outside.
As for some conceptual analogy. I'm no EE but closing the loop with semiconductors might be tough. My mind is simplistic. What I imagine is a simple strong LC tank tuned at 700kHz with very low resistance. Then the RC OU part is put in parallel with this tank. But the energy gain from the RC circuit has to be bigger than the LC tank losses, mainly due to resistive damping. This should be able to be calculated. At best the LC tank should have an extremely low resistive part. If this can be achieved the tank either remains stable due to some self control or it will runaway increasing voltage as time grows.
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 05:55:00 AM
Output is measured as current flowing through resistor squared times resistance, Pout=I*I*R. Then the mean of that function can be taken to get the average value.
Input is more straightforward by taking Pin= U*I, and again taking the mean to get an average value. Omnibus shows the work as joules in his graphs. The slope of these graphs is the power. If the slope of the input energy is taking it should give a negative power value. Meaning the source is giving out no energy, it's getting energy from outside.
If I understand correctly, below diagram is valid. The resistor acts as an output load.
In that case, voltage across the resistor is missing to make a valid measurement.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 28, 2010, 02:19:05 AM
This is interesting. How did you arrive at that particular value of C ?
I measured it with a RadioShack multimeter which allows for capacitance measurements. The capacitance on the label says 100pF.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 28, 2010, 06:33:09 AM
If I understand correctly, below diagram is valid. The resistor acts as a output load.
In that case, voltage across the resistor is missing to make a valid measurement.
You forgot to include the 3000$ current hall probe :p.
Edit: However since inductance is no longer part of the resistor, it could be a good exercise to do the same calculations using voltage across the resistor and compare for any 1:1 correlation between the hall current probe.
QuoteIf your scope allowed to do some more fancy things you could cut on tweaking the parameters a lot. For instance by multiplying the current and voltage channel, taking the mean of that, and dividing that result by the mean of the current squared resistance. This gives you and instant cop value on screen. Since you're dealing with such low capacitance you could make your own simple variable capacitor and adjust it while running or adjust resistance while running. This will probably give some specific RC formula for each frequency that will give maximum cop.
Unfortunately, can't do with this scope. Would be interesting to be able to do it, though.
As far as capacitance dependence, I did that but haven't posted it yet. With 100Ohms, starting from around 300pF and lowering the cap value -- the OU starts positive (several times) and, as you lower the pF, there's a cutoff point (around 60pF) where the slope of the input energy starts to be negative. Most interesting.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 28, 2010, 03:49:00 AM
I say the same for months. The answer is "no, it's not ok", because any useful work is also viewed as R*I^2 term from a generator. Then another mean is required to distinguish losses from useful work.
Among these means, measuring the heat is not enough with an idling engine, because the mechanical energy goes back to heat that add to joule or core losses. Then measuring heat measures joule losses+useful work returning to heat, i.e it does not distinguish between two.
Steorn's scam is based on this principle.
The only way is to measure a significant useful work done outside the calorimeter while measuring also the heat inside. If the energy sum is superior to R*I^2 therefore there is OU.
You'd do better to stay out of this discussion. You're not only not a scientist and therefore have no basis to judge whether or not others are but you're a confused individual who very laboriously strives to disrupt useful discussions and that onlyclogs them.
QuoteThe real question you should ask is whether its ok to deduct the I^2R term from the Pin, without first measuring the heat from first principle. It is a big assumption and a bit of gamble. Of course, I'm doing the same, following Steorn's method. So I'm also faced with this question. Steorn did the calorimetry but its a bit shady like all their stuff.
That would only be a problem where there's a possibility for parasitic capacitance to be present, that is, when coils are involved. @broli was emphasizing on that repeatedly and I agree with him (recall, however, that I did studies which proved that even such a conjecture isn't viable). However, if one makes sure that all the current passes through the active resistance calorimetry becomes unnecessary. If all the current passes through the dissipative resistance the dissipated power will inevitably be I^2R -- the first Joule's law is still valid. That's the beauty of the present contraption -- parasitic capacitance in this case is out of the question and therefore all of the current goes through R. OU calculated the way it's done here is guaranteed, at that by purely electrical measurements (let alone that with those low currents calorimetry would be way less accurate).
Quote from: teslaalset on June 28, 2010, 05:29:00 AM
@ Omnibus, Broli,
I followed this thread partly. A few thoughts that I have with this RC example:
- What exactly is the output terminal in this circuit?
- It might be good to do a simulation by performing an 'old school' calculation and compare them with the real measurement results, so we could have a discussion on why there are differences between them.
I could do the calculation, but need to know the output terminal in this circuit case.
It would be great if you could do a sim with MathCAD or Mathematica. Unfortunately, I have them in New York and, as you know now I'm in Massachusetts, and don't have them here. Plot the waves with the parameters from the screen shots and and do the algebra and the integration. It's very curious that the effect could have been predicted purely theoretically, based on the properties of capacitors and resistors (RC circuit so far is only discussed in terms of being of filter but the power balance in such circuit has never been studied). That's interesting beyond words.
Here's a simple LC tank I talked about
$ 1 1.0800000000000002E-9 22.512744558455275 50 4.37 43
r 304 96 512 96 0 0.1
s 208 96 304 96 0 1 false
w 512 368 304 368 0
c 512 96 512 368 0 1.0E-9 -7.34294588127192
l 304 96 304 368 0 4.8E-5 -0.08282465215064858
v 208 368 208 96 0 0 40.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
r 304 368 208 368 0 45.0
w 576 96 512 96 0
w 512 368 576 368 0
r 576 96 576 240 0 100.0
c 576 240 576 368 0 6.0E-11 -7.806576575717537
o 6 64 0 33 7.136238463529799E-5 9.134385233318143E-5 0 -1
o 3 64 0 34 40.0 0.05 1 -1
o 3 64 0 33 20.0 0.2 2 -1
o 9 64 0 33 0.3125 0.05 3 -1
h 1 4 3
copy that code and go to ( then go to "file->import" and paste it.
If you hover your mouse on the traces it should show over which component it's measuring. I fine tuned the components so it oscillates at around 700kHz. The main LC tank current starts at 104.5mA pk-pk, which depends on the initial charge of the inductor through the battery and resistor. The RC circuit passes 6.7mA pk-pk.
This circuit should be a good starting point for pro simulations.
What happens to the negative slope if the resistance of R was reduced? I could have sworn I just read what you said about it but couldn't find it anymore.
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 06:37:11 AM
You forgot to include the 3000$ current hall probe :p.
Edit: However since inductance is no longer part of the resistor, it could be a good exercise to do the same calculations using voltage across the resistor and compare for any 1:1 correlation between the hall current probe.
:), no Broli, I didn't forget the current probe. Since this is a circuit with all components in series, the current measurement done by Omnibus is still valid.
I'll do some theoretical calculation this evening and post them here.
B.t.w. I've bought a second hand current probe myself meanwhile (Philips PM9355). Very handy to have.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 07:05:30 AM
It would be great if you could do a sim with MathCAD or Mathematica. Unfortunately, I have them in New York and, as you know now I'm in Massachusetts, and don't have them here. Plot the waves with the parameters from the screen shots and and do the algebra and the integration. It's very curious that the effect could have been predicted purely theoretically, based on the properties of capacitors and resistors (RC circuit so far is only discussed in terms of being of filter but the power balance in such circuit has never been studied). That's interesting beyond words.
I will make them first in Excel, so you can play with the parameters (e.g. component values, input frequency, etc).
I'll use vector algebra for this, so elementary EE method.
I'll do a double check with MultiSim (National Instruments). Multisim is able to show artificial scope shots.
What happens to the negative slope if the resistance of R was reduced? I could have sworn I just read what you said about it but couldn't find it anymore.
With the 100pF and 100Ohms resistor the OU is as usual -- several times. However, if you have the same 100pF but you change R to 10Ohms you'll see a negative slope of the input energy curve. So, I carried out studies with just the 100Ohm resistor and started with a cap (in fact three 100pF caps in parallel) of about 300pF and then began decreasing the capacitance (putting them in series, eventually). As you go down in capacitance you reach a point (I believe it was around 60pF) where the input energy slope became negative. That's the really interesting part.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 07:58:12 AM
With the 100pF and 100Ohms resistor the OU is as usual -- several times. However, if you have the same 100pF but you change R to 10Ohms you'll see a negative slope of the input energy curve. So, I carried out studies with just the 100Ohm resistor and started with a cap (in fact three 100pF caps in parallel) of about 300pF and then began decreasing the capacitance (putting them in series, eventually). As you go down in capacitance you reach a point (I believe it was around 60pF) where the input energy slope became negative. That's the really interesting part.
That's indeed most interesting. I suggest you dig even further and try to find the most negative slope you can. Even the resistive OU is interesting it would be best if most of it was electrical so it can be pumped back into the main driver to keep it going perpetually.
I already have designed and tested a 555 oscillator that uses only 60uA to run.
(Not counting the power needed to trig the mosfet.) This oscillator provide square
pulses with a adjustable frequency and duty cycle. Is square pulses a problem?
Or must it be sinus?
Just checked it with square pulses. The OU is still there, including the negative input energy-time slope (both at 50 and at 10% duty cycle). However, the signals (voltage and especially current) are much more messy than the clean sine signals. I think it would be preferable to have a converter which would supply clean sine waves. Wonder how easy is that to achieve?
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 08:03:12 AM
That's indeed most interesting. I suggest you dig even further and try to find the most negative slope you can. Even the resistive OU is interesting it would be best if most of it was electrical so it can be pumped back into the main driver to keep it going perpetually.
The OU is in its essence electrical. We're using the resistor just to demonstrate it. So, I think, we can eliminate the resistor and pour that OU into a cap and then have a proper converter to feed it back into the input. Something like that. What do you think?
Not all the current probes are designed to handle current measurements beyound 100 KHz. Perhaps, this explains why you ended up with negative current (which gave negative power) when the operating frequencies reach certain values. If you need to do current measurement at radio frequencies, you should get a RF current probe, not ordinary low-frequency current probe.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 09:00:22 AM
Not all the current probes are designed to handle current measurements beyound 100 KHz. Perhaps, this explains why you ended up with negative current (which gave negative power) when the operating frequencies reach certain values. If you need to do current measurement at radio frequencies, you should get a RF current probe, not ordinary low-frequency current probe.
The current probe I have is not a low frequency current probe. It is Tektronix TCP 0030. Check it out:
Your load is just a simple passive high pass filter. The current proble should not give a negative reading at 41 Mhz, unless your current probe is faulty.
Also, you were using a pulse source to power the circuit. A pulse waveform contains a lot of RF signals, all of which carry power at above the fundamental frequency. A current probe is in effect a low pass filter. There is a possibility that your current probe has "filtered" out some of those RF signals!
If the current in your bifilor coil went negative at 41 Mhz for no reason, then please show us the input current waveforms at that frequency range.
I am still skeptical of the accuracy of your current probe.
Start here:
QuoteThe current proble should not give a negative reading at 41 Mhz, unless your current probe is faulty.
Explain why a Hall effect-based current probe good for DC to >120 MHz Bandwidth should not give negative reading within that frequency interval if the current indeed has negative values (as is the case in this study).
This may also give you a clue as to why the rest of your concern (the probe being in effect a low pass filter) isn't viable.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 10:24:54 AM
Your load is just a simple passive high pass filter. The current proble should not give a negative reading at 41 Mhz, unless your current probe is faulty.
Also, you were using a pulse source to power the circuit. A pulse waveform contains a lot of RF signals, all of which carry power at above the fundamental frequency. A current probe is in effect a low pass filter. There is a possibility that your current probe has "filtered" out some of those RF signals!
If the current in your bifilor coil went negative at 41 Mhz for no reason, then please show us the input current waveforms at that frequency range.
I am still skeptical of the accuracy of your current probe.
This called going backwards. The whole point of the current probe was to end the discussion and debate about measuring voltage across a resistor to calculate current, and to move forward. Yet now you argue that a 3000$ current probe is faulty?
I suggest you propose experiments, share circuits or do something else for the sake of advancing rather than going back to square one.
Closing the loop is a big goal but before that I would like to see how this effect scales up for instance in the watt range.
Recall, I did a comparison with measuring current by dividing the resistance of a metal oxide resistor into the voltage drop across it and compared it to the current measured with the current probe. That was during the times when parasitic inductance across the resistor was still a concern (that was the reason for me getting a high end current probe). The current measured in those two ways coincided (signals overlapped). That was sort of a calibration test and it makes the "low pass" filter argument moot. The current measured with the current is all the current which passes through the active resistance R. This is already firmly established experimentally.
I'd like to go further but, unfortunately, I'm limited now by the parameters of the pulse generator as well as the active elements I have at hand if I wanna do some scaling. Would be good if we can think of self-sustaining by using what we have now. Wonder if that would be possible in view of the huge losses along the way?
A Hall effect CT is a low pass filter. Why don't you just show us the input/output current waveforms in the neighborhood of 41 MHz? Perhaps, we can learn something from there.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 10:31:14 AM
Start here:
Explain why a Hall effect-based current probe good for DC to >120 MHz Bandwidth should not give negative reading within that frequency interval if the current indeed has negative values (as is the case in this study).
This may also give you a clue as to why the rest of your concern (the probe being in effect a low pass filter) isn't viable.
I presume your pulse source is not sinusoidal. And I presume it is not 555 type, because 555 would unlikely end you up with 100 Mhz.
But all the waveforms you showed us were sinusoidal. If there is no low-pass filtering, what gives you a sinusoidal waveforms?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 10:41:19 AM
Recall, I did a comparison with measuring current by dividing the resistance of a metal oxide resistor into the voltage drop across it and compared it to the current measured with the current probe. That was during the times when parasitic inductance across the resistor was still a concern (that was the reason for me getting a high end current probe). The current measured in those two ways coincided (signals overlapped). That was sort of a calibration test and it makes the "low pass" filter argument moot. The current measured with the current is all the current which passes through the active resistance R. This is already firmly established experimentally.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 11:15:52 AM
I presume your pulse source is not sinusoidal. And I presume it is not 555 type, because 555 would unlikely end you up with 100 Mhz.
But all the waveforms you showed us were sinusoidal. If there is no low-pass filtering, what gives you a sinusoidal waveforms?
On the contrary, the pulse source is sinusoidal -- HP8116A pulse/function generator in sinusoidal mode (50% duty cycle).
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 11:05:21 AM
A Hall effect CT is a low pass filter. Why don't you just show us the input/output current waveforms in the neighborhood of 41 MHz? Perhaps, we can learn something from there.
So, why is then the current measured with the current probe coinciding with the current measured with the shunt? The shunt isn't a low pass filter.
@omnibus, I ask of you yet another favor :-[ .
Using the parameters that give the most highest negative slope. Could you please share exact frequency and time difference between voltage and current wave.
Like what I said before, please show us the current waveforms in time domain for the load and for the bifilar coil in the neighborhood of 41 Mhz. The computed Pout/Pin ratio is meaningless to us if we don't know how the sign of the current changes at 41 Mhz. Period.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 11:19:54 AM
So, why is then the current measured with the current probe coinciding with the current measured with the shunt? The shunt isn't a low pass filter.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 11:46:57 AM
Like what I said before, please show us the current waveforms in time domain for the load and for the bifilar coil in the neighborhood of 41 Mhz. The computed Pout/Pin ratio is meaningless to us if we don't know how the sign of the current changes at 41 Mhz. Period.
First of all, what have I missed? Why are you stuck with that 41Mhz value while the OU experiments are at 700 kHz? And if you go back a few pages he has shared both the data of the inductor as a reference test case with only a resistor. The data could be meaningless to YOU but definitely not "us" who know how to use it.
This is why little gets achieved here. Either it's some secret box of magic, or someone is completely open with his experiments and data and people keep going back to 0. At some point you have to accept the data you found in order to progress or else you'll keep going in circles never achieving anything.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 11:46:57 AM
Like what I said before, please show us the current waveforms in time domain for the load and for the bifilar coil in the neighborhood of 41 Mhz. The computed Pout/Pin ratio is meaningless to us if we don't know how the sign of the current changes at 41 Mhz. Period.
Why bifilar coil? Bifilar coil is out because it isn't interesting any more (all kinds of questions regarding the parasitic capacitances and inductances arise). What is been studied now is a dissipative (Ohmic, active) resistor in series with a capacitor. This is what is under study now and this is what you should address.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 06:47:49 AM
You'd do better to stay out of this discussion. You're not only not a scientist and therefore have no basis to judge whether or not others are but you're a confused individual who very laboriously strives to disrupt useful discussions and that onlyclogs them.
For your therapy:
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 28, 2010, 05:16:09 AM
What are you talking about ? The Eorbo ?
The topic here is the OU from simple RC circuit. No engine, work or mechanical stuff here. Only heat.
This thread is:
"STEORN DEMO LIVE & STREAM in Dublin", not "OU from simple RC circuit".
So I speak about Steorn.
If you don't, you should open a new topic.
To put the issue of the probe cutting off frequencies (thus underestimating the input current) to rest here is a screen shot from a circuit with 10Ohm resistor and 0.001uF cap in series. The blue trace is the voltage, the green trace is the Hall effect-based current probe and the yellow is the 10Ohm resistor shunt. Of course, I won't present data for 41MHz because, as I already noted on several occasions, at such high frequencies there are additional concerns to be accounted for and that needs more research.
As you can see there is a slight difference in the current traces taken with the probe and with the shunt. The shunt current is slightly higher because of the parasitic capacitance kicking in. That was the reason I got the probe -- to measure the current without the interference of parasitic inductance (I explained that at length earlier). I should also mention that when the data with the shunt are crunched the OU is still there. Also, notice, the offset expected by @blueplanet in the current probe trace is practically absent.
@broli, sorry for that drawback but maybe @blueplane hasn't been keeping up while he might be genuinely interested.
This graph shows Pout/Pin changes sign at 41 Mhz:;topic=8411.0;attach=45402;image
But this graph does not reflect this behavior:;topic=8411.0;attach=45405;image
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 11:54:36 AM
First of all, what have I missed? Why are you stuck with that 41Mhz value while the OU experiments are at 700 kHz? And if you go back a few pages he has shared both the data of the inductor as a reference test case with only a resistor. The data could be meaningless to YOU but definitely not "us" who know how to use it.
This is why little gets achieved here. Either it's some secret box of magic, or someone is completely open with his experiments and data and people keep going back to 0. At some point you have to accept the data you found in order to progress or else you'll keep going in circles never achieving anything.
Forgot to mention -- caps of lower capacitance value yield a negative input energy-time slope as well in the shunt current measurement as they do in the current probe current measurement.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 28, 2010, 12:45:03 PM
This graph shows Pout/Pin changes sign at 41 Mhz:;topic=8411.0;attach=45402;image
But this graph does not reflect this behavior:;topic=8411.0;attach=45405;image
Didn't I say, or maybe you just didn't read it -- the data at frequencies higher than 1MHz will be the subject of further studies. So, go back to what's at hand here.
Also, carefully examine what the second graph is showing and see if you can really make the statement that it isn't reflecting the behavior shown in the first graph. That's just for exercise because, as I said, we're not concerned at present with the behavior in the MHz range.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 12:56:46 PM
Forgot to mention -- caps of lower capacitance value yield a negative input energy-time slope as well in the shunt current measurement as they do in the current probe current measurement.
Does the slope get more negative if only the shunt value is decreased? If so does it behave linearly? Also can you perform that phase shift measurement.
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 01:58:33 PM
Does the slope get more negative if only the shunt value is decreased? If so does it behave linearly? Also can you perform that phase shift measurement.
I have done such study but can't open it, believe it or not. My Excel 2010 that was supposed to arrive on Friday hasn't arrived yet. When it arrives I'll post what I have.
Here's the first attempt to calculate the RC circuit, see attached excel file.
Diagram is in the excel to avoid confusion.
You can play with figures at the top to the 'Signal Calculation' tab and vary:
- input voltage peak/peak value
- frequency
- resistor value
- capacitor value
Output of the UIN and UOUT phase and amplitudes can be viewed instantly after altering any above parameters.
The result in the graph shows 2 full sinus periods.
Below the input/output graph some power calculations are done.
I find that input power is exactly equal to output power for every frequency.
But of course this is just a model to show that 'old school' theory is used.
Any comments/suggestions are welcome.
Some more details of my calculations:
'Signal Calculation' tab contains basic calculations of (from top to bottom):
1) complex impedance
2) complex current, amplitude and phase
3) voltage across the output resistor, amplitude and phase (of course output voltage phase is equal to phase of current)
4) phase between input and output voltage phase shift
5) amplitude of the output voltage across the resistor
Power calculations:
- I used the calculated complex current as calculated in 2) above and multiplied it by the complex input voltage.
- For power consumption (as it will be charged to everybody): only the real part of the input power is important
- Output power is calculated as the complex current times complex voltage across the resistor.
'Signal Curve calculations' tab contains the calculations for the actual phase graph.
Maybe for clearity:
Voltage and currents are pure sinus shaped.
Power amplitudes are calculated but here sinus x sinus should be applied
I will do a separate excel session on power calculations.
Attached file is too vague to be understood by most readers
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 28, 2010, 02:03:45 AM
The hyperphysics formula is in terms of Vm and Im (the peak values) and it is for pure sine waves. Omnibus is not using Vm or Im in his calculations and does not assume his trace to be a pure sine wave, it can be of any shape. The wt and phi terms are taken care of automatically when you integrate samples.
Couldn't leave it along and just when I quit responding and only read this thread once in a while for laughs.
The integration formula is shown below. The 'Averaging over one period T of the sinusoidal function' means 1/2 cycle. Same as RMS and the only way to integrate correctly.
Vm or Im is
not the peak values. Hyperphysics would specify V of Pk or I of Pk. The graph used that point just to make it easy to understand. But, I'm not at all amazed that the Omniworld geniuses didn't understand.
What is this constant Omniworld delusion with pure sine wave, these formulas or for any shape sine wave.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 28, 2010, 02:03:45 AM
You have learned a lot about power formulas, now its time to go a step beyond and learn about basic integration.
Another lie, I started off trying to get Omnibus to use the Real Power formula. But that was a brick wall, so then I just tried to get him to just use a formula that had all positive on both sides, the instantaneous formula clears that up. The only thing that I did learn was the correct formula for instantaneous power and the correct way to integrate, which uses only the half cycle at phase angle.
Other are right about the fact that you need to get off this thread. Steorn had Pulsed DC, an inductor, moving magnets, real EE's, and high end equipment. All you have is high end equipment.
You should call it
'OMNIWORLD OU FROM REACTIVE POWER'. Thousands have tried for over a century and all failed. But I'm sure that it is no problem for the geniuses at Omniworld.
All non Omniworld people know that you will come up with more lame excuses not to use the correct formula, but why try, your incorrect I^2 R will still be much higher than the real power answer. At least you'll be half right for once.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: LarryC on June 28, 2010, 04:49:55 PM
Couldn't leave it along and just when I quit responding and only read this thread once in a while for laughs.
The integration formula is shown below. The 'Averaging over one period T of the sinusoidal function' means 1/2 cycle. Same as RMS and the only way to integrate correctly.
Vm or Im is not the peak values. Hyperphysics would specify V of Pk or I of Pk. The graph used that point just to make it easy to understand. But, I'm not at all amazed that the Omniworld geniuses didn't understand.
What is this constant Omniworld delusion with pure sine wave, these formulas or for any shape sin wave.
Another lie, I started off trying to get Omnibus to use the Real Power formula. But that was a brick wall, so then I just tried to get him to just use a formula that had all positive on both sides, the instantaneous formula clears that up. The only thing that I did learn was the correct formula for instantaneous power and the correct way to integrate, which uses only the half cycle at phase angle.
Other are right about the fact that you need to get off this thread. Steorn had Pulsed DC, an inductor, moving magnets, real EE's, and high end equipment. All you have is high end equipment.
You should call it 'OMNIWORLD OU FROM REACTIVE POWER'. Thousands have tried for over a century and all failed. But I'm sure that it is no problem for the geniuses at Omniworld.
All non Omniworld people know that you will come up with more lame excuses not to use the correct formula, but why try, your incorrect I^2 R will still be much higher than the real power answer. At least you'll be half right for once.
Regards, Larry
At least we agree on one thing. This deserves its own thread.
This is not the place to study this subject and straighten out your confusion. You have to come up prepared for such discussions. Citing pages the essence of which is vague to you will not substitute for your own efforts to understand the matter. I am happy that you enjoy yourself and come here for laughs but your enjoyment concerns only you and nobody else, especially when you are the one to be laughed at.
I'm trying to open your Excel file and I could succeed to a certain extent (my Excel 2010 still hasn't arrived and the one I'm using is working just half-heartedly). When I change the values in the highlighted area all the rest turns into errors. Is it me or there's something in the file itself (I guess it's the former)? What version of Excel is your file prepared with?
As promised my next version of Omnibus RC power calculations.
It includes earlier calcuations.
The file is zipped due to its size.
I have added power and energy graphs.
Those were derived from the 'Signal & Pwr Curve calculations' tab, where I calculated current and voltage curves, both at input and output.
With this improvement my model shows that avarage input and output power and energy equals over time, but can vary at specific time moments.
It very important to understand that integration should be done over exactly N (N= 1, 2, 3, 4, etc) times one cycle to be able to compare avarage input and output energy consumption.
This Excel file uses the 'COMPLEX' functions, which, by default, are not installed. You can activate these by following instructions:
QuoteInstall the Analysis ToolPak if COMPLEX returns the #NAME? error value. Select the Add-Ins menu item from the Tools menu, check the box next to the Analysis ToolPak and click on the OK button to install the Analysis ToolPak.
Can't change parameters in your second Excel file either. Changing data in the yellow fields causes the error #NAME? in the rest of the fields.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 06:33:29 PM
You sure that's me :P . I think my nick has saturated your eyes.
Quote from: broli on June 28, 2010, 06:34:45 PM
You sure that's me :P . I think my nick has saturated your eyes.
I know. I just found this out and corrected the silly error. Sorry about that.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 06:33:29 PM
Can't change parameters in your second Excel file either. Changing data in the yellow fields causes the error #NAME? in the rest of the fields.
It's prepared by Excel 2003, further processed in Excel 2007, and saved as Excel '97-2003 format.
I have no problems in changing the numbers in the yellow cells. Very weird that you can't change them.
Maybe this is because of default Excel setting. I am in Europe, you probably have US settings active.
I'll have a look at it tomorrow. It's getting too late here and I need some sleep. Sorry, please have some more patient.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 28, 2010, 06:41:36 PM
It's prepared by Excel 2003, further processed in Excel 2007, and saved as Excel '97-2003 format.
I have no problems in changing the numbers in the yellow cells. Very weird that you can't change them.
Yeah, I'm having problems with my Excel. Will see what I can do about it.
Main thing is, I'm trying to understand what you've done. How did you generate the data for the current and voltage as well as the phase shift?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 06:46:50 PM
Yeah, I'm having problems with my Excel. Will see what I can do about it.
Main thing is, I'm trying to understand what you've done. How did you generate the data for the current and voltage as well as the phase shift?
Ah, stupid me, I know why you can't change the numbers.
You have to be able to use complex numbers.
This is optional in Excel.
This is done as follows:
QuoteInstall the Analysis ToolPak if COMPLEX returns the #NAME? error value. Select the Add-Ins menu item from the Tools menu, check the box next to the Analysis ToolPak and click on the OK button to install the Analysis ToolPak.
Have done so, you should be able to change the yellow highlighted numbers.
Are you familiar with complex numbers?
If not, it's a bit difficult to explain in a few words how I calculated all values, this is used in EE mathematics.
Must be something else. Tried changing the add-ins to no avail.
Complex numbers are not the problem. That's trivial. The problem might be the way power is calculated. First thing that has to be checked is that the question does not contain the answer (petitio principii). I've noticed that logical inconsistency is widely spread in those circles.
Very impressive skills. Thanks for coming here, as someone like you was truly needed to stop the misleading. The Omni group usually tries to dismiss and attack anyone trying to show the truth. But in your case it will be very difficult.
Are you an EE?
Regards, Larry
Like I said, this isn't an educational site but I'll try to help you nevertheless. Read the first sentence in this link: Then, notice in the second sentence that hyperphysics speaks of rms or effective voltage and current. So, as a first step, learn the difference between rms and instantaneous values of these quantities and try to somehow understand that rms values are used when instantaneous values are unavailable. When instantaneous values of the current and voltage are available, as in the here discussed case, we do not use the rms values. To calculate power through the knowledge of the instantaneous values, as in the case here, is the really accurate way to do it but it is a big deal and that is by no means an everyday opportunity for an electrical technician. Therefore, for convenience, electrical technicians use rms values which, as hyperphysics instructs you (read the second sentence of the link I gave you) almost always (notice the word 'almost') is given by the formula within that second sentence. Try first to understand this.
Recall the theory behind this finding: Therefore, what we're looking for here is to find such conditions (such capacitance) which will not only change the voltage measured across the whole system (across capacitance plus resistance and not only across the resistance) but will also change the current in such a way that the new current, in addition to leading the voltage, will have a value different from the value of the current which would correspond by Ohm's law to that new, changed voltage and resistance.
Here's an example of a simulation, based on your I and V data but with a proper phase shift (current leading voltage) for, say 0.001Ohm resistance. Try to find conditions (by changing the capacitance value) where such relationship can be observed experimentally. Maybe you can suggest a different Ohmic resistance value. That's fine, as long as that could simulate a real experiment. With this sim I'm showing you that simulation of the experimentally observed effect is possible. Also, notice, we're not interested in anything else but the real part of the impedance and the overall spent energy, based on the I and V applied to the whole system. Never mind other details.
If you are sure about this OU effect, I think it is a time to build something that makes use of this effect. It does not have to be a self-running device. It could be just a simple transmission system involving several devices, like this one, connected in series. By doing so you lose nothing.
Whether the OU is real or not, the behaviour of the bifilar coil is not something that can be explained by textbook physics.
Quote from: exnihiloest on June 28, 2010, 12:43:23 PM
This thread is:
"STEORN DEMO LIVE & STREAM in Dublin", not "OU from simple RC circuit".
So I speak about Steorn.
If you don't, you should open a new topic.
Then you are talking to yourself. People are discussing another anomaly at this time under the same topic. If you don't like to talk about it, go elsewhere there are many other threads on steorn.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 29, 2010, 02:38:29 AM
Then you are talking to yourself. People are discussing another anomaly at this time under the same topic. If you don't like to talk about it, go elsewhere there are many other threads on steorn.
You are discussing about what you want about this topic. Me too.
If you don't see the relationship between what you are talking about and my reply, it is your problem, not mine.
Quote from: LarryC on June 28, 2010, 04:49:55 PM
The integration formula is shown below. The 'Averaging over one period T of the sinusoidal function' means 1/2 cycle. Same as RMS and the only way to integrate correctly.
Vm or Im is not the peak values. Hyperphysics would specify V of Pk or I of Pk. The graph used that point just to make it easy to understand. But, I'm not at all amazed that the Omniworld geniuses didn't understand.
Regards, Larry
Vm and Im are indeed peak values, see the diagram and the dotted line drawn from the peak. 'm' here means max, peak and max are the same thing. V and I (without subscripts) are here used for rms values. Don't confuse yourself.
That integration equation gives "average power" from Vm and Im or Vrms and Irms. Omnibus is not using any of these values in his calculation, there is no Vm, Im or rms values, neither he uses "average power". These are not there anywhere in his data, neither he measured them (it requires true rms meter or peak meters, the old way), so the standard equations were not applied.
Let me repeat once again, he is using sampled data, delta-V, delta-I and delta-t, area under the plotted product of samples gives the power precisely, no equations needed.
This must be new thing for you, as this is not taught in schools or text books but experimentalists and pros are familiar with numerical integration techniques. This is my
last attempt to justify the calculations, and I'm doing so only to clear the confusion of anyone else reading this thread, not necessarily to prove you wrong or prove omnibus right.
So lets focus on the problem here. I guess the self-resonant circuit proposed above is a good practical application. If there is excess energy, the oscillations in such circuit will never die down. However if the excess energy is only in the form of pure heat, then there is no way to completely convert the heat back into oscillations of tank circuit.
So a good application (and test) will be to immerse the resistor in a oil/water jar and check the temperature. You will need to use higher V or I values say upto 12V, 1 Amp, to make a OU heater. A control experiment with only the resistor without the cap connected can be set up to compare the results.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 07:53:55 PM
Must be something else. Tried changing the add-ins to no avail.
Complex numbers are not the problem. That's trivial. The problem might be the way power is calculated. First thing that has to be checked is that the question does not contain the answer (petitio principii). I've noticed that logical inconsistency is widely spread in those circles.
It's really a pity you can't alter the input values, since this would able us to understand were exactly our differences in outcome occur.
Like I mentioned, the model I posted shows calculations like they are taught on universities, it's not meant to show how I personal think you should calculate this circuit.
I am open to discuss where exactly in calculations we differ.
Next step would be to compare your calculations step by step with same components and input, starting with the current phase.
As you can probably already see, in all cases of my simulation current leads the input voltage phase.
I'll look into the excel problem further.
Attached my Excel2002 setting w.r.t. default numbers. Maybe this helps.
@ all,
Does anyone else have problems with altering the numbers in the excel file I posted earlier?
Quote from: LarryC on June 28, 2010, 08:53:14 PM
Are you an EE?
Regards, Larry
Yes, indeed.
But open to discuss 'old school' education.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 11:39:58 PM
Recall the theory behind this finding: Therefore, what we're looking for here is to find such conditions (such capacitance) which will not only change the voltage measured across the whole system (across capacitance plus resistance and not only across the resistance) but will also change the current in such a way that the new current, in addition to leading the voltage, will have a value different from the value of the current which would correspond by Ohm's law to that new, changed voltage and resistance.
Here's an example of a simulation, based on your I and V data but with a proper phase shift (current leading voltage) for, say 0.001Ohm resistance. Try to find conditions (by changing the capacitance value) where such relationship can be observed experimentally. Maybe you can suggest a different Ohmic resistance value. That's fine, as long as that could simulate a real experiment. With this sim I'm showing you that simulation of the experimentally observed effect is possible. Also, notice, we're not interested in anything else but the real part of the impedance and the overall spent energy, based on the I and V applied to the whole system. Never mind other details.
Can you give me the input amplitude, frequency and component values for this calculations, so I can apply them in my simulation model and see where differences occur?
Quote from: teslaalset on June 29, 2010, 03:31:48 AM
@ all,
Does anyone else have problems with altering the numbers in the excel file I posted earlier?
I have the same issue as omnibus, working with excel 2007.
Can you give me the input amplitude, frequency and component values for this calculations, so I can apply them in my simulation model and see where differences occur?
Too bad I can't resolve the Excel issues. The question I'm asking myself is -- would standard theory predict what I'm seeing experimentally. In other words, what should the capacitance be in a RC circuit where R is 100Ohms so that when you apply a 700kHz signal of 15.6V amplitude the current will both be leading the voltage by 87 (probably?) degrees and not have an amplitude of 0.156A, as would be according to Ohm's law, but would be of amplitude, say, 0.007A. I'm asking myself that question because if such capacitance can be found theoretically from the standard theory then the standard theory would also predict that there will be overunity, as we have alraedy seen. It would be nice, if such capacitance exists, to simulate the I and V and show directly the energy-time calculation we've been doing lately, demonstrating OU from first principles. Such simulation will also overthrow any suggestions for experimental errors when answering the yes or no question regarding the reality of OU.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 07:05:44 AM
Too bad I can't resolve the Excel issues. The question I'm asking myself is -- would standard theory predict what I'm seeing experimentally. In other words, what should the capacitance be in a RC circuit where R is 100Ohms so that when you apply a 700kHz signal of 15.6V amplitude the current will both be leading the voltage by 87 (probably?) degrees and not have an amplitude of 0.156A, as would be according to Ohm's law, but would be of amplitude, say, 0.007A. I'm asking myself that question because if such capacitance can be found theoretically from the standard theory then the standard theory would also predict that there will be overunity, as we have alraedy seen. It would be nice, if such capacitance exists, to simulate the I and V and show directly the energy-time calculation we've been doing lately, demonstrating OU from first principles. Such simulation will also overthrow any suggestions for experimental errors when answering the yes or no question regarding the reality of OU.
Here's a simple circuit to inspect current flow quikly:
$ 1 1.0E-8 56.303023683595114 55 5.0 50
v 256 320 256 144 0 1 25000.0 15.6 0.0 0.0 0.5
r 256 144 416 144 0 100.0
c 416 144 416 320 0 1.0E-10 4.328715655815626
w 256 320 416 320 0
o 2 64 0 35 18.707220957835556 0.001461501637330903 0 -1
o 2 64 0 289 10.0 0.0015625 1 -1
Again copy & paste that into the "import" part at the applet that opens when going to (
Using 15.6V, 700kHz, 100ohm and 100pf parameters, the current only has an amplitude of 0.245mA. Which is 2.85 times lower than your current...
Isn't that the exact same OU amount you are measuring :o .
I think I found the problem.
During processing of the Excel 2002 version in Excel2007 the formulas were automatically converted.
Most of the complex functions were converted wrongly.
I corrected these meanwhile. Attached a version that should work with at least Excel2007.
Let me know if this one works for you.
Thanks a lot. Great applet. It says 25kHz, however. Can you make it 700kHz?
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 07:44:11 AM
Thanks a lot. Great applet. It says 25kHz, however. Can you make it 700kHz?
Lol what a stupid mistake, here's the corrected one..
$ 1 2.2E-10 56.303023683595114 55 5.0 50
v 256 320 256 144 0 1 700000.0 15.6 0.0 0.0 0.5
r 256 144 416 144 0 100.0
c 416 144 416 320 0 1.0E-10 9.146246764369296
w 256 320 416 320 0
o 2 64 0 35 18.707220957835556 0.046768052394588894 0 -1
o 2 64 0 33 9.353610478917778 0.011692013098647223 1 -1
Now it confirms the 7mA value.
Now it works. Thanks. Will take a look at it later. Now I wanna explore the applet @broli gave a link to. Exciting stuff -- both @broli's and yours.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 07:48:56 AM
Now it works. Thanks. Will take a look at it later. Now I wanna explore the applet @broli gave a link to. Exciting stuff -- both @broli's and yours.
@Omnibus, @Broli,
Great stuff indeed this falstad website! will do some work with this one to verify my excel model.
At least I also got 7 mA (using 2x15.6Vp = 31.2 Vpp input), so looking good.
Thanks for confirming you got a working excel file now!
Quote from: broli on June 29, 2010, 07:46:55 AM
Lol what a stupid mistake, here's the corrected one..
Now it confirms the 7mA value.
I'm speechless. This shows that all these decades we have had OU ingrained in the very essence of the theory of circuits and no one saw it. This deserves utmost attention. Thanks for this great applet.
Will wait for @teslaalset to see how he will implement this finding in his Excel approach.
@Omnibus, Can you remove the capacitor and show a scope shot of the current multiplied by the voltage trace, your scope should be able to do this. I would like to know wether the power wave is above or below the zero line. This again should tell us what's up and down. I'd appreciate it.
Quote from: broli on June 29, 2010, 08:33:07 AM
@Omnibus, Can you remove the capacitor and show a scope shot of the current multiplied by the voltage trace, your scope should be able to do this. I would like to know wether the power wave is above or below the zero line. This again should tell us what's up and down. I'd appreciate it.
As expected:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 09:03:06 AM
As expected:
Yes this is a good reference now. Any negative averages are real negative values.
There's something else that hasn't been discussed as far as I know. Average value of current and voltage. If dealing with ideal sine waves these should be 0 but from the inductor data you gave me the averages are non zero. I still have to think of how this should be interpreted.
This whole thing should be done purely analytically. Suppose we are given the analytical expression for a voltage of 15.6V amplitude, changing at 700kHz frequency applied to an RC circuit with R = 99.5Ohms and C = 115pF (I'm taking these values to distinguish between numbers and they are closer to my data). The question is what will be the analytical expression of the current which the standard theory gives, based on the given expression for V with the given R and C?
Once we have the analytical expressions for V and I we can compare the product VI with the product I^2R and will get a purely analytical proof for OU, based on the well established circuit theory. Not to say that we know the reality of this OU has been experimentally confirmed.
Quote from: broli on June 29, 2010, 09:19:26 AM
Yes this is a good reference now. Any negative averages are real negative values.
There's something else that hasn't been discussed as far as I know. Average value of current and voltage. If dealing with ideal sine waves these should be 0 but from the inductor data you gave me the averages are non zero. I still have to think of how this should be interpreted.
Remember, there was slight offset there due to the pulse generator? That's OK, because without the offset the OU effect would've been greater.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 09:23:44 AM
The question is what will be the analytical expression of the current which the standard theory gives, based on the given expression for V with the given R and C?
Results from my spreadsheet:
Input Voltage = 15.6 x sin(wt)
Current = 0.007880434 x sin(wt-87.12 degrees)
Voltage across the resistor = R x 0.007880434 x sin(wt-87.12 degrees)
Or to make it a bit more scientific notation:
Input voltage 15.6 sin (2*Pi*700000t)
Current 0.007880434 sin (2*Pi*700000t-87.12*2*Pi/360)
Voltage across the resistor R*0.007880434 sin (2*Pi*700000t-87.12*2*Pi/360)
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 09:25:30 AM
Remember, there was slight offset there due to the pulse generator? That's OK, because without the offset the OU effect would've been greater.
The offset should indeed not change power input to output ratio as we have integrated instantaneous values. But I'm just curious as what the direction of the offset voltage is compared to current. Could you imagine that it's found that offset current is going in the other direction than the offset voltage.This requires you to do a controlled DC test. This should tell us what's + and - for the current probe and voltage probe. Then we can take the averaged values and see in what direction they are.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 29, 2010, 03:26:09 AM
Vm and Im are indeed peak values, see the diagram and the dotted line drawn from the peak. 'm' here means max, peak and max are the same thing. V and I (without subscripts) are here used for rms values. Don't confuse yourself.
That integration equation gives "average power" from Vm and Im or Vrms and Irms. Omnibus is not using any of these values in his calculation, there is no Vm, Im or rms values, neither he uses "average power". These are not there anywhere in his data, neither he measured them (it requires true rms meter or peak meters, the old way), so the standard equations were not applied.
Part of your confusion may be due to my not showing the entire Instantaneous Power section. It is shown below, notice at the bottom
average power tag, which brings you to Average Power section where they integrate Vm and Im values over a half-cycle.
Now why would anybody do that if they only have one peak value? M does mean max or peak, it is the momentary value at phase angle difference. I do agree it is pointing at peak value, but only because that is the easiest to show.
If you still don't understand, I don't care now that you finally admitted the following truth.
Quote from: Omega_0 on June 29, 2010, 03:26:09 AM
Let me repeat once again, he is using sampled data, delta-V, delta-I and delta-t, area under the plotted product of samples gives the power precisely, no equations needed.
This must be new thing for you, as this is not taught in schools or text books but experimentalists and pros are familiar with numerical integration techniques. This is my last attempt to justify the calculations, and I'm doing so only to clear the confusion of anyone else reading this thread, not necessarily to prove you wrong or prove omnibus right.
It is a new thing for me. If you had said from the beginning that you do
not want to use established scientific measurement method as taught by Universities, there would have been very little arguments.
Quote from: LarryC on June 29, 2010, 11:51:11 AM
Part of your confusion may be due to my not showing the entire Instantaneous Power section. It is shown below, notice at the bottom average power tag, which brings you to Average Power section where they integrate Vm and Im values over a half-cycle.
Now why would anybody do that if they only have one peak value? M does mean max or peak, it is the momentary value at phase angle difference. I do agree it is pointing at peak value, but only because that is the easiest to show.
If you still don't understand, I don't care now that you finally admitted the following truth.
It is a new thing for me. If you had said from the beginning that you do not want to use established scientific measurement method as taught by Universities, there would have been very little arguments.
If I was your teacher I would have killed myself by now. How you still don't get it is beyond me. You are actually a good example of how crappy the education system has become. You can't rely on your own logic and reasoning skills, yet seek fault where there is no fault.
So really there are only 2 options left,
1) you are an idiot
2) you have some hidden agenda to disrupt progress
That offset question is interesting to look into but before that I'd like to ask you -- is there a way to download that applet? Many times sites disappear so I want to have it independently.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 12:11:04 PM
That offset question is interesting to look into but before that I'd like to ask you -- is there a way to download that applet? Many times sites disappear so I want to have it independently.
Can find it where it says "Zip archive of this applet. ( (double-click on circuit.jar to run) "
But here it is:
Quote from: teslaalset on June 29, 2010, 03:35:09 AM
Yes, indeed.
But open to discuss 'old school' A.
Great, and it is obivious. An EE that believes OU may be possible is truely needed here.
The formulas that are beings used are P = E I and P = I^2 R integrated over more than one-half cycle and with no phase adjustment. This is causing a bias to show OU when in a circuit dominated by capacitance at high frequency.
So basically OU from reactive power.
Now they are trying to figure out a way to get real power from the reactive power. Do you think it is possible?
Regards, Larry
Quote from: broli on June 29, 2010, 12:14:17 PM
Can find it where it says "Zip archive of this applet. (//http://javascript:void(0); (double-click on circuit.jar to run) "
But here it is:
Thanks @broli.
Overunity dot com is a open forum where members can post in any thread they like.
In Reply #3599 you are calling another member names. I will remind you of the TOS
that say:
5.1 defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of other
users or any third parties;
Name calling, like saying that a member is an "idiot", is very close to defame. I will
recommend to you to behave more polite when responding to other members.
Quote from: LarryC on June 29, 2010, 12:14:50 PM
Great, and it is obivious. An EE that believes OU may be possible is truely needed here.
The formulas that are beings used are P = E I and P = I^2 R integrated over more than one-half cycle and with no phase adjustment. This is causing a bias to show OU when in a circuit dominated by capacitance at high frequency.
So basically OU from reactive power.
Now they are trying to figure out a way to get real power from the reactive power. Do you think it is possible?
Regards, Larry
You still don't get it, do you?
More child like tantrums and name calling. As I told you before, no one will believe you when you act like this. You need to show proof.
At least Omega was man enough to admit that what you are doing is not taught in school or text, why can't you.
If you're talking about my comments on the hyperphysic examples, we can always ask Teslaalset to verify. But, I'm sure you know what his answer will be.
Regards, Larry
Quote from: Groundloop on June 29, 2010, 12:42:48 PM
Overunity dot com is a open forum where members can post in any thread they like.
In Reply #3599 you are calling another member names. I will remind you of the TOS
that say:
5.1 defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of other
users or any third parties;
Name calling, like saying that a member is an "idiot", is very close to defame. I will
recommend to you to behave more polite when responding to other members.
Perhaps you should investigate the case more deeply. LarryC is acting like drone posting the same crap over and over pretending to "listen" just so he can go in repeat mode the next page. You don't need to lecture me on the cause of the forum if anything LarryC is disrupting that cause.
Did you get time to test your circuit with square waves?
Quote from: Groundloop on June 29, 2010, 01:00:17 PM
Did you get time to test your circuit with square waves?
Yes, I did. I posted that couple of pages earlier. I get OU with square waves too but the signals are messy which would be difficult to simulate with a converter. Seems that we should go on with the sine waves which are smooth and well-defined. In addition, it turned out that this finding is within otherwise well understood theory of RC circuits but has been overlooked. Do you think it would be difficult to design a converter yielding sine waves of pre-desired characteristics that could be fed by a cap?
Sorry, I did miss that post where you tested the square waves.
It should not be impossible to make a sine wave oscillator at 700KHz.
I will look into this but it will take some time due to other planned tasks.
What bothers me is that I can't see any practical circuit to get the
power out, right now. This will be the most difficult task, I think.
Quote from: Groundloop on June 29, 2010, 04:09:43 PM
Sorry, I did miss that post where you tested the square waves.
It should not be impossible to make a sine wave oscillator at 700KHz.
I will look into this but it will take some time due to other planned tasks.
What bothers me is that I can't see any practical circuit to get the
power out, right now. This will be the most difficult task, I think.
Yeah, I know. That's the next thing to be discussed. I can't see how this can be done at the low power levels we got now in view of the enormous losses. Too bad there are no resources to study the effect at higher levels of power. Nevertheless, it would be good to start with making a converter and seeing that at the output of that converter, when powered by a cap, we get the desired forms of waves.
Agree on the argument of higher power levels. It should be possible to make
a RF amplifier for 700KHz. But my earlier builds always did turn up to waste
a lot of power as heat. So if you want, say, 100 Watt out to the load then
the amplifier itself will waste almost 100 Watt to do it. I have also built radio tube
amplifiers and the same story there, a lot of heat in the tubes has to be removed.
We must find a way to make a good sinus wave at medium power without wasting
all our COP amplification as heat. A very difficult task.
Quote from: LarryC on June 29, 2010, 12:14:50 PM
Now they are trying to figure out a way to get real power from the reactive power. Do you think it is possible?
I am still behind in reading the history of this thread to have a strong opinion.
We all know that great inventions and technologies that seems quite normal right now were judged as ridiculous only a century ago.
Looking beyond this puzzle, what concerns me is where does the claimed extra energy come from?
This is what causes me to be careful in my believes.
As for Steorn, I am convinced the claimed OU comes from conversion of environmental heat to electrical current.
I've read enough scientific papers to see a common factor of this phenomenon that justifies excess of electrical energy. It's not OU though, but simply conversion of energy.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 28, 2010, 11:39:58 PM
Recall the theory behind this finding: Therefore, what we're looking for here is to find such conditions (such capacitance) which will not only change the voltage measured across the whole system (across capacitance plus resistance and not only across the resistance) but will also change the current in such a way that the new current, in addition to leading the voltage, will have a value different from the value of the current which would correspond by Ohm's law to that new, changed voltage and resistance.
Here's an example of a simulation, based on your I and V data but with a proper phase shift (current leading voltage) for, say 0.001Ohm resistance. Try to find conditions (by changing the capacitance value) where such relationship can be observed experimentally. Maybe you can suggest a different Ohmic resistance value. That's fine, as long as that could simulate a real experiment. With this sim I'm showing you that simulation of the experimentally observed effect is possible. Also, notice, we're not interested in anything else but the real part of the impedance and the overall spent energy, based on the I and V applied to the whole system. Never mind other details.
My model will not be able to show such large differences between input and output energy.
It will show, under any condition, that after integrating over a numerical number of sinus periods the input energy is equal to the output energy. This is inherent to the model I have implemented from theory.
Now that you have the ability to change values yourself in my model, please try.
In practice, at 700 KHz, the model may not be valid anymore.
So, I am not saying your measurements are not correct.
This may be the reason for differences between theory and good practice.
I will have a look later on at the 3 examples you showed, to see how close simulations are to your measured values to understand these differences.
Are you saying that in practice a different phase maybe caused by none ideal components used?
This different phase shift causes the OU, right?
Imagine you're given the RC circuit shown below and imagine the applied voltage is:
Vin = Vm sin(2Pift).
Theory of electricity requires that the current through that circuit be
Iin = Vin/Z
which amounts to the following clumsy expression (especially clumsy where there are no LaTeX provisions):
Iin = (Vm sin(2Pift + arctan (R/(1/(2PifC)))/(R + (1/(2PifC)))
The above expressions for Vin and Iin come straight from the circuit theory (please correct them if you see something missing). From these expressions we can at once plot the I and V curves for some concrete values of Vm, f, C and R. Once we have these concrete waves plotted, we can do the numerical integration of the momentary IV and I^2R in the usual manner. What we will find is that at certain values of Vm, f, C and R the theory of electricity itself proves that overunity is inherently contained in it. We can also show, as already has been done, that such result (overunity) coincides with the results from an experiment carried out at the same conditions. This is an ironclad way of proving the reaity of OU -- production of excess energy (OU) in electrical systems has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. This supplements the already found production of excess energy (OU) in mechanical and electrochemical systems.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 06:51:39 PM
Imagine you're given the RC circuit shown below and imagine the applied voltage is:
Vin = Vm sin(2Pift).
Theory of electricity requires that the current through that circuit be
Iin = Vin/Z
which amounts to the following clumsy expression (especially clumsy where there are no LaTeX provisions):
Iin = (Vm sin(2Pift + arctan (R/(1/(2PifC)))/(R + (1/(2PifC)))
The above expressions for Vin and Iin come straight from the circuit theory (please correct them if you see something missing). From these expressions we can at once plot the I and V curves for some concrete values of Vm, f, C and R. Once we have these concrete waves plotted, we can do the numerical integration of the momentary IV and I^2R in the usual manner. What we will find is that at certain values of Vm, f, C and R the theory of electricity itself proves that overunity is inherently contained in it. We can also show, as already has been done, that such result (overunity) coincides with the results from an experiment carried out at the same conditions. This is an ironclad way of proving the reaity of OU -- production of excess energy (OU) in electrical systems has been proved beyond a shadow of a doubt. This supplements the already found production of excess energy (OU) in mechanical and electrochemical systems.
I attached a more pleasant one to the eye. I noticed you divided R/Xc to get the angle but it should be Xc/R.
Since I have mathematica I can do the integrals and see what it gives.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 29, 2010, 06:51:39 PM
Vin = Vm sin(2Pift).
Theory of electricity requires that the current through that circuit be
Iin = Vin/Z
Iin = (Vm sin(2Pift + arctan (R/(1/(2PifC)))/(R + (1/(2PifC)))
@Omnibus, thanks for explaining again.
This clears up my gap in understanding in what area you found OU.
This explanation points out the difference in your and my way of calculation.
You are using time as a variable, while my model uses angle as a variable.
Of course, both should end up in identical results.
So, I will make an additional tab in my Excel model where time is used as the variable.
To verify my model, the Java model of the Falstad website will be of great use, thanks again Broli for finding this tool ;)
Vin is a pulse chain. The expression Vin = Vm sin(2Pift) shouldn't be used in calculating the input or output power unless it is a pure monotonic sine wave.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 30, 2010, 04:58:25 AM
Vin is a pulse chain. The expression Vin = Vm sin(2Pift) shouldn't be used in calculating the input or output power unless it is a pure monotonic sine wave.
Just before I go hang myself...what makes you think Vin is a "pulse train"?
One easiler way to calculate the power is:
P = Re{ I* V} = Re{ I V*}
where I and V are expressed in complex numbers, and
I* is the conjugate of I, while V* is the conjugate of V.
P = Re{ (V V* ) /( R + 1/jwC) }
Regardless of the expression of V, the only condition that gives negative P is when R or C becomes negative.
Your circuit diagram say Vin is a pulse generator:;topic=8411.0;attach=45775;image
Quote from: broli on June 30, 2010, 05:03:16 AM
Just before I go hang myself...what makes you think Vin is a "pulse train"?
What we will find is that at certain values of Vm, f, C and R the theory of electricity itself proves that overunity is inherently contained in it.
Never! The theory of electricity is internally consistent and it is coherent with mechanics and with special relativity.
If OU was deductible from theory of electricity, this theory would be incompatible with all other physics laws.
If OU exists, it can't be deduced from current knowledge of physics laws. Either new laws have to be proved or a hidden energy source has to be revealed (only exception: the possible but not proved Maxwell demon hypothesis).
Trying to use conventional science to prove OU (thus that real science is false) is illogical and the evidence of misunderstanding and ignorance.
Quote from: blueplanet on June 30, 2010, 04:58:25 AM
Vin is a pulse chain. The expression Vin = Vm sin(2Pift) shouldn't be used in calculating the input or output power unless it is a pure monotonic sine wave.
We're calculating sinus input first.
Oke this isn't the nicest report but below's a quick mathematica mash up.
At the end there are two integrals. One is for output power across resistor, and the other for input power from source. I integrated over a domain of 1 second so the integral value is immediately also the average value. The next integral is over the same time domain but using input voltage and current.
The conclusion is that classical math shows that input power = output power. So we should compare an analyze very carefully where this apparent OU is coming from.
Edit: I also added a DC offset but COP remains 1.
Something with the phase shift between I and V isn't right. The experiment as well as the applet show substantial phase shift. When you calculate it with the arctan(Xc/R) it is way too small.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 08:06:32 AM
Something with the phase shift between I and V isn't right. The experiment as well as the applet show substantial phase shift. When you calculate it with the arctan(Xc/R) it is way too small.
The above report gives a phase shift of
87.48°. You sure you haven't made some mis calculation? I'm really eager to analyze your RC data when you can share it.
I'm using the search engine to calculate it. For R = 98.3Ohms, f = 700000Hz and C = 0.0000000001F I get
arctan(1/(98.3*2*3.14*700000*0.0000000001)) = 1.52761051
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 08:32:39 AM
I'm using the search engine to calculate it. For R = 98.3Ohms, f = 700000Hz and C = 0.0000000001F I get
arctan(1/(98.3*2*3.14*700000*0.0000000001)) = 1.52761051
That is because the arctan function gives the results in radians, you have to convert it to degrees try typing: "
1.52761051 radians to degrees" in the search box.
Quote from: broli on June 30, 2010, 08:34:16 AM
That is because the arctan function gives the results in radians, you have to convert it to degrees try typing: "1.52761051 radians to degrees" in the search box.
Stupid me. Of course.
Now, did you convert it in the I formula when doing the calculations? It won't be bad if you can show the plot of V and I.
Probably, also because we have Z = R + (1/(2PifCi)) = R - (1/(2PifC))i it should be with a minus sign.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 08:42:44 AM
Stupid me. Of course.
Now, did you convert it in the I formula when doing the calculations? It won't be bad if you can show the plot of V and I.
No need to convert it because the sine function also requires radians input values. I attached the U and I plot below.
Quote from: broli on June 30, 2010, 09:12:09 AM
No need to convert it because the sine function also requires radians input values. I attached the U and I plot below.
Thanks. That looks nice and I think we're getting there.
Now, makes me wonder if conversion won't make a difference. See, sin(87.48) = -0.465849409 while sin(1.52761051) = 0.999067638. Of course, if it's in radians everywhere probably it won't matter. If I were you I'd convert it, though. Somehow, to me it's more tangible if I think in degrees. Maybe Mathematica requires radians for its trig functions, however.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 09:29:10 AM
Thanks. That looks nice and I think we're getting there.
Now, makes me wonder if conversion won't make a difference. See, sin(87.48) = -0.465849409 while sin(1.52761051) = 0.999067638. Of course, if it's in radians everywhere probably it won't matter. If I were you I'd convert it, though. Somehow, to me it's more tangible if I think in degrees. Maybe Mathematica requires radians for its trig functions, however.
In a standard handheld calculator the trigonometric functions work with degrees but in most coding language everything is in radians, degrees is only used as an interface to the user for clarity. It's easier to input 30 degrees as some rotational value than 0.5235 radians.
What I'm curious about is phase shift in your experiments. We are indeed closing in on the possible options. We already have the same current amplitude as theory, so what's there left for OU to arise. I would like to get the average power across the resistor from your data and compare it to theory, then compare phase shift.
Quote from: broli on June 30, 2010, 09:43:56 AM
In a standard handheld calculator the trigonometric functions work with degrees but in most coding language everything is in radians, degrees is only used as an interface to the user for clarity. It's easier to input 30 degrees as some rotational value than 0.5235 radians.
What I'm curious about is phase shift in your experiments. We are indeed closing in on the possible options. We already have the same current amplitude as theory, so what's there left for OU to arise. I would like to get the average power across the resistor from your data and compare it to theory, then compare phase shift.
Yes, that and the offset is outstanding. Let's work some more on the equations, though. I'm getting approx 0.76 with my Excel data. Not even unity, as in your integration. Take a look:
@broli, please correct that minus before the phase angle in column C in my Excel spreadsheet. Change it to plus.It's still not unity, however (~0.92).
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 10:04:51 AM
Yes, that and the offset is outstanding. Let's work some more on the equations, though. I'm getting approx 0.76 with my Excel data. Not even unity, as in your integration. Take a look:
I have added some columns with the average power from source and out of resistor. The COP is 0.99 so we could safely say it's 1 due to numerical error.
I have to add 2 radians to the offset to get unity in my spreadsheet. The numerical error must be quite substantial.
There's another correction to be made in my spreadsheet -- R has to be 100Ohms everywhere. I tried to use a value closer to what I have (98.3Ohms) but didn't change that in Iin expression.
Yet another correction in my Excel file. Expressions
should be changed to
That may not make a difference but is good to be done for consistency.
Also, the current formula
=(15.6/SQRT(15.6^2 + (1/(2*3.14159*700000*0.0000000001))^2))*SIN((2*3.14159*700000*A4) + (ATAN(1/(100*2*3.14159*700000*0.0000000001))))
should be changed to
=(15.6/SQRT(100^2 + (1/(2*3.14159*700000*0.0000000001))^2))*SIN((2*3.14159*700000*A4) + (ATAN(1/(100*2*3.14159*700000*0.0000000001))))
Check this out:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 12:36:58 PM
Check this out:
The current in your model is lagging instead of leading. Did you notice?
I'll post my updated model this evening.
I added time calculations but results are exactly same to the calculations where I used degrees.
What would you say to this?
And, here's one, just for fun.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 12:52:36 PM
What would you say to this?
Same remark. The current is lagging instead of leading.
In this circuit current is always leading.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 12:50:06 PM
The current in your model is lagging instead of leading. Did you notice?
I'll post my updated model this evening.
I added time calculations but results are exactly same to the calculations where I used degrees.
This is true for the earlier trials. It was a mistake now corrected. Check out the latest spreadsheets (too bad I don't have my Mathematica of MathCAD with me right now; Excel is equally as good)
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 12:58:34 PM
Same remark. The current is lagging instead of leading.
In this circuit current is always leading.
I see current to be leading (its maximum is at lower time values than the voltage maximum). Isn't that supposed to be the case with an RC circuit?
It should be correct. It all depends on wether you add or substract that phase angle in the sine function of current. But either way it doesn't change the final results.
@Omnibus, @Broli,
My mistake. I checked my books again ;)
Current phase in your model is Ok.
I've updated my model. It's > 300 KB so I had to upload it to the download section of this forum.
You can download it here:;sa=downfile&id=395 (;sa=downfile&id=395)
It should give similar results to your model(s) now, after putting the same components and input voltage and frequency in the yellow cells of my excel file
Edit1Once again, this one doesn't probably work due to the conversion to Excel2007.
I'll upload a new one once it has been resolved.
Should be OK, I replaced the file. The link should still be valid
@Omnibus, @broli,
I hope we can now agree on our models.
Sad but true, it can be observed that OU can not be obtained by appying full sinus periods.
However, play with the model and you can see there is still room for OU.
See below graph. It's small, but it's there.
This can be optained by switching off the input at the right moment.
(interupting the full sinus cycle)
Question is, is this feasible in practice?
Question two would be, what if we use an inductor instead of a capacitor?
Seems that an inductor in series with a low value resistor has better options.
See bottom graph.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 02:30:29 PM
@Omnibus, @broli,
I hope we can now agree on our models.
Sad but true, it can be observed that OU can not be obtained by appying full sinus periods.
However, play with the model and you can see there is still room for OU.
See below graph. It's small but it's there.
This can be optained by switching off the input at the right moment.
(interupting the full sinus cycle)
Question is, is this feasible in practice?
The main reason wasn't uncovering OU from theory, at least not for me. I wanted to have a solid comparison between theory and omnibus's experiment, so we can find out exactly what the difference is and how it causes the apparent OU. Currently I'm leaning towards phase angle. But due to omnibus excel problem I can't analyze his data and compare it to theory. But we at least know that the current amplitude is the same.
I think it will take mainly some mathematical scrutiny to find the difference. A model can be extracted out of the data using statistical magic.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 02:30:29 PM
Seems that an inductor in series with a low value resistor has better options.
See bottom graph.
From my humble view I would say that the slope matters not the offset. The average slope on both look about the same, the offset is due to initial conditions. An inductor stores maximum energy at maximum current and this can offset the graphs. Average slope is actual Joules / second (aka Watt) and this is what matters.
Quote from: broli on June 30, 2010, 04:12:27 PM
From my humble view I would say that the slope matters not the offset. The average slope on both look about the same, the offset is due to initial conditions. An inductor stores maximum energy at maximum current and this can offset the graphs. Average slope is actual Joules / second (aka Watt) and this is what matters.
Maybe I was not very good at explaining.
Look at the time moment of the arrow.
Imaging one switches on at time = 0 and off at the time indicated by the arrow.
At the time of the arrow, the total input energy used is almost zero, but the total consumed energy is much higher.
So the ratio output / input energy is much greater than 1.
So, in practice, one should repeat this sequence;
1) Switch the circuit on when input sinus voltage is zero, but increasing.
2) Switch off the circuit when consumed energy is much higher than the delivered input energy.
3) Wait for the input voltage crosses 0 Volt again, so back to 1)
@broli and @teslaalset,
I got it. Posted it in a couple of posts back but you probably missed it. Here it is for 5Ohms. For 1Ohm you got negative slope of the input energy-time curve.
Here's the 1Ohm plot showing negative slope of the input energy-time curve:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 04:43:44 PM
@broli and @teslaalset,
I got it. Posted it in a couple of posts back but you probably missed it. Here it is for 5Ohms. For 1Ohm you got negative slope of the input energy-time curve.
I dont' get it :)
Can you tell us how exactly you calculated the OU factor?
If I look to the graph, input energy is higher than the output energy all the time.....
I'll do further studies but, recall, this follows the trend I observed experimentally. The 100Ohm was only giving me slight OU and as I went down the Ohmic resistance the effect went up getting even into the negative slope region. Also, recall the study with the caps. 300pF hardly showed any OU while as you went down in capacitance not only OU emerged but also the negative input slope popped up. @broli asked me to do some studies of these dependencies but my Excel crashed and now I'm struggling halfheartedly with it. Will do it as soon as the new Excel arrives
P.S How pathetic, the seller notified me after I contacted him that Microsoft has required some delay in shipping. But, how can that be since when tracking it in the USPS site it was stated that it was shipped but USPS never received it. Also I checked in Staples and they do have Excel 2010. So it has already been shipped. Weird. Anyway, let me not bother you with this mess.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 04:51:36 PM
I dont' get it :)
Can you tell us how exactly you calculated the OU factor?
If I look to the graph, input energy is higher than the output energy all the time.....
Take a look at the slopes of the two curves -- you'll see the equations of the best-fitting lines on the right-hand side of each curve. The slopes give you the input and the output power. OU = Pout/Pin.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 04:59:38 PM
I'll do further studies but, recall, this follows the trend I observed experimentally. The 100Ohm was only giving me slight OU and as I went down the Ohmic resistance the effect went up getting even into the negative slope region. Also, recall the study with the caps. 300pF hardly showed any OU while as you went down in capacitance not only OU emerged but also the negative input slope popped up. @broli asked me to do some studies of these dependencies but my Excel crashed and now I'm struggling halfheartedly with it. Will do it as soon as the new Excel arrives
P.S How pathetic, the seller notified me after I contacted him that Microsoft has required some delay in shipping. But, how can that be since when tracking it in the USPS site it was stated that it was shipped but USPS never received it. Also I checked in Staples and they do have Excel 2010. So it has already been shipped. Weird. Anyway, let me not bother you with this mess.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to attack your work, I just want to understand it.
I assume you took the trend slope ratio's to calculate COP and anticipate on many cycles to continue this trend to obtain the real OU?
Just missed your post above, thanks.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 05:02:34 PM
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to attack your work, I just want to understand it.
I assume you took the trend slope ratio's to calculate COP and anticipate on many cycles to continue this trend to obtain the real OU?
Just missed your post above, thanks.
Yeah, the ratio of the trend slopes is the OU. Imagine what will happen if you had a longer interval -- because of the overall trend the output will always be above input. Let alone the negative slope of the input. That's a killer. And all that comes about solely from the fundamental theory of electricity. No experiments whatsoever. The experimental confirmation (which the whole story started with) comes as a bonus, turns out.
Google Docs has a free Excel reader. Probably pretty basic though.
Quote from: happyfunball on June 30, 2010, 05:20:40 PM
Google Docs has a free Excel reader. Probably pretty basic though.
Thanks. I was able to restore the basic Excel 97 but what I'm missing are the advanced functions, the macros etc. I have an original Excel 2003 but it's not with me right now. Will have to see what I'll do in the coming days with this nuisance.
Doesn't Hotmail have the free online version of Office2010 meanwhile?
I heard it's available in the US already.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 05:33:00 PM
Doesn't Hotmail have the online version of Office2010 meanwhile?
I heard it's available in the US already.
Do you have a link? Haven't heard anything. Staples, like I said, has it in stock. Also BestBuy has Office2010 but not Excel2010. Checked it yesterday. Don't know what this is all about with the seller I'm dealing with.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 05:36:00 PM
Do you have a link? Haven't heard anything. Staples, like I said, has it in stock. Also BestBuy has Office2010 but not Excel2010. Checked it yesterday. Don't know what this is all about with the seller I'm dealing with.
Even the most basic office version contains excel. I don't even think they sell excel separate.
hello sory the silly questions...
where is the coil connected in this circuit? what is the CH2 and frequency please?;topic=8411.0;attach=45709;image (;topic=8411.0;attach=45709;image);topic=8411.0;attach=45702;image (;topic=8411.0;attach=45702;image)
Quote from: Omnibus on June 26, 2010, 10:57:34 AM
Are you ready? If so, hold on to your hats. I'll show you a bunch of figures which go beyond the bare bone studies I last posted. Here we're not only having one element but that element isn't even a coil. Take a look at the schematic diagram:
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 05:36:00 PM
Do you have a link? Haven't heard anything. Staples, like I said, has it in stock. Also BestBuy has Office2010 but not Excel2010. Checked it yesterday. Don't know what this is all about with the seller I'm dealing with.
You need to have a Hotmail account.
After logging in, click the 'more' icon on top of the page, then click 'Office Live'.
You need Firefox of IE browser for this. Follow the instructions to install Office Live.
If you are succesful you can now use Excel online
Quote from: broli on June 30, 2010, 05:46:14 PM
Even the most basic office version contains excel. I don't even think they sell excel separate.
Yes, they do. I didn't know that too. Office2010 is $499 here while the Excel2010 I'm talking about is $149. I'm kinda stuck because I actually have Excel2003 but it isn't with me. I need Excel2010 because it can handle 125,000poins and even a million. Excel2003 can't. At my present situation something happened with the libraries and I can't record macros, neither can I do other more advanced things. This prevents me from doing the experiments the way I'm used to do them (don't these fine instruments get you spoiled). We can continue with the theoretical stuff for now and I'll get back to doing experiments as soon as I can. If push comes to shove I'm gonna buy a copy of Excel2010 from Staples and that's gonna be it. I think, however, that the things we're doing now are pretty exciting anyway, don't you think?
Quote from: JuJu on June 30, 2010, 05:50:06 PM
hello sory the silly questions...
where is the coil connected in this circuit? what is the CH2 and frequency please?;topic=8411.0;attach=45709;image (;topic=8411.0;attach=45709;image);topic=8411.0;attach=45702;image (;topic=8411.0;attach=45702;image)
Not a silly question at all. The coil in question is connected in capacitance C and resistance R stead, in the schematic circuit shown in the second link you quote.
Quote from: teslaalset on June 30, 2010, 05:52:41 PM
You need to have a Hotmail account.
After logging in, click the 'more' icon on top of the page, then click 'Office Live'.
You need Firefox of IE browser for this. Follow the instructions to install Office Live.
If you are succesful you can now use Excel online
Thanks @teslaalset. That would be great if I can use that (I'm so used to ignoring anything on the hotmail account except for the e-mails sent to me that I've missed that one). Unfortunately, now it's giving me the error 'This item might not exist or is no longer available'. There may be something wrong with my computer. Virus or some other bacteria.
@broli and @teslaalset,
If you want you may play not only with the resistance R but also with the capacitance C. For instance, see what the OU would be at, say, R = 5Ohms and C = 64.8pF.
I found the link for Microsoft's Office Web.....
Oh.... Heads up.... There is a comment on the page that says that there are some differences between Office 2010 and the Web Apps.
Quote from: Omnibus on June 30, 2010, 07:39:49 PM
@broli and @teslaalset,
If you want you may play not only with the resistance R but also with the capacitance C. For instance, see what the OU would be at, say, R = 5Ohms and C = 64.8pF.
I'm no excel wizard I can only analyze and graph existing formulas, not change them. I have averaged power input and output from your excel file both for 1 ohm and 5 ohm. And the COP is respectively 0.23 and 0.59. which is strange because in my Mathematica report it's always pretty much unity.
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 06:01:13 AM
I'm no excel wizard I can only analyze and graph existing formulas, not change them. I have averaged power input and output from your excel file both for 1 ohm and 5 ohm. And the COP is respectively 0.23 and 0.59. which is strange because in my Mathematica report it's always pretty much unity.
Neither am I but we have to get to the bottom of this. To tell you the truth I trust Excel better because I see what I'm doing and exactly how I'm integrating. Now, in this file I've used 800kHz, 10Ohms and 50pF to make the time intervals more exact with respect to frequency -- one thing we have to be especially careful about is to integrate over full periods. Check it out.
REDACTED: Just replaced it with the corrected one.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 06:41:09 AM
Neither am I but we have to get to the bottom of this. To tell you the truth I trust Excel better because I see what I'm doing and exactly how I'm integrating. Now, in this file I've used 800kHz, 10Ohms and 50pF to make the time intervals more exact with respect to frequency -- one thing we have to be especially careful about is to integrate over full periods. Check it out.
REDACTED: Just replaced it with the corrected one.
These two integrals in your sim are in fact the energy, not the power. Recall that the the time of the full period the energy out in most of the recent figures was significantly greater than the energy in. However, the slope of the energy out-time curve was higher that the slope of the energy in curve. Thus Pout/Pin > 1. Energy wise it will show at longer periods of time. @teslaalset was puzzled about this too. Hope he got it.
The best thing would be to have this solved analytically and not resort to numerical methods. However, I don't know how this can be done. We need a mathematician to help.
Take a look at this. First, we have to ascertain that we're indeed dealing with one (or more; in this instance it is one) full period. Once we're sure in that, we look at the energy at the end of the period (after carrying out integration). As seen in the second figure, energy out at the end of the period is greater than the energy in at the end of this same period.
In fact, we're not interested in what happens with energy in between the period. As can be seen, within one period the energy which we designate as Ein is in fact fluctuating and while at times within the period more energy is spent at other times within the period some of it is returned. The energy out on the other hand should always be a gain and the fluctuations in it would only be due to the fluctuations in current. Therefore, the comparisons should always be made at the end of full periods.
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 06:01:13 AM
I'm no excel wizard I can only analyze and graph existing formulas, not change them. I have averaged power input and output from your excel file both for 1 ohm and 5 ohm. And the COP is respectively 0.23 and 0.59. which is strange because in my Mathematica report it's always pretty much unity.
Are you sure you current phase is correct?
In this result is contrary to what you indicated yesterday.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 07:43:47 AM
In fact, we're not interested what happens with energy in between the period. As can be seen, within one period the energy which we designate as Ein is in fact fluctuating and while at times within the period more energy is spent at other times within the period some of it is returned. The energy out on the other hand should always be a gain and the fluctuations in it would only be due to the fluctuations in current. Therefore, the comparisons should always be made at the end of full periods.
I need to crawl back in my cave for a while as things are getting fuzzy. For me the average of power ie energy dissipation per second is a very straightforward quantity. Calculating energy and then getting the slope is for me an unnecessary work around in a continuous system. I have to think about the points you and teslaalset raised. So I'll use some time to think about it until you can share your experimental data.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 07:47:20 AM
Are you sure you current phase is correct?
In this result is contrary to what you indicated yesterday.
It isn't but, recall, @broli indicated that changing phase won't make any difference. Haven't checked it myself but methodologically it would be good to always have the current leading. Take a look at my sims, the phase shift there is correct.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 07:47:20 AM
Are you sure you current phase is correct?
In this result is contrary to what you indicated yesterday.
Yes that one is wrong, if you look careful I substracted the phase angle in the current equation for some reason, I should have added it. Don't know what I was thinking when I flipped the sign. Another reason why I need some time out.
But as omnibus just pointed out it doesn't change the end results.
QuoteFor me the average of power ie energy dissipation per second is a very straightforward quantity.
That's OK as long as you really have power. Integral over time of IV or of I^2R for that matter is energy, however. That's the energy at the end of the time period you've chosen to integrate over. Would be interesting to ascertain in your sim what constitutes a time interval for a full cycle and then compare the energies (the values of the integrals) at the end of this period.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 07:56:04 AM
That's OK as long as you really have power. Integral over time of IV or of I^2R for that matter is energy, however. That's the energy at the end of the time period you've chosen to integrate over. Would be interesting to ascertain in your sim what constitutes a time interval for a full cycle and then compare the energies (the values of the integrals) at the end of this period.
The period of 1 second in the integral I took should be exactly 700 000 periods. And since the integral integrates a mathematical equation surely this should be accurate?
But just in case below is the integral of 1 period ie over 1/700 000 second and the previous 1 second period ie 700 000 periods. Both give the same values.
@broli and @teslaalset,
This could be especially interesting to @teslaalset -- take a look at the last row (row 1003) of my last spreadsheet. The K1003 and L1003 cells give the energy at the end of the cycle. Now we can not only assess OU by the energy-time slope but can see it in terms of energy per se. Notice L1003/K1003 > 9 times. Mind you, here we have a guaranteed full cycle.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 06:41:09 AM
Neither am I but we have to get to the bottom of this. To tell you the truth I trust Excel better because I see what I'm doing and exactly how I'm integrating. Now, in this file I've used 800kHz, 10Ohms and 50pF to make the time intervals more exact with respect to frequency -- one thing we have to be especially careful about is to integrate over full periods. Check it out.
REDACTED: Just replaced it with the corrected one.
I had a very close look at your Excel and found 3 possible corrections:
- You applied 3.14159 for pi. If you use 'pi()' instead, your accuracy will increase
- in column E you made a typo. 16.5 should be 15.6, as you used 15.6 volts
- in column I you used 100 ohms. this should be 10 ohms
Attached the corrected result. Do you agree?
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 08:04:48 AM
The period of 1 second in the integral I took should be exactly 700 000 periods. And since the integral integrates a mathematical equation surely this should be accurate?
But just in case below is the integral of 1 period ie over 1/700 000 second and the previous 1 second period ie 700 000 periods. Both give the same values.
If you're using the same data as in the previous screen shot the last period there doesn't appear to be a full period. I'm talking about the I-t and V-t graph there.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 08:25:26 AM
@broli and @teslaalset,
This could be especially interesting to @teslaalset -- take a look at the last row (row 1003) of my last spreadsheet. The K1003 and L1003 cells give the energy at the end of the cycle. Now we can not only assess OU by the energy-time slope but can see it in terms of energy per se. Notice L1003/K1003 > 9 times. Mind you, here we have a guaranteed full cycle.
This will be significantly different due to the suggested corrections in my previous post.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 08:30:19 AM
I had a very close look at your Excel and found 3 possible corrections:
- You applied 3.14159 for pi. If you use 'pi()' instead, your accuracy will increase
- in column E you made a typo. 16.5 should be 15.6, as you used 15.6 volts
- in column I you used 100 ohms. this should be 10 ohms
Attached the corrected result. Do you agree?
I forgot to mention a 4th correction:
The timescale per degree is not correct. Per degree it should be 1/(800000*360)
This is also corrected in the new file I attached earlier
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 07:48:16 AM
I need to crawl back in my cave for a while as things are getting fuzzy. For me the average of power ie energy dissipation per second is a very straightforward quantity. Calculating energy and then getting the slope is for me an unnecessary work around in a continuous system. I have to think about the points you and teslaalset raised. So I'll use some time to think about it until you can share your experimental data.
Take it easy, Broli.
We do this for fun ;)
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 08:30:19 AM
I had a very close look at your Excel and found 3 possible corrections:
- You applied 3.14159 for pi. If you use 'pi()' instead, your accuracy will increase
- in column E you made a typo. 16.5 should be 15.6, as you used 15.6 volts
- in column I you used 100 ohms. this should be 10 ohms
Attached the corrected result. Do you agree?
I agree but check these out. I'm back to 700kHz and 100pF. Hope I've made less errors this time.
Of course, I have to answer my own point now regarding the comparison of energies at the end of a period -- as seen, even when the in-slope is negative the quotient of the energy out over energy in is less than 1.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 09:45:36 AM
Take it easy, Broli.
We do this for fun ;)
I second that. We have to do this in a more leisurely way. No pressure no nothing. Take it easy, indeed.
I have attached the mathematical equation for the energy equation. Basically it's the indefinite integral of the integrals I have been using. When you plot these equations you get the energy plots you guys have been sharing but without needing discrete data points. When you use them be careful to get everything right as it's easy to make a slip of the pen and throw everything off.
The C's at the end are integration constants. They need an initial condition at t = 0 for instance to fill out.
Now I used your corrected spreadsheet but made it for one only cycle. The last cycle in yours wasn't finished. I also changed it for 700kHz, 100pF and 1.2 and 2Ohms.
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 10:23:45 AM
I have attached the mathematical equation for the energy equation. Basically it's the indefinite integral of the integrals I have been using. When you plot these equations you get the energy plots you guys have been sharing but without needing discrete data points. When you use them be carefull to get everything right as it's easy to make a slip and throw everything off.
The C's at the end are integration constants. They need an initial condition at t = 0 for instance to fill out.
That's a very good warning. I can't agree more. Now, regarding discreteness, I think Mathematica also uses discrete math. Like I said, the real killer would be if all this can be solved analytically without using numerical methods (Mathematica due to its very essence uses numerical methods; in this respect it's no different than Excel). We need a mathematician to discuss this and it very well may turn out that it's practically impossible to solve this analytically. That's the reason those numerical methods in applied math emerged -- numerous otherwise unsolvable engineering problems could be tackled with ease by using the discrete math of computers. Anyway, that was a slight off topic rumination. Now back to the problem at hand.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 10:30:25 AM
That's a very good warning. I can't agree more. Now, regarding discreteness, I think Mathematica also uses discrete math. Like I said, the real killer would be if all this can be solved analytically without using numerical methods (Mathematica due to its very essence uses numerical methods; in this respect it's no different than Excel). We need a mathematician to discuss this and it very well may turn out that it's practically impossible to solve this analytically. That's the reason those numerical methods in applied math emerged -- numerous otherwise unsolvable engineering problems could be tackled with ease by using the discrete math of computers. Anyway, that was a slight off topic rumination. Now back to the problem at hand.
I'm confused here. Surely the mathematical equations of Mathematica has produced are all analytical. Definite integrals have indeed numerical solutions, but indefinite ones if solvable are purely analytical.
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 10:51:28 AM
I'm confused here. Surely the mathematical equations Mathematica has produced are all analytical.
The equations are analytical, however, the concrete data they are crunching is handled by using the methods of the discrete math. The numerical solutions, that is. Mathematica has a cute way of solving equations, say, differential equations and presenting these solutions analytically. That's really great. However, the minute you need to find numerical solutions the discrete math kicks in. Same as in Excel, MathCAD and what not.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 10:24:55 AM
Now I used your corrected spreadsheet but made it for one only cycle. The last cycle in yours wasn't finished. I also changed it for 700kHz, 100pF and 1.2 and 2Ohms.
Almost good, but you overlooked the time constant in cell A4.
The 800000 should be replaced by 700000.
Such errors are very easily made. That's why I made my model such that you only have to change the main parameters in the yellow highlighted cells.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 11:06:21 AM
Almost good, but you overlooked the time constant in cell A4.
The 800000 should be replaced by 700000.
Such errors are very easily made. That's why I made my model such that you only have to change the main parameters in the yellow highlighted cells.
But, see, if you do that you'll get more than one full cycle and we need to have a full cycle to integrate over. So, these time values, based on 800000kHz are whatever it takes to have a full cycle, using the 700000kHz in the formuli.
I would suggest that a real simulation program be used. Try LTSpice (free) or the free evaluation version of OrCAD PSPice.
At any rate, a lot of traveling in circles here. No simulation will show OU. Also, incorrect assumptions are being made about the presence of circuit inductance. See the attached for how a tiny amount will skew your measurements and calculations.
If anyone wants the PSpice circuit files for this simulation, I'll post them.
Thanks a lot for the write up but the problem should be resolved along the lines we've undertaken here. No simulation software can be a substitute for the transparent modeling that's being done here. The only thing that would be an advance, like I said, would be the analytical approach and for this we need an experienced mathematician, if that can at all be solved analytically.
As for the inductance, there's obviously no inductance in the RC circuit we're exploring , so there's no need to bring in this point. As far as the experiment goes, inductance is a non-issue there as well. That is taken care of by the Hall effect current probe.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 11:21:30 AM
But, see, if you do that you'll get more than one full cycle and we need to have a full cycle to integrate over. So, these time values, based on 800000kHz are whatever it takes to have a full cycle, using the 700000kHz in the formuli.
What I normally do is integrate over 360 or a multiple of 360 degrees.
For this I calculate a time fragment that corresponds with 1 degree.
This time fregment can be used for each row.
Then calculate a multiple of 360 rows.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 01:09:24 PM
What I normally do is integrate over 360 or 720 degrees.
For this I calculate a time fragment that corresponds with 1 degree.
Such a model is much easier to handle.
I know, but we want it as a function of time. That's how the equations we're testing are set. One thing I have to do is extend the time frame to have more full cycles rather than have just one full cycle as we do now. That may answer the question I myself posed.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 01, 2010, 01:02:18 PM
As for the inductance, there's obviously no inductance in the RC circuit we're exploring , so there's no need to bring in this point. As far as the experiment goes, inductance is a non-issue there as well. That is taken care of by the Hall effect current probe.
The parasitic circuit inductance can be ignored if one wishes, but it is there, guaranteed. It is present, and it is affecting your measurements and consequently your calculations.
If by "obvious" you mean not intentional or not visible, then you would be correct. However, the inductance is parasitic and it can not be seen as a discrete component.
Please add up all the wire and component lead lengths 360º around your circuit and let us know what the total is. Every wire adds inductance, and just the solid wire leads on your resistor can exhibit enough inductance to throw off your measurements if not accounted for.
Please explain how it is "obvious" to you that there is no circuit inductance and how it is a non-issue?
How can one say that omitting the parasitic circuit inductance in the calculations is good practice, when its reactance value can be on the order of the resistance of R1 (i.e. XL@ 800kHz=5 Ohms) ?
If it is there (and it is), then it also must appear in your calculations to be correct.
Quote from: skcusitrah on July 01, 2010, 01:32:58 PM
The parasitic circuit inductance can be ignored if one wishes, but it is there, guaranteed. It is present, and it is affecting your measurements and consequently your calculations.
If by "obvious" you mean not intentional or not visible, then you would be correct. However, the inductance is parasitic and it can not be seen as a discrete component.
Please add up all the wire and component lead lengths 360º around your circuit and let us know what the total is. Every wire adds inductance, and just the solid wire leads on your resistor can exhibit enough inductance to throw off your measurements if not accounted for.
Please explain how it is "obvious" to you that there is no circuit inductance and how it is a non-issue?
How can one say that omitting the parasitic circuit inductance in the calculations is good practice, when its reactance value can be on the order of the resistance of R1 (i.e. XL@ 800kHz=5 Ohms) ?
If it is there (and it is), then it also must appear in your calculations to be correct.
Sure parasitic inductance is always present. Probably in the pico range.
But even if it was big why would it change anything? Does it create an alternative path for current like the argument with parasitic capacitance? Even with parasitic inductance the measured current would be flowing through the resistance. Using this and input voltage and current a comparison can be made for energy/power. So in the end it doesn't even matter if parasitic inductance. Parasitic capacitance was the main argument with the previous experiments I would take parasitic inductance over it any time.
Quote from: broli on July 01, 2010, 01:41:39 PM
Sure parasitic inductance is always present. Probably in the pico range.
But even if it was big why would it change anything? Does it create an alternative path for current like the argument with parasitic capacitance? Even with parasitic inductance the measured current would be flowing through the resistance. Using this and input voltage and current a comparison can be made for energy/power. So in the end it doesn't even matter if parasitic inductance. Parasitic capacitance was the main argument with the previous experiments I would take parasitic inductance over it any time.
Actually, that's incorrect on both accounts.
First, I guarantee that the circuit being tested exhibits a minimum of 600nH of parasitic inductance.
Second, what happens to the phase angle between V and I when a significant inductive reactance is introduced into the simple series RC circuit? Is the instantaneous power calculation not highly affected by the relative phase?
Quote from: skcusitrah on July 01, 2010, 01:56:11 PM
Actually, that's incorrect on both accounts.
First, I guarantee that the circuit being tested exhibits a minimum of 600nH of parasitic inductance.
Second, what happens to the phase angle between V and I when a significant inductive reactance is introduced into the simple series RC circuit? Is the instantaneous power calculation not highly affected by the relative phase?
Perhaps you haven't looked further than the last two pages. But experimental data shows very strong capacitive behavior almost purely capacitive to be exact.
Just an innocent question. Exactly what do you think is going on at the moment?
I studied the last sim data posted by Omnibus above.
It has occured to me that everyone is missing a crucial piece from the calculations, which is the energy stored in the capacitor. It is given by 0.5*C*Vc^2
Vc is the voltage across the cap and we have:
Vin = Vr + Vc , assuming Vr is the drop across the resistor
or Vc = Vin - Vr
= Vin - I*R
So Etotal = Er + Ec
= I^2*R + 0.5*100pF*(Vin-Iin*R)^2
Which will come out exactly equal to Ein = Vi*Ii
Similarly, in case of a coil, the energy stored is 0.5*L*I^2, which should be added in Eout. So even though the real power is dissipated only in the resistor, there is some energy that gets stored during every cycle in the inductor or cap.
If you don't believe me check out the attached modified file. And if you think I'm making some mistake, please let me know.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 01, 2010, 04:19:16 PM
I studied the last sim data posted by Omnibus above.
It has occured to me that everyone is missing a crucial piece from the calculations, which is the energy stored in the capacitor. It is given by 0.5*C*Vc^2
Vc is the voltage across the cap and we have:
Vin = Vr + Vc , assuming Vr is the drop across the resistor
or Vc = Vin - Vr
= Vin - I*R
So Etotal = Er + Ec
= I^2*R + 0.5*100pF*(Vin-Iin*R)^2
Which will come out exactly equal to Ein = Vi*Ii
Similarly, in case of a coil, the energy stored is 0.5*L*I^2, which should be added in Eout. So even though the real power is dissipated only in the resistor, there is some energy that gets stored during every cycle in the inductor or cap.
If you don't believe me check out the attached modified file. And if you think I'm making some mistake, please let me know.
(in case of DC, otherwise it becomes more complicated, integrals are used)
Additions in the spreadsheet are correct.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 01, 2010, 04:19:16 PM
I studied the last sim data posted by Omnibus above.
It has occured to me that everyone is missing a crucial piece from the calculations, which is the energy stored in the capacitor. It is given by 0.5*C*Vc^2
Vc is the voltage across the cap and we have:
Vin = Vr + Vc , assuming Vr is the drop across the resistor
or Vc = Vin - Vr
= Vin - I*R
So Etotal = Er + Ec
= I^2*R + 0.5*100pF*(Vin-Iin*R)^2
Which will come out exactly equal to Ein = Vi*Ii
I^2 * R = the power of the resistor, not Er !!!!
Er = R int( I^2) dt
You will not be able to measure Ec and the so-called EL properly because they are too small.
I think, by now, the problem is obvious. If there is any real OU in this simple high pass filter, the conventional circuit theory would have been disproven scientifically a long time ago, not until you guys did this experiment. The great scientists of the past were no stupid.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 01, 2010, 08:16:53 PM
I think, by now, the problem is obvious. If there is any real OU in this simple high filter, the conventional circuit theory would have been disproven scientifically a long time ago, not until you guys did this experiment. The great scientists of the past were no stupid.
This whole theory thing was to make a comparison between theory and experiments. We haven't been able to do a comparison between theory and the RC data from Ominibus's experiments yet (we won't be able to do this comparison until Omni releases the RC Data. It hasn't been released due to a problem with his current excel configuration or installation. The great scientists of the past didn't have access to a Hall effect current probe, advanced DSO's, and modernized computer systems to do heavy calculations in order to find any discrepancies in theory.
A Hall effect current probe, advanced DSO's, and even a modernized computing system are no better than a simple spectrum analyzer, which you guys have not used in your experiment.
Quote from: gravityblock on July 01, 2010, 08:51:25 PM
This whole theory thing was to make a comparison between theory and experiments. We haven't been able to do a comparison between theory and the RC data from Ominibus's experiments yet (we won't be able to do this comparison until Omni releases the RC Data. It hasn't been released due to a problem with his current excel configuration or installation. The great scientists of the past didn't have access to a Hall effect current probe, advanced DSO's, and modernized computer systems to do heavy calculations in order to find any discrepancies in theory.
Folks, sorry I have to hijack this thread again. If u know any OU device that is proven working beyond doubt, please let me know by posting here or PM me. I am not looking for any speculative device that is still under investigation.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 01, 2010, 04:58:04 PM
(in case of DC, otherwise it becomes more complicated, integrals are used)
Additions in the spreadsheet are correct.
Thanks to you and blueplanet for correcting the mistake, I missed the 'dt' there.
Anyway the results add up now. At least theoretically, you can safely say there is no OU in an RC circuit fed by a sine wave. We should use the same approach with real data also. Take into account the energy stored in reactive components.
Quote from: gravityblock on July 01, 2010, 08:51:25 PM
This whole theory thing was to make a comparison between theory and experiments. We haven't been able to do a comparison between theory and the RC data from Ominibus's experiments yet (we won't be able to do this comparison until Omni releases the RC Data. It hasn't been released due to a problem with his current excel configuration or installation. The great scientists of the past didn't have access to a Hall effect current probe, advanced DSO's, and modernized computer systems to do heavy calculations in order to find any discrepancies in theory.
GB, that is an excellent summary of what is going on here.
We are not trying to prove OU is in the theory.
It's just to find comparison between theory and findings.
Ok, sometimes people got excited because even theory seems to have OU, but, hey, sometimes mistakes are made. We are only humans.
@skcusitrah, welcome to OU.
You dropped in pretty harsh, but nevertheless, thanks for stepping in.
Keep in mind that some people here are highly respected and contributing to this forum already for many years.
We want to keep them on board and not see them leaving because of lack of respect by confronting them with overruling knowledge they also might have, but only visible over the many posts they have made.
It's not about who is the smartest kid in the class here, it's about who is the most creative and out of the box thinking.
We have seen some excellent members leaving due to silly fights on who is smarter, we don't want that happening here.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 02, 2010, 01:34:12 AM
Thanks to you and blueplanet for correcting the mistake, I missed the 'dt' there.
Anyway the results add up now. At least theoretically, you can safely say there is no OU in an RC circuit fed by a sine wave. We should use the same approach with real data also. Take into account the energy stored in reactive components.
That energy stored is your initial condition in the equation I have posted earlier. It just determines the position of the graph not the slope. Since we have enough math now I'm eager to make the comparison between experiments.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 01, 2010, 09:35:25 PM
Folks, sorry I have to hijack this thread again. If u know any OU device that is proven working beyond doubt, please let me know by posting here or PM me. I am not looking for any speculative device that is still under investigation.
There is no such thing as a working OU device :)
All stuff here or anywhere on the net is either speculative, fraud, sensationalized hyped things or at most a sincere attempt.
Quote from: broli on July 02, 2010, 03:28:35 AM
That energy stored is your initial condition in the equation I have posted earlier. It just determines the position of the graph not the slope. Since we have enough math now I'm eager to make the comparison between experiments.
IMO, the initial condition will remain constant throughout the wave cycle, but the energy stored varies with voltage across the cap, which will obviously not stay constant during a full cycle. Take a look at the file attached in my previous post. The Ec is not a simple bias.
Now, here are data for 800kHz, 1Ohm and 50pF. What we see here is one full cycle and for that one cycle we see, in agreement with @broli's results, practical coincidence of input and output energies at the end of each cycle (see the third graph with the expanded y-axis). The intimidating curves of the input energy are nothing more than the typical behavior of a reactive element consuming and returning energy to the source within each half cycle. What is remarkable, however, is the negative slope of the input energy best-fitting line which is the input power. Because the magnitude of this slope is very small, we see practical coincidence of the input and the output energy for one full cycle. However, had the full cycles been significantly more than one the input energy best fitting line and that of the output energy will cross each other and input and output energies will no longer coincide. You can play with the R and C values and you'll see that with some the slope of the input energy-time best-fitting line is lower than that of the output energy. In this instance, however, it is dramatic, not only is it lower but that input slope is negative. This means that from the very beginning, even for one full cycle where the integrated input and output powers coincide at each half-cycle, input energy is only returned to the source.
You can play now with the phase angle and you can see that if you start adding even very small values, say 0.01rad, to the phase angle you'll begin noticing a discrepancy in energies even for this one full cycle in favor of the output energy.
I think it is along these lines that we can look for understanding as to what's going on in the experiments. Obviously, experimentally, conditions are created to have the I-V phase shift, which according to theory would yield OU, even more expressed. That's for same R in both the input and output equations.
Another way of looking at the experimentally observed OU is to see it as being due to the input energy experiencing an R of a much lower value than the R which generates the output energy.
Of course, we still need to analyze carefully the experimental data but the very fact that theory predicts negative slope of the input power for some combination of R, C and f makes one lean more towards 'yes' with regard to this 'yes' or 'no' question concerning the reality of OU. Of course, as I emphasized earlier, the real theoretical proof would be if the above negative slope can be demonstrated analytically because one may always say that numerical methods are prone to subtle errors due to the discrete character of the calculations. On the other hand, numerical methods are the basis of contemporary engineering, so it's hard to draw the line.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 02, 2010, 04:03:43 AM
IMO, the initial condition will remain constant throughout the wave cycle, but the energy stored varies with voltage across the cap, which will obviously not stay constant during a full cycle. Take a look at the file attached in my previous post. The Ec is not a simple bias.
I have already posted the analytical equation for energy derived from the current and voltage equation for an RC circuit. This inherently includes the behavior of energy stored in the capacitor. It's up to you to choose an initial condition. You could start with a fully charged capacitor and use that as as your initial energy at t=0 or start with a completely uncharged cap and use 0J as your initial energy for t=0. Either way all the initial energy does is add/subtract some constant value to your graph and move it up/down. It doesn't change the slope. In a circuit with R=0 the slope would be 0 and this is what the equation shows too.
Below you can see the energy wave at R=0 and R=100.
I'd like to add something to my observation which I was thinking but don't have a strong argument for it.
There is a lot of difference between energy returning back to a voltage source and simple change of direction of voltage at the source.
In first case we have genuine energy gain which recharges the source (if its a battery or cap) and this energy or power can be safely taken as negative. The negative sign here has physical meaning with regard to energy. In second case there is a simple reversal of direction of current, the energy always flows out of the source. There is no recharging or gain. The negative sign here has a meaning with regard to the direction only.
In case of a sine wave, the sign changes periodically, it does not mean that energy is flowing in and out of the source. Energy always flows out in such cases regardless of the sign of the wave. So a cap connected to a sine wave source will be charged in one polarity during half period and reverse polarity during the other. Whatever energy goes into the cap is returned back in exact equal amount. And it always passes through R, heating it up. So energy wise the consumption is always positive.
If, lets suppose, we change the dielectric matter of the cap with one of a higher permitivity, just after the first half cycle, it will store more energy as its capacity will increase and it will return this excess energy to the source (which is now at lower voltage), leading to a gain. Now its not really possible in a closed system. But its possible in open system. Fortunately no one has proved that the universe is a closed system, there is always a possibility that the dielectric will derive the excess energy from quantum vacuum or any such weird unknown thing.
I guess this is happening in case of steorn Eorbo, where a change in permeability results in excess of energy. I have gotten some interesting results with my build, please check the thread.
Just looked at the thread you opened. You've done a fantastic job. Great results. You are the first one to independently confirm the claims made by Steorn. Also, I should add in agreement with you, that Steorn deserve a lot of credit for inspiring these studies.
On the technical side, the spent energy is only the energy that has been dissipated. It can never be negative. On the other hand, with reactive loads you have energy flowing in and out of the source with no remaining trace in the surroundings. Think of this process as being similar to an electrochemical cell which can also be an electrolyzer if the process is reversed. You can see the humongous input peaks in the figs I just posted. These are energies to no avail. The only part that matters in terms of output is the energy at the end of each half-cycle. @broli has illustrated it very well in his Mathematica calculation. As he noted, you can only see a non-zero slope in this energy-time plot when there is solely a resistor. If there's cap only the overall slope of the curve is zero -- no energy dissipated. Of course, if the overall slope (despite fine structure of the curve) is negative, as I have shown to be the case, purely theoretically, with some values of R, C and f, then, in addition to the energy dissipated because of current flowing through R and obtaining it as an output, we have only energy returned to the source. OU in its fullest. Mind you, here we don't have to invoke cosmic forces, energy from vacuum, zpe and what not. It's a pure and simple constructive characteristic of a given device.
P.S. It seems to me it's better to continue the discussion in this thread to have it all together.
I think you should consider publishing your results in journals such as Nature of Physical Review Letters. They really deserve serious attention.
Did you take a look at the results I just posted and especially at the remark about playing with the R value? It's exactly what you did when you were changing R in your data to see the result. Same effect. So, what we're seeing is that the OU is either due to a different phase shift for a given R (that is, some additional capacitance added ) or for a given C the input "sees" a different R than the R "seen" by the output.
I wonder about this additional capacitance added. Experimentally, we don't use the 115pF value in our calculations. Measurements are measurements and the result is derived solely based on I, V and R. The experimental result, however, shows a different outcome than the theoretical outcome based on 115pF and 10Ohm elements, the theoretical possibility for OU notwithstanding. So, either there is an error in measurement or the formula we know from theory for the phase shift isn't exact.
I agree that these results are extraordinary and need serious research. I don't know why there is not a single such result even after 6 months of the demo, inspite of there being so many talented scientists and hobbyists. Millions are being spent on study of bees, ants and rocks, and billions on football, as we speak. I have spent only about $300 so far on this stuff. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who is deluded, no one else thinks this could be important.
I can't publish these results formally, firstly because its not original research, credit goes to steorn. Secondly, I'm myself not very confident, these are first results and are a bit inaccurate. Thirdly I don't want to become a laughing stock there. This place is safe :D
Now I wonder why steorn did not publish it themselves, is it prior art ? They did not even patent it. Instead they are trying to teach everyone basic physics. Something is not right with the world or their claim is BS.
Speaking of the role of capacitance, I was thinking, could it be that the capacitance of the passive voltage probe (96pF) is adding up (lowering it, rather) to the capacitance in the circuit. You may remember the figure below which I posted in another context. In that figure we have the yellow trace which is current measured with the shunt while the green trace is current measured with the Hall effect current probe. You can see slight phase shift of the yellow trace to the left. Remember, the effect is greater when the phase shift of current is to the right (current is leading voltage more pronouncedly). I don't see how the Hall effect current probe may add to the capacitance of the circuit (by its very nature it's outside of the circuit). The voltage probe measuring the voltage drop across R, however, may be considered as part of the circuit adding 96pF parallel to R. However that 96pF is in series with C making the capacitance lower. Another reason for the current shift to the left (which would cause lowering of OU) is the eventual parasitic inductance which appears to be there -- current from probe and shunt don't coincide the shunt current being greater. So this addition of capacitance through the passive voltage probe cannot explain the OU result. In fact it is detrimental to it.
On the other hand, don't forget that we have another passive 96pF probe which measures the voltage applied by the pulse generator. It acts as a shunt, of course, but we consider the measured voltage as the true voltage supplied by the pulse generator. This is how we treat that voltage in our theoretical calculations. Is that voltage the actually applied voltage, though (we don't question the current; current is measured with a Hall effect current probe and that's a guarantee it's the real current passing through R)?
See, the above is important to establish because, as I already said, the experimental results are such as if somehow either the phase shift is not the phase shift which corresponds to what theory calculates of the R "seen" by the input isn't the same R "seen" by the output (haven't checked the role of Vm in the theoretical assessment).
QuoteI agree that these results are extraordinary and need serious research. I don't know why there is not a single such result even after 6 months of the demo, inspite of there being so many talented scientists and hobbyists. Millions are being spent on study of bees, ants and rocks, and billions on football, as we speak. I have spent only about $300 so far on this stuff. Sometimes I think I'm the only one who is deluded, no one else thinks this could be important.
I can't publish these results formally, firstly because its not original research, credit goes to steorn. Secondly, I'm myself not very confident, these are first results and are a bit inaccurate. Thirdly I gdon't want to become a laughing stock there. This place is safe :D
Now I wonder why steorn did not publish it themselves, is it prior art ? They did not even patent it. Instead they are trying to teach everyone basic physics. Something is not right with the world or their claim is BS.
There is a massive misunderstanding of what Steorn have actually done. You're one of the very few that really know what's going on, at least experimentally and regarding the analysis of data. I've read so much crap on the subject even by self-proclaimed experts (and some of them, otherwise, seem not to be freshmen in the matters of electrical research) let alone zealous activists deliberately set up to destroy the field, that it's a breath of fresh air to see fine results such as yours.
I have a lot of experience both in mainstream science and in this field (why separate it from mainstream science?). There should be more people like you and this will make a big difference in the world. Unfortunately, many people are just blinded and this has hurt science and the world big time. You are not deluded. In fact you are one of the few who are not deluded even if at the end this turns out to be in error because you are honestly looking for the truth, untainted by phony dreams of personal gain.
As far as publishing goes (I have tens of peer-reviewed publications, so maybe I can utter an opinion on that) it is not true that yours is not original research. It is as original as can be notwithstanding that you should give credit in the publication to Steorn. Of course, if you still feel unconfident about the results you should try to perfect them as best you can. No one's perfect. Also, a scientist has the freedom to be wrong as long as he or she is honestly pursuing the truth. Those who try to turn such scientists into a laughing stock are a laughing stock themselves. Why should we give in to such rogues.
As to why Steorn aren't publishing, the answer is that the only concern they have is the bottom line. They have always insisted that they are not a science entity and that business underlies all their activities. That's sad but we can't do anything about it. The only thing we can do is to do the research and try to publish the results we think are worthy of presenting through the scientific channels.
I checked the role of voltage and that may be one possible error. If the voltage on the screen of the scope is lower (due to shunting) than the real voltage which corresponds to the actual current passing through R we will get seeming OU. Now the question is is that what's happening? Could the capacitance of the passive current probe act as a shunt and cause distortion in the measurement of voltage?
I struggled through those Excel problems to get you some input on the offset. Can't wait. Will do more in the coming days. I compared data taken with the current probe with data taken with the shunt as the measuring device for current. First, I have tell you that attaching an additional voltage probe (to measure the voltage across the resistor) causes substantial positive offset in the current trace measured by the probe. That offset seems to disappear when you plot the actual data. The offset seems to be noticeable only on the screen. That's weird. Another weird thing, in a separate study, was to observe that when studying the effect of 1X versus 10X when measuring the voltage of the pulse generator -- at one range (at higher screen resolution) the 1X voltage seemed to be slightly higher (by ~80mV) while at another range (lower screen resolution) it was the opposite -- the 10X voltage appeared higher on the screen by ~200mV than the 1X. I guess what is to be trusted are the actual data taken. That's reassuring.
As you can see in the graphs below, the current probe seems to show slight positive offset both on the screen image and in the data. Nevertheless OU is present both in the shunt study and in the probe one. Here are the pics:
Here are the results with the current probe (not tu burden the previous post):
I was wondering if you could help in making an Excel sim of the theoretical data (say the 800kHz one) with the negative input slope. In that Excel file there is only one full cycle while, because of the minimal value of the slope, in order to see the crossing point with the output line there should be many many more cycles. The problem is that all this has to be done at the same short time difference the points in the one-cycle spreadsheet are plotted. You've shown amazing Excel skills, let alone the profound expertise in the subject, so I was thinking maybe you would wanna do it, if it's not too boring for you (and if it can be done at all, of course).
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 04:57:52 AM
Now, here are data for 800kHz, 1Ohm and 50pF. What we see here is one full cycle and for that one cycle we see, in agreement with @broli's results, practical coincidence of input and output energies at the end of each cycle (see the third graph with the expanded y-axis). The intimidating curves of the input energy are nothing more than the typical behavior of a reactive element consuming and returning energy to the source within each half cycle. What is remarkable, however, is the negative slope of the input energy best-fitting line which is the input power.
Well, this is strange, but the -ve slope is tiny compared to the magnitude of the signal and canbe due to floating point errors in Excel. The slope starts to show up when you increase the voltage to 100000 V. Try it, its fun....
Now will this happen with real data ? That is the question. Can you derive this slope from the equations mathematically ? If you can, this will settle the matter in minutes.
Quote from: broli on July 02, 2010, 05:10:42 AM
I have already posted the analytical equation for energy derived from the current and voltage equation for an RC circuit. This inherently includes the behavior of energy stored in the capacitor.
If I'm not wrong you have plotted the curve from the equations, that's fine and I agree that when you define starting equation like that, the Ec is taken care of. What I was saying is that if you want to show OU, you must compute all possible energies in the closed system, and if the sum of all positive energies is equal to the sum of all negative ones, we have no "problem", and if its not then there remains unaccounted energy, which is a sign of OU. I hope you get what I said here. I have demonstrated that when you add up Ec to Er, everything is accounted for and there is no excess.
Suppose Ein1, Ein2... etc are sources of energy in the closed system and Eo1, Eo2..... etc are energies associated with various elements (say caps, resistors etc), then:
If (Ein1 + Ein2 + ...) < (Eo1 + Eo2 + .....) we have OU.
Can you show this with equations ?
And how come your plot shows positive slope while Omnibus's plot goes downhill ?
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 11:16:48 AM
I was wondering if you could help in making an Excel sim of the theoretical data (say the 800kHz one) with the negative input slope. In that Excel file there is only one full cycle while, because of the minimal value of the slope, in order to see the crossing point with the output line there should be many many more cycles. The problem is that all this has to be done at the same short time difference the points in the one-cycle spreadsheet are plotted. You've shown amazing Excel skills, let alone the profound expertise in the subject, so I was thinking maybe you would wanna do it, if it's not too boring for you (and if it can be done at all, of course).
I'll need some time to catch up reading, to see what exactly you want to be simulated though.
QuoteCan you derive this slope from the equations mathematically ? If you can, this will settle the matter in minutes.
Can't agree more. I've been saying this all along and also the need for a mathematician to help with this. That would be the ultimate.
Now, get this. Here are the theoretical data for 800kHz, 0.01Ohms and 44pF. Since I'm still having trouble with my Excel I was only able to plot, I believe around 30000 point. You may observe that at the beginning the input energy at the end of each half-cycle is farther away from the line of the output energy. As the end of the studied period (of ~30000 points) that distance becomes much shorter, indicating that eventually the input energy will fall below the output energy. That's a clear indication of OU existing in the very theory of electricity. Like I said, I don't hoe to work this out purely analytically, if that's at all possible or necessary.
P.S. Can't attach the Excel file -- too big even when compressed.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 08:32:32 AM
There is a massive misunderstanding of what Steorn have actually done. You're one of the very few that really know what's going on, at least experimentally and regarding the analysis of data. I've read so much crap on the subject even by self-proclaimed experts (and some of them, otherwise, seem not to be freshmen in the matters of electrical research) let alone zealous activists deliberately set up to destroy the field, that it's a breath of fresh air to see fine results such as yours.
I have a lot of experience both in mainstream science and in this field (why separate it from mainstream science?). There should be more people like you and this will make a big difference in the world. Unfortunately, many people are just blinded and this has hurt science and the world big time. You are not deluded. In fact you are one of the few who are not deluded even if at the end this turns out to be in error because you are honestly looking for the truth, untainted by phony dreams of personal gain.
As far as publishing goes (I have tens of peer-reviewed publications, so maybe I can utter an opinion on that) it is not true that yours is not original research. It is as original as can be notwithstanding that you should give credit in the publication to Steorn. Of course, if you still feel unconfident about the results you should try to perfect them as best you can. No one's perfect. Also, a scientist has the freedom to be wrong as long as he or she is honestly pursuing the truth. Those who try to turn such scientists into a laughing stock are a laughing stock themselves. Why should we give in to such rogues.
As to why Steorn aren't publishing, the answer is that the only concern they have is the bottom line. They have always insisted that they are not a science entity and that business underlies all their activities. That's sad but we can't do anything about it. The only thing we can do is to do the research and try to publish the results we think are worthy of presenting through the scientific channels.
Thank you very much for such encouraging words. There are just a handful of people here on this forum who can appreciate those curves, and you are one of them.
About publishing you are right, it need not be a truth in order to put forth, it can be just an observation. The issue is, I feel this observation is little vague at this time due to crude instruments used and is not fit for consumption of PhDs. So lets wait a bit more, and hopefully you will have your rig up and running by that time.
When everything is polished and repeated umpteen times, we can show them to university professors and pro engineers for their reviews. And since you have good contacts, I will ask you to do this favor and show my data to all you feel are worthy. In fact you can show it now also to anyone who cares to provide an expert opinion. Its free (as in free air), it already there in the thread and I care least about my name to be joined with it.
What I really want is, people who have resources should be encouraged to check the Eorbo out. They are not doing it probably because of the shady approach of steorn, they don't think its serious. I hope my results shall convince at least some to go ahead and experiment and I hope these people are reading this now.
As a matter of fact we don't even need to plot graphs with so many points. The very fact that the there are theoretical conditions at which the input energy-time slope is lower (and can be even negative) compared to the output energy-time slope speaks for itself -- OU is inherent in the very theory of electricity itself.
From what I understand is that you want a variable offset in the input current in addition to the existing simulation?
Be assured I will do anything in my power to bring these new ideas and findings to the attention of any influential, competent people that I am able to come in contact with. You may realize that this is a difficult task and must be done in a strategic way so that it will not be squashed. The first I'm planning on at this point is to convince reputable labs to reproduce it independently. I will let you know how this develops. In the meantime I'm again strongly encouraging you to submit a manuscript describing your results as a preliminary note to a scientific journal as prestigious as possible.
Also, I would be willing to give a joint presentation with you on all of these findings. I'm planning to be in Europe by the end of the Summer and we may try to arrange such seminars. You may want to suggest universities for that matter and I will contact them and try to arrange colloquia at the appropriate departments to discuss all these findings.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 02, 2010, 04:08:59 PM
From what I understand is that you want a variable offset in the input current in addition to the existing simulation?
Of course, it would be nice to explore also the offset question but my main idea was to make a graph where we will see the criss crossing of the two best-fitting lines. It may require hundreds of thousands of points, maybe millions. I still don't have Excel 2010 and for now won't be able to open any such file. At present, like I said, I can hardly handle 32000 data points with some rudimentary Excel 97.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 03:51:45 PM
You may observe that at the beginning the input energy at the end of each half-cycle is farther away from the line of the output energy. As the end of the studied period (of ~30000 points) that distance becomes much shorter, indicating that eventually the input energy will fall below the output energy.
Like I said, there is a chance of floating point errors here. The change is just about 0.5*10^-12, this is unimaginably small. There is no way to tell, unless someone derives it from first principles.
I guess I'm missing something here, too many posts to read, so I read them in hurry, and the question is, why is broli getting a positive slope ? Is he using a different formula ?
About Excel, it can plot only 32k points, even Excel2007 has this limit. But you can always reduce the points by increasing the time step, so you arrive at a full cycle early. And you can remove the markers from the plot to get a nice clean thin line. (right click on the line and select format data series)
I forgot to mention @broli, @teslaalset and several others who may join the colloquia as speakers, if they want to.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 04:21:55 PM
Of course, it would be nice to explore also the offset question but my main idea was to make a graph where we will see the criss crossing of the two best-fitting lines. It may require hundreds of thousands of points, maybe millions. I still don't have Excel 2010 and for now won't be able to open any such file. At present, like I said, I can hardly handle 32000 data points with some rudimentary Excel 97.
Isn't that what the trendlines do for you?
I noticed you used those already in your graphs.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 02, 2010, 04:24:03 PM
Like I said, there is a chance of floating point errors here. The change is just about 0.5*10^-12, this is unimaginably small. There is no way to tell, unless someone derives it from first principles.
I guess I'm missing something here, too many posts to read, so I read them in hurry, and the question is, why is broli getting a positive slope ? Is he using a different formula ?
About Excel, it can plot only 32k points, even Excel2007 has this limit. But you can always reduce the points by increasing the time step, so you arrive at a full cycle early. And you can remove the markers from the plot to get a nice clean thin line. (right click on the line and select format data series)
Now, I don't think @broli can determine the slope of the energy-time curve in Mathematica. Maybe it can be done but at this point I don't see how, unless he resorts to generating lists of data to proceed the way its done in Excel (to do that in Excel seems easier and more transparent). What he does is integrate the momentary powers over a certain period of time. To determine the slopes we're talking about one needs to have the values of a series of such integrals plotted as a function of time and find the slope of the resulting curve (the best-fitting line through that curve having fine structure). So far this can only be done conveniently in Excel, as far as I can see, obviously only numerically. I don't see at this point what the analytical expression might be for such slope resulting from continuous curve stemming from integrals over time. That'll be great if someone can suggest a way to do it. That indeed would be the ultimate proof that standard theory of electricity contains inherently OU.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 02, 2010, 04:32:06 PM
Isn't that what the trendlines do for you?
I noticed you used those already in your graphs.
Yes, they do, of course, and maybe what am asking for is an overkill but I thought it might be nice to see the criss crossing in front of your eyes and not only rely of the fact that the trendlines will definitely cross somewhere in the distance. But, maybe you're right. What's done so far will do. One thing to address here is the point @Omega_0 is raising about the floating point error. There should be an assessment of this error. Do you have any idea how this can be done?
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 04:14:10 PM
Be assured I will do anything in my power to bring these new ideas and findings to the attention of any influential, competent people that I am able to come in contact with. You may realize that this is a difficult task and must be done in a strategic way so that it will not be squashed. The first I'm planning on at this point is to convince reputable labs to reproduce it independently. I will let you know how this develops. In the meantime I'm again strongly encouraging you to submit a manuscript describing your results as a preliminary note to a scientific journal as prestigious as possible.
Also, I would be willing to give a joint presentation with you on all of these findings. I'm planning to be in Europe by the end of the Summer and we may try to arrange such seminars. You may want to suggest universities for that matter and I will contact them and try to arrange colloquia at the appropriate departments to discuss all these findings.
It will be great if even one lab can reproduce it. But I'm sure you can convince them. I will post detailed build instructions soon, and I'm posting the data again in text format to end the Excel2007 dependency.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 04:35:25 PM
Yes, they do, of course, and maybe what am asking for is an overkill but I thought it might be nice to see the criss crossing in front of your eyes and not only rely of the fact that the trendlines will definitely cross somewhere in the distance. But, maybe you're right. What's done so far will do. One thing to address here is the point @Omega_0 is raising about the floating point error. There should be an assessment of this error. Do you have any idea how this can be done?
As long as 2 point linear trendlines are use on graphs that represent exactly N*360 degrees, these are very reliable and as accurate as Excel itself.
Floating point errors can be calibrated by just using 0 Volt input.
Those trendlines should give you exactly zero angle and zero offset.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 02, 2010, 04:51:08 PM
As long as 2 point linear trendlines are use on graphs that represent exactly N*360 degrees, these are very reliable and as accurate as Excel itself.
Floating point errors can be calibrated by just using 0 Volt input.
Those trendlines should give you exactly zero angle and zero offset.
If that's the case, we got it. That's beyond words.
Now we have to figure out how the theoretical effects correspond to what's found experimentally. There may be some new phenomenon at work here. Something which is neither capacitance, not inductance and yet causing phase shift. Recall that doubly wound coil (not bifilar) I showed some pages back.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 02, 2010, 04:42:37 PM
It will be great if even one lab can reproduce it. But I'm sure you can convince them. I will post detailed build instructions soon, and I'm posting the data again in text format to end the Excel2007 dependency.
That's great. It's good to have a concisely written document explaining the details.
As for the replicating efforts, I have already made contacts with influential science parties but I won't get into details here. We have to meet in person probably sometime in the near future and talk more about how this can be handled.
0.01 ohm is too small. And the energy data Eout in your graph is unrealistically small. You will end up with round off errors. Use a bigger resistance instead.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 02, 2010, 03:51:45 PM
Can't agree more. I've been saying this all along and also the need for a mathematician to help with this. That would be the ultimate.
Now, get this. Here are the theoretical data for 800kHz, 0.01Ohms and 44pF. Since I'm still having trouble with my Excel I was only able to plot, I believe around 30000 point. You may observe that at the beginning the input energy at the end of each half-cycle is farther away from the line of the output energy. As the end of the studied period (of ~30000 points) that distance becomes much shorter, indicating that eventually the input energy will fall below the output energy. That's a clear indication of OU existing in the very theory of electricity. Like I said, I don't hoe to work this out purely analytically, if that's at all possible or necessary.
P.S. Can't attach the Excel file -- too big even when compressed.
You can try, say, with 700kHz, 10Ohms and 30pF. The input energy-time slope isn't negative but is lower than the output energy-time slope -- 1.22 OU.
The equations look correct, but Ein will not ram up forever because the impedance of the source has not been taken care of.
The voltage source has its own source impedance. You should not assume that the source impedance is always ZERO, particularly when your output resistance is relatively low.
Quote from: broli on July 02, 2010, 05:10:42 AM
I have already posted the analytical equation for energy derived from the current and voltage equation for an RC circuit. This inherently includes the behavior of energy stored in the capacitor. It's up to you to choose an initial condition. You could start with a fully charged capacitor and use that as as your initial energy at t=0 or start with a completely uncharged cap and use 0J as your initial energy for t=0. Either way all the initial energy does is add/subtract some constant value to your graph and move it up/down. It doesn't change the slope. In a circuit with R=0 the slope would be 0 and this is what the equation shows too.
Below you can see the energy wave at R=0 and R=100.
Now that OU has been established to be inherent in the very theory of electricity what remains to be done is to find out why the experimental OU is greater than the theoretical. Obviously, there is only one factor that can be the cause for this difference, namely, the I-V phase shift. It should also be clear that the greater experimental I-V phase shift, compared to the theoretical, cannot be due to errors in measuring R and C. As seen in the theoretical equations, R and C have symmetric effect on the input and the output -- any change in R not only affects the I-V phase shift but also the amplitude of the input current which on its part affects both the input and the output power; a change in C changes both the I-V phase angle and the amplitude of the current which also has equal consequences on both input and output power. Therefore, parasitic capacitance is out as a candidate explanation for the observed discrepancy between theory and experiment regarding OU. Neither can purported parasitic inductance be considered as a candidate explanation because inductance causes change in the I-V phase in a direction opposite to increasing the OU effect. Therefore there must be some other non-trivial reason, other than C or L, that would cause the additional favorable I-V phase shift observed in the experiment.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 03:06:10 AM
The equations look correct, but Ein will not ram up forever because the impedance of the source has not been taken care of.
The voltage source has its own source impedance. You should not assume that the source impedance is always ZERO, particularly when your output resistance is relatively low.
Experiment, under these conditions, shows that it ramps up forever, though, doesn't it?
The time domain increase of Ein is expected. It is not a sign of OU. R is dissipating energy. That's why it ramps up.
Since Pr = Vr^2/R, you have to prove that Vr > Vin before jumping into conclusion.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 03:40:10 AM
Experiment, under these conditions, shows that it ramps up forever, though, doesn't it?
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 03:50:37 AM
The time domain increase of Ein is expected. It is not a sign of OU. R is dissipating energy. That's why it ramps up.
Since Pr = Vr^2/R, you have to prove that Vr > Vin before jumping into conclusion.
The time domain increase of the Eout due to dissipation being greater than the time domain increase of the Ein is by no means expected. As seen, however, Eout increase in the time domain is greater than Eout increase in the time domain not only experimentally but, most importantly, also theoretically.
Vr >Vin, whatever you've denoted by this, is irrelevant.
Ein = int(P, dt), meaning that the value of E is the sum of P(delta t).
The circuit disspates energy to R. That's why Ein always increases with time. But this increase is not necessarily linear because Vin will not stay the same forever.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 03:50:37 AM
The time domain increase of Ein is expected. It is not a sign of OU. R is dissipating energy. That's why it ramps up.
Since Pr = Vr^2/R, you have to prove that Vr > Vin before jumping into conclusion.
You have my respect and admiration for the work you have been doing here. Keep it up.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 04:00:11 AM
Ein = int(P, dt), meaning that the value of E is the sum of P(delta t).
The circuit disspates energy to R. That's why Ein always increases with time. But this increase is not necessarily linear because Vin will not stay the same forever.
How come? Where does the theory say that Ein will not stay the same forever? The observations are done at Ein = const. That's the condition of the problem and as such cannot be changed whimsically.
Quote from: Pirate88179 on July 03, 2010, 04:00:13 AM
You have my respect and admiration for the work you have been doing here. Keep it up.
Thanks, @Pirate88179, I appreciate the good words and encouragement. All the best.
If I recall correctly, your Vr is smaller than Vin. This part is inconsistent with your observation.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 03:56:08 AM
The time domain increase of the Eout due to dissipation being greater than the time domain increase of the Ein is by no means expected. As seen, however, Eout increase in the time domain is greater than Eout increase in the time domain not only experimentally but, most importantly, also theoretically.
Vr >Vin, whatever you've denoted by this, is irrelevant.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 04:10:36 AM
If I recall correctly, your Vr is smaller than Vin. This part is inconsistent with your observation.
Where do I use Vr in my theoretical calculations?
I have already told you
Ein = int(P, dt).
This means the value of Ein is the sum of area underneath the P(t) curve.
(PS. One more question to you: What kind of degree did you get? )
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 04:06:19 AM
How come? Where does the theory say that Ein will not stay the same forever? The observations are done at Ein = const. That's the condition of the problem and as such cannot be changed whimsically.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 04:20:59 AM
I have already told you
Ein = int(P, dt).
This means the value of Ein is the sum of area underneath the P(t) curve.
(PS. One more question to you: What kind of degree did you get? )
No you didn't tell me. You said:
QuoteIf I recall correctly, your Vr is smaller than Vin. This part is inconsistent with your observation.
Therefore, I'm asking you once again: Where do I use Vr in my theoretical calculations?
Even high school kids understand that Pr = Vr ^2/R.
Whether you have used Vr in your theoretical calculations is not relevant.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 04:26:31 AM
I'm asking you once again: Where do I use Vr in my theoretical calculations?
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 04:29:59 AM
Even high kids understand that Pr = Vr ^2/R.
Whether you have used Vr in your theoretical calculations is not relevant.
So, never in my theoretical calculations I ever used Vr, correct? Don't bring it in, then. And, leave high kids alone.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 02:57:32 AM
You can try, say, with 700kHz, 10Ohms and 30pF. The input energy-time slope isn't negative but is lower than the output energy-time slope -- 1.22 OU.
@Omnibus, can you post the file again, that shows these results, I am interested in having a look at the details. If it is too big, please e-mail to me?
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 04:06:19 AM
The observations are done at Ein = const. That's the condition of the problem and as such cannot be changed whimsically.
You probably have removed the resistor when you did the measurment of Pin. That may be the reason why you ended up with constant Ein over time. Ein will never be constant because there is something in the circuit.
Constant Ein is not a sign of OU. It is a sign of incorrect measurement.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 04:43:39 AM
You probably have removed the resistor when you did the measurment. That may be the reason you end up with constant Ein. Ein will never be constant because there is something circuit.
Constant Ein is not a sign OU. It is a sign of incorrect measurement.
So, the problem with Vr is settled. You were wrong and you should admit it. Never bring Vr again.
The problem with Vr is NOT settled. Some of your graphs that you posted in the forum can be used to derive Vr and Vin.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 04:45:41 AM
So, the problem with Vr is settled. You were wrong and you should admit it. Never bring Vr again.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 03, 2010, 04:43:38 AM
@Omnibus, can you post the file again, that shows these results, I interested in having a look at the details. If it is too big, please e-mail to me?
I haven't posted that file. Here's a similar file with more realistic R and C -- 1Ohm and 10pF -- yielding negative input energy-time slope:
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 04:50:18 AM
The problem with Vr is NOT settled. Some of your graphs that you posted in the forum can be used to derive Vr and Vin.
Like I said, Vr cannot be found in any of my theoretical calculations or in the graphs based on these theoretical calculations. Admit you're wrong and move on.
From the equations I posted you can extract the slope of the linear portion quite easily. To cut to the chase I have attached the equation for the linear part of the energy slope.
@omnibus: To be really honest I don't agree with the fact that theory shows OU. The energy from the source and out of the resistance have the same slope in the equations.
The negative slope is indeed strange. In theory there are two ways to get a negative slope. 1 is to invert the sign of your current data and keep everything else in tact. This will be like having a capacitive system but producing inductive data. Since this is not the case in experiments we can ignore it. Another very subtle way is increasing the phase shift beyond 90°.
In reply 3553, you have described the experimental results when R=10 Ohm, and you have shown us the following graph:;topic=8411.0;attach=45744;image
So, Vin =30 V
The current probe suggests that the amplitude of Ir = 5*0.02 = 0.1 A
So, the amplitude of Vr = Ir R = 0.1 * 10 = 1 Volts.
Also, according to the graph, the voltage Vr measured using the shunt resistance method is 1.2 Volts.
Have I missed anything?
(PS. I think I should put Vr = 0.5 V peak-to-peak and Vin = 15 V peak-to-peak. The reason I used Vin = 30 V because I was trying to match the figures to the frequency domain measurement shown in another graph.)
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 05:08:04 AM
Like I said, Vr cannot be found in any of my theoretical calculations or in the graphs based on these theoretical calculations. Admit you're wrong and move on.
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 06:01:54 AM
In reply 3553, you have described the experimental results when R=10 Ohm, and you have shown us the following graph:;topic=8411.0;attach=45744;image
So, Vin =30 V
The current probe suggests that the amplitude of Ir = 5*0.02 = 0.1 A
So, the amplitude of Vr = Ir R = 0.1 * 10 = 1 Volts.
Also, according to the graph, the voltage Vr measured using the shunt resistance method is 1.2 Volts.
Have I missed anything?
(PS. I think I should put Vr = 0.5 V peak-to-peak and Vin = 15 V peak-to-peak. The reason I used Vin = 30 V because I was trying to match the figures to the frequency domain measurement shown in another graph.)
So, we're indeed done with the theoretical part. There indeed isn't Vr in my theoretical calculations. Now admit you were wrong in suggesting I used Vr in my theoretical calculations and, like I said, move on.
Here you're bringing up a question regarding my experimental results. This is a completely different topic and I'll look into that.
QuoteAnother very subtle way is increasing the phase shift beyond 90°.
Please take a look a few posts back. That's exactly what I said. This has to be explored thoroughly because neither an error in R nor an error in C can explain away the experimental results.
One last thing that may cause the observed OU to be in error is incorrectly assuming that what is measured as Vin isn't the real Vin. I mentioned that in still earlier posts (@blueplanet repeats it in his last post). I will look into this more.
As for the slope formula, you're using Vm, assuming perfectly symmetric waves. In fact, it is possible that, even theoretically, the waves to be skewed for some values of R and C, as the calculations above suggest. Therefore the theoretical Ein-t and Eout-t should reflect that. This so far can be achieved by point by point integration which, like I said already can only be provided conveniently in Excel. In Mathematica such integration is also possible but is cumbersome. To do it you have to create lists of integrals for time values (at small increments) along the entire cycle. In Excel it's somehow easier to do and it does show favorable (OU) difference in slopes. Now, @Omega_0 says it may be due to floating point error, @teslaalset appears not to agree. So we have to get to the bottom of this. But using Vm isn't the way. Again, I wish there were some analytical way (not through Vm but by having an expression of the curve from actually integrated point by point values) to demonstrate that. That'll be the ultimate proof.
Let me make it a little clearer. Even with perfectly symmetric I and V sine waves, it appears that when doing the point by point integration (rather than the brute force Vm calculation) the Ein-t and Eout-t curves are skewed for some combinations of R and C.
Now, here's the story with the experimental Vr (absence of theoretical Vr is already established):
The screen shot I posted earlier (cited by @blueplanet) is taken with the current probe and the shunt measurement being done simultaneously. This has never been the case in the OU measurements but was done here just for comparison. It turns out, however, that the presence of the passive probe measuring the voltage drop across the 10Ohm resistor (there's also a 0.001uF capacitor in series with the 10Ohm resistor; I'm mentioning this as just a reminder) affects the current in the circuit. This is confirmed by the simultaneous measurement with the current probe:
Data when passive probe is measuring current across shunt:
Current probe: 30.4ppV 0.106ppA -> 286.8Ohm
Passive probe: 30.4ppV 0.126ppA -> 241.3Ohm
Now, here are the data when current is measured with the current probe without the passive probe and when current is measured with the passive probe without the current probe:
Current probe: 30.4ppV 0.126ppA -> 241.3Ohms
Passive probe: 30.4ppV 0.127ppA -> 239.4Ohms
So, current measured over the shunt is unaffected by the presence of the current probe but the current measured with the current probe is greatly affected by the presence of the passive probe. Of course, as I said, when actual measurements are done there's never a passive probe attached to measure current simultaneously with the current probe. So, this is a non-issue regarding the present studies. However, this has to to had in mind in the future had such necessity (to have a passive probe simultaneously measuring current with a current probe).
Also, as you can see, the Vin is unaffected either way, so we have to be pretty confident at this point that the voltage measurements are correct and are not the cause of the observed OU effect. So, back to the phase shift issue. What is causing the additional phase shift (additional to what a capacitance induces) which causes the experimental OU to be greater than the theoretical OU?
The operating frequency shown in your graph is in the neighborhood of 700 Khz (T=3.5*400ns), which is the frequency at which your "OU" occurs.
As I mentioned in one of my previous post, one of the criteria for OU to occur is abs(Vin) < abs(Vr). But this conditiion did not occur at 700 Khz. What went wrong?
And obviously, according to your graph, Ein, which is the input energy, does not appear to be constant or negative. Have I missed anything?
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 10:10:44 AM
Now, here's the story with the experimental Vr (absence of theoretical Vr is already established):
The screen shot I posted earlier (cited by @blueplanet) is taken with the current probe and the shunt measurement being done simultaneously. This has never been the case in the OU measurements but was done here just for comparison. It turns out, however, that the presence of the passive probe measuring the voltage drop across the 10Ohm resistor (there's also a 0.001uF capacitor in series with the 10Ohm resistor; I'm mentioning this as just a reminder) affects the current in the circuit. This is confirmed by the simultaneous measurement with the current probe:
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 12:53:10 PM
The operating frequency shown in your graph is in the neighborhood of 700 Khz (T=3.5*400ns), which is the frequency at which your "OU" occurs.
As I mentioned in one of my previous post, one of the criteria for OU to occur is abs(Vin) < abs(Vr). But this conditiion did not occur at 700 Khz. What went wrong?
And obviously, according to your graph, Ein, which is the input energy, does not appear to be constant or negative. Have I missed anything?
The criterion which you give for OU to appear is incorrect. The correct criterion is slope(int_0^T IVdt vs. t) < slope(int_0^T I*2Vdt vs. t). This correct criterion is implemented in the numerous Excel files and figures therefrom.
Please, don't dilute the discussion with incorrect assumptions and talk about problems that have already been solved.
As we've see, the energies properly integrated yield OU. I emphasize, proper integration (provided all the data is correct). Proper integration and not using Vm, rms and the like.
What we need to do now is find the expressions for the integrals int_0^T IVdt and int_0^T I*2Vdt and then find the first derivatives over time of these expressions. Many of us, myself included, are so spoiled by the numerical methods that the real good old math is put slightly on the side (it's true that numerical methods are very powerful and can dwell in territories inaccessible by the 'good old math' as far as engineering is concerned).
I think Mathematica can help in doing this.
This condition is always satisfied because:
d/dt( I*2V) is always greater than d/dt(I*V)
The term I*2V has nothing to do with the power dissipated in the load resistor R.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 01:05:10 PM
slope(int_0^T IVdt vs. t) < slope(int_0^T I*2Vdt vs. t).
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 01:58:45 PM
This condition is always satisfied because:
d/dt( I*2V) is always greater than d/dt(I*V)
The term I*2V has nothing to do with the power dissipated in the load resistor R.
That's not the condition. Read above what the condition is.
I am afraid you are wasting other people's time here.
Your criterion does not need any numerical computation!
Quote from: Omnibus on July 03, 2010, 01:29:45 PM
What we need to do now is find the expressions for the integrals int_0^T IVdt and int_0^T I*2Vdt and then find the first derivatives over time of these expressions. Many of us, myself included, are so spoiled by the numerical methods that the real good old math is put slightly on the side (it's true that numerical methods are very powerful and can dwell in territories inaccessible by the 'good old math' as far as engineering is concerned).
Quote from: blueplanet on July 03, 2010, 02:04:06 PM
I am afraid you are wasting other people's time here.
Your criterion does not need any numerical computation!
You're the one wasting the time and the bandwidth of this forum with your confusion. Don't clog the discussion with you gibberish.
Here's a short text I just wrote to get us started with the derivation:
Please copy-paste this expression in wolframalpha
integrate (sin(ax))*(sin(ax+theta)) dx
There is no need to do this if you are looking for the slope only --- particularly when the expression of the integrand is already given.
Steorn's situation is different. I understand it is difficult to compare the spikes by visual inspection.
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 03, 2010, 05:44:07 PM
Please copy-paste this expression in wolframalpha
integrate (sin(ax))*(sin(ax+theta)) dx
Please take a look at the attached theoretical writeup which gives a rigorous derivation of Pout/Pin problem we're discussing. As seen, theoretically, that ratio should be unity in all cases. It appear that @Omega_0's remark regarding the floating point errors as the cause for the observed discrepancies in the numerical integration with Excel hit the nail on the head. This rigorous theoretical derivation should provide a solid foundation when searching for the truth regarding the reported experimental OU.
P.S. @Omega_0, thanks a lot for providing that great link to Mathematica.
Good job Omnibus. I hope someone good in math will cross check your calculations.
Now, about the experimental results, I'd recommend the method of accounting for all energies separately, and if it still leaves any excess (above noise floor), you have something.
My personal view is, it is not possible to gain energy unless you disturb some kind of symmetry or the other. Emmy Noether's law is truly fundamental. But that law does not impose any restrictions on how the symmetry can be broken, which is a good thing.
I believe you can break the symmetry by changing the fundamental properties of the matter at atomic level. It cannot be done at gross level. Steorn has explored modulation of permeability of a ferrite material, causing unusual behavior. Something similar can be possible using a capacitor and modulating its Permittivity.
It may happen that the dielectric viscosity of the material in the capacitor is causing something unusual at high frequencies. We need an elaborate setup analogous to steorn's setup, but in electric domain, to intensionally modulate the permittivity for gain of energy.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 04, 2010, 04:37:19 PM
Please take a look at the attached theoretical writeup which gives a rigorous derivation of Pout/Pin problem we're discussing. As seen, theoretically, that ratio should be unity in all cases. It appear that @Omega_0's remark regarding the floating point errors as the cause for the observed discrepancies in the numerical integration with Excel hit the nail on the head. This rigorous theoretical derivation should provide a solid foundation when searching for the truth regarding the reported experimental OU.
P.S. @Omega_0, thanks a lot for providing that great link to Mathematica.
Nice overview. I think it's correct.
Regarding the numerical errors, I noticed following looking at your spreadsheets:
In the latest one you posted you used (per row) time fragments that correspond with 1/(360*800000) seconds (column A), while using 700000Hz as frequency in the 2*pi*f*t calculation (column D and E).
Each row represents 1 degree as shown (column C).
Showing the integration over 0 - T (corresponding with 360 degrees) demands not the integration over the results over 360 rows but 360 * 800000/700000 rows = 411.42857142857142857142857142857 rows.
Now in practice 411 or 412 rows will be used for the integration of one period.
I did not check in details on how you made the numerical integration over one period, but this may be the reason for your so called floating point errors.
I did not notice these floating point errors in my spread sheet model because I used time fragments that matches 1/360 of the time period of the actual frequency used in the 2*pi*f*t part of the formulas. Integration of one T period is done by using data of exactly 360 rows.
You may have to look at this.
Check this out. These are Excel files of three ways of calculating Pout/Pin. Two are theoretical, based on R = 9.9244Ohms, C = 991pF and f = 800kHz used in the experiment and the Vm = 14.92V observed. Notice that in all three data files what is processed is just one full period. I used 800kHz to be in agreement with @teslaalset's correct remark. Also, the phase angle is calculated separately in the theoretical spreadsheet to see it clearly. The first puzzling thing is that there is a discrepancy between the two theoretical ways of calculation. Could it be that Simpson's rule of integration isn't the right way to go or again we're haunted by the floating point errors? What good is Excel if that's the case? There may be a problem (not mathematical but of physical nature) in the theoretical derivation I posted yesterday. That derivation is a brute force approach. Anyway, I think we should look first into the discrepancy in the two theoretical approaches. Then we'll have to look very carefully into the experimental data. After all, what do we have -- just current and voltage (R is measured very precisely with the Keithley four point measurement). Should that be so difficult to measure correctly with the equipment at hand?
So, if we consider the theoretical calculation in the writeup I posted yesterday as the exact theoretical solution then, if there are indeed floating point errors in Excel, these errors are to the detriment of the observed OU effect -- the theoretical integration shows lower than unity Pout/Pin ratio which is lower than purportedly exact theoretical solution.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 05, 2010, 10:15:15 AM
Check this out. These are Excel files of three ways of calculating Pout/Pin. Two are theoretical, based on R = 9.9244Ohms, C = 991pF and f = 800kHz used in the experiment and the Vm = 14.92V observed. Notice that in all three data files what is processed is just one full period. I used 800kHz to be in agreement with @teslaalset's correct remark. Also, the phase angle is calculated separately in the theoretical spreadsheet to see it clearly. The first puzzling thing is that there is a discrepancy between the two theoretical ways of calculation. Could it be that Simpson's rule of integration isn't the right way to go or again we're haunted by the floating point errors? What good is Excel if that's the case? There may be a problem (not mathematical but of physical nature) in the theoretical derivation I posted yesterday. That derivation is a brute force approach. Anyway, I think we should look first into the discrepancy in the two theoretical approaches. Then we'll have to look very carefully into the experimental data. After all, what do we have -- just current and voltage (R is measured very precisely with the Keithley four point measurement). Should that be so difficult to measure correctly with the equipment at hand?
I noticed that the use of the 'slope' function in Excel raises some questions.
When I replace the slope calculation by applying Pin=(K1004-K4)/(A1004-A4) and Pout=(L1004-L4)/(A1004-A4)
I get Pout/Pin = 1.00000 (theoretical_integration.xls).
So I took just delta(P)/delta(time) as replacement of the 'slope' function.
Doing the same for experimental_integration.xls gives me Pout/Pin=2.14 (!!)
I made a mistake by extending the slope calculation by 1 extra row in the theoretical_integration.xls file. So 1004 should be replaced by 1003
Using 1003 results in a Pout/Pin = 0.998131. So, the use of 1004 was correct, which makes sense overall.
That's strange because the least squares method which I suppose is the method for calculating the slope and intercept in Excel should yield the accurate result and not just by finding the slope of the line between the first and the last point. Will have to try it with Excel 2010 when it arrives (USPS shows on their website that it's in Springfield, MA at this moment; wonder if it's going to arrive today, being a holiday),
That's very interesting. Think about it, the method from the theoretical writeup also uses in effect the last and the first point, that is, uses a brute force approach. However, when you get into the nitty-gritty the result changes even in the theoretical calculations. How can this be?
Quote from: Omnibus on July 05, 2010, 11:37:22 AM
That's strange because the least squares method which I suppose is the method for calculating the slope and intercept in Excel should yield the accurate result and not just by finding the slope of the line between the first and the last point. Will have to try it with Excel 2010 when it arrives (USPS shows on their website that it's in Springfield, MA at this moment; wonder if it's going to arrive today, being a holiday),
The difference is that the 'slope' function gives you the average slope of the sinus, while the formula I used instead uses the slope of the start and end value (the linear line between two points). If the sinus would be a sawtooth, they would give the same results.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 05, 2010, 11:45:22 AM
The difference is that the 'slope' function gives you the average slope of the sinus, while the formula I used instead uses the slope of the start and end value (the linear line between two points). If the sinus would be a sawtooth, they would give the same results.
That shouldn't be, though. Least squares method, using all the points, not just two, should be the really accurate method. Could it be there's a problem in Excel? Alternatively, could it be that the type of function we're dealing with isn't prone to the kind of integration (I'm talking about the theoretical, not the numerical) we usually do. You know how there are requirements for a function to be smooth (this one is smooth, though), no poles, no special points etc., etc. There must be something subtle which is escaping me.
do a google search with :
"Synthesis of Passive RC Networks with Gains Greater than Unity"
there is so much overunity !
Quote from: Omnibus on July 05, 2010, 11:40:46 AM
That's very interesting. Think about it, the method from the theoretical writeup also uses in effect the last and the first point, that is, uses a brute force approach. However, when you get into the nitty-gritty the result changes even in the theoretical calculations. How can this be?
I see it like this:
Performing the mathematical integrals one gets two results that needs subtraction (upper time limit results - lower time limit results).
Compare that with using a stopwatch:
press start at the lower time limit, sampling the consumed power; press again at the upper time limit and sample consumed power again, then subtract both results.
The intermediate results are not of any interest.
With the 'slope' function of Excel, the intermediate slope values are also involved.
Quote from: tagor on July 05, 2010, 12:25:41 PM
do a google search with :
"Synthesis of Passive RC Networks with Gains Greater than Unity"
there is so much overunity !
What about that Google search?
Quote from: teslaalset on July 05, 2010, 12:44:16 PM
I see it like this:
Performing the mathematical integrals one gets two results that needs subtraction (upper time limit results - lower time limit results).
Compare that with using a stopwatch:
press start at the lower time limit, sampling the consumed power; press again at the upper time limit and sample consumed power again, then subtract both results.
The intermediate results are not of any interest.
With the 'slope' function of Excel, the intermediate slope values are also involved.
I agree but what you gain and lose along the way should be reflected in the final outcome. It appears it isn't in our case.
Regarding the experiments -- if we're really sure that what we measure as current and voltage is really the current and voltage (not only in magnitude but also in phase) in the circuit then we're there. Now, current having been taken care of (resistance R too) the only remaining culprit can be the voltage and the influence of the device which measures it. The passive voltage probe I'm using in 1X mode has an input impedance of approx. 1MOhm and less than 50ns rise time but it also has 110pF capacitance. I've checked and determined its presence does not affect the current measured by the current probe. However, when switching from 1X to 10X I saw a slight change in phase shift on the order of 40ns. Also, the peak to peak voltage did undergo slight change -- from 31.4ppV with 1X setting to 31.8ppV at 10X. I did the Pot/Pin measurement with the voltage probe now being at 10X and I got severe underunity -- on the order of 0.1 and less. As you can see in the theoretical model such underunity can be achieved by slightly changing the phase angle, everything else the same. As if we didn't know that from the get go -- correct measurement of I and V is everything in this case. So, how can the 110pF capacitance of the passive probe affect the outcome? Is the voltage we measure different from the real voltage applied to the system and is its lag with respect to current the real lag there is?
Please take a look at these two spreadsheets. They illustrate the above. Both are taken at 700kHz (the rest is the same as in the latest spreadsheets with experimental data posted), however, one is taken with 1X passive voltage probe while the other one is taken with 10X passive voltage probe. Now, which one is crazier? And, if using the 1X passive probe for measuring voltage isn't the right way to do it then what's the right way? It certainly isn't with the 10X probe. So, another set of theoretical ruminations is needed here to understand the role, if at all, of the 110pF loading exerted by the 1X voltage probe.
@ Omnibus,
I guess it depends on how you mount the current probe in the setup.
Below two possibilities.
The top one includes the current throught the voltage probe
The bottom one excludes the current through the voltage probe
It would be interesting to see the difference in current results.
B.t.w. I noticed a quite large offset in the input current. Did you check the offset having no input signal from the generator?
That's a very reasonable suggestion but I'll have to try it at some other time. I just changed the setup with the one I used earlier in which I'm trying to eliminate the voltage probes. Do you remember the setup with the copper plated board, the BNC's and the two feet BNC cable? I just tried it and am getting efficiencies on the order of 0.05. Will have to work on this more. As for the current offset, that was due to the current probe not being set to zero. Doesn't seem to affect the result, though.
Here are the results with and without current through the 1X voltage probe. As you can see there's substantial difference. Nevertheless, the effect persists. Also, the current offset seems less or slightly in the opposite direction thi the direction it was at before zeroing the current probe.
Just did an experiment by attaching two, even three 1X passive voltage probes to the same point of measurement to see if the loading by the probe would have any effect on the signal. The signals were practically overlapping and i didn't see any distortion of the wave. Similar was the behavior of the 10X probes attached to the same point of measurement. Also, holding the probe lead, moving it around and even twisting it didn't show any effect on the signal. As far as I understand, although 10X probes have higher impedance, they are unsuitable for low level signals such as the studied here and probably that's the reason for the weird results (0.05 efficiency) when using such probes. The best test in this respect was the one suggested by @teslaalset which clearly demonstrated a shunting effect by the probe and yet the OU effect was still preserved, as the Excel spreadsheet above indicate. This question regarding the accuracy of measurement together with the ostensible problems in our case with the least squares line fitting have to be understood well.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 05, 2010, 07:23:34 PM
Here are the results with and without current through the 1X voltage probe. As you can see there's substantial difference. Nevertheless, the effect persists. Also, the current offset seems less or slightly in the opposite direction thi the direction it was at before zeroing the current probe.
I played around with these data files and encountered a significant effect on the 'plus current' data.
What you can see is that the 'plus current' data is not very reproducible, or instable or it shows a trend that is ongoing.
The 'minus current' data shows a good overlap of the X-Y graph, while the 'plus current' file doesn't.
Seems that measuring only one input sinus period is not good enough to do a reliable analysis.
Very good analysis. Now, the main question I have is, is the current and voltage measured using the current probe and this 1X voltage probe (in the arrangement excluding the current through probe which is the arrangement used in these studies) the true current passing through the RC and voltage applied to the RC? If this were an electrochemical system (I'm thinking in the usual DC case; in the AC too) and we're measuring the voltage between two electrodes with such 1X voltage probe I would reject results which show current going through the probe. Such voltage has to be measured with current passing through probe practically zero because otherwise the electrodes will be polarized and will be of lower value than the open circuit voltage we need to know. In this case, however, there's no danger of such polarization as far as the system with the components we're measuring is concerned. Thus, is 1X voltage probe good enough in this case, despite the current flowing through it, if when carrying out the measurements we exclude that current (as we're actually doing)? Aslo, why are the results with the 10X voltage probe so different? Which one of the probes (1X or 10X) gives more accurate results?
Also, notice, the curves taken you've analyzed above are the average of 16 samples, not just one, despite the time being just one period. Shouldn't this be enough when you say that more than one period is needed?
I agree with you that the measurement setup you already used is best.
Although I do not fully understand why there is a non-reproducibility in the case of measuring voltage 'behind' the current probe, but let's leave that for now.
I believe you do measure all current in the actual RC circuit.
I am still studying the differences between the 1x and 10x probes.
The only thing I can think of is a difference in impedance of the probes.
Your signal generator should have sufficient low output impedance not to be influenced by these probes.
The only thing I can think of is the BNC termination impedance of the DSO versus the impedance of the probes (The input of the DSO does also have a typical impedance if set to high impedance termination).
Good to know you used data that was already the average of 16 single triggered curves.
As you can see from my analysis the reproducibility is good if you apply the voltage probe before the current probe.
Do you think I should average even more samples. The limit is 512? The effect is obviously due to subtleties in the behavior of I and V and I think we should go out of our way to understand what these are and whether or not the effect is due to experimental errors. That has to be shown beyond a doubt. So, what we're looking for are some critical experiments to definitively exclude experimental errors.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 06, 2010, 08:27:08 AM
Do you think I should average even more samples. The limit is 512? The effect is obviously due to subtleties in the behavior of I and V and I think we should go out of our way to understand what these are and whether or not the effect is due to experimental errors. That has to be shown beyond a doubt. So, what we're looking for are some critical experiments to definitively exclude experimental errors.
Would be good to at least compare two measurements: one with no, or small, average and one with max (512) average.
These are data based on averaging 512 samples.
Here are data without averaging.
Here are the corresponding X-Y graphs.
It seems there is some kind of bi-stable situation.
But what causes that?
Can you generate a file with 2 or 3 full sequential periods sampled (not averaged)?
Here are non-averaged 3-period data.
That's a very strange result. I wanna understand it too. Is it an artifact or a real effect? So, you're plotting the available data and what comes out is this bi-stable situation in the positive half, correct? Very strange, indeed.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 06, 2010, 09:48:26 AM
Here are non-averaged 3-period data.
The input voltage is only a few millivolt. Is that correct?
No, there's something wrong. Will have to find out what. The voltage on the scope screen (no averaging) is correct. Don't know why it's dumping it differently. By the way, how exactly are you plotting these IV-I^2R plots?
Strange, when averaged, voltage is correct.
I got it. The format of the data dumped is different when not averaged. Can you believe it? I spoke with Tektronix about that and they couldn't do anything about it. So, one has to be careful. The format when 6261 points are averaged is the same as the format of the 125000 point dump. Otherwise it's different. Go figure.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 06, 2010, 10:20:47 AM
By the way, how exactly are you plotting these IV-I^2R plots?
Just select the two columns you want to plot, by clicking on the top row characters
(while holding the 'CTRL' button of your keyboard you can select both at the same time)
Then click on the 'graph' icon and select X-Y (Scatter) option
That should give you the initial graph.
Try this one.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 06, 2010, 10:44:14 AM
Just select the two columns you want to plot, by clicking on the top row characters
(while holding the 'CTRL' button of your keyboard you can select both at the same time)
Then click on the 'graph' icon and select X-Y (Scatter) option
That should give you the initial graph.
I thought I did that but it didn't come out right. Now I got it. My Excel is acting funny. USPS tells me the new has arrived but the delivery will be sometime later.
The non-averaged seems more spread out but I don't see splitting in the upper part.
I can see the split when I do it for one full period, unaveraged (the format of the data is changing again, believe it or not).
I think this asymmetry is seen still in the E-t plot -- while the output energy is asmooth symmetric curve, the input appears asymmetric.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 06, 2010, 10:49:15 AM
The non-averaged seems more spread out but I don't see splitting in the upper part.
Yeah, I got the same results. Quite noisy, but no clear two-stage graph.
It seems that splitting on the positive side is due to a slight current offset. That current offset may e due to some unnoticeable voltage offset which is difficult to detect because of the high voltage value. The output power is only current dependent (for a given R) so any offset in current will show itself in such type of graph.
Here are parts of the current and voltage data taken when the voltage probe is at 1X as opposed to 10X (I have only given part of the curves for clarity). It is seen that there is a slight difference but that is what makes all the difference in the world.
Now, here's the crucial question that I'm asking myself once again -- is the voltage and the current I'm observing when using the 1X probe the true voltage and the true current applied to my RC? It is obvious the 1X probe causes changes in what's applied to the RC but I'll gladly do these changes in what the pulse generator supplies at any time because that gives me OU. Now it happened so that the favorable changes are induced by the 1X probe (while the 10X doesn't induce such favorable changes). However, again, are these I and V the real I and V across the R and C or they just seem such because of current passing through the 1X probe (because it has low input impedance) and that messes up the voltage readings (as well as the current readings)?
In trying to determine which one of the two probes, 1X or 10X, would give more accurate results I divided the V and I values measured across a 10Ohm resistor within one period and plotted them as a function of time. It is seen that the 1X probe gives more accurate results for the most part of the period and should be preferred for this type of measurement.
I think I got to the bottom of this. Overunity is possible in these circuits because of the natural possibility to induce asymmetry between the applied current and voltage. Thus, the pulse generator may be tuned up so that the applied voltage can have a certain favorable offset. The RC circuit, however, makes it so that the current flowing through it doesn't have offset. This is an extremely fortunate circumstance provided by Nature which allows us to design circuits generating excess energy. As a detail, as you can see from the graphs presented, the 1X-10X conundrum is a not an issue any more (if it has ever been an issue, as I presumed). What remains now is to complete the theoretical writeup I posted some pages back and supplement it with this new finding -- the possibility to generate OU just by inducing offset in the voltage. I always knew this problem is exciting but never expected to find such an elegant outcome.
I am out of sync again with your findings.
The above graphs don't show OU according to my understanding.
Can you help me out here understanding the observed OU?
B.t.w. I could do some scripting to find the optimum offset in this case.
The graphs above show the principle possibility to design E-t curves of the input with a negative slope within a full period. That's based on the fact that you can apply voltages differing in offset while due to the peculiarities of the RC circuit the resulting current loses that offset. This allows for a favorable I-V juxtaposition leading to the observed curves with negative slope. Now, of course, when I say negative slope I have in mind the slope obtained by the least squares method. If we're finding the slope the way you suggested, using the beginning and the end point, the slopes in this case will not be negative. Now, the question is, can you lose per unit time more than you gain (which the least squares method gives) along the way and nevertheless end up with a gain at the end of the day (as the slope based on the two end points suggests)? This is where I'm coming from in suggesting this method of offset.
On the other hand, as was seen, if there's a favorable load (the capacitance and the resistance are just right) on the power supply, as is the load applied by the 1X probe, then there's OU even in absence of offset and that can be seen even if the slope is to be determined from the end points (and not using least squares method). Of course, here I assume that the voltage the 1X probe measures is the real voltage applied to the RC circuit (true current and true resistance being guaranteed in all cases). In absence of offset the 10X probe appears to be lacking the proper combination of R and C to load the pulse generator favorably, that is, to load it so that OU can be produced. That's how I understand it at present. I tried to model an additional load on the pulse generator, by trying various R and C's while measuring with the 10X probe but still haven't been able to design the effect seen with the 1X probe. The only way so far I could observe OU with the 10X probe (if that's really OU, of course) is by playing with the offset.
Seems to me, all in all this is all a matter of design, a matter of combining various elements (R, C, L) and probably playing with the offset, with the idea to shift the phase of the current slightly more with respect to the voltage than the shift that the capacitance in the circuit would cause naturally. This applies to the current and voltage too -- say, have voltage (for a given current) which not only will differ from the voltage derived from Ohm's law but also different from that expected for the given RC circuit. Success in terms of OU with electrical devices will depend on whether or not such design is possible and is actually found out. This is the obvious search for asymmetries (in opposition to the symmetric CoE) we've been after in every concrete rendition of an OU device we've been exploring so far. @Omega_0 also mentioned that in one of his last posts. That's the goal and we have to see how we can achieve it in every concrete case.
The problem I have, it seems, is that I'm considering the slope of E-t curve while I should be considering that of dE/dt-t. That's regarding the last studies. As far as the 1X probe results, however, all is right and it's confirmed also by the dE/dt-t slope there. So, actually, having already results showing OU (those with the 1X probe, not the last ones with the offset) the final picking at straws by the critics would be, again, is the voltage measured by the 1X probe (current and resistance being the true ones) the real voltage applied to the RC circuit? To answer this question I did some studies such as those to recover the known value of a resistor by using voltage measured across a shunt with 1X compared to 10X probe and dividing it by the known current. It was seen that the 1X probe recovers the resistance value better throughout the period. Wonder what other studies can there be to ascertain we're measuring the true voltage across the RC circuit with the 1X voltage probe?
I did some simulations on the measurement with the 5 V offset.
I used the 'trendline' option in my Excel.
As you can see, it's kind of tricky to use only one cycle and determine the slope.
The right one in below graph represents 15 full cycles, while the left one represents one full cycle
Quote from: teslaalset on July 08, 2010, 08:14:16 AM
I did some simulations on the measurement with the 5 V offset.
I used the 'trendline' option in my Excel.
As you can see, it's kind of tricky to use only one cycle and determine the slope.
The right one in below graph represents 15 full cycles, while the left one represents one full cycle
I agree. The one cycle experiments were done to match the theoretical derivation (the derivation I already did and the one that is to be done with an offset). However, again, the problem is that I'm trying to judge for the energy spent per unit time from the E-t curve while, because of non-linearity, the correct way is to judge from the dE/dt-t curve. That was the way the derivation was carried out, as a matter of fact. So, thus far, the conclusion is that the 10X probe loads unfavorably the pulse generator while the 1X probe fortunately loads it in a manner to have the I displaced with respect to V and I and V to be of such magnitude as to yield an easily reproducible OU. Would be nice to model that loading in the case of the 10X probe, if that's at all possible.
Now, here's what it looks like for two periods. That's for 1X probe. From these two periods it may appear there's no OU. However, take a look at the results for many more periods I'm gonna post next.
Here are the data for many periods (can't post the Excel data -- file too big).
I'd like to understand how the compensation of the 10X probe works and what's different in its schematics compared to the 1X probe so that it can be modeled and overcome in the 10X case (that is, trying to do the opposite the 10X probe was designed to do). Couldn't find any such concrete information. It very well may be that it's proprietary. Apparently, the 1X probe induces favorable changes (favorable in terms of OU) in what the pulse generator supplies to the RC circuit, taking advantage of the natural asymmetry between I and V in terms of offset and providing a phase shift additional to what the C in the RC circuit provides naturally. That has to be understood well.
OK, here's what's happening when I try to model the 1X probe when using the 10X one:
Here's the same arrangement but now the probe is 1X (1X probe gives OU anyway). Now, isn't the impedance of the 1X probe made to match the impedance of the scope? If so, what is the 10X impedance matching? If the 1X probe's impedance isn't made to match the scope impedance what good is it?
Here is a link on explaining the inside circuit of 1:1 and 10:1 scope probes:
So it means the 1:1 probe does not do impedance matching, it acts as a piece of (coaxial-like) cable connected to the scope's input, (unfortunately it increases the original small input capacitance of the scope, to 115pF in your case from the 12-15pF? or so direct input capacitance).
Of course the original scope input resistance is 1MOhm, this does not change with 1:1 probes, except at increasing frequencies where the probe's higher input capacitance makes an increasing shunting, gradually decreasing
the 1MOhm impedance (effect of parallel RC members).
The 10:1 probe has a series 9MOhm resistor that constitutes a voltage divider with the scope's 1MOhm inner resistance. To make this 10:1 voltage divider independent from the frequency, there is a small variable capacitor connected in parallel with the 9MOhm resistor. The link shows how to compensate the pulse response by adjusting the capacitor in the probe's body.
Here is another link on probes which include further variable components for compensating both at the lower and higher frequencies:
rgds, Gyula
Quote from: Omnibus on July 08, 2010, 09:39:27 AM
I'd like to understand how the compensation of the 10X probe works and what's different in its schematics compared to the 1X probe so that it can be modeled and overcome in the 10X case (that is, trying to do the opposite the 10X probe was designed to do). Couldn't find any such concrete information. It very well may be that it's proprietary. Apparently, the 1X probe induces favorable changes (favorable in terms of OU) in what the pulse generator supplies to the RC circuit, taking advantage of the natural asymmetry between I and V in terms of offset and providing a phase shift additional to what the C in the RC circuit provides naturally. That has to be understood well.
Thanks a lot for the links. I think in this case it's not exactly impedance matching that's needed but accuracy of voltage measurement. So, it seems to me there should be some experimental ways to determine that in this concrete case. I've posted data from one experiment I thought might indicate what the accuracy is -- when measuring the resistance of a known resistor through dividing the voltage across the resistor measured by the probe by the current passing through that resistor it appears that the 1X probe recovers throughout the entire one period the known resistance better than the 10X probe. Of course, the probes in this experiment are measuring resistance across R rather than across RC which may cause an objection. Can you think of any other way to check experimentally said accuracy?
The gist of what @gyulasun's links give as a difference between 1X and 10X probes, as far as I understand it, is that a 1X probe imposes a 110pF (in my case) capacitance in parallel to the scope input. Thus, this capacitance acts as a shunt and the scope reads lower voltage than the real voltage supplied by the pulse generator. That lower voltage seems to me, however, to be the real voltage applied to the RC circuit, as long as the scope reads it right. Anyway, I did again experiment using the 10X probe but shunting the input by a 115pF capacitor to model the purported behavior of the 1X probe. In this way, having the 10X probe now behave as a 1X probe I was expecting that the OU effect will show up. However, it didn't. The OU effect didn't show up even when I placed a 1MOhm resistor or 100Ohm resistor in series with the 110pF capacitor. OU effect didn't show up also when I replaced the 110pF capacitor with a 21pF capacitor. Obviously, the suggestion that the 1X probe is exhibiting the results because of shunting the inout doesn't hold water.
The only model when the 10X probe gave a result as if it were a 1X probe was when I placed 21pF capacitor and 1MOhm resistor or even just 1MOhm resistor in series with the probe as I showed it in the schematic couple postings back. You're welcome to suggest other critical experiments that would bring clarity and definitive understanding of this matter. Also, feel free to bring other concerns you may think may explain away the apparent OU observed in these studies.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 08, 2010, 05:56:24 PM
... I think in this case it's not exactly impedance matching that's needed but accuracy of voltage measurement.
I agree. However, you would need a less than 1% AC voltage measurement possibility I think. Fluke makes a 8.5 digit Reference Multimeter, 8508A, that has a +/-65 PPM (parts per million) of reading accuracy for up to 1MHz AC sinusoid input voltage. (Its price is to be inquired at Fluke, I guess it is in the several thousand US$.)
There is another Fluke Precision multimeter, 6.5 digit, about US$1000, 8845A/8846A types. They have a .6% AC accuracy up to 100kHz and about 4% at 300kHz. They say a 30% at 1MHz, out of question.
... a 1X probe imposes a 110pF (in my case) capacitance in parallel to the scope input. Thus, this capacitance acts as a shunt and the scope reads lower voltage than the real voltage supplied by the pulse generator.
The scope reads what the shunt (110pF) capacitance let it read due to its shunting effect, to be more precise. If you were to shunt the FG output directly with a 110pF cap, you would measure the reduced output voltage already.
Anyway, I did again experiment using the 10X probe but shunting the input by a 115pF capacitor to model the purported behavior of the 1X probe. In this way, having the 10X probe now behave as a 1X probe I was expecting that the OU effect will show up. However, it didn't.
You mean on "shunting the input" actually shunting the FG output with a 110pF directly, correct? If so, then it is not a model of the 1:1 probe because the 10:1 probe has the series 9 MOhm resistance inside and only then comes the scope 1 MOhm input resistance. If you did not mean that, then sorry.
rgds, Gyula
Thanks a lot for the links and the useful comments. I'll work on them in a bit because now I'd like to discuss a theoretical question first. I keep forgetting the link to to the place I can download a larger file, however. I'd like to upload an Excel file for a theoretical discussion. Can you remind me what that upload link was? Thanks.
If you mean upload link to this Forum, here it is: and scroll down a little to the Category Name (in the middle Column). Good for as big as 5 MB file size, otherwise you may use Megaupload or Rapidshare.
I'm back with the theoretical ruminations on the natural asymmetries existing in the core of the theory of electricity. Recall, several posts back I posted some considerations and experimental data pointing to the fact that an offset in the voltage does not cause an offset in the current. That happens by the very nature of the RC circuit. This gave me assurance that there must be a way for this asymmetry to show itself as a disbalance in the power balance, which would be a natural violation of CoE, existing in the very theory of electricity both when Pout/Pin is less as well as greater than unity. Here I'm presenting a theoretical calculation which demonstrates a case more interesting for the participants in this discussion -- theoretical Pout/Pin > 1. Here's the link for the Excel file to be downloaded:;sa=view;down=401 . This file shows that purely theoretically an offset of -10V should lead to approx. 1.3 OU. You may notice that for physical reasons there is an offset only in the equation for V and not for I. Also, I checked it experimentally, the Vm which one would use in the calculation of I when V has no offset remains the same also when there is an offset in V. The OU observed theoretically here confirms in principle the experimentally found OU. Seems to me this already is getting to be the real thing. What do you guys think?
You may notice I'm calculating Pin and Pout the way @teslaalset suggested which appears to be the correct way. I'll have to calculate it even more thoroughly by finding the average slope. Also, the theoretical criterion for OU I posted several days ago has to be reworked to include this latest (offset) finding.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 09, 2010, 05:45:10 PM
I'm back with the theoretical ruminations on the natural asymmetries existing in the core of the theory of electricity. Recall, several posts back I posted some considerations and experimental data pointing to the fact that an offset in the voltage does not cause an offset in the current. That happens by the very nature of the RC circuit. This gave me assurance that there must be a way for this asymmetry to show itself as a disbalance in the power balance, which would be a natural violation of CoE, existing in the very theory of electricity both when Pout/Pin is less as well as greater than unity. Here I'm presenting a theoretical calculation which demonstrates a case more interesting for the participants in this discussion -- theoretical Pout/Pin > 1. Here's the link for the Excel file to be downloaded:;sa=view;down=401 . This file shows that purely theoretically an offset of -10V should lead to approx. 1.3 OU. You may notice that for physical reasons there is an offset only in the equation for V and not for I. Also, I checked it experimentally, the Vm which one would use in the calculation of I when V has no offset remains the same also when there is an offset in V. The OU observed theoretically here confirms in principle the experimentally found OU. Seems to me this already is getting to be the real thing. What do you guys think?
Each row represents 1/1000 of a sinus.
Then the slopes should be calculated from row 4 to row 2004 I am afraid (not to 2006).
In that case OU = 1.00000000 :-\
Quote from: teslaalset on July 10, 2010, 10:05:01 AM
Each row represents 1/1000 of a sinus.
Then the slopes should be calculated from row 4 to row 2004 I am afraid (not to 2006).
In that case OU = 1.00000000 :-\
I agree, you're exactly right. Will have to think more about it. Seems that if there's no theoretical discrepancy the effect that was seen in the experiment is most probably in error. Unless there's some really crucial evidence to prove that the data taken with the 1X probe are the correct ones compared to the data taken with the 10X probe. If so then the theory (yielding 1) is wanting and something has to be added to it. I wonder if I would be able to determine definitively the reality of what I've got experimentally with the level of equipment I have, despite some clues that maybe the 1X probe is the more accurate one (recall the recovery of the known R when using 1X and 10X probes). Unless some additional, very clever definitive experiment is proposed which my instruments can tackle.
I admire your persistence.
If I stay on the theoretical path, the only way to get some sort of OU is to do it like I indicated in page 244 of this thread (posting #3650), with some extra explanation in #3653.
This requires smart switching. It reminds me of what @Winsonali showed, claiming OU by switching capacitors (thread: )
Quote from: teslaalset on July 10, 2010, 10:42:05 AM
I admire your persistence.
If I stay on the theoretical path, the only way to get some sort of OU is to do it like I indicated in page 244 of this thread (posting #3650), with some extra explanation in #3653.
This requires smart switching. It reminds me of what @Winsonali showed, claiming OU by switching capacitors (thread: )
Yeah, I remember that explanation. There's something to it. But now bear with me 'cause I'll try to send you a theoretical argument based on your suggestion (which I think is correct) that Pin and Pout should be calculated only based on the initial (zero, that is) and final Ein and Eout and the time (one period) needed to get Ein and Eout. Will have to write it in LaTeX so it'll take me some time to prepare the pdf.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 10, 2010, 10:51:00 AM
Yeah, I remember that explanation. There's something to it. But now bear with me 'cause I'll try to send you a theoretical argument based on your suggestion (which I think is correct) that Pin and Pout should be calculated only based on the initial (zero, that is) and final Ein and Eout and the time (one period) needed to get Ein and Eout. Will have to write it in LaTeX so it'll take me some time to prepare the pdf.
Sure, would be good to outline it in LaTeX.
I certainly will have a careful look at that one. Take your time.
::) ::)
Quote from: teslaalset on July 10, 2010, 10:57:24 AM
Sure, would be good to outline it in LaTeX.
I certainly will have a careful look at that one. Take your time.
No, that didn't come out right either so there's no use to post it. Will have to do some more thinking. At this point it's obvious that a different kind of discrepancy (asymmetry) has to exist than just the phase shift or the offset in order for theoretical OU to exist. Something like, the input "seeing" the reactive element as being of a different value than what the output is "seeing" it to be (the active element being an even less likely candidate for such discrepancy). That cannot be. Now, it's true I'm seeing reproducibly the ostensible OU effect when using the 1X probe but with the 10X probe OU disappears big time. So, it is possible that the 1X probe is giving error in one direction while the error with the 10X probe is in the opposite direction. Besides, remember, the DPO 2014 I'm using is only 8 bit so for the 30 volts I'm measuring the accuracy cannot exceed 0.1V while the effect requires much higher accuracy to claim it firmly. So, like I said, I've reached the experimental limit I can afford.
The problem with all this is that experimentally there are ends hanging. As much as I like what I've done (not unusual for someone involved in such studies, right?) there's no definitive experiment I can produce to pinpoint a well-meaning critic. Neither does a well-meaning critic have an experiment to pinpoint experimentally the potential error in what's being measured. All such critics can do now is just suppose that there are too many sources of errors to justify spending time to do the experiment. That's a no good criticism but that's the way the matters are in science -- the old holds on to itself firmly, violating even its own requirements for definitive proof. So, we're facing an impasse.
The only way that could've changed is if there were some internal discrepancy in the theory, something like that recent case with the 'memristor'. Wonder whether you've heard about it? Otherwise, this will join everything else we've experienced -- no definitive answer either way, every party holding on forever to its own beliefs.
Someone may say make it self-sustaining to prove it's real. That's out of the question either -- the losses are exceedingly high and this makes turning it into a self-sustainer a daunting engineering task even if the effect is real. So, that avenue of proving the effect is no good either.
Now, I've been thinking about this and it occurs to me it would be interesting to analyze what levels of experimental errors must there be in order to get the effects I'm observing. Remember, I'm reporting times of OU, not some several percent. I'm pretty sure in the current value as well as in the resistance value. All errors, then, should be emerging from the measurement of the voltage. I just measured the capacitance of the 1X and the 10X probe with my RadioShack capacitance meter and found that the measured values for the 1X probe are on the order of 10uF while that of the 10X probe are on the order of 50pF. Significant difference, indeed (as expected according to the manual). The shunt theory may be in order here meaning that the 1X probe will not only show lower voltage but will shift the phase more than the actual phase of the actually applied voltage. Now, I plugged in into the voltage column of the spreadsheet a voltage value of about 0.700V less than that in the column of the current (the current supposedly is all right) leaving the shift of the phase angle unchanged. The result was nearly 1% OU. To be ignored -- the voltage amplitude isn't the culprit. Much greater effect seems to be that of the phase shift, only if the phase shift is greater than that corresponding to the actual phase shift of the RC circuit. This can be achieved by lowering the capacitance. However, I thought we said the capacitance was increased compared to the real one. Something doesn't jive here. That's on the experimental side.
Turns out the Keithley 2000 multimeter I have is of the level of the Fluke ones you suggested. However, here's what I got for the same signal:
1X probe - 32.6ppV
Keithley - 11.1896ppV
10X probe - 33.2ppV
The Keythley has 1MOhm input resistance and about 100pF capacitance, just as the 1X probe. It is obviously no good, though. Now, both the 1X and 10X probes have +-2% accuracy which, combined with the 8 bit resolution of the scope (or stemming from that resolution) makes this system almost hobby-like one, doesn't it? Well, DPO 7000 used by Steorn are 11 bit at high res and this makes them also not exactly the perfect instruments if we're really concerned with high accuracy (theirs being way better than mine). Now, I didn't go on with modeling the 1X probe while measuring with the 10X probe because it doesn't make sense at this point -- both probes have accuracy on the order of +-0.650V.
Now, speaking of 1X vs. 10X probe accuracy, one accessible way is to find out experimentally (recover) what would the value of a resistor be by measuring I and V across it and then compare it with the known value of its resistance. As a bonus we also calculate the OU -- both probes appear to show some slight OU (if you'd agree that the integration is over a full period). See first the setup. Notice the trace of parasitic inductance in the 10X traces which isn't seen in the 1X traces. That may be contributing in killing the OU effect when measuring with the 10X probe. The two probes seem to yield a similar result regarding the average R which is lower than the actual R value.
You wrote:
"1X probe - 32.6ppV
Keithley - 11.1896ppV
10X probe - 33.2ppV "
The Keithley 11.1896V cannot be peak to peak but RMS, right?
Converting RMS to pp it gives about 31.6489ppV, well within accuracy spec.
You did not include what frequency you used for these voltage amplitude tests. Your Keithley meter has about a .6% accuracy between 50kHz to 100kHz AC and 4% from 100kHz to 300kHz. Above 300kHz it is not specified.
I cannot recall at the moment if your "OU" occurs at much lower frequencies than 700-800kHz? If it does, then I think your Keithley meter would be a good choice on measuring AC voltages at say 20-30kHz or lower where it has a .1% or better accuracy. In the some kHz range you could still use your current probe too.
And if your earlier RS transformer (you put aside in favor of the RC circuit measurements) still has "OU" in the some kHz range (use the audio range from 1-2kHz to 10-15kHz max) then the Keithley could also be used with its .1% or better accuracy. By the way the Keithley has AC current measurement feature too, it has a .1% accuracy from 10Hz to 5kHz in the 1A range, try to consider these.
With the Keithley meter you have a more precise measuring instrument for AC voltages up to about 50-100kHz and for AC current measurements up to about 5-10kHz than your DSO scope.
On your probe input capacitance measurement you wrote:
"I just measured the capacitance of the 1X and the 10X probe with my RadioShack capacitance meter and found that the measured values for the 1X probe are on the order of 10uF while that of the 10X probe are on the order of 50pF."
How can the 1X probe have 10uF, it sounds extremely high, even if your cap meter is from RadioShack. A 10uF capacitor could be considered a short circuit (as a piece of wire) from 30-40kHz and up in frequencies and surely would have shunted the 20-30ppV of the FG output into the some hundred millivolt range. You can test this at say 100kHz: measure the output from the FG by the Keithley (say you output 5V RMS = 14.14ppV) and then connect the 1X probe (which is connected to the scope input) also to the FG output and see how much change (i.e. amplitude decrease) the Keithley shows the moment you connect the 1X probe.
You mean on the "capacitance of the 1X and 10X probes" their input capacitances between the "hot" pin and the crocodyle clip, right?
rgds, Gyula
Thanks again for the good analysis. Of course the Keithley voltage is RMS. My bad. As for the frequency range where I'm observing OU, it is typically above 200kHz so the Keithley won't do any good (the probes have 2% accuracy in that range). For the time being I'd like to stay at the 700-800kHz range to be systematic. The voltage data I presented is for 800kHz. What makes an impression is that even if we consider the 4% accuracy of the Keithley multimeter (probably it's lower but let's take that for the sake of argument) then that value is closer to what the 1X probe measures. Could it be that the 10X introduces some parasitic inductance as seen also from my latest data? All in all, aside from the 8 bit resolution of my scope (which probably is the greatest concern), I'm getting more confident that the 1X probe gives more reliable results. That's why I was saying this has to be tested independently with better equipment. Like I said in @Omega_0's string, however, my attempts to talk some prestigious labs into replication it are meeting with dead end. They don't want to hear about it. What else is new? Will keep trying, though, because we need a clear answer one way or another.
I guess there are still some loose ends remaining to be tied up. Now, take a look at this file with a -10V. If we do the Pout/Pin balance the way you suggested, which makes sense, we got 1. However, it should be in harmony with the average dE/dt slope calculation but it isn't, as you can see from the data in the file. The only case where they are in harmony is when offset is zero.
The experiment you asked me to do shows practically no difference in voltage on the Keithley display when I connect either of the two probes. However, there's a difference in what the probes and the Keithley measure:
1X probe -> 31.2ppV
10X probe -> 31.2ppV
Keithley -> 11.5178rmsV -> 32.5772ppV
So, as you can see the probes show hundreds of mV (over a volt actually) difference due to capacitance shunting probably (if we believe the Keithley's results are the correct ones). Don't know why there's no difference in the probe measurements that should result from the huge discrepancy of the their measured capacitance.
You missed mentioning the frequency again, though I think it was around 800kHz as you mentioned in the previous page and if so what do you think of the Keithley accuracy at such high frequency for it? It is unspecified.
If you used lower frequency which already fits the Keithley specifications, then it could be depended on, considering its specified accuracy, hopefully you used very short wires at the Keithley input. Then your scope amplitude calibration is under suspect...?
Most of the DSO scopes have a reference output at their front face with a calibrated amplitude and frequency, used for adjusting the probes correct frequency compensation, it is normally a square wave of 1V or 5V peak to peak with 50% duty cycle at 1kHz, does your DSO have such? Cannot recall its front face from memory. If it does not have, maybe you would have access to another DSO that has the calibrated reference output with which you could test your present probes and DSO amplitude accuracy at least at 1kHz.
Maybe you could build a very simple CMOS oscillator and frequency divider with any quartz crystal and once it works you may be able to find more readily certain labs that are able to calibrate the output amplitude of the divider IC at a specified power supply value? See what I think at the very bottom of this link: it is the CD4060 that includes an oscillator stage and the divider chain, no need for exact frequency accuracy for the outside crystal at all, any cheap type between 4-12MHz would be good. And the output amplitude could be chosen say 5V peak to peak when the supply voltage is set to 5.1 or 5.2V DC from a stabilized variable power supply.
So you need a lab where 5V peak to peak or its equivalent RMS can be measured with certain accuracy and at a specified load of course. The CMOS IC has many separate output pins not shown in that schematic where the different divided oscillator frequencies with the same amplitudes are available, CD4060 data sheet is available on the web, it works from 3V to 15V DC supply voltage range. Just a suggestion.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 11, 2010, 07:29:45 AM
I guess there are still some loose ends remaining to be tied up. Now, take a look at this file with a -10V. If we do the Pout/Pin balance the way you suggested, which makes sense, we got 1. However, it should be in harmony with the average dE/dt slope calculation but it isn't, as you can see from the data in the file. The only case where they are in harmony is when offset is zero.
Average dE/dt is mathematically different from taking the difference from end and starting point.
I am very pragmatic in this.
What do we want to know?
We want to know the different in energy consumption after a fixed time slot, so I use E=f(t) to calculate dE=f(t
Since we apply periodic input here in this case, fixed time slots should be used corresponding with the period time to avoid scattering of results.
What, in your view, is represented by average dE/dt?
I had a look at the definition of the "slope" function of Excel.
It seems to me your opinion of "slope" in Excel is different from it's definition.
As far as I understand your understanding is that "slope" represents sigma(dE/dt)/nr of rows.
Excel implementation is different.
Excel Definition:
Returns the slope of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's.
Mathematical formula is depicted below.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 12, 2010, 08:52:13 AM
Average dE/dt is mathematically different from taking the difference from end and starting point.
I am very pragmatic in this.
What do we want to know?
We want to know the different in energy consumption after a fixed time slot, so I use E=f(t) to calculate dE=f(t1)-f(t0).
Since we apply periodic input here in this case, fixed time slots should be used corresponding with the period time to avoid scattering of results.
What, in your view, is represented by average dE/dt?
That's the gist of the whole story and we have to discuss it thoroughly. I'm working now on the analytical aspect of it and will post it as soon as I get ready. Of course, the analytical solution will be more rigorous but the conclusion will be the same as we have it now with the numerical example (I don't think the discrepancy we see in the numerical example is due to floating point errors). Therefore, discussing the physics of the situation is the central point.
Speaking of physics, I'm not sure that even purely pragmatically (f(T) - f(0))/T provides the true energy change per unit time for the whole cycle. That would have been true only if the E-t relationship had been linear, which it isn't. Of course, we know for sure what the energy is at time T because we've done the integral. That's granted. Now, you do understand, however, that it's not what we're asking. What we need to know is the rate of energy change throughout the cycle and we cannot assume (and it obviously isn't) that the rate of energy change has been the same at every time t within the period [0, T]. That is, we cannot assume that said rate has been linear, as is the assumption when calculating it through (f(T) - f(0))/T. Therefore, in order to determine the real rate of energy change for the period we have to average the individual rates (which in general differ from each other) at every moment of time t.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 12, 2010, 09:13:01 AM
I had a look at the definition of the "slope" function of Excel.
It seems to me your opinion of "slope" in Excel is different from it's definition.
As far as I understand your understanding is that "slope" represents sigma(dE/dt)/nr of rows.
Excel implementation is different.
Excel Definition:
Returns the slope of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's.
Mathematical formula is depicted below.
Well, but that's how I understand it too. Isn't this the formula from the least squares method?
The last data were taken at 100kHz, as you required. Also, the scope has calibration terminal and I've calibrated the probes. Will do it again but please bear with me because at this point I'm on a different wavelength (no pun intended) -- will have to straighten out the theoretical aspect of this exercise. As for the calibration, I'd rather doubt the Keithley calibration because it's an older instrument. All in all, what needs to be done is to find out if I can trade in this scope for a higher class model which has 11 bit accuracy. This research has to take off from the hobby level, as it is now as far as apparatus is concerned, and get into a more definitive ground. That's why I'm looking for labs with appropriate technique and expertise to see what they will obtain with their more precise instruments. So far it has been a dead end. Anyone I contacted doesn't even want to hear about this.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 12, 2010, 09:37:52 AM
Well, but that's how I understand it too. Isn't this the formula from the least squares method?
Yes, it is.
Maybe we should simplify this case a bit further.
Can you try an excel with just a resister directly to a sinus generator and skip the capacitor. Things should be a bit more handier to handle.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 12, 2010, 02:37:04 PM
Yes, it is.
Maybe we should simplify this case a bit further.
Can you try an excel with just a resister directly to a sinus generator and skip the capacitor. Things should be a bit more handier to handle.
Yeah, I did that several posts back -- just the resistor. I'll do more on that but now I'm trying to figure out the theoretical part. Interesting, we don't even need to integrate, the only thing need is to calculate the IV and I^2R average values.
Here's a short writeup which summarizes the problem. As was seen from the numerical example there's a difference in calculating the power (respectively energy) when doing it in a more detailed manner compared to simply applying integration. Please take a look at the writeup and let me know what you think.
Please notice that I replaced the file theoretical_writeup_2.pdf in the previous post with one containing corrected eq.(3).
Let this horse die already. ::)
There is nothing here other than measurement artifacts. Assuming your findings with this circuit are OU is ludicrous...move on.
Quote from: skcusitrah on July 13, 2010, 11:15:24 PM
Let this horse die already. ::)
There is nothing here other than measurement artifacts. Assuming your findings with this circuit are OU is ludicrous...move on.
Assuming measurement artifacts is ludicrous. Where's your experimental proof for such assumption? Where's your analysis of the theoretical argument presented?
Interesting video, still puzzles me though:
He may upload follow up this one later.
Quote from: teslaalset on July 14, 2010, 05:43:10 AM
Interesting video, still puzzles me though:
He may upload follow up this one later.
Whether or not there's OU should be studied by the rigorous methods discussed lately (applied by Steorn as well). I would ignore @alsetalokin(TinselKoala) vids outright because their aim is to downgrade Steorn and not to search for the truth. Recall what he did in his Whipmag charade. The really scientific approach to replicating eOrbo has been @Omega_0's. He is one of the few who actually understand the matter at hand and I think he is the first who has really replicated Steorn's claims.
Do you think there could be an analytical solution to eq.(3) in the writeup?
Quote from: Omnibus on July 14, 2010, 11:05:16 AM
Do you think there could be an analytical solution to eq.(3) in the writeup?
[deleted] need more time to think this over.....
Please take a look at the theoretical writeup uploaded here;sa=view;down=402 as well as the attached Excel file that helps to understand better the text and let me know what you guys think of it. As you can see from this analysis OU is inherent in the very existing theory of electricity and it should be explored along these lines. As seen, the excess energy in the output is obtained due to saving of energy from the input. This is exactly what happens in cold fusion, electrochemically. Here we have another example of this way of producing excess energy due to the inherent discrepancies or asymmetries in the existing theory.
Here's a slight correction to the theoretical_writeup_3.pdf file which more accurately reflects what's in the Excel file.
This is a text which summarizes in a more succinct form the gist of the finding which is at the basis of showing that standard theory of electricity contains OU. The text is for everyone in the forum to respond -- @teslaalset and @Omega_0 please look at this because I'd especially like to hear your thoughts.
Well I'm not a math guru, but since this is interesting, I studied it a bit.
First thing I noticed is that you are saying tau = (T/n + (i-1)T/(n-1)) , after (4), I guess it should be with a minus sign as it is an interval. Thats minor point.
Second, wolform says something else about the solution (3). I've attached its output. wolform is really cool thing, it makes you lazy though.
In spite of these minor things, your approach is valid. The energy equations involving V and I are derived from Maxwell's equations, which are more fundamental. E=V*I is engineer's "it works, lets use it" thing. So it may not always match with reality, for example in case of superconductors, QED analysis is needed and even maxwell's eq don't work. So I place more weight on experiment, less on theory.
Putting w = 2Pi/T , it gives ABcos(theta)/2, so its correct.
I did not do that in above post.
The summation is difficult to do, wolfarm could do the first term only, which sums to 0. The second term involving sin(x)*sin(y) product is not getting evaluated. May be I'm making some mistake. But it would be nice to know the output.
Thanks for looking into it. I do agree the experiments are important but I think finding the standard theory itself contains the possibility for OU is the ultimate. Look what difficulties Rosemary Ainslie is experiencing with her experiments. I haven't followed her work, unfortunately, but now I'm reading her thread and I'm appalled. It appears she or her associates (can't figure out yet who did what) have carried out careful experiments but not only journals refuse to publish her work but she's been banned from forums, as I understand. Did you read, someone in her thread claiming that instruments capable of verifying her claims have not yet been invented? So, this is an uphill battle even if you present careful experiments and a theoretical finding can be a breakthrough because then claims that there are "too many sources of error etc. etc. to justify experiments" will be moot.
Please, have a look at these data. Isn't it amazing that only the series with the offset F show discrepancy at his partition P = 1000? All the integrals (both with F =/= 0 and with F = 0) as well as the series with F = 0 give constant Pout/Pin. Only the series with F =/= 0 show dependence on F. Look what OU we got at this particular F used in the spreadsheet. This is the threshold. Make F slightly more negative and the slope of the Pin becomes negative, that is, the source only consumes energy. Can you believe it? And that's directly from the standard theory. No, instrumentation problems, no experimental sources of error. Pure theory. Standard theory.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 23, 2010, 08:01:59 AM
Please, have a look at these data. Isn't it amazing that only the series with the offset F show discrepancy at his partition P = 1000? All the integrals (both with F =/= 0 and with F = 0) as well as the series with F = 0 give constant Pout/Pin. Only the series with F =/= 0 show dependence on F. Look what OU we got at this particular F used in the spreadsheet. This is the threshold. Make F slightly more negative and the slope of the Pin becomes negative, that is, the source only consumes energy. Can you believe it? And that's directly from the standard theory. No, instrumentation problems, no experimental sources of error. Pure theory. Standard theory.
If I'm reading it right, you are saying that you can get about 10 million Watts for every 1 W spent, just by biasing the Vin by -3 V.
Since this has not been observed in reality so far, and an RC circuit operates happily at such biases without causing a nuclear explosion, one must say that there is some mistake in calculations. Something is missing here.
You can see that there is no change in output, it remains almost same. But the input drops, and drops below zero. It can mean only one thing, that the cap is acting as a source at certain times, and starts supplying the power. This is actually true, the cap charges and discharges when connected to AC source, and while discharging, it acts as a source. When biased, it will act as a source of higher potential. So you need to consider the energy supplied by the cap to the resistor.
At this time I can't see how to take this into account, but the energy of cap is important, as I've said earlier also.
Hopefully I'm wrong here, and you will prove me wrong by an experiment which does not use Excel to show OU.
You know, the thing is, the power levels are quite insignificant in this example, let alone that I can't think of everyday circuits working under these conditions. So, the blasting hasn't actually been observed because of these low levels. You'll have million times OU if the input is practically zero but the output is microwatts. How are you going to measure microwatts, though?
The OU effect in this case, and this may be in all cases we're considering when observing electric devices, is due to saving from the input. Not by obtaining additional energy -- the output current is still there while due to the offset the input not only vanishes but becomes negative. That's really shocking and it comes about purely from theory (recall that I also observed it experimentally prior to even think about looking into the theory more carefully). Now, as for the capacitor being the source which would allow saving from the input, I don't see how this can happen since the only source we have is the pulse generator. The capacitor can only help in saving energy, it cannot create energy in addition to what the pulse generator supplies.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 23, 2010, 07:47:18 AM
It appears she or her associates (can't figure out yet who did what) have carried out careful experiments but not only journals refuse to publish her work but she's been banned from forums, as I understand. Did you read, someone in her thread claiming that instruments capable of verifying her claims have not yet been invented?
Yes, I'm following that thread curiously. Her claim is very similar to yours (and of TPU), which says that she got 17 times excess energy simply by pulsing a wire-wound resistor at certain frequencies. I've read the debate in past, and as is usual in OU arena, it caused more heat than light. (Is there a pun here ;) )
But I disagree about her opinion that there is no instrument to measure the effect, IMO , there is, and its called a calorimeter. Fortunately, from the pictures posted there, she has a really fine calorimeter. If I'm reading it correct, she and her buddies at the campus are going to do the experiment, open source it with results, and thats the sole purpose of creating that thread. Interesting indeed.
You have reported similar OU figures, and as I've always said in this thread, please get hold of a calorimeter, such as hers, it will be a great confirmation if both of you come out with solid proof of OU.
I think calorimetry should be excluded. Recall, I've said that in the past and I'm convinced in that now more than ever. This question can and should be resolved by purely electrical measurements. Calorimetry, for instance, will be of no use if we have violation of the second thermodynamic law let alone that calorimetric measurements are prone to too much error. Fortunately, also, we have now a purely theoretical argument. So, calorimetry is only just unnecessary distraction and a tool by the zealous activists to squander the research in this area. Calorimetry should be categorically rejected, I think.
Quote from: Omnibus on July 23, 2010, 04:13:14 PM
You know, the thing is, the power levels are quite insignificant in this example,
I noticed that. I think the reason is that you have not considered the absolute values for V*I. So at certain bias the average of VI will be zero, as all negative values will cancel the positive ones. I guess this is what you are calling as "savings".
I think that the sign here implies only a polarity change (AC source), the energy is always flowing out of the source, so we should take absolute values of VI. If you substitute F3=ABS(D3*E3) and so on in the Excel sheet, everything returns to "normal".
What do you say about this? Am I thinking correctly?
Quote from: Omega_0 on July 23, 2010, 05:01:40 PM
I noticed that. I think the reason is that you have not considered the absolute values for V*I. So at certain bias the average of VI will be zero, as all negative values will cancel the positive ones. I guess this is what you are calling as "savings".
I think that the sign here implies only a polarity change (AC source), the energy is always flowing out of the source, so we should take absolute values of VI. If you substitute F3=ABS(D3*E3) and so on in the Excel sheet, everything returns to "normal".
What do you say about this? Am I thinking correctly?
Recall, we discussed that already. First, I think @teslaalset brought it up and then after a while @LarryC was adamant about it. However, think about a reactive component and a symmetric sine wave with no offset. If we're to consider only the absolute values then there will be dissipation in the reactive component when the cycle completes which isn't the case. A reactive component under such conditions returns to the source what has gone out and when the cycle completes there's no energy dissipated. The only component responsible for dissipation is the active (dissipative, Ohmic) resistance. So, we have to consider the signs of the current and voltage.
IMO, we need to see the complete picture in order to understand the results and to see their correctness. It looks like that the RC circuit is sending energy back into the sine wave source. But if you look deeper, the energy is not going back into any reusable form, such as increasing any potential etc.
In fact, there are no natural sine wave sources, it is normally a wave shaping arrangement, which simply shapes the DC(static) potential. I'm attaching a rough diagram of such a system. The output of such system is a varying voltage from 0-Vm, the Load resistor RL sees it as a potential of changing sign due to the coupling capacitor Cc, which blocks the actual potential and passes on only the variation. The controller device is usually a transistor which is continually modulating the value of Ro from 0-Ro, result is that the potential across Ro is also modulated.
You may argue that an AC generator (Dynamo) supplies an AC voltage, so its a natural AC source and energy can be fed back into it in usable form. But that's not the truth, there is a static energy source behind it, driving it, such the water in a river dam or the heat of burning coal. The question of whether energy can be given back to such sources is tricky. Things are not so simple here, and the equations may show something else.
So the bottom line is, the energy is always supplied by a DC source. Thus, the analysis (theoretical or experimental anything) should take into account all the involved components placed in an isolated environment.
In the sine wave energy source shown below, the ultimate energy source is the battery which never changes sign and is always connected to the circuit. Note that the energy is always flowing downhill here and there is nothing to store energy in that yellow box, which everyone calls an AC source.
It is little bit doubtful , if the analytical results are true, if your consider the full natural system.
So the question, whether we can take the sign of V*I as it is, or must take absolute values only, depends on the question, whether we can, in practice, re-charge the ultimate DC source powering the system back to its original charge or higher than that, every cycle.
If you can, then you can take the signs as it is.
If you consider an AC dynamo instead, then the question becomes, whether we can increase the gravitational potential of the water falling on it. Or in other words, will it put the water back in the dam, or say, will restore the coal back from CO2 and H2O. I'm saying this in broad terms but you get the point, which is, whether the energy flow can be reversed and entropy be restored in an thermodynamically isolated system. The result is a violation of law of thermodynamics, if it can be done.
I know that proving this analytically is difficult, but can be tried experimentally.
I understand your point but here we analyze only the workings of the device at hand. The question is whether or not there's an energy balance in this particular device, not outside of it. It's like when considering what the gas consumption is when a car travels from town A to town B. It's only the gas the car spent we need to know and not what the wear and tear is or what was the energy spent to make the car etc. Consider a gravity perpetuum mobile. We don't put into the energy balance equation the energy needed for the observer to subsist himself so that he be alive and be able to see the wheel or any other energy needed for this gravity wheel to exist at all. All such energies are external to the energy balance we're concerned about.
The situation here is very different than the example you stated. The battery, oscillator are very much a part of the system.
You can leave out the minor things which don't interfere in energy transfer, such as the drive circuit, probes etc.
Partial analysis is ok only if the part is reasonably isolated from the energy transfer path, else you may get an incorrect result.
Yeah, I know, but remember, we're interested in the power balance of this particular circuit (the RC circuit). You realize, of course, that other circuits powered by the same system won't demonstrate OU. In this sense the powering unit isn't part of the studied circuit.
I suggest you take an expert's opinion on whether to consider the signs or absolute values. Because if abs values make the ratio unity, it can be significant. Had the abs value lead to some other ratio, we could have dumped the issue.
Ultimately the whole energy cost must be calculated to have an usable OU. Analysis of a part may show OU, but the whole system may be simply consuming energy instead of generating it.
Its like a roller coaster, it goes up sometimes, if you see a small part of the track, but overall scene shows that it is always going down. It will be good if you invite comments from experts in this field.
Yes, I've done that. And, also that's common sense. Recall that example I gave you with the reactive elements. If you take the absolute values you'll see energy dissipation in the reactive elements (we're talking a full sine cycle without offset, not somewhere in between the cycle as in your roller coaster example). You know very well that that's not the case -- dissipation occurs only in the active element.
There is no doubt about that, a reactive element will never consume any energy, offset or no offset.
It however consumes reactive power, which is V*I, which is needed to "drive" it. So its ok to consider its sign here. The reactive energy drives the element and comes back. Net reactive energy consumed is zero.
The "real" power equivalent of V*I is the equivalent thermodynamic heat generated per second by this voltage and current in a resistance of value V/I. The sign here is meaningless, as heat is a scaler thing.
So when comparing the power in load resistor and "real" power of the source, engineers discard the sign. What you are doing here is comparing reactive power with real power. IMO, this may not be correct, but I lack the expertise to confirm this, so I told you to consult a more knowledgeable person.
I will be very interested in knowing your question and the answer.
Apart from the sign issue, please note that the pure reactive element returns the energy back only because the source reverses its polarity. In nature there is no such source, the polarity must be reversed artificially (using a motor or transistor). So in reality , if you see the complete system, a pure reactor will also consume energy.
If you connect a only a cap on the right of the yellow box in above diagram, the net energy circulated on the right will be zero, but the battery on the left will still drain. That's why I gave the roller coaster example and stressed the need for taking complete system in account.
So I see two issues here, sign and isolated system, and I leave you with my opinion here, hope it was useful. Lets see what others say about this.
Oh, certainly. I'll let you know immediately if there's any problem in this respect during my further discussions on the subject. So far, like I said, no expert I've talked to had a second thought about using the data with signs (early on I had similar concerns regarding the signs too but they were dispelled and I mentioned some of the arguments). Anyway, you know I value your opinion a lot and I thank you for sharing those thoughts on the subject.
This is for everybody but I'd like to hear especially @gyulasun's take because he's been very helpful on the technical side.
As many here already know I already proved conclusively that overunity is inherent in the electrical phenomena under certain circumstances. It turned out that even in a simple RC circuit OU can be observed at certain values of the voltage offset. The overunity in question is due to saving from the input and in this it very much resembles the excess energy produced in an un-divided electrochemical cell during the electrolysis of water. This electrochemical effect I discovered many years ago and that is the most important effect causing the excess heat in the so called 'cold fusion', in addition to what may be an effect from nuclear fusion. So far all is conclusive and can be demonstrated at once. OU in electrical systems is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Now, as many of you remember I found out that in the experiments, where the current measured with a current probe based on Hall effect and the resistance measured with a Keithley 2000 DMM and both of these parameters are quite accurately determined, the culprit appeared to be the measurement of voltage. At that, not so much the magnitude of the voltage as the phase shift of voltage with respect to current. Indeed, as can also be seen from the modeling in Excel, a variation (inaccuracy) in voltage on the order of the error limits only leads to percent discrepancy in the determining OU while even slight inaccuracies in determining the I-V phase shift lead to enormous discrepancies in what appears to be OU.
Now, it is easily conceivable that in addition to the offset as an intrinsic cause for real OU (a fact already confirmed definitively) real OU can also be produced by having the core, the way the coil is wound (recall the double-wound coil experiment) etc. force the I-V phase shift to be different than the phase shift which corresponds to, say, the resistance R and the capacitance C in the studied circuit. I think most of my experimental data, and most likely that of Steorn or others examining electrical circuits, showing OU express this kind of OU production (as opposed to producing OU via offset).
When the above (inducing of a different phase shift due to, say, core, than the phase shift expected from, say, R and C components of the circuit) is to be proved experimentally there may be some questions which will dilute the discussion and will give unnecessary room for activists to attack the findings and divert attention from the firmly established fact for obtainment of OU, inherent in electric systems under certain conditions. Therefore, I decided to postpone publishing of the five experimental papers I wrote (the paper analyzing the role of the offset is, of course, active) until this point is clarified and more accurate measurements are carried out.
What do I have in mind? Aside from the fact that I'm using an 8-bit oscilloscope (Tektronix DPO 2024) which may affect the accuracy in measuring the V amplitude which isn't that important, as I said, the voltage in my experiments is being measured with an 1MOhm, 110pF passive voltage probe. It very well may be that due to the low input impedance of the probe causing to have current flow in the circuit of the probe (aside from the current flowing in the main circuit) the measured phase shift by the probe is the phase shift in that circuit and not in the main circuit. Attributing the phase shift measured in the circuit of the probe to the studied circuit may lead to seeming OU which isn't there. Conversely, a phase shift in the circuit of the probe attributed to the studied circuit may lead to observing no OU while there may be OU if the real phase shift in the studied circuit is actually measured. What are your proposals? How are we to measure the real values of the voltage and especially its phase shift with regard to current? It appears ascertaining that what is measured is the real thing is almost agnostic. Any experiment can be attacked on these grounds and it seems one can't win. I'm willing to trade in my scope and upgrade as well as get an appropriate voltage probe. However, anything I see around will pose the same problems, even the 14-bit oscilloscope cards and the probes, no matter how expensive. It very well may be that Steorn's equipment as high end as it is also yields to such critique at that not only from the zealous activists.
P.S I'm continuing here in this thread to keep everything in one place.
Hi Omnibus,
I cannot recall exact capacitor value you use in the RC circuit, maybe between 47 and 90pF? but more or less about that range, so by using the 1:1 probe with its 110pF self capacitance is not good because the moment you clip the probe on the circuit you add the 110pf to 47-90pF you use in the RC and this quasi doubles the C member. This can change phase shift of course and you can only test how much phase shift this extra, unwanted capacitor creates, if you use either the 1:10 setting or -even better- use an active probe. Active probes usually have 4-5pF or less input capacitance.
(So to test the extra phase shift the 1:1 probe causes, you use the low capacitance probe and you simply connect a 110pF capacitor in parallel with the C member in the circuit and see its effect, you would have to see the same phase shift now than it have been earlier with the 1:1 probe.)
Maybe I answered your question...
rgds, Gyula
The C value in my RC circuit was 115pF. The 1:1 probe, like I said, was 110pF. So, you consider these two capacitances to be connected in parallel, correct? And, so what I measure isn't the phase shift caused by the 115pF of the capacitance in the measured circuit but is the phase shift caused by 110 + 115 = 225pF capacitance, right? Now, if I use an active probe I'll measure 115 + 5 = 120pF? Isn't there a way to eliminate the capacitance of the voltage probe altogether? Also, I see these low capacitance probes have even lower impedance than 1MOhm and that will cause even higher current flowing through the circuit of the probe. Somehow, a sticky wicked situation. Wish there could be probes working like electrometers, with practically infinite input impedance, having no capacitance. Do you think such probes exist?
Another question -- suppose one finds the right probe, do you think an 8-bit scope (having somewhere around +-100mV accuracy) has enough accuracy for these studies or I should look for a higher end?
@omni, try a watt meter :)
Quote from: X00013 on August 04, 2010, 07:59:48 PM
@omni, try a watt meter :)
Thanks, buddy. In this case, however, a very detailed measurement is needed whereby multiplication of the momentary I and V values is to be carried out at time intervals as short as possible. The wattmeter only gives average values based on rms.
The song is kewl. The vid reminds me of when I have to go to Mass through CT.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 04, 2010, 06:08:58 PM
The C value in my RC circuit was 115pF. The 1:1 probe, like I said, was 110pF. So, you consider these two capacitances to be connected in parallel, correct?
And, so what I measure isn't the phase shift caused by the 115pF of the capacitance in the measured circuit but is the phase shift caused by 110 + 115 = 225pF capacitance, right? Now, if I use an active probe I'll measure 115 + 5 = 120pF?
Isn't there a way to eliminate the capacitance of the voltage probe altogether?
In your particular case the cap values are known, this involves an embedding possibility whereby you could use a 5pF cap instead of the 115pF and the 1:1 probe’s 110pF will add to the C value in the RC circuit. This way the phase shift effectively will be caused by 115pF what you wish to use.
Also, I see these low capacitance probes have even lower impedance than 1MOhm and that will cause even higher current flowing through the circuit of the probe. Somehow, a sticky wicked situation. Wish there could be probes working like electrometers, with practically infinite input impedance, having no capacitance. Do you think such probes exist?
Yes, there are active probes with 1 MegaOhm input impedance @ 2pF self capacitance only, like Tektronix P6205 (list price is about EU1000)
Unfortunately they are designed for certain scope families to plug in like TDS1000 series but then these are also 8-bit scopes…
Another question -- suppose one finds the right probe, do you think an 8-bit scope (having somewhere around +-100mV accuracy) has enough accuracy for these studies or I should look for a higher end?
I am afraid you should. For instance the TDS3000 series are with 9-bit resolution, though this may still not give you the needed precision. I have not searched further Tektronix digital scope families for their possible 10-bit feature, you may wish to inquire, keeping an eye for an active probe connection possibility too.
QuoteIn your particular case the cap values are known, this involves an embedding possibility whereby you could use a 5pF cap instead of the 115pF and the 1:1 probe’s 110pF will add to the C value in the RC circuit. This way the phase shift effectively will be caused by 115pF what you wish to use.
The RC circuit is with C = 115pF and R = 10Ohm. This is what I have in the circuit under study (say, these RadioShack components I used in some of the measurements). Suppose I do the measurements with the 1:1 voltage probe having 110pF input capacitance and I'm measuring the voltage before the current probe. In this way the current through the probe is not included. In such a case I should have I and V corresponding to the RadioShack components (115pF and 10Ohm) but the I-V phase shift will correspond to the 110 + 115 = 225pF, if I understand you correctly. But then wouldn't it be better to measure current after the voltage probe? In this way I will have all the current (through the circuit and through the probe), the correct voltage across the studied circuit but the I-V phase shift will be correctly attributed to the true current corresponding to the 225pF? In such a case, if I now know for sure that what I measure as I and as V does correspond to the known capacitance 225pF then my only issue would be the accuracy of the scope. Does that make sense?
Of course, I may use the 1:10 probe which has lower input capacitance (don't remember how much it was but probably around 50pF would be somewhat close) and then the known capacitance will be lower -- 115 + 50 = 165pF. I would prefer the 1:1 probe though because the 1:10 probe adds to the inaccuracy of the scope.
Now, if the above is correct I should really focus on upgrading the scope. What do you think about the 14-bit scope cards, instead of using Tektronix scopes (unfortunately, however, my current probe only works with Tektronix and that's another issue I have to take into account).
Somewhere you surely uploaded a schematic on your circuit with the probes included, or an arrangement of your setup.
Would you refer to it with a link please? It would be easier to speak of it.
Here are the two ways of measuring current, posted by @teslaalset:
Thank you.
Now it is clear that I misunderstood you, I had thought you were speaking of measuring the voltage across the 115pF capacitor with the 1:1 probe... sorry. (So in the schematic there should have been a second voltage probe on the right hand side, across the capacitor. The voltage probe on the left measures the input voltage and the other on the right measures the capacitor voltage... that is how I thought. Earlier you had had such setup with at least 3 voltage probes.)
Now it is clear that my suggestion of using a 5pF cap instead of the 115pF is not good, unless the voltage across the C member is to be measured with the 1:1 probe, which is not case now.
Regarding the two measurement setups drawn by teslaalset, I agree his notices, and I think in the bottom case where the 1:1 probe is connected directly across the FG output, a remedy to avoid the phase shift of the probe's 110pF capacitance, you may wish to connect an inductance of the same reactance value to compensate for the 110pF. Putting it otherwise, you neutralize the reactive effect of the cap with an equal but opposite reactance, constituting a parallel LC circuit at the FG output.
If your output freq is say, 800kHz, then Xc=1.8kOhm and the compensating inductance from XL=1.8kOhm give about 360uH.
The output impedance of the FG will remain at 50 Ohm resistive as before because the reactances would cancel at the chosen frequency. The bonus is the 1:1 probe will not cause unwanted phase shift anywhere in the circuit.
rgds, Gyula
That's a good idea. I'd appreciate it if you could sketch it to avoid any misunderstanding. Makes you wonder why this isn't a general practice with these passive probes -- it would avoid spending so much money for the active and many times of the differential probes. I guess, this techniques has to be applied with those probes too. Also, another thing -- this technique can be applied both to the 1:1 and to the 1:10 probe but then why use the 1:10 probe at all? Shouldn't I always stay with the 1:1 probe once that parasitic capacitance of the probe is taken care of. What do you think?
Do you think this method will be applicable n the measurements of transformers and various coils as well?
So, now, once I do that (add that compensating inductance), the only thing I have to worry about is the accuracy of the scope. Here is an example of a 14-bit scope: Do you think it would be better to carry out the measurements with this kind of scope rather than with a high end Tektronix scope which I don't even think has accuracy greater than 11-bit?
Quote from: Omnibus on August 05, 2010, 08:40:16 PM
Makes you wonder why this isn't a general practice with these passive probes -- it would avoid spending so much money for the active and many times of the differential probes. I guess, this techniques has to be applied with those probes too.
NO. This compensation is frequency dependent, it is impossible to make it wideband for the full range of probes, valid only for one frequency for which you actually need compensation i.e. where you measure at.
Also, another thing -- this technique can be applied both to the 1:1 and to the 1:10 probe but then why use the 1:10 probe at all? Shouldn't I always stay with the 1:1 probe once that parasitic capacitance of the probe is taken care of. What do you think?
1:10 probes have 10MegaOhm input impedance @ 14-20pF parallel capacitance, this is much better than 1:1 probes 1MOhm @ 100-120pF parallel capacitances, this is why 1:10 probes are used, then come the active probes. Parasitic capacitance can be taken care of at always one particular frequency only, in your case at 800-900kHz and you have to decide on frequency, then calculate inductance.
Do you think this method will be applicable n the measurements of transformers and various coils as well?
ONLY in case you are fully aware of the effect of parallel resonance at a certain frequency, and also consider the terminating impedances of the transformers. For instance, capacitance compansation is a well known method in case of wide band transmission line transformers used for impedance transformations over some hundred MHz. In most cases the impedances are low (from some Ohms to some hundred Ohms), this means the parallel resonance effect cannot create unwanted amplitude increase at the resonance frequency, the loaded Q is low and controlled.
NOTICE that I added a capacitor in series with the compensating coil: this is needed when you switch on the DC offset of the FG for your further measurements, the cap prevents the coil's direct short circuit effect on the output DC voltage. The capacitor's value can be a 220-470nF, not critical in this high range with respect to the 110pF small value. (say you choose 220nF, this does create a series resonant frequency at 17-18kHz with the 360uH , well away from your 800-900kHz test frequency.)
So, now, once I do that (add that compensating inductance), the only thing I have to worry about is the accuracy of the scope. Here is an example of a 14-bit scope: Do you think it would be better to carry out the measurements with this kind of scope rather than with a high end Tektronix scope which I don't even think has accuracy greater than 11-bit?
I am not much familiar with those cards, a quick glimpse on their input impedance shows 1MOhm @ 40pF or 50 Ohm, selectable inputs. So there you would have input capacitance too at the 1MOhm input... Otherwise the resolution and accuracy sounds very good. Maybe other members here can comment this too.
Thanks @gyulasun. I guess we should also take into account the parasitic capacitance of L. All in all probably it would be better to seek more advanced probes such as although even then there may be questions in view of the extreme sensitivity of the OU effect especially regarding the I-V phase shift. It appears this is a major issue for all such measurements, in addition to errors from calculations based on thousands let alone hundreds of thousands of points.
Because the question for the reality of OU is a 'yes' or 'no' question there are then only two ways to prove OU indisputably -- through demonstrating a self-sustaining device or through proving theoretically that OU is inherent in electric devices under certain conditions. I have shown that that's the case for certain voltage offsets. That's definitive. It can also be speculated that the core or other construction details (the mode of wire winding, for instance) would cause the I-V phase shift to be different from what's expected based on the components of the circuit and that would cause OU. This can be shown theoretically. Too bad that speculation cannot be checked experimentally. Like I said, no matter what you do to show it in an experiment, short of presenting a self-sustaining device, there will always be questions regarding the accuracy and precision of the measurements such as the ones we're discussing here.
Having seen no self-sustaining device in any of the attempts to demonstrate OU in electrical systems, the analysis involving the voltage offset is the only reason so far that gives categorical assurance that OU in electrical systems is real.
I'm continuing here the discussion of the experimental side of these OU projects connected with electrical measurements. All of them (I'm talking about the legitimate experiments made competently) suffer from the same sick approach by the mainstream science and that has to be fought.
A rigorous researcher puts more and more requirements before the methodology of the measurement. That requires investments beyond the reach not only of individuals but even of the better endowed labs. I see, for instance, @broli is preparing to get an LC meter but the price ranges there are horrendous -- from 50 or so dollars to close to 17 grand: . That only for the LC meter. Altogether, considering the high-end scopes, appropriate probes etc. this easily amounts to 50 grand if not even 100 grand and more. However, even if one manages to get that precise equipment there still are major problems with the data processing. As I've shown, for instance, Riemann integration doesn't guarantee the most accurate outcome. I won't be amazed if it turns out that the numerical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations which @P-Motion mentions in his thread suffer from this weakness which may be the real cause for those instabilities in the methods for solving the difference equations. These problems may be found across the board where there are numerical solutions.
Getting back to the electrical measurements -- show me one paper in the mainstream scientific literature, in any of the prestigious peer-reviewed journals, with exemplary experimental results of power balances especially of complex form signals. I can challenge it on the same grounds the experiments of Steorn or any of the quality work in the OU community is challenged. Even more -- based on what I've already shown you, I'll challenge it regarding the inevitable numerical part that any such study contains. So, where in the mainstream literature are those data proving the validity of CoE in electrical systems? I guarantee you, such can't be found. Again, anything that would be presented can be challenged on exactly the same basis the quality experimental work in OU is being challenged. In this respect the mainstream isn't less of a voodoo science than the OU research many of the zealous activists claim it is. This is a dead-end on both sides of the barricade -- both for those who maintain that electrical systems obey CoE and for those who deny it. Don't tell me those who deny CoE are first to prove it. I maintain, and I've proved it definitively, that those who claim that CoE is always obeyed in electrical systems not only can't prove that but, as I've already shown, that truth is exactly the opposite -- under certain circumstances CoE can be violated in electrical systems beyond a shadow of a doubt. I've shown that under certain circumstances that's the case in mechanical systems as well. So, what are we, those that have proved that CoE can be violated, supposed to do to get that fact across to the mainstream? As I said above, no level of investment in more and more accurate apparatus will suffice. Also, to require engineering development leading to a self-sustaining device and to think that that's gonna be the solution, means to reject the role of the scientific argumentation -- no such rejection of the scientific argumentation and method is observed anywhere in the mainstream. So, that double standard is also tacky and unacceptable. This is really the heart of the matter and we shouldn't continue to bump our heads against the wall but should find ways to get out of this situation and require that the mainstream recognize the validity of the OU claims. But how? What shall we do? Any thoughts?
Are you still up to eventually figuring out how to close the loop in this latest example. Probably we should discuss it a little bit. I'd like to hear your opinion about designing a converter. Would it be viable at all?
I know it's mid August and everybody is on vacation but still there may be someone reading who is in the know of designing electronic circuits besides @Groundloop and @poynt99. Wonder if @gyulasun would be one? The word is about closing the loop in those electric circuits I've been studying recently. Give a buss. I'll be coming back periodically.
the best vidio ever!
I was thinking I have to get to the next level, that is, replace the pulse generator by a capacitor and a schematic to form the sine waves and the offset I was using in the experiments. Any thoughts?
How about this one:
Losses, losses ... How to avoid losses ... We discussed that with @Groundloop at one point but things ought to be tried out. Something simple as schematics is needed but that may not be so easy to achieve. A really skilled electronics designer is needed.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 20, 2010, 03:56:45 PM
Losses, losses ... How to avoid losses ... We discussed that with @Groundloop at one point but things ought to be tried out. Something simple as schematics is needed but that may not be so easy to achieve. A really skilled electronics designer is needed.
OU starts with power savings that is true! Notice how joule thief is getting better as many people are looking at ways to save more energy in then surprised how many LEDS can be lit on a few mA's. Dr Stifler SEC is better though in many respects as its runs higher up RF so more energy per second extracted and its class C not class B.
They are both OU devices when properly made and understood.
Quote from: bolt on August 20, 2010, 09:36:10 PM
OU starts with power savings that is true! Notice how joule thief is getting better as many people are looking at ways to save more energy in then surprised how many LEDS can be lit on a few mA's. Dr Stifler SEC is better though in many respects as its runs higher up RF so more energy per second extracted and its class C not class B.
They are both OU devices when properly made and understood.
OU has already been proven. So, that's beside the point. The goal now is the self-sustaining run. The losses I mentioned are the greatest obstacle to achieve such run. As a matter of fact that's the engineering problem with all OU devices, not only the electrical ones.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 20, 2010, 09:54:11 PM
OU has already been proven.
It did not.
The goal now is the self-sustaining run.
A self-sustaining run is the only proof of OU.
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 21, 2010, 06:46:09 AM
It did not.
A self-sustaining run is the only proof of OU.
I have already proved OU conclusively in three different ways. Self-sustaining run is only an engineering development. It by no means is the only proof of OU. We are not going to destroy science and its method because of incompetent blabber such as the above.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 21, 2010, 08:53:58 AM
I have already proved OU conclusively in three different ways. Self-sustaining run is only an engineering development. It by no means is the only proof of OU. We are not going to destroy science and its method because of incompetent blabber such as the above.
Well i said this before i say it again. When you make an OU device even if you think its only COP 1.1 that provides you with real gains there is no need to prove it to anyone else. Why? Because you are the one that is already benefiting from such gains so why bother trying to convince others?
Lets take Joule Thief and run 100 ultra bright LEDS which lights up your garage or shed using one AA battery or even run it from a small solar panel now you have practical use.
Use bedini fans to cool you in the summer or make Stifler SEC devices to charge batteries ultra fast on mA's.
What about RV motor conversion? Run a 3 phase 5 HP motor on 20 watts instead of 700 watts. Run your pool pump, heating pump, or AirCon pump in RV mode and save over 50% of your electric bill. Ainsley heater probably is OU then so what? No big deal replicating it for the sake of "science" and measuring 1mW in for 10mW out no one cares if it is or isn't so do something practical with it scale it up and actually make a water heater and save money.
Put HHO stuff on your car and save at least 10% even on a crap design it burns fuel better.
Start making REAL practical changes around you using this technology instead of arguing all day about COP and if Radiant Energy exist.
Even if you spend $100k on test gear and show an OU device in operation it doesn't change anything unless you put it to practical use. No one else is interested and no $100 million donations coming either. The "Museums" are full of OU special magnet motors and expensive toys that do nothing! Many working prototypes awaiting funding from investment angels.
Where is Tom Beardens MEG? I not seen it in Walmart yet same with 100 other devices. Don't hold your breath on steorn or other patented systems that are "almost" ready they are not coming..PERIOD!
Your post sounds a lot like my responses to Youtube comments on my tube videos. I am a practical guy and, even though "smart" folks tell me the JT circuit "can't do anything useful, I just used one of my early devices to light the way to my bathroom for my 82 year old mother for 10 hours/day for 1.5 months on a "dead" battery. This used a single 10mm ultra bright led and, she never had a problem seeing her way in the dark.
(It is still going by the way)
So, I agree. I don't care what something is supposed to do, or is designed to do, I just want to know what it can do and use it.
Great post.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 21, 2010, 08:53:58 AM
I have already proved OU conclusively in three different ways.
You did not. All conventional laws of physics, especially electromagnetics, implies momentum and energy conservation. If energy was not conserved, these laws would not be internally consistent. Therefore it is logically impossible to prove OU using the current laws of physics. You cannot use them against themself except for proving that they would be inconsistant; it would be known for a long time if it was the case.
If there is OU either these laws are false (nevertheless while being internally consistent) and you cannot use them to prove OU, or they are right and you have to discover the hidden energy source.
The only exception to this rule would be the well known Maxwell demon, which contradicts only the second law of thermodynamics but not the energy conservation.
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 22, 2010, 05:24:37 AM
You did not. All conventional laws of physics, especially electromagnetics, implies momentum and energy conservation. If energy was not conserved, these laws would not be internally consistent. Therefore it is logically impossible to prove OU using the current laws of physics. You cannot use them against themself except for proving that they would be inconsistant; it would be known for a long time if it was the case.
If there is OU either these laws are false (nevertheless while being internally consistent) and you cannot use them to prove OU, or they are right and you have to discover the hidden energy source.
The only exception to this rule would be the well known Maxwell demon, which contradicts only the second law of thermodynamics but not the energy conservation.
This is more of the same incompetent blabber you're filling the bandwidth of this forum with. The silly thing is you've heard that mantra and you're repeating it without any chance to prove what you're preaching. Why? Because you don't know what you're talking about. If you knew what you're talking about then you would've been able to prove that "If energy was not conserved, these laws would not be internally consistent." Why can't you prove that? Because it is simply not true. You have a feeling it is true but it isn't. You've heard somewhere someone say it's true but it isn't. Same as with the Einstein's "theory" of relativity -- a truly internally inconsistent theory and yet existing in the mainstream (one of the biggest mistakes science has done ever). You have absolutely no clue what that "theory" is but are arrogant enough to express opinions about it and about internal consistency. What nerve. As for energy, you don't get that energy has a deeper meaning than your limited way of understanding it and that under certain circumstances there is no need to have a pre-existing energy reservoir in order for energy to be produced. Let alone you don't understand that even the laws you mention are not a still entity but are prone to development and further understanding. You are not a scientist but are some kind of engineer at best and instead of taking care of your practical engineering duties you are laboriously expressing opinions on matters you don't understand thus clogging the discussions and disrupting them. That has to stop.
I have absolutely no interest in the practical aspect of OU. This is a matter of engineering and is the easy part. The difficult part is to convince the entity called Academia which is the only entity in society devoted to study how Nature functions. Academia is the only entity in society with the infrastructure, methods, finances, impact and so on that can promote and develop a correct picture of how Nature works. No company, even the wealthiest, even a conglomerate of the wealthiest companies can achieve such a goal let alone private enthusiasts in their garages. Therefore, if we cannot convince Academia in the reality of our claims all our efforts in the OU field are forsaken, no matter what heaters and how many bulbs we can light at home.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 22, 2010, 07:58:43 AM
I have absolutely no interest in the practical aspect of OU. This is a matter of engineering and is the easy part. The difficult part is to convince the entity called Academia which is the only entity in society devoted to study how Nature functions. Academia is the only entity in society with the infrastructure, methods, finances, impact and so on that can promote and develop a correct picture of how Nature works. No company, even the wealthiest, even a conglomerate of the wealthiest companies can achieve such a goal let alone private enthusiasts in their garages. Therefore, if we cannot convince Academia in the reality of our claims all our efforts in the OU field are forsaken, no matter what heaters and how many bulbs we can light at home.
Rubbish! Academia is fully aware behind the scenes but they are also aware of who gives them the funding. Whenever there is an Outspoken person within the "club" he usually finds his funding is cut to zero next year ...or worse! This has happened over and over because at the top of the food chain are the elite and they have the money and they decide who gets the money to create a focal point away from the TRUTH. This happens within all facets from pure political agendas to global warming and pharmaceutical. Its not even a theory this happens its a fact! Everyone that has some breakthrough in the last 100 years is either, shunned, killed, paid off,bound under gagging orders, threatened, poisoned, jailed for some fictitious crime, or technology becomes a "national security" issue and its locked away. Just look at the TPU and Kapanadaze for two perfect examples of many.
You need to see the big picture and see how we are totally controlled where OIL is already the NWO currency and has been for a long time. Its up to us to stop using oil and start applying real practical applications. You are wasting your time proving OU of course it real, its a commodity like air or water! Many times people have gone to the government with real OU devices, looped toys even Sweet Floyd thought he was doing the best thing to save the planet when he demonstrated his 2KW VTA but he soon found out the hard way! Ask John Bedini he has been told where the line in the sand ends.
So just use it to provide immense energy savings at first. Share it and open source it to make it better.
I have to agree wit Bolt; the best way to prove anything to anyone is to lead by example. Attempting to force science or anything else onto another usually ends in failure. The establishment, in all sectors of science and research, tends to hold onto the status quo no matter what. This same pattern has been repeated throughout the history of mankind. The only way to convince these people is to lead by example until overunity devices are too widespread to be ignored - at which point they will have to be generally accepted by Academia in fear of making themselves look inconsequential.
I think you're missing the point and are putting the cart before the horse. The self-sustaining devices are the engineering goal. You cannot start with the accomplished goal which needs infrastructure and finances to be reached. Like I said, no social entity can compare with the potential of Academia in that respect. To expect individual enthusiasts to reach that goal and start selling big devices without the help of such infrastructure is naive. Nothing substantial as technology has been achieved the way you're proposing. Microprocessors, memories, computer technology as a whole has been science first. We wouldn't have these without von Neuman's papers and the like. Lasers. Lasers have been science initially. Pure science. Nuclear technologies too. Transistors etc. -- science again has been the basis. Even brothers Wright's technical achievement has been foreseeable (for the honest researchers, not for the confused New York Times journalists) -- indeed, birds, bodies heavier than air, have been know to fly before brothers Wright. Name anything substantial technologically and you'll find out that it has been researched as pure science first. These technical achievements could have never happened without the stamp of approval by the Academia. This should be clear as day and we shouldn't try to deny it or think it can be circumvented.
As to whether or not OU has been proved, yes, it has been but not by the ones you are mentioning. I don't know of any Bedini claim that could stand serious scientific scrutiny. Not to speak about Kapanadze who isn't anything more than what Mylow is. By your standards Walter Torbay should also be one of those champions OU who have proved it. Bob Kostoff as well. Probably you would give as an example of someone who has achieved OU also that recent Dave from Iniana or that guy from Argentina uttering claims very similar to Bob Kostoff's. Or maybe Valeri Ivanov? And so on and so forth. No, they haven't proved anything yet that would satisfy the stringent criteria of Academia. Sorry to burst your bubble but that's the sad fact and we have to really do something to change that sorry state of affairs specifically targeting Academia. Nothing short of it. You're right in your analysis regarding the deplorable state Academia is in but that should by no means be accepted as a given but should be treated as a temporary anomaly that will have to go.
Quote from: bolt on August 22, 2010, 10:57:12 AM
Rubbish! Academia is fully aware behind the scenes but they are also aware of who gives them the funding. Whenever there is an Outspoken person within the "club" he usually finds his funding is cut to zero next year ...or worse! This has happened over and over because at the top of the food chain are the elite and they have the money and they decide who gets the money to create a focal point away from the TRUTH. This happens within all facets from pure political agendas to global warming and pharmaceutical. Its not even a theory this happens its a fact! Everyone that has some breakthrough in the last 100 years is either, shunned, killed, paid off,bound under gagging orders, threatened, poisoned, jailed for some fictitious crime, or technology becomes a "national security" issue and its locked away. Just look at the TPU and Kapanadaze for two perfect examples of many.
I agree with Omnibus. Your view is unnecessarily conspiratorial. So many people who have allegedly been "suppressed" are still out there, writing stuff. You can't be suppressed and still be putting out information. The fact is that most of these claims have not and cannot withstand real scientific scrutiny. That is why they are marginalized.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 22, 2010, 07:51:17 AM
This is more of the same incompetent blabber you're filling the bandwidth of this forum with. The silly thing is you've heard that mantra and you're repeating it without any chance to prove what you're preaching. Why? Because you don't know what you're talking about. If you knew what you're talking about then you would've been able to prove that "If energy was not conserved, these laws would not be internally consistent." Why can't you prove that? Because it is simply not true. You have a feeling it is true but it isn't. You've heard somewhere someone say it's true but it isn't. Same as with the Einstein's "theory" of relativity -- a truly internally inconsistent theory and yet existing in the mainstream (one of the biggest mistakes science has done ever). You have absolutely no clue what that "theory" is but are arrogant enough to express opinions about it and about internal consistency. What nerve. As for energy, you don't get that energy has a deeper meaning than your limited way of understanding it and that under certain circumstances there is no need to have a pre-existing energy reservoir in order for energy to be produced. Let alone you don't understand that even the laws you mention are not a still entity but are prone to development and further understanding. You are not a scientist but are some kind of engineer at best and instead of taking care of your practical engineering duties you are laboriously expressing opinions on matters you don't understand thus clogging the discussions and disrupting them. That has to stop.
Poor omnibus, always limited to personal attacks when it is obvious he is wrong.
A theory has to be revised only if there are new facts and observations not yet modelized. Omnibus method is the contrary: he wants the facts to fit his inconsistant theories (if we can call "theory" his successions of words without meaning that nevertheless he holds above Einstein's relativity).
He want one proves him that Einstein's relativity and all the laws of physics are internally consistant. If he understood them, his question would be needless.
We are not here, I presume, for the education of the nutcases of the worst species, that one not only denying all the human scientific knowledge, regarding Einstein as a crank, seeing OU everywhere in ordinary phenomena which are known since the 19th century, but also refusing to learn from the best minds of science by lack of intellectual exigence and preferring to confine itself in preposterous verbiage and lucubrations outside of any science.
We are here, I presume, for searching for new energy.
You pretend OU is a reality? Then show us beyond any doubts a perpetual motion that any independent team can duplicate. And laws of physics will be possibly revised. Otherwise the method is to work, learn and experiment instead of raving and claiming "It is OU. I got it! Yes it is OU. Steorn is OU! Einstein is an idiot. I affirm it is OU. Therefore it is OU".
What an incompetent nonsense ... The semi-educated @exnihiloest continuing to shamelessly spew his confusion in this forum. What a nerve.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 24, 2010, 08:07:38 AM
What an incompetent nonsense ... The self-educated @OmniBot continuing to shamelessly spew his confusion in this forum. What a nerve.
There, I corrected it for you...
Indeed, what a nerve you have... So far, you're leading the "most deluded opportunist on all of the FE boards" competition...
Naturally, you never showed anything of value, you're just specialized in hyper-productive nonsense spewing.. +4000 attempts at hitchhiking someone others posts...
"I proved without a reason of a doubt..Bla blabla bla..."
Case closed.
I have to add some thing to this. Note that this last bash has only 17 posts. One of the same bunch, just new user name. I see it here a lot.
The key here is if the person "does" allow him or her self to be misled, then that person is the only one responsible for it. If you feel totally right with your findings, then stand firm with it and drop the 8 bottom plow and drive it forward. Remember IBM of all said that the personal computer would be of no use really to anyone and turned it down. Now look.
Omni plows forward as do I. I get told my ideas are junk too but hang on.
What I have shown in the field of OU is known to many. I have proved conclusively that OU is real. Who are you? A mean little twerp annoying people with his useless presence. That's who you are. There are several others doing the same who don't know their place. Since you don't know who you are I'll say it agai -- you're a little annoying nothing, having done absolutely nothing in the field of OU, hindering the discussions with gibberish. That should stop, if not, you'll keep hearing it.
QuoteI have to add some thing to this. Note that this last bash has only 17 posts. One of the same bunch, just new user name. I see it here a lot.
Hey Thaelin,
FYI, this is really my "new" user name. But I was a member here before, since the foundation of this site... Or, since the previous attempts, at Yahoo...
So, don't be so patronizing... I was here before you and OmniBot....
So I know "the qualities" of most of the posters here...Including you....
Funny, eh?
"Note that this last bash has only 17 posts".... ROTFLMAO
So what that you're Thaelin? Equally as useless and confused participant who only disrupts discussions. Logorea prone elements such as you who don't know what they're talking about but feel the need to express themselves should also have an outlet but that should be done in specially designated threads to avoid cluttering the important discussions with their gibberish.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 24, 2010, 04:19:18 PM
So what that you're Thaelin? Equally as useless and confused participant who only disrupts discussions. Logorea prone elements such as you who don't know what they're talking about but feel the need to express themselves should also have an outlet but that should be done in specially designated threads to avoid cluttering the important discussions with their gibberish.
Oh my...
Don't you worry, OmniBot, I don't have time for a nutcase like you...
So, enjoy your delusions, while you still can...
I'm curious... Where can I see "your proof" for.. You know what...??
Good. Open your own thread and don't disturb serious discussions.
Don't you have a cat to kick ?
Maybe pull the legs off a spider?
Or you can just run around the board Torturing everyone!
Just like the old days!
Quote from: Thaelin on August 24, 2010, 03:52:30 PM
I have to add some thing to this. Note that this last bash has only 17 posts. One of the same bunch, just new user name. I see it here a lot.
The key here is if the person "does" allow him or her self to be misled, then that person is the only one responsible for it. If you feel totally right with your findings, then stand firm with it and drop the 8 bottom plow and drive it forward. Remember IBM of all said that the personal computer would be of no use really to anyone and turned it down. Now look.
Omni plows forward as do I. I get told my ideas are junk too but hang on.
Actually, just for the record (Not that it really matters) it was Texas Instruments that turned down Waz's original Apple design and let him out of his non-compete because they did not see any value in home computers. Not IBM. IBM saw great value in the personal computer market but screwed up when they let Gates license the software to them on a per machine basis instead of an outright purchase.
How about you just delete the post as I cant and then I will exit and not bother mister perfect anymore. Sheesh, what a grouch.
Quote from: ramset on August 24, 2010, 06:48:53 PM
Don't you have a cat to kick ?
Maybe pull the legs off a spider?
Or you can just run around the board Torturing everyone!
Just like the old days!
Nice formatting! Kudos to you, and a proposal for the "invention of the year"! Pure poetry...
FYI, I'm actually not torturing anyone. I'm just questioning SOME of the very suspicious claims..
Coming from people with the most "unusual" claims.
P.S. I like all the living beings, that's why I don't "torture" or molest either flora or fauna, and for the same reason I still talk to you....?
Sounds like ChrisC or another troll has a new name LOL
Quote from: Hope on August 28, 2010, 09:01:23 PM
Sounds like ChrisC or another troll has a new name LOL
Yes, LOL... Gee... Another bright guy? Hello to you, too!
... Don't you have a cat to kick ?
Maybe pull the legs off a spider?
Or you can just run around the board Torturing everyone!
"Oh my god! There is someone asking my brother for proofs of OU! Too shocking! It is not fair play to doubt of our beliefs and to weaken our faith".
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 30, 2010, 05:12:24 AM
"Oh my god! There is someone asking my brother for proofs of OU! Too shocking! It is not fair play to doubt of our beliefs and to weaken our faith".
Wrong translation. Correct one is - you're incompetent and it's not up to you to judge about OU. To offer proof to the incompetent is nothing but a waste of time.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 30, 2010, 10:30:58 AM
To offer proof to the incompetent is nothing but a waste of time.
and don't i know it!!
This situation of coupling a probe without detuning a circuit is a continuing problem. Recent discussion motivated me to do a little R&D. We can make a circuit similar to a laser spy (window pick up) audio device and use this to pick up any movements in the coil(s). These devices cost very little and we may benefit greatly by checking into this pickup arrangement. If it works we can then use our computer to "read" and record our findings and not only that but maybe able to sense very high frequency using mere software solutions of using formulas to filter our data input. What other types of wavelengthens can laser light react with? If there are others then we can use the same sensor to take say for instance temperature, polarity, density, fields of various types. May just be in the long run something like this can be made to scan an area and 3D-4D map and defined area... what an odd map that would be I suppose. Are there scanning lasers already?
edited by me
Quote from: Omnibus on August 30, 2010, 10:30:58 AM
Wrong translation. Correct one is - you're incompetent and it's not up to you to judge about OU. To offer proof to the incompetent is nothing but a waste of time.
You should treat your symptoms, Omnibug.
Quote from: exnihiloest on August 31, 2010, 03:35:19 AM
You should treat your symptoms, Omnibug.
Try to restrain in demonstrating your incompetence. Giving links doesn't prove otherwise.
Quote from: Omnibus on August 31, 2010, 07:09:26 AM
Try to restrain in demonstrating your incompetence. Giving links doesn't prove otherwise.
Only the nutcases don't need links and matter from smarter people than them. They don't need to learn, they know they are a fount of knowledge and they are omniscient :D
Quote from: exnihiloest on September 01, 2010, 03:53:41 AM
Only the nutcases don't need links and matter from smarter people than them. They don't need to learn, they know they are a fount of knowledge and they are omniscient :D
Read what I write and try to understand it. Don't invent things that aren't as you do above. It won't help you to become more competent. Ah, and stop clogging the thread with your gibberish.
Quote from: Omnibus on September 01, 2010, 07:12:28 AM
Read what I write and try to understand it. Don't invent things that aren't as you do above. It won't help you to become more competent. Ah, and stop clogging the thread with your gibberish.
"Special theory of relativity is an internally inconsistent theory which has no place in physics."
Omnibus, 08/15/2010
Well, according to Omnibug, special relativity is "gibberish". This is a great compliment that he says the same about what I wrote. Thanks, Omnibug. :D
Quote from: exnihiloest on September 02, 2010, 06:13:02 AM
"Special theory of relativity is an internally inconsistent theory which has no place in physics."
Omnibus, 08/15/2010
Well, according to Omnibug, special relativity is "gibberish". This is a great compliment that he says the same about what I wrote. Thanks, Omnibug. :D
Don't thank me, stop cluttering the thread with your gibberish.
How to make Polish motor: part1 part2
Anyone out there try making a Rodin motor yet? ANY TEST results? Can a Rodin coil be "barred" then charged like a PMH (permant magnet holder). If so is there any flux still happening?
Quote from: Hope on September 09, 2010, 04:55:41 PM
Anyone out there try making a Rodin motor yet? ANY TEST results? Can a Rodin coil be "barred" then charged like a PMH (permant magnet holder). If so is there any flux still happening?
Since we have constant torque unfettered by load will a heavy flywheel act like storage the faster it is driven? Ed Leeds.. engine block was a nice size force storage battery perhaps! Does anyone have any theories on how it was used, what may be missing from it now?
edit comment "Sky that is NOT a Rodin Coil"
I did something, Im not exactly sure, that now my motor I use to recharge a battery seems to show no back emf. What I was trying to do was make another pulse motor, like I wrote about and showed how to do in this part of the forum-->> ( Anyway I obviously broke something else in the motor then I intended to break, there cant be many things one can break, most likely a wire. The odd part is if I broke a wire,,then why can I put the motor on the digital meter and spin it by hand and get a voltage reading. Point is, I usually play around with such having one motor connected to another, then trying to recharge another battery with the second motor using it as a generator. But Like I said I broke something I did not intend to break because the motor wont run as a pulse motor with power applied,,however it produces voltage when spun, and I have it in another experiment charging a battery with it. The first motor spins the same as if there was no second motor connected to it. As I was saying usually when I have it done this way and connect the second motor to the battery to recharge, there is a speed decrease in the first motor as you can notice the torque or back emf in the second motor then. But with the broken motor Im using it shows no back emf,,no speed change in the first motor when hooked to the second battery to be recharged. I cant really reopen the motor to check it out cause its a cd motor which they are very hard to open up in the first place, as there is no metal flabs to bend with those kinds of motors, and the back of them warp slightly each time you open them up,,and opening them to many times there beyond even using anymore. All I recall doing was breaking that prong off on rotor as mentioned in the above link I posted, but something else had to have broken. Thats all really I can say about it, but there is no noticeable back emf or torque on the first motor when the second is connected to the battery to be recharged. And the second motor is putting out voltage as can be seen by the meter and spinning it by hand, plus I can watch the voltage slowly rise on the battery being recharged with the meter..Maybe someone understands what I did and can use that to some benefit..
News :
Quote from: Omega_0 on September 30, 2010, 08:00:58 AM
News :
Why do the SKDB testers look and sound as if they've been locked in a basement. Four years later, and 'Orbo' powers n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the real world. Is Storn's Dublin office powered by an Orbo? No? Why not, it's free energy, right? Con men never quit until forced to do so.
Sounds interesting/promising:
Hugh Deasy, satellite controller at the European Space Operations Center, said:
"We saw 308."
308% means they saw an output of energy of more than 3 times the energy that was put in.
My friend Hugh spared a moment and answered a few questions about his visit:
>What was your first thought when you saw the gain?
First sign seeing the calculation coming out was great relief that we could reproduce Seamus's result. Also, Craig and I were both amazed at how easy it had been.
>Do you think others will quickly come to the conclusion this is real and start >developing it into products?
With this board, others only have to hook it up to sensors. No matter where they put the probes, they should be able to see the evidence of this enormous gain - 200 - 700 %, depending on the exact rig setup. To the clever engineers amongst them, they will quickly see how to optimize and close the loop and get self running products.
>Any other comments on what you think will happen with this in the near future?
I think in the near future the first 6 or 10 to get these boards should almost all confirm that more energy is miraculously emerging. Of course some boards will suffer in transit. But some will survive - enough to make the difference. That's my take on it!
Found that here:
To this day, Steorn has not publicly shown a single trace of credible evidence that supports any of their publicly-made claims.
@happyfunball, put these as criteria for the Tokamak and the Hadron collider first then worry about Steorn. Billions of dollars have already been spent for the Tokamak and the Hadron collider scams and the wasteful spending of public funds continues. Steorn have spent much much less for their successful efforts and that's private money.
@poynt99, the opposite is true. Steorn have already shown publicly convincing experimental results for the production of OU and these have already been reproduced independently by @Omega_0. The self-appointed critics in the village of the banned forum who you obviously listen to are only zealous activists who have nothing else to spew but spite and/or clearly incompetent technicians let alone the proven fraudsters such as @alsetalokin(TinselKoala).
Quote from: happyfunball on September 30, 2010, 08:51:13 AM
Four years later, and 'Orbo' powers n-o-t-h-i-n-g in the real world. Is Storn's Dublin office powered by an Orbo? No? Why not, it's free energy, right? Con men never quit until forced to do so.
Shared view.
Con men obey the law of supply and demand, they are not the only ones to blame. They prosper because blind and uneducated believers (some of them are here) support them and accept as gospel truth their extravagant speeches outside of any facts or third party replications. Con men are the product of the human wish of believing instead of confronting the reality.
Quote from: exnihiloest on October 04, 2010, 03:55:29 AM
Shared view.
Con men obey the law of supply and demand, they are not the only ones to blame. They prosper because blind and uneducated believers (some of them are here) support them and accept as gospel truth their extravagant speeches outside of any facts or third party replications. Con men are the product of the human wish of believing instead of confronting the reality.
Who are you to judge? A proven incompetent opportunist who has no place in forums where serious discussions take place. Stop cluttering the forum with your gibberish.
Quote from: Omnibus on October 04, 2010, 02:05:18 AM
@poynt99, the opposite is true. Steorn have already shown publicly convincing experimental results for the production of OU and these have already been reproduced independently by @Omega_0. The self-appointed critics in the village of the banned forum who you obviously listen to are only zealous activists who have nothing else to spew but spite and/or clearly incompetent technicians let alone the proven fraudsters such as @alsetalokin(TinselKoala).
I analyzed Steorn's test methods and test results from the last motor demo. My findings were as stated. Steorn's test methods are flawed and therefore the results inconclusive.
If there is new data from new testing I would welcome seeing it. I don't recall seeing Omega's tests and results.
Quote from: Omnibus on October 04, 2010, 02:05:18 AM
@happyfunball, put these as criteria for the Tokamak and the Hadron collider first then worry about Steorn. Billions of dollars have already been spent for the Tokamak and the Hadron collider scams and the wasteful spending of public funds continues. Steorn have spent much much less for their successful efforts and that's private money.
Truly nonsensical.
Quote from: Omnibus on October 04, 2010, 02:05:18 AM
@poynt99, the opposite is true. Steorn have already shown publicly convincing experimental results for the production of OU and these have already been reproduced independently by @Omega_0.
Quote from: Omega_0 on September 06, 2010, 10:30:21 AM
I can't say I've confirmed their results. Simply because their results are unknown to public, there is no data, no measurements, no calculations... only marketing. I've only replicated their demo traces, with some assumptions. This can be either totally accurate or can be a total mistake.
Now, I'm putting this disclaimer here because I don't want people to take my observations as confirmation of Steorn's claim and invest in Steorn on this basis (and suffer any loss or disappointment).
Your idea of asking Sean M for providing help in this replication shows your best intentions really and I appreciate your support. I'm located in far east and live hand to mouth most of the time, so any kind of travel and offline collab is impossible at this time. There are more qualified and resourceful people who live nearby and we should promote them, if they wish so. Moreover I highly doubt that Steorn is interested in getting any kind of independent verification, else they would have done that by now.
Secondly I'm against signing NDAs and that's why did not apply for their license. But if even one credible person reports anything positive about this tech, I'll do that too. So far no one has come forward with any results. I'm not giving up on the project, just giving up the measurement method that assumes too much of stuff.
267 posts later, what are the peer results?
Quote from: onthecuttingedge2010 on April 11, 2011, 05:03:35 PM
267 posts later, what are the peer results?
Phil Watson, who was a strong Steorn supporter on the PM-Orbo version though he never did independent testing, tested the solid state version over several months in his own lab.
He posted his results this past January as follows:
His determination was:
"Unfortunately we were unable to replicate Over Unity (OU)"
Breaking news:
Sean McCarthy has resigned from Steorn. The major shareholders have taken over operations.
Quote from: Bobbotov on April 12, 2011, 04:14:52 PM
Breaking news:
Sean McCarthy has resigned from Steorn. The major shareholders have taken over operations.
What exactly ARE Stoern's 'operations?' Selling useless OU kits? Procuring investor money for nonworking technology? Running a website?
Obviously the MIB have gotten to them. I hope at the fire sale I can get a couple of tee shirts.
I would assume the bozo was asked to leave. If so, why?
Do the folks that remain feel the company/technology is still viable?
The new directors formed another company called The Steorn Orbo Trust. What its purpose could be is anyone's guess.
Quote from: Bobbotov on April 12, 2011, 07:10:15 PM
The new directors formed another company called The Steorn Orbo Trust. What its purpose could be is anyone's guess.
Seems like an oxymoron.
Very one in the world has to see this video.
Quote from: zapjosh on April 15, 2011, 12:16:32 PM
Very one in the world has to see this video.
the speed is increasing because the planetary disks increasing the tangential velocity at the maximum diameter due to the effect of magnetic torque.
Due to this relative velocity the aerodynamic drag is reduced.
Quote from: zapjosh on April 15, 2011, 12:16:32 PM
Very one in the world has to see this video.
11 posts in total. I bet you have posted this video in at least 11 other places too ;D
Quote from: wings on April 15, 2011, 03:05:42 PM
the speed is increasing because the planetary disks increasing the tangential velocity at the maximum diameter due to the effect of magnetic torque.
Due to this relative velocity the aerodynamic drag is reduced.
No! The magnets are not increasing the tangential velocity ! It's been proven by many in the original thread. Wanting something to work just doesn't make it work ! Please don't spam anymore in this thread ! Go here if you want:
So I don't have to read 200+ pages of posts... could someone please tell me one thing... is Steorn a fake? or is there something to this Orbo motor?
All in all it looks good. However, to my information, nobody but Steorn has confirmed overunity.
Quote from: Poit on August 24, 2011, 01:25:22 PM
So I don't have to read 200+ pages of posts... could someone please tell me one thing... is Steorn a fake? or is there something to this Orbo motor?
Steorn is a scam. The jury concluded no overunity. Steorn responded by giving a public demonstration with a battery which they changed every few hours, and by creating testing 'kits' you can buy for around $500 a pop. Total joke.
In general we can say that ANY claim of over unity is a scam, joke, fake, whatever. Personally I have never let such devices catched my eye, especially when running with batteries, and a bunch of wires. The only machine I find interesting is Finsrud's perpetuum mobile. But since no one really know EXACTLY how it works, I guess there must be some sort of energy input - who Finsrud himself might not understand. My guess.
I just found that thread (over 2 years after it started ;/) and read 104 first pages out of 267.
At this point I can't help to ask you guys why is the width of the pulse energizing the coil (essentially an LR circuit) so long relative to the L/R parameter of the circuit (a.k.a. Tau) ?
From the energy efficiency point of view - it makes no sense to energize the coil for longer than 1.1513 Tau because after that time the energy dissipated in the resistance as heat starts exceeding the energy stored in the coil.
This break-even point happens when the current through the coil reaches 68% of the V/R limit, which is long before the current pulse levels off (...and appears flat and "rectangular").
If the energy in the coils is to be recovered than this break-even point happens two times sooner ( 0.5757 Tau) because during the recovery time the energy is also wasted in the resistance at the same rate.
A rectangular current pulse visible on a scope is "bad news" because any indication of flatness is a sure sign that the V/R limit has been approached and the energy dissipated in the resistor GREATLY exceeds the energy stored in the magnetic field of the coil.
An ideal pulse (below 0.5757 Tau) should have a rounded triangle shape.
This blog is really great, keep creating good info.
This might help some experimenters who are pulsing inductors (e.g. Orbo's stator coils) and are trying to recover energy from them.
When a rectangular pulse transitioning abruptly from 0 to some voltage V is applied to a resistor in series with an inductor (e.g. a coil) by closing the switch in the diagram below, then the following sequence of events happens:
1) At the beginning (point A) no energy and no current is flowing (the switch is open).
2) Shortly after the rising edge of the stimulating pulse (after the switch closes), the current increases linearly
3) Some of the energy of the pulse is converted into the magnetic field in the inductor and some energy is dissipated in the resistance as heat. At this point the energy flows into the inductor faster than it is dissipated by the resistor.
4) After the time equal to 0.69 Tau (point B) the energy flow (a.k.a. power) into the inductor reaches its peak and starts decreasing afterwards, eventually reaching zero power and magnetic energy equal to 0.5*L*((V/R)^2), at Tau >> 5
5) However the current through the resistor keeps increasing non-linearly but monotonically and asymptotically up to the V/R limit and the energy flow (a.k.a power), dissipated as heat in the resistor, increases similarly up to the (V^2)/R limit.
6) After time equal to 1.15 Tau (point C), the magnetic energy accumulated in the inductor reaches the break even point with the total energy dissipated as heat in the resistor up to that point in time. Continuing beyond point C guarantees that more energy is dissipated as heat in the resistor than stored as the magnetic field of the inductor.
7) After a very long time the current reaches the V/R limit and the magnetic energy stored in the inductor reaches 0.5*L*((V/R)^2) limit but the energy dissipated in the resistor increases ad infinitum at the rate (a.k.a. power) equal to (V^2)/R.
For transformers, putting a load on the secondary winding (e.g. shorting it) has the same effect as decreasing the inductance of the primary winding (L). As a result of this, the Tau decreases and the current in the primary rises faster with time.
If a constant and linear inductor is charged and later discharged at the same rate, then from efficiency point of view, it makes no sense to charge it longer than 0.5757 Tau (½ of time C, see pt.6), because if you do, then the energy dissipated in the resistance will be higher than the energy recovered from the inductor during its discharge.
For realistic good recovery efficiency from the above inductor, the charging time should be less than ⅛Tau.
Tau = L/R (a time constant)
V = The high level voltage of the stimulating rectangular pulse.
ETOT = Total energy delivered by the supply to the series RL circuit.
EL = Energy stored in the inductor as magnetic field
ER = Energy dissipated in the resistance as heat
PL = Instantaneous Power (energy flow) flowing into the inductor
PR = Instantaneous Power (energy flow) dissipation in the resistance
iL = The current flowing through the inductor (and resistor)
( I can post the relevant time-domain equations on request )